Swiss Reinsurance Co.
Annual Report 2008

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Plain-text annual report

2008 Annual Report Key information Premiums earned� (CHF millions) 08 14 379 11 090 07 06 05 04 18 977 18 541 12 665 10 974 16 346 9 638 18 336 10 205   Property & Casualty   Life & Health Net income� (CHF millions) –864 08 07 06 05 04 2 304 2 475 Return on equity� –3.4% 08 4 162 4 560 07 06 05 04 13.5% 16.3% 10.3% 13.6% Shareholders’ equity� (CHF millions) 08 20 453 07 06 05 04 24 393 19 177 1 2005–2008 figures are based on US GAAP, and 2004 on Swiss GAAP FER Share price (CHF) 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009  Swiss Re  Swiss Market Index  Dow Jones STOXX 600 Insurance Premiums earned� (CHF millions) 08 14 379 11 090 07 18 977 12 665 04 9 638 10 974 18 541 18 336 10 205 16 346 06 Financial highlights 05 CHF millions, unless otherwise stated Property & Casualty    Property & Casualty   Life & Health Premiums earned Combined ratio, traditional business in % Net income� (CHF millions) –864 Life & Health 07 Premiums earned 06 Benefit ratio in % 05 2 304 08 4 162 4 560 04 2 475 Asset Management Assets under management, in CHF billions Return on investments in % Return on equity� –3.4% 08 07 Legacy 06 Operating loss 05 13.5% 16.3% 10.3% 04 13.6% Group Premiums earned Net income/loss Shareholders’ equity� (CHF millions) 20 453 08 Earnings per share, in CHF Shareholders’ equity Return on equity in % Number of employees1 (31.12.2007/31.12.2008) 30 884 24 393 31 867 06 05 07 2007 2008 Change in % 18 977 90.1 14 379 97.9 12 665 87.0 11 090 85.5 160 5.3 125 4.7 –24 –12 –22 –1 505 –5 890 – 31 664 4 162 11.95 31 867 13.5 11 702 25 501 –864 –2.61 20 453 –3.4 11 560 –19 – – –36 – –1 31 867 30 884 04 1 Permanent staff 19 177 1 2005–2008 figures are based on US GAAP, and 2004 on Swiss GAAP FER Share price (CHF) Share performance 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009  Swiss Re  Swiss Market Index  Dow Jones STOXX 600 Insurance in % Swiss Re Swiss Market Index Dow Jones STOXX 600 Insurance 2004–13 Feb 2009 (p.a.) 2008 –25.1 –61.54 –1.3 –37.65 –7.8 –52.56           Who we are: Swiss Re is a leading and highly diversified global reinsurer. We combine financial strength and unparalleled insurance expertise with real commitment to our clients. What we do: We offer a comprehensive range of reinsurance solutions to manage risk. Our aim is to create sustainable value for both clients and shareholders. How we do it: Our strong business position is founded on expertise, dialogue with clients and sound governance. We attract, develop and inspire the best talent to advance our performance and deliver innovative solutions. 002  Letter to shareholders 006  Profile 034  Financial year 066  Risk and capital management 084  Corporate governance and compensation report 132  Financial statements 244  General information  Letter to shareholders Peter Forstmoser Jacques Aigrain Stefan Lippe Dear shareholders In view of extreme financial market turbulence and a higher natural catastrophe burden faced  by the insurance industry, Swiss Re delivered a strong underwriting performance in our  Property & Casualty and Life & Health business. However, the result was severely impacted   by investment results. The sobering analysis is that even though we introduced corrective  measures during 2008, in retrospect, we should have acted faster to de-risk the asset side    of our balance sheet. All financial market activities that are not insurance-related have been  terminated or put in run-off. We continue to focus on reduction of risk in our investment  portfolio.  We are disappointed to have to report a loss for the year: 2008 ends with a net loss of   CHF 0.9 billion and a severe reduction in the book value per share to CHF 60.96.  However, we take to heart the criticism that we have to further de-risk our investment  portfolio. We must ensure the resilience of our balance sheet and protect the company’s   long-term financial strength. Our challenge is to ensure that we are taking the necessary  actions to build a stronger firm for the years to come. We propose to take a number of measures to reinforce our capital position in order to   maintain the financial flexibility to capitalise on client opportunities. The total capital to be  raised is likely to amount up to CHF 5.0 billion.  While we take no pleasure in reporting these results, we do wish to recognise the enormous  effort of our employees to stay focused on delivering solid operational results and   taking advantage of business opportunities that present themselves in the current market   environment. Their dedication to meeting our clients’ needs should not go unmentioned. 2  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report   Letter to shareholders Business performance Our Property & Casualty segment delivered superior underwriting discipline. It achieved an  excellent combined ratio of 97.9% for the fourth consecutive year, despite the impact of large  natural catastrophes and the lack of material benefit from prior year reserve development.   Our underwriting strength was rewarded by major new insurance transactions with clients  seeking innovative insurance risk solutions. Life & Health produced a benefit ratio of 85.5% and it is encouraging that we expect higher  return on capital employed from the new business written. In a highly competitive market   for life reinsurance, we are proud to report that our market share  of new business, coupled  with better pricing, improved in the Americas.  Reduce asset risk We disbanded our former Financial Markets division to establish two new units: Asset  Management and Legacy. Asset Management has two core strategic mandates: to manage  the assets generated through (re)insurance activities and match them to the benchmark set  by reinsurance liabilities; and to work closely with the Client Markets and Products  Underwriting teams to provide insurance-related solutions to our clients.  Legacy manages specified products that Swiss Re no longer offers. These products comprise  Structured CDS, Portfolio CDS, Financial Guarantee Re and former trading activities. The   run-off or sale of discontinued businesses has been accelerated and we do not exclude the  possibility of future disposal of other businesses. 0.19 We took further decisive action to de-risk the asset portfolio during 2008 through a  combination of sales and hedging. Consequently, at the end of 2008 the portfolio was  composed of substantially more than 55% cash, short-term investments, treasuries or  government-backed instruments, and only 1% remained invested in equity securities. New  cash flow is invested in short-term investments, government and government-backed  securities. Restore and maintain capital strength In addition to reducing asset risk, we propose to raise capital to re-establish an appropriate  buffer given the continuing uncertainties in the financial markets. We want to be a strong  counterparty and retain the trust of our clients. The total amount of capital to be raised is likely  to be up to CHF 5.0 billion. Subject to your approval, Berkshire Hathaway will invest   CHF 3.0 billion in Swiss Re in the form of a convertible instrument. Subject to regulatory  approval, the Group has also agreed to enter into an arrangement with Berkshire    Hathaway to cover the potential effects of adverse developments, such as inflation, on its  Property & Casualty reserves.  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  3 Book value Per share (CHF), as of 31 December 86.21 92.00 73.87 61.78 60.96 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Letter to shareholders Letter to shareholders 4  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report We are further seeking your approval to increase capital to provide the Board of Directors   with the flexibility to raise up to CHF 2.0 billion. Given the need to strengthen the capital position  of the Group, we propose to reduce the dividend to CHF 0.10. This combination of actions is expected to allow us to continue to benefit from improvements  in pricing in the reinsurance market, and to reinforce our capital strength. Our fundamental business is solid Our business model is sound: we deliver insurance solutions to our clients and invest the  premiums that we receive. Our vision has been based on fundamental trends such as primary  insurance market consolidation and broader insurance risk transfer needs; changing roles   of insurance brokers and intermediaries; and growing integration of capital and insurance   markets. Given the substantial dislocations that we have seen in 2008, it makes sense to  conduct a thorough review to make sure that we devote our resources to those areas where  we can maximise returns. Appointments On 11 February 2009, Swiss Re’s Board of Directors accepted the resignation of Jacques  Aigrain as Chief Executive Officer. The Board thanks Jacques Aigrain for his significant  contributions and personal commitment to Swiss Re. Under his leadership,  Swiss Re  successfully completed several major acquisitions, including the Insurance Solutions  operations from General Electric. On 12 February 2009, the Board announced that Stefan Lippe, former Deputy Chief  Executive Officer and Chief Operating Officer, assumes the position of Chief Executive   Officer. The Board is confident that Stefan’s proven track record in reinsurance will    support our efforts to focus on the core business, while at the same time ensuring operational  continuity. The Board appointed Brian Gray, formerly Head of Property and Specialty Underwriting,   as Chief Underwriting Officer. Brian will ensure the continuity of Swiss Re’s underwriting  standards and focus on quality and selective underwriting. We have also brought on board David Blumer, as our new Chief Investment Officer and  Head of Asset Management. David, who has extensive expertise in asset management, has  already been critical to a successful reorganisation of our Asset Management function.    Letter to shareholders Outlook Swiss Re is one of the largest worldwide (re)insurance companies. Our scale and global reach  mean that we are well positioned to assist our clients in achieving their ambitious goals in  terms of insurance risk-taking or insurance sales growth. Recent transactions demonstrate  Swiss Re’s strong reputation and outstanding execution capabilities. This is the basis for the   earnings power of the firm going forward.  Demand for reinsurance is growing as clients face capital constraints or pursue opportunities  for consolidation. The 2009 January renewals were promising with rates and volume  increasing. As the reinsurance premium cycle continues to harden, Swiss Re is well positioned  to provide clients with effective solutions. Zurich, 19 February 2009 Peter Forstmoser  Chairman of   the Board of Directors  Jacques Aigrain  Chief Executive Officer  (until 11 February 2009)  Stefan Lippe Chief Executive Officer  (as of 12 February 2009) Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  5 Profile   8  Swiss Re at a glance  10  Executive Committee  11  Swiss Re Group  12  Strategy  14  Innovation for our clients  18  Clients’ views  20  Changing risk landscape  24  Our talent  28  Delivering sustainable value 6  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Our business is to reduce   the financial uncertainty  associated with risk. We  anticipate extreme scenarios,  just to be ready if and when  they occur. In other words,  we enable the risk taking   that is essential for progress  and prosperity. Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  7 Profile / Swiss Re at a glance Swiss Re at a glance How we operate We offer traditional reinsurance for property and casualty and for life and health   businesses. We complement these with insurance-based capital market solutions and  services for comprehensive risk management. Property & Casualty  Property & Casualty services encompass  traditional reinsurance as well as insurance  products for corporate clients. Combining  global expertise and local knowledge, we  provide clients with financially sound  reinsurance support in all lines of business. Life & Health Backed by our strong balance sheet and  global diversity, we are a leading provider   of reinsurance to life insurance companies  worldwide. Using specialist knowledge of  global mortality and morbidity trends, we  support clients with sustainable, pragmatic  solutions. Asset Management Asset Management is responsible for the  investment of Swiss Re’s asset portfolio.   Our approach is focused on asset-liability  matching. We also develop solutions for   our clients with insurance risks embedded   in capital market structures. 2008 net premiums earned by region  2008 net premiums earned by region  2008 investment portfolio 41% Americas 47% Europe (including Middle East and Africa) 12% Asia 52% Americas 40% Europe (including Middle East and Africa) 8% Asia Asia Europe ¥ 47% Europe (including Middle East and Africa) 41% Americas 12% Asia 49% Cash, government bonds&short-term investments 20% Structured products 15% Corporate bonds 1% Equity 15% Other 14379 m   CHF 11090 m   CHF 160244 m   CHF   (excl. unit-linked and with-profit business) 2007: CHF 18 977 m –24% 2007: CHF 12 665 m –12% 2007: CHF 210 697 m –24% Cash, cash equivalents Mortgages, Loans, Other Short-term investments Alternative investments 9% 9% 3% 5% Other structured products 16% Agency structured products 7% Government bonds Equities Corporate bonds 31% 2% 18% 8  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report How we add value Our clients demand value. This is real value beyond matching products and services   to what we perceive to be their needs. Clients want to better understand and manage  their own risks and capital. They want reinsurance products that help them pursue  greater business opportunities.  What clients are seeking What clients can expect from Swiss Re Clients want solutions Our clients want a solution that will make a  difference to their specific business, not just  a standardised product or service. Having  unique needs, challenges, and goals, they  look for solutions that reflect their individual  risk and capital management strategy. Clients want a relationship with us that  suits their style Our clients may want a personal, customised  approach or prefer a more clear-cut,  conventional relationship. Results are what  matter – the method is flexible. Clients want a strong partner Our clients want to be sure that their chosen  partner can withstand market dislocations  and continue to deliver sustainable solutions  in exceptional economic circumstances.  