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About this report
Reporting suite
FY18 key highlights
Letter to securityholders
Things that are shaping our world
Our business:
Office & Industrial
Our people
Our new sustainability strategy
Financial report
Directors’ declaration
Independent auditor’s report
Securityholders information
Directory/Events calendar
NO 1
World’s most
real estate
company 1
1. Mirvac was ranked the world’s most sustainable real estate company by the Dow Jones Sustainability Index in 2017.
Mirvac Group
FY18 Annual Report
About this report
About this report
The FY18 Annual Report is a consolidated
summary of the Group’s operations,
performance and financial position for the
year ended 30 June 2018. In this report,
unless otherwise stated, references to ‘Mirvac’,
‘the Group’, ‘company’, ‘parent entity’, ‘we’,
‘us’ and ‘our’ refer to Mirvac Limited and its
controlled entities as a whole. Mirvac Limited
also includes Mirvac Property Trust and its
controlled entities. References in this report
to a ‘year’ relate to the financial year ended
30 June 2018. All dollar figures are expressed
in Australian dollars (AUD) unless otherwise
stated. The consolidated financial statements
included in this report were authorised for
issue by the Directors on 9 August 2018. The
Directors have the power to amend and reissue
the financial statements. Mirvac’s full-year
financial statements can be viewed on,
or downloaded from Mirvac’s website at
Reporting Suite
Mirvac’s reporting suite sets out the Group’s
financial and operational performance for
the year ended 30 June 2018 across the
following documents:
MGR FY18 Results Presentation:
an in-depth overview of Mirvac’s financial,
operational and sustainability performance
for the financial year.
MGR FY18 Additional Information:
includes information supporting Mirvac’s
FY18 Results Presentation.
MGR FY18 Property Compendium:
detailed information on the Group’s investment
portfolio, other investments, and its commercial
and residential development pipeline as at
30 June 2018.
MGR FY18 Annual Report:
an in-depth overview of Mirvac’s financial,
operational and sustainability performance
for the 2018 financial year, along with Mirvac’s
corporate governance statement, the Group’s
remuneration report and Mirvac’s detailed
financial statements.
MPT FY18 Annual Report:
an overview of the Mirvac Property Trust for
the 2018 financial year.
Mirvac Group comprises Mirvac Limited ABN 92 003 280 699 and its controlled entities (including Mirvac Property Trust ARSN 086 780 645 and its controlled entities).
About us
What we do
We’re a creator, owner and manager of some
of Australia’s most renowned and recognisable
projects, with a strategy to be focused,
diversified and integrated. This means:
– deploying capital with discipline and
Our purpose
Our purpose, Reimagine Urban Life, is our
passion and our reason for being.
As one of Australia’s leading property groups,
we are continuously driven to think about how
we can enhance the lives of those who work,
shop or live in and around our developments.
When we reimagine urban life, we’re inspired
to think about not only what we do and how
we do it, but importantly, why we do it. We
are constantly looking for new ways to help
our customers lead fuller, richer and more
rewarding lives.
We don’t just build buildings; we create unique
urban precincts and residential communities.
We’re shaping a future that combines the latest
in technology, sustainability and architectural
design. We’re at the forefront of reimagining
the way Australian city dwellers interact and
utilise the spaces around them.
We bring our purpose to life by harnessing
the unique skill set of our people across each
of the sectors we operate in; and through our
purpose, we’re inspired to deliver outstanding
urban environments that will leave a lasting
legacy for generations to come.
delivering on our promises, with a strong
focus on our customers (focused);
– maintaining an appropriate balance of
passive and active invested capital through
cycles, and retaining capability across the
office and industrial, retail and residential
sectors (diversified); and
– leveraging our integrated model to create,
own and manage quality Australian assets
Our strategy and decision making are guided
by four core principles: maintaining an urban
focus; maximising the value of our assets;
flexing our activities through the cycle; and
maintaining an appropriate capital structure
and cost base.
Underpinning our strategy is a commitment
to our people, innovation, technology,
sustainability and safety. We’re passionate
about creating long-term value for our
securityholders, and having a positive impact
on the communities in which we operate.
Both our strategy and our ambition to
reimagine urban life continue to produce
strong results across the business.
About us
Mirvac is an integrated, urban property group
listed on the Australian Securities Exchange,
with an enviable reputation for delivering some
of the best real estate projects in Australia.
We own and manage assets across the office,
retail and industrial sectors in our investment
portfolio, and currently have over $19 billion
of assets under management.
Through our development activities, we
create and deliver innovative and high-quality
commercial assets and residential projects for
our customers, while driving long-term value
for our stapled securityholders.
We have an integrated approach that gives us
a competitive advantage across the lifecycle
of a project. From site acquisition, urban
planning and design, through to construction
and development, leasing, sales and marketing,
property management and long-term
ownership, we exercise control over the
entire process.
Our integrated model also ensures a stable
income and growth through a balance of
passive and active capital, allowing us to
respond to fluctuations in the property cycle.
We have over 45 years of experience in the
property industry, and a passion for creating
sustainable, connected and vibrant urban
environments for people to work, shop, live
and play.
Mirvac’s full-year financial statements can
be viewed on page 74, or downloaded from
Mirvac’s website
FY18 Annual Report
About us
FY18 key highlights
Mirvac’s urban strategy delivered excellent
results in FY18, with operating earnings up
8 per cent and distributions up 6 per cent,
both at the top end of guidance provided.
BY 2030.
SCORE OF 90%, UP 2% ON FY17
Mirvac Group
FY18 Annual Report
FY18 key highlights
UP $29%
5.1 Star
21% AND 22%
SINCE 2014
(JUNE 2017: $2.13)
Letter to securityholders
Chairman’s Report
Mirvac delivered another strong result in
FY18, driven by the continued execution of
its focused, diversified and integrated urban
strategy, as well as its purpose to Reimagine
Urban Life. The strategy, set in place five
years ago, has transformed the business
in a significant way. This is reflected by a
strong capital position with good visibility
of future earnings, an engaged and energised
team of people, and each business unit
continuing to perform at the top of its class.
We remain committed to excellence, and to
serving our customers and the communities
in which we operate.
Financial highlights
Our strategy to focus on the best performing
and deepest markets of Sydney and
Melbourne, and on the areas where we have
a proven competitive advantage, resulted in
a statutory profit in FY18 of $1.09 billion. This
was driven by a very strong performance in
our Office & Industrial business, and we have
now achieved a statutory profit of more than
$1 billion for the past three years, an excellent
reflection of the strength of our business.
At an operating level, our profit was up almost
9 per cent to $580 million, representing
15.6 cents per stapled security, driven by
strong earnings in our residential business.
We achieved a strong operating cash flow
of $663 million, up 29 per cent, and we paid
distributions of 11.0 cents per stapled security,
up 6 per cent.
We are now reaching the mature age of the
current property cycle, and remain focused
on creating long-term value and growing
distributions to our securityholders.
FY18 Annual Report
Letter to securityholders
Capital management
Mirvac has a prudent approach to capital
management that ensures our balance sheet
remains robust and provides us with the
flexibility to deploy capital where and when
we need. Our integrated business model
also means we are well placed to adapt and
respond to changes in market cycles.
During the financial year, our healthy balance
sheet and strong capital position were
recognised with Moody’s Investors Service
upgrading our credit rating from a Baa1 to
A3, reflecting the quality of our investment
portfolio and development business, as well as
our strong financial metrics. Separately, S&P
revised Mirvac’s credit rating outlook from
stable to positive, while maintaining a BBB+
rating. Gearing also remained within our target
range of between 20 and 30 per cent at
21.3 per cent.
As part of a disciplined approach to capital
allocation, we initiated an on-market buy-back
program during the financial year for up to 2.6
per cent of Mirvac securities on issue.
Our overall earnings profile remains
solid, supported by a strong commercial
development pipeline and a high-quality
investment portfolio.
Corporate governance
Trust in institutions in Australia deteriorated
during this financial year. The Royal
Commission into misconduct in the financial
services industry has ultimately highlighted
the crucial role boards must play in setting an
organisation’s tone and culture.
Having served as Mirvac’s Chairman for the
past five years, I can say with confidence that
your Mirvac board is committed to promoting
a culture that is fair, ethical and transparent.
We believe that companies such as ours have a
duty to do the right thing – for our employees,
our customers, the wider community, and of
course, for our securityholders.
The responsibility to set the tone and culture
at Mirvac is shared between the Board and
its leadership team, and in this regard, I am
also confident we have the right people in
place. Mirvac’s leadership team is unwavering
in its commitment to embed a culture
that is authentic and values integrity and
respect, while delivering long-term value and
sustainable growth.
We are committed to ensuring that our
systems, procedures and practices reflect
high standards of corporate governance.
As well as a Code of Conduct – which applies
to the Board, Mirvac’s executives, employees
and contractors – we have a Fraud, Bribery
and Corruption Policy that outlines our
commitment to preventing these things in
our workplace.
The Board meets regularly to discuss matters
such as Mirvac’s strategy, the Group’s activities
and operations, the outlook for the business,
risks, and remuneration. To further enhance
its stewardship of the Group in the year ahead,
the Board will increase its focus on technology
and design, and on Mirvac’s relationships with
its customers, suppliers, capital partners
and government.
As always, we remain committed to providing
open and transparent reporting of our
remuneration outcomes. During the financial
year, we completed a wholesale review of our
performance and reward framework. This
resulted in some changes to our approach
to performance management, including
the performance ratings (which apply to all
employees). There have also been some
changes to executive remuneration, such as
increasing the mandatory minimum security
holdings for both Non-Executive Directors and
key management personnel, and adjusting the
weightings of the LTI performance measures,
which are reflected in the CEO & Managing
Director’s LTP award for FY19.
A full copy of the remuneration report for FY18
is available on page 51.
Diversity & Inclusion
We remain committed to fostering a safe
and respectful environment that champions
diversity of thought, and leverages the views
of a demographically diverse workforce.
As well as maintaining a 50 per cent gender
representation on our Board, we continue to
seek a 50/50 gender balance on shortlists for
senior appointments, and we have closed the
gender pay gap on like-for-like roles. We are
also working to have at least 40 per cent of
senior management roles filled by women
by 2022.
Our work on striving for gender equality at
Mirvac was once again recognised by the
Workplace Gender Equality Agency, with
the Group receiving the Employer of Choice
for Gender Equality citation for the fourth
consecutive year.
Our work over the past five years to transform
the business means we are well-positioned
to withstand changing market cycles. Our
high-quality investment portfolio will continue
to provide secure and growing income to the
Group, while our development activities allow
us to create and deliver superior commercial
assets and residential projects.
There is no doubt we are in the midst of great
change, with technology and the densification
of our cities having the potential to significantly
impact our business. Mirvac’s robust capital
management and a strong corporate
governance framework will ensure we can
maintain a resilient business that provides
growth to our securityholders, while leaving
a lasting legacy for our customers and the
wider community.
I would like to thank the Board, our senior
leadership team and our people for their
contribution to the Group over the past
12 months. I would also like to thank you,
our securityholders, for your ongoing
support of Mirvac.
John Mulcahy
Letter to securityholders
CEO & Managing
Director’s Report:
At Mirvac, we have a purpose to Reimagine
Urban Life, which inspires us to deliver superior
projects and services for our customers, while
making a positive contribution to Australia’s
urban landscape.
I am pleased to say that in FY18 we continued
to see our purpose in action, delivering strong
results for you and ensuring we have a resilient
and sustainable business that is well-placed
for the future.
Operational excellence
The transformation of our Office & Industrial
portfolio over the past five years is delivering
exceptional results, with the benefits of the
work we have done to reposition the office
portfolio now being realised. We are one
of Australia’s largest office managers, with
$12 billion of assets under management, and
our high-quality portfolio allows us to attract
tenants with long lease periods, delivering
quality income to the Group. Through our
unique asset creation capability, we are also
creating one of Australia’s youngest and
lowest capex portfolios, with the portfolio
value set to increase as the development
pipeline completes.
Our industrial portfolio is 100 per cent focused
to Sydney and continues to perform well. We
are looking to grow our industrial portfolio and
assets under management through the Mirvac
Industrial Logistics Partnership, which we
formed with an investment vehicle sponsored
by Morgan Stanley Real Estate Investing
during the financial year.
While the retail sector continued to face
headwinds during the financial year, our
portfolio of bespoke urban retail centres has
again delivered consistent results. We have a
strategy to deliver unique experiences for our
customers, and in response to the changing
nature of retail we have shifted our focus to
experiential retail categories, such as food
and entertainment. This approach, along
with our strategic weighting to the best and
most resilient urban markets, has ensured
a sustained outperformance in this sector
since we launched our new strategy over five
years ago, with our sales activity increasing by
approximately 40 per cent.
The residential market has returned to
more normalised conditions, having seen
unprecedented price growth in the past five
years. While demand from offshore investors
has softened, Mirvac’s reputation for delivering
superior products for our customers through
passionate attention to detail has ensured we
are still a favoured residential brand among
owner-occupiers. As market conditions
become more challenging, quality will make the
difference between a project that performs and
a project that does not, and we are seeing solid
demand for our projects across the country.
We achieved our target of approximately 3,400
residential lot settlements during the financial
year, and delivered a return on invested capital
of 18.1 per cent. Our residential gross margin of
over 25 per cent reflects our strategy to focus
on the strong Sydney and Melbourne markets,
as well as our ability to buy and sell at the right
time in the property cycle.
Launch of build-to-rent
Mirvac has long championed the benefits of
a build-to-rent sector in Australia, so it was
with great delight that we launched our first
build-to-rent club in July this year with the
Clean Energy Finance Corporation investing
30 per cent as a cornerstone investor. The club
introduces to Mirvac a new asset class and
secure revenue stream, along with a new and
growing customer base.
The seed asset for the club will be Indigo
at our Pavilions project at Sydney Olympic
Park in NSW, which will include dedicated
onsite leasing and management, high-quality
amenities, a resident program and leading
sustainability features. We are committed to
offering an exceptional rental experience at
Indigo, and we are thrilled to be pioneering
our first purpose-built build-to-rent asset
in Australia.
Our people
Having an engaged workforce is essential
to our success, as without an enthusiastic,
curious and passionate team of people,
we would not be able to deliver such strong
results to you.
I was delighted that Mirvac achieved an
employee engagement score of 90 per cent
this financial year, as measured by Willis Tower
Watson, which was an increase of 2 per cent
on last year. We also remain above the Global
High Performing Norm and significantly above
the Australian National Norm.
FY18 Annual Report
Letter to securityholders
Importantly, the results from the employee
engagement survey show that our people
believe in our purpose and our strategy; feel
challenged and valued at work; have trust
in Mirvac as a socially and environmentally
responsible company; and feel that their
health and wellbeing is prioritised. I would like
to thank our senior leadership team for their
continued efforts to ensure we are providing
a workplace for our people that inspires them
to do their best.
Health & Safety
The safety of our people is non-negotiable,
and we continued to pursue excellence in
safety during the financial year, with positive
results. Our thorough and proactive approach
resulted in steady improvement in both the
lost time injury frequency rate and the total
recordable injury frequency rate during the
financial year, reflecting our ongoing work to
improve and modernise our safety and risk
processes and systems.
While safety is a top priority, we also recognise
that sustained performance is best delivered
when our people feel engaged, energised and
enabled. With this in mind, we broadened our
focus to include health and wellbeing, and
in August last year we launched Thrive, our
new health and safety strategy. You can read
more about our initiatives under the strategy,
including our participation in the Virgin
Pulse Global Challenge (in which we placed
first globally in the Property & Real Estate
category) on page 32.
Diversity & Inclusion
Having a diverse and inclusive workplace
means creating an environment where
different backgrounds, opinions and ideas
are accepted, encouraged and celebrated.
We know that having diversity of thought
leads to better business outcomes.
Gender equality is one of the key pillars of
our diversity and inclusion strategy, and
during the financial year we were the first
Australian property group to receive White
Ribbon workplace accreditation. White Ribbon
workplaces promote respectful relationships
within the workplace, where no violence in any
form will be tolerated, and the accreditation
helps us to strengthen a culture of respect and
gender equality at all levels.
As part of our commitment to gender equality,
we also updated our shared care leave policy
to provide primary carers with 20 weeks of
paid parental leave, and four weeks of paid
leave for partners. The new policy makes it
easier for both parents to access paid parental
leave, while also helping us to attract and
retain the best talent.
Importantly, we now pay superannuation on
unpaid leave, doing our part to ensure that
parents who take time out of the workforce to
raise a family are not disadvantaged in building
wealth for retirement.
Achieving gender diversity in our construction
business is another area we have been
focused on and in August last year, we
launched Aspire, a 12-month development
program which aims to grow the female talent
pool in construction, particularly at the project
and management levels.
To further support inclusivity and diversity
of thought, we have also delivered a number
of workshops to help our leaders understand
the importance of different perspectives
and work style preferences.
Mirvac launched its ground-breaking
sustainability strategy, This Changes
Everything, in 2014, and we have accomplished
a considerable amount in that time. Some of
the key highlights to date include: installing
over one megawatt of solar power through
Mirvac Energy; managing the first building
in Australia to achieve 6 Star Green Star
Performance, 6 Star NABERS Energy and 6
Star NABERS Water ratings, without the use
of GreenPower; reducing our carbon intensity
by 21 per cent and water intensity by 22 per
cent since 2014; increasing our construction
recycling rates to 95 per cent and operational
recycling to 70 per cent; implementing
Mirvac’s first Reconciliation Action Plan;
and prototyping our first House with No Bills.
We remain whole-heartedly committed to
being a force for good, and in June this year,
we launched the next phase of This Changes
Everything. In the new phase of the strategy,
we will focus on six key material issues under
three focus areas: reimagining resources,
enriched communities and transparent
governance. We believe that by zeroing in
on the most relevant issues and opportunities,
we can drive deeper results in those areas.
We have also committed to directing $100
million towards organisations that are
purpose-driven by 2030, as well as reaffirming
our industry-leading commitments to be net
positive in carbon and water and send zero
waste to landfill by 2030.
