More annual reports from Nucor:
2023 ReportPeers and competitors of Nucor:
Vesuvius2019 ANNUAL REPORT 2019 ANNUAL REPORT DENNIS C HODGES DUREE GENE HODGES JEREMEY HODGES JOHNATHON BRADLEY HODGES JUSTIN M HODGES RICHARD E HODGES ROBERT WILLIAM HODGES TIMOTHY S HODGES WILLIAM N HODGES ANITA HODGIN SKY A HODGKIN JENS R HODGSON MARYANN S HODGSON CHAD T HODNETT DAVID HODORY WILLIAM D HOEFT LYNN M HOEKSTRA JONATHAN HOEPNER JORDAN DM HOEPNER COLLIN M HOEPPNER JEFFREY HOERING VIVIAN T HOERTH PETER HOEY SCOTT A HOF ADAM J HOFF ANDREW J HOFF DANIEL J HOFF JR GERALD S HOFF KERRY J HOFF MICHAEL P HOFF WILLIAM A HOFF BERNARD D HOFFEDITZ CASEY HOFFEDITZ RYAN G HOFFIE ANDREW HOFFMAN BILL S HOFFMAN DOUGLAS A HOFFMAN E ALEX HOFFMAN JAY D HOFFMAN JEFF A HOFFMAN JIMMY R HOFFMAN KURT HOFFMAN MARK W HOFFMAN ROBERT HOFFMAN ROBERT A HOFFMAN STEVEN G HOFFMAN TODD H HOFFMAN TIMOTHY MICHAEL HOFFMANN THOMAS HOFFMEYER MICHAEL C HOFMANN TRAVIS R HOFMANN ANTHONY A HOGAN CODY DILLON HOGAN JOSHUA A HOGAN KRISTI O HOGAN THOMAS HOGAN JORDAN A HOGEBOOM JONATHAN SCOTT HOGELAND ERIC HOGENCAMP MAX T HOGGARD II TRAVIS BRENT HOGGARD MICHAEL W HOGLE SHARON HOGUE JAMIE A HOHENBERGER AMANDA J HOHENSTEIN RUDY R HOHENSTEIN AMY HOHL HANS C HOHN AMANDA H HOIT CHRISTEL HOKENSON CODEY HOLBERT ISAAC J HOLBERT DALLAS R HOLBROOK JURELL L HOLBROOK WENDY D HOLBROOK BENJAMIN ALEX HOLCOMBE CHARLES A HOLCOMBE TRACEY LYN HOLCOMBE CALEB L HOLDAWAY RICHARD HOLDCRAFT BRUCE W HOLDEN COURTNEY HOLDEN DAVID P HOLDEN JOHN HOLDEN HASANI HOLDER JEFF HOLDER CLAIRE HOLKENBRINK MARIE P HOLKENBRINK THOMAS M HOLKESVIG DOUGLAS R HOLLADAY GAYLON HOLLAND JR JARELL HOLLAND LOREN JAY HOLLAND NATHAN M HOLLAND GERMAINE MICHELLE HOLLAND MOSHER JOHN J HOLLATZ JASON VANN HOLLAWAY JOHN HOLLENBACH CHIP M HOLLENBECK JESSICA HOLLENBECK DONNA M HOLLEY DORSEY HOLLEY THOMAS MELVIN HOLLEY NICHOLAS R HOLLIDAY KENNETH HOLLIE JAMES NOEL HOLLIMAN JEFFREY L HOLLIMAN JEFFREY HOLLINGSEAD KRISTEN B HOLLINGSEAD ANTHONY HEATH HOLLINGSWORTH BETSY COLLEEN HOLLINGSWORTH JAMES D HOLLINGSWORTH JORDAN COLE HOLLINGSWORTH KENT C HOLLINGSWORTH LUKE A HOLLINGSWORTH MICHAEL HOLLINGSWORTH WILLIAM E HOLLINGSWORTH AARON HOLLIS CHRISTOPHER A HOLLIS DALE HOLLIS JASON RUSSELL HOLLIS PAUL W HOLLIS TERRENCE HOLLORAN JOSEPH S HOLLOWAY JOSHUA ADAM HOLLOWAY PENNEY HOLLOWAY ROCKY HOLLOWAY VIVIAN L HOLLOWAY SANDY HOLLOWELL JAMES BRUCE HOLLYWOOD MATTHEW D HOLLYWOOD BRUCE C HOLM COURTLEY A HOLMAN DAVID GRAHAM HOLMAN JAY HOLMAN ADRIENNE D HOLMES BENJAMIN I HOLMES BRADLEY D HOLMES BRENDA G HOLMES CORY NICHOLUS HOLMES DANIEL J HOLMES GARY D HOLMES JACKIE HOLMES JASON E HOLMES KEVIN G HOLMES KIMBERLY W HOLMES NATHAN R HOLMES RODNEY HOLMES ROGER D HOLMES SAVANAH JADE HOLMES BRODEE HOLMGREN ALLEN MICHAEL HOLMQUIST ROBERT HOLMWOOD NICHOLAS HOLNESS CHRISTOPHER MICHAEL HOLOMAN ANTHONY R HOLSTEIN DEVANTE T HOLSTON LAMAR ALAN HOLSTON MICHELE HOLSTROM BRANDON DEAN HOLT CHRISTOPHER T HOLT DAVID L HOLT DENNIS J ALLEN HOLT JOEY HOLT JOHN A HOLT JOSHUA E HOLT KEVIN H HOLT MATTHEW S HOLT MELISSA ANN HOLT RYAN HOLT TERRY HOLT TORIANO M HOLT WILLIAM HOLT III RANDALL E HOLTKE MARK A HOLTMAN CLAYTON J HOLTON CHRISTOPHER C HOLY CHRISTOPHER LANE HOLYFIELD KIMBERLY HOLZER DIANA HOMAN JOSHUA HONAKER LARRY HONAKER SCOTT E HONAKER BENJAMIN F HONCHELL III DANIEL HONCHELL BRYAN J HONCIK JAMES E HONCIK SONG‑JUN HONG SCOTT D HONKONEN BRIEN HONN MATTHEW JAMES HONNOLL JOSHUA HOOD MATTHEW HOOD NICHOLAS LOGAN HOOD RYAN C HOOD STEVEN LEE HOOD TIM HOOD TIMOTHY W HOOD BRYON HART HOOK GORDON HOOK MICHAEL HOOK DELBERT HEATH HOOKER GWENDOLYN A F HOOKS DYLAN CHRISTOPHER HOOPER KELVIN HOOSANIE DAVID E HOOSOCK DAVID HOOTEN BRYAN R HOOVER JOEL B HOOVER LOWDEN HOOVER MARK HOOVER RAYMOND R HOOVER SCOTT HOOVER TERRY HOOVER LUKE N HOOVLER CHRISTOPHER HOPE RODNEY F HOPE KEVIN HOPF AARON JAMES HOPKINS ANTHONY N HOPKINS ASHLEE NIKOLE HOPKINS BARBARA HOPKINS BRUCE HOPKINS CHASE J HOPKINS CHRISTOPHER L HOPKINS DUSTIN R HOPKINS EARL RAY HOPKINS JAMES E HOPKINS LEO J HOPKINS III MARY W HOPKINS OLANDO HOPKINS OLANDO R HOPKINS PATRICK B HOPKINS RICHARD A HOPKINS SHELBY BEARD HOPKINS SHELBY L HOPKINS TIMOTHY J HOPKINS AMANDA JEAN HOPP DOYLE G HOPPER JR DUSTIN ROBERT HOPPER JOHN HOPPER LESLIE A HOPPER WALTER L HOPPER JR TRAVIS ISIAH HOPPS ROBERT T HORAN JR MICHAEL J HORBEY SEAMUS M HORGAN KATSUAKI HORIKIRI BRIAN K HORN DENNIS CARLILE HORN DUSTIN M HORN JACKI L HORN JAMES HORN JAMES HORN JEFFREY M HORN PATRICK M HORN TIMOTHY ERIC HORN TRENTON HORN VINCENT L HORNBOSTEL BRANDON ALLEN HORNE BRETT T HORNE GARRETT ANDREW HORNE MICHAEL R HORNE TAURSUS ONEIL HORNE JAMIE HORNER KENNETH R HORNER JR LAWRENCE LEE HORNER MICHAEL R HORNER JAMES HORNSBY JERRY D HORNSBY WILLIAM C HORNSBY WILLIAM SHANE HORRELL ADAM Z HORREX ADAM J HORSEMAN AMY L HORTON CONSTANCE S HORTON MATTHEW RYAN HORTON ROBERT HORTON STEVE HORTON TAUREAN HORTON TONEY HORTON TRAVIS C HORTON WILLIAM M HORTON JOSEPH HORVATH JR BERNARD M HORVITZ RONALD DWAYNE HOSCH DIRK HOSEIN IDREES F HOSEIN RANDY HOSEIN RONNIE HOSEIN KEVIN L HOSEY GAVEN HOSKINS R S HOSKINS JEFFERY HOSTETLER TIMOTHY J HOSTY SHAWN HOTALING CHAD J HOTARD KYLE W HOTCHKIN JOHN VICTOR HOUART JR JESSICA J HOUGHTALING MARTIN HOULE JACQUELINE HOUNSELL MATTHEW P HOURIHAN COREY DARNELL HOUSE ERNEST BRANDON HOUSE JEFFREY R HOUSE LAUREN MELANE HOUSE MARCUS A HOUSE RICKY D HOUSE TERRI L HOUSE TONI R HOUSE KEVIN DOYLE HOUSER TOD N HOUSLEY BRIAN B HOUSTON DANIEL C HOUSTON DONALD RAY HOUSTON JAMES EDWARD HOUSTON JASON W HOUSTON JODI HOUSTON LYNWOOD SENTELL HOUSTON NATHANIEL HOUSTON PATRICK W HOUSTON DIONNA HOUSTON‑SMITH JEFFREY S HOUWEN JONATHAN A HOVE EUGENE E HOVIS ADAM T HOWARD CHRISTOPHER D HOWARD CHRISTOPHER W HOWARD JR CLIFFORD K HOWARD DANIEL HOWARD DWIGHT F HOWARD JR FREDRICK KAREEN HOWARD GARY ALAN HOWARD JAMES HOWARD SR JAYLON HOWARD JOSEPH J HOWARD KENNETH E HOWARD MARCUS L HOWARD MARTIN HOWARD MATTHEW L HOWARD MICHALE HOWARD NATHAN TEDDER HOWARD NEAL HOWARD NORMAN HOWARD JR PAUL HOWARD SHERRI HOWARD STEPHEN D HOWARD TERRY L HOWARD THOMAS E HOWARD TIMOTHY L HOWARD TITUS E HOWARD TYRONE E HOWARD VICKI JEAN HOWARD JEFFREY HOWARTH JAY HOWAT JOSHUA HOWCROFT JACOB HOWDESHELL DOUGLAS E HOWE MICHAEL A HOWE MOLLY J HOWE SAMUEL HOWE ALEXANDRIA HOWELL BRADLEY HOWELL BRITON L HOWELL CARLTON WESLEY HOWELL CODY SCOTT HOWELL DIRK D HOWELL DUSTIN W HOWELL DYLAN HOWELL JAMES W HOWELL JAMIE C HOWELL JOHNATHON HOWELL KENNETH L HOWELL ROBERT ERIK HOWELL ROY L HOWELL TONICE LATABLIS HOWELL TRAVIS J HOWELL CHARLES WAYNE HOWLE DANNY R HOWLE LONNIE O HOWLE TAMMY K HOWLE WILLIAM R HOWLE MARK P HOWLEY FRANKIE L HOWZE DAVID HOYE ROBERT L HOYLE RONALD E HOYLE RICHARD A HOYNES MARK HOYT HOPE V HRABOWY JOHNNY J HRANAC ERIC D HRDLICKA NICHOLAS J HROMALIK MILAN HROVAT NESTOR HRYCUN CHEAU‑CHUN HUANG ROBERT F HUBA ALLEN HUBBARD JOHN M HUBBARD JOSHUA M HUBBELL RICHARD A HUBER JEFFREY J HUBERT ROBERT A HUBLER SAMUEL E HUCKS LEE A HUCKSTEP TYLER S HUDACH J SCOTT HUDDLESTON JESS N HUDDLESTON JD HUDGENS STEPHEN ELMER HUDNALL KIMBERLY HUDNELL BRYAN HUDSON CHET BAILEY HUDSON CHRISTIAN S HUDSON JAMES HUDSON JAMES E HUDSON JEFFERY L HUDSON JOHN P HUDSON JOSHUA KYLE HUDSON MICHAEL R HUDSON OREN T HUDSON PAUL SHAWN HUDSON ROBERT HUDSON WINSTON B HUDSON KELLY M HUDZINA KURT W HUELSMAN MATEO HUERTA LUCIA HUERTA FRANCO DAVID R HUESMAN MELANIE R HUESMAN WILLIAM K HUESTESS AARON J HUFF ANDREW J HUFF ASHTON N HUFF AUSTIN LEWIS HUFF BRIAN R HUFF CONNOR HUFF FRANK HUFF HEATHER M HUFF JIMMY S HUFF KENNETH HUFF MATTHEW J HUFF PHILLIP KEITH HUFF JR SCOTT H HUFF SHERRY S HUFF STEVEN C HUFF STEVEN G HUFF TAYLOR R HUFF TRACY D HUFF TRENT S HUFF BENJAMIN L HUFFMAN CHAD A HUFFMAN DERECK T HUFFMAN GARY D HUFFMAN JOHN W HUFFMAN MATTHEW HUFFMAN MICHAEL A HUFFMAN RYAN B HUFFMAN RYAN L HUFFMAN JASON HUFFSTUTLER ANDREW HUGENBERG ERIC HUGGARD DAVID C HUGGINS ELLEN T HUGGINS HEATHER B HUGGINS SHAWN HUGGINS SR SPENCER E HUGGINS TROY HUGGINS TRAVIS J HUGHART ALEXANDER M HUGHES AMANDA HUGHES ANGELA M HUGHES BRENTON HUGHES CALEB HUGHES CHRISTINA HUGHES CRYSTAL S HUGHES DANIEL HUGHES ERIK HUGHES GREGORY J HUGHES HUNTER HUGHES HUNTER HUGHES JACOB HENRY HUGHES JAMES HUGHES JAMES HUGHES JEREMY L HUGHES JOHN C HUGHES JOHN R HUGHES JOSHUA M HUGHES JUSTIN L HUGHES KENNETH W HUGHES KYLE J HUGHES NATHAN W HUGHES NELSON T HUGHES NOAH T HUGHES PHILLIP L HUGHES STACY HUGHES STEVE HUGHES STEVEN LEE BENNETT HUGHES STEVEN R HUGHES KENNETH A HUGHEY NARANJUS JACOBI HUGHLEY BRADLEY T HUGO SHARON HUGO ANDY HUI MIGUEL A HUICHAPA AVILA TYLER J HUISMAN CHAZ DAVID HUKILL CHRISTOPHER S HULBERT CRAIG L HULGAN ERICA RENEE HULL JAMES R HULL REBECCA HULL STONE M HULLINGER MARK HULSER TRISTAN KYLE HULSEY TONYA A HUMES MARK A HUMMEL KEITH A HUMPHRES BILLY W HUMPHREY DAVID HUMPHREY ERIK R HUMPHREY FREDERICK DEXTER HUMPHREY NICKOLAS L HUMPHREY RYAN HUMPHREY TRAVIS E HUMPHREY BRANDON HUMPHRIES NICHOLAS HUNDLEY RONALD L HUNDLEY ROBERT HUNINGTON MARC HUNN GERALD HUNSAKER JANTZEN HUNSAKER RANDALL L HUNSAKER TYLER HUNSBURGER CHRISTOPHER M HUNSINGER JASON W HUNSINGER JOSHUA D HUNSINGER BRIAN A HUNT DYLAN R HUNT HAROLD HUNT HEATH HUNT JARED HUNT JONATHAN HUNT JOSHUA CAMERON HUNT KENNETH HUNT KENNETH HUNT KENNETH HUNT KENNETH R HUNT KYLE HUNT MARK HUNT NATHAN HUNT SEAN M HUNT TITO HUNT WENDELL HUNTE CHARLES E HUNTER COLIN M HUNTER DARRELL K HUNTER DUSTIN DUDLEY HUNTER ELLIOTT HUNTER JAMARR HUNTER JAMES DANIEL HUNTER JR JERNEIL HUNTER JOSEPH N HUNTER JOSHUA HUNTER JULIUS ANDREW HUNTER MARIAH HUNTER MARK HUNTER MICHAEL HUNTER MONTRELE D HUNTER ROBERT HUNTER II ROBERT O HUNTER SAUNDRA E HUNTER SCOTT HUNTER SEAN M HUNTER SHANNON H HUNTER THOMAS N HUNTER KYLE ALAN HUNTLEY LUCAS A HUNTLEY SUSAN K HUNTOON JOSHUA A HUNTSMAN RANDALL HUNTSMAN CHAD HUNWARDSEN CHAD L HUNWARDSEN MYLES HUNWARDSEN RICK A HUOT AARON J HURD JORDAN HURD KYLE R HURD MICHAEL HURD RHEN W HURD TYSON J HURD ANDREW HURDLE JUSTIN WILLIAM HURDLE MATTHEW HURDLE CODY L HURLBERT GARET L HURLBERT TREVOR J HURLBERT BRIAN K HURLEY JOSHUA D HURLEY PAUL CHARLES HURLEY III THOMAS M HURLEY JEFFREY L HURNI AL DARRIUS DEWAYNE HURST JOHN C HURST JOHNNIE E HURST EFRAIN A HURTADO GASPAR HURTADO SAIN HURTADO DAVID E HURTADO GONZALEZ ANDREW S HURTIG RYAN HUSEMANN MITCHELL WADE HUSKEY BRIAN HUSS ANGELENA HUSSAIN BABETTE HUSTED HAROLD J HUSTED RICK HUSTED ANTHONY J HUSTON MADISON HUTCHERSON JASON J HUTCHESON MICHAEL D HUTCHESON JANTZEN F HUTCHINGS ALVIN DELEONARD HUTCHINSON JOHN HUTCHINSON III ERIC L HUTCHISON JONI HUTCHISON JOSEPH HUTCHISON KENNETH HUTCHISON MICHAEL L HUTCHISON RYAN JOSEPH HUTCHISON TERRY C HUTH ALLEN HUTHER MICHAEL J HUTNAK JEREMIAH J HUTSON KENT M HUTTON LAURIE HUTTON WILLIAM M HUTTON JONATHAN L HUX RICKY L HUX NAM D HUYNH GEUMHO HWANG ANTHONY C HYATT JOHN PAUL HYATT JONATHAN HYDE JUSTIN EDWARD HYDE KENNETH W HYDE LARRY J HYDE LAURA HYDEN STEPHANIE P HYDRICK TIMOTHY MARK HYER ERIC RAYMOND HYMAN JAMES W HYMAN RANDAL S HYMAN ROWLAND G HYMAN TIMOTHY HYMAN JAMES C HYMAS CATHERINE M HYTEN ALFREDO IATONNA ISAAC JACOB IBANEZ IGNACIO IBANEZ BATRES FRANCISCO J IBARRA RENE IBARRA SERGIO IBARRA BOLIVAR MANUEL IBARRA‑ALVAREZ ALEJANDRO IBARRA‑FERRER KELLY LOUISE IBLE RICHARD IDANGO RICHARD A IDLETT JR MARIA IDROVO DOUGLAS L IFFERT CHAD M IFLAND ROY M IGNACIO AGNIESZKA IGNACIUK NOORUL ILAHI SYED MYDEEN JACK A ILER RENEE ILLAN REYES WENDY ILNICKI FARRELL IMLER MARK IMLER KIMBERLY CULLIS IMM ELIJAH INABINET TRAVIS INAY JASON INCE LOUIS R INCROCCI PATRICK W INDERWISH BANE LEE INFINGER RENITA S INGAL TERRY R INGERSON II BILLY INGLE JAMES VERNON INGLE GEORGE S INGLIS KIP S INGMANSON CHRISTOPHER P INGRAHAM JACOB L INGRAM KYLE R INGRAM MARION INGRAM STEVEN S INGRAM KEITH INKPEN DAVID Y INMAN ZACHARY D INMAN SHELBY ELIZABETH INSLEY GORDON A INVERNO NAYYAR IQBAL NUMAAN IQBAL HODEKAR ANDREW J IRELAND COLBY SHERMAN IRELAND JAMES M IRELAND JOSEPH IRELAND KEVIN IRISH NICOLE P IRISH ALICIA IRONEAGLE CHRISTOPHER R IROZ CRISTOBAL IRRIBARRA CHAD IRSCHICK MOHAMMAD IRSHAD BARRY K IRVIN FOSTER L IRVING SPENCER C IRVING CHRISTOPHER ISAAC DELONTA ISAAC GREGORY ISAAC ANN MARIE ISAACSON GILBERTO ISABELES GIL JULIO ANTONIO ISABELES MORAN NOWLIN L ISAIA SHANE ISAM JOEY YOUNG ISBELL LUCAS DANIEL ISBELL ZACKERY A ISBELL MARK S ISENBERG JAMES C ISH SHEHBAZ ISHTIYAQ GAUR SHOEB ISHTIYAQ GAUR SHAVKAT IKROMOVICH ISMAILOV CALVIN BARNARD ISOM FLOYD ISRAEL KEANU K ISRAEL KAWTHAR ISSA MATTHEW IVANY BRADLEY K IVERSON JUSTAN K IVERSON PHILIP D IVERSON SYLVIA G IVERSON DANIEL IVES HOWARD R IVES KURT A IVES COREY D IVEY QUINTON IVEY ROBERT IVEY LYNDEE IVIE DONNA MARIE IVY FRANK J IVY JAMES HUBERT IVY SCOTTY W IVY MOHAMAN IYA SHAGUFTA JABEEN PATRICK L JABLONSKI RYAN D JABLONSKI CURTIS JABUSCH ANDRZEJ JACEWICZ LAURA JACKMAN ROY LEON JACKMAN ADRIAN DEMARCUS JACKSON ALISHA JACKSON ALLEN JACKSON ANDREW C JACKSON ANTHONY TYRONE JACKSON BILLY R JACKSON BOBBY R JACKSON BRENT ALAN JACKSON BRETT MICHAEL JACKSON BRIAN G JACKSON CHAD D JACKSON CHAD M JACKSON CHRISTAL JACKSON CODY JACKSON CODY L JACKSON COY R JACKSON DAMIEN A JACKSON DANIEL L JACKSON DAVID ANDREW JACKSON DERRIK JACKSON DEVIN DURAN JACKSON DONALD K JACKSON JAQULYNN JACKSON JARED JACKSON JEFFERY A JACKSON JEFFREY J JACKSON JEFFREY L JACKSON JEREMY JACKSON JEREMY JACKSON JEREMY A JACKSON JESSIE JERMAINE JACKSON JOE NATHAN JACKSON JOHN JACKSON JORDAN JACKSON KEATH A JACKSON KENZEL DELANO JACKSON KEVIN JACKSON LEON THOMAS JACKSON LINDA L JACKSON LISA MILLER JACKSON LORENZA JACKSON MICHAEL JACKSON MICHAEL JOE JACKSON MICHEAL A JACKSON NICHOLAS JACKSON OTIS JACKSON JR PAUL JACKSON REGINALD D JACKSON RICHARD E JACKSON RICKY JACKSON RODNEY L JACKSON SCHLONDIA S JACKSON SHEREE L JACKSON STEPHEN GEORGE JACKSON STEVEN B JACKSON STEVEN DEVON JACKSON STEVEN L JACKSON JR THOMAS JACKSON JR TIMOTHY WAYNE JACKSON TODD JACKSON WAYNE A JACKSON WILLIAM JACKSON WILLIAM A JACKSON WILLIAM M JACKSON ANIEFIOK JACOB FREDERIC JACOB SURESH JACOB CHRISTOPHER R JACOBIK ROBERT JACOBIK JOSEPH A JACOBIN JR FERMIN JACOBO JOSE L JACOBO BRIAN JACOBS CHAD JACOBS DAVID JACOBS DORY A JACOBS JR ERIC M JACOBS JAMES R JACOBS JAMES R JACOBS JERRY L JACOBS JOHNNY E JACOBS KENTON M JACOBS NICHOLAS JACOBS ROBERT JACOBS ROBERT N JACOBS THOMAS JACOBS WILLIAM P JACOBS BAILEY JACOBSEN BRIAN KEITH JACOBSEN ROGER JACOBSEN SEAN JACOBSEN ADAM JACOBSON DAVID A JACOBUS JOSHUA D JACOT JOSEPH L JACQUART KENNETH JACQUAY CALEB G JACQUES LUKE JACQUES JUAN JACQUEZ WILLIAM BRODY JACQUEZ FILIBERTO JACUINDE DAVID E JAEGER SHORON D JAEGER ZACHARY K JAEGER DAVID JAEGGLE MICHAEL J JAEKE ABHINASH JAGAI RICARDO JAGDEO VISHAL JAGESSAR WILLIAM E JAHN AMBER L JAHNKE ALEX JAHOOR JOSE S JAIME ZEPEDA VICTOR H JAIMEZ JAISURYA JAISANKAR ALLAN K JAMES ANDREW P JAMES ANDREW RYAN JAMES ANGELO JAMES BILL JAMES BRYAN R JAMES COREY DEMERTI JAMES DENNIS JAMES ERIC JAMES ETHAN JAMES EVAN S JAMES GEORGE L JAMES JR GREGORY CAESAR JAMES HAL JAMES KATHERINE G JAMES KEITH JAMES KEVIN JAMES MAGEN LESHAWN JAMES PAMELA JAMES RICHARD B JAMES RICHARD KENNETH JAMES SAMANTHA L JAMES STANBORN M JAMES STANLEY R JAMES TIMOTHY M JAMES DAVID A JAMESON BLAKE ANDREW JAMISON JARRED D JAMISON ROBIN JAMISON TERRANCE JAMISON TYRELL M JAMISON DAVID JANAS TIMOTHY J JANCA RANDY JANDA JOSE JANDRES JAGPAL JANDU SARJIT JANDU COLIN JANITSCHECK KYLE L JANNEY CHRISTOPHER M JANSEN RAYMOND JANSEN BARBARA JANSON JEFFREY L JANSON CALEB JANSSEN ROBERT JANSSEN BOYER JANVIER JARED J JAQUES ULYSSES JAQUEZ ALEJANDRO JARAMILLO DOMINGUEZ FERNANDO JARAMILLO DOMINGUEZ ISRAEL JARAMILLO DOMINGUEZ MELISSA A JARECKI BRYAN JARECKY DALLAS N JARRED KHANI C JARRETT MICHAEL EUGENE JARRETT RICHARD E JARRETT MICHAEL J JARVI DAVID JASPER STEVEN JASPER PRABJOT JATANA RAYSEAN DARRELL JAUNES GABRIEL JAUREGUI CASTAÑEDA ALOYSIUS A JAWORSKI THARINDU JAYALATH WILLIAM G JAYROE JR RANDY JEAN GERALD JEAN‑FRANCOIS NORMAN A JEDLICKA BRANDON JEDRZEJEWICZ TED JEDRZEJEWICZ SHIRANI JEEVANAYAGAM ALVIN R JEFFCOAT ASA O JEFFCOAT III CARA JEAN JEFFCOAT ELVIN LEE JEFFCOAT ELYALE JEFFCOAT JUSTIN JEFFCOAT KAYLA JEFFCOAT MITCHELL R JEFFCOAT GALE JEFFERSON KATHY D JEFFERSON PAUL E JEFFERSON KALEN SANCHEZ JEFFERY MICHAEL D JEFFORDS DAVID JEFFREY JOHNNY J JEFFREY KYLE JEFFREY SATHISHKUMAR JEGANATHA ASHLEY D JELLISON DOUGLAS J JELLISON LAUREN E JELLISON ALVIN JENKINS JR AMY D JENKINS BILLY L JENKINS BRENT C JENKINS BRIAN E JENKINS BRIGITTE S JENKINS BRITTNI JENKINS CODY JENKINS CURTIS M JENKINS DEREK H JENKINS GASTON JENKINS GLENDORA JENKINS ISAIAH D JENKINS JACK JENKINS JASON H JENKINS JENNYLYN JENKINS JEROME FRED JENKINS JOSHUA ZACHARY JENKINS JUSTIN JENKINS KEVIN H JENKINS KIMBERLY A JENKINS LILLIE MAE JENKINS MICHAEL E JENKINS NORMAN D JENKINS JR RANDY P JENKINS RICHARD JENKINS RONALD S JENKINS SAMUEL T JENKINS SKYLER W JENKINS TOMIKI JENKINS WILL THOMAS JENKINS STEPHEN S JENNEMAN HOUSTON LEE JENNINGS JOEL A JENNINGS JOHN MICHAEL JENNINGS KENNETH M JENNINGS ROBERT EVAN JENNINGS ROBIN M JENNINGS ADAM W JENSEN AMBERLEE JENSEN AUSTIN J JENSEN AUSTIN S JENSEN CHRISTOPHER JENSEN COREY T JENSEN DONALD M JENSEN DREW S JENSEN HUNTER T JENSEN JACOB D JENSEN JAKE JENSEN JAMES RILEY JENSEN JAMES V JENSEN JOSHUA D JENSEN KENNETH L JENSEN MATTHEW S JENSEN MICHAEL W JENSEN PAUL H JENSEN RYAN R JENSEN SCOTT M JENSEN CHASE T JENSON RILEY RON JEPPESEN CHRISTIAN E JEPPSEN MINDEE S JEPPSEN RANDY JEPPSEN RODGER JEPPSEN MATTHEW JERABEK ROBERT WILLIAM JERNEJCIC BRENDON P JERNIGAN BRIAN JERNIGAN BRIAN C JERNIGAN CHARLES KEVIN JERNIGAN LAUTORRIA JERNIGAN TASHAYLA M JERNIGAN NOEL P JEROME JOSE JERONIMO BERNARDEZ MICHAEL F JESSOP RANDY E JESSOP HARVEY M JESSUP DWANDA JETER AARON HUNTER JETT BAILEY MORGAN JETT MICHAEL C JETT CHRISTOPHER S JEWELL JOEL I JEWETT TODD W JEX PRIYADHARSHINI JEYAPRAKASH SELVARAJAN JEYARAJ JOSEPH L JEZIORSKI MICHAEL JEZIORSKI SHIVANGI JHAVAR BO JIA YAN JIANG JAMES T JILCOTT JULIAN A JILCOTT III TRAVIS JILES WILLIS E JILES BRIAN JIMENEZ JOSE D JIMENEZ JULIE JIMENEZ MARIO JIMENEZ SERGIO JIMENEZ RODOLFO C JIMENEZ AGUIRRE VICTOR FRANCISCO JIMENEZ BAUTISTA JAVIER JIMENEZ JUAREZ LUIS ANTONIO JIMENEZ MUÑOZ YADIRA JIMENEZ ZAMORA ISAI FRANCISCO JIMENEZ ZARATE TYLER H JIRINEC MARIA JIRON CHRISTIAN JITTAN NKOSI JOACHIM WARAH JOBARTEH QUINCY JOBE IAN JOBSON BRENT K JOCHUM JOHNNY CHIU JOE TYRONE JOE ALEX W JOHANNINGSMEIER MARK W JOHANNINGSMEIER RICHARD JOHANNS ROBERT JOHANNS BRADLEY JOHANSEN DAVID R JOHANSON ALANA JOHN DARNELL JOHN KEVIN L JOHN TYRONE JOHN INBARAJ JOHN KENNADY LISA M JOHN‑ADAMS BRIAN E JOHNS GREG V JOHNS ADAM C JOHNSON ANDRA JOHNSON ANDRACO JOHNSON ANDREW JOHNSON ANDREW D JOHNSON ANDREW Q JOHNSON ANGELA JOHNSON ANSTONE ROMERE JOHNSON ANTHONY M W JOHNSON ARTHUR L JOHNSON ASHLEY K JOHNSON B CLAY JOHNSON BARTH E JOHNSON BEAU W JOHNSON BENEDA D JOHNSON BILLY ANTHONY JOHNSON BILLY MICHAEL JOHNSON II BRAD L JOHNSON BRADY L JOHNSON BRIAN C JOHNSON BRIAN K JOHNSON BRIAN KYLE WILLIAM JOHNSON BRIAN MICHAEL JOHNSON BRUCE E JOHNSON BRYAN S JOHNSON CALISSE L JOHNSON CARL JOHNSON CARL W JOHNSON CEDRIC JOHNSON CEDRIC D JOHNSON CHAD R JOHNSON CHARLES JOHNSON CHARLES B JOHNSON JR CHER JOHNSON CHRIS J JOHNSON CHRISTIAN JOHNSON CHRISTOPHER JOHNSON CHRISTOPHER P JOHNSON CLARENCE E JOHNSON CLIFF D JOHNSON CODY JOHNSON COLE J JOHNSON CORALEE JOHNSON CRAIG ANTHONY JOHNSON CURTIS JOHNSON III DAMION J JOHNSON DAN JOHNSON DANIEL ANTHONY JOHNSON DANIEL J JOHNSON DANIEL R JOHNSON DANIEL W JOHNSON DARRYL S JOHNSON DARRYL W JOHNSON DARYL J JOHNSON DAVID A JOHNSON DAWN JOHNSON DEMETRIUS JOHNSON DEREK JOHNSON DINO L JOHNSON DONALD JOHNSON JR DONALD W JOHNSON DOUGLAS D JOHNSON DOYLE B JOHNSON DUSTIN K JOHNSON DUSTIN TYLER JOHNSON DYLAN S JOHNSON EBONY JOHNSON ERIC JOHNSON ERIC DELONTE JOHNSON ERIK JOHNSON ERIK BAINE JOHNSON ETHAN D JOHNSON GARY D JOHNSON GEORGE B JOHNSON JR GORDON A JOHNSON GREGORY JOHNSON GREGORY S JOHNSON IAN JOHNSON ISSAC JOHNSON JACK M JOHNSON JACOB S JOHNSON JADE JOHNSON JAMES FRANKLIN JOHNSON JR JAMES M JOHNSON JAMES P JOHNSON JAMES V JOHNSON JASON JOHNSON JEFF JOHNSON JEFFERY ALAN JOHNSON JEFFERY SCOTT JOHNSON JEFFREY D JOHNSON JENNIFER JOHNSON JENNIFER GENTRY JOHNSON JEREMY JOHNSON JEREMY L JOHNSON JIM JOHNSON JIMMY D JOHNSON JODY A JOHNSON JOEY M JOHNSON JOHN D JOHNSON JOHN L JOHNSON JR JOHNNY BROOKS JOHNSON JR JORDAN TYLER JOHNSON JUSTIN JOSEPH JOHNSON KADE A JOHNSON KANDYCE JOHNSON KARL M JOHNSON KATE K JOHNSON KEITH B JOHNSON KENNETH JOHNSON KEVIN A JOHNSON KRISTAN DAWN JOHNSON KURT JOHNSON K’VON JAQUEL JOHNSON LEE R JOHNSON LINDA S JOHNSON LON W JOHNSON LONNIE M JOHNSON III LUCAS E JOHNSON MARION JOHNSON MARK JOHNSON MATTHEW J JOHNSON MECO L JOHNSON MICHAEL JOHNSON MICHAEL JOHNSON MICHAEL A JOHNSON JR MICHAEL N JOHNSON MICHAEL R JOHNSON NATHAN D JOHNSON NICK D JOHNSON PATRICIA JOHNSON PATRICK LYNN JOHNSON PAUL JOHNSON PAUL JOHNSON PAUL ELLIOTT JOHNSON PAUL WILLIAM JOHNSON III PHILLIP J JOHNSON RICHARD JOHNSON RICHARD C JOHNSON ROBERT ALAN JOHNSON ROBERT K JOHNSON ROBERT LEE JOHNSON III ROBERT P JOHNSON ROCKY J JOHNSON RODNEY JOHNSON RONNIE L JOHNSON RORY JAMES JOHNSON RUSSELL JOHNSON RYAN J JOHNSON SETH T JOHNSON SHAWNEE D JOHNSON SPENCER R JOHNSON STEPHEN JOHNSON STEPHEN CHARLES JOHNSON STEVEN P JOHNSON STEVEN VANDER JOHNSON TANNER T JOHNSON TERENCE R JOHNSON TERRANCE JOHNSON TERRELL R JOHNSON THOMAS W JOHNSON TOD E JOHNSON TODD A JOHNSON TOMMY L JOHNSON JR TRACY O JOHNSON TRAVIS E JOHNSON TWAKENDREZ JOHNSON TYLER E JOHNSON TYLER S JOHNSON TYSEN JOHNSON VALERIE JOHNSON VALIA P JOHNSON VICTOR C JOHNSON WILLIAM B JOHNSON JR WILLIAM G JOHNSON WILLIAM H JOHNSON II WILLIAM L JOHNSON WILLIAM LANE JOHNSON WILLIAM LESHAY JOHNSON ZACHARY JOHNSON ZACHARY B JOHNSON ZACHARY DEMOND JOHNSON ZACHARY RYAN JOHNSON BRANDON J JOHNSTON BRETT A JOHNSTON CODY JOHNSTON COREY LANE JOHNSTON DAVID WAI‑MING JOHNSTON JAMES JOHNSTON JASON S JOHNSTON JEREMY JOHNSTON KRYSTAL JOHNSTON ROBERT JOHNSTON ROBERT STEPHEN JOHNSTON STEPHEN JOHNSTON STEVEN A JOHNSTON TERRY D JOHNSTON GREGORY A JOHNSTONE STEFFEN M JOHNSTONE SEAN JOHNSTON‑FERRIS TIMOTHY P JOKOTY TRISTAN P JOKOTY JIMMY JOLLY MICHAEL R JOLLY HOSSAM JOMHA BRADLEY W JONAS AARON C JONES ADONIS REESE JONES ALLAN EUGENE JONES ALLEN D JONES ALONZO JONES ALTON DEWAYNE JONES AMBERLY JONES ANDREW M JONES ANGELA D JONES ANTHONY G JONES ANTHONY LEE JONES ARTEMUS R JONES ASHLEY JONES AUSTIN REID JONES BENJAMIN M JONES BILLY W JONES II BOBBY JONES BRADLEY JOHN JONES BRANDON JONES BRANDON TODD JONES BRIAN S JONES BRIGHAM JONES BRUCE JONES BRUCE JONES CALVIN JONES CASEY JONES CATHY J JONES CHAD W JONES CHARLES B JONES CHARLES D JONES CHESTER JONES CHRIS W JONES CHRISTOPHER D JONES CHRISTOPHER J JONES CINDY C JONES CLARENCE JONES COLBY D JONES CULLEN JONES DANIEL ALFRED JONES DARRELL W JONES DAVID D JONES DAVID S JONES DAVID V JONES DAVID W JONES DEANA JONES DEJUAN JONES DEMETRIA JONES DILLON JONES DOUGLAS JONES DUDLEY JONES EVERETT JONES FRANKLIN JONES FRANKLIN D JONES GARRETT A JONES GARRY M JONES GINA JONES GRAHAM JONES J DALE JONES JACOB JONES JACOB JONES JAMES JONES JAMES C JONES JAMICHEAL JONES JASE M JONES JASON ALLEN JONES JASON D JONES JAYLYN JAMAR JONES JEFFREY JONES JEFFREY JONES JEFFREY MAURICE JONES JEREMY SLATE JONES JEROME P JONES JEROME R JONES JESSE L JONES JESSICA DANIELLE JONES JOEL KEITH JONES JOHNNY JONES JON JONES JOSEPH M JONES JOSHUA JONES JOSHUA A JONES JOSHUA HARPER JONES JULIUS M JONES JUSTIN JONES JUSTIN DANIEL JONES KENNETH JONES KENNETH CHRIS JONES KENNETH E JONES KENNETH M JONES KENNETH M JONES KENNETH O JONES II KEVIN JONES KEVIN HEATH JONES KEVIN SCOTT JONES JR LAQUISHA S JONES LARRY G JONES LARRY W JONES LAURA JONES LAUREN BROOKE JONES LEE H JONES LOGAN JONES LUKE JONES MARC JONES MARVIN C JONES III MICHAEL JONES MICHAEL JONES MICHAEL A JONES MICHAEL A JONES MICHAEL C JONES MICHAEL L JONES MICHAEL MARSHALL JONES MICHAEL SHAWN JONES MICHAEL W JONES MITZI B JONES MORRISON BRIAN JONES NATHAN JONES NATHAN JONES NICHALES L JONES NINA M JONES PATRICK J JONES PAUL JONES PAUL DAVID JONES II PAULA H JONES PHILLIP E JONES REGGIE DENNIS JONES JR RICHARD H JONES RICKY JONES RICKY C JONES RITCHIE L JONES JR ROBERT JONES ROBERT JONES ROBERT A JONES ROBERT ADRIAN JONES ROBERT B JONES ROGER JEREMIAH JONES RUEBEN JONES RUSSELL W JONES RYAN JONES RYAN JONES SCOTT A JONES JR SHANE JONES SHARYN A JONES STEPHEN R JONES STEVEN JONES SUSAN MARIE JONES TADD JONES TAYLOR D JONES TEAGUE A JONES TERRY LOMAX JONES THOMAS D JONES JR THOMAS J JONES THOMAS W JONES TIFFANY M JONES TIM W JONES TIMOTHY D JONES TIMOTHY L JONES TOM JONES JR TORY JONES TRA’LUNDA JONES TRENN S JONES TRISTAN JONES TYLER RYAN JONES VICTOR JONES WACEY DEAN JONES WESLEY A JONES WILBERT JONES WILLIAM K JONES WILLIS S JONES DANIELLE JONES‑GOSENBERG BRANDI N JONSON BILLY GENE JORDAN BUCKY JORDAN CADARYE L JORDAN CAREY EUGENE JORDAN II CHARLES C JORDAN CHRISTOPHER JORDAN CLAY D JORDAN CLAYTON W JORDAN DAVID B JORDAN FRANK A JORDAN GEORGE B JORDAN HARRY L JORDAN JAKE E JORDAN JAMES C JORDAN JAMES WALTER JORDAN JAZENO JORDAN JEFFREY S JORDAN JERRY L JORDAN JOSEPH DANIEL JORDAN KAYLEIGH BROOKE JORDAN MATTHEW G JORDAN MAURY JORDAN ROBERT T JORDAN SCOTT C JORDAN SHAWN JORDAN STEPHEN JORDAN TONY JORDAN W A JORDAN II WILLIAM H JORDAN EMILY J JORDAN‑HADDOCK ANDREW JORGENSEN BLAIR JORGENSEN CASEY BRETT JORGENSEN DANIEL R JORGENSEN CAMERON JORGENSON DIEURESTE JOSAPHAT BRADLEY T JOSEPH CHRISTIAN JOSEPH DARIO JOSEPH MICHAEL A JOSEPH ROGER JOSEPH TESFA JOSEPH BAYLOR R JOSEPHSON MARK L JOSEY RONALD L JOSLIN JR SPENCER JOUDREY JASON EUGENE JOURDEN JOHNNY D JOWERS LISA A JOWERS DEAN JOWETT MATTHEW B JOYCE ANDREW B JOYE ALAN JOYNER DAREN KYLE JOYNER JAMES C JOYNER ANNE M JOZWIAK JOSEPH JOZWIAK HERIBERTO JUAREZ JR JESUS JUAREZ JORGE L JUAREZ JR JUSTIN S JUAREZ HECTOR NICOLAS JUAREZ ACEVEDO BRIAN D JUDD JENNIFER JUDD MATT JUDD BRENT W JUDY DAVID JUDY ROBERT O JUDY TONY A JUDY TERRENCE L JUEDEN BRADYN JULANDER DEREK A JULANDER JAROM JULANDER JAYSON T JULANDER SHELDON S JULANDER STEVEN B JULANDER JESSE L JULEN HERBERT MICHAEL JULIAN JUSTIN MICHAEL JULIAN KHALEEL JUMAN THADDEUS JUMAN RANDY W JUMPS CLAYTON C JUNEK ERIC JUNIUS JAMES A JUNKER JOSEPH RYAN JUNKIN TIMOTHY C JUNKIN JERRY MASON JUNKINS DANN ELWOOD JUNTUNEN KENDRA A JURACEK STEPHEN JUREWICZ TIM JURGIELEWICZ BRIAN JORDAN JURICEK STEPHEN JUSTICE STEPHEN A JUSTICE TRISTAN N JUSTICE RAMIZ JUSUFOVIC RANDY KAAE CHERYL KACHELLEK DANIEL KACHKAN RADOSLAW KACZOWKA LESLIE KADA YOOSUF KADER NIZAMUDEEN MOHAMED ABDUL HAMEED DUANE B KAEB JONATHON D KAEB ANDREW W KAECH GENE P KAHAI JR BRADLEY KAHL LINDA L KAHL CHRISTOPHER H KAHLO KEITH A KAHLO NICHOLAS E KAHNY KEALON R KAHRE ADRIENNE KAIGLER GARY A KAISER RANDY A KAISER ROSCOE K KALA WAYNE KALA EDWARD KALAMAN CHARLES KALE KERRY A KALE KEVIN KALEN PATHIRA KALIAPPAN KALAIAPPAN GURUMOORTHI KALIDOSS BRADLEY J KALIN BYRON M KALIN KIEFER J KALIN KIEL J KALIN JESSICA KALISZ BALAN KALIYAPERUMAL AMBROSE O KALLON ISHWARYA KALUSULINGAM PAUL R KALVELAGE DAVID KAM KIN SAKTHI KAMARAJ RAVINDRAN CORY S KAMINS JEFFERY MICHAEL KAMINSKI NICHOLAS P KAMINSKI ROBERT I KAMINSKI DEMETRIUS KAMPOUROGIANNIS KELLI KAMPSCHNIEDER YUVARAJA KANAGARAJ VIGNESH KANAKKASAMY KARUPPASAMY KANDASAMY BRUCE W KANDER RYAN J KANDER RAYMOND KANDOLIN DEREK KANE IAN KANE STEVEN H KANE CADE C KANEKO CONSTANTINE G KANELOS WENHUI KANG WONJIN KANG PASUPATHY KANNAN MARK KANTOR GWENDOLYN KAOPUA BENJAMIN L KAPNER STEVE KAPOGINES AMANDA KAPUSCINSKI MITCHELL L KARACSON OLHA KARAMAN MATEUSZ KARDASZ ERICK KARGEL DEL VAL KYLE KARGOL ROBERT J KARIGAN MEHDI KARIMAN JUSTIN KARKI KEVIN E KARLES ROBERT W KARLES JR THOMAS L KARNES MICHAEL S KARPINEN SHARI KARPYSHYN GARRETT ANTHONY KARR KOLBY R KARR CAROL S KARRH JEETH KARUNAKARAN KARUNAKARAN KARUNAPRAHASAM DIMUTHU KARUNATHILAKA JEFFREY A KASCH MICHAEL E KASSAY AARON D KASSMEIER JACOB H KASTEN STAN KASZECKI BRIAN P KATH PHILLIP KATZ JR ANDREA KAY KAUFMAN RUSTY R KAUFMAN WILLIAM KAUFMAN III KEONI K KAUHI STEFEN M KAUR WADE L KAUS JAMES S KAUTZ MITCHELL K KAUWELOA KEOLA K KAUWELOA OLIVEROS MICHAEL KAVANDER DAVID KAWA TIMOTHY KAWECKI CHRISTOPHER A KAY KAHRAMAN KAYA DEREK KAYFISH JULIAN KAYSEAS ALEXANDER KAZAK OMAR KAZI JOHN CHRISTOPHER KAZYAK MICHAEL PATRICK KEANE SAMUEL TRAVIS KEARL BYRON KEARNEY JOHN WESLEY KEARSE DANIEL W KECK BRENDON KEDDY CRAIG W KEDWARD ALEX T KEEFE AUSTIN T KEEFE MARK CHRISTOPHER KEEFE TONY R KEEFE JASON KEEFER PATRICK D KEEGAN TROY KEELEY JIM M KEELS JR KYLE KEELY FRANKLIN R KEEN JAMES CHAD KEEN PETER KEEN TYLER S KEEN ZACHARY JOSEPH KEEN JEFFERY KEENAN AARON K KEENE PATRICK D KEENE ASHLEY KEENER COLTON KEENER HEATH L KEENER JESSICA L KEENER RICK KEENER WESTON KEENUM KYLE S KEES KATHLEEN R KEESEE DARRELL EDWARD KEETON JEFFERY E KEFFER DAVID A KEGEL CHARLES JERROD KEGLER BRENT KEHOE CHRISTIAN KEHOE ROBIN KEHOE RENEE E KEILMANN STEPHEN D KEIM MOUSSA KEITA ALISA D KEITH GARRETT KEITH JAMIE KEITH JOSEPH KEITH JUSTIN KEITH RODNEY KEITH MICHAEL K KEKOA JR BRADLEY T KELBERLAU GUY KELI PHILIP KELL CARROL L KELLAHAN JR GARY CHRISTOPHER KELLEMS GARY EUGENE KELLEMS BLAKE KELLER BRANDON KELLER BRIAN KELLER CLAUDE E KELLER JAY D KELLER JOHN EVERETT KELLER MICHAEL D KELLER MICHAEL R KELLER NICHOLAS WAYNE KELLER REISE D KELLER ROBERT KELLER SCOTT KELLER SETH KELLER TROY L KELLER VANDIVER WILLIAM KELLER II WAYNE A KELLER ZACKERY SHANE KELLER JENNIFER C KELLETT MICHAEL KELLETT TIMOTHY W KELLETT BRIAN S KELLEY CHRISTIAN KELLEY CHRISTOPHER KELLEY DENNIS KELLEY DOUGLAS PALMER KELLEY ELMER G KELLEY JR HOWARD W KELLEY JASON B KELLEY KEENAN MARCELLUS KELLEY KEVIN M KELLEY KYLE L KELLEY LESLIE C KELLEY MACKENZIE M KELLEY MARANDA KELLEY MICHAEL D KELLEY MICHAEL JOSEPH KELLEY II ORVAL KELLEY RANDALL G KELLEY TAMMY C KELLEY TANYA KELLEY THOMAS M KELLEY TODD L KELLEY WILLIAM STANLEY KELLEY ERIC M KELLOGG JENNIFER M KELLOGG BRADEN KELLY BYRON KELLY CAITLIN KELLY CALEB RAY KELLY CHARLES KELLY III CHRISTOPHER R KELLY COLTON KELLY CURTIS R KELLY DAVID KELLY DAVID BENJAMIN KELLY JARROD D KELLY JASON KELLY JEFFERY WAYNE KELLY JIM J KELLY LA’MONT L KELLY MARK KELLY MICHAEL KELLY NICHOLAS KELLY REBECCA M KELLY ROBERT ANDY KELLY SHAUN KELLY SKYLER T KELLY KANE KELMAN THOMAS K KELSEY THOMAS W KELSEY WAYNE KELSHEIMER BRIAN KELSKEY DENNIS J KELSO JOSHUA G KELSO HUNTER C KELSOE JONATHAN KELTNER DEWEY SAMUEL KEMMERLIN IV HAYLEY KEMMERLIN ALAN L KEMP ALYX SCOTT KEMP BENJAMIN H KEMP DERRICK L KEMP MICHAEL KEMP NATHAN KEMP PATRICIA L KEMP BRENDON S KEMPER WILLIS C KEMPER THEODORE J KEMPF LINDA C KENDALL RUSSELL KENDALL DONALD J KENDEL TODD KENDELL JOSEPH KENDRA BILLY D KENDRICK JR DANIEL R KENDRICK JAMES KENDRICK LANE G KENDRICK VANCE C KENDRICK ERIC KENKEL SHEDOLAMARK S KENNACH BRIAN KENNEDY BRIAN CHASE KENNEDY BRIAN J KENNEDY BRIAN M KENNEDY CHARLES A KENNEDY DARIUS C KENNEDY DEAN P KENNEDY JR GARY G KENNEDY JAMES A KENNEDY JAMES L KENNEDY JESSE LEE KENNEDY JOHN C KENNEDY JR JORDAN J KENNEDY JOSHUA KENNEDY JUSTIN B KENNEDY LEON STANDFORD KENNEDY MATTHEW GREER KENNEDY RICHARD JAMES KENNEDY ROGER KENNEDY SEAN KENNEDY BRIAN KENNELLY DANE KENNEY GENE A KENNON JEFF KENNON JOHN B KENNON ROBERT KENNY DANIEL KENORAS BRITTANY D KENT CALEB KENT DWAYNE C KENT RAYMOND K KENT WILLIAM KRIS KENT GENEVIEVE KENYON KEVIN A KEOWN ROBERT M KEPHART CHRISTINE KERBY MICHAEL T KERENS FRANCIS KERINS THOMAS P KERIVAN ANDREW S KERN DANIEL KERN JOSHUA RAY KERNS WILLIAM E KERNS RANDY KERR WADE KERR KENNETH ALAN KERRIGAN BRIAN KERSEY TONNY RAY KERSEY RICHARD KERSTEN THOMAS E KERSTIENS DAVID A KERSTING LISA KESSE RONALD K KESSEL JR ADAM KESSINGER MAISON KESSINGER BRIAN K KESSLER KORI R KESSLER MICHAEL S KESSLER RIAN J KESSLER SHAWN W KESSLER JUSTIN B KESTING KEITH PAUL KESTING NICHOLAS C KETCHAM CURTIS KETCHMARK MICHAEL L KETCHUM BRADLEY KETTERER AUBREY KETTERING ANTHONY D KETTLESON MICHAEL KETTLEY TIMOTHY P KETTNER KIN CHUNG KEUNG CHESTER MARSHALL KEY CODY WAYNE KEY DAVID R KEY JON KEY LINNETT KEY TYSON J KEYES CODY R KEYLARD CRAIG WILLIAM KEYS JUSTIN DEL KEYS TIMOTHY KEYS CHAD MICHAEL KEYT MONTGOMERY K KEYT MOHAMMAD KHABBAZI SHAHROUZ KHAJEHMOLAEI AHMAD KHAN FAREED KHAN ISHMAEL KHAN KEVIN KHAN MOHAMMAD T KHAN SAFRAZ KHAN SALISHA KHAN ZAHEER KHAN KYAW H KHINE ZOSSIA KHORSEEVA BENJAMIN KIBLER TIMOTHY KIBLER JASON D KIBORT JACOB R KICK ROBERT ALLEN KICK ANTRELL KIDD CHRISTOPHER KIDD JONATHAN P KIDD MATTHEW KIDD ROBERT KIDD ROBERT M KIEF DAVID W KIEFF KEVIN W KIEL KRAIG A KIEL STEPHEN KIELEY KEVIN K KIELMANN MICHAEL W KIEPKE SEAN KIERNAN CRYSTAL D KIES JOHN S KIESEL CHARLES K KIETZMAN II BRADLEY D KIGER PATRICK A KIGER JANICE KIGHT KAYLA DAWN KIGHT KYLE KILBOURN LANCE A KILBREATH STEPHEN KILBRETH CLINTON W KILBY DAVID KILBY BERNARD T KILCULLEN ANTHONY BRYAN KILGORE BRADLEY S KILGORE CARL W KILGORE DOUGLAS RAY KILGORE ROBERT ALLEN KILGORE SHEILA KILGORE TEDDY W KILGORE ANDREA SHERRI KILIAN PATRICK KILKENNY MICHAEL SHANE KILLGO COLTON KILMER BYEONG HOON KIM JOSEPH KIM MATTHEW KIM SEYOUNG KIM GREGORY A KIMBAL JEAN E KIMBALL JEFFREY S KIMBALL RICHARD G KIMBRELL MICHAEL KYLE KIMBRO KOBY K KIMBROUGH ROLAN D KIMBROUGH BRENDA KIMMEL JAMES W KIMMEL LARRY L KIMMEL ROBERT E KIMMEL CLIFFORD E KIMPEL JEREMY L KIMPEL JOSHUA KIMPEL MICHAEL KIMPEL JOSEPH KIMPSON COLE W KINCADE CLIFTON R KINCAID DAVID A KINCAID DAVID N KINCAID JR GEORGE KINCAID III LUCAS KINDEN CHRISTOPHER KINDER MYLES KINDER SHALON KINDRED LEONARD L KINDS MICHAEL KINDSWATER KENNETH KINER APRIL S KING BENJAMIN KING BO KING BRADLEY D KING BRITTANY L KING BRUCE L KING CALEB A KING CHAD KING CHRISTOPHER J KING CLARENCE R KING DANNY JOE KING DARRELL JEREMIAH KING DARYL C KING DAVID KING DAVID KING DENISE O KING DONNA M KING FULLER H KING III JACK C KING JR JAMES KING JR JAMES A KING JAMES K KING JENNIFER A KING JOEL VANIAH ANTHONY KING JOEY B KING JOHN S KING JOSEPH KING KRISTY KING KYNDRIA KING LIZ KING MICHAEL E KING MICHAEL J KING MICHAEL J KING MICHAEL K KING MICHAEL W KING MIKE A KING NYREE D KING PATRICK J KING PETER J KING RANDY HOWARD KING RENRICK GARNET KING RICHARD B KING ROBERT KING RYAN KING SCOTTIE KING SHAWNA DIANE KING SHONDEL S KING VANESSA KING WENDEL KING III WILLIAM J KING TRAVIS KING‑CYRENNE WILLIAM KINGDON DANIEL P KINGERY TODD KINGMA ELIZABETH G KINGSBURY JOHN TYLER KINKADE JUSTIN KINKADE MICHAEL S KINKADE BRADLEY A KINKEAD AUSTIN KINLAW JOSHUA KINLER PAUL D KINMAN KELLEY KINNAIRD GREGORY WAYNE KINNEY HAROLD KINNEY JENNIFER KINNEY JOSEPH KINNEY STEPHEN KINNEY BENJAMIN KINSELLA JOHN M KINSELLA DAVID L KINSEY HAROLD D KINSEY ROY KINSEY RYAN J KINSMAN JOHN J KINTER SCOTT KIPFER MARK D KIPP BENJAMIN M KIRBY CHRISTOPHER SHANE KIRBY COREY KIRBY CYNTHIA ANN KIRBY JEFFREY L KIRBY KERRI J KIRBY ROBERT CHAD KIRBY ROBERT W KIRBY BARRY RAY KIRK HENRY N KIRK JR JUSTIN W KIRK TIMOTHY R KIRK WILLIAM T KIRK AUSTIN LEE KIRKLAND BRIDGET KIRKLAND DILAN KIRKLAND MICHAEL KIRKLAND THOMAS DOUGLAS KIRKLEY DAVID J KIRKPATRICK DAVID L KIRKPATRICK DIANE KIRKPATRICK KIRBY P KIRKPATRICK ROBERT E KIRKSEY ZACHARY ALEXANDER KIRKSEY ERNEST W KIRKWOOD IV KATHLEEN KIRN JOSHUA G KIRSTINE SHANE M KIRSTINE LEON M KIRVEN ROBERT W KIRVEN WILLIAM KISER LABIN KISHORE SIVANADAR KENNETH K KISSNER ANTHONY J KIST SCOTT P KITCHEN RODNEY KITCHENS RONALD D KITCHENS ZACHARY A KITCHENS TERRY W KITE GREGORY KITTEL DREW L KITTERMAN CHRISTOPHER M KITTS RYAN J KITTS BRIAN M KITZMILLER JAKOB T KITZMILLER JASON K KIZZIAH JAMES KIZZIAR OMER KLAEN WILLIAM KLAGES DUSTIN KLASSEN BRIAN KLAUS BRANDON D KLECKNER NORA KLECKNER ANGELA L KLEIN CHRIS KLEIN DOUGLAS S KLEIN MONTE KLEINE PATRICK J KLEINERT BEVERLY ANNE KLEINHENZ MICHAEL D KLEINSCHMIT HERMANN KLEINSCHNEIDER SHAWN KLEPPER STEPHEN B KLIEWER JEFFERY KLIMCZAK VALERIY KLIMOVICH ANDREW W KLINE DANIEL L KLINE HUNTER W KLINE JEFFREY KLINE TRAVIS KLINE JONATHAN KLING JOSEPH J KLING KEVIN D KLING BRANDON KLINGEL MICHAEL KLINGEL LORI A KLINGENSMITH TAMMY S KLINK DIETER J KLINKERT ARTHUR KLIPPLE BRON P KLIPPLE ADAM KLOPFENSTEIN JERIOD KLOVAS BRANDON J KLUG DEBORAH S KLUG ROBERT KLUTH JOSHUA KLUZEK RICHARD KLYNE FRANCIS KNAFELC AMANDA M KNAPP CHRISTOPHER KNAPP DANIEL J KNAPP ETHAN M KNAPP JAMES KNAPP JR KYLE T KNAPP MICHAEL J KNAPP ROBERT R KNAPP TIMOTHY KNAPP BRENDAN D KNARR CYNTHIA KNECHT SHAUN P KNECHT JENNIFER L KNEIFL SIDNEY J KNEIFL CODY KNEISLER CHESTER R KNELL TROY KNELSON EDWARD KNETZER BRIAN M KNICHEL ANGIE KNICKMEIER MATTHEW T KNIEVEL BENJAMIN KNIGHT BOBBYE KNIGHT CHARLES KNIGHT CHARLES A KNIGHT DAVID B KNIGHT DEBORAH KNIGHT JONATHON KNIGHT JUSTIN LARRY KNIGHT KENNETH C KNIGHT KENNETH P KNIGHT KYLE KNIGHT MICHAEL J KNIGHT PAULA W KNIGHT ROBERT KNIGHT ROBERT KNIGHT ROY A KNIGHT JR RYAN P KNIGHT TROY L KNIGHT WILLIAM KNIGHT WILLIAM KYLE KNIGHT WILLIAM ROBERT KNIGHT JR ZACHARY M KNIGHT SUMMER LEIGH KNIGHT READY PAUL KNIPE PHILLIP D KNISELY DAVID S KNISLEY MITCHELL K KNOBBE KEVIN KNOPP AUSTIN KNORR BRANDON KNOTT SAMUEL E KNOTT BRYAN T KNOTTS LOUIS KNOTTS CURTIS KNOWLES TRAVIS KNOWLES KENNETH KNOWLTON JAMES KNOX KENT KNOX TREVOR KNOX RYAN A KNOYLE LANCE KNUCKLES CHRISTOPHER K KNUDSEN GARY A KNUDSEN ROCHELLE LEE KNUDSEN GERALD D KNUTH JEREMY D KNUTH CHRISTOPHER K KOBRZYCKI ABDUL KOCAK ANTON KOCH JARED KOCH JEFFERY J KOCH JOHN D KOCH KEVIN OWEN KOCH ROBERT G KOCH EMERSON F KOCHENDERFER BRADLEY KOCHER MICHAEL A KOCHERT JAY W KOCON JUSTIN KOECHER TAMERA J KOEGLER‑VAUGHAN JEREMY L KOEHLER KYLE W KOEHLER NEAL W KOEHLER JACOB BRUCE KOELE JOSHUA J KOEPKE CHRISTOPHER KOEPPEN ROBERT KOERNER ROGER A KOERTING CHRISTOPHER KOFAHL RENJIRO ETSUJI LEE KOGA BENJAMIN KOHL HEATHER M KOHL SARAH E KOHLER SUKHDEEP KOHLI JEFFERY KOHLLEPPEL TYSON KOHLLEPPEL IVAN B KOHUT JACOB KOHUT AUSTIN KOILE MICHELLE KOIVISTO OLUWATOBI KOLAPO BRANDON KOLB THOMAS N KOLESAR JOSEPH L KOLGER STEPHEN J KOLINA WILLIAM A KOLLER METKA E KOLM ROBERT D KOLTERMAN DANIEL R KOMAR CARL KONES JR CARL KONES SR BRIAN J KONGER ALLEN J KONIECZNY CORNELIS KONIG PETE KONING HALEY KONTENIS KYLE J KONZ BENJAMIN CURTIS KOOIMAN‑COX BRIAN KOONS SAMMY KOONS CAROLYN KOONTS KIMBERLY R KOONTZ CATHERINE L KOPEJTKA ROBERT D KOPPEN BLAKE M KOPULOS‑LERMA ALCINDA KORDECKI KOREAL KOREA JOSEPH KORIENEK JEFF R KORMANY ANGELA KORNEGAY BRANDON E KORNEGAY JERRY R KORNEGAY JR DOUGLAS KORNELSEN MARCUS KORTAN DAVID P KORTE DANIEL M KORTH LOUIS A KORTH MEAGAN L KORTH NICHOLAS H KORTH MARIUSZ KOSALKA KEVIN S KOSCH KENNETH KOSINSKI ROBERT KOSKIE MICHAEL J KOSLOSKY EDWARD KOSS GREGORY D KOSS MELANIE M KOSTELNIK JERRY KOSTIUK CORY KOT ROXANN E KOTCHKOE JENNA KOTESA BAILEY KOTOWSKI DANIEL J KOTOWSKI JUSTIN M KOTTKAMP BRIAN F KOTZIAN KYLE J KOVAC ANDREW S KOVACS MICHAEL KOVACS DANIEL P KOVAL JONATHAN M KOVALCHICK JASON D KOVERMAN DAVID KOWAL JIM KOWALCHYK SARID KOWALIK LARRY KOWALKOWSKI DEREK T KOWALSKI JAKE KOWALSKI SHAWN KOWALSKI ERIC M KOWALSKY STEPHEN J KOWICKI CHAD M KOYLE JASON KEVIN KOYLE PATRICK J KOZLOWSKI COLBY PAUL KRAEMER ERIC L KRAEUTLE MICHAEL J KRAFT JON E KRAGNESS AGATA KRAHEL DIXON C KRALL CAROL A KRAMER JOSHUA KRAMER SANDRA KRAMER SUSAN KRAMER ROBERT KRASNIEWSKI ERIC MICHAEL KRASNOW JARED KRAUS CAROLYN KRAUSE RANDALL C KRAUSE ROBERT G KRAWIEC JR STEPHEN KRAWIEC LARISSA KREAMER DARYL J KREBS MARK A KRECH JOSH KREDIT‑PHELPS DONALD GREG KREIDER JR DONALD GREG KREIDER SR NICHOLAS R KREIKEMEIER ZACHERY KREISS BRYAN KRESAK ALEKSANDRA KRICKOVIC MARK K KRIDER PHILLIP A KRIDER MICHAEL T KRIDNER JACOB D KRIENERT ZACHARY P KRIENERT KATHLEEN KRIKORIAN‑DAMEN MARY KRISELL EZHILARASAN KRISHNAN SATHEESH KRISHNAN RAJA GOPAL DENNIS V KRISHTAL VARUN R KRISNAN KLAUS KRISTIANSEN ALDIN KRIVIC ASMIR KRIVIC VAHIDIN KRIVIC MITCHELL RYAN KRIZMAN ERIC H KROHN ASHLEY A KROLL ERIK KROLL JASON J KROLL RICHARD W KROLL JERALD S KROMER BRIAN W KRONCKE BRADLEY W KROONER RANDALL KROPF LIAM KROUTIL SCOTT M KRUCKENBERG ADAM T KRUEGER DIANA L KRUEGER DOUGLAS A KRUEGER KAREN KRUEGER MELISSA J KRUEGER STEVEN T KRUEGER DANIEL W KRUG DAVID J KRUG ARIC A KRUGER JONATHAN KRUGER KRISTY R KRULIK TAD A KRUMLAUF GARY KRUMPELMAN KEVIN B KRUMVIEDA RYSZARD KRUPA JUSTIN R KRUSE SHANNON E KRUSE TIMOTHY M KRUSE HENRY R KRUSEC TONY E KRUSEMARK MANA KRZYSKA PAUL KRZYWICKI JACOB KU JR JACOB J KU III JARED KU MARCEL J KUBE SIVASAKTHIVEL KUBENDRAN MICHAEL JOHN KUCHARSKI GREGORY A KUEBRICH TERRY J KUEHLER DAVE M KUELTZO KELSEY KUESSNER PATRICK KUFFEL BRANDON W KUIPERS MARK M KUKIELA EARICK KUKONU AVDO KUKULJICIC CANDACE KULLMAN MICHAEL KUMAPLEY ABHISHEK KUMAR GOKUL KUMAR KULJIT KUMAR PRADEEP KUMAR DHILIP KUMAR BADRAPPAN NANTHA KUMAR MALAVIYA RAJ KUMAR MANI SEKAR ARUN KUMAR MARIYAPPAN MANOJ KUMAR MARKANDAN MUTHU KUMAR MEENAKSHI SUNDARAM NAVEEN KUMAR PAARTHASARATHY GANESH KUMAR RAJENDRAN VENKATESH KUMAR RAMACHANDRAN SARAN KUMAR RAVI KUMAR RAVI KUMAR SANJEEVI RAMESH KUMAR SARAVANA KUMAR VIJAYA KUMAR SELVAN RANJITH KUMAR SHANMUGANATHAN ARASALAI KUMAR SHANMUGAVEL GANESH KUMAR SHANMUGAVEL VASANTHA KUMAR SITHANATHAN ALYSSA KUMFER DALLAS KUMMER LUANN Y KUMMER TIM E KUMMER WILLIAM P KUNERT ALAN KUNIHISA STEVEN KUNIMURA GRANT WAYNE KUNKEL KERRI K KUNKEL TYLER J KUNKEL ETHAN M KUNKLE MICHAEL L KUNKLE MICHAEL R KUNKLE ETHAN KUNZ JASON K KUNZMAN JOANNE KUPECKI KIRSTIN KURILLA KELLY J KURISU WHITNEY KURITZ BRYAN M KURLIAK BRIAN E KURNAT PHILIP D KURTZ ROBERT J KURTZ STEVEN KURTZ ADAM R KUSHNER SHEILA KUSS IAN ANDREW KUSTAFIK CATHERINE KUSZCZAK WILLIAM E KUTCHELL JR KRIS KUTTERER STEVEN KUTZ MICHELLE KUYKENDALL KRISTEN R KUZANEK ERIC KVIEN IAN KYAZZE LEEANDER KYER JR JOEY MATTHEW KYKER WALTER KYLANDER III BRIAN A KYROUAC SCOTT KYRYLUK DARREN KYSER I LASZLO L LABBANCZ SCOTT P LABBE KAYLEE LABEOUF JACK LABIB MATTHEW C LABISHAK CHARLES LABONTE JEAN LABONTE JOSE M LABOY RODRIGO LABRADO KURTIS LABRANCHE JONATHAN LABRECQUE PAUL LABRIOLA JOHN K LACANNE CHRISTOPHER S LACAVA KODY DANE LACER CHRISTOPHER S LACEY DAVID LACEY JOHN M LACEY KEVIN JOHN LACEY SCOTT LACEY TROY L LACEY JERZY A LACH RAZVAN LACHE BRANDON W LACK JASON ALLEN LACK JORDAN LACK MICHAEL K LACK MICHAEL KEITH LACK III BOBBY JULLIAN LACKEY DANNY C LACKEY MICHAEL LACKEY SARAH PERRY LACKS JOSHUA LADEN CHRISTOPHER JOSEPH LADNER LINDSAY LADSON DENNIS LADYMON JOSEPH A LAFAN NATHAN E LAFAYETTE WILLIAM R LAFFOON JR DEVIN A LAFINE CHRISTOPHER A LAFLEUR KARL J LAFOND SEBASTIEN LAFONTAINE LEWIS LAFORME LAWRENCE JOSEPH LAFOUNTAIN II JEFFREY M LAGACY CAMILO LAGOMERCINIS PEREZ JAMES M LAGRANGE PAUL MICHAEL LAGRANGE MICHAEL LAGREE CHRISTOPHER DAVID LAGROW DOMINICK J LAGRUTTA JR WINKY WAN KEI LAI ADAM LAIRD MARTIN LAJOIE COURTNEY K LAK ALEXANDER LAKE DOUGLAS LAKE KOKILA LAKSHMANAN TRAVAS B LALA SHARON LALANDA ANDY LALCHAN ROOKMINEE LALL GRANT LALONDE PATRICK LALONDE RICHARD D LALONDE SHOBIA LALOO DAVID LAMANES AMBER D LAMAR JENNIFER C LAMAR MATTHEW D LAMAR GARRETT LAMASTER MARY J LAMASTER BRAD E LAMB BRADLEY LAMB CHRISTOPHER EDWARD LAMB JUSTIN LAMB RANDY A LAMB STEPHEN P LAMB TOMMY LAMB ALBERT E LAMBERT ARTHUR LAMBERT JR DAKOTA LAMBERT DANIEL LEE LAMBERT DONALD LAMBERT JACOB I LAMBERT JAMES L LAMBERT JOSHUA M LAMBERT JUSTEN R LAMBERT LEE A LAMBERT LOWELL D LAMBERT MIKE LAMBERT SETH LAMBERT TERRY A LAMBERT TIMOTHY E LAMBERT JR TODD A LAMBERT JOY LAMBERT‑BRADLEY RYAN LAMBORN KYLE STEVEN LAMBRIGHT RALPH S LAMBRIGHT TROY LAMBRIGHT DAVID RAY LAME CHRISTOPHER P LAMIE JOEL LAMIRANDE‑NADEAU MARC L LAMOTHE MARK V LAMPE PAULA LAMPE JAMES W LAMPHERE IV JOSIE LAMPKIN KYLE D LAMPRECHT AMOS REED LANCASTER DEAN ELLIOTT LANCASTER II JOHN EARL LANCASTER JR MARK J LANCASTER JENNIFER LANCE SAMUEL D LANCE CARMINE LANCIA BILLY LAND DUSTIN RAY LAND REX M LAND ALFREDO LANDA R THOMAS LANDAHL DUSTIN E LANDANGER HERIBERTO LANDEROS FRAGA BRYANT T LANDERS SHELLEY LANDIS MATTHEW E LANDON JONATHAN LANDRUM CORY S LANDRY JOSEPH LANDRY KEVIN LANDRY RONALD L LANDRY TERRELL LANDRY ALLAN LANE CHARLES J LANE CHRIS J LANE CHRISTOPHER LANE DANIEL LANE DONALD LEWIS LANE JR HUNTER JAMES LANE JEFF LANE JIRDEN R LANE JR JORDAN LANE KEITH LANE KYLE LANE MARK A LANE ROBERT L LANE RONALD L LANE SHAWN W LANE ROBERT J LANEY CARLA LANG CHRISTOPHER J LANG HOMER T LANG JEFF P LANG JOHN W LANG MARCUS B LANG MATTHEW LANG MICHAEL P LANGAN DAVID J LANGE JOSEPH T LANGE DARRELL K LANGELIA DARRYL J LANGELLIER KEITH A LANGELLIER COLBY C LANGENBERG MATTHEW B LANGHAM JAMES T LANGLEY LORA C LANGLEY MATTHEW A LANGLEY MICHAEL L LANGLEY CHRISTOPHER LANGLOIS DAVID R LANGSDALE JEFFREY G LANGSTON LARRY JUNIOR LANGSTON II LYNN R LANGSTON TRACY LANGSTON WILLIAM K LANHAM III FREDRICK DEWAYNE LANIER GAVIN LANIER KEITH A LANIER SAMUEL V LANIER SCOTT J LANIER CHARLES S LANKFORD OUR GREATEST STRENGTH IS OUR PEOPLE. Our teammates’ dedication and commitment remain the backbone of the Company. Through relentless effort, collaboration and an innovative spirit, they’ve helped us build on Nucor’s continued success. We look forward to capitalizing on this tremendous momentum into the future. All to better service our customers and set them up for success. Powerful partnerships. Powerful results. CONTENTS Nucor Employees Financial Highlights To Our Stockholders Tribute to John Ferriola 50 Years of Powerful Partnerships Operations Review: Steel Mills Segment Steel Joint Ventures Steel Products Segment Tubular Products Rebar Fabrication Products Vulcraft/Verco cover Piling Products Cold Finish Buildings Group Steel Mesh, Grating and Fasteners Raw Materials Segment Charts and Graphs Board of Directors Executive Management Corporate and Stock Data Form 10-K 3 4 7 8 11 12 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 17 19 20 23 24 26 Executive Officer Group, from left to right: Craig A. Feldman, Executive Vice President; Raymond S. Napolitan, Jr., Executive Vice President; Ladd R. Hall, Executive Vice President; Leon J. Topalian, President and Chief Executive Officer; John J. Ferriola, Retired Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and President (retired on December 31, 2019); James D. Frias, Chief Financial Officer, Treasurer and Executive Vice President; MaryEmily Slate, Executive Vice President; D. Chad Utermark, Executive Vice President; and David A. Sumoski, Executive Vice President. POWERFUL PARTNERSHIPS. POWERFUL RESULTS. FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS 3 FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS FOR THE YEAR Net sales Earnings: (dollar and share amounts in thousands, except per share data) 2019 2018 % CHANGE $22,588,858 $25,067,279 -10% Earnings before income taxes and noncontrolling interests 1,782,807 3,229,391 Provision for income taxes Net earnings Earnings attributable to noncontrolling interests 411,897 748,307 1,370,910 2,481,084 99,767 120,317 Net earnings attributable to Nucor stockholders 1,271,143 2,360,767 Per share: Basic Diluted Dividends declared per share Percentage of net earnings to net sales Return on average stockholders’ equity Capital expenditures Depreciation Acquisitions (net of cash acquired) Sales per average employee AT YEAR END Working capital Property, plant and equipment, net Long-term debt (including current maturities) Total Nucor stockholders’ equity Per share Shares outstanding Employees 4.14 4.14 1.6025 5.6% 12.6% 1,512,070 648,911 83,106 849 7.44 7.42 1.5400 9.4% 25.5% 997,256 630,879 33,063 986 $ 5,762,596 $ 5,829,965 6,178,555 5,334,748 4,320,565 4,233,276 10,357,866 9,792,078 34.32 301,812 26,800 32.04 305,592 26,300 -45% -45% -45% -17% -46% -44% -44% 4% 52% 3% 151% -14% -1% 16% 2% 6% 7% -1% 2% FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS Certain statements made in this annual report are forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties. The words “anticipate,” “believe,” “expect,” “project,” “may,” “will,” “should,” “could” and similar expressions are intended to identify those forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements reflect the Company’s best judgment based on current information and, although we base these statements on circumstances that we believe to be reasonable when made, there can be no assurance that future events will not affect the accuracy of such forward-looking information. As such, the forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance, and actual results may vary materially from the projected results and expectations discussed in this report. Factors that might cause the Company’s actual results to differ materially from those anticipated in forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to: (1) competitive pressure on sales and pricing, including pressure from imports and substitute materials; (2) U.S. and foreign trade policies affecting steel imports or exports; (3) the sensitivity of the results of our operations to prevailing steel prices and changes in the supply and cost of raw materials, including pig iron, iron ore and scrap steel; (4) the availability and cost of electricity and natural gas which could negatively affect our cost of steel production or result in a delay or cancellation of existing or future drilling within our natural gas drilling programs; (5) critical equipment failures and business interruptions; (6) market demand for steel products, which, in the case of many of our products, is driven by the level of nonresidential construction activity in the United States; (7) impairment in the recorded value of inventory, equity investments, fixed assets, goodwill or other long-lived assets; (8) uncertainties surrounding the global economy, including excess world capacity for steel production; (9) fluctuations in currency conversion rates; (10) significant changes in laws or government regulations affecting environmental compliance, including legislation and regulations that result in greater regulation of greenhouse gas emissions that could increase our energy costs and our capital expenditures and operating costs or cause one or more of our permits to be revoked or make it more difficult to obtain permit modifications; (11) the cyclical nature of the steel industry; (12) capital investments and their impact on our performance; and (13) our safety performance. 4 TO OUR STOCKHOLDERS Dear Fellow Stockholders: It is my pleasure to be writing to you, our stockholders, in my first annual report letter as CEO of Nucor. Before sharing our financial results for 2019, I would like to thank the Board of Directors for trusting me to lead our Company as CEO. I would also like to thank John Ferriola for his years of service to Nucor. And finally, I would like to thank our 27,000 teammates for their dedication, commitment and focus on the most important value, Safety. 2019 was the Safest year in the history of our Company. You are the true value creators at Nucor. Thank you for your support and allowing me the opportunity to serve our team. FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS Our teammates delivered another strong earnings performance this year. In 2019, Nucor earned $1.27 billion, or $4.14 per diluted share, which was a good result considering the difficult steel pricing environment throughout much of the year. Consolidated net sales in 2019 decreased by 10% to $22.59 billion compared with $25.07 billion in 2018. We shipped 26.5 million tons of steel, steel products and scrap to outside customers, for a decrease of 5% from the previous year, while the average sales price per ton decreased 5% compared to 2018. Capacity utilization rates at our steel mills averaged 84%. The average scrap and scrap substitute cost per ton used decreased 13% to $314 from $361 in 2018. Leon J. Topalian President and Chief Executive Officer At the end of 2019, the Board of Directors increased the regular quarterly cash dividend on our common stock from $0.40 to $0.4025 per share. The base cash dividend has been increased by the Board every year since the Company began paying dividends in 1973. Nucor has made 187 consecutive quarterly cash dividend payments. Company operations continue to generate strong cash flows. Despite 2019’s challenging steel market conditions, Nucor generated a record operating cash flow of approximately $2.81 billion. Cash and short-term investments totaled $1.83 billion at year end. Adding to Nucor’s strong liquidity, our $1.50 billion unsecured revolving credit facility is undrawn and does not expire until April 2023. ECONOMIC CONDITIONS The economy slowed down slightly this year compared to 2018, but steel demand was still relatively healthy for much of the year. Substantial inventory destocking throughout much of the year contributed to the challenging steel market environment. Business conditions worsened in the third and early fourth quarters, but began to improve near the end of the year. Demand in one of our most important end-use markets, non-residential construction, was strong throughout 2019. As a result, our steel products businesses had a very good year. In fact, our Vulcraft/Verco and Building Systems groups achieved the most profitable year in their history. As the year ended, there were a number of positive developments that led to more optimism about the outlook for the U.S. economy in 2020. The U.S. and China signed a phase one agreement on trade issues, and the U.S. House and Senate both passed the United States- Mexico-Canada trade agreement with strong bipartisan support. The new trade deal will benefit the U.S. steel industry, especially given the revamped country of origin rules that will greatly incentivize the use of North American steel in autos, auto parts, and other products containing steel. The Section 232 steel tariffs also continued to be effective in keeping unfairly traded imports out of the U.S. market with imports down approximately six million tons from the previous year. BRINGING GROWTH PROJECTS ONLINE Executing on our growth projects was a major focus for us this year. Three of our projects started operations this year, including a new in-line rolling mill at our bar mill in Ohio, a new specialty cold mill complex at our sheet mill in Arkansas, and a new galvanizing line at our sheet mill in Kentucky. Three more projects are slated to begin operations in early 2020 – our new rebar micro mill in Missouri, our new merchant bar quality mill in Illinois, and our joint venture galvanizing line located in central Mexico that we are building and operating with JFE Steel Corporation of Japan. Several of these projects will expand the range of value-added products we can offer the automotive market. The specialty cold mill complex in Arkansas takes Nucor into the future by enabling us to produce the high strength steel grades original equipment manufacturers are designing into future vehicles to reduce weight and improve performance and safety. The mill differentiates Nucor Steel Arkansas from its competitors; there are no other carbon mills like this in North America. With its new galvanizing line, Nucor Steel Gallatin is now positioned to supply the under-served Midwest heavy-gauge, hot-band galvanized market. The new line will enable us to grow our automotive applications to include frames, control arms, supports, and brackets. Customer feedback on the new products coming out of these two sheet mills has been excellent and now that these projects are operating, we see even more opportunities than we had anticipated. We continue to gain share in the automotive market, despite lower car and truck sales, and we have room to grow. In 2019, we shipped 1.6 million tons into the automotive market. Since 2008, we have invested significantly to broaden our capability to produce automotive steels. This includes not only investments in our steel mills, but also in our raw materials mix. We are achieving the highest quality levels in automotive steels culminating in being the first EAF producer to receive the prestigious Supplier of the Year award from General Motors. I am proud of the incredible work our team has done, and continues to do in the automotive sector. In 2019, we also announced our single largest investment in Company history – a steel plate mill we are building in Kentucky that will have an annual capacity to produce 1.2 million tons. Expected to be completed in 2022, the mill will be able to produce 97% of plate products demanded in the U.S. market. This mill will serve the market with the widest range of products offered in one location. Kentucky is an 5 ideal location for the plate mill, giving us improved access to the Midwest, which is the largest plate consuming region of the United States. The mill will put us closer to our customers, providing lower freight costs and logistical benefits. We will also be able to capitalize on the abundant, low-cost scrap metal supply in the region, much of it supplied by our scrap company, the David J. Joseph Company. We are not adding capacity simply to get bigger, we’re broadening our capability to serve our customers. These projects target defined market objectives and opportunities to generate higher profits and reduced volatility through the economic cycle. They also expand our product portfolio, so that we will be able to meet more of our customers’ product needs. MOVING FORWARD As I take over as CEO, I would like to share with you what my immediate priorities are for our company. Our founder, Ken Iverson, established our Company’s culture, which has always been our biggest competitive advantage. The values and principles that make up our culture are the engine that drives our results. Our culture is centered on the importance of our team and taking care of each other. There is no value within our culture that tells us more about ourselves than Safety. It is our cultural measuring stick – where all of our cultural values come together. Our goal is to make 2020 the safest year in our history and eventually to make Nucor the Safest steel company in the world. That means zero injuries across Nucor. MOVING FORWARD As I take over as CEO, I would like to share with you what my immediate priorities are for our Company. These are the values and principles that make up our culture and drive our results. The second priority is the execution of our strategic investments. We need to ensure we’re laser focused on generating appropriate returns from these investments and generating the returns on the shareholder capital we’ve been entrusted with. These investments are focused on ensuring that Nucor is the supplier of choice in all the product areas where we compete. We’re developing our capabilities today in order to meet our customers’ demands of tomorrow. The third priority is looking at how to effectively manage our portfolio of businesses to grow our earnings potential. We remain committed to, and focused on, our long-term growth strategy. Ensuring our success in the future requires both making sound growth investments and addressing areas where we are underperforming. We must harness Nucor’s culture of continuous improvement to achieve the full return potential across our entire asset base. Continuing to attract, hire, develop and retain future leaders of tomorrow is another priority. Nucor has been built over the last 50 years with the most incredible team in the world. Our focus on talent will continue to enable us to achieve the results our investors, customers and team have grown to rely on. With a 90%-plus retention rate, we have the most engaged, passionate, and driven teammates anywhere. Having the right people has always driven Nucor’s success. Finally, as one of the most efficient and cleanest steel producers in the world, we will continue to focus on sustainability. We are always looking for opportunities to become even more efficient, use less energy and reduce our environmental footprint. We believe it is important to be good stewards of the environment and to improve the communities where we live and work. IN CLOSING I’d like to thank John Ferriola again, who worked in the steel industry for 46 years, spending 28 of them at Nucor. John’s impact on the Company will be felt for years. He led us through one of the largest capital investment periods in Company history, and under his leadership the Company reported record earnings and revenue in 2018. John improved our commercial performance, particularly better utilizing digital technology to make it easier for our customers to do business with us. And most importantly, he continued to push us to improve our safety performance. John has earned a well-deserved retirement and we wish him all the best. All of us at Nucor thank you for choosing to invest in our Company. We value your investment and take the obligation seriously that comes with it. To our customers, thank you for the trust you place in our team, we are excited about the capabilities we are building to better serve you today and into the future. Together, we will be able to build upon our partnerships to generate powerful results. And to our Nucor teammates, the job of representing each of you and your families is a great honor. Thank you for what you are doing for Nucor every day, and most importantly, thank you for doing it Safely. We are committed to making Nucor the safest steel company in the world, and while doing so, helping improve the communities where we live and the industry in which we serve. I am excited for Nucor’s future, and for all of us to work together to expand beyond and take Nucor to new heights. Sincerely, Leon J. Topalian President & Chief Executive Officer 6 Dear Fellow Stockholders: In 2019, Nucor delivered another solid performance, with earnings of $4.14 per diluted share. This was among the highest earnings performances in Company history. Despite somewhat softer economic conditions compared to 2018, demand remained healthy in several important end-use markets. Congratulations to the Company’s 27,000 teammates for not only a strong financial performance this year, but also an excellent year for safety performance as well. One of our most important functions as a Board is ensuring Nucor has a bright future. An important component of this responsibility is preparing for leadership transitions. In September, John Ferriola announced he would be retiring at the end of the year and the Board selected Leon Topalian, Executive Vice President of Beam and Plate Products, to become CEO in January of 2020. Leon has been with Nucor for 23 years. He knows Nucor and the steel industry very well, and the Board is confident that he is ideally positioned to lead Nucor in the coming years. The Board is deeply appreciative of John Ferriola’s excellent leadership and service to Nucor. He oversaw one of the largest capital expansions in Company history, with Nucor investing more than $7 billion between 2013 and 2019 to grow the Company and create thousands of jobs. He also led the Company to a record year in earnings and revenue in 2018. We wish John the very best in his well-deserved retirement. John H. Walker Non-Executive Chairman The Board also elected Lieutenant General Nadja Y. West to serve as a director. General West retired from the U.S. Army after 37 years of service. She served as the 44th U.S. Army Surgeon General and Commanding General of the U.S. Army Medical Command for nearly four years. Prior to that, General West was Joint Staff Surgeon serving as the chief medical advisor to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. General West is a graduate of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point and also earned a Doctorate of Medicine Degree from the George Washington University School of Medicine. General West is an excellent addition to the Board. Most recently, on February 17, 2020, the Board elected Joseph D. Rupp to serve as a director. Mr. Rupp previously served as Chairman of the board of directors of Olin Corporation, a leading global manufacturer and distributor of chemical products and U.S. manufacturer of ammunition. Mr. Rupp joined Olin in 1972 and worked with the company until 2017, serving in various positions of increasing responsibility, and was also President and Chief Executive Officer when he became Chairman in June 2005. Mr. Rupp holds a Bachelor of Science degree in metallurgical engineering from the Missouri University of Science and Technology. We are fortunate to have Mr. Rupp join the Board. The Company has continued to deliver attractive returns to you, our stockholders. On February 18, 2020, the Board declared the regular quarterly cash dividend of $0.4025 per share on Nucor’s common stock. This is Nucor’s 188th consecutive quarterly cash dividend. The Company also spent $298.5 million to repurchase shares in 2019. In the 10-year time period from 2010 to 2019, Nucor has returned approximately $6.1 billion in capital to stockholders in the form of base dividends and share repurchases. We appreciate the investment you have made in Nucor and the trust you have placed in the Board, Executive Leadership Team and our 27,000 teammates. Sincerely, John H. Walker Non-Executive Chairman JOHN FERRIOLA NUCOR CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER 2013 – 2019 Championed Nucor’s safety culture. In 2019, Nucor achieved the best safety performance in the company’s history. Led a $7B capital expansion, which included entrance into the tube market and extended the company’s reach into automotive steel. Under John’s leadership, earnings per share reached new heights of $7.42 per share in 2018 as the company reported record revenue of $25B. Strengthened Nucor’s commercial operations by refocusing on customer partnerships and investing in the company’s digital capabilities. When John took over as CEO in 2013, he accepted the challenge of leading one of the most successful steel companies in the world to even greater achievements. Under his leadership, the Nucor team would continue to expand on its proud tradition of success. As CEO, John led one of the largest capital expansions in company history, including multiple steelmaking acquisitions, strategic acquisitions that formed a new product line – Nucor Tubular Products – and signifi cant growth in the automotive steels market. Most importantly, John never wavered in his commitment to putting safety fi rst. He continually reminded the team: “There is nothing more important than safety. Absolutely nothing.” John’s love of the Nucor family, his commitment to the Nucor culture, and his determination to take care of our customers have left an indelible mark on our company. John, your leadership made a lasting contribution to the continued success of Nucor. On behalf of the entire Nucor family, thank you. We wish you the best in your retirement. 1969 2019 Marking 50 years of partnership, Vulcraft – South Carolina and Nucor Steel – South Carolina demonstrate how our past casts a powerful vision of our future. In the late 1960s, Nucor saw an opportunity to produce steel for its thriving Vulcraft joist- fabricating facility. So the Company invested $4.5 million to build its fi rst steel mill using a then little-known technology called the Electric Arc Furnace, or EAF. And when Nucor Steel – South Carolina went online in 1969, Nucor’s fi rst powerful partnership was formed. steel supply insulated from the volatile pricing of the open market. And Nucor Steel – South Carolina became the prototype for the modern steel industry. Nucor would go on to pioneer the EAF mini mill business model, which today accounts for more than 70% of all steel made in North America. The two facilities went on to achieve powerful results together. Vulcraft capitalized on a reliable Fifty years later, the Company has continued to use partnership opportunities to propel its business model to new heights. 50 YEARS OF POWERFUL PARTNERSHIPS Photos, clockwise from top left: Vulcraft teammates welding steel joists in the 1960s; Vulcraft teammates welding steel joists in 2010; Ken Iverson standing with teammates in South Carolina in 1962; aerial view of Nucor Steel – South Carolina in 2019; surveyors in Darlington, South Carolina, evaluating the future site of Nucor Steel – South Carolina in 1968. Nucor trading office in Lausanne, Switzerland not shown. OPERATIONS REVIEW 11 STEEL MILLS SEGMENT In the steel mills segment, Nucor produces sheet steel (hot-rolled, cold-rolled and galvanized), plate steel, structural steel (wide-flange beams, beam blanks, H-piling and sheet piling) and bar steel (blooms, billets, concrete reinforcing bar, merchant bar and engineered special bar quality [“SBQ”]). Nucor manufactures steel principally from scrap steel and scrap steel substitutes using EAFs, continuous casting and automated rolling mills. The steel mills segment also includes Nucor’s equity method investments in Duferdofin Nucor S.r.l. (“Duferdofin Nucor”), NuMit LLC (“NuMit”) and Nucor-JFE Steel Mexico, S. de R.L. de C.V. (“Nucor-JFE”), as well as international trading and distribution companies that buy and sell steel manufactured by the Company and other steel producers. BAR MILLS SHEET MILLS CASTRIP® SHEET MILLS BEAM MILLS PLATE MILLS NUCOR CORPORATE OFFICE BAR MILLS Nucor has 15 bar mills strategically located across the United States that manufacture a broad range of steel products, including concrete reinforcing bars, hot-rolled bars, rounds, light shapes, structural angles, channels, wire rod and highway products in carbon and alloy steels. Four of the bar mills have a significant focus on manufacturing SBQ and wire rod products. The newest mills in the group are our rebar micro mills in Sedalia, Missouri and Frostproof, Florida. The mill in Missouri will come online in early 2020, while the Florida mill is expected to come online in the fourth quarter of 2020. Steel produced by our bar mills has a wide usage serving end markets, including the agricultural, automotive, construction, energy, furniture, machinery, metal building, railroad, recreational equipment, shipbuilding, heavy truck and trailer market segments. Considering Nucor’s production capabilities and the mix of bar products generally produced and marketed, the capacity of the bar mills is currently estimated at approximately 8,830,000 tons per year. Reinforcing and merchant bar steel are sold in standard sizes and grades, which allows us to maintain inventory levels of these products to meet our customers’ expected orders. Our SBQ products are hot-rolled to exacting specifications primarily servicing the automotive, energy, agricultural, heavy equipment and transportation sectors. SHEET MILLS Nucor operates five strategically located sheet mills that utilize thin slab casters to produce flat-rolled steel for automotive, appliance, construction, pipe and tube and many other industrial and consumer applications. Nucor also has Castrip® sheet production facilities in Crawfordsville, Indiana and Blytheville, Arkansas. Considering Nucor’s production capabilities and the mix of flat-rolled products generally produced and marketed, the capacity of the sheet mills is estimated at approximately 12,100,000 tons per year. All of our sheet mills are equipped with galvanizing lines and four of them are equipped with cold rolling mills for the further processing of hot-rolled sheet. Nucor produces hot-rolled, cold-rolled and galvanized sheet steel to customers’ specifications while maintaining some inventories to fulfill anticipated orders. Contract sales within the steel mills segment are most notable in our sheet operations, as it is common for contract sales to account for the majority of sheet sales in a given year. We estimate that approximately 75% of our sheet steel sales in 2019 were to contract customers. The balance of our sheet steel sales was made in the spot market at prevailing prices at the time of sale. The proportion of tons sold to contract customers at any given time depends on a variety of factors, including our consideration of current and future market conditions, our strategy to appropriately balance spot and contract tons in a manner to meet our customers’ requirements while considering the expected profitability, our desire to sustain a diversified customer base, and our end-use customers’ perceptions about future market conditions. These sheet sales contracts are generally noncancellable agreements that incorporate monthly or quarterly price adjustments reflecting changes in the current market-based indices and/or raw material cost; and typically have terms ranging from six to 12 months. 12 STRUCTURAL MILLS Nucor operates two structural mills that produce wide-flange steel beams, pilings and heavy structural steel products for fabricators, construction companies, manufacturers and steel service centers. Nucor owns a 51% interest in Nucor-Yamato Steel Company (Limited Partnership) (“Nucor-Yamato”) located in Blytheville, Arkansas. Nucor-Yamato is the only North American producer of high-strength, low-alloy beams. Common applications for the high-strength, low-alloy beams include gravity columns for high-rise buildings, long span trusses for stadiums and convention centers, and for all projects where seismic design is a critical factor. Nucor also owns a steel beam mill in Berkeley County, South Carolina. Considering Nucor’s production capabilities and the mix of structural products generally produced and marketed, the capacity of the two structural mills is estimated at approximately 3,250,000 tons per year. Both mills use a special continuous casting method that produces a beam blank closer in shape to that of the finished beam than traditional methods. Structural steel products come in standard sizes and grades, which allows us to maintain inventory levels of these products to meet our customers’ expected orders. PLATE MILLS Nucor operates three plate mills that produce plate for manufacturers of barges, bridges, heavy equipment, rail cars, refinery tanks, ships, wind towers and other items. Our products are further used in the pipe and tube, pressure vessel, transportation and construction industries. Considering Nucor’s production capabilities and the mix of plate products generally produced and marketed, the capacity of the plate mills is estimated at approximately 2,925,000 tons per year. In January 2019, Nucor announced that it will build a state-of-the-art plate mill, to be located in Brandenburg, Kentucky. Nucor Steel Brandenburg will be located on the Ohio River and well placed to serve the U.S. midwest, which is the largest plate-consuming area in the United States. The new plate mill will enhance our ability to serve our customers and will produce cut-to-length, coiled, heat-treated and discrete plate in widths and thicknesses that are not currently offered by Nucor. With an expected investment of $1.70 billion, the mill is expected to have an annual capacity of approximately 1,200,000 tons and is expected to be completed in 2022. STEEL JOINT VENTURES Nucor owns 50% interests in a North American sheet steel processing joint venture, an Italian steel mill joint venture and a galvanized sheet steel plant in Mexico. Nucor owns a 50% economic and voting interest in NuMit, a company that owns 100% of the equity interest in Steel Technologies LLC (“Steel Technologies”), an operator of 26 strategically located sheet processing facilities in the United States, Canada and Mexico. Steel Technologies transforms flat-rolled steel into products that meet the exact specifications for customers in a wide range of industries, including the automotive, agricultural and consumer goods markets. Nucor owns 50% of the stock of Duferdofin Nucor, which operates a melt shop and bloom/billet caster in Brescia, Italy, with an annual capacity of approximately 1,000,000 metric tons, including the capability to produce high-quality, value-added, semi-finished SBQ products. Duferdofin Nucor announced plans to construct a new rolling mill in Brescia, Italy, which will be supplied by its existing nearby EAF. The new mill will be designed to produce beams and other rolled products. The plant will consume energy from renewable sources through a long-term Power Purchase Agreement. With the new plant, the entire Duferdofin Nucor production system will produce over 1,000,000 tons of rolled products. Nucor owns 50% of Nucor-JFE, a joint venture with JFE Steel Corporation of Japan that operates a galvanized sheet steel plant in central Mexico that will supply the country’s automotive market with an annual capacity of approximately 400,000 tons. 13 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 s n o t f o s d n a s u o h t 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 s n o t f o s d n a s u o h t year 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 year 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 S T E E L P R O D U C T I O N S T E E L S H I P M E N T S T O O U T S I D E C U S T O M E R S TOTAL STEEL SHIPMENTS A GLOBAL LEADER IN STEELMAKING SUSTAINABILITY GREENHOUSE GAS (GHG) EMISSIONS ENERGY INTENSITY AVERAGE METRIC TONS OF CO2 EMITTED FOR EVERY METRIC TON OF STEEL PRODUCED AVERAGE GIGAJOULE PER METRIC TON OF CRUDE STEEL PRODUCED 2017 2018 2019* 2017 2018 2019* GLOBAL AVERAGE 1.83 1.82 GLOBAL AVERAGE 20.0 19.8 NUCOR STEELMILLS 0.89 0.91 0.93 NUCOR STEEL MILLS 5.04 5.11 5.14 Nucor data is comparable to the methodology established by the World Steel Association (“WSA”). Global data is sourced from WSA’s “Sustainable Steel: Indicators 2018 and Industry Initiatives.” For more information, visit *The 2019 global average information is not yet available. Cold Finish facility in Monterrey, Mexico, and precision casting facility in Guadalajara, Mexico, not shown. 15 STEEL PRODUCTS SEGMENT In the steel products segment, Nucor produces hollow structural section (“HSS”) steel tubing, electrical conduit, steel joists and joist girders, steel deck, fabricated concrete reinforcing steel, cold finished steel, steel fasteners, metal building systems, steel grating and expanded metal, and wire and wire mesh. The steel products segment also includes our piling distributor. These products are sold primarily for use in nonresidential construction applications. TUBULAR PRODUCTS REBAR FABRICATION VULCRAFT & VERCO SKYLINE FACILITY COLD FINISH BUILDINGS GROUP STEEL MESH GRATING & FASTENERS NUCOR CORPORATE OFFICE TUBULAR PRODUCTS The Nucor Tubular Products (“NTP”) group has eight tubular facilities that are strategically located in close proximity to Nucor’s sheet mills as they are a consumer of hot-rolled coil. The NTP group produces HSS steel tubing, mechanical steel tubing, piling, sprinkler pipe, heat-treated tubing and electrical conduit. HSS steel tubing, mechanical steel tubing and sprinkler pipe are used in structural and mechanical applications, including nonresidential construction, infrastructure, agricultural, automotive and construction equipment end-use markets. Heat-treated tubing and electrical conduit are primarily used to protect and route electrical wiring in various nonresidential structures such as hospitals, schools, office buildings, hotels, stadiums and shopping malls. Total annual NTP capacity is approximately 1,365,000 tons. REBAR FABRICATION PRODUCTS Harris Steel (“Harris”) fabricates, installs and distributes rebar for a wide variety of construction work classified as infrastructure (e.g., highways, bridges, reservoirs, utilities and airports) and various building projects, including hospitals, schools, stadiums, commercial office building and multi-tenant residential construction. We sell and install fabricated reinforcing products primarily on a construction contract bid basis. Reinforcing products are essential to concrete construction. They supply tensile strength, as well as additional compressive strength, and protect the concrete from cracking. In many markets, Harris sells reinforcing products on an installed basis (i.e., Harris fabricates the reinforcing products for a specific application and performs the installation). Harris operates nearly 70 fabrication facilities across the United States and Canada, with each facility serving a local market. Total annual rebar fabrication capacity is approximately 1,650,000 tons. VULCRAFT/VERCO The Vulcraft/Verco group is the nation’s largest producer and leading innovator of open-web steel joists, joist girders and steel deck, which are used primarily for nonresidential building construction. Steel joists and joist girders are produced and marketed throughout the United States by seven domestic Vulcraft facilities. The Vulcraft/Verco group’s steel decking is produced and marketed throughout the United States by nine domestic plants. Six of these plants are adjacent to Vulcraft joist facilities. The Vulcraft/Verco group also has two plants in Canada, one in Eastern Canada and one in Western Canada, that produce both joist and deck. The annual joist production capacity is approximately 745,000 tons and the annual deck production capacity is approximately 560,000 tons. Sales of steel joists, joist girders and steel decking are dependent on the nonresidential building construction market. The majority of steel joists, joist girders and steel decking are used extensively as part of the roof and floor structural support systems in manufacturing buildings, retail stores, shopping centers, warehouses, schools, hospitals and, to a lesser extent, in multi-story buildings and apartments. We make these products to the customers’ specifications and do not sell these finished steel products out of inventory. The majority of these contracts are firm, fixed-price contracts that are, in most cases, competitively bid against other suppliers. Longer-term supply contracts may or may not permit us to adjust our prices to reflect changes in prevailing raw material costs. 16 PILING PRODUCTS Skyline Steel LLC and its subsidiaries (“Skyline”) are primarily a steel foundation distributor serving the North American market. Skyline distributes products to service marine construction, bridge and highway construction, heavy civil construction, storm protection, underground commercial parking and environmental containment projects in the infrastructure and construction industries. Skyline also manufactures a complete line of geostructural foundation solutions, including threaded bar, micropile, strand anchors and hollow bar. It also processes and fabricates spiral weld pipe piling, rolled and welded pipe piling, cold-formed sheet piling and threaded bar. COLD FINISH Nucor Cold Finish (“NCF”) is the largest and most diversified producer of cold finished bar products for a wide range of industrial markets in North America, with assets in Canada, Mexico and throughout the United States. The total capacity of the Nucor cold finished bar and wire facilities now exceeds approximately 1,065,000 tons per year. Nucor’s cold finished facilities are among the most modern in the world, producing cold finished bars for the most demanding applications. NCF obtains most of its steel from the Nucor bar mills, ensuring consistent quality and supply through all market conditions. These facilities produce cold-drawn, turned, ground and polished steel bars that are used extensively for shafting and other precision machined applications. NCF produces rounds, hexagons, flats and squares in carbon, alloy and leaded steels. These bars are purchased by the appliance, automotive, construction equipment, electric motor, farm machinery and fluid power industries, as well as by service centers. NCF bars are used in tens of thousands of products. A few examples include anchor bolts, hydraulic cylinders and shafting for air conditioner compressors, ceiling fan motors, garage door openers, electric motors and lawn mowers. In late 2018, Nucor acquired a fully integrated precision castings company, Corporacion POK, S.A. de C.V. (“POK”), with a facility in Guadalajara, Mexico. POK produces complex castings and precision machined products used by the oil and gas, mining and sugar processing industries. POK produces a wide array of precision castings using steel, bronze, iron and specialty exotic alloys. POK complements NCF’s businesses and Nucor’s cold finish facility in Monterrey. BUILDINGS GROUP Nucor produces metal buildings and components throughout the United States under the following brands: Nucor Building Systems, American Buildings Company, Kirby Building Systems and CBC Steel Buildings. In total, the Nucor Buildings Group currently has nine metal buildings plants with an annual capacity of approximately 360,000 tons, as well as an insulated metal panels company in Laurens, South Carolina which are utilized in metal buildings made by the Nucor Buildings Group as well as other applications. The sizes of the buildings that can be produced range from less than 1,000 square feet to more than 1,000,000 square feet. Complete metal building packages can be customized and combined with other materials such as glass, wood and masonry to produce cost-effective, energy efficient, aesthetically pleasing buildings designed to the customers’ special requirements. The buildings are sold primarily through independent builder distribution networks in order to provide fast-track, customized solutions for building owners. The primary markets served are commercial, industrial and institutional buildings, including distribution centers, data centers, automobile dealerships, retail centers, schools, and manufacturing facilities. 17 STEEL MESH, GRATING AND FASTENERS Nucor produces mesh at Nucor Steel Connecticut, Inc. and Nucor Wire Products Utah. Nucor also produces mesh in Canada at the Harris operations of Laurel and Laurel-LEC. The combined annual production capacity of the steel mesh facilities is approximately 128,000 tons. Our grating business, which operates under the brand names Nucor Grating in the United States and Fisher & Ludlow in Canada, manufactures and fabricates steel and aluminum bar grating products at facilities located in North America. Nucor Grating and Fisher & Ludlow serve the new construction and maintenance-related markets. The annual production capacity for our grating business is approximately 120,000 tons. Nucor Fastener’s bolt-making facility in Indiana produces carbon and alloy steel hex head cap screws, hex bolts, structural bolts, nuts and washers, finished hex nuts and custom-engineered fasteners. Nucor fasteners are used in a broad range of markets, including demanding automotive, machine tool, farm implement, construction and military applications. The annual production capacity of this facility is approximately 75,000 tons. Brokerage office in Hong Kong, China, not shown. 19 RAW MATERIALS SEGMENT In the raw materials segment, Nucor produces direct reduced iron (“DRI”); brokers ferrous and nonferrous metals, pig iron, hot briquetted iron and DRI; supplies ferro-alloys; and processes ferrous and nonferrous scrap metal. The raw materials segment also includes our natural gas drilling operations. Nucor’s raw materials investments are focused on creating an advantage for its steelmaking operations, through a global information network and a multi-pronged and flexible approach to metallics supply. SCRAP RECYCLING AND BROKERAGE OPERATIONS Nucor’s subsidiary, The David J. Joseph Company and its affiliates (“DJJ”) operate six regional scrap recycling companies across the United States that together have shredders capable of processing approximately 5,000,000 tons of ferrous scrap annually. DJJ’s scrap recycling operations use industry-leading expertise and technology to maximize metal recovery and minimize waste. DJJ also operates 11 self-serve used auto parts stores called U Pull-&-Pay that complement its recycling operations. SCRAP PROCESSING BROKERAGE OFFICES DRI PLANTS OTHER NUCOR CORPORATE OFFICE DJJ is the leading broker of ferrous scrap in North America and is a global trader of scrap metal, pig iron and other metallics. In addition to sourcing steel scrap for Nucor’s mills, DJJ is a global trader of ferro-alloys and nonferrous metals. DJJ’s logistics team owns and operates one of the largest independent fleets of railcars in the United States dedicated to the movement of scrap and steel and also offers railcar leasing and railcar fleet management services. These activities have strategic value to Nucor as the leading and most diversified North American steel producer. Our primary external customers for ferrous scrap are EAF steel mills and foundries that use ferrous scrap as a raw material in their manufacturing process. External customers purchasing nonferrous scrap metal include aluminum can producers, secondary aluminum smelters, steel mills, and other processors and consumers of various nonferrous metals. We market scrap metal products and related services to our external customers through in-house sales forces. In 2019, approximately 10% of the ferrous and nonferrous metals and scrap substitute tons we processed were sold to external customers. We consumed the balance in our steel mills. DIRECT REDUCED IRON OPERATIONS DRI is a substitute material for high-quality grades of scrap and pig iron. Nucor operates two DRI plants with a combined annual capacity of approximately 4,500,000 metric tons of material with world-class metallization rates and carbon content. Nucor’s wholly-owned subsidiary, Nu-Iron Unlimited, is in Trinidad and benefits from a low-cost supply of natural gas and favorable logistics for inbound iron ore and shipment of DRI to the United States. Nucor’s second DRI plant in Louisiana (“Nucor Steel Louisiana”) also benefits from favorable logistics and proximity to its steel mill customers. Nucor’s DRI production capabilities provide our steel mills flexibility to quickly adjust the metallic mix to changing market conditions and to maintain competitiveness in the sometimes-volatile scrap market. With the potential for high-quality scrap becoming scarcer, coupled with the risk of third-party supplier disruptions, Nucor’s DRI facilities provide a greater degree of certainty over its metallics supply. In early 2018, teammates at our Nucor Steel Louisiana facility began implementation of a three-pronged strategy to increase the plant’s reliability and uptime called Project 8000. The plan focuses on achieving improvements in people, process and equipment. The Louisiana DRI facility established new annual records for plant uptime, production and shipments in 2018 as improvements related to people and processes were implemented. In 2019, the critical work of replacing the convection section of our process gas heater as well as relining the reactor refractory was completed during a planned 70-day outage that began in early-September and ended in mid-November. Despite this outage, 2019 was the second-best year for uptime and output at Nucor Steel Louisiana since its startup in 2013. We expect these projects will further improve the plant’s reliability. NATURAL GAS DRILLING PROGRAMS Nucor owns leasehold interests in natural gas properties in the Piceance Basin in the Western Slope of Colorado. Nucor’s access to a long-term, low-cost supply of natural gas is an important component in the execution of Nucor’s raw material strategy. Natural gas produced by Nucor’s drilling operations is being sold to third parties to offset our exposure to changes in the price of natural gas consumed by our DRI plant in Louisiana and our steel mills in the United States. 20 CHARTS AND GRAPHS D I V E R S I F I E D P R O D U C T M I X Total Tons Sold to Outside Customers in 2019 Sheet Bar Structural Plate Tubular Products Rebar Fabrication Other Downstream Raw Materials 12% 34% 9% 5% 4% 7% 7% 22% 30,000 24,000 18,000 12,000 6,000 s n o t f o s d n a s u o h t 1,000 800 600 400 200 s r a l l o d s r a l l o d 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 year 15 16 17 18 19 year 17 4th Q 17 18 4th Q 18 19 4th Q 19 T O TA L T O N S S O L D T O O U T S I D E C U S T O M E R S AV E R A G E S A L E S P R I C E P E R T O N AV E R A G E S C R A P A N D S C R A P S U B S T I T U T E C O S T P E R T O N U S E D 21 $8.00 $7.00 $6.00 $5.00 $4.00 $3.00 $2.00 $1.00 24% 21% 18% 15% 12% 9% 6% 3% 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 s r a l l o d f o s n o i l l i m year 15 16 17 18 19 year 15 16 17 18 19 D I L U T E D E A R N I N G S P E R S H A R E RETURN ON AVERAGE STOCKHOLDERS’ EQUITY C A S H P R O V I D E D B Y O P E R AT I O N S 22 10% 12% 33% 2%2% 1% 6% 9% 12% 18% 23% 45% STEEL CAPACITY AT DECEMBER 31, 2019 Product Thousands of Tons Sheet Bar Structural Plate Total 12,100 8,830 3,250 2,925 27,105 STEEL PRODUCTS CAPACITY AT DECEMBER 31, 2019 27% Product Thousands of Tons Rebar Fabrication Tubular Cold Finish Joist Deck Buildings Group Steel Mesh Grating Fastener Total 1,650 1,365 1,065 745 560 360 128 120 75 6,068 BOARD OF DIRECTORS 23 Board of Directors, from left to right: Patrick J. Dempsey, Lloyd J. Austin III, Leon J. Topalian, John J. Ferriola (retired on December 31, 2019), John H. Walker, Nadja Y. West, Christopher J. Kearney and Laurette T. Koellner. Not pictured: Joseph D. Rupp. BOARD OF DIRECTORS Lloyd J. Austin III General, U.S. Army (Retired) and Former Commander of U.S. Central Command Patrick J. Dempsey President and Chief Executive Officer Barnes Group Inc. Christopher J. Kearney Retired Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and President SPX FLOW, Inc. Laurette T. Koellner Retired President Boeing International Joseph D. Rupp Retired Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Olin Corporation Leon J. Topalian President and Chief Executive Officer Nucor Corporation John H. Walker Non-Executive Chairman Nucor Corporation Retired Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Global Brass and Copper Holdings, Inc. Nadja Y. West Lieutenant General, U.S. Army (Retired) and 44th Surgeon General of the U.S. Army 24 EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT EXECUTIVE MANAGEMENT CORPORATE OFFICE Michael D. Keller Vice President and Corporate Controller Leon J. Topalian President and Chief Executive Officer James D. Frias Chief Financial Officer, Treasurer and Executive Vice President Craig A. Feldman Executive Vice President Raw Materials Ladd R. Hall Executive Vice President Flat-Rolled Products Raymond S. Napolitan, Jr. Executive Vice President Engineered Bar Products and Digital MaryEmily Slate Executive Vice President Beam, Plate and Tubular Products David A. Sumoski Executive Vice President Merchant and Rebar Products D. Chad Utermark Executive Vice President Fabricated Construction Products John R. Bass General Manager of Public Affairs Richard K. Blume II Vice President of Commercial Elizabeth W. Bowers Vice President of Taxes Jeffrey B. Carmean Vice President of Nucor President of Nucor Buildings Group Laurent DeMey General Manager of International Business Development A. Rae Eagle Vice President and Corporate Secretary Douglas R. Gunson General Manager of Corporate Legal Affairs Jon P. Hayes General Manager of Construction E. Alex Hoffman General Manager of Business Development John J. Hollatz Vice President of Nucor President of Vulcraft/Verco Group Daniel W. Krug General Manager of Information and Digital Technology Stephen D. Laxton Vice President of Business Development Donovan E. Marks General Manager of Human Resources Tomas A. Miller Vice President of Environmental Affairs Gregory J. Murphy Vice President and General Counsel Bradford G. True General Manager of Resource Development Douglas R. Wilner General Manager of Corporate Legal Affairs OPERATING FACILITIES Edmund R. Aller Vice President, General Manager Nucor Buildings Group Swansea, South Carolina Kevin E. Barksdale Vice President, General Manager Nucor Steel Birmingham, Inc. Birmingham, Alabama Thomas J. Batterbee Vice President, General Manager Nucor Buildings Group Brigham City, Utah Chad Beard Vice President, General Manager Vulcraft Division Grapeland, Texas Allen C. Behr Vice President, General Manager Bar Mill Division Jewett, Texas Matt Brooks General Manager Vulcraft of New York, Inc. Chemung, New York Troy A. Brooks III Vice President, General Manager Bar Mill Division Norfolk, Nebraska Jason Curtis Vice President, General Manager Nucor Steel Auburn, Inc. Auburn, New York Giffin F. Daughtridge Vice President, General Manager Sheet Mill Division, Beam Mill Division Berkeley County, South Carolina John C. Farris Vice President, General Manager Nucor Steel Gallatin LLC Ghent, Kentucky Frank M. Fisher, Jr. General Manager Castrip, LLC Charlotte, North Carolina Ron J. Fox General Manager Nucor Buildings Group Terrell, Texas Nathan Fraser Vice President, General Manager Nucor Tubular Products Louisville, Kentucky Jason Freidenberger Vice President, General Manager Vulcraft Division Florence, South Carolina Darin Gardner General Manager CBC Steel Buildings LLC Lathrop, California Noah Hanners Vice President, General Manager Nucor Tubular Products Chicago, Illinois Jay E. Henderson Vice President, General Manager Sheet Mill Division Hickman, Arkansas Michael Hess Vice President, General Manager Nucor Steel Louisiana LLC St. James Parish, Louisiana Doyle G. Hopper, Jr. Vice President, General Manager Bar Mill Division Darlington, South Carolina Johnny E. Jacobs Vice President, General Manager Plate Mill Division Brandenburg, Kentucky 25 Douglas J. Jellison Vice President of Nucor President of Skyline Steel LLC Scott Laurenti General Manager Nu-Iron Unlimited Point Lisas, Trinidad Michael D. Lee Vice President, General Manager Nucor Steel Decatur, LLC Decatur, Alabama Christopher N. Locke General Manager Bar Mill Division Plymouth, Utah Nucor Steel Kingman, LLC Kingman, Arizona Joseph B. Loosle General Manager Nucor Steel Connecticut, Inc. Wallingford, Connecticut Matthew J. Lyons Vice President, General Manager Nucor Steel Seattle, Inc. Seattle, Washington Jonathan B. McCauley General Manager Nucor Steel Longview LLC Longview, Texas Robert W. McCracken Vice President, General Manager Plate Mill Division Hertford County, North Carolina Eugene McManus General Manager U.S. Rebar Fabrication Mark Miller Vice President, General Manager Vulcraft Division Brigham City, Utah Eric J. Mitchell General Manager Nucor Steel Marion, Inc. Marion, Ohio Greg Mittendorf General Manager Verco Decking, Inc. Phoenix, Arizona Zach Moon General Manager Nucor-JFE Steel Mexico Daniel R. Needham Vice President, General Manager Sheet Mill Division Crawfordsville, Indiana Kenneth D. Nichols, Jr. General Manager American Buildings Company Eufaula, Alabama Eric A. Nystrom Vice President, General Manager Cold Finish Western Region David Olmsted General Manager Nucor Tubular Products Birmingham, Alabama Shannon L. Phillips Vice President, General Manager Nucor Steel Jackson, Inc. Jackson, Mississippi Nathan P. Pranger General Manager American Buildings Company El Paso, Illinois John Pressly General Manager Latin America Henry G. Przekora General Manager Fastener Division St. Joe, Indiana K. Rex Query Vice President, General Manager Cold Finish Eastern Region Gary Richmond President and Chief Executive Officer Harris Steel Group Inc. Mark Schaefer Vice President of Nucor Executive Vice President of The David J. Joseph Company Randy C. Skagen Vice President, General Manager Nucor Steel Tuscaloosa, Inc. Tuscaloosa, Alabama David R. Smith Vice President, General Manager Nucor Steel Memphis, Inc. Memphis, Tennessee Jason Smith Vice President, General Manager Vulcraft Division Norfolk, Nebraska B. Thad Solomon Vice President, General Manager Nucor-Yamato Steel Company Blytheville, Arkansas Mark G. Specht General Manager Kirby Building Systems LLC Portland, Tennessee David J. Steigerwald Vice President, General Manager of Nucor Executive Vice President of The David J. Joseph Company John Supple Vice President, General Manager Vulcraft Canada East, Vulcraft Canada West and Nucor Grating Johanna L. Threm Vice President, General Manager Vulcraft Division St. Joe, Indiana Bryson Trumble General Manager Duferdofin Nucor S.r.l. Brescia, Italy Kevin Van de Ven Vice President, General Manager Nucor Steel Sedalia LLC Sedalia, Missouri Mark Van Dyken Vice President, General Manager Nucor Building Systems Division Waterloo, Indiana Timothy T. Whalen Vice President, General Manager Vulcraft Division Fort Payne, Alabama M. Drew Wilcox Vice President, General Manager Nucor Steel Florida Inc. Frostproof, Florida Jon D. Witherow General Manager Nucor Steel Kankakee, Inc. Kankakee, Illinois STOCK PERFORMANCE This graphic comparison assumes the investment of $100 in each Nucor Corporation common stock, the S&P 500 Index and the S&P 1500 Steel Group Index, all at year-end 2014. The resulting cumulative total return assumes that cash dividends were reinvested. Nucor common stock comprised 35% of the S&P 1500 Steel Group Index at year-end 2019 and year-end 2014. 