Fidelity D & D Bancorp, Inc.
Annual Report 2023

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Built to last. F I D E L I T Y D & D B A N C O R P, I N C . 2 0 2 3 A N N U A L R E P O R T “Success is knowing your purpose in life, growing to reach your maximum potential, and sowing seeds that benefit others.” Katelyn Abraham Kelly Adams Johnathan Ahbez Miller Stephanie Alesia Eneria Almonte Paige Anderson Brenda Andes Alicia Angelo Sabrina Armbruster Paul John Arvay James Aten Michelle Auld Angela Babio Nicholas Bader Tracy Barber Ryan Barhight Lori Barrett Rachel Barrouk Alyssa Bartoli Rosa Bartolucci Laura Bearby Cade Bekanich Eileen Bell Daria Benedict Amanda Birch Mary Lynn Blasi Dana Bloom Jennifer Blumer Jillian Bochnovich Lisa Bogumil Patrick Boles Adam Bregenzer Amber Brezna Jalen Bridges Melissa Briggs Debora Brown Ashley Bunevitch Tiffany Burch David Burge Antoinette Calco Carmen Caputo Joseph Carlin Diane Carney Michelle Carr Alison Castellino Felicity Chee Samantha Cicardo Sharon Cifuentes Frank Cimino Samantha Clark Dominique Clark Seryna Cleveland Kristi Cleveland Samya Colon Judith Comerford Heather Commiso Elisa Costantino Connie Counterman Michael Coury Rona Covalesky Rosemarie Coyne Adam Crahall Lawrence Crimi Derek Cronauer Lesly Culkin Patricia Curley George Czajkowski Scott Davenport Nadia Davies Angelo DeCesaris Salvatore DeFrancesco Kathleen DeLeo Margaret Dermody Michael DeSarro Candace Dexheimer Tylene Dodge Daniela Domingues Cynthia Dopko Stephanie Dowling Noelle Drago Allison Duffy Derek Dunstone Loriann Edwards Logan Eisenhart Maryann Ellefsen Virginia Ernst Paul Evans Robert Farrell William Fennie John Ferrett JoAnn Fuller Lawless Claudia Garcia Carey Garvey Jacob George Nicole Gerrity Elizabeth Gilgallon Rachel Goodwin Joshua Gorton Aaron Goryl Elizabeth Graham Connie Greenamoyer Eliese Grella Judith Griffiths Kristin Grow Renee Grube Arianna Gryziec Margarita Guerrero Shawna Halley Levi Hannas Michelle Hausmann Casey Henshaw Bethzaida Hernandez Adam Higgins Carol Hilton Theresa Hinton Neil Hockenberry David Hoffner Melinda Hoffner Christina Holman Robert Hooper Haley Houck Kiana Hubbard Dena Hughes Susan Hynds Amr Ismail Delbert James Christa Jennings Jillian Jezuit Mark Jobes Linda Johnson Candice Johnson Dragan Jokic Nicole Jones Nicole Judge Clint Kakalecik Donna Kane Lina Kanuik Michael Karpovich Alyssa Kauffman Heather Kazinetz Elizabeth Kelly Sandra Kennedy Virginia Kielar Vicki Kirkpatrick Elizabeth Kishbach Sarah Kline Sarah Knoble Mary Kondash Joseph Konopke Noelle Krempasky Susan Labar Jessica Lachance Kelley Laird Mariane Lank Alex Larsen Briar Laurito Maria Lawler Christian Lawler Diane Layman Alyssa Lehr Jody Lewis Krista Liberski Jesse Lick Lisa Lilly Bryan Loftus Angelo Lombardo Susan Mae Lucas Ashley Lukie Lauren Luongo Owen Lutri Elizabeth MacArthur William Malitsch Patrick Manning Stacy Marino Michael Marion Thomas Maro Mary Ann Marranca Katelyn Martin Kelli-Ann Marty Courtney Mazzei William McAndrew Jason McCabe Ryan McGowan Michelle McMaster Mary McNichols Janie McRoy Constance Mihalick Kathryne Miller Lisa Minor Kevin Mitchell Eric Montella Michele Moon Thomas Moore Bianca Morales Jenna Mulherin Sharon Mullaney Lirika Nashi Ryan Nork Kellsie Novack Christopher Obrien Timothy O'Brien James O'Brien Thomas O'Malley Maryanne Pabst Diane Pacovich Michael Pacyna Christian Pane Zachary Pantel Nicholas Parise John Pash Cherisse Peaten Stephen Pelleschi Rhett Perdew Carlos Perez Gutierrez Samantha Perreault Davene Perruso Carol Petliski Joanne Pezzuti Hannah Pierre Jeffrey Pisarcik Antoinette Porpiglia Amanda Potrzuski Savannah Poveromo Carmella Pringle Kuzdro Noelle Prisco Jeffrey Rake Carlo Ramelah Deborah Ratuszny Mary Reid Kathryn Richards Robert Riley Anna Maria Rittle Amanda Roche Anyeli Rodriguez Kristopher Rogers Theresa Roginski Evelyn Roman Kathy Roskos Sadie Roth Mary Ann Roushey Lori Rowker Alan Rudalavage Todd Saab Melissa Sadaka Bryanne Salvo Michele Santaniello Daniel Santaniello Melissa Santarsiero-Tylutke Dominic Santiago Avery Schiavone Michele Schmidt Kevin Scotch Allyson Seliga Justin Shaffern Kaitlyn Shaver Sharon Sheperis Madison Sickler Wayne Silvius Kelleah Simonson Martin Skodocek Dana Slater Morgan Sledzinski Chris Sledzinski Kathleen Solsman Shirley Steele Kelly Steinmetz William Stevens Matthew Stroney Jamila Swanson Mackenzie Sweet Shanay Teevan Kristi Thomas Kathleen Timlin Tara Tomasetti Smith Joseph Tomko Laura Torres Nicholas Traino Amy Trently James Tressler Ruth Turkington Jill Valentini Zoila Valerio Christine Valvano Joshua Van Gorden Maria Vera Nicolas Vlacich Alexander Volz Lacey Walsh Erin Walsh Eugene Walsh Susan Weaver Lori Weber Tyler Whitmore Adam Williams John Williams Grace Wingler Linda Wishard Isabel Wolk Hannah Woolf Lynn Wormuth George Yakubisin Kun Yang Nicole Yazinski Deborah Yearing JoAnne Zarick Katelyn Abraham Kelly Adams Johnathan Ahbez Miller Stephanie Alesia Eneria Almonte Paige Anderson Brenda Andes Alicia Angelo Sabrina Armbruster Paul John Arvay James Aten Michelle Auld Angela Babio Nicholas Bader Tracy Barber Ryan Barhight Lori Barrett Rachel Barrouk Alyssa Bartoli Rosa Bartolucci Laura Bearby Cade Bekanich Eileen Bell Daria Benedict Amanda Birch Mary Lynn Blasi Dana Bloom Jennifer Blumer Jillian Bochnovich Lisa Bogumil Patrick Boles Adam Bregenzer Amber Brezna Jalen Bridges Melissa Briggs Debora Brown Ashley Bunevitch Tiffany Burch David Burge Antoinette Calco Carmen Caputo Joseph Carlin Diane Carney Michelle Carr Alison Castellino Felicity Chee Samantha Cicardo Sharon Cifuentes Frank Cimino Samantha Clark Dominique Clark Seryna