Shore Bancshares Inc.
Annual Report 2006

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Plain-text annual report

S E L E C T E D F I N A N C I A L D A T A (Ihllars in thousands, except per shares data) 2006 Years Ended lleccmber 31, 2004 2003 2005 RESULTS OF OPERATIONS: Interest income Interest expense Net interest income Provision for credit lossos Net interest incornc alter provision for credit losses Noninterest income Noninterest expenses Incomc before taxe? Incomc taxes NET INCOME PER SIIARE DATA: (1) Net income -basic Net incomc - diluted Dividends paid Book value (at year end) Tangible book value (at year end) (2) FINANCIAI, CONDITION (at year end): Assets Dcposils Total loans, net of unearned income and allowancc for credit losses Stockholders' equity $47,384 u i Y 2 35,485 X I 0 34,675 11,498 25,431 20,742 7,854 $12,888 $38,291 9,0lU 29,281 93 1 28,350 10,224 22,535 16,039 5,841 $10,198 $34,339 9,743 24,596 335 24,261 9,845 10,344 14,762 5,266 $ 9,496 2002 $36,306 12,438 23,868 356 23,512 5,968 15,960 13,520 A.23 8 8,7911 $1 S 5 1.55 .54 12.17 10.51 $1.24 1.23 .48 11.24 9.53 $1.18 1.16 .44 10.3 1 9.37 $1.09 1 .ox .40 9.68 8.72 $57,971 19.075 38,896 1.493 37,403 12,839 X!am 21,708 1L154 $13,554 $1.62 1.61 .59 13.28 11.67 $945,649 774,182 $851,638 704358 $790,598 658,672 $705,379 592,409 $654,066 545,192 693,419 111,327 622,227 10 1,448 590,766 92,976 470,895 83,527 435,422 78,028 PERFORMANCE KA'I'IOS (for the year): Return on averagc asscts Return on average stockholders' equity Ne1 interest margin Efficiency ratio(3) Dividend payout ratio Average stockholdcrs' equity IO average total asscts 1.52% 12.66% 4.70% 55.15% 36.65% 11.98% 1.51% 13.20% 4.69% 54.13% 34.3 3 Yn 11.86% 1.32% 11.17%) 4.10% 5 7.04%) 38.71% 11.79% 1.40% 11.7OYo 3.91% 56.17% 37.29% 11.96% 1.42% 1 1.79%) 4.12% 53.49%) 36.59% (1) Per sharc data is adjusred to give retroactive effect ola 3 lor 2 sruck split I n the form of 3 stock dividcnd 1h;it WBS payable to stockholdcrs ofrccord as ofMay 12,2006 (2) Total atoclrholdcrs' equity net of goodwill and othcr inhngiblc asscts, divided hy the number ol aharcs o l common stock outstanding a l year-cnd. (3) Nonintercst cxpcnsca as a percentage of total revenue (net inlercsl incomc plus total noninterest income). Lowcr ratios indicate improved productivity. NE'T INCOME $15 :: $4 LOANS, I)EI'OSITS &TOTAL ASSETS RKI'UIIN ON AVERAGE EQUITY RETURN ON AVCKAGI' ASSETS $1000 $900 12 9 nnn 13.50% 1 1 50% 11 00% 10 50% 10 00% 151 ' " 142 1 4 0 1.55% 1 35'16 1 3 0 % 1.25% 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 7002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 L E T T E R T O S H A R E H O L D E R S 'It) Our S1i;ireliolders: T)urinp 2006, Shore Banushares continued to solid- ify its position as the letiding independent comniunity tianking organization headqifiirtered on the Dclmarva Peninsula. In a very challenging operating environment, we rcpnrtcd full-ycat net inconir ol'$13.6 million or $1.61 per diluted sharc, up S.2% over the very strong yrar that wc enjoyed i n 2005. Wc recently incrensrd the cash dividend to :in annualized rate of $64 per share, which results in a payoutol39.5% of2006 earnings and a yield of slightly more th:m 2.5% based on a stock price ol$25. We also split the srock 3-for-2 during the srcond rliiarler. Our banltiiig performance for the full year was sirlid, with good luan growth throughout the year and a healthy 11.7u/0 increase in kr income. Thc net interest margin during 2006 was consistenl with the prior year at 4.70%1, despite a tough and vriy prrsistent interest rate scenario combined wilh inleiise competition for deposits throughout our markets. We d d e d suhstan- tially to the provision for credit lossrs, primarily in a n act ol' prudence to account for licalthy loan growth across the portfcrlios. Overall credit quality remains excellent, however, and continues to be ;i hallmark of this organization. 