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Emclaire Financial CorpWhy Sterling? STERLING BANCORP STERLING NATIONAL BANK A N N U A L R E P O R T 2 0 0 7 C O R P O R A T E P R O F I L E Sterling Bancorp (NYSE: STL) is a New York-based banking and financial services company that serves the needs of businesses, professionals and individuals. With assets exceeding $2.0 billion, Sterling offers a broad array of products and services, combined with a unique high-touch approach to customer service. The Company’s principal banking subsidiary, Sterling National Bank, with offices in New York City and Queens, Nassau and Westchester counties, was founded in 1929. Known for its focus on business customers, Sterling offers such services as working capital lines, asset-based financing, factoring and accounts receivable management, payroll funding and processing, equipment leasing and financing, commercial and residential mortgages, international trade financing, cash management, a wide array of deposit products, trust and estate administration, and investment management services. Why Sterling? Focus on the NY-Metro Market and Beyond Commitment to Business Customers Diverse, Value-Added Products and Services Talented and Accessible People at All Levels Track Record of Strength and Stability Serving business customers in one of the world’s most attractive markets, Sterling offers an extensive product portfolio that rivals the services of the largest financial institutions. At the same time, Sterling provides customers with the attentive, personalized service typical of community banks. Our highly talented, dedicated and accessible professionals are skilled in creating individualized solutions for customers to serve a wide range of financial needs. Sterling’s exceptional mix of top-notch products, services and people, together with a track record of financial strength, has delivered a consistent outcome for decades—helping customers grow, succeed and achieve their financial goals. Our commitment to this seemingly simple business strategy has been the source of Sterling’s unique marketplace advantage for nearly 80 years. Sterlingleadership In 2007, Sterling continued to focus on providing unsurpassed service to our customers, and on our commitment to building value for our shareholders. As a result, we continued to meet the needs of our marketplace and grow our business during a challenging period for the financial markets. John C. Millman President Louis J. Cappelli Chairman and Chief Executive Officer A M E S S A G E F R O M O U R C H A I R M A N A N D P R E S I D E N T Sterling’s 2007 financial results were highlighted by a challenges faced by many institutions over the past year. 41% rise in earnings per share. Net income increased to Underwriting discipline and the avoidance of higher-risk $14.6 million or $0.79 per diluted share, up from $10.8 asset classes are the keys to our strong credit quality. There million or $0.56 per diluted share for 2006. At a time of is also no substitute for experience: we know our custom- earnings volatility for many financial companies, we can ers and our markets, and that knowledge is reflected in point with pride to our track record of sequential growth in the high quality of our lending and investment portfolios. EPS from continuing operations throughout the past year: $0.19 in the first quarter, $0.20 in the second quarter, $0.21 in the third quarter, and $0.23 in the fourth quarter. To be specific, Sterling has minimal exposure to sub-prime mortgages, consumer debt and home equity loans, credit card receivables, auto loans, or other asset types that Our strong performance in 2007 reflected Sterling’s long- have posed problems in the current market. Our mort- term focus on providing unsurpassed service to custom- gage company is focused on FHA-insured and conform- ers, maintaining the quality of our loans and investments, ing loans and other high quality products. And our and enhancing shareholder value. balance sheet has none of the exotic instruments such Overall, we experienced sustained demand for our services in the New York-Metropolitan area marketplace and beyond. Loans held in portfolio, net of unearned discount, set a record, averaging $1.07 billion for 2007—a 6.7% growth rate. Total deposits averaged $1.50 billion— up 7.9%. Noninterest-bearing deposits were 35% of total deposits at the end of 2007, one of the highest ratios of demand to total deposits in our industry. Strong Credit Quality in the Spotlight. Sterling’s longstanding commitment to sound risk man- agement enabled us to avoid the severe credit quality as collateralized debt obligations (CDOs) or structured investment vehicles (SIVs) that have caused deep losses for others. Commitment to Shareholder Value. During 2007, Sterling paid four quarterly cash dividends of $0.19 per share each. Our history of uninterrupted dividends now spans 248 consecutive quarters—one of the longest dividend track records among publicly listed companies. The Board of Directors further demonstrated its confidence in the Company’s prospects and commit- ment to shareholder value by repurchasing 862,000 2 common shares, or 4.6% of our total common shares out- Sterling is ready, willing and able to provide outstanding standing, during the year. service to our customers—and to deliver value to our Looking ahead, it appears that the turmoil in the financial markets will extend into 2008. While we should not under- estimate the challenges ahead for the economy, we also believe this environment may offer opportunities for a strong, service-oriented institution such as Sterling. The realities of the marketplace may lead to more rational risk-adjusted pricing, and therefore more balanced com- petitive conditions. As other institutions in our markets feel the adverse impact of credit risk, capital constraints and disruptions due to industry consolidation, we will continue to be a strong financial partner for businesses and individuals. shareholders—as we have done through a range of eco- nomic cycles over nearly 80 years. As always, we appre- ciate the support of our shareholders, the confidence placed in us by our customers and clients, the guidance of our Board of Directors, and the dedicated efforts of our employees. We look forward to continued performance and progress in the years ahead. Louis J. Cappelli Chairman and Chief Executive Officer John C. Millman President 2007 Highlights: (cid:78)(cid:0)(cid:0)Total assets top the $2.0 billion milestone, up 6.7% for the year. (cid:78)(cid:0)(cid:0)Sequential growth in earnings per share from continuing operations throughout 2007. (cid:78)(cid:0)Strong, sustained asset quality. (cid:78)(cid:0)(cid:0)Full-year net interest margin of 4.49% among the highest in our peer group. (cid:78)(cid:0)(cid:0)62nd year of continuous quarterly cash dividends for shareholders. LOAN GROWTH (dollars in millions) DEPOSIT GROWTH (1) (dollars in millions) $1,300 1,200 1,100 1,000 900 800 700 $1,700 1,600 1,500 1,400 1,300 1,200 1,100 ’03 ’04 ’05 ’06 ’07 December 31, ’03 ’04 ’05 ’06 ’07 December 31, (1) Includes customer repurchase agreements. 3 Sterlingsolutions Creating solutions that are individually-tailored to the needs of each customer’s business is the hallmark of Sterling’s approach to service. P A R T N E R I N G W I T H O U R C U S T O M E R S From our full array of products and services, to the tal- system. And staffing companies use our payroll funding ented people who “make it happen”, Sterling provides a and processing system to generate payroll checks unique advantage to our customers and clients. A distin- directly from their offices that can be automatically funded guishing feature of our commitment to all is the ability by Sterling. to draw on our extensive portfolio of financial services to create solutions that are individually tailored to fit the needs of specific types of businesses. The long-term nature of many of our customer relation- ships is a reflection of the effective financial solutions and superior service that Sterling offers. In the case of a waste Innovative Products, Individual Solutions management contractor, a customer for three generations Reflecting our commitment to service, Sterling has devel- over 75 years, we provide asset-based financing, lease oped proprietary products to meet the specialized needs finance services and payroll deposit accounts. For a of our clients. For professional service firms and similar healthcare staffing company that has had a 12-year businesses, we created the convenient Remote Deposit relationship with Sterling, we developed a package of Service, which lets them scan checks from their office services including accounts receivable financing and an and transmit the images to Sterling for deposit. Real array of deposit and business operating accounts. An estate attorneys praise Sterling EZ-Cert ®, which stream- importer of cameras and electronics, a customer for 10 lines closings by allowing them to order and print certi- years, relies on Sterling for revolving credit, trade financ- fied checks in their offices using secure technology. ing and receivables management. Long-term care providers, such as assisted living and nursing care facilities, use our Fa$tLink cash manage- ment services to administer Medicaid, Social Security and tenant security deposits for their residents. Inter- national trade customers can conduct business more easily with our Sterlinks II web-based letter of credit 4 Our culture of service, breadth of innovative products and services, and readiness to develop customized solu- tions have made Sterling the ideal partner for growing businesses. Every Sterling customer knows, “Our doors are open all the way to the top.” We go the extra mile to enable our customers’ businesses to grow. Company Name: Home Essentials & Beyond, Inc. Headquarters: New York, NY President: Isidore Godinger Member of Sterling Family Since: 1999 Sterling Solution: Sterling brings superior customer service to the table for Home Essentials, a leading houseware importer and distributor, which takes advantage of our cash management, depository and internet banking services. (cid:84) Company Name: Deleet Merchandising Corp. Company Name: Atlas Media Corp. (cid:84) Headquarters: Newark, NJ Chairman: Richard Liroff Member of Sterling Family Since: 1991 Sterling Solution: For Deleet, a nationwide printing services company, Sterling’s accounts receivable and commercial real estate financing, as well as depository and remote banking services, have made a lasting impression. (cid:84) Headquarters: New York, NY President: Bruce Klein Member of Sterling Family Since: 1994 Sterling Solution: Atlas Media is an educational film studio whose programs have been shown on television and HBO. Sterling treats this customer like a “big production” with a credit facility, depository, cash management and internet banking services. Sterlingservice We are proud of our broad array of products, but it is our A prime example of our dedication and willingness to commitment to high-touch service that truly marks the “go the extra mile” in customer service was our response “Sterling Difference”. Our extensive portfolio of products to the steam pipe explosion that impacted thousands of and services is delivered by a team of talented, experi- businesses in New York’s Grand Central Station area in enced and dedicated professionals who build close the summer of 2007. Sterling’s Grand Central Station working relationships with their clients. branch is located one block from the actual explosion Accessible Professionals, Exceptional Service Delivering superior service is Sterling’s primary mission. At all levels, our people take the concept of “partnering with customers” very seriously. Every one of our personal bankers is highly trained and motivated to understand each client’s business goals and challenges, and craft specialized solutions. Most importantly, we offer unparal- site, and employees witnessed first hand the financial impact the explosion had on their neighbors. Sterling quickly assembled a special program coupling door-to- door outreach with simplified access to loans for those most in need. Our team customized a financial solution to the specific requirements of each customer to help them get back to business. leled access to our senior decision makers. At Sterling, At Sterling, the personal involvement and accessibility of service has a human voice—during business hours our our people are second nature—and second to none. phones are answered by people, not voice mail, to ensure These values are shared by all of our executives, including that every call receives personal attention and a prompt our Chairman and President. As every Sterling customer response. knows, “Our doors are open all the way to the top.” 7 Sterlingstrength At Sterling, our core strength is serving the needs of rely on—to deliver on our commitments today and to growing businesses—which can often find themselves make strategic investments in the future. overlooked and underserved by larger financial institu- tions. As a result, we continually attract and retain a loyal customer base representing a diverse cross-section of the economy: manufacturers, distributors and wholesal- ers; financial and real estate companies; professional service firms; educational, healthcare, public and non- profit organizations; as well as numerous other businesses and individuals. Our service philosophy has resulted in customer relationships that have spanned decades and Sterling has consistently invested in new products, ser- vices, technologies and locations to better serve our marketplace. We have expanded our banking locations in recent years, and now operate thirteen bank offices: ten in New York City and Queens, two in Nassau County, and one in Westchester County. We also offer a wide array of online financial services, putting our resources at the customer’s fingertips with a few keystrokes. even generations. Since our founding in 1929, we have grown our business Resources You Can Rely On As a well-capitalized financial institution with high liquid- ity, Sterling has the financial strength customers can by helping our customers to grow their businesses. In the process, Sterling has become a significant resource that businesses, professionals and individuals can depend on. Sterling has the financial strength customers can rely on—to deliver on our commitments today and to make strategic investments in the future. 8 (cid:84) Company Name: Greenville Colorants Headquarters: Jersey City, NJ Co-Chairmen: Robert Weiss and Ronald Weiss Member of Sterling Family Since: 2005 Sterling Solution: Greenville Colorants is a producer of chemical dyes and color technology used in a variety of industries. They appreciate the full spectrum of services available from Sterling, including accounts receivable financing and management, cash management, internet banking and letters of credit. Why Sterling? Our unique combination of people, products, and commitment to partnering with customers continues to make Sterling the preferred financial services choice for generations of businesses, professionals and individuals since 1929. We offer a Sterling opportunity. STERLING BANCORP STERLING NATIONAL BANK BOARD OF DIRECTORS Hon. Robert Abrams Member, Stroock & Stroock & Lavan LLP; former Attorney General of the State of New York; former Bronx Borough President Joseph M. Adamko Former Managing Director, Manufacturers Hanover Trust Company (now J.P. Morgan Chase & Co.) Louis J. Cappelli Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Company; Chairman of Sterling National Bank Walter Feldesman Senior Counsel, Thelen Reid Brown Raysman & Steiner LLP Hon. Fernando Ferrer Co-Chairman, Fleischman-Hillard Government Relations and FH Hispania; Chairman, Poden Insurance Agency LLC, former Bronx Borough President Dr. Allan F. Hershfield President, Resources for the 21st Century; former President of Fashion Institute of Technology Henry J. Humphreys Counselor–Permanent Observer, Mission of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta to the United Nations; former Chancellor and Chief Operating Officer, American Association of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta Robert W. Lazar Senior Advisor, Independent Bankers Association of New York State; former President and Chief Executive Officer of New York Business Development Corporation John C. Millman President of the Company; President and Chief Executive Officer of Sterling National Bank Hon. Eugene T. Rossides Retired Senior Partner, Rogers & Wells LLP (now Clifford Chance US LLP); former Assistant Secretary, United States Treasury Department SHAREHOLDER INFORMATION A N NUAL M EETI N G TR ANSFER AGENT/R EGI STR AR The Annual Meeting of Shareholders of Sterling Bancorp will be held at 10:45 a.m., Thursday, May 1, 2008 at The Fox Hollow, 7725 Jericho Turnpike, Woodbury, NY 11797. BNY Mellon Shareowner Services 480 Washington Boulevard Jersey City, NJ 07310-1900 I N D EPEN D ENT R EGI STER ED PUBLI C ACCOUNTING FI R M KPMG LLP C OUNSEL Sullivan & Cromwell LLP C OMMON STOC K L I ST I N G New York Stock Exchange Symbol: STL FO R M 10-K AN D O TH ER SHAR EHOLDER I NFORMATION Copies of Sterling Bancorp’s Annual Report to the Securities and Exchange Commission, Form 10-K, and other shareholder information may be obtained by contacting John W. Tietjen or Dale C. Fredston at the Company’s executive office located at 650 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10019-6108. 10 STERLING BANCORP OFFICERS Louis J. Cappelli Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Howard M. Applebaum Senior Vice President John C. Millman President John W. Tietjen Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer Dale C. Fredston Senior Vice President and Corporate Secretary Seth H. Ugelow Senior Vice President and Controller Joel M. Schprechman Vice President and Treasurer STERLING NATIONAL BANK OFFICERS Louis J. Cappelli Chairman John C. Millman President and Chief Executive Officer EXECUTIVE VI C E PR ESI D ENTS Howard M. Applebaum Michael Bizenov Dale C. Fredston Eliot S. Robinson John W. Tietjen S EN IOR VI C E PR ESI D ENTS Dixiana M. Berrios Joseph L. Campbell Kenneth E. Cohen Andrew Corsi Joseph Costanza Jeffrey S. Fliegel John C. Gallo Allen J. Gershlak Patricia E. Hrotko Irving Kahn Robert L. Krause Neal B. Krumper John P. LaLota Monica S. Lercher John B. McCormack Thomas P. McGevna Anthony V. Migliorino Wayne G. Miller Robert Nisi Steven A. Orenstein Gayle A. Riecks Leonard Rudolph Michael J. Scheller Joel M. Schprechman Mindy F. Stern Seth H. Ugelow FI RST VI C E PR ESI DENTS Richard F. Assaf Thomas M. Braunstein William H. Breitman Salvatore F. Costa Elizabeth R. Forgione Robert J. Formica Thomas M. Frankel Marie T. Giunto Anthony M. Grosso Steven W. Hebert Leonard M. Imperiale Benjamin S. Katz Kenneth A. Lee Mary Anne E. Lindenbaum Murray R. Markowitz Kenneth J. Marte David Minder Samuel T. Nicoletti Edward Nugent Robert A. Schnitzer Vivian Tarnowski Carol H. Treventi VI C E PR ESI DENTS Sadia Affrin Leszek K. Borysiak Anthony Cantone Anthony J. Colao Paul A. Colontino Andres Correa Francis L. DeFranco Dawn E. DeLuca Norka Del Rios Charles I. Derr Andrea Diaz Daniel J. Doody Patrick G. Duffy Alex A. Eshmoili Luz M. Figueroa Richard L. Friedman Helen Galpin Peter E. Gardner Steven Georgeson Sonia A. Gordon Julia Haxhitasi Rosemarie Henry John J. Howe Paulette K. Johnson Robert F. Knox Kevin E. Kress Richard J. Kruse Mary Jane G. Lerias Carol R. Lieber Michael J. Madeo George W. Moraitis Patricia O. Mungo Robert E. Nuytkens Maureen O’Leary Cynthia M. Paret Ron A. Prezelmayer Barbara A. Riordan Anna Roina John R. Rosado Albert Salas Robert S. Schepis Yvonne V. Shand Anthony M. Spataro Aimee R. Spennato Joan B. Stark Ajay J. Timothy Amy E. Travetti Alexander Van Den Essen Ericka G. Varela Debra Washington 11 STERLING NATIONAL BANK OFFICES 650 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10019-6108 (212) 757-3300 500 Seventh Avenue New York, NY 10018-4502 (212) 575-4410 108-01 Queens Boulevard Forest Hills, NY 11375-4840 (718) 275-6500 89-04 Sutphin Boulevard Jamaica, NY 11435-3720 (718) 725-0325 425 Park Avenue New York, NY 10022-3506 (212) 935-1440 512 Seventh Avenue New York, NY 10018-4603 (212) 354-2265 138-21 Queens Boulevard Briarwood, NY 11435-2694 (718) 657-2660 98 Cuttermill Road Great Neck, NY 11021-3006 (516) 466-4554 622 Third Avenue New York, NY 10017-6722 (212) 490-9800 42 Broadway New York, NY 10004-1617 (212) 356-6501 30-00 47th Avenue Long Island City, NY 11101-3450 (718) 383-6012 177 Crossways Park Drive Woodbury, NY 11797-2016 (516) 682-8410 1 Executive Boulevard Yonkers, NY 10701-6822 (914) 964-5252 STERLING NATIONAL BANK BUSINESS ADVISORY BOARD Andrew W. Albstein, Esq. Managing Partner Goldberg Weprin & Ustin LLP Bernard Friedman President Penmark Realty Co. Kenneth S. Lazar President Lazar Corporate Advisors, Inc. Robert Tucker Chairman and CEO T&M Protection Resources Neil J. Bressler, CPA Managing Partner Skwiersky, Alpert & Bressler LLP Neil B. Garfinkel, Esq. Partner Abrams Garfinkel Margolis Bergson, LLP Lyle C. Mahler, Esq. Partner Farrell Fritz, P.C. Michael Weinstein CEO Access Staffing Timothy M. Bryan Chairman and CEO Galaxy Systems, Inc. Jeffrey A. Getzel Partner Getzel, Schiff & Ross, LLP Mark L. Meinberg, CPA Managing Partner Feldman, Meinberg & Co., LLP Steven Weinstein President Access Staffing Louis C. Ciliberti President Louis C. Ciliberti & Associates Ltd. Joel J. Greenwald, Esq. Partner Greenwald Doherty, LLP Dana F. Schnipper President and C.E.O. J.C. Ryan EBCO/H&G LLC Bruce Weksler President Bruce Supply Corp. Robert O. DiNozzi, Jr. C.E.O. S.E.B. Services of New York, Inc. John H. Jankoff, Esq. Managing Partner Jankoff & Gabe, P.C. Fred Ferrara President AccuLease Dennis R. Klein, CPA Partner Berg Klein Salomon LLP Paul Seid Vice President and General Manager DS Healthcare Alvin Singer President Singer Nelson Charlmers Jeffrey A. Wurst, Esq. Partner Ruskin Moscou Faltischek P.C. Michael G. Zapson, Esq. Managing Partner Davidoff Malito and Hutcher LLP 12 UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Washington, D.C. 20549 FORM 10-K Annual Report Pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 For the fiscal year ended December 31, 2007 Commission File No. 1-5273-1 STERLING BANCORP (Exact name of Registrant as specified in its charter) New York (State or other jurisdiction of incorporation or organization) 650 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. (Address of principal executive offices) 13-2565216 (I.R.S. Employer Identification No.) 10019-6108 (Zip Code) (212) 757-3300 (Registrant’s telephone number, including area code) SECURITIES REGISTERED PURSUANT TO SECTION 12(B) OF THE ACT: TITLE OF EACH CLASS Common Shares, $1 par value per share, and attached Preferred Stock Purchase Rights Cumulative Trust Preferred Securities 8.375% (Liquidation Amount $10 per Preferred Security) of Sterling Bancorp Trust I and Guarantee of Sterling Bancorp with respect thereto NAME OF EACH EXCHANGE ON WHICH REGISTERED New York Stock Exchange New York Stock Exchange SECURITIES REGISTERED PURSUANT TO SECTION 12(G) OF THE ACT: NONE Indicate by check mark if the Registrant is a well-known seasoned issuer, as defined in Rule 405 of the Securities Act. Yes [ ] No [✓] Indicate by check mark if the Registrant is not required to file reports pursuant to Section 13 or Section 15(d) of the Act. Yes [ ] No [✓] Indicate by check mark whether the Registrant (1) has filed all reports required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the Registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to such filing requirements for the past 90 days. Yes [✓] No [ ] Indicate by check mark if disclosure of delinquent filers pursuant to Item 405 of Regulation S-K is not contained herein, and will not be contained, to the best of Registrant’s knowledge, in definitive proxy or information statements incorporated by reference in Part III of this Form 10-K or any amendment to this Form 10-K. [✓] Indicate by check mark whether the Registrant is a large accelerated filer, an accelerated filer, a non-accelerated filer or a smaller reporting company as defined in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act. (Check one): Large Accelerated Filer [ ] Accelerated Filer [✓] Non-Accelerated Filer [ ] Smaller Reporting Company [ Indicate by check mark whether the Registrant is a shell company (as defined in Rule 12b-2 of the Act). Yes [ On June 30, 2007, the aggregate market value of the common equity held by non-affiliates of the Registrant was $261,866,176. The Registrant has one class of common stock, of which 17,960,620 shares were outstanding at March 5, 2008. (1) Portions of Sterling Bancorp’s definitive 2008 Proxy Statement to be filed pursuant to Regulation 14A are incorporated by reference in Part III. DOCUMENTS INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE ] ] No [✓] T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S PART I Item 1. BUSINESS Item 1A. RISK FACTORS Item 1B. UNRESOLVED STAFF COMMENTS Item 2. PROPERTIES Item 3. LEGAL PROCEEDINGS Item 4. SUBMISSION OF MATTERS TO A VOTE OF SECURITY HOLDERS Item 5. MARKET FOR THE REGISTRANT’S COMMON EQUITY, RELATED STOCKHOLDER MATTERS PART II AND ISSUER PURCHASES OF EQUITY SECURITIES Item 6. SELECTED FINANCIAL DATA Item 7. MANAGEMENT’S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS OF FINANCIAL CONDITION AND RESULTS OF OPERATIONS Item 7A. QUANTITATIVE AND QUALITATIVE DISCLOSURES ABOUT MARKET RISK Item 8. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND SUPPLEMENTARY DATA Item 9. CHANGES IN AND DISAGREEMENTS WITH ACCOUNTANTS ON ACCOUNTING AND FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE Item 9A. CONTROLS AND PROCEDURES Item 9B. OTHER INFORMATION Item 10. DIRECTORS, EXECUTIVE OFFICERS AND CORPORATE GOVERNANCE Item 11. EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION PART III Item 12. SECURITY OWNERSHIP OF CERTAIN BENEFICIAL OWNERS AND MANAGEMENT AND RELATED STOCKHOLDER MATTERS Item 13. CERTAIN RELATIONSHIPS AND RELATED TRANSACTIONS, AND DIRECTOR INDEPENDENCE Item 14. PRINCIPAL ACCOUNTING FEES AND SERVICES Item 15. EXHIBITS AND FINANCIAL STATEMENT SCHEDULES PART IV SIGNATURES Exhibits Submitted in a Separate Volume. Page 1 10 16 16 16 17 17 18 18 18 38 83 83 86 87 87 87 87 87 88 90 P A R T I ITEM 1. BUSINESS The disclosures set forth in this item are qualified by Item 1A. Risk Factors on pages 10 –15 and the section captioned “FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS AND FACTORS THAT COULD AFFECT FUTURE RESULTS” on page 20 and other cautionary statements set forth elsewhere in this report. Sterling Bancorp (the “parent company” or the “Registrant”) is a bank holding company and a financial holding company as defined by the Bank Holding Company Act of 1956, as amended (the “BHCA”), which was organized in 1966. Sterling Bancorp and its subsidiaries derive substantially all of their revenue and income from providing banking and related financial services and products to customers primarily in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut (“the New York metropolitan area”). Throughout this report, the terms the “Company” or “Sterling” refer to Sterling Bancorp and its subsidiaries. The Company has operations in New York, New Jersey and North Carolina and conducts business throughout the United States. The parent company owns, directly or indirectly, all of the outstanding shares of Sterling National Bank (the “bank”), its principal subsidiary, and all of the outstanding shares of Sterling Banking Corporation and Sterling Real Estate Abstract Holding Company, Inc. (the “finance subsidiaries”) and Sterling Bancorp Trust I (the “trust”). Sterling National Mortgage Company, Inc. (“SNMC”), Sterling Factors Corporation (“Factors”), Sterling Trade Services, Inc. (“Trade Services”), Sterling Resource Funding Corp. (“Resource Funding”) and Sterling Real Estate Holding Company, Inc. are wholly-owned subsidiaries of the bank. Trade Services owns all of the outstanding common shares of Sterling National Asia Limited, Hong Kong. Sterling Real Estate Abstract Holding Company, Inc. owns 51% of the outstand- ing common shares of SBC Abstract Company, LLC. In September 2006, the business conducted by Sterling Financial Services Company, Inc. (“Sterling Financial”) was sold (see Note 2 beginning on page 51). The results of opera- tions of Sterling Financial have been reported as a discontin- ued operation and all prior period amounts have been restated as appropriate. Segment information appears in Note 22 of the Company’s consolidated financial statements. GOVERNMENT MONETARY POLICY The Company is affected by the credit policies of monetary authorities, including the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (the “Federal Reserve Board”). An important objective of the Federal Reserve System is to regulate the national supply of bank credit. Among the instruments of monetary policy used by the Federal Reserve Board are open market operations in U.S. Government securities, changes in the discount rate, reserve requirements on member bank deposits, and funds availability regulations. The monetary policies of the Federal Reserve Board have in the past had a significant effect on operations of financial institutions, including the bank, and will continue to do so in the future. Changing conditions in the national economy and in the money markets make it difficult to predict future changes in interest rates, deposit levels, loan demand or their effects on the business and earnings of the Company. Foreign activities of the Company are not considered to be material. BUSINESS OPERATIONS The Bank Sterling National Bank was organized in 1929 under the National Bank Act and commenced operations in New York City. The bank maintains twelve offices in New York: nine offices in New York City (six branches and an international banking facility in Manhattan and three branches in Queens); two branches in Nassau County, one in Great Neck and another in Woodbury, New York; and one branch in Yonkers, New York. The executive office is located at 650 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York. The bank provides a broad range of banking and financial products and services, including business and consumer lending, asset-based financing, factoring/accounts receivable manage- ment services, equipment leasing, commercial and residential mortgage lending and brokerage, deposit services, interna- tional trade financing, trust and estate administration, invest- ment management and investment services. Business lending, depository and related financial services are furnished to a wide range of customers in diverse industries, including commercial, industrial and financial companies, and govern- ment and non-profit entities. For the year ended December 31, 2007, the bank’s average earning assets represented approximately 99.7% of the Company’s average earning assets. Loans represented 64.4% and investment securities represented 34.1% of the bank’s average earning assets in 2007. P A G E 1 Commercial Lending, Asset-Based Financing and Factoring/ Accounts Receivable Management. The bank provides loans to small and medium-sized businesses. The businesses are diversified across industries, and the loans generally range in size from $250,000 to $15 million. Business loans can be tailored to meet customers’ specific long- and short-term needs, and include secured and unsecured lines of credit, business installment loans, business lines of credit, and debtor-in- possession financing. Loans are often collateralized by assets, such as accounts receivable, inventory, marketable securities, other liquid collateral, equipment and other assets. Through its factoring subsidiary (“Factors”), the bank provides accounts receivable management services. The purchase of a client’s accounts receivable is traditionally known as “factor- ing” and results in payment by the client of a nonrefundable factoring fee, which is generally a percentage of the factored receivables or sales volume and is designed to compensate for the bookkeeping and collection services provided by Factors and, if applicable, its credit review of the client’s customer and assumption of customer credit risk. When Factors “fac- tors” (i.e., purchases) an account receivable from a client, it records the receivable as an asset (included in “Loans held in portfolio, net of unearned discounts”), records a liability for the funds due to the client (included in “Accrued expenses and other liabilities”) and credits to noninterest income the nonrefund- able factoring fee (included in “Factoring income”). Factors also may advance funds to its client prior to the collection of receiv- ables, charging interest on such advances (in addition to any factoring fees) and normally satisfying such advances by the col- lection of receivables. The accounts receivable factored are pri- marily for clients engaged in the apparel and textile industries. Through a subsidiary, Sterling Resource Funding Corp., which was acquired on April 1, 2006, the bank provides financing and human resource business process outsourcing support services, exclusively for the temporary staffing industry. For over 25 years and throughout the United States, Resource Funding has provided full back-office, computer, tax and accounting services, as well as financing, to independently- owned staffing companies. The average contract term is 18 months for approximately 225 owners of staffing companies. As of December 31, 2007, the outstanding loan balance (net of unearned discounts) for commercial and industrial lending and factored receivables was $632.6 million, representing approximately 52.2% of the bank’s total loan portfolio. Equipment Leasing. The bank offers equipment leasing ser- vices in the New York metropolitan area and across the United States through direct leasing programs, third party sources and vendor programs. The bank finances small and medium-sized equipment leases with an average term of 24 to 30 months. At December 31, 2007, the outstanding loan balance (net of unearned discounts) for equipment leases was $249.7 million, and equipment leases comprised approxi- mately 20.6% of the bank’s total loan portfolio. Residential and Commercial Mortgages. The bank’s real estate loan portfolio consists of real estate loans on one-to- four family residential properties and commercial properties. The residential mortgage banking and brokerage business is conducted through offices located principally in New York and North Carolina. Residential mortgage loans—focused on conforming credit, government insured FHA and other high quality loan products—are originated primarily in the New York metropolitan area, Virginia and other mid-Atlantic states, almost all of these for resale. Com mercial real estate financing is offered on income-producing investor properties and owner-occupied properties, professional co-ops and con- dos. At December 31, 2007, the outstanding loan balance for real estate mortgage loans was $252.3 million, representing approximately 20.8% of the bank’s total loans outstanding. Deposit Services. The bank attracts deposits from customers located primarily in the New York metropolitan area, offering a broad array of deposit products, including checking accounts, money market accounts, NOW accounts, savings accounts, rent security accounts, retirement accounts, and certificates of deposit. The bank’s deposit services include account management and information, disbursement, recon- ciliation, collection and concentration, ACH and others designed for specific business purposes. The deposits of the bank are insured to the extent permitted by law pursuant to the Federal Deposit Insurance Act, as amended. International Trade Finance. Through its international division, international banking facility and Hong Kong trade services subsidiary, the bank offers financial services to its customers and correspondents in the world’s major financial centers. These services consist of financing import and export trans- actions, issuing of letters of credit, processing documentary collections and creating banker’s acceptances. In addition, active bank account relationships are maintained with lead- ing foreign banking institutions in major financial centers. There are no industry concentrations in the commercial and industrial loan portfolio that exceed 10% of gross loans. Approximately 72% of the bank’s loans are to borrowers located in the New York metropolitan area. The bank has no foreign loans. Trust Services. The bank’s trust department provides a variety of fiduciary, investment management, custody and advisory and corporate agency services to individuals and corpora- tions. The bank acts as trustee for pension, profit-sharing, 401(k) and other employee benefit plans and personal trusts P A G E 2 and estates. For corporations, the bank acts as trustee, trans- fer agent, registrar and in other corporate agency capacities. The composition of total revenues (interest income and non- interest income) of the bank and its subsidiaries for the three most recent fiscal years was as follows: Years Ended December 31, Interest and fees on loans Interest and dividends on investment securities Other 2007 2006 2005 59% 58% 51% 18 23 20 22 23 26 100% 100% 100% At December 31, 2007, the bank and its subsidiaries had 586 full-time equivalent employees, consisting of 207 officers and 379 supervisory and clerical employees. The bank considers its relations with its employees to be satisfactory. COMPETITION There is intense competition in all areas in which the Company conducts its business. As a result of the deregulation of the financial services industry under the Gramm-Leach- Bliley Act of 1999, the Company competes with banks and other financial institutions, including savings and loan asso- ciations, savings banks, finance companies, and credit unions. Many of these competitors have substantially greater resources and lending limits and provide a wider array of banking services. To a limited extent, the Company also com- petes with other providers of financial services, such as money market mutual funds, brokerage firms, consumer finance companies and insurance companies. Competition is based on a number of factors, including prices, interest rates, ser- vices, availability of products, and geographic location. SUPERVISION AND REGULATION General The banking industry is highly regulated. Statutory and regu- latory controls are designed primarily for the protection of depositors and the banking system, and not for the purpose of protecting the shareholders of the parent company. The following discussion is not intended to be a complete list of all the activities regulated by the banking laws or of the impact of such laws and regulations on the bank. It is intended only to briefly summarize some material provisions. Sterling Bancorp is a bank holding company and a financial holding company under the BHCA and is subject to supervi- sion, examination and reporting requirements of the Federal Reserve Board. Sterling Bancorp is also under the jurisdiction of the Securities and Exchange Commission and is subject to the disclosure and regulatory requirements of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, as administered by the SEC. Sterling Bancorp is listed on the New York Stock Exchange (“NYSE”) under the trading symbol “STL” and is subject to the rules of the NYSE for listed companies. As a national bank, the bank is principally subject to the super- vision, examination and reporting requirements of the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (the “OCC”), as well as the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (the “FDIC”). Insured banks, including the bank, are subject to extensive regulation of many aspects of their business. These regulations relate to, among other things: (a) the nature and amount of loans that may be made by the bank and the rates of interest that may be charged; (b) types and amounts of other investments; (c) branching; (d) permissible activities; (e) reserve requirements; and (f) dealings with officers, directors and affiliates. Sterling Banking Corporation is subject to supervision and reg- ulation by the Banking Department of the State of New York. Bank Holding Company Regulation The BHCA requires the prior approval of the Federal Reserve Board for the acquisition by a bank holding com- pany of more than 5% of the voting stock or substantially all of the assets of any bank or bank holding company. Also, under the BHCA, bank holding companies are prohibited, with certain exceptions, from engaging in, or from acquiring more than 5% of the voting stock of any company engaging in, activities other than (1) banking or managing or controlling banks, (2) furnishing services to or performing services for their subsidiaries, or (3) activities that the Federal Reserve Board has determined to be so closely related to banking or manag- ing or controlling banks as to be a proper incident thereto. As discussed below under “Financial Holding Company Regu- lation,” the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999 amended the BHCA to permit a broader range of activities for bank holding companies that qualify as “financial holding companies.” Financial Holding Company Regulation The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act: • allows bank holding companies, the depository institu- tion subsidiaries of which meet management, capital and the Community Reinvestment Act (the “CRA”) standards, to engage in a substantially broader range of non-banking financial activities than was previously permissible, includ- ing (a) insurance underwriting and agency, (b) making merchant banking investments in commercial companies, (c) securities underwriting, dealing and market making, and (d) sponsoring mutual funds and investment companies; • allows insurers and other financial services companies to acquire banks; and • establishes the overall regulatory structure applicable to bank holding companies that also engage in insurance and securities operations. P A G E 3 In order for a bank holding company to engage in the broader range of activities that are permitted by the Gramm-Leach- Bliley Act, (1) all of its depository subsidiaries must be and remain “well capitalized” and “well managed” and have received at least a satisfactory CRA rating, and (2) it must file a declaration with the Federal Reserve Board that it elects to be a “financial holding company.” Requirements and standards to remain “well capitalized” are discussed below. To maintain financial holding company status, the bank must have at least a “satisfactory” rating under the CRA. Under the CRA, during examinations of the bank, the OCC is required to assess the bank’s record of meeting the credit needs of the communities serviced by the bank, including low- and moderate-income communities. Banks are given one of four ratings under the CRA: “outstand- ing,” “satisfactory,” “needs to improve” or “substantial non- compliance.” The bank received a rating of “outstanding” on the most recent exam completed by the OCC. Pursuant to an election made under the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, the parent company has been designated as a financial holding company. As a financial holding company, Sterling Bancorp may conduct, or acquire a company (other than a U.S. depository institution or foreign bank) engaged in, activities that are “financial in nature,” as well as additional activi ties that the Federal Reserve Board determines (in the case of incidental activities, in conjunction with the Department of the Treasury) are incidental or complemen- tary to financial activities, without the prior approval of the Federal Reserve Board. Under