200 150 100 50 s r a l l o d 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 S T O C K P E R F O R M A N C E Nucor Corporation S&P 500 Index S&P 1500 Steel Group Index 26 CORPORATE AND STOCK DATA CORPORATE OFFICE 1915 Rexford Road Charlotte, North Carolina 28211 Phone 704/366-7000 Fax 704/362-4208 STOCK TRANSFERS DIVIDEND DISBURSING DIVIDEND REINVESTMENT American Stock Transfer & Trust Company, LLC 6201 15th Avenue Brooklyn, New York 11219 Phone 877/ 715-0504 Fax 718 /236-2641 ANNUAL MEETING The 2020 annual meeting of stockholders will be held at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, May 14, 2020 at the Charlotte Marriott SouthPark, 2200 Rexford Road, Charlotte, NC 28211. STOCK LISTING Nucor’s common stock is traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol NUE. As of January 31, 2020, there were approximately 14,000 stockholders of record. FORM 10-K A copy of Nucor’s 2019 Annual Report on Form 10-K filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) is available to stockholders without charge upon request to A. Rae Eagle, Vice President and Corporate Secretary, at Nucor’s corporate office. INTERNET ACCESS Nucor’s Annual Report on Form 10-K, Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q, current reports on Form 8-K and any amendments to these reports, as well as proxy statements and other information, are on Nucor’s website,, as soon as reasonably practicable after Nucor files these documents electronically with, or furnishes them to, the SEC. Additional information available on our website includes our Corporate Governance Principles, Board of Directors Committee Charters, Standards of Business Conduct and Ethics and Code of Ethics for Senior Financial Professionals as well as various other financial and statistical data. FPO THIS ANNUAL REPORT HAS BEEN PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER. UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Washington, D.C. 20549 FORM 10-K ☒☒ ANNUAL REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 For the fiscal year ended December 31, 2019 or ☐☐ TRANSITION REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 For the transition period from ________ to________ Commission file number 1-4119 NUCOR CORPORATION (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter) Delaware (State or other jurisdiction of incorporation or organization) 1915 Rexford Road, Charlotte, North Carolina (Address of principal executive offices) 13-1806817 (I.R.S. Employer Identification No.) 28211 (Zip Code) Registrant’s telephone number, including area code: (704) 366-7000 Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act: Title of each class Common stock, par value $0.40 per share Trading Symbol(s) NUE Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act: None Indicate by check mark if the registrant is a well-known seasoned issuer, as defined in Rule 405 of the Securities Act. YES ☒ Name of each exchange on which registered New York Stock Exchange NO ☐ Indicate by check mark if the registrant is not required to file reports pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Act. YES ☐ NO ☒ Indicate by check mark whether the registrant: (1) has filed all reports required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the Registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to such filing requirements for the past 90 days. YES ☒ NO ☐ Indicate by check mark whether the registrant has submitted electronically every Interactive Data File required to be submitted pursuant to Rule 405 of Regulation S-T (§232.405 of this chapter) during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was required to submit such files). YES ☒ NO ☐ Indicate by check mark whether the registrant is a large accelerated filer, an accelerated filer, a non-accelerated filer, a smaller reporting company, or an emerging growth company. See the definitions of “large accelerated filer,” “accelerated filer,” “smaller reporting company,” and “emerging growth company” in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act. Large accelerated filer Accelerated filer ☒ Non-accelerated filer ☐ Smaller reporting company Emerging growth company ☐ ☐ ☐ If an emerging growth company, indicate by check mark if the registrant has elected not to use the extended transition period for complying with any new or revised financial accounting standards provided pursuant to Section 13(a) of the Exchange Act. ☐ Indicate by check mark whether the registrant is a shell company (as defined in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act). YES ☐ NO ☒ The aggregate market value of the registrant’s common stock held by non-affiliates was approximately $16.58 billion based upon the closing sales price of the registrant’s common stock on the last business day of the registrant’s most recently completed second fiscal quarter, June 29, 2019. The number of shares of the registrant’s common stock outstanding as of February 21, 2020 was 301,000,375. DOCUMENTS INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE Portions of the registrant’s definitive proxy statement to be filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission in connection with the registrant’s 2020 Annual Meeting of Stockholders are incorporated by reference in Part III of this report to the extent described herein. Nucor Corporation Annual Report on Form 10-K For the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 2019 Table of Contents PART I Item 1. Business..................................................................................................................................... Item 1A. Risk Factors ............................................................................................................................... Item 1B. Unresolved Staff Comments .................................................................................................... Item 2. Properties ................................................................................................................................... Item 3. Legal Proceedings..................................................................................................................... Item 4. Mine Safety Disclosures ........................................................................................................... Information About Our Executive Officers ............................................................................................... PART II Item 5. Market for Registrant’s Common Equity, Related Stockholder Matters and Issuer Purchases of Equity Securities ................................................................................................ Item 6. Selected Financial Data ............................................................................................................ Item 7. Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations.................................................................................................................................. Item 7A. Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk ............................................... Item 8. Financial Statements and Supplementary Data ..................................................................... Item 9. Changes in and Disagreements With Accountants on Accounting and Financial Disclosure .................................................................................................................................. Item 9A. Controls and Procedures.......................................................................................................... Item 9B. Other Information ...................................................................................................................... PART III ` Item 10. Directors, Executive Officers and Corporate Governance .................................................... Item 11. Executive Compensation .......................................................................................................... Item 12. Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management and Related Stockholder Matters .................................................................................................................. Item 13. Certain Relationships and Related Transactions, and Director Independence .................. Item 14. Principal Accountant Fees and Services ................................................................................ PART IV Item 15. Exhibits and Financial Statement Schedules ......................................................................... Item 16. Form 10-K Summary ................................................................................................................. SIGNATURES............................................................................................................................................... 1 12 17 18 19 19 19 21 22 24 40 41 79 79 79 80 80 80 80 80 81 84 85 i Item 1. Business Overview PART I Nucor Corporation, a Delaware corporation incorporated in 1958, and its affiliates (“Nucor,” the “Company,” “we,” “us” or “our”) manufacture steel and steel products. The Company also produces direct reduced iron (“DRI”) for use in its steel mills. Through The David J. Joseph Company and its affiliates (“DJJ”), the Company also processes ferrous and nonferrous metals and brokers ferrous and nonferrous metals, pig iron, hot briquetted iron (“HBI”) and DRI. Most of the Company’s operating facilities and customers are located in North America. The Company’s operations include international trading and sales companies that buy and sell steel and steel products manufactured by the Company and others. Nucor is North America’s largest recycler, using scrap steel as the primary raw material in producing steel and steel products. In 2019, we recycled approximately 17.8 million gross tons of scrap steel. g Segments, Principle Products Produced, and Markets and Marketing p g , , Nucor reports its results in three segments: steel mills, steel products and raw materials. The steel mills segment is Nucor’s largest segment, representing 62% of the Company’s sales to external customers in the year ended December 31, 2019. We market products from the steel mills and steel products segments mainly through in-house sales forces. We also utilize our internal distribution and trading companies to market our products abroad. The markets for these products are largely tied to capital and durable goods spending and are affected by changes in general economic conditions. We are a leading domestic provider for most of the products we supply, and, in many cases (e.g., structural steel, merchant bar steel, steel joist and deck, pre-engineered metal buildings, steel piling and cold finish bar steel), we are the leading supplier. Steel mills segment In the steel mills segment, Nucor produces sheet steel (hot-rolled, cold-rolled and galvanized), plate steel, structural steel (wide-flange beams, beam blanks, H-piling and sheet piling) and bar steel (blooms, billets, concrete reinforcing bar, merchant bar and engineered special bar quality [“SBQ”]). Nucor manufactures steel principally from scrap steel and scrap steel substitutes using electric arc furnaces (“EAFs”), continuous casting and automated rolling mills. The steel mills segment also includes Nucor’s equity method investments in Duferdofin Nucor S.r.l. (“Duferdofin Nucor”), NuMit LLC (“NuMit”) and Nucor-JFE Steel Mexico, S. de R.L. de C.V. (“Nucor-JFE”), as well as international trading and distribution companies that buy and sell steel manufactured by the Company and other steel producers. The steel mills segment sells its products primarily to steel service centers, fabricators and manufacturers located throughout the United States, Canada and Mexico. The steel mills segment sold approximately 18,585,000 tons to outside customers in 2019. 1 The following chart shows our outside steel shipments by end market: Energy Construction Automotive Consumer Durable Machinery & Industrial Equipment Transport & Logistics Service Centers & Others 35% 12% 25% 6% 11% 9% 2% In 2019, 80% of the shipments made by our steel mills segment were to external customers. The remaining 20% of the steel mills segment’s shipments went to our tubular products, piling distributor, joist, deck, rebar fabrication, fastener, metal buildings and cold finish operations. • • Bar mills - Nucor has 15 bar mills strategically located across the United States that manufacture a broad range of steel products, including concrete reinforcing bars, hot-rolled bars, rounds, light shapes, structural angles, channels, wire rod and highway products in carbon and alloy steels. Four of the bar mills have a significant focus on manufacturing SBQ and wire rod products. The newest mills in the group are our rebar micro mills in Sedalia, Missouri and Frostproof, Florida. The mill in Missouri will come online in early 2020, while the Florida mill is expected to come online in the fourth quarter of 2020. Steel produced by our bar mills has a wide usage serving end markets, including the agricultural, automotive, construction, energy, furniture, machinery, metal building, railroad, recreational equipment, shipbuilding, heavy truck and trailer market segments. Considering Nucor’s production capabilities and the mix of bar products generally produced and marketed, the capacity of the bar mills is currently estimated at approximately 8,830,000 tons per year. Reinforcing and merchant bar steel are sold in standard sizes and grades, which allows us to maintain inventory levels of these products to meet our customers’ expected orders. Our SBQ products are hot-rolled to exacting specifications primarily servicing the automotive, energy, agricultural, heavy equipment and transportation sectors. s Sheet mills - Nucor operates five strategically located sheet mills that utilize thin slab casters to produce flat-rolled steel for automotive, appliance, construction, pipe and tube and many other industrial and consumer applications. Nucor also has Castrip® sheet production facilities in Crawfordsville, Indiana and Blytheville, Arkansas. Considering Nucor’s production capabilities and the mix of flat-rolled products generally produced and marketed, the capacity of the sheet mills is estimated at approximately 12,100,000 tons per year. All of our sheet mills are equipped with galvanizing lines and four of them are equipped with cold rolling mills for the further processing of hot-rolled sheet. Nucor produces hot-rolled, cold-rolled and galvanized sheet steel to customers’ specifications while maintaining some inventories to fulfill anticipated orders. Contract sales within the steel mills segment are most notable in our sheet operations, as it is common for contract sales to account for the majority of sheet sales in a given year. We estimate that approximately 75% of our sheet steel sales in 2019 were to contract customers. The balance of our sheet steel sales was made in the spot market at prevailing prices at the time of sale. The proportion of tons sold to contract customers at any given time depends on a variety of factors, including our consideration of current and future market conditions, our strategy to appropriately balance spot and contract tons in a manner to meet our customers’ requirements while considering the expected profitability, our desire to sustain a diversified customer base, and our end-use 2 • • • customers’ perceptions about future market conditions. These sheet sales contracts are generally noncancellable agreements that incorporate monthly or quarterly price adjustments reflecting changes in the current market-based indices and/or raw material cost, and typically have terms ranging from six to 12 months. s Structural mills - Nucor operates two structural mills that produce wide-flange steel beams, pilings and heavy structural steel products for fabricators, construction companies, manufacturers and steel service centers. Nucor owns a 51% interest in Nucor-Yamato Steel Company (Limited Partnership) (“Nucor-Yamato”) located in Blytheville, Arkansas. Nucor- Yamato is the only North American producer of high-strength, low-alloy beams. Common applications for the high-strength, low-alloy beams include gravity columns for high-rise buildings, long span trusses for stadiums and convention centers, and for all projects where seismic design is a critical factor. Nucor also owns a steel beam mill in Berkeley County, South Carolina. Considering Nucor’s production capabilities and the mix of structural products generally produced and marketed, the capacity of the two structural mills is estimated at approximately 3,250,000 tons per year. Both mills use a special continuous casting method that produces a beam blank closer in shape to that of the finished beam than traditional methods. Structural steel products come in standard sizes and grades, which allows us to maintain inventory levels of these products to meet our customers’ expected orders. Plate mills - Nucor operates three plate mills that produce plate for manufacturers of barges, bridges, heavy equipment, rail cars, refinery tanks, ships, wind towers and other items. Our products are further used in the pipe and tube, pressure vessel, transportation and construction industries. Considering Nucor’s production capabilities and the mix of plate products generally produced and marketed, the capacity of the plate mills is estimated at approximately 2,925,000 tons per year. In January 2019, Nucor announced that it will build a state-of-the-art plate mill, to be located in Brandenburg, Kentucky. Nucor Steel Brandenburg will be located on the Ohio River and well placed to serve the U.S. midwest, which is the largest plate-consuming area in the United States. The new plate mill will enhance our ability to serve our customers and will produce cut- to-length, coiled, heat-treated and discrete plate in widths and thicknesses that are not currently offered by Nucor. With an expected investment of $1.70 billion, the mill is expected to have an annual capacity of approximately 1,200,000 tons and is expected to be completed in 2022. Plate steel products come in standard sizes and grades, which allows us to maintain inventory levels of these products to meet our customers’ expected orders. Steel joint ventures - Nucor owns 50% interests in a North American sheet steel processing joint venture, an Italian steel mill joint venture and a galvanized sheet steel plant in Mexico. s Nucor owns a 50% economic and voting interest in NuMit, a company that owns 100% of the equity interest in Steel Technologies LLC (“Steel Technologies”), an operator of 26 strategically located sheet processing facilities in the United States, Canada and Mexico. Steel Technologies transforms flat-rolled steel into products that meet the exact specifications for customers in a wide range of industries, including the automotive, agricultural and consumer goods markets. Nucor owns 50% of the stock of Duferdofin Nucor, which operates a melt shop and bloom/billet caster in Brescia, Italy, with an annual capacity of approximately 1,000,000 metric tons, including the capability to produce high-quality, value-added, semi-finished SBQ products. Duferdofin Nucor announced plans to construct a new rolling mill in Brescia, Italy, which will be supplied by its existing nearby EAF. The new mill will be designed to produce beams and other rolled products. The plant will consume energy from renewable sources through a long-term Power Purchase Agreement. With the new plant, the entire Duferdofin Nucor production system will produce over 1,000,000 tons of rolled products. Nucor owns 50% of Nucor-JFE, a joint venture with JFE Steel Corporation of Japan that operates a galvanized sheet steel plant in central Mexico that will supply the country’s automotive market with an annual capacity of approximately 400,000 tons. 3 Steel products segment In the steel products segment, Nucor produces hollow structural section (“HSS”) steel tubing, electrical conduit, steel joists and joist girders, steel deck, fabricated concrete reinforcing steel, cold finished steel, steel fasteners, metal building systems, steel grating and expanded metal, and wire and wire mesh. The steel products segment also includes our piling distributor. These products are sold primarily for use in nonresidential construction applications. • Tubular Products – The Nucor Tubular Products (“NTP”) group has eight tubular facilities that are strategically located in close proximity to Nucor’s sheet mills as they are a consumer of hot- rolled coil. The NTP group produces HSS steel tubing, mechanical steel tubing, piling, sprinkler pipe, heat-treated tubing and electrical conduit. HSS steel tubing, mechanical steel tubing and sprinkler pipe are used in structural and mechanical applications, including nonresidential construction, infrastructure, agricultural, automotive and construction equipment end-use markets. Heat-treated tubing and electrical conduit are primarily used to protect and route electrical wiring in various nonresidential structures such as hospitals, schools, office buildings, hotels, stadiums and shopping malls. Total annual NTP capacity is approximately 1,365,000 tons. • Rebar fabrication - Harris Steel (“Harris”) fabricates, installs and distributes rebar for a wide variety of construction work classified as infrastructure (e.g., highways, bridges, reservoirs, utilities and airports) and various building projects, including hospitals, schools, stadiums, commercial office building and multi-tenant residential construction. We sell and install fabricated reinforcing products primarily on a construction contract bid basis. Reinforcing products are essential to concrete construction. They supply tensile strength, as well as additional compressive strength, and protect the concrete from cracking. In many markets, Harris sells reinforcing products on an installed basis (i.e., Harris fabricates the reinforcing products for a specific application and performs the installation). Harris operates nearly 70 fabrication facilities across the United States and Canada, with each facility serving a local market. Total annual rebar fabrication capacity is approximately 1,650,000 tons. Vulcraft/Verco – The Vulcraft/Verco group is the nation’s largest producer and leading innovator of open-web steel joists, joist girders and steel deck, which are used primarily for nonresidential building construction. Steel joists and joist girders are produced and marketed throughout the United States by seven domestic Vulcraft facilities. The Vulcraft/Verco group’s steel decking is produced and marketed throughout the United States by nine domestic plants. Six of these plants are adjacent to Vulcraft joist facilities. The Vulcraft/Verco group also has two plants in Canada, one in Eastern Canada and one in Western Canada, that produce both joist and deck. The annual joist production capacity is approximately 745,000 tons and the annual deck production capacity is approximately 560,000 tons. Sales of steel joists, joist girders and steel decking are dependent on the nonresidential building construction market. The majority of steel joists, joist girders and steel decking are used extensively as part of the roof and floor structural support systems in manufacturing buildings, retail stores, shopping centers, warehouses, schools, hospitals and, to a lesser extent, in multi- story buildings and apartments. We make these products to the customers’ specifications and do not sell these finished steel products out of inventory. The majority of these contracts are firm, fixed-price contracts that are, in most cases, competitively bid against other suppliers. Longer-term supply contracts may or may not permit us to adjust our prices to reflect changes in prevailing raw material costs. Piling products - Skyline Steel LLC and its subsidiaries (“Skyline”) are primarily a steel foundation distributor serving the North American market. Skyline distributes products to service marine construction, bridge and highway construction, heavy civil construction, storm protection, underground commercial parking and environmental containment projects in the infrastructure and construction industries. Skyline also manufactures a complete line of geostructural foundation solutions, including threaded bar, micropile, strand anchors and hollow bar. It also • • 4 processes and fabricates spiral weld pipe piling, rolled and welded pipe piling, cold-formed sheet piling and threaded bar. • Cold finish - Nucor Cold Finish (“NCF”) is the largest and most diversified producer of cold finished bar products for a wide range of industrial markets in North America, with assets in Canada, Mexico and throughout the United States. The total capacity of the Nucor cold finished bar and wire facilities now exceeds approximately 1,065,000 tons per year. Nucor’s cold finished facilities are among the most modern in the world, producing cold finished bars for the most demanding applications. NCF obtains most of its steel from the Nucor bar mills, ensuring consistent quality and supply through all market conditions. These facilities produce cold-drawn, turned, ground and polished steel bars that are used extensively for shafting and other precision machined applications. NCF produces rounds, hexagons, flats and squares in carbon, alloy and leaded steels. These bars are purchased by the appliance, automotive, construction equipment, electric motor, farm machinery and fluid power industries, as well as by service centers. NCF bars are used in tens of thousands of products. A few examples include anchor bolts, hydraulic cylinders and shafting for air conditioner compressors, ceiling fan motors, garage door openers, electric motors and lawn mowers. In late 2018, Nucor acquired a fully integrated precision castings company, Corporacion POK, S.A. de C.V. (“POK”), with a facility in Guadalajara, Mexico. POK produces complex castings and precision machined products used by the oil and gas, mining and sugar processing industries. POK produces a wide array of precision castings using steel, bronze, iron and specialty exotic alloys. POK complements NCF’s businesses and Nucor’s cold finish facility in Monterrey. Buildings group – Nucor produces metal buildings and components throughout the United States under the following brands: Nucor Building Systems, American Buildings Company, Kirby Building Systems and CBC Steel Buildings. In total, the Nucor Buildings Group currently has nine metal buildings plants with an annual capacity of approximately 360,000 tons, as well as an insulated metal panels company in Laurens, South Carolina which are utilized in metal buildings made by the Nucor Buildings Group as well as other applications. The sizes of the buildings that can be produced range from less than 1,000 square feet to more than 1,000,000 square feet. Complete metal building packages can be customized and combined with other materials such as glass, wood and masonry to produce cost-effective, energy efficient, aesthetically pleasing buildings designed to the customers’ special requirements. The buildings are sold primarily through independent builder distribution networks in order to provide fast-track, customized solutions for building owners. The primary markets served are commercial, industrial and institutional buildings, including distribution centers, data centers, automobile dealerships, retail centers, schools and manufacturing facilities. Steel mesh, grating and fasteners - Nucor manufactures wire products, grating and industrial fasteners. Nucor produces mesh at Nucor Steel Connecticut, Inc. and Nucor Wire Products Utah. Nucor also produces mesh in Canada at the Harris operations of Laurel and Laurel-LEC. The combined annual production capacity of the steel mesh facilities is approximately 128,000 tons. Our grating business, which operates under the brand names Nucor Grating in the United States and Fisher & Ludlow in Canada, manufactures and fabricates steel and aluminum bar grating products at facilities located in North America. Nucor Grating and Fisher & Ludlow serve the new construction and maintenance-related markets. The annual production capacity for our grating business is approximately 120,000 tons. Nucor Fastener’s bolt-making facility in Indiana produces carbon and alloy steel hex head cap screws, hex bolts, structural bolts, nuts and washers, finished hex nuts and custom-engineered fasteners. Nucor fasteners are used in a broad range of markets, including demanding automotive, machine tool, farm implement, construction and military applications. The annual production capacity of this facility is approximately 75,000 tons. • • 5 Raw materials segment In the raw materials segment, Nucor produces DRI; brokers ferrous and nonferrous metals, pig iron, HBI and DRI; supplies ferro-alloys; and processes ferrous and nonferrous scrap metal. The raw materials segment also includes our natural gas drilling operations. Nucor’s raw materials investments are focused on creating an advantage for its steelmaking operations, through a global information network and a multi-pronged and flexible approach to metallics supply. • Scrap recycling and brokerage operations - DJJ operates six regional scrap recycling companies across the United States that together have shredders capable of processing approximately 5,000,000 tons of ferrous scrap annually. DJJ’s scrap recycling operations use industry-leading expertise and technology to maximize metal recovery and minimize waste. DJJ also operates 11 self-serve used auto parts stores called U Pull-&-Pay that complement its recycling operations. s DJJ is the leading broker of ferrous scrap in North America and is a global trader of scrap metal, pig iron and other metallics. In addition to sourcing steel scrap for Nucor’s mills, DJJ is a global trader of ferro-alloys and nonferrous metals. DJJ’s logistics team owns and operates one of the largest independent fleets of railcars in the United States dedicated to the movement of scrap and steel and also offers railcar leasing and railcar fleet management services. These activities have strategic value to Nucor as the leading and most diversified North American steel producer. Our primary external customers for ferrous scrap are EAF steel mills and foundries that use ferrous scrap as a raw material in their manufacturing process. External customers purchasing nonferrous scrap metal include aluminum can producers, secondary aluminum smelters, steel mills, and other processors and consumers of various nonferrous metals. We market scrap metal products and related services to our external customers through in-house sales forces. In 2019, approximately 10% of the ferrous and nonferrous metals and scrap substitute tons we processed were sold to external customers. We consumed the balance in our steel mills. - • Direct reduced iron operations - DRI is a substitute material for high-quality grades of scrap and pig iron. Nucor operates two DRI plants with a combined annual capacity of approximately 4,500,000 metric tons of material with world-class metallization rates and carbon content. Nucor’s wholly-owned subsidiary, Nu-Iron Unlimited, is in Trinidad and benefits from a low-cost supply of natural gas and favorable logistics for inbound iron ore and shipment of DRI to the United States. Nucor’s second DRI plant in Louisiana (“Nucor Steel Louisiana”) also benefits from favorable logistics and proximity to its steel mill customers. Nucor’s DRI production capabilities provide our steel mills flexibility to quickly adjust the metallic mix to changing market conditions and to maintain competitiveness in the sometimes-volatile scrap market. With the potential for high-quality scrap becoming scarcer, coupled with the risk of third-party supplier disruptions, Nucor’s DRI facilities provide a greater degree of certainty over its metallics supply. In early 2018, teammates at our Nucor Steel Louisiana facility began implementation of a three- pronged strategy to increase the plant's reliability and uptime called Project 8000. The plan focuses on achieving improvements in people, process and equipment. The Louisiana DRI facility established new annual records for plant uptime, production and shipments in 2018 as improvements related to people and processes were implemented. In 2019, the critical work of replacing the convection section of our process gas heater as well as relining the reactor refractory was completed during a planned 70-day outage that began in early-September and ended in mid-November. Despite this outage, 2019 was the second-best year for uptime and output at Nucor Steel Louisiana, since its startup in 2013. We expect these projects will further improve the plant’s reliability. • Natural gas drilling programs - Nucor owns leasehold interests in natural gas properties in the Piceance Basin in the Western Slope of Colorado. Nucor’s access to a long-term, low-cost supply of natural gas is an important component in the execution of Nucor’s raw material strategy. Natural gas produced by Nucor’s drilling operations 6 is being sold to third parties to offset our exposure to changes in the price of natural gas consumed by our DRI plant in Louisiana and our steel mills in the United States. Customers A significant portion of our steel mills and steel products segments’ sales are into the commercial, industrial and municipal construction markets. Our largest single customer in 2019 represented approximately 5% of sales and consistently pays within terms. Our steel mills use a significant portion of the products of the raw materials segment. General Development of Our Business in Recent Years p Nucor has invested significant capital in recent years to expand our product portfolio to include more value-added steel mill products, improve our cost structure, enhance our operational flexibility and provide additional channels to market for our products. These investments totaled approximately $3.68 billion over the last three years, with approximately 80% going to capital expenditures and the remaining going to acquisitions. We believe that our focus on lowering costs and diversifying our operations will enable us to execute on our strategy of delivering profitable long-term growth. Further, we believe shifting our product mix to a greater proportion of value-added products and increasing end-use market diversity will make us less susceptible to imports. New capital projects that align with our expansion of value-added product offerings and cost- reduction strategies were completed in 2019. At our sheet mill located in Ghent, Kentucky, Nucor’s approximately $200 million investment in a new hot band galvanizing and pickling line ramped up production in late 2019 and is shipping products to customers. We believe the new galvanizing line is the widest hot-rolled galvanizing line in North America with its 72-inch product, creating synergies with Nucor’s other sheet mills and allowing us to enter new automotive market segments. Our Nucor Steel Arkansas facility built an additional specialty cold mill for approximately $245 million that began start up in 2019. That cold mill facility expands our ability to produce advanced, high-strength low-alloy steel and motor lamination steel products. We have several growth initiatives underway in our bar mill group that will enhance our position as a low-cost producer of bar. Nucor’s rebar micro mill near Kansas City in Sedalia, Missouri is capable of producing approximately 380,000 tons annually and was completed at a cost of approximately $245 million. We believe that positioning the micro mill near the Kansas City market will provide us with a freight cost advantage relative to more distant suppliers, and we will also benefit from the scrap supply in the immediate area provided by our existing DJJ operations. The new mill went into startup in early 2020. Nucor Steel Kankakee, Inc. is building a full-range merchant bar quality mill with approximately 500,000 tons of annual capacity at our existing mill in Bourbonnais, Illinois at an estimated cost of $185 million. Like the new micro mill, we believe that the Kankakee mill will also benefit from logistical advantages and low-cost scrap supply. We expect this project to begin startup in the second quarter of 2020. In March 2018, Nucor announced that it would build a second rebar micro mill capable of producing approximately 380,000 tons annually in Frostproof, Florida. Similar to the mill in Sedalia, Missouri, we believe this new micro mill will benefit from the scrap supply in the immediate area provided by our existing DJJ operations as well as strong regional demand for its products. This approximately $240 million investment is expected to be operational in the second half of 2020. In May 2018, Nucor announced an approximately $275 million investment to construct a new 3rd generation flexible galvanizing line with an annual capacity of approximately 500,000 tons at our Nucor Steel Arkansas facility. This project complements the previously mentioned specialty cold mill recently started up at the facility and we believe it will accelerate our goal of increasing our automotive market share. The new galvanizing line is expected to be operational in mid-2021. In September 2018, Nucor announced an approximately $650 million investment to modernize and expand the production capability at its Gallatin flat-rolled sheet mill located in Ghent, Kentucky. This investment will increase the production capability from approximately 1,600,000 tons to approximately 3,000,000 tons annually and will increase the maximum coil width to approximately 73 inches. This expansion is expected to be completed in mid- 2021 and complements the previously mentioned hot band galvanizing and pickling line that recently 7 started up at Gallatin. In January 2019, Nucor announced plans to build a state-of-the-art plate mill, which will be based in Brandenburg, Kentucky on the Ohio river. With an expected investment of $1.70 billion, we expect the mill to be completed in late 2022 and to be capable of producing approximately 1,200,000 tons per year of steel plate products. Nucor’s steel products segment has also grown significantly in recent years through the acquisitions of the companies that make up our NTP group. NTP consists of the former Independence Tube Corporation (acquired in October 2016), Southland Tube, Inc. (acquired in January 2017), Republic Conduit (acquired in January 2017), and the assets of Century Tube, LLC (acquired in December 2018). The combined purchase price of these acquisitions was approximately $898 million. NTP is optimizing the teams and assets of the eight strategically located facilities to create leadership positions in the following markets: HSS steel tubing, piling, sprinkler pipe, steel electrical conduit, and mechanical tube for the automotive market. The NTP group provides Nucor with a line of value-added products to offer our customers and a significant channel to market as the businesses are consumers of Nucor’s hot-rolled and cold-rolled sheet steel. In addition to growing through capital expansions at our existing operations and acquisitions, Nucor also uses joint ventures as a platform for growth. Nucor-JFE, our joint venture with JFE Steel Corporation of Japan, in which Nucor has 50% ownership, is expected to start up in the first quarter of 2020. Located in central Mexico, Nucor-JFE will supply galvanized sheet steel to the growing Mexican automotive market. The facility's construction has faced some unanticipated challenges, including: more difficult soil conditions requiring incremental piling and insufficient electrical system infrastructure. These events increased the total capital budget from our initial estimate of $270 million to approximately $360 million, with Nucor's share of these amounts being 50%. Nucor’s sheet mills are expected to provide approximately half of the hot-rolled steel substrate that will be consumed by the joint venture. gy Capital Allocation Strategy p The significant developments in Nucor’s business in recent years have been driven by our capital allocation strategy. Our highest capital allocation priority is to invest in our business for profitable long- term growth through our multi-pronged strategy of optimizing existing operations, greenfield expansions and acquisitions. Our second priority is to return capital to our stockholders through cash dividends and share repurchases. Nucor has paid $1.46 billion in dividends to its stockholders during the past three years. That dividend payout represents 23% of cash flows from operations during that three-year period. The Company repurchased $298.5 million of its common stock in 2019 ($854.0 million in 2018 and $90.3 million in 2017). We intend to return at least 40% of our net income to stockholders over time via a combination of both cash dividends and share repurchases. Over the past three years we have returned approximately 55% of our net income in this manner. p Competition We compete in a variety of steel and metal markets, including markets for finished steel products, unfinished steel products and raw materials. These markets are highly competitive with many domestic and foreign firms participating, and, as a result of this highly competitive environment, we find that we primarily compete on price and service. In our steel mills segment, our EAF steel mills face many different forms of competition, including domestic integrated steel producers (who use iron ore converted into liquid form in a blast furnace as their basic raw material instead of scrap steel), other domestic EAF steel mills, steel imports and alternative materials. Large domestic integrated steel producers have the ability to manufacture a variety of products but face significantly higher energy costs and are often burdened with higher capital and fixed operating 8 costs. EAF based steel producers, such as Nucor, are sensitive to increases in scrap prices but tend to have lower capital and fixed operating costs compared with large integrated steel producers. Excess global steelmaking capacity, particularly in non-market economies, continues to be a significant challenge for Nucor and the entire U.S. steel industry. Steel production in China rose from approximately 1.02 billion tons in 2018 to approximately 1.10 billion tons in 2019 – an increase of 8%. As a result, China’s share of global crude steel production rose from 51.3% in 2018 to 53.3% in 2019. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (the “OECD”) estimates that excess global steel production capacity was approximately 485 million tons through the first half of 2019, up from 455 million tons at the end of 2018. Nearly a quarter of that excess capacity is located in China, where the largest steel companies are state-owned and receive significant financial support from the Chinese government. The Section 232 steel tariffs implemented by the current administration in 2018 are having their intended impact by preventing the dumping of steel products in the U.S. market. In addition, successful industry trade cases over the past several years have had an impact on import levels. For the full year 2019, imports of finished steel were down approximately 18% from the previous year and accounted for approximately 19% of U.S. market share. The last time steel import levels were this low was in 2010. Approximately six million fewer tons of imports entered the United States in 2019 than in 2018. The comprehensive nature of the Section 232 tariffs is also preventing the transshipment of artificially low- priced steel through third party countries. The new United States-Mexico-Canada trade agreement was passed by the U.S. House and Senate and signed by President Trump in January 2020. The agreement has several provisions that will benefit the steel industry, including requiring that higher levels of a vehicle’s content, including steel, be produced in North America for a vehicle to qualify for zero tariffs, and that 70% of the steel used in vehicles be melted and poured in North America. There are also provisions addressing currency manipulation and state-owned enterprises. The United States also reached a phase-one trade agreement with China in January 2020, which includes enforceable commitments from China to refrain from currency devaluation for competitive purposes. Negotiations with China continue in order to address China’s use of subsidies and state-owned enterprises which contribute to its persistent steel production overcapacity. We also experience competition from other materials. Depending on our customers’ end use of our products, there are sometimes other materials, such as concrete, aluminum, plastics, composites and wood that compete with our steel products. When the price of steel relative to other raw materials rises, these alternatives can become more attractive to our customers. Competition in our scrap and raw materials business is also vigorous. The scrap metals market consists of many firms and is highly fragmented. Firms typically compete on price and geographic proximity to the sources of scrap metal. Backlogg In the steel mills segment, Nucor’s backlog of orders was approximately $1.68 billion and $2.08 billion at December 31, 2019 and 2018, respectively. Order backlog for the steel mills segment includes only orders from external customers and excludes orders from other Nucor businesses. Nucor’s backlog of orders in the steel products segment was approximately $2.24 billion and $2.26 billion at December 31, 2019 and 2018, respectively. The majority of these orders are expected to be filled within one year. Order backlog within our raw materials segment is not significant because the majority of the raw materials that segment produces are used internally. Sources and Availability of Raw Materials y An ample supply of high-quality scrap and scrap substitutes is critical to support Nucor’s ability to produce high-quality steel. Nucor’s raw materials segment safely produces, sources, trades and 9 transports steelmaking raw materials. Nucor’s raw materials investments are focused on creating an advantage for its steelmaking operations, through a global information network and a multi-pronged and flexible approach to metallics supply. Scrap and scrap substitutes are the most significant element in the total cost of steel production. The average cost of scrap and scrap substitutes used in our steel mills segment decreased 13% from $361 per gross ton used in 2018 to $314 per gross ton used in 2019. On average, it takes approximately 1.1 tons of scrap and scrap substitutes to produce one ton of steel. Depending on the market conditions at the time, a raw material surcharge or variable steel pricing mechanism may be implemented to assist Nucor in maintaining operating margins and in meeting our customer commitments during periods of rapidly changing scrap and scrap substitute costs. For the past decade, Nucor has focused on securing access to low-cost raw material inputs as they are the Company’s largest expense. Nucor’s broad, balanced supply chain is an important strength which allows us to reduce the cost of our steelmaking operations, create a shorter supply chain and have greater optionality over our metallic inputs. Our investment in DRI production facilities and scrap yards, as well as our access to international raw materials markets, provides Nucor with significant flexibility in optimizing our raw material costs. Additionally, having a significant portion of our raw materials supply under our control minimizes risk associated with the global sourcing of raw materials, particularly since a good deal of scrap substitutes comes from regions of the world that have historically experienced greater political turmoil. Continued successful implementation of our raw material strategy, including key investments in DRI production, as well as in the scrap brokerage and processing services performed by our team at DJJ, gives us greater control over our metallic inputs and thus helps us mitigate the risk of significant fluctuations in the availability and costs of critical inputs. DJJ acquires ferrous scrap from numerous sources, including manufacturers of products made from steel, industrial plants, scrap dealers, peddlers, auto wreckers and demolition firms. We purchase pig iron as needed from a variety of sources and operate DRI plants in Trinidad and Louisiana with respective annual production capacities of approximately 2,000,000 and 2,500,000 metric tons. The primary raw material for our DRI facilities is iron ore, which we purchase from various international suppliers. Another major source of raw materials used in the production of steel is pig iron. We received over 2.5 million gross tons of pig iron in 2019. As with scrap and iron ore, we source pig iron from a large number of international suppliers. The primary raw material for our steel products segment is steel produced by Nucor’s steel mills. p Energy Consumption and Costs gy Our steel mills are large consumers of electricity and natural gas, which are significant costs to Nucor. Access to long-term, low cost sources of energy in various forms is critically important to our continued success. Because of the efficiency of Nucor steel mills, we believe we are able to reduce our energy costs relative to other steel producers. Our DRI facilities in Trinidad and Louisiana are also large consumers of natural gas. Consequently, we use a variety of strategies to manage our exposure to price risk of natural gas, including cash flow hedges, as well as our natural gas drilling operations. In addition to the currently producing wells in the Piceance Basin, Nucor owns leasehold interests in natural gas properties totaling approximately 54,000 acres in the South Piceance Basin, in the Western Slope of Colorado. To support Nucor’s operating wells and potential future well developments on these properties, Nucor has entered into long-term agreements directly with existing third-party gathering and processing service providers. Natural gas produced by Nucor’s drilling operations is being sold to third parties to offset our exposure to changes in the price of natural gas consumed by our DRI plant in Louisiana, and by our steel mills in the United States. The determination of whether or not to participate in all future drilling capital investments by one working interest owner is independent of the other working interest owner. As such, Nucor has full discretion on its participation in all future drilling capital investments. 10 Historically, manufacturers in the United States have benefited from relatively stable and competitive energy costs. The availability and prices of electricity and natural gas are influenced today by many factors, including fuel switching (coal to natural gas by public utilities), changes in supply and demand, and pipeline and export infrastructure expansion. Because energy is such a significant cost for Nucor, we strive to make our operations in all three of our business segments more energy efficient. We also closely monitor developments in public policy relating to energy production and consumption. When appropriate, we work to shape those developments in ways that we believe will allow us to continue to be a competitive producer of steel and steel products in an increasingly competitive global marketplace. Environmental Laws and Regulations g Nucor operates an aggressive and sustainable environmental program that incorporates the concept of individual employee, as well as management, responsibility for environmental performance. All of Nucor’s steelmaking operations are ISO 14001 certified. Achieving ISO 14001 certification means that each of Nucor’s steel mills has put an environmental management system in place with measurable targets and objectives, such as reducing the use of oil and grease and minimizing electricity use and has implemented site-wide recycling programs. Many of our facilities have incorporated energy efficiency targets to reduce both cost and environmental impacts into their environmental management systems. These environmental management systems help facilitate compliance with our environmental commitment, which is every Nucor teammate’s responsibility. Nucor’s environmental program maintains a high level of ongoing training, commitment, outreach and visibility. Our business operations are subject to numerous federal, state and local laws and regulations intended to protect the environment. The principal federal environmental laws include the Clean Air Act that regulates air emissions; the Clean Water Act (the “CWA”) that regulates water discharges and withdrawals; the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (the “RCRA”) that addresses solid and hazardous waste treatment, storage and disposal; and the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (the “CERCLA”) that governs releases of hazardous substances, and remediation of sites contaminated thereby. Our operations are also subject to state laws and regulations that are patterned on these and other federal laws. As the leading recycler in North America and often one of the largest employers in the communities where we operate, we take considerable interest and pride in our environmental track record. We believe that we are in substantial compliance with the provisions of all federal and state environmental laws and regulations applicable to our business operations. The CWA regulates water discharges and withdrawals. Nucor maintains discharge and withdrawal permits as appropriate at its facilities under the national pollutant discharge elimination system program of the CWA and conducts its operations in compliance with those permits. Nucor also maintains permits from local governments for the discharge of water into publicly owned treatment works where available. The RCRA establishes standards for the management of solid and hazardous wastes. The RCRA also addresses the environmental impact of contamination from waste disposal activities and from recycling and storage of most wastes. While Nucor believes it is in substantial compliance with these regulations, past waste disposal activities that were legal when conducted but now may pose a contamination threat are periodically discovered. These activities and off-site properties that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (the “EPA”) has determined are contaminated, for which Nucor may be potentially responsible at some level, are quickly evaluated and corrected. While Nucor has conducted and is in the final stages of completing some cleanups under the RCRA, we believe these liabilities either are identified already and being resolved or have been fully resolved. Because Nucor long ago implemented environmental practices that have resulted in the responsible disposal of waste materials, Nucor is also not presently considered a major contributor to any major cleanups under the CERCLA for which Nucor has been named a potentially responsible party. Nucor regularly evaluates these types of potential liabilities and, if appropriate, maintains reserves sufficient to remediate the identified liabilities. Under the RCRA, private citizens may also bring an action against the 11 operator of a regulated facility for potential damages and payment of cleanup costs. Nucor believes that its system of internal evaluation and due diligence has sufficiently identified these types of potential liabilities so that compliance with these regulations will not have a material adverse effect on our results of operations, cash flows or financial condition beyond that already reflected in the reserves established for them. The primary raw material of Nucor’s steelmaking operations is scrap metal. The process of recycling scrap metal brings with it many contaminants such as paint, zinc, chrome and other metals that produce air emissions which are captured in specialized emission control equipment. This filtrant (“EAF dust”) is classified as a listed hazardous waste under the RCRA. Because these contaminants contain valuable metals, this filtrant is recycled to recover those metals. Nucor sends all but a small fraction of the EAF dust it produces to recycling facilities that recover the zinc, lead, chrome and other valuable metals from this dust. By recycling this material, Nucor is not only acting in a sustainable, responsible manner but is also substantially limiting its potential for future liability under both the CERCLA and the RCRA. Capital expenditures at our facilities that are associated with environmental regulation compliance for 2020 and 2021 are estimated to be less than $100 million per year. p y Employees Nucor has a simple, streamlined organizational structure to allow our employees to make quick decisions and to innovate. Our organization is highly decentralized, with most day-to-day operating decisions made by our division general managers and their staff. We have slightly more than 100 employees in our principal executive offices. The vast majority of Nucor’s approximately 26,800 employees as of December 31, 2019 are not represented by labor unions. Nucor places the highest value on our teammates’ well-being and safety. Our foremost responsibility is to work safely, which requires our teammates to identify unsafe conditions and activities and mitigate these hazards. In 2019, we achieved our best safety performance in the key metrics we measure, including Injury/Illness Rate and Days Away, Restricted and Transfer (DART) Case Rate. We will continue to eliminate exposures that can lead to injury and encourage our teammates to share their ideas for safety improvement. The operations in our mills are highly automated, resulting in lower employment costs. Employee turnover in Nucor mills is extremely low. Nucor employees have a significant part of their compensation based on their productivity. Production employees work under group incentives that provide increased earnings for increased production. This additional incentive compensation is paid weekly. Additionally, because we use EAFs to produce our steel, we can easily vary our production levels to match short-term changes in demand, unlike our integrated competitors. Taking advantage of this highly variable, low-cost structure has enabled Nucor to better control our costs during weaker market conditions. Available Information Nucor’s Annual Report on Form 10-K, Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q, Current Reports on Form 8- K, and any amendments to these reports, as well as proxy statements and other information, are available on our website at, as soon as reasonably practicable after Nucor files these documents electronically with, or furnishes them to, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”). Except as otherwise expressly stated in these documents, the information contained on our website or available by hyperlink from our website is not incorporated into this report or any other documents we file with, or furnish to, the SEC. Item 1A. Risk Factors Many of the factors that affect our business and operations involve risk and uncertainty. The factors described below are some of the risks that could materially negatively affect our business, financial condition, results of operations and cash flows. 12 Overcapacity in the global steel industry could increase the level of steel imports, which may negatively affect our business, results of operations, financial condition and cash flows. The current global steelmaking capacity significantly exceeds the current global consumption of steel. According to the OECD, global steel production overcapacity was approximately 485 million tons at the halfway point of 2019, with a quarter of that amount located in China. Overcapacity is down from its peak in 2015 and 2016. Efforts by China to close inefficient steel production and improve air quality, steel mill closures in Europe and stronger global economic growth all contributed to reduce excess capacity. During periods of global economic weakness, this overcapacity is amplified because of weaker global demand. This excess capacity often results in manufacturers in certain countries exporting significant amounts of steel and steel products at prices that are at or below their costs of production. In some countries the steel industry is subsidized or owned in whole or in part by the government, giving imported steel from those countries certain cost advantages. These imports, which are also affected by demand in the domestic market, international currency conversion rates, and domestic and international government actions, can result in downward pressure on steel prices, which could materially adversely affect our business, results of operations, financial condition and cash flows. Section 232 steel tariffs are keeping dumped steel products out of the U.S. market. The U.S. government is also negotiating new or renegotiating existing trade agreements with many countries, including China, which provide another opportunity to address excess steelmaking capacity. Should these efforts fail to reduce excess capacity and the Section 232 tariffs be lifted, U.S. steelmakers would be at risk of having to compete again against steel products dumped in the U.S. market. Our industry is cyclical and both recessions and prolonged periods of slow economic growth could have an adverse effect on our business. Demand for most of our products is cyclical in nature and sensitive to general economic conditions. Our business supports cyclical industries such as the commercial construction, energy, metals service centers, appliance and automotive industries. As a result, downturns in the U.S. economy or any of these industries could materially adversely affect our results of operations, financial condition and cash flows. General economic conditions in the United States and steel demand in this country are currently stronger than in many parts of the world, but challenges from global overcapacity in the steel industry and ongoing uncertainties, both in the United States and in other regions of the world, remain. While we believe that the long-term prospects for the steel industry remain bright, we are unable to predict the duration of current economic conditions. Future economic downturns or prolonged slow- growth or a stagnant economy could materially adversely affect our business, results of operations, financial condition and cash flows. Competition from other steel producers, imports or alternative materials may adversely affect our business. We face strong competition from other steel producers and imports that compete with our products on price, quality and service. The steel markets are highly competitive and a number of firms, domestic and foreign, participate in the steel, steel products and raw materials markets. Depending on a variety of factors, including the cost and availability of raw materials, energy, technology, labor and capital costs, currency exchange rates and government subsidies of foreign steel producers, our business may be materially adversely affected by competitive forces. In many applications, steel competes with other materials, such as concrete, aluminum, plastics, composites and wood. Increased use of these materials in substitution for steel products could have a material adverse effect on prices and demand for our steel products. Since 2011, automobile producers have begun taking steps towards complying with new Corporate Average Fuel Economy (“CAFE”) mileage requirements for new cars and light trucks that they produce. 13 As automobile producers work to produce vehicles in compliance with these new standards, they may seek to reduce the amount of steel they incorporate in their vehicles or begin utilizing alternative materials in cars and light trucks to improve fuel economy, thereby reducing their demand for steel. Certain automakers have begun to use greater amounts of aluminum and smaller proportions of steel in some models since 2015. The results of our operations are sensitive to volatility in steel prices and the cost of raw materials, particularly scrap steel. We rely to an extent on outside vendors to supply us with key consumables such as graphite electrodes and raw materials, including both scrap and scrap substitutes that are critical to the manufacture of our steel products. The raw material required to produce DRI is pelletized iron ore. Although we have vertically integrated our business by constructing our DRI facilities in Trinidad and Louisiana and also acquiring DJJ in 2008, we still must purchase most of our primary raw material, steel scrap, from numerous other sources located throughout the United States. Although we believe that the supply of scrap and scrap substitutes is adequate to operate our facilities, prices of these critical raw materials are volatile and are influenced by changes in scrap exports in response to changes in the scrap, scrap substitutes and iron ore demands of our global competitors, as well as currency fluctuations. At any given time, we may be unable to obtain an adequate supply of these critical raw materials with price and other terms acceptable to us. The availability and prices of raw materials may also be negatively affected by new laws and regulations, allocation by suppliers, interruptions in production, accidents or natural disasters, changes in exchange rates, worldwide price fluctuations, and the availability and cost of transportation. Many countries that export steel into our markets restrict the export of scrap, protecting the supply chain of some foreign competitors. This trade practice creates an artificial competitive advantage for foreign producers that could limit our ability to compete in the U.S. market. If our suppliers increase the prices of our critical raw materials, we may not have alternative sources of supply. In addition, to the extent that we have quoted prices to our customers and accepted customer orders for our products prior to purchasing necessary raw materials, we may be unable to raise the price of our products to cover all or part of the increased cost of the raw materials. Also, if we are unable to obtain adequate and timely deliveries of our required raw materials, we may be unable to timely manufacture sufficient quantities of our products. This could cause us to lose sales, incur additional costs and suffer harm to our reputation. Changes in the availability and cost of electricity and natural gas are subject to volatile market conditions that could adversely affect our business. Our steel mills are large consumers of electricity and natural gas. In addition, our DRI facilities are also large consumers of natural gas. We rely upon third parties for our supply of energy resources consumed in the manufacture of our products. The prices for and availability of electricity and natural gas are subject to volatile market conditions. These market conditions often are affected by weather, political, regulatory and economic factors beyond our control, and we may be unable to raise the price of our products to cover increased energy costs. Disruptions, including physical or information systems related issues that impact the supply of our energy resources could temporarily impair our ability to manufacture our products for our customers. Increases in our energy costs resulting from regulations that are not equally applicable across the entire global steel market could materially adversely affect our business, results of operations, financial condition and cash flows. Our steelmaking processes, our DRI processes, and the manufacturing processes of many of our suppliers, customers and competitors are energy intensive and generate carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases (“GHGs”). The regulation of these GHGs through significant new rulemaking or legislation could have a material adverse impact on our results of operations, financial condition and cash flows. Carbon is an essential raw material in Nucor’s production processes. As a carbon steel producer, Nucor could be increasingly affected both directly and indirectly if more stringent domestic GHG 14 regulations are further implemented. Because our operations are subject to most of these new GHG regulations, we are already impacted in the permit modification and reporting processes. Both GHG regulations and National Air Ambient Quality Standards, which are more restrictive than previous standards, can make it significantly more difficult to obtain new permits and to modify existing permits. These same regulations have indirectly increased the costs to manufacture our products as they have increased and continue to increase the cost of energy, primarily electricity, which we use extensively in the steelmaking process. The discovery of new natural gas reserves utilizing the practice of horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing is mitigating some of this indirect impact, as some utilities switch fuels to natural gas from coal thereby reducing their emissions significantly. However, because some generating facilities when faced with new regulations are idling facilities instead of converting to natural gas, the resulting reduction in capacity can lead to increased electrical energy prices. In 2019, the EPA issued its Affordable Clean Energy (ACE) rule to replace the promulgated Clean Power Plan that was driving many utilities to shutter coal fired power plants. While this is expected to result in lower electric power costs in the United States, another change in regulatory approach due to political or other considerations could cause, either directly or indirectly an increase in the cost of energy, adversely impacting Nucor’s competitive position. While the federal government has moved in recent years to relax some regulations that can impact domestic energy costs, some states are moving to enact their own regulations to curtail carbon and other GHG emissions. If such regulations are enacted in states in which Nucor does business, it could increase our costs there. Numerous states, including California, Washington, Oregon and New York, are considering or have passed laws using Environmental Product Declarations (“EPDs”) to evaluate environmental impacts of products. California has implemented the “Buy Clean California Act” and California is currently requesting EPDs from manufacturers to be used in State of California funded projects. EPDs are now required for certain materials including some steel products. Global Warming Potentials (“GWP”) will be established by January 1, 2021 for applicable product categories and EPDs will be used to determine product compliance to the GWP limits. The impacts identified by EPDs could impact future state/consumer purchasing decisions. In addition to increased costs of production, we could also incur costs to defend and resolve legal claims and other litigation related to these regulations and the alleged impact of our operations on the environment. We are subject to information technology and cyber security threats which could have an adverse effect on our business and results of operations. We utilize various information technology systems to efficiently address business functions ranging from the operation of our production equipment to administrative computation to the storage of data such as intellectual property and proprietary business information. Despite efforts to assure secure and uninterrupted operations, threats from increasingly sophisticated cyber-attacks or system failures could result in materially adverse operational disruptions or security breaches of our systems or those of our third-party service providers. These risks could result in disclosure or destruction of key proprietary information, personal data, reputational damage or could adversely affect our ability to physically produce steel, resulting in lost revenues, as well as delays in reporting our financial results. We also could be required to spend significant financial and other resources to remedy the damage caused by a security breach, including to repair or replace networks and information technology systems. We may also contend with potential liability for stolen information, increased cybersecurity protection costs, litigation expense and increased insurance premiums. Our operations are subject to business interruptions and casualty losses. The steelmaking business is subject to numerous inherent risks, particularly unplanned events such as explosions, fires, other accidents, natural disasters such as floods or earthquakes, critical equipment failures, acts of terrorism, inclement weather and transportation interruptions. While our insurance coverage could offset a portion of the losses relating to some of those types of events, our results of operations and cash flows could be adversely impacted to the extent that any such losses are not covered by our insurance, or that there are significant delays in resolving our claims with our insurance providers. 15 Environmental compliance and remediation could result in substantially increased costs and materially adversely impact our competitive position. Our operations are subject to numerous federal, state and local laws and regulations relating to protection of the environment, and accordingly, we make provision in our financial statements for the estimated costs of compliance. There are inherent uncertainties in these estimates. Nucor has implemented revised EPA rules and definitions around recycling and solid wastes. The new rules require states to create new programs and certification processes for the companies that wish to continue recycling materials. We have incurred increased administrative and operational costs to handle steel mill recycled materials such as slag, mill scale, iron dusts, lime and air filtration control dusts. To the extent that competitors, particularly foreign steel producers and manufacturers of competitive products, are not subject to similar regulation and required to incur equivalent costs, our competitive position could be materially adversely impacted. If one of our permits is revoked or if we were to experience significant delays in obtaining a permit modification or a new permit, this could result in operational delays at one or more of our facilities, causing a negative impact on our results of operations and cash flows. We acquire businesses from time to time and we may encounter difficulties in integrating businesses we acquire. We plan to continue to seek attractive opportunities to acquire businesses, enter into joint ventures and make other investments that strengthen Nucor. Realizing the anticipated benefits of acquisitions or other transactions will depend on our ability to operate these businesses and integrate them with our operations and to cooperate with our strategic partners. Our business, results of operations, financial condition and cash flows could be materially adversely affected if we are unable to successfully integrate these businesses. Our business requires substantial capital investment and maintenance expenditures, and our capital resources may not be adequate to provide for all of our cash requirements. Our operations are capital intensive. For the five-year period ended December 31, 2019, our total capital expenditures, excluding acquisitions, were approximately $4.0 billion. Our business also requires substantial expenditures for routine maintenance. Although we expect requirements for our business needs, including the funding of capital expenditures, debt service for financings and any contingencies, will be financed by internally generated funds, short-term commercial paper issuance or from borrowings under our $1.5 billion unsecured revolving credit facility, we cannot guarantee that this will be the case. Additional acquisitions or unforeseen events could require financing from additional sources. Risks associated with operating in international markets could adversely affect our business, financial position and results of operations. Certain of our businesses and investments are located outside of the United States, in Europe, Mexico and in emerging markets. There are a number of risks inherent in doing business in such markets. These risks include but are not limited to: unfavorable political or economic factors; local labor and social issues; changes in regulatory requirements; fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates; and complex foreign laws, treaties including tax laws, and the United States Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977 (FCPA). These risks could restrict our ability to operate our international businesses profitably and therefore have a negative impact on our financial position and results of operations. In addition, our reported results of operations and financial position could also be negatively affected by exchange rates when the activities and balances of our foreign operations are translated into U.S. dollars for financial reporting purposes. 16 The accounting treatment of equity method investments, goodwill and other long-lived assets could result in future asset impairments, which would reduce our earnings. We periodically test our equity method investments, goodwill and other long-lived assets to determine whether their estimated fair value is less than their value recorded on our balance sheet. The results of this testing for potential impairment may be adversely affected by uncertain market conditions for the global steel industry, as well as changes in interest rates, commodity prices and general economic conditions. If we determine that the fair value of any of these assets is less than the value recorded on our balance sheet, and, in the case of equity method investments the decline is other than temporary, we would likely incur a non-cash impairment loss that would negatively impact our results of operations. Tax increases and changes in tax laws and regulations could adversely affect our financial results. The steel industry and our business are sensitive to changes in taxes. As a company based in the United States, Nucor is more exposed to the effects of changes in U.S. tax laws than some of our major competitors. Our provision for income taxes and cash tax liability in the future could be adversely affected by changes in U.S. tax laws. We are subject to legal proceedings and legal compliance risks. We spend substantial resources ensuring that we comply with domestic and foreign regulations, contractual obligations and other legal standards. Notwithstanding this, we are subject to a variety of legal proceedings and legal compliance risks in respect of various issues, including regulatory, safety, environmental, employment, transportation, intellectual property, contractual, import/export, international trade and governmental matters that arise in the course of our business and in our industry. For information regarding our current significant legal proceedings, see “Item 3. Legal Proceedings.” A negative outcome in an unusual or significant legal proceeding or compliance investigation could adversely affect our financial condition and results of operations. While we believe that we have adopted appropriate risk management and compliance programs, the nature of our operations means that legal compliance risks will continue to exist and additional legal proceedings and other contingencies, the outcome of which cannot be predicted with certainty, will arise from time to time. Item 1B. Unresolved Staff Comments None. 17 Item 2. Properties We own all of our principal operating facilities. These facilities, by segment, are as follows: Location Steel mills: Blytheville, Arkansas Berkeley County, South Carolina Hickman, Arkansas Decatur, Alabama Crawfordsville, Indiana Norfolk, Nebraska Hertford County, North Carolina Plymouth, Utah Jewett, Texas Darlington, South Carolina Ghent, Kentucky Memphis, Tennessee Seattle, Washington Tuscaloosa, Alabama Auburn, New York Kankakee, Illinois Longview, Texas Marion, Ohio Jackson, Mississippi Kingman, Arizona Birmingham, Alabama Wallingford, Connecticut Steel products: Norfolk, Nebraska St. Joe, Indiana Brigham City, Utah Grapeland, Texas Chemung, New York Marseilles, Illinois Florence, South Carolina Birmingham, Alabama Fort Payne, Alabama Decatur, Alabama Louisville, Kentucky Eufaula, Alabama Chicago, Illinois Waterloo, Indiana Trinity, Alabama Approximate square footage of facilities Principal products Flat-rolled steel, structural steel Flat-rolled steel Flat-rolled steel Flat-rolled steel 2,960,000 Structural steel, sheet steel 2,360,000 2,130,000 2,000,000 1,880,000 1,530,000 Steel shapes 1,350,000 Steel plate 1,220,000 Steel shapes 1,080,000 Steel shapes 980,000 Steel shapes 970,000 680,000 Steel shapes 670,000 Steel shapes 570,000 Steel plate 530,000 Steel shapes 460,000 Steel shapes 430,000 Steel plate 430,000 Steel shapes 420,000 Steel shapes 380,000 Steel shapes 290,000 Steel shapes 240,000 Steel shapes Flat-rolled steel 1,150,000 1,010,000 Joists, deck, cold finished bar Joists, deck, fastener Joists, cold finished bar, building systems Joists, deck Joists, deck Joists, deck 970,000 690,000 550,000 550,000 Steel tube 540,000 480,000 Steel tube 470,000 470,000 Steel tube 440,000 Steel tube 360,000 Building systems 350,000 Steel tube 330,000 Building systems 310,000 Steel tube Joists, deck In the steel products segment, we have 81 operating facilities, excluding the locations listed above, in 38 states with 31 operating facilities in Canada and two in Mexico. Our affiliate, Harris Steel Inc., also operates multiple sales offices in Canada and certain other foreign locations. The steel products segment also includes Skyline Steel, LLC, our steel foundation distributor. 18 In the raw materials segment, we have 85 operating facilities in 20 states with one operating facility in Point Lisas, Trinidad. For our DRI facilities in Trinidad and Louisiana, a significant portion of the production process occurs outdoors. The Trinidad site, including leased land, is approximately 1.9 million square feet. The Louisiana site has approximately 174.2 million square feet of owned land with buildings that total approximately 72,500 square feet. DJJ has 80 operating facilities in 18 states along with multiple brokerage offices in the United States and certain other foreign locations The average utilization rates of all operating facilities in the steel mills, steel products and raw materials segments in 2019 were approximately 84%, 70% and 67% of production capacity, respectively. We also own our principal executive offices in Charlotte, North Carolina. Item 3. Legal Proceedings Nucor is from time to time a party to various lawsuits, claims and other legal proceedings that arise in the ordinary course of business. With respect to all such lawsuits, claims and proceedings, we record reserves when it is probable a liability has been incurred and the amount of loss can be reasonably estimated. We do not believe that any of these proceedings, individually or in the aggregate, would be expected to have a material adverse effect on our results of operations, financial position or cash flows. Nucor maintains liability insurance with self-insurance limits for certain risks. Item 4. Mine Safety Disclosures Not applicable. Information About Our Executive Officers The following is a description of the names and ages of the executive officers of the Company, indicating all positions and offices with the Company held by each such person and each person’s principal occupation or employment during the past five years. Each executive officer of Nucor is elected by the Board of Directors and holds office from the date of election until thereafter removed by the Board. Craig A. Feldman (55), Executive Vice President of Raw Materials, was named EVP in April 2018. He continues to serve as President of The David J. Joseph Company (“DJJ”), a role he has held since 2013. Mr. Feldman began his career as a Brokerage Representative for DJJ in 1986, subsequently serving as District Manager of DJJ’s Salt Lake City brokerage office, Commercial Vice President at DJJ’s subsidiary, Western Metals Recycling (“WMR”), and President of WMR. Mr. Feldman served on the operational staff of DJJ’s then-owner in the Netherlands from 2005 until his 2007 appointment as DJJ’s Executive Vice President, Recycling Operations. Mr. Feldman became a Vice President and General Manager of Nucor when DJJ was acquired by Nucor in 2008. James D. Frias (63), has been Chief Financial Officer, Treasurer and Executive Vice President since s 2010. Prior to that, Mr. Frias was Vice President of Finance from 2006 to 2009. Mr. Frias joined Nucor in 1991 as Controller of Nucor Building Systems-Indiana. He also served as Controller of Nucor Steel- Indiana and as Corporate Controller. Mr. Frias joined the board of directors of Carlisle Companies Incorporated in 2015. Ladd R. Hall (63), Executive Vice President of Flat-Rolled Products, was named EVP in 2007, l having previously served as Vice President of Nucor since 1994. He began his Nucor career in Inside Sales at Nucor Steel-Utah in 1981. He later served as Sales Manager of Vulcraft-Utah, and General Manager of Vulcraft-Texas, Vulcraft-Utah, Nucor Steel-South Carolina and Nucor Steel-Berkeley County. Raymond S. Napolitan, Jr. (62), Executive Vice President of Engineered Bar Products and Digital, was named EVP in 2013, having previously served as President of Nucor’s Vulcraft/Verco group from 2010 to 2013 and President of American Buildings Company from 2007 to 2010. He was elected Vice 19 President of Nucor in 2007. Mr. Napolitan began his Nucor career in 1996 as Engineering Manager of Nucor Building Systems-Indiana, and later served as General Manager of Nucor Building Systems-Texas. MaryEmily Slate (55), Executive Vice President of Plate, Structural and Tubular Products, was named EVP in May 2019. Ms. Slate began her career with Nucor in 2000 as a District Sales Manager at Nucor Steel Arkansas. She later served as Sales Manager at Nucor Steel Decatur, LLC and then as Cold Mill Manager. In 2010, Ms. Slate was promoted to General Manager of Nucor Steel Auburn, Inc. and was elected Vice President in 2012. She most recently served as Vice President of Nucor Steel Arkansas from 2015 to 2019. David A. Sumoski (53), Executive Vice President of Merchant and Rebar Products, was named EVP i in 2014. He previously served as General Manager of Nucor Steel Memphis, Inc. from 2012 to 2014 and as General Manager of Nucor Steel Marion, Inc. from 2008 to 2012. Mr. Sumoski was named Vice President of Nucor in 2010. He began his career with Nucor as an electrical supervisor at Nucor Steel- Berkeley in 1995, later serving as Maintenance Manager. Leon J. Topalian (51), was named President and Chief Executive Officer effective January 2020. He previously served as President and Chief Operating Officer beginning in September 2019, Executive Vice President of Beam and Plate Products from 2017 to 2019 and as Vice President of Nucor since 2013. He began his Nucor career at Nucor Steel-Berkeley in 1996, serving as a project engineer and then as cold mill production supervisor. Mr. Topalian was promoted to Operations Manager for Nucor’s former joint venture in Australia and later served as Melting and Casting Manager at Nucor Steel-South Carolina. He then served as General Manager of Nucor Steel Kankakee, Inc. from 2011 to 2014 and as General Manager of Nucor-Yamato from 2014 to 2017. D. Chad Utermark (51), Executive Vice President of Fabricated Construction Products, was named k EVP in 2014. He previously served as General Manager of Nucor-Yamato from 2011 to 2014 and as General Manager of Nucor Steel-Texas from 2008 to 2011. He was named Vice President of Nucor in 2009. Mr. Utermark began his Nucor career as a utility operator at Nucor Steel-Arkansas in 1992, subsequently serving as shift supervisor and Hot Mill Manager at that division as well as Roll Mill Manager at Nucor Steel-Texas. 20 PART II Item 5. Market for Registrant’s Common Equity, Related Stockholder Matters and Issuer Purchases of Equity Securities Our common stock is listed and traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol “NUE.” As of January 31, 2020, there were approximately 14,000 stockholders of record of our common stock. Our share repurchase program activity for each of the three months and the quarter ended December 31, 2019 was as follows (in thousands, except per share amounts): September 29, 2019—October 26, 2019 October 27, 2019—November 23, 2019 November 24, 2019—December 31, 2019 For the Quarter Ended December 31, 2019 Total Number of Shares Purchased Average Price Paid per Share (1) — $ 1,850 — 1,850 — 54.61 — Total Number of Shares Purchased as Part of Publicly Announced Plans or Programs (2) Approximate Dollar Value of Shares that May Yet Be Purchased Under the Plans or Programs (2) — $ 1,299,886 1,198,858 1,198,858 1,850 — 1,850 Includes commissions of $0.02 per share. (1) (2) On September 6, 2018, the Company announced that the Board of Directors had approved a new share repurchase program under which the Company is authorized to repurchase up to $2.0 billion of the Company’s common stock and terminated any previously authorized share repurchase programs. The share repurchase program is discretionary and has no expiration date. Nucor has increased its base cash dividend every year since the Company began paying dividends in 1973. Nucor paid a total dividend of $1.60 per share in 2019 compared with $1.52 per share in 2018. In December 2019, the Board of Directors increased the base quarterly cash dividend on Nucor’s common stock to $0.4025 per share from $0.40 per share. In February 2020, the Board of Directors also declared Nucor’s 188th consecutive quarterly cash dividend of $0.4025 per share payable on May 11, 2020 to stockholders of record on March 31, 2020. See Note 17 to the Company’s consolidated financial statements for a discussion regarding securities authorized for issuance under stock-based compensation plans. 21 Stock Performance This graphic comparison assumes the investment of $100 in each of Nucor common stock, the S&P 500 Index and the S&P 1500 Steel Group Index, all at year-end 2014. The resulting cumulative total return assumes that cash dividends were reinvested. Nucor common stock comprised 35% of the S&P 1500 Steel Group Index at year-end 2019 and year-end 2014. Item 6. Selected Financial Data The table below sets forth certain selected financial data concerning the Company for the five fiscal years ended December 31, 2019. The data is derived from the consolidated financial statements of the Company. See “Item 7. Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations” and the accompanying notes to the consolidated financial statements for additional information. 22 (dollar and share amounts in thousands, except per share data) FOR THE YEAR Net sales Costs, expenses and other: Cost of products sold Marketing, administrative and other expenses Equity in earnings of unconsolidated affiliates Impairment of assets Interest expense, net Earnings before income taxes and noncontrolling interests Provision for income taxes Net earnings Earnings attributable to noncontrolling interests Net earnings attributable to Nucor stockholders Net earnings per share: Basic Diluted Dividends declared per share Percentage of net earnings to net sales Return on average stockholders’ equity Cash provided by operating activities Capital expenditures AAcquisitions (net of cash acquired) Depreciation Sales per average employee AT YEAR END Current assets Current liabilities Working capital Current ratio Property, plant and equipment, net Total assets Long-term debt (including current maturities) (1) Percentage of debt to capital (2) Total Nucor stockholders’ equity Per share Shares outstanding Employees 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 $22,588,858 $25,067,279 $20,252,393 $16,208,122 $16,439,276 19,909,773 20,771,871 17,682,986 14,182,215 15,325,386 711,248 860,722 687,531 596,761 458,989 (3,311) 66,916 121,425 20,806,051 (40,240) 110,000 135,535 21,837,888 (41,661) — 173,580 18,502,436 (38,757) — 169,244 14,909,463 (5,329) 244,833 173,531 16,197,410 1,782,807 411,897 1,370,910 3,229,391 748,307 2,481,084 1,749,957 369,386 1,380,571 1,298,659 398,243 900,416 241,866 48,836 193,030 99,767 120,317 61,883 104,145 112,306 1,271,143 2,360,767 1,318,688 796,271 80,724 4.14 4.14 7.44 7.42 4.11 4.10 2.48 2.48 0.25 0.25 1.6025 1.5400 1.5125 1.5025 1.4925 5.6% 9.4% 6.5% 4.9% 12.6% 25.5% 15.9% 10.4% 0.5% 1.0% 2,809,413 1,512,070 2,393,952 997,256 1,055,338 507,074 1,750,001 617,677 2,168,761 364,768 83,106 648,911 849 33,063 630,879 986 544,041 635,833 820 474,788 613,192 690 19,089 625,757 690 $ 8,226,370 2,463,774 5,762,596 3.3 6,178,555 18,344,666 $ 8,636,265 2,806,300 5,829,965 3.1 5,334,748 17,920,588 $ 6,824,420 2,824,764 3,999,656 2.4 5,093,147 15,841,258 $ 6,506,393 2,389,966 4,116,427 2.7 5,078,650 15,223,518 $ 5,854,405 1,385,173 4,469,232 4.2 4,891,153 14,326,969 4,320,565 4,233,276 3,742,242 4,339,141 4,337,145 28.6% 29.3% 29.2% 34.5% 35.6% 10,357,866 34.32 301,812 26,800 9,792,078 32.04 305,592 26,300 8,739,036 27.48 317,969 25,100 7,879,865 24.72 318,737 23,900 7,477,816 23.52 317,962 23,700 1) As a result of adopting the new lease accounting standard on January 1, 2019, the 2019 amount includes finance lease obligations as presented on the consolidated balance sheet at December 31, 2019. Nucor adopted the new lease accounting standard on the modified retrospective approach basis and did not adjust prior year amounts for this change. 2) Long-term debt divided by total equity plus long-term debt 23 Item 7. Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations The following Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations of Nucor Corporation should be read in conjunction with the consolidated financial statements of the Company and the accompanying notes to the consolidated financial statements. Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations included in this report discusses our financial condition and results of operations as of and for the years ended December 31, 2019 and 2018. Information concerning the year ended December 31, 2017 and a comparison of years 2018 and 2017 may be found under “Item 7. Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations” in the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2018, filed with the SEC on February 28, 2019. Overview The growth rate of the U.S. economy slowed a bit in 2019, growing at 2.3% on an annualized basis compared to 2.9% the previous year. Demand in 2019 remained healthy in many of the markets Nucor monitors, with the strongest being nonresidential construction. Operating rates at our steel mills for the full year 2019 decreased to 84% as compared to 91% for the full year 2018. Industry-wide, the U.S. capacity utilization rate was 80% for 2019, its highest annual rate since 2008. The Section 232 steel tariffs continued to be effective in keeping unfairly traded imports out of the U.S. market. For the full year 2019, finished steel imports were down approximately 18% from the previous year and accounted for approximately 19% of U.S. market share. This was the lowest level of steel imports since 2010. Approximately six million fewer tons of imports entered the United States in 2019. We are optimistic about market conditions heading into 2020. There have been a number of recent positive developments at the end of 2019 and the beginning of 2020, including the United States-Mexico- Canada trade agreement becoming law and reduced trade tensions with China. We expect stable or growing end-use markets in the markets that account for approximately 70% of our shipments. We expect the nonresidential construction market to remain strong. Our Challenges and Risks Sales of many of our products are largely dependent upon capital spending in the nonresidential construction markets in the United States, including in the industrial and commercial sectors, as well as capital spending on infrastructure that is publicly funded, such as bridges, schools, prisons and hospitals. While there has been no federal infrastructure bill, many states have passed bills funding infrastructure improvements. While the Section 232 tariffs are having their intended impact by keeping unfairly traded imports out of the U.S. market, global steel production overcapacity continues to be a long-term challenge. Steel production in China rose in 2019, going from approximately 1.02 billion tons in 2018 to approximately 1.10 billion tons in 2019 – an increase of 8%. As a result, China’s share of global crude steel production rose from 51.3% in 2018 to 53.3% in 2019. The OECD estimates that global excess steel production capacity was approximately 485 million tons at the halfway point of 2019, up from 455 million tons at the end of 2018. Nearly a quarter of that excess capacity is located in China, where the largest steel companies are state-owned and receive significant financial support from the Chinese government. A major uncertainty we continue to face in our business is the price of our principal raw material, ferrous scrap, which is volatile and often increases or decreases rapidly in response to changes in domestic demand, unanticipated events that affect the flow of scrap into scrap yards, the availability of scrap substitutes, currency fluctuations and changes in foreign demand for scrap. In periods of rapidly increasing raw material prices in the industry, which are often also associated with periods of strong or rapidly improving steel market conditions, being able to increase our prices for the products we sell quickly enough to offset increases in the prices we pay for ferrous scrap is challenging but critical to maintaining our profitability. We attempt to mitigate the scrap price risk by managing scrap inventory 24 levels at the steel mills to match the anticipated demand over the next several weeks. Certain scrap substitutes, including pig iron, have longer lead times for delivery than scrap, which can make this inventory management strategy difficult to achieve. Continued successful implementation of our raw material strategy, including key investments in DRI production, coupled with the scrap brokerage and processing services performed by our team at DJJ, give us greater control over our metallic inputs and thus also helps us to mitigate this risk. During periods of stronger or improving steel market conditions, we are more likely to be able to pass through to our customers, relatively quickly, the increased costs of ferrous scrap and scrap substitutes, protecting our gross margins from significant erosion. During weaker or rapidly deteriorating steel market conditions, weak steel demand, low industry utilization rates and the impact of imports create an even more intensified competitive environment and increased pricing pressure. All of those factors, to some degree, impact pricing, which increases the likelihood that Nucor will experience lower gross margins. Although the majority of our steel sales are to spot market customers in North America who place their orders each month based on their business needs and our pricing competitiveness compared to both domestic and global producers and trading companies, we also sell contract tons, most notably in our sheet operations. Approximately 75% of our sheet sales were to contract customers in 2019 and 2018, with the balance in the spot market at the prevailing prices at the time of sale. Steel contract sales outside of our sheet operations are not significant. The amount of tons sold to contract customers depends on the overall market conditions at the time, how the end-use customers see the market moving forward and the strategy that Nucor management believes is appropriate to the upcoming period. Nucor management considerations include maintaining an appropriate balance of spot and contract tons based on market projections and appropriately supporting our diversified customer base. The percentage of tons that is placed under contract also depends on the overall market dynamics and customer negotiations. In years of strengthening demand, we typically see an increase in the percentage of sheet sales sold under contract as our customers have an expectation that transaction prices will rapidly rise, and available capacity will quickly be sold out. To mitigate this risk, customers prefer to enter into contracts in order to obtain committed volumes of supply from the mills. Our contracts include a method of adjusting prices on a periodic basis to reflect changes in the market pricing for steel and/or scrap. Market indices for steel generally trend with scrap pricing changes but during periods of steel market weakness the more intensified competitive steel market environment can cause the sales price indices to decrease resulting in reduced gross margins and profitability. Furthermore, since the selling price adjustments are not immediate, there will always be a timing difference between changes in the prices we pay for raw materials and the adjustments we make to our contract selling prices. Generally, in periods of increasing scrap prices, we experience a short-term margin contraction on contract tons. Conversely, in periods of decreasing scrap prices, we typically experience a short-term margin expansion. Contract sales typically have terms ranging from six to 12 months. Our Strengths and Opportunities We are North America’s most diversified steel producer. As a result, our short-term performance is not tied to any one market. We have numerous, large, strategic capital projects at various stages of progress that will help us further diversify our product offerings and expand the markets that we serve. We expect these investments to grow our long-term earnings power by increasing our channels to market, expanding our product portfolio into higher value-added offerings that are less vulnerable to imports, improving our cost structure and further building upon our market leadership positions. Nucor’s raw material supply chain is another important strength. Our investment in DRI production facilities and scrap brokerage and processing businesses provides Nucor with significant flexibility in optimizing our raw materials costs. Additionally, having a significant portion of our raw materials supply under our control reduces risk associated with the global sourcing of raw materials, particularly since a considerable portion of scrap substitutes comes from regions of the world that historically have experienced greater political turmoil. 