More annual reports from SNGN Romgaz SA :
2023 ReportSocietatea Nationala de Gaze Naturale “ROMGAZ” SA Board of Director’s Report 2016 Board of Director’s Report 2016 This page was intentionally left blank Page 2 of 98 Board of Director’s Report 2016 Strategic Objectives Review of the Company’s Business Business Segments Historic Overview ROMGAZ 2016 Overview I. Highlights 1.1. Romgaz in Figures 1.2. Important Events 1.3. The Company at a Glance II. Identification Data 2.1. Company Organization 2.2. 2.3. Mission, Vision and Values 2.4. III. 3.1. 3.2. 3.3. Mergers and Organizations, Acquisitions and Divestments of Assets Company Business Performance 3.4. 3.4.1. Company Overall Performance 3.4.2. Prices and Tariffs 3.4.3. Human Resources 3.4.4. Environmental Aspects 3.4.5. Litigations Tangible Assets IV. 4.1. Main Production Facilities 4.2. V. 5.1. VI. Management Board of Directors 6.1. Executive Management 6.2. Financial – Accounting Information VII. Statement of Financial Position 7.1. Statement of Comprehensive Income 7.2. 7.3. Statement of Cash Flows VIII. Corporate Governance IX. 9.1. 9.2. Performance of the Mandate Contract/Director’s Agreement Objectives and Performance Criteria 2016 Results Investment Securities Market Dividend Policy 5 5 7 13 15 15 16 17 18 20 20 24 26 29 29 34 38 40 47 47 47 53 59 61 63 63 64 67 67 69 73 74 93 93 96 Page 3 of 98 Board of Director’s Report 2016 Dear Shareholders, If a year ago we viewed 2015 as a tough year, there is no doubt that 2016 was also a year with serious challenges. The oil price had a strong decline over the past three years going from a maximum of USD 119 bbl. to less than USD 40 bbl. in the first part of 2016 before it had a slight recovery reaching in 2016 approximately USD 59 bbl. and keeping a relatively constant behaviour until the year’s end. Because in most cases natural gas price is formed based on the oil price, with a delay of 6 to 9 months depending on the price formula, the natural gas on the international market was increasingly cheaper during 2016. The Romanian gas market was not spared from this turmoil. In 2016, after a decade of having a domestic/import gas price ratio far less than one, sometimes of even 1:2, we witnessed a premiere on the Romanian energy market when natural gas from domestic production was more expensive than natural gas from the Russian Federation. As we all know, the free market rules will always lead to choosing the gas source with the lowest price, irrespective of its origin. Additionally, “the tax on additional income generated from the deregulation of prices in the gas sector”, applicable only to Romanian gas producers, had an important contribution to the natural gas market. Due to the fact that the import gas price significantly lowered in 2016, suppliers/consumers preferred imports. As a result, in 2016 Romania imported approximately 15.9 TWh, 548% higher than in 2015 when 2.9TWh were imported. Massive gas imports triggered the decrease of domestic gas production. As such, against the 2.26TWh increase (+1.86%) of national gas consumption, the contribution of domestic gas decreased by 10.83TWh (- 9.11%). In spite of a year with difficult and complex economic conditions and with an incoherent and unpredictable legislative frame that dominates the energy market, Romgaz closed the 2016 financial year with notable results, among which we highlight: A net profit of RON1,025 million, corresponding to a 30.0% rate of net profit against the revenue, increasing by 1.7% as compared to the previous year; EBIT of RON 1,259 million, corresponding to a 36.9% rate against the revenue, increasing 4.8% as compared to 2015; A proposed gross dividend per share of RON 2.49, securing a dividend yield of 9.96% in relation to Romgaz share price in the last 2016 trading day. Our future aim is to continue the supply of products and of services that fully meet our clients’ expectations and to provide for our company, its shareholders and employees stability and sustainable growth conditions, while adopting a more active involvement in the community. Given the difficult environment conditions for our company’s activities, we intend to continuously cultivate and maintain an open and active dialogue with all stakeholders. I take this opportunity to thank our employees for the efforts they made to achieve performance in most fields of activity and together we managed to lay the foundation of Romgaz as a company which creates value for the clients, for the shareholders, for the community and for itself. Yours respectfully, Chairman of the Board - Dumitru Chisalita Page 4 of 98 Board of Director’s Report 2016 Romgaz made a new important hydrocarbon discovery in Romania As of June 30, 2016, Romgaz announced a major hydrocarbon discovery made on Romanian territory within the block RG.06 Muntenia Nord–Est, where the company performs petroleum operations as sole titleholder of the Concession Agreement for Exploration – Development – Production, pursuant to the Government Decision No. 23/2000 and Government Decision No. 968/ 2011. The discovery was made in the north-eastern sector of the Moesic Platform within the structural complex Caragele, that has an approximate length of 35 km and was explored for geological objectives at depths between 1500 m and 5000 m, as part of the company’s major exploration projects. Production tests completed at two exploration wells, 55 Damianca and 77 Rosetti, confirmed an important hydrocarbon accumulation in Jurassic calcareous reservoirs in an interval of about 120 m at a depth of more than 4000 m. DST results on 7mm and 9 mm chokes predict daily rates between 1400 and 2200 boe/well. The contingent resource, was assessed between 150 and 170 million boe on the basis of drilling data, including well geophysics, mechanical cores and fluids extracted during testing, as well as the estimated size of the trap based on 3D seismic data. The external audit of gas reserves and resources has confirmed a total of Contingent Resources in amount of 50.5 billion m3 as compared to 26.8 billion m3 in 2013 (+88%), the average reserve replacement ratio exceeding the set target. DeGolyer&MacNaughton began the external audit process of the gas reserves and contingent resources in Romgaz’ patrimony at the beginning of 2016, and the process was completed by a Final Report sent to Romgaz on 30 June, 2016. The results of the Report confirmed the reserve and resource estimations made by Romgaz as of December 31, 2015, and the annual reserve replacement ratio, which had an average value of 87.5% for 2013 -2016, exceeding the target set to 70%. Reserve Status (bcm/% of total) Contingent Resources Status (bcm/% of total) 12.8 15% 10.6 13% 60.9 72% 32.4 64% 5.2 10% 12.9 26% Proved Probable Possible 1C 2C 3C Page 5 of 98 Board of Director’s Report 2016 Reserve Replacement Ratio 323% 155% 92% 57% 49% 94% 82% 104% 70% 350% 300% 250% 200% 150% 100% 50% 0% 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Completion of the first modernization phase of Sarmasel UGS by enhancing the working capacity to 950 bcm/ cycle Romgaz, through Ploiesti branch Sucursala de Inmagazinare Subterana a Gazelor Naturale Ploiesti, commissioned on July 20, 2016 the new unit of the Gas Compression and Drying Station of Sarmasel (Mures County), an investment exceeding 238 million RON (approx. EUR 54 million) carried out during the last three years. The new compression and drying facility of the Sarmasel UGS will allow the working capacity of the UGS to increase from 800 million to 950 million Ncm/cycle, enhancement of delivered gas quality and the daily withdrawal rate from 6 million to 9 million Ncm/day. The enhancement of the UGS capacity is mainly due to a new installed compression capacity that will ensure a maximum daily rate of 6 million Ncm. The gas compression and drying station is fitted with state-of-the art technology characterized by reduced energy consumption, strictly observing all European and national requirements as regards environmental protection. The commissioning of the new facility at Sarmasel is a new benchmark of Romania’s energy security in relation to the country’s overall UGS capacity. Thus, Romania is able to store 3.3 billion Ncm/cycle. The investment has also contributed to an enhanced withdrawal capacity to a maximum rate of 30 million Ncm per day. Extending the exploration phase by five years (2016-2021) for the main eight blocks under Romgaz concession agreement In terms of gas exploration – production activities, during 2011 – 2016, Romgaz performed petroleum exploration operations in eight blocks under the Petroleum Agreement approved by Government Decision No 23/ 13 January 2000. Thus, the exploration activity was intensified in the high depth levels of the Transylvanian Basin, the Moesic Platform and the Moldavian Platform. In these blocks 4705 km2 3D seismic were acquired, 70 exploration wells were drilled, and contingent resources of approx. 17,000 million Ncm were confirmed. Based on the positive results obtained by implementing the work program for 2011-2016, Romgaz and ANRM have decided to continue the petroleum exploration operations in the eight blocks with a new work program to be performed during 2016 – 2021 by signing an Addendum on extending the exploration phase for these blocks on September 6, 2016. Once the Addendum approved by Decision of the Romanian Government, Romgaz is going to identify a long term exploration potential with the aim of ensuring a constant reserve replacement ratio and the consolidation of investors’ confidence in the company’s assets. Page 6 of 98 Board of Director’s Report 2016 Works regarding the “Development of Iernut Thermal Power Plant by Building a New Combined-Cycle Power Plant (CCGT)ˮ One of Romgaz’ strategic direction is consolidating its position on the energy supply markets. Thus, in the field of energy generation, the implementation of this investment project aims to enhance the efficiency of activity by: increasing the efficiency of the power plant to 56% at the least, compliance with the environmental requirements (NOx, CO2 emissions) and enhancement of safety in exploitation. The project is financed from own resources and PNI (National Investment Plan) funds, in accordance with Government Decision no. 1096/2013, updated. Romgaz concluded the works contract no 13384/ October 31, 2016 with the Partnership between Duro Felguera S.A. and SC Romelectro S.A. The contract may be summarized as follows: (1) the object of the contract is implementation of the turnkey project (design, delivery of equipment, supply of works and start-up) “Development of the Iernut Thermal Power Plant by Building a New Combined-Cycle Power Plant (CCGT)ˮ, (2) time limit for completion of works: 36 months from the date on which the contract enters into force (the contract enters into force in 5 working days from the date of approving the file of financing from PNI funds, in accordance with the Government Decision No 1096/2013, updated), (3) the estimated value of the contract (VAT excluded): EUR 268,836,329.82. The Company recorded a net profit in 2016, too, in amount of RON 1,024.6 million and a net income per share of RON 2.66 as compared to RON 3.10 in 2015. The net profit margins (30.0%) and EBIT margin (36.9%) are higher than the ones reported last year (29.5% and 35.2%, respectively), and the EBITDA margin (46.0%) recorded a significant level, confirming that the company continues to maintain a high profitability. Natural gas consumption in Romania recorded in 2016 an increase of approx. 1.86% as compared to the previous year, according to the ANRE and the Company’s consumption estimations, bearing in mind that ANRE has not published the October – December 2016 reports, yet. The natural gas production of the Company was lower than the 2015 one (4,219 vs 5,563 million m3). This production, according to estimated data, ensured Romgaz a 42.5% market share of gas deliveries within the consumption of domestic gas, and a 41.46% market share among gas producers. The 2016 production was lower than the one recorded in the previous year due to the challenges the Company faced during this period, namely: 1. 2. 3. 4. A mild winter generating a low gas consumption in Q1; Decrease of gas demand in key sectors due to price drop worldwide (especially in the chemical fertilizer sector, where gas consumption decreased by 12% as compared to the previous year), and the close competition in the electricity generation sector; Decrease of gas demand for building up the minimal gas stock for the 2016-2017 winter because of an imprecise and incoherent regulatory framework. Thus, in 2016, the total quantity injected in Romgaz storages was 305.7 million m3 lower than in 2015 (-18.3%). The withdrawn quantity was lower by 215.8 million m3 (-13.0%); A relatively large gas stock, Romgaz property, in UGSs at the end of the 2015-2016 winter (the stock in UGSs amounted to 795.8 million m3, out of which Romgaz’ stock was 723 million m3, representing 92%) – considering that Romgaz injected 389.6 million m3 in 2016 as compared to 723.5 million m3 in 2015; Page 7 of 98 Board of Director’s Report 2016 5. Increased competition as regards import gas, induced by a significant drop in gas price in Europe. Thus, import gas increased in 2016 by 750% to 1.5 billion m3 as compared to 0.2 billion m3 in 2015. The 2016 Romgaz electricity production represented 91.6% of the 2015 production, namely 1,628,367 MW and represents 2.68% of Romania’s total electricity production. According to Transelectrica, Romgaz’ market share was 2.57%. The table below shows a summary of the main production indicators, royalty and storage services: Q4 2015 Q3 2016 Q4 2016 1,428 2,756 106 837 1,201 54 1,185 1,023 84 584.8 391.4 726.3 Main indicators Δ Q4 (%) -17.0 Gas production (million m3) Condensate production (tons) -62.9 Petroleum royalty (million m3) Electricity production(GWh) -20.4 +24.2 2015 2016 Δ ‘16/’15 (%) 5,563 10,947 406 4,219 5,864 292 1,797.7 1,628.3 -24.1 -46.4 -28.1 -9.4 466.6 0.0 509.9 +9.3% 123.0 619.9 65.0 -47.2% Invoiced UGS withdrawal services (million m3) Invoiced UGS injection services (million m3) 1,656.7 1,440.9 -13.0 1,673.1 1,367.4 -18.3 Natural gas quantities produced, delivered, injected into and withdrawn from gas storages are shown in the table below (million m3): Item No 0 1. 1.1. 1.2. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Specifications 2014 2015 2016 Ratios Gross production – total, including: 1 *own gas *Schlumberger (100%) Technological consumption Net gas production (1.-1.2.-2.) Own gas injected into UGS Own gas withdrawn from UGS Difference from conversion to Gross Calorific Value 2 3 5,663.9 5,562.7 4 4,219.4 5=4/3x100 75.9% 5,469.0 5,359.7 4,068.0 194.9 203.1 151.3 81.3 78.5 54.5 75.9% 74.5% 69.4% 5,387.7 5,281.1 4,013.6 76.0% 564.8 601.0 9.8 738.4 409.5 16.1 414.7 462.6 56.2% 113.0% 4.5 28.0% Delivered own gas (3.-4.+5.-6.) 5,414.1 4,936.1 4,057.0 82.2% 8.1. Gas sold in UGS 8.2. Gas delivered to CTE Iernut and Cojocna - - 79.2 445.0 527.0 463.7 9. Own gas delivered to the market (7.+8.1.-8.2.) 4,969.1 4,409.1 3,672.5 10. Gas from joint ventures– total, including: *Schlumberger (50%) *Raffles Energy*) (37.5%) 180.6 97.5 0.8 168.9 101.5 0.5 149.0 75.7 0.3 - 88.0% 83.3% 88.2% 74.6% 60.0% Page 8 of 98 Board of Director’s Report 2016 Item No 0 11. 12. Specifications 2014 2015 2016 Ratios 1 *Amromco*) (50%) Gas purchase from domestic production 2 82.3 17.7 3 66.9 17.1 4 73.0 11.2 5=4/3x100 109.1% 65.5% Traded domestic gas (9.+10.+11.) 5,167.4 4,595.1 3,832.7 83.4% 13. Gas delivered from domestic production (8.+12.) 5,612.4 5,122.1 4,296.4 83.9% 14. 15. Delivered import gas Total delivered gas (13.+14.) 81.1 3.0 6.8 226.7% 5,693.5 5,125.1 4,308.0 84.1% *) –as regards Romgaz-Schlumberger association, produced gas is fully included in Romgaz production, and then split in equal shares between the two partners, and traded separately. With respect to the joint ventures with Raffles Energy and Amromco, the obtained gas does not represent Romgaz production but the value of gas is reflected in Romgaz revenue, proportionally with its respective participating interest share in the joint ventures Natural gas production lies in the parameters forecasted in the 2016 program, achieving 92.4% of the planned production (4,567 million m3 – planned vs 4,219 million m3 – achieved). The production level was maintained by the ongoing production rehabilitation projects of the main fields, workover and recompletion operations for 173 wells, installing new compression capacities and bringing into production new fields. The natural gas production during 1991-2016 is shown below: 11.8 10 9.1 8.8 8.4 8 3 m n o i l l i b 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 7.3 7 6.6 6.3 6.2 5.9 5.9 5.8 5.8 5.6 5.7 5.7 5.7 5.6 4.2 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Although most reservoirs are mature, producing for more than 30 years and the volumes produced have decreased significantly, during the past years the production the decline rate has been stabilized at around 1% due to a mix of measures taken by the company, such as: gas compressor stations; Page 9 of 98 Board of Director’s Report 2016 rehabilitation/enhancement of production, 3D seismic data, static and dynamic reservoir modelling; bringing into production new discoveries. Electricity delivered by CET Iernut in 2016 was lower by 9.27% (y/y), considering the increased hydro potential, and as a result of putting the energy units 2 and 3 into a dry storage condition as of January 1, 2016. From the total electricity sold, 25.64% were delivered to the balancing market. The sale prices of electricity have exceeded the average prices on all markets. Romgaz is one of the largest gas suppliers in Romania. The evolution of gas supplies1 during 2007-2016 is indicated below: m c n o i l l i m 739 343 304 680 1018 606 310 81 3 5569 5572 5563 5513 5200 5156 5304 5529 5055 7 4223 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 2007 2008 2009 Gas from domestic production 2010 2011 2012 2013 Import gas 2014 2015 2016 The mild winter in early 2016, the drastic drop of demand in the chemical fertilizer sector, the decrease of demand for building up the minimal gas stocks for the 2016-2017 winter due to an imprecise and incoherent regulatory framework, and the increased competition coming from gas importers, induced by a steep decrease of gas price in Europe are the causes that led to lower sales. Item No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Revenue Income Expenses Gross profit Profit tax Net profit EBIT EBITDA Main indicators 2015 2016 *million RON* Δ ‘16/’15 (%) -15.8 -11.6 -10.9 -12.8 -6.7 -14.2 -11.6 -29.2 3,411.9 3,816.8 2,536.1 1,280.7 256.1 1,024.6 1,259 1,570 4,052.7 4,315.9 2,847.1 1,468.8 274.6 1,194.3 1,425 2,218 1 comprises own gas from domestic production, including gas delivered to CTE Iernut and Cojocna, 50% of the gas from Schlumberger joint venture and gas purchased from Romanian domestic production from other producers Page 10 of 98 Board of Director’s Report 2016 EPS (RON) Main indicators Item No 9. 10. Net profit rate (% from Revenue) 11. 12. 13. Number of employees at the end of the period EBIT Ratio (% from Revenue) EBITDA Ratio (% from Revenue) 2015 2016 3.10 29.5 35.2 54.7 6,356 2.66 30.0 36.9 46.0 6,246 Δ ‘16/’15 (%) -14.2 +1.7 +4.8 -15.9 -0.2 The figures above are rounded and therefore there may be slight differences after reconciliation Note: income and expenses do not include in-house works capitalized as non-current assets. The lower revenue as compared to the previous year is mainly related to weather conditions, and especially due to the drastic drop of demand in the chemical fertilizer sector, decrease of demand for building up the minimal gas stocks for the 2016-2017 winter, and the increased competition from gas importers. Due to the above mentioned causes, the net profit, EBIT and EBITDA are lower as compared to 2015. Despite all, the ratios of the first two indicators against the revenue are higher than the ones recorded in the previous year and continue to be highly favourable: 30.0%, 36.9% and 46.0% (as compared to 29.5%, 35.2% and 54.7% in 2015), confirming the high profitability of the company. Net profit per share of RON 2.66 recorded in 2016 shall be positively influenced by the allocation from the reserves made in previous years in compliance with GD No 168/1998. The reserves allocation, with a positive impact on the net profit to be allocated, was in 2013 in amount of RON 157.5 million, in 2014 RON 241.90 million, and in 2015 in amount of RON 214.0 million. In 2016, the amount to be allocated from reserves is of RON 405.45 million. Romgaz is a company with considerable contributions to the state budget: approximately 46% of the total income is distributed to the state as taxes, fees, contributions and dividends. Investments play an important part in arresting the production decline, which is achieved through the discovery of new reserves, the improvement of the current recovery rate, and the rehabilitation, development and modernization of existing facilities. For 2016, Romgaz scheduled investments worth RON 1,020 million and invested RON 497.7 million, less than 51.2%. The 2016 investments were lower than the 2015 ones (RON 937.9 million), due to fewer planned investments in surface exploration, decrease of investments in joint ventures and works postponed as a result of difficulties in preparatory activities (obtaining of land, endorsements, agreements, authorizations), and amendments to the public procurement law. The investments were financed exclusively from own sources. The value of fixed assets commissioned during the reporting period was RON 581.5 million. During 2013-2016, the Company made investments worth approx. RON 3.37 billion, as follows: Year 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total Value (RON thousand) 848,247 1,085.497 937,916 497,716 3,369,376 A summary of investments is shown in the table below: Page 11 of 98 Board of Director’s Report 2016 Item No Investment chapter 2015 *RON thousand* % 2016 0 1. 1.1 Natural gas exploration, production works Investment in progress – total, including: 1 2 352,467 319,051 Planned 3 327,899 252,819 Achieved 4 238,433 178,285 ’16/’15 5=4/2x100 72.71 55.88 1.2 Maintaining the UGS capacity 32,374 75,000 59,953 185.19 1.3 Environment protection works 2. New investments – total, out of which: 2.1 Natural gas exploration, production works 2.2 Maintaining the UGS capacity 2.3 Environment protection works 3. 4. Equipment (other acquisition of tangible Investment in existing tangible assets assets) 5. Other investment (studies, licenses, software, financial assets etc.) 1,042 297,039 292,440 112 4,487 224,664 54,080 80 325,201 305,237 15,000 4,964 245,441 88,897 195 21,316 18.71 7.18 19,995 6.84 1,287 1,149.11 0.76 89.46 58.87 34 200,983 31,838 9,666 32,562 5,146 53.24 * TOTAL 937,916 1,020,000 497,716 53.07 Since November 12, 2013, the company’s shares have been traded on the regulated market governed by BVB (Bucharest Stock Exchange) under the “SNG” symbol, and the GDRs on the regulated market governed by LSE (London Stock Exchange) under the “SNGR” symbol. Performance of Romgaz shares compared to the evolution of BET index (Bucharest Exchange Trading) from listing to December 31, 2016 is shown below: 40.00 35.00 30.00 25.00 20.00 15.00 10.00 5.00 0.00 e r a h s / N O R 3 1 0 2 / 2 1 / 1 1 3 1 0 2 / 4 / 2 1 4 1 0 2 1 0 . . 3 0 4 1 0 2 1 0 . . 7 2 4 1 0 2 2 0 . . 8 1 4 1 0 2 3 0 . . 2 1 4 1 0 2 / 3 / 4 4 1 0 2 / 0 3 / 4 4 1 0 2 5 0 . . 7 2 4 1 0 2 6 0 . . 9 1 4 1 0 2 7 0 . . 1 1 4 1 0 2 8 0 . . 4 0 4 1 0 2 / 8 2 / 8 4 1 0 2 9 0 . . 2 2 4 1 0 2 0 1 . . 4 1 4 1 0 2 1 1 . . 5 0 4 1 0 2 1 1 . . 7 2 4 1 0 2 2 1 . . 2 2 5 1 0 2 / 1 2 / 1 5 1 0 2 / 2 1 / 2 5 1 0 2 / 6 / 3 5 1 0 2 / 0 3 / 3 5 1 0 2 / 4 2 / 4 5 1 0 2 / 0 2 / 5 5 1 0 2 / 5 1 / 6 5 1 0 2 / 7 / 7 5 1 0 2 / 9 2 / 7 5 1 0 2 / 0 2 / 8 5 1 0 2 / 4 1 / 9 5 1 0 2 / 6 / 0 1 5 1 0 2 / 8 2 / 0 1 5 1 0 2 / 9 1 / 1 1 5 1 0 2 / 5 1 / 2 1 6 1 0 2 / 3 1 / 1 6 1 0 2 / 4 / 2 6 1 0 2 / 6 2 / 2 6 1 0 2 / 1 2 / 3 6 1 0 2 / 2 1 / 4 6 1 0 2 / 5 / 5 6 1 0 2 / 7 2 / 5 6 1 0 2 / 1 2 / 6 6 1 0 2 / 3 1 / 7 6 1 0 2 / 4 / 8 6 1 0 2 / 9 2 / 8 6 1 0 2 / 0 2 / 9 6 1 0 2 / 2 1 / 0 1 6 1 0 2 / 3 / 1 1 6 1 0 2 / 5 2 / 1 1 6 1 0 2 / 1 2 / 2 1 SNG BET 9000.00 8000.00 7000.00 6000.00 5000.00 4000.00 3000.00 2000.00 1000.00 0.00 Page 12 of 98 Board of Director’s Report 2016 January 27, 2016 Government Ordinance No.11 on amending and supplementing Government Ordinance No 26/2013 on strengthening financial discipline at the level of economic operators where the state or administrative-territorial units are sole or majority shareholders or hold directly or indirectly a majority participation. The most important modification, impacting Romgaz’ activity, refers to the income and expenditure budget of the Company, that no longer needs Government approval prior to the approval of the Company’s shareholders. February 22, 2016 Mrs. Baciu Sorana resigned from the Board of Directors, and Mr. Tcaciuc Sebastian-Gabriel was appointed as interim member on the vacant position as of February 23, 2016. March 23, 2016 ANRE issued the Order No 9/2016 on extending the application period of the Order of ANRE President No.58/2015 on establishing the regulated tariff for the supply of UGS services by Societatea Nationala de Gaze Naturale “Romgaz” S.A. Medias. March 25, 2016 Pursuant to the Resolution No 2 of the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders as of March 18, 2015, the mandate of Mr. Dorcioman Dragos terminated. By Resolution No 3 of the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders Mr. Jude Aristotel- Marius was appointed as member of the Board on the position left vacant by mandate termination of Mr. Dorcioman Dragos. Mr. Tcaciuc Sebastian-Gabriel was appointed as member of the Board under the same Resolution. May 27, 2016 Law No 111/2016 on approving Government Emergency Ordinance no.109/2011 on the corporate governance of public enterprises, amending significantly also the Ordinance it approves. June 16, 2016 By Resolution No 5/2016 of the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders the Company’s 2016 Income and Expenditure Budget was approved. June 23, 2016 Board’s Resolution No 14/2016 on developing and operating CTE Iernut without concluding an association in participation contract and financing the investment from own sources and from NIP funds. June 28, 2016 Government Decision No 461/2016 on modifying the Annex to Government Decision No 488/2015 on establishing the purchase price of domestic gas for household customers and producers of thermal energy in cogeneration plants and thermal plants intended for household consumption, by which the Government of Romania approved to maintain the domestic production price to 60.00 RON/MWh for the period 1 July 2016 - 31 March 2017. According to GD No 488/July 1, 2015 on establishing the purchase price of domestic gas for household customers and producers of thermal energy for those quantities of gas produced in cogeneration plants and thermal plants intended for household consumption the price should have increased to 66.00 RON/MWh in the period 1 July 2015 – 30 June 2021. Page 13 of 98 Board of Director’s Report 2016 September 28, 2016 Government Decision No 722/2016 on approving the Enforcement Guidelines for certain provisions of the Emergency Ordinance No 109/2011 on corporate governance of public enterprises, which approved the enforcement guidelines on establishing the selection criteria, setting up the short list of up to five candidates for each position, their ranking, the procedure on final appointments, and the enforcement guidelines on establishing the financial and non- financial performance indicators and the variable component of the remuneration of the board members or, as the case may be, supervisory bodies of public enterprises, as well as of managers and the members of directorate, respectively. October 31, 2016 Romgaz signed with the partnership between Duro Felguera SA and SC Romelectro SA the Work Contract No133384 with the scope of “Developing Iernut Thermal Power Plant by Building a New Combined-Cycle Power Plant (CCGT)”. November 15, 2016 By Resolution no. 10 of the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders, as a result of exercising the cumulative voting procedure Mr. Buzatu Florin Danut and Mr. Stoicescu Florin Razvan were elected directors. Also, by means of the same resolution Mr. Virgil Marius Metea and Mrs. Ecaterina Popescu were revoked as directors as a result of exercising the cumulative voting procedure which did not reconfirm them as directors. December 6, 2016 Romgaz filed an application to the Ministry of Energy for financing the investment “Developing of the Iernut Thermal Power Plant by Building a New Combined-Cycle Power Plant (CCGT)ˮ, requesting a grant of 25% of the project eligible costs. Page 14 of 98 Board of Director’s Report 2016 Name: Societatea Nationala de Gaze Naturale “ROMGAZ” SA Main scope of activity: natural gas production and UGS Address: Medias, 4 Constantin I. Motas Square, 551130, Sibiu County Sole registration number: 14056826 Trade Registry registration number: J32/392/2001 Fiscal registration number: RO14056826 Legal form of establishment: joint-stock company Subscribed and paid in share capital: RON 385,422,400 Number of shares: 385,422,400 each having a nominal value of RON 1 Regulated market where the company’s shares are traded: Bucharest Stock Exchange (shares) and London Stock Exchange (GDRs) 0040 269 201020 Phone: 0040 269 846901 Fax: Web: E-mail: Bank accounts opened at: Banca Comerciala Romana, BRD-Groupe Societe Generale, Citibank Europe, Nextebank, Unicredit Tiriac Bank, Raiffeisen Bank, Banca Transilvania, ING Bank, Eximbank, CEC Bank. Shareholder Structure As of December 31, 2016 the shareholder structure is: The Romanian State2 Free float – total, including: *legal persons *natural persons Total FREE FLOAT 30% Number of shares Number of shares 269,823,080 115,599,320 95,451,082 20,148,238 385,422,400 % % 70.0071 29.9929 24.7653 5.2276 100.0000 The Romanian State 70% 2 The Romanian State through the Ministry of Energy Page 15 of 98 Board of Director’s Report 2016 On April 21, 2016, SC Fondul Proprietatea SA sold all its Romgaz shares through private placement, representing 5.85% of the share capital. During the financial year 2016, the Company did not perform transactions with own shares, and as of December 31, 2016 did not hold own shares. Romgaz organization structure is a hierarchy-functional type, with a number of six hierarchy levels, from company’s shareholders to execution personnel, as follows: General Meeting of Shareholders Board of Directors Director General Deputy Directors General Heads of functional and operational compartments subordinated to the Director General and to the Deputy Directors General Execution Personnel The responsibilities of the Board of Directors are detailed in the Company’s Articles of Incorporation and as well in its Rules of Organization and Operation. Key people in the structure and for the functionality of the company are the Director General, the Deputy Directors General, Economic Director, as well as the branches’ directors. The heads of compartments (branches/departments/directions/offices etc.) representing the connection between the upper structure and the employees of the respective compartment are directly subordinated to the afore-mentioned. Each compartment has its own well-defined attributions in the company’s Organization and Operating Regulation and all these elements work as a whole. The tasks, competencies and responsibilities of the execution personnel are included in the job descriptions related to each position. The company has 7 branches set up based on the specific of the activities performed and on the region (natural gas production branches) as follows: Sucursala Medias (Medias Branch) having its office in Medias, 5 Garii Street, postal code 551025, Sibiu County, territorially organized in 8 sections; Sucursala Targu Mures (Targu Mures Branch) having its office in Tirgu Mures, 23 Salcamilor Street, postal code 540202, Mures county, territorially organized in 8 sections; Sucursala Ploiesti (Ploiesti Branch) having its office in Ploiesti, 184 G. Cantacuzino Street, 100492, Prahova County, territorially organized in 2 sections and 2 workshops; Sucursala de Interventii, Reparatii Capitale si Operatii Speciale la Sonde Medias (SIRCOSS – Branch for Well Workover, Recompletions and Special Well Operations) having its office in Medias, 5 Soseaua Sibiului Street, 551009, Sibiu County, territorially organized in 3 sections and 5 workshops; Sucursala de Transport Tehnologic si Mentenanta Targu Mures (STTM – Technological Transport and Maintenance Branch) having its office in Targu Mures, 6 Barajului Street, 540101, Mures County, territorially organized in 3 sections and 3 workshops; Page 16 of 98 Board of Director’s Report 2016 Sucursala de Productie Energie Electrica Iernut (SPEE – Iernut Power Generation Branch) having its office in Iernut, 1 Energeticii Street, 545100, Mures County; Sucursala Bratislava (Bratislava Branch) having its office in Bratislava, City Business Centre V.-Karadžičova 16, code 82108, Slovakia. As of December 31, 2016 the company has a subsidiary “S.N.G.N. ROMGAZ S.A. – Filiala de Înmagazinare Subterană a Gazelor Naturale DEPOGAZ Ploieşti S.R.L.”, with its headquarters in Ploiesti, having as scope of activity the natural gas underground storage. The subsidiary has been set up in order to comply with Directive 2009/73/CE of the European Parliament and of the Council of July 13, 2009 on common rules for the internal market in natural gas and repealing Directive 2003/55/EC, as well as with the Natural Gas and Electricity Law no. 123/2012. Societatea Nationala de Gaze Naturale “ROMGAZ” SA is a company which targets performance and is determined to generate performance by best employment of energies to meet its objectives. Performance, competition and continuous growth of the company’s value both for us and for the shareholders by means of a better valuation of the human potential and assets, by predictable and profitable business deals and a better risk management. ROMGAZ has the potential and the ambition to consolidate and to develop its position as the most important natural gas company in Romania and to become a leading player on important Central and Eastern European markets by means of an efficient and competitive production able to face the increasing pressure exercised by regional and international companies. Page 17 of 98 Board of Director’s Report 2016 Increasing the company's value for its shareholder s Care for the environmen t Quality products and services Efficiency ROMGAZ Safety for the employees Social responsibilit y Transparency Sustainable development In order to meet its main scope of activity through an efficient use of material, financial, informational and human resources, the company set the following : Page 18 of 98 Board of Director’s Report 2016 Increase of the gas resources and reserves portfolio through the discovery of new resources and the improvement of the recovery rate of already discovered resources Position consolidation on the energy supply markets Optimization, development and diversification of the UGS activity by reconsidering its importance in terms of safety, continuity and flexibility of the natural gas supply Increasing the company's performance Identification of new growth and diversification opportunities Improving the organization structure of the company Reorganization of the internal audit function Page 19 of 98 Board of Director’s Report 2016 The company undertakes business in the following segments: natural gas exploration and production; UGS activity; natural gas supply; special well operations and services; maintenance and transportation services; power generation and supply; natural gas distribution. Romgaz is titleholder or co-titleholder, in Romania, of the following petroleum agreements: petroleum operations for exploration-development-production in 9 blocks with 100% participating interest and in 4 blocks as co-titleholder, under certain concession agreements; 141 commercial fields; 5 fields recording experimental production; exploration and production rights in Slovakia and Poland. Exploration Since October 1997, the exploration activity has been carried out in 8 blocks in Transylvania, Moldova, Muntenia, and Oltenia, in accordance with the Concession Agreement approved by Government Decision No 23/2000. Fourteen exploration wells were completed in 2016, with the following results: 2 discoveries with a prospective geological resource (P50) of 27.0 billion m3; confirmation of hydrocarbon accumulations with a contingent resource (2C) evaluated at approx. 2.7 billion m3. Romgaz designs and plans all exploration works based on its own concepts by using modern specialized software, evaluations of the geological area’s prospectivity displaying specific features within the blocks under concession, and these are carried out by specific surface exploration methods for the identification of the areas with hydrocarbon accumulations (prospects), followed by exploration drilling to prove the presence of accumulations. The results materialised in reserve replacement ratios, with a highest value of 323% reached in 2012. Page 20 of 98 Board of Director’s Report 2016 The table below shows the evolution of the reserves replacement ratio during 2009-2016: 323 155 92 49 94 82 70 104 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 % 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Production The 2016 annual program for petroleum operations considered the dynamics of gas demand, reactivation, recompletion and well work over operations, bringing in production wells resulted from exploration activities and production wells, maintenance programs of compressor stations and of dehydration stations, commissioning of new compressor units and the dynamics of import gas flows injected into/withdrawn from UGS. The company’s gas production was lower than the 2015 production (4.219 million m3 vs 5.563 million m3). According to ANRE data, this production ensured Romgaz a 42.5% market share of deliveries in the gas consumption from internal production and a 41.46% market share among the gas producers. The production in amount of 4,219 million m3 was about 7.6% lower than the planned one, due to: A mild winter at the beginning of 2016; Drastic decrease of gas demand in the chemical industry; Decrease of gas demand for building up the minimal gas stock for the 2016-2017 winter due to an imprecise and incoherent regulatory framework; Increased competition from gas importers induced by the steep decline of gas price in Europe. Page 21 of 98 Board of Director’s Report 2016 Currently, in Romania there are 8 UGSs constructed in depleted gas reservoirs out of which 7 are in operation. Romgaz owns and operates 6 UGSs having a total capacity of 4.335 billion m3 and a working gas volume of 2.920 billion m3. At national level, the ratio between the working gas volume and the annual consumption was about 27% in 2016. This level is in the first upper half of 2015 international values (Great Britain 6.4%, Spain 9.8%, Holland 40.6%, Poland 19.9%, Italy 26.2%, Germany 29.8%, France 29.5%, Denmark 33.6%, and Hungary 69.6%). The UGS activity is a business segment regulated by ANRE (National Authority for Energy Regulation) with regard to UGS operators’ licensing and the access to the UGSs, as well as setting the tariffs related to UGS activity. After a thorough restructuring, the natural gas sector is currently split into independent activities. The Romanian natural gas market includes a NTS operator (Transgaz), producers (Romgaz and Petrom have a 97% market share), UGS operators, companies for the distribution and supply of gas to captive customers, and suppliers on the wholesale market. The natural gas market in Romania consists of the competition segment, which includes gas trading activities between suppliers and between suppliers and eligible consumers, and the regulated segment, which includes monopoly-like activities performed in accordance with framework contracts (transmission, underground storage, distribution and supply at a regulated price). As of July 1, 2007 the gas market is fully open for all consumers. They may freely choose a gas supplier from the ones licensed by ANRE and directly negotiate the gas supply terms and price. The consumer may directly exercise its quality as eligible consumer without an obligation to carry out any kind of administrative procedure. Law no. 123/2012 sets the legal framework to converge the domestic gas price to the import gas price. Government Decision no.22/January 22, 2013, as amended by Government Decision no. 511/June 26, 2014 and Government Decision no. 816/September 22, 2014, set calendars for the increase of the acquisition price of domestic gas for the regulated market. During Q3 (Government Decision no. 511/2014) and Q4 (Government Decision no. 816/2014) the domestic gas price was the same price as in Q2 (Government Decision no. 22/2013) for non-household customers. For household customers, CPT, the Q3 2014 price increases as compared to Q2 2014 in accordance with GD No 511/2014, and such price remained valid for Q4, too (GD No.816/2014). Until the convergence of prices is reached and to ensure equal access of all consumers to cheap natural gas sources from the domestic production, the supply of gas to the consumers is carried out according to ANRE Order no. 15/2013 as an import/domestic gas mixture established monthly according to the different consumer categories (households and producers of thermal power for the consumption of population and non-households). Page 22 of 98 Board of Director’s Report 2016 In terms of supply, Romgaz held during 2009-2016 a national market share ranging between 37 and 46%: National consumption traded Romgaz volumes (domestic + import) Romgaz market share M.U. 