the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, activities that are financial in nature include insurance, secu- rities underwriting and dealing, merchant banking, and spon- soring mutual funds and investment companies. Under the merchant banking authority added by the Gramm-Leach- Bliley Act, financial holding companies may invest in compa- nies that engage in activities that are not otherwise permissible “financial” activities, subject to certain limitations, including that the financial holding company makes the investment with the intention of limiting the investment duration and does not manage the company on a day-to-day basis. Generally, financial holding companies must continue to meet all the requirements for financial holding company status in order to maintain the ability to undertake new activities or acquisitions that are financial in nature and the ability to con- tinue those activities that are not generally permissible for bank holding companies. If the parent company ceases to so qualify, it would be required to obtain the prior approval of the Federal Reserve Board to engage in non-banking activities or to acquire more than 5% of the voting stock of any com- pany that is engaged in non-banking activities. With certain exceptions, the Federal Reserve Board can only provide prior approval to applications involving activities that it had previ- ously determined, by regulation or order, are so closely related to banking as to be properly incident thereto. Such activities are more limited than the range of activities that are deemed “financial in nature.” Payment of Dividends and Transactions with Affiliates The parent company depends for its cash requirements on funds maintained or generated by its subsidiaries, principally the bank. Such sources have been adequate to meet the parent company’s cash requirements throughout its history. Various legal restrictions limit the extent to which the bank can fund the parent company and its nonbank subsidiaries. All national banks are limited in the payment of dividends with- out the approval of the OCC to an amount not to exceed the net profits (as defined) for that year-to-date combined with its retained net profits for the preceding two calendar years, less any required transfers to surplus. Federal law also prohibits national banks from paying dividends that would be greater than the bank’s undivided profits after deducting statutory bad debt in excess of the bank’s allowance for loan losses. Under the foregoing restrictions, and without adversely affecting its “well capitalized” status, as of December 31, 2007, the bank could pay dividends of approximately $20 million to the parent company, without obtaining regulatory approval. This is not necessarily indicative of amounts that may be paid or are available to be paid in future periods. Under the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Improve- ment Act of 1991 (“FDICIA”), a depository institution, such as the bank, may not pay dividends if payment would cause it to become undercapitalized or if it is already undercapitalized. The payment of dividends by the parent company and the bank may also be affected or limited by other factors, such as the requirement to maintain adequate capital. Federal laws strictly limit the ability of banks to engage in transactions with their affiliates, including their bank holding companies. Such transactions between a subsidiary bank and its parent company or the nonbank subsidiaries of the bank holding company are limited to 10% of a bank subsidiary’s capital and surplus and, with respect to such parent company and all such nonbank subsidiaries, to an aggregate of 20% of the bank subsidiary’s capital and surplus. Further, loans and extensions of credit generally are required to be secured by eligible collateral in specified amounts. Federal law also requires that all transactions between a bank and its affiliates be on terms only as favorable to the bank as transactions with non-affiliates. Federal law also limits a bank’s authority to extend credit to its directors, executive officers and 10% shareholders, as well as to entities controlled by such persons. Among other things, P A G E 4 extensions of credit to insiders are required to be made on terms that are substantially the same as, and follow credit underwriting procedures that are not less stringent than, those prevailing for comparable transactions with unaffiliated per- sons. Also, the terms of such extensions of credit may not involve more than the normal risk of repayment or present other unfavorable features and may not exceed certain limita- tions on the amount of credit extended to such persons, indi- vidually and in the aggregate, which limits are based, in part, on the amount of the bank’s capital. Banks are subject to prohibitions on certain tying arrange- ments. A depository institution is prohibited, subject to some exceptions, from extending credit to or offering any other service, or fixing or varying the consideration for such extension of credit or service, on the condition that the customer obtain some additional service from the institution or its affiliates or not obtain services of a competitor of the institution. Capital Adequacy and Prompt Corrective Action Banks and bank holding companies are subject to various regulatory capital requirements administered by state and federal banking agencies. Capital adequacy guidelines and, additionally for banks, prompt corrective action regulations, involve quantitative measures of assets, liabilities, and certain off-balance sheet items calculated under regulatory account- ing practices. Capital amounts and classifications are also subject to qualitative judgments by regulators about compo- nents, risk weighting and other factors. The Federal Reserve Board, the OCC and the FDIC have sub- stantially similar risk-based capital ratio and leverage ratio guidelines for banking organizations. The guidelines are intended to ensure that banking organizations have adequate capital given the risk levels of assets and off-balance sheet financial instruments. Under the guidelines, banking organi- zations are required to maintain minimum ratios for Tier 1 capital and total capital to risk-weighted assets (including certain off-balance sheet items, such as letters of credit). For purposes of calculating the ratios, a banking organization’s assets and some of its specified off-balance sheet commit- ments and obligations are assigned to various risk categories. A depository institution’s or holding company’s capital, in turn, is classified in tiers, depending on type: • Core Capital (Tier 1). Tier 1 capital includes common equity, retained earnings, qualifying non-cumulative per- petual preferred stock, a limited amount of qualifying cumulative perpetual stock at the holding company level, minority interests in equity accounts of consolidated subsidiaries, less goodwill, most intangible assets and cer- tain other assets. • Supplementary Capital (Tier 2). Tier 2 capital includes, among other things, perpetual preferred stock not meeting the Tier 1 definition, qualifying mandatory convertible debt securities, qualifying subordinated debt, and allowances for loan and lease losses, subject to limitations. Sterling Bancorp, like other bank holding companies, cur- rently is required to maintain Tier 1 capital and “total capi- tal” (the sum of Tier 1 and Tier 2 capital) equal to at least 4.0% and 8.0%, respectively, of its total risk-weighted assets (including various off-balance-sheet items, such as standby letters of credit). Sterling National Bank, like other deposi- tory institutions, is required to maintain similar capital levels under capital adequacy guidelines. For a depository institu- tion to be considered “well capitalized” under the regulatory framework for prompt corrective action, its Tier 1 and total capital ratios must be at least 6.0% and 10.0% on a risk- adjusted basis, respectively. Bank holding companies and banks are also required to comply with minimum leverage ratio requirements. The leverage ratio is the ratio of a banking organization’s Tier 1 capital to its total adjusted quarterly average assets (as defined for regulatory purposes). The requirements necessitate a minimum leverage ratio of 3.0% for financial holding companies and national banks that have the highest supervisory rating. All other financial holding companies and national banks are required to maintain a minimum leverage ratio of 4.0%, unless a dif- ferent minimum is specified by an appropriate regulatory authority. For a depository institution to be considered “well capitalized” under the regulatory framework for prompt cor- rective action, its leverage ratio must be at least 5.0%. The Federal Reserve Board has not advised Sterling Bancorp, and the OCC has not advised Sterling National Bank, of any spe- cific minimum leverage ratio applicable to it. The Federal Deposit Insurance Act, as amended (“FDIA”), requires, among other things, the federal banking agencies to take “prompt corrective action” in respect of depository institutions that do not meet minimum capital requirements. The FDIA sets forth the following five capital tiers: “well capitalized,” “adequately capitalized,” “undercapitalized,” “significantly undercapitalized” and “critically undercapital- ized.” A depository institution’s capital tier will depend upon how its capital levels compare with various relevant capital measures and certain other factors, as established by regula- tion. The relevant capital measures are the total capital ratio, the Tier 1 capital ratio and the leverage ratio. Under the regulations adopted by the federal regulatory author- ities, a bank will be: (i) “well capitalized” if the insti tution has a total risk-based capital ratio of 10.0% or greater, a Tier 1 risk-based capital ratio of 6.0% or greater, and a leverage ratio of 5.0% or greater, and is not subject to any order or written directive by any such regulatory authority to meet and main- tain a specific capital level for any capital measure; (ii) “ade- quately capitalized” if the institution has a total risk-based P A G E 5 capital ratio of 8.0% or greater, a Tier 1 risk-based capital ratio of 4.0% or greater, and a leverage ratio of 4.0% or greater and is not “well capitalized”; (iii) “undercapitalized” if the institution has a total risk-based ratio that is less than 8.0%, a Tier 1 risk-based capital ratio of less than 4.0% or a leverage ratio of less than 4.0%; (iv) “significantly undercapi- talized” if the institution has a total risk-based capital ratio of less than 6.0%, a Tier 1 risk-based capital ratio of less than 3.0% or a leverage ratio of less than 3.0%; and (v) “critically undercapitalized” if the institution’s tangible equity is equal to or less than 2.0% of average quarterly tangible assets. An institution may be downgraded to, or deemed to be in, a capi- tal category that is lower than that indicated by its capital ratios if it is determined to be in an unsafe or unsound condi- tion or if it receives an unsatisfactory examination rating with respect to certain matters. As of December 31, 2007, the Company and the bank were “well capitalized,” based on the ratios and guidelines described above. A bank’s capital cate- gory is determined solely for the purpose of applying prompt cor rective action regulations, and the capital category may not constitute an accurate representation of the bank’s over all financial condition or prospects for other purposes. The FDIA generally prohibits a depository institution from making any capital distributions (including payment of a div- idend) or paying any management fee to its parent holding company if the depository institution would thereafter be undercapitalized. Undercapitalized institutions are subject to growth limitations and are required to submit a capital resto- ration plan. The agencies may not accept such a plan without determining, among other things, that the plan is based on realistic assumptions and is likely to succeed in restoring the depository institution’s capital. In addition, for a capital res- toration plan to be acceptable, the depository institution’s parent holding company must guarantee that the institution will comply with such a capital restoration plan. The aggre- gate liability of the parent holding company is limited to the lesser of (i) an amount equal to 5.0% of the depository insti- tution’s total assets at the time it became undercapitalized and (ii) the amount which is necessary (or would have been necessary) to bring the institution into compliance with all capital standards applicable with respect to such institution as of the time it fails to comply with the plan. If a depository institution fails to submit an acceptable plan, it is treated as if it is “significantly undercapitalized.” “Significantly undercapitalized” depository institutions may be subject to a number of requirements and restrictions, including orders to sell sufficient voting stock to become “adequately capitalized,” requirements to reduce total assets, and cessation of receipt of deposits from correspondent banks. “Critically undercapitalized” institutions are subject to the appointment of a receiver or conservator. The federal regulatory authorities’ risk-based capital guide- lines are based upon the 1988 capital accord of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (the “BIS”). The BIS is a committee of central banks and bank supervisors/regulators from the major industrialized countries that develops broad policy guidelines for use by each country’s supervisors in determining the supervisory policies that apply. In 2004, the BIS published a new capital accord to replace its 1988 capital accord, with an update in November 2005 (“BIS II”). BIS II provides two approaches for setting capital standards for credit-risk—an internal ratings-based approach tailored to individual institutions’ circumstances (which for many asset classes is itself broken into a “foundation” approach and an “advances or A-IRB” approach, the availability of which is subject to additional restrictions) and a standardized approach that bases risk weightings on external credit assessments to a much greater extent than permitted in existing risk-based capital guidelines. BIS II also would set capital requirements for operational risk and refine the existing requirements for market risk exposures. The U.S. banking and thrift agencies are developing proposed revisions to their existing capital adequacy regulations and standards based on BIS II. In November 2007, the agencies adopted a definitive final rule for implementing BIS II in the United States that would apply only to internationally active banking organizations, or “core banks”—defined as those with consolidated total assets of $250 billion or more or con- solidated on-balance-sheet foreign exposures of $10 billion or more. The final rule will be effective as of April 1, 2008. Other U.S. banking organizations may elect to adopt the requirements of this rule (if they meet applicable qualification requirements), but they will not be required to apply them. The rule also allows a banking organization’s primary federal supervisor to determine that the application of the rule would not be appropriate in light of the bank’s asset size, level of complexity, risk profile, or scope of operations. This new proposal, which is intended to be finalized before the core banks may start their first transition period year under BIS II, will replace the agencies’ earlier proposed amendments to existing risk-based capital guidelines to make them more risk sensitive (formerly referred to as the “BIS I-A” approach). The Company is not required to comply with BIS II. The Company has not made a determination as to whether it will elect to apply the BIS II requirements when they become effective. P A G E 6 Support of the Bank The Federal Reserve Board has stated that a bank holding company should serve as a source of financial and managerial strength to its subsidiary banks. As a result, the Federal Reserve Board may require the parent company to stand ready to use its resources to provide adequate capital funds to its banking subsidiaries during periods of financial stress or adversity. This support may be required at times by the Federal Reserve Board even though not expressly required by regulation and even though the parent company may not be in a financial position to provide such support. In addition, any capital loans by a bank holding company to any of its subsidiary banks are sub- ordinate in right of payment to deposits to certain other indebtedness of such subsidiary banks. The BHCA provides that, in the event of a bank holding company’s bankruptcy, any commitment by the bank holding company to a federal bank regulatory agency to maintain the capital of a subsid- iary bank will be assumed by the bankruptcy trustee and entitled to priority of payment. Further more, under the National Bank Act, if the capital stock of the bank is impaired by losses or otherwise, the OCC is authorized to require pay- ment of the deficiency by assessment upon the parent com- pany. If the assessment is not paid within three months, the OCC could order a sale of the capital stock of the bank held by the parent company to make good the deficiency. FDIC Insurance The FDIC utilizes a risk-based assessment system that imposes insurance premiums based upon a risk matrix that takes into account a bank’s capital level and supervisory rating. As of January 1, 2007, the previous nine risk categories utilized in the risk matrix were condensed into four risk categories which continue to be distinguished by capital levels and supervisory ratings. The three capital categories are “well capitalized,” “ade- quately capitalized,” and “undercapitalized.” These three cat- egories are substantially the same as the prompt corrective action cate gories previously described, with the “undercapi- talized” category including institutions that are “undercapi- talized,” “significantly undercapitalized,” and “critically undercapitalized” for prompt corrective action purposes. The bank was not required to pay any deposit insurance pre- mium in 2007 as the entire premium assessed was offset by the assessment credit described below. Under the final regula- tions, assessment rates for 2008 will range from 5 to 7 basis points per $100 of deposits for banks in Risk Category I, to 43 basis points for banks assigned to Risk Category IV. However, under the Federal Deposit Insurance Reform Act of 2005, which became law in 2006, the bank received a one- time assessment credit that can be applied against future premiums through 2010, subject to certain limitations. Any increase in insurance assessments could have an adverse impact on the earnings of insured institutions, including the bank. As of December 31, 2007, approximately $110,000 of the credit remained available to offset deposit insurance assessments through the second quarter of 2008. In addition, the bank is required to make payments for the servicing of obligations of the Financing Corporation (“FICO”) issued in connection with the resolution of savings and loan associations, so long as such obligations remain outstanding. The FICO annual assessment rate for the first quarter of 2008 is 1.14 cents per $100 of deposits. The bank’s assess- ment credit is not available to offset FICO assessments. Under the FDIA, insurance of deposits may be terminated by the FDIC upon a finding that the institution has engaged in unsafe and unsound practices, is in an unsafe or unsound condition to continue operations, or has violated any appli- cable law, regulation, rule, order, or condition imposed by the FDIC. In its resolution of the problems of an insured depository insti- tution in default or in danger of default, the FDIC is generally required to satisfy its obligations to insured depositors at the least possible cost to the deposit insurance fund. In addition, the FDIC may not take any action that would have the effect of increasing the losses to the deposit insurance fund by protect- ing depositors for more than the insured portion of deposits (generally $100,000) or creditors other than depositors. Depositor Preference The FDIA provides that, in the event of the “liquidation or other resolution” of an insured depository institution, the claims of depositors of the institution, including the claims of the FDIC as subrogee of insured depositors, and certain claims for administrative expenses of the FDIC as a receiver, will have priority over other general unsecured claims against the institution. If an insured depository institution fails, insured and uninsured depositors, along with the FDIC, will have priority in payment ahead of unsecured, non-deposit creditors, including the parent bank holding company, with respect to any extensions of credit they have made to such insured depository institution. Liability of Commonly Controlled Institutions The FDIA provides that a depository institution insured by the FDIC can be held liable by the FDIC for any loss incurred, or reasonably expected to be incurred, in connection with the default of a commonly controlled FDIC-insured depository institution or in connection with any assistance provided by the FDIC to a commonly controlled institution “in danger of default” (as defined in the FDIA). P A G E 7 Community Reinvestment Act The CRA requires depository institutions to assist in meeting the credit needs of their market areas consistent with safe and sound banking practice. Under the CRA, each depository institution is required to help meet the credit needs of its mar- ket areas by, among other things, providing credit to low- and moderate-income individuals and communities. Depository institutions are periodically examined for compli- ance with the CRA and are assigned ratings. In order for a financial holding company to commence any new activity permitted by the BHCA, or to acquire any company engaged in any new activity permitted by the BHCA, each insured depository institution subsidiary of the financial holding company must have received a rating of at least “satisfactory” in its most recent examination under the CRA. Furthermore, banking regulators take into account CRA ratings when con- sidering approval of a proposed transaction. Financial Privacy In accordance with the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, federal bank- ing regulators adopted rules that limit the ability of banks and other financial institutions to disclose non-public infor- mation about consumers to nonaffiliated third parties. These limitations require disclosure of privacy policies to consumers and, in some circumstances, allow consumers to prevent dis- closure of certain personal information to a nonaffiliated third party. The privacy provisions of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act affect how consumer information is transmitted through diver- sified financial companies and conveyed to outside vendors. Anti-Money Laundering Initiatives and the USA Patriot Act A major focus of governmental policy on financial institu- tions in recent years has been aimed at combating money laundering and terrorist financing. The USA Patriot Act of 2001 (the “USA Patriot Act”) substantially broadened the scope of United States anti-money laundering laws and regu- lations by imposing significant new compliance and due dili- gence obligations, creating new crimes and penalties and expanding the extra-territorial jurisdiction of the United States. The United States Treasury Department has issued a number of implementing regulations which apply to various requirements of the USA Patriot Act to financial institutions such as the Company. These regulations impose obligations on financial institutions to maintain appropriate policies, proce- dures and controls to detect, prevent and report money laun- dering and terrorist financing and to verify the identity of their customers. Failure of a financial institution to maintain and implement adequate programs to combat money laundering and terrorist financing, or to comply with all of the relevant laws or regulations, could have serious legal and reputational consequences for the institution, including the imposition of enforcement actions and civil monetary penalties. Office of Foreign Assets Control Regulation The United States has imposed economic sanctions that affect transactions with designated foreign countries, nationals and others. These sanctions, which are administered by the U.S. Treasury Department Office of Foreign Assets Control (“OFAC”), take many different forms. Generally, however, they contain one or more of the following elements: (i) restric- tions on trade with or investment in a sanctioned country, including prohibitions against direct or indirect imports from and exports to a sanctioned country and prohibitions on “U.S. persons” engaging in financial transactions relating to making investments in, or providing investment-related advice or assistance to, a sanctioned country; and (ii) a blocking of assets in which the government or specially designated nationals of the sanctioned country have an interest, by pro- hibiting transfers of property subject to U.S. jurisdiction (including property in the possession or control of U.S. per- sons). Blocked assets (for example, property and bank depos- its) cannot be paid out, withdrawn, set off or transferred in any manner without a license from OFAC. Failure to comply with these sanctions could have serious legal and reputational consequences. Legislative Initiatives From time to time, various legislative and regulatory initiatives are introduced in Congress and state legislatures, as well as by regulatory agencies. Such initiatives may include proposals to expand or contract the powers of bank holding companies and depository institutions or proposals to substantially change the financial institution regulatory system. Such legislation could change banking statutes and the operating environment of the Company in substantial and unpredictable ways. If enacted, such legislation could increase or decrease the cost of doing business, limit or expand permissible activities or affect the competitive balance among banks, savings associations, credit unions and other financial institutions. The Company cannot predict whether any such legislation will be enacted, and, if enacted, the effect that it, or any implementing regula- tions, would have on the financial condition or results of oper- ations of the Company. A change in statutes, regulations or regulatory policies applicable to the Company could have a material effect on the business of the Company. Safety and Soundness Standards Federal banking agencies promulgate safety and soundness standards relating to, among other things, internal controls, information systems and internal audit systems, loan documen- tation, credit underwriting, interest rate exposure, asset growth, compensation, fees, and benefits. With respect to internal con- trols, information systems and internal audit systems, the stand- ards describe the functions that adequate internal controls and information systems must be able to perform, including: P A G E 8 (i) monitoring adherence to prescribed policies; (ii) effective risk management; (iii) timely and accurate financial, operations, and regulatory reporting; (iv) safeguarding and managing assets; and (v) compliance with applicable laws and regulations. The standards also include requirements that: (i) those performing internal audits be qualified and independent; (ii) internal controls and information systems be tested and reviewed; (iii) corrective actions be adequately documented; and (iv) results of an audit be made available for review of management actions. SELECTED CONSOLIDATED STATISTICAL INFORMATION I. Distribution of Assets, Liabilities and Shareholders’ Equity; Interest Rates and Interest Differential The information appears on pages 31 and 32 in Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations. Investment Portfolio II. A summary of the Company’s investment securities by type with related carrying values at the end of each of the three most recent fiscal years appears on page 25 in Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations. Information regarding book values and range of maturities by type of security and weighted average yields for totals of each category is presented in Note 5 beginning on page 53 of the Company’s consolidated financial statements. III. Loan Portfolio A table setting forth the composition of the Company’s loan portfolio, net of unearned discounts, at the end of each of the five most recent fiscal years appears on page 26 in Man- agement’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations. A table setting forth the maturities and sensitivity to changes in interest rates of the Company’s commercial and industrial loans at December 31, 2007 appears on page 26 in Manage- ment’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations. It is the policy of the Company to consider all customer requests for extensions of original maturity dates (rollovers), whether in whole or in part, as though each was an applica- tion for a new loan subject to standard approval criteria, including credit evaluation. Additional information appears under “Loan Portfolio” on page 26 in Management’s Discus- sion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations, under “Loans” in Note 1 and in Note 6 of the Company’s consolidated financial statements. A table setting forth the aggregate amount of domestic non- accrual, past due and restructured loans of the Company at the end of each of the five most recent fiscal years appears on page 27 in Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations; there were no foreign loans accounted for on a nonaccrual basis, and there were no troubled debt restructurings for any types of loans. Loans contractually past due 90 days or more as to principal or interest and still accruing are loans that are both well- secured or guaranteed by financially responsible third parties and are in the process of collection. IV. Summary of Loan Loss Experience The information appears in Note 7 of the Company’s con- solidated financial statements and beginning on page 27 under “Asset Quality” in Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations. A table setting forth certain information with respect to the Company’s loan loss experience for each of the five most recent fiscal years appears on page 28 in Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations. The Company considers its allowance for loan losses to be adequate based upon the size and risk characteristics of the outstanding loan portfolio at December 31, 2007. Net losses within the loan portfolio are not, however, statistically pre- dictable and are subject to various external factors that are beyond the control of the Company. Consequently, changes in conditions in the next twelve months could result in future provisions for loan losses varying from the provision recorded in 2007. A table presenting the Company’s allocation of the allowance at the end of each of the five most recent fiscal years appears on page 29 in Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations. This alloca- tion is based on estimates by management that may vary based on management’s evaluation of the risk characteristics of the loan portfolio. The amount allocated to a particular loan category may not necessarily be indicative of actual future charge-offs in that loan category. V. Deposits Average deposits and average rates paid for each of the three most recent years are presented on page 31 in Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations. Outstanding time certificates of deposit issued from domestic and foreign offices and interest expense on domestic and foreign deposits are presented in Note 9 of the Company’s consolidated financial statements. The table providing selected information with respect to the Company’s deposits for each of the three most recent fiscal years appears on page 30 in Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations. P A G E 9 Interest expense for the three most recent fiscal years is presented in Note 9 of the Company’s consolidated finan- cial statements. VI. Return on Assets and Equity The Company’s returns on average total assets and average shareholders’ equity, dividend payout ratio and average share- holders’ equity to average total assets for each of the five most recent years is presented in “Selected Financial Data” on page 19. VII. Short-Term Borrowings Balance and rate data for significant categories of the Company’s Short-Term Borrowings for each of the three most recent years is presented in Note 10 of the Company’s con- solidated financial statements. and uncertainties that management believes affect the Company are described below. Before making an investment decision, you should carefully consider the risks and uncer- tainties described below together with all of the other infor- mation included or incorporated by reference in this report. The risks and uncertainties described below are not the only ones facing the Company. Additional risks and uncertainties that management is not aware of or focused on, or that man- agement currently deems immaterial, may also impair the Company’s business operations. This report is qualified in its entirety by these risk factors. If any of the following risks adversely affect the Company’s business, financial condition or results of operations, the value of the Company’s common stock could decline signifi- cantly and you could lose all or part of your investment. INFORMATION AVAILABLE ON OUR WEB SITE RISKS RELATED TO THE COMPANY’S BUSINESS Our Internet address is and the investor relations section of our web site is located at We make avail- able free of charge, on or through the investor relations sec- tion of our web site, annual reports on Form 10-K, quarterly reports on Form 10-Q and current reports on Form 8-K and amendments to those reports filed or furnished pursuant to Section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 as soon as reasonably practicable after we electronically file such material with, or furnish it to, the Securities and Exchange Commission. Also posted on our web site, and available in print upon request of any shareholder to our Investor Relations Department, are the Charters for our Board of Directors’ Audit Committee, Compensation Committee and Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee, our Corporate Governance Guidelines, our Method for Interested Persons to Communicate with Non-Management Directors and a Code of Business Conduct and Ethics governing our directors, offi- cers and employees. Within the time period required by the Securities and Exchange Commission and the New York Stock Exchange, we will post on our web site any amendment to the Code of Business Conduct and Ethics and any waiver applicable to our senior financial officers, as defined in the Code, or our executive officers or directors. In addition, information concerning purchases and sales of our equity securities by our executive officers and directors is posted on our web site. ITEM 1A. RISK FACTORS An investment in the Company’s common stock is subject to risks inherent to the Company’s business. The material risks The Company Is Subject to Interest Rate Risk The Company’s earnings and cash flows are largely depen- dent upon its net interest income. Net interest income is the difference between interest income earned on interest-earning assets such as loans and securities and interest expense paid on interest-bearing liabilities such as deposits and borrowed funds. Interest rates are highly sensitive to many factors that are beyond the Company’s control, including general eco- nomic conditions and policies of various governmental and regulatory agencies and, in particular, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. Changes in monetary policy, including changes in interest rates, could influence not only the interest the Company receives on loans and securities and the amount of interest it pays on deposits and borrowings, but such changes could also affect (i) the Company’s ability to originate loans and obtain deposits, (ii) the fair value of the Company’s financial assets and liabilities, and (iii) the average duration of the Company’s mortgage-backed securi- ties portfolio. If the interest rates paid on deposits and other borrowings increase at a faster rate than the interest rates received on loans and other investments, the Company’s net interest income, and therefore earnings, could be adversely affected. Earnings could also be adversely affected if the interest rates received on loans and other investments fall more quickly than the interest rates paid on deposits and other borrowings. Although management believes it has implemented effective asset and liability management strategies to reduce the poten- tial effects of changes in interest rates on the Company’s results of operations, any substantial, unexpected, prolonged change in market interest rates could have a material adverse effect on the Company’s financial condition and results of operations. For further discussion related to the Company’s P A G E 1 0 management of interest rate risk, see “ASSET/LIABILITY MANAGEMENT” beginning on page 33 in Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations. The Company Is Subject to Lending Risk There are inherent risks associated with the Company’s lend- ing activities. These risks include, among other things, the impact of changes in interest rates and changes in the eco- nomic conditions in the markets where the Company oper- ates as well as those throughout the United States. Increases in interest rates and/or weakening economic conditions could adversely impact the ability of borrowers to repay outstanding loans or the value of the collateral securing these loans. The Company is also subject to various laws and regulations that affect its lending activities. Failure to comply with applicable laws and regulations could subject the Company to regula- tory enforcement action that could result in the assessment of significant civil money penalties against the Company. As of December 31, 2007, approximately 63.5% of the Company’s loan portfolio consisted of commercial and industrial, factored receivables, construction and commercial real estate loans. These types of loans are generally viewed as having more risk of default than residential real estate loans or consumer loans. These types of loans are also typically larger than residential real estate loans and consumer loans. Because the Company’s loan portfolio contains a significant number of commercial and industrial, construction and com- mercial real estate loans with relatively large balances, the deterioration of one or a few of these loans could cause a significant increase in non-performing loans. An increase in non-performing loans could result in a net loss of earnings from these loans, an increase in the provision for loan losses and an increase in loan charge-offs, all of which could have a material adverse effect on the Company’s financial condition and results of operations. For further discussion related to commercial and industrial, construction and commercial real estate loans, see “Loan Portfolio” on page 26 in Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations. The Company’s Allowance for Loan Losses May Be Insufficient The Company maintains an allowance for loan losses, which is a reserve established through a provision for loan losses charged to expense, that represents management’s best estimate of probable losses that have been incurred within the existing portfolio of loans. The allowance, in the judgment of man- agement, is necessary to reserve for estimated loan losses and risks inherent in the loan portfolio. The level of the allowance reflects management’s continuing evaluation of industry con- centrations; specific credit risks; loan loss experience; current loan portfolio quality; present economic, political and regu- latory conditions and unidentified losses inherent in the cur- rent loan portfolio. The determination of the appropriate level of the allowance for loan losses inherently involves a high degree of subjectivity and requires the Company to make significant estimates of current credit risks and future trends, all of which may undergo material changes. Changes in eco- nomic conditions affecting borrowers, new information regarding existing loans, identification of additional problem loans and other factors, both within and outside the Company’s control, may require an increase in the allowance for loan losses. In addition, bank regulatory agencies periodi- cally review the Company’s allowance for loan losses and may require an increase in the provision for loan losses or the recognition of further loan charge-offs, based on judgments different than those of management. In addition, if charge- offs in future periods exceed the allowance for loan losses, the Company will need additional provisions to increase the allowance for loan losses. Any increases in the allowance for loan losses will result in a decrease in net income and, possi- bly, capital, and may have a material adverse effect on the Company’s financial condition and results of operations. For further discussion related to the Company’s process for deter- mining the appropriate level of the allowance for loan losses, see “Asset Quality” beginning on page 27 in Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations. The Company May Not Be Able to Meet the Cash Flow Requirements of Its Depositors and Borrowers or Meet Its Operating Cash Needs to Fund Corporate Expansion and Other Activities Liquidity is the ability to meet cash flow needs on a timely basis at a reasonable cost. The liquidity of the bank is used to make loans and leases and to repay deposit liabilities as they become due or are demanded by customers. Liquidity policies and limits are established by the board of directors. The over- all liquidity position of the bank and the parent company are regularly monitored to ensure that various alternative strate- gies exist to cover unanticipated events that could affect liquidity. Funding sources include Federal funds purchased, securities sold under repurchase agreements and non-core deposits. The bank is a member of the Federal Home Loan Bank of New York, which provides funding through advances to members that are collateralized with mortgage-related assets. We maintain a portfolio of securities that can be used as a secondary source of liquidity. The bank also can borrow through the Federal Reserve Bank’s discount window. If we were unable to access any of these funding sources when needed, we might be unable to meet customers’ needs, which could adversely impact our financial condition, results of operations, cash flows, and level of regulatory-qualifying P A G E 1 1 capital. For further discussion, see “Liquidity Risk” begin- ning on page 34 in Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations. Sterling Bancorp Relies on Dividends from Its Subsidiaries Sterling Bancorp is a separate and distinct legal entity from its subsidiaries. It receives dividends from its subsidiaries. These dividends are the principal source of funds to pay divi- dends on the parent company’s common stock and interest and principal on its debt. Various federal and/or state laws and regulations limit the amount of dividends that Sterling National Bank and certain non-bank subsidiaries may pay to the parent company. Also, Sterling Bancorp’s right to partici- pate in a distribution of assets upon a subsidiary’s liquidation or reorganization is subject to the prior claims of the subsid- iary’s creditors. In the event Sterling National Bank is