25 Our highly variable, low-cost structure, combined with our financial strength and liquidity, has allowed us to successfully navigate cyclical, severely depressed steel industry market conditions in the past. In such times, our incentive-based pay system reduces our payroll costs, both hourly and salary, which helps to offset lower selling prices. Our pay-for-performance system that is closely tied to our levels of production also allows us to keep our highly experienced workforce intact and to continue operating our facilities when some of our competitors with greater fixed costs are forced to shut down some of their facilities. Because we use EAFs to produce our steel, we can easily vary our production levels to match short-term changes in demand, unlike our blast furnace-based integrated competitors. We believe these strengths also provide us further opportunities to gain market share during such times. Evaluating Our Operating Performance We report our results of operations in three segments: steel mills, steel products and raw materials. Most of the steel we produce in our mills is sold to outside customers (80% in both 2019 and 2018), but a significant percentage is used internally by many of the facilities in our steel products segment (20% in both 2019 and 2018). We begin measuring our performance by comparing our net sales, both in total and by individual segment, during a reporting period with our net sales in the corresponding period in the prior year. In doing so, we focus on changes in and the reasons for such changes in the two key variables that have the greatest influence on our net sales: average sales price per ton during the period and total tons shipped to outside customers. We also focus on both dollar and percentage changes in gross margins, which are key drivers of our profitability, and the reasons for such changes. There are many factors from period to period that can affect our gross margins. One consistent area of focus for us is changes in “metal margins,” which is the difference between the selling price of steel and the cost of scrap and scrap substitutes. Increases or decreases in the cost of scrap and scrap substitutes that are not offset by changes in the selling price of steel can quickly compress or expand our margins and reduce or increase our profitability. Changes in marketing, administrative and other expenses, particularly profit sharing and other variable incentive-based payment costs, can have a material effect on our results of operations for a reporting period as well. These costs vary significantly from period to period as they are based upon changes in our pre-tax earnings and other profitability metrics that are a reflection of our pay-for- performance system that is closely tied to our levels of production. Evaluating Our Financial Condition We evaluate our financial condition each reporting period by focusing primarily on the amounts of and reasons for changes in cash provided by operating activities, our current ratio, the turnover rate of our accounts receivable and inventories, the amounts of and reasons for changes in cash used in or provided by investing activities and financing activities and our cash and cash equivalents and short-term investments position at period end. Our conservative financial practices have served us well in the past and are serving us well today. As a result, our financial position remains strong. Comparison of 2019 to 2018 p Results of Operations p Nucor reported consolidated net earnings of $4.14 per diluted share in 2019. Though this year’s results decreased from record consolidated net earnings of $7.42 per diluted share reported in 2018, we view this as solid performance given the more challenging environment when compared to the prior year. Nucor’s record-setting profitability in 2018 was fueled by a strong domestic economy driving domestic steel demand, the adoption of tax reform and the ongoing efforts to reform federal regulations. Also benefitting 2018 were reductions in unfairly traded imports entering our country as a result of years of successful trade cases and broad-based tariffs imposed under Section 232, which were announced in 26 March 2018. These conditions and our execution of strong operating performance continued for the remainder of 2018, making it the most profitable year in Nucor’s history. We believe that as a result of those strong steel industry conditions, customers purchased in excess of normal demand levels in 2018, resulting in excess inventory throughout the supply chain by the end of 2018. Inventory destocking was the primary driver for the decreased 2019 performance as average steel selling prices fell throughout most of 2019, despite lower imports and relatively stable underlying demand. We believe that inventory destocking concluded in the fourth quarter of 2019 when customers resumed more normal buying patterns. Additionally, we announced price increases for our sheet, bar, plate and structural products in the fourth quarter of 2019 that we expect to realize the benefit of in the first quarter of 2020. Though down from 2018, we believe market demand remained healthy in 2019 as we saw stable or improving market conditions in 16 of the 24 end-use markets we monitor. Nucor’s steel products segment experienced record profitability in 2019, surpassing the previous record set in 2018. In particular, our Vulcraft/Verco group (combined joist and deck operations) and metal building businesses had the most profitable year in their history in 2019. The improved segment performance in 2019 was due to the strong performance of many of the businesses that make up this segment, which benefited from strong nonresidential construction market conditions and lower steel input costs. Additionally, changes in business strategy and efficiency initiatives significantly improved the performance of our rebar fabrication operations and metal buildings business. The raw materials segment faced a challenging year in 2019 primarily due to decreased pricing for raw materials when compared to 2018. We saw significant declines in the profitability of our DRI businesses due to margin compression caused by decreased average selling prices and increased iron ore costs. Our DRI facility in Louisiana also experienced a planned 70-day outage in 2019 that began in early September and was completed in mid-November. The profitability of DJJ’s brokerage and scrap processing operations also decreased in 2019 as compared to 2018. The following discussion will provide greater quantitative and qualitative analysis of Nucor’s performance in 2019 as compared to 2018. Net Sales – Net sales to external customers by segment for 2019 and 2018 were as follows (in thousands): Steel mills Steel products Raw materials Total net sales to external customers Year Ended December 31, 2019 2018 % Change $13,933,950 $16,245,218 6,796,501 2,025,560 $22,588,858 $25,067,279 6,990,064 1,664,844 -14% 3% -18% -10% Net sales for 2019 decreased 10% from the prior year. Average sales price per ton decreased 5% from $899 in 2018 to $851 in 2019. Total tons shipped to outside customers decreased 5% from 27,899,000 tons in 2018 to 26,532,000 in 2019. In the steel mills segment, sales tons were as follows (in thousands): Outside steel shipments Inside steel shipments Total steel shipments Year Ended December 31, 2019 2018 % Change 18,585 4,771 23,356 19,890 4,999 24,889 -7% -5% -6% Net sales for the steel mills segment decreased 14% in 2019 from the prior year due to an 8% decrease in the average sales price per ton, from $817 in 2018 to $748 in 2019, as well as a 7% decrease in total tons shipped to outside customers. In 2019, average selling prices and volumes decreased across all product groups within the steel mills segment. 27 Outside sales tonnage for the steel products segment was as follows (in thousands): Joist sales Deck sales Cold finished sales Fabricated concrete reinforcing steel sales Piling products sales Tubular product sales Other steel products sales Total steel products sales Year Ended December 31, 2019 2018 % Change 499 495 498 1,223 638 1,053 408 4,814 490 479 569 1,225 565 1,058 460 4,846 2% 3% -12% - 13% - -11% -1% Net sales for the steel products segment increased 3% in 2019 from the prior year due to a 4% increase in the average sales price per ton, from $1,402 in 2018 to $1,452 in 2019, which was partially offset by a 1% decrease in volume. In 2019, average selling prices increased across all businesses within the steel products segment, except for our tubular products businesses. The largest decrease in volume for 2019 as compared to 2018 was in our cold finished products business. Net sales for the raw materials segment decreased 18% in 2019 from the prior year primarily due to decreased average selling prices at DJJ’s brokerage operations and, to a lesser extent, decreased average selling prices and volumes at DJJ’s scrap processing operations. Approximately 90% of outside sales in the raw materials segment in both 2019 and 2018 were from DJJ’s brokerage operations and approximately 9% of outside sales were from DJJ’s scrap processing operations. Gross Margins – In 2019, Nucor recorded gross margins of $2.68 billion (12%) which was a s decrease from $4.30 billion (17%) in 2018: • The primary driver for the decrease in gross margin in 2019 as compared to 2018 was decreased metal margins in the steel mills segment. Metal margin is the difference between the selling price of steel and the cost of scrap and scrap substitutes. The average scrap and scrap substitute cost per gross ton used decreased 13% from $361 in 2018 to $314 in 2019. Despite the decrease in average scrap and scrap substitute cost per gross ton used, metal margin in the steel mills segment decreased due to lower average selling prices and the decrease in tons sold to external customers in 2019 as compared to 2018. Scrap prices are driven by the global supply and demand for scrap and other iron-based raw materials used to make steel. Scrap prices decreased during most of 2019. As we enter 2020, we see a more stable price environment as scrap prices have increased, a trend that began in late 2019. Pre-operating and start-up costs of new facilities increased to approximately $103 million in 2019 as compared to $36 million in 2018. The increase in pre-operating and start-up costs was due to increased costs at the bar mills being built in Missouri and Florida, increased costs for the cold mill expansion at our sheet mill in Arkansas and increased costs related to the expansion at our sheet mill in Kentucky. Nucor defines pre-operating and start-up costs, all of which are expensed, as the losses attributable to facilities or major projects that are either under construction or in the early stages of operation. Once these facilities or projects have attained a utilization rate that is consistent with our similar operating facilities, they are no longer considered by Nucor to be in start-up. • Gross margins in the steel products segment for 2019 increased as compared to 2018 primarily due to the increased profitability of our deck, rebar fabrication, building system and joist operations, partially offset by the decreased profitability of our tubular products, grating and cold finish operations. 28 • Gross margins in the raw materials segment for 2019 decreased as compared to 2018 primarily due to the decreased profitability of our DRI facilities, which experienced severe margin compression caused by lower average selling prices and increased iron ore costs in 2019. In 2019, our Louisiana DRI facility experienced a planned 70-day outage that began in early September and was completed in mid-November that replaced the convection section of the facility’s process gas heater and relined the reactor’s refractory. Gross margins related to DJJ’s scrap processing operations decreased significantly in 2019 as compared to 2018 due to margin compression and decreased volumes. Gross margins for DJJ’s brokerage operations also decreased in 2019. Included in 2018 gross margins of the raw materials segment was a $27.6 million benefit related to insurance recoveries. Marketing, Administrative and Other Expenses – A major component of marketing, administrative s and other expenses is profit sharing and other incentive compensation costs. These costs, which are based upon and fluctuate with Nucor’s financial performance, decreased from 2018 to 2019 due to our decreased profitability in 2019. In 2019, profit sharing costs consisted of $181.4 million of contributions, including the Company’s matching contribution, made to the Company’s Profit Sharing and Retirement Savings Plan for qualified employees ($307.9 million in 2018). Other bonus costs also fluctuate based on Nucor’s achievement of certain financial performance goals, including achieving record earnings, and comparisons of Nucor’s financial performance to peers in the steel industry and other companies. Stock- based compensation included in marketing, administrative and other expenses increased by 21% to $36.9 million in 2019 compared with $30.6 million in 2018 and includes costs associated with the vesting of stock awards granted in prior years. Also included in marketing, administrative and other expenses in 2018 is approximately $50 million in bonus costs related to the Company achieving record earnings that was distributed evenly among employees (none in 2019). Included in marketing, administrative and other expenses in 2019 was a benefit of $33.7 million related to the gain on the sale of an equity method investment in the raw materials segment. Included in marketing, administrative and other expenses in 2018 was a $20.5 million benefit related to insurance recoveries. Equity in Earnings of Unconsolidated Affiliates – Equity method investment earnings were $3.3 million in 2019 and $40.2 million in 2018. The decrease in equity method investment earnings from 2018 to 2019 was primarily due to margin compression and decreased volumes at NuMit. Impairment of Assets – During the third quarter of 2018, Nucor performed an impairment analysis of its three fields of proved producing natural gas well assets and determined that the carrying amount exceeded the fair value and was other than temporary for two of these fields of wells. As a result, Nucor recorded a $110.0 million non-cash impairment charge against these assets, driven primarily by management’s estimate of future pricing of natural gas and natural gas liquids. During the fourth quarter of 2019, Nucor performed another impairment analysis of its three fields of proved producing natural gas well assets and determined that the carrying amount of one of the fields of wells exceeded its fair value and was other than temporary. This field of wells was not impaired as a result of the 2018 analysis. Nucor recorded a $35.0 million non-cash impairment charge against this field of wells, driven primarily by estimated lease operating costs that were higher than the estimates used in the 2018 analysis. These charges were included in the raw materials segment. See Note 8 to the Company’s consolidated financial statements for additional information. Nucor recorded additional impairment charges in 2019 of $20.0 million related to certain property, plant and equipment in the steel mills segment, and $11.9 million related to the write-down of certain intangible assets in the steel products segment. 29 Interest Expense (Income) – Net interest expense is detailed below (in thousands): Interest expense Interest income Interest expense, net Year Ended December 31, 2018 2019 $ $ 157,358 (35,933) 121,425 $ $ 161,256 (25,721) 135,535 Interest expense decreased in 2019 compared to 2018 due to an increase in capitalized interest related to an increase in spending associated with capital projects in 2019. Included in interest expense in 2018 was the benefit received from the settlement of a treasury lock instrument that was entered into in anticipation of the Company’s debt issuance that occurred in the second quarter of 2018. The Company did not elect hedge accounting for this instrument. Interest income increased in 2019 compared to 2018 due to an increase in average interest rates on investments. Earnings Before Income Taxes and Noncontrolling Interests – Earnings before income taxes and noncontrolling interests by segment for 2019 and 2018 were as follows (in thousands): Steel mills Steel products Raw materials Corporate/eliminations Earnings before income taxes and noncontrolling interests $ $ $ Year Ended December 31, 2018 2019 3,500,085 1,790,694 467,105 511,145 236,241 (28,244) (974,040) (490,788) 3,229,391 1,782,807 $ Earnings before income taxes and noncontrolling interests in the steel mills segment decreased in 2019 as compared to 2018 primarily due to the previously mentioned lower average selling prices, volumes and metal margin. Additionally, increased pre-operating and start-up costs of new facilities and reduced earnings of our NuMit equity method investment contributed to lower 2019 earnings as compared to 2018. Excess inventory throughout the supply chain resulted in aggressive destocking during 2019. Additionally, unusually wet weather conditions early in 2019 negatively impacted markets and projects located in areas affected by these weather conditions. Overall operating rates for the steel mills segment decreased from 91% in 2018 to 84% in 2019. The steel products segment reported record earnings before income taxes and noncontrolling interests in 2019, beating the previous record set in 2018 due to the reasons previously discussed. Partially offsetting these increases were decreased earnings at our tubular products businesses, which suffered from aggressive destocking by service center customers, resulting in lower order rates that drove down prices and margins. The profitability of our raw materials segment in 2019 decreased significantly compared to 2018 due to the reasons previously discussed, resulting in a full year loss in 2019. In 2019, Nucor incurred a $35.0 million non-cash impairment charge relating to our proved producing natural gas well assets that was partially offset by a benefit of $33.7 million related to the gain on the sale of an equity method investment in the raw materials segment. Included in 2018’s profitability was a $110.0 million non-cash impairment charge related to our proved producing natural gas well assets, which was partially offset by a benefit of $48.1 million related to insurance recoveries. The decrease in losses in corporate/eliminations in 2019 as compared to 2018 was primarily due to decreased intercompany eliminations of profit in inventory as well as lower profit sharing costs. Noncontrolling Interests – Noncontrolling interests represent the income attributable to the noncontrolling partners of Nucor’s joint ventures, primarily Nucor–Yamato, of which Nucor owns 51%. The 30 decrease in earnings attributable to noncontrolling interests in 2019 as comparted to 2018 was primarily due to the decreased earnings of Nucor–Yamato, which was a result of decreased sales volumes. Under the Nucor–Yamato limited partnership agreement, the minimum amount of cash to be distributed each year to the partners is the amount needed by each partner to pay applicable U.S. federal and state income taxes. Provision for Income Taxes – The Company’s effective tax rate in 2019 was 23.1% compared with s 23.2% in 2018. Nucor has concluded U.S. federal income tax matters for years through 2014. The tax years 2015 through 2018 remain open to examination by the Internal Revenue Service. The Canada Revenue Agency has concluded its examination of the 2012 and 2013 Canadian returns for Harris Steel Group Inc. and certain related affiliates. The 2015 tax year is currently under examination by the Canada Revenue Agency. The Trinidad and Tobago Inland Revenue Division has concluded its examination of the Nu-Iron Unlimited 2013 corporate income tax return. The tax years 2013 through 2018 remain open to examination by other major taxing jurisdictions to which Nucor is subject (primarily Canada and other state and local jurisdictions). Net Earnings and Return on Equity – Nucor reported net earnings of $1.27 billion, or $4.14 per diluted share, in 2019, compared to net earnings of $2.36 billion, or $7.42 per diluted share, in 2018. Net earnings attributable to Nucor stockholders as a percentage of net sales were 5.6% and 9.4% in 2019 and 2018, respectively. Return on average stockholders’ equity was 12.6% and 25.5% in 2019 and 2018, respectively. y p Liquidity and Capital Resources q y Nucor’s cash and cash equivalents and short-term investments position remained strong at $1.83 billion at December 31, 2019, compared with $1.40 billion as of December 31, 2018. Approximately $354.4 million and $246.5 million of the cash and cash equivalents position at December 31, 2019 and 2018, respectively, was held by our majority-owned joint ventures. Cash flows provided by operating activities provide us with a significant source of liquidity. When needed, we have external short-term financing sources available, including the issuance of commercial paper and borrowings under our bank credit facilities. We also issue long-term debt securities from time to time. Nucor’s $1.5 billion revolving credit facility is undrawn and was amended and restated in April 2018 to extend the maturity date to April 2023. We believe our financial strength is a key strategic advantage among domestic steel producers, particularly during recessionary business cycles. We carry the highest credit ratings of any steel producer headquartered in North America, with an A- long-term rating from Standard and Poor’s and a Baa1 long-term rating from Moody’s. Our credit ratings are dependent, however, upon a number of factors, both qualitative and quantitative, and are subject to change at any time. The disclosure of our credit ratings is made in order to enhance investors’ understanding of our sources of liquidity and the impact of our credit ratings on our cost of funds. Based upon the preceding factors, we expect to continue to have adequate access to the capital markets at a reasonable cost of funds for liquidity purposes when needed. Selected Measures of Liquidity and Capital Resources Cash and cash equivalents Short-term investments Working capital Current ratio $ (Dollars in thousands) December 31, $ 2019 1,534,605 300,040 5,762,596 3.3 2018 1,398,886 — 5,829,965 3.1 The current ratio, which is calculated by dividing current assets by current liabilities, was 3.3 at year- end 2019 compared with 3.1 at year-end 2018. The current ratio was positively impacted by the $435.8 million increase in cash and cash equivalents and short-term investments. The current ratio was also positively impacted by a $226.5 million decrease in accounts payable and a $198.6 million decrease in 31 salaries, wages and related accruals. Accounts payable decreased due to the decrease in value and quantity of scrap inventory. The decrease in salaries, wages and related accruals was due to reduced performance-based bonus accruals in 2019 over 2018, which was a record earnings year. The current ratio was negatively impacted by a $711.4 million decrease in inventories, which was due to a 9% decrease in tons on hand from year-end 2018 to year-end 2019, as well as a 22% decrease in the value of scrap inventory. In 2019, total accounts receivable turned approximately every five weeks and inventories turned approximately every 11 weeks. These ratios compare with accounts receivable turnover of approximately every five weeks and inventory turnover of approximately every 10 weeks in 2018. Funds provided by operations, cash and cash equivalents, short-term investments and new borrowings under existing credit facilities are expected to be adequate to meet future capital expenditure and working capital requirements for existing operations for at least the next 24 months. Off-Balance Sheet Arrangements We have a simple capital structure with no off-balance sheet arrangements or relationships with unconsolidated special purpose entities that we believe could have a material impact on our financial condition or liquidity. Capital Allocation Strategy Nucor’s conservative financial practices have served us well in the past and are serving us well today. Nucor’s financial strength allows for a consistent, balanced approach to capital allocation throughout the business cycle. Nucor’s highest capital allocation priority is to reinvest in our business to ensure our continued profitable growth over the long term. We have historically done this by investing to optimize our existing operations, initiate greenfield expansions and make acquisitions. Our second priority is to return capital to our stockholders through cash dividends and share repurchases. We intend to return a minimum of 40% of our net earnings to our stockholders, while maintaining a debt-to-capital ratio that supports a strong investment grade credit rating. The Company repurchased $298.5 million of shares of its common stock in 2019 ($854.0 million in 2018 and $90.3 million in 2017). Operating Activities Cash provided by operating activities was $2.81 billion in 2019 as compared to $2.39 billion in 2018. The primary reason for the increase in cash provided by operating activities was the $1.40 billion reduction of cash used by operating assets and operating liabilities. Changes in operating assets and operating liabilities (exclusive of acquisitions and dispositions) provided cash of $413.3 million in 2019 as compared to using $983.2 million of cash in 2018. The funding of working capital decreased in 2019 over the prior year mainly due to decreases in inventory and accounts receivable, partially offset by an increase in federal income tax receivable and decreases in accounts payable and salaries, wages and related accruals. From year-end 2018 to year-end 2019, inventories and accounts payable decreased due to a 22% decline in average scrap and scrap substitutes cost per ton in inventory and a 9% decline in total inventory tons on hand. The increase in federal income tax receivable is mainly a function of the timing of federal tax payments. The increase in cash used to fund salaries, wages and related accruals was primarily attributable to the increased payout of accrued profit sharing and other incentive compensation costs in 2019 as compared to payouts in 2018. The 2019 payments were based on Nucor’s financial performance in 2018, which was a record earnings year. Investing Activities Our business is capital intensive; therefore, cash used in investing activities primarily represents capital expenditures for new facilities, the expansion and upgrading of existing facilities and the acquisition of other companies. Cash used in investing activities in 2019 was $1.79 billion as compared to $1.03 billion in 2018. The primary driver for the increase in cash used in investing activities was that cash used for capital expenditures increased by 50%, from $982.5 million in 2018 to $1.48 billion in 2019. The increase in capital expenditures in 2019 over the prior year was primarily related to the following: the new 32 hot band galvanizing line and sheet mill expansion at Nucor Steel Gallatin, the new micro mill greenfield expansion in Sedalia, Missouri, the new merchant bar quality mill at Nucor Steel Kankakee, Inc., the galvanizing line and specialty cold mill complex at Nucor Steel Arkansas, and Project 8000 at Nucor Steel Louisiana. Other drivers of the increase in cash used in investing activities were our purchase of $367.7 million in investments and a $50.0 million increase in cash used to fund acquisitions over the prior year. Cash provided by the divestiture of an affiliate of $67.6 million related to the sale of an equity method investment and an overall decrease in investments made in affiliates in 2019 compared to 2018 partially offset the capital expenditures, investment purchases, and acquisitions. Financing Activities Cash used in financing activities in 2019 was $880.4 million as compared to $908.2 million in 2018. In 2018, cash from financing activities benefited from the issuance of $500.0 million of 3.950% notes due 2028 and $500.0 million of 4.400% notes due 2048, which was offset by the repayment in the same quarter of $500.0 million of 5.850% notes due 2018. Additionally, the Company repurchased $298.5 million of shares of its common stock in 2019, compared to $854.0 million in 2018. Our credit facility includes only one financial covenant, which is a limit of 60% on the ratio of funded debt to total capitalization. In addition, the credit facility contains customary non-financial covenants, including a limit on Nucor’s ability to pledge the Company’s assets and a limit on consolidations, mergers and sales of assets. Our funded debt to total capital ratio was 29% at the end of 2019 and 30% at the end of 2018, and we were in compliance with all other covenants under our credit facility at the end of 2019. Market Risk Nucor’s largest exposure to market risk is in our steel mills and steel products segments. Our utilization rates for the steel mills and steel products facilities for the fourth quarter of 2019 were 83% and 69%, respectively. A significant portion of our steel mills and steel products segments’ sales are into the commercial, industrial and municipal construction markets. Our largest single customer in 2019 represented approximately 5% of sales and consistently pays within terms. In the raw materials segment, we are exposed to price fluctuations related to the purchase of scrap steel, pig iron and iron ore. Our exposure to market risk is mitigated by the fact that our steel mills use a significant portion of the products of this segment. Nucor’s tax-exempt industrial development revenue bonds (“IDRBs”) have variable interest rates that are adjusted weekly. These IDRBs represented 24% of Nucor’s long-term debt outstanding at December 31, 2019. The remaining 76% of Nucor’s long-term debt is at fixed rates. Future changes in interest rates are not expected to significantly impact earnings. From time to time, Nucor makes use of interest rate swaps to manage interest rate risk. As of December 31, 2019, there were no such contracts outstanding. Nucor’s investment practice is to invest in securities that are highly liquid with short maturities. As a result, we do not expect changes in interest rates to have a significant impact on the value of our investment securities recorded as short-term investments. Nucor also uses derivative financial instruments from time to time to partially manage its exposure to price risk related to purchases of natural gas used in the production process, as well as scrap, copper and aluminum purchased for resale to its customers. In addition, Nucor uses forward foreign exchange contracts from time to time to hedge cash flows associated with certain assets and liabilities, firm commitments and anticipated transactions. Nucor generally does not enter into derivative instruments for any purpose other than hedging the cash flows associated with specific volumes of commodities that will be purchased and processed or sold in future periods and hedging the exposures related to changes in the fair value of outstanding fixed-rate debt instruments and foreign currency transactions. Nucor recognizes all derivative instruments in the consolidated balance sheets at fair value. The Company is exposed to foreign currency risk primarily through its operations in Canada, Europe and Mexico. We periodically use derivative contracts to mitigate the risk of currency fluctuations. Dividends Nucor has increased its base cash dividend every year since it began paying dividends in 1973. Nucor paid dividends of $1.60 per share in 2019, compared with $1.52 per share in 2018. In December 2019, the Board of Directors increased the regular quarterly cash dividend on Nucor’s common stock to 33 $0.4025 per share. Over the past 10 years, Nucor has returned approximately $6.0 billion in capital to its stockholders in the form of base dividends and share repurchases. In February 2020, the Board of Directors declared Nucor’s 188th consecutive quarterly cash dividend of $0.4025 per share payable on May 11, 2020 to stockholders of record on March 31, 2020. Contractual Obligations and Other Commercial Commitments g The following table sets forth our contractual obligations and other commercial commitments as of December 31, 2019 for the periods presented (in thousands): Payments Due By Period Contractual Obligations Long-term debt Estimated interest on long-term debt (1) Finance leases Operating leases Raw material purchase commitments (2) Utility purchase commitments (2) Other unconditional purchase obligations (3) Other long-term obligations (4) Total contractual obligations Total $ 4,260,600 $ 2020 20,000 $ 601,000 $ 500,000 $3,139,600 2021-2022 2023-2024 2025 and thereafter 2,524,511 142,852 106,065 167,654 20,755 26,328 327,750 37,770 39,170 257,142 1,771,965 58,254 18,466 26,073 22,101 2,121,464 742,880 576,767 190,955 585,870 186,059 461,344 126,381 497,483 239,485 1,192,136 1,145,186 423,736 6,786 117,650 $11,676,106 $2,571,381 $1,851,963 $1,403,073 $5,849,689 35,164 39,180 5,000 5,032 585,598 (1) Interest is estimated using applicable rates at December 31, 2019 for Nucor’s outstanding fixed-rate and variable-rate debt. (2) Nucor enters into contracts for the purchase of scrap and scrap substitutes, iron ore, electricity, natural gas, and other raw materials and related services. These contracts include multi-year commitments and minimum annual purchase requirements and are valued at prices in effect on December 31, 2019, or according to the contract language. These contracts are part of normal operations and are reflected in historical operating cash flow trends. We do not believe such commitments will adversely affect our liquidity position. (3) Purchase obligations include commitments for capital expenditures on operating machinery and equipment. (4) Other long-term obligations include amounts associated with Nucor’s early-retiree medical benefits, management compensation and guarantees. Note: In addition to the amounts shown in the table above, $50.9 million of unrecognized tax benefits have been recorded as liabilities, and we are uncertain as to if or when such amounts may be settled. Related to these unrecognized tax benefits, we have also recorded a liability for potential penalties and interest of $11.9 million at December 31, 2019. Outlook In 2020, we expect to continue to take advantage of our position of strength to grow Nucor’s long- term earnings power and stockholder value by continuing to successfully implement our five drivers to profitable growth strategy. Utilizing this strategy, we have invested significant capital over a broad range of strategic acquisitions and investments that we believe will further enhance our ability to: grow Nucor’s long-term earnings power by increasing our channels to market; expand our product portfolios into higher value-added offerings that are less vulnerable to imports; improve our highly variable low-cost structure; build upon our market leadership positions; and achieve commercial excellence. We are utilizing Nucor’s financial strength to execute on investment opportunities to further grow our long-term earnings capacity. We expect Nucor’s earnings in the first quarter of 2020 to increase as compared to the fourth quarter of 2019. We expect earnings in the steel mills segment to increase in the first quarter of 2020 as compared to the fourth quarter of 2019 (excluding the fourth quarter of 2019 impairment charge), due to price increases that were announced in the fourth quarter of 2019 and expected higher volumes. We expect a more stable pricing environment in 2020 after the severe inventory destocking that occurred in 34 2019. We expect the profitability of the steel products segment in the first quarter of 2020 to decrease as compared to the fourth quarter of 2019 (excluding the fourth quarter of 2019 impairment charges), due to normal seasonality. We expect the performance of the raw materials segment to increase in the first quarter of 2020 as compared to the fourth quarter of 2019, due to an improvement in pricing for raw materials, the absence of the impairment charge related to our proved producing natural gas well assets and no planned nonroutine outages at our Louisiana DRI plant. As we begin 2020, we see stable or improving market conditions in 17 of the 24 end-use markets that we monitor. We believe that full year domestic steel demand will experience modest growth in 2020 as compared to 2019. Backlog volumes in both the steel mills and steel products segments were higher at the end of 2019 compared to the end of 2018. We are ever mindful of the threat of increases in imported steel stemming from the still significant excess foreign steel capacity. The Section 232 tariffs are having their intended impact by taking artificially low-cost foreign imports out of the U.S. market. Over the past decade, the steel industry has won several important trade cases that addressed unfairly traded imports prior to the imposition of the Section 232 tariffs. The cumulative impact of those trade case victories also took a sizeable amount of unfairly traded imports out of the market, and those duties will remain in the event the Section 232 tariffs are lifted. We are committed to executing on the opportunities we see ahead to reward Nucor stockholders with very attractive long-term returns on their valuable capital invested in our company. Our industry- leading financial strength allows us to support investments in our facilities that we believe will enable us to generate increased profitability. In 2020, as we have in our past, we will allocate capital to investments that we believe will build our long-term earnings power. Capital expenditures are currently projected to be approximately $2.0 billion in 2020 and we will be very focused on ensuring that these investments generate appropriate returns. Critical Accounting Policies and Estimates g Our discussion and analysis of our financial condition and results of operations are based upon our consolidated financial statements, which have been prepared in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles in the United States of America. The preparation of these consolidated financial statements requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities, the disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at year end and the reported amount of revenues and expenses during the year. On an ongoing basis, we evaluate our estimates, including those related to the valuation allowances for receivables, the carrying value of non-current assets and reserves for environmental obligations and income taxes. Our estimates are based on historical experience and various other assumptions that we believe to be reasonable under the circumstances, the results of which form the basis for making judgments about the carrying values of assets and liabilities that are not readily apparent from other sources. Accordingly, actual costs could differ materially from these estimates under different assumptions or conditions. We believe the following critical accounting policies affect our significant judgments and estimates used in the preparation of our consolidated financial statements. Allowances for Doubtful Accounts We maintain allowances for doubtful accounts for estimated losses resulting from the inability of our customers to make required payments. If the financial condition of our customers were to deteriorate, resulting in an impairment of their ability to make payments, additional allowances may be required. Inventories Inventories are stated at the lower of cost or market. The Company records any amount required to reduce the carrying value of inventory to net realizable value as a charge to cost of products sold. Scrap and scrap substitute costs are a very significant component of the raw material, semi-finished and finished product inventory balances. The vast majority of the Company’s inventory is recorded on the first- in, first-out method. Production costs are applied to semi-finished and finished product inventory from the approximate period in which they are produced. 35 If steel selling prices were to decline in future quarters, write-downs of inventory could result. Specifically, the valuation of raw material inventories purchased during periods of peak market pricing would most likely be impacted. Low utilization rates at our steel mills or raw materials facilities could hinder our ability to work through high-priced scrap and scrap substitutes (particularly pig iron and iron ore), leading to period-end exposure when comparing carrying value to net realizable value. Long-Lived Asset Impairments We evaluate our property, plant and equipment and finite-lived intangible assets for potential impairment on an individual asset basis or at the lowest level asset grouping for which cash flows can be independently identified. Asset impairments are assessed whenever circumstances indicate that the carrying amounts of those productive assets could exceed their projected undiscounted cash flows. In developing estimated values for assets that we currently use in our operations, we utilize judgments and assumptions of future undiscounted cash flows that the assets will produce. When it is determined that an impairment exists, the related assets are written down to estimated fair market value. Certain long-lived asset groupings were tested for impairment during the fourth quarter of 2019. Undiscounted cash flows for each asset grouping were estimated using management’s long-range estimates of market conditions associated with each asset grouping over the estimated useful life of the principal asset within the group. Our undiscounted cash flow analysis indicated that, other than the two groupings discussed below, the tested long-lived asset groupings were recoverable as of December 31, 2019; however, if our projected cash flows are not realized, either because of an extended recessionary period or other unforeseen events, impairment charges may be required in future periods. A 20% decrease in the projected cash flows of each of our asset groupings would not result in an impairment. In the third quarter of 2018, due to the deteriorating natural gas pricing environment at our sales point in the Piceance Basin, Nucor determined a triggering event had occurred and performed an impairment analysis that resulted in a $110.0 million non-cash impairment charge relating to two of its three groups ("fields”) of wells. One of the main assumptions that most significantly affects the undiscounted cash flows determination is management’s estimate of future pricing of natural gas and natural gas liquids. The pricing used in the impairment assessment was developed by management based on projected natural gas market supply and demand dynamics, in conjunction with a review of projections by market analysts. Management also makes key estimates on the expected reserve levels and on the expected lease operating costs. The impairment assessment was performed on each of Nucor’s three fields of wells, with each field defined by common geographic location. The natural gas pricing environment continued to decline in 2019 and the resulting decrease in performance of the natural gas well assets reached such a point in the fourth quarter of 2019 that Nucor determined a triggering event had occurred. Nucor performed an impairment analysis on all three fields. The field of wells that was not impaired as a result of the 2018 analysis did not pass the 2019 undiscounted cash flow impairment analysis. An after-tax discounted cash flow analysis was performed for this field to determine the amount of impairment, which was $35.0 million. An increase in the estimated lease operating cost projections was the primary factor in causing this field of wells to be impaired. The non-cash impairment charges are included in the raw materials segment and in impairment of assets in the consolidated statements of earnings for the years ended December 31, 2019 and 2018, respectively. The post-impairment carrying value of this field was $12.3 million at December 31, 2019 ($51.8 million at December 31, 2018). The two previously impaired fields had a combined carrying value of $66.6 million at December 31, 2019 ($71.0 million at December 31, 2018). Changes in the natural gas industry or a prolonged low-price environment beyond what had already been assumed in the assessments could cause management to revise the natural gas and natural gas liquids price assumptions, the estimated reserves or the estimated lease operating costs. Unfavorable revisions to these assumptions or estimates could possibly result in further impairment of some or all of the fields of proved well assets. In the steel mills segment, Nucor recorded a non-cash impairment charge of $20.0 million related to certain property, plant and equipment at our plate mill in Texas. This charge is included in impairment of assets in the consolidated statement of earnings for the year ended December 31, 2019. 36 Goodwill and Intangibles Goodwill is tested annually for impairment and whenever events or circumstances change that would make it more likely than not that an impairment may have occurred. We perform our annual impairment analysis as of the first day of the fourth quarter each year. The evaluation of impairment involves comparing the current estimated fair value of each reporting unit to the recorded value, including goodwill. When appropriate, Nucor performs a qualitative assessment to determine whether it is more likely than not that the fair value of a reporting unit is less than its carrying amount. For certain reporting units, it is necessary to perform a quantitative analysis. In these instances, a discounted cash flow model is used to determine the current estimated fair value of these reporting units. Significant assumptions used to determine the fair value of each reporting unit as part of our annual testing (and any required interim testing) include: (i) expected cash flow for the five-year period following the testing date (including market share, sales volumes and prices, costs to produce and estimated capital needs); (ii) an estimated terminal value using a terminal year growth rate determined based on the growth prospects of the reporting unit; (iii) a discount rate based on management’s best estimate of the after-tax weighted-average cost of capital; and (iv) a probability-weighted scenario approach by which varying cash flows are assigned to certain scenarios based on the likelihood of occurrence. Management considers historical and anticipated future results, general economic and market conditions, the impact of planned business and operational strategies and all available information at the time the fair values of its reporting units are estimated. Those estimates and judgments may or may not ultimately prove appropriate. Our fourth quarter 2019 annual goodwill impairment analysis did not result in an impairment charge. Management does not believe that future impairment of these reporting units is probable. However, the performance of certain businesses that comprise our reporting units requires continued improvement. An increase of approximately 50 basis points in the discount rate, a critical assumption in which a minor change can have a significant impact on the estimated fair value, would not result in an impairment charge. See Note 9 to the Company’s consolidated financial statements for further discussion of the results of the Company’s 2019 annual goodwill impairment analysis. Nucor will continue to monitor operating results within all reporting units throughout 2020 in an effort to determine if events and circumstances warrant further interim impairment testing. Otherwise, all reporting units will again be subject to the required annual qualitative and/or quantitative impairment test during our fourth quarter of 2020. Changes in the judgments and estimates underlying our analysis of goodwill for possible impairment, including expected future operating cash flows and discount rate, could decrease the estimated fair value of our reporting units in the future and could result in an impairment of goodwill. As a result of management’s changes to their business strategy and structure, an impairment charge of $3.3 million was taken on the finite-lived intangible assets associated with the Grating reporting unit. Additionally, an impairment charge of $8.6 million was taken on the finite-lived intangible assets, specifically trade names, associated with the Tubular Products reporting unit due to the restructuring and name change of the entities in that reporting unit as of January 1, 2020. Equity Method Investments Investments in joint ventures in which Nucor shares control over the financial and operating decisions but in which Nucor is not the primary beneficiary are accounted for under the equity method. Each of the Company’s equity method investments is subject to a review for impairment if, and when, circumstances indicate that a decline in value below its carrying amount may have occurred. Examples of such circumstances include, but are not limited to, a significant deterioration in the earnings performance or business prospects of the investee; missed financial projections; a significant adverse change in the regulatory, tax, economic or technological environment of the investee; a significant adverse change in the general market condition of either the geographic area or the industry in which the investee operates; and recurring negative cash flows from operations. When management considers the decline to be other than temporary, the Company would write down the related investment to its estimated fair market value. An other-than-temporary decline in carrying value is determined to have occurred when, in management’s judgment, a decline in fair value below carrying value is of such length of time and/or severity that it is considered long-term. 37 In the event that an impairment review is necessary, we calculate the estimated fair value of our equity method investments using a probability-weighted multiple-scenario income approach. Management’s analysis includes three discounted cash flow scenarios (best case, base case and recessionary case), which contain forecasted near-term cash flows under each scenario. Generally, (i) the best case scenario contains estimates of future results ranging from slightly higher than recent operating performance to levels that are consistent with historical operating and financial performance; (ii) the base case scenario contains estimates of future results ranging from generally in line with recent operating performance to levels that are more conservative than historical operating and financial performance; and (iii) the recessionary case scenario contains estimates of future results which include limited growth resulting only from operational cost improvements and limited benefits of new higher-value product offerings. Management determines the probability that each cash flow scenario will come to fruition based on the specific facts and circumstances of each of the preceding scenarios, with the base case typically receiving the majority of the weighting. Key assumptions used to determine the fair value of our equity method investments include: (i) expected cash flow for the six-year period following the testing date (including market share, sales volumes and prices, costs to produce and estimated capital needs); (ii) an estimated terminal value using a terminal year growth rate determined based on the growth prospects of the investment; (iii) a discount rate based on management’s best estimate of the after-tax weighted-average cost of capital; and (iv) a probability-weighted scenario approach by which varying cash flows are assigned to certain scenarios based on the likelihood of occurrence. While the assumptions that most significantly affect the fair value determination include projected revenues, metal margins and discount rate, the assumptions are often interdependent, and no single factor predominates in determining the estimated fair value. Management considers historical and anticipated future results, general economic and market conditions, the impact of planned business and operational strategies and all available information at the time the fair values of its investments are estimated. Those estimates and judgments may or may not ultimately prove appropriate. Due to the protracted challenging steel market conditions in Europe, Nucor concluded that it was appropriate to assess its equity investment in Duferdofin Nucor for impairment during the fourth quarter of 2019. After completing its assessment, the Company determined that the estimated fair value exceeded its carrying amount by a sufficient amount and that there was no need for an impairment charge. The assumptions that most significantly affect the fair value determination include projected cashflows and the discount rate. It is reasonably possible that material deviation of future performance from the estimates used in our most recent valuation could result in impairment of our investment in Duferdofin Nucor. Environmental Remediation We are subject to environmental laws and regulations established by federal, state and local authorities, and we make provisions for the estimated costs related to compliance. Undiscounted remediation liabilities are accrued based on estimates of known environmental exposures. The accruals are reviewed periodically and, as investigations and remediation proceed, adjustments are made as we believe are necessary. Our measurement of environmental liabilities is based on currently available facts, present laws and regulations and current technology. Income Taxes We utilize the liability method of accounting for income taxes. Under the liability method, deferred taxes are determined based on the temporary differences between the financial statement and tax basis of assets and liabilities using tax rates expected to be in effect during the years in which the basis differences reverse. A valuation allowance is recorded when it is more likely than not that some of the deferred tax assets will not be realized. We recognize the effect of income tax positions only if those positions are more likely than not of being sustained. Potential accrued interest and penalties related to unrecognized tax benefits within operations are recognized as a component of interest expense and other expenses. 38 g Recent Accounting Pronouncements See Note 2 to the Company’s consolidated financial statements for a discussion of accounting pronouncements and guidance adopted by Nucor during 2019. Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements Certain statements made in this report, or in other public filings, press releases, or other written or oral communications made by Nucor, which are not historical facts are forward-looking statements subject to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward- looking statements involve risks and uncertainties which we expect will or may occur in the future and may impact our business, financial condition and results of operations. The words “anticipate,” “believe,” “expect,” “project,” “may,” “will,” “should,” “could” and similar expressions are intended to identify those forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements reflect the Company’s best judgment based on current information, and, although we base these statements on circumstances that we believe to be reasonable when made, there can be no assurance that future events will not affect the accuracy of such forward-looking information. As such, the forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance, and actual results may vary materially from the projected results and expectations discussed in this report. Factors that might cause the Company’s actual results to differ materially from those anticipated in forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to: (1) competitive pressure on sales and pricing, including pressure from imports and substitute materials; (2) U.S. and foreign trade policies affecting steel imports or exports; (3) the sensitivity of the results of our operations to prevailing market steel prices and changes in the supply and cost of raw materials, including pig iron, iron ore and scrap steel; (4) the availability and cost of electricity and natural gas which could negatively affect our cost of steel production or result in a delay or cancellation of existing or future drilling within our natural gas drilling programs; (5) critical equipment failures and business interruptions; (6) market demand for steel products, which, in the case of many of our products, is driven by the level of nonresidential construction activity in the United States; (7) impairment in the recorded value of inventory, equity investments, fixed assets, goodwill or other long-lived assets; (8) uncertainties surrounding the global economy, including excess world capacity for steel production; (9) fluctuations in currency conversion rates; (10) significant changes in laws or government regulations affecting environmental compliance, including legislation and regulations that result in greater regulation of GHG emissions that could increase our energy costs and our capital expenditures and operating costs or cause one or more of our permits to be revoked or make it more difficult to obtain permit modifications; (11) the cyclical nature of the steel industry; (12) capital investments and their impact on our performance; (13) our safety performance and (14) the risks discussed in in Part I, “Item 1A. Risk Factors” of this report. Caution should be taken not to place undue reliance on the forward-looking statements included in this report. We assume no obligation to update any forward-looking statements except as may be required by law. In evaluating forward-looking statements, these risks and uncertainties should be considered, together with the other risks described from time to our reports and other filings with the SEC. 39 Item 7A. Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk In the ordinary course of business, Nucor is exposed to a variety of market risks. We continually monitor these risks and develop strategies to manage them. k Interest Rate Risk – Nucor manages interest rate risk by using a combination of variable-rate and fixed-rate debt. At December 31, 2019, approximately 24% of Nucor’s long-term debt was in industrial revenue bonds that have variable interest rates that are adjusted weekly. The remaining 76% of Nucor’s long-term debt was at fixed rates. Future changes in interest rates are not expected to significantly impact earnings. Nucor also occasionally makes use of interest rate swaps to manage net exposure to interest rate changes. As of December 31, 2019, there were no such contracts outstanding. Nucor’s investment practice is to invest in securities that are highly liquid with short maturities. As a result, we do not expect changes in interest rates to have a significant impact on the value of our investment securities recorded as short-term investments. Commodity Price Risk – In the ordinary course of business, Nucor is exposed to market risk for k price fluctuations of raw materials and energy, principally scrap steel, other ferrous and nonferrous metals, alloys and natural gas. We attempt to negotiate the best prices for our raw materials and energy requirements and to obtain prices for our steel products that match market price movements in response to supply and demand. In periods of strong or stable demand for our products, we are more likely to be able to effectively reduce the normal time lag in passing through higher raw material costs so that we can maintain our gross margins. When demand for our products is weaker, this becomes more challenging. Our DRI facilities in Trinidad and Louisiana provide us with flexibility in managing our input costs. DRI is particularly important for operational flexibility when demand for prime scrap increases due to increased domestic steel production. Natural gas produced by Nucor’s drilling operations is being sold to third parties to offset our exposure to changes in the price of natural gas consumed by our Louisiana DRI facility and our steel mills in the United States. Nucor also periodically uses derivative financial instruments to hedge a portion of our exposure to price risk related to natural gas purchases used in the production process and to hedge a portion of our scrap, aluminum and copper purchases and sales. Gains and losses from derivatives designated as hedges are deferred in accumulated other comprehensive loss, net of income taxes on the consolidated balance sheets and recognized in net earnings in the same period as the underlying physical transaction. At December 31, 2019, accumulated other comprehensive loss, net of income taxes included $14.0 million in unrealized net-of-tax losses for the fair value of these derivative instruments. Changes in the fair values of derivatives not designated as hedges are recognized in earnings each period. The following table presents the negative effect on pre-tax earnings of a hypothetical change in the fair value of the derivative instruments outstanding at December 31, 2019, due to an assumed 10% and 25% change in the market price of each of the indicated commodities (in thousands): Commodity Derivative Natural gas AAluminum Copper 10% Change 25% Change $ $ 8,146 2,767 884 20,360 6,918 2,411 Any resulting changes in fair value would be recorded as adjustments to accumulated other comprehensive loss, net of income taxes, or recognized in net earnings, as appropriate. These hypothetical losses would be partially offset by the benefit of lower prices paid or higher prices received for the physical commodities. Foreign Currency Risk – Nucor is exposed to foreign currency risk primarily through its operations in k Canada, Europe and Mexico. We periodically use derivative contracts to mitigate the risk of currency fluctuations. Open foreign currency derivative contracts at December 31, 2019 and 2018 were insignificant. 40 Item 8. Financial Statements and Supplementary Data Index to Financial Statements Management’s Report on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting .................................. Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm ................................................. Consolidated Balance Sheets .................................................................................................. Consolidated Statements of Earnings..................................................................................... Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income ........................................................... Consolidated Statements of Stockholders’ Equity ................................................................ Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows ................................................................................ Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements ......................................................................... 42 43 46 47 48 49 50 51 41 MANAGEMENT’S REPORT ON INTERNAL CONTROL OVER FINANCIAL REPORTING Nucor’s management is responsible for establishing and maintaining adequate internal control over financial reporting, as such term is defined in Rules 13a-15(f) and 15d-15(f) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Because of its inherent limitations, internal control over financial reporting may not prevent or detect misstatements. Also, projections of any evaluation of effectiveness to future periods are subject to the risk that controls may become inadequate because of changes in conditions, or that the degree of compliance with the policies or procedures may deteriorate. Management assessed the effectiveness of Nucor’s internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2019. In making this assessment, management used criteria set forth by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) in Internal Control – Integrated Framework (2013). Based on its assessment, management concluded that Nucor’s internal control over financial reporting was effective as of December 31, 2019. PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, an independent registered public accounting firm, has audited the effectiveness of Nucor’s internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2019 as stated in their report which is included herein. 42 Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm To the Stockholders and Board of Directors of Nucor Corporation: Opinions on the Financial Statements and Internal Control over Financial Reporting We have audited the accompanying consolidated balance sheets of Nucor Corporation and its subsidiaries (the “Company”) as of December 31, 2019 and 2018, and the related consolidated statements of earnings, comprehensive income, stockholders’ equity and cash flows for each of the three years in the period ended December 31, 2019, including the related notes (collectively referred to as the “consolidated financial statements”). We also have audited the Company's internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2019, based on criteria established in Internal Control - Integrated Framework (2013) issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO). k In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Company as of December 31, 2019 and 2018, and the results of its operations and its cash flows for each of the three years in the period ended December 31, 2019 in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. Also in our opinion, the Company maintained, in all material respects, effective internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2019, based on criteria established in Internal Control - Integrated Framework (2013) issued by the COSO. k Basis for Opinions The Company's management is responsible for these consolidated financial statements, for maintaining effective internal control over financial reporting, and for its assessment of the effectiveness of internal control over financial reporting, included in the accompanying Management’s Report on Internal Control over Financial Reporting. Our responsibility is to express opinions on the Company’s consolidated financial statements and on the Company's internal control over financial reporting based on our audits. We are a public accounting firm registered with the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States) (PCAOB) and are required to be independent with respect to the Company in accordance with the U.S. federal securities laws and the applicable rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the PCAOB. We conducted our audits in accordance with the standards of the PCAOB. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audits to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the consolidated financial statements are free of material misstatement, whether due to error or fraud, and whether effective internal control over financial reporting was maintained in all material respects. Our audits of the consolidated financial statements included performing procedures to assess the risks of material misstatement of the consolidated financial statements, whether due to error or fraud, and performing procedures that respond to those risks. Such procedures included examining, on a test basis, evidence regarding the amounts and disclosures in the consolidated financial statements. Our audits also included evaluating the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the consolidated financial statements. Our audit of internal control over financial reporting included obtaining an understanding of internal control over financial reporting, assessing the risk that a material weakness exists, and testing and evaluating the design and operating effectiveness of internal control based on the assessed risk. Our audits also included performing such other procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinions. Definition and Limitations of Internal Control over Financial Reporting A company’s internal control over financial reporting is a process designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. A company’s internal 43 control over financial reporting includes those policies and procedures that (i) pertain to the maintenance of records that, in reasonable detail, accurately and fairly reflect the transactions and dispositions of the assets of the company; (ii) provide reasonable assurance that transactions are recorded as necessary to permit preparation of financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, and that receipts and expenditures of the company are being made only in accordance with authorizations of management and directors of the company; and (iii) provide reasonable assurance regarding prevention or timely detection of unauthorized acquisition, use, or disposition of the company’s assets that could have a material effect on the financial statements. Because of its inherent limitations, internal control over financial reporting may not prevent or detect misstatements. Also, projections of any evaluation of effectiveness to future periods are subject to the risk that controls may become inadequate because of changes in conditions, or that the degree of compliance with the policies or procedures may deteriorate. Critical Audit Matters The critical audit matter communicated below is a matter arising from the current period audit of the consolidated financial statements that was communicated or required to be communicated to the audit committee and that (i) relates to accounts or disclosures that are material to the consolidated financial statements and (ii) involved our especially challenging, subjective, or complex judgments. The communication of critical audit matters does not alter in any way our opinion on the consolidated financial statements, taken as a whole, and we are not, by communicating the critical audit matter below, providing a separate opinion on the critical audit matter or on the accounts or disclosures to which it relates. Goodwill Impairment Analysis - Rebar Fabrication Reporting Unit As described in Notes 2 and 9 to the consolidated financial statements, the Company’s consolidated goodwill balance was $2.2 billion as of December 31, 2019, and total goodwill associated with the Rebar Fabrication reporting unit was $356.6 million. Goodwill is tested annually for impairment and whenever events or circumstances change that would make it more likely than not that an impairment may have occurred. Management completed its 2019 goodwill impairment analysis as of the first day of the fourth quarter of 2019. The evaluation of impairment involves comparing the current estimated fair value of each reporting unit to the recorded value, including goodwill. For certain reporting units, it is necessary to perform a quantitative analysis. In these instances, a discounted cash flow model is used to determine the current estimated fair value of these reporting units. As disclosed by management, significant assumptions used to determine the fair value of each reporting unit as part of management’s annual testing (and any required interim testing) include (i) expected cash flow for the five-year period following the testing date (including market share, sales volumes and prices, costs to produce and estimated capital needs); (ii) an estimated terminal value using a terminal year growth rate determined based on the growth prospects of the reporting unit; (iii) a discount rate based on management’s best estimate of the after-tax weighted-average cost of capital; and (iv) a probability-weighted scenario approach by which varying cash flows are assigned to certain scenarios based on the likelihood of occurrence. The principal considerations for our determination that performing procedures relating to the goodwill impairment analysis for the Rebar Fabrication reporting unit is a critical audit matter are there was significant judgment by management when developing the fair value of the reporting unit, which in turn led to significant auditor judgment, subjectivity, and effort in performing procedures and evaluating evidence relating to management’s expected cash flow and significant assumptions, including sales volumes and prices, costs to produce and the terminal year growth rate assumption. Addressing the matter involved performing procedures and evaluating audit evidence in connection with forming our overall opinion on the consolidated financial statements. These procedures included testing the effectiveness of controls relating to management’s goodwill impairment assessment, including controls over the underlying assumptions related to the fair value of the reporting unit. These procedures also included, among others, testing management’s process for developing the fair value estimate of the Rebar Fabrication reporting unit; evaluating the appropriateness of the discounted cash flow model; 44 testing the completeness, accuracy, and relevance of underlying data used in the model; and evaluating the significant assumptions used by management, including the sales volumes and prices, costs to produce and terminal year growth rate. Evaluating management’s assumptions related to sales volumes and prices, costs to produce and the terminal year growth rate involved evaluating whether the assumptions used by management were reasonable considering (i) the current and past performance of the reporting unit, (ii) the consistency with external market and industry data, and (iii) whether the assumptions were consistent with evidence obtained in other areas of the audit. /s/ PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Charlotte, North Carolina February 28, 2020 We have served as the Company’s auditor since 1989 45 CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS (In thousands) ASSETS Current assets: Cash and cash equivalents (Note 15) Short-term investments (Notes 4 and 15) Accounts receivable, net (Note 5) Inventories, net (Note 6) Other current assets (Notes 14, 15 and 20) Total current assets Property, plant and equipment, net (Notes 7 and 8) Goodwill (Notes 3 and 9) Other intangible assets, net (Notes 3 and 9) Other assets (Notes 7 and 10) Total assets LIABILITIES AND EQUITY Current liabilities: Short-term debt (Notes 12 and 15) Current portion of long-term debt and finance lease obligations (Notes 7, 12 and 15) Accounts payable (Note 11) Salaries, wages and related accruals (Note 18) Accrued expenses and other current liabilities (Notes 7, 11, 14, 16 and 17) Total current liabilities Long-term debt and finance lease obligations due after one year (Notes 7, 12 and 15) Deferred credits and other liabilities (Notes 7, 14, 16, 18 and 20) Total liabilities Commitments and contingencies (Notes 14, 16 and 17) Equity Nucor stockholders’ equity (Notes 13, 17 and 21): Common stock (800,000 shares authorized; 380,154 and 380,154 shares issued, respectively) Additional paid-in capital Retained earnings Accumulated other comprehensive loss, net of income taxes (Notes 14 and 21) Treasury stock (78,342 and 74,562 shares, respectively) Total Nucor stockholders’ equity Noncontrolling interests Total equity Total liabilities and equity See notes to consolidated financial statements. December 31, 2019 2018 $ 1,534,605 300,040 2,160,102 3,842,095 389,528 8,226,370 6,178,555 2,201,063 742,186 996,492 $ 18,344,666 $ 1,398,886 — 2,505,568 4,553,500 178,311 8,636,265 5,334,748 2,184,336 828,504 936,735 $ 17,920,588 $ 62,444 $ 57,870 29,264 1,201,698 510,844 659,524 2,463,774 4,291,301 798,415 7,553,490 — 1,428,191 709,397 610,842 2,806,300 4,233,276 679,044 7,718,620 152,061 2,107,646 11,115,056 152,061 2,073,715 10,337,445 (302,966) (2,713,931) 10,357,866 433,310 10,791,176 $ 18,344,666 (304,133) (2,467,010) 9,792,078 409,890 10,201,968 $ 17,920,588 46 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF EARNINGS (In thousands, except per share data) Year Ended December 31, 2018 $22,588,858 $25,067,279 $20,252,393 2017 2019 19,909,773 711,248 (3,311) 66,916 121,425 20,806,051 20,771,871 860,722 (40,240) 110,000 135,535 21,837,888 17,682,986 687,531 (41,661) — 173,580 18,502,436 1,782,807 411,897 1,370,910 99,767 1,749,957 369,386 1,380,571 61,883 $ 1,271,143 $ 2,360,767 $ 1,318,688 3,229,391 748,307 2,481,084 120,317 $ $ 4.14 $ 4.14 $ 7.44 $ 7.42 $ 4.11 4.10 Net sales (Notes 24 and 25) Costs, expenses and other: Cost of products sold (Notes 7, 14 and 21) Marketing, administrative and other expenses (Note 7) Equity in earnings of unconsolidated subsidiaries Impairment of assets (Notes 8, 9 and 25) Interest expense, net (Notes 7, 19 and 20) Earnings before income taxes and noncontrolling interests Provision for income taxes (Notes 20 and 25) Net earnings Earnings attributable to noncontrolling interests Net earnings attributable to Nucor stockholders Net earnings per share (Note 22): Basic Diluted See notes to consolidated financial statements. 47 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME (In thousands) Year Ended December 31, 2018 $ 1,370,910 $ 2,481,084 $ 1,380,571 2017 2019 (9,833) (3,568) (4,523) 2,333 (132) 973 7,873 (47,133) 68,657 (1,148) 1,731 (1,530) 57 (718) 1,370,192 (350) (49,452) 2,431,632 (415) 63,162 1,443,733 (99,767) (61,883) $ 1,270,425 $ 2,311,315 $ 1,381,850 (120,317) Net earnings Other comprehensive income (loss): Net unrealized (loss) income on hedging derivatives, net of income taxes of ($3,100), ($300) and $(2,600) for 2019, 2018 and 2017, respectively Reclassification adjustment for (gain) loss on settlement of hedging derivatives included in net earnings, net of income taxes of $700, $0 and $400 for 2019, 2018 and 2017, respectively Foreign currency translation (loss) gain, net of income taxes of $0 for 2019, 2018 and 2017 Adjustment to early retiree medical plan, net of income taxes of ($485), $514 and ($767) for 2019, 2018 and 2017, respectively Reclassification adjustment for (gain) loss on early retiree medical plan included in net earnings, net of income taxes of $49, ($108) and ($279) for 2019, 2018 and 2017, respectively Comprehensive income Comprehensive income attributable to noncontrolling interests Comprehensive income attributable to Nucor stockholders See notes to consolidated financial statements. 48 s t s e r e t n I 3 8 8 , 1 6 3 4 8 , 4 7 3 $ 5 6 8 , 9 7 8 , 7 8 8 6 , 8 1 3 , 1 y t i u q E g n i l l o r t n o c n o N l a t o T r o c u N ' l s r e d o h k c o t S t n u o m A s e r a h S s s o L k c o t S y r u s a e r T ) t s o c t a ( d e t a l u m u c c A r e h t O e v i s n e h e r p m o C d e n i a t e R i s g n n r a E l a n o i t i d d A n i - d i a P l a t i p a C l s r e d o h k c o t S r o c u N k c o t S n o m m o C t n u o m A s e r a h S l a t o T I Y T U Q E ’ S R E D L O H K C O T S F O S T N E M E T A T S D E T A D L O S N O C I ) a t a d e r a h s r e p t p e c x e , s d n a s u o h t n I ( — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ) 4 7 9 , 0 9 ( 2 5 7 , 5 4 3 7 1 3 , 0 2 1 ) 9 7 1 , 6 5 ( 0 9 8 , 9 0 4 7 6 7 , 9 9 — — — — — — — — ) 7 4 3 , 6 7 ( 9 6 0 , 7 3 3 2 , 8 2 6 1 , 3 6 8 1 0 , 7 3 0 0 2 , 1 ) 4 0 3 , 0 9 ( — ) 5 9 8 , 5 8 4 ( $ ) 4 1 6 , 9 5 5 , 1 ( $ 7 9 5 , 0 6 ) 3 4 8 , 7 1 3 ( $ 6 1 9 , 0 3 6 , 7 $ 2 7 6 , 4 7 9 , 1 $ 4 3 7 , 1 5 1 $ 4 3 3 , 9 7 3 — — — — 7 2 6 , 6 ) 4 0 3 , 0 9 ( — — — — — ) 7 5 2 ( — 1 9 5 , 1 — — — — 2 6 1 , 3 6 — — — — — — — — — — — 8 8 6 , 8 1 3 , 1 — ) 5 9 8 , 5 8 4 ( — — 6 9 9 , 6 3 3 2 , 8 — — 3 7 8 3 2 , 0 3 3 5 1 — — — 0 0 2 , 1 — — — — — — 3 8 1 3 8 3 — — — — 9 6 0 , 7 3 3 2 , 8 2 6 1 , 3 6 8 1 0 , 7 3 0 0 2 , 1 ) 4 0 3 , 0 9 ( ) 4 7 9 , 0 9 ( ) 5 9 8 , 5 8 4 ( 1 7 5 , 0 8 3 , 1 8 0 7 , 4 5 2 , 8 $ 6 1 0 2 , 1 3 r e b m e c e D , S E C N A L A B 7 1 0 2 n i i s g n n r a e t e N ) s s o l ( e m o c n i i e v s n e h e r p m o c r e h t O i d e s c r e x e s n o i t p o k c o t S e s n e p x e n o i t p o k c o t S l , s n a p d r a w a r e d n u k c o t s f o e c n a u s s I d e n r a e n u f o n o i t a z i t r o m AA n o i t a s n e p m o c d e r i u q c a k c o t s y r u s a e r T s e r u t i e f r o f f o t e n r e p 5 2 1 5 . 1 $ ( d e r a c e d l s d n e d v d i i h s a C s t s e r e t n i g n i l l o r t n o c n o n o t s n o i t u b i r t s D i ) e r a h s $ 6 3 0 , 9 3 7 , 8 $ ) 1 9 2 , 3 4 6 , 1 ( $ 1 3 9 , 1 6 ) 1 8 6 , 4 5 2 ( $ 9 0 7 , 3 6 4 , 8 $ 9 3 3 , 1 2 0 , 2 $ 0 6 9 , 1 5 1 $ 0 0 9 , 9 7 3 8 8 7 , 4 8 0 , 9 $ 7 1 0 2 , 1 3 r e b m e c e D , S E C N A L A B ) 2 5 4 , 9 4 ( 3 6 5 , 4 2 0 1 , 4 2 7 6 7 , 0 6 3 , 2 — — — 3 4 3 , 9 3 1 3 , 2 5 5 3 9 , 0 2 7 7 7 , 1 ) 7 9 9 , 3 5 8 ( — ) 1 3 0 , 7 8 4 ( — — — ) 7 9 9 , 3 5 8 ( — — — ) 3 3 3 ( ) 2 6 7 ( — — — 6 2 7 , 3 1 — — — — — — — — ) 2 5 4 , 9 4 ( — — — — — — 7 6 7 , 0 6 3 , 2 — ) 1 3 0 , 7 8 4 ( — — 3 6 5 , 4 5 7 6 , 4 1 1 6 3 , 1 3 7 7 7 , 1 — — — — — 4 8 — 7 1 — — — — — — — 0 1 2 4 4 — — — — ) 2 5 4 , 9 4 ( 3 6 5 , 4 2 0 1 , 4 2 4 8 0 , 1 8 4 , 2 3 1 3 , 2 5 7 7 7 , 1 ) 7 9 9 , 3 5 8 ( ) 9 7 1 , 6 5 ( ) 1 3 0 , 7 8 4 ( r e p 0 0 4 5 . 1 $ ( d e r a c e d l s d n e d v d i i h s a C s t s e r e t n i g n i l l o r t n o c n o n o t s n o i t u b i r t s D i ) e r a h s ) s s o l ( e m o c n i i e v s n e h e r p m o c r e h t O 8 1 0 2 n i i s g n n r a e t e N i d e s c r e x e s n o i t p o k c o t S e s n e p x e n o i t p o k c o t S l , s n a p d r a w a r e d n u k c o t s f o e c n a u s s I d e n r a e n u f o n o i t a z i t r o m AA n o i t a s n e p m o c d e r i u q c a k c o t s y r u s a e r T s e r u t i e f r o f f o t e n 49 $ 8 7 0 , 2 9 7 , 9 $ ) 0 1 0 , 7 6 4 , 2 ( $ 2 6 5 , 4 7 ) 3 3 1 , 4 0 3 ( $ 5 4 4 , 7 3 3 , 0 1 $ 5 1 7 , 3 7 0 , 2 $ 1 6 0 , 2 5 1 $ 4 5 1 , 0 8 3 8 6 9 , 1 0 2 , 0 1 $ 8 1 0 2 , 1 3 r e b m e c e D , S E C N A L A B ) 8 1 7 ( 2 6 6 , 4 6 4 1 , 6 1 3 4 1 , 1 7 2 , 1 — — — 2 2 5 , 4 1 — — — ) 5 2 4 ( — — 8 0 0 , 2 ) 1 4 5 , 8 9 2 ( ) 7 4 6 , 1 9 4 ( — — — — ) 1 4 5 , 8 9 2 ( — — — — 0 0 3 , 5 5 3 7 , 2 6 8 9 0 , 7 3 ) 5 9 0 , 1 ( — ) 8 1 7 ( — — — — — — — 5 8 8 , 1 — — — — — — 3 4 1 , 1 7 2 , 1 ) 5 8 8 , 1 ( — ) 7 4 6 , 1 9 4 ( — — 4 2 6 , 1 2 6 6 , 4 7 3 6 , 5 2 8 0 0 , 2 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ) 8 1 7 ( 2 6 6 , 4 6 4 1 , 6 1 5 3 7 , 2 6 0 1 9 , 0 7 3 , 1 8 0 0 , 2 ) 1 4 5 , 8 9 2 ( — ) 7 4 3 , 6 7 ( ) 7 4 6 , 1 9 4 ( ) s s o l ( e m o c n i i e v s n e h e r p m o c r e h t O 9 1 0 2 n i i s g n n r a e t e N i d e s c r e x e s n o i t p o k c o t S e s n e p x e n o i t p o k c o t S l , s n a p d r a w a r e d n u k c o t s f o e c n a u s s I d e n r a e n u f o n o i t a z i t r o m AA n o i t a s n e p m o c d e r i u q c a k c o t s y r u s a e r T s e r u t i e f r o f f o t e n r e p 5 2 0 6 . 1 $ ( d e r a c e d l s d n e d v d i i h s a C s t s e r e t n i g n i l l o r t n o c n o n o t s n o i t u b i r t s D i ) e r a h s r e h t O 0 1 3 , 3 3 4 $ 6 6 8 , 7 5 3 , 0 1 $ ) 1 3 9 , 3 1 7 , 2 ( $ 2 4 3 , 8 7 ) 6 6 9 , 2 0 3 ( $ 6 5 0 , 5 1 1 , 1 1 $ 6 4 6 , 7 0 1 , 2 $ 1 6 0 , 2 5 1 $ 4 5 1 , 0 8 3 6 7 1 , 1 9 7 , 0 1 $ 9 1 0 2 , 1 3 r e b m e c e D , S E C N A L A B . s t n e m e t a t s l i a c n a n i f d e t a d i l o s n o c o t s e t o n e e S CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS (In thousands) Operating activities: Net earnings Adjustments: Depreciation Amortization Stock-based compensation Deferred income taxes Distributions from affiliates Equity in earnings of unconsolidated affiliates Impairment of assets Changes in assets and liabilities (exclusive of acquisitions and dispositions): Accounts receivable Inventories Accounts payable Federal income taxes Salaries, wages and related accruals Other operating activities Cash provided by operating activities Investing activities: Capital expenditures Investment in and advances to affiliates Divestiture of affiliates Disposition of plant and equipment Acquisitions (net of cash acquired) Purchases of investments Proceeds from the sale of investments Other investing activities Cash used in investing activities Financing activities: Net change in short-term debt Proceeds from long-term debt, net of discount Repayment of long-term debt Bond issuance related costs Issuance of common stock Payment of tax withholdings on certain stock-based compensation Distributions to noncontrolling interests Cash dividends Acquisition of treasury stock Other financing activities Cash used in financing activities Effect of exchange rate changes on cash Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents - beginning of year Cash and cash equivalents - end of year Non-cash investing activity: Year Ended December 31, 2018 2017 2019 $ 1,370,910 $ 2,481,084 $ 1,380,571 648,911 85,742 90,359 99,157 37,459 (3,311) 66,916 361,340 712,645 (253,457) (180,325) (186,755) (40,178) 2,809,413 (1,477,293) (45,834) 67,591 41,618 (83,106) (367,741) 67,701 2,873 (1,794,191) 4,574 — — — 16,145 630,879 88,758 73,422 3,017 30,196 (40,240) 110,000 (485,433) (1,092,101) 235,572 163,743 204,796 (9,741) 2,393,952 (982,531) (121,412) — 31,589 (33,063) — 50,000 25,348 (1,030,069) 5,037 995,710 (500,000) (7,625) 24,101 (25,047) (76,347) (492,062) (298,541) (9,132) (880,410) 907 135,719 1,398,886 $ 1,534,605 (22,123) (56,179) (485,376) (853,997) (7,725) (908,177) (5,924) 449,782 949,104 $ 1,398,886 635,833 91,228 64,176 (221,173) 49,295 (41,661) — (329,501) (900,946) 314,817 (107,577) 87,700 32,576 1,055,338 (448,555) (59,000) — 25,315 (544,041) (50,000) 150,000 7,389 (918,892) 34,872 — (600,000) — 7,070 (14,408) (90,974) (485,321) (90,304) (3,241) (1,242,306) 9,003 (1,096,857) 2,045,961 949,104 58,519 $ $ Change in accrued plant and equipment purchases $ 34,777 $ 14,725 See notes to consolidated financial statements. 50 NUCOR CORPORATION AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2019, 2018 AND 2017 , , 1. Nature of Operations and Basis of Presentation p Nature of Operations Nucor is principally a manufacturer of steel and steel products, as well as a scrap broker and processor, with operating facilities and customers primarily located in North America. Principles of Consolidation The consolidated financial statements include Nucor and its controlled subsidiaries, including Nucor- Yamato Steel Company (Limited Partnership), of which Nucor owns 51%. All intercompany transactions are eliminated. Distributions are made to noncontrolling interest partners in Nucor-Yamato Steel Company (Limited Partnership) in accordance with the limited partnership agreement by mutual agreement of the general partners. At a minimum, sufficient cash is distributed so that each partner may pay its U.S. federal and state income taxes. Use of Estimates The preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles in the United States of America requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the amounts reported in the financial statements and accompanying notes. Actual results could differ from these estimates. 2. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies g g y Cash and Cash Equivalents Cash equivalents are recorded at cost plus accrued interest, which approximates fair value, and have original maturities of three months or less at the date of purchase. Cash and cash equivalents are maintained primarily with a few high-credit quality financial institutions. Short-term Investments Short-term investments are recorded at cost plus accrued interest, which approximates fair value. Unrealized gains and losses on investments classified as available-for-sale are recorded as a component of accumulated other comprehensive income (loss). Management determines the appropriate classification of its investments at the time of purchase and re-evaluates such determination at each balance sheet date. Inventories Inventories are stated at the lower of cost or market. The Company records any amount required to reduce the carrying value of inventory to net realizable value as a charge to cost of products sold. Scrap and scrap substitute costs are a very significant component of the raw material, semi-finished and finished product inventory balances. The vast majority of the Company’s inventory is recorded on the first- in, first-out method. Production costs are applied to semi-finished and finished product inventory from the approximate period in which they are produced. 51 Property, Plant and Equipment Property, plant and equipment is stated at cost, except for property, plant and equipment acquired through acquisitions which is recorded at acquisition date fair value. With the exception of our natural gas wells, depreciation is provided on a straight-line basis over the estimated useful lives of the assets. Depletion of all capitalized costs associated with our natural gas producing properties is expensed on a unit-of-production basis by individual field as the gas from the proved developed reserves is produced. The costs of acquiring unproved natural gas leasehold acreage are capitalized. When proved reserves are found on unproved properties, the associated leasehold cost is transferred to proved properties. Unproved leases are reviewed periodically for any impairment triggering event, and a valuation allowance is provided for any estimated decline in value. The costs of planned major maintenance activities are capitalized as part of other current assets and amortized over the period until the next scheduled major maintenance activity. All other repairs and maintenance activities are expensed when incurred. Goodwill and Other Intangibles Goodwill is the excess of cost over the fair value of net assets of businesses acquired. Goodwill is not amortized but is tested annually for impairment and whenever events or circumstances change that would make it more likely than not that an impairment may have occurred. We perform our annual impairment analysis as of the first day of the fourth quarter each year. The evaluation of impairment involves comparing the current estimated fair value of each reporting unit, which is a level below the reportable segment, to the recorded value, including goodwill. When appropriate, Nucor performs a qualitative assessment to determine whether it is more likely than not that the fair value of a reporting unit is less than its carrying amount. For certain reporting units, it is necessary to perform a quantitative analysis. In these instances, a discounted cash flow model is used to determine the current estimated fair value of these reporting units. A number of significant assumptions and estimates are involved in the application of the discounted cash flow model to forecast operating cash flows, which could include market growth and market share, sales volumes and prices, costs to produce, discount rate and estimated capital needs. Management considers historical experience and all available information at the time the fair values of its reporting units are estimated. Assumptions in estimating future cash flows are subject to a high degree of judgment and complexity. Changes in assumptions and estimates may affect the fair value of goodwill and could result in impairment charges in future periods. Finite-lived intangible assets are amortized over their estimated useful lives on a straight-line or accelerated basis. Long-Lived Asset Impairments We evaluate our property, plant and equipment and finite-lived intangible assets for potential impairment on an individual asset basis or at the lowest level asset grouping for which independent cash flows can be separately identified. Asset impairments are assessed whenever circumstances indicate that the carrying amounts of those productive assets could exceed their projected undiscounted cash flows. When it is determined that impairment exists, the related assets are written down to their estimated fair market value. Equity Method Investments Investments in joint ventures in which Nucor shares control over the financial and operating decisions but in which Nucor is not the primary beneficiary are accounted for under the equity method. Each of the Company’s equity method investments is subject to a review for impairment if, and when, circumstances indicate that a decline in value below its carrying amount may have occurred. Examples of such circumstances include, but are not limited to, a significant deterioration in the earnings performance or business prospects of the investee; missed financial projections; a significant adverse change in the regulatory, tax, economic or technological environment of the investee; a significant adverse change in the general market condition of either the geographic area or the industry in which the investee operates; 52 and recurring negative cash flows from operations. When management considers the decline to be other than temporary, the Company would write down the related investment to its estimated fair market value. Derivative Financial Instruments Nucor periodically uses derivative financial instruments primarily to partially manage its exposure to price risk related to natural gas purchases used in the production process as well as its exposure to scrap, copper and aluminum purchased for resale to its customers. In addition, Nucor periodically uses derivatives to partially manage its exposure to changes in interest rates on outstanding debt instruments and uses forward foreign exchange contracts to hedge cash flows associated with certain assets and liabilities, firm commitments and anticipated transactions. Nucor recognizes all derivative instruments in the consolidated balance sheets at fair value. Amounts included in accumulated other comprehensive income (loss) related to cash flow hedges are reclassified into earnings when the underlying transaction is recognized in net earnings. Changes in fair value hedges are reported in earnings along with changes in the fair value of the hedged items. When cash flow and fair value hedges affect net earnings, they are included on the same financial statement line as the underlying transaction (cost of products sold or interest expense). If these instruments do not meet hedge accounting criteria, the change in fair value (or a portion thereof) is recognized immediately in earnings in the same financial statement line as the underlying transaction. Revenue Recognition Nucor recognizes revenue when obligations under the terms of contracts with our customers are satisfied; generally, this occurs upon shipment or when control is transferred. Revenue is measured as the amount of consideration expected to be received in exchange for transferring the goods. In addition, revenue is deferred when cash payments are received or due in advance of performance. See Note 24 for further information. Income Taxes Nucor utilizes the liability method of accounting for income taxes. Under the liability method, deferred taxes are determined based on the temporary differences between the financial statement and tax basis of assets and liabilities using tax rates expected to be in effect during the years in which the basis differences reverse. A valuation allowance is recorded when it is more likely than not that some of the deferred tax assets will not be realized. Nucor recognizes the effect of income tax positions only if those positions are more likely than not of being sustained. Potential accrued interest and penalties related to unrecognized tax benefits are recognized as a component of interest expense and other expenses. Stock-Based Compensation The Company recognizes the cost of stock-based compensation as an expense using fair value measurement methods. The assumptions used to calculate the fair value of stock-based compensation granted are evaluated and revised for new grants, as necessary, to reflect market conditions and experience. Foreign Currency Translation For Nucor’s operations where the functional currency is other than the U.S. dollar, assets and liabilities have been translated at year-end exchange rates, and income and expenses have been translated using average exchange rates for the respective periods. Adjustments resulting from the process of translating an entity’s financial statements into the U.S. dollar have been recorded in accumulated other comprehensive income (loss) and are included in net earnings only upon sale or 53 liquidation of the underlying investments. Foreign currency transaction gains and losses are included in net earnings in the period they occur. Recently Adopted Accounting Pronouncements In the first quarter of 2019, Nucor adopted new guidance related to lease accounting using the modified retrospective approach, which permits companies to recognize a cumulative-effect adjustment to the opening balance of retained earnings in the period of adoption without adjusting the comparative periods prior to adoption. The new lease guidance requires all lessees to recognize on the balance sheet right-of-use assets and lease liabilities for the rights and obligations created by lease arrangements with terms greater than 12 months, including operating leases. Expenses are recognized in the statement of earnings in a manner similar to previous accounting guidance. We elected the package of practical expedients permitted under the transition guidance within the new lease standard, which, among other things, allowed us to carry forward the historical lease classification. We also elected the practical expedient related to land easements, allowing us to carry forward our accounting treatment for land easements on existing agreements, and the short-term lease exemption policy such that the new lease guidance was applied to leases greater than one year in duration. The adoption of the new lease standard did not have a material impact on our consolidated financial statements as it resulted in an increase of 0.5% and 1.2% to our total assets and total liabilities, respectively, on our consolidated balance sheet as of January 1, 2019. The new lease standard did not materially impact our consolidated net earnings and had no impact on our cash flows. Finance lease right-of-use assets and liabilities are presented separately from operating lease right-of-use assets and liabilities in the consolidated balance sheet as of January 1, 2019 in accordance with the new lease standard. See Note 7 for further information. In the first quarter of 2019, we also adopted new accounting guidance related to tax effects of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (the “Tax Reform Act”). As a result of the adoption of the new guidance, we elected to reclassify stranded tax effects from accumulated other comprehensive income to retained earnings, effective January 1, 2019. The adoption of this new guidance did not have a material impact on the Company’s consolidated financial statements. 