More annual reports from Nucor:
2023 ReportPeers and competitors of Nucor:
Insteel Industries2007 AnnuAl RepoRt ADELAIDA J AARON SHELDON AARON GASTON ABAR CARLOS S ABARCA WILLIAM H ABBEY BRIAN EDWARD ABBOTT DAVID AUGUSTUS ABBOTT DONNIE L ABBOTT JAMIE ABBOTT PATRICK A ABBOTT MOHAMMED ABDULBASIT STEVEN CHAD ABERNATHY DAVID J ABLER HETTY C ABMA CHRISTIAN ABRAHAM LORENZO ABRAHAM SCOTT ABRAMS FREDERICK M ABRASSART JAMES ABSHIRE JR JESSICA ACEVEDO LINLEY ACHONG DENNIS J ACKER DONALD E ACKER REX ANTHONY ACKER RICHARD K ACKERMAN KEVIN D ACKLEY RAMONA ACKLEY RONALD T ACKLEY CHARLES ACKLEY JR GLEN D ACKLIE LEE G ACKLIE OTILIO V ACOB JR ALEJANDRO ACOSTA ANTONIO ACOSTA HECTOR ACOSTA MARIO ACOSTA MARTIN ACOSTA CREST ADAIR JAMES F ADAIR JASON DALTON ADAIR KEVIN M ADAM VICTOR M ADAME-RODRIGUEZ ANGELO M ADAMS ANTHONY R ADAMS CAROL J ADAMS CYNTHIA LORRAINE ADAMS DANIEL B ADAMS DOUGLAS B ADAMS DOUGLAS E ADAMS ERIC ADAMS EZRA G ADAMS GREGG T ADAMS JAMES MICHEAL ADAMS JASON ADAMS JENNIFER L ADAMS JEROMY W ADAMS JERRY M ADAMS JON R ADAMS JOSHUA L ADAMS KRISTINE ANN ADAMS LORNE A ADAMS MARY J ADAMS MICHAEL S ADAMS RANDALL COREY ADAMS REBECCAH C ADAMS ROB ADAMS ROBERT T ADAMS RONNIE C ADAMS RYAN A ADAMS SAMUEL B ADAMS STEVE PHIL ADAMS TANYA Y ADAMS TERRY W ADAMS TIMOTHY J ADAMS TRACY L ADAMS WILLIAM CHASE ADAMS CHARLES JASON ADCOCK NATHAN D ADCOCK ROBERT LEE ADCOCK II DERICK A ADDISON OLAWALE ABDUL QUADRI ADEBIYI JEFFREY R ADELMANN TYLER D ADER WILLIAM D ADER HANSON MARK ADJEI-SARPONG CHARLEY ADKINS RODNEY R ADKINS RUSTY L ADLER WAYNE R ADLER JOSE A ADRIAN RAMON ADRIAN BRADLEY J AEBIG ROBERT R AEBIG TRAVIS L AESCHLIMAN WILLIAM AFFLECK BISHWANATH P AGARWAL FRANCISCO J AGBUNAG DARREN M AGNEW TONY T AGNEW ALEJANDRO AGUERO-RIVAS HUMBERTO AGUILAR JOSE G AGUILAR SANTIAGO E AGUILAR AGUSTIN AGUIRRE BALTAZAR AGUIRRE MIGUEL AGUIRRE PEDRO AGUIRRE RAFAEL AGUIRRE STEVEN R AGUIRRE WILLIE AGUIRRE AZHAR AHMAD NAVEED AHMED RANDY AHOLA BONNIE AHPAY JOEL R AHRENHOLTZ CHRISTOPHER U AINGS SCOTT AINSLIE CHRISTOPHE R AINSWORTH DAVID A AIUTO PAMELA A AJOLOKO GLENN W AKER SHAWN E AKER TERRY AKERLEY NICHOLAS AKERMAN JERRY D AKERS RONALD L AKERS DEAN C AKEY JOHN E AKIKI LEIGH AKIN BRIAN M AKINS DARRELL C AKINS ROBERT R AKINS TOBE W AKINS NOE ALAMBAR JAVIER ALAMILLO DOUGLAS J ALANIZ RICHARD L ALANIZ MARCO ALBARRAN JASON V ALBECK GREGORY K ALBERS DENNIS ALBERT REGINA ALBERTSON CHRISTOPHER P ALBRECHT MICHAEL T ALBRECHT RANDY L ALBRECHT SCOT D ALBRECHT TRAVIS A ALBRIGHT JUAN CARLOS ALCALA RUSSELL L ALCORN THOMAS ALDANA JOHN THOMAS ALDEN GREGORY GENE ALDER ROBERT A ALDER ZANE ALDER EDGAR CURTIS ALDERSON LYNN DAVID ALDRICH SCOTT C ALDRICH LAMON F ALDRIDGE ROBERT B ALDRIDGE ROBERT W ALDRIDGE AARON WILLIAM ALEXANDER ALAN ALEXANDER ANTHONY E ALEXANDER ARLEY W ALEXANDER BRIAN S ALEXANDER CHRIS ROGER ALEXANDER DENNIS X ALEXANDER GLEN PAUL ALEXANDER GLEN R ALEXANDER HOWARD L ALEXANDER JOSEPH ALEXANDER JOSHUA J ALEXANDER JUREK C ALEXANDER KENNETH ALEXANDER MATTHEW E ALEXANDER PHILIP B ALEXANDER ROBERT B ALEXANDER STEWART ALEXANDER TERRY L ALEXANDER THOMAS ALEXANDER THOMAS A ALEXANDER TIMOTHY L ALEXANDER VANCE N ALEXANDER WILLIAM ALEXANDER ANTHONY D ALEXANDER JR RALUCA C ALEXANDRU-GARCIA CHERYL ALEXIS-MINGOES AMY LYNN ALFORD JONATHAN ALFORD MONTY ALFORD MONTY D ALFORD JR. JUSTIN M ALFORD LARRY ALFORD ROBERT D ALFORD ROGER N ALFORD DON D ALFORD JR KEVIN ALFRED DANIEL ALGAR ABDUL-BARI ALI ASIK ALI KICHELLE ALI NADIA ALI NAZIR ALI PETER L ALIANO GUILLAUME ALLARD CYNTHIA E ALLBRITTON DONALD R ALLBRITTON ANGELA R ALLEN BLAINE D ALLEN BOB ALLEN BRIAN J ALLEN BRUCE W ALLEN CHARLES M ALLEN DEANNA MICHELLE ALLEN DONNIE ALLEN FRANKIE ALLEN FRED ALLEN FREDDIE J ALLEN HEATH W ALLEN HENRY E ALLEN JAMES ALLEN JEFFERY D ALLEN JEFFERY D ALLEN JERRY MASON ALLEN JIMMY EARL ALLEN JOHN ALLEN JOHN KENNETH ALLEN JOHN D ALLEN JON E ALLEN JOSEPH THOMAS ALLEN JOSHUA D ALLEN KEN ALLEN KEVIN J ALLEN KEVIN N ALLEN LAURIE M ALLEN LLOYD R ALLEN MARK L ALLEN MICHAEL C ALLEN NATHAN SAMUEL ALLEN NEVADA J ALLEN PAUL M ALLEN ROBERT L ALLEN ROBIN D ALLEN SCOTT J ALLEN SETH D ALLEN TOMMY O ALLEN TONY D ALLEN WILLIAM K ALLEN DALE R ALLENDER DAVID E ALLEN JR TRACY D ALLENSPARKS EDMUND R ALLER DOUGLAS E ALLEY MARK K ALLIGOOD CHARLES K ALLIGOOD JR LESLIE L ALLISON MICHAEL ALLISON SCOTT W ALLMENDINGER JOSEPH P ALLMON GEORGE B ALLRED KIRK T ALLRED JACOB S ALLSOP WILLIAM HAROLD ALLSUP ALBERT ALMANZA JUAN ALMANZA CESAR ALMAZAN JUAN ALMAZAN JUAN C ALMAZAN DUDLEY M ALPHA SHANNON RAY ALSPACH ISREAL A ALTAMIRANO MICHAEL O ALTMAN ALLEN L ALTSTADT ERIC M ALTWINE ROBERT J ALTWINE TERRY G ALTWINE SCOTT M ALUMBAUGH ANTONIO ALVARADO JOSE ALVARADO JUAN C ALVARADO LEOCADIO RODRIGUEZ ALVARADO JAMES L ALVARADO JR MANUEL G ALVARES JOSE ALVAREZ MIGUEL MENDOZA ALVAREZ MIKE S ALVAREZ NICOLAS ALVAREZ RAMON V ALVAREZ JUAN ALVAREZ-ACOSTA SYDNEY G ALVERS DEVERN G ALVORD J BROOK ALVORD KELLY ALWARD DUSTIN E AMADEO ISAAC C AMADOR CHRISTOPER D AMARAL CAROLE A AMAROSSO JOSEPH S AMAROSSO GILBERTO A AMAYA JOSE M AMAYA URIEL AMBRIZ CHRISTOPHER P AMBROSE DAVID A AMBROSE JAMES R AMBROSE RONALD G AMBROSIUS JAMES J AMBROZ MARK AMENDOLA KATHY AMENT LISA KAY AMES CRAIG M AMEY FRANCO HUGO AMEZCUA SOCRATES I AMEZCUA JOSE M AMEZCUA FRANCO JARRAD T AMICK MARC AMIRAULT PETER M AMO CAROL AMOLSCH ROGER A AMSTUTZ RUPING A AN GUILLERMO ANAYA RAMON ANAYA SAUL ANAYA HOWARD S ANDERS TONY R ANDERS CHRIS L ANDERSEN DOYLE CHAD ANDERSEN GARY L ANDERSEN KRISTOPHER M ANDERSEN RODNEY L ANDERSEN JAMES ANDERSON ALBERT A ANDERSON ANTHONY A ANDERSON ANTHONY R ANDERSON BLAKE ANDERSON BRADY L ANDERSON BRENT L ANDERSON BRIAN ANDERSON BRIAN S ANDERSON BRUCE D ANDERSON CARLA R ANDERSON CHARLES E ANDERSON CHRIS D ANDERSON CHRIS J ANDERSON CHRIS L ANDERSON CRAIG L ANDERSON CRAIG N ANDERSON DALE ANDERSON DALE ANDERSON DANIEL N ANDERSON DANNY W ANDERSON DAVID A ANDERSON DAVID H ANDERSON DAVID L ANDERSON DENNIS LEE ANDERSON DONNIE ANDERSON DUSTIN R ANDERSON EDWARD E ANDERSON EMMETT ANDERSON ERIC J ANDERSON GERALD D ANDERSON GERALD R ANDERSON GROVER ANDERSON JAMES A ANDERSON JAMES N ANDERSON JAMES WILLIAM ANDERSON JERIMY R ANDERSON JESS L ANDERSON JIM H ANDERSON JOHN E ANDERSON JOHN M ANDERSON JOHN PAUL ANDERSON JOHN W ANDERSON JOHNATHAN A ANDERSON JORDY ANDERSON JOSHUA L ANDERSON JULIE ANN ANDERSON KEITH ANDERSON KELLY R ANDERSON KENNETH W ANDERSON KEVIN D ANDERSON LENNERT ANDERSON MARINETTE R ANDERSON MICHAEL ANDERSON NATHAN E ANDERSON NATHAN V ANDERSON PATRICK J ANDERSON PAUL ANDERSON REGINALD U ANDERSON RICHARD E ANDERSON RICK ANDERSON ROBERT H ANDERSON ROY W ANDERSON RYAN W ANDERSON SHAWN M ANDERSON SHAWN M ANDERSON STEVEN K ANDERSON TED ALLEN ANDERSON TERRY D ANDERSON THOMAS C ANDERSON THOMAS COLEMAN ANDERSON TOBY ANDERSON TROY LANE ANDERSON WAYNE ANDERSON WILLIAM E ANDERSON EDWARD B ANDERSON JR EDWARD D ANDERSON JR THOMAS E ANDERSON JR DERICK A ANDREASEN STEPHEN P ANDREASEN DAVE ANDREOLA RICK ANDRES NEIL G ANDRESEN GARY W ANDREW MICHAEL L ANDREWS BILL G ANDREWS BILLY JOE ANDREWS CHARLES A ANDREWS CLAY BRANDON ANDREWS MACK J ANDREWS MICHAEL V ANDREWS SCOTT A ANDREWS WILLIAM H ANDREWS TIMOTHY A ANDRUS WESLEY J ANGEL JAMES T ANGELL ELENA ANGHEL MICHAEL J ANGILERI BRADY ANGLESEY JAMES ANGLIN LAWRENCE J ANGOTTI JUAN ANGULO PASTOR ANGULO SALOMON ANGULO RYAN R ANGUS BARRY M ANNALORA FRANK ANNIS WAYNE ANNIUK EUGENE CRISPIN ANSELM CORY ANSLEY JAMES BRODY ANSLEY PATRICK ANSLOW BENNI ANTHONY EDWIN M ANTICI HARLEY ANTONE MURRAY ANTRAM MICHAEL D ANTRUM WAYNE AOKI NOEL APARICIO TODD APPLE W L APPLE VIRGINIA EILEEN APPLEBEE DARRELL W APPLEGATE BROCK CHADWICK APPLETON GLENARIES AQUINO DUARTE ARAUJO DON ARBEAU TRACY A ARBOGAST FRANCISCO ARCE JOHN E ARCEMENT RODERICK ARCENEAUX JERRY D ARCHER CRAIG ARCHIBALD CURTIS B ARCHIBALD MATTHEW ARCHIBALD RANDY ARCHIBALD ZACH D ARCHIBALD FRED H ARCHULETA JASON A ARCIA RAFAEL ARCIGA-SOLIS JAMES C ARD JEFFREY W ARD JOHN D ARD GUADALUPE A ARDERY MICKEY D ARDERY DAMON E ARDIS MARK A ARDUSER SALVADOR ARELLANES-MARTINEZ EUDETH ARELLANES-HERNANDES ARIEL ARELLANO BRIAN A ARENS BRIAN J ARENS INGE A ARENS SHAWN M ARENS BRANDON K ARGO DARRIN D ARIAS ISHAK M ARIFF JAMISON ARLINE STEPHEN F ARLO KATHY M ARMBRUSTER FRANCISCO ARMENTA BRANDT L ARMSTRONG CHRISTOPHER W ARMSTRONG ERIC B ARMSTRONG FRANKLIN ARMSTRONG HENRY L ARMSTRONG JIM ARMSTRONG CHRIS ARNDT ROBERT H ARNEY ANDREW ARNOLD JACOB R ARNOLD JOSEPH P ARNOLD LARRY L ARNOLD LES R ARNOLD NICHOLAS M ARNOLD PAUL H ARNOLD WILLIAM E ARNOLD EDWARD ARNOLD JR JASON ARNOUSE JOSE L ARREDONDO JOSE R ARREOLA RUBEN ARREOLA JOSE ARREOLA-GUZMAN FELIPE ARRESEIGOR PHIL ARRESEIGOR HECTOR M ARRIAGA CRIS ARRIAGADA ROWANTA XAVIER ARRINGTON ANDRES ARROYO CHRISTOPHER JAMES ARROYO RAFAEL ARROYO GABRIEL ARROYO-CALVILLO MANUEL W ARRUDA KENNY J ARSENAULT BEN ARSENEAULT ANTHONY B ARTAGAME JASON B ARTAGAME ARTURO ARTEAGA OTTO E ARTFITCH TERRY ARTICE LEON ARTIS QUINCY ASAY KEITH V ASBELL SEAN C ASBELL MARK A ASBY BRIAN M ASCHLEMAN BROOK ASFAW JANIS ASH CHRIS S ASHAM CARL C ASHBAUGH MATTHEW G ASHBY RUSTY S ASHBY JASON D ASHBY RUSTY S ASHBY BERT REEDER ASHCROFT ZACHARY H ASHCROFT KELVIN D ASHE ROBIN ASHE WILSON P ASHFORD GRANT NEAL ASHLEY JERRY ASHLEY MATTHEW HARRELL ASHLEY THOMAS H ASHLEY DARWIN L ASHLIMAN KRISTEN B ASHMORE SARKER ASHRAF MARK D ASHTON RANDY ASHURST TIM ASHWELL CYRIL ASHWORTH RONALD ASHWORTH JOSEPH P ASKEW ROBERT R ASKEW SCOTT S ASKEW STEPHANIE D ASKEW WILLIAM M ASKEW WILLIAM TONY ASKEW TIMOTHY R ASMUS LEFANOGA ASO NICHOLAS M ASTLE NIK ASTLE AARON ASUNCION RICHARD ATAMANCHUK GEORGE ATCHISON NATHAN ATCHISON DAN ATKIN JUSTIN S ATKINS KENNETH ATKINS WILLIAM M ATKINS ISOM ATKINS JR DAVID J ATKINSON JEANETTE H ATKINSON LEWIS ATKINSON RICHARD ATKINSON RICKY L ATKINSON CORY A ATKINSON-DALTON ZENOS ATMORE ALEXANDER ATOIAN CECILE AUBERT JEFF B AUBURGER ROBERT AUCONE RICHARD E AUFFERT JAMES P AUGUSTIN JOHN AUGUSTYNIAK CHARLES R AULT RAYMOND E AULTMAN ROBIN AULTMAN JOHN A AUMAN CLIFFORD AURIN DEBORAH L AUSTIN ERIC L AUSTIN HERSHEL W AUSTIN JAMES K AUSTIN JASON S AUSTIN JOEL D AUSTIN RICKY C AUSTIN ROBERT AUSTIN ROBIN M AUSTIN SCOTT D AUSTIN SHAWN H AUSTIN THEA AUSTIN THOMAS E AUSTIN GEORGE AUTEN JR CHRISTOPHER AUTH JOHN L AUTON MICHAEL D AUTREY JESS AVALOS JOSE C AVALOS JOSE G AVALOS VALENTE AVALOS EDWARD M AVAU DANILO AVELAR DANIEL W AVENT GARY WAYNE AVERETTE RICARDO A AVERION MICHAEL S AVERITT GARY E AVERY LONTRAVIS LAMAR AVERY PATRICK JEROME AVERY RANDY R AVERY STEVEN BRIAN AVERY JESSIE J AVIES BENJAMIN G AVILA JONAS AVILA LUIS FRANCISCO AVILA MARTIN X AVILA MIGUEL G AVILA OMAR A AVILA RAFAEL AGUILAR AVILA JESUS AVILA DERAS RODRIGO AVILA DERAS FRANCISCO AVILA-AGUILAR JOSE ROGELIO AVILA-FUERTE JOSE FERNANDO AVILA-GARCIA ANDRES AVITIA-IBARRA RYAN J AXFORD CLIFF AXTEN KODY C AXTEN YUSUF AYAZ YUSUF AYAZ GEORGE T AYCOCK BRIAN C AYER JOHN AYERS SPENCER K AYERS MOHAMMED AZEEM TONY A AZEVEDO ERIC G BABCOCK KEVIN M BABCOCK JOE W BABER MARCUS K BABER DEAN BABIUK ELMER BABIUK MARSHALL D BABLAK DANIEL BABOYOUNAN NORMAN R BABUIN ANICETO J BACALSO PHILLIP BACH SUSAN J BACHIU MATTHEW D BACHMAN RAYMOND BACHMAN MICHAEL JOSEPH BACK JOHN R BACK III CHRISTOPHER J BACKEL GREGORY S BACKES DALLAS BACKFAT JOHN BACKFAT TRENT D BACKFAT VICKI L BACKSHALL GREGORY R BACKUS KEVIN E BACON LONNIE BACON TERRY A BACOTE JOSUE BADILLA VANCE BADOUR ROBERT BADSTEBNER JASON BAER ROGER A BAER TROY D BAER AMY C BAGGETTE GERALD E BAGGOTT JERZY BAGINSKI ANTHONY BAGLEY KIM BAGLEY ROBERT C BAGLEY JAMES M BAHM MATTHEW BAIAO MIRZA S BAIG RYAN BAILER EDWARD M BAILEY FRANK BAILEY LARAMIE S BAILEY LARRY C BAILEY CHARLES A BAILEY CHRIS V BAILEY DALE E BAILEY DARRELL BAILEY DAVID BAILEY DAVID BAILEY DAVID W BAILEY GEORGE BAILEY GREGORY DEWAYNE BAILEY JIMMY J BAILEY JOE DAVID BAILEY JOHN P BAILEY JULIAN BAILEY KYLE BAILEY LEA A BAILEY MICHAEL D BAILEY MICHAEL D BAILEY MICHAEL L BAILEY NATHAN D BAILEY RALPH S BAILEY RANDY S BAILEY WAYMON D BAILEY DUSTIN BAILLIE JONATHAN A BAINE TERRY D BAINE ROBERT R BAINES STEVEN R BAIR JR JOHN M BAIRD JOSHUA C BAIRD KEITH W BAIRD MARTA GRIFFIN BAIRD ROBERT LEE BAIRD JR ANDREW BAJZERT AARON C BAKER ADAM L BAKER ANDREA R BAKER ANDREW BAKER ANTHONY E BAKER BARRY A BAKER BRUCE BAKER CASEY J BAKER CHAD BAKER CHAD A BAKER CHRISTOPHER C BAKER COREY K BAKER DANNY BAKER FORRESTER BAKER GAYLEN B BAKER GENSIE J BAKER IRA J BAKER JAMES DAVID BAKER JAMES HALE BAKER JARRIOD B BAKER JASON A BAKER JEREMIE M BAKER JERRY L BAKER JOHN R BAKER JOHN TIMOTHY BAKER JONATHAN D BAKER KENNETH M BAKER KENT L BAKER LATASHA G BAKER LEONARD BAKER MARSHA K BAKER MICHAEL BAKER MICHAEL E BAKER PHILLIP A BAKER SCOTT M BAKER SCOTT R BAKER WADE BAKER WILFRED BAKER WILLIAM R BAKER WILLIS BAKER JR DALEPETE BALA CESAR BALDERAS DAVID R BALDERAS NELSON R BALDERAS DEWAUN L BALDWIN ISAAC E BALDWIN JOHNNIE L BALDWIN THOMAS D BALDWIN ROBERT LEE BALDWIN JR HENRY L BALKCOM III CHARLES BALL EARL L BALL GARRY W BALL JOHNNY J BALL MICHAEL J BALL MICHAEL S BALL STEVEN D BALL TIMOTHY J BALL JOHNNY J BALL SR BYRON BALLA ROBERT BALLANTYNE DAVID BALLARD IRVING E BALLARD JERRY D BALLARD MARY ELLEN BALLARD TEX J BALLARD ROCKY BALLESTEROS CHERI BALLUT SHANNON L BALTAZAR RUSSELL J BALVIN LORNE K BALZER CRAIG M BANDUR IBRAHIMIA BANGOURA CHARLES E BANKS JOHNNY L BANKS PERRY R BANKS ROBERT R BANKS WILLIAM E BANKS WILLIAM T BANKS WILLIE CORNELL BANKS OCTAVIS BANKS III WALTER BANKS JR CHRISTOPHER R BANKSTON JEFFERY ONDUS BANKSTON RODNEY BANNING EDWARD L BANNISTER MARTIN BANNON LIONEL RUIZ BANUELOS MIGUEL A BANUELOS HENRYK BARAN ROBERT MICHAEL BARANSKA WARREN E BARBEE ANTHONY L BARBER JASON S BARBER KHRISTIAN K BARBER BRIAN L BARBERY MIKE BARBOUR FAY K BARBRICK ALONSO BARCELON JOSEPH A BARCELONA ERNESTO BARCENAS ANDY BARCLAY JERRY BARCLAY JON BARCLAY JOHN BARDANIS BART R BARDWELL THOMAS EDMUND BARELA RIZAL T BARENG ALBERT W BARFIELD BRAD K BARFUSS JOHN K BARFUSS SHELDON D BARFUSS C E BARGER DEWEY L BARGER TYLER M BARGER MATTHEW D BARGSTADT JASON BARINO DELMAR S BARKER DOUGLAS W BARKER HAL G BARKER JOSEPH A BARKER KEVIN L BARKER RUSSELL W BARKER TIMOTHY J BARKER TIMOTHY JOE BARKER JARROD S BARKLEY JOHNNY G BARKLEY JEFFREY P BARKMAN CHARLIE ONARD BARKS KEVIN E BARKSDALE KEENON D BARNARD FRED MERRICK BARNARD IV DARYL RANDOLPH BARNER ERIC PAUL BARNER MARVIN RANDOLPH BARNER ROBERT J BARNER ALFRED BARNES ANDREW R BARNES CHARLES BARNES ERIC J BARNES JAMES E BARNES KENNETH R BARNES PAUL KEVIN BARNES ROBERT LUTHER BARNES TRAVIS BARNES WILLIAM H BARNES EDWARD BARNES JR JAMES M BARNETT DERRICK D BARNETT JASPER BARNETT JOSEPH E BARNETT MICHAEL ALAN BARNETT RONALD L BARNETT DONALD A BARNEY SAMPSON BARNEY DAVID E BARNHART KEN E BARNHART ROGER L BARNHART KENNETH E BARNHILL SANDRA L BARNHILL BRENT L BARR JOSHUA D BARR OPEY L BARR WESLEY E BARRENTINE CHRISTOPHER L BARRETT DEREK BARRETT JAVIER BARRIENTOS RAFAEL DAVID BARRIENTOS WALTER E BARRINEAU LAURICE R BARRINEAU JR CHARLES A BARRINGTON MICHAEL J BARRINGTON NATHAN T BARRINGTON TIMOTHY E BARRINGTON FRANCISCO A BARRIOS TIM J BARRITT BERNARDO BARRON CHAD R BARRON CORA BARRON JASON DERRICK BARRON KEITH BARRON SAAVEDRA J BARRON MATTHEW M BARROS TOM BARROW ROBERT J BARRY WINSTON BARRY KENNETH A BARTANEN DAMON M BARTH BRYAN C BARTLETT CHRISTOPHER D BARTLETT JEREMY LEE BARTLETT PHILIP A BARTLETT ROGER D BARTLETT ROY L BARTLETT MICHAEL R BARTON ELNORRIS BARTON BRIAN K BARTROM CARL E BARTROP RAYMOND E BARTROP SR CHARLES E BARWEGEN WALTER E BARWICK CHRISTOPHER BARZEE HEATHER M BASHAM FLOYD L BASHFORD STEVEN E BASHFORD JESSICA S BASHORE RANDALL L BASHORE JR KEVIN J BASKERVILLE ALAIN BASQUE PIERRE BASQUE ANTHONY R BASS CHARLES RICHARD BASS DAVID E BASS ELLIS BASS JOHN R BASS STEVEN KYLE BASS COURTLAND LYNN BASSETT JAMES R BASSETT JOHN C BASSETT JASON L BASSHAM BENJAMIN F BASSINGER VICTOR BASTIEN TRAVIS L BATCHLER DAVID A BATENHORST EFREM Z BATES ANGELA M BATES BRIAN K BATES BRYCE D BATES DANIEL D BATES JAMES EDWARD BATES JOHNNY H BATES RONALD D BATES RONNIE L BATES TAMI E BATES LEE W BATESOLE LOUIS BATOVSKY MELVIN J BATSON THOMAS J BATTERBEE WILLIAM H BATTISTE III RODNEY A BATTLE GREGORY S BATTLES JOHN HOWARD BATTS SHELTON MITCHELL BATTS SUSAN J BATTS KIM E BATULIS JOHN BATY JOHN F BATY ADAM J BAUER BRETT C BAUER GARY LEE BAUER JEFFERY E BAUER QUENTIN G BAUER TREVOR T BAUER TABITHA G BAUERMEISTER STANLEY W BAUGH AUBREY T BAUGH III GARY G BAUGHAN FRANKLIN A BAUGHMAN DAVID BAUM STEVEN BAUMAN SARA J BAUMANN CHARLES J BAUMERT FRANK L BAUMGARDNER ANTHONY C BAUMGARTNER BRIAN BRUCE BAUMLER TIMOTHY J BAUSMITH GREGORY P BAVA DEVIN K BAXLEY SCOTT A BAXLEY ROBERT S BAXLEY JR DAVID ERIC BAXTER DENVER BAXTER MICHAEL J BAXTER STEPHANIE RENEE BAXTER DAVID N BAYLESS RAY H BAYLESS WALTER C BAYLIS ANTONIO BAYLON JESSE E BAYNES III CHAD BAYNHAM DALE J BAYS JOHN D BAZEN BARRY L BEACH CHARLES WILLIAM BEACH MICHAEL D BEACH SADIE E BEACH TY A BEACH JASON P BEAGLES AMMON BEAGLEY DEAN BEAIRSTO STEPHEN BEALE LARRY RAY BEAM RAY GORDON BEAMON JR ELIZABETH A BEAN SONYA Y BEAN TIMOTHY BEAN WILLIAM J BEAN YANCY W BEAN CHAD D BEARD JAMES ALAN BEARD JAMES R BEARD RANDY BEARD SAMUEL T BEARD STEVE BEARD THOMAS STEPHEN BEARD ADALBERTO BEAS GEORGE BRIAN BEASLEY SHANE A BEASLEY ROBERT G BEASON PATRICIA BEATTIE RANDEL G BEATTY DANNY EARL BEATY JUSTIN BEAUCHAMP BRADY T BEAUCHEMIN DONALD L BEAUCHEMIN TOM G BEAUCHEMIN FRANCOIS BEAULIEU JEFFREY D BEAUMONT JAMES BEAVER MOLLY DIANE BEAVER ANNA DENISE BEAVERS BRIAN SCOTT BEAVERS JOHN SELDON BEAVERS LACY D BEAVERS JR LARRY B BECENTI DEREK A BECHER JANET S BECHTEL LAWRENCE J BECIGNEUL JR ALLAN BECK BRIAN S BECK JAMES W BECK JACK G BECKER JEREMY M BECKER JON S BECKER MARY E BECKER WILLIAM A BECKHAM III ROBERT J BECKHAM JR LEROY BECKLEY ANDREW BECKLUND CASEY ALAN BECKLUND KEVIN R BECKMANN ROLAND BEDARD JAY L BEDDINGFIELD ANTONIO BEDOLLA GABRIEL BEDOLLA-ARROYO RICKY J BEDORE BRIAN J BEEBE DERRICK D BEECHAM TISHA BEECHING KENNETH D BEED RODNEY A BEER NATHAN J BEERBOWER CURT BEERMAN TREVOR J BEERS MELISSA BEEVERS EDWARD BEGAY MYRON BEGAY WINCEL L BEGGS JR JOSEPH M BEHIL MARK A BEHMER ALLEN C BEHR WILET BEHRUE DREW A BEISWANGER ANDY BEITH JACK BELANGER JASON M BELANGER MICHAEL BELANGER PAUL D BELCHER TIMOTHY BELCHER RICHARD N BELDING DERRICK BELER RYAN C BELIVEAU WILLIE B BELL AARON BELL BILLY L BELL BRIAN J BELL CHRISTOPHER B BELL CLINT ALLEN BELL DANNY Q BELL DAVID BELL DAVID J BELL DEBORAH E BELL EDWARD J BELL GARY L BELL HEATH B BELL JAMES F BELL JERRY BELL JOHN WESLEY BELL NATHAN R BELL RICHARD D BELL RICHARD G BELL ROBERT L BELL STANLEY M BELL STEVEN B BELL STEVEN R BELL DONALD L BELL JR LORRIE J BELLAR GREGORY L BELLEW DARIUS V BELLINGER CHARLES PAUL BELLNIER MARK A BELLOMY ROSARIO RB BELLUCCI CESAR DE JESUS BELMONTE ERNEST BELTRAN JOSE L BELTRAN CANDACE J BELTZ JERRY A BELTZ LARRY L BELTZ JOSE J BENAVIDES JUDY M BENCINI JASON N BENDA TODD D BENDA ANN B BENDER SEAN M BENDER GARY W BENEDICT GAIL JEANNETTE BENEFIELD GEORGE R BENEFIELD SHAWN E BENEFIELD GREGORY A BENGE BARRY KEITH BENHAM MARCUS A BENION BRIAN BENJAMIN DAVID L BENJAMIN DAVID L BENJAMIN DONNIE BENJAMIN LESTER BENJAMIN MICHAEL A BENJAMIN NATHANIEL BENJAMIN DANIEL J BENKO SUSANA E BENKO JOHN M BENNER RANDY BENNER AARON BENNETT ALBERT B BENNETT BLACEY B BENNETT BOBBY R BENNETT CHRISTOPHER B BENNETT DANIEL C BENNETT DARRIN ANDRE BENNETT DAVID BENNETT DONALD J BENNETT JACKIE P BENNETT JAMES EDWARD BENNETT JOHN L BENNETT ROBERT H BENNETT STEVEN S BENNETT STEVEN W BENNETT THOMAS E BENNETT WALTER C BENNETT CORNELIUS BENNETT JR RENE BENOIT RICHARD D BENOIT BILLY REX BENSON EARNEST BENSON GENE W BENSON JERRY BENSON PETER E BENSON RICKY D BENSON RYAN BENSON SAMUEL K BENSON TYLER J BENSON STEPHEN THOMAS BENSON SR JOHN BENTEU APRIL J BENTLEY CHRISTOPHER W BENTLEY JEFF B BENTLEY JOHN BENTLEY MATTHEW A BENTLEY BETHANY B BENTON CHRISTOPHER BENTON JAMES K BENTON KENNETH L BENTON THOMAS P BENTON WILLIAM ALLEN BENTON JR COREY BENWELL DEL BENZENHAFER JAMES A BERARD LARRY E BERARD THEODORA M BERARD BARRY W BERG RICK A BERG DANY BERGERON JENNA P BERGMAN DANIEL L BERGQUIST IAN P BERGQUIST BRANDON BERGSTROM THOMAS E BERGSTROM HENOCK BERHANU CHRIS D BERKHOLTZ DALE W BERKHOLTZ EDWARD BERKOH ALBERTO C BERMUDEZ DAVID BERNAL LOUIS BERNAL JACOB M BERNARD JEAN BERNARD JOSEPH BERNARD RANDY BERNARD TRAVIS BERNARD BRENT J BERNER CHAD M BERNHARDT JILL E BERNHARDT RANDALL W BERNHARDT JOHN A BERNIER STEVEN W BERNINGER GLEN BERNS PATRICK S BERNSON GAYLE BERRETT ROBERT W BERRETT JOSEPH CARLE BERRY BEVAN M BERRY BRIAN LOWELL BERRY CALVIN BERRY CHERYL BERRY DAVID E BERRY DERON JOEL BERRY JACOB HUNTER BERRY JAMES B BERRY MICHAEL D BERRY MICHAEL G BERRY RICHARD BERRY SHAWN L BERRY STEVEN D BERRY TRACY L BERRY TYREE BERRY JAMES EDWARD BERRY JR THOMAS BERRY JR JAMES EDWARD BERRY SR KEVIN E BERRYHILL MICHAEL A BERRYHILL SHANNON J BERRYHILL KARL H BERSCHAUER DAVID BERTASSO REBECCA L BERTASSO STEVE G BERTRAND JOAN E BERWALD GARY L BESHERSE JAMES G BESHERSE WESLEY A BESHERSE ELMA M BESSINGER BECKY J BESSMER TERRY P BESSMER TIM E BESSMER JIMMY L BEST ALLISON M BEST BENJAMIN L BEST JANICE E BEST JOSEPH A BEST MITZI D BEST THOMAS BEST ALEJANDRO G BETANCOURT RAUL G BETANCOURT ROSALIO B BETANCUR SHARON J BETHUNE GUY M BETTENCOURT CHARLES C BETTS BRYON E BEUTLER JOSEPH E BEVEL STEPHEN R BEVINGTON WILLIAM D BEVIS GARY W BEWLEY MICHAEL A BEYER RAJESH H BHAGNARI AJIT KUMAR BHANOT STEVE BHOPARAI CHRISTIAN Y BIAKU EUGENE BIALEK DAVID BIALIK JAMES N BIBLE PATRICK T BICHEL TRAVIS P BICHEL DENNIS D BICKEL JOSEPH C BICKERS DOUGLAS A BICKHAM ERNEST B BIDDINGS BILLY G BIDDLE PAT A BIDELSPACH DENNIS S BIERING JAMES P BIERMAN JOEL J BIERMAN JAMES PAUL BIERNAT VICKI J BIGELOW WILLIAM E BIGGART JOHN O BIGGS JOHN M BIGGS CLAUDE E BIGGS JR GARY L BIGHAM SHAWN BIGRAS CAROLYN E BILLICK ALWYN BILLINGS CYNTHIA A BILLINGS GEORGE C BILLINGS JEFF BILLINGTON MARIA C BILLONE JEREMIAH BILLS WILLIAM A BILSING III WILLIAM A BILSING IV JUSTIN T BILSTEIN CLAUDE BINETTE BRETT V BINGHAM CRAIG R BINGHAM DERRICK EARL BINGHAM GARRICK G BINGHAM JEFFREY T BINGHAM V GLADE BINGHAM WALTER E BINGHAM DONALD BINGMAN TERRY L BINKARD HEATHER BINKLEY SUE A BINNEBOSE BRIAN D BIRCH RICHARD BIRCHILL DELBERT R BIRD IVAN BIRD JEAN M BIRD JERRY D BIRD ROY BIRD DELBERT T BIRD SR JOSEPH LOUIS BIRDNOW SUE R BIRDWELL ESTEBAN BIRELAS CHRISTOPHER D BIRKBECK BRYAN K BIRKES ROBERT N BIRKS CHRISTOPHE BIRLEY-GUILLEMETTE BRIAN C BIRR CLAUDE BISE BO G BISHOP DANIEL JAMES BISHOP EDDIE D BISHOP JOEL BISHOP JOHN S BISHOP TAMEKA LASHAN BISHOP ROBERT BISSON SHAUN BITZ MICHAEL D BITZKY CARLA BIVENS MARK A BIVENS TIMOTHY BIVINS LYNDA D BJALEK DAVID BJORK MICHAEL D BJORK ASHLEY ELIZABETH BLACK AUSTIN T BLACK CHRISTOPHER J BLACK EDWARD FERGUSSON BLACK GEORGE A BLACK JAMES R BLACK JEREMY A BLACK KENNETH BLACK LEONARD E BLACK SAMUEL R BLACK SHELDON G BLACK WILLIAM W BLACK GARY R BLACKBURN J MICAH BLACKBURN SUSAN L BLACKBURN AMY R BLACKMAN JAMES S BLACKMAN RACHEL A BLACKMAN ROBERT C BLACKMAN GEORGE G BLACKMON RENETHA D BLACKMON SAMUEL R BLACKMON MAX L BLACKMORE DAVID M BLACKWELL DAVID T BLACKWELL GREGORY S BLACKWELL TRAVIS R BLACKWELL JOSHUA BLADES ANTHONY L BLAINE EDDIE BLAIR JUSTIN TYLER BLAIR TREVOR D BLAIR MELVIN ROY BLAIR JR KEN J BLAIS SR DANIEL M BLAISDELL KEITH D BLAISDELL RORY BLAISDELL DANNY BLAKE DEAN BLAKE DONALD A BLAKE RICHARD T BLAKE ROBERT D BLAKE ROBERT W BLAKE HARRIS T BLAKELEY JR CHARLTON H BLAKELY SHAWN BLAKELY DARRELL E BLAKEMORE ANDREA D BLAKESLEE BARNEY CLARENCE BLAKNEY BRADLEY E BLALOCK DONALD R BLALOCK RODNEY L BLALOCK ROGER D BLALOCK DOUGLAS L BLANCHARD EUGENE AL BLANCHARD MICHAEL J BLANCHER DIA BLANCO FLAVIO GARBANZO BLANCO MICHAEL BLANCO MICHAEL A BLAND WALTER L BLAND MARK A BLANK ROGER L BLANK CARR E BLANKENSHIP LOMAR L BLANKENSHIP MICHAEL D BLANKENSHIP PAUL A BLANKENSHIP SAMMY L BLANKENSHIP THOMAS BLANKENSHIP KENNETH A BLANKINSHIP KENNETH BRANDON BLANKINSHIP TRAVIS A BLANKINSHIP ERIC BLANSCETT DON-ANDRE BLANSETT JAMES T BLANSIT DONNA MARIE BLANTON HORACE H BLATON JR JAMES F BLAUVELT TODD A BLAUVELT KAREN MICHELLE BLAYLOCK TIMOTHY SCOTT BLAYLOCK MITCHELL RAY BLEDSOE MIKE BLENCOWE JODY B BLEVINS LARRY E BLEVINS JAMES H BLEW MATTHEW L BLITCH THOMAS A BLITCH DARREN BLOCKLINGER SCOTT BLOMQUIST GREGORY L BLOOM BRIAN D BLOOMFIELD CODY M BLOOMQUIST DENNIS D BLOOMQUIST RODNEY D BLOOMQUIST JAMES W BLOSKIS RUSSELL W BLOUNT TERRY T BLOUNT LESLIE W BLUE SHANNON D BLUE TRAVIS D BLUE JR ERIC D BLUM MATTHEW L BLUME RICHARD K BLUME II JEREMY BLUNDELL DONNIE O BLYTHE BILLY A BOATWRIGHT ROBERT V BOBAY JR MARCUS D BOBO LAVERNE MITCHELL BOCHETTE JR WAYNE BODDEN STEVE R BODEN TIMOTHY A BODIFORD JAMES BODILY BRADLEY N BODINE DANA BODNARIUC DORIS A BOEHM DENISE B BOERST MICHAEL R BOETTCHER JEROME D BOGAN SCOTT J BOGAN SHAWN M BOGGS THOMAS M BOGGS KURT A BOGNER KINLOCK O BOGUE III ROLAND J BOGUSZEWSKI ELDEN L BOHANNON STEVE J BOHLER LARRY J BOHLKEN CYNTHIA L BOHMANN DALE BOHMER ETHAN BOHMER BRIAN G BOHN JAMES D BOHNER JOHN G BOILEAU JONATHAN BOILEAU PATRICK BOISSONNEAULT JASON C BOL JOSEPH H BOLAM JR DENNIS A BOLDUAN JAMES E BOLEN ORVILLE BOLEN JR ANDREW B BOLIN CHARLES W BOLIN SONNY LEE BOLIN BRANDON BOLLINGER PETER HOWARD BOLLIS ROGER WALKER BOLLS JOSEPH F BOLSINGER DAVID E BOLT BOBBY J BOLTON RANDY MICHAEL BOLTON STREAMER L BOMAN WILLIAM A BONCZYNSKI AARON BOND BENJAMIN K BOND HUGHIE BOND JEWELL R BOND STEVEN V BOND JESSIE D BONDS ROBERT J BONDS CHRISTOPHER D BONE LARRY W BONE SHANE BONE PAUL J BONERTZ ILLA BONG TWUN O BONNER JASON FRANK BONNER LAURI N BONNER SANDRA S BONNER JAMES G BONNOITT KYZER D BONNOITT RICHARD B BONNOITT BILL M BONTA DANIEL BONTRAGER NICK BOODOO JAMES C BOOKER JOHN KELLY BOOKER KEISHA D BOOKER ROCKEY DARYL BOOKER II MARVIN NELSON BOONE PHILLIP W BOONE FRED A BOONE JR BRIAN BOOTH RYAN BOOTH JOHN A BOOTHE LOUIS EDWIN BOOTHE JR JOHNATHAN H BOOTLAND STEPHEN A BOOZER CHARLES J BORDEN ERIC A BORDEN JONNEY RAY BORDEN WILLIAM L BORDEN ROBERT BORDERS JOSEPH LEIGH BORDONARO MATTHEW BOREEN JASON E BOREN STEVEN B BOREN LESLIE J BORER RODNEY L BORER ROMAN J BORER CRAIG S BORGER FRANK BORGER JOSE C BORGES GARY L BORGMAN MICHAEL A BORNSTEDT BRIAN S BORSC FRED G BORT JEFFREY A BORTON BRIAN P BOS LONNIE D BOSHELL KEVIN L BOSLEY SHANNON J BOSSARD STEVEN J BOSSARD FRANK BOST OTIS H BOSTIC DARREL BOSTIN BRUCE W BOSWELL ROBERT A BOSWELL LUIS BOTELLO JACK BOTRAS BENJAMIN N BOTT DUSTIN C BOTTERILL SOURIPHAN BOUAPHASEUTH GAETAN BOUCHARD CLAUDE BOUCHER ROBERT BOUCHER ALLEN J BOUDREAU GARY BOUDREAU GUY BOUDREAU KYLE F BOUDREAU PETER O BOUDREAU SHAWN BOUDREAU STEVE P BOUDREAU KEITH M BOUGHN FRED BOUIER DARYL B BOUNDS CHRISTOPHER E BOURASSA ROBERT M BOURASSA DARRELL BOURGETTE WILLIAM BOURNE BRIAN BOURQUE AARON S BOUSER JASON BOUSFIELD RANDY A BOUTET JAMES ADAM BOUTWELL LAWRENCE S BOUVIER A JAY BOWCUTT BRUCE BOWCUTT WESLEY V BOWCUTT DARIUS LORENZO BOWDEN KENNAN S BOWDEN MARK H BOWDEN RICK A BOWDEN JAMES EDWARD BOWDEN JR ROBERT BOWDOIN KEVIN M BOWE SEAN S BOWEN GORDON R BOWEN THOMAS H BOWEN WILLIAM M BOWEN WILBURN P BOWEN SR WINFORD BOWENS DENNIS R BOWERING ELIZABETH W BOWERS JUSTIN D BOWERS LYNN A BOWERS MELFORD C BOWERS TOM BOWERS PETER J BOWES ANDREW S BOWIE DEWEY J BOWLING JOHN D BOWLING BRADD A BOWMAN BRIAN E BOWMAN GEORGE B BOWMAN JAMES C BOWMAN JOHN C BOWMAN JOSEPH BOWMAN NANCY A BOWMAN SHANNON D BOWMAN MICHAEL BOWMAN JR JAMES A BOWN ERIC BOWSER JEFFREY DANIEL BOX SAMUEL BOX JOHN H BOYCE SCOTT E BOYCE ALANDIS EARL BOYD CHRISTOPHER M BOYD CLINT BOYD CRAIG D BOYD DENNIS M BOYD DONALD BOYD GLENN K BOYD JEFFERY M BOYD MARK A BOYD MICHAEL D BOYD MICHAEL J BOYD NATHANIEL BOYD PAULA LOFTON BOYD REGINALD E BOYD SHAWN BOYD TERRY BOYD WILLIAM HENRY BOYD IRVIN J BOYER LARRY T BOYER PAUL BOYER JEFFREY BOYKIN JERRY BOYKIN JOE E BOYKIN MARK D BOYKIN BOBBY L BOYLES JADE R BOYLES JOEL W BOYLES MICHAEL TODD BOYLES ANNMARIE BOZEK ADAN BRACAMONTES GEORGE BRACEWELL ALLEN G BRACEY DEBORAH K BRACK ANDREW BRACKEN MICHAEL H BRACKEN MICHAEL H BRADBURY SHELTON H BRADBURY CHRISTOPHER B BRADDY STEVEN LEE BRADFIELD CHARLES E BRADFORD CHRISTOPHE J BRADFORD DAVID B BRADFORD ESTER BRADFORD JOSEPH ANDREW BRADFORD MILTON O BRADFORD ROGER D BRADFORD TERRY BRADFORD BRIEN SCOTT BRADLEY CRYSTAL S BRADLEY DONALD A BRADLEY JAMES S BRADLEY MICHAEL D BRADLEY WILLIAM E BRADLEY JOSHUA P BRADOC CURTIS W BRADSHAW GLEN H BRADSHAW PEYTON BRADSHAW BRETT E BRADY MARK E BRADY MIKE BRADY TERI BRADY TRAVIS A BRADY BRANDON JAY BRAEGGER LYLE J BRAEGGER MILLARD DAVIS BRAGG LARRY G BRAGGS ROBERT J BRAID MICHAEL D BRAMES JIMMY B BRAMLETT JOHN R BRANCH JOSHUA P BRAND RONALD V BRAND CALVIN BRANDENBURG JAMES R BRANDENBURG JOHN BRANDENBURG CHAD BRANDER DANNY J BRANDL ROBERT E BRANDL DONNA J BRANDON E L BRANDON JOHN R BRANDON MARK BRANDON ROBERT L BRANDON DAVID BRANDT RICK E BRANDT S THOMAS BRANDT TIMOTHY L BRANDT STEVE BRANNEN WILLIAM H BRANNOCK BILLY D BRANNON STEVEN NICK BRANNON THOMAS M BRANT IVONNE J BRANTING KIRK R BRANTLEY ROBERT BRANTON MATTHEW L BRANTZ MICHAEL R BRANZ BALDEV S BRAR JOHN P BRASELL DANIEL BRASS DENNIS DUANE BRASS JAYLAN BRASS JEREMY L BRASWELL BOBBY BRASWELL JOHN R BRASWELL LINDA DIANNE BRASWELL KEVIN R BRATCHER SABRINA S BRATENAS VALERIE BRATT-LEAL GREGORY A BRAUN JEFFREY D BRAUN JOSEPH C BRAUN JR MIKE W BRAXTON ANTHONY JASON BRAY ALVIN E BRAZELL JR FRANK W BRAZELTON JOSHUA MICHAEL BRAZIEL PATRICK NEAL BRAZIER ALLEN E BRAZIER II JESSE BRAZILE BRIAN B BREACH JEREMY BREAUD JOHN L BREDEHOFT CARL BREECE JR JOHN WAYNE BREEDS DONNA MARIE BREES SEAN D BREESE JOHN FRANCIS BREEZE CLAYBORN BRELAND GERALD BRELAND JASON BRELAND CHRISTOPHER J BRENNAN DANIEL BRENNAN MICHAEL W BRENTON LOREN M BRENTS JOE BRESSETTE DOUGLAS J BRESTER KURTIS BRETEY DENIS G BRETON GUY C BRETON DENNIS R BRETSCHNEIDER BILL D BREWER BRANTLEY G BREWER HAROLD E BREWER JAMES WALTER BREWER MARGARET E BREWER MICHAEL LEE BREWER PHILLIP W BREWER RICKY LYNN BREWER ROBERT LEE BREWER SONO BREWER WILLIAM B BREWER DONALD AARON BREZINSKI ROBERT BRICELY DALE BRICKER JR CLAUDE BRIDEAU ERIC BRIDEAU SEBASTIEN BRIDEAU ULYISSE BRIDEAU JR JOHN MICHAEL BRIDGEFORTH ALLAN R BRIDGEMON DAVID W BRIDGES GREGORY BRIDGES JARED BRIDGES MARY B BRIDGES MISTY A BRIDGES RICKY BRIDGES TERRY BRIDGEWOOD GEORGE BRIER JEFFERY A BRIER DOUGLAS J BRIERLEY BODEAN N BRIGGS JOSEPH C BRIGGS DALE CRAWFORD BRIGHT DAPHNE A BRIGHT JAMES A BRILEY RONALD J BRILEY ROGER D BRIM EDDIE BRIMBERRY VINCENT L BRIMER KEITH ALLEN BRINKLEY PHYLLIS B BRINKLEY DONALD R BRINLEY GERALD BRINSON ROBERT BRISBOIS MAURICE A BRISEBOIS STEVEN M BRISSEY DANIEL J BRISSON CHRIS BRISTOW ROBERT L BRISTOW ANTONIO BRITO ERIC J BRITT STARLET J BRITT ARTHUR J BRITTON RICHARD K BRITTON BRIAN C BRIZENDINE JOHNATHAN S BROACH STEVE L BROACH PENNY S BROAD MAJOR B BROADAWAY J CURTIS BROADBENT MATTHEW N BROADHEAD LARRY B BROADHEAD ROBERT K BROADHEAD LEONARD L BROADNAX LONNEY R BROADUS RUSTY L BROADUS TAYLOR J BROADUS KEVIN T BROADWATER JOSEPH S BROCATO CHADWICK J BROCK CHARLES L BROCK CHRIS M BROCK FRED C BROCK JASON M BROCK ROBERT M BROCK EDRICK J BROCKINGTON MICHAEL A BROCKMAN ROBERT A BROCKWAY JR DARREL D BRODHEAD JOHN ROBERT BRODMAN MARLON W BROEKEMEIER AARON BROGAN BRIAN BROGAN CHARLES G BROGAN DONALD M BROGAN KERI J BROGREN RYAN M BROGREN DANIEL BROMLEY JAMES H BROMLEY BRANDON BRONSON COREY R BRONSON JONATHON W BRONSON LANCE E BROOKE WESLEY R BROOKER ADAM W BROOKS BLAINE MANUEL BROOKS CHRISTOPHER A BROOKS CHRISTOPHER SEAN BROOKS DANIEL L BROOKS DOUGLAS D BROOKS EDWARD BROOKS EMORY L BROOKS JEFF D BROOKS JESSE M BROOKS JOE BROOKS JOHN E BROOKS JOSEPH B BROOKS KERRY L BROOKS LARRY BROOKS MARTIN M BROOKS PHILIP B BROOKS RONNIE BROOKS SHAUN R BROOKS TODD S BROOKS TROY A BROOKS WILLIAM A BROOKS DENNIS R BROOME JOHN W BROSH ROBERT J BROSSART ANTHONY D BROTHERS ELI BROTHERS RICKY BROTHERS JR BRUCE BROTHERSEN THEODOROUS BROTSIS BRANDON MICHAEL BROUGH ROBIN A BROUGHTON JOAN L BROWDER BENJAMIN I BROWN JERRY T BROWN ROBERT P BROWN ALBERT BROWN ANTHONY C BROWN BARRY B BROWN BRADLEY R BROWN BRUCE BROWN BRUCE BROWN CALVIN BROWN CALVIN BROWN CAMERON BROWN CASEY ALLEN BROWN CHARLIE BROWN CHRISTOPHER C BROWN CHRISTOPHER T BROWN CHRISTOPHER WILLIAM BROWN CORA HELEN BROWN CORY D BROWN COURTNEY BROWN CRAVEN S BROWN CURT R BROWN DANNY BROWN DARREL THOMAS BROWN DARRELL B BROWN DINA BROWN DONALD R BROWN DOROTHY A BROWN DOUGLAS K BROWN ELROY BROWN FREDERICK DEMETRIUS BROWN GLEN BROWN GRETA O BROWN HAROLD C BROWN HEATH V BROWN HERSHEL RAY BROWN ILLINOIS BROWN JAMES A BROWN JAMES ALBERT BROWN JAMES E BROWN JAMES LEBRON BROWN JAMES V BROWN JAMES W BROWN JAMIE B BROWN JANA BROWN JASON H BROWN JOHN C BROWN JOHN D BROWN JOHNNY BROWN JOHNNY BROWN JOSEPH J BROWN JOSEPH R BROWN KALEA DAILEY BROWN KEITH S BROWN KENNETH W BROWN KENNY R BROWN KERWIN L BROWN KEVIN E BROWN LARRY BROWN LARRY A BROWN LARRY A BROWN LAWRENCE S BROWN LORI B BROWN M TODD BROWN MARK A BROWN MARVIN P BROWN MAX A BROWN MICHAEL BROWN MICHAEL BRIAN BROWN MICHAEL D BROWN MICHAEL DOUGLAS BROWN MICHAEL J BROWN MICHAEL J BROWN MICHAEL L BROWN MICHAEL R BROWN NATHAN K BROWN NELSON W BROWN NICKOLAS J BROWN PATRICK S BROWN PAUL D BROWN QUINTON O BROWN RALPH BROWN RALPH D BROWN RANDY L BROWN RAYMOND BROWN RICHARD A BROWN RICKY A BROWN ROBERT C BROWN ROBERT L BROWN ROBERT S BROWN ROBNELL BROWN ROGER BROWN ROGER L BROWN ROGER NEIL BROWN RUSSELL H BROWN SAMMY D BROWN SEAN E BROWN SONNY BROWN TERRANCE BROWN TIMMY BROWN TIMOTHY RAY BROWN TIMOTHY WADE BROWN TRACY L BROWN VIRGINIA A BROWN WAYNE L BROWN WILLIAM D BROWN WILLIAM LLOYD BROWN WILLIAM S BROWN MICHAEL MURPHY BROWN II LUTHER BROWN III JACK E BROWN JR RICKY L BROWN SR ROBERT S BROWNE ANDREW M BROWNFIELD BOBBY LEE BROWNING CLIFF D BROWNING LARRY BROWNING STEVEN W BROWNLEE MICHAEL BROWNRIGG ROBERT C BROYHILL ERIC C BRUBAKER RYAN M BRUBAKER MATTHEW L BRUBAKER II CHRISTOPHER S BRUBECK ROGER N BRUCE JOHNATHON C BRUDER KURT L BRUDIGAN HENRY C BRUEGGEMAN RYAN BRUEGGERT BILL A BRUEMMER WADE A BRUEMMER DALE F BRUENING TOM C BRUENING RUSSELL BRUGGEMAN KATRINA L BRUHN JAMES C BRUMBELOE RANDY D BRUMBELOW BRADLEY A BRUMMELS CORY A BRUMMELS STEVEN R BRUMMELS PATRICK W BRUNE ALPHONSE J BRUNEAU ZACK J BRUNELLE GERARD J BRUNGARDT JOEL P BRUNING CURTIS W BRUNS DALILA BRYAN MARK A BRYAN PENNY GULLEDGE BRYAN ROBYN BRYAN STACY BRYAN TIMOTHY DALE BRYAN TONY L BRYAN WILLIAM BURNETT BRYAN HARRIS C BRYAN JR BILL W BRYANT BOBBY L BRYANT DONALD J BRYANT HEATH W BRYANT JAMES E BRYANT LARRY D BRYANT LISA L BRYANT MARANDA M BRYANT MILLARD JASON BRYANT NICHOLAS T BRYANT ROBERT M BRYANT ROBERT M BRYANT RONALD E BRYANT WAYNE NEWTON BRYANT WILLIAM J BRYANT HERMAN R BRYANT JR HERMAN R BRYANT SR MICHEAL BRYCE CHARLES J BRYEANS THOMAS J BUBNIAK NICK A BUCCI ALAN E BUCHANAN DAN BUCHANAN DAVID M BUCHANAN DENNIS NORMAN BUCHANAN J JUDD BUCHANAN MARTIN BUCHANAN ROBERT BUCHANAN ANTHONY J BUCHER W RONALD BUCHHOLZ JEFF BUCHMAN GREGORY BUCHOLZ MICHAEL J BUCHS BILLY G BUCK DOUGLAS C BUCK EDWARD J BUCK JAMES WARD BUCK JOE R BUCK BRYAN J BUCKBERRY DANNY R BUCKENDAHL SCOTT L BUCKENDAHL THOMAS J BUCKLEY STEPHEN BUCKNALL JASPER L BUCKSKIN CHARLTON S BUDD ANTHONY S BUDDE KEITH S BUDGE BRYAN W BUECHLEY PAUL KEVIN BUELOW DAREN J BUETTNER IRVING AUGUST BUETTNER OWEN BUFFALO ANTHONY BUFFALO CRIER JAMES A BUFFENBARGER TIMOTHY BUFFINGTON SARAH LOUISE BUFFY LEAH J BUFORD PERRY LEE BUFORD BROOK C BUGENHAGEN JAMES E BUHL DEVERN L BUHRMAN DUSTIN J BUIST GARY BUIST ERIC BUJOLD STEPHAN BUJOLD JAMES A BUKOFFSKY KATHERINE H BUKOFFSKY CAREY W BULLARD STACY C BULLARD BOBBY G BULLARD JR RICHARD S BULLENS JR JAMES D BULLERDICK CHRISTOPHER A BULLINGTON ROGER BULLIS JAMES K BULLOCK JANICE J BULLOCK MARION D BULLOCK RICKY TRAVIS BULLOCK RON BULLOCK DAVID C BULTEMEIER ROBERT RAY BUMPURS JEREMY S BUNDY TIMOTHY M BUNDY GWENDOLYN B BUNN JAYE M BURAS BROOKS J BURBACH LACY L BURBACH ANITA KNIGHT BURCH CHRISTOPHER A BURCH JEFFREY SCOTT BURCH TERRY D BURCHAM GEORGE H BURCHARD KEVIN S BURDESHAW RONALD E BURDETTE STEVEN M BURDICK JOSEPH W BUREK JEFF B BURFIELD JONATHAN L BURFORD DUSTIN BURG CHRISTOPHER L BURGE COLTON B BURGESS JAMIE M BURGESS PHILLIP BURGESS JEFFREY K BURGWINKEL DAVID BURILA ROBIN BURK ALISTAIR BURKE ANTHONY M BURKE BENTLEY J BURKE CODY BURKE DEAN E BURKE DEREK A BURKE ERIC C BURKE KEVIN THOMAS BURKE MARLOWE BURKE STEPHEN R BURKE STEVE BURKE MICHEL R BURKES MICHAEL D BURKETT TERESA BURKETT ERIC S BURKHALTER JEFFREY S BURKHART WILLIAM J BURKS WILLIE B BURKS FRANK N BURLANDO BOBBY W BURLESON WILLIAM L BURNES WILLY H BURNES GREGORY A BURNETT HERBERT J BURNETT JEANNA BURNETT LYNDAL B BURNETT MICHAEL F BURNETT THOMAS L BURNHAM JR VICTOR E BURNS CAREY M BURNS CARL L BURNS CARL W BURNS CHARLES M BURNS DAVID KYLE BURNS DELIA P BURNS GEORGE D BURNS GREGORY F BURNS JAKE M BURNS JEFFERY L BURNS JONATHON LYNNE BURNS KEVIN J BURNS LORI A BURNS RANDY E BURNS RODNEY G BURNS SHANE D BURNS JUSTIN BURNSIDE JUDSON D BURR CORY R BURRAN MICHAEL BURRAN MICHAEL BURRAN WILLIAM J BURRELL CONNIE THALIA BURRELL JOHN L BURRELL KIM M BURRELL LONNIE C BURRELL TOMMY LANCE BURRESS DAVID M BURRIS HEATH L BURRIS RICHARD S BURROUGHS BOB J BURROW DAMON EUGENE BURROW FLOYD LEON BURROW III JESUS G BURRUEL CRAIG BURRY DANIEL S BURSON CLINT BURT DUANE ALEX BURT FAYE LYNN BURT GLENN D BURT JOHNNY R BURT KENNETH BURT NATHAN S BURT TED J BURT CHARLES R BURTIS AVERY RUSSELL BURTON CHAD BURTON CLAYTON A BURTON ERIC V BURTON GREGORY B BURTON KENNETH J BURTON KENT K BURTON PHILIP A BURTON RYAN C BURTON SANDRA S BURTON TAMMY R BURTON DENNIS A BURTSFIELD JR DENYSE S BURTT DANIEL A BUSCHE DENA C BUSENBARK LISA A BUSENBARK CHRIS L BUSENBARK JR MICHAEL A BUSENIUS JEFFERY B BUSER SHEILA BUSH BENNY BUSH DARRIN C BUSH EDWARD RAY BUSH GEORGE BUSH GRADY KEITH BUSH JEFFREY RAY BUSH KARL D BUSH MERRILL BUSH RYAN W BUSH JASON PATRICK BUSHALLOW BRETT MATHEW BUSHONG BRIAN D BUSHONG PAUL D BUSHONG JOHN BUSTAMENTE LEROY BUSTAMENTE NICHOLAS BUSTAMENTE EDUARDO BUTAY MARK BUTCHER TOMMY W BUTLER BOBBY BUTLER CASEY L BUTLER CHAD BUTLER COBY J BUTLER CORY C BUTLER ERIC J BUTLER GRADY EUGENE BUTLER JODY L BUTLER KENNETH SHANE BUTLER LYNN B BUTLER REBECCA BUTLER ROBERT H BUTLER ROBERT R BUTLER JR BRAD H BUTTARS F GENE BUTTERFIELD RONALD E BUTTERFIELD THOMAS BUTTNOR BRUCE W BUTTON ALLAN D BUTTRAM BILL BUXTON GREGORY BUYER AARON J BYERLEY MARK A BYERLEY JOSEPH H BYERLY JOEL M BYKO TRAVIS A BYNUM KEVIN BYRAGEE BEAYANKA J BYRD CHARLES R BYRD CRAIG BYRD DANIEL WAYNE BYRD JAMES BYRD KELLY L BYRD KEVIN J BYRD MONTRAY J BYRD RICHARD K BYRD TIMOTHY A BYRD WILLIAM E BYRD CLAUDE A BYRD JR ROBERT L BYRD JR HENRY S BYRDIC III ADAM BYRNE BILL J BYRNE MICHELLE T BYRNE STEVEN S BYRON TONY LYNN BYRUM JERRY S BYWATER JUAN A CABANILLAS JOSE CABASSA FELIX CABATO BRANDON CABATU EDWARD E CABLE JEFF CABLE ROBERT RAY CABLE DAVID CABRAL PATRICK CABUNOC DAVID A CACILHAS GILBERT CACILHAS CURT CADET MITCHELL CADIENTE KENNETH L CADMAN JOHN CAFFAS BAXTER MATTHEW CAGLE DEBRA ALEENE CAGLE GARY CAGLE JACE CAGLE JOSEPH CAGLE RUDI W CAGLE WILSON J CAGLE JR BERNICE PETTY CAIN CHRIS CAIN CHRISTOPHER J CAIN CHRISTOPHER L CAIN R GORDON CAIRNIE COLIN CAIRNS SEAN B CAIRNS ROBERT L CAISON JR CANDICE M CAISSE CONNIE L CAISSE GEORGE H CAISSE FERNANDO W CALDERON GERARDO CALDERON SIMON CALDERON DEBRA A CALDWELL WALTER L CALDWELL JOHN R CALHAN CRAIG L CALHOUN LOWELL D CALHOUN RICHARD J CALHOUN KEVIN CALLAGHAN CHUCK D CALLAHAN DANIEL W CALLAHAN DAVID R CALLAHAN JERRY F CALLAHAN KEVIN J CALLAHAN THOMAS HOLLIS CALLAHAN JR CARY CALLIS DENNIS W CALLOW TYSON CALVER CARMEN CALVILLO FERNANDO CALVILLO JESUS CALVILLO CHRISTOPHER P CALVIN WILLIE A CALVIN ROBERT G CAMARILLO MATTHEW R CAMBLIN DAVID S CAMERER JAMES E CAMERON JOHN CAMERON YVETTE D CAMILLE BRANDON CAMILLERI DAVID CAMOZZI BRIAN C CAMP CHRISTOPHER J CAMP SHERRY CAMPBELL ALAN Q CAMPBELL ANDREW CAMPBELL BILL CAMPBELL BRADLEY G CAMPBELL BRUCE P CAMPBELL CLARENCE CAMPBELL CRYSTAL N CAMPBELL DARREN R CAMPBELL DAVID S CAMPBELL DUSTIN E CAMPBELL EWEN CAMPBELL GARY CAMPBELL GARY JOE CAMPBELL JEFFREY C CAMPBELL JESSE P CAMPBELL JOHN J CAMPBELL JON CAMPBELL KRISTINA M CAMPBELL PETER C CAMPBELL RICK L CAMPBELL ROBERT CAMPBELL SHAWN L CAMPBELL STEVE G CAMPBELL VICKI CAMPBELL VINCENT A CAMPBELL WILLIAM E CAMPBELL RICHARD D CAMPBELL JR LUKE A CAMPLIN JULIA CAMPOLONGO SERGIO G CAMPUZANO JERARS D CANADA JORGE CANALES JOSE GASPAR CANAS MARYANN CANCIK CHRISTOPHER L CANDELARIA LEONARDO T CANEDO EDGARDO V CANLAS MICHAEL CANNON BRUCE L CANNON JERRY CANNON KELLY D CANNON PAUL D CANNON TERRY L CANNON C DAVID CANNON JR ALONSO CANO ROBERT J CANODE DEAN A CANONICO SAMUEL OLIVER CANOY JR W STEVEN CANTLEY DAVID CANTLON JAMES CANTLON DENNIS A CANTRELL JOSE G CANTU MARIO G CANTU MIGUEL A CANTU ROBERTO CANTU DENICE B CAPEHART BRENT G CAPENER BRIAN D CAPP ROLAND D CAPPELLANO KEVIN D CAPPS ROBERT CAPSON O JOEY CAPUTO JAMES CARADONNA ANGEL CARBALLO GARY D CARD AUNDRY P CARDINAL JASON A CARDINAL FRANCISCO CARDOZO CHRISTOPHER R CAREY DANIEL L CAREY DUANE A CAREY HARLEY M CAREY ROBERT E CAREY TAMMY SUE CAREY BLAKE A CARGILE DAVID CARGILL SHARON CARL JONATHAN A CARLEY JAMES TRAVIS CARLISLE BRIAN E CARLOW PRISCILLA ANNE CARLSEN ASHLEY N CARLSON CARL R CARLSON CHRISTOPHER J CARLSON DELWIN E CARLSON ERIC W CARLSON HAROLD D CARLSON HEATHER L CARLSON JEROME R CARLSON RHONDA CARLSON RYAN L CARLSON SCOTT R CARLSON VICTOR R CARLSON LANCE W CARLTON RONI M CARMAN JEFFREY B CARMEAN CHAD W CARNAHAN COREY CARNAHAN JERRY W CARNAHAN WILLIAM C CARNAHAN DAVID W CARNELL JERRY P CARNES EUGENE R CARNEY THOMAS J CARNEY ARTHUR JOHN CARNICELLI CHRISTIAN T CARNRIGHT JERRY L CARNRIKE JR LETICIA CARO ABEL CARP BRADLEY A CARPENTER CURTIS M CARPENTER DON CARPENTER JAMES E CARPENTER JAMES FLOYD CARPENTER KENNETH E CARPENTER LARRY E CARPENTER LUCAS C CARPENTER RANDY J CARPENTER SCOTT L CARPENTER SHEENA S CARPENTER SHEROLEEN L CARPENTER STEPHEN L CARPENTER THOMAS E CARPENTER CHAD A CARPER RICKIE L CARPER RONALD D CARPER DANIEL CARR DEBORAH L CARR MICHAEL E CARR RODOLFO CARRASCO DONALD R CARRAWAY JOSEPH C CARRAWAY SCOTT CARRICK ROBERT CARRIEDO BUDD CARRIERE PETER L CARRIERE AGUSTIN CARRILLO DANIEL E CARRILLO JUAN CARRILLO-REYNOSO JOSHUA N CARRINGTON ROBERT E CARRINGTON DANIEL CARRIZALES JOSE CARRIZALES BETTY K CARROLL DONALD EUGENE CARROLL J T CARROLL JACK G CARROLL JACOB PAUL CARROLL JEREMY BRENT CARROLL KENNETH CARROLL MARION L CARROLL RICKY L CARROLL ROBERT R CARROLL ROGER H CARROLL MARVIN G CARROLL JR CHRISTOPHER M CARROWAY KIT M CARSON MARTY O CARSON CRAIG A CARSTENS LONNIE R CARSTENS MICHAEL A CARSTENS TERRY L CARSTENS JOSEPH M CARTAGENA JEFFREY T CARTEE ANTHONY CARTER BARRY C CARTER BEAU CARTER BYRON J CARTER CHAD M CARTER CHARLES G CARTER COLIN CARTER DAVID L CARTER EDMOND CARTER ELDON GWYN CARTER ELI C CARTER ELMER D CARTER JACOB CARTER JAMES A CARTER JARRETT BLAINE CARTER JASON T CARTER JERVONE V CARTER JIMMY CARTER JOEL BUDDY CARTER LARRY J CARTER LEON CARTER MARC W CARTER MARY LOUISE CARTER ODELL CARTER SCOTT D CARTER SCOTT R CARTER TIM D CARTER TIMOTHY J CARTER CHARLES H CARTER III CAMERON CARTWRIGHT DAVID CARTWRIGHT GLENN R CARTWRIGHT MICHAEL CARUSO TONY CARUSO DAVID E CARUTHERS HENRY CARVAJAL ANTHONY E CARVER DENNIS CARVER TYSON CARVER WILLIAM R CARVER DAVID CARWYLE DARREN CARY WILLIAM V CARY AARON T CASE SHARON K CASE BETH B CASEY CHAD A CASEY CHARLES D CASEY GARETH R CASEY KENNETH CHARLES CASEY DONALD E CASH JACOB DONALD CASH JOHN D CASH JONATHAN R CASH KORY E CASH RICHARD D CASH THOMAS RAY CASH DAVID A CASHMER FRANK A CASHWELL ROGER CASON DANIEL C CASPER DONALD J CASPER HAROLD JOSEPH CASPER MARK E CASPER TAMMY M CASPER CASS CASPERSON MARK G CASS TIMOTHY L CASS SCOTT D CASSEL GARY W CASSELMAN CHARLIE E CASSIDY CHRISTOPHER K CASSIDY E FRED CASSIDY JEFFREY L CASSIDY JAIME G CASTANEDA JAVIER CASTANEDA JESSE N CASTANEDA RALPH CASTANEDA SERGIO CASTANEDA MARK A CASTEEL ALDO CASTELLI BILLY K CASTELLI AMY CASTILLO EUSTACIO L CASTILLO JOSE C CASTILLO JUAN F CASTILLO RICARDO CASTILLO TEODULO CASTILLO-LEDEZMA FREDERICK CASTLE STEVEN E CASTLEBERRY THOMAS CASTO ALVARO CASTRO LISA CASTRO LUIS F CASTRO JESSICA L CATER TIMOTHY W CATER AMY E CATHELL JOHN D CATO RONNIE CATO LAWRENCE D CATT JESSE J CAUSEY HARRY R CAVANAGH BRENDAN M CAVANAUGH JOSE G CAVAZOS BEN R CAVE TIMOTHY J CAYWOOD TIMOTHY J CAYWOOD DANIEL R CECIL HAROLD E CECIL BASIL CEHANCZUK FRANCISCO CEJA LUIS CEJA ILIJA CEKIC CRISTOBAL H CELAYA DALIA Y CELESTE MICHAEL P CENTRONE JOSEPH M CERCHIARO JAIME CERDA ARMONDO CERDA-SANCHEZ EMANUEL CERECERO JOHN ANTHONY CEREO MICHAEL L CERES A BACILIO CERNA JOSE JAVIER CERNA-RUIZ DOUGLAS E CERNY JEFF CERRATA CYNTHIA N CERVANTEZ JOSE B CESAR GUSTAVO M CEZILIO CHRISTOPHER CHABAUD SONIA CHABOLLA BRETT CHABOT KEVIN CHABOT RANDY R CHACE MARC D CHADAZ DAVID D CHAGNON STEPHAN CHAGNON CHUNG S CHAI DAMION CHAITRAM JOAN M CHALFONT RYAN S CHALIFOUX CRAIG CHALLENGER MARYELLEN CHAMBERLIN RANDY L CHAMBERLIN NOEL KYLE CHAMBLESS JR RANDY J CHAMNESS LINDA Y CHAMPION CHRISTOPHER M CHAMPION JOSEPH B CHAMPION FRANKLIN CHAN SZE WAI CHAN BOB CHAND RISHANAND CHANDERBALLY DEANTHONY CHANDLER DOYLE W CHANDLER ROBERT E CHANDLER ROGER D CHANDLER JAMES H CHANDLER III SHRUTI CHANDRA BRAD D CHANEY JULIE A CHANEY TERRY CHANEY GEORGE CHANTAL FORREST DEAN CHAP CHAD A CHAPEK KELLY CHAPLIN ADAM CHAPMAN DAMIEN CHAPMAN JACK B CHAPMAN JEFFREY W CHAPMAN LELAND K CHAPMAN LESTER F CHAPMAN MARK E CHAPMAN BOBBY R CHAPMAN JR JOE C CHAPPELL LINDA R CHAPPELL ANDREW J CHAPPLE MARC CHAPUT ALAIN CHARBONNEAU PAUL CHARBONNEAU LUCIEN CHAREST JAMES CHARITY NICOLE D CHARITY JOE CHARLES JOSHUA W CHARLES RANDOLPH F CHARLES RICHARD CHARLES COY L CHARLESWOOD EDMUND CHARLINSKI CYNTHIA D CHARLTON CHRIS CHARRIER JAMES CHARTIER SHAWN WILLIAM CHARTIER DAVID L CHASE DERICK A CHASTAIN BLAIR CHATLAND CHARLES T CHATMAN SUBHASH C CHAUDHRY GILBERTO CHAVARRIA EVELYN J CHAVERS CIRENIO CHAVEZ ENRIQUE CHAVEZ GIOVANNI CHAVEZ LESTER A CHAVEZ PHILLIP CHAVEZ RIGOBERTO CHAVEZ ROBERTO CHAVEZ ROBERTO CHAVEZ JORGE CHAVEZ JR LLOYD CHAVIS MARCUS CHAVIS PATRICIA A CHAVIS MARY CHAYKA CHESTER CHEATHAM KEITH THOMAS CHEATHAM WILLIAM CHEATHAM ZANE D CHECKETTS WILLIAM CHEDDAR HOYT CHEEK KEITH A CHEESEBORO JASON G CHELETTE BRADLEY G CHELETTE SIMON CHENARD JASON M CHENEY JOE B CHERBAN TRACY ALLEN CHERECHINSKY KENNETH W CHERRY CARDELL CHERRY DENNIE S CHERRY SCOTT WENDELL CHERRY DAVID M CHERVENY HEATH M CHESNUT FLOYD CHESSER SR MARCUS WILLIE CHESTNUT ELVIN C CHEUNG STEPHANE CHEVRIER STEVEN M CHHEDA JOSEPH CHIAPPA JAMES CHIARODO MURRAY CHICOINE ANGELO CHIEPPO LOUIS CHIEPPO MICHAEL T CHIKOS AJENE CHIKUYU BRUCE C CHILD LOWELL D CHILDERS SHERYL J CHILDERS STEPHEN M CHILDERS CARL S CHILDRESS KENNETH C CHILDRESS THOMAS M CHILSON SHARI L CHINEVERE GREGORY E CHIOTTI JESSE CHIPMAN ROBERT E CHIPMAN DAVID V CHISHOLM JOHN M CHISHOLM MARIE S CHISM ANJANI CHITTAJALLU TOM TAK YAN CHOI ANDREW CHONG CHUCKY CHONG SEAN CHONG JASON R CHORDAS BRAD L CHORPENNING CARY B CHOY FERNAND J CHRETIEN GUY CHRETIEN JACQUES CHRETIEN SCOTT E CHRISMAN ADAM J CHRISTENSEN CAJE CHRISTENSEN CURTIS R CHRISTENSEN DARREN CHRISTENSEN EDWARD C CHRISTENSEN FRED CHRISTENSEN GARY KEITH CHRISTENSEN MICHAEL B CHRISTENSEN PAUL J CHRISTENSEN PETER Z CHRISTENSEN SCOTT CHRISTENSEN SCOTT A CHRISTENSEN CHAD N CHRISTIAN CLETA M CHRISTIAN DAVID BRYAN CHRISTIAN GARY E CHRISTIAN MICHELLE L CHRISTIAN NICKY H CHRISTIAN BILLY CHRISTIANSEN CASEY K CHRISTIANSEN CLAIR D CHRISTIANSEN TRAVIS R CHRISTIANSEN WAYNE B CHRISTIANSEN DOROTHY CHRISTIE JEREMY B CHRISTIE CHRISTOPHER J CHRISTMAN JASON C CHRISTMAN ROBERT D CHRISTMAN JERRY F CHRISTMAS SCOTT CHRISTMAS KENNETH L CHRISTOFFERSEN KIMBERLY J CHRISTY PAUL H CHRYST JR PEDRO CHU STANLEY CHU JOHN CHUCKREY JAMES R CHURCH RICHARD S CHURCHILL TAMMY CHURCHWELL STANLEY PETER CIAK BEN CICHOSZ JASON W CIEPIELA KEITH A CIEPIELA CONNIE L CIESLINSKI TERRY CIESLINSKI KEITH A CILLS GUERRINO CIMINI OLIVAIN CIMON CATHERINE L CIPRA PAT S CIRILLO JUAN M CISNEROS TIMOTHY J CISNEROS STERLING EUGENE CLAIBORNE STEVEN M CLANCY KIMBERLY B CLANTON KYLEE M CLANTON JAMES W CLAPP LARRY CLARE JR TIMOTHY D CLARK ALAN D CLARK AMY L CLARK ANTHONY E CLARK BENJAMIN M CLARK CHRISTOPHER C CLARK DALE O CLARK DEAN E CLARK DUANE D CLARK JASON M CLARK JEFFREY T CLARK JOHNNY DAVID CLARK LUCAS R CLARK MARK A CLARK MARVIN LEROY CLARK MICHAEL W CLARK NICHOLAS C CLARK RICKY L CLARK ROBERT D CLARK STEVEN S CLARK WILLIAM CLARK WILLIAM CLARK WILLIAM B CLARK WILLIAM K CLARK WILLIAM