RAPPORT ANNUEL 2019 2019 A N NUA L R EPORT La passion Passionate créative about creativity Passionate about creativity T H E LV M H S P I R I T Louis Vuitton and Moët Hennessy merged in 1987, creating the LVMH Group. In 1989, Bernard Arnault became the Group’s majority shareholder, and Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, with a clear vision: to make LVMH the world leader in luxury. Today, the LVMH Group comprises 75 exceptional Maisons, each of which creates products that embody unique craftsmanship, carefully preserved heritage and dynamic engagement with modernity. Through their creations the Maisons are the ambas- sadors of a distinctive, refined art de vivre. LVMH nurtures a family spirit underpinned by an unwavering long- term vision. The Group’s vocation is to ensure the development of each of its Maisons while respecting their identity and their auton- omy, by providing all the resources they need to create, produce and distribute their products and services through carefully selected channels. All of LVMH’s stakeholders share three core values. These values drive our Maisons’ performance and ensure their longevity, while keeping them attuned to the spirit of the times and connected to society. The Group has made sustainable development a stra- tegic priority since its creation. Today, that commitment provides a clear answer to the issue of the ethical responsibility of busi- nesses in general, and to the distinctive role a group such as LVMH should play in France and around the world. Our philosophy: Passionate about creativity LV M H VA L U E S Innovation and creativity Because our future success will come from the desire that our new products elicit while respecting the roots of our Maisons. Excellence of products and service Because we embody what is most noble and quality-endowed in the artisan world. Entrepreneurship Because this is the key to our ability to react and our motivation to manage our businesses as startups. LV M H : A D E E P LY C O M M I T T E D G R O U P Our Group and Maisons put heart and soul into everything they do. Each of our initiatives is meaningful and reflects our commitment to the environment, the community and diversity. 02 • 03 La Samaritaine T H E LV M H G R O U P Chairman’s message Interview with the Group Managing Director Governance and organization Our Maisons and business groups Performance and responsibility Strategy and key figures Commitments in 2019 Talent Environment Corporate philanthropy Ethics and responsible partnerships B U S I N E S S G R O U P I N S I G H T S Wines & Spirits Fashion & Leather Goods Perfumes & Cosmetics Watches & Jewelry Selective Retailing LV M H S T O R I E S P E R F O R M A N C E M E A S U R E S Stock market performance measures Financial performance measures Non-financial performance measures 06 12 14 16 18 20 22 30 34 38 42 46 56 66 76 86 96 134 136 138 04 • 05 INSPIRE, ADAPT, PRESERVE LV M H ’ S P E R F O R M A N C E R E F L E C T S O U R E F F E C T I V E S T R A T E G Y. P U R S U E D W I T H C O N S I S T E N C Y, I T I N S P I R E S A N D G U I D E S O U R A C T I O N S , A N D K E E P S U S O N C O U R S E F O R S U S T A I N A B L E G R O W T H D E S P I T E E X C E P T I O N A L C I R C U M S T A N C E S . 2019 was another record year for our Group and its Maisons, with double-digit growth in both revenue and profit. This performance reflects a well-calibrated strategy applied consistently and effectively. But it could not have been achieved without the exceptional appeal of our Maisons: their ability to constantly surprise and enchant our customers. By endeavoring to always forge our own path, guided by our long-term vision, we have reaped the rewards of ambitious choices, investments and patient developments years in the making. This long-term commitment is what sets us apart, and allows our Maisons and employees the time they need to fully express their potential and talent. It also drives our ability to adapt and respond to the unprecedented crisis that the world is facing in this early part of 2020, and underpins the powerful resilience of our Group, which will rise to this challenge as we have always done in the past. A YEAR OF ACCOMPLISHMENTS In 2019, the products of our Maisons and the experiences they offer were more desirable than ever before. This can be seen in the ongoing success of Hennessy, now the world’s number-one premium spirits brand, and in Champagne, with the performance of our prestige cuvées, illustrated by the popularity of Dom Pérignon’s new Plénitude 2 1998 vintage and Veuve Clicquot’s La Grande Dame, as well as the dynamism of Moët & Chan- don exemplified by its renovation and reopening of Château de Saran, near Reims, to the delight of its customers and partners the world over. Louis Vuitton and Christian Dior delivered exceptional performances, boosted by inspiring runway shows, high-impact exhibitions and prestigious collaborations, while Fendi saw strong growth – a glowing tribute to the artistic passion of its iconic Creative Director Karl Lagerfeld, who passed away at the beginning of the year. Other highlights included the rapid progress made by Loewe, Rimowa and Bvlgari; Sephora’s extended lead; the growth drivers explored by Parfums Christian Dior and Guerlain in skincare; and the remarkable resilience of DFS in a particularly challenging context in Hong Kong, a major market for travel retail. Our Maisons increased their production capacity, including the opening of two new leather goods workshops at Louis Vuitton: one in Maine-et-Loire, France, and the other in Texas, in the United States. 06 • 07 LVMH 2019 . Chairman’s messageThe positive momentum shown by all of our business groups was also boosted by new tie-ups carried out in 2019. We are very proud to be joined by exceptional hotel business Belmond. We have also forged a promising partnership with Stella McCartney, whose long-standing commitment to sustainable, ethical fashion resonates with our values and our vision. Lastly, we made our debut in the high-end rosé sector, with the arrival within the Group of two renowned vineyards in the south of France. A POTENT MIX OF COLLECTIVE TALENT These accomplishments and achievements are due above all to our highly driven staff: a potent mix of collective efficiency that fuels the appeal and power of our brands each and every day. At every Maison and in every profession, the women and men of LVMH have made all the difference, from the free rein given to creativity and initiative to their absolute mastery of quality; constantly aspiring to offer fresh, new ideas without losing sight of our timeless heritage, and driving forward our Maisons, their products, their designs and their experiences. One need look no further than the new Louis Vuitton Maison in Seoul, for which Frank Gehry designed a fantastic glass vessel echoing the Fondation Louis Vuitton in Paris; the Maison’s New Bond Street store in London, transformed by architect Peter Marino; and the spectacular Christian Dior pop-up store inaugurated on the Champs- Élysées, transported as if by magic from its historic address at 30 Avenue Montaigne during its transformation. AN UNPRECEDENTED CRISIS In the economic environment we face during these first few months of 2020, disrupted by a major public health crisis, we remain focused on a long-term vision – the time frame within which we pursue our strategy – and are continuing to concentrate our efforts on preserving the value of our brands. In this unprecedented context, I would first like to thank our teams around the world, who have mobilized to help caregivers and partici- pate in the collective effort by making hydroalcoholic gel for hand sanitizers, by facilitat- ing the movement or by producing medical masks or even by sourcing critical equipment for hospitals. The health and safety of our employees and customers must remain our top priority. On a global scale, the Group works closely with the teams of each of our Maisons to provide them with all the resources they need. Thanks to everyone’s commit- ment and the strength of its brands, the LVMH group maintains good resilience in the face of this worldwide challenge. For several weeks, our teams have once again demon- strated that excellence, creativity and responsiveness will allow us not only to overcome this crisis but, above all, to emerge even stronger when it fades. Vigilant and responsive as never before in the short term and confident for the long term, we will approach the months ahead focused on our targets for lasting growth, firmly committed to consolidat- ing our lead in high-quality products once again in 2020. THE DESIRE TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE This commitment takes many forms, reflecting the richness and diversity of our Group. Since our launch of a pioneering environmental policy starting in 1992, we have constantly strived and innovated to limit the impacts of our activities, preserving the natural ecosys- tems – and even the landscapes – that are so essential to the life of our Maisons. From the overhaul of Louis Vuitton’s global logistics operations to the groundbreaking packaging designed for Veuve Clicquot and Ruinart, we have delivered clear improvements in envi- ronmental performance across all our business lines. Ahead of our ambitious roadmap set out under the LIFE program, we made new commitments last fall, in particular to promote biodiversity and animal welfare. And because expertise plays a crucial role in this neces- sary transition to a greener, more energy-efficient economy, we have continued to expand our environmental knowledge base, all the way to our Board of Directors, with a firm desire to achieve continuous improvement at every level of our Group. Although sometimes less visible from the outside, our commitment to inclusion and giving back to the community is just as strong. Because we cannot craft inspiring prod- ucts and experiences without an unwavering focus on the working conditions and opportunities available to our staff; without strict adherence to ethical practices and traceability in our dealings with our partners; without opening our eyes to the world’s problems. This outlook has guided a number of initiatives to support important causes, in particular the substantial resources devoted to saving Notre-Dame de Paris Cathedral, combating deforestation in the Amazon, and more recently, fighting the spread of the coronavirus, supporting the Red Cross Society of China and the Hospitals of Paris-Hos- pitals of France Foundation. BUILDING THE FUTURE WITH YOUNGER GENERATIONS All of these commitments and achievements converge around a final key concept: pass- ing on the craft. At LVMH, we constantly endeavor to cultivate the expertise upon which our Maisons have built their legacies. We honor this commitment by hiring and training thousands of new employees each year. But also by expanding access to our expertise and company culture through our Institut des Métiers d’Excellence, as well as programs like DARE and La Maison des Startups to stimulate innovation. The past lives within us and inspires us, but what motivates us is the future: the younger generations to whom we have a duty to pass on the torch of excellence. They already have ambition: our role is to equip them with the tools and skills they need to attain it. For in the end, this is what LVMH stands for and what ultimately gives meaning to everything we do. We are a family group focused on the future, united by a positive, sus- tainable long-term vision for our company’s role in society; a young, virtuous, enthusiastic group imbued with a powerful ideal of perfection, quality and beauty, driven by our com- mitments and our calling to inspire dreams. Bernard Arnault Chairman and Chief Executive Officer 08 • 09 LVMH 2019 . Chairman’s messageLa Samaritaine I N N O VA T I N G T O G O B E Y O N D O U R C U S T O M E R S ’ D R E A M S ANTONIO BELLONI, GROUP MANAGING DIRECTOR LVMH has had another very impressive year. Can this exceptional momentum continue? require adaptation and innovation in the way we execute our strategies. Difficult and unprecedented situations, like the one we are facing today, call for considerable resil- Year after year, we work to build the desirability of our ience, but they can be sources of energy and new ideas. brands over the long term. We invest in innovation to go Backed by the dedication and agility of our teams, we are beyond our customers’ dreams; in marketing and the dig- confident that the positive momentum will return and ital world to ensure that the image of our brands is ever continue over the medium and long term. more inspiring and attuned to diverse new trends; in building high-performance, environmentally friendly workshops so that our products embody sustainable excellence; and in designing exceptional stores to enchant What are the main trends dominating the luxury market? our customers. Above all, we invest in our talent including We’re seeing some very exciting changes at the moment. designers, craftspeople, sales associates, managers – all There’s a growing desire in luxury for a much more per- these professions contribute to the excellent perfor- sonal touch. Throughout their experience with a luxury mance of our Maisons. Lastly, while our existing brands brand, each customer wants – and deserves – to feel val- continue to demonstrate their strong potential, we pur- ued and unique. Bespoke and customization are gaining sue selective external growth, illustrated in 2019 by the ground, but so is the desire for a relationship with our acquisition of the Belmond hotel group. As things stand brands whose main criteria – far from being purely in early 2020, with the coronavirus pandemic front and center, our top priority has been – and continues to be – rational – are above all affective and emotional. Which brings me to the second key point: beyond creativity and doing whatever necessary to protect the health and quality, our customers want meaning. They want to be on safety of our employees. Its impact on society’s values as the same page with our ethics and our social commit- well as on the lifestyles and desires of our customers will ments. From our environmental approach to how we Louis Vuitton promote diversity and inclusion and ensure transparent collaborations, artistic and cultural events, and private supply chains, our impact on society is fundamentally salons dedicated to a personalized styling service; TAG important to them, just as it is to our employees and all Heuer’s design of the first luxury smartwatch; our grow- our stakeholders. The current public health crisis will fur- ing presence in the field of luxury experiences with the ther reinforce these expectations. The third big trend has expertise of Belmond, whose hotels offer unforgettable to do with changing lifestyles: our customers are highly stays in the world’s most inspiring locations. We also connected, with multiple ways of staying informed and know how to build new models from the ground up, as sharing their opinions in the digital world. illustrated by the success of Fenty Beauty: a powerful What will it take to stay ahead? concept, inclusive and highly relevant, which has amassed an unprecedented following on Instagram. Lastly, staying ahead also means leading by example when it comes to Constantly improving our capacity to embrace new improving our social and environmental impact. For trends, enrich our customer experience and go beyond example, in the area of responsible supply chains, an our customers’ dreams. Imagination, experimentation extensive program of research and collaboration with our and constant reinvention while staying true to our Mai- sons’ heritage, are what make our ecosystem so power- suppliers culminated in our 2019 launch of the Ani- mal-Based Raw Materials Sourcing Charter. On all social ful. Take, for example, Louis Vuitton’s partnership with and environmental fronts, we have the active support of League of Legends, an unprecedented, fascinating initia- the Group’s family shareholding structure, which ensures tive; Le Bon Marché’s perpetual innovation through its its long-term future. 12 • 13 LVMH 2019 . Interview with the Group Managing DirectorG O V E R N A N C E A N D O R G A N I Z A T I O N THE RIGHTS OF LVMH SHAREHOLDERS ARE PROTECTED BY LAW AND THE PRINCIPLES OF CORPORATE GOVERNANCE WHICH GOVERN THE WAY THE GROUP OPERATES. LVMH’s Board of Directors is the strategic body of the sis of changes in the Group’s activities and scope. The Company that is primarily responsible for enhancing the Committee worked primarily on internal audit; the Group’s Company’s value and protecting its corporate interests, internal audit policy and how the financial markets view taking into consideration the social and environmental the Group; and the transition to the new accounting issues facing its business and, where applicable, the standard, IFRS 16, from January 1, 2019. Company’s mission statement, as laid down pursuant to – In 2019, the Nominations & Compensation Committee Article 1835 of the French Civil Code. It also endeavors to issued proposals on the fixed and variable components promote the Company’s long-term value creation, in par- of compensation as well as benefits in kind paid to the ticular by taking into account the social and environmen- Chairman and Chief Executive Officer and the Group tal issues facing its business. Its principle assignments are Managing Director, on the performance criteria associ- to approve the Company’s and the Group’s major strate- ated with their variable compensation and the respective gies and supervise their implementation; to verify the fair weighting of each one, the granting of performance and accurate presentation of information about the shares to those two individuals and the requirement to Company and the Group; to protect its corporate assets; retain possession of a portion of any vested shares. It also and to ensure that core business risks are fully accounted provided opinions on the compensation, performance for in the management of the Company. It also ensures shares and benefits in kind granted to certain Directors that procedures to prevent corruption and influence- by the Company or its subsidiaries. It reviewed the state- peddling are implemented, and that a non-discrimi- ment of compensation paid to Directors and Advisory nation and diversity policy is in place, notably with Board members during fiscal year 2019, as well as the regard to gender equality within the governing bodies. Board of Directors’ draft report on the compensation pol- Lastly, it acts as guarantor with respect to the rights of icy submitted for shareholder approval. It expressed an each of its shareholders and ensures that shareholders opinion in favor of (i) the reappointment of Directors fulfill all of their duties. whose terms of office were ending in 2019, (ii) the In fiscal year 2019, the Board of Directors approved the appointment of a new Director and a new Advisory annual and interim parent company and consolidated Board member, and (iii) the reappointments of Bernard financial statements, monitored quarterly business activ- Arnault as Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chief ity, and gave its opinion on the Group’s key strategic Executive Officer, and of Antonio Belloni as Group Man- direction and decisions, its budget, compensation of aging Director. It also issued a favorable opinion on the company officers, the implementation of a bonus perfor- combined role of Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. mance share allocation plan, and the implementation of – In 2019, the Ethics & Sustainable Development Commit- the share buyback authorization. Lastly, it approved the tee gave a progress update on the Group’s compliance plan to acquire Tiffany & Co. program, notably in connection with the Sapin II Act and There are three committees within the LVMH Board of the law on the duty of care for parent companies. Directors: – In 2019, the Performance Audit Committee reviewed the annual and interim parent company and consolidated financial statements in conjunction with a detailed analy- More information can be found in the 2019 Universal Registration Document. EXECU TIVE COMMITTEE Bernard Arnault Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Antonio Belloni Group Managing Director Delphine Arnault Louis Vuitton Nicolas Bazire Development and Acquisitions Pietro Beccari Christian Dior Couture Michael Burke Louis Vuitton Chantal Gaemperle Human Resources and Synergies Jean-Jacques Guiony Finance Christopher de Lapuente Sephora and Beauty Philippe Schaus Wines and Spirits Sidney Toledano Fashion Group Jean-Baptiste Voisin Strategy 14 • 15 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Bernard Arnault Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Antonio Belloni Group Managing Director Antoine Arnault Delphine Arnault (8) Nicolas Bazire Sophie Chassat (1) Charles de Croisset (1) (6) (7) Lead Director Diego Della Valle (1) Clara Gaymard (1) (5) Iris Knobloch (1) Marie-Josée Kravis (1) (7) Marie-Laure Sauty de Chalon (1) (8) Yves-Thibault de Silguy (1) (6) (7) (8) Natacha Valla (1) (2) Hubert Védrine (1) (8) Advisory Board Members Yann Arthus-Bertrand Paolo Bulgari (3) Lord Powell of Bayswater (4) General Secretary Marc-Antoine Jamet Statutory Auditors Ernst & Young Audit represented by Gilles Cohen and Patrick Vincent-Genod Mazars represented by Isabelle Sapet and Loïc Wallaert (1) Independent Director. (2) Appointment as a Director proposed at the Shareholders’ Meeting of June 30, 2020. (3) Until the Shareholders’ Meeting of June 30, 2020. (4) Appointment as an Advisory Board member proposed at the Shareholders’ Meeting of June 30, 2020. (5) Appointment as a Performance Audit Committee member to replace Antoine Arnault effective June 30, 2020. (6) Member of the Performance Audit Committee. (7) Member of the Nominations & Compensation Committee. (8) Member of the Ethics & Sustainable Development Committee. LVMH 2019 . Governance and organizationO U R M A I S O N S LVMH COMPRISES 75 PRESTIGIOUS MAISONS ORGANIZED INTO SIX BUSINESS GROUPS. EACH MAISON STEADFASTLY PRESERVES AND PERFECTS A LONG TRADITION OF EXPERTISE AND OFFERS EXCEPTIONAL PRODUCTS. 14TH CENTURY 1365 LE CLOS DES LAMBRAYS 16TH CENTURY 1593 CHÂTEAU D’YQUEM 18TH CENTURY 1729 RUINART 1743 MOËT & CHANDON 1765 HENNESSY 1772 VEUVE CLICQUOT 1780 CHAUMET 19TH CENTURY 1815 ARDBEG 1817 COVA 1828 GUERLAIN 1832 CHÂTEAU CHEVAL BLANC 1843 KRUG 1843 GLENMORANGIE 1846 LOEWE 1849 ROYAL VAN LENT 1852 LE BON MARCHÉ 1854 LOUIS VUITTON 1858 MERCIER 1860 TAG HEUER 1860 JARDIN D’ACCLIMATATION 1865 ZENITH 1870 LA SAMARITAINE 1884 BVLGARI 1895 BERLUTI 1898 RIMOWA 20TH CENTURY 1908 LES ECHOS 1914 PATOU 1916 ACQUA DI PARMA 1923 LA GRANDE ÉPICERIE DE PARIS 1924 LORO PIANA 1925 FENDI 1936 DOM PÉRIGNON 1936 FRED 1944 LE PARISIEN-AUJOURD’HUI EN FRANCE 1945 CELINE 1946 CHRISTIAN DIOR COUTURE 1947 PARFUMS CHRISTIAN DIOR 1947 EMILIO PUCCI 1952 GIVENCHY 1952 CONNAISSANCE DES ARTS 1957 PARFUMS GIVENCHY 1958 STARBOARD CRUISE SERVICES 1959 CHANDON 1960 DFS 1969 SEPHORA 1970 KENZO 1970 CAPE MENTELLE 1972 PERFUMES LOEWE 1974 INVESTIR-LE JOURNAL DES FINANCES 1976 BELMOND 1976 BENEFIT COSMETICS 1977 NEWTON 1980 HUBLOT 1983 RADIO CLASSIQUE 1984 PINK SHIRTMAKER 1984 MARC JACOBS 1984 MAKE UP FOR EVER 1985 CLOUDY BAY 1988 KENZO PARFUMS 1991 FRESH 1992 COLGIN CELLARS 1993 BELVEDERE 1998 BODEGA NUMANTHIA 1999 TERRAZAS DE LOS ANDES 1999 CHEVAL DES ANDES 21ST CENTURY 2004 NICHOLAS KIRKWOOD 2008 KVD VEGAN BEAUTY2009 MAISON FRANCIS KURKDJIAN 2010 WOODINVILLE 2013 MARC JACOBS BEAUTY 2013 AO YUN 2016 CHA LING 2017 FENTY BEAUTY BY RIHANNA 2017 VOLCÁN DE MI TIERRA 2019 FENTY O U R B U S I N E S S G R O U P S W IN ES & SPIR ITS FA SH ION & LEAT H ER GOODS PER FU M ES & COSM ET IC S Moët & Chandon, Krug, Veuve Clicquot, The Fashion & Leather Goods business LVMH is a key player in the perfume, Hennessy, Château d’Yquem… group comprises Louis Vuitton, makeup and skincare sector, with the origins of all these world-famous Christian Dior Couture, Celine, Loewe, a portfolio of world-famous French estates are inextricably linked to the Kenzo, Givenchy, Pink Shirtmaker, brands: Christian Dior, Guerlain, appellations and terroirs of the world’s Fendi, Emilio Pucci, Marc Jacobs, Givenchy and Kenzo. The Group most prestigious wines and spirits. Berluti, Nicholas Kirkwood, Loro Piana, also owns other beauty brands: Whether they are in Champagne, Rimowa and Patou. While respecting Benefit, Fresh, Acqua di Parma, Bordeaux, or other famed wine regions, the identity and autonomous Perfumes Loewe, Make Up For Ever, these Maisons, many of which date management of these brands, LVMH Maison Francis Kurkdjian, Fenty back more than a century, all share supports their growth by providing Beauty by Rihanna, KVD Vegan a powerful culture of excellence. them with shared resources. Beauty and Marc Jacobs Beauty. WATC H ES & J EW ELRY SELEC T I V E R ETA ILING OT H ER AC T I V IT IES The LVMH Watches & Jewelry Maisons The Selective Retailing business Other activities include Groupe are some of the most emblematic group comprises Sephora, the world’s Les Echos, which comprises leading brands in the industry. They operate leading selective beauty retailer, French business and cultural in jewelry and watches with Bvlgari, Le Bon Marché, a Paris department news publications; Royal Van Lent, Chaumet, Fred, TAG Heuer, Hublot store with a unique atmosphere, the builder of high-end yachts and Zenith. These Maisons are guided and travel retailers DFS and Starboard marketed under the brand name by a daily quest for excellence, Cruise Services. Feadship; Cheval Blanc and Belmond, creativity and innovation. which are developing a collection of exceptional hotels. 