unable to pay dividends to Sterling Bancorp, Sterling Bancorp may not be able to service debt, pay obligations or pay dividends on the Company’s common stock. The inability to receive dividends from Sterling National Bank could have a material adverse effect on the Company’s business, financial condition and results of operations. See “Supervision and Regulation” on pages 3–9 and Note 15 of the Company’s consolidated financial statements. The Company Is Subject to Environmental Liability Risk Associated with Lending Activities A portion of the Company’s loan portfolio is secured by real property. During the ordinary course of business, the Company may foreclose on and take title to properties secur- ing certain loans. In doing so, there is a risk that hazardous or toxic substances could be found on these properties. If hazardous or toxic substances are found, the Company may be liable for remediation costs, as well as for personal injury and property damage. Environmental laws may require the Company to incur substantial expense and may materially reduce the affected property’s value or limit the Company’s ability to use or sell the affected property. Future laws or more stringent interpretations or enforcement policies with respect to existing laws may increase the Company’s expo- sure to environmental liability. Although the Company has policies and procedures to perform an environmental review before initiating any foreclosure action on real property, these reviews may not be sufficient to detect all potential environ- mental hazards. The remediation costs and any other finan- cial liabilities associated with an environmental hazard could have a material adverse effect on the Company’s financial condition and results of operations. The Company’s Profitability Depends Significantly on Local and Overall Economic Conditions The Company’s success depends significantly on the eco- nomic conditions of the communities it serves and the general economic conditions of the United States. The Company has operations in New York City and the New York metropolitan area, as well as Virginia and other mid-Atlantic territories, and conducts business throughout the United States. The eco- nomic conditions in these areas and throughout the United States have a significant impact on the demand for the Company’s products and services as well as the ability of the Company’s customers to repay loans, the value of the collat- eral securing loans and the stability of the Company’s deposit funding sources. A significant decline in general economic conditions, caused by inflation, recession, acts of terrorism, outbreak of hostilities or other international or domestic occurrences, unemployment, changes in securities markets, acts of God or other factors could impact these local economic conditions and, in turn, have a material adverse effect on the Company’s financial condition and results of operations. Severe Weather, Natural Disasters or Other Acts of God, Acts of War or Terrorism and Other External Events Could Significantly Impact the Company’s Business Severe weather, natural disasters or other acts of God, acts of war or terrorism and other adverse external events could have a significant impact on the Company’s ability to conduct business. Such events could affect the stability of the Company’s deposit base, impair the ability of borrowers to repay outstanding loans, impair the value of collateral secur- ing loans, cause significant property damage, result in loss of revenue and/or cause the Company to incur additional expenses. Although management has established disaster recovery policies and procedures, the occurrence of any such event could have a material adverse effect on the Company’s business, which, in turn, could have a material adverse effect on the Company’s financial condition and results of operations. The Company Operates in a Highly Competitive Industry and Market Area The Company faces substantial competition in all areas of its operations from a variety of different competitors, many of which are larger and may have more financial resources. Such competitors primarily include national, regional, and commu- nity banks within the various markets the Company operates. Additionally, various out-of-state banks have entered the mar- ket areas in which the Company currently operates. The Company also faces competition from many other types of financial institutions, including, without limitation, savings and loan associations, credit unions, finance companies, bro- kerage firms, insurance companies, factoring companies and other financial intermediaries. The financial services industry could become even more competitive as a result of legislative, regulatory and technological changes and continued consoli- dation. Banks, securities firms and insurance companies can merge under the umbrella of a financial holding com- pany, which can offer virtually any type of financial service, including banking, securities underwriting, insurance (both P A G E 1 2 agency and underwriting) and merchant banking. Also, tech- nology has lowered barriers to entry and made it possible for non-banks to offer products and services traditionally pro- vided by banks, such as automatic transfer and automatic payment systems. Many of the Company’s competitors have fewer regulatory constraints and may have lower cost struc- tures. Additionally, due to their size, many competitors may be able to achieve economies of scale and, as a result, may offer a broader range of products and services as well as better pricing for those products and services than the Company does. The Company’s ability to compete successfully depends on a number of factors, including, among other things: • The ability to develop, maintain and build upon customer relationships based on top quality service, high ethical standards and safe, sound assets. • The ability to expand the Company’s market position. • The scope, relevance and pricing of products and services offered to meet customer needs and demands. • The rate at which the Company introduces new products and services relative to its competitors. • Customer satisfaction with the Company’s level of service. • Industry and general economic trends. Failure to perform in any of these areas could significantly weaken the Company’s competitive position, which could adversely affect the Company’s growth and profitability, which, in turn, could have a material adverse effect on the Company’s financial condition and results of operations. The Company Is Subject to Extensive Government Regulation and Supervision The Company, primarily through the parent company and the bank and certain non-bank subsidiaries, is subject to extensive federal and state regulation and supervision. Banking regulations are primarily intended to protect deposi- tors’ funds, federal deposit insurance funds and the banking system as a whole, not shareholders. These regulations affect the Company’s lending practices, capital structure, invest- ment practices, dividend policy and growth, among other things. Congress and federal regulatory agencies continually review banking laws, regulations and policies for possible changes. Changes to statutes, regulations or regulatory poli- cies, including changes in interpretation or implementation of statutes, regulations or policies, could affect the Company in substantial and unpredictable ways. Such changes could sub- ject the Company to additional costs, limit the types of finan- cial services and products the Company may offer and/or increase the ability of non-banks to offer competing financial services and products, among other things. Failure to comply with laws, regulations or policies could result in sanctions by regulatory agencies, civil money penalties and/or reputation damage, which could have a material adverse effect on the Company’s business, financial condition and results of opera- tions. While the Company has policies and procedures designed to prevent any such violations, there can be no assurance that such violations will not occur. See “Supervision and Regulation” on pages 3–9. The Company’s Controls and Procedures May Fail or Be Circumvented The Company’s internal controls, disclosure controls and procedures, and corporate governance policies and procedures can provide only reasonable, not absolute, assurances that the objectives of the system are met. Any failure or circumven- tion of the Company’s controls and procedures or failure to comply with regulations related to controls and procedures could have a material adverse effect on the Company’s busi- ness, results of operations and financial condition. The Company May Be Subject to a Higher Effective Tax Rate if Sterling Real Estate Holding Company, Inc. Fails to Qualify as a Real Estate Investment Trust (“REIT”) Sterling Real Estate Holding Company Inc. (“SREHC”) oper- ates as a REIT for federal income tax purposes. SREHC was established to acquire, hold and manage mortgage assets and other authorized investments to generate net income for dis- tribution to its shareholders. For an entity to qualify as a REIT, it must satisfy the following six asset tests under the Internal Revenue Code each quarter: (1) 75% of the value of the REIT’s total assets must consist of real estate assets, cash and cash items, and government securities; (2) not more than 25% of the value of the REIT’s total assets may consist of securities, other than those includ- ible under the 75% test; (3) not more than 5% of the value of its total assets may consist of securities of any one issuer, other than those securities includible under the 75% test or securities of taxable REIT subsidiaries; (4) not more than 10% of the outstanding voting power of any one issuer may be held, other than those securities includible under the 75% test or securities of taxable REIT subsidiaries; (5) not more than 10% of the total value of the outstanding securities of any one issuer may be held, other than those securities includ- ible under the 75% test or securities of taxable REIT subsid- iaries; and (6) a REIT cannot own securities in one or more taxable REIT subsidiaries which comprise more than 20% of its total assets. At December 31, 2007, SREHC met all six quarterly asset tests. Also, a REIT must satisfy the following two gross income tests each year: (1) 75% of its gross income must be from qualifying income closely connected with real estate activi- ties; and (2) 95% of its gross income must be derived from sources qualifying for the 75% test plus dividends, interest, and gains from the sale of securities. In addition, a REIT P A G E 1 3 must distribute at least 90% of its taxable income for the tax- able year, excluding any net capital gains, to maintain its non-taxable status for federal income tax purposes. For 2007, SREHC had met the two annual income tests and the distribution test. If SREHC fails to meet any of the required provisions and, therefore, does not qualify to be a REIT, the Company’s effective tax rate would increase. The Current New York State Executive Budget Proposals Would, If Enacted, Increase New York State Tax on the Company’s REIT. Provisions in the 2008–09 New York State Executive Budget Proposal would, if enacted, increase the taxes imposed by New York State on the Company’s REIT. The Company can- not predict whether or in what form any such proposal would be enacted. New Lines of Business or New Products and Services May Subject the Company to Additional Risks The Company may implement new lines of business or offer new products and services within existing lines of business. There are substantial risks and uncertainties associated with these efforts, particularly in instances where the markets are not fully developed. In developing and marketing new lines of business and/or new products and services, the Company may invest significant time and resources. Initial timetables for the introduction and development of new lines of business and/or new products or services may not be achieved and price and profitability targets may not prove feasible. External factors, such as compliance with regulations, competitive alternatives, and shifting market preferences, may also impact the successful implementation of a new line of business or a new product or service. Furthermore, any new line of busi- ness and/or new product or service could have a significant impact on the effectiveness of the Company’s system of inter- nal controls. Failure to manage these risks successfully in the development and implementation of new lines of business or new products or services could have a material adverse effect on the Company’s business, results of operations and finan- cial condition. Potential Acquisitions May Disrupt the Company’s Business and Dilute Shareholder Value The Company seeks merger or acquisition partners that are compatible and have experienced management and possess either significant market presence or have potential for improved profitability through financial management, econo- mies of scale or expanded services. Acquiring other banks, businesses, or branches involves various risks commonly associated with acquisitions, including, among other things: • Potential exposure to unknown or contingent liabilities of the target company. • Exposure to potential asset quality issues of the target company. • Difficulty and expense of integrating the operations and personnel of the target company. • Potential disruption to the Company’s business. • Potential diversion of the Company’s management time and attention. • The possible loss of key employees and customers of the target company. • Difficulty in estimating the value of the target company. • Potential changes in banking or tax laws or regulations that may affect the target company. The Company regularly evaluates merger and acquisition opportunities and conducts due diligence activities related to possible transactions with other financial institutions and financial services companies. As a result, merger or acquisi- tion discussions and, in some cases, negotiations may take place and future mergers or acquisitions involving cash, debt or equity securities may occur at any time. Acquisitions typi- cally involve the payment of a premium over book and mar- ket values, and, therefore, some dilution of the Company’s tangible book value and net income per common share may occur in connection with any future transaction. Furthermore, failure to realize the expected revenue increases, cost savings, increases in geographic or product presence, and/or other projected benefits from an acquisition could have a material adverse effect on the Company’s financial condition and results of operations. The Company May Not Be Able to Attract and Retain Skilled People The Company’s success depends, in large part, on its ability to attract and retain key people. Competition for the best people in most activities engaged in by the Company can be intense, and the Company may not be able to hire people or to retain them. The unexpected loss of services of one or more of the Company’s key personnel could have a material adverse impact on the Company’s business because of their skills, knowledge of the Company’s market, years of industry experience and the difficulty of promptly finding qualified replacement personnel. The Company has employment agree- ments with two of its senior officers. The Company’s Information Systems May Experience an Interruption or Breach in Security The Company relies heavily on communications and infor- mation systems to conduct its business. Any failure, inter- ruption or breach in security of these systems could result in failures or disruptions in the Company’s customer rela- tionship management, general ledger, deposit, loan and other systems. While the Company has policies and proce- dures designed to prevent or limit the effect of the failure, interruption or security breach of its information systems, there can be no assurance that any such failures, interruptions or security breaches will not occur or, if they do occur, that they will be adequately addressed. The occurrence of any failures, interruptions or security breaches of the Company’s information systems could damage the Company’s P A G E 1 4 reputation, result in a loss of customer business, subject the Company to additional regulatory scrutiny, or expose the Company to civil litigation and possible financial liability, any of which could have a material adverse effect on the Company’s reputation, financial condition and results of operations. • Operating and stock price performance of other companies that investors deem comparable to the Company. • News reports relating to trends, concerns and other issues in the financial services industry. • Perceptions in the marketplace regarding the Company The Company Continually Encounters Technological Change The financial services industry is continually undergoing rapid technological change with frequent introductions of new technology-driven products and services. The Company’s future success depends, in part, upon its ability to address the needs of the customers by using technology to provide products and services that will satisfy customer demands, as well as to create additional efficiencies in the Company’s operations. Many of the Company’s competitors have sub- stantially greater resources to invest in technological improve- ments. The Company may not be able to implement effectively new technology-driven products and services or be successful in marketing these products and services to its customers. Failure to keep pace successfully with technological change affecting the financial services industry could have a material adverse impact on the Company’s business and, in turn, the Company’s financial condition and results of operations. The Company Is Subject to Claims and Litigation Pertaining to Fiduciary Responsibility From time to time, customers make claims and take legal action pertaining to the Company’s performance of its fidu- ciary responsibilities. Whether customer claims and legal action related to the Company’s performance of its fiduciary responsibilities are founded or unfounded, if such claims and legal actions are not resolved in a manner favorable to the Company they may result in significant financial liability and/or adversely affect the market perception of the Company and its products and services as well as impact customer demand for those products and services. Any fiduciary liabil- ity or reputation damage could have a material adverse effect on the Company’s business, which, in turn, could have a material adverse effect on the Company’s financial condition and results of operations. RISKS ASSOCIATED WITH THE COMPANY’S COMMON STOCK The Company’s Stock Price Can Be Volatile Stock price volatility may make it more difficult to resell the Company’s common stock when desired and at an attractive price. The Company’s stock price can fluctuate significantly in response to a variety of factors, including, among other factors: • Actual or anticipated variations in quarterly results of operations. • Recommendations by securities analysts. and/or its competitors. • New technology used, or services offered, by competitors. • Significant acquisitions or business combinations, strategic partnerships, joint ventures or capital commitments by or involving the Company or its competitors. • Failure to integrate acquisitions or realize anticipated bene- fits from acquisitions. • Changes in government regulation. • Geopolitical conditions such as acts or threats of terrorism or military conflicts. General market fluctuations, industry factors and general economic and political conditions and events, such as eco- nomic slowdowns or recessions, interest rate changes or credit loss trends, could also cause the Company’s stock price to decrease regardless of operating results. The Trading Volume in the Company’s Common Stock Is Less Than That of Other Larger Financial Services Companies Although the Company’s common stock is listed for trading on the New York Stock Exchange, the trading volume in its common stock is less than that of other larger financial ser- vices companies. A public trading market having the desired characteristics of depth, liquidity and orderliness depends on the presence in the marketplace of willing buyers and sellers of the Company’s common stock at any given time. This pres- ence depends on the individual decisions of investors and gen- eral economic and market conditions over which the Company has no control. Given the trading volume of the Company’s common stock, significant sales of the Company’s common stock, or the expectation of these sales, could cause the Company’s stock price to fall. An Investment in the Company’s Common Stock Is Not an Insured Deposit The Company’s common stock is not a bank deposit and, therefore, is not insured against loss by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, any other deposit insurance fund or by any other public or private entity. Investment in the Company’s common stock is inherently risky for the reasons described in this “Risk Factors” section and elsewhere in this report and is subject to the same market forces that affect the price of common stock in any company. As a result, if you acquire the Company’s common stock, you may lose some or all of your investment. P A G E 1 5 The Company’s Certificate of Incorporation, By-Laws and Shareholders Rights Plan as Well as Certain Banking Laws May Have an Anti-Takeover Effect Provisions of the Company’s certificate of incorporation and by-laws, federal banking laws, including regulatory approval requirements, and the Company’s stock purchase rights plan could make it more difficult for a third party to acquire the Company, even if doing so would be perceived to be benefi- cial to the Company’s shareholders. The combination of these provisions effectively inhibits a non-negotiated merger or other business combination, which, in turn, could adversely affect the market price of the Company’s common stock. RISKS ASSOCIATED WITH THE COMPANY’S INDUSTRY The Earnings of Financial Services Companies Are Significantly Affected by General Business and Economic Conditions The Company’s operations and profitability are impacted by general business and economic conditions in the United States and abroad. These conditions include short-term and long- term interest rates, inflation, money supply, political issues, legislative and regulatory changes, fluctuations in both debt and equity capital markets, broad trends in industry and finance, and the strength of the U.S. economy and the local economies in which the Company operates, all of which are beyond the Company’s control. A deterioration in economic conditions could result in an increase in loan delinquencies and non-performing assets, decreases in loan collateral values and a decrease in demand for the Company’s products and services, among other things, any of which could have a material adverse impact on the Company’s financial condi- tion and results of operations. Financial Services Companies Depend on the Accuracy and Completeness of Information About Customers and Counterparties In deciding whether to extend credit or enter into other trans- actions, the Company may rely on information furnished by or on behalf of customers and counterparties, including financial statements, credit reports and other financial infor- mation. The Company may also rely on representations of those customers, counterparties or other third parties, such as independent auditors, as to the accuracy and completeness of that information. Reliance on inaccurate or misleading financial statements, credit reports or other financial infor- mation could have a material adverse impact on the Company’s business and, in turn, the Company’s financial condition and results of operations. Consumers May Decide Not to Use Banks to Complete Their Financial Transactions Technology and other changes are allowing parties to com- plete financial transactions that historically have involved banks through alternative methods. For example, consumers can now maintain funds that would have historically been held as bank deposits in brokerage accounts or mutual funds. Consumers can also complete transactions such as paying bills and/or transferring funds directly without the assistance of banks. The process of eliminating banks as intermediaries, known as “disintermediation,” could result in the loss of fee income, as well as the loss of customer deposits and related income generated from those deposits. The loss of these revenue streams and these lower-cost deposits as a source of funds could have a material adverse effect on the Company’s finan- cial condition and results of operations. ITEM 1B. UNRESOLVED STAFF COMMENTS None. ITEM 2. PROPERTIES The principal offices of the Company occupy one floor at 650 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y., consisting of approximately 14,400 square feet. The lease for these premises expires April 30, 2016. Rental commitments to the expiration date approximate $7,379,000. The bank also maintains operating leases for nine branch offices, the International Banking Facility, an Operations Center, and additional office space in New York City, Nassau, Suffolk and Westchester counties (New York) and in Charlotte (North Carolina) with an aggregate of approximately 143,000 square feet. The aggregate office rental commitments for these premises approximates $14,590,000. The leases have expiration dates ranging from 2008 through 2018 with varying renewal options. The bank owns free and clear (not subject to a mortgage) a building in which it maintains a branch located in Forest Hills, Queens. ITEM 3. LEGAL PROCEEDINGS In the normal course of business there are various legal pro- ceedings pending against the Company. Management, after consulting with counsel, is of the opinion that there should be no material liability with respect to such proceedings, and accordingly no provision has been made in the Company’s consolidated financial statements. P A G E 1 6 ITEM 4. SUBMISSION OF MATTERS TO A VOTE OF SECURITY HOLDERS No matter was submitted to a vote of security holders in the fourth quarter of the fiscal year covered by this report. EXECUTIVE OFFICERS OF THE REGISTRANT This information is included pursuant to Instruction 3 to Item 401(b) of SEC Regulation S-K: Name of Executive Title Louis J. Cappelli John C. Millman John W. Tietjen Howard M. Applebaum Eliot S. Robinson Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, Director President, Director Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer Senior Vice President Executive Vice President of Sterling National Bank Age 77 65 63 49 65 Held Executive Office Since 1967 1986 1989 2002 1998 All executive officers who are employees of the parent company are elected annually by the Board of Directors and serve at the pleasure of the Board. The executive officer who is not an employee of the parent company is elected annually by, and serves at the pleasure of, the board of directors of the bank. There are no arrangements or understandings between any of the foregoing executive officers and any other person or persons pursuant to which he was selected as an executive officer. On March 10, 2008, the Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors extended the terms of the Company’s Employment Agreements with Mr. Cappelli and Mr. Millman to December 31, 2012 and December 31, 2010, respectively. The Company’s 2007 Domestic Company Section 303A Annual CEO Certification was filed (without qualifications) with the New York Stock Exchange. The certifications under Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act are filed as exhibits to this annual report of Form 10-K. P A R T I I ITEM 5. MARKET FOR THE REGISTRANT’S COMMON EQUITY, RELATED STOCKHOLDER MATTERS AND ISSUER PURCHASES OF EQUITY SECURITIES The parent company’s common stock is traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol STL. Information regarding the quarterly prices of the common stock is presented in Note 25 on page 80. Information regarding the average common shares outstanding and dividends per common share is presented in the Consolidated Statements of Income on page 40. Information regarding legal restrictions on the ability of the bank to pay dividends is presented in Note 15 on page 64. Although such restrictions do not apply to the payment of dividends by the parent company to its shareholders, such dividends may be limited by other factors, such as the requirement to maintain adequate capital under the risk-based capital regulations described in Note 21 beginning on page 74. As of March 5, 2008, there were 1,466 shareholders of record of our common shares. During the fiscal years ended December 31, 2006 and 2007, the following dividends were declared on our common shares on the dates indicated: February 23, 2006: $.19; May 2, 2006: $.19; August 17, 2006: $.19; November 16, 2006: $.19; February 15, 2007: $.19; May 3, 2007: $.19; August 16, 2007: $.19; and November 15, 2007: $.19. The Board of Directors initially authorized the repurchase of common shares in 1997 and since then has approved increases in the number of common shares that the Company is authorized to repurchase. The latest increase was announced on February 15, 2007, when the Board of Directors increased the Company’s authority to repurchase common shares by an additional 800,000 shares. This increased the Company’s authority to repurchase shares to approximately 933,000 common shares. Under its share repurchase program, the Company buys back common shares from time to time. The Company did not repur- chase any of its common shares during the fourth quarter of 2007. At December 31, 2007, the maximum number of shares that may yet be repurchased under the share repurchase program was 870,963. P A G E 1 7 For information regarding securities authorized for issuance under the Company’s equity compensation plan, see Item 12 on page 87. The following performance graph compares for the fiscal years ended December 31, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2007 (a) the yearly cumulative total shareholder return (i.e., the change in share price plus the cumulative amount of dividends, assuming dividend reinvestment, divided by the initial share price, expressed as a percentage) on Sterling’s common shares, with (b) the cumulative total return of the Standard & Poor’s 500 Stock Index, and with (c) the cumulative total return on the KBW 50 Index (a market-capitalization weighted bank-stock index): Sterling Bancorp S&P 500 KBW 50 ITEM 6. SELECTED FINANCIAL DATA 12/02 100.00 100.00 100.00 12/03 139.27 128.68 134.03 12/04 170.29 142.69 147.50 12/05 129.33 149.70 149.23 12/06 134.34 173.34 178.18 12/07 97.81 182.87 137.16 The information appears on page 19. All such information should be read in conjunction with the consolidated financial state- ments and notes thereto. ITEM 7. MANAGEMENT’S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS OF FINANCIAL CONDITION AND RESULTS OF OPERATIONS The information appears on pages 20–37 and supplementary quarterly data appears in Note 25 of the Company’s consolidated financial statements. All such information should be read in conjunction with the consolidated financial statements and the notes thereto. ITEM 7A. QUANTITATIVE AND QUALITATIVE DISCLOSURES ABOUT MARKET RISK The information appears on pages 33–35 under the caption “ASSET/LIABILITY MANAGEMENT.” All such information should be read in conjunction with the consolidated financial statements and notes thereto. P A G E 1 8 S E L E C T E D F I N A N C I A L D A T A [ 1 ] Sterling Bancorp (dollars in thousands except per share data) 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 SUMMARY OF OPERATIONS Total interest income Total interest expense Net interest income Provision for loan losses Net securities gains/(losses) Noninterest income, excluding net securities gains/(losses) Noninterest expenses Income before taxes Provision for income taxes Income from continuing operations (Loss)/income from discontinued operations, net of tax Loss on sale of discontinued operations, net of tax Net income Income from continuing operations Per average common share—basic —diluted Net income Per average common share—basic —diluted Dividends per common share YEAR END BALANCE SHEETS Investment securities Loans held for sale Loans held in portfolio, net of unearned discounts Other assets—discontinued operations Total assets, including discontinued operations Noninterest-bearing deposits Interest-bearing deposits Short-term borrowings Long-term debt Shareholders’ equity AVERAGE BALANCE SHEETS Investment securities Loans held for sale Loans held in portfolio, net of unearned discounts Total assets, including discontinued operations Noninterest-bearing deposits Interest-bearing deposits Short-term borrowings Long-term debt Shareholders’ equity RATIOS Return on average total assets Return on average tangible shareholders’ equity[2] Return on average shareholders’ equity Dividend payout ratio Average shareholders’ equity to average total assets Net interest margin (tax-equivalent basis) Loans/assets, year end[3] Net charge-offs/loans, year end[4] Nonperforming loans/loans, year end[3] Allowance/loans, year end[4] $ $ 121,452 47,560 73,892 5,853 188 35,536 79,809 23,954 8,560 15,394 (795) — 14,599 $ 116,586 42,021 74,565 4,503 (443) 34,101 77,355 26,365 5,367 20,998 (603) (9,635) 10,760 $ 101,888 26,463 75,425 5,214 337 33,679 67,654 36,573 13,110 23,463 564 — 24,027 0.85 0.83 0.80 0.79 0.76 625,241 23,756 1,187,124 — 2,012,649 535,351 991,635 205,418 65,774 121,070 586,463 43,919 1,069,453 1,892,751 444,672 1,055,696 131,573 44,130 124,140 1.12 1.09 0.57 0.56 0.76 569,324 33,320 1,112,602 1,663 1,885,957 546,443 975,587 83,776 45,774 132,263 647,602 40,992 1,002,688 1,944,776 439,064 951,333 255,204 59,938 143,178 1.22 1.19 1.25 1.22 0.73 715,299 40,977 1,012,057 116,250 2,056,042 510,884 937,442 281,838 85,774 147,587 713,629 53,948 890,085 1,931,101 452,632 936,665 198,879 106,514 149,836 86,228 18,351 67,877 6,139 1,256 32,683 61,929 33,748 11,074 22,674 1,930 — 24,604 1.19 1.13 1.29 1.23 0.63 680,220 37,059 906,762 114,596 1,871,112 511,307 832,544 150,825 135,774 148,704 689,569 46,395 778,272 1,777,720 415,664 830,950 166,804 135,774 142,536 $ 80,251 16,115 64,136 5,412 551 30,946 56,182 34,039 12,605 21,434 2,469 — 23,903 1.13 1.08 1.26 1.20 0.54 683,118 40,556 772,919 127,053 1,759,824 474,092 737,649 189,489 135,774 143,262 593,005 71,779 673,412 1,587,623 370,554 683,748 179,002 139,870 134,150 0.81% 1.13% 1.29% 1.36% 1.45% 15.20 12.40 89.35 6.56 4.49 60.16 0.49 0.53 1.27 17.43 14.67 67.70 7.70 4.64 60.81 0.43 0.51 1.46 18.23 15.66 59.82 8.23 4.76 54.29 0.41 0.37 1.52 18.68 15.91 53.39 8.56 4.63 53.73 0.43 0.23 1.59 18.97 15.98 47.17 9.09 4.83 49.82 0.41 0.37 1.65 [1] All data presented is from continuing operations unless indicated otherwise. [2] Average tangible shareholders’ equity is average shareholders’ equity less average goodwill. [3] In this calculation, the term “loans” means loans held for sale and loans held in portfolio. [4] In this calculation, the term “loans” means loans held in portfolio. P A G E 1 9 M A N A G E M E N T ’ S D I S C U S S I O N A N D A N A L Y S I S O F F I N A N C I A L C O N D I T I O N A N D R E S U L T S O F O P E R A T I O N S Sterling Bancorp The following commentary presents management’s discus sion and analysis of the financial condition and results of opera- tions of Sterling Bancorp (the “parent company”), a financial holding company under the Bank Holding Company Act of 1956, as amended by the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999, and its subsidiaries, principally Sterling National Bank (the “bank”). Throughout this discussion and analysis, the term the “Company” refers to Sterling Bancorp and its subsidiaries. This discussion and analysis should be read in conjunction with the consolidated financial statements and selected finan- cial data contained elsewhere in this annual report. Certain reclassifications have been made to prior years’ financial data to conform to current financial statement presentations. FORWARD -LOOKING STATEMENTS AND FACTORS THAT COULD AFFECT FUTURE RESULTS Certain statements contained or incorporated by reference in this annual report on Form 10-K, including but not limited to, statements concerning future results of operations or financial position, borrowing capacity and future liquidity, future invest- ment results, future credit exposure, future loan losses and plans and objectives for future operations, and other statements regarding matters that are not historical facts, are “forward- looking statements” as defined in the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. These statements are not historical facts but instead are subject to numerous assumptions, risks and uncertainties, and represent only our belief regarding future events, many of which, by their nature, are inherently uncertain and outside our control. Any forward-looking statements we may make speak only as of the date on which such statements are made. Our actual results and financial position may differ materi- ally from the anticipated results and financial condition indi- cated in or implied by these forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause our actual results to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, the following: inflation, interest rates, market and monetary fluctuations; geopolitical developments including acts of war and terrorism and their impact on economic condi- tions; the effects of, and changes in, trade, monetary and fiscal policies and laws, including interest rate policies of the Federal Reserve Board; changes, particularly declines, in general eco- nomic conditions and in the local economies in which the Company operates; the financial condition of the Company’s borrowers; competitive pressures on loan and deposit pricing and demand; changes in technology and their impact on the marketing of new products and services and the acceptance of these products and services by new and existing customers; the willingness of customers to substitute competitors’ products and services for the Company’s products and services; the impact of changes in financial services laws and regulations (including laws concerning taxes, banking, securities and insurance); changes in accounting principles, policies and guidelines; the risks and uncertainties described in Item 1A. Risk Factors on pages 10–16; other risks and uncertainties described from time to time in press releases and other public filings; and the Company’s performance in managing the risks involved in any of the foregoing. The foregoing list of important factors is not exclusive, and we will not update any forward-looking statement, whether written or oral, that may be made from time to time. CRITICAL ACCOUNTING POLICIES AND ESTIMATES The accounting and reporting policies followed by the Company conform, in all material respects, to U.S. generally accepted accounting principles. In preparing the consolidated financial statements, management has made estimates, assumptions and judgments based on information available as of the date of the financial statements; accordingly, as this information changes, the financial statements may reflect different esti- mates, assumptions and judgments. Certain policies inher- ently have greater reliance on the use of estimates, assumptions and judgments and as such have a greater possibility of pro- ducing results that could be materially different than origi- nally reported. Estimates, assumptions and judgments are necessary when assets and liabilities are required to be recorded at fair value, when a decline in the value of an asset not carried on the financial statements at fair value warrants an impairment write-down or valuation allowance to be established, or when an asset or liability must be recorded contingent upon a future event. Carrying assets and liabilities at fair value inherently results in more financial statement volatility. The fair values and the information used to record valuation adjustments for certain assets and liabilities are based either on quoted market prices or are provided by other third-party sources, when readily available. Actual results could differ significantly from those estimates. The Company’s accounting policies are fundamental to under- standing management’s discussion and analysis of financial con- dition and results of operations. The most significant accounting policies followed by the Company are presented in Note 1 begin- ning on page 45. The accounting for factoring transactions also is discussed under “Business Operations—The Bank— Commercial Lending, Asset-Based Financing and Factoring/ Accounts Receivable Management” on pages 1 and 2. The Company has identified its policies on the allowance for loan losses and income tax liabilities to be critical because management has to make subjective and/or complex judg- ments about matters that are inherently uncertain and could be subject to revision as new information becomes available. Additional information on these policies can be found in Note 1 to the consolidated financial statements. P A G E 2 0 The allowance for loan losses represents management’s esti- mate of probable credit losses inherent in the loan portfolio. Determining the amount of the allowance for loan losses is considered a critical accounting estimate because it requires sig- nificant judgment and the use of estimates related to the amount and timing of expected future cash flows on impaired loans, estimated losses on pools of homogeneous loans based on his- torical loss experience, and consideration of current economic trends and conditions, all of which may be susceptible to signifi- cant change. The methodology used to determine the allowance for loan losses is outlined in Note 1 to the consolidated finan- cial statements and a discussion of the factors driving changes in the amount of the allowance for loan losses is included under the caption “Asset Quality” beginning on page 27. The objectives of accounting for income taxes are to recog- nize the amount of taxes payable or refundable for the cur- rent year and deferred tax liabilities and assets for the future tax consequences of events that have been recognized in an entity’s financial statements or tax returns. Judgment is required in assessing the future tax consequences of events that have been recognized in the Company’s consolidated financial statements or tax returns. Fluctuations in the actual outcome of these future tax consequences could impact the Company’s consolidated financial condition or results of oper- ations. In connection with determining its income tax provi- sion under statement of Financial Accounting Standard No. 109 and Financial Accounting Standards Board Interpretation No. 48, the Company maintains a reserve related to certain tax positions and strategies that management believes contain an element of uncertainty. The Company evaluates each of its tax positions and strategies periodically to determine whether the reserve continues to be appropriate. Additional discussion on the accounting for income taxes is presented in Notes 1 and 18 of the Company’s consolidated financial statements. OVERVIEW The Company provides a broad range of financial products and services, including business and consumer loans, com- mercial and residential mortgage lending and brokerage, asset-based financing, factoring/accounts receivable manage- ment services, trade financing, equipment leasing, deposit services, trust and estate administration, and investment management services. The Company has operations in the metropolitan New York area, New Jersey and North Carolina, and conducts business throughout the United States. The gen- eral