Our award-winning innovation program,
Hatch, produced some excellent initiatives
in FY18. These include Cultivate, a pop up
urban farm in the basement of EY Centre, 200
George Street in Sydney, which we created in
partnership with Farmwall Melbourne; as well
as The Third Space, a unique co-working hub
at Broadway Sydney. We have also rolled out
Shopping Nanny at Birkenhead Point, Moonee
Ponds Central and Rhodes Waterside following
the success of the initiative at Kawana
Shoppingworld, and we have plans to launch
a pet concierge service at Green Square in
Sydney in partnership with the RSPCA NSW.
While we are certainly seeing a shift in market
conditions, particularly in the retail and
residential sectors, the steps we have taken to
transform our business over the past few years
will ensure we remain resilient and well placed
for the future.
We have a purpose that we are passionate
about; a purpose that guides us in both what
we do and how we do it. This is important,
because as we have seen recently, companies
who put profit over purpose will ultimately fail.
We need to be both for profit and for purpose –
the two must go hand in glove.
Additionally, we have a modern and
high-quality asset creation business that
continues to benefit from urbanisation,
population growth and increased infrastructure
spending, and our focus on creating and
delivering value for our customers and our
securityholders will ensure continued
earnings growth.
Underpinning our success is our people and I
am exceptionally proud of the culture we have
embedded at Mirvac. Together, we work hard
to ensure that the places and communities we
are creating are sustainable, innovative and
connected, and have our customers at
their centre.
On behalf of our Executive Leadership Team,
I would like to thank the Board for their
guidance over the year, our Mirvac employees
for their hard work and dedication, and I would
also like to thank you, our securityholders,
for your continued support.
Susan Lloyd-Hurwitz
CEO & Managing Director
Things that are shaping our world
FY18 Annual Report
Things that are shaping our world
Australia’s urban centres have seen significant change in recent years,
and we are cognisant of several key trends. While the climate in which
we’re working is challenging in many ways, our purpose provides a platform
which informs our response. By making choices which reimagine urban
life, we are working to mitigate the risks, uncover the opportunities and
find new ways for our business to be a force for good.
The densification of our cities
The recent population boom has seen
Australia’s capital cities evolve at a rapid pace,
particularly in Sydney and Melbourne, and
demographics have shifted accordingly. As our
cities adapt to this increased density and the
challenges it brings, we are more aware than
ever of our need to develop in collaboration
with our key stakeholders, including local and
state governments, not-for-profit organisations
and the community. With this in mind, we’re
placing an increased focus on community
consultation, while continuing to leverage
our integrated model to deliver sustainable
and resilient urban developments. After
all, a positive legacy is as much about
enhancing human connections as it is
about quality buildings.
Housing affordability
With Australia’s population increasing, so is the
demand for housing in our urban capital cities.
In addition to developing a diverse range of
products, which cater to our customers’ needs,
Mirvac continues to tackle housing affordability
through targeted initiatives such as The Right
Start, which makes home ownership more
accessible for first home buyers. Meanwhile,
Mirvac’s House with No Bills research project is
continuing to pave the way for more affordable
living, and this year we have also begun to
address the needs of renters with the launch
of the first build-to-rent club in Australia. While
affordability is not something that can be
solved overnight, we believe that by leveraging
our strengths and providing quality products,
we can help make a difference. Read more
about what we’re doing in this area on page 29.
Stakeholder engagement
Trust in institutions is at a low point in
Australia, and it’s up to companies like
Mirvac to be a force for good. This year, we
have taken important steps to continue to
build trust, by collaborating more with our
partners and stakeholders and placing more
emphasis on transparency as part of our
revised sustainability strategy We recognise,
for example, how critical it is to conduct early
community engagement consistently across
our proposed development projects. You
can read more about our new sustainability
strategy on page 38.
We have also undertaken comprehensive
research to learn what our most influential
stakeholders expect from us, and have
committed to sharing our progress more
proactively than ever before. While we are
a high-performing and trusted organisation,
we are always looking to learn how we
can improve.
Climate change
In 2015, Australia joined 195 other countries
in signing the Paris Agreement: a commitment
to limit global warming to no more than 2
degrees Celsius by the end of the century.
As the 11th-largest emitter of carbon per
capita in the world, Australia still has a long
way to go – and with the built environment
representing 25 per cent of the country’s total
emissions, leadership from property companies
can influence progress. Reducing our carbon
footprint will not only be good for the
environment, it will also have a direct impact
on our customers, who are feeling the pressure
of escalating energy costs.
Since making our industry-leading
commitment to achieve net positive carbon
emissions by 2030, Mirvac has made excellent
progress, reducing our carbon intensity by 21
per cent, installing over one megawatt of solar
PV, and starting our own energy company.
This year, as part of the next phase of our
sustainability strategy, we have made our work
to reduce risks associated with climate change
more explicit. With a soon-to-be-released white
paper setting out our plan for the remainder
of our net positive journey, we look forward to
seeing the change continue.
A long capital growth
cycle winds down
Buying and selling at the right time in the
property cycle has enabled us to deliver
sustainable returns to our securityholders for
the past five years, and when we approach
any new acquisitions we are mindful of the
fundamentals needed to maintain growth. We
are focused on responding to changes in the
property cycle appropriately, while prudently
managing our business risks. We believe the
residential market in particular has passed
the top of the cycle, so we will continue to be
extremely selective in deploying capital to
secure new projects.
From smart metering to the Internet of Things,
technology has empowered us to achieve
remarkable things – and the pace of change is
only increasing. We are already seeing a shift in
the way people work, which we’re responding
to with cutting-edge design at our office
and industrial assets. Modular technology
is changing the way we construct, solar and
batteries are becoming a reality for more
Australians, artificial intelligence is finding its
way into our everyday lives, and driverless cars
are heading our way. While the increasing role
of technology does pose some risks – leading
to our increased investment in cyber security
and data ethics – there’s also a lot to be gained
from the vast amount of data that’s becoming
broadly available. Whether through building
management systems or Google traffic data,
the opportunities to learn about our customers’
needs will only increase – and so does our
capacity to respond.
A thorough look at the risks that have the
potential to impact our business, and the steps
we’re talking to mitigate these, can be found
on page 36.
Office & Industrial
With over $13 billion of assets under
management, and one of the strongest
commercial development pipelines in the
country, Mirvac has established itself as a
creator, owner and manager of world-class
office and industrial assets.
Artist’s impression 477 Collins Street
FY18 Annual Report
Our office portfolio also features an impressive
list of sustainability credentials, including
five assets that have achieved 6 Star Green
Star ratings, two 6 Star NABERS Energy rated
assets, and a 5.1 Star NABERS energy portfolio
average rating. Our unwavering commitment
to sustainability is nowhere more evident
than at our office building, Sirius House in
Canberra, which has achieved a sweep of
three 6 Star ratings across energy, water
and building performance.
Along the way, we’ve built strong partnerships.
From co-creating with tenants, to consulting
with urban planners and our capital partners,
collaboration is fundamental to what we
do. These relationships have elevated
our offering and presented new avenues
for growth. Whether we’re investing in
technology, pioneering greater sustainability
or anticipating trends, we’re here to reimagine
urban life, and shape the future of work
in Australia.
Our focus on high-quality assets is
demonstrated by an office portfolio comprised
of over 97 per cent Prime or A-grade assets,
concentrated to the strong Sydney and
Melbourne markets. Our 84 per cent weighting
to these two cities is set to increase with
the completion of around $3 billion of
development projects currently underway.
Our strong forward-looking office development
pipeline includes 477 Collins Street in
Melbourne, where we are delivering the
Group’s largest office development, as well
as Australian Technology Park, which we are
revitalising into a thriving commercial and
community precinct.
By FY21, we will have delivered one of
Australia’s youngest and lowest capex
portfolios, which will be an important
differentiator for Mirvac as the current cap
rate cycle comes to an end. The high-quality,
innovative assets we are creating today
ensure that Mirvac is well-positioned
to outperform and return value to our
securityholders in the future.
As an owner and manager we not only have
an interest in the long-term success of our
assets, we actively invest in them too. From
delivering new end-of-trip facilities to fibre
optic backbones, we believe in creating places
where our tenants can perform at their best.
641,808 SQM
623,828 SQM
1. By area, including investments in joint ventures and excluding assets held for development.
2. By income, including investments in joint ventures and excluding assets held for development.
INDUSTRIAL With 100 per cent weighting to Sydney 1,
our ability to design, develop and construct
assets tailored to our customers’ needs
gives us a unique competitive advantage
in the industrial sector.
Our experience in the industrial sector has
resulted in good relations with a range of
stakeholders at community and government
level, helping to deliver high-quality facilities
in key locations, as well as associated
infrastructure such as roads, bridges
and landscaping.
In August last year we formed the Mirvac
Industrial Logistics Partnership with an
investment vehicle sponsored by Morgan
Stanley Real Estate Investing, and through
this partnership we intend to build scale in
our industrial business.
With the industrial sector currently benefiting
from increased tenant demand, we remain
focused on urban edge development
opportunities, and on industrial assets with
long lease terms and secure cash flow profiles
Working closely with our tenants, we’re able
to develop facilities that are customised to
the needs of their business, with accessibility,
functionality and sustainability at the core of
the design. We recognise the importance of
taking the time to understand the needs of our
tenants’ businesses, to allow for flexibility and
growth through innovative workplace design.
We’re currently completing Calibre at Sydney’s
Eastern Creek, which has direct access to
the M4 and M7 motorways, and development
potential for over 120,000 square metres of
prime grade industrial, logistics and warehouse
facilities. Offering the perfect business solution
for employee wellbeing and supply chain
efficiency, Calibre is redefining the way office
and industrial facilities are designed. In fact,
our tenant at Building 1, CEVA, enjoys the
space we’ve created for them so much that
they now are actively ensuring that their
future logistics assets are built to the same
high standard.
We also have the ability to unlock value
in existing industrial areas, upgrading
or repositioning buildings for new forms
of employment.
“Our commitment to quality goes well beyond
developing and managing buildings. We pride ourselves
in taking a personalised approach to customer care,
aiming to provide our tenants with adaptive and
intuitive workplaces that best suit their needs.”
Campbell Hanan, Head of Office & Industrial.
1. By book value, excluding assets held in funds.
2. By area.
3. By income.
431,980 SQM
499,791 SQM
Mirvac Group
FY18 Annual Report
Calibre, Eastern Creek, NSW
Office & Industrial
At Mirvac, we know how important it is to have
a positive impact on the communities in which
we operate, and this is particularly true at
Australian Technology Park (ATP) in Sydney,
which has a significant and vibrant Aboriginal
history. In fact, more than 25 different
Aboriginal groups have been recorded as
having occupied the Sydney region, which
is located on the land of the Gadigal people
of the Eora Nation. Recognising and paying
respect to the site’s rich cultural history has
underpinned our approach to community
engagement at this project and through
focused and meaningful engagement, we have
seen our relationships with local businesses
and not-for-profits in the area continue to go
from strength to strength.
Connecting with the community
Through our close and ongoing relationship
with Tribal Warriors, for instance, we’ve been
able to provide full-time employment for two
local Aboriginal community members, with
five people going through our Indigenous
employment program. Our employees have
also continued their support of Tribal Warriors’
Clean Slate Without Prejudice program,
attending early morning boxing sessions
that are run for young people in the area,
with the support of the Redfern police. The
program has been credited with breaking
down the barriers between the two groups and
promoting more positive pathways for the local
youth. In addition to this, we’ve held a number
of team building sessions on Tribal Warriors’
Aboriginal cultural cruises, with Mirvac
employees enjoying a day on Sydney Harbour
while learning about Australia’s Indigenous
history and culture.
Another exciting relationship we’ve established
at ATP is with Aboriginally-owned group,
Yerrabingin, which we’ve engaged to deliver
a cultural landscaped garden in the precinct,
as well as an urban rooftop farm on Building 3.
The garden, to be designed and managed by
Yerrabingin, will showcase native plant species
of cultural significance to Aboriginal people
from the Redfern area, as well as New South
Wales more widely. The proposed rooftop
farm, meanwhile, will combine permaculture,
Indigenous knowledge and innovative design
to deliver a unique experience for tenants
and visitors of ATP, and enhance the precinct
with greater biodiversity and green space. A
range of workshops and educational activities
will be held throughout the year, covering
bush food tastings and using native produce
in everyday cooking, through to sustainable
gardening practices and Aboriginal astronomy.
Yerrabingin will also coordinate Living
Libraries on the rooftop farm, bringing key
speakers together to share their personal
stories on subjects such as Aboriginal civil
rights, traditional society and practice, and the
Aboriginal business sector.
Artist’s Impression, Australian Technology Park, Redfern, NSW
“These projects will deliver the opportunity for
the community, tenants and visitors to ATP to
share in cultural and environmental knowledge
from the oldest living culture in the world.”
Clarence Slockee and Christian Hampson
Founders of Yerrabingin
Mirvac Group
FY18 Annual Report
Office & Industrial
Mirvac is placing significant emphasis
on sustainability at ATP. All three buildings in
the precinct are targeting 6 Star Green Star
Design and As Built ratings, with Buildings
1 and 2 targeting 6 Star Green Star Interiors
ratings, both of which constitute world
leadership in sustainable design.
Buildings 1 and 2 are also targeting 5 Star
NABERS Energy ratings and 4 Star NABERS
Water ratings.
We’re also implementing a highly-efficient
precinct-wide solar PV solution. The solar
systems we’re employing are expected to
generate enough renewable energy for us
to achieve our NABERS ratings on Buildings
1 and 2, while delivering a carbon neutral
Building 3. 1
The use of high-performance facades with
shading and motorised blinds have also been
designed to make each building more energy
efficient by reducing reliance on heating
and cooling.
Artist’s Impression, Australian Technology Park, Redfern, NSW
In addition to this, Buildings 1 and 2 are
being constructed with large atriums
featuring skylight roof sections to allow more
natural light to flow through the building.
Each building has been equipped with
carefully designed roof drainage systems,
as well as rainwater harvesting tanks, in order
to reduce on-site water consumption.
Mirvac is also targeting a minimum
95 per cent diversion of its construction
and demolition waste from landfill, and has
committed to the Green Star Construction
and Demolition Waste Reporting Criteria.
This criteria has been developed by the
Green Building Council of Australia to ensure
that contractors and waste processing
facilities are operating with environmentally
responsible due diligence.
Giving to those who do good
Mirvac also believes in championing
organisations who are doing good things in the
community, and last year, a community grants
program was established to provide support
for community welfare, education and youth
leadership programs, innovation and cultural
projects. Since launching the grants program,
we’ve provided approximately $47,000 in
support to local organisations, including the
Redfern All Blacks, with Mirvac sponsoring
their Koorie Knockout competition; the Redfern
Community Centre; The Shepherd Centre, who
help children with hearing difficulties prepare
for school; and the Milk Crate Theatre, who are
working to change the story of homelessness
through performance art. Mirvac also
contributed financial support to revamping the
‘40,000 years’ mural, which is opposite Redfern
Station, and has been an icon of the local
Indigenous community for the past 35 years.
While we continue to progress with the
development of ATP, our aim is to not only
maintain but build on the strong relationships
we’ve established, and to help extend our good
relationships to the project’s major tenant,
Commonwealth Bank. We believe that in doing
so we will leave a legacy that we can all be
proud of.
1. For the base building.
In February 2018, our innovation team, Hatch,
fast-tracked its eight missions, one of which
is to extract greater value from under-utilised
assets. With driverless cars becoming more of
a reality, the team saw a great opportunity to
make better use of carparks within Mirvac’s
portfolio. The concept: to transform these
spaces into thriving urban farms.
A café in the precinct, The Avenue, has
also become involved, and has asked us to
grow specific types of produce that they
feature on their menu, making a very short
farm-to-plate trip.
Cultivate has delivered some unexpected
wellbeing benefits too. When participants were
surveyed before and after spending an hour at
the farm, 40 per cent said they left feeling less
stressed. Interest in the project is growing, and
we see huge potential to scale the idea now
we’ve demonstrated that it can work. We’ve
extended Cultivate for another 12 months and
we’ve now employed an urban farmer to manage
the facility and educate volunteers.
One exciting innovation has been Cultivate,
a pilot project in the basement carpark of
EY Centre, 200 George Street in Sydney.
Partnering with Farmwall Melbourne, we
invited employees from Mirvac and EY to get
involved in the six-week project, which would
essentially see them become urban farmers.
Over 200 people volunteered, growing and
harvesting produce such as micro greens,
salad leaves and oyster mushrooms, which are
grown from used coffee grounds supplied by
Virgin Air. The process is made possible by
automatic watering and high-powered lamps
that accelerate growth, and it’s 100 per cent
organic with zero waste.
Mirvac Group
FY18 Annual Report
23 Furzer Street Canberra
“Smart building technology has played a large part in
our success at Sirius. The technology enables us to see
inside the building’s central nervous system, providing
real-time data that tells us what’s happening right
across the building at any given moment. This means
we can make adjustments in response really quickly, and
optimise the building’s performance around the clock.”
David Palin
Sustainability Manager, Office & Industrial
Sustainability has been a key feature at Sirius
House at 23 Furzer Street, Canberra for some
time, and this year we enjoyed a standout
success when Sirius became the first building
in Australia to achieve a 6 Star NABERS
Energy rating, a 6 Star NABERS Water rating
and a 6 Star Green Star Performance rating,
without the use of GreenPower or externally-
sourced recycled water.
The Mirvac team has worked hard to optimise
energy and water performance at Sirius,
and since FY13 they have reduced carbon
emissions by 33 per cent and reduced water
consumption by over 50 per cent. This has
been made possible, in part, by the large-
scale solar PV system installed at Sirius in
2014. While our 2030 net positive goal has
certainly provided motivation to achieve these
outcomes, we could not have done it without
collaborating with our stakeholders, particularly
our tenant, the Department of Health. It’s
exciting to see what we can achieve when we
work together.
In Mirvac’s office assets, two streams of waste
have proven difficult to divert from landfill:
paper towels and coffee cups.
