2 02 0 A N N UA L R E P ORT Passionate about creativity Passionate about creativity T H E LV M H S P I R I T Louis Vuitton and Moët Hennessy merged in 1987, creating the LVMH Group. From the outset, Bernard Arnault gave the Group a clear vision: to become the world leader in luxury, with a philosophy summed up in its motto, “Passionate about creativity”. Today, the LVMH Group comprises 75 exceptional Maisons, each of which creates products that embody unique craftsmanship, carefully preserved heritage and resolute modernity. Through their creations, the Maisons are the ambassadors of a refined, contemporary art de vivre. LVMH nurtures a family spirit underpinned by an unwavering long-term corporate vision. The Group’s vocation is to ensure the development of each of its Maisons while respecting their identity and their autonomy, by providing all the resources they need to design, produce and distribute their creations through carefully selected channels. Our Group and Maisons put heart and soul into everything they do. Our core identity is based on the fundamental values that run through our entire Group and are shared by all of us. These values drive our Maisons’ performance and ensure their longevity, while keeping them attuned to the spirit of the times and connected to society. Since its inception, the Group has made sustainable development one of its strategic priorities. Today, this policy provides a powerful response to the issues of corporate ethical responsibility in general, as well as the role a group like LVMH should play within French society and internationally. Our philosophy: Passionate about creativity T H E VA L U E S O F A D E E P LY C O M M I T T E D G R O U P Being creative and innovative Creativity and innovation are part of LVMH’s DNA; throughout the years, they have been the keys to our Maisons’ success and the basis of their solid reputations. These fundamental values of creativity and innovation are pursued in tandem by our Group’s Maisons as they focus on achieving the ideal balance between continually renewing their offer while resolutely looking to the future, always respecting their unique heritage. Delivering excellence Within the Group, quality can never be compromised. Because the Maisons embody everything that is most noble and accomplished in the world of fine craftsmanship, they pay extremely close attention to detail and strive for perfection: from products to services, it is in this quest for excellence that the Group differentiates itself. Cultivating an entrepreneurial spirit The Group’s agile, decentralized structure fosters efficiency and responsiveness. It encourages individuals to take initiative by giving everyone a significant level of responsibility. The entrepreneurial spirit promoted by the Group makes risk-taking easier and encourages perseverance. It requires a pragmatic approach and the ability to motivate staff to achieve ambitious goals. Taking action to make a difference Every action taken by the Group and its employees reflects our commitment to ethics, corporate social responsibility and respect for the environment. They drive our Maisons’ performance and ensure their longevity. Firmly convinced that truly desirable products can only come from sustainable businesses, we are committed to ensuring that our products and the way they are made have a positive impact on our entire ecosystem and the places we operate, and that our Group is actively working to build a better future. 2 • 3 Louis Vuitton, Towards a Dream, Iceland. T H E LV M H G R O U P Chairman’s message Interview with the Group Managing Director Governance and organization Our Maisons and business groups Performance and responsibility Strategy and key figures Commitments in 2020 Talent Environment Corporate philanthropy Ethics and responsible partnerships B U S I N E S S G R O U P I N S I G H T S Wines & Spirits Fashion & Leather Goods Perfumes & Cosmetics Watches & Jewelry Selective Retailing E X P L O R E T H E W O R L D O F O U R M A I S O N S P E R F O R M A N C E M E A S U R E S Stock market performance measures Financial performance measures Non-financial performance measures 06 12 14 16 18 20 22 30 34 38 42 46 58 70 82 94 104 150 152 154 4 • 5 S E I Z E T H E I N I T I A T I V E C R I S E S A R E D E C I S I V E M O M E N T S W H E R E S T R A T E G I E S A R E P U T T O T H E T E S T A N D T R E N D S A C C E L E R A T E . T H I S O N E I S N O E X C E P T I O N . A S T H E R E S U LT S T H E LV M H G R O U P H A S R E P O R T E D F O R 2 0 2 0 D E M O N S T R A T E , T H E E N T R E P R E N E U R I A L S P I R I T , C R E A T I V I T Y A N D S E N S E O F R E S P O N S I B I L I T Y T H A T D R I V E U S W E R E V E R Y P O W E R F U L F O R C E S W H I C H K E P T U S O N T R A C K D U R I N G T H E PA N D E M I C . 2 0 2 1 L O O K S S E T T O B E A Y E A R O F R E C O V E R Y, A N D O U R G R O U P I S R E A D Y. RESIST “Seize the initiative”. That was my mindset as the effects of the crisis started to become apparent in early 2020, and I did what I could to imbue the whole Group with this fighting spirit. One year on, I am proud to say LVMH has faced up with remarkable resilience to the unparalleled public health crisis that has swept around the world; the commitment shown by all of our teams has been unfailing, and I would like to recognize and thank them for their dedication. Of course, the pandemic has affected all of our activities, albeit to varying extents over different periods and regions. But thanks to the mobilization of their teams, our Maisons responded swiftly, remained focused and kept their strong sense of initiative as they took effective measures delivering immediate results. While the halt to international travel severely affected some of LVMH’s activities, particularly hotels and travel retail, Asia bounced back strongly in the second half of year, at the same time as the United States was also seeing a significant upturn. Business and geographical diversification, which are such an important priority for me, played a powerful role in attenuating the impact of the shocks. But most of all, our major brands extended their lead, just as they did in 2008-2009: their high-quality products, bound- less creativity and strong drive to innovate shone through in these troubled times and are the gold standard for our customers, who are looking for products that stand the test of time. Louis Vuitton and Christian Dior, in particular, performed remarkably well in the second half of 2020 thanks to the success of their iconic models and new additions. Likewise, Hennessy cognac showed good resilience, reinforcing its status as the world’s leading premium spirits brand. All in all, our Group was able to overcome the situation thanks to a combination of key strengths: effective investment decisions in recent years, which have expanded our range of Maisons and products, and have driven a major shift to digital technology across our activities; and a healthy geographical mix alongside a decentralized organization, underpinned by a highly diverse range of talents, backgrounds and cultures, fostering entrepreneurial spirit and agility: qualities that the events of the past year have – if proof were needed – proven indispensable. 6 • 7 LVMH 2020 . Chairman’s messagePROTECT “Seize the initiative” is also a phrase that guided me in all the health and safety-related decisions the Group has made. As soon as the crisis began, LVMH’s unwavering priority was to protect the health and safety of our customers and employees. I made sure that all our Maisons took every possible measure to support our teams and keep them safe and healthy by setting up a dedicated task force. Its role will continue even after the public health crisis has subsided, further reinforcing our occupa- tional health and safety policy over the long term across all our activities. In parallel, this sense of concern prompted our Group to play an active part in the collective effort to combat the pandemic. Many of our Maisons put their usual operations on hold to use their manufacturing facilities and logis- tics know-how for the greater good, with their own employees very often taking the initiative to do so. Throughout the world, these initiatives helped provide emergency supplies of face masks, gowns, hand sanitizer, ventilators and other essential equipment for hospitals and local communities. Seeing our people spontaneously rally around those in need has been an honor for our Group, and I am truly grateful to everyone involved in this immense outpouring of support. ENGAGE “Seize the initiative” also means listening to the world around us, being attuned to the times and grasping what citizens in every country want to change. Our vast number of diverse locations helps us keep our finger on the pulse of emerging trends and changing views within society that point to what our customers will be looking for in the future. Our ability to engage, which is enshrined in LVMH’s values, was clear throughout the year, which saw initiatives championing the environment, sustainable development and inclusion. For many years we have been making products to the highest standards in terms of working conditions, biodiversity conservation efforts and carbon footprint reductions, and as such our holistic approach is now regarded as a model for our sector. Our Maisons, which have earned a reputation for the durability of their products and their expert craftsmanship, are leading the field in environmental responsibility. Likewise, from a social responsibility perspective, our Group and its Maisons demonstrated unrivalled engagement, as shown by the support they expressed for the African-American community in the United States. We are also justifiably proud to have joined the International Labour Organization (ILO) Global Business and Disability Network, which works to promote the inclusion of people with disabil- ities in the workplace. This emphasis on social inclusion and knowledge sharing is also illustrated by the success of our Institut des Métiers d’Excellence, where the number of individuals trained since it was formed surpassed the symbolic 1,000-mark in 2020. Lastly, we made sure that we maintained fair, transparent and trust-based relationships with all our partners and suppliers, particularly with the aim of supporting those experiencing difficulties as a result of the pandemic. Our activities, especially those based in France, provide work for an ecosystem of indirect jobs and talents, which we endeavor to sustain. In addition, since we launched our pioneering environmental policy in 1992, we have constantly stepped up efforts to mitigate the impacts of our activities, especially with regard to biodiversity, water and the climate. And we reached a number of key milestones in 2020, in several different areas, such as the more carbon-efficient shipping strategy devised by Hennessy and the new sus- tainably designed case for Ruinart cuvées. In general, all our Maisons are implementing ambitious environmental programs. Some, such as Guerlain and Stella McCartney, have made these a powerful growth driver and part of their core identity. Lastly, now that we have by and large achieved the environmental targets we set ourselves for 2020, we want to go even further and scale up our efforts by launching our new LIFE 360 initiative. This program is built around four priorities – the climate, biodiversity, creative circularity and transparency – and will become the Group’s environmental compass. INNOVATE One of the underlying trends accentuated by the pandemic was the digitalization of our operations, which accelerated sharply in 2020, thanks to the lead we had already built up in this area and the rapid adjustment of our working methods. The surge in e-commerce partly offset the closure of the Group’s stores, especially at Sephora, which achieved record online sales. More generally, all of our Maisons have outdone themselves in unleashing their ingenuity and creative spirit to enhance their appeal, sustain the ties they have built with their customers and deliver unparalleled digital experi- ences. Christian Dior Couture’s digital fashion shows will go down as one of the highlights of this year unlike any other, providing an enthralling interlude of creativity and imagination. Shows staged and filmed by Hedi Slimane for Celine had a major impact. Jonathan Anderson for Loewe, Nicolas Ghesquière and Virgil Abloh for Louis Vuitton also unveiled their collections to breathtaking effect. At the same time, we paid considerable attention to developing our Maisons’ manufacturing facilities, as well as enhancing the excellence of their physical and online distribution channels. The quality of the purchasing experience we offer our customers remains paramount. ANTICIPATE Where we now stand in early 2021, we are proud to welcome Tiffany and its teams to our Group. The brand – an American icon – stands for a unique form of joy and love, and its famous blue box is coveted the world over. I am convinced that we will be able to make its star shine ever more brightly, helping it innovate and grow with the same determination and passion we have devoted to each of our Maisons over the years. While promising breakthroughs offer a glimpse of the gradual end of the pandemic, LVMH still faces a number of challenges. And the uncertain economic environment in which we operate means that we need to remain vigilant. That will be our course of action for the coming months, to make sure we stay optimally positioned to seize opportunities arising from the anticipated recovery in 2021. Our Group has made major strides forward, and its foundations are solid – as reflected by its market appreciation in 2020 – but there is still plenty of potential for development. Let’s use our imagination to explore that potential. Crises make us stronger. Our Maisons have experienced their fair share of them during their many decades in existence, but as long as we learn from them, they can be a powerful driver for the ensuing years of growth. As in the past, the key to turning this trying time into a success is using our insight to craft creative, innovative products that elicit desire. This crisis and the months of lockdown we have lived through have also shown that customer demand for our iconic products is perhaps higher than ever, driven by the desire to take part in and share the unforgettable experiences they offer: the moment you open a bottle of Château d’Yquem and the rich bouquet of aromas evokes the golden light of a sun-drenched vineyard; the feeling of being transported through time by the scent of rare flowers encased in a bottle of Guerlain or Dior perfume; the thrill of opening a robin’s-egg blue box from Tiffany’s or contemplating a Bvlgari necklace; the enveloping softness of Loro Piana’s precious fabrics, or the most exquisitely finished leathers crafted by Louis Vuitton, Fendi or Loewe; the sumptuous drape of a Christian Dior or Celine dress; the endlessly fascinating movement of a TAG Heuer or Hublot timepiece… Our Maisons hold the infinite promise of wonder. They embody authenticity and quality, giving life so many beautiful flavors. They spark what is ultimately the driving force behind life itself: desire. Bernard Arnault Chairman and Chief Executive Officer 8 • 9 LVMH 2020 . Chairman’s messageLouis Vuitton, Towards a Dream, Iceland. Château d’Yquem Château d’Yquem T R A N S F O R M I N G C O N S T R A I N T S I N T O O P P O R T U N I T I E S ANTONIO BELLONI, GROUP MANAGING DIRECTOR 2020 was a year unlike any other. How did LVMH get through this turbulent period? and creativity. We witnessed a tremendous collective energy, reflecting a keen sense of belonging to the Group, which will be remembered for a long time. 2020 was indeed an unprecedented year. The crisis cre- ated difficult conditions for our customers and our teams, with everyone having to deal with tough restrictions on What lasting lessons did these events teach us? their personal and professional freedoms. Of course, this While it is still too soon to take stock of the crisis, which situation had repercussions for our Group and its Maisons. is not completely behind us, we have definitely learned Our operations directly linked to people’s social lives and a great deal. It underscored the importance of being tourism, in particular, were hit by the closure of restau- able to adapt to an abrupt shift in market conditions rants, bars and hotels in many countries, and by the sud- affecting demand, working methods, and the usual den drop in airport passenger traffic. However, LVMH’s production and consumption cycles. We managed to do major brands performed very well, providing further that successfully, coordinating store closure / reopening proof of their power and dynamism: they helped the phases in real time, while adjusting our communication, Group weather the crisis and extend its leadership. sales channels and supply chains. And that largely reflects how extraordinarily well Recent events have also highlighted our responsibility, our teams responded to events. Right from the outset, and the importance of our role of protecting our cus- they showed remarkable dedication, getting involved right away to help fight the pandemic. They displayed tomers and our employees: reorganizing how we work, adopting strict health and safety measures, and fully tremendous adaptability in managing our business supporting our partners – especially the many small activities at every level as circumstances changed. Time businesses, craftspeople and suppliers who are so crucial and time again, they proved their courage, generosity to our Maisons’ creativity and supply chains. Tiffany & Co. Lastly, everything we accomplished under these con- house’s history alongside its existing teams in 2021. It is straints is bound to provide inspiration and opportunities a great opportunity for our Group. Next, our Maisons in the future: store-based sales associates getting have significantly accelerated their adoption of digital involved with remote sales; local teams stepping in to technology as they forge closer ties with the younger organize events; the creativity unleashed to rethink how generations for whom influencers are so important. we engage with our customers; and, of course, the Lastly, our business model is now more in touch than ever growing role played by digital technology in customer with the major issues of our time: a desire for greater interactions and in the day-to-day operation of the diversity, inclusiveness, environmental protection and organization. solid roots in local regions. What’s the Group’s mindset going into 2021? Our customers’ lifestyles and needs have undergone a shift, and now place greater importance on local and regional experiences before international tourism resumes on a larger scale. But we had already anticipated Above all, we want to see the pandemic overcome or these changes. Our teams have always worked hard to brought under control as quickly as possible so that ensure our Maisons’ appeal and their resonance with everyone’s personal and professional life can finally get contemporary issues. It is embedded into our Group’s back to some semblance of normality. We anticipate the identity, and the crisis has revealed just how crucial it is. disruption to our business will continue at least for the So we are stepping up investment in new skills, and will first part of the year. But in the medium term we have every reason to be optimistic. continue to give talented young people the time and resources they need to express their potential. Today, as First, we are thrilled Tiffany has joined us as one of our in the past, that is the key to our future. highly prized Maisons, and we are excited at the prospect of starting to write a new chapter in this iconic jewelry 12 • 13 LVMH 2020 . Interview with the Group Managing DirectorG O V E R N A N C E A N D O R G A N I Z A T I O N THE RIGHTS OF LVMH SHAREHOLDERS ARE PROTECTED BY LAW AND THE PRINCIPLES OF CORPORATE GOVERNANCE WHICH GOVERN THE WAY THE GROUP OPERATES. LVMH’s Board of Directors is the strategic body of the and granting of guarantees in order to finance the Company that is primarily responsible for enhancing acquisition of Tiffany & Co. and approved the signing of the Company’s value and protecting its corporate a settlement agreement to end to all legal action, thus interests, taking into account the social and environ- enabling the acquisition to be finalized. The Board also mental issues facing its business and, where applicable, (i) reviewed the rules for allocating compensation to the Company’s mission statement (raison d’être in company officers for work performed in that capacity, French), as laid down pursuant to Article 1835 of the (ii) approved the Company’s Charter on control proce- French Civil Code. It also endeavors to promote the dures for regulated agreements and the assessment of Company’s long-term value creation, in particular by agreements relating to current operations concluded taking into account the social and environmental issues under normal conditions and (iii) amended the Charter facing its business. Its principal assignments are to of the Board of Directors as well as the rules of proce- approve the Company’s and the Group’s major strategies dure of the Nominations & Compensation Committee, and supervise their implementation; to verify the fair the Performance Audit Committee and the Ethics & and accurate presentation of information about the Sustainable Development Committee. Company and the Group; to protect its corporate Amidst the public health crisis arising from the Covid-19 assets; and to ensure that core business risks are fully pandemic, the Board decided (i) to postpone the Share- accounted for in the management of the Company. It holders’ Meeting to June 30, 2020 and hold it in closed also ensures that procedures to prevent corruption and session, and (ii) to reduce by 30% the overall amount influence-peddling are implemented, and that a non-dis- of the ordinary dividend initially to be proposed at the crimination and diversity policy is in place, notably with Shareholders’ Meeting. The Board also decided, (i) on regard to gender equality within the governing bodies the recommendation of Bernard Arnault, as Chairman of the Group and, on the recommendation of Executive and Chief Executive Officer, and of each of the other Management, sets diversity targets for these bodies. Board members holding executive positions within the Lastly, it acts as guarantor with respect to the rights of Group, to waive their fixed compensation for the months each of its shareholders and ensures that shareholders of April and May 2020 as well as the entirety of their fulfill all of their duties. variable compensation in respect of 2020, and (ii) to In fiscal year 2020, the Board of Directors approved the reduce the total gross amount of the compensation annual and interim parent company and consolidated attributable to each of the Company’s Directors and financial statements, monitored quarterly business Advisory Board members in respect of their duties for activity, and gave its opinion on the Group’s key strategic fiscal year 2020 by 30%. Lastly, the Board of Directors direction and decisions, its budget, compensation of welcomed a Director representing the employees company officers, the implementation of a bonus perfor- appointed by the LVMH Group Works Council; the second mance share allocation plan, and the implementation Director representing the employees appointed by the of the share buyback authorization. It authorized an extension to the implementation of financing programs SE Works Council joined the Board in January 2021 for scheduling reasons. Further information can be found in the 2020 Universal Registration Document. EXECU TIVE COMMITTEE Bernard Arnault Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Antonio Belloni Group Managing Director Delphine Arnault Louis Vuitton Nicolas Bazire Development and Acquisitions Pietro Beccari Christian Dior Couture Michael Burke Louis Vuitton & Tiffany Chantal Gaemperle Human Resources and Synergies Andrea Guerra LVMH Hospitality Excellence Jean-Jacques Guiony Finance Christopher de Lapuente Selective Retailing & Beauty Philippe Schaus Wines and Spirits Sidney Toledano Fashion Group Jean-Baptiste Voisin Strategy 14 • 15 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Bernard Arnault Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Antonio Belloni Group Managing Director Antoine Arnault Delphine Arnault (4) Dominique Aumont Director representing the employees Nicolas Bazire Marie-Véronique Belloeil-Melkin Director representing the employees Sophie Chassat (1) Charles de Croisset (1) (2) (3) Lead Director Diego Della Valle (1) Clara Gaymard (1) (2) Iris Knobloch (1) Marie-Josée Kravis (1) (3) Marie-Laure Sauty de Chalon (1) (4) Yves-Thibault de Silguy (1) (2) (3) (4) Natacha Valla (1) Hubert Védrine (1) (4) Advisory Board members Yann Arthus-Bertrand Lord Powell of Bayswater General Secretary Marc-Antoine Jamet Statutory Auditors Ernst & Young Audit represented by Gilles Cohen and Patrick Vincent-Genod Mazars represented by Isabelle Sapet and Loïc Wallaert (1) Independent Director. (2) Member of the Performance Audit Committee. (3) Member of the Nominations & Compensation Committee. (4) Member of the Ethics & Sustainable Development Committee. LVMH 2020 . Governance and organization O U R M A I S O N S LVMH COMPRISES 75 PRESTIGIOUS MAISONS ORGANIZED INTO SIX BUSINESS GROUPS. EACH MAISON STEADFASTLY PRESERVES AND PERFECTS A LONG TRADITION OF EXPERTISE AND OFFERS EXCEPTIONAL PRODUCTS. 