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤  Expertise in all forms of insurable risk;  An integrated product offering, combining  risk and capital management elements;  Clear presentation of the true cost and  benefit of different options, based on firm  data and realistic models;  Superior scale and financial capacity to  take on risk; and  Ability to respond to changing risk  landscapes with sustainable solutions. A lasting, effective relationship; Delivery of excellent service through all  available channels, directly or in  conjunction with a broker; and Client satisfaction. We continuously  measure individual areas of client  satisfaction. A reputation for reliability and integrity  built up over the past 145 years; Products and services backed by financial  strength ratings that are among the best  in the industry; and Strong business and value proposition. Profile / Swiss Re at a glance 2008 net premiums earned by product line 19% Property 20% Casualty 15% Specialty 2% P&C Non-traditional 31% Life 10% Health 3% Admin Re® Property & Casualty channel distribution 54 % 46 % Direct Broker A+ Aa3 A+ Standard & Poor’s Moody’s A.M. Best Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  9 Profile / Executive Committee Executive Committee From left: Raj Singh Andreas Beerli Stefan Lippe George Quinn Jacques Aigrain Brian Gray Michel M. Liès David J. Blumer 10  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Profile / Swiss Re Group /EC  Member of the Executive Committee /EB  Member of the Executive Board Swiss Re Group Jacques Aigrain/EC Chief Executive Officer (until 11 February 2009) Stefan Lippe/EC Chief Executive Officer (as of 12 February 2009) Chief Operating Officer Client Markets Michel M. Liès/EC Head of Client Markets Martin Albers/EB Europe Pierre L. Ozendo/EB Americas Martyn Parker/EB Asia Agostino Galvagni/EB Insurance & Specialty W. Weldon Wilson/EB Global Admin Re®  Products Underwriting Brian Gray/EC Chief Underwriting Officer Matthias Weber/EB Property & Specialty Martin Oesterreicher/EB Casualty Christian Mumenthaler/EB Life & Health Operations Stefan Lippe/EC Chief Executive Officer (as of 12 February 2009) Chief Operating Officer Markus Schmid/EB Global IT Hermann Geiger/EB Group Legal Jonathan Isherwood/EB Claims & Liability  Management Asset Management Finance Risk Management Associated Units &  Special Projects Communications & HR David J. Blumer/EC Chief Investment Officer George Quinn/EC Chief Financial Officer Raj Singh/EC Chief Risk Officer Andreas Beerli/EC Charlotte A. Gubler/EB Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  11 Profile / Strategy We are an industry leader   in (re)insurance. We aim   to stay ahead by catering   to our clients’ needs and  focusing on what we do  best: writing insurance risk  and investing the premiums  we receive. 12  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Strategy 2008 was a difficult year for Swiss Re.  Our core business – (re)insurance –  delivered excellent results both in  Property & Casualty as well as  Life & Health. However, this was more  than offset by the adverse impact of   the worst economic crisis for decades   on our financial market activities.   In response to this crisis, we de-risked our  balance sheet and disbanded our Financial  Markets division in 2008. Our priorities are  geared towards reinforcing our financial  strength to support our clients in a  challenging economic environment, further  reducing capital allocation to investments  and simplifying our business model.  Asset de-risking A changing risk landscape and challenging  market conditions called for an adjustment  of our business focus in 2008. We reacted to  the worst financial market crisis for decades  by adopting measures to reduce our  investment risk. We hedged our corporate  credit exposure and reduced our exposure   to equities early in the year. New cash flows  were invested in short-term investments,  government or government-backed  securities. Notwithstanding these efforts,   we encountered significant losses on parts  of our non-insurance related financial market  activities. In response to these developments,  we disbanded our Financial Markets   division and created two new units, Asset  Management and Legacy.  Asset Management focuses on two main  mandates. The primary mandate is to manage  the assets generated through reinsurance  activities. The secondary mandate is to  provide capital market solutions for insurance  risks to our clients, complementary to our  traditional reinsurance solutions. Other capital  market activities have been discontinued or  put in run-off in the Legacy unit. The Legacy  unit focuses its efforts on accelerating the  natural run-off of these activities. Profile / Strategy Focus on profitable (re)insurance  business In 2008, we continued our focus on strict  (re)insurance cycle management. As we  reduced risk in our investment portfolio,   we directed capacity to the most profitable  lines of business and transactions. Our  superior Property & Casualty combined ratio  is a result of these successful efforts. We  leveraged our size to write large lines – such  as a USD 1.5 billion gross reinsurance cover  with the California Earthquake Authority –  and to participate in several multi-year,  privately placed catastrophe programmes.  We also closed significant Admin Re®  transactions with Barclays Life and Phoenix.  January 2009 renewals were very strong  both in terms of volume and price. We were  able to win large new insurance transactions  such as a property quota share with Liberty  Mutual and a structured life reinsurance  treaty with Irish Life.  We further enhanced our (re)insurance  offering in 2008, notably in the areas of  health and longevity – segments in which we  have traditionally had only limited involvement.  To help satisfy the growing risk transfer  needs of our clients, we also provide capital  market instruments such as insurance-linked  securities (ILS), as well as life and retirement  solutions. Our know-how and execution  capabilities in these instruments give us a  strong competitive advantage. These capital  market instruments are firmly embedded in  our insurance underwriting.  Next steps Our priorities are centred around our clients.  Subject to shareholder approval, we will raise  additional capital in order to support our  clients with the security they are seeking in   a difficult economic environment. We will  focus on what we do best, ie writing  insurance risk and investing the premiums   to match the underlying liabilities. We will  focus on deploying capital where it earns   the best returns and continue to shift capital  from investments to (re)insurance. We will  simplify our business model and our  organisation to achieve greater effectiveness  and efficiency. Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  13 Profile / Innovation for our clients We recognise that our  clients have increasingly  complex (re)insurance  needs. Our 145-year track  record provides us with   the experience and skills   to develop innovative  products – from natural  catastrophe modelling to  insurance-linked securities  transactions – that help   our clients manage their   risk exposure. 14  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Profile / Innovation for our clients Innovation for our clients Innovation is not an isolated process   at Swiss Re; it is integral to our daily  work. Our commitment to accurate   and timely identification of risk and   our cooperative approach to product  development – working with clients,  brokers and partners to develop  customised solutions – naturally  generate innovation. A changing world  constantly presents new risks and  opportunities – our job is to anticipate,  not just respond to them. 2008 saw a number of products and   tailored solutions introduced for new and  existing clients. Extra Expense Protection Our Aviation & Space team – whose global  services comprise direct insurance,  facultative reinsurance, proportional/  non-proportional treaty reinsurance and  alternative risk solutions – launched   Extra Expense Protection (ExEP).  The ExEP product protects our clients  against the financial consequences of a  major loss, such as a sudden increase in  insurance premiums. Traditional aviation  insurance markets tend to overreact  following a catastrophic loss, resulting in  such an increase the following year. An  analysis of 20 of the largest losses over   the past 13 years showed that the average  premium increase was 79%. In addition to mitigating the additional cost  burden following a catastrophic aviation  event, ExEP protects our clients against  hidden costs not covered by traditional  insurance policies, including the use of  emergency services, consequential losses  and marketing/public relations efforts. Title Insurance and Judicial Review  Insurance In response to the growing risk appetite of  our clients in Europe and Asia, we adapted  for local use two reinsurance offerings  previously used in US and UK markets for  underlying Title Insurance (TI) and Judicial  Review Insurance (JRI) products.  The TI product covers losses arising from  disputed real estate titles, while JRI provides  cover for costs incurred when third-party  action causes a municipality or other local  government entity to revoke a building  permit or change a zoning plan. This  provides a cost-effective alternative to the  more expensive financial guarantees that  developers must often secure to get a  project started. Ideally offered to clients  through a quota share agreement, our  reinsurance products provide additional  capacity to cedents who adapt their TI and  JRI products to enter new geographical  markets. Bancassurance In Europe and Latin America we continued  to offer our clients support with their  bancassurance strategies – selling insurance  products to consumers through traditional  banks – via partnerships and complex,   high-volume deals.  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  15 Profile / Innovation for our clients Innovation for our clients Parametric solutions The past few years have seen increasing  demand among clients for parametric  solutions to natural catastrophe protection –  that is, for policies that link cover to an  agreed parameter of event intensity, rather  than to individually assessed loss. A number  of different teams at Swiss Re are involved in  structuring and offering such products. This  year, we introduced a parametric earthquake  business interruption cover solution for  corporate clients in Japan.  The Japanese insurance market is mature,  yet only 4–5% of companies have  earthquake-related cover, despite their  obvious vulnerability to business interruption.  Such companies have found traditional cover  difficult to obtain because of the complexity  of risk assessment and measurement.  Swiss Re’s new parametric product is based  on the Shindo earthquake intensity scale.   It features a highly transparent trigger   point with the guarantee of a payout   without delay, and is designed to enable  customers to return to business quickly   after an earthquake-related loss. In Italy, we secured an innovative placement  for fire and earthquake covers. These protect  real estate assets that serve as collateral for  reverse mortgages sold by a leading financial  institution. We also arranged a private  variable annuity placement – the first of its  kind in continental Europe – for a large  Italian insurance company.  In Bolivia, we joined with a local bank and a  third-party software administrator to offer  life insurance products in a market with   low insurance penetration but significant  growth potential. All these projects draw on  Swiss Re’s expertise in providing unique  solutions – from product design to policy  wording – that span the divide between  financial markets and insurance. Agriculture Our Environmental & Commodity Markets  unit continues to generate innovative ideas  in fields ranging from agricultural insurance  to emissions trading and weather derivatives,  effectively combining our global expertise  with local market needs. Our offerings are tailored to the needs of the  various participants in the agricultural sector,  ranging from suppliers, growers and traders  to grain processors.  About 80% of the agro policies sold in the  US are revenue covers. Direct insurance  companies risk high losses if policyholder  revenues drop below 85% of the five-year  average yield multiplied by the future crop  prices in spring. To mitigate this risk, we  developed a product with additional price  risk protection for our clients. 16  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Profile / Innovation for our clients The value of client loyalty Swiss Re firmly believes that listening carefully to our customers and working in  close partnership with them is critical to ensuring their long-term loyalty and  financial success. We conduct surveys, focus groups and one-on-one client visits   to constantly gauge the quality of the services we provide to clients, brokers and  business partners.   We measure our clientsʼ loyalty by using the Net Promoter® methodology, which asks the  question: “How likely are you to recommend us to a business associate or colleague?”. Using  this methodology, combined with qualitative analysis, we annually survey more than 20 000  customers worldwide to directly capture their feedback. The surveys give us insight into the  key drivers of customer service and loyalty and have led to internal improvement projects to  increase client satisfaction.  For example, one of our business units enhanced its processes to substantially reduce quote  turnaround time. It also implemented a programme called “Boost Industry Participation (BIP)”,  which challenges qualifying employees to assume leadership positions in the industry,  whether as a speaker at an industry meeting, a trade organisation committee member or as  the author of an industry magazine article. The BIP programme resulted in a significant  improvement in our knowledge and expertise scores from our clients. This continued focus on our service to clients is beneficial to our customers and also to our  strategic objective of turning our customers into promoters of our business. Net Promoter®, NPS and Net Promoter Score are registered trademarks of Bain & Company,  Inc., Satmetrix Systems, Inc., and Fred Reichheld. Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  17 Profile / Clients’ views Clients’ views Our clients want innovative solutions to support their risk and   capital management strategies. Two clients with unique challenges  and goals talk about the difference Swiss Re has made to their  business and provide insights into how we can further improve our  services to better respond to their needs. Grupo Nacional Provincial (GNP) of  Mexico is one of Swiss Re’s most  important clients in Latin America: our  relationship with GNP dates back to the  1960s. In recent years, the firm has had  to cope with several natural catastrophe  losses, including Hurricane Wilma in  2005 – which caused the company to  re-evaluate its strategy for these risks.  Ignacio Gil AntÓn, GNP’s Commercial Lines  Head, called on Swiss Re’s expertise and  resources to develop a customised risk  transfer solution that allowed GNP to  decrease volatility of its results. The result:  a quota share arrangement in which  GNP transferred a large part of its natural  catastrophe risk to Swiss Re. This benefits  both companies in terms of market  participation and results stability. How did Swiss Re help your company  achieve its financial targets? We asked Swiss Re to help us optimise our  capital position following a spate of natural  catastrophes, combined with adverse  development from prior years. Our aim was  to reduce capital requirements and volatility  of our results. Their experts looked at our  books, our market position and our growth  potential and offered us proportional  reinsurance cover to mitigate the risk of  earthquake and hurricane. 18  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report The current global financial crisis is putting  pressure on everyone, but we at GNP have  been kept aware of Swiss Re’s capital  position throughout. We feel comfortable  transferring our risk to them. Whenever we  had queries about the financial strength of  the company and its asset risk profile, we   got almost immediate, transparent answers  from the Swiss Re team. It’s reassuring and   it also demonstrates the strength of our  relationship. How would you summarise Swiss Re’s  service? Reliable, innovative and customer focused. Do you recommend Swiss Re to other  industry colleagues? Absolutely. Swiss Re’s broad capabilities are  difficult to match. Where could Swiss Re improve its  response to your needs? We believe that the claims processing  function could be optimised. We are already  working with the local Swiss Re team to find  ways to improve claims assessment and  processing time that will ultimately benefit  GNP’s client base. How can Swiss Re help you with the  challenges you face in 2009? Our focus is on growth and profitability. We  will need to continue relying on Swiss Re’s  expertise to help us develop insurance and  reinsurance products – and channels – that  can increase our market penetration. Ignacio Gil AntÓn, GNP’s Commercial Lines Head But GNP’s relationship with Swiss Re goes  beyond pure risk transfer. Swiss Re is a  business partner with a truly holistic  approach; ours is a strong alliance in which  both parties benefit from each other. We rely  on Swiss Re’s financial strength, expertise  and capacity to achieve our financial and  growth targets. Which of Swiss Re’s capabilities made  the most difference to you? Swiss Re’s technical expertise, financial  strength and integrated approach to risk  management are undoubtedly valuable  assets. From the planning process to the  actual risk placement, we work together   to find a solution that suits our needs.    