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 bcm bcm 13.3 6.1 14.0 6.4 14.4 6.3 13.5 5.9 12.5 5.7 12.2 5.7 11.6 5.1 11.8 4.4 % 45.86 45.81 43.87 42.82 44.5 46.1 44.0 37.1 The above quantities include gas from own domestic production, domestic gas purchased from third parties, 100% gas from Schlumberger joint venture and import gas. As compared to previous years, 2016 deliveries include gas delivered to Iernut and Cojocna for electricity production. SIRCOSS was established in 2003 in accordance with the GSM Resolution No.5/June 13, 2003. The branch performs two types of activities: well workover, recompletion operations and production tests; special well operations. All well workover, recompletion operations and production tests operations are performed by means of rig installations. The second activity consists of special well operations, namely services supplied by means of different transportable equipment for downhole or surface operations. During the past years most of services were supplied for the wells within the company’s portfolio, yet, well workover and special well operations were also supplied to other companies in Romania that have under concession and operate gas wells in Romania. STTM was established in October 2003, by taking over the means of transportation from Medias, Targu-Mures and Ploiesti branches. The branch’s scope of activity is the transportation of goods and people, the specific technological transportation, and the maintenance activity for the benefit of the company and of third parties. CTE Iernut is an important junction point in the National Power Grid located in the centre of the country, in Mures County on the left bank of Mures River between towns Iernut and Cuci. Gas supply, industrial water and power discharge facilities are forthcoming. CTE Iernut is operated under Romgaz Electricity Generation Branch (SPEE). CTE Iernut has an installed capacity of 600 MW split into 4 energy groups: two 100 MW energy units of Czechoslovakian manufacturing and two 200 MW energy units of Soviet manufacturing. The groups were commissioned between 1963 and 1967. As of January 1, 2016, the energy units 2 and 3 were put into a dry storage condition. Page 23 of 98 Board of Director’s Report 2016 Cojocna Project is an outcome of the pressing need of finding ways to experimentally produce from a series of wells resulted from exploratory drilling, in order to determine, as detailed as possible, the production potential of the respective area. The wells were located far from each other and also from the National Transmission System (NTS). Thus, during 2009-2010 solutions were sought, feasibility and opportunity studies were prepared, and further to their approval it was decided to use the gas from wells 2 and 4 Cojocna as fuel gas for two 1.5 MW power generation units, bearing in mind that the connection to the National Energy System (NES) didn’t raise any major issue. This power generation pilot project using units that do not require special installations works is an alternate option for gas production and valorisation from isolated wells that would imply building kilometre long gathering pipes, thus, representing a not justifiable option due to the high costs and multiple impediments related to access on outside build-over areas belonging to legal or individual persons. Commissioning the two electricity production units using the gas from wells 2 and 4 Cojocna was a technological success but unfortunately a short termed one, because of reduced gas flows that led to intermittent operation of wells and units. Our specialists focused during year 2015 both on productivity stimulation from both wells (re- perforation of productive layers, addition of new pay zones) and on setting the best layout of gathering pipes where other isolated wells may deliver, ensuring thereby the necessary gas volumes for both units. Further to approving a feasibility study, it has been decided to implement the scenario on building a pipeline network to collect gas from the neighbouring wells and transmission of gas to the two power generation units (in progress). In 2016, the documentation prepared in accordance with Law No 50 as of June 29, 1991 regarding authorization of construction work performance was filed at the Cluj County Council, regarding the work: „Pipelines and Technological Installations related to Putting wells 1 Palatca, 1 Vaida and 2 Vaida on Experimental Production”. The natural gas distribution is a regulated business segment and the company’s activity is currently limited to Ghercesti and Piscu Stejari areas. Romgaz has concession agreements with the Ministry of Economy for Ghercesti area and with Piscu Stejari Town Hall for Piscu Stejari distribution. The activity is carried out by Targu-Mures Branch. Societatea Nationala de Gaze Naturale “ROMGAZ” SA is Romania’s most important natural gas producer and supplier. The company’s experience in the field of gas exploration and production exceeds 100 years. Its history began in 1909 when the first natural gas commercial reservoir was discovered in the Transylvanian Basin upon the drilling of well Sarmasel-2. Page 24 of 98 Board of Director’s Report 2016 The most important historic benchmarks are: •Natural gas discovery in Sarmasel (Transylvanian Basin) •First gas production recorded in Romania (113,000 m3) •Establishment of the National Gas Company "SONAMETAN" •First UGS in Romania constructed in Ilimbav, Sibiu County •Use of compressors in the course of production •Maximum gas production obtained by Romgaz (29,834 million m3) •The natural gas import from the Russian Federation begins •Centrala Gazului Metan was reorganized to Regia Autonoma "ROMGAZ" RA •"ROMGAZ" RA became Societatea Nationala de Gaze Naturale "ROMGAZ" SA •SNGN "ROMGAZ" SA was reorganized into five independent companies (SC "Exprogaz" SA Medias, SNDSGN "Depogaz" SA Ploiesti, SNTGN "Transgaz" SA Medias, SC "Distrigaz Sud" SA Bucuresti SC "Distrigaz Nord" SA Tirgu-Mures) • The current SNGN "ROMGAZ" SA Medias was established 1909 1913 1925 1958 1972 1976 1979 1991 1998 2000 2001 Page 25 of 98 Board of Director’s Report 2016 In compliance with European and national applicable laws, Romgaz has to legally unbundle the gas storage activity from gas production and supply activities. Further to adopting Directive 2009/73/CE of the European Parliament and Council on July 13, 2009 concerning common rules of the internal market in natural gas and repealing Directive 2003/55/CE, the Romanian Parliament adopted the Energy and Gas Law no. 123/2012. This was published in the Official Gazette of Romania no. 485 on July 16, 2012 and became effective on July 20, 2012. According to the provisions of article 141, paragraph 1 of the Law (which transcribes article 15, paragraph 1 of the Directive) a storage operator under a vertically integrated economic operator must be independent from other activities not related to transmission, distribution and underground storage activities at least from legal, organizational and decision-making perspective. Therefore, considering the above mentioned matters, it is compulsory to legally separate the gas storage activity from the gas production and supply activities performed by Romgaz by establishing a separate company to act as independent storage operator. Both the Directive and the Law recommend as solution to set up an independent subsidiary that should act as storage operator, as follows: Article 15 paragraph 2 let. c) of the Directive provides that: “the storage system operator shall have effective decision making rights, independent from the integrated natural gas undertaking, with respect to assets necessary to operate, maintain or develop the storage facilities. This shall not preclude the existence of appropriate coordination mechanisms to ensure the economic and management supervision rights of the parent company in respect of return on assets […]” Article 141 paragraph 3 let. c) of the Law also provides that: “the storage system operator shall have effective decision making rights, independent from the parent company, with respect to assets necessary to operate, maintain or develop the storage facilities; the existence of appropriate coordination mechanisms to ensure the economic and management supervision rights of the parent company in respect of return on assets owned by a subsidiary”. this shall not preclude For fulfilling the legal requirements set by the Directive and by Law, respectively, the following steps have been taken: a study has been prepared to identify the best version for performing the legal unbundling of the storage activity from the gas production and supply activity. The solution recommended by Ernst&Young was to create an independent subsidiary, owned 100% by Romgaz to perform gas storage activities; the Board of Directors, endorsed in Resolution no. 22/30.10.2014 at article 10 the incorporation, registration an declaration to the Trade Office Register by Prahova Court the subsidiary “SNGN Romgaz SA – Filiala de Inmagazinare Gaze Naturale “Depogaz” Ploiesti S.R.L.”; the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders approved by Resolution no. 10/19.12.2014 (item II) to set up the subsidiary “SNGN Romgaz SA – Filiala de Inmagazinare Gaze Naturale “Depogaz” Ploiesti S.R.L.”; Page 26 of 98 Board of Director’s Report 2016 On March 17, 2015, the General Meeting of Shareholders approved the Article of Incorporation of the subsidiary; A consultancy agreement on “Assistance in performing the legal unbundling of UGS activity in accordance with applicable law (Law no. 123/2012 on Energy and natural gas and European Directive 2009/73/CE)” has been concluded and the Final Report prepared by the consultancy agency (K.P.M.G.) was submitted to the National Authority for Energy Regulation; The Company has submitted a request to the National Agency for Fiscal Administration for an advanced tax ruling (SFAI); During the Board of Directors Meeting on August 13, 2015 the fixed assets lease Agreement to be concluded between SNGN Romgaz SA and subsidiary has been endorsed. The following agreements have been concluded between the company and subsidiary: a) The Agreement no. 9523 as of September 22, 2015 regarding the lease of fixed assets b) The Agreement no. 9525 as of September 22, 2015 regarding services related to gas compression and gas dehydration and services related to maintenance of the underground gas storage system; ANRM issued the Attestation Certificate no. 1691 as of October 1st, 2015 certifying that the subsidiary meets the Attestation Procedure requirements and agreed that the subsidiary (operator) may perform the petroleum operations in the blocks where the UGS are located; By Resolution no. 2588 as of December 30, 2015, ANRE amends the Licence no. 1942/2014 on operation of UGS system by changing the owner from SNGN ROMGAZ SA Medias into SC SNGN ROMGAZ SA- Filiala de Inmagazinare Gaze Naturale “Depogaz” Ploiesti S.R.L, and shall be valid as of April 1st, 2016; the executive management will urgently initiate the procedure for selecting the subsidiary’s administrators. This procedure must comply with the independence criterion stipulated in Directive 2009/73/CE and implemented in Electricity and Natural Gas Law no. 123/2012, as amended and supplemented, and will consult the competent institutions/authorities so that the new company obtains the endorsements/approvals necessary for performing the activities included in the main activity. By Decision No 446 as of March 23, 2016, ANRE postponed until April 1, 2017 the entering into force of the Decision No 2588 as of December 30, 2015 on modifying the License No 1942/2014 on operating the UGS system, in terms of changing the titleholder of such, namely from SNGN ROMGAZ S.A Mediaș to SC SNGN ROMGAZ S.A. - Filiala de Inmagazinare Subterana a Gazelor Naturale DEPOGAZ Ploiesti SRL; Page 27 of 98 Board of Director’s Report 2016 the National Agency for Fiscal Administration issued the final fiscal anticipated individual solution A-RFC 1527/September 05, 2016 as regards profit tax and applicable VAT, for the operations described by Romgaz, with the purpose of separating the UGS activity from the production activity and the supply activity. A series of changes to the organizational structure have been performed during 2016: By Decision No 113 of the Director General as of April 1, 2016 on modifying the organizational structure of SNGN ROMGAZ S.A., following changes were made: o Grouping the HSEQ specific activities under a direction - the Quality, Health, Security, Environment Direction - subordinated to the director general, which groups the activities of prevention and protection, emergency situations, security structure, environmental protection, in accordance with the good practices employed in companies similar to Romgaz; o Subordinating the Human Resource Direction to the Director General; o Bringing together certain support activities under one direction - the Management Support Direction - subordinated to the Director General, such as corporate governance, technical regulations and authorizations, legal, public relations and communication, counsellors; o Setting up the Controlling and Risk Analysis Office under the Budget and Economic Analysis Service, subordinated to the Head of Service; By the Decision of the Director General No 90/March 4, 2016 and No 91/April 4, 2016 –Medias Branch project units responsible for “Reservoir Rehabilitation Projects” were set up with the aim of ensuring implementation of projects for the rehabilitation of mature gas reservoirs within the two branches. No mergers of the company took place in financial year 2016. Page 28 of 98 Board of Director’s Report 2016 The Company’s revenues are generated mainly from gas production and delivery (own gas production and delivery, gas produced by joint ventures, import gas deliveries and gas deliveries from other domestic producers), from supply of underground gas storage services, from production and supply of electric energy and from other specific services. Description 2015 2016 Item No 0 1 2 3 1 Total Income, out of which: *operating income *financial income Revenue Expenses, out of which: *operating expenses *financial expenses 4 Gross Profit 5 6 Income Tax Net Profit 2 4,315,926 4,271,610 44,316 4,052,684 2,847,088 2,817,525 29,563 1,468,838 274,553 1,194,285 3 3,816,770 3,794,123 22,647 3,411,868 2,536,075 2,516,978 19,097 1,280,695 256,116 1,024,579 * RON thousand * Ratio (2016/2015) 4=3/2x100 88.43% 88.82% 51.10% 84.19% 89.08% 89.33% 64.60% 87.19% 93.28% 85.79% The Total Income was lower than the 2015 income by 11.57%. Below are the compared economic-financial indicators for 2015 and 2016 and their detailed structure split by activity: Compared economic-financial indicators * RON thousand * Description 2015 2016 1 Revenue Cost of commodities sold Investment Income Other gains and losses Changes in inventories Raw materials and consumables Depreciation, amortization and impairment Employee benefit expense Interest and expenses with decommissioning provision Exploration Expenses Other Expenses 2 4,052,684 - 40,228 44,185 3 3,411,868 - 49,878 22,117 Indices (2016/2015) 4=3/2x100 84.19% 123.99% 50.06% - 318,903 - 468,218 146.82% 138,181 - 78,262 20,963 - 54,632 15.17% 69.81% - 793,598 - 311,012 39.19% - 511,647 - 20,302 - 498,114 - 18,275 97.36% 90.02% - 42,95 - 253,348 595.59% -1,040,670 - 881,923 84.75% Page 29 of 98 Board of Director’s Report 2016 Other Income Profit before tax Income tax expense Profit for the year 79,793 1,468,838 - 274,553 1,194,285 361,147 452.60% 1,280,695 - 256,116 1,024,579 87.19% 93.28% 85.79% Structure of indicators split by activity-2016 Description TOTAL 2016, 1 Revenue including: 2 4,052,684 Gas production and deliveries 3 3,511,385 Undergroun d Gas Storage Electrici ty * RON thousand * Settlemen Other t between activities segments 4 332,639 5 443,164 6 254,667 7 - 489,171 Cost of commodities sold - 40,228 - 16,733 - 29 - 22,706 Investment Income 44,185 1,681 Other gains and losses - 318,903 - 310,017 5,593 - 1,368 21,832 1 - 471 182 - 759 36,910 - 7,047 3,422 138,181 - 78,262 112,745 - 53,917 - 12,345 - 1,692 - 14,553 4,245 Changes in inventories Raw materials and consumables Depreciation, amortization and impairment Employee benefit expense Interest and expenses with decommissioning provision Exploration Expenses - 793,598 - 673,420 - 88,262 - 4,790 - 27,126 - 511,647 - 316,177 - 47,335 - 33,085 - 115,050 - 20,302 - 18,642 - 1,660 - 42,395 - 42,395 Other Expenses -1,040,670 -1,075,831 - 95,265 Other Income 79,793 76,855 2,884 - 275,662 111 Profit before tax 1,468,838 1,195,534 116,684 105,051 Income tax expense - 274,553 - 80,594 486,682 - 1,756 1,700 51,569 - 274,553 Profit for the year 1,194,285 1,195,534 116,684 105,051 - 222,984 Description Structure of indicators split by activity-2016 Gas production and deliveries 3 2016, including: TOTAL 2 1 * RON thousand * Underground gas storage Electrici ty Other activities Settlement between segments 4 5 6 7 Revenue Cost of commodities sold Investment income Other gains and losses Changes in inventories Raw materials and consumables Depreciation, amortization and impairment Employee benefit expense 3,411,868 2,857,683 358,568 399,042 239,230 - 442,655 - 49,878 22,117 - 18,443 844 - 468,218 - 445,340 20,963 2,765 - 432 - 30,229 - 774 3,949 - 1,915 13,522 40 17,284 - 445 - 20,518 233 4,443 - - - - - 54,632 - 37,389 - 7,142 - 1,460 - 10,660 2,019 - 311,012 - 498,114 - 185,959 - 313,449 - 95,784 - 6,940 - 22,329 - 47,163 - 30,028 - 107,474 - - Page 30 of 98 Board of Director’s Report 2016 Finance cost Exploration expense Other expenses Other income Profit before tax Income tax expense Profit for the year - 18,275 - 16,674 - 1,601 - 253,348 - 253,348 - - - - - - - - 881,923 - 915,298 - 91,057 - 256,113 - 61,076 441,621 361,147 356,420 2,223 122 3,367 - 985 1,280,695 1,031,812 133,168 74,222 41,493 - 256,116 - - - - 256.116 1,024,579 1,031,812 133,168 74,222 - 214,623 - - - The table below compares the 2016 revenue with the 2015 revenue, for each activity (RON thousand): Description 1 Revenue, including: gas production and deliveries activity, including: * sale of own domestic gas – third parties * sale of own domestic gas-settlements between branches * sale of own domestic gas produced by joint ventures * sale of import gas * sale of domestic gas from acquisitions * distribution services * other revenues from production- third parties underground gas storage activity-total, including: * third parties * settlements between branches Electricity generation – total, including: * third parties * settlements between branches Other activities – total, including: * third parties * settlements between branches settlements between branches – total 2015 2016 Ratio 2 3 4,052,684 3,411,868 3,511,385 2,857,683 3,159,884 2,558,848 157,064 136,481 131,373 108,323 4,169 14,545 192 10,885 9,332 384 44,158 33,430 332,639 358,568 332,639 346,141 - 443,164 356,620 86,544 12,427 399,042 336,430 62,612 254,667 239,230 9,104 8,095 245,563 - 489,171 231,135 - 442,655 (2016/2015) 4=3/2x100 84.19% 81.38% 80.98% 86.90% 82.45% 261.09% 64.16% 200.00% 75.71% 107.79% 104.06% - 90.04% 94.34% 72.35% 93.94% 88.91% 94.12% 90.49% The table below shows the revenue weight in different business segments: Description and delivery production Gas activity UGS activity Electricity generation and delivery activity 2014 RON mil % R 2015 RON mil % R 2016 RON mil % R 3,853.0 85.75 3,511.4 86.64 2,857.7 83.76 425.8 424.1 9.48 9.44 332.6 443.2 8.21 10.94 346.1 336.4 10.14 9.86 Page 31 of 98 Board of Director’s Report 2016 Other activities Settlement between branches TOTAL Revenue (R) 324.7 317.7 4,493.3 7.22 -11.89 100.00 254.7 -489.2 4,052.7 6.28 -12.07 100.00 314.3 -442.7 3,411.9 9.21 -12.97 100.00 Revenue was lower by 15.81% than the revenue of the previous year. The 2015 and 2016 revenue structure is shown in the figures below: 2015 1.3% 0.1% 8.8% 8.2% 0.3% 9.9% 2016 0.9% 10.5% 81.6% Internal gas production and delivery UGS services Natural Gas Import Electric Energy Other activities 78.5% Internal gas production and delivery UGS services Natural Gas Import Electric Energy Other activities The financial income is lower by 48.90% than the one recorded in the previous year. Financial income consists mainly of interests on bank deposits and of interest on state bonds. In 2016, this income decreased because of a reduction of interest rates. Description Year 2015 Year 2016 Ratio 1 Operating expenses Financial expenses Total expenses (RON thousand) 2 (RON thousand) 3 2,817,525 29,563 2,847,088 2,516,978 19,097 2,536,075 (2016/2015) 4=3/2x100 89.33% 64.60% 89.08% Expenses incurred during January–December 2016 have been lower by 10.92% than those of the similar period in the previous year, as a result of the decreasing acquisition costs of imported natural gas. Financial Expenses Financial expenses during 2016 are lower by 35.40% as compared to the previous year due to the decrease of unwinding costs applied to decommissioning provision for fixed assets. Chapter 7 shows more details on the different categories and a comparative assessment thereof. Page 32 of 98 Board of Director’s Report 2016 Compared financial results are shown in the table below (RON thousand): Description 2015 2016 1 Operating results Financial results Gross result Income tax Net Result 2 1,454,085 14,753 1,468,838 -274,553 1,194,285 3 1,277,145 3,550 1,280,695 -256,116 1,024,579 Ratio (2016/2015) 4=3/2x100 87.83% 24.06% 87.19% 93.28% 85.79% Gross result during January – December 2016 in amount of RON 1,280,695 thousand is lower than the gross result of the similar period of 2015 by 12.81%. The 2016 financial result is below the 2015 one, due to the decrease of financial income. Income tax calculated for 2016 is lower by 6.72% than in 2015 due to the decrease of expenses related to current tax and increase of income resulted from deferred tax calculation. of the company is also emphasized by the evolution of indicators presented in the table below: Indicators 1 Working capital (WC) Working capital requirements (WCR) Net cash Economic Rate of Return (ERR Return on Equity Return on Sales Return on Assets EBIT EBITDA ROCE Asset Solvency where: M.U. 2015 2016 Calculation Formula 2 Clt-Af = E+Lnc+Pr+Si-Af (Ast-L+Pp) - (Lcrt-Crst+Idf) WC-WCR = L-Crst Pg/Cltx100 Pn/Ex100 Pg/Rx100 Pn/Ax100 Pg+Exi-Ir EBIT+Am EBIT/Cempx100 E/Lx100 3 RON mil RON mil Ron thousand % % % % RON thousand RON thousand % % 4 3,562 5 3,772 2,821 3,492 740 281 14.60 12.32 36.24 11.18 1.425 12.77 10.59 37.54 9.33 1.259 2.218 1.570 14,16 90,71 12,55 88,15 Clt Af E Lnc Pr Si Ast L Pp Lcrt long-term capital; non-current assets; equity; non-current liabilities; provisions; investment subsidies; short term assets; liquidity position; Prepayments; current liabilities; Idf Pg Pn R A Exi Ir Am Cemp Acrt deferred income gross profit; net profit; revenue; total assets; interest expense; interest income amortization and impairment; capital employed (total assets–current liabilities); current assets Page 33 of 98 Board of Director’s Report 2016 Crst short-term credit; L total liabilities The regulatory framework for natural gas production, transmission, distribution, supply and storage, organization and operation of the gas sector, market access as well as criteria and procedures for granting authorizations and/or licenses in the natural gas sector are set by Law No. 123/2012, which provides in Chapter XII “Prices and Tariffs”, Article 179 for the following: activities in the regulated market comprise the following: o supply of natural gas to non-household customers at regulated price and under frame contracts until December 31, 2014. On January 1, 2015 regulated prices for non-household customers were eliminated. o supply of natural gas to household customers at regulated price and under frame contracts until December 31, 2021. To ensure non-discrimination between customer categories until the end of the regulated period, the household consumers and the thermal energy producers receive the same treatment in terms of security of supply and sale price of consumed gas, exclusively for the gas quantities used for producing thermal energy in cogeneration plants and thermal power plants intended for household consumption, irrespective of their option to be eligible or regulated customers ; o supply of last resort of natural gas; o natural gas transmission; o natural gas transmission through upstream supply pipelines, in accordance with the provisions of license validity conditions; o underground gas storage; o natural gas storage in pipelines; o natural gas, bio-gas and bio-methane distribution; o related activities performed by licensed operators; o activities related to LNG terminal operation; prices and tariffs on the regulated market are set by ANRE, based on methodologies approved and published by the authority after informing and consulting all parties concerned; the calendar for gradual deregulation of prices for the final customers is set by the Government in compliance with the schedule of producer price progress proposed by ANRE and ANRM, taking into account possible adverse effects of price deregulation, in order to mitigate the consequences for customers; Page 34 of 98 Board of Director’s Report 2016 ANRE will annually monitor the results of the gradual price deregulation calendar and, as the case may be, submit to the Government the proposal to trade domestic gas production on the domestic market until fulfilment of the approved calendar, i.e. June 30, 2021. Romgaz operates both on the regulated market, performing underground gas storage and distribution activities, and the free market, performing gas production and supply activities. Underground Gas Storage The underground gas storage business is included in the regulated segment of the gas market. The revenues from the underground gas storage business and the storage tariffs are regulated since April 1, 2004 by ANRGN Decision No. 1078/2003, abrogated by ANRE Order No. 22 of May 25, 2012 on approval of the Methodology for approval of prices and setting regulated tariffs in the gas sector, published in the Official Gazette No. 379 of June 6, 2012. ANRE Order No. 26 of April 26, 2013 approved the regulated revenue for the first year of the third regulatory period (April 2012 – March 2013), the regulated revenue for the second year of the regulatory period (April 2013 – March 2014), and the regulated tariffs for the period April 2013 – March 2014. ANRE Order No. 29 of April 9, 2014 approved the regulated revenue of the third year of the regulatory period (April 2014 – March 2015) and the regulated tariffs for the period April 2014 – March 2015. ANRE Order No. 58 of March 27, 2015 approved the regulated revenue for the fourth year of the regulatory period (April 2015 – March 2016), and the regulated tariffs for the period April 2015 – March 2016. Order No. 9 of March 23, 2016 extended the application of Order No. 58/2015 “until the end of the underground natural gas storage cycle 2016 – 2017”. Thus, the storage tariffs applied between January 2014 and December 2016 are as follows: 1) Tariffs approved by Order No.26/2013 are as follows: Tariff Component M.U. Volumetric component for gas injection Fixed component for capacity reservation Volumetric component for gas withdrawal Value 2.37 13.12 RON/MWh RON/MWh/full storage cycle RON/MWh 1.80 2) Tariffs approved by Order 29/2014 are as follows: Tariff Component Volumetric component for gas injection Fixed component for capacity M.U. RON/MWh Value 2.53 RON/MWh/full 13.14 Page 35 of 98 Board of Director’s Report 2016 reservation Volumetric component for gas withdrawal storage cycle RON/MWh 1.80 3) Tariffs approved by Order 58/2015, extended by Order No. 9/2016 are as follows: Tariff Component Volumetric component for gas injection Fixed component for capacity reservation Volumetric component for gas withdrawal M.U. RON/MWh RON/MWh/full storage cycle RON/MWh Value 2.37 13.68 1.87 Natural Gas Supply The final gas price for the customer is the sum of the weighted average gas acquisition price, the tariffs of transmission, storage and distribution, and the trading component, according to the following formula: Final price = Weighted average price of gas acquisition + Transmission tariff + Storage tariff + Distribution tariff + Trading component Distribution tariffs depend on the distribution area and on the distribution system operator. Regulated prices and tariffs are calculated by the “revenue-cap” method for underground storage and gas transmission and by the “price-cap” method for regulated distribution and supply. According to the provisions of Article 181, paragraph (5) of Law No. 123/2012, the domestic gas acquisition price on the regulated market is set by Government decision, at the proposal of the competent ministry, and is updated by ANRE and ANRM, in accordance with the provisions of the Calendar for gradual deregulation of prices for the final customers. The Romanian authorities agreed with the international financial bodies a calendar for gradual deregulation of prices until December 31, 2014 for the final non-household customers (except when on such date there is a significant difference between the trading price of domestic production and the European import price that may jeopardize the market stability, than the term would be extended until December 31, 2015); for household customers the term of completion of the above mentioned process is December 31, 2018. The Romanian Government signed with IMF, the World Bank and the European Commission a “Memorandum on the Calendar for Gradual Deregulation of Gas Prices”. This calendar for price increase until the end of 2014 was approved by Government Decision No. 22 of January 22, 2013 on setting the acquisition price of gas from domestic production on the regulated gas market. At the same time, according to Article 124, paragraph (1), letter e) of Law 123/2012, the gas producer has to make available gas quantities from their own production to suppliers, with precedence, to cover the regulated market, in accordance with the ANRE regulations on compliance with the price deregulation calendar, and to secure gas supply to the captive Page 36 of 98 Board of Director’s Report 2016 consumers, while suppliers have to keep the destination of such gas quantities. The remaining domestic production, less the gas quantity necessary for technological consumption, shall be made available to the competitive market. Domestic gas production allocated to final customers on the regulated market comprises current gas production and a part of stored gas. The table below shows the gas supply average prices in the period 2014-2016: Description 1 Average supply price for internal gas production3 Average price for import gas M.U. 2 RON/1000 m3 RON/MWh RON/1000 m3 RON/MWh 2014 3 687.86 65.48 2015 4 717.80 68.27 2016 5 698.30 66.36 1,436.22 1,928.72 1,597.47 132.24 184.06 105.74 Natural Gas Distribution Distribution tariffs and final regulated prices valid during the period analysed have been approved by ANRE Orders, as follows: ANRE Order No. 103 of June 26, 2008 on setting regulated tariffs for gas distribution services and approval of prices for regulated gas supply performed by SNGN ROMGAZ SA, modified by ANRE Order No. 31 of August 30, 2012 (for the period January 1st –November 30,2014); ANRE Order no. 120/2014 on setting regulated tariffs for gas distribution services and approval of prices for regulated gas supply performed by SNGN ROMGAZ SA Medias, (for the period December 1st 2014-June 30, 2015); ANRE Order no. 57/2015 on modification of ANRE Order no. 120/2014 on setting regulated tariffs for gas distribution services and approval of prices for regulated gas supply performed by SNGN ROMGAZ SA Medias, (starting with July 1st, 2015); Order No. 58/2016 on setting regulated tariffs for gas distribution service and approval of prices for regulated gas supply performed by Societatea Nationala de Gaze Naturale "ROMGAZ" - S.A. Medias (starting with October 1st, 2016). 3 Including gas commodity and gas from association with Schlumberger and without storage services costs Page 37 of 98 Board of Director’s Report 2016 Tariffs and prices are presented in the table below: Description Distribution tariffs (RON/MWh): *B1 consumption up to 23.25 MWh *B1 annual consumption between 23.26 and 116.28 MWh *B1 annual consumption between 116.29 and 1,116.78 MWh * B1 annual consumption between 1,116.79 and 11,627.78 MWh Final regulated prices (RON/MWH): *B1 consumption up to 23.25 MWh *B1 annual consumption between 23.26 and 116.28 MWh January 1st – November 30th, 2014 December 1st, 2014 – June 30th, 2015 July 1st, 2015 – September 30th, 2016 October 1st, 2016 - present 21.66 21.25 44.01 40.06 44.01 40.06 44.01 40.06 52.48 47.71 46.81 45.77 117.8 116.95 120.67 116.03 117.75 113.13 123.27 118.49 On December 31, 2016 the company had 6,246 employees. The evolution of the company’s number of employees between January 1, 2014 and December 31, 2016 is shown in the table below: Description 1 Employees at the beginning of the year Newly hired employees Employees who terminated their labour relationship with the company 2014 2 6,472 92 220 2015 3 6,344 159 147 2016 4 6,356 168 278 Employees at the end of the year 6,344 6,356 6,246 The structure of employees at the end of 2016 was the following: a) by level of education University Secondary education Foreman education Vocational school Middle school b) by age under 30 years 30-40 years 23.49 % 26.59 % 3.79 % 34.12 % 12.01 % 3.97 % 15.91 % Page 38 of 98 Board of Director’s Report 2016 40-50 years 50-60 years over 60 years c) by activities Gas production Production tests/well special operations Health Transportation Gas storage Electricity production 40.95 % 30.88 % 8.28 % 62.47 % 11.34 % 1.23 % 8.92 % 8.41 % 7.64 %. Distribution of Romgaz employees by headquarters and by branches is shown in the figure below: STTM 9% SIRCOSS 11% Iernut Branch 8% Headquarters 7% Medias Branch 31% Ploiesti Branch 8% Targu Mures Branch 26% The employees’ structure at the headquarters and branches is shown in the table below: Entity Workers Foremen 1 Headquarters Medias Branch Targu-Mures Branch Ploiesti Branch SIRCOSS STTM Iernut Branch TOTAL 2 3 31 1,488 1,316 338 511 427 320 92 51 30 52 19 44 Admin employees 4 379 347 275 157 145 111 113 Total 5 410 1,927 1,642 525 708 557 447 4,431 288 1,527 6,246 The main areas of training during 2016 were: Training of administrative employees in various areas of activity, in cooperation with training suppliers from the country and abroad; Authorization/re-authorization, according to specialization and work place; Page 39 of 98 Board of Director’s Report 2016 Skills improvement and vocational training of workers through internal training courses. A number of 1,948 employees were trained during 2016, and the costs of such professional training and skills improvement training courses were RON 1,175,809.79. The annual training program was implemented as follows: in accordance with the Labour Code, a total of 460 persons did not participate to any training over the past 2 years out of which 149 administrative employees and 311 workers were trained and 610 employees participated in training courses to obtain authorization/reauthorization in accordance with their specialization and work place. 511 persons participated to professional training programs with professional subjects applicable to their activity. During 2016, the professional training activity focused mainly on sustaining increase of adaptability to new economy requirements based on knowledge, in order to ensure and update required competencies for employees working in the technical, economic and research- development field, such as: o Certification of technical, drilling and oil and gas wells-related competencies for 11 persons, experts and professionals, who attended IWCF certification courses at U.P.G. Ploiesti; o o implementation of the International Financial Reporting Standards required training and skills improvement of employees in the economic and financial field. 9 employees participated to such training courses in 2016; to comply with the legislation in force and to offer the employees information meant to reduce the risk degree in the field, 41 employees, heads of organizational units, participated in 2016 in courses with the theme combating corruption risk. Within Romgaz there are two trade unions, as follows: “Sindicatul Liber din cadrul SNGN Romgaz SA”, consisting of 6,204 members; “Sindicatul Extracţie Gaze şi Servicii”, consisting of 17 members. The total number of union members is 6,221 as compared to 6,246 representing the total number of employees. The union members/total number of employees’ ratio is 99.69%. Relationship between manager and employees: following negotiations, the parties have agreed to conclude a new Collective Labour Agreement, valid for 2017 and 2018. During 2016, there were conflicts between the management and the trade union (see Annex no.3 - Litigations: Items 73, 79, 80, 97, 100, 116, 173, 186 and 189). In 2016, the environment protection activity continued to focus on compliance of Romgaz activities with the applicable legal requirements on environment protection. Another aim was meeting specific objectives related to: Increase of awareness regarding compliance with legal requirements; Pursuing the accomplishment of all reports imposed by the environment legislation in force, by centralizing the information required and reported by Romgaz Branches and submitted to public authorities; Page 40 of 98 Board of Director’s Report 2016 Rendering efficiency to environment protection, a support for Romgaz management process. The environment protection activities during 2016 focused on: fulfilment of requirements deriving from the ISO:14001 and ISO:9001 standards; complying with permitting requirements: complying with legal requirements relating to environment permits for all 141 units. The conformity degree is 100% - for 1 objective the company has requested the review of the permit, for 1 objective the authorization documentation is submitted (new objective) and for 1 objective the regulation document sets a conformity plan containing - measures to reduce current and future effects of the activity. Measures consist of equipping 3 wells with safety equipment (packer and TRSV safety valve). Completion dates are December 31, 2015, December 31, 2016 (for 2 wells), and for 1 well the completion date is December 31, 2017 and will be financed by own means. The December 31, 2015 and December 31, 2016 deadline were observed, the conformity inspection was carried out by the Environment Guard – Mures County Office and by Mures Environment Protection Agency; complying with legal requirements regarding waste water management permits, for: 83 units for which the conformity degree is 100% - to be noted that for 5 objectives permits are renewed; and, 38 units related to systems/injection wells, out of which 7 are under renewal process. A company-wide application has been developed to monitor environment permits, and to permanently analyse and continuously supervise compliance with legal requirements in the field of environment protection; Disposal of waste generated from own activity, in accordance with legal requirements in force. In 2016, the company’s activity generated 5,191.851 tons of wastes out of which 1,872.808 tons were recycled and co-incinerated (1,869.137 tons were recycled and 3.671 tons were co-incinerated), 36.892 tons of wastes were disposed by incineration and 3,282.101 tons of wastes were disposed by storage. Page 41 of 98 Board of Director’s Report 2016 2016 AMOUNT OF GENERATED WASTE (5,191.851 tons) 36 892 1 872 808 3 282 101 6 000 000 5 000 000 4 000 000 3 000 000 2 000 000 1 000 000 Quantity disposed by storage Quantity disposed by recycling and co-incineration Quantity disposed by incineration In 2016, the “Program for Prevention and Reduction of Waste Generated by S.N.G.N. Romgaz S.A. activity” was updated with specific legal requirements related to package waste management. This program considers measures and methods for the prevention and reduction of quantities of waste resulting from the company’s activity. Such Program complies with the applicable regulations and contains a preferred prioritization of waste management. The Program aims at identifying objectives, targets and policy actions which the company is required to comply in its waste management activity in order to fulfil the company’s strategic objectives. Romgaz Waste Flow Measures and methods were identified in the assessments on waste quantity reduction and in the references of the internal audit relating to waste. The priority of waste management relates to reduction of waste at source, recycling, valorisation, treatment Page 42 of 98 Board of Director’s Report 2016 and last but not least disposal by incineration or storage. This Program was drafted in accordance with the Romgaz Quality and Environment Policy Statement and was endorsed by the National Agency for Environment Protection. Also in this case, Romgaz developed an application for waste management control, whereby a permanent analysis and a continuous supervision of compliance with legal requirements (waste management in accordance with legal requirements, tracking of waste management performed by authorized contractors etc.); monitoring the compliance with legal requirements on environment protection, by monitoring ways to clarify the exceeding of limits permitted by regulations in force. For the entire company, permanent analysis and continuous supervision is carried out in connection with the physical-chemical, bacteriological and biological indicators of emitted pollutants, the frequency and ways of using results. In 2016, Romgaz exceeded the legally allowed limit, when loading pollutants exceeding the maxim allowed level when discharging faeces of the wastewaters in Sublohac Runlet; penalties were paid in this respect; monitoring the settlement of environment notifications and complaints against Romgaz. In 2016, four external environment complaints were recorded, as follows : notification regarding oil products iridescences for Zeletin Runlet, Glavanesti Commune, Razesu Village, in accordance with the Inspection Report no. 35 of January 5, 2016. Romgaz representatives called Emergency Services 112 on January 5, 2016 and the organizational units appointed to analyse/research the recorded irregularities were: National Environmental Guard of Bacau; ISUJ Bacau (Inspectoratul pentru Situatii de Ugenta - Inspectorate for Emergency Situations of Bacau County); National Administration “Apele Romaneˮ; A.B.A. Prut-Barlad Iasi (Administratia Bazinala de Apa, Water - Basin Administration) – SGA Galati. Subsequently, the oil product film was eliminated, the corroded pipe section was replaced with a new section for a distance of 9 m long, being put into function after pressure tests were run, restarting pumping the oil-filed waters in Well 70 Glavanesti; Annual flood of a soil, nearby the under-crossing area of the railway of a collector, Aninoasa Commune, Bobaia Village, Gorj County, claim no. 10088/29.03.2016. On April 7, 2016 the employees of Bibesti Work Formation transported soil and levelled the whole at the end of the protective pipe of the collector, to stop the drainage of the rain water over the claimer’s land; Pollution of approximately 2,500 m2 land located downstream of Group 5 Hurezani, Gorj County, claim no 5859/15.02.2016. The pedological study contracted by Romgaz highlighted the fact that the analysed land, unlike the adjacent areas, is weakly, moderately and strongly salinized, being in V quality class, unlike the adjacent which is III quality class. The study proposes ameliorative measures, intended to be implemented. The negotiation procedure with the land’s owner and the implementation of the ameliorative measures proposed by the Pedological Study are in progress. The claimer, through his statement of December 6, 2016, mentions that he has no material claim as far as concerns the ameliorative measures proposed by the pedological study; Page 43 of 98 Board of Director’s Report 2016 Soil pollution at approximately 50 m downstream of Well 46 Hurezani and two wells from the yard of the claimer, claim no. 13960/27.04.2016, Hurezani Village, no.75, Gorj County. Following the analysis taken at the scene, it was determined that the vegetation has a normal evolution, just that the soil is inclined. A pedological study was proposed to confirm the quality of the soil as compared to the adjacent areas as well as an analysis of the water from the wells in the claimer’s yard. Thus, on July 18, 2016, 4 water samples were taken and the indicators which could derive from the formation waters drainages were analysed (chloride, oil products, copper, zinc, lead, nickel, manganese, chrome and ammonium). It was noted that all four samples presented very close values and they respected the provisions of the Drinking Water Law no. 148 of July 8, 2002, as subsequently amended and completed. On September 12, 2016, by Order no. 7293-S-MEC, a pedological study was required from OSPA Gorj (the National Institute for Research and Development for Pedology, Agro-chemistry and Environment Protection) to certify the soil quality as compared to the adjacent areas. OSPA Gorj took soil samples, as compared to the adjacent areas of the claimer’s land. The pedological study elaborated by OSPA Gorj presents the following conclusions: “the soil is not salinized, its quality class is IV, like the adjacent areas”; after extending the scope of business by taking over Iernut thermoelectric power plant, the aim was complying with the legal requirements applicable in this field of activity, in 2016 has been monitored a total of 895,835 CO2 volume tons for burners IMA 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. In Annex no. 3 “National Investment Plan” of the Government Decision no. 1096/2013 for the approval of provisional free allocation of greenhouse certificates to electricity producers during 2013-2020, Romgaz is included at line 22 with the “Combined Cycle Gas Turbine” investment (according to Government Decision no. 151/2015 for the amendment of Government Decision no. 1096/2013 for the approval of provisional free allocation of greenhouse certificates to electricity producers during 2013-2020, the National Investment Plan included). According to Annex 1 of the same Government Decision, Romgaz, as operator, received for CTE Iernut for 2016, 549,763 greenhouse certificates (EUA). Romgaz acquired in 2016 a total number of 549,763 greenhouse certificates. As of December 31, 2016, Romgaz held in the account of the Sole Register of Greenhouse Gas Emissions a number of 762,416 CO2 certificates, as follows: o 984053 certificates were used for conformity of 2015 emissions ; o 687204 certificates acquired in September 2015, namely the first 2015 tranche (50%) and in November 2015 the second 2015 tranche (50%); o 824645 certificates for 2014 were used for partial conformity of 2014 emissions, namely 828793 tones of CO2; o of the total of 962085 certificates acquired for 2013, 507620 were submitted for conformity of 2013 emissions. Therefore Romgaz used out of the 454465 remaining certificates - 4148 for 2014 conformity, and was left with 450317 certificates; o 7587 certificates submitted at Electrocentrale Register, Bucuresti, afferent to the conformity of January 2013 emissions. Romgaz intended to obtain conformity when acquiring CET Iernut, respectively on February 2013; o 549763 CO2 certificates for 2016, acquired in two tranches on December 2016. Page 44 of 98 Board of Director’s Report 2016 Starting with 2016, Romgaz-SPEE Iernut lacks CO2 certificates necessary for emissions conformity, thus: o In 2016 the Electric Power Station released 895,835 tons of CO2, the account of the Sole Register of Greenhouse Gas Emissions on December 31, 2016 being 762,416 CO2 certificates. Thus, a shortage of 133,419 CO2 certificates is registered, necessary for conformity of 2016, which are about to be acquired during the first quarter of 2017 and no later than April 30, 2017 (the legal term for conformity of 2016 emissions), from the Stock Exchange, by means of a brokerage firm. According to Commission Regulation (EU) No. 1123/2013 of November 2013 on determining international credit entitlements pursuant to Directive 2003/87/EC of the European Parliament and the Council, the Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (the Kyoto Protocol) establishes two mechanisms for the creation of international credits that Parties may use to offset emissions. Joint Implementation (JI) provides for the creation of emission reduction units (ERDs), whereas the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) provides for the creation of certified emission reductions (CRs). The industries the fall under the European emissions trading system to atmosphere (EU ETS) may use these credits to compensate their obligations as regards the greenhouse gas emissions. In this respect, Romgaz acquired as availability of linking (availability of EUA – ERU certificates correlation) a number of 51598 ERU certificates available to be used for conformity for 2013 – 2020. According to Decision No. 1096 of December 17, 2013 for the approval of provisional free allocation of greenhouse certificates to electricity producers during 2013-2020, as operator, Romgaz received CO2 certificates, as follows: Operator Installation Annual Allocation (tCO2/year) SNGN Romgaz SA SNGN Romgaz SA - CTE Iernut 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 962,085 824,645 687,204 549,763 412,322 274,882 137,441 - the based on the recommendations made by the Due Diligence Study, performed with the aim of establishing the conformity level of the company to the environmental legislation in force, identification of past and present environmental issues, as well as future environmental risks the company may face, a Report on Significant Environment Issues Remediation was prepared whereby costs, solutions and implementation terms for remedy measures were assumed. In 2016, Romgaz monitored implementation of permanent measures and of multiannual implementation terms measures contained in the Remediation Report (maintaining the perchloroethylene consumption below 1 ton/year for each location so that the provisions of Government Decision no. 699/2003 on setting measures to reduce emissions of volatile organic compounds due to use of organic solvents for specific activities and installations; requesting the renewal of environment permits with 45 days prior to the expiration; locating industrial objectives at sufficient distance from the protected receptors: reducing fugitive emissions in the area of calibration tanks, of metal tanks and of concrete tanks for temporary storage of reservoir water by equipping the tanks with ecological dispersion systems; periodic payment to the “Closing Fund” until the set value of provision is met for the specific waste storage at Page 45 of 98 Board of Director’s Report 2016 Ogra; annual monitoring frequency for Dumbravioara drilling waste storage closed in 2003, etc.); scheduling and organizing the environmental internal inspection, in order to verify conformity with legal requirements applicable to inspected activities. In 2016, 42 environmental internal inspections were scheduled and performed (from Romgaz headquarters on authorized units of the branches), further to which 22 Reports of Determined/Potential Nonconformity were made, out of which 16 were closed within assumed time limit, 1 open (within assumed time limit), and 5 closed, with outdated time limit. Also, Romgaz branches scheduled and performed 119 environmental internal inspections further to which 2 Reports of Determined/Potential Nonconformity were made, which were closed within the time limit; assessment of conformity to environment protection requirements and contractual requirements of contractors and sub-contractors of drilling works contracted by Romgaz in 2016; level implementation of the 2016 action/measure programs for preventing and/or mitigating impact on the environment, that were implemented as follows: works for noise reduction and heat recovery from moto-compressor exhaust system; landslide fighting; installing waste water collection tanks; installing impurities filtering systems; transforming abandoned wells into reservoir water injection wells; installing waste water discharge installations; installing soundproof panels; greening of contaminated areas; making payments for environment protection and permitting; environment protection works required for well modernization; environment protection works for modernization of well clusters by installing safety power generators; modernization of technological installations and of infrastructures (platforms); environment restoration works upon abandoning well; maintenance and repair works at waste water treatment plants; expenses in connection with transportation, takeover and disposal of hazardous and non-hazardous waste; environment works at decommissioning; expenses in connection with reservoir water transportation and waste water discharge; expenses in connection with lab analyses; expenses in connection with maintenance and cleaning of waste industrial installing environment-friendly discharge systems; water separators; CO2 account management fee (SPEE Iernut); CO2 validation report fee; Expenses in connection with metering NOx emissions and dust at boilers 1, 4, and 5 of SPEE Iernut; Equivalent value of CO2 certificates. Page 46 of 98 Board of Director’s Report 2016 In 2016, The Environment Guard made 33 inspections at Romgaz locations, and “Romanian waters” National Administration made 10 inspections. Following such inspections Romgaz was not sanctioned / fined. In 2016, no environment accident was recorded by Romgaz. The summarized statement of litigations is the following: 198 litigations, out of which: 109 cases where Romgaz is complainant; 83 cases where Romgaz is defendant; 5 cases where Romgaz is plaintiff claiming damages/injured party; the (approximately) total value of the files where Romgaz is complainant is RON 2,081,718,247.18; the (approximately) total value of the files where Romgaz is defendant is RON 38,046,596.59 and Euro 80,000. The detailed list of litigations is shown in Annex 3 to this report. The occurrence and thereafter the development and gradual diversification of what was truly going to be the Romanian natural gas infrastructure has an important benchmark, year 1909, when the first gas reservoir was discovered by drilling well 2 Sarmasel (Mures county). During the immediately following years, a unique gas infrastructure for those times started to outline in Europe at a reduced scale, consisting of the following assets: gas transmission pipeline, the first of this kind in Europe, build in 1914, connecting (cid:0) towns Sarmasel and Turda (Cluj county) and (cid:0) gas compressor station from Sarmasel; build in 1927- the first one in Europe. It is notable that the country’s large gas structures were discovered after 1960 and in parallel, a complex infrastructure started to be developed at national scale dedicated exclusively to the gas extraction process and later to the injection and underground storage process. These large gas structures located in the Transylvanian basin supply even today considerable gas quantities. Page 47 of 98 Board of Director’s Report 2016 The infrastructure related to field production and to gas storage in depleted fields turned into underground storages, looks today as a particularly complex system. As a whole, the infrastructure of the company developed continuously before and after 1989. The development of the production capacities reached the peak during 1970–1980 when the annual production was extremely high, both due to the consumption demand and to the considerable reservoir energy of most discovered gas fields. Part of the company’s production infrastructure (assets) resulted from the nationalisation of June 1948. Currently, no natural or legal person, from the country or from abroad, claimed any asset of Romgaz. Although operational, most of the production facilities are several decades old, therefore, a rehabilitation and modernisation process started a few years ago consisting of installing, replacing or upgrading gas delivery/take over fiscal panels, gas drying stations, gas compressor stations. The production facilities relating to the company’s infrastructure are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Gas wells (actually producing wells, temporary suspended wells waiting for reactivation or recompletion operations, wells for reservoir water injection); Pipelines (gathering pipelines connecting the well clusters, waste water pipelines, industrial water pipelines); Gas heaters (radiators); Gas separators (underground separators, surface separators); Flow metering panels (technological flow metering panels for almost every gas field, fiscal or commercial flow metering panel located at the interface with the NTS); Gas drying stations (conditioning): Gas compression units: • • • low capacity portable compressors installed at the well head or at the cluster, booster compressors for one or more fields, compressor stations, usually consisting of one or more units, intermediate or final compressor stations (outlet to the NTS); Industrial or reservoir water pumping stations; Other facilities (buildings, workshops, electric lines, well access roads etc.). Production facilities are used at their maximum capacity (close to 100%). Currently 148 gas fields are producing out of which 143 are well defined blocks and the rest are fields with experimental production. Production from these fields is made by approximately 3260 wells and by almost the same number of technological surface facilities consisting of flowlines, heaters (where the case may be) liquid separators and gas flow metering panels. From the total number of wells, 26% of the wells produce at depths over 2,000m. Pressure and flow limits of production wells are operated by 115 compressor units, 91 units are Page 48 of 98 Board of Director’s Report 2016 grouped in 19 compressor stations, 17 units are the so-called booster compressors and 7 units are located at well clusters. One technical demand required by applicable laws is the quality of gas which is fulfilled more than 99% by means of 71 gas drying stations. The other component of the company’s infrastructure, namely the information – technical system consists of all information equipment and programs (software) used to monitor the parameters related to gas research, production and storage activities. These complex information programs consist of a series of modules that process the data received further to seismic surveys of the earth crust, collects information resulting from gas wells researches, information related to production history and other technical input data for performing cash flow analyses. Processing and interpretation of these input data leads to preparing extensive technic and economic specifications called geological studies. These studies also analyse and substantiate the investments planned for the field in question. The investments together with other production stimulation works become mandatory once the geological study is approved by the ANRM. Bilciuresti Storage Characteristics: Location: Dâmboviţa County, approximately 40 km V-NV from Bucharest; Commissioned in 1983; Capacity: o Working capacity: 1,310 million m3; o Delivery capacity: 17 million m3/day; Main fixed assets: 61 wells out of which 57 injection/extraction wells, 3 piezometric wells, 1 residual water injection well, 26 km of gathering pipelines for 57 injection/extraction wells, 50 gas heaters, 24 separators, 14 gas metering facilities, 7 drying stations, 33 km gathering pipeline, 3 reservoir monitoring parameters systems, bi- two-stage dimensional fiscal metering system equipped with ultrasonic meter, compression station (Butimanu) composed of three compression modules and waste water injection station. Currently, design works for UGS upgrading were contracted with the scope of ensuring the quality of the delivered gas quantities through the NTS as well as to increase the withdrawal capacity to a maximum of 20 million m3/day. Sarmasel Storage Characteristics: Location: near Sarmasel, approximately 35 km NW from Tirgu-Mures, 35 km north from Ludus and 48 km east from Cluj-Napoca.; Commissioned in 1996; Capacity: o Working capacity: 950 million m3; o Delivery capacity: 9.0 million m3/day ; Page 49 of 98 Board of Director’s Report 2016 Main fixed assets: 63 wells, 26 km gathering pipeline for 63 wells, 77 separators, 9 km collector, 1 reservoir monitoring parameters system, bi-directional fiscal metering system equipped with ultrasonic meters, compressor station (Sarmasel) In 2016, following investments are in progress in order to increase the working capacity of the storage up to 900 million m3/cycle: A new gas compressor station equipped with 4 compression units ; 3 gas drying stations; Upgrading and flexibility of the fiscal metering system; 4 injection/extraction wells, including afferent technological installations; 5.5 km collectors, the link between the new compressor station – ISM measure panel. Urziceni Storage Characteristics: Location: Ialomita county approximately 50 km NE from Bucharest Commissioned in 1978; Capacity: o Working capacity: 360 million m3; o Delivery capacity: 4.7 million m3/day; Main fixed assets: 30 wells out of which 28 injection/extraction wells and 2 piezometric wells, 18 km of gathering pipelines for 28 injection/extraction wells, 28 gas heaters, 6 technological gas metering facilities, 1 drying station, 3.3 km gathering pipeline, 3 reservoir monitoring parameters system, bi-directional fiscal metering system equipped with ultrasonic meters, optic fibre data acquisition system; compressor station (Urzicieni). In 2016, the following investments are in progress in order to ensure the delivered gas quality in the NTS as well as to constantly maintain the daily extraction capacity at an average of 4 million m3/day: Upgrading natural gas drying station; Upgrading surface infrastructure. For 2017, 2 new injection/extraction wells were put into operation, works that are currently under tender. Cetatea de Balta Storage Characteristics: Location: approximately 12 km S-V from Târnăveni; Commissioned in 2002; Capacity: o Working capacity: 100 million m3; o Delivery capacity: 1 million m3/day; Main fixed assets: 14 wells, 7 km gathering pipelines for 14 wells, 6 separators, 6 technological gas metering facilities, 10 km gathering pipeline, field supervising system and fiber-optic data acquisition system. Ghercesti Storage Characteristics: Location: Dolj County, near Craiova; Page 50 of 98 Board of Director’s Report 2016 Commissioned in 2002; Capacity: o Working capacity: 150 million m3; o Delivery capacity: 1.5 million m3/day; Main fixed assets: 83 wells, 157 km gathering pipelines for 83 wells, 13 separators, 6 technological gas metering facilities, 1 drying station, 42 km gathering pipelines, 7 reservoir monitoring parameters systems, bi-directional fiscal metering system with two metering lines, equipped with ultrasonic meters and communication system and fiber- optic data acquisition system. Balaceanca Storage Characteristics: Location: approximately 4 km from Bucharest; Commissioned in 1989; Capacities: o Working capacity: 50 million m3; o Delivery capacity: 1.2 million m3/day; Main fixed assets: 21 wells, 10 km gathering pipelines, 15 gas heaters, 4 separators, 4 technological gas metering facilities, 1 drying station, 1.7 km gathering pipelines, 1 reservoir monitoring parameters system, bi-directional fiscal metering system equipped with ultrasonic meters, compressor station (Balaceanca) and communication system and fiber-optic data acquisition system. Well workover, capital repairs and well production tests represent all the services performed with workover rigs, as well as equipment for specific support operations such as: cement plug drilling installations, mud tank equipped with agitator, sand control-sand blender, DST- cased hole testing of productive layers, shale shaker, mud pumps. Special Well Operations are performed with the following equipment: cementing unit, slickline, wireline, coiled tubing unit, liquid nitrogen converter, liquid nitrogen tank truck, cement container, filter unit, equipment for discharge and measurement with two-phase separation, equipment fir discharge and measurement with three- phase separation, equipment for tubing investigation, echometer, rental of tools and utilities, tubing cutting, packer assembling device, hydraulic packer recovery tools, technical assistance for special well operations, well fire-fighting equipment. Future well workover and special well operations are required in order to stop production decline. The car fleet of the Branch for Technological Transportation and Maintenance consists of 635 vehicles and machinery, as follows: passenger carriers: cars (117), land vehicles (105), minibuses (11), buses (2) and large buses (2); passengers and cargo carriers < than 3.5 t (33) and > than 3.5 t (83); vehicles for cargo transportation: dumpers (23), cesspit emptier (33), platform trucks (16), tank truck (3); Page 51 of 98 Board of Director’s Report 2016 vehicles for heavy transportation: truck-tractors (3) and semitrailer trucks (10); handling machinery: cranes from 12-18 t (6) and 24-35 t (12); special vehicles: mobile laboratory for equipment testing and checking (1); heavy machinery: bulldozers (8), caterpillar shovels (2), wheel loaders (13), motor grader (3), compactor (3), front end loaders (11); other machinery: tractor trucks (70), fork lift trucks, etc.; other vehicles: trailers for heavy transportations, trailers and semitrailers. STTM plans to ensure qualitative and economically efficient services due to the future dynamics of Romgaz core business over the medium term (approximately 5 years). CTE Iernut has an installed capacity of 800MW, including 6 power units: 4 Czechoslovakian power units with an installed capacity of 100 MW each and 2 Soviet power units with an installed capacity of 200 MW each. The units have been commissioned between 1963 and 1967. The power plant is connected to the main road E60 by a 1.5km long road and to the national railway system at Cuci by a 2km railway both owned by the CTE Iernut. Operating restrictions imposed by applicable environmental regulations The 100 MW Power Units 1 and 4 During 2013, by commissioning a flue gas recirculation system for boiler no. 1, NOx emissions were reduced from 800 mg/Ncm flue gas to 300 mg/Ncm, complying therefore with environmental regulations. In compliance with the integrated environmental authorization for CTE Iernut, power units no.1 and 4, with an installed capacity of 100MW each, may operate on a transition period until June 30, 2020. The maximum NOx emissions must be reduced from 300 to 100 mg/Ncm flue gas within this period. If this last measure is not taken, the units will not be allowed to operate after June 30, 2020. The 100MW Power Units 2 and 3 Change of environment protection legislation, namely, Directive CE 2010/75/EU allow limited time of operation for units 2 and 3 in case the emission reduction equipment of one or more groups break down and power supply is a priority requirement. Therefore, as of January 2016, units 2 and 3 shall be put in dry preservation. The 200MW power units 5 and 6 Low NOx emission burners have been installed in years 2010 and 2011. As such, an environmental requirement included in the integrated environmental authorization was fulfilled. Due to these measures, the power units automatically enter the new transition period during January 01, 2016 - December 31, 2020. Page 52 of 98 Board of Director’s Report 2016 Investments play an important part in arresting the production decline, which is achieved by discovering of new reserves, by improvement of the current recovery rate, and by rehabilitation, development and modernization of existing facilities. The company invested during 2013-2016 approximately RON 3.37 billion, as follows: Year 2013 2014 2015 Amount (RON thousand) 848,247 1,085,497 937,916 2016 497,716 Total 3,369,376 For 2016, Romgaz scheduled investments worth RON 1,020 million and invests RON 497.7 million, with 51.2% less than scheduled. In 2016 investments were RON 440.2 million lower than the investments made in 2015. The company financed all investments from own sources. The value of fixed assets commissioned during the reporting period was of RON 581.5 million. The Director General approved the 2016 investment program and the relating budget was approved as Annex 4 to the income and expenditures budget by GMS Resolution no.5 of June, 2016. Major investments target in general projects such as: continuing geological research works by performing surveys and drillings for the discovery of new gas reserves; production development by adding new facilities on existing structures; improving the performance of facilities and equipment and increasing production safety; increase of underground storage capacities, flexibility and security of the existing storages; The table below shows the actual investments in relation to the scheduled ones and to the 2016 results: Investment chapter Ite m no. 0 1. 1.1 Natural gas exploration, production works 1 Investment in progress– total, out of which: 2015 *RON thousand* % 2016 Schedule Results ’16/’15 2 352,467 319,051 3 327,899 252,819 4 238,433 178,285 5=4/2x100 72.71 55.88 1.2 Maintaining UGS capacity 32,374 75,000 59,953 185.19 1.3 Environment protection works 2. New investment – total, out of which: 2.1 Natural gas exploration, production works 2.2 Maintaining UGS capacity 2.3 Environment protection works 3. Investment in existing tangible assets 1,042 297,039 292,440 112 4,487 224,664 80 325,201 305,237 15,000 4,964 245,441 195 21,316 18.71 7.18 19,995 6.84 1,287 1,149.11 0.76 89.46 34 200,983 Page 53 of 98 Board of Director’s Report 2016 4. Equipment (other acquisition of tangible assets) 5. Other investment (studies, licenses, software, financial assets etc.) * TOTAL 54,080 88,897 31,838 58.87 9,666 32,562 5,146 53.24 937,916 1,020,000 497,716 53.07 The chart below shows the main investment chapters: 40.38% 6.40% 1.03% 12.30% 5.58% 0.05% 34.26% I. Geological exploration works for the discovery of new gas reserves II. Exploitation drilling works, putting into production of wells, infrastructure and utilitites III. Maintaining UGS capacity IV. Environment protection works V. Revamping and modernization of installation and pieces of equipment VI. Independent equipment and installations VII. Expenses in connection with studies and projects The summary of the achieved investment projects is shown below: Item No. 1. Main Projects Drilling, exploration 2. 3. Production drilling Surface facilities – gas wells 4. Compressor stations and drying stations in gas fields 5. Maintaining storage capacity 6. 7. 8. Well recompletion Well capitalized repair Electricity production 9. Partnerships Planned 2016 31 wells 3 wells 15 wells SC Tigmandru II SU Galbenu II Sarmasel Storage: - compressor station - drilling 4 wells Urziceni Storage - injection/withdrawal system - adapting surface facilities 125 wells 140 wells Performance of capitalized repairs and procurement of equipment Aurelian Petroleum (Brodina): Achieved 2016 14 wells completed 3 wells in progress - 10 wells completed 3 wells in progress completion postponed in progress completed completed 95% completed 95% 121wells 150 wells full Page 54 of 98 Board of Director’s Report 2016 completed completed not completed not performed not completed partially completed completed partially completed - the drilling of Voitinel 2 well Raffles Energy (Bilca): - abandoning Fratauti 1 well - AVO study Raffles Energy (Bacau): - feasibility study for Lilieci GTP – extension of the capacity Lukoil: - drilling 1 new exploration well - drilling prepare works - electromagnetic and geochemical survey -TT&T Schlumberger: - drilling of well 212 - Well 212- hydraulic stimulation - Well 212- surface facilities - Well 135- directional drilling - Well 125- recompletion operations - snubbing operations for wells 131 and 134 - remote flow rate monitoring system - automated foam injection unit Amromco: - seismic acquisition in 2 blocks - drilling 3 wells partially completed- 2 partially completed completed - recompletion operations for 9 wells - surface facilities for 3 wells Slovakia: - drilling 3 wells in blocks Svidnik, Snina and Medzilaborce Poland: - Torzym: maintaining licences, preparation of G&G and G&A, Works for abandoning Sosna- 1 well - Cybinka: preparation of G&G and G&A Reservoir studies wells partially completed- 7 wells partially completed (50%) not performed partially completed completed 100% Page 55 of 98 10. Studies Board of Director’s Report 2016 Procurement contracts have been concluded by the end of 2016 for works to be provided during 2016-2020 of RON 1,660 million, including works rendered by the company. A significant event is the contract conclusion (design and execution) for “Developing CET Iernut through construction of a new electricity station, with combined cycle gas turbine”, with deadline for completion in 2020. Main investments commissioned during the analysed period of RON 581.5 million: drilling: 14 wells; surface facilities: 10 Sarmasel compressor station; Well recompletions: 121 wells; Well capitalizable repairs: 150 wells; Separate equipment. One very complex issue largely impacting the implementation of the investment plan is found in the investment preparation phase and consists of obtaining land permits, approvals, agreements and authorizations required for the performance of works. In order to solve the above-mentioned issues, the company constantly approaches the state institutions in order to have simple and short procedures for obtaining required approvals. The level of results was negatively influenced by causes specific for the second phase: - Difficulties regarding access to public roads for drilling activity; - Impossibility to obtain lands and implicitly, notifications and authorizations to build well technological surface facilities and gas collectors; - Delays of approximately 2 months when performing the procurement procedures generated by the change of procurement legislation. The work completion degree in relation to the work programs for each partnership is indicated below: Item No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 * Partnership Romgaz, Alpine Oil&Gas and JKX Oil&Gas - Slovacia Romgaz, Aurelian Oil&Gas Poland and (financial Sceptre Oil&Gas investment) - Poland Romgaz and Aurelian Romgaz and Amromco Romgaz and Schlumberger Romgaz, Lukoil and PanAtlantic Total work program 2016 Schedule 2016 Results Results/ Schedule 6,080.51 1,704.32 28.03% 1,005.66 311.03 30.93% 5,478.96 27,488.75 43,562.87 17,147.41 4,854.07 18,112.19 3,766.82 7,424.52 100,764.16 36,172.96 88.59% 65.89% 8.65% 43.30% 35.90% Page 56 of 98 Board of Director’s Report 2016 Important issues to be noted: By the end of 2016, electromagnetic and geochemical survey works were performed for exploration stage II within Trident Block. The differences between the budgeted and accounted amounts for G&G Studies are explained by obtaining 50% lower prices than the provided ones for the geo and electromagnetic studies. In addition, the budgeted sums for T&TT, of USD 500 thousand were not completely spent, these being reported for the following period. Exploration Stage II was extended with a year and a half, and it caused the postponement of the preparing drilling works, geohazard (seismical) works and other technical studies. This postponement reflected upon the budget execution of 2016, meaning the unfulfilment of the approved investments( Romgaz, Lukoil and PanAtlantic Association); At the beginning of the year, drilling activities started at well Voitinel 2 , which was subsequently abandoned. The well Voitinel 1 is plugged and abandoned until September 23, 2017. The Operator proposed the budget for 2016 only for the first 10 months of the year, as they expressed their intention to withdraw from the association in October 2016. On January 2017, ANRM issued a Notice of Abandonment for Well Voitinel 2 ( Romgaz and Aurelian Association); Related to the blocks in Poland, unfavourable results were obtained further to drilling Sosna 1, as well as the continuous delay of drilling works performance by the partners for the last 2 years, which determined Romgaz to decide to withdraw from the Polish concessions. Currently, Romgaz is no longer shareholder in the two entities, but the full withdrawal formalities have not been completed, because there are still discrepancies between Romgaz and the Operator’s opinion as regarding Romgaz’s rights and obligations assignment resulting from the Loan Agreement (Romgaz, Aurelian Oil& Gas Poland and Sceptre Oil&Gas- Poland Association); 3D seismic acquisition in the fields Balta Alba and Gura Şutii was acquired in 2016. The 3D seismic acquisition in the fields Fierbinti and Zatreni-Tetoiu was postponed according to the decision of the Management Steering Committeee, by Minutes of April 7, 2016. In the Investment Program was estimated the drilling of three wells, out of which the drilling of wells Frasin Brazi 121 NW and Bibesti 212 was performed following the drilling of the third well Bibeşti 211 to be completed in January 2017. Postponing the drilling was due to the lack of the drilling rig. The mandatory capitalized repairs at Finta-Gheboaia 208 and Zatreni 37 were postponed due to the financing problems of the Operator. According to the decision of the Management Steering Committee, by Minutes of September 1, 2016 recompletion operations were performed at wells: Frasin Brazi 121, 121 NW and 123, Finta-Gheboaia 206. The construction of gathering pipelines and surface facilities for these wells were also approved; these works were achieved at a rate of 47.46% due to postponing the drilling of Bibeşti 211 well for January 2017. The completion of the gathering pipelines Bibeşti 211 and 212 were also postponed, following to be performed in the first months of 2017. The abandonment of two wells: Balta Alba 105 and Finta- Gheboaia 46 ( Romgaz and Amromco Association); In 2016 preparatory drilling works were performed. The drilling of the three wells scheduled for 2016 delayed due to the fact that the Operator encountered hostilities from the local community and authorities. The necessary documentation for obtaining access to the location was submitted to the Environment Ministry, according to Article 29 of Law of Geology. The exceeding of 42.95% of the G&A is due to the fact that this category includes the expenditures with security and legal consultancy determined by the above-mentioned hostilities. This exceeding will be covered by budgetary Page 57 of 98 Board of Director’s Report 2016 reallocation from “Taxes and Licence”. (Romgaz, Alpine Oil&Gas Association- Slovakia) Snubbing operations at wells LM 131 and LM 134 began in March and ended in April. In 2016 taxes were paid to start the drilling works for well LM 212 and automatic foam stick launching were purchased. Failure to meet with the 2016 Investment Program 2016 is mainly due to not-performing the drilling for well 212, not- performing the deepening works for well 135 and not-performing the recompletion operations for well 125, given that Schlumberger, as associate, has conditioned its participation in the 2016 investment program 2016 upon the approving of an addendum to extend the contract of association (Romgaz and Schlumberger Association). Page 58 of 98 Board of Director’s Report 2016 Government Decision no.831/August 4, 2010 on the approval of the privatization strategy by public offering of Societatea Nationala de Gaze Naturale “Romgaz” S.A. Medias, and the mandate of the public institution involved in the development of such process approved “the sale by secondary initial public offering of shares representing 15% of S.N.G.N. “Romgaz S.A. share capital by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Business Environment, through the Office of State Ownership and Privatization in Industry”. Since November 12, 2013, the company’s shares have been traded on the regulated market governed by BVB under the symbol “SNG”, and on the regulated market governed by LSE (the London Stock Exchange) as GDRs issued by The Bank of New York Mellon under the symbol “SNGR”. Item No. Description 2013 2014 2015 2016 Number of shares 1. 2. Market capitalization4 *million RON *million EUR 3. Maximum price (RON) 4. Minimum price (RON) 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Year end price (RON) Net profit per share (RON) Gross dividend per share (RON) Dividend yield (7./5.x100) Exchange rate (RON/EUR) *) proposed dividend 385,422,400 385,422,400 385,422,400 385,422,400 13,178 2,952 35.60 33.80 34.19 2.58 2.57 7.5% 4.4639 14,018 3,127 36.37 32.41 35.36 3.66 3.15 8.9% 4.4834 10,483 2,315 36.55 26.30 27.20 3.10 2.70 9.9% 4.5285 9,636 2,122 27.55 21.60 25.00 2.66 2.49*) 9.96% 4.5411 At the end of year 2016, Romgaz share price was RON 25.00, lower by 28% than the closing price at year end 2015. The maximum price per share (RON 27.55) recorded on March 25, 2016 (after the announcement of the dividend proposal for 2015), followed by a drop in price reaching the lowest value of RON 21.60 on May 19, 2016. For H 2 the share price oscillated, but the trend continued upwardly reaching by the end of 2016 the value of RON 25.10. Since the listing date up to present, Romgaz is considered an attractive company for investors and holds a significant position in the top of local issuers, being included in BVB indices as well as in indices of other markets, as follows: - Second place, by market capitalization, in the top of Premium BVB issuers. With a market capitalization amounting to RON 9,636 million (respectively EUR 2,112 million) as of December 30, 2016, Romgaz is the second largest listed company in Romania, being preceded by OMV Petrom with a capitalization in amount of RON 14,748 million, i.e. EUR 3,256 million; 4 Calculated on the basis of the closing price of the last trading day in the respective year, and on the basis of the exchange rate announced by BNR, valid for the last trading day in the respective year Page 59 of 98 Board of Director’s Report 2016 - Third place as regards the total amount of transactions in 2016, in the top of local issuers in the main segment of BVB, preceded by Fondul Proprietatea and Banca Transilvania; - Weigh of 10.81% in the BET index (top 10 issuers) and 9.80% in the BET-XT index (BET extended), 22.24% in the BET-NG index (energy and utilities) and 10.81 % in the BET-TR (BET Total Return)5 index; - Romgaz issuer is also included in global indices with allocation for Romania, for instance in the following index groups: FTSE (Financial Times Stock Exchange), MSCI (Morgan Stanley Capital International), S&P (Standard & Poor's), STOXX (oriented mainly on the European markets), Russell Frontier. At the end of the first trading day, Romgaz share price was RON 34.5, 15% higher than the price paid by the institutional investors to buy the shares, and the closing price of GDRs was USD 10.4, 13.66% higher than the subscription price. Performance of Romgaz shares between listing and December 30, 2016, as compared to the BET index, is shown below: 40.00 35.00 30.00 25.00 20.00 15.00 10.00 5.00 0.00 e r a h s / N O R 3 1 0 2 / 2 1 / 1 1 3 1 0 2 / 4 / 2 1 4 1 0 2 1 0 . . 3 0 4 1 0 2 1 0 . . 7 2 4 1 0 2 2 0 . . 8 1 4 1 0 2 3 0 . . 2 1 4 1 0 2 / 3 / 4 4 1 0 2 / 0 3 / 4 4 1 0 2 5 0 . . 7 2 4 1 0 2 6 0 . . 9 1 4 1 0 2 7 0 . . 1 1 4 1 0 2 8 0 . . 4 0 4 1 0 2 / 8 2 / 8 4 1 0 2 9 0 . . 2 2 4 1 0 2 0 1 . . 4 1 4 1 0 2 1 1 . . 5 0 4 1 0 2 1 1 . . 7 2 4 1 0 2 2 1 . . 2 2 5 1 0 2 / 1 2 / 1 5 1 0 2 / 2 1 / 2 5 1 0 2 / 6 / 3 5 1 0 2 / 0 3 / 3 5 1 0 2 / 4 2 / 4 5 1 0 2 / 0 2 / 5 5 1 0 2 / 5 1 / 6 5 1 0 2 / 7 / 7 5 1 0 2 / 9 2 / 7 5 1 0 2 / 0 2 / 8 5 1 0 2 / 4 1 / 9 5 1 0 2 / 6 / 0 1 5 1 0 2 / 8 2 / 0 1 5 1 0 2 / 9 1 / 1 1 5 1 0 2 / 5 1 / 2 1 6 1 0 2 / 3 1 / 1 6 1 0 2 / 4 / 2 6 1 0 2 / 6 2 / 2 6 1 0 2 / 1 2 / 3 6 1 0 2 / 2 1 / 4 6 1 0 2 / 5 / 5 6 1 0 2 / 7 2 / 5 6 1 0 2 / 1 2 / 6 6 1 0 2 / 3 1 / 7 6 1 0 2 / 4 / 8 6 1 0 2 / 9 2 / 8 6 1 0 2 / 0 2 / 9 6 1 0 2 / 2 1 / 0 1 6 1 0 2 / 3 / 1 1 6 1 0 2 / 5 2 / 1 1 6 1 0 2 / 1 2 / 2 1 SNG BET 9000.00 8000.00 7000.00 6000.00 5000.00 4000.00 3000.00 2000.00 1000.00 0.00 Performance of GDRs traded on the London Stock Exchange and RON/USD exchange rate movements are shown below: 14.00 12.00 10.00 8.00 6.00 4.00 2.00 0.00 R D G / D S U 3 1 0 2 / 2 1 / 1 1 3 1 0 2 / 4 / 2 1 4 1 0 2 . . 1 0 3 0 4 1 0 2 . . 1 0 7 2 4 1 0 2 . . 2 0 8 1 4 1 0 2 . . 3 0 2 1 4 1 0 2 / 3 / 4 4 1 0 2 / 0 3 / 4 4 1 0 2 . . 5 0 7 2 4 1 0 2 . . 6 0 9 1 4 1 0 2 . . 7 0 1 1 4 1 0 2 . . 8 0 4 0 4 1 0 2 / 8 2 / 8 4 1 0 2 . . 9 0 2 2 4 1 0 2 . . 0 1 4 1 4 1 0 2 . . 