14TH CENTURY 1365 LE CLOS DES LAMBRAYS 16TH CENTURY 1593 CHÂTEAU D’YQUEM 18TH CENTURY 1729 RUINART 1743 MOËT & CHANDON 1765 HENNESSY 1772 VEUVE CLICQUOT 1780 CHAUMET 19TH CENTURY 1815 ARDBEG 1817 COVA 1828 GUERLAIN 1832 CHÂTEAU CHEVAL BLANC 1837 TIFFANY & CO. 1843 KRUG 1843 GLENMORANGIE 1846 LOEWE 1849 ROYAL VAN LENT 1852 LE BON MARCHÉ 1854 LOUIS VUITTON 1858 MERCIER 1860 TAG HEUER 1860 JARDIN D’ACCLIMATATION 1865 ZENITH 1870 LA SAMARITAINE 1884 BVLGARI 1895 BERLUTI 1898 RIMOWA 20TH CENTURY 1908 LES ECHOS 1914 PATOU 1916 ACQUA DI PARMA 1923 LA GRANDE ÉPICERIE DE PARIS 1924 LORO PIANA 1925 FENDI 1936 DOM PÉRIGNON 1936 FRED 1944 LE PARISIEN-AUJOURD’HUI EN FRANCE 1945 CELINE 1946 CHRISTIAN DIOR COUTURE 1947 PARFUMS CHRISTIAN DIOR 1947 EMILIO PUCCI 1952 GIVENCHY 1952 CONNAISSANCE DES ARTS 1955 CHÂTEAU DU GALOUPET 1957 PARFUMS GIVENCHY 1958 STARBOARD CRUISE SERVICES 1959 CHANDON 1960 DFS 1969 SEPHORA 1970 KENZO 1970 CAPE MENTELLE 1972 PARFUMS LOEWE 1974 INVESTIR-LE JOURNAL DES FINANCES 1975 OLE HENRIKSEN 1976 BELMOND 1976 BENEFIT COSMETICS 1977 NEWTON 1980 HUBLOT 1983 RADIO CLASSIQUE 1984 MARC JACOBS 1984 MAKE UP FOR EVER 1985 CLOUDY BAY 1988 KENZO PARFUMS 1991 FRESH 1992 COLGIN CELLARS 1993 BELVEDERE 1998 BODEGA NUMANTHIA 1999 TERRAZAS DE LOS ANDES 1999 CHEVAL DES ANDES 21ST CENTURY 2006 MAISONS CHEVAL BLANC 2006 CHÂTEAU D’ESCLANS 2008 KVD VEGAN BEAUTY2009 MAISON FRANCIS KURKDJIAN 2010 WOODINVILLE 2013 MARC JACOBS BEAUTY 2013 AO YUN 2016 CHA LING 2017 FENTY BEAUTY BY RIHANNA 2017 VOLCÁN DE MI TIERRA 2020 EMINENTE O U R B U S I N E S S G R O U P S W IN ES & SPIR ITS Moët & Chandon, Dom Pérignon, Krug, Veuve Clicquot, Hennessy, Château d’Yquem, Cheval Blanc, Clos des Lambrays… the origins of all these world-famous estates are inextricably linked to the appellations and terroirs of the world’s most prestigious wines and spirits. Whether they are in Champagne, Bordeaux, or other famed wine regions, these Maisons, many of which date back more than a century, all share a powerful culture of excellence. FA SH ION & LEAT H ER GOODS The Fashion & Leather Goods business group comprises Louis Vuitton, Christian Dior Couture, Celine, Loewe, Kenzo, Givenchy, Fendi, Emilio Pucci, Marc Jacobs, Berluti, Loro Piana, RIMOWA and Patou. While respecting the identity and autonomous management of these brands, LVMH supports their growth by providing them with shared resources. PER FU M ES & COSM ET IC S LVMH is a key player in the perfume, makeup and skincare sector, with a portfolio of world-famous French brands: Christian Dior, Guerlain, Givenchy and Kenzo. The Group also owns other beauty brands: Benefit, Fresh, Acqua di Parma, Perfumes Loewe, Make Up For Ever, Maison Francis Kurkdjian, Fenty Beauty by Rihanna, KVD Vegan Beauty and Marc Jacobs Beauty. WATC H ES & J EW ELRY The LVMH Watches & Jewelry Maisons are some of the most emblematic brands in the industry. They operate in jewelry and watches with Bvlgari, Chaumet, Fred, TAG Heuer, Hublot and Zenith. These Maisons are guided by a daily quest for excellence, creativity and innovation. 2021 will see the arrival within the Group of the prestigious American jewelry house Tiffany. SELEC T I V E R ETA ILING The Selective Retailing business group comprises Sephora, the world’s leading selective beauty retailer; Le Bon Marché, a Paris department store with a unique atmosphere; and travel retailers DFS and Starboard Cruise Services. OT H ER AC T I V IT IES Other activities include Groupe Les Echos, which comprises leading French business and cultural news publications; Royal Van Lent, the builder of high-end yachts marketed under the brand name Feadship; Cheval Blanc and Belmond, which are developing a collection of exceptional hotels. 16 • 17 LVMH 2020 . Our Maisons and business groupsChristian Dior A R E S P O N S I B L E M O D E L D E D I C A T E D T O E X C E L L E N C E FORGED OVER GENERATIONS BY ALLIANCES BETWEEN MAISONS – WEAVING TOGETHER THEIR TRADITIONS OF EXCELLENCE AND CREATIVE PASSION – LVMH HAS BUILT ITS LEADING POSITION ON A UNIQUE PORTFOLIO OF ICONIC BRANDS. These Maisons draw their energy from their exceptional being the benchmark for managing and developing heritage, innovative mindset and receptive outlook. The high-quality brands. Group supports their development in a spirit of entrepre- neurship, long-term vision and respect for the source of Nurturing talent their strength and stature. As ambassadors of an authentic art de vivre, it is our Encouraging all our employees to reach their full career responsibility to set the right example in every aspect of potential and achieve their aspirations. Developing diversity our business, from product design to the experience that and the wealth of human resources at our companies in customers have throughout their relationships with the all the countries where we operate, and encouraging Group’s brands; from investment choices to social and initiatives in these areas. Contributing to the knowledge environmental initiatives. Because what we do requires a and preservation of our crafts outside the Group in addi- diverse range of talent, we are committed to training tion to our own expertise as artisans and designers. teams that embody excellence. Because passing on skills is an integral part of our culture, we want to use that Environment opportunity to promote social inclusion and employ- ment. Because our crafts make the most of nature at its Working together to preserve the planet’s resources, to purest and most beautiful, we see preserving the environ- design and develop products that are compatible with ment as a strategic imperative. environmental concerns, reporting on our policies and The values and actions encompassed by our sustainable projects and the progress achieved in meeting our objec- development attitude emerge from a tradition that dates tives. Contributing to environmental protection above back to the origins of our Maisons and forms an integral and beyond factors directly related to our operations by part of our heritage. Our long-term success depends not entering into active partnerships with cooperating busi- only on the Group’s solid business model and profitable nesses, local authorities and nonprofits. growth strategy, but also on our unwavering commit- ment to creativity, excellence, and our environmental Partnerships and support impact and corporate citizenship. Business performance Maintaining and strengthening responsible relationships with our partners, suppliers and subcontractors. Imple- menting a patronage program for the widest possible Combining profitable growth and sustainability with commitments to creativity and excellence. Applying our public benefit which reflects and transmits our funda- mental values. Providing active support for major causes, creative passion to the art de vivre to which our customers humanitarian projects and public health programs, and aspire. Strengthening our position as a global leader, and developing initiatives in support of art and young people. 18 • 19 LVMH 2020 . Performance and responsibilityT H E W O R L D ’ S L E A D I N G L U X U R Y G O O D S G R O U P A UNIQUE OPERATING MODEL BUILT ON SIX PILLARS 1 — Decentralized organization Our structure and operating principles 2 — Ver tical integration 3 — Sustaining s avoir-faire ensure that our Maisons are both auton- Vertical integration fosters excellence Our Maisons pursue a long-term omous and responsive. This allows us to both upstream and downstream, allow- vision. To preserve their distinctive be extremely close to our customers, to ing control over every link in the value identities and excellence, LVMH and ensure that rapid, effective and appro- chain – from sourcing and production its Maisons have developed a range of priate decisions can be made. This facilities to selective retailing – which initiatives to pass down skills and exper- approach also sustains the motivation in turn means that the image of our tise, and promote craft trades and of our employees, encouraging them Maisons is carefully controlled. design professions among younger to show true entrepreneurial spirit. generations. 4 — Organic growth 5 — Creating synergies 6 — Balance across business segments and geographies The LVMH Group places priority on Sharing of resources on a Group scale organic growth and commits signifi- creates intelligent synergies while Our Group has the resources to cant resources to develop its Maisons, respecting the individual identities sustain regular growth thanks to the as well as to encourage and protect and autonomy of our Maisons. The balance across its business activities creativity. Our employees are key combined strength of the LVMH Group and a well-distributed geographic to this approach, making it essential is leveraged to benefit each of its footprint. This balance means that we to support their career growth and Maisons. encourage them to excel. are well-positioned to withstand the impact of shifting economic factors. €4 4 .7bn –17% Revenue €8 . 3 bn –28% Profit from recur ring operations €4 .7bn –34% Net profit Group share 80 countries 5,003 stores 1 50,47 9 employees 75 Maisons 2020 REVENUE BY REGION (in %) 2020 REVENUE BY BUSINESS GROUP (in %) Other markets 11% Asia (excl. Japan ) 34% Jap an 7% France 8% Europe (excl. France) 16% United States 24% Selective Retailing and Other activities 23% Watches & Jewelr y 7% Perfu mes & Cos metics 12% Wines & Spirits 11% Fashion & Leather Goods 47% GEOGRAPHIC FOOTPRINT (as of December 31, 2020) UNITED STATES Revenue: €10,6 47m 866 stores 24 ,749 employees OTH ER MA RKETS Revenue: €4,804m 508 stores 12,830 employees FRANC E Revenue: €3,333m 512 s tores 32,813 employees EUROPE (excl. France) Reven ue: €7,337m 1,175 stores 37,693 employees JAPAN Reven ue: €3,164m 428 stores 7,012 employees ASIA (excl. Japan) Reven ue: €15,366m 1,514 stores 35,382 employees 20 • 21 LVMH 2020 . Strategy and key figuresManufacturing hand sanitizer at the production unit of Parfums Christian Dior in Saint-Jean-de-Braye. C O M M I T M E N T S I N 2 0 2 0 IN 2020, LVMH ONCE AGAIN DEVOTED RESOURCES AND SKILLS TO A RANGE OF INITIATIVES SUPPORTING IMPORTANT CAUSES. LEA DER SH IP & EN T R EPR EN EU R SH IP At LVMH, leadership drives performance. Thanks to the leadership of all our employees with vision - and the ability to instill this vision in their staff - we are able to achieve highly ambitious goals. Our decentralized organization lets us build close relationships with our customers; make fast, effective decisions; and motivate our employees for the long term by encouraging them to take an entrepreneurial approach. This approach encourages risk-taking and perseverance, and requires a practical mindset and the ability to push our employees to outdo themselves. We foster collective intelligence and run in-house innovation development programs so that our boldest employees can transform their innovative ideas into business plans. — MARCH 2020 and podcasts, and offering specific career development tools for female talent within the Group. Presented by journalist Marie Drucker, Echo Day highlighted the ambitions and innovative initiatives taken by the Group and its Maisons to promote gender equality. The program also provided an opportunity to unveil Tips to the Top, a new series of podcasts in which 12 female LVMH employees discuss their respective career paths and talk about pivotal moments in their careers – a rich anthology of experiences shared by women united in their determination. — JULY 2020 LVMH INNOVATION AWARD 2020: THE GROUP STANDS WITH STARTUPS Every year since 2017, this special prize has been awarded to an innovative startup as part of the Viva Technology event. Despite the Covid-19 pandemic, which made it impossible to come together in person for this interna- ELLESVMH ECHO DAY: FEMALE GROUP tional event in 2020, LVMH reaffirmed its support for the EMPLOYEES MAKE THEIR VOICES HEARD entrepreneurial ecosystem by holding a completely virtual LVMH Innovation Award ceremony, shared on its website. In 2007, LVMH launched the EllesVMH program under A Dutch startup, Crobox, won this year’s award for its the guidance of Chantal Gaemperle, LVMH’s Director consumer behavior analysis solution. Crobox aims to of Human Resources and Synergies, to promote gen- identify which product features are most important to a der equality at all levels of the Group’s hierarchy. In given customer in order to customize the sales pitch to 2020, LVMH innovated by recording and broadcasting match their specific expectations and increase customer its first radio program on Shero, an in-house, commu- nity-based digital platform for all Group employees satisfaction. Crobox will work with the Group for one year to provide specific solutions to the challenges faced by that shares editorial content such as articles, videos its Maisons. 22 • 23 LVMH 2020 . Commitments in 2020— OCTOBER 2020 well-being. Building on the first event’s success with participants and LVMH’s determination to firmly establish LVMH’S LA MAISON DES STARTUPS: its long-term commitment to helping the community, the CONTINUING TO REINVENT THE FUTURE OF LUXURY initiative was renewed in 2020 and launched on March 6 at the Palace of Versailles, which opened its doors to Launched in 2017, this startup accelerator at Station F 400 women supported by Secours Populaire, before in Paris, the world’s largest startup incubator, is a core continuing in Cognac and Lyon. component of the Group’s innovation strategy. LVMH’s La Maison des Startups embodies the Group’s desire to — actively and directly engage with the entrepreneurial MARCH 2020 ecosystem to accelerate the links between luxury and SUPPORT FOR THE PRODUCTION OF WOMAN, technology. The lockdown measures applied in France A DOCUMENTARY FILM starting in March 2020 forced Station F to close its doors, and LVMH’s La Maison des Startups had to As a firm believer that women’s role in society is closely adapt its organization. At the end of April, the incubator linked to the recognition they receive in their professional remotely welcomed its fourth intake, whose 25 members lives, the LVMH Group is proud to help make their voices introduced themselves to the Group in a special webinar. heard by supporting the production of Woman, a docu- In October, Demo Day was held in a fully digital broadcast mentary co-directed by Anastasia Mikova and Yann format, produced in a studio set up at LVMH’s head- Arthus-Bertrand, which was released in theaters on quarters in Paris. Open to all the Group’s Maisons, this March 8, 2020. More than just a film, this international event was a chance for incubated startups to pitch their initiative takes viewers on a journey through 50 countries solutions to LVMH’s teams based around the world, and around the world to meet 2,000 women from all walks for those already involved in collaborations with the of life, shaped by their culture, faith and family history. Maisons to showcase their solutions. Despite their diverse backgrounds, a universal message SOC IET Y & T H E EN V IRON M EN T Since its inception, the Group has made sustai- nable development one of its strategic priorities. This policy provides a powerful response to the issues of corporate ethical responsibility in general, as well as the role a group like LVMH should play within French society and internationally. emerges from the chorus of their voices. Several LVMH employees took part in the documentary experience by sharing their hopes, struggles and dreams on camera. In a separate initiative, the Woman film crew also set up a studio at LVMH’s headquarters in Paris, filming 80 women from the Group who expressed their emotions using only their gaze. — JULY 2020 LVMH ACCELERATES ITS DIVERSITY & INCLUSION POLICY — MARCH 2020 Under the impetus of Chantal Gaemperle, LVMH’s Director of Human Resources and Synergies, the Group reaffirmed 2ND EVENT UNDER THE UNE JOURNÉE POUR SOI its commitment to promoting an inclusive culture that (A DAY ALL YOUR OWN) INITIATIVE: SOLIDARITY welcomes diversity at every level of its organization IS THE ORDER OF THE DAY through Voices of Inclusion, an unprecedented digital event held during Pride Month 2020, which showcased Determined to translate its social commitments into LVMH’s Diversity & Inclusion policy from three different concrete actions, LVMH launched Une Journée Pour Soi angles. First, Group employees from all over the world (A Day All Your Own) in 2019. Carried out in six French cities shared personal experiences about belonging to or being in partnership with French nonprofit Secours Populaire, an ally for the LGBTI community in their workplace. Next, this initiative gave more than 400 underprivileged as part of a panel discussion, Francis Kurkdjian, perfumer women a breath of fresh air, putting their day-to-day worries aside and spending a day focused on their own and co-founder of the Maison bearing his name, and Rodney Williams, President and CEO of Belvedere Vodka, explained how diversity and inclusion can be a source of launched by LVMH Hotel Management and Arnaud creative inspiration and commercial success. Lastly, the Donckele, recipient of three Michelin stars and chef at the event showcased the initiatives taken by LVMH and its Cheval Blanc Saint-Tropez Hotel. This initiative provides Maisons to actively support LGBTI causes. These included hospital staff with meals for two, which in turn helps the creation and development of the All LVMH Pride net- support restaurant owners. At the invitation of Chantal work, open to the entire LGBTI+ community and its allies. Gaemperle, LVMH’s Executive Committee met to watch All LVMH Pride USA celebrated its first anniversary the broadcast of the initiative, at the same time as all in 2020, and two other communities were launched Group employees. during the year (in Japan during the summer and in the Asia-Pacific region in October). — JULY 2020 — DECEMBER 2020 CLIMATE WEEK AND THE STORES AWARDS: A CELEBRATION OF EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT LVMH INCLUSION INDEX: A GROUP-WIDE AND DIALOGUE DIVERSITY & INCLUSION MONITORING SYSTEM From December 8 to 11, 2020, five years after the Paris Designed in 2018 by a team of five LVMH employees Agreement was signed, the Group held LVMH Climate (from TAG Heuer, LVMH Fashion Group, Le Bon Marché, Week, a forum for dialogue with all of our employees to Sephora and Louis Vuitton) at a DARE intrapreneurship share the key priorities of the LIFE 360 program – which event dedicated to gender equality, the purpose of the will guide our environmental initiatives over the next 3, Inclusion Index was to measure and boost the efforts 6 and 10 years – and to rally everyone around a call for made by LVMH and its Maisons to achieve a better gen- action: “Be The Change”. After a series of 12 talks featur- der balance within the Group. Since then, the Inclusion ing a wide array of guests including several Creative Index has expanded its scope to include all initiatives Directors, Group senior executives and Maison employees, related to the LGBTI community. Some 150 initiatives relat- LVMH Climate Week came to a close with the LIFE in ing to gender equality or the LGBTI community have thus Stores Awards, which honored the most commendable been identified. Every year since it was launched, the and innovative initiatives designed to improve the environ- Inclusion Index has recognized particularly commendable mental performance of the Group’s stores. These awards, initiatives for diversity. which are now overseen by an independent agency, were — DECEMBER 2020 L’ÉMISSION ENGAGÉE: LOOKING BACK presented to seven winners. — DECEMBER 2020 ON A YEAR OF GOOD CAUSES FOR LVMH NONA SOURCE: COMBINING CREATIVITY AND THE CIRCULAR ECONOMY LVMH organized L’Émission Engagée, a digital version of its traditional Engaged Maisons Dinner. Despite the pub- Developed as part of the LVMH DARE intrapreneurship lic health context, the Group insisted on maintaining this program, Nona Source is a virtual sales platform where annual event, which since 2011 has brought together all LVMH fashion houses can sell their unused fabrics and its stakeholders – its Maisons, employees and nonprofit leather. It is targeted at industry professionals, particularly partners – to celebrate its social commitment and sup- young designers who can find exceptional fabrics at very port for the community. Throughout the evening, LVMH competitive prices. Nona Source was developed with the and its Maisons pledged their financial support for the aim of fast-tracking circular approaches to creative reuse fight against sickle cell anemia by donating to the while guaranteeing exceptional quality standards. This Robert-Debré Hospital (AP-HP) and the teams working project resonates strongly with LVMH’s priorities and with Prof. Baruchel and Dr. Benkerrou to help care for commitments, and underscores the Group’s creative children affected by this hereditary genetic disease. Each identity, our commitment to young creative talent and year, other worthy causes are also featured, such as the the new environmental objectives of LVMH’s LIFE 360 À Table Les Soignants initiative – a token of gratitude for all the hospital staff mobilized during the Covid-19 crisis – program. 24 • 25 LVMH 2020 . Commitments in 2020T R A DIT ION & EX PERT ISE LVMH and its Maisons are the heirs and custo- dians of a long tradition of artisanal and creative skills, some of which date back centuries. They scrupulously safeguard and develop this cultural heritage. Perpetuating these professions and their traditions is vital for LVMH’s long-term future, since only very highly skilled artisans can make our beautifully crafted products. And this unique legacy, this expertise, is also what we are known and respected for worldwide. — 2019-2020 L’INSTITUT DES VOCATIONS POUR L’EMPLOI: A SPRINGBOARD TOWARD THE FUTURE Founded by the LVMH Group in 2019, L’Institut des Vocations pour l’Emploi (LIVE) is committed to giving a second chance to people over the age of 25 who have been diploma. The vast majority of apprentices in the grad- uating class have joined LVMH or its outside partners. This initiative is a source of great pride for the Group, for which passing on its Maisons’ expertise is a key priority. A RT & C U LT U R E Art has always inspired the creation of exceptional products, and at LVMH highly skilled crafts- manship and rare professions are a precious cultural resource. It is therefore only natural that the Group should take action to foster art and culture. Our support spans several areas, in France and further afield: helping restore historical monu- ments, enriching the collections of major museums, contributing to key national exhibitions and supporting contemporary artists. marginalized on the job market. In 2021, LIVE will have — three centers – located in Clichy-sous-Bois, Valence and SEPTEMBER 2020 Roubaix – which will each welcome more than 100 stu- CINDY SHERMAN RETROSPECTIVE dents per year. They will be given refresher courses on AT THE FONDATION LOUIS VUITTON key skills such as written and verbal communication, math and general knowledge, as well as training in personal The Cindy Sherman at the Fondation exhibition, originally development and career planning. scheduled for the spring, was able to open its doors to — OCTOBER 2020 the public in the fall. This exceptional retrospective fea- tured more than 170 works by Cindy Sherman. Spanning her entire career as one of the greatest photographers of LVMH’S INSTITUT DES MÉTIERS D’EXCELLENCE our time, it focused in particular on works from the past WELCOMES ITS 7TH CLASS VIRTUALLY decade, some of which were exhibited for the first time ever. Visitors flocked to admire this universally acclaimed Since it was founded in 2014, LVMH’s Institut des Métiers artist’s insightful, sensitive exploration of the notions of d’Excellence (IME) has been constantly growing, driven identity and image. by the Group’s commitment to training younger gen- erations through apprenticeships. Despite the public — health crisis, LVMH made a point of maintaining its OCTOBER 2020 induction ceremony, reflecting the Group’s steady LVMH: LOYAL PATRON OF THE NUIT BLANCHE focus, continued support for apprentices and their NIGHT-TIME ARTS FESTIVAL FOR NEARLY 15 YEARS instructors, and resoluteness in maintaining its com- mitments. The ceremony, which was held online, was Through this event, LVMH supports the French and a chance to honor the apprentices who, in such international arts scene, giving center stage to contem- unprecedented circumstances, were able to complete porary artists at an event open to all in the heart of Paris. their training and obtain their degrees, and to wel- For the 2020 festival, LVMH once again provided come the latest class of talented individuals who are support alongside the City of Paris. Participants could starting their studies this fall at LVMH’s IME. 97% of explore a number of Paris’ most iconic cultural institu- apprentices in France and Switzerland graduated, and 82% earned an LVMH Brevet d’Excellence vocational tions and monuments, in an unprecedented dialogue between nature and the city. Production of masks at Dior workshops in Redon. 