National Australia Bank
Annual Report 2022

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National Australia Bank Limited ABN 12 004 044 937Annual Report 2022 National Australia Bank Limited ABN 12 004 044 937This 2022 Annual Report (Report) is lodged with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission and ASX Limited. National Australia Bank Limited (NAB) is publicly listed in Australia. The Report contains information prepared on the basis of the Banking Act 1959 (Cth), Corporations Act 2001 (Cth), 4th edition ASX Corporate Governance Councilʼs Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations, Accounting Standards and interpretations issued by the Australian Accounting Standards Board and International Financial Reporting Standards and interpretations issued by the International Accounting Standards Board. It also provides information on the Groupʼs activities and performance in 2022, showing how the Group is creating value through its strategy, operating environment, governance and financial and non-financial activities. NAB also produces a Climate Report which can be viewed online. To view this Report online, visit Alternatively, to arrange for a copy to be sent to you free of charge, call the shareholder information line on 1300 367 647 from within Australia or +61 3 9415 4299 from outside Australia. Nothing in the Report is, or should be taken as, an offer of securities in NAB for issue or sale, or an invitation to apply for the purchase of such securities. All figures in the Report are in Australian dollars unless otherwise stated. 2022 Reporting Suite Acknowledgement of Country NAB acknowledges Australia’s First Nations people as the Traditional Custodians of the land and their continuing connection to country, sea and water. We pay respect to their Elders past, present and emerging. We make this acknowledgement with the ambition to continue supporting a reconciled Australia through our actions and voice. This is backed by why we are here: to serve customers well and help our communities prosper. 2022 Annual Report NAB’s 2022 Annual Report provides information on the Group’s activities and performance during 2022. It outlines how NAB is creating value through its strategy, operating environment, governance, financial and non- financial activities. This Report combines content from three previously separate reports: Annual Financial Report, Annual Review and Corporate Governance Statement. The Annual Report draws on aspects of the International Integrated Reporting Framework. It is supported by the additional documents outlined below. Report Structure Pages 11 to 49 contain the Group’s business, strategy, operating environment and performance. These pages outline performance relevant to customers, colleagues, climate change and environment, data security and technology, and communities. Stakeholder feedback was considered in the shaping of this section (see What matters most on page 23 for more information). Pages 56 to 80 contain NAB’s 2022 Corporate Governance Statement, which discloses how the ASX Corporate Governance Council’s ‘Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations – 4th edition’ have been complied with. Pages 95 to 144 contain key components of the Report of the Directors. Pages 108 to 142 contain the Remuneration Report. Pages 147 to 244 contain the Financial Report. Assurance The Remuneration Report on pages 108 to 142 and Financial Report on pages 147 to 244 have been audited by EY. The assurance statement for the Financial Report and Remuneration Report is on pages 245 to 252. EY provides limited assurance over 25 key non-financial sustainability metrics and performance disclosures and a further seven metrics relating to NAB's Reconciliation Action Plan as outlined in EY's limited assurance statement on pages 50 to 55. KPMG provides assurance over selected environmental measures disclosed across NAB's reporting suite. KPMG’s assurance statements are available on NAB's website at shareholders/performance-and-reporting. Additional documents 2022 Full Year Results Investor Presentation Information designed for analysts and institutional investors which accompanies the  Group's Full Year Results Presentation. Management Discussion and Analysis Management discussion and analysis of the Group's results for the year ended 30 September 2022. 2022 Climate Report 2022 Pillar 3 Report Describes the Group's approach to risk management and provides details about risk exposures, capital adequacy and liquidity. Provides stakeholders with information on the Group's approach to climate change and how it manages associated risks and opportunities. The report uses the recommendations of the Financial Stability Board's Task Force on Climate- related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). 