Over the past 18 months, we’re pleased
to say we have found an effective solution,
one that has the added benefit of having
a positive social impact. Through our
ongoing relationship with Social Traders,
an organisation that connects businesses
with social enterprises, Mirvac has teamed up
with Mates on the Move: an initiative of the
Prisoners Aid Association of NSW, established
to create employment opportunities for men
and women making the transition from the
justice system. Through this partnership,
we have been able to start collecting paper
towels and coffee cups across ten of our sites
in NSW, reducing contamination and improving
our recycling.
In the first 12 months, we’ve collected over
90 tonnes of paper towels and coffee cups,
receiving some very positive feedback from
retailers, tenants, and facility managers. On
the back of this success, we are looking for
opportunities to work with Mates on the Move
more extensively, and have raised awareness
about their work within the industry via the
City of Sydney Better Buildings Partnership.
419,262 SQM
418,578 SQM
Mirvac Group
FY18 Annual Report
Mirvac owns and manages a $3.2 billion
portfolio of shopping centres across
Australia’s eastern seaboard, with a
focus on growth assets in key urban
and metropolitan markets.
We have positioned our portfolio towards
key metropolitan markets that demonstrate
urbanisation, population growth, deep
employment markets and high household
wealth. This strategy has been successfully
executed with the acquisition of centres in
growth locations and the divestment of assets
in weaker regional markets over the past five
years. We have continued to focus on dense
urban areas, particularly in Sydney, where
almost 70 per cent of our portfolio is located,
which is benefiting from ongoing population
growth, as well as growth in domestic and
overseas tourism.
We are focused on disciplined development
and capital investment as part of our
commitment to creating great experiences for
our customers. We have invested significantly
in our assets to improve overall ambience and
amenity, as well as evolving the retail mix of our
tenancies to meet our customers’ expectations.
This has seen us increase our exposure to
dining, entertainment and leisure, as well as
services. Since 2014, we have delivered a
number of unique and highly-innovative retail
spaces, and we are continuing to explore new
and exciting ways to realise the full potential
of our assets.
Our overweight to experiential retailers and
the ability to tailor the retail offer at each
individual asset are also key contributors to
the success of our portfolio. We know that
having the right retail mix and delivering the
right customer experience will drive a strong
performance. As a result, our centres offer
bespoke retail environments that reflect
the values of their local communities, along
with a brand identity that resonates with
their customers.
Sustainability is also fundamental to our retail
operations and there are few better examples
than Kawana Shoppingworld on Queensland’s
Sunshine Coast, where we have implemented
an industry-leading waste initiative. Our on-site
processing system, Pulpmaster, converts food
waste into a liquid waste, generating a clean
source for organic compost and diverting
over 170 tonnes of food and organic waste
from landfill.
Over the past four years, our This Changes
Everything sustainability strategy has helped
us to increase waste diversion from landfill in
our Retail business from 33 per cent to 75 per
cent, and increase our waste streams from
five to 22. We’re continuing to educate our
customers and their cleaning teams on the
value of waste separation, and making it
easier for them with colour coding and
wayfinding signage.
Orion Springfield Central in Queensland is one
of the most environmentally-friendly shopping
centres in Australia. Through innovative design
and world-leading technology, the centre
achieved a 6 Star Green Star Shopping Design
Pilot rating from the Green Building Council of
Australia for Stage 1 of the development.
As we reimagine our centres to be more than
just retail, we’ve been asking customers what
they really want – and in several locations,
we are delivering some interesting innovations
in response.
Having carried out Hatch-style research
at Orion Springfield Central in QLD, we
discovered that many customers considered
their dog to be an integral part of the family
and were more likely to visit places that were
dog-friendly. In response to this, we have since
developed two dog parks at Orion, and we’re
working with retailers to create dog-friendly
dining zones. We know that interaction with
animals brings health benefits, and it’s also
a great way for people to make connections
within their community.
Catering to canines is just one way we are
making our retail centres more inviting.
In April this year, we transformed the main
shopping street at Orion into a venue for the
Jacaranda Dinner: a fundraising banquet
supporting the local Ipswich Hospice; while
at Rhodes Waterside in Sydney, we invested
$500,000 in a large, all-weather playground.
And at Broadway Sydney, we’re piloting The
Third Space, a unique co-working space that
offers our customers bookable meeting rooms,
an open-plan workspace and focused work
pods. The convenient location of the hub at
Broadway Sydney means our customers have
easy access to everything the centre provides,
including grocery shopping, retail, restaurants
and entertainment.
As the nature of retail becomes more fluid,
the need to create meaningful spaces
becomes more and more important.
We’re excited by the opportunities this
new era of retail represents.
“Increasingly, our retail centres
are about much more than retail –
they’re places for people to connect.
By engaging with the community
and listening to our customers’
needs, we’re able to deliver unique
retail experiences.”
Susan MacDonald, Head of Retail
Mirvac Energy is a key component of our path
to net positive and has been a game changer
for our business. In the last year, we’ve learned
a huge amount from our two pilot sites, Orion
Springfield Central, QLD and Darling Island,
NSW. One of the most important things we’ve
learnt was the complexity of installing solar
PV systems, particularly when the asset in
question is being used by the public. As well
as overcoming installation challenges, we had
to get up to speed with the administrative
aspects of running an energy company, from
generating Renewable Energy Certificates to
developing power purchase agreements.
Of course, once the systems were in place,
there was also much to be learned about how
they would perform and operate.
One of the distinct advantages that Mirvac
has, however, is the significant roof space
our retail assets provide, allowing us to
generate and store higher levels of renewable
energy onsite.
We are now looking at installing solar at
more of our properties and tapping into
advancements and innovations in solar.
Proving the Mirvac Energy model
Off-site solar opens up new opportunities
Another way we’re looking to expand
Mirvac Energy is by installing off-site solar
PV systems. We are exploring this idea in
Melbourne, with plans to install a solar PV
system at an industrial asset owned in the
Mirvac Industrial Logistics Partnership. The
aim is that it will generate renewable energy
which we then purchase for use at 477 Collins
Street. Using GreenPower Connect™, we’re
using our purchasing power to link assets
that have roof space for solar PV with assets
that consume renewable energy, for excellent
environmental performance. With their large
roof spaces and low energy requirements,
our industrial assets have great untapped
potential, and we believe that through off-site
solar solutions we can start to take advantage
of this.
Through our pilot projects, we’ve proven that
the model can work. Having hit our initial
targets and familiarised ourselves with the
process, we’ve now commenced work on two
new Mirvac Energy projects. The first of these
has seen us install 180kW of solar PV at 664
Collins Street in Melbourne, which we did
in partnership with AGL, our tenant at both
664 Collins Street and the neighbouring 699
Bourke Street. This was the first time we have
installed solar PV during the construction
process, and we are proud that the system is
now up and running.
Our second project will involve installing
approximately 750kW of solar PV at ATP in
Sydney. This will be done across the three
buildings, one of which will be net zero carbon.
In addition, we are observing and capitalising
on the rapidly-evolving options for renewable
energy through ever-improving technology
and installation, including lightweight modular
systems, and systems able to adapt to the
changing needs of buildings and owners.
Mirvac Group
FY18 Annual Report
Together, these teams enabled six cubic
metres of fertiliser to be donated and delivered
to both Eastbank Edible Garden and local
strawberry farm Suncoast Harvesting. The
project was included as part of Kawana’s
National Recycling Week Showcase, and
attracted visits from the Queensland Shadow
Minister for Environment, Science & The Great
Barrier Reef Mr David Crisafulli, as well as
Member for Kawana Mr Jarrod Bleijie.
With the first crops of strawberries now being
harvested and sold back to Kawana, our
customers are quite literally enjoying the fruits
of our labour.
In December 2016, Mirvac installed the
Pulpmaster at Kawana Shoppingworld, QLD:
an on-site system that processes food and
organic waste, which is then transformed into
high-quality compost. In its first 12 months,
the Pulpmaster enabled Kawana to divert
20 tonnes of food and organic waste from
landfill, and this year, it inspired a closed
loop recycling solution.
On Mirvac’s National Community Day,
the Kawana team volunteered at a local
not-for-profit, Eastbank Edible Garden,
and immediately saw potential to use the
Pulpmaster compost at the garden. From
there, they developed a closed loop solution
in collaboration with the two local suppliers
involved in the Pulpmaster recycling process:
JJ Richards & Sons, who collect the liquid
waste from Kawana, and Wood Mulching
Industries, who turn the waste into fertiliser.
Healthy Land & Water also supported
the project.
RESIDENTIAL For over 45 years, Mirvac has set the standard in
residential design and community creation, delivering
places of enduring value that our customers are proud
to call home. With over 27,000 lots under control,
our Residential business is founded on a reputation
for delivering superior apartment and masterplanned
communities projects in Australia’s key cities of Sydney,
Melbourne, Brisbane and Perth.
Our rigorous approach to planning, design,
development and construction ensures our
customers receive the quality they expect
and deserve, and our attention to detail and
commitment to customer service is second
to none. We have a name that is synonymous
with excellence and quality, demonstrated
by a strong history of repeat customers and
countless industry awards. The unrivalled level
of customer loyalty we enjoy is clear evidence
that living in a Mirvac house, townhouse or
apartment is an experience worth repeating.
The key to our success is that we listen to our
customers and we’re passionate about every
little detail, whether it be the location of power
points in the home, or the kitchen tiles that
repel red wine stains. Our customers know
that when they choose us, they’re choosing
a company who is reimagining urban life to
enrich their lives, promote their health and
happiness, and leave a legacy to be enjoyed
for years to come.
With design, development, construction and
marketing sitting under one roof, we’re also
able to respond to our customers readily
and easily. Our teams have worked together
on a number of diverse projects across
Australia, encompassing both masterplanned
communities and apartments. The cross-
pollination of knowledge allows for greater
learnings, better insights, and ensures an
integrated and focused approach.
Our history of delivering significant urban
renewal projects across Australia is also
remarkable. This is evidenced by projects
such as Walsh Bay in Sydney NSW, where
we reinvigorated a deteriorating wharf
area into a leading residential, commercial
and cultural precinct; as well as the highly-
acclaimed Beacon Cove in Melbourne, where
we revitalised a derelict and unused industrial
area near the Port Melbourne waterside. More
recently, we’ve delivered over 1,200 apartments
at Harold Park in Sydney, transforming the
former Harold Park Paceway into a thriving
community that balances density, sustainability
and quality of life.
We’re also actively encouraging more
sustainable lifestyles by offering solar and
batteries to our customers, and contributing
to addressing the affordability issue from a
number of angles, including The Right Start
initiative and our House with No Bills study
in Melbourne.
Our passion for delivering high-quality
residential projects and communities is
unwavering, and we will continue to undertake
complex urban renewal projects where we
can leverage our unique skill set across every
aspect of the development.
Mirvac Group
FY18 Annual Report
As a developer of major projects on the
urban fringe, we’re acutely aware of the
challenges that can come from living further
away from central business districts and the
infrastructure and social interactions they
provide. We recognise how important is it to
create a sense of belonging and reduce social
isolation, which research shows can lead to
issues such as depression, family violence,
substance abuse, obesity, discrimination
and distrust.
That’s why we’re focused on helping to build
a strong social fabric in new communities,
and at Woodlea and Olivine in Victoria
we’ve employed a dedicated community
development manager to ensure that the
communities we’re creating are vibrant,
dynamic, safe and connected.
By building quality relationships, through
listening and collaborating with our customers,
our partners and local council early on, we also
feel confident that the communities we deliver
will be healthy, resilient and sustainable, and
that we’ll leave a positive legacy for those
who live there.
Creating connections
Encouraging residents to form relationships
with their neighbours is essential to building
strong community engagement, and we’ve
been mindful of the need to create spaces
where human connections can grow and
take shape.
At Woodlea, for instance, which we’re
developing in a joint venture with Victoria
Investments & Properties, we’ve built the
Smart Learning Hub that is used for a range
of activities, such as mothers’ groups and play
groups, and has also become something of an
incubator for jobs and education.
As well as being a space where local providers
can run short courses, we have directly
brokered a relationship at the hub between
our civil contractors at Woodlea, Winslow
Constructors, educational services group,
Djerriwarrh, and Jobs Victoria, to train over
100 people since 2016.
The benefits of this have been plentiful,
and so far, we’ve witnessed at least 12 local
community members obtain meaningful
full-time employment in the construction
industry as a result. In addition to this, the
training responds to a need for a skilled and
capable workforce in the area to keep pace
with civil construction demand.
A community garden, boasting a pizza oven,
has also been used to host regular pizza
nights and it’s been exciting to see residents
of Woodlea now coordinating community
activities themselves.
The learnings we’ve taken from Woodlea
are now being extended to Olivine, where
we’re in the process of building a central
community hub called Olivine Place. Olivine
Place will provide a venue for community
events, festivals, workshops and learning
opportunities, as well as a place for residents
to gather and plan activities. We’ve engaged
a not-for-profit organisation, Grassroots
Placemakers, to run a social enterprise café
where they’ll hold classes for disadvantaged
members of the local community and provide
opportunities for them to work. Finally,
with edible gardens having been offered to
residents as part of their home package, we’re
exploring the opportunity to run regular food
fairs from Olivine Place, where residents can
share produce with one another.
With community expectations for early and
proactive consultation increasing, we’ve
committed to having dedicated community
relations representatives at each of our
greenfields projects, and we are placing much
greater emphasis on a consistently high
standard of community consultation.
Mirvac Group
FY18 Annual Report
“At Woodlea, we’re seeing the benefits that come
with investing in social and physical infrastructure
early on. Already, this community is flourishing.
It’s a great example of how Mirvac’s integrated
model delivers all parts of a project.”
Stuart Penklis, Head of Residential
Paying homage to history
Acknowledging the history of a place can
play an important role in defining its future.
At Woodlea, we partnered with Melton
City Council, the Caroline Springs RSL and
numerous local community groups to deliver
a commemorative Walk of Honour. Featuring
educational plaques, storytelling through
smartphone apps and artistic interpretations,
the 500 metre walk pays tribute to the
Australians affected by wars over the past
century, while celebrating the site’s history
as a radio signals station during World War II.
Importantly, the walk also acknowledges those
who have found refuge in Australia after being
displaced from their own countries as a result
of war. The walk, which finishes at Woodlea’s
Town Square, is expected to be completed in
time for Remembrance Day this year.
Olivine will likewise pay homage to the area’s
farming history and celebrate its natural
surrounds, with the retention of many of the
site’s majestic 200-year-old river red gums.
Every home at Olivine is within walking
distance to a park or green open space,
while landscaped pedestrian paths and cycling
tracks will connect neighbourhoods to schools
and the town centre.
To ensure we’re building more cohesive
communities at both Woodlea and Olivine,
we’re also committed to the early delivery of
infrastructure, such as schools, parks, and
sporting facilities. We know that by providing
these services to our new residents, we’re
facilitating a sense of belonging, and ultimately,
giving our customers a better opportunity to
live healthy and happy lives.
This year, Mirvac commenced a five-year
study in partnership with Queensland
University of Technology that will track the
emotional wellbeing and connectedness of
residents at Woodlea. The project, Woodlea
Connect, combines traditional forms of
research with qualitative data that could
potentially influence the way resources
are allocated in future stages of Woodlea.
It is also our hope that the study starts
conversations to determine key issues
facing the community over the medium
term, allowing us to implement strategies at
Woodlea that enhance wellbeing outcomes,
and to learn more about well being which
we can apply at our future developments.
Last year, Mirvac announced it would
be piloting a new community building
partnership, the Growth Areas Social Planning
Tool (GASPT), at Olivine. Led by the City of
Whittlesea and developed in collaboration
with a range of fringe councils and state-level
agencies, the innovative social planning tool
aligns with our objective to boost liveability,
increase connections and reduce social
disadvantage in new greenfield communities.
The tool formalises Mirvac’s current
approach to community engagement,
while also allowing us to measure our outputs.
By addressing social planning and resourcing
gaps, we’ll be better placed to respond
to some of the challenges experienced
by residents in our new urban-fringe
communities. Our intention is to use GASPT
to plan future services at Olivine, which will
be delivered over the next 10 to 15 years,
and to use our findings to inform future
masterplanned communities projects.
The tool was also a key driver in Olivine
being selected by the City of Melbourne to
form part of the 100 Resilient Cities initiative.
Established by the Rockefeller Foundation,
the initiative is aimed at helping cities around
the world respond to the physical, social
and economic challenges we face in the
21st century.
Artist’s Impression, Woodlea, Victoria
Through our work on the Walk of Honour,
we’ve formed a strong and trusting
relationship with the Caroline Springs RSL.
When the RSL purchased a mini-bus to help
transport some of their less-able-bodied
members, it led to a fantastic opportunity
for Mirvac and the RSL to work together
and trial a shuttle service to and from the
Rockbank V/Line Railway station. Running
from Monday through to Friday during
peak times, the three-month trial will be
provided to residents free of charge.
The service not only gives residents a safe
and reliable way to get to Rockbank station
while improvements to walking and cycling
paths outside of the estate continue to be
made, it also instils a sense of pride and
purpose for the team of volunteer drivers
who come through the RSL.
In FY17, Mirvac teamed up with House &
Garden Magazine to run a competition for
designers, architects and students. The brief:
to design a modular house that would be
relevant to families in the suburbs. Entries
were judged on three criteria: sustainability,
liveability and flexibility. After choosing
a winner from a field of over 80 entrants,
we spent a large part of FY18 bringing
the concept to life at our Gledswood Hills
masterplanned community in NSW, and in
June 2018, the community was invited inside
the finished product.
The winning design is special for a number of
reasons. Firstly, it has a modular flexible design
that means the layout can be adapted to work
on different blocks – enabling us to achieve a
north-facing orientation on any site (the key to
passive energy efficiency). The flexibility of the
design also means it is versatile enough to suit
families of all shapes and sizes, and change as
families move through different life stages.
Sustainability was an important consideration
throughout the development, especially in
the selection of the construction materials.
The home makes use of solar, has a Tesla
battery, CSR Hebel brickwork, LED lighting,
and responsibly-sourced plantation timber.