Profile / Clients’ views Insurance Australia Group Limited (IAG)  has a portfolio of general insurance  businesses. It has leading and  established brands across its home  markets of Australia and New Zealand,   a growing presence in Asia, and other  specialist underwriting operations. The company experienced two years of  natural perils that exceeded its allowances.  Specifically, in 2007/2008, IAG’s  businesses incurred AUD 502 million of  natural perils claims costs (with AUD 411  million the year before).  After discussions between senior executives  at IAG and the Head of Swiss Re’s Australia &  New Zealand unit, Swiss Re developed a  way to reduce the P & L effect of natural perils  losses without the financial impact of a  retention buy-down option on its catastrophe  cover. The result was an innovative multi- year solution. The new cover enabled IAG to  reduce its maximum event retention whilst  ensuring it was not penalised for its recent  loss history. How did Swiss Re help your company  achieve its financial targets? IAG faced a year of varied challenges. Over  the course of the past 12 months, we looked  to Swiss Re for a number of solutions  including those that stabilised earnings,  aided in our capital management or  facilitated new product development. In  each case Swiss Re was able to respond  with a range of options or structures that  gave us the flexibility we desired. Which of Swiss Re’s capabilities made  the most difference to you? Innovation. Flexibility. Capacity. How would you summarise Swiss Re’s  service? Quality of products and services; global  capability. Do you recommend Swiss Re to other  industry colleagues? Yes, primarily due to the size, scale and  innovation that Swiss Re can provide. Where could Swiss Re improve its  response to your needs? Provide greater clarity over the pricing and  quotation process such that the exceptional  interaction over the year is not lost at the  point of transaction. Assist in the training and development of   our staff. Reinsurance skill is a rare resource  and we would highly value training and  development assistance. Michael Wilkins, IAG’s Managing Director and CEO Recognise that, due to the size of our  relationship and the degree of transparency  that exists between us, Swiss Re is an  ambassador of the IAG brand, both within  Australia and globally. How can Swiss Re help you with the  challenges you face in 2009? With the impact of the current economic  environment and the particular nature of the  Australian investor base, we have for some  time been looking at protections that reduce  the volatility of our earnings. Given Swiss Re’s  intimate knowledge of our portfolio, we  would like to continue to work together to  model options that would assist us in doing  just that. Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  19 Profile / Changing risk landscape Risk landscapes change. That’s why we have to manage them: from detecting first signals, through mapping and modelling, to assessing which risks may have a major impact on our clients’ businesses and our own balance sheet. 20  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Profile / Changing risk landscape Changing risk landscape The first step in assessing emerging risks is  to systematically review them and translate  them into quantifiable information. We   want to be anticipatory and pre-emptive   in our response, which means prioritising  risks, evaluating their impact and making  recommendations on how new insurance  products or mitigation can support our  clients’ business. The three key methodologies  we use within the SONAR framework are  described below. Rapid Risk Research Since early 2007, we have conducted 24  Rapid Risk Research studies on topics from  dam failures to food contamination, space  debris to Thames flooding. Here we shine a  spotlight on a specific risk, gather experts  and ask them what its impact could be on all  lines of business. Such focused investigations  also incorporate desk research, quantitative  analysis and a review of existing contract  wording. This proactive approach helps us  combine existing knowledge with creative  thinking to avoid surprises and spot new  business opportunities. Using models alone to represent  emerging or complex risks creates a  danger of false certainty as well as   an unrealistic sense of control. That is  the reason we often take a scenario  approach: to explore how a risk situation  might unfold and see what could happen,  recognising that outcomes which at first  sight may seem implausible – may still  be possible. Modelling and scenario development  combine to create our risk landscape:   Swiss Re’s snapshot of the world of risk in  which it does business. But we have to be  mindful of change. The risk landscape is  constantly evolving, at a rate that itself can  change suddenly and unpredictably. With  our worldwide portfolio of natural, technical,  economic and social risks, we must  constantly monitor this rate of change,  compare different perspectives and seek   to understand how risks interlink. SONAR framework Early warning and risk awareness are the   keys to Swiss Re’s profitability because our   opportunities and challenges both stem  from a changing global risk landscape.  SONAR, our framework for managing  emerging risks and addressing key industry  issues, takes a collaborative approach,  drawing on risk experts from across the   business to create a holistic picture of the   risks we face and to determine how we   should manage them. Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  21 Profile / Changing risk landscape Changing risk landscape Emerging risk scenarios Building effective scenarios has become   a key part of understanding future risk  exposure, especially under the conditions   of rapid change or uncertainty. Through  definition of parameters and specific events,  insurance risks can be assessed in terms   of potential future loss patterns and their  knock-on effects or connection to other risks.  Output takes the form of recommendations  and guidance for business actions, from  changing contract wording to developing  new product opportunities. Threat scenarios Making the unthinkable thinkable is critical  to capturing potential emerging risks. Using  threat scenarios, we review risk from many  angles to seek out unexpected correlations,  sudden increases in loss potential or  previously unseen complexity in risk factors.  Managing the uncertainty of new situations  requires a disciplined approach combined  with innovation. It takes what appears to be  an unlikely threat and builds scenarios that  can test the established assumptions about  how the surrounding environment and the  threat itself might evolve. Integrative risk management  The impact of hazardous events continues   to broaden, so our work on emerging risk  management must also be extended. In  addition to increased density of people and  infrastructure in catastrophe-prone areas,  climate change will lead to more severe  storms, floods and drought, but it will also  reduce agricultural yields.  Insurance has a role in answering the  challenge of interlinked risks. In the case of  climate change, we not only collaborate   with our clients to understand the risks and  mitigate the effects of global warming within  their risk portfolios, we are also actively  involved in clean energy funds and in  advising communities on how to deal with  the challenges of climate adaptation. In  agriculture, we are helping insurers create  new index-based products as well as  cooperating with governments and  international organisations to devise  parametric coverage that pays out, not  simply in response to individual loss, but  following defined trigger points in weather,  crop yield or price. As an ultimate risk taker, Swiss Re is  particularly exposed to the consequences   of linked risks. More than ever, an all-hazard  approach is needed to implement effective  prevention and adaptation strategies. No  party can tackle this alone. We see a  paradigm shift towards a holistic “ex-ante”   or before-the-event approach to disaster   risk management. By understanding the entire risk landscape  and prioritising the allocation of resources, it  is possible to improve disaster preparedness,  including the accumulation and availability  of funds as well as the collaborative  implementation of mechanisms before a loss  occurs. Aiming at a more resilient society,  this will result in an optimal balance of public  and private contribution to risk management. One example of this approach is the proposed  inclusion of adaptation funding measures  within the post-Kyoto agreement, to be  finalised in Copenhagen in 2009. We  recognise that considerable efforts are  needed for societies to become more  resilient to the effects of global warming   in order to reduce potential loss and harm   in the long term. 22  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Profile / Changing risk landscape Global risks Swiss Re contributes annually to the creation of the World Economic Forum  (WEF) Risk Map in collaboration with the WEF and other major partners.  Such dialogues with leading organisations increase our understanding of global  trends and risks. Our task is then to assess how our portfolio of reinsurance risks is  positioned and how this may influence our pricing and approach to capacity  allocation. The changes in the 2009 Risk Map reflect the severe impact the financial crisis has  had on global risks. Many of the risks with high likelihood and severity are related to  the effects of the financial crisis: a sudden drop in Chinaʼs growth to 6% or below,  deteriorating government fiscal positions, potential asset price collapse, continued  retrenchment from globalisation, and global governance gaps. We are also committed to financing a Chair  in Risk Management at the Swiss Federal  Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich.   The Risk Chair will act as a focal point in   the development, implementation and  dissemination of knowledge and tools   (eg risk maps) in integrated risk research. Our Top Topics It is essential for the Groupʼs success to  address emerging issues and industry trends  that are shaping the business and social  environment in which we operate, thus  sharing knowledge and helping to develop  innovative solutions. Top Topics are the core of our issue  management approach. They allow us to  prioritise and translate the cutting-edge  knowledge and solutions generated by   our risk experts into consistent messages  relevant to key decision-makers in our  business environment. Top Topics cover a  range of issues from regulatory developments  to where we see potential for future business  growth and new risk management techniques  and risk transfer approaches. The current Top Topics are:  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤ Agriculture Climate change Country risk management Insurance-linked securities Liability dynamics Longevity Natural catastrophes Solvency II US regulatory insurance reform Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  23 Profile / Our talent Diversity drives our   company’s innovative   power and our relationships  with clients, business   partners and peers.   We attract talent from a  broad spectrum of  disciplines to help us fully  understand and meet   the needs of our clients. 24  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Profile / Our talent Our talent Swiss Re enables the risk taking activities  that are essential to enterprise and  progress in today’s business world. To be  successful, we must know the risk inside  and out, and transform this knowledge  into business opportunities. Our people  deliver the expertise and creativity to  offer our clients solutions that best meet  their ever-changing risk needs. Diversity drives innovation The diversity of our staff continues to be  essential to securing a full view of our  business and creating a working environment  that encourages fresh ideas. We bring  together smart, dedicated people from  around the world who are all experts in their  field. A broad range of cultural backgrounds,  different viewpoints and various levels of  experience are equally important to us. We  currently employ more than 11000 people  from more than 80 nations around the world,  and have operations in nearly 30 countries. Our employees are today more then ever a  source of vital skill and knowledge. An active  and respectful exchange of ideas is at the  heart of our way of finding competitive and  sustainable answers to key business issues. The prospect of working in an organisation  which actively cultivates diversity is certainly  one reason why people decide to join our  company. Recent graduates and experienced  professionals alike are just as much attracted  by the intellectually stimulating work involved  in facing up to a wide range of current and  future challenges in our world – from  globalisation to climate change and the   ever-changing capital markets. Naturally, diversity and expertise can only  ever be of any practical use in a collaborative  environment. That is why we actively  encourage staff to expand their global  network of contacts and increase their  exposure to other business areas within  Swiss Re. There are many options available  to our staff to do so through training, expert  networks or project teams. To be part of a  cross-disciplinary team developing cutting- edge products is a challenge our staff are  eager to meet. This is diversity in action: it  drives innovation and allows us to develop  solutions that go beyond standard ways of  thinking. A collaborative environment We also make sure that collaboration does  not stop within the doors of our company.  We have a long-standing history of sharing  expertise with various stakeholders, and  actively promote cooperation with external  industry experts, risk analysts, business  managers, scientists and public institutions.  Swiss Re’s Centre for Global Dialogue   plays an important role in this knowledge  sharing strategy. The Centre regularly hosts  international and regional conferences on   a variety of global risk issues.  We gather different points of view to gain   a thorough understanding and we build  knowledge communities which play a crucial  role in our day-to-day work. The Swiss Re  Academy also continues its strong legacy of  providing industry-leading technical training  and learning opportunities to clients and  external partners.  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  25 Profile / Our talent Our talent Employees by region As of 31 December 2008 66.1% Europe 28.4% America 5.5% Asia Pacific 26  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Rewarding drive and achievement We value the talent and motivation of our  people as one of our core assets. After all,   it is the productivity of our staff that moves  the company forward, and we honour   their achievements with more than just  competitive compensation, but also by  offering ample opportunities to further  develop their skills, build networks and  advance their careers. We also strive to meet our employees’   expectations with regard to the company’s  active ethical, environmental and social  engagement. Over the past decade, we  have consciously stepped up our efforts   to be a leader in corporate responsibility.  