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BNCCORP Inc.STANDING G N O R T S F I D E L I T Y D & D B A N C O R P, I N C . 2 0 2 0 A N N U A L R E P O R T In the darkest night, when the sea explodes in all its fury, a beacon of light guides us to safe harbor. KATELYN ABRAHAM KELLY ADAMS JOHNATHAN AHBEZ MILLER DEBRA ALIMENTI AUDREY ALTEMOSE ISABEL ANDERSON BRENDA ANDES PAUL JOHN ARVAY JAMES ATEN MICHELLE AULD ANGELA BABIO TRACY BARBER LORI BARRETT ALYSSA BARTOLI ROSA BARTOLUCCI LAURA BEARBY EILEEN BELL DIANE BIELINSKI MARY LYNN BLASI DANA BLOOM JILLIAN BOCHNOVICH PATRICIA BOHAN PATRICK BOLES MICHAEL BOULOS HEATHER BREWER JALEN BRIDGES MELISSA BRIGGS ANGEL BROWDER SUSAN BROWN CONOR BULLARD TIFFANY BURCH JEREMIAH BURDICK GLENN BURGE DAVID BURGE CYNTHIA CACIOPPO CARMEN CAPUTO DEBORAH CAREY JOSEPH CARLIN DIANE CARNEY MICHELLE CARR BRYANNE CARUSO ALISON CASTELLINO PAULINA CENNI MOLLY CHAMBERS FELICITY CHEE ROSS CIANFLONE FRANK CIMINO JAKE CIULLO DOMINIQUE CLARK SAMANTHA CLARK KRISTI CLEVELAND NATALIJA CODELLA MICHAEL COLE CATHY COLLINS JUDITH COMERFORD ANTHONY CONSALVO LATOYA COOPER KRISTEN CORRADO MICHAEL COURY RONA COVALESKY ROSEMARIE COYNE ADAM CRAHALL SARAH CREWS LAWRENCE CRIMI LESLY CULKIN FREDERICK CURCIO PATRICIA CURLEY GEORGE CZAJKOWSKI ANGELO DECESARIS SALVATORE DEFRANCESCO JENNIFER DEJONGE KATHLEEN DELEO KATELYN DEMERS MARGARET DERMODY MARIA DERTINGER MICHAEL DESARRO CANDACE DEXHEIMER CHRISTOPHER DiPIETRO TYLENE DODGE CAROL DOLAN CYNTHIA DOPKO STEPHANIE DOWLING MARISSA DROBNICKI DEREK DUNSTONE LORIANN EDWARDS MARYANN ELLEFSEN VIRGINIA ERNST ROBERT FARRELL ELIZABETH FELICIANO WILLIAM FENNIE BRITTANI FENTON JOHN FERRETT SHANAY FIGUEROA MATTHEW FISCH BRANDI FOX JOANN FULLER LAWLESS CAREY GARVEY ELIZABETH GILGALLON DENISE GIOGAIA ANTHONY GIOVAGNOLI TRACEY GOLDEN RACHEL GOODWIN JOSHUA GORTON AARON GORYL TERESA GOZIK TYSON ELIZABETH GRAHAM CONNIE GREENAMOYER KRISTIN GREIS ELIESE GRELLA JOHN GROCHOWSKI KRISTIN GROW RENEE GRUBE SHAWNA HALLEY LOGAN HANSMAN CARRIE HART MICHELLE HAUSMANN KENNETH HEATER TIFFANY HEWITT CAROL HILTON THERESA HINTON NEIL HOCKENBERRY MELINDA HOFFNER ROBERT HOOPER RACHEL HOUCK KIANA HUBBARD DENA HUGHES SUSAN HYNDS JAMES IGOE DELBERT JAMES CHRISTA JENNINGS MARK JOBES JUDI ANN JOCSAK CANDICE JOHNSON DRAGAN JOKIC NICOLE JUDGE DONNA KANE MICHAEL KARPOVICH ALYSSA KAUFFMAN HARDEEP KAUR HEATHER KAZINETZ CURTIS KEMMERER SANDRA KENNEDY AMY KERR VIRGINIA KIELAR ANDREW KILPATRICK STEPHANIE KINNEY SARAH KLINE BRANDON KLINE SARAH KNOBLE BARRETT KOTCH NOELLE KREMPASKY GEETHA KUMAR NICHOLAS KUZDRO BETH LANGSTON MARIANE LANK BRIAR LAURITO MARIA LAWLER DIANE LAYMAN CHRISTIJO LAZOR ALYSSA LEHR JODY LEWIS LISA LILLY KERRY LOBEL STEFANIE LOBEL BRYAN LOFTUS SUSAN MAE LUCAS LAUREN LUONGO WILLIAM MALITSCH ANGEL MANDARANO MICHAEL MARINELLI MARY ANN MARRANCA MARY MARSHALL RACHEL MARSILI JOANN MARSILI TRINITY MCANDREW WILLIAM MCANDREW JASON MCCABE KEVIN MCCORMICK JESSICA MCDONNELL MICHELLE MCMASTER RILEY MCNALLY MARY MCNICHOLS JANIE MCROY LISA MINOR MONIQUE MONTAQUE ERIC MONTELLA THOMAS MOORE DONNA MUIR SHARON MULLANEY LIRIKA NASHI GEORGE NEUBAUER NATALIE NIEVES CHRISTOPHER OBRIEN JAMES OBRIEN TIMOTHY OBRIEN ERICH OLSEN THOMAS OMALLEY CAROLYN ORTMAN RICHARD ORTMAN DIANE PACOVICH MICHAEL PACYNA CHRISTOPHER PAGANO NICHOLAS PARISE JOHN PASH CHERISSE PEATEN GWENDOLYN PENSYL CARLOS PEREZ GUTIERREZ DAVENE PERRUSO CAROL PETLISKI JOANNE PEZZUTI REBECCA PHILLIPS HANNAH PIERRE MARY PIERRE GRACE PINEDA MAUREEN POLSTER KENDRA PORTAS CARMELLA PRINGLE-KUZDRO JEFFREY RAKE CARLO RAMELAH VICTORIA RANDIS DEBORAH RATUSZNY THOMAS REGENSKI MARY REID KAREN RENFER ROBERT RILEY ANNA MARIA RITTLE SOPHIA ROBINSON KRISTOPHER ROGERS THERESA ROGINSKI ROSELIS ROJAS SADIE ROTH MARY ANN ROUSHEY LORI ROWKER ALAN RUDALAVAGE TODD SAAB MELISSA SADAKA MICHELE SANTANIELLO ALEXIS SANTANIELLO DANIEL SANTANIELLO DAVID SAXTON MICHELE SCHMIDT KEVIN SCOTCH JAMES SEGUIN ALLYSON SELIGA SAMANTHA SELITTO SHARON SHEPERIS HANNAH SHURTLEFF MADISON SICKLER CONNIE LEE SILVIUS WAYNE SILVIUS KELLEAH SIMONSON ELIZABETH SIMPSON MARTIN SKODOCEK CHRIS SLEDZINSKI KATHLEEN SOLSMAN SARAH SORRELLS KAITLYN STAUFF KELLY STEINMETZ WILLIAM STEVENS MATTHEW STRONEY MARK STRUNK KYLE SUPLEE REBEKAH TASKER KRISTI THOMAS KATHLEEN TIMLIN HEENA TOLANI JOSEPH TOMKO NICHOLAS TRAINO COLLEEN TUNIS TIA UBALDINI CYNTHIA UCHIC JILL VALENTINI CHRISTINE VALVANO AMANDA VINCIGUERRA MELODY VINCIGUERRA ALEXANDER VOLZ ERIN WALSH LACEY WALSH EUGENE WALSH JOSEPH WARD AMY WASKO SUSAN WEAVER ERIC WETTERLIN LINDA WISHARD BENJAMIN WOLK HANNAH WOOLF GEORGE WYNNE GEORGE YAKUBISIN NICOLE YAZINSKI DEBORAH YEARING BENJAMIN YOUNG KATELYN ABRAHAM KELLY ADAMS JOHNATHAN AHBEZ MILLER DEBRA ALIMENTI AUDREY ALTEMOSE ISABEL ANDERSON BRENDA ANDES PAUL JOHN ARVAY JAMES ATEN MICHELLE AULD ANGELA BABIO TRACY BARBER LORI BARRETT ALYSSA BARTOLI ROSA BARTOLUCCI LAURA BEARBY EILEEN BELL DIANE BIELINSKI MARY LYNN BLASI DANA BLOOM JILLIAN BOCHNOVICH PATRICIA BOHAN PATRICK BOLES MICHAEL BOULOS HEATHER BREWER JALEN BRIDGES MELISSA BRIGGS ANGEL BROWDER SUSAN BROWN CONOR BULLARD TIFFANY BURCH JEREMIAH BURDICK GLENN BURGE DAVID BURGE CYNTHIA CACIOPPO CARMEN CAPUTO DEBORAH CAREY JOSEPH CARLIN DIANE CARNEY MICHELLE CARR BRYANNE CARUSO ALISON CASTELLINO PAULINA CENNI MOLLY CHAMBERS FELICITY CHEE ROSS CIANFLONE FRANK CIMINO JAKE CIULLO DOMINIQUE CLARK SAMANTHA CLARK KRISTI CLEVELAND NATALIJA CODELLA MICHAEL COLE CATHY COLLINS JUDITH COMERFORD ANTHONY CONSALVO LATOYA COOPER KRISTEN CORRADO MICHAEL COURY RONA COVALESKY ROSEMARIE COYNE ADAM CRAHALL SARAH CREWS LAWRENCE CRIMI LESLY CULKIN FREDERICK CURCIO PATRICIA CURLEY GEORGE CZAJKOWSKI ANGELO DECESARIS SALVATORE DEFRANCESCO JENNIFER DEJONGE KATHLEEN DELEO KATELYN DEMERS MARGARET DERMODY MARIA DERTINGER MICHAEL DESARRO CANDACE DEXHEIMER CHRISTOPHER DiPIETRO TYLENE DODGE CAROL DOLAN CYNTHIA DOPKO STEPHANIE DOWLING MARISSA DROBNICKI DEREK DUNSTONE LORIANN EDWARDS MARYANN ELLEFSEN VIRGINIA ERNST ROBERT FARRELL ELIZABETH FELICIANO WILLIAM FENNIE BRITTANI FENTON JOHN FERRETT SHANAY FIGUEROA MATTHEW FISCH BRANDI FOX JOANN FULLER LAWLESS CAREY GARVEY ELIZABETH GILGALLON DENISE GIOGAIA ANTHONY GIOVAGNOLI TRACEY GOLDEN RACHEL GOODWIN JOSHUA GORTON AARON GORYL TERESA GOZIK TYSON ELIZABETH GRAHAM CONNIE GREENAMOYER KRISTIN GREIS ELIESE GRELLA JOHN GROCHOWSKI KRISTIN GROW RENEE GRUBE SHAWNA HALLEY LOGAN HANSMAN CARRIE HART MICHELLE HAUSMANN KENNETH HEATER TIFFANY HEWITT CAROL HILTON THERESA HINTON NEIL HOCKENBERRY MELINDA HOFFNER ROBERT HOOPER RACHEL HOUCK KIANA HUBBARD DENA HUGHES SUSAN HYNDS JAMES IGOE DELBERT JAMES CHRISTA JENNINGS MARK JOBES JUDI ANN JOCSAK CANDICE JOHNSON DRAGAN JOKIC NICOLE JUDGE DONNA KANE MICHAEL KARPOVICH ALYSSA KAUFFMAN HARDEEP KAUR HEATHER KAZINETZ CURTIS KEMMERER SANDRA KENNEDY AMY KERR VIRGINIA KIELAR ANDREW KILPATRICK STEPHANIE KINNEY SARAH KLINE BRANDON KLINE SARAH KNOBLE BARRETT