Carrefour S.A.
Annual Report 2017

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2017 Annual Report FOR AN INCLUSIVE FOOD TRANSITION 02 Governance 03 2017 at a glance 10 Projects supported 12 Four steps of a project 04 Fostering healthy and inclusive food programmes 05 — Producing sustainably 06 — Transforming without wasting 07 — Distributing and facilitating access to food for all 08 — Eating healthily and consuming well 09 — Supporting the circular economy “Meeting the challenge of food quality for all.” Food is an increasingly important factor underlying exclusion. In Carrefour’s fight for food transition, the Foundation plays a key role enabling those who are most vulnerable to have access to a healthier, more balanced and more varied diet. We make this commitment in all of the countries in which we are present. This means not only responding to the primary need of access to food, but also focusing our efforts on the nutritional quality of food aid offered to those most in difficulty. This is the meaning of the Carrefour Foundation’s commitment and the challenges it intends to meet by 2022. Alexandre Bompard, Chairman of the Carrefour Foundation, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Carrefour group 2 0 1 7 A N N U A L R E P O R T — 0 1 Governance The Board of Directors The Carrefour Foundation is administered by a seven-member Board of Directors: 3 qualified external members, 3 members representing the Carrefour group and a staff representative. In 2017, the Board met 3 times to determine the strategic orientations of the Foundation’s activities, validate its budget and oversee its execution. An additional meeting took place in September 2017 to endorse the change in governance of the Foundation. Alexandre Bompard Chairman of the Carrefour Foundation, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Carrefour group Pascal Clouzard Executive Director France of the Carrefour group Xavier Fontanet Founder of Fondation Fontanet, former Chief Executive Officer of Essilor Xavier Emmanuelli Founder of Samusocial Paris and Samusocial International, former Minister of Social Affairs Laurent Glépin Executive Communication Director of the Carrefour group Jean-Michel Severino Former CEO of the French Development Agency (AFD) General Delegate Laurent Vallée General Secretary of the Carrefour group Martine Saint-Cricq Carrefour staff representative The Foundation Team The day-to-day operations of the Carrefour Foundation involve the coordination and implementation of programmes in France and internationally. The Foundation team also maintains strong and complementary links with solidarity teams in the different countries where Carrefour is present. Sophie Fourchy-Spiesser, Head of the Carrefour Foundation Anyka Batista, Manager of International Programmes Margo Palmer, Manager of Programmes in France 2017 at a glance 108 hectares of land dedicated to organic or socially-engaged agroecological farming and 5.2 hectares of urban gardens 128 emergency aid operations in 40 countries since 2000 (over €14 million), including 4 actions in 2017 €6.75 million annual budget (+€1 million compared to 2016) 164 million meals donated by stores, including 107 million in France €6.31 million spent, including €5.73 million allocated to projects (91% of the total budget allocated to projects) 74 projects funded in 9 countries 17 million meals collected from customers Nearly 55,500 people assisted worldwide (excluding food donations) 12,000 employees involved in solidarity actions 2 0 1 7 A N N U A L R E P O R T — 0 3 FOSTERING HEALTHY AND INCLUSIVE FOOD PROGRAMMES Food quality and accessibility are key concerns of the Carrefour Foundation. This is why it supports projects that are helping to make food transition a reality for all. The fight against waste is going digital, recycling is being integrated with food quality programmes, while solidarity restaurants and market gardens are providing work opportunities that help foster social inclusion. The Carrefour Foundation is working alongside partner associations worldwide, supporting actions that enable those on the margins of society to live with greater dignity. Producing sustainably FRANCE 5 hectares under permaculture Accompanying 8 workers in job creation schemes Permaculture and new technologies What if leaving town for a rural environment was the first step towards employment and inclusion? This is what La Bonne Ferme has made possible, by offering homeless people somewhere to live in a renovated old farmhouse as well as the opportunity to work in a market garden. Opened in June 2017 in Crépy-en-Valois (Oise department), the garden produces fruit, vegetables, aromatic herbs and flowers in permaculture. While aimed at providing work opportunities for the unemployed, the