Cleveland Kristi Cleveland Samya Colon Judith Comerford Heather Commiso Elisa Costantino Connie Counterman Michael Coury Rona Covalesky Rosemarie Coyne Adam Crahall Lawrence Crimi Derek Cronauer Lesly Culkin Patricia Curley George Czajkowski Scott Davenport Nadia Davies Angelo DeCesaris Salvatore DeFrancesco Kathleen DeLeo Margaret Dermody Michael DeSarro Candace Dexheimer Tylene Dodge Daniela Domingues Cynthia Dopko Stephanie Dowling Noelle Drago Allison Duffy Derek Dunstone Loriann Edwards Logan Eisenhart Maryann Ellefsen Virginia Ernst Paul Evans Robert Farrell William Fennie John Ferrett JoAnn Fuller Lawless Claudia Garcia Carey Garvey Jacob George Nicole Gerrity Elizabeth Gilgallon Rachel Goodwin Joshua Gorton Aaron Goryl Elizabeth Graham Connie Greenamoyer Eliese Grella Judith Griffiths Kristin Grow Renee Grube Arianna Gryziec Margarita Guerrero Shawna Halley Levi Hannas Michelle Hausmann Casey Henshaw Bethzaida Hernandez Adam Higgins Carol Hilton Theresa Hinton Neil Hockenberry David Hoffner Melinda Hoffner Christina Holman Robert Hooper Haley Houck Kiana Hubbard Dena Hughes Susan Hynds Amr Ismail Delbert James Christa Jennings Jillian Jezuit Mark Jobes Linda Johnson Candice Johnson Dragan Jokic Nicole Jones Nicole Judge Clint Kakalecik Donna Kane Lina Kanuik Michael Karpovich Alyssa Kauffman Heather Kazinetz Elizabeth Kelly Sandra Kennedy Virginia Kielar Vicki Kirkpatrick Elizabeth Kishbach Sarah Kline Sarah Knoble Mary Kondash Joseph Konopke Noelle Krempasky Susan Labar Jessica Lachance Kelley Laird Mariane Lank Alex Larsen Briar Laurito Maria Lawler Christian Lawler Diane Layman Alyssa Lehr Jody Lewis Krista Liberski Jesse Lick Lisa Lilly Bryan Loftus Angelo Lombardo Susan Mae Lucas Ashley Lukie Lauren Luongo Owen Lutri Elizabeth MacArthur William Malitsch Patrick Manning Stacy Marino Michael Marion Thomas Maro Mary Ann Marranca Katelyn Martin Kelli-Ann Marty Courtney Mazzei William McAndrew Jason McCabe Ryan McGowan Michelle McMaster Mary McNichols Janie McRoy Constance Mihalick Kathryne Miller Lisa Minor Kevin Mitchell Eric Montella Michele Moon Thomas Moore Bianca Morales Jenna Mulherin Sharon Mullaney Lirika Nashi Ryan Nork Kellsie Novack Christopher Obrien Timothy O'Brien James O'Brien Thomas O'Malley Maryanne Pabst Diane Pacovich Michael Pacyna Christian Pane Zachary Pantel Nicholas Parise John Pash Cherisse Peaten Stephen Pelleschi Rhett Perdew Carlos Perez Gutierrez Samantha Perreault Davene Perruso Carol Petliski Joanne Pezzuti Hannah Pierre Jeffrey Pisarcik Antoinette Porpiglia Amanda Potrzuski Savannah Poveromo Carmella Pringle Kuzdro Noelle Prisco Jeffrey Rake Carlo Ramelah Deborah Ratuszny Mary Reid Kathryn Richards Robert Riley Anna Maria Rittle Amanda Roche Anyeli Rodriguez Kristopher Rogers Theresa Roginski Evelyn Roman Kathy Roskos Sadie Roth Mary Ann Roushey Lori Rowker Alan Rudalavage Todd Saab Melissa Sadaka Bryanne Salvo Michele Santaniello Daniel Santaniello Melissa Santar- siero-Tylutke Dominic Santiago Avery Schiavone Michele Schmidt Kevin Scotch Allyson Seliga Justin Shaffern Kaitlyn Shaver Sharon Sheperis Madison Sickler Wayne Silvius Kelleah Simonson Martin Skodocek Dana Slater Morgan Sledzinski Chris Sledzinski Kathleen Solsman Shirley Steele Kelly Steinmetz William Stevens Matthew Stroney Jamila Swanson Mackenzie Sweet Shanay Teevan Kristi Thomas Kathleen Timlin Tara Tomasetti Smith Joseph Tomko Laura Torres Nicholas Traino Amy Trently James Tressler Ruth Turkington Jill Valentini Zoila Valerio Christine Valvano Joshua Van Gorden Maria Vera Nicolas Vlacich Alexander Volz Lacey Walsh Erin Walsh Eugene Walsh Susan Weaver Lori Weber Tyler Whitmore Adam Williams John Williams Grace Wingler Linda Wishard Isabel Wolk Hannah Woolf Lynn Wormuth George Yakubisin Kun Yang Nicole Yazinski Deborah Yearing JoAnne Zarick Katelyn Abraham Kelly Adams Johnathan Ahbez Miller Stephanie Alesia Eneria Almonte Paige Anderson Brenda Andes Alicia Angelo Sabrina Armbruster Paul John Arvay James Aten Michelle Auld Angela Babio Nicholas Bader Tracy Barber Ryan Barhight Lori Barrett Rachel Barrouk Alyssa Bartoli Rosa Bartolucci Laura Bearby Cade Bekanich Eileen Bell Daria Benedict Amanda Birch Mary Lynn Blasi Dana Bloom Jennifer Blumer Jillian Bochnovich Lisa Bogumil Patrick Boles Adam Bregenzer Amber Brezna Jalen Bridges Melissa Briggs Debora Brown Ashley Bunevitch Tiffany Burch David Burge Antoinette Calco Carmen Caputo Joseph Carlin Diane Carney Michelle Carr Alison Castellino Felicity Chee Samantha Cicardo Sharon Cifuentes Frank Cimino Samantha Clark Dominique Clark Seryna Cleveland Kristi Cleveland Samya Colon Judith Comerford Heather Commiso Elisa Costantino Connie Counterman Michael Coury Rona Covalesky Rosemarie Coyne Adam Crahall Lawrence Crimi Derek Cronauer Lesly Culkin Patricia JOHN C. MAXWELL Curley George Czajkowski Scott Davenport Nadia Davies Angelo DeCesaris Salvatore DeFrancesco Kathleen DeLeo Margaret Dermody Michael DeSarro Candace Dexheimer Tylene Dodge Daniela Domingues Cynthia Dopko Stephanie Dowling Noelle Drago Allison Duffy Derek Dunstone Loriann Edwards Logan Eisenhart Maryann Ellefsen Virginia Ernst Paul Evans Robert Farrell William Fennie John Ferrett JoAnn Fuller Lawless Claudia Garcia Carey Garvey Jacob George Nicole Gerrity Elizabeth Gilgallon Rachel Goodwin Joshua Gorton Aaron Goryl Elizabeth Graham Connie Greenamoyer Eliese Grella Judith Griffiths Kristin Grow Renee Grube Arianna Gryziec Margarita Guerrero Shawna Halley Levi Hannas Michelle Hausmann Casey Henshaw Bethzaida Hernandez Adam Higgins Carol Hilton Theresa Hinton Neil Hockenberry David Hoffner Melinda Hoffner Christina Holman Robert Hooper