26 • 27 LVMH 2020 . Commitments in 2020#LVMHJOINSFORCES WITH THE ENTIRE WORLD IN THE GRIP OF THE CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC, THE LVMH GROUP TOOK ACTION IN AN UNPRECEDENTED EFFORT TO SUPPORT THE COMMUNITY AND FIGHT THE SPREAD OF THE VIRUS. Around the world - and particularly in France, where the Group and many of its Maisons originated - LVMH and its employees were wholeheartedly committed to the cause. Thanks to our devoted teams, as soon as the first lockdown was announced, initiatives were immediately set in motion to support the community. These initiatives, taken under the exceptional circumstances of the public health crisis, illustrate only some of our collective efforts. They reflect an exemplary agility that enabled us to produce hand sanitizer, masks and gowns for health care facilities, local government offices, nonprofits and key service providers, as well as to offer meals to medical staff, and more. producing non-surgical masks approved by the authorities. More than 300 leather goods artisans participated at the Maison’s 16 workshops in France. From Marsaz (in the Drôme department of southeastern France) to Ducey (in northwestern La Manche), a total of 500,000 masks were produced. In parallel, Louis Vuitton’s Paris workshop produced 11,000 medical gowns for AP-HP hospital staff and the French health authorities. They were quickly joined by Givenchy’s French workshops. Dior reopened its Redon workshop in Brittany, which usually specializes in manu- facturing Baby Dior clothing. The Maison’s tailors and seamstresses produced non-surgical cloth masks M A N U FAC T U R ING M A SK S A N D GOW NS Faced with shortages of medical for the general public, a vital aid in supplies in France and throughout slowing the spread of the virus. the world, the LVMH Group’s Kenzo and Celine supplied fabric employees rapidly stepped for- and mobilized their resources to ward to help fight the spread of provide gowns to medical staff at Covid-19. On a voluntary basis, the Paris hospitals. In Spain, Loewe got Group’s Maisons channeled this involved by producing non-surgical community spirit into tangible masks at its Getafe workshop near results. Very quickly, all of Louis Vuitton’s Madrid. The Maison also donated 100,000 masks to the Spanish workshops in France set to work Red Cross. M A IN TA IN ING BUSIN ES S OPER AT IONS SU PPORT ING H EA LT H CA R E FAC ILIT IES PRODUC ING H A N D SA N IT IZ ER As soon as the lockdown started, Lastly, some of our Maisons had to Starting in early March, LVMH LVMH launched large-scale initia- keep operating on an exclusively in- provided financial and logistical tives to help the French health person basis throughout the entire support to the French health authorities. The Group mobilized lockdown period. authorities by organizing the the production units of its Perfumes This was the case for La Grande import of more than 40 million & Cosmetics Maisons to produce Épicerie de Paris due to the essential surgical and FFP2 masks, and by hand sanitizer when this product nature of its business. To continue acquiring ventilators and blood was in short supply in France. Very supplying its customers with food tests. Everywhere they operate quickly, Parfums Christian Dior, products and to maintain the orders around the world, the Group’s Guerlain, Parfums Givenchy and placed with its suppliers, the Maisons launched regional initia- Bvlgari in Italy reoriented their ope- employees of La Grande Épicerie tives to help local communities rations to produce several metric showed exemplary dedication. and health care facilities cope tons of hand sanitizer, which was For the LVMH Group’s Wines and with the virus. LVMH also showed donated to health care facilities, Spirits business group – and Moët its direct support in combating local government offices, non & Chandon in particular – work Covid-19 by making a number of profits such as Secours Populaire, had to continue both at vineyards donations, totaling €35 million, and key service providers (inclu- and at production sites. This was in particular to the Fondation ding the Paris police headquarters, made possible in large part thanks Hôpitaux de Paris-Hôpitaux de Air France and major retailers). to the commitment and profes- France, the Chinese Red Cross sionalism of all its employees. and the Institut Pasteur in Lille to launch a clinical trial to verify the effectiveness of a molecule tested in vitro against Covid-19. 28 • 29 LVMH 2020 . Commitments in 2020Production of gowns at Louis Vuitton workshops in Asnières. S T A Y I N G T H E C O U R S E CONFRONTED BY AN UNPRECEDENTED GLOBAL CRISIS, LVMH RAPIDLY TOOK ACTION TO PROTECT ITS EMPLOYEES, SECURE ITS MARKETS AND DO ITS PART FOR THE COMMUNITY. THE DETERMINATION AND AGILITY OF ALL THOSE INVOLVED ENABLED THE GROUP TO STEER THROUGH THIS TRYING PERIOD WITH A SINGLE OBJECTIVE: TO SUPPORT OUR ACTIVITIES AND LAY THE GROUNDWORK FOR RECOVERY. LVMH’s strong business model management. LVMH’s strong values – creativity and innovation, the pursuit of excellence and entrepreneurial 2020 will go down in history as the year of Covid-19, a spirit – and highly committed teams were major assets global pandemic that engulfed the planet in uncer- during the crisis. tainty, and changed the way we live and work. In this At each of the Group’s Maisons, innovative initiatives complex context, LVMH has steadfastly focused on sprang up to help improve workflow and customer rela- protecting the health, well-being and safety of its tions. For employees unable to work remotely, this time employees around the world. In regions subject to away was used to support business activity and prepare lockdowns, certain employees worked remotely for the for recovery, including videoconferences with customers first time, some were no longer able to come to their to stay connected, online product training and virtual workplaces, while still others had to homeschool their team meetings. These local initiatives, which reflected children or found themselves in isolation. These were all the commitment of our employees on the ground and unprecedented situations that LVMH and its employees their ability to innovate and bounce back from any situ- faced head-on in order to find solutions, together. A ation, often led to more widely shared best practices. Group and Maison task force was formed to address these health and safety issues. Mindful of the impor- tance of being particularly attentive to its employees during this challenging period, LVMH implemented a Diverse talent, a key to LVMH’s performance support hotline and swiftly launched its worldwide Pulse Survey (see page 33). 2020 also saw a huge LVMH owes its performance to its in-house talent. This core belief, which forms the cornerstone of the Group’s wave of community spirit within the Group and among human resources policy, was highlighted as never before employees, who fought the virus by producing hand by the crisis. More than ever, our people – whatever their sanitizer, protective masks and gowns, which were specialization or management level – make all the differ- distributed free of charge to public entities. ence. That’s why, throughout the year, LVMH continued In many countries, curfews, lockdowns and administra- to focus on the development and diversity of its talent tive closures were implemented. The Group was able to as drivers of its dynamism, regardless of origin, gender, adapt to this new reality by accelerating its digitaliza- age, disability or sexual orientation. During this period, tion initiatives, pooling its resources to create inter- which saw tensions become exacerbated throughout the Maison communication and training platforms, and doing its utmost to help employees continue working world, the Group stepped up its diversity and inclusion policy. For many years, LVMH has worked to promote an under optimal conditions. Wherever possible, remote inclusive culture, and it accelerated these longstanding working was facilitated through the use of office equip- efforts during the health crisis. Its Unconscious Bias ment, technical infrastructure, and close contact with training program was adapted so that all its employees 30 • 31 LVMH 2020 . Talentcould continue to access it. Its Inclusion Index was also helping them shape their career plans, and by offering expanded with the addition of initiatives focused on internships, apprenticeships, as well as fixed-term and gender equality and LGBTI+ people. A major milestone, permanent contracts. More than 200 initiatives were LVMH held its first pride event: Voices of Inclusion. The held around the world, the vast majority of which were Group encouraged all its employees to “Be an ally” by offered online: conferences with senior executives, taking part in this digital event, broadcast from its head- discussion panels, recruitment sessions, job presenta- quarters in Paris. Through Voices of Inclusion, LVMH tions, brainstorming on company case studies, coaching, reaffirmed its conviction that the rich diversity of talent virtual tours of boutiques, and more. For example, within the Group is an invaluable source of creativity and to launch its recruitment campaign for interns and innovation. As such, it was essential for the entire organ- apprentices in France for 2021, LVMH assembled more ization, at every level, to come together to promote than 20 Maisons for virtual “Start Your Journey with this multifaceted diversity and ensure that everyone is LVMH” events, welcoming over 4,000 students. The included. Everyone must be free to be themselves, Maisons based in the United States participated in the knowing that they are part of a Group that lets them National Black MBA Career Fair, during which many of fully express their potential at every stage of their career. the Group’s senior executives shared insights about Echoing the Black Lives Matter movement, LVMH and its their careers with more than 2,000 young people at Maisons took a stand for greater social justice and each virtual session. Longstanding partnerships were strongly condemned all forms of discrimination, by lead- renewed and strengthened with schools and universities ing and supporting a number of initiatives. In particular, such as ESSEC, HEC Paris, École Polytechnique and Sephora USA has undertaken to devote 15% of the shelf CentraleSupélec in France, Central Saint Martins in the space in stores to brands founded by people of color. United Kingdom, Bocconi University in Italy and Fudan This section would not be complete without highlighting University in China. LVMH’s commitment to promoting employment for The Institut des Métiers d’Excellence (IME) confirmed people with disabilities. This year, the Group joined the its relevance and its ability to constantly reinvent ILO Global Business and Disability Network. Faced with itself. Since it was launched in 2014, the core mission the common misconception that disability and luxury of LVMH’s IME has centered on the preservation and are incompatible, LVMH shows on a daily basis how false transmission of the unique expertise that underpins this view is. Everywhere it operates, the Group strives to the success of the Group’s Maisons. Its unique offer- ensure that all talent, regardless of disability, is treated ing of work-linked training programs in craft trades, equally in hiring, recognition and promotion. design and sales is targeted at younger generations Renewed support for our talented people and people undergoing retraining, and welcomes talent from all backgrounds. In 2020, IME continued to grow, with more than 900 apprentices trained since its launch in France, Switzerland, Italy and In a radically changing world, LVMH has focused on Spain, thanks to a solid network of schools, universi- making sure that employees are able adapt to techno- ties and Maisons. The IME and its partners have logical and market developments, as well as to new worked hard to ensure learning continuity and to working and management methods. The Group main- reinvent its highlights in a digital format. This agility tained its commitment to developing the skills, exper- made it possible to maintain a high pass rate (97%). tise and knowledge of its employees to ensure that The vast majority of recent graduates have joined the they are prepared to manage demanding contexts Group or its outside partners. which change rapidly. Human Resources teams worked The crisis has demonstrated the solidity of LVMH’s particularly hard this year to respond to Group employ- business model and its human resources policy. This ees’ wishes for greater autonomy, and for compassion- year, the Group has protected its unique ecosystem – a ate and inspiring leadership. Current and future talent source of exceptional cultural, professional and sectoral share the same desire to integrate and lead teams diversity – where its talent can thrive. Confronted by where attentiveness, engagement and collaboration this complex situation, the Group’s culture and collec- play a key role. tive strength have proven to be invaluable assets, During this unprecedented year, LVMH also made a point of supporting younger generations. While most giving rise to an incredible wave of community spirit. It is this spirit of community – this driving energy – schools and universities were closed and had to revise that has kept us on course in this storm and prepared their teaching methods by providing remote learning, us for a meaningful future for our Group and for our the Group continued to offer support to students by employees. Indicators a s o f De ce m be r 3 1, 2 02 0 33 150,479 Median age employees worldwide 71% women €91m invested in train ing EMPLOYEES BY REGION (in %) EMPLOYEES BY BUSINESS GROUP (in %) Other markets 9% Asia (excl. Japan ) 23% Japan 5% France 22% Fashion & Leather Goods 35% Europe (excl. France) 25% United States 16% Wines & Spirits 5% Other activities 6% Perfumes & Cosmetics 19% Watches & Jewelr y 6% Selective Retailing 29% WORKFORCE BY AGE(1) (in %) BREAKDOWN OF MEN/WOMEN BY BUSINESS GROUP(1) 55+ 8% 45 -54 16% 35 -44 28% (1) Total permanent headcount. Under 25 9% 25- 34 40% Wines & Spirits Fashion & Leather Goods Perfu mes & Cos metics Watches & Jewelr y Selective Retailing Other activities 33% 41% 18% 17% 62% 62% 38% 67% 82% 59% 83% 38% LVMH Global Pulse Survey: listening to our employees LVMH is constantly concerned about the Over 78,000 employees responded to the proud to belong to the Group, and work well-being of all our employees worldwide. survey, and we collected more than for their Maison. Their proposals for future This year, especially, we had to be extremely 180,000 answers, with very enthusiastic priorities have inspired an array of strate- mindful of it. For that reason, in July the feedback. Most of our employees said gic initiatives which have since been Group launched the first ever LVMH Global Pulse Survey. Our aim was to “take our they were motivated and confident for the future. A significant 89% commended the implemented at the Maisons; and the Group will draw on them in 2021 to launch employees’ pulse”. We wanted to know way the Group and its Maisons responded Next Frontier, an ambitious scheme to their mindsets, opinions on how we handled to the Covid-19 crisis, and 93% and 91% change ways of working, cooperating and the crisis, and visions for the future. respectively said they were extremely leading within LVMH. 32 • 33 LVMH 2020 . TalentParfums Christian Dior, May roses. T H E E N V I R O N M E N T : A T T H E H E A R T O F T H E G R O U P ’ S C R E A T I V I T Y A N D I N N O VA T I O N IN 2020, THE GROUP’S ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSIBILITY POLICY TOOK CENTER STAGE AS A FRESH SOURCE OF INSPIRATION AND INNOVATION FOR ALL EMPLOYEES. IT HAS HELPED OPTIMIZE THE ENVIRONMENTAL FOOTPRINT OF THE SITES, STORES AND PRODUCTS OF EACH OF THE GROUP’S MAISONS, WHILE PROVING THAT SUSTAINABILITY AND DESIRABILITY CAN GO HAND IN HAND. The Group’s program of environmental commitments, LVMH accelerated its circular economy program. Life which set targets in 2016 under the LVMH Initiatives for Cycle Assessments (LCAs) helped identify top environ- the Environment (LIFE) program, was completed in mental priorities for each product category and guide 2020. Its track record shows a very substantial improve- sustainable design choices. As an example, Louis Vuitton ment in the carbon footprint of sites, stores and packag- set itself the target of ensuring that 100% of its products ing, and greater supply chain accountability. These are sustainably designed by 2025, laying down its com- results, in conjunction with more than 30 years of experi- mitment to various forms of circularity, including upcycling. ence in driving environmental change, set the stage for Patou, Loewe, Kenzo and Dior are adopting sustainable LIFE 2020’s successor program, LIFE 360, under which design practices and promoting the use of responsible all the Maisons aim to spur further progress. LIFE 360 is materials in their collections, from denim to leather. the Group’s new environmental compass, guiding it into Material innovation is another powerful way to improve the future by defining action plans to be implemented by the environmental footprint of our products and packaging. 2023, 2026 and 2030. This new program was jointly Maison/0 – the LVMH and Central Saint Martins incubator developed by the Maisons and involved dialogue with a set up in 2017 to drive the emergence of breakthrough number of sources: the LVMH Science Committee; solutions – explored new avenues for regenerative design several discussion sessions with young employees and in 2020, including jewelry lines made from biomaterials students; the Future of Luxury Commission (launched in derived from yeast or lipstick made exclusively from recy- July 2020, whose members come from outside the Group cled algae. In 2020, Ruinart transformed its packaging and represent a range of disciplines); and LVMH Climate with the launch of a completely recyclable “second skin” Week, which was held from December 8 to 11, 2020, case. Building on these achievements, LIFE 360 also aims offering the Group’s 160,000 employees a week of dia- to explore opportunities for circularity between Maisons, logue and talks with experts focused on climate and bio- such as Nona Source, which lets Maisons exchange their diversity. LIFE 360 charts the course for the next 10 years, unused fabric and material with one another. championing a new vision of luxury, one in which nature and creativity are inextricably intertwined, with products Taking action to restore biodiversity that epitomize the Group’s environmental ambition. Circularity, creativity and eternity Nature is the ultimate source of LVMH’s products, from inspiration to composition. At the end of 2020, the Group used geolocation databases to measure its pre- Part of what makes LVMH and its Maisons’ products so cise biodiversity impact so that we could target our desirable is their eminent sustainability: products that are action plans as effectively as possible, particularly designed to last and preserve natural resources. In 2020, through regenerative agriculture, which focuses on 34 • 35 LVMH 2020 . Environmentregenerating healthy topsoil and restoring ecosystem five years since the fund was created, a total of function. This approach is a core component of the Living 23 projects have been launched, with €3.8 million Soils training program announced by the Wines and Spirits Maisons at the Vinexpo trade fair in February 2020. The Maisons also stepped up their efforts to limit synthetic inputs: since the end of 2020, all of their vine- yards in Champagne are herbicide-free. Since 2019, raised in internal carbon fees, helping avoid 892 met- ric tons of CO2 emissions. In 2020, the Group refined the method used to calculate our carbon footprint, which amounted to 4.8 million metric tons of CO2 equivalent, 94% of which were Scope 3 emissions. LVMH has been a partner of UNESCO’s Man and the This will serve as the baseline for LIFE 360’s new sci- Biosphere intergovernmental scientific program aimed ence-based carbon trajectory in line with the Paris at taking action for global biodiversity conservation. The Agreement, and its new change drivers: 100% renew- Group’s first initiative under this partnership is being led able or low-carbon energy on-site and in-store by by Guerlain: a five-year program to train and support 2026, a green e-commerce program and a carbon women beekeepers in UNESCO-designated biosphere innovation policy focused on Scope 3. reserves with the aim of promoting and protecting bees and the essential role they play. With respect to animal biodiversity, the Group continued its research into improv- ing breeding practices by establishing standards where Expanding our traceability policies they did not yet exist and by carrying out research pro- Demand is growing for better information about product jects, such as the cage-free rearing of Orylag rabbits traceability: customers want to know where products in France, conducted under the aegis of the Group’s come from and the environmental aspects of how they Science Committee as part of its new Animal-Based are produced. Meeting this demand requires a thorough Raw Materials Sourcing Charter. Taking action for the climate understanding of the chains of responsibility within a given supply chain, which certain types of certification can provide. The LIFE 2020 target of ensuring that 70% of supply chains are certified as meeting the highest Our LIFE 2020 target of reducing energy-related C0₂ standards was achieved for most materials by the end emissions by 25% was met in 2019. This was achieved of 2020, although progress still needs to be made, in part thanks to the widespread adoption of in-store particularly for cotton. Traceability objectives once again LED lighting, the primary focus of the Group’s Scope 1 play a key role in LIFE 360, together with our Respon- and 2 targets. A second major driver was the increased sible Purchasing policy, and will benefit from new tech- use of renewable energy, both at production sites and nological advances, as seen for example in the Aura in stores, with the share of renewables in the Group’s project, which offers downstream traceability for the energy mix going from 1% in 2013 to more than 39% luxury industry, while continuing to work on upstream by the end of 2020. Sephora took an active role in this traceability. Access to information on the origin and transformation: its San Francisco headquarters, distri- traceability of our products is another issue that the bution centers and all its stores in the United States Maisons are tackling head on. Following the lead of now run on 100% green electricity. Carbon and envi- Guerlain’s Bee Respect platform, which posts all the ronmental performance was pivotal to the design of information related to the life cycle of its products new production sites: following the inauguration of La online, in 2020 Fendi decided to post the full list of its Manufacture (Celine’s new manufacturing facility in suppliers and the results of its audit program on its the heart of Chianti, Italy) and Louis Vuitton’s new website. The Group is working to provide product-level leather goods workshop in Beaulieu-sur-Layon (BREEAM®-certified in 2019), Fendi laid the corner- stone for Fendi Factory in November 2020. The newly environmental information, in particular by taking part in environmental labeling initiatives, both in France and in Europe, and is providing support for doctoral converted site, a study in glass nestled in the rolling research to test the CARE (Comprehensive Accounting Tuscan countryside, is aiming for LEED Platinum certi- in Respect of Ecology) model at one of its vineyards, as fication. Innovation is a powerful driver of the Group’s part of its backing for the Comptabilité Écologique carbon trajectory: the program focused on sharing (Sustainable Accounting) Chair launched by Fondation low-carbon technology with Bertrand Piccard’s Solar Impulse Foundation made it possible to select new energy solutions that were unveiled during LVMH Climate Week in December 2020, in addition to those developed thanks to the LVMH Carbon Fund. In the AgroParisTech. Dynamics of the LIFE program Results of LIFE 2020 Baseline year: 2013 Products and packaging Sourcing Climate Sites Target: Achieve a 10% improvement in the Environmental Performance Index (EPI) of packaging for Wines & Spirits and Perfumes & Cosmetics businesses. Perfumes & Cosmetics +10% 2020 +10% 2020 target Hennessy +33% 2020 +10% 2020 target Target: Apply the highest standards across 70% of supply chains. Target: Cut Scope 1 and 2 CO2 emissions by 25% relative to 2013. Target: Achieve at least a 10% improvement in key indicators of sites’ environmental efficiency. LWG certification of tanneries (leather) 74% 2020 70% 2020 target Sustainable cotton certification (BCI, GOTS, etc.) 51% 2020 70% 2020 target Sustainable winegrowing certification (LVMH’s vineyards in France) 70% 2020 target 100% 2020 RJC COP diamond certification 99% 2020 70% 2020 target CO2 emissions -37% 2020 -25% 2020 target Use of green energy 39% 2020 30% 2020 target Store energy consumption -31% 2020 -30% 2020 target Process water consumption at production sites, logistics facilities and headquarters -12% 2020 -10% 2020 target Waste production at production sites, logistics facilities and headquarters -4% 2020 -10% 2020 target The new LIF E 360 program Targets for 202 3, 2026 and 203 0 Creative circularity • 100% of new products covered by a sustainable design approach (2030). • Zero fossil-based virgin plastic in packaging (2023, 2026, 2030). Transparency 100% of our strategic supply chains covered by a dedicated traceability system (2030). Nature-positive products: LVMH’s commitment to the environment Climate • Commitment to the 1.5°C trajectory (SBTi). • 100% renewable or low-carbon energy on-site and in-store (2026). Biodiversity • 100% of strategic raw materials certified to standards guaranteeing the preservation of ecosystems (2026). • 5 million hectares of flora and fauna habitat restored and/or preserved (2030). 