1 1 5 0 4 1 0 2 . . 1 1 7 2 4 1 0 2 . . 2 1 2 2 5 1 0 2 / 1 2 / 1 5 1 0 2 / 2 1 / 2 5 1 0 2 / 6 / 3 5 1 0 2 / 0 3 / 3 5 1 0 2 / 4 2 / 4 5 1 0 2 / 9 1 / 5 5 1 0 2 / 2 1 / 6 5 1 0 2 / 6 / 7 5 1 0 2 / 8 2 / 7 5 1 0 2 / 9 1 / 8 5 1 0 2 / 1 1 / 9 5 1 0 2 / 5 / 0 1 5 1 0 2 / 7 2 / 0 1 5 1 0 2 / 8 1 / 1 1 5 1 0 2 / 4 1 / 2 1 6 1 0 2 / 2 1 / 1 6 1 0 2 / 3 / 2 6 1 0 2 / 5 2 / 2 6 1 0 2 / 8 1 / 3 6 1 0 2 / 1 1 / 4 6 1 0 2 / 5 / 5 6 1 0 2 / 7 2 / 5 6 1 0 2 / 2 2 / 6 6 1 0 2 / 4 1 / 7 6 1 0 2 / 5 / 8 6 1 0 2 / 1 3 / 8 6 1 0 2 / 2 2 / 9 6 1 0 2 / 4 1 / 0 1 6 1 0 2 / 7 / 1 1 6 1 0 2 / 9 2 / 1 1 6 1 0 2 / 8 2 / 2 1 USD/GDR lei/USD 5.00 4.50 4.00 3.50 3.00 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 0.50 0.00 D S U / i e l 5 Weights according to quarterly adjustments of indices on December 9, 2016. Page 60 of 98 Board of Director’s Report 2016 Romgaz share denominated in USD (GDR) was influenced by the RON/USD quotation, with RON that rose against the Dollar over the last period of review. The General Meeting of Shareholders determines the value of dividends to be distributed to shareholders considering the specific legal provisions. Therefore, Government Ordinance no. 64/2001 on profits distribution as regards companies where the State acts as majority shareholder and autonomous administrations, approved by Law 769/2001, as subsequently amended and supplemented, provides at article 1, paragraph (1), item (f) that the profit after deduction of profit tax shall be distributed as follows, unless otherwise prescribed under special laws: (a) legal reserves; (b) other reserves representing tax facilities provided by law; (c) covering accounting losses for the previous years, except for the retained accounting losses as a result of adjustments required under the application of IAS 29 “Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies”, according to the Accounting Regulations compliant with the International Financial Reporting Standards and the Accounting Regulations in line with the Council Directive 86/635/EEC and the International Accounting Standards applicable to credit institutions; (c^1) setting own financing sources for projects co-financed out of external loans, as well as for the amounts necessary for reimbursing capital instalments, paying interests, commissions and other costs related to these external loans; (d) other distributions provided by law; (e) employees’ participation to profits; national companies and companies fully or majority owned by the state, as well as autonomous administrations which undertook and established in their income and expense budgets the obligation to participate in the distribution of profits, as a result of the employees’ services in relation thereto, may grant these rights up to 10% of the net profit, however not exceeding the level of one monthly average base salary of the relevant company during the respective financial year; (f) a minimum of 50% contribution to the state or local budget, in the case of autonomous administrations, or dividends, in the case of national companies and companies fully or majority owned by the state; (g) the profit undistributed according to items (a) – (f) above is distributed to other reserves and represents own financing sources. Profit is distributed for the purposes and in the amounts referred to at paragraph (1) items e), f), and g) after deduction of the amounts related to the purposes determined under special laws stipulated at items a), b), c), c^1), and d) of the same paragraph. Profit is distributed subject to the accounting profit recorded under statutory financial statements which have been prepared according to the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), adopted by EU, in compliance with national legislation. In accounting terms, participation of employees in the distribution of profit is registered as a wage related expense recognized in the financial statement of the year when the profit was obtained by the Company. The participation of employees in the distribution of profit is paid in the subsequent year. Page 61 of 98 Board of Director’s Report 2016 For the financial years ending December 31, 2012 and December 31, 2013, respectively, the state-owned companies and the companies where the State acts as majority shareholder had the obligation, established by the Government, to distribute an 85% share of profit as dividends (under the Memorandum “Measures which must be observed while drafting the income and expenses budgets of economic operators having whole or majority state participation”). Furthermore, since September 6, 2012, by way of derogation from the requirements of Companies Law 31/1990 providing that dividends are to be paid no later than six months after the approval of the annual financial statements, state-owned companies are required, in accordance with the provisions of Government Ordinance no. 64/2001, to pay the dividends to their shareholders within 60 days of the legal deadline for the submission of the annual financial statements to the competent fiscal authorities. The table below shows the status of dividends for the years 2014-2016: Description 2014 2015 Proposal 2016 Dividends 1,214,080,560 1,040,640,480 959,701,776 Gross dividend per share (RON/share) Dividend distribution rate (%) 3.15 86.11 2.70 87.13 2.49 93.67 Number of shares 385,422,400 385,422,400 385,422,400 The Government of Romania mandated the state representatives in the General Meeting of Shareholders/the Board of Directors of the national societies, national companies and majority or entirely state owned companies and the autonomous administrations, to take all the necessary measures for the distribution of a minimum share of 90% of net profit accomplished in 2016 (as dividends/payments) to the state budget. The Government took this decision through a Memorandum adopted at the meeting of January 27, 2017. Page 62 of 98 Board of Director’s Report 2016 Since January 1, 2013, the Board of Directors underwent several changes, bearing in mind that in 2013 the Government Emergency Ordinance no.109/November 30, 2011 on corporate governance in state-owned enterprises was implemented within the company, as regards the selection and appointment of members in the board of directors based on a cumulative voting procedure, and the number of the members of the board was increased from 5 to 7. The members of the Board of Directors as of December 31, 2016 are as follows: Name Item No Institution of employment Position in the Board Status 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Chisalita Dumitru Universitatea “Transilvania” Braşov Chairperson Negrut Aurora Ministry of Energy Jansen Petrus Antonius Maria Associate Lecturer London School of Business and Finance Tcaciuc Sebastian Gabriel SC Auris Capital SRL Jude Aristotel Marius Ministry of Energy Stoicescu Razvan Florin Musat&Asociatii SPARL Buzatu Florin Danut Societatea de Investitii Financiare Transilvania Member Member Member Member Member Member non- independent non- independent independent independent non- independent independent independent *)- members of the Board of Directors submitted the independent statements in compliance with the provisions of Romgaz Corporate Governance Code. During 2016, the Board of Directors underwent the following changes: - On February 22, 2016, Mrs. Sorana Baciu resigned from Romgaz Board of Directors, and Mr. Sebastian-Gabriel Tcaciuc was appointed member on an interim basis pending full appointment at the following Ordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders of March 25, 2016 (OGMS). - The mandate of Mr. Dragoş Dorcioman expires on March 25, 2016 - By Resolution No 3/March 25, 2016 of the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders Mr. Jude Aristotel-Marius was appointed as member of the Board on the position left vacant by cease of mandate of Mr. Dorcioman Dragoş. - By Resolution no. 3/March 25, 2016 of the General Meeting of Shareholders, Mr. Tcaciuc Sebastian-Gabriel was appointed as member of the Board. - By Resolution no. 10/November 15, 2016, of the General Meeting of Shareholders, Mr. Buzatu Florin Danut was appointed as member of the Board, bu cumulative vote; - By Resolution no. 10/November 15, 2016 of the General Meeting of Shareholders, Mr. Stoicescu Florin- Razvan was appointed as member of the Board, by cumulative vote; - By Resolution no.10/November 15, 2016 of the General Meeting of Shareholders, Mr. Metea Virgil-Marius and Mrs. Popescu Ecaterina were revoked from position for nonconformity as regards the cumulative vote. Page 63 of 98 Board of Director’s Report 2016 The CVs of the current directors are to be found on the company’s webpage at the section “Investor Relations – Corporate Governance – Board of Directors”. to the According information supplied by each director, there is no agreement, understanding or family relationship between them and another person that contributed to their appointment as directors. As of December 31, 2016 the following members hold shares within the company: No Name and Surname Number of shares held 0 1 2 1 Tcaciuc Sebastian Gabriel Buzatu Florin Dănuţ 2 33.000 3.000 Weight in the share capital (%) 3 0.00856203 0.00077837 Virgil Marius Metea - Director General (CEO) By Resolution no. 8 of June 12, 2013 the Board of Directors appointed Mr. Virgil Marius Metea as director general and delegated internal management powers and representation competences to him. The Mandate Contract was concluded on a 4 year period (12 June 2013- 13 June 2017) and can be renewed by addendum further a resolution of the Board of Directors. The table below shows the management positions to which the Board of Directors did not delegate managing powers: Name ROMGAZ - headquarters Rotar Dumitru Gheorghe Dobrescu Dumitru Bobar Andrei Chertes Viorel Claudiu Cindrea Corin Emil Ciolpan Vasile Ştefănescu Dan Paul Terciu Iulian Ermil Stancu Lucian Adrian Bodogae Horea Sorin Pavlovschi Vlad Balasz Bela Atila Morariu Dan Nicolae Bîrsan Mircea Lucian Sorescu Eugen Medias Branch Man Mihai Ioan Achimeţ Teodora Magdalena Şutoiu Florinel Seician Daniel Position Deputy Director General Deputy Director General Chief Financial Officer Management Support Director Quality, Health, Safety and Environment Director Energy Trade Director Exploration-Production Director Human Resources Management Director Corporate Management Director Procurement Direction Director Business Development Director Energy Management Director Information Technology and Telecommunication Director Technical Director Exploration Director Director Economic Director Production Director Technical Director Page 64 of 98 Board of Director’s Report 2016 Tîrgu Mureş Branch Dinca Ispasoan Ioan Caraivan Viorica Rusu Gratian Baciu Marius Tiberiu Ploieşti Branch Cârstea Vasile Ionescu Viorica Maria Vecerdea Dan Adrian Iernut Branch Bircea Angela Vlassa Susana Ramona Oprea Maria Aurica David Ştefan SIRCOSS Stancicu Sorin Bordeu Viorica Gheorghiu Sorin STTM Pop Traian Ilinca Cristian Alexandru Cioban Cristian Augustin Director Economic Director Production Director Technical Director Director Economic Director Storage Director Director Economic Director Commercial Director Technical Director Director Economic Director Technical Director Director Economic Director Operation-Development Director According to the Articles of Incorporation, appointment and dismissal of executive directors is made by the Board of Directors; “executive director” means “the person to whom the Board of Directors delegated competences to manage the Company” – Article 24, paragraph (15). The members of the executive management, except the director general, are employees of the company, having an individual labour contract for an indefinite period. The management and operating personnel are employed, promoted and dismissed by the director general based on the competences delegated to him by the Board of Directors. According to our information, there is no agreement, understanding or family relationship between the members of the executive management and another person that contributed to their appointment as members of the executive management. The table below shows the number of shares held by the members of the executive management as of December 31, 2016: Item no. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Name and Surname Number of shares held Weight in the capital share (%) 1 Rotar Dumitru Gheorghe MeteaVirgil Marius Baciu Marius Tiberiu Ştefănescu Dan-Paul Cârstea Vasile Stăncicu Sorin 2 15,611 5,513 1,485 601 412 76 3 0.00405036 0.00143038 0.00038529 0.00015593 0.00010690 0.00001972 Page 65 of 98 Board of Director’s Report 2016 7 8 9 10 11 Ilinca Cristian Alexandru Morariu Dan Nicolae Dincă Ispasian Ioan Vecerdea Dan Adrian Balasz Bela Atila 74 52 48 45 38 0.00001920 0.00001349 0.00001245 0.00001168 0.00000986 To the best of our knowledge, the persons mentioned at 6.1 and 6.2 above, have not been involved in litigations or administrative proceedings related to their activity in Romgaz in the last 5 years, nor in proceedings related to their capacity of fulfilling the duties. Page 66 of 98 Board of Director’s Report 2016 The individual financial statements of the Company have been prepared in accordance with the provisions of the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as adopted by the European Union and provisions of PFM Order no. 2844/2016. For the purposes of the preparation of these individual financial statements, the functional currency of the Company is deemed to be the Romanian Leu (RON). IFRS, as adopted by the EU, differs in certain respects from IFRS as issued by the IASB. However, the differences have no impact on the Company’s individual financial statements for the years presented. The individual financial statements have been prepared on a going concern basis in accordance with the historical cost convention. The table below presents a summary of the statement of individual financial position as of December 31, 2016: Indicator 31.12.2014 31.12.2015 31.12.2016 (RON thousand) (RON thousand) (RON thousand) Variance (2016/2015) 0 1 2 3 4=(3-2)/2*100 Assets Non current Assets Property, plant and equipment Other intangible assets Subsidiaries Associates Other Financial Investments Other non-current assets Total non-current assets Current Assets Inventories Trade and other receivables Other financial assets Other Assets Cash and cash equivalents Total current assets TOTAL ASSETS EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Capital and reserves Share capital Reserves Retained earnings Total capital and reserves Non current liabilities 5,962,719 407,449 - 738 76,889 - 6,447,795 392,108 1,000,195 2,343,864 101,886 526,256 4,364,309 10,812,104 5,996,460 399,859 1,200 163 70,080 29.300 6,497,062 559,784 601,065 2,146,827 139,612 740,352 4,187,640 1,.684,702 5,789,262 397,864 1,200 120 69,657 - 6,258,103 575,983 828,610 2,892,751 141,525 280,526 4,719,395 10,977,498 385,422 2,142,347 7,184,249 9,712,018 385,422 2,581,853 6,724,947 9,692,222 385,422 3,020,152 6,270,587 9,676,161 -3.46% -0.50% 0.00% -26.38% -0.60% - -3.68% 2.89% 37.86% 34.75% 1.37% -62.11% 12.70% 2.74% 0.00% 16.98% -6.76% -0.17% Retirement benefit obligation Deferred tax liabilities 97,265 131,305 102,959 62,589 119,986 40,123 16.54% -35.89% Page 67 of 98 Board of Director’s Report 2016 Provisions Total non current liabilities 0 Current liabilities Trade and other payables Current tax liabilities Income in advance Provisions Other liabilities Total current liabilities Total liabilities 202,293 430,863 2 200,855 194,048 -3.39% 36,.403 3 354,157 3 -3.34% 4=(3-2)/2*100 216.983 93.590 - 35.814 322.836 669.223 1.100.086 186.937 90.838 - 28.779 319.523 626.077 992.480 569.941 60.295 4,924 50.437 261.583 947.180 1.301.337 20488% -33.62% - 75.26% -18.13% 51.29% 31.12% 2.74% TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES 10.812.104 10.684.702 10.977.498 Non-current assets The total non-currents assets decreased by 3.68% (i.e. RON 239.0 million) due to the net depreciation and amortization of fixed assets lower than the investments in new assets. Moreover, on December 31, 2016, the company did not have bank deposit with a maturity date over one year, explaining the decreasing of the line “Other financial assets”. Current assets The current assets increased by 12.7% as compared to the previous year, as follows: - Trade receivables increased by 37.86%, compared to December 31, 2015 as a result of the improvement of the policy on reducing the credit risk related to sales made by the Company. Therefore, the company concluded gas sale contracts that are secured either by the advance payment of deliveries, or by letters of bank guarantees. As a result, the impairment related to sales decreased in 2016 as compared to the previous year, the most significant allowance being recorded further in invoicing penalties to a client that became subsequently insolvent. - Other financial assets, cash and cash equivalents recorded an increase by 8.8% as compared to the previous year and include cash in bank deposits, fixed-term deposits and government securities; Capital and reserves As of December 31, 2016, Company reserves increased by RON 438.30 million as a result of allocating a share of the 2015 net profit (RON 335.94 million) to the development fund of the Company and a share of the current period profit (RON 83.26 million), following implementation of the fiscal facilities, in accordance with Law 227/2015 on the Fiscal Code. Retained earnings decreased by RON 454.36 million, further to allocating the previous years’ net profit to the destinations approved by the GMS, the positive effect being generated by the value of 2016 net profit. Non-current liabilities Non-current liabilities decreased as of December 31, 2016 compared to the previous year mainly due to a decrease of the deferred income tax liability. The deferred income tax is calculated in compliance with the requirements of the International Financial Reporting Standards and it is not a chargeable liability. Page 68 of 98 Board of Director’s Report 2016 The provision for benefits granted for retirement and other benefits has been updated on December 31, 2016 by actuarial methods. The increase by RON 17.03 million is due to renegotiating the Collective Labour Agreement applicable at the Company. Current liabilities Trade payables and other payables increased on December 31, 2016 by 204.88 % as compared to the previous year following the increase of the advances paid by clients for the gas deliveries. At the time the gas balance for November and December 2016 will be finalized these advances will be settled with the invoices issued to the clients for the two months (trade liabilities record the estimated income for the two months in amount of RON 698.37 million). Short term provisions have increased by RON 21.66 million as of December 31, 2016 as a result of recording the profit share payable to employees. This liability has been recorded in 2015 at “Other Liabilities”. The decrease of other liabilities as of December 31, 2016 by 18.13%, namely RON 57.94 million is due to the decrease of liabilities related to the tax on additional revenue obtained further to the deregulation of prices in the gas sector, the decrease of the petroleum royalty and the liabilities related to output VAT. The Company did not issue bonds or other debt instruments during the 2016 financial year. The statement of comprehensive income for the period January 1 – December 31, 2016, as compared to the similar period of the years 2015 and 2014, is shown below: Indicator 0 Revenue Cost of commodities sold Investment income Other gains and losses Changes in inventory of finished goods and work in progress Raw materials and consumables used Depreciation, amortization and impairment Year 2014 (thousand RON) 1 4,493,341 Year 2015 (thousand RON) 2 4,052,684 (175,638) (40,228) 78,729 44,185 (275,141) (318,903) Year 2016 (thousand RON) 3 3,411,868 (49,878) 22,117 (468,218) 27,743 138,181 20,963 Variance (2015/2016) 4=(3-2)/2*100 -15.81% 23.99% -49.94% 46.82% -84.83% (66,167) (78,262) (54,632) -30.19% (776,839) (793,598) (311,021) -60.81% Employee benefit expense (522,785) (511,647) Finance cost Exploration expense Other expenses Other income Profit before tax Income tax expense Profit for the year (24,476) (43,332) (20,302) (42,395) (1,034,627) (1,040,670) 107,521 79,793 1,788,329 1,468,838 (378,448) (274,553) 1,409,881 1,194,285 (498,114) (18,275) (253,348) (881,923) 361,147 1,280,695 (256,116) 1,024,579 -2.64% -9.97% 497.59% -15.25% 352.60 % -12.81% -6.72% -14.21% Page 69 of 98 Board of Director’s Report 2016 Revenue In 2016, Romgaz achieved revenue of RON 3.41 billion, as compared to RON 4.05 billion achieved in 2015, lower by 15.81% due to negative influence of weather condition, drastic decrease of gas demand in the key sectors, competition against import gas and unfavourable fiscal framework for competition on the natural gas market. Cost of Commodities Sold In 2016, cost of commodities sold increased by 23.99%, due to an increase by 9.8% of the cost of commodity gas sold and the increase by 33% of costs generated by negative imbalances on electricity balancing market. Investment Income In 2016, investment income decreased by 49.94%, to RON 22.12 million, compared to RON 44.12 million in 2015, driven by the reduction of interest rates of the cash placed in bank deposits and state bonds. Other Gains and Losses In 2016 the Company estimates a net loss of RON 468.22 million mainly as a result of recording allowances for doubtful debts as regards one of the Company’s most important customer. Following entering into insolvency of that customer, in order to conduct the insolvency proceedings and to protect the Company’s interests, in 2016 penalties for late payments were invoiced; these penalties were won in court in accordance with a non-final court decision, and they relate to receivables that were paid off in kind in 2013. Bearing in mind the uncertainty of cashing such amount, an equivalent allowance for doubtful debts was created that offsets the income from penalties invoiced to that customer. The income from such penalties is included in “Other Income”. Other Gains and Losses also include the loss from write-off of fixed asset amounting to RON 108.06 million. This loss is compensated by the resuming at income the impairment set up for these assets over the previous periods, the effect in the result of the reviewed period being insignificant. Resuming the impairment for fixed assets at income is reflected in Depreciation, Amortization and Impairment. Another influence on the estimated loss of RON 468.22 million is due to payment of some amounts further to ANAF investigation (National Agency for Fiscal Administration) carried out in 2014. The control was conducted on income tax for the period 2008 – 2013 and VAT for the period 2009–2013. Following this investigation and the complaints submitted by the Company, the amount to be paid was of RON 18.85 million. By Q3 2016, the Company set up a provision for litigations in amount of RON 15.87 million and such the amount was paid only in Q4 2016. In 2015, the Company sued ANAF, and on the date of publishing the preliminary results for 2016 the process was under trial. Considering these aspects and the fact that the Company regards the payment made as not due, in Q4 2016 a receivable of RON 18.85 million was recorded and impairment for the same value was registered due to ongoing litigation. Such loss is partially annulled by resuming at income the provision for litigation in amount of RON 15.87 million which is reflected at “Other Expenses”. Changes in Inventory Changes in inventory are estimated to have decreased in the year ended on December 31, 2016 as compared to the previous year, due to the following factors: - the gas volumes injected in the storage during 2016 have been smaller by 43.8% as compared to the volumes injected in 2015; Page 70 of 98 Board of Director’s Report 2016 - gas volumes withdrawn from the storage in the current year have increased by 12.97% as compared to the previous year; Raw Materials and Consumables Used In 2016, the estimated cost of raw materials has been lower than in the previous year, by 30.19% especially due to the decrease of expenses with fuel. Depreciation, Amortization and Impairment These expenses include expenses with depreciation of non-current assets in amount of RON 527.94 million (2015: RON 560.07 million) and net impairment income in amount of RON 216.93 million (2015: net impairment expenses of RON 233.53 million). The decrease of expenses with depreciation is generated by the decrease of the natural gas production during the analysed period, the production wells being depreciated depending on the ratio between production and reserves. As regards the net impairment income, it offsets the exploration expenses of RON 253.35 million representing exploration drilling projects abandoned in 2016 for which the Company has set up impairments in the previous periods (the most significant exploration project refers to abandoning Rapsodia block operated in partnership with Lukoil. The Decision of the National Agency for Mineral Resources on the termination of the petroleum agreement for exploration-development-production in EX-29 Est Rapsodia block has been published in the Official Gazette in December 2016). Moreover, this net impairment income compensates the loss from the write-off of tangible assets, as previously mentioned. Therefore, the effects of abandoning the negative exploration drilling projects and the write-off of fixed assets reflected in the financial results of the year are insignificant. Exploration expense In 2016 exploration expenses recorded an increase of 497.6% as compared to the previous year. As mentioned at “Depreciation, Amortization and Impairment” the effect of these expenses was offset by the reversal of the impairment set up in previous periods, the net effect is a loss of RON 16 million. Other Expenses The breakdown of other expenses by elements of cost is shown in the table below: Indicator 2014 (thousand RON) 2015 (thousand RON) 2016 (thousand RON) Variance (2016/015) 1 Electricity Gas capacity booking Other taxes and duties Provisions Other operating expenses Total 2 20,755 40,427 3 18,472 40,574 4 16,964 37,449 (thousand RON) 5=4-3 (1,508) (3,125) 816,598 787,182 604,243 (182,939) (4,093) 2,128 12,978 160,940 192,314 210,082 10,850 17,768 1,034,627 1,040,670 881,716 (158,954) (%) 6=5/3x100 -8.16 -7.70 -23.24 509.87 9.24 -15.27 Page 71 of 98 Board of Director’s Report 2016 In 2016, other expenses recorded a decrease as compared to the previous year by 15.27% reaching RON 881.71 million, as compared to RON 1,040.67 million in 2015. The decrease of such expenses is due to the decrease of petroleum royalty expenses (decrease estimated at RON 85.93 million) and of the tax on additional revenue, such revenues being obtained as a result of deregulating prices in the gas sector (decrease estimated at RON 81.55 million) as a result of reducing gas deliveries. Other income The company recorded in 2016 other income of RON 361.15 million, with 352.60% higher than 2015 due to increase of late payment penalties invoiced to clients for not paying on due date, the most significant amount relates to one of the Company’s largest customers. An allowance has been set up for this amount considering the insolvency of such customer the allowance has been reflected at “Other gains and losses”. Income tax expense Income tax expense in 2016 includes the current income tax expense in amount of RON 278.58 million (2015: RON 343.27 million) and the deferred tax income in amount of RON 22.47 million (2015: RON 68.72 million). Decrease of the current income tax in 2016 as compared to 2015 is due to the profit decline. Profit for the Year Pursuant to the evolution of income and expense elements as above mentioned, in 2016 the net profit of the Company decreased by RON 169.71 million that is by 14.21%. Page 72 of 98 Board of Director’s Report 2016 Statements of cash flows recorded in the period 2014 – 2016 are shown in the table below: INDICATOR 1 Cash flow from operating activities Net Profit for the year Adjustments for: Income tax expense Investment income Interest expense Unwinding of decommissioning provision Interest revenue Loss on disposal of non-current assets Change in decommissioning provision recognized in profit or loss, other than unwinding Change in other provisions Expenses for provisions for impairment of exploration assets Exploration costs Impairment of property, plant and equipment Depreciation and amortization Impairment of investment in associates Impairment of other financial assets Losses from trade receivables and other assets Income from dismantling of assets Write-down allowance of inventory Movements in working capital (Increase)/Decrease in inventory (Increase)/Decrease in trade and other receivables (Increase)/Decrease in trade and other liabilities Cash generated from operations Interest paid Income tax paid Net cash generated by operating activities Cash flows from investing activities Investments in affiliated parts Investments in subsidiaries (Increase)/Decrease in other financial assets Interest received Proceeds from sale of non-current assets Loan granted to associates Loans reimbursed by the associates Dividends received Collection from sales of other financial investments Acquisition of non-current assets Acquisition of exploration assets Net cash used in financing activities Cash flows from financing activities Dividends paid Net cash used in financing activities Net Increase/(Decrease) in cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year *thousand RON* 2014 2 2015 3 2016 4 1,409,881 1,194,285 1,024,579 378,448 (3,268) 34 24,442 (75,461) 18,024 (7,877) 3,783 154,077 43,332 137,783 484,979 209 11 - 233,340 - 21,907 2,823,644 50,008 (154,869) 95,160 2,813,943 (34) (500,975) 2,312,934 - - (770,854) 77,200 154 - - 1,634 - (580,708) (485,147) (1,757,721) 274,553 - 34 20,268 (44,185) 23,084 (19,724) 21,852 228,309 42,395 5,219 560,070 1,328 6,809 - 292,146 (2,232) (4,576) 2,599,635 (162,187) 54,550 (15,202) 2,476,796 (34) (346,021) 2,130,741 (753) (1,200) 158,050 53,872 42 (726) 65 1,634 - (357,281) (555,423) (701,720) 256,116 - 15 18,260 (22,117) 108,057 (5,941) 18,919 (173,701) 253,348 (43,228) 527,941 43 (1,554) 1,577 354,321 (1,287) 5,714 2,321,062 (21,646) (583,600) 337,707 2,053,523 (15) (309,125) 1,744,383 - - (720,480) 25,178 144 - - - 400 (296,511) (172,178) (1,163447) (988,287) (988,287) (433,074) 959,330 526,256 (1,214,925) (1,214,925) 214,096 526,256 740,352 (1,040,762) (1,040,762) (459,826) 740,352 280,526 Page 73 of 98 Board of Director’s Report 2016 Corporate governance accommodates continuously to the requirements of a modern economy, to increasing globalization of social life and to investors and interested parties need for information on companies business. Government Emergency Ordinance (OUG) No. 109 of November 30, 2011 on public companies corporate governance, as amended and supplemented (the “Ordinance”) and Government Decision no. 772 of September 28, 2016 on Methodological Norms for establishing the financial and nonfinancial performance criteria and variable component of remuneration of the members of the Board of Directors, or if applicable, the supervision of enterprise, and of directors and members of directorate, respectively, applies to Romgaz, as national company. The Ordinance sets up a number of principles and provisions to ensure their application. Principles included in the Ordinance are as follows: Clear separation of authorities deriving from shareholder from those deriving from directorship/managing of the company. Principle of transparency, non-discrimination and equal treatment in the selection process of Board members; Principle of proportional representation in the Board of Directors; Minority shareholders protection by observing transparency principles; Transparency principle; Principle of mandatory reporting to the GMS as prescribed by law. Ordinance provisions are observed by the company, and are included in the Company’s Articles of Incorporation, as amended and approved by the company’s shareholders Resolution No. 19 of October 18, 2013 and respectively by Resolution No. 5 of July 30, 2014, and Resolution No. 8 of October 29, 2015 (latest update of the Articles of Incorporation). The updated Company’s Articles of Incorporation is posted on the internet webpage, at the section dedicated to “Investor Relations – Corporate Governance”. Since November 12, 2013, Romgaz shares have been traded on the regulated market governed by BVB, at category I, under the symbol “SNG”, as well as on the London Stock Exchange (where GDRs are traded) under the symbol “SNGR”. On January 5, 2015, after the Financial Supervisory Authority approved the proposals to amend BVB’s regulations, Romgaz was admitted into the PREMIUM category of BVB regulated market. As issuer of securities traded on the regulated market, Romgaz has to fully comply with the corporate governance standards provided by applicable national regulations, namely the Corporate Governance Code of BVB, posted on the internet webpage, at the section dedicated to “Investor Relations – Regulation-BVB Regulation”. The corporate Governance System was and will be improved according to rules and recommendations applicable to Companies listed on Bucharest Stock Exchange and on London Stock Exchange. Page 74 of 98 Board of Director’s Report 2016 Some of the already implemented measures include: Elaboration of a new Corporate Governance Code, in accordance with the new Corporate Governance Code of BVB applicable since January 4, 2016 – the document was approved by Romgaz Board of Directors by Resolution no.2/ January 28, 2016; The Corporate Governance Code has been updated and shall be submitted for approval in a Meeting of the Board of Directors subsequent to March 23, 2017. The Company’s Articles of Incorporation, at the section dedicated Governance”. internet webpage is posted on to “Investor Relations – Corporate the Board of Directors approval and update of the internal Rules for the advisory committees during the meetings held on March 24, 2016 and June 23, 2016. At the end of the year 2016, internal Rules for the advisory committees have been updated in order to include the latest legal modification regarding corporate governance (Law 111/2016 and Government Decision no. 722/2016). The updated version of the rules of the Strategy Committee was approved by the Board of Directors in the meeting of March 23, 2017, the updated versions of the rules of the other committees shall be submitted for approval in a subsequent meeting. Update of the Board of Directors Organization and Operating Regulation in order to include the legal modification on corporate governance. The regulation was approved by the Board of Directors on March 23, 2017; Elaboration of internal regulation in compliance with the new Corporate Governance Code of BVB. Part of the regulations were approved by the Board of Directors on March 23, 2017 (Policy regarding Dividends and the Policy regarding Forecasts) the other regulations will be approved in a subsequent meeting; Inclusion in the Board’s Annual Report of a chapter dedicated to corporate governance referring, among others, to : the applicable Corporate Governance Code, the duties of the executive management and of the three advisory committees of the Board of Directors (Nomination and Remuneration Committee and Audit Committee and the Strategy Committee), aspects related to remuneration of members of the Board and of directors, measures to improve the corporate governance, aspects related to internal control and risk management system and aspects related to social responsibility; Inclusion in the Board’s Annual Report of a section referring to compliance with the provisions of BVB Corporate Governance Code (Annex 2); Diversify communication ways with shareholders and investors by posting on the website announcements addressed to market players, half year and quarterly financial statements, annual reports, procedures to follow for access and participation to GMS, and by setting up of an “Infoline” for shareholders/investors to respond to their requirements and/or questions; Establish of a specialized department dedicated to investor and shareholder relations; Conclusion of professional liability insurance for directors and managers and appointment of a person to monitor such contracts. Starting the procedures necessary for the adopting and implementing the National Anticorruption Strategy. Therefore, a Commission has been established, responsible with the implementation of the strategy provisions; the Director General has adopted the Statement of Adherence to the National Anticorruption Strategy and Plan of Integrity, Page 75 of 98 Board of Director’s Report 2016 documents which have been posted on the internet website at the section dedicated to “Public Information- Transparency”; Some of the measures to be implemented include: a set of rules on trading of shares by directors or other individuals; a remuneration policy for the management members, which should include a fixed component and a variable component to depend on the results of their assessment. According to London Stock Exchange Corporate Governance Code long term bonus schemes should be approved by GMS. The shareholders structure is described within Chapter II “Romgaz at a glance” Romgaz respects and protects the rights and legitimate interests of shareholders. The Company undertakes all the necessary efforts to facilitate the exercitation of shareholders’ rights, under the law and in compliance with the Articles of Incorporation. The General Meeting of Shareholders is called by the Board of Directors, whenever necessary, in accordance with the legal provisions. The convening notices and the GMS resolutions are sent to Bucharest Stock Exchange, London Stock Exchange and to the Financial Supervisory Authority in compliance with the regulations of the capital market and will be published on the company’s website at Investor Relations – General Meeting of Shareholders. The Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders has the following main competencies: a) to approve the company’s strategic objectives; b) to discuss, approve or amend, as the case may be, the annual financial statements of the company based on the reports submitted by the Board of Directors and the financial auditor, and to set the dividends due to shareholders; c) to discuss, approve or request, as the case may be, the addition or review of the company’s management plan, under legal provisions. d) to set the income and expenditure budget for the following financial year; e) to appoint and to dismiss the Board members and to set their remuneration; f) g) to appoint and to dismiss the financial auditor and to set the minimum term of the to make an opinion on the management of the Board members; financial audit contract; h) to decide with respect to contracting bank loans with an individual or cumulated value with other bank loans in progress over a financial year of EUR 100 million, equivalent in RON; i) approval of documents for establishing guarantees, other than guarantees for the company’s non-current assets, with individual or cumulated value with other established guarantees other than guarantees in progress for the company’s non- current assets over a financial year of EUR 50 million, equivalent in RON. The Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders has the following main competencies: a) to change company’s legal form; b) to move the headquarters; c) to change the company’s scope of activity; Page 76 of 98 Board of Director’s Report 2016 d) to incorporate and to conclude or amend incorporation documents of the companies where Romgaz is managing partner; to increase the share capital; the anticipated winding up of the company; to convert shares from a category into the other; e) to conclude or amend joint venture contracts where the company is contracting party; f) g) to reduce the share capital or to restore it by issuing new shares; h) to merge with other companies or to spin-off the company; i) j) k) to convert one category of bonds into another one or in shares; l) m) to conclude the documents related to the acquisition of non-current assets whose value exceeds, separately or cumulatively, during a financial year, 20% of the total non- current assets of the company, except for receivables; to issue bonds; n) to conclude the documents related to disposal, exchange and set up of guaranties referring to non-current assets whose value exceeds, separately or cumulatively, during a financial year, 20% of the total non-current assets, except for receivables; o) to conclude the documents related to rental for a period longer than 1 (one) year of tangible assets to the same contractors or to persons involved or acting together, whose value exceeds, separately or cumulatively, 20% of the total tangible assets, except for receivables at the document conclusion date; p) any other change in the articles of incorporation or any other resolution that requires the approval of the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders. Romgaz is governed under an one-tier system by a Board of Directors consisting of 7 (seven) directors. The board members are elected by the general meeting of shareholders, in compliance with legal applicable provisions and the provisions of the Articles of Incorporation. The majority of the Board members must consist of non-executive and independent directors and, at least one of them, must have a degree in economics and at least 5 years of experience in economics, accounting, audit or financial area. In accordance with provisions of Article 28, paragraph (3) of the Ordinance „At least two members of the Board of Directors must have a degree in economics or law and at least 5 years experience in economics, law, accounting, audit or financial area”. The board members of the company on December 31, 2015 are mentioned in Chapter VI “Management”. According to the independent statements submitted to the company, four of the members of the Board have declared themselves as independent and three as non- independent. The independence of members of the Board of Directors is determined based on the criteria