P CLARK WILLIE A CLARK ZACHARY CLARK CHARLES J CLARK JR CHARLES R CLARK JR JACK CLARK JR PHILLIP L CLARKE ROBERT JEFFREY CLARKE SHANNON M CLARKE VICKI T CLARKE WILLIAM R CLARKSTON JUSTIN ADAM CLARY ANDREW S CLASSEN JACK C CLASSEN HEATH P CLAUSEN SCOTT P CLAWSON TROY CLAXTON ANDREW CLAY DENNIS L CLAY DOUGLAS CRAIG CLAY KENNETH CLAY TORRY D CLAY CHAS CLAYBAUGH HERROD CLAYBROOKS SHERRI CLAYTON JOSHUA CLAYTON KURT CLAYTON MATTHEW E CLAYTON DAVID M CLEARY ROBERT A CLEGG KENNETH O CLEM CURTIS S CLEM RICHARD L CLEMANS DAVID W CLEMENS JAMES CLEMENTE JAMIE R CLEMENTS STEVEN C CLEMENTS ANGELA D CLEMENTS COURY T CLEMENTS DUSTIN CLEMENTS RICHARD L CLEMENTS JERRY FARISH CLEMONS RICHARD CLERMONT BRANDON L CLEVELAND JAMES R CLEVELAND CHARLES CLEVELAND JR DALE CLEVER DONALD LEE CLEWELL GLENN CLIETT PAUL ELMER CLIFT CHRISTOPHER L CLIFTON BRANDON J CLINARD TOM CLINARD DONALD W CLINE KRAIG G CLINE SCOTT R CLINE MAXWELL E CLINE JR RANDALL E CLINES STEVE CLINES JOSEPH J CLINTON RICHARD J CLINTON ROSS E CLODFELTER ROGER W CLONCS CHASE A CLOPTON RONALD J CLOUD DANNY CLOUTIER GUY CLOUTIER NORM C CLOUTIER DANNY J CLOWERS BRIAN K CLUCK PAUL A CMOREY TYSON D COATE WILLIAM A COATES EMILY J COATS JOSEPH R COATS CHRISTOPHER W COBB RICHARD E COBB RODNEY G COBB STEVEN D COBB WILLIAM H COBB KYLE COBBLEY NELDON COBBLEY CHARLIE COBBS FRANCISCO RAUL COBELLO KORICO S COBIN JAMES M COBLIN JEFF COBURN ROGER L COBURN WINTER COBURN VINCENZO COCCARO TIMOTHY D COCHRAN WILLIAM J COCHRAN GARY COCHRAN GREGORY A COCHRAN JIMMY P COCHRAN MARY A COCHRAN MERIDITH TIFFANY COCHRAN DAVID J COCKCROFT RAYMOND W COCKRELL CHAD J COCKRIEL SEAN E CODY LORENZO COE JAMES T COFER JOSHUA S COFFER THOMAS H COFFEY AMANDA JO COFFEY HAROLD LEE COFFEY JR TODD MICHAEL COFFIN CHARLES STEVEN COFFING GLENN D COFFMAN JAMES E COFFMAN WILLIAM COFFMAN DANNY G COGGINS DANIEL COGHILL PAUL W COHEE CANDACE E COHEN DELVIN R COHEN DOUGLAS A COHEN RICHARD B COJOCAR BELINDA W COKER GARY L COKER STEVE O COKER TIMOTHY L COKER JAMES M COKER II STEVEN S COKER II FELIX M COLARICCI GRADY M COLBERT JASON E COLBERT DAN COLBOURNE CHRISTINE S COLBURN JIMMY W COLBURN ALLYN G COLE ALBERT L COLE BRIAN J COLE DAVID E COLE DENNY COLE DOUGLAS J COLE GEORGE W COLE GREGORY B COLE JIMMY D COLE LARRY W COLE MICHAEL W COLE MONICA S COLE RABORN D COLE RICHARD M COLE ROBERT JAMES COLE WILLIAM COLE JAMES M COLEGROVE RONALD ANTHONY COLELLA ALVIN B COLEMAN CALVIN L COLEMAN CHARLENE COLEMAN CYNTHIA W COLEMAN DAVID W COLEMAN ERIC COLEMAN JAMES O COLEMAN JASON R COLEMAN JEFFREY P COLEMAN JOE E COLEMAN LESLIE SUZANNE COLEMAN TAMARA L COLEMAN JEFFREY L COLER THOMAS COLER IAN D COLES KAREN L COLETTA BRIAN K COLGAN DARRIN R COLLARD HARLEY DAVID COLLARD JOHN T COLLARD STEPHANE COLLARD ELEAZAR COLLAZO JOHN W COLLETT KENNETH C COLLETT TED J COLLETTE KAREN J COLLEY NATALENE COLLIER DOUGLAS G COLLIER LINWOOD F COLLIER THOMAS COLLIER TIM N COLLIER WILLIAM H COLLIER WESLEY COLLING BRUCE COLLINS CHRISTOPHER J COLLINS CONSTANCE L COLLINS DAVID L COLLINS DONNIS COLLINS DOUGLAS COLLINS DURAND M COLLINS ERIC P COLLINS JAMES D COLLINS JERALD K COLLINS JERRY COLLINS JOSHUA L COLLINS ROBERT E COLLINS ROBERT L COLLINS ROBIN L COLLINS ROBERT WESLEY COLLINS II RONALD E COLLINS SCOTT COLLINS WILLIAM H COLLINS JOSEPH COLLINS JR ALISA M COLLINS-CREACH JAY T COLLINSWORTH MICHAEL R COLLOM ROBERT K COLTON LORENZA COLTRANE JR VICTOR L COLWELL IOAN COMAN WILLIAM MATHEW COMBEE JASON J COMBS RODNEY L COMBS THOMAS COMBS MEDARD COMEAU GREGORY COMMANDER JOHNNY COMMANDER SAMUEL E COMMELLA JR JAMES L COMMENT JEREMIAH J COMMENT ROBERTA E COMMENT BRIAN G COMPTON CHARLES E COMPTON TERRY COMPTON ADAM J COMSTOCK CHARLES R CONAWAY BRYAN CONDIE JANET CONDLE AIMEE M CONGLETON PAUL CONIGLIO DAVID A CONKLIN JOSEPH S CONKLIN BRYAN G CONLEY JOHN E CONLEY RICHARD ALLEN CONLEY CLARK C CONLEY IV STEPHEN M CONLON DARCE CONNELL DARCE A CONNELL ROBERT CONNELL FRANK CONNER CHRISTOPHER AUSTIN CONNERS WILLIAM LEE CONOVER DAVID W CONRAD JOHN F CONROY DAVID J CONROY MARCIE A CONROY CHRIS J CONSTANT JON CARSON CONSTANT MARIA W CONTENT ALBERT E CONTOIS JR DENIS H CONTRERAS GALEN W CONWAY KEVIN L CONWAY STEVEN CONWAY DAVID T CONYERS ERIC E CONYERS GERALD T CONYERS JR ROBERT J COOK ROBERT S COOK BRIAN C COOK CRAIG M COOK DANIEL P COOK DAVID COOK DEAN E COOK EDDIE J COOK EDITH COOK FRANCIS J COOK GARY EDWARD COOK JAMES D COOK JAMIE COOK JEAN S COOK JOHN W COOK JOSHUA COOK KENNETH C COOK KEVIN L COOK MARK COOK MARK COOK MARY C COOK MICHAEL B COOK PATRICIA A COOK PHILLIP K COOK ROY COOK SAMUEL A COOK SCOTT COOK STONEY HOWARD COOK THOMAS W COOK TIMOTHY C COOK TIMOTHY W COOK WILLIE F COOK BRYCE M COOKE CLARENCE J COOKE FRANK L COOKS DON K COOL MATTHEW COOL JEFFERY L COOLEY MICHAEL TODD COOLEY CHARLES E COOLIDGE STANLEY A COONCE RAYMOND E COONCE JR BRIANNE LEIGH COONEY BRETT K COOPER BRIAN A COOPER BRIAN K COOPER DAVID COOPER DOUGLAS F COOPER FRANKIE L COOPER GARY L COOPER GREGORY T COOPER JAMES EDWARD COOPER JASON M COOPER JEFFREY A COOPER JEREMY M COOPER JESSE COOPER JOHN COOPER KERRY D COOPER NEIL DAVID COOPER PATRICK COOPER RANDALL K COOPER RANDY B COOPER ROGER D COOPER SAMUEL K COOPER SHAWN M COOPER W KENT COOPER WILLIAM C COOPER II DONALD E COOPER JR JOHN G COOPER JR HARRY J COOTE SCOTT G COOTE DARRELL A COPE MARK B COPE WILLIAM SCOTT COPE ROBERT L COPE JR ANGELA MARIE COPELAND DANNY R COPELAND JASON H COPELAND LARRY E COPELAND MICHELLE COPELAND NICHOLIC V COPELAND STEPHEN W COPELAND BRIAN T COPLEA JOHN E COPLEY CRAIG D COPP JULIE S COPPAGE MARK H COPPENGER DOUGLAS MARTIN COPPOCK MICHAEL E COPPOTELLI MICHAEL W CORBELL GARY CORBET ALAN CORBETT MICHAEL CORBETT PATRICE ANN CORBETT ROBERT B CORBETT SAMUEL CORBETT HERBERT CORBIN MARTIN A CORCORAN NEVEN CORDEAU FRANK CORDEIRO JOHN CORDEIRO KEVIN CORDELL ANDRES CORDERO PEDRO CORDERO GREGORY CORDIAL OWEN CORDINGLEY LOUIS R CORDOVA STEVEN CORDOVA FRANCIS ELLIOTT CORDREY JR NICHOLAS J COREA MICHAEL CORELLA GREGERY A COREY CODY L CORGATELLI COLE D CORGATELLI KIM CORKERY THOMAS M CORLETT BONNIE CORLEY BRANDON KEITH CORLEY CLINT CORLEY JEAN F CORMIER SAMUEL CORNABY CHRISTOPHER C CORNE BREVAN T CORNELIUS TRAVIS D CORNELIUS CHARLES E CORNELL LEAH R CORNETT SHAWN CORNETT TREVOR R CORNISH DUSTIN CORNS ALPHONSO E CORNWALL RON D CORNWELL ALFREDO CORPUS ELIZABETH C CORRAL RODNEY CORRIGAN SAMUEL E CORTES MICHAEL S CORWIN STEPHEN ARTHUR CORY KENNETH A COSBY CAMERON A COSSETTE JANA PATRICE COSSEY MICHAEL CRAIG COST HOWARD E COSTA KAPENA COSTA MICHAEL COSTALES MARIE A COSTANZO RONALD K COSTELLO BUFORD D COSTEPHENS JR GUY TOMMY COSTNER VARNELL COTA DANIEL COTE ERIC COTE MIKE COTE EDDIE A COTHRAN JONAS D COTLER CHRIS N COTSONES JAMES D COTTEN PHILLIP A COTTEN RONALD H COTTEN RONALD L COTTEN JOHN W COTTEN JR CLINTON W COTTON CATHERINE COTTON DAVID DEAN COTTON JEREMY R COTTON THOMAS E COTTON JACOB COTTRELL RICARDO V COTTRELL ANTHONY W COUCH CHRISTOPHER COUCH JAMES M COUGHLIN STEVE COUGHLIN ERICK COULTER JASON D COULTER TOM COULTER PAUL N COUNTS JASON COURCHENE ELIZABETH A COURT N RICHARD COURTEMANCHE RANDY A COURTNEY MARK A COURTRIGHT CHARLES E COURVILLE JOSEPH P COURVILLE ROBERT E COUSINS WILLIAM C COUSINS MADDESON J COUTTS ROGER COUTU ROBERT COUTURE PHILLIP M COUVILLION JIMMY R COVINGTON STEVEN D COVINGTON BRUCE B COWAN COREY S COWAN ELEANOR ANN COWAN-HUNTER JOEY G COWARD RAYE ANN COWARD ROBERT L COWARD ROGER D COWARD RYAN E COWARD THOMAS W COWARD DAVID N COWART KENNETH D COWART STEVE COWART MARK A COWGER MELVIN A COWGILL CECIL R COWSERT BARBARA MUNDINE COX CHARLES COX CHARLES RANDALL COX CHRISTOPHER S COX CLYDE A COX COLTON COX DANNY L COX DAVID H COX DOUGLAS COX DOWIE M COX GERRY D COX GUY D COX JOSEPH L COX JOSEPH M COX KEVIN COX LARRY R COX MARY R COX MATTHEW A COX MICHAEL G COX MICHAEL M COX RICHARD WILLIAM COX ROBERT J COX RODNEY MICHEL COX SAMUEL R COX STEVEN J COX STEVEN P COX TERRY C COX VICTOR S COX WALTER J COX WILLIAM T COX JOHNNY CARLTON COX II GUY FRANKLIN COX JR HENRY L COXSON LARRY COYKENDALL BARBARA E COYLE DEBORAH COYLE FREDI COZATL-CORTEZ CHARLES V COZZENS BARBARA ANNETTE CRABB CHARLES E CRABB RICHARD CRABBE JOSEPH CRABTREE ROGER A CRADDICK WILLIAM M CRAFT WARREN E CRAGO DANIEL LEE CRAIG LINDON CRAIG MITCH W CRAIG RANDALL CRAIG ORION D CRAIGUE KELLIE M CRAIN MIKE CRAIN JOHN E CRAMER TRAVIS L CRANE DAVID E CRANFORD SCOTT G CRANSTON TERRY D CRAVALHO AUBREY MILTON CRAVEN MICHAEL OWEN CRAVEN RANDY H CRAVEN RICKEY D CRAVEN ROY B CRAVEY JOHN CRAWFORD GARY CRAWFORD JAMES L CRAWFORD JIMMY R CRAWFORD LUANN CRAWFORD MIKLE R CRAWFORD MITCH CRAWFORD PAUL D CRAWFORD THOMAS EUGENE CRAWFORD SHABAKA CRAYTON ANITA CREAG JOE W CREAGER JOEL W CREAGER BOBBY DEAN CREAMER LLOYD D CREASEY RANDALL D CREASY DANIEL W CREEK MATTHEW CREEK HEATHER L CREELY GREGORY CREESON HOWARD F CREGER ANDREW CREGO BLAIR CREGO JAMES D CREMER JAMES T CRENSHAW RIGOBERTO CRESPO DONALD C CREW TED DOUGLAS CREWS LEWIS DIAL CREWS IV DUSTIN CREWSE COREY S CRIDER DENNIS CRILLO MICHAEL L CRILLO LESTER L CRIM REBECCA ANN CRIM ARLAN J CRIPE CHRISTOPHER R CRIPPEN KELLY CRIPPS GREGORY D CRISP RANDALL D CRISP MICHAEL EDWARD CRISS JR RYAN J CRIST JERRY W CRISWELL RONALD G CRITES JOHN CROCKER BRUCE G CROCKETT MICHAEL E CROCKETT SHELDON CROCKFORD ROBERT G CROLL BRION M CRONK ROBERT M CRONK SCOTT CRONK GREGORY A CROOKER SANDRA CROOKS JEREMY CROOKS LLOYD CROOKS RAYMOND B CROSCUP BECKY CROSS DONALD EDWIN CROSS EDDIE CROSS PHILLIP R CROSS REBECCA L CROSS STEPHEN E CROSS JENNIFER C CROSSETT R BRADLEY CROSSETT BRIAN CROSSKNO ERIC W CROTEAU TIMOTHY PERKINS CROTHERS RAYMOND C CROTTY CARRIE L CROUCH GARY CROUCH JERAMY SHANE CROUCH JEREMIAH W CROUCH STEPHEN W CROUCH ROGER B CROUCHER FREDRIC CROW HAROLD D CROW JAMIE D CROWDEN CARL A CROWDER DARREN CROWE HEATH CROWE DAVID L CROWELL KEVIN L CROWL CHAD A CROWTHER DEBORAH K CRUEA DERICK CRUICKSHANK DONNIE L CRUM JAMES A CRUMLEY MICHEAL A CRUMMEY MICHAEL CRUMP JOHN DAVID CRUMPTON DARYN E CRUMRIN NICKY J CRUTCHER THOMAS C CRUTE WILLIAM T CRUTE DANILO A CRUZ DIANE CRUZ FRANKLIN CRUZ GREGORIO Q CRUZ JUVENAL CRUZ NICANDRO L CRUZ TITO CRUZ JR DAVID CUCH TIMOTHY J CUDE FRANCISCO A CUELLAR JAIME A CUEVAS JOSE CUEVAS CHARLES THOMAS CULBREATH STEVEN D CULBREATH ROGER CULLEN SAM D CULLER SUMNER R CULLOM JR KEVIN CULP RONALD R CULPEPPER SHELDON CUMBERBATCH ROBERT R CUMBIE JR JAMES C CUMINGS DONALD R CUMINGS JR CHARLOTTE CUMMER BRIAN CUMMINGS KARAC I CUMMINGS JAMES EDGAR CUMMINGS JR JASON CUMMINS CHARLES M CUNNINGHAM CHRIS C CUNNINGHAM CREED C CUNNINGHAM JEFFREY CUNNINGHAM JOHN CUNNINGHAM MATT CUNNINGHAM RITA J CUPSTID BRAD LEE CURBOW MATT CURREY BARRY CURRIE DENNIS D CURRIE JOHNNY CURRIE JOSHUA P CURRIE KAREN CURRIE MARK CURRIE MATTHEW J CURRIE PAUL M CURRIE RUSSELL CURRIE DANNY WILKINS CURRIN MICHAEL D CURRIN BRIAN CURRY CODY L CURRY DAVID M CURRY JAMES DEAN CURRY PAUL E CURRY RICKY A CURRY GERALD A CURTIN KATHRYN J CURTIN CHRISTOPHER A CURTIS JASON B CURTIS LAWRENCE D CURTIS PAUL D CURTIS ROBERT SCOTT CURTIS RYAN P CURTIS STEVEN W CURTIS DALE E CURWICK ANTHONY D CUSSANO II JOSEPH LEE CUTCHIN JR DENNIS CUTLER TROY D CUTLER JOHN CZARNIECKI EDWARD CZERKES SHAUN CZERKES DANIEL A CZUBAT ADELINO DA SILVA VITOR DA SILVA RONNIE DABIDEEN CHARLES E DABNEY III CHRIS E DACUS DANNY H DACUS JASON S DACUS ELEANA MARIE DAEFFLER THEODORE REED DAEFFLER FREDDIE D’AGNESE KRIS DAHL WAYNE DAHL BRAD R DAHLE ANDREW J DAHLHEIM CHAD F DAHLKOETTER STEPHEN R DAHLKOETTER RALPH M DAIGLE RENE J DAIGLE TONY DAIL BENJAMIN C DAILEY MARLIN L DAILEY RICHARD KEITH DAILEY STEVEN R DAILEY MICHAEL DAILY BILL DALE CAGNEY DALEY JEFFERY L DALEY RHAUN DALEY JULIAN DALIA LARRY A DALKE ERIC C DALLAS JAMES A DALLEY CLARENCE B DALRYMPLE ERNEST KEITH DALTON GREGGORY A DALTON KATHALEEN K DALTON TIFFANY KING DALTON WILLIAM N DAMERS MICHAEL J DAMICO JR ANDREW DAMM NICHOLAS DAMM ROBERT D DAMMAN REGINALD A DAMONS CHARLES P DAMPIER HARRELL C DAMRON JASON M DANA SEAN DANAO FARRELL DANCER DARCY W DANCHUK JAMES L D'ANGELO ANTHONY E D’ANGELO BRADLEY E DANGLER ANTHONY U DANIEL FREDERICK DANIEL ORRIN L DANIEL BRIAN L DANIEL COLON D DANIEL CURTIS R DANIEL ERLWIN S DANIEL JOSEPH D DANIEL JOSEPH GORDON DANIEL STEVE L DANIEL TIMOTHY WAYNE DANIELL LARRY L DANIELS TIMOTHY DANIELS BARBARA J DANIELS BRENDA D DANIELS BRYAN DANIELS CHARLES S DANIELS CHUCK O DANIELS DAVID E DANIELS DAVID L DANIELS GARY D DANIELS GILBERT REESE DANIELS JAMES E DANIELS JOSEPH ERIC DANIELS KENNON B DANIELS LEE A DANIELS OWEN J DANIELS THOMAS BRENT DANIELS TYLER C DANIELS WILLIAM C DANIELS DAVID B DANIELSON GAVIN DANIELSON DONNA M DANNER JAMES J DANNER JOSEPH E DANNER RONNY DANNER BRANDON J DANSBY ALFRED JASON DANSBY GREGG DANTIN LEROY DANTIN MARK DANTON ANTHONY J DANTONIO II USHAH DANZY DUC VAN DAO HUNG VAN DAO DEREK DARASKA JOHN LEWIS DARBY TERRY A DARBY DOMINIC A DARIZ TYLER DARLINGTON BRYAN S DARNELL JASON L DARROW JAMES R DARSEY SHAR A DARWISH MICHAEL A DASGUPTA NEENA DASS TOMMY L DATES LARRY R DAUDET PHILIP M DAUGHERTY GIFFIN F DAUGHTRIDGE APRIL R DAUGHTRY CHARLES T DAVENPORT DAVID BRIAN DAVENPORT GARY J DAVENPORT PERRY G DAVENPORT ARTHUR LEE DAVENPORT JR BRIAN DAVID GLEN DAVID JAMES R DAVID JOE M DAVID RYAN L DAVID KURT L DAVIDGE CHARLES DAVIDSON DONALD D DAVIDSON GARY R DAVIDSON JASON W DAVIDSON JOHN L DAVIDSON JOHN MIKHALE DAVIDSON KEAHI DAVIDSON MARK C DAVIDSON MATTHEW DAVIDSON RANDALL N DAVIDSON RODNEY D DAVIDSON TRAVIS W DAVIDSON TROY DAVIDSON BRIAN J DAVIES CHRISTOPHER L DAVIES CORY W DAVIES HAROLD L DAVIS DAWN DAVIS AARON J DAVIS ALAN KEITH DAVIS AMANDA DAVIS ANTHONY J DAVIS AURALIA L DAVIS BARRETT T DAVIS BRANDON YARBER DAVIS BRIAN KEITH DAVIS BYRON J DAVIS CARL N DAVIS CASEY G DAVIS CHADWICK E DAVIS CHRISTOPHER S DAVIS CLARA L DAVIS CLARENCE DAVIS CONNIE F DAVIS CORY DAVIS COY L DAVIS DANIEL R DAVIS DAPHNE N DAVIS DAVID ALLEN DAVIS DAVID S DAVIS DENNIS S DAVIS ERIKA L DAVIS EVIE N DAVIS GERALD D DAVIS GREGORY E DAVIS HILEY R DAVIS JAMES DAVID DAVIS JAMES M DAVIS JAMES W DAVIS JEFFERY L DAVIS JEREMY A DAVIS JESSIE J DAVIS JOAN L DAVIS JOHNNY RANDALL DAVIS KEITH DAVIS KEITH DAVIS KEITH B DAVIS KENNY W DAVIS LARRY D DAVIS LESLIE A DAVIS MARK A DAVIS MARK WAYNE DAVIS MARYANN J DAVIS MATTHEW J DAVIS MICHAEL DEAN DAVIS MICHAEL DOUGLAS DAVIS MICHELLE A DAVIS NATHAN E DAVIS PETER DAVIS PHILLIP MICHAEL DAVIS RHONDA M DAVIS RICHARD T DAVIS RICKY J DAVIS ROBERT DAVIS ROBERT A DAVIS SCOTT C DAVIS STACEY K DAVIS STEPHEN J DAVIS TERRENCE L DAVIS TERRY E DAVIS THOMAS E DAVIS TIMMY DAVIS TOM DAVIS TOMMY G DAVIS ULYSSES DAVIS WHIT L DAVIS WILLIAM ANTHONY DAVIS WILLIAM L DAVIS WILLIE DAVIS VERNON E DAVIS JR WILLIE W DAVIS JR DAVID EARL DAVIS SR PHILIP E DAVISON TRENT W DAVISON CARL C DAVISON SR DAVID ALLAN DAVOLT JR BRIAN DAW GARY L DAWES RONALD DAWES THEOPOLIS DAWKINS JR SAMMY DAWSON COREY D DAWSON DAVID DAWSON EDIE JO DAWSON JACOB A DAWSON MICHAEL J DAWSON RONALD D DAWSON COURTNEY DAY CLYDE A DAY GARLAND C DAY JERRY A DAY KENLEY DAY KRISTEN PAIGE DAY RAYMOND A DAY DAVE DAYS LIONEL E DAYTON ROBERT L DAYTON TOM J DAZEY MARCIE R DE FAVERI TREVOR AC DE MATTOS ROBERT F DE MEO JUAN DE SANTIAGO JOE DE SOUSA ASSUNTA DE STEFANO CRAIG V DEAKIN FRANK DEAKIN CARL W DEAM MICHAEL R DEAMER DANIEL J DEAN JONATHAN JEROME DEAN STANLEY J DEAN DONALD G DEAN II FRANCIS N DEAN JR KIMBERLY D DEARING ROY G DEARMAN JOHNNY R DEAS ROBERT B DEAS THOMAS DEAS III JOHNNY J DEASE WADE DEASE LARRY PAUL DEATON REBECCA CHERRY DEATRICK THOMAS J DEATRICK WILLIAM A DEAVERS JASON S DEAVERS WILLIAM E DEBERRY ROBIN L DEBES MARCUS E DEBOARD JOHN L DECAPRIO MIGUELITO DECASAS AHMAD RASHAD DECKARD WILLIAM R DECKARD DONALD G DECKELMAN WILLIAM H DECKER GEORGE DECKLING JR FREDERICK J DEDERMAN JOHN F DEDMON LINN T DEEDRICK LINNIE C DEEDS IAN DEEKS DOUGLAS J DEENIK MATTHEW D DEENIK JEFFREY S DEERING MELISSA DEES LEON H DEFENDORF FRANK DEFERRARI MARK N DEFILIPPO KEVIN J DEFOOR KEVIN L DEFRIEZ PERRY C DEGROFF JASON DEGRUCHY LARRY DEGUIRE FRED R DEHART STEVEN DEHART BRANDON L DEHEK MICHAEL D DEHLING DOUGLAS W DEIGHTON MYER DEITCHER PHILIP J DEJOHN RUSSELL DEJONG MICHAEL DEL GRECO KEVIN DEL PUPPO NICK J DELACRUZ RICARDO DELACRUZ JEFFERY L DELAGRANGE JERRY W DELANCEY RICKY DELANCEY DAVID M DELANEY RAYMOND J DELARIO BRUCE R DELAUDER EDWARD D DELAY DANIEL L DELEON JOSE L DELGADILLO FRANK DELGATTO PEDRO DELIRA JOEL DELLON CURTIS K DELOATCH TIMOTHY L DELOATCH DONALD E DELONG JACQUES DELORME ROMULO H DELOS-SANTOS ANDREW LEE DELOZIER DAVID DELPARTE BRYAN DEMARCHI RALPH DEMARTINO SHAHAR DEMAYO TERESA DEMCHUK CORRIE DEMEDEIROS AARON W DEMENT TODD DEMERCHANT DUANE E DEMERS DENNIS D DEMIERRE BRADIE J DEMOTT JOHN L DEMPSEY KATERYNA DEMPSEY PATRICK M DEMPSEY PATRICK R DEMPSEY LINDA L DEMRO MATHIAS M DENADOU JEFFREY R DENARD KEVIN S DENARD JOANN M DENAULT WILLIE DENBY JOEL M DENDINGER LIN DENG JENNIFER D DENHOLM JOSHUA J DENIS JOHN DENMAN DOREEN DENMARK ISIAH L DENMARK THERON S DENMARK ABRAHAM DENMARK JR CRAIG J DENNARD JAMES CADE DENNEY CHARLES R DENNIS CHRISTOPHER DENNIS DANIEL DENNIS DONALD WILLIAM DENNIS JONAH DENNIS KENNETH W DENNIS KYLE DENNIS LEROY DENNIS MARION S DENNIS NORMAN ROBERT DENNIS RONNIE FRANK DENNIS COX N DENNIS III ORVILLE DENNIS JR BRUCE C DENNISON JASON R DENNISON PHILLIP O DENNISON JOHN B DENNY II ALAN J DENO TIMOTHY DENSON MAC J DENT JAMES DENTON JOHN G DENTON MICHAEL W DENTON RONALD WAYNE DENTON TAMMY R DENTON DAVID DEPAZ BRIAN L DEPEW STANLEY V DEPEW CHARLES T DEPHILLIPS TOM DEPNER TIMOTHY A DEPRETIS PHIL DEPRIEST THOMAS E DEPRIEST JR MARK T DEPUE NIKOLAS A DEPUGH ROBERT A DEPUGH TIMOTHY T DEPUGH DION DERAMO GREG J DERKSEN LES DERKSEN GAETAN DEROY MARCIN DERRIPON MARK DERRIPON JOHN R DERSHEM BEVERLY F DERSY STEVEN DESANTIS ROBERT A DESANTO MICHAEL A DESEGUIRANT ALVIN LOUIS DESHAZO LEVON DESJARLAIS SEAN A DESJARLAIS SANDRO DESORDI LOUISA M DESOUSA CODY LEE DESPAIN JESSE W DESPAIN ROBERT DESPAIN RONALD DESPAIN DARREN DESROSIERS MARK R DEUEL DEBORAH DEVALCOURT ERIC C DEVALL JOE T DEVALL RODNEY R DEVALL LUC DEVARENNES LOUIS J DEVEAU RICHARD M DEVER SUKHDARSHAN DEVGON JAMES WILSON DEVIS JR ERNIE DEVOLDER DARRELL L DEVORS ERIC DEVRIES JOHN P DEVROUDE CLINTON M DEWEY GREGORY D DEWITT WAYNE DEWITT JAMES M DEXTER STEPHEN C DEXTER JUSTIN D DI SIPIO BERARDO DI VINCENZO JOHN Q DIAMOND GREG T DIAS MARIA A DIAS STEVEN DIAS ABEL A DIAZ JASON G DIAZ JOSEPH VICTOR DIAZ MAYRA ALEJANDRA DIAZ ONASSIS O DIAZ SOCRATES O DIAZ GREGORY F DIBBLE KEITH N DIBBLE SERGIO DICARLO ROBERT B DICE ALEXANDER DICHOSO CHRISTOPHER J DICK JOHN R DICK CARROLL RONALD DICKENS BRENT E DICKER WILLIAM DICKER CHARLES H DICKERHOFF DREW DICKERSON I LEE DICKERSON RONALD L DICKERSON TINA D DICKERSON WAYLON LLOYD DICKERSON HARVEY J DICKEY BARBARA A DICKEY DANIEL E DICKEY JEFF A DICKEY JOHN L DICKEY JOHN S DICKEY KEVIN DICKEY CLAYTON R DICKIE DAN DICKIE DANIEL E DICKINSON MICHAEL DICKINSON PHILIP M DICKSON CLAYTON D DIDION RODGER M DIEDE COREENA DIEDRICH MARK DIEHL RANDY J DIEHL DAVID D DIEKMANN DANIEL G DIEMER CONNIE A DIGGS KATIE DAVIS DIGGS TERRY W DIGGS JAMES V DIGIANDOMENICO MARK A DIGIROLAMO CLAYTON E DILDAY JR JOHNNY DILL ORAN R DILL THALLAMUS K DILL JOE T DILLARD KEITH W DILLINGER MATTHEW W DILLINGER MICHAEL L DILLINGHAM RHONDA M DILLMAN DANIEL P DILTS KEITH A DILTS REFUGIO O DIMAS WAYNE DIMASCIO MARK DIMATTEO DANIEL R DIMICCO GUEORGUI A DIMITROV RHONDA DIMON GIUSEPPE DIMONACO TRACY L DINGLE WALLACE D DINGLE CURTIS L DINKEL ROBERT PETER DINOTO JOSE J DIOSDADO PRIYA DIPSINGH ANDREW DIRKS AUSTIN D DIRKS DUSTIN DIRKS BRIAN ANTHONY DISANTO TIM J DISHINGER ANTHONY J DISRAELI DAVID A DITTMER VERNON DITTRICH JR RICHARD DIVELEY DAVID RICHARD DIX PAUL C DIX BRENDA G DIXON DAVID DIXON DAVID L DIXON GARNETT DIXON GILES H DIXON JANIE P DIXON KATHY D DIXON SHAWN JAMES DIXON STEVEN DIXON TIMOTHY C DIXON SHAWN LAUERN DIXSON JELENA DJUKIC CARL DOAN BRADLEY DOBBINS CHRISTOPHER L DOBBINS JERRY G DOBBINS TRACY KENNETH DOBBS STANLEY J DOBRZYNSKI BRIAN DOBSON RODNEY DOBSON BRYAN DODD KEITH L DODD SCOTT DODD MICHAEL A DODGE DAVID C DODGEN JESSIE W DODGEN RAY DODSWORTH DOUGLAS S DOERR JUSTIN DOHERTY JOSEPH DOLAN MIKE DOLAN D’MITRIEVA T DOLBERRY ANDREW D DOLDER WILLIAM MICHAEL DOLE CHARLES FRED DOLE JR RICHARD L DOLESH AUDRA R DOLLAHAN JAMES R DOLLAR LUANN WILLIAMS DOLLAR KELLY G DOLLAWAY KIAN M DOLSEN STEPHEN J DOLSEN MARIA ALICIA DOLZ-AMOR MICHAEL K DOMAN BALTAZAR DOMINGUEZ JAVIER DOMINGUEZ JERONIMO DOMINGUEZ JOSE L DOMINGUEZ JOSE R DOMINGUEZ JULIO DOMINGUEZ MARTIN DOMINGUEZ MIGUEL DOMINGUEZ OCTAVIO DOMINGUEZ SALVADOR DOMINGUEZ FREDI DOMINGUEZ-SOTO BRENDA MARIE DOMINISSE DOUGLAS L DOMINISSE JULIE M DONAHUE CEDRIC DONALD FELTON DONALD LESTER R DONALD E JASON DONALDSON JENO DONATO DAVID NICHOLAS DONCH DOUGLAS K DONE KEVIN JAMES DONEY ROBERT D DONLEY JR MICHAEL G DONOVAN MICHAEL DOOLEY TIMOTHY L DOOLEY BRETT M DOOLITTLE MONA DAWN DOOLITTLE JEFFERY J DORAN ALLEN DOREY MARK E DOREY BRENT DORFE RICHARD B DORMAN LARIOS DOROTEO JAMES E DOROUGH KAREN DORRIS DAVIS L DORSEY KEITH L DORSEY KELVIN DORSEY STEPHEN V DORSEY CONRAD DORTCH KEON L DORTCH PETER R DORY ROBERT DOS SANTOS ZBIGNIEW DOSKOWSKI ALVIN J DOSS EARL DOSS JASON OWEN DOSS KIM L DOSS STEVEN RAY DOSS TIMOTHY DOSS ANTHONY J DOSSETT PHILLIP R DOSSETT DANNY E DOTSON JEREMY E DOTSON XIA DOU DUANE C DOUCET RICHARD DOUCETTE LESLIE R DOUD FREIDA M DOUGAN JAMES A DOUGHERTY DUSTIN D DOUGHTY GEORGE DOUGHTY TRENTON A DOUGHTY DEBRA A DOUGLAS DAVID L DOUGLAS DEBORAH S DOUGLAS DON E DOUGLAS DONNIE R DOUGLAS JR GERALD W DOUGLAS JARED DOUGLAS JEFFREY A DOUGLAS KATHLEEN M DOUGLAS KYLE DOUGLAS RICHARD L DOUGLAS STEVEN DOUGLAS THERESA E DOUGLAS DAN DOUGLASS DAN W DOUGLASS WILLIAM H DOUGLASS D BLAINE DOUTRE MANON DOUVILLE BRADLEY D DOVE ROBERT S DOVER STEPHEN DOW WESLEY L DOW JOHN DOWDALL KENNETH L DOWDY KELLY J DOWLESS DARCIE M DOWLING DAVID DOWNEY DWAINE DOWNEY JOSEPH W DOWNEY RICHARD DOWNEY JOSHUA J DOWNIE JASON L DOWNING LAWRENCE S DOWNS ROBERT F DOYLE JAMES P DOYLE III DENNIS R DOZIER RICK DOZZI JAY DRAAYERS DANIEL D DRAGISIC BRENT R DRAKE DALE R DRAPER DOUGLAS J DRAPER EARL C DRAUGHN FRANK DREAVER DAVID E DREDGE BRYAN R DREGER STEVE DREGER PATRICIA M DREHER ANDREA M DREISSE THOMAS JAMES DRENT PHILLIP D DRERUP ROBERT G DRESCH ED DRESLINSKI DAVID J DREVECKY DARLA J DREW KEGAN D DREW THOMAS W DREW JAMES MICHAEL DREWERY JERRY D DREWS RICHARD W DRIESSEN BOBBY R DRIGGERS CHARLES DRIGGERS DARREN L DRIGGERS GENE H DRIGGERS STEVEN A DRIGGERS GEORGE P DRIGGERS III KENNETH DRIGGINS WILLIAM O DRISKELL JR JOHN L DRISLAN PRENTICE L DRIVER WALTER DROCZAK STEVEN W DROLLINGER DEAN A DRUDGE ALAN C DRUIEN KENNETH M DRUIEN ANTHONY DRUMHEISER LEONARD J DRYDEN MARK B DRYMALLA JOE DRYNGIEWICZ MANUEL E DUARTE GUY DUBEAU MARC DUBEAU DAVID DUBOIS GERALD DUBOIS REAL DUBOIS DANIEL J DUBREUIL DANIEL W DUBY TOMAS DUCHECK PHILIP DUCHEN JAMES DUCK ABRAHAM T DUCKETT TED L DUCKETT BILLIE J DUCKSWORTH TRAVIS E DUCLOS TIMOTHY L DUDA LATRICE N DUDLEY JACQUELINE DUDLEY RICARDO DUENAS DAVID J DUFALA JIMMIE L DUFFELL DEREK CRAIG DUFFY KEVIN DUFFY PATRICK E DUFFY DANIEL DUFOUR FRANCOIS DUFOUR BRADFORD R DUGAN JOHNIE M DUGAN PETER A DUGGAN CLARENCE J DUGUAY DENNIS DUGUAY EUGENE DUGUAY MIKE DUGUAY STEPHANE DUGUAY THOMAS DUGUAY ROBERT DUHON ROBERT HEATH DUHON ARNIE DUKE VIRGIL L DUKE DONALD E DUKES JON DUKES EDDIE J DUMONTELLE RAYMOND DUMOULIN ERIC A DUNAVIN CHRISTOPHER J DUNBAR ERIC V DUNBAR JOHN D DUNBAR KRISTINA L DUNBAR BLAINE DUNCAN DAVID M DUNCAN KEN DUNCAN MARCUS ALAN DUNCAN RHONDA L DUNCAN ROGER A DUNCAN W DURDEN DUNCAN CLARENCE P DUNCAN JR SAM DUNCAN JR EARL W DUNCOMBE ROYCE DUNCOMBE CHAD D DUNHAM TONI LOU DUNHAM HAROLD R DUNKERSON CYNTHIA L DUNLAP JAMES L DUNLAP BRENT DUNLOP BRIAN L DUNLOW JEFFERY C DUNLOW CHANTEL R DUNN FERNANDO C DUNN GREGORY L DUNN PAUL C DUNN SARAH DUNN TERRI E DUNN TONY DWAYNE DUNN PRESTON L DUNN JR JOHN STEPHEN DUNNAVANT DANA M DUNNE HOLLIS R DUNSMORE WILLIAM FRANCIS DUNSTER SEAN M DUNWOODY JASON D DUPPERON BOBBY DUPREE LARRY DUPUIS SHAWN D DUPUIS MARCOS J DUQUE MATTHEW DUQUETTE ALEX A DURAN ALONSO R DURAN JESUS R DURAN JEFFREY J DURAND FRANK DURASTANTI CHRIS DURDA ADRIEL U DUREN CHRISTOPHER DURHAM TODD DURHAM BOBBY JOE DURHAM JR MATTHEW B DURHAM SR MICHAEL J DURIE UDAY C DUTTA LOUIS W DUTTON MICHAEL W DUTTON DAWN A DUTTON PATRICIA RAMONA DUTTON CECIL H DUTTON JR EDWIN J DUTY BRIANNA S DUVALL HEATH A DYCUS ALBERT L DYER BILLY R DYER CLEATUS O DYESS JON M DYESS DANIEL J DYGERT DAN DYKEMAN TROY DYKES DAVID J DYKES SCOTT DYLER RICHARD DYMECKI STANLEY MATTHEW DZUBA JEROME W DZUIBCZYNSKI BRIAN D EADDY JAMES EADDY MARION E EADDY STEPHEN R EADES GARRY KEVIN EADS CHRIS D EADY DANNY C EAGANS A RAE EAGLE TERRY S EAKINS JUSTIN M EAKRIGHT SAMUEL D EAKRIGHT SCOTT L EARHART RUSSEL J EARL EDWARD M EARLEY II BRANDON LEE EARLY JOHN B EARLY PATRICK L EARLY SIMON EARNSHAW JOHNNY EASLEY FRED O EASLEY III JUSTIN A EASLING RAYMOND E EASON MICHAEL G EASON PAMELA R EASON WILLIAM D EASON ANTHONY EAST DANIEL J EAST TIMOTHY W EAST GREGORY SCOTT EASTEP ROBERT T EASTER PAMELA S EASTERDAY STEVE L EASTERLING MARK EASTMAN HAROLD D EATMON RODNEY L EATON ROY MARK EATON DEBRA A EBAUGH RICHARD EBBERS JOE R EBELING SHAWN T EBERHARDT MARK EBLIN TODD EBLIN JERRY L ECHOLS DERRICK D ECHOLS DONNIE R ECHOLS LONNIE L ECHOLS MARK A ECHOLS LEE W ECHTENKAMP BRYAN G ECK JIMMIE D ECK KAY A ECKARD O’NEILL DONNA R ECKART BILLY J ECKER CARRIE A ECKERSLEY ELI M ECKERT JOSEPH W ECKERT RANDY L ECKERT TODD M ECKLUND MARVIN E ECKMANN JAMES ECTOR PATRICK S EDE DANIEL G EDELMAN DARRELL W EDEN DENNIS E EDEN DONNA M EDEN KEVIN R EDEN DAVID P EDGAR DONALD W EDGAR GARY L EDGAR JONAS J EDGAR MITCHELL J EDGAR STEVE EDGAR CODY R EDINGTON JACK EDINGTON DOUGLAS M EDIRISINGHE JULIE L EDMONDS ANTOINOS EDMONDS SR AARON EDMONSTON JUSTIN L EDMONSTON BILLY EDRINGTON BRENT A EDWARDS BRIAN J EDWARDS BRIAN KEITH EDWARDS CHRISTOPHER GEORGE EDWARDS DAVID P EDWARDS DEAN BRENT EDWARDS ELLIOTT LEE EDWARDS JAMES D EDWARDS JAMES KEVIN EDWARDS JOEL EDWARDS JOHN H EDWARDS JOHN THOMAS EDWARDS JUSTIN T EDWARDS MARK EDWARDS PAMELA DEMETRICE EDWARDS PRINCE A EDWARDS RICKY J EDWARDS RUSSELL EDWARDS SARA E EDWARDS STEVEN MARK EDWARDS TIMMY P EDWARDS TODD M EDWARDS WELDON B EDWARDS WILLIAM D EDWARDS HILLARY EDWARDS JR CURTIS A EGBERT R KEVIN EGBERT ROBERT EGGERS ALAN CHARLES EGGLESTON LEWIS N EGGLESTON LARRY EGNEW LEE W EHRKE DUANE L EICHBERGER MARK A EICHBERGER CRAIG A EICHER SAMSON EICHER MARK ERIC EICHLER JAD EID RAWAD EID AARON B EILAND ROBERT RONALD EINGLETT KIRK A EIRING DWIGHT J EISENBRAUN JAMES T EISENHAUER TRAVIS EKIS LUCIEN J EKKEBUS TERRY L ELBERT EDWARD J ELDER DAVID C ELDRIDGE RAYMOND ELEMENT JAMES S ELGIN JR MICHAEL ELI JOHN CARLTON ELINBURG II EUSTACIO ELIZONDO MATTHEW S ELKIN JANET BETH ELKINS MARK T ELLENBERGER DAVID W ELLERT KEVIN E ELLERT THOMAS L ELLERT CALEB M ELLINGTON H MITCHELL ELLINGTON BRET A ELLINGWOOD JAMES C ELLINGWOOD ARTHUR ELLIOTT BARRY T ELLIOTT CHARLES W ELLIOTT DAVID M ELLIOTT DEANNA R ELLIOTT DENNIS L ELLIOTT DONNIE S ELLIOTT GLYNN ELLIOTT JOHN ROBERT ELLIOTT JUSTIN L ELLIOTT KEVIN L ELLIOTT LONNIE E ELLIOTT MICHAEL Z ELLIOTT PATRICK ELLIOTT WILLIE ELLIOTT GARRETT M ELLIS ALSEY JOSEPH ELLIS CARTER G ELLIS CARY LEETON ELLIS CHARLES GLENN ELLIS DAVID ELLIS ERNEST R ELLIS JOSHUA ELLIS K T ELLIS MARILYN B ELLIS MICHAEL P ELLIS MITCHELL R ELLIS R BRANDON ELLIS ROBERT L ELLIS RONALD G ELLIS STEFANIE L ELLIS SUE A ELLIS TIMOTHY D ELLIS TOM ELLIS JAMES L ELLISON SOTO S ELMER JOE M ELROD MYRA E ELROD GORDON JAMES ELWELL JAY R ELWOOD KENNETH S ELY PAUL G ELY WILLIAM W EMBERTON GUY A EMBERTON JR JEFFREY D EMBREE MARK E EMBREY TONY L EMENHISER JOHN PATRICK EMERICK JACOB EMERLING BRANDON C EMERSON DAVID R EMERSON DOUGLAS DUANE EMERSON MICHAEL R EMERSON SOFIA L EMERSON SYLVIA EMERSON DEBORAH J EMFINGER CHARLES M EMFINGER GORDON D EMMERT DANIEL J EMRICH EDWARD C EMRICH ROBERT A ENCIO CALVIN D ENGELBRECHT GARY P ENGELMAN MARVIN DALE ENGELMANN MICHAEL ENGESTROM KERMIT C ENGLAND MICHAEL L ENGLAND WILLIAM CHAD ENGLAND CLINT W ENGLE JOSHUA R ENGLE DAVID L ENGLISH JUSTIN ENGLISH SCOT J ENGLISH JULIE L ENOCHS MARK J ENOCHS ALIKA ENOS ROBERT J ENOS EFRAIN ENRIQUEZ HILARIO ENRIQUEZ JAVIER ENRIQUEZ OSCAR A ENRIQUEZ RODNEY J ENSMINGER PAUL J ENSOR JAMES E ERDMAN SHAWN A ERICKSON TODD J ERICKSON VICKI L ERICKSON JOHN C ERMAN ANTHONY ERRICO JOE D ERWIN JOE K ERWIN KEVIN A ERWIN RODNEY L ERWIN BAYRON ESCOBAR GABRIELLA M ESCOBAR JOSE C ESCOBAR MARIA PILAR ESCOBAR STEVEN ESCOBAR FIDEL ESCOBEDO DUSTIN L ESCOTT BRANDON L ESHOM JAMES O ESKEW CLIFTON ESKRIDGE TRINA C ESPADRON FRANCISCO J ESPARZA GREGORY J ESPARZA JORGE ESPARZA RICK S ESPARZA ANGEL L ESPINOSA JOHN P ESPINOSA GERARDO ESPINOZA JOSE G ESPITIA DAN R ESSER JEFFERY A ESSINGER STANLEY A ESSLEY FRANKLIN ESTAY LUIS M ESTAY MANUEL P ESTAY DWIGHT ESTEBAN RANDY ESTELL JERRY O ESTEP TIMOTHY D ESTER JASON ESTES MATTHEW ESTES TERRY D ESTES MIKE A ESTRADA ESTABAN S ESTRADA JUAN J ESTRADA NATIVIDAD A ESTRADA ALBERTO R ESTRADA MELO JOHN A ETGEN JAMES EDWARD ETHERIDGE II JOE ETHERINGTON KENDELL J ETHINGTON JAMES I ETLING DONALD ETTINGER ROBIE R ETTINGER ROBERT B EUBANKS BRAD L EUBANKS TERRY R EUBANKS RICK L EUCKER ANTHONY W EUPER ANTHONY BROCK EURE CHRISTIAN D EURE NATHAN T EURE PHILLIP D EURE TRAVIS C EURE BRIAN EUTSLER CEDRIC EVANS LINDA B EVANS ROBIN EVANS ANDREW M EVANS CHARLES KEITH EVANS CHERYL K EVANS DARIN EVANS GARY EVANS JACQUELINE L EVANS JAMES F EVANS JEFFREY D EVANS KEVIN L EVANS MICHAEL LEE EVANS MICHEAL L EVANS RAY EVANS ROGER EVANS ROGER E EVANS SAMUEL D EVANS STACY D EVANS SUZANNE J EVANS TANYA EVANS TINA M EVANS TONY EVANS JAMES L EVANS JR JERRY O EVELAND HEATHER M EVERAGE MICHAEL W EVERETT WILLIAM W EVERHART JERRY S EVERIDGE PHILLIP W EVERMAN CARL E EVERTS LESA G EVILSIZOR TODD K EVILSIZOR JOSHUA M EWANYK DOUGLAS EWART GREG EWART HARRY M EWERT CHARLIE DAVE EWING JONVAN LEE EWING MICHAEL J EWING CATHERINE EYBEL ROBERT EYRE BRUCE J FABER JOSEPH FABER ALEKSANDAR FABIJANIC JASON M FABRI RICHARD B FAERBER ALAN W FAGAN MICHAEL THOMAS FAGAN ROY FAGAN MOHAMMAD FAHEEM ANDREW G FAIN BEN FAIOLA DAPHNIE ANNE FAIR JEREMY W FAIR CHRIS D FAIRBANKS ROBERT FAIRBANKS TRAVIS S FAIRBANKS GREGORY A FAIRCHILD JAMES E FAIRCHILD JR MICHAEL JAMES FAIRCLOTH JAMES FAIRHURST TRAVIS R FAISON ERMIN ALFREDO FAJARDO-FIGUERO ERICA FALANGA KEVIN J FALK ANTHONY M FALKOWSKI QUINTIN FALLS THOMAS D FANNIN ROBERT FANNON RANDALL W FANT DALE G FANTA DANIEL FANTULIN DAVID A FANTULIN JAMIE FARIA SHARON K FARINA DUSTIN T FARIS STUART GREGORY FARISH BOBBY L FARLEY JAMES FARLEY JAMES M FARLEY JASON M FARLEY JAWAAN CORDARIUS FARLEY KENNETH B FARLEY MICHAEL FARLEY TOM FARLEY BILLY E FARMER DAVID M FARMER JERRY EDWARD FARMER LYLE B FARMER WAID FARMER MICHAEL E FARMER JR CHARLES P FARNAM NATHAN R FARNAM RYAN C FARNAM BRUCE S FARNSWORTH JACOB H FARNSWORTH JOSHUA J FARNSWORTH TALBOT F FARNSWORTH R JAMES FARQUHARSON CHRISTOPHER T FARR GARY C FARRAR ROY FARRAR BETH ANN FARRELLY SHARON PATRICIA FARRELLY JOHN FARRER WILLIAM P FARRER JOHN T FARRIOR JOHN FARRIS IRA D FARROW JERRI GAIL FARROW LLOYD J FARROW BONNIE L FATER RAYMOND FATTIG DAVE FAUCHER HENRY FAULK WILLIAM FAULK ANDREW FAULKNER DAVID E FAULKNER JACKSON C FAULKNER JOEY FAULKNER MARILYN V FAULKNER STACY MICHELLE FAULKNER WALTER D FAULKNER WYMAN FAULKNER JOE FAURE JR BURT H FAUSER RYAN J FAUST STEVEN R FAUST MARCELO L FAUSTORILLA JR RANDY FAVEL GREGORY FAVORS ROBERT E FAWCETT BRADLEY E FAY MICHAEL J FAYLOR PASQUALE PAT FAZZARI BRANDON J FEAGIN JAMES E FEAGIN STEVEN D FEASBY MARTA FEDAK MICHAEL E FEDELES MARC E FEDKENHAUER CRYSTAL E FEDOCK ZACHARY S FEELER LEROY R FEFLIE CLEVELAND F FEGGINS RICKY A FEGGINS PETER FEHLHABER MICHAEL L FEICHTNER JOSEPH FELDER JOE FELEJA PHILIP E FELGAR JOSEPH T FELKER JON FELLENZ TRAVIS FELLENZ LEON A FELT JOHN FELTHAM JAMES O FELTMAN NORMAN E FELTNER JOSEPH FENECH DAVID L FENNELL GENE L FENNER BROCK D FENSKE FLOYD FENTON WAYNE FENTON ANTHONY S FERGUSON DONNA FERGUSON ERIC S FERGUSON JOHN FERGUSON KENNETH E FERGUSON MARY M FERGUSON PAUL A FERGUSON PAUL C FERGUSON TAMATEA MICHAEL FERGUSON TIMMOTHY W FERGUSON TYQUAN FERGUSON JEAN CHARLES FERNANDEZ MARCELO FERNANDEZ MARIO FERNANDEZ MICHAEL FERNIE DAVID FERRARA LOUIS A FERRELL ANTHONY FERRERO TIM J FERRIER JOHN J FERRIOLA MARCUS FERRY TODD L FETTERHOFF DOUGLAS D FETTERS PHILIPPE M FETTIG SCOTT A FEWELL JOHNNY C FEWER PATRICK FEWER UDO K FEY DOUGLAS B FICKLIN JONATHAN M FICKLIN TREVOR FIEDELLECK JOHN E FIELD MICHAEL S FIELD NATHAN T FIELD DEREK A FIELDER MILTON FIELDS BRIAN K FIELDS BRIAN S FIELDS HAROLD C FIELDS MICHELLE FIELDS ROBERT L FIELDS DONALD J FIELDS II AARON J FIFER MICHAEL FIGGATT GIDGET D FIKE G BEN FIKES BRUCE A FILIAULT CANDACE A FILIPPI KEVIN P FILLION RICHARD L FILLMER MICHAEL A FINCH FELICIA R FINCHER LORRAINE J FINDLAY DAVID KEITH FINDLEY JAMES D FINDLEY SCOTT M FINDLEY DOUGLAS R FINK JAMES C FINK JR JEFFREY J FINKRAL SHANE P FINKRAL LARRY G FINLEY ROBERT C FINLEY TRAVIS J FINLEY LARRY FINN DANIEL P FINNEGAN THOMAS D FINNERTY JOHN J FINNIE JOHN H FIPP LISA FIRTH ROBERT B FIRTH JAMES C FISCHER KELLI L FISCHER KEVIN L FISCHER LARRY FISCHER CHRISTIAN E FISCHER JR ANDREW F FISHER ANDREW F FISHER BRETT L FISHER BRIAN FISHER BRYAN L FISHER DAVE H FISHER DAVID FISHER JASON ALFRED FISHER JASON B FISHER JAY ALLAN FISHER JEFFERY FISHER JOHN A FISHER KYLE W FISHER STACEY L FISHER STEVEN FISHER STEVEN L FISHER TRAVIS G FISHER EDWARD J FISK KURT L FITCH HORACE H FITTS BRIAN VANCE FITZGERALD BRYSON L FITZGERALD ROBERT L FITZGERALD VANCE C FITZGERALD WILLIAM FITZGERALD JODY J FITZMAURICE BERNARD FITZPATRICK BRIAN FITZPATRICK ELLEN FITZPATRICK NEAL FITZPATRICK JASON FITZSIMMONS JAY D FITZSIMMONS DERALD W FLAMAND RAYMOND J FLAMAND COLE FLANAGAN DOROTHY FLANAGAN AARON FLANDERS TIMOTHY H FLANNIGAN DEREK L FLATNESS LYNN J FLAUGH TERRY FLECKNELL ANDREW S FLEET JEFFREY D FLEGEL JULIE R FLEGEL CHARLES L FLEGEL III RONALD FLEGG NIKETA B FLEMIN BRIAN H FLEMING JONATHAN V FLEMING MARK FLEMING DEREK J FLESNER PAUL A FLETCHALL ANDREW B FLETCHER ANGELA FLETCHER KEITH L FLETCHER KELLIE FLETCHER MARK G FLETCHER MELISSE DANIELLE FLETCHER BOBBY FLINCHUM BLAINE FLINT DAVID A FLINT JUDITH ANN FLINT LEE W FLODDER LARRY H FLOOD LAWRENCE FLOOD ANDRES FLORES ARMANDO FLORES HERIBERTO FLORES INGRID FLORES JAMES FLORES RAMIRO R FLORES JULES G FLORIN STUART S FLOTOW KEVIN M FLOWERS BRIAN ALLEN FLOWERS CHRIS B FLOWERS DALE W FLOWERS DAVID S FLOWERS HAROLD C FLOWERS JONATHAN E FLOWERS LOIS B FLOWERS TOBY J FLOWERS JIMMY C FLOWERS JR PAUL T FLOWERS III PAUL T FLOWERS JR MICHAEL T FLOYD HOWARD FLOYD III JAMES L FLYNN PATRICK K FLYNN WILLIAM LEROY FLYNN REECE H FLYNT JR ALFRED FLYTHE GEORGE FLYTHE LORI KAY FOGG STANLEY M FOGG KEVIN FOGLE MARTIN F FOGLE RICKEY V FOGLEMAN JERRY W FOLEY LISA R FOLEY PAUL F FOLKERS STEVEN L FOLKERS MARK FOLKMAN BRENDA BUNN FOLKNER GEORGE E FOLLIN STEPHEN C FOLLIS PATRICK B FOLLMER JR DARRELL R FOLSTROM CHARLES ROBERT FOLTS JR CHARLES ROBERT FOLTZ SR PHILLIP E FONNER JAMES FOLTZ JAY N FONNESBECK JOEL FONSECA JIMMY FONTANEZ CHARLES FONTENETTE TEVITA H FONUA JERRY FOOS GILBERT R FOOT JEREMY SCOTT FOOTE GARY STEPHEN FORBES HOWARD C FORBES KYLE L FORBES ROSCOE R FORBES SHAM W FORBUS RANDY FORCHIELLI JEFFREY A FORD BENJAMIN L FORD DARREN W FORD LARRY D FORD LORRI A FORD MICHAEL FORD MICHAEL E FORD TERRY L FORD TERRY L FORD WILLIAM K FORD SHELDON FORDE JEFFREY J FORDICE DONALD L FORE ROGER FORIGO FRANCES C FORLINES DENNIS A FORREST WILLIE B FORREST JESSIE C FORRESTER JAMES A FORSELL JOHN R FORSTER GROVER BERRY FORTE RONNIE FORTE BRIAN KEITH FORTENBERRY JAMY L FORTIN RYAN FORTIN RICHARD S FORTMAN BUFFY L FORTNER DALE W FORTNER WESLEY P FORTNER ROBERT E FORTSON BRANDI N FOSS DAWN FOSSE-COOK ERIC D FOSSUM APRIL M FOSTER CHARLES H FOSTER DENNIS A FOSTER DOUGLAS J FOSTER EDWARD C FOSTER GLENDA S FOSTER JOHN CHARLES FOSTER JOSEPH A FOSTER NORMAN ROBERT FOSTER PAMELA D FOSTER RICHARD L FOSTER TOMMY LEE FOSTER TOMMY L FOULKS SETU FOUMAI BENGY C FOUNTAIN SHAMUS A FOUNTAS GARTH FOWERS ANDRE FOWLER CHRIS A FOWLER CONNIE B FOWLER DEAN A FOWLER ERIC D FOWLER JACKIE M FOWLER JIM N FOWLER JOHN K FOWLER PATRICIA A FOWLER ROY D FOWLER WESLEY FOWLER KEITH A FOWLKES MICHAEL FOWN APRIL M FOX DANIEL D FOX KAY M FOX KEITH EDWARD FOX MATTHEW L FOX NATHANIEL FOX RONALD E FOX RONALD J FOX ROY L FOX TIMOTHY LYNN FOX FLOYD C FOX JR DEREK J FOYT DOUGLAS FOYT ALEJANDRO FRAGOZO GERARDO FRAGOZO NOE FRAGOZO MARK S FRAHM THOMAS G FRAHM LUIS A FRAIRE HOLLIS RAY FRALEY TAMMY E FRALEY WESLEY F FRAMPTON PATRIZIA FRANCI-COGEN CHRISTOPHE P FRANCIS CRISTA FRANCIS DARREN S FRANCIS FIONA L FRANCIS JIMMY D FRANCIS RAUL FRANCISCO BRANDON FRANCOIS GENO FRANCOLINI DEWAYNE L FRANCOM JEFFERY E FRANK KENNETH JAY FRANK MARK A FRANK STEVEN J FRANK ROBERT R FRANKENBERG CHAD B FRANKLIN DARWIN ALAN FRANKLIN JAMES W FRANKLIN JESSE L FRANKLIN JUSTIN L FRANKLIN KELLEY W FRANKLIN KIM L FRANKLIN KIMBERLY D FRANKLIN MARK E FRANKLIN MICHAEL BARRY FRANKLIN SEAN CARL FRANKLIN STEVEN D FRANKLIN WILLIAM J FRANKS GORDON FRANKS RONNIE FRANKS GEORGE E FRANTZ II RICHARD FRAPPIER GREGORY FRASER NATHAN ROBERT FRASER RON FRASER ANDY G FRAUSTO EARL FRAZIER ALBERT FRAZIER ANNETTE FRAZIER DEBBIE B FRAZIER DUSTIN A FRAZIER MICHAEL D FRAZIER TYRONE D FRAZIER JOHN FRAZZINI SHERWOOD W FREDERICK TED W FREDRICKSON KENNETH WAYNE FREE KIMBERLY K FREELAN NATHAN J FREELAND ELIZABETH V FREELS GARRETT B FREEMAN KELLY R FREEMAN LUCIOUS P FREEMAN MARK JOHN FREEMAN TAMMY FREEMAN TERRY D FREEMAN WILLIAM D FREEMAN JR GREGORY G FREES KEVIN L FREES AMY J FREIDENBERGER BETH A FREIDENBERGER JASON A FREIDENBERGER MICHAEL R FREITAS GLENN R FRENCH JASON TODD FRENCH MATTHEW J FRENCH TODD D FRENCH TROY D FRENCH THEOTIS FRENCH III SHARON FREURE JAMES D FRIAS JOHN P FRIAS STEVE M FRICK PATRICK L FRIEDERICKS JEFFREY FRIEND WILLIAM J FRIEND JR CLIFFORD H FRINK II DONALD E FRISBY JR MICHAEL D FRISCH RAYMOND E FRITS LINA GERENE FRITSCHE ERIC L FRITTS MONTE L FRITZEN ARTHUR G FRIZZELL SETH M FROEDGE BRETT T FROEHLICH DALE FROMAN WILLIAM B FRONK JOE FRONZAGLIO BRIAN C FROSCH CHRISTY M FROST JAMES EARL FROST JOHN A FROST MERLE FRUHLING KYLE P FRY DUANE A FRY GERALD FRY JASON P FRY WESLEY A FRY WILLIAM J FRY JAMES S FRYAR JAMES T FRYAR CHARLES W FRYE WILLIAM J FRYE JIMMY FRYER TUI P FUALAAU DAVID A FUCHS WAYNE FUDGE JOSEPH FUENTES DOUGLAS FUHRIMAN BRETT FUKUI ERIC A FULBRIGHT JAMES A FULGHAM HAROLD W FULK BLAKE A FULLER CHARLES B FULLER FREDDY BRYAN FULLER GERALD D FULLER RICK A FULLER WILLIAM PAUL FULLER KEVIN R FULLERTON SCOTT H FULLERTON KURT W FULLMER EDWARD LEE FULTON ERVIN L FULTON JOHN M FULTON SEBASTIAN FULTON JERRY W FULTON JR CORY S FULTZ MONTE LANCE FULTZ WILLIAM M FUNDERBURK EDD FUQUA JR BRADLEY D FURBER CHARLES E FURLEY BRANDON CORY FURLOUGH GARY ALAN FURNISH JONATHON R FURNISH KENNETH R FURNISH MICHAEL FRED FURNISS JACK D FURR JEFFREY P FURR MICHAEL R FURR JEFFREY R FURST JASON A FURTADO JOSE FURTADO CHRISTOPHER C FUSELIER TOMMY FUTCH CLEVIAN V FUTRELL STEVEN M FUTRELL KENNETH W FYE LAWRENCE E GABBERT JOHN R GABIN RANDY RAY GABLE RICK L GABLE AUBREY GABRIEL CLAYTON GABRIEL AARON D GADEKEN MARK T GAETKE JACK R GAGE STEVEN R GAGE THOMAS GAGE ALAIN GAGNE MICHEL GAGNE PHILIPPE GAGNE BENNIE R GAINEY BONNITA W GAINEY HUBERT M GAINEY JAMES W GAINEY MICHAEL S GAINEY RICHARD S GAINEY SCOTT E GAINEY WILLIAM E GAINEY WILLIAM R GAINEY JR KENNETH GAINOUS CARYL L GAISER MARTIE A GAITERS TIMOTHY S GAITINGS PAUL GAJDOS DANIEL P GALBALLY DOUGLAS W GALE J M GALE GREGORY S GALEWSKI ADAM R GALL DEBORAH L GALL DANIEL M GALLAGHER DONALD W GALLAGHER JACK K GALLAGHER JEFFERY S GALLAGHER RICKIE GALLANT RICKY GALLANT CHRIS W GALLARDE ALAN D GALLEGO ARTURO GALLEGOS DAVID J GALLEGOS GARY W GALLIGHER STEVEN C GALLINGER JEFFREY T GALLIO ERIC E GALLO JEFFREY S GALLOP JOHN J GALLOP JR JERRY L GALLOWAY PAUL A GALLOWAY RANDALL L GALLOWAY RONALD GALLOWAY CLIFFORD LEON GALLOWAY JR BRYAN ALLEN GALLUZI JASON R GALUSHA JOSE A GALVAN JOSE G GALVAN CARLOS GALVAN III GERARDO A GALVEZ MIGUEL GALVEZ LACEY D GALYEN BRIAN A GAMBLE HENRY MORRIS GAMBLE JAMES L GAMBLE JUSTIN L GAMBLE ANTHONY F GAMBONI SEAN D GAMBRELL ARTURO MARTELL GAMEZ RICHARD GANDEE SALVATORE GANDOLFO VINCENZO GANDOLFO HENRY GANDY HOBSON E GANDY TIMMIE L GANDY CHRIS I GANDZALAS SHANE GANEAU SHOAL GANEAU STATLIN GANEAU SHOBIA GANGABISSOON SCOTT GANLEY VINCENT GANNON DALLAS D GANSEBOM DARCY L GANSEBOM JESSE L GANSKOW XIANGDONG GAO ROMEL GAOIRAN BETH A GAONA MEDARDO D GAONA RUTH GARACH DAN GARBUTT FREDERICK LAUR GARBUTT ABRAN GARCIA AGUSTIN GARCIA ALFONSO GARCIA AURELIO S GARCIA BRAULIO GARCIA CHRISTOPHER L GARCIA CLEMENTE GARCIA DAVID GARCIA DIONICIO GARCIA EDWIN GARCIA EFREN GARCIA ELEAZAR GARCIA EUGENIO A GARCIA FRANK J GARCIA GUSTAVO GARCIA HECTOR J GARCIA JESUS I GARCIA JESUS S GARCIA JOSE GARCIA JOSE G GARCIA JUAN GARCIA JUAN GARCIA LEONEL GARCIA LEOPOLDO GARCIA MICHAEL A GARCIA MIGUEL A GARCIA PABLO GARCIA RENE GARCIA RIGOBERTO GARCIA ROLAND A GARCIA SERGIO GARCIA TRENTEN GARCIA FRANCISCO P GARCIA-FLORES JOSE RAMON GARCIA-JUAREZ GABRIEL GARCIA-PINON MANUEL GARCIA-PINON EMILE GARDIPPE BRENT GARDNER BRIAN R GARDNER BUFF GARDNER DANIEL GARDNER DARIN K GARDNER DARRYL L GARDNER ELTON E GARDNER GARY J GARDNER RANDY R GARDNER RICKY SCOTT GARDNER RALPH T GAREY STEVE E GARIANO CECIL S GARLAND EDWARD H GARLAND WANDA A GARLAND RICHARD D GARMAN MARQUSIO L GARMON ADIE M GARMON ABEL GARN JARED R GARN LYNN D GARN MARILYN GARN AARON C GARNER C G GARNER CHARLES GRANT GARNER JEFFREY A GARNER KAREN GARNER KATHY A GARNER TERRI GARNER WILLIAM L GARNER JESS M GARNER SR ROCCO GARNET GUILLERMO V GARNICA SANY D GARO RICHARD R GARREN STEVEN A GARRETSON ANGELA M GARRETT BRANDON R GARRETT JOHN T GARRETT LEIGH E GARRETT MICHAEL GARRETT ROBERT A GARRETT ROBERT E GARRETT SAM GARRETT SHARON D GARRETT JAY L GARRETT JR TERRY W GARRIS WILLIE D GARRIS BENJAMIN A GARRISON DAVID J GARRISON GEORGE A GARRISON JEFFERY S GARRISON MATTHEW R GARRISON SAGE C GARRISS DAN E GARVER DANIEL W GARZA JOE GARZA JR ENRIQUE G GARZON-FLORES RUBEN GASCA SEAN M GASCOIGNE MICHAEL A GASKILL GEORGE N GASKINS JOHN L GASKINS CHARLES W GASS LORENZO GASS DAVID E GASSAWAY JERRY LEE GASTON HOWARD E GATCH SR DOUGLAS D GATES JORDON K GATES VIRGIL GATES BILLY J GATEWOOD JAMES R GATHRIGHT EDWARD GATTISON PERRY GATTISON TECODIE GATTISON WAYNE GATTSHALL AARON GAUDET GABRIEL GAUDETTE GERALD GAUDETTE ROBERT G GAURIN STEVE GAUTHIER TERESA S GAUTHIER TONY GAUVIN STEVEN GAY TIM GAY RYAN T GAYLER RICHARD L GAZLEY MICHAEL W GEARY TIMOTHY J GEARY ROBERT W GEBCZYK JOSHUA MATHEW GEBO TERRY L GEDDINGS CHRIS D GEE DARRELL GEE JONATHAN GEE MARSHALL G GEE PAUL W GEE SHELDON GEE BRADLEE S GEER KARL L GEESAMAN SHAWN GEHLERT ARIN C GEHLHAUSEN GARRETT D GEHLHAUSEN DOUG GEHRKE ADAM R GEIGER JACOBUS M GELDENHUIS KURT D GELSER KEVIN D GENERY MARCUS RICHARD GENOVA BRAD GENOVY PATRICK GENTIS CHAD R GENTRY ERIC GENTRY ERIK V GENTRY JOSEPH BRYAN GENTRY MARK GENTRY MICHAEL B GENTRY CHARLES R GENTRY JR PAUL A GEORGE CHRISTOPHER GEORGE DEBORAH L GEORGE DILLION GEORGE EDWIN D GEORGE EVAN J GEORGE MELVIN D GEORGE MICHAEL E GEORGE MICHAEL L GEORGE ROBERT K GEORGE TERRENCE GEORGE THOMAS L GEORGE WENDY ELIABETH GEORGE MICHAEL A GEORGI JAMES A GERDES JEFFREY G GERDES JOHANSSON J GERENA GORDANA GERENCER MARK A GERIG RICKY L GERIG CLAYTON L GERLING CLAYTON M GERLING BERNARD B GERMAIN STEVE GERMAN JARROD W GERMAN KALANI GERMANO TONY R GERMANY STOYAN GERN RUSSELL D GERNER WILLIAM J GERNERT CARRIE GERVAIS MARIO GERVAIS FETIMA J GETHERS CARROLL GETHERS JR BRIAN C GETTLE DARRYL T GETTLE DAYLAN GETTLE TIM GETTLE KENNETH F GEYER ARASH DAVID GHOJA JAMES B GIALAMAS SHAUGHNESSY GIALET DAVE GIAMMETELO THOMAS B GIAN MICHAEL GIANCARELLI JAMES N GIANNETTINO CHRISTOPHER GIBBENS LAWRENCE PRESTON GIBBONS LARRY SHAWN GIBBS BLAIN E GIBBS BLAKE D GIBBS DARRELL W GIBBS DEBRA J GIBBS KEVIN D GIBBS STAN GIBBS STEVEN GIBBS FRED B GIBBS JR JENNIFER R GIBBS-BEATTY DALE L GIBONEY ALAN M GIBSON CHILION A GIBSON CHRISTINA A GIBSON DANNY GIBSON GREGORY GIBSON KEVIN P GIBSON TANA M GIBSON TODD D GIBSON JOHNNY W GIERISCH JR AMANDA CATHERINE GIESBRECHT NATHAN R GIESIGE CHARLES L GIESLER JR HARRY A GIFFORD RONALD N GIFFORD SHERRY A GIGAX CHARLES GIGLIA TYLER GIGLIA MARIANO GIL DONNA GILBERT JERRY GILBERT KELLY GILBERT KRISTOPHER T GILBERT ROBERT GILBERT SCOTT A GILBERT STEVEN W GILBERT TERRY GILBERT THOMAS BRYAN GILBERT TIMOTHY G GILBERT MOTA GILBERTO DONALD R GILBERTSON GORDON GILBERTSON MARK GILBEY JOEL L GILBOW MICHAEL RYAN GILBOW RANDY S GILBOW DAVE GILBY DALLAS R GILCHRIST GARY M GILES JEFFREY W GILES MAYRA G GILES GREGORY GILES JR DANIEL M GILFILIAN JERRY A GILL DAMON P GILL JENNIFER L GILL KENNETH R GILL WILLIAM GILL DARYL L GILLAND ARTHUR G GILLEN JOHN M GILLEN ANN M GILLESPIE CRYSTAL D GILLESPIE JACOB I GILLESPIE JEFF GILLESPIE LARRY GILLESPIE MICHAEL J GILLESPIE PAMELA GILLESPIE RICHARD C GILLESPIE SHAUN E GILLESPIE WILLIE GILLESPIE GREGORY W GILLETTE WESLEY A GILLETTE ROBERT J GILLIAM DONALD GILLIAN ALLEN JOHN GILLIANA KEN GILLIES TONY GILLIES JASON L GILLILAND KRISTEN M GILLILAND WILLIAM E GILLOCK JIM D GILMER CALEB E GILMORE WILLIE GILMORE JARED R GILPIN ALVIN GILREATH ROBERT D GILREATH ANDY GILROY DONALD L GILSTRAP II MARSHALL L GILWORTH RORY A GIMENEZ STEPHANE GINGRAS CHARLES A GIOIA III JOHN D GIOVENCO MIKE GIPKO GERARDO L GIRALDO JEREMY GIRARD RILEY GIROUX TONY LEE GITTMAN GIUSEPPE GIUSTILIAO LESLIE BRYANT GIVENS LARRY W GLANDT DANIEL P GLASER DUANE C GLASER WILLIAM MICHEL GLASER EDWARD E GLASGOW CHRISTOPHER GLASS EARNEST GLASS GINA L GLASSER JULIE A GLEASON MIKE L GLEASON DANIEL M GLEATON KYLIS J GLEESON NATHAN M GLENDENNING AARON A GLENN ALEC M GLENN CURTIS G GLENN JEFFERY GLENN KEITH ALLEN GLENN TERRY J GLENN TIMOTHY J GLENN MICHAEL L GLISSON TIMOTHY A GLISSON ANDREW J GLOSENGER AMELIA KAY GLOVER RANDALL STEVEN GLOVER WILLIAM H GLOVER STEVE GLUECK DELORES GLUTH JAMES S GODARD TRISHA GODDARD ROSS GODDEN JR ROSS GODDEN SR TYO NIEN GODETTE EDDIE W GODFREY BRET D GODFREY CURTIS J GODFREY JEFF GODFREY KYLE G GODFREY TROY M GODFREY BRETT A GODLEVSKY MARGARET GODMAIRE JULIO A GODOY WALTER GODOY BRIAN GODSEY NEOMIE JEAN GODSEY ANDREW GORDON GODWIN JAMES GODWIN JAMES A GODWIN JOHN L GODWIN CHRISTOPHER A GOEBEL JONATHAN TODD GOEDE PAUL A GOERGEN ANDY C GOERZ PHILIP M GOETHE CHRISTOPHER J GOETSCH CARA M GOFF CHARLES J GOFF DALE GOFF KEITH W GOFF THOMAS M GOFF JOHNNY M GOFF JR BRIAN GOFORTH DEBORAH J GOFORTH RICHARD GOINGS CHRISTOPHER A GOINS STEVEN RAY GOINS NISSAN GOKOOL KELLY GOLDBECK BARRY GOLDBERG BRYAN GOLDEN JOSEPH B GOLDEN LARRY JOE GOLDEN CHARLES D GOLDER DOUGLAS C GOLDIE RAYMOND E GOLDNER RICHARD J GOLDSMITH RALPH GOLDSTROM NICOLE GOLIBOSKI RAYMOND GOLPHIN CYNTHIA M GOMBOSI ALFREDO GOMEZ BERNARDINO GOMEZ CARLOS GOMEZ CARMEN GOMEZ CLAUDIA GOMEZ EDGAR GOMEZ GREGORIO GOMEZ ISIDRO R GOMEZ JOEL GOMEZ JOSE LUIZ GOMEZ JUAN CARLOS GOMEZ LUCIO P GOMEZ NARCIZO GOMEZ VICTOR GOMEZ JR VICTOR GOMEZ PEREZ GREGORY W GONDEK ZHIGUO GONG KENNETH GONNIE DEWAYNE GONSALVES MAXWELL A GONSALVES ANTHONY R GONZALES CHRISTOPHER D GONZALES DANIEL GONZALES EDDIE H GONZALES JOE GONZALES LEONARD M GONZALES MARIO GONZALES RICHARD V GONZALES WILFRED R GONZALES ANSELMO GONZALEZ DANIEL GONZALEZ DANNY R GONZALEZ ELMO J GONZALEZ ENRIQUE GONZALEZ IK GONZALEZ JAVIER GONZALEZ JAVIER GONZALEZ JULIO E GONZALEZ LUIS GONZALEZ MARTIN B GONZALEZ MARTIN E GONZALEZ RAYMOND R GONZALEZ REMBERTO GONZALEZ RUFINO GONZALEZ SAUL T GONZALEZ TOMAS GONZALEZ JUSTIN GOOBIE GLEN GOOCH CLAYTON GOOD DUANE M GOOD FRED GOOD RICHARD THOMAS GOOD JULLIAN A GOOD EAGLE A CLINT GOODEY JOSEPH L GOODEY TERRYL A GOODEY STACEY T GOODFIELD CHUCK GOODIN EARTHA L GOODLOW BRYCE GOODMAN CLAUDIA D GOODMAN JESS F GOODMAN JOHN S GOODMAN PAUL E GOODMAN DENNIS W GOODRUM MERVYN D GOODS BRYAN V GOODSELL JOHN D GOODSON MICHAEL ALAN GOODSON MITCHELL M GOODSON ROBBY A GOODSON CHRISTOPHER J GOODWATER CHRISTOPHER N GOODWATER FABIAN GOODWILL ALLEN L GOODWIN BRIAN SCOTT GOODWIN SHARA L GOODWIN MARVIN C GOODWINE MICHAEL GOOSMANN SIDNEY R GORCEY CLIFFORD E GORDON CARL E GORDON JASON D GORDON JEFFREY A GORDON ROBERT J GORDON SHAWN B GORDON TIMOTHY GORDON CHRIS G GORE KATHY GORE LARRY J GORE FRANCES A GORIUS MIRZET GOROVIC WILLIAM J GORSE PETER M GORSLINE HENRY C GOSA CLIFF D GOSNELL DAVID B GOSS STEPHANE GOSSELIN LEWIS E GOSSETT SCOTT O GOSSETT JOSEPH ALLEN GOTHARD SCOTT E GOTHARD PAYTON GOTO JASON T GOTT JAMES GOTTFRIED JACK GOUDE JEFFREY A GOUDE II ROBERT D GOUGH SCOTT R GOUIN RONNIE R GOULD KENNETH R GOULDEN SHAYNE T GOW WILLIAM M GOZELL WELTON D GRABEN ELMER R GRABER LLOYD D GRABER NOAH GRABER SAMUEL H GRABER LEONARD GRABIA DONALD W GRABLE JR ERIK W GRABOWSKI JOHN R GRACE WILLIAM B GRADY DAVID A GRAEBER ANTHONY R GRAF MATTHEW R GRAFELMAN RICHARD W GRAFING THOMAS J GRAFTON ALTON R GRAGG BARRY GRAHAM DAVID W GRAHAM GERALD L GRAHAM JAMES A GRAHAM JAMES C GRAHAM JANA L GRAHAM JOHN GRAHAM JOHN H GRAHAM KENNETH PAUL GRAHAM NOAH EDWIN GRAHAM RAYMOND B GRAHAM ROBERT B GRAHAM RONALD L GRAHAM RONNY M GRAHAM SCOTT A GRAHAM RAYMOND C GRAHAM SR SUSANN M GRAHS WINSTON STEVE GRAMMER NICOLE LEANN GRAMPP FAUSTINO GRANADOS RICARDO GRANADOS ROBERT P GRANADOS ROBERTO J GRANADOS LONNIE GRANDMAISON CLARENCE BILL GRANGER MICHAEL C GRANGER RUSSELL GRANNUM COREY G GRANQUIST LOYD P GRANT AARON GRANT CHARLES LOUIS GRANT DANIEL C GRANT EREKA R GRANT FRED O GRANT GENERAL GRANT JAMES GRANT JEFF E GRANT JIMMY LEE GRANT ROBERT GRANT ROBERT LELAND GRANT THOMAS GRANT TONY O GRANT TYLER GRANT WILLIAM C GRANT WILLIAM J GRANT GEORGE R GRANT JR KENNETH GRANT SR TIM V GRASHORN ERIC A GRASSE DAVID C GRATZ DAVE GRAU TED GRAUL DAVID GRAVELLE OMER GRAVELLE PAUL GRAVELLE YVAN GRAVELLE DAVID A GRAVERHOLT CORNELIUS D GRAVES ELAINE A GRAVES JOHN GRAVES MERVIN CORONET GRAVES MICHAEL W GRAVES STUART F GRAVES JOSEPH V GRAVITT BERNICE GRAY CHRISSIE A GRAY DARRYL GRAY DONALD E GRAY DONNIE GRAY DUSTIN ANTHONY GRAY EDDRIA L GRAY JASON D GRAY JEREMY M GRAY JERRY G GRAY LEON GRAY ROGER A GRAY SHAWN MAURICE GRAY STANLEY M GRAY TIMOTHY MICHAEL GRAY GEORGE K GRAYSON JOHN W GRAYSON JOHNELLE C GRAZE LEVIS GREEN MICHAEL E GREEN ALEX J GREEN BRANDON ISSAC GREEN CAROLINE M GREEN CASTER D GREEN DANIEL R GREEN DAVID GREEN DAVID W GREEN DEREK S GREEN DOLORES M GREEN DONNIE COOPER GREEN GREGORY S GREEN HEATHER L GREEN HENRY T GREEN HUNTER R GREEN JARROD S GREEN JILL GREEN JOHN R GREEN JOHNNY E GREEN KENNETH WADE GREEN MARSHALL GREEN MATTHEW W GREEN MAURICE C GREEN NICHOLAS A GREEN PAUL R GREEN PERRY TERRELL GREEN RANDALL D GREEN RUSSELL E GREEN SCOTT G GREEN STEPHEN ADAMS GREEN STEPHEN ROBERT GREEN STEVEN RAY GREEN THERESA W GREEN THOMAS A GREEN TODD MICHAEL GREEN TORRENCE W GREEN TROY WILLIAM GREEN WILLIAM GREEN WILLIAM SCOTT GREEN ANGELITA GREENE CHAD A GREENE GARY E GREENE KENNETH E GREENE LANCE W GREENE RANDALL TRAVIS GREENE STEVEN A GREENE TRAVIS GREENE CHAD T GREENHALGH LISA GREENIER JON J GREENLEE MICHAEL D GREENMYER NOLAN GREENWALL SEAN GREENWALL RONALD W GREENWELL ALAN LEE GREENWOOD EDWARD W GREER JIMMY GREER KIP GREER KOLBIE L GREER LYNN C GREER MARCIE J GREER SCOTT GREER STEPHEN G GREER DEWAYNE GREESON KEVIN GREESON AARON J GREGG JOSEPH M GREGG DERICK J GREGOIRE CARLTON G GREGORY DAYLE J GREGORY GARY W GREGORY C o n t e n t s Nucor Employees Financial Highlights To Our Stockholders At a Glance Operations Review: Steel Mills Segment Bar Mills, Sheet Mills, Structural Mills and Plate Mills Steel Products Segment Vulcraft and Verco Reinforcing Products Steel Mesh, Grating and Fastener cover 4 5 11 12 16 18 18 Capacity Graphs Financial Graphs Five-Year Financial Review Consolidated Financial Statements: Management’s Report Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm Balance Sheets Statements of Earnings Statements of Stockholders’ Equity Statements of Cash Flows Notes to Financial Statements Buildings Group and Light Gauge Steel Framing 19 Board of Directors Cold Finish Other Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations 20 21 22 Executive Management Corporate and Stock Data 33 34 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 59 60 62 Executive Officer Group from left to right: Ladd R. Hall, Executive Vice President; Daniel R. DiMicco, Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer; Hamilton Lott, Jr., Executive Vice President; D. Michael Parrish, Executive Vice President; Terry S. Lisenby, Chief Financial Officer, Treasurer and Executive Vice President; R. Joseph Stratman, Executive Vice President; John J. Ferriola, Chief Operating Officer of Steelmaking Operations; Joseph A. Rutkowski, Executive Vice President; James M. Coblin, Vice President, Human Resources. Our GOal is tO take care Of Our’s Our Nature. 