36 • 37 LVMH 2020 . EnvironmentArchitectural detail of the Fondation Louis Vuitton building. S U P P O R T I N G C U L T U R E , Y O U N G P E O P L E A N D H U M A N I T A R I A N P R O J E C T S LVMH’S GROUNDBREAKING CORPORATE PHILANTHROPY REFLECTS THE CULTURAL AND ARTISTIC VALUES THAT UNITE ALL ITS MAISONS, AND ARE THE CORNERSTONE OF THEIR SUCCESS. Culture, heritage and contemporary creative arts Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the final round of the 7th annual LVMH Prize for Young Fashion Designers – scheduled to take place on June 5, 2020 at the Reflecting its commitment to cultural heritage, in 2020 Fondation Louis Vuitton – was canceled. The LVMH LVMH continued to back the effort to save Notre-Dame Prize’s €300,000 award was divided equally among the de Paris Cathedral, whose restoration will take several eight finalists who had been selected by the Prize’s more years. Just one day after the terrible fire that Committee of Experts for 2020. In addition, to support ravaged the monument in the spring of 2019, LVMH, led young designers who have been particularly hard hit by by its Chairman, Bernard Arnault, made a €100 million the public health crisis, LVMH set up an aid fund for donation (along with an additional €100 million from his young fashion designers with the prize money from the family group) to ensure that Notre-Dame’s long resto- 2020 Karl Lagerfeld Prize. The fund will support all the ration process is followed through to completion. designers and brands that have won the LVMH Prize for To support the arts, LVMH first wished to start off the Young Fashion Designers and the Karl Lagerfeld Prize. year by presenting Tennessee Williams’ The Glass Menag- Since it was first awarded in 2014, the LVMH Prize has erie at the Odéon-Théâtre de l’Europe, in a production received more than 6,500 applications from designers directed by Ivo van Hove. The play’s run was unfortu- from all continents. The previous winners are Thomas nately cut short at the beginning of March after only a Tait (from Canada, 2014), Marta Marques and Paulo few performances, but it should return to the Odéon in Almeida (Portugal, 2015), Grace Wales Bonner (United the spring of 2021, with continued support from LVMH. Kingdom, 2016), Marine Serre (France, 2017), Masayuki Ino LVMH has been a loyal patron of the Nuit Blanche (Japan, 2018) and Thebe Magugu (South Africa, 2019). night-time arts festival for nearly fifteen years, and once again in the fall of 2020 provided support along- Arts education initiatives side the City of Paris to the French and international arts scene, giving center stage to contemporary artists Once again this year, LVMH’s patronage of programs at an event open to all in the heart of Paris. On the for young people focused on music. It continued its evening of Saturday, October 5, participants could support for Orchestre à l’École, a nonprofit that enables explore a number of Paris’ most iconic cultural institu- tions and monuments, in an unprecedented dialogue hundreds of children all over France to learn a musical instrument as part of a special educational program, between nature and the city. LVMH also continued its and for the Opéra Comique, in Paris, to facilitate access support for the Giacometti Institute in Paris, helping it to its shows for younger age groups. LVMH also once develop its scientific and cultural program. again loaned out the Stradivariuses in its collection. 38 • 39 LVMH 2020 . Corporate philanthropyBacking medical research and certain social causes in their initiatives for children; the Fondation Claude Pompidou, which provides support in France for seniors and people with disabilities; Association Fraternité Lastly, the Group supported numerous institutions Universelle, which works in Haiti to improve access to well known for their work with children, the elderly health care and education alongside actions in favor and people with disabilities, and for their efforts to of agricultural development, especially in the Central combat major causes of suffering and exclusion. In Plateau; and the Curie Institute in its research and particular, LVMH has provided major support to the work to fight childhood cancer. The Group is also a Fondation des Hôpitaux de Paris-Hôpitaux de France longstanding supporter of a number of scientific teams and the Association Le Pont Neuf in France; Save the and foundations engaged in cutting-edge public Children Japan; the Robin Hood Foundation in New York health research. Restoration of Notre-Dame de Paris Cathedral. Site safety and consolidation phase. Since it was opened in 2014, the Fondation Louis Vuitton has consolidated its position as a leading institution on the international ar ts scene and has been a resounding success with a French and international audience. It has already welcomed more than 6 million visitors from all over the world. The first major success of 2020 was that of the Charlotte Perriand: Inventing a New World exhibition, which closed to the public on February 24 after welcoming a total of 476,000 visitors. On the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of the artist’s passing, the exhibition paid tribute to Charlotte Perriand (1903-1999) and familiarized its audience with the key contributions she made to the history of architecture and design and to 20th century modernity. Next, the Cindy Sherman at the Fondation exhibition, originally scheduled for the spring, was postponed before finally opening its doors to the public on September 23. This excep- tional retrospective, featuring more than 170 works by the artist, spanned Cindy Sherman’s entire career as one of the greatest photographers of our time, with a special focus on works from the past decade, some of which were exhibited for the first time ever. As soon as the Fondation reopened, visitors flocked to admire this universally acclaimed artist’s insightful, sensitive exploration of the notions of identity and image until the public health crisis worsened and the Fondation closed for a second time. The Icons of Modern Art: The Morozov Collection exhibition, originally scheduled to open in fall 2020, will be held from May 12 to October 10, 2021. This highly anticipated exhibition will feature masterpieces from the collection of French and Russian modern art assembled by the Muscovite brothers Mikhail Abramovich Morozov (1870-1903) and Ivan Abramovich Morozov (1871-1921). Presented for the first time outside Russia, The Morozov Collection will echo the Shchukin exhibition, which set a record for the Fondation in 2017 with 1.2 million visitors. This exhibition will mark a new era in the partnership between the Fondation Louis Vuitton and major Russian museums. A final highlight was the Fondation Louis Vuitton’s continuation of its international Hors-Les-Murs (“Beyond the Walls”) program this year, which included the Anicka Yi and Doug Aitken exhibitions at its Espace Louis Vuitton locations in Munich and Tokyo. Cindy Sherman, Untitled #584, 2018, Fondation Louis Vuitton. 40 • 41 LVMH 2020 . Corporate philanthropyLoro Piana, The Gift of Kings® wool, New Zealand. E T H I C S A N D R E S P O N S I B L E PA R T N E R S H I P S THE LVMH GROUP CULTIVATES ITS DIFFERENCE THROUGH A CONSTANT QUEST FOR EXCELLENCE. WE MUST THEREFORE BE EXEMPLARY WHEN IT COMES TO ETHICS, CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY, AND RESPECT FOR OUR STAKEHOLDERS. Codes of ethics and their application Fair and responsible relations with our partners LVMH’s commitments to our employees and stake- holders are reflected in the Group’s longstanding Supporting our partners is a key strategic priority for support for benchmark initiatives such as the United LVMH, as we aim to build long-term relationships under- Nations Global Compact, and in the adoption of inter- pinned by our shared quest for excellence and the nal charters and codes of conduct which serve as ambition to establish a set of common ethical principles, guidelines for all of our Maisons. These include the guidelines and practices. The Group is developing a LVMH Code of Conduct, the Supplier Code of Conduct, comprehensive policy with the aim of ensuring that our the Environmental Charter, the Charter on Working partners and suppliers adopt best environmental, social Relations with Fashion Models and Their Well-Being, and societal practices, while enhancing awareness and the Recruitment Code of Conduct and, more recently, providing information about issues specific to their own the Animal-Based Raw Materials Sourcing Charter. The activities. LVMH and its Maisons take a collaborative Group has a dedicated governance structure that approach, offering support through audits and, where ensures its values and codes of ethics are applied at necessary, action plans. Over 1,300 audits were con- the operating level. This structure includes the Ethics & ducted in 2020. Despite the exceptional public health Sustainable Development Committee, which operates situation that began in early 2020, LVMH was able to within the Board of Directors and primarily comprises maintain a significant level of on-site supplier audits. The Independent Directors. The Group’s Executive Manage- Group’s responsible sourcing policy also includes ment coordinates the initiatives of LVMH’s Ethics & supplier support and training. For example, LVMH is a Compliance, Audit, Internal Control, Operations, Procure- signatory of the Utthan pact, an industry initiative that ment, Environment, Social Development, and Financial brings together several major luxury brands that contract Communications Departments. The Group puts these out embroidery work. The initiative’s aim is to build up commitments and values into practice across all its and elevate recognition of luxury embroidery expertise business lines, paying close attention to areas such as in Mumbai, where a significant number of our Maisons’ promoting employee inclusion and well-being; devel- partner embroiders are based. The initiative also includes oping and passing on expertise and key skills; protect- an on-site training program for embroiderers. In parallel, ing personal data; reducing the Group’s impact on the Group also ensures that its own buyers receive train- ecosystems and natural resources; and establishing ing on issues related to responsible purchasing. and maintaining responsible supply chains. LVMH works collaboratively to implement appropriate policies and systems, raise awareness within its Maisons and ensure they make progress, particularly in managing these issues and their relations with suppliers regarding environmental, social and ethical matters, while pro- moting and ensuring sustainable supply chains. Further information can be found in the “Environment” section and in the 2020 Universal Registration Document. 42 • 43 LVMH 2020 . Ethics and responsible partnershipsB U S I N E S S G R O U P I N S I G H T S Château d’Yquem LVMH Wi nes & Spir its 2020 Hennessy A VA L U E - E N H A N C I N G 2020 REVENUE BY REGION (in %) S T R A T E G Y F O R L A S T I N G S U C C E S S Other markets 11% Asia (excl. Jap an) 19% Jap an 6% France 5% Europe (excl. France) 18% United States 41% LVMH owes its global leadership in premium wines and spirits to a unique group of exceptional Maisons based in Champagne, Bordeaux, Burgundy and other highly renowned wine-growing regions. Inspired by their visionary founders and drawing on their strong heritage – which for some goes back hundreds of years – they all share the key values of excellence and creativity, combining tradition with innovation. Well-balanced, worldwide presence In the current context, Moët Hennessy continues to pursue a value-enhancing strategy focused on the highest-quality products. The balanced geographic expansion of its portfolio of brands continues thanks to a powerful and agile global distribution network present in over 160 countries. Responsible procurement policy To support future growth and maintain the very high quality that has made its Maisons a success, the Wines and Spirits business group pursues a dynamic, responsible procurement policy. All the vineyards owned by LVMH have had sustainable winegrowing certification since 2017, and the Maisons forge partnerships with winegrowers by helping their independent grape suppliers comply with these certifications. Significant work is also being done in the area of packaging. The Maisons are devoting equal effort to actively developing their production capacities, as seen in the responsible, innovative and efficient Pont Neuf bottling and logistics facility inaugurated by Hennessy in 2017, which reflects the Maison’s long-term vision. 48 • 49 Reven ue €4 , 75 5 m –14% (1) Champagne s ales volumes 52 .4 m b ot t l e s Prof it f rom recur ring op erations €1 , 3 8 8 m –20% Cog nac s ales volumes 94 .6 m b ot t l e s Operating investments €3 20m –2% (1) Organic change 2020/2019. Major s t r ateg ic pr ior it ies Pursue value-enhancing strategy. Develop production capacities to ensure sustainable growth. Further improve efficiency of distribution in key markets. Accelerate efforts to protect the environment, in particular in supply chains and packaging. LVMH 2020 . Wines & SpiritsO U R M A I S O N S T A K E A C T I O N Moët Hennessy’s Living Soils program Moët Hennessy unveiled its sustain- Hennessy sets s ail across the Atlantic Veuve Clicquot stands with women entrepreneurs A sustainable second skin for Ruinar t Ruinart broke with tradition in 2020 able winegrowing program at the Hennessy has partnered with the With the Covid-19 crisis dealing a by choosing to no longer use indi- Vinexpo trade show in Paris. Adapting maritime transport company Neoline heavy blow to the French economy, vidual boxes, and took its sustaina- to climate change, preserving our to step up its efforts to reduce most young entrepreneurs are in a ble approach a step further with a terroirs, saving water, and conserving the impact of its maritime logistics. difficult position. In response, build- new case for its cuvées. This new biodiversity are all key factors in pro- Neoline operates sailing cargo ships ing on its Bold by Veuve Clicquot packaging responds first and fore- tecting our “living soils”. To illustrate propelled mainly by clean and program, the Maison launched the most to a key winemaking priority: this vision, Moët Hennessy has for- renewable wind energy. In particular, Sista x Bold program, devoted to providing better protection from malized its commitments: this operating model yields a 90% helping women entrepreneurs nav- light exposure, especially for Blanc – All vineyards will be herbicide-free reduction in fuel consumption, CO₂ igate the economic recovery and de Blancs, which is sold in transpar- by the end of 2020 for Champagne emissions and transport-related prepare for the future. As part of ent bottles. But it is also a chance to and by the end of 2021 for Cognac. impacts compared to a conventional this program, Veuve Clicquot joined use the Maison’s spirit of innovation Moët Hennessy will continue to work vessel of the same size. This collab- forces with the Sista collective to to drive sustainable development: with all its winegrower partners oration is just the latest develop- create a platform that pools the the new case – which is made entirely to help them become certified as ment in Hennessy’s longstanding expertise of 100 mentors to offer of cellulose fibers and is fully recy- sustainable. sustainable transport approach, women entrepreneurs 1,000 hours clable – required several technologi- – €20 million will be invested in the with this new mode of transport of guidance and dialogue, with the cal challenges to be overcome to Champagne region in a research expanding its traditional ship and goal of overcoming the current make it impervious to light and center to promote sustainable wine- rail network, which already accounts situation, preserving their business ensure that it would hold up under growing. for more than 94% of its shipments. and facing into the future with serving conditions. With its minimal- – A “Living Soils” training program will be set up. Certain vineyards will go even further, such as Clos des Lambrays, Château d’Yquem and Château du Galoupet, which have begun their conversion to organic winegrowing and are test- ing biodynamic practices across several hectares of vineyards. confidence – in themselves and ist paper shell, the second skin case their plans. is a sustainable innovation that brings us back to nature. Two years of research and development culmi- nated in the design of this second skin case. It is nine times lighter than the previous generation of cases, with a 60% smaller carbon footprint. At a glance 2020 Review Strong recovery in the United States in the second half of the year and improvement in trends in China All Maisons showed great resilience and gained market share. After a significant drop in volumes in the second quarter, the Champagne business experienced improved trends in the second half, particularly in the United States. Beginning in June, Hennessy cognac recorded a strong recovery, driven notably by demand in the United States. 2020 saw the integration of the 2019 acquisitions Château d’Esclans and Château du Galoupet for the first time over a full year, establishing a strong position for Moët Hennessy in the growing market for high-end rosé wines. A new high-end rum, Eminente launched in the third quarter. 2021 Outlook In the current volatile and uncertain context, Moët Hennessy is cautiously optimistic with respect to the start of 2021 but remains confident regarding the Maisons’ medium-term development prospects. Grounded in their heritage and expertise, stretching back centuries in most cases, LVMH’s Wines and Spirits brands will steadfastly focus on excellence, authenticity and sustainability, which give them solid advantages in a rapidly changing business environment. In order to provide ever more varied experiences and adapt to new consumer behavior, their strong appeal will be celebrated through inspiring new collabora- tions with big names, bold innovations, inventive packaging and fresh marketing strategies. Moët Hennessy will continue to develop its portfolio while focusing on supporting and strengthening the transformation of its distribution, with the acceleration in e-commerce, and through targeted investments in the most promising markets. True to their long-term vision, all the Maisons aim to accentuate their sustainability commitments to protect the environment and pursue the development of innovative solutions through the “Living Soils – Living Together” program. 50 • 51 LVMH 2020 . Wines & Spirits2 0 2 0 H I G H L I G H T S The Wines and Spirits business group drew on the strength of its portfolio of prestigious, powerful brands to maintain its robust innovative momentum Buoyed by its leading international position, Moët & Chandon demonstrated its resilience and recorded growth in the United States, its largest market. and constantly enhance its customers’ experiences Markets in Europe saw a rebound at the end of while protecting the safety of its employees and the year, thanks to the success of the limited-edition actively supporting its partners throughout the crisis. LVMH’s Maisons had to contend with the near-total disappearance of business in airports and on cruise “Specially Yours” series. Dom Pérignon was affected by the shutdown of some of its main distribution channels, namely fine restaurants, ships; intermittent closures of restaurants, bars and hotels and entertainment venues, as well as the night clubs; and serious difficulties faced by some of cancellation of major iconic events of which the Maison their distributors and partners. Amid this exceptionally is a partner. The second half of 2020 saw the launch challenging context, all of the business group’s of Dom Pérignon Vintage 2010, the first vintage crafted activities demonstrated great resilience and gained market share, with a decline in organic revenue limited to 14%. Additionally, strong commitments to expand by Vincent Chaperon, the Maison’s new Cellar Master. Veuve Clicquot showed good resilience, especially in the United States. Since 1972, the Maison sustainable winegrowing practices were made has showcased exceptional women entrepreneurs at the Vinexpo Paris trade fair in early 2020. through the Bold Woman Award. The 2020 award The champagne houses, synonymous with celebration, ceremony – held virtually for the first time – were hit particularly hard: organic revenue was down recognized female business leaders who have inspired 17%, with volumes down 19%. and encouraged generations of women to be bold. Dom Pérignon The iconic Japanese artist Yayoi Kusama designed initiative, and its new creative collaboration with British a unique bottle and gift box for the Maison’s latest vintage, La Grande Dame 2012, as an homage to the emblematic “Grande Dame of Champagne”, Madame Clicquot. Ruinart confirmed its very strong resilience and significantly increased its market share, particularly artist David Shrigley focused on protecting the planet. Krug confirmed its value-enhancing strategy and presented two new editions: Krug Grande Cuvée 168e Édition and Krug Rosé 24e Édition. The Maison strengthened ties with the Krug Lovers community through its “Krug Connect” immersive virtual in Europe. The Maison reaffirmed its commitment to experiences. Through its “Fonds K pour la Musique” the environment through the highly acclaimed launch endowment fund, the Maison continued to support of its new 100% paper “second skin” case, which a range of musical initiatives. is sustainably designed and plastic-free. It also demonstrated its social commitment with a range of initiatives, including its support for healthcare workers 2020 marked the first full year of integration for Château d’Esclans and Château du Galoupet, acquired in 2019, which have strengthened through a partnership with the “À table, les soignants!” Moët Hennessy’s position in the growing market Château d’Esclans 52 • 53 LVMH 2020 . Wines & Spiritsfor high-end rosé wines. The year also saw the African-American, Latino and Asian family-owned devastating Glass Fire in California’s Napa Valley, which caused major damage to the Newton winery and vineyards. Chandon continued its expansion in its main markets and prepared for its relaunch businesses in the United States, hit particularly hard by the crisis. After the slowdown in demand observed at the beginning of the year due to the pandemic and the timing of the Chinese New Year, China in 2021. Hennessy, the world’s leading premium spirits brand by value for the second year in a row, emerged from showed very encouraging signs of a rebound in the second half, mainly driven by the Maison’s X.O quality and sales to consumers, both online and in stores. the public health crisis in a strong position relative Hennessy strengthened ties with its customers to its competitors, with a limited decrease in volumes. by opening new points of sale, such as “BLENDS The Maison saw remarkable growth in the United by Hennessy”, a concept bar on the Bund States, driven mainly by its V.S quality, but also in Shanghai and a store in Sanya on the island by V.S.O.P and Black. Hennessy launched an of Hainan. A global partnership was signed with the initiative called “Unfinished Business” to support NBA, an iconic league with which Hennessy shares Veuve Clicquot Ruinart 54 • 55 LVMH 2020 . Wines & SpiritsGlenmorangie the value of surpassing oneself. In 2020, the Maison also stepped up its commitment to sustainable winegrowing and transportation. Glenmorangie and Ardbeg whiskies saw strong growth in retail sales. Their reputations in the single malt category were further cemented by winning several prestigious awards. New creations like Ardbeg Wee Beastie met with great success. Their distilleries continued work on expanding their production capacities, which is expected to be completed in 2021. While Belvedere vodka was affected by the closure of night clubs, Woodinville Whiskey Company and Volcán de mi Tierra continued their development, buoyed by favorable trends in the US market. Moët Hennessy expanded its portfolio of spirits with the launch of Eminente, an exceptional Cuban rum aimed at the European market. Online sales for all the Maisons saw strong growth during the lockdowns, as did those for the Clos19 platform, which is currently available in Germany and the United Kingdom, with access to be extended to other countries in 2021. Krug 56 • 57 LVMH 2020 . Wines & SpiritsLouis Vuitton, Women’s Fall/Winter 2020-21 show. LVMH Fash ion & Leat her Good s 2020 Christian Dior A U N I Q U E A S S E M B LY O F C R E A T I V E T A L E N T Louis Vuitton’s global preeminence, Christian Dior’s exceptional development, the growth of a collection of unique brands whose success is consolidated year after year, and its active support for young designers make LVMH a key player in the fashion and leather goods industry. Inspired designers Working with the best designers, while respecting the spirit of each brand, is one of our strategic priorities. Our creative directors promote the Maisons’ distinctive identities, and are the artisans of their creative excellence. Balance between iconic products and innovation Since 1854, Louis Vuitton’s renown has been built on the flawless execution of its unique trunk-making expertise, its full control over distribution and its exceptional creative imagination: a source of perpetual renewal and innova- tion. Its product line has continuously expanded for over 150 years with new models – from luggage to handbags and more – and new materials, shapes and colors. Ever since its first show, dubbed “New Look” by the press, Christian Dior has continued to redefine fashion as it has become an icon of French luxury throughout the world. Monsieur Dior’s unique vision is conveyed today with bold inventiveness throughout the Maison’s entire range. By striking the right balance between new releases and iconic lines, these two Maisons continue to dazzle and surprise their customers, making their boutiques ever more inspiring. An engaged industry leader LVMH has always been committed to supporting young designers and up-and-coming talent. The LVMH Prize for Young Fashion Designers, which recognizes the creative talent of an outstanding designer every year, was created to reaffirm this commitment. As a fashion industry leader, LVMH feels that is our vocation to nurture the creative talent of the future. We also feel it is our responsibility to ensure the well-being of the fashion models who work for our Maisons, which is why we decided to draw up the Charter on Working Relations with Fashion Models and their Well-Being. 