KOTCH NOELLE KREMPASKY GEETHA KUMAR NICHOLAS KUZDRO BETH LANGSTON MARIANE LANK BRIAR LAURITO MARIA LAWLER DIANE LAYMAN CHRISTIJO LAZOR ALYSSA LEHR JODY LEWIS LISA LILLY KERRY LOBEL STEFANIE LOBEL BRYAN LOFTUS SUSAN MAE LUCAS LAUREN LUONGO WILLIAM MALITSCH ANGEL MANDARANO MICHAEL MARINELLI MARY ANN MARRANCA MARY MARSHALL RACHEL MARSILI JOANN MARSILI TRINITY MCANDREW WILLIAM MCANDREW JASON MCCABE KEVIN MCCORMICK JESSICA MCDONNELL MICHELLE MCMASTER RILEY MCNALLY MARY MCNICHOLS JANIE MCROY LISA MINOR MONIQUE MONTAQUE ERIC MONTELLA THOMAS MOORE DONNA MUIR SHARON MULLANEY LIRIKA NASHI GEORGE NEUBAUER NATALIE NIEVES CHRISTOPHER OBRIEN JAMES OBRIEN TIMOTHY OBRIEN ERICH OLSEN THOMAS OMALLEY CAROLYN ORTMAN RICHARD ORTMAN DIANE PACOVICH MICHAEL PACYNA CHRISTOPHER PAGANO NICHOLAS PARISE JOHN PASH CHERISSE PEATEN GWENDOLYN PENSYL CARLOS PEREZ GUTIERREZ DAVENE PERRUSO CAROL PETLISKI JOANNE PEZZUTI REBECCA PHILLIPS HANNAH PIERRE MARY PIERRE GRACE PINEDA MAUREEN POLSTER KENDRA PORTAS CARMELLA PRINGLE-KUZDRO JEFFREY RAKE CARLO RAMELAH VICTORIA RANDIS DEBORAH RATUSZNY THOMAS REGENSKI MARY REID KAREN RENFER ROBERT RILEY ANNA MARIA RITTLE SOPHIA ROBINSON KRISTOPHER ROGERS THERESA ROGINSKI ROSELIS ROJAS SADIE ROTH MARY ANN ROUSHEY LORI ROWKER ALAN RUDALAVAGE TODD SAAB MELISSA SADAKA MICHELE SANTANIELLO ALEXIS SANTANIELLO DANIEL SANTANIELLO DAVID SAXTON MICHELE SCHMIDT KEVIN SCOTCH JAMES SEGUIN ALLYSON SELIGA SAMANTHA SELITTO SHARON SHEPERIS HANNAH SHURTLEFF MADISON SICKLER CONNIE LEE SILVIUS WAYNE SILVIUS KELLEAH SIMONSON ELIZABETH SIMPSON MARTIN SKODOCEK CHRIS SLEDZINSKI KATHLEEN SOLSMAN SARAH SORRELLS KAITLYN STAUFF KELLY STEINMETZ WILLIAM STEVENS MATTHEW STRONEY MARK STRUNK KYLE SUPLEE REBEKAH TASKER KRISTI THOMAS KATHLEEN TIMLIN HEENA TOLANI JOSEPH TOMKO NICHOLAS TRAINO COLLEEN TUNIS TIA UBALDINI CYNTHIA UCHIC JILL VALENTINI CHRISTINE VALVANO AMANDA VINCIGUERRA MELODY VINCIGUERRA ALEXANDER VOLZ ERIN WALSH LACEY WALSH EUGENE WALSH JOSEPH WARD AMY WASKO SUSAN WEAVER ERIC WETTERLIN LINDA WISHARD BENJAMIN WOLK HANNAH WOOLF GEORGE WYNNE GEORGE YAKUBISIN NICOLE YAZINSKI DEBORAH YEARING BENJAMIN YOUNG KATELYN ABRAHAM KELLY ADAMS JOHNATHAN AHBEZ MILLER DEBRA ALIMENTI AUDREY ALTEMOSE ISABEL ANDERSON BRENDA ANDES PAUL JOHN ARVAY JAMES ATEN MICHELLE AULD ANGELA BABIO TRACY BARBER LORI BARRETT ALYSSA BARTOLI ROSA BARTOLUCCI LAURA BEARBY EILEEN BELL DIANE BIELINSKI MARY LYNN BLASI DANA BLOOM JILLIAN BOCHNOVICH PATRICIA BOHAN PATRICK BOLES MICHAEL BOULOS HEATHER BREWER JALEN BRIDGES MELISSA BRIGGS ANGEL BROWDER SUSAN BROWN CONOR BULLARD TIFFANY BURCH JEREMIAH BURDICK GLENN BURGE DAVID BURGE CYNTHIA CACIOPPO CARMEN CAPUTO DEBORAH CAREY JOSEPH CARLIN DIANE CARNEY MICHELLE CARR BRYANNE CARUSO ALISON CASTELLINO PAULINA CENNI MOLLY CHAMBERS FELICITY CHEE ROSS CIANFLONE FRANK CIMINO JAKE CIULLO DOMINIQUE CLARK SAMANTHA CLARK KRISTI CLEVELAND NATALIJA CODELLA MICHAEL COLE CATHY COLLINS JUDITH COMERFORD ANTHONY CONSALVO LATOYA COOPER KRISTEN CORRADO MICHAEL COURY RONA COVALESKY ROSEMARIE COYNE ADAM CRAHALL SARAH CREWS LAWRENCE CRIMI LESLY CULKIN FREDERICK CURCIO PATRICIA CURLEY GEORGE CZAJKOWSKI ANGELO DECESARIS SALVATORE DEFRANCESCO JENNIFER DEJONGE KATHLEEN DELEO KATELYN DEMERS MARGARET DERMODY MARIA DERTINGER MICHAEL DESARRO CANDACE DEXHEIMER CHRISTOPHER DiPIETRO TYLENE DODGE CAROL DOLAN CYNTHIA DOPKO STEPHANIE DOWLING MARISSA DROBNICKI DEREK DUNSTONE LORIANN EDWARDS MARYANN ELLEFSEN VIRGINIA ERNST ROBERT FARRELL ELIZABETH FELICIANO WILLIAM FENNIE BRITTANI FENTON JOHN FERRETT SHANAY FIGUEROA MATTHEW FISCH BRANDI FOX JOANN FULLER LAWLESS CAREY GARVEY ELIZABETH GILGALLON DENISE GIOGAIA ANTHONY GIOVAGNOLI TRACEY GOLDEN RACHEL GOODWIN JOSHUA GORTON AARON GORYL TERESA GOZIK TYSON ELIZABETH GRAHAM CONNIE GREENAMOYER KRISTIN GREIS ELIESE GRELLA JOHN GROCHOWSKI KRISTIN GROW RENEE GRUBE SHAWNA HALLEY LOGAN HANSMAN CARRIE HART MICHELLE HAUSMANN KENNETH HEATER TIFFANY HEWITT CAROL HILTON THERESA HINTON NEIL HOCKENBERRY MELINDA HOFFNER ROBERT HOOPER RACHEL HOUCK KIANA HUBBARD DENA HUGHES SUSAN HYNDS JAMES IGOE DELBERT JAMES CHRISTA JENNINGS MARK JOBES JUDI ANN JOCSAK CANDICE JOHNSON DRAGAN JOKIC NICOLE JUDGE DONNA KANE MICHAEL KARPOVICH ALYSSA KAUFFMAN HARDEEP KAUR HEATHER KAZINETZ CURTIS KEMMERER SANDRA KENNEDY AMY KERR VIRGINIA KIELAR ANDREW KILPATRICK STEPHANIE KINNEY SARAH KLINE BRANDON KLINE SARAH KNOBLE BARRETT KOTCH NOELLE KREMPASKY GEETHA KUMAR NICHOLAS KUZDRO BETH LANGSTON MARIANE LANK BRIAR LAURITO MARIA LAWLER DIANE LAYMAN CHRISTIJO LAZOR ALYSSA LEHR JODY LEWIS LISA LILLY KERRY LOBEL STEFANIE LOBEL BRYAN LOFTUS SUSAN MAE LUCAS LAUREN LUONGO WILLIAM MALITSCH ANGEL MANDARANO MICHAEL MARINELLI MARY ANN MARRANCA MARY MARSHALL RACHEL MARSILI JOANN MARSILI TRINITY MCANDREW WILLIAM MCANDREW JASON MCCABE KEVIN MCCORMICK JESSICA MCDONNELL MICHELLE MCMASTER RILEY MCNALLY MARY MCNICHOLS JANIE MCROY LISA MINOR MONIQUE MONTAQUE ERIC MONTELLA THOMAS MOORE DONNA MUIR SHARON MULLANEY LIRIKA NASHI GEORGE NEUBAUER NATALIE NIEVES CHRISTOPHER OBRIEN JAMES OBRIEN TIMOTHY OBRIEN ERICH OLSEN THOMAS OMALLEY CAROLYN ORTMAN RICHARD ORTMAN DIANE PACOVICH MICHAEL PACYNA CHRISTOPHER PAGANO NICHOLAS PARISE JOHN PASH CHERISSE PEATEN GWENDOLYN PENSYL CARLOS PEREZ GUTIERREZ DAVENE PERRUSO CAROL PETLISKI JOANNE PEZZUTI REBECCA PHILLIPS HANNAH PIERRE MARY PIERRE GRACE PINEDA MAUREEN POLSTER KENDRA PORTAS CARMELLA PRINGLE-KUZDRO JEFFREY RAKE CARLO RAMELAH VICTORIA RANDIS DEBORAH RATUSZNY THOMAS REGENSKI MARY REID KAREN RENFER ROBERT RILEY ANNA MARIA RITTLE SOPHIA ROBINSON KRISTOPHER ROGERS THERESA ROGINSKI ROSELIS ROJAS SADIE ROTH MARY ANN ROUSHEY LORI ROWKER ALAN RUDALAVAGE TODD SAAB MELISSA SADAKA MICHELE SANTANIELLO ALEXIS SANTANIELLO DANIEL SANTANIELLO DAVID SAXTON MICHELE SCHMIDT KEVIN SCOTCH JAMES SEGUIN ALLYSON SELIGA SAMANTHA SELITTO SHARON SHEPERIS HANNAH SHURTLEFF MADISON SICKLER CONNIE LEE SILVIUS WAYNE SILVIUS KELLEAH SIMONSON ELIZABETH SIMPSON MARTIN SKODOCEK CHRIS SLEDZINSKI KATHLEEN SOLSMAN SARAH SORRELLS KAITLYN STAUFF KELLY STEINMETZ WILLIAM STEVENS MATTHEW STRONEY MARK STRUNK KYLE SUPLEE REBEKAH TASKER KRISTI THOMAS KATHLEEN TIMLIN HEENA TOLANI JOSEPH TOMKO NICHOLAS TRAINO COLLEEN TUNIS TIA UBALDINI CYNTHIA UCHIC JILL VALENTINI CHRISTINE VALVANO AMANDA VINCIGUERRA MELODY VINCIGUERRA ALEXANDER VOLZ ERIN WALSH LACEY WALSH EUGENE WALSH JOSEPH WARD AMY WASKO SUSAN WEAVER ERIC WETTERLIN LINDA WISHARD BENJAMIN WOLK HANNAH WOOLF GEORGE WYNNE GEORGE YAKUBISIN NICOLE YAZINSKI DEBORAH YEARING BENJAMIN YOUNG KATELYN ABRAHAM KELLY ADAMS JOHNATHAN AHBEZ MILLER DEBRA ALIMENTI AUDREY ALTEMOSE ISABEL ANDERSON BRENDA ANDES PAUL JOHN ARVAY JAMES ATEN MICHELLE AULD ANGELA BABIO TRACY BARBER LORI BARRETT ALYSSA BARTOLI ROSA BARTOLUCCI LAURA BEARBY EILEEN BELL DIANE BIELINSKI MARY LYNN BLASI DANA BLOOM JILLIAN BOCHNOVICH PATRICIA BOHAN PATRICK BOLES MICHAEL BOULOS HEATHER BREWER JALEN BRIDGES MELISSA