4 fiNaNcial HiGHliGHts F i n a n C i a l H i g H l i g H t s (dollar amounts in thousands, except per share data) fOr tHe Year Net sales Earnings: Earnings before income taxes Provision for income taxes Net earnings Per share: Basic Diluted Dividends declared per share Percentage of net earnings to net sales Return on average equity Capital expenditures Depreciation Acquisitions (net of cash acquired) Sales per employee at Year eND Working capital Property, plant and equipment, net Long-term debt Stockholders’ equity Per share Shares outstanding Employees 2007 2006 % cHaNGe $16,592,976 $14,751,270 12% 2,253,315 781,368 1,471,947 4.98 4.94 2.44 8.9% 29.5% 520,353 403,172 1,542,666 1,085 2,692,435 935,653 1,756,782 5.73 5.68 2.15 11.9% 38.3% 338,404 363,936 223,920 1,273 $ 3,491,213 $ 3,261,148 3,232,998 2,250,300 5,112,917 17.75 287,993 18,000 2,856,415 922,300 4,857,351 16.14 300,949 11,900 -16% -16% -16% -13% -13% 13% -25% -23% 54% 11% 589% -15% 7% 13% 144% 5% 10% -4% 51% fOrWarD-lOOkiNG statemeNts Certain statements made in this annual report are forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties. These forward-looking statements reflect the Company’s best judgment based on current information, and although we base these statements on circumstances that we believe to be reasonable when made, there can be no assurance that future events will not affect the accuracy of such forward-looking information. As such, the forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance, and actual results may vary materially from the results and expectations discussed in this report. Factors that might cause the Company’s actual results to differ materially from those anticipated in forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to: (1) the sensitivity of the results of our operations to volatility in steel prices and changes in the supply and cost of raw materials, including scrap steel; (2) availability and cost of electricity and natural gas; (3) market demand for steel products, which, in the case of many of our products, is driven by the level of non-residential construction activity in the U.S.; (4) competitive pressure on sales and pricing, including pressure from imports and substitute materials; (5) uncertainties surrounding the global economy, including excess world capacity for steel production and fluctuations in currency conversion rates; (6) U.S. and foreign trade policy affecting steel imports or exports; (7) significant changes in government regulations affecting environmental compliance; (8) the cyclical nature of the steel industry; (9) capital investments and their impact on our performance; and (10) our safety performance. tO Our stOckHOlDers 5 Fellow stockholders: After three consecutive years of record earnings, Nucor faced a number of market challenges in 2007. The U.S. economy slowed, scrap prices increased and global overcapacity fed by government-subsidized products from China resulted in record imports. We are proud of the way the 18,000 men and women on our team rose to meet these challenges and lead Nucor to the second-best earnings year in our history. In 2007 Nucor earned $1.47 billion, or $4.94 per diluted share, down 13 percent from a record $1.76 billion, or $5.68 per diluted share, in 2006. Consolidated net sales increased 12 percent to a record $16.59 billion, compared with $14.75 billion a year ago. Nucor’s financial success is built on a foundation of conservative business practices, including our financial and accounting policies and plain language, easy-to-understand financial reporting. Cash flow from operations was a very strong $1.94 billion, compared to last year’s record of $2.25 billion, as depressed sheet steel pricing offset strong markets for bars, plate and structural steel and our continued growth in sales. We finished 2007 with cash and short-term investments of $1.58 billion compared to $2.20 billion at the end of 2006. Our strong earnings performance and continued financial strength have allowed us to further reward our stockholders through increased dividends and share repurchases. Nucor has increased its base dividend every year since we began paying dividends in 1973. Through 2007, we have also declared 12 supplemental dividends. Overall in 2007, cash dividends declared increased 13% to $2.44 per share, from $2.15 per share in 2006. Also in 2007, we repurchased 14.1 million shares of our common stock for $754.0 million, or about $53 per share, and in September, our board of directors authorized additional stock repurchases of up to 30 million shares. Since we reactivated our share repurchase program in the second quarter of 2005, we have repurchased 36.9 million shares for a total purchase price of $1.64 billion, or about $44.50 per share. This repurchase activity represents about 10% of our issued and outstanding shares (on a split adjusted basis) at the end of 2004. In support of our continued growth, Nucor completed two major financing activities in 2007. In November, Nucor amended its five-year unsecured revolving credit facility, increasing the amount to $1 billion and extending the term to November 2012. In addition, on November 28, 2007, Nucor issued $300 million in 5.00% notes due in 2012, $600 million of 5.75% notes due in 2017 and $400 million in 6.40% notes due in 2037. This attractively-priced financing was issued in the midst of troubled capital markets and gives evidence to the competitive advantage Nucor enjoys as the only North American company in the metals and mining sector to carry an A+ and A1 credit rating from the Moody’s and Standard and Poor’s ratings agencies. Daniel r. Dimicco chairman, President and chief executive Officer terry s. lisenby chief financial Officer, treasurer and executive Vice President This past year illustrated the payoff from the disciplined execution of our growth strategy. As you have heard us say many times before, our strategy is focused on generating higher highs and higher lows through the economic steel market cycles. The $311 million we earned in 2000, the last cyclical peak in the U.S. economy, was an annual record for our company at that time. Our earnings for the last nine consecutive quarters have topped $311 million. Behind the numbers are several important facts. For years, we have been one of the world’s most diversified steel and steel products manufacturers. In 2007, we enhanced our product diversity and made significant steps forward in our strategy to expand our ownership of downstream businesses. Vertical integration has been a successful strategy for Nucor for nearly four decades. In addition to consistently generating attractive returns, these downstream businesses provide a profitable base load of volume for Nucor's steel mills through the economic cycle. 6 maNaGemeNt’s DiscussiON aND aNal Ysis Of fiNaNcial cONDitiON aND results Of OPeratiONs In March of 2007 Nucor acquired Harris Steel Group for a cash purchase price of approximately $1.06 billion, initially adding 770,000 tons of rebar fabrication capacity and over 350,000 tons of capacity in other downstream steel products. As we planned, the Harris team is operating as a growth platform within Nucor and has completed several acquisitions including rebar fabricator South Pacific Steel Corporation in June 2007, Consolidated Rebar, Inc. in August 2007, a 90% equity interest in rebar fabricator Barker Steel Company, Inc. in December 2007 and other smaller transactions. During 2007, the Harris rebar fabrication business has grown by over 37% to 1,058,000 tons of capacity, and we expect this growth to continue. In August 2007, Nucor acquired LMP Steel & Wire Company for a cash purchase price of approximately $27.2 million, adding 100,000 tons of cold drawn steel capacity. In October 2007, Nucor completed the acquisition of Nelson Steel, Inc. for a cash purchase price of approximately $53.2 million, adding 120,000 tons of steel mesh capacity. These acquisitions, combined with the Laurel Steel, Fisher & Ludlow and LEC businesses that came with the Harris acquisition and some internal organic growth, have increased our cold finish and drawn products’ capacity by over 75% from 490,000 tons in 2006 to 860,000 tons at the end of 2007. In addition, we now have 90,000 tons of steel grating capacity and our steel mesh capacity has almost tripled to 233,000 tons per year. In the third quarter of 2007 we completed the acquisition of Magnatrax Corporation, a leading provider of custom-engineered metal buildings, for a cash purchase price of approximately $275.2 million. The Magnatrax acquisition, combined with our existing Building Systems divisions, has made Nucor the nation’s second largest metal building producer, more than doubling our annual capacity to 435,000 tons. We have now completed construction of our newest Buildings Systems division in Brigham City, Utah, bringing our current capacity to 480,000 tons of pre-engineered metal buildings. It was only a year ago that we were telling you about our acquisition of the Verco steel decking business and the pending acquisition of Harris Steel. Starting with the November 2006 acquisition of Verco, we have nearly doubled our value-added steel products’ annual capacity to approximately four million tons. This product line diversity helped us generate 2007’s strong profits despite difficult sheet market conditions and a sharp decline in bar mill shipments early in the year. As 2008 began, we announced a joint venture agreement with Switzerland's Duferco Group to manufacture steel beams in Italy and distribute them in Europe and North Africa, further diversifying our portfolio of products and markets served. We expect this joint venture to be established in the first half of 2008, pending completion of due diligence, approval of regulatory bodies and approval of the boards of directors of both companies. Acquisitions and joint ventures are only part of the multi-pronged growth strategy that has guided us successfully for many years. We continue to optimize our existing operations and pursue greenfield growth where we can capitalize on significant cost advantages. Our reconstructed special bar quality (“SBQ”) mill in Memphis, Tennessee, is scheduled to open in the second quarter of this year. We have recently opened our fourth Nucor Building Systems facility in Brigham City, Utah, and later in 2008 we will begin operations at our second Castrip® production facility, at Nucor-Yamato Steel in Blytheville, Arkansas, and our Sheet Mill Group’s fourth galvanizing line in Decatur, Alabama. In addition to our downstream acquisitions, we have been executing our well-established strategy regarding the other end of our supply chain – control over a larger portion of our raw materials stream. This strategy calls for Nucor to control six to seven million tons per year of high-quality scrap substitutes, or about one-third of our current metallics usage, as a hedge against the volatility in the price of the low-residual scrap grades used by our sheet and SBQ mills. We made major progress on this strategy in 2007, beginning with the very successful start-up of Nu-Iron Unlimited, our two million tons per year direct reduced iron plant in Trinidad. Nu-Iron produced over 1.4 million tons in its first year of operation. Our Trinidad team is already exploring opportunities to increase Nu-Iron's capacity. Our HIsmelt joint venture in Australia continues to make progress with technology that converts iron ore fines and coal to liquid metal. The plant recently completed its best ever iron-making campaign and at times reached 80% of name plate capacity. In February 2008, complementing our raw material strategy, Nucor announced an agreement to acquire The David J. Joseph Company (“DJJ”) for a cash purchase price of approximately $1.44 billion. We are especially excited about this transaction because we have had a long relationship with DJJ, and as with Harris Steel in rebar fabrication, this strategic investment provides an ideal platform for Nucor to expand its direct ownership in the steel scrap supply chain. We expect to complete this purchase in the first quarter of 2008. 7 In 2007, we made significant progress toward our goal of being fully ISO 14001 certified with 16 of our steel mills having achieved this milestone. ISO 14001 is a widely accepted international standard certifying facilities that install and document high quality environmental practices. Meeting certifications does not tell the full story of how committed we are to being a global leader in environmental performance. Our Decatur, Alabama, sheet mill provides an illustration. The mill uses a measuring device called an opacity monitor, which gives precise, minute-by-minute readings of the air quality that passes through the bag house and out of the mill’s exhaust system. Many of our peers resist using opacity monitors because they document any time a mill’s exhaust is out of compliance with its permits, even momentarily. Our team in Decatur saw the opacity monitor as a potential tool to improve environmental performance. They developed the expertise to read the monitor so well that they can pinpoint in just a few minutes the first signs of a problem in any of the nearly 7,000 bags in the bag house – before those problems turn into increased emissions. Their early-warning system works so well that the division has applied for a patent on the process, with an eye toward licensing to other companies. That’s the kind of “can-do” spirit you’ll find throughout Nucor. When we wrote to you last year, Nucor employed 11,900 people. Today, that figure is just over 18,000, which means our team grew faster in 2007 than in any other year in our history. You have heard us say this many times: Nucor’s most significant competitive advantage is our people. Through all of our growth, we maintain and build a strong culture that supports the right people working together as a team to take care of our customers, a winning combination. Since 2000, our net sales have more than tripled, our earnings have increased five-fold, and the number of operating divisions has more than doubled. To keep on top of this rapid growth in our organization, we realized it was critical to add additional talent to our executive management team in our Charlotte corporate office. In September, our board of directors promoted Executive Vice President John Ferriola to the new position of Chief Operating Officer of steelmaking operations. John now has responsibility for all of our steel mill operations. Two of our general managers joined the corporate management team as executive vice presidents. Ladd Hall is Executive Vice President of flat rolled products, and Joe Stratman is Executive Vice President of beam and plate products. They, along with Mike Parrish, Executive Vice President of bar products, report to John. Continuing to report to the CEO, along with John, will be Ham Lott, Executive Vice President for fabricated products, Joe Rutkowski, Executive Vice President for business development, and Terry Lisenby, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer. Upon completion of the pending acquisition of DJJ, Keith Grass will continue in his role leading that business and will join our management team as an Executive Vice President reporting to John Ferriola. We are very excited about these moves. Our company will benefit from the addition of Ladd and Joe, two exceptional leaders, to our executive management team. With John Ferriola focused on operations, Dan will be able to devote even more energy to areas critical to our next phase of growth at Nucor. These areas of focus include domestic and international strategy, emerging technologies, and spending more time visiting our operations to strengthen our special Nucor culture. In addition, we will stay fully engaged in the ongoing fight for enforcement of our nation's trade laws, trade agreements and true free, rules-based trading, in order to achieve a level playing field for America's vital manufacturing base. The global steel industry has undergone significant rationalization and has more discipline now than we have seen in our combined 54 years in the business. There is one exception, and it’s a big one: China. Quite simply, we have a fiduciary responsibility to our stockholders, employees and customers to address this most important issue. As you have heard us say before, China is making a mockery of real free trade. Free trade is law-based trade, driven by true competitive advantage. By contrast, China's steel and steel products business is an exporting machine with a staggering amount of excess capacity, driven by massive government subsidies, currency manipulation and abuse of the environment — in short Mercantilism — protectionism in its true form. This protectionism is why China cannot be considered a responsible member of either the global trade community or the global steel industry as long as the country continues these practices. After working very hard to call attention to these abuses, we are very encouraged by the way that the U.S. International Trade Commission and the rest of the world are responding to these issues. The European Union has spoken out against excessive Chinese imports, and actions are being taken to the World Trade Organization by a number of countries. This abuse is a global issue, not just a domestic issue. We will continue to call attention to the need for true free trade and will work hard to make this an important issue in the upcoming national elections. 8 maNaGemeNt’s DiscussiON aND aNal Ysis Of fiNaNcial cONDitiON aND results Of OPeratiONs We are pleased and encouraged to see the payoff from our hard work in so many ways, from progress toward more equitable global trade, to successful acquisitions, to new facilities preparing to start up, and to the second-best earnings year in our history. But our team is never satisfied. Every day, we are aggressively pursuing continual improvement, “climbing a mountain without a peak.” We see more exciting growth and ever-better days ahead of us. Our Team is doing it Together! Daniel R. DiMicco Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer Terry S. Lisenby Chief Financial Officer, Treasurer and Executive Vice President Our goal is to “take care Of Our custOmers.” We are accomplishing this by being the safest, highest quality, lowest cost, most productive and most profitable steel and steel products company in the world. We are committed to doing this while being cultural and environmental stewards in our communities where we live and work. We are succeeding by working together. 9 While again facing many challenges, Nucor produced very strong earnings in 2007. As Dan DiMicco and Terry Lisenby detail in their letter, Nucor continues to execute a growth strategy, building a diversified product base that helped the company weather difficult markets for some key product groups. Imports, particularly from China, remained at high levels. Scrap and scrap substitute prices rose. A wide range of projects and potential acquisitions moved through critical stages. Under these conditions, Nucor thrived and grew. On behalf of the board of directors, I would like to congratulate Dan, Terry and all 18,000 members of the Nucor team on a job well done. As does Institutional Investor magazine. For the fourth consecutive year, Dan was selected as one of the top Chief Executive Officers in the magazine’s Metals and Mining category. The award, voted on by the nation’s leading institutional investors, recognizes the exceptional leadership of not only Dan but the entire Nucor management team. Earlier last year, an Institutional Investor poll of portfolio managers and brokerage firm research analysts named Nucor to their list of America’s Most Shareholder Friendly Companies and ranked Nucor No. 1 in the Metals and Mining category. And finally, Nucor is one of only 21 companies to make Forbes magazine’s Best Big Companies list every year since its inception in 1999, and Nucor’s annualized return of 38% over the last five years is best among those 21 Honor Roll companies. Peter c. Browning lead Director As always, these awards recognize the importance of the continuing contributions of each and every member of the entire Nucor team. We would like to welcome John Walker to our board of directors. John, the chief executive officer of Global Brass and Copper, Inc., is a respected industry veteran with 25 years of metals industry experience. On January 1, John took the place of Raymond Milchovich, who left our board after five outstanding years of service because of personal and professional demands on his time. The board thanks Ray for his many contributions. In closing, our board congratulates Sam Siegel, Nucor’s former vice chairman and chief financial officer. In 2007, Sam was inducted into the Financial Executives International (“FEI”) Hall of Fame, which recognizes individuals who epitomize the performance, leadership and integrity of the most exemplary financial executives throughout their careers. Sam joined Nucor in 1961, became controller in 1964, joined the board of directors in 1968 and was named vice chairman in 1991. Sam, who retired in 1999, played a critical role in the transformation of the company from a struggling conglomerate to the leading steel and steel products company we are today. His induction into the FEI Hall of Fame is another opportunity to thank him for his pivotal role in Nucor’s success. Sincerely, Peter C. Browning Lead Director 10 maNaGemeNt’s DiscussiON aND aNal Ysis Of fiNaNcial cONDitiON aND results Of OPeratiONs Seattle Plymouth Brigham City Antioch Carson City Lathrop Fontana Phoenix Stoney Creek Auburn Chemung Wallingford Oak Creek Norfolk Waterloo El Paso St. Joe Kankakee Marion New Salem Maryville Crawfordsville LaCrosse Hertford County Portland Hickman Blytheville Memphis Decatur Fort Payne Swansea Dallas Starkville Tuscaloosa Birmingham Jackson Eufaula Denton Terrell Grapeland Jewett Charlotte Darlington Florence Berkeley County TRINIDAD Point Lisas at a GlaNce 11 steel mills seGmeNt steel PrODucts seGmeNt Bar mills Products: steel bars, angles and other Vulcraft aND VercO Products: steel joists, joist girders and steel fasteNer Products: steel hexhead cap screws, products for automotive, construction, farm deck for non-residential building construction. structural bolts and hex bolts for automotive, machinery, metal buildings, furniture and recreational equipment. Darlington, South Carolina Norfolk, Nebraska Jewett, Texas Plymouth, Utah Florence, South Carolina Norfolk, Nebraska Fort Payne, Alabama Grapeland, Texas St. Joe, Indiana Brigham City, Utah Auburn, New York (Nucor Steel Auburn, Inc.) Chemung, New York (Vulcraft of New York, Inc.) Birmingham, Alabama Phoenix, Arizona (Verco Decking, Inc.) (Nucor Steel Birmingham, Inc.) Fontana, California (Verco Decking, Inc.) Kankakee, Illinois (Nucor Steel Kankakee, Inc.) Antioch, California (Verco Decking, Inc.) machine tools, farm implements, construction and military applications. St. Joe, Indiana Harris steel Products: concrete reinforcing steel and concrete post-tensioning systems. Stoney Creek, Ontario Jackson, Mississippi (Nucor Steel Jackson, Inc.) Seattle, Washington (Nucor Steel Seattle, Inc.) Marion, Ohio (Nucor Steel Marion, Inc.) Wallingford, Connecticut (Nucor Steel Connecticut, Inc.) Memphis, Tennessee (Nucor Steel Memphis, Inc.) sHeet mills Products: flat-rolled steel for automotive, appliance, pipe and tube, construction and other industries. Crawfordsville, Indiana Hickman, Arkansas Berkeley County, South Carolina Decatur, Alabama (Nucor Steel Decatur, LLC) NucOr-YamatO steel cOmPaNY Products: super-wide flange steel beams, pilings and heavy structural steel products for fabricators, construction companies, manufacturers and steel service centers. Blytheville, Arkansas Beam mill Products: Wide flange steel beams, pilings and cOlD fiNisH Products: cold finished steel bars for shafting Wire PrODucts Products: Welded wire mesh for reinforcing concrete and mine reinforcement applications. and precision machined parts and bright basic Wallingford, Connecticut wire for point of purchase display racks, wire (Nucor Steel Connecticut, Inc.) shelving and miscellaneous wire forms. New Salem, Pennsylvania Norfolk, Nebraska Darlington, South Carolina Brigham City, Utah Oak Creek, Wisconsin (Nucor Wire Products Pennsylvania, Inc.) NucONsteel Products: load bearing light gauge steel (Nucor Cold Finish Wisconsin, Inc.) framing systems for the commercial and Maryville, Missouri (Nucor LMP Steel, Inc) residential construction markets. BuilDiNGs GrOuP Products: metal buildings and metal building components for commercial, industrial and institutional building markets. Waterloo, Indiana Swansea, South Carolina Terrell, Texas Brigham City, Utah (Nucor Building Systems Utah, LLC) Eufaula, Alabama (American Buildings Company South) Carson City, Nevada (American Buildings Company West) Denton, Texas Dallas, Georgia OtHer Nu-irON uNlimiteD Products: Direct reduced iron for use as a charge material in our steelmaking operations. Point Lisas, Trinidad heavy structural steel products for fabricators, El Paso, Illinois construction companies, manufacturers and (American Buildings Company Midwest) steel service centers. Berkeley County, South Carolina LaCrosse, Virginia (American Buildings Company Atlantic) cOrPOrate Office Charlotte, North Carolina Lathrop, California (CBC Steel Buildings LLC) Portland, Tennessee (Kirby Building Systems LLC) Starkville, Mississippi steel mills steel PrODucts OtHer (Gulf States Manufacturers LLC) cOrPOrate Office Plate mills Products: steel plate for manufacturers of heavy equipment, rail cars, ships, barges, refinery tanks, pipe and tube, pressure vessels, construction and others. Hertford County, North Carolina Tuscaloosa, Alabama (Nucor Steel Tuscaloosa, Inc.) 12 OPeratiONs reVieW steel mills seGmeNt Bar mills, sHeet mills, structural mills aND Plate mills Nucor operates scrap-based steel mills in nineteen facilities. these mills utilize modern steelmaking techniques and produce steel at a cost competitive with steel manufactured anywhere in the world. Bar mills Nucor has eleven bar mills located in South Carolina, Nebraska, Texas, Utah, New York, Alabama, Illinois, Mississippi, Washington, Ohio and Connecticut that produce concrete reinforcing bars, hot rolled bars, rod, light shapes, structural angles and channel, wire mesh and guard rail in carbon and alloy steels. These products have a wide usage serving primarily the agricultural, automotive, construction, energy, furniture, machinery, metal building, railroad, recreational equipment, shipbuilding, heavy truck and trailer market segments. Four of the bar mills were constructed by Nucor between 1969 and 1981. Over the years, Nucor has completed extensive capital projects to keep these facilities modern and globally competitive. Nucor acquired the remaining seven bar mills since 2000, including the purchase of substantially all of the assets of Marion Steel Company (“Marion Steel”) in the second quarter of 2005 and substantially all of the assets of Connecticut Steel Corporation (“Connecticut Steel”) in the second quarter of 2006. Nucor Steel Marion, Inc. has the capacity to produce up to 450,000 tons annually and Nucor Steel Connecticut, Inc. has the capacity to produce up to 300,000 tons annually. With these recent acquisitions, the total capacity of our eleven bar mills is approximately 8,060,000 tons per year. sHeet mills The sheet mills produce flat-rolled steel for the automotive, appliance, pipe and tube, construction and other industries. The four sheet mills are located in Indiana, Arkansas, South Carolina and Alabama. Nucor constructed three of the sheet mills between 1989 and 1996. The constructed sheet mills utilize thin slab casters to produce hot rolled sheet. In 2002, Nucor’s wholly owned subsidiary Nucor Steel Decatur, LLC purchased substantially all the assets of Trico Steel Company, LLC. This sheet mill is located in Decatur, Alabama, and has an annual capacity of approximately 2,400,000 tons, initially expanding our sheet capacity by 30%. In 2004, Nucor Steel Decatur, LLC purchased the adjacent cold rolling mill of Worthington Industries, Inc. In 2008 Nucor plans to complete the construction of its fourth sheet steel galvanizing facility at the Decatur mill. Upon completion of this facility, all four of our sheet mills will be fully equipped with cold rolling mills and galvanizing lines for further processing of hot rolled sheet. The total capacity of the four sheet mills is approximately 10,800,000 tons per year. structural mills The structural mills produce wide flange steel beams, pilings and heavy structural steel products for fabricators, construction companies, manufacturers and steel service centers. In 1988, Nucor and Yamato Kogyo, one of Japan's major producers of wide-flange beams, completed construction of a beam mill located near Blytheville, Arkansas. Nucor owns a 51% interest in Nucor-Yamato Steel Company. During 1999, Nucor started operations at its 1,000,000 tons per year steel beam mill in South Carolina. Both mills use a special continuous casting method that produces a beam blank closer in shape to that of the finished beam than traditional methods. Current annual production capacity of our two structural mills is approximately 3,700,000 tons. Plate mills Nucor operates two plate mills. Nucor completed construction of its first plate mill, located in North Carolina, in 2000 with the competitive advantages of new, more efficient production technology. This mill produces plate for manufacturers of heavy equipment, rail cars, ships, barges, refinery tanks and others. In 2004, Nucor’s wholly owned subsidiary, Nucor Steel Tuscaloosa, Inc., purchased substantially all the assets of Corus Tuscaloosa. The Tuscaloosa mill has an annual capacity of 1,200,000 tons, and complements our product offering with thinner gauges of coiled and cut-to-length plate used in the pipe and tube, pressure vessel, transportation and construction industries. Current annual production capacity of our two plate mills is approximately 2,800,000 tons. 13 OPeratiONs Nucor’s steel mills are among the most modern and efficient mills in the United States. Recycled steel scrap and other metallics are melted in electric arc furnaces and poured into continuous casting systems. Highly sophisticated rolling mills convert the billets, blooms and slabs into rebar, angles, rounds, channels, flats, sheet, beams, plate and other products. Production in 2007 was 22,089,000 tons, a decrease of 1% from a record of 22,382,000 tons in 2006. Annual production capacity has grown from 120,000 tons in 1970 to a present total of more than 25,000,000 tons. The operations in the rolling mills are highly automated and require fewer operating employees than older mills. All Nucor steel mills have high productivity, which results in employment costs of approximately 7% of the sales dollar. Employee turnover in Nucor mills is extremely low. All employees have a significant part of their compensation based on their productivity. Production employees work under group incentives that provide increased earnings for increased production. This additional compensation is paid weekly. Steel mills are large consumers of electricity and gas. Total energy costs per ton remained flat from 2006 to 2007. Because of the efficiency of Nucor steel mills, these energy costs were less than 10% of the sales dollar in both years. Nucor is partially hedged against exposure to increases in energy costs. Scrap and scrap substitutes are the most significant element in the total cost of steel production. The average cost of scrap and scrap substitutes used increased 13% to $278 per ton in 2007 from $246 per ton in 2006. A raw material surcharge implemented in 2004 has allowed Nucor to maintain operating margins and to meet our commitments to customers in spite of highly volatile scrap and scrap substitute costs. markets aND marketiNG Approximately 92% of the nineteen steel mills' production in 2007 was sold to outside customers and the balance was used internally by the Vulcraft, Cold Finish, Rebar Fabrication, Buildings Group and Fastener divisions. Steel shipments to outside customers decreased 2% to 20,235,000 tons in 2007 from a record 20,649,000 tons in 2006. Our steel mill customers are primarily manufacturers, steel service centers and fabricators. The sheet mills continue to build long-term relationships with contract customers who purchase more value-added products. We enter 2008 with approximately 40% of our sheet mill volume committed to contract customers. Contract terms are typically six to twelve months in length with various renewal dates. These contracts are non-cancelable agreements with a pricing formula that varies based on raw material costs. The sheet mills will continue to pursue profitable contract business. GOVerNmeNt affairs In 2007, Nucor aggressively supported the adoption of a China Currency Bill that would identify the mercantilist practices of currency manipulation that result in distorted trade, an insurmountable trade deficit and the loss of manufacturing jobs in the United States. Several bills were generated in the House and Senate, but none were put into law. Our effort was broad, reaching across multiple industries, and ultimately drew attention to the domestic manufacturing job loss issue. In 2008, we hope that newly proposed legislation will unite Congress in an effort to maintain and enforce laws ensuring free and fair trade. Climate change legislation also became a paramount issue in 2007 with several bills generated in the Senate and multiple hearings held to discuss the implications on industry. The development of green house gas legislation will continue to evolve in 2008 and possibly 2009. Nucor’s carbon emissions per ton produced remain the lowest in the industry and, collectively, the steel industry in the United States has lowered its emissions by almost 30% since 1990. It is our intent that any new legislation will recognize these reductions and our recycling efforts. Finally, Nucor has worked aggressively to ensure that any legislation implemented maintains global standards so U.S. manufacturing jobs are not lost as a result of companies moving overseas to avoid the cost of climate change legislation. We continued our grass roots push with both Town Hall Meetings and Trade and Environmental Boot Camps. These events educate voters and legislators regarding the issues manufacturers are facing domestically and globally. Nucor will continue these events in 2008. Our goal remains to help state and federal legislators recognize the importance of domestic manufacturing and the serious threat these issues have for our customer base. We have also developed a well-embedded grass roots effort with our state legislators to help build support toward many other issues beyond trade, including currency manipulation, climate change, energy and taxes. 14 NeWer facilities aND eXPaNsiONs As part of our long-term growth strategy, Nucor continues to invest in existing operations, make greenfield investments utilizing advantageous new technologies, pursue acquisitions that are accretive to earnings and to pursue international growth. Capital expenditures in the steel mill segment totaled $216.0 million, $195.5 million and $410.0 million in 2005, 2006 and 2007, respectively. Nucor began operations of its 100%-owned Castrip facility in Crawfordsville, Indiana, in May 2002. This facility uses the breakthrough technology of strip casting, to which Nucor holds exclusive rights in the United States and Brazil. Strip casting involves the direct casting of molten steel into final shape and thickness without further hot or cold rolling. This process allows lower investment and operating costs, reduced energy consumption and smaller scale plants than can be economically built with existing technology. This process also reduces the overall environmental impact of producing steel by generating significantly lower emissions. Although we announced the successful commercialization of Castrip in 2004, this technology is still in its infancy, and we are making new and exciting discoveries every year. In December 2007, we achieved a new production record, continuously casting a sequence of 24 ladles of steel in a 38-hour period. In 2005, Nucor selected Blytheville, Arkansas, as the second Nucor location for a Castrip operation in the United States. The Blytheville, Arkansas, Castrip facility is expected to begin operating in the second half of 2008. In June 2005, Nucor’s wholly owned subsidiary, Nucor Steel Marion, Inc., purchased substantially all of the assets of Marion Steel for a cash purchase price of approximately $110.7 million. The facility is a bar products mill that manufactures angles, flats, rebar, rounds and signposts. Located in Marion, Ohio, the mill is in close proximity to 60% of the steel consumption in the United States. The facility has already grown its capacity from 400,000 tons to 450,000 tons largely as a result of our incentive based compensation program. In May 2006, Nucor’s wholly owned subsidiary, Nucor Steel Connecticut, Inc., purchased substantially all of the assets of Connecticut Steel Corporation for a cash purchase price of approximately $43.9 million. This facility produces wire rod, rebar, wire mesh and structural mesh products. Located in Wallingford, Connecticut, the bar products mill has an annual capacity of approximately 300,000 tons of wire rod and rebar and approximately 80,000 tons of wire mesh fabrication and structural mesh fabrication. In June 2006, Nucor announced plans to construct its fourth sheet steel galvanizing facility at its sheet mill in Decatur, Alabama, with a capital budget of about $152 million. Annual capacity will be approximately 500,000 tons per year and the facility will galvanize up to 72-inch wide sheet steel. Start-up is expected in mid-2008. The addition of this facility will increase Nucor’s total galvanizing annual capacity by one-third to 2,000,000 tons. In October 2006, Nucor announced plans to construct a special bar quality products steel mill in Memphis, Tennessee. The planned site was acquired in 2002 from the bankrupt Birmingham Steel Company and the project is utilizing some of the infrastructure existing at this location. The project is expected to cost approximately $300 million and to have an estimated annual capacity of 850,000 tons. The facility will produce high quality carbon and alloy rounds and round cornered squares from 2.25” to 9”, complementing the product offerings of Nucor’s Nebraska and South Carolina SBQ mills. Start-up is expected in the second quarter of 2008. In January 2008, Nucor announced the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding with the Duferco Group to establish a 50/50 joint venture for the production of beams and other long products in Italy, with distribution in Europe and North Africa. This joint venture will initially consist of the beam mills of Duferdofin, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Duferco Group, with a melt shop located in San Zeno, rolling mills in Pallanzeno and Giamorro and a new merchant bar mill that is under construction at the Giamorro site. The combined annual capacity of these mills exceeds 1,000,000 tons and will be closer to 2,000,000 tons with the Giamorro expansion. The joint venture partners will consider additional growth investments. We expect this joint venture to be established in the first half of 2008, pending completion of due diligence, approval of regulatory bodies and approval of the boards of directors of both companies. 15 22,500 18,000 13,500 9,000 4,500 s n o t f o s d n a s u o h t year 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 s t e e l P r O D u c t i O N 22,500 18,000 13,500 9,000 4,500 s n o t f o s d n a s u o h t 21,000 16,800 12,600 8,400 4,200 s n o t f o s d n a s u o h t year 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 year 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 s t e e l s H i P m e N t s t O O u t s i D e c u s t O m e r s T O T A L S T E E L S H I P M E N T S 16 steel PrODucts seGmeNt Vulcraft aND VercO are the nation’s largest producers and leading innovators of open-web steel joists, joist girders and steel deck, which are used primarily for non-residential building construction. OPeratiONs Steel joists and joist girders are produced and marketed nationally through seven Vulcraft facilities located in South Carolina, Nebraska, Alabama, Texas, Indiana, Utah and New York. Current annual production capacity is approximately 715,000 tons. In 2007, Vulcraft produced 542,000 tons of steel joists and joist girders, a decrease of 5% from the 570,000 tons produced in 2006. Material costs, primarily steel, were approximately 55% of the joist sales dollar in 2007 (53% in 2006). Vulcraft obtained 99% of its steel requirements for joists and joist girders from the Nucor bar mills in both 2007 and 2006. Freight costs for joists and joist girders were less than 10% of the sales dollar in both years. Vulcraft maintains an extensive fleet of trucks to ensure on-time delivery. Steel decking is produced and marketed nationally through nine deck plants located in South Carolina, Nebraska, Alabama, Texas, Indiana, New York, Arizona and two in California. Six of these plants were constructed by Nucor adjacent to Vulcraft joist facilities. In November 2006, Nucor’s wholly owned subsidiary, Verco Decking, Inc, purchased substantially all of the assets of Verco Manufacturing Company (“Verco”) for a cash purchase price of approximately $183.5 million. This acquisition included three deck plants located in Arizona and California, positioning Nucor to better supply the large western construction market. Current deck annual production capacity is approximately 530,000 tons. The addition of Verco contributed to record steel deck sales of 478,000 tons in 2007, an increase of 20% from 398,000 tons in 2006. Coiled sheet steel was approximately 65% of the steel deck sales dollar in 2007 (64% in 2006). In 2007, Nucor obtained 76% of its steel requirements for steel deck production from the Nucor sheet mills (99% in 2006). In 2007 and 2006, freight costs for deck were less than 10% of the sales dollar. Production employees of Vulcraft work with a group incentive system that provides increased compensation each week for increased performance. markets aND marketiNG Steel joists, joist girders and steel decking are used extensively as part of the roof and floor support systems in manufacturing buildings, retail stores, shopping centers, warehouses, schools, churches, hospitals and, to a lesser extent, in multi-story buildings and apartments. The majority of steel joists and joist girder sales are obtained by competitive bidding. Vulcraft quotes on a significant percentage of the domestic buildings using steel joists and joist girders as part of the support systems. In 2007, Vulcraft supplied more than 40% of total domestic sales of steel joists. Steel deck is specified in the majority of buildings using steel joists and joist girders. Steel deck is also used as concrete floor support in high rise buildings. In 2007, Vulcraft supplied more than 30% of total domestic sales of steel deck. Sales of steel joists, joist girders and steel deck are dependent on the non-residential building construction market. 