Annual Report 2010

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Plain-text annual report!HAT !E ’O )EST+!HAT PATIE.TS .EE’ /OST+0121 !""#!$ &’()&*39107.indd i39107.indd i4,5,11 9:21:23 PM4,5,11 9:21:23 PM !i#$enide()(#*+,r./0/!I#!LI#!TS!"C$O& // )iotechnologyCO&" )U!I6"!! // 789an $herape8! csP&O?UC$! // AAO6"BCD $E!A)&ICD &I$UBA6CO" $%& ’()&*+’(LISSA TUF(LD! #$%&’() *+,-./,COMMERCIAL 2*pr#4ed 56789: unit trends 9nr#>>ed ,!#ut 0?@A// p,tients in tBe CD 4irus ,ss,E tri,>s in supp#rt #f GHS5JK2 risL str,tifi(,ti#n Mi>ed pr#p#sed >,!e> upd,te NitB MO5 ,nd 9P5 t# in(>ude ,ntiQCD 4irus ,nti!#dE st,tus ,s #ne p#tenti,> risL f,(t#r f#r RPS 7!t,ined MO5 ,ppr#4,> f#r use #fK2GT:58,s , *,inten,n(e tBer,pE f#r n#nQU#d$LinVs >E*pB#*, 7!t,ined MO5 ,ppr#4,> f#r use #fK2GT:58W MD f#r DO./Qp#siti4e DSS Su!*itted sJS5 f#r K2GT:58in 58D5Q,ss#(i,ted 4,s(u>itisOPERATIONAL AN- STRATE/IC D>,rified Ji#$en 2de(Vs str,te$i( f#(us Stre,*>ined tBe (#*p,nEVs stru(ture X eYpe(ted t# resu>t in ,!#ut Z[//P in ,nnu,> #per,tin$ eYpense s,4in$s Uired t,>ented neN >e,ders in K\O ,nd D#rp#r,te Oe4e>#p*ent!"#$%&indd ii!"#$%&indd ii+,-,## "./#.!" PM+,-,## "./#.!" PM !B"SINESS DE)ELOPMENTI"#$%&’"(’) )’+,-./%,’+0$’ 10- ALS5 .$(0 6"07" .( L08 G’:-%;<( )%(’.(’5 ’+,.")%"; 08- "’8-0$0;= -’.&:A&>8%-’) ?:-’’ "0@’$ ."?%A0)%’( 1-0/ N’8-%//8"’ ?:.? .))-’(( 6’= CNS ?.-;’?(S?-’";?:’"’) &0$$.A0-.?%0" 7%?: G’"’"?’&: .") R0&:’PIPELINEI"%?%.?’) P:.(’ F ?-%.$ 10- ).&$%G8/.A %" /8$?%,$’ (&$’-0(%(I"%?%.?’) -’;%(?-.?%0".$ ?-%.$( 10- $0";#$.(?%"; -’&0/A%"."? F.&?0- IIII F&%" :’/0,:%$%. A .") F.&?0- IX F& %" :’/0,:%$%. KI"%?%.?’) P:.(’ L LINGO -’/=’$%".?%0" ?-%.$I"%?%.?’) P:.(’ N KG#LN &0/A%".?%0" ?-%.$!ote: EPS numbers are diluted non-GAAP, which excludes the impact of purchase accounting, merger-related adjustments, stock option expense, other items and their related tax effects. Free cash ! ow is de" ned as net cash ! ows provided by operating activities less purchases of property, plant and equipment, as disclosed within our Form 10-H. Ieconciliations of GAAP to non-GAAP diluted EPS and free cash ! ow amounts are on pages 12-13 of this annual report.FREE CASH FLOW!" in millions*!""#!""$!""%!""&!"’"$644.1$734.7$1,286.4$909.3$1,451.6EPS!"*!""#!""$!""%!""&!"’"$2.25$2.74$3.66$4.12$5.15RE-ENUES!" in millions*!""#!""$!""%!""&!"’"$2,683.0$3,171.6$4,097.5$4,377.3$4,716.4!"#$%&’()) #!"#$%&’()) #+,-,## "./#.!" 0M+,-,## "./#.!" 0M!"#$ #$&’’ ()*+,(-.#’& /&*0-+#. 120 3)*(1) &’.’1&+$4 0’5’)*/6’2#4 612-71+#-&"23 120+*66’&+"1) +1/1(")"#"’.4 8’ 1&’ 1 ("*#’+$2*)*39 )’10’& #$1# $1. #&12.7*&6’0 #$’ )"5’. *7 +*-2#)’.. /1#"’2#.: I (’)"’5’ #$1# 8’ 1&’ 8’))MSA4 #* (’+*6’ 1 )’10’& "2 #$’ #&’1#6’2# *7 *#$’& 0’51.#1#"23 2’-&*0’3’2’&1#"5’ 0".’1.’. .-+$ 1. 169*#&*/$"+ )1#’&1) .+)’&*.". >ALSA4120 #* 0’5’)*/ "22*51#"5’ #$’&1/"’. 7*& .’)’+#’0 *#$’& 0".’1.’.4 1. 8’ 1&’ 0*"23 8"#$*-& #8* $’6*/$")"1 /&*D’+#.:FELLOW S(ARE(OLDERS,I #$%&’ &()* +$ ,*-(. ,/ 01/(.