project uses new technologies, including software applications that enable the market gardeners to plan ahead, manage purchases and monitor orders. Producing sustainably Distributing and facilitating access to food for all Supporting the circular economy Transforming without wasting Eating healthily and consuming well Organic farming as a way back to work The Jardins de Cocagne offer work opportunities for those experiencing social and employment difficulties, while supporting the development of a long- term employment plan. The project focuses on organic farming and local production, using short marketing chains. Working in a garden is the first step towards reintegration and employment, enabling those who are trained to find their place in society again. The Carrefour Foundation supports this innovative programme through 25 solidarity food canneries, 2 urban farming projects and 3 micro-farms. FRANCE 94 hectares of land dedicated to organic solidarity farms Support for a network of 107 job-creation gardens 2 0 1 7 A N N U A L R E P O R T — 0 5 Transforming without wasting Distributing and facilitating access to food for all Food aid goes digital with ifoodbank Thanks to new technologies, logistics and distribution channels are becoming even more efficient, further improving access for all to decent, healthy, high quality food. This is the case in Taiwan, where the Federation of Food Banks was set up on December 30, 2016 with support from the Carrefour Foundation and dedicated local teams. In order to help collect and distribute food products, the Federation has developed a digital platform called “ifoodbank”. With just a few clicks, stores can donate their unsold and surplus food to one of the member associations situated within a radius of a few kilometres. TAIWAN Federation of a network of 60 partners 15.4 tonnes of food collected during the annual international campaign “Safe and Sound” Delicious, local, ecological, sustainable gourmet no-waste recipes. A new life for unsold food The Élixir association employs 21 people with disabilities in the Gironde department to turn unsold fruit and vegetables into compotes, purées, soups and jams. Ripe fruit and vegetables are collected from farms, wholesalers, supermarkets, hypermarkets and markets, and then processed to be composted or cooked. The cooked foods are then donated to charity associations, served by restaurants or sold in stores. The programme fits perfectly with the Foundation’s core activities, linking employment for those out of work, the fight against waste and regional action. This solidarity cannery reduces fruit and vegetable waste by 7% in the department, or 1 to 5 tons of food a day. FRANCE 600 tonnes of food processed per year Reduction of 7% in wasted fruit and vegetables in the Gironde department FRANCE 39 tonnes of emergency essential supplies delivered Over €300,000 collected for Secours populaire français in Carrefour stores Irma, a devastating hurricane On September 6, 2017, winds of over 270 kph devastated the French islands of Saint-Barthélemy and Saint-Martin. The Carrefour Foundation quickly organised emergency aid and validated special funding up to €103,000 to transport and distribute essential supplies (water, food, toiletries and cleaning materials, tents and desalination equipment). In partnership with the Red Cross, Secours populaire and Carrefour stores, several collection campaigns were held with customers. For example, “Donate your small change to help”, made it possible to finance a new mobile health bus for the Saint-Martin branch. Since January 2018, it has been travelling the island, offering medical and social assistance (making rounds, providing preventative care and treatment) for those affected. 2 0 1 7 A N N U A L R E P O R T — 0 7 Eating healthily and consuming well Supporting the circular economy BRAZIL FRANCE ITALY 80 tonnes of food reused per year 50,000 meals served each year in 2 solidarity restaurants in France and Brazil Gourmet menus for those in greatest need The Carrefour Foundation supported the opening of the first Refettorio in Brazil in 2016 with the Gastromotiva association, which trains young people in the food and catering trades. In March 2018, alongside the Food for Soul association, it also opened a new “anti-waste” solidarity restaurant in the crypt of the Madeleine church in Paris. The menus served to those in great difficulty are gourmet meals prepared by chefs using surplus or unsold food ingredients (100 meals prepared every day using 130 kg of unsold food). Food for Soul is an Italian non-profit organisation founded by chef Massimo Bottura to empower communities to fight food waste through social inclusion by creating supportive, pleasant and convivial restaurants to feed those in greatest