BRIGGS ANGEL BROWDER SUSAN BROWN CONOR BULLARD TIFFANY BURCH JEREMIAH BURDICK GLENN BURGE DAVID BURGE CYNTHIA CACIOPPO CARMEN CAPUTO DEBORAH CAREY JOSEPH CARLIN DIANE CARNEY MICHELLE CARR BRYANNE CARUSO ALISON CASTELLINO PAULINA CENNI MOLLY CHAMBERS FELICITY CHEE ROSS CIANFLONE FRANK CIMINO JAKE CIULLO DOMINIQUE CLARK SAMANTHA CLARK KRISTI CLEVELAND NATALIJA CODELLA MICHAEL COLE CATHY COLLINS JUDITH COMERFORD ANTHONY CONSALVO LATOYA COOPER KRISTEN CORRADO MICHAEL COURY RONA COVALESKY ROSEMARIE COYNE ADAM CRAHALL SARAH CREWS LAWRENCE CRIMI LESLY CULKIN FREDERICK CURCIO PATRICIA CURLEY GEORGE CZAJKOWSKI ANGELO DECESARIS SALVATORE DEFRANCESCO JENNIFER DEJONGE KATHLEEN DELEO KATELYN DEMERS MARGARET DERMODY MARIA DERTINGER MICHAEL DESARRO CANDACE DEXHEIMER CHRISTOPHER DiPIETRO TYLENE DODGE CAROL DOLAN CYNTHIA DOPKO STEPHANIE DOWLING MARISSA DROBNICKI DEREK DUNSTONE LORIANN EDWARDS MARYANN ELLEFSEN VIRGINIA ERNST ROBERT FARRELL ELIZABETH FELICIANO WILLIAM FENNIE BRITTANI FENTON JOHN FERRETT SHANAY FIGUEROA MATTHEW FISCH BRANDI FOX JOANN FULLER LAWLESS CAREY GARVEY ELIZABETH GILGALLON DENISE GIOGAIA ANTHONY GIOVAGNOLI TRACEY GOLDEN RACHEL GOODWIN JOSHUA GORTON AARON GORYL TERESA GOZIK TYSON ELIZABETH GRAHAM CONNIE GREENAMOYER KRISTIN GREIS ELIESE GRELLA JOHN GROCHOWSKI KRISTIN GROW RENEE GRUBE SHAWNA HALLEY LOGAN HANSMAN CARRIE HART MICHELLE HAUSMANN KENNETH HEATER TIFFANY HEWITT CAROL HILTON THERESA HINTON NEIL HOCKENBERRY MELINDA HOFFNER ROBERT HOOPER RACHEL HOUCK KIANA HUBBARD DENA HUGHES SUSAN HYNDS JAMES IGOE DELBERT JAMES CHRISTA STANDING STRONG | F I D E L I T Y D & D B A N C O R P , I N C . | 2 0 2 0 A N N U A L R E P O R T Message to our Valued Shareholders: The Board of Directors and Fidelity Bankers are very pleased to report that the Company ended the year with net income of $13.0 million, or $2.82 diluted earnings per share. The Fidelity Bankers’ commitment to building mutually beneficial relationships, and partnering with our clients to achieve financial success, has generated strong growth in loans, deposits and non-interest income, and continues to produce exceptional shareholder value. By the end of 2020, total assets reached approximately $1.7 billion – a 68.3% increase over 2019. The Bank’s strategic focus on a value-added banking experience has continued to differentiate the Fidelity Bank brand. Following a decade of economic expansion, 2020 was a year of unprecedented disruption as the COVID-19 pandemic affected millions of lives and impacted the worldwide economy. In April, the national unemployment rate soared to a record 14.7%, reflecting efforts to contain the rising pandemic. To support the flow of credit and mitigate the negative impact, the Federal Reserve responded with $2.3 trillion in loans and by year’s end, the national unemployment rate fell by 8 percentage points to 6.7%. Spurred by a decade of prudent regulation and capital strengthening, U.S. banks maintained strong loan and asset quality throughout this unsettling time. By the end of 2021, a gradual recovery of the U.S. economy is anticipated and banking institutions that have taken steps to strengthen productivity, increase efficiency, and enhance risk and credit management will be well-positioned to propel the recovery and benefit from it. An Exceptional Year Amidst the many challenges of the pandemic, Fidelity Bank has achieved record financial results and increased an already strong capital position. In 2020, net income increased $1.5 million or 13% over 2019, driven by higher net interest income and additional non-interest income, resulting in $14.7 million in total revenue growth; the return on average assets and return on average equity stands at 0.87% and 9.06% respectively. Excluding merger related expenses, net income would have been $15.4 million. Two Storied Banks Become One In May of 2020, Fidelity Bank completed its strategic acquisition of MNB Corporation and its wholly owned subsidiary, Merchants Bank of Bangor. The merger positions the Bank for strong and profitable growth as it expands the Fidelity brand in the Lehigh Valley, a growing, vibrant market for community banking, ranked among the Top 5 metropolitan regions in its population size nationwide and the third-best region in the Northeast U.S. in 2019 for economic development. Due to both the merger and organic growth, in 2020, Fidelity Bank grew assets by $690 million, or 68%. The fair value of assets acquired from MNB represent 45% of that increase. The merged organization now spans four counties, providing clients increased convenience with access to 20 branches, all offering the full range of consumer and business products and services. These include a Wealth Management Division with advanced financial planning capabilities, advanced cash management tools to help business clients to manage cash flow, a full array of digital banking services, and a 7-day-a-week Customer Care Center. In addition, with Fidelity Bank’s increased lending authority and substantial technology investment, the merger brings the benefits of both enhanced scale and greater operating efficiency in the Lehigh Valley market. The Company's Board of Directors is proud to welcome Merchants Bank bankers, clients and shareholders, and also extend a warm welcome to HelenBeth G. Vilcek and Richard M. Hotchkiss, who have joined the Board of Directors of Fidelity D & D Bancorp, Inc. and of Fidelity Bank. Setting New Records Ranked as the #1 mortgage lender in the Lackawanna County market for the past 11 years, Fidelity Bank has continued to maintain its position as market leader in Northeast PA. From residential mortgage lending and consumer lending, to commercial and business financing, the Company achieved strong originations across all portfolios, realizing a year-end level of loans in excess of $1 billion, a 52% increase over 2019. With increased mortgage volume throughout the year, residential mortgage loan origination reached a total of $233.1 million, as compared to $74.4 million in 2019. In the Lehigh Valley, the Bank brought its mortgage expertise to the table and doubled the number of mortgage originators, resulting in a record year in loans for the Lehigh Valley operation. The record growth in the loan portfolio was funded by a record year in deposits. As of December 31, 2020, total year-to-date average deposits increased by $457 million, or by approximately 56% when compared to 2019 year-to-date average deposits. In Lackawanna County, the Bank rose to 3rd position in deposit market share while nearly doubling its deposit base in Luzerne County after adding two additional branches in that market since 2018. The Wealth Management Division also experienced a record year, achieving a record level of assets under management of $587.8 million and realizing $2.5 million in revenue. The Bank’s continued