2022 Sustainability Data Pack Provides further detail on the Group's ESG performance, in addition to the material themes covered in the Annual Report and the Climate Report. i t h s r e p o r t A b o u t i n 2 0 2 2 O u r b u s n e s s i C r e a t i n g v a u e l S t a t e m e n t G o v e r n a n c e C o r p o r a t e m a n a g e m e n t i R s k t h e D i r e c t o r s R e p o r t o f i F n a n c a i l r e p o r t i n f o r m a t i o n A d d i t i o n a l 2022 Reporting Suite  (cont.) Additional information Certain definitions The Group's financial year ends on 30 September. The financial year ended 30 September 2022 is referred to as 2022 and other financial years are referred to in a corresponding manner. Reference in this document to the year ended September 2022 are references to the twelve months ended 30 September 2022. Reference in this document to the environmental reporting year are references to the twelve months ended 30 June 2022. The abbreviations $m and $bn represent millions and thousands of millions (i.e. billions) of Australian dollars respectively. Key terms used in this report are contained in the Glossary. Forward looking statements This report contains statements that are, or may be deemed to be, forward looking statements. These forward looking statements may be identified by the use of forward looking terminology, including the terms "believe", "estimate", "plan", "project", "anticipate", "expect", "goal", “target”, "intend", “likely”, "may", "will", “could” or "should" or, in each case, their negative or other variations or other similar expressions, or by discussions of strategy, plans, objectives, targets, goals, future events or intentions. Indications of, and guidance on, future earnings and financial position and performance are also forward looking statements. You are cautioned not to place undue reliance on such forward looking statements. Such forward looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors, many of which are beyond the control of the Group, which may cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied in such statements. There can be no assurance that actual outcomes will not differ materially from these statements. There are a number of other important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those projected in such statements, including (without limitation) a significant change in the Group’s financial performance or operating environment; a material change to law or regulation or changes to regulatory policy or interpretation; and risks and uncertainties associated with the ongoing impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Russia-Ukraine conflict and other geopolitical tensions, the Australian and global economic environment and capital market conditions. Further detail is contained on page 84 under Disclosure on Risk factors. Contents Our business in 2022 2022 at a glance Chair's message CEO's message Creating value The Group's businesses Strategy What we will be known for Operating environment Creating value Sustainability approach Customers Colleagues Climate change and environment Data security and technology Helping our communities prosper Independent limited assurance statement 2 5 6 7 9 11 12 13 17 19 20 25 30 38 42 44 50 Corporate Governance Statement 56 Corporate Governance Framework Board of Directors Executive Leadership Team Key Board activities in 2022 Board composition, diversity and performance Board committees How We Work Assurance and control Compliance with ASX corporate governance recommendations Risk management Risk management overview Risk factors Report of the Directors Operating and financial review Directors’ information Other matters Remuneration Report Directors' signatures Auditor's independence declaration 59 60 64 67 69 74 76 79 80 81 83 84 95 97 106 107 108 143 144 Financial report Income statements Statements of comprehensive income Balance sheets Statements of cash flows Statements of changes in equity Notes to the financial statements Directors' declaration Report on the audit of the financial report Additional information Glossary 147 148 149 150 151 153 155 244 245 253 261 i t h s r e p o r t A b o u t i n 2 0 2 2 O u r b u s n e s s i C r e a t i n g v a u e l S t a t e m e n t G o v e r n a n c e C o r p o r a t e m a n a g e m e n t i R s k t h e D i r e c t o r s R e p o r t o f i F n a n c a i l r e p o r t i n f o r m a t i o n A d d i t i o n a l 2022 Annual Report 1 This page has been intentionally left blank. i t h s r e p o r t A b o u t i n 2 0 2 2 O u r b u s n e s s i C r e a t i n g v a u e l S t a t e m e n t G o v e r n a n c e C o r p o r a t e m a n a g e m e n t i R s k t h e D i r e c t o r s R e p o r t o f i F n a n c a i l r e p o r t i n f o r m a t i o n A d d i t i o n a l Our business in 2022 This page has been intentionally left blank. 