The positive effects of our engagement   are a source of pride and inspiration for   our employees to use their expertise and  participate in the company’s projects  serving the public good. It is not all about professional qualifications  and experience. We place just as much  emphasis on developing leadership,  multicultural competencies and interpersonal  skills. Various corporate learning programmes  are in place to ensure continuous learning,  sharing best practices, promoting  understanding of strategies and providing  networking platforms. In 2008, more than  10 000 participants attended people  management, leadership and social skills  courses and well over14 000 participants  attended technical professional programmes.  At Swiss Re we also use new learning  technology to provide various learning  platforms to reach our staff across the globe.  Classroom courses make up 54% of our  learning environment and 39% are online  e-Learning courses. With this blended  approach we meet the need for different  learning styles of our diverse workforce.  Hiring staff for their potential We do not hire staff only for the abilities they  have, but also for the abilities they can  develop. We want everyone to be passionate  about personal development – their own  and that of their colleagues. We provide the  platform and processes for employees to  meet their career objectives. By aligning  business needs and personal goals, we aim  to create a development culture that enables  employees and the company to realise their  full potential. Each year we identify high performers who  have the potential and interest to grow in a  changing global environment, and we foster  their development. Talent pools of graduates  and high-potential employees are always  considered when filling open key positions.  In 2008, about two-thirds of our vacancies  at Managing Director level were filled   internally. This proves that by investing in  outstanding talent today, we ensure the   sustainable development of the company in  the future. This is why on-the-job training is an integral  part of any development plan – backed by  technical grounding, of course. Our staff can  expand their capabilities by working as a  part of a cross-functional project team, or  broaden their horizons and experience other  cultures by taking part in a job rotation. Profile / Our talent Building on our staffʼs talent and potential At Swiss Re we promote diversity, networking and professional development to  create a work environment that attracts and motivates employees with diverse  knowledge backgrounds. Our employees drive our power of innovation. Eliana Ortega Graduates programme participant, New York Born in Ecuador, Eliana graduated from Leonard N. Stern School of Business at New York  University in May 2008 with a dual concentration in finance and information systems. She  recently joined Swiss Re in New York City to participate in the graduates@swissre programme. “My rotational programme here at Swiss Re helps me understand the various functions within  Operations both on a local and global level. As I progress among the different groups, I am  getting a deeper insight into how these groups work together. Whatʼs more, I can experience  directly how valuable cultural diversity is at Swiss Re: my on-the-job training programme will  take me to London, Zurich and Bratislava.” Philippe Brahin Head of Global Regulatory Affairs, Zurich A French citizen, Philippe received a masterʼs degree in economics and finance from the  Sorbonne, Paris, in 1992. “I joined Swiss Re in early 2000. Since then I had the chance to work in various functions first  in the UK, then in the USA and now in Switzerland. The cooperation and exchange with  colleagues from many different disciplines in such diverse cultural environments has greatly  influenced my professional and personal development.” Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  27 Profile / Delivering sustainable value We strive to create  sustainable environmental  value for our stakeholders.  Our risk expertise allows us  to form effective responses  to major environmental   and social challenges. In  particular, we offer solutions  that help mitigate as well as  adapt to climate change;  and we are keen to engage  in innovative partnerships to  extend insurance cover in  less developed countries. 28  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Profile / Delivering sustainable value Delivering sustainable value Swiss Re continued to respond in an  innovative way to key environmental and  social challenges, both in its business  and in cooperation with external  partners. Our focus areas were climate  change and insurance cover in emerging  countries. For us, being a responsible company is  about contributing to sustainable, long-term  value creation for all stakeholders. We believe  there are three areas that are especially  important for the achievement of this goal:  corporate governance, corporate sustainability  and corporate citizenship. These are the pillars  of our corporate responsibility framework.  In 2008, we received major recognition for  our efforts to act responsibly when we  regained the position of sector leader in the  Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes (DJSI).   The DJSI count among the most important  sustainability indexes worldwide and assess  companies’ performance in economic,  environmental and social terms   ( Corporate sustainability A number of environmental and social issues  are endangering or hindering sustainable  economic development. We strive to address  sustainability challenges that are relevant to  our business in three ways: by developing  reinsurance solutions for our clients,  employing sustainability-specific risk  management tools and tackling the  environmental impact of our own operations. Risk transfer and asset management  solutions Climate change and poor insurance cover  in emerging countries are two focal points   of our sustainability efforts. There is a   far-reaching consensus today that climate  change increases the frequency and severity  of extreme weather events. Innovative  solutions are needed both to tackle climate  change and to adapt to some of its financial  consequences. Lacking risk cover against  volatile weather and other kinds of risk  presents a particular challenge in emerging  countries. Through public-private  partnerships and our Climate Adaptation  Development Programme, we strive to  develop effective responses to this serious  development obstacle. We won a bidding process to become the  counterparty of the World Bank in a pilot  weather derivative project developed with  the government of Malawi. The solution  provides cover against shortfalls in maize  production due to droughts and works as an  option on a rainfall index: when rainfall drops  below a certain level, the World Bank pays  the government the projected loss in maize  production and is itself compensated by  Swiss Re.  Key achievements in 2008  ̤ Developed innovative solutions to address  challenges such as climate change and  risk cover in emerging countries.    ̤ Achieved further increase in the use of  the Sensitive Business Risks process, a  risk management tool specifically  developed to assess sustainability, ethical  and related concerns in business  transactions.   ̤ Continued to make progress in reducing  our own CO2 emissions and granted  subsidies for emissions-cutting  investments to a total of 1 231 employees  since 2007.   ̤ Sharpened the focus of our activities on  the prevention of humanitarian disasters  through risk education measures. Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  29     Profile / Delivering sustainable value Delivering sustainable value In 2008, we also became the lead reinsurer  of the World Bank’s Caribbean Catastrophe  Risk Insurance Facility (CCRIF). This facility  offers parametric hurricane and earthquake  cover to 16 governments in the Caribbean.   In parametric coverage, payouts are  automatically triggered when an event  reaches a certain level of intensity (eg wind  speed), so funds become immediately  available after a catastrophe has occurred.  Such “ex-ante” risk management strategies  are becoming increasingly popular because  they allow advance planning of responses to  natural disasters. Further activities focused on the micro- insurance sector, which aims to provide  essential insurance products to people with  low incomes in emerging and developing  countries. In Pakistan, we support the Aga  Khan Foundation and a local insurer in a  micro health insurance pilot project designed  to protect poor families against medical and  hospitalisation expenses. The Group also  developed an effective system with several  other organisations to offer protection  against weather risks to farmers in Malawi. The carbon markets that have sprung up  around the flexible mechanisms introduced  under the Kyoto Protocol play an important  role in the fight against climate change.  Through the Clean Development Mechanism  (CDM), so-called carbon credits can be  earned by funding climate-friendly projects  in emerging countries, and through Joint  Implementation (JI) in countries which  themselves have reduction targets under the  protocol. In the European Union’s Emissions  Trading Scheme (EU ETS), major emitters  have been granted emissions allowances.  Both carbon credits and allowances can   be bought and sold. In addition to these  compliance markets, voluntary markets   have been established for companies or  individuals who want to offset their CO2  emissions. Through our risk assessment capabilities,   we offer tailor-made products and services  for the carbon markets. We also launched   an innovative service, to be offered with  partner organisations, for retail customers  who want to offset their carbon emissions  voluntarily. A first product developed with  Mobiliar, Switzerland’s largest property  insurer, offers this service to car users.   On an internet portal, they can calculate   the yearly emissions they cause through  their car travel and pay in the corresponding  amount. We then purchase and retire   carbon credits from high-quality projects   that meet internationally recognised quality  standards. In asset management, we have over several  years built up a sizeable sustainability  portfolio of investments in alternative energy,  water, resource efficiency, carbon and  sustainable forestry/agriculture. In 2008,   the portfolio was merged with the existing  infrastructure portfolio, in response to the  increasing need for low-carbon infrastructure  financing (eg in wind and solar power)   and the growing relevance of sustainability  criteria within traditional infrastructure.  At the end of 2008, the total amount of  investments and unfunded commitments in  the sustainability sector was CHF 695 million.  By far the largest new transaction was   the commitment of CHF 167 million to  Generation Investment Managementʼs  Climate Solutions fund, which invests in  companies providing solutions to address  climate change. Sustainability portfolio (excluding traditional infrastructure) CHF millions, as of 31 December Investments (at market value) Unfunded commitments Total portfolio 2005 69 81 150 2006 122 254 376 2007 286 330 616 2008  256 439  695  30  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Profile / Delivering sustainable value Sensitive Business Risks referrals 2008 by recommendation 8% Abstain 77% Proceed 8% Proceed with conditions 5% No final recommendation 2% Ongoing Sensitive Business Risks referrals 2008 by industry Risk management While we are keen to develop new business  solutions addressing sustainability and  related challenges, we also take  corresponding precautions in our risk  management. A key tool is the “Sensitive  Business Risks” (SBR) process. Originally  introduced in 2002, the SBR process offers  employees the possibility to request advice  from internal experts on any transaction   they think may violate the business principles  laid out in the Group Code of Conduct. Most  of the screened transactions were found   to constitute acceptable risk; the share   of negative recommendations in 2008  remained stable at 8%. In 2008, the largest number of SBR referrals  (about one third) related to the defence  industry and armaments. A further third  were projects and transactions that can have  significant environmental, social and  governance impacts, especially in the mining,  oil and gas industries or infrastructure  projects, such as dam building. Sustainability  risks associated with food exports emerged  as a new sensitive issue last year. Reducing the Group’s environmental  impact Reducing the environmental impact caused  by our business operations is a third key  activity in our sustainability efforts. When the  Greenhouse Neutral Programme was  launched in 2003, it was the first such  initiative launched by a large financial  services provider. The programme combined  a pledge to cut 15% from CO2 emissions   per employee by 2013 with the purchase   of carbon credits to offset the remaining  emissions. We already met this target in  2007, having achieved a 25% reduction in  CO2 emissions, mainly through a switch to  renewable energy sources at our major  business locations. In response, we doubled  our original reduction goal to 30%. At the  end of 2008, our reduction in emissions  slightly exceeded this target figure. Further  extending the use of renewable energy,  especially in the US, made an important  contribution. So did a decrease in emissions  from business travel between 2007 and  2008 (–2.5%), which may have been mainly  due to difficult market conditions, and may  thus not represent a permanent change. 39% Defence 17% Dams and Infrastructure 17% Extractive Industries 10% Medicine &Health 6% Heavy Industry & Manufacturing 4% Food 7% Other Swiss Re Group CO2 emissions per employee (FTE)1 2003  2007  Power Heating Business travel Total kg/FTE 3 794 705 2 123 6 622 Share in % 57.3 10.6 32.1 100.0 kg/FTE 2 149  558  2 416  5 123  Share in % 41.9 10.9 47.2 100.0 1 Employee numbers are based on full-time equivalents (FTE). 2008  Change from  base year  2003 in % –55.6 –17.4 10.9 –30.2 Share in % 36.5 12.6 50.9 100.0 kg/FTE 1 686 582 2 355 4 623 Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  31                     Profile / Delivering sustainable value Delivering sustainable value As an extension of our own efforts, in 2007  we launched the COYou2 Programme, which  grants employees subsidies of up to 50% for  emissions-reducing investments in their  private lives. By the end of 2008, a total of  1 231 contributions had been paid out,  equivalent to about 14% of the Group’s  workforce. The most popular investments   so far have been season tickets for public  transport (31.3%). Corporate citizenship For us, being a good corporate citizen means  supporting the development of solutions to  key environmental and social issues (“solution  building“), and benefiting the communities  we work in (“community building“). Solution building In cooperation with leading charitable  organisations, we promote viable solutions  to environmental and social challenges  related to our business. At present, natural  catastrophes, climate change and water are  the programme’s target areas. By contributing  risk expertise as well as financial aid to  projects, we aim to improve humanitarian  disaster prevention and to provide instant  relief.  Regarding the prevention of humanitarian  disasters, we have embarked on a new  project in Peru, one of Latin America’s most  disaster-prone countries. After the magnitude  eight earthquake of summer 2007 killed  several hundred people and destroyed more  than 100 000 houses in three rural provinces,  it became apparent that the rebuilding efforts  suffered from the same design errors that  had made the original structures vulnerable.  