growth in loans, deposits, and non-interest income reflects the Fidelity Bankers’ ongoing commitment to building relationships and partnering with clients to achieve financial success. Responding to the COVID Crisis To safeguard the health, safety and well-being of bankers, clients and the community, and to ensure business continuity, in March 2020, the Company activated its pandemic contingency response plan and provided clients easy-to-use digital banking options, reducing the need for in-person banking. As the pandemic took its toll on consumers, businesses and workers, the government responded with aggressive fiscal and monetary policies. Through the Small Business Administration CARES Act, the Bank funded 1,551 Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans for over $159 million, providing critical support to small businesses and earning Fidelity Bank recognition as one of the top PPP lenders. As a result, the Fidelity Bankers were able to help businesses keep over 36,000 workers employed. Fidelity Bank’s loan forbearance programs provided short-term relief. By year’s end, a total of 1,429 borrowers located within the communities the Bank serves had been granted hardship relief payment deferrals. For Fidelity Bankers, the COVID crisis created an opportunity to demonstrate their deep commitment to clients, and to help businesses, individuals and communities in the Bank’s market areas through an unparalleled time. A Clear Focus on the Client Experience Guided by the Bank’s strategic focus on building strong, lasting client relationships, the Fidelity Bankers have continued to execute on a strategic plan centered on meeting clients’ financial needs and on delivering client experiences that are second to none. This is what enables Fidelity Bank to achieve strong financial performance. It is the result of continuous improvement supported by the Board of Directors’ commitment to professional development, creating a team of Trusted Financial Advisors. To support exceptional client experiences, Fidelity Bankers are given the training and resources they need to cultivate deeper and broader relationships with their clients and to build solid partnerships for financial success. Fidelity Bankers are further empowered to deliver the best possible experience to the client, resulting in increased client loyalty. Recognizing and appreciating the high level of commitment Fidelity Bankers bring to each and every relationship, the readers of the Scranton Times once again voted Fidelity Bank “Best Bank” in the marketplace for the fourth year in a row and for seven out of the last eight years. Creating Sustainable Shareholder Value The Bank's strategic approach to delivering value to clients through a successful relationship management strategy creates long-term shareholder value and more diversified and stable revenue streams. Because of a strong appreciation of stock price, the Bank has been ranked among the top 3 in shareholder return in the last five years. This has resulted in an increased dividend payment for the last six years in a row, with a total dividend for 2020 of $1.14 per share, as compared to $1.06 per share in 2019, a 7.5% increase. 3 schools and children’s educational programs. Throughout the year, over $1.3 million in donations and sponsorships were awarded to community groups and local non-profits through Fidelity Bank and the Fidelity D & D Charitable Foundation. In addition, Fidelity Bankers are provided with volunteer time off to support the community causes that matter most to them. Continuing its commitment to be a good corporate partner within its market areas by giving back its time, talent, and treasure, Fidelity Bank provided nearly 1,400 hours of volunteer time to non-profit organizations, helping these groups bring relief to communities at a critical time. Looking to the Future The Fidelity D & D Bancorp, Inc, and Fidelity Bank's Board of Directors also welcomes directors William J. Joyce and Alan Silverman. The Board, along with Management, understands the opportunities and challenges ahead and has positioned the Company to navigate effectively through the current global and regional economic climate. The Bank’s balance sheet remains very healthy, capital levels are well above regulatory levels, and the Fidelity Bank “Brand” stands tall within the marketplace. In the Lehigh Valley, Fidelity Bank has launched a powerful sales and marketing plan that capitalizes on the many opportunities to build strong relationships with clients, prospects, and the community. The branding campaign launched in both the Northeast and the Lehigh Valley, inviting clients to “Experience the Exceptional,” is based around the Bank’s continued accolades. The events of this turbulent year have redefined new ways of working and doing business, triggering a powerful demand for expanded digital access. To satisfy this increased demand, the Company continues to invest in secure information technology systems, fully leveraging technology in order to facilitate client interaction and deepen connections with clients. The Fidelity Bankers will continue to execute on the strategic plan that provides trusted financial advice to consumers and businesses. These strong and lasting relationships help create stable and diverse revenue streams through the delivery of appropriate products and services. Always Fidelity Faithful to the knowledge that our commitment to clients is the foundation of Fidelity Bank’s success, the Company’s 300 Fidelity Bankers will continue to build strong relationships and to deliver exceptional client experiences. The Bank will remain passionate about achieving success for bankers and clients, and will be fully committed to delivering value to shareholders, while remaining invested in the sustainability of the communities it serves. As the Company continues to progress and evolve, the principles that have guided Fidelity Bank’s growth and created the foundation for strong financial performance will continue to shape its future. Sincerely, Brian J. Cali, Chairman of the Board Daniel J. Santaniello, President and Chief Executive Officer The Bank’s consistent financial performance continues to achieve national industry recognition. For seven consecutive years, American Banker Magazine has identified Fidelity Bank as one of the Top 200 Community Banks in the country and the 79th most profitable public community bank in the nation, based on a three-year return on average equity. The national rating agency, Bauer Financial, has once again rated Fidelity Bank as a 5 Star "Superior" banking institution as well. Committed to our Communities As a community bank, Fidelity Bank’s mission is to be a good corporate partner, working to strengthen local economies while investing to build a better future. This past year, as