- +21+ (+ 210 ,**. 134(5(&*-* +$ &*1’ B($-*. I’*7 0(.7* 8/ 144(51& &10+ 0%88*49 T2(0 (0 1. *;7*3+($.1& 7$831./ #(+2 1 4(72 2*4(+1-* 1.’ 1 ,4(-2+ <%+%4*939107.indd 239107.indd 24-5-11 9/21/40 PM4-5-11 9/21/40 PM !In t%e past several mont%s /e %ave ma0e su2stantial pro4ressin several strate4i5 areas6 0rivin4 t%e 5ontinue0 performan5eof our 2lo582uster t%erapies9 a00in4 top talent a5ross our or4ani:ation9 2olsterin4 our neuro0e4enerative pipeline,in5lu0in4 t%e a00ition of one of t%e most promisin4 ALSpro4rams seen in ?ears9 5ontinuin4 to a0van5e our %i4%est-potential pipeline pro4rams9 an0 importantl?, ta8in4 steps tore0u5e our annual eApenses 2? a2out $C00 million so t%at/e are leaner an0 more ef! 5ientE Fe are more fo5use0, a44ressive an0 5ompetitive, an0 I %ope ?ou a4ree /it% m?vie/ t%at t%e 5%an4es /e are ma8in4 /ill 5reate a po/erful platform for 4ro/t% an0 ena2le us to 0rive 4reater s%are%ol0er returns in t%e ?ears a%ea0EO#R CORE F#N*AMEN-A./ ARE /-RONGGio4en I0e5 is in a stron4 ! nan5ial positionE In 2010, revenues in5rease0 J per5ent over 200K to $LEM 2illion an0 non-NAAO 0ilute0 earnin4s per s%are in5rease0 25 per5ent to $5E15ENon-NAAO net in5ome attri2uta2le to Gio4en I0e5 for 2010/as $1EC 2illion, an in5rease of 10 per5ent over 200KE Fe 4enerate0 more t%an $1EL 2illion in free 5as% " o/ in 2010 an0 en0e0 t%e ?ear /it% a2out $2 2illion in 5as% an0 mar8eta2le se5uritiesEFe 5ontinue to 2e t%e 4lo2al lea0er in MS 0espite in5reasin4 5ompetitionE AVONEVW Xinterferon 2eta-1aY, t%e foun0ation of Wour mar8et-lea0in4 MS fran5%ise, 4enerate0 $2E5 2illion in sales/orl0/i0e in 2010, an in5rease of J per5ent over 200KEE12345678 M9C1:;6- ?4726@7!"#$%&’()) !!"#$%&’()) !+,-,## "./#.++ PM+,-,## "./#.++ PM &’,’)) patients on therapy, 234567I9:natali. C3#$%@, QMecutive Nice President, _inance and ]hief _inancial Of! cera S:’#$ 2. A3&A#$B&", QMecutive Nice President, [eneral ]ounsel and ]orporate 4ecretarya >(9$ *. C(A, QMecutive Nice President of Pharmaceutical Operations and 2echnology!"#$%&’()) +!"#$%&’()) ++,-,## "./#.-$ 01+,-,## "./#.-$ 01 !A TRANSFORMATION IS UNDER/AYAT BIOGEN IDECThe key to Biogen Idec0s future growth is to focus on what we do best 8 and what patients need the most. It was clear to meupon my arrival that, as we enter a challenging new decade for our industry, Biogen Idec needed a new strategic direction 8one that would enable the organi?ation to build on its strengths,avoid competing in areas in which we are not world-class, andbecome more nimble and ef! cient. In November, we announcedour Framework for Growth initiative, which increased our focus,streamlined our structure and strengthened our organi?ation. As part of this initiative, we plan to: D Expand our global leadership in the treatment of MS bymaximi?ing the potential of AVONEK and TYSABRI and aggressively bringing forward our promising MS pipeline.D Leverage the research and