2022 at a glance Key financial performance measures Dividend per share (for the full year) Common Equity Tier 1 capital ratio $1.51 $0.24 higher than 2021 11.51% 149 bp decrease from 2021 Statutory net profit $6.89bn 8.3% increase from 2021 Cash earnings(1) $7.10bn 8.3% increase from 2021 Cash return on equity(1) 11.7% 100 bp increase from 2021 Diluted Cash EPS (cents)(1) 211.7 10.8% increase from 2021 Other key performance measures Net Promoter Score (NPS) - Consumer(2)(3) 0 #1 among major Australian banks NPS - Business(2)(5) -5 #2 among major Australian banks Finance to drive positive social impact Colleague engagement score(9) $70.8bn Cumulative environmental financing (met target of $70bn by 2025)(7) 76 2 points below top quartile target score of 78 NPS - High Net Worth and Mass Affluent(2)(4) -5 Equal #1 among major Australian banks Relationship Strength Index - Corporate(6) #1 Among major Australian banks $3.61bn Cumulative affordable and specialist housing financing (met target of $2bn by 2023)(8) (1) Full detail on how cash earnings is defined, a discussion of non-cash earnings items and a full reconciliation of statutory net profit attributable to owners of NAB is set out in Note 2 Segment information of the Financial Report on page 157. Statutory return on equity and statutory earnings per share (EPS) are presented on page 99. (2) Net Promoter® and NPS® are registered trademarks and Net Promoter Score and Net Promoter Systems are trademarks of Bain & Company, Satmetrix Systems and Fred Reichheld. NPS results are shown as a six month rolling average to September 2022. Prior year numbers have been restated and not been assured by EY. (3) Sourced from DBM Consultants Consumer Atlas, results are shown as a six month rolling average to September 2022. A number of changes have been made to our Strategic NPS measure to align more closely to the Group Strategy. Consumer NPS now excludes consumers with Personal income of $260k+ and/or investible assets $1m+. Ranking based on absolute scores, not statistically significant differences. (4) Sourced from DBM Consultants Consumer Atlas, results are shown as a six month rolling average to September 2022. Includes consumers with personal income of $260k+ and/or investible assets $1m+. Ranking based on absolute scores, not statistically significant differences. (5) Sourced from DBM Consultants Business Atlas, results are shown as a six month rolling average to September 2022. Business NPS is now based on equal (25:25:25:25) combined weighting of NAB turnover segments: Micro (Up to $100k turnover), Small ($100k-$5m turnover), Medium ($5m-$50m turnover), Large ($50m+). Ranking based on absolute scores, not statistically significant differences. (6) Peter Lee Associates – Large Corporate and Institutional Relationship Banking Survey Australia 2022. Ranking against all banks included in survey. (7) Represents total cumulative new flow of environmental financing from 1 October 2015. Refer to NAB's 2022 Sustainability Data Pack for a further breakdown of this number and reference to how progress towards NAB's environmental finance target is calculated. (8) Affordable and specialist housing includes affordable housing, specialist disability accommodation, sustainable housing. This includes loans made under the First Home Guarantee, as part of the Home Guarantee Scheme (previously the First Home Loan Deposit Scheme) for properties under the national median house price, and for borrowers with taxable income below the national median household income. Progress is based on total lending facilities committed, where first drawdown occurred during the target period. This number does not reflect debt balance. Only the 2022 and 2021 portion of the cumulative progress figure has been assured by EY. (9) 2022 Heartbeat Survey conducted by Glint, score based on August 2022 survey. Includes Australia and New Zealand colleagues, excludes external contractors, consultants and temporary colleagues. 2022 Annual Report 5 i t h s r e p o r t A b o u t i n 2 0 2 2 O u r b u s n e s s i C r e a t i n g v a u e l S t a t e m e n t G o v e r n a n c e C o r p o r a t e m a n a g e m e n t i R s k t h e D i r e c t o r s R e p o r t o f i F n a n c a i l r e p o r t i n f o r m a t i o n A d d i t i o n a l Chair's message Focus on strength and capability NAB has continued its journey this year to be a stronger bank. We have a more focused and capable business. This has enabled NAB to grow safely while supporting customers impacted by economic challenges and natural disasters. Continuity and strength in our leadership and strategy has underpinned stability.  We have also made the business better. NAB’s products and processes are simpler, benefitting customers and our people. There remains more to do. Investment in NAB’s digital, data and analytics capability is helping us approve loans faster and provide more reliable digital banking services. Strong technology platforms protect customers against the escalating threat of cyber- attacks and fraud. However, we are alert to the need for continued vigilance. As we have improved the bank, we have kept the lessons of the Financial Services Royal Commission and NAB’s self- assessment front of mind in maintaining a steadfast focus on culture and risk management. Many of the issues identified are now behind us, but they constantly remind us to get the basics right. Earlier this year we entered into an Enforceable Undertaking with our anti-money laundering regulator, AUSTRAC. This follows an enforcement investigation undertaken by AUSTRAC in relation to NAB’s compliance with Australia’s anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing laws. We are building better capability and improving controls in financial