16 • 17 LVMH 2019 . Our Maisons and business groupsFendi. Fall/Winter 2019-2020 Couture show in Rome. A R E S P O N S I B L E M O D E L D E D I C A T E D T O E X C E L L E N C E FORGED OVER GENERATIONS BY ALLIANCES BETWEEN MAISONS – WEAVING TOGETHER THEIR TRADITIONS OF EXCELLENCE AND CREATIVE PASSION – LVMH HAS BUILT ITS LEADING POSITION ON A UNIQUE PORTFOLIO OF ICONIC BRANDS. These Maisons draw their energy from their exceptional Nurturing talent heritage, innovative mindset and receptive outlook. The Group supports their development in a spirit of entrepre- Encouraging all our employees to reach their full career neurship, long-term vision and respect for the source of potential and achieve their aspirations. Developing diversity their strength and stature. and the wealth of human resources at our companies in As ambassadors of an authentic art de vivre, it is our all the countries where we operate, and encouraging responsibility to set the right example in every aspect of initiatives in these areas. Contributing to the knowledge and our business, from product design to the experience that preservation of our crafts outside the Group in addition to customers have throughout their relationships with the our own expertise as artisans and designers. Group's brands; from investment choices to social and environmental initiatives. Because what we do requires a Environment diverse range of talent, we are committed to training teams that embody excellence. Because passing on skills Working together to preserve the planet’s resources, is an integral part of our culture, we want to use that to design and develop products that are compatible opportunity to promote social inclusion and employ- with environmental concerns, reporting on our policies ment. Because our crafts make the most of nature at its and projects and the progress achieved in meeting our purest and most beautiful, we see preserving the environ- object ives. Contributing to environmental protection above ment as a strategic imperative. and beyond factors directly related to our operations The values and actions encompassed by our sustainable by entering into active partnerships with cooperating development attitude emerge from a tradition that dates businesses, local authorities and associations. back to the origins of our Maisons and forms an integral part of our heritage. Our long-term success depends not Partnerships and support only on the Group’s solid business model and profitable growth strategy, but also on our unwavering commitment Maintaining and strengthening responsible relationships to creativity, excellence, and our environmental impact with our partners, suppliers and subcontractors. Imple- and corporate citizenship. Business performance menting a patronage program for the widest possible public benefit which reflects and transmits our funda- mental values. Providing active support for major causes, humanitarian projects and public health programs, and Combining profitable growth and sustainability with developing initiatives in support of art and young people. commitments to creativity and excellence. Applying our creative passion to the art de vivre to which our customers aspire. Strengthening our position as a global leader, and being the benchmark for managing and developing high-quality brands. 18 • 19 LVMH 2019 . Performance and responsibilityT H E W O R L D ’ S L E A D I N G L U X U R Y G O O D S G R O U P A UNIQUE OPERATING MODEL ANCHORED BY SIX PILLARS 1 . — DECENTRALIZED ORGANIZATION 2 . — VERTICAL INTEGRATION 3 . — SUSTAINING SAVOIR-FAIRE Our structure and operating principles Vertical integration fosters excellence Our Maisons pursue a long-term ensure that our Maisons are both both upstream and downstream, allow- vision. To preserve their distinctive autonomous and responsive. This ing control over every link in the value identities and excellence, LVMH allows us to be extremely close to our chain – from sourcing and production and its Maisons have developed a customers, to ensure that rapid, effec- facilities to selective retailing – which range of initiatives to pass down skills tive and appropriate decisions can be in turn means that the image of our and expertise, and promote craft made. This approach also sustains the Maisons is carefully controlled. trades and design professions among motivation of our employees, encour- aging them to show true entrepre- neurial spirit. younger generations. 4 . — 5 . — ORGANIC GROWTH CREATING SYN ERGIES The LVMH Group places priority on Sharing of resources on a Group scale organic growth and commits signifi- creates intelligent synergies while 6 . — BALANCE ACROSS BUSIN ESS SEGMENTS AND GEO GRAPHIES cant resources to develop its Maisons, respecting the individual identities and Our Group has the resources to sus- as well as to encourage and protect autonomy of our Maisons. The com- tain regular growth thanks to the bal- creativity. Our employees are key to bined strength of the LVMH Group ance across its business activities and this approach, making it essential to is leveraged to benefit each of its a well-distributed geographic foot- support their career growth and Maisons. encourage them to excel. print. This balance means that we are well-positioned to withstand the impact of shifting economic factors. €53 .7 bn +15% Revenue €1 1 . 5 bn +15% Profit from recur ring operations €7. 2 bn +13% Net profit Group share 70 countries 4 ,91 5 stores 163 , 309 employees 75 Maisons 2019 REVENUE BY REGION (in %) 2019 REVENUE BY BUSINESS GROUP (in %) Other markets 11% Asia (excl. Jap an) 30% Japan 7% France 9% Europe (excl. France) 19% United States 24% Selective Retailing and Other activities 28% Watches & Jewelr y 8% Perfu mes & Cos metics 13% Wines & Spirits 10% Fashion & Leather Goods 41% GEOGRAPHIC FOOTPRINT (as of December 31, 2019) UNITED STATES Revenue: €12,613 m 829 stores 31 ,4 83 employees OTH ER MA RKETS Revenue: €6,062 m 494 stores 12,172 employees FRANC E Revenue: €4,725 m 535 s tores 33,701 employees EUROPE (excl. France) Reven ue: €10,203 m 1,177 stores 40,453 employees JAPAN Reven ue: €3,878 m 427 stores 7,391 employees ASIA (excl. Japan) Reven ue: €16,189 m 1,453 stores 38,109 employees 20 • 21 LVMH 2019 . Strategy and key figures Notre-Dame de Paris Cathedral C O M M I T M E N T S I N 2 0 1 9 IN 2019, LVMH ONCE AGAIN DEVOTED RESOURCES AND SKILLS TO A RANGE OF INITIATIVES SUPPORTING IMPORTANT CAUSES. A RT & C U LT U R E Art has always inspired the creation of exceptional products, and at LVMH highly skilled craftsman- ship and rare professions are a precious cultural resource. It is therefore only natural that the Group should take action to foster art and cul- ture. Our support spans several areas, in France and further afield: helping restore historical monu ments, enriching the collections of major museums, contributing to key national exhibi- tions and supporting contemporary artists. — APRIL 2019 van Gogh, Edgar Degas, Auguste Renoir, Paul Gauguin, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec and Amedeo Modigliani. In early October, the entire Fondation Louis Vuitton was taken over by a large-scale exhibition of the works of Charlotte Perriand, a leading light of 20th century art, known for being a visionary, socially engaged designer and architect whose work broke down barriers between different art forms and still today remains an endless source of inspiration. Featuring over 400 works, Char lotte Perriand: Inventing a New World showcased the dia- logue between this pioneering figure and the artists of her time, including Fernand Léger, Pablo Picasso, Georges Braque, Alexander Calder, Hisao Dōmoto, Joan Miró, Henri Laurens, Le Corbusier and Sōfu Teshigahara. 200 pieces by Perriand’s contemporaries were displayed LVMH’S PLEDGE TO HELP REBUILD within her architectural creations and alongside her NOTRE-DAME DE PARIS design works, tracing the outlines of a new world, bal- anced between tradition and modernity. Following the tragic fire that devastated part of Notre- Dame de Paris cathedral, the Arnault family and the LVMH Group pledged their support to help rebuild this architectural treasure – a symbol of France, its heritage and national unity – by donating a total of €200 million to the monument’s restoration fund. — 2019-2020 TWO SUCCESSFUL EXHIBITIONS AT THE FONDATION LOUIS VUITTON From February 20 to June 17, 2019, the Fondation Louis Vuitton exhibited over 100 Impressionist masterpieces, including some of the greatest French works from the late 19th century and early 20th century, acquired by English industrialist and art patron Samuel Courtauld. The exhibition – which was divided into three galleries and revolved around a set of exceptional works by two of the era’s iconic artists: Georges Seurat and Paul Cézanne – also allowed visitors to admire master- pieces by Claude Monet, Édouard Manet, Vincent LEA DER SH IP & EN T R EPR EN EU R SH IP At LVMH, leadership drives performance. Thanks to the leadership of all our employees with vision – and the ability to instill this vision in their staff – we are able to achieve highly ambitious goals. Our decentralized organization lets us build close relationships with our customers; make fast, effec- tive decisions; and motivate our employees for the long term by encouraging them to take an entre- preneurial approach. This approach encourages risk-taking and perseverance, and requires a prac- tical mindset and the ability to push our employees to outdo themselves. We foster collective intelligence and run in-house innovation development pro- grams so that our boldest employees can transform their innovative ideas into business plans. 22 • 23 LVMH 2019 . Commitments in 2019Viva Technology 2019 — MARCH 2019 and the innovations of 30 startups backed by the Group, SHERO: A DIGITAL PLATFORM TO HELP WOMEN which came to pitch their solutions to the customer CONNECT THROUGHOUT THE LVMH GROUP experience needs of the future. This year’s LVMH Innova- Open to all Group employees, Shero is an in-house, mobile body measurement technology for apparel retail- community-based digital platform that shares editorial ers in particular. The award includes a year of tailored content (such as articles, videos and podcasts) and offers business development support from the LVMH Group, specific career development tools for women within the helping 3DLOOK grow through La Maison des Startups tion Award went to 3DLOOK, a startup that develops Group. Launched at the EllesVMH Accelerator Day event incubator at Station F. held in March 2019 on the occasion of International Wom- en’s Day, Shero was one of the winning projects at the — DARE EllesVMH event held in Venice in March 2018. The JUNE, NOVEMBER 2019 aim of Shero – a combination of the words “she” and DARE CAMPS: ENCOURAGING “hero” – is to build a community of inspiring, ambitious AN ENTREPRENEURIAL SPIRIT AMONG women to meet LVMH’s goal of achieving gender equal- OUR EMPLOYEES ity in top management positions in 2020. — MAY 2019 LVMH’S FOURTH APPEARANCE AT VIVA TECHNOLOGY In 2019, for its fourth appearance at VivaTech, LVMH DARE is LVMH’s “intrapreneurship” program. Its DARE Camps let 60 employees put their best ideas to the test in a work environment that mirrors the launch of a startup. Two DARE Camps were held in 2019, in London and Tokyo. These events culminated in the presentation of twelve short-listed projects, three of which were selected by a jury made up of Group senior executives once again showcased innovation at its Luxury Lab. At and outside entrepreneurs. At the end of each DARE the 500 sq.m LVMH Pavilion, the Group launched a Camp, each project can move on to the next round of dialogue between the expertise of its 24 Maisons present development through the DARE incubator program, which has three phases: Integration, Acceleration and Launch. In 2019 LVMH took this initiative a step further with its DARE Acceleration Days: a two-day event to help budding employee entrepreneurs develop 20 promising projects identified at DARE Camps. For the Group, this event helped strengthen its commitment to intrapreneur- ship and support its in-house talent over the long term. — DECEMBER 2019 THE ENGAGED MAISONS DINNER CAPS OFF A YEAR OF SUPPORT FOR GOOD CAUSES For the past seven years, LVMH has held its annual Engaged Maisons Dinner, an event that showcases the T R A DIT ION & EX PERT ISE LVMH and its Maisons are the heirs and cus- todians of a long tradition of artisanal and creative skills, some of which date back centu- ries. They scrupulously safeguard and develop this cultural heritage. Perpetuating these pro- fessions and their traditions is vital for LVMH’s long-term future, since only very highly skilled artisans can make our beautifully crafted products. And this unique legacy, this expertise, is also what we are known and respected for worldwide. Group and its Maisons’ commitment to corporate social — responsibility. This year’s event brought together around MAY 2019 30 of the Group’s Maisons, as well as prominent figures PROMOTING EQUAL OPPORTUNITY and guests representing the nonprofit sector, to support WITH L’INSTITUT DES VOCATIONS POUR L’EMPLOI a cause championed by LVMH since 2011: the fight against sickle cell anemia. Since then, the LVMH Group Founded by the LVMH Group in 2019 and chaired by has pledged its support for the Robert-Debré pediatric hospital by helping fund research and treatment for this Brigitte Macron, L’Institut des Vocations pour l’Emploi (LIVE) shares the Group’s long-term vision, focusing inherited genetic disease, for which there is currently no on passing on skills to younger generations as a top cure. Over €1 million has been donated since the start of strategic priority. With LIVE, LVMH offers a second this partnership. chance to people over the age of 25 who have been 24 • 25 LVMH 2019 . Commitments in 2019China International Import Expo marginalized on the job market. The first LIVE center NOVEMBER 2019 opened in Clichy-sous-Bois and welcomed its first class LVMH SIGNS MAJOR PARTNERSHIP of 50 students, who took refresher courses on key skills WITH THE CHINA INTERNATIONAL such as written and verbal communication, math and IMPORT EXPO (CIIE) general knowledge, as well as personal development — training and career planning guidance. For the first time, LVMH and 13 of its Maisons took part in — OCTOBER 2019 LVMH’S INSTITUT DES MÉTIERS D’EXCELLENCE CONTINUES TO GROW the China International Import Expo trade fair, in and around their own LVMH pavilion. The CIIE – which was held for the second time from November 5 to 10, 2019 in Shanghai – is a major event that was launched to pro- mote trade and strengthen cooperation between China and other countries. The event was held at Shanghai’s National Exhibition and Convention Center, where LVMH Since it was founded by the Group in 2014, LVMH’s – which was also present at the French national pavilion Institut des Métiers d’Excellence (IME) has been con- among the country’s largest companies – used the stantly growing, driven by the Group’s commitment to Group’s own 500 sq.m exhibition space to showcase the training younger generations through apprenticeships. excellence of its Maisons and their singular ability to com- In 2019, the IME welcomed a total of 300 apprentices in bine innovation and heritage, with a sophisticated, inno- France, Switzerland, Italy and Spain (where a program vative display: a fitting tribute to France. was launched in 2019) – a tenfold increase over the first year’s class. This initiative is a source of great pride for LVMH, for which passing on its Maisons’ expertise is a key priority. SOC IET Y & T H E EN V IRON M EN T Since its inception, the Group has made sustaina- ble development one of its strategic priorities. This policy provides a powerful response to the issues of corporate ethical responsibility in general, as well as the role a group like LVMH should play within French society and internationally. — MARCH 2019 established in 2011, which prohibits all forms of discrimi- nation, including based on sexual orientation and gender identity, as well as awareness campaigns, discrimination testing and training held regularly throughout the year. One such initiative was the “Unconscious Bias Training” program launched in late 2019 for Group employees in key positions. The aim of this training is to help such employees gain a deeper understanding of the nature and prevalence of prejudice toward others in the work- place and to shine a light on the Group's commitment to strengthening its inclusive corporate culture. LVMH PROMOTES DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION — MAY 2019 LVMH showed its commitment to strengthening its inclu- LVMH AND UNESCO WORK HAND IN HAND sive corporate culture, pledging its support for the United TO PROTECT BIODIVERSITY Nations’ standards of conduct for business tackling dis- crimination against lesbian, gay, bi, trans, and intersex On May 14, 2019, LVMH stepped up its long-standing (LGBTI) people, in Paris in March with members of commitment to biodiversity conservation with a major LVMH's Executive Committee and Maison Presidents, milestone, signing a five-year partnership with UNESCO then again in New York in June with the Group's Maisons to support its intergovernmental scientific program, “Man based in the United States. This initiative builds on LVMH’s steadfast policy of promoting diversity in the workplace, fighting discrimination and respecting all individuals, which it implemented more than 10 years ago. The meas- and the Biosphere” (MAB). Both partners will appear side by side at international events, particularly in 2020, at the IUCN(1) World Conservation Congress in Marseille, and at the Convention on Biological Diversity to be held ures taken under this policy include the Code of Conduct in China in November. Driven by common core values 26 • 27 LVMH 2019 . Commitments in 2019— enshrined in a charter, LVMH and UNESCO will also join SEPTEMBER 2019 forces to prevent biodiversity loss. The Group’s Maisons DEVELOPING EFFICIENT will draw on UNESCO’s scientific expertise and its SOLUTIONS THROUGH LVMH’S network of 686 biosphere reserves to develop their PARTNERSHIP WITH THE SOLAR sustainable sourcing policies. LVMH will also take part in IMPULSE FOUNDATION scientific research projects backed by MAB and contrib- ute to pilot projects on the conservation and sustainable Driven by a shared determination to develop environ- use of biodiversity over the long term. mentally friendly technologies, LVMH and the Solar (1) The International Union for Conservation of Nature. Impulse Foundation joined forces in a strategic partner- — AUGUST 2019 LVMH LENDS ITS SUPPORT TO FIGHTING FOREST FIRES IN THE AMAZON ship in 2019. The aim of this new partnership is to help LVMH incorporate solutions approved by the Solar Impulse Foundation into its operations. The Foundation will provide the Group and its Maisons’ staff and partners with certified solutions using a joint development approach, while LVMH will apply for certification for the innovations already used within the Group from among Bernard Arnault, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the 1,000 solutions recommended by the Foundation. LVMH, and Yann Arthus-Bertrand, a member of the The partnership will focus on areas such as reducing Group’s Board of Directors, announced LVMH’s pledge to energy consumption at the stores of LVMH’s Maisons, support the initiative spearheaded by French President generating renewable energy and using alternative Emmanuel Macron and the G7, contributing €10 million to modes of transport instead of air freight. fight the fires raging in the Amazon rainforest. They called upon all those who share their conviction that the — Amazon – an indispensable and irreplaceable part of our SEPTEMBER 2019 natural world heritage – must be saved, to take part in LA FABRIQUE NOMADE: this initiative, which demands a collective effort. This initi- USING CRAFTSMANSHIP ative resonates strongly with the Group’s involvement AS A SPRINGBOARD with UNESCO to help protect global biodiversity. — SEPTEMBER 2019 Inspired by their shared commitment to preserving expertise, LVMH and La Fabrique Nomade entered into a partnership in 2019. La Fabrique Nomade has developed FUTURE LIFE MAKES HEADLINES a refugee training and integration program for skilled IN PARIS AND NEW YORK craftspeople that allows them to continue practicing their craft in France. In the same vein, LVMH is committed to In 2019, two “Future LIFE” events held in Paris and New preserving and passing on the traditional expertise and York brought together LVMH staff and many prominent craft skills that epitomize the excellence of its Maisons. figures – including fashion designers Stella McCartney United by this passion for craftsmanship, the Group and and Maria Grazia Chiuri – to focus on the environment. the nonprofit inaugurated their partnership in 2019 with These high-profile events highlighted the Maisons’ pio- the unveiling of the Traits d’union 4 collection, created by neering initiatives in a range of areas, including sustaina- La Fabrique Nomade’s craftspeople and based on the ble design, sustainable sourcing, the circular economy, theme of treasure. In 2020, LVMH aims to expand its energy efficiency and biodiversity conservation. With just involvement with La Fabrique Nomade, bringing design- a few months to go before the end of LIFE 2020, they ers from the Group’s Maisons on board alongside the also helped measure the progress made under the pro- nonprofit’s craftspeople and helping develop the next gram and unveil some of the Group’s new initiatives, such Traits d’union collection. as its Animal-Based Raw Materials Sourcing Charter, which was officially presented at the event. Several other strategic agreements were announced, including freeing up emergency aid to preserve the Amazon rainforest, a partnership with the Solar Impulse Foundation to jointly develop clean technologies and funding for the Compt abilité Écologique (Sustainable Accounting) Chair launched by the Fondation AgroParisTech. Li f t i n g up t hos e i n need w it h Frenc h nonprof it Secou rs Popu l a i re In 2019, LVMH launched Une Journée Pour Soi (“A Day All Your Own”), an initiative run in partnership with French nonprofit Secours Populaire in six French cities – Saint-Denis, Marseille, Roubaix, Boulogne-Billancourt, Reims and Carcassonne. This event gave more than 400 underprivileged women a breath of fresh air, putting their day-to-day worries aside and spending a day focused on their own well-being. To remember this special day, LVMH and Éditions Alternatives (a subsidiary of Gallimard) published a book featuring a selection of photo portraits and testimonials from the women who participated in the event. All proceeds will be donated to Secours Populaire and help raise awareness of the difficulties facing women, who are the number-one victims of economic precarity in France. The second event of this charitable initiative will be held in 2020, open to 800 women in six other cities. 28 • 29 LVMH 2019 . Commitments in 2019D I V E R S I T Y I S T H E F O U N D A T I O N O F O U R P E R F O R M A N C E WITH 179 NATIONALITIES AND NUMEROUS PROFESSIONS SPANNING OUR ENTIRE VALUE CHAIN – FROM SOURCING RAW MATERIALS TO MANUFACTURING AND SELLING OUR PRODUCTS – LVMH EMBRACES THIS DIVERSITY TO PROMOTE DIALOGUE AND COLLABORATION BETWEEN EMPLOYEES, MINDFUL THAT THIS WEALTH OF EXPERIENCE AND SENSE OF COMMUNITY ARE A KEY ASSET IN CONSOLIDATING ITS LEADERSHIP YEAR AFTER YEAR. “In today’s world, where people are making their unique voices heard, being able to listen to them, include them and value them is a major driver of creativity for our sector.” Chantal Gaemperle, LVMH’s Director of Human Resources and Synergies Recruiting a diverse range of candidates entrepreneurship and innovation are highly valued, and there are plenty of opportunities to build a career com- Drawing on the personalities, skills and viewpoints of its mensurate with their ambitions. An environment where 163,000 employees working at its 75 Maisons, LVMH has everyone is welcome, and where collective strength is set up a “knowledge economy” so that each individual what counts. can achieve their full potential and each new idea brought Maintaining a long-term vision and preparing for the forward by an employee can be a source of inspiration for future are ongoing priorities for LVMH. The Group contin- another. Hiring new talent follows the same approach, ues to build close ties with schools and universities including people from a diverse range of backgrounds around the world in order to expose students to its who can enrich our ecosystem and expand our horizons diverse range of business lines and career opportunities. with their unique perspectives. Following two initiatives in Europe, the Inside LVMH pro- Worldwide, in 2019 LVMH recruited 41,000 employees gram was launched in China, where nearly 10,000 stu- on permanent contracts, and 8,328 interns and appren- dents from 40 Chinese universities applied using an tices. We seek to attract the most promising candidates innovative system on the WeChat social media platform; to support the Group’s development so that we can con- 120 of them were selected to discover the Group and tinue to deliver excellent performance in a competitive complete an internship at one of its Maisons. global environment. Through our staff induction and development policy, and Promoting and valuing diversity in our talent pool by championing diversity within our ecosystem – in all our different Maisons, business lines, activities and geo- LVMH’s human resources policy aims to enable our graphic areas – we endeavor to offer everyone unique employees to fully express their personalities and skills. career opportunities, making LVMH a very attractive LVMH cultivates its wealth and contributes to a fulfilling employer for top talent. Attracting the best is fundamen- work environment for its employees. LVMH offers them tal for LVMH. The Group and its Maisons seek people with specific learning and skills development opportunities to skills and experience, but who are also sensitive to and help them meet their aspirations: individual career plan- aware of their creative environment; people who can understand the duality of LVMH’s world: the enduring, ning, participation in “intrapreneurship” (see DARE, page 24) and interdisciplinary projects, and more. These initia- lasting nature of our Maisons, but the need for us to be tives and experiences enable the Group’s talented staff to responsive, agile entrepreneurs. We seek people who will expand their capabilities, skill sets and expertise and build blossom in a business environment where proactive their professional networks. 