development (RPD) andcommercial expertise we have built through our MS leader-ship to pursue life-saving and life-changing therapies for other neurodegenerative diseases, including ALS, or Lou Gehrig0s disease, and Al?heimer0s and Parkinson0s diseases, where there are tremendous unmet needs.D Advance our high-potential programs in hemophilia and build on our scienti! c strength in immunobiology 8examples of areas outside of neurology where we believe we can compete and win.Our manufacturing expertise and capabilities in protein engineering are among the best in the industry, and they are crucial to our success.!"1$%&indd +!"1$%&indd +,-+-11 ":21:+$ PM,-+-11 ":21:+$ PM! #$%&’$(&)* +, +-. /(+0$( 1++’%.&,’ $,2 3+.(245($66 0&+(+/&56 7$,-1$5’-.&,/ 5$%$0&(&’&*6’+ 0*5+7* $ (*$2&,/ 5+(($0+.$’+. &, ’8* &,2-6’.9: 38&58 3* ;&*3 $6 $ 5.&’&5$( *(*7*,’ +1 $ 6-55*661-( R=> *11+.’?! >.&;* $ 5-(’-.* +1 *@5*((*,5* ’8$’ 2*7$,26 ’8$’ 3* 0* $/&(*: 2*5&6&;* $,2 $55+-,’$0(*?T8&6 5-(’-.* &6 5.&’&5$( &1 3* $.* ’+ 6-55**2 &, $, &,5.*$6&,/(9 5+7%*’&’&;* 7$.B*’ $,258$((*,/&,/ /(+0$( 8*$(’85$.* *,;&.+,7*,’? 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Williams, =h.9., joined us as Executive Aice =resident, Besearch and 9evelopment and brings withhim more than CD years of scienti! c and senior leadershipexperience, including playing a signi! cant role in the discovery and development of EnbrelE, one of the industry’s most successful drugs. Steven H. Holtzman is our Executive Aice =resident, Corporate 9evelopment, a newly formed department that encompasses corporate strategy, business development, portfolio and program management, and the New Aenturesfund. Steven has more than CD years of industry experience, most recently as founder, Chairman and CEO of In! nity=harmaceuticals, Inc., and has developed a well-deservedreputation as an excellent leader and innovative deal-maker.We are still in the early stages of our efforts to transform our business, but I am con! dent that we are headed in the rightdirection to capitalize on the opportunities ahead.Every treatment we have pioneered, every dollar we have earned, every patient we have helped has been a direct result of the talents and tireless efforts of our people."te%en () (olt,-an/0e12t3%e V31e P6es38ent9Co6;o6ate De%elo;-ent!"#$%.indd %!"#$%.indd %+,-,## ".//.$- 01+,-,## ".//.$- 01 !"#$%&"’%()(#*+,-./0/!"C$T$&’ )PP)+T,&$T$!S A+! )& T/! /)+$0)&T"SA%&I is a very ef! cacious drug that is transforming the lives of many patients with MS.We believe that a critical component of unlocking T"SA%&I’s true value is to develop toolsto help patients assess their individual level of risk of developing progressive multifocalleukoencephalopathy (PML), a serious brain infection. We made signi! cant progress on thatfront last year, initiating clinical studies in early 2010 to determine if a blood test to detectantibodies to JL virus, which causes