17 625 500 375 250 125 s n o t f o s d n a s u o h t 500 400 300 200 100 s n o t f o s d n a s u o h t year 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 year 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 s t e e l J O i s t P r O D u c t i O N s t e e l D e c k s a l e s 18 reiNfOrciNG PrODucts Harris steel fabricates rebar for highways, bridges and other infrastructure, as well as commercial and multi-tenant residential construction markets. OPeratiONs In February 2004, Nucor acquired a one-half interest in Harris Steel, Inc., the U.S. reinforcing steel (“rebar”) fabrication business of Harris Steel Group, Inc. (“Harris Steel”), for a cash purchase price of approximately $21.0 million. After three successful years working together in this joint venture, in March 2007, Nucor acquired Harris Steel for a cash purchase price of approximately $1.06 billion with $68.4 million in debt assumed related to the net assets acquired. Harris Steel now operates as a subsidiary of Nucor, fabricating products in Canada and the U.S. At the acquisition date, Harris Steel had rebar fabrication annual capacity of about 770,000 tons per year. Harris Steel is operating as a growth platform within Nucor and completed the following rebar fabrication acquisitions in 2007: South Pacific Steel Corporation in June, Consolidated Rebar, Inc. in August and Rockford Fabricators in December. In November 2007, Harris Steel obtained a 90% equity interest in Barker Steel LLC, an entity created by combining the rebar operations of Barker Steel Company Inc. and Harris Steel locations in the northeastern U.S. The Harris Steel rebar fabrication business has grown by over 37% to an annual capacity of about 1,058,000 tons. Sales of fabricated rebar were 583,000 tons during the nine months that Harris Steel operated as a subsidiary of Nucor. markets aND marketiNG Reinforcing products are essential to concrete construction. They supply tensile strength as well as additional compressive strength, and protect the concrete from cracking. Harris Steel bids on and executes a wide variety of construction work primarily classified as infrastructure, including highways, bridges, reservoirs, utilities, hospitals, schools, airports and stadiums. Harris Steel is also active in commercial office building and multi-tenant residential (high-rise) construction. In most markets, Harris Steel sells reinforcing products on an installed basis; i.e., Harris Steel fabricates the reinforcing products for a specific application and performs installation. Harris Steel operates facilities across the U.S. and Canada, with each facility serving a local market. steel mesH, GratiNG aND fasteNer Nucor and its subsidiaries manufacture wire products, grating and industrial bolts. steel mesH Harris Steel produces steel mesh at its Laurel Steel and Laurel-LEC Steel operations. Nucor also produces steel mesh at Nucor Steel Connecticut, Inc. In October 2007, Nucor acquired substantially all of the assets of steel mesh producer Nelson Steel, Inc. (“Nelson”) for a cash purchase price of approximately $53.2 million. Nelson currently operates as Nucor Wire Products of Pennsylvania, Inc. The combined annual production capacity of the steel mesh facilities is approximately 233,000 tons. GratiNG With the acquisition of Harris Steel, Nucor continued to expand existing product offerings by entering into the steel grating market. Fisher & Ludlow, a division of Harris Steel, fabricates steel and aluminum bar grating, safety grating and expanded metal products in facilities located throughout North America. Fisher & Ludlow serves the new construction and maintenance-related markets with annual production capacity of approximately 90,000 tons. fasteNer Nucor Fastener’s state-of-the-art steel bolt-making facility in Indiana produces standard steel hexhead cap screws, hex bolts, structural bolts and custom-engineered fasteners. Fasteners are used in a broad range of markets, including automotive, machine tools, farm implements, construction and military applications. Annual capacity is more than 75,000 tons. Nucor Fastener’s dedication to quality, on-time delivery and exceptional customer service yields a competitive advantage in a very import-sensitive market. Nucor Fastener obtains much of its steel from the Nucor bar mills. 19 BuilDiNGs GrOuP aND liGHt GauGe steel framiNG Nucor manufactures custom-engineered and standard metal buildings and components and load bearing light gauge steel framing systems for the commercial, residential and institutional construction markets. BuilDiNGs GrOuP Nucor produces metal buildings and components throughout the U.S. Prior to 2007, Nucor had a single brand, Nucor Building Systems, which consisted of three facilities in Indiana, South Carolina and Texas. These plants have an annual capacity of 145,000 tons. In March 2008, Nucor expects to begin production at its newest Nucor Building Systems facility in Brigham City, Utah. The projected capacity at this plant is approximately 45,000 tons. In August of 2007, Nucor completed the acquisition of Magnatrax Corporation ("Magnatrax") via the merger of Magnatrax with a wholly owned subsidiary of Nucor, for a cash purchase price of approximately $275.2 million. Magnatrax’s seven fabricating plants located throughout the U.S. have annual capacity of approximately 290,000 tons. Magnatrax was a leading provider of custom-engineered metal buildings and components for the growing North American non-residential construction market. Although Nucor has retired the Magnatrax name, we retained Magnatrax’s four metal buildings brands: American Buildings Company, Kirby Building Systems, Gulf States Manufacturers and CBC Steel Buildings. Once the Brigham City, Utah, plant is operational, Nucor’s newly-named Buildings Group will have eleven metal buildings plants with an annual capacity of approximately 480,000 tons. The size of the buildings that can be produced ranges from less than 1,000 square feet to more than 1,000,000 square feet. Complete metal building packages can be customized and combined with other materials such as glass, wood and masonry to produce a cost-effective, aesthetically pleasing building designed for customers’ special requirements. The buildings are sold primarily through an independent builder distribution network in order to provide fast-track, customized solutions for building owners. The Buildings Group sales in 2007 were a record 195,000 tons (116,000 tons in 2006). The primary markets are commercial, industrial and institutional buildings, including distribution centers, automobile dealerships, retail centers, schools, warehouses and manufacturing facilities. The Buildings Group obtains a significant portion of its steel requirements from the Nucor bar and sheet mills. liGHt GauGe steel framiNG NUCONSTEEL™ (“Nucon”) specializes in load bearing light gauge steel framing systems for the commercial and residential construction markets with fabrication facilities in Texas and Georgia. Nucon also sells its proprietary products through a growing network of authorized fabricators located throughout the United States. In 2004, Nucon introduced two new low-cost automated fabrication systems for residential construction: the NUFRAME™ automated wall panel system and the NUTRUSS® automated truss system. Nucon uses these systems in its residential wall panel and truss fabrication facility in Texas and has formed a separate group within Nucon to sell and license the systems to third parties. In March 2006, Nucor formed a joint venture with Lennar Corporation. NEXFRAME, LP was established to provide comprehensive light gauge steel framing solutions for residential construction markets across the nation. Nucor plans to continue to aggressively broaden Nucon’s opportunities through geographic expansion and the introduction of new products. s n o t f o s d n a s u o h t 200 160 120 80 40 year 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 B u i l D i N G s G r O u P s a l e s 20 cOlD fiNisH Nucor is North america’s largest producer of cold finish products for a wide range of industrial markets. Nucor Cold Finish is the largest producer of cold finish bars in North America and has facilities in Nebraska, South Carolina, Utah, Wisconsin, Missouri and Ontario, Canada. Three of these facilities were originally constructed by Nucor between 1978 and 1983 while the remaining facilities were purchased through acquisitions beginning in 2005. As part of the Harris Steel acquisition in March 2007, Nucor added the Laurel Cold Finish operation with annual capacity of approximately 225,000 tons. In August 2007, Nucor purchased the assets of LMP Steel & Wire Company (“LMP”) in Maryville, Missouri for a cash purchase price of approximately $27.2 million. With approximately 100,000 tons of annual capacity, LMP is a producer of cold finish bar and wire, servicing the construction and OEM markets in North America. The total capacity of the Nucor Cold Finish bar and wire facilities is approximately 860,000 tons per year. These facilities produce cold drawn, turned, ground and polished steel bars that are used extensively for shafting and precision machined parts. Nucor Cold Finish produces rounds, hexagons, flats and squares in carbon, alloy and leaded steels. These bars, in turn, are purchased by the automotive, farm machinery, hydraulic, appliance and electric motor industries as well as by service centers. Nucor Cold Finish bars are used in tens of thousands of products. A few examples include anchor bolts, farm machinery, hydraulic cylinders and shafting for air conditioner compressors, ceiling fan motors, garage door openers, electric motors and lawn mowers. All of Nucor’s cold finish facilities are among the most modern in the world and most use in-line electronic testing to ensure outstanding quality. Nucor Cold Finish obtains most of its steel from the Nucor bar mills. This factor, along with our facilities’ use of the latest technology, results in a highly competitive cost structure. In 2007, sales of cold finish steel products were a record 449,000 tons, an increase of 37% from 327,000 tons in 2006. The total U.S. cold finish market is estimated to be approximately 2,000,000 tons. The 2007 acquisitions represent the continuation of our successful growth strategy to expand through strategic acquisitions, both domestically and internationally. Our market presence in the cold finish arena is larger than it has ever been, and Nucor Cold Finish anticipates opportunities for significant increases in sales and earnings during the next several years. 500 400 300 200 100 s n o t f o s d n a s u o h t year 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 c O l D f i N i s H s t e e l s a l e s 21 OtHer Nucor is vertically integrated, controlling a growing part of its supply chain from iron production to scrap trading and distribution. raW materials strateGY Nucor has an established raw materials strategy to control six to seven million tons per year of high quality metallics for consumption at its steel mills. In April 2002, Nucor entered a joint venture with The Rio Tinto Group, Mitsubishi Corporation and Chinese steel maker Shougang Corporation to construct a commercial HIsmelt® plant in Kwinana, Western Australia. The HIsmelt process converts iron ore fines and coal fines to liquid metal, eliminating the need for a blast furnace, sinter/pellet plants and coke ovens. Nucor has a 25% interest in the joint venture that owns the HIsmelt commercial plant. Construction was completed and start-up commenced in 2005. This plant has an initial annual capacity of 800,000 metric tons and is expandable to over 1,500,000 metric tons. In September 2004, Nucor acquired the assets of an idled direct reduced iron (“DRI”) plant located in Louisiana and subsequently moved these assets to Trinidad. Construction is complete and heat-up commenced in December 2006. In January 2007, Nucor announced the successful start-up of Nu-Iron Unlimited. We produced over 1,400,000 metric tons in our first year of operation and expect to produce 1,800,000 metric tons in 2008. The Nu-Iron team is working on plans to expand this capacity. The Trinidad site benefits from a low cost supply of natural gas and favorable logistics for receipt of Brazilian iron ore and shipment of DRI to the U.S. The HIsmelt and Nu-Iron projects represent the initial steps in the execution of Nucor’s raw materials strategy. Nucor announced in February 2008 the acquisition of SHV North America Corporation, which owns 100% of The David J. Joseph Company and certain related affiliates, for a cash purchase price of approximately $1.44 billion. Since scrap is our largest single cost, this strategic investment provides an ideal growth platform for Nucor to expand its direct ownership in the steel scrap supply chain and further its raw materials strategy. DJJ operates over 30 scrap processing facilities with an annual capacity to process 3.5 million tons of ferrous scrap. Additionally, DJJ brokers over 20 million tons of ferrous scrap; internationally sources scrap, pig iron and scrap substitutes; and brokers ferro-alloys and over one half billion pounds of non-ferrous metals. The DJJ Mill and Industrial Services business provides logistics and metallurgical blending operations and offers on-site handling and trading of industrial scrap. The DJJ Rail Services business oversees the largest private fleet of rail cars dedicated to scrap movement and offers complete railcar fleet management and leases for third parties. All of these businesses have strategic value to Nucor as the most diversified North American steel producer. We expect this acquisition to be completed in the first quarter of 2008. steel traDiNG & DistriButiON In March, 2007, Nucor acquired a 75% interest in Novosteel S.A. (“Novosteel”), a Switzerland-based steel trading company, through its acquisition of Harris Steel. Novosteel matches buyers and sellers of steel products on a global basis and offers its customers logistics support, material handling, quality certifications and schedule management. Novosteel provides an excellent platform as Nucor continues to pursue profitable growth on a global basis. Harris Steel also operates Harris Supply Solutions, a distributor of reinforcing products primarily serving the single family residential and light commercial construction markets in the United States. 22 maNaGemeNt’s DiscussiON aND aNal Ysis Of fiNaNcial cONDitiON aND results Of OPeratiONs OVerVieW Nucor is principally a manufacturer of steel and steel products with operating facilities and customers primarily located in North America. Additionally, Nucor is North America’s largest recycler. Nucor reports its results in two segments, steel mills and steel products. Principal products from the steel mills segment are hot-rolled steel (angles, rounds, flats, channels, sheet, wide-flange beams, pilings, billets, blooms, beam blanks and plate) and cold-rolled steel. Principal products from the steel products segment are steel joists and joist girders, steel deck, fabricated concrete reinforcing steel, cold finish steel, steel fasteners, metal building systems, light gauge steel framing, steel grating and expanded metal, and wire and wire mesh. Hot-rolled steel is manufactured principally from scrap, utilizing electric arc furnaces, continuous casting and automated rolling mills. Cold-rolled steel, cold finished steel, steel joists and joist girders, fabricated concrete reinforcing steel, grating and expanded metal, cold drawn wire and steel fasteners are manufactured by further processing of hot-rolled steel. Steel deck, light gauge steel framing and wire mesh are manufactured from cold-rolled and cold drawn steel. In 2007, approximately 92% of the steel mills segment production was sold to non-affiliated customers; the remainder was used internally by the steel products segment. During the last five years, Nucor’s sales have increased over 245% from $4.80 billion in 2002 to $16.59 billion in 2007. Average sales price per ton more than doubled from $357 in 2002 to $723 in 2007. Total tons sold to external customers have increased 71% from 13,442,000 tons in 2002 to 22,940,000 tons in 2007. This growth has been generated through acquisitions, optimizing existing operations and developing traditional greenfield projects using new technologies. For the sixth consecutive year, Nucor achieved record sales in 2007 due to historically high selling prices and shipments. Although net earnings decreased from 2006’s record high, 2007 is the second-best earnings year in Nucor’s history. facilities aquired after 2001 all other facilities 750 600 450 300 150 s r a l l o d 22,500 18,000 13,500 9,000 4,500 s n o t f o s d n a s u o h t year 02 03 04 05 06 07 year 02 03 04 05 06 07 aV e r a G e s a l e s P r i c e P e r t O N t O ta l t O N s s O l D t O O u t s i D e c u s t O m e r s In recent years, we have strengthened Nucor’s position as North America’s most diversified steel producer. With this product line diversity, Nucor’s short-term performance is not tied to any one market. This diversity has been a significant factor in Nucor’s ability to maintain profitability every year and every quarter since 1966. 23 DiVe r s i f i eD PrO Du c t m iX total tons sold to Outside customers in 2007 12% sheet Bar structural Plate Downstream steel products, including steel joists, steel deck, reinforcing products, cold finish and building systems 36% 11% 14% 27% cOmParisON Of 2007 tO 2006 Net sales Net sales for 2007 increased 12% to $16.59 billion, compared with $14.75 billion in 2006. The average sales price per ton increased 8% from $667 in 2006 to $723 in 2007, while total shipments to outside customers increased 4%. In the steel mills segment, net sales to external customers increased 2% from $13.03 billion in 2006 to $13.31 billion in 2007. The increase in sales was due to higher average selling prices, which was slightly offset by lower volume. Net sales to external customers in the steel products segment increased 77% from $1.73 billion in 2006 to $3.05 billion in 2007. Approximately 90% of this increase was due to acquisitions made in 2007. Approximately two-thirds of the remaining increase is due to higher average selling prices, with the remaining increase due to increased volume. Total steel shipments, including those to the steel products segment, remained flat at 22,347,000 tons in 2007, compared with 22,346,000 tons in the previous year. Steel sales to outside customers decreased 2% to 20,235,000 tons in 2007, compared with 20,649,000 tons in 2006. In the steel products segment, steel joist production for 2007 decreased to 542,000 tons, compared with 570,000 tons in the previous year. Steel deck sales increased to a record 478,000 tons in 2007, compared with 398,000 tons in 2006. Cold finish steel sales were a record 449,000 tons in 2007, compared with 327,000 tons in the previous year. With the acquisition of Harris Steel near the end of the first quarter of 2007, sales of fabricated concrete reinforcing steel were 583,000 tons in 2007 (none in 2006). 300 240 cOst Of PrODucts sOlD The major component of cost of products sold is raw material costs. The average volume of raw materials used increased approximately 3% from 2006 to 2007. While the volume of raw materials used remained flat in the steel mills segment, the volume used in the steel products segment almost doubled due to the magnitude of the acquisitions made during the year. The average price of raw materials increased 13% in the steel mills segment and increased 9% in the steel products segment from 2006 to 2007. The average scrap and scrap substitute cost per ton used in our steel mills segment increased 13% from $246 in 2006 to $278 in 2007. 180 120 60 s r a l l o d year 05 4th Q 05 06 4th Q 06 07 4th Q 07 aV e r a G e s c r a P a N D s c r a P s u B s t i t u t e c O s t P e r t O N u s e D 24 Nucor incurred a charge to value inventories using the last-in, first-out (“LIFO”) method of accounting of $194.3 million in 2007, compared with a charge of $5.4 million in 2006. Another significant component of cost of products sold for the steel mills segment is energy costs, since steel mills are large consumers of electricity and natural gas. Total energy costs per ton remained flat from 2006 to 2007 as decreases in natural gas prices offset increases in electricity prices. Due to the efficiency of Nucor’s steel mills, energy costs remained less than 10% of the sales dollar in 2007 and 2006. We expect that our total energy costs will remain high in 2008. Nucor is hedging a portion of its exposure to the variability of future cash flows for forecasted natural gas purchases over various time periods not exceeding three years. In 2007, the settlement of these hedging transactions increased cost of products sold by approximately $18.0 million (increased cost of products sold by $6.8 million in 2006). In addition to these hedges, Nucor has entered into natural gas purchase contracts that commit Nucor to purchase $777.3 million of natural gas through 2028. These natural gas purchase contracts primarily supply our DRI facility in Trinidad. Environmental costs also affect cost of products sold, primarily in the steel mills segment. Nucor revises estimates for environmental reserves as additional information becomes available and projects are completed. In 2007 Nucor made approximately $4.5 million in cash payments for remedial efforts and increased reserves by approximately $1.2 million ($3.9 million in cash payments and a $2.9 million increase to reserves in 2006). Amortization expense recorded in cost of products sold increased from $1.3 million in 2006 to $24.4 million in 2007. The increase is due to the acquisitions that occurred in 2007, which resulted in approximately $489.3 million of amortizable intangible assets. GrOss marGiN Gross margins decreased from 24% in 2006 to 19% in 2007. In addition to the events and trends discussed above, gross margins are affected by pre-operating and start-up costs. Nucor defines pre-operating and start-up costs, all of which are expensed, as the losses attributable to facilities or major projects that are either under construction or in the early stages of operation. Once these facilities or projects have attained a utilization rate that is consistent with our similar operating facilities, they are no longer considered to be in start-up. Pre-operating and start-up costs of new facilities increased to $56.1 million in 2007, compared with $49.1 million in 2006. In 2007, these costs primarily related to the HIsmelt project in Australia, the construction of our SBQ mill in Memphis, Tennessee, and the start-up of our Nucor Building Systems plant in Brigham City, Utah. In 2006, these costs primarily related to the refurbishment and start-up of our DRI facility in Trinidad and to the Hlsmelt project. marketiNG, aDmiNistratiVe aND OtHer eXPeNses The major components of marketing, administrative and other expenses are freight and profit sharing costs. Unit freight costs increased 3% from 2006 to 2007 primarily due to higher fuel costs. Profit sharing costs, which are based upon and fluctuate with pre-tax earnings, decreased approximately 22% from 2006 to 2007. In 2007, profit sharing costs included $229.9 million for contributions to a Profit Sharing and Retirement Savings Plan for qualified employees, compared with $272.6 million in 2006. In 2006, all employees except for senior officers received a special cash bonus of $2,000 in addition to their regular profit-sharing payments. This extraordinary bonus was paid to employees for the achievement of record earnings during the year, resulting in additional profit sharing costs of approximately $23.8 million in 2006. No such extraordinary bonus was paid in 2007. Profit sharing costs also fluctuate based on Nucor’s achievement of certain financial performance goals, including comparisons of Nucor’s financial performance to peers in the steel industry and to other high-performing companies. Stock-based compensation included in marketing, administrative and other expenses remained flat at $17.3 million in 2007 compared with $17.1 million in 2006. Since stock-based compensation is impacted by changes in Nucor’s stock price and net earnings, the 16% decrease in Nucor’s net earnings was offset by the 8% increase in the stock price. iNterest eXPeNse (iNcOme) Net interest expense (income) is detailed below: Year ended December 31, Interest expense Interest income Interest expense (income), net 2007 $ 51,106 (45,637) $ 5,469 (in thousands) 2006 $ 40,351 (77,716) $ ( 37, 365) 25 Gross interest expense increased approximately 27% primarily due to increased average debt outstanding, accompanied by increased average interest rates. During the fourth quarter of 2007, Nucor issued $1.3 billion in notes at rates slightly higher than the majority of the existing debt. Gross interest income decreased approximately 41% primarily due to a decrease in average investments, partially offset by an increase in the average interest rate earned on investments. Average investments decreased 50% due to the cash payments of $1.54 billion for acquisitions and $754.0 million for repurchases of common stock during the year. miNOritY iNterests Minority interests represent the income attributable to the minority partners of Nucor’s joint ventures: Nucor-Yamato Steel Company (“NYS”), Novosteel S.A. and Barker Steel Company. Income attributable to minority interests increased approximately 34% from $219.1 million in 2006 to $293.5 million in 2007. Cash distributions to minority interests increased from $174.7 million in 2006 to $263.1 million in 2007. Under the NYS limited partnership agreement, the minimum amount of cash to be distributed each year to the partners is the amount needed by each partner to pay applicable U.S. federal and state income taxes. In some years the amount of cash distributed to minority interests exceeds amounts allocated to minority interests based on mutual agreement of the general partners; however, the cumulative amount of cash distributed to partners is less than the cumulative net earnings of the partnership. PrOVisiON fOr iNcOme taXes Nucor had an effective tax rate of 34.68% in 2007 compared with 34.75% in 2006. In 2007, Nucor recorded refundable state income tax credits of $10.7 million ($12.6 million in 2006). Net earNiNGs aND returN ON eQuitY Net earnings and earnings per share for 2007 decreased 16% and 13%, respectively, to $1.47 billion and $4.94 per diluted share, compared with a record $1.76 billion and $5.68 per diluted share in 2006. Net earnings as a percentage of net sales were 8.9% in 2007 compared with 11.9% in 2006. The 13% decrease in earnings per share also reflects the effect of repurchasing approximately 14.1 million shares of outstanding common stock during 2007. Return on average stockholders’ equity was 29.5% and 38.3% in 2007 and 2006, respectively. 5.75 4.60 3.45 2.30 1.15 cOmParisON Of 2006 tO 2005 Net sales Net sales for 2006 increased 16% to $14.75 billion, compared with $12.70 billion in 2005. The average sales price per ton increased 7% from $621 in 2005 to $667 in 2006, while total shipments to outside customers increased 8%. In the steel mills segment, net sales to external customers increased 18% from $11.06 billion in 2005 to $13.03 billion in 2006. Approximately 50% of the sales increase was due to higher sales volume resulting from increased demand for our products, as well as additional production capacity obtained from acquisitions made in 2005 and 2006. The remaining 50% of the increase in sales was due to higher average selling prices. Net sales to external customers in the steel products segment increased 5% from $1.64 billion in 2005 to $1.73 billion in 2006. Approximately 70% of the increase was due to higher average selling prices and approximately 30% of the increase was due to increased volume, reflecting an improved non-residential construction market. Nucor established annual tonnage records in the steel mills segment for total steel shipments and steel shipments to outside customers in 2006. Total steel shipments, including those to the steel products segment, increased 8% to 22,346,000 tons in 2006, compared with 20,669,000 tons in the previous year. Steel sales to outside customers increased 9% to 20,649,000 tons in 2006, compared with 19,020,000 tons in 2005. In the steel products segment, production and shipment volumes increased s r a l l o d t n e c r e p year 02 03 04 05 06 07 D i l u t e D e a r N i N G s P e r s H a r e 40 32 24 16 8 year 02 03 04 05 06 07 returN ON aVeraGe stOckHOlDers’ eQuitY 26 over 2005 across most major product lines. Steel joist production for 2006 increased to 570,000 tons, compared with 554,000 tons in the previous year. Steel deck sales increased to a record 398,000 tons in 2006, compared with 380,000 tons in 2005. Cold finish steel sales were 327,000 tons in 2006, compared with 342,000 tons in the previous year. cOst Of PrODucts sOlD The major component of cost of products sold is raw material costs. The volume of raw materials used increased approximately 8% from 2005 to 2006, consisting of an increase of 9% in the steel mills segment and a decrease of 1% in the steel products segment. The average price of raw materials remained unchanged in the steel mills segment and increased 1% in the steel products segment from 2005 to 2006. The average scrap and scrap substitute cost per ton used in our steel mills segment increased 1% from $244 in 2005 to $246 in 2006. Nucor incurred a charge to value inventories using the last-in, first-out method of accounting of $5.4 million in 2006, compared with a credit of $151.6 million in 2005 when the costs of scrap and scrap substitutes were decreasing. Total energy costs decreased approximately $1 per ton from 2005 to 2006 as natural gas prices decreased approximately 10% and electricity prices increased approximately 2%. Energy costs remained less than 10% of the sales dollar in 2006 and 2005. In 2006, the settlement of natural gas hedging transactions increased cost of products sold by approximately $6.8 million (reduced cost of products sold by $12.4 million in 2005). In 2006 Nucor made approximately $3.9 million in cash payments for environmental remedial efforts and increased reserves by approximately $2.9 million ($12.2 million in cash payments and a $9.4 million decrease to reserves in 2005). GrOss marGiN Gross margins increased from 20% in 2005 to 24% in 2006. In addition to the events and trends discussed above, gross margins are affected by pre-operating and start-up costs. Pre-operating and start-up costs of new facilities increased to $49.1 million in 2006, compared with $14.4 million in 2005. In 2006, these costs primarily related to the refurbishment and start-up of our DRI facility in Trinidad, and to the Hlsmelt project in Australia. In 2005, these costs primarily related to the relocation of the DRI plant and its refurbishment, and to the HIsmelt project. marketiNG, aDmiNistratiVe aND OtHer eXPeNses Unit freight costs increased 8% from 2005 to 2006 primarily due to higher fuel costs. Profit sharing costs, which are based upon and fluctuate with pre-tax earnings, increased approximately 30% from 2005 to 2006. In 2006, profit sharing costs included $272.6 million for contributions to a Profit Sharing and Retirement Savings Plan for qualified employees, compared with $206.0 million in 2005. Profit sharing costs in 2006 and 2005 included an additional $23.8 million and $22.6 million, respectively, in extraordinary bonuses paid to employees for the achievement of record earnings during the year. Stock-based compensation expense in marketing, administrative and other expenses increased from $6.7 million in 2005 to $17.1 million in 2006. Since stock based compensation is impacted by changes in Nucor’s stock price, this increase was primarily due to the 64% increase in Nucor’s stock price from 2005 to 2006, compared with an increase of 27% from 2004 to 2005. The additional stock-based compensation expense incurred in 2006 was also due to the granting of restricted stock units to key employees, officers and non-employee directors for the first time in 2006 and the expensing of stock options for the first time in 2006 due to the adoption of Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 123(R), “Share-Based Payment.” iNterest (iNcOme) eXPeNse Net interest (income) expense is detailed below: Year ended December 31, Interest income Interest expense Interest (income) expense, net 2006 $(77,716) 40,351 $(37,365) (in thousands) 2005 $(32,370) 36,571 $ 4,201 Gross interest income more than doubled due to increases in average cash equivalents and short-term investments and, to a lesser extent, due to increases in average interest rates. Gross interest expense increased approximately 10% primarily due to increased average interest rates. 27 miNOritY iNterests Income attributable to minority interests almost doubled from $110.7 million in 2005 to $219.1 million in 2006. Cash distributions to minority interests increased from $89.9 million in 2005 to $174.7 million in 2006. OtHer iNcOme In 2005, Nucor received $9.2 million in settlement of claims against third parties related to environmental matters (none in 2006). PrOVisiON fOr iNcOme taXes Nucor had an effective tax rate of 34.75% in 2006 compared with 35.02% in 2005. In 2006, the Internal Revenue Service completed its examination of our 2002 through 2004 tax returns. The 2006 tax rate reflects an approximately 0.26% reduction to the federal statutory tax rate as a result of the reevaluation of our liabilities and contingencies in light of the completion of the examination. In 2006, Nucor recorded refundable state income tax credits of $12.6 million ($10.4 million in 2005). Net earNiNGs aND returN ON eQuitY Net earnings and earnings per share for 2006 increased 33% and 37%, respectively, to a record $1.76 billion and $5.68 per diluted share, compared with $1.32 billion and $4.15 per diluted share in 2005. Net earnings as a percentage of net sales were 11.9% in 2006 compared with 10.4% in 2005. The 37% increase in earnings per share also reflects the effect of repurchasing approximately 11.7 million shares of outstanding common stock during 2006. Return on average stockholders’ equity was 38.3% and 33.8% in 2006 and 2005, respectively. liQuiDitY aND caPital resOurces Cash flows provided by operating activities provide us with a significant source of liquidity. When needed, we also have external short-term financing sources available including the issuance of commercial paper and borrowings under our bank credit facilities. We also issue long-term debt from time to time. We have earned long-term debt ratings of A+ by Standard and Poor’s and A1 by Moody’s Investors Services, the highest ratings of any metals and mining company in North America. We believe our strong financial position and our industry-high credit rating provide us with the ability to obtain additional capital on a cost-effective basis. We anticipate that cash flows from operations and our existing borrowing capacity will be sufficient to fund expected normal operating costs, working capital, dividends and capital expenditures for our existing facilities. Any future significant acquisitions could require additional financing from external sources. During 2007, cash and cash equivalents increased 77% to $1.39 billion, short-term investments decreased 87% to $182.5 million, and working capital increased 7% to $3.49 billion. Short-term investments consist solely of variable rate demand notes (“VRDNs”), which are variable rate bonds tied to short-term interest rates, but with stated maturities in excess of 90 days. All VRDNs in which Nucor invests are secured by direct-pay letters of credit issued by high-credit quality financial institutions. This credit enhancement provides a high degree of security and liquidity to the VRDNs. Nucor is able to receive a cash payment in the amount of its principal invested and interest accrued on the VRDNs no later than seven days after notifying the financial institution that it has elected to tender the VRDNs. December 31, Cash and cash equivalents Short-term investments Working capital Current ratio 2007 (in thousands) 2006 $1,393,943 $ 785,651 182,450 3,491,213 3.2 1,410,633 3,261,148 3.3 The current ratio decreased to 3.2 at December 31, 2007 compared with 3.3 at December 31, 2006. Approximately $225.3 million and $199.6 million of the cash and cash equivalents position at December 31, 2007 and December 31, 2006, respectively, was held by our 51%-owned joint venture, Nucor-Yamato Steel Company. We have a simple capital structure with no off-balance sheet financing arrangements or relationships with unconsolidated special purpose entities. Nucor uses derivative financial instruments from time-to-time primarily to manage the exposure to price risk related to natural gas purchases used in the production process, to manage exposure to changes in interest rates on outstanding debt instruments and to manage foreign currency risk. 28 OPeratiNG actiVities Nucor generated cash provided by operating activities of $1.94 billion in 2007 compared with a record $2.25 billion in 2006, a decrease of 14%. This decrease was primarily the result of the 16% decrease in net earnings. In addition, changes in operating assets and liabilities (exclusive of acquisitions) used cash of $202.5 million in 2007 compared with $83.8 million cash used in 2006. Accounts receivable increased in 2007 due to increased sales volumes and increased average prices. Salaries, wages and related accruals decreased due to the reduction in profit sharing. iNVestiNG actiVities Our business is capital intensive; therefore, cash used in investing activities represents capital expenditures for new facilities, the expansion and upgrading of existing facilities, and the acquisition of other companies. Additionally, the cash used in investing activities includes investments in joint ventures and purchases of and proceeds from the sale of investments. Cash used in investing activities decreased to $856.1 million in 2007 compared with $1.15 billion in 2006. Nucor invested $520.4 million in new facilities (exclusive of acquisitions) and expansion or upgrading of existing facilities in 2007 compared with $338.4 million in 2006, an increase of 54%. 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 s r a l l o d f o s n o i l l i m year 02 03 04 05 06 07 c a s H P r O V i D e D B Y O P e r at i O N s Existing cash and cash equivalents and short-term investments of approximately $1.54 billion funded the acquisitions of Harris Steel, Magnatrax Corporation and several other companies in 2007. In 2006, Nucor acquired the assets of Connecticut Steel and Verco for $223.9 million. In the first quarter of 2007, Nucor sold its interest in Ferro Gusa Carajás S. A., a pig iron joint venture in northern Brazil, to its partner, Companhia Vale do Rio Doce (“CVRD”). Nucor has entered into an off-take agreement with CVRD for the production of this facility. fiNaNciNG actiVities Cash used in financing activities decreased to $470.9 million in 2007 compared with $1.30 billion in 2006. In November 2007, Nucor issued $300 million in 5.00% notes due in 2012, $600 million of 5.75% notes due in 2017 and $400 million of 6.40% notes due in 2037. Also in 2007, Nucor increased its base dividend and paid a quarterly supplemental dividend, resulting in dividend payments increasing from $577.8 million in 2006 to $726.1 million in 2007. During 2007, Nucor repurchased approximately 14.1 million shares of Nucor’s common stock at a cost of approximately $754.0 million under the stock repurchase program. In September 2007, the board of directors approved the repurchase of up to an additional 30 million shares of common stock, all of which remain available for repurchase. The percentage of long-term debt to total capital (long-term debt plus minority interests plus stockholders’ equity) was 29% and 15% at year-end 2007 and 2006, respectively. In 2007, Nucor amended its five-year unsecured revolving credit facility which now matures in November 2012 and provides for up to $1.0 billion in revolving loans. Up to the equivalent of $850.0 million of the credit facility will be available for foreign currency loans, and up to $500.0 million is available for the issuance of letters of credit. The credit facility may be increased by up to $300.0 million at the election of the Company in accordance with the terms set forth in the credit agreement. No borrowings were outstanding under the credit facility as of December 31, 2007. market risk All of Nucor’s industrial revenue bonds have variable interest rates that are adjusted weekly or annually. These industrial revenue bonds represent 19% of Nucor’s long-term debt outstanding at December 31, 2007. The remaining 81% of Nucor’s long-term debt is at fixed rates. Future changes in interest rates are not expected to significantly impact earnings. From time to time, Nucor makes use of interest rate swaps to manage interest rate risk. As of December 31, 2007, there were no such contracts outstanding. Nucor’s 29 practice is to invest in securities that are highly liquid with short maturities. As a result, we do not expect changes in interest rates to have a significant impact on the value of our investment securities. Nucor also uses derivative financial instruments from time to time primarily to manage its exposure to price risk related to natural gas purchases used in the production process. Nucor, generally, does not enter into derivative instruments for any purpose other than hedging the cash flows associated with specific volumes of commodities that will be purchased and processed in future periods and hedging the exposures related to changes in the fair value of outstanding fixed rate debt instruments. Nucor recognizes all derivative instruments in the consolidated balance sheets at fair value. Prior to the acquisition of Harris Steel, Nucor was principally a domestic manufacturer of steel and steel products with customers located primarily in the U.S. Nucor was exposed to currency fluctuations, however, due to its joint ventures in Brazil and Australia and the direct reduced iron facility in Trinidad. When the Company entered into the agreement to acquire Harris Steel in January 2007, Nucor became exposed to Canadian currency fluctuations and hedged a portion of the exposure associated with the closing of the transaction in March 2007. The Company continues to be exposed to foreign currency risk through its operations in Canada, Trinidad and Australia. cONtractual OBliGatiONs aND OtHer cOmmercial cOmmitmeNts The following table sets forth our contractual obligations and other commercial commitments as of December 31, 2007 for the periods presented. Payments Due By Period (in thousands) contractual Obligations Long-term debt total 2008 2009 - 2010 2011 - 2012 2013 and thereafter $2,250,300 $ — $ 180,400 $ 650,000 $1,419,900 Estimated interest on long-term debt(1) 1,639,387 118,016 214,762 209,134 1,097,475 Operating leases Raw material purchase commitments(2) Utility purchase commitments(2) Other unconditional purchase obligations(3) Other long-term obligations(4) 40,532 2,940,978 1,170,304 366,603 249,983 9,134 893,047 270,551 366,447 104,410 11,718 870,011 219,669 153 44,301 5,480 681,676 101,732 3 14,200 496,244 578,352 — 6,504 94,768 total contractual obligations $8,658,087 $1,761,605 $1,541,014 $1,654,529 $3,700,939 (1) Interest is estimated using applicable rates at December 31, 2007 for Nucor’s outstanding fixed and variable rate debt. (2) Nucor enters into contracts for the purchase of scrap and scrap substitutes, iron ore, electricity, natural gas and other raw materials and related services. These contracts include multi-year commitments and minimum annual purchase requirements and are valued at prices in effect on December 31, 2007 or according to the contract language. These contracts are part of normal operations and are reflected in historical operating cash flow trends. We do not believe such commitments will adversely affect our liquidity position. (3) Purchase obligations include commitments for capital expenditures on operating machinery and equipment. (4) Other long-term obligations include amounts associated with Nucor’s early retiree medical benefits and management compensation. Note: In addition to the amounts shown in the table above, $102.2 million of unrecognized tax benefits have been recorded as liabilities in accordance with FIN 48, and we are uncertain as to if or when such amounts may be settled. Related to these unrecognized tax benefits, we have also recorded a liability for potential penalties and interest of $30 million at December 31, 2007. DiViDeNDs Nucor has increased its base cash dividend every year since it began paying dividends in 1973. In 2007, in addition to increasing the base dividend, the board of directors approved a supplemental dividend based on Nucor’s strong performance. Nucor paid dividends of $2.43 per share in 2007 compared with $1.88 per share in 2006. In February 2008, the board of directors approved a 7% increase in Nucor’s quarterly base dividend to $0.32 per share and announced a supplemental dividend of $0.20 per share, for a total quarterly dividend of $0.52 per share. The payment of any future supplemental dividends will depend upon many factors, including Nucor’s earnings, cash flows and financial position. Nucor’s dividends paid to stockholders have increased more than eleven-fold since 2003: $62 million paid in 2003, $70 million paid in 2004, $210 million paid in 2005, $578 million paid in 2006 and $726 million paid in 2007. 