Haley Houck Kiana Hubbard Dena Hughes Susan Hynds Amr Ismail Delbert James Christa Jennings Jillian Jezuit Mark Jobes Linda Johnson Candice Johnson Dragan Jokic Nicole Jones Nicole Judge Clint Kakalecik Donna Kane Lina Kanuik Michael Karpovich Alyssa Kauffman Heather Kazinetz Elizabeth Kelly Sandra Kennedy Virginia Kielar Vicki Kirkpatrick Elizabeth Kishbach Sarah Kline Sarah Knoble Mary Kondash Joseph Konopke Noelle Krempasky Susan Labar Jessica Lachance Kelley Laird Mariane Lank Alex Larsen Briar Laurito Maria Lawler Christian Lawler Diane Layman Alyssa Lehr Jody Lewis Krista Liberski Jesse Lick Lisa Lilly Bryan Loftus Angelo Lombardo Susan Mae Lucas Ashley Lukie Lauren Luongo Owen Lutri Elizabeth MacArthur William Malitsch Patrick Manning Stacy Marino Michael Marion Thomas Maro Mary Ann Marranca Katelyn Martin Kelli-Ann Marty Courtney Mazzei William McAndrew Jason McCabe Ryan McGowan Michelle McMaster Mary McNichols Janie McRoy Constance Mihalick Kathryne Miller Lisa Minor Kevin Mitchell Eric Montella Michele Moon Thomas Moore Bianca Morales Jenna Mulherin Sharon Mullaney Lirika Nashi Ryan Nork Kellsie Novack Christopher Obrien Timothy O'Brien James O'Brien Thomas O'Malley Maryanne Pabst Diane Pacovich Michael Pacyna Christian Pane Zachary Pantel Nicholas Parise John Pash Cherisse Peaten Stephen Pelleschi Rhett Perdew Carlos Perez Gutierrez Samantha Perreault Davene Perruso Carol Petliski Joanne Pezzuti Hannah Pierre Jeffrey Pisarcik Antoinette Porpiglia Amanda Potrzuski Savannah Poveromo Carmella Pringle Kuzdro Noelle Prisco Jeffrey Rake Carlo Ramelah Deborah Ratuszny Mary Reid Kathryn Richards Robert Riley Anna Maria Rittle Amanda Roche Anyeli Rodriguez Kristopher Rogers Theresa Roginski Evelyn Roman Kathy Roskos Sadie Roth Mary Ann Roushey Lori Rowker Alan Rudalavage Todd Saab Melissa Sadaka Bryanne Salvo Michele Santaniello Daniel Santaniello Melissa Santarsiero-Tylutke Dominic Santiago Avery Schiavone Michele Schmidt Kevin Scotch Allyson Seliga Justin Shaffern Kaitlyn Shaver Sharon Sheperis Madison Sickler Wayne Silvius Kelleah Simonson Martin Skodocek Dana Slater Morgan Sledzinski Chris Sledzinski Kathleen Solsman Shirley Steele Kelly Steinmetz William Stevens Matthew Stroney Jamila Swanson Mackenzie Sweet Shanay Teevan Kristi Thomas Kathleen Timlin Tara Tomasetti Smith Joseph Tomko Laura Torres Nicholas Traino Amy Trently James Tressler Ruth Turkington Jill Valentini Zoila Valerio Christine Valvano Joshua Van Gorden Maria Vera Nicolas Vlacich Alexander Volz Lacey Walsh Erin Walsh Eugene Walsh Susan Weaver Lori Weber Tyler Whitmore Adam Williams John Williams Grace Wingler Linda Wishard Isabel Wolk Hannah Woolf Lynn Wormuth George Yakubisin Kun Yang Nicole Yazinski Deborah Yearing JoAnne Zarick Katelyn Abraham Kelly Adams Johnathan Ahbez Miller Stephanie Alesia Eneria Almonte Paige Anderson Brenda Andes Alicia Angelo Sabrina Armbruster Paul John Arvay James Aten Michelle Auld Angela Babio Nicholas Bader Tracy Barber Ryan Barhight Lori Barrett Rachel Barrouk Alyssa Bartoli Rosa Bartolucci Laura Bearby Cade Bekanich Eileen Bell Daria Benedict Amanda Birch Mary Lynn Blasi Dana Bloom Jennifer Blumer Jillian Bochnovich Lisa Bogumil Patrick Boles Adam Bregenzer Amber Brezna Jalen Bridges Melissa Briggs Debora Brown Ashley Bunevitch Tiffany Burch David Burge Antoinette Calco Carmen Caputo Joseph Carlin Diane Carney Michelle Carr Alison Castellino Felicity Chee Samantha Cicardo Sharon Cifuentes Frank Cimino Samantha Clark Dominique Clark Seryna Cleveland Kristi Cleveland Samya Colon Judith Comerford Heather Commiso Elisa Costantino Connie Counterman Michael Coury Rona Covalesky Rosemarie Coyne Adam Crahall Lawrence Crimi Derek Cronauer Lesly Culkin Patricia Curley George Czajkowski Scott Davenport Nadia Davies Angelo DeCesaris Salvatore DeFrancesco Kathleen DeLeo Margaret Dermody Michael DeSarro Candace Dexheimer Tylene Dodge Daniela Domingues Cynthia Dopko Stephanie Dowling Noelle Drago Allison Duffy Derek Dunstone Loriann Edwards Logan Eisenhart Maryann Ellefsen Virginia Ernst Paul Evans Robert Farrell William Fennie John Ferrett JoAnn Fuller Lawless Claudia Garcia Carey Garvey Jacob George Nicole Gerrity Elizabeth Gilgallon Rachel Goodwin Joshua Gorton Aaron Goryl Elizabeth Graham Connie Greenamoyer Eliese Grella Judith Griffiths Kristin Grow Renee Grube Arianna Gryziec Margarita Guerrero Shawna Halley Levi Hannas Michelle Hausmann Casey Henshaw Bethzaida Hernandez Adam Higgins Carol Hilton Theresa Hinton Neil Hockenberry David Hoffner Melinda Hoffner Christina Holman Robert Hooper Haley Houck Kiana Hubbard Dena Hughes Susan Hynds Amr Ismail Delbert James Christa Jennings Jillian Jezuit Mark Jobes Linda Johnson Candice Johnson Dragan Jokic Nicole Jones Nicole Judge Clint Kakalecik Donna Kane Lina Kanuik Michael Karpovich Alyssa Kauffman Heather Kazinetz Elizabeth Kelly Sandra Kennedy Virginia Kielar Vicki Kirkpatrick Elizabeth Kishbach Sarah Kline Sarah Knoble Mary Kondash Joseph Konopke Noelle Krempasky Susan Labar Jessica Lachance Kelley Laird Mariane Lank Alex Larsen Briar Laurito Maria Lawler Christian Lawler Diane Layman Alyssa Lehr Jody Lewis Krista Liberski Jesse Lick Lisa Lilly Bryan Loftus Angelo Lombardo Susan Mae Lucas Ashley Lukie Lauren Luongo Owen Lutri Elizabeth MacArthur William Malitsch Patrick Manning Stacy Marino Michael Marion Thomas Maro Mary Ann Marranca Katelyn Martin Kelli-Ann Marty Courtney Mazzei William McAndrew Jason McCabe Ryan McGowan Michelle McMaster Mary McNichols Janie McRoy Constance Mihalick Kathryne Miller Lisa Minor Kevin Mitchell Eric Montella Michele Moon Thomas Moore Bianca Morales Jenna Mulherin