30 • 31 LVMH 2019 . TalentWhile employees themselves play the leading role in their Committed to respect for all skills and career development, LVMH’s human resources staff and managers are fully engaged in supporting and Mindful of its responsibilities and its role within society, promoting the development of the Group’s talent pool. LVMH is firmly committed to expanding the positive Career planning sessions let employees express their aspi- impact of its business on its employees and the surround- rations and discuss how to achieve them with their man- ing communities. The Group pursues this goal through ager and HR advisor. Lastly, to help employees set and its values, its expertise and the corporate social responsi- achieve their career development goals, human resources bility approach led by the Group’s Human Resources staff post job openings within the Group on an in-house Department. digital platform and hold monthly career meetings. To respect everyone’s individuality and better reflect the A cornerstone of the Group’s human resources policy, the diversity of the communities in which it operates, LVMH annual Organizational Management Review (OMR), helps takes an active approach to preventing discrimination identify the Group’s most promising talent and guide them and promoting diversity and inclusion. This approach is toward key positions within the company. In 2019, through grounded in a specific policy, shared by all and enshrined this system and succession plans, 66% of executive posi- in its Code of Conduct. Awareness-raising campaigns, tions were filled internally. These numbers confirm that the training sessions – including one on decision-making Group, through its rich ecosystem and the attention paid biases held worldwide since December 2019 – and dis- to its talent, offers motivating long-term career prospects crimination testing are carried out regularly throughout for its employees. The annual organizational and talent the year. Another 2019 milestone was LVMH’s move to review also measures the promotion of women to the support the United Nations’ standards of conduct for most senior positions within the Group. In 2019, they made business tackling discrimination against lesbian, gay, bi, up 44% of senior executives (versus 23% in 2007). trans, and intersex (LGBTI) people. This initiative was Stimulating our knowledge-based economy Executive Committee and the Maison Presidents. More- encouraged and supported by the members of LVMH’s over, ensuring that people with disabilities are included In a sector as dynamic as the luxury industry, calling and have access to employment and information on the things into question and being open to the world around products and services of the Group’s Maisons is key for a us is crucial. Change and transformation are vital issues leading group in the luxury industry. Chantal Gaemperle for the LVMH Group’s Maisons. They must therefore reaffirmed this commitment in a speech to all employees embrace this mindset and function as learning organiza- on the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. tions. We constantly encourage our staff to learn from Lastly, helping people who have been destabilized by dif- each other’s expertise and unique talents by sharing their ficult circumstances to find their place in society is the experiences – both their successes and their failures. driving force behind LVMH’s commitment to society. Its Our employee development initiatives focus on four key many initiatives include coaching days, mentoring and topics: the Group’s culture and core values; manage- support for nonprofits. This was the spirit guiding the cre- ment and leadership; drivers of excellence; and open ation of “Une Journée Pour Soi” (“A Day All Your Own”), innovation. an empowering initiative for underprivileged women to Passing on skills and expertise is key for a group like help them regain self-confidence, in partnership with LVMH. The Institut des Métiers d’Excellence LVMH, which French nonprofit Secours Populaire (see page 29). Also in was founded in 2014, offers free, practical vocational 2019, the Group, in collaboration with Brigitte Macron, training programs in craftsmanship, design and sales to launched a major initiative: LIVE (L’Institut des Vocations talented young applicants. It promotes equal opportuni- pour l’Emploi), which offers comprehensive career guid- ties without compromising on its strict selection criteria. ance for people above the age of 25 who have been mar- Since its inception, it has trained a total of 800 appren- ginalized on the job market, are outside the scope of the tices in France, Switzerland, Italy and Spain, enhancing national education system and either minimally or not at their employability. IME is yet another example of LVMH’s all covered by the social safety net. The first location efforts as a responsible employer to foster diversity of opened its doors in Clichy-sous-Bois, and two others are origin and culture at its Maisons. under way in France. Indicators a s of De ce m be r 31 , 2019 33 163,309 Median age employees worldwide 73% women 41,287 joiners ( 1) €138 m invested in training EMPLOYEES BY REGION (in %) EMPLOYEES BY BUSINESS GROUP (in %) Other markets 7% Asia (excl. Jap an) 23% Japan 5% France 21% Europe (excl. France) 25% United States 19% Wines & Spirits 5% Other activities 3% Selective Retailing 35% Fashion & Leather Goods 33% Perfumes & Cosmetics 19% Watches & Jewelr y 6% WORKFORCE BY AGE(1) (in %) BREAKDOWN OF MEN/WOMEN BY BUSINESS GROUP(1) 55+ 7% 45 -54 15% 35 -44 26% (1) Total permanent headcount. Under 25 12% 25- 34 40% Wines & Spirits Fashion & Leather Goods Perfu mes & Cos metics Watches & Jewelr y Selective Retailing Other activities 33% 41% 17% 17% 62% 63% 38% 67% 83% 59% 83% 37% 32 • 33 LVMH 2019 . TalentGuerlain. Île d’Ouessant. E N V I R O N M E N T : A K E Y P R I O R I T Y F O R T H E G R O U P, N O W M O R E T H A N E V E R LVMH’S ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY CONTINUES TO BE ROLLED OUT ACROSS EVERY ASPECT OF THE GROUP’S ACTIVITIES. AS SEEN IN 2019, ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS IS NOW AN INTEGRAL PART OF OUR WORK CULTURE. THIS CAN BE SEEN AT EACH MAISON IN THE FORM OF SPECIFIC INITIATIVES, CONSTANT PROGRESS AND A DESIRE FOR CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT. For nearly three decades, protecting the environment section lists around 450 sustainable materials and offers has been one of the cornerstones of LVMH’s growth strat- helpful tips and useful information on sustainable design. egy. With the creation of an Environment Department in In 2019, a new recycling directory was launched, reflect- 1992, the 2012 launch of LIFE – a comprehensive program ing the Group’s desire to develop the circular economy. organizing initiatives around a common vision and key Mindful of the importance of innovation in improving the priorities – and the ambitious shared targets set in 2016 environmental performance of products, LVMH pro- for 2020, the Group has also brought its 163,000 employ- ees on board in this endeavor. This shared ambition has united the entire Group around a common cause, motes creativity at its Maisons and helps them identify disruptive solutions. One such initiative is the “Sustaina- bility & Innovation in Luxury | Fostering Creativity” pro- embraced by its top leadership. Spearheaded by the gram launched in 2017 with Central Saint Martins College Group Managing Director, today the LIFE strategy gives of Art and Design. impetus to all the Group’s Maisons and business lines, and helps LVMH stand out as a leader in sustainable luxury. Responsible supply chains More sustainably designed products LVMH’s products are made from natural raw materials, many of which are rare and precious. To preserve this In 2019, new progress was made to offer customers envi- capital, the Group has worked for many years to set up ronmentally friendly products. Sustainable design is supply chains that meet the highest environmental stand- a key priority of LIFE 2020 and aims to reduce the envi- ards. Selected as a priority for LIFE 2020, this approach is ronmental footprint of a product throughout its life cycle. anchored in the increasing use of certification for raw It is now widely applied within the Maisons in a growing materials and suppliers. By the end of 2019, for example, number of fields: design, composition, raw materials, 98% of diamonds and 82% of gold purchased by LVMH manufacturing methods, packaging, shipping, sales, were certified. In 2019, the share of cotton sourced from advertising and end-of-life recycling. Today, sustainable sustainable supply chains rose from 15% to 54%. While design is also applied to furniture and advertising placing the emphasis on certification, the Maisons help materials used at points of sale and in event planning. guide stakeholders in their supply chains toward best Employee skills have also grown thanks to training practices using constantly fine-tuned assessment tools, offered by the Environment Academy, such as a one- increasingly frequent audits and tailored improvement and-a-half-day session for people working in creative plans. LVMH supports these initiatives through innovation. fields. In parallel, LVMH has continued to develop tools to facilitate decision-making and encourage their use. As an In 2019, for example, the Group unveiled its Animal-Based Raw Materials Sourcing Charter. This charter is the result example, Edibox helps Maisons calculate the Environ- of a long process of scientific research and collaboration mental Performance Index of their products. On the between outside environmental experts and those of Group intranet, the Matières à Penser (Food for Thought) LVMH, its Maisons and its suppliers. The exhaustive char- 34 • 35 LVMH 2019 . Environmentter covers the full range of issues concerning the sourcing energy efficiency at points of sale. LVMH supports its of fur, leather, exotic leather, wool and feathers. It allows Maisons in their efforts, as illustrated by the highly suc- the Group to make long-term commitments to achieving cessful CEDRE disassembly and recycling platform for progress in three areas: full traceability in supply chains; obsolete products. Initially used by four perfumes and animal farming and trapping conditions; and respect for cosmetics Maisons, CEDRE now works for 11 Maisons and local populations, the environment and biodiversity. also processes fashion and leather goods items. This Under the charter, a scientific committee has been model will even be exported to Italy in the near future. formed, and each year it will support and supervise a LVMH also helps its Maisons through programs like LIFE number of research projects aimed at driving progress in in Stores. Dedicated to improving the energy efficiency this area. of its stores, it encourages Maisons to limit unnecessary lighting and provides them with sustainable solutions Lower energy consumption that combine LEDs and digital technology. For many years LVMH has been involved in the fight against climate change, and also takes action to reduce Partnerships focused on biodiversity and climate its energy-related greenhouse gas emissions. In 2019, the Group moved closer to reaching its target of cutting LVMH uses partnerships to strengthen its environmental emissions by 25% between 2013 and 2020. Since the end policy, collaborating with public and private stakeholders of 2015, LVMH has rallied its Maisons around a highly of all backgrounds, from scientists and researchers to motivating and effective internal carbon fund. Each met- ric ton of CO2 emitted is valued at 30 euros, so the Mai- sons are required to invest in increasing energy efficiency, manufacturers operating outside its own markets. This tradition continued in 2019. As an example, employees offered their input on sustainable fashion as part of an improving monitoring and reporting, and expanding the initiative launched by the Paris Good Fashion nonprofit use of green energy. They very quickly embraced this together with all the sector’s stakeholders. In keeping tool, which helps them speed up their transition to more with its commitment to including well-respected public sustainable energy. Celebrating its fourth year of exist- figures, the Group welcomed Yann Arthus-Bertrand to its ence, the carbon fund continued to grow. A total of Board of Directors. On May 14, LVMH announced a new 138 projects were launched (23% more than in 2018) by five-year partnership with “Man and the Biosphere”, 32 Maisons (7% more than in 2018) and the carbon UNESCO’s intergovernmental scientific program on bio- contribution reached 16.5 million euros. These projects diversity, a topic that its staff has been rallying around for – 80% of which concerned energy efficiency – should prevent 5,658 metric tons of CO2 emissions. To support the Maisons in this effort and help them share their expe- more than a decade. In particular, this agreement should facilitate the implementation of innovative solutions for the sustainable management of natural resources. On rience and best practices, in March 2019 LVMH’s Environ- September 3, the Comptabilité Écologique (Sustainable ment Department finalized a new “Carbon Fund” page Accounting) Chair of Fondation AgroParisTech was offi- on the Group intranet. It presents a representative sample cially launched. Funded by LVMH and other partners, its of projects launched throughout the world, illustrating goal is to instate non-financial accounting systems for all the specific progress made through this program. societal stakeholders to help drive the transition to a Bolstering on-site environmental management more sustainable economy. Lastly, on September 25, 2019, at LVMH’s “Future LIFE” event held in Paris, Bernard Arnault announced the creation of a program to jointly develop clean technologies with Bertrand Piccard’s Solar In another key thrust of LVMH’s environmental policy, the Impulse Foundation. shift toward environmentally friendly stores, warehouses, workshops, manufacturing facilities and offices contin- ued in 2019. LIFE 2020 includes targets that follow up and build on the sustainable construction and manage- ment initiatives that have been in place for many years at the Maisons. These targets include the implementation of an environmental management system at all production sites, improvements at each site to one or more key com- ponents of environmental efficiency (water consumption, energy consumption, waste production), and improved The dynamics of the LIFE program Since 2015, al l of our Maisons have incorporated the L IF E program into their s trategic plans. LIFE is a source of innovation and creativity, and also a common langu age that allows our upper-level management to get deeply involved. The Group oversees all of these activities, in coop eration with the LVMH E nvironment Dep ar tment. Goals for 2020 Four key goals, defined in 2016 by a group of 80 p eople f rom 27 Mais ons , form the backbone of the Group ’s E nvironmental approach : Improve the environmental performance of all products. Best practice applied in 70% of our supply chains, to reach 100% in 2025. 25% reduction in CO2 emissions attributable to energy consumption. All manufacturing, administrative and retail sites to achieve at least a 10% improvement in key environmental performance measures. 66% of leather purchas ed by the Maisons comes f rom LWG-cer tified tanneries €16.5 m for projects f inanced by the c arbon fund 36 • 37 LVMH 2019 . EnvironmentFondation Louis Vuitton S U P P O R T I N G C U L T U R E , Y O U N G P E O P L E A N D H U M A N I T A R I A N P R O J E C T S LVMH’S GROUNDBREAKING CORPORATE PHILANTHROPY REFLECTS THE CULTURAL AND ARTISTIC VALUES THAT UNITE ALL ITS MAISONS, AND ARE THE CORNERSTONE OF THEIR SUCCESS – A CREATIVE, COMPASSIONATE APPROACH TO CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY. Culture, heritage and contemporary creative arts mony held at the Fondation Louis Vuitton, along with a €300,000 grant and a year of mentoring by a dedicated team. The special jury prize – now called the Karl Lager- For French and world heritage, 2019 will be remembered feld Prize – was awarded to Hed Mayner, who will receive first and foremost as the year of the fire that devastated €150,000 and a year of mentoring by LVMH as well. Since Notre-Dame de Paris cathedral in the spring. LVMH, it was first awarded in 2014, the LVMH Prize has received spurred by its Chairman, Bernard Arnault, offered a force- more than 6,500 applications from designers of all back- ful response, pledging a €200 million donation to help grounds. The previous winners of the Prize for Young save the monument and ensure the long restoration pro- Fashion Designers are Thomas Tait (from Canada, 2014), cess is followed through to completion. Marta Marques and Paulo Almeida (Portugal, 2015), In the fall, LVMH reaffirmed its commitment to France by Grace Wales Bonner (United Kingdom, 2016), Marine contributing to the installation, in the Champs-Élysées Serre (France, 2017) and Masayuki Ino (Japan, 2018). gardens, of Bouquet of Tulips, a monumental sculpture offered by artist Jeff Koons as a tribute to the victims of Opportunities for young people the 2015 and 2016 terrorist attacks. By doing so, LVMH wished to show its support for the cultural values and the In 2019, LVMH’s patronage of programs for young people universality of France and of Paris, offering Parisians and focused particularly on music. It renewed its support for visitors from the entire world an opportunity to come “Orchestre à l’école”, enabling hundreds of children all together in a shared spirit of freedom around a work of over France to learn a musical instrument as part of a art that symbolizes the unbreakable bonds of friendship special educational program. LVMH also once again and brotherhood between France and the United States. loaned out the Stradivariuses in its collection. In 2019, LVMH also maintained its commitment to sup- porting art, culture, heritage and contemporary design. LVMH has been a loyal patron of the Nuit Blanche night- time arts festival for more than 11 years, and once again in Backing medical research and certain social causes 2019 provided support alongside the City of Paris to the Lastly, the Group supported numerous institutions well French and international arts scene, giving center stage known for their work with children, the elderly and peo- to contemporary artists at an event open to all in the ple with disabilities, and for their efforts to combat major heart of Paris. LVMH also renewed its support for the Gia- causes of suffering and exclusion. In 2019, LVMH also sup- cometti Institute, helping it develop its scientific and cul- ported a number of scientific teams and foundations tural program. Lastly, in 2019, LVMH held the sixth edition of the LVMH Prize for Young Fashion Designers. South African designer Thebe Magugu was awarded the Grand Prize, presented by Swedish actress Alicia Vikander in a cere- involved in cutting-edge public health research. 38 • 39 LVMH 2019 . Corporate philanthropyCharlotte Perriand The Fond at ion Lou i s Vu it ton cont i nues to develop its a r t prog r a m a nd con f i r m s its succes s w it h a ver y w ide Frenc h a nd i nter n at ion a l aud ience For the Fondation Louis Vuitton, the theme of 2019 was support for the arts, illustrated by its exhibitions dedicated to two major figures of 20th century modernity: Samuel Courtauld and Charlotte Perriand. This groundbreaking program, spanning multiple disciplines and eras, drew more than a million visitors to the Fondation Louis Vuitton. In the first half of the year, The Courtauld Collection: A Vision for Impres sionism paid tribute to the exacting standards and keen eye of English industrialist Samuel Courtauld (1876–1947), who amassed one of the world’s largest collections of Impressionist paintings. The exhibition at the Fondation Louis Vuitton featured around 110 works, brought together for the first time in Paris in 60 years, allowing nearly 500,000 visitors to rediscover masterpieces of art history such as Manet’s A Bar at the Folies Bergère (1882), Gauguin’s Nevermore (1897), Renoir’s The Theatre Box (1874) and Van Gogh’s SelfPortrait with Bandaged Ear (1889). In the second half of the year, the Fondation Louis Vuitton launched a major exhibition celebrating the immense, multifaceted body of work of Charlotte Perriand (1903–1999), a pioneer of modernity and one of the leading lights of 20th century architecture and design, who helped define a new art of living as well as a new role of the artist in society by bringing together different disciplines and forms of artistic expression. The exhibi- tion included spectacular reconstructions – built with the utmost scien- tific rigor and in very close collaboration with Perriand’s successors – that plunged visitors into the heart of the “synthesis of the arts” championed by this maverick creative visionary, whose works were in constant dia- logue with contemporary artists (such as Léger, Picasso and Calder) and cultures (Japan in particular) the world over. The end of 2019 saw the inauguration in Seoul of a spectacular edifice designed by Frank Gehry – the architect of the Fondation – to house a store and a new Espace Louis Vuitton, where an exhibition was held to mark the occasion, featuring an exceptional set of eight works by Alberto Giacometti. In 2020, the Fondation Louis Vuitton will hold two major exhibitions: first, an extensive retrospective on one of the world’s most influential living artists: American photographer Cindy Sherman; and then – for the first time in Europe, in partnership with the State Hermitage Museum in Saint Petersburg, the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts and the State Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow – one of the most legendary collections in the history of modern art: the Morozov Collection. 40 • 41 LVMH 2019 . Corporate philanthropyLoro Piana, Vicuña reserve. E T H I C S A N D R E S P O N S I B L E PA R T N E R S H I P S THE LVMH GROUP CULTIVATES ITS DIFFERENCE THROUGH A CONSTANT QUEST FOR EXCELLENCE. WE MUST THEREFORE BE EXEMPLARY WHEN IT COMES TO ETHICS, CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY, AND RESPECT FOR OUR STAKEHOLDERS. Benchmark ethical texts and their application Fair and responsible relations with our partners LVMH’s commitments to its employees and stakeholders Supporting our partners is a key strategic priority. LVMH are reflected in its long-standing support for benchmark aims to establish long-term relations with them based on initiatives such as the United Nations Global Compact, and a shared quest for excellence and a desire to establish a in the adoption of internal charters and codes of conduct set of common ethical rules, practices and principles. which serve as benchmark texts for all of its Maisons. For example, the Group is developing a global policy to These include the LVMH Code of Conduct, the Supplier ensure that its partners and suppliers adopt best environ- Code of Conduct, the Environment Charter, the Charter mental, social and societal practices. The policy involves on Working Relations with Fashion Models and Their sensitizing them to the overall issues and providing train- Well-Being, and the Recruitment Code of Conduct. ing in areas specific to their own activities. LVMH and its The Group has a dedicated governance structure that Maisons take a collaborative approach and support ensures its values and benchmark ethical texts are them with audits and the rollout of action plans, where applied at the operating level. This structure includes the necessary – over 1,500 audits were conducted in 2019. Ethics & Sustainable Development Committee within the LVMH’s policy for the responsible sourcing of raw materi- Board of Directors, which is comprised mostly of inde- als of animal origin is a key example of this commitment. pendent directors. The Group firmly believes it must continue to promote The Group’s senior executive team coordinates the decent working conditions, animal well-being, wildlife initiatives of LVMH's Ethics & Compliance, Audit, Internal conservation and environmental protection throughout Control, Operations, Procurement, Environment, Social its supply chains. With this in mind, in 2019 the Group Development, and Financial Communication Departments. launched the Animal-Based Raw Materials Sourcing Given its businesses, LVMH reflects these commitments Charter, which covers supplies of fur, leather, exotic and values by paying special attention to various issues. It leather, wool and feathers. This charter enables the Group notably focuses on implementing an employee inclusion to make long-term commitments in three areas: full and personal growth policy; promoting and passing on traceability in supply chains; animal farming and trapping expertise and key skills; protecting personal data; reduc- conditions; and respect for local populations, the environ- ing its impact on ecosystems and natural resources; and ment and biodiversity. establishing and maintaining responsible supply chains. LVMH works collaboratively to implement appropriate policies and systems, raise awareness within its Maisons and ensure they make progress, particularly in managing these issues and their relations with suppliers regarding environmental, social and ethical matters. It aims to pro- mote and ensure sustainable supply chains. Further information can be found in the “Environment” section and in the 2019 Universal Registration Document. 