54 3. Acquisitions and Dispositions q p On January 20, 2017, Nucor used cash on hand to acquire Republic Conduit (“Republic”) for a purchase price of $331.6 million. Republic produces steel electrical conduit primarily used to protect and route electrical wiring in various nonresidential structures such as hospitals, office buildings and stadiums. Republic has two facilities, one located in Kentucky and the other in Georgia. This acquisition not only further expands Nucor’s product portfolio to include steel electrical conduit, but it is also an important, value-added channel to market for Nucor’s sheet mills. Republic’s financial results are included as part of the steel products segment (see Note 23). We have allocated the purchase price for Republic to its individual assets acquired and liabilities assumed. The following table summarizes the fair values of the assets acquired and liabilities assumed of Republic as of the date of acquisition (in thousands): Cash AAccounts receivable Inventory Other current assets Property, plant and equipment Goodwill Other intangible assets Other assets Total assets acquired Current liabilities Total liabilities assumed Net assets acquired $ $ 206 39,177 33,561 1,101 67,412 115,562 89,200 3,118 349,337 17,743 17,743 331,594 The following table summarizes the purchase price allocation to the identifiable intangible assets of Republic as of the date of acquisition (in thousands, except years): Customer relationships Trademarks and trade names Weighted- Average Life 12 years 13 years $ $ 80,800 8,400 89,200 The goodwill of approximately $115.6 million is primarily attributed to the synergies expected to arise after the acquisition. The goodwill is calculated as the excess of the purchase price over the fair values of the assets acquired and liabilities assumed and has been allocated to the steel products segment (see Note 9). Goodwill recognized for tax purposes was $118.6 million, all of which is deductible for such purposes. 55 Other smaller acquisitions, exclusive of purchase price adjustments of acquisitions made and net of cash acquired, totaled $83.1 million in 2019, $33.1 million in 2018 and $212.7 million in 2017. Included in the 2017 amount is the January 9, 2017 acquisition of Southland Tube, Inc. (“Southland”) and the September 1, 2017 acquisition of St. Louis Cold Drawn, Inc. (“St. Louis Cold Drawn”). Nucor used cash on hand to acquire Southland and St. Louis Cold Drawn for purchase prices of approximately $130 million and $60 million, respectively. Southland is a manufacturer of HSS steel tubing, which is primarily used in nonresidential construction markets. Southland has one manufacturing facility in Birmingham, Alabama. St. Louis Cold Drawn is a manufacturer of cold drawn rounds, hexagons, squares and special sections that mainly serves the U.S. and Mexican automotive and industrial markets. St. Louis Cold Drawn has two manufacturing locations, one in St. Louis, Missouri and the other in Monterrey, Mexico, that have a combined annual capacity of approximately 200,000 tons. The financial results of Southland and St. Louis Cold Drawn are included as part of the steel products segment (see Note 23). 4. Short-term Investments Nucor held $300.0 million of short-term investments as of December 31, 2019 (none at December 31, 2018). The investments held as of December 31, 2019 consisted of several certificates of deposit (“CD’s”), and corporate bonds, which were classified as available-for-sale. Interest income on the CD’s and corporate bonds was recorded as earned. No realized or unrealized gains or losses were incurred in 2019, 2018 or 2017. 5. Accounts Receivable An allowance for doubtful accounts is maintained for estimated losses resulting from the inability of our customers to make required payments. Accounts receivable are stated net of the allowance for doubtful accounts of $59.9 million at December 31, 2019 ($62.1 million at December 31, 2018 and $49.0 million at December 31, 2017). 6. Inventories Inventories consisted of approximately 42% raw materials and supplies and 58% finished and semi- finished products at December 31, 2019 (43% and 57%, respectively, at December 31, 2018). Nucor’s manufacturing process consists of a continuous, vertically integrated process from which products are sold to customers at various stages throughout the process. Since most steel products can be classified as either finished or semi-finished products, these two categories of inventory are combined. 7. Leases We lease certain equipment, office space and land. Leases with an initial term of 12 months or less are not recorded on the consolidated balance sheet. Most leases include one or more options to renew, with renewal terms that can extend the lease term from one to five years or more. The exercise of lease renewal options is at our sole discretion and we consider these options in determining the lease term used to establish our right-of-use assets and lease liabilities. Certain leases also include options to purchase the leased property. The depreciable life of assets and leasehold improvements is limited by the expected lease term, unless there is a transfer of title or a purchase option reasonably certain of exercise. We determine that a contract contains a lease if the contract conveys the right to control the use of an identified asset for a period of time in exchange for consideration. In evaluating whether we have the right to control the use of an identified asset, we assess whether or not we have the right to control the use of the identified asset and to obtain substantially all of the economic benefit from the use of the identified asset. 56 As most of our leases do not provide an implicit rate, we use our incremental borrowing rate based on the information available at the commencement date in determining the present value of lease payments. Certain of our lease agreements include payments that adjust periodically for consumption of goods provided by the right-of-use asset in excess of contractually determined minimum amounts and for inflation. These variable lease payments are not significant. Our lease agreements do not contain any material residual value guarantees or material restrictive covenants. Supplemental statement of earnings information related to our leases is as follows (in thousands): Operating lease cost Operating lease cost Total operating lease cost Finance lease cost: Amortization of leased assets Interest on lease liabilities Total finance lease cost Total lease cost Statement of Earnings Classification Cost of products sold Marketing, administrative and other expenses Cost of products sold Interest expense, net Year Ended December 31, 2019 $ $ $ $ $ 21,275 2,196 23,471 9,810 11,335 21,145 44,616 Supplemental cash flow information related to our leases is as follows (in thousands): Cash paid for amounts included in measurement of lease liabilities: Operating cash flows from operating leases Operating cash flows from finance leases Financing cash flows from finance leases Non-cash investing and financing activities: AAdditions to right-of-use assets obtained from Operating lease liabilities Finance lease liabilities Year Ended December 31, 2019 $ $ $ $ $ 23,155 11,335 9,134 11,941 11,406 Supplemental balance sheet information related to our leases is as follows (in thousands): Balance Sheet Classification December 31, 2019 AAssets: Operating lease Finance lease Total leased Liabilities: Current operating Current finance Non-current operating Non-current finance Total leased Other assets Property, plant and equipment, net AAccrued expenses and other current liabilities Current portion of long-term debt and finance lease obligations Deferred credits and other liabilities Long-term debt and finance lease obligations due after one year $ $ $ $ 91,123 72,364 163,487 17,647 9,264 74,877 75,960 177,748 57 Weighted-average remaining lease term and discount rate for our leases are as follows: Weighted-average remaining lease term - operating leases Weighted-average remaining lease term - finance leases Weighted-average discount rate - operating leases Weighted-average discount rate - finance leases December 31, 2019 9.1 Years 10.8 Years 3.8% 29.4% The reason for the substantial weighted-average discount rate – finance leases, of 29.4%, is due to Nucor’s past accounting for the respective finance leases under the former accounting guidance for capital leases. Pursuant to the former lease accounting guidance, the recognition of a capital lease asset and associated capital lease liability could not exceed the fair market value of the leased asset at the lease commencement. Accordingly, the incremental borrowing rate was adjusted upward so that the present value of the minimum lease payments would equal the fair value of the asset. Maturities of lease liabilities by year for our leases were as follows as of December 31, 2019 (in thousands): Maturities of lease liabilities, year ending December 31, 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Thereafter Total lease payments Less imputed interest Present value of lease liabilities Operating Leases Finance Leases $ $ $ 20,382 17,961 15,797 12,652 9,988 35,149 111,929 (19,405) 92,524 $ $ $ 19,802 19,334 18,466 16,554 11,922 73,742 159,820 (74,596) 85,224 Prior Period Disclosures - As a result of adopting the new lease accounting guidance on January 1, 2019 under the modified retrospective approach, the Company is required to present future minimum lease commitments for capital leases and operating leases having initial or noncancellable lease terms in excess of one year that were previously disclosed in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2018 and accounted for under the former lease guidance. Total future minimum lease payments related to capital leases at December 31, 2018 were $154.8 million, with the timing of those payments estimated at that date to be made as follows: $17.7 million in 2019; a total of $33.6 million to be paid between 2020 and 2021; a total of $30.0 million to be paid between 2022 and 2023; and $73.4 million to be paid thereafter. Total future minimum lease payments related to operating leases having initial or noncancellable lease terms in excess of one year at December 31, 2018 were $128.6 million, with the timing of those payments estimated at that date to be made as follows: $31.8 million in 2019; a total of $45.0 million to be paid between 2020 and 2021; a total of $28.4 million to be paid between 2022 and 2023; and $23.5 million to be paid thereafter. The gross amount of assets recorded under capital leases was $89.4 million as of December 31, 2018, which primarily consisted of buildings and improvements or machinery and equipment. 58 8. Property, Plant and Equipment q p y, p December 31, Land and improvements, net Buildings and improvements Machinery and equipment Proved oil and gas properties Leasehold interest in unproved oil and gas properties Construction in process and equipment deposits Less accumulated depreciation (in thousands) 2019 719,736 1,413,690 11,630,179 558,123 165,000 1,108,054 15,594,782 (9,416,227) 6,178,555 $ $ 2018 654,786 1,283,182 11,101,840 557,383 165,000 762,884 14,525,075 (9,190,327) 5,334,748 $ $ The estimated useful lives primarily range from five to 25 years for land improvements, four to 40 years for buildings and improvements and two to 15 years for machinery and equipment. The useful life for proved oil and gas properties is based on the unit-of-production method and varies by well. In the third quarter of 2018, due to the deteriorating natural gas pricing environment at our sales point in the Piceance Basin, Nucor determined a triggering event had occurred and performed an impairment analysis that resulted in a $110.0 million non-cash impairment charge relating to two of its three groups (“fields”) of wells. One of the main assumptions that most significantly affects the undiscounted cash flows determination is management’s estimate of future pricing of natural gas and natural gas liquids. The pricing used in the impairment assessment was developed by management based on projected natural gas market supply and demand dynamics, in conjunction with a review of projections by market analysts. Management also makes key estimates on the expected reserve levels and on the expected lease operating costs. The impairment assessment was performed on each of Nucor’s three fields of wells, with each field defined by common geographic location. The natural gas pricing environment continued to decline in 2019 and the resulting decrease in performance of the natural gas well assets reached such a point in the fourth quarter of 2019 that Nucor determined a triggering event had occurred. Nucor performed an impairment analysis on all three fields. The field of wells that was not impaired as a result of the 2018 analysis did not pass the 2019 undiscounted cash flow impairment analysis. An after-tax discounted cash flow analysis was performed for this field to determine the amount of impairment, which was $35.0 million. An increase in the estimated lease operating cost projections was the primary factor in causing this field of wells to be impaired. The non-cash impairment charges are included in the raw materials segment and in impairment of assets in the consolidated statements of earnings for the years ended December 31, 2019 and 2018, respectively. The post-impairment carrying value of this field was $12.3 million at December 31, 2019 ($51.8 million at December 31, 2018). The two previously impaired fields had a combined carrying value of $66.6 million at December 31, 2019 ($71.0 million at December 31, 2018). Changes in the natural gas industry or a prolonged low-price environment beyond what had already been assumed in the assessments could cause management to revise the natural gas and natural gas liquids price assumptions, the estimated reserves or the estimated lease operating costs. Unfavorable revisions to these assumptions or estimates could possibly result in further impairment of some or all of the fields of proved well assets. In the steel mills segment, Nucor recorded a non-cash impairment charge of $20.0 million related to certain property, plant and equipment at our plate mill in Texas. This charge is included in impairment of assets in the consolidated statement of earnings for the year ended December 31, 2019. 59 9. Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets g The change in the net carrying amount of goodwill for the years ended December 31, 2019 and 2018 by segment is as follows: Steel Mills (in thousands) Steel Products Raw Materials Total Balance, December 31, 2017 Reclassifications Translation Balance, December 31, 2018 AAcquisitions Translation Balance, December 31, 2019 $ 745,484 $ 720,997 $ 729,577 $2,196,058 — (11,722) 2,184,336 12,623 4,104 $ 591,986 $ 879,500 $ 729,577 $2,201,063 (153,498) — 591,986 — — 153,498 (11,722) 862,773 12,623 4,104 — — 729,577 — — The majority of goodwill is not tax deductible. Intangible assets with estimated useful lives of five to 22 years are amortized on a straight-line or accelerated basis and are comprised of the following: December 31, 2019 December 31, 2018 (in thousands) Customer relationships Trademarks and trade names Other Gross Amount Gross Amount Accumulated Amortization Accumulated Amortization $1,412,954 $ 767,532 $1,418,250 $ 713,656 87,680 32,276 $1,638,944 $ 896,758 $1,662,116 $ 833,612 176,046 67,820 162,183 63,807 92,258 36,968 Intangible asset amortization expense was $85.7 million in 2019 ($88.8 million in 2018 and $91.2 million in 2017). Annual amortization expense is estimated to be $83.5 million in 2020, $82.3 million in 2021, $80.7 million in 2022, $79.1 million in 2023 and $79.2 million in 2024. The Company completed its annual goodwill impairment testing as of the first day of the fourth quarters of 2019, 2018 and 2017 and concluded that as of such dates there was no impairment of goodwill for any of its reporting units. The annual evaluation performed in 2019 used forward-looking projections and included expected improvements in the future cash flows of one of the Company’s reporting units, Rebar Fabrication. The fair value of this reporting unit exceeded its carrying value by approximately 56% in the most recent evaluation. As the reporting unit worked through its more expensive inventory and stabilized its backlog pricing for new projects, the operating results for the reporting unit significantly improved in the second half of 2019. We expect the 2020 operating results of this reporting unit will continue to improve as compared to 2019. If our assessment of the relevant facts and circumstances changes, or the actual performance in this reporting unit falls short of expected results, non-cash impairment charges may be required. Total goodwill associated with the Rebar Fabrication reporting unit as of December 31, 2019 was $356.6 million. An impairment of goodwill may also lead us to record an impairment of other intangible assets. Total finite-lived intangible assets associated with the Rebar Fabrication reporting unit as of December 31, 2019 was $67.2 million. The Company has monitored one of its reporting units, Grating, for potential triggering events since the impairment assessment performed in the fourth quarter of 2018. Due to lower than expected operating results and anticipated changes to the reporting unit’s business strategy and structure, the Company determined a triggering event occurred in the third quarter of 2019 and performed an impairment assessment. The fair value of the Grating reporting unit exceeded its carrying value by approximately 17% in the most recent assessment. If our assessment of the relevant facts and circumstances changes, or the actual performance of this reporting unit falls short of expected results, non-cash impairment charges may be required. As of December 31, 2019, total goodwill associated with the Grating reporting unit was $36.8 million. As a result of management’s changes to the Grating 60 reporting unit’s business strategy and structure, the remaining balance of its intangible assets of $3.3 million was written off in the fourth quarter of 2019. Additionally, a non-cash impairment charge of $8.6 million was taken in the fourth quarter of 2019 on the finite-lived intangible assets, specifically trade names, as they were no longer being utilized. There are no significant historical accumulated impairment charges, by segment or in the aggregate, related to goodwill. 10. Equity Investments q y The carrying value of our equity investments in domestic and foreign companies was $793.2 million y g g y at December 31, 2019 ($869.9 million at December 31, 2018), and is recorded in other assets in the consolidated balance sheets. NUMIT Nucor owns a 50% economic and voting interest in NuMit LLC (“NuMit”). NuMit owns 100% of the ) equity interest in Steel Technologies LLC, an operator of 26 sheet processing facilities located throughout the United States, Canada and Mexico. Nucor accounts for the investment in NuMit (on a one-month lag basis) under the equity method, as control and risk of loss are shared equally between the members. Nucor’s investment in NuMit was $319.8 million at December 31, 2019 ($337.2 million at December 31, 2018). Nucor received distributions of $36.5 million, $29.2 million and $48.3 million from NuMit during 2019, 2018 and 2017, respectively. y y ( DUFERDOFIN NUCOR Nucor owns a 50% economic and voting interest in Duferdofin Nucor S.r.l. (“Duferdofin Nucor”), an Italian steel manufacturer, and accounts for the investment (on a one-month lag basis) under the equity method, as control and risk of loss are shared equally between the members. ) Nucor’s investment in Duferdofin Nucor was $263.0 million at December 31, 2019 ($269.1 million at December 31, 2018). Nucor’s 50% share of the total net assets of Duferdofin Nucor was $115.8 million at December 31, 2019, resulting in a basis difference of $147.2 million due to the step-up to fair value of certain assets and liabilities attributable to Duferdofin Nucor as well as the identification of goodwill ($86.5 million) and finite-lived intangible assets. This basis difference, excluding the portion attributable to y g g goodwill, is being amortized based on the remaining estimated useful lives of the various underlying net g assets, as appropriate. Amortization expense associated with the fair value step-up was $8.9 million, $9.3 million and $8.9 million in 2019, 2018 and 2017, respectively. g g ( As of December 31, 2019, Nucor had outstanding notes receivable of €35.0 million ($39.3 million) from Duferdofin Nucor (€35.0 million, or $40.2 million, as of December 31, 2018). The notes receivable bear interest at a rate that resets annually on September 30 to the 12-month Euro Interbank Offered Rate plus 0.75% per year. The maturity date of the principal amounts was extended to January 31, 2022 during the first quarter of 2018. As of December 31, 2019 and 2018, the notes receivable were classified in other assets in the consolidated balance sheets. Nucor has issued a guarantee for its ownership percentage (50%) of Duferdofin Nucor’s borrowings under Facility A of a Structured Trade Finance Facilities Agreement (“Facility A”). The fair value of the guarantee is immaterial. In April 2018, Duferdofin Nucor amended and extended Facility A to mature on April 16, 2021. The maximum amount Duferdofin Nucor could borrow under Facility A was €160.0 million ($179.5 million) at December 31, 2019. As of December 31, 2019, there was €147.0 million ($164.9 million) outstanding under that facility (€155.0 million, or $178.0 million, as of December 31, 2018). If Duferdofin Nucor fails to pay when due any amounts for which it is obligated under Facility A, Nucor could be required to pay 50% of such amounts pursuant to and in accordance with the terms of its guarantee. Any indebtedness of Duferdofin Nucor to Nucor is effectively subordinated to the indebtedness of Duferdofin Nucor under Facility A. Nucor has not recorded any liability associated with this guarantee. 61 NUCOR-JFE Nucor owns a 50% economic and voting interest in Nucor-JFE Steel Mexico, S. de R.L. de C.V. (“Nucor-JFE”), a 50-50 joint venture with JFE Steel Corporation of Japan, to build and operate a galvanized sheet steel plant in central Mexico. Nucor-JFE plant construction is substantially complete and operations are expected to begin in the first half of 2020. Nucor accounts for the investment in Nucor-JFE (on a one-month lag basis) under the equity method, as control and risk of loss are shared equally between the members. Nucor’s investment in Nucor-JFE was $163.2 million at December 31, 2019 ($135.7 million at December 31, 2018). On January 16, 2019, Nucor entered into an agreement to guarantee a percentage, equal to its ownership percentage (50%), of Nucor-JFE’s borrowings under the General Financing Agreement and Promissory Note (the “Facility”). The fair value of the guarantee is immaterial. Nucor’s guarantee expires on April 30, 2020. Under the Facility, the maximum amount Nucor-JFE could borrow was $65.0 million as of December 31, 2019. The Facility is uncommitted. As of December 31, 2019, there was no outstanding balance under the Facility. If Nucor-JFE fails to pay when due any amounts for which it is obligated under the Facility, Nucor could be required to pay 50% of such amounts pursuant to and in accordance with the terms of its guarantee. Nucor has not recorded any liability associated with this guarantee. Nucor-JFE has other credit facilities that Nucor has agreed to guarantee. The principal amount subject to guarantee by Nucor for these other credit facilities was $25.0 million at December 31, 2019. The fair value of the guarantees is immaterial. If Nucor-JFE fails to pay when due any amounts for which it is obligated, Nucor could be required to pay such amounts pursuant to and in accordance with the terms of its guarantee. Nucor has not recorded any liability associated with these guarantees. ALL EQUITY INVESTMENTS Nucor reviews its equity investments for impairment if and when circumstances indicate that a decline in fair value below their carrying amounts may have occurred. Nucor last assessed its equity investment in Duferdofin Nucor for impairment during the fourth quarter of 2019 due to the protracted challenging steel market conditions in Europe. After completing its assessment, the Company determined that the estimated fair value exceeded its carrying amount by a sufficient amount and that there was no need to record an impairment charge. The assumptions that most significantly affect the fair value determination include projected cash flows and the discount rate. It is reasonably possible that material deviation of future performance from the estimates used in our most recent valuation could result in impairment of our investment in Duferdofin Nucor. We will continue to monitor for potential triggering events that could affect the carrying value of our investment in Duferdofin Nucor as a result of future market conditions and any changes in our business strategy. 11. Current Liabilities Book overdrafts, included in accounts payable in the consolidated balance sheets, were $116.4 million at December 31, 2019 ($89.8 million at December 31, 2018). Dividends payable, included in accrued expenses and other current liabilities in the consolidated balance sheets, were $122.9 million at December 31, 2019 ($123.4 million at December 31, 2018). 62 12. Debt and Other Financing Arrangements g g December 31, Industrial revenue bonds due from 2020 to 2040* Notes, 4.125%, due 2022 Notes, 4.0%, due 2023 Notes, 3.95%, due 2028 Notes, 6.40%, due 2037 Notes, 5.20%, due 2043 Notes, 4.40%, due 2048 Finance lease obligations Total long-term debt and finance lease obligations Less debt issuance costs Total amounts outstanding Less current maturities of long-term debt Less current portion of finance lease obligations $ (in thousands) $ 2019 1,010,600 600,000 500,000 500,000 650,000 500,000 500,000 85,224 4,345,824 25,259 4,320,565 20,000 9,264 2018 1,010,600 600,000 500,000 500,000 650,000 500,000 500,000 — 4,260,600 27,324 4,233,276 — — Total long-term debt and finance lease obligations due after one year $ 4,291,301 $ 4,233,276 * The industrial revenue bonds had variable rates ranging from 1.61% to 1.82% at December 31, 2019 and 1.88% to 2.03% at December 31, 2018. Annual aggregate long-term debt maturities are: $20.0 million in 2020, none in 2021, $601.0 million in 2022, $500.0 million in 2023, none in 2024 and $3.14 billion thereafter. In April 2018, Nucor issued $500.0 million of 3.95% notes due 2028 and $500.0 million of 4.40% notes due 2048. Net proceeds of the issuances were $986.1 million, of which $500.0 million was used to repay the $500.0 million of 5.85% notes that matured June 1, 2018. Costs of $11.9 million associated with the issuances have been capitalized and will be amortized over the lives of the notes. During the second quarter of 2018, Nucor amended its $1.50 billion unsecured revolving credit facility to extend the maturity date from April 2021 to April 2023. Costs associated with the amendment were immaterial. The unsecured revolving credit facility provides up to $1.50 billion in revolving loans and allows up to $500.0 million in additional commitments at Nucor’s election in accordance with the terms set forth in the credit agreement. Up to the equivalent of $850.0 million of the credit facility is available for foreign currency loans, up to $100.0 million is available for the issuance of letters of credit and up to $500.0 million is available for the issuance of revolving loans for Nucor subsidiaries in accordance with the terms set forth in the credit agreement. The credit facility provides for a pricing grid based upon the credit rating of Nucor’s senior unsecured long-term debt and, alternatively, interest rates quoted by lenders in connection with competitive bidding. The credit facility includes customary financial and other covenants, including a limit on the ratio of funded debt to total capital of 60%, a limit on Nucor’s ability to pledge the Company’s assets and a limit on consolidations, mergers and sales of assets. As of December 31, 2019, Nucor’s funded debt to total capital ratio was 29%, and Nucor was in compliance with all covenants under the credit facility. No borrowings were outstanding under the credit facility as of December 31, 2019 and 2018. Harris Steel has credit facilities totaling approximately $19.0 million, with no outstanding borrowings at December 31, 2019 ($7.5 million at December 31, 2018). In addition, the business of Nucor Trading S.A. is financed by uncommitted trade credit arrangements with a number of European banking institutions. As of December 31, 2019, Nucor Trading S.A. had outstanding borrowings of $62.4 million, which is presented in short-term debt in the consolidated balance sheet ($57.9 million at December 31, 2018). Letters of credit totaling $28.0 million were outstanding as of December 31, 2019 ($56.2 million as of December 31, 2018), related to certain obligations, including workers’ compensation, utilities deposits and credit arrangements by Nucor Trading S.A. for commitments to purchase inventories. 63 13. Capital Stock p The par value of Nucor’s common stock is $0.40 per share and there are 800 million shares authorized. In addition, 250,000 shares of preferred stock, par value of $4.00 per share, are authorized, with preferences, rights and restrictions as may be fixed by the Board of Directors. There are no shares of preferred stock issued or outstanding. Dividends declared per share were $1.6025 in 2019 ($1.5400 per share in 2018 and $1.5125 per share in 2017). The Company repurchased $298.5 million of its common stock in 2019 ($854.0 million in 2018 and y $90.3 million in 2017). On September 6, 2018, the Company announced that the Board of Directors had approved a new y share repurchase program under which the Company is authorized to repurchase up to $2.0 billion of the Company’s common stock and terminated any previously authorized share repurchase programs. Share repurchases will be made from time to time in the open market at prevailing market prices or through private transactions or block trades. The timing and amount of repurchases will depend on market conditions, share price, applicable legal requirements and other factors. The share repurchase authorization is discretionary and has no expiration date. At December 31, 2019, the Company had approximately $1.2 billion available for share repurchases under the program. y 14. Derivative Financial Instruments The following tables summarize information regarding Nucor’s derivative instruments (in thousands): Fair Value of Derivative Instruments AAsset derivatives designated as hedging instruments: Commodity contracts AAsset derivatives not designated as hedging instruments: Commodity contracts Foreign exchange contracts Total asset derivatives not designated as hedging instruments Total asset derivatives Liability derivatives designated as hedging instruments: Commodity contracts Commodity contracts Total liability derivatives designated as hedging instruments Liability derivatives not designated as hedging instruments: Commodity contracts Foreign exchange contracts Total liability derivatives not designated as hedging instruments Consolidated Balance Sheet Location 2019 2018 Fair Value at December 31, Other current assets $ — $ 100 Other current assets Other current assets — — 2,617 2,055 — — $ 4,672 4,772 $ AAccrued expenses and other current liabilities $ (7,200) $ Deferred credits and other liabilities (11,200) — (8,600) (18,400) (8,600) AAccrued expenses and other current liabilities AAccrued expenses and other current liabilities (1,118) (81) (1,199) — — — Total liability derivatives $ (19,599) $ (8,600) 64 The Effect of Derivatives Instruments on the Consolidated Statements of Earningsg Derivatives Designated as Hedging Instruments for the Year Ended December 31, (in thousands) Derivatives in Cash Flow Hedging Relationships Commodity contracts Statement of Earnings Location Cost of products sold net of tax, Recognized in OCI on Derivatives (Effective Portion) 2018 2019 2017 Amount of Gain or (Loss), net of tax, Reclassified from Accumulated OCI into Earnings on Derivatives (Effective Portion) 2018 2019 2017 Amount of Gain or (Loss), net of tax, Recognized in Earnings on Derivatives (Ineffective Portion) 2018 2019 2017 $ (9,833) $ (3,568) $ (4,523) $ (2,333) $ 132 $ (973) $ — $ — $ — Derivatives Not Designated as Hedging Instruments for the Year Ended December 31, (in thousands) Derivatives Not Designated as Hedging Instruments Statement of Earnings Location Commodity contracts Foreign exchange contracts Total Cost of products sold Cost of products sold $ $ 2019 Amount of Gain or (Loss) Recognized in Earnings on Derivatives 2018 14,572 $ (11,973) (3,344) 18,181 $ (15,317) 2,269 $ (59) 2,210 $ 3,609 2017 At December 31, 2019, natural gas swaps covering approximately 35.1 million MMBTUs (extending through December 2022) were outstanding. 15. Fair Value Measurements The following table summarizes information regarding Nucor’s financial assets and liabilities that are measured at fair value as of December 31, 2019 and 2018. Nucor does not have any non-financial assets or liabilities that are measured at fair value on a recurring basis. Description AAs of December 31, 2019 AAssets: , Short-term investments Total assets Liabilities: AAs of December 31, 2018 AAssets: , Derivative contracts Total assets Liabilities: (in thousands) Fair Value Measurements at Reporting Date Using Quoted Prices in Active Markets for Identical Assets (Level 1) Significant Other Observable Inputs (Level 2) Significant Unobservable Inputs (Level 3) Carrying Amount in Consolidated Balance Sheets $ 1,229,000 $ 1,229,000 $ 300,040 $ 1,529,040 $ 1,529,040 300,040 $ $ $ $ — $ — $ — $ $ (19,599) $ — $ (19,599) $ $ 1,084,319 $ 1,084,319 — $ 1,089,091 $ 1,084,319 4,772 $ $ — $ 4,772 4,772 $ $ (8,600) $ — $ (8,600) $ — — — — — — — — 65 Fair value measurements for Nucor’s cash equivalents and short-term investments are classified under Level 1 because such measurements are based on quoted market prices in active markets for identical assets. Fair value measurements for Nucor’s derivatives, which are typically commodity or foreign exchange contracts, are classified under Level 2 because such measurements are based on published market prices for similar assets or are estimated based on observable inputs such as interest rates, yield curves, credit risks, spot and future commodity prices, and spot and future exchange rates. There were no transfers between levels in the fair value hierarchy for the periods presented. The fair value of short-term and long-term debt, including current maturities, was approximately $4.81 billion at December 31, 2019 (approximately $4.45 billion at December 31, 2018). The debt fair value estimates are classified under Level 2 because such estimates are based on readily available market prices of our debt at December 31, 2019 and 2018, or similar debt with the same maturities, ratings and interest rates. 16. Contingencies g Nucor is subject to environmental laws and regulations established by federal, state and local authorities and, accordingly, makes provisions for the estimated costs of compliance. Of the undiscounted total of $16.4 million of accrued environmental costs at December 31, 2019 ($18.4 million at December 31, 2018), $4.1 million was classified in accrued expenses and other current liabilities ($7.0 million at December 31, 2018) and $12.3 million was classified in deferred credits and other liabilities ($11.4 million at December 31, 2018). Inherent uncertainties exist in these estimates primarily due to unknown conditions, evolving remediation technology and changing governmental regulations and legal standards. We are from time to time a party to various lawsuits, claims and other legal proceedings that arise in the ordinary course of business. With respect to all such lawsuits, claims and proceedings, we record reserves when it is probable a liability has been incurred and the amount of loss can be reasonably estimated. We do not believe that any of these proceedings, individually or in the aggregate, would be expected to have a material adverse effect on our results of operations, financial position or cash flows. Nucor maintains liability insurance with self-insurance limits for certain risks. 17. Stock-Based Compensation p Overview The Company maintains the Nucor Corporation 2014 Omnibus Incentive Compensation Plan (the “Omnibus Plan”) under which the Company may award stock-based compensation to key employees, officers and non-employee directors. The Company’s stockholders approved the Omnibus Plan on May 8, 2014. The Omnibus Plan permits the award of stock options, restricted stock units, restricted shares and other stock-based awards for up to 13.0 million shares of the Company’s common stock. As of December 31, 2019, 3.6 million shares remained available for award under the Omnibus Plan. The Company also maintains a number of inactive plans under which stock-based awards remain outstanding but no further awards may be made. As of December 31, 2019, 1.2 million shares were reserved for issuance upon the future settlement of outstanding awards under such inactive plans. Stock Options Stock options may be granted to Nucor’s key employees, officers and non-employee directors with exercise prices at 100% of the market value on the date of the grant. The stock options granted are generally exercisable at the end of three years and have a term of 10 years. 66 A summary of activity under Nucor’s stock option plans is as follows (shares in thousands): YYear Ended December 31, Number of shares under stock options: Outstanding at beginning of year Granted Exercised Canceled Outstanding at end of year Stock options exercisable at end of year 2019 2018 2017 Weighted- Average Exercise Price Shares Weighted- Average Exercise Price Shares Weighted- Average Exercise Price Shares 3,828 $ 49.71 489 $ 48.00 (425) $ 37.97 — 3,892 $ 50.78 3,276 $ 49.79 — 4,106 $ 47.96 265 $ 65.80 (543) $ 44.33 — 3,828 $ 49.71 2,112 $ 45.41 — 3,591 $ 45.32 698 $ 59.07 (183) $ 38.56 — 4,106 $ 47.96 1,809 $ 43.39 — The total intrinsic value of stock options (the amount by which the stock price exceeded the exercise price of the stock option on the date of exercise) that were exercised during 2019 was $7.7 million ($12.6 million in 2018 and $4.5 million in 2017). The following table summarizes information about stock options outstanding at December 31, 2019 (shares in thousands): Range of Exercise Prices $35.00 - $45.00 $45.01 - $55.00 $55.01 - $65.00 $65.01 - $75.00 $35.00 - $75.00 Options Outstanding Options Exercisable Weighted- Average Weighted- Average Exercise Price Remaining Contractual Life 2.9 years $ 6.0 years $ 6.9 years $ 7.9 years $ 5.8 years $ 42.65 48.61 59.07 65.80 50.78 Weighted- Average Exercise Price Number Exercisable 576 $ 2,122 $ 412 $ 166 $ 3,276 $ 42.65 48.68 59.07 65.80 49.79 Number Outstanding 576 2,352 698 266 3,892 As of December 31, 2019, the total aggregate intrinsic value of stock options outstanding and stock options exercisable was $25.9 million and $24.0 million, respectively. The grant date fair value of stock options granted was $8.69 per share in 2019 ($15.07 per share in 2018 and $12.61 per share in 2017). The fair value was estimated using the Black-Scholes option-pricing model with the following assumptions: Exercise price Expected dividend yield Expected stock price volatility Risk-free interest rate Expected life (in years) 2019 2018 2017 $48.00 3.33% 25.57% 2.03% 6.5 $65.80 2.31% 25.28% 2.85% 6.5 $59.07 2.56% 26.53% 2.02% 6.5 Stock options granted to employees who are eligible for retirement on the date of grant are expensed immediately since these awards vest upon retirement from the Company. Retirement, for purposes of vesting in these stock options, means termination of employment after satisfying age and years of service requirements. Similarly, stock options granted to employees who will become retirement- eligible prior to the end of the vesting term are expensed over the period through which the employee will become retirement-eligible. Compensation expense for stock options granted to employees who will not become retirement-eligible prior to the end of the vesting term is recognized on a straight-line basis over 67 the vesting period. Compensation expense for stock options was $4.7 million in 2019 ($4.6 million in 2018 and $8.2 million in 2017). As of December 31, 2019, unrecognized compensation expense related to stock options was $1.2 million, which is expected to be recognized over a weighted-average period of 1.7 years. Restricted Stock Units Nucor annually grants restricted stock units (“RSUs”) to key employees, officers and non-employee directors. The RSUs granted to key employees and officers vest and are converted to common stock in three equal installments on each of the first three anniversaries of the grant date provided that a portion of the RSUs awarded to an officer prior to 2018 vest only upon the officer’s retirement. Retirement, for purposes of vesting in these RSUs only, means termination of employment with approval of the Compensation and Executive Development Committee of the Board of Directors after satisfying age and years of service requirements. RSUs granted to a non-employee director are fully vested on the grant date and are payable to the non-employee director in the form of common stock after the termination of the director’s service on the Board of Directors. RSUs granted to employees who are eligible for retirement on the date of grant are expensed immediately, and RSUs granted to employees who will become retirement-eligible prior to the end of the vesting term are expensed over the period through which the employee will become retirement-eligible since these awards vest upon retirement from the Company. Compensation expense for RSUs granted to employees who will not become retirement-eligible prior to the end of the vesting term is recognized on a straight-line basis over the vesting period. Cash dividend equivalents are paid to holders of RSUs each quarter. Dividend equivalents paid on RSUs expected to vest are recognized as a reduction in retained earnings. The fair value of an RSU is determined based on the closing price of Nucor’s common stock on the date of the grant. A summary of Nucor’s RSU activity is as follows (shares in thousands): YYear Ended December 31, Restricted stock units: 2019 2018 2017 Shares Grant Date Fair Value Shares Grant Date Fair Value Shares Grant Date Fair Value Unvested at beginning of year Granted Vested Canceled Unvested at end of year 1,246 $ 1,770 $ (1,207) $ (33) $ 1,776 $ 59.09 48.00 52.43 57.09 52.60 1,071 $ 1,013 $ (827) $ (11) $ 1,246 $ 52.62 65.80 58.98 55.02 59.09 1,040 $ 721 $ (677) $ (13) $ 1,071 $ 48.47 59.07 53.17 50.21 52.62 Compensation expense for RSUs was $69.1 million in 2019 ($54.3 million in 2018 and $38.0 million in 2017). The total fair value of shares vested during 2019 was $58.8 million ($54.4 million in 2018 and $39.9 million in 2017). As of December 31, 2019, unrecognized compensation expense related to unvested RSUs was $60.5 million, which is expected to be recognized over a weighted-average period of 1.5 years. Restricted Stock Awards Prior to their expiration effective December 31, 2017, the Nucor Corporation Senior Officers Long- Term Incentive Plan and the Nucor Corporation Senior Officers Annual Incentive Plan authorized the award of shares of common stock to officers subject to certain conditions and restrictions. Effective January 1, 2018, the Company adopted supplements to the Omnibus Plan with terms that permit the award of shares of common stock to officers subject to the conditions and restrictions described below, 68 which are substantially similar to those of the expired Senior Officers Long-Term Incentive Plan and Senior Officers Annual Incentive Plan. The expired Senior Officers Long-Term Incentive Plan, together with the applicable supplement, is referred to below as the “LTIP,” and the expired Senior Officers Annual Incentive Plan, together with the applicable supplement, is referred to below as the “AIP.” The LTIP provides for the award of shares of restricted common stock at the end of each LTIP performance measurement period at no cost to officers if certain financial performance goals are met during the period. One-third of the LTIP restricted stock award vests upon each of the first three anniversaries of the award date or, if earlier, upon the officer’s attainment of age 55 while employed by Nucor. Although participants are entitled to cash dividends and may vote such awarded shares, the sale or transfer of such shares is limited during the restricted period. The AIP provides for the payment of annual cash incentive awards. An AIP participant may elect, however, to defer payment of up to one-half of an AIP award. In such event, the deferred AIP award is converted into common stock units and credited with a deferral incentive, in the form of additional common stock units, equal to 25% of the number of common stock units attributable to the deferred AIP award. Common stock units attributable to deferred AIP awards are fully vested. Common stock units credited as a deferral incentive vest upon the AIP participant’s attainment of age 55 while employed by Nucor. Vested common stock units are paid to AIP participants in the form of shares of common stock following their termination of employment with Nucor. A summary of Nucor’s restricted stock activity under the AIP and the LTIP is as follows (shares in thousands): YYear Ended December 31, Restricted stock units and restricted stock awards: Unvested at beginning of year Granted Vested Canceled Unvested at end of year 2019 2018 2017 Shares Grant Date Fair Value Shares Grant Date Fair Value Shares Grant Date Fair Value 130 $ 316 $ (299) $ — $ 147 $ 62.97 58.04 58.82 — 60.81 91 $ 256 $ (217) $ — $ 130 $ 54.50 67.68 64.95 — 62.97 67 $ 172 $ (148) $ — $ 91 $ 45.77 60.62 51.72 — 54.50 Compensation expense for common stock and common stock units awarded under the AIP and the LTIP is recorded over the performance measurement and vesting periods based on the anticipated number and market value of shares of common stock and common stock units to be awarded. Compensation expense for anticipated awards based upon Nucor’s financial performance, exclusive of amounts payable in cash, was $16.6 million in 2019 ($14.6 million in 2018 and $17.9 million in 2017). The total fair value of shares vested during 2019 was $17.3 million ($14.7 million in 2018 and $9.0 million in 2017). As of December 31, 2019, unrecognized compensation expense related to unvested restricted stock awards was $1.6 million, which is expected to be recognized over a weighted-average period of 1.6 years. 18. Employee Benefit Plans p y Nucor makes contributions to a Profit Sharing and Retirement Savings Plan for qualified employees based on the profitability of the Company. Nucor’s expense for these benefits totaled $181.4 million in 2019 ($307.9 million in 2018 and $169.4 million in 2017). The related liability for these benefits is included in salaries, wages and related accruals in the consolidated balance sheets. Nucor also has a medical plan covering certain eligible early retirees. The unfunded obligation, included in deferred credits and other liabilities in the consolidated balance sheets, totaled $27.0 million at December 31, 2019 ($25.5 million at December 31, 2018). The expense associated with this early retiree medical plan totaled $2.0 million in 2019 ($2.1 million in 2018 and $2.2 million in 2017). The discount rate 69 used by Nucor in determining its benefit obligation was 3.23% in 2019 (4.24% in 2018 and 3.6% in 2017). The health care cost increase trend rate used was 6.0% in 2019 (6.3% in 2018 and 6.6% in 2017). The health care cost increase trend rate is projected to decline gradually to 4.5% by 2037. ) 19. Interest Expense (Income) p ( The components of net interest expense are as follows (in thousands): Interest expense Interest income Interest expense, net Year Ended December 31, 2018 161,256 $ (25,721) 135,535 $ 2019 157,358 $ (35,933) 121,425 $ $ $ 2017 187,282 (13,702) 173,580 Interest paid was $172.6 million in 2019 ($165.7 million in 2018 and $186.8 million in 2017). Interest expense for 2019 decreased compared to 2018 in part due to an increase in capitalized interest related to an increase in spending associated with capital projects in 2019. Included in interest expense in 2018 was the benefit received from the settlement of a treasury lock instrument that was entered into in anticipation of the Company’s debt issuance that occurred in 2018. The Company did not elect hedge accounting for this instrument. 20. Income Taxes Components of earnings before income taxes and noncontrolling interests are as follows (in thousands): United States Foreign 2019 Year Ended December 31, 2018 $ 1,806,704 $ 3,160,111 $ 1,610,652 139,305 $ 1,782,807 $ 3,229,391 $ 1,749,957 (23,897) 69,280 2017 The provision for income taxes consists of the following (in thousands): Year Ended December 31, 2018 2017 2019 Current: Federal State Foreign Total current Deferred: Federal State Foreign Total deferred Total provision for income taxes $ 241,074 $ 633,868 $ 96,622 14,800 745,290 504,865 37,308 48,386 590,559 4,953 6,847 (8,783) 3,017 748,307 $ (207,006) (4,533) (9,634) (221,173) 369,386 62,685 8,981 312,740 101,946 8,013 (10,802) 99,157 $ 411,897 $ 70 A reconciliation of the federal statutory tax rate (21% in 2019 and 2018, and 35% in 2017) to the total provision is as follows: Taxes computed at statutory rate State income taxes, net of federal income tax benefit Federal research credit Domestic manufacturing deduction Equity in losses of foreign joint venture Foreign rate differential Noncontrolling interests Tax Reform Act Other, net Provision for income taxes Year Ended December 31, 2018 21.00% 2.52% -0.14% — 0.08% -0.07% -0.78% 0.18% 0.38% 23.17% 2019 21.00% 3.16% -0.34% — 0.19% — -1.18% — 0.27% 23.10% 2017 35.00% 1.22% -0.24% -2.58% 0.13% -0.62% -1.24% -10.01% -0.55% 21.11% For the year ended December 31, 2019, the effective tax rate on continuing operations decreased 0.07% versus the prior year to 23.10%. The 2018 effective tax rate included the write-off of $21.3 million (0.66%, included in the Other, net line for 2018) of deferred tax assets due to the change in the tax status of a subsidiary in 2018. The Tax Reform Act impacted the effective tax rates in both 2018 and 2017. The impacts on the 2018 effective tax rate included the lower federal income tax rate of 21% (35% in 2017), the loss of the domestic manufacturing deduction (-2.58% in 2017) and two SAB 118 adjustments totaling $5.8 million. These SAB 118 adjustments had an impact of 0.18% on the 2018 effective tax rate and are included in the Tax Reform Act line for 2018. The 2017 effective tax rate included a provisional net benefit of $175.2 million (-10.01%) mainly driven by the revaluation of the Company's net U.S. deferred tax assets and liabilities due to the enactment of the Tax Reform Act. Deferred tax assets and liabilities resulted from the following (in thousands): Deferred tax assets: Accrued liabilities and reserves Allowance for doubtful accounts Inventory Post-retirement benefits Commodity hedges Net operating loss carryforward Tax credit carryforwards Other deferred tax assets Valuation allowance Total deferred tax assets Deferred tax liabilities: Holdbacks and amounts not due under contracts Intangibles Property, plant and equipment Total deferred tax liabilities Total net deferred tax liabilities December 31, 2019 2018 $ $ $ 146,658 18,479 79,363 10,288 5,164 59,083 164,132 8,508 (192,295) 299,380 (12,930) (171,531) (545,890) (730,351) (430,971) $ 128,553 20,134 63,950 8,746 1,393 27,131 16,792 779 (30,104) 237,374 (10,731) (167,374) (390,575) (568,680) (331,306) Tax credit carryforwards were $164.1 million at December 31, 2019 ($16.8 million at December 31, 2018). The increase in the balance was primarily due to state tax credits in the amount of $147.3 million that were awarded in 2019. Nucor believes utilization of these credits is unlikely. For this reason, the 71 Company has also established a corresponding valuation allowance for $147.3 million. The remaining movement in valuation allowance is primarily driven by state and foreign net operating losses generated in the current year for which Nucor believes utilization is unlikely. Non-current deferred tax assets included in other assets were $0.0 million at December 31, 2019 ($0.7 million at December 31, 2018). Non-current deferred tax liabilities included in deferred credits and other liabilities were $431.0 million at December 31, 2019 ($332.0 million at December 31, 2018). Current federal and state income taxes receivable included in other current assets were $240.8 million at December 31, 2019 ($26.2 million at December 31, 2018). Nucor paid $525.2 million in net federal, state and foreign income taxes in 2019 ($561.1 million in 2018 and $699.8 million in 2017). Nucor has not recognized deferred tax liabilities on its investment in foreign subsidiaries with undistributed earnings that satisfy the permanent reinvestment requirements (the deferred tax liabilities on the investments not permanently reinvested are immaterial). While Nucor considers future earnings to be permanently reinvested, it is expected that potential future distributions will likely be of a nontaxable manner. If this assertion of permanent reinvestment were to change there may be deferred tax liabilities related to the withholding tax impacts on the actual distribution of certain cumulative undistributed foreign earnings, but the Company believes this amount to be immaterial. State net operating loss carryforwards were $681.8 million at December 31, 2019 ($483.0 million at December 31, 2018). If unused, they will expire between 2020 and 2039. Foreign net operating loss carryforwards were $149.8 million at December 31, 2019 ($58.6 million at December 31, 2018), of which $19.5 million have no expiration. If unused, the remaining $130.3 million of foreign loss carryforwards will expire between 2025 and 2039. At December 31, 2019, Nucor had approximately $50.9 million of unrecognized tax benefits, of which $50.2 million would affect Nucor's effective tax rate, if recognized. At December 31, 2018, Nucor had approximately $48.6 million of unrecognized tax benefits, of which $48.0 million would affect Nucor's effective tax rate, if recognized. A reconciliation of the beginning and ending amounts of unrecognized tax benefits recorded in deferred credits and other liabilities is as follows (in thousands): Balance at beginning of year $ 48,605 $ Additions based on tax positions related to current year Reductions based on tax positions related to current year Additions based on tax positions related to prior years Reductions based on tax positions related to prior years Reductions due to settlements with taxing authorities Reductions due to statute of limitations lapse Balance at end of year 2019 December 31, 2018 9,272 — 2,106 48,845 $ 16,424 — 199 (2,863) (8,198) (1,514) (4,686) 50,920 $ (2,160) (6,505) 48,605 $ $ 2017 44,088 11,154 — 2,556 (5,461) — (3,492) 48,845 We estimate that in the next 12 months, our gross uncertain tax positions, exclusive of interest, could decrease by as much as $7.3 million, as a result of the expiration of the statute of limitations. During 2019, Nucor recognized $0.7 million of expense in interest and penalties ($4.0 million of benefit in 2018 and $2.2 million of benefit in 2017). The interest and penalties are included in interest expense, net and marketing, administrative and other expenses, respectively, in the consolidated statements of earnings. As of December 31, 2019, Nucor had approximately $11.9 million of accrued interest and penalties related to uncertain tax positions (approximately $11.2 million at December 31, 72 2018). The accrued interest and penalties are included in accrued expenses and other current liabilities and deferred credits and other liabilities, respectively, on the consolidated balance sheets. Nucor has concluded U.S. federal income tax matters for years through 2014. The tax years 2015 through 2018 remain open to examination by the Internal Revenue Service. The Canada Revenue Agency has concluded its examination of the 2012 and 2013 Canadian returns for Harris Steel Group Inc. and certain related affiliates. The 2015 tax year is currently under examination by the Canada Revenue Agency. The Trinidad and Tobago Inland Revenue Division has concluded its examination of the Nu-Iron Unlimited 2013 corporate income tax return. The tax years 2013 through 2018 remain open to examination by other major taxing jurisdictions to which Nucor is subject (primarily Canada and other state and local jurisdictions). ) 21. Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Loss) p ( The following tables reflect the changes in accumulated other comprehensive income (loss) by component (in thousands): December 31, 2018 Other comprehensive income (loss) before reclassifications AAmounts reclassified from accumulated other comprehensive income (loss) into earnings (1) Net current-period other comprehensive income (loss) Other December 31, 2019 Gains and (Losses) on Hedging Derivatives Foreign Currency Gains (Losses) Adjustment to Early Retiree Medical Plan Total $ (6,500) $ (304,646) $ 7,013 $(304,133) (9,833) 7,873 (1,148) (3,108) 2,333 — 57 2,390 (7,500) 7,873 $ (14,000) $ (296,773) $ (718) (1,091) 1,885 1,885 7,807 $(302,966) (1) Includes $2,333 and 57 net-of-tax impact of accumulated other comprehensive income reclassifications into cost of products sold for net losses on commodity contracts and adjustment to early retiree medical plan, respectively. The tax impacts of these reclassifications were $700 and $49, respectively. Gains and (Losses) on Hedging Derivatives Foreign Currency Gains (Losses) Adjustment to Early Retiree Medical Plan Total December 31, 2017 Other comprehensive income (loss) before reclassifications AAmounts reclassified from accumulated other comprehensive income (loss) into earnings (2) Net current-period other comprehensive income (loss) December 31, 2018 $ $ (2,800) $ (257,513) $ 5,632 $ (254,681) (3,568) (47,133) 1,731 (48,970) (132) — (350) (482) (3,700) (6,500) $ (47,133) (304,646) $ 1,381 (49,452) 7,013 $ (304,133) (2) Includes ($132) and ($350) net-of-tax impact of accumulated other comprehensive income reclassifications into cost of products sold for net losses on commodity contracts and adjustment to early retiree medical plan, respectively. The tax impacts of these reclassifications were $0 and ($108), respectively. Included in the $296.8 million foreign currency losses at December 31, 2019 are $182.0 million of losses related to our equity method investment in Duferdofin Nucor and $114.8 million of losses related primarily to our Canadian operations. 73 g 22. Earnings Per Share The computations of basic and diluted net earnings per share are as follows (in thousands, except per share data): YYear Ended December 31, Basic net earnings per share: Basic net earnings Earnings allocated to participating securities Net earnings available to common stockholders Average shares outstanding Basic net earnings per share Diluted net earnings per share: Diluted net earnings Earnings allocated to participating securities Net earnings available to common stockholders Diluted average shares outstanding: Basic shares outstanding Dilutive effect of stock options and other 2019 2018 2017 (7,035) $ 1,271,143 $ 2,360,767 $ 1,318,688 (4,549) $ 1,264,108 $ 2,351,423 $ 1,314,139 319,990 4.11 315,858 305,040 4.14 $ 7.44 $ (9,344) $ $ 1,271,143 $ 2,360,767 $ 1,318,688 (4,539) $ 1,264,109 $ 2,351,450 $ 1,314,149 (7,034) (9,317) 305,040 463 305,503 315,858 875 316,733 319,990 783 320,773 4.10 Diluted net earnings per share $ 4.14 $ 7.42 $ The following stock options were excluded from the computation of diluted net earnings per share because their effect would have been anti-dilutive (shares in thousands): YYear Ended December 31, Anti-dilutive stock options: Weighted-average shares Weighted-average exercise price 2019 2018 2017 963 60.92 $ 156 65.80 $ 407 59.07 $ g 23. Segments Nucor reports its results in the following segments: steel mills, steel products and raw materials. The steel mills segment includes carbon and alloy steel in sheet, bars, structural and plate; steel trading businesses; rebar distribution businesses; and Nucor’s equity method investments in Duferdofin Nucor, NuMit and Nucor-JFE. The steel products segment includes steel joists and joist girders, steel deck, fabricated concrete reinforcing steel, cold finished steel, precision castings, steel fasteners, metal building systems, steel grating, tubular products businesses, piling products business, and wire and wire mesh. The raw materials segment includes The David J. Joseph Company and its affiliates, primarily a scrap broker and processor; Nu-Iron Unlimited and Nucor Steel Louisiana, two facilities that produce direct reduced iron used by the steel mills; and our natural gas production operations. The steel mills, steel products and raw materials segments are consistent with the way Nucor manages its business, which is primarily based upon the similarity of the types of products produced and sold by each segment. Net interest expense on long-term debt, charges and credits associated with changes in allowances to eliminate intercompany profit in inventory, profit sharing expense and stock-based compensation are shown under Corporate/eliminations. Corporate assets primarily include cash and cash equivalents, short-term investments, allowances to eliminate intercompany profit in inventory, deferred income tax assets, federal and state income taxes receivable and investments in and advances to affiliates. 74 Nucor’s results by segment are as follows (in thousands): Year Ended December 31, 2018 2019 2017 $ 13,933,950 $ 16,245,218 $ 12,929,709 5,579,744 1,742,940 $ 22,588,858 $ 25,067,279 $ 20,252,393 6,796,501 2,025,560 6,990,064 1,664,844 $ 3,304,437 $ 3,924,160 $ 2,916,017 118,249 9,191,081 (12,225,347) — 207,003 11,460,645 (15,591,808) 233,728 8,784,397 (12,322,562) — $ — $ $ $ $ $ $ 401,609 $ 85,276 151,124 10,902 648,911 $ 8,624 $ 49,914 27,204 85,742 $ 378,146 $ 80,681 161,666 10,386 630,879 $ 9,400 $ 51,997 27,361 88,758 $ 377,210 76,992 172,699 8,932 635,833 9,706 52,597 28,925 91,228 $ 1,790,694 $ 3,500,085 $ 1,953,075 337,978 129,296 (670,392) $ 1,782,807 $ 3,229,391 $ 1,749,957 467,105 236,241 (974,040) 511,145 (28,244) (490,788) $ 9,283,216 $ 9,244,086 $ 7,671,217 4,323,907 3,396,110 450,024 $ 18,344,666 $ 17,920,588 $ 15,841,258 4,734,636 3,492,126 449,740 4,610,628 3,316,479 1,134,343 $ 1,133,089 $ 93,848 244,818 40,315 $ 1,512,070 $ 720,310 $ 88,585 169,926 18,435 997,256 $ 336,760 90,952 59,036 20,326 507,074 Net sales to external customers: Steel mills Steel products Raw materials Intercompany sales: Steel mills Steel products Raw materials Corporate/eliminations Depreciation expense: Steel mills Steel products Raw materials Corporate AAmortization expense: Steel mills Steel products Raw materials Earnings (loss) before income taxes and noncontrolling interests: Steel mills Steel products Raw materials Corporate/eliminations Segment assets: Steel mills Steel products Raw materials Corporate/eliminations Capital expenditures: Steel mills Steel products Raw materials Corporate 75 Net sales by product were as follows (in thousands). Further product group breakdown is impracticable. Year Ended December 31, 2018 2019 2017 Net sales to external customers: Sheet Bar Structural Plate Tubular Products Rebar Fabrication Other Steel Products Raw Materials 24. Revenue $ 6,450,506 $ 7,571,765 $ 6,407,974 3,558,806 1,317,995 1,644,934 917,235 1,306,418 3,356,091 1,742,940 $22,588,858 $25,067,279 $20,252,393 4,709,292 1,830,476 2,133,685 1,347,577 1,496,194 3,952,730 2,025,560 4,106,640 1,573,248 1,803,556 1,207,398 1,666,445 4,116,221 1,664,844 Revenue is recognized when obligations under the terms of contracts with our customers are satisfied; generally, this occurs upon shipment or when control is transferred. Revenue is measured as the amount of consideration expected to be received in exchange for transferring the goods. In addition, revenue is deferred when cash payments are received or due in advance of performance. The durations of Nucor’s contracts with customers are generally one year or less. Customer payment terms are generally 30 days. Contract liabilities are primarily related to deferred revenue resulting from cash payments received in advance from customers to protect against credit risk. Contract liabilities totaled $108.6 million as of December 31, 2019 ($91.2 million as of December 31, 2018), and are included in accrued expenses and other current liabilities in the consolidated balance sheets. The amount of revenue reclassified from the December 31, 2018 contract liabilities balance during 2019 was approximately $79.4 million. Nucor disaggregates its revenues by major source in the same manner as presented in the net sales by product table in the segment footnote (see Note 23). STEEL MILLS SEGMENT Sheet – For the majority of sheet products, we transfer control and recognize a sale when we ship the product from the sheet mill to our customer. The amount of consideration we receive and revenue we recognize for spot market sales are based upon prevailing prices at the time of sale. The amount of consideration we receive and revenue we recognize for contract customers are based primarily on pricing formulas that incorporate monthly or quarterly price adjustments which reflect changes in the current market-based indices and/or raw material costs near the time of shipment. The amount of tons sold to contract customers at any given time depends on a variety of factors, including our consideration of current and future market conditions, our strategy to appropriately balance spot and contract tons in a manner to meet our customers’ requirements while considering the expected profitability, our desire to sustain a diversified customer base and our end-use customers’ perceptions about future market conditions. These contracts are typically one year or less. Contract sales within the steel mills segment are most notable in our sheet operations, as it is common for contract sales to account for the majority of sheet sales in a given year. Bar, Structural and Plate – For the majority of bar, structural and plate products, we transfer control and recognize a sale when we ship the product from the mill to our customer. The significant majority of 76 bar, structural and plate product sales are spot market sales, and the amount of consideration we receive and revenue we recognize for those sales are based upon prevailing prices at the time of sale. STEEL PRODUCTS SEGMENT Tubular Products – The tubular products businesses transfer control and recognize a sale when the products are shipped from our operating locations to our customers. The significant majority of tubular product sales are spot market sales, and the amount of consideration we receive and revenue we recognize for those sales are based upon prevailing prices at the time of sale. Rebar Fabrication – The majority of revenue for our rebar fabrication businesses relates to revenue from contracts with customers for the supply of fabricated rebar. For the majority of these transactions, we transfer control and recognize a sale when the products are shipped from our operating locations and collection is reasonably assured. Provisions for losses on incomplete contracts are made in the period in which such losses are determined. Our rebar fabrication businesses also generate a significant amount of revenue from contracts with customers in which they supply fabricated rebar and install it at the customer’s job site. There are two performance obligations for these types of contracts: the supply of the fabricated rebar and the installation of the supplied rebar at the customer’s job site. For the supply of fabricated rebar performance obligation, we transfer control and recognize a sale when the product is delivered to our customer’s job site. The transaction price allocated to this performance obligation is determined at the start of the contract, based on the then current market price for supplied fabricated rebar. For the installation of supplied rebar performance obligation, we transfer control and recognize a sale when the delivered material is installed. The transaction price allocated to this performance obligation is determined at the start of the contract, based on the then current market price for the installation of fabricated rebar. Variable consideration occurring from change orders and price escalations caused by changes in underlying material costs for previously satisfied performance obligations is recognized cumulatively in the period in which management believes that the amount of consideration is changed and collection is reasonably assured. Management reviews these situations on a case-by-case basis and considers a variety of factors, including relevant experience with similar types of performance obligations, our experience with the customer and collectability considerations. Other Steel Products – Other steel products include our joist, deck, cold finish, metal building systems, piling and the other remaining businesses that comprise the steel products segment. Generally, for these businesses, we transfer control and recognize a sale when we ship the product from our operating locations to our customers. The amount of consideration we receive and revenue we recognize for those sales are agreed upon with the customers before the product is shipped. RAW MATERIALS SEGMENT The majority of the raw materials segment revenue from outside customers is generated by The David J. Joseph Company and its affiliates. We transfer control and recognize a sale based on the terms of the agreement with the customer, which is generally when the product has met the delivery requirements. The amount of consideration we receive and revenue we recognize for those sales is based on the contract with the customer, which generally reflects current market prices at the time the contract is entered into. 77 ) 25. Quarterly Information (Unaudited) y ( Net sales Gross margin Net earnings (1) Net earnings attributable to Nucor stockholders (1) Net earnings per share: Diluted Net sales Gross margin (2) Net earnings (3) Net earnings attributable to Nucor stockholders (3) Net earnings per share: Diluted (in thousands, except per share data) Year Ended December 31, 2019 First Quarter Second Quarter Third Quarter Fourth Quarter 5,895,986 $ 5,464,502 $ 5,131,746 $ 6,096,624 $ 435,188 572,511 895,892 134,253 293,587 530,793 775,494 412,277 501,806 386,483 275,031 107,823 $ $ 1.63 $ 1.63 $ 1.26 $ 1.26 $ 0.90 $ 0.90 $ 0.35 0.35 (in thousands, except per share data) Year Ended December 31, 2018 First Quarter Second Quarter Third Quarter Fourth Quarter 6,460,774 $ 6,742,202 $ 6,295,884 $ 5,568,419 $ 1,112,262 1,290,150 1,166,590 726,406 681,070 706,287 713,615 380,112 354,179 683,153 676,656 646,779 $ $ 1.11 $ 1.10 $ 2.14 $ 2.13 $ 2.13 $ 2.13 $ 2.08 2.07 (1) First quarter results include a benefit of $33.7 million related to the gain on the sale of an equity method investment in the raw materials segment. Fourth quarter results include non-cash impairment charges totaling $66.9 million related to an impairment of our proved producing natural gas well assets in the raw materials segment ($35.0 million), certain property, plant and equipment in the steel mills segment ($20.0 million) and the write-down of certain intangible assets in the steel products segment ($11.9 million). (2) Second quarter results include a benefit of $9.6 million related to insurance recoveries. Third quarter results include a benefit of $18.0 million related to insurance recoveries. (3) First quarter results include the write-off of deferred tax assets of $21.8 million due to the change in the tax status of a subsidiary. Second quarter results include a benefit of $23.3 million (which includes the amount in gross margin) related to insurance recoveries. Third quarter results include a non-cash impairment charge of $110.0 million related to our proved producing natural gas well assets, as well as a benefit of $24.8 million (which includes the amount in gross margin) related to insurance recoveries. 78 Item 9. Changes in and Disagreements With Accountants on Accounting and Financial Disclosure None. Item 9A. Controls and Procedures Evaluation of Disclosure Controls and Procedures – As of the end of the period covered by this report, the Company carried out an evaluation, under the supervision and with the participation of the Company’s management, including the Company’s Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer, of the effectiveness of the design and operation of the Company’s disclosure controls and procedures. Based upon that evaluation, the Chief Executive Officer and the Chief Financial Officer concluded that the Company’s disclosure controls and procedures were effective as of the evaluation date. Changes in Internal Control Over Financial Reporting – There were no changes in our internal control over financial reporting during the quarter ended December 31, 2019 that have materially affected, or are reasonably likely to materially affect, our internal control over financial reporting. Report on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting – Management’s report on internal control over financial reporting required by Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 and the attestation report of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, an independent registered public accounting firm, on the effectiveness of Nucor’s internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2019 are included in “Item 8. Financial Statements and Supplementary Data,” and incorporated herein by reference. Item 9B. Other Information None. 79 PART III Item 10. Directors, Executive Officers and Corporate Governance The information required by this item with respect to Nucor’s executive officers appears in Part I of this report under the heading “Information About Our Executive Officers” and is incorporated herein by reference. The other information required by this item is incorporated herein by reference from Nucor’s definitive proxy statement for our 2020 Annual Meeting of Stockholders (the “Proxy Statement”) under the headings Election of Directors; Information Concerning Experience, Qualifications, Attributes and Skills of the Nominees; and Corporate Governance and Board of Directors. Nucor has adopted a Code of Ethics for Senior Financial Professionals (the “Code of Ethics”), which is intended to qualify as a “code of ethics” within the meaning of Item 406 of Regulation S-K of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. The Code of Ethics applies to our principal executive officer, principal financial officer, principal accounting officer or controller, and persons performing similar functions. The Code of Ethics is available on our website, We will disclose information pertaining to any amendment to, or waiver from, the provisions of the Code of Ethics that apply to our principal executive officer, principal financial officer, principal accounting officer or controller, or persons performing similar functions and that relate to any element of the Code of Ethics enumerated in the SEC rules and regulations by posting this information on our website, The information contained on our website or available by hyperlink from our website is not a part of this report and is not incorporated into this report or any other documents we file with, or furnish to, the SEC. Item 11. Executive Compensation The information required by this item is incorporated herein by reference from the Proxy Statement under the headings Executive Officer Compensation; Director Compensation; Report of the Compensation and Executive Development Committee; and Board’s Role in Risk Oversight. Item 12. Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management and Related Stockholder Matters The information required by this item is incorporated herein by reference from the Proxy Statement under the headings Security Ownership of Management and Certain Beneficial Owners and Equity Compensation Plan Information. Item 13. Certain Relationships and Related Transactions, and Director Independence The information required by this item is incorporated herein by reference from the Proxy Statement under the heading Corporate Governance and Board of Directors. Item 14. Principal Accountant Fees and Services The information required by this item is incorporated herein by reference from the Proxy Statement under the heading Fees Paid to Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm. 80 Item 15. Exhibits and Financial Statement Schedules Financial Statements: PART IV The following consolidated financial statements and notes thereto, management’s report on internal control over financial reporting and the report of independent registered public accounting firm are included in “Item 8. Financial Statements and Supplementary Data”: • Management’s Report on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting • Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm • Consolidated Balance Sheets—December 31, 2019 and 2018 • Consolidated Statements of Earnings—Years Ended December 31, 2019, 2018 and 2017 • Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income—Years Ended December 31, 2019, 2018 and 2017 • Consolidated Statements of Stockholders’ Equity—Years Ended December 31, 2019, 2018 and 2017 • Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows—Years Ended December 31, 2019, 2018 and 2017 • Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements Schedule II is not presented as all applicable information is presented in the consolidated financial statements and notes thereto. Exhibits: 3 3(i) 4* 4(i) 4(ii) 4(iii) 4(iv) 4(v) 4(vi) Restated Certificate of Incorporation (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 3.3 to the Current Report on Form 8-K filed September 14, 2010 (File No. 001-04119)) Bylaws as amended and restated September 15, 2016 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 3.1 to the Current Report on Form 8-K filed September 20, 2016 (File No. 001-04119)) Description of Securities of Nucor Corporation Indenture, dated as of January 12, 1999, between Nucor Corporation and The Bank of New York Mellon (formerly known as The Bank of New York), as trustee (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.1 to the Registration Statement on Form S-4 filed December 13, 2002 (File No. 333-101852)) Indenture, dated as of August 19, 2014, between Nucor Corporation and U.S. Bank National Association, as trustee (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.3 to the Registration Statement on Form S-3 filed August 20, 2014 (File No. 333-198263)) Third Supplemental Indenture, dated as of December 3, 2007, between Nucor Corporation and The Bank of New York Mellon (formerly known as The Bank of New York), as trustee (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.1 to the Current Report on Form 8-K filed December 4, 2007 (File No. 001-04119)) Fifth Supplemental Indenture, dated as of September 21, 2010, between Nucor Corporation and The Bank of New York Mellon, as trustee (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.1 to the Current Report on Form 8-K filed September 21, 2010 (File No. 001-04119)) Sixth Supplemental Indenture, dated as of July 29, 2013, between Nucor Corporation and U.S. Bank National Association, as successor trustee (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.1 to the Current Report on Form 8-K filed July 29, 2013 (File No. 001-04119)) Seventh Supplemental Indenture, dated as of December 10, 2014, among Nucor Corporation, The Bank of New York Mellon, as prior trustee, and U.S. Bank National Association, as successor trustee (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.1 to the Current Report on Form 8-K 81 4(vii) 4(viii) 4(ix) 4(x) 4(xi) 4(xii) 4(xiii) 10 10(i) 10(ii) 10(iii) 10(iv) 10(v)* 10(vi) 10(vii)* 10(viii) filed December 11, 2014 (File No. 001-04119)) First Supplemental Indenture, dated as of April 26, 2018, between Nucor Corporation and U.S. Bank National Association, as trustee (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.1 to the Current Report on Form 8-K filed April 26, 2018 (File No. 001-04119)) Form of 6.400% Notes due December 2037 (included in Exhibit 4(iii) above) (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.4 to the Current Report on Form 8-K filed December 4, 2007 (File No. 001-04119)) Form of 4.125% Notes due September 2022 (included in Exhibit 4(iv) above) (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.2 to the Current Report on Form 8-K filed September 21, 2010 (File No. 001-04119)) Form of 4.000% Notes due August 2023 (included in Exhibit 4(v) above) (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.2 to the Current Report on Form 8-K filed July 29, 2013 (File No. 001- 04119)) Form of 5.200% Notes due August 2043 (included in Exhibit 4(v) above) (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.3 to the Current Report on Form 8-K filed July 29, 2013 (File No. 001- 04119)) Form of 3.950% Notes due May 2028 (included in Exhibit 4(vii) above) (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.2 to the Current Report on Form 8-K filed April 26, 2018 (File No. 001- 04119)) Form of 4.400% Notes due May 2048 (included in Exhibit 4(vii) above) (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.3 to the Current Report on Form 8-K filed April 26, 2018 (File No. 001- 04119)) 2005 Stock Option and Award Plan (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.1 to the Current Report on Form 8-K filed May 17, 2005 (File No. 001-04119)) (#) Amendment No. 1 to 2005 Stock Option and Award Plan (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.2 to the Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 29, 2007 (File No. 001-04119)) (#) 2010 Stock Option and Award Plan (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.1 to the Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended July 3, 2010 (File No. 001-04119)) (#) 2014 Omnibus Incentive Compensation Plan (incorporated by reference to Appendix A to the Definitive Proxy Statement on Schedule 14A filed March 25, 2014 (File No. 001-04119)) (#) Senior Officers Annual Incentive Plan (Supplement to 2014 Omnibus Incentive Compensation Plan) for awards granted after December 31, 2017 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10(iv) to the Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2017 (File No. 001- 04119)) (#) Amendment No. 1 to Senior Officers Annual Incentive Plan (Supplement to 2014 Omnibus Incentive Compensation Plan) (#) Senior Officers Long-Term Incentive Plan (Supplement to 2014 Omnibus Incentive Compensation Plan) for awards granted after December 31, 2017 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10(v) to the Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2017 (File No. 001-04119)) (#) Amendment No. 1 to Senior Officers Long-Term Incentive Plan (Supplement to 2014 Omnibus Incentive Compensation Plan) (#) Senior Officers Annual Incentive Plan, as amended and restated effective January 1, 2013, for awards granted prior to January 1, 2018 (incorporated by reference to Appendix A to the Definitive Proxy Statement on Schedule 14A filed March 27, 2013 (File No. 001-04119)) (#) 10(ix) Senior Officers Long-Term Incentive Plan, as amended and restated effective January 1, 2013, for awards granted prior to January 1, 2018 (incorporated by reference to Appendix B to the 82 10(x) 10(xi) 10(xii) 10(xiii) 10(xiv) 10(xv) 10(xvi) 10(xvii) 10(xviii) 10(xix) 10(xx) 10(xxi) Definitive Proxy Statement on Schedule 14A filed March 27, 2013 (File No. 001-04119)) (#) Form of Restricted Stock Unit Award Agreement – time-vested awards (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10(iv) to the Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2005 (File No. 001-04119)) (#) Form of Restricted Stock Unit Award Agreement – retirement-vested awards (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10(v) to the Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2005 (File No. 001-04119)) (#) Form of Restricted Stock Unit Award Agreement for Non-Employee Directors (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10 to the Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended April 1, 2006 (File No. 001-04119)) (#) Form of Award Agreement for Annual Stock Option Grants used for awards granted prior to May 8, 2014 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10 to the Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 2012 (File No. 001-04119)) (#) Form of Award Agreement for Annual Stock Option Grants used for awards granted after May 7, 2014 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.1 to the Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended July 5, 2014 (File No. 001-04119)) (#) Employment Agreement of John J. Ferriola (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10(vii) to the Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2001 (File No. 001-04119)) (#) Amendment to Employment Agreement of John J. Ferriola (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10(xix) to the Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2007 (File No. 001-04119)) (#) Employment Agreement of Ladd R. Hall (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10 to the Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 29, 2007 (File No. 001- 04119)) (#) Employment Agreement of R. Joseph Stratman (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.1 to the Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 29, 2007 (File No. 001- 04119)) (#) Employment Agreement of James D. Frias (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10(xi) to the Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2009 (File No. 001-04119)) (#) Employment Agreement of James R. Darsey (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10(xxii) to the Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2010 (File No. 001-04119)) (#) Employment Agreement of Raymond S. Napolitan, Jr. (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.2 to the Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended June 29, 2013 (File No. 001- 04119)) (#) 10(xxii) Employment Agreement of Chad Utermark (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.2 to the Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended July 5, 2014 (File No. 001-04119)) (#) 10(xxiii) Employment Agreement of David A. Sumoski (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.1 to the Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended October 4, 2014 (File No. 001-04119)) (#) 10(xxiv) Employment Agreement of Leon Topalian (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10 to the Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended July 1, 2017 (File No. 001-04119)) (#) 10(xxv) Retirement, Separation, Waiver and Release Agreement of James R. Darsey (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10 to the Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 2018 (File No. 001-04119)) (#) 10(xxvi) Employment Agreement of Craig Feldman (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.1 to the Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 2018 (File No. 001-04119)) (#) 10(xxvii) Employment Agreement of MaryEmily Slate (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10 to the 83 Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended June 29, 2019 (File No. 001-04119)) (#) 10(xxviii) Retirement, Separation, Waiver and Release Agreement of R. Joseph Stratman (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.1 to the Current Report on Form 8-K/A filed June 5, 2019 (File No. 001-04119)) (#) 10(xxix) 10(xxx) 21* 23* 24* 31* 31(i)* 32** 32(i)** 101* Retirement, Separation, Waiver and Release Agreement of John J. Ferriola (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.1 to the Current Report on Form 8-K/A filed January 3, 2020 (File No. 001-04119)) (#) Severance Plan for Senior Officers and General Managers, as amended and restated effective February 18, 2009 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.2 to the Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended April 4, 2009 (File No. 001-04119)) (#) Subsidiaries Consent of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm Power of Attorney (included on signature page) Certification of Principal Executive Officer Pursuant to Rule 13a-14(a)/15d-14(a), as Adopted Pursuant to Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 Certification of Principal Financial Officer Pursuant to Rule 13a-14(a)/15d-14(a), as Adopted Pursuant to Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 Certification of Principal Executive Officer Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. Section 1350, as Adopted Pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 Certification of Principal Financial Officer Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. Section 1350, as Adopted Pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 Financial Statements from the Annual Report on Form 10-K of Nucor Corporation for the year ended December 31, 2019, filed February 28, 2020, formatted in Inline XBRL: (i) the Consolidated Balance Sheets, (ii) the Consolidated Statements of Earnings, (iii) the Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income, (iv) the Consolidated Statements of Stockholders’ Equity, (v) the Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows and (vi) the Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements. 104* Cover Page from the Annual Report on Form 10-K of Nucor Corporation for the year ended December 31, 2019, filed February 28, 2020, formatted in Inline XBRL (included in Exhibit 101). * ** (#) Filed herewith. Furnished (and not filed) herewith pursuant to Item 601(b)(32)(ii) of Regulation S-K. Indicates a management contract or compensatory plan or arrangement. Item 16. Form 10-K Summary None. 84 Pursuant to the requirements of Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized. SIGNATURES NUCOR CORPORATION By: /s/ Leon J. Topalian Leon J. Topalian President and Chief Executive Officer Dated: February 28, 2020 POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS, that each person whose signature appears below constitutes and appoints James D. Frias and A. Rae Eagle, or either of them, his or her attorney-in-fact, with full power of substitution and resubstitution for such person in any and all capacities, to sign any amendments to this report and to file the same, with exhibits thereto, and other documents in connection therewith, with the Securities and Exchange Commission, hereby ratifying and confirming all that either of said attorney-in-fact, or substitute or substitutes, may do or cause to be done by virtue hereof. Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, this report has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of the registrant and in the capacities and on the date indicated. /s/ Leon J. Topalian Leon J. Topalian President, Chief Executive Officer and Director (Principal Executive Officer) /s/ James D. Frias James D. Frias Chief Financial Officer, Treasurer and Executive Vice President (Principal Financial Officer) /s/ Michael D. Keller Michael D. Keller Vice President and Corporate Controller (Principal Accounting Officer) Dated: February 28, 2020 85 /s/ Lloyd J. Austin III Lloyd J. Austin III Director /s/ Patrick J. Dempsey Patrick J. Dempsey Director /s/ Christopher J. Kearney Christopher J. Kearney Director /s/ Laurette T. Koellner Laurette T. Koellner Director /s/ Joseph D. Rupp Joseph D. Rupp Director /s/ John H. Walker John H. Walker Non-Executive Chairman /s/ Nadja Y. West Nadja Y. West Director [THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK] DAVID C LANKFORD JAMES D LANMAN RICHARD J LANMAN SCOTT J LANMAN PATRICK V LANNI CHRISTOPHER LANNING SAMANTHA LANNING WILLIAM E LANO JONATHAN LANOUX BRIAN J LANPHEAR BRADLEY S LANQUIST HEAVEN MARIE LANSDELL JAMES R LANT FREDERICK LAPLANTE LUC LAPLANTE PASCAL LAPLANTE BRYAN GILBERT LAPOINT ROBERT LAPOINTE SANDRA LAPPAS BRIAN LAPPIN ANTHONY LAPRADD EDGAR D LARA VICTOR IVAN LARA LUNA JOSE LARA MEDINA JOHN D LARGE JOSE A LARIOS DANIEL OMAR LARIOS NIEVES CHRISTINA S LARISON WILLIAM LARIVIERE GREGORY LARK ERIC D LARMORE MARK STEVEN LAROCHE DARCY LAROCQUE MIKE LAROCQUE STEPHEN LAROQUE MICHAEL J LARRABEE CHRISTOPHER R LARSEN DEON G LARSEN GARY LARSEN IAN LARSEN JERAD J LARSEN JOHN D LARSEN KENDALL H LARSEN NATHANIEL G LARSEN TAYLOR DANIEL LOIHI’KAPONO LARSEN VANCE LARSEN KEVIN D LARSH CODY J LARSON CRAIG J LARSON DANIEL ERIC LARSON DWAIN E LARSON JAMES L LARSON JARID MICHEAL LARSON JEFFREY LARSON MATTHEW LARSON MOLLIE E LARSON SHAYNE C LARSON TERRY D LARSON DAVIE LARTIGUE ANTHONY LEE LARUE CHRISTOPHER SHANE LARUE LONNIE K LARUE WESTON R LARUE‑HARGROVE PATRICIA LASCUT JOHNATHAN LASHBROOK AMBER NICOLE LASLEY ANDRE LASSITER LEROY LASSITER TYLER L LAST JERRY LASTER JR RANDY L LASTER RANDY LYNN LASTER THOMAS LASTER TIFFANY J LASWELL ADRIAN LATCHMAN SARAH J LATHAM WALTER SCOTT LATHAM JEREMY T LATHREM ANDREW K LATHROM JEFFREY D LATHROM ZJATORIC A LATIMORE JORDEN M LATRELL JOSHUA A LATTERELL DONNA J LAUDERDALE MICHAEL LAUFILI KENNA LAUGER LEO LEMUEL LAUGHLIN III CHRISTOPHER J LAUGHTER NAJEE LAURENT SCOTT LAURENTI GARY LAURIN DAVID EUGENE LAURITSON SASAE LAUVAO GREGORY A LAUX MICHELLE LAUZON JOHN A LAVADINHO CLAUDE LAVALLEE DAMIAN LAVALLEE DANIEL LAVALLEE FLOYD W LAVALLEE JUSTIN G LAVALLEE SEAN KENNY LAVALLEE KELSEY W LAVICKA KODIE LAVIEILLE MATHIEU LAVOIE ZACHARY LAVOIE CHRISTOPHER M LAW CHARLES R LAWHON MICHAEL T LAWHON SETH LAWHON SHAWN LAWHUN JEREMY LIVINGSTON LAWLESS JOSEPH C LAWLESS ANTOINE LAWRENCE BRAD A LAWRENCE CHARLES D LAWRENCE DEVAN A LAWRENCE GLENN A LAWRENCE JAMES LAWRENCE JARON O LAWRENCE JEFF LAWRENCE JENNALEE LAWRENCE KENT LAWRENCE MATTHEW LAWRENCE MATTHEW JAMES LAWRENCE QUENTIN A LAWRENCE ROBERT E LAWRENCE JR SHAWN LAWRENCE STEVEN B LAWRENCE STEVEN COLBY LAWRENCE TONY E LAWRENCE JESSICA LAWS JUSTIN LAWSHE CHRISTOPHER LAWSON GUY T LAWSON JEREMY M LAWSON JOHN A LAWSON MICHAEL LAWSON MICHAEL L LAWSON NATALIE LAWSON NICHOLAS JEFFREY LAWSON TYLER LAWSON QUINTIN LAWTON GUY M LAWYER ROBERT LAWYER JR JORDAN S LAX ANDREW A LAXTON STEPHEN D LAXTON CHRISTOPHER S LAY JAN LAY JOHN P LAY JR WILLIAM E LAYCOCK J MICHAEL LAYDEN BOBBY LAYMAN JR BARRY LAYNE CODY LAYTON PRESTON S LAYTON CAMERON DEVILLE LAZARE ADRIAN LAZO ELIAZAR LAZO HAI LE JOHN N LE SHERRIE LE GALL‑SIMMONDS JEFFREY LEA TYSON LEA DYLAN A LEACH JACOB A LEACH RIKKI LEACH ADAM J LEADER LAWRENCE LEADY MICHAEL J LEAK THOMAS C LEAKEY ANTHONY LEAL DANIEL LEAL PATRICK LEAL JULIO OSCAR LEAL IÑIGUEZ TOMAS LEAL IÑIGUEZ DOLORES A LEAL PEREZ DAVID LEAL RUIZ MICHAEL C LEARY ROBERT W LEARY TIMOTHY LEARY MYLES LEAS JOHN ANDREW LEATH KELLY R LEATHERWOOD BRADLEY LEAVITT DAWN LEAVITT JOSEPH LEAVITT V TORRICE LEAVY JARON LEBEAUF JAMES LEBISZCZAK ALLAN LEBLANC CHAD M LEBLANC LUKE LEBLANC NICHOLAS G LEBLANC ROBERT T LEBO JR NICHOLAS LEBRAN JACOB LECHENETTE BUNYONG LECK MARCEL LECLAIR RICHARD J LECLAIR AARON R LECOMPTE RICKEY JOE LEDBETTER KEVIN J LEDDY DAVID LEDESMA DONALD LEDFORD CHARLES LEDOUX JOSEPH DANIEL LEDUC PAUL LEDUC KIMBERLY LEDWELL ANDER S LEE ANTONIO LEE ASHLEY B LEE BLAINE WRIGHT LEE BRIAN ROBERT LEE CADE T LEE COLTON T LEE DANNY LEE DAVID LEE DOMINIQUE P LEE DUANE LEE ERNIE LEE ETHAN RAY LEE GEORGE W LEE GLENN DERRICK LEE JR JACE LEE JACQUELINE PENNY LEE JAMES RICHARD LEE JARED MICHAEL LEE JASON A LEE JASON ANDREW LEE JASON R LEE JEFFREY L LEE JONATHAN J LEE JUSTIN M LEE KENNETH A LEE KONNER LEE KRISTOPHUR L LEE LEE THOMAS LEE LIONEL LEE MATTHEW LEE MATTHEW D LEE MATTHEW HEATH LEE MELVIN L LEE JR MICHAEL LEE MICHAEL D LEE MICHAEL J LEE SR MYLON LEE PETERSON LEE RANDY C LEE ROBERT B LEE ROBERT D LEE ROBERT E LEE ROGER LEE SR RONNIE E LEE SAMUEL L LEE SHANE ANDREW LEE SHANE M LEE STEPHEN LEE STEPHEN A LEE STEVEN P LEE JR TANNER LEE TANNER J LEE TED HARRISON LEE TERENCE C LEE THOMAS J LEE JR TONY LEE TYLER LEE WANDA C LEE YOUNGHAN LEE JASON LEECH MATTHEW D LEECH JEREMY R LEEDOM SHANE LEEPER ANDREW LEFFLER TERESA LEFKO CAROLE LEFRANCOIS NICOLAS LEGARRETA BRIAN ANTHONY LEGARTH WILLIAM T LEGATE JOY CALIGAN LEGAULT‑BEEDIE DEVIN T LEGER JASON ROWE LEGG BRAD DARIN LEGGETT COURTNEY LEGGINS BRIAN A LEGNARD LEN LEGRIS CHARLES A LEGROS JOHN P LEHMAN JUSTIN LEHMAN LOREN J LEHMAN RUSSELL LEHMAN TODD W LEHMAN PAUL VORNHOLT LEHMENKULER JONATHAN LEHOUX CHRISTOPHER LEHR MAX J LEHRMAN WAYNE R LEHRMAN MICHAEL LEHYAN RODNEY LEIGH LARRY A LEIGHTLEY ANTHONY J LEILUA JOSHUA K LEINENWEAVER BETTY J LEISE WILL LEISEY MICHAEL LEISURE STEVEN RAY LEJEUNE TODD LEKEY TYLER J LELJEDAL DONALD R LEMAR DYLAN LEMAY FRANCOIS LEMAY MELANIE F LEMBO CODY E LEMENAGER HOLLY L LEMENAGER JUSTIN G LEMIEUX BRETT LEMIUEX LORETTA LEMKY ROBERT F LEMMING ROBERT M LEMMING CLIFTON T LEMMON MITCHELL LEMOIGNAN CHRISTOPHER KODY LEMOND JEFFREY L LEMONS MACAULEY LYNN LEMONS ROBERT J LEMONS TIMOTHY S LEMONS JORGE LEMUS POLANCO LISA LENDZIAN JASON J LENGACHER STEVEN LENNARTZ JEREMY LENNON STEPHEN D LENOIR HEATHER LENOX THEUNIS J LENSLEY AARON S LENTZ SANDRA M LENTZ STEVE LENTZNER JAMES CLARK LENZ JAIME LEON JAIME NOEL LEON CUEVAS CHAD M LEONARD CHADWICK LEONARD CHARLES E LEONARD JR GUY LEONARD JENNIFER S LEONARD JOHNNY L LEONARD JONATHAN A LEONARD JOSEPH F LEONARD MICHAEL LEONARD ROBERT D LEONARD TIMOTHY LEONARD JOHN T LEONE LESTER LEONHARDT BRENDA R LEPHART‑SLATE CHRISTOPHER LEPOER MICHAEL H LEPORE JACOB P LEPPER BRANDAN LERETTE TRAVIS S LERGNER BRYAN A LERMA MATTHEW LESAICHERRE HANK W LESLEY NATHANIEL C LESLEY BILLY J LESLIE JOSHUA R LESLIE SHANE LESLIE TIMOTHY H LESLIE MARIELLE LESSARD BRUCE D LESTER CAMERON S LESTER CHRISTINE A LESTER DOUGLAS L LESTER LISA LESUER JERRI LYNN LETT ROBBY P LETT GREGORY LEUGERS APRIL LEVERS LUC LEVESQUE JOSHUA E LEVI STACY L LEVI VINCENT J LEVI WILLIAM ANTHONY LEVI JOSHUA LEVINE KURT LEVINS VIC LEVINSKY JON S LEVY PAUL LEWBERG CHAD D LEWELLYN CHRISTOPHER LYN LEWELLYNG AMBER LEWIS AUDIE R LEWIS BENJAMIN LEWIS BRAD E LEWIS BRODY D LEWIS BUFORD DALE LEWIS CARL LEWIS CARL RAY LEWIS CAUSTA D LEWIS CHARLES W LEWIS CHARLIE W LEWIS CHRISTOPHER R LEWIS CHRISTY J LEWIS COREY LEWIS DANIEL LEWIS DANNIEL WADE LEWIS DAPHNE A LEWIS DARREN LEWIS DAVID A LEWIS DAVID R LEWIS JR DERRICK LEWIS DUSTIN R LEWIS EMILY PAULETTE LEWIS GARRETT LEWIS ISAAC W LEWIS JACOB LEWIS JACOB WILLIAM LEWIS JAMES K LEWIS JAMES P LEWIS JASON LEWIS JOHN R LEWIS JOSHUA A LEWIS JULIE LEWIS JUSTIN CHARLES LEWIS KAMAR LAUNTER LEWIS KENT LEWIS LARRY D LEWIS LATANYA LEWIS LESLIE PAYTON LEWIS MADYSON LESHEA LEWIS MARSHAL E LEWIS MICHAEL D LEWIS MICHAEL R LEWIS MICHAEL W LEWIS NATHANIAL R LEWIS PAUL LEWIS ROGER LANCE LEWIS SAMANTHA LEWIS SHANE A LEWIS SHAWN A LEWIS TADERIAN CARLOS LEWIS TERENCE R LEWIS THOMAS DAVID LEWIS TIMOTHY LEWIS JR TOBY ALLEN LEWIS WILLARD LEWIS WILLIAM R LEWIS ZACHERY LEWIS ERIC LI JINGAI LI KURTIS M LI XIAOCONG LI QIMEI LIAO MICHAEL LIBBEY NORMAN R LIBENGOOD ETHAN LIBERTY KEVIN LICCAR LUIS LICIAGA SMITH J LIDDELL BRENDAN ALARIC LIDDLE JOSHUA T LIDDLE NATHAN LIDKEA CHAD MICHAEL LIEBES LAURA LIEBL JASON A LIEGL HEATH A LIENEMANN TEIGAN LIES TANYA K LIESER HEATHER A LIEUNGH JOSEPH LIGAJ KODY A LIGHT SAMUEL HAWKINS LIGHT SCOTT P LIGHT STUART LIGHT TYLER PAUL LIGHT JOHN LIGHTFOOT GARY LIGHTNER SARA LIGHTNER DARIN E LIGHTSEY STEVEN K LIGHTSEY JIIMY LIKE FRANCISCO LILE FRANK B LILE KENNY DALE LILES DARRYL L LILIENTHAL ARNOLD G LILLARD BRANNON J LILLARD ERIC ANTHONY LILLARD DAVID L LILLIE GEORGE DAREN LILLIS DYLAN J LILLY MARVIN P LILLY NAKEI LILLY PATRICK W LILLY RYAN LILLY TRAWICK LILLY CONNOR B LILYA DAVID LIM ISAAC LIMAS GEORGE LIMBEROPOULOS EDWIN S LIME RAE LIMERICK JAIME LIMON RAMIREZ JOSE LINARES FREEMAN L LINCOLN JR SHIRLEY A LIND VICTORIA LIND CARL R LINDAHL DAVID C LINDAHL LEIF R LINDBERGH EVAN S LINDEMAN KEITH LINDEMULDER DREW P LINDER ANTHONY D LINDERMAN ROBERT D LINDERMAN HAYDEN F LINDHOLM JAMES T LINDLER JAROD LINDLEY FREDERICK W LINDNER ERYCK D LINDQUIST ASHTON A LINDSAY ROBERT W LINDSAY TATE CHARLES LINDSAY THERON GLEN LINDSAY BOBBY LINDSEY GREGORY LINDSEY JEREMY JOEY LINDSEY MICHAEL LINDSEY STEVIE L LINDSEY JASON A LINDSTROM NED LINDSTROM III WESLEY LINEBARGER MARK D LINGENFELTER GEORGE LINGO ALEXANDRE LINHARES MARK LINHARES SHERRY T LINK J D LINKER WILLIAM LINKLATER COLTON LINN MICHAEL S LINN ERIN LINNEBORN JAMES BRADLEY LINVILLE PATRICK D LINWOOD HANNAH ALYSSA LINZAY JARED A LINZE BRIAN E LINZIE DIANE C LIONTS MATTHEW LIPHAM BENJAMIN PATRICK LIPIEC JOSEPH R LIPP MICHAEL LIPP CHRISTOPHER D LIPPMAN RICHARD J LIPPMAN COREY S LIPPS STANLEY R LIPUT CHARLES R LISEK MARCY LISH NICOLE LISI PAUL LISI SHAWN LISINSKI JAN LISNYJ JOHN A LISONBEE III DANIELL LISTON MARTIN W LISTON KEVIN LITALIEN HAROLD J LITCHFIELD III JOHNNY L LITCHFIELD RYAN K LITER CRUZ LITKE PHILLIP A LITTELL II CALLIE LITTLE CASEY S LITTLE COURTNEY R LITTLE DANIEL C LITTLE ELIZABETH LITTLE JOSHUA C LITTLE JOSHUA J LITTLE JOSHUA S LITTLE KODY BRANT LITTLE LARHONE JAVELL LITTLE PATRICK LITTLE STEPHANIE LITTLE TIMOTHY LITTLE TIMOTHY LITTLE STEVEN LITTLECROW CHARLES MICHAEL LITTLEFIELD JAMES E LITTLEFIELD JOSHUA C LITTLEFIELD THOMAS C LITTLEFIELD HELEN D LITTLETON JESS A LITTLETON JOHN CHRISTOPHER LITTLETON JERED A LITTS SHANE S LITZENBERG YUANZHONG LIU CANDY LIVELY MATTHEW LIVENGOOD JAMES LIVERMORE JAMES B LIVINGSTON JEFFREY LIVINGSTON SHARON LIVINGSTON RYAN LIVINGSTONE ABEL LIWANAG PERASHMIN LIYANAGAMAGE DINESH LIYANAGE KATHARINE LLEWELLYN MARK LLEWELLYN SHANE L LLEWELLYN SHAWN E LLEWELLYN GORDON K LLOYD JACOB WADE LLOYD JAMES BRANDON LLOYD KRISTINA LLOYD MICHAEL LLOYD MITCHELL LLOYD PATRICK W LLOYD KANFAY LO WINGHONG LO TRAVIS LOADHOLT JAMES LOBBAN LOREN V LOBERG ERIC LOBO KEVIN W LOBUE REILLY LOCASCIO CHANDARA S LOCH CHRISTOPHER N LOCHMANN BRANDY DENISE LOCK CRAIG C LOCK JACOB A LOCK CHRISTOPHER N LOCKE STEPHEN H LOCKE WILLIAM E LOCKETT JR AARON LOCKHART JEFFREY A LOCKHART KEVIN J LOCKHART MICHAEL LOCKHART AUBREY LOCKLEAR CALVIN LOCKLEAR JR MARSHALL W LOCKLEAR JR AMBER RENEE LOCKNEY TERRY L LOCKSHIRE CONNOR LOCKWOOD PAUL M LOCORE KYLE DAVID LODEN BRIAN LOESING JESSE D LOEW KELLY LOFTIS TATIYANA B LOFTON THADDEUS LOFTON DWIGHT LOGAN II JON DAVID LOGAN KENZIE G LOGAN TANNER J LOGAN ROY DOUGLAS LOGGINS JR DWAYNE LOGSDON ERIC LOGSDON JEFFREY DAVID LOGSDON MATTHEW D LOGSDON ANDREW LOGUE ANGELA MARIE LOGUE CHRISTOPHER DWAYNE LOGUE MICHAEL LOGUE AIGNER LOH JAKE LOJEK JEROME E LOKKEN JR KEVIN MICHAEL LOLLAR CHRISTIAN J LOMAS DANIEL L LOMAX JAMES LOMAX JOHN CLEMMONS LOMAX III TYRONE DEMONE LOMAX BRANDON LOMBARDO FRANKLIN LOMBARDO JUAN LOMELI CENTENO GERALD R LONDON LEVI LONDON EREN LONEY ADAM LONG AUSTIN C LONG AUSTIN MICHELE LONG BRYAN L LONG DONALD W LONG HOLLIE C LONG JEREMY LONG JERRY F LONG JOSHUA SCOTT LONG KATHY LONG KENNETH P LONG JR KEVIN LONG MARC A LONG MICHAEL A LONG PATRICK C LONG PETER LONG SHANE LONG SHAWN E LONG STEVEN A LONG TERRY R LONG TRAVIS C LONG VAN LONG WILLIAM E LONG NATHAN LONG TIME SQUIRREL ADAM LONGBOAT STEPHEN LONGBRAKE NICHOLAS R LONGLEY RICHARD S LONGLEY JOHN MATT LONGMAN PRISCILLA LONGORIA DALE K LONO KEN LONSDALE GERSONN LOODS ALEXANDER LOOKATCH JACK E LOOMIS II TONIA R LOOMIS JOSEPH B LOOSLE ZAK Z LOOSLE ADRIANA LOPEZ ALEXANDER M LOPEZ AMADOR J LOPEZ CHRISTINA D LOPEZ CHRISTOPHER LOPEZ CLINTON LOPEZ DANNY J LOPEZ DAVID J LOPEZ ERIC J LOPEZ ERNEST LOPEZ ESTEBEN LOPEZ FAUSTO R LOPEZ JR FRANCISCO A LOPEZ GILBERTO LOPEZ HORACIO LOPEZ JASON LOPEZ JESUS LOPEZ JOSE LOPEZ JUAN A LOPEZ JUAN M LOPEZ JUAN R LOPEZ KEITH A LOPEZ LUIS LOPEZ MAIKEL LOPEZ PAULO NIETO LOPEZ PHILLIP L LOPEZ RAFAEL LOPEZ RAUL LOPEZ REYNALD LOPEZ RICKY BLAKE LOPEZ ROBERT LOPEZ SAMUEL R LOPEZ SOEL LOPEZ THOMAS LOPEZ WILSON T LOPEZ ARTURO LOPEZ ARIAS MARIO LOPEZ GONZALEZ JONATHAN E LOPEZ GUTIERREZ JUAN A LOPEZ LEAL JONATHAN LOPEZ MARRERO ANA CRISTINA LOPEZ NAVA XAYMARA LOPEZ ORTA CESAR LOPEZ PADILLA RONAY LOPEZ PADILLA KAREN LOPEZ RAMIREZ AGUSTIN LOPEZ RODRIGUEZ JOSE RAMON LOPEZ RODRIGUEZ IVAN LOPEZ SANCHEZ JUAN LOPEZ SANCHEZ VICTOR EMIGDIO LOPEZ TERAN LUIS ENRIQUE LOPEZ VILLANUEVA RAMON LOPEZ VILLANUEVA JAIME LOPEZ‑GARIBAY RAUL LOPEZ‑SEGURA DOUGLAS M LORAINE LUCAS PAUL LORANCE RICHARD LOREN SPENCER LOREN ROBIN R LORENO SCOTT LORENZO ZENAIDA LORENZO ALEXANDER K LORIMOR DONALD LORING II MICHAEL B LORINO ALMA R LORRAINE CASEY LOSINIECKI TAREK MOUSTAFA LOTFI SCOTT LOTHAMER TODD LOTHAMER JESSICA B LOTHE DYLAN MAURICE LOTTIER NICHOLAS PERRY LOUALLEN JAMES LOUD KEVIN L LOUDIN MICAH A LOUDIN IMMANUVEL LOURDU SAMY NATHAN A LOUTZENHISER BRET M LOVE CHARLES LOVE ED LOVE JACOB LOVE JASON ROBERT LOVE KANISHA SHONTE LOVE KEVIN JEROME LOVE KISHI DUSHONNE LOVE NATHAN LOVE STEPHANIE K LOVE RACHEL LOVE SMITH GRAHAM LOVELACE RICHARD G LOVELACE SR ROBERT LOVELADY KURTIS J LOVELAND ROCKY LOVELAND DAVID LOVELESS MARTY R LOVELL PETER LOVELL BRAD D LOVELLETTE MARTIN ALEXANDER LOVINGOOD GREG LOVINS RANDALL KEITH LOVINS JOSEPH LOUIS LOVVORN III COLBY JUSTIN LOW KENNETH L LOWANSE ANTHONY G LOWE CHARLES B LOWE JAMES E LOWE JAMES E LOWE III JORDAN K LOWE LESLEY A LOWE WILLIAM SETH LOWE ZACHARY PAUL LOWE JUSTIN S LOWELL ALAN RAY LOWERY BRIAN CRAIGE LOWERY CONOR LOWERY JAMES LOWERY III JEFFERY W LOWERY KENNETH D LOWERY NATASHA M LOWERY RONALD WILLIAM LOWERY TARA M LOWERY TWAN LOWERY WILLIAM R LOWERY CHASITIE L LOWMAN JACOB LOWMAN JAMES LOWMAN RICK C LOWMAN JOHN M LOWRY JOSEPH LOWRY SEAN D LOWRY ZACHARY S LOWRY MICHAEL LOY MARCOS LOYA JR CHARLOTTE L LOYD JOSHUA LOYD ROBERT M LOZA JOSEPH B LOZADA BRYAN MICHAEL LOZANO LOUIS LOZANO GUILLERMO LOZANO VELAZQUEZ EVAN HAN‑FANE LU LYNN P LUBASZEWSKI GEORGE T LUBY COREY LUCAS DEBBY LUCAS GREGG S LUCAS JEFFREY LUCAS JEREMY LUCAS JOSEPH F LUCAS JR NATHANIEL LUCAS RONALD G LUCAS JR SHAD C LUCAS TYLER J LUCAS WILLIAM R LUCAS IV MICHAEL A LUCATORTO LINDA LUCCI ANTONIO F LUCCO COLTON LUCE DANNY W LUCE MICHAEL LUCE MELISSA LUCERO PETER JOHN LUCIANI JR NELSON LUCINDO JESSICA LUCKENBAUGH JACOB S LUCKETTE MARK W LUCY ADAM KAYIN LUDWIG DERRYK LUDWIG DONALD T LUDWIG DONALD A LUEBBEN DONALD A LUEBBEN JR KRISTY M LUEBBEN BRANDON LUELLEN SR JULIO LUERA BRIAN LUIPPOLD MANNY K LUIZ BERNADETTE LUJAN LEOBARDO LUJAN BRITTANY LASHAE LUKE KIMBERLY A LUKE CHARLES E LUKENS CHRISTOPHER L LUKER JOSHUA R LUKER SEAN P LUKER NICOLAS L LUMBRERAZ CARL L LUMMUS TYLER C LUNA LUIS ALBERTO LUNA LUNA FELIX LUNA OVIEDO ANTHONY L LUNA‑EPPS JR AMANDA K LUND ANTHONY HALE LUND BRANDON LUND MARCI LUND PHILLIP A LUND TRAVIS C LUND JOHAN LUNDBERG RODNEY H LUNDBERG JOHN LUNDGREN FREDRIK A LUNDH TONY LUNG AARON E LUNING CHERYL KAY LUNING NOAH K LUNING ROBERT E LUNING ALLAN LUNSFORD JAMES RYAN LUNSFORD JOHN M LUNSFORD TAMARA LEIGHANN LUNSFORD TIMMIE J LUNSFORD BRETT M LUNZ BRIAN D LUPO SAMUEL LUPTON BOBBIE M LUSCHEN JAMES M LUSK KEITH LUSK CHRISTOPHER LUTCKEN KAREN LUTHER ALYSHA K LUTTRELL DASHAWN LUTTRELL CHRISTOPHER A LUTZ DAVID LUTZ MATTHEW E LUTZ MEGHAN ALICIA LUTZ PABLO R LUTZ VICKI LUTZ PETER B LUX MATTHEW LUYMES KEITH LYDING NORMAN LYELL SHERRY A LYLE OLIVER J LYLES AARON T LYNCH AUSTIN JOSEPH LYNCH BILLY J LYNCH BRANDI J LYNCH BUDDY A LYNCH GEORGE W LYNCH GREG N LYNCH JAMES T LYNCH JAMIE LYNN LYNCH JESSE R LYNCH JIMMY R LYNCH JOSHUA TILMAN LYNCH JUSTIN CARTER LYNCH KEVIN W LYNCH KRISTOPHER MATTHEW LYNCH KRISTY E LYNCH LANCE E LYNCH PAUL V LYNCH REGGIE L LYNCH RICHARD J LYNCH RYAN J LYNCH SARAH H LYNCH TARRANT T LYNCH WENDELL KEVIN LYNCH MARK LYNESS BART E LYNN MICHAEL LYNN MICHAEL JOHN LYNN RYAN LYNN TERRY D LYNN TIMOTHY WAYNE LYNN ANDREW J LYON BRAD J LYON ANTHONY LYONS AUSTIN LYONS CHRISTOPHER MICHAEL LYONS JAMES LYONS MATTHEW J LYONS TERESA J LYONS KYLE J LYSITT CHRISTOPHER LYSY WAYNE MA XINZHI MA AASA MAAFALA HARSIMRANJEET SINGH MAAN MARK A MABIS PHILLIP M MABREY BRANDON MICHAEL MABRY KELVIN LEDON MABRY MADISON HALEY MABRY WILLIE L MABRY FRANK MACALUSO RICKEY J MACARI II RYAN MACARTHUR BRIAN MACAULAY STEPHEN MACBETH DAN A MACBRIDE BRANDON MACDONALD DAN MACDONALD DOUGLAS MACDONALD MATTHEW MACDONALD PAUL MACDONALD STEVEN L MACDONALD RON MACDOUGALL CODY AUSTIN MACE MARY JANE MACE EMANUEL P MACEDO PEDRO T MACEO DAWN L MACEY MONICA MACFADYEN MICHAEL J MACFARLANE ROBERT MACHOWSKI JR RICARDO MACHUCA JUAN J MACHUCA‑GARCIA TODD MACIAGA JOSE MACIAS MACIAS HUGO SILVESTRE MACIAS MENDIETA THOMAS W MACIEJEWSKI JAYMES MACIK CHRISTOPHER MACINNIS DONALD MACINNIS MICHAEL MACINNIS JAMES M MACINTOSH DANIEL R MACK DAVID L MACK JR HENRY C MACK JEFFREY J MACK MICHAEL L MACK ROBERT C MACK RONALD P MACK JR THOMAS W MACK JUSTIN A MACKAY RAYLEEN MACKAY SELENA MACKAY BRIAN J MACKE JR SCOTT MACKEBEN SEAN MACKENZIE ALPHONSE CLAUDE MACKEY III FELIX MACKEY SEAN ANTHONY MACKEY PATRICIA A MACKIE ROBERT MACKIE SCOTT MACKINNON MICHAEL MACKINTOSH JONAH MACLAURIN JOHN MACLELLAN CONNOR MACLEOD KHONNOR MACLEOD WILLIAM MACLUCKIE RUSSELL F MACMANNIS JUSTIN MACMILLAN NEIL MACMILLAN WALLACE MACMURRAY JOHN MACNEIL IZAAK MACPHAIL AUSTIN MACPHERSON BRAD MACPHERSON BRANDON MACPHERSON BRIAN MACPHERSON NORMAN MACPHERSON SKIPPER MACRAE JOHN H MACZAK SANGEETA MADAN CYNTHIA MADDEN DALTON G MADDEN GARY D MADDEN MICHAEL J MADDEN WILLIAM G MADDEN CHESTER MADDOX CHRISTOPHER MADDOX DAVID W MADDOX EMMANUEL T MADDOX HAMPTON TAYLOR MADDOX JEREMY L MADDOX JIMMY MADDOX JUSTIN MADDOX NICOLAS WANYE MADDOX RAEVON LADAREOUS MADDOX RICHARD A MADDOX SAMUEL R MADDOX JR TERRY MADDOX TRAVIS A MADDOX RYAN L MADDY AIRES MADEIRA LARISSA D MADEWELL NISHAN MADHUSANKA NIMAL SUMANASINGHA SEAN MADIGAN CLINTON N MADISON LINDA MADISON WESLEY R MADISON EVARISTO MADRIGAL MARCO MADRIGAL MARK MADRIGAL JORGE MADRIGAL GUZMAN JORGE MADRIGAL SALAS BENJAMIN MADRY CORDARRYL MADRY DALLIN DAVID MADSEN DAVID C MADSEN MAKESSA MADSEN ZACHARY MADSEN ZACHARY J MADSEN FERRER MADUCDOC ROSHAN MADUMAL SOMASIRI THILINA MADUSANKA JAYARATHNA KATHERINE M MAES MANUEL MAES JAMES C MAEWEATHER JR LOU H MAGALDI KARL MAGALLANES SILVIA MAGALLANEZ SANCHEZ JAVIER O MAGALLON FRANCISCO JAVIER MAGALLON CANO ARTURO MAGANA OMAR MAGANA LUIS FELIPE MAGAÑA RUIZ RICHARD F MAGARGLE JOHN M MAGEO JASON MAGERAN RANDY MAGERAN MICHAEL E MAGINN JORDAN W MAGLINTI WAYNE MAGLINTI JOHN W MAGNAN DONALD J MAGUIRE SANDRA JEANNE MAGUIRE SHASTRI MAHABIR NILESH MAHADEO TAKKE AMANDA MAHAFFEY SETH A MAHAFFEY TIMOTHY P MAHAN BAZZARD MAHARAJ CANDACE MAHARAJ CHRISTOPHER MAHARAJ WAYNE MAHARAJ DENNIS R MAHARREY MAHSA MAHDAVIAN ROGERIO MAHL CHRISTOPHER LEE MAHLER BRIAN F MAHONE WILLIAM M MAHONE BRIAN K MAHONEY DALE A MAHONEY EDWARD KENT MAHONEY GRANT MAHONEY JOSEPH A MAHONEY TRACI W MAHONY JOHN D MAHRENHOLZ HOWARD MAI JACKIE MAI LANCE H MAIDEN JACOB MAILLOUX PETER P MAILMAN KATELYN MAINOR JACOB MAIR ENRIQUE MAJANO HOWARD L MAJETTE LUCAS MAJEWSKI BRYANT T MAJOR ROBERT G MAJOR RYAN P MAJOR SUZANNE MAJOR VICTOR C MAJOR ALONZO MAJORS ROBERT S MAJORS SIN MAK LUCAS N MAKELIN JEREMY MAKIN CHANCE MAKU IKAIKAKAMANAOLANA I MAKUE MARY ALICE MALACK MARISA MALATESTA BRADLEY W MALAYER CASEY KEITH MALCOLM NICK MALCOLM DANNY O MALDONADO ERIK MALDONADO HECTOR M MALDONADO JAMES MALDONADO JR JEY MALDONADO RUBEN MALDONADO VICTOR MALDONADO MICHAEL MALDONADO AVILA AURELIO MALDONADO LARA ANTONIO MALDONADO LECHUGA ANGEL L MALDONADO RODRIGUEZ JOSE MALDONADO ROJAS JAIME MALDONADO‑ROJAS RYAN MALEY GAURAV MALHOTRA ZAIN U MALIK KRISTEN MALINOWSKI RYAN MALINOWSKI GERRICK MALLARD MICHAEL S MALLARD TREVOR MALLARD DYLAN MALLETT JUSTIN R MALLETT ROBERT JORDAN MALLETT II VINAYAK MALLIKARJUN KORE ANDREW MALLON DENNIS F MALLON DENNIS F MALLON II NATHAN SCOTT MALLON JASON ZACHARY MALLORY MACK W MALLORY SHAWNTAY MALLORY JAY MALMBERG TIM MALMBERG HEATHER L MALO RONNY MALO AUSTIN CARL MALONE BRENT ALAN MALONE BRITISH S MALONE BRYAN MALONE CARL DONOVAN MALONE CARLA E MALONE JASON R MALONE JONATHAN D MALONE MATT R MALONE MICHAEL MALONE MICHAEL W MALONE SAWYER T MALONE WILLIAM CHARLES MALONE RICHARD MAMAJEK BUMBA MAMPUYA WILLIAM G MANAHAN NIZAM MANALAL RONEL MANARANG CHASEN MANCHESTER DAVID A MANCHESTER ANGEL MANCILLA JR ADRIAN MANCINAS JOHN MANCINI LAKSHMANA RAO MANDALA JOHN M MANDEL KIMBERLY MARIE MANDERS TIMOTHY MANDL JOSE G MANDUJANO BELLO ROBERTO MANDUJANO BELLO BRANDON EMMANUEL MANDUJANO VELAZCO MATTHEW C MANELLI PARKER MANERS RANDHIR SINGH MANGAT L A MANGHAM BRANT MANGRUM GERALD MANGUNE SELVAKUMAR MANI ANTUAN MANICA MIKEL T MANION SARKIS MANISAJIAN SAMANTHA MANK JONATHAN K MANLEY LILLIAN A MANLEY ANTHONY MANN AVERY PHILLIP MANN CHRISTOPHER RICHARD MANN CRAIG D MANN DON R MANN FRANCOIS J MANN JACOB R MANN JAMES L MANN JASPAL MANN KULBINDER MANN LESTER W MANN MAJOR MANN MICHAEL MANN SEAN TYLER MANN TODD MANNERING AMANDA L MANNING BRYAN EARL MANNING CLINTON C MANNING ELBERT T MANNING JOHN E MANNING MATTHEW DREW MANNING NICHOLAS CHANCE MANNING LUCAS R MANON PATRICK L MANON GARETH MANORE JONATHAN MANSBRIDGE RYAN K MANSFIELD TYLER MANSFIELD DEREK MANSON JASON M MANUEL LENIN MANUEL LOPEZ JOHN MANZ ROBERT J MANZELLA KHEY MAO DENNY MAODUS COLIN MAPLE QUINCY MAPLE LUCAS MAPLES BRANDON MAPLETOFT TENDAI MAPOSA RICKY MAQUEMA GEORGE MARASCO DARRIN CADE MARBLE TRAVIS MARBLE ANNA R MARBRY NATHAN L MARBURG KENNETH RODNEY MARBUT IVAN Y MARCANO BENITEZ MICHAEL MARCELLUS MARTIN MARCH DARRELL MARCHELL ANTHONY MARCHESIN LOUIS MARCOLLA JOEL T MARCOTTE ALEC M MARCUM DUSTIN K MARCUM ERIC M MARCUS KELLEY MARCUS LUCIOUS JR MARCUS SHANE OKELLEY MARCUS CHRISTOPHER MARDON ARMANDO MARES DE LA PAZ CRISTIAN HUMBERTO MARES DE LA PAZ ESAKKIAPPAN MARIAPPAN GANESHKUMAR MARIAPPAN MATHAVAN MARIAPPAN FISHER MARIETTA KENNETH MARIGLIA ARUNKUMAR MARIKANNAN VIDESH MARIMOOTOO EDWIN MARIN ARMANDO MARIN SERRANO ANDREW MARINIG NICOLA MARINO ROBERT C MARINOS JONATHAN MARIONCU LEONA D MARIS CRISTIAN ZAIN MARISCAL AGUAYO CESAR OCTAVIO MARISCAL CONTRERAS ALEJANDRO MARISCAL RUIZ SREERAM C MARISETTY NAVANEETHAN MARIYAPPAN STEVE MARK JUSTIN A MARKEL SHANE MARKER ILEY MARKHAM IAN STUART MARKON DALEDA MARKOS TONY MARKOWITZ ANDREW T MARKS BYRON DEAN MARKS DONOVAN E MARKS FREDERICK E MARKS JOHN MARKS MATTHEW J MARKS MEGAN L MARKS STEVEN D MARKS THOMAS M MARKS DAVID M MARKSBERRY DAVID ANDREW MARKUS KYLE W MARKWARDT KEITH A MARLAR LYNNE MARLOW AUBREY A MARLOWE JR DOMENICK J MAROCCO ASLAN MARPLES RODRIGO MARQUEZ III GILBERTO MARQUEZ CHAVARRIA RAMIRO MARQUEZ LANDA LUIS CARLOS MARQUEZ MORA LUIS RAMON MARQUEZ MORENO GILBERTO A MARQUEZ RAMIREZ RODDY A MARRACCINI RONALD E MARRIER REGINALDO MARROQUIN VICTOR E MARROQUIN CHRISTINA MARRUJO ELIAS J MARSDEN ROGER MARSDEN BERTHA C MARSH BILLY MARSH BRANDON MARSH BRYON S MARSH RICHARD WESLEY MARSH RODNEY D MARSH RONALD L MARSH SAMANTHA D MARSH ALFRED D MARSHALL ANTONIO R MARSHALL DAVID L MARSHALL DOUG ALAN MARSHALL EARL J MARSHALL GREGORY J MARSHALL HEATH A MARSHALL JEFFERY L MARSHALL JESS P MARSHALL LEANNE MARSHALL LOUISE MARSHALL MICHAEL GLEN MARSHALL NATHAN P MARSHALL NICHOLAS P MARSHALL PAUL J MARSHALL SCOTT MARSHALL TERRY L MARSHALL VELON D MARSHALL VINCENT D MARSHALL WILLIAM J MARSHALL ZACK MARSHALL CHRISTOPHER WADE MARSHBURN RANDALL SCOTT MARSHBURN JASON MARSON TANYA MARSON FALLON MARSTON DANIEL MARTEL CARSON MARTELL JOSH MARTELL CHASE S MARTENS ERIK MARTENSSON JORDAN MARTI KIM R MARTI AARON MARTIN ANTHONY MARTIN ANTONIO MARTIN BRANDON MARTIN BRANDON J MARTIN BRUCE D MARTIN BRUCE D MARTIN II CALEB MARTIN CAMERON J MARTIN CARL M MARTIN CHARLES C MARTIN CHARLOTTE MARTIN CHRISTOPHER D MARTIN CHRISTOPHER P MARTIN CHRISTOPHER W MARTIN CLIFFORD MARTIN CRYSTAL G MARTIN DAVID MARTIN DAVID R MARTIN DEAN MARTIN DENNIS L MARTIN DESHAWN A MARTIN DONALD E MARTIN JR DONNA B MARTIN EDWARD MARTIN ELISA MARTIN ERIC MARTIN GLENN EDWARD MARTIN GRANT W MARTIN JACOB WILLIAM MARTIN JAMES MARTIN JAMES AUBREY MARTIN II JAMES B MARTIN JAMES D MARTIN JR JASON L MARTIN JEFFERY W MARTIN JEFFREY R MARTIN JOEY E MARTIN JOHN AARON MARTIN JOHN C MARTIN JOHNATHON MARTIN JONATHAN AUSTIN MARTIN JOSHUA ANDREW MARTIN JUDY LYLE MARTIN JUSTIN S MARTIN KENTRELLE LAVELLE MARTIN KIONNA MARTIN KOREY W MARTIN LEROY MARTIN LESLIE M MARTIN MARK A MARTIN MARVIN MARTIN MATTHEW CHRISTOPHER MARTIN MERRILL T MARTIN MICHAEL MARTIN MICHAEL MARTIN MICHAEL S MARTIN MITCHELL MARTIN NICKOLAS PW MARTIN RICHARD L MARTIN RICHARD V MARTIN RYAN MARTIN SCOTT W MARTIN SHERRIE MARTIN STEPHEN MARTIN STEVEN MARTIN TAMRA ROSS MARTIN THOMAS L MARTIN WILLIAM SCOTT MARTIN ZACHARY MARTIN ZACHARY H MARTIN ZUZELL MARTIN ALEJANDRO MARTIN DEL CAMPO PATIÑO ADAM BLAKE MARTINDALE DEBBIE MARTINEAU LEIGH‑ANNE MARTINELLO AGUSTIN H MARTINEZ ALFREDO C MARTINEZ ALVARO MARTINEZ ANGELICA MARTINEZ ANTONIO MARTINEZ ANTONIO R MARTINEZ ANTONY MARTINEZ ARMANDO MARTINEZ CARLOS MARTINEZ CARLOS LUNA MARTINEZ CHARLES D MARTINEZ CONOR THOMAS MARTINEZ DANIEL MARTINEZ EDGAR AMAYA MARTINEZ EDWIN MARTINEZ ELIAS A MARTINEZ EZEQUIEL MARTINEZ GABRIEL MARTINEZ HUGO O MARTINEZ IVANS MARTINEZ JEREMIAH B MARTINEZ JESSICA M MARTINEZ JOE A MARTINEZ JOSE MARTINEZ JOSE CHRISTIAN MARTINEZ JOSE E MARTINEZ JOSE R MARTINEZ JUAN MARTINEZ JUAN CARLOS MARTINEZ JULIO MARTINEZ KARYNA MARTINEZ KC M MARTINEZ KENNY M MARTINEZ KIMBERLY MARTINEZ MAGDALENO MARTINEZ JR MARIO R MARTINEZ MICHAEL M MARTINEZ NOE MARTINEZ OSCAR MARTINEZ PETER A MARTINEZ PRESTON M MARTINEZ RAQUEL MARTINEZ SAUL MARTINEZ TOMMY MURRAY MARTINEZ MARTIN MARTINEZ ANDABLO JOSE FRANCISCO MARTINEZ AYALA JOSE MANUEL MARTINEZ BARAJAS MARIO ANTONIO MARTINEZ CONTRERAS JESUS ALEJANDRO MARTINEZ DE LA CRUZ SAMUEL MARTINEZ DELGADILLO OSVALDO MARTINEZ ESPARZA JOSE DE JESUS MARTINEZ GARAY JUAN CARLOS MARTINEZ GARAY JESSICA NAYELI MARTINEZ GARCIA ROGELIO MARTINEZ GARCIA JOSE ANGEL MARTINEZ GARNICA JUAN PABLO MARTINEZ GONZALEZ ARTURO MARTINEZ HERNANDEZ DIEGO ROMAN MARTINEZ LOPEZ JOSE LUIS MARTINEZ MARTINEZ AARON EDUARDO MARTINEZ MEDINA J REYES MARTINEZ ORTEGA ADRIAN GUADALUPE MARTINEZ PADILLA LIAM MARTINEZ PANIAGUA JUANA PAOLA MARTINEZ PEÑA ERNESTO MARTINEZ PEREZ JUAN PABLO MARTINEZ PIZARRO CESAR FERNANDO MARTINEZ PLASCENCIA MARTINA MARTINEZ REYNOSO GUSTAVO MARTINEZ SANTIAGO JOSE FRANCISCO MARTINEZ SERVIN DAVID ALEJANDRO MARTINEZ TORRES YOLANDA KARINA MARTINEZ VARGAS DIEGO MARTINEZ ZARRASOLA JOSE MARTINEZ‑BELTRAN JOHN MARTINI MICHAEL R MARTINI ANTONIO MARTINS PAUL MARTINS ERIC L MARTINSON ROBERT MARTINSON ALINA MARUNTELU BRADY L MARUSKA TODD M MARUSKA GOVINDASAMY MARUTHAMUTHU TRAVIS MARVIN MATTHEW D MARX CHRISTIAN R MARYOTT FRANCESCO MARZANO WALTER MARZE JR STEPHANIE LATISHA MARZETTE FA’ASISINA MASALOSALO SPENCER M MASAT RICHARD AUGUST MASCHKE ANTHONY MASCORRO RICKY D MASK BLAKE S MASON BRADEN J MASON CARRIE MASON COREY MASON DEAN MASON JACOB A MASON JOSEPH D MASON KIM M MASON LATASHA M MASON REESE MASON ROGER MASON SANTONIO MASON STEPHEN W MASON TONY C MASON ALFRED LEONARD MASSAAR TIMOTHY MASSARELLI BRADLEY MASSEY CHRISTOPHER A MASSEY CHRISTOPHER L MASSEY COREY S MASSEY ELIZABETH A MASSEY FLETA MASSEY JAMES MASSEY KATY MARIE MASSEY PETER MASSEY ROBERT MASSEY III TOMMY L MASSEY WILLIAM MASSEY MARK C MASSIER CODY M MAST DAVID M MAST WILLIAM J MASTEN BRETT MASTERS SHERRY MASTERS TODD A MASTERS BRIAN MASTON DAVID V MASTRANGELO RICHARD MASTRANGELO MITCHELL R MASTRO NICOLE MASTROIENI YURELIS MATA RODOLFO MATA FLORES FERN MATERNO RAMCHARAN MATHAI RAJ MATHAIAH DARREN A MATHES ANTHONY E MATHEWS BRADY MATHEWS SHAWN ALLEN MATHEWS KEVIN MATHIAS TRESA A MATHIAS CASEY MATHIESON CODY MATHIS DAVID WAYNE MATHIS GARNEL E MATHIS GLEN ALLEN MATHIS GREG MATHIS GREGORY E MATHIS KENNETH MATHIS SR KENNETH J MATHIS SAMUEL MATHIS SAMUEL LIVINGSTON MATHIS III RUSSEL MATHYS CARA MATIGIAN GLENN MATILDA MICHAEL D MATIOSCHAT JUDD MATKIN DUSTY W MATLOCK SCOTT MATLOCK SCOTTIE D MATLOCK CARLOS MATOS ADRIAN MATRAM FRANK JOSEPH MATRULLO JASON LEWIS MATSON MATTHEW MATSON PABLO A MATTEI BRENTON L MATTEO MICHAEL A MATTEO SPENCER W MATTERS JASON P MATTHES JUSTIN MATTHES AMY L MATTHEWS BILLY GENE MATTHEWS JR BLAIN R MATTHEWS BOBBY N MATTHEWS BRANDON MATTHEWS BRIAN K MATTHEWS CHRISTOPHER SCOTT MATTHEWS CRAIG MATTHEWS DAMON A MATTHEWS DAVID MATTHEWS EUGENE D MATTHEWS JARREL M MATTHEWS JOHN TREVER MATTHEWS JONATHAN H MATTHEWS KENNETH E MATTHEWS MARK R MATTHEWS MICHAEL D MATTHEWS MICHAEL E MATTHEWS RAY E MATTHEWS JR RHONDA MATTHEWS ROBERT A MATTHEWS RYAN S MATTHEWS STEPHANIE R MATTHEWS TERESA A MATTHEWS TERRY MATTHEWS TRACY MATTHEWS MITCHELL D MATTINGLY KYLE MATTINSON RICHARD D MATTISON JEFFERY ALLEN MATTOX II NORMAN B MATTOX JOSHUA D MATTSON BASSIM MATUK JAMES JOSEPH MATURA JOSEPH J MATUSKA TAMMY MATUSZAK JEREMY MATWYKO JORDON MATWYKO RANDY MATWYKO JOHN M MATYJA MARY BETH MAU ZACHARY S MAU COYAN C MAUGHAN GAYLEN C MAUGHAN JAYDEN MAUGHAN ANDREW FERRELL MAULDIN MICHAEL MAULDIN KEVIN D MAULTRA RANDY K MAURER ANTHONY MAURITS ANGELINE MAURO DAVID L MAUSEHUND KEVIN A MAVIS ANTHONY D MAXWELL COLTON D MAXWELL DAVIS MAXWELL ERIC L MAXWELL JAMES TONY MAXWELL JASON HEATH MAXWELL LINDSAY MAXWELL MICHAEL W MAXWELL CRAIG C MAY CRAIG M MAY JAKE MAY JAMES A MAY JEDIDIAH E MAY JEREMY M MAY JOSEPH CHRISTOPHER MAY JUSTIN MAY KELVIN MAY KENNETH D MAY LAWSON BLAKE MAY MARK E MAY MICHEAL T MAY SCOTT A MAY VANESSA L MAY WILLIE D MAY DONALD GENE MAYBERRY MARLON C MAYBERRY THOMAS C MAYBERRY TROY MAYER JULIAN L MAYERS LISA MARIE MAYES MICHAEL W MAYFIELD MICHAEL M MAYHALL DAVID E MAYHEW CHRISTOPHER K MAYNARD ERIC T MAYNARD JOSHUA L MAYNE ELIJAH P MAYO JAKE MAYORCA ALAN RAY MAYOTTE ARTHUR MAYS CHRISTOPHER MAYS GEORGE MICHAEL MAYS HERB MAYS JARED E MAYS KENNETH L MAYS PATRICK G MAYS ROBERT JOSEPH MAYS WILLIAM TODD MAYS CODY C MAYSE CORY ROBERT MAYSE MELANIE MAYSEY JOHN C MAYTON KEVIN B MAYTUM RICKEY E MAZE III CARLOS MAZON DYLAN MAZUREN VANESSA D MAZZA TYLER MCADAM CONSTANCE L MCADAMS ERIC D MCADORY JAMES D MCALLISTER JEREMY T MCALLISTER KAYLA MCALLISTER TRACI MCALLISTER VIVIAN H MCALLISTER JAMES MCALPINE KYLE MCALPINE SCOTT MCALPINE KIM ELAINE MCANULTY MICHAEL BRUCE MCARTHUR RAYFORD J MCATEER ROY R MCATEER THOMAS M MCAULIFFE JR CHADWICK TYLER MCBAY ANTHONY GEORGE MCBRAYER GREG B MCBRAYER JERRY K MCBRAYER BRADY MCBRIDE D BLAKE MCBRIDE JEFFREY D MCBRIDE JOHN MCBRIDE JOHN MCBRIDE JOHN D MCBRIDE JON KENT MCBRIDE MICA L MCBRIDE ROGER BRENT MCBRIDE STEPHANIE MCBRIDE WILLIAM MCBRIDE ZANE WADE MCBRIDE KIARRI B MCBROOM PAMELA K MCBROOME ROLONDA S MCBRYDE JAMES J MCCABE KASON LUTHER MCCAFFERTY REGINALD E MCCAFFERTY ELIZABETH MCCAFFREY MATTHEW JOSHUA MCCAFFREY BRADY R MCCAIN JOHN L MCCAIN SHANG JAMAR MCCAIN WESLEY MCCAIN HUNTER MCCALEB KEVIN E MCCALEB CHRISTOPHER MCCALL CRAIG MCCALL HARLISE J MCCALL JAMAAL ATIBA MCCALL JAMES T MCCALL SR JORDAN MCCALL MARCUS MCCALL ROBERT MCCALL ROSWELL MCCALL RYAN MCCALL EDWARD A MCCALLIE SALLY A MCCALLUM JOHN CHADWICK MCCALPIN DONNIE W MCCAMMON JR DARRIN J MCCANDLESS LOGAN MICHAEL MCCANDLESS TYLER J MCCANDLESS NICHOLAS M MCCANN STEPHEN A MCCANN JAMES H MCCANTS JOEY S MCCANTS SETH A MCCANTS TIFFANY B MCCANTS TIMOTHY A MCCANTS LARRY BRUCE MCCARDLE KYLE MCCARRON MATTHEW C MCCART KYLE MCCARTHY THOMAS P MCCARTHY TRAVIS MCCARTHY ASHTON MCCARTNEY JAMES MCCARTNEY JAMES P MCCARTY NICHOLAS MCCASKY JONATHAN B MCCAULEY ROBERT M MCCAULEY TIMOTHY J MCCAVIT AIRIKA MCCLAFFERTY HUNTER C MCCLAIN JUSTIN R MCCLAIN MARK E MCCLAIN ROBERT MCCLAIN RYAN A MCCLAIN CHARLES MCCLAMROCK SCOTT M MCCLANAHAN GILBERT MCCLATCHIE CASEY B MCCLELLAN CURTIS MCCLELLAN JEREMY C MCCLELLAN KALEB MCCLELLAN KEVIN R MCCLELLAN TERRY L MCCLELLAN ANDREW MCCLELLAND GLENN EDWARD MCCLELLAND KELVIN D MCCLENDON MATTHEW MCCLOSKEY DANIEL J MCCLOUD JACK MCCLOUD RANDALL J MCCLOUD RICHARD L MCCLOUD JR TIHALISH MCCLOUD WILLIAM E MCCLUNG AARON M MCCLURE JACOB W MCCLURE JOSEPH MCCLURE MARK L MCCLURE WILLIAM B MCCLURE BILLY M MCCOIN BESS MCCOLLESTER JASON E MCCOLLUM JUSTIN K MCCOLLUM LISA SMELLEY MCCOLLUM MARK MCCOLLUM JAMES P MCCOMB RILEY MCCOMB ERIC M MCCONICO CHARLES R MCCONNELL JR JOHN T MCCONNELL PATRICK MICHAEL MCCONNELL WILLIAM K MCCONNELL JORDAN W MCCOOL LYNN MCCORD MARK D MCCORD GARRETT MCCORKLE JASON MCCORKLE LEAH R MCCORKLE LEE MCCORMACK JASON A MCCORMICK JASON L MCCORMICK MATTHEW MCCORMICK RANDY R MCCORMICK REECE T MCCORMICK ROBERT K MCCORMICK CHARLES DWIGHT MCCOY HENRY B MCCOY III JAMES MCCOY JENNIFER MCCOY JOEY MCCOY JOSHUA A MCCOY LASHONDA RENAE MCCOY LUKE MCCOY MARK N MCCOY NATHANIEL J MCCOY RENARDO LAVON MCCOY SHELDON MCCOY TERRENCE MCCOY WARREN RICK MCCOY WILLIAM MCCOY WILLIAM B MCCOY KENNETH C MCCRACKEN ROBERT W MCCRACKEN MICHAEL MCCRACKIN DANIEL B MCCRARY JORDAN R MCCRARY JOHN C MCCRATE JR MICHAEL S MCCRAVEY CHARLENE MCCRAY MICHAEL JUDSON MCCRAY PATRICK MCCREADY CHRISTOPHER MCCREARY MEGAN MCCREERY ERNEST LEE MCCRELESS JAMES A MCCRELESS ARTHUR JAMES MARK MCCRORY SEAN MCCRORY ERIC R MCCROSKEY KENNETH W MCCRUTER JAMES C MCCUBBIN LLOYD L MCCUBBIN EDWARD W MCCUE CHARLES ANDREW MCCUISTON JAMES MCCULLOCH KELLY MCCULLOCH MYRON A MCCULLOCH RICHARD MCCULLOCH ALEX ALEXIS MCCULLOUGH ALICIA KRISTIN MCCULLOUGH BRADFORD L MCCULLOUGH DAVONTE M MCCULLOUGH DUANE C MCCULLOUGH EDWINA K MCCULLOUGH FRANKIE L MCCULLOUGH JOSEPH TOBIAS MCCULLOUGH KEITH L MCCULLOUGH PATRICK S MCCULLOUGH ROBERT D MCCULLOUGH ROBERTA MCCULLOUGH WARREN J MCCULLOUGH CRAIG I MCCULLY JARVIS D MCCULLY CHRISTOPHER J MCCURLEY BEN THOMAS MCCURRY CHRISTOPHER E MCCUTCHEN ADAM J MCCUTCHEON JOHN W MCCUTCHEON MICHAEL JOHN MCDADE ALBERT D MCDANIEL ALEXANDER W MCDANIEL CODY DEAN MCDANIEL MARK E MCDANIEL MICHAEL S MCDANIEL QUINCY L MCDANIEL ROBBIE N MCDANIEL THOMAS HENRY MCDANIEL THOMAS M MCDANIEL TYNA MCDANIEL GLENN ERIC MCDAY KELLY KIERRA MCDAY CYNTHIA LEA MCDERMID CODY M MCDERMOTT STEVEN T MCDERMOTT ABBY MCDONALD ANTHONY P MCDONALD BLAINE R MCDONALD BRENT S MCDONALD CHARLES L MCDONALD CODY MCDONALD CORNEIL L MCDONALD DARCY MCDONALD DASHAWN MCDONALD GARY D MCDONALD JR HUNTER MCDONALD IV JACOB MCDONALD JAMES K MCDONALD JAMES P MCDONALD JAMES R MCDONALD JR JEFFREY MCDONALD JENNIFER L MCDONALD JOSHUA MCDONALD MALCOLM F MCDONALD PAUL M MCDONALD PRISCILLA ROSE MCDONALD RYAN MCDONALD SEAN M MCDONALD JR TANNER C MCDONALD TIMOTHY MCDONALD TYRONE MCDONALD ROBERT F MCDONNELL FRANK MCDOUGAL ALWYN D MCDOWALL BRIAN MCDOWELL KENNARD LEANDUS MCDOWELL JR TRACY L MCDUFFY JAMES R MCEACHERN ROBERT C MCEACHERN JONATHAN L MCEACHIN SR ROBERT MCELDERRY STEPHEN G MCELHANON MARK MCELHINNEY STEVEN L MCELROY DAWN C MCELVEEN MICHAEL T MCELVEEN TERRI I MCELVEEN WILLIAM R MCELVEEN JAMES J MCELYEA STEVE ARTHUR MCELYEA JR ADRIEN MCFADDEN CLAUDE MCFADDEN ERNEST E MCFADDEN ROGER MCFADDEN CAMERON R MCFALL SHANNA M MCFALL ANDREW MCFARLAND KYLE B MCFARLANE NICHOLAS MCFATRIDGE DAVID MCFAY PHILLIP MCFEE MACKINLEY R MCGARRY GERALD A MCGAUGHEY NATHAN G MCGAUGHEY RYAN D MCGAUGHEY GRANT MCGAUGHY CHRISTOPHER M MCGEE COURTNEY J MCGEE DONALD MCGEE FREDRICK T MCGEE JAMES CASH MCGEE LUCAS CAINE MCGEE STEPHEN C MCGEE THOMAS MCGEE JR TIMOTHY A MCGEE WALTER T MCGEE MICHAEL E MCGEORGE CHRISTOPHER JAMES MCGHEE LINDA K MCGILL MONTY R MCGILL ZACHARY MCGILLIS DACIA D MCGINNESS ALEC MCGINNIS RICHARD L MCGINNIS SCOTT E MCGINNIS KENDERICK R MCGIRT PAUL J MCGOLDRICK DANIEL L MCGOWAN JAMIE M MCGOWAN JARED MCGOWAN ANDREW MCGRAW ROBERT HOLLADAY MCGRAW RONALD A MCGRAW ANDREW MCGREGOR CHAD D MCGREGOR JENNIFER L MCGREGOR MICKEY ALAN MCGREGOR NATHAN W MCGREGOR JOHNNY F MCGRIFF DAVID MCGUINNESS AMANDA N MCGUIRE ANNE T MCGUIRE BRIAN A MCGUIRE BRUCE MCGUIRE JAMES P MCGUIRE MICHAEL C MCGUIRE RANDY W MCGUIRE ROBERT MCGUIRE SHANE P MCGUIRE STEPHEN E MCGUIRE TYLER FORREST MCGUIRE MICHAEL MCHALE JOHN H MCHALFFEY CLINTON A MCHAN ROBERT B MCHARGUE ANTHONY MCHUGH KEVIN MCHUGH THOMAS MCHUGH JOHN MCINALLY HART MCINERNEY BRODY MCINNES CORY P MCINTOSH MELINA MCINTOSH JANET L MCINTYRE BILLY MCINVILLE BRANDON MCINVILLE JOSEPH P MCINVILLE JUSTIN R MCINVILLE RANDY W MCINVILLE JIMMY RAY MCKASKLE COREY J MCKAY DAVID L MCKAY LIONEL MCKAY MARK STEVEN MCKAY RALPH E MCKAY RANDI N MCKAY SCOTT T MCKEAN CLINTON MCKEE JACOB MCKEE JEREMY R MCKEE JERRY E MCKEE JONATHAN M MCKEE MALORIE NICOLE MCKEE ROBERT SHANE MCKEE MICHAEL E MCKEEN JOHNNIE E MCKELROY CHRISTOPHER O MCKELVEY KENNY H MCKELVEY RALPH MCKENNA KELLY F MCKENNEY CRAIG MCKENZIE GERALD R MCKENZIE MATTHEW FOSTER MCKENZIE ORNIN L MCKENZIE JR PAUL J MCKENZIE RICHARD B MCKENZIE SHAWN MCKENZIE ADAM MCKEON THOMAS MCKEON JEREMY R MCKEOWN JOSEPH T MCKERNAN PATRICK D MCKERNAN JENNIFER R MCKIBBEN DAVID C MCKINLEY SCOTT D MCKINLEY CHAD R MCKINNEY JEREMY MCKINNEY JERRY G MCKINNEY JUDY MCKINNEY JUSTIN MCKINNEY ONASIS NITSCHKE MCKINNEY THOMAS K MCKINNEY PATRICIA MCKINNON ROBERT A MCKINNON ROBERT BRIAN MCKINNON CHRISTOPHER A MCKINSEY WILLIAM E MCKINSEY JOHN MCKINVEN KYLE MCKINVEN ENNIS A MCKNIGHT JAMES V MCKNIGHT JODY B MCKNIGHT JOHNATHON THOMAS MCKNIGHT JR LARRY ALAN MCKNIGHT JR MICKEL T MCKNIGHT MIKE MCKNIGHT PEGGY MCKNIGHT RICHARD MCKNIGHT STEVEN W MCKNIGHT TONY E MCKNIGHT WILLIAM B MCKNIGHT TYLER MCKOWN SHAWN MCLACHLAN GAIL S MCLAIN TONY L MCLAIN JAMES E MCLAMB JAMES H MCLAMB JEFFREY W MCLAMB JOHN P MCLANEY BETH A MCLAUGHLAN‑SEAVER BRANDON L MCLAUGHLIN CHRISTOPHER J MCLAUGHLIN CORY MCLAUGHLIN DUSTIN K MCLAUGHLIN EARNEST J MCLAUGHLIN JIMMY DEAN MCLAUGHLIN MATTHEW SEAN MCLAUGHLIN NATHANIEL R MCLAUGHLIN PAUL A MCLAUGHLIN RICKY D MCLAUGHLIN ALASDAIR R MCLEAN FLINT MCLEAN JOSEPH G MCLEAN JR MATHEW MCLEAN MELISSA S MCLEAN OTIS MCLEARY MEGAN A MCLEES SAMUEL M MCLELLAN JOHNNY L MCLEOD JR MICHAEL EDWARD MCLEOD STEPHEN G MCLEOD NICHOLAS G MCLEROY COREY A MCMAHAN TYREL MCMAHAN GAVIN C MCMAHON JAMIE J MCMAHON SEAN THOMAS MCMAHON JESSICA A MCMANIGAL EUGENE MCMANUS MITCHELL MCMANUS ROBERT MCMANUS SCOTT MCMANUS TAMRON EUGENE MCMANUS ROBERT MCMASTERS DAVID C MCMEANS ADAM K MCMELLON JOSHUA FRANKLIN MCMILLAN PAXTON V MCMILLAN JARRED R MCMILLEN NANCY LEE MCMILLEN CARMELA Y MCMILLIAN COREY D MCMILLIN ALLEN SCOTT MCMILLON HALEY MCMINN TIMOTHY W MCMINN KEIWAUN J MCMORRIS MARC JOSEPH MCMULLEN DAVID L MCMURRIAN DALE A MCMURRY DAVID W MCMURRY MITCHELL MCNAB DANIEL R MCNABB JASON MCNABB KELLY S MCNABB ADRIAN MCNAIR KIRBY G MCNAIR SEAN C MCNAIR STEVEN W MCNAIR JAIME MCNALL THERESA MCNALL HARRY J MCNALLY CHRISTOPHER P MCNAMARA KENNETH R MCNATT DAVID M MCNEAL JEARL MCNEAL THEODORE R MCNEAL II BRUCE MCNEELY JEFFREY L MCNEELY LISA C MCNEELY ELIZABETH MCNEESE DARIEN MCNEIL EDWARD MCNEIL MARK W MCNEIL SHATERRIA MCNEIL ANTONIA D MCNEISH TIMOTHY TYLER MCNUTT PATRICK J MCPEAK ANGELA MCPETERS LONNIE MCPHEE BRET MCPHERSON JACOB DOUGLAS MCPHERSON KELLY J MCPHERSON LANDON MCPHERSON STANLEY C MCPHERSON SARAH M MCQUADE MARK MCQUAID AARON L MCQUAIN JACOB S MCQUAIN GREGORY MCQUEEN JAMES C MCQUEEN GARY MCQUILLIS JOHN MCRAE RODNEY P MCRAE ZAKIYA MOROWA MCRAE JEREMY MCROBERTS GARNER T MCSORLEY GARY L MCSORLEY JEFFREY MCSWAIN RUSSELL D MCSWANE JACLYN MCTHIAS ANDREW MCVEY VICKEY MCVEY CYRIL MCWEENEY MATTHEW D MCWHIRTER TERRY MCWHORTER BELTON W MCWILLIAMS DEBRA KAY MCWILLIAMS EVAN MCWILLIAMS LARRY DEAN MCWILLIAMS JR DAVID CHASE MEACHAM ANTHONY MEAD JR KEVIN MEADE MICHAEL K MEADE JAMES D MEADOR JEFFREY L MEADOR PHILLIP G MEADOR ROBERT JOSEPH MEADOR CHRISTOPHER BRIAN MEADOWS JAMES MEADOWS JASON S MEADOWS JOSHUA C MEADOWS JOSHUA W MEADOWS ISRAEL I MEAGHER CAMRON C MEANS TROY J MEANS STAN L MEARS DUSTY MECHAM JOSEPH MECHAM MITCHELL MEDAK ANN M MEDDINGS JEFFREY N MEDDINGS ROGERIO W MEDEIROS SIMON S MEDEL COURTNEY MEDFORD JEFFREY D MEDFORD CESAR MEDINA CHRIS MEDINA DARLENE MEDINA ESTEBAN MEDINA KELLY MEDINA MANUEL MEDINA MICHAEL L MEDINA RICARDO MEDINA CINTHIA NOEMI MEDINA ALMANZA LUIS E MEDINA CABALLERO JOSE A MEDINA SANDOVAL MARK MEDLER DANA CLAYTON MEDLEY ERIC A MEDLEY JOSEPH MEDLEY JAMES CURTIS MEDLIN JAMES W MEDLIN JONATHAN MEDLIN SARAH MEDLIN SEAN MEDNIKOW BROCK W MEECE JERRAD LOUIS MEECE TODD A MEEHAN KEITH H MEEK SELVAGANAPATHI MEENATCHISUNDARAM CASEY J MEFFORD KERRY L MEFFORD LANDON M MEFFORD LONNIE D MEFFORD STEPHANIE D MEFFORD LEON M MEGGETT STEVEN C MEGGS MATTHEW S MEGYESE TODD P MEHL KEVIN MEHLE DANIEL J MEHLENBACHER ANA MEHRHOFF BRAD MEHRHOFF AKASH MEHROTRA EDDIE MEIER MATTHEW J MEIER SHAWN C MEIER JOSEPH MEILLEUR MARY ASHLEY MEINERT BARTEL J MEIS CLINT T MEIS NICHOLAS MEISBERGER JEFF A MEIXSELL JOSEPHINE MEJIA NOCAR MEJIA TOBY N MEJIA ERICK MEJIA SALAS MEGAN MELANCON CHRISTOPHER MELCHER KEEGAN R MELCHER JENNIFER MARIE MELCHOR MANUEL MELENDEZ ALFONSO MELENDEZ SANCHEZ KURT MELERO DIANE M MELESIO JAIRO MELGAR DIAZ JOHN S MELITOS MICHAEL A MELKUS MARK Q MELLADY DEBORAH J MELLAS CHRISTOPHER L MELLER KENT A MELLO REBECCA L MELLO JOSEPH M MELLODY RONALD J MELLOTT MARK J MELNICK CELERINO C MELO GABRIEL MELOCHE ANTHONY W MELTON JAMES DAVID MELTON III JASON T MELTON JOSHUA MELTON MATTHEW MELTON MICHAEL MELTON NICHOLAS MELTON TERESA MELTON STEVEN X MELVILLE ENRIQUE MENA MARK F MENASCO JAMES MENDEL MITCHELL MENDEL CHRISTOPHER MENDENHALL AL MENDEZ BENJAMIN MENDEZ EDWARD G MENDEZ ELVIN R MENDEZ MAGDALENO MENDEZ NICOLE MENDEZ VICTORIA MENDEZ JUAN MENDEZ CONTRERAS HUGO ANTONIO MENDEZ ENRIQUEZ JORGE ALEJANDRO MENDEZ MARTINEZ JOSEPH MENDOLA BELIZARIO MENDOZA DANNY MENDOZA HARVING MENDOZA JOSE D MENDOZA JULIAN F MENDOZA KARINA MENDOZA NOLBERTO MENDOZA ORLANDO MENDOZA OSWALDO MENDOZA MARCO ANTONIO MENDOZA ARAIZA MIGUEL JAIME MENDOZA LARA LUIS MENDOZA LEON JOSE IGNACIO MENDOZA MURILLO AARON J MENEFEE LORA MENEGAZZO WILLIAM MENENDEZ COLLAZO CHRIS J MENEZES RICARDO MENEZES ROBERTO MENEZES DEAN A MENIGOZ AARON C MENKE CORY B MENLOVE RUSSELL P MENLOVE MATTHEW D MENSCER TRAVIS JAMES MENTER DAVID E MENTIER MITCHELL G MENTZEL JOSE ANIBAL MERCADO JOSE O MERCADO LOUISSE MERCADO CRUZ A MERCADO‑PRADO JONATHAN MERCADO CRUZ RICARDO MERCADO RODRIGUEZ KESHIA I MERCADO SAMUEL LINDA MERCANTE JOSHUA A MERCEDE DOMINGO MERCEDES‑ROSARIO JAMES MERCER SARA MERCER CHAD E MERCHANT CODY T MERCHANT RYAN MERCIER JAMES THOMAS MEREDITH JAYNE CAROL MEREDITH LEVI J MEREDITH SCOTT G MEREDITH STACEY MEREDITH TRACEY MEREDITH KENNETH R MERGL TRENTON A MERICLE TYLER MERLIN GERD MERLING CORY T MERRILL RICKY LEE MERRILL JOHN W MERRIMAN JEFFERY L MERRIWEATHER FINLEY H MERRY HUDSON H MERRY BILLY L MERRYMAN BRUCE MERSBERG STEPHEN MERSMANN ERIC M MERTES JEREMY F MERTINK DONALD MESMAN TYLER MESSELLING SCOTT P MESSENGER MICHAEL MESSER ZACHARY MESSERSCHMIDT JOSHUA AMMON MESSERVY STEPHEN MESSIER GABRIELE A MESSINA ETHAN MEST STEVEN MESZAROS BRUCE METCALF DIANA K METCALF DYLAN K METCALF FREDRICK C METCALF JARED METCALF ROBERT ELDIN METCALF ROY C METCALF JR TIMOTHY S METCALF HUBIE METHOT DONALD METHVIN LARRY R METHVIN ALAN T METSKER MCDAVID SULLIVAN METTS DANNY METZ JOSHUA METZ JOSEPH M MEURET ANDREW MEWBORN KODY W MEWIS ABRAHAM J MEYER ADAM MICHAEL MEYER BRADY MICHAEL MEYER CAMERON J MEYER CEVYN J MEYER CLINTON G MEYER ERIC L MEYER JERRY E MEYER II KEITH T MEYER LEE D MEYER LISA L MEYER MATTHEW MEYER MICHAEL O MEYER PATRICK MEYER STEVEN QUINN MEYERER BLAKE MEYERS BENJAMIN M MEYETTE ARMANDO MEZA ISSAC MEZA JACOB MEZA JAY L MEZA MILTON MEZA RAMON MEZA CASTANEDA PEDRO MEZA GUTIERREZ JAIME JAVIER MEZA RANGEL MIGUEL MEZA‑HERRERA MICHAEL MEZEY ROBERT J MEZICK BOBBY MHOON DAVID MICHAEL GWENDOLYN MICHAELIS JARED D MICHAELS RANDY R MICHAELS AMBER MICHAELSON ALYSSA M MICHALKE JOCELYN MICHAUD JOSE A MICHEL JULIE MICHEL TROY MICHEL GARY R MICHELFELDER NICHOLAS A MICHELIN JUAN MICHELL LORI K MICKELSON BLAKE M MICKEY KEVIN M MICKEY DONALD R MICKINS WILLIAM W MICKLE ANDREW M MIDDLETON BARRY L MIDDLETON CHRISTOPHER L MIDDLETON JAMIE LEE MIDDLETON JOE MIDDLETON SETH Z MIDDLETON STACY W MIDDLETON TRENT MIDDLETON KENNETH ARNOLD MIDKIFF TERRY MIDKIFF RANDY L MIECZKOWSKI ANDREW MIELER ISAAC A MIERA ANDREW EDWIN MIERS STEVEN ANDREW MIFFLIN ANNA MIGLIORE STEVEN J MIGLIORE TRAVIS G MIGNAULT CORY D MIHAVICS OSCAR MIJARES BRENT JOSEPH MIKELSON KEVIN L MIKETTA MICHAEL MIKULIC JASON MILAM JAMES M MILBY JR ALFONSO MILES BOYD B MILES DANIELLE N MILES DEXTER LAMAR MILES GRANT MILES JAMES A MILES JASON S MILES JAY S MILES JOHN E MILES JONATHAN A MILES KYLE PRESLEY MILES LARRY TODD MILES LORNE MILES MARK D MILES MICHAEL E MILES MICHAEL R MILES SHANE O MILES SHAWN ISAAC MILES STEVEN MILES TINA J MILES WAYNE MILES WILLIAM B MILES MICHAEL S MILFORD RUSSELL L MILFORD SAMMY A MILHOAN RICARDO MILIAN DYLAN MILISITS GEORGE P MILJUS MARK S MILKOWSKI TIMOTHY B MILLAGE WILLIAM A MILLAN DEREK MILLAR WAYNE MILLAY ADAM J MILLER ANDRA MILLER ANTHONY MILLER ANTHONY R MILLER ANTONIO MILLER BARTHOLOMEW D MILLER BEAU MILLER BERNHARD A MILLER III BETH A MILLER BRADFORD MILLER BRADLEY D MILLER BRANDON J MILLER BRENNAN Z MILLER BRIAN MILLER JR BRIAN A MILLER BRUCE L MILLER CASEY MILLER CHARLES MILLER JR CHRISTOPHER E MILLER CHRISTOPHER M MILLER CODY MILLER CODY MILLER COLLIER D MILLER COREY D MILLER DANIEL A MILLER DANIEL E MILLER DANIEL LEE MILLER DANIEL T MILLER DANNY MILLER DANNY T MILLER DAVID A MILLER DEBORAH R MILLER DEBRA M MILLER DENNIS MILLER DERYL MILLER DONALD LANCE MILLER DONALD RAY MILLER DUSTIN MILLER DUSTIN J MILLER ERIC C MILLER GREGG DUANE MILLER GREGORY MILLER JACOB M MILLER JAMES MILLER JAMES MILLER JAMES A MILLER JAMES L MILLER JAMES L MILLER JAMES MICHAEL MILLER JARED CONLEY MILLER JARED LEE MILLER JAY MILLER JEFF R MILLER JEFFERY MILLER JEFFERY A MILLER JEFFREY MILLER JEFFREY L MILLER JEFFREY S MILLER JEREMY J MILLER JESSE W MILLER JIMMY MILLER JOEY J MILLER JOHNTAVIOUS W MILLER JON H MILLER JR JONATHAN MILLER JONATHAN A MILLER JORDAN R MILLER JOSEPH D MILLER JOSEPH D MILLER JOSH K MILLER JOSHUA L MILLER JUSTIN MILLER KARI V MILLER KENNETH MILLER KENNETH L MILLER KENNETH LEE MILLER KRISTY A MILLER LANCE W MILLER LESLIE J MILLER LISA MAY MILLER MACKENZIE MILLER MARK MILLER MARK MILLER MARK FREDRICK MILLER MARK J MILLER MEGAN R MILLER MICHAEL A MILLER MICHAEL D MILLER MICHAEL DUANE MILLER MICHAEL E MILLER MICHAEL L MILLER MICHAEL R MILLER MITCHELL MILLER NATHAN P MILLER NATHAN R MILLER NEIL W MILLER RACHEL MILLER RAEGAN NICOLE MILLER RANDALL L MILLER RANDELL MILLER RAYMON L MILLER RAYMOND E MILLER JR REGINALD MILLER RICHARD C MILLER ROB MILLER ROBERT DALE MILLER ROBERT JAKE MILLER ROBERT R MILLER RODNEY MILLER RYAN MILLER SHARI MILLER SHAUN MILLER SHAWN M MILLER STEVEN W MILLER SUSAN MILLER TAYLOR S MILLER THOMAS C MILLER TIMOTHY CRAIG MILLER TIMOTHY ROBERT MILLER TOMAS A MILLER TRAVIS W MILLER TROY MILLER VINCENT D MILLER WARREN A MILLER III WAYNE P MILLER ZACHARY T MILLER ZACKERY COLE MILLER JEFF MILLIGAN MADISON J MILLIGAN MALLORY MILLIGAN PETER A MILLIGAN THOMAS D MILLIGAN JIMMY D MILLIKAN CHRISTOPHER MILLION ALEXANDER MILLIRON BRENT E MILLS BRIAN MILLS BRIAN D MILLS BRUCE A MILLS CHRISTOPHER MARTIN MILLS GLENN M MILLS KRISTOPHER A MILLS NICHOLE D MILLS RICHARD D MILLS ROBERT A MILLS ROGER MILLS BRETT MILLSAP JOHN D MILLSAP JOSHUA D MILLSAP DANIEL S MILLSPAUGH GAGE MILLWARD ANTHONY MILLWATER DWANA N MILNER MARCUS MILONS MELISSA MILTEER HUNTER MILTON NIRUPA MINASANDRAM MARK MINCEY II ROBERT A MINDOCK CHRISTIAN A MINER MICHAEL S MINER ANWAT MINEX TROY L MINGLE STEVEN MINICH WILLIAM S MINICK FIDENCIO MINJARES JAIME MINJARES MICHAEL MINK JARED D MINNIE RICHARD J MINNITI II MICHAEL MINONDO JACOB MINOR JOSHUA A MINOR KENNETH R MINOR RANDAL W MINOR ROBERT D MINOR WILLIAM MINT STEPHEN C MINTON ROBERT W MINYARD JR JUSTIN MIRACLE ADAM MIRANDA CESAR MIRANDA JOHN G MIRE NOE A MIRELES ANNA MISAIL CRAIG S MISDOM JOHN WAYNE MISHOE KISHLAY MISHRA BILLY WAYNE MISNER MARK ALAN MISNER DOUGLAS L MISRASI NICHOLAS MISRASI RYAN PETE MISRASI CHRIS MISSION ANNA K MITCHELL ANTONIO J MITCHELL AUSTIN B MITCHELL BARBARA MITCHELL BOBBY WAYNE MITCHELL CARLEEN MITCHELL CHARDRICK L MITCHELL CHARLES DAVID MITCHELL CHRISTOPHER MITCHELL CLAYTON MITCHELL DARREN MITCHELL DUSTIN H MITCHELL ERIC J MITCHELL EVAN MITCHELL GARY R MITCHELL GREGORY L MITCHELL HOMER E MITCHELL JR JAMES M MITCHELL JAMES M MITCHELL JASON L MITCHELL JEFFERY MITCHELL JEROME MITCHELL JOHNATHAN ZACCHAEUS MITCHELL JR JONATHAN D MITCHELL JOSHUA CAIN MITCHELL KENT L MITCHELL KEVIN MITCHELL KYLE BRADFORD MITCHELL MARK TWAIN MITCHELL MATTHEW D MITCHELL MICHAEL S MITCHELL PAUL D MITCHELL PAUL G MITCHELL PAUL MICHAEL MITCHELL RANDALL W MITCHELL REYNOLD LEROY MITCHELL III ROGER D MITCHELL RON A MITCHELL RYAN MITCHELL SHANNON MCGREGOR MITCHELL SOPHIA MITCHELL STEPHEN M MITCHELL THOMAS E MITCHELL TIMOTHY D MITCHELL TRENT ALLEN MITCHELL TYREL N MITCHELL WALTER MITCHELL WALTER E MITCHELL WILLIAM D MITCHELL WILLIAM M MITCHELL NICHOLAS S MITCHELL KNISLEY JOSHUA MITCHEM SARAH MITSCH GREG MITTENDORF DONALD MITTER BRAYDN MITTON CURTIS MITTON CLAYTON T MIXON KEVIN M MIXON DARRIN G MIZE MARILYN B MIZE RICHARD MIZE JR KEMMY MIZINGA BRIAN P MLNARIK ADAM MNICH KAI CHEONG MO MOHAMMAD REZA MOALLEM DALIA MOAWAD CHARLES MOBBS DANIEL MOBLEY STEFAN S MOCANU LAWRENCE J MOCH JR JAMES M MOCK JENNIFER SIMPKINS MOCK JESUS MODESTO NICHOLAS ALEXANDER MODISETTE RICHARD MOE JACK MOEHRING CASEY L MOELLER MATTHEW L MOELLER GREGORY E MOEN APRIL N MOERBE JOSHUA M MOERBE SUSAN E MOERBE TIMOTHY G MOERBE JOHN C MOESSNER ROUT MOEUY JENNIFER MOFFATT JASON A MOFFET DUSTE MOFFITT JEREMIAH MOFFITT JOSHUA MOFFITT DANIEL R MOHAMED PEER MOHAMED KANI KALIBULLA AFRAZ MOHAMMED AKEEF MOHAMMED AZAM MOHAMMED CHRYSAN MOHAMMED IMRAN MOHAMMED KEVIN MOHAMMED TEVIN MOHAMMED RICARDO MOJICA RONALD P MOLANDES DANIEL C MOLDOVAN DANIEL MOLINA JUAN MOLINA OMAR MOLINA THOMAS A MOLINA JOSE MOLINA GARCIA MARIEL ALEJANDRA MOLINA MOLINA RICARDO MOLINA VALDEZ XIOMARA LISBETH MOLINA VELASCO CHRISTA L MOLITOR JONATHON M MOLITOR BRANT ELLIOTT MOLLERS TRACEY MOLLNER DEREK E MOLNAR PAUL MONAHAN ALEJANDRO CALDERON MONARREZ ERNESTO JAVIER GARZA MONCADA EXON A MONCADA GALVAN GERARDO E MONDACA DARREN MONDESIRE GREG E MONDESIRE AARON C MONDIE BRAILOSKY S MONDRAGON MAX MONETTE ANDY MONEY JASON E MONEY WILLIAM MONEY MARK E MONINGER JOSE MONIZ NICHOLAS J MONK JOSHUA D MONKS ALAN C MONROE LATRICIA MONROE MARY E MONROE GABRIEL MONROY GARTH MONSSON TREVOR MONTAGUE NICOLE MARIE MONTALTO EDWIN MONTALVO HECTOR D MONTALVO JAVIER MONTALVO DAVID F MONTANEZ JR SANDRA MONTANEZ ISAAC MONTANO NORBERTO MONTEALEGRE KEVIN MONTEITH ADRIAN MONTEJO ADRIANA MONTEMAYOR DANIEL MONTERO YENIFER MONTERO MARTIN A MONTES ARRIAGA ADOLFO MONTES RUIZ LUIS ANGEL MONTES SOLIS WILLIAM F MONTEZ III AMANDA MONTGOMERY ANTHONY E MONTGOMERY BREANNE YVETTE MONTGOMERY BRUCE MONTGOMERY CHRISTOPHER T MONTGOMERY CODY A MONTGOMERY COLTON JAKE MONTGOMERY CORY MONTGOMERY DANIEL E MONTGOMERY DAVID KEITH MONTGOMERY DEANNA MONTGOMERY DUKE D MONTGOMERY DUSTIN L MONTGOMERY EDGARDO MONTGOMERY ERIC D MONTGOMERY EVERETT L MONTGOMERY III FLOYD MONTGOMERY GREGORY MONTGOMERY HAYDON F MONTGOMERY JACK H MONTGOMERY JAMES B MONTGOMERY JOHNNY W MONTGOMERY KASEY EDWARD MONTGOMERY KRISTEN M MONTGOMERY MATTHEW W MONTGOMERY MIKE A MONTGOMERY MITCHELL W MONTGOMERY NICHOLAS MITCH LEE MONTGOMERY NORMA L MONTGOMERY RONALD TODD MONTGOMERY RUSSELL L MONTGOMERY SHAWN L MONTGOMERY TREVOR A MONTGOMERY TROY C MONTGOMERY TYLER LAWRENCE MONTGOMERY ARNAUD MONTGRAND MICHAEL MONTGRAND JOEL MONTIEL DANIEL J MONTOYA LEOPOLDO A MONTOYA ROBERTO J MONTOYA BONNIE G MONTS EDITH MONTUFAR TORRES BRYAN MONUS JAMES MOODIE ASHLY NICOLE MOODY BILL MOODY CHARLES NATHAN MOODY GEORGE A MOODY II JACK SHERIDAN MOODY JANET L MOODY JAYMIE L MOODY JIMMIE ROBERT MOODY KEVIN DAROLD MOODY KIMBERLY MOODY MATTHEW D MOODY RON C MOODY SHANNON DALE MOODY TRAVIS ALLEN MOODY VERNON MATTHEW MOODY WILLIAM B MOODY III BRIAN MOON GENE MOON NATHEN J MOON ZACH MOON CHRISTOPHER D MOONEY LUKE MOONEY MARK MOONEY WILLIAM M MOONEY ADAM MOORE AKAN D MOORE AMY R MOORE ANDREW C MOORE ANTHONY MOORE ANTHONY F MOORE ANTHONY S MOORE ARDELL P MOORE ARTHUR J MOORE II ASHLEY MOORE AUSTIN MOORE B BRENT MOORE BARRY C MOORE BARRY LEE MOORE BRANDON R MOORE BRIAN LEE MOORE CHAD ALLEN MOORE CHAD E MOORE CHRISTOPHER A MOORE COLTON D MOORE CURTIS MARTIN MOORE DANIEL R MOORE DARIEN PAUL MOORE DAVID MOORE DENNIE MOORE DERRICK DEMOND MOORE DEVEN M MOORE DEXTER XAVIER MOORE DON MOORE DUANE A MOORE DUSTIN RAY MOORE EDDRIA L MOORE ELWOOD S MOORE JR ERIC C MOORE FRANK MOORE GARRY A MOORE GAVIN C MOORE HAROLD M MOORE HARVEY E MOORE HERBERT PHILLIP MOORE JAMES L MOORE JAMES RAY MOORE JAMIE D MOORE JEFF T MOORE JEFFREY A MOORE JR JEFFREY D MOORE JEROME D MOORE JESSE D MOORE JESSIE D MOORE JOHN MORGAN MOORE JUANITA L MOORE JUSTIN B MOORE KAREN L MOORE KATIE A MOORE KENNETH R MOORE KURT MOORE KYLE A MOORE LAUREL M MOORE LAWRENCE A MOORE LUIS A MOORE MARCUS C MOORE MASON MOORE MICHAEL A MOORE MICHAEL D MOORE MIKAL B MOORE NICHOLAS P MOORE PATRICK J MOORE RAYMOND DALE MOORE REGINA MOORE REGINALD MOORE RICHARD D MOORE RICHARD WAGNER MOORE II RICKY WAYNE MOORE JR RILEY MOORE ROBERT G MOORE RUSSELL B MOORE RUSSELL L MOORE SANDRA A MOORE SHANE E MOORE SIRTEVIN M MOORE STEVEN MOORE STEVEN C MOORE STEVIE JASON MOORE STORM D MOORE TAYLOR MOORE TIMOTHY G MOORE TIMOTHY L MOORE TYRONE MOORE WESTON TAYLOR MOORE WILLIAM A MOORE WILLIAM G MOORE KELLY B MOOREFIELD JACQUES F MOOREHEAD JENNIE MICHELLE MOOREHEAD MATHEW N MOOREHEAD LATONYA W MOORER RODNEY MOORER ROBERT WAYNE MOORING CHARLES F MOORMAN BROCK C MOORS ANTHONY T MOOSMAN LUIS EDUARDO MORA ACOSTA SAMUEL MORA ELVIRA JOCELYN MORA GOMEZ JESUS SEBASTIAN MORA GUZMAN ELIAS MORA IÑIGUEZ JOSE FRANCISCO MORA IÑIGUEZ JUAN CARLOS MORA PADILLA RAUL MORA SANTANA VALERIE MORAIS ABISOYE MORAKINYO ANIBAL MORALES ASHLEY M MORALES DANIEL A MORALES DARRELL P MORALES ENRIQUE MORALES HECTOR N MORALES JONATHAN AARON MORALES JOSE MORALES OSCAR EFREN MORALES RICHARD MORALES SALVADOR MORALES MARCO ANTONIO MORALES ARELLANO REYES OCTAVIO MORALES ARELLANO MARTIN MORALES CHAVEZ MIGUEL ANGEL MORALES ENCARNACION RAFAEL DE JESUS MORALES RODRIGUEZ WILLIAM MORALES‑COBA ROBERT MORAN ZACHARY MORAN JESUS ANTONIO MORAN RAMIREZ JOSHUA MORAVEC MARKHAM CHANCELOR MORDECAI ANTHONY M MORDEN THOMAS MORDEN DYLAN MOREAU‑ROBERT PATRICK M MOREDOCK AERYK D MOREE GERALD W MOREE MARK W MOREE ALEXANDER MOREFIELD BRUCE MOREFIELD ROBERT E MOREHEAD DIANA N MOREHOUSE PATRICK N MOREHOUSE ROBIN A MOREHOUSE DONALD G MORELAND SHAYLON T MORELAND MICHAEL MORELL BRYAN MORELLI ANTONIO MORENO ELIAS MORENO JR GERALD MORENO JOSE CRUZ MORENO SEAN R MORENO GIORGIO JEAN GIUSEPPE MORENO CARRANZA LIZBETH MORENO LEPE JONATHAN I MORENO RIVERA ISAIAS MORENO RODRIGUEZ LEONARDO ENRIQUE MORENO VALENCIA GERARDO MORENO VILLAGOMEZ JOHN A MORENO‑HERNANDEZ JUSTIN R MOREY IRAN MORFIN‑ARMAS ADDISON RAY MORGAN ANDREA G MORGAN ANDREW DEAN MORGAN BRADLEY D MORGAN BRAMMER L MORGAN II CORDERO MORGAN CRYSTAL E MORGAN DANIEL J MORGAN DENNIS L MORGAN HEATH A MORGAN JAMES MORGAN JAMES A MORGAN JR JAMES CODY MORGAN JAY P MORGAN JEFFREY STEVEN MORGAN JOEY MORGAN JOHN A MORGAN JOSEPH L MORGAN KARL W MORGAN KARLI D MORGAN KIRK A MORGAN LEVAR MORGAN MARHARYTA V MORGAN MELINDA L MORGAN PAUL THOMAS MORGAN RICHARD HEATH MORGAN THOMAS MORGAN THOMAS W MORGAN TRAY W MORGAN ZACHARY MORGAN DAVID MORICONI HARRY MORIN JAMIE MORIN RALPH D MORIN RENE MORIN JR KALEB J MORITZ MARNIE J MORITZ DYLON MORLEY STANLEY W MORLEY RENE MORNINGCHILD DAVID A MORNINGSTAR DARIO MORONES DE LA CRUZ LASHANA R MORPHEW GARRETT JOHNSON MORPHIS BRYCE A MORRELL DANIEL HEATH MORRIES ARIEL MORRIS BENJAMIN S MORRIS II BRANDON MORRIS BRANDON KYLE JOSEPH MORRIS BRANDON L MORRIS BRENT MICHAEL MORRIS BRYDEN T MORRIS CHARLES LEWIS MORRIS CLAY D MORRIS CLIFFORD LEON MORRIS CORY MORRIS DANIEL STEPHEN MORRIS DAVID C MORRIS DONNIE JARRETT MORRIS ELEY J MORRIS JR ERNEST S MORRIS JR GARY L MORRIS ISAIAH R MORRIS JACK M MORRIS JASON H MORRIS JAY W MORRIS JESSICA MORRIS JOY L MORRIS LABRINA S MORRIS LAURENCE G MORRIS MAXWELL SEALY MORRIS MICHAEL MORRIS MICHAEL MORRIS MICHAEL H MORRIS II MICHAEL JOE MORRIS MICHAEL SHANE MORRIS NICHOLAS RAY MORRIS PAUL MORRIS QUINTIN MORRIS RICHARD K MORRIS RICHARD TODD MORRIS RICKEY MORRIS ROBERT MORRIS ROBERT HILL MORRIS RODNEY MORRIS RYAN D MORRIS SEAN B MORRIS SEAN B MORRIS SWIFT O MORRIS TIMOTHY M MORRIS TOMMY J MORRIS TYLER M MORRIS ZACHARY D MORRIS ZACKARY MORRIS CHARLES MORRISON III DONALD BRETT MORRISON JACK E MORRISON JOHN S MORRISON III MARY C MORRISON TOSHIA A MORRISON CURTIS D MORROW GAVIN MORROW JOHN MICHAEL MORROW RICHARD COREY MORROW TRAVIS MORROW KENNETH A MORSE MATHEW P MORSE RYAN MORSE MATHEW L MORSEMAN MATTHEW MORT PETER KORDE MORTAKIS ALAN MORTON JACQUELINE S MORTON JAMES HERBERT MORTON JEAN L MORTON KALEO MORTON KEVIN MORTON MATTHEW G MORTON VICTORIA MORTON SHARI MOSCROP DANIEL A MOSELEY ALLAN MOSER BRIAN MOSER DOUGLAS R MOSER RUDOLPH MOSER SCOTT E MOSER EMMY JO MOSES ETHAN K MOSES JOSHUA C MOSES ROBERT M MOSES SAMUEL K MOSES TOMMY C MOSES DWIGHT MOSHER GAROLD C MOSHER NEIL K MOSIER NICHOLAS RYAN MOSIER BRANDON J MOSKWA DEDRICK L MOSLEY HADYN W MOSLEY JOHN MOSLEY AARON MOSS BLAKE MOSS ETHAN G MOSS JAMES MACKLIN MOSS JR KIRK AMIEL MOSS NEAL MOSS RANDY J MOSS RICHARD L MOSS RODNEY A MOSS RONALD S MOSS COLETTA K MOTACEK MIRMOHAMMADYOUSEF MOTAMEDHASHEMI CARLOS E MOTEN FAITH E MOTES JONATHAN P MOTES SCOTT MOTES DAVID A MOTSINGER DENNIS R MOTT MARSHALL MOTT MATTHEW KYLE MOTT WESTON MOTT SCOTT MOTTAU JO MOTZ ETHAN A MOTZER KAONOU L MOUA CHRIS MOULTON MARC R MOURET BRAYDEN MOUSSEAU CHARLES MOUTON III SUSAN WILCOX MOWBRAY DENNIS A MOWRY MARC A MOXHAM MIGUEL MOYA VIRGIL MOYAN DANIEL MOYER JUSTIN MOYER FARON W MOYERS TORRI KYLE MOYERS CONNOR MOYNIHAN HECTOR A MOZQUEDA CAZARES RICHARD L MPISTOLARIDES JR ZACHARY MROCZKOWSKI DANIEL MUCHMORE JR ANTHONY NATHAN MUDD STEVE MUDRI EVANS MUDZINGANYAMA CHRISTOPHER MUELLER GARY L MUELLER JEREMY MUELLER NICHOLAS MUELLER NICHOLAS C MUELLER QUINTIN P MUELLER PAUL DAVID MUGLESTON AMANDA L MUGRAGE KARWAN MUHAMMEDALI LIBERTY MUHWATI TYLER MUIR PATRICK WAYNE MUIRHEAD MOHAMMED MUKARRAM KHAN SHAJAHAN ANTHONY D MULA TYLER JAMES MULDER JUSTIN MULDOWNEY CLARENCE RUSHAUN MULDROW MATTHEW MULHOLAND JOSHUA MULICH JARED A MULL JEREMY L MULL EAMONN MULLALLY LISA MULLANEY AMBER R MULLEN CHRISTOPHER MULLEN JAMES MULLEN KEITH A MULLEN LATICIA MULLEN MARK MULLEN MATTHEW D MULLEN PHILLIP D MULLEN ANTHONY WAYNE MULLER BRIAN MULLER JUSTIN BAXTOR MULLER ANNA M MULLETT RICHARD E MULLETT II STANTON J MULLETT MICHAEL D MULLIGAN CHRISTOPHER MULLIN JEREMY L MULLIN MICHAEL P MULLIN HUNTER W MULLINAX ANDREW MULLINS JEFF J MULLINS JEREMY D MULLINS NICHOLAS T MULLINS ROBERT DWAIN MULLINS SHAWN MULLINS DANNY MULLIS KEATON C MULVANEY LEE E MULVANEY FRANCISCO JAVIER MUMENTHEY VERA MICHAEL A MUMM ALICIA MUMMERT MARC L MUMMERT LADISLOUS MUNAKI BRADLEY M MUNCY KYLE P MUNCY JEREMY B MUNDERLOH BELINDA MUNDHENK BRIAN E MUNGER DAMDIN MUNKHBOLD JORDAN ALLEN MUNN CHARLES K MUNNS CHESTER MUNNS JOSE MUNOZ JUAN CARTER MUNOZ MANUEL MUNOZ MARK MUNOZ MASON M MUNOZ RICHARD MUNOZ SALVADOR M MUNOZ JR SANTIAGO MUNOZ WEHISMAN MUNOZ HANSET MUNOZ ROSALES CHARLES MUNRO GREGORY B MUNRO KYLE MUNRO KEDDY MUNROE BRETT A MUNSEY COURTNEY L MUNSEY CORY MUNSON GLORIA MUNSON JOSEPH DORNELL MUNSON W ANDREWS MUNSON JR SADIQA MUQADDAM RAJADURAI MURALITHARAN PAUL MURCHEK COLTON C MURDOCK DONNY R MURDOCK KURTIS REX MURDOCK ARTURO MURILLO JR EILEEN MARY MURILLO RUEBEN MURILLO GUY S MURIN JIMMY MURPHREE JUSTIN M MURPHREE ADAM J MURPHY AUSTIN SCOTT MURPHY BRIAN MURPHY DALE MURPHY DAN MURPHY DANNY MURPHY DAVID MURPHY DEREK L MURPHY ERIC H MURPHY GERARD E MURPHY GREGORY J MURPHY JACKIE MURPHY JOHN W MURPHY MATTHEW MURPHY MICHAEL DEWAYNE MURPHY PHILIP MURPHY SEAN K MURPHY SHAWN MICHAEL MURPHY MARC‑ANTONIE MURPHY‑PRUNEAU BLAKE E MURRAY CHRISTIAN H MURRAY DANIEL G MURRAY DEVON MURRAY JEFFREY MURRAY JOHN I MURRAY III JOSEPH J MURRAY JUDITH A MURRAY JULIE K MURRAY KIMONICA B MURRAY KYLE MYATT MURRAY LARRY MURRAY LAWRENCE MURRAY MICAH M MURRAY NATHAN M MURRAY RICHARD LEON MURRAY SEAN MICHAEL MURRAY STEVEN JOE MURRAY TERRY L MURRAY WILLIAM A MURRAY JR SASIKUMAR MURUGAIYAN ARUNKARTHIKEYAN MURUGAN GANESAN MURUGAN MUTHUMARIAPPAN MURUGAN PANEERSELVAM MURUGAN PRAVEEN MURUGAN KALIMUTHU MURUGESAN NATARAJAN MURUGESAN RAMACHANDRAN MURUGESAN VIGNESHWARAN MURUGESAN DALE MURZYN MICHELE MUSAL GREGORY R MUSE JEFFREY D MUSE JONATHAN D MUSE SAMUEL A MUSE III TODD E MUSE JAN MICHAEL MUSGRAVE STEFAN MUSIEJ MARC MUSSELMAN TROY MUSSELMAN JEFFREY MUSSON NOAH MUSTAFA WAZEEM MUSTAPHA AZIM MUTAPCIC EUGENE SCOTT MUTCHLER SONG HENG MUTH GOVINDARAJU MUTHU ALEX J MUTSCHELKNAUS BENJAMIN R MUTSCHELKNAUS AARON J MUTSCHLER SHANE MUZYKA BOBBY R MYERS COLLIN MYERS DANNY RAY MYERS DARREN J MYERS DOUGLAS K MYERS GLEN MYERS GLEN L MYERS HEATH A MYERS HUBERT W MYERS JR IRIS MYERS JEFFERY MYERS JESSICA R MYERS JIMMY DALE MYERS JONATHAN MYERS JUSTIN R MYERS LOGAN T MYERS LUKE P MYERS MATTHEW MYERS MATTHEW A MYERS MICHAEL MYERS NOAH A MYERS PATRICK J MYERS ROBERT MYERS ROBERT A MYERS TAYA A MYERS TERRY MYERS TIMOTHY B MYERS DUSTIN RANDALL MYHAND GLENN MYKE EPHRIAM MYLES EARMAN EUGENE MYRICK JONATHAN M MYRICK MARK L MYRICK STEVEN MYRICK THOMAS ROBERTSON MYRICK III ROMEO N GALE RICHARD NAAR MAXWELL NABER OLENA NABOKA JEYARAJ NADARAJAN GALHENAGE NADEESHA PERERA KIMBERLY NADLER SAMUEL NADURIAK JEFFREY NAESE WILLIAM ALEXANDER NAFE BALAJI NAGARAJAN BALASUBRAMANI NAGARAJAN SURATHA NAGASAMY MICHAEL NAGY SHAUN MICHAEL NAGY MUNESH NAIDU JEFFREY NAIRNE TERENCE NAIWI SEAN M NAJAFI MIKE NAJARI ALEX P NAJERA MOHAMMED NAJMEDDINE RYUTA NAKAGAWA ERIC D NALL KAVITA NAMDEO RAGHO AMBERKAR DOUGLAS NANCE JOEL NANGOO MICHAEL NAPALO BRANDON L NAPIER ROBERT NAPIER RAYMOND S NAPOLITAN JR CAMDEN NAPPER MANUEL S NARANJO SAGAR NARAYANA ADGATLA BALASUBRAMANIAN NARAYANAN KEVIN NARINE MELISSA NARMI ELDAIRO DEONTRAE NASH ERIC NASH FREDDIE NASH GORDON NASH ISAAC NASH ISAAC NASH V KENNETH T NASH ROGER NASH DMITRI NASSYROV JESSICA MARGARET NASTI RONALD T NATAL JR ANTHONY M NATH RICHARD NATH HANNA NATORSKI LADYSLAW NATORSKI PHILLIP M NAUERT JOHN D NAUGHTON JOHN R NAULT ANGELA S NAUMAN MIKE A NAUMANN BRIAN E NAUS ERNESTO NAVA GUILLERMO NAVA NICOLAS NAVA CASTILLO SERGIO NAVARRETE LUIS GERARDO NAVARRETE GONZALEZ ALBERTO NAVARRO JORGE NAVARRO JOSE NAVARRO LINARES CURTIS R NAVE MATTHEW C NAVE RICHARD M NAVROTSKY BRAD NAYLOR JACE NAYLOR STEVE NAZARENUS ADRIAN A NAZARETT BRIAN R NEAL CLAIR D NEAL FRANKLIN NEAL GABRIEL NEAL JIMMIE NEAL JOHN R NEAL JOSEPH E NEAL KORY C NEAL RAYMOND L NEAL SANDRA L NEAL SHAUN NEAVE DAVID A NEBLOCK CHAD NECAISE JERRY NEDDOW NINO NEDOVIC ANTHONY D NEEDHAM BOBBY SUE NEEDHAM DANIEL R NEEDHAM JOSHUA NEEDHAM TRENT S NEEDLER JERRY DEAN NEEL JAMES B NEELY JAMES DUDLEY NEELY SHANNON NEELY ERIC A NEEMEYER GREGG A NEESEN PATRICK A NEESEN MICHELLE NEGICH PAUL LOGAN NEHRING DERRICK J NEIGHBORS TRAVIS BRIAN NEIGHBORS ZACHARY R NEIGHBORS TERRY PATRICK NEILL BRENNAN P NEILSON LAD R NEILSON ANDREW NEISER SHERVIN NEJATIAN ABRAM N NELSON AMMON J NELSON ANTHONY R NELSON ASHLEY NELSON AUSTIN NELSON BART J NELSON BETHANY B NELSON BRAD A NELSON BRADLEY M NELSON BRETT NELSON BRYANT NELSON CARL E NELSON CASEY BRIAN NELSON CHRISTINA E NELSON CHRISTOPHER O NELSON CHRISTOPHER R NELSON CRYSTAL NELSON DANIEL NELSON DONALD R NELSON DUANE L NELSON ERICK NELSON JACE J NELSON JACOB S NELSON JALEN NELSON JAY R NELSON JEFF NELSON JESSE R NELSON JONATHAN NELSON JONATHAN NELSON JORDAN M NELSON JORY WADE NELSON KELLY RENEE NELSON KIMBERLY C NELSON KOLBY TODD NELSON KYLE NELSON LISA L NELSON LUKE NELSON MICHAEL NELSON MURRAY NELSON RAYMOND NELSON RICHARD D NELSON RICK A NELSON ROBERT NELSON RODNEY A NELSON RODNEY J NELSON RYAN NELSON RYAN J NELSON SAMANTHA RENEE NELSON SCOTT NELSON SCOTTIE A NELSON STEVEN B NELSON TATUM ROBERT NELSON TERRY D NELSON TIMOTHY L NELSON TODD W NELSON TYSON NELSON WAYNE NELSON ZACH N NELSON JACOB NEMEC FLORIBERTO NEPONUCENO MICHAEL NEPTUNE RAMON NERI DUEÑAS JAMES NERVINA BENJAMIN C NESBITT LUANN B NESBITT JARIUS TYWAN NESMITH DANIEL A NESS GRAHAM E NESTER MICHAEL NESTER KYLE A NETHERTON JESUS ISMAEL NETRO RIVERA GEORGE P NETTLETON ALEX NEUBURGER JOSHUA NEUHAUS SEAN NEUMAN SANDRA NEUMANN‑PLUMMER TYLER NEVARD‑HARDING ANTHONY NEVAREZ JAMES NEVAREZ CLARENCE NEVELS ROMAN NEVILLE DAVID W NEVIN DANIEL J NEVITT JAY DEE NEVITT KEVIN M NEVITT NICHOLAS J NEVITT DANIEL R NEVLING ERIC R NEW RALPH G NEW JEFFREY M NEWBERN CURTIS ANTHONY NEWBURY BRODY L NEWBY CHARLES W NEWCAMP JAMES WILLIAM NEWCAMP JANSEN D NEWCOM BOBBY D NEWCOMB GEORGE G NEWCOMB III CHRIS L NEWCOMER RICK L NEWCOMER JOHN E NEWELL JONATHAN NEWELL NIKOLAS LEE NEWELL DANA L NEWKIRK CURTIS L NEWLAND STUART D NEWLIN ADRIAN F NEWMAN AUSTIN JAMES NEWMAN DAVID G NEWMAN JR JAMES LINDSEY NEWMAN JARED NEWMAN JASON H NEWMAN JENNIFER LYNN NEWMAN LESLIE K NEWMAN MICHAEL D NEWMAN RODNEY D NEWMAN SHANE R NEWMAN BRADLEY R NEWSOM JASON H NEWSOM JORDAN NEWSOM KAREN NEWSOM NIGEL ARTURO NEWSOM PAYTON R NEWSOM RICHELLE NEWSOM TANYA NEWSOM ARNOLD NEWSOME JR CURTIS NEWSOME GEORGE E NEWSOME III JAMES L NEWSOME KELVIN L NEWSOME RONALD NEWSOME ROY DALE NEWSOME ADAM NEWTON ANDREW H NEWTON DUSTIN R NEWTON JERRY L NEWTON JOSEPH A NEWTON II JOSHUA NEWTON MYRON NEWTON RICHARD CARSON NEWTON ROBERT NEWTON ROBERT A NEWTON RONNIE D NEWTON RUSSELL B NEWTON SAMBAN NGETH BAC NGHIEM CHIEN BA NGO HOA NHU NGO LAM VAN NGU BUNTHO NGUON BAO Q NGUYEN HAI NGOC NGUYEN HIEN V NGUYEN NAM NGUYEN NGHI T NGUYEN PATRICK NGUYEN PHAM NGUYEN PHONG NGUYEN PHUC NGUYEN PHUOC T NGUYEN QUANG NGUYEN SON NGUYEN SON L NGUYEN TAM NGUYEN THIEP NGUYEN THO HUU NGUYEN TRUONG Q NGUYEN VINH T NGUYEN VINH THANH NGUYEN BODEE M NICHOLAS DILLEN DWIGHT NICHOLAS KEVIN BRIAN NICHOLAS MONTE D NICHOLAS STAN NICHOLAS WILLIAM NICHOLAS BENJAMIN TYLER NICHOLS HUNTER DANIEL NICHOLS JEFFREY M NICHOLS JERRY NICHOLS JESS N NICHOLS JONATHAN P NICHOLS JOSEPH NICHOLS KASHALA N NICHOLS KENNETH D NICHOLS JR MAFIA NICHOLS RICHARD W NICHOLS RICKY A NICHOLS ROBERT S NICHOLS SCOTT NICHOLS TIMOTHY ALAN NICHOLS TODD D NICHOLS ALEX NICHOLSON MARY A NICHOLSON MATTHEW D NICHOLSON PEYTON JOSEPH NICHOLSON PRESCOTT NICHOLSON JERRY L NICK JR KELLY L NICKELS NICK E NICKELSON JOHN NICKENS BEN NICKERSON DERRICK NICKERSON JORDAN P NICKERSON MICHAEL P NICKERSON DANNY NICKLE JOSEPH E NICKLES KYLE NICLOUX GEORGE NICOLICH JEFFREY A NICOLOFF WAYNE DAVID NIEDERHAUSER ANDREW W NIELSEN JR DANIEL C NIELSEN JERILYNN NIELSEN JOHN D NIELSEN JORGEN NIELSEN LOGAN R NIELSEN MITCHELL NIELSEN WESLEY PAUL NIELSEN BRIAN C NIELSON CODY L NIEMANN KIRKLAND NIEMETZ DONOVAN NIEMEYER EZEQUIEL NIETO CHRISTOPHER NIEUWENHUIS EZECHIAS NIEVES ALVARO URIEL NIEVES CAMACHO ALEX NIEVES GARCIA JUAN MANUEL NIEVES NIEVES VICTOR M NIEVES‑SALIB BRENDA NIGHTSER IAN NIGHTTRAVELLER JOHN NIGON EVAN NIKRIN NICHOLAS S NILES JAMES NILSON JUSTIN W NINE DONALD R NINER TODD M NINIS ERIK MONCADA NINO JUAN A NINO LYNN NISHIMURA ARON L NISKANEN ERIK R O NISSEN ANDRE NITKOWSKI SUSAN L NITZ BEVERLY J NIX CHAD CLAY NIXON FREDERICK NIXON JOHN C NIXON JR JOHN R NIXON LILLIAN NIXON RENE NJONG MARK L NOACK JOHN NOAKES ANDREW E NOBLE JOHN W NOBLE COY GLENN NOBLES RODNEY P NOBLETT ROMEL NOCON GERALD A NOE BRADLEY J NOEL NIGEL NOEL RONALD T NOEL CARL W NOELL III DERRICK S NOEY STUART RILEY NOEY JUSTIN NOGGLE MEGAN E NOGGLE ROBERT CHRISTOPHER NOGGLE GREGORY T NOKES BERNARD NOLAN JR KEVIN J NOLAN LENORE NOLAN ROBERT NOLAN BOBBY NOLAND BOBBY J NOLAND STEPHEN W NOLAND SOFIA NOLASCO DALTON NOLEN DUSTIN NOLEN JAMES E NOLEN JR LARRY CHAD NOLEN PATRICK L NOLEN CHARLES L NOLES LEWIS W NOLES DONALD NOON JR ROBERT G NOONING JR JUSTO NORALES CASTRILLO LYON S NORCROSS DEREK B NORDBY SCOTT NORIYUKI CHRISTOPHER J NORMAN DYLAN E NORMAN JASON T NORMAN JOHN W NORMAN MICHAEL NORMAN REGAN NORMAN RILEY NORMAN RONALD NORMAN VERGIE D NORMAN BRYCE J NORR CHASE NORRAD ANDREW DESTIN NORRIS BRANTLEY E NORRIS CHRISTOPHER T NORRIS CLAYTON M NORRIS COREY D NORRIS DANIEL NORRIS DAVID NORRIS JOHN NORRIS JOHN K NORRIS KATHLEEN G NORRIS MICHAEL D NORRIS RICHARD D NORRIS ROBERT NORRIS SCOTT E NORRIS SCOTT R NORRIS THOMAS R NORRIS ZACHARY SCOTT NORRIS DAVID A NORTH STEPHANIE NORTH JOSEPH M NORTHCOTT TONY NORTHCOTT RON V NORTHCUTT STEFAN HOWARD NORTHCUTT LEROY L NORTHERN JEFFREY D NORTHRUP JR ANDREW NORTON JAMES DAVID NORTON LAYTON M NORTON MATTHEW TIMOTHY NORTON STEVEN NORTON THOMAS NOSBISCH MARY BETH NOTA SELMA E NOTARO JEREMY J NOTHSTEIN ANTHONY NOUE NOUKHOUNE NOUSAATH PHOUTHOUANG NOUSAATH THAY NOUSAATH JUSTIN KIEHL NOVOTNY SHANE F NOVOTNY TRENT NOVOTNY ADAM T NOWACKI JOHN NOWACZYK CHARLES J NOWAK II PAUL S NOWAK RICHARD J NOWAK MELINDA NOWLIN TAD K NOWLIN THERR E NOWLIN JARROD M NOWMAN CHRYSANDRA P NOYE ROBERT F NUBER DESMOND NUCKOLLS IV HOMER LEON NUCKOLS RANDY LEE NUCKOLS JUSTIN T NUGENT MATTHEW E NUNAN ERIC E NUNEZ FRANCISCO NUNEZ JUAN NUNEZ ROMALDO NUNEZ ABRAHAM NUÑEZ ARECHIGA MAYRA NUÑEZ CAMPOS JOSE NUNEZ GONZALEZ JUAN MARTIN NUÑEZ ORNELAS DAVID ALEJANDRO NUÑEZ RAMIREZ RODRIGO NUNEZ‑CARRILLO DAVID NUNEZ‑GARCIA MOISES NUNGARAY SCOTT M NUNLEY ROBERT A NUNMAKER KEVIN N NUNN MARY E NUNN MILLS FERGUSON NUNN II CARMEN D NUNNALLY GLENN SCOTT NUNNALLY ERIC G NUNNENKAMP ROEL NUNO SERGIO NUNO DIAZ TRAVIS A NUSZER CORY NUTT SHANE M NUTT VICTOR LEE NUTT IV DENNIS MICHAEL NUTTER DUSTIN C NUTTER BRUNO NWISI RYAN J NYAME MICHAEL J NYEMASTER RYAN J NYGARD YANCEY R NYGREN ERIC A NYSTROM BLAIR OAKE JAMES OAKE BARRY OAKES BRANDON OAKES ERIC OAKES FRANK O OAKES III JAMES TANNER OAKES MATTHEW D OAKES CHRISTIE L OAKLEY MEGAN RENEE OAKLEY NATHAN OAKLEY THOMAS R OAKS KEONI S OASAY KENNEDY DYLLON M OATMAN ROLAND PERNELL O’BANNON STEVEN OBERDIER NICKOLAS A OBERMIRE TRACY S OBERMIRE MARK OBIEDZINSKI VALERIO OBREGON GARCIA GREGORY S O’BRIAN CARLEY O’BRIEN CLAYTON BRADLEY O’BRIEN FRANCIS O’BRIEN JAMES J O’BRIEN JONATHAN W O’BRIEN KENDAL O’BRIEN MATTHEW O’BRIEN TIMOTHY O’BRIEN BRYCE O’BRIGEWITCH FRED O’BRYAN RANDY R O’BRYANT SRINIVASAN OBULI TIMOTHY CLARENCE O’CAIN MARC OCAMPO PEDRO OCAMPO SALTILLO JUAN ELIAS OCHOA JUAN J OCHOA LORENZO E OCHOA MIGUEL OCHOA ROBERT OCHOA TORIBIO O OCHOA BENITO OCHOA ARREDONDO EDUARDO OCHOA SANCHEZ ABISAI OCHOA SOTO NERCY YUNOEM OCHOA TORRES NICHOLAS STEPHEN OCKER JAMES N O’CON JR BRIAN P O’CONNELL JENNIFER O’CONNELL SEAN O’CONNELL COLTON O’CONNOR LEONARD E O’CONNOR PATRICK O’CONNOR ANTIONE R ODA ROBERT E O’DANIEL WILLIAM A O’DANIEL CHASITY D O’DAY LEONARD T ODD GINO ODDI FRANK J ODDO RONALD GENE ODELL BRITTANY N O’DELL KATHY O’DELL CHARLES ELLIE ODEN JR JAMAR ODEN JARED SCOTT ODEN BARNEY WILLIAM ODOM JR BLAINE ODOM BRANDON H ODOM CHRISTOPHER M ODOM CODY DREW ODOM HUNTER ODOM JAMES L ODOM JOHN C ODOM STEVEN M ODOM THOMAS BRENT ODOM THOMAS JOSEPH ODOM FRED C O’DONNAL III COLIN O’DONNELL DENNIS O’DONNELL ROBERT W O’DONNELL GREGORY OELRICH TRISHA OERTWIG BENJAMIN J OETZEL BARRA M O’FATHAIGH TANYA OFSTIE RICKY R OGBORN JAMES E OGBURN III ERIC E OGDEN NATALIE M OGDEN TERRY A OGDEN JASON OGILVIE MELVIN EUGENE OGLE MICHAEL H OGLESBY SCOTT D O’GORMAN ERIC O’GRADNEY KEVIN A O’GRADY RAYMOND A O’GRADY ADEKUNLE AKINYOSOYE OGUNTUNDE BARBARA O’HAGAN DANIEL J O’HARA DYLAN K O’HARA DANE M O’HARE JAMES O’HEA JASON OHM JEFFREY L OHM STEVEN R OHM JEFFREY O’HOSKI DANIEL A OHRT ISAAC F OJEDA ANTHONY G OJOYE YOUNG OJUYENUM IGNATIUS C OKAFOR SHANE K OKANO JOHN C O’KEEFE PAIGE L O’KELLEY JORGE DAMIAN OKHUYSEN RICE JESSICA GEORGETTE OKHUYSEN VALLE JORGE HUMBERTO OKHUYSEN VALLE JOSEPH A OKTAVEC AUGUST OLAFSON CHARLES T OLDHAM III JEFFREY RYAN OLDHAM JORDAN THOMAS OLDHAM KATHARINE OLDHAM ROBERT A OLDROYD SEAN P O’LEARY STEVEN D OLEKSIAK MARTIN B O’LENA KEVIN OLESEN GARY A OLINGER LANCE T OLINGER TREVOR OLINGER GREGORY A OLIPHANT HECTOR OLIVA JOSUE D OLIVA JOSE MANUEL OLIVARES LUIS A OLIVARES EARL GAGE J OLIVAS MICHAEL OLIVEIRA MATTHEW A OLIVENCIA ANDREW OLIVER ANTHONY OLIVER BRIAN R OLIVER BRYAN K OLIVER DAMIEN OLIVER DAVID OLIVER II JAMES OLIVER KEVIN OLIVER REBECCA A OLIVER RICHARD ASHLEY OLIVER RICK D OLIVER RYAN D OLIVER SAMUEL T OLIVER MARGARITO OLIVO MOCTEZUMA KENNY L OLLER ROBERTO R OLMEDA JOSE M OLMEDO THOMAS P OLMER JAVIER OLMOS JOHN E OLMOS DAVE OLMSTED CHARLES D OLNEY JR CODY A OLNEY KYLE J OLNEY MAURICE A OLNEY JR AZEEZ OLOKUNDA JOHN P OLSAN BENJAMIN OLSEN COLLIN R OLSEN COURTNEY W OLSEN DUSTIN D OLSEN DUSTIN M OLSEN EDWARD OLSEN JARED N OLSEN JERRY C OLSEN KOBY CLAYNE OLSEN N ANTHONY OLSEN SCOTT A OLSEN ANDREW L OLSON BRANDON OLSON CASSANDRA J OLSON CHRISTOPHER D OLSON DUSTIN E OLSON GARY A OLSON JEFFERY E OLSON JEFFREY S OLSON JOHN MONTGOMERY OLSON JUSTIN L OLSON KEVIN OLSON LISA M OLSON MATTHEW S OLSON MAXWELL A OLSON RANDALL W OLSON RODNEY L OLSON JASON OLSTHOORN LOREN L OLTJENBRUNS HELMUT G OLTMANN NEAL B OLTREMARI FREDERIC N OLVEDY HILARIO OLVERA MICHAEL G O’MALLEY THOMAS GORDON O’MALLEY JULIUS OMAOENG JAY J ONDROVIC LYNN G ONDROVIC MARY A ONEAL ALAN W O’NEAL BRITTANY HOPE O’NEAL CSTEVE O’NEAL DAVID B O’NEAL JAMES R O’NEAL KEVIN R O’NEAL LANNIE RAY O’NEAL PAMELA D O’NEAL SHAWN D O’NEAL TOMMY LEE O’NEAL QUINTON A ONEILL DANIEL O’NEILL DANIEL BRYAN ONEY SOLOMONE M ONGOLOKA LORENZO ONTIVEROS RUBEN ONTIVEROS DAVID ORASI BRIAN F ORDNUNG BORIS ORDONEZ JOSEPH M ORDUNO STEVEN E ORDUNO CHARLES D OREAR ANDRES ORENGO JAN ORENGO‑VAZQUEZ DREW R ORGILL MASAAKI ORIKURA WILLIAM H ORMAND JUSTIN ORMANOSKI WILLIAM V ORME JUAN RICARDO ORNELAS AMAYA MIGUEL S OROBIYI CONNIE R ORONA OSCAR ORONA QUINONEZ ANDRES OROPEZA HUMBERTO OROZCO ISMAEL S OROZCO NATO OROZCO SERGIO OROZCO SIMON A OROZCO JENNIFER GUADALUPE OROZCO GARCIA FRANCISCO OROZCO GODINEZ ALBERTO OROZCO ORNELAS GUSTAVO OROZCO VIDAL JUAN A ORPINEDA CAROL ORR CHRISTOPHER L ORR JAMES A ORR TY L ORRIS STEPHEN J ORSINI DERRICK J ORTEGA ERICA ORTEGA SARA J ORTEGA EDUARDO ORTEGA MEJIA ADA J ORTEGA VARELA DARWIN J ORTEZ ANGEL ORTIZ FRANCISCO E ORTIZ GUADALUPE ORTIZ GUILLERMO E ORTIZ GUSTAVO ORTIZ JOEL ORTIZ JOHNNY J ORTIZ JR JUAN J ORTIZ JR LOUIE A ORTIZ RANDY ORTIZ RENE ORTIZ ROMAN A ORTIZ ROMAN N ORTIZ SARAH R ORTIZ SAUL C ORTIZ TYLER CRUZ ORTIZ JOHN A ORTIZ ATAYDE VICTOR J ORTIZ ESQUILIN PEDRO ORTIZ GARCIA JOSE HUMBERTO ORTIZ LOPEZ JOE ORTIZ OCANICO FABIAN ALEJANDRO ORTIZ REYES MARGARITA ORTIZ RODRIGUEZ DIEGO ORTIZ SANCHEZ JACOB ORTON JONATHAN T ORTON EIVAN ORTUNO EUSTACIO ORTUNO MATTHEW ORUM SHARON P ORVEK KATIE RENAE ORWA SERGEY ORZHAKHOUSKIY SUNNY JERRY OSAGIE RANDE A OSBERG THORVALL OSBERG CONNOR OSBERN DOUG OSBORN GAGE E OSBORN JACOB S OSBORN JOSEPH OSBORN SHAY D OSBORN CASEY O OSBORNE CODIE OSBORNE JASON OSBORNE JOHN C OSBORNE MONTGOMERY OSBORNE ALFONSO OSEGUERA ALFONSO OSEGUERA JR STEVEN D OSHEL HAMPTON WADE O’SHIELDS JARED R OSHIMA SETH MICHAEL OSMENT TIMOTHY RAY OSMER STEVE OSMOND ANGELICA SOFIA OSORIA VERDUZCO OSCAR OSORIO VERONICA OSORIO JUAN OSORIO MARTINEZ MARY OSTENDORF SHAWN OSTER ADAM G OSTOICH ALEXANDER MICHAEL OSTOICH MARY R OSTRANDER JOHN O’SULLIVAN LUKE R OSWALD ERIC S OSWALT ELDY OTANO ALVAREZ JOHN OTHMER JORDAN S OTJEN AKHILESH OTTAPPURAYIL CHAY JESSE OTTE BRANDON W OTTER MATTHEW A OTTIS SAMUEL OTTOSEN TUPOU N OTUTAHA MICHAEL OUDEMAN COLTEN OUELLETTE JONATHAN OUELLETTE RANDY OUELLETTE NORA OUKAJJI RON OULTON KEVIN LEE OUTLAND DOUGLAS DANIEL OUTLAW JAMMIE L OUTLAW KELVIN OUTLAW LOGAN OUTSEN JOSE F OVALLE HEATH M OVERACKER PHILLIP A OVERCASH CRAIG T OVEREND EVAN J OVERFELT CHET ALBERT OVERMAN IVORY SHAVON OVERTON JASON T OVERTON JERAMY OVERTON JERMONE D OVERTON LADON OVERTON LISA M OVERTON RYAN L OVERTON FRANCHESKA OVINGTON ANDY D OWEN CAMERON GAGE OWEN CHARLES H OWEN JAMES AARON OWEN MONICA M OWEN VICKY J OWEN AARON T OWENS ALFRED JEROME OWENS ALTON OWENS ANDREW K OWENS ASHLEY MICHELLE OWENS BENJAMIN W OWENS BILLY M OWENS BRADLEY OWENS BRYAN RAY OWENS BRYON OWENS CHARLES A OWENS CHARLES BRANDON OWENS CHRISTOPHER COY OWENS CHRISTY OWENS DALTON OWENS DONALD J OWENS ELLSWORTH L OWENS III ETHAN T OWENS GARY M OWENS JAMES E OWENS JERRY L OWENS JONATHAN W OWENS JUSTIN DALE OWENS MICHAEL SHAWN OWENS MYRON L OWENS RAYMOND LANCE OWENS REUBEN H OWENS STEPHANIE A OWENS TOMMIE DEWAYNE OWENS TRENTON WAYNE OWENS NIALL OWN CHIEF ZACHARY R OWSLEY TOMMIE W OXENDINE KEVIN OXFORD ANDRE OXLEY WILLIE OZIER DAVID OZIMEK KENNETH E OZINGA DAVID OZOLIN KATARZYNA PABIS‑MASIUK ROBERT PABST BRIAN PACCAGNELLA CALEB J PACE LELLWYN PACE NICHOLAS PACE STEPHEN RANDOLPH PACE ERIC PACELLA ANTONIO PACHECO HUMBERTO PACHECO JR JUAN M PACHECO JOSEPH PAUL PACK EMILY A PADGETT JOHN W PADGETT JOSEPH LEE PADGETT JUSTIN T PADGETT TRACY V PADGETT WILLIAM J PADGETT ALBERTO PADILLA BERNARDO PADILLA EDSVIN R PADILLA GABRIEL PADILLA JR GUADALUPE PADILLA JEREMIAH J PADILLA NORMA ROSARIO PADILLA LEDEZMA ERNESTO DANIEL PADILLA LIMON DARYL PADMORE JOSE A PADRON RHON CHRISTIAN PADUA LAUREEN PADULA JEFFERSON E PAGADUAN DAPHNE PAGAN LOUIS K PAGAN CHARLES A PAGE CHRISTOPHER PAGE JEFFERY L PAGE JEROME PAGE JONAS TYRONE PAGE TAMARA PAGITT MICHAEL PAHNER RICHARD PAHUYO BENNIE PAIGE JAMIE PAIGE JOEL KANDALARA PAIGE TERRY STEVEN PAIGE WILLIAM G PAINE COTY PAINTER KENNETH D PAINTER MICHAEL A PAINTER SHAD T PAINTER MERLE L PAITSEL SANJAY PAL SAUL PALACIO VELASQUEZ HECTOR PALACIOS JOSE M PALACIOS MIGUEL PALACIOS ROBERTO PALACIOS JR ROBERTO CARLOS PALACIOS SECUNDINA PALACIOS JOSE A PALACIOS HERNANDEZ VICTOR M PALACIOS HERNANDEZ ROBERTO PALACIOS LOPEZ PABLO PALACIOS‑FRAGA SUJIN PALAIYAN JOHN PALAKAL JEYALAKSHMI PALANISAMY CHAD M PALEN AARON J PALKOVIC LUKE PALLISSARD MATTHEW M PALMA DON R PALMANTEER JR DEZMOND PALMER DILLON PALMER DUSTIN L PALMER ERIC C PALMER GLENN PALMER GREGORY J PALMER IAN H PALMER JENNY LYNN PALMER KATHLEEN A PALMER MCKADE PALMER RACHEL L PALMER RANDY PALMER RICHARD L PALMER RODNEY A PALMER TAYLOR J PALMER TOBIN E PALMER ZACHERY GLENN PALMER KARLA DENISSE PALOMARES SALAS CARLOS D PALOMINO EDWARD M PALUMBO II NATALIA PANARELLA SHERIDA PANCHAM NAGARAJAN PANDIAN VAIBHAV PANDURANG HAREKAR SHUBHAM PANDURANG HARIRAM JADHAV SANGEETA PANDYA VINCENT PANGALLO MARTIN E PANKEY JR MICHAEL B PANKEY NOAH D PANKEY RICHARD J PANKEY BRIAN K PANNELLS ERIK C PANOZZO LISA A PANOZZO DANIEL L PANTELLO NESTOR PANTIG JENNIFER PANTOJA LUCENO A PANUGALING PETER EDWARD PAPAS MARIAN PAPIERNIK JENS J PAPROCKI PIERRE PAQUETTE JULIETA PAQUIN ADEEL PARACHA MISTY D PARADA RAMON E PARADA MATT PARADIS HECTOR PARAMO SUJITH PARANAGAMA KIM P PARAS FRANKY PARDO DAVID PARDY ALEXANDRE PARE ESWIN R PAREDES RAMON PAREDES SYLVIA M PAREDES DANIEL S PARENT DAVID F PARENT MARC D PARENT RAJAN PARHAR JENNIFER MARIE PARIS SCOTT ALAN PARIS SUSIE PARIS JACOB R PARISH JASON PARISH JOSEPH H PARISH HAYDAN W PARISOT MARK D PARISOT SHANE D PARISOT DOUGLAS B PARK JOE A PARK III TRAVIS PARK WILLIAM G PARK II BRIAN T PARKER BRONSON PARKER BRUCE E PARKER BYRON KEITH PARKER CHARLIE W PARKER DAVID T PARKER DENNY J PARKER DONNIE L PARKER FRANK D PARKER GREGORY A PARKER GUY PARKER HALEY PARKER HEATH CONAN PARKER HEATH N PARKER JACQUELINE M PARKER JEFFREY PARKER JOSEPH ROBERT PARKER JUSTIN JAMAL PARKER KEITH PARKER KEITH ALAN PARKER LAWRENCE T PARKER LUKE D PARKER NATHAN PARKER ROBERT L PARKER STEVE A PARKER TERRY R PARKER THOMAS A PARKER THOMAS J PARKER THOMAS KENT PARKER TONY JOE PARKER TRACY SHAWN PARKER VINCENT ALAN PARKER WINFORD C PARKER JR ZEBULON K PARKER IVAN PARKES JAMES F PARKINS CORY LAYNE PARKINSON J BRENT PARKINSON CURTIS W PARKS JARVIS PARKS JESSE PARKS JUDITH A PARKS LADARIUS R PARKS RICKY PARKS JR ROBIN PARKS NICHOLAS A PARLER JOSHUA D PARMAN GARY L PARMER JAMES R PARNELL ALICIA PARR ANDREA RAE PARR THOMAS A PARR BLANCA PARRA FRANCISCO PARRA HUMBERTO PARRA JOSE A PARRA SALVADOR PARRA JORGE PARRA MATA JOSE M PARRA‑CASTRO KEVIN KARL PARRACK JR STEVEN PARRAL JUAN L PARRA‑MARTINEZ VINCENZO F PARRELLA ETHAN PARRIOTT EMILY PARRIS AARON P PARRISH CHARLES BRITT PARRISH JR MORGAN W PARRISH REBECCA PARRISH RICHARD BRYSON PARRISH CURTIS ALAN PARROTT KRISTOPHER W PARROTT SAMMY MICHAEL PARROTT TIMOTHY A PARROTT WAYNE NEIL PARROTT DAVID W PARSLEY MICHELLE SIMMONS PARSLEY CEDRIC D PARSON TONY PARSON JR CODY D PARSONS GERALDINE PARSONS JAMIE L PARSONS JASON M PARSONS KYLE A PARSONS SETH THOMAS PARSONS EDWARD D PARTAIN TRACEY D PARTAIN RONNIE PARTAPSINGH LISA DENICE PARTON CODY PARTRIDGE JACK L PARTRIDGE JR CURTIS RAY PASCH DANA J PASCH JOSEPH R PASCHALL GRACIELLA A PASCOE JAMES PASQUACH VINCENZO PASSARETTI TIOLU R PASSI BRADLEY PASSICK BRIAN PASSINI EARL PASSWATERS JASON DEDRIC PASTORE JUSTIN A PASTORE LOGAN FRANKLIN MAURICE PASZTOR AMANDA N PATE BRANDON R PATE BRIAN K PATE CLETUS B PATE DANIEL L PATE DERRICK M PATE JASON D PATE JOSHUA ERIC PATE JUSTIN DALE PATE LUCAS P PATE NICOLAS W PATE RODNEY L PATE RONALD R PATE II THOMAS L PATE GEETA PATEL SAMIRKUMAR PATEL EARL PATENAUDE JOHN A PATERNOSTER BRANDON PATERSON MOHAN R PATIL AGUSTIN PATINO PATINO JOHN PATRENETS NUNO F PATRICIO ALEX G PATRICK BRANDEN PATRICK BRENDA PATRICK BRIAN K PATRICK GREGORY PATRICK JAMES PATRICK MICHAEL PATRICK NATHANIEL BLAKE PATRICK THOMAS B PATRICK CHARLES H PATROS KALISANKAR PATTANAYAK DAVID MARK PATTAWI CHRYSTAL PATTEN ALPHONSO J PATTERSON BOBBY R PATTERSON BRANDON PATTERSON COREY T PATTERSON COTY LEVI PATTERSON DAKOTA PATTERSON DANNY R PATTERSON DAVID PATTERSON DERRILL L PATTERSON DILLON PATTERSON FRANK T PATTERSON JEFFREY L PATTERSON KAREN PATTERSON KYLE PATTERSON MAURICE PATTERSON MICHAEL PATTERSON MICHAEL E PATTERSON NICHOLAS ADAM PATTERSON RYAN N PATTERSON SAMUEL M PATTERSON SCHANE PATTERSON SHANE W PATTERSON SHAWN PATTERSON SHAWN PATTERSON TERRILL D PATTERSON THOMAS W PATTERSON TIM PATTERSON TITUS M PATTERSON VINCENT PATTERSON WILLIE PATTERSON JOSHUA PATTI JOSEPH A PATTILLO GEORGE S PATTON LESIA E PATTON MICHAEL T PATZKE ANDREW THOMAS PAUL CHRISTOPHER J PAUL DAVID E PAUL JOSHUA WADE PAUL STEPHEN B PAUL ROBIN L PAULETICH MONA K PAULO DALE F PAULSEN DAVID K PAULSEN TABITHA A PAULSEN JASON PAULY DANIEL W PAUSTIAN LUCAS C PAUSTIAN GAEL PAUZE‑BEGIN RODNEY L PAVLIK RYAN L PAVLIK DENNIS PAVLOVICH ASHLEY E PAXTON GROVER A PAY FARZIN PAYAMFAR VIOLA PAYAN BRAD A PAYNE BRANDON KYLIE PAYNE CHAD J PAYNE CLINT PAYNE DEVON DWIGHT PAYNE DONALD C PAYNE DOUGLAS C PAYNE GEOFFREY A PAYNE JAMES T PAYNE JEREMY PAYNE JOEL A PAYNE JONAS T PAYNE JONATHAN T PAYNE JOSHUA D PAYNE JOSHUA S PAYNE MAHRQUISE D PAYNE RISTEL D PAYNE II ROBERT PAYNE RODNEY WADE PAYNE SCOTT PAYNE SHANNON PORTER PAYNE TOMMY KEITH PAYNE WILLIAM K PAYNE WILLIAM R PAYNE JR WILLIAM T PAYSEUR BENJAMIN D PAYTON PATRICK A PAYTON WILLIAM PAYTON ANTONIO D PAZ CARLOS A PAZ EDUARDO PAZ JOEY K PEACE SR AARON C PEACOCK ANDRE PEACOCK JESSE PEACOCK JIM PEACOCK JOSHUA M PEACOCK JUSTIN PEACOCK MICHAEL M PEACOCK NICK PEACOCK MICHAEL D PEAKE MARILYN S PEARCE DOUGLAS E PEARMAN MATTHEW O PEARMAN ANTHONY LYNN PEARSON BRENT R PEARSON CODY PEARSON FRANK A PEARSON GABRIEL JAMES PEARSON JACQUALINE P PEARSON JENNIFER PEARSON MICHAEL D PEARSON MORGAN M PEARSON PATRICIA PEARSON PAYTON RAY PEARSON TERRY BOBBY GENE PEARSON TYLER BROOKE PEARSON TYRONE PEARSON MARK A PEASE TODD A PEASE JAY E PEAY TONY PEAY TRUDY PEBLEY JEREMY LEONARD PECANTY AUSTIN TREY PECK MARK E PECK MICHAEL W PECK RYAN M PECK SCOTT D PECK PAUL J PECONGE II KYLE D PEDEN JENNA PEDERSEN POUL V PEDERSEN JR BRADLEY PEDERSON LORI A PEDERSON CALEB R PEDIGO RYAN LEE PEDIGO DIONICIO PEDRAZA GUADALUPE PEDROZA BOBBY PEEK BRADLEY W PEEK CHARLTON L PEEK COREY N PEEK DALTON W PEEK KEITH PEEL ROBERT ALLAN PEEL JAMES E PEELER II AARON PEET ROBERT A PEETE PATRICIA A PEGUES CARL L PEILER AMANDA K PEITZ MICHAEL J PEITZ NICHOLAS J PEITZ PABLO PELAEZ NANCY MAYLEN PELAYO ZAMARRON RICHARD PELC ROME A PELCZYNSKI JASON L PELEHOWSKI SHERI PELERINE LESLIE W PELFREY DANTON PELLETIER DONALD J PELLOR SEAN PELOQUIN GEORGE PELT MELISSA D PELTON JULIE M PELTS MICHAEL PEMBERTON GABRIELA PENA MARCO PENA CARLOS EDHINO PEÑA LEDEZMA ENRIQUE PENA REINA BRANDON PENCE SEAN E PENCE TIM D PENCE BRIAN S PENDERGRASS DENNIS C PENDERGRASS TOBY N PENDERGRASS ADAM C PENDLETON BARRY D PENICK EDDIE R PENIX JOSHUA S PENKOVA YAGER DUSTIN THOMAS PENKUNAS DARRELL PENN RICHARD M PENN GARY D PENNELL SETH D PENNELS CASSIE PENNER JAMES M PENNEY MARC PENNEY ARVIL KEITH PENNINGTON BARRY W PENNINGTON II RODNEY W PENNINGTON RYAN EDWARD PENNINGTON JOSHUA ANTON PENNY NICHOLAS PENTASUGLIA THOMAS PENTON DEMETRIOUS PEOPLES MARIO J PEOPLES STEPHEN PEPIN STEWARD R PEPION DONALD PEPLINSKI MARK PEQUEGNAT JEREMIAH LEE PERALES JULIO PERDOMO BOBBY A PERDUE BRADLEY S PERDUE TINA D PEREA ANDY PEREIRA MIKE PEREIRA ALBERTO A PEREZ ANDRES PEREZ CLAUDIA ROBLES PEREZ CRISTIAN E PEREZ DANIELA PEREZ DARWIN PEREZ EARNEST PEREZ ESTEVAN NOE PEREZ FERNANDO PEREZ FIDEL PEREZ GILBERTO PEREZ GUSTAVO PEREZ HECTOR PEREZ HECTOR PEREZ HILBERTO PEREZ ISMAEL PEREZ ITZEL PEREZ JAYSON J PEREZ JISELLE PEREZ JOSE PEREZ JOSEPH M PEREZ JUAN PEREZ KENNETH L PEREZ LUIS PEREZ LUIS JORGE M PEREZ MARCO A PEREZ MARIO PEREZ MIGUEL PEREZ PABLO PEREZ RICARDO PEREZ JR RIGOBERTO PEREZ ROBERTO PEREZ RUTH M PEREZ WILDER PEREZ ABRAHAM H PEREZ ALVARADO CELSO PEREZ AQUINO FEDERICO PEREZ CERVANTES JORGE PEREZ ESCAMILLA PEDRO JOSE ARMANDO PEREZ ESPARZA MARIO PEREZ FIERROS ALFREDO PEREZ GONZALEZ LUIS ENRIQUE PEREZ LERMA JESUS S PEREZ MALDONADO JOSUE MANUEL PEREZ MARTINEZ BACILIO PEREZ MORENO ISAAC PEREZ NUNEZ CARLOS EDUARDO PEREZ QUIROZ FRANCISCO PEREZ RICO AROLDO PEREZ ROCHA ADOLFO PEREZ ROJAS FERNANDO PEREZ TEPOZANO JORGE PEREZ‑PEREZ ALVARO PEREZ‑ROCHA PABLO PEREZ‑RODRIGUEZ FLORESHA PERKECI ASA PERKINS CARL H PERKINS CARRIE S PERKINS DEREK C PERKINS DONNIE PERKINS JOSEPH M PERKINS KRISTIN PERKINS LISA D PERKINS NICOLE D PERKINS PATRICK M PERKINS ROBERT PERKINS TREVOR D PERKINS JAMES PERKINSON ALLYSSA D PEROTTI DANIEL PERREIRA JR SALVATORE J PERRERA CHRISTOPHER PERRIN ALEXANDER PERRY BRANDON PERRY CHESTER PERRY CHRISTOPHER M PERRY DANIEL PERRY DAVID PERRY DAVID DWAIN PERRY DEREK PERRY DONALD BRAD PERRY EDDIE M PERRY ERNEST J PERRY GINA R PERRY JACOB A PERRY JEANETTE L PERRY JESSE PERRY JOE PERRY JOE C PERRY LARRY S PERRY LEON W PERRY IV MARK A PERRY PHILLIP D PERRY RONALD PERRY RONALD W PERRY RONNIE D PERRY JR RONNIE D PERRY SR RUSSELL G PERRY SEAN PATRICK PERRY STEVEN C PERRY THOMAS C PERRY WALLY SCOTT PERRY WALTER R PERRY IV WALTER THOMAS PERRY II HAYDEN PERSAD KEVIN PERSAD JONATHAN PERSADIE SHAWN PERSADSINGH STEPHEN PERSAILE RODNEY PERSON CURTIS G PERSONS II RAJA PERUMAL CHRISTOPHER A PERZEE JEFFREY PESA CECILIA PESCE SCOTT M PESL CAROLE EMILY PESTA MICHAEL PETE ROBERT PETER ANNIE R PETERKIN AARON C PETERS ANDREW PETERS BRAD S PETERS CHELSEA M PETERS COREY J PETERS JASON PETERS JEFFREY GLENN PETERS JEREMY A PETERS KAREN L PETERS KOLBY G PETERS MARGARET L PETERS MASON Z PETERS MICHAEL E PETERS PAUL K PETERS CASEY D PETERSEN DANIEL J PETERSEN GARY L PETERSEN KEITH L PETERSEN KOVAR ANDRUS PETERSEN LANCE PETERSEN MATTHEW K PETERSEN NATHANIEL R PETERSEN RICHARD PETERSEN RONALD F PETERSEN ROSS PETERSEN RYAN PETERSEN SHERIDON PETERSEN STEVEN M PETERSEN ALEX PETERSON BLAINE M PETERSON BRAYLAN M PETERSON BRAYVEN RODNEY PETERSON BRIAN K PETERSON BRITTNIE MAXINE PETERSON CHASE M PETERSON CHRISTOPHER PETERSON DAVID L PETERSON DEMETRIUS L PETERSON DENNIS P PETERSON ERIC D PETERSON HOLLIS PETERSON JAMES A PETERSON JAMES R PETERSON JAMES ROBERT PETERSON JASON W PETERSON JEFF PETERSON JOHN M PETERSON KENNETH J PETERSON KRISTINE ELISE PETERSON KURT E PETERSON KYLE ALAN PETERSON LAURA PETERSON LAVONNE DEPRIE PETERSON MARK E PETERSON MICHELLE PETERSON ROY GLENN PETERSON STEVEN W PETERSON THOMAS PETERSON ZACHARY K PETERSON EDWARD PETI FERNANDEZ BRANDON PETRAS JODY PETRAS‑BEAUDRY JOSHUA B PETROFF BRYAN J PETRUS JOSEPH PETRY NATHAN PETRY RONALD D PETSCHE MISTI A PETT DENNIS K PETTIGREW ANDREW M PETTIT EDIE JO PETTIT JILL MARIE PETTIT DAVID RODERICK PETTUS LAWRENCE J PETTUS DUSTIN C PETTY MITCHELL WILLIAM PETTY JR STACEY TURNER PETTY KELLY R PETZOLD DOUGLAS PEVE STACY D PFAFF SHALIN R PFANTZ BRADLEY S PFEFFERKORN HUNTER PFEFFERKORN JASEN P PFEFFERKORN JEREMY D PFEFFERKORN KIMBERLY PFEFFERKORN NATHAN J PFEFFERKORN BRUCE D PFEIFER ISAAC A PFEIFER MICHAELA M PFEIFER JASON A PFLEDDERER MARTY D PFLUEGER MONTE C PFLUEGER ROBERT PFLUGRADT DAVID TUYN PHAM HUNG PHAM TRONG VAN PHAM HIEU V PHAN TRONG PHAN TIPHAKAYSONE PHAYPRADITH ALEX DURAY PHELPS CADEN ANDREW PHELPS JERRY DUANE PHELPS JOSEPH M PHELPS LARRY R PHELPS TERRY W PHELPS TONY A PHELPS DANIEL L PHILBECK MICHEAL PHILION SARATH PHILIP VAUGHN R PHILIP WAYNE PHILIPPE CHARLES G PHILIPS JEREMY T PHILIPS JOSHUA PHILIPS OLINDA J PHILIPS ELVIS PHILLIP NEGUS PHILLIP BRIAN PHILLIPPI ALLEN OWEN PHILLIPS ALSTON S PHILLIPS ANDREW W PHILLIPS ANTHONY J PHILLIPS AUSTIN ALAN PHILLIPS AUSTIN RAY PHILLIPS BARBARA PHILLIPS BILLY EARL PHILLIPS BOBBY PHILLIPS CHAD PHILLIPS CHIQUITTA PHILLIPS DAVID W PHILLIPS DENNIS J PHILLIPS FRANKLIN M PHILLIPS GLENDA PHILLIPS HUNTER F PHILLIPS JACOB PHILLIPS JAMES MICHAEL PHILLIPS JASON PHILLIPS JOHN D PHILLIPS JR JONATHAN S PHILLIPS JUSTIN PHILLIPS KELLY KRISTEN PHILLIPS KENNY DEWAYNE PHILLIPS KENO DELMAR PHILLIPS LISA PHILLIPS MEL S PHILLIPS MELISSA N PHILLIPS MICHELLE PHILLIPS OLIVER PHILLIPS PAUL G PHILLIPS PETER J PHILLIPS RANDY PHILLIPS RONDAL B PHILLIPS RUSSELL T PHILLIPS RUSTY PHILLIPS RYAN PHILLIPS SANFORD PHILLIPS SHANNON L PHILLIPS SPENCER PHILLIPS TERRENCE PHILLIPS TERRI MICHELLE PHILLIPS TIMAREE PHILLIPS WYNEEK E PHILLIPS DAVID E PHILPOTT LISA K PHIPPS CHRISTOPHER ALAN PHLIPOT JERROLD W PHOENIX KHAMTHANE PHOMMACHIT ANNALIESE PHYPERS MITCHELL D PIASECKI ANTHONY S PIATT MICHAEL PIATT FRANK S PIAZZA JOSEPH PIAZZA RAYMOND E PIAZZA SAMUEL PIAZZA SR MORGAN ELIZABETH PICARRO PETER M PICCIANO JOHN DAVID PICKARD ROBERT C PICKEL CHAD PICKELHEIMER FRED J PICKELSIMER BRIAN AUBREY PICKENS JAMES E PICKENS JERALD KEITH PICKENS KAREN PICKENS KERRY C PICKENS RONALD N PICKENS CHRISTOPHER PICKER TRAVIS PICKERING BENJAMIN PICKETT GERALD ALLEN PICKETT JOHNATHAN M PICKETT JOSHUA A PICKETT RICHARD S PICKING TRAVIS PICKLE CLINTON L PIEPHO BRIAN RUSSELL PIERCE BRYCE S PIERCE CLAYTON MICHAEL PIERCE GREGORY S PIERCE GUNNAR ZACKARY PIERCE JACOB ELI PIERCE JOHN L PIERCE JOSEPH ALAN PIERCE JOSHUA PIERCE KC CASH PIERCE KIMBERLY PIERCE LAYTON PIERCE MATHEW S PIERCE NOAH L PIERCE PAUL A PIERCE SHAWN PIERCE TANNER SCOTT PIERCE TRAVIS J PIERCE ROBERT PIERSA JR BRENDA L PIERSON JOHN E PIERSON DANNY L PIETT JACQUES PIGEON MICHELE PIGGOTT ASHLEY F PIGOTT BRIAN A PIGULA ERIC PIKE JEFFREY W PIKE MATTHEW R PIKE JOSEPH L PIKER MURRY PIKES JONATHAN DAVID PIKETT JOHN S PIKEY SAMUEL PIKEY VALENTIN DANIEL PILATI JOSHUA KYLE PILATO LUCAS PILCH STAN PILCH TREVOR RANDT PILCHER BRIAN A PILKINGTON TERRY A PILKINGTON TAKUMU DARRING PINCHON EVONDRA A PINCKNEY PRESTON M PINCKNEY SR THOMAS L PINCKNEY RONALD PINEDA REFUGIO PINEDO CUEVAS JOSE ANGEL PINEDO LOPEZ KEVIN LEE PING JOSEPH PINGET CHRISTOPHER C PINGREE TYLER J PINKELMAN CHRISTOPHER W PINKHAM JOSEPH E PINKSTON DUSTIN JAMES ARTHUR PINNEY MARK H PINNEY JAIME PINON JUSTIN D PINT JULIO CESAR PINTADO RINCON ZACHARY R PINTER MATIAS N PINTO AGUILERA LINDSEY PIPER ROBERT PIPER MILENKO PIPERAC TIMOTHY B PIPHER CHARLES ALLEN PIPKIN CHRISTOPHER G PIPKIN JONATHAN M PIPPIN MITCHELL PIPPIN ACIE B PIPPINS JAMES P PIPPINS ALEXIS PIQUET SARAVANAN PIRAMUDURAI PANDIAN MICHEL PIRNAK JEREMY M PIRNER LARRY J PISEL LARRY J PISEL JR TERRENCE I PISKORSKI BRIAN PITCHER DARREN PITCHER MIKE J PITCHER JUSTIN EARL PITCHFORD ANDREW PITRE GREGORY DEAN PITT JODY A PITTENGER ANDREW S PITTMAN JAMES DONALD PITTMAN JAMES FRANCIS PITTMAN JARETT PITTMAN JIMMY R PITTMAN KAREN R PITTMAN MIRIAM H PITTMAN ROBERT L PITTMAN SCOTT PITTMAN STEVEN O PITTMAN ERIC W PITTS JOHN PITTS JR ROBERT BRICE PITTS STEPHEN PITTS VIRGILAN LYNN PITTS APRIL DANIELLE PITTS BAGGETT JACOB J PITZ AUSTIN PITZER ROBERT A PITZER III MATTHEW PIVONKA TIMMY PIVONKA JORGE C PIZANO JULIAN A PIZARRO JR ADAM F PLANER ERIC S PLANER FREDERICK D PLANER ROD S PLANER SCOTT PLANEY BRIAN M PLANK CHAD E PLASTERS ARTEMIO F PLATA CRYSTAL PLATT BRADLEY V PLAYER CHARLES L PLAYER JR CODY DWAYNE PLAYER DAWN PLAYER ROBERT D PLAYER MICHAEL E PLEASANT MICHAEL E PLEASANT JR DION K PLESSINGER JACK PLIQUE JR COREY PLIS KENNETH A PLOGGER NORMAND PLOURDE CHRISTOPHER K PLUARD CHRISTOPHER ROBIN PLUMMER VICKI PLUMMER AARON PLUNK TERRY PLUNK BRENNAN PLUNKETT JACOB PLUNKETT JASON M PLUNKETT TERRANCE D PLUNKETT MARK RANDALL PLYLER STEPHEN R PLYLER RORY J POCHE CORY D POCHOP JEREMY D POCHOP MATTHEW J POCHOP ZACHARY C POCHOP TRAVIS J PODANY DANA D PODLISKA ERICK W POE JOSEPH ADAM POE SHANNON WAYNE POE TY POE WILLIAM ALFRED POE KELLY POELLEIN PAUL A POESCHL JAMES L POFAHL JODYE POFF BRYAN K POGUE DARRELL KEVIN POGUE JOHN A POGUE BRIAN POHL CHRISTOPHER J POINTER ROBERT POIRIER WANDELL POITEVINT GUILDO POITRAS STEVE POITRAS JOSEPH POKORSKI MARY L POLAK LUIS M POLANCO MARK D POLASKI BRIAN C POLECK ADAM POLING ANTWUAN J POLK DEQUISHA POLK GARY POLK TERRY D POLK LEE SCOTT POLLAN KENNY POLLARD JUSTIN S POLLETT HENRY POLLETTA JOSEFINA POLLICINO JENNIFER POLLIO CHRISTOPHER POLLOCK DEANIE ELIZABETH POLLOCK ERIC POLLOCK GLENFORD POLLOCK GREGORY DON POLLOCK ROBIN N POLLOCK JOSEPH POLSON ALVIN L POLT BRADLEY A POLT CRAIG R POLT DANIEL J POLT JORDAN R POLT NATHAN A POLT NICOLE A POLT STEVEN J POLT JUDITH J POMO FLOYD L POMPEY III KEVON POMPEY DERRICK POMRANKY DEVIN L POMRANKY OSCAR SERGIO PONCE FAJARDO JOSE MANUEL PONCE MALDONADO JESUS ALBERTO PONCE ULLOA TRACY POND CLARK J PONDER DANNY J PONDER MATTHEW PONDER MICHAEL W PONDER RANDY L PONDER VEASNA PONN DENNIS P PONTON ELIZABETH PONZER DAVID C POOL AMANDA D POOLE BENJAMIN POOLE CODY POOLE DAVID POOLE JOHNATHAN SHANE POOLE LATORI S POOLE STEVEN CRAIG POOLE WILLIAM C POOLE III THAD N POORE MIHAI POPA ASHALATA POPAT AWHAD ASHLEIGH POPE CALVIN L POPE GERTRUDE A POPE JUSTIN A POPE MEOUN F POPE MICHAEL L POPE AARON POPPER ANDRE PORCHER CLARENCE L PORCHER RODNEY L PORCHER KEVIN J PORDON NICHOLAS PORDON DINO PORRAZZO MARK S PORRITT JOSEPH R PORT PATRICK PORT THOMAS J PORT III VALLIE B PORT COREY PORTER DAMION PORTER DUSTIN R PORTER GEORGE PORTER JOE PORTER JOSHUA C PORTER KIMBERLY PORTER ROMERO V PORTER SIMMS L PORTER SUSAN M PORTER JOHN WALTER PORTERFIELD LUIS A PORTILLO MIGUEL A PORTILLO GUSTAVO G PORTILLO EUCEDA KENNY PORTISS RONALD PORZELIUS JR DAVID POSAS DAVID U POSER ANTHONY SCOTT POSEY STEVEN R POSEY STANISLAW E POSLUSZNY RICHARD F POSPISIL RYAN R POSPISIL ROBERT POSS KENNEY DOYLE POSTEN GREGORY S POSTHAUER CHARLES O POSTON JR CLINT A POSTON JAMES M POSTON JAMES N POSTON JERRY E POSTON JONATHAN P POSTON JOSHUA L POSTON MICHAEL POSTON MICHAEL H POSTON JR MICHAEL WAYNE POSTON JR ROBERT DUNCAN POSTON RONNIE W POSTON RICKY E POTEET TODD POTHIER AANANTHA POTHINI GURUSAMY RYAN P POTIER ROBERT I POTOCZEK GARY D POTTER STEVEN TYLER POTTER EDWARD POTTERY JOSEPH B POTTS DAYTON POTVIN JOSHUA POTVIN DAPHNE R POULK JOSEPH A POULK EILEEN B POULOS CLARK D POULSEN JOSHUA C POULSEN MARK W POUNCEY KEVIN POUND ANNA POUNDSTONE MICHAEL POUST QUENTIN B POVEY ALFRED L POWELL ANTHONY D POWELL ASHLEY A POWELL BENJAMEN POWELL BRADLEY POWELL DARRYL T POWELL DAVID C POWELL DESHUN POWELL DEVERON POWELL ERIC ANTHONY POWELL GARY L POWELL GEORGE C POWELL JR JACOB I POWELL JAMES B POWELL JAMES G POWELL JAMES LEROY POWELL JEFF POWELL JEFF W POWELL JEREMY A POWELL JESSE A POWELL JOSHUA POWELL JUSTUS C POWELL KIMBERLY A POWELL LARRY C POWELL MARK MACKAY POWELL MICHAEL POWELL NANNETTE S POWELL RICKY POWELL ROBERT C POWELL ROBERT L POWELL TIKEYLA L POWELL TIMOTHY W POWELL TONY M POWELL WAYNE POWELL CLYDE R POWERS DOUGLAS L POWERS EARL D POWERS ERNEST DEAN POWERS JACOB POWERS JACOB D POWERS JAMES POWERS JR JEFFREY POWERS LLOYD V POWERS MARK E POWERS MICHAEL R POWERS RUSSELL JAY POWERS TIMOTHY POWERS AMY POYNTER CHRISTOPHER W POYTHRESS JASON LEE POYTHRESS WAYNE THOMAS POYTHRESS PABLO POZOS MARTINEZ KANAGESH PRABHA PERIANNAN AKSHAY PRABHAKAR MHATRE ARATI PRABHAKAR PRABHAKAR PERAVI MAGESH PRABU THIYAGARAJAN CAMDEN L PRACHYL THARINDU PRADEEP SILVA DWIGHT A PRAEUNER DAVID T PRAIRIE DOUGLAS G PRAIRIE SINONG PRAK TIMOTHY K PRANG NATHAN P PRANGER RAMA PRASAD RANJULA PRASANGI PATHIRAJA NIROSHA PRASANTHI BRANDON H PRATER ERIC WARREN PRATER JOHNATHAN FLETCHER PRATER LELAND R PRATER MATTHEW A PRATER MITCHELL PRATER BRETT JORY PRATHER JOHN PRATT RONALD L PRATT TRAVIS W PRATT WILLIAM L PRATT BRANDON D PRAUNER PAYTON A PRAUNER JYLES PREFONTAINE TODD PREISSIG MICHELLE M PREISTER JULIE LACY PREJEAN BRANDON L PRELLWITZ CHRISTIE PRENTICE MARK T PRENTICE DAVE PRESCOTT JOHNNY B PRESCOTT JR WILLIAM E PRESCOTT III JULIANNE PRESCOTT‑WHITE ALAN PRESLEY ALEX PRESLEY CHARLES M PRESLEY DARRELL G PRESLEY DUJUAN PRESLEY JOSHUA C PRESLEY LINDA DARLENE PRESNELL STEVEN W PRESSLEY JOHN PRESSLY MICHAEL A PRESTON NATHAN E PRESTON TIMOTHY M PRESTON WILLIAM ROBERT PRESTON EUGENE B PRETORIUS PHILLIP EDWARD PRETRE ASHLEY PRETTY TJ PRETTY STEVEN LEE PREVITT ALEXIS PREVOST DONALD K PREVOST JEFFREY JOSEPH PREVOST JOSEPH MARCUS PREWITT JOHN M PRIBNOW AARON PRICE AMBER M PRICE ARON J PRICE ARTHUR D PRICE BOBBY P PRICE CASSANDRA PRICE CHARLES ALLEN PRICE CHRISTOPHER PRICE CHRISTOPHER K PRICE CHRISTOPHER LEE PRICE CLINT D PRICE CRAIG D PRICE DALTON ZANE AUSTIN PRICE DANIEL STEPHEN PRICE DYLAN THOMAS PRICE GENE ALLEN PRICE JAMIE M PRICE JASON A PRICE JASON WADE PRICE JEFFREY J PRICE JOSHUAH PRICE MARTIN PRICE MAX PRICE MELISA PRICE MELISSA PRICE MELVIN M PRICE JR MICHAEL J PRICE PHILLIP PRICE REGINALD PRICE ROBERT PRICE RUSSELL PRICE RYAN N PRICE SAMUEL LAMAR PRICE TIMOTHY J PRICE WILLIAM LEE PRICE COURTNEY RENEE PRICKETT TONY M PRIDDY DANIEL S PRIDEMORE REDRICK LAMAR PRIDGETT PEGGY S PRIDMORE JASON M PRIEBE MICHAEL PRIGNANO SABAHUDIN PRIJIC JARROD MICHAEL PRILL THOMAS M PRIM CHANCY PRIMAS ANTHONY J PRINCE DYLAN PRINCE LAUREL PRINCE STEVE D PRINCE TYLER J PRINCE VERNON PRINCE KEVIN PRINCIPI TIMOTHY A PRINTZ LUCAS NATHANIEL PRISOCK CALEB PRITCHARD CHRISTOPHER ROSS PRITCHARD DAVID PAUL PRITCHARD HEATHER R PRITCHARD JACOB ALLEN PRITCHARD JEFFERY L PRITCHARD JOSHUA PAUL PRITCHARD RON PRITCHARD THOMAS PRITCHARD PATRICK E PRITCHER DAVID W PRITCHETT BRADLEY A PRIVETT COREY D PRIVETT LARRY DEE PRIVETT MATTHEW JOSEPH PRIVETT TIMOTHY L PROCHASKA TRAVIS R PROCHASKA TIMOTHY W PROCK ADAM A PROCTOR CHAUNCEY G PROCTOR GLORIA S PROCTOR JASON M PROCTOR JOSEPH PROCTOR JOSHUA D PROCTOR JUSTIN N PROCTOR LACI BROOKE PROCTOR SCOTTY R PROCTOR SHARI L PROCTOR LISETTE E PROENZA BILL F PROFFER TERRY PROFFITT ERNIE PROKOP TYSON PROM MARJORIE PRONSCHINSKE MICHAEL W PROPER JUSTIN D PROPP RONALD S PROSKINE RUTH PROSSER SELBY PROUD BOB PROUDFOOT CLINTON PROUGH JACOB PROUGH CEDRIC PROULX TRAVIS PROULX MARC PROVENCAL KORY PROVENCHER ADRIAN DALTON PRUETT JASON D PRUETT KIRBY L PRUETT RICHARD L PRUIS AUSTIN PRUITT BROCK J PRUITT COREY PRUITT JEREMIAH PRUITT MARCIE LEVETTE PRUITT ROBERT L PRUITT ROBERT TANNER PRUITT ROBERT WAYNE PRUITT JR SARA PRUITT CRAIG A PRY DEVIN PRYOR MICHAEL W PRYOR HENRY G PRZEKORA JEREMY D PRZEKORA BRAD J PRZEMIELEWSKI CALEB PTAK MARK W PTAK MOTO A PUAINA ALICIA D PUCKETT JEREMY PUCKETT JULIO C PUENTES CESAR PUENTES MARTINEZ JOSE PUGA ANNA PUGH CARL PUGH DEBORAH A PUGH JASON M PUGH ROBERT G PUGH MART PUHM JUAN A PULGARIN CUITLAUHAC PULIDO MANCILLA SHANE ANTHONY PULLAM JOSHUA PULLAN DONALD PULLEN JOHN PULLEN DAVID E PULLIN KEVIN R PUMMILL ANTHONY EUGENE PUPILLO LAUREN PURCELL ASHLEY PURDY JAMES PURDY EDDIE PURIFOY SHAWN C PURPLE S LANCE PURSER ANGELA G PURVIS BRIAN PURVIS CHARLES A PURVIS EDWARD PUSEY TIMOTHY J PUTJENTER AMY DAMESWORTH PUTMAN BARRIE WADE PUTMAN DANIEL J PUTMAN BETH PUTNAM HEIDI PUTNAM JON W PUTTERS CARY PYATT JASON WAYNE PYLAND NATHAN FARRELL PYLANT CHARLES PYLE DONALD J PYLE JASON C PYLE RAYMOND PYNTEN AMI QUALLS TOMMY QUALLS STANLEY ALVIN QUARLES WAYNE K QUATTLEBAUM CHRISTOPHER G QUATTRO KADE J QUAYLE KOLBY D QUAYLE DAVID L QUEARRY KRYSTAL QUEEN K REX QUERY SILAS L QUERY ROBERT A QUEST REMSELEAR QUEVEDO CALDERON RICHARD QUEZADA EMMANUEL QUEZADA CHAVIRA FERNANDO AGUSTIN QUEZADA MIRAMONTES JUAN CARLOS QUEZADA MIRAMONTES OSCAR DANIEL QUEZADA MIRAMONTES SHANE QUIBELL CHAD C QUICK CHRISTOPHER A QUICK SCOTT E QUICK BETH QUIGLEY KIM QUIGLEY WILLIAM ANTHONY QUIGLEY AARON H QUILLIN JEROME E QUILLING PATRICK M QUINEY CHRISTOPHER L QUINN JEFFREY QUINN JORDAN QUINN TIMOTHY J QUINN GARY QUINNETTE JUAN QUINOA CHUCKIE QUINONES DANIEL J QUINONES EDUARDO T QUINONES JOVANA QUINONEZ ROBERT W QUINT BENNY W QUINTANA JR JUAN PEDRO QUINTANA CARMEN G QUINTANA ALMANZA ALEJOS QUINTANILLA ANDRES O QUINTANILLA KENY QUINTANILLA OMAR ALEJANDRO QUINTANILLA EDUARDO V QUINTERO EDWIN P QUINTERO HENRY QUINTERO CARLOS A QUINTERO ANGUIANO GUILLERMO QUINZON MARIBEL QUIRALTE CAMPERO FATIMA QUIRALTE RODRIGUEZ FLOR D QUIRALTE‑CAMPERO JACALYN MARY QUIRAM DENNIS QUIRING EMANUEL QUIROZ FRANCISCO QUIROZ GUSTAVO QUIROZ JOSE QUIROZ JUAN L QUIROZ BRIAN J RAABE KEVIN D RAATZ TRAVIS A RABALAIS KEOLOHA K RABANG‑RAPHAEL GORDON RABBIT RYAN S RABE PONO P RABENA STANLEY GARY WAYNE RABEY BORIS RABINOVICH PRINCESA RABINOVICH MATTHEW RABON MICHAEL RABON RONALD G RABON JEREMY RABY NATHAN W RACE DUANE M RACHUNOK HUNTER M RACHUNOK RICK RACKHAM LAURA RACKOWSKI FRED RADABAUGH JAMES M RADABAUGH JAKE RADER JARED RADER JOHN J RADFORD KENNETH RADFORD THILAGAVATHI RADHAKRISHNAN MELVIN L RADKE DALE RADOMSKE DANILO RADRIGAN ERIC RADTKE ADRIAN RADULESCU SHARON RAE ZACHAREY RAE COLTON RAEDEL ROBERT L RAEDEL PAUL T RAFALSKI CHRISTOPHER RAFFANTI WILLIAM RAFFERTY MICHELLE M RAFFETY ALESSANDRO RAGANATO ADRIAN RAGBIR ANDREW RAGER REED RAGGIO MAHENDRA RAGHOO KISHAN K RAGHUNATH STEVEN RAGINS DARRELL F RAGLAND JASON ALAN RAGLAND NICHOLAS RAHIM ATHIKOOR RAHMAN HAJA MYDEEN JENNIFER RAHN BRETT M RAHRER MANUEL RAICIES BENJAMIN RAIGOZA AVILA JR JERRY A RAINES JEWETT D RAINES ANDREW F RAINEY CHRISTOPHER RAINEY EDDIE RAINEY HAROLD RAINEY LANDON B RAINEY EMMETT GLENN RAINS JOE COREY RAINS TIMOTHY A RAITH KANCHANA RAJ ANAND PAUL RAJ IRUDAYA RAJ MOHAN RAJ SELVA RAJ HARIKRISHNAN RAJA MOHAMED RAJA SUBYTHAR JOSHUA H RAJAEE BHARATH RAJAMANNAN ESWARLAL RAJAN JEEWANA RAJAPAKSA HARSHA RAJAPAKSHA GURUNATH RAJARAM PATIL LAKSHMANAN RAJASEKAR KARMEGAM RAJENDRAN MANICKAM RAJENDRAN PARAMASIVAM RAJENDRAN ARULPRAKASH RAJENDREN CHITHRA RAJESH KANNAN IDOWU RAJI RIGEL RAJPAULSINGH MICHAEL W RAKESTRAW JOHN RAKOS JOSEPH A RALEIGH ANTHONY D RALSTON CINDY RALSTON ROBERT C RALSTON CHETANKUMAR RAM PANDURANG YADAV SUJATHA RAMACHANDRAN DEVA RAMACHANDRAN RATHINASAMY DEVA RAMAKRISHNAN KALIAPPAN RAMAKRISHNAN SRIPRIYA RAMANUJAM ALAGUSUNDARAM RAMAR RAMKUMAR RAMASAMY ANIRUDH RAMBADHAN ZACHARY RAMBIN DARIS RAMCHARAN MIGUEL RAMCHARAN RICHARD RAMCZYK GIDEON RAMDHANIE DARIN D RAMER SLOBODAN RAMIC ABNER RAMIREZ ALEJANDRO RAMIREZ BULMARO E RAMIREZ JR CANDELARIO RAMIREZ JR EDGAR L RAMIREZ EFRAIN RAMIREZ GERARDO RAMIREZ ISAAC RAMIREZ JAVIER RAMIREZ JESSIE L RAMIREZ JESUS RAMIREZ JONATHAN L RAMIREZ MANUEL RAMIREZ MANUEL M RAMIREZ MICHAEL RAMIREZ NYLAH RAMIREZ PABLO RAMIREZ JR PAMELA RAMIREZ PASCUAL RAMIREZ RAFAEL E RAMIREZ ROMAN FRANCISCO RAMIREZ RUBEN RAMIREZ SALVADOR F RAMIREZ VICENTE RAMIREZ VICTOR H RAMIREZ ZACHARY R RAMIREZ DAVID EDUARDO RAMIREZ ARELLANO ISMAEL RAMIREZ CABRERA JOSE RAMIREZ GALVAN BULMARO RAMIREZ JIMENEZ LUIS ALBERTO RAMIREZ LOPEZ GUADALUPE DE JESUS RAMIREZ MARTINEZ MEZTLI NOCENA RAMIREZ MARTINEZ JOCELYNE RAMIREZ RIVAS MANUEL RAMIREZ ROJERO MARCIAL RAMIREZ SALAS LUIS J RAMIREZ‑ZAVALA ANTHONY RAMJEWAN RONALD RAMKEESOON DENNIS RAMKISSOON SAMUEL RAMLAGAN JESSICA RAMLOCHAN LENNART RAMM SUNEAL RAMNATH GERALYN M RAMOLD CRISTOBAL RAMON CANDIDO RAMOS JOSEPH RAMOS VLADIMIR RAMOS ELIZABETH RAMOS LAGOS JOSE GUADALUPE RAMOS LOPEZ PABLO RAMOS MITL MAYRA ALEJANDRA RAMOS NAVARRETE CHRISTINA I RAMOS PENA YUNIESKY RAMOS PINTADO HEIDI ADANELY RAMOS SALCEDO HECTOR A RAMOS VILLA SANDRA RAMPERSAD SHOBHA RAMPERSAD CLIFFORD RAMPTON JOEL J RAMPULLA RONNIE RAMSARAN RYAN RAMSAWAK AIMEE ALLISON CIPICCHIO RAMSAY KRISTOPHER R RAMSDELL MITCH RAMSDELL BENJAMIN T RAMSEY CLIFFORD A RAMSEY GREGORY D RAMSEY JASON RAMSEY KAREN DIANE RAMSEY KELTON D RAMSEY MARK RAMSEY PETER W RAMSEY CHRISTOPHER RANALLI DEEPIKA RANAWEERA TIM RANDALL WILLIAM D RANDALL MITCHELL JOSEPH RANDAZZO ALFREDO RANDLE DANA C RANDLE KIRK B RANDLE MARLO RANDLE CHAD M RANDLES MICHAEL A RANDLES CHASE S RANDOLPH JAMES M RANDOLPH JERRY RANDY RANDOLPH MARK E RANDOLPH SEAN H RANDOLPH SUMMER K RANDOLPH BENJAMIN M RANES CAROL A RANES CHRISTOPHER E RANES SILAS RANEY SAKTHIVEL RANGANATHAN AARON A RANGEL JACOB P RANGEL RUDOLPH J RANGEL LUIS RANGEL HINOJOSA ISAAC ZAMIR RANGEL TORRES JAMES L RANK BENJAMIN E RANKIN MARKITA RANKIN SHELDON L RANKIN THERESA MARIE RANKIN CHAD RANSBOTTOM KEITH L RANSEN LARRY KEITH RANSOM CAMERON B RANTON CLAYTON D RANTON MICHAEL A RANUCCI SITHARAMA RAO JOHN ALAN RAPACZ CARL RAPER III JOSHUA SHAUN RAPER JASON L RAPIER JENNIFER H RAPIER JOSHUA E RAPIER GREGOIRE D RAPILLARD SPENCER D RAPLEE PHILIP J RARDON GREGORY S RASMUSSEN JOSHUA R RASMUSSEN KORINNE RASMUSSEN MITCHELL RASMUSSEN RUSSELL RASMUSSEN JR RUSSELL E RASMUSSEN SETH M RASMUSSEN TERRY L RASMUSSEN TYLER TRENT RASMUSSEN AMRAL RASOOL MOHAMED RASOOL MOHIDEEN PEER MOHAMED DAKOTA G RASSMAN DARRICK T RATCLIFF PAUL RATCLIFF RODGERS RATCLIFF TIMOTHY E RATCLIFF KENNETH RATELLE STEVEN RATERS TERRY RATH MARTAMMAL RATHANAM JOHN RATHBONE PRIYADHARSHINI RATHINAVEL CHRISTOPHER L RATLIFF MICHAEL S RATLIFF SAMUEL RATLIFF DAVID RATTINER BRYAN RATTLESNAKE MATHEW RATTRAY VALERIE RAU TIMOTHY J RAUCH JESUS RAUDALES ASIM RAUF JOHNNY WADE RAULERSON JR RICKY RAVENELL SHAWN D RAVENELL MADHAN RAVI THANGAMANIMARAN RAVICHANDRAN PRAVEEN RAVICHANDRAN MICHAEL J RAVSTEN JR ALDO TERRELL RAWLINSON EBONY EYVETTE RAWLINSON DIANNA CHRISTINE RAWLS ELIZABETH L RAWLS GEOFFREY O RAWLS DUANE RAWLUK AMON RAY CHRISTOPHER J RAY DAVID GORDON RAY DEREK L RAY DEZMONDE RAY DONALD MIKE RAY FRANKLIN TODD RAY JAMES C RAY II JASON D RAY JERRY W RAY JOHN MICHAEL RAY JOSHUA RAY KEVIN D RAY LAURA RAY RANDY RAY ROWAN RAY JR SOHAM RAY ZACHARY RAY ERIC R RAYBURN JESSE J RAYBURN CHASE M RAYLE ELIZABETH R RAYLE GARY RAYMER LISA A RAYMER DARREN RAYMOND EDYE RAYMOND DENNIS ALONZO RAYO JOSE D RAYO MARK A RAZER PORFIRIO RAZURA ALECSANDER D REA BRUCE D REA JAMES REA ROBERT REA BENITO REA‑ALVAREZ DYLAN BLAKE REACH JASON LAYNE REACH FRANKIE R READ JR JOHNATHAN K READ ALLEN J READEL DAVID V READING ADRIAN ROOSEVELT READUS CODY SHANE READY LARS G REAFLER CLEMENT A REAGAN JUSTIN D REAGAN MERRIDETH MICHELLE REAGAN NATHAN REAP JOEL ANDREW REASON KYLE L REATH GERALD J REAUME RICHARD K REAVES MARTIN D REBBEC RUDY REBETERANO MAX L REBOTTARO MATTHEW MARCUS REBSTOCK NICHOLAS R RECINDUS FRANK A RECTOR SR NIGEL J RED BEAR CHRISTOPHER REDDEN HALEY R REDDEN MATTHEW CALEB REDDEN STEPHEN REDDEN DEVAIL A REDDIN CARLIE J REDDING KENNETH REDDING TIMOTHY W REDENBAUGH JASON CHRISTOPHER REDMAN NEAL W REDMON DAVID S REDWOOD BENJAMIN LEE REECE ALAN C REED BRETT L REED BRIAN TERELL REED CHARLES DODD REED JR CLYDE E REED CODY JOE REED CYNDEE REED DAKOTA REED DEVIN LEWIS REED DONNIE REED ETHAN REED GERRIT E REED JAMES R REED JARED REED JARVIS REED JASON REED JASON M REED JESSE A REED JOSHUA P REED JUSTIN REED KEVIN M REED KYLE REED LARRY REED LEIGH J REED LISA J REED MARK REED MARTY J REED MICHAEL F REED RANDALL L REED RHONDA LEIGH REED ROBERT S REED RUSSELL REED SAMUEL MYLES LENTZ REED TANNER S REED TIMOTHY D REED GUY REEDER JASON T REEDER JOSEPH REEDER THOMAS L REEDER DAVID L REEDY KAMAS ROSS REEL STEVEN M REEPS H BRADLEY REES DAN E REESE DARRYL D REESE JACOB I REESE JEFFREY W REESE JORDAN REESE NICHOLAS J REESE TOMMIE L REESE WALTER L REESE BRIAN REESOR ARCHIE M REEVES BRIAN REEVES COLLIN REEVES JACKIE D REEVES LARRY D REEVES MICHAEL RAY REEVES PHILIP BLAKE REEVES ROBERT V REEVES JR RYLEE B REEVES SETH PATRICK REEVES STEFANIE L REEVES STEPHEN H REEVES TIMOTHY J REEVES ZACHARY B REEVES JERRY L REFNER PHILLIP REGALADO RAMON REGALADO MORALES JEFFERY T REGEL JEFF REGGELSEN KENNETH REGISTER ROBERT M REGISTER JR DORIANN G REICH BRANDON REID BRYAN F REID DANIEL REID DAVID REID DAWSON REID DENNIS REID DONALD REID KENNETH REID KENNETH COLTON REID MARK A REID PATRICIA REIDER SCOTT A REIDT DAVID A REIFENRATH TERRY L REIGLE MICHAEL REILLY JASON D REINER JOEY A REINER JENNIFER S REINERS BRITTANY N REINESCH APRIL