'I'he Company's return on avcragc assets lor thr year w;is 1.52% and our rcturti on average stockholdrrs' equity was 12.66%. Total stoclrholdcrs' equity w:is ovrr $1 11 million at year-end, advancing liy about 9% and ciiliancing our strong capital position. At r)cccmber 31,2006, toh1 lion, m a l deposits weir $774 million and loans totaled $700 million. At a h i e when the ciitirc industry is working its way through a very dillicult cyclc, wc arc pleasrd that thr strength and profitability ol Shore kincshares and its underlying marlxts havc consistent- ly cnahlcd 11s to produce a healthy return to our sharc- holders . . . and also enabled u s to generate good organic bdancc shcct growth. Spurry succeeds Granville as Board Chairman; Duncan and Beatty appointed to senior management d e s ; Cannon retires A key to our l'uture succcss is tlic dcvclopment ofn succcssiun plan lor Board leadership and thc senior management team. In May, Christophrr E Spuriy was clcctcd f i r serve as Chairman of the Board of Shore Kmcshmw, suc- ceeding Kichard C. Granville, who rctnains a I)ireutor. Mr. Spurty has t u n ;I director o l the Company sincc April 2004 and a dit'ccT(>r of 'IBlbcit H d i . of Easton, Maryland since 199s. 'l'he Hoiii-ds of Directors of Shore Hancshares, Inc. and its subsidiary 'Ihlhot Bank annnunccd in July that William W. (Buck) Duncan joined lhlbot Hank as its new President and ChielExrcutivc Officer arid was appointed to servr as ii Director of Shnrc Rancsharrs. In a related move, Vice l'rcsidcnt 1,loyd I ,. "Scott" Beatty, Jr. was promoted to Chief Operating Officer ol' the holding company. Hc also has srrvrd as a holding company Ilireclor siiicr 2000 and a 7Mhot Hank Lhrcctor sincc 1992. Mr. Hentty most rccenrly was l'rrsi~lent of Choptank I'xtnrrs mci Managing T)ircctor/CC)O of Lkirhy Overseas Investments, LTD. Prcviously, Mr. Heatty had a long and distinguished cnrccr in puhlic accounting with the firm Heatty, S;itchcll and Company in a variety o l capacities, including Managing Partner. Hc has srrved on the linurds of a vuriety of local and national organizations inclnding Shore ITcalth Systrms. Eastern Shore Land Conservancy, Talbot IIospicc and the United Fund ol'lhlbot County. Mr. Beatty will con- tinue as a Director ol"lhe 'lalbot Bank and Shore Rancshares, Inc. He graduated lrom the Salishuty University and earned his Cl'A license in 1976. From 2004 and until joining 'I'albot Bank, Mr. Duncan scivcd as Chairman o l Mercantile Eastern Shore Bank. From 1982 through 2004 he was President and Chief Executive C)l'her ol'St. Michaels Bank, St. Michaels, MT), a Mercantile Hanushares Corporation affiliate. From 1973 through 1982 he was a vice president and senior 1v:m ollicer oiFirst National Bank of Maryland in Salisbury From 2001 through 2004 Mr. Tluncan was a director of the Federal Rcscrvc Rank of Kichiiiond. IIc was a former director of 'lhlbot Hospice Foundation, Inc., a for- mer director aiid vice chairman of Shore Health Systems, Inc. and a director and past president o l the Rotary ( I u h of Easton. 11so served on numerous area hoards, including rhc Llnited Fund oC'1albol County, the Maryland I3ankcrs Association, Memorial Hospital at Eastcrn, Inc. :is :i director :ind Chairman, thc Academy Art Museum, the Chcsapcalrc nay Maritime Museum, the Talbot YMCA, and the 'IAlhot County Chaiiihcr of Commerce. IIc holds a Trcenihcr, Daniel T Cannon retired l'rorn the I3oarcl ol'1)irectors and as Executive Vice I'resident 01- the Chnpiiiiy m d as President and CEO crl'oitr sub- sidiary 'I'he (;entrcvillc National Rank ofM;irylmd. IIr btgan his ckii-eer with the company in 1978. A srarch is currently undenvay for a new President and CEO to rcplacc Mr. (Cannon in Centrrville. Expansion efforts to continue on Dclmarva Peninsula In 2007, we intend to continur our locus on cxpati- siori. FlToi-ts lo improve our organic growih will be a t the forefront olour rxpaiision strategy. In rhis respect, our goal is to improve our marlrct sharc within our existing footprint by optimizing custonicr service and efficiency, expanding [lie scope of our prrrducts and ubstantivr invcstmcnts i n the existing infrastructurr. We are now a family of fivr suc- ccssf~il companies, lour of which arc ovcr 100 years old. Our growth has produced 27 locations, 17 of which arc hank branches and 10 arc ntm-hank ollicrs associated with our fcc-based subsidiary husincsscs. Our geo- graphic footprint in Maiyland aiid rklawarc is conceii- trated on what we liclicvc io be the brst strategic, natii- ral siibniarkrts