42 • 43 LVMH 2019 . Ethics and responsible partnershipsB U S I N E S S G R O U P I N S I G H T S LVMH Wi nes & Spir its 2019 A VA L U E - E N H A N C I N G S T R A T E G Y F O R L A S T I N G S U C C E S S LVMH owes its global leadership in premium wines and spirits to a unique group of exceptional Maisons based in Champagne, Bordeaux and other highly renowned wine-growing regions. Inspired by their visionary founders and drawing on their strong heritage – which for some goes back hundreds of years – they all share the key values of excellence and creativity, combining tradition with innovation. Well-balanced, worldwide presence Against the current backdrop of supply constraints, Moët Hennessy contin- ues to pursue a value-enhancing strategy focused on high-end market seg- ments. The balanced geographic expansion of its portfolio of brands continues thanks to a powerful and agile global distribution network present in over 160 countries. Responsible procurement policy To support future growth and maintain the very high quality that has made its Maisons a success, the Wines & Spirits business group pursues a dynamic, responsible procurement policy. All the vineyards owned by LVMH have had sustainable winegrowing certification since 2017, and the Maisons forge partnerships with winegrowers by helping their grape suppliers comply with these certifications. They are also actively developing their production capacities. For example, the responsible, innovative and efficient Pont Neuf bottling and logistics facility inaugurated by Hennessy in 2017 reflects the Maison’s long-term vision. Dom Pérignon 2019 REVENUE BY REGION (in %) Other markets 13% Asia (excl. Jap an) 24% Jap an 7% France 5% Europe (excl. France) 18% United States 33% Revenue €5 , 576 m +6% (1) Champagne s ales volu mes 6 4 .7 m i l l ion b ot t l e s Cog nac s ales volumes 98 .7 m i l l ion b ot t l e s Prof it f rom recu r ring op erations €1 , 7 2 9 m +6% Operating investments €3 2 5 m +9% (1) On a constant consolidation scope and currency basis. Major s t r ateg ic pr ior it ies Pursue value creation strategy. Develop production capacities to ensure sustainable growth. Further improve efficiency of distribution in key markets. 48 • 49 LVMH 2019 . Wines & SpiritsOur Maisons take action Bold Woman Award, encouraging generations of women to be bolder! “We want to incite women to dare, assert themselves and reach for the stars, and that’s what drives us to keep doing more: not only will we continue to publish our barometer and monitor changes, but we will also roll it out in other countries. We aim to take our commitment to another level, giving due recognition to the women, and the men, taking action. They are the inspiring, highly skilled ‘role makers’, who strive to encourage women to forge their own destinies and inspire future generations in turn… and we’re sure that Madame Clicquot would approve!” JEAN-MARC GALLOT, Chairman and CEO of Veuve Clicquot The story of Veuve Clicquot is a 27 countries. On November 14, 2019, story of daring, creativity and entre- it went to Chrystèle Gimaret, Founder preneurship. Madame Clicquot took and CEO of Artupox International. the reins of the Maison after her Veuve Clicquot also awarded the husband passed away in 1805, even Bold Future Award, previously though, at that time in France, known as the Prix Clémentine, to women could not work or hold a Julie Chapon, Cofounder of Yuka. bank account. She had to overcome The Maison presented Frédéric Mion, significant hurdles before finally Director of Sciences Po university, gaining the respect of her peers and with the Bold Champion Award, cre- being dubbed “the great lady of ated this year to recognize men who Champagne”. She was a bold woman work tirelessly to encourage better with big dreams — she saw her Mai- representation and consideration for son crossing frontiers and famously women in society. said: “I want my brand to rank first, For the first time, Veuve Clicquot also from New York to Saint Petersburg” unveiled an international barometer (Madame Clicquot, 1831). of female entrepreneurship in 2019 In 1972, to celebrate its 200th anni- – prejudices, mental and structural versary, the Maison created an award barriers to be lifted and how to over- – the Veuve Clicquot Business come them. The survey showed that Woman Award, now renamed the there are still too many of these Bold Woman Award – as a tribute to barriers preventing women from ful- this very audacious lady. For fifty filling their entrepreneurial ambi- years, the Maison has been reward- tions. With this barometer, Veuve ing and spotlighting business women Clicquot is reasserting its commit- who have built up, taken on or devel- ment to business women and hop- oped a business. Since its launch, it ing to inspire generations of women has been presented to 350 women in to dare to be ever bolder. At a glance 2019 Review Excellent global momentum The Wines & Spirits business continued to pursue its value strategy based on a strong innovation policy, while accentuating its environmental and societal com- mitment. The different regions contributed in a balanced way to its growth. Champagne was driven by the faster growth of prestige cuvées and by its price increase policy. Hennessy cognac, which recorded good growth, became the world’s leading premium spirits brand. The American market saw a normalization in stock levels at the distributors at the end of the year, while China continued its rapid progress linked notably to the timing of Chinese New Year. The acquisitions in 2019 of Château du Galoupet and Château d’Esclans mark LVMH’s entry into the promising market of high-quality rosé wines. 2020 Outlook Excellence, innovation and careful attention to customers’ specific expectations in each country will continue to support growth and value creation in the Wines & Spirits business group in the coming months. In an uncertain business environment where global demand is nevertheless increasingly oriented toward quality, LVMH’s Maisons have major strengths. They will rely on their highly dedicated staff, their innovative momentum and the strong appeal of their brands to continue securing and sustainably building their long-term future. The diverse range of tasting and hosting experiences the Maisons have built up, thanks to the strength of their crea- tive, high-quality product portfolios, will help them adapt to new lifestyles and win over the next generation of consumers. Moët Hennessy’s powerful and agile global distribution network is a major asset, enabling it to react to changes in the eco- nomic environment and seize every opportunity to increase market share. Increasing production capacity remains a top priority, along with a very active sourcing policy. As part of their long-term vision, all Maisons aim to step up their sustainability com- mitment to protect the environment and preserve their expertise. 50 • 51 LVMH 2019 . Wines & Spirits2 0 1 9 H I G H L I G H T S The champagne houses enhanced their value propositions in a particularly competitive market. With volumes remaining virtually stable with respect to the previous year, organic revenue growth was 4%. The increased value was driven by more rapid growth in prestige cuvées and a firm price increase policy. Moët & Chandon consolidated its global leadership position, celebrating the 150th anniversary of its iconic Moët Impérial with a limited-edition bottle and a highly memorable event at the Maison’s Château de Saran, which reopened its doors after several years of restoration. The success of its Ice Impérial Blanc and Rosé cuvées, offering new tasting experiences, illustrated the Maison’s ability to move upmarket. Continuing to reaffirm its unique model, Dom Pérignon achieved an exceptional performance in all its markets. Since January 2019, Vincent Chaperon has taken up the mantle of Richard Geoffroy – Dom Pérignon’s cellar master since 1990 – after having worked alongside him for 15 years. The year saw the launch of the new Plénitude 2 1998 vintage and an artistic collaboration with Lenny Kravitz for its Vintage 2008 and Rosé 2006. As the most-visited champagne house, Mercier built on its tradition of generosity and community by employing guides specially trained in sign language. Veuve Clicquot enjoyed a strong performance among its pillars, Carte Jaune and Rosé, driven in particular by the United States and Japan. Hailed by critics, La Grande Dame 2008 continued its ascent with a global marketing campaign launched at the end of the year. Building on its commitment to empower women entrepreneurs, the Maison launched the “Bold by Veuve Clicquot” program. Ruinart continued its growth with another record year, driven by the excellence of its cuvées, in particular its iconic Blanc de Blancs. The carte blanche given to Brazilian artist Vik Muniz in 2019 to explore the world of wine, as well as the launch of the Retour aux Sources art installation in Reims, which is connected to the living world and celebrates the beginning of the countdown to Ruinart’s 300th anniversary in 2029, once again illustrated the Maison’s commitment to art and the environment. Moët & Chandon Krug confirmed its value-enhancing growth with the introduction of its Krug Grande Cuvée 167e Édition and Krug Rosé 23e Édition, followed by the launch of Les Créations de 2006. After serving as Winemaking Director for 13 years, Julie Cavil became the Maison’s Cellar Master in January 2020. The Maison created the “Fonds K pour la Musique” to support philanthropic projects. Estates & Wines implemented a development strategy for a portfolio of powerful brands serving its key markets, the United States and China. With its unwavering focus on quality, the Maison won new awards in 2019. The acquisitions in 2019 of Château du Galoupet and Château d’Esclans marked Moët Hennessy’s debut in the promising market of very high-end rosé. Chandon delivered an impressive performance, in particular in the United States and Latin America. Despite an uncertain economic environment, the Maison achieved a strong rebound in Argentina with the launch of its groundbreaking Chandon Apéritif, a highly innovative product in its category. Continuing in their quest for excellence in crafting sparkling wines, Chandon’s six vineyards around the world took home a flurry of awards from major international competitions. – A second herbicide-free year for Veuve Clicquot In 2019, for the second year running, Veuve Clicquot dispensed with weedkillers. The Maison is deeply committed to sustainable winegrowing and started its gradual transition to zero herbicides about ten years ago. Veuve Clicquot has modified its wine-growing practices, and notably introduced cover cropping between the vine rows and mechanical tillage under the vines. This technique has proved successful and the Maison’s entire vineyard is now weeded using mechanical methods. Veuve Clicquot 52 • 53 LVMH 2019 . Wines & SpiritsHennessy confirmed its solid momentum in its key markets: the United States, China and travel retail. Organic revenue growth was 7%, with sales volumes up 6%. The Maison crossed the threshold of 8 million cases and continued to extend its lead in emerging markets (Africa and the Caribbean) thanks to the increase in its flagship V.S, V.S.O.P and X.O qualities. This solid performance added to its successful track record in recent years, in particular 2018, when Hennessy became the world’s leading premium spirits brand by value, in addition to its longstanding title as the world leader in cognac. The “Hennessy X.O – The Seven Worlds” marketing campaign directed by Ridley Scott was one of the luxury industry’s most-watched digital campaigns, with more than 120 million views. This exposure had a halo effect on Hennessy’s entire portfolio. The brand’s constantly growing appeal was reflected in its higher position in Interbrand’s ranking of the 100 best global – Hennessy helps its grape suppliers’ shift to sustainable winegrowing Hennessy is a sustainable winegrowing pioneer and in 2019 it introduced a program to help its grape suppliers adopt the same standards. The program aims to ensure all its suppliers have the Cognac environmental certification by 2025, and gradually transition to zero herbicides by 2028. Hennessy supports them by offering day-long training sessions on the Cognac sustainable winegrowing standard and by continuing its environmental audits. The Maison also provides information and communication on the subject. For example, some 1,000 partner suppliers attended the Technical Forum on Sustainable Winegrowing hosted at its Bataille property in May 2019. Krug Ruinart brands. Hennessy continued to invest to prepare for the future and ensure a constant level of excellence in its cognacs, with the opening of seven wine cellars in 2019 and the construction of a new packaging line at its Pont Neuf site inaugurated in 2017, an exemplary model of sustainable design. Glenmorangie Company reinforced its position in the single malt category, driven by growing global demand for exceptional whiskies, and continued investing in the extension of its two distilleries. Glenmorangie and Ardbeg continued to win a number of awards from professionals in the sector. Taking a proactive environmental approach, the Glenmorangie distillery worked with its partners to help restore mussel and oyster beds in the Dornoch Firth. Belvedere vodka continued to innovate with the worldwide launch of Single Estate Rye Series of high- end Polish rye vodkas. Through this initiative, for which it won a number of awards for excellence from prestigious international competitions, the Maison showcased the importance of terroir in developing the aromas and flavors of a vodka. Volcán De Mi Tierra tequila achieved solid growth in North America and prepared for its expansion into new markets. Woodinville Whiskey Company continued its development in a number of US states. The distillery prepared to increase its production to meet growing demand and successfully launched its Port Finished Bourbon. The Clos 19 e-commerce platform continued to grow in the United Kingdom, Germany and the United States. It enriched its range of exclusive experiences, collaborations and limited edition products while continuing to pursue its expansion strategy to reach new markets. Hennessy 54 • 55 LVMH 2019 . Wines & SpiritsLVMH Fash ion & Leat her Good s 2019 A U N I Q U E A S S E M B LY O F C R E A T I V E T A L E N T Louis Vuitton’s leadership around the world, the development of a collection of exceptional brands whose success is consolidated year after year, and its active support for young designers make LVMH a key player in the fashion and leather goods industry. New designers Working with the best designers, while respecting the spirit of each brand, is one of our strategic priorities. Our creative directors promote the Maisons’ identities, and are the artisans of their creative excellence and their ability to reinvent themselves. The right balance of iconic products and innovation Since 1854, Louis Vuitton’s success has been built on the flawless execution of its unique trunk-making expertise, its complete control over distribution and its exceptional creative freedom, a source of perpetual renewal and innovation. By ensuring the right balance between new releases and iconic leather goods lines, the Maison continues to dazzle and surprise its customers, and to make its stores ever more inspiring. An engaged industry leader LVMH has always been committed to supporting young designers and up-and-coming talent. The LVMH Prize for Young Fashion Designers was cre- ated to reaffirm this commitment. Each year, it recognizes one person’s out- standing creative talent. As a fashion industry leader, LVMH feels a duty to nurture the creative talent of the future. It also feels a duty to ensure the well-being of the fashion models who work for its Maisons. This belief resulted in its decision to draft the Charter on Working Relations with Fashion Models and Their Well-Being. Louis Vuitton 2019 REVENUE BY REGION (in %) Other markets 9% Asia (excl. Jap an) 31% Jap an 11% France 8% Europe (excl. France) 23% United States 18% Revenue €2 2 , 2 37 m +17% (1) Prof it f rom recu r ring op erations €7, 3 4 4 m +24% Number of stores 2 ,002 +8% Operating investments €1 , 19 9 m +45% (1) On a constant consolidation scope and currency basis. Major s t r ateg ic pr ior it ies Continue to develop Louis Vuitton, blending the timeless and the modern, while preserving its unmatched quality standards and exclusive distribution channel, which is unique worldwide. Maintain the strong momentum achieved by Christian Dior. Reinforce the Maisons’ desirability and profitable growth. 58 • 59 58 • 59 LVMH 2019 . Fashion & Leather GoodsOur Maisons take action Eye/Loewe/Nature, an eco-designed collection In a first for Loewe, the Maison Loewe also introduced a system of launched Eye/Loewe/Nature in sustainability ratings for each item in 2019, an outdoor menswear collec- the collection: packaging scored tion that was entirely eco-designed. 100%, leather goods 61%, and clothes Loewe assessed the eco-friendliness and footwear 53%. of its suppliers’ products and pro- And for each Eye/Loewe/Nature cesses with a view to optimizing its piece sold, Loewe donated €15 to entire supply chain. Teams from all Ambiente Europeo, a Spanish NGO its departments – design, produc- that combats plastic pollution. The tion, marketing, communication, etc. Maison will now use this experience – were also trained, and coordina- to apply eco-design across the board. tion made working together simpler. “We integrate Quality and Sustainability in our business model as a common ground of our values: excellence, innovation, passion and integrity, all along the lifecycle of our products, from the design till the end of life, going through the sourcing of raw materials, suppliers, production, warehouse, shipping, retail and use. Our strategy is to incorporate sustainability as a source of new opportunities that add more value to our products, being more efficient at using resources. That means developing a corporate culture of sustainability that will be an advantage for the company in the long term, improving continuously our performance overall.” PASCALE LEPOIVRE, Chairman and CEO of Loewe At a glance 2019 Review Remarkable performances by Louis Vuitton and Christian Dior Louis Vuitton continued to deliver an exceptional performance, to which all businesses and all clientele contributed. Iconic lines and new creations contrib- uted in a balanced way to revenue growth. The “Louis Vuitton X” exhibition in Los Angeles successfully showed the Maison’s many artistic collaborations, and an unprecedented partnership in e-sport was signed with the League of Legends World Championship. The qualitative transformation of the distribution network continued notably with the inauguration of the Louis Vuitton Maison in Seoul, for which Frank Gehry designed a fantastic glass structure. Christian Dior has had a remarkable year. Proof of the Maison’s unique influence was its exhibition at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London which had record attendance of nearly 600,000 visitors. Very well received by customers, an exceptional boutique on the Champs-Élysées in Paris took over from the historic address of 30 avenue Montaigne while it is being renovated. Fendi’s highlight for 2019 was its final trib- ute to Karl Lagerfeld, after a collaboration of 54 years. Celine gradually rolled out its boutique concept and launched its first high-end perfumery collection. Loewe delivered strong growth under the impetus of its designer JW Anderson. Loro Piana, Rimowa and Berluti experienced good progress. 2020 Outlook Driven by its talented designers, masterful craftspeople and deeply committed teams throughout the world, Louis Vuitton will continue to enrich its fascinating universe. Future developments will fit within the Maison’s steadfast aim of infusing its exceptional heritage with the best of modernity, enthralling its customers and offering them an ever-more-unique and innovative experience in its stores and online. The quality-focused transformation of the retail network will continue. The Maison will continue to reinforce its production capacity, with the opening in France in the first half of the year of a new workshop at the heart of Vendôme, a town in the Loir-et-Cher department with a rich history and leather-working tradition. With staff guided by its core values of excellence and creativity, Christian Dior will con- tinue its growth momentum, driven by the ongoing success of its collections, and strategic store openings. Fendi will continue to innovate across all its product lines and will finalize a number of ongoing projects aimed at enhancing its iconic stores, preserving expertise and protecting the environment. Loro Piana will open a flag- ship store in Tokyo and reinforce its presence in China. Drawing on its new impetus, Loewe will aim to bolster its positioning and brand image, continue expanding its retail network and boost its omnichannel performance. 60 • 61 LVMH 2019 . Fashion & Leather Goods2 0 1 9 H I G H L I G H T S Louis Vuitton delivered an exceptional performance, driven by excellent momentum across all its product lines. The year featured a wealth of developments and creative collaborations, with revenue growth well balanced between iconic lines and new creations. While the Capucines model inspired new artists, giving birth to the Artycapucines collection, the immersive Louis Vuitton X exhibition in Los Angeles carefully retraced the long tradition of collaboration with artists and designers of all backgrounds that has shaped the Maison’s history. In a show of its signature visionary innovation, Louis Vuitton invented a futuristic canvas that can display moving images on bags, and capped off the year with a groundbreaking partnership with an e-sport that has generated an unprecedented level of interest. Associated as always with an iconic location, Nicolas Ghesquière, Creative Director of Womenswear, presented his Cruise collection at JFK Airport’s legendary TWA Flight Center in New York. Virgil Abloh breathed new life into the world of menswear with the launch of the Louis Vuitton Staples Edition line, which revisits men’s wardrobe essentials; revisited a number of iconic leather goods models, including the Steamer, designed in 1901; and held the poetic runway show for his Spring/Summer 2020 collection on the Place Dauphine in Paris. The quality- focused evolution of its retail network continued, the main highlights of which were the inauguration of Louis Vuitton Maison Seoul, for which Frank Gehry designed a fantastic glass vessel echoing the Fondation Louis Vuitton, and the reopening of the Maison’s New Bond Street store in London, metamorphosized by architect Peter Marino. The Maison continued to reinforce its manufacturing capacity with the opening of a leather goods workshop with BREEAM “Very Good” environmental certification in the Maine-et-Loire department of western France and the launch of operations at a new workshop near Dallas in Texas. Strengthening Louis Vuitton’s partnership with UNICEF, which it has pursued for more than three years to help the world’s most vulnerable children, employee volunteers traveled to the sites of initiatives to witness this work first hand and raise awareness on social media. Louis Vuitton Christian Dior turned in solid growth in all its product categories and all its regions. Creativity and timeless elegance coupled with captivating runway shows and events ensured the ongoing success of the Womenswear, Menswear, Jewelry and Watch collections. Reaffirming the Maison’s exceptional reach, the exhibition devoted to it at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London was a record-breaking success, drawing nearly 600,000 visitors. In Marrakesh, Maria Grazia Chiuri’s Cruise collection – an homage to diversity – mixed African and European cultures and expertise. In Paris and Shanghai, where her ready-to-wear runway show was held, the designer imagined an ode to nature, with the trees used in the decor replanted afterward as part of a long-term project. While the spirit of Haute Couture infused the new 30 Montaigne leather goods line and the ready- to-wear collection with the same name, the iconic Lady Dior inspired new artists in Dior Lady Art #4. For his Dior Essentials menswear collection, Creative Director of Menswear Kim Jones designed a wardrobe that reinterprets the essence and eternal modernity of the Dior silhouette. The end of the year also saw the launch of a luggage line created in collaboration with Rimowa and unveiled at Dior’s Spring/Summer 2020 Menswear runway show at the Arab World Institute in Paris. The retail network continued to expand, including the opening of an exceptional store on the Champs-Élysées in Paris. Very well received by customers, it will take over from the Maison’s historic location at 30 Avenue Montaigne during its transformation. For Fendi, 2019 saw the last runway show in homage to Karl Lagerfeld, after 54 years of collaboration. In a culmination of the tributes paid by the Maison to this great designer, the 54 looks of the Haute Couture collection The Dawn of Romanity were presented in July on Palatine Hill, at the heart of the ruins of the Roman Forum. Illustrating its wealth of creativity, the Maison continued to pursue its partnerships with the world of art and music. It saw strong growth in all its product Dior categories, driven by the ongoing success of its iconic Peekaboo and Baguette lines, and by a daring capsule collection, Fendi Prints On, designed in collaboration with rap artist Nicki Minaj. Fendi opened new stores in Monaco, China and Australia. 