REINHARDT JOHN H REINHARDT SCOTT REINHARDT DAVID M REINHART JACOB P REINHART LUCAS REINHART KEVIN REINIG MICHAEL D REINKEN NICHOLAS J REINOEHL PHILIP C REINOEHL JOSE JACOB REINOZO LOPEZ JOHN REISE KYLE N REISENWEBER CLINT O REISNER JERRY REISNER LUKE A REISNER SHAWN LAMAR REISS NOAH REISSMANN WAYNE E REISSMANN TAMI REITH BRADLEY D REITZ ADRIAN REJMINIAK DANIEL P REKIETA DAVID REKIETA RAYMOND F REKIETA KOLTON D RELLES JENNIFER M RELYEA RONEY REMI JOHN REMIRATA JUSTIN REMIRATA ISAAC REMNANT BROOKS REMP KEVIN LLOYD RENCK CRYSTLE‑LYNN RENDON TAYLOR RENDON CORY RENFRO CECIL M RENFROE DUSTIN W RENFROE NICHOLAS RENFROE GARY RENFROW SENTHILKUMAR RENGANATHAN KADIS E RENIER MATHEW D RENISON STACEY C RENISON JORDEN RENKAS JACQUELINE RENN JOSHUA RENNEBOOG MICHAEL RENNINGER RYAN RENO LUIS RENTERIA JOSE ANGEL RENTERIA FLORES JOSE C RENTERIA FLORES JOSE ADAN RENTERIA SERVIN RICARDO J RENTERIA‑CONTRERAS DANEURIS RENVILL EDUARDO REOS MARTINEZ CHRISTOPHER L REQUA LEOPOLDO RESENDIZ‑RAMIREZ JOSHUA K RESOR JAMES C RESPASS ALFRED RESURRECCION FROYLAN RETANA GAGE T RETHWISCH KATHLEEN M RETHWISCH LUKE R RETHWISCH JOSE RETIZ ROGER MERRILL RETTIG IV CALVIN S RETZLAFF ERIC S RETZLAFF SHAWN C REUILLE SHELBY REULET ELVIN EUGENE REUTER BILL C REVELL CHARLES W REVELL SR COLIE W REVELL JR GUY S REVELL JAMES R REVELL SR ALLEN REVELLE TANYA REVELLE JOHN REVELS MARLIN R REVERTS MATTHEW J REVUELTO BASILIO REYES BRENT T REYES ERNESTO REYES GABRIEL G REYES JAVIER G REYES JOHNNY R REYES JOSE J REYES MARK A REYES VIRGILIO G REYES DIEGO REYES ANDRADE JOSE ULISES REYES BALLESTEROS JORGE REYES MENDEZ CRISTIAN OMAR REYES OROZCO SANDRA JANETT REYES OROZCO JAVIER REYES POBLANO OCTAVIO REYES‑GARCIA OCTAVIO REYES‑REYES JOSE EDWARDO REYEZ EDUARDO S REYNA BRIAN L REYNOLDS CHRISTOPHER REYNOLDS DANIEL L REYNOLDS DARIN L REYNOLDS DAVID L REYNOLDS DAVID T REYNOLDS DEVIN D REYNOLDS ETHAN T REYNOLDS GREGORY D REYNOLDS JODY L REYNOLDS MICHAEL F REYNOLDS SCOTT T REYNOLDS SETH H REYNOLDS STEPHEN LEROY REYNOLDS STEPHEN MICHAEL REYNOLDS STEVEN REYNOLDS THOMAS R REYNOLDS TRAVIS REYNOLDS DANIELLE MARIE REYNOLDS‑LUSK BALDOMERO D REYNOSO FERNANDO REYNOSO REGINALDO REYNOSO LOPEZ MARTIN RHEA JOSHUA J RHEAD ASHLEY RHEES JEFFREY L RHINE CLINTON RHOADES BILLY D RHODEN CHARLES L RHODEN CAROL L RHODES CLYDE RHODES DEBORAH ANN RHODES DEREK RHODES GARY M RHODES IRENE C RHODES JIMMY W RHODES JUSTIN D RHODES KENTRELL RHODES KIMBERLY WEBB RHODES MICHAEL A RHODES MICHAEL J RHODES ROCKY WAYNE RHODES SHELBY D RHODES TUNISIA RHODES TYLER KEITH RHODES YOLANDA RHODES BRANDON E RHONEHOUSE ROGER D RHONEHOUSE CAMERON STOWE RHYNE JOHNATHAN RHYNE III TIMOTHY RHYNES LUCAS RHYNO SEYEDFARHAD RIAZI JONATHAN RICARD RICHARD RICCIARDI ENZO RICCIO CASEY LEIGH RICE CHRISTOPHER D RICE CLINT RICE DOUGLAS E RICE DWIGHT R RICE FREDRICK E RICE JENNA RICE MATTHEW RICE MICHAEL JOHN RICE NORMAN RICE JR PAUL D RICE JR PHILLIP RICE THOMAS H RICE III TRAVIS J RICE WILLIAM JOSEPH RICE TYSON RICE RAY BARBARA RICH MICHELE R RICH NATHANIEL RICH REX L RICH TYLER D RICH CHARLES K RICHARD TIMOTHY P RICHARD AUSTIN C RICHARDS COLIN D RICHARDS DANIELLE RICHARDS DANNY A RICHARDS DENISE RICHARDS JEFFERY A RICHARDS JOHN DAVID RICHARDS JOSEPH RICHARDS KATHY JEAN RICHARDS KYLE HAYDEN RICHARDS MATTHEW RICHARDS OBADIAH RICHARDS PETER C RICHARDS SPENCER J RICHARDS WESLEY J RICHARDS ZACHARY PAUL RICHARDS ANTHONY A RICHARDSON BENNY RICHARDSON BRETT A RICHARDSON CHAD N RICHARDSON CHARLES RICHARDSON CONEAL J RICHARDSON CORBAN RICHARDSON DAVIAN RICHARDSON DAVID RICHARDSON DAVID DREW RICHARDSON DEVIN RICHARDSON EASTON RICHARDSON EDWARD WILLETT RICHARDSON ELIAUS RICHARDSON EREK RICHARDSON ERIC E RICHARDSON GEORGE LARRY RICHARDSON GREIG RICHARDSON JACOB T RICHARDSON JAMES SCOTT RICHARDSON JEFFREY B RICHARDSON JOHN P RICHARDSON JONATHAN R RICHARDSON KIERON RICHARDSON KYLE J RICHARDSON MARLON RICHARDSON MICHAEL E RICHARDSON MONIQUE RICHARDSON MORGAN M RICHARDSON NEDRA COLETTE RICHARDSON NORBERT RICHARDSON PATRICK R RICHARDSON PAULA A RICHARDSON REBECCA KATHLEEN RICHARDSON ROBERT RICHARDSON ROBERT WARREN RICHARDSON SHAPHAN R RICHARDSON SHAWN D RICHARDSON STEPHEN W RICHARDSON TED L RICHARDSON TROY RICHARDSON TROY R RICHARDSON WADE CLAYTON RICHARDSON WILLIAM JOE RICHARDSON WILLIE J RICHARDSON ZACHARIAH J RICHARDSON ASHLEY RICHBURG DANIEL RICHBURG MEAGAN RICHERZHAGEN WILLIAM L RICHERZHAGEN RUSSELL R RICHESON LEONARD RICHEY LORNA K RICHEY RICK G RICHEY GERALD RICHIE GERALD J RICHIE WENDY RICHISON BENJAMIN P RICHLING JEREMY A RICHMAN FREDRICK RICHMOND GARY RICHMOND JENNIFER RICHMOND TERRANCE M RICHMOND BRIAN L RICHTER BRIAN M RICHTER II JASON A RICHTER JOSEPH RICHTER TIFFANY M RICHTER TIMOTHY RICKARD MATTHEW RICKETTS JOEL S RICKEY KENNETH RICKMAN KENNETH CRAIG RICKMAN MAXWELL J RICKMAN GRADY CHADWICK RICKS JOHN E RICKS MATTHEW RICKS RODERICK L RICKS HECTOR RICO ANGUIANO ALEJANDRO RICO BAÑUELOS LUIS ARMANDO RICO BAÑUELOS DANIEL RICO JACOBO SEBASTIAN RICO PEÑA BRANDON W RIDDELL JOHN H RIDDELL LAURA RIDDELL ROBERT RIDDELL BRIAN KEVIN RIDDICK JAMES R RIDDICK PATRICK L RIDDICK WILLIAM C RIDDICK JR DAVID RIDDLE JASON W RIDDLE LARRY D RIDDLE TIM RIDDLE RYAN STEPHENSON RIDENHOUR GEOFFREY RIDENOUR ADAM R RIDER JOSEPH M RIDER RANDALL D RIDER KYLE RIDGE DAVID MICHAEL RIDGEWAY JOHN WESLEY RIDGEWAY SCOTT C RIDGEWAY EDDIE P RIDINGS JOHN WESLEY RIDINGS SCOTT RIECK JAYSON A RIEDEL CHRISTOPHER R RIEGER DAVID T RIEGER COURTNEY FEINER RIEGLE BRAD RIEMENSCHNEIDER MARK M RIEPENHOFF STUART W RIES DOUGLAS P RIESBERG JUSTIN L RIESE KYLE RIETZE DOUGLAS D RIFE GARY K RIFFLE JR TYLER S RIGBY BOYD E RIGGINS MARVIN FINTON RIGGINS ALEX D RIGGS DEREK N RIGGS JACKSON RIGGS JASON RIGGS JASON A RIGGS KEVIN LEE RIGGS KRISTY D RIGGS LYLE RIGGS MICHAEL K RIGGS ROGER D RIGGS SANAM RIJAL FREEMAN E RIKARD MALCOM R RIKER CHAD C RILEY CHRISTOPHER M RILEY DONALD L RILEY JACKIE RILEY LIAM RILEY SCOTT J RILEY STEPHEN A RILEY DARYL RIMMER WALTER L RIMPSON RHETT RINACA ART RINBOLT BLANCA ESTELA RINCON LOPEZ TIMBER RINDERKNECHT GLENN E RINEHART MEAGEN NICOLE RINEHART RUSS A RINEHART ZACHARY W RINEHART JESSICA RINES CHRISTOPHER A RINEY STACEY CHARLES RINEY DANIEL RYAN RING FERJERALD R RINGER LAMONICA RINGER TIFFANY RINGER ALEXANDER RINGO MYRA RINKER JONATHAN D RINKINES NICHOLAS P RINKS CHRISTOPHER R RIOS HERMILO RIOS MICHAEL A RIOS NILDA RIOS VICTOR RIOS EDUARDO RIOS CHAVIRA RAUL RIOS CHAVIRA JOEL RIOS COLON EFRAIN RIOS ESTRADA ALONDRA RIOS GALAVIZ JESUS O RIOS LOPEZ ARMANDO RIOS ORNELAS GEORGE C RIPLEY JEFFREY RISDILL BENJAMIN T RISEN DEREK RISEN MICHAEL ALLEN RISH PAUL A RISING ALLEN J RISINGER DANIEL J RISINGER HUNTER L RISKEN BRANDY D RISNER NICHOLAS B RISNER RICHARD T RISNER BRANT D RISTAU RYAN T RISTAU SHANNON E RISTAU DANIEL THOMAS RISTON CHASEN RITCH CODY A RITCH GEORGE A RITCH COLBY RITCHEY DANIEL M RITCHEY CHARLES P RITCHIE JACOB V RITCHIE BILLY J RITTENBERRY SAMUEL R RITTENBERRY JACKSON RITTER KHARY RITTER ADAM R RITTERMEYER JESSE A RIVAS JOSE A RIVAS ORLANDO E RIVAS MARLON G RIVAS CASTRO RAYMUNDO RIVAS MIRELES HILMAR O RIVAS‑CASTRO ARNULFO RIVERA BILLY J RIVERA DAVID W RIVERA JASON P RIVERA JAVIER RIVERA JEOVANNI RIVERA JOSEPH S RIVERA LUIGUI RIVERA LUIS E RIVERA MANUEL E RIVERA MARISA RIVERA RAFAEL F RIVERA ALBINO RIVERA AYON JORGE RIVERA COTTO LUIS ALONSO RIVERA ESPINOSA SUSANA RIVERA GUZMAN GABRIEL RIVERA HERNANDEZ MAXIMO RIVERA MARTINEZ JOSE RIVERA REYES JUVENAL RIVERA RODRIGUEZ JOSE M RIVERA VASQUEZ ANGEL D RIVERA‑NEVAREZ PEDRO RIVERA‑NUNEZ RAFAEL RIVERA‑RAMOS ALLEN RIVERS JOHN A RIVERS JUSTIN LERAND RIVERS SCOTT A RIVERS ANDRE RIVEST PRESTON RIZER DEJAN RIZVAN BALTAZAR RIZZO ERICA S RIZZO JOHN RIZZUTO DANIEL D ROACH JEREMY ROACH MICHAEL ROACH SCOTT ROACH LACY ROARK CHANCE ROASTING KYLE ROAT CHAD ROATEN EVAN ROBB SHANNON ROBB BRADLEY KEITH ROBBINS PHILIP J ROBBINS ROBERT D ROBBINS SHAWLAN V ROBBINS BRANDON ROBERSON ERNEST A ROBERSON HERBERT A ROBERSON JEFFERY S ROBERSON JEREMY EUGENE ROBERSON WILLIAM C ROBERSON AUSTIN W ROBERT AMANDA ROBERTS ANGELA DAWN ROBERTS BRIAN E ROBERTS CHARLES A ROBERTS CHARLES JOSEPH ROBERTS CHRISTINE K ROBERTS CHRISTOPHER A ROBERTS DANIEL ROBERTS DANIEL B ROBERTS DANNY ROBERTS JR DAVID ROBERTS DERRICK W ROBERTS DONOVAN R ROBERTS EVAN ROBERTS GARY WAYNE ROBERTS JACOB ROBERTS JAMES H ROBERTS JAMES M ROBERTS JAMES R ROBERTS JEFFREY ROBERTS JEFFREY LANDON ROBERTS JOHN ALLAN ROBERTS JOSH D ROBERTS KADEN JUSTIN ROBERTS KATHLEEN RIGNEY ROBERTS LANDAN ROBERTS LARRY CHUCK ROBERTS LISA ROBERTS LUCAS ROBERTS MARK L ROBERTS MATTHEW D ROBERTS MICHAEL RAY ROBERTS MICHAEL S ROBERTS MICHAEL W ROBERTS MICHELLE LYNN ROBERTS PAUL D ROBERTS RHETT J ROBERTS ROBERT C ROBERTS RONNIE A ROBERTS RUSSELL WAYNE ROBERTS SEAN M ROBERTS SHELDON ROBERTS SUZANNE ALLEN ROBERTS TERRAL JAMES ROBERTS TIMOTHY S ROBERTS WILLIAM D ROBERTS ANDREW ROBERTSON CARRIE G ROBERTSON CHARLES D ROBERTSON CLIFFORD M ROBERTSON JR COLLEN W ROBERTSON DANIEL KYLE ROBERTSON DARRELL JEFFERY ROBERTSON ETHYN M ROBERTSON JOHN MARCUS ROBERTSON KENNETH ROBERTSON LEROY ROBERTSON LORENZO J ROBERTSON MARTIN DARIAN ROBERTSON NICHOLAS ROBERTSON REID ROBERTSON RICHARD ROBERTSON THARON J ROBERTSON TRACI L ROBERTSON WARREN SCOTT ROBERTSON KRISTINE G ROBEY EMMANUEL ROBICHAUD TERRY ROBILLARD KEVIN W ROBINETT KURT M ROBINETTE TAMI ROBINETTE PAUL ROBINS ANTIWAN N ROBINSON BRIAN H ROBINSON CANDICE L ROBINSON DARYL A ROBINSON DEREK D ROBINSON FRANK ROBINSON FRED CURTIS ROBINSON GARY LEE ROBINSON GILLIAN ROBINSON GRAGORY ROBINSON GREGORY ROBINSON GREGORY ROBINSON JACOB ROBINSON JAMES W ROBINSON JASON M ROBINSON JEFFREY D ROBINSON JEFFREY LEE ROBINSON JESSE L ROBINSON JOHN C ROBINSON JOHN M ROBINSON III JOHNNY ROBINSON KELLY ROBINSON KELSEY L ROBINSON KENNETH D ROBINSON KEVEN W ROBINSON LUKE HARRIS ROBINSON MARKEL ROBINSON MATTHEW ROBINSON MICHAEL J ROBINSON MITCHELL D ROBINSON NATHAN ROBINSON PATRICK G ROBINSON PATRICK S ROBINSON PHILL R ROBINSON RANDY ROBINSON RICKEY LYNN ROBINSON RONNIE ROBINSON RYAN K ROBINSON RYAN W ROBINSON SHADD D ROBINSON STANLEY J ROBINSON STUART ROBINSON THOMAS ANDREW ROBINSON THOMAS E ROBINSON TIMOTHY BERNARD ROBINSON TIMOTHY Q ROBINSON TRENT E ROBINSON TYLER ROBINSON LAURA ROBISON MILFORD D ROBISON ADAN ROBLEDO RIVERA DANIEL ROBLES BAUTISTA JOSE ROBLES DURAN JOSE ANTONIO ROBLES GARCIA RUBEN ROBLES LOERA PEDRO ROBLES MORENO RAFAEL ROBLES MORENO GILBERTO ROBLES REYES FIDEL HUGO ROBLES RICO JULIO CESAR ROBLES RIVERA DILLON R ROBOKOFF RICHARD ROBSON ARTURO Z ROCHA MARY LOUISE ROCHA BRIAN ROCHE DARRIN M ROCHE DAVID ROCHE JAMES ROCHE ANIL SAMUEL DAVIAN ROCHESTER DYLAN ROCHON JEFFREY L ROCKEY BRIAN M ROCKFORD TY M ROCKFORD LADORIS C ROCKMORE CRAIG S ROCKWELL JAMES K ROCOLE RONALD D ROCZNIAK FRANCISCO RODARTE DAVID W RODDEN LARRY B RODDEY DONALD WAYNE RODEN JOHN A RODEN JEREMIAH T RODENBAUGH RICK L RODENBECK JAMES DAVID RODENBERG ALEXANDER F RODGERS CALVIN L RODGERS DEREK M RODGERS GREG A RODGERS JAMES C RODGERS JEFFREY L RODGERS RACHELLE L RODGERS ROGER B RODGERS SCOTTIE RODGERS TERRIUS RODGERS TYRONE RODGERS STEVEN RODKEY PERIANN J RODMAN CARLOS A RODRIGUES ALEXANDER RODRIGUEZ ANGEL EDUARDO RODRIGUEZ AURELIA RODRIGUEZ BARBARO RODRIGUEZ BENNY RODRIGUEZ CORY M RODRIGUEZ CRISTIAN RODRIGUEZ EDMANUEL RODRIGUEZ JENNIFER RODRIGUEZ JESUS M RODRIGUEZ JOEL RODRIGUEZ JORGE RODRIGUEZ JORGE M RODRIGUEZ JOSE RODRIGUEZ JOSE RODRIGUEZ JOSE RODRIGUEZ JOSE RODRIGUEZ III JOSE D RODRIGUEZ JOSE L RODRIGUEZ JUAN RODRIGUEZ JUAN RODRIGUEZ JUAN A RODRIGUEZ JUAN J RODRIGUEZ LIONEL A RODRIGUEZ LUIS RODRIGUEZ LUIS RODRIGUEZ LUIS GOMEZ RODRIGUEZ MARCO RODRIGUEZ MARTHA ALICIA RODRIGUEZ MICHAEL RODRIGUEZ MIGUEL E RODRIGUEZ MITZI RODRIGUEZ NICHOLE RODRIGUEZ NICOLAS A RODRIGUEZ ORLANDO RODRIGUEZ PEDRO RODRIGUEZ PEDRO G RODRIGUEZ PEDRO L RODRIGUEZ ROBERTO RODRIGUEZ SAMANTHA RODRIGUEZ SANDRA RODRIGUEZ SANJEET RODRIGUEZ TINA RODRIGUEZ VICTOR R RODRIGUEZ RAMIRO RODRIGUEZ AGUSTI JORGE D RODRIGUEZ ALVAREZ LUIS RODRIGUEZ ASEN LAURA ELVA RODRIGUEZ BARRAGAN ERICK A RODRIGUEZ CARPIO DIEGO ARMANDO RODRIGUEZ CASTILLO ROLANDO RODRIGUEZ CASTRO CANDELARIO RODRIGUEZ CEBALLOS NORMAN G RODRIGUEZ FUNEZ ALEJANDRO RODRIGUEZ GALLEGOS SERGIO A RODRIGUEZ GONZALEZ ANTONIO RODRIGUEZ JIMENEZ AMADA RODRIGUEZ LOPEZ RODOLFO RODRIGUEZ LOZANO ALFREDO RODRIGUEZ MALDONADO MANUEL RODRIGUEZ MENDEZ SALVADOR RODRIGUEZ PRECIADO MIGUEL A RODRIGUEZ RIOS LAURO RODRIGUEZ RIVERA ARNALDO RODRIGUEZ RODRIGUEZ LUIS ORLANDO RODRIGUEZ SEEDERS RONALD RODRIGUEZ TOLENTINO LINO RODRIGUEZ TORRES EDUARDO RODRIGUEZ VARGAS AGUSTIN RODRIGUEZ ZUÑIGA JORGE RODRIGUEZ‑LOPEZ ANDRES D RODRIGUEZ‑MARTIN GEISHA RODRIGUEZ‑RODRIGUEZ ANTONETTE RODRIQUEZ DAVID L ROEDL WILLIAM R ROENFELDT JOHN ROESCH BRETT M ROESCHLEIN CODY P ROEWERT EMAN ROFAEL GEORGE EDGAR ROFE AMANDA BROOKE ROGERS BRANDI ROGERS BRYAN L ROGERS CHARLES H ROGERS JR CHARLES P ROGERS CHRISTOPHER ROGERS DANNY ROGERS DANNY J ROGERS DERIK C ROGERS DONNA A ROGERS DONTATE L ROGERS DOUGLAS N ROGERS DUSTIN B ROGERS DUSTIN M ROGERS GREGORY P ROGERS JEFFERY ROGERS JEFFREY S ROGERS JONATHAN P ROGERS LARRY ROGERS MICHAEL L ROGERS PAMELA GAYLE ROGERS SAMUEL ERIC ROGERS SHARON G ROGERS STEPHEN W ROGERS STEVEN ROGERS THOMAS C ROGERS JR TOBIAS J ROGERS TRAVISTON ROGERS TYLER ROGERS TYLER SCOTT ROGERS TYLOR JAMES ROGERS VERNON ROGERS WESLEY C ROGERS SHANNON D ROGERSON EDWARD S ROHDE RYAN C ROHDE STUART ROHL TYLER ROHL EVAN ROHR JOHN W ROHR JOEL E ROHRBACHER BRYAN J ROHRER STACIA D ROHRER MARSHA L ROHRS LINO J ROJAS CIPRIANO ROJAS ALVAREZ JUAN ROJAS ALVAREZ ADRIAN ROJAS GAYTAN JOSE ANTONIO ROJAS NUÑEZ JUAN PABLO ROJAS NUÑEZ JOSE GUADALUPE ROJAS REYES CHRISTOPHER ROJO TOORAJ ROKNI JACOB K ROLAND PATRICK G ROLAND TRAVIS S ROLAND ABELARDO ROLDAN RODRIGUEZ DEREK ALAN ROLLAND EMMANUEL W ROLLAND WESLEY S ROLLINGS DAVID L ROLLINS EDWARD ROLLINS JAMES LAWRENCE ROLLINS PHILLIP M ROLLINS KELLY P ROLOFSON JAMES E ROLOSON IRINEO ROMAN JOSE L ROMAN OSVALDO ROMAN ERIC ROMAN MORALES ZARINA ROMANETS WAYNE ROMANISHAN JR TERRAH L ROMANO DARREN D ROMANS ARTURO F ROMERO JASON ROMERO JOSE ROMERO LAWRENCE O ROMERO MARIA ROMERO GUILLERMO ROMERO GOMEZ SHAWN T ROMEY JAMEY BRANDON ROMHILT MICHAEL ROMICH DARRELL WADE ROMINE JUSTIN R ROMINE ADOLFO ROMO JR JOSHUA I ROMO JOSE ANGEL ROMO QUINTERO ROBERT R RONDEAU FRANK RONDON SANDRA E RONNFELDT CHAYS R RONSPIES PATRICK A RONSPIES BRITTA ROOK MELISSA ROOKARD RICHARD D ROOKER RUSSELL J ROOKER RANDY SCOTT ROOKS CAMERON O ROONEY STEPHEN ROONEY SHAWN ROOPNARINE ALIJAH J ROOT ALDRIDGE DWIGHT ROPER DALLAS C ROPER GARLAND DWAYNE ROPER GREGORY B ROPER GREGORY L ROPER SEAN ROQUE JUAN ROQUE ESTRELLA GREGORIO DANIEL ROQUE RIVERA ANIBAL ROSA JR ANTHONY ROSA JR RICKIE ROSADO JR OSCAR ROSALES JR ROBERT ROSALES JOSE GUILLERMO ROSALES GONZALEZ JOSE ROSALES TEJEDA FLOYD ALEXANDER ROSAMOND ANTHONY J ROSARIO JULIAN ROSARIO RICHARD ROSARIO ALMENA JUAN ROSARIO ROSADO MICHAEL A ROSAS JOSE ROSAS MARTINEZ TODD A ROSCOE RICHARD ROSCOVICH CODY A ROSE COLTON ROSE CRAIG J ROSE DILLON K ROSE DILLON WAYNE ROSE ELDEN ROSE GERALD ROSE JASON M ROSE JOHNATHON L ROSE MICHAEL W ROSE NATHAN M ROSE NATHANIEL CORDELL ROSE PAUL E ROSE RONALD ROSE TRAVIS L ROSE WARREN L ROSEBERRY TODD W ROSEBROUGH CHRISTOPHER R ROSEKRANS JOSEPH A ROSELLA LARRY ROSEN KEVIN D ROSENAU ROBERT D ROSENBAUM ANDREA R ROSENBROCK DAVID R ROSENE ADAM L ROSENKRANS DANIELLE L ROSENKRANS RONALD A ROSET DAVID ROSEWARN ANISH A ROSHAN ASFANDIAR ROSHANGAH RUDI J ROSINSKI NATHAN ROSKI ZACHARY ROSKI AARIC A ROSS ANDREW M ROSS CHARLES A ROSS CHRISTOPHER A ROSS CODY ROSS DARREN A ROSS GEORGE ROSS JENNA ROSS JOSEPH ROSS KEENAN A ROSS LINDSAY ROSS LUCAS ROSS MICHAEL L ROSS REBECCA ROSS RUSSELL S ROSS KYLE ROSSALL MARK ROSSALL COLLEEN P ROSSETER JENNIFER ROSSITER RYAN ROBERT ROSSITER ALEXANDER J ROSSMAN JARED L ROSSMAN DANIEL RYAN ROTENBERRY DEREK ROTH FRED T ROTH GRANT J ROTH KENT M ROTH TYLER L ROTH JOSEPH H ROTHENBURG IV ANTHONY L ROTHERHAM GREGORY A ROTHERMICH BRENT A ROTTE TYLER F ROTTGER MATTHEW J ROTTMAN LARRY ROUNDS LA’SHANTENA ROUNDS ROGER A ROUNDS HUNTER G ROUNSAVILLE BRIAN K ROUNTREE MICHAEL RAY ROUNTREE RONNIE ROUNTREE ERICK S ROUSE KEVIN S ROUSE ELIZABETH A ROUSH DAVID D ROUSSEAU GAETAN ROUSSEL MICHAEL ROUSSEL MARCEL ROUSSELLE ALAN ROUSSON JAMES C ROVITO LARRY EDWARD ROWAN LYNDON ROWBOTHAM DAVID W ROWDEN JOHN ROWDEN CHRIS ROWE JASON L ROWE JASON M ROWE KENNETH ROWE MICHAEL ROWE MICHAEL D ROWE NICOLE ROWE MICHELLE ROWEKAMP DAVID E ROWELL JR ISAAC J ROWELL AARON ROWLAND CHRIS ROWLAND HERBERT D ROWLAND JR JARED TIMOTHY ROWLAND JEFFREY A ROWLAND JENNIFER ROWLAND RALPH L ROWLAND JARED A ROWLETT JON D ROWLEY SHAE B ROWLISON ALLISON ROWNTREE BRIAN ROY BRIAN ROY FRANK ROY JOSHUA ROY ROBERT W ROY JR SHANE ROY SHARMILA ROY DANIEL ROYAL GORD ROYAL TANYA M ROYBAL RICHARD Y ROYER SCOTT ROYLE JAMIE ROYS RICK ROZON MAREK S ROZWOOD DALE W RUARK EUGENE A RUARK JR JOSHUA D RUARK SAMUEL RUBADUE CHRISTOPHER ALFONSO RUBIO JASON M RUBIO FERNANDO RUBIO DE ANDA MARIO RUBIO DE ANDA JOSE RUBIO MARTINEZ LUCAS V RUBITSCHUNG JESSICA RUBY CHRISTOPHER RUCCO CARLOS J RUCKER JEFFREY V RUCKER KENNETH MICHAEL RUCKER ANGELA M RUCKMAN JEFFREY N RUCKMAN ALEXANDER M RUD KENNETH JAMES RUDD PAUL RUDDICK TIMOTHY J RUDDICK CHARLES W RUDE BRYAN C RUDLOFF JASON S RUDOLPH MATTHEW P RUDOLPH DANIEL S RUFENACH DENNIS K RUFF JONAFUS RUFFIN KIM BRITT RUFFIN RODNEY RUFFIN BRETT A RUGG DOLAN J RUGGLES MICHAEL RUGGLES JAIME RUIVO GABRIEL RUIZ ISMAEL RUIZ JOSE G RUIZ JOSE S RUIZ LEO RUIZ LUIS RUIZ MANUEL RUIZ SALVADOR D RUIZ SELENE RUIZ RUBEN RUIZ ALVAREZ EDGAR OMAR RUIZ BUENO MARTIN ALEJANDRO RUIZ BUENO URIEL HUMBERTO RUIZ CANDELARIO BRAYAN ALFREDO RUIZ CRUZ LUCIO RUIZ GARCIA CESAR A RUIZ HEREBIA JUAN J RUIZ LARA ALEJANDRO RUIZ PEREZ GARI RUIZ RAMOS LUIS ALBERTO RUIZ RAMOS MAXIMO RUIZ RAMOS TOMAS RUIZ RAMOS MOISES ABRAHAN RUIZ RODRIGUEZ EDUARDO RUIZ SANCHEZ JOSE RUIZ TAMAYO KAREN JUDITH RUIZ TRISTAN ZACHERY A RUMANS JAKE RUMBOLDT HARRY L RUMPH IV LUKE RUNDE MARK A RUNDLES EDWARD K RUNION CHRISTINA RUNIONS LORI LEE ANN RUNYON STEVEN RUOFF NAVIN RUPAN ANTHONY RUPE BRENT D RUPERT DEAN M RUPP JOSHUA M RUPPERT KATHALEEN K RUPPERT LEVI RUPPERT ANTHONY RUSH DEBORAH J RUSH JUSTIN S RUSH JAMES THOMAS RUSHEN ANTHONY RUSHING JOSEPH GREGORY RUSHING AUSTIN TIMOTHY RUSHTON TRAVIS D RUSIN CHRIS ELLIS RUSK JILLIAN RUSS WARREN RUSS MORGAN RUSSAW BILLY RAY RUSSELL BRYAN K RUSSELL CAROLYN C RUSSELL CHRISTOPHER J RUSSELL DWAYNE S RUSSELL EDWARD E RUSSELL GARY L RUSSELL HUNTER RUSSELL JACK B RUSSELL JACOB RUSSELL JOEL W RUSSELL JONATHAN A RUSSELL JUSTIN W RUSSELL LAUREN RUSSELL MICHAEL STEVE RUSSELL JR NEIL D RUSSELL OLIVER RUSSELL PATRICK RUSSELL PAULA N RUSSELL RICHARD L RUSSELL ROBERT ANDREW RUSSELL ROBERT L RUSSELL ROMAN L RUSSELL SCOTT A RUSSELL SHARON L RUSSELL SHAWN RUSSELL THOMAS J RUSSELL TIM RUSSELL TODD EASON RUSSELL WILLIAM R RUSSELL JEFFREY D RUSSO DANIEL RUST KEITH RUSTAN NICHOLAS Q RUTH SVEN M RUTH BRENT RUTHER ANTHONY SCOTT RUTHERFORD BRADEN M RUTHERFORD DONNA M RUTHERFORD JAMES MATTHEW RUTHERFORD JASON L RUTHERFORD ROSS S RUTHERFORD MARK RUTKOWSKI JR AMY E RUTLAND WILBERT E RUTLAND ASHLEY M RUTLEDGE GREGORY A RUTLEDGE NICKIE J RUTLEDGE STEPHEN MICHAEL RUTLEDGE LARRY KOLE GREYSON RUTSCHMAN NICHOLAS RUTYNA JAVIER IZCOATL RUVALCABA ALCALA VICTOR HUGO RUVALCABA CORTES NOE RUVALCABA CORTEZ BRADLEY RYAN BRANDON RYAN CHARLES E RYAN CODY T RYAN CRAIG L RYAN EDWARD J RYAN JUSTIN C RYAN LEON MARSHALL RYAN III MATTHEW J RYAN MICHAEL RYAN ROBERT RYAN ROBERT PATRICK RYAN RONALD RYAN JR SCOTT RYAN SCOTT T RYAN BRENDON RYAN‑LAUZON WILLIAM E RYBARCZYK JOHN RYCHLIK MARK S RYDELL KYLE R RYKER RACHAEL I RYLAND MICHELLA RYLES MATHEW RYNEARSON CONRAD RYNNING MARCIN RZEPECKI JACOB A SAAVEDRA GUSTAVO ELOY SAAVEDRA AGUILAR BELEN NOEMI SAAVEDRA GARCIA ELVIN SABADO CRYSTAL SABADOS MICHAEL JAY SABIA MARILOU SABLADA ANDRE SABOURIN ADAM J SACAUSKAS CONSTANCE M SACCO JOHN P SACCO MARK SACCO ADAM N SACHLEBEN ABDOULAYE SACKO ABOU SACKO BILLY SADDLEBACK JEFFRESS SADLER RONALD A SADLER THARUN SADULA AARON R SAEGEBARTH ALEJANDRO E SAENZ IVAN SAENZ OCIEL SAENZ ROBERTO SAENZ‑SILVA VANCE A SAFLEY BRIAN SAFRIT JERRY SAGER ROHIT SAHAI MARCEL SAINDON JR SCOTT J SAINZ MOHAMED SAJITH SYED IBRAHIM SHALINI SAJJAN NATHAN SAKEVICIUS KYLE P SAKOS SHERRI N SAKOS SATHISH SAKTHIVEL SELVAGANAPATHI SAKTHIVEL MICHAEL SALAMONE DARIEN SALAS ERICK SALAS MARTIN SALAS RICARDO SALAS RUBEN SALAS TIBURCIO SALAS JOANET SALAS COLLAZO CESAR SALAS TOVAR ANDRES SALAZAR DANIEL SALAZAR DANIEL SALAZAR JAVIER STEVEN SALAZAR MELISSA GAYLE SALAZAR SAMUEL EDRIC SALAZAR JONATHAN ISRAEL SALAZAR CARDIEL OSVALDO ULISES SALAZAR CARDIEL JAVIER SALAZAR MATA LORENA JAQUELINE SALAZAR RUVALCABA VICTOR R SALAZAR SANCHEZ ELSA SALAZAR SILVA EMMANUEL SALCEDO LEAL JUAN SALCIDO TORRES ANTHONY JULIANA SALDANA JOSE SALDANA JUAN M SALDANA JOSE DE JESUS SALDAÑA CARRILLO OMAR SALDAÑA CASTAÑEDA MARCO ALEJANDRO SALDIVAR LEGASPI JAMES K SALE II GEORGE EDWARD SALES III TIM SALES SYLVANA SALGADO JOSE SALGUERO TIMOTHY D SALHEISER AUGUSTO SALINAS MARTIN SHANE SALISBURY TINA DIANNE SALISBURY DAVID A SALLEE JAMIE L SALM SAEED SALMAN MUHAMMAD SALMAN SHERFUDEEN BRIAN A SALMON LOGAN T SALMON WILLIAM T SALMON JENNIFER SALO JAKE SALOMONE GREGORY L SALTERS KENRICH MAURICE SALTERS ERIC SALTZMAN JASON BYRON SALTZMAN RICHARD SALTZMAN MARK S SALVATORE MICHAEL J SALVO WILLIAM T SALYERS GILBERT O SAM SHELDON SAMAI JOHN J SAMARO JR KELVIN SAMAROO KURT SAMAROO ARTURO E SAMARRIPA JOSE SAMARTINO HUGO E SAMAYOA JR DILLIBABU SAMBATH NATALIA SAMBRANO KEVIN R SAMFORD DEVIN J SAMIS JERRY V SAMONTE MEGAN M SAMPAIO CHRISTOPHER SAMPLE CHRISTOPHER P SAMPLE MATTHEW TYLER SAMPLE AMY L SAMPSON IAN SAMPSON JENNIFER H SAMPSON LEO SAMPSON MARK R SAMPSON GAIL L SAMS CRAIG A SAMSON MANOJ SAMSUNDAR ALCARIO L SAMUDIO DAVID L SAMUELSON TAM A SAN MIGUEL SAN MARTIN ANTONIO SAN MIGUEL JR MELVIN J SANABRIA NAGABABU SANAPALA TROY J SANBORN ALEJANDRO J SANCHEZ ALEXANDER S SANCHEZ ALVARO U SANCHEZ AMY M SANCHEZ ANEL SANCHEZ BRYAN SANCHEZ CANDACE NICHOLE SANCHEZ EDGAR SANCHEZ EDWIN J SANCHEZ FEDERICO SANCHEZ FERNANDO SANCHEZ JESUS R SANCHEZ JORDYN A SANCHEZ JORGE SANCHEZ JOSETTE SANCHEZ JUAN SANCHEZ JUAN SANCHEZ LILIANA NUNEZ SANCHEZ MANUEL SANCHEZ MIGUEL A SANCHEZ MYCHAL D SANCHEZ ROGELIO SANCHEZ JR SAMUEL A SANCHEZ STEPHANIE D SANCHEZ VICTOR E SANCHEZ ERICK F SANCHEZ ALVAREZ JESUS G SANCHEZ AVILES JOSE I SANCHEZ CALDERON ALBERTO UZIEL SANCHEZ GARCIA MARCO ANTONIO SANCHEZ LOPEZ RONALD SANCHEZ MEDINA DANIEL SANCHEZ PRADO ABRAHAM SANCHEZ REYNOSO CAMILO SANCHEZ RIVERA JESUS SANCHEZ‑AVINA THILINA SANDARUWAN GUNASEKARA BANDARA ADAM C SANDEFER ANDREW J SANDERS ANGELO SANDERS CHRISTOPHER A SANDERS CHRISTOPHER M SANDERS GARY SANDERS JAMES K SANDERS JOHN SANDERS JOHNNY F SANDERS LARRY D SANDERS MACK D SANDERS MESSERLINA R SANDERS MICHAEL W SANDERS RAPHAEL L SANDERS RICHARD N SANDERS RYAN B SANDERS SOLON P SANDERS TRACY W SANDERS WESLEY RICHARD SANDERS WILLIAM D SANDERS WILLIAM J SANDERS WILLIAM W SANDERS JR WINFRED DEAN SANDERS VINCENT J SANDERS‑BREWER BRITTANY S SANDERSON DANIEL SANDERSON EDWARD SANDI MICHAEL L SANDIFER MICHAEL T SANDLIN NOAH SANDLIN ROWAN SANDOR ARMANDO R SANDOVAL EZEQUIL I SANDOVAL MARIO SANDOVAL NATHAN J SANDOVAL JUAN ANTONIO SANDOVAL BARAJAS ISRAEL SANDOVAL MELENDREZ JOSE SANDOVAL ORANTES KENNETH R SANDS THOMAS SANDS JOHN PATRICK SANDUSKY TERRY L SANDUSKY DANNY SANDY BRIAN KEITH SANFORD CODY SANFORD JAMES A SANFORD JR JASON TIMOTHY SANFORD RONALD SANFORD PALANI SANKAR SIVAKRISHNAN SANKAR DURGA SANKAR SAMY BALAMURUGAN SANKARALINGAM KYLE A SANKEY JAMES BRADFORD SANSBURY GABRIEL G SANTA LINETTE SANTALIZ REDONDO MATILDE SANTAMARIA ESTEBAN SANTANA MICHAEL SANTANA MIGUEL A SANTANA ALFREDO SANTANA GARCIA ARMANDO SANTANA HERNANDEZ MIGUEL SANTANA SANTANA NICOLE A SANTANNA ANDRES SANTIAGO JOHN SANTIAGO MELVIN SANTIAGO RUBEN SANTIAGO FERNANDO SANTIBANEZ JR OSCAR SANTIBANEZ ISRAEL SANTIBANEZ GASTELUM JORGE SANTILLAN BENIS SANTILLAN GUERRA SERGIO SANTILLANA RODOLFO SANTILLANO VALENZUELA GILBERTO SANTILLO‑ORTIZ JOSEPH L SANTISTEVAN JR MYRIAH L SANTISTEVAN BRANDON SANTOLINI JOAQUIN E SANTOS JUAN SANTOS MICHELLE SANTOS HELDER V SANTOS FERNANDES IVAN SANTOS GAMEZ CESAR SANTOS MEDINA VICTOR M SANTOS‑CORALES JOSE L SANTOYO JOSE L SANTOYO MANUEL A SANTOYO REYES LYNDON SAPACH YOGESH SARAVANAN RAMESH SANTOS SARAVIA GONZALES THOMAS SARGEANT CHRISTOPHER SARGENT KIM J SARIEGO STEPHEN C SARINE SWAPAN SARKAR MELODY L SARKIES RICHARD SARKISIAN PAVEL SARKISYAN ROLAND SARMIENTO PETER L SARNO JASON SCOTT SARRATT BILLY SARTAIN CODY SARTAIN CODY DON SARTIN JAMES C SARTIN JR DUSTIN L SARVER BOOPATHI SASIKUMAR DOUGLAS L SASSE EDUARDO SASSON OCHOA TERENCE L SATCHELL LAUREN A SATCHWELL RODNEY S SATCHWELL GOVARDHANAN SATHYA MOORTHY CARLOS SATIZABAL KRISTY SATTERFIELD ROBERT E SATTERFIELD TODD A SATTERFIELD CYNTHIA N SAUCEDA ROGELIO SAUCEDO DELGADO DAVID SAUCIER HERMAN SAUCIER TIMOTHY B SAUER TERRY A SAULEY BOBBY RAY SAULS DANIEL SAULS ROLLY SAULS JAYSEN ELLIS SAUNDERS JOSHUA J SAUNDERS KATRINA SAUNDERS KEVIN R SAUNDERS MAURICE L SAUNDERS NATHAN AVERY SAUNDERS NEAL R SAUNDERS PAUL K SAUNDERS ROGER SAUNDERS TREVOR L SAUNDERS JOSEPH A SAUSER WILLIAM J SAUTER DANIEL SAUTTER ANNE M SAVAGE MICHAEL P SAVAGE TRACIE SAVAGE WILLIAM SAVAGE MARKEL RAMONE SAVALA ANTON SAVERIMUTHU JEAN‑GUY SAVOIE JOE B SAVOIE MICHAEL SAVOY KEVIN SAWCHYN EMILLIO SAWH DIKSHA SAWHENY ADDISON B SAWYER ALAN SAWYER DERRICK L SAWYER JODY S SAWYER JOEL WAYNE SAWYER KEVIN JAMES SAWYER LARRY MATTHEW SAWYER LUTHER H SAWYER JR RYAN SAWYER TRACY SAWYER WILLIAM B SAWYER JOSEPH SAWYERR‑GREY ROBERT SAXELBY PAUL SAYER GAGE SAYLES GAYLAND C SAYLES JUSTIN G SAYLOR MARY M SAYLOR MICHAEL SAYLOR ROB SAYLOR ZACHARY A SAYLOR BRENDA SAYRE ZACHARY SAYRE NICHOLLE A SAZAMA EFRAIM SAZON DEREK J SCAFF CAROL SCALES THOMAS P SCALES JAMES S SCALISE DENNIS SCANGA JOSEPH V SCARANE THOMAS SCARBER JOSHUA SCARBOROUGH JUSTIN SHAY SCARBOROUGH SHIRLEY A SCARBOROUGH DAVID L SCARBROUGH DAVE SCARLETT MATTHEW E SCERBAK DARLENE J SCERRA DOUGLAS A SCHAAD JASON SCHAAD JASON W SCHAAF JEREMY DONALD SCHABER PATRICK J SCHAECHER TYLER M SCHAECHER CHRISTIAN A SCHAEFER HAROLD SCHAEFER MARK SCHAEFER ROBERT SCHAEFER MAGIE B SCHAFER DAVID SCHAFF GARETT M SCHAFFER MORTON SCHAFFER CAROL A SCHALKEWITZ RICHARD J SCHALKEWITZ STEVEN A SCHAMP RODNEY A SCHANEMAN JR STACY L SCHANNEN‑GIBSON CASEY J SCHARA TERRY CLAYTON SCHARCKLET SCOTT SCHARETT BRANDON SCHARFETTER JAMES SCHARNER BERNARD H SCHARR BRIAN T SCHART MICHAEL P SCHATT WALTER B SCHATT HOLLY A SCHAUBERT MATTHEW J SCHAUER MICHELLE SCHEDEL ROBERT P SCHEIDERER TERRENCE SCHELLENBERG DANITA M SCHELLPEPER RODNEY A SCHENCK KIMBERLY M SCHENK BRYAN S SCHENKEL JASON K SCHERMERHORN JUSTIN KYLE SCHERMERHORN MICHAEL R SCHERMERHORN MYLON JOSEPH SCHEXNIDER CADELL A SCHICK SCOTT A SCHIEL JOSHUA SCHILDMEYER DIANE M SCHILLAWSKI JOHN R SCHILLAWSKI DEBRA L SCHILLING KEITH A SCHILLINGS GARY J SCHILMILLER JOSEPH A SCHILPP ROY SCHIMMING DAYLEN B SCHINBECKLER DAYMON W SCHINBECKLER TIMOTHY J SCHINDELE ROBERT B SCHINDLEDECKER RYAN SCHIPAANBOORD RYAN P SCHIPPER JACOB SCHLAGER STERLING ARTHUR MITCHELL SCHLAPAK JASON P SCHLECHT MARK K SCHLEIGER JEFFREY SCHLEMMER LYNETTE L SCHLEMMER MATTHEW J SCHLERETH PAUL V SCHLERETH ANDREW E SCHLESS MARK R SCHLICHTING THOMAS R SCHLICKBERND CHAD M SCHLIE MICHAEL J SCHLIEWE KYLE SCHLOEGL CAROLYN E SCHLOTE DEREK L SCHLOTE JAEGAR SCHLUMPBERGER DANIEL A SCHMALZ TYLER JEFFREY ROBERT SCHMALZ STEVEN O SCHMEDER ADAM M SCHMIDT GARY A SCHMIDT JOSEPH A SCHMIDT LEVI G SCHMIDT MARK J SCHMIDT NELSON RAYMOND SCHMIDT ROBERT E SCHMIDT RODERIC SCHMIDT KRISTIN R SCHMIT JEFFREY A SCHMITT ROBERT SCHMITT ANDREW F SCHMITTER JOHN SCHMITZ PAKE M SCHMOEGER JEFFREY SCHMUTTE RANDEL S SCHNEBEL CHARLES A SCHNECKENBERGER IV BRYAN SCHNEIDER DANIEL SCHNEIDER DARLA SCHNEIDER EMILY C SCHNEIDER NICHOLAS S SCHNEIDER JOHN SCHNELL SCOTT SCHNELLER TIMOTHY R SCHNIEDERS LARRY SCHNITTKER CHAD M SCHNOOR HEATH A SCHNOOR JASON D SCHNOOR JASON SCHOELKOPF JAMES L SCHOEN SARAH SCHOEN PAUL FRANZ SCHOENBERGER AUSTIN SCHOETTMER DUSTIN RAY SCHOLLIAN JO‑DEE SCHOMAKER MURRAY K SCHOMAKER PERI S SCHOMAKER BRIAN P SCHOMMER AMANDA SCHOOLCRAFT JOSEPH R SCHOOLCRAFT JASON SCHOOLEY MATTHEW P SCHOOLEY WILLIAM LOGAN SCHOPPERT MALIN SCHOUTEN JUSTIN SCHRADER TONY R SCHRADER GARRETT SCHRANTZ GENE SCHREIBER VERNON JOSEPH SCHREMMER DEREK SCHRENK PAUL SCHREURS JOHN SCHREYER BRYCE SCHROEDER DYLAN SCHROEDER JESSE A SCHROEDER JORDAN K SCHROEDER MICHELLE M SCHROEDER RYAN W SCHROEDER CHAD SCHROER TODD SCHROER MIRIAM SCHROETER KATHLEEN SCHROLL TIMOTHY SCHROLL TORY SCHROTKE STEPHANIE M SCHUBERT MICHAEL SCHUEREN JESSICA E SCHUETH DOUGLAS S SCHUETTE WYATT E SCHUETTLER BRENDA L SCHULER MICHAEL J SCHULLER II DALE M SCHULTE JARED M SCHULTE RONALD SCHULTE BERNARD C SCHULTZ DAVID E SCHULTZ DAVID S SCHULTZ LAUREN M SCHULTZ MATTHEW LANE SCHULTZ MICHAEL SCHULTZ NICHOLAS SCHULTZ NORMAN SCHULTZ WALTER E SCHULTZ WILLIAM PAUL SCHULTZ AARON E SCHULZ BRENDA SCHULZ BRIAN R SCHULZ JONATHAN SCHULZ PAMELA R SCHULZ TRAVIS C SCHULZ TRACEY L SCHUMACHER AUSTIN L SCHURING RODNEY L SCHURING CHRISTOPHER R SCHURMAN DENNIS J SCHURMAN LARRY J SCHUTT TRACY L SCHUTZ TREVOR SCHWAB CARL R SCHWABE ALEX L SCHWADERER NATALIE J SCHWAMB JOSEPH SCHWAMBERGER CHRISTOPHER M SCHWANENBERGER JESSICA L SCHWARM JARED SCHWARTING CHRISTOPHER V SCHWARTZ RODNEY L SCHWARTZ TIMOTHY M SCHWARTZ TONY M SCHWARTZ WILLIAM L SCHWARTZ DAVID SCHWEHN ANTON M SCHWEIKL JOHN H SCHWEINSBERG JR ERIC SCHWEIZER NICOLE A SCHWEIZER HENRY SCHWENKE MATTHEW D SCHWICKRATH SHANNON D SCHWINGDORF JOSEPH SCIBETTA PHILLIP R SCOFIELD STEPHEN CHRISTOPHER SCOGIN JOHN SCORESBY CODY C SCOTHERN ADAM SCOTT ADAM D SCOTT ADAM E SCOTT ADAM E SCOTT ADAM NICHOLAS SCOTT ALYN MICHAEL SCOTT AUSTIN SCOTT BEN RYAN SCOTT BRANDON PARKER SCOTT CARLOS D SCOTT CAROL SCOTT CHASE D SCOTT CHASE LEVI SCOTT CHEYANNE SCOTT CORY BRANDON SCOTT DAVID SCOTT DAVID A SCOTT DAVID E SCOTT SR DAVID J SCOTT HANK R SCOTT HAROLD G SCOTT HAZEL M SCOTT IDA SCOTT JAMES A SCOTT JAMES E SCOTT JASON W SCOTT JEFFREY SCOTT JENNIFER MICHELLE SCOTT JESSE SCOTT JESSE L SCOTT JOEL FRANCIS SCOTT JOHN H SCOTT JOHN T SCOTT KENNETH SCOTT KENT D SCOTT KYLE D SCOTT MARCUS SCOTT MARK S SCOTT MATTHEW SCOTT MATTHEW T SCOTT MICHAEL B SCOTT MICHAEL L SCOTT MITCHEL F SCOTT NICHOLAS A SCOTT QUANDRAY L SCOTT RACHEL E SCOTT RHETT A SCOTT RICKY L SCOTT RUSSELL L SCOTT RYAN L SCOTT SHAWN B SCOTT STACY SCOTT STEPHEN T SCOTT TERANCE SCOTT TONY LORENZO SCOTT TROY C SCOTT TYRELL SCOTT WILLIAM E SCOTT WILLIAM L SCOTT IV BENJAMIN ROSS SCOVEL MARK A SCOVILLE TREVOR SCOWEN JOSHUA DAVID SCRAGGS DARIAN ANTHONY SCRANTON ELVIS SCREWS PATRICK S SCREWS SCOTT SCRIMSHAW SARAH SCRIVEN DAVID SCRIVER LANA S SCRIVNER DANIEL SCROPOS ECHO SHAVANTE SCRUGGS MARTHA K SCRUGGS TYRICE SCRUGGS JOSEPH SCUCCATO WILLIAM E SCUDDER GARY SCURK JASON SCURK DUSTIN SCURRY EARNEST B SCURRY DAREN S SEA JAMES DAVID SEAGRAVES JIMMY W SEAHORN THOMAS JOEL SEALE MICHAEL SEAMAN MICHAEL A SEAMANS SCOTT S SEAR II THERESA SEARCY CHADWICK B SEARS RICHARD A SEARS ROBERT EARL SEARS THOMAS TS SEARS TREVOR DANIEL SEASE TAYLOR SEATON KENNETH E SEAY JUSTIN SEBNICK JUSTIN SAMUEL SEBRING AUSTIN CHRISTOPHER SECREST CHADWICK L SECREST DUSTIN M SECRIST KEEGAN J SECRIST SHELBY KENNETH SECRIST KALE SEDERHOLM ROBERT J SEDEVIC LEOPOLDO SEDILLO KATI J SEDLACEK RAJESH SEECHARAN THOMAS SEEGMILLER TRAVIS SEEGMILLER KRISHNA SEEGOOLAM RICHARD SEEJATTAN MICHAEL L SEELMEYER CHAD SEELY NATHAN C SEELYE THOMAS SEEMEYER GANESH SEENIVASAN VIJAI SEEREERAM GREG A SEGARS ROBERT MATTHEW SEGARS DUANE I SEGER STEFAN SEGER TRAVIS DUANE SEGER DYLAN SEGERSTROM TRINA SEGGER JOSHWA DALTON SEGO ABRAHAM M SEGOVIA LONNIE STANLEY SEGOVIA FREDRICO SEGUNDO GUSTAVO A SEGURA RAFAEL SEGURA DANIEL SEGURA CERVANTES SONIA SEGURA RAMIREZ ANSHUMAN SEHDEV ANDREW SEIBEL LARRY WAYNE SEIBERT RONALD A SEIBERT BRIAN A SEIDEL ROBERT M SEIFERT ERIK W SEIFFERT DONNA D SEIGLE‑VALADE LIM H SEIN KANIELA SEIPEL WILLIAM G SEIPEL BARRETT J SEIPP BRIAN E SEITTER ROBERT DOUGLAS SEIVERT VIGNESH SEKAR MICHAEL SHAWN SELBY DARLENE SELF TRAVIS SELF JASON SELLAN VIKRAMASURIYAN SELLAPPAN ANTONIO D SELLERS CHELSEA N SELLERS JACK REYNOLDS SELLERS JAMES T SELLERS KALE SELLERS NESSA MARIE SELLERS PERRY B SELLERS III CLAYTON R SELLIN TODD M SELLIN JEFFREY G SELLS KEVIN SELLS RANDALL L SELMAN REUBEN DOUGLAS SELMAN KANNAN SELVARAJ QUINCY TERON SELVY JOSEPH JOHN SEMAN JOHN SEMENZIN TIMOTHY SEMONICH LEE SEMOTIUK ELISEO SENDEJAS GARSIA BRANDON SENESAC ANTHONY A SENESE CHARLIE SENIN JAMISON LYN SENITZ JOHN SENNEKER ADAM B SENNETT PAVAL SENTHAMIL SELVAN MURUGAN SENTHILVEL KARPAGARAJ SENTHURPANDIAN CARLOS A SEPULVEDA CARLOS AR SEPULVEDA NELSON CHEYENNE SEPULVEDA RAUL SEPULVEDA REGGIE SEPULVEDA ANN M SERAFIN CHRISTOPHER D SERING ALFONSO SERNA RUIZ JOSE CARLOS SERRANO MENDOZA MARIA JACQUELINE SERRANO SANDOVAL CARLOS ANTONIO SERRATOS LEAL ALEJANDRO SERVIN JOSE RAFAEL SERVIN MELGOZA LUIS ALEJANDRO SERVIN SANCHEZ JASON SESTA JOSEPH SETTERBO MICHAEL D SETTLES DHIVYA SETTU HUGO SEVCIK JASON L SEVEDGE NICHOLAS L SEVERNS JACOB D SEVERSON JOSE A SEVILLA FIGUEROA MATTHEW N SEVY GREG SEWARD RAYMOND SEWARD CODY SEWARDS JEREMY C SEWARDS ROBERT SEWELL ROBERT E SEXTON RONALD DWAYNE SEXTON DIANE SEYDLORSKY THAD D SEYL ALEXANDER J SEYMOUR CHRISTOPHER G SEYMOUR SCOTT SEYMOUR MICHAEL B SGARIGLIA WAEL SHABANA RODNEY DUANE SHACKELFORD STEVEN M SHACKLEFORD SHELDON J SHADY STANLEY H SHADY BRIAN A SHAFER PATRICIA SHAFER ROBERT A SHAFER CORY DEAN SHAFFER KENNETH J SHAFFNER DONALD SHAHAN MICHELLE SHAHAN JONI M SHALLCROSS JOSEPH SHALLEY JEROME SHALLOW KARL J SHAMLEE MATTHEW SHAND AREY SHANKLE ROBERT K SHANKLES PALAVESAPANDI SHANMUGAM BRENT SHANNON EDWARD T SHANNON IV JONATHAN RANDALL SHANNON LIAM MICHAEL SHANNON LLOYD SHANNON MATTHEW SHANNON GANESH SHANTARAM BILLA ERIC R SHANTON ROD SHANTZ SHEETAL SHARAD GADEKAR RIDGELY W SHARIETT VAHID NASSER SHARIFI CHERI SHARKEY SANJEEV SHARMA BRIAN SHARP CHRISTOPHER ROY SHARP EMMA K SHARP KENDRA K SHARP MATTHEW SHARP QUINTIN F SHARP ROBERT E SHARP STEPHANIE LYNNE SHARP THOMAS SHARP TILLMAN L SHARP ANTHONY GERMAINE SHARPE CRAIG E SHARPE JOHN SHARPE JOSHUA SHARPE ROSHEE OMAR SHARPE WILLIAM SHARPE WILLIAM CHUCK SHARPE MICHAEL D SHARRAR DONALD J SHARROCK WILLIAM SHARRON RITA SHARWARKO ERIC DONOVAN SHATTO KURT A SHATTO DAVID SHATTUCK JEFFREY SHAUERS JOSHUA A SHAUERS JUSTIN D SHAVER CEDRIC T SHAVERS JR ADAM SHAW DALE SHAW DAVID F SHAW IV FETIMA G SHAW GARY SHAW GEOFFREY T SHAW HOURAISEAN A SHAW JAKE E SHAW JAMES P SHAW JAMES V SHAW JAMIE R SHAW JARED GRAHAM SHAW JEFFREY A SHAW JUSTIN SHAW KELLY SHAW QUON S SHAW RYAN SHAW RYAN SHAW SHAUN M SHAW WAYNE KEITH SHAW RUSSELL SHAWN CHARLES SHAY KENNETH J SHEA TIMMY D SHEA SEAN K SHEAD ANTHONY A SHEARER MARK W SHEARER SCOTT M SHEARMAN TARA SHECKELL CHRISTOPHER M SHEDWILL JUSTIN B SHEETS DOUGLAS R SHEFFER JAMES A SHEFFIELD JR JOHN SHEFFIELD JR JOSEPH D SHEFFIELD TIMOTHY SHEFFIELD AMELIA J SHEFFLER DANIEL F SHELBO RENA ANN SHELBY BRIAN P SHELDEN BRIDGET M SHELDEN DANIEL J SHELDEN JARRED C SHELDON STEVE SHELEFONTIUK TAYLOR N SHELINE JAMES BURTON SHELL BRANDON DALE SHELLEY COLBY SHELLEY ISHMAEL J SHELLEY JR WILLIAM LEROY SHELLEY JOSHUA SHELLY THOMAS SHELP BRANDON SHELTON BRIAN P SHELTON JAMES W SHELTON JASON SHELTON JONATHAN B SHELTON JOSHUA WADE SHELTON KEITH SHELTON NATHAN SHELTON NICHOLAS W SHELTON NOAH L SHELTON II PATRICK NORTH SHELTON WILLIAM SHELTON WILLIAM W SHELTON TYE SHEMPERT MICHAEL SHENIGO CHARLES P SHENSHEW APRIL SHEPARD BRODY SHEPARD DAVID A SHEPARD JAMES ROBERT SHEPARD JR JASON DAVID SHEPARD STEPHEN M SHEPARD TYLER LEE SHEPARD CASEY T SHEPHERD DANIAL D SHEPHERD DAVID A SHEPHERD DAVID W SHEPHERD SR KEITH D SHEPHERD MARK JASON SHEPHERD MARK LEONARD SHEPHERD MATTHEW N SHEPHERD NICHOLAS TALOR SHEPHERD RICHARD SHEPHERD RUSSELL SHEPHERD JR SCOTT SHEPHERD II KENNETH J SHEPLEY ALVIN SHEPPARD DAVID SCOTT SHEPPARD JOHN SHEPPARD JOSEPH W SHEPPARD ZEITH S M SHEPPERSON MICHEL R SHERIDAN LAMARQUIS DESHAWN SHERIFF BRANDON R SHERMAN CARL J SHERMAN CHARLES E SHERMAN JR FORREST MAJOR SHERMAN JOSHUA SHERMAN RAVON EARL SHERMAN JAGGER SHERRY VERN SHERRY MAX T SHERWOOD JACOB T SHIELDS JACOB TYLER SHIELDS JESSE SHIELDS MALCOLM SHIELDS PEYTON GREGORY SHIELDS ROBERT SHIELDS TRAVIS SHIELDS WILLIAM SHIELDS STEVEN ANDREW SHIEW SCOTT A SHIFFLETT BLAKE A SHILEY EDWARD M SHILLEY ERIC J SHILLING BRANDI SHINGLER JEFFREY R SHINGLER CHRISTOPHER DAVID SHINSTOCK ANDREW J SHIPMAN DENIS B SHIPMAN ADRIANNE SHIPP MITCHELL D SHIRA BILLY SHIRAH III JIMMY EDWARD SHIRAH LARRY D SHIREY NICHOLAS SAMUEL SHIRILLA CAMERON FREDERICK SHIRLAW DALLAS SHIRLEY KEVIN SHIRLEY LANCE EUGENE SHIRLEY KAILAS SHIVAJI AIWALE ABHINAV SHIVAJI DONGARE PARMESHWAR SHIVAJI PAWAR BRIAN L SHIVELY ERIC W SHIVERS TOM LEE SHIVERS WILLIAM H SHIVERS MICHEAL RYAN SHOAF BRADY SHOCK KEVIN SHOCKEY MATTHEW DAVID SHOEFFLER CURTIS SHOEMAKER JR PERRY R SHOEMAKER III STEVEN S SHOEMAKER DANIEL C SHOLES ANTHONY SHOLL ALEX SHOLOMISKI GARY L SHOLTYS LISA SHONBECK DYLAN MCCOY SHOOK JAMES C SHORE MATTHEW J SHORE NICHOLAS W SHORE INGRID SHORES JESSE SHORES CHRISTOPHER D SHORT CODY SHORT DANIEL J SHORT ISAAC R SHORT JONATHON TYLER SHORT KEVIN M SHORT ROBERT DWAYNE SHORT SCOTT D SHORT DYLAN SHORTEN RYAN SHORTEN SCOTT G SHORTRIDGE WILLIE JAMES SHORTS WESLEY SHORTT DAVID SHOTWELL JR LORI SHOUGH MONTEZ SHOULDERS VIRGIL DOUGLAS SHOULDERS TOMMY E SHOUP ALEC J SHOURD WILLIAM L SHOUSE PAUL E SHOVLIN JR SHAUN A SHOWALTER CHRISTIAN E SHOWELL VALDEZ SHOWERS DALLAS A SHOWMAN KEVIN W SHRADER MARK A SHRADER NICHOLAS SHRADER PAYTON SHRADER PRESTON SHRADER AUDREY SHREDER BRIAN J SHREFFLER DAVID DOUGLAS SHRIDER SAGAR SHRINIWAS DASARI SUSAN SHRIVER ROY L SHRUM WESLEY K SHRUM ASHLEY SHRYOCK JAMES R SHUBURTE KORY L SHUGAR DERRICK J SHULER GREGORY W SHULL JOHNATHON D SHULL CLAY S SHULTZ JEFF L SHULTZ KYLE W SHUMAN TIMOTHY A SHUMAN TROY A SHUMAN MICHAEL SHUMARD ANDREW MALACHI SHUMATE EMMETT G SHUMATE JAMES W SHUMPERT JOSEPH A SHUNNARAH JOHN RANDALL SHURDEN CHESTER W SHUSTER ADAM J SHUTTS MICHAEL SHUTTS JR JOHN R SHVEYDA ROBERT SHY JACOB P SICARD JOSHUA SICKELS GERALD SIDDALL ROBERT LEE SIDDERS ABID M SIDDIQUI JOSEPH M SIDDLE JONATHAN SIDENER JAMES R SIDES JOHN W SIDES JR RYAN J SIDES KEELY SIDWELL LORI A SIEBENALLER KADEN SIEBERT JARROD L SIEBRANDT JUSTIN G SIEBRANDT JEREMY W SIEDSCHLAG RICK G SIEFERT LYLE SIEG CASSANDRA J SIEGEL ROBERT SIEGFRIES SHELBY SIEGLE JOSHUA SIELOFF CHAS SIEMER RAMON SIERRA FELIPE JAGDIT SIEW WESLEY E SIFFEL JEFFRIE SIGHTLER JONATHAN M SIGMON CODY LYNN SIKES QUINN B SIKORA LOLITA M SILA RUSSELL L SILA JR MARC SILBERBERG JAMES E SILER II BRIAN J SILHACEK JOSEPH PATRICK SILKE PETER E SILL EBOU SILLAH ARMANDO SILLER JR RYAN K SILLERY RUSSELL SILLITO ANDREA SILLIVENT DAVID W SILLS ALYSSA SILVA GEORGE M SILVA IKAIKA K SILVA JEAN PAUL SILVA SHIROMALA SILVA TIBERIO SILVA JULIAN G SILVA CORTES DANIEL SILVA OROZCO OSWALDO SALVADOR SILVA RUIZ IVAN SILVA VALDERRABANO ERIK SILVA‑HURTADO JAVIER SILVAN JOHN LOUIS SILVEIRA JR MELISSA CHRISTINE SILVEIRA PRATHER SILVERTHORN DAVID F SILVIA ROMAO C SILVINO GILBERTO SIMAS ANDRADE JOHN F SIMEONE MARSHALL JOSEPH SIMIEN III JAMES SIMINGTON RYAN W SIMMERMAN ADAM RYAN SIMMONS ALEX K SIMMONS JR ALVIN V SIMMONS ANTHONY SIMMONS CHRISTOPHER W SIMMONS COLTON D SIMMONS DWAYNE K SIMMONS EDIE C SIMMONS EMILIA J SIMMONS ERGLE LANE SIMMONS JACOB P SIMMONS JAMES L SIMMONS JASON S SIMMONS JESSE SIMMONS JONATHAN R SIMMONS JORDAN I SIMMONS JOSEPH R SIMMONS KENNETH C SIMMONS KENT ALLAN SIMMONS MARK EWING SIMMONS MILDRED SIMMONS MITCHELL D SIMMONS ROSS C SIMMONS SIRRON A SIMMONS STEVEN SIMMONS TIMOTHY J SIMMONS TONY SIMMONS VIRGIL SIMMONS JR WILLIAM J SIMMONS WILLIAM P SIMMONS JR BRENT L SIMON JEREMY SIMON MATTHEW J SIMON REJEAN SIMON TRACY SIMON STEPHANIE SIMONEAUX ANGELA SIMONS CLAYTON SIMONS ERNEST SIMONS JAMES ALLEN SIMONS JR JONAH B SIMONS STEFANIE L SIMONS BOB P SIMONSEN JAMES D SIMONSEN DAVID GREGORY SIMONSON GAGE SIMONSON TONY SIMPLICIANO AUNDREA L SIMPSON BRUCE R SIMPSON CHRISTOPHER D SIMPSON CLIFFTON D SIMPSON CLYDE V SIMPSON CODY SIMPSON ELIJAH E SIMPSON ERIN A SIMPSON HARRY SIMPSON HERMAN MAURICE SIMPSON JEFFREY B SIMPSON JEROME D SIMPSON JESSICA LEIGH SIMPSON JEVON SIMPSON JOAN W SIMPSON KELLI D SIMPSON LEE SIMPSON LOGAN REECE SIMPSON MARK SIMPSON MIKE SIMPSON RACHEL A SIMPSON REGINA SIMPSON ROBERT J SIMPSON ROBERT P SIMPSON RUSSELL SIMPSON SETH K SIMPSON STEVEN K SIMPSON TIMOTHY G SIMPSON TRAVIS M SIMPSON WENDY G SIMPSON BARTLEY ADAM SIMS BENJAMEN SIMS BRANDI SIMS BRANDON LEE SIMS CHAD D SIMS DAVID M SIMS DEWEY S SIMS HUNTER RAY SIMS JOHN B SIMS JOHN L SIMS III KEITH SIMS PAUL E SIMS RALPH PORTER SIMS JR ROBBIE J SIMS SCOTT EDWARD SIMS WILLIAM R SIMS ALEXANDER SINCLAIR JOHN A SINCLAIR ROBERT SINCLAIR STEPHEN SINCLAIR TRENT W SINDELAR JAMES J SINEATH III CARL BRANDON SING BLAINE SINGER ASHISH SINGH DEVON SINGH KHAILASH SINGH PARBHJIT SINGH JOSE R SINGH DIBENE DEEPAK SINGLA COREY J SINGLETARY JALEN SINGLETARY JARED L SINGLETARY MARVIN SINGLETARY RICHARD L SINGLETARY ADAM O SINGLETON BRYAN SINGLETON CHRISTOPHER PAUL SINGLETON COREY D SINGLETON DARRYL C SINGLETON JAMES EARL SINGLETON JANA‑LACEY U SINGLETON JASON E SINGLETON JEFFERY ALLEN SINGLETON JEFFREY A SINGLETON JOSHUA JERMAINE SINGLETON ROBERT L SINGLETON WILLIAM SINGLETON WYVONIA SINGLETON GEORGE SINKINS JOSHUA SINKINS G THOMAS SINNET II LEAH B SINNET RAY SINNOTT ROBERT SINNOTT MARK L SIPE CASEY SIPES LARREGUI SIPHO SCOTT M SIPLE TEOFILO SIPRIANO JR ARNULFO SIQUEIROS‑SANCHEZ MATTHEW BEN SIRTEN JUSTIN LEE SISK MELANIE M SISK MARCONI SISON ROBERT W SISTRUNK VALERIE SITAR JASON SITAREK MICHAEL JOSEPH SITARSKI AARON SITCH JAMES D SITTON LOUISE ANN SITTON COURTLAND V SIVADON ANBARASAN SIVAJI BENJAMIN C SIVLEY AARON R SIZEMORE JAMES OLEN SIZEMORE II JUSTIN SIZEMORE PERRY BILL SIZEMORE REBECCA JO SIZEMORE PAMELA F SJOSTROM RANDY C SKAGEN KEVIN M SKAGGS BONNIE SKARA BRADY SKATES SAMANTHA SKEARD STEVEN SKEELS RUSSELL REED SKEEM TRAVIS SKEEN CASSIE GODWIN SKELTON FOY ETCHIESON SKELTON THOMAS ANDREW SKELTON JR ZACHARY FOY SKELTON ROBERT SKENANDORE KEVIN M SKERO JOHN F SKERRITT IV ANDREW SKIBNIEWSKI LINDSAY L SKIDMORE ERIC R SKIFF RANDY W SKILLING MATTHEW M SKILLSTAD BIRCH K SKINNER BROCK SKINNER ETHAN SKINNER HEATHER SKINNER JAMES T SKINNER JESSICA SKINNER JOHNATHAN SKINNER KIRK AARON SKINNER LATRENA SKINNER MARSHA A SKINNER MICHAEL SKINNER SARAH SKINNER STACEY T SKINNER STEPHEN C SKINNER ZACK SKINNER SCOTT SKIPWORTH ANTHONY W SKIRVIN CHARLES T SKIRVIN WILLIAM C SKIRVIN MARCUS D SKOGLUND LEANN M SKOKAN STEVEN E SKROBISZEWSKI STANISLAW SKUBISZ ELIZABETH SKUFCA LESZEK E SKULSKI EDWARD SLACK WILLIAM R SLACK JONATHAN S SLACKTA CHRIS J SLADE DAVID SLADE JOSEPH SLADE RACHEL SLAIN MARYEMILY SLATE NATHANAEL W SLATE ROBERT CHRISTOPHER IRVIN SLATE JOSHUA GREGORY SLATER THERAN SLATER TIMOTHY J SLATER LEIGHR J SLATES PATRICK T SLATES RONALD SLATTERY GARY T SLAUGHTER JASON T SLAUGHTER JEREMY A SLAUGHTER MARVIN Q SLAUGHTER JEREMY SLAUNWHITE JESSE D SLAUTER CATHARINE A SLAVENS CHAD M SLAVENS RYAN DAVID SLAVENS JAMES SLAVIN SCOTT SLAWINSKI RICKIE L SLAWSON LINDSAY A SLAYBACK ANTHONY D SLEDGE IVAN SLEDGE III KRISTIN P SLEDGE GREGG SLENTZ STEPHEN SLESINSKI STEVEN SLIDER BRADLEY A SLIKER MAXWELL SLIKER TODD SLIKER STANISLAV SLIVCHENKO CHRISTOPHER SLOAN COLLEEN SLOAN DILLON CASHWELL SLOAN ROBERT W SLOAN JERZY SLOMKA JOSHUA D SLOSSON MICHAEL J SLOSSON BRANDON C SLOUCK CHRISTOPHER D SLOVAK JOHN J SLOVAK PAMELA SMALBRUGGE CAROL I SMALL JASON SMALL MARK SMALL MICHEAL SMALL NICHOLAS SMALL TREY ROSS SMALL CHARLES SMALLEN ALEX SMALLEY JOHN SMALLEY MICHAEL A SMALLEY KIMBERLY L SMALLMON CURTIS SMALLS MICHAEL SMALLS DANIEL JEREMIAH SMALLWOOD JOHN R SMALLWOOD KINO SMALLWOOD LADON SMALLWOOD MICHAEL L SMALLWOOD JOHNNY SMARR BRANDON SMEETS STEPHEN C SMELLEY KEITH SMELLIE DEREK M SMETZER KAREN M SMID JASON E SMILEY PERRIS SMILEY WENDIE EVE SMILEY HAROLD SMIT AARON M SMITH AARON N SMITH ABBY S SMITH ADAM SMITH ALAN R SMITH ALEX B SMITH ALEX B SMITH ALEXANDER L SMITH ANDREW KENNETH SMITH ANDREW M SMITH ANDREW W SMITH ANNA M SMITH ANTHONY L SMITH ASHLEY SMITH BENJAMIN SMITH BENJAMIN E SMITH BENTON T SMITH BILLY J SMITH BLAKE SMITH BRAD L SMITH BRAD L SMITH BRANDIN LANE SMITH BRANDON K SMITH BRANDON L SMITH BRANDON WALKER SMITH BRENT T SMITH BRENT W SMITH BRETT SMITH BRIAN M SMITH BRITTANY SMITH BRYAN SMITH BRYAN E SMITH BRYAN L SMITH BUCK B SMITH CAMERON SMITH CARLIE S SMITH CASEY JORDON SMITH CHARLES DANIEL SMITH CHARLES WALTER SMITH CHERYL L SMITH CHIP J SMITH CHRIS SMITH CHRIS T SMITH CHRISTINA D SMITH CHRISTOPHER SMITH CHRISTOPHER A SMITH CHRISTOPHER DALE SMITH CLAINE SMITH CLAYTON C SMITH CLINT T SMITH CLINT T SMITH JR CLINT V SMITH CODY SMITH CORY A SMITH CORY JADE SMITH CRAIG SMITH CRAIG A SMITH DANIEL SMITH DANIEL SMITH DANIEL SMITH DANIEL L SMITH DANIELLE D M SMITH DAVE SMITH DAVE R SMITH DAVID L SMITH JR DAVID R SMITH DAWN M SMITH DELINDA TUCKER SMITH DERICK SMITH DERON SMITH DERRICK SMITH DEWAYNE SMITH DOMINIC SMITH DONALD D SMITH JR DONALD F SMITH II DONNA JEAN SMITH DREW J SMITH DUSTIN SMITH DUSTIN E SMITH DYLAN SMITH EDDIE ANDREWS SMITH EDWARD SMITH EVAN ANDREW SMITH FELIX DON SMITH FRANK SMITH GARRI W SMITH GARRY M SMITH GARY SMITH GARY L SMITH GARY LYNN SMITH GEORGE D SMITH JR GLENN A SMITH GLORIA SMITH GRADY F SMITH GREG SMITH HEATHER M SMITH HEATHER S SMITH HELEN SMITH HUNTER RILEY LEE SMITH HUNTER WILLIAMS SMITH IEON SMITH ISAAC JUDE SMITH ISAIAH SMITH SR JACK D SMITH JACOB SMITH JACOB BRUCE SMITH JACOB LEE SMITH JACOB LOWELL SMITH JACOB T SMITH JAMES SMITH JAMES SMITH JAMES SMITH JR JAMES A SMITH JAMES G SMITH JAMES H SMITH JAMES TYLER SMITH JAMIE C SMITH JAMIE CRAIG SMITH JAMISON R SMITH JASON SMITH JASON A SMITH JASON LEE SMITH JASON ROBERT SMITH JASON S SMITH JAY R SMITH JEFFERY B SMITH JEFFREY A SMITH JEFFREY A SMITH JEFFREY CRAIG SMITH JENNIFER ANN SMITH JEREMY SMITH JEREMY J SMITH JEREMY QUINTON SMITH JEREMY S SMITH JERRY CHRISTOPHER SMITH JERRY D SMITH JIMMY F SMITH JODY E SMITH JOE LOUIS SMITH JR JOEY D SMITH JOHN ALAN SMITH JOHN D SMITH JOHNNY B SMITH JONATHAN E SMITH JONATHAN ROSAVELT SMITH JORDAN M SMITH JOSEPH SMITH JOSEPH AARON SMITH JOSH SMITH JOSHUA W SMITH KALEB SMITH KATIE E SMITH KEITH SMITH KEITH SMITH KEITH A SMITH KELBY M SMITH KENNETH A SMITH KENNETH JAMES SMITH KENYON LAKIETH SMITH KEVIN SMITH KEVIN D SMITH KEVIN D SMITH KEWUNDRIA SMITH KOLTON L SMITH KYLE M SMITH LANCE SMITH LARRY BRUCE SMITH LEE ANNE SMITH LEONARD A SMITH JR LESTER C SMITH JR LORRAINE A SMITH LUCAS SMITH LUKE A SMITH LUKE D SMITH MARIAH R SMITH MARK A SMITH MARK A SMITH MARK A SMITH MARK H SMITH MARK H SMITH MARK LOUIS SMITH MARLIN B SMITH MARVIN SMITH MATTHEW SMITH MATTHEW B SMITH MATTHEW JACKSON RAY SMITH MATTHEW W SMITH MAURICE C SMITH MAURICE O SMITH MAXWELLE SMITH MELVIN THEODORE SMITH MICHAEL SMITH MICHAEL SMITH MICHAEL A SMITH MICHAEL B SMITH MICHAEL C SMITH MICHAEL D SMITH MICHAEL J SMITH MICHAEL JA SMITH MICHAEL W SMITH MICHELLE M SMITH NICHOLAS L SMITH NICHOLAS S SMITH PAUL SMITH PAUL W SMITH PHILLIP SMITH QUINCY SMITH RANDY C SMITH REGGIE A SMITH RICHARD SMITH RICHARD SMITH RICHARD S SMITH RICKEY LYNN SMITH RICKY G SMITH RITA L SMITH ROBB S SMITH ROBERT SMITH ROBERT SMITH ROBERT A SMITH ROBERT G SMITH ROBERT H J SMITH ROCKY SMITH RODNEY C SMITH ROGER A SMITH RONALD B SMITH RONNIE T SMITH RYAN BENJAMIN SMITH SAMMY L SMITH SAMUEL D SMITH SCOTT SMITH SCOTTY J SMITH SEAN SMITH SEAN L SMITH SEAN M SMITH SHANE R SMITH SHANNON LISA SMITH SHARON M SMITH SHAUN PAUL SMITH SHAWN C SMITH SHAWN ELLIS SMITH SHELBY D SMITH SHELETTE SMITH SHELLEY K SMITH SHERRY D SMITH SHILOH D SMITH SHONDRA SMITH STEFANIE E SMITH STEPHEN SMITH STEVE S SMITH STEVEN SMITH JR STEVEN LEE SMITH TAYLOR SMITH TERENCE SMITH THOMAS C SMITH THOMAS R SMITH THOMAS R SMITH TIMOTHY SMITH TIMOTHY A SMITH TIMOTHY ALAN SMITH TIMOTHY D SMITH TIMOTHY W SMITH TODD A SMITH TOMMY J SMITH TONY SMITH TONY W SMITH TORIS GERARD SMITH TRACEY SMITH TRACIE LYNN SMITH TRAVIS SMITH TRAVIS LEE SMITH TRAVIS WADE SMITH TREVOR M SMITH TROY T SMITH TYLER SMITH TYLER R SMITH UNTON LUMONT SMITH VINCENT SMITH WALTER H SMITH WALTER S SMITH WARREN SMITH WILLIAM C SMITH WILLIE SMITH WILLIE DEWAYNE SMITH ZACHARIAS W SMITH ZACHARY A SMITH ZACHARY A SMITH ZETH SMITH BRIAN A SMITHART ASHLEY NICHOLE SMITHERMAN BETTY A SMITHERMAN KEVIN MATTHEW SMITHEY DEREK CHARLES SMITHSON BRIAN S SMITHWICK DOUGLAS E SMITHWICK NEAL W SMITLEY TANYA SMITS JAMES H SMOAK LONNIE C SMOKE WILLIE C SMOKE ROBERT L SMOLA MICHAEL DEWAYNE SMOOT DEDRICK SMOTHERMAN HOWARD C SMOTHERS RICK L SMUTNY JARED CHANCE SMYLY KERN SNAGGS BRYAN R SNATCHKO TREMAINE R SNEAD LUCAS SNELGROVE JIMMY SNELL DAVID A SNELLENBARGER AUSTIN LEE SNELLING CASPAR M SNELLING GEORGE T SNELLING MICHAEL A SNELLING JOHN SNELLINGS EDWARD R SNIPES JR JEFFREY LEE SNIPES WILLIAM CODY SNIPES DYLAN J SNITCHUK BRADLEY E SNODDY JAMIE J SNODGRASS STEVEN P SNODGRASS ROBERT SNOOK ROBERT E SNOOK ALFONZA M SNOW BRANDON T SNOW CHRISTOPHER SNOW DAVID SNOW GLENN K SNOW MATTHEW D SNOW MELISSA A SNOW THADDIUS G SNOW WILLIAM J SNOW TRACY SNOWBERGER PATRICK T SNOWDEN ROBERT SNUFFER ANTHONY SNYDER BENJAMIN C SNYDER BRENDAN K SNYDER BRIAN K SNYDER EDWARD SNYDER JEFFREY A SNYDER JOSEPH J SNYDER KENNY W SNYDER LONNIE D SNYDER JR LORETTA SNYDER MARK D SNYDER MICHAEL SNYDER MICHAEL JAMES SNYDER SONYA Y SNYDER STEVEN P SNYDER TERRY L SNYDER TRAVIS SNYDER WALTER SNYDER MARK A SOARD HAUNANI SOARES JOSEPH SOARES III MARCO SOARES MESSIAS SOARES LEO J SOBCZAK EDWARD F SOBEHART ELIZABETH F SOBEY JESSE SOBOLESKI CHAD D SODERQUIST MARIA FATIMA SOEIRO JUSTIN SOERGEL EMILE L SOFFNER THOMAS J SOJKA ANDREW J SOK SAMANG SOK VIJAY SOLANKI HERBER M SOLANO FRANCISCO SOLER JAMES SOLES BRANDON C SOLIDAY ALFONSO SOLIS GILBERT G SOLIS JAIME SOLIS SUSANA SOLIS FERNANDO AUGUSTO SOLIS HARO ROSA ALICIA SOLIS REYES DIEGO SOLIS ZENTENO MARINA SOLLAZZO WILLIAM E SOLLERS JESSE J SOLLEY ELIZABETH SOLLINGER MARINA SOLLOZZO B THAD SOLOMON CEDRONIO A SOLORIO JOSE L SOLORIO CHAVEZ TIMOTHY J SOLOS ALFRED O SOLTERO CHHAT SOM PAUL SOMERS KATHY M SOMERVILLE NADIR SOMJI ANDREW SOMMER ANTHONY SOMMER JOEL D SOMMER SHANE SOMMERS NARA SON KEITH C SONDEJ DAVID SONDENO SEDAT SONMEZ BRANDON S SONNENFELT LAWRENCE H SONSEL KERRY SOODEEN ANIL SOOGRIM ELDON SOOP SARA J SOOSH GREGORY SORA JOSEPH R SOREM ANJELENE D SORENSEN GEORGE SORENSEN JARED L SORENSEN JOSEY SORENSEN NATHAN SORENSEN NICKOLUS SORENSEN SKYLER JON SORENSEN WILL D SORENSEN KAYLEE SORENSEN‑JOHNSON DARIN L SORENSON ADRIENNE SORIANO ARTURO SORIANO MARTINEZ KARLA SORIANO VILORIA BRAMMANAYAGAM SORIMUTHU DRAGANA SORMAZ ERIC M SORRELL JASON L SORRELL RICHARD EARL SORRELLS THOMAS SORRELLS GIUSEPPE SORRENTO SUSAN R SORRICK RONALD J SORTERS JR JUAN SORTO FERNANDO SOSA ROMO MARIA SOSA SANCHEZ DAVID J SOSINSKY PEGGY L SOSSAMON ANTONIO A SOTELO TIMOTHY SOTELO ANDRES SOTO ANGELA SOTO BAILEY WESTON SOTO BONIFACIO SOTO CASEY A SOTO CHRISTOPHER L SOTO CRISTOFFER SOTO JASON SOTO MADELINE SOTO RANDY SOTO RICARDO SOTO ROBERTO SOTO SASHA SOTO NECTOR O SOTO DIAZ FELIPE D SOTO FRAIRE EMA GRACIELA SOTO OROPEZA CORY SOUDER RHETT A SOUDER JOSEPH MICHAEL SOUDERS KEVIN D SOUL AMBER SOUTHARD CHELSEA SOUTHARD DANA A SOUTHARD JUSTIN D SOUTHARD WILLIAM B SOUTHER WILLIAM R SOUTHERLAND ANNA DAWN SOUTHERN DANA R SOUTHERN JAMES M SOUTHERN JOHN C SOUTHWELL JOSHUA P SOUTHWICK KENNEDY SOUTHWICK JOE C SOUTHWOOD AARON E SOVEREIGN NICHOLAS J SOVEREIGN COLLEEN K SOWDERS DAVID G SOWELL JASON SOWELL WILLIAM SOWELL JR EDWARD A SOWLES STANLEY E SPADE DENNIS J SPADER JAYMES LANDON SPAIN DANIEL J SPALDING MICHAEL S SPALDING DANIEL SPANOS ROSS W SPARENBERG DUANE SPARKMAN KYLE A SPARKMAN MICHAEL B SPARKMAN DAVID CAMPI SPARKS ROBERT DALE SPARKS JR JOSEPH SPARROW TOM SPATOLA DONQUIS R SPAULDING PAUL JOSEPH SPAULDING STEVEN P SPAULDING JR SAMANTHA M SPAW BILL SPEAK KRISTAN ANN SPEAR CHRISTY D SPEARS DYLAN MICHAEL SPEARS MICHAEL SPEARS ADAM J SPECE DAVID R SPECHT MARK G SPECHT BRYCE P SPECK SUZANNE M SPEER PAMELA J SPEIDEL ALEXANDER SPEIGHT MICHAEL D SPEIGHTS MARK J SPELLAR CHARLES J SPENCE DONALD SPENCE DOUGLAS G SPENCE JEREMY M SPENCE ROBERT E SPENCE SAMANTHA SPENCE SANDRA L SPENCE ADAM C SPENCER BRIAN D SPENCER DONALD R SPENCER DOUGLAS A SPENCER GREGORY D SPENCER JARED C SPENCER KYLER L SPENCER MICHAEL SPENCER MICHAEL W SPENCER ROBERT E SPENCER RYAN S SPENCER TRAVIS C SPENCER TYRONE L SPENCER CHAZELLE C SPENNEBERG ELIZABETH SPETH KEVIN L SPETH TYLER COLTON SPETH BRANDON R SPIAK CHAD SPICER DANNY R SPICER RANDY J SPICER JONATHAN ROY SPIECE AMY M SPIEGEL TIMOTHY A SPIEGEL ZACHARY T SPIEGEL BRYAN J SPIER RYAN M SPIESS NICHOLAS S SPIGLE DONNIE L SPIGNER ELDRICK SPIKES KELLY D SPIKES MATTHEW SPIKES LAKRISTEN L SPILLER TAZARUS RAMONN SPILLER TRAVIS W SPILLIARD MATTHEW F SPILLMAN SHAWN M SPINA JAIME A SPINKS TIMOTHY A SPIRES IAN M SPITZER JUSTIN P SPITZER TIMOTHY SPITZMUELLER JAMIE R SPIVEY AUSTIN SPOHN MATTHEW ERIN SPOON ARINA SPOROVA JOHN O SPRADLING LARRY G SPRAGUE MATEJ SPRAH GREGORY L SPRAYBERRY WAYNE V SPREITZER KYLE M SPRENGER JOHN WALTER SPRING REED M SPRING WILLIAM L SPRINGBORG AMY L SPRINGER JAMES GILBERT SPRINGER JR PHILLIP JORDAN SPRINGER STEPHANIE SPRINGER TIMOTHY J SPRINGER JOSHUA MCLEAN SPRINGS WANDA E SPRINGS RICKY STEVEN SPRINKLE ZACHARY SPRINTZ BENJAMIN A SPROAT TIMOTHY R SPROULL GARY DON SPROUSE TRAVIS D SPROUSE LORI L SPRY ANGELA SPURLOCK CECIL SPURLOCK III CHERYL SPURLOCK COLTON KEITH SPURLOCK LANCE SPURLOCK TIMOTHY DEON SPURLOCK ANNA SQUIRE BILLY JOE SQUIRE JERRY W SQUIRES II PETER SQUIRES AUSTIN SQUYRES JOY A SQUYRES PHILLIP AUDEAN SQUYRES SRIRAM SRIDHARAN ARAMBU SRIKANTHAN MANOYALINI SRINIVASAN ROY H SRYMANSKE GODFREY SSEMBEGUYA EDWARD A ST ANDREWS JARED ST AUBIN MORGAN ST AUBIN KENNETH ST CLAIR KENNETH DALE ST CLAIR JR STEPHANIE M ST CLAIR DAVID R ST GEORGE CRAIG ST JEAN KYLE ST PETER MATTHEW ST PIERRE WAYNE N ST PIERRE AARON JUDD STACE DEREK STACEY NOAH STACEY RON STACEY LAURA STACH JACQUELYN R STACHOWSKI JAROSLAW K STACHURA DAVID L STACKHOUSE TRAVIS M STACKHOUSE BONITA L STACY MARSHALL R STADLER JAMES STAFFEN RUTH STAFFEN ANTHONY STAFFORD CASEY G STAFFORD JOSHUA C STAFFORD RAY LEE STAFFORD RAYMOND M STAFFORD THOMAS STAFFORD THOMAS F STAFFORD TODD STAFFORD JOSHUA STAGE KIM R STAGGS JOSEPH STAHLMAN TODD STAHLMANN MARK D STAIB FELIPE STA‑JUANA JOSEPH STALKER MICHELLE F STALLARD BILLY R STALLINGS CODY ALLEN STALLINGS MARVIN STALLINGS MATTHEW STALLINGS MELISSA STALLINGS RONALD E STALLINGS DUSTIN S STALLONES BRETT T STALNECKER DARRIN L STALNECKER CHRIS X L STAMAND JAY STAMAND DUSTIN L STAMER ROGER D STAMEY CHARLES R STAMM ANTHONY M STAMMEN CORY K STAMPLEY ELBERT STANDLEE FLOYD EDWARD STANDRIDGE JR JONATHAN R STANEK JAMIE LYNN STANFORD LANCE STANFORD SHAWN STANGER GERASIMOS STANITSAS ANDREW STANLEY JEFFREY STANLEY MICHAEL STANLEY MICHAEL STANOFF EARL D STANSBURY ROGER STANSBURY CLARA STANTON JAMES STANTON STEVEN M STANTON DANIEL W STANUSH JARED STANWORTH DANUAL STAPLES BRIAN S STAPLETON JAMES STAPLETON PETER STAPLETON TRACE STAPLEY BERNARD JOE STARK JR BEVERLY A STARK BRIAN A STARK JOHN W STARK WILLIAM STARK RYAN STARKEY WILLIAM STARKEY SHAWNA M STARKS STEPHEN L STARKS TODD L STARKS TRAVIS L STARKS WILBUR STARKS DAVID L STARKWEATHER JAMES EARL STARLING SAMUEL JAMES STARLING SCOTTY DEWAYNE STARLING GREGORY STARNES HALEY ELIZABETH STARNES JOHN A STARNES LARRY STARNES STEVE STARNES BRIAN D STARR BRIAN S STARR LINDA M STARR MARIA L STARR WAYNE R STARRETT ROBERT N STARTZ MATTHEW STASIAK HAROLD STATELER JONATHAN STATELER MICHAEL G STATEN BRUCE STATHAM JAMES L STATLER MICHAEL R STATLER SHAWN STATON JARED A STAUB JOSHUA W STAUB KEVIN J STAUB ROBERT SCOTT STAUB JUSTIN R STAUFFENBERG ALLEN E STAUFFER DAVID STAUFFER DIRK A STAUFFER ROBERT G STAVES GARRETT STAYTON LORENZO ST‑COEUR JACQUES M STDON BRANDON J STEACIE TRAVIS STEACIE JOEY G STEADMAN ALEXANDER J STEAR MICHAEL L STEARNS DOUGLAS F STEBBING ROBBIE G STEBBINS PATRICK J STECK RYAN R STECKELBERG JARDEE STEED STETSON STEED CHARLES W STEELE DORIN STEELE GREG L STEELE JOSHUA C STEELE MELINDA J STEELE BRENDON STEEN NICOLE STEERE CARRIE STEEVES PAUL STEEVES ANDREW G STEFANEK CHRISTOPHER J STEFANICH JOHN J STEFFENSMEIER KURT G STEFFENSMEIER CHARLES B STEGALL JEFF A STEGEMILLER JOSEPH P STEGEMILLER ADAM STEGMAN KEVIN L STEHLY DAVID J STEIGERWALD AARON DALE STEIN ASHLEY D STEIN BRYAN DANIEL STEIN KINSEY N STEINBERGER CARSTEN STEINER DENNIS JOHN STEINHILBER JOHN D STEINKAMP HELEN R STEINSHOUER TIFFANY M STEINSHOUER KELLEN C STELLMACHER‑SQUIRES JOHN CHRISTOPHER STELMAN JOHN T STEM JOHN C STEMANN ROGER F STENDER SHAWN D STENNETT JAMES C STENSLAND KALE STEPHEN JOHN STEPHEN MARIA JOSEPH ADDISON P STEPHENS CHAROLETT D STEPHENS DANIEL MALLORY STEPHENS III EDWARD N STEPHENS JR GERALD T STEPHENS MATHEW STEPHENS MATTHEW STEPHENS RICHARD T STEPHENS RICKY A STEPHENS SCOTT R STEPHENS SHERRY D STEPHENS SKYLER P STEPHENS STACEY ANN STEPHENS TODD M STEPHENS WILLIAM PAUL STEPHENS DENNIS G STEPHENSON GEORGE STEPHENSON JESSICA L STEPHENSON REGINALD STEPHENSON RON J STEPHENSON TIMOTHY D STEPHENSON WILLIAM D STEPHENSON LEVI M STEPP MARK J STEPP LAMARR E STEPTOE JARED P STERLING KENNETH STERNS JR ANTHONY STERTZ BRANDON S STETZENBACH MICHAEL DAVID STEUBER DEJAN STEVANOVIC THOMAS R STEVELEY BRIAN STEVENS BRITTIN STEVENS HARLAND STEVENS HAROLD V STEVENS JR JASON D STEVENS JEREMY E STEVENS JOSEPH ALLEN STEVENS JUSTIN SCOTT STEVENS MARK STEVENS MICHAEL J STEVENS PHILLIP B STEVENS RUSTY A STEVENS THOMAS M STEVENS TROY STEVENS ASHLEY STEVENSON BLAKE STEVENSON GLENN J STEVENSON JACQUELINE STEVENSON KEN STEVENSON RICHARD D STEVENSON TODD STEVENSON RODERICK STEWARD V LANCE STEWARD ADAM STEWART ADAM STEWART CASEY A STEWART CHARLY STEWART CHASE M STEWART CHELSI M STEWART DAVID LEE STEWART DERRICK A STEWART EDWARD RANDALL STEWART GARY R STEWART JACK W STEWART JAMES STEWART JAMES N STEWART JEFFREY C STEWART JENNIFER H STEWART JIMMY STEWART JOSEPH H STEWART LEROY STEWART LESLIE A STEWART LONNIE D STEWART MATTHEW S STEWART MICHAEL STEWART MITCHELL W STEWART NATHANAEL L STEWART RITA A STEWART RONALD E STEWART RYAN STEWART SAMUEL STEWART SHAWN P STEWART TERRY STEWART TOYE BENJAMIN STEWART III TY D STEWART WILLIAM D STEWART VALERIE D STEWART‑WEST MICHAEL T STEZOWSKI JR CLINT K STICKAN NATHAN STICKAN DALE E STICKLE SR DERICK RILEY STIDHAM FRANKLIN STIDHAM GUTHRIE STIENS JEREMIAH M STIENS SCOTT F STIENS AARON M STIER SANDRA D STIFFLER BRADFORD J STILL DARRELL W STILL JONATHAN R STILL JOSEPH STILL RUSSELL STILL JEFF A STILLWELL RONALD L STILTNER ALEXANDER B STIMPSON GARON R STIMPSON JAMIE L STIMPSON DAVID M STINE JAMES W STINE JR JOSHUA R STINE DAWN L STINE‑SMITH TIMOTHY W STINNEFORD JAMES STINNETT JOHN M STINNETT BRADLEY D STINSON MITCHEL STIPEK SKYLER STITES SPENCER STITES DARCI A STOBAUGH JEREMY TYLER STOBAUGH TIFFANY D STOBAUGH JONATHAN RAY STOCKDALE AMANDA F STOCKMAN BRADLEY D STOCKS KENNETH J STOCKS PHILLIP D STODDARD MICHAEL L STOFFA GARY W STOGSDILL JR PETAR STOJAKOVIC MARIJANA STOJANOVIC JUSTIN L STOKER AARON STOKES CHRISTOPHER LD STOKES COREY LEE STOKES GEORGE D STOKES JACOB STOKES JOSHUA DANIEL STOKES LOREN S STOKES MINDI L STOKES MITCHELL STOKES TRAVIS STOKES JESSICA N STOKLEY BRETT M STOLER STEPHEN G STOLL RYAN W STOLP DALE E STOLZE BARRY STOMM ALVIN STONE AUTUMN STONE BRANDON A STONE CASEY STONE CHAD STONE CHRISTOPHER RANDAL STONE DEJOREON J STONE DENNIS H STONE JACOB STONE JARRET STONE JAY A STONE JEFFERY G STONE JEREMY STONE JONATHAN STONE KEITH AARON STONE LOIS E STONE MICHAEL C STONE MICHAEL I STONE MICHAEL SCOTT STONE ROBERT J STONE STEVEN W STONE TIMOTHY A STONE WESLEY WILLIAM STONE WILLIAM B STONE NEAL C STONEBACK NICOLE J STONEBACK SABRINA M STONEBURG HERMAN D STONEBURNER ANDREW D STONEWALL ARTHUR STONEY III CARLTON M STONEY FREDRICK S STONG LARRY W STOOKSBERRY MICHAEL K STOREY REBECCA STOREY JODY J STORM MARK T STORNELLI SHANNON D STOROVICH RYAN G STORRJOHANN IAN M STORY ROGER D STORY SCOTT N STORY PHILLIP N STOTT VICTOR M STOUDEMIRE JOSEPH RHETT STOUGH CHRISTIAN STOUT ERIC N STOUT JAMIE JONATHAN STOUT RANDY D STOUT REX D STOUT SHAWN D STOUT TRACY T STOUT BRANDON ANTHONY STOVALL DAVID CRAIG STOVALL JOSHUA K STOVALL ROGER GENE STOVALL JR JOSEPH STOVER PIERRE M STOVER CHRISTOPHER A STOW KATRINA M STOWE CHRISTIAN M STRABALA JUNE C STRACENER ROY DAVID STRACENER TODD STRACHAN JONATHAN J STRAETKER LIZETTE A STRAIT SEAN K STRALO ERIC A STRAND ROBERT STRANG JR WILLIAM D STRANG ANDREW STRANGE TODD DAVID STRANGE KRISTIN STRASSER MARK E STRATHERN ERIC A STRATHMAN CORY M STRATTON CALVIN J STRAUB ROGER E STRAUBINGER ROSS E STRAUBINGER MICHAEL R STRAUGHN CAMERON SCOTT STRAWN JEFFREY L STRAWN SHANE STRAWN DEREK W STRECKER ZACHARY A STREET ERIC DEANDRE STREETER SHAUN D STREETER COLTON L STREETMAN ROBERT G STREETMAN ANDREW J STREFF KYLE A STREICH SARAH JANE STREICH DARIAN STREMBLE CHRISTOPHER STREVER ALEXANDER J STRICKLAND ALEXANDER V STRICKLAND CATHERINE H STRICKLAND CHAD C STRICKLAND DAVID G STRICKLAND DAVID R STRICKLAND KAREN S STRICKLAND LARON B STRICKLAND NATHAN STRICKLAND PATRISE STRICKLAND ROBERT D STRICKLAND ROLAND C STRICKLAND RONALD S STRICKLAND CHARLES ASHBY STRICKLIN MICHAEL L STRICKLIN KEVONTE K STRINGER RYAN DEAN STRINGER WILLIAM A STRINGER CLINTORICE STRINGFELLOW RANDY S STROADE BRENT STROCK BRIAN STROCK DANA STROCK DARLENE S STROCK TRENDA STRODE GARY E STRODTMAN DOUGLAS S STROEBEL DUSTIN R STROH JEREMY STROHM BYRON STROJNY WAYLON L STROM JARED J STROMAN ZACHARY LELAND STROMAN TYLER A STROMQUIST CORNELIUS M STRONG DARREN STRONG JEFFREY T STRONG JOHNNY B STRONG JUSTIN L STRONG LARRY STRONG JR MICHAEL B STRONG PATRICIA D STRONG RYAN G STRONG TYLER STRONG JAMES STROP SAWYER M STROPE AUSTIN RUSSELL STROTHER DAVID C STROTHER II NATHAN STROUP BRYAN STROZIER JENNIFER L STRUEBY MICHAEL STRUNK JONATHAN MATTHIAS STRYCKER ALEX STRYLOWSKI MICHAEL R STUART RICHARD TYLER STUBBEN JERRY LYNN STUBBLEFIELD STEVEN L STUBBLEFIELD BRIAN J STUBBS DONALD E STUCKEY JEFFERY SCOTT STUDNICKI DANIEL G STUESSE BARRY L STUEVE JOHN E STUFFLEBEAN SHERI STUFFLEBEAN SHANNAN P STULL CHRISTOPHER A STULTZ KRISTIN STULTZ RYAN STUMPF CHRIS A STURGEON JAMES P STURGEON LANE C STURGEON ANTHONY STURKIE GRIFFIN K STURKIE JASON B STURKIE MICHAEL DANE STURM DANNY W STUTTS DONNIE RAY STYONS JOHN SUAREZ MANUEL SUAREZ NELSON A RAMIREZ SUAREZ GEETHA SUBASINGHE NAGARAJ SUBBARAYALU ADHILAKSHMI SUBBIAH MAGESWARI SUBBURAJ NADIA SUBER NITIN SUBHASH MORE NADERA SUBIT BASKAR SUBRAMANI ANANTHARAMAN SUBRAMANIAN GOPALAKRISHNAN SUBRAMANIAN YOGESH SUBRAMANIAN BALAJI SUBRAMANIYAN ION SUCIU DANIEL SUCKOO JAVAWN SUCKOO JACOB J SUCKSTORF JAMES D SUCKSTORF STEPHANIE J SUCKSTORF IYYAMMAL SUDALAI MUTHU KYLE STEPHEN SUDDUTH SNEHA SUDHAKAR SAPATE PRATIK SUDHIR TIWARI MANSOR S SUFRAN WALLACE LEE SUGGS JR KEVIN SUIK JASON A SULC ANGELA J SULCER SOHEB SULEMAN PAYAK STEVE SULIMAN BRYAN O SULLINS PAUL J SULLINS ALICE L SULLIVAN BENTLEY SULLIVAN BILLY W SULLIVAN CARRIE D SULLIVAN CLARENCE D SULLIVAN DARTAGNAN C SULLIVAN DOUG SULLIVAN EDWARD T SULLIVAN GILBERT ANDREW SULLIVAN JAMES J SULLIVAN JASON L SULLIVAN JOHN M SULLIVAN MATTHEW SULLIVAN NATASHA J SULLIVAN RICK SULLIVAN ROBERT B SULLIVAN RYAN W SULLIVAN THOMAS SULLIVAN THOMAS R SULLIVAN TONY SULPIZI GARY SULZER III KENNETH S SUMMERFORD JR ROBERT ERIC SUMMERFORD JR THOMAS W SUMMERFORD PHILLIP WESLEY SUMMERLIN HARLEY WAYNE SUMMERS HEATHER JANELLE SUMMERS JAMIE R SUMMERS JASON SUMMERS JOEY PATRICK SUMMERS KERA SUMMERS MICHAEL L SUMMERS THOMAS L SUMMERS JAMES LEON SUMNER JR SHAWN SUMNER DAVID A SUMOSKI CURTIS SUMPTER JR SANDRA W SUMPTER JOHNSON SUN WEIPING SUN YI SUN CHIDAMBARAM SUNDAR RAJ CODY J SUNDAY VANNAK SUOM COURTNEY KAUAPOAILANI SUPE JERRY SUPPLE JR JOHN SUPPLE MATTHEW SUPPLE ZIGMONT JOHN SURAWSKI IV PAUL SURBER DEEPAK SURESH CHAVAN VELAVAN SURESHKUMAR JILL SURFACE ROBERT W SURFACE SCOTT A SURFACE HARIHARAN SURIYAMOORTHY MICHAEL H SURPRENANT‑VOGT ALISON SUTCLIFFE NEIL SUTCLIFFE CODY SUTHERLAND DONALD FRANCIS SUTHERLAND JR GARRY SUTHERLAND JAMES C SUTHERLAND WILLIAM SUTHERLAND KEVIN L SUTHERLIN KYLE JOSEPH SUTHERLIN JENNIFER MARIE SUTPHIN CODY MCCLAIN SUTTERFIELD TONY ELBERT SUTTERFIELD ROCKY EDWARD SUTTLE ADAM SUTTON CANDACE L SUTTON DIMICK SUTTON GARY WAYNE SUTTON MARCUS SUTTON ROBERT J SUTTON ROBERT J SUTTON JR RONALD C SUTTON ZACHARY R SUTTON IAN J SUYDAM BRADEN MATTHEW SUZNOVICH JOSEPH SUZUKI TOBY J SVATOS JERRY J SVEC JR ANTHONY L SVEHLA JULIE K SVOBODA KEVIN D SVOBODA JOHNNY K SWACK JR ERIC D SWAFFORD JACOB PAUL SWAFFORD JOSEPH SWAFFORD BEVERLY J SWAIM TYLER SWAIM ADAM D SWAITE THOMAS L SWALLEY MICHAEL R SWALLOW RYAN SWALLOW JOSHUA J SWAN KEVIN SWAN MICHAEL SWAN WILLIAM H SWAN DUSTIN L SWANK MICHAEL A SWANK EDWARD A SWANN II LANCE ELDREDGE SWANN EILEEN M SWANNER ALVIN J SWANSON CHARLES W SWANSON CORWIN SWANSON JONAS LEA SWANSON RICHARD E SWANSON COLLIN J SWANTEK JOSEPH R SWAROWSKI ALVIN SWARTZ PAUL A SWEARINGEN ANTHONY E SWEAT WENDY L SWEAT GARY SWEATMAN RYAN B SWEATMAN SHAUN M SWEAZY NATHAN SWEDER JOHN SWEENEY ROBERT N SWEENEY TRADD L SWEENEY DAVID J SWEERUS JODI M SWEESY AUSTIN SWEET GIFFORD L SWEET CHRIS SWEETAPPLE KADE JAMES SWEETEN RICHARD E SWEETMAN JR TRAVIS C SWEETNAM LAURIE LYN SWEGMAN COLLEEN SWENSON MELISSA SWENTON BRIAN L SWICK ROBERT G SWICK STEVE SWIECH PATRICK S SWIM JOHN D SWIMS JERRED E SWINBURN ROGER SWINDERMAN JAMES W SWINDLE III JEFFERY D SWINDLE JEREMY L SWINDLE OSCAR DALE SWINDLE SCOTTY LEE SWINDLE STEPHEN G SWINDLE JOHN‑DAVID BURTON SWINEY MARK TYLER SWINK KEVIN RAY SWINNEY JUSTIN DAVID SWINSICK RANDALL D SWISZCZ ADAM R SWITZER BYRON SWITZER KENNETH O SWOOPE DARLENE SWOPE LOREN SWOPES JAY M SWOYER NATHAN SYBERT STEVEN SYDENSTRICKER TREVOR J SYDENSTRICKER JESSICA M SYDOW AYUB SYED JERRY DEWAYNE SYKES MARK M SYKES TREY A SYKES PHILLIP M SYLVESTER JR LEE A SYLVIA BENJAMIN SYMES TIMOTHY SYMONETTE AUSTIN SYMONS JONATHAN T SYMONS TIM SYMONS MARTIN F SYPNIEWSKI SCOTT P SYRKEL THIRAKONE SYSAVAN TRAVIS D SYSLO JULIUS SZAKONYI DONALD P SZALLAR VY A TA DENNIS TABANERA BRYAN LEE TACKETT RANDY J TACKETT RICHARD TAFOYA GREG TAIT JOSEPH A TAKENS RAJVIDER TAKHAR JAMES R TALADA ANGELA TALAVERA CHRISTINA TALBERT DAVID CHRIS TALBERT DONALD W TALBERT JOSHUA T TALBERT KATIE TALBOT KAYSON TALBOT SHANE B TALBOT JOSHUA K TALBOTT CHAD S TALKINGTON JAMES TALLANT DARRELL J TALLEY ERICK TALLEY PAMELA L TALLEY RUSSELL G TALLEY SARA TALLEY TRAVIS TALLEY MICHAEL E TALLY AMIL TALOVIC DIETRICH L TALSMA MICHAEL RUBEN TAMAYO DAVID M TAMBORSKI RAMACHANDRAN TAMILARASAN JIA TAN ELISHA K TANAKA MARK TANALAS DAI TANG DAN TANG WILLIAM L TYLER TANGEN CONSTANTE TANGONAN CHARLIE B TANNER COLLEEN TANNER LUTHER R TANNER JR NATHAN TANNER NIKKI TANNER PERCY LEE TANNER TYLER G TANNER KEVEREZ V TANZY EDUARDO TAPIA ORDOÑES GERARDO TAPIA ORDOÑES DUSTIN TAPP JEFF TAPP JR JEFFREY D TAPP ALIKALI TARAWALLY CHRISTOPHER P TARBY CHAD WAYNE TARKINGTON BOBBY A TARLTON BOBBY D TARLTON TAB D TARLTON JR TAB D TARLTON SR ANTHONY JAMES TARPLEY JAMES TARR JOSEPH T TARTE NICHOLAS D TARTER JOSHUA TARTLER BRANDON L TARVER JANIS TARVER JEREMY J TARVER KEATEN N TARVER CHRISTOPHER SHANE TARVIN FRANCISCO H TASCON‑AGUDELO DAVID M TATAR BEAU MEWBOURN TATE EDWARD L TATE ELDRICK ZENDRELL TATE ELIJAH TATE JAMES HARMON TATE JAMES L TATE JOHN D TATE MICHAEL SHAWN TATE MICHELLE C TATE ROBERT M TATE TROY TATE KEEVAN R TATLOCK JR NATHAN L TATT MICHAEL A TATUM VICTOR L TATUM WILLIE J TATUM SILIAMALEATUALII D TAUFETEE VAOVAI TAVAI JR JOE TAVARES ELIAS TAVAREZ MORALES ANA TAVERAS JONATHAN ALLAN TAYLOE AARON TAYLOR AARON W TAYLOR ANDREW TAYLOR ANDREW D TAYLOR ANNA E TAYLOR ANTHONY R TAYLOR BENJAMIN S TAYLOR BETSY RENEE TAYLOR BRANDON E TAYLOR BRITTANY NICOLE TAYLOR CALVIN TAYLOR CAMERON P TAYLOR CAROLYN TAYLOR CASEY JAMES TAYLOR CHAD S TAYLOR CHRISTOPHER E TAYLOR CHRISTOPHER LEE TAYLOR CHRISTOPHER WAYNE TAYLOR CLAYTON C TAYLOR CODY ZEB TAYLOR CORY TAYLOR DAN TAYLOR DENICO R TAYLOR DENNIS JESS TAYLOR DEREK E TAYLOR DONALD ALLEN TAYLOR DWIGHT TAYLOR EDWARD L TAYLOR JR EDWIN G TAYLOR II EUGENE TAYLOR GARY ANDREW TAYLOR GEORGE E TAYLOR GREG A TAYLOR ISAIAH TAYLOR JAKE VINCENT TAYLOR JAMES A TAYLOR JAMES R TAYLOR JASON TAYLOR JAY B TAYLOR JEB S TAYLOR JEREMY NATHANIEL TAYLOR JERMAINE E TAYLOR JIMMY W TAYLOR JOE M TAYLOR JONATHAN M TAYLOR JONATHAN NATHANIEL TAYLOR JONATHAN R TAYLOR JONELL TAYLOR JOSEPH TAYLOR JR JOSHUA M TAYLOR JUDY K TAYLOR JULIA ELIZABETH TAYLOR JUSTIN TAYLOR KATHY L TAYLOR KENNETH TAYLOR KIMBERLY ANN TAYLOR KIRK E TAYLOR KYLE RYAN TAYLOR LAMONTE TAYLOR MARCUS J TAYLOR MARK CLARENCE TAYLOR MATTHEW DONAVAN TAYLOR MICHAEL A TAYLOR MICHAEL L TAYLOR MITCHELL HEATH TAYLOR NANCY S TAYLOR NATHAN TAYLOR NICKOLE M TAYLOR NICOLE TAYLOR PATRICK L TAYLOR PHILIP A TAYLOR JR PHYLLIS D TAYLOR QUINCY TAYLOR R SCOTT TAYLOR REGGINAL L TAYLOR REGINA C TAYLOR RICHARD TAYLOR RICHARD L TAYLOR ROBERT V TAYLOR ROGER G TAYLOR RYAN TAYLOR RYAN D TAYLOR SCOTT TAYLOR STEVEN RANDALL TAYLOR TERRY TAYLOR TRAVIS TAYLOR WILLIAM TAYLOR WILLIAM S TAYLOR ZACHARY TAYLOR ZACHARY D TAYLOR CLAYTON D TEAGUE DAVID W TEAGUE JUSTIN CHRISTOPHER TEAGUE MARCUS TEAGUE RICKY L TEAGUE SHANE TEAGUE JOHN DAVID TEASLER MORRIS EDWARD TEASLEY ADAM TEATHER DUSTIN LEE TEDDER JAMES B TEDDER MAJOR H TEDDER WILLIAM TEDFORD ARVIND TEEMAL CORY ALLEN TEETER ERIC L TEETER GERALD A TEETER TROY A TEETER BRYAN D TEFFTELLER SOLOMON A TEGEGNE ALEX TEITTINEN DAVID TEIXEIRA DERREN TEIXEIRA ALIOSKY TEJEDA ULLOA JOSE TELES EDITH TELFER ANTHONY TELLO DAVID TELLO JAIME L TELLO MARTIN D TELLO RAUL TELLO RUBEN TELLO RUBEN M TELLO JOHN M TELVOCK LANCE T TEMPLES GERALD ALLEN TEMPLETON IAN TEMPLETON JUSTIN S TEMPLETON DENNIS J TENCATI HENRY A TENNENT III GINNY J TENNES RICHARD L TENNY JR BANNER F TEO RONALD TEODORO BRENT TER STEEGE MARTIN TERAN MICHAEL TERAN JIMMY TERINO MOODY JOSHUA O TERNET CRAIG V TERNUS ERIC D TERNUS JASON R TERNUS KEVIN A TERNUS STEFAN TERPIN BRAYDEN DYAR TERRELL NANCY K TERRILL AARON L TERRY ANTHONY TERRY BILLY DWIGHT TERRY BRIAN TERRY DAVID ALTON TERRY DAVID P TERRY JASON W TERRY JEANNIA JACKSON TERRY JOSHUA BLAKE TERRY LANDER TERRY JR LUCAS B TERRY MARCUS D TERRY NATHAN TERRY MAHARI D TESFAI KAILIN TESKE ORLANDO TESOLIN JESSE TESSIER NATE D TEST SHAWN TESTONE MICHAEL M TETEN NADYA TEUBERT MONY THACH BRYSON THACKER HENON B THACKER JAMES B THACKER JEREMY THACKER SIM THACKER MOHAMMED THAJUDEEN MOHAMED MOHIDEEN KEVIN B THALER GOPI THANGAVEL GODWIN THANKARAJ RAJ VIVEK THAPLIYAL NAWOD THARAKA GUNASENA MELANI THARIKA ALVIN THARP BRIAN J THARP WAYNE S THARRETT STEVEN A THATCH CURTIS THAXTON JAMES O THAXTON AARON L THAYER DARRELL W THAYER JR MARCUS D THAYER MICHAEL THAYER MICHAEL S THAYER SCOTT THAYER MINN A THEIN JAMES G THEISEN SETH H THEISEN THOMAS D THELEN ALBERT THIBEAULT JASON THIEM DAVID C THIES DONA J THIES KRISTOPHER D THIES BOB THIESSEN HARLEY THIESSEN JASON EARL THIGPEN LATANYA THIGPEN NATHAN BEDFORD THIGPEN BOUNMY THIRADETH PRAMEY THIRKATEH RAMYA THIRUMALAIKUMAR PARVIN THOBHANI JAMES D THOENE AARON R THOMAS ADAM D THOMAS ANDRE RASHAD THOMAS SR AUSTIN CODY THOMAS BARRON C THOMAS BENJAMIN TODD THOMAS BOBBY E THOMAS BRADLEY THOMAS BRIAN M THOMAS CHARLES M THOMAS CHRISTOPHER THOMAS CLINT D THOMAS CLINT J THOMAS DALE A THOMAS DANIEL C THOMAS DAVID A THOMAS DAVID L THOMAS DONNA M THOMAS DUANE R THOMAS EDDIE THOMAS ERIC D THOMAS ERIC D THOMAS JR GARRETT D THOMAS GREGORY THOMAS JAMELL TYLER THOMAS JAMES THOMAS JAMES E THOMAS JAMES M THOMAS JASON L THOMAS JILLISKA A THOMAS JIMMIE MARTIN THOMAS JR JOEL H THOMAS JOHN ALAN THOMAS JOHN H THOMAS JOHN J THOMAS JOHN W THOMAS JOHNNIE B THOMAS JORDAN THOMAS JORDAN T THOMAS JOSEPH THOMAS JOSEPH A THOMAS JOSHUA LAKE THOMAS KATI J THOMAS KENNETH D THOMAS KERN THOMAS LAURA THOMAS LYSA THOMAS MARCUS THOMAS MATTHEW A THOMAS MATTHEW D THOMAS MAURECE THOMAS MICHAEL THOMAS MICHAEL P THOMAS MOSES THOMAS PATTY THOMAS PAUL THOMAS PHILLIP THOMAS PRISCILLA H THOMAS RACHEL E THOMAS RICHARD THOMAS RICKEY EUGENE THOMAS RODNEY ALI THOMAS RONALD THOMAS SHAJI THOMAS SHANE R THOMAS STACY DON THOMAS STEVEN THOMAS STEVEN W THOMAS TAMMY LYNN THOMAS TRENTON THOMAS VERONICA T THOMAS WALTER J THOMAS ZACHARY ELLIS THOMAS ROBERT W THOMASON STEVE L THOMASSEN STACEY L THOMPKINS ADAM J THOMPSON ALFRED THOMPSON JR ANDREW K THOMPSON BARRETT THOMPSON BENJAMIN D THOMPSON BERTON THOMPSON BRETT THOMPSON BRYAN E THOMPSON BRYAN EUGENE THOMPSON JR CASEY J THOMPSON CASSIE THOMPSON CHARLES JACOB THOMPSON CHAZ THOMPSON CHRIS R THOMPSON COLBY SCOTT THOMPSON DANIEL B THOMPSON DUANE A THOMPSON EBEN A THOMPSON ERIC L THOMPSON GAIL M THOMPSON GARY THOMPSON GLENN A THOMPSON HOLDEN CHAYSE THOMPSON JACOB D THOMPSON JACOB TYLER THOMPSON JAMES FRANKS THOMPSON JAMES L THOMPSON JARROD S THOMPSON JED EDWARD THOMPSON JERRY W THOMPSON JESS C THOMPSON JOHN BRADLEY THOMPSON JOHN CLYDE THOMPSON JOHN EDWARD THOMPSON JOHN L THOMPSON KATHRYN A THOMPSON KENNY J THOMPSON KEVIN THOMPSON KEVIN J THOMPSON KORTNEY V THOMPSON LARRY G THOMPSON LILY MAE THOMPSON LINDA THOMPSON LYNN THOMPSON MATTHEW THOMPSON MICHAEL THOMPSON MICHAEL A THOMPSON MICHAEL R THOMPSON PAIGE THOMPSON PHILIP THOMPSON RICHARD THOMPSON RICHARD W THOMPSON ROBERT JEFFERY THOMPSON ROBYN THOMPSON SHAMIKQUE THOMPSON SHAWN W THOMPSON STANLEY C THOMPSON STANLEY CARNELL THOMPSON STANLEY HEATH THOMPSON STEPHEN B THOMPSON STEVEN THOMPSON SR STEVEN KYLE THOMPSON TIMOTHY J THOMPSON TITUS J THOMPSON TRAVIS W THOMPSON BRENT D THOMS DAVID A THOMSEN DRAKE BOYD THOMSEN RANCE THOMSON KYLE K THOREN EDGAR L THORN DESHA THORNE JOHN W THORNHILL JR BRYCE R THORNLEY NEIL R THORNLEY JR BRADLEY TYLER THORNTON BRYAN C THORNTON BRYAN K THORNTON CHARLES H THORNTON DANIEL M THORNTON DARIUS T THORNTON DELBERT J THORNTON JR HUNTER HEATH THORNTON JASON M THORNTON JIMMY T THORNTON II JULIE LOVELL THORNTON MICAH THORNTON RACHEL MARIE THORNTON TYLER THORNTON JAY E THORP MATTHEW MICHAEL THORP JAKE M THORPE MARTIN D THORPE SHANE DOUGLAS THORPE CHRISTOPHER W THORSTED ANTHONY K THRASH BRIAN S THRASHER RODNEY J THRASHER SERAH BETH THRASHER BRANDON DOUGLAS THRELKELD JOHANNA L THREM COLBY JORDAN THRIFT MATTHEW THRON BALA THURAISINGHAM JON A THURBER PAUL A THURBER RANDY THURBER BRYSON L THURMAN SHANNON N THURMAN EARNEST CHRISTOPHER THURMON BRADLEY M THURSTON BRADY L THURSTON JEFFREY M THURSTON TRAVIS J THURSTON KASON T TIAVE THOMAS TIBBALS TROY L TIBBETTS ALEX GERALD TIBBS JEFFREY ALLAN TIBBS BENJAMIN E TICEN LISA M TICHLER RYAN L TICHLER STEVEN TICKNER STEVEN R TIDMORE WILLIAM MICHAEL TIDMORE ALEX NELUS TIDWELL JAMES P TIDWELL MARTY A TIDWELL DANIEL J TIEDE JEREMY TIEDGEN WILLY V TIELKE SANDRA TIEMAN BYRON TIERNEY CHRISTINA LOUISE TIFFANY JEREMY RYAN TIFFANY LEE L TIFFANY MITCHELL TIFFANY MICHAEL C TIGER ROLANDO TIJERINA ADAM TILLER RAY MATTHEW TILLER SETH TILLERY BRIAN L TILLEY CLAYTON C TILLEY JILL A TILLEY ROBERT D TILLEY TROY N TILLEY II TYLER A TILLEY CALVIN Q TILLMAN RICHARD A TILLOTSON TRAVIS Y TILMAN ADAM L TILTON ANTONIO G TIMAS CARLOS TIMAS ANICKSON P TIMAS TEIXEIRA CARRIE CUTCHINS TIMBERLAKE LANCE C TIMBERLIN TONY TIMLICK JACOB R TIMM CHRISTOPHER MATTHEW TIMMERBERG DREW L TIMMERMAN KEITH W TIMMERMAN JR JONATHAN E TIMMIS CHADBOURN M TIMMONS DILLON TIMMONS JORDAN LEVET TIMMONS MATTHEW W TIMMONS WILLIAM E TIMMONS JR CURTIS LEE TIMMS SHANNON K TIMMS TERRENCE TIMOTHY TIMOTHY M TINCHER RILEY TINGEY MARK WILLIAM TINGLE STEVEN L TINGLE JASON C TINNEY JIMMY M TINSLEY JAMES LEE TIPLER ASHLEY K TIPPETT RENAE A TIPPETTS TIMOTHY A TIRABASSI ALAN TIREY JANE C TIRRELL CHRISTIAN C TISDALE LAURICE D TISDALE III WILLIAM B TISDALE JR JOSEPH TISDELL JEFFREY TITCHKOSKY SAVANG TITH KATHY TITLER BRANDON R TITTLE DANNY L TITUS MICHAEL TOA DANIEL LEWIS TOBBE MICHAEL J TOBIN BRANDEHN TODD LEONARD TODD MICHAEL S TODD OKONKOWO K TODD RICHARD DANIEL TODD STEPHEN TODD WILLIAM TODD BRADLEY TOEWS KIMBERLY A TOILLION CHRISTOPHER TOKARZ ADAM O TOLBERT JOSEPH TOLBERT ARISTEO TOLEDANO JR GILBERTO TOLEDO ROMAN AHMET TOLENI DEMETRIO TOLENTINO GOMEZ JANICE S TOLER DUSTIN TOLL RICHARD TOLLE JOHN TOLLEY PHILIP TOLLEY JAY TOLMAN MITCHELL TOLOKONSKY ALEXIS TOLOSA BLAKE E TOLSON HOLDEN TOLSON PAUL TOLSON JR ANDREW J TOM KYLE M TOM TERRELL J TOM MICHAEL D TOMASEK JACOB LEE TOMASZEWSKI JOHN A TOMAZIN MARKUS A TOMKA RANDY TOMKINS ROBERT TOMLIN JONATHAN C TOMLINSON ALVIN TOMLISON KOREY A TOMPKINS KYLE M TOMPKINS MATTHEW R TOMPKINS GRAYSON D TOMS WALTER TOMSON AMANDA TOMSOVIC MARIE TONELLO ANDRE LEKENDRICK TONEY KYLER TONEY BRENDAN TOOHEY DAVID TOOLE CARSON J TOONE LEON J TOPALIAN BRIAN M TOPE JENNIFER TOPELKO TRADD N TOPPIN CHRISTOPHER S TOPPING STACEY A TOPPING DAVID TORAL LOPEZ DELLAMARY MANUEL TORAYA ROBERT S TORRENCE ALEJANDRO O TORRES ARMANDO L TORRES CESAR TORRES JR ERICK TORRES GABRIEL TORRES JOSE G TORRES MEELVISS TORRES RAMONA TORRES OSCAR ORLANDO TORRES BARNICA ADRIANA TORRES GARCIA JAVIER A TORRES JIMENEZ VICTOR TORRES MARTINEZ JUAN TORRES MEDINA OMAR DAVID TORRES PEREZ RAUL TORRES‑GONZALEZ JERRY E TORREZ ANTHONY PAUL TORRICELLI CHAD TOST RAYMOND TOTH JAMES A TOTIN COLIN TOUGHER FRANCISCO TOVAR MIGUEL TOVAR NOHELIA TOVAR JEREMY LOUIS TOWE CURTIS LEE TOWELL JACOB CHRISTIAN TOWELL SHAYNE TOWER ROBERT TOWERY BENJAMIN B TOWLES BRANDON D TOWLES MICHAEL SCOTT TOWLES KIRK A TOWNE BRUCE E TOWNSEND DWIGHT D TOWNSEND KEVIN A TOWNSEND LOUIS D TOWNSEND TAVARIS MONTA TOWNSEND WILLIAM H TOWNSEND DAVID TOWNSON JR JAMES TOWNSON KIMBERLY TOY ALEICIA D TRACY GREGORY D TRACY KELLEY TRACY MARK C TRACY SCOTT A TRACY THOMAS TRACY GARRETT TRAFZER GINGER TRAGO MATTHEW K TRAINER LARRY D TRAMEL CARLA D TRAMMEL CRAIG A TRAMMEL BRANDY KAY TRAMMELL CHRISTOPHER TRAMMELL LEE W TRAMMELL JR CUONG Q TRAN GIAU TRAN HOANG BICH THUY TRAN HOANG V TRAN KHANH T TRAN PHU THANH TRAN TIEN X TRAN VU T TRAN DJUAN RAMON TRANNON BAKARY TRAORE LASSANA TRAORE MAMADOU TRAORE OUSMANE TRAORE PETER M TRAPANI CLIFFORD R TRAPP JOSHUA A TRAPP RUSSELL TRASK JESSICA G TRAUB IVAN TRAVER JESSICA G TRAVIS WADE A TRAVIS BILL RIVES TRAWICK JR TIM L TRAYLOR TY LAMAR TRAYLOR ZACHARY S TRAYLOR WILLIE TRAYNHAM JEFFREY A TREADWAY JEREMY TREADWAY CLINT W TREASE RYAN TREESH TODD TREESH COLLIN TREEST BRADEN M TREGO DANA TREMBLAY JACQUES TREMBLAY JEAN‑PAUL TREMBLAY JEFFREY TREMBLAY PIERRE TREMBLAY JERRY E TRENARY JOSHUA TREPANIER CHRISTOPHER A TRESSLER TYLER TRETHEWEY MARTIN TREVILLIAN FRANCISCO R TREVINO JONATHAN TREVINO STACIE TREVINO ROLAND TREVINO GARCIA ERIC JAMES TRIANCE JERRY LEE TRIBLE DANIEL TRICK DANIEL TRICKETT TRIFON I TRIFONOV JAMES MATTHEW TRIM ROY TRIMBLE JOSHUA H TRINER KENNETH TRINIDAD MARIO A TRINIDAD TIMOTHY TRINIDAD FORREST JEFFERY TRIPOD DARREN TRIPP VALERIE TRIPP BRIAN J TROCANO GARRETT J TROMBI MARCOS A TRONCOSO KEITH TROSCLAIR JEFFERY L TROTMAN JOSHUA K TROTMAN RAPHAEL TROTTIER DELORME DEMETRIUS DANDRE TROUPE KEVIN D TROUSDALE ANTHONY M TROUT JEFFREY L TROUT JEFFRY D TROUT MELISSA M TROUT RICHARD B TROUT RICHARD DILLON TROUT WILLIAM J TROUT COREY TROUTMAN KEVIN TROVERO KALI N TROWBRIDGE PAULA V TROWBRIDGE WESLEY L TROWBRIDGE JASON D TRUAX JOEL TRUAX JACK L TRUDEAU JENNIFER L TRUDEAU MELODY J TRUDEAU TIMOTHY W TRUDELL BRADFORD G TRUE MICHAEL TRUE JACK D TRUEBLOOD III MICHAEL E TRUEBLOOD JUSTIN TRUELOVE KEVIN SCOTT TRUELOVE ERNEST TRUESDALE PHILLIP A TRUESDELL JESSICA NICOLE TRUETT DONALD TRUFANT BENJAMIN TRUJILLO BRYSON TRUMBLE KARYN STEPHANZ TRUMBULL NGUYEN CAM TRUONG PETER A TRUONG MICHAEL TRUSCHKA MICHAEL RAY TRUSS NATHAN DEREK TRUSS JASON DANIEL TRUSSELL MONICA TRUSTY MITCHELL T TRYON ISABEL G TRYTHALL SHERMAN TSE SIMON TSE CHARLES TSHIKO JIM N TSIRIKOS DWIGHT TSOSIE JASON TUBBS TONY R TUBBS NATHAN DON TUBERVILLE ANTWOINE MARCEL TUCK ADAM KYLE TUCKER BRANDEN DANIEL TUCKER CALEISHA KIARA TUCKER CHARLES G TUCKER CHARLES JOSEPH TUCKER CHRISTOPHER R TUCKER CHRISTOPHER T TUCKER ELDON TUCKER GREGORY J TUCKER JACOB TUCKER JONATHAN ROBERT TUCKER JORDON G TUCKER JOSEPH E TUCKER JOSHUA TUCKER JULIE ELIZABETH TUCKER KARALEE TUCKER LONNELL TUCKER MARKES M TUCKER PATRICIA G TUCKER RANDLE GLENN TUCKER ROBERT TUCKER ROBERT H TUCKER ROBERT L TUCKER SAMUEL TUCKER WARD J TUCKER STEVEN T TUIAANA JOHN TUIN KATRINA TUITE CALEB TULLOS CODY M TUMA WILLIAM CHARLES TUNGATE FERNAN TUNGCUL FRANCIS TUNGCUL ROBERT R TUNIN MORRIS LEWIS TUNNELL JR JAMES E TUNNICLIFF JACOB ROSS TUNSTALL WILLIAM TUPLIN ROGERIO TURATTI COLEMAN M TURBEVILLE CAREY TURBITT NICOLE L TURCOTTE PATRICK TURCOTTE JOHN TURK RICKEY TURK JR MICHAEL J TURKO BENJAMIN G TURLEY THOMAS ROBERT TURLEY CHRISTINE TURMAINE BRYCE E TURMAN JOSHUA M TURNAGE MICHAEL W TURNAGE STEVEN A TURNAGE BRYCE TURNBOW CHRISTOPHER L TURNBOW JESSE TURNBULL ANDREW TURNER ANGELO A TURNER BLAKE V TURNER CARLOS EUGENE TURNER CHARLES L TURNER CHERYL A TURNER CHRISTOPHER W TURNER CLAYTON TURNER DAVID WESLEY TURNER DOUGLAS DEWAYNE TURNER II EMMETT H TURNER EVELYN S TURNER HEATH M TURNER JANELLE TURNER JAYMIE DANIEL TURNER JIM LEE TURNER JIMMY LEE TURNER JIMMY N TURNER JR KEITH A TURNER LITTLE TURNER LORETTA D TURNER MATTHEW J TURNER MICHAEL L TURNER MICHAEL W TURNER PAGE E TURNER IV RAY L TURNER RICHARD TURNER RICKY L TURNER ROBERT O TURNER ROBERT WESLEY TURNER RODNEY TURNER ROSALIND TURNER SCOTT A TURNER SHAWN TURNER TAMMY S TURNER TERRY AUSTIN TURNER TIMOTHY R TURNER TRAVIS TURNER WAYNE TURNER ZACHARY L TURNER SR TODD CARLETON TURNEY JEREMY THOMAS TURNIPSEED JOHN C TUROSE COLBY TURPLE MICHAEL TURVEY RICHARD A TUTEN TRAVIS TUTEN ANDREW T TUTTLE CHERIE L TUTTLE CHRISTIAN T TUTTLE CHRISTOPHER A TUTTLE LINDA A TUTTLE TASELE C J TUUPO CHRISTOPHER Q TVETER BRITTON L TWEEDY LARRY D TWEEDY BENJAMIN D TWINE PHILLIP TWINEM DEWAYNE S TYGESEN DONALD J TYLENDA ADAM JORDAN TYLER CHRISTOPHER W TYLER DALLAS D TYLER DARRYL TYLER JACOB T TYLER KEVIN DWIGHT TYLER OWEN W TYLER STEPHEN TYLER ELDON TYMS JAMES O TYNER JR JAMES O TYNER III JACOB TYNES DAVID A TYO ELIZABETH TYRRELL EDMOUND T TYSON ALFONZO LYNDELL TYUS JOHN R TZIOUMIS KARNAM G UDAYAKUMAR BAXTON UDY BURKE N UDY DUSTY UDY JOSHUA J UDY REESE N UDY TREVOR UDY WESLEY D UDY MONIQUE UELMEN ALLAN W UETTWILLER BRIAN J UFFORD JOSHUA L UHINCK DANIEL J UHING TYLER M UHING ROBERT UKRAINETZ BRETT M ULLOM KIMBERLY S ULLOM DANIEL ULRICH TIMOTHY J UMBARGER SUSHANT UMESH PANDIT JOSHUA A UNDERHILL DEBRA A UNDERWOOD DUSTIN T UNDERWOOD EDWARD H UNDERWOOD JONATHAN UNDERWOOD KEVIN J UNDERWOOD MICHAEL A UNDERWOOD PATRICK N UNDERWOOD RICK L UNDERWOOD JR ROBERT UNDERWOOD WYATT UNDERWOOD MICHAEL S UNGER RYAN W UNGER JUAN A UNZUETA‑CASTREJON RONNIE KEITH UPCHURCH JR WADE A UPDIKE DUSTIN UPHOFF ERIC S UPLINGER AMY UPP FRANKLIN UPSHAW MATTHEW UPSHAW JAMES DAVID UPTON PAUL DALE UPTON STEVEN M UPTON MATTHEW T UPWALL JOHNNY URBANEK JUAN CARLOS URBANO CASTAÑEDA ISMAEL URBINA MIRA UREKAR WYATT URESTI HORASIO URIAS ELIAS JIMENEZ URIBE MANUEL ALEJANDRO URIBE LOPEZ JUAN PABLO URIBE VELGARA ANDREW URQUHART ALFRED F URSO JR NORA MARIA URTIZ QUESADA TAURIS D USHER HUSEYIN USLU WALTER L USREY JOSHUA ROBERT USSERY D CHAD UTERMARK JONATHAN P UTI SHERMAN L UTLEY THOMAS E UTT KARAN UTTAM BHIKAJI NAIK SCOTT M UYEMATSU LUIS DIAZ UZARRAGA JUAN PABLO VACA MARES JULIE RENEE VACLAVIK CODY VADEBONCOEUR PHILLIP GREGORY VADEN SEDHURAMAN VADIVEL JAYAPRAKASH VADIVELU ALI VAFAIE ESSAKKIAMMAL VAITHILINGAM CHRISTOPHER J VALA BERNABE JORGE VALADEZ CAMACHO JOSE DE JESUS VALADEZ CAMACHO RENE VALADEZ CAMACHO JESUS VALADEZ VENEGAS JESUS F VALDES DANIEL VALDEZ ELIZABETH VALDEZ NICOLE L VALDEZ JUAN MIGUEL VALDEZ CANTABRANA MICHAEL LUIS VALDEZ GOMEZ JOSE ARMANDO VALDEZ VAZQUEZ SAIN ADALID VALDEZ ZERMEÑO JOSE G VALDIVIA FREDERICK A VALENCIA LUCAS O VALENCIA PEDRO VALENCIA AGUAYO CESAR ALEXIS VALENCIA CHAVEZ CLEMENTE MARIO VALENCIA FLORES LUIS ESTEBAN VALENCIA GONZALEZ DANIELA VALENCIA MONTOYA JOSE O VALENCIA‑ROJAS CARLOS VALENTIN JADE C VALENTINE GILBERT VALENZUELA JUAN VALENZUELA RIGOBERTO VALENZUELA LUIS VALERA EFRAIN VALERIO ANTONIO VALERIO MARTINEZ MARTHA GABRIELA VALERIO ROMO MARIO JOSEPH VALLADARES VALERIANO VALLADARES JULIO VALLADARES JUAREZ JARED J VALLE HANS JORDAN VALLEJO ZACHARY D VALLES MAHARAJAN VALLINAYAGAM RODOLFO VALTIERRA GALLEGOS LORENZO VALVERDE HOA VAN VAN KALE VAN ARENTHALS KIMBERLY VAN ARKEL CLARA M VAN ASWEGEN MARTIN VAN BREDERODE KEVIN VAN DE VEN ALYSSA JUSTINE VAN DELDEN CHRIS VAN DRESAR MARK VAN DYKEN WILLIAM N VAN ECHTEN BRIAN VAN EGMOND ERICA L VAN HOVE SCOTT VAN KOOTEN BROCK VAN MOURIK TYLER C VAN SCHOIACK BRIAN VAN TUNEN TIMOTHY L VAN ZANT MASON VANATTA TODD VANATTA ANTHONY J VANATTENHOVEN LUKE STEVEN VANAUSDALL DAVID LEE VANCE QUENTIN LYNN VANCE STEPHEN R VANCE PHILLIP VANCINI JASON Z VANCLEAVE KELLY J VANCLEAVE ASHLEY VANDAM MICHAEL G VANDEFIFER DEVAN VANDEKERKHOVE GLEN VANDEKERKHOVE APRIL A VANDENBERG THOMAS A VANDER PLOEG BRENDA S VANDER POL DENNIS CRAIG VANDERFORD KELLIE VANDERHAM GERALD VANDERHOEF DAVID VANDERKAAY PAUL VANDERKOOI TIMOTHY VANDERKOOY AUSTIN VANDERLEE JAY VANDERTOLL JR JARETH VANDERWALT RICKEY VANDEVEER JONATHAN WESLY VANDINE NICHOLAS JAMES VANDIVER KYLE AARON VANDORN WALLACE J VANDUSEN NATHAN A VANDUSSEN STEPHEN VANDUZEN AJ P VANDYKE DAVID VANDYKE LANE KODY VANDYKE MICHAEL K VANDYKE TERRY E VANDYKE JAKE VANELSWYK JAMES C VANEYK BUTCH VANG DAG VANG KISHA A VANHANNEGEYN MARIO D VANHORN JACK VANIER DERRYCK T VANISH DALE A VANKUREN WILLIAM MARK VANN PAUL J VANNOY TCHANAVIAN YVETTE VANNOY ERIC D VANOSDALL SONYA R VANOSTER EMILY J VANOVER JAMES VANOVER III JAMES E VANOVER III JONATHAN C VANOVER KELLY A VANOVER CODY LEE VANSCOYOC BHARGAVAREDDY VANTARI TRENT C VANTASSELL MELODIE A VANTLIN IRA K VANVALKENBURG TRENT VANVALKENBURG TREVON VANVALKENBURG JAMES W VANVLEET STEVEN J VANVLEET JERMEY S VANWINKLE SEMELI U VAOFANUA NISHANT VARADACHARI ANTHONY VARDA COLE M VARDAMAN CEDRIC M VARELA JOHNNY J VARELA JR ANTONIO VARGAS BRANDON VARGAS EZEQUIEL VARGAS FRANCISCO VARGAS GABRIEL VARGAS JESUS VARGAS JOEL VARGAS JR JORGE VARGAS JOSE VARGAS REYNALDO I VARGAS LUIS ANTONIO VARGAS LOMELI ADAM VARIO ANTONIO VARIO ERIC VARIO CINDY VARLEY PHILLIP VARSEK YAHAIRA VARSEK DENNIS VARVEL JR YOGESH VASANT MOHITE VAIBHAV VASANT PAWAR GANESH VASANT SHRIPATI KALE MARK VASBINDER SRETEN VASILJEVIC ALBAR VASQUEZ JOSEPH D VASQUEZ JULIE C VASQUEZ SANTIAGO VASQUEZ RODOLFO VASQUEZ SALES JOHN VASSALOTTI ALAN EUGENE VASSAR PHILLIP N VASSAR JESSE VASSER BILL M VAUGHAN II DAVID CHARLES VAUGHAN JERMAINE MARTISE VAUGHAN JOSEPH AARON VAUGHAN TYLER JAN VAUGHAN BLAKE C VAUGHN BRANDY VAUGHN CHRISTOPHER MAC VAUGHN CHRISTOPHER N VAUGHN DANNY W VAUGHN JR JEFFREY VAUGHN JEREMY VAUGHN JONAH CHANCE VAUGHN KEITH VAUGHN KENNETH E VAUGHN NATHAN VAUGHN NATHANIEL L VAUGHN PATRICK L VAUGHN PAUL EVAN VAUGHN ROGER DOYLE VAUGHN RONNIE VAUGHN TABATHA JOYE VAUGHN TERRY L VAUGHN TRACY A VAUGHN WILLIAM VAUGHN KATHY A VAUGHT RAIRU VAZ PENNA JORGE VAZQUEZ JORGE VAZQUEZ JULIO VAZQUEZ LUIS VAZQUEZ LEONARDO GUADALUPE VAZQUEZ ALEGRIA JOSE ANTONIO VAZQUEZ BRAVO ERWIN VAZQUEZ CUEVA LUIS ANTONIO VAZQUEZ DE LA PAZ CARLOS E VAZQUEZ ENCINAS FRANCISCO JAVIER VAZQUEZ FLORES PEDRO VAZQUEZ GARCIA JOSE FRANCISCO VAZQUEZ LOPEZ CESAR GABRIEL VAZQUEZ OLGUIN KENNETH VAZQUEZ PACHECO FELIPE VAZQUEZ REA RICHARD B VEAL ALEXANDER VEDER MICHAEL J VEECH CATHERINE M VEEN JOSE VEGA CONTRERAS ALVIN D VEGA VALENTIN RAMON VEGA‑CORONA DANIEL L VEIUM MAURICIO VELASCO ANGEL ALEJANDRO VELASCO CRUZ MARIO ALBERTO VELASCO RODRIGUEZ IZAK VELASQUEZ JORGE VELASQUEZ RUBEN VELASQUEZ ADOLFO N VELAZQUEZ ANGEL VELAZQUEZ JAIME VELAZQUEZ SEFERINO VELAZQUEZ ELVIN VELAZQUEZ NAVAS ARISTIDES S VELEZ ELSA VELEZ SERGIO VELEZ BRYAN VELEZ DAMIANI JOSE R VELIZ RAMANATHAN VELLASAMY SARAT K VELLATURI BALASUBRAMANIYAM VELU DONALD VAL VENABLE ROGER L VENABLE JOEL A VENEGAS AGUSTIN ARTURO VENEGAS FLORES ANGEL ARTURO VENEGAS RODRIGUEZ MICHAEL A VENESKY JOSE F VERA FERNANDO D VERA CHAVEZ PHILIP J VERBEKE CRAIG W VERBERNE JAY VERBURG ANTONIO RODRIGUEZ VERDOZA ARLENE G VEREEN TIMOTHY E VEREEN JR GUILLERMO VEREZ ALEJANDRO VERGARA‑VERDIN COLE VERI LANCE A VERICKER JOHN VERMELTFOORT PIERRE VERMETTE JR KEITH N VERNAREC JEFFERY VERNON KATHY VERNON MICHAEL SHANE VERNON MICHAEL A VERON COREY M VERRET THOMAS A VERSTYNEN CARLOS ULISES VERZWYVELT RONALD J VESKRNA DEBRA W VESS WILLARD DONNIE LEE VESS BRIAN D VEST HALEIGH VEST HUNTER C VESTAL MORGAN G VESTAL BRANDON VEY TATE VIANI ALICIA L VICARS JONATHAN TYLER VICARS MIKAL M VICKERMAN GREGORY ALLEN VICKERS JASON WAYNE VICKERY CHRISTY L VICKNAIR JESUS J VICTOR MANUEL EDUARDO VIDAURRI IGOR VIEIRA RILEY VIEIRA TYLER DWAYNE VIEIRA ROBERT D VIERS JESSIE R VIGIL JASON S VIGNESS ANKITA VIJAY HAMSHETH KAPADI VIKAS VIJAY KULAYE ROHIT VIJAY SHANTARAM ADAM GARY VIKER KEITH D VILDERS DANIEL VILLA GALVAN FRANK VILLAGRAN JOSE M VILLAGRANA AUGUSTIN C VILLALOBOS DAVID VILLALOBOS GALLO JUAN VILLALOBOS HERNANDEZ VICTOR VILLALPANDO ALBERTO VILLANUEVA JULIAN JAVIER VILLANUEVA PORTILLO DENNIS D VILLAREAL EDGAR VILLARREAL JOSE R VILLARREAL OMAR VILLARREAL RODOLFO VILLARREAL U ANTONIO VILLARREAL DANIEL ALEJANDRO VILLASENOR ERIC VILLEGAS JR OLGA ELOISA VILLEGAS NUÑEZ JUAN VILLELA ALVARO VILLELA BELTRAN BRAD P VILLEMUER VINCE VILLESO ZACHARY MARTIN VILLIGER STACIE VILT PRASHANT VINAYAK BAHAL NILIMA VINAYAK PANCHAL BRANDON VINCENT JOHN A VINCENT JOSEPH L VINCENT KEVIN W VINCENT SASHA VINCENT STEVEN L VINCENT TYLER N VINCENT MICHAEL BLANE VINES CHRISTY L VINET CHRISTOPHER B VINING EDUARDO VINLUAN AJAI VINOD PRANAY VINOD NAMDEV THALE JERRELL G VINSON DAVID WAYNE VINUP BRIAN K VINZANT CHARLES G VIRGIN PORFIRIO VISAYA SARASWATI VISHNUDAS KOLPUKE SHAM VISHRAM SHAMRAO GHADI EVELYN VISSER LUCIANO VITELLO KENYATTA J VIVIANS ROBERTO VIZCAINO TATIANA VLADIMIROVA KHAC NHO VO KEVIN J VOECKS MARK S VOELKEL DAKOTA M VOGEL JUSTIN L VOGEL ROBERT T VOGEL STEVEN M VOGEL TYRONE J VOGEL SHAMUS VOGELSANG DEREK A VOIGHT CALEB VOIROL RHYS VOLANSKI STEVEN H VOLK ERNEST M VOLKMAN ANTHONY M VOLLBRECHT JAMES B VOLMER ROBIN L VONDRAK IAN J VONGLAHN DOUG VONHANDORF WILLIAM VORDERER DEANNE L VORNHAGEN WESTON P VOS BRADLEY ZANE VOSS ALAN D VOUGH DARIN R VOUGH DAVID G VOUGHT WAYNE ARTHUR VOUT RICKY RAY VOYLES MARK J VRBKA THANH VU JELENA VUKAS ANDREW VUKELA RONALD VUMBACK JR DOUGLAS J VYHLIDAL RAYMOND VYTLACIL RAY WACHEL ERIC D WACHHOLTZ MARK J WACHHOLTZ JASON J WACHTER JEDIDIAH R WACHTER JASON DOUGLAS WADDELL JOY TRAVINA WADDELL NATHANIEL G WADDELL SONYA CATHY WADDELL TOM WADDELL KEVIN WADDEN JACOB M WADDOUPS ADAM W WADE CRAIG WADE DAVID ANDREW WADE GREGORY EUGENE WADE JOHN D WADE JOSHUA EARL WADE NICKALOUS B WADE RUSSELL S WADE RYAN MICHAEL WADE THOMAS JAMES WADE JERAMIAH WADE BRUCE JOHN WADKINS MATTHEW J WADLEY ZACHARY WADLINGTON ROBERT D WAECHTLER BRET WAGGONER DARRELL WAGNER DAVID J WAGNER JR EDWIN WAGNER ELLEN Y WAGNER EVA M WAGNER HARRY WAGNER JASON WAGNER JOHN W WAGNER KEITH R WAGNER LEON A WAGNER JR MARY WAGNER SHAWN WAGNER JEFFREY C WAGONER JARED M WAGSTER BRITT WAGUESPACK MARTIN E WAHL NATHAN WAHL ADAM KEITH WAID AUSTIN J WAIKEL JESSICA WAINMAN CHRISTOPHER C WAINWRIGHT TRAVIS M WAIT ANDREW C WAITE JAMES J WAITE CURTIS WAITS VUYANI S WAKABA JEFFREY A WAKEFIELD DEAN WAKELY CARL J WALAG JORDAN R WALDEN ADAM MITCHELL WALDON ALICE EMILY WALDON MATTHEW WALDORF JAMES R WALDREP JUSTIN ONEAL WALDREP SHELLEY WALDRIP CRAIG M WALDRON EMILY WALDRON ROBERT J WALDRON ADAM B WALDROP CHRISTOPHER WALDROP CHRISTOPHER E WALDROP DEVIN S WALDROP JACOB L WALDROP JAMES D WALDROP JERRETT WALDROP NICHOLAS PAYTON WALDROP TYLER S WALDROP A FRANK WALKER ADAM W WALKER BAILEY P WALKER BRANDON WALKER CHASE M WALKER CHRISTOPHER B WALKER CHRISTOPHER DONTRELL WALKER CHRISTOPHER S WALKER CHRISTOPHER W WALKER CORNELLIOUS JAMAL WALKER DANA M WALKER DARNELL J WALKER DARRELL L WALKER DAVID MARK WALKER DEQUINCEY WALKER DERRICK J WALKER ERVIN D WALKER FRED WALKER GEORGE L WALKER HOUSTON A WALKER HUNTER EDWARD WALKER JACOB M WALKER JAMES C WALKER JASON D WALKER JASON DALE WALKER JASON E WALKER JEFFREY ALLEN WALKER JEREMY WALKER JERROD A WALKER JESSE W WALKER JOHN WALKER JONAH WALKER JOSEPH MICHAEL WALKER JOSHUA D WALKER JUSTIN WALKER KRISTIN R WALKER KYLE C WALKER LEON WALKER LUTHER D WALKER MARC S WALKER MARCUS B WALKER SR MARILYN WALKER MARSHALL H WALKER MATTHEW WALKER MEAGAN G WALKER MELANIE G WALKER MICHAEL WALKER MICHAEL D WALKER MICHAEL D WALKER MICHAEL D WALKER MICHAEL S WALKER MICKEY C WALKER JR PAUL T WALKER RANDY WALKER RAYMOND WALKER III REX A WALKER RYAN COLE WALKER RYNE JORDAN WALKER SCOTT L WALKER SHAWN P WALKER STEVEN M WALKER SUSHMA S WALKER TIMOTHY JASON WALKER TRAVIS WALKER TRAVIS M WALKER TRAVON A WALKER TRENDLE M WALKER TYLER JASON WALKER WILLIE C WALKER FREDERICK WALKLEY CHAD M WALKUP JAMIE WALL JOSHUA WALL ADAM WALLACE AMBER LYNN WALLACE ANDY T WALLACE BRIAN KEITH WALLACE BRIAN ASA STEVEN WALLACE CARL L WALLACE CHARLES W WALLACE CLINTON WALLACE DANIEL WALLACE DANIEL A W WALLACE DAVID EVAN WALLACE DONALD WALLACE ERIC J WALLACE JAMES WALLACE JEFFREY TYLER WALLACE JONATHAN N WALLACE JOSHUA WALLACE KAREN M WALLACE LEE SEMMES WALLACE LULA ROCHELLE WALLACE LYNN A WALLACE MICHAEL ERIC WALLACE JR RICKY W WALLACE ROBERT H WALLACE ROBERT J WALLACE JR SHERMAN WALLACE STEVIE M WALLACE JUSTIN DAVID WALLEN RICHARD F WALLIN FLOYD E WALLING JR RYAN N WALLINGFORD ANDREW BENNETT WALLIS DONALD JAMES WALLS JACOB CODY WALLS PAUL WALLS RUSSELL W WALLS SETH WALLS JAMES E WALMSLEY CORBIN J WALNOFER LUKE SAMUEL WALNOFER JAMES WALP MICHAEL S WALQUIST COREY WALSH CULLEN J WALSH JEFFERY WALSH JEFFREY CHARLES WALSH JESSE T WALSH PERRY L WALSTON WESLEY J WALSTON MICHELE A WALTENBERGER BRADLEY WALTER DOUGLAS A WALTER JERROD WALTER MARK E WALTER MATTHEW WALTER MATTHEW R WALTER BRENT M WALTERS DEREK WALTERS HENRY R WALTERS III JAYSON WALTERS JOHN L WALTERS JOSH MATTHEW WALTERS JOSHUA M WALTERS RUSSELL L WALTERS TRAVIS G WALTERS JAMES H WALTON JR JOHN WALTON JR JON DAVID WALTON JOSEPH WALTON JUSTIN RAY WALTON WILLIAM WALTRIP MICHAEL D WAMBOLD JR JAMIE L WAMBSGANSS JASON J WAMPLER MEI JUN WAN BRIAN WANAMAKER DENNIS WANG TAO WANG YANWEN WANG ZHENG WANG ALEXANDER WANGER STEPHANIE WANN LOUIS A WANNEMACHER JAKE WANNER SCOT WANSER MATT WARAWA WILLIAM WARBACH JASON WARBY ALAN W WARD ANTHONY WARD BRIAN A WARD CHAD C WARD CHRISTOPHER JASON MICHAEL WARD CHRISTOPHER L WARD DANIEL WARD DAVID L WARD EDWARD JAMES WARD JR ELIZABETH WARD HAGGON WARD JASKA L WARD JASON DAUGHTRY WARD JEFFREY WARD JERRY D WARD JOHN F WARD JOSHUA WARD JUSTIN C WARD LARRY WARD LELAND A WARD LUENDA WARD MATTHEW DOUGLAS WARD MICHAEL D WARD MICHAEL PAUL WARD MICHAEL R WARD NATHAN S WARD RALPH WARD ROBERT C WARD ROBERT CRAIG WARD RYAN WARD SCOTT WARD SHAWNA L WARD STEVEN H WARD THOMAS E WARD TINA R WARD TYLER L WARD WILLIAM EARL WARD WILLIAM L WARD II ZACHARY M WARD BRADLEY R WARDLE BRAXDEN WARDLE ANDREW E WARE CALVIN L WARE ROBERT KYLE WARE JACQUELINE WARFIELD ANDREW J WARGO TYLER QUINN WARHURST JOHN H WARING TANYA WARMAN JUSTIN M WARNEKE LISA L WARNEKE BENJAMIN J WARNER CAROLINE WARNER DOUGLAS G WARNER JASON WARNER JEROME J WARNER NICHOLAS T WARNER ROGER L WARNER SETH ELI WARNER TODD A WARNER WENDELL T WARNER WILLIAM WARNER II CORBIN H WARNKE ERIC T WARNOCK JOCELYN HENSON WARNOCK JAMES WARR JOHN C WARR ADAM R WARREN BRANDON MICHAEL WARREN CLAYTON WARREN DALE D WARREN III FORREST K WARREN LEO B WARREN PREVIN WARREN RANDALL WARREN RICHARD L WARREN JR RODERICK B WARREN RYAN WARREN SOLOMON BERNARD WARREN VINCENT ERIC WARREN GEORGE M WARRENFELLS JR DERYSE WARRICK DUANE WARRICK GREGORY ALLEN WARRICK JR ANDRE WARRINGTON TIMOTHY WARSTLER DARREN WASACASE BRAD WASHBROOK STEVEN WASHBURN MARK H WASHER ALBERT J WASHINGTON ANGELIOS M WASHINGTON DANA EARL WASHINGTON ERICKA WASHINGTON HERMAN LEE WASHINGTON JEROIME L WASHINGTON ROBERT J WASHINGTON RODNEY WASHINGTON RONALD D WASHINGTON TERRY BRANT WASHINGTON TYRONE WASHINGTON TYRONE ANTHONY WASHINGTON VEOTIS WESLEY WASHINGTON TOBY J WASSON CRAIG M WASTELL BOGUSLAWA WASZKIEL EVAN M WATERLOO CHAUNCEY ELI WATERS KENNETH WATERS MARCENA WATERS MICHAEL J WATERS SAMUEL SLAYTER WATERS TERRY WATERS ANTHONY W WATFORD GREGGORY A WATFORD JR JOSEPH G WATFORD LANCE R WATFORD ROBERT A WATFORD ROBERT C WATFORD III ZACHARY T WATHEN AARON D WATKINS ADAM T WATKINS ALBERT T WATKINS BARRY A WATKINS CHRISTOPHER L WATKINS CHRISTOPHER R WATKINS DANIEL JOSEPH WATKINS DENNIS BRIAN WATKINS EMILY J WATKINS JEREMY DARRELL WATKINS JONATHAN PAUL WATKINS STEPHANIE THOMAS WATKINS TYLER S WATKINS WILLIAM M WATKINS MICHAEL B WATROUS BERNARD L WATSON BRADLEY S WATSON CHAD WATSON CHRISTOPHER J WATSON CLAUDE C WATSON JR DARRIN R WATSON DAVID B WATSON DEANN WATSON DORA LYONS WATSON FLOYD TOMMY WATSON GERALD WALTER WATSON III GERARD WATSON HUNTER WATSON III JAMES B WATSON JAMES W WATSON JENNIFER L WATSON JOHN WATSON JORDAN WATSON JOSIAH A WATSON KEITH S WATSON KENNETH WATSON KYLE A WATSON LAMAR R WATSON LARRY L WATSON MARILYN H WATSON MARK WATSON MARTIN G WATSON PAMELA G WATSON PAUL V WATSON PENNY O WATSON ROBERT K WATSON RONALD WATSON RUSSELL E WATSON SETH WATSON STAN K WATSON TALMAGE LOYD WATSON III TERRI E WATSON THOMAS EL WATSON THOMAS J WATSON TRACY D WATSON TRENTIN JAKE WATSON DONALD WATT HASAN M WATTAR DUSTIN T WATTERSON WILLIAM WATTERSON DARRIELLE WATTIE CHAD J WATTS CHARLES DALTON WATTS CHRISTOPHER LEE WATTS ISIAH WATTS JAMES WATTS ROBERT SCOTT WATTS ROBERT WAUDBY JR CHAD WAUGH STEPHEN M WAY KEVIN C WAYE JR TODD WAYMAN SUSAN WAYNE JONATHAN W WEATHERBY CHRISTOPHER M WEATHERFORD DAVID A WEATHERFORD FRANK T WEATHERFORD HARRIETT M WEATHERFORD JACOB WEATHERFORD JAMES ALLEN WEATHERFORD JOSEPH E WEATHERFORD NELSON B WEATHERFORD NORMAN S WEATHERFORD REGISTER L WEATHERFORD LUCAS WEATHERHEAD LONNIE A WEATHERLEY CALEB AAARON WEATHERS ANDREW L WEATHERSPOON JOHN C WEATHERWAX COURTNEY WEATHINGTON BRETT D WEAVER BRIAN J WEAVER CHAD W WEAVER DENNIS L WEAVER II DONALD A WEAVER ERIC J WEAVER FRANKLIN S WEAVER GARY D WEAVER JR JACOB L WEAVER JASON D WEAVER JOHN T WEAVER JOSEPH WEAVER JOSEPH M WEAVER MICHAEL P WEAVER NATALIE K WEAVER SHAY C WEAVER THERON WEAVER GLEN WEAVERS AMY WEBB ANTHONY WEBB BRIAN W WEBB BRYAN D WEBB CHRISTOPHER WEBB CHRISTOPHER RAY WEBB DAVID A WEBB JASON WEBB JASON RAY WEBB JUSTIN WEBB MARK WEBB MICHAEL C WEBB MICHELLE WEBB PATRICK WEBB RAYMOND WEBB HARRY A WEBBER MICHAEL E WEBBER ANDREW S WEBER BRIAN R WEBER COLLEEN WEBER DUANE WEBER GLORIA A WEBER LANE L WEBER MATTHEW WEBER ROBERT WEBER ROBERT A WEBER TODD J WEBER ANDREW LEON WEBSTER BARRY O WEBSTER BRADLEY WEBSTER BRIAN WEBSTER BRIAN CHAD WEBSTER CANDACE NAYLOR WEBSTER CRAIG WEBSTER DANIEL P WEBSTER DEVIN R WEBSTER HENRY JACOB WEBSTER MORGAN WEBSTER NENA WEBSTER PHILIP MARK WEBSTER RONALD CURTIS WEBSTER TARYN PATRICK WEBSTER WILLIAM WEBSTER JESSE WECKBACH JACKIE L WEDDINGTON III DAVID WEDDLE DAVID WEDDLE EMILY S WEDDLE JASON W WEDDLE LESLIE WEED RONALD L WEED LORRIE WEEDON MICHELLE WEEKES CHARLES ANDREW WEEKS DANIEL WEEKS TYLER WEEKS CRAIG R WEERTS RICHARD V WEERTS DANIEL P WEESE II RYAN M WEETS JOSHUA R WEGMAN MATTHEW L WEGMAN II DAVID A WEHMEIR JOHN P WEHNER MATTHEW J WEHNER RYAN J WEHRI DAN P WEHRMANN DRU A WEHRS TYLER T WEHRS CHRISTOPHER D WEIDNER MICHAEL R WEIDNER TANNER J WEIDNER JOSEPH WEIGEL MATTHEW C WEIGLE JUSTIN WEIKMAN THOMAS A WEILER KELLY A WEIMAN JAY B WEIN SANDRA M WEINER AUBREY ALEXANDER WEIR CHRIS A WEIR STEPHEN C WEIR MITCHEL C WEIRICH CAMERON A WEIS JACK WEISBRODT BRANDON M WEISEL FARON WEISGERBER KELI WEISGERBER MICHAEL WEISHAAR TODD WEISHAUPT JEREMY WAYNE WEISINGER EMILY K WEISMANN HEATHER WEISS ERIC L WEITZ JEFFERY WEITZ DUSTIN N WELCH EMILY M WELCH HARRY S WELCH JAMES W WELCH KEVIN L WELCH LOVONDA A WELCH MATTHEW WELCH NATHANIEL WELCH PAUL WELCH JR ROBERT W WELCH TOMMY LEGRAND WELCH WILLIAM WELCH KEVIN WELDE DENNIS J WELDEN JARED HEATH WELDEN KEVIN L WELDON JOSHUA WELLBORN ERIC D WELLENTIN AMANDA H WELLER GREGORY WELLINGS BILLY E WELLS BRADLEY W WELLS BRYANT J WELLS CHARLES CHRISTOPHER WELLS CHARLES JUSTIN WELLS CHRISTOPHER LEE WELLS JR DELTA WELLS DUSTIN B WELLS ELIZABETH C WELLS FRANK WELLS JACOB WELLS JAMES WELLS JAMES JULIAN WELLS JASON L WELLS JIMANTI D WELLS JOHN WELLS JONATHAN W WELLS KELLEN D WELLS KIRK WELLS KRYSTINA M WELLS LANCE WELLS ROGER H WELLS TERRY WELLS DANIEL TIMOTHY WELSH TRAVIS WELSH CHRISTOPHER P WELTZER JACOB A WEMHOFF RONALD T WEMHOFF TYLER WILLIAM WENCE TYLER JACOB WENDEL TYTAN WENDEL GEORGE G WENDLING AARON WENDTE SU‑MING WENG SCOTT E WENICH TAYLOR J WENNEKAMP JOHN D WENNER WILL W WENNINGHAM DONALD G WENTELER ALAN L WENTLING JANE E WENTLING RICHARD WENTWORTH CHRISTINA M WENZEL MATTHEW S WENZEL BRIAN F WENZELMAN LARRY L WENZL MARY S WERBLO DAVID G WERKMEISTER EDMUND ROBERT WERLING DUSTIN R WERNER HARRY C WERNER JEREMY J WERNER MATTHEW D WERNER JEFFREY W WERNERT BLAKE M WERNING NICHOLAS WERR COLLIN M WERTHS JOSH A WERTMAN BRADLY E WERTZ CHESTER WERTZ TIMOTHY J WESCOTT JUSTIN J WESLEY ROBERT EDWARD WESLEY THOMAS WESLEY WILLIAM WESLEY JR JOSEPH D WESNESKI NICKOLAS J WESNESKI KYLE A WESSINGER ADMAN WEST III BRETT WEST CHARLES STEVEN WEST DALTON O WEST DAN WEST DIANNE H WEST ERIC D WEST JAMES WEST JAMES WEST JR JAMEY D WEST JILL F WEST JOSEPH T WEST KEAGAN LANE WEST MARK WEST MICHAEL J WEST NATHAN PATRICK WEST PETER C WEST RHYAN WEST TAYLOR WEST THOMAS L WEST TRAVIS WEST TYLER S WEST WILLIAM WEST WILLIAM A WEST RUSSELL D WESTALL JASON WESTBAY ERIC J WESTBROOK JOHN MATTHEW WESTBROOK WAVERLEY R WESTBROOK DAROLD WESTBY CYNTHIA WESTENFELDT EARL FRANK WESTERFIELD JEFFREY WESTERGARD AUSTIN T WESTERN DAVID WESTFALL ROBERT WESTFALL GABRIELLE J WESTLAND KEN M WESTMORELAND BRETT W WESTMORLAN CLAUDETTE J WESTMORLAN EDDIE R WESTON JOSHUA M WESTPHAL BRADLEY WETHINGTON JOHN G WETLI III ROBERT M WETTSTEIN MARC WEYER JAMES WEYMER BRIAN G WHALEN JEFFREY A WHALEN MAURICE A WHALEN SR SHEILA WHALEN