The home recently sold at auction, with
Mirvac donating $50,000 of the profits to
The Salvation Army. We are also excited to see
how the design concept may help us elevate
our approach at masterplanned communities
across our residential business.
Promoting renewable energy to residential
customers hasn’t always been easy, especially
given the associated price tag. This year,
however, we began to see real traction in
this space, with our research indicating that
over 50 per cent of our customers are now
interested in solar and batteries, and are
willing to pay for it. Our challenge is now
working out the best ways to provide more
people with access to this technology in
different development contexts, and we
have begun by offering solar upgrades as
an optional extra to all of our masterplanned
communities customers. Apartment
customers have also been given the chance
to benefit from renewables, with solar offered
to a small number of residents at Ascot Green
in Brisbane and Marrick & Co in Sydney.
Meanwhile, in Western Australia, solar is
improving community spaces, powering
Wi-Fi enabled park benches across
several locations.
Pioneering a collaboration with the Clean
Energy Finance Corporation (CEFC)
The CEFC is a government organisation
dedicated to funding energy efficiency
projects, and in an Australian-first, the CEFC
has agreed to provide $90 million to fund
three of Mirvac’s upcoming masterplanned
communities projects in New South Wales
and Queensland. This investment will enable
Mirvac to construct these developments at
a lower cost, with the amount saved to be
directed towards clean energy initiatives.
We anticipate the CEFC partnership will
enable us to install solar and battery
technology in around 300 homes, along
with features we include as standard,
such as LED lighting.
Mirvac Group
FY18 Annual Report
Artist’s Impression
In Australia, renters now make up a large
proportion of the population, with the
demographic of renters having changed
dramatically. Recognising an opportunity
to help meet the evolving needs of our
customers, we were thrilled to launch the
Australian Build to Rent Club (ABTRC or
the club) in July this year, with the CEFC
committing to a 30 per cent interest as a
cornerstone investor.
The seed asset for the club, and our first
purpose-built build-to-rent asset, will be
Indigo at Mirvac’s Pavilions project at
Sydney Olympic Park in NSW, Mirvac’s fourth
building in the precinct.
With a customer-first focus, Mirvac is
committed to offering an exceptional rental
experience at Indigo, with dedicated on-site
leasing and concierge, high-quality amenity,
a resident program, and leading sustainability
features. Mirvac will act as the development,
investment and property manager.
The club will not only provide renters with
better choice, better quality and better
security of tenure, it introduces a new asset
class and customer base for Mirvac. Indigo is
due for completion in FY21, and we are proud
to be pioneering this new sector in Australia.
Artist’s Impression, Pavilions, Sydney Olympic Park, NSW
Affordability continues to be an issue in some
parts of Australia, particularly in Sydney and
Melbourne, and we are harnessing our skill
set and expertise in the industry to do what
we can to address the issue. We remain
committed to ensuring the homes we deliver
are more affordable for our customers to
maintain by using high-quality materials
and investing in cutting-edge, sustainable
construction technology.
Our House with No Bills is one of the most
innovative projects we’re undertaking, with
the ultimate aim – to reduce utility bills (while
reducing our reliance on energy).
Designed to deliver real-life insight into
affordable living, construction on the House
with No Bills home has now been completed
with a family of four selected to live in the
house, rent and bill free, for a 12-month
period, giving us the chance to see how our
carefully designed pilot home works in action.
The house features an array of cost-saving
sustainability elements, and its sensors, which
track how the space is used, will provide us
with good insights into how we can offer these
features more widely.
We have engaged the Cooperative Research
Centre for Low Carbon Living to extract and
analyse data from the house, interview the
tenants and provide monthly reports. We look
forward to publishing these throughout the
next year – and we have also begun to plan
a second House with No Bills experiment
that takes even more facets of affordability
into account.
Rolling out The Right Start
In FY17, we trialled The Right Start at the
Pavilions, Sydney Olympic Park, NSW. This
involved offering 65 homes exclusively to
first home buyers and allowing them to
exchange with a 5 per cent deposit. Following
the success of the trial, we extended The
Right Start throughout FY18 at The Finery, St
Leonards Square and Marrick & Co in Sydney;
Yarra’s Edge and Tullamore in Melbourne; and
Compass at Leighton Beach in Perth. While the
government’s First Home Buyers Grant offers
rebates on properties under $600,000, we
recognised that many first time buyers need
more room, especially if they have a family.
With this in mind, we gave first home buyers
the equivalent of this grant ($10,000) if they
were purchasing a property over the threshold
– meaning they effectively did not miss out on
the added support.
Working with Western Australia’s Department
of Community
We’re actively aware of the need to provide
more affordable housing for key workers, and
through a partnership with the Department
of Communities, we’ve worked with builders
to develop house and land packages at our
masterplanned communities, Osprey Waters
and Baldivis, that specifically address the
needs of key workers within the community.
These are then sold directly to the Department
of Communities, who make them more
accessible to key workers with Keystart
lending (low deposit loans and shared
equity schemes).
We’ve also focused on developing a diverse
range of property types, such as compact,
high-amenity terraces in Western Australia –
which are more affordable than our standard
free-standing homes and cater to the needs of
first home buyers who are price-conscious, but
still need more than a one-bedroom apartment.
Our people
We put our people first, and we recognise our
business wouldn’t be where it is today without
them. Not only do they define the culture we
live by, their diverse capabilities enable us to
deliver quality outcomes for our customers and
achieve our business results. While we thought
it may be hard to improve on last year’s 88
per cent employee engagement survey score,
FY18 saw us achieve an impressive 90 per
cent, providing clear-cut feedback from our
people about what it is like to work at Mirvac
and demonstrating that high engagement
underpins our success.
Mirvac’s approach to people leadership has
always encompassed a strong emphasis on
safety where we’ve achieved consistently
strong results. In FY18, we broadened our
health and safety scope once again – this
time, placing greater focus on the health and
wellbeing of our people. Launched in August
2017, our new HSE strategy, Thrive, has already
had an impact on our teams, and thanks to a
health and wellbeing council, we’ve seen great
engagement in our initiatives. This included
the Virgin Pulse Global Challenge, a worldwide
initiative that encourages active lifestyles. It is
our hope that by building a healthier, happier
and more resilient workforce, we can realise
the true potential of our people, and contribute
to a healthier society.
We also continued with our focus on diversity
and inclusion, recognising that to perform
at our peak we need to embrace and
support different voices and perspectives,
including from different genders, cultures
and backgrounds. Our efforts were once
again recognised during the financial year,
with the Workplace Gender Equality Agency
naming us an Employer of Choice for the
fourth consecutive year, and Direct Advice
for Dads and Core Data identifying Mirvac
as one of Australia’s leading employers for
fathers. Our employees tell us that our ongoing
commitment to flexibility through initiatives
like My Simple Thing has played a big part in
helping us achieve these results.
Mirvac Group
FY18 Annual Report
Our people
Our people
Uncapped volunteering leave
As well as our commitment to triple our
community investment by 2022, and invest
$100 million in the social sector by 2030, we
have lifted the cap on paid volunteering leave
we offer to our employees. From later this year,
our employees will have unlimited volunteering
leave with their manager’s approval. Mirvac
employees already volunteer at twice the
rate of our industry peers in Australia and
New Zealand, and we are looking forward to
seeing what more they can contribute to social
cohesion through this substantial commitment.
The Hatch team has already begun to use their
volunteering leave in creative ways, having
run a free innovation and ideation session for
Think Pink, a Victorian not-for-profit dedicated
to supporting women who are fighting breast
cancer. Mirvac has a long-standing relationship
with Think Pink, tracing back to 2010 when we
provided our support in the creation of The
Living Centre. The Living Centre is a state-of-
the-art wellness facility dedicated to providing
emotional, practical and physical support
to those diagnosed with breast cancer, free of
charge. When Mirvac’s employees volunteered
at The Living Centre as part of last year’s
National Community Day, they learned that
Think Pink were finding fundraising a real
challenge. Held in May, our Hatch session
generated over 100 ideas for Think Pink,
which we narrowed down and are now helping
to action. It was great to apply the Hatch
process to help a community partner in this
way, giving them access to ideas they may not
have otherwise encountered.
“Culture can be a lead indicator
of the sustainable performance
of the business. It’s important
to understand the DNA of your
culture, and then build on that.”
Chris Akayan, Head of Culture
& Reputation
Refreshing our values
Culture plays a key role in our success, and
this year we undertook some work to examine
what qualities underpin our culture. We spoke
to 150 people across the business, to define
what qualities are critical to us delivering on
our purpose and strategy. The results were
surprisingly consistent, resulting in six truths
that we have since relaunched as our
refreshed values.
We’re confident that they are authentic for
leaders, managers and employees:
– We put people first
– We’re passionate about quality and legacy
– We collaborate
– We’re curious and bold
– How we work matters
– We’re genuine and do the right thing.
Our values also shape how we strive to create
great experiences and great outcomes for our
customers, communities and stakeholders.
The high performance expected of our
employees is equally balanced between
what they deliver and how they apply the
values in delivering outcomes. We have also
developed a risk culture index and measured
our effectiveness in identifying and managing
risk through our employee engagement
survey, which provides valuable insights for
our Board and executive teams to ensure that
our appetite for risk is held in balance through
strong governance.
Virgin Pulse
The first program run under our new HSE
strategy, Thrive, was Virgin Pulse, a global
initiative that challenges participants to
complete 10,000 steps a day for 100 days.
The overall goal is to improve activity levels,
health and wellbeing. Almost half of Mirvac’s
workforce took part, including those based
in our offices, retail centres and those on
construction sites.
We had a fantastic end result, coming first
globally in the property and real estate
category, and second across all industries
in the Asia Pacific region. We also saw a
noticeable improvement in our employees’
activity over the course of the challenge. By
the end of Virgin Pulse, 65 per cent of our
people were completing 10,000 steps a day,
up from 20 per cent at the start; 60 per cent
reported an improvement in concentration
and productivity; and 25 per cent reported an
improvement in their own happiness.
Mirvac Group
FY18 Annual Report
Our people
Our people
Designing out our risk (DOOR)
Another key achievement in FY18 was the
enhancement of our DOOR process. DOOR
establishes a framework for identifying
hazards and risks that can be resolved
through design solutions, as well as identifying
design opportunities. It is underpinned by
a recognition that good design work gives
the highest level of protection, so far as is
reasonably practicable, and applies to internal
or external design work.
Non-compliant building materials
We are committed to ensuring our building
materials and operations are safe for our
people, our customers and the public, and we
proactively assess the materials used in all our
residential, retail, office and industrial buildings
through a dedicated building materials working
group. We have also developed a materials
database, which is included in project delivery
plans to help us identify and eradicate any
problem materials prior to construction.
Mirvac’s thorough and proactive approach
to safety resulted in another year of
positive results in FY18. We have seen
steady improvement of both the lost time
injury frequency rate (LTIFR) and the total
recordable injury frequency rate (TRIFR) over
the past five years. Our LTIFR this financial
year of 1.3 is our lowest on record. This year we
also began to focus more on critical risks and
near misses, identifying and addressing events
that are low in frequency but can be very high
in impact. To help us learn how to do this
effectively, we have implemented a new ‘event
learning culture’, which involves delivering
targeted training and incident review boards to
ensure we embed learnings across the Group.
We have also introduced a Critical Injury
Frequency Rate (CIFR) to strengthen our focus
on our most critical risks and near misses.
We have also completed an audit of our group
safety systems, and have begun rolling out our
new Mirvac Minimum Requirements (MMR).
The MMR identify what is essential in how works
and services are performed at any workplace
under the management and control of a
Mirvac entity, including the obligations of our
contractors. The goal is to consistently manage
critical risk across all parts of the business.
Workplace culture
Demonstrate commitment to
HSE with active participation
by senior executives
(HSE leaders program)
Mirvac Group LTIFR
(service providers and
Incident reporting promote
timely reporting of
workplace incidents
Workers compensation
claim count
Induction training for new
Our HSE management systems within construction continued to be certified to ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, and AS/NZS 4801. Limited assurance has been
provided by Pricewaterhouse Coopers. Data sets that have been assured are marked with a
. For further information visit
FY18 Annual Report
Our people
Diversity & Inclusion
Progressing our RAP
Since it officially launched in July 2017, our
Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) has given
us a platform from which to build stronger
relationships with Indigenous Australians,
and create greater respect and opportunities.
The plan is led by a diverse internal RAP
working group, all of whom share a desire to
support reconciliation. To promote greater
respect, the RAP group has received targeted
training around cultural awareness, which we
intend to roll out across the business. And to
drive opportunities, we have continued our
partnership with Career Trackers to provide
three internships for interns with Indigenous
backgrounds. Our relationship with Supply
Nation is also growing stronger, and they have
provided us with a list of certified indigenous
businesses who we plan to involve in future
tenders. In FY18, we procured over $2.3
million in goods and services from Indigenous
businesses, up from $404,540 in FY17, and
we are looking forward to seeing that number
grow as part of our target to invest $100
million in the social sector by 2030.
Redefining parental leave
Raising children is a task often shared by two
parents, so in December 2017 we updated our
parental leave policy in recognition of this.
Now, carers receive 20 weeks of paid shared
care leave (compared to an industry standard
of 14-16 weeks), and partners receive four
weeks (double the industry standard). This can
be taken flexibly, and we also pay super on the
unpaid component of parental leave.
White Ribbon accreditation
In early 2018, Mirvac became the first
Australian property developer to become
accredited as a White Ribbon workplace.
The accreditation builds on our existing
diversity and inclusion initiatives, and helps
us to strengthen our culture of respect
and gender equality at all levels.
The process to become accredited was
thorough, and has led to us incorporating
new benefits and services for our people.
This includes providing 10 days paid leave
when someone experiences family or domestic
violence, as well as financial support. We
also provide a specialist service through our
existing Employee Assistance Program, flexible
return to work options, and have delivered
comprehensive training to all managers and
our Board on how to refer victims of domestic
violence to appropriate support. For further
information, visit
“It really comes down to
business being a force for
good – recognising that yes,
we are for profit, but we are
also for purpose. You don’t
have to do one or the other;
you can do both and you
should do both.”
Susan Lloyd-Hurwitz,
CEO & Managing Director
Trusted stakeholder
Mirvac collaborates with a broad range of
people and organisations in order to deliver
our best work, and we engage with each group
in a way which suits their needs. With trust
in institutions at a low point, and expectations
of businesses growing in response, effective
stakeholder engagement becomes even
more critical.
It is more important than ever to be
transparent, to work together on shared goals,
to engage regularly and proactively, and to use
our partnerships to unlock tricky challenges
for both parties. We want to better understand
what it is like to work with Mirvac as a partner,
so that we can keep doing what’s right, and
make improvements where they will make
a meaningful difference.
To gain real insight into the kind of partner we
are for our stakeholders, and what they expect
from us, we carried out an in-depth reputation
research project in FY18.
The results show that strong leadership from
Mirvac is driving a high-performing score on
reputation and trust, which importantly is
balanced equally between our character and
our capability. This is particularly pleasing
given this is the standard to which we hold
our employees in high performance.
Our key stakeholders have given clear advice
where we should direct our energies in order
to maintain quality relationships with them.
As a result, our focus will be to take an even
more customer-centric approach to our top
customers, coordinated by our executive
team, and supported by experts across our
business. In addition, we will be responding
to our stakeholders’ interest in our purpose,
sustainability strategy, our culture and our
innovation program, by facilitating even more
ways in which our expertise may help to solve
challenges we have in common.
Our people
Risk Management
Risk governance
The Board has adopted a consolidated Risk
Management Policy and Framework which
incorporates governance, compliance, risk
appetite and business continuity management.
This approach is consistent with the
Australian and New Zealand standard on risk
management (ISO 31000:2009).
The Board determines the overall risk appetite
for the Group and has approved strategies,
policies and practices to ensure that key
risks are identified and managed within the
approved risk appetite.
The Board has charged management with
the responsibility for managing risk across
the Group and implementing risk mitigation
strategies under the direction of the CEO &
Managing Director and supported by the ELT.
A Group Risk function, led by the Head of
Risk, provides a centralised role in facilitating
the risk management framework, advising
business units on risk management plans
and consolidating risk reporting to senior
executives, the ARCC and ultimately the Board.
Group Risk refreshed its strategy during the
financial year to focus on three key areas:
building closer partnerships with the business,
creating and fostering a risk aware culture, and
being more proactive in managing risk.
While we have a dedicated risk team, each area
of the business is ultimately accountable for
its specific risks, and we want to empower our
people to identify and mitigate these effectively.
For a more detailed account of Mirvac’s Risk
Management Policy and Framework, please
refer to the Group’s Corporate Governance
Statement which can be found at:
Our principal strategic risks and opportunities
A number of the risks and opportunities Mirvac
faces in delivering its strategic plan are set
out in the below table. They are largely related
to our portfolio of assets and are typical of a
property group. These are not the only risks
associated with Mirvac. The risks are grouped
by theme rather than order of importance.
Risk & opportunity
How we’re addressing it
Investment performance
Mirvac’s business is impacted by
the value of our property portfolio. This
can be influenced by many external
aspects outside our direct control,
including the health of the economy
and the strength of the property
Macro environment
Mirvac is impacted by changing
domestic and international macro
prudential and regulatory measures,
which impact access to capital, investor
activity, and foreign investment.
In an Australian context of low
institutional trust, Mirvac must maintain
and enhance trust and reputation to
retain a social licence to operate.
Mirvac partners with aligned investors to leverage capability and develop recurring income streams. Prudent
capital decisions are made on the basis of due diligence and market research to ensure investor confidence
is retained. We take steps to anticipate shifts in market conditions and to make strategic decisions in
securing development pipeline opportunities. Buying and selling at the right time in the property cycle
has enabled us to deliver sustainable returns to our securityholders for the past five years, and when we
approach new acquisitions, we are mindful of the fundamentals needed to maintain growth through our
sustainable urban-focused business model.
Mirvac uses external impact trend analysis for macroeconomic changes, and is attentive to these shifts.