detailed in Corporate Governance Code of Romgaz (Article 6). The Board of Directors has the following basic competencies which cannot be delegated to executive directors: a) to set the core business and development directions of the company; b) to approve the Company Management Plan; c) to set the accounting policies, the financial control and financial planning system; d) to appoint and dismiss the executive directors, including the Director General and to establish their remuneration; e) to control the executive directors’ activity; f) g) to organise the General Meeting of Shareholders, and to enforce their resolutions; to draft the annual report of the Board of Directors; Page 77 of 98 Board of Director’s Report 2016 h) to file for insolvency prevention and for the insolvency of the company; i) to draft rules for its own activity, for the activity of the GMS and that of the advisory committees and of the management, without contradicting the legal provisions or the Articles of Incorporation; incorporation or dissolution of secondary offices (branches, agencies, work points or any other locations); j) k) granting project bonds with values not exceeding, individually or cumulatively with other project bonds in progress, EUR 100 million, equivalent in RON; l) granting loans to companies where Romgaz is shareholder for a value not exceeding, individually or cumulatively with other loans alike in progress, EUR 50 million, equivalent in RON; m) other competencies of the Board of Directors that cannot be delegated, according to the law. The Board of Directors convenes whenever necessary, but at least once every three months. Board meetings may be convened by the Chairman or upon the reasonable request of at least 2 directors or of the Director General. For decisions to be valid, it is necessary that the majority of the Board members participate in the meeting and the decision has to be made by majority of the votes validly casted. If a director has, directly or indirectly, interest in a certain business, contrary to the company’s interests, the director has to inform the other directors and the internal auditor of such matter and he/she will not take part in any discussion related to such business. This obligation also is valid when the Director is aware that the husband, wife, relatives or in-laws up to the IVth degree inclusively are interested in such business. A minute will be drafted after each Board meeting underlying the resolution of the Board that will include all decisions made in the meetings. In December 2015, the Board of Directors made its first self-assessment. The result of the self-assessment outlined the following main directions to be improved: strategy, risk management, communication, transparency, investor relations. Some of the measures to be included in the Action Plan are: - drafting, approval and implementation of anticorruption strategy in the company; reviewing the Board’s and Advisory Committees’ rules, a measure imposed by the new Corporate Governance Code of the company; setting the company strategy implementation methodology and drafting a plan of measures for fulfilling strategic objectives; implementing a centralised risk management system. - - - Until December 31, 2016 the Board of Directors did not make a self- assessment for the year 2016. In its activity, the Board of Directors is supported by three advisory committees, namely: the nomination and remuneration committee, the audit committee and the strategy committee. The Audit Committee has legal competencies provided in Article 47 of GEO No. 90/2008 related to statutory audit of annual financial statements, which consist mainly in monitoring the financial reporting process, the internal control, the internal audit and risk management systems within the company, as well as in controlling the statutory audit activity related to annual financial statements. Page 78 of 98 Board of Director’s Report 2016 The Nomination and Remuneration committee has, basically, the competence to evaluate beforehand and to recommend candidates as members of the Board of Directors and as executive directors, and it can be assisted in this approach by an independent expert specialized in human resources recruitment. As related to remuneration, the main duty of the committee is to elaborate an annual report on the remunerations and other benefits given to directors and executive directors during the financial year, report that is presented to the General Meeting of Shareholders which approves the annual financial statements (according to Article 55, paragraph (2) of GEO No. 109/2011). Main Responsibilities and Duties of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee are as follows: advances proposals for director positions, including the position as Chairperson of the Board of Directors; drafts and submits the candidates selection process for executive director; recommends candidates for executive director positions; submits proposals for remuneration of executive directors; other responsibilities as established by the Board of Directors or as provided by law. Main Responsibilities and Duties of the Audit Committee are as follows: coordinates the activity of the internal audit; coordinates the selection activity of the statutory auditor or of the audit firm and issues the recommendation for appointment of a statutory auditor or of an audit firm; verifies and monitors the independence of the statutory auditor or of the audit firm; monitors the financial reporting process; monitors the effectiveness of internal control, internal audit and risk management systems; endorses the annual and multiannual internal audit plan; endorses the internal audit reports and recommendations formulated by the internal auditors; monitors the statutory audit of annual financial statements and of consolidated annual financial statements; other responsibilities as established by the Board of Directors or as provided by law. Main Responsibilities and Duties of the Strategy Committee are as follows: reviews and/or endorses the development strategy of the company and endorses the annual plan for average term (3 years) for implementation of the strategy elaborated by the executive management; analyses the proposals elaborated by the executive management regarding the investment plan, related to strategic proposals, to include the projection of the income and expenditure budget and to make recommendations and to endorse the investment Page 79 of 98 Board of Director’s Report 2016 plan afferent to strategic proposals, including the implementation mode of the strategic objectives; assists the Board of Directors in fulfilling its responsibilities to elaborate and update the general development strategy of the company; analyses the opportunities identified by the executive management regarding the business development and issues recommendations of the Board of Directors as far as regards the identified opportunities. On December 31, 2016, the advisory committees’ structure was the following: I) Nomination and Remuneration Committee: Tcaciuc Sebastian Gabriel (chairman) Negrut Aurora Jansen Petrus Antonius Maria Buzatu Florin Danut Stoicescu Florin Razvan II) Audit Committee Jansen Petrus Antonius Maria (chairman) Tcaciuc Sebastian Gabriel Jude Aristotel Marius Buzatu Florin Danut Stoicescu Florin Razvan III) Strategy Committee Negruţ Aurora (chairperson) Chisalita Dumitru Tcaciuc Sebastian Gabriel Jude Aristotel Marius Buzatu Florin Danut. Information regarding the Board of Directors’ meetings and the Advisory Committees during 2016 During 2016, the Board of Directors held a number of 32 meetings, in compliance with the legal and statutory provisions, out of which: 14 meetings with effective meeting of the directors and 18 meetings by teleconference. Page 80 of 98 Board of Director’s Report 2016 The attendance at the Board of Directors’ meetings: Name and Surname Chisalita Dumitru Jansen Peter Antonius Maria Negruţ Aurora Metea Virgil Marius Popescu Ecaterina Buzatu Florin Dănuţ Stoicescu Florin Răzvan Dorcioman Dragoş Jude Aristotel Marius Baciu Sorana Tcaciuc Sebastian Gabriel Number of meetings in the period: III 20 IV 5 II 3 I 4 P A Ab no. % no. % no. % 32 32 32 27 27 25 78,1 31 96,9 31 96,9 24 88,9 25 92,6 5 5 5 5 6 100,0 100,0 85,7 1 14,3 25 23 92,0 28 1 25,0 22 78,6 2 1 50,0 3,5 P = participation; A= authorisation; A = absence; 7 1 1 3 2 2 1 5 21,9 3,1 3,1 11,1 7,4 8,0 25,0 17,9 7 4 I II III IV period January 1st – 22 February; period 23 February – 25 March; period 26 March – 14 November period 15 November – 31December The attendance at Advisory Committees’ meetings: Nomination and Remuneration Committee: 2 meetings Name and Surname Tcaciuc Sebastian Gabriel physical attendance 2 Negrut Aurora Popescu Ecaterina Stoicescu Razvan Florin Buzatu Florin Danut 2 1 2 1 Page 81 of 98 Board of Director’s Report 2016 Audit Committee: 5meetings Name and Surname Jansen Peter Antonius Maria Chisalita Dumitru Popescu Ecaterina Jude Marius Aristotel Tcaciuc Sebastian Gabriel Buzatu Florin Danut Stoicescu Razvan Florin physical attendance 5 4 1 4 4 1 1 Strategy Committee: 3 meetings Name and Surname physical attendance Chisalita Dumitru Jude Marius Aristotel Tcaciuc Sebastian Gabriel Metea Virgil Marius 3 3 3 2 In compliance with the Articles of Incorporation “the Board of Directors shall assign, totally or part of, the management competences of the Company to one or more executive directors, appointing one of them as Director General” Article 24, paragraph (1), “executive director” means “the person to whom the Board of Directors delegated authority to manage the company” Article 24, paragraph (12). The Board of Directors appointed Mr. Virgil Marius Metea as Director General and delegated him the following responsibilities and duties: A. Responsibilities and duties related to internal management: approves the organization and functioning chart; approves the Organization and Functioning Regulations as well as other internal documents regulating the activity of the company related to its employees; approves the employment, promotion and dismissal of employees; approves the responsibilities and duties of the employees; approves the disciplinary reward and sanction of the employees; approves the specific operations necessary and useful for achieving the scope of activity; fulfils any accessory duties, namely any acts and special operations necessary and useful for achieving the above mentioned duties ; Page 82 of 98 Board of Director’s Report 2016 B. Responsibilities and duties related to the representation of the company: represents the company when concluding/issuing legal documents; represents the company in pre-contractual, administrative and/legal procedures; fulfills any accessory duties, namely any acts and special operations necessary and useful for achieving the above mentioned duties. The Director General must inform periodically the Board of Directors on the manner of achieving the assigned duties, as well as the right to request and to obtain instructions on the manner of exercising the assigned duties The 2016 Annual Plan draft, together with the supporting documents, were submitted for the Director General’s approval on December 8, 2015, under no. 34.504 The company’s activities review was the starting point of the Annual Plan. The risks affecting the company’s activities and the relating risk assessment were also included in the Annual Plan. Risk assessment factors/criteria were set by taking into account the recommendations for the following 5 factors contained in Romgaz General Internal Audit Norms: internal control assessment; quantitative assessment; qualitative assessment; legislative amendments; personnel service time. The calculation methodology of the time available for the annual internal audit plan – according to the form coded by the internal procedure 18F-24, shows that there are: 252 days as total available calendar days; 170 days as days available for internal audit missions. In compliance with the law, the remaining 82 days are used for other internal audit activities: annual reports, annual and strategic planning of the internal audit quality improvement program, professional training and other requirements made by the management etc. The 2016 Audit Plan includes 3 conformity/regularity audit missions: Gas sale activity (February 1st - May 13, 2016); Activity related to completion of the formalities necessary for carrying out the relationship with capital market (23 May - July 25,2016); Non-current assets inventory activity (September 1st - November 14, 2016). The audit mission for 2016, until December 31 were the following: I. Assurance mission for Sales Activity The main objectives are: Assessment of internal control system Actual performance of the gas sale activity Page 83 of 98 Board of Director’s Report 2016 To improve the gas Sale activity, the internal auditor team drafted 10 recommendations in Audit Report no.15197/ June 07, 2016. II. Assurance mission for the Activity related to completion of the formalities necessary for carrying out the relationship with capital market The main objectives are: Assessment of Internal Control System (at the level of Capital Market Office) Actual performance of the activity (within Capital Market Office); Aspects related to compliance with the principles of Corporate Governance) To improve the activity of fulfilment the necessary formalities for carrying on the relationship with capital market, the internal auditor team drafted 55 recommendations in the Audit Report no. 27202/ October 17, 2016 III. Assurance Mission for fixed assets inventory activity The main objectives of the mission are: Organizing the fixed assets inventory activity Identifying the number of inventories and carrying out the inventory activity Recording the results of inventory in the accounting Verifying the methodology of decommissioning of fixed assets Sale of decommissioned fixed assets To improve the fixed assets inventory activity, the internal auditor team drafted 55 recommendations in the Audit Report no. 5815/ February 27, 2017 The internal audit plan for 2016 was achieved 100%. IV. Advisory Mission and performance of other actions In 2016 three ad hoc missions have been performed: Verification and resolution of intimation no. 5046/February 22, 2016 made by SC Adetrans SRL; Opinion related to aspects observed by the Court of Auditors on natural gas sale in the Control Report no 12444/May 06, 2016 Manner of carrying out the public procurement procedure for the contract “Renewal of the centralized licensing contract Microsoft (E.A.)” In 2016, two internal auditors were part of mixed Commission of verification/assessment of some circumstances occurred at Targu Mures Branch and S.T.T.M. Targu Mureș. Page 84 of 98 Board of Director’s Report 2016 Company’s Policies and Objectives related to Risk Management In accordance with the Corporate Governance Code, one important role played by the company’s management is to ensure that an efficient risk management system is in place. One major concern of the management is to raise the awareness on the objectives of the risk management process, the necessity of direct implication in the risk management process, as well as the alignment to the latest practices in the sector by complying with the effective laws, standards and norms related to such process. The company’s risk management system is implemented in accordance with: the Order of the Ministry of Public Finance no. 400 of June 12, 2015 for approval of the internal / managerial control Code Government Ordinance no.119/1999 (Article 4) on the internal control and the preventive financial control; Law no. 234 of December 7, 2010 amending and supplementing Order no. 119/1999, International Standard ISO 31010:2009: “Risk management – risk assessment techniques”; International Standard ISO 31000:2009: “Risk management/Principles and guidelines”; Romanian Standard SR Guidelines 73:2009: “Risk management-Vocabulary”. Consequently, in compliance with the risk management process, the company systematically analyses, at least once a year, the risks related to its objectives and activities and prepares adequate remedy plans in order to mitigate the possible consequences of such risks, and appoints employees responsible for implementing those plans. Moreover, the risk management system implemented within the company is an integral part of the decision making process by setting the requirement to use a risk management analysis when drafting any and every complex document, at the headquarters as well as the branches (technical projects related to the execution of investment objects; execution projects, assessment studies of geological). The main benefit of the risk management process is the improvement of the company’s performance by identifying, analysing, assessing and managing all risks within the company, in order to minimize the negative risk consequences or to increase the positive risk consequences, as the case may be. A risk management department has been established for an efficient assessment of the company’s risks. One major task of this department is drafting the company’s final documents in terms of risk management: Final Risk Register, Final Risk Report, Final Measure Implementation Plan and the Company’s Risk Profile. Three role levels are set up in the risk management system: base level, represented by those who identify risks and by the risk managers (head of each organizational unit) who are responsible for preparing risk management documents related to the level of the unit they manage; middle level, represented by the company’s middle management, who together with the heads of the organizational units form the Risk Management Commission that Page 85 of 98 Board of Director’s Report 2016 facilitates and coordinates direction/department/division; the management process within the respective high level, represented by the executive upper management through the Risk Analysis and Management Commission that approves the company’s risk appetite and risk profile in accordance with its objectives. General scope of the risk management activity: 1. setting the general uniform framework for risks identification, analysis and management; 2. providing the appropriate tool for a controlled and efficient risk management; 3. describing the manner in which control measures are set and implemented in order to prevent the occurrence of negative risks. Some of the analysed risk categories are: financial risks, market risks, occupational health and safety risks, personnel risks, risks related to information systems, and legal and regulatory risks. All risks are analysed from following perspectives: specific objective the risk refers to; causes of risk occurrence; consequences further to risk materialization; occurrence probabilities; risk materialization impact; risk exposure; risk response strategy; recommended control (remedy) measures; residual risks remaining after treatment of initial risks. Internal control The internal control system represents not only documents, technical procedures, programs, instructions, computers and policies books, but people at each level of the organization. Internal control is a process carried out by the personnel at all levels: Board of Directors, executive management, entire personnel, respectively. It is carried out by the top management and bottom management, such as compartments responsible and the other employees as well. Each member of the company is responsible with his internal control. In Romgaz, the internal control system operates in a control environment in a continuous change that requires the adjustment of control at the level of every activity, differentially and integrative, established in relation to the company’s interests. The control system developed and implemented in Romgaz, as part of the management process, targets all the activities of the organizational units, at all levels of management, and aims to achieve the objectives under the condition of risk identification and management related to such. The internal/management control has to ensure the following: Page 86 of 98 Board of Director’s Report 2016 - Compliance with the law in force - - - - - prevention and control of risks of non-fulfilment of set objectives applying the management resolutions a good functioning of internal activity efficiency of operations efficient use of resources Repealing Ministry of Public Finance Order 946/20056 and entering into force of SGG Order no 400/20157 in June 2015 generated a new conceptualization of the main internal control directions in Romgaz aiming at creating a tighter and more coherent bond with the other management control instruments – internal audit and risk management system, and internal audit and risk management system, and to establish a reporting and monitoring system for the Board of Director through its Audit Committee for monitoring such activity8. The internal/management control system developed and implemented in Romgaz targets the achievement of the following objectives: compliance with legal regulation, with internal rules, with contracts and administrative and jurisdictional decisions applicable to the company’s activity; fulfilling Romgaz objectives under efficiency, economy and efficiency conditions; development and maintenance of collection, storage, processing, updating and distribution of financial and management data and information, as well as of proper systems/procedures to inform the public. The preparation, implementation, development and assessment of internal/management control system for Romgaz are achieved in compliance with the provisions set in Government Ordinance No. 119/19999 and with the standards provided by Order SGG no. 400/2015, supplemented with Order SGG NO 200/201610 grouped in five main categories: Category Control environment Risk management and performance Control activities Main aspects Company organization, human resources management, ethics principles and rules, deontology and integrity Applicable to all of the company’s processes and activities, targets how objectives were set, sets risk identification methods and risk management, planning (governing plan and (multiannual planning), management plan) and performance monitoring scheduling Internal procedures are documented and drafted in relation to the main processes so that the initiation and verification functions separation is maintained in order to mitigate error and fraud risk, and in relation to 6 Public Finance Ministery Order no. 946 as of July 4, 2005 for the approval of Internal Control Code comprising internal/management control standards at public entities and for the development of internal/management systems; 7 Government General Secretary Order No. 400/2015 for the approval of internal/management control systems of public entities; 8 Issue included in 2016 in the Corporate Governance Code 9 Government Ordinance no. 119 as of August 31, 1999 regarding internal control and preventive financial control 10Government General Secretary Order No. 200/ February 26, 2016 regarding the amendment and supplementation of Government General Secretary Order No. 400/2015 for the approval of internal/management control systems of public entities; Page 87 of 98 Board of Director’s Report 2016 operation continuity by means of continuous supervision and management of deviations from set procedures Information and communication Targets the creation and development of a flexible and rapid information information quality and usage of proper system communication methods and channels type. Development of reporting system for the implementation of the governing and management plan, entity budget, management of resources use and document. to ensure both information for each Evaluation and audit Drafting and implementation of policies, plans and schedules for the development of internal/management control in terms of perfecting such by the assessment of the implementation carried out by the internal audit compartment Among the 2016 internal/management control system development/improvement actions we specify the following: Romgaz’s adherence at the end of 2016 to the National Anticorruption Strategy 2016- 2020 and assuming the principals and fundamental values promoted by this strategy- Adherence statement is posted on the internet website, correlated with Standard 1 of Order SGG no 400/2015 “ Ethic and integrity” Development of the Internal/ Management Control System application, an IT application allowing the online access and filling in the Questionnaire of self- assessment of the implementation status of internal/management control standards by all the employees with executive positions and an easy and efficient access of the Monitoring Commission both for analysis and approval of procedures and viewing and analysing in real time, the application of the Commission’s Resolutions. development of an IT application allowing all of Romgaz personnel to consult the internal decision register and to view the content; reviewing internal procedures on: - irregularities management, completed at the end of the year 2016; - preparation of the procedure which sets the framework of identification, classification and use of confidential and internal use information and of resources related to it in order to protect the company against operational, legal and image risks caused by the unauthorized or accidently revealing, modification or destruction of them; this procedure entered into force on December 8, 2016 drafting and updating Romgaz Risk Register; According to the self-assessment results for the implementation of Internal/Management Control System, in 2016 (in relation to the 16 internal/management control standards provided in Order no. 200/2016), the Internal/Management Control System is partially implemented. In order to increase the quality of the internal control activity and the performance of management act as regards the use of public resources, the following are recommended: Page 88 of 98 Board of Director’s Report 2016 increase the managers responsibility as regards the organization of internal control and implementation of control findings; supervising the systematic update of the procedures in terms of legal changes and risks evolution; Coordinating the internal control system of the company with the risk management Supporting the management in implementation of the internal auditors recommendations Ensuring the consultancy requested by the management. Romgaz’s Code of Conduct was prepared in 2013. For the moment is being updated. The effective document is posted on the website, at “Investor Relations- Corporate Governance” in order to ensure the principles of transparency. The periodical reports on the indicators relevant for compliance with the rules of conduct have been prepared by the person responsible with monitoring the compliance of the Code of Conduct and have been posted on the intranet webpage of the Company. Romgaz activities in the field of social responsibility are performed voluntarily, beyond the legal responsibilities, the company being aware of its role in society. Social responsibility means for Romgaz a business culture including business ethics, customer rights, economic and social equity, environmental friendly technologies, fair treatment of workforce, transparent relationship with the public authorities, moral integrity and investment in the community. Also, Romgaz supports a sustainable development of the society and community, through financial support/ total or partial sponsorship for some actions and initiatives in the following main domains: education, social, sport, health and environment. Supporting these projects, within the limits of the budgeted financial resources, has revealed the pro-active attitude of the company in the field of social responsibility and has increased the awareness degree of the involved parties as regards the importance and benefits of the social responsibility. In 2016, Romgaz supported, totally or partially, actions and initiatives stipulated into the Government Emergency Ordinance (“GEO”) no.2/2015, complying with the budget, as follows: Expenses/activities Name Total of sponsorship expenses, out of which Expenses with sponsorships in medical and health domains - Article.XIV letter.a) Program (RON) Actual (RON) 9,600,000 3,840,000 9,255,687 3,666,687 Expenses with sponsorships in education and sport domains – 3,840,000 3,706,148 Article XIV letter.b) – total, out of which: o For Sports Clubs Sponsorships for other actions and activities - Article.XIV letter.c) 3,427,000 1,920,000 3,427,000 1,882,852 The detailed description of the projects as regards the sponsorship provided in Government Emergency Ordinance no.2/2015 is included in Annex 4 to this Report. The Report on social Page 89 of 98 Board of Director’s Report 2016 responsibility sponsorship/Patronage actions for 2016 can be found on the internet page the section “Investor Relations- Corporate Governance- Social, at Responsibility”. All the above mentioned projects had, besides the benefits for the community, detailed for each case separately, a benefit for the Company, promoting Romgaz image as a company that sustains by means of sponsorships a series of events that help the community. Such benefit is reflected also in the perception of Romgaz in front of its investors, local and central authorities, media and other parties. In this sense, the award for social responsibility won by Romgaz for the “Program for the communities’ health” awarded at Energynomics Awards IVth edition validates and confirms this direction of Romgaz. When supporting/performing projects, actions, social responsibility initiatives, Romgaz took into consideration the provisions of Sponsorship Policy and Sponsorship Guide applicable in 2016, published on the company’s website at Social Responsibility section. Politics and Remuneration Criteria of the Executive and Non-Executive Members of the Board of Directors Legal Framework The politics and remuneration criteria of the executive and non-executive members of the Board of Directors are based on the following norms: Law no. 31/1990 on trading companies, as amended; GEO no. 109/2011 on corporate governance of public enterprises, as amended; The company’s Articles of Incorporation, approved by the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders no. 12/September 26, 2012, as amended; Resolution no. 14/August 26, 2013 of the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders which established the general limits of the remuneration of the director general, executive member of the Board of Directors; Resolution no. 29/December 16, 2013 of the Board of Directors through which the Mandate Contract of the Director General of the company was approved; Resolution no. 12/July 26, 2013 of the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders through which the Directors’ Contracts were approved. For the compliance with the Requirements of BVB Corporate Governance Code and Emergency Government Ordinance no 109/2011, Romgaz drafted the Policy on remuneration which shall be analysed by the Board of Directors in a meeting subsequent to March 23, 2017. The structure of the remuneration granted to non-executive directors Fixed Remuneration The fixed monthly remuneration for each non-executive member of the Board of Directors was established according to Article 37, paragraph (3) of the GEO no. 109/2011 on corporate governance of public enterprises, as modified through GEO no. 51/2013 and provided in the Director Framework Contract approved through Resolution no. 12/July 26, 2013 of the General Meeting of Shareholders. Page 90 of 98 Board of Director’s Report 2016 The fixed monthly allowance is paid considering the following criteria: The Chairperson and members of the Board of Directors who belong to at least two advisory committees at Board’s level benefit from a fixed monthly salary at maximum value; The Board members who belong to an advisory committee constituted at the board’s level, benefits from a fixed monthly salary representing 90% of the fixed monthly salary at maximum value; The Board members who do not belong to any advisory committees at the board’s level, benefit from a fixed monthly salary representing 85% of the fixed monthly salary at maximum value Variable Remuneration The variable remuneration was established according to provisions of Article 37, paragraph (5) of the GEO no. 109/2011 on corporate governance of public enterprises, as amended through GEO no. 51/2013, which provides that: “The level of the variable component is determined according to duly justified recommendations, formulated on the basis of a comparative study on the payment conditions for similar positions in companies, from the same activity field, whose majority shareholder is state, in and other European states, or based on the nomination committee or, if applicable, by human resources recruitment experts whose services were contracted for the procedure of selecting the Board members /supervisory committee…” It was also corroborated with the provisions of the Directors’ Contracts, whose frame content was approved through Resolution no. 12/July 26, 2013 of the General Meeting of Shareholders. According to the Directors’ Contracts the variable remuneration is divided into two sub- components, a first component depending on the fulfilment of performance indicators, while the second sub-component could be granted in case of exceeding the accomplished net profit level with a higher percentage of 0.4% as compared to the one approved through the income and expenditure budget of the company, respectively the amount which represents the difference between the actual accomplished net profit and the estimated net profit for every financial year, but not larger than the value of the annual fixed salary determined according to Article 16 from the Directors’ Contract. Mandate contract concluded with the members of the Board of Directors elected in accordance with the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders Resolution no. 10/November 15, 2016, as it has been approved by the Resolution no. 13/December 30, 2016 of the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders, does not include the variable component. The structure of the remuneration granted to the executive director, namely Director General Fixed remuneration The fixed monthly remuneration of the executive director – Director General, was established corroborating the provisions of Article 37, paragraph (4) of the GEO no. 109/2011, providing that: “Article 37 (4)The fixed monthly remuneration of the executive members cannot exceed the mean of the average gross monthly salary on the last 12 months in the company’s field of activity, as communicated by the National Statistics Institute prior to appointment.” corroborated with Resolution no. 14/2013 of the General Meeting of Shareholders, which provides that: Page 91 of 98 Board of Director’s Report 2016 “Item 1.Establishes the general limits of the remuneration of the Director General of SNGN Romgaz SA, executive director of the Board of Directors, as follows: - For the fixed monthly average gross salary between 4 and 6 times on the last 12 months of the gross monthly salary in the company’s filed of activity, as communicated by the National Statistics Institute prior to appointment”. Variable Remuneration The variable remuneration was established according to provisions of Article 37, paragraph (5) of the GEO no. 109/2011 on corporate governance of public enterprises, as amended through GEO no. 51/2013, which provides that: “(5) The level of the variable component is determined according to duly justified recommendations, formulated on the basis of a comparative study on the payment conditions for similar positions in companies, from the same activity field, whose majority shareholder is state, in and other European states, or based on the nomination committee or, if applicable, by human resources recruitment experts whose services were contracted for the procedure of selecting the Board members /supervisory committee…” together with provisions of Article 38, paragraph (2) of the GEO no. 109/2011, providing that: “The remuneration consists of a fixed monthly salary within the limits provided at Article 37, paragraph (4) and of a variable component, consisting of a share of the company’s net profit, a retirement scheme or other forms of remuneration based on performance indicators.” corroborated with provision of Mandate Contract and Resolution no. 14/August 26, 2013 of the General Meeting of Shareholders. In this context, according to the provisions of the mandate contract, the variable remuneration is divided into two sub-components, a first component depending on the fulfilment of performance indicators, while the second sub-component could be granted in case of exceeding the accomplished net profit level with a higher percentage of 0.4% as compare to the one approved through the income and expenditure budget of the company, respectively the amount which represents the difference between the actual accomplished net profit and the estimated net profit for every financial year, but not larger than the value of the annual fixed salary determined according to Article 12 (i) from the Mandate Contract of the Director General. Page 92 of 98 Board of Director’s Report 2016 The timeline of the directors’ contracts, the mandate contract, the Management Plan and the Directors’ Plan is the following: June 12, 2013 – The Board of Directors’ Resolution no. 8 approves the appointment of “Mr. Virgil Marius Metea as executive director - Director General”; July 26, 2013 – The GSM Resolution no. 12 approves the Director’s Contract to be concluded with the members of the Board of Directors; September 25, 2013 – the GSM Resolution no. 16 approves the 2013-2017 Directors’ Plan prepared and presented by the Board of Directors; December 16, 2013 – the Board’s Resolution no. 29 approves the Mandate Contract between Romgaz and Mr. Virgil Marius Metea as executive director-Director General. January 29, 2014 – the Board’s Resolution no. 1 approves the “Management Plan of Romgaz’s Director General over the mandate contract’s term i.e. 2013-2017”. November 15, 2016 - By Resolution no.10, the Board of Directors revoke Mr. Virgil Marius Metea from the position of executive director. December 30, 2016 – by Resolution no.13, the General Meeting of Shareholders aproves the Directors Agreement which shall be concluded with the new members of the Board of Directors. The Director General’s Management Plan encloses his vision for the fulfilment of the company’s strategic objectives as provided in the Directors’ Plan and the fulfilment of performance criteria and objectives set in the Director’s Contracts. The Director General’s performance criteria and objectives are the same with the performance criteria and objectives provided in the Director’s Contracts. The main performance objectives provided in the Directors’ Contracts and the Management Contract may be summarized as follows: Increasing the company’s gas resources and gas reserves portfolio by discovering new resources and by developing and improving the recovery degree of already discovered resources; Consolidating the company’s position on the electricity supply market; Optimizing, developing and diversifying the underground storage activity by reconsidering its importance for ensuring safety, continuity and flexibility in supplying natural gas; Increasing the company’s performance; Identifying of new growth and diversification opportunities; Improving the company’s organization structure, including the reorganization of the internal audit function. Together with the specific measures taken for fulfilling each objective, Romgaz committed to implement general measures supporting the fulfilment of the company’s strategic objectives. Page 93 of 98 Board of Director’s Report 2016 Such measures target the following activity segments: Human resources management; Corporate governance and social responsibility; Optimization of budgeting and control process; Improving the company’s image; Implementation of legal provisions on legal separation of UGS activity; Developing the role of the company’s risk management. Considering that the Management Plan was approved only on January 2014, the reporting of measures and actions undertaken to fulfil the company’s strategic objectives begins only in Q1 2014. The measures and actions for the fulfilment of strategic objectives, as set in the Directors’ Plan, are quarterly and annually monitored by the following indicators and performance criteria: No. 0 1. EBITDA 2. Revenue Indicator M.U. 1 2 thousand RON thousand RON Performance criterion Indicator Weighting coefficient 3 4 increasing 4.50%/year 5 0.25 increasing 6%/ year 0.20 3. Labour productivity RON/person increasing 6%/ year 4. OPEX to RON 1000 RON decreasing 0.60%/ year operating income 5. Geological resources million m3 increasing 1%/ year 6. Natural gas production % keeping stable 1.5%/ year decline 7. Outstanding payments thousand RON keeping stable 0 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.15 0.10 For the purpose of mitigating pronounced fluctuations of the indicators due to external factors beyond the company’s management control, the indicators are calculated by means of relating their resulting value over the reporting period to the arithmetic means of the indicators’ values resulting during the past three time periods previous to the reporting period. In view of the fact that: Government Decision provisions no. 831 dated August 4, 2010 approved the selling by the Ministry of Economy, Commerce and Business Environment (through OPSPI) of 15% of SNGN Romgaz S.A. share capital; the shares selling process, respectively the approval for trading of shares on the regulated market operated by Bucharest Stock Exchange and of GDRs on London Stock Exchange was finalized in November 2013; Page 94 of 98 Board of Director’s Report 2016 from an accounting perspective, by the time shares were admitted for trading on a regulated market Romgaz carried out its activities in accordance with Public Finance Ministry Order no. 3055/2009; in 2012, after issuing Order no. 881 dated June 25, 2012, the Public Finance Minister decided to expand the scope of IFRS. According to this piece of legislation, the companies whose securities are admitted for trading on a regulated market must apply as of 2012 the IFRS when preparing the annual financial statements; According to Public Finance Minister Order no. 1121/2006, these entities had the option (not the obligation) to prepare separate financial statements based on IRS for other users than the Romanian state entities. Order no. 881/2012 repeals Article 4 of Order no. 1,121/2006 requesting the IFRS applying entities to also draft financial statements in accordance with national accounting provisions; the Public Finance Minister Order no. 1286/October 1, 2012 approved the Accounting Regulations complying with IFRS applicable to companies whose securities are admitted for trading on a regulated market.