60 • 61 2020 REVENUE BY REGION (in %) Other markets 9% Asia (excl. Jap an) 39% France 5% Europe (excl. France) 18% United States 19% Japan 10% Revenue €2 1 , 207m –3% (1) LW G cer tific ation of tan neries (2) 74% Prof it f rom recur ring op erations €7, 18 8 m –2% Operating investments €82 7m –31% (1) Organic change 2020/2019. (2) Percentage of tanned leather sourced from certified tanneries. Major s t r ateg ic pr ior it ies Continue to develop Louis Vuitton, blending the timeless and the modern, while preserving unmatched quality standards and an exclusive distribution channel, which is unique worldwide. Continue to pursue Dior’s dynamic growth. Build on the success of the other Maisons, in particular Celine, Loewe, Fendi and Loro Piana. LVMH 2020 . Fashion & Leather GoodsO U R M A I S O N S T A K E A C T I O N Louis Vuitton takes action for sustainable development Kenzo protects wild tigers with the WWF Fendi is committed to transparency Fendi has shared its sustainable Christian Dior joins the Global Education Coalition founded by UN ESCO Louis Vuitton unveiled its new Kenzo joined forces with the World development strategy on its web- roadmap, aligned with the LVMH Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) to site. It has two objectives: to increase Christian Dior supports the Global Group’s next LIFE 360 targets, and support the “TX2” global goal, transparency and to reinforce the Education Coalition. Launched by set ambitious goals to preserve nat- aimed at protecting wild tigers Maison’s identity as a brand that UNESCO in response to the Covid- ural resources and make a positive around the world and doubling their champions sustainability, particu- 19 pandemic, this initiative aims to impact on society. population by the end of 2022. As larly by presenting what it is doing help countries develop the best dis- – Ensuring responsibly sourced raw part of this partnership, Kenzo with respect to its supply chain, sus- tance learning solutions and reach materials: launched a capsule collection in tainable materials, circular economy the most at-risk children and young The Maison is committed to apply- homage to this majestic big cat, initiatives, and environmental excel- people. With up to 87% of the ing the most exacting sourcing which is also its emblem. For every lence at its production sites and world’s student population having standards for all its raw materials by item sold, Kenzo will donate $10 to stores. For example, Fendi has pub- been affected by school closures 2025 and to phase out single-use the WWF to help it reach its TX2 lished the full list of its raw material due to Covid-19, inequalities have plastic in its packaging by 2030. goal. Through this initiative, Kenzo and finished product suppliers, as widened in terms of access to edu- – Taking action for the climate: stays true to its philosophy of being well as the results of its social and cation. As the first fashion house to In line with the ambitious goals inspired by and protecting nature. environmental audit program: a fully join the organization, Dior builds on transparent approach that show- its commitments made as part of its cases its responsible and almost Women@Dior initiative to support exclusively Italian supply chain. young women’s education. set by the Paris Agreement in 2015, Louis Vuitton is committed to sup- plying all its production and logistics sites with renewable energy and equipping all its stores with LED lighting systems by 2025. – Implementing a circular approach to creativity: By 2025, all product categories will be subject to sustainable design practices, and all materials used in events and window displays will be recovered for reuse. At a glance 2020 Review Remarkable resilience In 2020, the Fashion & Leather Goods business group recorded a decrease in organic revenue of only 3% in an environment marked by the closure of stores over a period of several months. The second half saw a noteworthy rebound in activity, with double-digit organic revenue growth in both quarters. China recorded a strong recovery in revenue beginning in April and the United States in July. Louis Vuitton, always driven by exceptional dynamism and creativity, was able very quickly to transform and revitalize its customer relations with a high quality and efficient digital service. Many innovations were unveiled throughout the year, such as the Pont 9 range and the 1854 canvas. The Maison’s commit- ment to high quality craftsmanship and sustainability continues in the form of responsible creativity. A new workshop opened at Vendôme in France. Christian Dior demonstrated remarkable momentum and gained market share in all regions thanks to its exceptional creativity. The Lady Dior bag has become a global icon, the Women’s collections of Maria Grazia Chiuri and the Men’s runway shows of Kim Jones were a huge success. The other fashion brands showed solid resilience during the year, notably Loewe with the creations of J.W. Anderson, Celine with the creations of Hedi Slimane, Fendi, Marc Jacobs and Loro Piana. It should be noted that our Group very substantially outperformed its competitors in fashion and leather goods in the second half of the year. 2021 Outlook In an environment that remains uncertain, LVMH’s Maisons can count on their highly com- mitted, responsive staff to unleash their creativity and build on their values of quality and sustainability, while maintaining their efforts to adapt to the economic situation. Focusing on their priorities, they will be well positioned to take advantage of a solid recovery, when it arrives, and regain strong momentum in the medium term. Driven by its talented designers and craftspeople, Louis Vuitton will continue to enrich its offering and invest in its distri- bution network. Future developments will fit within the Maison’s steadfast aim of infusing its exceptional heritage with the best of modernity, providing each customer with an exceptional experience in its stores and online. Christian Dior Couture aims to continue its sustained growth. Among the highlights of the year, the House of Dior’s historic location at 30 Avenue Montaigne is set to reopen its doors. Fendi will present the first Women’s Couture and Ready-to-Wear collections under the leadership of its new Creative Director Kim Jones. The success of its iconic Peekaboo and Baguette bags will be a key growth driver for the Maison. The store network will continue to grow, with openings slated in Sydney, Milan and Doha, along with numerous plans under way in several cities in China. Loro Piana will add to its lines of leather goods and clothing made with sumptuous materials. The e-commerce site will expand to new markets. Celine will hold virtual shows designed and filmed by Hedi Slimane. Loewe will continue to innovate with Jonathan Anderson. 62 • 63 LVMH 2020 . Fashion & Leather Goods2 0 2 0 H I G H L I G H T S Amid the challenging conditions of a year marked on a roving journey from Paris to Tokyo via Shanghai by the closure of stores for several months, thanks and Miami for Virgil Abloh’s Men’s show. The year also to their highly committed staff all of our Maisons were saw the launch of the Stellar Times line in high jewelry able to continue mobilizing their creative resources, and LV Volt in fine jewelry, as well as the discovery enriching their collections and building up their digital of two exceptionally rare diamonds, called Sewelô presence. While tightening their management in and Sethunya. Flagship store openings included response to the impact of the public health crisis, the Louis Vuitton Maison Osaka Midosuji, the result of our iconic brands benefited from their solid positions a collaboration between architects Jun Aoki and Peter and exceptional appeal. The second half of the year Marino, reflecting the atmosphere of the city of Osaka saw a strong upturn in activity, with double-digit and reaffirming Louis Vuitton’s ties with Japan. True organic revenue growth. Several initiatives contributed to the Maison’s values, the new “Towards a Dream” to the collective effort to combat the pandemic. Louis Vuitton continued to be driven by its exceptional momentum and creativity, with the art of innovating marketing campaign was launched, inviting travelers to discover Iceland. During the public health crisis, thanks to its highly committed craftspeople who in all its businesses and offering its customers a unique stepped forward and volunteered, Louis Vuitton experience. During this unprecedented period, mobilized a number of its workshops in France Louis Vuitton was able to very quickly transform and to make protective masks and gowns for healthcare boost its customer relationships with a high-quality providers. Louis Vuitton also further expanded and highly effective digital service strategy. Numerous its production capacity by opening a new workshop innovations were unveiled throughout the year: in Vendôme, France, and maintained its commitment in leather goods, the contemporary yet timeless to high-quality, sustainable craftsmanship dedicated Pont 9 leather model; the summery, colorful Escale collection; the Since 1854 Jacquard canvas, inspired by the Maison’s heritage; and the iconic Capucines to responsible design. Christian Dior Couture showed remarkable momentum and gained market share in all regions thanks bag, reinterpreted by six major contemporary artists. to its immense appeal. Sales to local customers rose The new collections were presented at fashion shows sharply. The iconic Lady Dior bag was revisited by featuring novel formats: inside the freshly renovated, ten artists from around the world, and the first women’s mythical building of La Samaritaine in Paris for Nicolas loungewear line, Dior Chez Moi, was very well received. Ghesquière’s Spring/Summer Women’s show; and Limited editions designed through a number Louis Vuitton of creative collaborations were launched, including health emergency, Maison employees volunteered the Air Dior sneaker, which was a major success. using the Baby Dior workshop in Redon to produce A number of fashion shows featuring inspiring decor masks for front-line workers, and workshops in Italy paid tribute to figures from the world of art and fashion. A host of events and cultural activities were held during the second half of the year: Kim Jones made gowns for hospital staff. Fendi demonstrated great resilience. Following the major impact of the pandemic at the beginning teamed up with Ghanaian artist Amoako Boafo of the year, in the second half of the year the Maison for his Spring/Summer Men’s collection, followed saw remarkable growth in China and in online sales, by a colorful and joyful collaboration with American and continued to gain market share in South Korea artist Kenny Scharf for his Fall collection, unveiled and North America. The Fendi Roma holiday capsule simultaneously in December in Beijing and around collection, inspired by the Maison’s iconic packaging, the world; in Lecce, Italy, the ancestral skills of local was a major success. Active support was provided craftspeople and artists were honored in Maria Grazia in the fight against the pandemic through donations, Chiuri’s 2021 Cruise show; and a poetic film was particularly to the Lombardy region, but also by released, following the mythical voyage of a trunk activating its network of suppliers to produce protective filled with haute couture dresses inspired by the masks and gowns for the Tuscany and Lazio regions, post-war era. A new flagship store was inaugurated and for hospitals in Bergamo. Launched in Rome on Rue Saint-Honoré in Paris and two major stores in June as a celebration of summer, Fendi continued opened in China. On the heels of its success in Paris its collaboration with the music world through and London, the Christian Dior: Designer of Dreams the Anima Mundi project, featuring performances by exhibition made a stopover in Osaka before heading renowned artists in Shanghai, Tokyo, Seoul and, soon, to Shanghai, attracting more than 200,000 visitors. New York. The Hand in Hand project, in collaboration Dior launched its “Dior Talks” podcasts in 2020, with 20 craftspeople in each of Italy’s 20 regions, featuring conversations with inspiring individuals showcased local expertise and traditional skills by on art, culture and society. In response to the public reinterpreting the iconic Baguette bag. Fendi 64 • 65 LVMH 2020 . Fashion & Leather GoodsChristian Dior Loro Piana opened its new flagship store in Tokyo’s Ginza district, where an immersive sensory journey called “An Odyssey of Touch” took its customers on a tour of the Maison’s history, the excellence of its raw materials and the quality of its products. an e-commerce mini-program on the WeChat platform in China, and the rollout of its e-commerce site in some twenty countries. Loewe showed good resilience and high adaptability. Under the impetus of its Creative Director Jonathan The new “Somewhere in Loro Piana” marketing W. Anderson, the Maison continued to pursue its campaign was rolled out, targeting an increasingly sustained pace of innovation and an active marketing young clientele. A customization service was strategy. Its highly original “Show-in-a-Box” and expanded to include new product categories. Celine saw a strong recovery in the second half of the year, buoyed by its clientele in Asia. The Maison “Show-on-the-Wall” fashion show concepts received unanimous praise from the press and the Maison’s customers. The fourth edition of the Paula’s Ibiza continued to develop the Women’s Ready-to-Wear collection was launched, enhanced by a fragrance collections designed by Hedi Slimane, which enjoyed and a Loewe x Smiley capsule collection. A new growing success. In leather goods, the Triomphe line received an excellent welcome. The year was marked by rapid advances in digital, including the launch of flagship store opened on Rue Saint-Honoré in Paris. Givenchy announced the arrival of the Maison’s new Creative Director Matthew M. Williams, a 2016 finalist Celine 66 • 67 LVMH 2020 . Fashion & Leather Goodsfor the LVMH Prize for Young Fashion Designers. in collaboration with the Monnaie de Paris (Paris Mint). Hardware – the designer’s signature – featured Its New York flagship store’s move to 57th Street marked prominently in his first collections, and the iconic the end of the year. Its online store, launched in Europe, Antigona bag celebrated its 10th anniversary. A highlight for Kenzo was the first Men’s and Women’s shows by Felipe Oliveira Baptista, which received unanimous acclaim from the fashion world. These collections marked a new chapter in the interpretation the United States and Japan, saw rapid growth. Amidst the closure of its three production sites for several months and the suspension of international travel, RIMOWA illustrated its drive for innovation and its spirit of resilience by reimagining travel. of the Maison’s values and the legacy of its visionary The new Personal line of cross-body cases was founder, Kenzo Takada, who passed away in 2020, launched in several colors, and the Never Still a beacon of creativity, color and freedom. Berluti expanded its offering with the new Signature canvas, featuring the Scritto motif, inspired by collection of multi-use soft bags was unveiled. Marc Jacobs continued to develop its core Snapshot and Traveler lines. A new Heaven collection was an 18th-century manuscript. To commemorate its launched, offering a highly diverse ensemble of 125th anniversary, the Maison reinterpreted the iconic designs. The Maison reinforced its online presence, Andy model in a Penny Loafer version designed particularly in China. Loro Piana Loewe 68 • 69 LVMH 2020 . Fashion & Leather GoodsParfums Christian Dior, Fields of May roses on the Colle Noire, near Grasse, during the harvest. LVMH Perfumes & Cosmetics 2020 Parfums Christian Dior F O C U S I N G O N Q U A L I T Y 2020 REVENUE BY REGION (in %) A N D C U LT I VA T I N G U N I Q U E N E S S LVMH is a key player in the perfume, makeup and skincare sector, with a port- folio of world-famous Maisons as well as younger brands with a promising future. The creative momentum of LVMH’s Maisons is driven by growth in its iconic lines as well as bold new products. They are all driven by the same val- ues: the pursuit of excellence, creativity, innovation and appeal. Unique creative momentum With surging demand in Asia and the huge popularity of skincare, the global perfume and cosmetics market is highly competitive, with increasingly compact innovation cycles. In this context, all of LVMH’s Maisons continue to pursue their objective of gaining market share, which depends more than ever before on quality, product performance and a robust innovation policy. In the heart of France’s Cosmetic Valley business cluster, researchers at LVMH’s Hélios R&D facility play a crucial role in helping the Maisons meet these requirements. The Maisons also uphold their commitment to biodiversity and sustainable design. Excellence and innovation in retailing All the brands are accelerating the implementation of their online sales plat- forms and stepping up their digital content initiatives. Excellence in retailing is key. It requires expertise and attentiveness from beauty consultants, as well as innovation in sales, both in stores and online. Our brands are actively incor- porating digital tools to enhance the customer experience and attract new consumers. The Group’s refusal to engage in excessive special offers and parallel sales, although such practices are used by a number of its competitors, helps ensure the powerful appeal of LVMH’s Maisons. Other markets 9% Asia (excl. Jap an) 45% France 9% Europe (excl. France) 18% United States 14% Japan 5% Revenue €5 , 24 8 m –22% (1) Prof it f rom recur ring op erations €80 m –88% Environmental performance index of packag ing (2) +10% Operating investments €2 80 m –26% (1) Organic change 2020/2019. (2) Change between 2013 and 2020. Major s t r ateg ic pr ior it ies Maintain our creativity in terms of innovation and appeal. Focus on developing Parfums Christian Dior in harmony with Couture. Pursue the global expansion of our other brands. Strengthen our commitment to biodiversity and sustainable design. 72 • 73 LVMH 2020 . Perfumes & CosmeticsO U R M A I S O N S T A K E A C T I O N Parfums Christian Dior joins forces with the Beaux-Ar ts de Paris ar t school LVMH’s Maisons take action to fight against the spread of Covid-19 Faced with the risk of a hand sani- Acqua di Parma takes action to support the community and protect the environment Guerlain par tners with Daughters of Tomor row In Asia, through its partnership with Daughters of Tomorrow – a Singa- Before becoming a legendary tizer shortage, the Group mobilized As a follow-up to the environmental pore-based nonprofit that works to fashion designer and perfumer, the production units of a number life cycle analyses carried out on empower women from low-income Monsieur Christian Dior came to of its major Perfumes & Cosmetics several products and in an effort to families – Guerlain organized four prominence as a visionary gallery Maisons. Parfums Christian Dior, fast-track sustainable design initia- virtual coaching sessions for five owner, patron of the arts and friend Guerlain and Parfums Givenchy tives, Acqua di Parma has launched underprivileged women interested of artists. This fondness for the arts were able to adapt their production Colonia Futura. Its fragrance ingredi- in working in the beauty sector. The has stood the test of time and today equipment to produce and donate ents are derived exclusively from aim of this initiative was to give the given rise to a partnership between very large quantities of bottled hand natural and plant-based sources. participants all the keys they need Parfums Christian Dior and the sanitizer to the AP-HP Paris hospital Its packaging is made of Forest to find a job in this field. To speed up Beaux-Arts de Paris art school, with system and many other healthcare Stewardship Council (FSC)-certified access to employment, LVMH has the endowment of the Inhabiting the facilities, local government offices, paper and is fully recyclable. Bottle put in place job coaching sessions. Landscape Chair: “Where art meets nonprofits and key service providers caps are made from recycled raw Recruiters and beauty consultants the living world”. This groundbreak- (including the Paris police headquar- materials and the bottles themselves from the Group’s Maisons offer guid- ing training program guides and ters, Air France and major retailers). are among the lightest 10% on the ance to job seekers and help them supports students who wish to creatively engage with nature and the living world – subjects close to the heart of the House of Dior, itself deeply anchored in the terroirs of Normandy and Grasse (with its villa in Granville, where Monsieur Christian Dior spent his childhood, and the Château de La Colle Noire in Grasse). At the end of the school year, stu- dents will present projects to a jury of experts, which will select the winner of the La Colle Noire Dior Award. market. The Maison took the initiative build self-confidence. The program a step further by offering in-store is aimed at groups that are under- refills of empty bottles and delivery represented in the labor market. by bicycle in certain cities. Acqua di Participants are also made aware of Parma is also donating 100% of prof- the program by the Group’s part- its from online sales of Colonia Futura ners who are active in the fields of on acquadiparma.fr to the hospital education, disability and integration. school at Robert Debré Hospital in Paris. This initiative reflects the Maison’s desire to help support edu- cational programs for hospitalized children. At a glance 2020 Review Continuous innovation and rapid growth in online sales In a sector suffering from the decline in international traveller spend and makeup, LVMH’s major brands chose to be selective in their distribution and, unlike certain competitors, limited promotions and refused to sell indirectly to the Chinese parallel market, which presents major risks to the medium term desirability for brands that follow that route. The Perfumes and Cosmetics brands are showing good resilience resulting from the growth of skincare and online sales, particularly in Asia. Parfums Christian Dior saw a gradual improvement in the second half of the year, underpinned by the success of its new products Miss Dior Rose N’Roses and J’adore Infinissime in perfume, and Rouge Dior in makeup. Guerlain benefited from the remarkably dynamic skincare market, with the continued success of Abeille Royale and Orchidée Impériale. The new skincare brand Fenty Skin, developed by Rihanna, is off to a very promising start. 