We are currently monitoring the following:
Office: Mirvac has one of the youngest office portfolios in Australia with a substantial overweight to Sydney
and Melbourne, Australia’s deepest and most attractive office markets. This ensures it is well-placed to
capture demand from high-quality tenants. Having a young and modern office portfolio also ensures that
Mirvac’s capital expenditure on its assets is expected to remain relatively lower than our AREIT peers. In
terms of office developments, the Group manages uncertainty around tenant demand in a number of ways,
such as substantially pre-letting development projects ahead of construction and by partially selling down
office developments to capital partners in advance of completion.
Industrial: Continued strength in investor demand for prime grade industrial assets in key locations is
resulting in compressed capitalisation rates, weighting predominantly towards the stronger markets of
Sydney and Melbourne. Mirvac continues to focus on properties based on proximity to infrastructure, long
lease terms and secure cash flow profiles while also considering the rapid growth of e-commerce and
renewed focus from tenants to speed up supply chain fulfilment.
Retail: Mirvac continues to maximise the retail portfolio by leveraging its strategic partnerships, experiential
expertise and integrated capability. Mirvac is focused on continually refreshing its retail assets (via
refurbishment, redevelopment or tenant remixing) to adapt to changing market dynamics. This active
management has seen an increased weighting to more resilient and experiential categories such as food and
beverage, entertainment and non-retail. Furthermore, Mirvac maintains a focus on key urban and metropolitan
markets and continues to meet the challenges and opportunities of the changing retail landscape.
Residential: While housing market activity has returned to more normalised conditions, location, quality and
an understanding of our customers’ needs remains key for attracting demand. With stricter lending criteria,
both domestically and offshore, concerns have been raised over the ability of residential property purchasers
to settle. Mirvac has a range of strategies in place and carefully and proactively monitors its settlement risk
profile, with a proven track record of low defaults.
Mirvac provides consistent, high-quality communication and transparent and responsible reporting. We have
committed to proactively sharing our progress as a business to help us earn and retain trust. We are elevating our
controls to identify and mitigate our exposure to reputational risks and ensure full compliance to emerging legislation.
We have a AAA rating with MSCI and were ranked number one in real estate by the Dow Jones
Sustainability Index in 2017. We provide good earnings visibility and full disclosure to our securityholders so
that they can make informed choices.
Our brand strength is leveraged to consistently attract substantial residential pre-sales, delivering one of the
highest levels of repeat buyers in the property industry.
Mirvac Group
FY18 Annual Report
Our people
Risk & opportunity
How we’re addressing it
Supply chain
With a broad range of suppliers providing
an equally diverse range of goods and
services, Mirvac’s stakeholders can
be directly and indirectly impacted by
the practices of our suppliers, and the
materials they’re supplying.
Planning and regulation
Mirvac’s activities can be affected by
government policies in many ways,
from local decisions regarding zoning
and developments, right through to
national positions on immigration.
Impacts of climate change
Climate change can not only affect
our assets, it can affect our business
operations. It is vital that Mirvac
responds to the implications of climate
change by implementing appropriate
adaptation and mitigation strategies
for the portfolio, and building resilience
throughout the business.
Capital management
Maintaining a diversified capital
structure to support delivery of stable
investor relations and maintain access
to equity and debt funding.
Health & safety
Maintaining the health, safety and
wellbeing of our people is our most
important duty of care obligation, and
critical to Mirvac’s ongoing success.
We are mindful that we require a
motivated, high performing, and
capable workforce to deliver business
strategy and a desired culture.
Technological change
Technology is changing our world
at a rapid pace, and without high
responsiveness, companies are less
able to innovate and take advantage
of new technologies.
Data, systems & business disruption
(including cyber security)
It’s crucial that we have the ability
to manage a major incident causing
physical or information disruption timely
and efficiently. This includes cyber
security threats and/or breaches to our
information systems and/or damage
to physical assets that could cause
significant damage to our business
and reputation.
Historically, Mirvac has looked at supply chain risk on a project-by-project basis. Working groups have since
been developed group-wide to address key areas such as modern slavery, worker exploitation, material
import risk, high risk materials, and cyber security. We are elevating our controls to identify and mitigate
our exposure to these risks and ensure full compliance to emerging legislation.
Mirvac has established a stakeholder relations team, which coordinates proactive and constructive
engagements with all levels of government to ready our business to respond to changing community
Mirvac regularly assesses its portfolio for climate risk and resilience. We support the Taskforce on Climate-
related Financial Disclosure (TCFD) recommendations and are currently considering how we disclose climate
risk and opportunity moving forward. Climate risk is also a consideration in due diligence during acquisition and
the development process. Mirvac strives to design developments and major renovations to a high standard for
green building and community certifications, as well as energy and water performance ratings.
Greater focus has been given to climate change in the refreshed sustainability strategy (launched June
2018). In early FY19, Mirvac will release its net positive carbon roadmap to help investors and other
stakeholders understand how we will reach our goal to be net positive in carbon and water by 2030, and
provide the metrics and milestones to track our progress. Renewable energy will be an important part of
achieving net positive with the added benefit of price stability for our portfolio.
Mirvac has a capital management framework, approved and monitored by the Board. The framework aims to
address the market, credit and liquidity risks while also meeting the Group’s strategic objectives.
The Group seeks to maintain a minimum investment grade credit rating of BBB+ to reduce the cost of capital
and diversify its sources of debt capital. The Group’s target gearing ratio is between 20 and 30 per cent.
We continue to pursue safety excellence and to improve the overall wellbeing of our employees, suppliers,
community and the environment.
During FY18 Mirvac launched the HSE ‘Thrive’ strategy, which encompasses health, safety and wellbeing.
As part of the strategy, Mirvac established a health and wellbeing council to drive health and wellbeing
initiatives and created Mirvac Minimum Requirements (MMR) to ensure we consistently manage critical
HSE risks across all parts of the business.
Mirvac Construction maintained certification for HSE (AS/NZS 4801:2001 OHS Management Systems, OHSAS
18001:2007 OHS management systems and AS/NZS ISO 14001:2004 – Environmental Management Systems.)
Mirvac’s people strategy includes a range of initiatives designed to ensure we have the right culture and
capabilities so that our people are engaged and enabled to deliver on our strategy. The Group has a range
of programs aimed at creating great leaders, growing and retaining key talent, and fostering a diverse and
inclusive workplace. Mirvac has clearly defined values that align to our purpose to Reimagine Urban Life
and the Group measures its leaders on whether they demonstrate supporting behaviours that underpin
these values.
Mirvac’s remuneration strategy is designed to attract the best, and retain and motivate talented individuals,
while aligning to the interests of executives, securityholders and community expectations.
Read more on Mirvac’s people initiatives on page 30.
A core element of Mirvac’s strategy is understanding and preparing for disruption and building a resilient
business. Some examples include:
– continued exploration of new construction technology to drive better outcomes, including pre-fabricated
– embracing technologies to further integrate sustainability across all business units, such as solar and
battery systems, and smart building management systems;
– an innovation program to ensure we continue to innovate in a meaningful way. Our innovation team,
Hatch, perform business scans to understand and respond to disruptive technology; and
– additional investment in resources for customer solutions and business systems.
Mirvac has a business continuity management policy which identifies and addresses the key response
actions, systems and tools required to effectively manage and continue business critical processes during
a business impacting event. The Crisis and Incident Management Plan establishes clear accountabilities and
first response protocols based on a three-tiered incident severity rating system. The Disaster Recovery Plan
specifies an action plan for IT staff involved in the recovery of critical IT Business Systems following
a disaster.
Mirvac is committed to protecting the organisation’s information through maintaining the confidentiality,
integrity and availability of Mirvac information and information systems in a secure environment.
Mirvac has established a high standard for the management of all IT security incidents and to prevent or
mitigate the side effects of data related security breach.
Sustainability update
Since it was launched in 2014, it is safe
to say that our sustainability strategy,
This Changes Everything, has become
firmly embedded into how we do things
at Mirvac – and in a relatively short time,
we’ve achieved a huge amount.
FY18 Annual Report
Sustainability update
Having made a bold net positive commitment,
we’ve reduced carbon and water intensity
by 21 per cent and 22 per cent respectively.
We developed our own energy company, and
built an innovative House with No Bills pilot
project, bringing our customers
closer to sustainable, affordable living.
Our construction waste recycling rose to
95 per cent, we began to measure our
social return on investment, and launched
our first Reconciliation Action Plan.
We also continued to leave a legacy that
reflects our values: delivering three 6 Star
Green Star Performance buildings, two 6 Star
NABERS Energy buildings, and Australia’s first
Gold WELL rated interior for our headquarters
at EY Centre, 200 George Street, Sydney.
In FY18, the Dow Jones Sustainability Index
named us the world’s most sustainable real
estate company.
Phase two of This Changes Everything
After four years of progress, we took time out
to reflect on the big question: where to next?
Our operating context has changed
considerably in recent years, and we wanted
to ensure our strategy was still connecting
to the broader factors shaping our world.
After undertaking significant stakeholder
consultation, both across the business and
externally, we identified a number of factors
that are significant in our world today, such
as climate change, diminishing trust, and
social isolation and loneliness. We also
examined the areas we think we can make
the biggest difference.
Our intention: to focus on what matters most
to Mirvac and our stakeholders so we can drive
even deeper sustainability outcomes. The
result of this work is that we have a refreshed
strategy that focuses more firmly on three
key areas: reimagining resources, enriched
communities, and transparent governance.
What’s changed, and what’s stayed the same?
The refreshed strategy is an evolution,
it’s not a revolution, and given the success of
This Changes Everything we are committed to
retaining its sense of bravery and innovation.
When we started out, however, we still weren’t
certain how we’d achieve our audacious goals,
or where we could have the most impact.
With four years of accumulated learnings,
we now have a much better idea on both these
things. For this reason, we have shifted from a
broader approach (19 areas of action) to one
that’s more carefully concentrated (six areas
of action).
Of course, some of the key components of
our strategy are still the same, such as our
commitment to reaching net positive by
2030; however, we have now made a stronger
connection to the ‘why’ that underpins
these efforts. We have also given social and
governance a more even weighting, which
we believe is important in our current climate.
It’s vital that as we grow, we don’t grow apart
from each other, and for this reason, we
are committing to tripling our community
investment by 2022, and invest $100 million
in the social sector by 2030.
A simplified scorecard designed to be shared
One of our key learnings has been how to
measure our sustainability progress, and
as part of our updated strategy, we are
committing to sharing this progress more
proactively through our new, simplified
sustainability scorecard. Not only will this
make it easier for stakeholders to see how
we’re tracking, it can provide guidance and
inspiration for other organisations who want
to instigate similar kinds of change.
Creating more than we take. Building better
communities. Openly sharing our progress.
By doing these things, we’re continuing on our
path to greater sustainability, adding inclusive
value to our stakeholders and improving our
business performance along the way.
Because we’re here to challenge the status
quo. To acknowledge the work that’s yet to be
done. To innovate until we find a better way.
To leave a legacy we can be proud of. And to
reimagine urban life, sustainably.
Sustainability update
As the first phase of 24 targets wraps up, 21 will have been delivered by year’s
end. Of the three targets left, one is behind schedule (water recycling and
capture), and two will be evolved into new opportunities (solar and batteries).
Smarter Thinking
Mission: To create the first smart portfolio
by 2020.
Progress: Delivered
Having achieved both targets in FY16, our
work has evolved into futureproofing our
assets through digital infrastructure.
Enriching Communities
Mission: To demonstrate investment
in communities within and beyond our
boundaries by 2018.
Progress: Delivered
We report our verified community
investment activities with an increasing
focus on impact and outcome. In FY18 we
achieved $3.2 million. We’re also refining our
methodology and focus areas in measuring
social return on investment.
Reimagining Resources
Mission: to be net positive by 2030
Progress: Tracking well
Carbon and water intensity targets achieved
ahead of schedules and net positive
roadmaps being developed.
Educate one million people about
sustainability by 2020
Achieved in FY16. We continue to share our learnings and
achievements in sustainability to encourage and facilitate wider
Deliver our first smart building by
Achieved in FY16. We are deploying smart elements across multiple
buildings to help realise our goal of a smart portfolio by 2020
Develop a Reconciliation Action
Plan (2017)
Our Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) launched in July 2017. Less
than a year later, we’ve achieved almost half of the commitments
in the RAP and of the remainder, almost 60% are underway. For
further update, refer to page 35.
Develop a community framework
Achieved in FY16. We continue to refine our approach to
community engagement in line with increasing stakeholder
Create community plans or charters
for all residential, office and retail
assets (2018)
Community charters implemented at several key assets.
Community engagement continues to be a focus and priority
for Mirvac
Reduce carbon intensity by 20%
Achieved in 2016
FY18 carbon intensity 21%
Net positive carbon roadmap being developed and will be
shared widely
Recycle 75% of waste (2018) & zero
waste to landfill (2030)
Operations 75%, construction 95%, waste to landfill 7,650 tonnes.
Construction waste roadmap developed
Implement three closed loop
recycling projects (2018)
Achieved in FY18 at Kawana Shoppingworld, EY Centre at 200
George Street with Cultivate, and Gainsborough Greens.
Integrate sustainability criteria into
the tendering process (2017)
Sustainability criteria has now been integrated into our online
tendering process
Complete lifecycle assessments
(LCAs) for all new projects (from
June 2014)
LCA studies were completed for three development projects this
year with 22 LCAs completed in total
Reduce potable water intensity by
15% (2018)
Achieved in 2015
FY18 water intensity 22%
Increase water capture and
recycling to 15% (2018)
6.3% achieved. Less rain fell than anticipated, and our blackwater
treatment did not deliver the results we expected
Mirvac Group
FY18 Annual Report
Sustainability update
Shaping the Future of Place
Mission: to create a framework for the
future of place by 2015
Progress: Delivered
We delivered a future of
place summit in 2015, which coalesced
the capability and innovation of our
business to direct better design and
engagement outcomes.
Develop a sustainable lifestyles index
(SLI) for implementation (2016)
Following the development of the SLI, we have undertaken it at
five sites
Create a One Planet Living
community (2018)
Create biodiversity plans for all
assets (2018)
Create green transport plans for all
assets (2018)
Pilot a house with no energy
(HWNB) bills (2018)
Install solar PV on all new Mirvac
homes (2020)
Install solar power storage batteries
on all new Mirvac homes (2030)
Having received endorsement in 2017, our Marrick & Co
residential development in Sydney’s inner west is now under
More than 30 assets have biodiversity plans. At Gainsborough
Green, we’ve rehabilitated the 50-hectare site to a thriving
wetland community, home to 34 native plant species
More than 20 assets have green transport plans and form part of
our community engagement, encouraging others to use active
and public transport
The first House with No Bills is now operational, with the
Zimmerman family moving in during FY18. For further detail,
please see page 29. Other HWNB projects are underway as part
of our broader efforts to support cost of living challenges
Our solar targets have been updated in phase two of the strategy
to ensure affordability as well as helping our residential customers
realise environmental benefits
Reimagining Resources:
Enriching communities:
Emissions tCO2-e
Scope 1
Natural gas
Total scope 1
Scope 2
Total scope 1 + 2
Scope 3
Natural gas
Total scope 3
Potable water usage
Office & Industrial 349,597
Total (kL)
Total waste
source data
Board of directors
Directors’ report
Remuneration report
Auditor’s independence declaration
Mirvac Group
FY18 Annual Report
Board of directors
Board of directors
John Mulcahy
Susan Lloyd-Hurwitz
Christine Bartlett
Peter Hawkins
Directors’ experience and areas of special responsibilities
The members of the Mirvac Board and their qualifications, experience and
responsibilities are set out below:
Christine Bartlett
BSc, MAICD – Independent Non‑Executive
Member of the Audit, Risk and Compliance Committee
John Mulcahy
PhD (Civil Engineering), FIEAust, MAICD –
Independent Non‑Executive Chair
Chair of the Nomination Committee
Member of the Audit, Risk and Compliance Committee
Member of the Human Resources Committee
John Mulcahy was appointed a Non-Executive Director of Mirvac in
November 2009 and the Independent Non-Executive Chair in November
2013. John has more than 29 years of leadership experience in financial
services and property investment. John is the former Managing
Director and Chief Executive Officer of Suncorp-Metway Limited. Prior
to joining Suncorp-Metway, John held a number of senior executive
roles at Commonwealth Bank, including Group Executive, Investment
and Insurance Services. He also held a number of senior roles during
his 14 years at Lend Lease Corporation, including Chief Executive
Officer, Lend Lease Property Investment and Chief Executive Officer,
Civil and Civic.
John is currently a Non-Executive Director of ALS Limited (formerly
Campbell Brothers Limited) (appointed February 2012), Deputy Chairman
of GWA Group Limited (appointed November 2010) and Chairman of ORIX
Australia Corporation Ltd (appointed March 2016). John is also a Director
of Zurich Australian Insurance Limited, The Shore Foundation Limited and
a former Director (and Chair from November 2010) of Coffey International
Limited (from September 2009 to January 2016) and former Guardian of
the Future Fund Board of Guardians (2006 until April 2015).
Susan Lloyd-Hurwitz
BA (Hons), MBA (Dist) – Chief Executive Officer & Managing Director
(CEO/MD) – Executive
Susan Lloyd-Hurwitz was appointed Chief Executive Officer & Managing
Director in August 2012 and a Director of Mirvac Board in November 2012.
Prior to this appointment, Susan was Managing Director at LaSalle
Investment Management. Susan has also held senior executive positions
at MGPA, Macquarie Group and Lend Lease Corporation, working in
Australia, the US and Europe.
Susan has been involved in the real estate industry for over 28 years,
with extensive experience in investment management in both the direct
and indirect markets, development, mergers and acquisitions, disposals,
research and business strategy.
Susan is National President of the Property Council of Australia, a Director
of the Shopping Centre Council of Australia and the Green Building
Council of Australia, a member of the NSW Public Service Commission
Advisory Board, President of INSEAD Australasian Council and a member
of the INSEAD Global Board.
Susan holds a Bachelor of Arts (Hons) from the University of Sydney and
an MBA (Distinction) from INSEAD (France).