COVID’s economic impact was felt across the nation, Fidelity Bankers rose to the challenge, supporting those in need within Northeastern Pennsylvania and the Lehigh Valley. To help alleviate hunger, donations were provided to community partners, including non-profit groups such as Friends of the Poor, The Weinberg Northeast Regional Food Bank, and the Electric City Connection. The Bank also participated in economic development initiatives to help struggling people and businesses, and continued to contribute to BOARD OF DIRECTORS BRIAN J. CALI, CHAIRMAN MICHAEL J. MCDONALD, VICE CHAIRMAN DANIEL J. SANTANIELLO, PRESIDENT AND CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER JOHN T. COGNETTI, SECRETARY RICHARD M. HOTCHKISS WILLIAM J. JOYCE RICHARD J. LETTIERI MARY E. MCDONALD, ASSISTANT SECRETARY KRISTIN D. O’DONNELL ALAN SILVERMAN HELENBETH GAROFALO VILCEK STANDING STRONG | F I D E L I T Y D & D B A N C O R P , I N C . | 2 0 2 0 A N N U A L R E P O R T FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS 5 STANDING STRONG | F I D E L I T Y D & D B A N C O R P , I N C . | 2 0 2 0 A N N U A L R E P O R T STRENGTHENING Our RELATIONSHIPS There are moments when a storm surges around us. If you are prepared, it unlocks your true strength. 2020 was an extraordinary year – one that put all of us to the test. In March, as the health and economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic became increasingly clear, Fidelity Bank began proactive initiatives to safeguard the health, safety and well-being of bankers, clients and the community. To ensure business continuity, a pandemic contingency response was implemented, including the following measures: • Installing proper social distancing signs and markers, to include safety barriers for both bankers and clients, encouraging proper separation as recommended by the CDC. • Expanding use of online, mobile, digital account opening, telephone banking, night drop and ATMs to meet clients’ banking needs. • Adding resources to the Customer Care Center to manage increased call and chat volume. • Activating telecommunications capabilities to enable Fidelity Bankers to work-from-home while conducting meetings virtually. • Providing Fidelity Bankers personal protective equipment and disinfectant supplies when working on-site. • Scheduling in-person meetings by appointment only, observing the guidelines of social distancing and personal safety as recommended by health and safety officials. • Enhancing EPA approved cleaning and disinfecting protocols implemented at all locations, including utilizing ionization machines when required. • Increasing the fresh air intake and using anti-viral filters in all HVAC units, above OSHA regulations. 6 In addition to these measures, procedures were implemented allowing 40% of bankers to work from home; front line branch staff were rewarded with “Hero” pay; and throughout the pandemic, no Fidelity Banker was furloughed or missed a paycheck. These measures allowed Fidelity Bankers to meet client needs safely, while continuing to offer exceptional client experiences. As the storm surged, Fidelity Bankers stayed fully attuned to the financial needs of consumer and business clients, providing them with solutions based upon their needs. Their commitment to building strong and lasting relationships with clients is Fidelity Bank’s true strength, guiding the way forward as Fidelity Bankers continue to create financial success for all stakeholders. In the midst of the crisis, the readers of the Scranton Times voted Fidelity Bank “Best Bank” in the marketplace for the fourth year in a row and for the seventh time since 2013. Once again, the community recognized and appreciated the high level of commitment Fidelity Bankers bring to each and every client relationship. 40% of bankers worked from home, front line branch staff were rewarded with “Hero” pay, and no Fidelity Banker was furloughed or missed a paycheck. 7 STANDING STRONG | F I D E L I T Y D & D B A N C O R P , I N C . | 2 0 2 0 A N N U A L R E P O R T STANDING BY Our CLIENTS Once you’ve set the goal, teamwork is the way forward. Dr. Joseph Dreier, Dr. Raymond Joseph, Dr. Jeanne Dreier, Renal Consultants of Wyoming Valley For many business owners, the financial consequences of the pandemic proved particularly harsh. Throughout the crisis, Fidelity Bank stood by clients, providing critical financial sup- port through the Small Business Administration CARES Act. As a result of this relief effort, businesses located within the Bank’s footprint were able to keep over 36,000 workers em- ployed, helping to stabilize the local economy. The Bank’s rapid launch of a digital Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) portal that allowed quick access to funding was considered a lifesaver by many businesses. Tim McNair is the CFO of BRD Noise and Vibration Control, a company specializing in precision-made HVAC acoustic design solutions, located in Wind Gap, PA. McNair recalls the confusion surrounding the national PPP program launch: “The first week was chaos. Orders had stopped and businesses were scrambling, trying to access PPP funding.” According to McNair, Fidelity Bank’s ability to provide an Tim McNair, CFO BRD Noise and Vibration Control, Inc. easy-to-use portal and quick access to funding was a huge confidence builder. “What they did with their PPP portal was remarkable. I was able to file in five minutes and was approved in a couple of days.” When it comes to digital technology and client responsiveness, McNair says that Fidelity Bank is “worlds ahead” of other banks. “Our experience with Fidelity was outstanding. They are nimble. They value our business. And they were there when we needed them.” Founded in 1972, Renal Consultants of Wyoming Valley is the largest private nephrology practice in Northeast PA. Since transitioning from another bank several years ago, the practice has enjoyed an excellent relationship with Fidelity Bank and uses a variety of the Bank’s business services, including a line of credit, online bill-pay and cash flow management. They also used Fidelity to finance a recent property purchase. “They made the financing process very easy,” says Dr. Raymond Joseph, a principal, “their business banking services are wonderful.” When the COVID crisis hit in March, Dr. Joseph recalls the uncertainty of not knowing how the crisis would impact the practice and its staff, or what the practice qualified for as the PPP program was introduced. “It was a relief to have a knowledgeable person who could give us clear answers,” says Dr. Joseph. “We care for a very vulnerable group of patients. Fidelity Bank’s assistance with the PPP process allowed us to keep our focus on our patients at a very critical time.” Standing by clients and helping them to succeed—in good times and in bad—is the cornerstone of Fidelity Bank’s success. In a time of great need, Fidelity Bankers came through to help their clients protect their investment, safeguarding local jobs and keep the local economy moving forward. 