PML, could help identify T"SA%&I patients at greater risk of developing the brain infection. At the end of January 2011, we had already enrolledmore than 14,700 patients in our JLO assay trials. In December, along with our partner Elan Lorp., we ! led with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the EuropeanMedicines Agency for approval to update T"SA%&I labeling to include anti-JLO antibodystatus as one potential risk factor for PML.In addition, %iogen Idec is in the enviable position of having 11 programs in or near late-stage development. With such a robust late-stage pipeline, we are committed to launchingseveral new products in the coming years. This is a great opportunity for us U but it is alsoa challenge that underscores the need for excellence in all that we do.Looking ahead to 2011, we expect to see read-outs of our DEFINE and LONFI&M trials for %G-12, our oral MS candidate with a promising safety and ef! cacy pro! le. We also expect aread-out in the second half of the year for one of our two registrational trials for daclizumab. We expect to initiate a Phase 3 clinical trial for dexpramipexole in ALS in the ! rst half of this year. We’re also excited about the prospects of our other promising late-stage programs,including PEGylated interferon, which may reduce the frequency of interferon injections for MS, and our two hemophilia programs. These are diseases with high unmet needs where webelieve our therapies may offer highly differentiated bene! ts for patients.%iogen Idec continues to expand its leadership position in multiple sclerosis (MS) with blockbuster products T"SA%&I and AOONE^.39107.indd 839107.indd 84-5-11 9:22:15 PM4-5-11 9:22:15 PM 9Biogen Idec believesin its responsibility as a corporate citizen. We are committed to investing in areas that  t our missionand vision, including patient education, scienti c education and sustainability.Heather BrooksAVONEX patientWe greatly value transparent and constructive dialogue with shareholders, and we appreciate the feedback we received in 2010 as we focused on our core capabilities and clari ed our strategy. We take our duties to deliver value to shareholders very seriously, and we are determined to be the best at what we do. Thank you for the continued trust you have placed in me and in Biogen Idec.Sincerely,George A. Scangos, Ph.D. Chief Executive Of! cer39107.indd 939107.indd 94,5,11 9.22.15 PM4,5,11 9.22.15 PM !io$enide()(om+ar./0/!"#$%&’ !)!*+),*!"#$% ’!"#$% (!"#$% )*+,+-.#!!/01%2#10-%3 4+-5%/*%/0- 6%5# ’#71ulti5le 7(lerosis 9 Rela5sin$ Remittin$58$#6/+ 4-#5#,+9:;#671ulti5le 7(lerosis 9 Rela5sin$ Remittin$58$#6/+ 4-#5#,+9:;#67Crohn=s >isease/+5:3#- 4/+5:3+;#67?on@Aod$Bin=s CDm5homa/+5:3#- 4/+5:3+;#67Anti@F?G ReHra(torD Rheumatoid Arthritis/+5:3#- 4/+5:3+;#67Chroni( CDm5ho(Dti( CeuBemia*:;#2%/; 4*:;#/+< #<+2 %$5%/$7Psoriasis (KermanD)!/0,0-.%2=/%,%#$% *#;!