62 • 63 LVMH 2019 . Fashion & Leather GoodsLoro Piana delivered solid growth, driven by the success of its iconic Excellences raw materials, in particular the vicuña wool collection. Its emblematic Essenziali lines were expanded and saw very strong momentum. Footwear turned in an excellent performance, boosted by the development of a bespoke service and the launch event for the opening of a pop-up store in New York’s Meatpacking District. “Cashmere – The Origin of a Secret”, the first film in a trilogy directed by Luc Jacquet, celebrates the nobility and excellence of Loro Piana’s iconic materials. The first collections designed by Hedi Slimane for Celine were launched in stores, with the new store concept being gradually rolled out. The runway shows, which reflected the Maison’s new identity, were very well received. Hedi Slimane revived the fashion house’s perfume-making tradition with eleven fragrances that distill French high perfumery expertise. A Celine store devoted to high perfumery was opened on Rue Saint-Honoré in Paris. The Maison also strengthened its foothold in Italy with a new leather goods workshop in Tuscany, designed to the highest standards for sustainable development. Loewe achieved excellent growth and met a key milestone in its development. Under the aegis of its Creative Director, Jonathan Anderson, the Maison accelerated its innovation process, enhanced its brand exposure and made its product range and its various points of customer contact more consistent with its clientele. Key initiatives included the launch of very successful products like the Lazo and Cushion Tote bags, the new Paula’s Ibiza and Eye/Loewe/Nature capsule collections, and the ready-to-wear and accessories collection inspired by the enchanting art of William de Morgan. Significant improvements were also made to the retail network, with openings and extensions of Casa Loewe stores in London, Beijing, Tokyo and Madrid. For Givenchy, the year featured the return of a strong new menswear collection, presented in Florence in June; another initiative, the Givenchy Atelier collection, showcased Haute Couture techniques and expertise through ready-to-wear pieces reinterpreting the Maison’s historic motifs. Celine Kenzo continued its growth and stood out in accessories with the launch of the Tali bag. In July the Maison announced the arrival of Felipe Oliveira Baptista as Creative Director, following eight years with Humberto Leon and Carol Lim at the helm. A significant expansion of the retail network took place, with stores returning to direct operation in China and the first openings in the United States. Berluti achieved a good performance, which was especially strong in Japan and China. Kris Van Assche’s first two runway shows and the store debut of his collections were very well received. A focus on the Maison’s heritage inspired the design of its new logo as well as an emphasis on its Scritto motif and its art of patina. Ready-to-wear and new items like the Gravity, Stellar and Shadow sneakers sold very well. Berluti continued the selective expansion of its store network and launched its e-commerce site in Japan. Rimowa delivered an excellent performance, boosted by major innovation: the Essential luggage line added four new colors for its fully monochrome suitcases. An innovative combination of anodization techniques also allowed high-intensity pigments to be integrated into the aluminum core of the Original model’s exterior, creating two vibrant, modern new colors for this iconic model. The Maison continued its creative collaborations, in particular with artists Daniel Arsham and Alex Israel, the label Supreme for a second time, and with Christian Dior for the Dior X Rimowa capsule collection designed with Kim Jones. Marc Jacobs launched the new The Marc Jacobs line, which offers contemporary wardrobe essentials, while new features were introduced to its line of bags. Fenty Couture, created in collaboration with singer Rihanna, launched its website in May and opened a series of pop-up stores. Patou, acquired by LVMH, welcomed Guillaume Henry as Creative Director and unveiled its first ready-to-wear collection in September. Berluti 64 • 65 LVMH 2019 . Fashion & Leather GoodsLVMH Per f u mes & Cosmet ics 2019 F O C U S I N G O N Q U A L I T Y A N D C U L T I VA T I N G O U R U N I Q U E N E S S LVMH is a key player in the perfume, makeup and skincare sector, with a port- folio of world-famous established names as well as younger brands with a promising future. The exceptional momentum of LVMH’s Maisons is driven by growth in its flagship lines as well as bold new products. They are all driven by the same values: the pursuit of excellence, creativity, innovation and control of their brand image. Consistent market share gains With surging demand in Asia and the huge popularity of makeup and skincare among younger generations, the global perfume and cosmetics market is highly competitive and features shorter and shorter innovation cycles. In this context, all of LVMH’s Maisons continue to pursue their objective of gaining market share, which depends more than ever before on quality, product per- formance and a robust innovation policy. In the heart of France’s Cosmetic Valley business cluster, researchers at LVMH’s Hélios R&D facility play a crucial role in helping the Maisons meet these requirements. Excellence and innovation in retailing All brands are accelerating the implementation of their online sales platforms and stepping up their digital content initiatives. Excellence in retailing is key, requiring expertise and attentiveness from beauty consultants, as well as innova- tion at points of sale. Our brands are actively incorporating digital tools to enhance the customer experience and attract new consumers. Parfums Christian Dior 2019 REVENUE BY REGION (in %) Other markets 10% Asia (excl. Jap an) 40% Jap an 5% France 10% Europe (excl. France) 20% United States 15% Revenue €6, 8 3 5 m +9% (1) Prof it f rom recu r ring op erations €68 3 m +1% Number of stores 4 26 +20% Operating investments €37 8 m +15% (1) On a constant consolidation scope and currency basis. Major s t r ateg ic pr ior it ies Maintain our creativity in innovation and communications. Focus on developing Parfums Christian Dior in harmony with Couture. Pursue the global expansion of our other brands. 68 • 69 68 • 69 LVMH 2019 . Perfumes & CosmeticsOur Maisons take action Guerlain unveils Bee Respect, its transparency and traceability platform In April 2019, Guerlain made Bee Originally, Bee Respect was an public – Guerlain is the first perfume Respect public so everyone can in-house tool created to encourage and cosmetics Maison to do this – now consult this digital platform to collaborative eco-design. The plat- and enabling totally transparent learn more about the Maison’s prod- form helped employees better access to information about its prod- ucts: their raw materials, suppliers, understand product life cycles and ucts, Guerlain continues to enhance manufacturing sites, transport-re- inspired the teams and different the customer experience of today’s lated carbon footprint through to businesses to follow good examples increasingly proactive consumers. the point of sale, and more. set by their colleagues. By making it At a glance 2019 Review Excellent growth of flagship brands and rapid progress in Asia Christian Dior continued to grow much faster than the market. In addition to the strength of its iconic perfumes J’adore, Miss Dior and Sauvage, makeup and skin- care contributed significantly to the excellent performance of the Maison. Guerlain’s growth accelerated and the brand enjoyed particularly good momen- tum with the success of Abeille Royale in skincare and Rouge G in makeup. Parfums Givenchy achieved another year of strong growth thanks to its makeup and its L’Interdit perfume. Fresh, Fenty Beauty by Rihanna and Acqua di Parma grew rapidly. 2020 Outlook In a competitive environment, the Perfumes & Cosmetics business group will main- tain its goal of gaining market share, leveraging the complementarity and dyna- mism of its brand portfolio. The Maisons will continue to focus on their top growth drivers: ensuring excellence in their products, accelerating their innovation policy, marketing and promoting digital activation. Parfums Christian Dior will innovate heavily in all its product categories. Skincare will see a major breakthrough with the relaunch of the anti-aging collection around the flagship Capture Totale Super Potent Serum product and more rapid growth in premium skincare with Prestige and its leading product, MicroHuile de Rose. Fragrances and makeup will be boosted by powerful initiatives focused on flagship lines. The Maison will also continue expanding its store network and its digital presence. Guerlain will continue to grow in China, France and travel retail, its key markets, while developing in Japan. Its flag- ship lines will benefit from an ambitious innovation and activation plan across all its product categories. The Abeille Royale skincare line will celebrate its 10th anniver- sary. Parfums Givenchy will enrich its fragrance range and continue expanding into makeup with major innovation in foundation. Parfums Kenzo will celebrate the 20th anniversary of its iconic Flower by Kenzo. Benefit will innovate with a mascara featur- ing unique technology. Fresh will continue making inroads in Asia and will focus marketing on its innovative moisturizing Super Lotus skincare line. At Make Up For Ever, the relaunch of Rouge Artist will be backed by a new marketing campaign. Fenty Beauty by Rihanna will expand its line of eye makeup. Acqua di Parma will launch a 100% natural cologne. Maison Francis Kurkdjian will continue the highly selective expansion of its retail network. 70 • 71 LVMH 2019 . Perfumes & Cosmetics2 0 1 9 H I G H L I G H T S Parfums Christian Dior continued to achieve market-beating growth, consolidating its leading position. With an unwavering focus on excellence and creativity in its products, the Maison was buoyed by the vitality of its flagship lines and the success of its innovations. In addition to the gradual rollout of Joy – the third-best-selling fragrance worldwide – the performance of women’s fragrances was boosted by iconic lines: with its new Eau de Toilette version, Miss Dior consolidated its lead in Asia, and the ever- popular J’adore continued to grow. The Sauvage men’s fragrance maintained its exceptional momentum in all regions and amplified its global leadership attained in 2018 with the launch of its Intense version. Maison Christian Dior confirmed its potential. Central to each of its fragrances, the Maison’s roots in Grasse – the perfume capital of the world and an exceptional setting, with its fields of flowers used in perfume-making and its Master Perfumer’s fragrance laboratory – enhanced Parfums Christian Dior the Maison’s appeal. Makeup was boosted by the continued success of the Maison’s Rouge Dior lipstick and its latest versions, as well as the new Dior Addict Stellar Shine. Other highlights included the momentum of its Forever foundation and growth in the Dior Backstage range, inspired by products used at fashion shows and widely shared on social media. Growth in skincare was driven by Asian markets and by strong demand for premium products. Prestige, whose core range continued to expand, achieved strong growth through its new MicroLotion de Rose and the continuing success of MicroHuile de Rose. Guerlain accelerated its growth and delivered an excellent performance. The Orchidée Impériale and Abeille Royale skincare lines, firmly backed by Guerlain’s commitment to biodiversity and sustainable design, continued their exceptional growth. Aqua Allegoria, a collection of fresh fragrances that magnify the most beautiful raw materials, was a major success. Makeup was buoyed by the Rouge G lipstick and the new L’Essentiel foundation. Building on 12 years of its “In the Name of Beauty” environmental and social commitment, the Maison took this engagement a step further in 2019, launching a transparency and traceability platform for its creations and signing Parfums Christian Dior a partnership with UNESCO to create new beekeeping supply chains, thereby helping repopulate bee colonies around the world. Guerlain’s commitment was illustrated by a film and inspired a groundbreaking online and TV media campaign. Parfums Givenchy saw another year of strong revenue growth, with very impressive performance in China and in travel retail. The main drivers of this growth were its Le Rouge lipstick line and Prisme Libre powder. The Maison was also boosted by the major success in Europe of its new fragrance, L’Interdit, an iconic scent created in 1957 as an homage to Audrey Hepburn, and whose current brand ambassador is actress Rooney Mara. At Kenzo Parfums, the momentum of Flower by Kenzo was spurred by a new version: Flower by Kenzo Eau de Vie. – Guerlain holds third edition of Bee University at UNESCO headquarters in Paris To mark the International Day for Biodiversity in May 2019, Guerlain held the third edition of its Bee University program, part of UNESCO’s Man and the Biosphere conferences (MAB). Since 2017, the Bee University has brought the world’s top specialists together to discuss the reasons for and consequences of the disappearance of bees and to share the most innovative ways of stemming the crisis. Parfums Givenchy 72 • 73 LVMH 2019 . Perfumes & CosmeticsBenefit bolstered its position in the United States and the United Kingdom with growth in its brow collection, in particular its flagship Gimme Brow and Precisely products, along with the success of its brow bars. Fresh achieved solid growth, with very strong momentum in China, where its products – which combine natural ingredients and traditional rituals with cutting-edge scientific advances – generated major demand. The Maison strengthened its position in premium skincare with Crème Ancienne, a modern reinterpretation of a centuries-old formula, and in the essence category with the Black Tea Kombucha anti-pollution lotion. Online sales in particular were up significantly. Make Up For Ever successfully launched its long-lasting concealer within its flagship UltraHD range and its Reboot foundation, which corrects signs of fatigue. Confirming its global success, Fenty Beauty by Rihanna began its expansion in Asia. The brand added new categories – including concealers available in 50 different shades, gloss and bronzers – and continued to shine on social media. – The fifth edition of Bold Is Beautiful, Benefit Cosmetics’ philanthropy project Benefit Cosmetics started the Bold Is Beautiful project in 2015 to empower women through education, access to wellness and financial independence. In 2019, 21 countries took part in this campaign, which has raised over €15 million since its launch by donating the proceeds from the Benefit Brow Bar brow waxes to charities. This year, Malaysia joined the program through Women:girls, a charity that helps women rebuild their self-confidence and encourages young girls to become agents of change. Parfums Christian Dior Acqua di Parma’s highlights of 2019 included the reopening of its iconic Milan store with a new concept, the creation of a new range of home fragrances and scented candles, and the launch of its Signature of the Sun fragrance collection. Perfumes Loewe renewed its visual identity for a more youthful image and a more international audience. The Loewe 001 fragrance was an unprecedented success in China. Maison Francis Kurkdjian continued its robust growth, buoyed by the success of its Baccarat Rouge 540 fragrance and by the launch of Gentle Fluidity, two different scents crafted using the same ingredients. Ole Henriksen pursued its development in the United States. The brand continued to win over young Americans with its Banana Bright range and was very popular on social media. – Sustainable lotus plant sourcing for Fresh Fresh strives to reduce the environmental impact of manufacturing its treatments and perfumes as much as possible. For example, the Maison has set up a sustainable supply chain of Super Lotus for its creams. The lotus plants it uses for this ingredient are sourced from a traceable, organic, short supply chain. To keep transport to a minimum, the lotus plants are pressed onsite at the farm thanks to the use of a mobile lab. The leftover product is composted and returned straight to the soil as fertilizer to preserve the ecological balance. Lastly, no solvents, chemicals or water are used in the extraction process. Guerlain 74 • 75 LVMH 2019 . Perfumes & CosmeticsLVMH Watches & Jewel r y 2019 C R E A T I V I T Y A N D I N - D E P T H E X P E R T I S E The LVMH Watches & Jewelry business group is one of the most dynamic players in its sector. It continues to gain market share with a successful strat- egy that is driven by jewelry Maisons that carry on exceptional creative legacies and expertise, and by leading watchmaking Maisons that are always on the cutting edge of innovation. Creativity, brand awareness and in-depth expertise The growth of these Maisons is driven by their creativity. They enrich leading product ranges with well-established designs and identities, such as Bvlgari’s iconic Serpenti range and TAG Heuer and Hublot’s famous Carrera and Big Bang collections. They continually explore new horizons with innovations that combine audacity with excellence, as illustrated by TAG Heuer’s next-genera- tion smartwatch. Harnessing expertise is a key priority, which the Maisons address by optimizing their manufacturing processes, implementing synergies and boosting their production capacity. Developing brand awareness with target audiences and increasing their presence on social media are also crucial to gaining new market share. High-quality, productive retailing Lastly, the business group is focusing on the quality and productivity of its retail networks and on developing its online sales. Multi-brand retailers are selected very carefully in order to ensure its high standards are met. In an equally selective approach, the Maisons also continue to refurbish and open their own stores in buoyant markets in key cities. Bvlgari 2019 REVENUE BY REGION (in %) Other markets 14% Asia (excl. Jap an) 38% Jap an 12% France 5% Europe (excl. France) 23% United States 8% Revenue €4 ,4 05 m +3% (1) Prof it f rom recu r ring op erations €7 3 6 m +5% Number of stores 4 57 +7% Operating investments €2 96 m –2% (1) On a constant consolidation scope and currency basis. Major s t r ateg ic pr ior it ies Reinforce our Maisons’ desirability thanks to expert craftsmanship and distribution. Continued growth of Bvlgari and of TAG Heuer with innovative products. Optimally reinforce manufacturing facilities. 78 • 79 LVMH 2019 . Watches & JewelryOur Maisons take action Bvlgari celebrates ten years of par tnership with Save the Children In 2009, Bvlgari joined forces with with a red ruby. This necklace is the Save the Children to help vulnera- latest addition to the sterling silver ble children all over the world, pri- Save the Children collection, part of marily by giving them access to whose sales proceeds is donated to education. In 2019, the two partners the organization. celebrated ten years of initiatives To mark their ten-year partnership, which helped over 1.5 million chil- Bvlgari and Save the Children also dren build a better future. Since its inaugurated the first “Punto Luce launch, the partnership has raised delle Arti” in early November. The nearly €80 million and 300 celebri- “Punto Luce” are care centers cre- ties have contributed their support ated by Save the Children in disad- to its initiatives. vantaged neighborhoods in Italy to The #GiveHope campaign recently help combat exclusion and poverty, unveiled by Bvlgari and shot by Brit- and stop children dropping out of ish fashion photographer Rankin, school. The first “Punto Luce” built features several celebrities including with support from Bvlgari is distinc- Lily Aldridge, Ursula Corbero, Alicia tive because it uses art and creativ- Vikander, Michael Fassbender and ity to help the youngsters. It is a place Eva Green. They all pose wearing where they can acquire knowledge the same Bvlgari High Jewelry crea- and skills in cinema, photography tion: a silver and onyx pendant set and design. “Ten years ago, when we partnered with Save the Children, we had the ambitious dream of helping millions of children build a better future through the power of education. A dream, like a precious jewelry design, starts as a figment of the imagination. Nearly a decade has passed, and we are proud that this dream has become a reality thanks to our dedication alongside Save the Children. Together we have empowered over one million children to think big. Now, we hope to do even more. We are intensely ambitious, hugely hopeful, totally committed and absolutely determined to make more dreams come true. A dream is eternal when it becomes reality.” JEAN-CHRISTOPHE BABIN, Chairman and CEO of Bvlgari At a glance 2019 Review Strong growth at Bvlgari and continued repositioning of TAG Heuer Excellent momentum in jewelry generated market share gains and was a major growth driver for the Watches & Jewelry business group. The agreement with Tiffany & Co was a strategic highlight of the year. Bvlgari continued to perform very well and to strongly increase its market share. High jewelry and the iconic lines Serpenti, B.Zero1 and Diva’s Dream were enriched with many new products and the Fiorever collection, launched at the end of 2018, combining flowers and diamonds, contributed significantly to growth. In watchmaking, the Serpenti Seduttori watch was exceptionally well received. Chaumet’s growth was driven by the success of its iconic collections. In early 2020, the Maison will inaugurate its completed renovated iconic site on Place Vendôme. As distribution evolves rapidly within the watchmak- ing sector, TAG Heuer continued to work with its partners to provide an increas- ingly selective and efficient distribution network, while pursuing its creative resurgence. Hublot recorded strong growth, driven by the Classic Fusion, Big Bang and Spirit of Big Bang lines. The first LVMH Watch exhibition at the Bvlgari Hotel in Dubai was a great success. 2020 Outlook Against a backdrop of persistent geopolitical uncertainties, the Watches & Jewelry business group will maintain its ambition of gaining market share and its rigorously targeted investments. Thanks to their talented artisans and their powerful innovation capacity, the watches and jewelry Maisons will continue to renew and enrich their iconic lines while launching new collections, with an unwavering focus on creativity combined with excellence in their products and their supply chains. They will con- tinue to raise their brand exposure in key regions throughout the world and online through events and selective partnerships. The same selective approach will be taken in the ongoing development of their retail networks. Bvlgari will open its new Parisian flagship store on Place Vendôme, and will continue expanding its network in China. Hublot will bolster its presence in China, Australia and the United States. TAG Heuer will celebrate its 160th anniversary in 2020. A new version of its smartwatch will be unveiled and new models will enrich the Carrera line. In early 2020, Chaumet will inaugurate its fully renovated iconic location on Place Vendôme and will continue rolling out its new store concept. The beginning of the year will also feature the first exhibition of LVMH’s Swiss watchmaking Maisons at Bvlgari Resort Dubai, a new platform to raise brand awareness in addition to the Basel watch trade show. Lastly, the highlight of 2020 will be the arrival of the prestigious Maison Tiffany, which will substantially bolster the business group’s standing in a very dynamic, highly prom- ising market segment. 