need. In 2018, the association will open another solidarity restaurant with the Fondazione Made in Cloister in Naples (Italy), also supported by the Carrefour Foundation. CHINA 300 nutritionists trained to combat malnutrition 540 children benefit every day Fortified powdered food for undernourished children Since it was created in 1981, the China Children and Teenagers’ Fund (CCTF) has been combating malnutrition and school absenteeism by creating day centres for children in difficulty. In 2017, three “Happy Homes” were opened, adding to the four that already existed. The association has also set up a programme to fight anaemia and malnutrition in children aged 6 to 24 months. Every day, 540 children from disadvantaged households receive YingYangBao, a fortified food powder, to mix with meals. It contains proteins, iron, folic acid, calcium, zinc and vitamins, and helps prevent health problems related to malnutrition. Jobs for the unemployed through composting Alongside the market garden production of organic vegetables – which are distributed as baskets to subscribers – the Ateliere F˘ar ˘a Frontiere (AFF) association has developed a composting activity. The association recuperates unsold food from supermarkets and restaurants in Bucharest. Once processed, the resulting compost provides the association with fertilizer that is free of additives – ideal for organic farming. It is then used on the gardens and also offered for sale. In 2017, these two activities made it possible to fund 10 new job-creation posts in market gardening and composting. The Carrefour Foundation supported the purchase of equipment to mechanize the production of compost in order to improve its quality. The association’s future plans include starting a farm as well as organising educational workshops for children on combating food waste. ROMANIA 277 tonnes of fruit and vegetables composted 1st composting workshop for job-creation employees in the country 2 0 1 7 A N N U A L R E P O R T — 0 9 Projects supported COUNTRY ASSOCIATION PROGRAMME DETAILS 2017 BUDGET COUNTRY ASSOCIATION PROGRAMME DETAILS 2017 BUDGET ARGENTINA Asociación civil padrinos de alumnos y escuelas rurales (APAER) “Agua Segura” programme to enable schools in disadvantaged areas to produce potable water in order to combat dehydration, malnutrition and absenteeism Carrefour Argentina Emergency aid following the floods in La Emilia, Buenos Aires, in January 2017 Carrefour Argentina Emergency aid following the floods in Chubut in April 2017 Don Orione – Pequeña Obra de la Divina Providencia “A kitchen for Cottolengo” programme to equip a kitchen in a care centre for people with disabilities Fundación Bancos de Alimentos Fundación Conin Co-financing of a refrigerated vehicle for the Buenos Aires Food Bank Creation and equipment of a mobile paediatric care unit to assist isolated families in rural areas Fundación Huerta Niño Creation of 10 school kitchen gardens in isolated rural primary schools Fundación Margarita Barrientos Purchase of a food truck for the distribution of hot meals as part of the “Frio Cero” campaign, in partnership with Red Solidaria in Buenos Aires BELGIUM Goods to Give Development of a logistics and IT platform to promote non-food donations Les Épiceries sociales du Brabant flamand Co-financing of refrigeration equipment for social grocery stores in Vlaams-Brabant Les Petits Riens Renovation and equipment of the kitchen in a care home for disadvantaged people BRAZIL Fondation Abrinq Awareness programme on healthy and balanced nutrition with mothers and their children aged 0 to 5 years in João Pessoa Gastromotiva Development of the Refettorio and support for the training and micro-entrepreneurship initiatives of disadvantaged youth CHINA Carrefour China Emergency aid following floods in Hunan in July 2017 China Children and Teenagers’ Fund China Children and Teenagers’ Fund WWF Creation and equipment of 4 new “Happy Homes” for neglected children Programme to combat anaemia and malnutrition in children aged 6 to 24 months in rural China Programme for the development of disadvantaged communities by training farmers in sustainable aquaculture EUROPE European Federation of Food Banks Training in food processing and the management and development of a Food Bank to combat food waste FRANCE 100 jours pour entreprendre Encouraging and supporting the entrepreneurship of young people aged 18 to 26, particularly in the food sector – 2016 campaign 100 jours pour entreprendre Encouraging and supporting the entrepreneurship of young people aged 18 to 26, particularly in the food sector – 2017 campaign ADA France ANGC Aurore Support to established professional beekeepers and those involved in projects to build up and maintain their bee populations Pilot project for the