Managed in partnership with the SDC  (Swiss Agency for Development and  Cooperation), the project aims to build up  local capacity for earthquake-safe housing  construction. It will also provide direct  technical assistance for families without  access to the government’s reconstruction  programme. We supported a second new project in  Honduras, in partnership with the Swiss Red  Cross. Honduras is not only the third poorest  country in Latin America, but also strongly  exposed to natural catastrophes, which can  set back development by years. Focusing on  the communities of San Esteban, Olancho,  the project aims to increase the risk  awareness of the local population and  authorities and to improve living conditions.  Measures include the mapping of risk zones,  education and strengthening of village  committees, reforestation and protection of  water resources, and training of Red Cross  volunteers in community-based first aid. In the past year, both Myanmar and Sichuan  Province in China were hit by devastating  natural disasters – a massive tropical cyclone  and the strongest earthquake in the country  for 30 years respectively. Our donation of  CHF 300 000 to UNICEF and the Red Cross  was split between the two countries and  used to provide safe drinking water and food  as well as to arrange urgent medical care. In continuing our efforts to address major  water issues, we presented our ReSource  Award for Sustainable Watershed  Management for the sixth time. There were  two joint winners, sharing prize money of  USD 150 000. In Yunnan Province in China a  project was selected for its integrated  reservoir watershed model with strong  involvement of the local community. And a  project in the Solomon Islands was  recognised for the way it protects a  watershed forest vital to the local community  against external logging interests. On the  occasion of the International Water Day, we  donated CHF 1000 000 to the International  Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) for an  infrastructure project in Ethiopia which  provides clean water to communities and  displaced people in the country’s strife-torn  regions.  32  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Profile / Delivering sustainable value Working with Oxfam America In cooperation with Oxfam America, Swiss Re recently launched a new risk management  initiative to help poor communities most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. As part  of the initiative, we set up a pilot project funded by our corporate citizenship programme. This  project focuses on introducing weather risk insurance for a staple cereal crop in the Ethiopian  village of Adi Ha, which is highly drought-prone. Taking a holistic approach, the project also  examines risk reduction measures such as seasonal forecasting and improved agricultural  practices.   The new initiative was presented as a joint “Commitment to Action” at the annual meeting of  the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI), which strives to tackle major global issues through a focus  on concrete action. We are one of the CGI’s original sponsors and have previously made  successful commitments such as the European Clean Energy Fund, the COYou2 Programme  and the Climate Adaptation Development Programme. spent a full day building an environmentally  friendly campsite. Further contributions are  planned to include youth mentoring activities  and support towards the construction of an  environmental learning centre. Continuing   a tradition stretching back 25 years, the  Kansas City location again took part in the  annual United Way Campaign, which raises  funds for a large number of local charities.   A full 96% of all employees made donations,  bringing the total, including our matching  contribution, to more than USD 220 000. Our offices in Italy funded new diagnostic  equipment for the hospital of Ngozi in  Burundi. The contribution will assist efforts  by the Fondazione Pro-Africa and the  University of Verona to turn the hospital into  a regional centre of excellence for medical  treatment and training. In South Africa we  have been funding the construction of a  school hall at a primary school in Bosmont,   a Johannesburg suburb, for three years.   The final phase of building brick walls was  completed in 2008, and 1100 pupils, mostly  from less advantaged backgrounds, can   now benefit from the new school facility. Community building With our “community building” initiatives,  we support local institutions and foster  employee-initiated charity projects in the  communities where we operate. The launch of the “Charity of the Year” (COTY)  programme in selected locations was a  highlight of 2008. Building on existing local  commitments, this Group-wide initiative will  provide a platform for employees in each  location to select charities and raise funds   for them. In London, employees raised a  substantial amount for the Alzheimer’s  Society, holding a charity quiz night and a  Christmas raffle. In Zurich, the local  Employees Association (“Angestellten- vereinigung”), which had run the popular  Christmas Collection now subsumed under  the COTY programme, was presented with   a one-time donation of CHF 75 000 on the  occasion of its 100-year anniversary. The  money was used to support the “Rucksack- schule” (“backpack school”), a Zurich-based  organisation that arranges environmental  education with simple equipment in the  outdoors – hence the term “backpack”.  Many of our locations carry out their own  community initiatives. In Armonk, for example,  we started a partnership with the local Girl  Scouts in support of their efforts to promote  environmental stewardship. Employees  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  33   Financial year 36  Market environment  42  Group results  46  Summary of financial statements  48  Property & Casualty  53  Life & Health  57  Asset Management  59  Legacy  60  Business outlook  62  Share performance 34  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Key developments in 2008   ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤ Net loss of CHF 0.9 billion and earnings  per share of CHF –2.61 due to lower  investment performance.  Property & Casualty delivered strong  underwriting performance with combined  ratio of 97.9%.  Life & Health operating income reflected  difficult market conditions but improved  benefit ratio of 85.5%.  Return on investments, excluding Legacy,   was 4.7%. Total invested assets were   CHF 124.8 billion.   ̤ Operating loss in Legacy was   CHF 5.9 billion. Intense financial market  turbulence, a very high  natural catastrophe burden  and a considerable  reduction in the market  value of our investment  portfolio culminated in a net  loss in 2008. We have  therefore taken further  action to reduce the risk in  our investments as well as  to restore our capital  position to remain a strong  counterparty for our clients. Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  35 Financial year / Market environment Market environment The impact of the global financial crisis made 2008 a difficult year for the insurance  industry. Non-life underwriting results remained solid, however, despite high losses  from catastrophic events. Life insurance saw robust growth in most markets.  Economy and financial markets The collapse of the US subprime mortgage market in 2007 brought major turmoil to global  financial markets. Demand for securitised credit virtually disappeared, producing a systemic  banking crisis. The situation worsened sharply in 2008: the banking system collapsed, world  stock markets plunged, and most major economies went into recession. The insurance  industry’s investment activities suffered as a result of these developments. However, in  contrast to the banking system, which is central to the supply of credit to the economy and  which is exposed to a short-term liquidity risk (ie a bank run), the insurance industry is not  facing a systemic crisis or causing systemic problems for the economy. Stock markets 2004 – 2008 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 31 December 2003 = 100 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008  United States (S & P 500)  United Kingdom (FTSE 100)  DJ Euro STOXX 50  Japan (TOPIX)  Switzerland (SMI) Source: Datastream Interest rates for ten-year government bonds 2004 – 2008 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 in % 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008  United States  United Kingdom  Eurozone  Japan  Switzerland Source: Datastream Stock markets continued to decline during the first months of 2008. They fell further in  September 2008 as the financial crisis worsened following the bankruptcy of Lehman  Brothers investment bank and the US government bailout of American International Group Inc.  (AIG). By the end of 2008, the world’s major stock markets had all fallen between 40% and  50% from the end of 2007. 36  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Financial year / Market environment In response to the rapid deterioration of the economic outlook, central banks cut interest rates.  Government bond yields dropped sharply as investors shifted funds to more secure  investments. After a slight devaluation of the US dollar and the British pound against the other major  currencies in the first half of 2008, foreign exchange rates showed high volatility during the  second half. By the end of the year, the Swiss franc had gained in value against the Euro (+6%),  the US dollar (+9%), and the British pound (+31%), and had lost in value against the very  strong Japanese yen (–16%). 2008 annual GDP growth figures do not fully reflect the real impact of the financial crisis on  the global economy. Recession only hit industrialised countries during the third quarter of  2008 and emerging markets are also weakening rapidly.  Economic indicators 2007 – 2008  Yearly average Real GDP growth Inflation Long-term interest rate USA 2008 1.3 3.8 2.3 Eurozone 2007 2.6 2.1 4.3 2008 1.0 3.4 2.9 2007 2.0 2.9 4.0 UK 2008 0.9 3.6 3.1 Japan 2007 2.4 0.1 1.5 2008 2007 0.1 11.9 4.8 1.5 4.7 1.2 China 2008 9.0 5.9 4.6 2007 3.0 2.3 4.5 Per 100 units of foreign currency, as of 31 December 2008 USD CHF – 113 147 167 – 107 142 152 199 225 146 0.90 156 1.01 1.10 13.7 1.18 15.5 14.7 15.7 Source: Economic Research & Consulting, Datastream Property and casualty insurance The global property and casualty insurance industry fared comparatively well in 2008,  although declining securities markets forced increased write-downs on invested assets and  impairments on fixed income portfolios. Investment returns were low or negative and  shareholders’ equity fell 10% to 15%. Fortunately, most insurance companies had entered the  crisis with healthy balance sheets.  Underwriting continued to post solid results despite an increasingly competitive market.  Results in the largest primary markets were mostly positive, delivering combined ratios below  100%. The main exception was the US, where third-quarter 2008 results suggested an  industry-wide combined ratio of around 103%, up from 95% in 2007. The main reasons were:   ̤ high property claims, around USD 25 billion, due both to devastating hurricanes Gustav  and Ike, and to several mid-sized catastrophes during the first half of 2008; significant underwriting losses by mortgage and financial guarantee insurers; and competitive pricing in most lines of business, which reduced underlying underwriting  profitability.  ̤  ̤ Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  37   Financial year / Market environment Market environment USD billions, indexed at 2008 Insured losses 1970 – 2008 120 110 50 40 30 20 10 0 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005  Weather-related Nat Cats  Earthquake/tsunami  Man-made disasters Source: Swiss Re European insurance markets had a relatively benign year with few large natural catastrophes  and man-made disasters. Winter storm Emma, the only event in 2008 to exceed the billion- dollar mark, cost the industry USD 1.4 billion. Compared to previous years, however,  underlying underwriting profitability deteriorated slightly due to lower prices and to a lesser  extent to higher claims.  The reinsurance sector reported positive underwriting results overall with a combined ratio of  around 97%, reinforcing the continued robust state of reinsurance markets. Nevertheless,  underwriting profitability declined in 2008 against 2007. The main reasons were:  ̤ higher property losses stemming from natural catastrophes, most notably hurricanes  Gustav and Ike. An unusually high proportion of the losses were carried by primary  insurance companies as a result of extraordinarily high retentions; however, the loss burden  was significant, in particular for most Bermudian reinsurance companies; a number of costly man-made disasters totalling USD 5 billion;  mounting losses in financial guarantee and credit reinsurance due to the financial crisis;  and general softening of rates and underwriting terms and conditions, leading to a gradual  decrease in underwriting profitability.   ̤  ̤  ̤ Growth was sluggish, below GDP growth, in most mature markets, due to a gradual  weakening of premium rates. Premiums in the US, the UK, Europe, and Japan grew in the low  single-digit range. Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Australia were also affected by further price  softening in major lines, lowering top-line premium growth. Emerging markets were an  important exception to this development. With wealth and income rising, consumers and  corporations increasingly discovered the value of insurance. Despite growing competition,  underwriting results in the largest emerging markets were mostly positive. 38  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Financial year / Market environment Insurance in emerging markets Swiss Re’s sigma study on “Insurance in emerging markets: overview and prospects  for Islamic insurance“, published in December 2008, explores the latest  developments in the insurance sector of emerging market economies, with a special  focus on the growing market for takaful, a form of shariah-compliant insurance.  The first half of the study covers the latest developments in the insurance industry   in emerging markets. Since the turn of the century, growth in the insurance industry  has been solid in emerging markets, with double-digit annual growth rates. South   and East Asia are clearly leading in both consistency and pace. The financial crisis,  however, has clouded the near-term outlook. Insurance in emerging markets is  therefore expected to grow at a slower pace in 2009, although the longer-term  perspective remains positive. The second half of the study is devoted to a discussion of takaful, a form of financial  protection based on mutual assistance and joint risk bearing that is widely accepted  by Islamic scholars.  