80 • 81 LVMH 2019 . Watches & Jewelry2 0 1 9 H I G H L I G H T S Bvlgari maintained its impressive momentum and continued to gain market share. Jewelry was boosted by the Maison’s creative energy and international reach. Its iconic Serpenti, B.Zero1 and Diva’s Dream lines were enriched with a number of new pieces, and the Fiorever line, launched in late 2018, combining flowers and diamonds, was a significant growth driver. The 20th anniversary of the B.Zero1 ring – whose design was inspired by the geometry of the Colosseum in Rome – was celebrated by an exhibition in Milan and the creation of new versions of rings and bracelets. The Cinemagia high jewelry collection, presented at events held in a number of cities around the world, illustrated Bvlgari’s creativity and unique expertise, as well as its ties to the silver screen. In watchmaking, a new watch casing manufacturing facility was inaugurated in the Jura canton of Switzerland. The Octo Finissimo Chrono GMT and Serpenti Misteriosi Roma models won two new prizes at the Grand Prix d’Horlogerie de Genève awards ceremony. The Serpenti Seduttori watch, launched during the summer, was Bvlgari – Bvlgari pledges more support to preserve Rome’s cultural heritage Bvlgari’s history cannot be separated from that of its home city, Rome. That is why the High Jewelry Maison has supported the preservation of the eternal city’s cultural and architectural heritage since 2014. After helping the restoration of the Spanish Steps, which reopened in 2016, Bvlgari announced support for another large-scale project this year: the restoration of the Area Sacra. This archaeological site in Largo Argentina square comprises four Roman temples dating back to the 4th and 2nd centuries BC, as well as a tuff base which was part of Pompey’s Curia, where Julius Caesar was assassinated. Thanks to Bvlgari’s financial support, this historical location will be able to welcome visitors at last. immediately very well received. Leather goods had several highlights, with the launch of the Serpenti Through The Eyes of Alexander Wang bag in New York and the Fujiwara capsule collection in Tokyo. An exhibition held at Castel Sant’Angelo in Rome presented a remarkable retrospective of the Maison’s jewelry creations alongside Haute Couture dresses. Plans to improve the store network continued, with renovations in Monaco, Macao, Melbourne, Taipei and Toronto, and openings in Ibiza, Copenhagen and Le Bon Marché in Paris. A number of pop-up stores rounded out and energized the network. Already a certified member of the Responsible Jewellery Council, Bvlgari drew up a due diligence program in 2019 for responsible diamond sourcing. The Maison aims to share these criteria with its diamond suppliers, in line with the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict- Affected and High-Risk Areas. TAG Heuer continued expanding its flagship Carrera, Aquaracer and Formula 1 lines with new models and special series. New pieces included the Carrera Calibre TAG Heuer 02T Nanograph, which features a carbon spiral, one of the Maison’s cutting-edge innovations. A Golf version rounded out its range of smartwatches. TAG Heuer celebrated the 50th anniversary of the iconic Monaco with limited editions and the creation of 50 exclusive box sets reserved for the brand’s most – Bvlgari reduces its Swiss workshop’s carbon footprint Bvlgari replaced the old oil-fired boiler with a biomass- fired heating system at its Saignelégier workshop in Switzerland. The site is now heated with renewable energy (wood pellets). The project, which was supported by the LVMH Carbon Fund, will considerably reduce the site’s carbon footprint, cutting its CO2 and greenhouse gas emissions by 9.63 metric tons and over 63% respectively. TAG Heuer 82 • 83 LVMH 2019 . Watches & Jewelrydevoted collectors. The store network saw renovations and openings, in particular in Tokyo, Shanghai, Moscow, Madrid and Toronto. In parallel, the Maison is continuing the work initiated with its retail partners to ensure an increasingly selective presence and enhanced commercial impact. TAG Heuer’s team of brand ambassadors and its sports contracts have helped build brand awareness among target customers and develop its very active social media presence. This year, the Maison strengthened its ties with the Formula E championship, of which it is a founding partner, with the new TAG Heuer Porsche Formula E Team. The Maison also set up a partnership with NGO Wasser für Wasser (Water for Water) to help finance projects promoting access to clean water around the world. Hublot continued to achieve strong growth, driven by its Classic Fusion and Big Bang lines, with Spirit of Big Bang – now the brand’s third core collection – also contributing to its success. In each product line, original and highly technical new models illustrated the art of fusion, a core component of the Maison’s identity, and its bold creativity. These creations included the MP11 Power Reserve 14 Days Green SAXEM model, which combines technical and aesthetic innovation, featuring a case made of SAXEM: a vivid green, extremely – TAG Heuer joins forces with Wasser für Wasser In 2019, TAG Heuer made an annual donation to the NGO Wasser für Wasser, to finance its access-to-drinking-water projects around the world. In return, the non-profit helped TAG Heuer provide all its employees at the Maison’s headquarters and production sites with metal bottles to replace the disposable plastic containers. Thanks to this initiative, TAG Heuer avoided the purchase of an annual 50,000 plastic bottles, 30,000 plastic water cups and 200,000 plastic coffee cups which were also removed and replaced with reusable cups. Hublot brilliant and resistant material never before used in watchmaking. New stores opened in Hong Kong, Monaco and Rome reinforced the network of directly operated stores, the number-one driver of revenue growth. Hublot’s brand awareness was boosted by a marketing strategy combining prestigious partnerships, a strong digital presence, and sports and cultural events. In 2019, the Maison gained exposure through the Women’s World Cup, for which it served as the official timekeeper. While continuing to develop its iconic Chronomaster, Pilot and Elite collections, Zenith completed the launch of its Defy line with the Inventor model. The Maison celebrated the 50th anniversary of its legendary El Primero movement. It continued to consolidate its organization while leveraging synergies offered by LVMH’s other watchmaking Maisons. Chaumet’s growth was driven by its iconic Liens, Joséphine and Bee My Love collections. Each one was enriched with new creations: engagement ring versions of Splendeur Impériale and Éclat d’Éternité, Bee My Love necklaces and new models of Liens d’Amour and Jeux de Liens. A brand new watch line, Boléro, was also launched during the year. With its Les Ciels de Chaumet high jewelry collection, the Maison showcased its creativity and the virtuosity of its artisans, while celebrating its eternal ties to the world of art. At the Grimaldi Forum in Monaco, the Chaumet in Majesty exhibition – which retraces the history of the jewels of sovereigns since 1780 – featured rare pieces on loan from museums, wealthy families and royalty, some of which were shown for the very first time in public. The historic Place Vendôme location underwent renovation work. New stores were opened in Madrid, Monaco and Seoul. Fred’s Force 10 line and its new 8°0 collection were its main growth drivers. The Maison opened stores in Sydney, Taipei and Shanghai. On November 25, 2019, LVMH announced that it had entered into an agreement with the iconic American jewelry Maison Tiffany, with a view to its acquisition. The transaction is expected to close in mid-2020. Zenith Chaumet 84 • 85 LVMH 2019 . Watches & JewelryLVMH Selec t ive Reta i l i n g 2019 R E I N V E N T I N G T H E C U S T O M E R E X P E R I E N C E Our Selective Retailing Maisons, which are present worldwide, have custom- er-centric strategies and customer-focused teams. Sephora, DFS and Le Bon Marché are all pioneers in their fields and continue to innovate and imagine the shopping experience of the future for their customers. An increasingly innovative and personalized experience For more than 50 years, Sephora has been revolutionizing the beauty industry by transforming the simple act of buying into a moment of pleasure and free- dom, developing new in-store services and hunting out gems to add to its unique range of brands and products. Combining the strengths of in-store and online shopping, the brand has designed an omnichannel beauty experience that offers an interactive, personalized and seamless purchasing process. Le Bon Marché is a department store like no other. Its stunning architecture, enhanced by tasteful updates; its exclusive, elegant selection of goods; and its rich program of exhibitions all make Le Bon Marché truly unique and a treasure trove for both local and international customers. Our “24S” digital platform, which was launched in 2017, reflects this quest for excellence and aims to offer a whole new online shopping experience. Staying particularly agile DFS – which has been pioneering travel retail since the early days of the air travel boom – constantly updates its boutiques and its T Galleria department stores to continually enhance the traveler’s experience. In addition to its major presence in Asia and in the United States, DFS has started to expand its geographic coverage, opening its first European location in Venice in 2016 and in Paris in 2020. Sephora 2019 REVENUE BY REGION (in %) Other markets 14% Asia (excl. Jap an) 27% Jap an 2% France 11% Europe (excl. France) 9% United States 37% Revenue €14 , 7 91 m +5% (1) Prof it f rom recu r ring op erations €1 , 3 95 m +1% Number of stores 2 ,01 1 +4% Operating investments €6 59 m +23% (1) On a constant consolidation scope and currency basis. Major s t r ateg ic pr ior it ies Maintain Sephora’s innovative momentum in stores and digital content. Continue to cultivate a creative, exclusive offering at Le Bon Marché and La Grande Épicerie de Paris. Pursue the expansion of DFS and develop digital marketing initiatives to get closer to international travelers. 88 • 89 LVMH 2019 . Selective RetailingOur Maisons take action Sephora’s US stores are 100% green powered All of Sephora’s stores and distribu- emissions. It has also taken meas- tion centers in the United States, as ures to optimize energy consump- well as its San Francisco headquar- tion. For example, it has fitted its ters, have been 100% green-energy stores with LED lighting, introduced powered since the fall of 2019. That smart energy management devices has been achieved thanks to the and equipped all its new retail out- Maison’s long-standing efforts to lets with eco-friendly heating and develop sustainable solutions. air-conditioning systems. The transition to renewable ener- In 2020, Sephora will continue these gies is one of the Sephora’s main efforts and install solar panels at its ways of cutting its greenhouse gas new distribution center in Las Vegas. “We aspire to create the most loved beauty community in the world. This means we have a responsibility to help build a better society, which is why I want Sephora to be a benchmark on environmental performance. New technologies, equipment and eco-friendly materials are being introduced all the time and impact every aspect of our business – architecture, store operations, logistics, products, etc. Environmental responsibility brings us a fantastic opportunity to show our disruptive spirit thanks to creative and innovative initiatives. It’s embedded in our DNA!” CHRIS DE LAPUENTE, Chairman and CEO of Sephora At a glance 2019 Review Strong growth at Sephora and good resilience at DFS Sephora is experiencing strong growth and continues to gain market share. Growth was particularly strong in Asia and the Middle East. Online sales grew rapidly throughout the world. Its distribution network continued to grow with more than one hundred new stores and the renovation of the flagship stores of Dubai Mall, Times Square in New York and La Défense in Paris. Le Bon Marché continued to cultivate exclusivity in its offer and in 2019 it opened its “private apartments” for a personalized shopping service. The 24S digital platform pro- gressed well, with an increasingly international clientele. In the second half of 2019, DFS faced a slowdown in tourism in Hong Kong, which is an important mar- ket. In Europe, the Galleria in Venice continued to perform very well, and prepara- tions are underway for the opening of its new location at La Samaritaine in Paris. 2020 Outlook In 2020, Sephora will continue to offer its customers an unrivaled in-store and digital beauty experience through its ever-more-experiential stores and online shops. It will focus on the traditional drivers of its success: exclusive brands, inno- vation, personalization, and a range of unique services offered by highly engaged, expert teams. The Maison aims to accelerate its growth in the high-potential skin- care product category, consolidate its lead in digital and continue expanding its store network. DFS will enter 2020 with an extremely vigilant approach given the ongoing situation in Hong Kong. The Maison will focus on diversifying its locations. It will also actively prepare to seize other development opportunities in Asia, show- casing its expertise aboard large cruise ships. DFS will continue to pursue its digital initiatives. Le Bon Marché will continue to cultivate its uniqueness, its creative and exclusive offerings, and its dual identity as both a trendsetting department store and a venue for art and culture, both in-store and on its 24S digital platform. La Grande Épicerie de Paris will accentuate its program of exclusive events that enhance its appeal and build customer loyalty on both sides of the Seine. 90 • 91 LVMH 2019 . Selective Retailing 2 0 1 9 H I G H L I G H T S Sephora once again recorded strong revenue growth and continued to gain market share. Asia, most European countries, the Middle East and Latin America were particularly buoyant, and online sales were up substantially worldwide. The Maison continued to cultivate close, personalized relationships with its customers, and to expand its range of new and exclusive items across all product categories. It achieved its best performance in skincare. Sephora continued to expand its store network, with 110 openings in 2019, including magnificent flagship stores featuring its new retail concept at Hudson Yards (New York) and China World (Beijing), and opened its first location in South Korea in October. Other highlights included the renovation and expansion of iconic stores at The Dubai Mall, Times Square in New York and La Défense in Paris. – Good Skincare, Sephora’s new eco-friendly line Sephora is actively developing eco-designed products and proves it with the new Sephora Collection Good Skincare line. Efforts focused on the formulations and all the products contain 90% natural ingredients. The packaging materials are also considerably lighter and made with sugarcane waste, cardboard from sustainably managed forests, and vegetable inks. The Maison’s sustainable design strategy includes the stand used to display these products in its stores, which is made from renewable, recycled or certified materials and can be easily dismantled for reuse. Sephora Sephora continued to innovate in digital and capitalize on its omnichannel synergies to continually improve how it serves its customers and offer them an unrivaled beauty experience. New marketing campaigns strengthened the Maison’s brand image, in particular the “We Belong to Something Beautiful” campaign in North America. Sephora also continued to nurture and develop its community of loyal customers by offering more and more services and personalization. After a very dynamic start to the year, featuring strong performances during the key periods of Chinese New Year and Golden Week, from July onwards DFS saw a very noticeable slowdown in tourist activity in Hong Kong. The Maison was backed by momentum at its other destinations and the continuous improvement – Giving back and promoting inclusion at Sephora Sephora has forged ties with more than 500 local NGOs around the world, providing them with financial support, involving its employees through volunteering initiatives and mobilizing customers to round up purchase amounts as a donation and buy products that raise funds for good causes. In 2019, more than €4 million were raised to promote inclusion, support education for women and help underprivileged populations. Progress was also made in the field of disabilities. In the United States, Sephora’s partnership with a specialized logistics facility helped create jobs for more than 120 people with disabilities. DFS DFS 92 • 93 LVMH 2019 . Selective Retailingof its product range to match each of its specific markets in the face of this slowdown. The sites operated at long-haul destinations in Australia and New Zealand as well as the T Fondaco dei Tedeschi in Venice saw significant increases in foot traffic, and DFS achieved an excellent performance at these locations. Business in Macao also increased, boosted by travelers from mainland China. After appearances in Venice, Chengdu, Beijing and Macao in 2018, the “Masters of Time” exhibition, featuring a prestigious collection of watches and jewelry, opened in Sydney and Hawaii. Two new T Gallerias opened in Macao, bringing their number on the island to seven, and a fourth one was inaugurated in Hong Kong. DFS made substantial progress in digital, with the significant expansion of its online product offering. Sephora – Building self-confidence with Sephora Through Classes for Confidence, Sephora offers both beauty classes and coaching to help people facing major life transitions show themselves in the best light and regain self-confidence. In 2019, a total of over 800 classes were held for cancer survivors, people who have been marginalized on the job market and members of the transgender community. Classes were launched in the United States and were expanded in seven countries across Europe (France, Russia, Poland, Spain, Italy, Greece and Portugal), as well as the United Arab Emirates. Since its launch, and thanks to new materials available online, the program has already reached over 70,000 people. Starboard Cruise Services expanded its regional cruise line presence in Asia, in particular through a key partnership with DFS for the launch of the first T Gallerias on-board prestigious cruise ships. The Maison also consolidated its expertise in its historic markets – the Caribbean and the Mediterranean. Le Bon Marché continued on its growth trajectory, driven by its unique selection of brands and products, beautiful architecture and top-quality service. For the iconic department store on Paris’ Left Bank, these strengths continued to place it a cut above the rest with its French and international clientele, and its loyalty program was highly successful. Highlights of the first half of the year included an exhibition by Portuguese artist Joana Vasconcelos and the Geek mais Chic event, a shopping experience combining digital innovation with immersive discovery and featuring a range of fashion, beauty and decor brands. In June, Le Bon Marché opened its Salons Particuliers (private salons), a styling service highly appreciated by customers. The fall season featured the So Punk Rive Gauche exhibition, a joyous celebration of the spirit of punk, reinterpreted with a very Parisian sophistication. Now enjoying a dual presence on both banks of the Seine, La Grande Épicerie de Paris saw an increase in the number of visitors. The 24 Sèvres digital platform became 24S, in step with its increasingly international clientele. Le Bon Marché 94 • 95 LVMH 2019 . Selective RetailingLV M H S T O R I E S 99 100 103 106 108 109 112 113 117 118 121 122 123 126 128 129 130 Bvlgari An endless love affair with the silver screen Louis Vuitton An odyssey of creative collaboration Loro Piana A visual tribute to the Maison’s craftsmanship Parfums Christian Dior The art and science of skincare Louis Vuitton Reaffirming the French roots of our leather making expertise Belmond An outstanding collection of destinations and experiences Sephora The power of beauty Dior The Cruise collection travels to Marrakesh Guerlain A sensory journey to Calabria, the land of bergamot Hennessy Responsible by nature Ruinart Reconnecting with our roots Dior and Rimowa Exclusive collaboration for a luggage collection Fendi An Haute Couture tribute to Karl Lagerfeld La Samaritaine A Parisian landmark is reborn Cheval Blanc Elevating the art of hospitality TAG Heuer Five limited editions celebrating 50 years of the Monaco Loewe Slip into the imaginary world of Arts & Crafts ceramist William de Morgan B V L G A R I A n end les s love a f f a i r w it h t he s i lver s c reen tribute to the Maison’s love affair with the silver Bvlgari’s new Cinemagia high jewelry collection is a screen, a bond that dates back to the 1950s, when Cinecittà turned Rome into the “dream factory”. Featured in more than 40 international films, Bvlgari’s creations have been worn by some of the world’s great- est actresses, from Ingrid Bergman and Audrey Hepburn, to Anita Ekberg and Sharon Stone. Today, each item in the Cinemagia collection embodies that quintessential Roman charm. Bvlgari’s Action! neck- lace celebrates the invention of celluloid film with its undulating contours and combination of unconventional black zirconium with the eternal diamond. The Maison’s gemstone expertise is palpable in the Emerald Affair sau- toir’s dazzling 24-carat octagonal emerald. The glittering array of deep blue sapphires in the Pirate Treasures neck- lace echoes the ocean and the treasures it locks away. Capping off the collection, the Fairy Wings necklace fea- tures an extraordinary rainbow of gemstones set against a cloud of romantic butterflies. A masterpiece of the imagination, Cinemagia was unveiled in Capri at a dramatically staged event that showcased the entrancing allure to which only Bvlgari has the secret. This prestigious launch, held at Certosa di San Giacomo on the Amalfi Coast, and attended by a star-studded international guest list, was a memorable occasion infused with magic and dreams. Inspired by a passion for film that was born in the heyday of La Dolce Vita, today Bvlgari shines the spotlight on a new generation of strong, independent, audacious women. In a perfect blend of whimsical ingenuity and masterful goldsmith’s work, each piece plunges us into the magic of cinema, from the glitter and sparkle of red carpets to the art of Italian filmmaking. Featuring original, vibrant colors and designs, the Cinemagia jewelry collection turns heads with its larger-than-life attitude. • 98 • 99 LVMH 2019 . LVMH storiesL O U I S V U I T T O N A n ody s s ey of c reat ive col l ab or at ion Vuitton between June 28 and November 15, 2019, Louis Vuitton X, the exhibition hosted by Louis at the iconic 468 North Rodeo Drive building in Beverly Hills, explored the trunk-maker’s trailblazing his- tory through its artistic collaborations. The interactive exhibit used an unprecedented dialogue between past and future to retrace 160 years of creative collaborations. It featured 180 creations taken from the Maison’s archives and showed how designers and artists from all backgrounds have embraced the legacy started by young Louis Vuitton on his arrival in Paris in 1837. After apprenticing with a famous chest-maker/ packer, he spent 17 years perfecting his art, rising to the rank of master trunk-maker before opening his first boutique at 4 rue Neuve-des-Capucines in Paris in 1854. Since then, Louis Vuitton has offered one-of-a-kind designs by combining innovation and style, and always putting quality first. Today, the Maison remains true to the spirit of its founder, who pioneered the “art of travel” through luggage, bags and accessories that are creative, elegant and practical. In keeping with this heritage, over the years it has wel- comed architects, artists and designers, while developing its expertise in ready-to-wear, footwear, accessories, watches, jewelry and fragrances. These meticulously designed products are a testament to Louis Vuitton’s commitment to artisanal craftsmanship. The exhibition journeyed back in time, opening with por- traits of the young Louis Vuitton by Yan Pei-Ming and Alex Katz, two of contemporary art’s most renowned painters. Both perfectly captured the spirit of the founder, whose pioneering vision and masterful craftsmanship revolutionized the trunk-making profession, elevating it to that of work of art and founding the legendary Maison that still carries his name. 100 • 101 LVMH 2019 . LVMH storiesThe extensive exhibition included variations on the iconic Monogram canvas. For its centenary in 1996 and the celebration of the Monogram in 2014, Louis Vuitton invited the world’s greatest designers, artists and crea- tive spirits to reinvent, reshape and transform the Maison’s famous bags, styles and patterns. The results ranged from a punching bag by Karl Lagerfeld, to the “Studio in a Trunk” by Cindy Sherman, and a record case by Helmut Lang, illustrating what happens when talented artists brimming with imagination join forces with the inimitable craftsmanship of Louis Vuitton. Louis Vuitton X also revisited the Maison’s relationship with Hollywood’s most talented and famous stars – Greta Garbo, for one, never traveled without a Louis Vuitton steamer trunk for her shoes. The exhibition featured more than 30 contemporary looks, all designed by Nicolas Ghesquière, Louis Vuitton’s Artistic Director of Women’s Collections, and originally worn on the red car- pet by the most celebrated women in modern cinematic history. These dresses and accessories reflect