9 STANDING STRONG | F I D E L I T Y D & D B A N C O R P , I N C . | 2 0 2 0 A N N U A L R E P O R T GROWING Our OPPORTUNITIES A clear vision lights the way to success. As Fidelity Bank navigated the challenges posed by the pandemic, it continued to move forward with a strategic plan that would create significant growth opportunities and deliver value to clients, shareholders and the local communities. The merged organization is $1.7 billion in assets, spans four counties, and provides clients access to 20 branches, all offering the full range of benefits provided by the Fidelity Bank brand. the Bank’s financial performance. For the seventh consecutive year, the American Bankers Association has identified Fidelity Bank as one of the “Top 200 Community Banks in the Country” for achieving a three-year return on average equity (ROAE) of 10.78%, which ranked Fidelity Bank as the 79th most profitable public community bank in the nation in 2019 (from over 500 publicly traded community banks with assets less than $2 billion). Bauer Financial, an independent rating company that analyzes and reports on the performance of U.S. banks and credit unions, once again rated Fidelity Bank as a 5 Star “Superior” banking institution. The Bank’s strategic approach of delivering value to clients through successful relationship management has continued to create strong financial results and long-term shareholder value. According to Fidelity Chairman Brian J. Cali, in the last four years, shares of stock in Fidelity Bank have more than doubled, in addition, from 2015 to 2020, Fidelity Bank has ranked among the top three in the nation of all publicly traded banks in five-year total return to shareholders. The banking industry’s most respected independent reporting agencies continue to recognize These accomplishments are a direct result of a relationship- based culture in which Fidelity Bankers are fully invested in the On May 1st, Fidelity Bank closed on the acquisition of MNB Corporation and its wholly owned subsidiary, Merchants Bank of Bangor, unifying two storied community banks and extending the Fidelity Bank footprint into the Lehigh Valley. Ranked for a fourth consecutive year among the Top 5 metropolitan regions nationwide with a population size between 200,000 and 1 million, and the third-best region in the Northeast for economic development, Lehigh Valley is a vibrant community banking market that presents new opportunities for continued profitable growth. 10 success of their clients and their communities, and work actively to sustain an environment that promotes ongoing success through relationships, integrity, innovation, passion, and commitment. Fidelity Bank, in turn, is fully invested in the success of its bankers, providing them with the training and knowledge required for them to fulfill their role as trusted advisors who can deliver customized solutions to financial issues. Brian J. Cali | Chairman of the Board | Fidelity Bank “On December 31, 2020, the size of this institution is $1.7 billion dollars—an unbelievable accomplishment in a very difficult year.” Lehigh Valley Corporate Center Crestwood Education Foundation KEEPING Our COMMUNITIES STRONG. We are on this journey together. Beginning in March 2020, COVID-19’s economic impact reverberated throughout the communities Fidelity Bank serves. As work hours were reduced and jobs were lost, many families – especially children and senior citizens – faced food and housing insecurity, and area non-profits struggled to keep up with the growing challenge. struggling people and businesses. To assist those with emergency food hardships, Fidelity Bank and its Board of Directors made a gift to Friends of the Poor in honor of David L. Tressler. Additional donations were made to other groups dedicated to alleviating hunger in our communities, including the Weinberg Northeast Regional Food Bank and the Electric City Connection. The Bank also provided support to organizations that work to make our communities safer, better places to live, such as the Wright Township’s Volunteer Fireman’s Association that was awarded a $15,000 Impact Grant, finalizing the grand opening of the Bank’s Mountain Top branch. Altogether, over $1.3 million in donations and sponsorships were awarded throughout the year to community groups and local non-profits through Fidelity Bank and the Fidelity D & D Charitable Foundation. In addition to these donations, Fidelity Bank provided nearly 1,400 hours of volunteer time to non-profit organizations, continuing its commitment to be a good corporate partner within its market areas. Throughout this critical time, Fidelity Bank worked with its community partners to support crisis relief efforts, providing donations and participating in many economic development initiatives focused on helping 12 STANDING STRONG | F I D E L I T Y D & D B A N C O R P , I N C . | 2 0 2 0 A N N U A L R E P O R T “Fidelity is the first place I think of when I need help. They’ve been amazing. They’ve helped us to go above and beyond and to be successful in so many ways.” ANITA JO PAUKOVITS EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR & PRESIDENT CHILDREN’S HOME OF EASTON Fidelity Bank is deeply committed to the communities in both Northeastern Pennsylvania and the Lehigh Valley. In the midst of an unprecedented crisis, Fidelity Bankers demonstrated that commitment, reaching out to help those most affected by the pandemic. In 2021, all 300 Fidelity Bankers will continue to address the needs of our communities and to support the organizations that can make the greatest impact. By working together with community organizations, Fidelity Bank can continue to make a difference. Making a Difference in Children’s Lives The Children’s Home of Easton is a local non-profit agency that provides a caring environment for vulnerable youth and adolescents in need. The Home’s Health and Wellness Program teaches about healthy life choices and healthy lifestyles, and even includes a beekeeper’s project. “The children love it,” says Executive Director and President, Anita Jo Paukovits. “It’s something they’ve never experienced before and one that teaches them about environmental sciences, health and wellness, and this is only possible from the support we’ve received from Fidelity.” FINDING A FOREVER FAMILY Pictured with Tom, Courtney, Janelle and Elijah Gilmour is Diane, and Executive Director, Anita Jo at The Children’s Home of Easton The Beekeeper’s Project at The Children’s Home of Easton 13 STANDING STRONG | F I D E L I T Y D & D B A N C O R P , I N C . | 2 0 2 0 A N N U A L R E P O R T Best Wishes