Five markets are analysed in detail: Bahrain, Indonesia, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia and the  United Arab Emirates. The two takaful markets with the largest growth potential are  Saudi Arabia and Malaysia, although their insurance markets are at very different  stages of development. Commercial lines of business and non-life insurance dominate  the market in the Middle East; in Malaysia, however, life assurance and personal lines  of business are the most prevalent. Takaful is set to grow in popularity because populations of Muslim countries are  growing rapidly and because shariah scholars agree that Muslims should refrain from  buying conventional insurance if a takaful operator is selling the same product and  offering similar benefits and services. Between 2004 and 2007, the average annual  growth rate for takaful was estimated at 25% (adjusted for inflation), compared to  10.2% in the conventional market. Many companies – global, regional and local –  have set up new takaful operations over the past five years and retakaful capacity is  also expanding. This sigma study can be downloaded electronically or ordered as a print copy  in English, German, French, Spanish, Italian and Chinese at Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  39 Financial year / Market environment Market environment Life insurance The worsening economic outlook and continuing financial crisis will have an impact on the life  and health sector, weakening life insurers’ balance sheets and eroding capital. Nevertheless,  the industry appears to be weathering the financial storm without major solvency problems,  thanks to the very strong capital positions it built up prior to the crisis and to sound risk  management. Demand for life insurance has slowed and is expected to continue weakening as the  economic impact of the financial crisis deepens. In-force premiums stagnated in 2008, in  stark contrast to an outstanding 2007. The products most affected by the crisis are those  considered to be “discretionary” as well as unit-linked savings products, which are less  popular due to their poor returns and the continuing high volatility in the stock markets. This is  especially true in countries where single premium business prevails. While there was a revival  in fixed-benefit products, it did not compensate declines in unit-linked sales. Most major markets have seen a downward trend in sales of traditional protection products. In  countries where mortgages are secured with term insurance, such as the UK, Ireland, Spain,  and to a lesser degree France, the decline has been substantial. In the US, where business is  not mortgage-related, term sales have dropped slightly. Group business is also losing  momentum due to weakened job and salary growth. The marked slowdown in sales will reduce life industry profitability, especially since the other  main driver of profitability, investment returns, declined sharply in 2008. Falling equity  markets, widening credit spreads and exposure to subprime and Alt-A investments have  caused significant losses for some life insurers. Additionally, the low availability and high cost  of capital have impacted financing of XXX/AXXX business in the US. As a result, term rates  have stabilised and an upward trend is expected. Life insurers in the US and Japan have been most exposed to the fall in stock markets and the  subsequent impairment of investments. In the US, realised capital losses reached USD 37  billion through the third quarter of 2008, or 12% of 2007 industry capital. In the UK, some  insurers also suffered as a result of their equity exposure. Continental European companies are  least affected, due to their limited exposure to impaired assets and stocks. Government  support for the insurance industry has been restricted to the few cases of large bancassurance  groups facing problems as a result of their banking activities. The financial crisis has eroded life insurers’ shareholder equity, which declined by an average  of 20% to 25%, year-on-year, through the third quarter of 2008. Unrealised losses have  increased significantly; nevertheless, because life companies often hold securities to maturity  or until prices recover, some of these unrealised losses may reverse over time as financial  markets stabilise. 40  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Financial year / Market environment Innovative ways of financing retirement Swiss Re’s sigma study “Innovative ways of financing retirement”, published in  October 2008, highlights solutions that help individuals and companies manage the  risks of retirement. The study addresses outsourcing pension plan risks and  transferring existing pension liabilities to (re)insurers. It notes how reinsurance and  capital market capabilities help companies and insurers provide these solutions.  The study highlights two solutions: variable annuities and long-term care insurance  (LTCI). Variable annuities, where payouts are linked to the performance of an  investment portfolio, are newer products that have grown in popularity in the US and  Japan, and have recently been introduced in other Asian countries and Europe. LTCI,   a solution designed to help people cope with the costs of nursing homes and other  types of long-term care, is still in the early stages of development but has vast market  potential. Sales of hybrid products that combine LTCI with life insurance are expected  to contribute to LTCI’s popularity. Crucial to these and similar solutions is longevity risk, the risk to which a life insurance  company could be exposed as a result of higher than expected life expectancy among  policyholders, resulting in higher than estimated payout levels. Developing a liquid  longevity risk market would enable insurers to create innovative retirement solutions  for individuals and institutions. It would also provide a mechanism for pricing the risk  and a sizeable new class of investments whose return distribution differs from those  of existing major asset classes. This sigma study can be downloaded electronically or ordered as a print   copy in English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Japanese and Chinese at Insurance market outlook Barring any extraordinary catastrophe losses, underwriting results in the most important   non-life primary markets will remain stable in 2009 or even improve in some segments.  Premium income is expected to be subdued because of the economic downturn. While some  investment-linked lines of business, such as engineering, will suffer significant declines,  premium income for most other business is expected to remain stable. The challenges to the life sector from a slowing economy and continuing turbulence in  financial markets will persist into 2010. Profitability is likely to remain impaired because of  pressures from declining sales, lower investment returns, lower asset management fees from  equity-linked business, higher hedging costs of guarantees and possibly higher surrenders on  some products. We believe this negative impact will be temporary, however, with the industry  expected to return to growth in 2010‒2011. Long-term prospects are favourable in view of  ageing societies worldwide. Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  41 Financial year / Group results Group results 42  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Net loss of CHF 0.9 billion and earnings per share of CHF –2.61 were driven by lower  investment performance. Property & Casualty continued to deliver a solid underwriting  result. Life & Health performed in line with expectations. The fourth quarter of 2008  was impacted by impairment losses of CHF 2.2 billion.  Swiss Re reported an annual net loss of CHF 0.9 billion in 2008, down CHF 5.1 billion   from a strong result of CHF 4.2 billion income in the previous year. Earnings per share were  CHF –2.61, CHF 14.56 lower than in 2007.  In the fourth quarter of 2008, net income was CHF –1.7 billion, compared to CHF 170 million  in the prior year period. Significant impairment losses of CHF 2.2 billion were partially offset  by a good underwriting performance. Earnings per share for the quarter were CHF –5.34. The following discussion reflects changes in Swiss Re’s financial reporting segmentation due  to the realignment of the Group’s Asset Management activities. Further, the methodology for  the allocation of the investment return to underwriting activities changed. Property & Casualty  and Life & Health segments received a benchmark investment return based on their  reinsurance reserves and risk-free rates. The changes are reflected in both years presented.  In 2008, premiums earned decreased 19% to CHF 25.5 billion. Property & Casualty premiums  declined 24% to CHF 14.4 billion, reflecting the quota share arrangement with Berkshire  Hathaway, disciplined underwriting and foreign currency effects. Financial Guarantee  Reinsurance, which was formerly part of Property & Casualty, is now included in the newly  created Legacy segment. In the Life & Health segment, premiums and fee income from  policyholders decreased 13% to CHF 11.9 billion, mainly due to foreign currency movements.  At constant foreign exchange rates, premiums and fees declined 2% mainly due to the sale of  the new business operations of Tomorrow (formerly GE Life UK) to LV= in December 2007  and lower fee income in 2008. The Group’s net investment income and net realised gains include the investment result from  assets backing unit-linked and with-profit policies. These returns are credited to policyholders’  accounts and are therefore excluded from the following comments on the investment  performance of the Group.  Net investment income was CHF 6.9 billion, a 29% decrease from the previous year. This was  mainly due to a decline in running yield following a shift in allocation from corporate bonds to  government securities, generally lower interest rates, and losses on private equity and hedge  fund participations, accounted for at equity. Financial year / Group results Changes in financial reporting segmentation In 2007, the Group realigned its Asset Management activities, integrating them into  the Client Markets and Products Underwriting functions.  During the course of 2008, the Group created a new unit, Legacy, which  encompasses non-core activities that have been discontinued. This unit is managed  separately from Asset Management. Actual returns from proprietary assets are included in the investment results of Asset  Management and Legacy.  Property & Casualty and Life & Health receive a benchmark return based on net  reinsurance reserves and risk-free rates. Securitisation-related income and insurance  or reinsurance revenues are included in the relevant product line in Property & Casualty  or Life & Health. Other activities related to life and health business, such as variable  annuity solutions, are included in the results for the Life & Health segment. Net realised investment losses for 2008 were CHF 4.7 billion, mainly driven by mark-to- market losses as well as impairments and realised losses on the sale of the equity portfolio. In  addition, the 2007 result benefited from the one-off gain of CHF 268 million from the sale of  Swiss Re’s London office building. Other revenues were CHF 270 million, a decrease of 10.6% compared to the prior year.  Claims and claim adjustment expenses decreased 17% to CHF 10.0 billion, or 11% at  constant foreign exchange rates, despite higher natural catastrophe losses in 2008. The  decrease is mainly the result of the Berkshire Hathaway quota share arrangement and strict  underwriting.  Life and health benefits decreased 18% to CHF 9.1 billion, or 9% at constant foreign exchange  rates, reflecting more favourable morbidity experience in the health segment, partially offset  by higher benefit reserves driven by a decline in policyholder account values in the current  market environment. Return credited to policyholders reflects the investment performance on the underlying assets,  which is passed through to contract holders. In 2008, the return credited to policyholders  decreased CHF 4.9 billion to CHF 2.8 billion, reflecting realised losses on the unit-linked and  with-profit assets during 2008. Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  43 Acquisition costs decreased 17% to CHF 5.4 billion. The acquisition cost ratio was 21.0% in  2008 compared to 20.5% in 2007. Other expenses were CHF 3.2 billion in 2008, a decrease of 21% from 2007, mainly driven by  lower variable compensation.  Interest expense was CHF 1.5 billion, a decrease of 17.3% from the prior year period. The  decrease reflected reduced borrowings as well as lower funding costs related to variable  interest debt denominated in USD. For 2008, we report a tax benefit of CHF 486 million. This represents an effective tax rate of  36%, compared to a tax expense of 19.8% in the prior year. The increase in the tax rate in  2008 was primarily due to the reassessment of tax exposures based on the status of current  tax audits, including effectively settled issues. Shareholders’ equity decreased 36% to CHF 20.5 billion. This was mainly due to credit spread  widening resulting in net unrealised losses of CHF 5.5 billion; foreign currency movements   of CHF –2.3 billion; share buy-backs of CHF 2.0 billion; and dividends of CHF 1.3 billion   paid to shareholders during the year. This decrease was partially offset by the conversion   of a mandatory convertible bond in December 2008 improving shareholders’ equity by   CHF 1.0 billion.   Return on equity decreased to –3.4% from 13.5% in 2007, resulting from lower earnings  compared to the strong results in 2007.   Financial year / Group results Group results 44  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Financial year / Group results Income reconciliation CHF millions Operating income Property & Casualty Life & Health Asset Management Legacy Allocation Total operating income/loss Corporate Centre expenses Items excluded from the segments: Net investment income Net realised investment gains/losses Foreign exchange gains/losses Financing costs Other income/expenses Net income/loss before tax  2007 2008 Change in % 4 471 1 320 8 447 –1 505 –5 474 7 259 2 746 697 5 912 –5 890 –4 670 –1 205 –377 –295 469 300 –476 –1 814 –174 5 187 575 459 743 –1 501 –126 –1 350 –39 –47 –30 – –15 – –22 – 23 – – –17 –28 – Income reconciliation  The table above reconciles the income from Swiss Re’s segments and the operations of the  company’s Corporate Centre with the Group’s consolidated net income/loss before tax. Net  realised gains or losses on certain financial instruments, certain currency exchange gains and  losses and other income and expenses – such as indirect taxes, capital taxes and interest  charges – have been excluded from the assessment of each segment’s performance. For 2007, the foreign exchange remeasurement for investment is included in the foreign  exchange gains/losses line item. The presentation is consistent with 2008. Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  45 Financial year / Summary of financial statements Summary of financial statements Income statement CHF millions Revenues Premiums earned Fee income from policyholders Net investment income1 Net realised investment gains/losses2 Other revenues Total revenues Expenses Claims and claim adjustment expenses Life and health benefits Return credited to policyholders Acquisition costs Other expenses Interest expenses Total expenses Income/loss before income tax expense/benefit Income tax expense/benefit Net income/loss 2007 2008 Change in % 31 664 955 10 692 –739 302 42 874 –12 065 –11 112 –2 120 –6 499 –4 077 –1 814 –37 687 5 187 –1 025 4 162 25 501 808 7 881 –9 482 270 24 978 –10 007 –9 065 2 822 –5 366 –3 211 –1 501 –26 328 –1 350 486 –864 –19 –15 –26 – –11 –42 –17 –18 – –17 –21 –17 –30 – – – 1 Including unit-linked and with-profit business of CHF 1 016 million for 2008 and CHF 1 060 million for 2007 2 Including unit-linked and with-profit business of CHF –4 793 million for 2008 and CHF 445 million for 2007 Changes in shareholders’ equity CHF millions Balance as of 1 January Net income/loss Change in unrealised gains/losses on securities, net Change in foreign currency translation Dividends Purchase/sale of treasury shares and shares issued under employee plans Other changes in equity Balance as of 31 December 2007 30 884 4 162 889 –2 349 –1 162 –1 268 711 31 867 2008 31 867 –864 –5 493 –2 300 –1 331 –533 –893 20 453 Change in % 3 – – –2 15 –58 – –36 46  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Financial year / Summary of financial statements Summary balance sheet CHF millions Assets Investments Fixed income securities Equity securities          Policy loans, mortgages and other loans  Investment real estate Short-term investments, at amortised cost which  approximates fair value Other invested assets Total investments Cash and cash equivalents Reinsurance assets Deferred acquisition costs and other intangible assets Goodwill Other assets Total assets Liabilities Unpaid claims and claim adjustment expenses Liabilities for life and health policy benefits Policyholder account balances Unearned premiums Funds held under reinsurance treaties Reinsurance balances payable Income taxes payable Deferred and other non-current taxes Short-term debt Accrued expenses and other liabilities Long-term debt Total liabilities Total shareholders’ equity Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity Summary of cash flow statement CHF millions Cash flow from operating activities Cash flow from investing activities Cash flow from financing activities Effect of foreign currency translation Change in cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents as of 1 January Cash and cash equivalents as of 31 December 2007 2008 Change in % 159 603 32 862 7 414 2 682 8 786 16 465 227 812 11 531 42 778 11 921 4 897 8 348 307 287 88 528 50 026 41 340 7 722 8 377 5 384 679 3 817 12 658 33 552 23 337 275 420 31 867 307 287 2007 –3 330 –1 302 2 972 –415 –2 075 13 606 11 531 117 399 16 188 6 611 2 143 5 802 15 822 163 965 17 268 35 610 10 450 4 265 8 319 239 877 75 510 39 911 34 518 7 802 5 872 5 493 769 1 329 6 522 21 245 20 453 219 424 20 453 239 877 –26 –51 –11 –20 –34 –4 –28 50 –17 –12 –13 0 –22 –15 –20 –17 1 –30 2 13 –65 –48 –37 –12 –20 –36 –22 2008 –6 089 18 819 –6 910 –83 5 737 11 531 17 268 Change in % 83 – – –80 – –15 50 Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  47 Financial year / Property & Casualty Property & Casualty Business developments Higher claims activity and a difficult market environment in 2008 combined to reduce  operating income for the Property & Casualty segment. Our strict underwriting discipline,  active cycle management and careful risk selection led to a decline in premiums earned.  