2021 Outlook In an environment that remains uncertain, LVMH’s Maisons will remain vigilant in light of the economic situation, reaffirm their fundamentals and focus their efforts on their strategic development priorities: innovation, utmost quality in their products, the constant pursuit of excellence and selectivity in distribution, and developing their digital presence. Parfums Christian Dior will maintain its strong innovative momentum across all of its product categories while continuing to expand its global reach and further raise the bar for creativity and excellence. Fragrances will be the focus of particular attention, with the ongoing devel- opment of its iconic lines, combined with a unique customer experience both in stores and online. Building on the Maison’s couture spirit, makeup will undergo a robust innovation program and upmarket strategy. Skincare will continue to make strong advances, with an emphasis on premium lines, particularly in China. Guerlain will expand further internation- ally, in particular by raising its profile in China, Japan, the Middle East, and in travel retail once business activities resume. The Maison will focus on developing its core lines, which will be enriched with bold new creations. Guerlain will showcase its position as a Maison at the forefront of high perfumery and luxury cosmetics by rolling out a new store concept and a more selective distribution strategy. At Parfums Givenchy, Le Soin Noir will return to center stage, while Acqua di Parma will pay tribute to its long-standing expertise in fragrance extraction with the launch of Bergamotto La Spugnatura. Benefit will unveil a number of innovations, including the worldwide launch of They’re Real! Magnet mascara. Fresh will reaffirm its expertise through an even more effective serum. Make Up For Ever will roll out original initiatives, in particular in foundation and the customer experience, both digital and in-store. Maison Francis Kurkdjian will continue to pursue the highly selective growth of its distribution. Perfumes Loewe will expand the distribution of its Home Scents, accompanied by a series of special events. 74 • 75 LVMH 2020 . Perfumes & Cosmetics2 0 2 0 H I G H L I G H T S LVMH’s major Perfumes and Cosmetics brands demonstrated their resilience in a sector affected Parfums Christian Dior showed good resilience, buoyed by its iconic lines and the strength of by the decline in spending by international travelers its innovations, amidst shutdowns and significant and in makeup sales overall, partially offset by stronger slowdowns in its manufacturing and sales activity results for skincare products. All of the Maisons saw for part of the first half of the year. Business improved rapid growth in online sales. Combining rigorous gradually in the second half, with a notable acceleration management with their strong drive for innovation, in the fourth quarter, especially in China, the United they also showed their support in the collective fight States, Japan and the Middle East. The successful against the pandemic. In France in particular, thanks worldwide launches of Miss Dior Rose N’Roses, to a large number of employee volunteers, Parfums the new Infinissime version of J’adore and the new Christian Dior, Guerlain and Parfums Givenchy were Dior Homme, as well as the launch in China of able to adapt the operations of their production units the new Rouge Dior lipstick, all attest to the Maison’s to manufacture large quantities of hand sanitizer, excellence and creativity. The Maison Christian Dior which we donated to hospitals. collection of exceptional fragrances performed very Parfums Christian Dior Guerlain 76 • 77 LVMH 2020 . Perfumes & Cosmeticswell. Other lines built further momentum, particularly notably in China, where the Maison ramped up its the men’s fragrance Sauvage as well as the Forever development and gained market share. The Abeille foundation and its new concealer. Major breakthroughs Royale and Orchidée Impériale lines – firmly in skincare included the January launch of Capture, backed by Guerlain’s commitment to biodiversity which epitomizes the scientific rigor of LVMH’s and sustainable innovation – continued to see research and innovation center as well as the sensory exceptional growth. In fragrances, the Aqua expertise that characterizes its formulas, while Dior Allegoria collection achieved solid gains, as did Prestige, Micro-Lotion de Rose and Micro-Huile de Rose the Maison’s Haute Parfumerie collections, illustrating continued their strong development, particularly in the excellence and creative virtuosity that have built Asia. The Maison saw a considerable uptick in online its renown. In makeup, the exceptional rejuvenating sales, especially in China. A number of digital initiatives foundation Parure Gold held its positions, particularly were pursued, expanding its customer base and in Asia. The year also saw a number of breathtaking offering a unique brand experience. The expansion displays and installations at stores paying tribute of its network of stores in Asia and the Middle East to the Maison, in connection with its Bee Garden helped drive growth in direct sales to customers. Guerlain demonstrated good resilience and strong responsiveness. Skincare turned in excellent results, pop-ups and the year-end holidays. Guerlain’s long-standing “In the Name of Beauty” sustainability program was reaffirmed with the introduction Guerlain of a sustainable design approach and a number of the Maison saw strong momentum in its online sales bee protection initiatives, including Women for Bees, and the successful addition of the Microfilling Pen to a partnership with UNESCO aimed at training women to become beekeepers and developing new beekeeping supply chains at UNESCO’s biosphere reserves around the world. Parfums Givenchy delivered a strong performance in China, thanks in particular to its iconic Prisme Libre line. Its fragrance L’Interdit continued to gain market share in Europe, and especially in France. Benefit was hampered by the limited availability of its services its brow collection, an area in which the brand further consolidated its global leadership position. Fresh actively developed its digital marketing campaigns and its online sales, particularly in China. Its premium Crème Ancienne line proved extremely popular and its Kombucha Facial Treatment Essence continued to enchant customers. Make Up For Ever successfully launched its new Rouge Artist lipstick, co-designed with the Maison’s star makeup artists. Its innovative due to closures of its points of sale. Nevertheless, formula and unique look made it one of the brand’s Parfums Givenchy 78 • 79 LVMH 2020 . Perfumes & CosmeticsMaison Francis Kurkdjian new icons. Fenty Beauty maintained its appeal as a premier makeup brand. Fenty Skin, which launched exclusively online, generated unprecedented buzz during the pandemic. At Parfums Kenzo, the Flower by Kenzo line celebrated its 20th anniversary with was driven by solid momentum in China, the success of its Paula’s Ibiza fragrance and the launch of Home Scents, a collection of home fragrances created with Jonathan Anderson. Acqua di Parma opened new stores in China and launched its first eau de cologne the launch of Poppy Bouquet. The Maison has partnered made with 99% natural ingredients, Colonia Futura. with the Louvre to create floral compositions in The Maison actively supported the fight against the Tuileries Gardens in Paris each spring and summer until 2023. Maison Francis Kurkdjian saw its growth accelerate, due in particular to the success of its new Covid-19 in Italy through its #StayHome campaign. Ole Henriksen expanded its footprint in Europe and the Middle East and added a serum to its flagship fragrance L’Homme À la rose, which upends received notions of masculinity. Perfumes Loewe’s performance Banana Bright line. Acqua di Parma 80 • 81 LVMH 2020 . Perfumes & CosmeticsBvlgari, B.Zero1 Rock LVMH Watches & Jewel r y 2020 TAG Heuer Connected Golf Edition C R E A T I V I T Y A N D I N - D E P T H E X P E R T I S E The LVMH Watches and Jewelry business group is one of the most dynamic players in its sector. It continues to gain market share with a successful strategy that is driven by jewelry Maisons that carry on exceptional creative legacies and expertise, and by leading watchmaking Maisons that are always on the cutting edge of innovation. 2021 will see the arrival of the prestigious American jewelry house Tiffany, which will substantially bolster the business group’s standing in a very dynamic, highly promising market segment. Creativity, brand awareness and in-depth expertise The growth of these Maisons is driven by their creativity. They enrich leading product ranges with well-established designs and identities, such as Bvlgari’s iconic Serpenti range and TAG Heuer and Hublot’s famous Carrera and Big Bang collections. They continually explore new horizons with innovations combining audacity with excellence, as illustrated by TAG Heuer’s next-generation smart- watch. Harnessing expertise is a key priority, which the Maisons address by optimizing their manufacturing processes, implementing synergies and boost- ing their production capacity. Developing brand awareness with target audi- ences and increasing their social media presence are also crucial to gaining new market share. Quality and productivity in retailing Lastly, the business group is focusing on the quality and productivity of its retail networks and on developing its online sales. Multi-brand retailers are selected with great care, making sure the most exacting standards are met. In an equally selective approach, the Maisons also continue to refurbish and open their own directly operated stores in buoyant markets in key cities. 2020 REVENUE BY REGION (in %) Other markets 13% Asia (excl. Jap an) 43% France 4% Europe (excl. France) 20% United States 8% Japan 12% Revenue €3 , 3 5 6 m –23% (1) Prof it f rom recur ring op erations €3 02 m –59% RJC COP diamond cer tific ation (2) 9 9 % Operating investments €2 10m –29% (1) Organic change 2020/2019. (2) Percentage of diamond carats sourced from COP-certified direct suppliers. Major s t r ateg ic pr ior it ies Reinforce our Maisons’ desirability thanks to expert craftsmanship and distribution. Integrate Tiffany. Spur continued growth at Bvlgari and TAG Heuer with innovative products. Optimally develop manufacturing facilities. 84 • 85 LVMH 2020 . Watches & JewelryO U R M A I S O N S T A K E A C T I O N Bvlgari aims for excellence in gold and diamond sourcing Hublot pledges to protect endangered rhinos Bvlgari: Save the Children Beirut Fred and Visières de l’espoir During the first lockdown, Fred got In 2015, Bvlgari became the world’s Two-thirds of the world’s rhinoceros In 2009, Bvlgari decided to get involved with the Visières de l’espoir first jewelry house to source species are at risk of disappearing involved with Save the Children. initiative, which makes 3D-printed exclusively RJC CoC (Responsible during our lifetime, primarily due to Through its custom-designed Save full face shields for hospital health- Jewelry Council Chain of Custo- poaching. Hublot has pledged to the Children jewelry collection, the care workers. Under this initiative, dy)-certified gold, ensuring full combat this irreversible loss for our Maison has so far donated nearly 2,200 units of this vital personal pro- traceability in its supply chain. Going planet by partnering with Kevin $100 million, helping more than tective equipment were delivered to one step further, more than 97% of Pietersen and his platform Save two million children. Through this the AP-HP hospital system. In addi- supplies in 2020 also came from Our Rhino Africa India (SORAI) to major financial support, Bvlgari’s top tion, 20% of profits from the Maison’s recycled sources in accordance protect endangered rhinos. The priority is helping ensure a quality online sales until May 31, 2020 were with RJC specifications. In 2020, the Maison’s pledge is embodied in its education for children around the donated to Visières de l’espoir. Maison also rolled out a sourcing commitment to donate a substantial world. Its other priority areas are policy and procedures in line with proportion of the sales proceeds empowering young people and OECD due diligence requirements from its Big Bang Unico SORAI helping them access employment, for responsible supply chains of directly to Care for Wild to help res- responding to emergencies, and minerals from conflict-affected and cue and rehabilitate orphaned baby fighting poverty. This year, Bvlgari high-risk areas. These cover both rhinos. One hundred people will be also provided support to the non- gold and diamonds. In 2020, more able to participate in Hublot’s initia- profit in its efforts to fight Covid-19. than 99% of the diamonds used by tive by becoming an owner of this In addition, in the aftermath of the the Maison came from RJC-certified timepiece. suppliers, all of which have been audited in accordance with OECD requirements. Beirut explosions, the Maison launched its “B for Beirut” initiative, a large-scale fundraising campaign to help children affected by the situation. $400,000 were donated to help survivors. At a glance 2020 Review Strong rebound in China in the second half of the year Bvlgari was very responsive and quickly capitalized on the strong recovery in China. The Maison maintained a high pace of jewelry innovation with the successful launches of its Serpenti Viper, B.Zero1 Rock and Barocko collections. Chaumet inaugurated its new store at its historic address on Place Vendôme in Paris at the start of 2020 and strengthened its presence in China. In the watch sector, TAG Heuer celebrated its 160th anniversary with several limited editions in the Carrera collection and launched the third generation of its smartwatch in New York. 2021 Outlook To adapt to an environment whose future and pace of improvement are still uncertain, the Maisons will continue their management measures while further accentuating the appeal of their brands. Market developments are being closely monitored and the focus is on extremely rigorous resource allocation. Production and supply levels will remain strictly aligned with demand. The Watches and Jewelry brands will receive highly targeted invest- ments, with a special emphasis on digital, and will continue their programs focused on distribution quality and productivity. Bvlgari will open an expanded and remodeled store on Place Vendôme in Paris, as well as new stores in China, Saudi Arabia, the United States and Russia. TAG Heuer will strengthen its partnership with Porsche and continue the highly selective development of its retail network (particularly in China) with the implementation of its new store concept. Chaumet, Hublot and Fred will also expand their store coverage in China. Chaumet will present its Joséphine & Napoléon exhibition. Lastly, the highlight of 2021 will be the arrival of the prestigious Maison Tiffany, which will substantially bolster the business group’s standing in a very dynamic, highly promising market segment. 86 • 87 LVMH 2020 . Watches & Jewelry2 0 2 0 H I G H L I G H T S Store closures and the suspension of international A number of digital initiatives were developed. travel due to the global public health crisis affected The Maison helped combat the pandemic by donating the Watches and Jewelry businesses. However, hand sanitizer to healthcare facilities in Italy, Switzerland the rebound in China in the second half helped limit and the United Kingdom, and launched the Bvlgari the full-year revenue decline to 23% at constant Virus Free Fund to support Covid-19 vaccine research consolidation scope and exchange rates. In this being done by leading teams at Oxford University, context, the Maisons took measures to reduce costs Rockefeller University and Lazzaro Spallanzani and preserve cash while doing their best to spur Hospital. New designs continued to appear at a rapid demand and develop alternative distribution methods pace, with the B.Zero1 Rock collection adding rings, such as digital channels and direct sales. Watch Week bracelets, pendants and earrings, reflecting the brand’s – an event held by Bvlgari, Hublot, TAG Heuer and bold creativity along with other iconic jewelry models Zenith in Dubai in January – was an excellent launched in the Diva, Fiorever and Bvlgari Bvlgari series. opportunity to present the Maisons’ new collections High jewelry featured the presentation of the Jannah to retailers and the media. Heavily affected by the market downturn starting in mid-March, Bvlgari quickly capitalized on the recovery in China starting in the second quarter. Flower collection in Abu Dhabi and the bold and colorful new Barocko line, reflecting the precious link between the Maison, the city of Rome and the baroque style. Sales held in Beijing and Shanghai Hublot, Big Bang Integral King Gold Bvlgari, Serpenti Viper 88 • 89 LVMH 2020 . Watches & JewelryChaumet, Perspectives high jewelry collection confirmed the design’s major success. The Serpenti collection. The end-of-year sale of a 1969 Heuer Monaco Seduttori Tourbillon, Octo Répétition Minutes and model worn by Steve McQueen fetched the highest the new Bvlgari Aluminium watch designs sparked auction price ever recorded by the Maison. The network a keen interest. As a leading patron, the Maison of directly operated stores was expanded in parallel contributed to the restoration of 96 Greek and Roman with its presence in digital channels, which is being marble statues belonging to the Fondazione Torlonia. actively developed. TAG Heuer’s team of brand A new global marketing campaign was launched, ambassadors and its sports contracts have helped featuring Zendaya, Naomi Watts, Kris Wu and Lily reinforce brand awareness among target customers Aldridge. TAG Heuer showed good resilience thanks to its solid positioning with local customer bases in its main and strengthen its social media presence. 2020 saw TAG Heuer and Porsche join forces in a number of collaborations that will be revealed over the course markets. In March, the third generation of its smartwatch of 2021. Together with Hublot and Zenith, TAG Heuer was launched in New York. Its performance, innovative showed its support in the fight against the pandemic materials, wide range of features and elegance ensured this product’s success, rounded out by a Golf version that was well received by connoisseurs. The Maison’s by donating protective face masks to Swiss hospitals. Hublot’s new additions included the Big Bang Integral, for the first time featuring an integrated metal bracelet, flagship lines were enhanced with the new Carrera and the Spirit of Big Bang Meca-10, whose manufacture chronographs, additions to the Aquaracer and Formula 1 movement offering a 10-day power reserve was adapted collections, and new versions in the iconic Monaco line. to the “barrel” design. The marketing launch of the Big To celebrate its 160th anniversary, the Maison offered Bang e digital model was accompanied by the addition a number of special limited editions in the Carrera of an e-commerce function to the hublot.com website. TAG Heuer Carrera 90 • 91 LVMH 2020 . Watches & JewelryInnovative new models such as the Big Bang Millennial partnerships in the realms of soccer, automobiles Pink and the Big Bang MP-11 Red Magic reflected and golf with current World Number 1 Dustin Johnson. the Maison’s dynamism. After several previous For the 2020/2021 season, Hublot became the official collaborations on different models, Hublot and Berluti timekeeper for the English Premier League, the most pooled their talent for the first time on the iconic Big Bang Unico chronograph. In Japan, which is now the brand’s number-one market, a store was opened popular soccer league in the world. Zenith launched its Time To Reach Your Star marketing campaign and a new website offering online sales. in the Hublot Tower in Tokyo’s Ginza district. To celebrate The Maison enriched its collections with the Defy Hublot’s 40th anniversary, the new #timetoreflect Midnight women’s model, as well as the new Elite and campaign was launched, chronicling the origins the Chronomaster Revival, which celebrates its long of its iconic collections, all its ambassadors who have tradition of watchmaking. A new store was opened become loyal partners, and the Maison’s high-level in Tokyo’s Ginza district. Zenith Chronomaster Revival Shadow Chaumet reopened its Place Vendôme location, unveiling a meticulously restored space, true to the and Harmony series performing especially well. The Perspectives high jewelry collection was presented spirit of the Maison. The new workshops showcase in Monaco and China. In other regions, initiatives the expertise and artistry of its jewelers. To mark the occasion, the Légende de Chaumet collection of 29 medallions was presented, along with Trésors were taken to boost direct and remote sales. Fred expanded its Force 10 line with the creation of Color Crush and launched Chance Infinie, an original, d’Ailleurs, a sparkling combination of gemstones, seductive capsule collection. The Maison ramped up colors and textures in 16 original high jewelry rings. its development in China and expanded its digital After a challenging first quarter, the Maison regained presence. It showed its commitment to the fight strong momentum in China, spurred by the launch against the pandemic by participating in the Visières of a WeChat site offering a wide range of products, de l’Espoir program, which donated face shields with pendants in the Jeux de Liens Mother-of-Pearl to healthcare providers. Chaumet, Joséphine Aigrette head ornament. 92 • 93 LVMH 2020 . Watches & JewelrySephora store by the Opéra Garnier in Paris. LVMH Selec t ive Reta i l i n g 2020 Le Bon Marché Rive Gauche, ame nochi hana exhibition by Nendo. R E I N V E N T I N G T H E C U S T O M E R E X P E R I E N C E With locations all around the world, our Selective Retailing Maisons make sure that customers are the number-one priority for their strategies and their staff. Sephora, DFS and Le Bon Marché are all pioneers in their fields and continue to innovate and imagine the shopping experience of the future for their customers. An increasingly innovative and personalized experience For over half a century, Sephora has been revolutionizing the beauty industry, elevating the shopping experience into a moment of pure pleasure and free- dom, developing new in-store services and hunting out rare finds to add to its unique range of brands and products. Combining the best of in-store and online shopping, Sephora’s omnichannel beauty experience offers an interac- tive, personalized, seamless customer journey. Le Bon Marché is a department store like no other: striking architecture enhanced by tasteful updates; an exclusive, elegant selection of products; and an expansive program of exhibitions all make Le Bon Marché truly unique and a treasure trove for both local and international customers. Our 24S digital platform, which was launched in 2017, also reflects this quest for excellence and aims to offer a whole new online shopping experience. Staying particularly agile DFS – which has been pioneering travel retail since the early days of the air travel boom – constantly updates its boutiques and its T Galleria luxury department stores to continually enhance the traveler’s experience. In addition to its major presence in Asia and in the United States, DFS has started to expand its geographic coverage, opening its first European location in Venice in 2016, to be followed by Paris in 2021. DFS will continue its expansion in the Asia-Pacific region, in particular in China on the island of Hainan. 2020 REVENUE BY REGION (in %) Other markets 15% Asia (excl. Jap an) 27% Jap an 1% France 13% Europe (excl. France) 9% United States 35% Revenue €10, 1 5 5 m –30% (1) Prof it f rom recur ring op erations €(203) m Number of stores 2 ,07 2 +3% Operating investments €4 10 m –38% (1) Organic change 2020/2019. Major s t r ateg ic pr ior it ies Maintain Sephora’s innovative momentum in stores and online. Continue to cultivate a creative, exclusive offering at Le Bon Marché and La Grande Épicerie de Paris. Continue the expansion of DFS and develop digital initiatives to build customer loyalty during their travel experiences. 