Christine Bartlett was appointed a Non-Executive Director of Mirvac
in December 2014. She is currently a Non-Executive Director of GBST
Holdings Ltd (appointed June 2015 and appointed Deputy Chair in
January 2016), Sigma Healthcare Limited (appointed March 2016), TAL
Life Limited (appointed January 2017) and Chairman of The Smith Family.
She is also an external Director of the Board of Clayton Utz (appointed
January 2016), and a director of iCare (appointed March 2018).
Christine is a member of the UNSW Australian School of Business
Advisory Council and the Australian Institute of Company Directors.
Previously, she has been a Director of PropertyLook and National
Nominees Limited and Deputy Chairman of the Australian Custodial
Services Association.
Christine is an experienced CEO and senior executive, with extensive
line management experience gained through roles with IBM, Jones Lang
LaSalle and National Australia Bank Limited. Her executive career has
included Australian, regional and global responsibilities based in Australia,
the USA and Japan. Christine brings a commercial perspective especially
in the areas of financial discipline, identifying risk, complex project
management, execution of strategy, fostering innovation and taking
advantage of new emerging technologies.
Christine holds a Bachelor of Science from the University of Sydney and
has completed senior executive management programs at INSEAD.
Peter Hawkins
BCA (Hons), FAICD, SFFin, FAIM, ACA (NZ) – Independent
Chair of the Human Resources Committee
Member of the Audit, Risk and Compliance Committee
Member of the Nomination Committee
Peter Hawkins was appointed a Non-Executive Director of Mirvac in
January 2006, following his retirement from ANZ after a career of 34
years. Prior to his retirement, Peter was Group Managing Director, Group
Strategic Development, responsible for the expansion and shaping
of ANZ’s businesses, mergers, acquisitions and divestments and for
overseeing its strategic cost agenda.
Peter was a member of ANZ’s Group Leadership Team and sat on the
boards of Esanda Limited, ING Australia Limited and ING (NZ) Limited,
the funds management and life insurance joint ventures between ANZ
and ING Group. He was previously Group Managing Director, Personal
Financial Services, as well as holding a number of other senior positions
during his career with ANZ. Peter was also a Director of BHP (NZ) Steel
Limited from 1990 to 1991 and Visa Inc. from 2008 to 2011.
Peter is currently a Non-Executive Director of Westpac Banking
Corporation (appointed December 2008), Crestone Holdings Limited and
Liberty Financial Pty Ltd, and a former Non-Executive Director of Treasury
Corporation of Victoria and Clayton Utz.
Mirvac Group
FY18 Annual Report
Board of directors
James M. Millar AM
Samantha Mostyn
John Peters
Elana Rubin
James M. Millar AM
John Peters
BCom, FCA, FAICD – Independent Non‑Executive
Chair of the Audit, Risk and Compliance Committee
Member of the Nomination Committee
James M. Millar was appointed a Non-Executive Director of Mirvac in
November 2009. He is the former Chief Executive Officer of Ernst & Young
(EY) in the Oceania Region, and was a Director on their global board.
James commenced his career in the Insolvency & Reconstruction practice
at EY, being involved in a number of sizeable corporate workouts. He has
qualifications in both business and accounting.
James is a Non-Executive Director of Fairfax Media Limited (appointed
July 2012) and Macquarie Media Limited (appointed April 2015). He
is Chair of the Export Finance and Insurance Corporation (appointed
December 2014) and Forestry Corporation NSW (appointed March 2013).
James serves a number of charities and is Chair of the Vincent Fairfax
Family Foundation (appointed April 2009) and a Director of Vincent
Fairfax Ethics in Leadership Foundation (appointed September 2016). He
is a former Chair of Fantastic Holdings Limited (from May 2012 until June
2014) and The Smith Family (until April 2016), and a former Director of
Helloworld Limited (from September 2010 until January 2016) and Slater
& Gordon Limited (from December 2015 to December 2017).
Samantha Mostyn
B.A, LLB – Independent Non‑Executive
Member of the Human Resources Committee
Samantha Mostyn was appointed a Non-Executive Director of Mirvac
in March 2015. Samantha is a Non-Executive Director and corporate
advisor and is currently a Non-Executive Director of Virgin Australia
Holdings Limited (appointed September 2010) and Transurban Holdings
Limited (appointed December 2010). She is also a Director (and Chair
since November 2015) on an Australian APRA regulated Citibank
Subsidiary Board. She is the Chair of Carriageworks, and serves on the
boards of the Sydney Swans, the Centre for Policy Development, and
the GO Foundation.
Samantha has significant experience in the Australian corporate sector
both in Executive and Non-executive capacities, in particular in the areas
of human resources, corporate and government affairs, sustainability
management and diversity. Samantha has held senior executive positions
including Group Executive Culture and Reputation, IAG, Global Head HR
and Culture, Cable & Wireless in London. She serves on the Australian
faculty of the Cambridge University Business & Sustainability Leadership
Program, and has previously served as a Director of the Sydney Theatre
Company, a Commissioner with the Australian Football League (AFL),
the National Sustainability Council, and the National Mental Health
Commission. She was also Deputy Chair of the Diversity Council of
Australia from 2012-2018.
BArch, AdvDipBCM, ARAIA, FAICD – Independent Non‑Executive
Member of the Human Resources Committee
John Peters was appointed a Non-Executive Director of Mirvac in
November 2011. John brings to the Board over 40 years’ experience in
architectural design, project management, property development and
property management.
For 21 years, John was the principal of a private property development
company focused on substantial mixed use developments and
redevelopments in South East Queensland. During this period, he has also
consulted to various investors and other financial stakeholders in several
Queensland development projects.
Prior to this, John was with Lend Lease Corporation for 14 years, where he was
Queensland Manager Lend Lease Development, and Director, Lend Lease
Commercial. John is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.
Elana Rubin
BA (Hons), MA, FFin, FAICD, FAIM – Independent Non‑Executive
Member of the Audit, Risk and Compliance Committee
Member of the Nomination Committee
Elana Rubin was appointed a Non-Executive Director of Mirvac in
November 2010 and has extensive experience in property and financial
services. Elana is a Director of Afterpay Touch Group Limited (appointed
March 2017) and Slater & Gordon Limited (appointed March 2018). She
is also a director of several unlisted and public sector Boards in property,
infrastructure and insurance.
Elana is the former Chair of AustralianSuper (July 2007 to April 2013), one
of Australia’s leading superannuation funds, having been on the Board since
2006. She was a Director of Victorian WorkCover Authority (December 2001
to February 2012) and Chair from 2006. She was also a Director of Mirvac
Funds Management Limited, the responsible entity and trustee for Mirvac’s
listed and unlisted funds, from November 2013 to February 2015.
Elana was previously a Non-Executive Director of a number of other listed
and unlisted companies. Elana was a member of the Federal Government's
Infrastructure Australia and Climate Change Authority.
Company secretary
Sean Ward
BEc, BComm, FGIA, FFin, MBA (Dist)
Sean Ward was appointed Company Secretary on 23 August 2013 and in
May 2017 was also appointed Head of Risk. Sean joined Mirvac as Group
Company Secretary in April 2013 and has more than 19 years’ corporate
experience. Prior to joining Mirvac, Sean was the Head of Subsidiaries at
Westpac Banking Corporation, providing company secretarial support for
all of Westpac’s listed and unlisted entities and before this was a Senior
Companies Advisor at ASX Limited. Sean completed his Masters of Business
Administration with the Australian Graduate School of Management in 2016.
Directors’ report
The Directors of Mirvac Limited present their report, together with the consolidated financial report of Mirvac Group (Mirvac or Group) for the year ended 30
June 2018. Mirvac comprises Mirvac Limited (parent entity) and its controlled entities, which include Mirvac Property Trust and its controlled entities.
Principal activities
The principal continuing activities of Mirvac consist of real estate investment, development, third party capital management and property asset
management. Mirvac performs these activities across three major segments: Office & Industrial, Retail and Residential.
The Directors of Mirvac in office at any time during the financial year and up to the date of this report together with information on their qualifications
and experience are set out on pages 44 to 45.
Remuneration report
The Remuneration report as required under section 300A (1) of the Corporations Act 2001 is set out on pages 51 to 72 and forms part of the
Directors’ report.
Meetings of directors
The number of Directors’ meetings held and attended by each Director during the year ended 30 June 2018 is detailed below:
John Mulcahy
Susan Lloyd-Hurwitz
Christine Bartlett
Peter Hawkins
Samantha Mostyn
James M. Millar AM
John Peters
Elana Rubin
Audit, Risk &
Compliance Committee
Human Resources
Other directorships
Details of all directorships of other listed companies held by each Director in the three years immediately before 30 June 2018 are as follows:
John Mulcahy
Susan Lloyd-Hurwitz
Christine Bartlett
Peter Hawkins
James M. Millar AM
Samantha Mostyn
John Peters
Elana Rubin
ALS Limited (formerly Campbell Brothers Limited)
Coffey International Limited
GWA Group Limited
GBST Holdings Ltd
Sigma Healthcare Limited
Westpac Banking Corporation
MG Responsible Entity Limited
Helloworld Limited (formerly Jetset Travelworld Limited)
Fairfax Media Limited
Macquarie Media Limited
Slater & Gordon Limited
Cover-More Group Limited
Transurban Holdings Limited
Virgin Australia Holdings Limited
Afterpay Touch Group Limited
Slater & Gordon Limited
Touchcorp Limited
Date appointed
Date ceased
February 2012
September 2009
November 2010
January 2016
June 2015
March 2016
December 2008
April 2015
September 2010
July 2012
April 2015
December 2015
December 2013
December 2010
September 2010
November 2016
January 2016
December 2017
April 2017
March 2017
March 2018
January 2015
August 2017
Directors’ report Mirvac Group
FY18 Annual Report
As a property group involved in property investment, residential and
commercial development and investment management, Mirvac faces a
number of risks throughout the business cycle that have the potential to
affect the achievement of its targeted financial outcomes.
Mirvac’s risk management framework is integrated with its day-to-day
business processes and is supported by a dedicated Group Risk function.
For the year ended 30 June 2018, the Group continued to ensure internal
and external risks were identified and appropriate strategies were
implemented to manage the impact of those risks. Further information
on the material risks identified for each of the sectors is outlined on
page 36-37.
FY18 Office & Industrial highlights
Mirvac’s Office & Industrial portfolio has a focus on key urban markets,
providing secure, recurring income to the Group.
For the year ended 30 June 2018, Mirvac’s Office & Industrial division
delivered earnings before interest and tax of $381m.
Key highlights across the office portfolio for the year ended
30 June 2018 included:
– maintained high occupancy of 97.5 per cent1, with a WALE of 6.6 years2;
– achieved like-for-like net operating income growth of 12.7 per cent;
– completed 73 deals over approximately 74,850 square metres3,
with highlights including:
– 275 Kent Street, Sydney NSW: renewed Westpac for 16,130 square
metres for a six-year term;
– 101 Miller Street, Sydney NSW: secured Genworth for 5,900 square
metres for a five-year term and Allianz for 4,230 square metres for a
10-year term; and
– Allendale Square, 77 St Georges Terrace, Perth WA: renewed Minter
Ellison for approximately 3,500 square metres for a five-year term;
– total office asset revaluations provided an uplift of $381.0m
(or 7.1 per cent) over the previous book value for the 12 months to
30 June 2018, supported by an overweight to prime assets in Sydney
and Melbourne. On a like-for-like basis (excluding IPUC, acquisitions
and disposals), the net uplift was $384.5m (or 7.7 per cent);
– maintained positive leasing spreads at 8.6 per cent;
– incentives remained low at 22 per cent (June 2017: 18.9 per cent); and
– exchanged contracts to acquire 75 George Street, Parramatta NSW for
a total consideration of $86.3m.
In July 2018, Mirvac secured leading financial services provider, Suncorp,
at its proposed development at 80 Ann Street in Brisbane QLD, with
Suncorp pre-committing to over 39,600 square metres of office and retail
space, representing approximately 66 per cent of the building’s total net
lettable area, for a 10-year term. Mirvac concurrently announced it had
sold a 50 per cent interest in the development to M&G Real Estate for a
total consideration of $418m.
Review of operations and activities
A review of the operations of the Group during the financial year and
the results of those operations are detailed below.
FY18 Financial & Capital management highlights
Mirvac delivered a solid financial result for the year ended 30 June 2018,
with its sustainable business model and prudent approach to capital
management ensuring a strong capital position and flexible balance sheet.
Key financial highlights for the year ended 30 June 2018:
– profit attributable to the stapled securityholders of $1,089m;
(June 2017: $1,164m), driven by a strong performance in the Group's
Office & Industrial business;
– operating profit after tax increased by 9 per cent to $580m; (June 2017:
$534m), representing 15.6 cents per stapled security (cpss);
– operating cash flow of $663m (June 2017: $513m);
– full-year distributions of $408m, representing 11.0 cpss; and
– net tangible assets per stapled security of $2.31 (June 2017: $2.13).
Key capital management highlights for the year ended 30 June 2018:
– gearing remained at the lower end of the Group’s target range
of 20.0 to 30.0 per cent, at 21.3 per cent;
– maintained substantial available liquidity, with $906m in cash and
committed undrawn bank facilities held;
– weighted average debt maturity increased to 6.8 years from 6.2 years
(June 2017), following the issuance of:
– US$400m European medium term notes maturing in March 2027;
– HK$300m European medium term notes maturing in March 2028;
– average borrowing costs remained stable at 4.8 per cent per annum,
including margins and line fees, following the issuance of new debt and
the repayment of maturing debt;
– received a credit rating upgrade from Moody’s Investors Service from
Baa1 to A3; and
– received a revised credit rating outlook from Standard & Poor’s from
stable to positive, with the Group’s BBB+ credit rating maintained.
Group outlook
Mirvac’s diversified urban portfolio and proven asset creation capability
across each of its sectors ensures it is well-placed for the future. Secured
cash flows are supported by a modern investment portfolio with strong
metrics, a robust commercial development pipeline and $2.2bn of
exchanged residential pre-sales.
The Group’s rigorous capital management is demonstrated by gearing
within the Group’s target range, a diversified debt portfolio with a long
weighted average debt maturity, and clear visibility of future cash flows.
Mirvac’s focus on prudently managing its capital position will help to
ensure the Group can continue to meet its strategic objectives without
increasing its overall capital management risk profile.
Mirvac will continue to enhance its capabilities as a world-class Australian
property group concentrating on a secure income stream from its
investment portfolio, which underpins Group distributions, improving
the return on invested capital achieved by its development activities,
and positioning Mirvac for the future by investing in safety, technology,
innovation, sustainability and its people.
1. By area, including investments in joint ventures and excluding assets held for development.
2. By income, including investments in joint ventures and excluding assets held for development. .
3. Excludes leasing of assets under development.
Directors’ report48
Review of operations and activities continued
Office continued
In line with Mirvac’s mandate to create world-class office assets that
generate development returns, the Group progressed its $3bn office
development pipeline in FY18, which is 74 per cent pre-let. Progress on
committed projects include:
– 664 Collins Street, Melbourne VIC: practical completion was achieved in
June 2018, with the building 100 per cent leased prior to completion;
– 477 Collins Street, Melbourne VIC: construction is progressing well,
with all demolition, excavation and foundation works completed, and
concrete structural works complete to Level 10. The building is 58 per
cent pre-leased, with major tenant, Deloitte, committing to 26,000
square metres of office space for a 12-year term, and global law firm,
Norton Rose, committing to 5,000 square metres for a 10-year term.
A further 1,100 square metres is currently under heads of agreement,
which will take the building to 58 per cent pre-leased once executed.
The Group remains on track to reach practical completion in FY20;
– Australian Technology Park, Sydney NSW: achieved the topping-out
of Building 1 in February 2018, with facade works now complete and
roof-feature works underway. Structural works on Building 2 and
Building 3 are ongoing. Work on the public domain is progressing well
with the first stage of Eveleigh Green complete and open to the public.
The project’s major tenant, Commonwealth Bank, has pre-committed
to 100 per cent of office space for a 15-year lease term. Practical
completion for Buildings 1 and 3 is targeted for FY19, and FY20 for
Building 2; and
– 80 Ann Street, Brisbane QLD: received planning approval for the
development of a 60,000 square metre tower over 31 levels. The Group
is undertaking neighbour access rights to allow demolition works to
commence on site. Practical completion is targeted for FY22.
Solid net absorption in a tight leasing market has resulted in reduced
vacancy in Sydney and Melbourne, with double digit effective rental
growth recorded over the past year. The Brisbane leasing market
continues to show tangible signs of improvement with both public sector
hiring and expenditure supporting the Brisbane economy. Perth is seeing
signs of stabilisation, with better commodity prices and some commitment
for resource expansion resulting in take-up of surplus office vacancy.
Positive financial market movement, growth in the services sector and
the desire from tenants to upgrade to modern, flexible and efficient space
continues to result in take-up of prime grade space. Mirvac will continue
to focus its high-quality portfolio on the key urban markets of Sydney
and Melbourne, as well as creating innovative, collaborative and flexible
workplaces that generate value for the Group.
Key highlights across the industrial portfolio for the year ended 30 June
2018 included:
– achieved 100 per cent occupancy2, with a WALE of 7.1 years3;
– achieved like-for-like net operating income growth of 1.3 per cent;
– completed over 52,300 square metres of leasing activity 4;
– formed the Mirvac Industrial Logistics Partnership (MILP) with Morgan
Stanley Real Estate Investing. The partnership was seeded by two
industrial assets, 47 Westgate Drive, Altona North and 26 Harcourt
Road, Altona, both in Victoria, that were sold by Mirvac to the
partnership for a total consideration of $65.5m. Mirvac will retain
a 10 per cent interest in the partnership;
– acquired a 16,600 square metre industrial asset in Campbelltown,
Sydney NSW on behalf of MILP for a total consideration of $29m;
– completed the sale of 1900-2060 Pratt Boulevard, Chicago USA for a
total consideration of $52.4m, slightly above previous book value, with
settlement occurring in October 2017; and
– Calibre, Eastern Creek NSW: practical completion on Building 3,
a 21,000 square metre facility, was achieved in April 2018, with online
pet supplies company, Pet Circle, signing a lease prior to completion for
a five-year term. Practical completion was also achieved on Building 4 in
June 2018, with Sheldon & Hammond committing to the 31,000 square
metre facility for a 10-year term. Construction on Building 2, a 17,000
square metre facility, commenced in early March 2018, with practical
completion expected in the first half of FY19. The building is 100 per
cent pre-leased to Miele for a seven-year term. Construction has
commenced on Building 5, with practical completion targeted for the
second half of FY19. Strong interest has been received for this facility.