state of the U.S. economy and, in par ticular, economic and market conditions in the metropolitan New York area have a significant impact on loan demand, the ability of bor- rowers to repay these loans and the value of any collateral securing these loans and may also affect deposit levels. Accordingly, future general economic conditions are a key uncertainty that management expects will materially affect the Company’s results of operations. As of April 3, 2006, Sterling Resource Funding Corp., a sub- sidiary of the bank, completed the acquisition of the business and certain assets of PL Services, L.P. In September 2006, the Company sold the business conducted by Sterling Financial Services (“Sterling Financial”). In accor- dance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles, the assets, liabilities and earnings/loss of the business con- ducted by Sterling Financial have been shown separately as discontinued operations in the consolidated balance sheets and consolidated statements of income for all periods presented. For purposes of the following discussion, except for the sec- tion entitled “Discontinued Operations,” average balances, average rates, income and expenses associated with Sterling Financial have been excluded from continuing operations and reported separately for all periods presented. The interest expense allocated to discontinued operations was based on the actual average balances, interest expenses and average rate on each category of interest-bearing liabilities, with the average rate applied to the aggregate average loan balances to determine the funding cost. Interest expense allocated to the funding supporting the Sterling Financial net loans for these periods was assigned based on the average net loan balances proportionately funded by all interest-bearing liabilities at an average rate equal to the cost of each applied to its average bal- ance for the period. The “Rate/Volume Analysis” was pre- pared on the same basis, as was the “Average Balance Sheets.” In 2007, the bank’s average earning assets represented approx- imately 99.7% of the Company’s average earning assets. Loans represented 64.4% and investment securities repre- sented 34.1% of the bank’s average earning assets in 2007. The Company’s primary source of earnings is net interest income, and its principal market risk exposure is interest rate risk. The Company is not able to predict market interest rate fluctuations and its asset/liability management strategy may not prevent interest rate changes from having a material adverse effect on the Company’s results of operations and financial condition. Although management endeavors to minimize the credit risk inherent in the Company’s loan portfolio, it must necessarily make various assumptions and judgments about the collectibility of the loan portfolio based on its experience and evaluation of economic conditions. If such assumptions or judgments prove to be incorrect, the current allowance for loan losses may not be sufficient to cover loan losses and additions to the allowance may be necessary, which would have a negative impact on net income. P A G E 2 1 There is intense competition in all areas in which the Company conducts its business. The Company competes with banks and other financial institutions, including savings and loan associations, savings banks, finance companies, and credit unions. Many of these competitors have substantially greater resources and lending limits and provide a wider array of banking ser vices. To a limited extent, the Company also competes with other providers of financial services, such as money market mutual funds, brokerage firms, consumer finance companies and insurance companies. Competition is based on a number of factors, including prices, interest rates, services, availability of products and geographic location. The Company regularly evaluates acquisition opportunities and conducts due diligence activities in connection with pos- sible acquisitions. As a result, acquisition discussions, and in some cases negotiations, regularly take place and future acquisitions could occur. INCOME STATEMENT ANALYSIS Net interest income, which represents the difference between interest earned on interest-earning assets and interest incurred on interest-bearing liabilities, is the Company’s primary source of earnings. Net interest income can be affected by changes in market interest rates as well as the level and compo- sition of assets, liabilities and shareholders’ equity. Net inter- est spread is the difference between the average rate earned, on a tax-equivalent basis, on interest-earning assets and the aver- age rate paid on interest-bearing liabilities. The net yield on interest-earning assets (“net interest margin”) is calculated by dividing tax equivalent net interest income by average interest- earning assets. Generally, the net interest margin will exceed the net interest spread because a portion of interest-earning assets are funded by various noninterest-bearing sources, prin- cipally noninterest-bearing deposits and shareholders’ equity. The increases (decreases) in the components of interest income and interest expense, expressed in terms of fluctuation in average volume and rate, are provided in the Rate/Volume Analysis shown on page 32. Information as to the compo- nents of interest income and interest expense and average rates is provided in the Average Balance Sheets shown on page 31. COMPARISON OF THE YEARS 2007 AND 2006 The Company reported income from continuing operations, after income taxes, for the year ended December 31, 2007 of $15.4 million, representing $0.83 per share, calculated on a diluted basis, compared to $ 21.0 million, or $1.09 per share, calculated on a diluted basis, for the year 2006. This decrease reflected higher interest and noninterest expenses, a higher provision for loan losses and a higher provision for income taxes, which were partially offset by increases in interest and noninterest income. Net Interest Income Net interest income, on a tax-equivalent basis, was $74.4 million for 2007 compared to $75.3 million for 2006. Net interest income was positively impacted by higher average loan and federal funds sold balances, a higher yield on investment securities and lower balances for borrowed funds and nega- tively impacted by lower average investment securities outstand- ings, lower yield on loans and higher average balances coupled with higher rates paid for interest-bearing deposits. The net interest margin, on a tax-equivalent basis, was 4.49% for 2007 compared to 4.64% for 2006. The net interest margin was impacted by the higher interest rate environment during most of 2007 and by the earning asset and the funding mix. Additionally, the more competitive pricing practices in the Company’s mar- kets caused the cost of interest-bearing deposits to increase more rapidly than the yield on interest-earning assets. Total interest income, on a tax-equivalent basis, aggregated $121.9 million for 2007, up from $117.3 million for 2006. The tax equivalent yield on interest-earning assets was 7.36% for 2007 compared to 7.23% for 2006. Interest earned on the loan portfolio amounted to $92.3 mil- lion for 2007, up $5.4 million from the year ago period. Average loan balances amounted to $1,113.4 million, an increase of $69.7 million from an average of $1,043.7 million in the prior year. The increase in average loans (across many segments of the Company’s loan portfolio), primarily due to the acquisition of Sterling Resource Funding Corp. coupled with the Company’s other business development activities and the ongoing consolidation of banks in the Company’s marketing area, accounted for a $6.7 million increase in inter- est earned on loans. The decrease in the yield on the loan port- folio to 8.83% for 2007 from 8.97% for 2006 was primarily attributable to the mix of average outstanding balances among the components of the loan portfolio partially offset by the higher interest rate environment during most of 2007 and the competitive pricing practice in the Company’s markets. Interest earned on the securities portfolio, on a tax-equivalent basis, decreased to $28.3 million for 2007 from $30.1 million in the prior year. Average outstandings decreased to $586.5 million (34.0% of average earning assets) for 2007 from $647.6 million (38.1% of average earning assets) in the prior year. The average yield increased to 4.83% for 2007 com- pared to 4.65% for 2006. The average life of the securities portfolio was approximately 6.2 years at December 31, 2007 compared to 4.7 years at December 31, 2006. Total interest expense increased to $47.6 million for 2007 from $42.0 million for 2006, primarily due to higher rates paid and higher average balances for interest-bearing depos- its. Partially offsetting those increases was the impact of lower borrowed funds balances. P A G E 2 2 Interest expense on deposits increased to $38.8 million for 2007 from $29.0 million for 2006 due to an increase in the cost of those funds coupled with higher average balances. The average rate paid on interest-bearing deposits was 3.67% in 2007 which was 62 basis points higher than the prior year. The increase in average costs of deposits reflects the higher interest rate environment during most of 2007 coupled with the more competitive pricing practices in the Company’s market. Average interest-bearing deposit balances increased to $1,055.7 million for 2007 from $951.3 million for 2006 reflecting the benefit derived from the Company’s business development activities. Interest expense on borrowings decreased to $8.8 million for 2007 from $15.5 million for 2006 primarily due to the lower average balances for borrowed funds. Average bor- rowed funds balances decreased to $175.7 million for 2007 from $315.1 million in 2006 reflecting less reliance by the Company on wholesale funding. Provision for Loan Losses Based on management’s continuing evaluation of the loan portfolio (discussed under “Asset Quality” below), the pro- vision for loan losses for 2007 increased to $5.9 million from $4.5 million for the prior year. Factors affecting the level of provision included the growth in the loan portfolios, changes in general economic conditions, levels of charge-offs and the amount of nonaccrual loans. Noninterest Income Noninterest income increased to $35.7 million for 2007 from $33.7 million in 2006, primarily due to higher accounts receivable management/factoring commissions and other fees principally due to revenues attributable to the acquisition of Sterling Resource Funding Corp. Also contributing to the increase were net gains on securities sales/calls in 2007 compared with net losses for 2006. Partially offsetting these increases was a decrease in mortgage banking income primarily due to revaluation charges which reduced the carrying values of residential mortgage loans held for sale to the lower of cost or market and a charge for settlement of potential repurchase obligations as part of our loss mitiga- tion efforts. Noninterest Expenses Noninterest expenses increased to $79.8 million for 2007 from $77.4 million in 2006. The increase was primarily due to higher salaries, employee benefits, equipment and occu- pancy costs related to investments in the Sterling franchise, including the new branches and the acquisition of Sterling Resource Funding Corp. Also contributing to higher employee benefits expense were increases in pension costs. Provision for Income Taxes The provision for income taxes for 2007 increased by $3.2 million from 2006. The provision for 2006 was reduced as the result of reversals aggregating $4.4 million (during the first and third quarters of 2006) of reserves for state and local taxes, net of federal tax effect, as a result of the resolution of certain state and local tax issues and the closure of certain tax years for local tax purposes. The year-over-year change in the provision was also impacted by the lower level of pre- tax income in 2007. Discontinued Operations In September 2006, the Company sold the business conducted by Sterling Financial. In accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles, income after taxes from dis- continued operations and the loss on disposal of discontinued operations, net of tax, are reported in the Consolidated Statements of Income after net income from continuing oper- ations for all periods presented. The loss from discontinued operations was $0.8 million for 2007, representing $0.04 per share, compared to a loss of $0.6 million, or $.03 per share, for 2006. Income taxes were calculated using a “with and without” methodology that resulted in an overall tax rate of 39.16% in 2007 and 38.54% in 2006. COMPARISON OF THE YEARS 2006 AND 2005 The Company reported income from continuing operations, after income taxes, for the year ended December 31, 2006 of $21.0 million, representing $1.09 per share, calculated on a diluted basis, compared to $23.5 million, or $1.19 per share, calculated on a diluted basis, for the year 2005. This decrease reflected higher interest and noninterest expenses and lower noninterest income, which were partially offset by an increase in interest income coupled with decreases in the provision for loan losses and the provision for income taxes. Net Interest Income Net interest income, on a tax-equivalent basis, was $75.3 million for 2006 compared to $76.1 million for 2005. Net interest income was positively impacted by higher average loan balances at higher average yields and negatively impacted by lower average investment securities outstandings and higher rates paid on interest-bearing deposits and borrowed funds coupled with higher balances for interest-bearing deposits and borrowed funds. The net interest margin, on a tax-equivalent basis, was 4.64% for 2006 compared to 4.76% for 2005. The net interest margin was impacted by the flat- tening of the yield curve, the higher interest rate environment in 2006, the lower level of noninterest-bearing demand depos- its and the effect of higher average loan balances. The flatten- ing yield curve and more competitive pricing practices in the Company’s markets caused the costs of deposits and borrow- ings to increase faster than the yield on earning assets. P A G E 2 3 Total interest income, on a tax-equivalent basis, aggregated $117.3 million for 2006, up from $102.6 million for 2005. The tax-equivalent yield on interest-earning assets was 7.23% for 2006 compared to 6.41% for 2005. Interest earned on the loan portfolio amounted to $86.9 mil- lion for 2006, up $17.1 million from 2005. Average loan bal- ances amounted to $1,043.7 million, an increase of $99.7 million from an average of $944.0 million in 2005. The increase in average loans (across virtually all segments of the Company’s loan portfolio), primarily due to the acquisition of Sterling Resource Funding Corp. coupled with the Company’s other business development activities and the ongoing consolidation of banks in the Company’s marketing area, accounted for $7.9 million of the $17.1 million increase in interest earned on loans. The increase in the yield on the loan portfolio to 8.97% for 2006 from 7.99% for 2005 was primarily attributable to the mix (including the acquisition of Sterling Resource Funding Corp.) of average outstanding balances among the components of the loan portfolio and the higher interest rate environment in 2006. Interest earned on the securities portfolio, on a tax-equivalent basis, decreased to $30.1 million for 2006 from $32.4 mil- lion in the prior year. Average outstandings decreased to $647.6 million (38.1% of average earning assets) for 2006 from $713.6 million (42.7% of average earning assets) in the prior year. The average life of the securities portfolio was approximately 4.7 years at December 31, 2006 compared to 4.4 years at December 31, 2005. Total interest expense increased to $42.0 million for 2006 from $26.5 million for 2005, primarily due to higher rates paid for interest-bearing deposits and for borrowed funds and higher average balances for interest-bearing deposits and borrowed funds. Interest expense on deposits increased to $29.0 million for 2006 from $18.1 million for 2005 primarily due to an increase in the cost of those funds. The average rate paid on interest- bearing deposits was 3.05% in 2006, which was 111 basis points higher than the prior year. The increase in average cost of deposits reflects the higher interest rate environment dur- ing 2006. Average interest-bearing deposit balances increased to $951.3 million for 2006 from $936.7 million for 2005. Interest expense on borrowings increased to $15.5 million for 2006 from $11.0 million for 2005 primarily due to the higher interest rate environment during 2006. The average rate paid on borrowed funds was 4.94% which was 135 basis points higher than the prior year. The increase in average cost of borrowings reflects the higher interest rate environment during 2006. Average borrowed funds balances increased to $315.1 million for 2006 from $305.4 million in 2005. Provision for Loan Losses Based on management’s continuing evaluation of the loan port- folio (discussed under “Asset Quality” below), the provision for loan losses for 2006 decreased to $4.5 million from $5.2 million for the prior year. Factors affecting the level of provision included the growth in the loan portfolios, changes in general economic conditions and the amount of nonaccrual loans. Noninterest Income Noninterest income decreased to $33.7 million for 2006 from $34.0 million in 2005, primarily due to lower revenues from mortgage banking activities and bank owned life insurance coupled with higher losses from sales of available for sale securities. The decrease in mortgage banking income was principally due to lower volume of loans sold and the contin- ued yield compression in the secondary market for loans that impacted the entire industry. Partially offsetting these decreases were increased revenues from customer related service charges and fees primarily due to revenues attributable to the acquisi- tion of Sterling Resource Funding Corp. Noninterest Expenses Noninterest expenses increased to $77.4 million for 2006 from $67.7 million in 2005. The increase was primarily due to higher salaries, employee benefits, equipment and occu- pancy costs related to investments in the Sterling franchise, including the new branches and the acquisition of Sterling Resource Funding Corp. Also contributing to higher employee benefits expense were increases in pension costs. During the third quarter of 2005, noninterest expenses were reduced by $1.0 million due to the reversal of litigation costs originally charged to noninterest expenses in 2001. Provision for Income Taxes The provision for income taxes for 2006 decreased by $7.7 million from 2005. The decrease was primarily due to: (1) a $3.7 million reversal (during the first quarter of 2006) of reserves for state and local taxes, net of federal tax effect, as a result of the resolution of certain state tax issues, (2) a $0.6 million reversal (during the third quarter of 2006) of reserves for state and local taxes, net of federal tax effect, as a result of the closure of certain tax years for local tax purposes and (3) the lower level of pre-tax income. Discontinued Operations In September 2006, the Company sold the business conducted by Sterling Financial. In accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting prin ciples, income after taxes from dis- continued operations and the loss on disposal of discontinued operations, net of tax, are reported in the Consolidated Statements of Income after net income from continuing oper- ations for all periods presented. P A G E 2 4 The loss from discontinued operations was $0.6 million for 2006, representing $0.03 per share, compared to income of $0.6 million, or $.03 per share, for 2005. The decrease was due to lower net interest income and a higher provision for loan losses for 2006 compared to 2005. The net after-tax loss on the disposal of discontinued operations was $9.6 million, or $0.50 per share, for 2006. Income taxes were calculated using a “with and without” methodology that resulted in an overall tax rate of 38.54% in 2006 and 45.80% in 2005. BALANCE SHEET ANALYSIS Securities The Company’s securities portfolios are composed principally of obligations of U.S. government corporations and government sponsored enterprises along with other debt and equity securities. At December 31, 2007, the Company’s portfolio of securities totaled $625.2 million, of which obligations of U.S. government corporations and government sponsored enterprises amounted to $469.2 million which is approximately 93.1% of the total. The Company has the intent and ability to hold to maturity securi- ties classified as “held to maturity.” These securities are carried at cost, adjusted for amortization of premiums and accretion of discounts. The gross unrealized gains and losses on “held to maturity” securities were $2.2 million and $4.3 million, respec- tively. Securities classified as “available for sale” may be sold in the future, prior to maturity. These securities are carried at market value. Net aggregate unrealized gains or losses on these securities are included in a valuation allowance account and are shown net of taxes, as a component of shareholders’ equity. “Avail able for sale” securities included gross unrealized gains of $1.5 million and gross unrealized losses of $4.0 million. Given the generally high credit quality of the portfolio, management expects to realize all of its investment upon the maturity of such instruments and, thus, believes that any market value impair- ment is temporary. Management has no current intention to sell any available for sale securities at a loss. Information regarding book values and range of maturities by type of security and weighted average yields for totals of each category is presented in Note 5 beginning on page 53. The following table sets forth the composition of the Com pany’s investment securities by type, with related carrying values at the end of each of the three most recent fiscal years: December 31, Obligations of U.S. government corporations and government sponsored enterprises Mortgage-backed securities CMOs (Federal National Mortgage Association) CMOs (Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation) CMOs (Government National Mortgage Association) Federal National Mortgage Association Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation Government National Mortgage Association Total mortgage-backed securities Federal Home Loan Bank agency notes Federal Farm Credit Bank agency notes Total obligations of U.S. government corporations and government sponsored enterprises Obligations of state and political subdivisions Trust preferred securities Corporate securities Federal Reserve Bank stock Federal Home Loan Bank stock Other securities Debt securities issued by foreign governments 2007 2006 2005 Balances % of Total Balances % of Total Balances % of Total (dollars in thousands) $ 21,159 44,444 — 251,615 184,667 14,922 516,807 9,992 15,000 541,799 21,601 1,248 — 1,131 2,719 326 500 3.72% 7.81 — 44.19 32.44 2.62 90.78 1.76 2.63 95.17 3.79 0.22 — 0.19 0.48 0.06 0.09 $ 20,789 42,634 9,094 225,736 158,705 12,247 469,205 85,502 27,218 581,925 19,142 4,303 12,810 1,131 5,360 320 250 3.33% 6.82 1.45 36.10 25.38 1.96 75.04 13.68 4.35 93.07 3.06 0.69 2.05 0.18 0.86 0.05 0.04 $ 22,871 48,687 — 299,372 215,528 19,645 606,103 39,689 29,795 675,587 31,307 — — 1,131 5,950 324 1,000 3.20% 6.80 — 41.85 30.13 2.74 84.72 5.55 4.17 94.44 4.38 — — 0.16 0.83 0.05 0.14 Total $ 625,241 100.00% $ 569,324 100.00% $ 715,299 100.00% P A G E 2 5 The following table presents information regarding the average life and yields of certain available for sale (“AFS”) and held to maturity (“HTM”) securities: December 31, 2007 Mortgage-backed securities Agency notes (with original call dates ranging between 3 and 36 months) Agency notes (noncallable) Obligations of state and political subdivisions [1] tax equivalent Weighted Average Life Weighted Average Yield AFS HTM AFS HTM 4.7 years 13.5 years 4.6 years 9.7 years — 0.6 years 5.7 years — 4.69% 6.01% — 6.24%(1) 4.64% 5.00% 4.50% — Loan Portfolio A management objective is to maintain the quality of the loan portfolio. The Company seeks to achieve this objective by main- taining rigorous underwriting standards coupled with regular evaluation of the creditworthiness of and the designation of lend- ing limits for each borrower. The portfolio strategies include seeking industry and loan size diversification in order to minimize credit exposure and originating loans in markets with which the Company is familiar. The Company’s commercial and industrial loan and factored receivables portfolios represents approximately 52% of all loans. Loans in this category are typically made to individuals, small and medium-sized businesses and range between $250,000 and $15 million. The Company’s leasing portfolio, which consists of finance leases for various types of business equipment, repre- sents approximately 21% of all loans. The leasing and commercial and industrial loan portfolios are included in corporate lend- ing for segment reporting purposes as presented in Note 22 beginning on page 75. The Company’s real estate loan portfolios, which represent approximately 24% of all loans, are secured by mortgages on real property located principally in the states of New York, New Jersey, Virginia and North Carolina. Sources of repayment are from the borrower’s operating profits, cash flows and liquidation of pledged collateral. Based on underwriting standards, loans and leases may be secured whole or in part by collateral such as liquid assets, accounts receivable, equipment, inventory, and real property. The collateral securing any loan or lease may depend on the type of loan and may vary in value based on market conditions. The following table, restated to reflect the disposition of Sterling Financial (see Note 2 beginning on page 51), sets forth the composition of the Company’s loans held for sale and loans held in portfolio, net of unearned discounts, at the end of each of the five most recent fiscal years: December 31, 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 Domestic Commercial and industrial Lease financing Factored receivables Real estate—residential mortgage Real estate—commercial mortgage Real estate—construction and land development Installment—individuals Loans to depository institutions Balances % of Total Balances % of Total Balances % of Total Balances % of Total Balances % of Total (dollars in thousands) $ 539,969 249,702 92,631 153,221 99,093 44.59% $ 521,992 207,771 20.62 100,156 7.65 153,376 12.66 93,215 8.18 45.55% $ 414,952 190,391 18.13 100,663 8.74 188,723 13.39 110,871 8.13 39.40% $ 386,557 162,961 18.08 93,186 9.56 149,387 17.92 113,933 10.53 40.96% $ 334,547 148,737 17.27 101,653 9.87 107,766 15.83 94,145 12.07 41.12% 18.29 12.50 13.25 11.57 37,161 12,103 27,000 3.07 1.00 2.23 30,031 12,381 27,000 2.62 1.08 2.36 2,309 13,125 32,000 0.22 1.25 3.04 2,320 15,477 20,000 0.24 1.64 2.12 2,368 14,259 10,000 0.29 1.75 1.23 Total $ 1,210,880 100.00% $ 1,145,922 100.00% $ 1,053,034 100.00% $ 943,821 100.00% $ 813,475 100.00% The following table sets forth the maturities of the Company’s commercial and industrial, factored receivables and construction and land development loans, as of December 31, 2007: Commercial and industrial Factored receivables Real estate—construction and land development Due One Year or Less Due One to Five Years Due After Five Years Total Gross Loans (in thousands) $468,285 93,017 — $59,638 — 37,161 $12,046 — — $539,969 93,017 37,161 All commercial and industrial loans due after one year have predetermined interest rates. All real estate—construction and land development loans due after one year have floating or adjustable interest rates. P A G E 2 6 Asset Quality Intrinsic to the lending process is the possibility of loss. In times of economic slowdown, the risk of loss inherent in the Company’s portfolio of loans may increase. While management endeavors to minimize this risk, it recognizes that loan losses will occur and that the amount of these losses will fluctuate depending on the risk characteristics of the loan portfolio which in turn depend on current and future economic conditions, the financial condition of borrowers, the realization of collateral, and the credit management process. The following table, restated to reflect the disposition of Sterling Financial (see Note 2 beginning on page 51), sets forth the amount of domestic nonaccrual and past due loans of the Company at the end of each of the five most recent fiscal years; there were no foreign loans accounted for on a nonaccrual basis and there were no troubled debt restructurings for any types of loans. Loans contractually past due 90 days or more as to principal or interest and still accruing are loans that are both well-secured or guaranteed by financially responsible third parties and are in the process of collection. December 31, 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 Gross loans Nonaccrual loans $ 1,249,128 $ 1,177,705 $ 1,081,701 $967,184 $833,675 (dollars in thousands) Commercial and industrial $ Lease financing Factored receivables Real estate—residential mortgage Installment—individuals Total nonaccrual loans Past due 90 days or more (other than the above) Total 610 2,571 — 2,786 416 6,383 1,329 $ 1,490 2,933 — 1,011 427 5,861 989 $ 611 2,109 — 740 397 3,857 821 $ 67 1,304 — 704 72 2,147 1,672 $ 1,695 783 — 489 49 3,016 127 $ 7,712 $ 6,850 $ 4,678 $ 3,819 $ 3,143 Interest income that would have been earned on nonaccrual loans outstanding $ 655 Applicable interest income actually realized on nonaccrual loans outstanding $ 222 Nonaccrual and past due loans as a $ $ 545 335 $ $ 294 $ 185 $ 146 95 $ 92 $ 93 percentage of total gross loans 0.62% 0.58% 0.43% 0.39% 0.38% Management views the allowance for loan losses as a critical accounting policy due to its subjectivity. The allowance for loan losses is maintained through the provision for loan losses, which is a charge to operating earnings. The adequacy of the provision and the resulting allowance for loan losses is determined by a management evaluation process of the loan portfolio, including identification and review of individual problem situations that may affect the borrower’s ability to repay, review of overall port- folio quality through an analysis of current charge-offs, delinquency and nonperforming loan data, estimates of the value of any underlying collateral, an assessment of current and expected future economic conditions and changes in the size and character of the loan portfolio. Other data utilized by management in determining the adequacy of the allowance for loan losses include, but are not limited to, the results of regulatory reviews, the amount of, trend of and/or borrower characteristics on loans that are identified as requiring special attention as part of the credit review process, and peer group comparisons. The impact of this other data might result in an allowance which will be greater than that indicated by the evaluation process previously described. The allowance reflects management’s evaluation both of loans presenting identified loss potential and of the risk inherent in various components of the portfolio, including loans identified as impaired as required by SFAS No. 114. Thus, an increase in the size of the portfolio or in any of its components could necessitate an increase in the allowance even though there may not be a decline in credit quality or an increase in potential problem loans. A significant change in any of the evaluation factors described above could result in future additions to the allowance. At December 31, 2007, the ratio of the P A G E 2 7 allowance to loans held in portfolio, net of unearned discounts, was 1.27% and the allowance was $15.1 million. At such date, the Company’s nonaccrual loans amounted to $6.4 million; $0.6 million of such loans was judged to be impaired within the scope of SFAS No. 114. Based on the foregoing, as well as management’s judgment as to the current risks inherent in loans held in port folio, the Company’s allowance for loan losses was deemed adequate as of December 31, 2007. Net losses within loans held in portfolio are not statistically predictable and changes in conditions in the next twelve months could result in future provisions for loan losses varying from the provision taken in 2007. Potential problem loans, which are loans that are currently performing under present loan repayment terms but where known information about possible credit problems of borrowers causes management to have serious doubts as to the ability of the borrowers to continue to comply with the present repayment terms, aggregated $-0- million at both December 31, 2007 and 2006. The following table, restated to reflect the disposition of Sterling Financial (see Note 2 beginning on page 51), sets forth certain information with respect to the Company’s loan loss experience for each of the five most recent fiscal years: Years Ended December 31, 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 Average loans held in portfolio, net of unearned discounts, during year $ 1,069,453 $ 1,002,688 $ 890,085 $ 778,272 $ 673,412 (dollars in thousands) Allowance for loan losses: Balance at beginning of year $ 16,288 $ 15,369 $ 14,437 $ 12,730 $ 10,644 Charge-offs: Commercial and industrial Lease financing Factored receivables Real estate—residential mortgage Installment Total charge-offs Recoveries: Commercial and industrial Lease financing Factored receivables Real estate—residential mortgage Installment Total recoveries Subtract: Net charge-offs Provision for loan losses Add allowance from acquisition Less loss on transfers to other real estate owned 2,620 3,345 243 215 67 6,490 219 316 31 30 110 706 5,784 5,853 — 1,272 1,075 4,618 223 24 — 5,940 786 310 32 — 38 1,166 4,774 4,503 1,845 655 446 3,732 369 13 — 4,560 219 76 39 — 39 373 4,187 5,214 — 95 1,784 2,446 552 8 9 4,799 737 44 63 — 43 887 3,912 6,139 — 520 1,588 1,155 478 547 38 3,806 480 25 72 — 61 638 3,168 5,412 — 158 Balance at end of year $ 15,085 $ 16,288 $ 15,369 $ 14,437 $ 12,730 Ratio of net charge-offs to average loans held in portfolio, net of unearned discounts, during year 0.54% 0.48% 0.47% 0.50% 0.47% P A G E 2 8 The following table, restated to reflect the disposition of Sterling Financial (see Note 2 beginning on page 51), presents the Company’s allocation of the allowance for loan losses. This allocation is based on estimates by management and may vary from year to year based on management’s evaluation of the risk characteristics of the loan portfolio. The amount allocated to a particular loan category of the Company’s loans held in portfolio may not necessarily be indicative of actual future charge-offs in that loan category. December 31, 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 % of Loans in each category to total loans held in portfolio Amount % of Loans in each category to total loans held in portfolio Amount % of Loans in each category to total loans held in portfolio Amount % of Loans in each category to total loans held in portfolio Amount % of Loans in each category to total loans held in portfolio Amount (dollars in thousands) $ 5,655 54 5,398 1,083 1,988 613 45.49% $ 6,488 135 6,356 1,127 1,468 501 2.27 21.03 7.80 10.91 8.35 46.92% $ 7,017 112 4,636 1,260 1,437 509 2.43 18.67 9.00 10.79 8.38 41.00% $ 6,674 120 4,073 1,071 1,412 772 3.16 18.81 9.95 14.60 10.95 42.63% $ 5,316 80 2,686 1,592 1,228 1,082 2.20 17.97 10.28 12.39 12.56 43.28% 1.29 19.24 13.15 8.70 12.18 183 15 96 3.13 1.02 — 150 2.70 — 1.11 — 63 10 110 278 0.23 1.30 — 15 100 200 0.26 1.71 — 24 14 708 0.31 1.85 — Domestic Commercial and industrial Loans to depository institutions Lease financing Factored receivables Real estate—residential mortgage Real estate—commercial mortgage Real estate—construction and land development Installment—individuals Unallocated Total $ 15,085 100.00% $ 16,288 100.00% $ 15,369 100.00% $ 14,437 100.00% $ 12,730 100.00% During 2007 the allowance for loan losses decreased primarily because decreases in the allowance allocated to commercial and industrial loans and lease financing more than offset an increase in the allowance allocated to real estate—residential mortgage loans. During 2007 the allowance allocated to commercial and industrial loans decreased primarily as a result of another year of low loss experience in Sterling Resource Funding Corp. compared to its loss experience before the Company acquired it as of April 1, 2006. The allowance allocated to lease financing decreased primarily as a result of improved loss experience in that category in 2007 compared to 2006. The allowance allocated to real estate—residential mortgage loans increased primarily due to increased risks in the real estate market in 2007 compared to 2006 and an increase in the specific valuation allowance for impaired loans. P A G E 2 9 Deposits A significant source of funds are customer deposits, consisting of demand (noninterest-bearing), NOW, savings, money market and time deposits (principally certificates of deposit). The following table provides certain information with respect to the Company’s deposits at the end of each of the three most recent fiscal years: December 31, 2007 2006 2005 Domestic Demand NOW Savings Money Market Time deposits by remaining maturity Within 3 months After 3 months but within 1 year After 1 year but within 2 years After 2 years but within 3 years After 3 years but within 4 years After 4 years but within 5 years After 5 years Balances % of Total Balances % of Total Balances % of Total (dollars in thousands) $ 535,351 241,333 17,690 208,423 35.06% $ 546,443 233,990 15.80 19,007 1.16 194,604 13.65 35.90% $ 510,884 208,217 15.37 25,296 1.25 202,660 12.79 35.27% 14.38 1.75 13.99 216,024 256,686 48,138 1,270 472 1,022 1 14.15 16.81 3.15 0.08 0.03 0.07 — 203,038 243,806 78,808 1,035 337 353 35 13.34 16.02 5.18 0.07 0.02 0.02 — 252,383 173,301 67,897 4,269 144 233 20 17.43 11.96 4.69 0.29 0.01 0.02 — Total domestic deposits 1,526,410 99.96 1,521,456 99.96 1,445,304 99.79 Foreign Time deposits by remaining maturity Within 3 months After 3 months but within 1 year Total foreign deposits Total deposits 395 181 576 0.03 0.01 0.04 395 179 574 0.03 0.01 0.04 1,645 1,377 3,022 0.11 0.10 0.21 $ 1,526,986 100.00% $ 1,522,030 100.00% $ 1,448,326 100.00% Fluctuations of balances in total or among categories at any date can occur based on the Company’s mix of assets and liabilities, as well as on customers’ balance sheet strategies. Historically, however, average balances for deposits have been relatively stable. Information regarding these average balances for the three most recent fiscal years is presented on page 31. P A G E 3 0 C O N S O L I D A T E D A V E R A G E B A L A N C E S H E E T S A N D A N A L Y S I S O F N E T I N T E R E S T E A R N I N G S [ 1 ] Sterling Bancorp Years Ended December 31, 2007 2006 2005 ASSETS Interest-bearing deposits with other banks Investment securities Available for sale Held to maturity Tax-exempt[2] Federal funds sold Loans, net of unearned discounts[3] Average Balance Interest Average Rate Average Balance Interest Average Rate Average Balance Interest Average Rate (dollars in thousands) $ 3,033 $ 117 3.86% $ 2,624 $ 103 4.48% $ 3,040 $ 65 1.96% 165,289 401,212 19,962 23,219 8,379 18,705 1,250 1,236 5.07 4.66 6.26 5.32 146,820 473,608 27,174 4,041 6,841 21,496 1,760 195 4.66 4.54 6.47 4.84 192,354 495,187 26,088 10,986 8,438 22,181 1,816 309 4.39 4.48 6.96 2.81 Domestic 1,113,372 92,255 8.83 1,043,680 86,882 8.97 944,033 69,787 7.99 TOTAL INTEREST-EARNING ASSETS 1,726,087 121,942 7.36% 1,697,947 117,277 7.23% 1,671,688 102,596 6.41% Cash and due from banks Allowance for loan losses Goodwill Other 66,384 (16,233) 22,885 93,628 Total assets—continuing operations 1,892,751 Assets—discontinued operations TOTAL ASSETS — $ 1,892,751 LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY Interest-bearing deposits 64,598 (16,741) 22,714 90,812 1,859,330 85,446 $1,944,776 62,162 (15,730) 21,158 81,126 1,820,404 110,697 1,931,101 Domestic Savings NOW Money market Time Foreign Time $ 19,618 237,731 241,478 556,295 101 5,903 7,079 25,674 0.51% $ 2.48 2.93 4.62 23,050 197,587 213,530 514,452 101 3,787 4,696 20,399 0.44% $ 1.92 2.20 3.97 28,150 160,944 227,520 517,038 113 1,576 2,456 13,957 0.40% 0.98 1.08 2.70 1.09 1.94 Total interest-bearing deposits 1,055,696 38,763 574 6 1.09 3.67 2,714 28 951,333 29,011 1.03 3.05 3,013 33 936,665 18,135 Borrowings Securities sold under agreements to repurchase—customers Securities sold under agreements to repurchase—dealers Federal funds purchased Commercial paper Short-term borrowings—FHLB Short-term borrowings—other Long-term borrowings—FHLB Long-term borrowings—subordinated debentures Total borrowings Interest-bearing liabilities allocated to discontinued operations 80,649 3,392 4.21 86,418 3,501 4.05 85,365 1,907 2.23 6,470 9,281 26,731 7,082 1,360 18,356 25,774 175,703 309 430 1,350 336 66 820 2,094 8,797 4.78 4.63 5.05 4.74 4.87 4.47 8.38 5.03 74,057 15,133 44,539 34,444 613 34,164 3,739 769 2,020 1,796 30 1,569 25,774 315,142 2,094 15,518 5.05 5.08 4.53 5.21 4.96 4.59 8.38 4.94 52,199 17,992 37,302 5,277 744 80,740 1,794 647 973 203 25 3,331 25,774 305,393 2,094 10,974 3.44 3.60 2.61 3.84 3.35 4.13 8.38 3.59 — — (78,054) (2,508) 3.17 (99,317) (2,646) 2.63 Total Interest-Bearing Liabilities 1,231,399 47,560 3.86% 1,188,421 42,021 3.54% 1,142,741 26,463 2.32% Noninterest-bearing demand deposits 444,672 — 439,064 — 452,632 — Total including noninterest-bearing demand deposits Other liabilities Liabilities—discontinued operations Total Liabilities Shareholders’ equity TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY Net interest income/spread Net yield on interest-earning assets Less: Tax-equivalent adjustment Net interest income 1,676,071 47,560 2.84% 1,627,485 42,021 2.74% 1,595,373 26,463 1.83% 92,540 — 1,768,611 124,140 95,302 78,811 1,801,598 143,178 $ 1,892,751 $ 1,944,776 85,994 99,898 1,781,265 149,836 $ 1,931,101 74,382 3.50% 75,256 3.69% 76,133 4.09% 4.49% 4.64% 4.76% 490 $ 73,892 691 $ 74,565 708 $ 75,425 [1] The average balances of assets, liabilities and shareholders’ equity are computed on the basis of daily averages. Average rates are presented on a tax-equivalent basis. Certain reclassifications have been made to prior period amounts to conform to current presentation. [2] Interest on tax-exempt securities included herein is presented on a tax-equivalent basis. [3] Includes loans held for sale and loans held in portfolio. Nonaccrual loans are included in amounts outstanding and income has been included to the extent earned. P A G E 3 1 C O N S O L I D A T E D R A T E / V O L U M E A N A L Y S I S [ 1 ] Sterling Bancorp Increase (Decrease) from Years Ended, December 31, 2006 to December 31, 2007 December 31, 2005 to December 31, 2006 INTEREST INCOME Interest-bearing deposits with other banks $ 24 $ (10) $ 14 $ (11) $ 49 $ 38 Volume Rate Total[2] Volume Rate Total[2] (in thousands) Investment securities Available for sale Held to maturity Tax-exempt Total Federal funds sold Loans, net of unearned discounts[3] 905 (3,348) (456) (2,899) 1,020 633 557 (54) 1,136 21 1,538 (2,791) (510) (1,763) 1,041 (2,092) (978) 3 (3,067) (261) 495 293 (59) 729 147 (1,597) (685) (56) (2,338) (114) Domestic 6,724 (1,351) 5,373 7,907 9,188 17,095 TOTAL INTEREST INCOME $ 4,869 $ (204) $ 4,665 $ 4,568 $ 10,113 $ 14,681 INTEREST EXPENSE Interest-bearing deposits Domestic Savings NOW Money market Time Foreign Time Total interest-bearing deposits Borrowings Securities sold under agreements to repurchase—customers Securities sold under agreements to repurchase—dealers Federal funds purchased Commercial paper Short-term