crime risk and are on track to deliver the actions agreed with AUSTRAC. Building a better bank NAB is making excellent progress on our strategy and the Board is encouraged to see the operational results that this is delivering. This is reflected in improved earnings with all businesses contributing to underlying profit growth, and significant and sustainable momentum across the Group. Our most recent colleague engagement score is 76, compared with 77 in July 2021, and is close to the latest top quartile score of 78. Taking all this into account, the Board has determined dividends for the year of 151 cents per share, returning $4.8bn in total to shareholders. Total shareholder return was 8.6 per cent in the 12 months to September 2022, against an average negative return of 12.9 per cent for NAB’s major bank peers. Remuneration outcomes determined by the Board for financial year 2022 reflect an assessment of performance against all targets in NAB’s 2022 plan, including financial performance, customer outcomes, colleague engagement and safe growth.  NAB’s performance against peers has also been reflected in overall remuneration outcomes. Future readiness In view of the challenges of recent years, we are cautious as to what lies ahead. Economies globally are facing new trials and uncertainty remains. Actions taken by foreign leaders often have an impact on Australia and New Zealand. NAB’s leadership has the experience and strategy to manage the challenges that we face. While we are alert to the issues that rising interest rates, inflation and geopolitical risks may bring, we have demonstrated our ability to manage through this and look after our customers. The Australian economy is resilient and we are in a strong position to take on any challenges that arise. Identifying long- 6 National Australia Bank term shifts in NAB’s broader operating environment and acting appropriately is critical to protecting and building value for shareholders and helping our communities prosper. Climate change is one of – if not the – most significant long- term challenges and opportunities of our time. The Federal Government’s legislated 2030 and 2050 emissions reduction targets and associated changes provide welcome certainty and send a strong investment signal to businesses and the world. At NAB, we’re taking action to address the issue through what we can control: finance. Our goal is to align our lending portfolio to net zero emissions by 2050. This year we have set 2030 decarbonisation targets for the intensive priority sectors of power generation, oil and gas, thermal coal mining and cement production. NAB will support its customers through the transition and help fund the investments required. Another major opportunity in the year ahead is the prospect of a national referendum on the Constitutional recognition of Indigenous Australians. As a bank, we thrive when we operate in cohesive, well-functioning communities. Recognition is an important step forward and why NAB is supporting the proposed Voice to Federal Parliament. Board renewal Ensuring your Board is well appointed to carry the bank forward is a constant focus. Kathryn Fagg, Doug McKay and I will stand for re-election at the Annual General Meeting with the full support of the Board and we are anticipating appointments in 2023 that will enhance the diverse skills and experience of directors. On behalf of the Board, thank you for your ongoing support. To the team at NAB, thank you for your hard work to serve customers well and help our communities prosper. We’re not there yet, but we are getting closer to being the bank we want to be. Philip Chronican, Chair Directors' declaration The directors of National Australia Bank Limited declare that: (a) in the opinion of the directors, the financial statements and notes for the year ended 30 September 2022, as set out on pages148 to 244, are in accordance with the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth), including:i) in compliance with Australian Accounting Standards (including Australian Accounting Interpretations), International FinancialReporting Standards as stated in Note 1 Basis of preparation, and any further requirements of the Corporations Regulations2007;andii) give a true and fair view of the financial position of NAB and the Group as at 30 September 2022, and of the performance of NABand the Group for the year ended 30 September 2022.(b)in the opinion of the directors, there are reasonable grounds to believe that NAB will be able to pay its debts as and when theybecome due and payable.( c)the directors have been given the declarations required by section 295A of the Corporations Act 2007 (Cth) for the year ended30 September 2022.Signed in accordance with a resolution of the directors. Philip Chronican Chair 9 November 2022 Ross McEwan CBE Group Chief Executive Officer 9 November 2022 2022 Annual Report 245 ;::;. C C :::JCl'JC 0 u; "-' -"-' ct {f. {f. (!) ll) .... :::J 00 < ll) C (D (/) G) ...... o � (!) (!) -, 3 :::J (I) cg :::J (') .... ;;i :3 0) :J Jg -A (!) iii 3 ;,; (D :::J ...... ,..,.::r(D :J: C)

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