for Your Retirement business, and laying the foundation for its current governance and organizational structure. As the Bank transitioned its leadership, Mr. Dempsey’s willingness to provide critical guidance will always be deeply appreciated. After 35 years of outstanding service to Fidelity Bank and Fidelity D & D Bancorp, Inc., Patrick ("Pat") J. Dempsey, Chairman Emeritus, has retired as Director, effective May 5, 2020. Mr. Dempsey joined Fidelity Bank’s Board of Directors in 1985 and was named Chairman of the Board in 2004, serving for 14 years in that capacity. In 1999, he became a member of the Fidelity D & D Bancorp, Inc. Board, serving as Interim Chief Executive Officer and Interim President from September 1, 2009 to December 2, 2010. As a Director and Chairman, Mr. Dempsey played an invaluable role in the success of the Company, bringing with him a depth of knowledge of what it takes to lead and guide a The entire Fidelity organization is grateful for his countless contributions, his sound wisdom, and for everything he helped us accomplish during 35 years of committed service. Thank you, Mr. Dempsey, for your steadfast vision that helped us set a steady path to growth. Thank you for your enthusiasm that energized us to pursue the boundless opportunities ahead. Most of all, thank you for your unwavering belief that for the Fidelity Bankers “the sky’s the limit.” 15 1936-2020 Honoring DAVID L. TRESSLER, SR. FIDELITY BANK AND ITS BOARD OF DIRECTORS HONOR THE MEMORY OF DAVID L. TRESSLER. As a member of Fidelity Bank’s Board of Directors, Mr. Tressler brought remarkable wisdom, business acumen and expertise gleaned during his storied career in banking. A former bank CEO, Mr. Tressler had a deep understanding of the banking industry and its challenges and opportunities, and he generously shared the knowledge gleaned during his many years in banking with the management team and was very supportive of the team at all times. Throughout Northeast Pennsylvania, Mr. Tressler will be remembered as an outstanding civic leader who enthusiastically and tirelessly gave back to his community, serving on dozens of boards for local non-profits and other organizations. His kindness and generosity will always be an inspiration to us all, and his knowledge and wise counsel will continue to guide Fidelity Bank’s vision in the years ahead. STANDING STRONG | F I D E L I T Y D & D B A N C O R P , I N C . | 2 0 2 0 A N N U A L R E P O R T Products & Services Consumer Deposit Products • Start Fresh Checking • First Step Checking • Reliance Checking • Relationship Checking • Performance Checking • Platinum Checking • Money Market Deposit Accounts • Optimum Choice Savings • Statement Savings • Green Team Savings • Scholar Savings • IRA Certificates of Deposit (Fixed & Variable Rate) • IRA Optimum Savings • Certificates of Deposit • CDARS/ICS Programs • Christmas & All Purpose Clubs Consumer Loan Products • Home Equity Loans & Lines of Credit • Mortgage Loans • Construction Mortgages • FHA Mortgages • Auto Loans • Personal Loans • Secured Loans • Preferred Credits Card Services • Visa® Consumer Debit Card • Visa® Business Debit Card • Visa® Credit Card • Visa® Business Line of Credit Cards • American Express® Credit Card • Card Valet • Digital Wallet • MasterCard® Business LOC Debit Card • MasterCard® Gift Cards & General Purpose Reloadable Cards • MasterCard® HELOC Debit Card • Prepaid & Payroll Cards Digital Services • Mobile Banking • Mobile Deposit • Online Banking • Web Bill Pay • Electronic Statement Delivery • Email Alerts & Text Alerts • Secure Mail • Online Account Opening • Buzz Points Rewards • Telephone Link Business Deposit Products and Services • Business Checking • Basic Business Checking • Business Relationship Interest Checking • Business Analysis Checking • Community First Non-Profit Checking • Community First Checking • Estate Checking • IOLTA Checking • Fidelity Muni-Choice Checking • CDARS/ICS Programs • Savings Accounts • Certificates of Deposit • Money Market Deposit Accounts • Fidelity Bank at Work Program Business Loan Products • Commercial Loans • Equipment Loans • Lines of Credit • Municipal Loans • Community Development Loans • Commercial/Equipment Leasing • Commercial Mortgages • Letters of Credit • Indirect Lending Program Special Business Loan Programs • SBA Loan Programs • PEDFA Loans • FHLB – BOB Program • USDA Loan Programs • Scranton Industrial Development Company Loan Program • Tax Incremental Financing Programs • Pennsylvania Industrial Development Authority Business Services Cash Management • Business Online Banking • Fidelity Mobile Banking for Business • Mobile Deposit for Business • Direct Deposit Services • Merchant Services Credit Card Processing • Electronic Funds Receivables & Payables • Positive Pay Fraud Detection • Remote Deposit Capture • Lock Box • Cash Position Reporting • Zero Balance Accounting (ZBA) • eGiving (electronic donation/tithing) • Wire Transfer Services • Business Sweeps • Business Bill Pay • Sweep Line of Credit Investment Services* • Retirement Planning • College Planning • Estate Planning • Exchange Traded Funds (ETF’s) • Life Insurance • Fixed and Variable Annuities • Unit Investment Trusts • Mutual Funds • Stocks • Bonds • Long Term Care Insurance • 401(k) Plans (Including Solo 401(k) Plans) • Profit Sharing Plans • 403(b) Plans • SEP-IRA Plans • SIMPLE IRA Plans *Not FDIC insured. No Bank Guarantee. May Lose Value. Trust Services • Personal Trust • Charitable Trusts • Special Needs Trusts • Revocable & Irrevocable Trusts • Testamentary Trusts • Estate Settlement & Services • Endowments • Guardianships • Corporate Trust • Bond Trustee • Paying Agent • Institutional Money Management Additional Bank Services • Acceptance of Dunmore Taxes • Acceptance of Scranton/Lackawanna Taxes • Money Orders & Cashier Checks • Safe Deposit Box Services • Acceptance of Lackawanna River Basin Sewer Authority Payments • Acceptance of Lower Mount Bethel Sanitation Authority Payments • Acceptance of Pen Argyl Borough Sewer Authority Payments • Acceptance of Portland Borough Sewer & Water Authority Payments • Acceptance of Roseto Borough Sewer Authority Payments Branch & ATM Locations ATM Only Locations • Antonio’s Pizza 45 Luzerne St. West Pittston, PA 18643 • Ayers Country Market 1811 Red Barn Village Rd. Clarks Summit, PA 18411 • Cigna Healthcare 53 Glenmaura National Blvd. Moosic, PA 18507 • Dallas Shopping Center 32 Dallas Shopping Center Dallas, PA 18612 • Electric City Pizza 203 N. Washington Ave. Scranton, PA 18503 • Gino Merli Veterans’ Center 401 Penn Ave. Scranton, PA 18503 • Hilton Scranton & Conference Center 100 Adams Ave. Scranton, PA 18503 • Joe’s Beerman 1561 Main St. Peckville, PA 18452 • Market Street Bar & Grille 223 West Market St. Scranton, PA 18508 • Mountain Plaza 307 Moosic