THOMAS P WHALEN TIMOTHY T WHALEN NICHELLE FRANCES WHARTON JAMES E WHATLEY MATTHEW TAYLOR WHATLEY BRANDON E WHEAT CHRISTOPHER J WHEATLEY LOGAN WHEATLEY ALEXIS WHEELER ANTHONY A WHEELER BRIAN J WHEELER BRUCE WHEELER JR BRUCE D WHEELER JR CHARLES M WHEELER CORY WHEELER DARRELL E WHEELER FAYEMARIE L WHEELER JAY E WHEELER JOE M WHEELER JR JONATHAN R WHEELER JOSEPH WHEELER MIKAH A WHEELER NICHOLAS T WHEELER SCOTT L WHEELER SHANE K WHEELER WILLIAM W WHEELER BURNETTE R WHETSTONE CURTIS K WHETSTONE JEFFERY B WHETZEL DAVID WHICHARD WILLIAM R WHIPPLE MICHAEL G WHISLER MICHELE WHISONANT FRANKLIN T WHITAKER GILBERT A WHITAKER JR JEFF B WHITAKER JOHN WHITAKER MITCHELL WHITAKER NATHAN R WHITAKER STEPHEN M WHITAKER VINCENT WHITAKER ADRIAN WHITE ALFRED WHITE ALLISTER WHITE ANDREW W WHITE ANSLEUM JEROME WHITE BENJAMIN WHITE BENJAMIN LEMON WHITE BLAINE WHITE BRAD WHITE BRADLEY WHITE BRUCE JOEL WHITE BRYAN CHRISTOPHER WHITE BRYAN D WHITE CALVIN L WHITE CHARLES LAMAR WHITE CHARLIE L WHITE CLARENCE TIMOTHY WHITE CLIFFORD WHITE CLIFTON WHITE COREY D WHITE COREY L WHITE DANIEL E WHITE DAVID WHITE DAVID WHITE DAVID WHITE DEAN WHITE DENNIS WHITE DERECK L WHITE DERIK E WHITE DERYCK WHITE DURAND L WHITE EMELIA M WHITE GARY A WHITE GREGORY WHITE JABARI DELANY WHITE JAMES B WHITE JAMES K WHITE JAMES M WHITE JASON WHITE JASON M WHITE JAY WHITE JEFFEREY L WHITE JEFFERY WHITE JEFFREY R WHITE JEREMY WHITE JEREMY TODD WHITE JOHN IRBY WHITE JOHNATHON DALE WHITE JONATHAN WHITE JOSEPH AARON WHITE JOSHUA WHITE JOSHUA BRETT WHITE JUSTIN A WHITE JUSTIN TUBIRAS WHITE KEATON WHITE KENDALL WHITE KENNY MAX WHITE LANE WHITE MARK A WHITE MIA WHITE MICHAEL WHITE MICHAEL WHITE MICHAEL S WHITE MORGAN WHITE NICHOLAS D WHITE PHILLIP D WHITE RAYMOND D WHITE RICHARD N WHITE ROBERT WHITE JR ROBIN WHITE RODNEY B WHITE ROLANDO I WHITE RUTH M WHITE RYAN WHITE SCOTT WALTON WHITE SEAN C WHITE STACY E WHITE TERRY WHITE THOMAS WHITE THOMAS E WHITE THOMAS S WHITE TYLER E WHITE WALLACE A WHITE WALTER JOSEPH WHITE WILLIAM R WHITE WINFRED WHITE REX WHITED ROBERT J WHITED RICK WHITEFORD ROBERT J WHITEGON AARON WHITEHEAD ADRIAN B WHITEHEAD CAL L WHITEHEAD JAMES L WHITEHEAD JOSEPH A WHITEHEAD ROBERT JACOB WHITEHEAD ROBERT M WHITEHEAD RONALD WHITEHEAD WILLIAM TRAVIS WHITEHEAD WILLIAM DEAN WHITEHURST JEFFREY T WHITEMAN JOHN WHITEMAN KEVIN P WHITEMAN JIM WHITEROCK KEGAN WHITESIDE AARON WHITEWAY BARBARA A WHITFIELD ROBERT N WHITFORD ANTHONY J WHITHAM CHRISTOPHER WHITING DALLAS D WHITING LOUIS MITCHELL WHITLEY JR RICHARD A WHITLEY KATHY WHITMAN REBECCA L WHITMAN ANDREW WHITMER ROBERT E WHITMIRE CHATLAND WHITMORE JEREMY R WHITMORE MONIKA WHITNEY STEVEN M WHITNEY ANTHONY S WHITSITT DEREK WHITSON JEREMY S WHITSON RONALD J WHITSON COLIN CHRISTOPHER WHITT JEFFERY C WHITT JR GWEN WHITTAKER JEREMY KEITH WHITTED DOROTHY L WHITTEN JAMES WHITTEN II TYRONE J WHITTEN JACOB B WHITTINGTON LARRY J WHITTINGTON JOANNA WHITTLE MAX DALE WHITTLE MICHAEL L WHITTLE TIMOTHY L WHITTON BRITNI WIBLE NICHOLAS RYAN WIBLE DONALD WICK AUSTIN WICKER BREANNA WICKER BRIAN K WICKER JAMES WICKER PENNY J WICKER SCOTT WICKER ZACHARY WICKER CODY A WICKERHAM FARON L WICKETT JEFFREY E WICKETT GEORGETTE WICKMAN CLAYTON KENNETH R WIDA JR CHRISTOPHER J WIDDICOMBE ZACHARY WIDDICOMBE LORIN A WIDDISON BRADLEY M WIEBE KAREN WIEBE MICHAEL P WIEBELHAUS TODD WIECHMAN ANDREW D WIEDEMAN SHAWN R WIEDEMAN ALAN WIEDERHOLT SEAN C WIEDMAIER STEVEN J WIEN NATHAN WIENER DEANNA WIER MATEUSZ WIERZBICKI SAMUEL J WIESENBERG ALLISON R WIESER GERALD J WIESER MITCHELL J WIESER CURTIS A WIETFELDT BILLY WIGFALL JILL WIGGINS LONNIE M WIGGINS MARY A WIGGINS MARY K WIGGINS RANDALL WIGGINS ARTHUR A WIGGLESWORTH IV CHARLES W WIGHT MICHAEL A WIGHTMAN MARK R WIGINGTON STEVEN L WIGMAN BRADY WIKSTROM TRENTON WILBANKS GLENN L WILBER BRADLEY L WILBUR JEFFREY A WILBUR SCOTT WILBUR FRED JACK WILCOCK JR ADAM WILCOX CORY L WILCOX JOHN K WILCOX JUSTIN M WILCOX LUKE A WILCOX M DREW WILCOX RICHARD D WILCOX REX D WILCOXSON WILLIAM WILCZEK JR DANIEL J WILD PORTER G WILDE BRITTNEY WILDER CALEB WILDER FELIX S WILDER JAMES F WILDER KYLE L WILDER MICHAEL K WILDER NICHOLAS W WILDER NICOLSON WILDER RICHARD EDWARD WILDER ERNIE D ANGELO WILDS STEVEN H WILDS DON WILES DONALD E WILEY GREGORY M WILEY JAMES E WILEY ROY WILEY CHRISTOPHER RONALD WILHELM JERRY WILHELM NICOLE WILHELM SAMANTHA GAYLE WILHOIT CHRISTOPHER WILHOITE SHAWN J WILHOITE CHAD A WILKE ADAM LEE WILKERSON ANDREW WILKERSON HARLEY E WILKERSON JEFFREY T WILKERSON JOSEPH R WILKERSON KEVIN ROBERT WILKERSON MICHAEL WILKERSON RYAN E WILKERSON CHAD E WILKES CHRISTINA WARD WILKES ROBERT C WILKES ADAM C WILKINS CHRISTOPHER SCOTT WILKINS JACOB DOUGLAS WILKINS JACOB P WILKINS ALICE RUTH WILKINSON DARRELL WILKINSON DAVID A WILKINSON DRAKE WILLIAM WILKINSON EVAN WILKINSON JOHN C WILKINSON JOSEPH WILKINSON JUSTIN WILKINSON JUSTIN D WILKINSON MICHAEL WILKINSON SAMUEL WILKINSON IV SCOTT R WILKINSON ARTHUR WILKS III TIMOTHY JACOB WILKS DESMOND WILKUM DONALD WILKUM CHRISTOPHER WILL ALAN WILLARD KENNETH S WILLARD GERALD R WILLEMS KAYLA JEAN WILLEN JOSEPH WALTER WILLETT JR RALPH E WILLETT SHAWN MICHAEL WILLHITE ALLISON J WILLHOITE AARON D WILLIAMS ADONIJAH C WILLIAMS ALBERT WILLIAMS ALFRED ALLEN WILLIAMS ALVIN ARTHUR WILLIAMS AMY GARMAN WILLIAMS ANDREW ELLIS WILLIAMS ANGELO MARTELL WILLIAMS ANSON D WILLIAMS ANTHONY C WILLIAMS ANTONIO L WILLIAMS BARBARA WILLIAMS BARRY R WILLIAMS BENJAMIN T WILLIAMS BERNARD J WILLIAMS BILLY R WILLIAMS BILLY JACK CARLTON WILLIAMS BLAKE A WILLIAMS BRANDON WILLIAMS BRANDON M WILLIAMS BRET H WILLIAMS BRIAN K WILLIAMS BROCK WILLIAMS BRODY J WILLIAMS BRYLEE WILLIAMS CAMERON WILLIAMS CHAD R WILLIAMS CHADWICK WILLIAMS CHASE M WILLIAMS CHER WILLIAMS CHERYL WARREN WILLIAMS CHRISTOPHER WILLIAMS CHRISTOPHER WILLIAMS CHRISTOPHER B WILLIAMS CHRISTOPHER D WILLIAMS CHRISTOPHER W WILLIAMS CLARENCE L WILLIAMS COREY A WILLIAMS CRAIG E WILLIAMS DAKOTA T WILLIAMS DAN P WILLIAMS DANIEL ISAAC WILLIAMS DANIEL J WILLIAMS DANIEL J WILLIAMS JR DANNY F WILLIAMS DAQUAN KENYE WILLIAMS DARRAH CHEYENNE WILLIAMS DARRELL R WILLIAMS DARYL L WILLIAMS DEBORAH A WILLIAMS DEON T WILLIAMS DONALD F WILLIAMS ERIC D WILLIAMS ERNEST WILLIAMS GARY L WILLIAMS GORDON DAVID WILLIAMS HAROLD BERNARD WILLIAMS HARVEY WILLIAMS HUNTER C WILLIAMS IRVIN C WILLIAMS ISAAC E WILLIAMS JABEZ D WILLIAMS JACK WILLIAMS JACK H WILLIAMS JR JAMES WILLIAMS JAMES A WILLIAMS JAMES A WILLIAMS JAMES B WILLIAMS JAMES C WILLIAMS JAMES MICHAEL WILLIAMS JASON WILLIAMS JASON WILLIAMS JASON CHRISTOPHER WILLIAMS JESSICA WILLIAMS JOE WILLIAMS JR JOEY B WILLIAMS JOHN CHRIS WILLIAMS JOHN L WILLIAMS JONTRELL WILLIAMS JOSEPH WILLIAMS JOSEPH WILLIAMS JOSIAH M WILLIAMS JURRICK JASON JOHN WILLIAMS KEITH WILLIAMS KEITH DEWAYNE WILLIAMS KEITH P WILLIAMS KENT B WILLIAMS KEVIN G WILLIAMS KIRK WILLIAMS KYLER BRADY WILLIAMS LARRY JOE WILLIAMS JR LOGAN WILLIAMS LORI L WILLIAMS LOUIS WILLIAMS MARCELLA L WILLIAMS MARCUS L WILLIAMS MARK P WILLIAMS MARK T WILLIAMS JR MARKUS A WILLIAMS MARSHALL L WILLIAMS MARY K WILLIAMS MATTHEW WILLIAMS MATTHEW CORNEL WILLIAMS MATTHEW D WILLIAMS MATTHEW H WILLIAMS MICHAEL D WILLIAMS MICHAEL R WILLIAMS MICHELLE ELAINE WILLIAMS MILTON L WILLIAMS NANKABA WILLIAMS NICHOLAS C WILLIAMS NIKY W WILLIAMS PETER WILLIAMS PETER M WILLIAMS PHILLIP EDWARD WILLIAMS III RAFEAL D WILLIAMS RANDY M WILLIAMS RHONDA WILLIAMS RICHARD M WILLIAMS RICHARD MARK WILLIAMS ROBERT S WILLIAMS ROBERT T WILLIAMS ROBERT W WILLIAMS ROCKY DAVID WILLIAMS RONALD BRENT WILLIAMS RONNIE L WILLIAMS RUSTY WILLIAMS SAMMY E WILLIAMS SAMUEL WILLIAMS SAMUEL A WILLIAMS SCOTT E WILLIAMS SEAN D WILLIAMS SHAWN D WILLIAMS SKIPPER R WILLIAMS SONIA J WILLIAMS STEVE WILLIAMS TERENCE D WILLIAMS TERRANCE WILLIAMS TERRANCE L WILLIAMS JR THOMAS WILLIAMS THOMAS C WILLIAMS TIFFANY WILLIAMS TODD WILLIAMS TOMEKA L WILLIAMS TRAVIS J WILLIAMS TREY A WILLIAMS WESLEY R WILLIAMS WHITNEY WILLIAMS WILLIAM A WILLIAMS ZACHARY R WILLIAMS ANDREA B WILLIAMSON BRETT WILLIAMSON BRYAN T WILLIAMSON CHRISTINA L WILLIAMSON CLAY THOMAS WILLIAMSON CODY WILLIAMSON DIANE K WILLIAMSON FERNANDO WILLIAMSON GARY L WILLIAMSON GREGORY WILLIAMSON GREGORY WILLIAMSON JOHN WILLIAMSON JOHN A WILLIAMSON JR JOSHUA MARK WILLIAMSON KENNETH G WILLIAMSON KRISTOPHER WILLIAMSON PAUL D WILLIAMSON RON C WILLIAMSON SHAUGHN D WILLIAMSON TOMMY WILLIAMSON JAMES D WILLIE JEREMY LEE WILLINGHAM LARAMIE THEO WILLINGHAM ANTHONY P WILLIS EVAN ALLEN WILLIS KAREN F WILLIS KENT A WILLIS KEVIN WAYNE WILLIS SHAWN WILLIS TAMMY G WILLIS WILLIAM K WILLIS ZACHARY WILLIS JOSEPH WILLISON JOHN WILLOUGHBY LISA WILLOUGHBY THOMAS B WILLOUGHBY MARK WILLS KELLY J WILMOTH DOUGLAS R WILNER AARON WILSON ANGELA D WILSON ANGELA GARNER WILSON ANGELA J WILSON AUBREY L WILSON AUBREY W WILSON BENJAMIN M WILSON BRANDON L WILSON BRANDY LYNN WILSON BRENDA WILSON BRIAN G WILSON BRIAN M WILSON BRIAN S WILSON BROCK E WILSON BRYCE E WILSON BRYCE T WILSON CAITLIN WILSON CARRIE J WILSON CHANDRA WILSON CHEVIS P WILSON CHRISTOPHER WILSON COREY S WILSON CORY WILSON DANIEL WILSON DANIEL E WILSON JR DANIEL J WILSON DEASHANE L WILSON DENNIS DWAYNE WILSON DONALD R WILSON DONNA J WILSON EDWARD WILSON EDWARD LEE WILSON EMERSON WILSON ERIC D WILSON GARRICK W WILSON GARY WILSON GORDON C WILSON GRANT J WILSON HENRICO WILSON IVY NORWOOD WILSON JACOB L WILSON JAMES B WILSON JAMES D WILSON JR JAMES LANGFORD WILSON JAMES W WILSON JASON JOURNEY WILSON JERMYKO R WILSON JODY WILSON JOE T WILSON III JOHN WILSON JOSEPH K WILSON JOSHUA ALLEN WILSON JOSIAS HANK ELMO WILSON KAMERON KYLE WILSON KAY M WILSON KENNETH M WILSON KENT WILSON LAWSON DAKOTA WILSON LEONARD C WILSON MARTHA S WILSON MATTHEW B WILSON MEL T WILSON MICHAEL R WILSON MICHAEL W WILSON MORRISE WILSON NATHAN WILSON PATRICK B WILSON PHILLIP WILSON RANDALL GRAHAM WILSON RAY ANTHONY WILSON REBECCA L WILSON RONALD KEITH WILSON RUTH WILSON RYAN JASPER WILSON SARA J WILSON SCOTT WILSON SEAN WILSON SHAMETA ANTRACHA WILSON STEPHEN O WILSON STEVE WILSON TAD G WILSON TASHA WILSON TIMOTHY S WILSON TODD A WILSON TONY EUGENE WILSON TREVOR WILSON TREVOR W WILSON TYRELL WILSON VALERIE E WILSON WAYNE L WILSON WILLIAM JARED WILSON ZACKARY TYLAN WILSON TIFFANY JO WILSON VARGAS JAYSON WILT LORI WIMER CODY WIMP JONATHAN D WINBERRY ZACHARY B WINBUSH JAMES M WINCE SR DAVID SCOTT WINCHESTER STEVEN E WINCHESTER TRAVIS L WINCHESTER TREVER WINCHESTER ERIC E WINDHAM MICHAEL C WINDHAM JOHN PAUL WINDLE MILTON A WINFIELD LARY H WING BART R WINGATE KYLE J WINGFIELD RYAN CHARLES WINGLER COLIN D WINIECKI DALE A WINKEL JEFFREY B WINKELER DIETER WINKELS KARL T WINKLER SUSAN R WINKLER NICHOLAS WINN JASON A WINNER WILLIAM WINNING EDWIN HEATH WINSETT PHILLIP DUSTIN WINSETT CHARLES E WINSLOW DAVID A WINSLOW RICHARD MARTIN WINSLOW TAMMY WINSLOW WALLACE WINSLOW CARLEE R WINSTEAD DAVID WINSTEAD EMILY F WINSTEAD JACOB WINSTEAD JARED H WINSTEAD NATHAN COLE WINSTEAD TAMMY T WINSTEAD JARRETT WINSTON JERMEL WINSTON JEFFREY A WINTER KEITH WINTER NOAH D WINTER JAREL WINTERHAWK JOSHUA WINTERHAWK PAUL H WINTERMUTE CHRISTOPHER WINTERS ROBERT WINTERS THOMAS K WINTERS DAVID M WIRGES LAURA D WIRGES ADAM J WIRICK DILLON WIRICK TRACI WISBEY TREVOR WISDOM CASSIDY C WISE CHARLES D WISE DAVID F WISE JR DAVID F WISE SR JAMES A WISE IV LOGAN C WISE ROBERT J WISE JOHN A WISEMAN JR JAMES J WISER JEFFREY B WISER JONATHAN D WISMANN CYNTHIA N WISNER KEVIN FRANKLIN WISNEWSKI ELIZABETH C WISNIEWSKI ETHAN ALEXANDER WISNOSKI CODY JAMES WISSMAN KELLY WISSMAN SCOTT WISSMILLER BRANDON S WITCHER JON D WITHEROW LINWOOD R WITHERSPOON JARED WITT MICHAEL J WITT NATHANIEL WITT PRESTON L WITT TYRONE WITT JESSE WITTE JESSICA LYNN WITTEBORG JAMES WITTEN JACOB WITTENBROOK CHARLES M WITTHUHN TIMOTHY WIX JR CLETUS J WOEPPEL CLINTON J WOEPPEL MARILYN E WOESSNER JASON M WOFFORD JESSICA M WOFFORD DAVID V WOHL TERRY W WOHLGEMUTH CHRISTI WOJCIECHOWSKI DANIEL J WOJCIECHOWSKI ROBERT M WOJCIECHOWSKI BRIAN WOJTANOWSKI KAREN A WOLDAHL BENJAMIN T WOLF BRIAN ANDREW WOLF DALE WOLF DUANE A WOLF EDWARD D WOLF ERIN WOLF MARCIA WOLF SHAUN E WOLF ANDREW M WOLFE BRADLEY FOSTER WOLFE CARL D WOLFE ELICK SANDERS WOLFE ERIC WOLFE JIM WOLFE KEIFER WOLFE KELLY WOLFE MICHAEL G WOLFE PHILIP B WOLFE TRISHA L WOLFE URIAH T WOLFE ANTHONY D WOLFF COLBY J WOLFF THOMAS R WOLFF MARK D WOLFLE KRISTEN A WOLKEN RYAN C WOLKEN DALTON LEE WOMACK JOSEPH T WOMACK KENNETH D WOMACK ROBERT M WOMACK JAMES WOMBLE PATRICIA G WOMMACK JAMA WONDERS DARREN WONG ALAN WOO ALIX DANIELLE WOOD BLANE K WOOD CAROLYN F WOOD CHARLES A WOOD JR CHRISTOPHER B WOOD CHRISTOPHER B WOOD CLAYTON W WOOD DAVID Q WOOD DONALD J WOOD GRADY WOOD JARED J WOOD JOSHAUA WOOD LANCE B WOOD LANDEN L WOOD LANDON J WOOD LINDA WOOD MATTHEW J WOOD MITCHELL W WOOD NATHAN PAUL WOOD NICHOLAS D WOOD SHANE K WOOD TREVOR L WOOD VERNON WOOD WILLIAM WOOD WILLIAM C WOOD WILLIAM M WOOD WILLIAM R WOOD BRETT WOODALL BRIAN W WOODALL DAVID W WOODALL ERIC ALAN WOODALL JOSEPH D WOODALL CHRISTOPHER J WOODARD JAMES E WOODARD JARED O WOODARD JULIE WOODARD JUSTIN WOODARD KURT A WOODARD LESLIE N WOODARD JR RONNIE A WOODARD JAMES HUNTER WOODBERRY JOHN P WOODCOX MICHAEL WOODEL DENNIS KIRK WOODFILL RODERICK DEONDRICK WOODFIN ALEC WOODFORD GAIL J WOODHAM GILLUM RONALD WOODHAM PAUL J WOODHAM ERIC WOODLEE DELBERT ALLAN WOODLEY JR SCOTT G WOODRING MARVIN WOODROME CHAD W WOODROW AARON L WOODRUFF DELRAY WOODRUFF JOHN ISHMAEL WOODRUFF JOSHUA MARK WOODRUFF MEGAN WOODRUFF BRADLEY A WOODS CLARENCE WOODS JAMIE C WOODS JASON WOODS JEREMIA ANDRE WOODS JIMMY RAY WOODS JR KEVIN WOODS LEON WOODS MICHAEL L WOODS RICHARD WOODS ROBERT WOODS RYAN L WOODS TIM WOODS LARRY S WOODSON DONEL R WOODWARD JARED J WOODWARD SAMUEL WOODWARD SHANE D WOODWARD WILLIAM W WOODWARD II JOHN M WOODY LANDON BLAKE WOODY AARON WOODYER CINDY I WOOLARD ANDREW WOOLDRIDGE MARK L WOOLDRIDGE MICHAEL WOOLHISER ERIC WOOLSEY SHANNON WOOLSEY JOHN C WOOLUMS JR MICHAEL THOMAS WOOSLEY II ANTHONY WOOTEN SAMUEL H WOOTEN FRANCIS WORDEN MICHAEL D WORDEN BRUCE A WORK CHRISTY WORKMAN KENDRIX A WORKMAN BRIAN L WORKS JONATHAN WORLEY JUSTIN L WORLEY JAMIE S WORMAN JOSEPH W WORMAN LANCE WORMSBECKER DYLAN A WORRELL EDGAR WORRELL JR TIMOTHY P WORRELL CAMERON WORSHAM TIMOTHY WORST BRIAN E WORTHINGTON GARRY L WORTHINGTON KYLE WORTHINGTON RYAN L WORTHY MARVIN A WORTKOETTER JOSEPH A WORTMAN BRETT J WORTMANN KENNY P WORTZ ROBERT EDSEL WORWOOD ROBERT L WOSSNER FRANK F WOSZCZYNSKI MARVIN D WOUDWYK JR JEROME A WOZNIAK JARED W WRAGGE JASON T WRAGGE JOSHUA R WRAGGE KATHLEEN A WRAGGE BRIAN WRAY BRIAN K WRAY LAWRENCE WRAY MICHAEL W WRAY ROBYN R WRAY GARY L WREN JR JOSHUA CODY WREN ADAM COREY WRIGHT ALLEN R WRIGHT BENJAMIN H WRIGHT BRANDON WRIGHT BRANTLEY WRIGHT CHARLIE K WRIGHT CHRISTOPHER WRIGHT DAKOTA L WRIGHT DANITA J WRIGHT DANNY K WRIGHT II DAVID ANTHONY WRIGHT DAVID E WRIGHT DONDRA LOUISE WRIGHT DUSTIN J WRIGHT ERIC WRIGHT ERIC D WRIGHT ERNEST M WRIGHT GABRIEL JAY WRIGHT GRANT D WRIGHT JASEN P WRIGHT JEREMY WRIGHT JEREMY WRIGHT JORDAN KANNARD WRIGHT JOSHUA WRIGHT JOSHUA R WRIGHT JOSIAH J WRIGHT JULIE WRIGHT MATTHEW A WRIGHT MATTHEW DAVID WRIGHT MATTHEW PAYNE WRIGHT MICHAEL WRIGHT MICHAEL J WRIGHT NATHAN WRIGHT NATHANIEL J WRIGHT RAY ANDERSON WRIGHT JR RAYMOND W WRIGHT JR RICKY D WRIGHT SCOTT WRIGHT SEAN WRIGHT TAMMI WRIGHT THERESA WRIGHT THOMAS F WRIGHT II WESTLEY HILTON WRIGHT WILLIAM WRIGHT JAKE W WRIGHTSMAN JAMES W WRIGHTSMAN JARROD J WRIGHTSMAN ROY W WRIGHTSMAN BRIAN K WRINKLES TOMMY K WRINKLES STEVEN WRISLEY JUDY WRISTEN RHONDA J WUERCH DWIGHT WUERTH JUSTIN WUNCH JARED A WUNTSCH JAMES E WYATT JAMES WESLEY WYATT JONATHAN B WYATT MELISSA E WYATT RODNEY W WYATT SETH WYATT MARIO WYCHE JASON E WYCKOFF JOHN WYDNER JEFFREY E WYETH MICHELLE L WYKOFF RODNEY N WYKOFF DOUGLAS D WYLIE GARY B WYLIE JUSTIN S WYLIE MICHAEL L WYLIE JEFFREY D WYNGARDEN JOHN BRANDON WYNN TRAVIS WYNN JIANXIN XAYAVETH JODIE‑MARIE XAYPHARATH XIAOBEI XING YUCCA XING‑CANTIN XINYI XU MARK J YACKANICZ DOREEN L YACKEL NAKIA YADAO TYLER K YADAO MOUSSA YAFFA BRYAN YAHR SHANTHA K YALAMANCHILI VALEN Y YAMAGUCHI JR TOZO YAMAMOTO XU QI YAN JASON E YANCEY LUIS YANEZ FERNANDO YAÑEZ CATEDRAL NOEL YANEZ MALDONADO TIA YANG TOUA YANG VENG YANG WENCHENG YANG DARRELL YANKAWAY ANDREW YANKE JAMES YANKE YAYASIT YANOTHAI ROBERT J YAP ERNEST YAP‑CHUNG ERIC D YARBOROUGH FRANKLIN G YARBOROUGH KEVIN YARBOROUGH SCOTTY J YARBOROUGH SHAWN L YARBOROUGH SYDNEY KEVAN YARBOROUGH TRAVIS LANAIR YARBOROUGH JARED L YARBROUGH BOBBY J YARGES DARYL YARN SR KYLE K YASUDA CHARLES E YATES GEORGE E YATES JR JAMES B YATES JULIE YATES REBECCA JEAN YATES RICHARD L YATES STEVEN D YATES TRAVIS G YATES AMBERSON T YAZZIE DOUG YAZZIE II BIANCA R YBARRA GABRIEL C YBARRA LEANDRO YBARRA XIAOYANG YE BRUCE F YEADON MICHAEL R YEARSLEY CRISSA D YEATTS AMOS YEBOAH ALBERT B YEE LAURA YELLICK SAIE YELLOWBIRD AUSTIN YELVINGTON PAUL YELVINGTON ABENET YEMENU TODD YEOMAN RHIANNON YEPEZ DANIEL YERKS SCOTT ALAN YETTER TRAVIS YETTER RAY YIP TRAVIS YOAKUM KEVIN YOCHIM BRAD J YOCUM ADAM L YODER CALVIN L YODER CORBIN J YODER CRAIG YODER GARY L YODER JARED P YODER JOSHUA A YODER KENNETH I YODER KEVIN H YODER LANDON J YODER LESTER YODER JR LOGAN YODER MATTHEW K YODER NATHANIEL A YODER JAMES YONTZ YOHAN YOON MOHAMED YOONUS MEERAN JAMIL AHAMED ABRAHAM YORDY JAMES J YORK SAMUEL G YORK MARK E YOTT QIMING YOU AARON B YOUNG ADAM YOUNG ADAM YOUNG ADAM L YOUNG ALEXANDER YOUNG AMY L YOUNG AQUELIUS YOUNG BRIAN YOUNG CHRISTOPHER D YOUNG CORY YOUNG DARCY YOUNG DAVID BRADLEY YOUNG DEAN ELLIS YOUNG GEORGE A YOUNG HUBERT A YOUNG JAMES YOUNG JAMES ANDY YOUNG JAMES R YOUNG JAMES W YOUNG JR JERROD W YOUNG JESSICA D YOUNG JULIA YOUNG JUSTIN YOUNG KELVIN D YOUNG KIARA YOUNG MARY E YOUNG MICHAEL D YOUNG MICHAEL JOHN YOUNG MICHELE M YOUNG NOLAN R YOUNG RICHARD ALAN YOUNG RICHARD J YOUNG JR RICHARD JAMES YOUNG III RICHARD L YOUNG ROGER YOUNG III TARA D YOUNG TEMPEST MONIQUE YOUNG TESSA YOUNG THOMAS W YOUNG TOBY W YOUNG TODD C YOUNG TODD C YOUNG VICKIE L YOUNG WALTER YOUNG WAYNE YOUNG WILLARD G YOUNG ZACHARY J YOUNG ZACHARY W YOUNG DAVID YOUNGBERG ROY M YOUNGBLOOD WILLIAM YOUNIE MOHAMED YOUSUF AZARUDEEN BASAL MOHAMED TRINITY YOW ZACKARY R YRTTIMA BAIRONG YU DANIEL CHI KIT YU QIULIN YU ROBIN L YURECK BRIAN YUST HASSAN YUSUF BLAKE ERIC ZABICK JOHN P ZABLOCKI JAMES ZACCARIO NATHAN ZACHARY BRANDON R ZACKRIE FRANC ZADRAVEC OMAR ZAFICO MILES D ZAHRADNIK EDWARD ZAJAC FELIPE ZALAZAR VAZQUEZ AMANDA L ZALEWSKI MA DEL CARMEN ZAMARRON BELTRAN JUAN G ZAMARRON IZAGUIRRE ASUNCION ZAMBRANO ANGEL M ZAMORA ANTONIO ZAMORA ASHLEY ZAMORA FRANKIE JAMES RATLIFF ZAMORA HERIBERTO ZAMORA JUAN ZAMORA ROBERTO L ZAMORA JUAN ZAMORA BANUELOS JR MAURICIO ZAMORANO MARCO ZAMPIERI CELINA M ZANTUA MANUEL ZAPATA DOUG ZAPESOCKI ANTHONY R ZAPPALA CARLOS ZARATE PINAL EDWIN H ZARKA SERGIO ZARRASOLA JARED R ZARTMAN KYLE J ZAUTKE SHERRI S ZAUTKE ANTHONY V ZAVALA FREDDIE ZAVALA VALENTIN ZAVALA MIGUEL C ZAVALETA TREVOR ZAVITZ DAVID J ZAWISTOWSKI BILL ZAWYDIWSKI LEX ZAYKO LUCAS L ZEGAR MATTHEW L ZEHNER BARNEY D ZEIGLER BRIAN E ZEIGLER LEWIS A ZEITERS LARRY ZELECHENOK ADAM WILLIAM ZELENEY MARK R ZELENEY TRAVIS J ZELFER DAVID LAURENCE ZELHART GREGORY S ZELLER DANE WILLIAM ZELLERS RANDALL JOSEPH ZELLNER KEITH ALLAN ZELLO FRANCISCO J ZEPEDA GONZALEZ BARRY E ZEPP KIPP ZERKLE MATTHEW F ZERKLE ERIC J ZERNIKOW TODD ZERVOS ADAM C ZEWE NICKY LIANGJUN ZHANG WEIDONG ZHANG ANDREA C ZIEBEL CHRISTOPHER R ZIEGLER STEVEN T ZIEGLER DONALD J ZIELER KIM ZIELINSKI TODD L ZIELSDORF JESSICA L ZIEMER ROGER ZIGLER JERRY ZILER ALEXSEI ZILEWICZ KELLY D ZILLES LOUIS M ZIMMER ANGELA S ZIMMERMAN BRUCE A ZIMMERMAN DENNIS J ZIMMERMAN JACOB D ZIMMERMAN JACOB TAYLOR‑HUEY ZIMMERMAN MIKE H ZIMMERMAN RODNEY L ZIMMERMAN RYAN ZIMMERMAN RYAN W ZIMMERMAN JEFFREY ZINK JUSTIN A ZINK TIMOTHY I ZINK THOMAS ZINKHON CHRISTOPHER ZINN MICHAEL LEROY ZITTING ADAM ZLOMANIEC JODIE A ZOELLER NICHOLE L ZOZ MITCHELL ZUBRYCKYJ SARA ZUCCARELLO ERIC A ZUEND‑MISNER IKROMZHON LACHINOVICH ZUFAROV JASON ZUNDEL JAY ZUNDEL NICHOLAS ZUNDEL JOSE R ZUNIGA ROBERT T ZUNIGA RICARDO DANIEL ZUÑIGA REGINO TRAVIS A ZUNKER GABRIELA SELENE ZUNO VITELA JORGE IVAN ZUNO VITELA TROY R ZURCHER NICHOLAS M ZURO PETER ZWETSLOOT RYAN L ZWINGMAN ANDRZEJ ZWOLAK DAVE ZYBKO ROBERTA LEE ZYLA ADELAIDA AARON YADIRA ABADIA GONZALEZ MARK ABADIE KRISTOPHER ABAN CARLOS S ABARCA WILLIAM H ABBEY BRIAN E ABBOTT CASEY A ABBOTT DONNIE LEE ABBOTT JR MOLLY ABBOTT ROBERT DAVID ABBOTT SARAH ABBOTT KARIM K ABDEL MALAK MATTHEW L ABDON REYMUNDO ABDON NASER ABDRABO MUDASSAR ABDUL MAJID GHALTE SHEIK ABDULLA ZAHEER HUSSAIN JAMAAL ABDULNUR CASEY T ABEL TYLER ABELN DERRICK ABELS ANNA ABERNATHY BLAKE WALKER ABERNATHY BRIANA L ABERNATHY STEVEN CHAD ABERNATHY ANTHONY MICHAEL ABLE JAMIE LEE ABLE DAVID J ABLER HETTY ABMA CHASTEDY D ABNEY SHANNON ABNEY THOMAS ASHLEY ABNEY THOMAS MATHEW ABNEY JAYSON ABONITA JOSEPH ABOU‑FARAH CHRISTIAN ABRAHAM EDWIN ABRAHAM KAREN ABRAHAM JILL M ABRAHAMIAN JERRICA DYSHANIQUE ABRAM ROBERT C ABRAMS SCOTT ABRAMS KURT ABRAMSON AIDALIZ ABREU JOHN A ABSTON GERMAN ABUNDIS ESPINOZA CRIS ACANI JR DAVID ACEVEDO MARIO ACEVEDO MAURICIO ACEVEDO OMAR ACEVEDO COLLIN J ACFALLE GERALD ACHAZO JOHN E ACKERMAN II RICHARD K ACKERMAN CHARLES WAYNE ACKLEY JR RAMONA GAIL ACKLEY ROBYN N ACKLEY RONALD T ACKLEY GLEN D ACKLIE LEE G ACKLIE FREDERICK LAMONT ACOFF TOMMIE ACOFF ALEJANDRO ACOSTA CARLOS ACOSTA CARLOS W ACOSTA GUADALUPE ACOSTA MARIO ACOSTA MARTIN ACOSTA RAMIRO ACOSTA SERGIO E ACOSTA ACEVEDO ROBERTO ACOSTA GONZALEZ ROLANDO STEVE ACOSTA RAMIREZ BRANDON ACTON CAMERON D ACUFF JEFFREY ACUFF RYAN ACUFF DANIEL ACUNA JEFFERY A ACUP MICHAEL ADA OBINNA ADABA KULANDAI ADAIKALARAJA LAWRENCE CHERYL K ADAIR CREST L ADAIR JASON DALTON ADAIR SHAWN R ADAM KATHLEEN ADAMCZYK JUAN RAUL ADAME TESSA K ADAMES DUARTE TIM ADAMOPOULOS ALONZO ADAMS CASEY ADAMS DANIEL B ADAMS DEREK ADAMS ERIC F ADAMS ETHAN ADAMS EZRA G ADAMS GLENN W ADAMS II JAMES MICHEAL ADAMS JAMES R ADAMS JEFF ADAMS JERRY M ADAMS JOSHUA L ADAMS KELLY H ADAMS KOLE ADAMS KRISTINE A ADAMS LINDSEY TERRELL ADAMS MARY ADAMS MICHAEL F ADAMS NEOMIAH V ADAMS PAUL ADAMS RANDALL COREY ADAMS RANDY P ADAMS ROB ADAMS SALVATORE I ADAMS SAMANTHA H ADAMS SAMUEL B ADAMS SHANA L ADAMS TANYA Y ADAMS TERRY W ADAMS JAMES W ADCOCK JR JORDON ADCOCK NATHAN D ADCOCK ROBERT LEE ADCOCK II SEAN ALLEN ADCOCK BRIAN GAYLON ADCOX JOHN H ADDINGTON TREVOR ADDIS DERICK A ADDISON JUSTIN ADDISON SUZANNE ADDISON WESTON S ADDLEMAN ADELEYE ADEBAYO JACOB L ADELMAN TYLER D ADER SHANTA MARIQUITA ADESINA PRAVIN ADHIKARI HANSON MARK ADJEI‑SARPONG BRAYSON ADKINS CHARLES P ADKINS CHARLEY ADKINS HEATHER M ADKINS HELEN G ADKINS JOHNNY R ADKINS ROBERT G ADKINS RODNEY R ADKINS SHAWN E ADKINS AARON J ADKINSON WAYNE R ADLER PRASHANTH R ADMALA JESUS M ADRIANO ROBERT AEBIG TRAVIS L AESCHLIMAN KYLE AGAR MICHAEL AGARD ANANYA AGARWAL DREW AGEE REBECCA AGNEW BENJAMIN OLIVER AGNOR EMMANUEL AGOSTO ISRAEL AGUAYO ESPARZA JORGE ALBERTO AGUAYO LEYVA MARCO ANTONIO AGUAYO LEYVA FRANCISCO J AGUERO PALACIOS KEVIN ERNEST AGUIAR ADOLFO P AGUILAR ANA AGUILAR DANNY S AGUILAR DAVID AGUILAR HERMES D AGUILAR JORGE AGUILAR ISIDRO AGUILAR BANDA ROSSELL E AGUILAR CANIZALES LEONARDO AGUILAR DE AQUINO ISAAC AGUILAR GAMEZ JOSE AGUILAR MENCHACA MANUEL DE JESUS AGUILAR MENDOZA CHRISTOPHER AGUILERA PEDRO AGUILERA ROGELIO AGUILERA JUAN C AGUILERA NEGRETE ABDON AGUILERA RUVALCABA AGUSTIN AGUIRRE GERARDO AGUIRRE JUSTIN L AGUIRRE MIGUEL AGUIRRE PEDRO AGUIRRE STEVEN R AGUIRRE WILLIE AGUIRRE JR RAFAEL AGUNDIS SANCHEZ RANDY E AGUON MARCIAL J AGUSTIN CHAD AGUSTINE MUSTHAK AHAMED THAHA SAHIB REUPENA E AH‑KEY ISHTIAQ AHMAD SYED‑DANISH AHMAD MOMAND AHMADZAI RANDY AHOLA KYLE AHRENDT HERBERT J AHTEN III FARHAN AIJAZ GADKARI CHRISTOPHER U AINGS DAVID A AIUTO JAY‑RICHARD K AKAU‑NAEOLE GLENN W AKER SHAWN E AKER NICHOLAS AKERMAN CHRISTOPHER J AKERS MICHAEL R AKES MICHAEL AKINOLA DARRELL C AKINS JUSTIN CHARLES AKINS MICHAEL DEAN AKINS PAUL DANIEL AKINS ROBERT R AKINS ROBERT W AKINS TOBE W AKINS MOHANA R AKKALA EDIBERTO ALADRO DOMINGUEZ SEENIVASAN ALAGAR SAMY MALCOLM ALAIN EDGAR ALANIS JORGE ALEJANDRO ALANIS JOSE DE JESUS ALANIS GOMEZ ANDREW A ALANIZ AARON ALANIZ CENDEJAS ADEKUNLE ALAO ELMER A ALARCON IVAN ALATORRE IVAN ALBA GARCIA ERICK ALBARRACIN GREGORY K ALBERS JULIO ALBINO GONZALEZ COREY J ALBRECHT MICHAEL T ALBRECHT SCOT D ALBRECHT CHASEN ALBRETSEN LAUREN MICHELLE ALBRIGHT TIMOTHY ALBRIGHT TRAVIS A ALBRIGHT JUAN ALCALA JUAN CARLOS ALCALA TIMOTHY M ALCALA FIDEL ALCARAZ SAIM SEBASTIAN ALCARAZ PRECIADO JOSE A ALCAZAR‑BUSTOS COURTNEY ALCORN NICHOLAS T ALCORN RUSSELL L ALCORN JAY L ALDAG TRAVIS T ALDAG JOHN THOMAS ALDEN GREGORY GENE ALDER STEVEN M ALDER ZANE ALDER MARK K ALDERSON JACOB K ALDOSA SCOTT C ALDRICH FRANKIE L ALDRIDGE GABRIEL NATHAN ALDRIDGE JAMES ALDRIDGE III JIMMY LEE ALDRIDGE KEITH A ALDRIDGE LAMON F ALDRIDGE ROBERT B ALDRIDGE ROBERT W ALDRIDGE RENZO J ALEMAN FIGUEROA OCTAVIO ALEMAN LOPEZ FRANCISCO ALEMAR KASEE LOUIS ALEX ANTHONY D ALEXANDER JR BRANDON D ALEXANDER BRIAN S ALEXANDER CHANCE P ALEXANDER CHRISTOPHER ALEXANDER DEDRICK L ALEXANDER GLEN PAUL ALEXANDER JEREMY LANDON ALEXANDER JOHNNY BALDWIN ALEXANDER JOSEPH ALEXANDER JUREK C ALEXANDER KENNETH ALEXANDER MATTHEW E ALEXANDER PHILIP B ALEXANDER SHERRY Y ALEXANDER STEWART ALEXANDER TERRY L ALEXANDER TODD A ALEXANDER TYLER G ALEXANDER TYRONE ALEXANDER VANCE N ALEXANDER MICHAEL E ALEXIS CHERYL ALEXIS‑MINGOES RUSSELL J ALFARO JR LUIS A ALFONSO MICHAEL F ALFONZO AMY LYNN ALFORD CHRISTOPHER ALFORD CORY R ALFORD DON D ALFORD JR JONATHAN ALFORD JUSTIN M ALFORD MONTY D ALFORD JR TERRENCE J ALFORD KEVIN L ALFRED DANIEL ALGAR STEVEN G ALGER JANET B ALI KICHELLE ALI NADIA ALI SYED ALI BATHUSHA MEERAN MOHIDEEN JOSE ALICEA CARLOS G ALICEA JIMENEZ COREY J ALLAIN AJ ALLARD CYNTHIA E ALLBRITTON DONALD R ALLBRITTON JARED D ALLBRITTON KRISTA R ALLCORN JOSHUA ALLEE ANGELO C ALLEN SR BLAINE D ALLEN BRADLEY ALLEN BRET ALLEN BRITTNEY N ALLEN CATHLEEN E ALLEN CHRISTOPHER D ALLEN CODY ALLEN CRYSTAL ALLEN CRYSTAL JOY ALLEN DAN BERRY ALLEN DARIAN EDWARD ALLEN DAVID ALLEN DAVID E ALLEN JR GRAY S ALLEN JAMES D ALLEN JAMES MARCUS ALLEN JASON EDWARD ALLEN JEFFERY D ALLEN JEFFREY ALLEN JR JERRY M ALLEN JESSICA NICOLE ALLEN JOHN S ALLEN JON E ALLEN JOSHUA D ALLEN KARSON D ALLEN KEVIN J ALLEN KEVIN N ALLEN LANDON SCOTT ALLEN LOGAN MATTHEW ALLEN LUCAS ALLEN MARCUS DEWAYNE ALLEN MARK L ALLEN MATTHEW V ALLEN MATTHEW W ALLEN NATHAN ALLEN NATHAN P ALLEN NATHAN SAMUEL ALLEN RICHARD F ALLEN ROBIN D ALLEN SCOTT J ALLEN SHANE ALLEN SHARON ALLEN TIMOTHY R ALLEN TOMMY O ALLEN TONY D ALLEN TRACY DEWAYNE ALLEN TRACY L ALLEN WILLIAM J ALLEN WILLIAM K ALLEN WINSTON MEEKEL ALLEN TRACY D ALLEN‑SPARKS ANDREA N ALLER EDMUND R ALLER DOUGLAS EUGENE ALLEY JOSHUA EUGENE ALLEY HUNTER ALLGEIER KEVIN H ALLGIRE ALDINTON A ALLIE CHARLES K ALLIGOOD JR JONATHON ALLIGOOD MARK K ALLIGOOD BROOK ALLING BRYCE ALLISON JACOB ALLISON JESSE J ALLISON JR JOSHUA C ALLISON MICHAEL ALLISON TIMOTHY E ALLISON AARON G ALLMANDINGER SCOTT W ALLMENDINGER JOSEPH P ALLMON DANIEL ERIC ALLRED JASON ALLRED JEREMY R ALLRED RYAN KEITH ALLRED JACOB S ALLSOP LEIGH ANN ALMARAZ JUAN C ALMAZAN FRANCISCO J ALMONTE CARLOS ALEJANDRO ALONSO DOMINGUEZ JOB A ALONSO GONZALEZ MARIO ALBERTO ALONSO VILLA DANIEL P ALONZO HECTOR ALONZO PHILLIP ALONZO THOMAS M ALONZO KAREN ALSEPT CHARLES EARL ALSIP JR DYLAN ALSTON SHAWN ALSTON ALEJANDRO ALTAMIRANO ADAM ALTENA SHEIK ALTHAF ALI PEER MOHAMED CLAY R ALTHOFF TRAVIS W ALTHOFF QUENTIN T AL‑TIMIMI MICHAEL ALTMAN RYAN ALTMAN ALLEN L ALTSTADT AUSTIN GHATINEH ALVAJI ALAN CHAZARY ALVARADO ANTONIO ALVARADO ISAIA ALVARADO JOSE J ALVARADO TONY F ALVARADO BARRY F ALVARADO MEYERS BEATRICE ALVARADO‑RACEDO OSCAR D ALVARENGA FLORES DIANA ALVAREZ JOSE L ALVAREZ MANUEL G ALVAREZ OMAR A ALVAREZ SALVADOR ALVAREZ ZAVIER ALVAREZ ELIAS GAMALIEL ALVAREZ BELTRAN CARLOS IVAN ALVAREZ RUIZ FRANCISCO ALVAREZ SOLIS GUILLERMO ALVAREZ‑ALVAREZ EDGAR S ALVAREZ‑GONZALEZ BRADY E ALVEY MARK ALVIS AARON M ALWARD MARY E ALWIN JEREMY ALYEA RODRIGO AMADOR CALZADA MANUEL AMADOR CISNEROS JENNIFER KRISTEN AMANN JONATHAN J AMANN KASUN AMARADIWAKARA MAHENDRAPALA CHRISTOPHER AMARAL PIYAL AMARASEKARA KATHERINE AMAR‑FOX MARCIAL J AMARO JOSEPH S AMAROSSO SUNIL AMBADAS SONAWANE DENIS T AMBIO JAVIER AMBRIZ RUIZ KADE AMBROCIO CHRISTOPHER P AMBROSE DON AMBROSE JAMES R AMBROSE CHRISTOPHER R AMBROSINI JASON AMBROZAITIS JOEY ONEAL AMERSON ZACHERY AMERSON MCCABE B AMES GENARO AMESCUA LUIS FERNANDO AMEZQUITA MARTINEZ JARRAD T AMICK DEVA AMIRTHAM POR SELVAN SYED AMJATH HUSSAINY MOINUDEEN CHANEY A AMOS ROBERT AMOS DANIEL O AMPADU JACOB AMSTUTZ ROGER A AMSTUTZ RUPING AN SUNITHA ANAND OLIVERIO ANAYA SURYA ANBALAGAN BRIAN CHRISTOPHER ANDERS CHARLES TODD ANDERS HOWARD S ANDERS JOSHUA ANDERS JOSHUA FRANKLIN ANDERS TONY R ANDERS ARNOLD GEORGE ANDERSEN AUDREY A ANDERSEN BRETT ANDERSEN CHRIS L ANDERSEN DEVIN ANDERSEN DOYLE CHAD ANDERSEN KRISTOPHER M ANDERSEN MARTI D ANDERSEN RANDY G ANDERSEN RODNEY L ANDERSEN ALARIC L ANDERSON ALBERT A ANDERSON ANDRIA D ANDERSON ANITA ANDERSON AUDRA R ANDERSON BLAKE ANDERSON BLAKE R ANDERSON BRADLEY A ANDERSON BRADY V ANDERSON BRENT L ANDERSON BRETT D ANDERSON BRIAN S ANDERSON CARLA R ANDERSON CHARLES A ANDERSON CHARLES ROBERT ANDERSON CHRIS D ANDERSON CHRIS J ANDERSON CHRISTOPHER L ANDERSON CHRISTOPHER L ANDERSON CODIE ANDERSON CODY A ANDERSON COLT D ANDERSON CRAIG N ANDERSON DALE A ANDERSON DANIEL N ANDERSON DAVID ANDERSON JR DONNIE ANDERSON DUSTIN R ANDERSON DYLAN C ANDERSON EDWARD D ANDERSON JR EDWARD E ANDERSON ERIC JEROME ANDERSON FRANK C ANDERSON GEORGE ANDERSON GERALD R ANDERSON IVAN L ANDERSON JAMES A ANDERSON JAMES N ANDERSON JAMES RUSSELL ANDERSON JASON ANDERSON JASON K ANDERSON JEFFERY BYRON ANDERSON JERIMY R ANDERSON JOHN E ANDERSON JOHN M ANDERSON JOHN W ANDERSON JOHNATHAN A ANDERSON JORDAN KEITH ANDERSON JORDON ANDERSON JUSTIN ANDERSON KATLIN ANDERSON KENDAL J ANDERSON KENNETH D ANDERSON KENNETH W ANDERSON LEIF ANDERSON LORI L ANDERSON LYNDSEY A ANDERSON MARK Q ANDERSON MCKAYDYN ANDERSON MELVIN ANDERSON MICHAEL J ANDERSON MICHAEL J ANDERSON MITCHELL KURTIS ANDERSON NATHAN E ANDERSON NATHAN V ANDERSON PATRICK J ANDERSON PAUL ANDERSON PETER ANDERSON RAYMOND ANDERSON RICHARD E ANDERSON RICHARD EDWARD ANDERSON JR ROBERT F ANDERSON RYAN O ANDERSON RYAN W ANDERSON SAWYER BENJAMIN ANDERSON SHAWN M ANDERSON SHEILA ANDERSON SIMS WHITE ANDERSON TANNER C ANDERSON TED ALLEN ANDERSON TERRY D ANDERSON THOMAS COLEMAN ANDERSON THOMAS E ANDERSON JR THOMAS L ANDERSON TIMOTHY J ANDERSON VICTORIA SUTTON ANDERSON WAYNE ANDERSON WILLIAM B ANDERSON ZACHARY M ANDERSON ZAIN ANDERSON ADAM DANIEL ANDERTON RICARDO ANDRADE ROSMERY ANDRADE SAUL ANDRADE VASQUEZ JOSEPH ANDRE DAWN ANDREADIS ANTHONY ANDREATTA MARCUS J ANDREEN BILLY JOE ANDREWS CLAY B ANDREWS DARREN ANDREWS HARRY ANDREWS JACK ANDREWS JR JONATHAN T ANDREWS JUSTIN L ANDREWS LAYTON ANDREWS MACK J ANDREWS PAMELA L ANDREWS TIMOTHY ANDREWS JEREMY M ANDRIOT WILLIAM ANDRIULAITIS ANTHONY ANDRUS GILBERTO A ANDUAGA BARCELO MICHAEL J ANESTON CODY ANGEL LEONEL ANGEL WESLEY J ANGEL MARCO ANGELES ARTURO ANGELES SALGADO JOHN ANGELETTI AARON P ANGELICO RONALD ANGER JR JEREMIAH D ANGERSTEIN MICHAEL ANGILERI ANDREW ANGLE JAMES ANGLIN THOMAS W ANGOVE HOMERO A ANGUIANO EDELMIRA ANGULO YOVANY ANGULO JOSE DE JESUS ANGULO MOSQUEDA ROBERT C ANICICH MAREK ANISIMOWICZ KORY ANNIS SARA ANSAR EUGENE CRISPIN ANSELM CURTIS ANSELMO JAMES BRODY ANSLEY PATRICK ANSLOW PHILIP J ANSLOW MEGAN A ANTALAN BENNY ANTHONY COLTON ANTHONY NIVEDHAN ANTHONY FRANCIS AUSTIN ANTHONY‑JULES EDWIN M ANTICI NICHOLAS R ANTONAKOS SHANNON J ANTONE ANNETTE R ANTON‑MALLY KEVIN M ANTONUCCI STEPHEN ANTWI GABRIEL A ANZURES HERNANDEZ TYSON R AOKI NOEL APARICIO ROBERTO C APARICIO JUAN F APARICIO BEDOLLA JULIO ISRAEL APARICIO LOPEZ GERALD W APEL JOSHUA J APFEL NALAN KURT APLON MASON APPLE TODD L APPLE VIRGINIA E APPLEBEE DARRELL W APPLEGATE DARREN L APPLEMAN BROCK CHADWICK APPLETON DAMIAN APPLING FERDINAND AQUINO JAPHET AQUINO JONATHAN B AQUINO FERNANDO ARAGON NAVARRO IVAN ARAMBURO YOSVANI ARANCIBIA LUGONES MELANIE ARATA GUILLERMO ARAUZ BLAINE ARBELAEZ TRACY A ARBOGAST TREVOR K ARBON STEVEN ARBUCKLE RONALD P ARCAND ABIMELEC ARCE ORTEGA JOHN E ARCEMENT DESMOND ARCENEAUX RODERICK ARCENEAUX CODY ARCHER JADYN ARCHER JOSHUA C ARCHER RICHARD ARCHER STANLEY ARCHER CASEY A ARCHIBALD CRAIG ARCHIBALD CURTIS B ARCHIBALD MATTHEW D ARCHIBALD ROBERT ARCHIBALD ZACHARIAH D ARCHIBALD BRADLEY ARCHIE FRED H ARCHULETA JANTZEN L ARCHULETA CESAR ARCOS RODOLFO ARCOS‑ARROYO DANIEL ARD JEFFERY W ARD JOHN DERRIN ARD TYLER B ARD GUADALUPE A ARDERY DAMON E ARDIS DAMON E ARDIS JR TRAYWICK H ARDIS MARK A ARDUSER JAVAD AREFI FELIPE ARELLANO GERARDO L ARELLANO ALEJANDRO ARELLANO GARCIA JUAN DANIEL ARELLANO ROBLES JOEL LADD ARENDER JON AARON ARENDER JOSHUA DUANE ARENDER AREND J ARENDS BRIAN J ARENS INGE A ARENS SHAWN M ARENS BRIAN E ARENT MORGAN P ARENT ALFREDO AREVALO JR KATHERINE ARGIRIOU DAVID W ARGO JR ANA PESQUERA ARIAS DARRIN D ARIAS VALERIA ARIAS ROGELIO ARIAS SUAREZ IKRAM ARIFF JUVOKHIRBEK ARIFOV PIA ARJANG AMAR ARJUN KHADAPKAR KRISTA L ARKFELD THOMAS E ARLEDGE ANTONIO ARTURO ARMAS HERNANDEZ TARA ARMBRUSTER FRANCISCO ARMENTA BRIANA K ARMIJO CHRISTOPHER ARMISTEAD GEORGE K ARMITAGE III JUSTIN ARMOR DARIUN ARMOUR AARON R ARMSTRONG ADAM ARMSTRONG BILLY H ARMSTRONG BRANDT L ARMSTRONG CHRISTOPHER ARMSTRONG CHRISTOPHER W ARMSTRONG DERECK W ARMSTRONG ERIC B ARMSTRONG KEITH A ARMSTRONG KEVIN L ARMSTRONG LAWANDA ARMSTRONG LESLIE ARMSTRONG MICHAEL LORIN ARMSTRONG MICHAEL S ARMSTRONG CHRIS ARNDT JAMES ALEX ARNETT VASHAN T ARNETTE DAVID ARNEVIK DAVID ARNOLD EDWARD ARNOLD JR KAREN ARNOLD LARRY L ARNOLD NICHOLAS M ARNOLD PATRICK ARNOLD PAUL H ARNOLD SCOTT A ARNOLD TASHA MONIQUE ARNOLD WILLIAM E ARNOLD WILLIAM S ARNOLD JOSEPH ARNOUSE ERICK ARRAZOLA JERRY W ARREDONDO LEOPOLDO G ARREDONDO ALAN GASTON ARREDONDO CASTILLO ANA PAULA ARREDONDO CASTILLO LARISSA ARREDONDO DOMINGUEZ ERIK ARREGUIN ALFREDO ARREOLA FELIPE ARRESEIGOR JOSE ARRIAGA EDUARDO ARRIAGA LOPEZ AMBER NICOLE ARRINGTON CHARLES C ARRINGTON ROWANTA XAVIER ARRINGTON MICHAEL ANTHONY ARRIOLA CHARLES R ARRISON IGNACIO ARROLLO ALEXIS ARRONA ANDRES ARROYO ARTURO ARROYO RAMON M ARROYO GABRIEL ARROYO CALVILLO MANUEL ARRUDA MARYALLENE ARSANTO EDWARD A ARSENAULT JR ZACHARY L ARSNOE ANTHONY B ARTAGAME JASON B ARTAGAME LEONEL ARTEAGA SR MARCO ARTEAGA JOSE CARLOS ARTEAGA‑CASTANEDA ELDA ARTERO OTTO E ARTFITCH JR TYLER E ARTFITCH JOHNNY E ARTHUR JUAN M ARTIGAS JR LEON ARTIS JAMES ARTRIP KARTHIKA ARUNACHALAM JOHN M ARVIDSON MOHAMMADAMIN ARYANPURKASHANI QUINCY ASAY KEITH V ASBELL SEAN C ASBELL NATHANIEL ASCHENMEIER BRIAN M ASCHLEMAN BROOK T ASFAW CORY ASHBAUGH RICARDO ASHBY RUSTY S ASHBY RUSTY S ASHBY JR SHELLY ASHBY NATHAN J ASHCRAFT BERT REEDER ASHCROFT ZACHARY H ASHCROFT KELVIN D ASHE ROBIN ASHE ANDREW ASHLEY BONNIKA N ASHLEY CODY D ASHLEY GRANT NEAL ASHLEY JERRY ASHLEY MATTHEW HARRELL ASHLEY THOMAS H ASHLEY THOMAS K ASHLEY D MCKADE ASHLIMAN DARWIN L ASHLIMAN CHRISTOPHER ASHMORE DANIEL GEORGE ASHMORE EMILY S ASHMORE JOHN NEAL ASHMORE JOSEPH ASHMORE WALTER KAINE ASHMORE ASMITA ASHOK BAMA PATIL AVINASH ASHOK KUMAR SWAIN ANIKET ASHOK PARSHURAM PATIL ASHWINI ASHOK PATIL RANDY ASHURST BRANDON ASHWORTH GORDON REED ASHWORTH JAMES D ASHWORTH RONALD W ASHWORTH AMY PILAND ASKEW ASHLEY E ASKEW JOSEPH P ASKEW WILLIAM TONY ASKEW CHARLES G ASKINS MOHAMED ASMATH MOHAMED JAMAL HANAN ASSFOURA RYAN ASSOON RICHARD ATAMANCHUK WILLIAM A ATCHER CHAYOTE ATEAH JOHN ATENCIO JR DAN ATKIN ISOM ATKINS JR ISOM ATKINS III JASON C ATKINS STEVEN CODY ATKINS WILLIAM M ATKINS AUSTIN ATKINSON BRADY W ATKINSON BROOKS E ATKINSON DANIEL L ATKINSON JAMES R ATKINSON JR JONATHAN B ATKINSON JONATHAN D ATKINSON JOSEPH J ATKINSON IV LEWIS L ATKINSON MARK A ATKINSON RAFAEL ATKINSON RICHARD ATKINSON RICKY L ATKINSON SKYLER D ATKINSON ZENOS ATMORE ALEXANDER ATOIAN BOYD ATTERBERRY OANH K AU HAYDEN JACK AUBUT ROBERT AUCONE ROBERT A AUCONE BRANDI AUFFART BRANDON AUFFERT KEVIN AUGER JAMES P AUGUSTIN CHANDLER H AULT CHARLES R AULT RAYMOND E AULTMAN LAUREND AURELIEN JACOB AUSTERMAN CLAYTON HASLETT AUSTILL NATHANIEL WILLIAM AUSTILL ADAM T AUSTIN ERIC L AUSTIN GEORGE S AUSTIN HERSHEL W AUSTIN JASON S AUSTIN JOEY L AUSTIN LAKENYA SHAUNTA AUSTIN RAY AUSTIN ROBERT AUSTIN RYAN J AUSTIN SHAWN H AUSTIN THEA AUSTIN WILLIAM W AUSTIN JAMES B AUSTRO GERARDO AVALOS JOSE G AVALOS ALEXANDRA C AVANS DARRELL WEST AVANS MARIO A AVANSINO DERRICK D AVANT MAXIMILIANO AVER CHANCE W AVERA TAD W AVERA MICHAEL S AVERITT BRIAN AVERY DAVID L AVERY JAMES TYLER AVERY KEVIN RAY AVERY JESSIE J AVIES ARTURO AVILA BRANDON AVILA JOSE AVILA LUIS AVILA MARCO AVILA MARLIN D AVILA MARTIN X AVILA URIEL U AVILA CESAR AVILA RAMIREZ FRANCISCO AVILA‑AGUILAR JFERNANDO AVILA‑GARCIA EDINSON AVILES LILIIA AVILES‑DIAZ JAMES D AWBREY GERRALD AXE RYAN J AXFORD PAUL BRANDON AYCOCK CHRISTOPHER R AYER ANGELA N AYERS THOMAS AYERS ROCKY D AYON DANIEL W AYRES WALKER AYRES PAOLA AZANI SPENCER AZEVEDO TONY A AZEVEDO KALE N AZIZ MICHAEL BABBITT ADAM S BABCOCK ERIC G BABCOCK KEVIN M BABCOCK HERMAN R BABE DALE A BABIN JR RICHARD J BABINEAU JR JAY RYAN BABOR LOVELY JOY BABOR ANDREW BABUIN ANTHONY G BACA DAVID E BACA JR ELIAS BACA SETH M BACA DORLISA BACCHUS SEVERIN J BACH MARCUS ADAM BACHELOR SUSAN BACHIU AMANDA L BACHMAN MATTHEW D BACHMAN JOHN R BACK III CHRISTOPHER J BACKEL JEREMIAH BACKFAT CHAD W BACKHAUS JESSE J BACKHAUS ARNE BACKLUND RICHARD P BACKOUS GREGORY R BACKUS RODNEY W BACKUS KEVIN E BACON TYREE OLANDA BACON TERRY A BACOTE COLLYN BADENHOP JAMES L BADGER CARLOS J BADILLO GERALD G BADMAN JR VANCE BADOUR KERRY M BAEHR PETER E BAENZIGER JASON A BAER MATTHEW P BAERMANN MARIO BAEZ JR ROBERTO A BAEZ JERZY BAGINSKI ANTHONY W BAGLEY KIM BAGLEY ROBERT C BAGLEY CHRIS BAGULEY CARLTON BAGWELL JEROD A BAGWELL COLBY R BAHE ISRAEL BAHENA VARELA ROBERT P BAIER WARREN L BAIER MIRZA S BAIG KIMBERLEY ANNE BAIKIE RYAN BAILER CHARLES A BAILEY CHASE D BAILEY CHRIS V BAILEY CHRISTOPHER JERRY BAILEY DARREN PATRICK BAILEY DARREN R BAILEY DAVID BAILEY DAVID W BAILEY DIANE L BAILEY GREGORY DEWAYNE BAILEY JACOB BAILEY JACOB W BAILEY JAMES E BAILEY JR JOHN E BAILEY JOHN PATRICK BAILEY II JUSTIN ALLEN BAILEY LARRY BAILEY LAUREN W BAILEY MICHAEL BAILEY NATHAN D BAILEY PAUL BAILEY PHILIP DAVID BAILEY QUENTIN NATHANIEL BAILEY RANDY K BAILEY RANDY S BAILEY TANNER DAKOTA BAILEY TRENT REX BAILEY TRENTON BAILEY WAYMON D BAILEY CHARLES BAILLARGEON BRANDON BAIN JONATHAN E BAINE GREG BAIR RICHARD SCOTT BAIR SHAY ROCHELLE‑COSPER BAIR STEVEN R BAIR JR BRUCE FRANKLIN BAIRD JR DARRELL R BAIRD DONALD LEE BAIRD JR JOSHUA C BAIRD KEITH WALKER BAIRD LISA ANN BAIRD MARTIN BAJER ALBERT BAJRAMI KARANPREET BAJWA ANDREW BAJZERT ANTHONY BAK AARON BAKER AARON C BAKER ADAM L BAKER AMY B BAKER ANDREW BAKER ASHTON BAKER BARRY ALLEN BAKER CHAD A BAKER CHANCE A BAKER CODY L BAKER DANIEL W BAKER DANNIELLE S BAKER DERRICK BAKER DWAYNE BAKER EUGENE E BAKER FORRESTER R BAKER IRA J BAKER JAELAN T BAKER JAMES DAVID BAKER JARRIOD B BAKER JOEL D BAKER JOHN J BAKER JOHN R BAKER JONATHAN A BAKER JONATHAN D BAKER JONATHAN S BAKER KELLY BAKER KENNETH M BAKER KEVIN BAKER KEVIN BAKER KYLE EDWARD BAKER LOGAN A BAKER LUKE P BAKER MATTHEW BAKER MICHAEL BAKER MICHAEL BAKER MICHAEL E BAKER MICHELLE L BAKER PATRICE ANN BAKER PHILLIP A BAKER PRESTON O BAKER RANDALL G BAKER JR RONALD P BAKER SCOTT M BAKER SCOTT R BAKER TAMATHA L BAKER WADE BAKER WILLIAM BAKER WILLIAM BAKER DALEPETE BALA LUMINITA BALABAN CRISTOBAL BALBUENA KELGUER BALBUENA JESUS BALDERAS SUZANNA BALDERAS RONALD P BALDO ALAN BALDWIN COURTNEY BALDWIN DEWAUN L BALDWIN JEFFERY M BALDWIN JR JOHNNIE L BALDWIN MASON BALDWIN CHRISTOPHER BALICKI CHARLES CLAY BALL CHARLES E BALL CHRISTA C BALL DARNELL BALL JR EARL BALL GARRY W BALL JASON JOEL BALL JOHNNY J BALL II LAURA BALL MARCI R BALL TIMOTHY J BALL WAYNE BALL JESSE BALLA ROBERT BALLANTYNE DUSTIN R BALLARD MARY ELLEN BALLARD TERRY BALLARD KYLER L BALLENGER AUSTIN M BALLENTINE ROM BALLESCAS JOSE BALLESTEROS JUAN BALLESTEROS ROCKY BALLESTEROS JOSEPH F BALLEW III WESLEY TYLER BALLEW ERIN BALLOCH FREDERICK BALLOU ALLEN BALLOUN NICKOLAS JOHN BALMER JONATHON P BALOGH OLABOSIPO BALOGUN AYDIN BALTACI GUILLERMO BALTAZAR GARCIA DARIUS BALTHROP JANICE BALTZELL NITA BALU DATTU PATIL LUIS JESUS BALVER NAVARRETE RUSSELL J BALVIN NILAY BALWANTRAO DADARAO DESHMUKH KRISTI BANALES WOJCIECH BANAS RAMON DOLORES BANDA MEDINA RAMIRO BANDA ROJAS ARMAAN BANDI IHOR BANDRIVSKYI CRAIG M BANDUR SEAN MICHAEL BANDUR DILLON KIRK BANE WILLIAM R BANE JOHN ALBERT BANFIELD SUSANNAH C BANFIELD FRANCIS Y BANIAGA MICHAEL BANIK JEREMY BANKER ROBERT BANKOWSKI BRANDON A BANKS CHARLES ERIC BANKS COURTNEY D BANKS DELMAS M BANKS ERIC E BANKS JOHNNY LEE BANKS OCTAVIS BANKS III PERRY R BANKS ROBERT R BANKS WILLIAM B BANKS WILLIAM T BANKS WILLIE CORNELL BANKS CHRISTOPHER R BANKSTON COLTON W BANKSTON KYLE R BANKSTON WALTER W BANNICK GURPREET BANSAL JESSICA BANUELOS JOSE BANUELOS ERNESTO ALONZO BAÑUELOS ESTRADA ADRIAN X BARAJAS MIGUEL BARAJAS JR JORGE L BARAJAS MORENO RAFAELA BARAJAS REYES KORAY BARAN DEVORIK BARBEE WARREN E BARBEE BRAYDEN BARBER BREANNA BARBER BRYSEN BARBER DERRICK B BARBER FRANKLIN BARBER HEATH BARBER JASON BARBER JOSEPH BRETT BARBER RICHARD BARBER THADDEUS A BARBER BRIAN L BARBERY LANAKILA B BARBIETO LUIS BARBOSA HECTOR BARBOZA JORDIN K BARBRE FAY BARBRICK PETER BARBRICK JERRY WAYNE BARCLAY JON A BARCLAY SHEILA RENE BARCLAY JOHN BARDANIS BART R BARDWELL DARREL BARE MICHAEL S BARE JEFFREY BARFIELD JOHN FRANKLYN BARFIELD MATTHEW BARFIELD BRAD K BARFUSS BRANDON BARFUSS JOHN K BARFUSS KARL L BARFUSS CHARLES E BARGER JR WILLIAM DEVON BARGER MATTHEW D BARGSTADT ANDREW M BARKER DANIEL BARKER DOUGLAS W BARKER DYLAN BARKER HAL G BARKER JOSEPH A BARKER JOSHUA BARKER KEVIN L BARKER KEVIN P BARKER LARRY BARKER MICHAEL BARKER ROBERT BARKER RUSSELL W BARKER TIMOTHY J BARKER TIMOTHY JOE BARKER TODD A BARKER TYLER BARKER RODERICK BARKEY HERMAN JON BARKLEY JEFFREY P BARKMAN CHARLIE O BARKS GARY LYNDALE BARKS NATHANIEL B D BARKS CHARLES E BARKSDALE JR ERIC J BARKSDALE JOSHUA HOYT BARKSDALE KEVIN E BARKSDALE JOSHUA BARLET FRASHOD C BARLOW JOSEPH RYAN BARNABY FRED M BARNARD IV KEENON D BARNARD DARYL RANDOLPH BARNER ERIC P BARNER ROBERT J BARNER SHANE BARNER STEVE BARNER ALFRED J BARNES JR ANDREW RAYMOND BARNES BRIAN A BARNES CHARLES BARNES CHRISTIAN M BARNES CHRISTOPHER D BARNES DAVID BARNES DONALD BARNES DUSTIN BARNES EDWARD BARNES JR JOHN B BARNES JUSTIN BARNES MARK P BARNES II NATHANIEL M BARNES ONEIL BARNES RAYMOND BARNES RAYMOND G BARNES ROBERT LUTHER BARNES TODD BARNES TRAVIS D BARNES WILLIAM D BARNES AARON J BARNETT BRIDGETT BARNETT BUFORD BARNETT JR CYNTHIA EULA BARNETT DERRICK ANDREW BARNETT JAMES M BARNETT JOSEPH E BARNETT MATTHEW C BARNETT MELISSA S BARNETT RONALD L BARNETT CHRISTOPHER DANIEL BARNETTE COREY PATRICK BARNETTE DONALD A BARNEY SAMPSON BARNEY AARON R BARNHART CLIFFORD DAVID BARNHART DAVID E BARNHART DAVID JAMES BARNHART KENNETH E BARNHART MARK BARNHART RICHARD BARNHART FRED W BARNHILL JR BRANDON C BARNIC JASON R BARNSTABLE NANCY BARNWELL DOUGLAS BARON MARK H BARON ADAM J BARONE CHARLES C BARONE ANDREW H BARR BRENT L BARR COREY BARR JAMES A BARR JEREMY L BARR JOSHUA D BARR LOGAN K BARR GEOVANNI BARRAGAN JUAN BARRAGAN BENJAMIN BARRANCO ERIK E BARRAZA ALESSANDRO BARRECA JASON BARREIRO WESLEY E BARRENTINE MITCH BARRER RACHAEL BARRERA CASEY WILLIAM BARRETT CHRISTOPHER L BARRETT DAWN BARRETT JACOB A BARRETT JEREMY C BARRETT LEON BARRETT SHAWN H BARRETT GILBERTO G BARRIENTOS GUSTAVO BARRIENTOS LAURICE R BARRINEAU JR KIRK D BARRINGTON II NATHAN BARRINGTON TIMOTHY BARRINGTON ENGELS BARRIOS RUSSELL Q BARRIOS FRANCISCO BARRIOS ALVAREZ TIM J BARRITT CHAD R BARRON JASON DERRICK BARRON LAURIE KITE BARRON RICHARD J BARRON JESUS GUADALUPE BARRON RODRIGUEZ KENT BARROW JOHN BARROWS ROBERT C BARROWS JR TIMOTHY P BARRUS CHANDA LAVEE BARRY JOSEPH BARRY MARTIN E BARRY III ROBERT J BARRY WINSTON BARRY MATTHEW ALAN BARTHOLET AARON C BARTHOLOMEW CHRISTOPHER BARTHOLOMEW LISA M BARTHOLOMEW JAMES ALAN BARTLETT JEREMY LEE BARTLETT MURRAY WAYNE BARTLETT PETER BARTLETT PHILIP A BARTLETT ROBERT L BARTLETT TIFFANY BARTLETT TRENTON BARTLEY TIMOTHY J BARTLING LEE BARTNIK ALBERT BARTOCH ALFRED M BARTOL PHILLIP BARTOLETTI ELNORRIS BARTON SCOTT MICHAEL BARTON THOMAS M BARTON ANTONIO BARTUCCIO BASILA BARVIN SYED IBRAHIM TERRY O BARWICK WALTER BARWICK DANNY BARY WILLIAM BASART MOHAMMED A BASHA DAVID BASHAM HEATHER M BASHAM GERALD BASHAW JR STEVEN E BASHFORD JESSICA BASHORE RANDALL BASHORE JR SHANNON M BASINGER BRETT BASLER TARAY MYCHELE BASNIGHT RENO BASQUE ANTHONY R BASS DAVID E BASS ELLIS BASS JOHN R BASS ROBERT BASS RYAN CHRISTIAN BASS TAYLOR WAYNE BASS VICTOR BASS CHRISTOPHER W BASSETT LOGAN BASSETT JASON L BASSHAM JOSEPH B BASTIN LEAH PARKS BATCHELOR JAY B BATEMAN JIM BATEMAN MILES A BATEMAN TANNER J BATEMAN THOMAS BATEMAN TAMMY L BATEN DAVID A BATENHORST ANGELA M BATES BRIAN K BATES BRYCE BATES CHRISTOPHER M BATES DANIEL D BATES DUSTIN BATES JAMES E BATES JASON BATES JEFFREY KYLE BATES JOSHUA M BATES RONNIE L BATES TAMI BATES TOMMY BATES TONY WAYNE BATES TYLER L BATES BRAD WHITTEMORE BATESOLE JOHN BATIS JR JOHNNY BATISTE DARRELL WAYNE BATLEY JORGE A BATRES MELVIN J BATSON THOMAS J BATTERBEE TREVOR RILEY BATTERSHAW TAWAN BATTLES EUGENE G BATTOCCHIO BRIAN K BATTON JASON C BATTON JOHN HOWARD BATTS SHELTON MITCHELL BATTS TIMOTHY M BATTS JOHN F BATY MADISON E BATZ WILLIAM A BAUCOM CHAD MICHAEL BAUDENDISTEL LATOSHA BAUDENDISTEL CHAD BAUDER STEPHEN BAUDLER ADAM J BAUER BRETT C BAUER JOSHUA BAUER KELCI B BAUER QUENTIN G BAUER REID BAUER TREVOR T BAUER SETH E BAUERLE MITCHELL BAUGE AUBREY BAUGH III CALVIN CURTIS BAUGH CARRIE BAUGH TYLER STEVEN BAUGHER FRANKLIN A BAUGHMAN TYLER A BAUGHMAN MICHELLE BAUGHN JODY W BAUGUS JOHN ROCKY BAUM GEARY R BAUMAN ZACHARY DAVID BAUMAN JOHN M BAUMANN SARA J BAUMANN FRANK L BAUMGARDNER BONNIE BAUMGARTEN ANTHONY C BAUMGARTNER DANIEL C BAUMGARTNER TIMOTHY J BAUSMITH DAVID BAUTISTA JOHNNY BAUTISTA ALLEN BAXLEY DEVIN K BAXLEY ROBERT S BAXLEY JR SCOTT A BAXLEY WILLIAM L BAXLEY DARIUS BAXTER DAVID ERIC BAXTER MATTHEW BAXTER ROBERT GRAY BAXTER STEPHANIE RENEE BAXTER CHRISTIAN BAYLES BRIAN S BAYLESS DAVID N BAYLESS WALTER C BAYLIS ANDREW BAYLISS ANTONIO BAYLON YANKUBA BAYO MCCULLOUGH BAYSDEN CASEY MOZINGO BAZEN DANIEL WALKUP BAZEN JOHN D BAZEN KEVIN FIELDS BAZEN JOHNNY BAZZELL II LOUIS BAZZLE JR ADAM L BEACH DANIEL BEACH PHILLIP BEACH TY A BEACH JASON P BEAGLES AMMON BEAGLEY JESSE LEE BEAL STEPHEN BEALE ANTHONY BEAMON RAY GORDON BEAMON JR DEVIN J BEAN ELIZABETH A BEAN LORETTA J BEAN SONYA Y BEAN TIMOTHY BEAN WILLIAM J BEAN YANCY W BEAN BRANDON BEAN‑ROBERTS DAVID BEAR THOMAS R BEAR CHAD BEARD DANNY R BEARD JEREMY R BEARD SAMUEL T BEARD STANLEY R BEARD THOMAS STEPHEN BEARD GINA MICHELLE BEARDEN JEFFREY A BEARDEN JOSEPH BEARDEN PHILLIP B BEARDEN ADALBERTO BEAS JONATHAN L BEASLEY NICHOLAS SCOTT BEASLEY SHANE A BEASLEY THOMAS ALEXANDER BEASLEY JR BRIAN A BEATTY NICHOLAS BEAUCHAMP TRAVIS L BEAUDETTE FRANCOIS BEAULIEU KIMBERLY BEAULIEU RICHARD BEAULIEU JEFFREY D BEAUMONT SHAWN A BEAUPRE BRIAN SCOTT BEAVERS JOHN SELDON BEAVERS JON W BEAVERS LARRY L BEAVERS CARLA BEBOUT LARRY BECENTI DALTON BRYANT BECHTEL JANET S BECHTEL MATTHEW BECHTOL LAWRENCE J BECIGNEUL JR ALEXANDRIA BECK ALLAN BECK BRIAN S BECK JAMES W BECK JEFFERY W BECK JENNIFER BECK JONATHAN BECK TAYLOR R BECK ANDREW BECKER GRANT H BECKER JACK G BECKER MATTHEW BECKER MATTHEW D BECKER RACHEL A BECKER ROBERT S BECKER JUSTIN S BECKETT BRANTLEY T BECKHAM CHARLES A BECKHAM WILLIAM A BECKHAM III LEROY T BECKLEY CASEY BECKLUND EMMA K BECKMAN NICHOLAS E BECKMAN KEVIN R BECKMANN STEPHEN D BECKWORTH ANITRA BECNEL KEVIN BECNEL JAY L BEDDINGFIELD CHRISTOPHER BEDELL ANTONIO BEDOLLA ROBERTO BEDOLLA ROBERTO C BEDOLLA GABRIEL BEDOLLA‑ARROYO RICKY BEDORE LARRY A BEDWELL JR JASON BEEBE DERRICK D BEECHAM TREVOR BEECHER TISHA BEECHING BRADLEY J BEED KENNETH D BEED BENJAMIN BEEKMAN MICHAEL DAVID BEEMSTERBOER RODNEY A BEER NATHAN J BEERBOWER JUSTIN L BEERS THOMAS BEERS TREVOR J BEERS RAYMOND BEGAY SHERMAN L BEGAY TRUMAN BEGAY HARRISON D BEGAYE ANDREW MICHAEL BEGGS WINCEL L BEGGS JR JOSEPH M BEHIL DAVID J BEHILO TINA BEHLE NATHAN BEHM ADAM L E BEHMER MIKHAIL A BEHNKE NATHANIEL W BEHNKIE ALLEN C BEHR DAVID J BEHRENDT MARK N BEHRENS MATTHEW J BEHRENS STEVEN BEHRMAN WILET BEHRUE ALVIN J BEIGHLEY CHRISTOPHER J BEIL ROSANNE BEINLEIN KERRI BEIRNE KEVIN J BEISHLINE HEATHER BEISHUIZEN DIANNE E BELAMARICH HERMAN BELANGIA MICHAEL BELCHER TIMOTHY BELCHER DANIEL BELCHIOR CHARLES C BELEKIS GREGORY A BELEKIS BRETT E BELEW CLAYTON J BELEW CODY L BELEW COLTON GREGORY BELEW VINCENT G BELISLE RYAN C BELIVEAU AARON CRAIG BELL ALLEN KYLE BELL BRIAN J BELL BRIAN K BELL BRICE A BELL CELESTE BELL CHANDEL BELL CHRISTOPHER BELL CHRISTOPHER B BELL CLINT A BELL CLINT D BELL CODY BELL DAVID L BELL DUSTIN BELL DYLAN BELL ERIK JAMES BELL ERRYNNE N BELL JAMES MATTHEW BELL JASON BELL JASON G BELL JEANNIE MARIE BELL JERRY BELL JERRY LAYNE BELL JOHN H BELL JOSHUA A BELL NATHAN R BELL NOBLE D BELL PATRICK LEFLOYD BELL PHILLIP D BELL ROBERT RAND BELL SAMUEL G BELL STANLEY M BELL STEVEN BELL STEVEN R BELL TAMELA L BELL TAYLOR BELL WILLIE BELL AMY BELLAMY JUSTIN ALEXANDER BELLAMY LORRIE J BELLAR JOSEPH BELLEMORE EDYTH F BELLES DARIUS V BELLINGER MARIA S BELLO MARK A BELLOMY RYAN WESLEY BELLVILLE OMAR BELMONTE DANNY K BELONE DEREK BELSHAM ANDREW A BELSVIK BRANDON T BELT BUSTER BELT DYLAN BELT JOSE BELTRAN EMMANUEL BELTRAN RODRIGUEZ JESUS ALFREDO BELTRAN RODRIGUEZ JUVENSIO BELTRAN SOTO ALFONSO BELTRAN TRIANA JAIME MITY BELTRAN ZARAGOZA ADAM R BELTZ EMILY R BELTZ JOSHUA D BELTZ NATHAN A BELTZ CASEY L BELYEU JOANN BEMENT NAKAISANI BENALLY ANDREW WILLIAM BENARD JOSHUA BENASSI JIMMY A BENCK JASON N BENDA TODD D BENDA SHANNON J BENDER NINA BENDIXEN GARY W BENEDICT SHAUN BENEFIEL AARON B BENEFIELD DARDEN R BENEFIELD DAVID BENEFIELD SHAUN BENEFIELD SHAWN BENEFIELD JASON BENEVIDES GREGORY A BENGE BRADFORD BENHAM IV CAMERON BENHAM DONNA BENIGNI EDWARDO BENITEZ MARCOS F BENITEZ EDUARDO BENITEZ RAMIREZ OMAR A BENITEZ‑CABRERA BRIAN BENJAMIN CLAY R BENJAMIN DAVID L BENJAMIN JR DONNIE BENJAMIN LESTER BENJAMIN NATHANIEL BENJAMIN SR AARON M BENNE JOHN M BENNER VASILICA BENNER ARANDO SHIRELL BENNETT BLACEY B BENNETT CHAD BENNETT CHRIS BENNETT CHRISTOPHER B BENNETT DONALD W BENNETT GREG BENNETT JACOB BENNETT JEREMY W BENNETT JOHN L BENNETT JR JOSHUA T BENNETT MICHAEL BENNETT MICHAEL BENNETT REGGIE GERMAINE BENNETT SHANE D BENNETT SHARRON L BENNETT STEVEN S BENNETT STEVEN W BENNETT WILLIAM S BENNETT BRUCE BENNEWITZ BRIDGET BENNEY ROBERT BENNING DIANA BENNINGTON JOSEPH M BENO CHANTAL BENOIT JAMES M BENOIT PAUL BENOIT ANDREW R BENSON BILLY REX BENSON CHARLES L BENSON CHRISTINE E BENSON CHRISTOPHER BENSON DARRELL J BENSON PETER E BENSON ROBERT B BENSON TYLER J BENSON ZACKERY CHASE BENSON APRIL J BENTLEY CHANTELL BENTLEY CHRISTOPHER W BENTLEY JAMES FRANKLIN BENTLEY JEFF B BENTLEY MATTHEW A BENTLEY MEDLEY K BENTLEY STEVE BENTLEY JUMAL BENTON MATTHEW R BENTON REBECCA RUTH BENTON COREY BENWELL DEL BENZENHAFER JAMES BERARD MICHAEL BERARD DANIEL J BERCHIELLI BARRY W BERG DUSTIN BERG RICK BERG SAGE R BERG CHRIS J BERGBOWER DYLAN BERGE DAVID J BERGER JOHNATHAN BERGERON WALTER L BERGERON ZACHARY BERGERON JENNA BERGMAN IAN P BERGQUIST THOMAS R BERGQUIST SAMSON T BERISO ADAN BERNAL DALE A BERNARD FRANK J BERNARD JORGE A BERNARDEZ GARCIA WILFREDO J BERNARDINI JAMES ROBERT BERNARDO THOMAS BERNDSEN CHAD M BERNHARDT JOHN A BERNIER STEVEN W BERNINGER TYLER EUGENE BERNINGER GLEN BERNS JOHN BERNS SVEN BERNSTROM ADIL BERRAK STACY L BERRESFORD DUSTIN D BERRETT KRISTINE BERRETT ROBERT W BERRETT ERIN M BERREY ANGEL L BERRIOS RONNY BERRIOS VANEGAS AMANDA L BERRY ANDREW L BERRY BEVAN M BERRY CHRISTOPHER MAURICE BERRY DERON JOEL BERRY DOMINICK BERRY ELIZABETH BERRY ERIC A BERRY GERALD B BERRY SR JAMES B BERRY JAMES E BERRY JR JASON S BERRY JOHN LUCUS BERRY JOSEPH CARLE BERRY LANCE G BERRY LEVI B BERRY MICHAEL D BERRY NATASHA BERRY PETER R BERRY STEVEN D BERRY THOMAS BERRY JR TRACY L BERRY VASHON BERRY VINCENT S BERRY LOUIS BERRYHILL MICHAEL A BERRYHILL ADAM BERRYMAN KARL H BERSCHAUER BYRON BERT MARIA BERTY DE LA CRUZ GARY LEE BESHERSE ERIC BESNER MICHAEL W BESSE DYLAN C BESSETTE BECKY J BESSMER JACOB D BESSMER MANDY J BESSMER ALLISON M BEST JASON BEST JOSEPH A BEST ALEJANDRO G BETANCOURT ROSALIO B BETANCUR CHRISTOPHER A BETAR JEFFERY BETHEA AYLON BETHEL ALAN HUNTER BETHUNE JORDAN J BETHUNE SHARON J BETHUNE CHARLES BETTS ROBERT BETTS DREW ZACHARY BETZ GREGORY M BETZ LARRY E BETZ JAKE J BETZEN BRYON E BEUTLER JOSEPH DONALD BEVEL JOSEPH E BEVEL WILLIAM D BEVIS GARY W BEWLEY RASHAAD BEYAH MICHAEL A BEYER VANESSA S BEYER DANIEL BEZLISYUK DIVYESH A BHAGAT RAJESH H BHAGNARI DAVID BHAGWANDEEN SHANKARLAL BHAGWANSAHAY KUMAVAT AJIT K BHANOT ABHISHEK BHANSALI SHRUTI BHARGAV RAJARAM PEDNEKAR SURENDRA BHIMRAV BARMA DAVEN BHOGAL EUGENE BIALEK CHARLES BIANCULLI JOHN BIANCULLI LEESA BIANCULLI MARK BIANCULLI PHILIPPE BIBA MATTHEW S BIBBENS RONILO B BIBIT CLAYTON BIBLE MONIQUE C BICE PATRICK BICHEL MATTHEW BICHON JOHNATHAN M BICKEL VIVIAN BIDAH JAMES RAY BIDDIX CHRISTOPHER S BIDDLE DAVID BIDINOFF MATTHEW E BIDLACK MATTHEW BIENSKIE JOEL J BIERMAN TIMOTHY BIERY JOHN C BIESBOER EMANUEL L BIFFLE MATTHEW C BIGGS AUSTIN M BIHN JOSEPH BIJESSE DONALD BILBY DEREK C BILEEN ROBERT T BILGER BRIAN K BILLER ALWYN BILLINGS BAYLOR W BILLINGS CYNTHIA A BILLINGS GEORGE C BILLINGS SUZANNE RENEE BILLINGS TAYLOR A BILLINGS JEREMIAH BILLS TERESA BILLS DALE BILLSBOROUGH JUSTIN BILLY JUSTIN BINDER BRANNON CODEY BINGHAM BRETT V BINGHAM CASEY CRAIG BINGHAM DEWAYNE BINGHAM GARRICK GREGG BINGHAM JEFFREY T BINGHAM WALTER E BINGHAM DONALD O BINGMAN TERRY L BINKARD HEATHER BINKLEY BRADLEY D BIRCH BRIAN D BIRCH SONYA N BIRCH ANDREW W BIRD AVERY BIRD JACKIE BIRD BENJAMIN BIRD‑JONES CHRISTOPHER LEE BIRDNO DUSTIN M BIRDSALL DANIEL JERARD BIRDWELL SUE R BIRDWELL WILLIAM TODD BIRDWELL ALISON BIRKEDAHL ESPARZA BEAU J BIRKENHOLTZ BRYAN K BIRKES PAUL BIRKETT GREG BIRLEY CHRISTOPHER BIRLEY‑GUILLEMETTE BRIAN C BIRR SHANE R BIRR CARLOS BIRRIEL NIEVES ALDRICK BIRTHWRIGHT WLADYSLAW BISAGA PHILLIP E BISCHOF CLAUDE BISE BO G BISHOP BRIAN BISHOP CORY BISHOP DEVIN TYLER BISHOP JASON C BISHOP JOHN R BISHOP MISTY A BISHOP RICHARD C BISHOP III WENDI M BISHOP ZACHARY BISHOP REID C BISSELL WADE R BISSELL BLAIR BISSETT III DYLAN BISSON ROBERT BISSON CHRISTINA BISTREK ANDREW BITTNER NATHAN R BITTON MICHAEL D BITZKY ADAM D BIVENS MARK A BIVENS ANTONIO BIVINS JASON L BIZZLE DAVID ROBERT BJORK JONATHAN BJORNSON ANDREW JAMES BLACK ANDREW M BLACK AUSTIN T BLACK CASEY J BLACK GREG BLACK JAMES R BLACK JASON BLACK JEREMY A BLACK LEONARD E BLACK MARIO L BLACK RONALD KEITH BLACK RYAN BLACK SAMUEL R BLACK SHELDON G BLACK TIFFANY BLACK TIMOTHY BLACK TOIWARN CORNELL BLACK TREVOR W BLACK WILLIAM WAYNE BLACK MITCHELL BLACK PLUME GARY R BLACKBURN J MICAH BLACKBURN JORDEN TANNER BLACKBURN MICHAEL E BLACKBURN SUSAN BLACKBURN TESSA BLACKBURN DILLON R BLACKBURN‑JONES BRANDON BLACKFORD AUSTIN LEVI BLACKMAN MICHAEL RAY BLACKMAN NICHOLAS TYLER BLACKMAN ROBERT C BLACKMAN STACY L BLACKMAN CHERYL L BLACKMARR BROOKS WESLEY BLACKMER ERIC S BLACKMON SAMUEL R BLACKMON CHRISTOPHER L BLACKSTON BRYAN BLACKWELL GLENN J BLACKWELL GREGORY S BLACKWELL RICKY BLACKWELL THOMAS BLACKWELL TRAVIS L BLACKWELL TRAVIS R BLACKWELL DARREN BLACKWOOD ANDREW KEITH BLAIR BEVERLY BLAIR COLLIN R BLAIR JUSTIN T BLAIR KARI L BLAIR KYLE BLAIR KEN BLAIS SR PATRICK BLAIS DANIEL M BLAISDELL JON C BLAISDELL SONNY D BLAISDELL TYSON D BLAISDELL ZACKARY K BLAISDELL DONALD E BLAKE JEFFREY BLAKE JEFFREY M BLAKE KEVIN BLAKE MITCHELL J BLAKE NICHOLAS BLAKE RICHARD T BLAKE TIFFANY BLAKE ANGELA SUE BLAKELY CHRISTOPHER M BLAKELY JOHN H BLAKELY RONALD JASON BLAKELY DARRELL E BLAKEMORE DARREN DEONTRAY BLAKENEY SHAWN BLAKENEY TIMOTHY PHILLIP BLAKESLEE BRADLEY E BLALOCK RODNEY L BLALOCK ROGER D BLALOCK JAIDEN S BLAMEY DARIUS BLANCHARD DOUGLAS L BLANCHARD EMILY BLANCHETTE ALVIN A BLANCO MICHAEL BLANCO MICHAEL BLAND WALTER L BLAND JESSE BLANE ROGER L BLANK CARR E BLANKENSHIP CHRIS LEE BLANKENSHIP JASON D BLANKENSHIP RAPHAEL L BLANKENSHIP SAMMY L BLANKENSHIP SCOTT BLANKENSHIP JR SHANNON S BLANKENSHIP TIMOTHY A BLANKENSHIP KENNETH A BLANKINSHIP ERIC BLANSCETT JAMES T BLANSIT JACKSON L BLANTON JAMES SAMUEL BLANTON JEREMY S BLANTON RODRIGO BLAS MARTINEZ STEVEN BLASINI DENNIS J BLASZKOWSKI HORACE BLATON DILLON BLATTER TODD A BLAUVELT JUSTIN BLAYDES MARONEE BLAYER KAREN MICHELLE BLAYLOCK TIMOTHY S BLAYLOCK COLTON A BLAZEK PABLO D BLEACHER JOSEPH RONALD BLECHSCHMIDT ALBERT BLEDSAW BRETT BLEDSOE CATHY BLEDSOE CHRISTOPHER BLEDSOE STEVEN BLEDSOE WALTER N BLEJDE KERNEIL BLENMAN CODY BLESSING CHARLES BLEVINS JODY B BLEVINS MARC BLEVINS RYAN A BLEVINS JAMES H BLEW LEANNA R BLICKER JUSTIN E BLISS CHAISE BLISSETT MATTHEW L BLITCH THOMAS A BLITCH JADE DALTON BLOCKER SCOTT W BLOMQUIST JERRY L BLONDELL JEREMY M BLOOM REBEKA I BLOOMFIELD DENNIS D BLOOMQUIST JAMES W BLOSKIS ADAM W BLOTTER DAVID LEE BLOUNT RUSSELL W BLOUNT TYRONE BLOUNT BRYAR BLUE CHRIS EUGENE BLUE LESLIE WARREN BLUE SHANNON D BLUE TERRELL D BLUE TOMMY JASON BLUE GARRICK BLUEEYES ERIC D BLUM LINDA A BLUM‑BARTON MATTHEW L BLUME RICHARD K BLUME II JORDAN M BLUNT JASON E BLYSTONE DONNIE O BLYTHE EZEKIEL DICKENS BOARD TODD B BOATMAN ANDRE TERREL BOATWRIGHT BILLY A BOATWRIGHT CHRISTOPHER BOATWRIGHT LEONARD LUCAS BOATWRIGHT TOVONNIA BOATWRIGHT SAMUEL BOB TANIA BOBBI JORDAN BOBBITT RYAN BOBBITT DONALD G BOBENMOYER MARCUS D BOBO FERNANDO BOCANEGRA CHERYL A BOCCIA JARED P BOCHENEK LAVERNE MITCHELL BOCHETTE KRISTINE NICHOLE BOCK DONALD BOCKELMAN CRYSTAL BOCUS CIERRA BODDEN WAYNE BODDEN EXAVIAN BODIFORD TIMOTHY A BODIFORD WILLIAM B BODIFORD AMBER BODILY JAMES LEE BODILY PATRICK ALLEN BODWELL PAUL ALAN BOEHME QUINN BOEHME JASON BOEHMER ROYCE BOEHMER ROSS BOELTER AMY BOER TYLER K BOERSCHIG DENISE B BOERST J B BOGA SCOTT J BOGAN ROBERT E BOGER SHAWN M BOGGS BRIAN H BOGH KELLY BOGNER KURT A BOGNER TOMMY E BOGUSLAWSKE ROLAND J BOGUSZEWSKI ELDEN L BOHANNON JUSTIN M BOHATY SHANE M BOHATY RICHELLE BOHM BRIAN G BOHN JACOB M BOHNSTEDT JESSE BOILEAU JOHN BOILEAU JONATHAN BOILEAU PATRICK BOILY ARTURO BOJORQUEZ JUAN A BOJORQUEZ JOSEPH H BOLAM JR TYLER H BOLAN BLAKE BOLAR LOUIS C BOLAR JR JEREMY RAY BOLDEN KATRINA BOLDEN MAXIME BOLDUC JONATHAN BOLE KEN BOLES ANDREW BOLIN JOSHUA BOLIN MICHAEL BOLIN SONNY L BOLIN BRANDON P BOLING ROGER W BOLLS DAVID E BOLT JOHNNY BOLT III BOBBY J BOLTON CHRISTOPHER BOLTON JORDAN KENT BOLTON RODNEY LANE BOLTON GILL P BOLZ STREAMER L BOMAN JAMES C BOMAR ANNE‑MARIE BOMBEN‑CHAGNON JONATHAN BONAISE WILLIAM A BONCZYNSKI AARON BOND ARCARIUS LEMAR BOND BENJAMIN K BOND LINDA A BOND STEPHEN A BOND JESSIE BONDS LARENCE BONDS ADAM BONDZIUL RYAN BONE PAUL J BONERTZ MARTIN ZACHARY BONETTE JOSE BONILLA‑MIRAMONTES JOVON T BONNEAU MARK BONNELL JAMES L BONNER KELVIN A BONNER MARK BONNER SANDRA S BONNER TWUN O BONNER BRANDON BONNETT CHERYL L BONNGARD LUCAS BONNOITT MELISSA BONNOITT RICHARD B BONNOITT ANTHONY A BONOMO BILL M BONTA LESLIE BONVILLAIN DEORAJ BOOCHOON GEOFFREY BOODHAI NICK BOODOO RICHARD BOODRAM FREDRIC DALE BOOE III ROBERT CURTIS BOOE ASHLEY N BOOKER DARYL AARON BOOKER ERIC BOOKER JAMES C BOOKER JOHN KELLY BOOKER KEISHA D BOOKER MAEGAN BRYNN BOOKER ROCKEY D BOOKER II CHARLES A BOONE CHRISTOPHER BOONE JESSICA RADFORD BOONE LISA BOONE MANIKANDAN BOOPATHI ANTHONY BOOTH BRANDON BOOTH GRAHAM T BOOTH JESSICA A BOOTH LORENZO BOOTH RYAN BOOTH TONY S BOOTH JOHN A BOOTHE LOUIS EDWIN BOOTHE JR JAMES M BOOTS STEPHEN A BOOZER JATINDER BOPARAI AARON BORBA JONATHAN BORBA LEOBARDO BORBON THOMAS H BORCHELT CHARLES J BORDEN MICHAEL BOREN STEVEN B BOREN DYRAL L BORENS EMILIE J BORER LESLIE J BORER RODNEY L BORER DAVID M BORGER GARY BORGMAN BRANDI M BORING RACHEL BORMAN ANDREW BOROSKI JOHAM BORRERO VELAZQUEZ ANASTACIO BORROMEO PEREZ FRED G BORT FRED N BORT MARK BORTOLOTTO JEFFREY A BORTON TYLER BORU BRIAN P BOS LONNIE D BOSHELL PECE BOSILKOVSKI SHANNON J BOSSARD STEVEN M BOSSE FRANK BOST ABDUL QAUOM BOSTAN‑ALI DARREL BOSTON FORREST W BOSTON JR STEVEN BOSTON JACK PATTERSON BOSWELL KENNETH CRAIG BOSWELL RANDY D BOSWELL REBECCA S BOSWELL ROBERT A BOSWELL NESTOR GUADALUPE BOTELLO VALDOVINOS DANNY LARENZO BOTT LANDON BOTT ROBERT BOTTOMS SOURIPHAN BOUAPHASEUTH DENNIS E BOUBIN GARY D BOUBIN ADAM BOUDREAU ALLEN J BOUDREAU BRIAN BOUDREAU GARY BOUDREAU JAMES BOUDREAU JEAN E BOUDREAU MICHEL J BOUDREAU PETER O BOUDREAU SHAWN BOUDREAU STEVE P BOUDREAU GREG BOUDREAUX MARK BOUFFARD ANTHONY BOUK JOSHUA E BOULDS DARYL B BOUNDS CANDIDA B BOUQUET CHRISTOPHER E BOURASSA ROBERT M BOURASSA BARRY BOURGEOIS DARRELL BOURGETTE ELIZABETH S BOURLAND BRIAN BOURQUE RACHID BOUTAHIR RANDY A BOUTET BRYAN BOUTILIER CHRIS BOUTIN JAMES ADAM BOUTWELL BARBARA J BOUXSEIN CARTER BOVA ERICA L BOVEE MICHAEL B BOVIN MARWIN BOW JAMES EDWARD BOWDEN JR KENNAN S BOWDEN MARTY D BOWDEN MONTY J BOWDEN RYAN BOWDEN KEVIN BOWE ANDREW BOWEN BRIAN BOWEN JOSHUA BOWEN KIA BOWEN KIMBERLY KAY BOWEN SEAN BOWEN JASON L BOWENS MATTHEW BOWERMAN DANIEL BOWERMAN MCCLINCHEY ANNA C BOWERS DOTY J BOWERS ELIZABETH W BOWERS JUSTIN D BOWERS ROBERT R BOWERS ROGER D BOWERS SCOTT BOWERS ANNA DENISE BOWLES JAMES P BOWLIN BRIAN A BOWLING DEWEY J BOWLING JOHN D BOWLING AARON BOWMAN BRADD A BOWMAN GEORGE B BOWMAN GEORGE BLAKE BOWMAN JAMES BOWMAN JAMES C BOWMAN JOSEPH E BOWMAN PATRICK K BOWMAN SCOTT A BOWMAN SHANNON D BOWMAN STEVEN H BOWMAN TERRY D BOWMAN TRISTAN BOWMAN KAROL BOWMAN TUKE JAMES A BOWN ETHAN G BOWSER CARI L BOX DEVONA CAROL BOX JEFFREY DANIEL BOX SAMUEL E BOX DEAN BOXALL ADRIENNE BOYCE DUSTIN BOYCE JENNIFER BOYCE MELISSA BOYCE SCOTT E BOYCE AARON BOYD ALANDIS E BOYD ALEXANDER B BOYD BARRY BOYD BO A BOYD BOBBY C BOYD BRIAN BOYD CADE RICHARDSON BOYD CHRISTOPHER M BOYD CLINT BOYD CRAIG D BOYD DAVID S BOYD III DENNIS M BOYD GREGORY PAUL BOYD IAN B BOYD JORDAN BOYD KEVIN BOYD MARK A BOYD MAURICE BOYD JR NATHANIEL BOYD REGINALD E BOYD SR ROBERT B BOYD TERRY L BOYD TORRELL OMORO BOYD TROY LEON BOYD BETH A BOYER IRVIN JOSEPH BOYER JR JEREMY M BOYER KEITH BOYICE II JOE E BOYKIN MICHAEL BOYKIN PHILLIP RYAN BOYLES JACOB D BOZARTH JOSH BOZARTH ANNMARIE BOZEK CHRISTOPHER A BOZEK DALE BRABBLE TRINA A BRABEC ALBINO D BRACAMONTES BRIANNE LEIGH BRACCO ALLEN G BRACEY DEBORAH K BRACK WILLIAM H BRACK DANIEL R BRACKEN ALLEN BRACKETT JAMAINE R BRACKETT MITCHELL BRACKETT TIMOTHY NEWTON BRACKINS MICHAEL H BRADBURY SHELTON H BRADBURY CODY BRADD DAVID DEWAYNE BRADDOCK MELISSA BRADDOCK CHRISTOPHER B BRADDY DARRELL BRADEN JR ROBERT P BRADEN JR STEVEN LEE BRADFIELD ADAM BRADFORD JASON A BRADFORD JOSEPH ANDREW BRADFORD LOTTIE BRADFORD JOSHUA BRADING CHAD RAY BRADLEY JAMES S BRADLEY MATTHEW CLAY BRADLEY PAUL ELY BRADLEY EILEEN P BRADNER JOSHUA P BRADOC MATTHEW T BRADSHAW RODNEY W BRADSHAW ZEIVON BRADSHAW LELAND A BRADWELL JR BILL VAN BRADY BRETT E BRADY FRED STEVEN BRADY JUSTIN TRAVIS BRADY MICHAEL BRADY TRAVIS A BRADY TERRY BRAGG MICHAEL A BRAGGS ROBERT BRAID DAUDA BRAIMAH PHILIP J BRAIN TREMAINE B BRALEY JIMMY B BRAMLETT KODEY BRAMLETT MATTHEW A BRANAM JAMES D BRANCH JESSIE BRANCH JOHN R BRANCH KELLY BRANCH TANSHINA BRANCH LANDON P BRAND PAUL BRAND RONALD V BRAND JOSEPH E BRANDENBURG JEFFREY BRANDES GREGORY J BRANDL SARA M BRANDL TRICIA A BRANDL DONNA J BRANDON ERICA L BRANDON JOHN W BRANDON JORDAN BRANDON JUSTIN M BRANDON LEON BRANDON PAUL VERNON BRANDON DAVID BRANDT JASON C BRANDT JERRY BRANDT SARA C BRANDT TIMOTHY BRANDT CORTNEY BRANHAM JERROD BRANHAM CHRISTOPHER R BRANNAM JACOB R BRANNEY WILLIAM H BRANNOCK STEVEN NICK BRANNON ERIC BRANT THOMAS M BRANT KIRK R BRANTLEY PHILLIP BRANTLEY MICHAEL R BRANZ BALDEV BRAR BRENDAN BRAR RUSSELL BRAR JOHN P BRASELL TIFFANY L BRASELL AUSTIN BRASFIELD JUSTIN C BRASFIELD CHANCE A BRASIER MANUEL BRASIL DANIEL BRASS JEFFREY S BRASSEUR AARON L BRASSFIELD JEREMY BRASWELL LINDA D BRASWELL DUSTIN BRATCHER KEVIN R BRATCHER MYRNA BRATHWAITE VANCE BRATKO MICHAEL CHARLES BRATZ CRYSTAL BRAUD JOSEPH A BRAUER RICHARD O BRAUER ERIC J BRAUN GREGORY A BRAUN JEFFREY DONALD BRAUN JOSEPH C BRAUN JR KODY M BRAUN JARED J BRAVEBOY HAROLD BRAVENEC BARTOLO BRAVO DIANA VICTORIA BRAVO RAMOS EVAN M BRAWNER ANDREW BRAXTON CHARLES O BRAXTON MIKE W BRAXTON ANTHONY JASON BRAY JESSE BRAY NATHAN P BRAY JOSHUA MICHAEL BRAZIEL ALLEN E BRAZIER II PATRICK NEAL BRAZIER ALEX P BRAZIL BRIAN B BREACH BRAD J BREAUD JEFFREY S BREDEHOFT AMY J BREDEMEYER CARL W BREDEMEYER DAVID WAYNE BREED JOHN BREEDEN TERRY L BREEDEN WILLIAM REED BREEDEN JOHN W BREEDS MICHELE BREEN DAVID A BREES LORI BREES CHRISTOPHER A BREETZ CLINTON BREEZE ANNA BREIDT THOMAS BREITKREUTZ CLAYBORN BRELAND GERALD W BRELAND JOSEPH M BRELAND MATTHEW BREMSETH CHRISTOPHER J BRENNAN DANIEL BRENNAN WILLIAM BRENNAN KALEB B BRENTS LOREN M BRENTS STEVEN T BRESNAHAN CHRISTOPHER BRESTER KURTIS BRETEY PAUL B BRETSCHNEIDER AVERY JAVONTA BREWER BILL D BREWER JAMES W BREWER JARED KYLE BREWER JEREMY BREWER JEREMY BREWER JONATHAN L BREWER MICHAEL LEE BREWER MICHAEL R BREWER MICHELLE L BREWER PHILLIP W BREWER RUSSELL L BREWER RYAN MATTHEW BREWER SONO BREWER WILLIAM BREWER BLAZE ALEXANDER BREWINGTON CHRISTINA M BREWINGTON DANIEL BREZEALE CLAYTON BREZENSKI DONALD A BREZINSKI DALE BRICKER JR BERNARD BRICKHOUSE ERIC BRIDEAU JOHN MICHAEL BRIDGEFORTH ANTHONY W BRIDGES CLIFTON R BRIDGES DAVID W BRIDGES MARY B BRIDGES MATTHEW C BRIDGES MICHAEL BRIDGES ALAN BRIDGMON ALEXANDRA C BRIDWELL ALEX R BRIEL GEORGE BRIER JEFFERY A BRIER AARON DUSTIN BRIGGS BODEAN N BRIGGS BRIAN BRIGGS CALEB BRIGGS CURTIS WAYNE BRIGGS DAKOTA D BRIGGS GREG BRIGGS TODD E BRIGHAM ZACHARY BRIGHAM BERRY BRIGHT DAPHNE A D BRIGHT JOSHUA K BRIGHT STEVEN BRIGHTWELL JAMES ADAM BRILEY RONALD J BRILEY DAVID G BRILL KITTY BRIN ROBERT BRINGAS MICHAEL T BRINK KLARK D BRINKERHOFF KEITH A BRINKLEY MICHAEL NEAL BRINKLEY BILLY CLAYTON BRINSON GERALD BRINSON VANESSA SPRING BRINSON BANESSA BRIONES HECTOR BRIONES JORGE N BRIONES CODY J BRISBOIS ARTURO BRISENO ANDREW DANIEL BRISSON DERREK S BRISTER DWAYNE J BRISTER TOMMY BRISTOL CHRIS BRISTOW ERNEST W BRISTOW ROBERT L BRISTOW MICHAEL BRITO GREGORY L BRITT LORIN CARL BRITT RYAN BRITT STARLET J BRITT AARON L BRITTAIN JESSE BRITTEN‑BOUDREAU JOHN BRITTO MASILAMANI BRYAN BRITTON CHANCELOR MILES BRITTON EDDIE L BRITTON BRIAN C BRIZENDINE ELIZABETH BRKIC JEREMY BROACH JOHNATHAN S BROACH JUSTIN B BROACH BILLY W BROAD PENNY S BROAD BENJAMIN BRYAN BROADHEAD FORREST M BROADHEAD LARRY B BROADHEAD MATTHEW N BROADHEAD LARRY BROADNAX JASON L BROADUS RUSTY L BROADUS TAYLOR J BROADUS DONALD W BROADWATER TIMOTHY W BROADWELL KARLA BROCATO CHADWICK J BROCK CHRISTOPHER M BROCK DONALD J BROCK DUSTIN LEE BROCK JASON M BROCK JOSHUA BROCK MARTHA BROCK MISTY STRICKLAND BROCK ROBERT M BROCK STEPHEN RAY BROCK TERRI BROCK MATTHEW JOHN BROCKETT EDRICK J BROCKINGTON CHRIS BRODERICK DARREL D BRODHEAD KELLY JOE BRODIE HEATH J BROEKEMEIER MARLON W BROEKEMEIER CHARLES G BROGAN DONALD M BROGAN KENNETH WAYNE BROGDON KERI J BROGREN RYAN M BROGREN KRISTI BROKAW DANIEL L BROMLEY JAMES BROMLEY MARK D BROMLEY BRANDON BRONSON COREY R BRONSON JOSEPH K BROOKINS ADAM W BROOKS ALDIN BROOKS ANITA H BROOKS BLAINE MANUEL BROOKS BRANDON PAUL BROOKS CHANCE BROOKS CHRISTOPHER A BROOKS CHRISTOPHER SEAN BROOKS DANE LAWRENCE BROOKS DANIEL L BROOKS DOUGLAS DAVID BROOKS DYLAN BROOKS JACOB BROOKS JEFF D BROOKS JEFFREY D BROOKS II JEREMY D BROOKS JESSE M BROOKS JESSICA BROOKS JOSHUA R BROOKS KAILIB BROOKS KATHLEEN BROOKS KERRY L BROOKS KIM L BROOKS LARRY D BROOKS MARC BROOKS MATT BROOKS NATHAN ZANE BROOKS PHILIP B BROOKS RONNIE L BROOKS RYAN L BROOKS SHAUN R BROOKS TANNER L BROOKS TERRANCE R BROOKS TODD S BROOKS TROY A BROOKS III TYLER E BROOKS WAYNE BROOKS WILLIAM A BROOKS CURTIS BROOM JR NICKOLAS BROOME BRANDON SHANE BROSSETT ROBIN BROST ANTHONY D BROTHERS JOSHUA CRAIG BROTHERS RICKY R BROTHERS JR BRUCE F BROTHERSEN JEFFERY A BROUGH MACKENZIE BROUGHTON JAMES E BROUSSARD SUSAN BROUSSARD DENIS BROUSSEAU RODNEY G BROUSSEAU RYAN ERIK BROUSSEAU JOAN L BROWDER BRANDON BROWER DANIEL R BROWER STEVEN BROWER ALAN L BROWN ALEXANDER M BROWN ANTHONY C BROWN ASHLIE M BROWN BARRY BUCKNER BROWN BENJAMIN M BROWN BETH M BROWN BILLY RAY BROWN BOBBY LEVERN BROWN BRADLEY R BROWN BRADLEY W BROWN BRET L BROWN BRYAN M BROWN CALVIN BROWN CALVIN BROWN CASEY ALLEN BROWN CASSIDY BENSON BROWN CATHY BROWN CHAD DANIEL BROWN CHARLIE BROWN CHRISTOPHER BROWN CHRISTOPHER A BROWN CHRISTOPHER L BROWN CHRISTOPHER S BROWN CHRISTOPHER T BROWN CODY J BROWN COLTEN BROWN COOPER J BROWN CORTNEY BROWN CORY D BROWN CRAVEN S BROWN DANIEL E BROWN DANIEL R BROWN DANIEL W BROWN DANNY BROWN DAVID BROWN DERRICK T BROWN DOROTHY A BROWN DOUGLAS K BROWN DUMES A BROWN DUSTIN BRADFORD BROWN DUSTIN R BROWN DUSTY RAY BROWN DYLAN J BROWN ELYSE BROWN FREDERICK DEMETRIUS BROWN GARRETT A BROWN GREGORY BROWN GRETA O BROWN HARRY O BROWN JR HAYDEN C BROWN HEATH V BROWN HOWARD K BROWN JAKE M BROWN JAMES BROWN JAMES A BROWN JAMES A BROWN JAMES A BROWN JAMES LEBRON BROWN JAMES V BROWN JR JAMES W BROWN JAMIL M BROWN JARED BROWN JASON H BROWN JASON R BROWN JEFFERY L BROWN JR JEFFERY WAYNE BROWN JEFFREY BROWN JEFFREY A BROWN JERRY BROWN JERRY T BROWN JOHN D BROWN JOHN T BROWN JOHNATHAN R BROWN JOHNNY MACK BROWN JOSEPH F BROWN JOSEPH R BROWN JOSHUA A BROWN KALEA DAILEY BROWN KEITH S BROWN KENDELL M BROWN KENDERICK L BROWN KENNETH W BROWN KENNY R BROWN KOLBY W BROWN LARRY A BROWN LARRY O BROWN LELAND AUSTIN BROWN LENNIS M BROWN LISA A BROWN LOGAN J BROWN LORI B BROWN LUTHER HOWARD BROWN III M TODD BROWN MARCUS A BROWN MARCUS B BROWN MARLENE BROWN MARLIN L BROWN JR MATT BROWN MATTHEW E BROWN MATTHEW T BROWN MAX A BROWN MEGAN BROWN MIA M BROWN MICHAEL BROWN MICHAEL E BROWN MICHAEL GILBERT BROWN MICHAEL J BROWN MICHAEL MURPHY BROWN II MICHAEL R BROWN NATHAN BROWN NEIL A BROWN NELSON W BROWN NICHOLAS DONALD BROWN NICKOLAS J BROWN PATRICK H BROWN PAULA L BROWN PHILLIP BROWN RANDY L BROWN RAYMOND W BROWN REBECCA BROWN REGINALD W BROWN RICHARD A BROWN RICKY L BROWN SR RICKY LEE BROWN JR ROBERT BROWN ROBERT BROWN ROBERT LEE BROWN ROBERT S BROWN ROBNELL BROWN ROGER BROWN ROGER DALE BROWN RUSSEL ALAN BROWN RUSSELL H BROWN SAMMY BROWN SEAN E BROWN SKYLER BROWN SONNY LEE BROWN STEPHEN BROWN STEVEN BROWN STEVEN LEE BROWN STEVEN MATTHEW BROWN SUZANNE MICHELLE BROWN TIFFANY M BROWN TIMMY BROWN TIMOTHY RAY BROWN TIMOTHY WADE BROWN TRACY L BROWN TRICIA BROWN TRISHA I BROWN TYLER R BROWN VIRGINIA A BROWN WALTER A BROWN II WESLEY S BROWN WILEY ONEAL BROWN WILLIAM L BROWN WILLIAM M BROWN WILLIE BROWN LEVI E BROWNFIELD MIKEY BROWN‑GAGNE BOBBY LEE BROWNING BRANDON LEE BROWNING KIMBERLY BROWNING LARRY W BROWNING NATHAN D BROWNING TONY BROWNING JOHN TROY BROWNLEE STEVEN W BROWNLEE LINDSAY BROWNLEY JUSTIN W BROXTON ROBERT C BROYHILL ERIC C BRUBAKER CHRISTOPHER S BRUBECK BRIAN BRUCE JAMIE BRUCE KENNETH BRUCH JR THOMAS J BRUCHU STEVEN ANTHONY BRUCK KURT L BRUDIGAN ALEXANDER BRUEGGMANN DALE F BRUENING RUSSELL BRUGGEMAN KATRINA L BRUHN CARL BRUINSMA ALEXANDER Q BRUMBAUGH BRENDA BRUMBAUGH TAYLOR BRUMBAUGH JAMES CRAIG BRUMBELOE CHASE T BRUMBELOW RANDY D BRUMBELOW PRESTON J BRUMLEY BO M BRUMMELS CORY A BRUMMELS JORDAN J BRUMMELS JOHN E BRUMMET DOUGLAS BRUMMETT JUSTIN LEE BRUMMETT DOUGLAS J BRUNDAGE JEANNINE M BRUNET JOEL P BRUNING ROBIN D BRUNKER CHRISTOPHER J BRUNS JACOB T BRUNS NEIL J BRUNS RANDALL K BRUNS TRENT L BRUNS ANDREW BRYAN BRUNSON KENDRA BRUNSON MELINDA S BRUNSON THOMAS BRUNSWICK ALAN MICHAEL BRUTON ALEXANDER C BRUTON HARRIS C BRYAN JR MARK A BRYAN NICHOLAS L BRYAN PENNY GULLEDGE BRYAN TIMOTHY DALE BRYAN TONY L BRYAN WILLIAM BURNETT BRYAN BARRY ALLEN BRYANT BEAU F BRYANT BRIAN LEE BRYANT CHRISTOPHER BLAKE BRYANT ERIC FITZGERALD BRYANT HEATH W BRYANT HERMAN R BRYANT JR JACOB NATHANIEL BRYANT JAKE BRYANT JASON K BRYANT JEFFREY L BRYANT JENNAFER BRYANT JORDAN B BRYANT KIANA O BRYANT LARRY D BRYANT MARANDA M BRYANT MATTHEW AARON BRYANT NATHAN BRYANT PATRICK BRYANT ROBERT MARK BRYANT RUSSELL FRANKLIN BRYANT WAYNE BRYANT WAYNE NEWTON BRYANT WILLIAM H BRYANT WILLIAM J BRYANT NICHOLAS SCOTT BRYARLY KYLA M BRYCHTA CHARLES J BRYEANS MATTHEW BRYNESTAD ANDREW BRYSON RACE BRYSON KRIS M BRZEZINSKI SCOTT D BRZOSKA RICHARD J BUBNIAK THOMAS J BUBNIAK CHAD M BUBRICK JONLUCA BUCCI NICK A BUCCI CHARLES R BUCCIERI ALAN E BUCHANAN COLLIN BUCHANAN HAROLD DUDLEY BUCHANAN JR HUNTER BUCHANAN JERRY STEPHEN BUCHANAN JOSHUA ALAN BUCHANAN JOSHUA L BUCHANAN LOGAN BUCHANAN MARTIN T BUCHANAN THOMAS MARTIN BUCHANAN ECKHARD BUCHMANN MICHAEL B BUCHMANN BILLY GUY BUCK CARL BUCK DOUGLAS C BUCK EDWARD J BUCK KYLE J BUCK RYAN BUCK BRYAN BUCKBERRY HUGH D BUCKHAULTS JR BRADY BUCKLEY DEWAYNE LEE BUCKLEY JAMES T BUCKLEY RICHARD BUCKLEY THOMAS J BUCKLEY STEPHEN BUCKNALL SETH A BUCKNER CHAD J BUCKWAY ANTHONY S BUDDE RONALD BUDDIE JR SEAN P BUDINICH MARK W BUDNICK JOSHUA L BUDNIK BRYAN BUECHLEY DAREN J BUETTNER JAMES A BUFFENBARGER TIMOTHY G BUFFINGTON SARAH LOUISE BUFFY LEAH J BUFORD PERRY LEE BUFORD DONALD BUGG ROBERT BUGG SHARON BUGGLE DELAINE DANQUNETT BUGGS TYSON LEE BUGIS MICHAEL BUGOS DUSTIN J BUIST STEPHAN BUJOLD JAMES A BUKOFFSKY MIRSAD BUKVIC OLEG A BULANOV AUSTIN T BULLARD CAREY W BULLARD KEVIN L BULLARD MANDY M BULLARD STEVEN R BULLER JAMES D BULLERDICK CHRISTOPHER A BULLINGTON DUSTIN BULLINGTON JOHN A BULLINS BRIAN BULLOCK BRIAN BULLOCK CURTIS BULLOCK CURTIS L BULLOCK III JAMES K BULLOCK RICKY T BULLOCK MICHAEL BULMER ELIZABETH A BULOW EMILY BULT DAVID C BULTEMEIER PHILLIP M BULTEMEIER JAMES R BUMAN ROBERT BUMPOUS ROBERT R BUMPURS MATTHEW BUNCH JUSTIN BUNDERSON JEREMY S BUNDY TIMOTHY M BUNDY BOBBY BUNMA GWENDOLYN B BUNN THAYNE R BUNN AARON J BUNTING JENNIFER DENISE BUONCUORE ADAM L BUOY JAYE M BURAS BROOKS J BURBACH JESSE E BURBACH ANITA KNIGHT BURCH CHRISTOPHER A BURCH CHRISTOPHER ALAN BURCH HOUSTEN WAYNE BURCH JEFFERY SCOTT BURCH MORGAN W BURCH ROBERT L BURCH GEORGE BURCHAM III JOHNATHAN BURCHAM TERRY D BURCHAM LUCAS W BURCHETT NICHOLAS K BURCHETT NATHAN BURCL JOSEPH W BURCROFF KEVIN S BURDESHAW RONALD E BURDETTE JOAN M BURDINE JUSTIN J BURESH JEFF B BURFIELD JAMES E BURFORD JR JONATHAN L BURFORD DUSTIN BURG CHRISTOPHER L BURGE EDWARD D BURGE AMANDA R BURGER JOE BURGER JAMIE M BURGESS JOHN G BURGESS JUSTIN BURGESS TIMOTHY BRUCE BURGESS TIMOTHY CHAD BURGESS JORDAN I BURGETT EVAN BURGHES TOM E BURGIN JOSEPH HECTOR BURGOS PEDRO BURGOS JOSHUA BURHANS DAVID BURILA ANDRES BURITICA ROBIN BURK KENNETH BURKARD ALISTAIR BURKE ANGELA E BURKE ANTHONY M BURKE BRYAN BURKE CHRISTOPHER M BURKE COREY J BURKE DAREN MATTHEW BURKE DEAN E BURKE DEREK A BURKE ERIC C BURKE KEVIN R BURKE MARLOWE BURKE MATTHEW J BURKE PAYTON R BURKE RICHIE D BURKE STEPHEN R BURKE STEVE M BURKE FERNANDO BURKE GIRON ARTHUR LEE BURKES DONALD G BURKETT ROBERT E BURKEY JR LAWRENCE E BURKHALTER MITCHELL WILLIAM BURKHALTER DARRIN GENE BEESON BURKHART MARY BURKHOLDER RYAN BURLEIGH AUSTIN BURLESON SAMUEL JOSEPH BURLESON JOHN BURLETSON THOMAS BURLINGHAM QUINTEN BURNES WILLIAM L BURNES WILLY H BURNES GREGORY A BURNETT HERBERT JOSEPH BURNETT JEANNA BURNETT JONATHAN BURNETT LYNDAL B BURNETT MICHAEL F BURNETT RYAN BURNETT TODD BURNETT JANET DELIN BURNETTE CYNTHIA WILSON BURNEY THOMAS L BURNHAM JR BRANDON LEE BURNS CAREY M BURNS CARL L BURNS CHADWICK R BURNS CHRISTOPHER DEAN BURNS DAVID K BURNS DELIA P BURNS DUSTIN BRENT BURNS DYLAN E BURNS GABRIEL BURNS JACOB BURNS JAMES BURNS JAMES M BURNS JEFFERY BURNS JONATHON LYNNE BURNS KELLY R BURNS LORI A BURNS NATHANIEL BURNS NICHOLAS K BURNS RANDY BURNS RODNEY G BURNS TRENTON LEE BURNS VICKI BURNS VICTOR E BURNS WESLEY J BURNS MAX O BURNSIDE HUGH J BURNSTAD KELLY R BURNSWORTH NICHOLAS BURPEE DAVID C BURR RONALD A BURR CORY R BURRAN MICHAEL L BURRAN MICHAEL R BURRAN CONNIE THALIA BURRELL ERICA CHANNELL BURRELL JOHN L BURRELL KIM M BURRELL LONNIE C BURRELL SHANE D BURRELL WILLIAM J BURRELL DAVID M BURRIS EMMANUEL A BURRIS URIAS RICHARD S BURROUGHS TERRY LEE BURROUGHS XAVIER FITZGERALD BURROUGHS BOB J BURROW DAMON E BURROW DANIEL BURROW FLOYD LEON BURROW III JOHN BURROWS JORDAN C BURROWS JORDAN BURRUP BRETT A BURSON CLINT BURT COLE BURT JABEZ J BURT JEREMIAH M BURT KIMMY BURT NATHAN S BURT CHARLES R BURTIS AMY LYNN BURTON AYANNA BURTON CALE ANTHONY BURTON CALEB BURTON CHARLES BURTON CLAYTON A BURTON EDWARD A BURTON GARY BURTON GEORGE THOMAS BURTON JR GREGORY BERNARD BURTON JEREMY D BURTON KENNETH J BURTON MONIQUA BURTON PHILIP A BURTON SCOTTIE BURTON SHANNON D BURTON JOBETH BURWELL EMILY A BURWINKLE RONALD W BURZYNSKI RYAN M BUSBOOM ANDRE BUSBY LANCELOT J BUSBY MARK BUSBY MARTY J BUSBY II JOSEPH E BUSCH RONDA K BUSCH DANIEL A BUSCHE CHRIS L BUSENBARK JR LISA A BUSENBARK JEFFERY B BUSER DARRIN C BUSH ELREE BUSH JR GRADY KEITH BUSH JAMES H BUSH KARLEY BUSH MICHAEL JOE BUSH RICKY BERNARD BUSH RYAN W BUSH BRETT BUSHA DANIEL BUSHALLOW ERIC C BUSHARD DUSTIN A BUSHNELL MATTHEW BUSHNELL MICHAEL G BUSHNELL BRETT MATHEW BUSHONG BRIAN D BUSHONG DALLAS A BUSSE MISAEL BUSTILLO CRUZ KEVIN G BUSTILLOS GERARDO BUSTILLOS QUIROZ JULIO C BUSTOS JUAN BUTANDA EDUARDO BUTAY WILLIAM BUTCHER JOHN A BUTIKOFER AMANDA MARIE BUTLER BILLY J BUTLER BRUCE BUTLER CECIL DOUGLAS BUTLER CLAYTON J BUTLER COBY J BUTLER CORY BUTLER DAVID BUTLER DAVID RAY BUTLER DUANE Z BUTLER JAMES G BUTLER JAMES Q BUTLER JODY L BUTLER JONATHAN D BUTLER JOSHUA BUTLER KENNETH SHANE BUTLER NEIL BUTLER NINA KATHERINE BUTLER PETER BUTLER ROBERT R BUTLER JR TIMOTHY E BUTLER II TREVOR W BUTLER TYLER D BUTLER ADAM BUTRYM ERICA BUTRYM CODY D BUTT BRAD H BUTTARS BRENDEN JESSE BUTTARS JAMES A BUTTARS KORTLIN J BUTTARS MATTHEW VERN BUTTARS STEPHEN C BUTTARS JOSEPH DALE BUTTERWORTH ROBERT E BUTTERWORTH ALLAN DEWAYNE BUTTRAM GERALD A BUTTS WILLIAM REESE BUTTS LAURA BUTZER JOSEPH BUXTON JONATHAN D BUZEK RALPH L BYARS AMANDA BYCZYNSKI JOSEPH BYER WENDELL S BYER AARON J BYERLEY JOSEPH H BYERLY GREGORY L BYERS KEVIN J BYINGTON TRAVIS A BYNUM KEVIN BYRAGEE ADAM BYRD ADAM DALTON BYRD ALICIA AERIEL BYRD BOB BYRD JR COURTNEY S BYRD DANIEL W BYRD DAVID BYRD JR DEMOND BYRD DUSTIN TYLER BYRD FREDERICK D BYRD GARY D BYRD GERALD R BYRD JAMES E BYRD JERNARRY B BYRD KEVIN J BYRD KEVIN L BYRD MICHAEL C BYRD RICHARD N BYRD ROBERT L BYRD RYAN E BYRD TIMOTHY A BYRD TONYA BYRD BILL BYRNE MARSHALL BYRNE RYAN J BYRNE RYAN P BYRNE PETER BYRNES STEVEN BYRON ANDREW BYRUM TONY LYNN BYRUM CODY J BYWATER TY BYWATER ROBERT BZDILL JR RICHARD CABALLERO JOSE’ A CABASSA EDWARD CABBLE JR ANTHONY W CABINESS JR JEFFREY CABONOR JR KEVEN CABRAL CARLOS CABRERA JHIOVANNY CABRERA TOMAS A CABRERA VICTOR CABRERA JUAN PEDRO CABRERA MADRIGAL GENARO CABRERA VAZQUEZ LUIS CACHO LOPEZ ALFREDO CACHUELA BRITTANY K CADDICK GLEN R CADE LUCY CADENA DANNY CADLE MIKE CADLE PATRICK CADY DEBORAH A CAFARELLI BRANDON CAGE KEVIN L CAGE ANITA GAYE CAGLE CORY CAGLE DEBRA A CAGLE HERBERT RANDLE CAGLE JR HOLLIS S CAGLE JOSEPH CAGLE LANDON MICHAEL CAGLE NICHOLAS J CAGLE ARNOLD CAGURANGAN CRAIG P CAHAIL JUNE CAHILL AARON W CAIN CHRISTOPHER J CAIN CODY PATRICK CAIN JOSHUA JAMES CAIN TRICIA E CAIN ZAKARY CAIN COLIN CAIRNS SEAN CAIRNS ROBERT L CAISON JR CONNIE CAISSE GEORGE H CAISSE SUSAN M CAISSIE TREVOR CALAMEL JOSEPH B CALARRUDA GISEL CALDERON JAMAAL CALDERON JORGE L CALDERON JOSE T CALDERON OSCAR J CALDERON SIMON CALDERON AUSTIN W CALDWELL BRIAN LEE CALDWELL ELIZABETH A CALDWELL JACK E CALDWELL LORA CALDWELL BRANDON CALE JOHN R CALHAN HUNTER D CALHOUN LOWELL D CALHOUN RICHARD J CALHOUN DANIEL CALIN CHARLES G CALKINS ASHTON E CALL KIRSTEN CALL ROBERT CALL CHUCK D CALLAHAN DANIEL W CALLAHAN DANIELLE SUE CALLAHAN DAVID R CALLAHAN MICHAEL E CALLAHAN NICHOLAS A CALLAHAN REED CALLAHAN THOMAS HOLLIS CALLAHAN JR JOAN M CALLAHAN‑CORMIER CHRISTOPHER D CALLAWAY HAYDEN CALLAWAY ANGELA CALLIHAN CARY CALLIS CALEB CALLISON DENNIS W CALLOW ALLEN CALLOWAY MIGUEL CALO VIERA NOAH CALVER GROVE A CALVERT JEREMY C CALVERT MICHAEL CALVERT CARMEN CALVILLO FERNANDO CALVILLO BENJAMIN N CALVIN CHRISTOPHER P CALVIN FRANCISCO CALZONTZI RUIZ JEFONE CAMACHO EDUARDO CAMACHO ENCINAS ALAN MOICES CAMACHO FLORES LEONEL CAMACHO MIL FRANCISCO CAMACHO ORTIZ MARLON CAMACLANG THOMAS V CAMAJ CARINA CAMARA ANTONIO CAMARENA JOSE CAMARENA MIGUEL CAMARENA PEDRO CAMARENA ROBERT G CAMARILLO GUILLERMO CAMARILLO‑REYES DAVID CAMBRE JESSY CAMDEN ADAM CAMERON ANDREW CAMERON DAVID CAMERON IAN CAMERON MAXWELL CAMERON PAUL C CAMERON STACY CAMERON YVETTE M CAMILLE JOHN CAMMILLERI CHRISTOPHER J CAMP ADRIENNE CAMPBELL ALBERT D CAMPBELL ANDREW CAMPBELL BRADLEY G CAMPBELL BRANDON S CAMPBELL CHARLES CAMPBELL CLARENCE CAMPBELL CRYSTAL N CAMPBELL DANIEL CAMPBELL DARLENE B CAMPBELL GARY J CAMPBELL HAROLD T CAMPBELL IAN CAMPBELL JADEN CAMPBELL JEREMY S CAMPBELL JESSE P CAMPBELL JOHN J CAMPBELL JON CAMPBELL JUSTIN CAMPBELL JUSTIN ANGUS CAMPBELL KRISTINA M CAMPBELL MARK D CAMPBELL MARQUELLE CAMPBELL NATHAN CAMPBELL PETER CAMERON CAMPBELL RICK L CAMPBELL SPENCER CAMPBELL TIMOTHY D CAMPBELL TROY CAMPBELL VERONICA CAMPBELL VINCENT A CAMPBELL WILLIAM P CAMPBELL CALEB CAMPE MICHAEL CAMPEAU JULIA CAMPOLONGO EVARISTO CAMPOS JUAN CAMPOS MARTA CAMPOS JOSE DE JESUS CAMPOS RIVERA ADRIANA CAMPUZANO ALFREDO CAMPUZANO SALVADOR CAMPUZANO DUSTIN CANADA WADE A CANADY CARLOS CANALES ROBERTO CARLOS CANCHOLA MIRANDA ANTHONY CANCIAN MARYANN G CANCIK IVAN CANDELAS DEL TORO JUAN A CANELA VALENTE KYLEN CANEPA GEOFFREY WARREN CANFIELD EDNA CANIZALES NICOLAS CANNELLA SERA CANNELLA BRUCE L CANNON JERRY L CANNON KARL CANNON KELLY CANNON MATTHEW CANNON RUSSELL D CANNON RUSTY D CANNON STEVEN CANNON WESLEY K CANNON MARCIA C CANO PEDRO CANO CARRASCO ROBERT J CANODE JOSE CANO‑MAGDALENO DEAN CANONICO KALEB A CANOY SAMUEL CANOY JR LUIS CANTERO ANDREW T CANTLEY JAMES L CANTLON DENNIS A CANTRELL KIMBERLY JEAN CANTRELL JOSE G CANTU LEON CANTU MARIO CANTU MIGUEL A CANTU ROBERTO CANTU TYLER CANTU DENICE BYRUM CAPEHART ZACHARY LANE CAPLINGER MASSIMO CAPONI DIEGO CAPOTE ANGELINA BRIAN CAPP WILLIAM CAPPEL ROLAND D CAPPELLANO DAVID B CAPPS FREDERICK W CAPPS KEVIN CAPPS ROBERT CAPSON REYES CARAVEO RAMOS JUAN CARBAJAL MARIO ALBERTO CARBAJAL MARTINEZ ADRIEN CARBAJAL‑HAMELIN ANGEL CARBALLO RAYMOND H CARBONI CHRISTOPHER M CARBY COLTON M CARDEN JARED L CARDEN FELIPE J CARDENAS JENNIFER CARDENAS SOLORZANO JESUS CARDONA ESPINOZA ZILMAR CARDOSO IGNACIO CARDOZA JONATHAN A CARELY CALEN CAREVIC DONOVAN CAREVIC DANIEL L CAREY DUANE A CAREY JAMES T CAREY BLAKE A CARGILE DAVID M CARGILL AMAIRANY CARIAS MARIELLE K CARIASO RODOLFO CARINO MASON J CARLILE ALISA D CARLISLE BARRY S CARLISLE GENO CARLOPOLI JOHN CARLOS JUAN CARLOS OLAGUE GREG S CARLSEN CARL R CARLSON CHRISTOPHER CARLSON DELWIN E CARLSON ERIC CARLSON JEROME R CARLSON JOSHUA F CARLSON NICHOLAS J CARLSON RYAN L CARLSON SCOTT R CARLSON STEVEN P CARLSON LANCE W CARLTON RONI M CARMAN JEFFREY B CARMEAN ERIC CARMELL DUNCAN E CARMICHAEL JESSE CARMONA TINA CARMONA CHAD W CARNAHAN JERRY W CARNAHAN RICHARD L CARNAHAN JOHN WILLIAM CARNELL ROBIN CARNES STEVEN CARNES AARON HOWARD CARNEY JONAH CARNEY LINDA J CARNEY CLAYTON CARNLEY CHRISTIAN T CARNRIGHT JERRY L CARNRIKE JR ISMAEL CARO MIKAELA Q CARON PAUL CARON ABEL CARP BRADLEY A CARPENTER CURTIS M CARPENTER DON CARPENTER HAROLD CARPENTER JAMES E CARPENTER JOSEPH CARPENTER KYLE CARPENTER LARRY E CARPENTER MITCHELL CARPENTER RANDY J CARPENTER SCOTT L CARPENTER SHEROLEEN CARPENTER STEPHEN L CARPENTER THOMAS E CARPENTER TIM S CARPENTER WILLIAM TAYLOR RAWLS CARPENTER CHAD A CARPER ERIC W CARPER GENE CARPINE JR BRANDON P CARR CAMERON M CARR CLINTON C CARR DANIEL CARR DAVID L CARR JESSICA N CARR MARK J CARR MARK W CARR MICHAEL CARR RYAN A CARR THEODORE F CARR TIMOTHY CARR BRANDON LEWIS CARRAWAY JODY W CARRAWAY JOSEPH C CARRAWAY JONATHAN D CARRELL ANTONIO D CARRENO JOSH CARRENO ATENA CARRERA EUMANA SCOTT CARRICK DUANE CARRIER LOGAN T CARRIER RYAN CARRIERE MICHAEL CARRIGAN GUILLERMO CARRILLO JOSE E CARRILLO JR LUIS ALBERTO CARRILLO BARAJAS JOSE CARRILLO CARRILLO JOSE FELIX CARRILLO FIERROS ANGEL GUADALUPE CARRILLO GUTIERREZ MOISES DE JESUS CARRILLO PACHECO JOSHUA N CARRINGTON ROBERT E CARRINGTON JOEL CARRION WADE R CARRIVEAU DANIEL CARRIZALES BRIAN CARROLL CHANCE CARROLL J T CARROLL JACK G CARROLL JACOB P CARROLL JEREMY CARROLL JONATHAN CARROLL JONATHAN J CARROLL JULIE P CARROLL ROGER H CARROLL WILLIAM R CARROLL CHRISTOPHER CARROWAY SHAUNTE D CARROWAY JEFFREY LYNN CARRUTHERS ANDREW CARSON CODY C CARSON JAMES CARSON KARIM J CARSON MARTY O CARSON TREVOR CARSON CRAIG A CARSTENS KRISTIAN SCOTT CARSTENS MICHAEL A CARSTENS ADRIAN CARTAYA JEFFREY T CARTEE AMY D CARTER ANTHONY CARTER BARRY NICHOLAS CARTER BENJAMIN C CARTER BRANDON HOUSTON CARTER CARLIS BERNARD CARTER CARLISLE H CARTER CHAD M CARTER CHARLES G CARTER CHARLES H CARTER III DERRICK CARTER DERWIN CARTER EARL F CARTER EDMOND CARTER ELDON G CARTER ELMER D CARTER JARRETT BLAINE CARTER JASON TRAVIS CARTER JERVONE V CARTER JOHN WAYNE CARTER JR JORDAN CARTER JOSHUA D CARTER JOSHUA J CARTER KATHERINE A CARTER KIRBY CARTER LINDSEY MICHELLE CARTER LUKE P CARTER MICHAEL L CARTER MITCHELL B CARTER REBECCA J CARTER RICHARD CARTER RICKY CORNELL CARTER RONALD CARTER SCOTT D CARTER SCOTT R CARTER THOMAS CARTER TIM D CARTER TYLER J CARTER VINTON A CARTER WILLIAM A CARTER ADAM CARTWRIGHT GLENN R CARTWRIGHT ERICA CARUSO JEFFERY E CARUSO MICHAEL CARUSO ANTHONY E CARVER DAVID L CARVER DENNIS J CARVER DAVID WAYNE CARWYLE WILLIAM V CARY MICHAEL CASANOVA MICHAEL CASCONE AARON T CASE JENNIFER L CASE JIMMY GARLAND CASE JORDAN M CASE MICHAEL D CASE CHAD A CASEY CHARLES D CASEY CHARLES D CASEY JR GARETH R CASEY GARRETT J CASEY GEORGE MICHAEL CASEY KENNETH CHARLES CASEY MATTHEW DOUGLAS CASEY JONATHAN RAY CASH KORY E CASH PAYTON B CASH RICHARD D CASH THOMAS R CASH BRIAN H CASHION ROGELIO L CASIANO CRUZ RAMON A CASILLAS ERIC R CASON DANIEL C CASPER HAROLD J CASPER MARK E CASPER TAMMY M CASPER CASS C CASPERSON CHARLES CASPERSON SCOTT DOUGLAS CASSEL SHANE JOSEPH CASSIDAY CHRISTOPHER K CASSIDY JEFFREY L CASSIDY GLORIA CASTANEDA HUMBERTO CASTANEDA JAVIER CASTANEDA JONATHAN CASTANEDA JOSE D CASTANEDA LEONEL CASTANEDA REGINA L CASTANEDA SERGIO CASTANEDA ROBERTO CASTAÑEDA CRUZ ALEJANDRO CASTAÑEDA TELLO ADOLFO EMMANUEL CASTAÑEDA TORRES JOSE L CASTANON MIGUELANGEL CASTANON ESTEBAN ADRIAN CASTELLANOS HERNANDEZ BILLY K CASTELLI NICHOLAS CASTELLON DONNA CASTELLUCCIO DARCISO CASTILHO ALFREDO CASTILLO JR AMY L CASTILLO JAIRO CASTILLO JAIRO CASTILLO JUAN CASTILLO JR MICHAEL A CASTILLO NOEL CASTILLO OSCAR CASTILLO RAFAEL CASTILLO JR WENDY M CASTILLO KARINA ELIZABETH CASTILLO HERNANDEZ NOE CASTILLO SOTELO ERIC L CASTLE ERIC L CASTLE JR JEROME H CASTLE PHILIP W CASTLE SCOTT CASTLE SEAN CASTLEBERRY STEVEN E CASTLEBERRY THOMAS CASTO ANGEL CASTRO BROOKE L CASTRO CRISTIAN LUIS CASTRO NELSON CASTRO JOSE J CASTRO INFANTE JORGE ENRIQUE CASTRO VELAZQUEZ NIKOLAUS M CASWELL VINCE CATALANO JOSEPH J CATALFANO VERN CATANIA TERENCE CATEDRAL JACOB LLOYD CATER JIMMY CHANCE CATER TIMOTHY W CATER JOSEPH CATES AMY E CATHELL SHAWN MICHAEL CATHEY KENNETH W CATLETT JR DEREK CATO JOHN DEWAYNE CATO RONNIE J CATO II TOMERRIS J CATO‑DIXON DILLON E CATON CORY L CATRON CORI CATT MEREDITH E CATTANI KEVIN L CATTAU SHERYL K CATTAU CHRISTOPHER D CAUDILL CINDY CAUDLE PATRICK CAUGHELL MICHAEL CAUGHLIN GARY G CAUSEY KENNETH R CAUSEY LEROY CAUSEY WALTER A CAUSEY JACK CAUTHEN HARRY CAVANAGH JOSE CAVAZOS JOSE G CAVAZOS JORDAN L CAVE SCOTT CAVE WILLIAM CAVE II BRADLEY SCOTT CAVNESS JON CAYAN TIMOTHY J CAYWOOD MONICA CAZANAS FERNANDO CAZARES MARTHENLY CEANT ALVARO CEBALLOS JUAN PABLO CEBALLOS AGUILAR DANIEL R CECIL DAVID D CEDENO ARAGON ROLLIE S CEDERBURG DELL CEGBE ALAN RAMON CEJA SANCHEZ DAMIR CELAHMETOVIC DALIA Y CELESTE JORGE M CELESTIN ROSAS SAUL CELIS ZEPEDA JASON CELORIO JAIME CENDEJAS RAMON CENICEROS JONAHATAN CENICEROS GARCIA ALEXIS CENICEROS LIMON LUIS CENTENO GONZALEZ JOSE FRANCISCO CENTENO SANCHEZ LUIS CENTENO SANCHEZ TIMOTHY CENTER JR JOSE ARNOLDO CEPEDA ROSALES ANGEL CEPERO FRANCH JOSEPH M CERCHIARO JULIO CERDA JUAN CARLOS CERDA BARRIOS DOUGLAS E CERNY FIDEL CERVANTES ESTELA CERVANTES BUENROSTRO HECTOR CERVANTES RAMIREZ ISMAEL CERVANTES SANTILLAN ANGELICA CERVANTEZ CHANCELLOR D CERVANTEZ PIOTR Z CETERA DEBORAH CHABINO WILLIAM CHABINO ANDI CHACON HECTOR J CHACON III MARC D CHADAZ MATTHEW KARL CHAFFIN CHUNG CHAI SARAH ELIZABETH CHAIN HUGO CHAIREZ DEMION CHAITOO BRIAN CHALFONT RYAN CHALIFOUX JOSHUA A CHALK JAMES H CHALLENGER STEPHEN BRENT CHALLIS NICHOLAS G CHAMBERLAIN WILLIAM CHAMBERLAIN ETHAN P CHAMBERLIN WILLIAM LEE CHAMBERS MAMIE CHAMBLEE RYAN P CHAMBLEE NOEL K CHAMBLESS JR JAKEB NEAL CHAMBLISS ROBERT CHAMBLISS MICHELE CHAMPAGNE CHRISTOPHER M CHAMPION DRAPER CHAMPION JOSEPH BRENT CHAMPION SULLIVAN CHAN SZE WAI CHAN SAJITH CHANAKA FERNANDO TERRANCE A CHANCE NISCHAL CHAND RISHANAND CHANDERBALLY BAIN E CHANDLER CHRISTOPHER CHANDLER CLAY MATTHEW CHANDLER CODY DANIEL CHANDLER DEANTHONY CHANDLER JACOB W CHANDLER JAMES H CHANDLER III JASON CHANDLER JUSTIN CODY CHANDLER KENNETH R CHANDLER KEVIN R CHANDLER MARY JULIA CHANDLER MATTHEW CLAYTON CHANDLER MICHAEL WAYNE CHANDLER RANDY CHANDLER STEVEN A CHANDLER SHRUTI CHANDRA NAUVASARI CHANDRA RANGANI SUGANTHI CHANDRAN VENKATESH CHANDRASEKAR BRAD D CHANEY BRIAN EUGENE CHANEY JACOB CHANEY WILLIAM CHANEY JR LUE CHANG TANYA CHANG CASEY B CHANLEY FORREST D CHAP CHAD A CHAPEK STEPHANIE D CHAPIN ADAM P CHAPMAN DEWEY CHAPMAN JACK CHAPMAN JENNIFER CHAPMAN LELAND K CHAPMAN MARK E CHAPMAN MICHAEL W CHAPMAN NICHOLAS CHAPMAN THAD W CHAPMAN DOROTHY CHAPPELL ZACKARY CHARBONNEAU ALLISSA CHAREST JAMES CHARITY KAITLIN CHARITY CLIFTON R CHARLES FREDRICK CHARLES II RANDOLPH F CHARLES SHERWIN CHARLES CYNTHIA CHARLTON DOUGLAS CHARLTON HAROLD CHARLTON JOSEPH M CHARNICK DEVON WAYNE CHASE KEN CHASE NICHOLAS J CHASE RYAN EDWARD CHASTAIN SAMPATH CHATHUR ARIYADASA RONNIE CHATMAN LINDSAY CHAUVIN PETER A CHAVARIN KENNETH CHAVARRIA ALBERTO CHAVERO SANDOVAL ASDRUBAL CHAVES SIXTO CHAVES ALVARO D CHAVEZ BRIAN M CHAVEZ CESAR CHAVEZ DANIEL CHAVEZ JORGE CHAVEZ JR JOSHUA J CHAVEZ JULIO C CHAVEZ MICHAEL CHAVEZ RIGOBERTO CHAVEZ JUAN G CHAVEZ ACOSTA ROMAN CHAVEZ BARBARIN OSCAR DANIEL CHAVEZ GONZALEZ MARIO CHAVEZ GUTIERREZ BERNARDO CHAVEZ MENDOZA JUAN DE JESUS CHAVEZ MENDOZA RICARDO CHAVEZ MENDOZA PEDRO CHAVEZ SERRANO GUELMIS CHAVEZ TORRES ADRIAN CHAVIRA VENTURA GELACIO CHAVIRA‑VENTURA DWIGHT CHAVIS JR GREG B CHAVIS JOSHUA CHAVIS LARRY CHAVIS MARCUS CHAVIS MARSHALL CHAVIS PATRICIA A CHAVIS KEITH THOMAS CHEATHAM ZANE D CHECKETTS KEITH A CHEESEBORO CONNIE CHEFREN BRADLEY G CHELETTE TIMOTHY J CHEN CODY CHENARD SIMON CHENARD DAVID G CHENOWETH MANUEL CHERETTI CAVAZOS ARULRAJ CHERMAKANI CLINTON LEE CHERRY III ELMER CHERRY JR KENNETH W CHERRY RYAN L CHERRY SCOTT WENDELL CHERRY DONNA J CHESNIK FRANCES G CHESNUT MARCUS WILLIE CHESTNUT REESE CHESTNUT ELVIN CHEUNG BRANDON P CHEVALIER LOUIS C CHEVALIER SESAR A CHEVEZ NAPHAL CHHLANG JOHN A CHIARADIO JASON CHIASSON NICHOLAS CHIASSON ALEXANDER CHICAS DAVID A CHICKERY MATTHEW CHIDESTER OCIOUS PELO CHIHURI MICHAEL T CHIKOS AJENE CHIKUYU NATHAN ALLEN CHILDERS II STEPHEN M CHILDERS TAYLOR R CHILDERS BRADLEY L CHILDRESS BRANDON W CHILDRESS MICHAEL ERIC CHILDRESS ROBERT LEE CHILDS SETH C CHILES KENNETH L CHILSON THOMAS M CHILSON MAYNOR CHIMILIO SABIO MICHAEL CHIN WING MARVIN CHINCHILLA PRAVIN CHINDHU HIRAMAN MASKE DANIELLE CHIOLO GREGORY E CHIOTTI JESSE ANDREW CHIPMAN RILEY MORGAN CHIPMAN ROBERT E CHIPMAN LINDA CHIPPERFIELD CHRISTOPHER CHIRAS JOHN M CHISHOLM CHRISTOPHER J CHISM ANTONIO CHISOLM ANTONIO CHITICA LOPEZ SRI ANJANI CHITTAJALLU LUCAS D CHMELA KRYSTAL ANN CHOATE BAKHO CHOI VIJAY CHOKSI ANDREW M CHONG CHUCKY CHONG BRAD L CHORPENNING GUY CHRETIEN KAYLIE R CHRISMAN ADAM J CHRISTENSEN BRANDON KELLY CHRISTENSEN CAMILLE L CHRISTENSEN CHANDLER D CHRISTENSEN DANA M CHRISTENSEN DARREN CHRISTENSEN DAVID SCOTT CHRISTENSEN EDWARD C CHRISTENSEN JAMIE CHRISTENSEN KEVIN CHRISTENSEN NATHAN CHRISTENSEN NICHOLAS CRAIG CHRISTENSEN PAUL J CHRISTENSEN ZANDER R CHRISTENSEN AARON CHRISTIAN ALISON I CHRISTIAN DAVID BRYAN CHRISTIAN GARY E CHRISTIAN JULIE CHRISTIAN PAUL W CHRISTIAN BILLY CHRISTIANSEN CASEY K CHRISTIANSEN CLAIR D CHRISTIANSEN KYLER L CHRISTIANSEN TRAVIS R CHRISTIANSEN WILLIAM C CHRISTIANSEN CHRISTOPHER J CHRISTMAN KEVIN CHRISTMAN ROBERT D CHRISTMAN JAMES CHRISTOFF KENNETH L CHRISTOFFERSEN KODY L CHRISTOFFERSEN KOOPER L CHRISTOFFERSEN KORT K CHRISTOFFERSEN PRABIN CHRISTOPHER JOHNSON KIMBERLY J CHRISTY DILLEN CHRUN DARYL J CHRYSLER ALEXANDER W CHU DUY CHU PEDRO CHU TAVIN K CHURCH TAM RENEE CHURCHWELL BLAZE CHURKO JACOB CICCARELLO CHRISTOPHER CICCONI BEN CICHOSZ DIANA CID JASON W CIEPIELA KEITH S CIEPIELA ADAM J CIEPLUCHA KEITH A CILLS JOSE M CINTRON KATHY ANN CIONI CATHERINE L CIPRA JOSEPH W CIPRA KRISTIN CIPRIANI PAT CIRILLO JOSE CIRILO AARON L CISNEROS CASIMIRO G CISNEROS JAMES CISNEROS MARC CISNEROS RAUL CISNEROS MANUEL CISNEROS GARCIA LUIS MANUEL CISNEROS LOPEZ RAUL CISNEROS SANCHEZ OMAR ALEJANDRO CISNEROS SANTOS CARLOS R CISTRUNK ANTHONY CITO ASHLEY D CLABAUGH DERWIN CLAH LANE O CLAH JEFFERY E CLANTON KIMBERLY B CLANTON KYLEE MICHAEL CLANTON ADAM R CLARK AMY CLARK ANDREW CLARK ANGELA CLARK BARRY CLARK BENJAMIN CLARK BENJAMIN F CLARK BENJAMIN M CLARK BRANDI L CLARK CANDACE J CLARK CHARLES R CLARK JR CHRISTOPHER CLARK CHRISTOPHER RAYMOND CLARK COLBY W CLARK CORY J CLARK DALE O CLARK DANIEL CLARK DIANNA L CLARK DUSTIN L CLARK DYLAN ROBERT CLARK ELI C CLARK GERALD CLARK HOLLY A CLARK JACK ALAN CLARK JAMES REESE CLARK JAMES W CLARK JASON L CLARK JASON L CLARK JASON M CLARK JASON S CLARK JEANNINE CLARK JEFFREY T CLARK JOANNA CLARK JOHNNY DAVID CLARK JOSHUA MICHAEL CLARK JUSTIN L CLARK KATHLEEN E CLARK KEVIN O CLARK KYLEE A CLARK MARK A CLARK MICHAEL CLARK MICHAEL EUGENE CLARK NATHAN ERIC CLARK NICHOLAS C CLARK NICHOLAS L CLARK RICHARD FRANKLIN CLARK II RICKY L CLARK ROBERT C CLARK ROBERT D CLARK RONALD W CLARK JR RYAN J CLARK SARA CLARK SHEA ELAINE CLARK SHOWAN O CLARK STEVEN S CLARK STUART P CLARK TEDDY CHRISTOPHER CLARK TERRANCE L CLARK THOMAS M CLARK TIFFANY CLARK TIM CLARK TIMOTHY CLARK TODD CLARK WILLIAM B CLARK WILLIAM BRYAN CLARK ZACHARY CLARK ZACHARY CLARK BRANDON CLARKE BRITTNEY CLARKE JOHN CLARKE LORI CLARKE PHILLIP L CLARKE ROBERT J CLARKE ROBERT CLARKIN AARON CLARKSON ELYSSA B CLASSEN WILLIAM E CLATTERBUCK JOBEN CLAVECILLAS DAVID L CLAVELL PETER CLAVELL CHINELL CLAWSON JR SCOTT P CLAWSON TROY CLAXTON ANDREW CLAY COLTON MICHAEL CLAY CORY CLAY CUTLER T CLAY DEMETRIUS CLAY JR MICHAEL E CLAY CHAS CLAYBAUGH HERROD CLAYBROOKS III D KURT CLAYTON DUSTY L CLAYTON JAKE CLAYTON JEFFREY M CLAYTON JOHN CLAYTON KEITH L CLAYTON MATTHEW E CLAYTON MICHAEL T CLAYTON SHERRI CLAYTON NICHOLAS CLEAR DAVID M CLEARY TYLER R CLEAVER KENNY J CLECKNER ROBERT A CLEGG ROBERT J CLEGG CURTIS S CLEM RICHARD L CLEMANS GREGORY CLEMENT ANGELA D CLEMENTS DUSTIN CLEMENTS STEVEN CLEMENTS CORY D CLEMMER BRANDEE F CLEMONS JERRY FARISH CLEMONS LOYD C CLEMONS LISA CLENDENEN DUSTIN B CLERICI RICHARD CLERMONT ANNE‑MARIE CLÉROUX DESTRY R CLESTER JAMES R CLEVELAND MATTIE BOYD CLEVELAND TERRY SHAUN CLEVELAND HERMAN D CLEVENGER JOHN CLEVERINGA JOHN W CLEWIS STEVEN L CLIBORNE RUSSELL B CLIFFORD ALAN RAY CLIFTON CARL A CLIFTON MICHAEL CLIFTON LUCAS CLIMACO SANTOS JUSTON R CLIMER TOM CLINARD DONALD W CLINE JORDAN M CLINE MAXWELL E CLINE JR MICHEAL V CLINE NATHAN E CLINE REMINGTON CLINE RODNEY W CLINE SCOTT CLINE SCOTT R CLINE RANDALL E CLINES STEVE CLINES JAMES L CLINGAN JORDAN P CLINTON ROSS E CLODFELTER KRISTOPHER W CLODGO JOSEPH A CLORE COLTON MICHAEL CLOSE JOSHUA CLOSSON JOSHUA CLOUGH MICHAEL E CLOUGH TRAVIS CLOUSE JEAN MARC CLOUTIER WILLIAM L CLOVER CHAD A CLOWDUS CONNIE CLOWER MICHAEL CLOWERS RICCO CLOYD TANNER D CLOYD BRIAN K CLUCK VIRGIL Y CLY CHAD M CLYDE KENDALL CLYDE NOAH CLYDEN JESSE LANCE COAN TYSON D COATE JENNIFER COATES WILLIAM A COATES WILLIAM MICHAEL COATES MARK COATNEY JOSEPH COATS CARSON ORION COBB CURTIS COBB DALTON COBB DAVID K COBB KERRY LAMONTE COBB KYLE COBBLEY CHAD J COBLE JENNIFER ERIN COBLITZ JEFF COBURN TODD K COBURN BRADY CHASE COCHRAN BRENDA R COCHRAN CALEB COCHRAN CHRISTOPHER A COCHRAN JOHN COCHRAN MARY A COCHRAN TIMOTHY COCHRAN TIMOTHY D COCHRAN JACOB C COCHRANE DAVID J COCKCROFT DANNY ROBERT COCKERELL JR RAYMOND W COCKRELL CHAD J COCKRIEL RHONDA M COCKRIEL DEVIN COCKROFT BRAD CODY SEAN CODY SEAN E CODY EVANGELINE COE LORENZO COE DIONE COEFIELD EVERTON M COELHO BRYAN COEYMAN JOSHUA S COFFER HAROLD LEE COFFEY JR JONATHAN Z COFFEY MELANIE COFFEY THOMAS COFFEY III THOMAS H COFFEY NICHOLAS A COFFILL CALEB SCOT COFFING CHARLES STEVEN COFFING RILEY EVAN COFFING GLENN D COFFMAN JAMES E COFFMAN PAUL JACOB COFFMAN CRAIG COGDELL STEVEN C COGDELL STEVEN R COGGINS PAUL W COHEE DELVIN R COHEN DOUGLAS A COHEN JAMES R COHN RYAN C COHRON AIKATERINI COKER BELINDA W COKER CHADWICK T COKER DEXTER BYRON COKER GARY L COKER JAMES M COKER II JONAH COKER LARRY COKER MARK DAVID COKER REED COKER TERRY G COKER FELIX COLARICCI DAN COLBOURNE CHRISTINE S COLBURN ZACHARY TYSON COLBURN ALBERT L COLE ALLYN COLE BRIAN A COLE CEDRIC DION COLE CHRISTOPHER JAMES COLE DAMIEN D COLE DAVID COLE DAVID E COLE DAWN R COLE DENNY ALEXANDER COLE DOUGLAS J COLE FORREST COLE FREDERICK J COLE III GEORGE W COLE GREGORY B COLE HEATHER K COLE JACOB PAUL COLE JOHN THOMAS COLE III KEITH NEWTON COLE MICHAELA HALEY COLE MONICA S COLE RANDY COLE ROBERT A COLE JR ROBERT JAMES COLE RYAN COLE TERRY L COLE JR TRACE COLE WILLIAM BRANDON COLE WILLIAM MARLON COLE AARON LEE COLEMAN ALVIN B COLEMAN ANTHONY DEWAYNE COLEMAN CALVIN L COLEMAN CYNTHIA W COLEMAN DAVID W COLEMAN ELIJAH TRAEKWON COLEMAN ERVIN L COLEMAN JR ISRAEL COLEMAN JAMES COLEMAN JAMES O COLEMAN JEFFREY P COLEMAN JOE COLEMAN L B COLEMAN JR NICHOLAS COLEMAN SHAWN E COLEMAN TAMARA L COLEMAN JEFFREY L COLER KATHERINE M COLEY LINDA COLF DAVID J COLFACK BRIAN K COLGAN JOVANNI R COLLADO RICARDO COLLADO DARRIN R COLLARD HARLEY D COLLARD ELEAZAR COLLAZO MICHAEL COLLETON II ROBERT H COLLEY ROBIN COLLEY EULIS L COLLIER JIMMY W COLLIER JR JOSEPH WHITE BUCK COLLIER KYLE R COLLIER LLOYD H COLLIER ALISA M COLLINS BRANDON COLLINS CHARITY COLLINS CHRISTOPHER J COLLINS CONSTANCE L COLLINS COREY S COLLINS DAVID L COLLINS DURAND M COLLINS ERIC P COLLINS ERIC R COLLINS GREGORY J COLLINS HOWARD W COLLINS HUNTER C COLLINS HYLAND V COLLINS JERALD K COLLINS JOSHUA COLLINS JOSHUA COLLINS LOUIS E COLLINS PAUL A COLLINS ROBERT E COLLINS ROBERT WESLEY COLLINS II STEPHEN J COLLINS TRAVIS F COLLINS WILLIAM COLLINS ZACHARY JACKSON COLLINS MICHAEL R COLLOM SOMAR COLMENAREZ ECHENIQUE CARLOS COLON RIOS ROBERT KYLE COLQUITT GEORGE R COLSON BRIAN COLTON ROBERT K COLTON JR EDGAR JOEL COLUNGA LOPEZ AMY J COLVERT BRYAN DAVID COLVIN ANGELA KAY COLWELL JEREMY J COLYER IOAN COMAN MASON COMBEE WILLIAM MATHEW COMBEE AMY J COMBS BILLY R COMBS GARY F COMBS HOLLI ANN COMBS JASON J COMBS RICKY L COMBS SR TORY COMEAUX CHRISTOPHER COMER KAITLYN ALEXANDRA COMER CAROLINE M COMFORT ROBERT G COMFORT JUSTIN COMLY ROBERT AMMON COMLY GREGORY A COMMANDER DAVID A COMMENT ROBERTA COMMENT KATE H COMPAGNO JOSEPH EDWARD COMPTON JR SAMMUAL J COMPTON TERRY COMPTON ADAM J COMSTOCK JAMES G COMSTOCK JASON A COMSTOCK GEORGE CONANAN CHARLES R CONAWAY MICHAEL CONCILIO CAMERON TY CONDER SHAWN CONDREY THOMAS CONDRIN JEFFRE CONERLY AIMEE M CONGLETON CHRISTOPHER CONKLIN CLARE L CONKLIN JOSHUA J CONKLIN ERIC WILLIAM CONKRIGHT STEVEN A CONKRIGHT II BRIDGET ANN CONLEY CLARK C CONLEY IV JOSH CONLEY RICKY L CONLEY VICTORIA C CONLEY STEPHEN CONLON DARCE CONNELL FOREST CONNELL JACQUELINE KAY CONNELLY CALEB L CONNER CHARLES T CONNER JR MICHAEL CONNER SHAWN M CONNER TIMOTHY L CONNER WILLIAM D CONNER CHRISTOPHER AUSTIN CONNERS PATRICK CONNOLLY MICHAEL L CONOVER WILLIAM LEE CONOVER KYLE CONRAD MICHELE RENEE CONSLEY JOSHUA LYNN CONSTABLE LIANA M CONSUEGRA ALBERT E CONTOIS JR DENIS H CONTRERAS ERIK CONTRERAS JOSE CONTRERAS MIGUEL CONTRERAS PEDRO CONTRERAS BLANCA ROSA CONTRERAS CISNEROS DIANEY ROCIO CONTRERAS CISNEROS JOSE DANIEL CONTRERAS SERVIN OSCAR ISMAEL CONTRERAS SERVIN LEVI CONVERSE GEORGE S CONWAY KEVIN L CONWAY QUINTAURUS CONWAY STEVEN J CONWAY KENNETH JEROME CONYERS PHILLIP M CONYERS WILLIAM B CONYERS AARON COOK ANDREW LYNDON COOK ANTHONY W COOK AUSTIN MICHAEL COOK BRYAN DAVID COOK CHRISTOPHER D COOK CHRISTOPHER E COOK CODY R COOK DALE J COOK DANIEL P COOK DEAN E COOK DUSTIN L COOK EDWARD COOK ETHAN T COOK FRANCIS J COOK JAMES D COOK JASON N COOK JOHNATHON BLAKE COOK JOSHUA COOK JOSHUA COOK KATLINE J COOK MARK COOK PATRICIA ANN COOK PRESTON W COOK RICHARD COOK RICHARD A COOK JR RICHARD W COOK RICK L COOK RILEY HOYT COOK ROBERT JASON COOK RUSSELL L COOK SCOTTIE L COOK SHAWN COOK STONEY H COOK THOMAS COOK TIMOTHY C COOK TIMOTHY W COOK TODD J COOK VINCENT COOK WENDI PATRICIA COOK CLARENCE COOKE MICHAEL T COOKE ROY COOKE FRANK L COOKS LORENZO COOKS DRAKE WAYNE COOKSEY DUSTIN T COOL MATTHEW R COOL MICHAEL TODD COOLEY CHAD D COOMBS CHRISTOPHER R COOMBS FAWN COOMBS MICHAEL JAMES COOMBS CHELSEA COONEY KRISTOPHER COONROD ALTON J COOPER ANN COOPER BENTON J COOPER BRETT K COOPER BRIAN A COOPER CHARLOTTE LEE COOPER CHRISTOPHER A COOPER CHRISTOPHER B COOPER CORY A COOPER DAVID COOPER DONALD E COOPER JR GARY L COOPER JASON COOPER JASON M COOPER JEFFERSON S COOPER JEREMY M COOPER JERRY DEAN COOPER JOHN COOPER JOSHUA COOPER LORI COOPER LORRAINE COOPER MARK D COOPER MARKCUS D COOPER MATTHEW DAVID COOPER NATHAN COOPER NATHANIEL B COOPER RICHARD COOPER ROBERT S COOPER ROGER D COOPER RONALD C COOPER SAMUEL K COOPER THOMAS COOPER