( repealed by PFM Order no. 2844/2016) the Public Finance Minister Order no. 2844/December 19, 2016 repealed the Accounting Regulations complying with IFRS applicable to companies whose securities are admitted for trading on a regulated market. Romgaz is obliged to apply IFRS as of 2013. Because prior to trading of shares the company’s statutory accounting was according to Public Finance Minister Order 3055/2009 and as of 2013 it is according to IFRS, some clarifications are due in relation to how the performance indicators’ achievement degree is calculated. The Board of Directors approved on November 13, 2013 the required clarifications: “quarter” means the accumulated time starting from the beginning of the year until the end of the quarter for which performance indicators are calculated; for comparison purposes, as of 2014, for the interim periods of the year (QI, QII and QIII), the indicators relating to the similar time periods of previous 3 years which were calculated according to Public Finance Ministry Order no. 3055/2009 are established as follows: Indicator iQ . ( IFRS ) Indicator iQ . OMFP ( 3055 ) Indicator year OMFP ( 3055) where: i=1÷3; x Indicator year ( IFRS ), for 2013, indicators were calculated based on the financial statements prepared according to Public Finance Ministry Order no. 3055/2009; at the end of the year, these are recalculated according to IFRS. Adjustments were made at the end of the year after the approval of financial statements when annual indicators are calculated according to IFRS; the target indicators will be set at the beginning of each year (after closing the previous year’s financial statements). They are calculated as an average over the past three years and of the envisaged performance indicator. In 2016, the following actions have been carried out as regards the modification of performance indicators included in the Directors Plan for the period 2013-2017, approved by the General Meeting of Shareholders Resolution no 16/ September 25, 2013: Page 95 of 98 Board of Director’s Report 2016 by Resolution no 5/June 16, 2016, the General Meeting of Shareholders approved “the modification of the performance indicators calculation method, namely to eliminate the effects of the external factors that are beyond the control of the company’s management” By Resolution no.7/August 11, 2016, the item referring to the modification of performance indicators calculation method approved by Resolution no.5/June 16, 2016 had been repealed. By Resolution no. 10/November 15, 2016, further the analysis of the proposal to modify the performance indicators, the General Meeting of Shareholders decided ”not to approve the modification of the calculation method of the performance indicators weighting factors, as well as the amendment of the Directors Plan in this respect and the performance criteria and objectives” The achievement of performance indicators and criteria in 2016 is shown below: Average values 2011- 2013 4 Weighting factor Indicator Target values Achieved values Achievement rate Weight 1 EBITDA CA W Cexpl/Vexpl RES dQ Pres Total 2 0.25 0.20 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.15 0.10 1.00 6 5 3 +4.5% 2,579,419.0 2,695,492.9 1,989,547.7 +6% 4,146,764.1 4,395,569.9 3,411,867.7 559.1 +6% -0.6% +1% -1.5% 0 2,279.3 5,663.311 0 4,219.4 2,605.0 2,302.1 5,331.1 585.1 704.4 664.5 600.4 604.0 0 0 7=6/5x100 73.8 77.6 79.4 102.6 113.2 79.1 110.0 8=2x7 18.45 15.52 7.94 10.26 11.32 11.87 11.00 - - - - - 86,36 EBITDA CA W Cexpl/Vexpl RES dQ Pres – (RON thousand); – revenue (RON thousand); – labour productivity (RON thousand/employee); – operating expenses to1000 RON operating income; – volume of geological resources (million m3); – gas production decline (%); – outstanding payments (thousand RON). The performance criteria and objectives achievement degree is 86.36%. The failure to achieve the performance indicators and the performance criteria has been influenced by: EBITDA –lower by RON 705.5 million (-26.2 %) compared to target value; Revenue– lower by RON 983.7 million (- 22.38%) compared to target value; 1 It is the production for 2012, corrected with 1.5% target decline, year 2012 considered as “base year”. Page 96 of 98 Board of Director’s Report 2016 Labour productivity- lower by RON 145.3 million /person (-20.60%) compared to target value Gas production decline – lower by 1,111.7 million m3 compared to target value. From the first year of mandate, a number of contingencies arrised beyond the control of the board of directors or of the company’s management that impede the fullfilment of the objectives and performance indicators included in the Directors Agreement and Governing Plan, respectively, such as: non- compliance of the calendar related to the gradual increase of the market sale price for domestic gas production considered when preparing and approving the Governing Plan; fiscal regulations with a significant impact on the company’s performances, such as: extending after December 31, 2014 the period for applying the windfall tax for gas producers as a result of price deregulation; the tax on special constructions as of January 1, 2014, the so called “pole tax”; reduced national gas consumption. As a result, in accordance with the provisions of the Governing Plan and the Directors Agreement, the company’s Board requested to shareholders to amend the calculation method of performance indicators included in the Directors Agreement. The request was substantiated by the Note no. 13293 on May 16, 2016 presented to shareholders and discussed during the ordinary meeting on June 16, 2016. Further the analysis of the substantiated requests, by item I of Resolution no. 5 as of June 16, 2016, the General Meeting of Shareholders approved “the amendment of the calculation method of the performance indicators, namely by eliminating the effects of the influence of external factors that are beyond the control of the company’s management”. By Item II of the same Resolution, the General Meeting of Shareholders approved “the conclusion of an Addendum to the Directors Agreement for amending the calculation method of performance indicators, namely by eliminating the effects of the influence of external factors that are beyond the control of the company’s management”, mandating the representative of the majority shareholder to sign the Addendum to the Directors Agreement (item III). Further the request of the Ministry of Energy, as a majority shareholder, the agenda of the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders on August 11, 2016 was supplemented with the proposal to revoke the approvals of the GMS during the meeting of June 16, 2016 concerning the amendment of calculation method of performance indicators, conclusion of an Addendum to the Directors Agreement and mandating the representative of the majority shareholder to sign it. By Resolution No 7 as of August 11, 2016, the GMS approved the requests of the Ministry of Energy. On the agenda of the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of November 15, 2016 the Report no 25988 of October 5, 2016 has been added regarding the proposal to modify the performance indicators included in the Director Agreement. By this Report, the Board of Directors requested "to set the performance indicators in conjunction with the Income and Expenditure Budget indicators, as approved by Resolution No.5/June 16, 2016 of the General Meeting of Shareholders”. By Resolution No.10 of November 15, 2016, the GMS did not approve "the criteria and performance targets, in conjunction with the Income and Expenditure Budget indicators of S.N.G.N. Romgaz S.A. approved by Resolution No. 5/2016". Page 97 of 98 MANAGEMENT SUPPORT DIRECTION ECONOMIC DEPARTMENT MEDIAS BRANCH TARGU MURES BRANCH S.T.T.M. TARGU MURES PLOIESTI UGS BRANCH FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT CONTROL OFFICE INTERNAL AUDIT OFFICE RISK MANAGEMENT OFFICE GENERAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS BOARD OF DIRECTORS DIRECTOR GENERAL Annex no.1 DIRECTIA CALITATE, SECURITATE, MEDIU DIRECTIA RESURSE UMANE DEPUTY DIRECTOR GENERAL (exploration-production) DEPUTY DIRECTOR GENERAL (investments) DEPUTY DIRECTOR GENERAL EXPLORATION PRODUCTION DIVISION BRATISLAVA BRANCH BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT DIRECTION PETROLEUM REGISTRY OFFICE PROCUREMENT DIRCETION S.I.R.C.O.S.S. MEDIAS ENERGY TRADE DEPARTMENT IERNUT ELECTRIC POWER PRODUCTION BRANCH TECHNICAL TECHNOLOGIES OFFICE DEPARTMENT RESPONSIBLE FOR BLOCKS DRILLING CHIEF ENGINEER CORPORATE MANAGEMENT DIRECTION IT AND TELECOMMUNICATION DIRECTION TECHNICAL DIRECTION INVESTMENTS, PROJECT MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT PROJECT MANAGEMENT OFFICE SNGN “ROMGAZ” SA Annex no 2 Table of Compliance with the Bucharest Stock Exchange Code of Corporate Governance Code provisions 1 Complies 2 Does not comply or partially complies 3 Reason for non-compliance 4 A.1 A.2 A.3 A.4 A.5 A.6 All the companies must have an Internal Regulation of BoD that includes the reference terms/ the responsibilities of the Board and the company’s key management positions, and that applies, among others, the General Principles in section A. The ToR of the BoD should include provisions on the management of conflict of interest stating that members of the Board should notify any conflicts of interest which have arisen or may arise, to the Board and should refrain from taking part in the discussion (including by not being present where this does not render the meeting non-quorate) and from voting on the adoption of a resolution on the issue which gives rise to such a conflict of interest . The BoD has at least five members The majority of the members of the BoD is non-executive; not less than two non-executive members of the BoD are independent. Each independent member of the BoD must submit a statement at the time of his/her nomination for election or re-election, as well as whenever a change in his/her status occurs, indicating the elements on which it is deemed independent in terms of its character and his judgment. A Board member’s other relatively permanent professional commitments and engagements, including executive and non-executive Board positions in companies and not-for-profit institutions, should be disclosed to shareholders and to potential investors prior to his/her nomination and during his/her mandate. Any member of the BoD should submit to the Board information on any relationship with a shareholder who holds, directly or indirectly, shares representing more than 5% of all voting rights. This also applies to any report which may affect the member's position on matters decided by the Council. 1 x x x x x x The ToR of the BoD has been updated and approved by the Board of Directors. Items on the conflict of interests are found in the Corporate Governance of Romgaz, as well as in the company's Code of Conduct, both documents being published on the company website. The ToR of the BoD has been updated in this respect. This provision is already mentioned at Art. 6, par. 15 of CCG ROMGAZ. The ToR of the BoD has been updated in this respect. A.7 A.8 The company should appoint a Board secretary responsible for supporting the work of the BoD The corporate governance statement should inform on whether an evaluation of the Board has taken place under the leadership of the chairman or the nomination committee and, if it has, summarize key action points and changes resulting from it. The company should have a policy/guidance regarding the evaluation of the BoD containing the purpose, criteria and frequency of the evaluation process. A.9 A.10 A.11 B.1 B.2 B.3 The corporate governance statement should contain information on the number of meetings of the Board and the committees during the past year, attendance by directors (personally and in their absence) and a report of the Board and committees on their activities. The corporate governance statement should contain information on the precise number of the independent members of the Board of Directors The BoD should set up a nomination committee formed of non-executives, which will lead the process for Board appointments and make recommendations to the Board. The majority of the members of the nomination committee should be independent The Board should set up an Audit Committee and at least one member should be an independent non-executive. The Audit Committee should be composed of at least three members and the majority should be independent. The majority of members, including the chairman, should have proven an adequate qualification relevant to the functions and responsibilities of the Committee. At least one member of the Audit Committee should have a proven and appropriate accounting and auditing experience. The President of the Audit Committee should be an independent non-executive member. Among its responsibilities, the Audit Committee should undertake an annual assessment of the system of internal control. 2 x x x x x x x partially x partially Also, Romgaz has developed a Policy on related parties referring to this obligation; it will be submitted for the approval of the Board in a meeting subsequent to this statement. Following the approval, it will be published on the company website. The section on Statement on corporate governance the Annual Board of Directors’ Report includes statements on the evaluation of the BoD. in the Policy regarding Romgaz prepared evaluation and it will be submitted for the approval of in a meeting subsequent to this statement. Following the approval the company website. it will be published on the Board responsibility the The effectiveness of the company’s internal for monitoring B.4 B.5 The provision mentioned in section B.3 should consider the effectiveness and scope of the internal audit function, the adequacy of risk management and internal control reports to the Audit Committee of the Board, and management’s responsiveness and effectiveness in dealing with identified internal control failings or weaknesses and submit relevant reports to the Board . The Audit Committee should review conflicts of interests in transactions of the company and its subsidiaries with related parties. B.6 The Audit Committee should evaluate the efficiency of the internal control system and risk management system x partially x partially control systems, internal audit and risk management is specified in the ToR of the Audit Committee. Internal Rules of the Committee has been updated to clarify responsibilities, and it will be submitted for the approval of the Board in a meeting subsequent to this statement. Following the approval, it will be published on company website, the replacing the current Internal Regulation. x partially See Section B.3. This provision is already mentioned under Art. 8, par. 2 of CCG ROMGAZ. The ToR of the Audit Committee has been updated in order to include this provision and it will be submitted for the approval of the Board in a meeting subsequent to this statement. Also, Romgaz has developed a Policy on related parties and the document will be submitted for the approval of the Board in a meeting subsequent this statement. Following the approval it will be published on the company website. to responsibility for monitoring The the effectiveness of the company’s internal control systems, internal audit and risk management systems is specified in the ToR of the Audit Committee. 3 The ToR of the Committee has been updated to clarify responsibilities and it will be submitted for the approval of the Board B.7 B.8 B.9 B.10 B.11 B.12 The Audit Committee should monitor the application of statutory and generally accepted standards of internal auditing and should receive and evaluate the reports of the internal audit team. The Audit Committee should report periodically (at least annually) or adhoc to BoD with regard to the reports or analyzes undertaken by the committee. No shareholder may be given undue preference over other shareholders with regard to transactions and agreements made by the company with shareholders and their related parties The BoD should adopt a policy ensuring that any transaction of the company with any of the companies with which it has close relations, that is equal to or more than 5% of the net assets of the company (as stated in the latest financial report), should be approved by the Board following an obligatory opinion of the Audit Committee and fairly disclosed to the shareholders and potential investors, to the extent that such transactions fall under the category of events subject to disclosure requirements. The internal audits should be carried out by a separate structural division (internal audit department) within the company or by retaining an independent third-party entity The Internal Audit Department should report functionally to the BoD via the Audit Committee. For administrative purposes and in the scope related to the obligations of the management to monitor and mitigate risks, the Internal Audit Department should report directly to the Director General. x x x x x in a meeting subsequent to this statement. Following the approval, it will be published on the company website, replacing the current ToR. The provision is already mentioned under Art. 9 of CCG ROMGAZ and will be implemented by the Policy on related parties and it will be submitted for the approval of in a meeting subsequent to this statement. Following the approval, the company website. it will be published on the BoD x partially The ToR of the BoD has been updated and approved by the BoD. C.1 The company should publish a Remuneration Policy on its website. The Remuneration Policy must be formulated so as to allow the shareholders to understand the principles and arguments underlying the remuneration of the members of the Board and of the General Manager. Any significant change occurred in the Remuneration Policy must be posted in due time on the company's website. x partially This provision is already mentioned under Art. 11, par. 5 of CCG ROMGAZ, and it will be implemented by the Remuneration Policy, and it will be submitted for the in a meeting approval of the BoD 4 subsequent to this statement. Following the approval, the company website. it will be published on in The section on Statement on corporate the Annual Board of governance statements Directors’ Report regarding the Remuneration Policy and the remuneration of the Board of Directors members and the remuneration of the Director General. implementation of includes the The Annual Report on Remuneration is presented together with the Annual Board of Directors’ Report. x partially Items on the GMS organization are presented to shareholders at each meeting. A separate document on the GMS procedure will be prepared and approved. The company must include in its Annual Report a remuneration statement on the implementation of this Policy during the annual period under review. The Report on Remuneration must submit implementation of the Remuneration Policy for persons identified in this Policy during the annual period under review. D.1 D.1.1 D.1.2 D.1.3 D.1.4 D.1.5 The company should establish an Investors Relation Department - indicating to the public the responsible person/persons or the organizational unit. Besides the information required by the legal provisions, the company should also include on its corporate website a dedicated Investor Relations section, both in Romanian and English, with all the relevant information of interest for investors, including: Principal corporate regulations: the articles of incorporation, general shareholders’ meeting procedure Professional CVs of the members of the company’s governing bodies; Board member’s other professional commitments, including executive and non-executive Board positions in companies and not-for-profit institutions. Current reports and periodic reports (quarterly, semi-annual and annual reports) – at least those specified in Note D.8- including current reports with detailed information related to non - compliance with the Bucharest Stock Exchange Code of Corporate Governance Information related to GMS: the agenda and supporting materials; the procedure approved for the election of BoD members, the rationale for the proposal of candidates for the election to the Board together with their professional CVs; shareholders’ questions related to the agenda and the company’s answers, inclusively the decisions taken by the GMS Information on corporate events (such as payment of dividends and other distributions to shareholders, or other events leading to the acquisition or limitation of rights of a shareholder) including the deadlines and principles applied to such operations. The information will be published within a period so that investors are permitted to take investment decisions. 5 x x x x x x partially Romgaz prepared the Dividend Policy; it will be submitted for the approval of the Board. x Romgaz prepared the Policy on forecast; it will be submitted for the approval of the Board. D.1.6 D.1.7 D.2 D.3 D.4 D.5 D.6 D.7 D.8 D.9 D.10 The names and contact data of the persons who should be able to provide knowledgeable information on request; Corporate presentations (for example presentations for investors, presentations on quarterly results), financial statements (quarterly, semi-annual, annual), auditor reports and annual reports The company will have an annual cash distribution of dividend policy or other benefits for shareholders, proposed by the Director General and adopted by the BoD as the company’s Guideline on net profits distribution. The principles of the annual distribution of dividends policy to Shareholders will be published on the company’s website. The company should have adopted a policy with respect to forecasts, whether they are made public or not. The Policy on forecasts will determine the forecasts’ frequency, period and content and will be published on the company’s website. GSM rules should not restrict the participation of shareholders in general meetings and the exercising of their rights. The modification of rules will become effective no sooner than the following shareholders’ meeting. The external auditors should attend the shareholders’ meetings when their reports are presented there. The BoD should present to the annual GMS a brief assessment of the internal controls and significant risk management system, as well as opinions on issues subject to resolution at the general meeting. Any professional, consultant, expert, financial analyst, may participate in the shareholders’ meeting upon prior invitation from the BoD. Accredited journalists may, also, attend the GMS, unless the Chairman of the Board decides otherwise. The quarterly and semi-annual financial reports should include information in both, Romanian and English, regarding the key drivers influencing the change in sales, operating profit, net profit and other relevant financial indicators, both on quarter-on-quarter and year-on-year terms. The company should organize at least two meetings/conference calls with analysts and investors each year. The information presented on these occasions should be published on the company website in the IR section at the time of meetings/teleconferences. If the company supports various forms of artistic and cultural expression, sport activities, educational or scientific activities, and considers the resulting impact on the innovativeness and competitiveness of the company is part of its business mission and development strategy, it should publish the policy guiding its activity in this area. x x x x x x x x x 6 Legend: ToR BoD CV GMS CCG BSE = Bucharest Stock Exchange CCG ROMGAZ = the Code of Corporate Governance of S.N.G.N. ROMGAZ S.A., approved on January 28, 2016. = Terms of Reference = Board of Directors = Curriculum Vitae = General Meeting of Shareholders = Code of Corporate Governance 7 SNGN “ROMGAZ” SA Annex no.3 Litigations No. File No./ Court of Law 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 3878/110/2007 - Bacau County Court of Law 513/87/2012 - Teleorman County Court of Law 2177/99/2012 - Iasi County Court of Law 1318/87/2013 - Teleorman County Court of Law 10917/107/2010/a 2 - Alba County Court of Law Case 2 Plaintiff Defendant Amount (RON) Description 3 4 5 insolvency proceedings Romgaz - creditor S.C.Uzina Termica Comanesti S,A - debtor 328,646.82 6 Decision no. 318/2009 of Bacau Court approved SNGN ROMGAZ SA‘s request to initiate insolvency proceedings. Currently, the specific insolvency proceedings acts are performed. Next procedural deadline 7 May 25, 2017 insolvency proceedings Romgaz - creditor SC Termaserv SRL Alexandria - debtor 7,200,862 Receivable: RON 7,200,862.08 (on December 31, 2011 - equivalent value of delivered gas, penalties, interest) May 11, 2017 insolvency proceedings Romgaz - creditor SC CET Iasi SA - debtor 46,270,753 insolvency proceedings Romgaz - creditor SC Termaconfort SRL Rosiorii de Vede - debtor 1,888,201 insolvency proceedings Romgaz - creditor SC GHCL UPSOM ROMANIA SA- debtor 68,573,109 March 14, 2017 April 13, 2017 July 3, 2017 Receivables: RON 46,270,752.91 (equivalent value of delivered gas, late payment penalties, interest, court fees). Civil court decision no. 697/April 17, 2012 issued by Iasi County Court of Law established the opening of the general insolvency procedure for the debtor and appointed an interim official receiver Receivables: RON 1,888,200.99 (delivered gas price, late payment penalties, interest/penalties calculated according to Payment Schedule Agreement, fees related to enforcement procedure). On 29.11.2010, SNGN ROMGAZ SA filed against the SC GHCL UPSOM ROMANIA SA an application to open insolvency proceedings. (File no. 10917/107/2010). SNGN ROMGAZ SA requested acceptance of a certain, liquid and due receivable in amount of RON 60,841,881.14 (representing the equivalent value of natural gas, penalties calculated according to Payment Schedule Agreement no. 100/May 5, 2009, late payment penalties calculated until February 28, 2011, equivalent value of assignment of receivables according to Assignment of Receivables Contract no. 1/June 2, 2009) Against decision no. 351/F/May 18, 2011, the debtor filed recourse requesting the discarding of sentence and referring the case back to Alba Court of Law. 1 No. 6 File No./ Court of Law 564/2005 - Official Receiver Office Milos Cristian Case Plaintiff Defendant Amount (RON) Description enforcement proceedings Romgaz - creditor SC Termoelectrica Bucuresti - debtor PEET SA 42,665,005 Based on the enforcement order, Civil Decision no. 181/C/2005 issued by Sibiu County Court of Law the debtor was obliged to pay the creditor the amount of 148,826,365 (delivered gas price, default fees, the interest, court fees), bailiff office Milos Cristian requested enforcement of the order against the monies the company has in bank accounts opened in Bucharest. Following the approval of attachment of bank accounts, the bailiff sent letters of attachment of bank accounts opened in Bucharest. Next procedural deadline insolvency 6659/85/2012 - Sibiu County Court of Law 8028/95/2013 - Gorj County Court of Law Claims Romgaz-creditor insolvency proceedings Romgaz - creditor S.C.Grup de Comert si Investitii SRL - debtor S.C. Grup de Comert si Investitii SRL (by the official receiver- Divizia de Reorganizare Judiciara si Executare Creante IPURL) - debtor Romgaz 1,135,220 SNGN ROMGAZ SA filed a summons requesting the debtor to pay RON 1,135,220 finalised 1,135,220 On October 24, 2013, Gorj Court allowed the application of the debtor S.C.Grup de Comert si Investitii SRL by court Decision no. 446/2013, requesting to reorganize its activity. insolvency proceedings the opening of in order March 27, 2017 4,333,255 45,973 The plaintiff requested by the summons: - to adjust the work contract No. 221/2012, concluded between the parties, in the sense of enforcing the payment of the amount of RON4,333,255 by the defendant, as equivalent value of additional works performed following the extension of the contract duration. Amount of claims: RON 45,973.26 - overdue payments penalties calculated according to Natural Gas Sale Contract No.14/2008. Recourse. Recourse dismissed by Giurgiu Court of Law. finalised finalised Adjustment of work contract no. 22/2012 SC FORAJ SONDE SA claims Uzina S.C. Termoelectrica Giurgiu - defendant Romgaz - plaintiff 7 8 9 10 11 7779/85/2014 - Sibiu County Court of Law 6991/236/2009 - Giurgiu Court of Law 110/228/2011 - Braila County Court of Law proceedings for real estate claim SC Foradex SA - plaintiff Romgaz, SC Amromco Energy SRL - defendants n/a The plaintiff requested the defendants to grant full possession of Well 22 Balta Alba to Foradex, decommissioning of the rig and payment of penalties. finalised 2 No. 12 13 File No./ Court of Law 5910/228/2010 - Braila County Court of Law 1299/57/2011 - Appeal Court of Law in Alba Iulia 14 598/57/2011 - Sibiu County Court of Law (retrial at the High Court of Cassation and Justice) 15 7852/85/2013 - Sibiu County Court of Law 16 8259/62/2013 - Brasov County Court of Law Case Plaintiff Defendant Amount (RON) Description eviction proceedings SC Foradex SA - plaintiff Romgaz - plaintiff of Annulment action administrative no. 5951/08.04.2011 issued by the National Fiscal for Agency Administration DGFP Sibiu Romgaz, SC Amromco Energy SRL– defendants Agentia Nationala de Administrare Fiscala; DGFP - defendant SIBIU) The scope of the summons is the eviction of the defendants with respect to well 22 Est Balta Alba. 1,688,843 Amount of claim: RON 1,688,843, High Court of Cassation and Justice rejects the recourse due to ANAF lack of grounds. SNGN ROMGAZ SA brought the action before administrative appeal requesting annulment of financial control protocol no. 5951/April 8, 2011 issued by ANAF-DGFP Sibiu establishing the unconformity with legal provisions in relation with setting and payment of dividends for 2008 financial year, in relation to which default interest of RON 1,688,843 is calculated. Next procedural deadline stay of trial proceedings complusory enforcement Bring the action before administrative appeal Romgaz - plaintiff Court of Accounts of Romania - defendant 102,357,059 SNGN ROMGAZ SA brought the action before administrative appeal requesting annulment of actions issued by the Romanian Court of Accounts – Sibiu Chamber of Accounts, namely: Note no.3/2011; Decision No.10/24.01.2011;Finding report registered at SNGN Romgaz SA under no. 2033/10.12.2010 currently not established Claims -undue payment Romgaz - plaintiff Claims -undue payment Romgaz - plaintiff SC APROV SA; SC ROMOIL SA - defendant SC Condmag SA;Cameron International Corporation - defendants 3 20,052,457 In the summons, SNGN ROMGAZ SA requested the court to compel the defendants to pay jointly the amount of RON 20,052,457 : stay of trial proceedings - - RON 14,408,931 lei – representing the undue payment made according to supply contract no. 42/2010 and RON 5.643.526 – representing the additional payment made under supply contract no. 6/2010) In the summons, SNGN ROMGAZ SA requested the court to compel the defendants to pay jointly the amount of RON 43.059.199, representing the undue payment in connection with work contract no. 217/2006 stay of trial proceedings 43,059,199 No. 17 File No./ Court of Law 8258/62/2013 - Brasov County Court of Law 18 19 20 21 22 23 8260/62/2013 - Brasov County Court of Law 19495/3/2013 - Bucuresti Court of Law 2541/96/2013 - Harghita County Court of Law 13991/320/2012 - Tg. Mures court 781/85/2014 Sibiu Court of Law (Bucuresti Court of Law file no. 28323/3/2014 11688/85/2012 – Sibiu Court of Law Next procedural deadline stay of trial proceedings Case Plaintiff Defendant Amount (RON) Description Romgaz - plaintiff Claims payment, contract provision worksno.14/2009 -undue for of Claims -undue payment Romgaz - plaintiff SC INSPET SA; SC Condmag SA; SC Petrostar SA; SC Industrial Trading SRL - defendants SC Condmag SA - defendant 15,596,065 In the summons, SNGN ROMGAZ SA requested the court to compel the defendants to pay jointly the amount of RON 15,596,065 representing the undue payment made related to contract no.14/2009 23,645,128 In the summons, SNGN ROMGAZ SA requested the court to compel the defendants to pay jointly the amount of RON 23,645,128 representing the undue payment related to the contract for provision of works no. 39/2007 stay of trial proceedings claims (equivalent value of delivered and unpaid natural gas, according to gas sale-purchase contract no. 2/2010) insolvency proceedings Romgaz - plaintiff SC G-ON Eurogaz SRL - defendant 11,920,527.50 Claimed amount: RON 11,920,527.50 (equivalent value of delivered and unpaid natural gas) compulsory enforcement Romgaz - creditor SC MAVEXIM SRL - debtor The trial date of June 25, 2013 allowed the debtor’s request to file for insolvency (in compliance with art. 27 paragraph 5 of law 85/2006). The debtor initiated insolvency procedures. May 17, 2017 Corruption offence criminal Romgaz - plaintiff claiming damages Budan Marcel - defendant Claims Romgaz - plaintiff Electrocentrale - Bucuresti SC SA defendant Romgaz - plaintiff SC GRUP defendant TEHNOTOP - SRL 579,532 Criminal complaint for investigating Mr. Budan Marcel for corruption charges (Law 78/2000) in connection with repair works to the access road to Schela Corunca. By filing letter JE166/01.04.2013 SNGN ROMGAZ SA became injured party in the file for the amount of RON 579,532. The reason why Romgaz became injured party is the fact that the work was recorded as fixed asset in Romgaz-Mures Branch accounting records, a fixed asset over which it retains no title. Amount of claim: RON 240,280,906.05 240,280,906 appeal, currently not established March 6, 2017 112,139.15 Amount of claim: RON 112 139. 15. The compulsory enforcement proceedings were initiated. finalised 4 No. 24 File No./ Court of Law 28218/3/2009 - Mures County Court of Law 25 26 27 28 921/237/2013 - Gura Humorului Court of Law 5768/85/2013 - Sibiu County Court of Law 149/322/2014 - Targu Secuiesc Court of Law 1213/251/2012 - Luduş Court of Law Case Plaintiff Defendant Amount (RON) Description 965,612 Amount of claims: RON 965,612. Recourse is dismissed. Decision is irrevocable. Next procedural deadline finalized SC LORETO EXIM SRL – respondent / appellant Romgaz-SIRCOSS appellant / respondent Romgaz-STTM Tg Mures (appellant) complaint of violation Romgaz SIRCOSS - appellant Inspectoratul pentru Situatii de Urgenta Suceava - respondent claims - default fees SC PROD plaintiff ALLSTAR - SRL Romgaz (SIRCOSS) - defendant 1,750 Amount of claim: RON 1,750 finalised 13,744,98 Amount of claim : RON 13,744.98 finalized complaint of violation ISCTR - respondent SNGN Romgaz SA - de Sucursala Energie Producţie - Electrică defendant Iernut Romgaz (SIRCOSS) appellant - Tegla Ciprian, Crişan Flaviu, Timar Romul, Marian Maftei Niculina, Petru, Rădulescu Gheorghe, Stoica Nicuşor, Cosma Călin, Mathe Geza and Pantea Ilie – plaintiffs (employees of SNGN Romgaz SA – SPEE Iernut) 4,000 The complaint of violation requested the annulment of Offence Report and of the contravention sanction and, alternately, the replacement of fine with a warning. finalized 36,000 Amount of claims: approx. RON 36,000, appeal, pending trial date SPEE Iernut employees, as tenants of work-related lodging, requested the court of law to: Currently not established - - - Calculate rent according to Law no. 17/1994, Law no. 114/1996, GEO 40/1999, Government Decision no. 310/2007 and the New Civil Code. set the reimbursement of amounts paid as rent, in excess of the threshold of computed rent, starting with august 2009 until the final settlement of this cause. Compel the defendant to pay court fees; In the course of court proceedings, the defendants Marian Niculina and Radulescu Gheorghe filed a request to waive court proceedings. 5 Case Plaintiff Defendant Amount (RON) Description No. 29 File No./ Court of Law 1855/251/2013 - Luduş Court of Law eviction proceeding SC Comindal Impex SRL - defendant. SNGN Romgaz SA - Sucursala de Producţie Energie Iernut – Electrică plaintiff 30 261/43/2013 – Appeal Court of Law in Tg. Mures The Bid Awarding Report was challenged SC Comindal Impex SRL – appellant. Romgaz - Sucursala de Producţie Energie Electrică - respondent Iernut Next procedural deadline compulsory enforcement finalised Based on bilateral relationship between the parties, the lease agreement no. 1294/2006 was concluded. Because on June 30, 2013, the lease agreement had expired for the commercial premises located in Iernut, P-ta 1 Decembrie 1918, bl. 1, groundfloor, Mures county, SPEE Iernut organized on June 21, 2013 an open tender. The appointed winner was PFA Cormos Daniela. - On June 21, 2013, SPEE Iernut organized an open tender for the lease of the commercial premises located in Iernut, P-ta 1 Decembrie 1918, bl. 1, groundfloor, Mures county. Three persons subscribed to the tender among which the appellant, SC Comindal Impex SRL. The appointed winner was PFA Cormos Daniela. SPEE Iernut rejected the challenge filed by SC Comindal Impex SRL. For this reason, it requested the court to cancel the Bid Awarding Report no. 5635/June 21, 2013 and to reorganize the tender. It invoked lack of compliance with the Technical Specifications. 31 32 33 34 1471/63/2010Dolj County Court of Law 16181*/215/2009 - Craiova Court of Law Establish right Specific procedure easement Romgaz - SISGN Ploiesti - plaintiff Draghici Marian and others - defendants Dolj Court of Law declined the competence in favour of Craiova Court file no.18150/215/2010) which dismisses the action. currently not established performance Covei Gheorghe - plaintiff Romgaz Ploiesti -defendant - SISGN 169,938 The plaintiff filed an application to compel SNGN ROMGAZ SA – SISGN Ploiesti to decommission the pipelines allegedly undercrossing the plaintiff’s land and to pay the value of absence of usage right of due to said pipeline. Amount of claim: EUR 37.764 Initially, the file was pending before Craiova Court of Law, which dismissed the request. finalised 1540/215/2013 - Craiova Court of Law 12310/63/2011 - Dolj County Court of Law Prunoiu Gheorghita - plaintiff Romgaz Ploiesti - defendant - SISGN Constantin Victoria - plaintiff Romgaz Ploiesti - defendant - SISGN 50,000 The plaintiff filed an application to compel SNGN ROMGAZ SA to pay RON 50,000. 79,020 Amount of claim: EUR 17.560. The plaintiff filed an application to compel SNGN ROMGAZ SA to decommission the pipelines allegedly undercrossing the plaintiff’s land. stay of trial proceedings stay of trial proceedings 6 No. 35 File No./ Court of Law 2471/215/2012 – Craiova Court of Law 36 37 38 39 40 1463/108/2012 – Arad Court of Law 10980/320/2008 – Tg. Mures Court of Law 488/251/2008 – Ludus Court of Law 4424/320/2009 – Tg. Mures Court of Law 302/317/2014 – Tg. Carbunesti Court of Law 41 17666/320/2010 – Tg. Mures Court Of Law Case Plaintiff Defendant Amount (RON) Description Romgaz – SISGN Ploiesti – plaintiff Zamfiroiu Florina s.a. – defendant Romgaz – SISGN Ploiesti – creditor SC Amarad SA – debtor Sipos Ioan – plaintiff Petrea Zachei, Petrea Cornelia – plaintiffs Romgaz - Suc. Tg. Mures – defendant (and plaintiff counterclaim ) Romgaz - Tg. Mures Branch– defendant Sipos Ioan ; Sipos Terez – plaintiffs Romgaz - Suc. Tg. Mures – defendant Daianu Maria – plaintiff Romgaz - Suc. Tg. Mures – defendant 4,875 The defendant paid by mistake to Beldiman Ion (subsequently deceased) the amount of RON 6500 as of June 27, 2008. As a consequence, the company undertook actions to recover the amount and, in accordance with the provisions of Articles 1092, 992 and 993 Civil Code, the Court compelled the defendant Beldiman Rodica, as inheritress (wife) to refund the above mentioned amount. The defendant filed recourse for this decision. At that moment, it was found that besides the defendant Beldiman Rodica there are 4 more legal successors, the deceased’s daughters (Zamfiroiu Florina, Barcu Tita, Burtea Petria Georgeta and Ciumuliga Ionela) being defendants to this case. Upon the debtor’s request, prepared in accordance with the provision of Article 27, paragraph 5 of Law 85/2006, insolvency procedures were initiated. 