30 OutlOOk Our objective is to maintain a strong balance sheet while pursuing profitable growth. We expect to obtain additional capacity through optimizing existing operations, pursuing strategic acquisitions, continuing greenfield construction utilizing advantageous new technologies and growing globally with an emphasis on opportunities that leverage technologies and strategic partnerships. Capital expenditures are currently projected to be approximately $800 million in 2008, an increase of more than 50% over our capital expenditures in 2007. Nucor continues to invest capital in our core operations to keep them state-of-the-art and globally competitive. In the steel mills segment, total steel production is anticipated to increase over the next several years from the 22,089,000 tons produced in 2007. Our current estimated annual capacity is approximately 25,400,000 tons, and additional capacity may be obtained through upgrading existing facilities, completion of greenfield projects and through acquisitions. More than $300 million of the 2008 capital spending is allocated to our greenfield projects, including significant projects in the steel mills segment such as the SBQ steel mill in Memphis, Tennessee; the Castrip facility in Blytheville, Arkansas; and the sheet steel galvanizing facility at our mill in Decatur, Alabama. In January 2008, Nucor announced signing a Memorandum of Understanding with the Duferco group to establish a 50/50 joint venture for the production of steel beams and other long products in Italy, with distribution in Europe and North Africa. We are working toward establishing this joint venture in the first half of 2008. We also expect our acquisition of SHV North America Corporation, which owns 100% of The David J. Joseph Company and certain related affiliates, to close in the first quarter of 2008. Since scrap is our largest single cost, this strategic investment provides an ideal growth platform for Nucor to expand its direct ownership in the steel scrap supply chain and further its raw materials strategy. Nucor has a 25% interest in a joint venture that has constructed a commercial HIsmelt plant in Kwinana, Western Australia. The HIsmelt process converts iron ore fines and coal fines to liquid metal, eliminating the need for a blast furnace, sinter/pellet plants and coke ovens. Although this investment continues to make encouraging progress, the HIsmelt process has not yet achieved commercial success. Our growth strategy has also expanded our participation in attractive downstream steel products businesses. Our value-added steel products provide a valuable base load of volume for our steel mills and are less vulnerable to competition from imports. We anticipate that as non-residential construction markets slow in 2008 due to a weakening economy, our vertical integration and financial strength, combined with the Nucor “can-do” attitude, will allow us to continue our history of exiting weak economic cycles with a very strong competitive position. With the 2005 purchase of our Wisconsin cold finish bar plant, Nucor became the largest U.S. producer of cold finish bars. Our acquisition of Verco has enhanced our market leadership in the steel decking market. The Magnatrax, LMP Steel & Wire and Nelson acquisitions in 2007 further diversified Nucor’s product offerings and increased Nucor’s market presence in the non-residential building, cold finish, wire and wire mesh industries. The addition of our fourth Nucor Building Systems plant in Brigham City, Utah, gives us a national presence as we execute our strategy to grow profitable market share in this industry. Harris Steel completed four acquisitions and one joint venture during the first nine months following Nucor’s acquisition of the company, increasing our rebar fabrication capacity by more than 35% over their original capacity. Harris Steel will continue to serve as an avenue for our growth in the rebar fabrication market and to strengthen our leadership position in the cold finish bar market. We are beginning 2008 with a reasonably strong non-residential construction backlog, but see signs of a slowing economy in our quotation and new order rates. However, we expect infrastructure construction spending to remain strong and Nucor to continue benefiting from product line diversification. We have recently announced price increases for many of our products. Inventory levels at service centers and OEM’s are currently at much lower levels than recent years due to a decreased rate of imports in the second half of 2007. We expect these lower inventory levels and lower imports to reduce the impact of a slowing economy in 2008. We recognize that uncertainty in external factors such as the rate of increase in raw materials costs, the slowing growth rate of the economy, the level of imports and consolidation in the industry will have a significant impact on our results. In 2008, we will continue working toward our goal of controlling approximately six to seven million tons of our supply of high-quality scrap substitutes. Our raw materials strategy is driven by Nucor’s ongoing expansion of our steel product portfolio into higher quality grades. We will continue expanding our ownership of the scrap supply-chain using the DJJ acquisition as a growth platform. We will continue our defense of fair trade and to point out examples of unfair trade policies and practices until these abuses are remedied. We will continue to pursue strategic acquisitions that expand our platform for generating earnings and attractive returns on our stockholders’ capital. While we cannot control these outside forces, Nucor will continue to be at the forefront of anticipating and addressing the issues that this uncertainty in external factors raises for us and other steel producers. 31 critical accOuNtiNG POlicies aND estimates Our discussion and analysis of our financial condition and results of operations are based upon our consolidated financial statements, which have been prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. The preparation of these financial statements requires us to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities, the disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at year end, and the reported amount of revenues and expenses during the year. On an ongoing basis, we evaluate our estimates, including those related to the valuation allowances for receivables; the carrying value of property, plant and equipment; reserves for environmental obligations; and income taxes. Our estimates are based on historical experience and various other assumptions that we believe to be reasonable under the circumstances, the results of which form the basis for making judgments about the carrying values of assets and liabilities that are not readily apparent from other sources. Accordingly, actual costs could differ materially from these estimates under different assumptions or conditions. We believe the following critical accounting policies affect our significant judgments and estimates used in the preparation of our consolidated financial statements. reVeNue recOGNitiON We recognize revenue when products are shipped, which represents when title and risk of loss have passed to the customer, and when collection is reasonably assured. allOWaNces fOr DOuBtful accOuNts We maintain allowances for doubtful accounts for estimated losses resulting from the inability of our customers to make required payments. If the financial condition of our customers were to deteriorate, resulting in an impairment of their ability to make payments, additional allowances may be required. iNVeNtOries Inventories are stated at the lower of cost or market. The cost of some inventories is measured on the last in, first out method of accounting. The LIFO method allocates the most recent costs to cost of products sold, thereby recognizing into operating results fluctuations in raw material, energy and other capitalizable costs more quickly than other methods. The cost of other inventories is determined on the first-in, first-out (“FIFO”) method. asset imPairmeNts We evaluate the impairment of our property, plant and equipment on an individual asset basis or by logical groupings of assets. Asset impairments are recognized whenever changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amounts of those productive assets exceed their projected undiscounted cash flows. When it is determined that an impairment exists, the related assets are written down to estimated fair market value. GOODWill aND OtHer iNtaNGiBles Goodwill is the excess of cost over the fair value of net assets of businesses acquired. Goodwill is not amortized but is evaluated annually for impairment or if circumstances indicate a possible impairment may exist. Intangible assets that do not have indefinite lives are amortized over their useful lives and are tested for impairment if certain circumstances indicate an impairment may exist. When it is determined that an impairment exists, the intangible assets are written down to estimated fair value. eNVirONmeNtal remeDiatiON We are subject to environmental laws and regulations established by federal, state and local authorities, and make provision for the estimated costs related to compliance. Undiscounted remediation liabilities are accrued based on estimates of known environmental exposures. The accruals are reviewed periodically and, as investigations and remediation proceed, adjustments are made as we believe necessary. The accruals are not reduced by possible recoveries from insurance carriers or other third parties. Our measurement of environmental liabilities is based on currently available facts, present laws and regulations, and current technology. iNcOme taXes We utilize the liability method of accounting for income taxes as set forth in Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (“SFAS”) No. 109, “Accounting for Income Taxes,” (“SFAS 109”). Under the liability method, deferred taxes are determined based on the temporary differences between the financial statement and tax basis of assets and liabilities using tax rates expected to be in effect during the years in which the basis differences reverse. A valuation allowance is recorded when it is more likely than not that some of the deferred tax assets will not be realized. 32 In June 2006, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”) issued FASB Interpretation No. 48 (“FIN 48”), “Accounting for Uncertainty in Income Taxes – An Interpretation of FASB Statement No. 109.” FIN 48 provides detailed guidance for the financial statement recognition, measurement and disclosure of uncertain tax positions recognized in an enterprise’s financial statements in accordance with SFAS 109. Income tax positions must meet a more-likely-than-not recognition threshold at the effective date to be recognized upon the adoption of FIN 48 and in subsequent periods. We adopted FIN 48 effective January 1, 2007, and the provisions of FIN 48 have been applied to all income tax positions commencing from that date. We recognize potential accrued interest and penalties related to unrecognized tax benefits within operations as a component of income before taxes, which is consistent with the recognition of these items in prior reporting periods. The cumulative effect of applying the provisions of FIN 48 has been reported as an adjustment to retained earnings as of January 1, 2007. Prior to 2007, we determined our tax contingencies in accordance with SFAS No. 5, “Accounting for Contingencies.” We recorded estimated tax liabilities to the extent the contingencies were probable and could be reasonably estimated. receNt accOuNtiNG PrONOuNcemeNts In September 2006, the FASB issued Statement No. 157, “Fair Value Measurements” (“SFAS 157”), which defines fair value, establishes a framework for measuring fair value in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and expands disclosures. SFAS 157 will be effective for Nucor in 2008 for all financial assets and liabilities and effective for non-financial assets and liabilities in 2009. Management does not expect the initial adoption of this statement in 2008 to have a material impact on our consolidated financial statements. Management has not yet determined the impact on our consolidated financial statements from the adoption of SFAS 157 as it pertains to non-financial assets and liabilities. In February 2007, the FASB issued Statement No. 159, “The Fair Value Option for Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities” (“SFAS 159”), under which companies may elect to measure certain financial instruments and certain other items at fair value. The standard requires that unrealized gains and losses on items for which the fair value option has been elected be reported in earnings. SFAS 159 is effective for Nucor in 2008. This standard is not expected to have a material impact on Nucor’s consolidated financial position and results of operations. In December 2007, the FASB issued Statement No. 141 (revised 2007), “Business Combinations” (“SFAS 141R”), and Statement No. 160, “Noncontrolling Interests in Consolidated Financial Statements, an amendment of Accounting Research Bulletin No. 51” (“SFAS 160”). SFAS 141R establishes principles and requirements for how an acquirer recognizes and measures in its financial statements the identifiable assets acquired, the liabilities assumed, any non-controlling interest in the acquiree and the goodwill acquired. SFAS 160 outlines the accounting and reporting for ownership interest in a subsidiary held by parties other than the parent. SFAS 141R and SFAS 160 are effective for Nucor in 2009. Management is currently evaluating the impact of these statements. 11% 15% 42% 32% caP acitY GraPHs 33 2% 2% 6% 11% 13% 18% 26% 22% s t e e l c a Pa c i t Y 2 0 0 7 s t e e l P r O Du c t s c a Pa c i t Y 2 0 0 7 Product Thousands of Tons Product Thousands of Tons sheet Bar structural Plate total 10,800 8,060 3,700 2,800 25,360 rebar fabrication cold finish Joist Deck Buildings Group steel mesh Grating fastener total 1,058 860 715 530 435 233 90 75 3,996 25,500 20,400 15,300 10,200 5,100 s n o t f o s d n a s u o h t 4,000 3,200 2,400 1,600 800 s n o t f o s d n a s u o h t year 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 year 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 S T E E L C A PA C I T Y S T E E L P R O D U C T S C A PA C I T Y 34 fiNaNcial GraPHs 3,500 2,800 2,100 1,400 700 3,000 2,400 1,800 1,200 600 s r a l l o d f o s n o i l l i m year 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 year 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 W O R K I N G C A P I TA L P R O P E R T Y, P L A N T A N D E Q U I P M E N T 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 s r a l l o d f o s n o i l l i m year 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 year 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 L O N G - T E R M D E B T S T O C K H O L D E R S ’ E Q U I T Y s r a l l o d f o s n o i l l i m s r a l l o d f o s n o i l l i m 35 17,000 13,600 10,200 6,800 3,400 1,750 1,400 1,050 700 350 s r a l l o d f o s n o i l l i m year 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 year 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 N E T S A L E S N E T E A R N I N G S 500 400 300 200 100 400 320 240 160 80 s r a l l o d f o s n o i l l i m year 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 year 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 C A P I TA L E X P E N D I T U R E S D E P R E C I AT I O N s r a l l o d f o s n o i l l i m s r a l l o d f o s n o i l l i m 36 fiVe-Year fiNaNcial reVieW 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 (dollar amounts in thousands, except per share data) $16,592,976 $14,751,270 $12,700,999 $11,376,828 $6,265,823 fOr tHe Year Net sales Costs, expenses and other: Cost of products sold 13,462,927 11,284,606 10,108,805 9,174,611 5,993,492 577,764 5,469 293,501 592,473 (37,365) 219,121 459,460 4,201 110,650 — — (9,200) 374,730 165,369 22,352 80,840 (1,596) 24,627 23,904 (11,547) 14,339,661 12,058,835 10,673,916 9,650,937 6,195,845 2,253,315 2,692,435 2,027,083 1,725,891 Provision for income taxes 781,368 935,653 709,834 607,906 Marketing, administrative and other expenses Interest expense (income), net Minority interests Other income Earnings before income taxes Net earnings Net earnings per share: Basic Diluted Dividends declared per share Percentage of net earnings to net sales Return on average equity Capital expenditures Depreciation Acquisitions (net of cash acquired) Sales per employee at Year eND Current assets Current liabilities Working capital Cash provided by operating activities Current ratio Property, plant and equipment, net Total assets Long-term debt 1,471,947 1,756,782 1,317,249 1,117,985 4.98 4.94 2.44 8.9% 29.5% 520,353 403,172 5.73 5.68 2.15 11.9% 38.3% 338,404 363,936 4.19 4.15 0.93 10.4% 33.8% 331,466 375,054 3.53 3.50 0.24 9.8% 38.2% 285,925 383,305 1,542,666 223,920 154,864 169,646 1,085 1,273 1,159 1,107 69,978 5,181 64,797 0.21 0.21 0.20 1.0% 2.7% 215,408 364,112 34,941 637 $ 5,073,249 $ 4,683,065 $ 4,081,611 $ 3,182,132 $1,639,784 1,582,036 1,421,917 1,228,618 1,042,776 615,067 3,491,213 3,261,148 2,852,993 2,139,356 1,024,717 1,935,306 2,251,233 2,136,615 1,024,756 493,801 3.2 3.3 3.3 3.1 2.7 3,232,998 2,856,415 2,855,717 2,818,307 2,817,135 9,826,122 7,893,018 7,148,845 6,140,391 4,511,577 2,250,300 922,300 923,550 923,550 903,550 Percentage of debt to capital 29.4% 15.3% 17.0% 20.2% 26.1% Stockholders’ equity 5,112,917 4,857,351 4,312,049 3,481,281 2,370,873 Per share 17.75 16.14 13.90 10.91 7.54 Shares outstanding 287,993 300,949 310,220 319,024 314,361 Employees 18,000 11,900 11,300 10,600 9,900 maNaGemeNt’s rePOrt 37 M a n a g e M e n t ’s R e p o R t on internal control over financial reporting Nucor’s management is responsible for establishing and maintaining adequate internal control over financial reporting, as such term is defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(f) and 15d-15(f) under the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Because of its inherent limitations, internal control over financial reporting may not prevent or detect misstatements. Also, projections of any evaluation of effectiveness to future periods are subject to the risk that controls may become inadequate because of changes in conditions, or that the degree of compliance with the policies or procedures may deteriorate. Management assessed the effectiveness of Nucor’s internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2007. In making this assessment, management used criteria set forth by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) in Internal Control-Integrated Framework. Based on its assessment, management concluded that Nucor’s internal control over financial reporting was effective as of December 31, 2007. PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, an independent registered public accounting firm, has audited the effectiveness of Nucor’s internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2007 as stated in their report which is included herein. 38 rePOrt Of iNDePeNDeNt reGistereD PuBlic accOuNtiNG firm RepoRt oF i ndependent RegisteRed p ubliC a CCounting FiRM To the Stockholders and Board of Directors Nucor Corporation: In our opinion, the accompanying consolidated balance sheets and the related consolidated statements of earnings, stockholders' equity and cash flows present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Nucor Corporation and its subsidiaries at December 31, 2007 and 2006, and the results of their operations and their cash flows for each of the three years in the period ended December 31, 2007 in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. Also in our opinion, the Company maintained, in all material respects, effective internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2007, based on criteria established in Internal Control — Integrated Framework issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO). The Company's management is responsible for these financial statements, for maintaining effective internal control over financial reporting and for its assessment of the effectiveness of internal control over financial reporting, included in Management's Report on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting. Our responsibility is to express opinions on these financial statements and on the Company's internal control over financial reporting based on our integrated audits. We conducted our audits in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States). Those standards require that we plan and perform the audits to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement and whether effective internal control over financial reporting was maintained in all material respects. Our audits of the financial statements included examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements, assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, and evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. Our audit of internal control over financial reporting included obtaining an understanding of internal control over financial reporting, assessing the risk that a material weakness exists, and testing and evaluating the design and operating effectiveness of internal control based on the assessed risk. Our audits also included performing such other procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinions. As discussed in Notes 2 and 19 to the consolidated financial statements, Nucor Corporation changed the manner in which it accounts for uncertain tax positions in fiscal 2007. A company’s internal control over financial reporting is a process designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. A company’s internal control over financial reporting includes those policies and procedures that (i) pertain to the maintenance of records that, in reasonable detail, accurately and fairly reflect the transactions and dispositions of the assets of the company; (ii) provide reasonable assurance that transactions are recorded as necessary to permit preparation of financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, and that receipts and expenditures of the company are being made only in accordance with authorizations of management and directors of the company; and (iii) provide reasonable assurance regarding prevention or timely detection of unauthorized acquisition, use, or disposition of the company’s assets that could have a material effect on the financial statements. Because of its inherent limitations, internal control over financial reporting may not prevent or detect misstatements. Also, projections of any evaluation of effectiveness to future periods are subject to the risk that controls may become inadequate because of changes in conditions, or that the degree of compliance with the policies or procedures may deteriorate. PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Charlotte, North Carolina February 27, 2008 cONsOliDateD BalaNce sHeets December 31, assets curreNt assets: Cash and cash equivalents Short-term investments (Note 4) Accounts receivable, net (Note 5) Inventories (Note 6) Other current assets (Note 19) Total current assets PrOPertY, PlaNt aND eQuiPmeNt, Net (Note 7) GOODWill (Note 8) OtHer iNtaNGiBle assets, Net (Note 8) OtHer assets (Notes 1 and 13) tOtal assets liaBilities aND stOckHOlDers’ eQuitY curreNt liaBilities: Short-term debt (Note 10) Accounts payable (Note 9) Salaries, wages and related accruals (Notes 15 and 16) Accrued expenses and other current liabilities (Notes 9, 13 and 14) Total current liabilities lONG-term DeBt Due after ONe Year (Note 10) DeferreD creDits aND OtHer liaBilities (Notes 14, 15, 16 and 19) miNOritY iNterests cOmmitmeNts aND cONtiNGeNcies (Notes 6 and 14) stOckHOlDers’ eQuitY (Notes 11, 12 and 15): Common stock Additional paid-in capital Retained earnings cONsOliDateD BalaNce sHeets 39 (in thousands) 2007 2006 $1,393,943 $ 785,651 182,450 1,410,633 1,611,844 1,067,322 1,601,600 1,141,194 283,412 278,265 5,073,249 4,683,065 3,232,998 2,856,415 847,887 469,936 202,052 143,265 5,015 205,258 $9,826,122 $7,893,018 $ 22,868 $ — 691,668 436,352 431,148 516,640 455,051 450,226 1,582,036 1,421,917 2,250,300 593,423 287,446 922,300 448,084 243,366 149,302 256,406 149,006 195,543 6,621,646 5,840,067 Accumulated other comprehensive income, net of income taxes (Notes 2 and 13) 163,362 4,470 Treasury stock Total stockholders’ equity tOtal liaBilities aND stOckHOlDers’ eQuitY See notes to consolidated financial statements. 7,190,716 6,189,086 (2,077,799) (1,331,735) 5,112,917 4,857,351 $9,826,122 $7,893,018 40 cONsOliDateD statemeNts Of earNiNGs cONsOliDateD statemeNts Of earNiNGs Year ended December 31, Net sales cOsts, eXPeNses aND OtHer: Cost of products sold Marketing, administrative and other expenses Interest expense (income), net (Note 17) Minority interests Other income (Note 18) earNiNGs BefOre iNcOme taXes PrOVisiON fOr iNcOme taXes (Note 19) Net earNiNGs Net earNiNGs Per sHare (Note 20): Basic Diluted See notes to consolidated financial statements. (in thousands, except per share data) 2006 2007 2005 $16,592,976 $14,751,270 $12,700,999 13,462,927 11,284,606 10,108,805 577,764 5,469 293,501 592,473 (37,365) 219,121 — — 459,460 4,201 110,650 (9,200) 14,339,661 12,058,835 10,673,916 2,253,315 2,692,435 2,027,083 781,368 935,653 709,834 $ 1,471,947 $ 1,756,782 $ 1,317,249 $4.98 $4.94 $5.73 $5.68 $4.19 $4.15 cONsOliDateD statemeNts Of stOckHOlDers’ eQuitY 41 cONsOliDateD statemeNts Of stOckHOlDers’ eQuitY (in thousands, except per share data) cOmmON stOck shares amount aDDitiONal PaiD-iN caPital retaiNeD earNiNGs uNearNeD cOmPeNsatiON accumulateD OtHer cOmPreHeNsiVe iNcOme (lO ss) treasurY stOck (at cost) shares amount tOtal stOckHOlDers’ eQuitY BALANCES, December 31, 2004 184,383 $ 73,753 $ 147,206 $3,713,851 $(392) $ (1,177) 24,871 $ (451,960) $3,481,281 Comprehensive income: Net earnings in 2005 Net unrealized gain on hedging derivatives, net of income taxes Reclassification adjustment for gain on settlement of hedging derivatives included in net income, net of income taxes Total comprehensive income Stock options exercised Issuance of stock under award plans, net of forfeitures Amortization of unearned compensation Treasury stock acquired Cash dividends ($0.93 per share) 1,317,249 55,842 (8,065) 1,317,249 55,842 (8,065) 1,365,026 27,076 (5,095) 2,200 (289,728) (249) 4,598 17,438 2,200 5,567 (291,244) (291,244) (289,728) 916 367 26,709 17,935 BALANCES, December 31, 2005 185,299 74,120 191,850 4,741,372 (3,287) 46,600 30,189 (738,606) 4,312,049 Comprehensive income: Net earnings in 2006 Net unrealized loss on hedging derivatives, net of income taxes Reclassification adjustment for loss on settlement of hedging derivatives included in net income, net of income taxes Foreign currency translation gain, net of income taxes Total comprehensive income Stock options exercised Issuance of stock under award plans, net of forfeitures 1,756,782 (57,900) 4,400 11,370 1,756,782 (57,900) 4,400 11,370 1,714,652 37,231 1,253 500 36,731 15 6 37,442 3,287 (262) 6,317 47,052 Amortization of unearned compensation 3,900 11,248 (599,446) (599,446) 3,900 Treasury stock acquired 2-for-1 stock split Cash dividends ($2.15 per share) 185,949 74,380 (74,380) 30,392 (658,087) — (658,087) BALANCES, December 31, 2006 372,516 149,006 195,543 5,840,067 — 4,470 71,567 (1,331,735) 4,857,351 Comprehensive income: Net earnings in 2007 Net unrealized loss on hedging derivatives, net of income taxes Reclassification adjustment for loss on settlement of hedging derivatives included in net income, net of income taxes Foreign currency translation gain, net of income taxes Adjustment to early-retiree medical, plan, net of income taxes Other Total comprehensive income Adjustment to initially apply FIN 48 Stock options exercised 609 244 11,759 Issuance of stock under award plans, net of forfeitures Amortization of unearned compensation Treasury stock acquired Cash dividends ($2.44 per share) 130 52 43,554 5,550 1,471,947 31,135 (721,503) (819) 11,719 142,971 10,313 (5,292) 1,471,947 (819) 11,719 142,971 10,313 (5,292) 1,630,839 31,135 12,003 (423) 7,965 51,571 5,550 14,118 (754,029) (754,029) (721,503) BalaNces, December 31, 2007 373,255 $149,302 $256,406 $6,621,646 $ — $163,362 85,262 $(2,077,799) $ 5,112,917 See notes to consolidated financial statements. See notes to consolidated financial statements. 42 cONsOliDateD statemeNts Of casH flOWs cONsOliDateD statemeNts Of casH flOWs Year ended December 31, OPeratiNG actiVities Net earnings Adjustments: Depreciation Amortization Stock-based compensation Deferred income taxes Minority interests Settlement of natural gas hedges Changes in assets and liabilities (exclusive of acquisitions): Accounts receivable Inventories Accounts payable Federal income taxes Salaries, wages and related accruals Other 2007 2006 2005 (in thousands) $1,471,947 $1,756,782 $1,317,249 403,172 24,384 44,001 (81,206) 293,498 (18,019) (174,326) (102,490) 57,259 13,332 (42,931) 46,685 363,936 375,054 1,333 40,106 1,072 16,791 (39,394) (25,629) 219,107 110,639 (6,793) 12,365 (33,878) (19,425) (143,971) 337,862 (8,517) (7,233) 86,475 23,280 17,259 (68,331) 39,869 21,840 Cash provided by operating activities 1,935,306 2,251,233 2,136,615 iNVestiNG actiVities Capital expenditures Sale of interest in affiliate Investment in affiliates Disposition of plant and equipment Acquisitions (net of cash acquired) Purchases of investments Proceeds from the sale of investments Proceeds from currency derivative contracts Settlement of currency derivative contracts Cash used in investing activities fiNaNciNG actiVities Net change in short-term debt Repayment of long-term debt Proceeds from issuance of long-term debt Debt issuance costs Issuance of common stock Excess tax benefits from stock-based compensation Distributions to minority interests Cash dividends Acquisition of treasury stock Cash used in financing activities iNcrease (Decrease) iN casH aND casH eQuiValeNts casH aND casH eQuiValeNts – BeGiNNiNG Of Year (520,353) (338,404) (331,466) 29,500 (31,435) 2,787 — — (34,324) (41,903) 2,177 752 (1,542,666) (223,920) (154,864) (487,395) (1,082,378) (919,950) 1,687,578 529,105 62,590 517,241 (511,394) (856,137) — — — — (1,147,744) (1,384,841) (65,871) — — (1,250) — — — — — — 1,322,445 (9,200) 12,003 13,000 (263,086) (726,139) (754,029) (470,877) 608,292 785,651 37,233 18,000 40,209 — (174,709) (89,886) (577,816) (209,752) (599,446) (291,244) (1,297,988) (550,673) (194,499) 980,150 201,101 779,049 casH aND casH eQuiValeNts – eND Of Year $1,393,943 $ 785,651 $ 980,150 See notes to consolidated financial statements. NOtes tO cONsOliDateD fiNaNcial statemeNts 43 Years eNDeD DecemBer 31, 2007, 2006 aND 2005 1. Nature Of OPeratiONs aND Basis Of PreseNtatiON: Nature Of OPeratiONs Nucor is principally a manufacturer of steel and steel products with operating facilities and customers primarily located in North America. PriNciPles Of cONsOliDatiON The consolidated financial statements include Nucor and its controlled subsidiaries, including Nucor-Yamato Steel Company, a limited partnership of which Nucor owns 51%. Investments in joint ventures in which Nucor shares control over the financial and operating decisions but in which Nucor is not the primary beneficiary are accounted for under the equity method. All significant intercompany transactions are eliminated. Distributions are made to minority interest partners in Nucor-Yamato Steel Company in accordance with the limited partnership agreement by mutual agreement of the general partners. At a minimum, sufficient cash is distributed so that each partner may pay their U.S. federal and state income taxes. Other assets include $146.0 million at December 31, 2007 ($201.4 million at December 31, 2006) of equity investments in less than 50%-owned domestic and foreign affiliated companies. The results of these investments are included in marketing, administrative and other expenses and are immaterial for all periods presented. Nucor periodically evaluates its equity investments for potential impairment resulting from declines in value considered to be other than temporary. use Of estimates The preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles in the United States of America requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the amounts reported in the financial statements and accompanying notes. Actual results could differ from these estimates. reclassificatiONs Certain amounts for prior years have been reclassified to conform to the 2007 presentation. 2. summarY Of siGNificaNt accOuNtiNG POlicies: casH aND casH eQuiValeNts Cash and cash equivalents are recorded at cost plus accrued interest, which approximates market, and have original maturities of three months or less at the date of purchase. Cash and cash equivalents are maintained primarily with a few high-credit quality financial institutions. sHOrt-term iNVestmeNts Short-term investments are recorded at cost plus accrued interest, which approximates market. Unrealized gains and losses on investments classified as available-for-sale are recorded as a component of accumulated other comprehensive income. Management determines the appropriate classification of its investments at the time of purchase and reevaluates such determination at each balance sheet date. iNVeNtOries ValuatiON Inventories are stated at the lower of cost or market. Cost of some inventories is determined using the last-in, first-out (LIFO) method of accounting, and cost of the remaining inventories is determined on the first-in, first-out (FIFO) method. PrOPertY, PlaNt aND eQuiPmeNt Property, plant and equipment are stated at cost. Depreciation is provided on a straight-line basis over the estimated useful lives of the assets. The costs of planned major maintenance activities are capitalized and amortized over the period until the next scheduled major maintenance activity. All other repairs and maintenance activities are expensed when incurred. Impairments of long-lived assets are recognized whenever changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount exceeds the assets’ undiscounted cash flows. When it is determined that an impairment exists, the related assets are written down to estimated fair market value. GOODWill aND OtHer iNtaNGiBles Goodwill is the excess of cost over the fair value of net assets of businesses acquired. Goodwill is not amortized but is evaluated annually for impairment or if circumstances indicate a possible impairment may exist. Intangible assets that do not have indefinite lives are amortized over their useful lives and are tested for impairment if certain circumstances indicate an impairment may exist. When it is determined that an impairment exists, the intangible assets are written down to estimated fair value. DeriVatiVe fiNaNcial iNstrumeNts Nucor uses derivative financial instruments from time-to-time primarily to partially manage its exposure to price risk related to natural gas purchases used in the production process and to partially manage its exposure to changes in interest rates on outstanding debt instruments. In addition, Nucor utilizes forward foreign exchange contracts to hedge cash flows associated with certain assets and liabilities, firm commitments and anticipated transactions. In accordance with SFAS No. 133, “Accounting for Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities,” (“SFAS 133”), as amended by SFAS No. 138, “Accounting for Certain Derivative Instruments and Certain Hedging Activities,” and SFAS No. 149, “Amendment of Statement 133 on Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities,” Nucor recognizes all derivative instruments, such as natural gas forward purchase contracts and interest rate swaps, in the consolidated balance sheets at fair value. Amounts included in accumulated other comprehensive income related to cash flow hedges are reclassified into earnings when the underlying transaction is recognized 44 in net earnings. Changes in fair-value hedges are reported currently in earnings along with changes in the fair value of the hedged items. When cash flow and fair value hedges affect net earnings, they are included on the same line as the underlying transaction (cost of products sold or interest expense). If these instruments do not meet hedge accounting criteria, the change in fair value is recognized immediately in earnings in the same line as the underlying transaction. reVeNue recOGNitiON Nucor recognizes revenue when products are shipped, which represents when title and risk of loss have passed to the customer, and when collection is reasonably assured. freiGHt cOsts Internal fleet and some common carrier costs are included in marketing, administrative and other expenses. These costs included in marketing, administrative and other expenses were $81.5 million in 2007 ($73.7 million in 2006 and $67.1 million in 2005). All other freight costs are included in cost of products sold. iNcOme taXes Nucor utilizes the liability method of accounting for income taxes as set forth in Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (“SFAS”) No. 109, “Accounting for Income Taxes,” (“SFAS 109”). Under the liability method, deferred taxes are determined based on the temporary differences between the financial statement and tax basis of assets and liabilities using tax rates expected to be in effect during the years in which the basis differences reverse. A valuation allowance is recorded when it is more likely than not that some of the deferred tax assets will not be realized. Nucor’s intention is to permanently reinvest the earnings of certain foreign investments. Accordingly, no provisions have been made for taxes that may be payable upon remittance of such earnings. In June 2006, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”) issued FASB Interpretation No. 48 (“FIN 48”), “Accounting for Uncertainty in Income Taxes – An Interpretation of FASB Statement No. 109.” FIN 48 provides detailed guidance for the financial statement recognition, measurement and disclosure of uncertain tax positions recognized in an enterprise’s financial statements in accordance with SFAS 109. Income tax positions must meet a more-likely-than-not recognition threshold at the effective date to be recognized upon the adoption of FIN 48 and in subsequent periods. We adopted FIN 48 effective January 1, 2007, and the provisions of FIN 48 have been applied to all income tax positions commencing from that date. We recognize potential accrued interest and penalties related to unrecognized tax benefits within operations as a component of income before taxes, which is consistent with the recognition of these items in prior reporting periods. The cumulative effect of applying the provisions of FIN 48 has been reported as an adjustment to retained earnings as of January 1, 2007. Prior to 2007, we determined our tax contingencies in accordance with SFAS No. 5, “Accounting for Contingencies.” We recorded estimated tax liabilities to the extent the contingencies were probable and could be reasonably estimated. stOck-BaseD cOmPeNsatiON Effective January 1, 2006, Nucor adopted SFAS No. 123(R), “Share-Based Payment” (“SFAS 123(R)”), applying the modified prospective approach. As a result, the Company began to recognize the cost of stock-based compensation as an expense using fair value measurement methods. Through 2005, Nucor accounted for stock-based compensation plans under the recognition and measurement provisions of Accounting Principles Board Opinion No. 25, “Accounting for Stock Issued to Employees,” and related Interpretations. Accordingly, no compensation expense was recorded, other than for restricted stock grants, since the exercise price of the stock options was equal to the market price of Nucor’s common stock on the grant date. The following presents pro forma net earnings and per share data as if a fair value based method had been used to account for stock- based compensation in 2005: (in thousands, except per share data) Year ended December 31, Net earnings – as reported Add: Stock-based employee compensation expense included in reported net earnings, net of income taxes Deduct: Total stock-based employee compensation expense determined under fair value based method for all awards, net of income taxes Net earnings – pro forma Net earnings per share – as reported: Basic Diluted Net earnings per share – pro forma: Basic Diluted 2005 $1,317,249 12,717 (21,305) $1,308,661 $4.19 4.15 4.16 4.13 45 The assumptions used to calculate the fair value of options granted are evaluated and revised, as necessary, to reflect market conditions and experience. cOmPreHeNsiVe iNcOme Nucor reports comprehensive income and the changes in accumulated other comprehensive income (loss) in its consolidated statement of stockholders’ equity. Accumulated other comprehensive income is comprised of the following: December 31, Foreign currency translation, net of income taxes when applicable Early retirement medical plan adjustments, net of income taxes Fair market value of derivatives, net of income taxes (in thousands) 2007 2006 $149,049 $11,370 10,313 — 4,000 $163,362 (6,900) $ 4,470 fOreiGN curreNcY traNslatiON For Nucor’s legal entities where the functional currency is other than the U.S. dollar, assets and liabilities have been translated at year-end exchange rates, and income and expenses translated using average exchange rates for the respective periods. Adjustments resulting from the process of translating an entity’s financial statements into the U.S. dollar have been recorded in accumulated other comprehensive income and are included in net earnings only upon sale or liquidation of the underlying investments. Foreign currency transaction gains and losses are included in operations in the period they occur. receNt accOuNtiNG PrONOuNcemeNts In September 2006, the FASB issued Statement No. 157, “Fair Value Measurements” (“SFAS 157”), which defines fair value, establishes a framework for measuring fair value in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and expands disclosures. SFAS 157 will be effective for Nucor in 2008 for all financial assets and liabilities and effective for non-financial assets and liabilities in 2009. Management does not expect the initial adoption of this statement in 2008 to have a material impact on our consolidated financial statements. Management has not yet determined the impact on our consolidated financial statements from the adoption of SFAS 157 as it pertains to non-financial assets and liabilities. In February 2007, the FASB issued Statement No. 159, “The Fair Value Option for Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities” (“SFAS 159”), under which companies may elect to measure certain financial instruments and certain other items at fair value. The standard requires that unrealized gains and losses on items for which the fair value option has been elected be reported in earnings. SFAS 159 is effective for Nucor in 2008. This standard is not expected to have a material impact on Nucor’s consolidated financial position and results of operations. In December 2007, the FASB issued Statement No. 141 (revised 2007), “Business Combinations” (“SFAS 141R”), and Statement No. 160, “Noncontrolling Interests in Consolidated Financial Statements, an amendment of Accounting Research Bulletin No. 51” (“SFAS 160”). SFAS 141R establishes principles and requirements for how an acquirer recognizes and measures the identifiable assets acquired, the liabilities assumed, any non-controlling interest in the acquiree and the goodwill acquired. SFAS 160 outlines the accounting and reporting for ownership interest in a subsidiary held by parties other than the parent. SFAS 141R and SFAS 160 are effective for Nucor in 2009. Management is currently evaluating the impact of these statements. 3. acQuisitiONs: In 2004, Nucor acquired a one-half interest in the rebar fabricator Harris Steel Inc., the remaining one-half interest of which was owned by Harris Steel Group Inc. (“Harris Steel”). In March 2007, a wholly owned subsidiary of Nucor acquired all of the issued and outstanding shares of Harris Steel for a cash purchase price of Cdn$46.25 per Harris Steel share. The purchase price includes approximately $1.06 billion paid in cash and $68.4 million of short-term debt assumed related to the net assets acquired. Nucor also consolidated an additional $18.2 million of short-term debt related to its previous 50% ownership in Harris Steel Inc. As a result of the acquisition, Nucor has consolidated Harris Steel Inc., which was previously accounted for under the equity method. Harris Steel, which now operates as a subsidiary of Nucor, manufactures industrial products principally in the U.S. and Canada. Harris Steel also participates in steel trading on a worldwide basis and distributes reinforcing steel and related products to U.S. customers. 46 We have obtained independent appraisals for the purpose of allocating the purchase price to the individual assets acquired and liabilities assumed. The following table summarizes the estimated fair values of the assets acquired and liabilities assumed of Harris Steel as of the date of acquisition: As of the date of acquisition (in thousands) Current assets Property, plant and equipment Goodwill Other intangible assets Other assets Total assets acquired Short-term debt Other current liabilities Deferred credits and other liablities Minority interests Total liabilities assumed Net assets acquired $ 460,037 122,187 478,008 305,217 565 1,366,014 (68,365) (108,862) (125,813) (3,522) (306,562) $1,059,452 The purchase price allocation to the identifiable intangible assets is as follows (in thousands, except years): identifiable intangibles Customer relationships Trade names Weighted--- average life 22 years 20 years 22 years $271,462 33,755 $305,217 The majority of the goodwill has been allocated to the steel products segment (see Note 8). The results of Harris Steel have been included in the consolidated financial statements from the date of acquisition. Unaudited pro forma results for Nucor, assuming the acquisition of Harris Steel occurred at the beginning of each period are as follows: December 31, Net sales Net earnings Net earnings per share: Basic Diluted (in thousands, except per share data) 2007 2006 $16,769,601 1,480,597 $15,886,239 1,829,463 $5.01 $4.97 $5.97 $5.91 Since Nucor’s acquisition of Harris Steel in March 2007, Harris Steel has continued to grow its rebar fabrication business. In June, Harris Steel purchased the stock of South Pacific Steel Corp. for a cash purchase price of approximately $24.9 million. In addition, in August, Harris Steel acquired Consolidated Rebar, Inc. for a cash purchase price of approximately $23.4 million. Consolidated Rebar, Inc. has two rebar fabrication facilities in Arizona. 47 In November 2007, Harris Steel formed a new entity that combined Harris Rebar fabrication operations in the northeastern U.S. market with the northeastern facilities of Barker Steel Company, Inc. (“Barker”). Harris Steel contributed two facilities and distributed cash of approximately $61.1 million for a 90% equity interest in the new venture. Barker contributed eight facilities in exchange for a 10% interest and the $61.1 million distribution. The new venture resulted in approximately $6.8 million of goodwill that has been allocated to the steel products segment, as well as approximately $6.7 million of identifiable intangibles, primarily trade names that are being amortized over 20 years. In August 2007, Nucor purchased substantially all the assets of LMP Steel & Wire Company (“LMP”) for a cash purchase price of approximately $27.2 million. Located in Maryville, Missouri, LMP is a producer of cold finished bar. Also in August 2007, a wholly owned subsidiary of Nucor acquired Magnatrax Corporation ("Magnatrax"), a leading provider of custom- engineered metal building systems with seven fabricating plants located across the United States. The cash purchase price of $275.2 million includes approximately $164.7 million of goodwill that has been allocated to the steel products segment. The cash purchase price also includes $116.2 million of identifiable intangibles, primarily customer relationships that are being amortized over 22 years. In October 2007, Nucor acquired substantially all the assets of Nelson Steel, Inc. (“Nelson”) for a cash purchase price of approximately $53.2 million. Located in New Salem, Pennsylvania, Nelson is a producer of wire mesh and related products. In May 2006, Nucor’s wholly owned subsidiary, Nucor Steel Connecticut, Inc., purchased substantially all of the assets of Connecticut Steel Corporation for a cash purchase price of approximately $43.9 million. This facility produces wire rod, rebar, wire mesh and structural mesh products. In November 2006, Nucor’s wholly owned subsidiary, Verco Decking, Inc., purchased substantially all of the assets of Verco Manufacturing Company (“Verco”), a producer of steel floor and roof decking in three locations in the western United States. The cash purchase price of approximately $183.5 million includes approximately $110.5 million of goodwill that has been allocated to the steel products segment. In February 2005, Nucor purchased the assets of Fort Howard Steel, Inc.’s operations in Oak Creek, Wisconsin, for a cash purchase price of approximately $44.1 million. This facility produces cold finish bar products. In June 2005, Nucor’s wholly owned subsidiary, Nucor Steel Marion, Inc., purchased substantially all of the assets of Marion Steel Company for a cash purchase price of approximately $110.7 million. This facility produces angles, flats, rebar, rounds and signposts. Non-cash investing and financing activities included the assumption of $457.7 million of liabilities with the acquisitions in 2007 ($26.1 million in 2006 and $17.8 million in 2005). 