development of a work-study diploma course for young unemployed school dropouts Support for the establishment of a technical platform for refugee minors Bergerie de Berdine Building a new living area to allow vulnerable people to eat in dignity Booster Saint-Jean Setting up a urban garden for unemployed youth Chaire AgroParisTech Creation of a professorship in urban agriculture, ecosystem services and urban food Chênelet Development of a chain of production for socially responsible chocolate Cuisine mode d’emploi(s) Development and equipment of a training centre for the bakery trade in Dijon and the fishmonger trade in Grigny Entreprendre pour la solidarité FAGE Farinez’vous Fédération Française des Banques Alimentaires Participation in the pilot of “zero long-term unemployed areas” and its evaluation Programme of cookery workshops to educate students on healthier eating Support for action-training in the bakery, catering and fast food sectors to ensure a sustainable return to employment Co-financing of 6 refrigerated vehicles and 2 cold rooms Fédération Française des Banques Alimentaires Creation of a job-creation site with processing kitchen to transform unsold fruit and vegetables for food aid associations in Haute-Savoie Fermes d’avenir Itinerant training in agro-ecology for the integration of refugees in France Fondation de la 2e chance Financing of “helping hands” projects in the food and catering trades Fondation des possibles Support to find realistic solutions for the employment and social inclusion of young refugees Fondation Maud Fontenoy Development of an educational kit for primary schools to raise awareness on combating food waste €49,972 €35,288 €36,147 €16,926 €15,000 €241,000 €48,900 €74,415 €23,500 €36,847 €51,000 €77,600 €318,000 €35,000 €153,071 €167,000 €65,000 €22,000 €20,000 €20,000 €100,000 €30,000 €55,000 €50,000 €65,000 €100,000 €25,000 €15,771 €40,000 €20,000 €20,000 €101,300 €30,000 €80,000 €45,000 €50,000 €50,000 Gers Solidaire Collaboration between NGOs, institutional and public players to promote social inclusion and food aid Graines de vie Citizen movement to safeguard endangered ancient varieties of vegetables and fruit Groupe SAFO Gustave Roussy Halage Kaol Kozh Emergency aid with Carrefour Guadeloupe in Saint-Martin following the passage of Hurricane Irma in September 2017 Biomedical research to decode the complex relationship between diet, microbiome and immunosurveillance in the fight against cancer Demonstrator of biodiversity regeneration and urban agriculture on an industrial brownfield site in Seine-Saint-Denis Project to create a farmers’ forum: training and action-research to develop the autonomy of farmers in the production of organic seeds and assistance with the technical control of culture cycles La Sauvegarde du Nord Support for a market garden production project for the unemployed on the Vanneaux farm Les Petites Cantines Network of community solidarity kitchens Les Retoqués Launch of snacks using rejected fruit Meet my Mama Noé Office municipal de la jeunesse d’Outreau Training programme for migrant women in the food and catering trades and coaching for a return to work Promotion of a socially responsible and agro-ecological transition in French territories, to preserve biodiversity and pollinators Opening a local solidarity restaurant with job-creation employees in Outreau Paupiette Linking seniors with students over lunch Réseau Cocagne Development of innovation and investment support for Cocagne solidarity gardens Réseau des écoles de la 2e Chance Launch of a national call for projects related to food solidarity Restaurants du cœur Co-financing of 7 refrigerated vehicles and a cold room Restaurants du cœur Helping to improve food aid with more professional job-creation kitchens in Les Restos du Cœur Secours populaire français Opening of an anti-waste food aid centre in Paris SOLAAL Launch of a pilot project and development of a digital application to facilitate agricultural donations Table de Cana Support for the development of solidarity chocolate manufacturing in Gennevilliers Ticket for Change Help in the identification of innovative projects related to food solidarity Travail et vie Vendredi Implementation of an agricultural activity and composting service by job-creation employees in the “Ferme du Rail” project Pilot project for corporate skills sharing Wake up Café / Cuisine mode d’emploi(s) Launch of certificate training (CQP) in the restaurant trades for women and men in custody JORDAN World Food Programme Preparation of school meals by women in difficulty for 180,000 Syrian child refugees in Jordan POLAND Capuchin Foundation Psychosocial support of homeless people, renovation of the reception centre kitchen Warsaw University of Life Sciences “ABC for Healthy