Sharon Mullaney Lirika Nashi Ryan Nork Kellsie Novack Christopher Obrien Timothy O'Brien James O'Brien Thomas O'Malley Maryanne Pabst Diane Pacovich Michael Pacyna Christian Pane Zachary Pantel Nicholas Parise John Pash Cherisse Peaten Stephen Pelleschi Rhett Perdew Carlos Perez Gutierrez Samantha Perreault Davene Perruso Carol Petliski Joanne Pezzuti Hannah Pierre Jeffrey Pisarcik Antoinette Porpiglia Amanda Potrzuski Savannah Poveromo Carmella Pringle Kuzdro Noelle Prisco Jeffrey Rake Carlo Ramelah Deborah Ratuszny Mary Reid Kathryn Richards Robert Riley Anna Maria Rittle Amanda Roche Anyeli Rodriguez Kristopher Rogers Theresa Roginski Evelyn Roman Kathy Roskos Sadie Roth Mary Ann Roushey Lori Rowker Alan Rudalavage Todd Saab Melissa Sadaka Bryanne Salvo Michele Santaniello Daniel Santaniello Melissa Santarsiero-Tylutke Dominic Santiago Avery Schiavone Michele Schmidt Kevin Scotch Allyson Seliga Justin Shaffern Kaitlyn Shaver Sharon Sheperis Madison Sickler Wayne Silvius Kelleah Simonson Martin Skodocek Dana Slater Morgan Sledzinski Chris Sledzinski Kathleen Solsman Shirley Steele Kelly Steinmetz William Stevens Matthew Stroney Jamila Swanson Mackenzie Sweet Shanay Teevan Kristi Thomas Kathleen Timlin Tara Tomasetti Smith Joseph Tomko Laura Torres Nicholas Traino Amy Trently James Tressler Ruth Turkington Jill Valentini Zoila Valerio Christine Valvano Joshua Van Gorden Maria Vera Nicolas Vlacich Alexander Volz Lacey Walsh Erin Walsh Eugene Walsh Susan Weaver Lori Weber Tyler Whitmore Adam Williams John Williams Grace Wingler Linda Wishard Isabel Wolk Hannah Woolf Lynn Wormuth George Yakubisin Kun Yang Built to Last F I D E L I T Y D & D B A N C O R P, I N C . 2 0 2 3 A N N U A L R E P O R T M E S S A G E T O O U R VA L U E D S H A R E H O L D E R S : Despite a challenging year that included an unprecedented interest rate cycle and a rapidly evolving landscape, the Fidelity Bankers’ commitment to building mutually beneficial relationships and partnering with our clients to achieve financial success continued to generate substantial growth. The accelerated movement from extended periods of historically low to significantly higher interest rates put pressure on community banks’ net-interest margins. At year’s end, Fidelity D & D Bancorp, Inc. reported net income of $18.2 million, or $3.19 diluted earnings per share - a decline compared to the same period ending December 31, 2022, which reported a net income of $30.0 million, or $5.29 diluted earnings per share. In addition, net interest income declined to $62.1 million, down from $72.3 million in the previous year. Excluding the loss on a sale of securities of $5.1 million, net of tax, net income would have been 28% higher for the year ended December 31, 2023. The Board of Directors and Fidelity Bankers are pleased to report that at the end of the year: (cid:129) Gross loans and leases grew $121 million, or 8%. (cid:129) Non-interest income, excluding the loss on the sale of securities, increased $1.2 million, or 7%. (cid:129) Assets grew by $125 million, closing the year at $2.5 billion. Proud to Rejoin the Russel 3000® Index Effective June 26, 2023, Fidelity Bank rejoined the broad-market Russell 3000® Index which captured the 3,000 largest US stocks as of April 28, 2023, as part of the Russell US Indexes annual reconstitution, ranking them by total market capitalization. The Russel Indexes are internationally recognized markers of growth that identify companies to determine where they lie along the investment spectrum from value to growth. Membership in the index is determined primarily by business objective, market- capitalization rankings, as well as customer delivery and differentiation attributes. Fidelity Bank’s inclusion in the Russell 3000® Index demonstrates its long standing commitment and position to delivering long-term growth and maximizing shareholder value. Among the Top Community Banks Despite economic uncertainty and stress on the banking sector throughout 2023, the deep and meaningful relationships that Fidelity Bankers have built with clients, with communities, and with each other have allowed Fidelity Bank to continue to rank among the top community banks locally, regionally, and nationally. In 2023, Fidelity Bank was awarded a Five-Star “Superior” Rating from industry watchdog BauerFinancial for 40 consecutive quarters over nine consecutive years. In addition, the Bank was once again recognized as one of the Top 200 Publicly Traded Community Banks in the U.S. by American Banker Magazine, marking the 10th consecutive time that this highly regarded industry publication has recognized Fidelity Bank as a top community bank. At the local level, Fidelity Bank was voted “Best Bank” by the readers of the Standard Speaker’s Readers’ Choice Awards; “Best Mortgage Company” by the readers of The Scranton Times Readers’ Choice Awards; and was selected as the 2023 Silver Winner for Best Places to Work in NEPA by the Times Leader Media Group. served, achieving strong originations across all portfolios, and realizing a year-end level of loans in excess of $531 million. Ranked as the #1 mortgage lender in Northeastern Pennsylvania for 13 years in a row, in 2023, Fidelity Bank provided over $130 million to fulfill the dream of home ownership. The Bank also continued to create strong partnerships with local businesses and local government, originating over $189.1 million in business loans to help local communities prosper and assisting local government with loans totaling over $75 million. Uplifting Communities Being a true community bank means giving back. In 2023, Fidelity Bankers