St. Scranton, PA 18503 • Riverfront Sports 3 West Olive St. Scranton, PA 18508 • Scranton Cultural Center 420 North Washington Ave. Scranton, PA 18503 • The Shoppes at Montage 1035 Shoppes Blvd. Moosic, PA 18507 • Thirst T’s 12 Lincoln St. Olyphant, PA 18447 • TJ Maxx 4000 Oldfield Rd. Pittston, PA 18640 • Wilkes-Barre/Scranton International Airport 100 Terminal Rd. Avoca, PA 18641 • Zummo’s Café 916 Marion St. Scranton, PA 18509 • Marywood University Nazareth Hall McGowen Center & Learning Commons Dunmore, PA 18509 Branch and ATM Locations Fidelity Bank has partnered with MoneyPass, a network of over 37,000 nationwide ATM’s NEPA Locations • Abington Office 1311 Morgan Hwy. Clarks Summit, PA 18411 570-586-3212 • Back Mountain Office 2363 Memorial Hwy. Dallas, PA 18612 570-675-3332 External ATM at Dallas Shopping Center • Dunmore Office 101 N. Blakely St. Dunmore, PA 18512 570-342-8281 • Green Ridge Office 111 Green Ridge St. Scranton, PA 18509 570-342-5532 • Keystone Industrial Park Office 1232 Keystone Industrial Park Rd. Dunmore, PA 18512 570-348-4003 • Kingston Office 247 Wyoming Ave. Kingston, PA 18704 570-338-0119 • Moosic Office 4010 Birney Ave. Moosic, PA 18507 570-504-0789 • Mountain Top Office 1 South Mountain Blvd. Mountain Top, PA 18707 570-403-2297 • Peckville Office 1598 Main St. Peckville, PA 18452 570-483-3300 • Scranton Financial Center 338 North Washington Ave. Scranton, PA 18503 570-504-8001 • Pittston Office 225 Kennedy Blvd. Pittston, PA 18640 570-908-0103 • West Scranton Office 400 South Main Ave. Scranton, PA 18504 570-504-8180 Lehigh Valley Locations • Bangor Office 303 Pennsylvania Ave. Bangor, PA 18013 610-588-0983 (ATM in the parking lot*) • Bethlehem Office 2 West Broad St. Bethlehem, PA 18018 484-241-4464 • Easton Office 46 Ctr Square Easton, PA 18042 610-253-5117 • Lehigh Valley Corporate Center in Forks 1250 Braden Blvd. Easton, PA 18040 484-548-6095 • Martins Creek Office 6626 Main St. Martins Creek, PA 18063 610-258-3007 • Mount Bethel Office 2118 Delaware Dr. Mount Bethel, PA 18343 570-897-7650 (ATM in the parking lot*) • Nazareth Office 44 S Broad St. Nazareth, PA 18064 610-746-5140 • Wind Gap 45 N Broadway Wind Gap, PA 18091 610-863-0981 Wealth Management Personal & Corporate Trust, Estate Administration & Investment Services 101 N. Blakely St. Dunmore, PA 18512 570-504-2260 Nicholas Parise SVP & Director of Wealth Management 570-558-0612 Theresa M. Hinton, Esq., CTFA VP & Sr. Trust Officer 570-504-2260 Lawrence J. Crimi VP & Trust Investment Relationship Manager 570-504-8011 Diane Carney, CCTS AVP & Corporate Trust Officer 570-504-2245 Lori A. Barrett, Esq. AVP & Trust Officer 570-504-2242 William J. Fennie, III, CFA AVP & Trust Investment Officer 570-504-2242 Mark Strunk AVP & Relationship Manager & Wealth Advisor 484-548-6085 James Aten Relationship Manager & Wealth Advisor 717-371-7188 Michele Santaniello Banking Advisor 570-504-2211 Fidelity Bank Wealth Management Office 252 Sunbury St. Minersville, PA 17954 570-504-2250 James T. O’Brien VP & Trust Officer 570-504-2250 Fidelity Asset Management Services at Fidelity Bank Full Brokerage & Insurance Services 101 N. Blakely St. Dunmore, PA 18512 570-504-2206 William P. McAndrew, AIF® SVP & Wealth Advisor 570-504-2207 Thomas G. Regenski, AIF® AVP & Wealth Advisor 570-504-2204 Amanda Vinciguerra Wealth Management Administrative Assistant Business Banking Timothy O’Brien Sr. EVP & Chief Lending Officer 570-504-2230 Michael J. Pacyna EVP & Chief Business Development Officer 570-504-8005 Customer Care Center 800-388-4380 * Dispense only locations This Annual Report may contain forward-looking statements as defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Actual results and trends could differ materially from those set forth in such statements due to various factors. These factors include the possibility that increased demand or prices for the Company’s financial services and products may not occur, changing economic, interest rate and competitive conditions, technological developments and other risks and uncertainties, including those detailed in the Company’s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. 18 Investor Relations Fidelity D & D Bancorp, Inc. 101 N. Blakely Street Dunmore, PA 18512 (570) 342-8281 We are a public company whose stock is traded on The Nasdaq Global Market, under the symbol FDBC. Transfer Agent and Registrar Shareholders’ Services Provided • Stock transfer • Dividend reinvestment plan • Direct deposit of dividends • Duplicate mailing notification Computershare Trust Company, N.A. P.O. Box 30170 College Station, TX 77842-3170 (877) 282-1168 Shareholder/Investor Inquiries Requests for information or assistance regarding Fidelity D & D Bancorp, Inc. should be directed to John Pash, Investor Relations Officer, at (570) 504-8007 or Market Makers The following firms are believed to presently make a market in Fidelity D & D Bancorp, Inc. stock on The Nasdaq Global Market, under the symbol FDBC. Boenning & Scattergood, Inc. 4 Tower Bridge 200 Barr Harbor Dr., No. 300 W. Conshohocken, PA 19428-2979 (610) 832-1212 G1 Execution Services, LLC 175 W. Jackson Blvd., Ste. 1700 Chicago, IL 60604 (312) 362-0404 Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc. 787 7th Ave., 4th & 5th Flrs. New York, NY 10019 (212) 887-7777 SG Americas Securities, LLC 245 Park Avenue New York, NY 10167 (212) 278-6000 Bofa Securities, Inc. One Bryant Park New York, NY 10036 USA (646) 743-2734 Goldman Sachs & Co., LLC 200 West St. New York, NY 10282-2198 (212) 902-1000 Maxim Group, LLC 405 Lexington Avenue New York, NY 10174 (212) 895-3500 Citadel Securities, LLC 131 South Dearborn St., 32nd Fl. Chicago, IL 60603 (312) 395-2100 GTS Securities, LLC 545 Madison Avenue, 15th Floor New York, NY 10022 (212) 715-2830 Virtu Americas, LLC 300 Vesey St. New York, NY 10282 (646) 682-6000 Cowen and Company, LLC 599 Lexington Ave., 20th Fl. New York, NY 10022 (646) 562-1010 Hovde Group, LLC 1629 Colonial Parkway Inverness, IL 60067 (847) 991-6622 Raymond James & Associates, Inc. 880 Carillon Parkway St. Petersburg, FL 33716 (727) 567-1000 Susquehanna Securities 401 City Ave., Ste. 220 Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004-1122 (610) 617-2600 Stifel, Nicolaus & Company, Inc. 501 North Broadway St. Louis, MO 63102 (314) 342-2000 UBS Securities, LLC 1285 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10019 (203) 719-3000 D.A. Davidson & Co. 8 Third Street North Great Falls, MT 59401-3104 (406) 727-4200 IMC Financial Markets 233 South Wacker Drive #4300 Chicago, IL 60606 (312) 244-3300 Two Sigma Securities, LLC 101 Avenue of the Americas, 19th Fl. New York, NY 10013 (212) 625-5700 Latour Trading, LLC 377 Broadway, 10th Fl. New York, NY 10013 (917) 388-8000 800 388 4380 |
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