On 1 January 2008, Swiss Re entered into a proportional reinsurance contract with  Berkshire Hathaway. Under this quota share arrangement, Berkshire Hathaway assumes  a 20% share of all Swiss Re’s new or renewed property and casualty business (excluding  credit reinsurance business) for five years. Natural catastrophe claims strongly influenced results in the property and specialty lines of  business; these events included a snowstorm in China, floods in Queensland, Australia, and  hurricanes Gustav and Ike. We continued to hedge our natural catastrophe exposure, which  reduced earnings volatility. Using Vega, a new natural catastrophe protection programme, we  transferred USD 150 million of catastrophe risk to the capital markets. The notes issued under  the programme provide us with protection for low-layer earnings volatility for our peak natural  catastrophe perils over multiple events.  During the first three quarters of 2008, downward price pressure continued in most markets  and business segments. The turmoil in the financial markets, however, created market  opportunities in the fourth quarter of 2008 as capacity for peak catastrophe exposures  reduced significantly. This allowed us to write certain catastrophe excess of loss covers as  private placements at very attractive terms. In late-2008, most property and casualty lines reached a turning point in the business cycle.  Rates had been relatively flat or slightly lower with stable terms and conditions during the first  half of the year. Global economic pressures have since produced an increase in demand and a  flight to solid capital, however, prompting a market upturn. We expect that our disciplined  underwriting approach and nimble cycle management will allow us to deploy the Group’s  capital where economic value is the most attractive. Our Property & Casualty underwriters remain dedicated to delivering sustainable returns   to shareholders by actively managing the insurance cycle. We seek to achieve this goal by  separating selling from underwriting and by emphasising accurate and unbiased cost  calculation. We continuously monitor and seek to maintain the profitability of our book of  business through integrated pricing tools. We have strengthened our business origination,  allowing our client managers to provide clients with a full spectrum of products and services.  Our pipeline of product innovations is bearing fruit and has allowed us to enter profitable  niche markets. 48  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Financial year / Property & Casualty Business results Operating income decreased 38.6% to CHF 2.7 billion in 2008 from CHF 4.5 billion in 2007.  The main drivers for this decline were lower investment returns, higher natural catastrophe  losses and a deterioration in credit reinsurance experience. The impact of natural catastrophe claims, particularly from hurricane Ike, gross of retrocession  recovery, was higher in 2008 compared to 2007. Including recovery, claims from natural  catastrophes exceeding CHF 20 million amounted to CHF 0.9 billion, or 6.0% of premiums,  compared to CHF 0.5 billion or 2.6% of premiums in 2007. As a result of our continued  insistence on tight terms and conditions, underlying portfolio profitability remained strong.  Claims development from prior years was moderately positive during 2008. The net investment result fell 15.2% to CHF 2.5 billion, reflecting market conditions and the  development of reserves.  Financial Guarantee Reinsurance is now reported in the Legacy segment. 2007 has been  restated accordingly. Property & Casualty results CHF millions Revenues Premiums earned Net investment income Net realised investment gains/losses Other revenues Total revenues Expenses Claims and claim adjustment expenses Acquisition costs Other expenses Total expenses Operating income Claims ratio in %, including unwind of discount Expense ratio in % Combined ratio in %, including unwind of discount Combined ratio in %, excluding unwind of discount 2007 2008 Change in % –24 –18 –49 –44 –23 –18 –29 –4 –19 –39 18 977 3 188 –283 97 21 979 14 379 2 607 –145 54 16 895 –12 049 –3 826 –1 633 –17 508 –9 857 –2 730 –1 562 –14 149 4 471 2 746 61.9 28.2 90.1 88.8 68.9 29.0 97.9 96.1 Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  49 Financial year / Property & Casualty Property & Casualty 2008 net premiums earned by region Total CHF 14.4 billion Net premiums earned Net premiums earned declined 24.2%, reflecting the quota share arrangement with  Berkshire Hathaway and Swiss Re’s continued commitment to strict underwriting discipline.  At constant exchange rates, premiums decreased 18.4% in 2008 compared to 2007. 47% Europe (including Middle East and Africa) 41% Americas 12% Asia Premiums earned for non-traditional business were stable at CHF 0.5 billion.  The balance between proportional and non-proportional business was stable in 2008  compared to 2007. The share of non-proportional business in the overall book was 43%. The premiums earned by regions in 2008 were similar to 2007, Asia increased by 1% which  was offset in the Americas. Combined ratio The combined ratio for traditional business increased to 97.9% in 2008 from 90.1% in 2007,  mainly due to higher natural catastrophe claims and deterioration in the credit reinsurance  business. The Casualty combined ratio increased slightly, although net prior year claims  experience was lower than in 2007. The discount of Property & Casualty reserves applied following the acquisition of GE Insurance  Solutions in 2006 was further amortised in 2008. The amortisation increased the combined  ratio by 1.8 percentage points in 2008. The discount, net of capital cost, unwinds over the  estimated average duration of the reserves. Excluding this unwind, the combined ratio of  traditional business was 96.1%. Lines of business Active cycle management and a diversified business mix contributed to strong underwriting  results in 2008. Property Net premiums earned decreased 24.4% in 2008, reflecting the quota share arrangement with  Berkshire Hathaway and continued strict underwriting discipline.  The combined ratio increased to 76.6% in 2008 from 68.9% in 2007, reflecting the impact of  natural catastrophes and favourable loss experience, although at a lower level than in 2007. Casualty Net premiums earned decreased 30.3% in 2008, reflecting both the quota share arrangement  with Berkshire Hathaway and the effect of strict underwriting in a softening market. The liability combined ratio was 126.9% in 2008 compared to 123.9% in 2007. The 2008  combined ratio was impacted by large losses especially in the energy and pharmaceutical  sectors, which affected prior years.   The motor combined ratio decreased to 92.0% in 2008 from 94.4% in 2007, mainly due to  more favourable claims development. The accident combined ratio increased to 161.8% in 2008 from 141.1% in 2007. Prior year  development on workers’ compensation business continued to impact the combined ratio  negatively. 50  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Financial year / Property & Casualty Motor traditional Accident traditional Other Lines Credit traditional Total traditional Non-traditional Total Liability traditional Property traditional Property & Casualty results by line of business 2007                                                                                                                       CHF millions Revenues Premiums earned Net investment income Net realised investment  gains/losses Other revenues Total revenues –300 –7 6 653 6 464 496 4 266 1 293 2 120 413 1 060 230 1 034 49 3 667 428 5 559 2 533 1 290 57 1 140 55 4 150 18 611 2 909 –300 105 21 325 366 279 17 –8 654 18 977 3 188 –283 97 21 979 Expenses Claims and claim   adjustment expenses Acquisition costs Other expenses Total expenses –2 800 –1 143 –510 –4 453 –4 059 –756 –470 –5 285 –1 418 –434 –150 –2 002 –1 157 –227 –112 –1 496 –244 –370 –57 –671 –1 833 –753 –269 –2 855 –11 511 –3 683 –1 568 –16 762 –538 –143 –65 –746 –12 049 –3 826 –1 633 –17 508 Operating income/loss 2 200 274 531 –206 469 1 295 4 563 –92 4 471 Claims ratio in % Expense ratio in % Combined ratio in % 43.3 25.6 68.9 95.2 28.7 123.9 66.9 27.5 94.4 109.1 32.0 141.1 23.6 41.3 64.9 50.0 27.9 77.9 61.9 28.2 90.1 2008                                                                                                                    CHF millions Revenues Premiums earned Net investment income Net realised investment  gains/losses Other revenues Total revenues Expenses Claims and claim   adjustment expenses Acquisition costs Other expenses Total expenses Property traditional Liability traditional Motor traditional Accident traditional Other Lines Credit traditional Total traditional Non-traditional Total 2 828 1 027 1 663 348 4 884 345 –153 696 283 15 1 206 50 22 5 076 3 855 2 011 994 1 278 2 609 384 15 3 008 13 886 2 437 –116 15 16 222 493 170 –29 39 673 14 379 2 607 –145 54 16 895 –2 654 –623 –463 –3 740 –2 510 –609 –471 –3 590 –1 148 –265 –117 –1 530 –887 –136 –103 –1 126 –872 –484 –87 –1 443 –1 495 –488 –187 –2 170 –9 566 –2 605 –1 428 –13 599 –291 –125 –134 –550 –9 857 –2 730 –1 562 –14 149 Operating income/loss 1 336 265 481 –132 –165 838 2 623 123 2 746 Claims ratio in % Expense ratio in % Combined ratio in % 54.4 22.2 76.6 88.7 38.2 126.9 69.0 23.0 92.0 127.4 34.4 161.8 72.4 47.3 119.7 57.3 25.9 83.2 68.9 29.0 97.9 Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  51 Financial year / Property & Casualty Property & Casualty Specialty lines Net premiums earned for the specialty lines of business decreased 18.8% to CHF 3.8 billion,  due to the quota share arrangement with Berkshire Hathaway and strict underwriting. The combined ratio for specialty business increased to 94.7% in 2008 from 75.0% in 2007. The credit reinsurance business was negatively impacted by deteriorating economic  conditions, especially in Spain. The combined ratio increased to 119.7% in 2008 from 64.9%  in 2007. The other specialty combined ratio, which includes Marine, Aviation, Engineering, Agriculture  and Nuclear business, increased to 83.2% in 2008 from 77.9% in 2007. Partially offset by the  positive experience in Aviation, this increase was mainly due to the impact of natural  catastrophe claims on Marine business. Non-traditional business The increase in non-traditional operating income to CHF 123 million in 2008 from a loss of  CHF 92 million in 2007 reflected improved loss experience, including commutation effects,  compared to 2007. 52  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Life & Health Financial year / Life & Health Business developments New Life & Health business volumes remained stable in the US and Canada. US cession rates  continued to decline, albeit more slowly than in recent years; this was largely due to cedents  choosing to take up excess of retention reinsurance and using insurance-linked securities for  capital funding. Swiss Re’s market share grew as a result of an increase in requests for  mortality knowledge-based services. New business volumes in the UK declined due to lower sales of life and critical illness  protection policies linked to mortgages in the primary insurance market. Sales did not fall as  low as new mortgage approvals, however, which suggests that financial advisers and  insurance companies have been successful in increasing sales of policies not linked to  mortgages. New business volumes in continental Europe rose in 2008 – primarily in France, Italy and the  Nordic countries. Cession rates remained stable and profitability satisfactory. Having started Swiss Re Healthcare Services Pvt. Ltd. in India in 2007, we continued to  expand into Asian medical insurance by establishing a third-party administrator in China.  Traditional life reinsurance maintained strong premium growth in Asia. Our life and health  business in Australia continued to expand, with a strong contribution from enhanced insured  benefits provided within superannuation funds, and with the completion of our first longevity  reinsurance transaction in the region. Clients around the world are increasingly seeking to release the capital committed to their   in-force portfolios through structured reinsurance solutions. We completed several significant  transactions during the year, primarily in Europe and Asia. We also concluded several new variable annuity reinsurance transactions in the US and Asia.  Prices have risen to reflect the increased cost of hedging the financial market risks embedded  in these products. We completed the GBP 762 million acquisition of Barclays Life Assurance Company Ltd on   31 October 2008. The transaction provides further scale and infrastructure for our Admin Re®  business in the UK and confirms our role as a leading player in the origination, transfer and  trading of insurable risks. Business results1 Life & Health operating income fell 47.2% to CHF 697 million in 2008 from CHF 1.3 billion in  2007. Strong performance from traditional mortality and morbidity products was offset by  adverse results arising from products that were directly affected by the volatile financial  markets. 1 The figures for 2008 and 2007 are presented consistently with the organisational structure adopted in 2007,  and include part of the insurance-linked securities (ILS) business as well as the variable annuity business. The  allocation of the investment return to the segments was modified in 2008 and is now based on a benchmark  applied to the technical reserves and other information including duration of the underlying liabilities. Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  53 Financial year / Life & Health Life & Health 2008 premiums earned and fee income by region Total CHF 11.9 billion 52% Americas 40% Europe 8% Asia 54  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Premiums earned and fee income Premiums and fees fell 12.6% to CHF 11.9 billion from CHF 13.6 billion in 2007. Excluding  currency exchange effects, premiums and fees decreased 2.4%. This decline was primarily  attributable to Admin Re® due to the sale of new business operations of Tomorrow to LV= in  December 2007, and lower fee income, partially offset by premium from the Barclays Life  transaction in 2008. Traditional life premiums and fees were CHF 7.8 billion, compared to CHF 8.4 billion in 2007.  