continued to help ensure the sustainability of our communities by donating 5,983 volunteer hours to organizations that bring resources to those in need. In addition to donating time and talent to these community groups, the Bank also supported hundreds of local and regional non- profit organizations with over $1.36 million in charitable giving. In 2023, the bank reaffirmed its commitment to the Lehigh Valley, relocating to a newer, convenient branch location in downtown Bethlehem. In support of this move, Bethlehem Emergency Sheltering (BES), a faith-based partnership that provides a network of care and hospitality for the homeless in this community, was the recipient of a $10,000 Fidelity Bank IMPACT grant. BES will use the funds strategically to facilitate the transformation of the current BES shelter into a year-round facility. Powering Economic Growth From residential lending, to commercial and government financing, Fidelity Bank has continued to maintain its position as market leader in the communities Fidelity Bank also provided funding to forty-two educational organizations in Northeast Pennsylvania and in the Lehigh Valley, awarding these organizations $564,000 in Pennsylvania Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) funds. This funding will support the educational initiatives that these groups deliver to the community, affording students opportunities for better educational outcomes. In addition to these contributions, during 2023 the Fidelity D&D Charitable Foundation awarded $87,500 to high priority causes and communities. Launched in 2022, the foundation acts as a catalyst to heighten awareness of community needs and will continue to build more events and programs around this initiative in 2024. Expanding Digital Services Fidelity Bank continues to expand on its digital channels and tools, addressing the demand for instant access to information that impacts clients’ financial well-being. To satisfy this demand and enhance client loyalty, in the latter half of 2023, the Bank introduced Money IQ - a resource repository of videos and articles that provide helpful information and valuable insights on a wide range of financial topics, from banking and financial fitness to identity theft security and more. Community banks like Fidelity recognize the investment in technology and digital transformation will be better positioned to proactively meet clients’ expectations, creating a more accessible and efficient client experience. Investing in Our Bankers Our continuing success as a bank is built on the contributions and success of our bankers, the relationships they develop with clients, and their presence in the communities we do business in. To support exceptional client experiences, Fidelity Bankers are given the training and resources they need to cultivate deeper and broader relationships with their clients and to build solid partnerships for financial success. Thanks to our Board of Directors, 1 Managers, and Supervisors who have been fully supportive of bankers committed to continuous learning, in 2023, 301 Bankers collectively completed over 11,473 hours of training. In addition, a new tuition reimbursement program will aid those bankers looking to further their education. Nurturing Future Leaders The Bank’s Leadership Academy Training program is part of the Bank’s commitment to nurture future leaders within the organization and equips Fidelity Bankers who are enrolled in the program with the tools needed to inspire and lead. As a complement to this program, the Fidelity D&D Charitable Foundation has established a scholarship fund to honor the dedicated efforts of Fidelity Bankers and to recognize the importance of education in their children's lives. Named The Patrick J. Dempsey and Ronald ‘Pete’ Cann Scholarship, this inaugural program pays tribute to distinguished leaders of Fidelity Bank and is open to children of full-time Fidelity Bankers who meet eligibility criteria. A Roadmap for the Future To continue to thrive in an evolving landscape, expand client relationships, and capture new market opportunities, the Bank is updating its Strategic Plan with a refined and prioritized roadmap for the future. The updated plan will focus on innovative practices that will modernize and simplify operations while enhancing a culture of service, urgency and accountability. A key component of the Strategic Plan is the Bank’s new “Corporate Purpose” initiative. As competition in the banking sector continues to increase, this program seeks to clearly differentiate Fidelity Bank from other institutions by asking, “Why Fidelity?” The initiative is core to what defines the Bank and is meant to further unite and energize Fidelity Bankers, clients, shareholders and the community around the Bank’s central purpose-creating an extraordinary banking experience that differentiates the Fidelity Bank brand and produces exceptional shareholder value. Committed to Enhancing Shareholder Value Fidelity Bank remains focused on providing our shareholders consistent, reliable, earnings growth by continually improving operational performance and profitability, and by continuing to exceed client expectations through a unique banking experience. We continue to execute well, with strong credit quality, managed expenses, and a disciplined focus on our strategic objectives. Uniquely Positioned Fidelity Bankers remain dedicated to serving as trusted financial advisors to our clients and the community - the partners who really know and understand our clients. Our experiences and insights, our strong referral network, our local on the ground expertise and our