/+2+-%1ulti5le 7(lerosis/+5:3#- 4/+5:3+;#67A?CA@Asso(iated Mas(ulitis!%.8,#5%2 +-5%/*%/0- 6%5#=’#1ulti5le 7(lerosis 9 Rela5sin$ Remittin$6.=’( 42+;%5"8, *:;#/#5%71ulti5le 7(lerosis 9 Rela5sin$ Remittin$39107.indd 1039107.indd 104/5/11 9:22:27 PM4/5/11 9:22:27 PM 11!"ASE 1!"ASE 2!"ASE 3*I,I-GA!!/O1EDDA3,I45MAB!ultiple Sclerosis . /elapsing /emitting,O-G-,ASTI-G r*A3TO/ I;4emophilia B,O-G-,ASTI-G r*A3TO/ 1III4emophilia 7GA101 ="5MA-I4ED A-TI-3D20>Chronic 9ymphocytic 9eukemiaGA101 ="5MA-I4ED A-TI-3D20>Non-4odgkin?s 9ymphomaDE;!/AMI!E;O,E7myotrophic 9ateral SclerosisO3/E,I45MAB ="5MA-I4ED A-TI-3D20 MAB>!ultiple Sclerosis . /elapsing /emittingA-TI-,I-GO!ultiple Sclerosis-E5B,ASTI-Neuropathic @ain3D40,Systemic 9upus ArythematosusA-TI-T@EAA9upus NephritisAs of March 18, 114,5,11 9.22.27 P14,5,11 9.22.27 P1 biogenidec)com+ar./0/!"#$#%"$&’GAAP TO NON(GAAP RECONCILIATIONCondensed Consolidated Statements of Income – Operating Basis(unaudited, $ in millions, except per share amounts) F# 2006 F# 2007 F# 2008 F# 2009 F# 2010!""P Diluted ,PS ..01 2.33 4.05 1.15 1.36"d7ustment to net income attributable to @iogen Bdec (see below) 2.04 ..F5 2..2 ..FF 2.42GonH!""P Diluted ,PS 4.45 4.F6 1.00 6.24 5.25!""P net income attributable to @iogen Bdec 42F.5 01I.4 FI1.4 3F..2 2J..5.1CL!S M Nair Oalue steP uP Qrom inOentory acSuired Qrom @iogen and NumaPharm F.I M M M MRVD M SeOerance and restructuring ..1 2.4 2.4 1.. 2.4RVD M ,WPenses Paid by CardioXine M M 5.4 F.3 5.4S!V" M YergerHrelated and Purchase accounting costs ..2 M M M MS!V" M SeOerance and restructuring 4.. ..0 1.I ..6 5.F4.2. Restructuring initiatiOes M M M M F5.4"mortiZation oQ acSuired intangible assets 40F.. 45F.5 114.F 4I3.I 4.I.3BnHProcess research and deOeloPment related to the 4..0 acSuisitions oQ ConQorma and NumaPharm[ the 4..F acSuisition oQ SyntoniW and consolidation oQ CardioXine and Geurimmune[ the contingent consideration Payment made in 4..I associated with the 4..0 ConQorma acSuisition[ the 4.2. consolidation oQ KnoPP and the contingent consideration Payment made in 4.2. associated with the 4..F SyntoniW acSuisition 11..5 I6.4 45.. M 465..!ain on settlement oQ license agreements with Numedica and NumaPharm (0.2) M M M MLoss^(gain) on sale oQ longHliOed assets (20.5) (F.F) (3.4) M MGet income attributable to noncontrolling interests M the consolidation oQ CardioXine and Geurimmune in 4..F[ the consolidation oQ KnoPP in 4.2. and eWPenses Paid by CardioXine in 4.2.J 4..3 and 4..I M (05..) (5.4) (F.3) (263.2)Bncome taWes M ,QQect oQ reconciling items (F..1) (05.5) (I2.3) (30.3) (220.2)StocX oPtion eWPense 66.5 15.0 40.4 4I.F 11.1GonH!""P net income attributable to @iogen Bdec FF0.I IF3.2 2J.I2.. 2J235.2 2J126.0Numbers may not foot due to rounding.39107.indd 1239107.indd 124/5/11 9:22:27 P14/5/11 9:22:27 P1 13FREE CASH FLOW RECONCILIATION FY 2006 FY 2007 FY 2008 FY 2009 FY 2010Net cash flows provided by operating activities 842.4 1,018.8 1,562.4 1,074.9 1,624.7Purchases of property, plant and equipment (Capital expenditures) 198.3 284.1 276.0 165.6 173.1Free cash flow 644.1 734.7 1,286.4 909.3 1,451.6(unaudited, $ in millions)Notes: !"