pockets of oppcrrtunity - where the small tiusincss and population growth rates, prr capita income and tinusehold spending lcvcls arc above stair and national averages. From time t(-r !imc, mmngrmcnt cxplorcs thr pos- sihility of strarcgic transactions with wcl I-run, sitcccss- lul community banks, louiiied within dcfined :ire:is of the Tklmarva TJcninsula. In addition to our l'ocus on organic growth, wc intend to continue to leverage our current position as the largest publicly traded financial holding company hcadyuartered on 1)elniarva and cxplnrc strategic opportunities as kind when they arise. Wc hclicvc that nur organization has :i unique and healthy internal culture. Ry bccoming the "employer ol' choice" wirhin thc local markets we seive, and then sustaining that position, we hope to become the "hink (of choice" within those smie markcts. Local husincss- cs, professionals and areii households recognize tlic quality of our cmployccs and the attitudr they bring to each customcr's banking experirnce. ,4 welcoming smile, a warm friendly environment aiid in-depth knowledge of our basic products and seiviccs awaits each custonicr at cvcry location. Management strategy has longer-term cmphasis We arc managing this organization lor longer- uggcstcd hy the Board's decision to increase the common stock dividend as well as our rcccrit substantial investments in new management tal- cnt and depth, we are confident in our ability to exe- cute on our slriitegic growth plan as we move into 2007 and beyond. We believe that our Dclmarva markets :ire healthy and growing, wc arc clearly frrcuserl on the lun- damrntiils o l good community banking, anrl we brlieve we are wrll positioned to take advantage ol'uoiisolida- tion-related disruption in our industry. The C o m p n y ' s I3oard ul Directors, matiagcmcnt teiiiii :ind employccs undcrsrand the challenges, risks arid crppcirtunities that lie ahcad for our industry and our Bank. \Ye also believe thal Shorc Bancsharcs, Tnc. is :i most attractive oppcrrtunity lor investors in the community hank sccror as wrll :is [lie Drlmarva and midhtlantic marlrctplacr. As always we remain enthused, commitrcd anrl optimistic ahout our future. Siticcrcly, W. Moorhead Verinilyc, Prcsidcnr .& CEO I B O A R D S Q F D I R E C T O R S SHORE BANCSHARES, INC. THE TALBOT BANK OF EASTON, MARYLAND THE AVON-DIXON AGENCY HERHEITI’ I.. ANDREW, 111 Fanner BLENIIA W ARMISTEAL) Investor 1,1.OY13 I.. B E A m , JK. Vice I’residenl Kc COO, Shore Bancshnrcs, Tnc. PAUL M. BOWMAN Arroriicy, Law Ollice of I%ul M. l3owtrlan I)ANII!I I ‘I: CANNON Execurivc Vice Pi-csident, Shore Hancsharcs, Inc. l’residenr & CEO, Thc Cenireville Nariotial B;ink uTMD WIILlAM W. “I3UCEc’ DUNCAN I’residcnl iind CEO, The ‘lilhor I3ank oIEaslon, MU THOMAS H. EVANS Prcsidcnl and CEO, ‘l‘he Fcl~iin n;inli MARK M. FREES1 Vice Prcsidcnt, Thc Avon-l)ixon Agcncy, LLC IUCIIARTI C. CKANVII.I.I! I tivest iir W EDWIN WX, J K I’rinfcawr, Univcrsity of I)elaw~arc ;ind I’resirlcnt ol&c’s Creek I;nrm NElL I<. I.ei:OMPTE Ccrlilicd Puhlic Accoutii;rni, Ollicc of Neil I<. JliRRY B PIERSON I’rcsidcnl, Jeriy F I’icrsnn, Jnc. (:IIRTSTOPHEK E SPURRY CIIAIKMRN I’residcnl, Spurry md Assncinfcr, Inc. W. MOORHEAD VERMITYE I’resiilcnl Kc CEO, Shore I3nnc~hiircs, Inc. Otliccrs W. Moiirhc;id Vci-iiiilye Daniel ‘1: i:annnn Susnn li. 1.cavcrluii Carol I. Hrowrlawcll Lloyd I . . l3c:1~y, Jr. Timothy J. I3crrig;in I .auric 11. Yurkilous I’ameln i:. Ilun1 Prmidcn1 Kr CEO Excci~IIvc Vice I’residenr ‘lic;isurcr S c w l a r y Vice President X: i:OO Vicc Prcaidcnt, Informaliun Tcchnology 1)ircctor ot MnrlwtinK Vice 1’1-csident, I lurri;in INARD “JAY DAYI‘ON, JI< MARE: M. PREESTATE WILLIAM L. LANE, JH., i:I IAI IIAVID C:. T,BE SAJLY E. MCCLELLAN EDWARD “NET)” MiN0NAI.I ‘I’I!RRY M. MEN1 DIANA TI. JOHNSON JACK HIRTIEAD VEKMlLYE WII,I,IAM W “T3UCR’ DUNCAN Ollicers William W. “Huck Ihtican Jcrornc M. McConnell Susan E. Lcavcrton T.aur;i P. Heikes Prcsident A! CEO Excculivc Vice I’residenr & SI.0 Vice Prcsidcnt Kr CFO Vice Pi-esident & i:OO THE CENTREVILLE NATIONAL BANK OF MARYLAND I’AUI. M. IWWMAN DANIE1,‘I: CANNON ANN B. COI,I,IIiR MAFXM. FKEESI’AI’I<, CHAIRMAN THOMAS li. HE1 .FI

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