4. sHOrt-term iNVestmeNts: As of December 31, 2007, short-term investments consisted entirely of variable rate demand notes (“VRDNs”), which are variable rate bonds tied to short-term interest rates with stated original maturities in excess of 90 days. All of the VRDNs in which Nucor invests are secured by a direct-pay letter of credit issued by a high-credit quality financial institution. Nucor can receive the principal invested and interest accrued thereon no later than seven days after notifying the financial institution that Nucor has elected to tender the VRDNs. Since VRDNs trade at par value, no realized or unrealized gains or losses were incurred. Aggregate contractual maturities of the Company’s short-term investments are $182.5 million in 2024 and thereafter. 5. accOuNts receiVaBle: An allowance for doubtful accounts is maintained for estimated losses resulting from the inability of our customers to make required payments. Accounts receivable are stated net of the allowance for doubtful accounts of $50.0 million at December 31, 2007 ($38.0 million at December 31, 2006 and $39.2 million at December 31, 2005). 6. iNVeNtOries: Inventories consist of approximately 43% raw materials and supplies and 57% finished and semi-finished products at December 31, 2007 (48% and 52%, respectively, at December 31, 2006). Nucor’s manufacturing process is a continuous, vertically integrated process from which products are sold to customers at various stages throughout the process. Since most steel products can be classified as either finished or semi-finished products, these two categories of inventory are combined. Inventories valued using the last-in, first-out (LIFO) method of accounting represent approximately 46% of total inventories at December 31, 2007 (63% at December 31, 2006). If the first-in, first-out (FIFO) method of accounting had been used, inventories would have been $581.5 million higher at December 31, 2007 ($387.2 million higher at December 31, 2006). 48 Nucor has entered into supply agreements for certain raw materials, utilities and other items in the ordinary course of business. These agreements extend into 2035 and total approximately $4.11 billion at December 31, 2007. 7. PrOPertY, PlaNt aND eQuiPmeNt: December 31, Land and improvements Buildings and improvements Machinery and equipment Construction in process and equipment deposits Less accumulated depreciation (in thousands) 2007 2006 $ 231,583 623,961 5,903,335 390,790 7,149,669 3,916,671 $ 170,259 520,930 5,592,077 110,190 6,393,456 3,537,041 $3,232,998 $2,856,415 The estimated useful lives range from 10 to 20 years for buildings and land improvements and range from 3 to 12 years for machinery and equipment. 8. GOODWill aND OtHer iNtaNGiBle assets: The change in the net carrying amount of goodwill for the years ended December 31, 2007 and 2006 by segment is as follows: Balance, December 31, 2005 Acquisitions Balance, December 31, 2006 Acquisitions Purchase price adjustments of previous acquisitions Translation steel mills steel Products all Other total (in thousands) $2,007 — 2,007 — $ 15,013 126,245 141,258 606,637 $ — — — 59,389 $ 17,020 126,245 143,265 666,026 — — (15,699) 54,295 — — (15,699) 54,295 Balance, December 31, 2007 $2,007 $786,491 $59,389 $847,887 Goodwill resulting from the acquisition of Harris Steel and Magnatrax accounts for almost all of the increase in goodwill in 2007 and is presented based upon Nucor’s final purchase price allocations for those acquisitions. The majority of goodwill is not tax deductible. Intangible assets with estimated lives of five to 22 years are amortized on a straight-line or accelerated basis and are comprised of the following: (in thousands) December 31, 2007 2006 2004 Gross amount accumulated amortization Gross amount accumulated amortization shares Grant Date fair Value Customer relationships Trademarks and trade names Other $414,514 59,431 24,102 $498,047 $20,042 1,746 6,323 $28,111 $ — $ — 8,742 3,727 — $ — $8,742 $3,727 3,897 Intangible asset amortization expense was $24.4 million in 2007 ($1.3 million in 2006 and $1.1 million in 2005). Annual amortization expense is estimated to be $45.3 million in 2008; $42.3 million in 2009; $39.6 million in 2010; $36.3 million in 2011; and $33.0 million in 2012. 49 9. curreNt liaBilities: Drafts payable, included in accounts payable in the balance sheet, was $0.3 million at December 31, 2007 ($74.7 million at December 31, 2006). The decrease in drafts payable is the result of the Company converting to the use of checks in 2007. Dividends payable, included in accrued expenses and other current liabilities in the balance sheet, was $176.5 million at December 31, 2007 ($181.2 million at December 31, 2006). 10. DeBt aND OtHer fiNaNciNG arraNGemeNts: December 31, Industrial revenue bonds: 3.54% to 3.90%, variable, due from 2009 to 2038 Notes, 6%, due 2009 Notes, 4.875%, due 2012 Notes, 5.0%, due 2012 Notes, 5.75%, due 2017 Notes, 6.40%, due 2037 Less current maturities (in thousands) 2007 2006 $ 425,300 175,000 350,000 300,000 600,000 400,000 2,250,300 — $2,250,300 $397,300 175,000 350,000 — — — 922,300 — $922,300 Annual aggregate long-term debt maturities are: none in 2008; $180.4 million in 2009; none in 2010 and 2011; $650 million in 2012; and $1.42 billion thereafter. The fair value of Nucor’s long-term debt approximates the carrying value. In November 2007, Nucor amended its existing five-year unsecured revolving credit facility to provide for up to $1.0 billion in revolving loans. The amended multi-year revolving credit agreement expires in November 2012. Up to the equivalent of $850.0 million of the credit facility is available for foreign currency loans, and up to $500.0 million is available for the issuance of letters of credit. The credit facility may be increased by up to $300.0 million at Nucor’s election in accordance with the terms set forth in the credit agreement. No borrowings were outstanding under the credit facility as of December 31, 2007. The credit facility provides for grid-based pricing based upon the credit rating of Nucor’s senior unsecured long-term debt and, alternatively, interest rates quoted by lenders in connection with competitive bidding. The credit facility includes customary financial and other covenants, including a limit on the ratio of debt to capital of 60%, a limit on Nucor’s ability to pledge the Company’s assets and a limit on consolidations, mergers and sales of assets. Harris Steel has credit facilities totaling approximately $52.0 million, with no borrowings outstanding at December 31, 2007. In addition, the business of Novosteel S.A., of which Harris Steel owns 75%, is financed by trade credit arrangements totaling approximately $199.9 million with a number of Swiss-based banking institutions. These arrangements, principally letters of credit under trade finance facilities, are non-recourse to Nucor and its other subsidiaries. As of December 31, 2007, there were outstanding borrowings of $22.9 million and outstanding letters of credit of $7.8 million under the Swiss trade credit arrangements for commitments to purchase inventories. Grant Date fair Value 11. caPital stOck: — $ — The par value of Nucor’s common stock is $0.40 per share and there are 800 million shares authorized. In addition, 250,000 shares of preferred stock, par value of $4.00 per share, are authorized, with preferences, rights and restrictions as may be fixed by Nucor’s board of directors. There are no shares of preferred stock issued or outstanding. $498,047 $28,111 $8,742 $3,727 3,897 12. stOckHOlDer riGHts PlaN: In 2001, the board of directors adopted a Stockholder Rights Plan (“Plan”) in which one right (“Right”) was distributed as a dividend for each Nucor common share outstanding. The Plan was amended in 2006 to adjust the purchase price of the Rights for stock splits effected since adoption of the Plan. Each Right entitles Nucor common stockholders to purchase, under certain conditions, one five- thousandth of a share of newly authorized Series A Junior Participating Preferred Stock (“Preferred Stock”), with one five-thousandth of a share of Preferred Stock intended to be the economic equivalent of one share of Nucor common stock. Until the occurrence of certain events, the December 31, 2004 Customer relationships Trademarks and trade names Other $414,514 $20,042 $ — $ — 59,431 24,102 1,746 6,323 8,742 3,727 50 Rights are represented by and traded in tandem with Nucor common stock. Rights will be exercisable only if a person or group acquires beneficial ownership of 15 percent (15%) or more of the Nucor common shares or commences a tender or exchange offer, upon the consummation of which such person or group would beneficially own 15 percent (15%) or more of the common shares. Upon such an event, the Rights enable dilution of the acquiring person’s or group’s interest by providing that other holders of Nucor common stock may purchase, at an exercise price of $150, Nucor common stock or, in the discretion of the board of directors, Preferred Stock, having double the value of such exercise price. Nucor will be entitled to redeem the Rights at $0.001 per Right under certain circumstances set forth in the Plan. The Rights themselves have no voting power and will expire on March 8, 2011, unless earlier exercised, redeemed or exchanged. Each one five-thousandth of a share of Preferred Stock has the same voting rights as one share of Nucor common stock, and each share of Preferred Stock has 5,000 times the voting power of one share of Nucor common stock. 13. DeriVatiVe fiNaNcial iNstrumeNts: During 2007, accumulated other comprehensive income decreased by $0.8 million, net of deferred taxes of $0.5 million, due to unrealized losses on cash flow hedges on natural gas forward purchase contracts. The remaining change in accumulated other comprehensive income attributable to cash flow hedges on natural gas forward purchase contracts was due to the reclassification of net losses of approximately $11.7 million, net of deferred taxes of approximately $6.3 million, into earnings due to the settlement of transactions. During 2006, accumulated other comprehensive income decreased by $57.9 million, net of deferred taxes of $31.2 million, due to unrealized losses on cash flow hedges on natural gas forward purchase contracts. The remaining change in accumulated other comprehensive income attributable to cash flow hedges on natural gas forward purchase contracts was due to the reclassification of net losses of approximately $4.4 million, net of deferred taxes of approximately $2.4 million, into earnings due to the settlement of transactions. During 2005, accumulated other comprehensive income increased by $55.8 million, net of taxes of $30.0 million, due to unrealized gains on cash flow hedges on natural gas forward purchase contracts. The remaining change in accumulated other comprehensive income was due to the reclassification of net gains of approximately $8.1 million, net of deferred taxes of approximately $4.3 million, into earnings due to the settlement of transactions. Of the total $6.1 million fair value of cash flow hedges on natural gas forward purchase contracts at December 31, 2007, $4.4 million is included in accrued expenses and other current liabilities and $10.5 million is included in other assets. Of the total $10.6 million fair value of cash flow hedges on natural gas forward purchase contracts at December 31, 2006, $12.6 million is included in accrued expenses and other current liabilities and $2.0 million is included in other assets. At December 31, 2007, $2.9 million of net deferred losses on cash flow hedges on natural gas forward purchase contracts included in accumulated other comprehensive income are expected to be reclassified into earnings, due to the settlement of forecasted transactions, during the next twelve months assuming no change in the forward commodity prices from December 31, 2007. Nucor is hedging a portion of its exposure to the variability of future cash flows for forecasted natural gas purchases over various time periods not exceeding three years. Nucor has also entered into various natural gas purchase contracts, which meet the normal purchase normal sale exclusion under SFAS 133. These instruments effectively commit Nucor to the following purchases of natural gas to be used for production: $165.6 million in 2008; $46.6 million in 2009; $27.0 million in 2010; $26.1 million in 2011; $26.7 million in 2012; and $485.3 million between 2013 and 2028. These natural gas purchase contracts will primarily supply our direct reduced iron facility in Trinidad. In January 2007, the Company entered into forward foreign currency contracts in order to mitigate the risk of currency fluctuation on the fixed purchase price for the acquisition of Harris Steel, which closed in March 2007. These contracts had a notional value of Cdn$600 million and settled in March 2007 resulting in a recognized gain of $5.8 million included in marketing, administrative and other expenses. Nucor does not anticipate non-performance by the counterparties in any of these derivative instruments given their high credit ratings, and no material loss is expected from non-performance by any one of such counterparties. 14. cONtiNGeNcies: Nucor is subject to environmental laws and regulations established by federal, state and local authorities, and, accordingly, makes provision for the estimated costs of compliance. Of the undiscounted total $19.9 million of accrued environmental costs at December 31, 2007 ($23.0 million at December 31, 2006), $16.6 million was classified in accrued expenses and other current liabilities ($19.7 million at December 31, 2006) and $3.3 million was classified in deferred credits and other liabilities at December 31, 2007 and December 31, 2006. Inherent uncertainties exist in these estimates primarily due to unknown conditions, evolving remediation technology, and changing governmental regulations and legal standards. During 2007, Nucor revised estimates as additional information was obtained and projects were completed, increasing environmental reserves by $1.2 million (increasing reserves by $2.9 million in 2006 and reducing reserves by $9.4 million in 2005). The revisions are included in cost of products sold. 51 Other contingent liabilities with respect to product warranties, legal proceedings and other matters arise in the normal course of business. Nucor maintains liability insurance for certain risks that arise that are also subject to certain self-insurance limits. In the opinion of management, no such matters exist which, in the event of an unfavorable outcome, would have a material effect on the consolidated financial statements. 15. stOck-BaseD cOmPeNsatiON: stOck OPtiONs Nucor’s stock option plans provide that common stock options may be granted to key employees, officers and non-employee directors with exercise prices at 100% of the market price on the date of the grant. Outstanding options are exercisable six months after the grant date and have a term of seven years. Nucor did not grant any options during 2007 or 2006 and does not expect to grant options to its employees, officers or non-employee directors in future periods. A summary of activity under Nucor’s stock option plans is as follows: Year ended December 31, 2007 2006 (shares in thousands) 2005 shares Weighted-average exercise Price shares Weighted-average exercise Price shares Weighted-average exercise Price Number of shares under option: Outstanding at beginning of year Granted Exercised Canceled Outstanding at end of year 2,461 — (609) — 1,852 $20.21 — 19.70 — $20.37 4,366 — (1,903) (2) 2,461 $19.93 — 19.56 28.86 $20.21 4,672 1,553 (1,833) (26) 4,366 $14.68 29.75 14.77 27.71 $19.93 Options exercisable at end of year 1,852 $20.37 2,461 $20.21 3,562 $17.91 Shares reserved for future grants 19,068 Since Nucor began granting restricted stock units in 2006 in lieu of stock options, the shares reserved for future grants as of December 31, 2007 and 2006 are reflected in the restricted stock units table located at the end of this note. The total intrinsic value of options (the amount by which the stock price exceeded the exercise price of the option on the date of exercise) that were exercised during 2007 was $26.5 million ($56.1 million in 2006 and $28.9 million in 2005). The following table summarizes information about stock options outstanding at December 31, 2007: Options Outstanding and exercisable Options exercisable (shares in thousands) range of exercise Prices Number Outstanding and exercisable Weighted-average remaining contractual life Weighted-average exercise Price Number exercisable Weighted average exercise Price $10.00 – $15.00 15.01 – 20.00 20.01 – 25.00 25.01 – 30.73 $10.00 – $30.73 630 554 — 668 1,852 1.8 years 3.5 years — 4.4 years 3.3 years $12.28 18.29 — 29.72 $20.37 808 621 — 352 1,781 $24.35 36.21 — 61.46 35.83 The total aggregate intrinsic value of options outstanding and options exercisable as of December 31, 2007 was $71.9 million. 52 The weighted-average per share fair value of options granted was $9.08 in 2005 (none granted in 2006 and 2007). The fair value of each option grant is estimated on the date of the grant using the Black-Scholes option-pricing model with the following assumptions (expected volatilities are based on historical experience): Year ended December 31, 2005 2004 2003 Expected dividend yield Expected stock price volatility Risk-free interest rate Expected life of options (in years) 0.98% – 1.04% 38.42% – 38.43% 3.76% – 3.80% 3.5 1.30% – 1.32% 29.18% – 31.08% 2.15% – 2.74% 3.5 1.56% – 1.92% 43.37% – 46.51% 1.91% – 2.62% 3.5 As a result of adopting SFAS 123(R) in the first quarter of 2006, $2.5 million of compensation expense was recorded over the remaining vesting period for the unvested portion of previously issued awards that were outstanding at January 1, 2006. Since Nucor did not grant any options in 2006 or 2007 and since as of March 1, 2006 all outstanding options were vested, no additional compensation expense related to stock options was recorded throughout the remainder of 2006 or in 2007. restricteD stOck aWarDs Nucor’s Senior Officers Long-Term Incentive Plan (the “LTIP”) and Annual Incentive Plan (the “AIP”) authorize the award of shares of common stock to officers subject to certain conditions and restrictions. The LTIP provides for the award of shares of restricted common stock at the end of each LTIP performance measurement period at no cost to officers if certain financial performance goals are met during the period. One-third of the LTIP restricted stock award vests upon each of the first three anniversaries of the award date or, if earlier, upon the officer’s attainment of age fifty-five while employed by Nucor. Although participants are entitled to cash dividends and may vote awarded shares, the sale or transfer of such shares is limited during the restricted period. The AIP provides for the payment of annual cash incentive awards. An AIP participant may elect, however, to defer payment of up to one-half of an annual incentive award. In such event, the deferred award is converted into common stock units and credited with a deferral incentive, in the form of additional common stock units, equal to 25% of the number of common stock units attributable to the deferred award. Common stock units attributable to deferred awards are fully vested. Common stock units credited as a deferral incentive vest upon the participant’s attainment of age fifty-five while employed by Nucor. Vested common stock units are paid to participants in the form of shares of common stock following their termination of employment with Nucor. A summary of Nucor’s restricted stock activity under the AIP and LTIP is as follows: Year ended December 31, 2007 2006 (shares in thousands) 2005 shares Grant Date fair Value shares Grant Date fair Value shares Restricted stock awards and units: Unvested at beginning of year Granted Vested Canceled Unvested at end of year Shares reserved for future grants $39.14 64.26 49.42 — $51.93 553 464 (538) — 479 2,267 408 588 (436) (7) 553 2,731 $27.33 47.54 39.26 47.54 $39.14 76 585 (253) — 408 3,312 Grant Date fair Value $14.03 28.83 26.79 — $27.33 53 Compensation expense for common stock and common stock units awarded under the AIP and LTIP is recorded over the performance measurement and vesting periods based on the anticipated number and market value of shares of common stock and common stock units to be awarded. Compensation expense for anticipated awards based upon Nucor’s financial performance, exclusive of amounts payable in cash, was $18.3 million in 2007 ($23.1 million in 2006 and $16.8 million in 2005). The total fair value of shares vested during 2007 was $34.1 million ($20.3 million in 2006 and $7.5 million in 2005). As of December 31, 2007, unrecognized compensation expense related to non-vested restricted stock was $5.3 million, which is expected to be recognized over a weighted-average period of 1.7 years. restricteD stOck uNits In June 2006, Nucor granted restricted stock units (“RSUs”) to key employees, officers and non-employee directors for the first time. The RSUs typically vest and are converted to common stock in three equal installments on each of the first three anniversaries of the grant date. A portion of the RSUs awarded to senior officers vest upon the officer’s retirement. Retirement, for purposes of vesting in these units only, means termination of employment with approval of the Compensation and Executive Development Committee after satisfying age and years of service requirements. RSUs granted to non- employee directors are fully vested on the grant date and are payable to the non-employee director in the form of common stock after the termination of the director’s service on the board of directors. RSUs granted to employees who are eligible for retirement on the date of grant or will become retirement eligible prior to the end of the vesting term are expensed over the period through which the employee will become retirement-eligible since the awards vest upon retirement from the Company. Compensation expense for RSUs granted to employees who are not retirement-eligible is recognized on a straight-line basis over the vesting period. Cash dividend equivalents are paid to participants each quarter. Dividend equivalents paid on units expected to vest are recognized as a reduction in retained earnings. The fair value of the RSUs is determined based on the closing stock price of Nucor’s common stock on the day before the grant. A summary of Nucor’s restricted stock unit activity for 2007 and 2006 is as follows: Year ended December 31, 2007 (shares in thousands) 2006 2004 shares Grant Date fair Value shares Grant Date fair Value shares Grant Date fair Value Restricted stock units: Unvested at beginning of year Granted Vested Canceled Unvested at end of year 597 637 (310) (6) 918 $52.64 67.54 58.93 57.38 $60.82 — 769 (159) (13) 597 $ $ — 52.64 52.64 52.64 52.64 — $ — Shares reserved for future grants 17,683 18,314 Compensation expense for RSUs was $25.7 million in 2007 ($14.5 million in 2006 and none in 2005). The total fair value of shares vested during 2007 was $20.8 million ($8.4 million in 2006 and none in 2005). As of December 31, 2007, unrecognized compensation expense related to non-vested RSUs was $40.7 million, which is expected to be recognized over a weighted-average period of 1.8 years. 16. emPlOYee BeNefit PlaNs: Nucor makes contributions to a Profit-Sharing and Retirement Savings Plan for qualified employees based on the profitability of the company. Nucor’s expense for these benefits totaled $229.9 million in 2007 ($272.6 million in 2006 and $206.0 million in 2005). The related liability for these benefits is included in salaries, wages and related accruals. Nucor also has a medical plan covering certain eligible early retirees. The unfunded obligation, included in deferred credits and other liabilities in the balance sheet, totaled $44.1 million at December 31, 2007 ($51.8 million at December 31, 2006). Expense associated with this plan totaled $3.4 million in 2007 ($4.6 million in 2006 and $2.9 million in 2005). The discount rate used was 6.5% in 2007 (5.75% in 2006 and 5.50% in 2005). The health care cost increase trend rate used was 8% in 2007 and 2006 (9% in 2005). The health care cost increase in the trend rate is projected to decline gradually to 5% by 2013. 54 17. iNterest eXPeNse (iNcOme): Net interest expense (income) consists of the following: Year ended December 31, 2007 2006 Interest expense Interest income Interest expense (income), net $51,106 (45,637) $ 5,469 $ 40,351 (77,716) $(37,365) (in thousands) 2005 $36,571 (32,370) $ 4,201 Interest paid was $46.8 million in 2007 ($41.5 million in 2006 and $37.2 million in 2005). 18. OtHer iNcOme: In 2005, Nucor received $9.2 million in settlement of claims against third parties related to environmental matters. 19. iNcOme taXes: The provision for income taxes consists of the following: Year ended December 31, 2007 2006 (in thousands) 2005 Current: Federal State Foreign Total current Deferred: Federal State Foreign Total deferred $762,045 73,435 27,094 862,574 (57,845) (4,500) (18,861) (81,206) $902,110 72,937 — 975,047 $685,479 49,984 — 735,463 (39,394) — — (39,394) (24,429) (1,200) — (25,629) Total provision for income taxes $781,368 $935,653 $709,834 A reconciliation of the federal statutory tax rate (35%) to the total provision is as follows. Year ended December 31, 2007 2006 2005 Taxes computed at statutory rate State income taxes, net of federal income tax benefit Resolution of prior year contingencies Federal research credit Domestic manufacturing deduction Other, net 35.00% 35.00% 35.00% 1.99 — (0.06) (2.02) (0.23) 1.76 (0.26) (0.05) (1.03) (0.67) 1.57 — (0.07) (1.04) (0.44) Provision for income taxes 34.68% 34.75% 35.02% 55 Deferred tax assets and liabilities resulted from the following: December 31, Deferred tax assets: Accrued liabilities and reserves Allowance for doubtful accounts Inventory Post-retirement benefits Natural gas hedges Net operating loss carryforward Tax credit carryforwards Total deferred tax assets Deferred tax liabilities: Cumulative translation adjustment Natural gas hedges Holdbacks and amounts not due under contracts Intangibles Property, plant and equipment Total deferred tax liabilities (in thousands) 2007 2006 $ 93,266 15,511 124,487 16,427 — 13,887 24,000 287,578 $ 76,655 11,617 138,642 19,855 4,495 — — 251,264 (8,000) (1,597) — (6,345) ) (28,512) — (153,087) — (275,680) (466,876) ) ) (323,106) (329,451) Total net deferred tax liabilities $(179,298) $ (78,187) Current deferred tax assets were $161.0 million at December 31, 2007 ($170.8 million at December 31, 2006). Non-current deferred tax liabilities were $340.3 million at December 31, 2007 ($249.0 million at December 31, 2006). Nucor paid $875.6 million in net federal, state and foreign income taxes in 2007 ($971.0 million in 2006 and $806.7 million in 2005). As a result of the implementation of FIN 48, Nucor recognized a net $31.1 million decrease to reserves for uncertain tax positions and accrued interest and penalties, which was accounted for as an increase in the January 1, 2007 retained earnings. At the adoption date, Nucor had approximately $92.4 million of unrecognized tax benefits, of which $90.2 million would affect Nucor’s effective tax rate, if recognized. At December 31, 2007, Nucor had approximately $102.2 million of unrecognized tax benefits, of which $99.5 million would affect Nucor’s effective tax rate, if recognized. A reconciliation of the beginning and ending amounts of unrecognized tax benefits is as follows: Balance at January 1, 2007 Additions based on tax positions related to current year Reductions based on tax positions related to current year Additions for tax positions of prior years Reductions for tax positions of prior years Reductions due to settlements with taxing authorities Reductions due to statute of limitations lapse Additions from current year acquisitions Balance at December 31, 2007 (in thousands) $ 92,394 21,082 — 7,504 (1,173) (17,567) (5,686) 5,620 $102,174 Weighted average life 22 years 20 years 56 It is expected that the amount of unrecognized tax benefits will change in the next twelve months. However, we do not expect the change to have a significant impact on our results of operations or financial position. During 2007, Nucor recognized $1.8 million in interest and penalties. As of December 31, 2007, Nucor had approximately $30.0 million of accrued interest and penalties related to uncertain tax positions. The Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”) is currently examining Nucor’s 2005 federal income tax returns. Management believes that the Company has adequately provided for any adjustments that may arise from this audit. Nucor has substantially concluded U.S. federal income tax matters for years through 2004. The 2006 and 2007 tax years are open to examination by the IRS. The tax years 2003 through 2007 remain open to examination by other major taxing jurisdictions to which Nucor is subject. 20. earNiNGs Per sHare: The computations of basic and diluted earnings per share are as follows: Year ended December 31, 2007 2006 2005 (in thousands, except per share data) Basic earnings per share: Basic net earnings $1,471,947 $1,756,782 $1,317,249 Average shares outstanding 295,779 306,621 314,256 Basic net earnings per share $4.98 $5.73 $4.19 Diluted earnings per share: Diluted net earnings Diluted average shares outstanding: Basic shares outstanding Dilutive effect of stock options and other Diluted net earnings per share $1,471,947 $1,756,782 $1,317,249 295,779 306,621 314,256 2,099 297,878 $4.94 2,760 309,381 $5.68 2,874 317,130 $4.15 57 21. seGmeNts: Nucor reports its results in the following segments: steel mills and steel products. The steel mills segment includes carbon and alloy steel in sheet, bar, structural and plate. The steel products segment includes steel joists and joist girders, steel deck, fabricated concrete reinforcing steel, cold finish steel, steel fasteners, metal buildings, light gauge steel framing, steel grating and expanded metal, and wire and wire mesh. The “All other” category includes Novosteel S.A., a steel trading business of which Nucor owns 75%, Nu-Iron Unlimited, a facility that produces direct reduced iron used by the steel mills, and certain equity method investments. The segments are consistent with the way Nucor manages its business, which is primarily based upon the similarity of the types of products produced and sold by each segment. Management evaluates the operating performance of each of its segments based upon division contribution. The accounting policies of the reportable segments are the same as those described in the summary of significant accounting policies. Nucor accounts for intercompany sales at prices approximating current market value. Interest expense, minority interests, other income, profit sharing expense and changes in the LIFO reserve and environmental accruals are shown under Corporate/eliminations. Corporate assets primarily include cash and cash equivalents, short-term investments, deferred income tax assets and investments in affiliates. Nucor’s segment results are as follows: Year ended December 31, 2007 2006 (in thousands) 2005 Net sales to external customers: Steel mills Steel products All other (1) Intercompany sales: Steel mills Steel products All other (1) Corporate/eliminations Depreciation expense: Steel mills Steel products All other (1) Corporate Earnings before income taxes: Steel mills Steel products All other (1) Corporate/eliminations Segment assets: Steel mills Steel products All other (1) Corporate/eliminations Capital expenditures: Steel mills Steel products All other (1) Corporate $13,311,212 3,051,648 230,116 $16,592,976 $13,025,123 1,726,147 $11,063,681 1,637,318 — — $14,751,270 $12,700,999 $ 1,313,337 36,101 340,687 (1,690,125) $ — $ 990,382 21,560 — (1,011,942) $ — $ 896,432 36,246 — (932,678) $ — $ 351,565 31,089 19,692 826 $ 403,172 $ 345,165 18,438 — 333 $ 363,936 $ 355,887 19,167 — — $ 375,054 $ 2,854,152 302,162 (3,926) (899,073) $ 2,253,315 $ 3,193,277 191,514 (17,780) (674,576) $ 2,692,435 $ 2,218,336 180,756 (9,399) (362,610) $ 2,027,083 $ 5,134,277 2,938,964 647,945 1,104,936 $ 9,826,122 $ 4,717,734 751,858 370,486 2,052,940 $ 7,893,018 $ 4,633,520 519,562 220,265 1,775,498 $ 7,148,845 $ 409,986 90,344 9,107 10,916 $ 520,353 $ 195,548 18,039 105,961 18,856 $ 338,404 $ 216,047 18,378 89,740 7,301 $ 331,466 (1) In 2007, “All other” includes the results of our raw material-related businesses as follows: no sales to external customers, intercompany sales of $322.0 million, depreciation expense of $19.6 million, earnings before income taxes of $(6.5) million, assets of $465.1 million and capital expenditures of $9.0 million. In 2006 and 2005, the amounts in “All other” consist exclusively of the results from our raw material-related businesses. 58 Geographic information is as follows: December 31, Property, plant, equipment, net United States Other (in thousands) 2007 2006 $2,887,760 345,238 $3,232,998 $2,624,231 232,184 $2,856,415 Net sales by product were as follows. Further product group breakdown is impracticable. (in thousands) Year ended December 31, 2007 2006 2005 Net sales to external customers: Sheet Bar Structural Plate Steel products All other $ 5,051,067 3,885,094 2,564,531 1,810,520 3,051,648 230,116 $16,592,976 $ 5,362,178 3,702,609 2,205,303 1,755,033 1,726,147 — $14,751,270 $ 4,805,391 3,061,326 1,702,720 1,494,244 1,637,318 — $12,700,999 22. suBseQueNt eVeNt: In February 2008, Nucor signed a purchase agreement to acquire the stock of SHV North America Corporation, which owns 100% of The David J. Joseph Company (“DJJ”), its related affiliates and real estate, for approximately $1.44 billion. The acquisition is expected to close in the first quarter after satisfactory resolution of regulatory approvals. DJJ, which will operate as a subsidiary of Nucor, trades and processes scrap, provides transportation services using a railcar fleet, and provides other complementary services. 23. QuarterlY iNfOrmatiON (uNauDiteD): Year ended December 31, 2007 Net sales Gross margin(1) Net earnings Net earnings per share: Basic Diluted 2006 Net sales Gross margin(2) Net earnings Net earnings per share: Basic Diluted first Quarter second Quarter third Quarter fourth Quarter (in thousands, except per share data) $ 3,768,885 777,287 381,029 1.27 1.26 $ 4,168,110 764,205 344,850 1.14 1.14 $3,545,097 766,926 380,031 $3,806,350 876,555 450,011 1.22 1.21 1.45 1.44 $ 4,259,221 809,961 381,222 1.30 1.29 $3,931,233 1,010,451 521,636 1.71 1.70 $ 4,396,760 778,596 364,846 1.27 1.26 $3,468,590 812,732 405,104 1.35 1.34 (1) Nucor incurred LIFO charges of $24.5 million, $66.5 million, $11.0 million and $92.3 million in the first, second, third and fourth quarters of 2007, respectively. (2) Nucor incurred LIFO charges of $9.0 million, $15.5 million and $20.5 million in the first, second and third quarters of 2006, respectively; and incurred a LIFO credit of $39.6 million in the fourth quarter of 2006. BOarD Of DirectOrs 59 Board of Directors, from left to right: James D. Hlavacek, Peter C. Browning, Bernard L. Kasriel, Harvey B. Gantt, Victoria F. Haynes, Clayton C. Daley, Jr. and Daniel R. DiMicco. Not Pictured: John H. Walker. BOarD Of DirectOrs Peter c. Browning Lead Director Nucor Corporation clayton c. Daley, Jr. Vice Chair and Chief Financial Officer The Procter & Gamble Company Victoria f. Haynes President and Chief Executive Officer Research Triangle Institute James D. Hlavacek Chairman and Chief Executive Officer The Corporate Development Institute, Inc. Daniel r. Dimicco Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer Nucor Corporation Bernard l. kasriel Partner LBO France Harvey B. Gantt Principal Partner Gantt Huberman Architects, PLLC John H. Walker Chief Executive Officer Global Brass and Copper, Inc. 60 eXecutiVe maNaGemeNt eXecutiVe maNaGemeNt CORPORATE OFFICES Daniel r. Dimicco Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer terry s. lisenby Chief Financial Officer, Treasurer and Executive Vice President John J. ferriola Chief Operating Officer of Steelmaking Operations ladd r. Hall Executive Vice President Flat Rolled Products Hamilton lott, Jr. Executive Vice President Fabricated Construction Products D. michael Parrish Executive Vice President Bar Products Joseph a. rutkowski Executive Vice President Business Development r. Joseph stratman Executive Vice President Beam and Plate Products James m. coblin Vice President, Human Resources James r. Darsey President of Vulcraft/Verco Group Vice President of Nucor James D. frias Vice President and Corporate Controller Harry r. lowe President of Nucor Buildings Group Vice President of Nucor elizabeth W. Bowers General Manager of Taxes a. rae eagle General Manager and Corporate Secretary Douglas r. Gunson General Manager of Corporate Legal Affairs stephen D. laxton General Manager of Business Development and Strategic Planning Norman l. maero General Manager of Construction steven J. rowlan Director of Environmental Affairs Bradford G. true Director of Metallics Strategies richard l. Wechsler General Manager of International Business Development OPERATING FACILITIES edmund r. aller General Manager Nucor Building Systems Utah, LLC Brigham City, Utah thomas J. Batterbee General Manager Nucor Building Systems Division Terrell, Texas James r. Beard Vice President, General Manager Vulcraft Division Florence, South Carolina allen c. Behr General Manager Nucor Building Systems Division Swansea, South Carolina a. Jay Bowcutt Vice President, General Manager Bar Mill Division Plymouth, Utah mark m. Brandon General Manager Nucor Steel Connecticut, Inc. Wallingford, Connecticut Nucor Wire Products Pennsylvania, Inc. New Salem, Pennsylvania Jeffrey B. carmean President of Nucor Building Systems Vice President of Nucor samuel e. commella, Jr. Vice President, General Manager Sheet Mill Division Hickman, Arkansas Giffin f. Daughtridge Vice President, General Manager Sheet Mill Division, Beam Mill Division Berkeley County, South Carolina ronald l. Dickerson Vice President, General Manager Sheet Mill Division Crawfordsville, Indiana John c. farris Vice President, General Manager Nucor Steel Marion, Inc. Marion, Ohio francis W. Griggs Vice President, General Manager Nucor Steel Birmingham, Inc. Birmingham, Alabama michael s. Gurley Vice President, General Manager Bar Mill Division, Cold Finish Division Darlington, South Carolina John Harris President and Chief Executive Officer Harris Steel Group, ULC lester l. Hart General Manager Nu-Iron Unlimited Point Lisas, Trinidad Douglas J. Jellison Vice President, General Manager Nucor-Yamato Steel Company Blytheville, Arkansas ronald k. kuenkler General Manager Nucor Building Systems Division Waterloo, Indiana James r. landrum Vice President, General Manager Vulcraft Division Grapeland, Texas michael D. lee Vice President, General Manager Bar Mill Division Norfolk, Nebraska matthew J. lyons General Manager Nucor Steel Seattle, Inc. Seattle, Washington robert W. mccracken General Manager Plate Mill Division Hertford County, North Carolina mark miller General Manager Verco Decking, Inc. Phoenix, Arizona tomas a. miller General Manager Fastener Division St. Joe, Indiana Nucor Cold Finish Wisconsin, Inc. Oak Creek, Wisconsin Donald r. moody General Manager NUCONSTEEL Denton, Texas 61 raymond s. Napolitan, Jr. President of American Buildings Company Vice President of Nucor B. thad solomon General Manager Nucor Steel Memphis, Inc. Memphis, Tennessee John r. Ohm Vice President, General Manager Nucor Steel Kankakee, Inc. Kankakee, Illinois Dirk a. Petersen Vice President, General Manager Vulcraft Division, Cold Finish Division Norfolk, Nebraska D. chad utermark General Manager Bar Mill Division Jewett, Texas stanley l. Walker Vice President, General Manager Vulcraft Division, Cold Finish Division Brigham City, Utah shannon l. Phillips Vice President, General Manager Vulcraft Division St. Joe, Indiana robert m. Proia Vice President, General Manager Vulcraft of New York, Inc. Chemung, New York k. rex Query Vice President, General Manager Nucor Steel Decatur, LLC Decatur, Alabama D. edward ryan Vice President, General Manager Vulcraft Division Fort Payne, Alabama James a. sheble Vice President, General Manager Nucor Steel Jackson, Inc. Jackson, Mississippi randy c. skagen Vice President, General Manager Nucor Steel Tuscaloosa, Inc. Tuscaloosa, Alabama David r. smith Vice President, General Manager Nucor Steel Auburn, Inc. Auburn, New York 62 cOrPOrate aND stOck Data cOrPOrate Office 1915 Rexford Road Charlotte, North Carolina 28211 Phone 704/366-7000 Fax 704/362-4208 stOck traNsfers DiViDeND DisBursiNG DiViDeND reiNVestmeNt American Stock Transfer & Trust Company 59 Maiden Lane New York, New York 10038 Phone 800/937-5449 Fax 718/236-2641 aNNual meetiNG The 2008 annual meeting of stockholders will be held at 10:00 a.m. on Friday, May 9, 2008, at the Charlotte Marriott SouthPark, 2200 Rexford Road, Charlotte, NC. stOck listiNG Nucor’s common stock is traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol NUE. As of January 31, 2008, there were approximately 19,000 stockholders of record. fOrm 10-k A copy of Nucor’s 2007 annual report filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) on Form 10-K is available to stockholders upon request. The certifications of Nucor’s Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer regarding the quality of Nucor’s public disclosure that are required by Section 302 of The Sarbanes- Oxley Act of 2002 are included as exhibits to Nucor’s annual report on Form 10-K. In addition, in 2007, Nucor’s Chief Executive Officer provided to the New York Stock Exchange (“NYSE”) the Annual CEO Certification regarding Nucor’s compliance with the NYSE’s corporate governance standards. iNterNet access Nucor’s annual report on Form 10-K, quarterly reports on Form 10-Q, current reports on Form 8-K and all amendments to these reports, are available without charge through Nucor’s website,, as soon as reasonably practicable after Nucor files these reports electronically with or furnishes them to the SEC. Additional information available on our website includes our Corporate Governance Principles, Board of Directors Committee Charters, Standards of Business Conduct and Ethics, and Code of Ethics for Senior Financial Professionals as well as various other financial and statistical data. Written copies are available to stockholders on request. stOck Price aND DiViDeNDs PaiD 2007 Stock price: High Low Dividends paid 2006 Stock price: High Low Dividends paid first Quarter second Quarter third Quarter fourth Quarter $66.99 53.20 0.60 $69.93 56.07 0.61 $64.75 41.62 0.61 $64.97 50.11 0.61 $54.90 33.64 0.325 $60.30 44.80 0.35 $55.94 45.12 0.60 $67.55 47.50 0.60 stOck PerfOrmaNce This graphic comparison assumes the investment of $100 in Nucor Corporation common stock, $100 in the S&P 500 Index and $100 in the S&P Steel Group Index, all at year-end 2002. The resulting cumulative total return assumes that cash dividends were reinvested. Nucor common stock comprised 42% of the S&P Steel Group Index at year-end 2007 (51% at year-end 2002). 