borrowings—FHLB Short-term borrowings—other Long-term borrowings—FHLB Total borrowings Interest-bearing liabilities allocated $ (15) $ 15 $ — $ (22) $ 10 $ (12) 869 674 1,751 (24) 3,255 (242) (3,240) (276) (881) (1,311) 37 (709) (6,622) 1,247 1,709 3,524 2 6,497 133 (190) (63) 211 (149) (1) (40) (99) 2,116 2,383 5,275 (22) 9,752 424 (160) (71) (3) 168 1,787 2,400 6,513 2,211 2,240 6,442 (2) (5) 10,708 10,876 (109) 23 1,571 1,594 (3,430) (339) (670) (1,460) 36 (749) (6,721) 919 (114) 219 1,497 (5) (2,099) 440 618 1,026 236 828 96 10 337 4,104 1,945 122 1,047 1,593 5 (1,762) 4,544 (480) 138 $ 1,226 $ 3,342 $ 14,332 $ 15,558 $ (4,219) $ (877) to discontinued operations 2,508 — 2,508 TOTAL INTEREST EXPENSE $ (859) $ 6,398 $ 5,539 NET INTEREST INCOME $ 5,728 $ (6,602) $ (874) [1] Amounts are presented on a tax-equivalent basis. [2] The change in interest income and interest expense due to both rate and volume has been allocated to change due to rate and the change due to volume in proportion to the relationship of the absolute dollar amounts of the changes in each. [3] Nonaccrual loans have been included in the amounts outstanding and income has been included to the extent earned. P A G E 3 2 ASSET/ LIABILITY MANAGEMENT The Company’s primary earnings source is its net interest income; therefore, the Company devotes significant time and has invested in resources to assist in the management of inter- est rate risk and asset quality. The Company’s net interest income is affected by changes in market interest rates, and by the level and composition of interest-earning assets and interest- bearing liabilities. The Company’s objectives in its asset/ liability management are to utilize its capital effectively, to provide adequate liquidity and to enhance net interest income, without taking undue risks or subjecting the Company unduly to interest rate fluctuations. The Company takes a coordinated approach to the manage- ment of its liquidity, capital and interest rate risk. This risk management process is governed by policies and limits estab- lished by senior management which are reviewed and approved by the Asset/Liability Committee. This committee, which is comprised of members of senior management, meets to review, among other things, economic conditions, interest rates, yield curve, cash flow projections, expected customer actions, liq- uidity levels, capital ratios and repricing characteristics of assets, liabilities and financial instruments. Market Risk Market risk is the risk of loss in a financial instrument arising from adverse changes in market indices such as interest rates, foreign exchange rates and equity prices. The Company’s prin- cipal market risk exposure is interest rate risk, with no material impact on earnings from changes in foreign exchange rates or equity prices. Interest rate risk is the exposure to changes in market interest rates. Interest rate sensitivity is the relationship between market interest rates and net interest income due to the repricing char- acteristics of assets and liabilities. The Company monitors the interest rate sensitivity of its balance sheet positions by examin- ing its near-term sensitivity and its longer-term gap position. In its management of interest rate risk, the Company utilizes several financial and statistical tools including traditional gap analysis and sophisticated income simulation models. A traditional gap analysis is prepared based on the maturity and repricing characteristics of interest-earning assets and interest-bearing liabilities for selected time bands. The mis- match between repricings or maturities within a time band is commonly referred to as the “gap” for that period. A positive gap (asset sensitive) where interest rate sensitive assets exceed interest rate sensitive liabilities generally will result in the net interest margin increasing in a rising rate environment and decreasing in a falling rate environment. A negative gap (liability sensitive) will generally have the opposite result on the net interest margin. However, the traditional gap analysis does not assess the relative sensitivity of assets and liabilities to changes in interest rates and other factors that could have an impact on interest rate sensitivity or net interest income. The Company utilizes the gap analysis to complement its income simulations modeling, primarily focusing on the longer-term structure of the balance sheet. The Company’s balance sheet structure is primarily short-term in nature with a substantial portion of assets and liabilities repricing or maturing within one year. The Company’s gap analysis at December 31, 2007, presented on page 37, indi- cates that net interest income would decrease during periods of rising interest rates and increase during periods of falling interest rates, but, as mentioned above, gap analysis may not be an accurate predictor of net interest income. As part of its interest rate risk strategy, the Company may use financial instrument derivatives to hedge the interest rate sen- sitivity of assets. The Company has written policy guidelines, approved by the Board of Directors, governing the use of financial instruments, including approved counterparties, risk limits and appropriate internal control procedures. The credit risk of derivatives arises principally from the potential for a counterparty to fail to meet its obligation to settle a contract on a timely basis. As of December 31, 2007 the Company was a party to an interest rate floor agreement with a notional amount of $50,000,000 and a maturity of September 14, 2008. The interest rate floor contract requires the counterparty to pay the Company at specified future dates the amount, if any, by which the specified interest (prime rate) falls below the fixed floor rate, applied to the notional amount. The Company uti- lizes the financial instrument to adjust its interest rate risk position without exposing itself to principal risk and funding requirements. This financial instrument is being used as part of the Company’s interest rate risk management and not for trading purposes. At December 31, 2007, the counterparty has an investment grade credit rating from the major rating agencies. The counterparty is specifically approved for appli- cable credit exposure. The interest rate floor contract requires the Company to pay a fee for the right to receive a fixed interest payment. The Company paid an up-front premium of $80,000. At December 31, 2007, there were no amounts receivable under this contract. The interest rate floor agreement was not designated as a hedge for accounting purposes and therefore changes in the fair value of the instrument are required to be recognized as current income or expense in the Company’s consolidated financial statements. At December 31, 2007 and 2006, the fair value of the interest rate floor was $10,609 and $2,666, respectively. For the years ended December 31, 2007 and P A G E 3 3 2006, $7,943 was credited to interest income from loans and $18,344 was charged against interest income from loans, respectively. The Company utilizes income simulation models to comple- ment its traditional gap analysis. While the Asset/Liability Committee routinely monitors simulated net interest income sensitivity over a rolling two-year horizon, it also utilizes addi- tional tools to monitor potential longer-term interest rate risk. The income simulation models measure the Company’s net interest income volatility or sensitivity to interest rate changes utilizing statistical techniques that allow the Company to con- sider various factors which impact net interest income. These factors include actual maturities, estimated cash flows, repricing characteristics, deposits growth/retention and, most impor- tantly, the relative sensitivity of the Company’s assets and lia- bilities to changes in market interest rates. This relative sensitivity is important to consider as the Company’s core deposit base has not been subject to the same degree of interest rate sensitivity as its assets. The core deposit costs are inter- nally managed and tend to exhibit less sensitivity to changes in interest rates than the Company’s adjustable rate assets whose yields are based on external indices and generally change in concert with market interest rates. The Company’s interest rate sensitivity is determined by iden- tifying the probable impact of changes in market interest rates on the yields on the Company’s assets and the rates that would be paid on its liabilities. This modeling technique involves a degree of estimation based on certain assumptions that man- agement believes to be reasonable. Utilizing this process, management projects the impact of changes in interest rates on net interest margin. The Company has established certain policy limits for the potential volatility of its net interest margin assuming certain levels of changes in market interest rates with the objective of maintaining a stable net interest margin under various probable rate scenarios. Man agement generally has maintained a risk position well within the policy limits. As of December 31, 2007, the model indicated the impact of a 200 basis point parallel and pro rata rise in rates over 12 months would approximate a 3.1% ($2.6 million) increase in net interest income, while the impact of a 200 basis point decline in rates over the same period would approximate a 2.5% ($2.1 million) decline from an unchanged rate environment. The preceding sensitivity analysis does not represent a Company forecast and should not be relied upon as being indicative of expected operating results. These hypothetical estimates are based upon numerous assumptions including: the nature and timing of interest rate levels including yield curve shape, prepayments on loans and securities, deposit decay rates, pricing decisions on loans and deposits, reinvestment/ replacement of asset and liability cash flows, and others. While assumptions are developed based upon current economic and local market conditions, the Company cannot provide any assurances as to the predictive nature of these assump- tions, including how customer preferences or competitor influences might change. Also, as market conditions vary from those assumed in the sensitivity analysis, actual results will also differ due to: prepayment/refinancing levels likely deviating from those assumed, the varying impact of interest rate change caps or floors on adjustable rate assets, the potential effect of chang- ing debt service levels on customers with adjustable rate loans, depositor early withdrawals and product preference changes, and other variables. Furthermore, the sensitivity analysis does not reflect actions that the Asset/Liability Committee might take in responding to or anticipating changes in interest rates. The shape of the yield curve can cause downward pressure on net interest income. In general, if and to the extent that the yield curve is flatter (i.e., the differences between interest rates for different maturities are relatively smaller) than previously anticipated, then the yield on the Company’s interest-earning assets and its cash flows will tend to be lower. Management believes that a relatively flat yield curve could continue to adversely affect the Company’s results in 2008. Liquidity Risk Liquidity is the ability to meet cash needs arising from changes in various categories of assets and liabilities. Liquidity is con- stantly monitored and managed at both the parent company and the bank levels. Liquid assets consist of cash and due from banks, interest-bearing deposits in banks and Federal funds sold and securities available for sale. Primary funding sources include core deposits, capital markets funds and other money market sources. Core deposits include domestic noninterest- bearing and interest-bearing retail deposits, which historically have been relatively stable. The parent company and the bank believe that they have significant unused borrowing capacity. Contingency plans exist which we believe could be implemented on a timely basis to mitigate the impact of any dramatic change in market conditions. The parent company depends for its cash requirements on funds maintained or generated by its subsidiaries, principally the bank. Such sources have been adequate to meet the parent company’s cash requirements throughout its history. Various legal restrictions limit the extent to which the bank can supply funds to the parent company and its non-bank subsidiaries. All national banks are limited in the payment of dividends without the approval of the Comptroller of the Currency to an amount not to exceed the net profits (as defined) for the year to date combined with its retained net profits for the preceding two calendar years. P A G E 3 4 At December 31, 2007, the parent company’s short-term debt, consisting principally of commercial paper used to finance ongoing current business activities, was approximately $20.9 million. The parent company had cash, interest-bearing deposits with banks and other current assets aggregating $35.8 million. The parent company also has back-up credit lines with banks of $24.0 million. Since 1979, the parent company has had no need to use available back-up lines of credit. The following table sets forth information regarding the Company’s contractual cash obligations as of December 31, 2007: Contractual Obligations Long-Term Debt[1] Operating Leases Total Contractual Cash Obligations [1] Based on contractual maturity date. Payments Due by Period Total $65,774 21,969 $87,743 Less than 1 Year 1–3 Years 4–5 Years After 5 Years $ — 4,018 (in thousands) $30,000 6,541 $10,000 4,218 $25,774 7,192 $4,018 $36,541 $14,218 $32,966 The following table sets forth information regarding the Company’s obligations under other commercial commitments as of December 31, 2007: Other Commercial Commitments Residential Loans Commercial Loans Total Loan Commitments Standby Letters of Credit Other Commercial Commitments Total Commercial Commitments Amount of Commitment Expiration Per Period Less than 1 Year 1–3 Years 4–5 Years After 5 Years Total $11,504 39,047 50,551 40,216 14,440 $11,504 24,102 35,606 33,806 14,383 (in thousands) $ — 14,820 14,820 6,410 — $ — 125 $ — — 125 — — — — 57 57 $105,207 $83,795 $21,230 $ 125 $ While past performance is no guarantee of the future, management believes that the parent company’s funding sources (includ- ing div idends from all its subsidiaries) and the bank’s funding sources will be adequate to meet their liquidity requirements in the future. CAPITAL The Company and the bank are subject to risk-based capital regulations which quantitatively measure capital against risk- weighted assets, including certain off-balance sheet items. These regulations define the elements of the Tier 1 and Tier 2 com- ponents of Total Capital and establish minimum ratios of 4% for Tier 1 capital and 8% for Total Capital for capital adequacy purposes. Sup plementing these regulations is a leverage requirement. This requirement establishes a minimum leverage ratio (at least 3% or 4%, depending upon an institution’s regulatory status), which is calculated by dividing Tier 1 capital by adjusted quarterly average assets (after deducting goodwill). Information regarding the Company’s and the bank’s risk-based capital at December 31, 2007 and December 31, 2006 is presented in Note 21 beginning on page 74. In addition, the bank is subject to the provisions of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Improvement Act of 1991 (“FDICIA”) which imposes a number of mandatory supervisory measures. Among other matters, FDICIA established five cap ital categories ranging from “well capital- ized” to “critically undercapitalized.” Such classifications are used by regulatory agencies to determine a bank’s deposit insurance premium, approval of applications authorizing institutions to increase their asset size or otherwise expand business activities or acquire other institutions. Under FDICIA, a “well capitalized” bank must maintain minimum leverage, Tier 1 and Total Capital ratios of 5%, 6% and 10%, respectively. The Federal Reserve Board applies comparable tests for holding companies such as the Company. At December 31, 2007, the Company and the bank exceeded the requirements for “well capitalized” institutions. P A G E 3 5 IMPACT OF INFLATION AND CHANGING PRICES The Company’s financial statements included herein have been prepared in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles, which require the Company to measure financial position and operating results primarily in terms of historical dol- lars. Changes in the relative value of money due to inflation or recession are generally not considered. The primary effect of inflation on the operations of the Company is reflected in increased operating costs. In management’s opinion, changes in inter- est rates affect the financial condition of a financial institution to a far greater degree than changes in the inflation rate. While interest rates are greatly influenced by changes in the inflation rate, they do not necessarily change at the same rate or in the same magnitude as the inflation rate. Interest rates are highly sensitive to many factors that are beyond the control of the Company, including changes in the expected rate of inflation, the influence of general and local economic conditions and the monetary and fiscal policies of the United States government, its agencies and various other governmental regulatory authori- ties, among other things, as further discussed under the caption “RISKS RELATED TO THE COMPANY’S BUSINESS” beginning on page 10 and under the caption “ASSET/LIABILITY MANAGEMENT” beginning on page 33. RECENTLY ISSUED ACCOUNTING PRONOUNCEMENTS See “New Accounting Standards and Interpretations” in Note 1 of the Company’s consolidated financial statements for information regarding recently issued accounting pronouncements and their expected impact on the Company’s consolidated financial statements. P A G E 3 6 C O N S O L I D A T E D I N T E R E S T R A T E S E N S I T I V I T Y Sterling Bancorp To mitigate the vulnerability of earnings to changes in interest rates, the Company manages the repricing characteristics of assets and liabilities in an attempt to control net interest rate sensitivity. Management attempts to confine significant rate sensitivity gaps predominantly to repricing intervals of a year or less, so that adjustments can be made quickly. Assets and liabilities with prede termined repricing dates are classified based on the earliest repricing period. Based on the interest rate sensitivity analysis shown below, the Company’s net interest income would decrease during periods of rising interest rates and increase during periods of falling interest rates. Amounts are presented in thousands. ASSETS Interest-bearing deposits with other banks Investment securities Commercial and industrial loans Equipment lease financing Factored receivables Real estate—residential mortgage Real estate—commercial mortgage Real estate—construction loans Installment—individuals Loans to depository institutions Noninterest-earning assets and allowance for loan losses Repricing Date 3 Months or Less More than 3 Months to 1 Year 1 Year to 5 Years Over 5 Years Nonrate Sensitive Total $ 980 $ — $ — 419 440,068 1,307 93,017 44,080 15,433 — 12,103 27,000 — 9,684 28,217 9,606 — 12,536 8,976 — — — — 88,172 59,638 262,262 — 70,677 42,994 37,161 — — — $ — 519,968 12,046 14,389 — 25,928 31,690 — — — — $ — $ 980 6,998 — (37,862) (386) — — — — — 625,241 539,969 249,702 92,631 153,221 99,093 37,161 12,103 27,000 175,548 175,548 Total Assets 634,407 69,019 560,904 604,021 144,298 2,012,649 LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY Interest-bearing deposits Savings NOW Money market Time—domestic —foreign — — 168,087 216,024 395 — — — 256,686 181 Securities sold under agreements to repurchase—customers 58,054 2,000 Securities sold under agreements to repurchase—dealers Federal funds purchased Commercial paper Short-term borrowings—FHLB Short-term borrowings—other Long-term borrowings—FHLB Long-term borrowings—subordinated debentures Noninterest-bearing liabilities and shareholders’ equity Total Liabilities and Shareholders’ Equity 10,200 65,000 20,879 45,000 4,285 — — — — — — — — — — — 17,690 241,333 40,336 50,902 — — — — — — — 40,000 — — — — — 1 — — — — — — — — 25,774 — — — — — — — — — — — — — 17,690 241,333 208,423 523,613 576 60,054 10,200 65,000 20,879 45,000 4,285 40,000 25,774 — 749,822 749,822 587,924 258,867 390,261 25,775 749,822 2,012,649 Net Interest Rate Sensitivity Gap $ 46,483 $(189,848) $170,643 $578,246 $(605,524) Cumulative Gap at December 31, 2007 $ 46,483 $(143,365) $ 27,278 $605,524 Cumulative Gap at December 31, 2006 $130,609 $ (31,621) $ 170,278 $684,751 Cumulative Gap at December 31, 2005 $ 37,715 $ (51,516) $ 82,734 $628,269 $ $ $ — — — $ $ $ $ — — — — P A G E 3 7 ITEM 8. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND SUPPLEMENTARY DATA The Company’s consolidated financial statements as of December 31, 2007 and 2006 and for each of the years in the three-year period ended December 31, 2007, and the statements of condition of Sterling National Bank as of December 31, 2007 and 2006, notes thereto and the Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm thereon appear on pages 39–82. P A G E 3 8 C O N S O L I D A T E D B A L A N C E S H E E T S Sterling Bancorp December 31, ASSETS Cash and due from banks Interest-bearing deposits with other banks Federal funds sold Securities available for sale (at estimated fair value; 2007 2006 $ 66,412,612 979,984 — $ 50,058,593 1,261,187 20,000,000 pledged: $102,326,258 in 2007 and $90,583,854 in 2006) 263,380,570 148,420,887 Securities held to maturity (pledged: $191,549,044 in 2007 and $199,997,912 in 2006) (estimated fair value: $359,725,008 in 2007 and $411,650,690 in 2006) Total investment securities Loans held for sale Loans held in portfolio, net of unearned discounts Less allowance for loan losses Loans, net Customers’ liability under acceptances Goodwill Premises and equipment, net Other real estate Accrued interest receivable Bank owned life insurance Other assets Total assets from continuing operations Assets—discontinued operations LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY Noninterest-bearing deposits Interest-bearing deposits Total deposits Securities sold under agreements to repurchase—customers Securities sold under agreements to repurchase—dealers Federal funds purchased Commercial paper Short-term borrowings—FHLB Short-term borrowings—other Long-term borrowings—FHLB Long-term borrowings—subordinated debentures Total borrowings Acceptances outstanding Accrued expenses and other liabilities Liabilities—discontinued operations Total liabilities Shareholders’ Equity Common stock, $1 par value. Authorized 50,000,000 shares; issued 21,278,531 and 21,177,084 shares, respectively Capital surplus Retained earnings Accumulated other comprehensive loss Common stock in treasury at cost, 3,459,302 and 2,572,368 shares, respectively Total shareholders’ equity See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements. P A G E 3 9 361,860,847 625,241,417 23,755,906 1,187,123,984 15,084,775 420,903,430 569,324,317 33,319,789 1,112,601,620 16,287,974 1,172,039,209 1,096,313,646 200,942 22,900,912 11,178,883 1,669,993 7,081,304 29,041,115 52,146,506 98,399 22,862,051 11,323,649 2,242,419 5,844,868 27,949,160 43,696,511 2,012,648,783 — 1,884,294,589 1,662,697 $ 2,012,648,783 $ 1,885,957,286 $ 535,350,808 991,635,371 $ 546,442,704 975,587,719 1,526,986,179 1,522,030,423 60,053,947 10,200,000 65,000,000 20,878,494 45,000,000 4,285,198 40,000,000 25,774,000 271,191,639 200,942 93,199,746 — 52,802,796 — — 27,561,567 — 3,411,630 20,000,000 25,774,000 129,549,993 98,399 101,679,342 336,358 1,891,578,506 1,753,694,515 21,278,531 168,868,895 17,537,732 (10,811,811) 196,873,347 (75,803,070) 121,070,277 21,177,084 167,960,063 16,693,987 (11,842,908) 193,988,226 (61,725,455) 132,262,771 $ 2,012,648,783 $ 1,885,957,286 C O N S O L I D A T E D S T A T E M E N T S O F I N C O M E Sterling Bancorp Years Ended December 31, INTEREST INCOME Loans Investment securities Available for sale Held to maturity Federal funds sold Deposits with other banks Total interest income INTEREST EXPENSE 2007 2006 2005 $ 92,255,225 $ 86,881,731 $ 69,787,586 9,138,487 18,704,721 1,236,394 117,134 7,909,605 21,496,064 195,656 103,064 9,546,211 22,180,396 308,766 65,109 121,451,961 116,586,120 101,888,068 Deposits Securities sold under agreements to repurchase—customers Securities sold under agreements to repurchase—dealers Federal funds purchased Commercial paper Short-term borrowings—FHLB Short-term borrowings—other Long-term borrowings—FHLB Long-term borrowings—subordinated debentures Total interest expense Interest expense allocated to discontinued operations Net interest income Provision for loan losses Net interest income after provision for loan losses NONINTEREST INCOME Accounts receivable management/factoring commissions and other fees Service charges on deposit accounts Other customer related service charges and fees Mortgage banking income Trust fees Bank owned life insurance income Securities gains/(losses) Other income Total noninterest income NONINTEREST EXPENSES Salaries Employee benefits Total personnel expense Occupancy and equipment expenses, net Advertising and marketing Professional fees Communications Other expenses Total noninterest expenses Income from continuing operations before income taxes Provision for income taxes Income from continuing operations (Loss)/income from discontinued operations, net of tax Loss on sale of discontinued operations, net of tax 38,762,936 3,392,542 309,044 430,087 1,349,516 335,591 66,200 820,303 2,093,750 47,559,969 — 73,891,992 5,853,330 68,038,662 15,536,359 5,587,486 3,043,941 8,893,226 550,581 1,091,955 188,366 831,943 35,723,857 36,796,778 9,506,172 46,302,950 10,353,989 3,896,921 6,665,616 1,940,972 10,648,060 79,808,508 23,954,011 8,560,105 15,393,906 (795,034) — 29,011,428 3,501,526 3,739,286 768,751 2,019,638 1,796,247 30,391 1,568,529 2,093,750 44,529,546 (2,508,092) 74,564,666 4,502,596 70,062,070 13,282,411 5,404,053 3,661,332 9,695,762 591,422 984,585 (443,117) 481,881 33,658,329 35,700,312 9,424,120 45,124,432 9,898,630 3,855,415 6,453,717 1,823,257 10,199,415 77,354,866 26,365,533 5,366,808 20,998,725 (603,753) (9,634,911) 18,134,850 1,907,335 1,793,838 647,027 973,200 202,837 24,887 3,331,619 2,093,750 29,109,343 (2,646,062) 75,424,787 5,214,000 70,210,787 6,003,920 5,385,532 3,259,812 16,433,355 642,906 1,401,588 337,457 551,828 34,016,398 30,775,794 8,471,744 39,247,538 8,633,292 3,769,435 5,643,944 1,472,756 8,887,564 67,654,529 36,572,656 13,109,947 23,462,709 564,116 — Net income $ 14,598,872 $ 10,760,061 $ 24,026,825 Average number of common shares outstanding Basic Diluted Income from continuing operations, per average common share Basic Diluted Net income, per average common share Basic Diluted Dividends per common share $ See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements. P A G E 4 0 18,209,704 18,531,546 18,734,610 19,265,093 19,164,498 19,763,352 0.85 0.83 0.80 0.79 0.76 $ 1.12 1.09 0.57 0.56 0.76 $ 1.22 1.19 1.25 1.22 0.73 Sterling Bancorp C O N S O L I D A T E D S T A T E M E N T S O F C O M P R E H E N S I V E I N C O M E Years Ended December 31, Net income 2007 2006 2005 $ 14,598,872 $ 10,760,061 $ 24,026,825 Other comprehensive income (loss), net of tax: Unrealized gains (losses) on securities: Unrealized holding gains (losses) arising during the year Reclassification adjustment for gains (losses) included in net income Pension liability adjustment—net actuarial losses Amortization of: Prior service cost Net actuarial losses 835,018 (56,219) (2,645,319) (105,726) (595,708) 54,171 843,342 243,094 (5,467,424) (181,582) (481,659) — — — — Other comprehensive income (loss) 1,031,097 (5,280,549) (3,308,560) Comprehensive income $ 15,629,969 $ 5,479,512 $ 20,718,265 See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements. P A G E 4 1 C O N S O L I D A T E D S T A T E M E N T S O F C H A N G E S I N S H A R E H O L D E R S ’ E Q U I T Y Sterling Bancorp Years Ended December 31, COMMON STOCK Balance at beginning of year Common shares issued under stock incentive plan Balance at end of year CAPITAL SURPLUS 2007 2006 2005 $ 21,177,084 101,447 $ 21,066,916 110,168 $ 20,785,515 281,401 $ 21,278,531 $ 21,177,084 $ 21,066,916 Balance at beginning of year Common shares issued under stock incentive plan and related tax benefits Stock option compensation expense Common shares issued in connection with stock dividend $ 167,960,063 794,811 114,021 — $ 166,313,566 1,623,330 23,167 — $ 144,405,751 4,016,084 — 17,891,731 Balance at end of year RETAINED EARNINGS Balance at beginning of year as originally reported SAB 108 cumulative effect adjustment, net of tax Balance at beginning of year as adjusted Net income Cash dividends paid—common shares Common shares issued in connection with stock dividend Stock dividend—cash in lieu Balance at end of year ACCUMULATED OTHER COMPREHENSIVE LOSS Balance at beginning of year Unrealized holding gains/(losses) arising during the period: Before tax Tax effect Net of tax Reclass adjustment for (gains)/losses included in net income: Before tax Tax effect Net of tax Pension liability adjustment—net actuarial losses Before tax Tax effect Net of tax Adjustment to initially apply SFAS No. 158: Before tax Tax effect Net of tax Amortization of prior service cost and net actuarial losses: Before tax Tax effect Net of tax Balance at end of year TREASURY STOCK Balance at beginning of year Purchase of common shares Surrender of shares issued under incentive compensation plan Balance at end of year UNEARNED COMPENSATION Balance at beginning of year Amortization of unearned compensation Balance at end of year TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY Balance at beginning of year as adjusted Net changes during the year Balance at end of year See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements. P A G E 4 2 $ 168,868,895 $ 167,960,063 $ 166,313,566 $ 16,693,987 — $ 20,739,352 (589,329) $ 28,664,568 — 16,693,987 14,598,872 (13,755,127) — — 20,150,023 10,760,061 (14,216,097) — — 28,664,568 24,026,825 (14,035,197) (17,891,731) (25,113) $ 17,537,732 $ 16,693,987 $ 20,739,352 $ (11,842,908) $ (5,229,620) $ (1,921,060) 1,522,811 (687,793) 835,018 (192,811) 87,085 (105,726) (102,477) 46,258 (5,038,117) 2,392,798 (56,219) (2,645,319) 443,117 (200,023) 243,094 (1,097,832) 502,124 (9,966,140) 4,498,716 (595,708) (5,467,424) — — — (2,429,345) 1,096,606 (1,332,739) 1,636,215 (738,702) 897,513 — — — (337,457) 155,875 (181,582) (827,867) 346,208 (481,659) — — — — — — $ (10,811,811) $ (11,842,908) $ (5,229,620) $ (61,725,455) (13,621,660) (455,955) $ (55,280,647) (5,831,017) (613,791) $ (42,939,969) (10,507,293) (1,833,385) $ (75,803,070) $ (61,725,455) $ (55,280,647) $ $ — $ — — $ (22,007) 22,007 $ (291,212) 269,205 — $ (22,007) $ 132,262,771 (11,192,494) $ 146,998,231 (14,735,460) $ 148,703,593 (1,116,033) $ 121,070,277 $ 132,262,771 $ 147,587,560 C O N S O L I D A T E D S T A T E M E N T S O F C A S H F L O W S Sterling Bancorp Years Ended December 31, OPERATING ACTIVITIES Net income Loss/(income) from discontinued operations included below in operating cash flows from discontinued operations Income from continuing operations Adjustments to reconcile income from continuing operations to net cash provided by operating activities: Provision for loan losses Depreciation and amortization of premises and equipment Securities (gains) losses Income from bank owned life insurance Deferred income tax (benefit) expense Proceeds from sale of loans Gains on sales of loans, net Originations of loans held for sale Amortization of unearned compensation Amortization of premiums on investment securities Accretion of discounts on investment securities (Increase) Decrease in accrued interest receivable (Decrease) Increase in accrued expenses and other liabilities (Increase) Decrease in other assets Other, net Net cash provided by operating activities INVESTING ACTIVITIES Purchase of premises and equipment Net decrease (increase) in interest-bearing deposits with other banks Decrease (Increase) in Federal funds sold Net increase in loans held in portfolio Decrease (Increase) in other real estate Proceeds from calls/sales of securities—available for sale Proceeds from calls/sales of securities—held to maturity Proceeds from prepayments, redemptions or maturities of securities—held to maturity Purchases of securities—held to maturity Proceeds from prepayments, redemptions or maturities—available for sale Purchases of securities—available for sale Cash paid in acquisition 2007 2006 2005 $ 14,598,872 $ 10,760,061 $ 24,026,825 795,034 15,393,906 10,238,664 20,998,725 (564,116) 23,462,709 5,853,330 2,549,617 (188,366) (1,091,955) (996,882) 534,677,127 (8,893,226) (529,004,960) — 414,895 (444,198) (1,236,436) (8,479,596) (8,003,774) 84,384 633,866 (2,404,851) 281,203 20,000,000 (70,066,191) 1,844,666 30,423,093 34,110,000 78,985,550 (54,116,345) 4,502,596 2,338,288 443,117 (984,585) 4,941,556 598,245,030 (9,695,762) (580,891,519) 22,007 557,943 (450,087) 271,239 (1,764,144) 3,698,564 (6,828,742) 35,404,226 (2,244,447) (48,960) (20,000,000) (42,838,360) (728,148) 25,371,314 — 5,214,000 1,993,079 (337,457) (1,401,588) (2,563,819) 699,784,956 (16,433,355) (687,270,466) 269,205 969,000 (613,712) (511,326) 1,120,618 (10,755,005) (3,218,157) 9,708,682 (2,203,597) 116,876 — (109,577,373) 1,880 3,213,055 5,452,162 93,192,390 (115,870) 106,710,878 (179,939,152) 156,208,460 (300,095,469) — 43,352,904 (15,992,356) (44,901,402) 68,110,833 (43,026,829) — Net cash (used in) provided by investing activities (104,829,884) 35,047,065 (151,141,267) FINANCING ACTIVITIES Net (decrease) increase in noninterest-bearing deposits Net increase in interest-bearing deposits Increase (Decrease) in Federal funds purchased Net increase (decrease) in securities sold under agreements to repurchase Net increase (decrease) in commercial paper and other short-term borrowings Increase (Decrease) in long-term borrowings Purchase of treasury shares Proceeds from exercise of stock options Cash dividends paid on common shares Cash paid in lieu of fractional shares in connection with stock dividend/split Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities CASH FLOW FROM DISCONTINUED OPERATIONS Operating cash flows Investing cash flows Financing cash flows Total Net increase (decrease) in cash and due from banks Cash and due from banks—beginning of year Cash and due from banks—end of year Supplemental disclosure of cash flow information: Interest paid Income taxes paid Loans held for sale transferred to portfolio Loans in portfolio transferred to other real estate See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements. P A G E 4 3 (11,091,896) 16,047,652 65,000,000 17,451,151 39,190,495 20,000,000 (13,621,660) 798,117 (13,755,127) 25,491,272 38,145,544 (55,000,000) (96,993,277) (46,069,065) (40,000,000) (5,831,017) 1,338,013 (14,216,097) (423,052) 104,898,077 22,500,000 59,979,903 48,533,849 (50,000,000) (10,507,293) 2,701,565 (14,035,197) — 120,018,732 — (193,134,627) (25,113) 163,622,739 531,305 — — 531,305 16,354,019 50,058,593 $ 66,412,612 (10,013,867) 114,193,759 — 104,179,892 (18,503,444) 68,562,037 $ 50,058,593 4,558,869 (6,172,078) — (1,613,209) 20,576,945 47,985,092 $ 68,562,037 $ 47,298,932 2,286,087 12,784,942 1,272,240 $ 41,822,000 8,267,452 — 654,730 $ 27,904,950 15,600,100 — 94,801 C O N S O L I D A T E D S T A T E M E N T S O F C O N D I T I O N Sterling National Bank December 31, ASSETS Cash and due from banks Interest-bearing deposits with other banks Federal funds sold Securities available for sale (at estimated fair value; pledged: $102,326,258 in 2007 and $90,583,854 in 2006) Securities held to maturity (pledged: $191,549,044 in 2007 and $199,997,912 in 2006) (estimated fair value: $359,725,008 in 2007 and $411,650,690 in 2006) Total investment securities Loans held for sale Loans held in portfolio, net of unearned discounts Less allowance for loan losses Loans, net Customers’ liability under acceptances Goodwill Premises and equipment, net Other real estate Accrued interest receivable Bank owned life insurance Other assets Total assets from continuing operations Assets—discontinued operations LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDER’S EQUITY Noninterest-bearing deposits Interest-bearing deposits Total deposits Securities sold under agreements to repurchase—customers Securities sold under agreements to repurchase—dealers Federal funds purchased Short-term borrowings—FHLB Short-term borrowings—other Long-term borrowings—FHLB Acceptances outstanding Accrued expenses and other liabilities Liabilities—discontinued operations Total liabilities Shareholder’s Equity Common stock, $50 par value Authorized and issued, 358,526 shares Capital surplus Undivided profits Accumulated other comprehensive loss: Net unrealized loss on securities available for sale, net of tax Pension liability adjustment Adjustment to initially apply SFAS No. 158 Amortization of prior service cost and net actuarial losses Total shareholder’s equity See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements. P A G E 4 4 2007 2006 $ 66,358,882 979,983 — $ 50,007,363 1,261,187 20,000,000 263,132,510 148,354,838 361,860,847 624,993,357 23,755,906 1,182,323,734 15,084,775 1,167,238,959 200,942 1,742,472 11,154,794 1,669,993 6,864,011 29,041,115 40,610,161 420,903,430 569,258,268 33,319,789 1,107,801,370 16,287,974 1,091,513,396 98,399 1,703,611 11,289,534 2,242,419 5,843,461 27,949,160 36,928,928 1,974,610,575 — 1,851,415,515 — $ 1,974,610,575 $ 1,851,415,515 $ 542,013,134 1,007,299,053 $ 569,431,020 1,006,178,406 1,549,312,187 60,053,947 10,200,000 65,000,000 45,000,000 4,285,198 40,000,000 200,942 74,016,121 — 1,848,068,395 17,926,300 19,762,560 96,266,910 (1,061,142) (7,249,961) — 897,513 1,575,609,426 52,802,796 — — — 3,411,630 20,000,000 98,399 83,168,726 251,460 1,735,342,437 17,926,300 19,762,560 86,834,185 (1,795,713) (5,321,515) (1,332,739) — 126,542,180 116,073,078 $ 1,974,610,575 $ 1,851,415,515 N O T E S T O C O N S O L I D A T E D F I N A N C I A L S T A T E M E N T S Sterling Bancorp NOTE 1. SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES Sterling Bancorp (the “parent company”) is a financial holding company, pursuant to an election made under the Gramm- Leach-Bliley Act of 1999. Throughout the notes, the term the “Company” refers to Sterling Bancorp and its subsidiaries. The Company provides a full range of financial products and services, including business and consumer loans, commercial and residential mortgage lending and brokerage, asset-based financing, factoring/accounts receivable management ser- vices, trade financing, leasing, deposit services, trust and estate administration and investment management services. The Company has operations principally in New York and conducts business throughout the United States. The following summarizes the significant accounting policies of the Company. Basis of Presentation The consolidated financial statements include the accounts of the parent company and its subsidiaries, principally Sterling National Bank (the “bank”), after elimination of intercom- pany transactions. The Company determines whether it has a controlling finan- cial interest in an entity by first evaluating whether the entity is a voting interest entity or a variable interest entity under U.S. generally accepted accounting principles (“U.S. GAAP”). Voting interest entities are entities in which the total equity investment at risk is sufficient to enable the entity to finance itself independently and provides the equity holders with the obligation to absorb losses, the right to receive residual returns and the right to make decisions about the entity’s activities. As defined in applicable accounting standards, variable inter- est entities (“VIEs”) are entities that lack one or more of the characteristics of a voting interest entity. A controlling finan- cial interest in an entity is present when an enterprise has a variable interest, or a combination of variable interests, that will absorb a majority of the entity’s expected losses, receive a majority of the entity’s expected residual returns, or both. The enterprise with a controlling financial interest, known as the primary beneficiary, consolidates the VIE. The Company’s wholly-owned subsidiary, Sterling Bancorp Trust I, is a VIE for which the Company is not the primary beneficiary. Accordingly, the accounts of this entity are not included in the Company’s consolidated financial statements. General Accounting Policies The preparation of financial statements in accordance with U.S. GAAP requires management to make assumptions and estimates which impact the amounts reported in those statements and are, by their nature, subject to change in the future as additional information becomes available or as cir- cumstances vary. Certain reclassifications have been made to the prior years’ consolidated financial statements to conform to the current presentation. New Accounting Standards and Interpretations Not Yet Adopted In December 2007, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”) issued Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (“SFAS”) No. 141(R), Business Combinations (revised 2007), (“SFAS No. 141(R)”), which replaces SFAS No. 141, Business Combinations. SFAS No. 141(R) applies to all transactions and other events in which one entity obtains control over one or more other businesses and requires an acquirer, upon initially obtaining control of another entity, to recognize the assets, liabilities and any non-controlling interest in the acquiree at fair value as of the acquisition date. Contingent consideration is required to be recognized and measured at fair value on the date of acquisition rather than at a later date when the amount of that consideration may be determinable beyond a reason- able doubt. This fair value approach replaces the cost-alloca- tion process required under SFAS No. 141 whereby the cost of an acquisition was allocated to the individual assets acquired and liabilities assumed based on their estimated fair value. SFAS No. 141(R) requires acquirers to expense acquisi- tion-related costs as incurred rather than allocating such costs to the assets acquired and liabilities assumed, as was previ- ously the case under SFAS No. 141. Under SFAS No. 141(R), the requirements of SFAS No. 146, Accounting for Costs Associated with Exit or Disposal Activities, must be met in order to accrue for a restructuring plan in purchase account- ing. Pre-acquisition contingencies are to be recognized at fair value, unless it is a non-contractual contingency that is not likely to materialize, in which case, that contingency would be subject to the probable and estimable recognition criteria of SFAS No. 5, Accounting for Contingencies. SFAS No. 141(R) is effective on a prospective basis for all business com- binations for which the acquisition date is on or after the beginning of the first annual period subsequent to December 15, 2008. Early adoption is not permitted. In December 2007, the FASB issued SFAS No. 160, Non- controlling Interests in Consolidated Financial State ments—an amendment of ARB No. 51 (“SFAS No. 160”). SFAS No. 160 is effective for fiscal years, and interim periods within those fiscal years, beginning on or after December 15, 2008, with earlier adoption prohibited. SFAS No. 160 amends Accounting Research Bulletin No. 51, to establish accounting and report- ing standards for the non-controlling interest in a subsidiary, P A G E 4 5 and for the deconsolidation of a subsidiary. SFAS No. 160 clarifies that a non-controlling interest in a subsidiary, which is sometimes referred to as