Outlook 1
Strong demand from logistics firms continues to support above-average
leasing demand in the Sydney industrial markets. A limited availability of
vacant stock in Sydney is starting to see upward pressure on rents for
existing buildings. Mirvac’s strategic overweight to the strong-performing
Sydney market ensures that the industrial portfolio will continue to provide
a secure stable income to the Group.
FY18 Retail highlights
The Group’s Retail division is focused on densely populated urban catchment
areas, with an overweight to the strong performing Sydney market.
For the year ended 30 June 2018, the Retail portfolio delivered operating
earnings before interest and tax of $154m.
Key highlights across the retail portfolio for the year ended 30 June
2018 included:
– maintained high occupancy of 99.2 per cent2
– achieved comparable MAT sales growth of 3.1 per cent and comparable
specialty sales growth of 3.7 per cent;
– increased comparable specialty sales productivity to $10,085 per
square metre;
– executed lease deals across approximately 66,500 square metres, with
leasing spreads of 2.3 per cent;
– specialty occupancy costs increased slightly to 15.3 per cent
(June 2017: 15.0 per cent);
– acquired the remaining 50.1 per cent interest in East Village, Zetland
NSW for a total consideration of $155.3m, following the purchase of a
49.9 per cent interest in July 2016. The centre continues to trade well
and was ranked number 1 in Australia in the Shopping Centre News
Little Guns survey for total centre sales per square metre for
the second consecutive year;
1. These future looking statements should be read in conjunction with future releases to the ASX.
2. By area.
3. By income.
4. Excludes leasing of assets under development.
Directors’ reportContinuedDirectors’ report Mirvac Group
FY18 Annual Report
Key highlights across the residential business for the year ended
30 June 2018 included:
– settled 3,400 residential lots, in line with the Group’s target of
approximately 3,400 residential lot settlements in FY18. Defaults for the
financial year remained at below 2 per cent;
– secured future income with residential pre-sales of $2.2bn2. Mirvac’s
existing pipeline supports over 12,000 lot settlements over the next
four years;
– delivered gross development margins of 25.4 per cent3, driven by the
Group’s ability to buy and sell at the right time, and in the right markets;
– released approximately 1,800 residential lots during the 12 months to
30 June 2018 across both new and existing projects, with 76 per cent
of all released lots pre-sold. Successful releases included:
– Tullamore, VIC: 64 per cent of released lots pre-sold;
– Olivine, VIC: 92 per cent of released lots pre-sold;
– Woodlea, VIC: 97 per cent of released lots pre-sold;
– Brighton Lakes, NSW: 100 per cent of released lots pre-sold;
– Alex Avenue, NSW: 92 per cent of released lots pre-sold; and
– Crest, Gledswood Hills NSW: 100 per cent of released lots pre-sold;
– supplemented the Group’s residential pipeline of over 27,000 lots with
the acquisition of approximately 1,900 lots at Olivine, VIC.
Outlook 1
The outlook for capital city residential markets remains mixed, varying
from state to state and at a sub-market level. Prices at an aggregate
level have cooled, though mostly for premium, established dwellings.
While lending criteria has tightened housing finance approvals for owner
occupiers remain elevated. Quality residential projects in cities that
offer good connection to employment opportunities and infrastructure,
particularly Sydney and Melbourne to which Mirvac is overweight,
are expected to continue to attract ongoing demand.
Significant changes in the state of affairs
Details of the state of affairs of the Group are disclosed on pages 47 to 49.
Other than those matters disclosed, there were no significant changes to
the state of affairs during the financial year.
Matters subsequent to the end of the year
As previously announced on 16 July 2018, the Group exercised a put-and-
call option with Wee Hur to acquire 80 Ann Street, Brisbane QLD. The
Group and M&G Real Estate will be tenants in common, with each party
funding $39.5m for the acquisition based on their 50 per cent ownership
share. Subject to FIRB approval, settlement is expected to occur in the first
quarter of FY19.
No other events have occurred since the end of the year which have
significantly affected or may significantly affect Mirvac’s operations, the
results of those operations, or Mirvac’s state of affairs in future years..
Review of operations and activities continued
Retail continued
– announced an agreement to acquire the remaining interest in the
proposed South Village Shopping Centre, Kirrawee following an
agreement to purchase a 50 per cent interest in October 2016.
PAYCE will undertake development of the project, with Mirvac to pay
an amount based on a 6.0 per cent capitalisation rate of the leased
net income on completion. Mirvac will also provide development
leasing services, including tenancy co-ordination and retail design
management prior to practical completion, and will retain management
rights and leasing services following practical completion; and
– completed the sale of a 50 per cent interest in Kawana Shoppingworld,
Buddina QLD to ISPT in December 2017 for a total consideration
of $186m, with Mirvac to retain property management, leasing and
development management services.
The Group’s retail development pipeline also progressed during the
financial year, with updates including:
– Birkenhead Point Outlet Centre, Sydney NSW: completed the $19m
development of Birkenhead Point Outlet Centre in August 2017,
introducing a new premium precinct which includes Bally, Coach,
Harrolds, Michael Kors and Peters of Kensington. The development was
100 per cent pre-leased on completion;
– Toombul, Nundah QLD: received development approval for the
proposed dining and entertainment development. The project will
deliver an alfresco urban dining precinct with multiple entertainment
and lifestyle offers, expanding the centre by approximately 1,600 square
metres. Construction works are expected to commence in the first half
of FY19, subject to remaining approvals;
– Rhodes Waterside, Sydney NSW: commenced construction on the 3,700
square metre development, introducing ALDI and relocating Bing Lee
to strengthen the fresh food and homewares offer. The project is 100
per cent pre-leased and is scheduled for completion in mid-FY19; and
– Kawana Shoppingworld, Buddina QLD: construction on the 6,900
square metre development commenced during the period, which
will see the delivery of an Event cinema and an expanded dining
precinct. The project is scheduled for completion in mid-FY19 and
is 95 per cent pre-leased.
While the broader retail environment faces some challenges, shopping
centres with strong catchment fundamentals continue to be well
supported. Mirvac’s retail portfolio is located in the service-based economies
of Sydney, South East Queensland and Melbourne, which continue to record
stronger employment and population growth than regional areas. In addition,
well-performing centres that offer great customer experiences continue
to attract quality tenants, ensuring secure income to the Group. Mirvac’s
focus on centres in urban catchments with strong fundamentals is expected
to support continued solid performance in the retail sector.
FY18 Residential highlights
Mirvac’s Residential business is founded on a reputation for delivering
superior apartment and masterplanned communities projects in Australia’s
key cities of Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Perth.
For the year ended 30 June 2018, Residential delivered earnings before
interest and tax of $300m.
1. These future looking statements should be read in conjunction with future releases to the ASX.
2. Adjusted for Mirvac’s share of JVA and Mirvac managed funds.
3. Excludes previously provisioned projects.
Directors’ report50
Environmental regulations
Mirvac and its business operations are subject to compliance with both
Commonwealth and State environment protection legislation. The Board
is satisfied that adequate policies and procedures are in place to ensure
Mirvac’s compliance with the applicable legislation. In addition, Mirvac is
also subject to the reporting requirements of the National Greenhouse
and Energy Reporting Act 2007 and Building Energy Efficiency Disclosure
Act 2010. Mirvac is not aware of any incidents that have resulted in
material non-compliance with environmental regulations during the
financial year.
Corporate governance statement
Mirvac is committed to ensuring that its systems, procedures and
practices reflect high standards of corporate governance. The Directors
believe that a strong corporate governance framework is critical in
fostering a culture that values ethical behaviour, integrity and respect,
to protect securityholders’ and other stakeholders’ interests at all times.
During the year ended 30 June 2018, Mirvac’s corporate governance
framework was consistent with the third edition of the Corporate
Governance Principles and Recommendations released by the ASX
Corporate Governance Council.
Mirvac’s Corporate governance statement for the year ended 30
June 2018 and copies or summaries of the Group policies referred
to in it are published on Mirvac’s website at:
Tax governance statement
Mirvac has adopted the Board of Taxation’s Tax Transparency Code
(TTC). As part of the TTC, Mirvac has published a Tax governance
statement (TGS) which details Mirvac’s corporate structure and tax
corporate governance systems. Mirvac’s TGS can be found on Mirvac’s
website at:
Fraud, bribery and corruption
Mirvac has zero tolerance regarding fraud, bribery and corruption and
requires all employees and service providers to adhere to the highest
standards of honesty and integrity in the conduct of all its activities.
Mirvac will uphold all laws relevant to countering bribery, fraud and
corruption in the jurisdictions in which it operates.
Any allegation of a person from within or associated with Mirvac
(notwithstanding the capacity in which they are acting), acting in
a manner inconsistent with this statement will be treated seriously,
regardless of the seniority of those involved. Disciplinary action including
dismissal may result. Where it is believed that a criminal offence may have
been committed, the police and other relevant bodies may be informed.
Non‑audit services
From time to time, Mirvac may engage its external auditor,
PricewaterhouseCoopers, to perform services additional to their
statutory audit duties. Details of the amounts paid or payable to
PricewaterhouseCoopers for audit and non-audit services provided
during the year ended 30 June 2018 are set out in note H5 to
the consolidated financial statements.
In accordance with the advice received from the ARCC, the Board is
satisfied that the provision of non-audit services is compatible with
the general standard of independence for auditors imposed by the
Corporations Act 2001 and did not compromise the auditor independence
requirements of the Corporations Act 2001 for the following reasons:
– all non-audit services were reviewed by the ARCC to ensure they did
not affect the impartiality and objectivity of the auditor; and
– none of the services undermined the general principles relating to
auditor independence as set out in Accounting Professional & Ethical
Standards 110 Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants, including
reviewing or auditing the auditor’s own work, acting in a management
or a decision-making capacity for the Group, acting as advocate for the
Group or jointly sharing economic risk and rewards.
Auditor’s independence declaration
A copy of the Auditor’s independence declaration as required under
section 307C of the Corporations Act 2001 is set out on page 73 and
forms part of the Directors’ report.
Rounding of amounts
The amounts in the consolidated financial statements have been rounded
off to the nearest million (m) dollars in accordance with ASIC Corporations
Instrument 2016/191.
This statement is made in accordance with a resolution of the Directors.
Susan Lloyd-Hurwitz
9 August 2018
Directors’ reportContinuedDirectors’ report Mirvac Group
FY18 Annual Report
Remuneration report
1 Message from the Human Resources Committee
2 Who is covered by this report
3 Key questions
4 Our remuneration strategy and the link to business strategy
5 Executive KMP remuneration at Mirvac
6 How remuneration is structured
7 Business and executive remuneration outcomes
8 Summary of FY18 remuneration
9 Actual remuneration received in FY18
10 Total remuneration in FY18
11 LTI grants in FY18
12 Equity instrument disclosures relating to KMP
13 Other transactions with KMP
14 Service agreements for the Executive KMP
15 Governance and how remuneration decisions are made
16 Non-Executive Directors’ remuneration
17 Additional required disclosures
Remuneration report52
1 Message from the Human Resources Committee
The HRC wishes to thank you for your support at last year’s AGM and
for sharing your views on our remuneration practices, and is pleased
to present securityholders with the FY18 remuneration report. This
report outlines Mirvac’s approach to remuneration for its executives and
in particular the link between Mirvac’s strategy and its remuneration
framework and the link between performance and reward.
Mirvac delivered excellent performance against key financial measures
and key strategic objectives in FY18. This report outlines how Mirvac’s
performance has driven the remuneration outcomes for senior executives.
The HRC has oversight of Mirvac’s People Strategy, Culture and key
Human Resources practices, and Mirvac’s remuneration framework is an
integral component of our People Strategy. Our people are at the heart
of what we do, and we recognise that our investment in their growth
and development, along with fostering a positive culture, leads to better
business outcomes.
Some of the FY18 highlights are below:
– We achieved an overall employee engagement score of 90 per cent in
the Willis Towers Watson’s engagement survey, placing us above the
Global High Performing Norm, the survey’s highest external benchmark.
The results show our people are willing to work beyond what is required
to assist Mirvac to succeed, strongly believe in our purpose and value
our culture.
– We launched our new Mirvac values - these are cultural statements
our employees identified as critical to us delivering on our purpose to
'Reimagine Urban Life' and business strategy. Our values are:
– We put people first
– We are passionate about quality and legacy
– We collaborate
– We are curious and bold
– How we work matters
– We are genuine and do the right thing.
– Mirvac is proud to be the first Australian property developer to become
a ‘White Ribbon Workplace’. This is an accreditation that signifies that
violence in any form at Mirvac will not be tolerated and that we are
committed to preventing and responding to violence and creating a
safer and more respectful workplace.
– Mirvac has been awarded with the Employer of Choice for Gender
Equality citation for the fourth year in a row. This prestigious citation
acknowledges our ongoing commitment to gender equality.
– Our continued strategic focus on gender balance is having a positive
impact on gender pay parity. The Group’s annual gender pay parity
review showed the organisation-wide pay gap has continued to
decrease. It has decreased by 11 per cent in the last five years. Over the
past three years, the by-level pay gap has reduced by three per cent,
and the like-for-like gender pay gap is zero for the second year.
– As well as having diversity targets for female representation at various
levels in the business, we are focused on having female talent in
our succession plan for leadership roles, and require 50 per cent of
candidates on leadership shortlists to be female. In FY18, we were
delighted to exceed our target of women in senior leadership positions
with 40 per cent of senior leadership roles held by women.
– Mirvac has undertaken a significant amount of work to mainstream
flexibility and to empower our people to achieve better work/life quality.
This year’s engagement survey showed that 75 per cent of employees
have some sort of flexible arrangement in place, evenly spread across
both males and females.
– In addition to providing a flexible workplace, we continue to support
employees as they transition back in to the workplace. We launched
our new Shared Care Policy which provides benefits such as 20 weeks
paid parental leave for primary carers up from 16 weeks, four weeks
of paid parental leave for the secondary carer up from two weeks, and
continuation of superannuation payments for the duration of the unpaid
parental leave. We are also offering more flexibility in how employees
take their paid parental leave so it does not have to be taken in a single
block of time, providing Mirvac families with more options when it
comes to caring for their children.
More on our People Strategy and how this supports Mirvac’s performance
can be found in the Our People section, page 30.
Throughout FY18, the HRC continued to oversee the performance and
remuneration of the CEO/MD and other Executive Leadership Team
members, along with the Group remuneration framework and incentive
schemes, ensuring that the financial reward balances performance
with prudent risk taking while also creating alignment between our
securityholders and other stakeholders.
Mirvac’s remuneration framework reflects our commitment to deliver
competitive remuneration for excellent performance in order to attract
the best and motivate and retain talented individuals, while aligning the
interests of executives and securityholders.
At the heart of our remuneration framework are:
– incentives based on financial measures and strategic objectives that
reflect key goals critical to sustained organisational success;
– consideration of business and operational risk through the design of
performance objectives, clawbacks and the exercise of Board discretion;
– incentives that align the interests of executives to those of
– vesting periods for deferred incentives that reflect the time horizons
over which Mirvac invests, while providing appropriate stretch and
incentive for executives; and
– best-practice governance and ensuring remuneration outcomes
are reasonable taking into account community and stakeholder
During the year, a wholesale review of our Performance and Reward
Framework was completed, resulting in some changes to our approach
to executive pay. Many of the changes are reflected in our approach to
performance management including the performance ratings (which
apply to all employees), but some changes have been made to executive
remuneration (that apply from 1 July 2018) which include increasing
our mandatory minimum securityholding for Executive KMP; more
explicit consideration of risk and risk culture in determining Executives'
performance and reward outcomes; and adjusting the weightings of the
LTI performance measures which are reflected in the CEO/MD’s FY19 LTI
award (further details are covered in the Key questions, section 3, of the
remuneration report).
Remuneration reportContinuedRemuneration report Mirvac Group
FY18 Annual Report
2 Who is covered by this report
This report covers the key management personnel (KMP) of Mirvac, who are the people responsible for determining and executing Mirvac’s strategy.
This includes both the Executive KMP (the CEO/MD, CFO and heads of business units who are part of the Executive Leadership Team) as well as
Non-Executive Directors.
For FY18, the KMP were:
Non-Executive KMP
John Mulcahy
Christine Bartlett
Peter Hawkins
James M. Millar AM
Samantha Mostyn
John Peters
Elana Rubin
Executive KMP
Susan Lloyd-Hurwitz
Brett Draffen
Shane Gannon
Campbell Hanan
Susan MacDonald
Stuart Penklis
Chief Investment Officer
Chief Financial Officer
Head of Office & Industrial
Head of Retail
Head of Residential
The information provided in this remuneration report has been audited as required by section 308(3C) of the Corporations Act 2001.
3 Key questions
Key questions
Mirvac approach
Remuneration in FY18
1. How is Mirvac’s performance
reflected in this year’s
remuneration outcomes?
What changes have been
made to the remuneration
structure in FY18?
Mirvac’s remuneration outcomes are strongly linked to the delivery of sustainable
securityholder value over the short and long term.
Short term: Mirvac has delivered strong performance in terms of operating profit, ROIC and
delivery of strategic objectives, which has resulted in above-target performance on our balanced
scorecard and a corresponding higher than usual payout of short term incentives (STI).
Long term: The three-year performance period for the FY16 long term incentives (LTI)
completed on 30 June 2018. The FY16 LTI was divided into two components, with half tested
against relative TSR and the other half tested against ROIC, both over a three-year period.