750 600 450 300 150 s r a l l o d year 02 03 04 05 06 07 S T O C K P E R F O R M A N C E Nucor corporation s&P 500 index s&P steel Group index tHis aNNual rePOrt Has BeeN PriNteD ON recYcleD PaPer. MONTGOMERY OSBORNE MEIKA M OSETSKY STEVEN D OSHEL TIM OSMER DALE H OSMUN EDWARD ALLEN O’STEEN JR ROBERT L OSTRANDER JR JOHN O’SULLIVAN PAT O’SULLIVAN HOBERT EUGENE OSWALT JOHN OTHMER MARYALLENE OTIS JORDAN S OTJEN STEVEN A OTJEN JOHN W OTT MATTHEW A OTTIS DRISCOLL OTTO JONATHON D OTTS TUPOU N OTUTAHA JAMES P OTWELL PATRICK OUELLET JONATHAN D OUELLETTE RANDY E OUELLETTE WILLIE C OUSLEY KEVIN LEE OUTLAND PHILLIP WAYNE OUTLAND JAMMIE L OUTLAW HEATH M OVERACKER JACKIE N OVERBEY CRAIG OVEREND CHET A OVERMAN JASON T OVERTON JOSEPH RANDALL OVERTON JOYCE S OVERTON RYAN L OVERTON FRANK J OVIEDO ETHAN A OWEN ANDY D OWEN CHARLES H OWEN DARBY L OWENBY AARON T OWENS BENJAMIN W OWENS BILLY M OWENS CHARLES A OWENS CINDY L OWENS CLARENCE R OWENS DONALD J OWENS GEORGE OWENS HUGH OWENS JAMES E OWENS JONATHAN W OWENS MARGARET B OWENS REUBEN H OWENS TIMOTHY J OWENS WILLIE OWENS JR DANNY C OWENSBY DOMICIANO PACHECO ALEJANDRO PACHES GURJIT PADDA JOHN W PADGETT RALPH D PADGETT TONY D PADGETT TRACY V PADGETT FRANCISCO J PADILLA GUADALUPE O PADILLA MARTIN G PADILLA GABRIEL PADILLA JR MARTIN PADILLA-LOPEZ DARYL PADMORE RAE L PAFF SCOTT PAGAN JEROME PAGE JOE D PAGE JOHN L PAGE LUKE PAGE RANDY M PAGE RICHARD PAGE RICHARD M PAGE RICHARD PAHUYO TERRY STEVEN PAIGE KEVIN M PAINTER MICHAEL ALLEN PAINTER RICHARD L PAINTER WAYNE PAISH MERLE L PAITSEL HEDVA PALACHI JOSE A PALACIOS PABLO PALACIOS BLAIR R PALMER BRANDON T PALMER DAVID I PALMER GEORGE STANLEY PALMER IAN H PALMER JAMES W PALMER JEFFREY PALMER JENNY LYNN PALMER JOSHUA W PALMER JUSTIN R PALMER KATHLEEN A PALMER LINDA COLEEN PALMER LISA M PALMER QUINN PALMER RANDY PALMER THOMAS E PALMER WALTER LEE PALMER TERRY J PALMORE SAMMY L PALMORE JR CARLOS PALOMINO EDWARD M PALUMBO II SHERIDA PANCHAM PRUDENCIO D PANCHO DHIREN PANDA DAVID J PANEK MARTIN E PANKEY RICHARD J PANKEY ADAM W PANKOP BRIAN K PANNELLS DANIEL L PANTELLO NESTOR M PANTIG JOHNNY M PANTOJA LUCENO A PANUGALING JUAN PAPAQUI CICILIA I PAPAS MARIAN PAPIERNIK WAYNE PAPINCAK LINDA K PAPSTEIN DANIEL PAQUETTE DENIS PAQUETTE PIERRE PAQUETTE JULIETA PAQUIN MISTY PARADA RAMON E PARADA DANIEL PARADIS MATT J PARADIS RAJKUMAR PARAMDEO HECTOR PARAMO MIGUEL A PARANGUEO DANIEL W PARDUE DAVID PARDY JOHNNY M PARE KEVIN PARE JUAN PAREDES CARL PARENT DANIEL S PARENT DAVID F PARENT JOANNE PARENT PHIL PARENT ALAN PARIS SUSIE A PARIS BILLY W PARISH VICKI D PARISH CHARLES O PARISIEN RAYMOND E PARISIEN SHANE D PARISOT TERRY B PARK BRUCE E PARKER BYRON KEITH PARKER DANA S PARKER DENNY J PARKER DONNIE L PARKER GREGORY A PARKER JACQUELINE M PARKER KEITH A PARKER KIM L PARKER LIONEL PARKER NATHAN R PARKER RANDALL E PARKER STEVE A PARKER SUSAN E PARKER TERRY J PARKER THOMAS A PARKER THOMAS KENT PARKER TIMOTHY L PARKER TINA DIANNE PARKER TOBY GLENN PARKER TRACY PARKER WILLIAM R PARKER ZEBULON K PARKER BENJAMIN W PARKER JR MONTY L PARKER JR WINFORD C PARKER JR KENDALL V PARKHURST JAMES F PARKINS BENJAMIN M PARKS JARVIS PARKS RONALD W PARKS JOE A PARKS III MARTHA LOUISE PARMER HORACE L PARNELL KEITH PARNELL THOMAS A PARR AARON P PARRISH D MICHAEL PARRISH EUDON PARRISH MARCUS W PARRISH ROBERT KEITH PARRISH CHARLES BRITT PARRISH JR DERALD H PARROTT KRISTOPHER W PARROTT TIMOTHY A PARROTT WARREN S PARROTT DAVID W PARSLEY MICHELLE PARSLEY CHARLES RICHARD PARSONS GERALDINE PARSONS JASON M PARSONS JOSHUA C PARSONS STEVEN L PARSONS TRACEY D PARTAIN EDWARD D PARTAIN LISA DENICE PARTON BILLY A PARTRIDGE JACK L PARTRIDGE KIRK E PASBRIG GIOVANNA PASCALE CURTIS RAY PASCH JOE M PASCHAL DON PASKARYK DON PASQUENO KATE A PASSARELLI VINCENZO PASSARETTI DANNY PASSMORE SCOTT A PASTERNAK JUSTIN A PASTORE CORY A PATCHIN JERRY W PATCHIN VIKKI PATCHIN JERRY W PATCHIN JR CLETUS B PATE JASON D PATE LUCAS P PATE MORGAN R PATE ERIC R PATELUNAS JOHN A PATERNOSTER MOHAN R PATIL ED PATON KELLY PATON JOHN MARK PATRENETS JOSHUA L PATRICK ALEX G PATRICK BRIAN K PATRICK JAMES W PATRICK JEFFERY SCOTT PATRICK MICHAEL PATRICK HOYT E PATTERSON AARON D PATTERSON ALONZO L PATTERSON ALPHONSO J PATTERSON BOBBY R PATTERSON DANNY R PATTERSON JACOB PATTERSON JIMMIE G PATTERSON KAREN J PATTERSON SHANE W PATTERSON THOMAS PATTERSON TIM PATTERSON TIMOTHY E PATTERSON WILLIAM A PATTERSON FLOYD T PATTERSON JR KENTON G PATTILLO LONNIE D PATTILLO JOSHUA C PATTON GEORGE S PATTON KENO S PATTON LESIA E PATTON LINDA J PATTON ROBERT H PATTON JEFFREY PATTON JR CALE R PAUL COLIN B PAUL DAVID E PAUL MICHAEL E PAUL MICHEL PAUL TRENT M PAUL DALE F PAULSEN JOHN R PAULSEN MICHAEL E PAULSEN JERALD L PAVLIK RODNEY L PAVLIK ASHLEY E PAXTON GROVER A PAY FARZEEN PAYAMFAR JOHN PAYETTE ALLAN W PAYNE BILL E PAYNE BRAD A PAYNE BRENDA PAYNE CHAD J PAYNE DOUGLAS C PAYNE GEOFFREY A PAYNE JEFFERY LEON PAYNE JOEL A PAYNE JOHN PAYNE JOHNNY W PAYNE JONAS T PAYNE JONATHAN T PAYNE JOSHUA S PAYNE KENNETH D PAYNE MATTHEW S PAYNE SHANNON PAYNE TOMMY PAYNE TOMMY K PAYNE TONY FRANK PAYNE WILLIAM K PAYNE WILLIAM T PAYSEUR ELTON PAYTON GARY PAYTON PATRICK A PAYTON WILLIAM PAYTON JOEY K PEACE JOEY K PEACE JR JIM PEACOCK MICHAEL M PEACOCK NICK PEACOCK SANDRA D PEACOCK ALBERT D PEARCE BRENT N PEARCE DOUGLAS E PEARMAN MATTHEW O PEARMAN MICHAEL D PEARSON BRIAN C PEARSON DAVEDA J PEARSON JACQUALINE PEARSON MORGAN M PEARSON TARA L PEARSON-FRIBERG JAMES D PEASE MARK A PEASE SHAWN B PEATROWSKY TONY B PEAY JAY E PEAY JAMES J PEBLEY MICKEY PEBLEY TRUDY PEBLEY JOHNNY W PECK MARK EDWARD PECK SCOTT D PECK PAUL J PECONGE II POUL V PEDERSEN JR ANGELA F PEDIGO DIONICIO PEDRAZA PEDRO PEDRAZA GUADALUPE PEDROZA PAMALA S PEEBLES BOBBY E PEEK BRADLEY W PEEK CHARLTON L PEEK MARK A PEEK KEITH PEEL ROBERT PEEL JAMES E PEELER PATRICIA A PEGUES CARL PEILER AMANDA K PEITZ GARY D PEKNY ALEJANDRO PELAYO LESLIE W PELFREY RANDALL G PELL BRETT S PELLETIER JEFF PELLETIER DONALD J PELLOR JUNIOR F PELTIER JULIE M PELTS CATHY ANN PELUSO MICHAEL A PELUSO GABRIELA PENA JENNIFER PENA RAUDEL PENA TIM D PENCE SEAN PENDARVIS BRIAN S PENDERGRASS DENNIS C PENDERGRASS TOBY N PENDERGRASS EVA W PENDLETON LARRY W PENDLETON SIGMUND PENKUNAS RODNEY R PENLAND WILLIAM D PENLAND RANDALL T PENN GARY PENNELL JOE PENNELL ERROL PENNEY ARVIL KEITH PENNINGTON RODNEY W PENNINGTON DEMETRIOUS E PEOPLES JAMES G PEOPLES JOSH W PEOPLES MARK PEQUEGNAT FRANK F PERALTA BRADLEY S PERDUE ERNEST J PEREDETTO ARISTIDES PEREIRA JOSE PEREIRA MIKE PEREIRA BETTY PEREJMA ALBERTO PEREZ DAVID F PEREZ JOSE ARTURO E PEREZ LOUIE D PEREZ LUIS F PEREZ MARCOS PEREZ MARTIN B PEREZ SAUL PEREZ SERGIO PEREZ VICTOR M PEREZ CESAR OSCAR PEREZ-VAZQUEZ FAUSTINO A PEREZ-ZAPATA DAYNE W PERFONIC ASA MILO PERKINS CARL H PERKINS JEREMY D PERKINS KEVIN W PERKINS KRISTIN LYNN PERKINS MICHAEL DONALD PERKINS NICOLE DAWN PERKINS RONALD PERKINS TRAVIS C PERKINS VICTORIA L PERKINS JOHN R PERL ERVEN F PERRIGAN LARRY N PERRIN JR NORMAND PERRON STEPHANE PERRON PHILLIP PERROTIA RONALD PERRY CHRISTOPHER M PERRY DAVID L PERRY JACKIE PERRY JESSE D PERRY LARRY S PERRY RICKY LOUIS PERRY RUSSELL GLEN PERRY STEVEN C PERRY STEVEN R PERRY WYATT PERRY WALTER THOMAS PERRY II RONNIE D PERRY JR RONNIE D PERRY SR WALT R PERRY IV TED PERSINGER CLAY A PESTA ANNIE R PETERKIN KYRA K PETERS ALAN S PETERS ANDREW PETERS BRAD S PETERS DANIEL PETERS JASON C PETERS JEFFERY PETERS JOSHUA T PETERS KOLBY G PETERS MARGARET L PETERS MATT PETERS CARLYLE E PETERSEN DIRK A PETERSEN GARY L PETERSEN JAMES F PETERSEN KEITH L PETERSEN LANCE PETERSEN KENNETH J PETERSON ADAM J PETERSON ALISON N PETERSON BRIAN K PETERSON DENNIS P PETERSON FRANK D PETERSON JAMES A PETERSON JAMES R PETERSON JEFF PETERSON JOHN M PETERSON KOVAR A PETERSON KRISTINE PETERSON LINDA C PETERSON MONTY L PETERSON ROBERT D PETERSON THOMAS K PETERSON WALTER GIL PETERSON JAY R PETERSON JR MARK J PETITGOUE RICHARD A PETR MARK E PETRACEK ANTHONY JOSEPH PETROSINO JOHN P PETROSINO STEVEN PETRUOLO RONALD D PETSCHE BENJAMIN P PETT MISTI ANN PETT STEVE L PETT DARRYLE PETTERS DENNIS K PETTIGREW TIM ALAN PETTIGREW DAVID RODERICK PETTUS MICHAEL QUENTIN PETTUS HEIDI H PETTY TERRY J PETTY MITCHELL WILLIAM PETTY JR KELLY R PETZOLD MICHAEL W PETZOLD DENNIS H PEW GLENN PFAHLER BRADLEY S PFEFFERKORN EDWARD J PFEFFERKORN JEREMY D PFEFFERKORN KIMBERLY E PFEFFERKORN NATHAN J PFEFFERKORN BRUCE D PFEIFER JEFF PFEIFFER MONTE J PFEIFFER ANDREW T PFIRMAN JASON A PFLEDDERER MARTY D PFLUEGER MONTE C PFLUEGER BAO D PHAM DAVID D PHELPS DORIS J PHELPS LARRY R PHELPS TONY A PHELPS SOPHAL P PHEN DONALD LEE PHETTEPLACE MARK PHILIP VAUGHN PHILIP DAVID PHILIPPE WAYNE PHILIPPE CHARLES G PHILIPS HEATHER M PHILIPS OLINDA J PHILIPS JOHN PHILLIP TERRY WAYNE PHILLIPS ALSTON S PHILLIPS ANTHONY J PHILLIPS BILLY EARL PHILLIPS CHRISTY J PHILLIPS DENNIS J PHILLIPS GLENDA B PHILLIPS HAROLD PHILLIPS JAMES MICHAEL PHILLIPS JASON W PHILLIPS JOSEPH PHILLIPS KENNETH R PHILLIPS KENNY PHILLIPS KEVIN L PHILLIPS MARK A PHILLIPS MONTY PHILLIPS PETER J PHILLIPS RALPH SYLVESTER PHILLIPS ROBERT EARL PHILLIPS SHANNON L PHILLIPS TERRY L PHILLIPS WYNEEK E PHILLIPS DEWELLS Q PHILLIPS JR DAVID E PHILPOTT PAULO PHOMMARATH PHOU KHONG PHOMMAVISET SOUPHONE PHOMMAVISET MARY D PIACINE ANTHONY S PIATT FRANK S PIAZZA RAYMOND E PIAZZA DONNA M PICARRO PETER MICHAEL PICCIANO ALFONSO PICCOLO PETER F PICCOLO MARCEL PICHE JERRY L PICHLER JAMES PICHOTTO FRED J PICKELSIMER JAMES EDWARD PICKENS JEANETTE D PICKENS JERALD KEITH PICKENS KERRY C PICKENS KEVIN R PICKENS RONALD N PICKENS BRAD D PICKERING NIKOLAS A PICKERING CHARLES PICKETT ERIC W PICKETT JOSHUA A PICKETT MITCHELL R PICKETT ALLEN PIDDINGTON MICHAEL JOSEPH PIDLYPCHAK RITA PIECH DAVID A PIEPER CLINTON L PIEPHO BRIAN K PIERCE BRIAN RUSSELL PIERCE DORIS J PIERCE GREGORY S PIERCE JEFFERY PIERCE JOHN L PIERCE JOSEPH ALAN PIERCE KC PIERCE MATHEW S PIERCE RALPH PIERCE THOMAS PIERCE TRAVIS J PIERCE KISHA A PIERRE DAMARIS IMANYA PIERROTT BRENDA L PIERSON BRIAN W PIKE JOSEPH L PIKER JONATHAN D PIKETT JOHN STACEY PIKEY STAN PILCH ADAM PILKINGTON FRED PILKINGTON DANIEL LEE PILLE TOMAS PINA EVONDRA A PINCKNEY THOMAS L PINCKNEY CURT L PINDER RENE PINET CHRISTOPHER C PINGREE CHRISTOPHER W PINKHAM TERRY J PINKHAM JOSEPH E PINKSTON MARK H PINNEY GUADALUPE PINON GUILLERMO PINON JAIME PINON JOSE R PINON VICTOR M PINON ANDREW A PINTO JON PIOHIA KENNETH W PIOTROWSKI ANTHONY L PIPKIN CHRISTOPHER G PIPKIN CHARLES PIPPIN LEVON PIPPIN JAMES P PIPPINS LARRY J PISEL LARRY J PISEL JR TERRENCE I PISKORSKI DARREN PITCHER MIKE PITCHER TERRY L PITCOCK GHISLAIN PITRE STEPHEN D PITTMAN CHRIS PITTMAN JAMES D PITTMAN JAMES DONALD PITTMAN JAMES MICHAEL PITTMAN JIMMY R PITTMAN MATTHEW E PITTMAN MIRIAM H PITTMAN RONALD LAVONNE PITTMAN SCOTT PITTMAN BRUCE I PITTMAN II APRIL DANIELLE PITTS HUGH A PITTS VIRGILAN LYNN PITTS MIKE R PITZEL RANDY S PITZER ROBERT A PITZER III MARY A PITZULO JORGE C PIZANO GENE R PIZZILLO JR ADAM F PLANER ERIC S PLANER FREDERICK D PLANER JILL F PLANER SCOTT PLANEY JEAN L PLANTE JOEL PLANTE NORMANDE N PLANTE VITAL PLANTE CHAD E PLASTERS JAMES LAWRENCE PLATFOOT THOMAS MICHAEL PLATKO BRADLEY V PLAYER ROBERT B PLAYER CESAR D PLAZOLA-MARTINEZ MICHAEL E PLEASANT ROBERT PLEDGE ROBERT PLEDGER DION K PLESSINGER JOEL T PLESSINGER DAVID M PLETCHER MARGARET L PLEYDON JEAN PLOTNER JERRY PLOTNER DANIEL PLOURDE DANNY PLOURDE DANNY O PLUNKETT JACKIE PLUNKETT JASON M PLUNKETT ROGER D PLUNKETT MARK RANDALL PLYLER STEPHEN R PLYLER RON POCH PERRY POCHE CORY D POCHOP JEREMY D POCHOP MATTHEW J POCHOP HEITH C PODANY DANA D PODLISKA TRACY L POE WILLIAM ALFRED POE JAMES L POFAHL DARRELL K POGUE SETH M POHLMAN SHAD M POHLMAN KIECA A POINTDUJOUR CHAD M POKORNEY MARK D POLASKI ADAM B POLE RICHARD POLESEL TERRY D POLK JAMES D POLLACK DON M POLLARD JERRY L POLLARD DAVE L POLLITT WILLIAM L POLLOCK VIOREL POLOCOSER DALE E POLSON DAVID J POLSON ALVIN L POLT BRADLEY A POLT CRAIG R POLT DANIEL J POLT RICHARD C POLT STEVEN J POLT MODESTINO O POLZELLA JR ALBERT CARSON POMEROY JAMES F POMEROY FAUSTO PONCE GERARDO PONCE JOSE PONCE THOMAS L PONCE CLARK J PONDER MICHAEL W PONDER RANDY L PONDER STEPHEN W PONDER AARON PONGRACZ DENNIS P PONTON DAVID C POOL CINDY R POOLE JASON POOLE JOHNATHAN SHANE POOLE TERRY L POOLE THAD N POORE GERALD POPE GERTRUDE A POPE LARRY POPE LLOYD POPE MEOUN POPE MICHAEL L POPE MICHAEL R POPPLETON VEDA JEAN POPPLETON ANDRE PORCHER CLARENCE L PORCHER RODNEY L PORCHER GARY L PORLIER MARK S PORRITT MICHAEL W PORT DUSTIN R PORTER JACOB H PORTER JAMES E PORTER JEFFREY R PORTER JONATHAN R PORTER JORDAN M PORTER MEGAN PORTER NEAL L PORTER SCOTT ZULAUF PORTER SONYA D PORTER JOHN WALTER PORTERFIELD JOHN L PORTWOOD RIGOBERTO A POSADAS ANDREW P POSANKA DAVID U POSER ANTHONY SCOTT POSEY STANISLAW E POSLUSZNY RICHARD F POSPISIL JOANNE POST KENNETH RAY POST AMY PILAND POSTON CLINT A POSTON JAMES M POSTON JERRY E POSTON JONATHAN P POSTON MICHAEL POSTON RONNIE W POSTON STANLEY D POSTON CHARLES O POSTON JR KENNETH C POSTON JR MICHAEL H POSTON JR FRANK H POTCHEBSKI RICKY E POTEET RYAN P POTIER BLAINE B POTTER CHAD MICHAEL POTTER GABRIEL POTTER GARY D POTTER JOHN POTTER MARK D POTTER S TYLER POTTER EDWARD J POTTERY RONDELL R POTTS CLARK D POULSEN JOSHUA C POULSEN DANIEL C POUNDS YASHAR POURNOVRUZ MICHAEL J POUST ALFRED L POWELL ANTHONY D POWELL ASHLEY ANN POWELL CINDY P POWELL DAVID C POWELL DOUGLAS M POWELL JAMES E POWELL JAMES G POWELL JEFF W POWELL KEITH A POWELL KENNETH R POWELL NANNETTE S POWELL RICKY D POWELL ROBERT POWELL ROBERT POWELL ROBERT LEE POWELL ROGER A POWELL TIKEYLA L POWELL TONY M POWELL W TRAVIS POWELL GEORGE POWELL JR JAMES P POWELL JR JUSTIN C POWERS EARL D POWERS ERNEST DEAN POWERS JEFFREY S POWERS JOSEPH P POWERS LLOYD V POWERS WAYNE THOMAS POYTHRESS ALVARO PRADO DWIGHT A PRAEUNER DOUGLAS G PRAIRIE MATTHEW P PRANG TIMOTHY K PRANG NATHAN P PRANGER NISHI PRASAD BRANDON H PRATER ERIC WARREN PRATER MATTHEW A PRATER LARRY PRATT RONALD L PRATT STEVEN L PRATT CARLOS PRECIADO PAUL M PRECOUR ERIC L PREE MARK TIMOTHY PRENTICE EDWARD EUGENE PRESCOTT GERALD PRESCOTT KEVIN RAY PRESCOTT WILLIAM E PRESCOTT III JOHNNY B PRESCOTT JR CHARLES MICHAEL PRESLEY DARRELL G PRESLEY BILLY P PRESLEY JR STEVEN W PRESSLEY JOHN L PRESSLY CHAD G PRESTON MICHAEL A PRESTON TIMOTHY M PRESTON HAYDEN S PRESTON JR JENNIFER L PRESTRIDGE LAMONT G PRESTWICH EUGENE B PRETORIUS DEREK R PRETTYSHIELD DONALD K PREVOST DWAYNE PRICE JAMIE M PRICE BONNIE J PRICE CHARLES ALLEN PRICE CHRISTOPHER K PRICE DANIEL STEPHEN PRICE GENE ALLEN PRICE JOSEPH PRICE MELISA P PRICE SAMUEL LAMAR PRICE MELVIN M PRICE JR PEGGY S PRIDMORE JASON M PRIEBE ROBERT E PRIELIPP DEBORAH PRIEST THOMAS M PRIM STEVE D PRINCE RYAN J PRINCE SANDRO E PRINCIPATO BRANDI ANN PRINE GREGG EDWARD PRINE CHAD D PRIOR CONNIE FLYNT PRITCHARD JOSHUA PAUL PRITCHARD RAYMOND KIM PRITCHARD PATRICK E PRITCHER ANTONIO D PRITCHETT GREGORY PRIVETT COREY D PRIVETT BOBBY D PRIVETTE ARJIN PROBAL TIMOTHY W PROCK ADAM A PROCTOR JOSHUA D PROCTOR SCOTTY R PROCTOR KADAR PRODAHL ALIN M PROFIR ALINA PROFIR ROBERT M PROIA ERNIE PROKOP ASHLEY PROKOSH MARJORIE PRONSCHINSKE MICHAEL W PROPER RONALD S PROSKINE RUTH H PROSSER TEREYL D PROSSER BOB PROUDFOOT CLINTON G PROUGH JEAN E PROUGH CEDRIC PROULX NADINE PROULX NICOLE L PROULX RICK T PROUSE RONALD J PROVINES JILL R PRUETT GARY A PRUETT JASON PRUETT CHRISTOPHER I PRUITT MELISSA PRUITT ROBERT L PRUITT WOODIE PRUITT ROBERT WAYNE PRUITT JR JACOB J PRUNKARD SHERRICK S PRUNTY CRAIG A PRY BILLY E PRYOR MICHAEL W PRYOR GWENDOLYN L PTAK MARK W PTAK MICHAEL PUCCI DONNA K PUCKETT KEVIN PUCKETT VERONICA AZUCENA PUENTE-AUDIFFRED PAUL E PUFFER MICHAEL L PUGACH DEBORAH A PUGH WILLIAM D PUGH SEPPO PUIKKONEN PEDRO PULIDO JOE DENTON PULLAM II CHARLES M PULLEN CLARENCE PULLIAM JAQUETTA PUNCH DAVID W PURDOM JOHN J PURDY STEVEN PURDY SHAWN C PURPLE DAVID PURPURA S LANCE PURSER CHARLES S PURVIS TIMOTHY J PUTJENTER DONALD PUTNAM KRISTY M PUTNAM JOEL W PUTTERS JAWAHARLAL PUVVALA IRVING PYLATE DONALD J PYLE JASON C PYLE PHILIP R QUATRINO CHRISTOPHER G QUATTRO DANNY C QUEARRY DAVID L QUEARRY DENIS QUENNEVILLE KENNETH REX QUERY BRIAN E QUICK CHAD C QUICK FLOYD T QUICK MICHAEL E QUICK SCOTT E QUICK KENT G QUIGLEY DENNIS JAMES QUIMBY PATRICK M QUINEY RICHARD QUINLAN ANTHONY QUINN DOUGLAS R QUINN TIM QUINN TIMOTHY J QUINN ROBERT W QUINT OMAR A QUINTANILLA EDWIN P QUINTERO JOSE L QUINTERO JOSE P QUINTERO MICKEY W QUINTON JOSE JESUS QUIROZ MIGUEL QUIROZ BRIAN J RAABE KEVIN D RAATZ GORDON R RABBIT GARY W RABEY MICHAEL RABON RONALD G RABON RACHAEL L RACINE TED RACIOPPO RICK RACKHAM DONALD R RACKLEY JOHN J RADFORD KENNETH RADFORD KRISTOPHER B RADKE SHELLEY L RADKE DONNA T RADOJEWSKI DALE RADOMSKE DANILO J RADRIGAN ROBERT L RAEDEL MOHAMMED RAFIQH DARRELL F RAGLAND JEFFREY O RAGLAND LUIGI RAGOSTA GREGORY A RAGSDALE ABDUR RAHIM JENNIFER RAHN BHARATH RAI DAVID LEE RAINES JEWETT D RAINES ANTHONY P RAINEY GRAHAM RAINFORD EMMETT GLENN RAINS JASON RAINS JOE COREY RAINS SHAWN RAINVILLE YVON A RAINVILLE JEEWANA T RAJAPAKSA PAUL ANTHONY RALEY ANIRUDH RAMBADHAN MIGUEL RAMCHARAN RICHARD ALLEN RAMCZYK CHRISTOPHER W RAMER DARIN D RAMER DONALD RAMER MATTHEW BLAKE RAMEY ALEJANDRO M RAMIREZ DAVID RAMIREZ DEBORAH A RAMIREZ DENNIS R RAMIREZ GERARDO RAMIREZ ISIDORO S RAMIREZ JAVIER RAMIREZ JESUS S RAMIREZ JOEL ORTIZ RAMIREZ JORGE RAMIREZ JOSE RAMIREZ JOSE LUIS RAMIREZ JUSTO RAMIREZ NICOLAS RAMIREZ RAMON CERNA RAMIREZ SALVADOR F RAMIREZ SANDRA RAMIREZ ERNESTO RAMIREZ-LEPEZ FRANCISCO RAMIREZ-PEREZ RONALD RAMKEESOON SAMUEL RAMLAGAN RODNEY RAMNARINE SUNEAL RAMNATH CRISTOBAL RAMON AUGUSTIN RAMOS JOSEPH RAMOS MARCELO R RAMOS MARTIN RAMOS REYNALDO RAMOS CLIVE RAMPAUL SANDRA RAMPERSAD ODITH N RAMRUCH RYAN RAMSAWAK KRISTOPHER R RAMSDELL REO T RAMSDELL RICK D RAMSDELL CHERYL CHARNELLE RAMSEY KAREN DIANE RAMSEY ALBERT RAND JOSH L RANDAHL WILLIAM D RANDALL ROBERT A RANDLE MICHAEL A RANDLES ROBERT ROY RANDOLPH SEAN H RANDOLPH BENJAMIN M RANES CAROL A RANES GILBERT JAMES RANK JAMES RANK THERESA MARIE RANKIN CHAD RANSBOTTOM KEITH L RANSEN EBONY M RANSOM CODY RANTA-OJALA OWEN RANTA-OJALA CLAYTON D RANTON TARANJEET S RANWAN ADAM C RAPERT JOHN RAPLEY ANTON RAPOSO MARIO RAPOSO JAMES R RAPPOLEE RICHARD A RARICK DENNIS RASCHKE GREGORY S RASMUSSEN JOSHUA RUE RASMUSSEN RUSSELL E RASMUSSEN TERRY L RASMUSSEN JONATHAN RASUGU DARRICK T RATCLIFF RODGERS RATCLIFF MELINDA L RATCLIFFE LINDSEY D RATTAN MAXIME RATTE DENNIS G RAUSS ROBERT R RAUTENBERG RICKY RAVENELL SHAWN D RAVENELL JACOB RAVENELL JR JASON LEE RAWL GEOFFREY O RAWLS SABRENA LAURINE RAWLS CHRISTOPHER J RAY DAVID G RAY DEREK RAY GEORGE EDWARD RAY HAROLD RAY JOSHUA K RAY JUDY IRENE RAY KEVIN D RAY JAMES C RAY II ROWAN RAY JR ERIC R RAYBURN GENE D RAYBURN PHILLIP G RAYBURN ROBERT L RAYBURN ARNULFO RAYGOZA-CACILLAS ELIZABETH R RAYLE RODNEY L RAYMOND JOSE D RAYO MARK RAZOR BRUCE REA FRANKIE R READ JR DAVID V READING LARS G REAFLER WILLIAM A REALIN DONNA L REAMS GENE ALLEN REAMS JACKIE T REAMS II PHILLIP H REASON KYLE L REATH GERALD J REAUME DAVID G REAVES RICHARD K REAVES MARTIN D REBBEC DEBBIE L REBENSDORF SHANE E RECE RICHARD E RECKLING PHILIP C RECORD DEVAIL A REDDIN MICHAEL D REDDIN KENNETH REDDING FRANK REDENBACH TIMOTHY W REDENBAUGH PERRY REDHEAD THOMAS L REDIGER JASON R REDMAN NEAL WAYNE REDMON PAUL JOSEPH REDMOND MICHAEL REDNER MANISHA Q REDUS THOMAS R REECE DONNIE R REED MARTY J REED ALAN C REED ARTHUR B REED C SHANE REED CHARLES D REED DAVID G REED GERRIT E REED JASON C REED JIMMY REED JOHN REED KEVIN D REED MARK REED MICHAEL D REED RANDALL L REED ROBERT S REED TIMOTHY D REED GUY REEDER TJ REEDER TERRY E REEDER JR DAVID L REEDY STEVEN M REEPS H BRADLEY REES TIMOTHY J REES ANDREW REESE CHARLES REESE DARRYL D REESE JACOB I REESE JEFFREY W REESE TIMOTHY L REESE WALTER L REESE JIM REESOR JR COLBY M REEVES DAVID J REEVES JACKIE D REEVES JEFF REEVES RICK REEVES THOMAS REEVES WAYNE D REEVES ROBERT V REEVES JR JERRY L REFNER JEFFERY T REGEL KENNETH L REGLIN CHRISTOPHER REIBEL BRYAN F REID BRADLEY LANCE REID DENNIS C REID JASON REID JOE K REID JOHN H REID MARK REID ROBERT REID ROCKY REID SCOTT REID TERESA REID TRAVIS REID WILLIAM VICTOR REID SCOTT A REIDT DAVID A REIFENRATH TERRY L REIGLE RONALD D REILAND CORY M REINHARDT SCOTT A REINHARDT DAVID M REINHART JOSEPH P REINHART DAVID A REINHOLD KEITH A REINIG KEVIN J REINIG MICHAEL D REINKEN NICHOLAS J REINOEHL PHILIP C REINOEHL TODD E REINOEHL KYLE N REISENWEBER CLINT O REISNER LUKE A REISNER BRUCE D REISSER WAYNE E REISSMANN JAMES J REISWIG JR ADRIAN REJMINIAK DANIEL P REKIETA DAVID REKIETA RAYMOND F REKIETA REGINALD C REKIETA RONALD D REKIETA JENNIFER M RELYEA JEREMY REMER CECIL M RENFROE CHRISTOPHER H RENFROE DAVID C RENFROW ALLEN G RENFROW SR DENNIS RENN KENNETH R RENO R SCOTT RENO DONALD D RENTER MICHAEL R REPP MOISES REQUENA REYNALDO R REQUENA JOSEPH T RESSEGER KATHLEEN M RETHWISCH SHAWN E REUM ELVIN EUGENE REUTER GUY S REVELL COLIE W REVELL JR CHARLES W REVELL SR JAMES R REVELL SR ALLEN REVELLE MARLIN R REVERTS JOE B REVESZ BASILIO REYES FRANCISCO J REYES JAVIER G REYES JOSE REYES JOSE J REYES ROQUE LUIS REYES OCTAVIO REYES-GARCIA CRESCENCIO REYNA JOSE A REYNA ANTHONY REYNOLDS BETHANY A REYNOLDS BRIAN L REYNOLDS DANIEL L REYNOLDS DARIN L REYNOLDS DAVID L REYNOLDS DONNIE RAY REYNOLDS GRAEME REYNOLDS GREGORY DANE REYNOLDS JAMIE F REYNOLDS JERREL W REYNOLDS JODY REYNOLDS KENNETH J REYNOLDS LARRY L REYNOLDS MARK P REYNOLDS MARTIN H REYNOLDS MELEAH B REYNOLDS STEVE D REYNOLDS STEVEN E REYNOLDS THOMAS C REYNOLDS THOMAS R REYNOLDS HAROLD EDWIN REYNOLDS JR MIKE RHOADES GARY W RHOADS BILLY D RHODEN CHARLES L RHODEN MICHAEL J RHODES CAROL L RHODES CLYDE RHODES DEBORAH RHODES DEREK RHODES EDWARD RHODES JIMMY W RHODES KENNY L RHODES KIRBY W RHODES QUIN N RHODES ROCKY W RHODES SHELBY D RHODES CHARLES H RHOME THOMAS R RHOME JR THOMAS R RHOME SR GEORGE E RHONE BRANDON E RHONEHOUSE NATHAN E RHONEHOUSE ROGER D RHONEHOUSE ENZO RICCIO CHRISTOPHER D RICE DAVID E RICE DOUGLAS E RICE DWIGHT R RICE EDWARD LEN RICE GEORGE A RICE JENNIFER L RICE MATTHEW D RICE TYLER R RICE WILLIAM S RICE THOMAS RICE III PAUL D RICE JR MICHELE R RICH REX L RICH CHARLES K RICHARD STEVEN RICHARD TIMOTHY P RICHARD JEANINE W RICHARDS JERRY RICHARDS JOHN DAVID RICHARDS ARCHIE RICHARDSON BRANDY M RICHARDSON BRETT A RICHARDSON CHAD N RICHARDSON CONEAL J RICHARDSON DARREN RICHARDSON DAVID RICHARDSON DENNIS TYLER RICHARDSON EDWARD W RICHARDSON ERIC E RICHARDSON GEORGE LARRY RICHARDSON JEFFREY B RICHARDSON JONATHAN R RICHARDSON KYLE J RICHARDSON MARLON RICHARDSON MATTHEW RICHARDSON MICHAEL C RICHARDSON MICHAEL E RICHARDSON MICHAEL J RICHARDSON PATRICK R RICHARDSON ROBERT WARREN RICHARDSON SHERMAN LEON RICHARDSON STEVE RICHARDSON STEVEN RICHARDSON TED L RICHARDSON TERRY RICHARDSON WALTER RICHARDSON WILLIE J RICHARDSON DAVID J RICHARDSON JR LEROY J RICHART SHAD L RICHART WILLIAM L RICHERZHAGEN RUSSELL RICHESON JERRY L RICHEY JOHN BRITTON RICHEY LEONARD RICHEY WESLEY R RICHEY GERALD LUKE RICHIE ANTHONY RICHISON DARVEL G RICHMAN FREDERICK M RICHMOND GARY T RICHMOND MICHAEL WAYNE RICHMOND BRIAN L RICHTER HOWARD A RICHTER TIFFANY M RICHTER JOEL S RICKEY MARVIN F RICKLEFS KENNETH RICKMAN BILLY JOE RICKS JOHN E RICKS LAURA RIDDELL ROBERT RIDDELL BRIAN KEVIN RIDDICK JAMES R RIDDICK WILLIAM C RIDDICK JR CHRIS P RIDENHOUR GEOFFREY RIDENOUR JOSEPH M RIDER RUEY JENNIFER RIDER GARY M RIDGEWAY SCOTT C RIDGEWAY TOBY RIDGEWAY EDDIE RIDINGS CRAIG S RIEDEL JAYSON A RIEDEL LEON G RIEGE ANTHONY RIEK MARY RIESBERRY LEON RIEVES GORDON RIEWE DOUGLAS D RIFE GREGORY A RIFFELL JEFFREY L RIFFLE GARY K RIFFLE JR REID RIGBY CLAUDE N RIGGIN JUSTIN T RIGGINS JASON RIGGS LYLE RIGGS MURRAY K RIGGS BARBARA J RIGOULOT PATRICK WAYNE RIICKERT DAWN MARIE RIKARD BRANDY M RILEY BRYAN K RILEY CHAD C RILEY DONALD L RILEY JACKIE RILEY JOHN M RILEY MINCESE KERTIS RILEY SCOTT J RILEY WILLARD E RIMBEY JR RHETT W RINACA ART RINBOLT MIGUEL A RINCON-GONZALEZ RUSS RINEHART REBECCA RINEY ROBERT RING FERJERALD RAYMOND RINGER CLINTON THOMAS RINKLE ARTURO M RIOS GUSTAVO RIOS MANUEL P RIOS GEORGE CHALMERS RIPLEY DIANE RIPOLL PAUL A RISING ALLEN J RISINGER DANIEL J RISINGER MARK A RISINGER RICHARD T RISNER ROBERT K RISNER BILLY C RISON MAX R RISSER DANIEL T RISTON LEONARD RITA III GEORGE A RITCH BILL RITCHIE JOHN A RITCHIE LARRY J RIVARD JESSE A RIVAS OSCAR RIVAS DAVID RIVEIRA JESSE T RIVENBARK BARBARA RIVERA ELVIN RIVERA JASON P RIVERA JEOVANNI RIVERA LUIS E RIVERA JOSE ANTONIO RIVERA REYES JEFFERY L RIVERS JOHN A RIVERS RICHARD LEE RIVERS SCOTT RIVERS ANDRE RIVEST DAVID J RIZO JR ANTONIO RIZZO BALTAZAR RIZZO MICHAEL RIZZO SALVATORE RIZZO DANIEL D ROACH FLOYD M ROACH MARK ROACH MIGUEL ROACH STEVEN S ROACH RAMON E ROANE JANET DALE ROARK K DOUGLAS ROARK CHARLES R ROARKS BRADLEY J ROASTING EVAN ROBB BRIAN RAY ROBBINS ERIC S ROBBINS KURT W ROBBINS LARRY R ROBBINS PATSY ROBBINS ROBERT D ROBBINS TAMI ROBBINS VERL R ROBBINS ERNEST A ROBERSON HERBERT A ROBERSON JEFFERY S ROBERSON JEREMY EUGENE ROBERSON LEONARD JASON ROBERSON WILLIAM C ROBERSON WILLIAM EDWARD ROBERSON STUART ROBERT KATHRYN ROBERTS BOBBY C ROBERTS CHARLES ROBERTS CHARLES A ROBERTS DANIEL ROBERTS DONANNA J ROBERTS DUSTIN ROBERTS EVAN ROBERTS FREDERICK CHARLES ROBERTS GEORGE J ROBERTS HERBERT A ROBERTS JAMES M ROBERTS JASON W ROBERTS JIMMY W ROBERTS JOANN L ROBERTS JOHN ROBERTS JOHN ALLAN ROBERTS JOSEPH ANDREW ROBERTS KEISHA ROBERTS KEVIN L ROBERTS LARRY E ROBERTS MICHAEL S ROBERTS PAUL D ROBERTS PETER E ROBERTS SCOTT W ROBERTS SHELDON ROBERTS STEPHEN J ROBERTS TIMOTHY S ROBERTS WILLIAM D ROBERTS JR BEVERLY S ROBERTSON CHARLES DAVID ROBERTSON COLLEN W ROBERTSON DARRELL J ROBERTSON DENNIS L ROBERTSON EDWARD ROBERTSON JOHN D ROBERTSON KEITH A ROBERTSON KENNETH ROBERTSON MARTIN DARIAN ROBERTSON RANDY L ROBERTSON REID ROBERTSON WARREN SCOTT ROBERTSON CLIFFORD M ROBERTSON JR RUSSELL E ROBILLARD TERRY ROBILLARD KEVIN G ROBINETTE TAMI ROBINETTE PAUL ROBINS GERALD ROBINSON JAMES T ROBINSON MARVIN BERTON ROBINSON BRADLEY A ROBINSON CARL A ROBINSON DELORIS R ROBINSON DEREK D ROBINSON FRANK ROBINSON GRAGORY ROBINSON HEZEKIAH ROBINSON JEFFREY D ROBINSON JEFFREY LEE ROBINSON JOHN C ROBINSON JOHNNY ROBINSON KENNETH D ROBINSON KEVIN ROBINSON KYLE D ROBINSON PATRICK G ROBINSON PATRICK S ROBINSON RICKEY L ROBINSON ROGER D ROBINSON RONNIE ROBINSON SHADD D ROBINSON THOMAS E ROBINSON TORTHELL J ROBINSON VONZELL J ROBINSON WAYNE A ROBINSON THOMAS ROBINSON JR JOHN M ROBINSON III JAMES ROBINSON JR MARLOW ROBINSON JR WILBUR RONALD ROBINSON JR SHELTON J ROBINSON SR JAYSON N ROBISON MICHAEL E ROBISON MILFORD D ROBISON SHELLEY ROBISON SARAH KATHRYN ROBKE ENRIQUE ROBLES JOSE L ROBLES JUAN M ROBLES FRANCISCO ROBLES GONZALEZ LOUIE J ROBLES JR CHARLES W ROBSON RICHARD L ROBSON ENRICO ROCCATANI JASON FRANK ROCHA MARY LOUISE ROCHA BRIAN ROCHE DARRIN M ROCHE DAVID ROCHE DENIECE ROCHE JASON P ROCHE CRAIG S ROCKWELL KEVIN M ROCKWELL DAVID L ROCKWOOD JR LARRY BROCK RODDEY RICHARD N RODEN LUIS RODENAS RICK L RODENBECK CHARITY RODER TERRI RODER BARY J RODERICK SHAWN R RODERICK KENNETH A RODES MARGARET RODGER DEREK M RODGERS GREG A RODGERS JAMES C RODGERS KAREN S RODGERS RACHELLE L RODGERS ROGER B RODGERS ROBERT RODGERS JR STEVEN E RODKEY BURTON L RODMAN KEVEN RODRIGUE ABELARDO RODRIGUEZ ANTONIO RODRIGUEZ ARTHUR J RODRIGUEZ BENJAMIN RODRIGUEZ FELIX RODRIGUEZ GUMERCINDO RODRIGUEZ JOSE C RODRIGUEZ JOSE J RODRIGUEZ JOSE L RODRIGUEZ JOSE LUIZ RODRIGUEZ JUAN J RODRIGUEZ LARES WILLIAM RODRIGUEZ LOUIS RODRIGUEZ MARTHA ALICIA RODRIGUEZ OSCAR FELIPE RODRIGUEZ PEDRO RODRIGUEZ RALPH RODRIGUEZ RANDY L RODRIGUEZ SANDRA J RODRIGUEZ SANTIAGO RODRIGUEZ VICTOR MANUEL RODRIGUEZ FELIX RODRIGUEZ-ROSAS ADRIAN E RODRIQUEZ ALEJANDRO RODRIQUEZ ESTIVEN RODRIQUEZ GARY ROE ROBERT GO ROE CHARLES ROEBUCK CHRISTOPHER T ROEHM ROGER ROEMEN WILLIAM R ROENFELDT SHANE M ROESCHLAUB CODY P ROEWERT GEORGE E ROFE MATTHEW R ROGERS ASHLEY C ROGERS CHRIS ROGERS CHRISTOPHER ROGERS DEMETRIUS ROGERS DONNA A ROGERS DOUGLAS N ROGERS DUSTIN B ROGERS DUSTIN M ROGERS GREGORY P ROGERS JAMES A ROGERS JEFFREY S ROGERS MARK A ROGERS MICHAEL L ROGERS MICKEY FRANK ROGERS NATHANIEL ROGERS RANDY ROGERS RUFUS A ROGERS SHARON G ROGERS SIDNEY L ROGERS SYLVESTER ROGERS TOBIAS J ROGERS TONY L ROGERS CHARLES H ROGERS JR THOMAS C ROGERS JR SHANNON D ROGERSON NIMAL R ROHANA STUART D ROHL ROBERT F ROHLEDER GREGORY R ROHM TIM L ROHMER EVAN ROHR MARSHA L ROHRS ANTHONY ROJAS CARLOS CRISTIAN ROJAS GERARDO S ROJAS RAMSES R ROJAS DAVID T ROKER TOORAJ ROKNI MARY C KENT ROLAND TRAVIS S ROLAND WILLIAM D ROLAND WESLEY S ROLLINGS DAVID LEE ROLLINS JAMES E ROLLINS JAMES LAWRENCE ROLLINS JOSEPH M ROLLINS JOSHUA DAVID ROLLINS PEGGY C ROLLINS PHILLIP M ROLLINS ROBERT ANDY ROLLINS KELLY P ROLOFSON JAMES E ROLOSON LUIS F ROMAN JON M ROMANOVICH MATT W ROMER BENJAMIN ROMERO BRUCE W ROMERO JOSE ROMERO JUAN P ROMERO MATTHEW A ROMERO DENNIS F ROMICH MICHAEL D ROMICH DARRELL WADE ROMINE MICHAEL ROMO JUAN J RONCANCIO STEPHEN J RONCSKEVITZ ROBERT R RONDEAU JAMES W RONNER PATRICK A RONSPIES JUDITH D ROOD RICHARD W ROOF BENNY ROONEY KEVAN B ROONEY ROSS D ROOT GREGORY B ROPER THEODORE ROPER SEANRAY V ROQUE OMER RORRER CESAR ROSALES EDGAR ROSALES RICARDO ROSALES-PEREZ JOSE ROSALES-TEJADA JUAN ROSARIO KRISTEN L ROSARIO FELIPE J ROSAS JORGE N ROSAS RICARDO M ROSAS MASSIMO ROSATI DAVID W ROSBERG RICHARD ROSCOVICH CHRISTOPHER D ROSE BARBARA M ROSE BARRIE ROSE DONALD S ROSE JAMES ROSE JASON M ROSE JOHN M ROSE MICHAEL ROSE ALEX ROSE JR DAVID ROSE JR RANDY J ROSE JR RONALD G ROSE SR TODD WILLIAM ROSEBROUGH CHRISTOPHER R ROSEKRANS OLIVER J ROSENBAUM WALTER D ROSENBAUM JEFFREY ROSENBERG BRUCE O ROSENBROCK DENNIS A ROSENBROCK RONALD A ROSET DAVID J ROSEWARN RUDI J ROSINSKI CHRISTOPHER ROSS CODY ROSS DARREN A ROSS ERIC MATTHEW ROSS JEVON D ROSS KRISTIN L ROSS MICHAEL L ROSS RANDY ROSS RODNEY ROSS RUSSELL S ROSS WILLIAM ROSS WILLIAM ROY ROSS DONALD W ROSS JR KYLE ROSSALL MARK ROSSALL JENNIFER L ROSSITER JARED L ROSSMAN DEREK B ROTH FRED ROTH GRANT J ROTH MICHAEL R ROTH SKYLER SEAN ROTH TYLER L ROTH LAWRENCE E ROTHELL ANTHONY L ROTHERHAM TERRY L ROTHERHAM GREGORY A ROTHERMICH MITCHEL J ROUGHT WADE A ROULETTE ROGER A ROUNDS C TED ROUNDY BRIAN K ROUNTREE MICHAEL RAY ROUNTREE ANTONIO MAYNARD ROUSE ERICK S ROUSE LYNDON ROUSE STEVEN D ROUSE VAUGHAN ROUSSEL ALDERIO ROUSSELLE MARCEL ROUSSELLE PATRICK ROUSSY BENJAMIN J ROUT JAMES C ROVITO JOHN ROWDEN DAVID G ROWE DEBORAH L ROWE JASON L ROWE KENNETH ROWE MICHAEL D ROWE WILLIE F ROWE DAVID E ROWELL JR STEVEN J ROWLAN AARON ROWLAND CHRIS ROWLAND CHRISTOPHER ROWLAND DANIEL ROWLAND RICHARD ROWLAND HERBERT D ROWLAND JR KENNETH W ROWLETT JON D ROWLEY MARY J ROWLEY ALLISON K ROWNTREE LYNDA D ROWSOM ALEXENDRE ROY KEN R ROY RICHARD ROY KITTY ROYCROFT RICHARD Y ROYER SCOTT ROYLE ADAM ROZELL RICK ROZON DALE W RUARK JOSHUA D RUARK ROBERT G RUARK EUGENE A RUARK JR CHRISTOPHER ALFONSO RUBIO RAY CLIFFTON RUBLE CHRISTOPHER N RUCCO LAVEIL RUCKER CARLOS RUCKER JEFFREY V RUCKER KENNETH MICHAEL RUCKER ANGELA M RUCKMAN JEFFREY N RUCKMAN KERRY RUCKMAN KEVIN J RUCKMAN MARVIN RAY RUDD TIMOTHY RUDDICK BRYAN C RUDLOFF DENNIS K RUFF JUDY A RUFF CHARLES L RUFFING TIMOTHY G RUGE BRETT A RUGG DOLAN J RUGGLES MICHAEL D RUGGLES BRENT RUHL LLOYD RUHL ABEL RUIZ ALBINO RUIZ ALFONSO S RUIZ ANITA RUIZ CAIN A RUIZ GERARDO RUIZ JEREMY A RUIZ JOSE G RUIZ LOUIE RUIZ QUIRINO MONTES RUIZ RAUL RUIZ SALVADOR D RUIZ MANUEL N RUIZ ANGEL ALFONSO RUIZ-NAVARRETE LUIS E RUIZ-RAMAZZINI SARAH J RUMPFF JAMES E RUMPH HARRY L RUMPH IV TREVOR J RUNDE MARK A RUNDLES RICHARD RUNIONS HERBERT L RUNNELS LORI LEE ANN RUNYON CHRISTIAN M RUOFF NAVIN RUPAN KENNETH RUPIL DEAN M RUPP JOSHUA M RUPPERT MICHAEL L RUPPERT RODNEY L RUPPERT DEBI L RUSH ISAAC RUSH JEANNE F RUSH JUSTIN S RUSH O’NEAL RUSH JR BEN T RUSHING WESLEY RUSHING PAUL D RUSSEL CHARLES E RUSSELL ARTHUR W RUSSELL BRIAN K RUSSELL EDWARD RUSSELL FORREST J RUSSELL GENE DILLARD RUSSELL JOEL RUSSELL JOHN H RUSSELL JOHN H RUSSELL LARRY D RUSSELL NORMAN RUSSELL PATRICK RUSSELL PAULA N RUSSELL ROBERT RUSSELL ROBERT ANDREW RUSSELL ROMAN L RUSSELL SCOTT A RUSSELL SHARON L RUSSELL TIM J RUSSELL TYLER RUSSELL WILLIAM R RUSSELL MICHAEL STEVE RUSSELL JR JEFFREY A RUSSMAN DANIEL C RUST LYNN R RUSTIGIAN HERB RUTH NICHOLAS Q RUTH PAUL RUTHER ROGER RUTHER ANTHONY SCOTT RUTHERFORD JOSEPH A RUTKOWSKI JASON S RUTLAND WILBERT E RUTLAND CHRISTOPHER D RUTLEDGE DAVID FAITH RUTLEDGE GREGORY A RUTLEDGE NICKIE J RUTLEDGE WESLEY RAY RUTLEDGE BRIAN RUTTER ANDREW RYAN CHARLES E RYAN CRAIG LEWIS RYAN DAN W RYAN DAVID M RYAN DENNIS D RYAN DONALD E RYAN EDWARD J RYAN ENRIQUE RYAN JAMES RODNEY RYAN JASON MICHAEL RYAN JEFF RYAN MICHAEL J RYAN MICHAEL SCOTT RYAN RICHARD P RYAN STEVEN M RYAN LEON MARSHALL RYAN III JOHN RYCHLIK MARK S RYDELL JOHN M RYDER KYLE R RYKER STEVEN J RYNEARSON MARCIN T RZEPECKI MARK ANTHONY SABADO DAVID J SABADOS NICK SABATINO CHRISTOPHER A SABATULA DANIEL SABATULA DEORAJ SABINATH COSME E SABLADA MARILOU C SABLADA ANDRE SABOURIN YVON SABOURIN ALDINO SACCHETTI JOHN P SACCO RAYMOND SACHIE KEVIN J SACKETT CLIFFORD SACKS WALTER SACKS BILLY K SADDLEBACK IAN M SADDLEBACK WILLIAM W SADLER CLEMMON SADLER CYNTHIA SADLER RONALD A SADLER PETER A SADOSKI JEFFREY A SAENZ DE VITERI LAOHER SAEYANG JERRY D SAGER RANBIR S SAGOO BRAULIO SAGRERO JOSEPH J SAHAKIAN ANNA M SAINZ KYLE P SAKOS MASOUD SALAH ALFREDO SALAS BERNARDINO SALAZAR DAVID SALAZAR ISAIAH SALAZAR JOSE A SALAZAR LUIS SALAZAR MANUEL SALAZAR RAFAEL SALDANA-OLIVO JAMES K SALE II KIRK SALESMAN TIMOTHY D SALHEISER MARTIN SHANE SALISBURY DANIELLE SALLUM SABINO JO SALMON TERRI SALMON WILLIAM SALMON FREDERICK V SALTZ JAY DEE SALVESEN CHERYL A SALVO MICHAEL J SALVO KERRY SAMARODEN KEVIN R SAMFORD JERRY V SAMONTE JASON L SAMPLE DEREK A SAMPSON JENNIFER H SAMPSON LEO SAMPSON PETER SAMPSON JENNIFER L SAMUELS DAVID L SAMUELSON ALEJANDRO J SANCHEZ ANTONIO SANCHEZ CESAR SANCHEZ CRISTOBAL SANCHEZ DANIEL SANCHEZ FLORENTINO SANCHEZ JOE A SANCHEZ JOSE SANCHEZ MARCOS SANCHEZ MARTIN SANCHEZ MICHAEL SANCHEZ ONOFRE SANCHEZ PEDRO J SANCHEZ SAMUEL ANDRE SANCHEZ STEPHANIE D SANCHEZ ERIC SANDER NOEL TRIPP SANDERS CHRISTOPHER SANDERS CHRISTOPHER A SANDERS ERIC D SANDERS GEORGE SANDERS HERMAN SANDERS HERSCHEL L SANDERS JOHNNY F SANDERS KEVIN SANDERS LARRY D SANDERS LARRY E SANDERS MACK SANDERS PAUL M SANDERS RICHARD N SANDERS RYAN B SANDERS WESLEY RICHARD SANDERS JO ANN SANDERSON MICHAEL T SANDLIN PAUL D SANDLIN KIRK G SANDMAN RICHARD L SANDOR ANDREW SANDOVAL KENNETH R SANDS RACHEL SANDS TERRY L SANDUSKY MICHAEL K SANDY RINA N SANE BRIAN KEITH SANFORD JOSHUA SANFORD KEVIN G SANFORD ROBERT O SANFORD JAMES A SANFORD JR DAVID E SANGID JR FREDERICK O SANGUINETTI LEVERN SANSBURY JR ROBERT CLAY SANSING GABRIEL G SANTA GUILLERMO SANTANDER ANGEL D SANTIAGO EVARISTO N SANTIAGO HERMAN SANTIAGO JARED P SANTIAGO SERINA SANTIAGO CHRISTIAN SERGIO SANTILLANA MICHAEL J SANTILLO GIEROM W SANTOS LUIS A SANTOS JOSE L SANTOYO GREG PATRICK SANTUCCI ROBERT SAPIR GERRY SAPP DZEVAD SARAJLIC KIM J SARIEGO STEPHEN C SARINE PETER L SARNO JASON SARRATT JAMES C SARTIN JR DOUGLAS SASSE ROBERT SATTERFIELD MIGUEL M SAUCEDO JAMES M SAUER JAMES W SAUER BOBBY RAY SAULS MAURICE L SAUNDERS PAUL K SAUNDERS WILLIAM J SAUTER ANNE M SAVAGE COREY SAVISKAS JEAN-GUY SAVOIE WILLIAM J SAVOIR JR ANDY SAWCHUK TERRY L SAWCHUK KEVIN A SAWCHYN DERRICK L SAWYER JODY S SAWYER LINCOLN W SAWYER MEGAN E SAWYER QUINN SAWYER WILLIAM B SAWYER MARTHA L SAXENMEYER DANIEL M SAXTON GAYLAND C SAYLES JAMES MICHAEL SAYRE JAMES S SCALISE SCOTT D SCARBERRY JUSTIN SCARBOROUGH DAVE SCARLETT CRAIG SCARR DOUGLAS A SCHAAD JANICE ELAINE SCHAAD JASON W SCHAAF KEITH L SCHAECHER PATRICK J SCHAECHER CHRISTIAN SCHAEFER MICHAEL WILLIAM SCHAEFER MARK JEFF SCHAFER DAVID D SCHAFF GARETT M SCHAFFER JOHN A SCHAFFER MORTON S SCHAFFER STEVEN A SCHAMP ADAM D SCHANBACHER TERRY CLAYTON SCHARCKLET BERNARD H SCHARR BRIAN T SCHART AARON SCHARTNER WALTER B SCHATT HOLLY SCHAUBERT MATTHEW S SCHEBLER MICHAEL C SCHEDLER JEREMY M SCHEINER LEROY H SCHEIWE WENDELL A SCHELL TERRENCE SCHELLENBERG DANITA M SCHELLPEPER KYLE T SCHEMBRI RODNEY A SCHENCK KIMBERLY M SCHENK JACK B SCHERER RICHENA C SCHEU MARA SCHICKLING ROLAND D SCHIEBER SCOTT A SCHIEL JAMES J SCHIFFLI DIANE MARIE SCHILLAWSKI JOHN ROBERT SCHILLAWSKI JOSEPH A SCHILPP ROY SCHIMMING DAYMON W SCHINBECKLER ROBERT B SCHINDLEDECKER HEATHER M SCHINDLER DONNA C SCHINKEL JEFFREY A SCHLEMMER LYNETTE L SCHLEMMER MARK R SCHLICHTING THOMAS R SCHLICKBERND CHAD M SCHLIE MICHAEL J SCHLIEWE CAROLYN E SCHLOTE AUDY SCHMEDEKE STEVEN O SCHMEDER ADALBERT M SCHMIDT ANDREA DEE SCHMIDT CASEY C SCHMIDT CHARLES A SCHMIDT JOSEPH A SCHMIDT MARK J SCHMIDT NELSON RAYMOND SCHMIDT JAMES A SCHMITT JEFFREY A SCHMITT ANDREW F SCHMITTER JOHN K SCHMITZ ROBERT KURT SCHMITZ JAVEN P SCHMUCKER RANDEL S SCHNEBEL DARLA R SCHNEIDER BRENDA C SCHNELL JOHN SCHNELL LARRY SCHNITTKER CHAD M SCHNOOR GARY D SCHNOOR JASON D SCHNOOR RICKY D SCHNOOR SHAWN J SCHNOOR ROMAN A SCHOCK GREG SCHOEN JAMES L SCHOEN JOHN W SCHOENAUER JOSHUA R SCHOFIELD KEVIN STANLEY SCHOLL DUSTIN RAY SCHOLLIAN JO-DEE SCHOMAKER MURRAY K SCHOMAKER PERI S SCHOMAKER JOEY SCHONBERGER ROBERT SCHONDEL JASON R SCHOOLEY MATTHEW PATRICK SCHOOLEY JACK SCHOONOVER WILLIAM B SCHOPPE ANNA L SCHORR TONY R SCHRADER RYAN SCHRAEDER VERNON J SCHREMMER CHRISTOPHER J SCHRIMP TODD P SCHRIMPF PATRICIA A SCHROEDER RYAN W SCHROEDER THOMAS J SCHROEDER CHAD SCHROER TODD T SCHROER MIRIAM SCHROETER DONNA SCHROUF MICHAEL A SCHUEREN WILLIAM S SCHULKE MICHAEL SCHULLER II DALE M SCHULTE DONALD J SCHULTHEIS JR DAVID E SCHULTZ LAUREN MANGRUM SCHULTZ MICHAEL SCHULTZ NICHOLAS O SCHULTZ NORMAN W SCHULTZ WALTER E SCHULTZ BRENDA R SCHULZ BRIAN R SCHULZ JAMES L SCHULZ LOUIS E SCHULZ MICHAEL D SCHULZ CHARLIE C SCHULZE TRACEY L SCHUMACHER TRACY L SCHUTZ TRENT T SCHUTZA BRAD J SCHVARCZINGER CHRISTOPHER SCHWAB KENNETH EDWIN SCHWAB CARL R SCHWABE JAMES G SCHWADER CHRISTOPHER V SCHWARTZ MARK RJ SCHWARTZ ROBERT SCHWARTZ ROBERT E SCHWARTZ RODNEY L SCHWARTZ RUBEN L SCHWARTZ TIM M SCHWARTZ TONY M SCHWARTZ WILLIAM L SCHWARTZ DAVID W SCHWEHN JOHN H SCHWEINSBERG JR NICOLE SCHWEIZER JOSEPH SCIBETTA SCOTT SCOBEE CASEY R SCOBIE PHILLIP R SCOFIELD JASON D SCOGGINS STEPHEN CHRISTOPHER SCOGIN CODY C SCOTHERN ADAM D SCOTT ADAM E SCOTT ADAM J SCOTT ALICE SUE SCOTT BOBBY D SCOTT CARLOS SCOTT CHARLES SCOTT DANIEL A SCOTT DAVID A SCOTT DAVID J SCOTT DENISE C SCOTT DENNIS SCOTT EDWARD G SCOTT HAROLD G SCOTT HAZEL M SCOTT IDA SCOTT JAMES E SCOTT JIM A SCOTT JOE C SCOTT JOHN H SCOTT JOHN LEE SCOTT JOHN P SCOTT JOHN T SCOTT KEITH LAMEL SCOTT KENNETH SCOTT KENT D SCOTT KYLE D SCOTT LAWRENCE SCOTT MICHAEL B SCOTT MICHAEL E SCOTT MICHAEL J SCOTT MICHAEL L SCOTT MICHAEL W SCOTT MICHEAL NEIL SCOTT MITCHEL F SCOTT QUANDRAY L SCOTT QUENTIN O SCOTT RICHARD L SCOTT RICKEY LEVON SCOTT ROBERT A SCOTT RONALD SCOTT RUSSELL L SCOTT TROY C SCOTT WILLIAM E SCOTT WILLIE L SCOTT MACELLA SCOTT-DAVIS FRAIZER L SCOTT JR CHARLES EDWARD SCOTT SR DAVID E SCOTT SR GARY R SCOTT SR MARK A SCOUTEN BENJAMIN ROSS SCOVEL JOHN A SCRANTON TERRENCE K SCRANTON ELVIS SCREWS WILLIAM SCREWS LANA S SCRIVNER RONALD C SCROGGIE R MARTIN SCROGGINS KENNETH E SCRUDDER II KENNETH W SCRUGGS GARY SCURK JASON G SCURK GREGORY E SEAGLE J DAVID SEAGRAVES THOMAS JOEL SEALE BRENT A SEALS WILLIE SEALS MICHAEL A SEAMANS SETH D SEAMONS THERESA SEARCY JOHN D SEARCY ROBERT E SEARCY GREGORY A SEARING ALAN B SEARS CHAD B B SEARS DAVID MICHAEL SEARS RICHARD A SEARS MATTHEW D SEASE JOEY W SEATS JUSTIN SAMUEL SEBRING LAWRENCE NELSON SECOR ZACHAIRE SECRIST JOSE R SEDANO THOMAS SEEGMILLER KRISHNA SEEGOOLAM MICHAEL L SEELMEYER NATHAN CRAIG SEELYE THOMAS G SEEMEYER MATTHEW SEEPAUL GREG A SEGARS STEPHEN R SEGARS DUANE I SEGER GARY W SEGER LARRY SEGLEM ABRAHAM M SEGOVIA MICHAEL SEGUIN JOSE OMAR SEGURA JULIO SEGURA OMAR SEGURA-HERNANDEZ ANSHUMAN SEHDEV LARRY W SEIBERT PAUL SEIBERT RONALD A SEIBERT ROBERT M SEIFERT KANIELA SEIPEL WILLIAM G SEIPEL JOSEPH P SEKOT MICHAEL SHAWN SELBY SCOTT E SELF TRAVIS SELF BOBBY D SELLARS MICHAEL SELLARS ANTONIO D SELLERS BILLY RAY SELLERS JACK REYNOLDS SELLERS MICHELLE SELLERS PERRY B SELLERS III CLAYTON R SELLIN TODD M SELLIN REBECCA SELLMAN KEVIN SELLS RANDALL L SELMAN JOSEPH JOHN SEMAN LEE SEMOTIUK PHILLIP M SEMRICK WALTER SENENKO NORBERT SENGER DELBERT L SENSABAUGH CHRIS SEON CARLOS SEPULVEDA KEVIN SEPULVEDA SAMUEL P SERATT CHRISTOPHER D SERING DANIEL SERRE PANDIAN SETHURAJ MICHAEL SETTERDAHL MICHAEL D SETTLES JASON L SEVEDGE ROBERT B SEVERANCE NICHOLAS L SEVERNS DONNY SEWALL ELISHA SEWALL GREG SEWARD JEREMY SEWARDS JUSTIN B SEXTON SCOTT E SEXTON STACEY A SEXTON DUANE L SEYL THAD D SEYL CHRISTOPHER G SEYMOUR DONALD T SEYMOUR ROY L SEYMOUR WAYNE MICHAEL SEYMOUR WAEL E SHABANA RODNEY DUANE SHACKELFORD TERRILL A SHADBOLT SHELDON J SHADY STANLEY H SHADY PATRICIA A SHAFER ROBERT A SHAFER KEVIN SHAFFER MARK D SHAFFER MONA L SHAFFER RICKY J SHAFFER JIGAR ROHITKUMAR SHAH DONALD A SHAHAN RONDA SHAMBLIN KARL J SHAMLEE ARVIN SHANKAR ROBERT K SHANKLES CHRISTOPHER SHANNON DAVID SHANNON JAMES A SHANNON JOHN M SHANNON LLOYD SHANNON MATTHEW SHANNON MITCHELL SHANNON R L SHANNON EDWARD SHANNON IV DAVID B SHANO DAVID G SHANO SR ROD SHANTZ NASIR A SHARIEFF RIDGELY W SHARIETT VAHID NASSER SHARIFI DHARAM SHARMA ANDREW H SHARP DANIEL SHARP EMMA K SHARP JOHN SHARP KENDRA K SHARP QUINTIN F SHARP ROBERT SHARP CRAIG E SHARPE JOHN SHARPE WILLIAM CHUCK SHARPE MICHAEL D SHARRAR BRIAN SHARROCK KURT A SHATTO GREG SHAVER JANET L SHAVER PAUL SHAVER FREDRICK R SHAVERS AARON D SHAW JAMES SHAW JAMIE R SHAW JIMMY E SHAW MICHAEL S SHAW SHAUN SHAW CHARLES W SHAY CHARLES E SHAY III ERIC G SHEA TYLER A SHEA SEAN SHEAD ANTHONY A SHEARER DANIEL SHEARER HARRY B SHEARIN III JAMES A SHEBLE PAUL A SHECKELL DOUGLAS R SHEFFER JUSTIN M SHELBY DAVID W SHELEFONTIUK STEVE SHELEFONTIUK JAMES BURTON SHELL JUSTIN SHELL WAYNE SHELLCROSS BRITTANY E SHELLEY ISHMAEL J SHELLEY JR THOMAS D SHELP TOM SHELP MICHAEL R SHELTON MITCHELL SHELTON STEVE N SHELTON BRIAN P SHELTON BUSTER E SHELTON J TRAVIS SHELTON JAMES SHELTON JOHN D SHELTON JONATHAN B SHELTON JOSHUA W SHELTON KEITH SHELTON NATHAN SHELTON NOAH L SHELTON JOHNNY DWANE SHEPARD TIMOTHY A SHEPARD GORDAN M SHEPEK DANIAL D SHEPHERD DAVID W SHEPHERD EDWARD SHEPHERD KENNETH W SHEPHERD MARK J SHEPHERD THOMAS L SHEPLEY KATHRYN JEAN SHEPLEY ALVIN SHEPPARD DAVID S SHEPPARD JAMES J SHEPPARD JUSTIN E SHEPPARD RICKY W SHEPPARD WILLIAM F SHEPPARD GARY SHERER MICHEL R SHERIDAN BRANDON SHERMAN CARL J SHERMAN FORREST MAJOR SHERMAN MARK FREDERICK SHERMAN RAVON SHERMAN RICHARD G SHERMAN DALE SHERRILL LES SHERRILL RICKY SHERROD MICHAEL SHERWIN PATRICK C SHERWIN PHILLIP L SHERWIN MAX T SHERWOOD WILLIAM D SHERWOOD GERALD SHEWCHUK DAVID SHIELDS JESSE A SHIELDS EDWARD M SHILLEY KELLIE J SHINABARGER JEFFREY R SHINGLER ROBERT S SHINN CHRISTOPHER M SHINSTOCK DAVID S SHIPLEY ANDREW J SHIPMAN LAURIE S SHIPMAN KEVIN C SHIPMAN SR CRAIG SHIPP JASON B SHIPP PATRICK S SHIPP DAVID P SHIREMAN CRAIG O SHIREY DUANE SHIREY LARRY D SHIREY JAMES D SHIRKS KEVIN SHIRLEY LANCE EUGENE SHIRLEY CARLA S SHISLER BRIAN L SHIVELY KIM S SHIVERS TOM LEE SHIVERS WILLIAM HOWARD SHIVERS CURTIS R SHOAF WILLIAM R SHOCK KEVIN C SHOCKEY JASON W SHOCKLEY CRAIG SHOEBOTTOM STEVEN S SHOEMAKER PERRY R SHOEMAKER III CURTIS DALE SHOEMAKER JR DARRELL SHOFFNER DANIEL C SHOLES ANTHONY V SHOLL STEVEN SHON MATTHEW JAMES SHORE RYAN CHRISTOPHER SHORES JON P SHORHEN ROBERT D SHORT CHRISTOPHER D SHORT DIANNE E SHORT GRAHAM SHORT JAMES SHORT KEVIN M SHORT JAMAAL CORTEZ SHORTER SCOTT SHORTRIDGE MICHAEL SHORTS WESLEY R SHORTT LORI SHOUGH MONTEZ SHOULDERS SHARON SHOULDERS VIRGIL DOUGLAS SHOULDERS TOMMY E SHOUP WILLIAM SHOUSE LORALEE A SHOWALTER NATALIE M R SHOWERS JAMES MARK SHOWS KEVIN W SHRADER BRIAN J SHREFFLER DOUGLAS SHRIMPLIN CHARLES I SHRIVER ROGER CLEVELAND SHRUM ROY L SHRUM JAMES R SHUBURTE PAUL SHUCHUK KRISTIN L SHUEY MICHAEL L SHUEY DERRICK J SHULER ROBERT SCOTT SHULER GREGORY W SHULL JOHNATHON D SHULL JUSTIN SHULL RICHARD L SHULL ROBBIN SHULL DEREK A SHULTZ BRIAN B SHULTZ CLAY S SHULTZ JEFF L SHULTZ KENNETH EDWARD SHUMAN TIMOTHY A SHUMAN DAVID SHUMATE JAMES W SHUMPERT BRIAN SHUPAK AARON SHURTS CHESTER SHUSTER MARK ANTHONY SHUTTLESWORTH III ADAM J SHUTTS ROBERT SHY DOUGLAS EWAN SIDDALL JEFF A SIDES ROBERT E SIDES WILLIAM R SIDES JOHN W SIDES JR STANLEY K SIDWELL JARROD L SIEBRANDT JUSTIN G SIEBRANDT RICK G SIEFERT TYLER SIEFERT LYLE D SIEG PAUL SIEG ROBERT C SIEGFRIES JOHN SIEGMANN MARK W SIERACKI ARIEL SIERRA LOREN L SIEVERS RODNEY P SIFERS PHILIPPE SIGGEN JONATHAN M SIGMON RUSSELL L SILA JR MARC SILBERBERG BRIAN J SILHACEK KEITH D SILHACEK FERNANDO A SILIS FERNANDO V SILIS IGNACIO V SILIS PETER SILL RYAN K SILLERY JOSE SILVA TIBERIO SILVA JOHN LOUIS SILVEIRA JR CHARLES R SILVESTRI DAVID F SILVIA ROMAO C SILVINO JOHN F SIMEONE BRYAN SIMISTER JESSE S SIMMONS ADAM RYAN SIMMONS ALVIN V SIMMONS BARBARA SIMMONS CHRISTOPHER W SIMMONS COLTON D SIMMONS DONNIE RAY SIMMONS GARY W SIMMONS JAMES L SIMMONS JASON M SIMMONS JASON S SIMMONS JESSICA MARIE SIMMONS JOHN LESTER SIMMONS JOSEPH R SIMMONS KENT ALLAN SIMMONS MARK A SIMMONS MARK EWING SIMMONS MIKE SIMMONS PATRICIA A SIMMONS ROSS C SIMMONS WENDELL A SIMMONS WILLIAM J SIMMONS YANCEY DEWAYNE SIMMONS ALEX K SIMMONS JR VIRGIL SIMMONS JR WILLIAM P SIMMONS JR BRAD SIMMS CLARENCE E SIMMS FRANCIS J SIMMS DAMION ALGERNOD SIMON JASON SIMON KEVIN SIMON MELVIN SIMON REJEAN L SIMON MAURICE SIMONEAU BOB P SIMONSEN BRAD A SIMONSEN ERIC SIMONSEN KENNETH E SIMPER CHARLES A SIMPKINS AUNDREA SIMPSON BERT M SIMPSON CLIFFTON D SIMPSON DAVID N SIMPSON ELIJAH E SIMPSON ERIN A SIMPSON HARRY SIMPSON HENRY M SIMPSON JAMES R SIMPSON JEROME SIMPSON MICHAEL K SIMPSON RANDALL J SIMPSON ROBERT P SIMPSON SETH K SIMPSON STEVEN K SIMPSON TIMOTHY G SIMPSON TONJA D SIMPSON WAYLON K SIMPSON CHAD D SIMS DAVID M SIMS DEWEY SIMS J R SIMS ROBBIE J SIMS SCOTT EDWARD SIMS WILLIAM J SIMS WILLIAM R SIMS JOHN L SIMS III JOHN HOWARD SINCERBEAUX BRUCE SINCLAIR JAMES J SINEATH III CARL BRANDON SING BLAINE SINGER CHRIS SINGER STEPHEN SINGER ABHAY SINGH MARCUS SINGH PARBHJIT SINGH TARA SINGH VITRA SINGH RICHARD J SINGLETARY RICHARD L SINGLETARY TERRY J SINGLETARY WILLIAM SINGLETON JEFFREY A SINGLETON LEROY D SINGLETON ROBERT L SINGLETON SHANE SINGLETON WYVONIA SINGLETON BRANDON J SINK GEORGE SINKINS SPENCER SINKINS LEAH B SINNET G THOMAS SINNET II RAY SINNOTT ROBERT SINNOTT OLAVI SIPARI TEOFLIO SIPRIANO MATTHEW BEN SIRTEN MELANIE M SISK ROBIN N SISK ROBERT W SISTRUNK JASON SITAREK JAMES DAWAYNE SITTON AARON R SIZEMORE ARVIS R SIZEMORE JAMES OLEN SIZEMORE II RANDY C SKAGEN FRANK ANDREW SKARDINSKI RUSSELL REED SKEEM TRAVIS SKEEN MARK T SKELCHER FOY E SKELTON THOMAS ANDREW SKELTON JACOB SKENANDORE ROBERT SKENANDORE KEVIN M SKERO DAVID W SKERRITT JOHN F SKERRITT IV ANDREW SKIBNIEWSKI MARIUSZ SKIBNIEWSKI JOHN DANIEL SKILLING HEATHER SKINNER BIRCH K SKINNER BROCK S SKINNER JAMES T SKINNER MARSHA A SKINNER MICHAEL SKINNER STACEY T SKINNER AMELIA A SKIPPER JOHNNIE SKIPPER WILLIE JAMES SKIPPER KYLE SKLAZESKI LORNE D SKODE STEVEN E SKROBISZEWSKI LESZEK E SKULSKI BOBBY SLABAUGH EDWARD SLACK MICHAEL E SLACK JOHN SLADE JOSEPH R SLADE ALLAN D SLATE MARY EMILY SLATE NATHANAEL W SLATE ADAM R SLATEN TIMOTHY J SLATER IVAN W SLATTER MARVIN Q SLAUGHTER GARY T SLAUGHTER JASON T SLAUGHTER JESSE D SLAUTER CATHARINE A SLAVENS CHAD M SLAVENS NATHAN T SLAVENS RYAN DAVID SLAVENS THOMAS J SLAVENS AARON C SLAVIK RICK L SLAWSON DONNIE RAY SLAY MIKE SLEAN JAMES FLOYD SLEDGE KRISTIN P SLEDGE NICHOLAS A SLEGR STEPHEN R SLESINSKI CATHY D SLIGER MARK N SLINKARD JOSEPH JOHN SLIWKA ALAN SLOAN MONTEVILLE L SLOAN JR SHANE P SLOCUM JERZY SLOMKA HERSHEL SLONE MARK C SMAILES CORY SMALL DERRICK U SMALL JASON SMALL MARK SMALL MICHAEL S SMALL RENEE C SMALL JOHN SMALLEY MICHAEL A SMALLEY ANDRE I SMALLS CURTIS SMALLS MICHAEL SMALLS RAYLENE M SMALLWOOD TIMOTHY A SMALLWOOD COURTNEY J SMART ROBERT WAYNE SMELLEY STEPHEN C SMELLEY KAREN M SMID ROBERT W SMID HERBERT SMILING HAROLD J SMIT BETTY SMITH DAVID W SMITH JIMMY F SMITH STEPHEN A SMITH WILLIE SMITH AARON N SMITH ADRIENNE S SMITH ALAN R SMITH ALBERT SMITH AMY CARR SMITH ANDRE C SMITH ANDREW S SMITH ANDY J SMITH ANNA M SMITH ANTHONY L SMITH BARRY C SMITH BEN SMITH BENJAMIN SMITH BENJAMIN EDWARD SMITH BILLY J SMITH BRAD L SMITH BRANDON K SMITH BRENT T SMITH BRENT W SMITH BRETT SMITH BRIAN SMITH BRIAN M SMITH BRIAN W SMITH BRIAN W SMITH BRYAN L SMITH BRYAN O SMITH BUCK B SMITH CAMERON B SMITH CAROLYN D SMITH CAROLYN H SMITH CHARLES SMITH CHARLES SMITH CHARLES A SMITH CHARLES JASON SMITH CHIP J SMITH CHRIS SMITH CHRIS T SMITH CHRISTI N SMITH CHRISTOPHER G SMITH CLAINE SMITH CLAYTON C SMITH CLINT T SMITH CLINT V SMITH CODY SMITH CONNIE S SMITH CORY A SMITH CRAIG A SMITH CRAIG L SMITH DANIEL L SMITH DAVE SMITH DAVID ALVIN SMITH DAVID L SMITH DAVID R SMITH DEAN J SMITH DELMAR L SMITH DERRICK SMITH DEWAYNE SMITH DONALD D SMITH DONNA JEAN SMITH DONZELL A SMITH DUSTIN SMITH DUSTIN E SMITH EVAN ANDREW SMITH FRANK SMITH FRED SMITH FREIDA M SMITH GARRISON S SMITH GARY L SMITH GARY LEE SMITH GEORGE W SMITH GREG SMITH GREGORY K SMITH HARLEY A SMITH HORACE DAVID SMITH HOWARD M SMITH IEON SMITH JACK D SMITH JAMES SMITH JAMES B SMITH JAMES E SMITH JAMES E SMITH JAMES G SMITH JAMES G SMITH JAMES KENT SMITH JAMES M SMITH JAMIE CRAIG SMITH JAMISON R SMITH JANICE G SMITH JANICE P SMITH JASON A SMITH JASON C SMITH JASON D SMITH JASON R SMITH JAY R SMITH JEFFREY SMITH JEFFREY ALLEN SMITH JEREMY SMITH JEREMY J SMITH JERRIE L SMITH JERRY J SMITH JERRY W SMITH JESSE C SMITH JIMMIE SMITH JO ANN SMITH JODY E SMITH JOEY D SMITH JOHN A SMITH JOHN D SMITH JOHNATHAN BLAKE SMITH JONATHAN J SMITH JOSEPH T SMITH JUDSON D SMITH JUSTIN SMITH JUSTIN CLAY SMITH KAREN SMITH KAY F SMITH KEN SMITH KEVIN R SMITH KIMBERLY J SMITH KYLE SMITH LARRY DARNELL SMITH LARRY J SMITH LARRY BRUCE SMITH LEE ANNE SMITH LEONA SMITH LESLIE SMITH LUCAS SMITH MARILYN A SMITH MARK A SMITH MARK H SMITH MARK H SMITH MATTHEW D SMITH MATTHEW LEE SMITH MATTHEW W SMITH MEGAN C SMITH MICHAEL A SMITH MICHAEL C SMITH MICHAEL D SMITH MICHAEL J SMITH MICHAEL P SMITH MICHAEL S SMITH MICHAEL W SMITH MORRIS L SMITH NATHANIAL A SMITH NEOMA RENEA SMITH NICHOLAS S SMITH NORMAN L SMITH PATRICK SMITH PATRICK A SMITH PAUL SMITH PAUL L SMITH PAUL W SMITH RANDALL C SMITH RAY E SMITH RAYMOND R SMITH REGGIE A SMITH REGINALD J SMITH REUBEN CHRIS SMITH RICHARD CHARLES SMITH RICKEY SMITH RICKY G SMITH RITA L SMITH ROBERT SMITH ROBERT A SMITH ROBERT G SMITH ROBERT STEPHEN SMITH RODNEY C SMITH ROGER SMITH ROGER A SMITH ROGER P SMITH RONALD SMITH RONALD B SMITH RONALD L SMITH RONDA K SMITH RONNIE T SMITH RUSSELL G SMITH RYAN JAMAAL SMITH RYAN M SMITH SAMMY L SMITH SAMMY L SMITH SCOTT SMITH SHAWN SMITH SHELBY D SMITH SHERRY D SMITH SHYANNE N SMITH STEPHEN SMITH STEPHEN SMITH SUSAN SMITH TED C SMITH THAYNE B SMITH THOMAS SMITH THOMAS R SMITH THOMAS R SMITH THOMAS R SMITH TIMOTHY A SMITH TIMOTHY D SMITH TIMOTHY J SMITH TIMOTHY W SMITH TODD PHILLIP SMITH TONY SMITH TONY W SMITH TROY T SMITH UNTON LUMONT SMITH WALTER H SMITH WALTER S SMITH WARREN SMITH WILLIAM SMITH WILLIAM C SMITH WILLIAM D SMITH ARTHUR W SMITH III LEWIS H SMITH III DARRYL SMITH JR JOE LOUIS SMITH JR LEONARD A SMITH JR LESTER C SMITH JR RICHARD L SMITH SR BRIAN ALAN SMITHART ASHLEY NICOLE SMITHERMAN BETTY A SMITHERMAN KEVIN M SMITHEY BRIAN S SMITHWICK DOUGLAS E SMITHWICK JAMES H SMOAK CAMERON J SMOKE LONNIE C SMOKE WILLIE C SMOKE JR ROBERT L SMOLA KEITH A SMOLK DEDRICK SMOTHERMAN SCOTTY L SMOTHERS ROBERT SMUIN RICK L SMUTNY CONSTANCE