minority interest, is an ownership interest in the consolidated entity that should be reported as a component of equity in the consolidated financial statements. Among other requirements, SFAS No. 160 requires consoli- dated net income to be reported at amounts that include the amounts attributable to both the parent and the non-control- ling interest. It also requires disclosure, on the face of the consolidated income statement, of the amounts of consoli- dated net income attributable to the parent and to the non- controlling interest. We are currently evaluating this new statement and anticipate that the statement will not have a sig- nificant impact on the reporting of our results of operations. In December 2007, the Emerging Issues Task Force (“EITF”) issued Issue No. 07-01, Accounting for Collaborative Arrangements (“EITF Issue No. 07-01”). EITF Issue No. 07-01 is effective for financial statements issued for fiscal years begin- ning after December 15, 2008, and interim periods within those fiscal years, and shall be applied retrospectively to all prior periods presented for all collaborative arrangements existing as of the effective date. EITF Issue No. 07-01 requires that transactions with third parties (i.e., revenue generated and costs incurred by the partners) should be reported in the appropriate line item in each company’s financial statement pursuant to the guidance in EITF Issue No. 99-19, Reporting Revenue Gross as a Principal Versus Net as an Agent. This Issue also includes enhanced disclosure requirements regard- ing the nature and purpose of the arrangement, rights and obligations under the arrangement, accounting policy, and statement classification of collaboration transactions between the parties. We are currently evaluating this new statement and anticipate that the statement will not have a significant impact on the reporting of our results of operations. In November 2007, the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) issued Staff Accounting Bulletin (“SAB”) No. 109, Written Loan Commitments Recorded at Fair Value Through Earn ings (“SAB No. 109”). SAB No. 109 supersedes SAB No. 105, Application of Accounting Principles to Loan Commitments, and indicates that the expected net future cash flows related to the associated servicing of the loan should be included in the measurement of all written loan commitments that are accounted for at fair value through earnings. The guidance in SAB No. 109 is applied on a pro- spective basis to derivative loan commitments issued or modi- fied in fiscal quarters beginning after December 15, 2007. SAB No. 109 is not expected to have a material impact on the Company’s financial statements. In February 2007, FASB issued SFAS No. 159, The Fair Value Option for Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities— Including an amendment of FASB Statement No. 115 (“SFAS No. 159”). SFAS No. 159 provides companies with an option to report selected financial assets and liabilities at estimated fair value. Most of the provisions of SFAS No. 159 are elec- tive; however, the amendment to SFAS No. 115, Accounting for Certain Investments in Debt and Equity Securities, applies to all entities that own trading and available-for-sale securities. The fair value option created by SFAS No. 159 per- mits an entity to measure eligible items at fair value as of specified election dates. The fair value option (a) may gener- ally be applied instrument by instru ment, (b) is irrevocable unless a new election date occurs, and (c) must be applied to the entire instrument and not to only a portion of the instrument. SFAS No. 159 is effective for the Company on January 1, 2008. The Company does not expect that the adoption of SFAS No. 159 will have a material impact on its financial statements. In September 2006, FASB issued SFAS No. 157, Fair Value Measurements (“SFAS No. 157”). SFAS No. 157 defines fair value, establishes a framework for measuring fair value under generally accepted accounting principles, and requires expanded disclosures regarding fair value measurements. The expanded disclosures include a requirement to disclose fair value measurements according to a hierarchy, segregating measurements using (1) quoted prices in active markets for identical assets and liabilities, (2) significant other observable inputs and (3) significant unobservable inputs. SFAS No. 157 is effective for the Company on January 1, 2008 and will affect certain of the Company’s fair value disclosures, but is not expected to have a material impact on the Company’s financial condition or results of operations. The portion of the Company’s assets and liabilities with fair values based on unobservable inputs is not expected to be significant. In September 2006, the EITF reached a consensus on Issue No. 06-4, Accounting for Deferred Compensation and Post- retirement Benefit Aspects of Endorsement Split Dollar Life Insurance Arrangements (“EITF Issue No. 06-4”). EITF Issue No. 06-4 is effective for fiscal years beginning after December 31, 2007. Under the provisions of EITF Issue No. 06-4, an employer should recognize a liability for future ben- efits for endorsement split-dollar life insurance agreements that are within the scope of this EITF Issue. The Company expects to adopt EITF Issue No. 06-4 as of January 1, 2008 as a change of accounting principle through a cumulative adjustment to retained earnings. The amount of the adjust- ment is not expected to be significant. P A G E 4 6 Investment Securities Securities are designated at the time of acquisition as avail- able for sale or held to maturity. Securities that the Company will hold for indefinite periods of time and that might be sold in the future as part of efforts to manage interest rate risk or in response to changes in interest rates, changes in prepayment risk, changes in market conditions or changes in economic factors are classified as available for sale and carried at esti- mated market values. Net aggregate unrealized gains or losses are included in a valuation allowance account and are reported, net of taxes, as a component of shareholders’ equity through other comprehensive income. Securities that the Company has the positive intent and ability to hold to maturity are des- ignated as held to maturity and are carried at amortized cost, adjusted for amortization of premiums and accretion of dis- counts over the period to maturity. Interest income includes the amortization of purchase premiums and accretion of pur- chase discounts. Gains and losses realized on sales of securi- ties are determined on the specific identification method and are reported in noninterest income as net securities gains. Included in investment securities available for sale is the bank’s investment in Federal Home Loan Bank of New York (“FHLB”) stock and is carried at par value, which reasonably approximates its fair value. The bank is required to maintain a minimum level of investment in FHLB stock based on spe- cific percentages of its outstanding mortgages, total assets or FHLB advances. Stock redemptions are at the discretion of the FHLB. Securities pledged as collateral are reported separately in the consolidated balance sheets if the secured party has the right by contract or custom to sell or repledge the collateral. Securities are pledged by the Company to secure trust and public deposits, securities sold under agreements to repur- chase, advances from the FHLB and for other purposes required or permitted by law. A periodic review is conducted by management to determine if the decline in the fair value of any security appears to be other-than-temporary. Factors considered in determining whether the decline is other-than-temporary include, but are not limited to: the length of time and the extent to which fair value has been below cost; the financial condition and near-term prospects of the issuer; and the Company’s ability and intent to hold the investment for a period of time suffi- cient to allow for any anticipated recovery. If the decline is deemed to be other-than-temporary, the security is written down to a new cost basis and the resulting loss is reported in noninterest income. Loans Loans (including factored accounts receivable), other than those held for sale, are reported at their principal amount outstanding, net of unearned discounts and unamortized nonrefundable fees and direct costs associated with their origination or acquisition. Interest earned on loans without discounts is credited to income based on loan principal amounts outstanding at appropriate interest rates. Material origination and other nonrefundable fees net of direct costs and discounts on loans (excluding factored accounts receivable) are credited to income over the terms of the loans using a method that results in an approximately constant effective yield. Nonrefundable fees on the purchase of accounts receivable are credited to “Factoring income” at the time of purchase, which, based on our analysis, does not produce results that are materially different from the results under the amortiza- tion method specified in SFAS No. 91. Mortgage loans held for sale, including deferred fees and costs, are reported at the lower of cost or fair value as determined by outstanding commitments from investors or current inves- tor yield requirements calculated on the aggregate loan basis, and are included under the caption “Loans held for sale” in the Consolidated Balance Sheets. Net unrealized losses, if any, are recognized in a valuation allowance by a charge to income. Mortgage loans are sold, including servicing rights, without recourse. Gains or losses resulting from sales of mortgage loans, net of unamortized deferred fees and costs, are recognized when the proceeds are received from investors and are included under the caption “Mortgage banking income” in the Consolidated Statements of Income. In connection with its mortgage banking activities, the Company had commitments to fund loans held for sale and commitments to sell loans which are considered derivative instruments under SFAS No. 133, Accounting for Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities. The fair values of these free-standing derivative instruments were immaterial at December 31, 2007 and 2006. Nonaccrual loans are those on which the accrual of interest has ceased. Loans, including loans that are individually identified as being impaired under SFAS No. 114, are generally placed on nonaccrual status immediately if, in the opinion of manage- ment, principal or interest is not likely to be paid in accordance with the terms of the loan agreement, or when principal or interest is past due 90 days or more and collateral, if any, is P A G E 4 7 insufficient to cover principal and interest. Interest accrued but not collected at the date a loan is placed on nonaccrual status is reversed against interest income. Interest income is recognized on nonaccrual loans only to the extent received in cash. How- ever, where there is doubt regarding the ultimate collectibility of the loan principal, cash receipts, whether designated as prin- cipal or interest, are thereafter applied to reduce the carrying value of the loan. Loans are restored to accrual status only when interest and principal payments are brought current and future payments are reasonably assured. Allowance for Loan Losses The allowance for loan losses, which is available for losses incurred in the loan portfolio, is increased by a provision charged to expense and decreased by charge-offs, net of recoveries. The Company’s allowance for loan losses includes (1) specific valuation allowances for impaired loans evaluated in accor- dance with SFAS No. 114, as amended by SFAS No. 118, and (2) formulaic allowances based on historical loss experience by loan category, as adjusted for various evaluation factors, including those described below. Under the provisions of SFAS No. 114 and SFAS No. 118, indi- vidually identified impaired loans are measured based on the present value of payments expected to be received, using the historical effective loan rate as the discount rate. Alternatively, measurement may also be based on observable market prices; or, for loans that are solely dependent on the collateral for repayment, measurement may be based on the fair value of the collateral. Loans that are to be foreclosed are measured based on the fair value of the collateral. If the recorded investment in the impaired loan exceeds fair value, a valuation allowance is required as a component of the allowance for loan losses. Changes to the valuation allowance are recorded as a compo- nent of the provision for loan losses. The adequacy of the allowance for loan losses is reviewed regularly by management. The allowance for loan losses is maintained through the provision for loan losses, which is a charge to expense. The adequacy of the provision and the resulting allowance for loan losses is determined by manage- ment’s continuing review of the loan portfolio, including identification and review of individual problem situations that may affect the borrower’s ability to repay, review of overall portfolio quality through an analysis of current charge-offs, delinquency and nonperforming loan data, estimates of the value of any underlying collateral, review of regulatory examinations, an assessment of current and expected economic conditions and changes in the size and character of the loan portfolio. The allowance reflects management’s evaluation both of loans presenting identified loss potential and of the risk inherent in various components of the portfolio, including loans identified as impaired as required by SFAS No. 114. Thus, an increase in the size of the portfolio or in any of its components could necessitate an increase in the allowance even though there may not be a decline in credit quality or an increase in poten- tial problem loans. A significant change in any of the evalua- tion factors described above could result in future additions to the allowance. Goodwill Goodwill reflected in the consolidated balance sheets arose from the parent company’s acquisition of the bank (in 1968) and the acquisition of Sterling Resource Funding Corp (in 2006), under the purchase method of accounting. Goodwill is assigned to the Corporate lending unit for segment report- ing purposes. Effective January 1, 2002, the Company adopted SFAS No. 142, Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets (“SFAS No. 142”). Under the provisions of SFAS No. 142, goodwill is deemed to have an indefinite useful life and the Company is required to complete an annual assessment by segment for any impairment of goodwill, which would be treated as an expense in the income statement. There was no impairment expense recorded in 2007, 2006 or 2005. Goodwill is tested for impairment using a two-step approach that involves the identification of “reporting units” and the estimation of their respective fair values. An impairment loss would be recognized as a charge to expense for any excess of the goodwill carrying amount over implied fair value. Premises and Equipment Premises and equipment, excluding land, are stated at cost less accumulated depreciation or amortization as applicable. Land is reported at cost. Depreciation is computed on a straight-line basis and is charged to noninterest expense over the estimated useful lives of the related assets. Useful lives are 7 years for furniture fixtures and equipment, between 3 and 7 years for ATMs, computer hardware and software, and 10 years for building improvements. Amortization of leasehold improvements is charged to noninterest expense over the terms of the respective leases or the estimated useful lives of the improvements, whichever is shorter. Maintenance, repairs and minor improvements are charged to noninterest expenses as incurred. Foreclosed Assets Assets acquired through or instead of loan foreclosure are held for sale and are initially recorded at fair value less esti- mated selling costs when acquired, establishing a new cost basis. Costs after acquisition are generally expenses. If the P A G E 4 8 fair value of the asset declines, a write-down is recorded through expense. The valuation of foreclosed assets is subjec- tive in nature and may be adjusted in the future because of changes in economic conditions. Bank Owned Life Insurance The bank invested in Bank Owned Life Insurance (“BOLI”) policies to fund certain future employee benefit costs. The cash surrender value, net of surrender charges, of the BOLI policies is recorded in the consolidated balance sheets under the caption “Bank owned life insurance.” Changes in the cash surrender value, net of surrender charges, are recorded in the Consolidated Statements of Income under the caption “Bank owned life insurance income.” Repurchase Agreements The Company sells certain securities under agreements to repurchase and receives cash as collateral. The agreements are treated as collateralized financing transactions and the obligations to repurchase securities sold are reflected as a liability in the accompanying consolidated balance sheets. The carrying value of the securities underlying the agreements remains reflected as an asset. Derivative Financial Instruments The Company’s hedging policies permit the use of various derivative financial instruments to manage interest rate risk or to hedge specified assets and liabilities. All derivatives are recorded at fair value on the Company’s balance sheet. To qualify for hedge accounting, derivatives must be highly effec- tive at reducing the risk associated with the exposure being hedged and must be designated as a hedge at the inception of the derivative contract. The Company considers a hedge to be highly effective if the change in fair value of the derivative hedg- ing instrument is within 80% to 120% of the opposite change in the fair value of the derivative and the hedged item attrib- utable to the hedged risk. If derivative instruments are desig- nated as hedges of fair values, and such hedges are highly effective, both the change in the fair value of the hedge and the hedged item are included in current earnings. Fair value adjustments related to cash flow hedges are recorded in other comprehensive income and are reclassified to earnings when the hedged transaction is reflected in earnings. Ineffective portions of hedges are reflected in earnings as they occur. Actual cash receipts and/or payments and related accruals on derivatives related to hedges are recorded as adjustments to the interest income or interest expense associated with the hedged item. During the life of the hedge, the Company for- mally assesses whether derivatives designated as hedging instruments continue to be highly effective in offsetting changes in the fair value or cash flows of hedged items. If it is determined that a hedge has ceased to be highly effective, the Company will discontinue hedge accounting prospectively. At such time, previous adjustments to the carrying value of the hedged item are reversed into current earnings and the derivative instrument is reclassified to a trading position recorded at fair value. Changes in the fair value of derivative financial instruments not designated as hedges for accounting purposes are reflected in income or expense at measurement dates. At December 31, 2007 and 2006, the Company was a party to interest rate floor contracts, which are being used as part of the Company’s interest rate risk program and not for hedge purposes, with a notional amount of $50,000,000 and $100,000,000, respectively, and a fair value of $10,609 and $2,668, respectively. The Company may be required to recognize certain contracts and commitments as derivatives when the characteristics of those contracts and commitments meet the definition of a derivative. Income Taxes The Company utilizes the asset and liability method of accounting for income taxes. Deferred income tax expense (benefit) is determined by recognizing deferred tax assets and liabilities for the future tax consequences attributable to dif- ferences between the financial statement carrying amounts of existing assets and liabilities and their respective tax bases. The realization of deferred tax assets is assessed and a valua- tion allowance provided for that portion of the assets for which it is more likely than not that it will not be realized. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured using enacted tax rates and will be adjusted for the effects of future changes in tax laws or rates, if any. For income tax purposes, the parent company files: a con- solidated Federal income tax return; combined New York City and New York State income tax returns; and separate state income tax returns for its out-of-state subsidiaries. The parent company, under tax sharing agreements, either pays or collects on account of current income taxes to or from its subsidiaries. Effective January 1, 2007, the Company adopted the provi- sions of Financial Accounting Standards Interpretation (“FIN”), Accounting for Uncertainty in Income Taxes—An Interpretation of FASB Statement No. 109 (“FIN 48”). FIN 48 clarifies the accounting for uncertainty in income taxes recognized in an entity’s financial statements in accordance with SFAS No. 109, Accounting for Income Taxes. FIN 48 also prescribes a specified recognition threshold and mea- surement attribute for the financial statement recognition and P A G E 4 9 measurement of a tax position taken or expected to be taken in a tax return. The new interpretation also provides guid- ance on derecognition, classification, interest and penalties, accounting in interim periods, disclosure, and transition. See Note 18 for further analysis of the Company’s adoption of this standard as of January 1, 2007. Statements of Cash Flows For purposes of reporting cash flows, cash and cash equiva- lents include cash and due from banks. Stock Incentive Plan At December 31, 2007, the Company had a stock-based employee compensation plan, which is described more fully in Note 16. Prior to January 1, 2006, the Company accounted for this plan under the recognition and measurement princi- ples of Accounting Principles Board Opinion No. 25, Accounting for Stock Issued to Employees (“APB 25”) and related interpretations. All options granted under the plan had an exercise price equal to or greater than the market value of the underlying common stock on the date of grant and, therefore, no option related stock-based employee com- pensation cost was reflected in net income for the year ended December 31, 2005. Stock-based employee compensation cost related to restricted stock is included in compensation expense as discussed more fully in Note 16. In accordance with SFAS No. 123, Account ing for Stock-Based Compensation (“SFAS No. 123”), the following table illus- trates the effect on net income and earnings per share if the Company had applied the fair value recognition provisions of SFAS No. 123, to the stock-based employee compensation plans. Year Ended December 31, Income from continuing operations Deduct: Total stock-based employee compensation expense determined under fair value based method for all awards, net of related tax effects Pro forma, income from continuing operations Income from discontinued operations, net of tax Pro forma, net income Income from continuing operations per average common share: Basic—as reported Basic—pro forma Diluted—as reported Diluted—pro forma Net income per average common share: Basic—as reported Basic—pro forma Diluted—as reported Diluted—pro forma 2005 $ 23,462,709 (1,134,612) 22,328,097 564,116 $ 22,892,213 $ 1.22 1.17 1.19 1.13 1.25 1.19 1.22 1.16 P A G E 5 0 Employee stock options generally expire ten years from the date of grant and become non-forfeitable one year from date of grant, although if necessary to qualify to the maximum extent possible as incentive stock options, these options become exer- cisable in annual installments. Director nonqualified stock options generally expire five years from the date of grant and become non-forfeitable and become exercisable in four annual installments starting one year from date of grant. Subsequent to the adoption of SFAS No. 123R, stock-based compensa- tion is recognized over the period from date of grant to the date on which the options become non-forfeitable. As of January 1, 2006, the Company adopted SFAS No. 123R which eliminated the ability to account for stock-based com- pensation using APB 25 and requires that such transactions be recognized as compensation cost in the income statement for awards expected to be vested based on their fair values on the measurement date, which is generally the date of the grant. The Company transitioned to fair value based account- ing for stock-based compensation using a modified version of prospective application (“modified prospective application”). Under modified prospective application, as it is applicable to the Company, SFAS No. 123R applies to new awards and to awards modified, repurchased, or cancelled after January 1, 2006. SFAS No. 123R requires pro forma disclosures which are presented above, of net income and earnings per share for all periods prior to the adoption of the fair value accounting method for stock-based employee compensation. Earnings Per Average Common Share Basic earnings per share are computed by dividing income available to common stockholders by the weighted-average number of common shares outstanding for the period. Diluted earnings per share reflect the potential dilution that could occur if securities or other contracts to issue common stock were exercised or converted into common stock or resulted in the issuance of common stock that then shared in the earn- ings of the Company. NOTE 2. ACQUISITION AND DISPOSITION As of April 1, 2006, Sterling Resource Funding Corp., a sub- sidiary of the bank, completed the acquisition of the business and certain assets ($64.1 million) and liabilities ($21.0 mil- lion) of PL Services, L.P., a provider of credit and accounts receivable management services to the staffing industry, in an all cash transaction. A general allowance for loan losses in the amount of $1.8 million was carried over. Goodwill recog- nized in this transaction amounted to $1.7 million and was assigned to the Corporate Lending unit for segment reporting purposes. This acquisition, when considered under relevant disclosure guidance, does not require the presentation of sep- arate pro forma financial information. The Company’s goodwill was $22,900,912 and $22,862,051 as of December 31, 2007 and 2006, respectively. The increase of $38,861 during 2007 was the result of a purchase price adjustment in connection with the Sterling Resource Funding acquisition discussed above. In September 2006, the Company sold for cash the busi- ness conducted by Sterling Financial Services (“Sterling Financial”), which included a loan portfolio of approximately $132 million. The interest expense allocated to discontinued operations was based on the actual average balances, interest expenses and average rate on each category of interest-bearing liabilities, with the average rate applied to the aggregate average loan balances to determine the funding cost. Interest expense allo- cated to the funding supporting the Sterling Financial net loans for those periods was assigned based on the average net loan balances proportionately funded by all interest-bearing liabilities at an average rate equal to the cost of each applied to its average balance for the period. The results of operations of Sterling Financial have been reported as a discontinued operation in the consolidated statements of income for all periods presented. For the year ended December 31, 2006, the Company recorded a pre-tax loss on the sale of $15,677,360 and a tax benefit of $6,042,449. Total revenues generated by the operations of Sterling Financial amounted to $404,438, $8,340,544 and $11,692,798 for the years ended December 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005, respectively. For the years ended December 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005, the income tax (benefit) and income tax expense associated with discontinued operations, exclusive of loss on sale, were $(511,831), $(378,639) and $476,766, respectively. Income taxes were calculated using a “with and without” methodology that resulted in an overall tax rate of 39.16% in 2007, 38.54% in 2006 and 45.80% in 2005. P A G E 5 1 The assets and liabilities of discontinued operations are presented separately in the accompanying consolidated balance sheets. The details are as follows: December 31, 2006 Assets Cash and due from banks Loans, net of allowance for loan losses Other assets Total assets Liabilities Accrued expenses and other liabilities Total liabilities NOTE 3. CASH AND DUE FROM BANKS $ 171,925 947,217 543,555 $ 1,662,697 $ $ 336,358 336,358 The bank is required to maintain average reserves, net of vault cash, on deposit with the Federal Reserve Bank of New York against outstanding domestic deposits and certain other liabilities. The required reserves, which are reported in cash and due from banks, were $38,085,000 and $24,753,000 at December 31, 2007 and 2006, respectively. Average required reserves during 2007 and 2006 were $32,299,000 and $30,349,000, respectively. NOTE 4. MONEY MARKET INVESTMENTS The Company’s money market investments include interest-bearing deposits with other banks and Federal funds sold. The following table presents information regarding money market investments. Years Ended December 31, Interest-bearing deposits with other banks At December 31 —Balance —Average interest rate —Average original maturity During the year —Maximum month-end balance —Daily average balance —Average interest rate earned —Range of interest rates earned Federal funds sold At December 31 —Balance —Average interest rate —Average original maturity During the year —Maximum month-end balance —Daily average balance —Average interest rate earned —Range of interest rates earned 2007 2006 2005 $ 979,984 $ 1,261,187 $ 1,212,227 3.16% 115 Days 4,449,090 3,033,000 3.86% 1.50–5.36% 3.80% 115 Days 5,183,338 2,624,000 4.48% 1.50–5.36% $ — — — 120,000,000 23,219,000 5.32% 4.50–5.375% $ 20,000,000 $ 5.19% 1 Day 20,000,000 4,041,000 4.84% 4.42–5.28% 3.11% 66 Days 5,209,048 3,040,000 1.96% 1.00–4.06% — — — 40,000,000 10,986,000 2.81% 2.19–3.94% P A G E 5 2 NOTE 5. INVESTMENT SECURITIES The amortized cost and estimated fair value of securities available for sale are as follows: December 31, 2007 Obligations of U.S. government corporations and government sponsored enterprises Mortgage-backed securities CMOs (Federal National Mortgage Association) CMOs (Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation) CMOs (Government National Mortgage Association) Federal National Mortgage Association Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation Government National Mortgage Association Total mortgage-backed securities Federal Home Loan Bank agency notes Federal Farm Credit Bank agency notes Total obligations of U.S. government corporations and government sponsored enterprises Obligations of state and political institutions Trust preferred securities Corporate securities Federal Reserve Bank stock Federal Home Loan Bank stock Other securities Total December 31, 2006 Amortized Cost Gross Unrealized Gains Gross Unrealized Losses Estimated Fair Value $ 8,805,428 22,397,938 9,141,893 53,760,132 37,093,929 3,375,244 134,574,564 59,967,566 26,978,129 221,520,259 18,946,036 5,090,175 13,584,038 1,130,700 5,359,700 304,442 $ — — — 241,290 41,086 149,782 432,158 562,121 239,997 1,234,276 201,241 127 — — — 15,378 $ 365,936 959,349 47,250 627,824 410,283 3,925 2,414,567 25,000 — 2,439,567 4,972 787,192 774,071 — — — $ 8,439,492 21,438,589 9,094,643 53,373,598 36,724,732 3,521,101 132,592,155 60,504,687 27,218,126 220,314,968 19,142,305 4,303,110 12,809,967 1,130,700 5,359,700 319,820 $ 265,935,350 $ 1,451,022 $ 4,005,802 $ 263,380,570 Obligations of U.S. government corporations and government sponsored enterprises Mortgage-backed securities CMOs (Federal National Mortgage Association) $ 8,878,785 $ CMOs (Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation) Federal National Mortgage Association Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation Government National Mortgage Association Total obligations of U.S. government corporations and government sponsored enterprises—mortgage-backed securities Obligations of state and political subdivisions Trust preferred securities Federal Reserve Bank stock Federal Home Loan Bank stock Other securities Total 22,763,787 46,162,388 43,338,106 4,166,482 125,309,548 21,551,135 1,179,936 1,130,700 2,719,100 304,442 — — 54,871 6,563 104,737 166,171 116,099 70,059 — — 21,607 $ 506,631 $ 8,372,154 1,180,057 1,175,367 1,214,411 3,676 4,080,142 66,392 1,376 — — — 21,583,730 45,041,892 42,130,258 4,267,543 121,395,577 21,600,842 1,248,619 1,130,700 2,719,100 326,049 $ 152,194,861 $ 373,936 $ 4,147,910 $ 148,420,887 P A G E 5 3 The carrying value and estimated fair value of securities held to maturity are as follows: December 31, 2007 Obligations of U.S. government corporations and government sponsored enterprises Mortgage-backed securities CMOs (Federal National Mortgage Association) CMOs (Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation) Federal National Mortgage Association Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation Government National Mortgage Association Total mortgage-backed securities Federal Home Loan Bank agency notes Total obligations of U.S. government corporations and government sponsored enterprises Debt securities issued by foreign governments Total December 31, 2006 Carrying Value Gross Unrealized Gains Gross Unrealized Losses Estimated Fair Value $ 12,349,723 21,195,565 172,362,300 121,980,069 8,725,725 336,613,382 24,997,465 $ — 4,887 969,657 197,532 336,882 1,508,958 657,223 $ 629,469 767,806 975,657 1,927,790 — 4,300,722 — $ 11,720,254 20,432,646 172,356,300 120,249,811 9,062,607 333,821,618 25,654,688 361,610,847 250,000 2,166,181 — 4,300,722 1,298 359,476,306 248,702 $ 361,860,847 $ 2,166,181 $4,302,020 $ 359,725,008 Obligations of U.S. government corporations and government sponsored enterprises Mortgage-backed securities CMOs (Federal National Mortgage Association) $ 12,787,247 $ CMOs (Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation) Federal National Mortgage Association Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation Government National Mortgage Association Total mortgage-backed securities Federal Home Loan Bank agency notes Federal Farm Credit Bank agency notes Total obligations of U.S. government corporations and 22,859,880 206,573,458 142,536,442 10,654,868 395,411,895 9,991,535 15,000,000 — — 289,056 70,046 245,945 $ 538,181 $ 12,249,066 1,118,171 4,022,690 3,936,637 361 21,741,709 202,839,824 138,669,851 10,900,452 605,047 9,616,040 386,400,902 — — 52,472 184,375 9,939,063 14,815,625 government sponsored enterprises 420,403,430 605,047 9,852,887 411,155,590 Debt securities issued by foreign governments 500,000 — 4,900 495,100 Total $ 420,903,430 $ 605,047 $9,857,787 $ 411,650,690 P A G E 5 4 The following table presents information regarding securities available for sale with temporary unrealized losses for the periods indicated: December 31, 2007 Obligations of U.S. government corporations and government sponsored enterprises Mortgage-backed securities CMOs (Federal National Mortgage Association) CMOs (Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation) CMOs (Government National Mortgage Association) Federal National Mortgage Association Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation Government National Mortgage Association Total obligations of U.S. government corporations and government sponsored enterprises—mortgage-backed securities Federal Home Loan Bank agency notes Total obligations of U.S. government corporations and government sponsored enterprises Obligations of state and political institutions Trust preferred securities Corporate securities Less Than 12 Months 12 Months or Longer Total Fair Value Unrealized Losses Fair Value Unrealized Losses Fair Value Unrealized Losses $ — $ — 9,094,643 9,971,965 — — — $ 8,439,492 21,438,588 — 47,250 — 26,422,330 93,946 30,752,781 — 157,674 — $ 365,936 959,349 — 533,878 410,283 3,925 $ 8,439,492 21,438,588 9,094,643 36,394,295 30,752,781 157,674 $ 365,936 959,349 47,250 627,824 410,283 3,925 19,066,608 4,975,000 24,041,608 450,293 3,400,710 12,809,967 141,196 25,000 166,196 1,737 627,192 774,071 87,210,865 — 2,273,371 — 106,277,473 4,975,000 2,414,567 25,000 87,210,865 1,088,106 840,000 — 2,273,371 3,235 160,000 — 111,252,473 1,538,399 4,240,710 12,809,967 2,439,567 4,972 787,192 774,071 Total $ 40,702,578 $ 1,569,196 $ 89,138,971 $ 2,436,606 $ 129,841,549 $ 4,005,802 December 31, 2006 U.S. Treasury securities Obligations of U.S. government corporations and government sponsored enterprises Mortgage-backed securities CMOs (Federal National Mortgage Association) $ — $ — $ 8,372,154 $ 506,631 $ 8,372,154 $ 506,631 CMOs (Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation) Federal National Mortgage Association Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation Government National Mortgage Association Total obligations of U.S. government corporations and — 6,036,667 6,310,222 — — 36,404 74,863 — 21,583,730 34,945,463 35,451,592 200,575 1,180,057 1,138,963 1,139,548 3,676 21,583,730 40,982,130 41,761,814 200,575 1,180,057 1,175,367 1,214,411 3,676 government sponsored enterprises—mortgage-backed securities 12,346,889 111,267 100,553,514 3,968,875 112,900,403 4,080,142 Obligations of state and political subdivisions Trust preferred securities 5,411,216 160,916 19,676 1,376 2,953,533 — 46,716 — 8,364,749 160,916 66,392 1,376 Total $ 17,919,021 $ 132,319 $ 103,507,047 $ 4,015,591 $ 121,426,068 $ 4,147,910 P A G E 5 5 The following table presents information regarding securities held to maturity with temporary unrealized losses for the periods indicated: December 31, 2007 Obligations of U.S. government corporations and government sponsored enterprises Mortgage-backed securities CMOs (Federal National Mortgage Association) CMOs (Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation) Federal National Mortgage Association Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation Total obligations of U.S. government corporations and agencies—mortgage-backed securities Debt securities issued by foreign governments Total December 31, 2006 Obligations of U.S. government corporations and government sponsored enterprises Mortgage-backed securities CMOs (Federal National Mortgage Association) CMOs (Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation) Federal National Mortgage Association Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation Government National Mortgage Association Total mortgage-backed securities Federal Home Loan Bank agency notes Federal Farm Credit Bank agency notes Total obligations of U.S. government corporations and government sponsored enterprises Debt securities issued by foreign governments Less Than 12 Months 12 Months or Longer Total Fair Value Unrealized Losses Fair Value Unrealized Losses Fair Value Unrealized Losses $ $ $ — — — — — — — — — 8,378,552 509,958 5,211 $ — — — — $ 11,720,254 16,307,337 90,955,257 100,916,760 $ 629,469 767,806 975,657 1,927,790 $ 11,720,254 16,307,337 90,955,257 100,916,760 $ 629,469 767,806 975,657 1,927,790 — — 219,899,608 248,702 4,300,722 1,298 219,899,608 248,702 4,300,722 1,298 $ — $ 220,148,310 $ 4,302,020 $ 220,148,310 $ 4,302,020 $ — $ 12,249,066 $ 538,181 $ 12,249,066 $ 538,181 — 39,411 2,089 24 21,741,709 84,062,278 135,026,445 15,160 1,118,171 3,983,279 3,934,548 337 21,741,709 92,440,830 135,536,403 20,371 1,118,171 4,022,690 3,936,637 361 8,893,721 41,524 253,094,658 9,574,516 261,988,379 9,616,040 — — — — 9,939,063 14,815,625 52,472 184,375 9,939,063 14,815,625 52,472 184,375 8,893,721 41,524 277,849,346 9,811,363 286,743,067 9,852,887 — — 245,100 4,900 245,100 4,900 Total $ 8,893,721 $41,524 $ 278,094,446 $ 9,816,263 $ 286,988,167 $ 9,857,787 The Company invests principally in U.S. government corporation and agency obligations and A-rated or better investments. The fair value of these investments fluctuates based on several factors, including credit quality and general interest rate changes. The Company has made an evaluation that it has the ability to hold its investments until maturity and, given its current intention to do so, anticipates that it will realize the full carrying value of its investment. P A G E 5 6 The following tables present information regarding securities available for sale and securities held to maturity at December 31, 2007, based on contractual maturity. Expected maturities will differ from contractual maturities because issuers may have the right to call or prepay obligations with or without call or prepayment penalties. The average yield on obligations of state and political subdivisions and Federal Reserve Bank securities is stated on a tax-equivalent basis. Available for sale Obligations of U.S. government corporations and government sponsored enterprises Mortgage-backed securities CMOs (Federal National Mortgage Association) CMOs (Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation) CMOs (Government National Mortgage Association) Federal National Mortgage Association Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation Government National Mortgage Association Amortized Cost Estimated Fair Value Weighted Average Yield $ 8,805,428 22,397,938 9,141,893 53,760,132 37,093,929 3,375,244 $ 8,439,492 21,438,589 9,094,643 53,373,598 36,724,732 3,521,101 4.52% 4.52 5.05 4.72 4.60 5.97 Total obligations of U.S. government corporations and government sponsored enterprises—mortgage-backed securities 134,574,564 132,592,155 4.70 Federal Home Loan Bank agency notes Due after 5 years Federal Farm Credit Bank agency notes Due after 5 years Total obligations of U.S. government corporations and government sponsored enterprises Obligations of state and political institutions Due within 1 year Due after 1 year but within 5 years Due after 5 years Total obligations of state and political institutions Trust preferred securities Due after 5 years Corporate securities Federal Reserve Bank stock Federal Home Loan Bank stock Other securities Total available for sale 59,967,566 60,504,687 5.89 26,978,129 27,218,126 5.77 86,945,695 87,722,813 5.86 1,226,660 5,342,284 12,377,092 1,235,742 5,412,773 12,493,790 18,946,036 19,142,305 5,090,175 13,584,038 1,130,700 5,359,700 304,442 4,303,110 12,809,967 1,130,700 5,359,700 319,820 $ 265,935,350 $ 263,380,570 5.89 5.29 5.63 5.55 8.50 7.47 6.00 3.58 3.52 5.18 P A G E 5 7 Held to maturity Obligations of U.S. government corporations and government sponsored enterprises Mortgage-backed securities CMOs (Federal National Mortgage Association) CMOs (Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation) Federal National Mortgage Association Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation Government National Mortgage Association Total mortgage-backed securities Federal Home Loan Bank agency notes Due within 1 year Due after 1 year but within 5 years Carrying Value Estimated Fair Value Weighted Average Yield $ 12,349,723 21,195,565 172,362,300 121,980,069 8,725,725 $ 11,720,254 20,432,646 172,356,300 120,249,811 9,062,607 336,613,382 333,821,618 4,997,465 20,000,000 5,004,688 20,650,000 4.57% 4.48 4.82 4.39 6.47 4.68 4.59 6.17 Total obligations of U.S. government corporations and government sponsored enterprises 361,610,847 359,476,306 4.76 Debt securities issued by foreign governments Due after 1 year but within 5 years Total Information regarding calls of held to maturity securities is as follows: Years Ended December 31, Proceeds Gross gains Gross losses 250,000 248,702 $ 361,860,847 $ 359,725,008 