Mirvac's absolute TSR performance of 30.63 per cent was at the 59th percentile of the
comparator group, resulting in vesting of 68 per cent of the TSR component. Mirvac’s ROIC
performance of 12 per cent outperformed the stretch target of 10 per cent, resulting in 100
per cent vesting for this component. As a result, total vesting for the FY16 LTI award is 84 per
cent. The Board is committed to ensuring executives’ remuneration links to the achievement
of sustainable value for securityholders and therefore will continue to use relative TSR and
ROIC for the FY19 LTI award for the Executive KMP.
Susan MacDonald received a fixed pay increase from $700,000 to $800,000 per annum as at
1 October 2017. This increase is a reflection on Susan’s experience and sustained performance
in the Head of Retail role.
The LTI broadly remained unchanged in FY18; however, the threshold performance level for the
ROIC performance hurdle increased from 9 per cent to 9.5 per cent, and stretch increased from
10 per cent to 10.5 per cent.
There were no changes to STI methodology.
Term as KMP
Full Year
Full Year
Full Year
Full Year
Full Year
Full Year
Full Year
Full Year
Full Year
Full Year
Full Year
Full Year
Full Year
Further info
Section 4
Page 55
Section 7
Page 62
Section 6
Page 58
Remuneration reportFurther info
Section 6
Page 58
Section 12
Page 68
Section 16
Page 71
Key questions
Mirvac approach
3. Are any changes planned
for FY19?
STI: There are no significant changes to STI however; in line with previous years, the Board
will review and adjust the threshold and stretch performance levels for the performance
objectives applicable to the STI awards.
Effective from FY19, Mirvac's definition of operating profit will be updated to include the
security-based payment expense. This change has been implemented to align with market
practice (ASX top 20 and A-REIT sector).
LTI: The Board is committed to ensuring executives’ remuneration links to the achievement of
sustainable long-term value for securityholders. After a wholesale review of our Performance
and Reward Framework, the Board has concluded that relative TSR and ROIC continue to be
the best LTI measures to achieve this, but the Board has decided to adjust the weighting of
our LTI performance measures from 50:50 to 40 per cent for relative TSR and 60 per cent
for ROIC. This re-weighting maintains focus on relative TSR, an important measure in aligning
remuneration outcomes for Executives with securityholder outcomes, but increases focus on
ROIC, which is the key long-term financial measure that underpins long-term decision making,
long-term value creation, and best aligns the LTI hurdles with Mirvac’s business and value-
creation strategy.
The comparator group for relative TSR will also no longer include Aveo and Lendlease and
will only consist of the A-REIT constituents, so as to better align the peer group to the market
in which we compete for capital.
Risk: We have incorporated more explicit consideration of risk and risk culture in determining
Executives' performance and reward outcomes, and for determining the Group STI pool.
Minimum securityholding requirement: The minimum securityholding requirement has
increased from:
– 100 per cent to 150 per cent of fixed remuneration for the CEO/MD;
– 50 per cent to 100 per cent of fixed remuneration for other Executives; and
– 25,000 securities to 50,000 securities for Non-Executive Directors.
Executives will have five years from the commencement of their role on the Executive
Leadership Team, or for current Executives five years from 1 July 2018, to establish their
Mirvac security ownership to the minimum. Non-Executive Directors have three years from
their date of appointment to the Board, or for current Non-Executive Directors three years
from 12 December 2017, to acquire securities up to the minimum.
Remuneration framework
4. Where does Mirvac’s
remuneration sit relative
to the market?
5. What proportion of remuneration
is “at risk”?
6. Are there any clawback
provisions for incentives?
7. What is Mirvac’s minimum
securityholding requirement?
Fixed and variable pay are both aimed at the market median, with remuneration opportunities
for outstanding performance extending up to the 75th percentile of the market.
The majority of Executive KMP’s remuneration is based on performance, and is therefore
at risk. The remuneration package for the CEO/MD is 70 per cent performance related pay,
and for other Executives the remuneration package is, on average, 58 per cent performance
related pay.
Yes, if there is a material financial misstatement, any unvested LTI or deferred STI awards can
be clawed back.
The minimum securityholding requirement has increased from:
– 100 per cent to 150 per cent of fixed remuneration for the CEO/MD;
– 50 per cent to 100 per cent of fixed remuneration for other Executives; and
– 25,000 securities to 50,000 securities for Non-Executive Directors.
Executives will have five years from the commencement of their role on the Executive
Leadership Team, or for current Executives five years from 1 July 2018, to establish their
Mirvac security ownership to the minimum.
Non-Executive Directors have three years from their date of appointment to the Board, or for
current Non-Executive Directors three years from 12 December 2017, to acquire securities up
to the minimum.
Section 6
Page 58
Section 5
Page 58
Section 6
Pages 60 and 61
Section 12
Page 68
Section 16
Page 71
Remuneration reportContinuedRemuneration report Mirvac Group
FY18 Annual Report
Key questions
Mirvac approach
Short term incentives (STI)
8. Are any STI payments deferred? Yes, 25 per cent of STI for Executive KMP are awarded as rights over Mirvac securities, half of
which vest in one year and half in two years. If the Executive resigns before the vesting period
ends, the rights do not vest and are forfeited.
9. Are STI payments capped?
Yes, an Executive’s STI is capped at double their STI target, achievable only in circumstances
of both exceptional individual and Group performance.
Long term incentives (LTI)
10. What are the performance
measures for the LTI?
11. Does the LTI have re-testing?
12. Are dividends/distributions paid
on unvested LTI awards?
13. Is the size of LTI grants
increased in light of
performance conditions?
14. Can LTI participants hedge
their unvested LTI?
15. Does Mirvac buy securities
or issue new securities for
security-based awards?
16. Does Mirvac issue
share options?
Executive service agreements
17. What is the maximum an
executive can receive on
For existing awards, performance is measured over a three-year period with 50 per cent
of the award subject to relative TSR and 50 per cent of the award subject to ROIC, with the
Board having over-arching discretion to ensure vesting outcomes are appropriately aligned
to performance.
The FY19 LTI award will be 40 per cent subject to relative TSR and 60 per cent subject to
ROIC measured over a three-year performance period.
No, there is no re-testing.
No, dividends/distributions are not paid on unvested LTI awards. This ensures that Executives
are only rewarded when performance hurdles have been achieved at the end of the
performance period.
No, there is no adjustment to reflect the performance conditions. The grant price for
allocation purposes is not reduced based on performance conditions. Mirvac uses a ‘face
value methodology’ for allocating performance rights to each Executive KMP, being the
average security price for the month leading up to grant, discounted for the assumed value of
dividends and distributions not paid during the three-year performance period.
No, this is prohibited.
For deferred STI awards, securities are purchased on-market. For LTI awards, the Board has
discretion to issue new securities or buy securities on-market.
No, Mirvac uses performance rights for the deferred STI and LTI awards.
Executive KMP termination entitlements are limited to 12 months’ fixed remuneration.
Further info
Section 5
Page 58
Section 6
Page 59
Section 6
Page 59
Section 6
Page 60
Section 6
Page 60
Section 6
Page 60
Section 6
Page 60
Section 6
Page 60
Section 6
Page 58
Section 6
Page 58
Section 14
Page 70
4 Our remuneration strategy and the link to business strategy
At Mirvac, our remuneration is linked to the drivers of our business strategy, helping to create sustainable value for securityholders.
Mirvac’s remuneration strategy is designed to support and reinforce its business strategy. The at-risk components of remuneration are tied to measures
that reflect the successful execution of our business strategy in both the short and long term.
Our strategic drivers are reflected in STI performance measures and LTI performance measures. So, Mirvac’s actual performance directly affects what
executives are paid.
Remuneration report56
Our strategic drivers…
Are reflected in STI
performance measures…
And LTI performance
Measures the performance of Mirvac securities over
time, relative to other entities in a comparison group.
Reflects how efficiently Mirvac is using its assets
to generate earnings. It is calculated by dividing
Total Return by average Invested Capital.
Reflects the alignment
of business strategy to
create sustainable value
for securityholders.
Reflects how much revenue the business has generated for the year,
less operating costs and represents a key driver of securityholder value.
Reflects how efficiently Mirvac is using its assets to generate earnings.
It is calculated by dividing Total Return by average Invested Capital.
Provide customers and investors an experience
that delivers excellence, consistently exceeds
expectations and engenders loyalty.
Have an engaged and motivated workforce
with superior skills and capabilities.
Ensures management delivers on core initiatives
relating to Group strategy and operating model.
Measures include performance against Group or
divisional specific initiatives and/or integrated projects.
Represents how well Mirvac is meeting the expectations of key
external stakeholders.
Measures include retail customer, office tenant and residential
customer satisfaction surveys, as well as qualitative feedback
from key institutional investors and third party capital investors.
There is a strong correlation between high levels of
employee engagement and a positive culture delivering
securityholder returns.
Measures include engagement, key talent retention, gender
diversity and flexibility targets.
A culture of innovation will drive and safeguard long
term securityholder returns.
Measures include performance against agreed
innovation missions.
Mirvac is committed to providing a safe workplace
for its employees, suppliers and communities and
to ensuring its activities do not have an adverse
impact on the environment.
Measure include lost time injury frequency rate, total
recordable injury frequency rate, timely incident
reporting and sustainability targets.
Be recognised as a leader in
sustainability. Provide workplaces
free from harm and supported by
a culture where safety remains
an absolute priority.
FY18 Annual Report
Mirvac’s actual performance…
Measures include
– Mirvac’s absolute TSR performance of 30.63 per cent was at the 59th
percentile relative to its comparator group.
– Mirvac’s average annual ROIC was 12%
over the period.
– Operating profit was $580m, up from $534m in FY17.
– ROIC was 11.4% down from 12.4% in FY17.
Directly affects what
executives are paid
– In July 2017, entered into an agreement with Suntec REIT to sell a 50 per cent interest in Olderfleet, 477 Collins Street, Melbourne VIC
for a total consideration of $414m.
– In August 2017, formed the Mirvac Industrial Logistics Partnership (MILP) with an investment vehicle sponsored by Morgan Stanley Real
Estate Investing. The partnership was seeded by two industrial assets, 47 Westgate Drive, Altona North and 26 Harcourt Road, Altona, both in
VIC, that were sold by Mirvac to the partnership for a total consideration of $65.5m. Mirvac will retain a 10 per cent interest in the partnership.
– In December 2017, completed the sale of a 50 per cent interest in Kawana Shoppingworld, Buddina QLD to ISPT Pty Ltd (ISPT) for a total
consideration of $186m. ISPT are also partners at 2 Riverside Quay, Melbourne VIC.
– In July 2018, entered into an agreement with M&G Asia Property Fund for the sale of a 50 per cent interest in 80 Ann Street, Brisbane QLD
for a total consideration of $418m.
– Other partners include Ping An (The Finery and St Leonards Square, Sydney NSW), Keppel REIT (8 Chifley, Sydney NSW and David Malcolm
Justice Centre, Perth WA). Mirvac is also the asset manager of the LAT portfolio through an agreement with CIC.
Overall a successful year for operational excellence initiatives in terms of delivering new capabilities and
functionality within budget. Key initiatives and agreed outcomes delivered successfully throughout FY18.
Customer satisfaction targets set for each of our key divisions were exceeded.
Continued positive feedback being received from investors on our delivery of our strategy.
– Employee engagement score of 90 per cent, placing Mirvac above the Global High Performing Norm, the survey’s highest external benchmark.
– 40 per cent of senior leadership positions held by females.
– 75 per cent of employees have some sort of flexible arrangement in place, evenly spread across both males and females.
– Our continued strategic focus on gender balance is having a positive impact on gender pay parity, the organisation-wide pay
gap has continued to decrease (11 per cent in the last five years) and the like-for-like gender pay gap is zero for the second year.
– Attrition of employees identified as key talent is 4 per cent.
The Hatch innovation program is a platform to facilitate a strategic approach to innovation at Mirvac and ensure it is supported
by a robust innovation process, funding, resources, and innovation strategy. Some of the mission highlights for FY18:
– Cultivate, the first urban farm in a basement carpark (200 George St), was launched attracting 200 urban farmers.
– The Third Space, an innovative new co-working space was launched at Broadway.
– The success of the Hatch initiative Shopping Nanny continues, the service is performing well at four Mirvac Shopping Centres,
including Rhodes, Kawana, Broadway, and Birkenhead Point.
– Pet Concierge will be launching in August at Green Square. Pet Concierge will be an Australian first service for pet owners and is in
partnership with the RSPCA NSW.
– Hatch supported the first ever “Hatch 4 Good” project – an ideation session for our Victorian charity partner Think Pink.
The Group exceeded the sustainability performance hurdle. In FY18, Mirvac’s This Changes
Everything sustainability strategy delivered significant outcomes. This included impacts like:
– Ranked most sustainable real estate company in the world by Dow Jones Sustainability Index.
– Sirius, ACT, was the first Australian building to achieve 6 star trifecta (NABERS Energy
and Water, and Green Star Performance), without Green Power or external recycled water.
– Launched our first Reconciliation Action Plan.
– House With No Bills constructed and family moved in, in late June 2018.
– Volunteering participation almost double industry average, and more than four times
higher than Australian average.
– Over 20,000 people supported with early literacy and numeracy, mentoring and career
readiness through our Smith Family partnership.
Mirvac’s thorough and
proactive approach to safety
resulted in another year of
positive results in FY18. We
have continued to see a
steady improvement of both
the lost time injury frequency
rate (LTIFR) and the total
recordable injury frequency
rate (TRIFR). More details
can be found in the Our
People section, page 30.
5 Executive KMP remuneration at Mirvac
Mirvac’s executive remuneration approach is strongly performance focused. A significant proportion of executive remuneration is based on sustained
performance, aligned with the business strategy.
Executive remuneration at Mirvac is:
– performance based: more than 50 per cent of total remuneration is at risk;
– equity focused: 52 per cent of the CEO/MD’s total remuneration is paid in equity and about one third of other Executive KMP members’ total
remuneration is paid in equity;
– encouraging an ownership mindset: as a minimum securityholding:
– the CEO/MD is required to hold 100 per cent of fixed remuneration as Mirvac securities, increasing to 150 per cent from 1 July 2018; and
– all other Executive KMP are required to hold 50 per cent of their fixed remuneration as Mirvac securities, increasing to 100 per cent from 1 July 2018; and
– multi-year focused: 50 per cent of STI deferral is subject to a one year holding lock and the remaining 50 per cent to a two year holding lock.
LTI performance is measured over a three-year period.
The graphs below set out the remuneration structure and mix for the CEO/MD and other Executive KMP members at Mirvac:
Performance Dependent
Fixed remuneration
Target STI
Maximum LTI 2
Deferred 1
Relative TSR
(50% of award)
(50% of award)
Other Executive KMP
Performance Dependent
Fixed remuneration
Target STI
Maximum LTI 2
Deferred 1
Relative TSR
(50% of award)
(50% of award)
1. Deferred STI: 50 per cent deferred for 12 months and 50 per cent deferred for 24 months. Subject to clawback.
2. LTI granted as performance rights with performance measured over a three-year period. Subject to clawback.
6 How remuneration is structured
Market positioning of fixed and total remuneration
Mirvac has adopted a market positioning strategy designed to attract and retain talented employees, and to reward them for delivering strong
performance. The market positioning strategy also supports fair and equitable outcomes between employees.
Fixed remuneration acts as a base-level reward for a competent level of performance. It includes cash, compulsory superannuation and any salary-
sacrificed items (including FBT). Fixed remuneration at Mirvac is targeted at the median (50th percentile), with flexibility based on:
– the size and complexity of the role;
– the criticality of the role to successful execution of the business strategy;
– role accountabilities;
– skills and experience of the individual; and
– market pay levels for comparable roles.
Total target remuneration (being fixed remuneration, STI and LTI) is positioned at the median (50th percentile), with the opportunity to earn total
remuneration up to the upper quartile (75th percentile) in the event that both the individual and the business exceed stretch targets.
When determining the relevant market for each role, Mirvac considers the companies from which it sources talent, and to whom it could potentially lose
talent. From time to time, the Board engages its independent remuneration advisor to provide remuneration benchmarking data as input into setting
remuneration for Executive KMP. Refer section 15, page 70.
For business roles
– primary comparison group: A-REIT sector, plus Lendlease; and
– secondary comparison group: general industry with a similar market capitalisation (50 per cent to 200 per cent of Mirvac’s 12 month average market
For corporate roles
– primary comparison group: general industry with a similar market capitalisation (50 per cent to 200 per cent of Mirvac’s 12 month average market
capitalisation). The use of general industry reflects the greater transferability of skills for these roles; and
– secondary comparison group: specific peers in the A-REIT sector, plus Lendlease.
Remuneration reportContinuedRemuneration report Mirvac Group
FY18 Annual Report
STI: how does it work?
Target, minimum
and maximum STI
Group STI scorecard/
pool funding
Motivate and reward employees for contributing to the delivery of annual business performance.
All permanent Mirvac employees are eligible to participate in the STI plan, subject to having more than three months’ active
service during the financial year and remaining employed on the award date.
A target STI is set for each individual, which will be earned if Group and individual performance meets the stretch targets.
Actual STI awards depend on Group and individual performance but can range from zero up to the maximum of 200 per cent
of the target opportunity.
Group operating profit must be at least 90 per cent of plan before any STI payments are made.
The STI pool funding is calculated based on operating profit and ROIC (both with 50 per cent weighting) and moderated by
the Board, based on achievement of strategic objectives. The targets for the individual strategic objectives are not disclosed
as some are commercially sensitive however, our performance against targets will be disclosed retrospectively as we have
done this year on pages 56 and 57. The objectives are quantitative in nature and are set in line with the short and medium
term strategic objectives.
Rationale for using
Reflects the underlying performance
of Mirvac’s core business operations and
represents a key driver of securityholder
For both financial performance measures on
the Group STI scorecard, a threshold, plan
and stretch goal is set at the start of the
financial year, with the outcome calculated
based on the following scale:
Reflects how efficiently Mirvac is using its
assets to generate earnings.
Group STI score
% target
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