R SNAPP ADAM D SNAY JIMMY SNELL DAVID A SNELLENBARGER CASPAR M SNELLING MICHAEL A SNELLING TYLER R SNELLING ERIK O SNIDER SAMUEL SNIPES BRADLEY E SNODDY JAMIE J SNODGRASS STEVEN P SNODGRASS ROBERT E SNOOK DONALD RAY SNOW HENRY S SNOW JEREMY SNOW JOHN T SNOW KEVIN SNOW WILLIAM J SNOW STEPHEN B SNOWDEN BRIAN K SNYDER EDWARD S SNYDER JEFFREY A SNYDER JOSEPH J SNYDER MELISSA P SNYDER REX A SNYDER RITA A SNYDER ROBIN SNYDER STEVEN P SNYDER TERRY SNYDER TODD SNYDER WALTER SNYDER LONNIE DALE SNYDER JR JOSHUA SOARES MARCO P SOARES JOSEPH D SOARES III BO SOBHANI NORMAN SOCQUET EMILE L SOFFNER DAVID DONG-SOO SOHN THOMAS J SOJKA KEVIN J SOKOL BRUCE SOKWAYPNACE HERBER SOLANO OCIEL SOLANO JONATHAN SOLES ALFONSO SOLIS FERNANDO SOLIS JOHNNY L SOLIS OSBALDO SOLIS PEDRO SOLIS ELIAS SOLIS-GOMEZ B THAD SOLOMON JOSEPH ALEXANDER SOLOMON MELVIN D SOLOMON TIMOTHY J SOLOS PAUL J SOMERS NADIR SOMJI ANDREW J SOMMER ANTHONY J SOMMER JOEL D SOMMER JAMES A SOMMERVILLE NICHOLE L SONCK DAVID SONDENO ALAIN SONIER TIMOTHY SONNENBERG BRANDON S SONNENFELT LAWRENCE H SONSEL ERICK SONTHEIMER DEREK B SOOBY ELDON SOOP ANIL SOORIM JEFFREY J SOPO BENJAMIN C SORENSEN BRENT W SORENSEN CARY SORENSEN CHASE G SORENSEN DEBRA SORENSEN JARED L SORENSEN JOSEY SORENSEN LAYNE C SORENSEN LYNN C SORENSEN WILL D SORENSEN BRENT SORENSON DARIN L SORENSON SHANE K SORGE KILAUEA SORGENT ROMMEL SORIANO THOMAS L SORRELLS RONALD J SORTERS JR DONALD D SORTOR DAVID B SOSH DAVID J SOSINSKY PEGGY L SOSSAMON ADAM SOTO BONIFACIO SOTO JOSE A SOTO JOSE ESCOBEDO SOTO JUAN SOTO RHETT A SOUDER JAMES R SOULE ANDREW L SOULIGNE ASHLEY SOULSBY CHRIS SOUMAKIS JOAO SOUSA LEE SOUSA EDWARD C SOUTER JERED D SOUTH PATRICK D SOUTH DANA C SOUTHARD STEVE SOUTHARD WILLIAM B SOUTHER WILLIAM R SOUTHERLAND ANNA SOUTHERN FRANK A SOUTHERN JAMES M SOUTHERN JOE C SOUTHWOOD DANIEL SOUZA AARON E SOVEREIGN COLLEEN K SOWDERS DAVID G SOWELL REGINALD LANG SOWELL JESS SOWERS EDWARD A SOWLES DENNIS J SPADER ROBYN A SPANN DANIEL SPANOS RICHARD K SPARGER JR JEFFREY A SPARGO DUANE SPARKMAN JASON HARWOOD SPARKS KIRK SPARKS OAKLEY SPARKS ROBERT D SPARKS JR RANDY SPARLING CECIL SPARROW PETER SPATOLA TOM W SPATOLA GERRY SPAZIANI BILL E SPEAK CHRISTY D SPEARS MARK G SPECHT DAVID L SPEED JEFFREY S SPEER ROBERT SPEER PAMELA J SPEIDEL MICHAEL D SPEIGHTS MARK J SPELLAR BRENDA LYNN SPENCE M L SPENCE RICHARD C SPENCE ROBERT E SPENCE SANDRA L SPENCE BRYAN H SPENCER DONALD R SPENCER DOUGLAS A SPENCER GREG D SPENCER HENRI J SPENCER KELLEY B SPENCER KEVIN ANTONIO SPENCER MICHAEL W SPENCER ROBERT SPENCER THOMAS SPENCER TIM SPENCER KEVIN L SPETH RANDY J SPICER DANNY R SPICER TIMOTHY A SPIEGEL DONNIE L SPIGNER KELLY D SPIKES JAIME A SPINKS WILLIAM L SPINKS III ANTHONY ALLEN SPIRES MARSHALL R SPIRES STEVEN T SPIRES DAVID W SPISHOCK THOMAS A SPISHOCK IAN M SPITZER JAN W SPITZER JAMIE R SPIVEY JESSIE L SPIVEY ALLEN R SPOONER VIOLA P SPORTS FARRON E SPRABARY GORDON SPRAGUE LARRY G SPRAGUE TODD A SPRAGUE GREGORY L SPRAYBERRY WAYNE V SPREITZER JOHN SPRING WILLIAM L SPRINGBORG CLARENCE P SPRINGER JEFFREY L SPRINGER LARRY J SPRINGER STEPHANIE L SPRINGER TIMOTHY J SPRINGER JAMES T SPRINGS WANDA E SPRINGS RICKY STEVEN SPRINKLE DARRELL WAYNE SPRINKLES TIMOTHY SPURLOCK WILLIE SPURLOCK PETER SQUIRES PHILLIP SQUYRES ARAMBU V SRIKANTHAN CHRIS X L ST AMAND JEAN-GUY ST AMOUR GREG P ST CLAIR KEVIN B ST CLAIR DANIEL C ST CROIX JACQUES ST DON CRAIG ST JEAN MICHAEL ST JOHN FRANCOIS ST LAURENT JEAN-RENE ST LAURENT PATRICK ST LOUIS PETER ST ONGE CHRISTOPHE S ST PETER DEREK F ST PETER THOMAS E ST PETER JR WILSON ST PIERRE BRANDON C STABBS JACQUELYN R STACHOWSKI CHARLES D STACKHOUSE DAVID L STACKHOUSE BONITA L STACY DOUGLAS W STACY MARSHALL R STADLER VANESSA K STADLER JAMES STAFFEN RUTH STAFFEN ANTHONY H STAFFORD BRIAN E STAFFORD BRUCE A STAFFORD CASEY A STAFFORD CASEY G STAFFORD JAMES L STAFFORD RAY LEE STAFFORD RICHARD JAMES STAFFORD RONALD W STAFFORD THOMAS F STAFFORD THOMAS M STAFFORD STEVEN STAGE KIM R STAGGS BRIAN STAHL DUSTIN E STAHL KEITH A STAHLE FELIPE R STAJUANA DAVID R STALCUP TERRELL STALEY MICHELLE F STALLARD BILLY R STALLINGS JESSIE STALLINGS LYNN SUZANNE STALLINGS MADISON BROOKS STALLINGS RONALD E STALLINGS WALTER MALONE STALLINGS BRETT T STALNECKER DARRIN L STALNECKER DUSTIN L STAMER ROGER D STAMEY CHARLES STANDIFORD JR FLOYD E STANDRIDGE KAREN E STANEK RYAN STANG MIRJANA STANISIC BILLY R STANLEY DONALD K STANLEY JAMES H STANLEY MICHAEL STANLEY JAMES C STANLEY JR JOHN STANONIS MICHAEL L STANPHILL EARL D STANSBURY JAMES R STANTON SHIRRI S STANTZ DANIEL W STANUSH JARED STANWORTH MATTHEW STANZIONE ROGER W STAPLES DANUAL STAPLES MATTHEW STAPLES MARK STAPLETON PAUL THOMAS STAPLETON ALAN J STARK CASEY R STARK KENNETH E STARK RAYMOND H STARK BERNARD JOE STARK JR SHAWNA M STARKS TODD L STARKS TRAVIS LEVEL STARKS JAMES EARL STARLING SAMUEL JAMES STARLING DAWN STARR GERALD W STARR LINDA M STARR MARIA L STARR WAYNE R STARRETT PETER J STARSZAK GEOFF STASKO HELEN A STASTNY MICHAEL R STATES BRUCE STATHAM KEVIN J STAUB ROBERT W STAUB ALLEN E STAUFFER DAVID A STAUFFER DIRK A STAUFFER MARC STAUFFER LARRY STAVINGA ROBERT STAYNER BRANDON J STEACIE JOEY STEADMAN REBECCA E STEADMAN JAMES R STEARMAN BETHANY A STEARNS SCOTT L STEBBING DOUGLAS F STEBBING PATRICK J STECK RYAN R STECKELBERG CHARLES W STEELE JOSHUA C STEELE MELINDA J STEELE SILAS P STEELE NATHAN H STEELMAN WILLIAM M STEEN KEVIN C STEER PAUL STEEVES JOE A STEFANICH CHARLES BRADLEY STEGALL CURTIS W STEGER LANCE J STEIGER LAURENCE F STEIGER AARON DALE STEIN ASHLEY D STEIN SHARON KAY STEIN CARSTEN STEINER ANTHONY STEINHAUSER JOHN D STEINKAMP DAVID P STEINMETZ JOHN C STEMANN RAYMOND R STENDER ROGER F STENDER SHAWN D STENNETT GARY LEE STENSLAND JAMES C STENSLAND WALTER STENSLAND ROBERT STEPAN CHAROLETT D STEPHENS CURTIS L STEPHENS DANIEL WESTON STEPHENS DONALD L STEPHENS GARY D STEPHENS GERALD T STEPHENS GREGORY STEPHENS JASON STEPHENS JOE STEPHENS JOHN STEPHENS JOSEPH D STEPHENS LINDA L STEPHENS RICKY A STEPHENS SETH O STEPHENS SHAY D STEPHENS SHERRY D STEPHENS KENNETH C STEPHENSEN ALAN D STEPHENSON BRENTON J STEPHENSON GEORGE STEPHENSON TIMOTHY D STEPHENSON WILLIAM D STEPHENSON MICHAEL C STEVENS BRIAN STEVENS JAMES W STEVENS JASON D STEVENS MARK STEVENS MELANIE A STEVENS PHILLIP BLAKE STEVENS RHONDA M STEVENS RUSTY A STEVENS STABBY L STEVENS TODD STEVENS HAROLD V STEVENS JR CARLOS L STEVENSON HARRY STEVENSON KEN STEVENSON STACY L STEVENSON GARY D STEWARD RODERICK STEWARD V LANCE STEWARD JOHN L STEWART BEN STEWART DUANE STEWART EDWARD RANDALL STEWART GARY R STEWART GUY STEWART JAMES STEWART JAMES BARRY STEWART JAMES NATHAN STEWART JOHN W STEWART JOSEPH H STEWART KRISTINA M STEWART LONNIE D STEWART REGINALD STEWART RICKY L STEWART RITA A STEWART ROBERT STEWART SAMUEL STEWART SHAWN P STEWART STEVEN A STEWART THOMAS A STEWART TY D STEWART WALTER STEWART WILLIAM JASON STEWART RICHARD STEWART JR MICHAEL T STEZOWSKI JR DANIEL L STIDHAM DAN STIEH ROGER E STIENS SCOTT F STIENS TOMMY H STILES BRADFORD J STILL CLAUDIA R STILL JONATHAN R STILL SHARRON L STILLMAN RONALD STILTNER WILLIAM A STILWELL JAY E STIMPSON TIMOTHY W STINNEFORD C W STINNETT RAY F STINNETT WILLIAM STIRLING BRIAN T STITES RICK A STIVER JEFFREY L STOBAUGH WILLIAM JOSEPH STOCK KENNETH J STOCKS CHRISTIAN STODDARD DOUG J STODDARD JEFFREY D STODDARD DONALD STOFFEL MARIJANA STOJANOVIC JAMES DUANE STOKER AARON STOKES CHRISTOPHER LD STOKES GEORGE D STOKES JOHN G STOKES LORIANN STOKES TRAVIS STOKES BRETT M STOLER DAVID R STOLP KENNETH G STOLP RYAN W STOLP JAY A STOLPA J DEREK STOLTZFUS ALVIN STONE CALVIN STONE CASEY STONE CLINTON R STONE DAVID A STONE DAVID G STONE DENNIS L STONE DENNIS W STONE ERIC M STONE HAROLD O STONE JEFFERY STONE JEFFREY STONE JEREMY STONE LOIS E STONE MICHAEL STONE MICHAEL I STONE ROBERT J STONE TIMOTHY A STONE WILLIAM B STONE NEAL C STONEBACK JAMES G STONER CARLTON M STONEY ARTHUR STONEY III LARRY W STOOKSBERRY DAVID A STOOPS GARY L STOOPS PAUL W STOOPS DAVID S STOREY JIMMIE L STOREY MICHAEL K STOREY ROBERT R STOREY JERILYN K STORM MARK T STORNELLI ROGER STORY PHILLIP N STOTT JAMIE EARL STOUDEMIRE VICTOR M STOUDEMIRE ROBERT STOUGHTON ERIC N STOUT KENNETH STOUT RANDY D STOUT RODNEY T STOUT STEPHEN D STOUT TRACY N STOUT DAVID CRAIG STOVALL KATHLEEN ISABEL STOVALL RONALD L STOVALL STEVEN A STOVER CHRISTOPHER A STOW CHRISTIAN M STRABALA ROY D STRACENER ADAM J STRAHAN ROBERT STRANG JR MARK E STRATHERN SUSAN D STRATHMAN ROBERT J STRATMAN RONNIE J STRATMOEN ROGER E STRAUBINGER ROSS E STRAUBINGER MICHAEL R STRAUGHN BOB L STRAWN CAMERON S STRAWN GARY PAUL STRAWN JEFFREY L STRAWN NICHOLAS L STRBA LEELAND STRBAN DEREK W STRECKER CHARLES STREET SHAUN D STREETER ROBERT G STREETMAN EDWARD B STREETT SARAH JANE STREICH DANIELLE STREMBLE LARRY STREMBLE BURL A STRICKLAND DAVID R STRICKLAND GENE STRICKLAND PATRISE STRICKLAND RON B STRICKLAND MICHAEL LEE STRICKLIN RANDOLPH STRINGER CLINTORICE STRINGFELLOW RANDY S STROADE CHERIE L STROBEL BRENT STROCK DANA C STROCK LYNN E STROCK GARY E STRODTMAN RONALD L STROHKORB JR CHRIS G STROHM JEREMY C STROHM DONALD F STROM WAYLON L STROM BRUCE A STRONG CORNELIUS M STRONG JOHNNY B STRONG KENT D STRONG LEON L STRONG MICHAEL B STRONG PATRICIA D STRONG RYAN G STRONG GREGORY L STROUD R C STROUD BRYAN J STROZIER VALORIE L STRUNK FRANK STRYCHOWSKY MICHAEL R STUART BOBBIE M STUBBERT GARY STUBBLEFIELD DONALD E STUCKEY JAMES STUCKEY MICHAEL R STUCKEY RODNEY P STUDDARD DANIEL R STUDLEY BARRY L STUEVE JOHN E STUFFLEBEAN SHERI STUFFLEBEAN CHRISTOPHER A STULTZ GORDON S STUPICH CHRIS A STURGEON JAMES P STURGEON WARREN L STUTHMAN DANNY W STUTTS JARED A STUTTS MARK A STYMIEST JOSEPH R STYONS JACOB SUAREZ JIMMY S SUAREZ JOHN G SUAREZ JESUS SUAREZ-VALENCIA MARVIN SUBER KURT ANTHONY SUCHOMEL ION SUCIU DANIEL SUCKOO GARY L SUCKSTORF JOSEPH L SUDAK W D SUDDARTH STEVE A SUEHL RUSSELL W SUGGS DUANE SUGIOKA WILLIAM L SUKUP DAVID A SULC JASON A SULC STEVE SULIMAN PAUL SULLINS BENTLEY SULLIVAN DOUG SULLIVAN GLENN DORAN SULLIVAN GORDON MICHAEL SULLIVAN JAMES E SULLIVAN JIM SULLIVAN PATRICK M SULLIVAN ROBERT DOUGLAS SULLIVAN THOMAS R SULLIVAN THOMAS SULLIVAN JR TONY SULPIZI KAM CHEUNG SUM KYLE R SUMMER ADAM C SUMMERFORD THOMAS W SUMMERFORD KENNETH S SUMMERFORD JR BRANDON T SUMMERS CORY B SUMMERS EDWIN D SUMMERS JEREMY S SUMMERS JOEY P SUMMERS MICHAEL LEE SUMMERS THANE ELDEN SUMMERS J RONNIE SUMMERVILLE JAMES LEON SUMNER JR DAVID A SUMOSKI WEIPING SUN CODY J SUNDAY JOHN SUPPLE JILL SURFACE ROBERT W SURFACE SCOTT A SURFACE JOSE SURIANO MIKE G SURRIDGE ANTHONY C SUTHERLAND GARRY SUTHERLAND JOSHUA G SUTHERLAND KEVIN L SUTHERLIN GEORGE D SUTTER RHYON W SUTTLE ROCKY EDWARD SUTTLE CANDACE L SUTTON GARY WAYNE SUTTON MARCUS L SUTTON ROBERT JOSEPH SUTTON RONALD C SUTTON WILLIAM LEE SUTTON JOSEPH SUZUKI JENNIFER SVEC JERRY SVEC JR TERRY J SVIK DIANE L SVITAK DONALD G SVITAK JULIE K SVOBODA KEVIN D SVOBODA JOSEPH T SWAFFORD WAYNE E SWAFFORD ART SWAIN GERALD L SWAIN MICHAEL RAY SWALLOW STEVEN SWAN DANIEL SWANEK DUSTIN L SWANK MICHAEL A SWANK EDWARD ANDREW SWANN II CHRISTY O SWANNER ALVIN J SWANSON CORWIN C SWANSON KAREN F SWARTFAGER ROBERT SWARTZFAGER WILK SWARTZFAGER PAUL A SWEARINGEN ANTHONY E SWEAT NOAH J SWEAT GARY SWEATMAN MARTA J SWEEK EDWARD J SWEENEY TRADD L SWEENEY GIFFORD L SWEET STEPHEN J SWEET RICHARD E SWEETMAN JR COLLEEN ANN SWENSON BRIAN L SWICK JOSEPH M SWICK ROBERT G SWICK KYLE J SWIM BRANDON SCOTT SWINDLE CYNTHIA ROWLAND SWINDLE JEFFERY D SWINDLE STEPHEN G SWINDLE JAMES W SWINDLE III JIMMY J SWINFORD CARLA J SWING CLAYTON WILLIAM SWINT RANDALL D SWISZCZ STEVEN E SWITZER JAY SWOYER STEPHEN R SYBERT JERRY D SYKES RALPH GREG SYKES GLENROY SYLVESTER JEAN-CLAUD SYLVESTRE LEE A SYLVIA TIM SYMONS LEO A SYRIA JR THIRAKONE M SYSAVAN TRAVIS D SYSLO MARK SYTHES DONALD P SZALLAR GARY E SZERMETA TIMO SZOLKOVY CARLENE SZOTAK JOHN SZUCS DUANE W SZUREK BOGDAN SZYMKIEWICZ HENRY SZYMKIEWICZ BERNARD S TABAT LARRY LEE TABB JOE TABION BRYAN LEE TACKETT RANDY J TACKETT KEITH DENTON TAGGART GREG A TAIT ROBERT TAIT ROBERT TAKAGI RAJVIDER TAKHAR JAMES R TALADA DAVID CHRIS TALBERT DONALD W TALBERT WILLIAM A TALBERT SHANE B TALBOT NORBERTO TALLA DARRELL J TALLEY RUSSELL G TALLEY KOON KOU TAM ERIC C TAM CHUN DAVID M TAMBORSKI CARMELITA TAMBUYAT LORAIN TAMBUYAT DAN K TANG CONSTANTE TANGONAN CRESENCIO TANGONAN STEVE TANGUAY EDWARD TANKSLEY COLLEEN TANNER EMIL TANNER LEON D TANNER LUTHER R TANNER PERCY LEE TANNER WESTLEY W TANNER LUTHER R TANNER JR EMILIO S TAPIA GERARDO R TAPIA JOSE J TAPIA MITCHELL W TAPIA RAMON I TAPIA MARCIA E TAPIA PADILLA FREDIE J TAPP JEFFREY D TAPP MICHAEL A TAPP CHRISTOPHER P TARBY BOBBY D TARLTON TAB D TARLTON TAB D TARLTON JR BERNARD TASCHUK SHERI L TASKER DAVID M TATAR ROBERT D TATE BEAU MEWBOURN TATE JOHN D TATE MARVIN L TATE ROBERT TATE ROOSEVELT TATE APRIL K TATUM WILLIE J TATUM JOHN W TAUBE ETHAN J TAYLOR LEE A TAYLOR ANDREW D TAYLOR ANTHONY RICHARD TAYLOR BENJAMIN S TAYLOR BLAINE TAYLOR BRYAN P TAYLOR CHAD S TAYLOR CHRISTOPHER P TAYLOR DAN TAYLOR DANA E TAYLOR DENNIS J TAYLOR DONALD ALLEN TAYLOR DWIGHT TAYLOR EUGENE TAYLOR GEORGE E TAYLOR GREG A TAYLOR ISAIAH TAYLOR JAMES E TAYLOR JAMES R TAYLOR JAY B TAYLOR JEB S TAYLOR JEFFREY L TAYLOR JILL O TAYLOR JIMMY W TAYLOR JOE M TAYLOR JOHNDEE TAYLOR JUDY K TAYLOR JULIA TAYLOR JW TAYLOR KARLENE L TAYLOR KIMBERLY ANN TAYLOR MATTHEW DONAVAN TAYLOR MELVIN L TAYLOR MICHAEL L TAYLOR MICHAEL R TAYLOR MITZI A TAYLOR NICKOLE M TAYLOR PHYLLIS D TAYLOR R SCOTT TAYLOR REGINA C TAYLOR ROGER G TAYLOR SCOTT TAYLOR SONNY L TAYLOR STEVEN RANDALL TAYLOR TERRY L TAYLOR WAYNE DERWOOD TAYLOR EDWIN G TAYLOR II EDWARD LEE TAYLOR JR GARY W TAYLOR JR JONPAUL E TEAGER CLAYTON D TEAGUE KEVIN TEBBE MAJOR H TEDDER JR ARVIND TEEMAL ERIC L TEETER G ANTHONY TEETER KIRBY JOE TEETER TROY A TEETER BRYAN D TEFFTELLER THOMAS G TEHAN DAVID A TEIXEIRA DERREN A TEIXEIRA ROBERT TELFORD PAUL G TELLER JOSE GUILLERMO TELLEZ-GOMEZ CESAR E TELLO FLEM D TEMPLEMAN LANCE T TEMPLES CONRAD K TENNANT LARRY P TENNANT JR HENRY A TENNENT III PHIL W TENNEY RONALD M TEODORO NICHOLAS M TEPOVICH MARTIN TERAN DAVE TERLECKY TRAVIS TERLESKY JASON R TERNUS JUSTIN F TERNUS KEVIN A TERNUS DICK TERPIN STEFAN TERPIN AMANDA J TERRILL NANCY K TERRILL BILLY DWIGHT TERRY CHRISTOPHER DALE TERRY JASON W TERRY JOSHUA BLAKE TERRY JOSHUA D TERRY LORIN TERRY DANIEL L TERWILLEGER MAHARI D TESFAI JESSE J TESSIER KEVIN TESSIER MICHAEL M TETEN JENNIFER BROCKMAN TEW PHILLLIP MATTHEW TEW DONALD W THACKER HENON B THACKER KEN THACKER DUSTIN A THAIN KEITH THAIN KEVIN THALER BRIAN J THARP JOE A THARP JAMES O THAXTON MICHAEL S THAYER STEVEN H THAYER ROBERT F THAYNE MIKE THEBERGE JAMES DAVID THEDFORD JAMES G THEISEN PAT L THEISEN JEAN-FRANCOIS THERIAULT MICHEL Y THERIAULT MARK D THERIEN DENIS THERRIEN SEAN D THERRIEN PIERRE THIBAULT ALBERT THIBEAULT RENAUD THIBOUTOT TRENTON J THIELBAR JR DAVID C THIES DONA J THIES VICTOR THIESSEN HARBAJAN THIND RONALD L THIRLWALL LIONEL THIVERGE CECIL THOMAS CECIL F THOMAS DAVID E THOMAS ERIC D THOMAS MATTHEW A THOMAS MICHAEL H THOMAS TONYA MICHELLE THOMAS WILLIAM E THOMAS MATTHEW D THOMAS BARRON C THOMAS BOBBY THOMAS BRAD W THOMAS BRUCE J THOMAS CHARLES E THOMAS CHARLES M THOMAS CLINT D THOMAS CLINT J THOMAS DANNY S THOMAS DAVID THOMAS DONNA M THOMAS DUANE R THOMAS EDDIE THOMAS FERRIEL H THOMAS JAMES M THOMAS JAMIE THOMAS JEFFREY L THOMAS JILLISKA A THOMAS JOHN THOMAS JOHN J THOMAS JOHN W THOMAS JOHNNIE B THOMAS JOSEPH THOMAS JOSEPH A THOMAS KEITH THOMAS MARK A THOMAS MICHAEL A THOMAS MICHAEL R THOMAS MIKE S THOMAS MOSES THOMAS NEIL D THOMAS PATTY THOMAS RICHARD A THOMAS RICKY LEE THOMAS ROBBIE THOMAS RODNEY ALI THOMAS RONALD THOMAS SHANE R THOMAS STEVE E THOMAS STEVEN W THOMAS TAMARA L THOMAS TAWANA M THOMAS VICTOR D THOMAS WALTER J THOMAS ARCHIE L THOMAS JR ERIC D THOMAS JR JAMES E THOMAS-FLYNN BARBARA E THOMASON CHRISTOPHER THOMASON BILLY JOE THOMASON JR JOHN PAUL THOMBS STACEY L THOMPKINS ALVIN J THOMPSON BRYAN E THOMPSON CHRIS R THOMPSON CLAYTON THOMPSON COLBY THOMPSON DANIEL B THOMPSON DANIEL W THOMPSON DANYEL THOMPSON DAVID THOMPSON DAWN G THOMPSON DUANE A THOMPSON EBEN A THOMPSON ERIC L THOMPSON GLENN A THOMPSON JAMES L THOMPSON JAMES V THOMPSON JERRY W THOMPSON JOHN EDWARD THOMPSON JOSHUA TERRELL THOMPSON JOYCE M THOMPSON JUSTIN MICHAEL THOMPSON KENNY J THOMPSON LARRY A THOMPSON LEANARD C THOMPSON LINDSEY C THOMPSON MARGARET F THOMPSON MICHAEL THOMPSON MICHELLE THOMPSON MIKE THOMPSON NICOLE M THOMPSON NOAH M THOMPSON RANDALL E THOMPSON RICHARD THOMPSON ROBERT E THOMPSON SAMUEL LEE THOMPSON SHAWN W THOMPSON STANLEY C THOMPSON STANLEY HEATH THOMPSON TAMMY R THOMPSON THOMAS D THOMPSON VJ THOMPSON WARREN THOMPSON WAYNE ELDON THOMPSON WILLIAM H THOMPSON CHARLES WESLEY THOMPSON JR DAVID THOMPSON JR WILLIAM THOMPSON JR BILLY GRANT THORN SAM L THORNAL JEFFREY F THORNE JOHN W THORNHILL JR NEIL R THORNLEY BRYAN C THORNTON BRYAN K THORNTON DAN THORNTON JASON M THORNTON JAMES THORPE MARTIN D THORPE ANTHONY K THRASH RODNEY J THRASHER JOHANNA L THREM PAUL F THUNKER BALA THURAISINGHAM BRYSON L THURMAN ERIC D THURMAN LYNN J THURSTON TRAVIS J THURSTON THOMAS H TIBERI DARREN G TIBON TAMMY TICE STEVEN TICKNER DAVID TIDEY STEVEN R TIDMORE WILLIAM M TIDMORE JAMES P TIDWELL GARY TIEDGEN JEREMY TIEDGEN MARCUS J TIEDTKE LEE L TIFFANY MITCHELL TIFFANY GREG G TIKKY JAMES W TILBURY CHERYL L TILL KENNETH B TILLER RAY MATTHEW TILLER BRIAN L TILLEY CLAYTON C TILLEY EARL TILLEY ROBERT D TILLEY JIM E TILLMAN TOMMY A TILLMAN RICHARD A TILLOTSON TRAVIS Y TILMAN MIKE TILSON LARRY E TILTON LANCE C TIMBERLIN BRUCE J TIMMERMAN KEITH W TIMMERMAN JR DARLENE B TIMMONS DARRELL A TIMMONS JESSE L TIMMONS WILLIAM E TIMMONS JR CURTIS L TIMMS TERRENCE TIMOTHY CHARLIE J TINDALL CHRISTOPHER R TINEN KENNETH T TINER SHELDON N TINGEY STEVEN L TINGLE SARINYA TINGSABHAT ERIK J TINKER JASON C TINNEY D`JUANA TINSLEY JIMMY M TINSLEY JAMES L TIPLER ASHLEY K TIPPETT TIMOTHY A TIRABASSI WILLIE B TISDALE LAURICE D TISDALE III JEFFREY A TITCHKOSKY KATHY J TITLER PHILLIP A TITLER BRANDON R TITTLE JON M TITUS STACY L TJADEN SIOLOTULI L TOAETOLU IAN TOALE JOHN TOBIN CRAIG J TODD LEONARD TODD MICHAEL S TODD STEPHANIE A TODD MATTHEW TOERPE BRAD TOEWS BRETT H TOILLION KIMBERLY A TOILLION CHRISTOPHER A TOKARZ RICK TOKARZ KRISTI A TOLBERT RICHARD TOLLE JAMES BURTON TOLLETT JAY TOLMAN SUZANNE TOLMAN RONALD T TOLMER BLAKE E TOLSON PAUL TOLSON JR ANDREW J TOM CEBO A TOM JOAN M TOMAZ KENNETH E TOMB JASON R TOMI RANDY TOMKINS LARRY J TOMLIN MICHAEL W TOMLIN ROBERT TOMLIN DIXIE L TOMLINSON JAMES E TOMPKINS KURT J TOMPKINS MATTHEW R TOMPKINS DAVID A TOMS DAVID A TOMSKI MARIE TONELLO DANIEL TONG TIMOTHY P TOON ELWIN TOOTOOSIS LEON TOPALIAN BRIAN M TOPE DAVID TOPETE PAUL RICHARD TOPOROSKI TRADD N TOPPIN CHRISTOPHER S TOPPING ROBERT L TORBETT JEFF TORCELLO JOHN L TORMANEN ALAN G TORRANCE JAMES E TORRECILLAS OSCAR A TORRECILLAS ROBERT S TORRENCE ALEJANDRO G TORRES CARLOS M TORRES CHANDA TORRES CRISTIAN ALFREDO TORRES ENOC TORRES IVAN TORRES JOSE L TORRES RADAMES TORRES RODRIGO TORRES SALVADOR TORRES STACY LYNN TORRES STEVEN TORRES VERONICA D TORRES XIOMARA C TORRES JERRY TORREZ SHERA TORREZ JUAN J TORTELERO FRANCISCO B TOSCANO VARGAS TOSCANO-CLAUDIO CHAD W TOST JOSE-CARLOS MELO TOSTE LUC TOURIGNY DARIO TOVAR FIDALBERTO TOVAR FRANCISCO TOVAR PAUL A TOWERY ANDREA TOWLE BRANDON D TOWLES M S TOWLES TOMMY TOWLES JEFFREY M TOWNES CHARLES TOWNSEND DWIGHT D TOWNSEND JAMES R TOWNSEND TAVARIS MONTA TOWNSEND WILLIAM H TOWNSEND DAVID L TOWNSON BRIAN TRACY KELLEY A TRACY SCOTT ANDREW TRACY PAUL R TRAFFANSTEDT ALLEN J TRAIL LARRY D TRAMEL CRAIG A TRAMMEL CARLA DENISE TRAMMEL CHARLES WAYLON TRAMMEL BRANDY KAY TRAMMELL CHRISTOPHER TRAMMELL CLAYTON ASHLEY TRAMMELL JEREMY W TRAMMELL SHANE S TRAMMELL LEE W TRAMMELL JR FRANK P TRAMONTOZZI CUONG Q TRAN SEAN MICHAEL TRANI ABDOULAYE TRAORE BAKARY TRAORE MAMADOU TRAORE OUSMANE TRAORE CLIFFORD R TRAPP JOSHUA A TRAPP LINDA M TRAPP GLENN LEROY TRAUGHBER BRIAN P TRAVERSIE JR MICHAEL J TRAVIS PETER TRAVIS STAN TRAVIS WADE A TRAVIS CHRISTOPHER BLAKE TRAWICK BILL RIVES TRAWICK JR TIM L TRAYLOR CRAIG M TREADWAY JEFFREY A TREADWAY CLINT W TREASE J SCOTT TREECE LEROY L TREESH RYAN S TREESH TODD L TREESH DENY TREMBLAY JACQUES TREMBLAY JEFFREY TREMBLAY PIERRE TREMBLAY JOHN TRESSA CHRISTOPHER A TRESSLER MARTIN G TREVILLIAN JUAN D TREVINO JERRY TRIBLE WILLIAM P TRICE GREGORY WADE TRIESCHMAN TRIFON I TRIFONOV KENNETH TRINIDAD MARIO A TRINIDAD EUGENE TRIPLETT FORREST J TRIPOD KENT TRIPP PAUL TRIPP BRIAN J TROCANO THOMAS P TROLSON GARRETT J TROMBI MARCOS A TRONCOSO JEFFERY L TROTMAN JOSHUA K TROTMAN BRYAN K TROTTER JAMES E TROTTER JR ANTHONY M TROUT MELISSA M TROUT WILLIAM J TROUT KRISTIE FORD TROUTMAN DAVID L TROUTT WESLEY L TROWBRIDGE JEFFREY A TROXEL JACK L TRUDEAU MELODY J TRUDEAU BRADFORD G TRUE JACK D TRUEBLOOD III MICHAEL A TRUELOVE MICHAEL TRUESDELL DONALD ROBERT TRUFANT DAVID TRUJILLO BRYSON TRUMBLE ISABEL TRYTHALL LIN CHIEH TSENG JIM M TSIRIKOS TAUVAO TUALA TONY R TUBBS BRAD TUCK SEAN TUCK CHARLES JOSEPH TUCKER CHRISTOPHER R TUCKER CLINTON S TUCKER GREGORY J TUCKER JERRY S TUCKER JOE A TUCKER JOSEPH E TUCKER KEITH A TUCKER KENNETH G TUCKER LONNELL TUCKER MICHAEL E TUCKER PATRICIA TUCKER RANDY GLENN TUCKER ROBERT H TUCKER TODD E TUCKER WARD J TUCKER WILBERT DALE TUCKER JOE C TULLOS MORRIS LEWIS TUNNELL JR WILLIAM TUPLIN DON TUPPER KORNELIA TUPPER PATRICK TURCOTTE JOSEPH S TUREK SR JOHN A TURK MICHAEL W TURNAGE JOHN TURNBOW JOHN TURNBULL ALLAN A TURNER ANGELO A TURNER BOBBY TRAVIS TURNER BRENT W TURNER BYRON K TURNER CARLOS T TURNER CHARLES L TURNER CHERYL TURNER CLIFFORD A TURNER DAVID S TURNER DEBORAH TURNER DOUGLAS TURNER EMMETT H TURNER EVELYN S TURNER JAYMIE DANIEL TURNER JEFFREY L TURNER JENNIFER E TURNER JERRY TURNER JIM LEE TURNER JOSHUA AUSTIN TURNER KEITH A TURNER LIONEL ONEAL TURNER MAURICE TURNER MICHAEL W TURNER RAY L TURNER RICHARD TURNER SCOTT A TURNER STEPHEN LARRY TURNER TAMMY S TURNER TERRY AUSTIN TURNER TIM R TURNER TODD N TURNER W MARK TURNER JIMMY N TURNER JR ZACHARY L TURNER SR WAYNE TURNEY JOHN C TUROSE SHAWN TUSIM RAY L TUTTLE LARRY D TWEEDY JEFF TWIGG LESTER TWIGG MARCEL K TWIGG BENJAMIN D TWINE DALLAS D TYLER DANA TYLER MICHAEL JOSEPH TYLER STEPHEN J TYLER TASHA CHRISTINA TYLER ALFRED R TYNER JR JAMES O TYNER JR DAVID A TYO TOMMY L TYO MARY B TYSON JOHN UDCHITZ BURKE N UDY DUSTY UDY EILEEN D UDY REESE N UDY WESLEY D UDY ALLAN W UETTWILLER JOSHUA L UHINCK DANIEL J UHING JILL C UHING RAYMUNDO ULEP BRETT M ULLOM JEREMY P ULRICH LOREN R ULRICH MATTHEW D UMPHERVILLE RICKEY WAYNE UNDERWOOD DEBRA UNDERWOOD JAMES M UNDERWOOD KEVIN J UNDERWOOD NEIL UNDERWOOD RICK L UNDERWOOD WYATT UNDERWOOD DANIEL J UNGER MICHAEL S UNGER DANIEL E UNGERBUEHLER ERIC S UPLINGER AMY C UPP THOMAS W UPSHAW STEVEN M UPTON RAUL URBINA DONOSO MIRA UREKAR NATHANIEL S URTEAGA WALTER L USREY JOSHUA ROBERT USSERY DOUGLAS CHAD UTERMARK SHERMAN L UTLEY THOMAS E UTT LOWELL G UTTECHT SCOTT M UYEMATSU LIMON ELIAS VACA LIMON FELIPE VACA LIMON JORGE VACA DENNIS VADASZ CODY J VADEBONCOEUR PHILLIP VADEN BENOIT VAILLANCOURT DENIS I VAILLANCOURT BRYCE VAILLANT WAYNE VAILLANT PAUL VAIVAI ROBERT J VALDEZ JOSE G VALDIVIA JOSE M VALENCIA-ROJAS ROBERT G VALENTI JADE C VALENTINE NICK VALENZUELA JOSE R VALIENTE SHAYNE VALINSKY MICHAEL A VALLADARES DENIS VALLEE JOEL VALLE-QUINANES DANIEL VALLES CLARA M VAN ASWEGEN JASON VAN BREDERODE MARTIN VAN BREDERODE CEDRIC F VAN BUREN KEVIN VAN DE VEN PETER VAN DIESEN BRIAN VAN EGMOND JOHN E VAN GIESSEN VANESSA L VAN GIESSEN WALTER J VAN LUE JR JAMES H VAN NATTER TODD W VANATTA EDYTH F VANCE MIKE VANCE ROBERT VANCE STEPHEN VANCE KELLY J VANCLEAVE BERTRAND VANDAL MICHAEL G VANDEFIFER TIMOTHY VANDEKERCKHOVE JOHN M VANDENBUSSCHE JR JOHN D VANDENBUSSCHE SR CRAIG VANDERFORD JIM VANDERGRIENDT LYNDA VANDERHEYDEN DAVID C VANDERKAAY PAUL VANDERKOOI RODNEY S VANDERSTELT JOEL J VANDERVIES DONALD J VANDEVENNE TYSON VANDEVER JONATHAN WESLY VANDINE WALLACE JOHN VANDUSEN MICHAEL K VANDYKE RUSSELL VANDYKE MARK W VANDYKEN JAKE VANELSWYK DAVID L VANGALDER GARRY VANHEE MICHAEL L VANHOUSEN JACK K VANIER DERRYCK T VANISH WILLIAM MARK VANN STEVE VANNOY DALE A VANOSDALL ERIC D VANOSDALL JONATHAN C VANOVER JAMES E VANOVER III KEITH E VANRIPER GERHARD VANROOYEN VIRGIL STEVEN VANSANDT KYLE D VANSCOYOC TERRY L VANSCOYOC DAVID B VANSICKLE ALLEN D VANSICKLE CARL VANSICKLE MARTIN A VANSLAGEREN PATRICK MICHAEL VANSLYKE AARON H VANTHOURNOUT IRA KIP VANVALKENBURG JOHN R VANVALKENBURG JAMES W VANVLEET ROBERT M VANVLEET STEVEN J VANVLEET DUSTIN D VANZILE DIEGO VARGAS JORGE VARGAS JUAN F VARGAS SERGIO H VARGAS ROGER T VARGO JR ANTONIO VARIO DENNIS VARVEL JR GARRY D VARWIG DARREN VASQUEZ FRANKLYN VASQUEZ GUADALUPE VASQUEZ JON M VASQUEZ JOSEPH D VASQUEZ LUIS A VASQUEZ VERONICA E VASQUEZ TAURINO VASQUEZ-TAPIA PHILLIP H VASSALLO ALAN E VASSAR JERRY W VASSAR PHILLIP N VASSAR PHILLIP R VASSAR WILLIAM W VASSAR DAVID CHARLES VAUGHAN MIKE W VAUGHAN BILL M VAUGHAN II DERRICK D VAUGHN JEFFREY VAUGHN JOSHUA R VAUGHN PATRICK L VAUGHN PAUL E VAUGHN ROBERT LEE VAUGHN ROBERT WAYNE VAUGHN ROGER DOYLE VAUGHN TERRY L VAUGHN DARRELL D VAUGHN JR CHRISTOPHER SHAWN VAUGHT KATHY A VAUGHT GLEN A VAUSE DANIEL A VAZQUEZ JOSE A VAZQUEZ JULIO VAZQUEZ MIGUEL E VAZQUEZ RICHARD B VEAL SHEA A VEAZEY JOHN MORRIS VEAZEY JR PIERRE E VEGA LORI VEGSO JOELLE VEILLARD DEAN VEILLEUX ADOLFO H VELARDE SEFERINO VELAZQUEZ CESAR G VELEZ SERGIO VELEZ ARMANDO VELIZ-FAJARDO DONALD VAL VENABLE GORDON R VENABLE ROGER L VENABLE ALEJANDRO VENEGAS DAVID A VENSEL DUSTY W VENTRESS DAVID JOSEPH VERDI ARLENE G VEREEN TOMAS VERGARA JIM VERGETTE M SHANE VERNON MIKE VERNON RONALD J VESKRNA DEBRA W VESS DANIEL B VESTAL MARK VEZINA JENNINGS S VICK III ANDREW VICKERS BRIAN B VICKERS GLORIA VICKERS GREGORY ALLEN VICKERS DEBBIE K VICKERY CHRISTY L VICKNAIR JOEL D VIENNEAU JESUS VIERA TYLER VIESULAS PHILLIP A VIGIL KENNETH A VIGUE KEITH D VILDERS ANTHONY VILDOSOLA DARIO VILLALOBOS GUADALUPE A VILLALOBOS CEAZAR V VILLANUEVA U ANTONIO VILLARREAL JOSE R VILLARREAL CLEMENTE VILLASENOR JOEL VILLASENOR LUIS E VILLASENOR OSWALDO VILLASENOR MIGUEL ANGEL VILLEGAS VICTOR VILLEGAS JUAN A VILLELA DAVID VILLESCAS JESSIE S VINCENT STEVEN L VINCENT WAYNE VINCENT PAVEL P VINICKY JAYMIN G VINSON JERRELL G VINSON JAMES D VINSON JR JASON VIOLETTE LYNN A VIOX SCOTT A VIPOND DON C VIRGIES JERRY VIS PORFIRIO VISAYA CHRISTOPHER VISENTIN SCOTT J VISGAR EVELYN VISSER KENNETH L VISSERING MATTHEW VISSERING LUCIANO VITELLO MARK T VITT GIUSEPPE VITULLI ROBERT E VITULLO JR DAVE J VIVIER MATTHEW J VIZEAU DONALD J VLACH ROBERT VODDEN KEVIN J VOECKS LARRY L VOECKS GERALD I VOGEL JAY D VOGEL LEONARD VOGEL ROBERT T VOGEL STEVEN M VOGEL TYRONE J VOGEL SHAMUS VOGELSANG JAMES VOGT RONALD ROWDY VOILS JARRED T VOLEK DAVE J VOLK JERI L VOLK RONALD J VOLK ERNEST M VOLKMAN CHARLES D VOLQUARDSEN ROBIN L VONDRAK SONXAY VONGNAKHONE DEANNE L VORNHAGEN BRADLEY ZANE VOSS GARY D VOSS JESSIE K VOSS LAWRENCE J VOTRUBA DARIN R VOUGH DAVID G VOUGHT WAYNE VOUT SHARON F VOVNIUK MARGARET VOWLES RICHARD VOYER DAN VRAKELA JOVICA VRAKELA MARK J VRBKA JAMES R VREELAND MADAPPA VRISHABHENDRA JOHN VUCKOVICH JAMES F VUILLEMOT ALI VURAL DOUGLAS J VYHLIDAL RAYMOND J VYTLACIL KYLE A WAAK NANCY JEAN WABY RAY WACHEL ERIC D WACHHOLTZ MARK J WACHHOLTZ JASON J WACHTER JEDIDIAH R WACHTER CLAUDE WESLEY WADDELL J K WADDELL JASON DOUGLAS WADDELL PAUL W WADDELL SONYA CATHY WADDELL TOM WADDELL ADAM W WADE BRITTANY E WADE CRAIG D WADE DAVID ANDREW WADE GREGORY EUGENE WADE JAMES MICHEAL WADE JOHN D WADE NIKALOUS B WADE RUSSELL SCOTT WADE ZACHARY WADLINGTON GARY WADMAN JASON L WADSWORTH DAVID C WAGG KYLE D WAGLER BRANDON L WAGNER EVA M WAGNER JOHNNY W WAGNER MICHAEL M WAGNER SCOTT J WAGNER SHIRLEY DALE WAGNER HAROLD J WAGNER III DAVID J WAGNER JR LEON A WAGNER JR JEFFREY C WAGONER PRESTON B WAHOBIN CHRISTOPHER CARL WAINWRIGHT JOHN C WAINWRIGHT TRAVIS M WAIT JAMES M WAITE MATTHEW D WAITE VUYANI S WAKABA JIM T WAKE JEFFREY A WAKEFIELD DAMIEN V WALCZAK BOBBY J WALDING LARRY WALDING DONALD W WALDNER JAMES R WALDREP JUSTIN ONEAL WALDREP CRAIG M WALDRON ROBERT J WALDRON ADAM B WALDROP JAMES F WALDROP DANIEL L WALKER A FRANK WALKER AARON R WALKER ADAM WAYNE WALKER BENJAMIN D WALKER CALVIN EARL WALKER CHARLOTTE R WALKER CHRISTOPHER S WALKER DAVID M WALKER EARL W WALKER EDDIE WALKER GEORGE L WALKER HOUSTON A WALKER I C WALKER JASON DALE WALKER JOE D WALKER JONI H WALKER JOSEPH CORTLAN WALKER KENNETH WALKER KRISTIN R WALKER LUTHER D WALKER MARC S WALKER MARCUS B WALKER MARILYN WALKER MARILYN R WALKER MARK D WALKER MATTHEW R WALKER MICHAEL WALKER MICHAEL D WALKER PAUL T WALKER REX A WALKER RICHARD WALKER ROBERT C WALKER RYAN W WALKER SAM E WALKER STANLEY WALKER STEVEN M WALKER SUSHMA S WALKER SUVELLA WALKER TRAVIS M WALKER TRENDLE M WALKER WAYNE WALKER JOHN WALKER III RAYMOND WALKER III MICKEY C WALKER JR SAMMIE L WALKER JR MELANIE L WALKER-GRILLS FREDERICK J WALKLEY BEN WALL JAMIE M WALL JOSHUA S WALL MICHAEL WAYNE WALL JR ROBERT H WALLACE CARL WALLACE CHARLES W WALLACE CHARLOTTE H WALLACE EARL O WALLACE EDWARD T WALLACE JEFFREY T WALLACE JOE WALLACE JOHN WALLACE KEITH A WALLACE LYNN A WALLACE ROBERT WALLACE STEVE M WALLACE TIFFANY M WALLACE WAYNE WALLACE WILLIAM D WALLACE HOWARD J WALLACE III MICHAEL ERIC WALLACE JR DOUGLAS M WALLACH DOUGLAS M WALLACH JR ADALBERT WALLEN JUSTIN DAVID WALLEN RICHARD F WALLIN FLOYD E WALLING JR CHARLENE WALLIS THOMAS D WALLIS ROBERT L WALLOCH DONALD J WALLS KENNETH WALLS PAUL WALLS WILLIAM D WALLS JAMES EDWARD WALMSLEY MICHAEL S WALQUIST JEFFREY CHARLES WALSH ROBERT J WALSH SHELDON WALSH MICHELE A WALTENBERGER DOUGLAS A WALTER JOHN WALTER MARK E WALTER MATTHEW R WALTER DENNIS WALTERS BRENT M WALTERS CARL WALTERS DANIEL L WALTERS JENNIFER WALTERS TRAVIS G WALTERS PHIL WALTON RANDALL G WALTON TOMMY WALTON TYLER M WALTON JAMES H WALTON JR JASON J WAMPLER JOHN J WANDELL DARREN R WANDIO JILEI WANG JOHANNES E WANG WEI WANG YOUDONG WANG ZHENG WANG RANDY L WANNER LAMAR T WANSLEY II ALAN W WARD BRIAN A WARD DAVID L WARD DONALD R WARD ELIZABETH J WARD JASKA L WARD JOHN F WARD JUSTIN C WARD LARRY D WARD LUENDA WARD MICHAEL D WARD NANCY S WARD RALPH WARD ROBERT CRAIG WARD ROYAL C WARD STEVEN M WARD TINA R WARD WILLIAM L WARD II JOHN K WARD JR JEROMY J WARDLE ARNDRA DWNELL WARE GARY WARE LARRY D WARE LARRY JAMES WARE ROBERT LOUIS WARE STEVEN WARE MICHAEL L WARFIELD JOHN H WARING BENITA WARMBOLD ANTHONY L WARNEKE BENJAMIN J WARNER CAROLINE WARNER DOUGLAS G WARNER JASON WARNER JEFFERY WARNER ROGER L WARNER SHERMAN WARNER TODD A WARNER WENDELL T WARNER ERIC T WARNOCK JOCELYN HENSON WARNOCK JOHN C WARR ADAM R WARREN DAVID WARREN DURRELL L WARREN JAMES D WARREN MARK WARREN RODERICK B WARREN SOLOMON BERNARD WARREN TODD WARREN VICTOR L WARREN WILLIAM J WARREN WILLIAM L WARREN DUANE J WARRICK DOUGLAS A WARSTLER STEVEN E WARSTLER TIMOTHY J WARSTLER KATHERINE LEIGH WASEM BRAD Z WASHBROOK STEVEN WASHBURN MARK H WASHER DANA EARL WASHINGTON ANTHONY WASHINGTON ROBERT J WASHINGTON TERRY BRANT WASHINGTON VEOTIS WASHINGTON KEVIN WASSON CRAIG M WASTELL SAMUEL F WASYLIN BOGUSLAWA WASZKIEL TRACY L WATANABE ROBERT W WATERFIELD ROBERT DANIEL WATERMAN KENNETH WATERS MICHAEL J WATERS ANTHONY W WATFORD BENJAMIN R WATFORD DONALD B WATFORD RANDY G WATFORD ROBERT A WATFORD ROBERT D WATFORD ROBERT C WATFORD III FLOYD B WATHAN BARRY A WATKINS CHRISTOPER L WATKINS CHRISTOPHER R WATKINS CLINT WATKINS EMILY J WATKINS LANCE WATKINS PHILLIP WAYNE WATKINS RICK WATKINS TYLER S WATKINS CLARKE M WATKISS ANDY B WATSON DAVID B WATSON MICHAEL A WATSON BERNARD L WATSON BILLY KEITH WATSON BRYAN WATSON CHARLES LORENZO WATSON DAMON M WATSON DARRIN RICHARD WATSON GARY W WATSON JAMES W WATSON JOHN LOUIS WATSON JOSIAH WATSON KEITH S WATSON KENNETH WATSON LAMAR R WATSON LARRY LANCE WATSON MARTIN G WATSON MARVIN D WATSON MARY F WATSON PAMELA G WATSON PAUL V WATSON PENNY O WATSON RONALD R WATSON RONNIE J WATSON RUSSELL E WATSON SAMUEL WATSON STAN K WATSON THOMAS J WATSON WILLIAM MIKE WATSON HUNTER WATSON III CLAUDE WATSON JR JAMES WATSON JR DONALD T WATT STEVE WATT DARRIELLE WATTIE CLIFTON F WATTS DARYLE L WATTS SCOTT WATTS WILLIAM W WATTS CAMERON C WAUGH HEIDI L WAUGH ANGELA K WAWRZASZEK KIM S WAXMAN KEVIN C WAYE JR TODD WAYMAN CALVIN WAYNE SUSAN WAYNE JONATHAN W WEATHERBY HARRIETT M WEATHERFORD HARRY H WEATHERFORD NORMAN S WEATHERFORD SAMUEL B WEATHERFORD II LONNIE A WEATHERLEY MARK Z WEATHERS PHIL L WEATHERSPOON BRETT D WEAVER BRIAN J WEAVER CHAD W WEAVER CURTIS WEAVER DONALD A WEAVER ERIC J WEAVER FRANKLIN S WEAVER GARY WEAVER JASON D WEAVER JOHN R WEAVER JOSEPH C WEAVER JOSEPH M WEAVER LEIGH WEAVER LORRAINE WEAVER MICHAEL WEAVER RONALD E WEAVER SHAY C WEAVER GARY D WEAVER JR ANTHONY L WEBB DAVID WEBB DAVID A WEBB JASON WEBB JEFFREY A WEBB JOSHUA A WEBB JUSTIN B WEBB KIMBERLY FAIREST WEBB LEN WEBB MICHAEL C WEBB MICHAEL WAYNE WEBB MICHELLE L WEBB NICHALOS C WEBB WILLIAM D WEBB BRIAN R WEBER COLLEEN T WEBER DUANE A WEBER GLORIA A WEBER LANE L WEBER ROBERT J WEBER TODD J WEBER GARY D WEBER JR BARRY O WEBSTER BRADLEY WEBSTER BRIAN CHAD WEBSTER BRIAN W WEBSTER TODD S WEBSTER TRESSA WEBSTER WILLIAM WEBSTER RICHARD WECHSLER BILL G WEEKS KENNETH L WEEKS KYLE WEEKS ROBERT MARTIN WEEKS TERRY L WEEKS WILLIAM T WEEKS MARK E WEERS ERNEST V WEERTS RICHARD V WEERTS WARREN WEESEEKASE DAN P WEHRMANN SHEN-HSING WEI MARY C WEICH MICHAEL R WEIDMAN MICHAEL R WEIDNER ROSS M WEIDNER DUSTIN WEIGHT KEITH M WEIL THOMAS A WEILER JAY B WEIN JERRY G WEINRICH CHRIS WEIR RICHARD WEIR RYAN WEIR JACK K WEISBRODT FARON WEISGERBER TODD WEISHAUPT BILLY WEISINGER DONALD WEISINGER JEREMY WEISINGER KIRK WEISKITTEL MICHAEL WEISKITTEL JAMES W WEISS MARK A WEISS WILLIAM D WEISS ERIC L WEITZ EMILY M WELCH HARRY S WELCH HENRY N WELCH JAMES E WELCH JAMES W WELCH RICKY E WELCH PAUL WELCH JR MATTHEW WELDA DENNIS J WELDEN KEVIN LLOYD WELDON MARY B WELKER KYLE J WELLAR KEVAN M WELLIVER BARBARA J WELLS BILLY E WELLS CHARLES WELLS CHARLES WELLS CHARLES E WELLS CHRIS WELLS CORDELL A WELLS DAN WELLS DANNY WELLS EDWARD WELLS ELIZABETH C WELLS JAMES WELLS JAMES C WELLS JASON L WELLS JERRY R WELLS NATHAN M WELLS ROGER H WELLS SUE ELLEN WELLS TERRY WELLS CHRISTOPHER S WELSH KARYL R WELSHER BRETT W WELTON DOUGLAS E WELTY JACOB A WEMHOFF RONALD T WEMHOFF TANNER WENDEL GEORGE G WENDLING RONALD R WENGER JOHN D WENNER WILL W WENNINGHAM DONALD G WENTELER ALAN L WENTLING BRIAN F WENZELMAN LARRY L WENZL CHAD WERKMAN TIMOTHY M WERLINGER JULIAN WERON IAN M WERYS ROBERT E WESLEY JR JAN WESSEL R DWAYNE WEST RALPH WEST BRANDON WEST DAN WEST DIANNE H WEST DONALD R WEST LEE WEST SHAWN E WEST THOMAS L WEST ADMAN WEST III JAMES WEST JR JOHN MATTHEW WESTBROOK WAVERLEY R WESTBROOK ROBERT W WESTBROOK JR DAROLD WESTBY CLAYTON WESTGATE KEN M WESTMORELAND ALISHA WESTON EDDIE R WESTON JOHN WESTON KENNETH WESTON PAUL WESTON EDWARD E WESTWOOD JOHN G WETLI III RAYLYN R WEYAND JEFFREY A WHALEN JERAMIE WHALEN TIMOTHY WHALEN MAURICE A WHALEN SR ROBERT WHALING MARCUS LAVON WHATLEY BRIAN J WHEELER CLAUDE M WHEELER CORY WHEELER DARRELL E WHEELER JAY EDWARD WHEELER JONATHAN R WHEELER SHANE K WHEELER TAMMY M WHEELER WILLIAM W WHEELER BRUCE D WHEELER JR FELIX A WHEELEY BURNETTE R WHETSTONE CURTIS K WHETSTONE CRAIG WHETTON JEFFERY B WHETZEL STEVE WHIPKEY RICHARD WHIPPLE CLEMENT HAMILTON WHISTLE STEPHEN M WHITAKER IVAN R WHITAKER NATHAN R WHITAKER GILBERT WHITAKER JR CHARLES T WHITE ADRIENE M WHITE ALFRED C WHITE ALLISTER G WHITE BLAINE M WHITE BRAD WHITE BRENDA K WHITE BRYAN D WHITE CALVIN L WHITE CHARLES A WHITE CHARLES D WHITE CHARLIE L WHITE CHERYL D WHITE CLARENCE TIMOTHY WHITE CLARENCE W WHITE CRAIG WHITE DANNY E WHITE DARRYL D WHITE DAVID WHITE DAVID WHITE DEAN WHITE DEBORAH A WHITE DENNIS W WHITE DONALD WHITE DURAND L WHITE EDWARD P WHITE ERIC A WHITE EVAN WHITE GARY A WHITE GARY L WHITE GREGORY P WHITE HAROLD W WHITE JAMES KEVIN WHITE JAMES STEPHEN WHITE JEFFEREY L WHITE JEFFREY LYNN WHITE JEFFREY R WHITE JEFFREY R WHITE JENNIFER KRISTEN WHITE JERRY WHITE JOHN B WHITE JOSHUA R WHITE KENNETH WAYNE WHITE NICHOLAS D WHITE NICOLE R WHITE PHILLIP D WHITE RICHARD L WHITE RICHARD N WHITE RICHARD T WHITE ROBIN D WHITE ROD B WHITE RYAN E WHITE RYAN M WHITE SEAN ANDRAY WHITE SEAN C WHITE STACY E WHITE STEVE W WHITE TAMMY A WHITE TERRY L WHITE THOMAS E WHITE THOMAS S WHITE WALLACE WHITE WILLIAM F WHITE III CHARLES WHITE JR ROBERT P WHITE JR REX WHITED MARLYNN WHITED ROBERT J WHITED ADRIAN B WHITEHEAD JOSEPH A WHITEHEAD KRISTAN WHITEHEAD WILLIAM T WHITEHEAD JEFFREY T WHITEMAN KENNETH J WHITESELL BARBARA ANN WHITFIELD LOVELL WHITFIELD SR RICHARD A WHITLEY CLINTON T WHITLOCK KATHY L WHITMAN REBECCA L WHITMAN COLLETTE L WHITMARSH DANIEL A WHITMER ROBERT E WHITMIRE JAMES R WHITNEY RONALD J WHITSON GWEN F WHITTAKER JAMES WHITTEN II KEITH WHITTLE MICHAEL L WHITTLE TIMOTHY L WHITTON JOSHUA B WHITWORTH MATHEW H WICHELT PENNY J WICKER HEATHER R WICKERT FARON L WICKETT JEFFREY E WICKETT KENNETH R WIDA JR JEFFREY L WIDDICOMBE LORIN A WIDDISON BRIAN D WIDHALM JOHN M WIDRIG BRADLEY M WIEBE RICHARD WIEBE MICHAEL P WIEBELHAUS SHAWN R WIEDEMAN ALAN WIEDERHOLT CHAD H WIEHE JENNY E WIEHERDT STEVEN J WIEN DAVID L WIENS GERALD J WIESER DANIEL WIGGINS LONNIE M WIGGINS MARCIA LYNN WIGGINS MICHAEL E WIGGINS MARK R WIGINGTON STEVEN L WIGMAN DAVID S WIKLUND STEVEN B WILBANKS GLENN L WILBER WILLIAM LESLIE WILBORN JAMES M WILBUR JEFFREY A WILBUR SCOTT WILBUR FRED JACK WILCOCK JR ADAM WILCOX CHARLES E WILCOX MICHAEL DREW WILCOX RICHARD WILCOX RICHARD WILCOX REX D WILCOXSON BRIAN G WILD FELIX S WILDER JAMES F WILDER MICHAEL K WILDER NATHAN G WILDER RICHARD EDWARD WILDER ERNIE D WILDS STEVEN H WILDS ABRAHAM WILEY BOBBY L WILEY GREGORY M WILEY JOYCE M WILEY NICOLE WILHELM THOMAS H WILKE JOHN WILKERSON JOHN R WILKERSON JOHNNY R WILKERSON JOSEPH R WILKERSON KEVIN R WILKERSON MICHAEL WILKERSON RYAN E WILKERSON ETTER C WILKES JACK WILKES L A WILKES LARRY M WILKES ROBERT C WILKES CHRISTOPHER SCOTT WILKINS ROBERT A WILKINS DANIEL R WILKINSON DARRELL E WILKINSON DAVID A WILKINSON DONALD R WILKINSON JUSTIN D WILKINSON CHARLES L WILLETT JEREMY DUANE WILLETT JOSEPH WALTER WILLETT RALPH E WILLETT ELIE K WILLIAMS JAMES MICHAEL WILLIAMS JOHN FRANKLIN WILLIAMS ROBERT E WILLIAMS ROWAN WILLIAMS ALFRED A WILLIAMS AMANDA D WILLIAMS ANTHONY C WILLIAMS ARNETA MARIE WILLIAMS BARRY R WILLIAMS BARTOW WILLIAMS BERNARD J WILLIAMS BILLY R WILLIAMS BILLY JACK CARLTON WILLIAMS BOBBY R WILLIAMS BRET H WILLIAMS BRIAN K WILLIAMS BRODY J WILLIAMS CATHERINE R WILLIAMS CHARLES G WILLIAMS CHERYL WARREN WILLIAMS CHRISTIAN CHARLES WILLIAMS CHRISTOPHER A WILLIAMS CHRISTOPHER D WILLIAMS COREY WILLIAMS CURTIS J WILLIAMS DAN P WILLIAMS DANIEL J WILLIAMS DANNY WILLIAMS DARYL E WILLIAMS DAVID E WILLIAMS DAVID JAMES WILLIAMS DEON T WILLIAMS DERRICK WILLIAMS DONNA ELLEN WILLIAMS F DARRELL WILLIAMS FELTON WILLIAMS FRANCIS H WILLIAMS GARY L WILLIAMS GERALD F WILLIAMS GORDON DAVID WILLIAMS GRANT WILLIAMS HAROLD B WILLIAMS HARRY L WILLIAMS HENRY J WILLIAMS IRVIN C WILLIAMS J T WILLIAMS JABEZ D WILLIAMS JACK L WILLIAMS JACQUELINE K WILLIAMS JAMES A WILLIAMS JAMES W WILLIAMS JASON C WILLIAMS JERRY E WILLIAMS JOEY B WILLIAMS JOHN C WILLIAMS JOHN CHRIS WILLIAMS JOHN M WILLIAMS JOSHUA E WILLIAMS JUAN DAUNTE WILLIAMS JULIAN A WILLIAMS KEITH WILLIAMS KEITH D WILLIAMS KEITH P WILLIAMS KENT B WILLIAMS KEVIN WILLIAMS LOGAN WILLIAMS LONNIE F WILLIAMS LOUIS WILLIAMS LYNDA V WILLIAMS MARC A WILLIAMS MARCUS L WILLIAMS MARIO WILLIAMS MARK P WILLIAMS MARKUS A WILLIAMS MARSHALL WILLIAMS MARSHALL L WILLIAMS MARTIN G WILLIAMS MICHAEL A WILLIAMS MICHAEL D WILLIAMS MICHAEL D WILLIAMS MILTON L WILLIAMS MISTY W WILLIAMS NATASHA WILLIAMS NELDA D WILLIAMS NICHOLAS C WILLIAMS NIKY W WILLIAMS PHILLIP J WILLIAMS RACHEL M WILLIAMS RANDY WILLIAMS RANDY M WILLIAMS ROBERT WILLIAMS ROBERT S WILLIAMS ROBERT T WILLIAMS ROBERT W WILLIAMS RONALD BRENT WILLIAMS RONNIE L WILLIAMS SAMMY E WILLIAMS SAMUEL WILLIAMS SCOTT E WILLIAMS SEAN D WILLIAMS SELONE WILLIAMS SKIPPER R WILLIAMS TAMMY J WILLIAMS THOMAS WILLIAMS THOMAS C WILLIAMS WILLIAM A WILLIAMS WILLIE D WILLIAMS ROY WILLIAMS III FRANK H WILLIAMS JR JACK H WILLIAMS JR JESSE M WILLIAMS JR MURRY WILLIAMS JR RALPH WILLIAMS JR BRYAN T WILLIAMSON CHRISTINA L WILLIAMSON DIANE K WILLIAMSON DONALD R WILLIAMSON DUSTIN S WILLIAMSON GARY L WILLIAMSON GREGORY R WILLIAMSON JASON WILLIAMSON KENNETH WILLIAMSON KENNETH G WILLIAMSON MARK E WILLIAMSON PAUL D WILLIAMSON RON C WILLIAMSON WADE D WILLIAMSON III BILL W WILLIAMSON JR JOHN ALLEN WILLIAMSON JR PHILLIP W WILLIFORD II KEVIN S WILLINGHAM MAGEN LESHAWN WILLINGHAM MICHAEL ROSS WILLINGHAM ANTHONY P WILLIS CHARLES CHRISTOPHER WILLIS KEVIN WAYNE WILLIS TAMMY G WILLIS WILLIAM K WILLIS GARY A WILLOCK JENNY WILLOCK LISA WILLOUGHBY LOIS MADELINE WILLS MARK WILLS ALLEN R WILMES KELLY J WILMOTH ALAN WILSON ANDREA L WILSON ANGELA GARNER WILSON ANGELA JEAN WILSON AUBREY L WILSON AUBREY W WILSON BROCK E WILSON CHARLES CHRISTOPHER WILSON COLISHIA S WILSON COREY S WILSON CRAIG SCOTT WILSON DANIEL WILSON DAVID R WILSON DERRICK L WILSON DIXIE L WILSON DONALD R WILSON EDWARD WILSON ERIC WILSON ERIC D WILSON G T WILSON GARRICK WAYNE WILSON JAMES B WILSON JAMES R WILSON JASON B WILSON JEFFERY WILSON JERALD WAYNE WILSON JOSEPH K WILSON JOSHUA ALLEN WILSON KAY M WILSON KEITH D WILSON KENNETH M WILSON KENT WILSON LOGAN SHANE WILSON LUCAN WILSON MARTHA S WILSON MATTHEW L WILSON MEL T WILSON MICHAEL W WILSON MICHAEL W WILSON REBECCA WILSON RICHIE L WILSON ROBERT B WILSON SANDRA WILSON TAD G WILSON WAYNE L WILSON WILLIAM WILSON JOE T WILSON III JOHN S WILSON JR LARRY R WILSON JR BENJAMIN MARK WIMPEE LEE H WINANS JOHN D WINBERRY TERI ANN WINBORNE BOBBY LYNN WINCHESTER DAVID WINCHESTER MICHAEL A WINCHESTER TRAVIS L WINCHESTER MARVIN R WINDHAM CLYDE F WINDLEY MILTON A WINFIELD BART R WINGATE GREGORY N WINGATE TRAY B WINGO BRIAN S WINGROVE MATTHEW P WINIKATES CURTIS WININGER JESSE A WININGER DALE A WINKEL DIETER WINKELS ANDRE WINKFIELD KARL T WINKLER ANTHONY WINN ANTHONY L WINN DANIEL WINNIE EDWIN H WINSETT ALVIN R WINSLOW CHARLES EVAN WINSLOW EMILY F WINSTEAD GEORGE L WINSTEAD HERMAN W WINTER PAUL H WINTERMUTE JAMES DANIEL WINTERS BRUCE J WIRTH CASSIDY COLE WISE LEA A WISE LYDIA A WISE ROBERT J WISE TODD WISE DAVID F WISE SR JAMES J WISER CASEY WISNIEWSKI ELIZABETH C WISNIEWSKI JOZEF WISNIEWSKI JONATHON WITHEROW LAINE WITHERS JAMES H WITHERSPOON III JODY WITHROW JAMES L WITUCKI KENNETH WITZENMAN LOUIS O WITZLEB MARTIN WLODARSKI DENNIS R WOEBBEKING JOSHUA A WOFFORD DAVID V WOHL GEORGE E WOHL EARL RAYMOND WOKUTCH KAREN A WOLDAHL DALE WOLF EDWARD DOUGLAS WOLF MARCIA WOLF SHAUN ERLE WOLF TODD A WOLF CARL D WOLFE ADAM J WOLFE ANDREW M WOLFE BRAD E WOLFE JIM WOLFE MICHAEL G WOLFE PAUL A WOLFE RANDY B WOLFE TIMOTHY R WOLFE URIAH T WOLFE JESSICA E WOLFERT ANTHONY D WOLFF THOMAS R WOLFF JEROME DUANE WOLFORD ANTHONY W WOMACK JOSEPH T WOMACK THOMAS H WOMACK JR BRUCE WOMER JR LARRY E WONDERLY THOMAS WONDRA ALAN WOO DANNY G WOOD KELLY DON WOOD ARLAND I WOOD BLANE K WOOD BRENNAN H WOOD CASEY W WOOD CLAYTON W WOOD DEBRA A WOOD DONALD J WOOD EDEN WOOD JAMES R WOOD JOSEPH WOOD JOSEPH A WOOD JOSHAUA WOOD LANCE L WOOD LINDA A WOOD MITCHELL W WOOD NATHAN WOOD RONNIE K WOOD SHANE K WOOD STEVEN F WOOD TREVOR L WOOD WILLIAM W WOOD BRETT WOODALL JOHN M WOODALL JOSEPH D WOODALL JAMES E WOODARD BRIAN WOODARD JARED WOODARD JUSTIN WOODARD KURT A WOODARD RONNIE A WOODARD LESLIE N WOODARD JR JOHN P WOODCOX TAMMY LYNN WOODFILL ALEC WOODFORD PAUL J WOODHAM DELBERT ALLAN WOODLEY JR LOREN T WOODRING SCOTT G WOODRING CHAD W WOODROW FRANKLIN L WOODRUFF JOSHUA WOODRUFF BRADLEY A WOODS CLARENCE WOODS JASON M WOODS JAMIE C WOODS JERRY W WOODS JOSEPH A WOODS LEON WOODS MICHAEL SMITH WOODS JARED J WOODWARD SHANE D WOODWARD WILLIAM W WOODWARD II DENNIS H WOODY JOHN M WOODY DANIEL ROBERT WOOLBRIGHT MARK L WOOLDRIDGE MERLE LEE WOOLDRIDGE NATHAN M WOOSTER ANTHONY WOOTEN FREDDIE L WOOTEN WESLEY WOOTEN BRUCE A WORK CHRISTY WORKMAN JERRY WORLEY EDGAR R WORRELL JR MILTON L WORSLEY CLIFFORD P WORSTER ERIC WORTHAM MARVIN A WORTKOETTER KENNY P WORTZ DOUGLAS R WOSLAGER FRANK F WOSZCZYNSKI MARVIN D WOUDWYK JR KATHLEEN A WRAGGE NICHOLAS D WRAGGE BRIAN K WRAY GARY WRAY MICHAEL W WRAY JOSHUA C WREN WILLIAM WREN GARY L WREN JR KRISTY D WRENN JAMES D WRIEDT JERRY F WRIGHT ADAM COREY WRIGHT ALLEN R WRIGHT BRANDON L WRIGHT CHARLES J WRIGHT DARRYL D WRIGHT DAVID WRIGHT DAVID A WRIGHT DAVID E WRIGHT DONDRA WRIGHT ELIZABETH J WRIGHT ERIC D WRIGHT ERNEST M WRIGHT GLENN M WRIGHT GRANT D WRIGHT GREER J WRIGHT JASON W WRIGHT JEREMY M WRIGHT JOE WRIGHT JOSIAH J WRIGHT MATTHEW A WRIGHT MATTHEW O WRIGHT MELVIN WRIGHT MICHAEL W WRIGHT PATRICK W WRIGHT RAY C WRIGHT RICKY D WRIGHT ROBERT A WRIGHT ROBERT J WRIGHT RYAN O WRIGHT SCOTT W WRIGHT TERRY L WRIGHT WILLIAM WRIGHT DANNY K WRIGHT II TOM F WRIGHT II LOUIS C WRIGHT JR RAY ANDERSON WRIGHT JR RAYMOND W WRIGHT JR THOMAS J WRIGHT JR KENNETH B WRIGHT JR JAMES W WRIGHTSMAN ROY W WRIGHTSMAN LAWRENCE J WRONA MICHAEL K WU XIN WU JOHN WUSCHENNY MICHAEL WYATT RAYMOND WYATT ROBERT WYATT RODNEY WYNNE WYATT CHERYL WYERS GERALDINE WYGLE MICHELLE L WYKOFF RODNEY N WYKOFF DOUGLAS D WYLIE GARY B WYLIE JUSTIN S WYLIE SHAWN WYSZYNSKI PRIMITIVO XIJUN FALLON T YAGER JACQUELINE S YAGER ANDREY YAKOBCHUK TOZO YAMAMOTO XU QI YAN LUIS G YANEZ ROBERT F YANIK JAMES N YANKE YAYASIT YANOTHAI ROBERT J YAP ERNEST R YAP-CHUNG ERIC D YARBOROUGH SCOTTY N YARBOROUGH SHAWN L YARBOROUGH ALTON YARBOROUGH JR DONALD L YARBROUGH ERICK R YARBROUGH ERNIE PATRICK YARBROUGH ADAM D YASINSKI MYLES YASINSKI CHARLES E YATES DARRELL A YATES GEORGE E YATES JAMES B YATES JAMES BRADLEY YATES RICHARD L YATES DONALD G YEAGER CORTNEY YEAKEL MICHAEL R YEARSLEY DUANE A YELLIN GLENN YELLOWHAIR MICHAEL J YENNE JAMES E YERKES TRACY L YETTER DONNA JEAN YETTON MAURICE E YEZAK RAY YIP JOHN R YOAKUM FREDERICK D YOCCA BRAD J YOCUM BRYAN DENNIS YODER CALVIN YODER CALVIN L YODER CRAIG E YODER GARY L YODER KENNETH I YODER KEVIN H YODER NATHANIEL A YODER LESTER YODER JR LESTER YODER SR JAMES A YONTZ ROBERT YORGENSEN BRAD A YORK DONALD YORK GREGORY YORK JR JAMES J YORK JAMES O YORK LINDA YORK SERGE YORKELL MICHELLE R YOUCK KEITH A YOULER GARY W YOUNG JIMMIE YOUNG ADAM M YOUNG AQUELIUS YOUNG BRIAN YOUNG CHRISTOPHER WHEELER YOUNG DAVID BRADLEY YOUNG GEORGE A YOUNG JAMES YOUNG JAMES A YOUNG JAMES R YOUNG KEITH M YOUNG LARRY WAYNE YOUNG LON G YOUNG MICHAEL D YOUNG MICHAEL J YOUNG PAUL R YOUNG RICHARD L YOUNG SEAN C YOUNG THOMAS W YOUNG TODD C YOUNG VICKIE L YOUNG WALTER YOUNG WAYNE YOUNG WILLARD G YOUNG WILLIAM K YOUNG ZACHARY YOUNG ROGER YOUNG III JAMES WAYNE YOUNG JR ROY M YOUNGBLOOD DOUGLAS K YOUNGER RICHARD S YOUNGER BRIAN T YOUNGS KENNETH A YOUNGS DANIEL CHIKIT YU QIULIN YU XIN A YU BYRON D ZADAI FRANC ZADRAVEC MILES D ZAHRADNIK ANTONIO ZAMORA ANTONIO ZAMORA JAVIER ZAMORA OSCAR J ZAMORA MIKE ZAMORA JR OSCAR ZAMORA-ESPINOZA RODOLFO ZAMUDIO-MENDOZA JOHN E ZAN STEVE P ZANDER RUDOLPH ZANGERL JEANMARC ZANNI HECTOR O ZAPATA ANTHONY R ZAPPALA REFUJIO V ZARATE SERGIO ZARATE JARED R ZARTMAN ROBERT L ZASADA KYLE J ZAUTKE SHERRI S ZAUTKE ALFONSO ZAVALA ALONSO F ZAVALA EDGAR ZAVALA DAVID ZAVALA-MARTINEZ TREVOR ZAVITZ BILL ZAWYDIWSKI EDUARDO ZEA ANGELA M ZEHR BARNEY D ZEIGLER BRIAN E ZEIGLER THOMAS M ZEIGLER LEWIS ZEITERS EDWIN F ZELAYA DAVID LAURENCE ZELHART ANDREW R ZELINA LAWRENCE ZEMCIK DAVID ZEPEDA KIPP ZERKLE ERIC J ZERNIKOW ROBERT S ZERUTH JOHN F ZICKGRAF JARED M ZICKOWSKI CHRISTOPHER ZIEGLER STEVEN T ZIEGLER SUZANNE ZIEGLER MELDEAN J ZIEHMER DAVID A ZIELINSKI JAMES S ZIELINSKI KIM ZIELINSKI TERRANCE A ZIEMAN MIGUEL T ZIKO NICHOLAS ZIKO SEAN ZIKO STEVIE R ZIKO JERRY A ZILER STEVEN ZILEWICZ-BOUZAN KELLY D ZILLES BRIAN J ZIMMERMAN DENNIS ZIMMERMAN JON L ZIMMERMAN MIKE H ZIMMERMAN RICHARD ZIMMERMAN RODNEY L ZIMMERMAN RYAN W ZIMMERMAN NATHANIEL L ZIMMERMANN JEFFREY J ZINK JUSTIN A ZINK TIMOTHY I ZINK DOUGLAS G ZINN RICHARD R ZINN ALDIS ZIRNITIS MICHAEL ZITTING FERHAT ZLATIC BRAD M ZOMAR JULIE A ZORAWSKI ZEHBO ZORNIC FARWAN ZUBEDI JAY ZUNDEL ROBERT T ZUNIGA JACINTO ZUNIGA-RAMIREZ CHARLES E ZURCHER LAVERN R ZWINGMAN STANISLAW J ZWOLAK DAVID ZYBKO VICTOR ZYCHOWICZ LAWRENCE ZYLENKO
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