4.70 4.76 2007 2006 2005 $ 34,110,000 $ — 4,445 — — — $ — — — During 2005, as permitted under the provisions of SFAS No. 115, the Company sold approximately $5,303,000 (par amount) of held to maturity securities because over 85% of the original principal on these securities had been paid by the sale date. The proceeds from the sale were $5,452,162 and the gain was $127,804. There were no sales of held to maturity securities in 2007 or 2006. Information regarding securities sales and/or calls of the available for sale portfolio is as follows: Years Ended December 31, Proceeds Gross gains Gross losses 2007 2006 2005 $ 30,423,093 $25,371,314 $3,213,055 193,397 586 18,016 461,133 209,653 — The proceeds from available for sale securities sold during 2006 were utilized to partially fund the acquisition of Sterling Resource Funding Corp. Investment securities are pledged to secure trust and public deposits, securities sold under agreements to repurchase, advances from the Federal Home Loan Bank of New York and for other purposes required or permitted by law. P A G E 5 8 NOTE 6. LOANS The major components of domestic loans held for sale and loans held in portfolio are as follows: December 31, 2007 2006 Loans held for sale, net of valuation reserve ($64,958 at December 31, 2007 and $-0- at December 31, 2006) Real estate—residential mortgage Loans held in portfolio Commercial and industrial Lease financing Factored receivables Real estate—residential mortgage Real estate—commercial mortgage Real estate—construction and land development Installment Loans to depository institutions Loans held in portfolio, gross Less unearned discounts $ 23,755,906 $ 33,319,789 $ 539,969,407 287,563,583 93,016,702 129,464,803 99,093,560 37,161,197 12,103,045 27,000,000 1,225,372,297 38,248,313 $ 522,009,835 239,225,533 100,467,090 120,056,900 93,214,668 30,030,684 12,380,848 27,000,000 1,144,385,558 31,783,938 Loans held in portfolio, net of unearned discounts $ 1,187,123,984 $ 1,112,601,620 There are no industry concentrations (exceeding 10% of loans, gross) in the commercial and industrial loan portfolio. Approximately 72% of loans are to borrowers located in the New York metropolitan area. Nonaccrual loans at December 31, 2007 and 2006 totaled $6,383,000 and $5,861,000, respectively. There were no reduced rate loans at December 31, 2007 or 2006. The interest income that would have been earned on nonaccrual loans outstanding at December 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005 in accordance with their original terms is estimated to be $655,000, $545,000 and $294,000, respectively, for the years then ended. Applicable interest income actually realized was $222,000, $335,000 and $95,000, respectively, for the aforementioned years, and there were no commitments to lend additional funds on nonaccrual loans. Loans are made at normal lending limits and credit terms to officers or directors (including their immediate families) of the Company or for the benefit of corporations in which they have a beneficial interest. There were no outstanding balances on such loans in excess of $60,000 to any individual or entity at December 31, 2007 or 2006. NOTE 7. ALLOWANCE FOR LOAN LOSSES Years Ended December 31, Balance at beginning of year Provision for loan losses Less charge-offs, net of recoveries: Charge-offs Recoveries Net charge-offs Add allowance from acquisition Less losses on transfers to other real estate owned 2007 2006 2005 $ 16,287,974 5,853,330 $ 15,369,096 4,502,596 $ 14,437,268 5,214,000 22,141,304 19,871,692 19,651,268 6,489,902 705,614 5,784,288 — 1,272,241 5,940,340 1,165,852 4,774,488 1,845,500 654,730 4,560,562 373,191 4,187,371 — 94,801 Balance at end of year $ 15,084,775 $ 16,287,974 $ 15,369,096 P A G E 5 9 The Company follows SFAS No. 114, which establishes standards for measuring certain components of the allowance for loan losses. As of December 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005, $610,000, $592,000 and $276,000, respectively, of loans were judged to be impaired within the scope of SFAS No. 114, with interest income recognized on a cash basis. The average recorded investment in impaired loans during the years ended December 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005, was approximately $495,000, $388,000 and $325,000, respectively. The application of SFAS No. 114 indicated that these loans required valuation allowances totaling $185,000, $255,000 and $90,000 at December 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005, respectively, which are included within the overall allowance for loan losses. The interest income that would have been earned on impaired loans outstanding at December 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005 in accordance with their original terms is estimated to be $10,000, $5,000 and $21,000, respectively, for the years then ended. Applicable interest income actually realized was $-0-, $1,000 and $14,000, respectively, for the aforementioned years, and there were no commitments to lend additional funds on impaired loans. NOTE 8. PREMISES AND EQUIPMENT The following table presents information on premises and equipment: December 31, Land and building Furniture and equipment Leasehold improvements Accumulated amortization and depreciation Premises and equipment, net Amortization and depreciation expense NOTE 9. INTEREST-BEARING DEPOSITS 2007 2006 $ 254,451 13,573,446 10,716,832 24,544,729 13,365,846 $ 254,451 11,825,084 10,625,541 22,705,076 11,381,427 $ 11,178,883 $ 11,323,649 $ 2,549,617 $ 2,348,025 The following table presents certain information for interest expense on deposits: Years Ended December 31, Interest expense Interest-bearing deposits in domestic offices Savings NOW Money Market Time Three months or less More than three months through twelve months More than twelve months through twenty-three months More than twenty-four months through thirty-five months More than thirty-six months through forty-seven months More than forty-eight months through sixty months More than sixty months Interest-bearing deposits in foreign offices Time Three months or less More than three months through twelve months Total 2007 2006 2005 $ 100,770 5,903,410 7,078,921 $ 100,961 3,787,228 4,695,873 $ 113,351 1,576,286 2,455,378 11,217,497 12,266,010 964,545 1,065,138 97,275 21,703 41,395 8,509,506 8,752,571 2,508,594 161,758 11,305 453,986 1,662 6,304,214 5,268,657 1,844,937 117,490 31,160 389,585 929 38,756,664 28,983,444 18,101,987 4,302 1,970 19,262 8,722 17,889 14,974 $ 38,762,936 $ 29,011,428 $ 18,134,850 P A G E 6 0 Foreign deposits totaled $575,817 and $573,857 at December 31, 2007 and 2006, respectively. The aggregate of time certificates of deposit and other time deposits in denominations of $100,000 or more was $411,019,063 and $394,447,813 at December 31, 2007 and 2006, respectively. The aggregate of time certificates of deposit and other time deposits by remaining maturity range is presented below: December 31, Domestic Three months or less More than three months through six months More than six months through twelve months More than twelve months through twenty-three months More than twenty-four months through thirty-five months More than thirty-six months through forty-seven months More than forty-eight months through sixty months More than sixty months Foreign Three months or less More than three months through six months 2007 2006 2005 $216,023,376 155,009,636 101,676,791 48,137,470 1,269,779 472,308 1,022,353 1,220 $ 203,038,151 97,977,566 145,828,880 78,808,380 1,035,380 336,812 353,232 34,563 $ 252,383,369 80,472,379 92,828,189 67,897,087 4,268,663 143,925 233,220 19,797 523,612,933 527,412,964 498,246,629 395,000 180,817 575,817 395,000 178,857 573,857 1,645,037 1,376,991 3,022,028 Total $524,188,750 $ 527,986,821 $ 501,268,657 Interest expense related to the aggregate of time certificates of deposit and other time deposits is presented below: Years Ended December 31, 2007 2006 2005 Interest expense Domestic Foreign Total $25,673,563 $ 20,399,382 $ 13,956,972 6,272 27,984 32,863 $25,679,835 $ 20,427,366 $ 13,989,835 P A G E 6 1 NOTE 10. SHORT-TERM BORROWINGS The following table presents information regarding Federal funds purchased, securities sold under agreements to repurchase— customers and dealers, and commercial paper: Years Ended December 31, 2007 2006 2005 Securities sold under agreements to repurchase—customers At December 31 —Balance —Average interest rate —Average original maturity During the year —Maximum month-end balance —Daily average balance —Average interest rate paid —Range of interest rates paid $ 60,053,947 $ 52,802,796 $ 61,067,073 3.42% 4.92% 2.81% 37 Days 97,404,318 80,649,000 55 Days 94,132,979 86,418,000 14 Days 88,845,220 85,365,000 4.21% 4.05% 2.23% 2.50–5.85% 2.00–5.70% 1.50–4.25% Securities sold under agreements to repurchase—dealers At December 31 —Balance $ 10,200,000 $ —Average interest rate —Average original maturity During the year —Maximum month-end balance —Daily average balance —Average interest rate paid —Range of interest rates paid Federal funds purchased At December 31 —Balance —Average interest rate —Average original maturity During the year —Maximum month-end balance —Daily average balance —Average interest rate paid —Range of interest rates paid Commercial paper At December 31 —Balance —Average interest rate —Average original maturity During the year —Maximum month-end balance —Daily average balance —Average interest rate paid —Range of interest rates paid 5.02% 7 Days 30,000,000 6,470,000 — — — 123,200,000 74,057,000 $ 88,729,000 4.40% 23 Days 88,729,000 52,199,000 4.78% 5.05% 3.44% 4.48–5.02% 4.33–5.40% 2.40–4.45% $ 65,000,000 $ 4.17% 1 Day 65,000,000 9,281,000 — — — $ 55,000,000 4.20% 1 Day 20,000,000 15,133,000 55,300,000 17,992,000 4.63% 5.08% 3.60% 3.50–5.31% 4.25–5.44% 2.25–4.50% $ 20,878,494 $ 27,561,567 $ 38,191,016 4.51% 4.91% 3.22% 61 Days 28,750,718 26,731,000 50 Days 52,714,141 44,539,000 41 Days 42,323,187 37,302,000 5.05% 4.53% 2.61% 3.50–5.62% 2.00–5.70% 1.25–4.15% The parent company has agreements with its line banks for back-up lines of credit for which it pays a fee at the annual rate of ¼ of 1% times the line of credit extended. At December 31, 2007, these back-up bank lines of credit totaled $24,000,000; no lines were used at any time during 2007, 2006 or 2005. Other short-term borrowings include advances from the Federal Home Loan Bank of New York (“FHLB”) due within one year and treasury tax and loan funds. At December 31, 2007, FHLB borrowings included an advance of $45,000,000 payable on January 2, 2008 at a rate of 4.11%. At December 31, 2006, there were no short-term borrowings from the FHLB. At December 31, 2005, FHLB borrowings included an advance of $35,000,000 payable on January 3, 2006 at a rate of 4.32%. P A G E 6 2 NOTE 11. LONG-TERM BORROWINGS These borrowings represent advances from the FHLB and junior subordinated debt securities issued by the parent company. The following table presents information regarding fixed rate FHLB advances: Advance Type Callable Callable Callable Callable Total Weighted-average interest rate Interest Rate 4.106% 4.013 4.70 4.28 Maturity Date 10/23/09 11/2/09 2/22/11 10/17/11 Initial Call Date 1/23/09 5/2/08 2/20/03 10/15/06 December 31, 2007 2006 $ 20,000,000 10,000,000 10,000,000 — $ — — 10,000,000 10,000,000 $ 40,000,000 $ 20,000,000 4.23% 4.49% Under the terms of a collateral agreement with the FHLB, advances are secured by stock in the FHLB and by certain qualifying assets (primarily mortgage-backed securities) having market values at least equal to 110% of the advances outstanding. After the initial call date, each callable advance is callable by the FHLB quarterly from the initial call date, at par. In February 2002, the parent company completed its issuance of trust capital securities (“capital securities”) that raised $25,000,000 ($24,062,500 net proceeds after issuance costs). The 8.375% capital securities, due March 31, 2032, were issued by Sterling Bancorp Trust I (the “trust”), a wholly-owned non-consolidated statutory business trust. The trust was formed with initial capitalization of common stock and for the exclusive purpose of issuing the capital securities. The trust used the proceeds from the issuance of the capital securities to acquire $25,774,000 junior subordinated debt securities that pay interest at 8.375% (“debt securities”) issued by the parent company. The debt securities are due concurrently with the capital securities which may not be redeemed, except under limited circumstances, until March 31, 2007, and thereafter at a price equal to their principal amount plus interest accrued to the date of redemption. The Company may also reduce outstanding capital securities through open market purchases. During 2007, the parent company purchased in the open market $196,000 par amount of the capital securities at an average price of $9.78; these securities are included in the Company’s securities available for sale. These securities are considered to be outstanding for the payment of dividends but are considered to be redeemed for the calculation of the regulatory capital ratios. There were no purchases prior to 2007. As a result of these repurchases, the amounts of capital securities held by third parties at December 31, 2007 and 2006 were $24,804,000 and $25,000,000 respec- tively. Dividends and interest are paid quarterly. The parent company has the right to defer payments of interest on the debt securities at any time or from time to time for a period of up to 20 consecutive quarterly periods with respect to each deferral period. Under the terms of the debt securities, in the event that under certain circumstances there is an event of default under the debt securities or the parent company has elected to defer interest on the debt securities, the parent company may not, with certain exceptions, declare or pay any divi- dends or distributions on its capital stock or purchase or acquire any of its capital stock. Payments of distributions on the capital securities and payments on redemption of the capital securities are guaranteed by the parent company on a limited basis. The parent company also entered into an agreement as to expenses and liabilities pursuant to which it agreed, on a subordinated basis, to pay any costs, expenses or liabilities of the trust other than those arising under the capital securities. The obligations of the parent company under the debt securities, the related indenture, the trust agree- ment establishing the trust, the guarantee and the agreement as to expenses and liabilities, in the aggregate, constitute a full and unconditional guarantee by the parent company of the trust’s obligations under the capital securities. Notwithstanding that the accounts of the trust are not included in the Company’s consolidated financial statements, the amount of capital securities issued by the trust and held by third parties is included in the Tier 1 capital of the parent company for regu- latory capital purposes as allowed by the Federal Reserve Board. In March 2005, the Federal Reserve Board adopted a rule that would continue to allow the inclusion of capital securities issued by unconsolidated subsidiary trusts in Tier 1 capital, but with stricter quantitative limits. Under the final rule, after a five-year transition period, the aggregate amount of capital securities and certain other capital elements would be limited to 25% of Tier 1 capital, net of goodwill less any associated deferred tax liability. Based on the final rule, the parent company expects to continue to include the amount of capital securities held by third parties in Tier 1 capital. P A G E 6 3 NOTE 12. COMMON STOCK The following tables provide information regarding the number of common shares issued and the number of shareholders: Years Ended December 31, Issued at beginning of year Shares issued under stock incentive plan Issued at end of year December 31, Number of shareholders NOTE 13. TREASURY STOCK The following table provides information regarding the number of shares held by the Company: Years Ended December 31, Held at beginning of year Purchases Surrender of shares issued under incentive compensation plan Held at end of year NOTE 14. ACCUMULATED OTHER COMPREHENSIVE LOSS Number of Shares Issued 2007 2006 21,177,084 101,447 21,066,916 110,168 21,278,531 21,177,084 2007 2006 1,481 1,558 Number of Shares Held 2007 2006 2,572,368 862,000 24,934 2,231,442 308,556 32,370 3,459,302 2,572,368 The following table presents the components of accumulated other comprehensive loss as of December 31, 2007 and 2006 included in shareholders’ equity: December 31, 2007 Net unrealized (loss) on securities Adjustment for underfunded pension obligations Total December 31, 2006 Net unrealized (loss) on securities Adjustment for underfunded pension obligations Total NOTE 15. RESTRICTIONS ON THE BANK Pre-tax Amount Tax Effect After-tax Amount $ (1,921,833) (17,818,033) $ 867,253 8,060,802 $ (1,054,580) (9,757,231) $ (19,739,866) $ 8,928,055 $ (10,811,811) $ (3,251,833) (18,356,837) $1,467,962 8,297,800 $ (1,783,871) (10,059,037) $(21,608,670) $9,765,762 $(11,842,908) Various legal restrictions limit the extent to which the bank can supply funds to the parent company and its nonbank subsidiaries. All national banks are limited in the payment of dividends in any year without the approval of the Comptroller of the Currency to an amount not to exceed the net profits (as defined) for that year to date combined with its retained net profits for the pre- ceding two calendar years. In addition, from time to time dividends are paid to the parent company by the finance subsidiaries from their retained earnings without regulatory restrictions. As of December 31, 2007, the bank could pay dividends of approximately $20,000,000 to the parent company, without regulatory approval and without adversely affecting the bank’s “well capitalized” status. P A G E 6 4 NOTE 16. STOCK INCENTIVE PLAN In April 1992, shareholders approved a Stock Incentive Plan (“the plan”) covering up to 100,000 common shares of the parent company. Under the plan, key employees of the parent company and its subsidiaries could be granted awards in the form of incentive stock options (“ISOs”), non-qualified stock options (“NQSOs”), stock appreciation rights (“SARs”), restricted stock or a combination of these. The plan is administered by a committee of the Board of Directors. Since the inception of the plan, shareholders have approved amendments increasing the number of shares covered under the plan; the total number of shares authorized by shareholders through December 31, 2007 was 2,650,000. The plan provides for proportional adjustment to the number of shares covered by the plan and by outstanding awards, and in the exercise price of outstanding stock options, to reflect, among other things, stock splits and stock dividends. After giving effect to stock option and restricted stock awards granted and the effect of the 5% stock dividend effected December 12, 2005, the six-for-five stock split in the form of a stock dividend effected in December 2004, the five-for-four stock split in the form of a stock dividend effected September 10, 2003, the 20% stock dividend paid in December 2002, the 10% stock dividends paid in December 2001 and December 2000, and the 5% stock dividend paid in December 1999, shares available for grant were 458,533, 469,427 and 504,287 at December 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005, respectively. The Company issues new shares to satisfy stock option exercises. Stock Options The following tables present information on the qualified and non-qualified stock options outstanding (after the effect of the stock dividends/splits discussed above) as of December 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005 and changes during the years then ended: 2007 2006 2005 Number of Options Weighted-Average Exercise Price Number of Options Weighted-Average Exercise Price Number of Options Weighted-Average Exercise Price Qualified Stock Options Outstanding at beginning of year Exercised Reclassified[1] Forfeited $10.45 8.17 528,916 (83,359) — — Outstanding at end of year 445,557 10.87 Options exercisable at end of year 349,105 570,094 (39,288) — (1,890) 528,916 401,762 $10.26 7.97 14.60 10.45 750,808 (68,693) (112,021) — 570,094 388,165 $10.07 9.32 9.59 10.26 Non-Qualified Stock Options Number of Options Weighted-Average Exercise Price Number of Options Weighted-Average Exercise Price Number of Options Weighted-Average Exercise Price 2007 2006 2005 Outstanding at beginning of year 1,326,327 Granted Exercised Reclassified[1] Forfeited 112,500 (18,088) — (101,606) Outstanding at end of year 1,319,133 Options exercisable at end of year 1,183,281 Weighted-average fair value of $12.79 17.99 6.48 18.94 12.85 1,360,457 37,800 (70,880) — (1,050) 1,326,327 1,288,527 $12.69 19.50 14.41 26.94 12.79 1,363,272 137,025 (226,813) 112,021 (25,048) 1,360,457 1,355,920 $11.30 25.35 9.10 9.59 24.99 12.69 options granted during the year $3.80 $4.90 $3.50 [1] As a result of retirements and terminations. Since these provisions were included in the original terms of the awards, these reclassifications are not consid- ered modifications. P A G E 6 5 On December 15, 2005, the Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors approved the accelerated vesting and exercisability of all unvested and unexercisable stock options to purchase common shares of the Company held by directors or officers on December 19, 2005. Management proposed the acceleration of vesting to eliminate the impact of adopting SFAS No. 123R, Share-Based Payment (“SFAS No. 123R”), on the consolidated financial statements insofar as existing options are concerned. As a result, options to purchase 223,913 common shares, which would otherwise have vested and become exercis- able from time to time over the next four years, became fully vested and immediately exercisable as of December 19, 2005. The number of shares and exercise prices of the options subject to acceleration were unchanged. The accelerated options had exer- cise prices between $15.82 and $26.94 per share, with a total weighted average exercise price per share of $22.70. The acceler- ated options included 170,093 out-of-the money options and 53,820 in-the-money options. The Company estimates that accelerating the vesting and exercisability of the 223,913 options discussed above eliminated approximately $0.7 million of non-cash com pensation expense that would otherwise have been recorded in the Company’s income statements for future peri- ods upon its adoption, as of January 1, 2006, of SFAS No. 123R. In order to limit unintended personal benefits to officers and directors, the Compensation Committee imposed transfer restric- tions on any shares received by an optionee upon exercise of an accelerated option before the earliest date on which, without giving effect to such acceleration, such option would nonetheless have been vested and exercisable in respect of such shares (assuming the optionee remained an employee or member of the Board of Directors, as applicable). Such transfer restrictions will expire on the earlier of such earliest date or the date of the optionee’s death. The following table presents information regarding qualified and non-qualified stock options outstanding at December 31, 2007: Options Outstanding Options Exercisable Range of Exercise Prices Number Outstanding at 12/31/07 Weighted-Average Remaining Contractual Life Weighted-Average Exercise Price Number Exercisable at 12/31/07 Weighted-Average Exercise Price Qualified Non-Qualified $6.94–14.60 445,557 6.94–26.94 1,319,133 2.28 years 2.25 years $10.87 12.85 349,105 1,183,281 $11.09 12.22 Director NQSOs expire five years from the date of the grant and become exercisable in four annual installments, starting one year from the date of the grant, or upon the earlier death or disability of the grantee. Employee stock options generally expire ten years from the date of the grant and vest one year from the date of grant. Although, if necessary to qualify to the maximum extent pos- sible as ISOs, these options become exercisable in annual installments. Employee stock options which become exercisable over a period of more than one year are generally subject to earlier exercisability upon the termination of the grantee’s employment for any reason more than one year following grant. Amounts received upon exercise of options are recorded as common stock and capital surplus. The tax benefit received by the Company upon exercise of a NQSO is credited to capital surplus. The fair value of each option grant is estimated on the date of grant using a Black-Scholes option-pricing model with the follow- ing assumptions: Years Ended December 31, Dividend yield Volatility Expected term Non-Qualified (Directors) Non-Qualified (Officers) Risk-free interest rate 2007 4.22% 29% — 5 years 4.46% 2006 3.90% 33% 5 years N/A 5.10% 2005 3.31% 25% 5 years 5 years 4.59% P A G E 6 6 The risk-free interest rate is based on the 5-year U.S. Treasury yield in effect at the time of grant. The dividend yield reflects the Company’s actual dividend yield at the date of grant. Expected volatility is based on the historical volatility of the Company’s stock over the 5-year period prior to the grant date. The weighted average expected life represents the weighted average period of time that options granted are expected to be outstanding giving consideration to vesting schedules and the Company’s historical exercise patterns. Compensation cost is recognized, net of estimated forfeitures, over the vesting period of the options on a straight-line basis. Under the provisions of SFAS No. 123R, the Company recorded compensation expense of $114,021 and $23,157 during the years ended December 31, 2007 and 2006, respectively. As of December 31, 2007, the total remaining unrecognized compensa- tion cost related to stock options granted under the Company’s plan was $475,646, which is expected to be recognized over a weighted-average vesting period of 3.8 years. Restricted Stock On February 6, 2002, 60,000 shares of restricted stock were awarded from Treasury shares. The fair value was $27.56 per share. These awards vested over a four-year period at the rate of 25% per year. The plan calls for the forfeiture of non-vested shares which are restored to the Treasury and become available for future awards. During 2007, 2006 and 2005, there were no shares forfeited. Unearned compensation resulting from these awards was amor- tized as a charge to compensation expense over a four-year period; such charges were $-0-, $22,007 and $269,205 in 2007, 2006 and 2005, respectively. For income tax purposes, the Company is entitled to a deduction in an amount equal to the aver- age market value of the shares on vesting date and dividends paid on shares for which restrictions have not lapsed. NOTE 17. EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PLANS Retirement Plans The Company has a noncontributory, tax-qualified defined benefit pension plan that covers the majority of employees with one or more years of service of at least 1,000 hours, who are at least 21 years of age. The benefits are based upon years of credited service, primary social security benefits and a participant’s highest average compensation as defined. The funding requirements for the plan are determined annually based upon the amount needed to satisfy the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 funding standards. The Company also has a noncontributory, supplemental non-qualified, non-funded retirement plan which is designed to supplement the pension plan for key officers. In November 2006, the Company amended its tax-qualified defined benefit plan to limit eligibility for participation to employ- ees initially hired prior to January 2, 2006. All other provisions of the plan remain unchanged. P A G E 6 7 The following tables, using a December 31 measurement date for each period presented, set forth the disclosures required for pension benefits: At or For the Years Ended December 31, CHANGE IN BENEFIT OBLIGATION 2007 2006 Benefit obligation at beginning of year (Projected Benefit Obligation) $ 46,489,890 $ 40,950,221 Service cost Interest cost Amendments Actuarial (gain) loss Benefits paid Benefit obligation at end of year CHANGE IN PLAN ASSETS Fair value of assets at beginning of year Actual return on plan assets Employer contributions Benefits paid Fair value of assets at end of year Funded status AMOUNTS RECOGNIZED IN THE CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS CONSIST OF: Pension liability Accumulated other comprehensive loss (pre-tax) WEIGHTED-AVERAGE ASSUMPTIONS USED TO DETERMINE THE BENEFIT OBLIGATION: 1,953,454 2,684,867 — (319,290) (1,187,647) 1,793,388 2,402,580 (4,847) 2,378,548 (1,030,000) $ 49,621,274 $ 46,489,890 $ 27,301,789 $ 25,916,574 951,985 3,000,000 (1,187,647) 1,415,215 1,000,000 (1,030,000) $ 30,066,127 $ 27,301,789 $ (19,555,147) $ (19,188,101) $ (19,555,147) $ (19,188,101) 17,818,033 18,356,412 Discount Rate Rate of Compen- sation Increase 2007 2006 2007 2006 6.00% 5.75% 6.00 5.75 3.00% 3.00% 3.00 3.00 Defined benefit pension plan Supplemental retirement plan Years Ended December 31, COMPONENTS OF NET PERIODIC COST Service cost Interest cost Expected return on plan assets Amortization of prior service cost Recognized actuarial loss Total WEIGHTED-AVERAGE ASSUMPTIONS USED TO DETERMINE NET PERIODIC COST: Defined benefit pension plan Supplemental retirement plan 2007 2006 2005 $ 1,953,454 $ 1,793,388 $ 1,639,935 2,684,867 (2,369,111) 98,757 1,537,458 2,402,580 (2,187,694) 75,665 1,327,997 2,208,395 (1,885,206) 77,322 1,022,125 $ 3,905,425 $ 3,411,936 $ 3,062,571 Discount Rate Expected Return on Plan Assets Rate of Compensation Increase 2007 2006 2005 2007 2006 2005 2007 2006 2005 5.75% 5.75% 6.00% 8.50% 8.50% 8.50% 3.00% 3.00% 3.00% 5.75 3.00 3.00 6.00 3.00 5.75 N/A N/A N/A P A G E 6 8 To determine the expected return on plan assets, we consider historical return information on plan assets, the mix of investments that comprise plan assets and the actual income derived from plan assets. The accumulated benefit obligation for the defined benefit pension plan at December 31, 2007 and 2006 was $29,319,162 and $27,826,055, respectively. The tables presented on the previous page and above include the supplemental retirement plan which is an unfunded plan. The following information is presented regarding the supplemental retirement plan: December 31, Projected benefit obligation Accumulated benefit obligation 2007 2006 $ 17,377,920 17,322,531 $15,888,561 15,804,760 The following table sets forth information regarding the assets of the defined benefit pension plan: December 31, U.S. government corporation and agency debt obligations Corporate debt obligation Common equity securities Other Total 2007 16% 20 58 6 100% 2006 18% 16 52 14 100% The defined benefit pension plan owns common stock of Sterling Bancorp which is included in common equity securities above. At December 31, 2007, the value of Sterling Bancorp common stock was $942,278 and represented approximately 5% of plan assets. At December 31, 2006, the value of Sterling Bancorp common stock was $1,360,915 and represented approximately 5% of plan assets. The overall strategy of the Pension Plan Investment Policy is to have a diverse portfolio that reasonably spans established risk/ return levels and preserves liquidity. The strategy allows for a moderate risk approach in order to achieve greater long-term asset growth. The asset mix can vary but is targeted at 50% equity securities, inclusive of up to 10% in Sterling Bancorp common stock, 25% in corporate obligations and 25% in federal and agency obligations. The money market position will vary but will generally be held under 5%. The Plan’s allocation to common stock, excluding shares of Sterling Bancorp, will represent investment in those companies from time to time comprising the growth and value Model Portfolio as advised by the trustee’s investment advisor. The Company expects to contribute approximately $2,000,000 to the defined benefit pension plan in 2008. The following table presents benefit payments expected to be paid, based on the assumption described below, including the effect of expected future service for the years indicated. Year(s) 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Years 2013–2017 Defined Benefit Plan $ 1,419,555 1,491,944 1,679,425 1,875,726 2,035,923 12,810,826 Supplemental Retirement Plan Total Benefit Payments $ 22,259 17,315,038 21,963 21,790 21,599 198,860 $ 1,141,814 18,806,982 1,701,388 1,897,516 2,057,522 13,009,686 The cash flows shown above are based on the assumptions used in the annual actuarial valuations of the Defined Benefit Plan. The Supplemental Retirement Plan column is computed assuming that any executive who has reached the age upon which full retirement is assumed for actuarial purposes, actually retires in the current year. However, if such an executive does not actually retire in the current year, the obligation will be deferred until a later year. We are not aware of any senior executives who have near-term plans to retire. P A G E 6 9 Amounts recognized in accumulated other comprehensive loss, pre-tax, as of December 31, 2007 and 2006 follow: Qualified Pension Plan Supplemental Retirement Plan Total 2007 2006 2007 2006 2007 2006 Net actuarial loss Prior service cost Total $11,476,482 232,114 $11,584,700 304,521 $6,036,569 72,868 $6,367,973 99,218 $17,513,051 304,982 $17,952,673 403,739 $11,708,596 $11,889,221 $6,109,437 $6,467,191 $17,818,033 $18,356,412 The estimated costs that will be amortized from accumulated other comprehensive loss into net periodic cost over the next fiscal year are as follows: Net actuarial loss Prior service cost Total Qualified Pension Plan 2007 $916,905 48,919 $965,824 2006 $852,357 72,407 $924,764 Supplemental Retirement Plan Total 2007 $477,642 17,650 $495,292 2006 $477,912 26,348 $504,260 2007 2006 $1,394,547 66,569 $1,330,269 98,755 $1,461,116 $1,429,024 Savings Plans As of January 1, 2008, the Company merged its two 401(k) plans into one plan (“new plan”). Eligible employees must complete 1,000 hours of service in order to be eligible for the Company matching contributions. Participants in the new plan eligible for Company matching contributions include any employee hired after January 1, 2006 and employees of two subsidiaries of the bank. Eligible employees may enroll in the new plan on the first day of the month after hire. The Company matches 25% of the eligible employee’s contribution to the plan based on the amount of each participant’s contributions, up to the Internal Revenue Service maximum contribution limit. All participants may immediately invest their individual contributions, as well as any Company matching contribution, in any of a variety of investment alternatives offered under the new plan. Expenses for employer match related to the new plan totaled $238,508 in 2007. Prior to 2008, the Company maintained two 401(k) plans. One was maintained for the employees of Sterling National Bank and certain affiliates (“the bank 401(k) Plan”) and the other for the employees of two subsidiaries of the bank (“the subsidiary 401(k) Plan”). The bank 401(k) Plan—The Company maintained a 401(k) plan that permitted each participant to make before-tax contribu- tions up to 20% of eligible compensation and subject to dollar limits from Internal Revenue Service regulations. Eligible employees were able to enroll in the 401(k) plan on the first day of the month after hire. Employees hired after January 1, 2006 were required to complete 1,000 hours of service in order to be eligible for the Company’s matching contributions. Employees who were hired prior to January 1, 2006 were included in the Company’s pension plan and were not eligible for the Company match, however they were able to make before-tax contributions as outlined above. Prior to January 2007, the Company did not match any employee contributions. Employees were able to immediately invest their individual contribution in any of a variety of investment alternatives offered under the bank 401(k) Plan. The subsidiary 401(k) Plan—Prior to January 1, 2008, the Company maintained a 401(k) plan that permitted each participant to make before-tax contributions up to 20% of eligible compensation and subject to dollar limits from Internal Revenue Service regulations. Eligible employees were able to enroll in the 401(k) plan during the open enrollment twice a year after completing 1,000 hours of service and were eligible for the Company’s matching contributions at that time. Employees who were included in the Company’s pension plan were not eligible for the Company match, however they were able to make before-tax contribu- tions as outlined above. The Company matched 25% of the employee’s contribution to the plan based on the amount of each participant’s contributions, up to a maximum of 20% eligible compensation. Employees were able to immediately invest their individual contribution, as well as the Company’s matching portion, in any of a variety of investment alternatives offered under the subsidiary 401(k) Plan. Expense for employer match related to the plan totaled $130,692 in 2006 and $142,645 in 2005. Postretirement Life Insurance Benefits The Company currently provides life insurance benefits to certain officers. The coverage provided depends upon years of service with the Company and the employee’s date of retirement. The Company’s plan for its postretirement benefit obligation is unfunded. The Company’s postretirement obligations are not material. Net postretirement benefit cost was $61,230, $92,445 and $90,000 for 2007, 2006 and 2005, respectively. P A G E 7 0 NOTE 18. INCOME TAXES The current and deferred tax provisions (benefits) applicable to income from continuing operations for each of the last three fiscal years are as follows: Years Ended December 31, FEDERAL Current Deferred Total STATE AND LOCAL Current Deferred Total TOTAL Current Deferred Total 2007 2006 2005 $ 8,285,967 (535,747) $ 5,796,596 4,683,135 $ 14,778,873 (3,455,130) $ 7,750,220 $10,479,731 $ 11,323,743 $ 1,271,020 (461,135) $ (5,371,344) 258,421 $ 894,893 891,311 $ 809,885 $ (5,112,923) $ 1,786,204 $ 9,556,987 (996,882) $ 425,252 4,941,556 $ 15,673,766 (2,563,819) $ 8,560,105 $ 5,366,808 $ 13,109,947 Reconciliations of income tax provisions with taxes computed at Federal statutory rates are as follows: Years Ended December 31, Federal statutory rate Computed tax based on income from continuing operations Increase (Decrease) in tax resulting from: State and local taxes, net of Federal income tax benefit Tax-exempt income Other permanent items Total 2007 2006 2005 35% 35% 35% $ 8,383,904 $ 9,227,937 $ 12,800,430 526,426 (645,994) 295,769 (3,323,400) (718,718) 180,989 1,161,032 (878,404) 26,889 $ 8,560,105 $ 5,366,808 $ 13,109,947 The components of the net deferred tax asset, included in other assets, are as follows: December 31, Deferred tax assets Difference between financial statement provision for loan losses and tax bad debt deduction Pension and benefit plans SFAS No. 115 deferred tax asset Other Total deferred tax assets Deferred tax liabilities Difference between tax and net book values of fixed assets Other Total deferred tax liabilities Net deferred tax asset 2007 2006 $ 6,813,638 8,060,802 867,253 2,597,022 $ 7,353,129 8,297,800 1,467,962 2,535,421 18,338,715 19,654,312 703,768 744,987 361,012 2,562,933 1,448,755 2,923,945 $ 16,889,960 $16,730,367 Based on management’s consideration of historical and anticipated future pre-tax income, as well as the reversal period for the items giving rise to the deferred tax assets and liabilities, a valuation allowance for deferred assets was not considered necessary at December 31, 2007 and 2006 since it is more likely than not that these assets will be realized. The current tax payable as of December 31, 2007 was approximately $2,119,000. The current tax receivable as of December 31, 2006 was approximately $4,872,000. The adoption of FIN 48 did not affect the Company’s financial position. P A G E 7 1 A reconciliation of unrecognized tax benefits for the year ended December 31, 2007 follows: Year Ended December 31, Balance at January 1 Reductions for tax positions of prior years Balance at December 31 2007 $ 1,075,426 (577,570) $ 497,856 The balance of unrecognized tax benefits at December 31, 2007, before the impact of federal and state taxes, relates to the taxation of certain income items, all of which would affect the Company’s effective tax rate if recognized and are expected to be realized in 2008. The Company recognizes interest accrued related to unrecog- nized tax benefits and penalties in noninterest operating expenses. At December 31, 2007, the consolidated balance sheet included accrued interest related to unrecognized tax benefits of $148,391 and the consolidated statement of income included a credit for interest expense of $86,253. The Company and its subsidiaries are subject to U.S. federal income tax as well as income tax of multiple state jurisdic- tions. The Company’s federal income tax returns for 2002 through 2006 are currently either under examination or sub- ject to examination. The Company’s New York State and New York City tax returns for years prior to 2003 are no longer subject to examination. NOTE 19. EARNINGS PER SHARE Basic EPS has been computed using the weighted-average common shares outstanding during the year. Diluted EPS reflect the dilutive effect of unexercised stock options using the treasury stock method. When applying the treasury stock method, the average price of the Company’s common stock is utilized. Earnings per common share have been computed based on the following: Years Ended December 31, Net income from continuing operations available to common shareholders (Loss) income from discontinued operations Loss on sale of discontinued operations Net income available to common shareholders Weighted average number of common shares used to calculate basic earnings per common share Dilutive effect of stock options Weighted average number of common shares used to calculate diluted earnings per common share 2007 2006 2005 $15,393,906 (795,034) — $20,998,725 (603,753) (9,634,911) $23,462,709 564,116 — $14,598,872 $10,760,061 $24,026,825 18,209,740 321,806 18,734,610 530,483 19,164,498 598,854 18,531,546 19,265,093 19,763,352 Options issued with exercise prices greater than the average market price of the common shares for each of the years ended December 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005 have not been included in computation of diluted EPS for those respective years. As of December 31, 2007, 384,147 options to purchase shares between $17.73 and $26.94 were not included; as of December 31, 2006, 223,111 options to purchase shares at prices between $19.50 and $26.94 were not included; as of December 31, 2005, 121,275 options to purchase shares at prices between $21.93 and $26.94 were not included. NOTE 20. FAIR VALUE OF FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS SFAS No. 107, Disclosures about Fair Value of Financial Instru ments, requires the Company to disclose the “fair value” of certain financial instruments for which it is practi- cal to estimate “fair value.” Much of the information used to arrive at “fair value” is highly subjective and judgmental in nature and therefore the results may not be precise. The subjective factors include, among other things, estimated cash flows, risk characteris- tics, credit quality and interest rates, all of which are subject to change. With the exception of investment securities and long-term debt, the Company’s financial instruments are not readily marketable and market prices do not exist. Since negotiated prices for the instruments that are not readily marketable