96 • 97 LVMH 2020 . Selective RetailingO U R M A I S O N S T A K E A C T I O N The changing world of beauty at Sephora Sephora is committed to sustaina- ble, inclusive and innovative beauty La Grande Épicerie de Paris suppor ts its suppliers during the lockdowns Sephora reaffirms its commitment to combating domestic violence in the United States Positive social and environmental impacts through Sephora Stands with its new “Good For” selection Thanks to its status as an essential In 2020, Sephora continued to available at its stores. Products are business, La Grande Épicerie de In 2017, after the death of two of its strengthen its “Sephora Stands” easily identifiable thanks to tags Paris was able to stay open, day in employees, Sephora North America CSR program developed in the corresponding to specific criteria: day out, throughout the lockdowns made a commitment to combat the Americas, Europe, the Middle East – Good For You: Natural formulas that were brought into force in scourge of domestic violence. A year and Asia. Its aim is to generate with at least 90% naturally sourced France. But this would never have later, this commitment gave rise to positive social and environmental ingredients. been possible without the commit- Sephora Cares, part of its broader impacts on Sephora’s employees, – Good For a Better Planet: Sustain- ment and professionalism of the Sephora Stands program, which cov- communities and the planet. It has ably designed packaging and pack- store’s employees. ers all the Maison’s undertakings in three key priorities, including giving aging produced using sustainable The retailer managed to maintain the field of social and environmental back and promoting inclusion. raw materials. the orders placed at its two Paris- responsibility. Sephora Cares takes Sephora has forged ties with more – Good For Vegan: Vegan-friendly based stores, Rive Gauche and action on three levels: raising aware- than 500 local NGOs around the products with no animal-based Rive Droite, with its suppliers – often ness, providing training on how to world, providing them with financial ingredients. small-scale local food producers – help victims, and offering personal- support, involving its employees – Good For Recycling: In addition to and support them during this par- ized support for survivors. Amidst the through volunteering initiatives and perfume bottles, Sephora stores ticularly crucial period. lockdown, where domestic violence mobilizing customers to round up now collect skincare and makeup In addition, to offer some comfort rates have surged, Sephora has reaf- purchase amounts as a donation packaging for recycling or reuse. during this trying time, 4,000 choc- firmed the importance of this strong and buy products that raise funds for olates were donated to the AP HP commitment. hospital system for healthcare providers. good causes. Sephora also organ- izes sales of fundraising products, the proceeds of which are donated to partner nonprofits. At a glance 2020 Review Good resilience at Sephora and strong impact of the suspension of international travel on DFS Sephora demonstrated good resilience during the health crisis, which, nonetheless, lead to the closure of most of its stores for several months. The commitment and agility of its teams have enabled an acceleration of online sales, which reached historic levels in all markets, and the development of services such as Click & Collect and Live Shopping. Sephora has also strengthened its offering with new skincare and hair products. A new partnership has been signed with the American retailer Kohl’s, whose stores are expected to accommodate 200 beauty spaces dedicated to Sephora in 2021. DFS saw a significant decline in its activity in most destinations due to the total suspension of international travel. While Hong Kong continues to feel the impact of the pandemic strongly, Macau saw improved trends in the latter part of the year. New services are being developed for its local customers and online sales have strengthened. 2021 Outlook In 2021, Sephora will accelerate its expansion in key markets, particularly by expanding its physical and digital footprint in China and North America. The strong online momentum will continue in all markets. A new shop-in-shop partnership in the US with the iconic retailer Kohl’s will enable the brand to open 200 exclusive prestige beauty points of sale in 2021. Sephora will continue to delight consumers through exceptional product offer, with its selected brand partners and own brand, as well as excellence of service and advice delivered by expert teams and the best omnichannel experience. The Maison will accelerate its synergies between its physical store network and digital presence with enhanced services and experiences for the client. Corporate Social Responsibility will continue to be a major priority for Sephora, with a very strong focus on clean products, community impact, diversity and inclusion. DFS is expected to benefit from higher tourist numbers in Macao in the first half of the year. For the other destinations that are still closed, the improvement in the public health situation and forecasts on the resumption of air traffic will be closely monitored to effectively prepare for the reopening of stores, in connection with the launch of vaccination programs approved by local authorities. DFS will continue its omnichannel transformation and maintain its expansion plans in the Asia-Pacific region and in China, on the island of Hainan in particular. Postponed due to the pandemic, the grand opening of La Samaritaine in Paris will take place in 2021. Le Bon Marché will rely more than ever on its excellent customer service, its highly creative and exclusive offering, and its unique program of events. Resolutely committed to returning to normal and welcoming back in-store customers, Le Bon Marché will continue to cultivate its distinction and its unique positioning as a trendsetting store and a venue for art and culture. La Grande Épicerie de Paris will continue its initiatives to enhance its appeal and build customer loyalty on both sides of the Seine. 98 • 99 LVMH 2020 . Selective Retailing2 0 2 0 H I G H L I G H T S The Covid-19 pandemic slowed revenue sharply of its teams, Sephora accelerated its online sales, in Selective Retailing for 2020, spurring the Maisons breaking all-time online sales records in all regions. to take the necessary measures to adapt to the situation To enhance client experience, Sephora accelerated and expand their digital offering. With the improvement best practices like Click & Collect, Call & Collect, in the global health situation, they welcomed customers new apps and livestream beauty advice, and set up back to their stores with the unwavering desire partnerships with recognized third parties to offer to offer them the best experience yet, while ensuring services such as payment deferral and same-day their safety and that of their employees. Sephora showed strong resilience in a retail environment heavily impacted by the global health crisis that led delivery. Sephora continued to gain market share in its key regions and confirmed its leadership as the world’s most loved beauty community. This was to the closure of more than 90% of its stores worldwide illustrated in mega-events like China’s Virtual Sephora for more than two months in the first half of the year, Day and the “11/11” day, when Sephora connected and then a second wave of closures in Europe in the with more than one million people on social media. fourth quarter. Thanks to the commitment and agility Importantly, Sephora put great emphasis on Sephora store by the Opéra Garnier in Paris. reopening stores with best-in-class health and safety new Employee Value Proposition and strengthened protocols for its clients and employees. Furthermore, its commitment to the environment through product Sephora continued to expand its long-term “Sephora innovation, with the launch of the “Good For” label Cares” program devoted notably to combating domestic in Europe and Clean@Sephora in North America. violence in the United States, and the employment In an unprecedented context of suspended international of people with disabilities, notably in its distribution centers. Sephora continued to build new and exclusive brands, and accelerated its growth in skincare and travel and months-long store closures at airports and downtown shopping areas, DFS was particularly affected by the public health crisis and its economic hair care categories, including the continued success consequences. Placing top priority on the health and of the “Good for skin.you.all” skincare line. The brand safety of its customers and staff, starting in January was reinforced with the launch in Europe and the Middle the Maison deployed a wide range of resources East of the corporate communication campaign “The to inform and protect them and adapt employees’ Unlimited Power of Beauty” and the opening of a new working hours. Programs were also launched to Paris Opéra flagship store. Sephora also launched its support local communities, aimed at donating food La Grande Épicerie de Paris 100 • 101 LVMH 2020 . Selective Retailingand protective equipment to the most at-risk decision by various countries and authorities in individuals. Several stores have begun gradually the markets it serves to ban cruises and the opening reopening with strict safety measures, as the local of national ports. While closely monitoring public health situation improves. DFS’s two main developments in each country that could lead markets were affected to varying degrees during to the possible resumption of operations, the Maison’s this trying period: Hong Kong, which was already teams reinforced their digital distribution channel, hampered by the drop in tourism in 2019, was much implemented strict new health and safety guidelines more heavily hit by the pandemic; in Macao, on in stores, and enriched their offering with a range the other hand, the closure of DFS’s stores only of innovative products tailored to their specific cruise lasted a few weeks, and there was an improvement in business activity at the end of the year with the return of travelers from mainland China. In Venice, clientele. For Le Bon Marché, 2020 was a truly unprecedented year, closed for nearly three months due to the public the T Fondaco dei Tedeschi showcased local Italian health situation: first from March 16 to May 11, then from craftsmanship when it reopened in July. The Maison October 30 to November 27. Despite these closure resolutely undertook a series of cost-cutting measures periods, the department store on Paris’ left bank and, in order to continue to serve its customers, maintained close ties with its customers by scaling up concentrated on developing new distribution mail-order sales, launching an e-commerce site channels for its local clientele and ramping up its for Christmas shopping and kicking off a holiday online service offering. Starboard Cruise Services gradually suspended its activities during the first quarter, following the edition of its eclectic OFF series of talks, tutorials and concerts filmed in the store and shared on social media. The year was marked by the carte blanche T Fondaco dei Tedeschi, DFS, Venice. given to Japanese design studio Nendo and its upcycling stand, and more. Thanks to its highly founder Oki Sato – set to music in a special evening committed staff, the two sites of La Grande Épicerie concert performed by a philharmonic orchestra right de Paris continued to welcome their customers in the store – and the cheerful, humorous back-to- without interruption and to support their suppliers, school exhibition Once Upon a Time in Belgium. particularly small-scale producers. The Rive Droite New permanent and pop-up spaces also emerged, location in particular saw strong growth. To offer some for a customer experience focused on service and comfort during this trying time, 4,000 chocolates sensation: Octobre Rose (Pink October), l’Atelier were donated to the AP-HP hospital system Maquillage (the Makeup Workshop), la Maison du for healthcare providers. Bien-Être (the House of Well-Being), Atelier Notify’s Sephora store in Shanghai. 102 • 103 LVMH 2020 . Selective RetailingE X P L O R E T H E W O R L D O F O U R M A I S O N S 108 109 110 112 115 116 118 121 124 126 128 130 131 132 134 137 138 140 141 142 144 147 Veuve Clicquot Yayoi Kusama revisits La Grande Dame TAG Heuer Watchmaking craftsmanship + high-tech Dior A virtuoso’s stopover in Shanghai Louis Vuitton Taking the Men’s show on the road Louis Vuitton Sewelô and Sethunya, rare mega-diamonds Guerlain Protecting a natural treasure: Bees Dior Enchantment in Lecce Louis Vuitton A hybrid collection unveiled at La Samaritaine Parfums Christian Dior The Maison goes back to its Provençal roots Loewe Presenting collections in a completely new way Hennessy An explosion of color above the Charente River RIMOWA The new must-have Fendi Listening to the soul of the universe Belmond Dream destinations Celine 20 in 2020 Sephora Digital technology, prestige and emotion Chaumet Splendor restored at 12 Vendôme Berluti Penny loafers with Monnaie de Paris Eminente A new rum is born Fendi “Hand in Hand”: celebrating regional craftsmanship Bvlgari Barocko, a breathtaking tribute Loro Piana Vicuña: Queen of the Andes 106 • 107 LVMH 2020 . Explore the world of our Maisons Reims - France V E U V E C L I C Q U O T Yayoi Ku s a m a rev i s it s La Gr a nde Da me As 2020 drew to a close, iconic Japanese artist Yayoi their destinies are remarkably similar. Both Yayoi Kusama Kusama unveiled an exceptional work of art to celebrate and Madame Clicquot were born into wealthy families, Veuve Clicquot’s latest vintage: La Grande Dame 2012. faced rigid 19th and 20th century class-bound mental- It is not the first time these two exceptional women ities, pushed boundaries and broke with tradition. Both have been brought together. For a charity auction in had the same fierce desire for independence. Tokyo in 2006, Yayoi Kusama gave new life to an original portrait of Madame Clicquot using her famous polka The Japanese artist revisited the bottle and box design for the La Grande Dame 2012 vintage with her signature dot pattern. The dialogue continues between the House polka dot and floral motifs. The result is an exceptional and the artist, reaching a new and inspiring milestone. reinterpretation and a stunning tribute to “La Grande Though more than 150 years separate the two women, Dame of Champagne”. New York - United States T A G H E U E R Watc h m a k i n g c r a f t s m a n s h ip + h igh-tec h New York, March 12, 2020: TAG Heuer unveils its third- generation luxury smartwatch. The Maison, which pio- neered the luxury connected watch when it launched its first smartwatch in 2015, is now accelerating its leadership in the category with this new collection. The TAG Heuer Connected is a unique combination of the refinement and elegance of a chronograph-inspired timepiece with a state-of-the-art digital experience. It is both a multi- functional timepiece – its case is modelled after the TAG Heuer Carrera chronographs – and a truly immersive experience. As part of a dedicated digital ecosystem, it opens up endless possibilities in terms of innovation, allowing optimal fitness tracking for several sports including golf and running. This exceptional timepiece blends the finest watchmaking tradition with state-of- the-art technology. 108 • 109 LVMH 2020 . Explore the world of our MaisonsD I O R A v i r t uoso’s s topover i n Sh a n gh a i After showing in Paris and London, the exhibition Christian Dior: Designer of Dreams stopped over in Shanghai, reinventing itself with a different narrative and exhibit design. The Dior boutique at 30 Avenue Montaigne, weaves its magic as soon as visitors enter, spurring them on to explore 14 themed universes devoted to Dior’s hallmarks and passion for global cultures. The exhibi- tion features flamboyant pieces designed by the Maison’s founder-couturier and his successors. They are set off by a striking selection of photos, including some by Annie Leibovitz, Steven Meisel and Leslie Zhang, which highlight the endless diversity of this rich legacy. In the vitrines, miniature silhouettes in a kaleidoscope of blues to yellows and reds to pinks offer a captivating display of color. This exceptional exhibition takes visitors on a journey into the House of Dior’s prodigious world and breathtaking dreams. Shanghai - China 110 • 111 LVMH 2020 . Explore the world of our MaisonsLouis Vuitton, Men’s Spring/Summer 2021 traveling collection, Tokyo. Paris - Tokyo - Shanghai - Miami L O U I S V U I T T O N Ta k i n g t he Men’s s how on t he road Louis Vuitton took its Spring/Summer 2021 Men’s to “embrace” Louis Vuitton’s global community, creating collection on an international tour, presenting it at an inclusive conversation between the Maison and its events in Paris, Shanghai, Tokyo and Miami. This new roving show format – unveiled gradually, a chapter per audiences and transcending the traditional rules of fashion and seasonality. Dubbed “Message in a Bottle”, port of call – reveals how strongly Virgil Abloh, the the collection also focuses on upcycling, with new looks Maison’s Artistic Director for Menswear, feels about made from existing materials, and repeated looks from diversity, inclusion and unity. The designer uses the trip other collections. L O U I S V U I T T O N S ewelô a nd S et hu ny a , r a re meg a- d i a mond s In February 2020, an astonishing 549-carat rough gem was uncovered by the Maison in collaboration with diamond was unearthed at Botswana’s Karowe Mine. Karowe mine-owner Lucara, and diamond merchant HB The find came less than a year after the historic discov- Antwerp. Each will play a role in transforming the rough ery of Sewelô, the rough diamond that weighed in at stone into a one-of-a-kind jewel for Louis Vuitton’s cus- 1,758 carats. The sumptuous new rock is of exceptional tomers. This collaboration reflects two of the Maison’s purity, shine and color. In a subtle reference to Louis core values – adventure and discovery – and chronicles the Vuitton’s iconic Monogram, it has been named Sethunya, diamond’s journey from its extraction at the Karowe Mine, which means flower in the Setswana language. Like through the expert hands of diamond cutters in Antwerp, Sewelô at the beginning of the year, this second rare to Louis Vuitton’s high jewelry workshop in Paris. Botswana 114 • 115 LVMH 2020 . Explore the world of our MaisonsG U E R L A I N Protec t i n g a n at u r a l t rea s u re: B ees Drawing its inspiration from the natural world, Guerlain has placed nature conservation at the heart of its activ- ities for over 13 years now. The Maison is literally buzzing with initiatives to protect one of its most precious treasures: Bees. Since alighting on the Eau de Cologne Impériale bottle designed for Empress Eugénie in 1853, Bees – which symbolize Guerlain – have soared from one creation to the next. And the need to protect them is a starkly self-evident responsibility. Guerlain has created several meaningful partnerships to protect this sentry of the environment. The Maison has lent its ongoing sup- port to research efforts at the Association Conservatoire de l’Abeille Noire Bretonne on the Island of Ushant since 2011 and, since 2015, has also helped the French Apidology Observatory (OFA) promote the singularly invaluable occupation of beekeeper. In 2020, it launched a collaboration with the UNESCO-MAB program and the OFA, which will train women beekeepers and measure the benefits of pollination in biosphere reserves. It also teamed up with the GoodPlanet Foundation in 2020 to raise awareness among young people of the importance of protecting bees. Ouessant - France 116 • 117 LVMH 2020 . Explore the world of our MaisonsDior, 2021 Cruise show, Lecce. Lecce - Italy D I O R Enc h a nt ment i n Lecce Set in Lecce’s emblematic Piazza del Duomo, the 2021 installations this region of Italy is famed for, reinter- Croisière fashion show on July 22, 2020 was a magically preted for the occasion by Marinella Senatore. The show poetic spectacle. Its captivating décor was the fruit of a very special collaboration between the worlds of was a collaborative effort, blending Dior’s legacy with the traditions and crafts of Puglia, a region dear to Maria fashion, traditional craftsmanship and engaged con- Grazia Chiuri’s heart. She joined forces with several temporary art. The models’ silhouettes lit up under the local artists to create the fashion show: a real declara- mesmerizing lights of the Luminarie, the fairytale light tion of love to this region and its traditions. L O U I S V U I T T O N A hybr id col lec t ion u nvei led at La S a m a r it a i ne Louis Vuitton chose Paris’ iconic landmark La Samaritaine as the venue for its Women’s Spring/Summer 2021 run- way show. This season, the Maison’s Creative Director of Womenswear, Nicolas Ghesquière, ventured into a territory where gender is fluid and creative possibilities are endless. The resulting collection is at once energetic, bold, and neutral. Paris - France 120 • 121 LVMH 2020 . Explore the world of our MaisonsLouis Vuitton, Women’s Spring/Summer 2021 Show, La Samaritaine. Grasse - France P A R F U M S C H R I S T I A N D I O R The Ma i s on goes b ac k to it s Provenç a l root s Centifolia Rose, Jasmine Grandiflorum, Neroli Pays and Tuberose… are the evocative names of the exceptional flowers grown in Grasse, Southern France, that make up the radiant heart of Dior’s perfumes. The Maison formed its first exclusive partnership with perfume flower farmer Carole Biancalana of the Domaine de Manon in 2006. Other partnerships ensued with the young generation of growers who followed in her footsteps. Thanks to these enduring ties, Parfums Dior has played a key role in redynamising this terroir, and has also gone back to its own Provençal roots in the Château de La Colle Noire and the Bastide des Fontaines Parfumées where the Dior fragrances are created. They include the new J’adore Eau de Parfum Infinissime by François Demachy, which features the Grasse Tuberose as its key ingredient. Through its exclusive partnerships with flower farms, Dior reintroduced this legendary flower, which had dis- appeared from the region because it was so costly and difficult to cultivate. The Maison takes quality to the highest level, choosing the lengthy, painstaking arti- sanal technique of enfleurage to capture the flower’s sensual notes as faithfully as possible. It is through this age-old extraction procedure, which is only used for the Tuberose in Grasse, that it is able to obtain the full intensity of the precious fragrance that unfolds in the bouquet of J’adore Eau de Parfum Infinissime. 124 • 125 LVMH 2020 . Explore the world of our MaisonsL O E W E Pres ent i n g col lec t ion s i n a completely new w ay This year Loewe’s Creative Director Jonathan Anderson presented in a box containing a set of elements to be redefined the possibilities of what a runway show could assembled in life-size on a wall. These elements be: using the restrictions of Covid-19 as his framework, included posters of the looks and accessories plus a he pioneered the Show-in-a-Box concept. This format set of tools to apply wallpaper designed by artist invited the recipients to become part of the show Anthea Hamilton. Magnified in all its theatricality, the experience, delighting all who received it and many collection itself was described by Anderson as a story more who experienced it online. The Women’s SS21 of dramatic silhouettes exploring the skilled craft of collection followed this format as a Show-on-the-Wall, pattern making. Online - All over the world Cognac - France H E N N E S S Y A n ex plos ion of color ab ove t he Ch a rente R iver World-renowned Chinese artist Cai Guo-Qiang staged an exceptional daytime fireworks show from the Hennessy quays in Cognac to celebrate the universal values of hope, perseverance, and optimism. Inspired by Hennessy’s rich history, Cai Guo-Qiang composed an ephemeral artistic masterpiece that was performed and live-streamed worldwide on September 25, 2020. The spectacle, which he designed like a play in three acts, was ablaze with drama, magic, color, and emotion, as multi-colored fireworks were launched from oak barrels floating on the Charente River. Only nontoxic, low-smoke, CE-certified materials were used, reflecting both the artist’s and the Maison’s commitment to the environment. This landmark artistic event coincided with Hennessy X.O’s 150th anniversary and heralded a new chapter in the iconic blend’s history. 