42,418.48 Next procedural deadline reinstateme nt March 23, 2017 450 By summons, the plaintiff requested the court to compel the defendant to pay rent in exchange of using the land, which is the property of plaintiff. stay of trial proceedings 20,000 By summons, the plaintiffs requested the court to establish the property title in connection with an unincorporated parcel of 11,600sq.m. File suspended until the irrevocable decision of file no. 487/251/2012* stay of trial proceedings 20,600 By summons, the plaintiffs requested the court to compel the defendant to the payment of rent in exchange for using a land parcel, the property of defendants (EUR 4,400). stay of trial proceedings 22,500 The defendant is compelled to pay to the plaintiff a compensation of RON 9,216 representing the equivalent value of production made during 2011, 2012, 2013. The defendant is obliged to pay the plaintiff the amount of RON 2,625.8 as court fees. Appeal allowed on January 22, 2016. finalised Romgaz - Suc. Tg. Mures – defendant SC Network Press Concept SRL Medias (fosta RODIPET) – defendant 6,851.25 The defendant failed to meet the contractual obligation to deliver the Romanian Official Journal for Q2 and Q3/2008: 4 subscriptions to Part I bis and one subscription to Part IV, therefore the defendant is obliged to refund RON 6,851.25 (out of which RON 565,70 is VAT). Currently the case is suspended based on Article 36 of Law 85/2006 on stay of trial proceedings 7 No. File No./ Court of Law 42 3231/320/2011 – Tg. Mures Court of Law 43 44 7659/320/2011 – Tg. Mures Court of Law claims 13525/320/2011 – Tg. Mures Court of Law Case Plaintiff Defendant Amount (RON) Description Insolvency procedure. Next procedural deadline finalised Cez Vanzare SA Craiova –by authorized represenative ROMANIA SRL – creditor Naghy Bela – plaintiff Romgaz - Suc. Tg. Mures – debtor 5,534 Because of overdue payment of some invoices, the creditor requested the court to compel the debtor to pay RON 5,112.85 (late payment penalties) and RON 421.52 (court fees) in accordance with GD 5/2011. As of June 28, 2011, Tg. Mures Court of Law dismissed the request for payment. The decision is not communicated. Romgaz - Tg. Mures Branch– defendat 100,800 By summons, the defendant requested the court to oblige SNGN finalised ROMGAZ SA Tg. Mures Branch to pay: - RON 100,800 representing rent expenses (for 3 years) for the occupation of land by Well Cluster 8 Ulies (property of the defendant) Sipos Ioan - plaintiff Romgaz – Suc. Tg. Mures – defendant 45 198/315/2012 – Targoviste Court of Law Nicolescu Georgeta – plaintiff Romgaz – Suc. Tg. Mures – defendant request annulled finalised 39,250 By summons, the plaintiff requested the court to oblige SNGN ROMGAZ SA – Suc. Tg. Mures to pay EUR 8,500, a retroactive claim (EUR 100/ month x 85 months) and as of October 26, 2011 to pay EUR1,000/month as rent. The summons grounds on the fact that the plaintiff cannot use a 2,800 sq.m parcel of land due to conditions imposed by Romgaz-Mures Branch, which has 2 wells in the respective land. The first instance dismissed the summons. The decision was not communicated. Claims: EUR 8,500 (retroactively) and EUR 1,000/month for the future. On October 15, 2012 Targu Mures Court of Law annulled the summons. The decision has not been communicated. 96,940 By summons, the plaintiff requested the court to compel SNGN ROMGAZ SA – Tg. Mures Branch to pay RON 96,940 as compensation for decreasing the value of the land use from II category to IV category. The plaintiff’s claims are grounded on the fact that Romgaz-Tg Mures Branch did not entirely fulfil the obligations to restore land to its initial use (land where well 1 Iazu was drilled), as established in court decision no. 4646/October 28, 2009 (irrevocable) issued by Targoviste Court of Law in case file no. 438/315.2008. Claims: RON 96,940. On June 3, 2013 the court partly allowed the claim, compelling Romgaz – Tg. Mures Branch to pay RON 2,510 as compensation and RON 1,540 as court fees. Romgaz-Tg. Mures paid both amounts. 8 No. 46 File No./ Court of Law 487/251/2012* – Ludus Court of Law Case Plaintiff Defendant Amount (RON) Description Romgaz – Suc. Tg. Mures – plaintiff Bartha F. Irina; Local Commission for application of Law 18/1991 within Zau de Campie city hall; OCPI Mures; County Comission for application of Law 18/1991 within prefecture Mures – defendant 47 493/251/2012 – Ludus Court of Law Romgaz – Suc. Tg. Mures – palintiff Petrea Zachei; Petrea Cornelia – defendant Next procedural deadline stay of trial proceedings By summons, SNGN ROMGAZ SA – Suc. Tg. Mures requested the court to establish absolute nullity (relative) and the relative nullity of the property title no 132498/2002, by which the property title was re- enacted for Bartha F. Irina over an arable land of 11,600 m2, located in village Barbosi, commune Zau de Campie, due to the fact that 426 m 2 was erroneously included in the property title. In fact, the property title was issued on behalf of Bartha Irina with the aid of the defendants 2, 3 and 4. There was an expropriation order for the land according to Decrees 658/1973, 55/1978, 22/1979 and the land was removed from the agricultural use. It could not fall within the scope of Law 18/1991. Subsequently, the defendant disposed of this land by means of selling it to Petrea Zachei and Petrea Cornelia, according to authenticated contract no. 18/1991. The latter have petitioned the court against Romgaz-Tg. Mures Branch for claims. The issuance of a property title in connection with the surface occupied by the Branch’s assets is not legal. - By summons, SNGN ROMGAZ SA – Suc. Tg. Mures requested the court to establish the absolute nullity of land sale contract no. 123/2005; the defendants are the buyers. The summons is grounded on the fact that the authenticated sale contract no. 123/2005 is void because is a subsequent act of the seller’s property title (please refer to case file no. 487/251/2012 – Ludus Court of Law. Following the procurement of land, the defendants filed a claim against Romgaz – Tg. Mures Branch (file case no. 448/251/2008 – Ludus Court of Law). Currently, this case 487/251/2012 of Ludus Court of Law is irrevocably settled. is on stay of proceedings until case file 48 5423/320/2012 – Kemeny Elena Antonia – plaintiff Romgaz – Suc. Tg. Mures – defendant 200,000 By summons the plaintiff requested the court to decide: value of finalized claims: RON 200,000. By the date of trial, December 19, 2014, the court dismissed the request. The plaintiff initiated appeal –Mures County Court of Law. By the date of trial, June 09, 2015, the appeal was dismissed. The decision is final. 49 7399/320/2012 – Tg. Mures Court of Law CEZ Distributie SA Craiova, by authorized Romgaz – Suc. Tg. Mures – debtor 1,344.74 By summons, the creditor requested the recovery of claims of RON 1,344.74 resulting from invoices regarding regularization of electricity consumption in several consumption points within SPG Oltenia. Value 9 No. File No./ Court of Law Case Plaintiff Defendant Amount (RON) Description Next procedural deadline representative COFACE ROMANIA CREDIT MANAGEMENT SRL – creditor Barsan Romulus - plaintiff of claims: RON 1,344.74. By the date of retrial, April 16, 2015, Tg. Mures Court of Law dismissed the request. Romgaz – Suc. Tg. Mures – defendant 88.000 By summons the plaintiff requested the court to compel the payment of the following claims: RON 80,000; RON 30,000; RON 3,000/month; RON 88,000. March 28, 2017 Romgaz – Suc. Tg. Mures – plaintiff Borda Alexandru – defendant 50 51 7070/320/2012 – Tg. Mures Court of Law 963/85//2013 – Sibiu Countu Court of Law 1,307 The case consists of obliging the defendant to refund the plaintiff the amount of RON 1,304 representing the holiday allowance and the holiday remuneration for the period he didn’t work and received holiday leave, because after effectuating the holiday leave for the year 2012 (34 days) in March and May 2012, the defendant had a number of 32 (working days) of unjustified absences, which lead to his disciplinary dismissal. Court allowed the action. The enforcement order over the defendant has been initiated. By summons, the plaintiff requested the court to oblige SNGN ROMGAZ SA-Tg. Mures Branch to pay compensations (to be subsequently settled by expertize) for lack of using the land of 1,221.5 m2 (during the period July 2010-July 2013) and for contaminating and damaging the plaintiff’s piece of land by a group of crossings valves belonging to the defendant and located on the plaintiff’s land. The summons was allowed on May 12, 2014. The decision has not been communicated yet. 52 4320/328/2013 – Turda Court of Law Claims – compensations Lasonti Doina Maria – plaintiff Romgaz – Suc. Tg. Mures – defendant claims- compensations 53 54 11278/320/2013 – Tg. Mures Court of Law 6774/85/2013 – Sibiu Court of Law Romgaz – Suc. Tg. Mures – defendant Romgaz – Suc. Tg. Mures – plaintiff Serb Neli – plaintiff 5,200 By summons, the plaintiff requested the court to oblige SNGN finalised ROMGAZ SA-Tg. Mures Branch to pay the amount of RON 5,200 SC ICPE ELECTROCOND TECHNOLOGIES SA – defendant SC ENER- G NATURAL POWER LIMITED – defendant SC INSTASERVICE 441,399 Value of claims: RON 441,398.85 (delay penalties), the enforcement procedure has been suspended, payment in accordance with the agreement on payment installments. By summons, Romgaz-Tg Mures Branch requested the court to compel the defendants to jointly pay RON 441,398.85, representing default penalties calculated for the late fulfillment of obligation to commission two pieces of equipment under the scope of contract no. 11/P/2011 concluded between the plaintiff and the defendants. The case was allowed. The defendants filed for appeal at Alba Iulia Court of Appeal. finalised 10 No. File No./ Court of Law Case Plaintiff Defendant Amount (RON) Description SRL -defendant Next procedural deadline 3164/330/2013 – Urziceni Court of Law Payment order ( article 1013 and Civil Procedure Code Romgaz - Suc. Tg. Mures – Plaintiff- creditor SC FER MINERVA SRL – defendant debtor 4,361.88 By summons for issuance of a payment order for recover the amount RON 4,361.88 out of which RON 3,896.79 (metallic waste invoices) and RON 465.09 (delay penalties). compulsory enforcement 55 56 57 58 14630/320/2013 - Tg. Mures Court of Law Complaint of violation Romgaz - Suc. Tg. Mures – plaintiff Comuna Raciu – through mayor – defendant 1403/3/2014 – Bucuresti Court of Law- declined its competency to Sector 6 Bucuresti Court of Law 4465/317/2013 – Tg. Carbunesti Court of Law Annulment of administrative act SNGN ROMGAZ SA- Suc. Tg. Mures – plaintiff Agentia Nationala de Cadastru si Publicitate Imobiliara – defendant Specific performance procedure Durla Sabina – plaintiff Romgaz - Suc. Tg. Mures - defendant 59 1434/1371/2007 Mureş Comercial Court of Law Insolvency procedure Romgaz – STTM Tg.Mureş – Creditor SC Poliglot Comimpex SRL - Debtor 11 50,000 SNGN ROMGAZ SA – Suc. Tg. Mures filed a complaint against the Violation Notice and requested the enforcement of violation regarding the construction-demolishing (of 2 cooling towers of Compressor Station Sanmartinu de Campie) without a demolishing authorization. By complaint the plaintiff requested the court to replace the fine of RON 50,000 with warning or the minimum fine provided by law, namely RON 1,000. On the trial date, May 28, 2014, the complaint was dismissed. SNGN ROMGAZ SA filed appeal at Mures County Court of Law. Appeal was dismissed. finalized 13,879.72 finalised 54,000 By summons, the plaintiff requested the court: finalised - - value of claims: RON 54,000; compelling the defendant to sign with the plaintiff a land lease 6,783.41 As of November 22, 2007, Mures County Court of Law allowed the request for initiating the insolvency procedure against the debtor SC Poliglot Coninpex RL. During November 22, 2007- July 08, 2010 the insolvency procedure was carried out. STTM Tg. Mures is a creditor included in the body of creditors with the amount RON 6,783.41. May 25, 2017 No. 60 61 62 63 64 File No./ Court of Law 7/1371/2009 al Mureş Commercial Court of Law 580/1371/2010 – Mures Commercial Court of Law 12236/320/2012 – Tg. Mures Court of Law 3295/104/2013 – Olt County Court of Law 2247/200/2015– Buzau Court of Law Case Plaintiff Defendant Amount (RON) Description Romgaz –STTM Tg.Mureş – creditor SC Coriz SRL, by liquidator Chertes Constanta - debtor Romgaz – Suc. Medias – creditor SC Globe Trotters SRL – debtor Romgaz – Suc. Medias – plaintiffs SC Torpi SRL; SC Manadas SRL – defendands 1,451.52 STTM Tg. Mures as creditor is included in the body of creditors with the amount of RON 1,571.82. 9,206.21 Value of claims: RON 9,206.21 11,575.52 Value of claims: RON 11,575.52 Next procedural deadline finalised March 8, 2017 stay of trial proceedings Insolvency procedure Romgaz – Suc. Medias – creditor SC MIC PETROCHIM INDUSTRIE SRL Ganeasa – debtor 505,02 Value of claims: RON 505.02 (RON 460.66 - unpaid invoice +penalties). Court passed Decision no. 777/2016 dated November 28, 2016 which was not communicated. Possibility to file recourse Complaint of violation Romgaz – Suc. Medias – appellant ISCTR Bucuresti - respondent 3,000 The complaint of violation against the Violation Notice and payment of sanction in amount of RON 3,000 for unlabeled condensate gas transportation. The complaint is allowed. The civil fine sanction was replaced with a warning. The decision is not final. Appeal was not allowed. finalised 65 119/829/2014 – Podu Turcului Court of Law Statutory burglary- condensate removal Romgaz – Suc. Medias – plaintiff claiming damages Stratulat, Mihoci, Grigoras – defendant the stolen condensate was 363.20 The file was settled by convicting the defendants and compelling the defendants to return the goods. The loss has been recorded due to the fact to Romgaz that representatives. Against this decision, the public prosecutor appealed. The Court of Appeal allowed the appeal with respect to custodial sentences and maintained the other dispositions of the appealed decision. The decision is final. returned 66 3128/257/2013 – Medias Court of Law Claims Romgaz – plaintiff Asociatia sportiva “Dacia Atel” – defendant 6,247.77 By summons, the court is requested to establish the termination of the Sponsorship Contract no. 178/2011 and, as a consequence, to restore the parties to their initial state by obligating the defendant ASOCIATIA SPORTIVA “DACIA ATEL to pay RON 6,247.77, RON 5,000 as financial support provided under Contract 178/2011. compulsory enforcement 12 Case Plaintiff Defendant Amount (RON) Description No. 67 File No./ Court of Law 3127/257/2013 – Medias Court of Law 68 5026/85/2013 – Sibiu County Court of Law claims Romgaz – plaintiff compensations Romgaz – plaintiff 3035/262/2014 – Moreni Court of Law claims – recourse action Romgaz - STTM Targu Mures: plaintiff 611/102/2015 – Mures County Court of Law Challenging of decision disciplinary sanction Moldovan Ionel: plaintiff Asociatia transparenta deciziei administrative Medias – defendant Paltan Radu Dan – defendant Enache Ilie: defendant (employee of STTM Targu Mures) Romgaz - STTM Targu Mures: defendant 33727/197/2014 - Brasov Court of Law 2629/317/2015 - Targu Carbunesti Court of Law Payment injunction Complaint of violation Romgaz - STTM Targu Mures: plaintiff Romgaz - STTM Targu Mures: appelant SC Suppliers Concept SRL: defendant ISCTR Bucuresti (State Inspectorate for Control of Road Transportation): respondent 13 69 70 71 72 Next procedural deadline compulsory enforcement compulsory enforcement 2,926.64 By summons, the court is requested to establish the termination of the Sponsorship Contract no. 8/February 25, 2010 and, as a consequence, to restore the parties to the initial state by obligating the defendant ADMINISTRATIVE ASOCIATIA MEDIAS” to pay the amount RON 2,926.64. “TRANSPARENTA DECIZIEI 4,681.01 By summons, SNGN ROMGAZ SA requested the court to incur property liability of Mr. Dan Paltan, former employee of SNGN ROMGAZ SA, and, as a consequence, to compel him to pay RON 681.01 paid by SNGN ROMGAZ SA pursuant to Article 192, paragraph 1, letter d) of CCM, supplemented with inflation rate until the payment in full of the amount. 16.725,40 The scope of the case file is the settlement of recourse action in connection with claims amounting RON 16,725.4. On the trial date, May 28, 2015, the court reserved judgement. Judgement was successively postponed for July 7, 2015. The plaintiff’s request was allowed. The scope of the case file is the settlement of the challenge filed by the finalised plaintiff against the disciplinary sanction. On May 26, 2015, the court allowed the request and annulled the sanctioning decision and compelled Romgaz to the payment of amounts withheld as a result of the decision and the payment of court fees of RON 2,500. The decision is not communicated. 1.275,89 The scope of the case file is the settlement of the request to issue a finalised payment injunction for RON 1,275.89. On February 24, 2015, the request was dismissed. The decision was not communicated. 7.000,00 The scope of the case file is the settlement of the complaint of violation filed by STTM Targu Mures against Offence Report no. 51280019/April 28, 2015 setting the fine of RON 7,000 lei. Appeal allowed to ISCTR. finalised Case Plaintiff Defendant Amount (RON) Description No. 73 File No./ Court of Law 3479/102/2014 - Mures County Court of Law Claims, wage-related rights Sindicatul "Extractie Gaze si Servicii" Targu Mures: plaintiff Romgaz: defendant 74 2382/257/2014 - Medias Court of Law Complaint of violation Romgaz: appelant Autoritatea Nationala de Reglementare in Domeniul Energiei: defendant 75 3626/102/2014 - Mures County Court of Law Damages: wage-related rights Ilinca Dan Claudiu: plaintiff Romgaz: defendant 76 3104/85/2014 - Sibiu County Court of Law Public procurement related litigation Romgaz plaintiff 77 3625/102/2014 - Mures County Court of Law Reimbursement of monetary differences resulting from wage- related rights Ilinca Dan Claudiu: plaintiff S.C. ICPE Electrocond Tehnologies S.A., Energ Natural Power Limited, S.C. Instaservice S.R.L.: defendants Romgaz: defendant 14 By summons the plaintiff requested the court to compel Romgaz to make an indexation of the wages of the plaintiff syndicate members as of November 1, 2013. Summons dismissed – Decision no. 150/February 5, 2015 The plaintiff filed an appeal to Tg Mures Court of Appeal. On May 14, 2015 (trial date) the appeal was dismissed. Decision is final. 500.000,00 The scope of the case file is the settlement of the complaint of violation filed by Romgaz whereby the annulment of ANRE Offence Report no. 40475/June 30, 2014 was requested and, alternately, the replacement of fine with a warning. On the trial date September 29, 2014, Medias Court of Law allowed the complaint and decided to replace the fine with a warning. ANRE filed an appeal with Sibiu County Court of Law. On April 7, 2015 the appeal was allowed and the complaint was dismissed. The Decision is final. In the summons the plaintiff requested the court to compel Romgaz to the payment of: - inflation-adjusted damages and legal interest as of September 2014 in relation to the allowance representing the equivalent value of 7,500m3 of gas, of each of Christmas, Easter and Gas Worker’s Day allowance and of court fees. Summons dismissed. Appeal was filed with Tag. Mures Court of Appeal. Appeal dismissed. 1.139,00 274.900,60 Romgaz requested the court to compel the defendants to the joint updated payment of RON 274,900.60 representing the prejudice caused to Romgaz representing the equivalent value of electricity generation not made during December 16, 2013-January 14, 2014 and to the payment of court fees. 1.743,75 In the summons, the plaintiff requested the court to compel Romgaz to reimburse wage-related monetary rights for September-November 2014 the inflation-adjusted amount of RON 1,743.75 and legal interest until date of actual payment and to the payment of court fees. On March 24, 2015, the trial date, the request was dismissed. Appeal was files with Tg. Mures Court of Appeal. Also the defendant filed an appeal against the reasoning of the judgement decision. The plaintiff’s Next procedural deadline finalised finalised finalised January 31, 2017 final No. File No./ Court of Law Case Plaintiff Defendant Amount (RON) Description appeal was dismissed. 78 1794/85/2014 - Sibiu County Court of Law Adjustment of Work Contract no. 233/September 26, 2012 S.C. Dafora S.A Medias: plaintiff Romgaz: defendant 3.840.149,47 plus TVA 79 3456/102/2014 - Mures County Court of Law damages: wage-related rights Sindicatul “Extractie Gaze si Servicii” Targu Mures: plaintiff Romgaz: defendant 80 4093/85/2014 - Sibiu County Court of Law Finding nullity of provisions contained under article 117 of the Collective Labour Contract in connection with the holiday allowance Romgaz: plaintiff Sindicatul Liber Romgaz Romgaz S.A.: defendant 15 In the summons, the plaintiff requested the court to establish the adjustment of work contract no. 233/September 26, 2012 meaning the increase of contract price by RON 3,840,149.47 plus VAT and to compel Romgaz to the payment thereof. This amount represents the equivalent value of additional and unforeseen works and the legal interest. Alternately, to compel Romgaz to pay RON 3,840,149.47 plus VAT as damages for contract default, and the relating court fees. The case benefitted from a technical and legal expertise in the field of natural gas, the trial date was September 2, 2015 when the expertise finding was filed. Appeal was filed. Response to appeal. Recourse dismissed. In the summons, the plaintiff requests the court to compel Romgaz to: - granting and paying damages equivalent to the inflation-adjusted holiday allowance according to Art. 117 par. 1) of Collective Labour Contract no. 8400/28.02.2012 in force until July 31, 2014, and related legal interest until the actual date of payment for the employees not benefitting from the holiday allowance in July 2014; - granting and paying damages equivalent to 70% of the inflation- adjusted holiday allowance according to Art. 117 par. 1) of Collective Labour Contract no. 8400/28.02.2012 in force until July 31, 2014, and related legal interest until the actual date of payment for the employees who did not benefit from such starting with August 2014; - Court fees On the trial date of April 30, 2015, the court decided to stay the proceedings. In the summons, the court was requested to find the nullity of Art. 117 of Collective Labour Contract regarding holiday allowance given the issuance of Law no. 94/2014 for the approval of GED no. 8/2009 on granting holiday tickets. The request was allowed on March 3, 2015, The defendant filed for appeal at Alba Iulia Court of Appeal. Appeal was granted. Next procedural deadline finalised Summons is obsolete finalised No. 81 File No./ Court of Law 3477/102/2014 - Mures County Court of Law Claims: wage-related rights Case Plaintiff Defendant Amount (RON) Description Rus Maria: plaintiff Romgaz: defendant 44.198,00 In the summons, the court was requested to: Sindicatul Liber din cadrul SNGN ROMGAZ - defendant 82 48605/301/2014 - Sector 3 Bucuresti Court of Law Claims Romgaz: plaintiff Asociatia Sprijin Maternitatea Bucur: defendant 5.000,00 Specific performance 83 1090/1371/2014 - Mures County Court of Law – Commercial Section 84 4760/102/2013 - Mures County Court of Law Criminal court - corruption (Law 78/2000) Deusan Simion si Maria; Bereczki Francisc si Emilia; Pahontu Dragos si Nicoleta Diana : plaintiffs Romgaz - Sucursala Medias: injured party Romgaz – Sucursala Targu Mures: defendant Giurgea Teodor s.a.: defendant Next procedural deadline finalised finalised March 17, 2017 - - - find the nullity of article 1 of the protocol concluded between Romgaz and Sindicatul Prodserv Energetic Mures and of the agreement concluded between Romgaz and Sindicatul Liber SNGN ROMGAZ SA on March 1, 2014; compel Romgaz to the payment of RON 44,198 as wage- related monetary (wage, holiday allowance, gas allowance, retirement entitlements); compel Romgaz to pay court fees. rights not granted The request was dismissed on February 18, 2015. The plaintiff filed an appeal with Tg. Mures Court of Appeal. Appeal was dismissed due to lack of grounds. In the summons, the court was requested to establish the nullity of the Sponsorship Contract no. 111/2014 and consequently, to: - compel the defendant to reimburse RON 5,000 granted as financial aid; - compel the defendant to pay amounts representing the rate of inflation and the legal interest relating for the period between the payment date, June 21, 2013 and the repayment date; - compel the defendant to pay court fees. Request allowed - Decision 94/January 31, 2015. Right to appeal within 30 days from the communication. In the summons, the court was requested to compel Romgaz to: - reinstate the land (private property) to its initial state; - performance of protection works in relation to the decommissioned well within a range of 20m from the well, not 50 as the defendant had established as safety distance. Tg. Mures Court of Appeal dismissed the appeal. Appeal filed. In this case file, Romgaz – Sucursala Medias is injured party because of its quality of creditor to SC Globe Trotters SRL, a company in insolvency. In fact, the prejudice to Romgaz – Sucrusala Medias is due to an agreement between the defendants and the directors of SC Globe Trottes SRL for the creation of an unlawful assignment (by making use of fictional documents). 85 2699/251/2014 - Ludus Court of Law Eviction Romgaz - SPEE Iernut: plaintiff SC Marele Alb Prodimpex SRL: defendant The scope of file is the settlement of the eviction request initiated by the plaintiff due to the fact that the defendant has late rent payments. On May 7, 2015, the court allowed the request. The Compulsory enforcement procedure was initiated. 16 No. 86 File No./ Court of Law 1637/85/2014 - Sibiu County Court of Law Case Plaintiff Defendant Amount (RON) Description Next procedural deadline Challenging decision on disciplinary sanctioning Anton Dan: contestator Romgaz - SIRCOSS Medias: respondent 87 88 89 90 3564/257/2014 - Medias Court of Law 3803/257/2014 - Medias Court of Law Complaint of violation Complaint of violation Romgaz - SIRCOSS Medias: petent Romgaz - SIRCOSS Medias - petent CNADNR – CESTRIN: respondent CNADNR – CESTRIN: respondent 770/284/2014 - Racari Court of Law 545/185/2014 - Balcesti Court of Law Establishment of easement right Romgaz - SISGN Ploiesti: plaintiff Tudor Gheorghita s.a.: defendant Claims Popa Elena: plaintiff Romgaz -SISGN Ploiesti; Romgaz – Sucursala Targu Mures: defendant 91 15600/281/2014 - Ploiesti Court of Law Claims Tarca Ileana: plaintiff Romgaz - SISGN Ploiesti: defendant The scope of file is the settlement of the challenge against the disciplinary sanction of the challenger. The respondent filed a counterclaim to trigger the patrimonial liability of the challenger. The challenge was dismissed on September 25, 2014. The counterclaim was allowed and Decision no. 949/2014 of September 25, 2014 was communicated. The challenger filed for appeal at Alba Iulia Court for Appeal. The appeal was dismissed. The Decision was final. Proceedings are made to recover the amounts claimed in the counterclaim. 2.750,00 The scope of file is to settle the complaint of violation filed against the finalised Offence Report imposing the fine of RON 2,750 for lack of vignette. Complaint was allowed. The fine was replaced with a warning. 250,00 The scope of file is to settle the complaint of violation filed against the finalised Offence Report imposing the fine of RON 250 for lack of vignette. Complaint was allowed. Complaint dismissed. Romgaz – SIRCOSS Medias filed for appeal at Sibiu County Court of Law. On the trial date, May 7, 2015, Sibiu County Court of Law allowed the complaint and annulled the Offence Report. The scope of file is to settle Romgaz request to establish easement rights in order to gain access to wells 116 and 131 Bilciuresti. Request dismissed in December 10, 2015. Romgaz filed for appeal. The appeal was allowed. 30.000,00 Our company was sued for decommissioning pipelines which allegedly undercrosss the plaintiff’s land and requests the court to compel the defendant to the payment of the equivalent value of lack of land usage – RON 30,000. A technical expertise was ordered for this case file. Appeal was filed with Valcea County Court of Law. 10.000,00 Our company was sued for decommissioning pipelines which allegedly undercrosss the plaintiff’s land and requests the court to compel the defendant to the payment of the equivalent value of lack of land usage – RON 10,000. Action allowed on the trial date set on June 16, 2015. The Defendant was compelled to pay RON 4,611.68 (damages, stamp duty, expert fee, legal counsel fee) and to reinstate the land to its initial state. Appeal filed at Prahova County Court of Law. Appeal allowed. Final. March 7, 2017 finalised 17 Case Plaintiff Defendant Amount (RON) Description No. 92 File No./ Court of Law 16535/320/2014 - Targu Mures Court of Law Claims 93 1208/1371/2014 - Mures County Court of Law Claims Romgaz - STTM Targu Mures: plaintiff SC Rocada Serv SRL: plaintiff Bad Marcel Ioan: defendant (former employee of STTM Targu Mures) Romgaz - STTM Targu Mures; Romgaz - SPEE Iernut; Romgaz: defendant 94 221/85/2015 - Sibiu County Court of Law Claims SC Foraj Sonde SA Craiova: plaintiff Romgaz: defendant 95 35/102/2015 - Mures County Court of Law Claims – undue payment Romgaz: plaintiff Ilinca Dan Claudiu: defendant 18 Next procedural deadline finalised finalised Currently not establised finalised 1.258,84 The scope of file is the settlement of claims amounting RON 1,258.84. On March 18, 2015 (the trial date) the court declined its competrency in favour of Tg. Mures County Court of Law. Romgaz request is dismissed. Appeal was allowed by Tg. Mures Court of Appeal on December 10, 2015. 1.674.003,60 24.045,92 The scope of file is the settlement of claims amounting RON 24.045,92 representing the equivalent value of transportation services provided by the plaintiff, late payment penalties and court fees. The court decided to introduce in this case file Romgaz and SPEE Iernut as defendants. Stay of proceedings. Request dismissed on November 10, 2015. In the summons, the plaintiff requested: - to compel Romgaz to adjust the work contract no. 311/2013 “Preparatory preliminary works, drilling and test at well Frasin 905” so as to extend the work performance deadline and to increase the contract price in connection with the accident no.2 Phase IV drilling of well 905 Frasin in amount of RON 1,674,003.60 lei, including the legal interest until the actual payment date; - compelling Romgaz to the payment of court fees. An expertise with speciality in the oil and gas field was ordered. The request was dismissed. (Decision no. 1105/2016 of November 18, 2016). Rights to file a recourse In the summons, Romgaz requested the court to: - compel the defendant to pay the amount of RON 1,158 plus the inflation adjustment until the actual date of payment, the amount representing unpaid monetary rights unduly paid in August 2014 further to the fact that the defendant did not sign the Addendum no. 22465/16/August 11, 2014 to the individual labour agreement no 9500/July 1, 2006; - compel the defendant to pay court fees. On the trial date of April 27, 2015 the court partly allowed the request and compelled the defendant to pay RON 1,158 lei as undue wage- related rights, amount to be adjusted by the inflation rate. Possibility to appeal. The defendant files appeal which is dismissed by Tg. Mures Court of Appeal. The amount was recovered. 1.158,00 No. 96 File No./ Court of Law 205/102/2015 - Mures County Court of Law Labour related litigation- claims 97 151/102/2015 – Mures County Court of Law Labour related litigation- claims Case Plaintiff Defendant Amount (RON) Description Next procedural deadline finalised Sindicatul "Extractie Gaze si Servicii" Targu Mures: plaintiff Tg. Mures "Extractie Gaze si Servicii" Trade Union - plaintiff Romgaz: defendant Request dismissed. Romgaz - defendant In the summons, the plaintiff requested the court to compel Romgaz to pay compensation in amount of the equivalent value of 312.5 m3 of gas for the former employee Ilinca Alexandru, for the period March – April 2012, a value discounted by the inflation index and the statutory interest until effective payment. As of the trial date April 23, 2015, the summons was dismissed. Appeal in 10 days of communication. Appeal partly allowed by the Tg. Mures Court of Appeal on October 1, 2015. Final decision 98 7138/303/2014 – Court of Law Sector 6 Bucuresti Suspension of compulsory enforcement Interaction SRL - appellant Romgaz - respondent Purpose of the claim is suspension of compulsory enforcement. Claim allowed SNGN ROMGAZ SA has appealed against the decision – Bucharest Court of Law. Appeal dismissed 99 3591/303/2014 – Court of Law Sector 6 Bucuresti Challenge of compulsory enforcement Interagro SA; Interagro SRL - appellants Romgaz - respondent Challenge rejected (with reference to compulsory enforcement file Cristian Milos no. 28/2014). The appellants have filed for appeal – Court of Bucharest. As of the trial date June 9, 2015 the appeals were dismissed. 100 122/57/2015 – Alba Iulia Court of Appeal Litigation public acquisition Trade Union Sindicatul Liber SNGN ROMGAZ SA- complainant Romgaz - respondent finalised Complaint against the Decision CNSC issued in the course of the public acquisition procedure "Elaborare studiu privind implementarea unui sistem de management prin obiective si a unei politici de remunerare bazata pe managementul prin obiective pentru personalul de conducere din cadrul Romgaz" (Preparing a study for implementing a management system by objectives and remuneration policies based on management by objectives the Romgaz members of management). On the trial date March 13, 2015, the complaint was dismissed. Final decision for 19 File No./ Court of Law Case Plaintiff Defendant Amount (RON) Description No. 101 48/267/2015 – Novaci Court of Law Presidential Ordinance– specific performance procedure Filip Floarea Filip Zamfir plaintiffs Romgaz - Suc. Tg. Mures - defendant The plaintiffs requested the Court to compel SNGN ROMGAZ SA to stop operation of well 83 Alunu. Litigation was settled by Decision given in the Council Chamber on the summons. Decision not February 9, 2015 communicated that annulled In the summons, the plaintiffs did not specify the grounds de facto et de jure of the summons. From the summons it results that the request is to connect the case with File no. 48/267/2015 of the Novaci Court of Law. The Court has given a term for the plaintiffs to specify their claim and to indicate the grounds de facto et de jure for such claim. On trial date April 28, 2015, the stay o fproceeding was ordered. 195,253.86 The scope of the dispute is the settlement of the claim for establishing patrimonial liability and payment of compensation in amount of RON 195,253.86 to replace/ purchase 718.68 m of casing that is missing inventory. Claim allowed. Decision not communicated. The present file is separated from Case File no. 487/251/2015* (of Ludus Court of Law) where it was listed as alternative head of claim (establishing absolute nullity and annulment of land documentation received by OCPI Mures under no. 1932/2006). Appeal dismissed on May 26, 2016 due to lack of grounds 5,112 In the claim, the plaintiff requested the court to compel SNGN ROMGAZ SA to pay the amount of RON 5,112 as compensation for the plaintiff’s land degradation, effects on the fertility of the soil due to technological laying a well gathering pipeline installation of well 21 Grebenis from well 214 Grebenis, without the plaintiff’s agreement. Claim allowed. Right to recourse. to separate the Next procedural deadline finalised finalised finalised finalised Currently not established 102 49/267/2015 – Novaci Court of Law Not specified Filip Floarea Filip Zamfir plaintiff Romgaz - Suc. Tg. Mures - defendant 103 104 589/102/2015* - Mures County Court of Law 225/251/2015 – Ludus Court of Law claims, compensation Romgaz - SA Suc. Tg. Mures - plaintiff Kovacs Ladislau - defendant Establishing the nullity of an act Romgaz - plaintiff 105 2042/320/2015 – Tg. Mures Court of Law claims - compensation Chiciudean Vasile - plaintiff Bartha F. Irina; Local Committee to Enforce Law no. 18/1991 under the City Hall of Zau de Campie; OCPI Mures; County Commission to Enforce Law no. 18/1991 under the Mures Perfecture – defendant Romgaz - Suc. Tg. Mures - defendant 20 No. 106 File No./ Court of Law 1081/1371/2014- Tg. Mures Court of Law Payment ordinance SC Ambient SA – creditor plaintiff Romgaz - STTM Tg. Mures – debtor defendant Case Plaintiff Defendant Amount (RON) Description 107 847/1285/2014 - Cluj County Specialized Court of Law Insolvency proceedings Romgaz - SPEE Iernut - creditor SC Marele Alb Prodimpex SRL - debtor 108 2738/251/2014 – Ludus Court of Law claims - compensation Romgaz - SISGN Ploiesti - defendant Tanase Rodica - plaintiff 109 674/85/2015 – Sibiu County Court Payment ordinance Romgaz - SIRCOSS - creditor SC AMGAZ SA - debtor Next procedural deadline May 12, 2017 130,496.59 The scope of the dispute is the settlement of the request to issue a payment ordinance for the amount of RON 130,496.59 representing claims made by Ambient pursuant to the debt assumption contract no. 121/ September 21, 2012 concluded between SC ATL Constructii SRL, SC Ambient SA and Romgaz SA. On the trial date April 16, 2015 the court dismissed the application. Decision not communicated. 64,742 By the civil decision no. 101/16.01.2015, the specialized Court of Cluj has decided to open the general insolvency proceedings against the debtor. To recover the outstanding debt in amount of RON 64,742 (as a result of the debtor’s failure to comply with the rental contract no. 10394/01.11.2010), SPEE Iernut was listed in the preliminary Table of outstanding debts with the amount of RON 60,605.36 lei. Appeal was filed. 8,837 The scope of the dispute is settlement of the claim by which the plaintiff requested SNGN ROMGAZ SA to be compelled to decommission the pipelines allegedly undercrossing the plaintiff’s land and to pay the value relating to lack of land use. For the case, a topographical expertise was ordered. On February 18, 2015, claim allowed. Appealed. 1,333.975.14 An order for payment was filed, and after the 15 days’ term, a request was filed at the County Court of Sibiu. On the trial date May 15, 2015, the Court partially allowed the request and compelled the debtor to pay RON 781,921, dismissing the head of claim referring to compelling the debtor defendant to pay the penalties amounting to RON 484,694.70. Decision not communicated. Subsequernt to the communication, a remedy at the amount representing late payment penalties. Request partially allowed. for recovering law will be formulated 110 93/43/2015 – Tg. Mures Court of Appeal Revision of Decision in Case File no. 1622/102/2013 Romgaz – applicant for revision Moldovan Ionel- respondent The scope of the dispute is settlement of the request for revision filed by SNGN ROMGAZ SA regarding the Decision in case file no. 1622/102/2013. On the trial date April 27, 2015, the request for revision was dismissed. Final 21 No. 111 File No./ Court of Law 3843/121/2014 – Galati County Court of Law Case Plaintiff Defendant Amount (RON) Description Insolvency procedure Romgaz - creditor Electrocentrale Galati SA - debtor 162,281,861.83 The subject matter of the case file is the settlement of the request filed by the debtor SC Electrocentrale Galati SA, under Law no.85/2006 on insolvency procedure. On June 16, 2014, the Court allowed the application, decided to open the general insolvency procedure against the debtor. SNGN ROMGAZ SA the filed an application outstanding debt in amount of RON 162,281,861.83 (equivalent value of natural gas, penalties and interests). In relation to this amount to be the body of creditors, only RON included 139,056,681.91 was allowed by the liquidator of assets of SC Electrocentrale Galati SA. Romgaz, as creditor, challenged the preliminary table of receivables. (Currently, the challenges to the preliminary table are on trial) For subsequent procedure – trial date: June 15, 2015 to acknowledge for Romgaz in Next procedural deadline May 15, 2017 112 2246/303/2015 – Court of Law Sector 6 Bucuresti challenge to compulsory enforcement SC Interagro SA - challenger 113 2859/320/2015 – Tg. Mures Court of Law Specific performance procedure 114 1352/102/2015 – Mures County Court of Law Specific performance procedure Szabo Maria - plaintiff Szabo Maria Matilda- intervener on her behalf Ban Onoriu, Ban Maria Cristina - plaintiffs Romgaz - respondent Challenge to the compulsory enforcement performed by BEJ Milos in Romgaz - Suc. Tg. Mures - defendant Romgaz - Suc. Tg. Mures - defendant 500 EUR/month 80,000 EUR - compensation the Enforcement Case File no.28/2014. On the trial date March 18, 2015, the challenge was dismissed. SC Interagro SA filed appeal –County Court Bucuresti. The appeal was dismissed. In the summons the plaintiff requested the Court to compel the defendant to: - decommission the pipelines laid on the land within her property - authorize the plaintiff to perform such works at the expense of the defendant (in case of refusal); - payment of court fees. Plaintiff’s application dismissed In the summons the plaintiff requested the court to compel the defendant to: - full decommission of well 18 Acatari (abandoned); or - payment of a rent amounting to 500 EUR/month in case the defendant refuses to decommission the well; - payment of EUR 80,000 as compensation for land not used for the purpose it was purchased for. Stay of proceedings finalised 22 No. 115 File No./ Court of Law 2190/257/2015- Medias Court of Law Complaint of violation Romgaz - complainant Case Plaintiff Defendant Amount (RON) Description Next procedural deadline Currently not established 116 1765/85/2015 – Sibiu County Court of Law challenge of public acquisition Sindicatul Liber “ROMGAZ” – appellant 117 1644/85/2015 – Sibiu County Court of Law claims Romgaz - SIRCOSS Medias - plaintiff Inspectoratul de Stat in Constructii - defendant Autoritatea Nationala de Reglementare in Domeniul Energiei (Romanian National Regulatory Authority for Energy)- respondent Romgaz - respondent 75,000 The scope of the dispute is settlement of the complaint of violation filed by SNGN ROMGAZ SA that requested, mainly, annulment of the Finding Report and Sanctioning of Non-Criminal Offences no. 43376/June 11, 2015 prepared by ANRE, and, alternatively, replacement of the fine sanction by a warning. Complainant’s application allowed, responded entitled to appeal. Appeal filed The scope of the dispute is settlement of the challenge filed against the tehnical specifications prepared by ROMGAZ SA under the award procedure of the contract for “Consultancy services for developing a strategy for reorganizing and organization redesign of ROMGAZ SA”. On the trial date of June 30, 2015, the challenge was dismissed. The Decision was not communicated. Filed appeal was dismissed on September 15, 2015 487.44 The scope of the dispute is settlement of claims for the recovery of undue tax in amount of RON 487. 44. On the trial date of December 17, 2015 the application was dismissed. Appeal filed. Appeal dismissed. 118 117 118 119 1532/1/2015 - ICCJ 1644/85/2015 – Sibiu County Court of Law 1532/1/2015 - ICCJ 1492/102/2015 – Mures County Court of Law Corrupt payment Romgaz – plaintiff claiming damages Rudel Obreja s.a. - defendant 410,000 In the case file, SNGN ROMGAZ SA is plaintiff claiming damages in amount of RON 410,000 March 13, 2017 claims Corrupt payment Challenge of disciplinary sanction decision Romgaz - SIRCOSS Medias - plaintiff Romgaz – plaintiff claiming damages Timar Romul - plaintiff Inspectoratul de Stat in Constructii - defendant Rudel Obreja s.a. - defendant Romgaz - SPEE Iernut - defendant 487.44 The scope of the dispute is the settlement of claims for the recovery of undue tax in amount of RON 487. 