empathy are attributes that are uniquely Fidelity, allowing us to serve in ways that other banks simply do not and cannot. We are immensely proud of what the Fidelity Bankers have achieved over the past challenging year and recognize the hard work and perfect effort put forth by each Fidelity Banker. Thanks to the unwavering commitment of each and every one of our Fidelity Bankers and your dedication to providing exceptional service, Fidelity Bank is well positioned for the future. Sincerely, Brian J. Cali, Chairman of the Board Daniel J. Santaniello, President and Chief Executive Officer Board of Directors (L to R): Alan Silverman | Brian J. Cali, Chairman | Richard M. Hotchkiss | John T. Cognetti, Secretary | Daniel J. Santaniello, President and Chief Executive Officer | HelenBeth Garofalo Vilcek | Michael J. McDonald, Vice Chairman | Paul C. Woelkers | William J. Joyce. Built to Last F I D E L I T Y D & D B A N C O R P, I N C . 2 0 2 3 A N N U A L R E P O R T FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS Assets (Dollars in millions) Total Loans & Leases, Net (Dollars in millions) Deposits (Dollars in millions) Shareholders’ Equity (Dollars in millions) Net Income (Dollars in millions) 2750 2500 2250 2000 1750 1500 1250 1000 950 900 850 800 $2,503 1700 1600 1500 1400 1300 1200 1100 1000 900 800 700 600 $1,667 2250 2000 1750 1500 1250 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 $2,158 220 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 10 $189 30 28 26 24 22 18 14 10 $18 1.45 1.40 1.35 1.30 1.25 1.20 1.15 1.10 1.05 1.00 Dividends Per Share (Dollars) $1.46 ‘19 ’20 ‘21 ’22 ‘23 ‘19 ’20 ‘21 ’22 ‘23 ‘19 ’20 ‘21 ’22 ‘23 ‘19 ’20 ‘21 ’22 ‘23 ‘19 ’20 ‘21 ’22 ‘23 ‘19 ’20 ‘21 ’22 ‘23 (dollars in thousands except per share data) Amount % Change Amount % Change 2023 2022 2021 Amount 2020 Amount For the Year Net Interest Income emocnI teN Cash Dividends Return on Average Assets Return on Average Equity Net Interest Margin Per Share Net Income - Diluted Cash Dividends eulaV kooB Average Shares Outstanding At Year End stessA Earning Assets Investment Securities Total Loans & Leases, Net stisopeD sgniworroB Shareholders’ Equity Shares Outstanding Ratios Net Loans to Deposits Non-performing Assets to Total Assets Equity to Assets Tier I Risk-Based Capital Total Risk-Based Capital $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 62,047 18,210 8,387 0.76% 10.56% 2.81% 3.19 1.46 33.22 -14.2% -39.3% 8.8% -39.7% 8.1% 14.8% 5,676,711 0.6% 2,503,159 2,338,425 568,273 1,667,749 2,158,425 124,372 189,479 5.2% 4.5% -11.7% 7.7% -0.4% 504.9% 16.3% $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 72,274 30,021 7,709 1.25% 17.37% 3.28% 5.29 1.35 28.94 5,644,599 2,378,372 2,237,699 643,606 1,548,662 2,166,913 20,559 162,950 5,703,636 1.3% 5,630,794 77.27% 0.13% 7.57% 13.42% 14.67% 71.47% 0.17% 6.85% 13.27% 14.35% 16.9% 25.0% 16.7% 18.1% 9.8% -22.8% 6.1% -1.7% -1.6% -12.9% 6.9% -0.1% 93.6% -23.0% -0.3% $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 61,829 24,008 6,608 1.13% 12.69% 3.23% 4.48 1.23 37.50 5,321,687 2,419,104 2,273,652 738,980 1,449,231 2,169,865 10,620 211,729 5,645,687 66.79% 0.27% 8.75% 13.40% 14.51% $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 44,185 13,035 5,378 0.87% 9.06% 3.30% 2.82 1.14 33.48 4,586,224 1,699,510 1,590,841 392,420 1,135,236 1,509,505 5,000 166,670 4,977,750 75.21% 0.39% 9.81% 15.21% 16.46% 2019 Amount $ $ $ 31,715 11,576 4,037 1.18% 11.49% 3.52% $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 3.03 1.06 28.25 3,779,582 1,009,927 941,960 185,117 745,306 835,737 52,839 106,835 3,781,500 89.18% 0.50% 10.58% 14.51% 15.76% 3 In 1902, a group of businessmen in Dunmore, Pennsylvania founded Fidelity Bank with the goal of helping the community to thrive. Over a century later, Fidelity Bank stands strong, proudly serving Northeastern PA and the Lehigh Valley, creating greater opportunities for communities to prosper, for businesses to succeed, and for families to achieve their dreams. Our purpose has shaped our past and will guide us into a future where Fidelity Bank’s impact resonates even stronger than before. F O U N D A T I O N Built with Purpose MARK REESE President & ADAM REESE Vice President | Schiff’s Marketplace | Fidelity Bank Clients Since 2006 Our success as a bank is built on the contributions and success of our bankers, the relationships they develop with our clients, and their presence in the communities where we do business. Our experiences and insights, our strong referral network, our local on the ground expertise and our empathy are attributes that are uniquely Fidelity. They allow us to serve in ways that other banks simply do not and cannot. The passion, insight and knowledge that our bankers bring each day have produced outstanding results that are mutually beneficial to both clients and to the Bank. Their unwavering dedication is the foundation of Fidelity Bank’s success. D E D I C A T I O N Built for Success BRYANNE SALVO | Branch Manager | Fidelity Banker Since 2016 C O M M U N I T Y Built for Commitment As we continue to grow, innovate, and strive to deliver the best in banking, one thing remains constant–our commitment to the communities we serve. For well over a century, Fidelity Bank has forged strong bonds, giving back to communities in time, talent and treasure. From providing financial solutions and expert advice to local businesses to assisting organizations that bring resources to those in need, enrich lives, and expand educational opportunities, Fidelity Bank is fully invested in contributing positively to the strength and vitality of the communities it