Eating” programme to raise awareness on a healthy and balanced diet ROMANIA Angel Smile Development of the “Midnight Sandwich” food aid programme for the homeless Ateliere F˘ar˘a Frontiere Ateliere F˘ar˘a Frontiere Development of the BIO&CO organic market garden for a return to employment “Compost Boost” project to equip the recycling and compost production pilot project in the BIO&CO market gardens Hospice Fundatia Sperantei Access to a balanced diet for disadvantaged cancer patients OvidiuRo “Poftă de Carte” nutrition and training programme for 9,500 children from disadvantaged backgrounds Samusocial International Accompaniment, support and food aid for homeless persons and children Save the Children Combating malnutrition and preventing infant mortality TAIWAN Alliance of Taiwan Foodbanks Creation of an ifoodbank digital platform to facilitate food donations and collections Pingtung Coconut Association / Corporation of Pingtung Hsien Yeh Tzu Yuan Private Nursing House Taiwan Corp. Sustainable Urban and Rural Care Association Creation and equipment of a Food Bank, an anti-waste kitchen and a solidarity restaurant for disadvantaged elderly people Equipment of a vocational training centre dedicated to catering professions for young people in difficulty €50,000 €50,000 €76,873 €250,000 €78,979 €186,000 €26,000 €50,000 €45,000 €40,000 €100,000 €20,000 €20,000 €240,000 €50,000 €115,000 €45,300 €20,000 €50,000 €20,000 €100,000 €20,000 €40,000 €40,000 €402,534 €67,018 €308,871 €157,900 €97,000 €55,344 €90,326 €99,910 €77,500 €120,034 €49,636 €54,454 €50,608 2 0 1 7 A N N U A L R E P O R T — 11 Four steps of a project 1 2 Identification Initiated and implemented by local associations, selected projects have to correspond to the missions of the Carrefour Foundation. Carrefour teams are on the constant look-out for potential projects in each of the countries where the Group is present. These are then forwarded to the Carrefour Foundation for selection. Every year, the Carrefour Foundation receives almost a thousand project proposals. Selection To make its selection, the Foundation consults with teams in the various countries to evaluate the projects, using a set of objective criteria: verification of the association’s statutes, its missions and budgeted targets, a detailed budget, identification of the project’s innovative components, etc. The applications are analysed and then submitted to the Foundation’s Board for approval. 3 4 Funding For each project, the Carrefour Foundation defines the financial and technical support needed by the association, in coordination with solidarity teams in each country. The Board of Directors decides whether or not to support the various projects according to their alignment with the Foundation’s missions, the suitability of the initiatives and the resources available. An agreement is then signed with the association and support for the project begins. Monitoring and assessment The Foundation’s team and the country‘s management teams are then responsible for implementing the projects correctly and setting up regular monitoring, support and evaluation, free of any commercial interest. The Carrefour Foundation makes sure that the resources allocated are being properly used and that the expected outcomes are being achieved. This assessment enables the project’s impacts and benefits to be measured, and its future prospects considered. Depending on the project’s outcomes and needs, a new funding application can be made to continue support in the mid- or long term. Discover our projects at Creation: Carrefour Foundation. Design and production: . Photo credits: William Alix, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Angelo Dal Bó, Clément Osé/Fermes d’avenir, Lucian Muntean, Nicolas Gouhier, Samusocial International, Fondation Fontanet, I&P, Elixir, Alliance of Taiwan Foodbanks, Croix-Rouge, Groupe SAFO, China Children and Teenager’s Fund, Vzw Half Weg, Kino Bovio, Samusocial Romania, FESBAL, Fédération française des Banques Alimentaires, Red Cross Society of China, Action contre la Faim, Carrefour library, all rights reserved. Paper: The Carrefour group is committed to responsible paper purchasing. The paper used for this report is FSC® (Forest Stewardship Council) certified. This certification confirms adherence to a series of globally recognised principles and forestry management criteria. The objective of FSC® is to promote environmentally responsible, economically viable stewardship of the world’s forests, for the benefit of society. Printing: This document has been printed by Handiprint, an Adapted Enterprise under French law, awarded the Imprim’Vert label and FSC® certified. This report is printed using 100% recycled paper.

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