a flawless approach to modern design and an unrivaled ability to capture each star’s unique creative spark. This extensive retrospective included a host of other exhibits, including a remarkable collection of custom- made trunks from the early 20th century, Art Deco per- fume bottles and window displays commissioned and designed by Gaston-Louis Vuitton, the founder’s grand- son. The last room was devoted to the craftsmanship behind each creation – visitors could explore a workshop, observing the meticulous gestures of the expert hands that bring these original creations to life. A unique and truly enriching experience, Louis Vuitton X brilliantly showcased the ongoing dialogue between tra- dition and modernity, fine craftsmanship and innovation. The exhibition was an exceptional immersive experience, where time appeared to have stood still... An interactive exhibition looking back at Louis Vuitton’s trailblazing trajectory: 160 years of creative collaborations with the world’s greatest artists and designers. • L O R O P I A N A A v i s u a l t r ibu te to t he Ma i s on’s c r a f t s m a n s h ip finest, softest and warmest cashmere, but few Loro Piana is world-renowned for crafting the people know how it does this. In the film Cashmere – The Origin of a Secret, the Maison reveals how it sources and processes raw material of exceptional high-quality. This is the first of three documentaries on the natural fibers used by Loro Piana. It also marks the Maison’s first collaboration with French film director Luc Jacquet, who won an Oscar in 2006 for his documentary March of the Penguins. Before venturing into filmmaking, Luc Jacquet was an ecologist who specialized in the relationship between liv- ing creatures and extreme environments. Loro Piana’s val- ues, which center on preserving traditional skills, touched a chord with him, because they echo his own beliefs. His new film takes us deep into the Mongolian and Inner Mongolian steppes to the birthplace of Loro Piana cash- mere. In this harsh environment, not far from the Gobi Desert, goat herders raise the Capra Hircus, or cashmere goat. Their delicate ecosystem is endangered by industrial -scale overproduction. That is why Loro Piana has a long- standing commitment to producing responsible cash- mere which not only protects Mongolian flora and fauna, but also improves the goat herders’ lives and helps them produce better quality cashmere over the long term. The documentary premiered at Shanghai’s MIFA 1862 Art Center in October 2019, where it was accompanied by an immersive experience featuring Mongolian landscapes. At the event, the Maison also presented the Loro Piana Cashmere of the Year Award, which recognizes the expertise of the world’s best cashmere producers. Cashmere – The Origin of a Secret can be viewed on the Loro Piana website. It will be followed by two other films on vicuña and super fine The Gift of Kings® merino wool. The film – an event in itself – celebrates the Maison’s craftsmanship and commitment to preserving nature. • 102 • 103 LVMH 2019 . LVMH stories104 • 105 LVMH 2019 . LVMH storiesPA R F U M S C H R I S T I A N D I O R The a r t a nd s c ience of s k i nc a re was founded – Dior Skincare took on the mission of In 1967 – twenty years after the Dior fashion house expanding the fashion designer’s vision starting with the most essential foundation of beauty: exquisite skin. For more than 50 years, Dior Skincare has steadfastly pursued this mission, pushing the boundaries of interac- tion between the infinitely large and the infinitely small: nature and the cell nucleus. Dior researchers study the vital mechanisms of the skin and its cells. Botany experts then turn to nature to select active ingredients that can stimulate or revitalize these fun- damental mechanisms. Finally, Dior Science takes over to magnify these benefits, both by extracting the most pow- erful molecules and developing skin-friendly formulations. At Hélios, the Innovation Center in Saint-Jean-de-Braye, France, Dior’s Master-Formulators wield a palette of more than 3,000 raw materials, and discover ever more groundbreaking ones every day. Formulation is painstak- ing work that requires extreme attention to detail to achieve exceptional results: a major formula requires 100 to 200 tests, or up to 1,000 hours’ work. Thanks to its dedication, Dior Science has been at the forefront of excellence and innovation for five decades. Hélios and Dior’s three innovation centers in Asia (Tokyo, Shanghai and Seoul) work closely with some of the world’s most prestigious universities in the field, including Stanford in the United States, Bradford in England, and Institut Curie in France. Thanks to these exceptional partnerships, the history of Dior Skincare is studded with innovative technologies. The Maison notably introduced the use of liposomes in cosmetics back in 1986, with its Capture range, which revolutionized the anti-aging market. Capture, which was the culmination of seven years of fundamental research in partnership with the Institut Pasteur, became a cult skin- care product. In 2019, Dior Science entered into an exclusive research partnership with Kyoto University’s CiRA research center, led by Professor Shinya Yamanaka, a stem cell specialist and joint winner of the 2012 Nobel Prize in medicine. This scientific partnership is CiRA’s first ever with an interna- tional cosmetics house, and therefore a tremendous endorsement of Dior Science, which boasts 20 years of stem cell research and more than 20 patents attesting to its innovative momentum. Through these world-class scientific partnerships and thanks to its own expertise, Dior’s researchers have made a major discovery regarding stem cells. Stem cells are rare, making up only 0.2% of skin cells. Contrary to what we thought in the past, it is not their number that decreases over time, but their energy potential. That decrease goes hand in hand with the decline in all cellular functions and the general vitality of facial tissue, a discovery which spurred the idea of a new skincare range based on restor- ing cellular energy in order to reactivate the skin’s vital functions and youth: Capture Totale C.E.L.L. Energy. From formula development to product use, the new Capture Totale C.E.L.L. Energy skincare routine was designed by Dior biologists as part of a comprehensive anti-aging and total youth approach, where each active ingredient and each product work together for maxi- mum results. Like its acclaimed predecessors since 1967, this product line fully embraces the skin- and nature-friendly philoso- phy of the Maison’s botany experts. That’s why Dior Skincare lines include up to 94% naturally derived ingredi- ents. Each one is carefully selected according to rigorous quality, traceability and safety criteria. These strict require- ments apply all the way to the finished product: Dior skin- care products are tested under dermatological supervision in order to ensure they are perfectly skin-friendly. Respect for nature starts right with the product design phase: as it develops the formulation, the Maison also ana- lyzes and adapts packaging to minimize its environmental impact. Jars, bottles and cases are sustainably designed; unnecessary packaging and instructions are removed; boxes are made of cardboard sourced from sustainable forests and printed with vegetable-based inks. Proving once again that nature holds the key to beautiful skin. For the past 50 years, Dior Science has been at the forefront of excellence and innovation. • 106 • 107 LVMH 2019 . LVMH storiesL O U I S V U I T T O N Rea f f i r m i n g t he Frenc h root s of ou r leat her m a k i n g ex p er t i s e expertise in France with the inauguration of a Louis Vuitton has reinforced its deeply rooted next-generation leather goods workshop in Beaulieu-sur-Layon (Maine-et-Loire), its 16th in France. Spanning 6,000 square meters, the site is modular, agile, highly energy efficient, and is perfectly suited to the requirements of the leather goods manufacturing pro- cess, particularly in terms of natural lighting. Built in less than a year by local partners and businesses, the metal and wood building consumes 40% less energy than existing workshops. It features flexible open work- spaces designed to foster interaction and adapt to rap- idly evolving production models. This new workshop is yet another example of Louis Vuitton’s commitment to the Pays de la Loire region, and follows the opening in 2018 of a new production site in La Merlatière (Vendée), near the two existing workshops in Sainte-Florence (Vendée). The Maison will eventually have 300 employees in Beaulieu, and could even double its workforce there, since a plot of land next to the work- shop could be used to build a second one. Louis Vuitton plans to hire 1,500 more employees at its workshops in France by 2022, adding to the workforce of 4,300 cur- rently employed at its 16 workshops. By inaugurating a new workshop in its core business and its home country, Louis Vuitton reaffirms its desire to nurture the French expertise that is central to its identity. • B E L M O N D A n ou t s t a nd i n g col lec t ion of des t i n at ion s a nd ex p er iences forefront of exceptional travel. The Maison aims to For more than 40 years, Belmond has been at the offer its customers one-of-a-kind trips and experi- ences in inspirational locations. Since it acquired Hotel Cipriani in Venice in 1976, Belmond has celebrated local traditions, communities and cuisines in the world’s most sought-after destinations, and created unique, authentic experiences in places charged with history. Today, with its large portfolio of very high-end hotels, trains, cruises and safaris, the Maison brings together heritage, expertise, authenticity and exacting customer service. It joined LVMH in 2019, to expand the Group’s collection of exceptional hotels, alongside Cheval Blanc and Bvlgari. Belmond manages 33 hotels in 24 countries, including legendary names like the Splendido in Portofino, Rio de Janeiro’s Copacabana Palace and the Grand Hotel Europe in Saint Petersburg. It also boasts secluded havens like Hotel das Cataratas, a gem overlooking Brazil’s Iguazú Falls, and Sanctuary Lodge, tucked beneath the lost city of Machu Picchu; as well as architec- tural marvels like former monasteries Hotel Monasterio in the historic heart of Cuzco, Peru, and Villa San Michele, nestled in the hills of Fiesole above Florence. Belmond also operates seven world-renowned train lines, including the legendary Venice Simplon-Orient-Express, an Art Deco icon, and the Belmond Royal Scotsman, which marries Edwardian elegance with all the comforts of a country house. The Maison’s two exceptional river cruises: Belmond Afloat in France and Belmond Road to Mandalay, round out its luxury travel offer of unforgetta- ble experiences, bespoke activities and unparalleled customer service. Belmond’s arrival within the LVMH family brings with it the prospect of more adventures and extraordinary experiences. • 108 • 109 LVMH 2019 . LVMH stories110 • 111 LVMH 2019 . LVMH storiesS E P H O R A The p ower of b eau t y runways and magazines, it has been reclaimed in Beauty is changing. No longer the preserve of our selfies as smartphone screens become the new mirror. Embracing this change, Sephora has reaf- firmed its leadership and its vision of beauty with a new corporate communication campaign: a tribute to “The Unlimited Power of Beauty”. Beauty without limits: a space where we all belong and are free to play. Where we all have the power – and the right – to experiment. Beauty whose many facets can be explored in a day – or over a lifetime. Beauty that gives us the power to assert ourselves – to love ourselves. Beauty is not a norm, a size or a filter. It is a tool that gives us power and confidence. To illustrate this positioning, Sephora developed a power- ful campaign that is deliberately different from previous years, both very universal in its casting and very intimate in its tone and imagery. Through the eyes of director Jonas Lindstroem, we expe- rience the very real emotions of a person faced with their reflection throughout their life, giving this experience a voice, from moments of doubt to moments of strength. The video is accompanied by a collection of portraits by British photographer Nadine Ijewere, paying homage to the full spectrum of beauty, spanning all ages, genders, physiques and styles. The Europe-wide campaign resonates with Sephora Stands, the Maison’s social and environmental engage- ment program which gave rise in the United States to the “We Belong to Something Beautiful” campaign, an inclu- sive celebration of courage, self-affirmation and beauty in all its diversity. Through its new signature, “The Unlimited Power of Beauty”, Sephora conveys a strong, ambitious, inclusive vision that aims to expand the Maison’s cultural impact. It is also an inspiring mission statement for all its staff: we all have the power to celebrate the diversity of the beauty community – a core part of the brand’s identity. A tribute to the boundless diversity and authentic, powerful beauty of the people who make up today’s world. • D I O R The C r u i s e col lec t ion t r avel s to Ma r r a kes h Dior’s Creative Director of womenswear, Maria forging creative dialogue with African cultures. Grazia Chiuri, has always had her heart set on Above all, she has longed to commune with the land- scapes and folklore of Morocco, a historic crossroads between the Mediterranean, Europe and Africa, and the dream destination of artists, poets, writers and eternal adventurers. Presenting the 2020 Cruise collection in Marrakesh was a way to pay tribute to the Maison’s herit- age and that of Christian Dior’s first successor, Yves Saint Laurent, a native of the Algerian port city of Oran who was fascinated by Morocco. This show also illustrated the notion of a common ground where, in spite of their differ- ences, women can build concrete connections by sharing ideas and taking action together. The collection, which unfurled like a map of the world, blends the images and atmospheres that have fashioned visual culture on that side of the Mediterranean. Its initial inspiration and flag of pride, is wax print cloth. The incred- ible history of this fabric celebrates diversity and the meet- ing of cultures. The Maison collaborated with the Uniwax factory and design studio in Abidjan (one of the last facto- ries that still produces wax fabric using traditional meth- ods) to reinterpret Dior’s hallmarks by weaving them into this signature fabric, in a special edition. New, revisited wax- print Toile de Jouy designs were the fruit of this collabora- tion, featuring rich landscapes and reworked tarot motifs. Like all the pieces in the collection, the Bar jacket exalts the power of fashion as an inclusive, transnational lan- guage. But the collection also emphasizes the power of nature by using ecru silk, silk gauze and shantung in sandy shades, indigo blue and burnt ochre red to adorn coats, tailored jackets, pleated skirts and pants. Through these cultural conversations, the 2020 Cruise collection reminds us that fashion itself is a uniquely interwoven part of our heritage, inspired by countless places and periods throughout history. The collection, which maps out an imaginary landscape of cultures and emotions, is enriched by other creative collaborations that exalt Dior’s hallmarks into a fugue of interweaving artistic dialogue. 112 • 113 LVMH 2019 . LVMH storiesPathé Ouédraogo – known as Pathé’O –, one of Africa’s greatest fashion designers and the man whose iconic brightly colored patterned shirts have become symbols of the continent and its cultural diversity, was asked to design an exclusive piece as a tribute to Nelson Mandela. Maria Grazia Chiuri also collaborated with two creative powerhouses, using their perspectives to reinterpret the Maison’s iconic New Look silhouette, the Bar jacket and skirt. The first, fashion designer Grace Wales Bonner, was born in London to a British mother and Jamaican father. Her work explores her own identity through her conception of tailoring and its references, blurring the lines between masculinity and femininity. The second, African-American artist Mickalene Thomas, celebrates the many facets of femininity and diversity by drawing inspiration from her mother, who was a model in the 1970s. Mickalene Thomas references great European painters from Ingres to Manet, and designs colorful col- lages that question social norms and preconceived notions of female beauty. Dior’s milliner Stephen Jones designed a range of head- wear. Like an ode to travel, the wax print headwraps and bandanas he imagined in collaboration with fashion designer Martine Henry crowned the silhouettes of this 2020 Cruise collection. For the show’s decor, the Maison collaborated with Sumano, a nonprofit that aims to revive the traditional women’s crafts of Moroccan tribes, in particular painted ceramics and the art of weaving and vegetable dyeing. This collaboration with Dior resulted in the creation of painted ceramic plates, pillows and a hand-woven, hand- painted coat. With the 2020 Cruise collection, Maria Grazia Chiuri maps out an imaginary landscape of culture and emotion. • G U E R L A I N A s en s or y jou r ney to C a l abr i a , t he l a nd of b erg a mot the world with its iconic fragrances. The secret of Ever since 1828, Guerlain Parfumeur has captivated this longevity lies in the expertise perpetuated by its Master Perfumers; in its fondness for certain hallmark ingredients like rose, iris, vanilla, tonka bean, bergamot and jasmine; and in its bold signature. Thierry Wasser is the fifth generation of Guerlain Master Perfumers. He explores the world as the seasons unfold, in search of the natural raw materials prized by the Maison. And where he goes, Guerlain follows, sourcing exceptional ingredients and ensuring respect for people and nature. Bergamot is mainly grown in Calabria, ripening in the winter when its green skin turns yellow. The families who grow this fruit can then harvest it. Each harvest is unique because so many factors influence the fruit’s essences – the soil, the amount of sunshine, the time of harvest and more. What makes Guerlain’s bergamot special is its quality and unique combination of essences: Thierry Wasser creates his own blend using essential oils from different plots, mixing fruity and floral notes with greener and more bit- ter ones. This Guerlain bergamot – the fresh facet of the Maison’s signature Guerlinade fragrance base – appears in nearly all the Maison’s creations, from its first Colognes to La Petite Robe Noire, where it plays a supporting role, to Shalimar extract where it has the lead role. Guerlain has worked with the Capua family for nearly 60 years, and is engaged in a sustainable partnership with local bergamot producers, encouraging them to diversify and safeguard their crops. For example, in a fine illustra- tion of a virtuous circle, a row of bitter orange trees now protects the bergamots from the wind and also provides precious flowers for perfume-making. Guerlain has had a trusting friendship with the same Calibrian bergamot farming families for several generations. • 116 • 117 LVMH 2019 . LVMH storiesH E N N E S S Y Res p on s ible by n at u re of a three-step process – selection, aging and From vine to bottle, cognac is the culmination blending – that is unique to Cognac (France) and used nowhere else in the world. To ensure excellence and a rich bouquet of aromas, Hennessy selects only the fin- est eaux-de-vie sourced from the best AOC vineyards. That means everything starts with winegrowing, an area where the Maison has made firm commitments and achieved the highest levels of certification. For over twenty years, Hennessy has made environ- mental management and food safety top priorities, as demonstrated by the ISO 14001 and ISO 22000 certifica- tions it obtained in 1998 and 2006, respectively. The Maison develops and uses highly innovative technol- ogies that are safe and environmentally friendly, while also maintaining the ancestral knowledge required to safeguard and pass on its winegrowing heritage. Everyday practices such as tilling and gentle vine pruning are natural ways for Hennessy to preserve its terroirs. Combined with high-tech equipment and experimental winegrowing techniques, natural crop protection prod- ucts and biological pest control methods (such as mating disruption for harmful insects) are valuable tools to help protect its vineyards. Biodiversity and soil quality are also given special care. The Maison has introduced eco-friendly farming methods including preserving hedgerows and leaving land fallow for bees or crop rotation. Safe havens have been created for beneficial animals and insects. In total, 60% of the surface area of Hennessy’s vineyards is planted, either naturally or with cover crops selected to promote soil life and limit erosion. In parallel, all land awaiting replanting is sown with biodiversity-friendly plants. Replanting hedge- rows is a key priority for the years to come. 118 • 119 LVMH 2019 . LVMH storiesIn addition to these environmental commitments, the Maison also focuses on the social component of sustain- able winegrowing, and particularly on maintaining posi- tive relationships with the surrounding community and championing the profession. Hennessy has been a member of France’s network of farms aiming to reduce pesticide use since 2011, and in 2016 its vineyards obtained Haute Valeur Environnementale (HVE) certification, a reward for the Maison’s excellent performance in three areas: biodiversity, vine protection strategy and fertilizer management. In addition, after laying the groundwork in 2016, Hennessy was highly involved in the creation of the Viticulture Durable Cognac sustainable winegrowing certification, which raises the bar for environmental protection, plant species conservation and biodiversity. The Maison received this certification when the framework was launched in November 2018. Lastly, Hennessy’s vineyards serve as an example for others – it shares best practices with its partner wine- growers and suppliers and helps them become more sustainable, in line with the Maison’s core values. An ambitious support plan has been implemented to ensure that all partner winegrowers have both the Certification Environnementale Cognac and Haute Valeur Environnementale certification by 2025, with the goal of eliminating chemical herbicides by 2028. Hennessy has made a firm commitment to eliminate herbicides from its own vineyards by 2021 and from those of its partners by 2028. • R U I N A R T Recon nec t i n g w it h ou r root s On September 1, 2029, Ruinart – the oldest estab- 300th anniversary. Over the centuries it has sur- lished champagne house – will celebrate its rounded itself with artists such as Alphonse Mucha in 1896, and more recently has partnered with renowned contemporary creative talent to whom it gives carte blanche each year to represent it at the world’s greatest international art fairs. 