serves. DAWN GODSHALL | Executive Director, Community Action Lehigh Valley | Fidelity Bank Advisory Board Member V I S I O N Built to Last Fidelity Bank’s growth is the result of the continued execution of a strategic vision focused on deepening and broadening relationships with existing clients, addressing their financial needs, and providing each with an exceptional experience. Our vision defines our relationships, informs our decisions and inspires our actions. We are the partner who really knows and understands you and we are uniquely positioned for this time in banking. With our clients at the center of everything we do, we will continue to differentiate the Fidelity Bank brand in every market served, build new opportunities for communities to prosper, and continue to generate financial success for all key stakeholders. TONY DOMIANO, SR. | Owner, Domiano Auto Dealership | Fidelity Bank Client Since 1986 • Marywood University Nazareth Hall, McGowen Center, and Learning Commons Dunmore, PA 18509 Wealth Management Personal & Corporate Trust, Estate Administration & Investment Services 101 North Blakely St. Dunmore, PA 18512 570-504-2242 252 Sunbury St. Minersville, PA 17954 570-504-2250 Nicholas Parise SVP & Director of Wealth Management 570-558-0612 Fidelity Asset Management Services at Fidelity Bank SVP & Wealth Advisor 570-504-2242 Commercial Banking Timothy O’Brien 570-504-2230 Michael J. Pacyna 570-504-8005 Retail Banking Michelle J. Carr SVP, Director of Retail Banking 570-504-8083 Client Care Center 800-388-4380 Built to Last F I D E L I T Y D & D B A N C O R P, I N C . 2 0 2 3 A N N U A L R E P O R T Products & Services Consumer Deposit Products • Start Fresh Checking • First Step Checking • Reliance Checking • Relationship Checking • Performance Checking • Platinum Checking • Money Market Deposit Accounts • Optimum Choice Savings • Statement Savings • Green Team Savings • Scholar Savings • IRA Certificates of Deposit (Fixed & Variable Rate) • IRA Optimum Savings • Certificates of Deposit • CDARS/ICS Programs • Christmas & All Purpose Clubs • Teen Spending Account Consumer Loan Products • Home Equity Lines of Credit • Home Equity Installment Loans • Conventional & Jumbo Mortgages • Construction Mortgages • FHA/USDA/VA Mortgages • Auto Loans • Personal Loans • Secured & Unsecured Loans • Preferred Credit Loans Card Services • Visa® Consumer Debit Card • Visa® Business Debit Card • Visa® Credit Card • American Express® Credit Card • Card Manager • Digital Wallet Digital Services • Mobile Banking • Mobile Deposit • Online Banking • Web Bill Pay • Electronic Statement Delivery • Email Alerts & Text Alerts • Secure Mail • Online Account Opening • Telephone Link Business Deposit Products & Services • Business Checking • Basic Business Checking • Business Relationship Interest Checking • Business Analysis Checking • Community First Non-Profit Checking • Community First Checking • Estate Checking • Healthcare Checking • IOLTA Checking • Fidelity Muni-Choice Checking • CDARS/ICS Programs • Savings Accounts • Certificates of Deposit • Money Market Deposit Accounts • Fidelity Bank at Work Program Business Loan Products • Commercial Loans • Equipment Loans • Healthcare Loans • Lines of Credit • Municipal Loans • Community Development Loans • Commercial/Equipment Leasing • Commercial Mortgages • Letters of Credit Special Business Loan Programs • SBA Loan Programs • PEDFA Loans • FHLB – BOB Program • USDA Loan Programs • Scranton Industrial Development Company Loan Program • Tax Incremental Financing Programs • Pennsylvania Industrial Development Authority Business Services Cash Management • Business Online Banking • Fidelity Mobile Banking for Business • Mobile Deposit for Business • Direct Deposit Services • Merchant Services Credit Card Processing • Electronic Funds Receivables & Payables • Positive Pay Fraud Detection • Valet Banking Courier Service • Remote Deposit Capture • Lock Box • Zero Balance Accounting (ZBA) • eGiving (electronic donation/tithing) • Wire Transfer Services • Business Sweeps • Business Bill Pay • Sweep Line of Credit Investment Services* • Retirement Planning • College Planning • Estate Planning • Exchange Traded Funds (ETF’s) • Life Insurance • Fixed & Variable Annuities • Unit Investment Trusts • Mutual Funds • Stocks • Bonds • Long Term Care Insurance • 401(k) Plans (Including Solo 401(k) Plans) • Profit Sharing Plans • 403(b) Plans • SEP-IRA Plans • SIMPLE IRA Plans *Not FDIC insured. No Bank Guarantee. May Lose Value. Trust Services • Personal Trust • Charitable Trusts • Special Needs Trusts • Revocable & Irrevocable Trusts • Testamentary Trusts • Estate Settlement & Services • Endowments • Guardianships • Corporate Trust • Bond Trustee • Paying Agent • Institutional Money Management Additional Bank Services • Acceptance of Dunmore Taxes • Acceptance of Scranton/Lackawanna Taxes • Acceptance of Elite Revenue Services Delinquent Tax & Levee Payments • Money Orders & Cashier Checks • Safe Deposit Box Services • Acceptance of Lackawanna River Basin Sewer Authority Payments • Acceptance of Hazleton City Water Authority & Police Fund Payments • Acceptance of Lower Mount Bethel Sanitation Authority Payments • Acceptance of Pen Argyl Borough Sewer Authority Payments • Acceptance of Portland Borough Sewer & Water Authority Payments • Acceptance of Roseto Borough Sewer Authority Payments Branch & ATM Locations Fidelity Bank has partnered with MoneyPass, a network of approximately 40,000 nationwide ATM’s NEPA Locations 1311 Morgan Hwy. Clarks Summit, PA 18411 570-586-3212 2363 Memorial Hwy. Dallas, PA 18612 570-675-3332 