128 • 129 LVMH 2020 . Explore the world of our MaisonsCologne - Germany R I M O W A The new mu s t-h ave RIMOWA’s brand-new RIMOWA Personal collection polycarbonate, this unisex, hard-shell cross-body hand- was unveiled to mark the twentieth anniversary of its bag is just the right size for everyday essentials. With very first polycarbonate suitcase – an innovation that its detachable, adjustable leather strap, it can be worn continues to take the industry by storm. Available in on the shoulder or carried like a clutch. Great care has the latest polycarbonate Essential collection colors, the RIMOWA Personal collection signals a shift from travel gone into every detail, from its straps and leather lining to its metal features in silver or gunmetal. The launch of into lifestyle and was first unveiled on the Dior Men’s the RIMOWA Personal collection heralds an unprece- Spring/Summer 2020 runway. Made in Germany and dented phase for this product and its addition to the crafted for the first time in ultra-light, dent-resistant Maison’s core range of travel and everyday accessories. F E N D I Li s ten i n g to t he s ou l of t he u n ivers e Fendi took its Anima Mundi (Soul of the Universe) con- cert series to Rome for a unique tribute to the Maison’s roots, to Italian excellence, and to the profound sense of togetherness inspired by the philosophical concept of the “soul of the universe”. At the Palazzo della Civiltà Italiana, the Maison’s headquarters in the Eternal City, solo violinist Anna Tifu, accompanied by the symphonic orchestra of the Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia, performed the three movements of Vivaldi’s Four Seasons “Summer” concerto. Rome - Italy 130 • 131 LVMH 2020 . Explore the world of our MaisonsCap Juluca - Anguilla B E L M O N D Drea m des t i n at ion s Since the acquisition of Hotel Cipriani in Venice 45 years ago, Belmond has been a pioneer in luxury travel, offering one-of-a-kind experiences in some of the world’s most inspiring locations. Its portfolio extends across 24 coun- tries with 46 remarkable properties spanning hotels, trains, boats and safaris. Since joining the LVMH Group in 2019, Belmond has further reinforced its position as the world’s most desirable luxury travel brand. From 2020, the Maison has continued to perpetuate the legendary art of travel with its renewed long-term strategy to safe- guard its precious assets for future generations. Despite a challenging year that saw travel come to a halt and temporary closures of its properties, Belmond forged ahead with sensitive restoration projects of the Grand Suites aboard the iconic Venice Simplon-Orient-Express and a major renovation of Splendido Mare in Portofino. Around the world, its properties joined forces with local charities to help communities prevent the spread of the virus. Determined to keep travel dreams alive, Belmond turned its digital platforms to provide an ave- nue of escapism, offering at-home virtual entertainment such as concerts, culinary workshops and meditation classes. With an eye on the future, the Maison continued to recognize its responsibility to nurture the creative talent and specialist skills on which its industry depends, and was once again proud to support New Designers, London’s largest graduate design show. Belmond awarded two young graduates with a unique opportunity to design and produce a bespoke product for its Afloat in France that is due to complete the renovation in 2021. 132 • 133 LVMH 2020 . Explore the world of our MaisonsC E L I N E 20 i n 2020 Since his arrival at the Maison, Hedi Slimane has reinter- inspiration: 20 in 2020. Slimane sought to evoke how preted Celine’s wardrobe and signature looks season the look and feel of fashion have evolved among after season, distilling his vision of an intrinsically and cul- today’s youth faced with an uncertain future: the urge turally French fashion house, and revisiting the ineffable and the desire to seize the day, to make one’s mark spirit of Parisian couture. against all odds, and to witness the emergence of new To present Celine’s Summer 2021 Women’s collection, codes. Celine’s hallmarks were transposed into a new the Maison’s Artistic, Creative and Image Director visual language; a new attitude; a nonchalant, sporty chose to hold the show outside, with models walking look infused with an athletic aesthetic. around the Louis II Stadium in Monaco, by the sea. The Monaco Online - All over the world S E P H O R A Dig it a l tec h nolog y, pres t ige a nd emot ion Across the world, Sephora strives to offer its customers of today’s customers, the Maison is forging partner- a seamless, enriched omnichannel journey. It actively ships with logistics and last-mile specialists so it can seeks to provide the full emotion-led, relationship- and offer same-day home deliveries. In China, Sephora is at advice-based experience that has made its in-store the forefront of the digital ecosystem, trailblazing the reputation. During the first Spring lockdown, which omnichannel experience of the future. In April 2020, forced it to close most of its stores, the Maison innovated by offering customers live video consultations with its Sephora China notably launched Sephora Virtual Day, an exclusive digital event where more than a million beauty advisors. This initiative has been so successful it customers could remotely discover new products by is now being tested in several countries for long-term 43 global brands. Step by step, the Maison continues to roll-out. To meet the increasingly sophisticated needs shape the beauty experience of tomorrow... 136 • 137 LVMH 2020 . Explore the world of our MaisonsC H A U M E T Splendor res tored at 1 2 Vendôme Chaumet reopened its recently refurbished, historic tography lab – to record each creation. This historic hôtel particulier in central Paris to celebrate 240 years address is still the Maison’s beating heart, and is now of youth and modernity, refreshed year after year with used to welcome customers, preserve and promote the creation of remarkable jewels. culture, and foster creativity. Even before it became known as Chaumet, the Maison The building has been restored to all its former grandeur was the first jeweler on Place Vendôme, where it opened and glory by interior designer Patricia Grosdemange. a store at No. 15, now the Ritz Paris, in 1812. In 1907, Within the walls of 12 Vendôme, past and present now Joseph Chaumet moved his Maison to No. 12, where he combine to offer visitors a uniquely warm, welcoming could house the boutique, the workshop and a pho- experience. Paris - France 138 • 139 LVMH 2020 . Explore the world of our MaisonsParis - France B E R L U T I Pen ny loa fers w it h Mon n a ie de Pa r i s The year 2020 coincided with Berluti’s 125th anniver- striking coins and medals since the year 864, created a sary and the Maison celebrated by reinterpreting the one-of-a-kind penny embossed with the Berluti coat of emblematic Andy moccasins in a collaboration with arms and slightly curved for a perfect fit. Monnaie de Paris. To complete the collection which features four versions It revisited this iconic shoe, crafted by Olga Berluti for of the coin, Monnaie de Paris struck a selection of gold Andy Warhol in 1962, and created authentic penny loafers – so-called because of the coin English students and silver coins. They are available in three sizes and pay tribute to much-cherished Berluti hallmarks: the used to slip into the half-moon strap across the top of Scritto motif, the Signature canvas monogram, the their moccasins. France’s mint, Monnaie de Paris, which Maison’s seal and its logo, shoemaker’s nails and the is located on the banks of the River Seine and has been Andy moccasin footprint. Cuba - Isla del Cocodrilo E M I N E N T E A new r u m i s b or n Eminente, Moët Hennessy’s new premium rum, hails from the heart of lush-green Cuba, an island locals call “Isla del Cocodrilo”, whose unusual shape resembles that of its native crocodile. Launched in August 2020, Eminente is a rich and full-bodied rum that draws its inspiration from 19th-century Cuban sugarcane eaux-de-vie. Its sublime blend is the expert work of César Martí, Cuba’s youngest Maestro Ronero, or Rum Master. 140 • 141 LVMH 2020 . Explore the world of our MaisonsVenice - Italy F E N D I “ Ha nd i n Ha nd ”: celebr at i n g reg ion a l c r a f t s m a n s h ip Fendi’s “Hand in Hand” initiative honors the ancestral skills of Italy’s craftspeople. It kicked off this unprece- dented partnership with artisans in all the country’s regions – from Tuscany and Puglia to the island of Sardinia – by inviting them to reinterpret the iconic Baguette bag, designed in 1997 by the Maison’s Artistic Director, Silvia Venturini Fendi. Through these collaborations, the Maison celebrates its enduring indebtedness to centuries-old Italian craftsmanship and helps to promote and preserve these age-old skills. The Maison explored every corner of Italy, seeking out the unique creative potential of each region. In Tuscany, for example, it collaborated with the Peroni workshop which has been using a time-honored Florentine technique to manufacture small leather goods in typical vegetable-tanned leather since 1956. In Veneto, “Hand in Hand” delved into the archives of the ancient Jacquard weaving house of Luigi Bevilacqua. In Umbria, it honored the city of Perugia’s sumptuous hand-woven fabrics in another collabora- tion with the Giuditta Brozzetti workshop which has been reproducing their decorative, historical designs since 1921. 142 • 143 LVMH 2020 . Explore the world of our MaisonsBvlgari, Barocko high jewelry collection. Rome - Italy B V L G A R I B a roc ko, a breat ht a k i n g t r ibu te In Rome, Bvlgari unveiled its Barocko High Jewelry col- ping pear-shaped rubellite. The result is a stunning cre- lection, immortalizing the iconoclastic spirit of the ation of absolute beauty. Lady Arabesque, for its part, baroque era and the rock attitude of the 1970s. The captures the unfettered creativity of baroque style with collection weaves a bold, colorful and treasured bond its astonishingly intricate design and spectacular com- between the Maison, the Eternal City and the baroque style. It revisits Bvlgari’s iconic 1970s sautoir, Lady bination of signature gemstones. Another necklace in the collection, the one-of-a-kind Cabochon Exuberance, Rubellite, giving it a contemporary design by irrever- is a daring hymn to life with its striking ornamental design ently combining pearls – the ultimate baroque luxury inspired by Rome’s Farnese Gardens. Tens of thousands and a symbol of timeless elegance – with a showstop- of passionate and creative craftsmanship hours. Andes mountain range - Peru L O R O P I A N A Vicuña: Queen of the Andes Seen as a sacred creature by the Incas, the vicuña that respect animal well-being and ancestral traditions. was once at risk of disappearing forever from its native Each year, hundreds of people gather on the mountain highlands of the Andes. Centuries of poaching deci- plateaus to take part in the Chaccu shearing ritual, which mated its population from 3 million in pre-Columbian features traditional dances and chants, carrying on times to just 5,000 in 1960. This cousin of the alpaca, centuries of heritage with the utmost respect for this with its incredibly soft, golden fleece, was saved from exceptional gift of nature. In 2008, Loro Piana created extinction thanks to the creation of the first vicuña the Franco Loro Piana reserve, Peru’s first private nature reserve by the Peruvian government, followed by con- reserve, spanning 2,500 hectares, where the vicuña pop- servation efforts made by Loro Piana in the 1990s. ulation quadrupled in ten years. The company recently Leading an international consortium, the Maison built up pursued a new project in Peru in collaboration with local a partnership with communities in the Andes and still workers to build canals and reservoirs to gather rainwater today benefits from this special relationship in purchasing during the wettest months of the year, guaranteeing a the fiber of vicuñas raised and shorn under conditions better water supply to the animals and their territory. 146 • 147 LVMH 2020 . Explore the world of our MaisonsP E R F O R M A N C E M E A S U R E S U S E F U L I N F O R M A T I O N F O R S H A R E H O L D E R S SHA R EHOLDER S’ C LU B IN FOR MAT ION A BOU T LV M H SHA R ES The LVMH Shareholders’ Club was set up in 1994 to give individual shareholders who are particularly interested in the life of the Group a better understanding of LVMH, its businesses and its brands. Any shareholder holding at least one LVMH share which is listed on the Paris Market, Listed on: Eurolist by Euronext Paris Stock market capitalization: €257.9 bn as of 12/31/2020 (the largest capitalization on the Paris stock market) Number of shares: 504,757,339 as of 12/31/2020 Member of indices: CAC 40, Dow Jones Euro can become a LVMH Shareholders’ Club member. Stoxx 50, MSCI Europe, FTSE Eurotop 100, Global LAT EST N EWS A BOU T OU R M A ISONS We send Club members several publications, such as the Annual Report, the Letter to Shareholders and the annual issue of Apartés, our Club magazine. V ISITS TO EXC EPT IONA L SIT ES Club members can visit exceptional sites where they receive an especially warm welcome: from Hennessy’s centuries’ old cellars to the magnificent crayères at Veuve Clicquot. They also get the opportunity to discover our Maisons at unique locations such as the Louis Vuitton workshops in Asnières. The Club’s private tours have been temporarily put on hold due to the current situation, but in the meantime, the “LVMH Comes to You!” program offers a number of live virtual visits, available from the Dow and FTSE4Good. SHA R EHOLDER ST RUCT U R E (1) (November 2020) French institutional investors 7.9% Individuals 4.8% Foreign institutional investors 39.6% Arnault family group 47.5% Treasury stock 0.2% comfort of your home. (1) Voting rights: Arnault family group 63.4%; Other 36.6%. EXC LUSI V E OF F ER S FOR T H E GROU P’ S PRODUC TS In addition to special offers on a selection of the Group’s AGEN DA wines and spirits, for delivery in France only, Club members can purchase discounted subscriptions to Group media Tuesday, January 26, 2021: 2020 annual revenue and results April 2021: 2021 first-quarter revenue publications – Les Echos, Investir and Connaissance des Thursday, April 15, 2021: Shareholders’ Meeting Arts – and order priority-access tickets for the Fondation Thursday, April 22, 2021: Payment of the final dividend for Louis Vuitton. fiscal year 2020 A W EB SIT E DEDICAT ED TO C LU B M EM BER S The detailed program of the Club’s visits, as well as the exclusive offer of Wines and Spirits, subscriptions to the Group’s newspapers and magazines and tickets to the Fondation Louis Vuitton are available via the Club’s July 2021: 2021 half-year revenue and results October 2021: 2021 third-quarter revenue CON TACTS Investor and Shareholder Relations website at www.clublvmh-actionnaires.fr/en. This private Tel.: +33 (0)1 44 13 27 27 online space, dedicated to Club members, can be Shareholders’ Club accessed once they have created their account. Tel.: +33 (0)1 44 13 21 50 S T O C K M A R K E T P E R F O R M A N C E M E A S U R E S LVMH STOCK MARKET DATA (in euros) 2018 2019 2020 CHANGE IN THE DIVIDEND (in euros) 2018 2019 2020 High (mid-session) 313.70 419.50 Low (mid-session) 232.50 243.65 Year-end share price 258.20 414.20 Change during the year (%) +5% +60% Change in the CAC 40 (%) -11% +26% Market capitalization at Dec. 31 (EUR bn) 130.0 208.0 517.20 278.70 510.90 +23% –7% 257.9 Gross dividend 6.00 4.80(1) 6.00(2) Change for the year +20% –20% +25% Payout ratio Basic Group share of net earnings per share 47% 12.64 34% 14.25 64% 9.33 (1) Proposed by LVMH’s Board of Directors at its meeting on April 15, 2020, during which it assessed the economic situation resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic and, in light of current events and governmental recommendations, decided to propose a 30% reduction in the dividend with respect to the amount initially announced on January 28, 2020, and approved at the Shareholders’ Meeting on June 30, 2020. (2) To be proposed at the Shareholders’ Meeting on April 15, 2021. COMPARISON BETWEEN THE LVMH SHARE PRICE AND THE CAC 40 INDEX SINCE JANUARY 2, 2018 (in euros) 525 500 475 450 425 400 375 350 325 300 275 250 225 200 175 150 125 100 8,000,000 7,000,000 6,000,000 5,000,000 4,000,000 3,000,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 FJDNOSAJJMAMFJ M A M 2018 OSAJ J 2019 DN JJMAMFJ 2020 A DNOS 0 LVMH CAC 40 rebased Volume of transactions (right-hand scale) 2020 was a year like no other for stock markets, with the unprecedented public health crisis that struck most countries around the world. The various lockdown measures adopted by governments led to whole swathes of the economy being brought to a sudden halt, causing all stock exchanges to plummet in March-April. The rapid implementation of massive support measures by governments and central banks, followed by the gradual slowdown in the spread of the virus, nevertheless allowed markets to recover somewhat in the spring. After a wait-and-see period, investors enthusiastically welcomed the November announcement of vaccines that were found to be effective against the virus, enabling a substantial rebound. In a calmer market environment, also relieved of the uncertainty surrounding the US elections, the main indices ended the year with only slight losses, or even gains in some cases. The CAC 40 and Euro Stoxx 50 indices finished 2020 down 7.14% and 5.14%, respectively. The LVMH closing share price ended the year up 23%, at €510.90, after having reached a new record high toward the end of the year. LVMH’s market capitalization was €258 billion as of December 31, making it the largest company on the Paris stock exchange. 150 • 151 LVMH 2020 . Performance measuresF I N A N C I A L P E R F O R M A N C E M E A S U R E S 2020 REVENUE BY REGION (in %) STORES (number) 4,915 5,003 4,592 Other markets 11% Asia (excl. Japan ) 34% Japan 7% France 8% Europe (excl. France) 16% United States 24% REVENUE (EUR millions) 53,670 46,826 44,651 2018 2019 2020 PROFIT FROM RECURRING OPERATIONS (EUR millions) 11,504 10,003 8,305 2018 2019 2020 2018 2019 2020 REVENUE BY BUSINESS GROUP (EUR millions) PROFIT FROM RECURRING OPERATIONS BY BUSINESS GROUP (EUR millions) Wines & Spirits 2020 4,755 Fashion & Leather Goods 21,207 Perfumes & Cosmetics Watches & Jewelry Selective Retailing Other activities and eliminations 5,248 3,356 10,155 Change 2020/2019 Organic change(1) –15% –5% –23% –24% –31% –14% –3% –22% –23% –30% (70) – – Wines & Spirits Fashion & Leather Goods Perfumes & Cosmetics Watches & Jewelry Selective Retailing Other activities and eliminations 2020 1,388 7,188 80 302 (203) (450) Change 2020/2019 Operating margin(1) –20% –2% –88% –59% – – 29.2% 33.9% 1 . 5% 9.0% (2.0%) – TOTAL LVMH 44,651 –17% –16% TOTAL LVMH 8,305 –28% 18.6% (1) At comparable structure and exchange rates. For 2020, the currency effect was -1%, and the structural impact was almost zero. (1) As % of revenue of each business group. NET PROFIT, GROUP SHARE (EUR millions) 7, 171 6, 354 4,702 OPERATING INVESTMENTS (EUR millions) 3,294 3,038 2,478 2018 2019 2020 2018 2019 2020 FREE CASH FLOW (EUR millions) 6, 167 6,117 5,452 SIMPLIFIED BALANCE SHEET AS OF 12/31/2020 (EUR billions and % of balance sheet total) 108.7 108.7 63% N o n - c u r r e n t a s s e t s 36% E q u i t y 12% Inv e n t o r i e s 25% O t h e r c u r r e n t a s s e t s 41% N o n - c u r r e n t l i a b i l i t i e s 23% C u r r e n t l i a b i l i t i e s 2018 2019 2020 Assets Liabilities and equity EQUITY AND RATIO OF NET FINANCIAL DEBT TO EQUITY (EUR millions and %) 38,365 38,829 33,957 16%(1) 16% 11% 2018 2019 2020 (1) Belmond shares deducted from net debt (€274 million). NET FINANCIAL DEBT(1) (EUR millions) 6,206 5,487(1) 4,241 2018 2019 2020 Further information can be found in the 2020 Universal Registration Document. 152 • 153 LVMH 2020 . Performance measuresN O N - F I N A N C I A L P E R F O R M A N C E M E A S U R E S BREAKDOWN OF EMISSIONS BY BUSINESS GROUP (in metric tons of CO₂ equivalent) ENERGY CONSUMPTION BY BUSINESS GROUP (in MWh) CO2 emissions in 2019 CO2 emissions in 2020 pro forma(1) Change(1) (in %) 2019 2020 pro forma(1) Change(1) (in %) Wines & Spirits Fashion & Leather Goods Perfumes & Cosmetics Watches & Jewelry Selective Retailing Other activities TOTAL 40,893 33,796 113,314 100,759 –17% –11% –4% 12,971 7,257 12,501 6,128 –16% 72,643 56,866 –22% 3,340 2,810 –16% 250,418 212,860 –15%(2) (1) Value and change at constant scope. (2) Approximately 10% of the reduction was related to the impact of the public health crisis and store closures. Wines & Spirits Fashion & Leather Goods Perfumes & Cosmetics Watches & Jewelry Selective Retailing Other activities TOTAL 223,395 214,226 394,620 356,003 93,923 90,419 40,726 35,405 286,142 232,281 21,086 18,319 –4% –10% –4% –13% –19% –13% 1,059,892 946,653 –11%(2) (1) Value and change at constant scope. (2) Approximately 10% of the reduction was related to the impact of the public health crisis and store closures. The Wines and Spirits and the Perfumes and Cosmetics business groups were not affected to the same extent because they operate fewer stores. WATER CONSUMPTION BY BUSINESS GROUP (process requirements in m3) WEIGHT OF PACKAGING THAT REACHES CUSTOMERS BY BUSINESS GROUP (in metric tons) 2019 2020 pro forma (1) Change(1) (in %) 1,247,673 1,068,162 1,918,215 1,392,806 –14% –27% 194,720 196,169 +1%(2) 75,955 62,203 306,062 229,211 –18% –25% 184,408 190,449 +3%(3) Wines & Spirits Fashion & Leather Goods Perfumes & Cosmetics Watches & Jewelry Selective Retailing Other activities 13,375 12,871 2019 181,319 31,115 4,416 6,375 2 2020 pro forma(1) Change(1) (in %) 141,224 23,163 3,121 4,541 –22% –4% –26% –29% – 1 –50% Wines & Spirits Fashion & Leather Goods Perfumes & Cosmetics Watches & Jewelry Selective Retailing Other activities TOTAL 3,927,034 3,139,000 –20% TOTAL 236,602 184,921 –22%(2) (1) Value and change at constant scope. (2) Change related to the installation of new equipment at a site. (3) Change related to measurement adjustments at a site. (1) Value and change at constant scope. (2) Change related to the decline in business activity and the impact of sustainable packaging design. BREAKDOWN BY BUSINESS GROUP (as of December 31, 2020) BREAKDOWN BY REGION (as of December 31, 2020) Wines & Spirits Fashion & Leather Goods Perfumes & Cosmetics Watches & jewelry Selective Retailing Other activities 2020(1) 7,530 53,002 28,017 9,078 43,741 9,111 As % of total % women(2) As % of total % women(2) France Europe (excl. France) United States Japan Asia (excl. Japan) Other markets 2020(1) 32,813 37,693 24,749 7,012 35,382 12,830 38% 67% 82% 59% 83% 38% 71% TOTAL 150,479 100% (1) Total permanent and fixed-term headcount. (2) Under permanent contracts. 22% 25% 16% 5% 23% 9% 64% 71% 75% 73% 76% 67% 71% TOTAL 150,479 100% (1) Total permanent and fixed-term headcount. (2) Under permanent contracts. BREAKDOWN OF PERSONNEL BY PROFESSIONAL CATEGORY (as of December 31, 2020) AVERAGE LENGTH OF SERVICE AND BREAKDOWN BY LENGTH OF SERVICE (as of December 31, 2020) As % of total % women(2) As % of global workforce 2020(1) 32,713 14,575 79,059 24,132 Executives and managers Technicians and supervisors Administrative and sales staff Production workers TOTAL 150,479 100% (1) Total permanent and fixed-term headcount (2) Under permanent contracts. 64% 66% 79% 57% 71% Length of service: Less than 5 years 5 - 9 years 10 - 14 years 15 - 19 years 20 - 24 years 25 - 29 years 30 years and up TOTAL Average length of service 58% 19% 10% 5% 4% 2% 2% 100% 7 years 5% 35% 19% 6% 29% 6% 22% 9% 53% 16% Further information can be found in the 2020 Universal Registration Document. 154 • 155 LVMH 2020 . Performance measuresPhotographs Cover, p. 4, 10: Louis Vuitton Malletier, Viviane Sassen – p. 6: Jamel Toppin – p. 12, 15: Jean-François Robert – p. 13: Tiffany & Co. – p. 17: Laure Sée – p. 18: Dior, Sarah Blais – p. 22: Parfums Christian Dior, Christophe Pelletier – p. 27, 29, 30: Boby Allin – p. 28: Christian Dior Couture, DR – p. 34, 72, 125: Parfums Christian Dior – p. 38: Fondation Louis Vuitton © Gehry Partners, LLP and Frank O. Gehry © Iwan Baan 2014 – p. 40: © C2RMF/Alexis Komenda – p. 41: Fondation Louis Vuitton © 2018 Cindy Sherman @ Courtesy of the artist and Metro Pictures, New York – p. 42, 147: Loro Piana – p. 46: Château d’Yquem, G. Uféras – p. 48: Hennessy – p. 50, 62, 74, 86, 98: Annabel Briens – p. 52: Dom Pérignon – p. 53: Château d’Esclans – p. 54, 108: Veuve Clicquot, Yayoi Kusama – p. 55: Ruinart – p. 56: Glenmorangie, DDB 2020 – p. 57: Krug, Zoë Ghertner – p. 58: Louis Vuitton Malletier, Giovanni Giannoni – p. 60: Dior, Brigitte Niedermair – p. 64: Louis Vuitton, Steven Meisel – p. 65, 131, 142, 143: Fendi – p. 66: Dior, Adrien Dirand – p. 67, 134-136: Celine, Hedi Slimane – p. 68: Loro Piana, Jamie Hawkesworth – p. 69, 126, 127: Loewe – p. 70: Parfums Christian Dior, Jérôme Galland – p. 76: Parfums Christian Dior, Florian Joye – p. 77: Guerlain, Koichiro Doi – p. 78: Guerlain, Florian Joye – p. 79: Parfums Givenchy, Guido Mocafico – p. 80: Maison Francis Kurkdjian – p. 81: Acqua di Parma – p. 82, 89, 146: Bvlgari – p. 84, 91, 109: TAG Heuer – p. 88: Hublot – p. 90, 138, 139: Chaumet – p. 92: Zenith – p. 93: Chaumet, Fred Meylan – p. 94, 100: Sephora – p. 96: Le Bon Marché Rive Gauche, Nendo – p. 101: La Grande Épicerie, Laurent Fau – p. 102: DFS – p. 103, 137: Sephora China – p. 110, 111: Dior, Dirk Weiblen – p. 121: Louis Vuitton Malletier, Alessandro Garofalo – p. 112: Louis Vuitton Malletier – p. 114: Louis Vuitton Malletier, Xiaoki Ka – p. 115: Louis Vuitton, Philippe Lacombe – p. 116: Guerlain, Pierrick Jégou – p. 118: Dior, Antonio Maria Fantetti – p. 120: Dior, Lean Lui – p. 122: Louis Vuitton Malletier, Grégoire Vieille – p. 128: Hennessy, Simon Cassanas_Filmography – p. 130: RIMOWA, Anthony Seklaoui – p. 133: Belmond – p. 140: Berluti – p. 141: Eminente – p. 144: Bvlgari, Thomas Lohr – Other photographs: LVMH and Group Maisons’ libraries. This product is made of material from well-managed FSC® -certified forests and from recycled materials. LVMH – 22, avenue Montaigne – 75008 Paris – France Tel.: 33 (0)1 44 13 22 22 – www.lvmh.com : n o i t c u d o r p d n a n g i s e D : n o i t c u d o r p d n a n g i s e D
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