44. On the trial date of December 17, 2015 the application was dismissed In the case file, SNGN ROMGAZ SA is plaintiff claiming damages in amount of RON 410,000 410,000 March 13, 2017 The challenge requested the annulment of Disciplinary Investigation Decision no 137/2015 and the compellment of the defendant to pay the amounts representing calculation differences with respect to base salary due for May 2015, amounts withheld as a result of disciplinary sanctions. The court allows the plaintiffs challenge. Appeal was filed. Appeal was dismissed. 23 No. 120 121 122 123 File No./ Court of Law 797/251/2015 – Ludus Court of Law 2899/62/15 – Brasov County Court of Law 1208/1371/2014 Targu Mures Court of Law 28323/3/2014 Case Plaintiff Defendant Amount (RON) Description Payment injunction procedure Romgaz - SPEE Iernut - plaintiff SC Romarcom SRL - defendant 40,002.40 In the summons, the court was requested to compel the defendant to pay RON 40,002.04 representing the equivalent value of unpaid rent and two public utilities invoices) for the buffet space rented to the defendant. On July 17, 2015, the plaintiff request was dismissed with entitlement to request annulment within 10 days. Request dismissed. insolvency Romgaz SC Condmag SA 83,225,512.28 Recovery of undue payment found by the Court of Accounts Next procedural deadline March 28, 2017 claims Romgaz Rocada SRL 24,045.92 Decision was postponed to October 20, 2015. Tg. Mures County Court finalised of law annuls the decision. Final decision. declaratory action Romgaz Elcen B 240,000,000 Request allowed. Decision was not communicated, it is possible for Elcen Galati 162,281,861.83 Challenge of the nominal table ELCEN to file for appeal 124 4783/121/2011 insolvency 125 126 127 128 129 1960/257/ 2015 2411/257/2015 509/1371/2015 complaint of violation complaint of violation insolvency 4488/317/2015 2496/102/2015 stay of execution claims 130 847/1285/2014 insolvency Romgaz Romgaz Romgaz Romgaz Romgaz Romgaz Romgaz ANRE ANRE Foraj Sonde Ernei Bej Daianu Ghe. Kovacs Ladislau SC Marele Alb SRL turda 131 132 1208/1371/2014 1560/251/2015 claims claims Rocada SRL Romgaz Romgaz Romarcom SRL 75,000 Request dismissed, appeal was filed. Appeal was dismissed 50,000 Decision pending. Appeal dismissed 1,428.98 First trial date. Insolvency procedure is continued. 13,891 First trial date. Romgaz request as allowed. Appeal was filed 318,881.96 Communication of Expert Opinion 64,742 Total receivables listed in the preliminary receivables table RON 60,605.36. The calculation difference of RON 4,136.64 is current receivables 24,045.92 Dismisses the plaintiff’s request. Recourse annulled. Final decisions 62,972.85 The civil actions for claiming damages filed by Romgaz-SPEE Iernut against SC Romarcom SRL is partially allowed and consequently: - - - the defendant is obliged to pay the plaintiff RON 16,605.35 as damages; the defendant is obliged to pay the plaintiff RON 935 represening court fees. SC Romarcom filed for appeal. March 6, 2017 Case postponed May 17, 2017 finalised March 23, 2017 May 12, 2017 finalised Currently not established Stay of proceedings Currently 133 134 28218/3/2009 3702/257/2015 litigation GEO 34/2006 Specific performance Romgaz SA Viromet SA Loreto Romgaz 431, 677 Dismisses the parties’ request on December 10, 2015 Court of first instance 135 8029/2/2015 Challenge of Romgaz ANAF Brasov 22,424,030 Bucharest Court of Appeal partially allows Romgaz action, with a right 24 No. File No./ Court of Law Case Plaintiff Defendant 136 774/308/2016 administrative document Specific performance 137 775/308/2016 Specific performance Topliceanu N.: defendant Romgaz - Sucursala Medias Moldovan Vasile: defendant Romgaz - Sucursala Medias 138 8237/107/2012 Insolvency 139 5991/303/2016 Restitution procedure Romgaz - Sucursala Medias Romgaz - SIRCOSS SC AgroValea Lunga SRL: debtor SC Loreto Exim SRL Amount (RON) Description to file an appeal within 30 days. Equivalent value of ordered expertize Equivalent value of ordered expertize The defendant requests the registration in the Land Register 2500 Nades of the housing Nades canton, which Romgaz has sold by means of Sale Contract no. 10723/December 9, 1997. The defendant requests the registration in the Land Register 2500 Nades of the housing Nades canton, which Romgaz has sold by means of Sale Contract no. 10724/09.12.1997, associated to Case File no. 774/308/2016. 986.52 Equivalent value of unpaid invoice. 180,857.38 – principal debt 60,080.82 – ancillary debt (legal interest) Sector 6 Bucuresti Court of Law – action filed for restitution for the recovery from SC Loreto Exim SRL of undue payment generating for the defendant an unjust enrichment. The claim was partially allowed. Right to appeal in 30 days from the communication date. 140 447/85/2016 labour related litigation Nicola Lucian Romgaz - SIRCOSS 1,000.00 The plaintiff Nicola Lucian challenged the suspension decision. Appeal dismissed due to lack of grounds. Final. 141 927/85/2016 labour related litigation Podar Nicolae Romgaz - SIRCOSS The plaintiff Podar Nicolae challenged the dismissal decision. 142 928/85/2016 labour related litigation Dan Ioan Romgaz - SIRCOSS Dan Ioan filed with Sibiu County Court of Law a challenge against the dismissal decision. 143 944/85/2016 labour related litigation Lorincz Levente Romgaz - SIRCOSS Levente Lorincz filed with Sibiu County Court of Law a challenge against the dismissal decision. 144 2206/85/2009 claims SC GRANIT SRL Romgaz - SIRCOSS Relsease of contract performance guarantee in connection with the 145 2307/257/2016 complaint 8057/320/2016 - Judecatoria Targu Mures claims 146 147 Romgaz - SIRCOSS SC Ambient SA: plaintiff 9261/320/2016 - Judecatoria Targu Mures unjust enrichment SC Rocada Serv SRL: plaintiff CNADNR 3,000.00 SIRCOSS challenged the traffic violation report and relating fine. work contract that has been implemented. Appeal was filed. Romgaz - STTM Targu Mures: defendant Romgaz - STTM Targu Mures: defendant 25 130,496.59 The plaintiff requests the payment of RON 130,496.59 representing outstanding payment obligations under the Debt Assumption Contract no. 121/September 21, 2012 concluded with Romgaz-STTM, to which the legal interest is added. 24,045.92 The plaintiff requests to compel the defendant to the payment of RON 24.045,92 representing the equivalent value of transportation services supplied and not paid and relating late payment penalties applied against the principal debt until the actual date of payment. Next procedural deadline not established April 3, 2017 April 3, 2017 April 24, 2017 Currently not established Stay of proceedings Stay of proceedings Stay of proceedings Stay of proceedings Currently not established Currently not established March 3, 2017 File No./ Court of Law Case Plaintiff Defendant Amount (RON) Description No. 148 4083/105/2016 - Tribunal Prahova Annulment of tax and duties control document Romgaz - STTM Targu Mures: plaintiff SPFL Ploiesti: defendant 4,140.00 The plaintiff Rogan - STTM Targum Mores requested the annulment of the taxes and duties control documents contained in Decision no 116440/17.11.2015 issued by Service Public Finance Locale Ploiesti (Ploiesti Public Finance Local Office) in connection with the payment obligation of accessories in relation to the taxation of the fixed asset - Backhoe Komatsu, plate number PH-25-STM, the property of the plaintiff. Request dismissed. Right to file recourse within 15 days from the communication date of the decision. 452 The plaintiff requests the annulment of the Disciplinary Sanction Decision no. 86/April 24, 2016 issued against employee Negrea Alexandru Stelian employed as shipping-receiving clerk, establishing a disciplinary sanction of reducing the monthly wages by 5% for a period of 2 months. The Decision was issued by Romgaz - STTM Targu Mures. Action dismissed. Right to appeal within 10 from the communication date. 1,064 The plaintiff requests the annulment of the Disciplinary Sanction Decision no. 85/April 24, 2016 issued against employee Cotoi Ioan Stefan employed as shipping-receiving clerk, establishing a disciplinary sanction of reducing the monthly wages by 10% for a period of 2 months. The Decision was issued by Romgaz - STTM Targu Mures. Action dismissed. Right to appeal within 10 from the communication date. 63,811.09 The plaintiff requests the triggering of patrimonial liability of its employee, employed as shipping-receiving clerk, by compelling him to pay to Romgaz - STTM Targu Mures RON 63,811.09, representing a prejudice due to inventory shortage caused by his negligence as results from the Annual Inventory Report for STTM Tg. Mures 2015, and the relating legal interest, until the actual date of payment. 2,069.46 Decision was not communicated for filing the appeal. 4,809.58 Recovery of receivables. 4,000.03 Recovery of receivables. Request is allowed. 64,742.00 Recovery of receivables. Next procedural deadline Currently not established Currently not established Currently not established March 2, 2017 Compulsory enforcement March 2, 2017 149 1122/102/2016 - Tribunal Mures Challenge of document, labour related litigation Negrea Alexandru Stelian: plaintiff 150 1123/102/2016 - Tribunal Mures Challenge of document, labour related litigation Cotoi Ioan Stefan: plaintiff Romgaz - STTM Targu Mures: defendant Romgaz - STTM Targu Mures: defendant 151 1278/102/2016 - Tribunal Mures claims, action against patrimonial liability Romgaz - STTM Targu Mures: plaintiff Cotoi Ioan Stefan: defendant 152 153 154 389/102/2016 Tribunalul Mures 868/102/2016 - Tribunalul Mures 3183/306/2016 - Judecatoria Sibiu claims claims claims Romgaz - SPEE Iernut: plaintiff Romgaz - SPEE Iernut : plaintiff Romgaz - SPEE Iernut : plaintiff 155 847/1285/2014 - Tribunalul Insolvency proceedings Romgaz - SPEE Iernut: creditor SC ECO RT SRL Medias: defendant SC Metal Divers Instal SRL SC Laromet Metal Star-D SRL: defendant SC Marele Alb Prodimpex SRL: 26 No. File No./ Court of Law Case Plaintiff Defendant Amount (RON) Description 156 157 specializat Cluj 1560/251/2015 - Judecatoria Ludus claims Romgaz - SPEE Iernut: plaintiff 9261/320/2016 - Judecatoria Targu Mures Unjust enrichment cauza SC Rocada Serv SRL 158 1335/251/2016 - Judecatoria Ludus claims 159 698/251/2016 - Judecatoria Ludus Claims, separated from File Case no. 1855/251/2013 Romgaz - SPEE Iernut: plaintiff PFA Cormos Daniela: plaintiff 509/1371/2015 - Tribunalul Comercial Mures 2899/62/2015 - Tribunalul Brașov Insolvency proceedings Romgaz: creditor Insolvency proceedings Romgaz: creditor 6602/320/2015 - Judecătoria Targu Mureş claims Turcu Victoria: plaintiff debtor SC Romarcom SRL: defendant Romgaz - SPEE Iernut; Romgaz - STTM; Romgaz: defendant PFA Cormos Daniela: defendant Romgaz - SPEE Iernut: parat; SC Comindal Impex SRL: defendant SC Foraj Sonde SA Ernei: debtor SC Condmag SA: debtor Romgaz - Sucursala Targu Mures: defendant 5451/320/2016 - Judecatoria Targu Mures 5452/320/2016 - Judecatoria Targu Mures 5453/320/2016 - Judecatoria Targu Mures 318/1371/2016 - Tribunalul Complaint of violation Complaint of violation Complaint of violation claims Romgaz - Sucursala Targu Mures: appellant Romgaz - Sucursala Targu Mures: appellant Romgaz - Sucursala Targu Mures: appellant BSG Security SRL Targu Mures: Politia Municipiului Targu Mures: respondent Politia Municipiului Targu Mures: respondent Politia Municipiului Targu Mures: respondent Romgaz - Sucursala Targu Mures: 27 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 62,972.85 Recovery of receivables. Appeal filed by the defendant. 24,045.92 Recovery of receivables. 4,184.00 Recovery of receivables. Request allowed. Right to file an appeal within 30 days. 150,000 Recovery of receivables. 1,428.98 Request to initiate insolvency proceedings. 3,291.41 Request to initiate insolvency proceedings. 30,288 plus legal interest Claims – outstanding rents for the land relating to access roads and the well site for well no. 138 Șăușa amounting RON 30,288 and legal interest during 2012-2014. According to Decision no. 4551/September 30, 2016 the court takes note of the transaction between the parties in amount of RON 27,172. 2,000 Complaint of violation against the offence report. The complaint is partially allowed. Right to file an appeal within 30 days from the communication. 2,000 Complaint of violation against the offence report. The complaint is the file an appeal within 30 days from to dismissed. Right communication. 2,000 Complaint of violation against the offence report. The complaint is partially allowed. Right to file an appeal within 30 days from the communication. 470,671.04 Claims arising in connection with the abusive termination of Security Services Contract. The court takes note of the plaintiff’s waiver of court Next procedural deadline Currently not established March 3, 2017 Currently not established April 6, 2017 May 17, 2017 March 26, 2017 finalised Currently not established Currently not established Currently not established No. File No./ Court of Law Comercial Mures Case Plaintiff Defendant Amount (RON) Description Next procedural deadline plaintiff defendant 167 168 319/1371/2016 - Tribunalul Comercial Mures 627/102/2016 - Tribunalul Mures claims corruption LEX Guard Security SRL Reghin: plaintiff Romgaz: injured party and plaintiff claiming damages 169 1828/251/2016 - Judecatoria Ludus Validation of garnishment Raiffeisen Bank S.A.: creditor Insolvency Romgaz Romgaz - Sucursala Targu Mures: defendant Avram Pantelimon, Olaru Ioan Tiberiu, Mincan Emil Valentin, Ştefan Ioan: defendants Romgaz - Sucursala Targu Mures – tert poprit, Chertes Grigore Danut : debtor SC Termoelectrica SA action. Decision no. 73/2016. Right to file recourse within 30 days from the communication date. 126,483.91 Claims arising in connection with the abusive termination of Security Services Contract. Action dismissed. Court issues no. 94/2016. Appeal may be filed within 30 days from the date of communication. Currently not established 146,637.06 Criminal action against corruption. The court dismisses the challenge filed by Parchetul de pe langa ICCJ – DNA – Serviciul Teritorial Targu Mures against the Criminal Case Resolution dated December 13, 2016 issued by Tg. Mures Court of Law due to lack of grounds. The Reslution no. 72/2016 is final. 94,882.86 The garnished third party did not take the required measures specified in the notice of garnishment. 42,665,005.29 Insolvency. 170 171 172 173 9562/3/2016 - Tribunalul Bucuresti 1801/85/2016 - Tribunalul Sibiu 461/1371/2016 - Tribunalul Comercial Mures 681/57/2015 Challenging of procedure to fill a position Insolvency Toderici Simona Romgaz Labor related litigation. Challenging of procedure to fill a position. Request dismissed. Appeal is filed. Romgaz: creditor SC InstaService SRL: debtor 274,900.60 Debtor’s request is allowed. Preliminary table. Action for annulment Romgaz: plaintiff Consiliul National pentru Combaterea Discriminarii si Sindicatul "Extractie Gaze si Servicii" The scope of is the action to partially allow Decision no. 371/September 2, 2015 issued by Colegiul Director al CNCD, the use of the wording “signing syndicate” in Romgaz Collective Labor Contract 2015-2016 does not constitute a discrimination based on syndicate membership and on access to its facilities; consequently the deletion from Romgaz Collective Labor Contract of the above-indicated wording is not required, the issuance of a fine to Romgaz is not grounded and the publishing of the resolution in a nation-wide paper is not required. Alba Court of Appeal allowed the action. CNCD filed recourse. ICCJ did not set a trial date. 174 652/102/2016 Labour related litigation Stefan Ioan: plaintiff Romgaz: defendant Scope of action: annulment of Decision 74/2016 regarding the Individual Work Contract extension of suspension. Mures County Court of Law dismissed the action. No appeal was filed. final 28 March 23, 2017 April 4, 2017 March 15, 2017 Currently not established No. File No./ Court of Law 175 1877/85/2016 Case Plaintiff Defendant Amount (RON) Description Annulment of General Shareholders Meeting SIF Oltenia: plaintiff Romgaz: defendant On October 4, 2016 Sibiu County Court of Law dismissed the action. The Decision is to be communicated. Appeal was filed by SIF Oltenia. Appeal is to be judged by Alba Iulia Court of Appeal. Currently, no term was established. 176 3267/117/2016 Specific performance 177 2157/215/2016/10 807/63/2016* Public procurement Related litigation Todoran Lucian: plaintiff Sirius - Es Ro: plaintiff Romgaz: defendant Cluj County Court of law dismisses the action. Romgaz si SC Foraj Craiova SA: defendants 2,098,669.66 Craiova Court of Law. Declined by Dolj County Court of Law. New case file: 10807/63/2016*. 178 1284/102/2016 Labour related litigation Sturza Ioan: plaintiff Romgaz 158,272 Discrimination. 179 249/57/2011 Labour related litigation Romgaz: plaintiff 180 1300/102/2016 Labour related litigation Tegla Nicodim Ciprian: plaintiff CNCD and Sturza Ioan: defendants Romgaz: defendant Alba-Iulia Court of Appeal: annulment of Decision no. 603/December 09, 2015.Recourse will be filed with the Higher Court of Cassation and Justice. 130,000 Mures County Court of Law: scope of case file is to compel Romgaz to: - review wage-related rights starting with 2013 until now and onwards; - pay wage-related monetary difference starting with June 2013 until the full payment thereof amounting RON 130,000 at the record date of the action, for 36 months; - pay legal interest on wage-related monetary differences starting with June 2013 until the full payment thereof. 150,000 Ludus Court of Law: separated from file no. 1855/251/2013. 7,000 Summons, reimbursement of amount. PFA Cormos Daniela: plaintiff Romgaz Romgaz and SC Commindal Impex SRL: defendants Asociatia "Creation Transylvania" Romgaz Asociatia "Sf. Patrick" 1,750 Summons, reimbursement of amount. Rocada Serv SRL STTM Targu Mures, SPEE Iernut, Romgaz 24,045.92 Unjust enrichment: payment of equivalent value for transportation services. SC Accent Service SRL Romgaz 14,257.22 Payment of equivalent value of car repair services for cars in Romgaz property. 29 181 698/251/2016 claims 182 183 184 185 1311/257/2016 – Medias Court of Law 4887/306/2016 – Sibiu County Court of Law 9261/320/2016 - Targu Mures Court of Law 3595/279/2016 - Piatra Neamt Court of Law claims claims claims claims Next procedural deadline Stay of proceedings Stay of proceedings April 16, 2017 March 14, 2017 March 7, 2017 March 3, 2017 March 8, 2017 No. 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 File No./ Court of Law 801/85/2016 - Sibiu County Court of Law 5158/2/2016 - Alba Iulia Court of Appeal 5243/257/2016 - Medias Court of Law 5243/257/2016 Medias Court of Law 5217/257/2016 Medias Court of Law 35304/3/2016 - Bucuresti Court of Law 341/257/2017 - Medias Court of Law 5243/257/2016 Medias Court of Law 1640/85/2016 - Sibiu County Court of Law 11986/3/2016 2093/102/2016 - Mures County Court of Law 2372/102/2016 - Mures County Court of Law 2389/102/2016 - Mures County Case Plaintiff Defendant Amount (RON) Description granting monetary rights Sindicatul Liber Medias Public procurement European Funds Invest SRL Romgaz Romgaz Employees’ participation to profit to the extent of 10% of the company’s net profit. Appeal dismissed. Decision no. 1610/2016. Complaint in relation to CNSC Decision no. 1137/June 28, 2016. Complaint dismissed. Decision 1729/2016. Final. Complaint of violation Romgaz ANRE Complaint of violation in relation to Offence Report no. 87670/December 14, 2016. Complaint of violation Romgaz ANRE Complaint of violation in relation to Offence Report no. 87660/December 14, 2016. Complaint of violation Romgaz ANRE Complaint of violation in relation to Offence Report no. 87105/December 12, 2016. Insolvency Romgaz: creditor SC Electrocentrale Bucuresti SA: debitor 569,945,968.48 Insolvency – table of receivables was filed. Challenge was filed. Complaint of violation Romgaz ANRE 50,000 Complaint of violation Complaint of violation Romgaz ANRE 50,000 Complaint of violation Payment injunction Romgaz Distraint upon property Romgaz Annulment of document Sindicatul Liber Romgaz SC Electrocentrale Bucuresti SA SC Electrocentrale Bucuresti SA Romgaz 187,249,423.79 Request for annulment (EGO no.119/2007). Action allowed. Final decision no. 1328/December 09, 2016. Alba Iulia Court of Appeal allowed the request. Civil Decision no. 1163/June 22, 2016. On January 10, 2017 declined its competency in favour of Sibiu County Court of Law. Monetary rights Employees of SPEE Iernut Romgaz Reviewing wage-related monetary rights starting with May 1, 2016 until now. annulment of document Sindicatul Liber Romgaz Annulment of document. Romgaz 30 Next procedural deadline Currently not established Currently not established Currently not established March 2, 2017 Currently not established March 24, 2017 Currently not established March 7, 2017 March 9, 2017 No. File No./ Court of Law Court of Law Case Plaintiff Defendant Amount (RON) Description Next procedural deadline 31 SNGN “ROMGAZ” SA Annex no. 4 ANNUAL REPORT on social responsibility sponsorship/patronage action for 2016 Projects, actions, social responsibility initiatives in the following fields: medical, health, medical treatment and interventions Romgaz offers support for health specific projects, identified as a priority, especially in communities where the company operates. Mediaș Municipal Hospital: Financial support for continuing the Projects for modernization and increase of energy efficiency by using solar energy for hot water and by using heat pumps and geotechnical drilling at Internal Medicine Pavilion from Medias Municipal Hospital In 2015 Medias Hospital, the only medical facility serving the north of Sibiu county, at the company’s initiative, according to the 2014 validated CSR action plan and being entirely financially supported by Romgaz, conducted the pilot project for energy efficiency of a building, called Green Hospital. The action consisted in modernizing the Infectious Diseases Pavilion and increasing energy efficiency by the use of energy from renewable sources using geothermal drilling with heat pumps and solar panels. This investment has reduced production costs of the heat by 50% for this pavilion, at the same time being a sustainable method. The pilot project proved to be an effective one, which is why Medias Hospital has taken steps to extend the heat production system from renewable sources at other pavilions. Currently, the project for increasing energy performance by using renewable energy sources is in the process of preparing documentation for approval of intervention works (D.A.L.I.) the total project value being EUR 235,000. For the Green Hospital pilot project Romgaz contributed with EUR 50,000 euro. Stage 2 will be conducted in 2017. Benefits for the community: Reduction of energy costs reflected in hospital’s budget without reducing the comfort of the patients. Environmental protection through the use of renewable energy sources. Târnăveni Municipal Hospital „Dr. Gheorghe Marinescu: Financial support for the purchase of a CT scanner to equip the Laboratory of Radiology and Medical Imaging Târnăveni Hospital serves a community of about 22,000 people, the vast majority coming from rural areas of the Transylvanian Basin, where the company operates for over 100 years. In the investigation and treatment process, the hospital requires specialized equipment which is why Romgaz has met their request for funding to purchase a CT scanner to equip the Laboratory of Radiology and Medical Imaging. The acquisition will be achieved during 2017. Benefits for community: Cost reduction for local community investigations by providing proximity. to perform imaging 1 Ploiești Emergency Hospital: Financial support for equipping Anaesthesia and Intensive Care units, Medical Analysis Central Laboratory, Neurosurgery and Orthopaedics in Ploiești Hospital with necessary medical equipment Ploiesti Storage branch employees are members of the community served by Ploiești Emergency Hospital, which is the only hospital that provides medical emergency services within a radius of 60 km for approx. 250,000 urban residents and rural surrounding areas. The acquisition will be achieved during 2017. Benefits for community: Quality services for Ploiesti inhabitants and inhabitants from rural surrounding areas in the emergency department of Ploiesti Hospital. Blaj Municipal Hospital: Financial support for the purchase of specialized equipment for Hospital Laboratory, a Biochemistry Laboratory equipment and a Doppler ultrasonograph The hospital serves a community of about 52,000 urban and rural residents, and some of them are members of the communities where Medias Production Branch has production fields. Romgaz has met the hospital need giving financial support to purchase Biochemistry Laboratory equipment and a Doppler ultrasonograph. The requested amount is additional to own financial resources for renewing the equipment. The acquisition will be achieved during 2017. Benefits for community: Cost reduction for local community to perform laboratory or imaging investigations by providing proximity. “Petru Poni” Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Iasi: Financial support for patenting (WO Patent) the Project „Thermoreversible Injectable Hydrogels for Cardiac Tissue Repair after Myocardial Infarction” Financial support offered to “Petru Poni” Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Iasi for the project "Thermoreversible Injectable Hydrogels for Cardiac Tissue Repair after Myocardial Infarction" is an aid to encourage health research. The invention of „Petru Poni” Institute researchers has positive results in the laboratory, but there is also required to have an internationally patent protection. Romgaz has offered a part of the amount required to cover these costs so that the right conditions can be provided for producing and merchandising the gel. Hydrogel is due to come into production during 2017. Benefits for community: Thermorevesible hydrogel is a product intended to heal myocardial infarction by non-invasive surgery. Injecting an ml of gel in the cardiac tissue it will result in a healthy tissue within 4 weeks. The product was tested in the laboratory having remarkable results. The product has a major social and economic impact, heavily reducing costs compared to conventional surgery for heart attack and the recovery time of the patient. In a 2011 Eurostat statistic, Romania ranks 7 out of 33 analysed countries with deceased from cardiovascular diseases, with a total of 700 people per 100,000 residents, compared to the EU average of 278 people per 100,000 inhabitants. 2 The Association Education for Europe: Financial support for running the project "Romgaz supports Health in Mures rural units". The project is to be conducted in 2017 in 10 villages in Mures County, Romgaz covering a part of the total project value of RON 69,000. The project addresses to communities or disadvantaged social groups, providing a complete set of analysis within the perimeter of the village as well as general check-up done by partner doctors. Benefits for community: Access to basic medical tests for people with reduced mobility or under-privileged people from the rural area in question. Social responsibility projects, actions, initiatives in the fields: education, social and sport Education and other social and/or sportive actions dedicated to the community are part of priority directions and with high expectations of their members. Romgaz has been constantly involved in supporting the sports community of Medias and its surroundings as sport is a means of optimizing the health of the population and an activity that facilitates socialization in today's society where is an increasingly trend of individuals dispersal and human isolation. Petroleum - Gas University of Ploieşti: Financial support for running the internally and internationally promoting project to attract students The strategy of Romania's energy sector aims to cover the energy needs for all economic sectors, ensuring a decent standard of living and respecting sustainable development. The development of this sector with secular tradition requires specialized human resources with good knowledge in the technical and scientific field. The financial support granted by Romgaz for running programs to promote research in this area aims to attract graduates to support energy sector development. Petroleum - Gas University is a non-profit and non-political educational institution with a unique profile in the country, specialized in education and scientific research of their own and/or in collaboration with other institutions in the country and abroad. Benefits for community: Institutional and scientific research development in the oil and gas field for the benefit of the community, supporting the development of specialists in this field, increasing the energy sector potential by providing qualified human resources. Gaz Metan Medias Sport Club: Financial support for performing the activities within the football sport club in 2016 The senior football team promoted in 2016 in the first league of the internal football championship, placing third after 15 rounds. The children and junior centre consists of approximately 150 players split in six groups (9-12 years) and approximately 100 children (6- 12 years) that play in local and national competitions organised by the Romanian Football Federation, the County’s Football Association or in independent competitions such as: Gheorghe Hagi Cup, Gheorghe Ene Cup, etc. 3 Benefits for the community: Gaz Metan Medias is a well-established local sports club since 1945. The club is present in the first league through the first team, whereas the B-team, the children and junior centre perform a prolific activity. Romgaz has constantly been involved in supporting Gaz Metan Medias sport club activities. “Elisabeta Polihroniade” Association Bucharest:Main sponsor of the event Romgaz Kings Tournament (Bucharest – Medias 28.11 – 01.12.2016). The Kings Tournament, an event of success, where Romgaz is involved together with the Elisabeta Polihroniade Sports Club Association is among the most appreciated international chess competitions, being acknowledged by the Romanian Chess Federation and the World Chess Federation (FIDE). It has been included in 2010 in the Grand Slam due to the excellent conditions offered by the organisers. The international competition has three components: the games between chess grand masters, Chassebase online games, between Romanian children and foreign children, and Romgaz Open, with the free participation of all professional and unprofessional players. Benefits for the community: making chess popular throughout the country and introducing the optional lesson “Education through chess” in the pre-university level. The high performance sportsman became a symbol for the society. He/she captures the attention and the interest of masses not only through his/her results but they becomes also a role model of success. These values may be transmitted to those that aim at being a performant sportsman and concurrently they act as incentives for those who practice sports for pleasure. Electromures Sport Club, Mures County: Financial support for performing the activities of the sports club in year 2016 Romgaz granted in 2016 financial support for the nine-pin bowling team of “Electomures- Romgaz”. The women’s nine-pins bowling champion team qualified for the autumn edition of the continental Champions League further to ranking fifth at the XXVIII-edition of the World Cup. Benefits for the community: Electromures Sports Club has been established in 1971, Romgaz supported the club where some of its employees play. “Romgaz Table Tennis Sport Club” Medias: Financial support for performing the activities of the sports club in year 2016 Romgaz has granted financial support for performing the club’s activities since 1999, the establishment year. Initially it has been the sole sponsor, but today the club receives sponsorships also from other community members. Results: first place – children team, second place – the mini cadet team and third place – the junior team. Cristina Dumitrescu and Diana Muntean are national double champions, cadets. BEATRICE Hila ranked first at the national championship, children 8-10 years, ad participated at the European Championship Mini-Cadets. Andreea Dragoman is member of the national women junior team, champion in Romania, won at the ITTF World Junior Circuit in India the gold medal at senior mixt and also the 4 bronze medal, at the European table Tennis Championships Andreea won the gold medal for cadets and juniors, in Zagreb 2016. Her best result of 2016 was at the World Championship Juniors in Cape Town, South Africa, first place double with Adina Diaconu. Benefits for the community: Their results capture the attention and the interest of masses not only through the achievements but also through the exponential model of the success. These values may be transmitted to those that aim at being a performant sportsman and concurrently they act as incentives for those who practice sports for pleasure. Andreea Dragoman, member of the club and national champion, is frequently mentioned in the local community as a model of a performant sportsman. “Pro As” Sports Club, Sibiu: Financial support for organising the international tennis tournament “Futures FRT-14 Circuit” Romgaz granted financial support to the association in order to organise the XIIIth edition of the international tennis tournament “Futures FRT-14 Circuit” at Medias in 12-19 August, 2016. Benefits for the community: promoting tennis and enabling tennis players from Medias to take part in an international tournament. Playing sports improves population’s health and facilitates socialisation in current societies that tend to become more and more isolated. The high performance sportsman became a symbol for the society. He/she captures the attention and the interest of masses not only through his/her results but he becomes also a role model of success. These values may be transmitted to those that aim at being a performant sportsman and concurrently they act as incentives for those who practice sports for pleasure. Macondo Cultural Association, Bucharest: Financial support educational project CinEd – European Education for Youth for implementing the Romgaz has granted financial support for the educational cinematographic project for pupils and teachers CinEd – European Education for Youth; the extended project for cinematographic education for European students (Bucharest, Alexandria, Buzau, Galați, Craiova, Mediaș, Târgu Mureș, Timișoara, Ploiești and Roman, 18 April – 14 May 2016). implementation of the Benefits for the community: the teachers have received free accounts on the platform to access the educational resources and the movie list and therefore a large number of Romanian pupils could develop a new perspective on how to watch and understand art movies, by becoming active spectators with critical inputs. The Association for Promoting the Romanian Film: Financial support for the project TIFF Film Caravan (July – September 2016) A project with tradition, initiated to make up for the lack of theatre halls, the Caravan carries on successfully for the 8th year. From July to September, on an open-air giant inflatable screen, the viewers had the opportunity to enjoy stories granted awards at festivals, and box- 5 office hits from Romania, Hungary, France, Germany, Norway, Spain, Great Britain, USA, Canada or Brazil. Towns included: Carei, Baia Mare, Satu Mare, Arad, Timișoara, Alexandria, Oradea, Sfantu Gheorghe, Fagaras, Iasi, Galati, Constanta, Targoviste, Brasov, Piatra Neamt, Falticeni, Medias and Suceava. Benefits for the community: access of community members to cultural events Social responsibility projects, actions, initiatives in other fields: cultural, cults Romgaz involvement in projects or programs for the community’s interest is driven by the desire to meet the expectations of the society and to support multilateral initiatives that can contribute to the sustainable development in the benefit of the present and future generations. Moreover, Romgaz supports also cultural projects. National Romanian Committee of the World Energy Council, Bucharest: Financial support for organising the “Regional Energy Forum for Central and Eastern Europe - FOREN 2016”. Organized every two years by the Romanian National Committee under the auspices of the Government of Romania, under the leadership of the World Energy Council (WEC) and with the support of WEC Member Committees in Central and Eastern Europe, FOREN is already being recognized as the most important multi-energy event in Central and Eastern Europe, gathering more than 1000 participants. Besides WEC/ RNC members, the Forum attracts top officials from ministers, governments, academia, energy leaders from European international companies, experts in energy and environment issues, and representatives of mass-media. Benefits for the community: possibility to address main challenges for the energy industry in order to contribute to its sustainable development; access to events that represent the meeting ground of energy professionals. Romanian Youth National Art Centre (Centrul National de Arta Tinerimea Romana) Main partner of the Magic Winter Concert (10 December Romanian Athenaeum-Bucharest) Romanian Youth Orchestra conducted by Cristian Mandeal delighted the audience who participated in the Magic Winter concert, an event organized by Lato Communication in partnership with the Romanian Youth National Art Centre and Romgaz. Benefits for the community: Access of the community members to cultural events. Astra Film Foundation, Sibiu: Main sponsor of Astra Film Festival event (Sibiu 17-23 October 2016) In 2014, Romgaz became the official partner of Astra Film Festival, who developed during the over twenty years of existence a cultural brand acknowledged in the country and abroad by the good quality of the films, the multitude of programs presented and the variety of 6 professional workshops. The Festival is considered the most important forum for the documentary film in Romania. Benefits for the community: Access of the community members to cultural events, developing country brand. Sibiu Jazz Festival Foundation:Main partner of Sibiu Jazz Festival Project (Sibiu 23-29 May 2016) The most known jazz festival in Romania, Sibiu Jazz Festival is unique in Romania considering the longevity, consistency and impressive number of celebrities of the genre, which attended the event. It is the oldest festival of its kind in the country and one of the oldest jazz festivals in the world, which is why Sibiu was declared since the 80s, “Jazz Capital” in Romania. Worldwide, there are rare similar festivals which can boast a history of over four decades, when the very existence of this music hardly exceeds a century. The declared scope of Sibiu Jazz Festival is to constantly and continuously contribute to the revitalization of jazz movement in Romania, in the spirit of jazz tradition from Sibiu, by connecting to the European and international tendencies of jazz music and promoting the Romanian values abroad, thus becoming a cultural vector for Sibiu citadel and for the Romanian jazz world as well. Benefits for the community: Access of the community members to cultural events, developing country brand Euro Fest Association, Bucharest: Main partner of Medias Central European Film Festival (September 1 – 3, 2016 Medias) Romgaz directly supported Medias Central European Film Festival (MECEFF, a cultural event that re-joined the famous names of the European cinema, being equally a cultural and multi-ethnic project. The project MECEFF- MEDIAS CENTRAL EUROPEAN FILM FESTIVAL “7+1” (MECEFF “7+1”) is a - known festival for the neighbouring countries’ cinemas through which cinemas make themselves known and the Romanian new film is introduced in a special context, both thematically and geographical proximity, that of great tradition cinemas giving film producers of an indisputable prestige such as Milos Forman, Jiri Menzel, Jaromil Jires, Andrzej Wajda, Jerzy Kawalerowicz, Andrei Munk, Istvan Szabo etc. Benefits for the community: Access of the community members to cultural events, developing country brand Medias Townhall: Financial support for modernization/rehabilitation works at educational units (SNG Technological High School, St. L Roth Theoretical High School) and medical units (Medias Policlinic and Medias Municipality Hospital) Romgaz supported some projects initiated by Medias town hall in order to perform modernization and rehabilitation works at some educational units in town, such as the Technological High school SNG and Theoretical High school St L. Roth, but also at medical units, such as Medias Policlinic and Medias Municipality Hospital. Both educational units and 7 medical units serve the city of Medias where the company has its headquarter. The activities shall be performed during 2017. Benefits for the community: Through these activities, Romgaz continued to support the development of local community both by improving the educational conditions in both high schools where the children from the town and surroundings study and ensuring the proximity to benefit by quality medical services. Municipality Direction for Culture, Sport, Tourism and Young People, Medias: Financial support for organizing various cultural events in Medias Romgaz supported some projects initiated by the Municipality Direction for Culture, Sport, Tourism and Young People, Medias such as: organizing the traditional Christmas carols show, organizing events celebrating 750 years of documentary certification of Medias Municipality, performing some fit up works at Sports Hall where a serious of cultural and sportive events shall take place in the future. Benefits for the community: communication platform and local civic involvement and developing the identity of the local community and respect for the cultural legacy. 8
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