2019 marked the start of the ten-year countdown to the Maison’s fourth century during which, every year, Ruinart will unveil a new artistic or architectural project in Reims focusing on innovation, creativity and sustainability. This year, the Maison brings together art, sustainable development and artificial intelligence in a long-term installation that is in tune with nature. Retour aux sources is the artistic and technological vision of digital artistic duo Mouawad Laurier. It symbolizes Ruinart’s sensitivity to environmental issues through a singular, immersive sound and vision experience more than 100 feet under- ground. The sculpture represents the root of a grapevine, and is autonomous, connected to the world around it and equipped with artificial intelligence. Installed in an ancient chalk quarry – a UNESCO World Heritage site – it reacts in real time to the natural elements involved in the cham- pagne production process. Using the data it receives from the vineyards, production and climate, the sculpture changes with the seasons, reacting to the key events in the champagne-making year, observing climate change, sensing temperature and wind speed, and following the wine-making cycle – harvest, fermentation, riddling and maturation. The root responds to each of these key events in different ways, reacting to its surroundings at that time. For visitors, this means that the story of Retour aux sources is constantly changing and unfolding, and becomes a powerful, persuasive reminder of the need to protect our natural environment. In the lead-up to its 300th anniversary, Ruinart reminds us how meaningful roots are. • 120 • 121 LVMH 2019 . LVMH storiesD I O R A N D R I M O W A Exc lu s ive col l ab or at ion for a lu g g age col lec t ion Menswear, who share the same passion for travel Rimowa and Kim Jones, Dior’s Creative Director of and mobility, pooled their talents to create an exceptional capsule collection. Sleek and graphic, the Dior and Rimowa luggage collec- tion was partly unveiled at the Summer 2020 show, before being previewed and then officially launched at Dior’s new Champs-Élysées boutique in the fall. The launch was spectacularly staged under a luminous celes- tial dome. Carrying the promise of new horizons, clouds floated across the installation creating a captivating play of reflections that highlighted a helicopter specially cus- tomized for the event in Rimowa’s signature gray. The cockpit interior and seats were upholstered in Dior’s emblematic Oblique pattern, designed by Marc Bohan in 1967. After previews at a number of dedicated Dior loca- tions in Beijing, Miami, Dubai, Hong Kong, Paris and London, the collection was launched in early 2020 in all Dior stores worldwide. The collection design is minimalist and features an inno- vative anodizing process that allows graded pigments to be integrated into the aluminum core. Carry-ons come in silver, matte black and graded blue overlaid with the Dior Oblique pattern, for a unique travel experience. A “Christian Dior”-emblazoned elastic strap adds the finish- ing touch. An aluminum trunk and hand case – inspired by a Rimowa model from the early 1990s, with a remova- ble cross-body strap – also feature the Dior Oblique print. The collection is rounded out by the stylish “Personal” clutch – perfect for keeping one’s belongings handy – in blue, black, silver or pink aluminum, and a special-order champagne case featuring an elegant, functional design, including a gray crocodile-leather handle. These exclusive pieces are bound to inspire wanderlust. Combining their expertise, Rimowa, Dior and Kim Jones have created an exceptional capsule collection that celebrates travel and mobility. • F E N D I A n Hau te Cou t u re t r ibu te to K a rl Lager feld couture collection, on Palatine Hill, against the Fendi presented its Fall-Winter 2019-2020 haute backdrop of the Roman Forum. The show was a tribute to Karl Lagerfeld, its longtime Creative Director, and the collection’s 54 silhouettes symbolized his 54 years at Fendi – the longest tenure in fashion history. Celebrating the timeless glory of the city of Rome, the show unfolded in a symphony of shifting impressions at the heart of an ephemeral Italian garden interspersed with glints of the sunset reflected in pools. The setting combined the rigor of classical architecture with ele- ments of nature – roots, structure and strata. The collection itself featured pictorial decorations recall- ing the art of marquetry transposed onto fabric and fur garments, and a palette of pastel colors to soften their angular lines. Yellow-orange citrine, jade green and quartz pink were paired and mixed with lighter shades flecked with gold. From light coats to pencil skirts, tailored shirts and pala- zzo pants, the collection explored the metamorphosis of marble – a marvel of nature shot through with crystalline veins and extraordinary colors. The collection’s silhouettes were directly inspired by sketches from Karl Lagerfeld’s archives. Carefully selected by Silvia Venturini Fendi, the Maison’s Creative Director, they served as the starting point for the couture collec- tion, the folds of cloth, the architecture of shoulder pads and the graphic design of necklines. This exceptional event was accompanied by a musical performance by Italian composer Caterina Barbieri and followed by dinner in the Barberini vineyard, a short walk from the Elagabalium temple and the olives, pomegran- ates, figs, lemons and roses of Palatine Hill. Celebrating the glory of ancient Rome, Fendi pays an Haute Couture tribute to the memory of its longest-serving Creative Director. • 122 • 123 LVMH 2019 . LVMH storiesL A S A M A R I T A I N E A Pa r i s i a n l a nd m a rk i s reb or n As it reemerges from an extraordinary makeover, couple Ernest and Marie-Louise Cognacq-Jay, 150 years after it was founded by the visionary La Samaritaine will reclaim its place in radiant splendor at the heart of Paris, transformed into a 21st century neigh- borhood embodying the many facets of Parisian life. Its rebirth has been an exceptional adventure entailing five years of work to renovate four buildings from differ- ent periods with different architectural styles. Located in the heart of Paris, in a dense environment closely bor- dered on all sides, navigating the renovation site was a daily challenge for the 3,000 people and 280 French companies who worked on it, under the aegis of Japanese architecture firm Sanaa, winner of the 2010 Pritzker Prize. Cherished by its Parisian clientele and open to the world, the department store will reflect the spirit and the magic of France’s capital city. Fashion, art de vivre and fine cui- sine at La Samaritaine will reflect the effortless chic Paris is renowned for. With its inimitable, much-loved style, it will be the perfect way to enjoy new experiences and rediscover the unique, generous soul of Paris. Just a few steps away, the Cheval Blanc Paris hotel will open its doors: 72 rooms and suites in the heart of Paris, across from Notre-Dame and the Eiffel Tower, where the Maison will infuse the art of living and hosting with the world of design. In addition to the major draw of the department store and the hotel, La Samaritaine will inject new life into Paris’ 1st arrondissement by transforming part of its premises into a living space. The social housing program managed by Paris Habitat and offering 96 homes on the Rue de l’Arbre-Sec, will provide accommodation for sev- eral families. Together with the occupants of neighboring offices, these residents will revitalize neighborhood shops and businesses. In the eyes of foreign visitors, Paris is “a moveable feast”, and the new La Samaritaine will play its part in enhancing the capital’s economy and cultural appeal to the full. An inimitable, much-loved style, the perfect way to enjoy new experiences and rediscover the unique, generous soul of Paris. • C H E V A L B L A N C Elev at i n g t he a r t of hos pit a l it y winter of 2006, inspired by a desire to heighten The first Cheval Blanc address was opened in the the hotel experience in truly exceptional settings. The Cheval Blanc Maisons’ quest for excellence is guided by a set of core values: exclusivity, exquisite attention to detail, creativity and the art of hospitality. They take a bespoke approach to hospitality, using immense talent and resourcefulness to ensure each hotel stay is an unfor- gettably personal experience. This quest for perfection is reflected in Cheval Blanc’s Latin motto: Ducit supra montes, or “Beyond the moun- tains”. And mountains are precisely the setting of its first Maison, located in Courchevel, the world’s largest ski resort. This enchanting, modern chalet is one-of-a-kind, and works its magic against a backdrop of green fir trees and snow-covered peaks. The Maisons that followed it share the same values and exacting standards. Each destination is meticulously selected, each property carefully fashioned down to the tiniest detail so that it is in symbiosis with its natural surroundings, history, local culture and the spirit of Cheval Blanc. After Courchevel, Randheli in the Maldives, and St-Barth Isle de France, in 2019 Cheval Blanc added Saint-Tropez to its prestigious collection. This new property, acquired by LVMH Hotel Management in 2016, offers a true taste of French Riviera lifestyle, in an elegant, contemporary set- ting that has retained all of its charm and authenticity. Cheval Blanc will take its vision of the art of hospitality to new heights when it inaugurates its first urban Maison in the heart of the City of Light. There, where the River Seine flows, Cheval Blanc Paris will infuse a spirit of warm, elegant hospitality and nurture the perfect epicurean balance in an iconic 72-room-and-suite Art Deco building featuring four restaurants and the very first Dior Spa Cheval Blanc – encapsulating the allure of the capital… The Cheval Blanc Maisons take a bespoke approach to hospitality, using immense talent and resourcefulness to ensure each stay is an unforgettably personal experience. • T A G H E U E R Five l i m ited ed it ion s celebr at i n g 50 yea rs of t he Monaco dent at the time – launched the Monaco, a unique It was in 1969 that Jack Heuer – the Maison’s presi- timepiece that became famous for its exceptional design and groundbreaking technology. This iconic watch achieved two world firsts: the first water-resistant timepiece with a square case, and the first automatic chronograph movement – the Calibre 11. Half a century later, TAG Heuer paid tribute to this model and its disrup- tive design by holding a series of events throughout 2019 in Europe, the United States and Asia. At each of these events, a new limited-edition Monaco model was released, each one representing the unique aesthetics of one of the five decades since its original launch. The first of these exclusive pieces, inspired by the dec- ade from 1969 to 1979, was unveiled at the Formula 1 Monaco Grand Prix in May. The second, an homage to the period from 1979 to 1989, was presented in June at the 24 Hours of Le Mans in France – the epic endurance race depicted in the 1971 film Le Mans, in which actor and “King of Cool” Steve McQueen sports the legendary timepiece on his wrist. The third special-edition Monaco timepiece, which harks back to the 1990s, made its grand entrance in July at the New York round of the Formula E championship. The fourth edition, honoring the refined style of the early 2000s, was equally well received world- wide following its debut at the Tokyo National Museum in September. The Swiss watchmaker capped off the celebrations in October with the fifth and final watch, embodying the 2010s, at an immersive event held at Shanghai’s Space Plus venue. To mark this anniversary, TAG Heuer also published a book that traces the history and spirit of this improbable icon: Paradoxical Superstar documents the Monaco’s story with archive excerpts, never-before-seen photos and sketches of designs and movements. True to the collection’s origins, the TAG Heuer Monaco anniversary editions perpetuate its avant-garde spirit and offer a glimpse into the history of a legendary watch. • 128 • 129 LVMH 2019 . LVMH storiesL O E W E Sl ip i nto t he i m ag i n a r y world of A r t s & C r a f t s cer a m i s t Wi l l i a m de Morg a n collection designed by Loewe’s Creative Director The ready-to-wear and accessories capsule Jonathan Anderson, is inspired by the fantastical world of British ceramist William de Morgan. He designed ceramics and stained glass and had a huge influence on the decorative arts from the 1860s. A leading figure of the Arts & Crafts movement, he perfected innovative glazing techniques, and most famously worked on luster and color. William de Morgan is renowned for his enchanting designs depicting extraordinary beasts and floral ara- besques. His fertile imagination was a great source of inspiration for Jonathan Anderson, who has created a Loewe collection that unleashes the imagination and infuses magic into everyday life. For example, he acces- sorizes a coat with a woollen dragon’s tail, and adorns clothing with animal motifs – a dodo is emblazoned on the back of a black leather jacket, and a peacock-print transforms a trench coat with its spectrum of blues and greens. The iconic Puzzle, Hammock and Gate bags feature hand-embroidery and leather patchworks of feathers and flowers. This reinterpretation of William de Morgan’s world and virtuoso techniques is yet another example of the Maison’s highly skilled craftsmanship. Loewe also commissioned a film by BAFTA-winning film director Nina Gantz to accompany the launch of its “Loewe William de Morgan” capsule collection. The short movie, entitled An Otter’s Tale, features William de Morgan’s creatures alongside Loewe models wearing col- lection items, and immerses the viewer into the talented creative universes of Loewe and William de Morgan. This reinterpretation of William de Morgan’s world and virtuoso techniques is yet another example of the Maison’s highly-skilled craftsmanship. • 130 • 131 LVMH 2019 . LVMH storiesP E R F O R M A N C E M E A S U R E S U S E F U L I N F O R M A T I O N F O R S H A R E H O L D E R S SHA R EHOLDER S’ C LU B IN FOR MAT ION A BOU T LV M H SHA R ES The LVMH Shareholders’ Club was set up in 1994 to give individual shareholders who are particularly interested in the life of the Group a better understanding of LVMH, its businesses and its brands. LAT EST N EWS A BOU T OU R M A ISONS We send Club members several publications (by email or post as they prefer), such as the twice yearly Letter to Shareholders and the annual issue of Apartés, our Club magazine. The Annual Report is sent to those who request it using an online form. V ISITS TO EXC EPT IONA L SIT ES Club members can visit exceptional sites where they receive an especially warm welcome: from Hennessy’s centuries’ old cellars to the magnificent crayères at Veuve Clicquot. They also get the opportunity to discover our Maisons at unique locations such as the Louis Vuitton workshops in Asnières. EXC LUSI V E OF F ER S FOR T H E GROU P’ S PRODUC TS In addition to special offers on a selection of the Group’s wines and spirits, Club members can purchase discounted subscriptions to Group media publications – Les Échos, Investir and Connaissance des Arts – Listed on: Eurolist by Euronext Paris Stock market capitalization: €208 bn as of 12/31/2019 (the largest capitalization on the Paris stock market) Number of shares: 505,431,285 as of 12/31/2019 Member of indices: CAC 40, Dow Jones Euro Stoxx 50, MSCI Europe, FTSE Eurotop 100, Global Dow and FTSE4Good. SHA R EHOLDER ST RUCT U R E (1) (November 2019) Arnault family group 47.3% Treasury stock 0.4% French institutional investors 9.4% Individuals 5.0% Foreign institutional investors 37.9% (1) Voting rights: Arnault family group 63.4%; Other 36.6%. AGEN DA and order priority-access tickets for the Fondation Tuesday, January 28, 2020: 2019 annual revenue and results Louis Vuitton. A W EB SIT E DEDICAT ED TO C LU B M EM BER S The detailed program of the Club’s visits, as well as Thursday, April 16, 2020: 2020 first-quarter revenue Tuesday, June 30, 2020: Shareholders’ Meeting Thursday, July 9, 2020: payment of the final dividend for fiscal year 2019 July 2020: 2020 half-year revenue and results the exclusive offer of Wines and Spirits, subscriptions to October 2020: 2020 third-quarter revenue the Group’s newspapers and magazines and tickets to the Fondation Louis Vuitton are available via the Club’s website at www.clublvmh-actionnaires.fr. This private online space, dedicated to Club members, can be accessed once you have activated your account. CON TACTS Investor and Shareholder Relations Tel.: +33 (0)1 44 13 27 27 Shareholders’ Club Tel.: +33 (0)1 44 13 21 50 S T O C K M A R K E T P E R F O R M A N C E M E A S U R E S LVMH STOCK MARKET DATA (in euros) 2017 2018 2019 CHANGE IN THE DIVIDEND (in euros) 2017(1) 2018 2019 High (mid-session) 260.55 313.70 Low (mid-session) 175.80 232.50 Year-end share price 245.40 258.20 419.50 243.65 414.20 Gross dividend Change for the year Payout ratio 5.00 25% 47% Change during the year (%) Change in the CAC 40 (%) Market capitalization at Dec. 31 (EUR bn) 35% 5% 60% Basic Group share of net earnings per share 10.68 12.64 9% –11% 26% 124.0 130.0 208.0 (1) Restated to account for the impact of the application of IFRS 9 Financial Instruments. (2) At a meeting on April 15th, 2020, the LVMH Board of Directors assessed the economic situation resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic and, in light of current events and governmental recommendations, decided to propose a 30% reduction in the dividend announced on January 28th for Shareholders’ approval at the AGM on June 30th, 2020. 6.00 4.80(2) 20% 47% –20% 34% 14.25 COMPARISON BETWEEN THE LVMH SHARE PRICE AND THE CAC 40 INDEX SINCE JANUARY 2, 2017 (in euros) 450 425 400 375 350 325 300 275 250 225 200 175 150 125 100 75 50 25 0 8,000,000 7,000,000 6,000,000 5,000,000 4,000,000 3,000,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 FJDNOSAJJMAMFJ M A M 2017 OSAJ J 2018 DN JJMAMFJ 2019 LVMH CAC 40 rebased Volume of transactions (right-hand scale) A DNOS 0 Building on the momentum of a very good first half of the year, stock markets continued to climb in the second half, with the CAC 40 seeing its strongest annual growth in 20 years. The resumption of quantitative easing by the ECB, combined with three successive benchmark rate cuts in the United States, were key drivers of this bullish trend. This performance was achieved in a persistently uncertain environment, particularly with regard to trade talks between the United States and China, which remained at the forefront of investor concerns throughout the year. Still, the last quarter ended on a more positive note with an agreement being reached on the first phase of the deal which, without ending tensions outright, leaves hope for a certain easing in trade relations between the two countries. Against this backdrop, the CAC 40 and Euro Stoxx 50 indices finished 2019 with gains of 26% and 25%, respectively. The LVMH closing share price ended the year up 60%, at €414.20, after having reached a new record high toward the end of the year. LVMH’s market capitalization was €208 billion as of December 31, making it the largest company on the Paris stock exchange. 134 • 135 LVMH 2019 . Performance measuresF I N A N C I A L P E R F O R M A N C E M E A S U R E S 2019 REVENUE BY REGION (in %) Other markets 11% Asia (excl. Japan ) 30% Japan 7% France 9% Europe (excl. France) 19% United States 24% REVENUE (EUR millions) 53,670 46,826 42,636 STORES (number) 4,915 4,374 4,592 2017 2018 2019 PROFIT FROM RECURRING OPERATIONS (EUR millions) 11,504 10,003 8,293 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019 REVENUE BY BUSINESS GROUP (EUR millions) PROFIT FROM RECURRING OPERATIONS BY BUSINESS GROUP (EUR millions) Wines & Spirits 2019 5,576 Change 2019/2018 Organic growth(1) +8% +6% Wines & Spirits Fashion & Leather Goods 22,237 +20% +17% Fashion & Leather Goods Perfumes & Cosmetics Watches & Jewelry Selective Retailing Other activities and eliminations 6,835 4,405 14,791 (174) +12% +7% +8% – +9% +3% +5% – Perfumes & Cosmetics Watches & Jewelry Selective Retailing Other activities and eliminations 2019 1,729 7,344 683 736 1,395 (383) Change 2019/2018 Operating margin(1) +6% 3 1.0% +24% 33.0% +1% +5% +1% – 10.0% 1 6.7% 9.4% – TOTAL LVMH 53,670 +15% +10% TOTAL LVMH 11,504 +15% 21.4% (1) At comparable structure and exchange rates. The currency effect was +3% and the structural impact, +1% (integration of Belmond since April 2019). (1) As % of revenue of each business group. NET PROFIT, GROUP SHARE (EUR millions) 7,171 6,354 5,365 OPERATING INVESTMENTS (EUR millions) 3,294 3,038 2,276 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019 FREE CASH FLOW (EUR millions) 6,167 5,452 4,696 2017 2018 2019 EQUITY AND RATIO OF NET FINANCIAL DEBT TO EQUITY (EUR millions and %) 38,365 33,957 30,377 SIMPLIFIED BALANCE SHEET AS OF 12/31/2019 (EUR billions and % of balance sheet total) 96.5 96.5 73% N o n - c u r r e n t a s s e t s 40% E q u i t y 14% I nv e n t o r i e s 13% O t h e r c u r r e n t a s s e t s 37% N o n - c u r r e n t l i a b i l i t i e s 23% C u r r e n t l i a b i l i t i e s Assets Liabilities and equity NET FINANCIAL DEBT(1) (EUR millions) 7,153 6,206 5,487(1) 24% 16%(1) 16% 2017 2018 2019 (1) Belmond shares deducted from net debt (€274 million). 2017 2018 2019 Further information can be found in the 2019 Universal Registration Document. 136 • 137 LVMH 2019 . Performance measuresN O N - F I N A N C I A L P E R F O R M A N C E M E A S U R E S BREAKDOWN OF EMISSIONS BY BUSINESS GROUP (in metric tons of CO2 equivalent) ENERGY CONSUMPTION BY BUSINESS GROUP (in MWh) CO2 emissions in 2018 CO2 emissions in 2019 pro forma(1) Change(1) (in %) 2018 2019 pro forma(1) Change(1) (in %) Wines & Spirits Fashion & Leather Goods Perfumes & Cosmetics Watches & Jewelry Selective Retailing 40,845 40,442 113,783 108,692 –1% –4% – 12,807 7,027 12,832 6,332 –10%(2) 88,089 70,764 –20%(2) Other activities 3,319 3,340 TOTAL 265,870 242,402 +1% –9% (1) Value and change at constant scope. (2) Change related to the transition to renewable energy and the rollout of more energy-saving technologies. Wines & Spirits Fashion & Leather Goods Perfumes & Cosmetics Watches & Jewelry Selective Retailing 220,454 222,785 393,598 385,516 94,044 94,021 40,935 38,773 286,514 306,319 Other activities 22,006 21,086 TOTAL 1,057,551 1,068,500 (1) Value and change at constant scope. +1% –2% – –5% +7% –4% +1% WATER CONSUMPTION BY BUSINESS GROUP (process requirements in m3) SOCIAL AND/OR ENVIRONMENTAL AUDITS AND MONITORING OF OUR SUPPLIERS BY REGION IN 2019 2018 2019 pro forma(1) Change(1) (in %) 1,193,364 1,247,673 +5% Europe 1,840,355 1,911,342 +4% Asia 204,089 195,700 80,566 80,516 –4% – 401,708 311,317 –23%(2) North America Other markets TOTAL Total number Wines & Spirits Fashion & Leather Goods Perfumes & Cosmetics Watches & Jewelry Selective Retailing Other activities 264,989 184,408 –30%(3) TOTAL 3,985,070 3,930,956 –1% (1) Value and change at constant scope. (2) Change related to the installation of new equipment at a site. (3) Change related to exceptional works in 2018 and improvements in reporting process. Breakdown of suppliers (in %) Breakdown of audits (in %) 66% 13% 14% 7% 100% 1,261 76% 22% 1% 1% 100% 1,589 LVMH 2019 . P e r f o r m a n c e m e a s u r e s EMPLOYEES(1) BREAKDOWN BY BUSINESS GROUP (as of December 31, 2019) 163,309 156,088 145,247 2017 2018 2019 (1) Total permanent and fi xed- term headcount. 2019(1) 7,671 53,456 30,427 9,426 57,383 Wines & Spirits Fashion & Leather Goods Perfumes & Cosmetics Watches & Jewelry Selective Retailing Other activities TOTAL 4,946 163,309 (1) Total permanent and fi xed-term headcount. (2) Under permanent contracts. As % of total % women(2) 5% 33% 19% 6% 35% 3% 100% 38% 67% 83% 59% 83% 37% 73% BREAKDOWN BY AGE(1) (Median age: 33 years) BREAKDOWN OF PERSONNEL BY PROFESSIONAL CATEGORY (as of December 31, 2019) Age: under 25 12% 20% 20% 15% 11% 9% 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60 and up 6% 4% 3% 2019(1) 32,004 15,333 93,575 As % of total % women(2) 20% 9% 57% 65% 68% 80% 22,398 14% 59% Executives and managers Technicians and supervisors Administrative and sales employees Production workers TOTAL 163,309 100% 73% (1) Under permanent contracts. (1) Total permanent and fi xed- term headcount. (2) Under permanent contracts. TRAINING INVESTMENT (EUR millions) 138.0 131.0 121.5 2017 2018 2019 BREAKDOWN BY REGION (as of December 31, 2019) France Europe (excl. France) United States Japan Asia (excl. Japan) Other markets 2019(1) 33,701 40,453 31,483 7,391 38,109 12,172 As % of total % women(2) 21% 25% 19% 5% 23% 7% 64% 72% 78% 73% 77% 73% TOTAL 163,309 100% 73% (1) Total permanent and fi xed- term headcount. (2) Under permanent contracts. Further information can be found in the 2019 Universal Registration Document. 138 • 139 Photographs Cover: Dior, Brigitte Niedermair – p. 4: Samaritaine – p. 6: Jamel Toppin – p. 10: Samaritaine, Julien Luttenbacher – p. 12, 15: Jean-François Robert – p. 13: Louis Vuitton Malletier – p. 17: Hennessy, Alain Benoit – Louis Vuitton Malletier, Angelo Pennetta – Guerlain, Pierrick Jégou – Bvlgari – Le Bon Marché Rive Gauche, Gabriel de la Chapelle – Cheval Blanc, S. Candito – p. 18, 123, 124: Fendi – p. 22: Gpesenti, CC BY-SA 3.0/Picture cropped and turned in B&W – p. 24: Gabriel de la Chapelle – p. 26: DR – p. 29: Nora Houguenade – p. 30: Lapo Quagli – p. 34, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90: Julia Spiers – p. 38: Fondation Louis Vuitton, © Gehry Partners, LLP and Frank O. Gehry – Photo Iwan Baan, 2014 – p. 40: Charlotte Perriand, House for a Young Man, Brussels International Exposition, 1935 (reconstruction): Manifesto sideboard – Le Corbusier, Pierre Jeanneret, Charlotte Perriand © F.L.C./Adagp, Paris, 2019 ; © Fondation Louis Vuitton/Marc Domage – Edouard Manet, A Bar at the FoliesBergère, 1882 – The Courtauld Gallery, London © Fondation Louis Vuitton – p. 42: Loro Piana – p. 46: Château Cheval Blanc, Gérard Uféras – p. 48: Dom Pérignon – p. 52: Moët & Chandon, Agence Ogilvy – p. 53: Veuve Clicquot, Andrea Urbez – p. 54: Krug, Lee Paul Coad & Kim Lightbody – Maison Ruinart – p. 55: Jas Hennessy & Co, DDB – p. 56: Louis Vuitton Malletier, Angelo Pennetta – p. 58: Louis Vuitton Malletier, Leonce Raphael Agbodjelou – p. 62: Louis Vuitton Malletier, Craig McDean – p. 63: Dior, Adrien Dirand – p. 64: Celine, Hedi Slimane – p. 65: Berluti – p. 66: Guerlain, Pierrick Jégou – p. 68, 72, 74, 106, 107: Christian Dior Parfums – p. 73: Parfums Givenchy, Guido Mocafico – p. 75: Guerlain, Alain Costa – p. 76, 78, 82, 99: Bvlgari – p. 83, 129: TAG Heuer – p. 84: Hublot – p. 85: Zenith Communication and Marketing Department, Zenith Branch of LVMH Swiss Manufactures SA – Chaumet, Karim Sadli – p. 86, 94: Le Bon Marché Rive Gauche, Gabriel de la Chapelle – p. 88, 92, 94, 112: Sephora – p. 93: DFS, Fondaco Facade, Matteo de Fina – p. 94: DFS – p. 100, 101, 102: Louis Vuitton Malletier, Rosewood – p. 103, 104: Loro Piana, Giulio Di Sturco – p. 108: Louis Vuitton Malletier, Cyrille Jerusalmi – p. 109, 110: Belmond – p. 113, 116: Dior – p. 113: Dior, Nadine Ijewere – p. 114: Dior, Raphaël Dautigny – p. 117: Guerlain, Zoe Fidji – p. 118, 119: Hennessy, Alain Benoit – p. 120: Hennessy, Christophe Barraud – p. 121: Maison Ruinart, Mouawad Laurier – p. 122: Dior & Rimowa, Adrien Dirand – p. 126: Samaritaine, Vladimir Vasilev – p. 126, 127: Samaritaine, Pierre-Olivier Deschamps, Agence VU’ – p. 128: Cheval Blanc, Saint-Tropez, E. Labouérie - V. Mati – p. 130, 131: Loewe – Other photographs: LVMH and Group Maisons’ libraries. This document was printed on paper from responsibly managed forests, certified FSC® (Forest Stewardship Council®). LVMH – 22, avenue Montaigne – 75008 Paris – France Tel.: 33 (0)1 44 13 22 22 – www.lvmh.com : n o i t c u d o r p d n a n g i s e D : n o i t c u d o r p d n a n g i s e D LVMH 2019 . Performance measures LVMH 2019 . Performance measures4 • 4
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