External ATM at Dallas Shopping Center 101 North Blakely St. Dunmore, PA 18512 570-342-8281 111 Green Ridge St. Scranton, PA 18509 570-342-5532 • 383 South Poplar St. Hazleton, PA 18201 570-501-7001 247 Wyoming Ave. Kingston, PA 18704 570-338-0119 4010 Birney Ave. Moosic, PA 18507 570-504-0789 1 South Mountain Blvd. Mountain Top, PA 18707 570-403-2297 1598 Main St. Peckville, PA 18452 570-483-3300 225 Kennedy Blvd. Pittston, PA 18640 570-908-0103 • Scranton Financial Center 338 North Washington Ave. Scranton, PA 18503 570-504-8001 400 South Main Ave. Scranton, PA 18504 570-504-8182 • Wilkes-Barre 64 North Franklin St. Wilkes-Barre, PA 18701 272-229-9875 (ATM in the parking lot*) 1000 Wyoming Ave. Wyoming, PA 18644 570-609-5800 Lehigh Valley Locations • 303 Pennsylvania Ave. Bangor, PA 18013 610-588-0983 (ATM in the parking lot*) • 44 East Broad St. Bethlehem, PA 18018 484-241-4464 • 46 Centre Square Easton, PA 18042 610-253-5117 • Lehigh Valley Corporate Center in Forks 1250 Braden Blvd. Easton, PA 18040 484-548-6095 • 2118 Delaware Dr. Mount Bethel, PA 18343 570-897-7650 (ATM in the parking lot*) • 44 South Broad St. Nazareth, PA 18064 610-746-5140 • 45 North Broadway Wind Gap, PA 18091 272-232-5317 ATM-Only Locations • Antonio’s Pizza 45 Luzerne Ave. West Pittston, PA 18643 • Ayers Country Market 1811 Red Barn Village Rd. Clarks Summit, PA 18411 • Dallas Shopping Center 32 Dallas Shopping Center Dallas, PA 18612 • Gino Merli Veterans’ Center 401 Penn Ave. Scranton, PA 18503 • Hilton Scranton & Conference Center 100 Adams Ave. Scranton, PA 18503 • Joe’s Beerman 1561 Main St. Peckville, PA 18452 • LK Hair Shop 408 Main St. White Haven, PA 18661 • Market Street Bar & Grill 223 West Market St. Scranton, PA 18508 • Mountain Plaza 1137 Moosic St. Scranton, PA 18503 • Our Lady of Peace 1510 Adams Ave. Scranton, PA 18508 • Scranton Cultural Center 420 North Washington Ave. Scranton, PA 18503 • Starbucks 1232 Keystone Industrial Park Rd. Dunmore, PA 18512 • T.J. Maxx 400 Oldfield Rd. Pittston, PA 18640 • Wilkes-Barre/Scranton International Airport 100 Terminal Rd. Avoca, PA 18641 • Zummo’s Café 916 Marion St. Scranton, PA 18509 * Dispense-only locations This Annual Report may contain forward-looking statements as defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Actual results and trends could differ materially from those set forth in such statements due to various factors. These factors include the possibility that increased demand or prices for the Company’s financial services and products may not occur, changing economic, interest rate and competitive conditions, technological developments and other risks and uncertainties, including those detailed in the Company’s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. 12 Investor Relations Fidelity D & D Bancorp, Inc. 101 North Blakely St. Dunmore, PA 18512 (570) 342-8281 We are a public company whose stock is traded on The Nasdaq Global Market, under the symbol FDBC. Transfer Agent and Registrar Shareholders’ Services Provided • Stock transfer (cid:129) Dividend reinvestment plan (cid:129) Direct deposit of dividends (cid:129) Duplicate mailing notification Computershare Trust Company, N.A. P.O. Box 30170 College Station, TX 77842 (877) 282-1168 Shareholder/Investor Inquiries Requests for information or assistance regarding Fidelity D & D Bancorp, Inc. should be directed to John Pash, Investor Relations Officer, at (570) 504-8007 or Market Makers The following firms are believed to presently make a market in Fidelity D & D Bancorp, Inc. stock on The Nasdaq Global Market, under the symbol FDBC. BofA Securities, Inc. One Bryant Park New York, NY 10036 USA (646) 743-2734 GTS Securities, LLC 545 Madison Ave., 15th Floor New York, NY 10022 (212) 715-2830 Citadel Securities, LLC 131 South Dearborn St., 32nd Fl. Chicago, IL 60603 (312) 395-2100 Hovde Group, LLC 1629 Colonial Parkway Inverness, IL 60067 (847) 991-6622 Latour Trading, LLC 377 Broadway, 10th Fl. New York, NY 10013 (917) 388-8000 Maxim Group, LLC 405 Lexington Ave. New York, NY 10174 (212) 895-3500 Stifel, Nicolaus & Company, Inc. 501 North Broadway St. Louis, MO 63102 (314) 342-2000 StoneX Financial, Inc. 329 Park Avenue North, Ste. 350 Winter Park, FL 32789 (407) 741-5300 Cowen and Company, LLC 599 Lexington Ave., 20th Fl. New York, NY 10022 (646) 562-1010 IMC Financial Markets 233 South Wacker Dr. #4300 Chicago, IL 60606 (312) 244-3300 Morgan Stanley & Co., LLC 1585 Broadway New York, NY 10036 (212) 761-4000 Susquehanna Securities 401 City Ave., Ste. 220 Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004 (610) 617-2600 D.A. Davidson & Co. 8 Third Street North Great Falls, MT 59401 (406) 727-4200 Janney Montgomery Scott, Inc. 1717 Arch St. Philadelphia, PA 18103 (215) 665-6000 G1 Execution Services, LLC 175 W. Jackson Blvd., Ste. 1700 Chicago, IL 60604 (312) 362-0404 Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc. 787 7th Ave., 4th & 5th Flrs. New York, NY 10019 (212) 887-7777 Raymond James & Associates, Inc. 880 Carillon Parkway St. Petersburg, FL 33716 (727) 567-1000 SG Americas Securities, LLC 245 Park Ave. New York, NY 10167 (212) 278-6000 Two Sigma Securities, LLC 101 Avenue of the Americas, 19th Fl. New York, NY 10013 (212) 625-5700 UBS Securities, LLC 1285 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10019 (203) 719-3000 Goldman Sachs & Co., LLC 200 West St. New York, NY 10282 (212) 902-1000 RBC Capital Markets 3 World Financial Center New York, NY 10281 (612) 371-2811 Virtu Americas, LLC 300 Vesey St. New York, NY 10282 (646) 682-6000 800 388 4380 |

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