depend greatly on the motivation of the buyer and seller, the amounts that will actually be realized or paid per settlement or maturity of these instruments could be sig- nificantly different. P A G E 7 2 The following disclosures represent the Company’s best esti- mate of the “fair value” of financial instruments. Financial Instruments with Carrying Amount Equal to Fair Value The carrying amount of cash and due from banks, interest- bearing deposits with other banks, Federal funds sold, cus- tomers’ liabilities under acceptances, accrued interest receivable, Federal funds purchased, securities sold under agreements to repurchase, commercial paper, other short- term borrowings, acceptances outstanding, and accrued inter- est payable, as a result of their short-term nature, is considered to approximate fair value. Investment Securities For investment securities, fair value has been based upon cur- rent market quotations, where available. If quoted market prices are not available, fair value has been estimated based upon the quoted price of similar instruments. Loans Held in Portfolio The fair value of loans held in portfolio which reprice within 90 days reflecting changes in the base rate approximate their car- rying amount. For other loans held in portfolio, the estimated fair value is calculated based on discounted cash flow analyses, using interest rates currently being offered for loans with sim- ilar terms to borrowers of similar credit quality and for similar maturities. These calculations have been adjusted for credit risk based on the Company’s historical credit loss experience. The estimated fair value for secured nonaccrual loans is the value of the underlying collateral which is sufficient to repay each loan. For other nonaccrual loans, the estimated fair value represents book value less a credit risk adjustment based on the Company’s historical credit loss experience. Deposits SFAS No. 107 requires that the fair value of demand, sav- ings, NOW (negotiable order of withdrawal) and certain money mar ket deposits be equal to their carrying amount. The Company believes that the fair value of these deposits, including the value of deposit relationships, is greater than that prescribed by SFAS No. 107. For other types of deposits with fixed maturities, fair value has been estimated based upon interest rates currently being offered on deposits with similar characteristics and maturities. Long-Term Debt For long-term borrowings, the estimated fair value is calcu- lated based on discounted cash flow analyses, using interest rates currently being quoted for debt with similar characteris- tics and maturities. Commitments to Extend Credit, Standby Letters of Credit and Financial Guarantees The fees received for the issuance of commitments to extend credit, standby letters of credit, and financial guarantees, are considered to approximate fair value. Due to the uncertainty involved in attempting to assess the likelihood and timing of a commitment being drawn upon, coupled with lack of an established market and the wide diversity of fee structures, the Company does not believe it is meaningful to provide an estimate of fair value that differs from the notional value of consideration received. The following is a summary of the carrying amounts and estimated fair values of the Company’s financial assets and liabilities: December 31, 2007 2006 Carrying Amount Estimated Fair Value Carrying Amount Estimated Fair Value FINANCIAL ASSETS Cash and due from banks Interest-bearing deposits with other banks Federal funds sold Investment securities Loans held for sale Loans held in portfolio, net Customers’ liability under acceptances Accrued interest receivable FINANCIAL LIABILITIES Demand, NOW, savings and money market deposits Time deposits Securities sold under agreements to repurchase Federal funds purchased Commercial paper Short-term borrowings—FHLB Other short-term borrowings Acceptances outstanding Accrued interest payable Long-term borrowings $ 66,412,612 979,984 — 625,241,417 23,755,906 1,172,039,209 200,942 7,081,304 1,013,959,470 513,026,709 70,253,947 65,000,000 20,878,494 45,000,000 4,285,198 200,942 3,570,858 65,774,000 P A G E 7 3 $ 66,412,612 979,984 — 623,105,578 23,755,906 1,189,562,000 200,942 7,081,304 1,013,959,470 513,179,408 70,253,947 65,000,000 20,878,494 45,000,000 4,285,198 200,942 3,570,858 65,438,035 $ 50,058,593 1,261,187 20,000,000 569,324,317 33,319,789 1,096,313,646 98,399 5,844,868 1,004,881,046 517,149,377 52,802,796 — 27,561,567 — 3,411,630 98,399 3,309,821 45,774,000 $ 50,058,593 1,261,187 20,000,000 560,071,577 33,319,789 1,092,574,791 98,399 5,844,868 1,004,881,046 516,920,978 52,802,796 — 27,561,567 — 3,411,630 98,399 3,309,821 44,080,523 NOTE 21. CAPITAL MATTERS The Company and the bank are subject to risk-based capital regulations which quantitatively measure capital against risk-weighted assets, including certain off-balance sheet items. These regulations define the elements of the Tier 1 and Tier 2 components of Total Capital and establish minimum ratios of 4% for Tier 1 capital and 8% for Total Capital for capital adequacy purposes. Sup ple- menting these regulations is a leverage requirement. This requirement establishes a minimum leverage ratio (at least 3% or 4%, depending upon an institution’s regulatory status), which is calculated by dividing Tier 1 capital by adjusted quarterly average assets (after deducting goodwill). In addition, the bank is subject to the provisions of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Improvement Act of 1991 (“FDICIA”) which imposes a number of mandatory supervisory measures. Among other matters, FDICIA established five capital categories ranging from “well capitalized” to “critically undercapitalized.” Such classifications are used by regulatory agencies to determine a bank’s deposit insurance premium, approval of applications authorizing institu- tions to increase their asset size or otherwise expand business activities or acquire other institutions. Under FDICIA a “well capitalized” bank must maintain minimum leverage, Tier 1 and Total Capital ratios of 5%, 6% and 10%, respectively. The Federal Reserve Board applies comparable tests for holding companies such as the Company. At December 31, 2007, the Company and the bank exceeded the requirements for “well capitalized” institutions. The following tables present information regarding the Company’s and the bank’s regulatory capital ratios: As of December 31, 2007 Amount Ratio Amount Ratio Amount Ratio Actual For Capital Adequacy Minimum To Be Well Capitalized Total Capital (to Risk-Weighted Assets): The Company The bank Tier 1 Capital (to Risk-Weighted Assets): The Company The bank Tier 1 Leverage Capital (to Average Assets): The Company The bank As of December 31, 2006 Total Capital (to Risk-Weighted Assets): The Company The bank Tier 1 Capital (to Risk-Weighted Assets): The Company The bank Tier 1 Leverage Capital (to Average Assets): The Company The bank (dollars in thousands) $ 149,014 147,442 10.87% 10.77 $ 109,706 109,507 8.00% 8.00 $ 137,133 136,884 10.00% 10.00 133,785 132,213 133,785 132,213 9.76 9.66 6.88 6.79 54,853 54,753 77,835 77,943 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 82,280 82,130 97,294 97,429 6.00 6.00 5.00 5.00 $ 162,232 138,651 12.74% 11.00 $ 102,299 101,288 8.00% 8.00 $ 127,874 126,610 10.00% 10.00 146,244 122,819 11.49 9.75 146,244 122,819 7.82 6.60 51,150 50,644 75,131 74,788 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 76,725 75,966 93,913 93,485 6.00 6.00 5.00 5.00 P A G E 7 4 NOTE 22. SEGMENT REPORTING SFAS No. 131, Disclosures about Segments of an Enterprise and Related Information, establishes standards for the way infor- mation about operating segments is reported in annual financial statements and establishes standards for related disclosures about an enterprise’s products and services, geographic areas, and major customers. The Company provides a broad range of financial products and services, including commercial loans, commercial and residential mortgage lending and brokerage, asset-based financing, factoring/accounts receivable management services, trade financing, equipment leasing, corporate and consumer deposit services, trust and estate administration and investment management services. The Company’s primary source of earnings is net interest income, which represents the difference between interest earned on interest-earning assets and the interest incurred on interest-bearing liabilities. The Company’s 2007 average interest-earning assets were 64.5% loans (corporate lending was 68.6% and real estate lending was 26.8% of total loans, respectively) and 35.3% investment securities and money market investments. There were no industry concentrations (exceeding 10% of loans, gross) in the corporate loan portfolio. Approximately 72% of loans are to borrowers located in the New York metropolitan area. In order to comply with the provisions of SFAS No. 131, the Company has determined that it has three reportable operating segments: corporate lending, real estate lending and company-wide treasury. The following table provides certain information regarding the Company’s operating segments: Year Ended December 31, 2007 Net interest income Noninterest income Depreciation and amortization Segment income from continuing operations before income taxes Segment loss from discontinued operations before income taxes Segment assets from continuing operations Year Ended December 31, 2006 Net interest income Noninterest income Depreciation and amortization Segment income from continuing operations before income taxes Segment loss from discontinued operations before income taxes Segment assets from continuing operations Segment assets from discontinued operations Year Ended December 31, 2005 Net interest income Noninterest income Depreciation and amortization Segment income from continuing operations Corporate Lending Real Estate Lending Company-wide Treasury Totals $ 27,504,459 22,954,539 702,221 $ 21,088,858 9,207,095 364,330 $ 24,261,323 1,615,878 2,577 $ 72,854,640 33,777,512 1,069,128 19,150,368 14,861,571 23,315,069 57,327,008 (1,306,865) 827,389,487 — 382,561,159 — 770,885,839 (1,306,865) 1,980,836,485 $ 35,262,677 20,339,968 628,535 $ 21,470,915 10,031,131 393,063 $ 16,791,484 965,738 2,458 $ 73,525,076 31,336,837 1,024,056 25,227,358 13,517,899 15,492,347 54,237,604 (982,392) 750,698,220 1,662,697 — 371,762,040 — — 738,348,258 — (982,392) 1,860,808,518 1,662,697 $ 31,299,679 12,428,528 390,450 $ 21,740,851 16,809,178 403,086 $ 21,461,800 2,195,149 2,454 $ 74,502,330 31,432,855 795,990 before income taxes 19,351,879 20,031,035 22,929,744 62,312,658 Segment income from discontinued operations before income taxes Segment assets from continuing operations Segment assets from discontinued operations 1,040,882 694,617,210 116,250,231 — 351,195,939 — — 864,164,967 — 1,040,882 1,909,978,116 116,250,231 P A G E 7 5 The following table sets forth reconciliations of net interest income, noninterest income, pre-tax income from continuing opera- tions and total assets for reportable operating segments to the Company’s consolidated totals: Years Ended December 31, Net interest income: Total for reportable operating segments Other[1] 2007 2006 2005 $ 72,854,640 1,037,352 $ 73,525,076 1,039,590 $ 74,502,330 922,457 Consolidated net interest income $ 73,891,992 $ 74,564,666 $ 75,424,787 Noninterest income: Total for reportable operating segments Other[1] Consolidated noninterest income Income from continuing operations before income taxes: Total for reportable operating segments Other[1] Consolidated income/loss from continuing operations before income taxes Assets: Total for reportable operating segments—continuing operations —discontinued operations Other[1] Consolidated assets $ 33,777,512 1,946,345 $ 31,336,837 2,321,492 $ 31,432,855 2,583,543 $ 35,723,857 $ 33,658,329 $ 34,016,398 $ 57,327,008 (33,372,997) $ 54,237,604 (27,872,071) $ 62,312,658 (25,740,002) $ 23,954,011 $ 26,365,533 $ 36,572,656 $ 1,980,836,485 — 31,812,298 $ 1,860,808,518 1,662,697 23,486,071 $ 1,909,978,116 116,250,231 29,814,139 $ 2,012,648,783 $ 1,885,957,286 $ 2,056,042,486 [1] Represents operations not considered to be a reportable segment and/or general operating expenses of the Company. NOTE 23. PARENT COMPANY CONDENSED BALANCE SHEETS December 31, ASSETS Cash and due from banks Banking subsidiary Other banks Interest-bearing deposits—banking subsidiary Securities available for sale (at estimated fair value) Loans, net of unearned discount Investment in subsidiaries 2007 2006 $ 4,336,453 $ 15,963,288 3,730 15,391,821 248,060 4,800,250 1,230 30,367,015 66,049 4,800,250 Banking subsidiary (including goodwill of $22,900,912 and $22,862,051, respectively) 147,700,620 137,231,518 Other subsidiaries Other assets LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY Commercial paper Due to subsidiaries Other subsidiaries Accrued expenses and other liabilities Junior subordinated debt (see Note 11) Shareholders’ equity 11,530,711 10,987,721 11,981,127 11,326,937 $ 194,999,366 $ 211,737,414 $ 20,878,494 $ 27,561,567 1,045,327 26,231,268 25,774,000 121,070,277 995,870 25,143,206 25,774,000 132,262,771 $ 194,999,366 $ 211,737,414 P A G E 7 6 CONDENSED STATEMENTS OF INCOME Years Ended December 31, INCOME Dividends and interest from Banking subsidiary Other subsidiaries Loans Securities available for sale Other income Total income EXPENSE Interest expense Other expenses Total expense Income before income taxes and equity in undistributed net income (loss) of subsidiaries Benefit for income taxes 2007 2006 2005 $ 10,063,533 $ 20,088,150 $ 22,588,819 — 251,868 2,068 20,359 1,327,891 1,270,190 — 5,129 1,396 — 2,863 21,187 10,337,828 21,422,566 23,883,059 3,535,667 3,707,035 4,203,131 5,187,090 3,138,978 4,865,828 7,242,702 9,390,221 8,004,806 3,095,126 (2,521,438) 12,032,345 (3,424,488) 15,878,253 (2,982,742) 5,616,564 15,456,833 18,860,995 Equity in undistributed net income (loss) of Banking subsidiary (net of (loss)/income on discontinued operations of $(126,242), $(242,803) and $123,939, respectively) 9,432,725 5,202,425 4,648,066 Other subsidiaries (net of (loss)/income on discontinued operations of $(668,792), $(9,995,861) and $440,177, respectively) (450,417) (9,899,197) 517,764 Net income $ 14,598,872 $ 10,760,061 $ 24,026,825 P A G E 7 7 CONDENSED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS Years Ended December 31, OPERATING ACTIVITIES Net income Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by operating activities: Amortization of unearned compensation Increase in accrued expenses and other liabilities Equity in undistributed net loss (income) of subsidiaries Decrease (Increase) in other assets Other, net 2007 2006 2005 $ 14,598,872 $ 10,760,061 $ 24,026,825 — 1,088,062 (8,982,308) 348,840 (249,074) 22,007 10,006,962 4,696,772 (5,192,190) (339,605) 269,205 2,637,645 (5,165,830) (568,292) (719,643) Net cash provided by operating activities 6,804,392 19,954,007 20,479,910 INVESTING ACTIVITIES Net decrease (increase) in interest-bearing deposits—banking subsidiary 14,975,194 (29,725,025) (251,681) Purchase of securities available for sale Increase in loans Increase in due to subsidiaries, net Decrease (Increase) in due from subsidiaries, net Capital contributed to subsidiaries (191,635) — 49,457 — (4,800,250) 933 — — 1,709 — — 66,318,091 (12,315,414) (15,181,649) — Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities 14,833,016 16,612,100 (12,565,386) FINANCING ACTIVITIES Net (decrease) increase in commercial paper Cash dividends paid on common shares Proceeds from exercise of stock options Purchase of treasury shares (6,683,073) (10,629,449) 12,199,978 (13,755,127) (14,216,097) (14,035,197) 798,117 1,338,013 2,701,565 (13,621,660) (5,831,017) (10,507,293) Cash paid in lieu of fractional shares in connection with stock dividend/split — — (25,113) Net cash used in financing activities (33,261,743) (29,338,550) (9,666,060) Net (decrease) increase in cash and due from banks Cash and due from banks—beginning of year (11,624,335) 15,964,518 7,227,557 8,736,961 (1,751,536) 10,488,497 Cash and due from banks—end of year $ 4,340,183 $ 15,964,518 $ 8,736,961 Supplemental disclosure of cash flow information: Interest paid Income taxes paid $ 3,493,180 $ 4,233,098 $ 3,057,648 2,082,983 3,175,881 15,305,000 P A G E 7 8 NOTE 24. COMMITMENTS AND CONTINGENT LIABILITIES Total rental expenses under cancelable and noncancelable leases for premises and equipment were $4,783,441, $4,833,664 and $4,104,536 for the years ended December 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005, respectively, which are net of rental income for a sublease of $192,777, $190,702 and $177,303 for the years ended December 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005, respectively. The future minimum rental commitments as of December 31, 2007 under noncancelable leases follow: Year(s) 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 and thereafter Total Rental Commitments $ 4,018,454 3,710,651 2,829,911 2,179,157 2,038,575 7,191,862 $21,968,610 Certain leases included above have escalation clauses and/or provide that the Company pay maintenance, electric, taxes and other operating expenses applicable to the leased property. In the normal course of business, there are various commitments and contingent liabilities outstanding which are properly not recorded on the balance sheet. Management does not anticipate that losses, if any, as a result of these transactions would materially affect the financial position of the Company. Loan commitments, approximately 70% of which have an original maturity of one year or less, were approximately $50,551,000 as of December 31, 2007. These commitments are agreements to lend to a customer as long as the conditions established in the contract are met. Commitments generally have fixed expiration dates or other termination clauses and may require payment of a fee. The total commitment amounts do not necessarily represent future cash requirements because some of the commitments are expected to expire without being drawn upon. The bank evaluates each customer’s creditworthiness on a case-by-case basis. The amount of collateral obtained, if deemed necessary, by the bank upon extension of credit is based on management’s credit evaluation of the borrower. Collateral held varies but may include cash, U.S. Treasury and other marketable securities, accounts receivable, inventory and property, plant and equipment. Standby letters of credit and financial guarantees, substantially all of which are within the scope of FIN No. 45, are written conditional commitments issued by the bank to guarantee the performance of a customer to a third party. At December 31, 2007, these commitments totaled $40,215,687 of which $33,806,307 expire within one year and $6,409,380 within two years. Approximately 84% of the commitments are automatically renewable for a period of one year. The credit risk involved in issu- ing letters of credit is essentially the same as that involved in extending loan facilities to customers. The bank holds cash or cash equivalents and marketable securities as collateral supporting those commitments for which collateral is deemed necessary. The extent of collateral held for those commitments at December 31, 2007 ranged from 0% to 100%; the average amount collateral- ized was approximately 91%. In the normal course of business there are various legal proceedings pending against the Company. Management, after consulting with counsel, is of the opinion that there should be no material liability with respect to such proceedings, and accordingly no provision has been made in the accompanying consolidated financial statements. P A G E 7 9 NOTE 25. QUARTERLY DATA (UNAUDITED) 2007 Quarter Mar 31 Jun 30 Sept 30 Dec 31 Total interest income[1] Total interest expense[1] Net interest income[1] Provision for loan losses[1] Net securities (losses)/gains[1] Noninterest income, excluding securities gains[1] Noninterest expenses[1] Income from continuing operations, net of tax (Loss)/income from discontinued operations, net of tax Net income Income from continuing operations, net of tax, per average common share: Basic Diluted Net income per average common share: Basic Diluted Common stock closing price: High Low Quarter-end $ 29,106,448 $ 29,925,842 $ 31,242,792 $ 31,176,879 11,603,823 17,502,625 1,250,000 — 9,229,296 19,683,750 3,571,673 (91,971) 3,479,702 11,720,140 18,205,702 1,078,332 (2,001) 9,053,512 20,228,031 3,791,438 71,252 3,862,690 12,142,153 19,100,639 2,125,000 (1,075) 7,813,099 19,421,788 3,841,057 (774,315) 3,066,742 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.18 19.75 17.55 18.10 0.21 0.20 0.21 0.20 18.15 15.24 16.03 0.21 0.21 0.17 0.17 16.12 13.65 14.00 12,093,853 19,083,026 1,399,998 191,442 9,439,584 20,474,939 4,189,738 — 4,189,738 0.24 0.23 0.24 0.23 15.15 11.81 13.64 2006 Quarter Mar 31 Jun 30 Sept 30 Dec 31 $ 27,395,380 $ 29,174,078 $ 29,767,237 $ 30,249,425 Total interest income[1] Total interest expense[1] Net interest income[1] Provision for loan losses[1] Net securities (losses)/gains[1] Noninterest income, excluding securities gains[1] Noninterest expenses[1] Income from continuing operations, net of tax (Loss)/income from discontinued operations, net of tax (Loss)/income on sale of discontinued operations, net of tax 9,001,723 18,393,657 1,365,000 (459,497) 6,244,350 18,522,352 6,484,892 (44,759) — 10,043,086 19,130,992 377,229 14,866 8,990,840 18,805,582 5,382,291 (516,806) — Net income/(loss) 6,440,133 4,865,485 Income from continuing operations, net of tax, per average common share: Basic Diluted Net income (loss) per average common share: Basic Diluted Common stock closing price: High Low Quarter-end [1] Continuing operations. 0.29 0.28 0.26 0.25 21.09 17.48 19.50 0.34 0.33 0.34 0.33 23.15 18.74 20.60 P A G E 8 0 11,275,605 18,491,632 1,510,367 — 9,250,995 19,455,237 5,021,566 150,752 (9,604,166) (4,431,848) 0.27 0.27 (0.23) (0.23) 21.14 18.14 19.66 11,701,040 18,548,385 1,250,000 1,514 9,615,261 20,571,695 4,109,976 (192,940) (30,745) 3,886,291 0.22 0.21 0.20 0.20 19.82 18.55 19.70 NOTE 26. ADOPTION OF SAB 108 The Company adopted SEC SAB No. 108, Considering the Effects of Prior Year Misstatements when Quantifying Misstatements in Current Year Financial Statements, effective during the year ended December 31, 2006. Under SAB No. 108, the cumulative effect of immaterial misstatements originating in prior years that, if adjusted in the current year, would be immaterial to the current year financial statements should be reported in the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities as of the beginning of the current year, and the offsetting adjustment should be made to the opening balance of retained earnings for the current year. Accordingly, in the fourth quarter of 2006, the Company recorded a cumulative effect adjustment, relating to operating leases, of $(589,329) to the beginning balance of retained earnings for 2006. Management considered the prior year misstatements, which have been corrected through the cumulative effect adjustment, as immaterial based on management’s historical practice of evaluating such misstatements. The Company’s previous accounting treatment for recognizing occupancy expense related to operating leases arose at the incep- tion of these leases in 1997. Previously, the Company recorded occupancy expense based on contractual amounts and the tim- ing of actual payments. The Company revised its accounting for operating leases to recognize occupancy expense on a straight-line basis over the lease term, which included certain periods during which facilities were under construction. This accounting treatment is in accordance with SFAS No. 13, Accounting for Leases, and related interpretations. The cumulative effect adjustment resulted in increases at January 1, 2006 of $1,074,241 to deferred rent liability (in other liabilities) and $484,912 to deferred tax assets (in other assets). P A G E 8 1 R E P O R T O F I N D E P E N D E N T R E G I S T E R E D P U B L I C A C C O U N T I N G F I R M The Shareholders and Board of Directors Sterling Bancorp: We have audited the accompanying consolidated balance sheets of Sterling Bancorp and subsidiaries as of December 31, 2007 and 2006, and the related consolidated statements of income, comprehensive income, changes in shareholders’ equity, and cash flows for each of the years in the three-year period ended December 31, 2007, and the consolidated statements of condition of Sterling National Bank and subsidiaries as of December 31, 2007 and 2006. These consolidated financial statements are the responsibil- ity of the Company’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these consolidated financial statements based on our audits. We conducted our audits in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States). Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial state- ments are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion. In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Sterling Bancorp and subsidiaries as of December 31, 2007 and 2006, and the results of their operations and their cash flows for each of the years in the three-year period ended December 31, 2007, and the financial position of Sterling National Bank and subsidiaries as of December 31, 2007 and 2006, in conformity with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles. As discussed in Note 26 to the consolidated financial statements, in 2006 the Company adopted SEC Staff Accounting Bulletin No. 108, “Considering the Effects of Prior Year Misstatements when Quantifying Misstatements in Current Year Financial Statements.” We also have audited, in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States), Sterling Bancorp and subsidiaries’ internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2007, based on criteria estab- lished in Internal Control—Integrated Framework issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO), and our report dated March 14, 2008, expressed an unqualified opinion on the effectiveness of the Company’s internal control over financial reporting. /s/ KPMG LLP New York, New York March 14, 2008 P A G E 8 2 ITEM 9. CHANGES IN AND DISAGREEMENTS WITH ACCOUNTANTS ON ACCOUNTING AND FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE None. ITEM 9A. CONTROLS AND PROCEDURES (a) Evaluation of disclosure controls and procedures As required under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the Company’s management, with the participation of the Com- pany’s principal executive and principal financial officers, evaluated the Company’s disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e) under the Exchange Act) as of the end of the period covered by this annual report on Form 10-K. Based on this evaluation the Company’s management, including the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer, concluded that, as of December 31, 2007, the Company’s disclosure controls and procedures were effective to ensure that information required to be disclosed by the Company in reports that it files or sub- mits under the Exchange Act is recorded, processed, summa- rized and reported within the time periods specified in SEC rules and forms. (b) Management’s annual report on internal control over financial reporting The management of the Company is responsible for establish- ing and maintaining adequate internal control over financial reporting. The Company’s internal control system was designed to provide reasonable assurance to the Company’s management and Board of Directors regarding the prepara- tion and fair presentation of published financial statements. Any system of internal control, no matter how well designed, has inherent limitations, including the possibility that a con- trol can be circumvented or overridden and misstatements due to error or fraud may occur and not be detected. Also, because of changes in conditions, internal control effective- ness may vary over time. Accordingly, projections of any evaluation of effectiveness to future periods are subject to the risk that controls may become inadequate because of changed conditions, or that the degree of compliance with the policies or procedures may deteriorate. The management of the Company assessed the effectiveness of the Company’s internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2007. In making its assessment of internal control over financial reporting, management used the crite- ria issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) in Internal Control— Integrated Framework. Based on this assessment, the Company’s management concluded that, as of December 31, 2007, the Company’s internal control over financial report- ing is effective. P A G E 8 3 (c) Report of independent registered public accounting firm The Shareholders and Board of Directors Sterling Bancorp: We have audited Sterling Bancorp and subsidiaries’ (the “Company”) internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2007, based on criteria established in Internal Control—Integrated Framework issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO). The Company’s management is responsible for maintaining effective internal control over financial reporting and for its assessment of the effectiveness of internal control over financial reporting, included in the accompanying management’s annual report over financial reporting. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the Company’s internal control over financial reporting based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States). Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether effective internal control over financial reporting was maintained in all material respects. Our audit included obtaining an understanding of internal control over financial reporting, assessing the risk that a material weakness exists, testing and evaluating the design and operating effectiveness of internal control based on the assessed risk. Our audit also included performing such other proce- dures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. A company’s internal control over financial reporting is a process designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reli- ability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. A company’s internal control over financial reporting includes those policies and procedures that (1) pertain to the maintenance of records that, in reasonable detail, accurately and fairly reflect the transactions and dispo- sitions of the assets of the company; (2) provide reasonable assurance that transactions are recorded as necessary to permit preparation of financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, and that receipts and expendi- tures of the company are being made only in accordance with authorizations of management and directors of the company; and (3) provide reasonable assurance regarding prevention or timely detection of unauthorized acquisition, use, or disposition of the company’s assets that could have a material effect on the financial statements. P A G E 8 4 Because of its inherent limitations, internal control over financial reporting may not prevent or detect misstatements. Also, projections of any evaluation of effectiveness to future periods are subject to the risk that controls may become inadequate because of changes in conditions, or that the degree of compliance with the policies or procedures may deteriorate. In our opinion, the Company maintained, in all material respects, effective internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2007, based on criteria established in Internal Control—Integrated Framework issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO). We also have audited, in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States), consolidated balance sheets of Sterling Bancorp and subsidiaries as of December 31, 2007 and 2006, and the related consoli- dated statements of income, comprehensive income, changes in shareholders’ equity, and cash flows for each of the years in the three-year period ended December 31, 2007, and the consolidated statements of condition of Sterling National Bank and sub- sidiaries as of December 31, 2007 and 2006, and our report dated March 14, 2008 expressed an unqualified opinion on those consolidated financial statements. /s/ KPMG LLP New York, New York March 14, 2008 P A G E 8 5 (d) Changes in internal control over financial reporting No change in the Company’s internal control over financial reporting (as defined in Rule 13a-15(f) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934) occurred during the fiscal quarter ended December 31, 2007 that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, the Company’s internal control over financial reporting. ITEM 9B. OTHER INFORMATION None. P A G E 8 6 P A R T I I I ITEM 10. DIRECTORS, EXECUTIVE OFFICERS AND CORPORATE GOVERNANCE Information regarding executive officers required by Item 401 of Regulation S-K is furnished in a separate disclosure on page 17 at the end of Part I of this report. The other information required by Item 10 will be in the parent company’s definitive proxy statement to be filed pursuant to Regulation 14A under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 within 120 days after December 31, 2007 and is incorporated by reference. ITEM 11. EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION The information required by Item 11 will be in the parent company’s definitive proxy statement to be filed pursuant to Regulation 14A under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 within 120 days after December 31, 2007 and is incorporated by reference. ITEM 12. SECURITY OWNERSHIP OF CERTAIN BENEFICIAL OWNERS AND MANAGEMENT AND RELATED STOCKHOLDER MATTERS See the information appearing in Note 16 of the Company’s consolidated financial statements beginning on page 65. The following table provides information as of December 31, 2007, regarding securities issued to all of the Company’s employees under equity compensation plans that were in effect during the fiscal year ended December 31, 2007, and other equity compensation plan information. EQUITY COMPENSATION PLAN INFORMATION Plan Category Number of Securities to be Issued upon Exercise of Outstanding Options, Warrants and Rights (a) Weighted Average Exercise Price of Outstanding Options, Warrants and Rights (b) Number of Securities Remaining Available for Future Issuance under Equity Compensation Plans (excluding securities reflected in column (a)) (c) Equity Compensation Plans approved by security holders 1,764,690 Equity Compensation Plans not approved by security holders — TOTAL 1,764,690 $12.35 — $12.35 458,533 — 458,533 The other information required by Item 12 will be in the parent company’s definitive proxy statement to be filed pursuant to Regulation 14A under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 within 120 days after December 31, 2007 and is incorporated by reference. ITEM 13. CERTAIN RELATIONSHIPS AND RELATED TRANSACTIONS, AND DIRECTOR INDEPENDENCE The information required by Item 13 will be in the parent company’s definitive proxy statement to be filed pursuant to Regulation 14A under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 within 120 days after December 31, 2007 and is incorporated by reference. ITEM 14. PRINCIPAL ACCOUNTING FEES AND SERVICES The information required by Item 14 will be in the parent company’s definitive proxy statement to be filed pursuant to Regulation 14A under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 within 120 days after December 31, 2007 and is incorporated by reference. P A G E 8 7 P A R T I V ITEM 15. EXHIBITS AND FINANCIAL STATEMENT 10. SCHEDULES (a) The documents filed as a part of this report are listed below: 1. Financial Statements Sterling Bancorp Consolidated Balance Sheets as of December 31, 2007 and 2006 Consolidated Statements of Income for the Years Ended December 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005 Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income for the Years Ended December 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005 Consolidated Statements of Changes in Shareholders’ Equity for the Years Ended December 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005 Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows for the Years Ended December 31, 2007, 2006 and 2005 Sterling National Bank Consolidated Statements of Condition as of December 31, 2007 and 2006 2. Financial Statement Schedules None 3. Exhibits 3. (i) Restated Certificate of Incorporation filed with the State of New York Department of State, October 28, 2004 (Filed as Exhibit 3(i) to the Registrant’s Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 2004 and incorporated herein by reference). 4. (ii) By-Laws as in effect on November 15, 2007 (Filed as Exhibit 3(ii) to the Registrant’s Form 8-K dated November 15, 2007 and filed on November 19, 2007 and incorpo- rated herein by reference). (a) Pursuant to Regulation S-K, Item 601(b)(4) (iii)(A), no instrument which defines the rights of holders of long-term debt of the Registrant or any of its consolidated sub- sidiaries is filed herewith. Pursuant to this regulation, the Registrant hereby agrees to furnish a copy of any such instrument to the SEC upon request. (b) Shareholder Protection Rights Agreement, dated as of May 21, 1998, between the Registrant and ChaseMellon Shareholder Services, L.L.C., as Rights Agent (Filed as Exhibit 4.1 to the Registrant’s Form 8-A dated June 15, 1998 and incorporated herein by reference). P A G E 8 8 (i)(A) Sterling Bancorp Stock Incentive Plan (Amended and Restated as of May 20, 2004) (Filed as Exhibit 10 to the Registrant’s Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 2004 and incorporated herein by reference). (i)(B) Form of Award Letter for Non-Employee Directors (Filed as Exhibit 10 to the Reg- istrant’s Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 2004 and incorporated herein by reference). (i)(C) Form of Award Letter for Officers (Filed as Exhibit 10 to the Registrant’s Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 2004 and incorporated herein by reference). (i)(D) Form of Nonqualified Stock Option Award (Filed as Exhibit 10(A) to the Registrant’s Form 8-K dated March 18, 2005 and filed on March 24, 2005 and incorporated herein by reference). (i)(E) Form of Award Letter for Officers. (ii)(A) Sterling Bancorp Key Executive Incentive Bonus Plan (Filed as Exhibit C to the Reg- is trant’s definitive Proxy Statement, dated March 13, 2001, filed on March 16, 2001 and incorporated herein by reference). (iii)(A) A mended and Restated Employment Agreements dated March 22, 2002 for Louis J. Cappelli and John C. Millman (Filed as Exhibits 10(i)(a) and 10(i)(b), respectively, to the Reg istrant’s Form 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 2002 and incorporated by reference herein). (iii)(B) Amendments to Employment Agreements dated February 26, 2003 for Louis J. Cappelli and John C. Millman (Filed as Exhibits 3.10(xiv)(a) and 3.10(xiv)(b), respectively, to the Registrant’s Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2002 and incorporated herein by reference). (iii)(C) Amendments to Employment Agreements dated February 24, 2004 for Louis J. Cappelli and John C. Millman (Filed as Exhibits 10(xv)(a) and 10(xv)(b), respectively, to the Registrant’s Form 10-K dated December 31, 2003 and filed on March 12, 2004 and incorporated herein by reference). (iv)(C) Form of Change of Control Severance Agree- ment dated April 3, 2002 entered into between the Registrant and one executive (Filed as Exhibit 10(i) to the Registrant’s Form 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 2002 and incorporated herein by reference). (iv)(D) Form of Change of Control Severance Agree- ment dated June 8, 2004 entered into between the Registrant and one executive (Filed as Exhibit 10(i) to the Registrant’s Form 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 2004 and incorporated herein by reference). (iv)(E) Form of Change of Control Severance and Retention Agreement, dated as of November 7, 2006, entered into between the Registrant and one officer (filed as Exhibit 10 to the Registrant’s Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 2006 and incorporated herein by reference). (iv)(F) Form of Change of Control Severance and Retention Agreement, dated as of September 7, 2006, entered into between the Registrant and one officer. Statement re: Computation of Per Share Earnings. Statement re: Computation of Ratios. Subsidiaries of the Registrant. Consent of KPMG LLP Independent Regis- tered Public Accounting Firm. Rule 13a-14(a) Certifications. Section 1350 Certifications. 11. 12. 21. 23. 31. 32. (iii)(D) Amendments to Employment Agreements dated March 18, 2005 for Louis J. Cappelli and John C. Millman (Filed as Exhibits 10(B) and 10(C), respectively, to the Registrant’s Form 8-K dated March 18, 2005 and filed on March 24, 2005 and incorporated herein by reference). (iii)(E) Amendments to Employment Agreements dated March 18, 2006 for Louis J. Cappelli and John C. Millman (Filed as Exhibits 10(iii)(E)(a) and 10(iii)(E)(b), respectively, to the Registrant’s Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2005 and incorporated herein by reference). (iii)(F) Amendments to Employment Agreements dated March 15, 2007 for Louis J. Cappelli and John C. Millman (Filed as Exhibits 10(iii)(F)(a) and 10(iii)(F)(b), respectively, to the Registrant’s Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2006 and incorpo- rated herein by reference). (iii)(G) Amendments to Employment Agreements dated March 13, 2008: (a) For Louis J. Cappelli (b) For John C. Millman (iv)(A) Form of Change of Control Severance Agree- ment entered into May 21, 1999 between the Registrant and each of six executives (Filed as Exhibit 10(ii) to the Registrant’s Form 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 1999 and incorporated herein by reference). (iv)(B) Amendment to Form of Change of Control Severance Agreement dated February 6, 2002 entered into between the Registrant and each of four executives (Filed as Exhibit 10(ii) to the Registrant’s Form 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 2002 and incorporated herein by reference). P A G E 8 9 S I G N A T U R E S Pursuant to the requirements of Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized. STERLING BANCORP /s/ Louis J. Cappelli Louis J. Cappelli, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (Principal Executive Officer) March 14, 2008 Date /s/ John W. Tietjen John W. Tietjen, Executive Vice President (Principal Financial and Accounting Officer) March 14, 2008 Date Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, this report has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of the Registrant and in the capacities and on the dates indicated: March 14, 2008 (Date) March 14, 2008 (Date) March 14, 2008 (Date) March 14, 2008 (Date) March 14, 2008 (Date) March 14, 2008 (Date) March 14, 2008 (Date) /s/ Louis J. Cappelli Louis J. Cappelli Director, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (Principal Executive Officer) /s/ John W. Tietjen John W. Tietjen Executive Vice President (Principal Financial and Accounting Officer) /s/ John C. Millman John C. Millman Director /s/ Joseph M. Adamko Joseph M. Adamko Director /s/ Walter Feldesman Walter Feldesman Director /s/ Henry J. Humphreys Henry J. Humphreys Director /s/ Eugene T. Rossides Eugene T. Rossides Director P A G E 9 0 STERLING BANCORP STERLING NATIONAL BANK m o c . s r o n n o c - n a r r u c . w w w / . c n I , s r o n n o C & n a r r u C y b d e n g i s e D STERLING BANCORP STERLING NATIONAL BANK 650 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10019-6108
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