# %&%’())* +,%-%.,-/ 0#-123#1 43#1#%5#6 ,% 5"#1# 5-7/#1 -3# 25,/,8#6 79 :,&;#% <6#. 0-%-;#0#%5 5& ;-,% -% 2%6#315-%6,%; &+ 5"# .&04-3-5,=# +,%-%.,-/ 4#3+&30-%.# &+ 5"# >&04-%9. @23 %&%’())* +,%-%.,-/ 0#-123#1 -3# 6#+,%#6 -1 3#4&35#6A &3 ())* =-/2#1 #B./26,%; C1E .#35-,% 423."-1# -..&2%5,%; -%6 0#3;#3’3#/-5#6 -6F2150#%51A C2E 15&.H &45,&% #B4#%1#A C3E &5"#3 2%212-/ &3 %&%3#.233,%; ,5#01 -%6 C4E 5"#,3 3#/-5#6 5-B #++#.51. @23 0-%-;#0#%5 21#1 5"#1# %&%’())* +,%-%.,-/ 0#-123#1 5& #15-7/,1" +,%-%.,-/ ;&-/1 -%6 5& ;-,% -% 2%6#315-%6,%; &+ 5"# .&04-3-5,=# +,%-%.,-/ 4#3+&30-%.# &+ 5"# >&04-%9 +3&0 9#-3 5& 9#-3 -%6 K2-3’5#3 5& K2-35#3. )..&36,%;/9A L# 7#/,#=# ,%=#15&31M 2%6#315-%6,%; &+ 5"# >&04-%9M1 +,%-%.,-/ 4#3+&30-%.# ,1 #%"-%.#6 -1 - 3#12/5 &+ &23 6,1./&1,%; 5"#1# %&%’())* +,%-%.,-/ 0#-123#1. 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WILLIAMS, Ph.D.9:e0uti;e 1i0e 4resident( Eesear0h and >e;e5oCmentSHAREHOLDER INFORMATIONCORPORATE HEAD3UARTERSBIOGEN IDECNOO *oston 4ost EoadWeston( =A QRSTO4honeU VWXNY SZS[RQQQ SEC FORM 10!KA 0oCy of *iogen .de0\s Annua5 EeCort on @orm NQ[] fi5ed Lith the Se0urities and 9:0hange Commission is a;ai5ab5e at and uCon re^uest toU .n;estor Ee5ations >eCartment *iogen .de0 NOO *oston 4ost Eoad Weston( =A QRSTO VWXNY SZS[RSSR TRANSFER AGENT@or shareho5der ^uestions regarding 5ost sto0H 0ertifi0ates( address 0hanges and 0hanges of oLnershiC or names in Lhi0h the shares are he5d( dire0t in^uiries toU ComCutershare Frust ComCany _A R‘Q Eoya55 Street Canton( =A QRQRN VWXNY ‘W‘[RXWT www.computershare.comINDEPENDENT ACCOUNTANTS4ri0eLaterhouseCooCers 774 NR‘ High Street *oston( =A QRNNQNEWS RELEASESAs a ser;i0e to our shareho5ders and CrosCe0ti;e in;estors( 0oCies of *iogen .de0 neLs re5eases issued in the 5ast NR months are noL a;ai5ab5e a5most immediate5y RS hours a day( se;en days a LeeH( on the Leb at www.Kusinesswire.comJ *iogen .de0\s neLs re5eases are usua55y Costed Lithin one hour of being issued and are a;ai5ab5e at no 0ost at www.Kiogenidec.comJMARKET INFORMATIONAa D5oba5 Se5e0t =arHet under the symbo5 b*..*Jc Fhe fo55oLing tab5e shoLs the high and 5oL sa5es Cri0e for our 0ommon sto0H as reCorted by the _AS>Aa D5oba5 Se5e0t =arHet for ea0h ^uarter in the years ended >e0ember ON( RQNQ and RQQTJCOMMON STOCK PRICECORPORATE INFORMATION2009HIGHLOW1st Quarter 153.66 142.922nd Quarter 155.34 144.563rd Quarter 152.12 144.414th Quarter 154.00 141.752010HIGHLOW1st Quarter 160.28 152.162nd Quarter 157.99 145.963rd Quarter 158.64 146.154th Quarter 168.60 155.63Scan QR code with your mobile device to view our 2010 online annual review.39107.indd 1439107.indd 144/5/11 9:22:28 PM4/5/11 9:22:28 PM

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