WENDY COOPER WILLIAM C COOPER II ZACHARY COOPER EDWARD COOPWOOD SCOTT COOTE ANDREW COOTS JON COOTS LORI COOTS ROGER DALE COPASS ROBERT L COPE BILLY COPELAND CHARLES ANTHONY COPELAND JASON H COPELAND JOSHUA R COPELAND STEPHEN W COPELAND BRIAN T COPLEA DAVID COPLEY NICHOLAS COPP DOUGLAS MARTIN COPPOCK CARMELO COPPOLINO ALAN CORBETT MICHAEL NELSON CORBETT ROBERT B CORBETT BRETT A CORBIN BRANDON B CORBITT DAYNE R CORBRIDGE JOSHUA CORBRIDGE JOHN CORDEIRO KEVIN CORDELL RYAN D CORDIAL OWEN CORDINGLEY PHILIP CORDIVANO ALEJANDRO CORDOVA ARMANDO CORDOVA GIOVANNA CORDOVA STEVEN CORDOVA FRANCIS ELLIOTT CORDREY JR NICHOLAS J COREA GREGERY A COREY BRENDAN CORIANO THOMAS M CORLETT CHADWICK D CORLEY CLINT CORLEY JOHNIE C CORLEY III KIMBERLY CORLISS JACOB M CORMIER JASON Y CORNANGUER MIHAI CORNEI TODD CORNEILSE DELFINO C CORNEJO MIGUEL CORNEJO BREVAN T CORNELIUS FRANCIS B CORNELIUS KAREN CORNELIUS EMILIE FAITH CORNELL ANDREW CORNETT CASEY CORNETT JASON P CORNETT JUSTIN CORNETT LEAH R CORNETT MICHAEL CORNETT SHAWN I CORNETT DEREK L CORNISH JAMES W CORNISH JOHN R CORNISH TREVOR CORNISH DUSTIN T CORNS JEREMIAH L CORNWELL SHANE CORNWELL CARLOS CORONA JR HUGO ENRIQUE CORONA ARAMBULA FELICIANO CORONA EUGENIO ISAIAS CORONA HERRERA ULISES DANIEL CORONA MONTES EFRAIN CORONA RUIZ FERNANDO CORONADO HERNANDEZ DEAN‑AUSTIN CURTIS CORPREW RICKY ADAM CORRAL MANUEL CORRAL QUEZADA ISABEL CORRALES JUAN A CORREA HERNANDEZ SCOTT CORREIA BLAKE P CORRELL JOHN CORRISTON JR MELINDA JEANNE CORSAW JOSEPH F CORSI EDUARDO CORTES ALFREDO ALEJANDRO CORTES CAMACHO JULIO CESAR CORTES CHAVEZ ANDREW CORTESE CARLOS CORTEZ JOSE CORTEZ JUAN A CORTEZ MARIO G CORTEZ FRANCISCO J CORTEZ GUEVARA CATHY CORTNER DEBORAH A CORVAGLIA BRANDON CORWIN JAYCEN COSENS PAUL L COSMAN BILLY COSSE JONATHAN COSSE CAMERON A COSSETTE MICHAEL CRAIG COST ANIBAL COSTA JEFFREY COSTELLO BUFORD D COSTEPHENS JR COLIN BRANDT COSTEPHENS CODY COSTLEY JOEL COTA MORALES ERIC COTE ERIN M COTE JOHN COTE JUSTIN P COTE MIGUEL COTERO RIOS EDDIE A COTHRAN PEDRO E COTOC SANCHEZ CHRIS N COTSONES ANDREW J COTTA JAMES COTTA DOUGLAS COTTAM AARON WAYNE COTTEN JAMES D COTTEN PHILLIP A COTTEN PHILLIP A COTTEN JR RONALD L COTTEN BLAIR COTTON CATHERINE COTTON JEREMY R COTTON ROBERT COTTON TIMOTHY D COTTON CARL CHRISTIANSON COTTRELL TYLER JAMES COTTRELL CHARLES L COUCH JR CHRISTOPHER R COUCH DAVID STEVENS COUCH DOROTHY COUCH MASON K COUCH THOMAS COUCH CODY COUGHLAN STEVE COUGHLAN DENNIS COUGHLIN JAMES COUGHLIN NEAL COULARDOT STEFAN COULOMBE BRIAN KEITH COULTER TOM COULTER ROBERT COUNTS JASON COURCHENE CHARLES COURNOYER N RICHARD COURTEMANCHE JONATHAN J COURTNEY SR JOSHUA COURTNEY KAREN COURTNEY NATHAN N COURTNEY NICHOLAS C COURTNEY RANDY A COURTNEY RYAN C COURTNEY TROY E COURTNEY JASON C COURTRIGHT BARRY W COUSAR HARRY T COUSAR JOSHUA R COUSINS ROBERT E COUSINS WILLIAM C COUSINS SAM COUSSENS TYLER A COUTERMARSH RHANDY COUTU ROGER COUTU ROBERT COUTURE LEONEL GABRIEL COVARRUBIAS REYES JOSEPH COVELL DANIEL COVERDALE CAROL L COVINGTON DARYL WAYNE COVINGTON JR JIMMY R COVINGTON COREY S COWAN LARRY J COWAN ELEANOR A COWAN‑HUNTER CHRISTOPHER D COWARD JOEY G COWARD RAYE ANN COWARD ROGER D COWARD RYAN E COWARD THOMAS W COWARD ZACHARY COWARD JOSH COWARD‑MILLETTE DAVID N COWART JUSTIN KAINE COWART STEVE COWART MARK A COWGER JOSHUA L COWLISHAW AARON A COX ALBERT J COX AUSTIN D COX BILLY COX BRIAN E COX CEDRIC N COX CHARLES COX CHRISTOPHER S COX DANIEL COX DANNY L COX DAVID L COX DAVID W COX DAWN COX DEWAYNE K COX DONALD S COX DOUGLAS COX DOUGLAS COX DYLON DELANE COX GUY FRANKLIN COX JR JASON A COX JERRY L COX JESSICA N COX JOHNNY CARLTON COX II JOSEPH L COX JOSEPH M COX JUSTIN L COX KEVIN L COX LANDON V COX MATTHEW A COX IV MECHELLE COX NATHAN R COX PATRICK A COX REBECCA COX RODNEY MICHEL COX SAMUEL R COX STACY COX STEVEN RANDALL COX STEVEN RANDALL COX III VIRGIL COX WILLIAM S COX JR WILLIAM T COX DARYL D COYLE DEBORAH COYLE DAVID R COZART ROBERT K COZINE JOSEPH CRABTREE RICHARD L CRABTREE MICHAEL RAY CRADDOCK COLLIN NEIL CRAFT STEVEN A CRAFT THOMAS GLENN CRAFT WILLIAM M CRAFT BRIAN M CRAGER JEREMY D CRAGER MARK A CRAGER SABATHA CRAGER WARREN E CRAGO SHAYNE CRAGUN CHRISTOPHER JOE CRAIG DANIEL L CRAIG DONALD W CRAIG LEWIS DAMON CRAIG MARIA C CRAIG MICKEY WAYNE CRAIG NORMAN CRAIG TIMOTHY V CRAIG TYLIN CRAIG WESLEY L CRAIG J BARTON CRAIN KELLIE CRAIN MICHAEL F CRAINE NICOLE M CRAMBLETT JOHN CRAMER CHRISTOPHER CRAMPTON BRENT W CRANDALL MARK CRANDALL BLAIN M CRANDELL RIC A CRANDELL CHRISTOPHER A CRANE MARK T CRANE MATTHEW CRANE NICOLE D CRANE RICKEY D CRANE KC J CRANER EYAN CRANK MARK CRANSTOUN RYAN CRAPS CEDRIC CRATIC RODERICK CRATIC KOLTON CRAVALHO AUBREY DWAYNE CRAVEN ROY B CRAVEY CHRISTOPHER CRAWFORD GARY CRAWFORD JAMES L CRAWFORD JAMES R CRAWFORD JIMMY R CRAWFORD LUANN CRAWFORD MARTIN LOGAN CRAWFORD MITCHELL V CRAWFORD PAUL D CRAWFORD RICKIE D CRAWFORD VALERIE R CRAWFORD ZACHARY CRAWFORD CURTIS R CRAWLEY NANCY CRAWLEY DAVID CRAYCRAFT ERIN CRAYCRAFT MELISSA CRAYTON ROBERT CRAYTON TERRY J CREAGER LLOYD D CREASEY JAMES H CREASY RANDALL D CREASY TERRENCE R CREASY NANCY M CREBS CARL CRECY SARAH JANE SABATIN CREDO JOHN LOGAN CREECH LANDON M CREECH JEROME CREEK JOSE CREEK HEATHER L CREELY HOWARD F CREGER CHRISTOPHER D CREIGHTON JAMES D CREMER MARK E CREMIEUX JAMES T CRENSHAW JOSE R CRESPO MIGUEL A CRESPO CUEVAS JEFFREY E CRESTO MARK A CREW LEWIS DIAL CREWS IV NATALIE N CREWS TED DOUGLAS CREWS DUSTIN CREWSE DAVID B CRIBB JOHN W CRIBB JR STEPHEN R CRIBB THOMAS R CRIBB JR JEFFREY CRICK HAZEN CRIDDLE COREY S CRIDER KARAH‑LYN CRIHFIELD HEATHER A CRILL JORDAN CRILL MICHAEL L CRILLO LESTER L CRIM NICHOLAS D CRIM REBECCA ANN CRIM ERIC CRINER BRENNEN D CRINKLAW KELLY CRIPPS TAMARA L CRISPIN RANDY C CRIST RICHARD R CRIST RICKY A CRIST RYAN J CRIST JERRY W CRISWELL GARY S CRITES RONALD G CRITES WILLIAM CROCCO KIMBERLY M CROCE ALEX L CROCKER BRIAN J CROCKER JARRED D CROCKER SHANNON CROCKETT GARY N CROFT LUCRETIA RENEE CROKER ROBERT G CROLL AUSTIN S CROMER GARNETTA CROMWELL JOHN CHRISTOPHER CRONE ANDREW CRONIN BRION M CRONK ROBERT M CRONK SCOTT CRONK PAUL CROOKE GREGORY A CROOKER CHRISTY CROOKS LLOYD CROOKS MATTHEW CROOKS NORMAN D CROOKS JAMES M CROOM GREGORY T CROSBY JOSHUA L CROSBY JOSHUA LEE CROSE BLAKE CROSHAW BRENDA CROSHAW‑PORATH ANTHONY RAY CROSS JAMES CROSS MARTIN CROSS MICHAEL A CROSS PHILLIP R CROSS REBECCA L CROSS STEPHEN E CROSS WAYNE CROSS JACK A CROSSETT JENNIFER CROSSETT JEREMY JOHN CROSSLEY DAKOTA CHEYENNE CROSSLIN MATTHEW CROSSMAN BRIAN KEITH CROSSNO CHAD ELLIS CROSSNO DUSTIN CROTHERS TIMOTHY P CROTHERS MARCUS G CROTTS JEFFERY CROTTY CARRIE L CROUCH CHRISTOPHER E CROUCH CHRISTOPHER R CROUCH COLBY D CROUCH GARY L CROUCH JERAMY S CROUCH JONATHAN SHAWN CROUCH TAMMY CROUGH DAVID CROUSE BETHANY CROUSON TRAVIS CROUSON CHARLES JASON CROUT FREDRIC L CROW HAROLD D CROW WESLEY DYLAN CROW ROBBIE CROWCHILD‑RAIN SCOTT CROWCHILD‑RAIN JAMIE D CROWDEN BENJAMIN CROWDER CARL A CROWDER JAMES LARRY CROWDER JR CHRISTOPHER W CROWE DARREN J CROWE HOWARD E CROWE JEFFERY CROWE PHILIP DOUGLAS CROWE CHAD W CROWELL CRAIG SCOTT CROWELL DAVID CROWELL DAVID L CROWELL ROGER D CROWLEY WILLIAM C CROWLEY KIMBERLY R CROWN KENNETH CHAD CROWSON CHAD A CROWTHER HILDA CROWTHER CASSANDRA CROYLE MARSHALL CRUDUP DEBORAH K CRUEA CHRISTOPHER MATTHEW CRUM JASON L CRUM NICHOLAS CRUM STEVEN CRUM ADAM L CRUMLEY JAMES A CRUMLEY JAMES CRUMM MICHEAL A CRUMMEY TERRANCE LAMAR CRUMMIE MICHAEL A CRUMP JARRET CRUMPTON ZACHARY GLENN CRUMPTON NICHOLAS D CRUNK TRAVIS W CRUTCHER JORDON CRUTCHFIELD ADRIAN CRUZ BELKIS CRUZ CARLOS CRUZ CHRISTIAN S CRUZ DIANE M CRUZ EDDIE CRUZ GONZALO CRUZ ISRAEL CRUZ ISRAEL CRUZ JESSICA CRUZ JOHN CRUZ JR JUAN M CRUZ JUSTIN R CRUZ KENNY CRUZ MARCELO CRUZ RUDY L CRUZ RUSTIN K CRUZ SAMUEL CRUZ TITO CRUZ JR BARSIMEO CRUZ CARRANZA IGNACIO CRUZ CASTRO CHARLIE O CRUZ DIAZ FRANCISCO CRUZ GUZMAN EFRAIN CRUZ PENA CARLOS A CRUZ PRADO JACOB CRUZ ZAVALA ADAM WYATT CRYER RALPH CRYER GREGORY M CRYSLER JORDAN CSORDAS JONATHAN CUADRADO DIAZ BRIAN CUAN PIETRO CUCINOTTA MICHAEL CUDE TIMOTHY JERRAD CUDE CARLOS CUETO JAIME A CUEVAS CLAUDIA GUADALUPE CUEVAS RUVALCABA DUSTIN EMMANUEL CULBERSON SAM D CULLER JADY CULLINS RONALD R CULPEPPER MICHAEL ALLEN CULPS DONALD M CULTON SHELDON CUMBERBATCH ROBERT R CUMBIE JR TERRI CUMBIE DONALD CUMINGS JR JAMES CUMINGS KYLE CUMMING KARAC I CUMMINGS MONICA LEIGH CUMMINGS AUSTIN E CUMMINS CAMERON SCOTT CUMMINS ANTONY CUNNINGHAM BLAKE FORREST CUNNINGHAM BRANDON W CUNNINGHAM BRIAN E CUNNINGHAM CHON T CUNNINGHAM CHRIS C CUNNINGHAM DEREK WAYNE CUNNINGHAM JACOB R CUNNINGHAM JASON CUNNINGHAM JON JACOB CUNNINGHAM JOSEPH R CUNNINGHAM JUSTIN K CUNNINGHAM MARK WILLIAM CUNNINGHAM MARY CUNNINGHAM MATT W CUNNINGHAM NICHOLAS M CUNNINGHAM QUINN CUNNINGHAM SHAWN CUNNINGHAM TIMOTHY J CUNNINGHAM RAMON CUPIDO BUSTILLOS BRAD LEE CURBOW IRENE M CURLEY KYLE D CURLIN MATT CURREY ANTHOL CURRIE BARRY CURRIE JOHN K CURRIE MATTHEW J CURRIE RUSSELL ALLEN CURRIE TYLER CURRIE MICHAEL D CURRIN RICKY CURRIN JR RICKY NELSON CURRIN ANDREW J CURRY JACOB S CURRY JAMES D CURRY JAMES M CURRY JOHN M CURRY ROBERT H CURRY JR SETH E CURRY NANCY J CURTIN CHRISTOPHER A CURTIS DEVON CURTIS JASON CURTIS PAUL DERRICK CURTIS ROBERT S CURTIS RYAN P CURTIS STEVEN W CURTIS JENNIFER LEANN CURTIS HYDE JESSIE CURTSINGER DARRIN J CUSHMAN ANTHONY D CUSSANO CHASE CUSTER WARREN E CUSTER CHRISTOPHER CUTARM JOSEPH LEE CUTCHIN JR ARMANDO CUTINO BRANDON CUTLER TROY CUTLER JERRY WILTZ CUTRER JR TIMOTHY L CUTTER JENNIFER M CUTTS JONATHAN CUVAR USARIAN A CUYLER ANGEL CYR ERIC CYR CARRIE DA CRUZ JOHNNY DA ROCHA DANIEL DA ROSA HOLLY DA SILVA VITOR DA SILVA RONNIE DABIDEEN CHARLES E DABNEY III KENNETH J DABNEY JON GREMARD DACUS MAHADEV DADU BALKU PANDIT THEODORE R DAEFFLER DEVIN N DAFFERN RYAN DAFOE ZACHARY A DAGGS BRADLEY WADE DAGLEY II FREDDIE A D’AGNESE STEVEN A D’AGNESE DAVID A DAGUE BABANDING DAHABA KRIS DAHL WAYNE DAHL BRAD R DAHLE DAX DAHLE TRAVIS B DAHLE ANDREW J DAHLHEIM ADAM D DAHLIN CHAD F DAHLKOETTER MICHAEL DAIGLE RALPH M DAIGLE RENE J DAIGLE TIMOTHY DAIL TONY DAIL RICHARD KEITH DAILEY SCOTT DAILEY STEVEN R DAILEY CHERYL A DAILY DOUGLAS DAINES ALEX DAKE SIERRA DAKERS CAREY A DALE DONALD C DALE THOMAS DALE CAGNEY DALEY RHAUN A DALEY CHARLES DALGLEISH JULIAN E DALIA JAMES DALLEY MYEN DALLEY GINO DALPRA CLARENCE B DALRYMPLE GREGGORY A DALTON KENDRA R DALTON KEVIN DALTON TIFFANY KING DALTON DANIEL L DAMERON JUAN MANUEL DAMIAN BARAJAS MANUEL DAMIAN MACIAS RONALD DAMIANI MICHAEL A DAMICO JR CHARLES P DAMPIER CLIFFORD H DAMRON MATTHEW DAMRON JOSEPH DANA MAURA DANAKOS TIMOTHY W DANBURY FARRELL EDWARD DANCER JORDAN B DANCER DARCY DANCHUK COURTNEY NAKIO DANCY TONY W DANFORD JAMES DANGELO BRADLEY DANGLER ADAM CORNELIUS DANIEL CHADWICK MARQUES DANIEL CURTIS R DANIEL DEBORAH E DANIEL DERRICK D DANIEL ERLWIN S DANIEL JASON C DANIEL JOSEPH GORDON DANIEL MARK A DANIEL ORRIN L DANIEL SAMUEL DANIEL SHAD EDWIN DANIEL BARBARA J DANIELS BRENDA D DANIELS BRIAN D DANIELS BRYAN C DANIELS BRYAN JUSTIN DANIELS CHARLES S DANIELS CRAIG DANIELS DAVID E DANIELS DONALD DANIELS GILBERT REESE DANIELS JAMES E DANIELS JAMES P DANIELS JAMES W DANIELS JR LEE DANIELS MATTHEW R DANIELS PATRICIA DANIELS ROBERT DANIELS RYAN S DANIELS SHELLEY D DANIELS TIONNA DANIELS ROBERT D DANIELSON JEAN DANIS DONNA M DANNER JAIMIE LYNN DANNER JOSEPH E DANNER RONNY DANNER MICHAEL RICHARD DANNHAUS SAMUEL J DANOVSKY TENA A DANOVSKY JOHN STACY DANSBY LEON DANSBY BRANDEN A DANTIN LEROY W DANTIN STEVEN C DANTONELLO ANTHONY J DANTONIO II TYLER DANYLYK DEREK DARASKA ANNETTE R DARBY AUSTIN DARBY GARY S DARBY JESSE DARBY JOHN LEWIS DARBY WILLIE DARBY JEFFREY S DARGAN MINODORA DARIE STEVEN DARLEY BRANDON MATTHEW DARLING JASON DARLINGTON TYLER DARLINGTON THOMAS BRYANT DARNELL THOMAS C DAROVIC DONOVAN DARRELL II CURTIS SCOTT DARROW JASON L DARROW LOGAN A DARROW LEO DARTEZ III NATHANAEL DASENT MICHAEL A DASGUPTA JOSEPH D DASHER AJAY DASHRATH MARUTI BHATKAR JOSE R DASILVA ANTHONY DASING DINESH DASS TOMMY L DATES NEIL DATTADEEN AVINASH DATTATRAY SHANKAR LOHAR CHRISTOPHER TODD DATTI ROGER A J DATTILO MANUEL GUILLERMO DAUED LEDESMA DUSTIN MICHAEL DAUGHERTY MATTHEW DAUGHERTY MONTE D DAUGHERTY GIFFIN F DAUGHTRIDGE APRIL R DAUGHTRY MICHAEL T DAUPHIN ARTHUR LEE DAVENPORT JR PERRY G DAVENPORT TYLER DAVENPORT ANITA LOUISE DAVID CHASIDY DAVID DONALD DAVID JAMES C DAVID MIKAL DAVID RYAN L DAVID JENNA M DAVIDS ALEC B DAVIDSON AUSTIN JOSEPH CURTIS DAVIDSON BRANDON C DAVIDSON JEREMY W DAVIDSON JOHN L DAVIDSON KEAHI DAVIDSON KIM DAVIDSON MATTHEW NEAL DAVIDSON MICHAEL A DAVIDSON PHILLIP DAVIDSON SR RANDOLPH DAVIDSON RODNEY DAVIDSON RYAN DAVIDSON TROY DAVIDSON BENJAMIN DAVIES CHRISTOPHER L DAVIES CORY WILLIAM DAVIES JAMES A DAVIES SPENCER M DAVIES LORENZA DAVILA ALEJANDRA PAOLA DAVILA GONZALEZ JAIME DAVILA‑RAMOS PAUL DAVILO TIMOTHY DAVILO AARON D DAVIS JR AARON P DAVIS ALAN KEITH DAVIS ANTHONY JEROME DAVIS APRIL DAVIS APRIL DAVIS BARBARA A DAVIS BENJAMIN A DAVIS BRANDON YARBER DAVIS BRANSON DAVIS BRAXTON B DAVIS BRIAN KEITH DAVIS BRIAN L DAVIS BRIAN L DAVIS BYRON J DAVIS CARL DAVIS CASEY G DAVIS CHADWICK E DAVIS CHRISTOPHER J DAVIS CHRISTOPHER PATRICK DAVIS CHRISTOPHER S DAVIS CHRISTOPHER W DAVIS CLARENCE DAVIS CODY D DAVIS COY L DAVIS DANIEL J DAVIS DANIEL R DAVIS DANIELLE DAVIS DANTE REGIS DAVIS DAPHNE N DAVIS DAVID ADAM DAVIS DAVID E DAVIS JR DAVID EARL DAVIS SR DAWN M DAVIS DENROY DAVIS JR DEVIN D DAVIS DION J DAVIS DONALD W DAVIS DUSTIN DAVIS ELLIOT GRANT DAVIS EVIE N DAVIS FRANKIE D DAVIS GEOFFREY DAVIS GREGORY E DAVIS HAROLD L DAVIS HILEY R DAVIS HOWARD DAVIS JAMAAL DAVIS JAMAAL DAVIS JAMES D DAVIS JAMES WESLEY DAVIS JR JAMISON SCOTT DAVIS JARASKI DAVIS JARED T DAVIS JARED W DAVIS JC L DAVIS JEFFERY L DAVIS JEFFREY DAVIS JEFFREY DAVIS JR JEREMY A DAVIS JERRELL DAVIS JIMMY LEE DAVIS JR JOHN DAVIS JOHNNY LEE DAVIS JR JOSEPH A DAVIS JOSHUA L DAVIS JUSTIN L DAVIS JUSTIN SCOTT DAVIS JUSTIN SKYLAR DAVIS KAITLYN DAVIS KEITH DAVIS KEITH A DAVIS KEITH B DAVIS KEITH O DAVIS KENNETH A DAVIS LARON JERMAINE DAVIS LARRY D DAVIS LAYTON S DAVIS LENARDO DAVIS MARC L DAVIS MARCUS DAVIS MARCUS L DAVIS MARK DAVIS MARK A DAVIS MARK A DAVIS MARK V DAVIS MARK WAYNE DAVIS MATTHEW F DAVIS MCARTHUR DAVIS MICHAEL DOUGLAS DAVIS MICHAEL JASON DAVIS MICHAEL L DAVIS NANCY H DAVIS PATRICK N DAVIS PHILLIP MICHAEL DAVIS RACHAEL L DAVIS RANDOLPH R DAVIS III RANDY H DAVIS RHONDA M DAVIS RICHARD T DAVIS RILEY JOHN DAVIS ROBERT A DAVIS ROBERTO A DAVIS RODNEY L DAVIS RYAN L DAVIS SARAH DAVIS SEAN BRADY DAVIS SHELDON DAVIS STACEY K DAVIS STEPHEN DAVIS STEVEN W DAVIS TANETRA DAVIS TERESA J DAVIS TERRENCE L DAVIS TERRY E DAVIS THOMAS W DAVIS JR TIMMY DAVIS TOM E DAVIS TOMMY DAVIS TREVIS J DAVIS ULYSSES G DAVIS VERNON E DAVIS JR WAYNE DAVIS WHIT L DAVIS WILLIAM ANTHONY DAVIS ZACHARY DAVIS ZARQUENTOS K DAVIS CARL C DAVISON JR CARL C DAVISON SR MICHAEL W DAVISON STACY DAVISON DAVID A DAVOLT JR MATTHEW DAWES COREY D DAWSON COURTENEY DAWSON GARY W DAWSON GERALD W DAWSON JACOB A DAWSON LORENZO C DAWSON PATRICK ANTONIO DAWSON RONALD D DAWSON CLAUDE WAYNE DAY JR CLYDE AARON DAY CLYDE MICAH DAY JAMES L DAY JERRY A DAY JODI L DAY MICHAEL E DAY RAYMOND A DAY STEPHEN P DAY ZACKARY DAY CHEYENNE DAY CHIEF ARVIN DAYAHAN KAUSHALYA DAYAL SITARAM CHINDARKAR ROBERT DAYTON DARRIN J DAYZIE JOSHUA DANIEL DAZEY DILINI DE ALWIS CHRIS DE BARRAS MARCIE DE FAVERI JOSEFINA LORENZANA DE JESUS ANTHONY DE LA CRUZ GUILLERMO DE LA CRUZ OLANDA DE LA CRUZ FRANCISCO DE LA CRUZ TOSCANO JOVITA DE LA FUENTE VIDAL DE LA MORA RAMIRO DE LA O GONZALEZ ELEAZAR DE LA PAZ ISRAEL DE LA PAZ LEONARDO DE LA PAZ GAVIN DE LA RONDE ALFREDO DE LA ROSA JR MIGUEL DE LA TORRE ALEJANDRO DE LA TORRE BUSTOS SANDRA YANNET DE LA TORRE BUSTOS ERNESTO DE LAPAZ NOE DE LARA JR CHANELLE DE LEON TREVOR DE MATTOS ASHLEE DE ROOY MEKHALA DE SILVA JOE DE SOUSA JEROME DE VERA BENJAMIN DE WIT CRAIG V DEAKIN RONI SHAW DEAL ANITA DEAN CASEY A DEAN CHARLES TYLER DEAN DANIEL J DEAN FRANCIS N DEAN JR JESSE DEAN JULIA DEAN LARRY PATRICK DEAN NICHOLAS ALAN DEAN STANLEY JEROME DEAN RIAH L DEANE TONI DEANE ROBIN A DEANGELIS KENNETH DEARBORNE GREGORY A DEARDORF RONALD DEARDORFF CRAWFORD DEARING BRIAN DEARMAN ROY G DEARMAN KENNETH DEARTH JOHNNY R DEAS ROBERT B DEAS THOMAS DEAS III DIONZO DEASE JAMES DEASON KEVIN FOREST DEATON LARRY P DEATON JASON S DEAVERS KEVIN DEBERRY MELVIN DEBERRY ROBIN L DEBES DAVID A DEBLASIO RACHEL DEBOER MATTHEW DEBOIS FREDRICK DEBOSE DAVID A DECAROLIS JACQUALENE DECK MICHAEL S DECK AHMAD R DECKARD WILLIAM R DECKARD DONALD G DECKELMAN CHAD RAY DECKER CHRISTOPHER R DECKER EDWIN D DECKER JAMES F DECKER ZACHARY DAVID DECKER CHRISTOPHER DECLUE GILLIAN DECONTO JOSHUA DYLAN DEDEAUX FREDERICK J DEDERMAN JOHN F DEDMON LINN T DEEDRICK CHRISTOPHER A DEEDS IAN A DEEKS MATTHEW D DEENIK JAMES A DEERE JR JEFFREY S DEERING MELISSA DEES TRAVIS W DEES ADAM M DEETZ JUSTIN DEFARIA LEON H DEFENDORF FRANK DEFERRARI MARK N DEFILIPPO KEVIN J DEFOOR KEVIN L DEFRIEZ KRISTINE M DEGABRIELE DOUGLAS F DEGLER MARCO DEGOLLADO VELOZ CHRISTOPHER L DEGRAFF ZACHARY DEGUILIO LARRY DEGUIRE FLOYD O DEHART WILLIAM DEHAVEN BRANDON L DEHEK ANDREW DEHKURDI MONTELL DEAN DEHNE SERENA DEHONEY MATTHEW DEITZ RETYCE DEJESUS RUSSELL DEJONG RYAN C DEJONG TRAVOUS R DEJONG RACHEL DEJTIRANUKUL BRIAN J DEL CARLO MICHAEL E DEL GRECO CARLOS DEL RIO ACEVEDO ARNEL DEL ROSARIO JASON DEL ROSARIO CARLOS C DELACRUZ NICK J DELACRUZ OMAR DELAFUENTE JR CLINTON J DELAGRANGE JEFFERY L DELAGRANGE JOSEPH A DELANCEY STEVEN W DELAND DAVID M DELANEY MICHAEL P DELANEY ALVARO DELAPORTILLA RAYMOND J DELARIO DAVID DELATTRE BRUCE DELAUDER DANIEL L DELEON JUSTIN C DELEON MARIA ADELA G DELEON NORMA DELEON RIGO DELEON SUZELL DELEON JOSE DELEON GONZALEZ JASON DELFIN APRIL YTATI DELGADO ENRIQUE DELGADO JUAN CARLOS DELGADO MARIO DELGADO RAMON DELGADO SALVADOR DELGADO IBRAHIM DELGADO DIAZ JORGE LUIS DELGADO LOERA MIRYAM DELGADO OROZCO CRUZ FRANCISCO DELGADO TORRES JOSE LUIS DELGADO VELAZQUEZ FRANK DELGATTO JOHNATHAN KARI DELK TROY DELK JR TARA L DELL’ARMO KANDIE S DELLINGER ANDREA DELLOW CURTIS K DELOATCH TIMOTHY L DELOATCH DONALD E DELONG KENNETH DELONG SCOTT B DELONG JACQUELINE DELORGE RHODORA DELOS SANTOS ROMULO DELOS SANTOS SENEN P DELOSSANTOS ZACHARY DELOVELY ASHLI DELPH BRANDON C DELPH ANDREW G DELPRINCIPE ALEXANDRO DELUNA JOHN DEMARCHI SAMUEL J DEMAREE RALPH DEMARTINO JOEL DEMASKY KEVIN DEMATTOS SHAHAR DEMAYO TERESA DEMCHUK KYLE THOMAS DEMEL GREGORY DEMENT LAURENT DEMEY CHRISTOPHER C DEMLER JIMMY D DEMLOW BRADIE J DEMOTT ANDREW DEMPSEY BRIAN D DEMPSEY DAKOTA S DEMPSEY DUSTIN WAYNE DEMPSEY KATERYNA DEMPSEY PATRICK M DEMPSEY PATRICK R DEMPSEY WILLIAM R DEMPSEY JEFFREY R DENARD KEVIN S DENARD WILLIE E DENBY JOEL M DENDINGER ALEXANDER RAVEN DENDY BRIAN P DENEAU ROBERT DENHAM JENNIFER DENHOLM ROBERT L DENISON ROBERT DENK JANICE ELAINE DENMAN ABRAHAM DENMARK JR DOREEN M DENMARK SAMUEL T DENMARK CRAIG J DENNARD CHRISTOPHER DENNEY KAITLYN M DENNEY TYLER DENNEY DUDLEY T DENNING CHARLES R DENNIS CHRISTOPHER DENNIS DELORES M DENNIS DONALD L DENNIS JAMES L DENNIS KENNETH W DENNIS MARION S DENNIS ORVILLE DENNIS JR RONDELL DENNIS TRACY A DENNIS WILLIAM R DENNIS BRUCE C DENNISON PHILLIP O DENNISON DOROTHY L DENNY JOHN B DENNY II ALAN J DENO RUSSELL S DENOYER TIMOTHY D DENSON MAC J DENT DALE ROBERT DENTON JOHN G DENTON BRIAN L DEPEW JUSTIN R DEPEW MADELINE DEPINET ESTHER G DEPPE TIMOTHY A DEPRETIS JUSTIN DEPRIEST PHIL E DEPRIEST THOMAS E DEPRIEST JR MARK T DEPUE NIKOLAS A DEPUGH ROBERT A DEPUGH TIMOTHY T DEPUGH NANCY L DERDERIAN JAYLYN J DERICKSON DANIEL G DERKACH LES DERKSEN BRIAN S DERMOTT COREY A DERRICK MARK DERRIPON JOHN R DERSHEM KUNTI S DESAI STEVEN DESANTIS ROBERT A DESANTO GARY A DESATOFF JOSEPH DESCHAMPS JR ALVIN LOUIS DESHAZO BRYDON DESJARLAIS DANIEL DESNOMIE JOSHUA DESNOMIE SANDRO DESORDI LOUISA DESOUSA MATHEW DESOUSA JOSE DESPAIGNE FAVIER CODY L DESPAIN JESSE W DESPAIN BRIAN DESPOT RAYMOND F DESROCHER JR WILLIAM R DESROSIERS JONATHAN L DETERS LESLIE DETHROW MICHAEL DETHROW AMANDA DEUSENBERRY DAVID DEUTH JR NITHYA DEVADASS CORDELL DEVALL ERIC C DEVALL JAMES DEVALL JOE T DEVALL SPURGEON DEVANBURAJ RAYMOND J DEVAUGHN KURT DEVEAU EBEN DEVENUTA DYLAN DEVER BOOMA DEVI VELAYUTHAM SHIVAM DEVIA JAMES WILSON DEVIS JR ANTHONY B DEVORE DARRELL L DEVORS MARTELLIOUS O DEVOSE ANDREW DEVRIES CHRISTOPHER LOUIS DEW CHARLES C DEWEESE ANN DEWERT CLINTON M DEWEY DANIEL DEWITT GREGORY D DEWITT HUNTER GRAHAM DEWITT JAMES D DEWITT TONY DEWITT WAYNE DEWITT DAVID B DEWS PAIGE T DEXTER JOSHUA L DEY JONATHAN WESLEY DEYTON ASHTON SETH DEZWARTE SWARAJ DHAMI PRADNYA DHANAJI VISHNU YESADE RITA DHANOTA SHEK DHAWAD NAINA MOHAMED KEVIN E DHOM SALVATORE DI GENNARO JUSTIN DI SIPIO BERARDO DI VINCENZO CALEB DIAMOND SHAWN DIAMOND STANLEY DIAMOND STEWART DIAMOND MARIA A DIAS ANTONIO DIAZ ARNULFO DIAZ BERNARDO R DIAZ BRANDEN A DIAZ CARLOS DIAZ SR EDUARDO DIAZ GABRIEL A DIAZ GREGORY DIAZ IZAIRA DIAZ JOSE L DIAZ JOSEPH DIAZ MARIA DIAZ NERCIDO DIAZ ONASSIS O DIAZ ROBERTO DIAZ RODOLFO DIAZ VALENTIN DIAZ BARRON JOSE MANUEL DIAZ DE LEON GOMEZ JOSE LUIS DIAZ DIAZ ALEJANDRO DIAZ GUZMAN FILEMON DIAZ PEREZ GERARDO DIAZ RODRIGUEZ LUIS EDUARDO DIAZ RUIZ RAYMUNDO DIAZ URRUTIA NELSON DIAZ‑MORALES GREGORY F DIBBLE KEITH N DIBBLE DAMIAN M DIBLE SERGIO DICARLO PAUL DICE TAYLOR W DICHIARA ALEXANDER DICHOSO DAVID A DICK JOSHUA DICK CARROLL RONALD DICKENS BRENT E DICKER CHAD R DICKERHOFF CHARLES H DICKERHOFF DREW DICKERSON JAMES CARL DICKERSON MATTHEW J DICKERSON QUINTON LEWIS DICKERSON WAYLON LLOYD DICKERSON DAVID R DICKEY JEFF A DICKEY JOHN L DICKEY JOHN S DICKEY KEVIN R DICKEY MARQUES J DICKEY CLAYTON DICKIE DAN DICKIE DANIEL E DICKINSON TIMOTHY DICKS PHILIP M DICKSON RANDALL L DICKSON JR MATTHEW B DIDELOT CLAYTON D DIDION SEAN DIEBEL TIMOTHY M DIEGEL AMANDA C DIEHL RANDY J DIEHL RICHARD E DIEHL PAUBLO DIERA AMANDA DIETSCH MARCIA K DIETSCH DOUGLAS J DIETZ TIMOTHY DIFFEE DUSTIN PAUL DIGGES TERRY W DIGGS CATHERINE M DIGIACINTO VINCENZO DIGIACOMO JAMES V DIGIANDOMENICO MARK A DIGIROLAMO PATRICK K DIGMAN OMAR DILBERT CLAYTON E DILDAY JR SHEENA NICOLE DILDINE JOHNNY DILL JR ORAN R DILL JR TERRY L DILL JOE T DILLARD STONEY A DILLARD RHONDA M DILLMAN BRADLEY M DILLON JUSTIN DILLON PAUL R DILLON STEPHEN L DILLON KEITH A DILTS REFUGIO O DIMAS MITCHELL DIMERY GIUSEPPE DIMONACO DEREK M DINDORE NANDITA DINESH ARILKAR UTKARSHA DINESH PATIL LAWRENCE DINGETHAL WALLACE D DINGLE DAVID C DINGLEY JACOB E DINKEL TANSY DINKINS SHAYNE A DINKLE JAMES DINSMORE ALEXANDER DION ROBERT D’IORIO JOSE AURELIO DIOSDADO ROJAS MARIA DIOS‑GIULIANI NARIN DIPSINGH PRIYA A DIPSINGH‑SALTAN ZACHARY W DIRKS BRIAN A DISANTO CONNIE L DISBRO JEFFREY C DISCOLO TERESA DISERA TIM J DISHINGER LEONY A DISLA TORREON L DISMUKE TYLER J DITCH VICTOR P DITOLA II DAVID A DITTMER VERNON J DITTRICH JR RICHARD DIVELEY JOSEPH DIVISH DAVID DIX JOSEPH C DIXIE BRENDA G DIXON CHARLES J DIXON DAINE K DIXON DALTON DIXON DANIEL SHAIN DIXON DAVID DIXON DAVID L DIXON JANIE P DIXON JOHN C DIXON JULIUS CORNELIUS DIXON KEITH R DIXON LEO J DIXON JR MARY D DIXON MONTRELL DIXON OSCAR W DIXON PAUL W DIXON RANDY DIXON SHAWN JAMES DIXON TYLER BRYCE DIXON WANDA DIXON SHAWN L DIXSON DANTE D DIZON AKSHAY DNYANESHWAR GAUL GINA DOAN CHRIS R DOANE JR BRADLEY DOBBINS CHRISTOPHER L DOBBINS COREY DOBBINS ERIC J DOBBS MATTHEW CASEY DOBBS TRACY KENNETH DOBBS GREGORY DOBLANKO NATHAN J DOBROVOLNY BRIAN DOBSON JACOB LEE DOCKERY DAMIAN DOCKRILL BENJAMIN D DODD BRANDON DODD BRYAN S DODD CHRISTOPHER D DODD COREY DODD GLEN DODD ADAM DODDS JULIE DODGE LAWRENCE DODGE MICHAEL A DODGE DAVID C DODGEN JESSIE W DODGEN RAY DODSWORTH ANDREW W DOFFIN JACOB KADE DOGAN QUINLAN KERR DOGAN BRENDEN DOHERTY PATRICK HILL DOHERTY TRENTEN B DOHMEN JOANNE DOIRON MICHAEL T DOLAN II D’MITRIEVA DOLBERRY CHARLES FRED DOLE JR JENNIFER DOLL MATTHEW T DOLL LUANN WILLIAMS DOLLAR ROGER W DOLLAR RAFAEL DOLORES KIAN M DOLSEN CHRISTOPHER O DOLSON MARIA ALICIA DOLZ AMOR MICHAEL DOMAN ERVIN DOMBROWSKI EDISON B DOMINGO JAVIER DOMINGUEZ JOSE DOMINGUEZ JOSE L DOMINGUEZ JULIO DOMINGUEZ MARTIN DOMINGUEZ MIGUEL DOMINGUEZ OCTAVIO DOMINGUEZ ROGELIO DOMINGUEZ SALVADOR DOMINGUEZ MARTIN DOMINGUEZ CONTRERAS JUAN JOSE DOMINGUEZ GUTIERREZ MIGUEL ANGEL DOMINGUEZ HUERTA EDGAR DOMINGUEZ‑PERALTA ALEXANDRA DOMINICK SARAH B DOMINICK BRENDA MARIE DOMINISSE DOUGLAS L DOMINISSE GILES F DOMKAM MAJA DOMNICK KIMBERLEY L DOMSCH CEDRIC L DONALD FELTON DONALD ELBERT J DONALDSON MARIA GUADALUPE DONATO PEREZ DAVID N DONCH DOUGLAS K DONE RUN YU DONG KEPLER J DONLEA CHRISTOPHER DONNELLAN PAUL DONNELLY DENNY DONOSO DENNIS K DONOVAN JOSEPH DONOVAN KRISTIN V DONOVAN LUKE J DONOVAN MICHAEL G DONOVAN AMY DOOLEY MICHAEL S DOOLEY ROBERT C DOOLEY TIMOTHY L DOOLEY BRETT M DOOLITTLE ROBERT DOPOH JEFFERY J DORAN GARRET DORGE JAMES B DORIETY KYLE R DORIETY JOSEPH P DORMA RICHARD B DORMAN MARYAM DOROUD ALEXANDER ERVIN DORRIETY KAREN KAY DORRIS DANIEL DORSEY DAVIS L DORSEY GREGORY A DORSEY KEITH L DORSEY KELVIN DORSEY STEPHEN V DORSEY DARYL LAMONT DORTCH PETER DORY MICHAEL A DOSEY JASON OWEN DOSS SR MICHAEL BRIAN DOSS NATHAN M DOSSETT PHILLIP R DOSSETT THOMAS DOSSEY ROY G DOTIE DANNY E DOTSON DOUGLAS ARTHUR DOTSON JEREMY E DOTSON RUSSELL E DOTSON CORY J DOTY XIA DOU DAVID DOUBLIN BRYAN DOUCET TYLER NICHOLAS DOUCET LOGAN DOUCETTE BRIAN M DOUGAN PATRICK A DOUGAN DUSTIN D DOUGHTY TRENTON A DOUGHTY DEBORAH S DOUGLAS DEBRA A DOUGLAS DON E DOUGLAS HENRY J DOUGLAS JARED DOUGLAS JEFFREY A DOUGLAS KATHLEEN M DOUGLAS KEVIN DOUGLAS RHONDA DOUGLAS RICHARD L DOUGLAS CHRISTOPHER DOUGLASS WILLIAM H DOUGLASS MARC R DOUPNIK ANITA DOUTHITT CLAYTON DOUTRE D BLAINE DOUTRE MANON DOUVILLE MARQUIS W DOUYERE KATIE M DOVE SCOTT LYDELL DOVE ERIK DOVER ROBERT S DOVER JASON VAN DOWDLEY KENNETH L DOWDY MARGARET A DOWELL DARCIE M DOWLING JOSEPH W DOWNEY JUSTIN DOWNEY MATTHEW D DOWNEY MICHAEL DOWNEY RICHARD G DOWNEY THADDOUS DOWNEY CHRIS DOWNIE DUANE DOWNING JR JERRY FRANCIS DOWNING JR MICHAEL DOWNS JULIA DOWRIDGE JOHN JUSTIN DOWTY OLAN DOXEY ERIC D DOYLE KADEN DOYLE PHILLIP A DOYLE ROSEMARY DOYLE JAY DRAAYERS NICHOLE C DRABING JOSEPH BRENNER DRAIN BRENT R DRAKE CAROL DRAKE WILLIAM J DRAKE DANIEL JAMES DRAKEN CHRISTOPHER J DRANKIE DALE R DRAPER JAGGER STEFAN DRAPER KEVIN A DRAPER MELVIN K DRAPER NICK D DRAPER EARL C DRAUGHN MATTHEW DREASHER BRYAN DREGER CHRISTOPHER DREHER PATRICIA M DREHER EARL E DREISBACH PHILLIP D DRERUP JAKE M DRESSLER MICHAEL DRESSLER SHUMAN DRESSLER JR DAVID J DREVECKY DYLAN C DREW RYAN DREW THOMAS W DREW GABRIEL DREWRY DIANNA DREWS JOHN E DREXLER MICHAEL A DREXLER MAX S DREYLING RICHARD W DRIESSEN BOBBY R DRIGGERS CHARLES JAMES DRIGGERS DARREN L DRIGGERS ERIC ALLEN DRIGGERS GEORGE P DRIGGERS III MACK THADDEOUS DRIGGERS IV STEVEN A DRIGGERS KENNETH DRIGGINS LANDEN LEE DRIGGINS BLAIR DRINKWATER JAMES K DRINKWATER KYLE DRISCOLL JOSHUA W DRISKILL JOHN L DRISLAN PRENTICE L DRIVER WILLIAM J DROHAN STEVEN W DROLLINGER CLIFFORD JOSEPH DROUET JR SHAY DROUILLARD‑PRINCE DUSTIN JAMES DRUMRIGHT EDWARD A DRUSCHITZ KELLY D DRUYOR ANDREW B DRYDEN LEONARD JAY DRYDEN SHELDON M DRYER MARK B DRYMALLA MARK DRYNGIEWICZ MARIO D’SOUZA DEMIS DUARTE JOSEPH DUARTE IRVIN DUARTE CERVANTES BRANDON DUBE CYNTHIA DUBE SALONI DUBEY DAVID DUBOIS GERALD DUBOIS HECTOR DUBOIS VICTOR DUBOIS WILLIAM DUBOIS APRIL LYNN DUBOSE JAYME M DUBOSE KENNY LORENZO DUBOSE DANIEL W DUBY ISAIAH DUBY JASON DUCHARME TOMAS DUCHEK JAMES DUCK ABRAHAM TED DUCKETT PASQUAL P DUCKETT KELLEY DUCKWORTH TRAVIS E DUCLOS PAUL C DUCOMMUN TIMOTHY L DUDA CURLIE DUDLEY COLLEEN DUEBBER CHRISTIAN RAFAEL DUEÑAS AGUILAR JUAN ANTONIO DUEÑAS AGUILAR FRANCISCO DUEÑAS LEAL JUAN DUEÑAS LEAL JESTIN R DUERST BERTRAM L DUFF JACK A DUFF JERRAD DEWAYNE DUFFEL DEREK CRAIG DUFFY JEFFREY DUFFY KEVIN DUFFY MICHAEL DUFFY STEVEN DUFFY FRANCOIS DUFOUR BRADFORD DUGAN TIMOTHY J DUGAN BLANE A DUGAS CRUIZ J DUGAS PETER A DUGGAN LAWRENCE DUGGINS DENNIS DUGUAY ANTHONY DUHE BLAKE ANTHONY DUHE JOSEPH DUHE ROBERT H DUHON DUSTIN L DUKE HERBERT A DUKE JR JARVIS C DUKE STEVEN DUKE COURTNEY ELYSE DUKES JON W DUKES TERRY D DUKES OLEG DUKHON HENRY ARCHER DUL JUSTIN W DULANEY JEFFREY D DULL WALTER J DULNY SONIA MARIE‑RODRIGUEZ DULONG JOHN B DUMAS RAYMOND DUMOULIN AMANDA A DUNAVENT CHAD W DUNAVENT JASON DUNAWAY ERIC V DUNBAR KRISTINA L DUNBAR RAYMOND DUNBAR STEVEN J DUNBAR BRIANNAH DUNCAN CHRISTIAN L DUNCAN DAVID C DUNCAN DAVID M DUNCAN GREGORY DUNCAN HARVEY B DUNCAN JESSE DUNCAN JOSHUA DREW DUNCAN MARK L DUNCAN MELISSA KAY DUNCAN RHONDA L DUNCAN RYAN P DUNCAN SAM DUNCAN JR SANDRA DUNCAN SHANE E DUNCAN TARAN DUNCAN JOHN DUNGAN MARC DUNHAM COURTNEY D DUNIGAN JEFFREY L DUNKLEMAN KYLE G DUNKLING CYNTHIA L DUNLAP DAVID DUNLAP GENOLA DUNLAP JAMES L DUNLAP BRIAN L DUNLOW JAMES DUNLOW JEFFERY C DUNLOW ALISHA DIANE DUNN AUSTIN DUNN BRANDON DUNN CHRISTOPHER D DUNN DAVID DUNN EMMETT DALE DUNN FERNANDO C DUNN GREGORY DUNN GREGORY L DUNN IAN DUNN KEVIN DUNN LASHADRICK S DUNN MELISSA A DUNN PATRICK DUNN PRESTON LEON DUNN JR RANDALL EDWARD DUNN TAMMY DUNN THEODORE DUNN III TODD M DUNN JOHN STEPHEN DUNNAVANT DANA M DUNNE NATHAN A DUNNILL DAVID DUNPHY JAMES DUNSTER WILLIAM F DUNSTER SEAN M DUNWOODY ANDY Q DUONG KEN DUONG STEVEN T DUONG STEPHEN DUPEE JR DENTON WILLIS DUPREE KATHY R DUPREY SHAWN DUPUIS DUSTY DUPUIS‑WALKER KYLE DUPUIS‑WALKER RAY J DUPUY LEONARDO E DUQUE JOSE DURAN MARIO DURAN ANGEL DE JESUS DURAN BRINDIS HUGO DURAN LOPEZ MARTIN DURAN LOPEZ JOSE DE JESUS DURAN SANDOVAL DOUGLAS E DURAND JEFFREY J DURAND SUSAN M DURAND RICHARD DURANTE FRANK DURASTANTI LEONARDO DURAZO GALAZ SHAWN L DURBIN TRAVIS J DUREE ADRIEL URIAH DUREN JOE DURGIN CHRISTOPHER L DURHAM FARAH TODD DURHAM MICHAEL J DURIE DARRELL D DURIO DUSTIN M DURIO MOLLY S DURIO THOMAS DURKALEC DENICE N DURR TAYLOR DURRELL JODY L DURRETT KENNETH WAYNE DURRETT ISAAC A D’URSO ANDREA DURWARD DANIEL DUTRIZAC UDAY C DUTTA BRANDON MICHAEL DUTTON CECIL H DUTTON JR JUSTIN COREY DUTTON LOUIS W DUTTON MICHAEL W DUTTON WILLIAM B DUTTON CYRUS DUVALL DEJAY ARLENE DVORAK FRANK DVORAK HALEY L DVORAK JEFFREY C DVORAK SHAWN C DVORAK SHELTON J DVORAK WALTER DWARNICK ZACHARY E DWORAK CHARLES OTTO DWORS HOLLY C DWYER LANCE A DWYER VINCE DWYER VINCE T DWYER MICHAEL DYBALSKI JR KIRSTIN LYNNE DYBWAD BRANDON A DYCUS HEATH A DYCUS STEPHEN BRYAN DYCUS DERRICK R DYE WADE DYE BARBARA DYER BILLY R DYER BILLY RAY DYER SR ZACHARY M DYER MATTHEW COWART DYESS DANIEL J DYGERT KIMBERLY DYHOUSE DAVID DYKES TIMOTHY C DYKES LINCOLN DYLER CHRISTOPHER R DYSON DANIEL A DYSON KRZYSZTOF DZIEJMA ELDON J DZUBA KELLY L DZUBA BRIAN D EADDY CHAD D EADDY EARNEST H EADDY JAMES EADDY SUZANNE EADDY MARGO YORK EADES STEPHEN R EADES CHRISTOPHER EADS CHRIS EADY DANNY C EAGANS A RAE EAGLE KELVIN EAGLES JUSTIN EAKRIGHT SAMUEL EAKRIGHT WADE ALLEN EANES SCOTT L EARHART RUSTY EARICKSON CURTIS EARL TONY L EARL EDWARD M EARLEY II MICHAEL J EARLS BRANDON T EARLY WILLIAM EARNEST SIMON EARNSHAW BLAKE ANTHONY EASLEY FRED O EASLEY III SAMANTHA NOVELLE EASLEY JUSTIN A EASLING JAMES ROBBIE EASON RODNEY EASON MICHAEL WILLIAM EAST TIMOTHY W EAST GREGORY SCOTT EASTEP CHRIS EASTER CODY J EASTERBROOK SHEA EASTERBROOK PAMELA S EASTERDAY BLAKE EASTERLING JAMES D EASTERLING CRAIG EASTMAN DOUGLAS J EASTWOOD HAROLD D EATMON MARK LANCE EATMON RANDALL EATMON BENJAMIN J EATON CHADWICK EATON CHASE A EATON ROY MARK EATON RICHARD L EBEL EMILY EBELING DYLAN J EBERLINE DAVID C EBERSOLE CHRISTINE EBERT MARK EBLIN TODD E EBLIN TIMOTHY ECHLER DONNIE R ECHOLS JERRY ECHOLS LONNIE G ECHOLS JIMMIE D ECK COLTON ECKARD BILLY ECKER ETHAN C ECKERT JACOB GARFIELD ECKERT RANDY L ECKERT RYAN ECKERT EVAN E ECKHOFF GARY R ECKSTEIN DUSTIN KYLE EDDINS ELIZABETH EDDLEMAN JAMES NICHOLAS EDDY PATRICK EDE ZACHERY S EDELBROCK TERRI A EDELINE‑JOHNSON DARRELL W EDEN CALEB R EDGAR DUSTIN G EDGAR JONAS J EDGAR STEPHEN M EDGAR CRAIG EDGARS HEATH J EDGBERT GREG L EDGEMON DAVID EDGERLY CODY R EDINGTON NIROSHA EDIRISINGHA DOUGLAS EDIRISINGHE DAVID E EDKIN KENNETH D EDLEFSEN RACHEL L EDLUND JEFFERY N EDMAISTON DYLAN RYAN EDMONDS GABRIEL S EDMONDS WALTER L EDMONDS JUSTIN A EDMONDSON AARON EDMONSTON TAHNEE EDMUNDS MICHAEL BRYCESON EDMUNDSON RYAN G EDNEY BYRON J EDRINGTON SHAWN P EDRINGTON THOMAS EDSON ANN EDWARDS ARTIS EDWARDS BRENT ALLEN EDWARDS BRIAN J EDWARDS BRIAN K EDWARDS CHRISTOPHER EDWARDS DEAN BRENT EDWARDS DUSTIN EUGENE EDWARDS ELLIOTT L EDWARDS ERNEST EDWARDS ERVIN ANDREW EDWARDS EWART L EDWARDS GARY M EDWARDS JR JAMES D EDWARDS JASON M EDWARDS JUSTIN T EDWARDS KENNETH D EDWARDS LIONEL L EDWARDS LOGAN EDWARDS MELANIE EDWARDS PAMELA DEMETRICE EDWARDS PRINCE A EDWARDS RICKY J EDWARDS RON P EDWARDS SCOTT EDWARDS SILAS ENON EDWARDS SKYLER M EDWARDS THOMAS H EDWARDS TIMMY P EDWARDS TIMOTHY J EDWARDS TODD EDWARDS TODD M EDWARDS TRENTON DALE EDWARDS TREVON C EDWARDS WELDON B EDWARDS WILLIAM GLEN EDWARDS ZACHERY EDWARDS BRIAN J EGENRIETHER JAMES E EGGERING ROBERT EGGERS CHRISTOPHER M EGGINS ALAN C EGGLESTON JOSEPH N EGGLESTON LEWIS N EGGLESTON MICHAEL A EGGLI BRENNAN C EGOLF LESLIE EHLER JUSTIN R EHLERT MARTY EHNAT CHARLES P EHRET ANNA RANKIN EHRICH MARK A EICHBERGER ANDREW R EICHEL ERIC EICHENBERGER AARON D EICHER CALEB A EICHER DOUGLAS J EICHER MARLIN EICHER SAMSON EICHER MARK E EICHLER BRADLEY K EICHMANN AARON B EILAND AMBER M EILERTSEN JONATHAN WARREN EIMAN BENJAMIN R EINSPAHR LIZZIE REE EIRBY JEFFREY R EIS DWIGHT J EISENBRAUN JAMES T EISENHAUER ZACHARY EISENMANN BARRY G EISON CHALMERS J EKNESS AZIZ EL MOUMEN SAMUEL ELAM VAUGHN ELAM DHANASEKARAN ELANGO GOWTHAMAN ELANGO ANAS ELBAKKALI ISAAC A ELDER JOSHUA L ELDRIDGE RAYMOND ELEMENT MAURICE EDWARD ELEY DEWUAN A ELFALAN DEWUAN ANDREW ELFALAN JR JOSHUA C ELGAN JAMES S ELGIN JR KAI ELI JOSEPH ELIEN ELLEN ELIENIST ERIC T ELIJAH KEILA ELIZONDO SAUL A ELIZONDO CHASE C ELKINS GREGORY SETH ELKINS JANET BETH ELKINS RONALD ELKINS JR STEPHANIE LORINE ELKINS JEFFREY K ELLARD DOUGLAS ELLARS BRYAN L ELLEFSON DARREN A ELLEGOOD JOSHUA J ELLENBERGER THOMAS J ELLENBERGER BENJAMIN ELLER JOHNNY W ELLER WILLIAM M ELLERMAN II KEVIN ELLERT BRET A ELLINGWOOD LEE S ELLINGWOOD BRANDON MATHEW ELLIOTT CASEY ELLIOTT CHARLES W ELLIOTT DAVID ELLIOTT DEAN ELLIOTT EDWARD W ELLIOTT JASON M ELLIOTT JOHN L ELLIOTT JOHN ROBERT ELLIOTT JUSTIN LEE ELLIOTT LESLIE A ELLIOTT LONNIE E ELLIOTT LUCAS A ELLIOTT MATTHEW ELLIOTT MICHAEL V ELLIOTT PATRICK W ELLIOTT TOMMY GEORGE ELLIOTT WADE G ELLIOTT WILLIAM R ELLIOTT JR WYNN NOEL ELLIOTT ANDREW D ELLIS ANTHONY ELLIS CARY LEETON ELLIS DONALD D ELLIS DURVEAL ELLIS JASON ELLIS JEREMY MARQUETTE ELLIS KEVIN ELLIS KEVIN TODD ELLIS LEGRANDE CLARK ELLIS MICHAEL P ELLIS MICHELLE ELLIS MITCHELL R ELLIS NICHOLAS RILEY ELLIS ROBERT L ELLIS RYAN DANIEL ELLIS SUE A ELLIS TIMOTHY A ELLIS TIMOTHY D ELLIS CHRISTOPHER ELLISON ROBERT J ELLISON RANDY ELLSWORTH ALEXANDER J ELMORE GINA M ELMORE JUAN D ELORZA‑HERNANDEZ AZ ERIC ELROD GLENN A ELROD JOE M ELROD PAMELA ELSBURY WAEL MOSAAD ELSHAMY ROBERT I ELSTON TREVOR D ELSTON SHERWETE EL‑TAHAN ARAVINTH ELUMALAI RAJAN ELUMALAI LEE ELVGREN GORDON J ELWELL SHANE ERIC ELY TERRY R ELZY TYLER R ELZY CHAD A EMARY GUY A EMBERTON JR JEFFREY EMBREE KELECHI WOKEM EMELOGU TONY EMENHISER DEBORAH M EMERAN ANGELA E EMERSON BRANDON C EMERSON DAVID R EMERSON JASON EMERSON MICHAEL R EMERSON NATHANIEL H EMERSON SYLVIA EMERSON BRIAN L EMERY CHARLES M EMFINGER BRET EMLING ANDREW P EMMERT JR GORDON D EMMERT AUSTIN J EMMONS REAGAN C EMMONS BRANDON MICHAEL EMPERATO WILLIAM T EMRAL MARIO ALBERTO ENCARNACION VALENZUELA LEVI D ENGEBRETSON MATTHEW ENGEL MATTHEW J ENGEL CALVIN D ENGELBRECHT GARY P ENGELMAN JOHN ENGELMOHR KERMIT C ENGLAND WILLIAM CHAD ENGLAND CLINT W ENGLE JOSHUA R ENGLE PATRICK ENGLERT JUSTIN ENGLISH SCOT J ENGLISH STEPHEN C ENGLISH STEVEN ENGLISH KEITH ENIS ERON C ENO MARK J ENOCHS CHANTEL K ENOS MARK ANTHONY ENRIQUEZ RICKY ENRIQUEZ RAYMOND W ENSIGN TRISTAN L ENSMINGER PAUL JARED ENSOR LEASA ENVIK JOHN STEPHEN EPPERSON SCOTT EPPERSON CHRISTOPHER R EPPS JENNIFER EPTING ALYSSA ERBAUGH JAMES ERBAUGH IV CHARLES ERDMANN ALICE K ERICKSON JEFFREY LEWIS ERICKSON LUKAS ERICKSON RICH T ERICKSON SHAWN A ERICKSON STEPHANIE ERICKSON TODD J ERICKSON BRANDON ERICSON ALICIA ERIVES BELTRAN TYLER ERNSBERGER CHARLES ERNST NORMAN ERSKINE KEITH E ERTMAN CHRISTOPHER ERVIN JUSTIN ERVIN SADELLIA ERVIN SAMUEL F ERVIN WILLIE L ERVIN DAVID W ERWIN GREGORY ERWIN KEVIN A ERWIN LAURA L ERWIN RODNEY L ERWIN ALFREDO JOSE ESAA MORILLO CEDRIC ESCALANTE GILBERTO ESCALANTE ZAVALA RAMON ESCALONA RESEL S ESCALONA EUTIMIO ESCAMILLA JR JOSIMAR S ESCAMILLA SOTELO DANTE ALEJANDRO ESCARCEGA RAMIREZ JUAN CARLOS ESCAREÑO ROMERO FELIPE ESCATEL GUILLERMO H ESCOBAR KARLA ESCOBAR STEVE J ESCOBAR ISAIAS ESCOBAR‑MUNOZ ADALVERTO ESCOBEDO EFRAIN ESCOBEDO ERIC ESCOBEDO FIDEL ESCOBEDO ILDEFONSO ESCOBEDO GILBERTO ESCOTO DUSTIN L ESCOTT BRANDON L ESHOM MAUREEN B ESMONT CARLOS ESTEBAN ESPARZA CLAIRE E ESPARZA CODY J ESPARZA FERNANDO JAIR ESPARZA DE LOZA RICARDO JOSUE ESPARZA DE LOZA JUAN ESPARZA MACIAS ROBERTO ESPINO MEDINA DAVID M ESPINOSA ARTURO ESPINOZA JOSE ESPINOZA NATALENE J ESPINOZA AQUILINO ESPINOZA CRUZ MAURICIO ESPINOZA GARCIA DAVID ESPINOZA VAZQUEZ JENELLE ESPOSITO PAUL M ESQUIVEL BILLY A ESSARY III STEPHEN ESSARY DAN R ESSER JERRY O ESTEP MOJA ESTEP ROBERTO ESTEVEZ GARCIA JASON ESTOCK CESAR ESTRADA EDGAR ESTRADA JUAN J ESTRADA KAREN ESTRADA MAXIMILLIAN GEORGE ESTRADA NATIVIDAD A ESTRADA NANCY ESTRADA PEREZ RAFAEL ESTREMERA JAMES G ETHEREDGE KENDELL J ETHINGTON JEFFREY W ETRIS BENJAMIN ETSKOVITZ SAMUEL ETSKOVITZ DONALD ETTINGER EDWARD ETTINGER JERROD ETTINGER JONATHON S ETTINGER LANDON ETTINGER BRANDON C EUBANKS TERRY RAY EUBANKS ANTHONY BROCK EURE CHRISTIAN D EURE NATHAN T EURE RONALD LEE EURE TRAVIS C EURE RICARDO EVANGELISTA CASILLAS DONALD EVANKOVICH ALEXANDER CHRISTOPHER EVANS AMANDA EVANS ANDREW M EVANS ASA P EVANS AUSTIN D EVANS BLAKE EVANS BRENT EVANS CEDRIC EVANS CHARLES KEITH EVANS CHERYL K EVANS CHRISTOPHER EVANS CHRISTOPHER J EVANS CHRISTOPHER T EVANS CODY S EVANS COLTON D EVANS COLTON J EVANS CRISTINA D EVANS ERIC SCOTT EVANS GARY EVANS HYRUM DREW EVANS JACQUELINE L EVANS JAMES F EVANS JAMES W EVANS JR JARETT RUSSELL EVANS JASON GERALD EVANS JENNIFER EVANS JEREMY D EVANS JONATHAN EVANS JUSTIN M EVANS KYLE EVANS KYLE R EVANS LOWELL EVANS MICHAEL LEE EVANS MICHEAL J EVANS MICHEAL L EVANS RAY G EVANS RODNEY L EVANS SAMUEL EVANS SAMUEL D EVANS SPENCER O EVANS SUZANNE J EVANS TANYA EVANS TONY EVANS DAVID W EVERDON ALLEN EVERETT JOSHUA EVERETT MARIO B EVERETT MICHAEL W EVERETT JOY E EVERHARDT JERRY S EVERIDGE CARL E EVERTS KEITH EVERTS THEODORE D EVERTZ JUSTIN EVES TIMOTHY EVES TODD EVILSIZOR ROBERT EVISTON JOSHUA EVJE ERIC E EWALD DOUGLAS EWART JASON L EWART CHARLIE DAVE EWING MICHAEL J EWING CATHERINE EYBEL JACOB EYE REES EYRE MADUKA S EZIEKE MICHAEL PAUL EZYK JOHNATHON EZZELL TOELE T FAASULU JOSEPH W FABER SHAWN P FABER STEVEN FABER TAWNYA D FABER CHARLOTTE F FABIAN JOHN K FABIAN OSVALDO FABREGAS JASON FABRI CALEB FACER TRAVIS W FACER CODY FACKRELL RODNEY K FADDIS RICHARD B FAERBER ALAN W FAGAN JUSTIN TODD FAGAN KEENAN W FAGAN NICHOLAS FAGAN SHAH FAHAD MOHAMMAD FAHEEM KEVIN PAUL FAHEY MATTHEW J FAHEY LISA A FAHNESTOCK HAKAM A FAHOUM ANDREW G FAIN BEN FAIOLA DAPHNIE A FAIR JEREMY W FAIR CHRIS R FAIRBANKS TRAVIS S FAIRBANKS NICOLE FAIRBROTHER GREGORY A FAIRCHILD JAMES E FAIRCHILD JR JOHN O FAIRHURST IV SCOTT FAIRLEY JAMES B FAKULT ANDREW FALCK MARCO A FALCON DANIEL FALCONE KEVIN J FALK MITCHELL K FALLON IGNAZIA FAMELE KERRY A FANE CHAO LI FANG THOMAS D FANNIN WHITLEY FANNIN KAREN FANNING DALE G FANTA STEVE FARADAY SHARON FARINA ALEXANDER WILLIAM FARINELLI TONY FARIS II DYLAN FARKAS MICHAEL FARKAS ROMAN FARKHAD BOBBY L FARLEY JACKIE W FARLEY JAMES FARLEY MICHAEL FARLEY ROSS FARLEY MELISSA FARLIN CLAYTON FARMER DAVID M FARMER JACOB RYAN FARMER LAURA A FARMER NATHAN R FARNAM RYAN C FARNAM JACOB H FARNSWORTH JOSHUA J FARNSWORTH JULIE L FARNSWORTH RONALD L FARNSWORTH STEPHEN M FARO BRYAN FARQUHAR JONATHAN FARR STEPHEN A FARRAR DAVID L FARRELL JAMES FARRELL ROBERT FARRELL SARAH JEAN FARRELL JOHN FARRER JOHN T FARRIOR JOHN C FARRIS JON‑JACE K FARRIS KENNETH MELVIN FARRIS IRA FARROW JR IRA D FARROW JERRI G FARROW LLOYD J FARROW NICHOLAS FARROW BONNIE L FATER MAKOA FAUALO GARY WAYNE FAULK HENRY LEE FAULK JR JOHNNY D FAULK AUSTIN D FAULKNER DAVID E FAULKNER DAVID JEREMY FAULKNER JOEY FAULKNER JONATHAN ANDREW FAULKNER STACY M FAULKNER TOMMI FAULKNER WALTER FAULKNER JASON FAUST JOHN R FAUST RYAN FAUST JUAN CARLOS FAUSTO BRITO MARCELO L FAUSTORILLA JR GREGORY FAVORS LYLE FAWCETT ROBERT FAWCETT EVAN FAWZI BRADLEY E FAY BRIAN FAY MARK FAY DERIC M FAYLOR MICHAEL J FAYLOR ALLANNA FAZZARI JACOB L F‑CHAVEZ BRANDON J FEAGIN RONALD D FEAGIN JR COLBY FEASBY DEREK DAVID FEASEL JEFF FEATHERSTON BRYAN J FECKE MARTA FEDAK MARC E FEDKENHAUER RYAN D FEDKENHAUER NICHOLAS FEDORKA JAMES FEDYSHYN JOHN T FEEBECK ZACHARY S FEELER IAN FEENEY CLEVELAND F FEGGINS SIONE FEHOKO CORRIE FEHR ANTHONY FEHRING JR ANTHONY R FEHRINGER RICHARD L FEISTEL JOEY FELDER JOSEPH FELDER CRAIG A FELDMAN PHILIP E FELGAR JOSHUA M FELGER SANTOS L FELICIANO NATHAN FELIX JOSEPH T FELKER JON FELLENZ KYLE FELLENZ TRAVIS FELLENZ KATHY FELLER JOHN FELTHAM JAMES OWEN FELTMAN JR JONATHON BLAKE FELTMAN CARROLL LESLIE FELTON WILLIAM T FENDER ANDREW FENHOFF DAVID M FENNELL GENE L FENNER BROCK FENSKE MATTHEW J FEOCCO JAMES FEREBEE TAYLOR FERGUS BRAD FERGUSON BRADLEE FERGUSON BROCK W FERGUSON ELIZABETH FERGUSON JEREMY R FERGUSON JESSE R FERGUSON JOHN W FERGUSON JR JOSHUA FERGUSON JUSTIN FERGUSON KENNETH E FERGUSON KIMBERLY D FERGUSON LARRY FERGUSON MARCUS D FERGUSON MARY M FERGUSON SARA L FERGUSON SYLVESTER V FERGUSON TAMATEA MICHAEL FERGUSON TIMOTHY A FERGUSON TYLER FERJO CORY FERLAND VINCENT R FERLISI DAVID FERNANDEZ GRETEL FERNANDEZ JEAN CHARLES FERNANDEZ JERRY A FERNANDEZ LUIS FERNANDEZ JR JORGE ALBERTO FERNANDEZ NORIEGA BASILIO FERNANDEZ PEREZ CHANDIMA FERNANDO PENNY A FERNET MICHAEL FERNIE DAVID FERRARA SALVATORE FERRARI DAVID M FERRARO KELLY R FERREIRA OSDAN L FERREIRA SERGIO FERREIRA MAURO ELIAS FERREIRA DO NASCIMENTO JOSEPH R FERRELL III KEVIN W FERRELL ROBERT F FERRELL MELVIN FERRERA MEDINA TIMOTHY J FERRIER SHARON D FERRIN JOHN J FERRIOLA BRADLEY RICHARD FERSON DEVON FESS ELIZABETH FESTERLING JEFFREY FETTERS JR PHILIPPE M FETTIG JONATHAN MARK FEWELL PATRICK FEWER UDO K FEY JONATHAN M FICKLIN TREVOR FIEDELLECK DEANNA L FIELD JENNIFER FIELD JOHN E FIELD MICHAEL S FIELD NATHAN T FIELD STEVE FIELD CHADD FIELDER ALACYIA T FIELDS ANTHONY M FIELDS BRANDON WAYNE FIELDS BRIAN K FIELDS BRIAN S FIELDS DONALD J FIELDS II ERIC L FIELDS GERRI L FIELDS HAROLD C FIELDS JALEAH FIELDS JAMES FIELDS JAMES P FIELDS JEFFERY C FIELDS MITCHELL ANDREW FIELDS RALPHEL FIELDS ROBYN MICHELLE FIELDS TYLER FIELDS HENRY S FIERROS ANTHONY H FIERROZ MARTY DALE FIFE JR AARON J FIFER MARK A FIGGINS ALBERTO FIGUEROA BENITO FIGUEROA ELIUD FIGUEROA LUIS FIGUEROA MICHAEL A FIGUEROA VICTORIA B FIGUEROA GIDGET FIKE JENNIFER M FIKE G BEN FIKES ROCKY C FIKES HUNTER E FILE JAY FILER ROBERTO FILICE YAKOV V FILIPETS JULIE A FILIPI KEVIN R FILIPOWICZ GEVINCIN FILLINGAME KEVIN FILLION RYAN FILLMORE MYLES KENNETH FILYAW CHASE ALEXANDER FINCH JACOB FINCH JERROD FINCH MICHAEL A FINCH JAMES TYLER FINCHER LORRAINE FINDLAY DAVID K FINDLEY JAMES D FINDLEY KALANI H FINEISALOI CHRISTY FINFROCK ISAAC P FINGERLE JAMES C FINK JR REGINA FINK RICHARD VERNON FINK STEVEN J FINK DAVE P FINKE FRANKLIN D FINKRAL JEFFREY J FINKRAL SHANE P FINKRAL TREY T FINKRAL BILLY LANE FINLEY BOBBY W FINLEY TYLER FINN ORRIN E FINNEFROCK GARRET HAYES FINNEN THOMAS D FINNERTY RONALD FINNIE SUSAN L FINOCHIARO JONATHAN FIORINO JOHN H FIPP ZACHARIAH J FIRESTINE CHANCE R FIRESTONE LISA FIRTH CRAIG FISCHER HOWARD FISCHER III JAMES FISCHER JOHN FISCHER LARRY FISCHER GERALD L FISH AMY J FISHER ANDREW FISHER BRETT L FISHER BRYAN L FISHER CODY FISHER DAVID FISHER DONALD D FISHER IV DUSTIN FISHER FRANK M FISHER JR JACOB FISHER JASON B FISHER JOHN A FISHER LARRY GENE FISHER PAUL O FISHER RAY V FISHER RICKY J FISHER SAMANTHA FISHER SETH FISHER STACEY L FISHER TRAVIS G FISHER WINSTON FISHER BENJAMIN S FISHLEDER DIJUAN D FISHLEY EDWARD J FISK KALEB FITCH RONALD FITE DONALD N FITTRO STEVEN FITTRO ANDREW MASON FITZGERALD BRYSON L FITZGERALD GARRET R FITZGERALD ROBERT L FITZGERALD VALERIE A FITZGERALD CHRISTOPHER FITZMORRIS ANNE M FITZPATRICK BERNARD FITZPATRICK BRIAN FITZPATRICK COREY R FITZPATRICK SCOTT FITZPATRICK KIMBERLY A FLAHERTY MARTIN J FLAKE COLE WEN FLANAGAN DOROTHY S FLANAGAN JORDAN COLBY FLANAGAN MITCHELL L FLANAGAN ERIC FLANDERS JOHN R FLANIGAN DEREK L FLATNESS JAMES C FLECK ANDREW WILLIAM FLEEMAN ANDREW FLEET JEFFREY D FLEGEL RONALD FLEGG RYAN FLEGUEL ALEX FLEMING BRIAN HALLMAN FLEMING BRYAN S FLEMING CHRISTOPHER A FLEMING JAY‑JAE T FLEMING JOSHUA FLEMING JOSHUA N FLEMING JUSTIN FLEMING JUSTIN FLEMING NATHAN T FLEMING NIKETA B FLEMING PATRICK G FLEMING SEAMUS FLEMING DARNELL LARAY FLEMMING JAMEL FLEMMING JERMAINE S FLEMMING MATTHEW FLEMON MICHAEL STEPHEN FLEMON DEREK J FLESNER JEREMIAH R FLESNER DEREK T FLETCHALL ANDREW FLETCHER ANDREW B FLETCHER ANGELA FLETCHER CASSIDY FLETCHER CULLEN E FLETCHER DAYMON DEMYTRION FLETCHER DEVAN FLETCHER KELLIE FLETCHER MELISSE DANIELLE FLETCHER MELVIN THOMAS FLETCHER QUINTON O’NEAL FLETCHER SHARON FLETCHER TAZE B FLETCHER OSTANT FLEURANT ROBERT G FLINCHUM BRIAN J FLINT KINCAYDE SPANKY FLINT STEVEN BAILEY FLINT BRANDON JOHN FLIPPO THOMAS GRANT FLIPPO LEE W FLODDER BRIAN FLOOD TYLER J FLOREA HUGO FLORENCE ADAN FLORES EMERITO VALENCIA FLORES FLAVIO FLORES JORGE FLORES JOSE FLORES KARINA FLORES LUIS FLORES MANUEL FLORES OSCAR FLORES RICARDO FLORES CALVILLO MANUEL A FLORES FALCON ANTONIO FLORES RICO JOSE FLORES SOLIS HECTOR HIRAM FLORES TORRES JULES G FLORIN MICHAEL PETER FLORIN STUART S FLOTOW CHRIS D FLOWERS DALE W FLOWERS DANIEL D FLOWERS DAVID S FLOWERS HAROLD C FLOWERS JIMMY C FLOWERS JR JONATHAN ERIC FLOWERS LOIS B FLOWERS MARGARET REGINA FLOWERS PAUL T FLOWERS III TERENCE FLOWERS TOBY J FLOWERS CARL FLOYD JASON FLOYD JASON COLLIN FLOYD JOHN A FLOYD JOHN ETHAN FLOYD STEPHEN RAY FLOYD JR TIMOTHY FLOYD VICTOR S FLOYD VINCENT LAMAR FLOYD JASON L FLUELLEN DEANNA JO FLYNN JAMES L FLYNN TIMOTHY L FLYNN TYLER FLYNN REECE H FLYNT JR SONYA ANN FLYNT AMERICUS V FLYTHE IV DANIEL FLYTHE TRAVIS FOARD TYREL FOARD JAMES FOERSTER JEANNE M FOGARTY LORI KAY FOGG ANTONIO J FOGLE BENJAMIN FOGLE JEFFERY T FOGLE JOEL FOGLE III KEVIN DALE FOGLE MARTIN F FOGLE JOSHUA M FOJTIK BRIAN M FOLEY C C FOLEY JR ERICA FOLEY JERRY W FOLEY PETER F FOLEY SHANE H FOLK PAUL F FOLKERS DONALD J FOLLICK GEORGE E FOLLIN STEPHEN FOLLIS PATRICK B FOLLMER JR WILLIAM DEAN FOLMAR CHARLES R FOLTZ JR CHARLES R FOLTZ SR ANDREW FONDA BRANDON SCOTT FONDREN COLEY FONKE JORDAN U FONOTI JIMMY FONTANEZ GERSHWIN FONTENARD KATHERINE WILLIS FONTENOT TODD BRADLEY FONTENOT JERRY D FOOS ANDREW J FOOTE JEREMY SCOTT FOOTE CHRISTY FORBES GARY STEPHEN FORBES KYLE FORBES ROSCOE R FORBES THOMAS FORBESS RANDY FORCHIELLI BENJAMIN L FORD BILLY JOSEPH FORD BRADLEY FORD JR DANIEL W FORD DARREN W FORD EUGENE FORD JR JOSHUA DAVID FORD KRISTOPHER D FORD KYLE W FORD LARRY D FORD LINDSEY FORD LORRI A FORD MONICA FORD RODNEY FORD RONETTA FORD SHERECE FORD TAYLOR L FORD TERRY L FORD VICTOR S FORD BRIAN E FOREMAN JESSE D FOREMAN JIM DAVID FORMBY JOSHUA S FORMECK MARK ALLEN FORRER JOHN D FORREST ADAM T FORSELL DEANNE M FORSELL JAMES A FORSELL JOHN R FORSTER SARAH FORSTER GREGORY FORSYTH STEVEN B FORSYTH JEFFERY W FORSYTHE JESSIE FORSYTHE STEPHEN B FORSYTHE RONNIE FORTE ZERONN FORTE BRIAN KEITH FORTENBERRY DANIEL JAMES FORTIN JAMY FORTIN MICHAEL J FORTIN STEPHEN F FORTIN BUFFY L FORTNER KEELY DAVID FORTNER MILLARD FORTNER ROBERT E FORTSON RONALD GEORGE FORTUNE JR BENJAMIN FORZANI BRANDI N FOSS DAWN FOSSE COOK ERIC D FOSSUM ADAM M FOSTER CHERYL L FOSTER CLINTON EUGENE FOSTER DION FOSTER DONAVON FOSTER EDWARD C FOSTER ERNEST FOSTER JR ETHAN A FOSTER FRANK W FOSTER JASON FOSTER JOHN FOSTER JOHN CHARLES FOSTER JOHN CLINT FOSTER JOSEPH M FOSTER JOSHUA FOSTER NORMAN ROBERT FOSTER PHILLIP MARTEL FOSTER ROBERT FOSTER STANLEY R FOSTER II THOMAS WAYNE FOSTER DEBRA L FOTHERGILL MICHAEL JAMES FOTHERINGHAM ANTONIO FOULKS CHAPMAN WILLIAM FOUNTAIN FELIX FOURNIER ANNIE FOUST JUSTIN FOWKES ADAM FOWLER AUTUMN GRACE FOWLER BRENNEN FOWLER CALEB K FOWLER CAMERON FOWLER DEAN FOWLER ERIC D FOWLER ERIC D FOWLER GARY EDWARD FOWLER II JIM N FOWLER JOHN E FOWLER RALPH FOWLER TIMOTHY LOGAN FOWLER TROY P FOWLER WESLEY W FOWLER JIM N FOWLER‑CHAVEZ KEITH ALLEN FOWLKES CHARLOTTE A FOX CONNOR FOX COREY FOX DILLAN FOX GEOFF FOX MATTHEW L FOX MICHAEL D FOX NATHAN FOX NATHANIEL FOX RON J FOX RONALD E FOX ROY L FOX RYAN H FOX TIMOTHY FOX ZACHARY FOX TRAVIS D FOXWORTH JOSHUA M FOXWORTHY MARK F FRACKOWIAK NATHAN ALAN FRAHM SHANE K FRAHM ZACKERY H FRAILEY ASIA J FRAKER ANTHONY J FRALEY TAMMY E FRALEY DIANE FRAMPTON WESLEY F FRAMPTON ROBERT E FRANCE DARREN S FRANCIS IVAN FRANCIS JIMMY D FRANCIS KADEN FRANCIS TRACE FRANCIS CODY FRANCISCO GREGORY RAY FRANCISCO RAUL M FRANCISCO WINDER FRANCISCO JUAN FRANCISCO MATEO ALEX FRANCO DANIEL FRANCO JOSEPH FRANCO LUIS FRANCO MARCO ANTONIO FRANCO GONZALEZ BRANDON FRANCOIS JOHNNY FRANCOIS STEPHEN FRANDSEN WILLIAM FRANDSEN SHANE FRANEY JEFFERY E FRANK ANDREW T FRANKE CODY C FRANKENBERG ROBERT R FRANKENBERG BRADLEY C FRANKLIN CHAD B FRANKLIN DARWIN ALAN FRANKLIN HARLAND R FRANKLIN JAMES MATTHEW FRANKLIN JAMES W FRANKLIN JASON FRANKLIN JUSTIN L FRANKLIN KELLEY W FRANKLIN KEVIN C FRANKLIN KIMBERLY D FRANKLIN KYRON J FRANKLIN MARK E FRANKLIN MICHAEL BARRY FRANKLIN PHILLIP FRANKLIN TRAVENSKI FRANKLIN WILLIAM FRANKLIN AARON TERRY FRANKS DUSTIN J FRANKS JAKE E FRANKS KENNETH D FRANKS KENNETH R FRANKS THOMAS R FRANKS GEORGE E FRANTZ II MICHALE FRANTZ RICHARD FRAPPIER GRANT FRASER GREGORY FRASER NATHAN FRASER COREENA FRASHEFSKI JACOB L FRASIER ELIZABETH H FRASURE LISA N FRAUENBERGER ANDY FRAUSTO SERGIO FRAYRE HERNANDEZ BRITTANY FRAZIER DEBBIE B FRAZIER EARL HENRY FRAZIER JOE FRAZIER LUCIAN FRAZIER MICHAEL D FRAZIER RUSSELL KEITH FRAZIER TYLER C FRAZIER JOHN FRAZZINI HAROLD FRECH CODY FRECHETTE JERRY H FREDERE SAMUEL FREDETTE JOSEPH E FREDRICKSON LOGAN H FREDRICKSON WENDY J FREDRICKSON KENNETH WAYNE FREE MICHAEL L FREE JAY D FREED KEVIN FREEHILL CHAD E FREELAND ELLIOTT FREELS ANITA FREEMAN CAROLINE FREEMAN CHADRICK L FREEMAN DANIEL FREEMAN GARRETT B FREEMAN JACOB FREEMAN JEFFREY A FREEMAN JOSHUA L FREEMAN JUSTIN J FREEMAN KALE JOSEPH FREEMAN LUCIOUS P FREEMAN MARK J FREEMAN MATTHEW L FREEMAN MILES FREEMAN NATHANIEL LEE FREEMAN PAIGE E FREEMAN QUINTIN FREEMAN ROBERT C FREEMAN RODNEY FREEMAN STEPHEN L FREEMAN TERRY FREEMAN WILLIAM D FREEMAN JR ELAINE FREER KEVIN L FREES GEORGE FREET COLBY R FREEZE MICHAEL FREI JAMES E FREIBERG LANE C FREIBERGER BETH FREIDENBERGER JASON FREIDENBERGER MATTHEW FREILINGER NICHOLAS R FREISE AARON S FRENCH ANTHONY FRENCH DALEN ALAN FRENCH JAMES A FRENCH JASON TODD FRENCH JONATHAN FRENCH KIERA A FRENCH THEOTIS FRENCH III THOMAS J FRENCH TIMOTHY JOHN FRENCH TROY D FRENCH AARON J FRESQUEZ JEFFERY CHASE FRETWELL SHARON FREURE MASON J FREW LOGAN M FREY JESSIE FRIAR ARNULFO FRIAS JAMES D FRIAS JOHN P FRIAS OLEGARIO FRIAS LOPEZ STEVEN M FRICK STEPHEN M FRIEDRICH TROY J FRIEDRICHSEN AARON G FRIEND LEVI D FRIEND JOHN E FRIES III CLIFFORD H FRINK EUSTIN L FRISCH KEITH D FRISCH MELVIN J FRISCH MICHAEL D FRISCH MICHAEL L FRITCH KYLE FRITZ MICHAEL FRITZ NICK FRITZ MONTE L FRITZEN SETH M FROEDGE MAXWELL J FROEHLICH MARSHA S FROHBERG MARY‑ELLEN FRONGILLO COLTON JOHN FRONK MICHAEL K FRONK WILLIAM B FRONK JOSEPH FRONZAGLIO CHRISTY MICHELLE FROST SCOTT L FROST SCOTT F FRUITS AUDREY ALLEN FRUMP RICKEY FRUSTER DAMON P FRUTCHEY GERALD S FRY JASON P FRY LORIE M FRY PAIGE FRY RYAN FRY SHAUN D FRY WILLIAM J FRY MORGAN CLAY FRYAR BRIAN C FRYE HOLLIE A FRYE JERRY THOMAS FRYMAN KENNETH FRYMAN JIE FU TUI P FUALAAU DAVID A FUCHS TOM FUDACZ WAYNE FUDGE MARIO ALBERTO FUENTES GALLEGOS GUSTAVO ADOLFO FUENTES GUILLEN VICTORIA L FUERI MICHAEL L FUGATE ERIC A FULBRIGHT JOHN DYLAN FULKS KRESEA NICOLE FULKS TAMMY FULKS BRENT J FULLENKAMP BLAKE A FULLER BRUCE T FULLER COBY G FULLER COURTNEY SHAYNE FULLER ERIK HUGH FULLER FREDDY BRYAN FULLER MICHAEL FULLER MICHAEL C FULLER MICHELLE FULLER PATRICK FULLER TERI FULLER SCOTT H FULLERTON THOMAS FULLMAN JR KURT W FULLMER DAVID WESLEY FULMER TRACY FULMER ADAM C FULNER EDWARD LEE FULTON ERVIN L FULTON ERVIN LESTER FULTON JR JERRY W FULTON JR JOHN M FULTON SAM FULTON SEBASTIAN FULTON CLIFTON SHANE FULTZ CORY S FULTZ MONTE LANCE FULTZ ALOHA FULU CHRISTINA FUNDERBURK JIMMY FUNDERBURK JOHNNY FUNDERBURK JR AMANDA R FUNK CHRISTINE L FUNK DANIEL J FUNK JACOB FUNK STEPHEN R FUNK DONALD FUQUA EDD FUQUA JR JACQUIS E FUQUA JESSIE FUQUA TYLER LEE FUQUA BRADLEY FURBER ROBERT FUREY TRAVIS J FURGERSON AMANDA‑EMILY E FURMAN ANDREW W FURMAN GARY A FURNISH JONATHON R FURNISH RAYMOND E FURNISH RONNIE FURNISH GARY D FURR JACK D FURR JR JEFFREY P FURR MICHAEL R FURR JEFFREY R FURST ANTHONY J FURTADO MICHAEL J FURTADO CHRISTOPHER C FUSELIER JONATHAN FUSON CLEVIAN V FUTRELL STEVEN M FUTRELL WILLIAM FUTRELL MARTIN FUTSCHER JACOB GABALDON RICKY L GABLE GARY M GABLER CODY GABOR JOSHUA L GABRIEL PEGGY R GABRIEL TYLER A GABRIELE WALAA GADAIN JONATHAN P GADDIE MICHAEL GADDIS TIMOTHY L GADDIS LUTHER S GADDY WILLIAM D GADDY IV AARON D GADEKEN PAVANKUMAR GADICHERLA JEREMY ALLEN GADOW HEYWARD GADSDEN HECTOR OMAR GAETA RAYGOZA MARK T GAETKE CORY A GAFF NICHOLAS GAFF AMY E GAFFNEY STEVEN GAGE MICHAEL GAGLIANO ALAIN GAGNE MICHEL GAGNE AMANDA GAGNON BRETT E GAGNON BALJIT GAHUNIA CHRISTOPHER M GAIGE HAILEY GAINER ADAM J GAINES COBY WADE GAINES DARRICK L GAINES DIONTRESS K GAINES FREDRIC GAINES JERALD GAINES SIERRA M GAINES DAVID MICHAEL GAINEY JR JOSHUA GAINEY KENNETH NEBRASKA GAINEY RICHARD S GAINEY RUSSELL L GAINEY SCOTT E GAINEY TOBY L GAINEY WILLIAM E GAINEY WILLIAM R GAINEY JR ZACHARY GAINEY KENNETH GAINOUS JR CARYL L GAISER CHRISTOPHER GAJEWSKI MILAN GAJJAR ADAM GAKOU MALICK GAKOU ALFON GALANG ALEXANDER GALARZA CARLOS C GALARZA FERNANDO GALARZA COLUNGA JESUS A GALAVIZ GONZALEZ CODY S GALBRAITH DAVID M GALBRAITH MARCUS ALLEN GALBREATH JOHN MELTON GALE III JOHN MELTON GALE JR CARLOS A GALINDO JR ISSAC GILBERT GALINDO ADAM GALL BRADLEY GALL DEBORAH L GALL CHRISTOPHER R GALLAGHER DANIEL M GALLAGHER ERIK E GALLAGHER JOSEPH GALLAGHER JEREMY GALLANT SHAWN GALLANT ANTERO GALLARDO BRYAN C GALLARZO ALAN D GALLEGO DAVID J GALLEGOS JACOB AARON GALLEGOS RUDY E GALLEGOS ERIC E GALLO MICHAEL D GALLO STEPHANIE GALLO JEFFREY S GALLOP CLIFFORD LEON GALLOWAY JR JARRETT GALLOWAY JUSTIN WILLIAM GALLOWAY MATTHEW L GALLOWAY RONALD K GALLOWAY SAMUEL C GALLOWAY PHILLIP CHRISTIAN GALLUPS ALESSA GALVAN ALEX GALVAN CARLOS GALVAN III DAIVYANN L GALVAN HUMBERTO GALVAN JOSE GALVAN JOSE GALVAN JR ROY GALVAN RICARDO GALVAN SALAZAR ARTHURO GALVEZ ARTURO GALVEZ GERARDO A GALVEZ ISIDRO A GALVEZ JORGE E GALVEZ ORLANDO A GALVEZ DANA R GAMBLE JAMES L GAMBLE MICHAEL GAMBLE SAMUEL R GAMBLE ZACHARY T GAMBLE JOSE A GAMBOA CAROLINA E GAMBOA EGURROLA ANTHONY F GAMBONI BRUCE GAMBRELL JR ROSS W GAMBRELL SCOTT GAMMELL JEFFREY CHARLES GAMMON CHAD GAMMONS LEVI P GAMMONS VICTOR M GANDARA ALFONSO GANDOLFO ALFONSO J GANDOLFO SALVATORE GANDOLFO DAVID B GANDY FRANKIE KEVIN GANDY HOBSON E GANDY TIMMIE L GANDY SHOAL GANEAU KALAISELVI GANESAMOORTHI NIVENDIRAN GANESH ETHAN J GANSEBOM MICHAEL R GANSEBOM THOMAS A GANSEBOM LEAH N GANSKE DANIEL GANUS JORDAN LEE GANUS DANIEL XIANGDONG GAO SHIRLEY YAN GAO ALEJANDRA REINA GAONA BETH GAONA FLAVIO GARBANZO BLANCO RANDY GARBER JR RYAN GARBER FREDERICK LAUR GARBUTT SAYRA MATILDE GARCES DE RODRIGUEZ ALEJANDRO GARCIA AMANDA HUGHES GARCIA ARNULFO GARCIA BENJAMIN GARCIA BRAULIO GARCIA CYNTHIA J GARCIA DANIELLE GARCIA DAVID GARCIA DAVID GARCIA EDWIN GARCIA ELEAZAR GARCIA EMILIANO GARCIA ERIC M GARCIA GERARDO GARCIA JR GILBERT M GARCIA HEATHER GARCIA HEYDER DEJESUS GARCIA ILSE GARCIA JESUS S GARCIA JIMMY P GARCIA III JORDAN GARCIA JORGE GARCIA JOSE A GARCIA JOSE L GARCIA JUAN GARCIA JUAN GARCIA JUAN GARCIA JUAN CARLOS GARCIA JUVENAL GARCIA LEOPOLDO GARCIA LORENZO GARCIA LORENZO GARCIA LUIS ALBERTO GARCIA MANUEL GARCIA MARCOS A GARCIA MARDONIO GARCIA MARVIN GARCIA MIGUEL A GARCIA MIKE GARCIA MIRIAM D GARCIA MONICA GARCIA NICOLAS GARCIA PHIL GARCIA RAMIRO GARCIA RAYMOND GARCIA RENE GARCIA RIGOBERTO GARCIA RIGOBERTO GARCIA ROBERTO C GARCIA ROGER GARCIA JR RUBEN CARLOS GARCIA SERGIO A GARCIA JR TRENTEN GARCIA VALERIA GARCIA JESUS MARIO GARCIA BRAMBILA JOSE ALBERTO GARCIA BRAMBILA JUAN AARON GARCIA CAMACHO JOSE ARMANDO GARCIA CORRALES DANIEL DE JESUS GARCIA GARCIA GEORGINA GARCIA GARCIA JUAN DIEGO GARCIA GARCIA EZEQUIEL GARCIA JIMENEZ JOSE R GARCIA JUAREZ JOSE MANUEL GARCIA LOPEZ JULIO RUBEN GARCIA RAMIREZ JUAN E GARCIA RODRIGUEZ MARIO ALBERTO GARCIA RODRIGUEZ LUIS A GARCIA ROMERO JOSE DE JESUS GARCIA ROSALES VICENTE GARCIA SANTILLAN JOSE G GARCIA VALADEZ JUAN GARCIA‑CAMACHO GABRIEL GARCIA‑PINON MANUEL GARCIA‑PINON JONATHON GARDINER BRIAN R GARDNER BUFF GARDNER CHRISTOPHER GARDNER DARIN GARDNER DARRYL L GARDNER KYLE GARDNER MICHAEL GARDNER RICKY S GARDNER ROCKY D GARDNER WARREN GARDNER RALPH T GAREY FRANKLIN D GARGUS III JOHN D GARIANO STEVE GARIANO LUIS GARIBALDI DANIEL GARIVAY CECIL S GARLAND EDWARD H GARLAND WANDA A GARLAND RICHARD GARMAN ELIZABETH COOTS GARMANY ABEL GARN JARED R GARN JOHN GARN AARON C GARNER CHRISTOPHER S GARNER DAVID GARNER JACOB GARNER JAYLON TRAVIL GARNER JEFFERY A GARNER JEFFERY STRATTON GARNER JEREMY T GARNER MATTHEW TIMOTHY GARNER REX D GARNER STEDMAN HUNT GARNER VALERIE GARNER WILLIAM L GARNER TIMOTHY TODD GARNETT JOSE GARNICA RAMON GARNICA GALINDO SANY GARO RAMONE GARRAWAY RICHARD R GARREN SARAH J GARRETSON ANGELA M GARRETT BENJY L GARRETT BILLY GARRETT BRIAN GARRETT CAROL J GARRETT JAY L GARRETT JR JOHN T GARRETT KENNETH ALAN GARRETT KENNETH W GARRETT LEIGH E GARRETT LISA CHERYL GARRETT MICHAEL R GARRETT RODNEY A GARRETT RUSSELL G GARRETT SAMUEL GARRETT SHARON D GARRETT STEPHANIE B GARRETT STEVEN R GARRETT WALLACE W GARRETT KASEY JAMES GARRICK JAMES O GARRIGAN JR DAVID GARRIS JERRY PRENTICE GARRIS TERRY W GARRIS WILLIE D GARRIS BENJAMIN GARRISON CASEY GARRISON GEORGE GARRISON JOHN W GARRISON II MATTHEW R GARRISON PATRICK GARRITY TIMOTHY D GARTH CONNIE LEE GARVER MICHAEL C GARVER TERRY GARVER ADRIAN L GARZA ALFONSO GARZA ANGEL D GARZA DANIEL GARZA JR ISRAEL J GARZA JACOB GARZA JOE GARZA JR RUFINO GARZA JR RAUL GARZA HERNANDEZ JESUS GARZA JASSO FILIBERTO GARZA LOZANO ABRAHAM GARZA MENDOZA SEAN MICHAEL GASCOIGNE ROSALIND K GASH JEFFARY GASKILL ALTON HUGH GASKINS JR ANTHONY C GASKINS GEORGE N GASKINS JOHN L GASKINS WILLIAM L GASKINS II STEPHANIE GASKINS‑HORNSBY CHARLES W GASS CRISTY A GASS HEIDI GASS LORENZO GASS DAVID E GASSAWAY CHRISTOPHER M GASSER JERRY L GASTON RAJENDRA GASTON HOWARD E GATCH SR DOUGLAS D GATES KATHRYN GATES VIRGIL L GATES JAMIE GATEWOOD RICKEY CHRISTOPHER GATHERS JR JAMES RANDALL GATHRIGHT JACOB GATLIN KENNETH L GATLIN KEISTON D GATSON EDWARD GATTISON TECODIE GATTISON WAYNE GATTSHALL JEFFREY PAUL GAUDET RONALD GAUDET DAVID GAUDREAU JOSHUA M GAUGHAN JEREMY L GAUKEL RYAN A GAULT MATHEW G GAUNT ROBERT G GAURIN WAJID GAUSPEERAN BABAJAN PATEL TULASHI GAUTAM DEREK GAUTHIER MARQUIS GAUTHIER STEVE GAUTHIER BRADLEY GAUTHREAUX DATHAN JOEL GAUTREAU RYAN E GAUVIN SHERRILL A GAVEL COLLIN GAVIN DESMOND GAVIN JOSHUA TREMAIN GAVIN DAVID GAVRISH ZBIGNIEW GAWRYS STEVEN W GAY TIM GAY WALTER A GAYLE RYAN T GAYLER JAMES GAYLORD MAXIE GAYMON NATHAN E GAYNER OSMAR G GAYTAN KEITH A GEARHART BRIAN J GEARY TIMOTHY J GEARY MATTHEW J GEBO HABEN GEBRIHIWET RUSSELL GEDAK SHARON A GEDERMAN‑FISHER BENJAMIN GEDERT CHRIS D GEE DUSTIN ANDREW GEE JAY T GEE BRADLEE S GEER JAMES J GEER JR MICHELE GEESINK RONALD LEON GEESLIN DARNELL MARCUS GEETER SHAWN GEHLERT ARIN C GEHLHAUSEN GARRETT D GEHLHAUSEN ADAM R GEIGER KAREN MICHELLE GEIGER RAYMOND GEIGER COLIN L GELBUTIS SHEILA D GELBUTIS BRADLEY ALBERT GELLNESS STEVEN MICHAEL GELTZ JAMIE GENDRON ANDREW GENETTA DAVID GENOVESE PATRICK GENTIS JULIEN GENTLES CHAD R GENTRY CHARLES R GENTRY JR CLAYTON G GENTRY ERIK V GENTRY JEFFERY ALAN GENTRY II MICHAEL BRENT GENTRY EDWIN DAVID GEORGE JOSEPH GEORGE KENT GEORGE MARTIN GEORGE MELVIN D GEORGE MICHAEL E GEORGE PAUL GEORGE RICKEY A GEORGE THOMAS L GEORGE FRANCIS A GEORGEFF MICHAEL GEORGI COURTNEY LYNN GERAGHTY CHAD GERALD DEVON JON GERASCH JOSHUA L GERBER CORY GERBRANDT JOHN W GERDEMAN JEFFREY G GERDES SETH J GERDES TIMOTHY SCOTT GERDES JOHANSSON J GERENA SHADY NABIH GERGIS BRIAN GERHART MARK A GERIG RICKY L GERIG JACOB GERLEK ADAM A GERLING CLAYTON M GERLING JARROD W GERMAN DEMARCUS ANTWAN GERMANY CALEB A GEROLD DANIEL J GERRETY CAMERON GERTH CHRIS GESUALE STEPHEN GESWEIN CARROLL GETHERS JR BRIAN GETTLE DARRYL GETTLE TIM GETTLE JASON GEUEA ERIC GEYER KENNETH F GEYER GHAZALEH GHADIMKHANI NILESH GHANSHAM VISHWNATH PATIL TUDOR A GHEORGHIU BRYAN A GHORLEY DANNY J GHORLEY JULIE M GHYS MICHAEL F GIANCARELLI BENJAMIN GIANCOLA MICHAEL GIANNASCOLI JAMES R GIANNONE CHRISTOPHER RAY GIBBENS JOEL A GIBBONS RICHARD F GIBBONS BLAKE D GIBBS CHAD KENNETH GIBBS CHRISTOPHER F GIBBS GARRETT C GIBBS JAMIE R GIBBS JOSHUA L GIBBS KEVIN D GIBBS TOM C GIBBS JENNIFER R GIBBS‑BEATTY DAVID L GIBIS JESSE L GIBIS ALAN M GIBSON ASHLEY V GIBSON BILLY R GIBSON CHILION A GIBSON CHRISTOPHER IRVIN GIBSON COLTON GIBSON DANNY GIBSON ERRIKA P GIBSON JESSICA L GIBSON JODI K GIBSON JOSEPH E GIBSON KEVIN P GIBSON MARK ANDREW GIBSON ROBBIN GIBSON ROBERT EVAN GIBSON TANA M GIBSON BRIAN GIDEON JONATHAN D GIELAZAUSKAS AMANDA C GIESBRECHT MURRAY B GIESBRECHT NICHOLAUS L GIESE NATHAN R GIESIGE CHARLES L GIESLER JR RYAN GIESLER KADE S GIFFORD RONALD N GIFFORD SHERRY A GIGAX‑SCHLIE CHARLES GIGLIA SERGIO GIL JASON GILBERT JORDAN GILBERT KENDALL GILBERT KURT R GILBERT KYLE THOMAS GILBERT MATTHEW H GILBERT RAYMOND GILBERT SCOTT A GILBERT STEVEN W GILBERT TERRY GILBERT THOMAS BRYAN GILBERT TIMOTHY G GILBERT JOEL L GILBOW SR MICHAEL RYAN GILBOW RANDY S GILBOW MAGON GILCHRIST TERRY W GILE BARRY GILES JEFFREY W GILES KURAN GILES MAYRA G GILES DIANA E GILHOOLY DAMON P GILL HARRY JAMES GILL JAMES GILL JERRY A GILL KENNETH R GILL RYAN GILL MATTHEW B GILLEAN KENNETH L GILLELAND ANDREW P GILLESPIE ANN M GILLESPIE CRYSTAL GILLESPIE DEVIN RAY GILLESPIE JACOB I GILLESPIE JAMES ARMAND GILLESPIE JR JEFF GILLESPIE RICHARD C GILLESPIE SHAUN E GILLESPIE WESLEY A GILLETTE ANDRE D GILLEY CHRISTOPHER GILLEY JEFFREY GILLIAM WILLIAM R GILLIAM CHASE GILLIAN DONALD GILLIAN CHAD GILLIATT KEN GILLIES TREVOR G GILLIES LANCE GREGORY GILLIS WILLIAM E GILLOCK II CHRISTOPHER R GILLUM JIMMY D GILMER JOHN W GILMER ADAM JOSEPH GILMORE CALEB E GILMORE KENNETH KYLE GILMORE MARCUS GILMORE MATTHEW R GILMORE RONDA L GILMORE TODD GILMORE WILLIE GILMORE JARED R GILPIN JUSTIN D GILROY JOSEPH W GILSDORF CORY GILSON MICHAEL GILSON MARSHALL L GILWORTH RORY A GIMENEZ ERIK HEATH GIMM STEPHANE GINGRAS BRIAN GINN DAMON T GINN JERRY A GINN MICHAEL D GINN SCOT E GINTHER CHARLES A GIOIA III TYLER GIOIA BARBARA GIOMI CHRISTOPHER M GIORDANO JOHN D GIOVENCO MICHAEL GIPSON JONATHAN GIRARD ROBERT F GIRARD WILLIAM P GIRARDOT JOSE GIRON MICHAEL JOHN GIROT MARC GIROUARD FRANCOIS GIROUX MICHAEL GIROUX RILEY GIROUX TONY LEE GITTMAN DEREK GIUDICI SALVATORE GIUNTA LESLIE BRYANT GIVENS TAMMY A GIVENS RONALD E GLADDEN DANIEL EUGENE GLADNEY JUSTIN GLANCE DUANE C GLASER DAMIEN GLASGOW SPENCER LAFAYETTE GLASGOW JR DUSTIN E GLASOE ROBERT KURTIS GLASPER JR MATTHEW L GLASS LAWRENCE E GLASSCOCK RICHARD GLASSEY KRISTINA S GLASSNER SHARON GLAZIER CHRISTOPHER J GLEASON ROBERT GUY GLEASON SR BRADLEY R GLEAVES VANESSA GLEAVES NATHAN M GLENDENNING MICHAEL GLENDON JAY DAVID GLENN KEITH ALLEN GLENN MARC W GLENN TERRY J GLENN TIMOTHY J GLENN JAVIS A GLESSNER CURTIS EWELL GLICKERT KIMBERLY GLIDEWELL SHERRIE GLINDMEYER DAVID GLISSON MILTON GLISSON TIMOTHY A GLISSON CHARLES A GLIWA CAMERON D GLOCKNER DELAINIE J GLODOWSKI AMELIA KAY GLOVER BRIAN P GLOVER KATELYN GLOVER WILLIAM S GLOVER III OLEKSANDR GLUSHCHENKO ROBERT G GLUTH PRAVIN GNANA MUTHU JEREMY D GNAT JOSHUA P GNAT DEVEN GNEHM JOHN GOAD CARL LEROY GOATLEY STEVEN GOATLEY MICHAEL DYLAN GOBER ROYAL GOBERT DAVID GOBLE TOMMY R GOBLE II JESSICA SHANA GODBOLT ROBERT JASON GODBOLT ALAN B GODDARD ROSS GODDEN JR ANDREW D GODEL TYO NIEN GODETTE ALEXAVIOUS R GODFREY BLAKE GODFREY BRET D GODFREY CODY DALE GODFREY KYLE G GODFREY TROY M GODFREY TYLER W GODFREY BRETT A GODLEVSKY PAUL E GODOLPHIN BRANDON L GODSEY BRIAN L GODSEY KATHLEEN GODSEY NEOMIE JEAN GODSEY ANDREW GORDON GODWIN AUBREY DALE GODWIN JOHN L GODWIN SALINA GODWIN THOMAS E GODWIN III VALORIE S GODWIN CHRISTOPHER A GOEBEL JAMES G GOEBEL JONATHAN T GOEDE PHILIP M GOETHE KATHLEEN THERESE GOETHEL CHRISTOPHER J GOETSCH STEVEN GOETTEL AARON GOETZ CORY T GOETZMAN CHARLES J GOFF JEREMY BLAKE GOFF JOHN THOMAS GOFF JOHNNY M GOFF JR JORDAN GOFF KEITH W GOFF MARGRET A GOFF ROBIN GOFF THOMAS N GOFF BRIAN GOFORTH LAYTON GOFORTH JESS ROBERT GOGGANS LAWRENCE B GOGGANS RICHARD GOINGS GARY GOINS GREGORY A GOINS II RANDOLPH GOINS NISSAN GOKOOL BARRY GOLDBERG DANIEL M GOLDBERG DENIS GOLDCWAJG CASEY GOLDEN DEBBIE GOLDEN JOSEPH B GOLDEN LARRY JOE GOLDEN JERRY GOLDFUSS RAYMOND GOLDNER PAUL GOLDSACK GRANT H GOLDSMITH MICHAEL R GOLDSMITH JAMIE LYNN GOLEMBESKI JOSHUA GOLEMBESKI BRANDON LUKE GOLENDA CORY LEE GOLLADAY MICHAEL GOMES ARMANDO J GOMEZ BETH M GOMEZ CARLOS GOMEZ CARLOS GOMEZ CARLOS GOMEZ CHRISTOPHER E GOMEZ CLAUDIA GOMEZ HENRY GOMEZ JOSE A GOMEZ II KEVIN GOMEZ LUIS A GOMEZ MELVIN A GOMEZ RAUL G GOMEZ SAMUEL A GOMEZ VICTOR GOMEZ PABLO JONATHAN GOMEZ AGUIRRE ANA MARIA GOMEZ ALCANTAR JOSE ALFREDO GOMEZ GARCIA GUSTAVO GOMEZ MARTINEZ MIGUEL ANGEL GOMEZ MURILLO ARTURO GOMEZ RAMIREZ J FELIX GOMEZ RIVERA ANTONIO DE JESUS GOMEZ RODRIGUEZ JESUS ALBERTO GOMEZ RODRIGUEZ CHRISTIAN GOMILA‑GONZALEZ ALFREDO L GONCALVES EDWARD M GONDA IV WEI GONG KENNETH GONNIE CELEEN GONZALES CHRISTOPHER A GONZALES CHRISTOPHER DANIEL GONZALES DANIEL GONZALES FRANCISCO GONZALES FRANCISCO GONZALES GABRIEL GONZALES IMELDO P GONZALES KARIN E GONZALES LAZARO GONZALES MARIO GONZALES JR RICHARD GONZALES RICHARD B GONZALES VALERIE GONZALES ADOLFO GOMEZ GONZALEZ ALEXYS M GONZALEZ ANTONIO GONZALEZ ARMANDO GONZALEZ CARLOS GONZALEZ DANIEL GONZALEZ DANTE R GONZALEZ EMMANUEL GONZALEZ GERARDO GONZALEZ GREGORIO GONZALEZ HEBER E GONZALEZ JAMES GONZALEZ JAVIER GONZALEZ JEFFREY RAFAEL GONZALEZ JESUS A GONZALEZ JORGE L GONZALEZ JOSE A GONZALEZ JOSE M GONZALEZ JUAN GONZALEZ JUAN A GONZALEZ JUAN J GONZALEZ JUAN J GONZALEZ MARCO A GONZALEZ MARIO GONZALEZ MARTIN GONZALEZ MICHAEL ANTHONY GONZALEZ MIGUEL GONZALEZ NESTOR GONZALEZ JR ROBERTO GONZALEZ SANDRA GONZALEZ SAUL GONZALEZ JR SAUL T GONZALEZ SERAFIN GONZALEZ SERGIO GONZALEZ SYLVIA GONZALEZ VANESSA GONZALEZ YAISY GONZALEZ EUGENIO GONZALEZ ALFARO LUIS GONZALEZ BERNAL HERIBERTO GONZALEZ CANO OSCAR GONZALEZ CANO EDER DE JESUS GONZALEZ CAVAZOS GONZALO GONZALEZ CHAVEZ LOURDES GUADALUPE GONZALEZ CHAVEZ JUAN DE DIOS GONZALEZ FIGUEROA VICTOR MANUEL GONZALEZ FLORES EFREN GONZALEZ GARCIA MONICA LIZETH GONZALEZ GOMEZ PABLO GONZALEZ GOMEZ MARIO EMILIO GONZALEZ GONZALEZ OLGA ROCIO GONZALEZ GUTIERREZ SUSANA GONZALEZ GUTIERREZ RAFAEL GONZALEZ HERNANDEZ LUIS E GONZALEZ LEON LYNSEY M GONZALEZ MASSALLO JESUS ALBERTO GONZALEZ MENA IGNACIO GONZALEZ MENDEZ JUAN FRANCISCO GONZALEZ MONTELLANO OSCAR IGNACIO GONZALEZ MONTES JAVIER ALEXIS GONZALEZ PALACIOS MARIA GUADALUPE GONZALEZ PARADA OCTAVIO GONZALEZ RAMIREZ ANDRES GONZALEZ RAMOS SERGIO GONZALEZ REYES JAZMIN ESMERALDA GONZALEZ RIZO DARIO GONZALEZ ROJAS ADIR DE JESUS GONZALEZ SILVA JORGE ALBERTO GONZALEZ SORTO LUIS ANGEL GONZALEZ VENTURA LUIS GONZALEZ ZARAGOZA ARISMENDIS GONZALEZ‑GONZALEZ CHRISTIAN GONZALEZ‑ROSARIO GLEN GOOCH JUDITH ELAINE GOOCH RYAN A GOOCH SETH GOOCH CLAYTON GOOD DUANE M GOOD BILLY GOODALL AARON LEE GOODE JR MARQUISH A GOODE SCOTT GOODENOUGH JOSEPH L GOODEY TERRYL A GOODEY EARTHA L GOODLOW JAMES TODD GOODMAN JOSHUA D GOODON DAVID L GOODRIDGE DENNIS W GOODRUM MERVYN GOODS BRYAN V GOODSELL KENNETH E GOODSPEED CHRISTOPHER J GOODWATER CHRISTOPHER N GOODWATER FABIAN GOODWILL ALLEN L GOODWIN DUSTIN B GOODWIN LENORA GOODWIN NICHOLAS D GOODWIN SANTAWN G GOODWIN STEPHEN R GOODWIN VARON GOODWIN MARVIN C GOODWINE BENJAMIN A GOOLSBY JAMES CHRISTOPHER GOOLSBY NICOLE D GOOLSBY ASHOKKUMAR GOPALAKRISHNAN RANDALL GORDIE ANDREW R GORDON BRADLEY D GORDON BRENT GORDON CARL E GORDON CLIFFORD GORDON CLIFFORD GORDON JR DAVIS CHANNING GORDON JEREMY A GORDON JON‑MICHAEL GORDON KAHNVIS GORDON LATOSHA NICOLE GORDON RAMSEY GORDON ANN E GORE BRANDY M GORE CALVIN GORE HAYDEN R GORE LARRY J GORE TYLER J GORE WENDY GORE CHRISTOPHER DELL GOREE BRENDAN GOREN JENNIFER L GORING FRANCES A GORIUS APRIL GORMAN VAHIDIN GOROVIC JOHN A GORRELL JUSTIN E GORSKI PETER M GORSLINE JOHN M GORTON ANNETTE GORZ BENEDYKT E GORZKO DYLAN M GOSDIN SHERARD GOSINE BROCK GOSLAR JOHN L GOSMAN BRANDON S GOSNELL JOHN S GOSNELL JAMES GOSS JARED S GOSS STEVEN E GOSSERT LEWIS E GOSSETT PAUL EDWIN GOSSETT PRIYA GOTHANDARAM SCOTT EMERY GOTHARD JASON T GOTT KEVIN GOTT KYLE GOTTWALD DENIS GOUBAULT ALLEN A GOUDE JEFFREY A GOUDE II JOSEPH ERIC GOUDEAU ADAM G GOUDY ADAM PAUL GOUDY MICHAEL GOUIN THOMAS E GOVERO MANIGANDAN GOVINDARAJ FLORAND R GOXHO WILLIAM M GOZELL LUCAS L GRABBE ELMER R GRABER JEFFREY J GRABER KURTIS GRABER LLOYD GRABER LEONARD ROY GRABIA JACOB SCOTT GRACE JOHN R GRACE LUIS GRACIA LOPEZ AARON L GRADY JONATHAN GRADY PATRICIA GRADY DAVID A GRAEBER ANTHONY R GRAF DANIEL GRAF DAVID G GRAF WILLIAM M GRAFF BRIAN J GRAFFAM JEREMY GRAFFAM ROBERT JAMES GRAGG BRYANT O GRAHAM BYRON P GRAHAM JR CHARLES G GRAHAM CHRISTOPHER L GRAHAM DAVID W GRAHAM DENNIS GRAHAM GABRIEL M GRAHAM GERALD L GRAHAM JACOB GRAHAM JAMES GRAHAM JAMES CANDLER GRAHAM JEFFERY D GRAHAM JENNIFER M GRAHAM JEREMIAH GRAHAM JOHN AARON GRAHAM JOHN D GRAHAM KENDRICK L GRAHAM KENNETH PAUL GRAHAM JR NOAH EDWIN GRAHAM RANDY R GRAHAM RICHARD GRAHAM ROBERT JAMES GRAHAM SCOTT A GRAHAM SHANE N GRAHAM SUSANN M GRAHS WINSTON STEVE GRAMMER ANTHONY GRANADO J ROBERTO GRANADOS JOSE GRANADOS MIGUEL GRANADOS RICARDO GRANADOS JOSE E GRANADOS BALANDRAN FAUSTINO GRANADOS MENDEZ RICHARD GRANADOS TOVAR CORONDA GRANDBERRY CARSON GRANDISH MICHAEL C GRANGER RUSSELL GRANNUM COREY G GRANQUIST BO LEVI GRANT CHRIS A GRANT DANIEL C GRANT DONTREVES D GRANT DOUGLAS GRANT GENERAL D GRANT GEORGE R GRANT JR JACOB W GRANT JAMES GRANT JOESPH GRANT JOSEPH DALTON GRANT KIRKLAND D GRANT LOYD PRESTON GRANT MELANIE J GRANT MICHAEL GRANT NATHAN D GRANT ROBERT K GRANT ROBERT L GRANT SHERITA SHANTAY GRANT TERRANCE LEQUAN VONSHAY GRANT THOMAS GRANT TONY O GRANT TYLER GRANT WILLIAM C GRANT WILLIAM J GRANT TIM V GRASHORN TANEAH L GRASS ARTHUR GRASSO JR DAVID C GRATZ TED GRAUL RAYMOND GRAVEL DAVID GRAVELLE DUSTIN GRAVELLE PAUL GRAVELLE ANTHONY KEITH GRAVES CORNELIUS D GRAVES DONOVAN L GRAVES KELLAN GRAVES KENDALL GRAVES KRISTIN L GRAVES PARIS GRAVES TYLER MICHAEL GRAVES WARREN GRAVES JOSEPH V GRAVITT ANDREW STABLER GRAY CHRISSIE ANN GRAY CHRISTIAN ADAM GRAY DAMON R GRAY DONALD E GRAY JAN GRAY JASON C GRAY JEREMY DEWAYNE GRAY JOSHUA MICHAEL GRAY KERRY GRAY KEVIN GRAY KEVIN D GRAY LEVENNA D GRAY MARY AGNES GRAY MARY KAY GRAY MITCHELL THOMAS GRAY PILIATE GRAY RACHAEL D GRAY ROCKY GRAY ROGER A GRAY RYAN A GRAY SHAWN MAURICE GRAY TIMOTHY M GRAY WILLIAM R GRAY GARRETT EUGENE GRAYSON GEORGE K GRAYSON JOHN W GRAYSON JUSTIN GRAYSON WAYNE GREEGOR ALEX J GREEN ANDREW T GREEN ANTHONY R GREEN BRENDAN GREEN BRIAN PATRICK GREEN CHARLIE BRENT GREEN DANIEL R GREEN DAVID GREEN DENNIE L GREEN DONNIE C GREEN DREW W GREEN DYLAN HAYS GREEN ERIC GREEN ERICA L GREEN GARY L GREEN GREGORY S GREEN HEATHER GREEN HUNTER R GREEN JACOB ALLEN GREEN JAMIE L GREEN JARROD S GREEN JASON GREEN JASON A GREEN JEFFREY GREEN JEFFREY S GREEN JERRY M GREEN JOANN T GREEN JOHN T GREEN JOHNNY E GREEN JOHNNY J GREEN JONATHAN DEWAYNE GREEN JOSEPH GREEN JOSHUA GREEN KASEY GREEN KATHERINE LYNN GREEN KERRY D GREEN KYLE GREEN LAZERIC GREEN LEVIS GREEN LOUIS SHAWN GREEN MATTHEW GREEN MAURICE C GREEN MICHAEL E GREEN NICHOLAS A GREEN OTIS O GREEN III PAMELA D GREEN PATRICK GREEN PAUL GREEN PETER D GREEN RACHEL GREEN RANDALL D GREEN RICHARD D GREEN RYAN J GREEN SAMUEL THOMAS GREEN SCOTT G GREEN SHANE D GREEN SHANNA E GREEN SPENCER RUSSELL GREEN STEPHEN GREEN STEVEN RAY GREEN THOMAS A GREEN TIMOTHY GREEN JR TODD MICHAEL GREEN TOMMY RAY GREEN TORRENCE GREEN TREVON K GREEN TROY W GREEN VICTORIA BROOKE GREEN WILLIAM SCOTT GREEN ZACHARY L GREEN WILLIAM J GREENBACK ANGELITA GREENE CHAD A GREENE DAVID ALLEN GREENE DEBORAH B GREENE GARY E GREENE LANCE W GREENE MICHAEL D GREENE MICHAEL JAMES GREENE MICHAEL TYLER GREENE RANDALL B GREENE RODNEY L GREENE STEVEN A GREENE TIMOTHY B GREENE TRAVIS GREENE KERRY GREENHALGH STANLEY GREENHAM LISA GREENIER KRISTOPHER MICHAEL GREENWAY PAUL GREENWELL ALAN LEE GREENWOOD KEVIN GREENWOOD DAVID W GREER EDWARD W GREER GRATH CHARLES GREER JAY J GREER JOSHUA DEWAYNE GREER KIP CHARLES GREER KOLBIE L GREER LOYD GREER MACI GREER MARCIE J GREER MATTHEW GREER ROBERT LEE GREER SCOTT A GREER STEPHEN G GREER DEREK R GREGG DESHAUN GREGG JARROD O GREGG JOSEPH M GREGG RENARDA L GREGG ROBERT WARREN GREGG RODERICK GREGG SEAN D GREGG HOUSTON PAUL GREGGS MARION LANE GREGGS TOMMY GREGOIRE TERRY S GREGORICKA AUSTIN WAYNE GREGORY CARLTON G GREGORY DANIEL GREGORY HAROLD W GREGORY JEFFREY GREGORY JONATHAN P GREGORY MATTHEW W GREGORY MELINDA GREGORY WAYNE HAMILTON GREGORY MICHAEL J GREITEN JR ASHLEY GRENIER JASON GRENIER ERIC E GRENINGER JOSHUA GRESHAM ROSANNE GREVE NATALIE GREY BRUCE GREYMOUNTAIN CARL GREYMOUNTAIN ALEXANDER ROSS GRIBBLE TIMOTHY E GRIBBLE DAVID R GRICE JAMES GRICE KEVIN GRICE MICHELLE R GRICE ODELL BEACH GRICE RONALD GRICE DONTAVIOUS GRIER SHERRY A GRIEST DALE W GRIEVES JEFFREY D GRIFFARD CAROL L GRIFFETH MICHAEL GRIFFIE AARON M GRIFFIN ALEX S GRIFFIN BRANDON N GRIFFIN BRUCE D GRIFFIN CARA MCLENDON GRIFFIN CLIVE GRIFFIN DANIEL T GRIFFIN DAVID A GRIFFIN DERRICK AUSTIN GRIFFIN GLENWOOD M GRIFFIN JARED DEREK GRIFFIN JONATHON GRIFFIN KEITHRICK DUANE GRIFFIN MATTHEW ASHLEY GRIFFIN MICHAEL W GRIFFIN RONALD G GRIFFIN RUSSELL D GRIFFIN RYAN J GRIFFIN SAMUEL GRIFFIN JR TIMOTHY P GRIFFIN TODD HARMON GRIFFIN TRACY N GRIFFIN TYLER GLEN GRIFFIN TYRONE GRIFFIN DONALD GRIFFIS DARRYL M GRIFFITH JR ERIK GRIFFITH JEFFREY GRIFFITH JOHN J GRIFFITH JOHN STEPHEN GRIFFITH JR JUSTIN E GRIFFITH MICHAEL W GRIFFITH JR SHANE MICHAEL GRIFFITH WILLIAM J GRIFFITH SHIRLEY‑ANN GRIFFITH‑MAYERS DANIEL P GRIFFITHS JAYDA G GRIFFITHS LANCE GRIFFITHS GRAHAM GRIGELIS CHRISTOPHER E GRIGG ALAN S GRIGGS ANTWAN GRIGGS BEAU R GRIGGS DAVID B GRIGGS DUSTIN C GRIGGS GARY GRIGGS III JOHNNY C GRIGGS RYAN B GRIGGS SAVANNAH GRIGGS SHANNON K GRIGGS WILLIAM S GRIGGS MICHAEL SCOTT GRILL CHARLES GRIM ANTHONY GRIMALDO CHARLES A GRIMES DAVID C GRIMES JR ELIZABETH DAWN GRIMES JASON D GRIMES JILLIAN GRIMES SAMANTHA GRIMES ALLYSON J GRIMM ANDREW GRIMM ANDREW WINFIELD GRIMM JAMES L GRIMM JOSHUA GRIMM JAMES L GRIMMER ROY E GRINFIN SEAN GRINSLADE JASON GRISAFFI ANDREW J GRISELL CARL W GRISSETT MICHAEL ANTHONY GRISSETT HEATHER RENEE GRISSOM LAWRENCE E GRISSOM TIMOTHY GRISSOM ADAM C GRISWOLD JASON P GRIZZARD MICHAEL PATRICK GROBE CHARLES GROCE ADAM GRODHAUS APRIL S GROESCHELL DANIEL J GROFF LAURA GROFF DEREK GROGG PATRICK S GROHLER LORI J GROHS THOMAS GROLL GREGORY GROMEK SHAWN C GRONDIN JANE GRONHOLM WILLIAM H GRONNIGER CHAD W GROOMS PHIL D GROOVER BRIANA E GROSCHE JUSTIN E GROSCHE ROY ELSON GROSE BRADLEY GROSHONG DANIEL B GROSS KAREN D GROSS PAMELA GROSS TINA L GROSS MARGARET CLAIRE GROSSHUESCH ERIC F GROSSMANN ZACHARY GROSVENOR ADAM M GROTE JAMES E GROTH LONNIE L GROTHE AMANDA GROVER ANDREW B GROVES LUCAS A GROVES NICHOLAS A GROVES RONNIE L GROVES JR AUSTIN TYLER GRUBB JOZEF GRUBBEN DARRELL M GRUBBS WILLIAM R GRUBBS MARKUS GRUBE PAUL H GRUBER JOHN M GRUBICH MANFRED GRUENING COREY GRUHL CHARLES A GRUNDY MATTHEW L GRUNKE THOMAS GRUZESKI JUAN GUADARRAMA MALDONADO JOSE L GUAJARDO JUAN V GUAJARDO YAHAIRA ALEJANDRA GUAJARDO ROBLES HECTOR GUARDADO CHUCK A GUBBELS JERLYN K GUBBELS JONATHAN GUBITZ JOSE ALEJANDRO GUDIÑO ACEVEDO KYLE S GUEL JASON GUENETTE DANIEL GUERRA WILKYS J GUERRA RENE GUERRA LEMUS CHRISTIAN MANUEL GUERRERO EZEQEIL M GUERRERO JESUS R GUERRERO MIGUEL GUERRERO ANTONIO GUERRERO GARCIA CRISTIAN GUERRERO HERNANDEZ HEDGAR FRANCISCO GUERRERO PRECIADO EVA J GUERRERO ROQUE ALBERTO RAFAEL GUERRERO SANCHEZ SHELBY NOLAN GUESS CESAR GUEVARA CHEVEZ IVAN GUEVARA LOPEZ ZACHARY RYAN GUFFIE ANDRE MARQUETTE GUICE LEONARD GUICE BRET GUIDRY BRYCE GUIDRY WILLIE BENJAMIN GUILFORD JUSTIN GUILTNER DENIS GUIMOND JEREMY K GUIN JOHN M GUIN M RAYMOND GUINA LARRY D GUINN ROBERT GUINN TODD GUINN KRISTEN M GUISTI SOMESHWAR GULABSINGH NAGPURE ERNIE GULACSI DAVID GULD ZACHARY D GULL ROBERT GULLEDGE JOHN A GULLEY KALEB MATTHEW GULLEY TRAESHON D GULLEY A E GULLION WAYNE GULLION HEATH LOGAN GUMB AYMAR GUMBS RONALD D GUMM VIJAYARAJ GUNASEELAN RANGA GUNASENA WILLIAM L GUNDER AUSTIN GUNN CHRISTOPHER M GUNN KENNETH GUNN BRIAN SCOTT GUNNELS CASE A GUNNELS CHRISTOPHER L GUNNELS TANNER A GUNNELS LASHAWN GUNSBY DOUGLAS R GUNSON KARLA GUNTHER AARON P GURLEY ANDREW DYLAN GURLEY JEREMY F GURLEY RONALD A GURLEY STEWART B GURLEY BRYAN GURR KALA GURUSAMY DALE GUSPODARYK‑MYKE RICHARD GUSTAFSON KAREN L GUTHEIL RICK GUTHIER MARK A GUTHRIE ROSS GUTHRIE RYAN J GUTHRIE STEPHEN F GUTHRIE ANGEL GUTIERREZ BRENDA GUTIERREZ CARLOS C GUTIERREZ DANIELLE GUTIERREZ ILICH C GUTIERREZ JESSICA GUTIERREZ JESUS S GUTIERREZ JUAN M GUTIERREZ PHILLIP GUTIERREZ REINALDO GUTIERREZ JOSE JOAQUIN GUTIERREZ DAMIAN REGULO GUTIERREZ DAMIAN CESAR ALFONSO GUTIERREZ GUZMAN GABRIEL GUTIERREZ LUGO AARON FERNANDO GUTIERREZ MARTINEZ MISAEL A GUTIERREZ NOLASCO AGUSTIN GUTIERREZ ROBLES GUILLERMO GUTIERREZ ROSAS MIGUEL ANGEL GUTIERREZ SALAZAR SALVADOR GUTIERREZ SALCEDO RICARDO GUTIERREZ VALADEZ TRACY M GUTMAN SANDRA GUTOWSKI DANIEL GUY DARRYL F GUY REGINALD GUY RONALD GUY TRACY M GUYETTE ROGER L GUYNN JASON L GUYTON KEITH H GUYTON BERNARD P GUZEWICZ JR SHAWN MICHAEL GUZEWICZ EDMUNDO GUZMAN ELIAS M GUZMAN GUILLERMINO GUZMAN JOSE GUZMAN JR VICTOR GUZMAN ANGUIANO JOSE INES GUZMAN DIAZ JOSE LUIS GUZMAN DIAZ CRISTOBAL GUZMAN‑MARTINEZ KIRK GYLLENSKOG PATRICK G HAAGEN KEITH A HAAKER DAWN M HAASE MATTHEW D HAASE JAMES W HABLAWETZ JR THOMAS HACH ROLAND HACHE JEFFREY W HACKBUSH CODY R HACKETT MICHAEL HACKETT SABRENA LAURINE HACKMAN NADRA D HACKNEY RONALD D HADAWAY GREGORY WAYNE HADBERG LYALL HADDEN BROCK ALAN HADDOCK DYLAN RANDAL HADDOCK HAYDEN B HADDOCK JAKE H HADDOCK JAMES BLAKE HADDOCK CHELSEY HADDON WISAM M HADI TAMMY JO HADLEY JESSE L HAENITSCH CHRISTOPHER J HAERBIG ROBERT L HAFER DIANE J HAFF JOHN D HAGAMAN GORDON HAGEL ROBERT ETHAN HAGEMAN RYAN L HAGEMAN MICHAEL W HAGEMEIER JOEL E HAGEN BRYCE N HAGER DENNIS M HAGER LOGAN C HAGER RICHARD A HAGER ADAM L HAGERMAN WILLIAM KENNETH HAGEWOOD EARL D HAGGINS JOHN HAGLER JONATHAN LEE HAGOOD LANE C HAGOOD EMIL A HAGOPIAN JILL E HAGUE‑KADUK JARED D HAHN DANIEL HAHS JONATHAN D HAICK IKE HAINES CHRISTOPHER R HAINLINE RICHARD HAIRE II JEFFERY K HAIRRELL MARK HAITZ KIAN HAJHOSSEINI AHMED HALBOUNI MICHAEL HALCRO AMBER N HALE BRETT HALE CHRISTOPHER J HALE JEFFREY A HALE JOHN LYMAN HALE KEITH HALE RICKEY H HALE STEVEN LEE HALE JR FRANK HALES GUY WILDON HALES JAMES KENNARD HALES JOHN DAVID HALES MICHELE HALES ALEXANDER ROBERT HALL ALYSSA CLAIRE HALL BRYAN J HALL CHASE G HALL CHENITA J HALL DALE HALL DANA HALL DANNY S HALL JR DAVID W HALL DENNIS W HALL DEREK A HALL DONALD W HALL EDDIE L HALL JR EMILY REBECCA HALL GREGORY HALL HEATH HALL HEAVEN HALL HUNTER R HALL JAMES B HALL JAMES N HALL JAMES THOMAS HALL JAMES W HALL JASON P HALL JEFFREY B HALL JESSE HALL JOHN HALL JOSHUAH HALL JUSTIN HALL JUSTIN TYLER HALL KENDALL HALL KIM C HALL LADD R HALL MATTHEW J HALL MICHAEL W HALL NICHOLAS HALL NOAH ALAN HALL PAUL HALL PHILLIP HUNTER HALL RICKY HALL ROBERT HALL ROBERT HALL SCOTT HALL SHAUNDA L HALL TONY C HALL TREMAYNE L HALL WILLIAM L HALL II CLAYTON M HALLIBURTON COREY S HALLIBURTON AARON BARNEY HALLING MICHAEL HALLMAN LINDA HALLOWELL TYLER HALLUM NEIL W HALPIN JIM L HALSEY KYLE J HALSEY TREVOR ALLEN HALSEY GREGORY A HALTERMAN DON L HALTINER JASON H HALTOM ANTHONY B HAM KEVIN HAM RICHARD L HAM DOUGLAS HAMBERGER JOSEPH C HAMBERLIN PHILLIP W HAMBERLIN AMANDA MARIE HAMBLIN DAVID C HAMBLIN JORDAN D HAMBLIN NICHOLAS HAMBLIN DUSTIN J HAMBY GARY BLAKE HAMBY RASHA HAMDALLAH CHRIS HAMEL BRENT HAMER DUSTIN K HAMES JOHN C HAMES AVERY HAMILL ALICE D HAMILTON ANDREW M HAMILTON ANDREW T HAMILTON ANGELA C HAMILTON BARRY ALAN HAMILTON BEVERLY S HAMILTON BRANDON J HAMILTON CHARLES HAMILTON CHARLES A HAMILTON COLBY HAMILTON DILLAN HAMILTON DONAVON A HAMILTON DWAYNE C HAMILTON JEFFERY L HAMILTON JENNIFER MCELYEA HAMILTON JOSEPH E HAMILTON JOSHUA RAY HAMILTON MARK HAMILTON MICHAEL C HAMILTON PETER HAMILTON REBECCA WALLACE HAMILTON ROB S HAMILTON ROBERT LEON HAMILTON SAMUAL L HAMILTON SHAUN H HAMILTON TEMERA TWANETTE HAMILTON TODD A HAMILTON VINCENT P HAMILTON WILL HAMILTON JEREME JOE HAMLETT MICHAEL L HAMLETT SCOTTY D HAMLETT WILLIAM CHASE HAMLIN ALAN KEITH HAMM ERIC C HAMM JOHNATHAN D HAMM JOSHUA HAMM JULIAN R HAMM MICKEY L HAMM CHRISTOPHER DREW HAMMACK ZACHARY HAYDEN HAMMACK CYNTHIA J HAMMAN CHRISTOPHER B HAMMEL JAMES RUSSELL HAMMELL RONALD B HAMMETT CODY DEWAYNE HAMMOCK AUSTIN J HAMMON CARL DANIEL HAMMON CHRISTOPHER C HAMMOND CORY A HAMMOND JEFFREY A HAMMOND LANCE C HAMMOND MATTHEW Q HAMMOND PLEMMON HAMMOND THOMAS L HAMMOND THOMAS L HAMMOND JR WALTER L HAMMOND ANDREW HAMMONDS COREY HAMMONDS FERRES J HAMMONDS KENNETH D HAMMONDS CRAIG A HAMNER RYAN M HAMP BILLY JOE HAMPTON BRENT A HAMPTON DANA O HAMPTON JASON HAMPTON KATHY HAMPTON KRISTINA HAMRE MARC C HAMSON TIMOTHY HAN JENNIFER HANAKEE CHARLES RILEY HANBACK AARON D HANCE CARLENE HANCOCK CHARLES SHAWN HANCOCK JOHN CODY HANCOCK JONATHAN L HANCOCK MICHAEL T HANCOCK RANDALL A HANCOCK RODOLFO S HANCOCK SHAWN T HANCOCK STEVEN HAND ALDEN B HANDFORD DANIEL I HANDLER MITCHELL E HANDLEY PAUL E HANDLEY PAULA N HANDLEY ROGER E HANDLEY ROGER JARED HANDLEY PHYLLIS MORRIS HANDWERG CHAD PAUL HANDY STEPHEN D HANES ADAM C HANEY RYAN PAUL HANEY VICTOR W HANEY MIKE V HANK RYAN M HANK CHAUNCEY HANKA TONY HANKERSON ANTHONY HANKINS DARYL G HANKINS JOHN D HANKINS SAMUEL HANKINS STEVEN HANKINS WILLIAM LEE HANKINS AUSTIN L HANKINSON THOMAS A HANKS BENJAMIN HANLEY JAMES P HANLEY JASON K HANLEY MARY C HANLEY ROBERT W HANLIN ALLISON R HANNA BENJAMIN T HANNA DARREN L HANNA KELVIN A HANNA KYLE T HANNA MARK A HANNA GREGORY MATTHEW HANNAH HOWARD D HANNAH ROBERT D HANNAH IVAN L HANNERS NOAH HANNERS JAMIE T HANNIS LISA MARIE HANSELL SEAN HANSELL ANITA HANSEN BRUCE HANSEN BRUCE N HANSEN CHERYL L HANSEN CHRISTIAN N HANSEN CLINTON E HANSEN DAMIEN HANSEN DAVID J HANSEN ERIC E HANSEN GORDON W HANSEN II GREG HANSEN JESSE G HANSEN JOHN A HANSEN JOHN‑PAUL HANSEN JOSEPH K HANSEN KEVYNN HANSEN MATTHEW J HANSEN NICHOLAS C HANSEN RILEY C HANSEN RONALD HANSEN RUSSELL HANSEN SCOTT R HANSEN STEVEN HANSEN TARYN EILEEN HANSEN TED HANSEN TODD L HANSEN WESLEY S HANSEN CALEB HANSON CHADLEY E HANSON CHRISTIAN T HANSON JASON L HANSON JONATHAN HANSON MARK T HANSON MICHAEL HANSON MILES HANSON NATANIEL S HANSON TRAVIS J HANSON JACOB DEAN HANTHORNE DANIEL K HARADA JOSHUA R HARAGOS ROBERT E HARBAN JASON HARBAUGH SHERRILL HARBER BRET A HARBERTSON KEITH HARBINSON TIMOTHY HARBISON TREVON HARBISON JOHN G HARDEE DANIEL EARL HARDEN JAMES M HARDEN JOHN W HARDEN JOHN WESTLEY HARDEN RICKY C HARDEN RAMESH HARDEO WILLIAM J HARDER DANIEL R HARDIE ERIC M HARDIE LISA D HARDIMAN CODY HARDIN DON W HARDIN DONALD E HARDIN HEATH HARDIN HUBERT ANTHONY HARDIN JOSHUA A HARDIN NICOLE RENEE HARDIN WESLEY COLE HARDIN CHRISTOPHER F HARDING JACK S HARDING JR JOHNATHON M HARDING JOSEPH HARDING KARLA S HARDING RACHAEL A HARDING ROBERT A HARDING RYAN HARDING WILLIAM R HARDING WILLIAM RUSS HARDING JR ADAM S HARDISTY MARK HARDMAN BRANDON THOMAS HARDWICK ANGELICA HARDY DERRICK HARDY EDWARD HARDY JAMES MARCUS HARDY JOSHUA B HARDY KURT D HARDY LINDSAY KATELYN CAMP HARDY WILLIAM B HARDY WILLIAM B HARDY JR DENNIS L HARE MELISSA HARE BRANDON S HARGRAVE RICHARD LEE HARGRAVE CEDRIC HARGROVE DUSTIN HARGROVE MALCOLM HARGROVE WALLACE HARGROVE VIGNESH HARIHARAN JAGANATHAN NIKHIL HARISHCHANDRA MHATRE WILLIAM L HARKCOM DEAN HARKEY MARVIN HARKINS ROBERT M HARKINS HOWARD J HARKNESS JENNIFER J HARKNESS MICHAEL D HARKNESS P CRAIG HARKNESS DEAN LEE HARLAMERT RYAN WALLACE HARLAMERT DAVID HARLAND MARK A HARLEMAN BRIAN K HARLESS JEANNE M HARLEY DAVID M HARLIN II DAVID C HARLLEE ERNEST M HARLOW DENNIS E HARMEIER BRIAN A HARMES DUSTIN A HARMES JUSTIN A HARMES SKIP P HARMEYER SCOTT R HARMIER AUBREY HARMON BILLY JOHN HARMON III BRANDON HARMON DAVIS HARMON PAUL T HARMON STEVE HARMS KASERAJ HARNARINE JACKIE E HARP JACK R HARPENAU RYAN J HARPENAU ADEN L HARPER DEAN SHAUN HARPER DONOVAN KEITH HARPER GABRIEL R HARPER JASON HARPER JEFFREY HARPER JERAD D HARPER KEITH B HARPER SAM A HARPER ALAN E HARRELL CHRISTOPHER D HARRELL CINDY J HARRELL DONALD AUSTIN HARRELL GREGORY K HARRELL HEWITT P HARRELL HUNTER RAY HARRELL JAMES D HARRELL JASON B HARRELL JASON K HARRELL MICHELLE HARRELL ROCHELLE M HARRELL SHERROD T HARRELL WILLIAM RAY HARRELL COLTON L HARRINGTON HOLLY HARRINGTON JOHNNY J HARRINGTON LEE HARRINGTON MATTHEW HARRINGTON MICHAEL HARRINGTON JR SHELLY HARRINGTON WALTER P HARRINGTON WALTER P HARRINGTON ANDRAE M HARRIS ANDRE’ HARRIS ANTHONY E HARRIS ANTHONY LYNN HARRIS ANTONIO HARRIS AUSTIN R HARRIS BENNY L HARRIS BRIAN EDWARD HARRIS BYRON HARRIS CHRISTIAN D HARRIS CHRISTOPHER TYSON HARRIS COLBY HARRIS DANIEL HARRIS DARRIN J HARRIS DAVID GLENN HARRIS DERWIN M HARRIS DILLON J HARRIS DON H HARRIS DWAYNE A HARRIS ERICS L HARRIS FERLANDZ HARRIS GLEN A HARRIS GLENDA HARRIS GRAHAM J HARRIS GREGORY HARRIS HAROLD F HARRIS III HEATHER HARRIS HOWARD H HARRIS IZABELLA HARRIS JACOB DOUGLAS HARRIS JACOB LEE HARRIS JAMES K HARRIS JERRY HARRIS JESSE L HARRIS JOHN D HARRIS JOHN D HARRIS JONATHON HEATH HARRIS JYRUS HARRIS SR KEGINALD LABRONDON HARRIS KELLI LEANN HARRIS KENT HARRIS LANNY G HARRIS LONNIE AARON HARRIS LOUIS HARRIS MARK D HARRIS MARK D HARRIS MARK W HARRIS MARVIN E HARRIS MATTHEW M HARRIS MICHAEL HARRIS MICHAEL LEE HARRIS MORRISSEY HARRIS NICHOLAS L HARRIS PERCY HARRIS RANDAL S HARRIS ROBERT HARRIS ROBERT S HARRIS RODNEY G HARRIS ROYCE G HARRIS SAMUEL D HARRIS SAMUEL T HARRIS SCOTT A HARRIS STEPHEN HARRIS STEVE HARRIS TERRY L HARRIS TIMOTHY KEITH HARRIS TRAVIS R HARRIS TWANA W HARRIS WILLIE HARRIS WILLIE HARRIS JR AARON HARRISON AUSHIA R HARRISON BRANDON M HARRISON BREANNA HARRISON BRUCE A HARRISON CHRISTOPHER D HARRISON DARRELL TRENT HARRISON DAVID E HARRISON DIANA HARRISON GARRETT HARRISON HUGH HARRISON JR JERROD BROCK HARRISON JERRY W HARRISON JONATHAN DEE HARRISON JORDON MICHAEL HARRISON JUSTIN BLAINE HARRISON NEWSON HOYT HARRISON IV ROBERT PATRICK HARRISON RODNEY W HARRISON RONALD LYNN HARRISON SCOTT R HARRISON TERRI‑LYNN HARRISON TYLER G HARRISON VERNON T HARRISON WILLIAM EUGENE HARRISON WILLIAM P HARRISON TERINI HARRISON‑FORD TY HARROP‑MACNEIL RICK W HARROUN DUSTIN WAYNE HARSHBARGER ABIGAIL HART ANTHONY HART BRENDA M HART CALVIN D HART CODY A HART DANIEL E HART DOUGLAS L HART ERIC G HART JEREMIAH HART LESTER LEE HART MCKEON HART PHILIP HART ROBERT HART SCOTT A HART SHARON R HART TOBY J HART VERNON HART DAVID HARTER KEITH F HARTER KELLY HARTER ROBERT A HARTER ROBERT W HARTER JR STEPHEN MARTIN HARTER JUSTIN E HARTFORD LARRY NOBLE HARTGRAVES PAUL JAY HARTGROVE DUANE HARTIN TERRY ALLEN HARTLE BENJAMIN K HARTLEY BLANE HARTLEY CHARLES MATTHEW HARTLEY DANIEL E HARTLEY DAVID R HARTLEY NICKOLAS JOHN HARTLEY RYAN HARTLEY ERIC G HARTMAN GEORGE HARTMAN JEFFREY M HARTMAN JUSTIN HARTMAN JUSTIN L HARTMAN LANCE HARTMAN SEAN J HARTMAN STEVEN P HARTMAN PAUL R HARTMANN CHRISTOPHER M HARTNETT JAMES H HARTON BRAD L HARTSHORN JACOB HARTSOCK NATHANIEL A HARTUNG DARREN HARTZ ROBIN H HARTZELL HERBERT HARTZOG ROBERT J HARVEL CHRISTOPHER WAYNE HARVEY CORTNEY V HARVEY DERRICK HARVEY JACOB D HARVEY JAMES HARVEY JONATHAN DAVID HARVEY RICHARD HARVEY RICKY HARVEY SAMUEL K HARVEY JASON SCOTT HARVILLE PHILLIP S HARVILLE WILLIAM S HARVOTH BRIAN K HARWELL KENNETH CHARLES HARWELL DANIELLE HASBERRY CHRISTOPHER A HASEBROOCK TERESA A HASEBROOCK CARROLL J HASELDEN III JIMMY M HASELDEN JOSEPH R HASELDEN LUKE T HASELL ANTHONY P HASENPFLUG JEFFREY HASERT LALEH HASHEMI NERMIN HASIFIC LOGAN RICHARD HASKEW JANICE E HASKINS KENNETH B HASKINS ADAM T HASLEBACHER DOUGLAS W HASLETT CLAYTON C HASSAM EJAZ HASSANALI ALAN M HASSETT DAVID C HASSFURDER BENJAMIN HASTE BRYAN J HASTINGS GREGORY G HASTINGS JARED J HASTINGS MARTIN DAVID HASTINGS WILLARD W HASTON JR SENAD HASUKIC AUSTIN J HATCH BRIAN M HATCH BRYAN HATCH DENTON HATCH KENT HATCH MICHAEL D HATCH JR REESE E HATCH MATTHEW C HATCHEL BYRON S HATCHELL JENNIFER M HATCHELL JOSEPH HATCHELL BLAKE HATCHER DAVID L HATCHER DONALD F HATCHER SHAWN HATCHER WILLIAM R HATCHER ALEX R HATFIELD CODY LEE HATFIELD JENNIFER J HATFIELD JEREMY G HATFIELD MARY JANE HATFIELD THOMAS E HATFIELD TONI L HATFIELD CHRISTINA HATHAWAY JONI D HATHAWAY SETH HATHAWAY RYAN LEIGH HATMAKER BARNEY JOE HATTEN HARRY HATTON III JAMES E HATTON MATTHEW L HAUF RYAN N HAUGH JAMES M HAUN NICHOLAS HAUPT JEREMY K HAUPTMAN COREY L HAURY JAMES M HAUSBACH JOSIAH E HAUSBACH LEIGH HAUSBACH JERRY W HAUSE ERIC HAUSFELD BRANDON RAY HAUSKINS MITCHELL L HAUSMANN AARON J HAVARD SAMANTHA HAVERKAMP ZACHARY HAVERLY BENJAMIN JOSEPH HAVILAND JENNIFER HAVIS GAYLE MARIE HAVLICEK SCOTT HAWCO STEPHEN HAWCO ANDREW HAWES DARRIN B HAWES RICHARD HAWES GENE E HAWK LOGAN J HAWK JOSHUA LEE HAWKER JACOB R HAWKES ALLAN HAWKINS ASHLEY HAWKINS CURTIS F HAWKINS DARREN D HAWKINS DENNIS BLAKE HAWKINS DOUGLAS HAWKINS GREGORY LYNN HAWKINS JEREMY J HAWKINS JERRY HAWKINS JOHNNIE ODELL HAWKINS JR JOHNNY E HAWKINS JOSHUA M HAWKINS KELVIN LAMAR HAWKINS KIMBERLY D HAWKINS KYLE MATTHEW HAWKINS MARK C HAWKINS MARTIN G HAWKINS MICHAEL HAWKINS PAUL A HAWKINS ROBERT A HAWKINS ROBERT COR LEON HAWKINS WILLIAM HAWKINS KYLE HAWLEY KYLE W HAWS RICHARD B HAWS FORREST D HAWTHORNE JENNIFER B HAWTHORNE KAYLEE HAWTHORNE ROBERT D HAWTHORNE ALAN W HAXTON AMJAD HAYAT TRENTON SHELBY HAYDEN AARON J HAYES ADAM HAYES BRYAN HAYES CHRISTOPHER D HAYES JASON M HAYES JOHN HAYES JON P HAYES KEVIN D HAYES LAWRENCE HAYES MARTY HAYES RONALD E HAYES RYAN HAYES SHAMEKA HAYES SHAWN D HAYES SYLVESTER DALE HAYES WILLIAM G HAYES ZACHARY HAYES LANCE E HAYLETT ROSS MICHAEL HAYMAN SCOTT HAYMON LARRY L HAYMOND BILLY T HAYNES CHAD A HAYNES CHRISTOPHER M HAYNES DESMOND HAYNES GORDON R HAYNES JEFFREY H HAYNES JOSEPH HAYNES JUDY R HAYNES KEVIN HAYNES KYLE HAYNES MARK T HAYNES JR MITCHELL L HAYNES JARED RICHARD HAYNIE TEX HAYSE JEREMY A HAYWARD STERLING B HAYWARD YATWAN HAYWARD DAVID MARTIN HAYWOOD ROBERT HAYWOOD JAMES D HAZEL CHAD M HAZELTON SHAWN L HAZEN CHARLES LEON HAZLEY AMANDA DAWN HEAD DANIEL HEAD JOHN S HEAD DEXTER R HEADRICK JARROD W HEADRICK KRISTIAN HEALD MARK E HEALY ETHAN HEAPS JAMES O HEAPS III THOMAS L HEARD JEREMY C HEARN TIMOTHY LEE HEARN ODLY V HEARON III ALEXIS NICOLE HEASTER DYLAN I HEATH FRANK J HEATH KRIS HEATH MATTHEW G HEATH DEBRA HEATHER ROBERT S HEATHERLY JEFFREY B HEATON SAVANNAH D HEAVRIN CONRAD HEAVY SHIELDS KAMILLA JEAN HEBB CLAUDE HEBERT MARC‑ANDRE HEBERT MARCUS D HEBERT KATEY MARIE HECKATHORN NATHAN J HECKMANN WASANTHI HECTOR PERERA JOHN HEDEN DEBRA J HEDGE GREGORY R HEDGE BRIAN A HEDINGTON RAYMOND THOMAS HEDRICK WADE M HEDRICK DANNY HEENAN JASON C HEESACKER JOSEPH D HEESACKER ROBERT S HEFFERNAN SCOTT P HEFFLEBOWER MARK W HEFLEY JESSICA R HEFLIN JORDAN HEFLIN KENNY J HEFLIN KEVIN CHRISTOPHER HEFLIN MYLES M HEFTY BROCK D HEGGEMEYER DANIEL D HEGGEMEYER NEIL HEHR GRETCHEN E HEIDEN JORDAN J HEIDERMAN JOSHUA G HEIDERMAN TYLER J HEIDERMAN DENNIS HEIKKINEN JASON HEIL ETHAN HEIMER CHRISTIAN CORDNER HEINE STARR ELAINE HEINEKE JASON HEINKEL GARY M HEINRICH ANDREW L HEINZ ROBERT E HEINZ DUSTIN L HEISER RICHARD HEITMAN JR DONEL HELBERT KYLE HELBERT NIKOLAS HELBERT JOSEPH HELD BRIAN N HELDENBRAND DARYL W HELDENBRAND JILL A HELDERMAN NOLAN TYLER HELDT KYLE HELFER JONATHAN K HELLER KODY J HELLER MICHAEL A HELLER NATHANIEL R HELLER ROBERT E HELLER GREGORY HELM MATTHEW D HELM DALTON KENT HELMCAMP TIMOTHY E HELMEY GARY HELMINSKI GREGORY L HELMINSKI BRICE J HELMS JR GEORGE W HELMS HESSTON SHAY HELMS HOLDEN BRAY HELMS JAMES HELMS JASON DENNIS HELMS MICAH BRANDON HELMS PAUL M HELMS JR SUSAN E HELMS SABRINA S HELTERBRAND DANIEL L HELTON ROBERTA HELVEY LUCAS K HEMA CYNTHIA M HEMBROUGH JOSEPH RAY HEMBY JR NICHOLAS AARON HEMMING JAMES T HEMMINGER CRAIG HEMPHILL RHONDA J HENCKEL HERBERT DUKE HENDERS LANCE O HENDERSHOT ANGELA D HENDERSON BRADLEY HENDERSON BRADLY SCOTT HENDERSON BRIAN R HENDERSON CAMERON DIVALLE HENDERSON CHARLES B HENDERSON CHARLES M HENDERSON CHRIS C HENDERSON CODY W HENDERSON CORTEZ HENDERSON GARRET HENDERSON JAMES M HENDERSON JASON L HENDERSON JAY E HENDERSON JEFFERY D HENDERSON KEITH A HENDERSON KENDRICK EARL HENDERSON JR KOURTNEY S HENDERSON LONNEL E HENDERSON MICHAEL P HENDERSON RANDY LAVELLE HENDERSON RAY HENDERSON ROBERT HENDERSON SCOTT G HENDERSON STEVEN M HENDERSON WESLEY J HENDERSON WILLIAM ROYAL HENDERSON JASON HENDON BILLY HENDREN RANDY HENDREN JONATHAN HENDRIAN JESSICA HENDRICKS NATHAN W HENDRICKS JR CHRISTOPHER R HENDRICKSEN ADAM C HENDRICKSON JONI HENDRICKSON JUSTIN HENDRICKSON LARY HENDRICKSON LOGAN HENDRICKSON MICHAEL S HENDRICKSON ROCHELLE M HENDRICKSON WILLIAM J HENDRICKSON WILLIE HENDRIETH ADAM DANIEL HENDRIX BRADLEY J HENDRIX EDWARD L HENDRIX JOSEPH A HENDRIX JOHN HENDRY PHILLIP C HENEGAR DALTON K HENERY DELREA L HENERY JOSHUA P HENERY ANITA J HENGGELER DAVID S HENLEY PHILIP A HENLEY STEPHEN HENLEY TODD HENLINE JR MICHAEL HENN STEVEN LEE HENNAGER LAURA HENNESSEY DENNIS E HENNESSY DAVID R HENNING JEFFREY D HENNING JOSHUA HENNING SHANE ALAN HENNING TYLER D HENNINGER MARK HENNINGS RICK G HENRICHS SCOTT J HENRICKS ARMANDO HENRIQUES PAULO HENRIQUES ANDREW L HENRY ANTHONY HENRY BOB HENRY CARL HENRY CASEY DANIEL HENRY DUSTIN J HENRY ERIC HENRY GREGORY A HENRY JUSTIN HENRY LAMAR E HENRY LAMOR A HENRY MASON HENRY SAMUEL J HENRY TERRENCE C HENRY ERIC HENSEL JANET M HENSELEIT JOHN HENSEN MARK A HENSHAW BENJAMIN DOUGLAS HENSLEY DAVID M HENSLEY GLEN HENSLEY JOHN HENSLEY PENNY J HENSLEY DAVID L HENSON DENNIS MARSHALL HENSON JOHN S HENSON WILLIAM RAY HENSON STEVEN K HEPP DENISE I HEPPNER JEFFREY J HEPPNER ROBERT W HEPPNER STEVE HERALDO CLINTON A HERBERT JOSH HERBERT JUSTIN D HERBERT KENNY J HERBERT WILLIAM D HERBERT ALEXANDER B HERBITTER WILLIAM H HERBOLD BRANDON M HERCHENBACH JAIME HEREDIA ORTEGA RANDY HEREYGERS JOSEPH HERINGER STEPHEN HERITAGE BENJAMIN HERLACHE CHRIS HERMAN JAMES A HERMAN JASON X HERMAN MARK HERMAN HAROLD L HERMANCE NICANOR HERMENEGILDO SR JON C HERMEY JUAN MARKOS HERMOSO ABEL HERNANDEZ ALBERTO HERNANDEZ ALFONSO HERNANDEZ JR ANGEL F HERNANDEZ ANTHONY A HERNANDEZ ARIK R HERNANDEZ ARNEL HERNANDEZ BENJAMIN HERNANDEZ CLYDE HERNANDEZ CRISTIAN YUNIEL HERNANDEZ DAVID E HERNANDEZ EDUARDO S HERNANDEZ EMILIO HERNANDEZ EPIGMENIO HERNANDEZ ERIC HERNANDEZ ERICSON HERNANDEZ FEDERICO S HERNANDEZ HECTOR HERNANDEZ HERIBERTO HERNANDEZ HILARIO HERNANDEZ JAMES HERNANDEZ JASON HERNANDEZ JESSICA HERNANDEZ JOEL HERNANDEZ JR JOEL J HERNANDEZ JORGE L HERNANDEZ JOSE HERNANDEZ JOSE HERNANDEZ JOSE HERNANDEZ JOSE ANTONIO HERNANDEZ JOSE N HERNANDEZ JUAN HERNANDEZ JUAN G HERNANDEZ JUAN M HERNANDEZ JULIO HERNANDEZ KARYNNA C HERNANDEZ MIGUEL HERNANDEZ PAUL ALBERT HERNANDEZ RAFAEL HERNANDEZ RICARDO HERNANDEZ ROBERTO HERNANDEZ ROLANDO HERNANDEZ RONALD L HERNANDEZ SERGIO HERNANDEZ SHAWN GILBERT HERNANDEZ TIRSO HERNANDEZ TIRSO E HERNANDEZ ULISES HERNANDEZ VALDEMAR HERNANDEZ VICTOR OCTAVIO HERNANDEZ AGUIRRE FRANCISCO HERNANDEZ ALVARADO RODRIGO A HERNANDEZ CARRILLO VICENTE HERNANDEZ CASTAÑEDA ANGEL Y HERNANDEZ CHARRIEZ MELISSA HERNANDEZ CHAVARIN LUIS FERNANDO HERNANDEZ CONTRERAS JORGE ESTEBAN HERNANDEZ DIAZ PEDRO HERNANDEZ DIAZ JORGE OSVALDO HERNANDEZ FLORES HUMBERTO HERNANDEZ GARCIA LUIS GERARDO HERNANDEZ GARCIA OCTAVIO HERNANDEZ GARCIA JAIME EDUARDO HERNANDEZ GONZALEZ JOSE HERNANDEZ HERNANDEZ ABEL HERNANDEZ LOPEZ MISAEL HERNANDEZ LOZANO FELIX O HERNANDEZ MOLINA JOSE HERNANDEZ MONTIEL EVERARDO HERNANDEZ NAVA ERNESTO EDUARDO HERNANDEZ ORTEGA AARON HERNANDEZ ORTIZ IVAN HERNANDEZ ORTIZ JESUS ALBERTO HERNANDEZ PARTIDA MAURO OBED HERNANDEZ RAYAS FABIOLA HERNANDEZ SANTIAGO RAUL ALEJANDRO HERNANDEZ SUAREZ MANUEL HERNANDEZ VAZQUEZ EDGAR HERNANDEZ VERDOZA ADRIAN RAMON HERNANDEZ VIDRIO HECTOR R HERNANDEZ ZARATE ERICK HERNANDEZ‑MONTES GUSTAVO HERNANDEZ‑REYES FRANCISCO HERNANDEZ‑VAZQUEZ WILLIAM STANLIE HERNANE CALEB AMOND CHAPMAN HERNDON MARK HERNDON MICHAEL HERNDON MELCOLM HEROLD ELOY HERRADA SERGIO HERRADA ALVAREZ CESAR A HERRADA RODRIGUEZ STEVEN D HERREN AARON P HERRERA AZUSENA HERRERA FRANCISCO HERRERA HERBER HERRERA HERIBERTO HERRERA JORDAN JOSEPH HERRERA JOSE J HERRERA LEROY HERRERA MARTIN HERRERA MARTIN M HERRERA JR NANCY HERRERA OSCAR HERRERA FERNANDO HERRERA BRAVO MONICA HERRERA GUTIERREZ FELIPE HERRERA ISLAS MARTIN GERARDO HERRERA MATA JOHN R HERRICK TERRY R HERRICK MICHAEL B HERRIN JERMAINE HERRING JUSTIN HERRING LYONNELL HERRING JOHN A HERRINGTON JOSHUA SHERIDAN HERRINGTON KENNETH R HERRINGTON JR JEROME R HERRMANN BEN WADDELL HERRON III CLAYTON A HERRON JR KYLE LYNELL HERRON MARTHA HERRON RICHARD ALLEN HERRON SCOTT D HERRON WILLIAM D HERRON DEREK E HERSCHBERGER TALON Q HERSCHBERGER LARRY L HERSHEY PHILLIP HERTENDY PAUL J HERTZOG ANTHONY R HERZIG MITCHELL W HERZIG KASUN HESHAN HEMACHANDRA KEVIN R HESKETT BRIAN JOHN HESLOP AMANDA HESS CHAD D HESS CODY HESS DAVID C HESS DUSTIN B HESS KENNETH RAYMOND HESS KODY J HESS KODY L HESS MICHAEL P HESS MICHAEL HESS PAUL HESS ROB LYNN HESS SHANON R HESS TANNER H HESS DONNA JOY HESTER HUNTER HESTER JAMES HEATH HESTER KEVIN B HESTER RAY BRENT HESTER CHAD N HETHCOCK STEVE LEVAR HETHERINGTON KEVIN J HETRICK PIYAL HETTIARACHCHI FRANKLIN D HEVELINE AVERY R HEWITT GARY HEWITT JAMES R HEWITT KYLE ROLAND HEWITT LOGAN M HEWITT TORIE P HEWITT VICTORIA HEWITT RYAN A HEWSON JAMES HEZLEP ALEXANDREA N HIBLER ANTONIO A HICIANO RICHARD HICKEN DEVERY HICKERSON LISA C HICKERSON STEPHEN W HICKERSON JESSICA D HICKEY FLUCKE HICKLIN NORMAN HICKLIN IV ALLEN L HICKMAN PATRICK HICKMAN PHILIP HICKMAN KEITH HICKOX BRADLEY D HICKS BRANDON D HICKS BRIAN K HICKS BRICE HICKS CAROLYN HICKS CHERYL HICKS DARYL R HICKS DONALD HICKS DONAVON RAY HICKS HURSHEL JOSEPH HICKS JASON HICKS JASON ERIC HICKS JIMMY WAYNE HICKS JR JUNIOR HICKS KENNETH HOWARD HICKS MARSHALL K HICKS MATTHEW J HICKS PATRICK J HICKS PAUL N HICKS RICHARD HICKS ROBERT HICKS RYNE L HICKS SAMUEL JASON HICKS TANGIA M HICKS KURT L HIEBER NICHOLAS HIETT DENNIS HIGDON FRANK JASON HIGGINBOTHAM JOHNNY GENE HIGGINS JORDAN HIGGINS ROBERT L HIGGINS THOMAS M HIGGINS JR TIMOTHY HIGGINS BRIAN SCOTT HIGGS BRITTANY LYNN HIGGS MATHEW G HIGH TY J HIGH CHRISTOPHER M HIGHAM ALEX HIGHLAND BRENT S HIGHLAND DYLAN T HIGHTOWER STACY A HIGHTOWER JOSE D HILARIO TRUJILLO JOE WILSON HILBURN SAMANTHA LYNN HILBURN SHANE HILDEBRAND BRENT L HILDEN CHAD HILDRETH BRADLEY J HILFIKER BART A HILGE LEANN F HILGERT TYLER L HILGERT AMBER HILL ANTHONY BLAKE HILL BERTIS HILL BRAD HILL BRANDON J HILL CAROL S HILL CASEY ALLEN HILL CHRISTOPHER K HILL COLT ALEXANDER HILL CURT E HILL DALE L HILL DANIEL HILL DANIEL K HILL DERREK HILL DERRICK ELLIE HILL DONALD HILL DONALD JOSEPH HILL DUANE HILL JR DYLAN HILL DYLAN W HILL EMILY DANIELLE HILL FRANK W HILL GREG L HILL JACK ALEXANDER HILL JAMES A HILL JAMES LAWRENCE HILL JAXON C HILL JEREMY K HILL JIM L HILL JOHN C HILL JOHN MATTHEW HILL JOSEPH DONALD HILL JOSHUA HILL JULIAN P HILL KEITH W HILL MARCO JEMEL HILL MARTIN O HILL MICHAEL ANDREW HILL NATHAN L HILL NICHOLAS HILL NORMAN HILL ROBERT LANKSTER HILL JR ROGER L HILL ROSE VICTORIA HILL RYAN HILL SHAWN D HILL TIMOTHY WILLIAM HILL TINA M HILL TODD R HILL TYLER H HILL ZACHARY HILL AUSTIN D HILLE NICHOLAS HILLER MITCHELL B HILLEY SHARON K HILLEY TERRY E HILLIARD JOHN H HILLIGES BRIAN J HILLS GARY HILLS WESLEY W HILSHER GEORGE HILTON III ROBERT HILTON ANDREW B HILTY RONALD A HIMAN JACOB A HIMBURG CHRISTOPHER J HIMELICK BRADLEY K HIMES JANET M HIMSTEAD MATTHEW HINCH RAYMOND HINCHCLIFF JOHN D HINCHMAN DEVAN HINDMAN MATTHEW F HINDMAN KAILA HINDS HARRY EDWARD HINEMAN III ADAM V HINES ANTHONY S HINES CHRISTOPHER A HINES JR DREW A HINES EARL HINES JOEL EDWARD HINES LANGSTON P HINES II RASHAAD J HINES VICTOR JAVIER HINOJOSA JUSTIN HINSON KENNETH HINSON MICHAEL K HINSON CHRISTOPHER P HINTERSCHER CATHERINE HINTON KALEB D HINTON RONALD J HINTON ALEXANDER D HINZ STEVEN L HINZMAN THOMAS WILSON HIOTT III MATHEW G HIRE TOSHIYUKI HIROSE JAYSON HIRSCHI DANIEL E HIRSCHKORN MATTHEW E HIRSCHL SARAH HIRSCHY SHANE N HIRST JOSEPH M HIRT TAD HISCOCK JOHN P HISTED HEATHER HITCH IAN W HITCHINS JACK D HITE JR STEVEN L HITZ MARCUS HIX MICHAEL V HLEBOVY KEN HO VINCENT HO DAVID HOAG STEPHEN K HOAGLAND MARC HOAGLUND KATHLEEN HOANG LAN T HOANG JARYD HOAR ADAM HOBBLE CHARLES JASON HOBBS DEBORA HOBBS JACKIE A HOBBS JAMES ISAAC HOBBS MAX HOBBS MICHAEL K HOBBS STEVEN HOBBS TALON J HOBBS JASON E HOBER DANIEL HOCK JEFFREY R HOCKEY JOSEPH A HOCKEY LONNIE T HOCKSTRA ANTHONY D HODGE EDWARD HODGE ERROL HODGE JR JAMES M HODGE JUSTIN THOMAS HODGE WILLIAM K HODGE DAVID C HODGES
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