Excluding currency exchange effects, premiums and fees rose 3.5%, reflecting new business  written in all regions. Traditional health premiums fell to CHF 2.4 billion from CHF 3.0 billion in  2007, largely due to currency exchange effects, changes in cedents’ reporting dates and  commutations. Admin Re® premiums and fees declined to 1.6 billion from CHF 2.3 billion in  2007. Excluding currency exchange effects, premiums and fees fell 19.2%, primarily due to  the sale of new business operations of Tomorrow to LV= in December 2007, and lower fee  income from unit-linked business as a result of turbulent market conditions. The geographical distribution of premiums and fees earned remained stable during 2008. Net investment income for 2008 was CHF 3.6 billion, down 11.2% from 2007. Excluding  currency exchange effects, net investment income was unchanged year on year. Unit-linked  contracts do not affect the operating result, since their investment returns are passed straight  through to contract holders as return credited to policyholders. Acquisition costs declined to CHF 2.6 billion from CHF 2.7 billion in 2007. Excluding currency  exchange effects, acquisition costs rose 9.8%, driven by new business in the traditional life  segment and amortisation of the present value of future profits (PVFP) recognised for the  acquired policies in the Admin Re® segment. Benefit and expense ratios The overall Life & Health benefit ratio declined 1.5 percentage points to 85.5%, reflecting more  favourable morbidity experience and the net positive effect of commutations of certain  personal accident treaties in our health business. The benefit ratio of 85.5% includes  approximately 3.8 percentage points of negative experience due to higher benefit reserves  underlying the guaranteed minimum death benefit (GMDB) products, driven by a decline in  policyholder account values in the current market environment. Our management expense ratio declined to 6.6%, including lower one-off integration costs for  Admin Re® transactions, of which we completed 2 in 2008 compared with 7 in 2007.  Integration costs depend critically on the timing and stage of completion for each acquisition,  but are generally within expectations. In addition, refinements were made to the attribution  factors used to allocate expense between business segments, resulting in a slightly lower  allocation of total expenses to the Life & Health segment in 2008 compared to 2007. Lines of business A diversified geographical business mix and continued disciplined pricing contributed to a  strong fundamental business result, offset by the impact of a volatile market on products that  are directly affected by credit spreads and equity returns. Traditional life Operating income for traditional life business dropped to CHF 136 million from income of   CHF 793 million year on year, primarily due to financial market driven factors. This decline was  primarily attributable to unfavourable returns from the new variable annuity business   Financial year / Life & Health 2007 2008 Change in % Life & Health results CHF millions Revenues Premiums earned Fee income from policyholders Net investment income Net realised investment gains/losses Other revenues Total revenues Expenses Claims and claim adjustment expenses; life and health  benefits Return credited to policyholders Acquisition costs Other expenses Total expenses 12 665 955 4 106 799 5 18 530 –11 112 –2 120 –2 665 –1 313 –17 210 11 090 808 3 648 –5 022 10 524 –9 065 2 822 –2 626 –958 –9 827 Operating income/loss 1 320 697 Operating result, excluding non-participating net  realised investment gains/losses 966 926 Net investment income – unit-linked Net investment income – with-profit business Net investment income – non-participating Net realised investment gains/losses – unit-linked Net realised investment gains/losses – with-profit  business Net realised investment gains/losses –   non-participating 749 311 3 046 512 –67 354 767 249 2 632 –4 052 –741 –229 –12 –15 –11 – – –43 –18 – –1 –27 –43 –47 –4 2 –20 –14 – – – Operating revenues1 16 671 14 530 –13 Management expense ratio in % Benefit ratio2 in % 7.9 87.0 6.6 85.5 1  Operating revenues exclude net investment income and net realised investment gains/losses from unit-linked and with- profit business as these are passed through to contract holders and therefore do not have an impact on the operating  result. Operating revenues also exclude net realised investment gains/losses from non-participating business. 2  The benefit ratio is calculated as claims divided by premiums earned, both of which exclude unit-linked and with-profit  business. (CHF 208 million) compared to a gain in 2007, the pre-2000 GMDB contracts (CHF 163 million)  and from a decline in the fair value of embedded derivatives associated with treaties structured  on a modified coinsurance and funds withheld basis (CHF 297 million). Our hedging for expected  variable annuity cash flows performed within expected parameters given market circumstances,  but certain non-economic risk margins required under GAAP are not hedged – and these margins  increased as market conditions deteriorated. The change in the fair value of the embedded  derivatives represents a non-cash, unrealised loss and arose due to widening credit spreads on  the investment portfolios underlying certain funds withheld life reinsurance treaties. Overall,  mortality experience remained steady year on year and in line with expectations. Less favourable  mortality experience in the US and Canada in 2008 was offset by strong results in Europe. Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  55 Financial year / Life & Health Life & Health 56  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Traditional health Operating income from the traditional health business fell CHF 55 million, or 15.8%, to  CHF 293 million. This was mainly due to unrealised losses from a decline in the fair value of  embedded derivatives associated with certain funds withheld health treaties CHF 243 million,  driven by widening credit spreads on the underlying cedent investment portfolios. This was  partially offset by gains arising from the commutation of certain personal accident treaties,  better-than-expected morbidity levels and improved termination rates. Our 2007 result  included a one-off boost from our change in UK claims assumptions.  Admin Re® Admin Re® operating income rose CHF 89 million to a gain of CHF 268 million. This was  mainly due to unrealised gains associated with an increase in the fair value of embedded  derivatives associated with certain treaties that are ceded by Swiss Re on a funds withheld  basis CHF 182 million which resulted mainly from widening credit spreads on the underlying  investment portfolios. In addition, the 2008 results include the full-year contributions from  various acquisitions closed in 2007, the fourth-quarter impact from the closing of the Barclays  Life transaction and lower one-off integration costs, offset by lower investment returns and  fees. Higher realised investment losses, declining fees from unit-linked business, and generally  lower investment spreads all reflected difficult conditions in the financial markets. US mortality  was also slightly less favourable in 2008 than in 2007. Life & Health results by line of business 2007 CHF millions Operating revenues1 Operating income/loss Operating result, excluding   non-participating net realised   investment gains/losses Benefit ratio2 in % 2008 CHF millions Operating revenues1 Operating income/loss Operating result, excluding   non-participating net realised   investment gains/losses Benefit ratio2 in % Life traditional 9 216 793 Health   traditional 3 407 348 Admin Re® 4 048 179 Total 16 671 1 320 554 413 –1 966 87.0 Life traditional 8 662 136 Health   traditional 2 846 293 Admin Re® 3 022 268 Total 14 530 697 335 543 48 926 85.5 1 Operating revenues exclude net investment income and net realised investment gains/losses from unit-linked  and with-profit business as these are passed through to contract holders and therefore do not have an impact on  the operating result. Operating revenues also exclude net realised investment gains/losses from non- participating business. 2 The benefit ratio is calculated as claims divided by premiums earned, both of which exclude unit-linked and with- profit business. Financial year / Asset Management Asset Management Strategic alignment We have completed a review of our Financial Markets unit and defined two strategic  mandates: to manage the assets generated through (re)insurance activities and to develop  solutions with the Client Markets and Products Underwriting teams for our clients. As a result,  we renamed the unit Asset Management to reflect the focus on these two strategic mandates. The focus of the Asset Management mandate is centred on core-asset-liability-matching  techniques. The primary goal is to match Swiss Re’s investment portfolio to the benchmark set  by our insurance liabilities. Second, Asset Management is expected to seek absolute returns  to generate additional economic value while rigorously adhering to the risk limits set by  Swiss Re.  As part of this alignment, we decided to identify and allocate non-core activities within Asset  Management to the Legacy portfolio, which includes certain activities formerly reported in the  Credit & Rates, and Equity & Alternative Investments classifications.  For comparative purposes, the corresponding Asset Management segment values have   been broken out and shown separately below from the Legacy segment as of the end of  December 2007. Asset Management results 2007 CHF millions Net investment income Net realised investment gains/losses Fees, commissions and other revenues Total revenues Expenses Total operating income/loss Return on investments in % 2008 CHF millions Net investment income Net realised investment gains/losses Fees, commissions and other revenues Total revenues Expenses Total operating income/loss Return on investments in %1 Credit & Rates 7 390 –1 045 125 6 470 Equity &   Alternative Investments 505 1 472 0 1 977 0 6 470 0 1 977 Credit & Rates 6 297 807 80 7 184 Equity &   Alternative Investments –937 –327 –8 –1 272 0 7 184 0 –1 272 Total 7 895 427 125 8 447 0 8 447 5.3 Total 5 360 480 72 5 912 0 5 912 4.7 1  The return on investments includes currency exchange rate remeasurements and designated trading portfolios. The  designated trading portfolios comprise trading fixed income securities denominated in foreign currencies, which back  certain liabilities denominated in foreign currencies. The overall impact of the currency exchange remeasurements was  CHF 7 million in 2007 and CHF 1 338 million in 2008. Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  57 Financial year / Asset Management Asset Management Investments by currency as of 31 December 2008 Total CHF 124.6 billion Investment result Overall, the return on investments, excluding Legacy, was 4.7% compared to 5.3% in the prior  year. 61% USD 19% GBP 10% EUR 5% CAD 2% CHF 3% Other Total invested assets were CHF 124.6 billion at the end of December 2008, compared to   CHF 159.9 billion at the end of December 2007. The decrease was mainly due to net sales  and maturities in the fixed income portfolios, liquidation of the global equity portfolio, declines  in market values and the impact of changes in foreign currency valuation. We also increased  our allocation to cash and cash equivalents. At the end of 2008, Swiss Re’s overall gross asset  allocation was 31% in credit, 61% in rates, and 8% in equities and alternative investments.  Credit & Rates Swiss Re’s Credit & Rates portfolio decreased to CHF 114.7 billion in 2008 from   CHF 138.7 billion in 2007 as a result of net sales and maturities in the portfolios, declines   in market values and the impact of foreign currency movements. Net investment income,  declined 15% to CHF 6.3 billion. The decrease was mainly due to the running yield declining  to 4.9% from 5.2%  as a result of reducing the risk profile through increased allocation from  corporate to government securities and a general decline in interest rates. The net realised  gain on credit and rates investments was CHF 807 million in 2008, compared to a net loss of  CHF 1.0 billion in 2007. The net realised gain in 2008 related mainly to gains on government  bonds, offset by a decrease in the market value of the overall credit portfolio and impairments.  Expenses which are included in net investment income decreased CHF 217 million, representing  cost reductions in variable expenses.  Net unrealised loss in shareholders’ equity was CHF 2.4 billion at the end of 2008, compared  to a net unrealised gain of CHF 1.8 billion at the end of 2007. The decrease was mainly due to  credit spread widening and reclassification of assets from trading to available-for-sale. Third-party assets under management decreased to CHF 76.8 billion at the end of 2008 from  CHF 92.8 billion at the end of 2007 as a result of a sale in the third-party asset management  business.   Equity & Alternative Investments We reduced Swiss Re’s gross exposure to CHF 9.9 billion at the end of 2008 from   CHF 21.2 billion at the end of 2007, mainly due to the liquidation of the global equity   portfolio as we continued to reduce the Group’s risk exposure to the equity markets.  Net investment loss and a net realised loss was CHF 1.3 billion in 2008 compared to net  investment income and a net realised gain of CHF 2.0 billion in 2007, resulting from a decline  in market values of the underlying assets in private equity and hedge funds, and realised  losses on the sale of the global equity portfolio.    Expenses which are included in net investment income increased CHF 108 million, mainly  due to an increase in variable expenses.  58  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Legacy Financial year / Legacy Strategic alignment We have formed a new unit, Legacy, to manage specified products that Swiss Re no longer  offers and which are separately reported. The activities of the Legacy unit were formerly  reported in the Financial Markets or Property & Casualty segments.  The Legacy portfolio consists of Structured CDS, Portfolio CDS, Financial Guarantee Re and  former trading activities, including credit correlation, collateralised fund obligations, bonds  trading, swaps in trust, total return swaps relating to insurance-linked securities, natural gas  and other non-core activities. Legacy segments For comparative purposes, the corresponding Legacy segment values have been broken out  and shown separately below from the Asset Management segment as of the end of  December 2007. Structured and Portfolio CDS In 2008, net realised investment losses for Structured CDS increased to CHF 2.0 billion from  losses of CHF 1.3 billion in 2007. Net realised investment losses for Portfolio CDS were   CHF 563 million in 2008, compared to a gain of CHF 25 million in 2007. These declines   were mainly due to the mark-to-market impact on the Structured CDS and credit spread  widening affecting the valuation of the Portfolio CDS. Financial Guarantee Re (FG Re)  FG Re was formerly included in Property & Casualty as part of the Credit segment in   Specialty. FG Re reported an operating loss of CHF 128 million in 2008 compared to an  operating loss of CHF 2 million in 2007, due to an increase in reported and expected claims   of CHF 134 million. FG Re has been in run-off since the beginning of 2008 and no new   business was written in the year. As a result, the combined ratio was 500.0% for 2008  compared to 109.1% for 2007.  Trading  The Legacy trading activities result increased to a CHF 3.3 billion loss in 2008 from a   CHF 185 million loss in 2007. This was mainly driven by the Total Return Swap (TRS)  portfolios relating to insurance-linked securities activities and a decrease in the market   value of positions resulting from illiquidity in the capital markets.  Net unrealised loss in shareholders’ equity increased to CHF 433 million at the end of 2008,  compared to CHF nil at the end of 2007. The decrease was mainly due to credit spread  widening and reclassification of assets from trading to available-for-sale. Expenses Expenses of CHF 78 million in 2008 are included in net investment income and mainly  represent investment expenses and variable compensation. Total invested assets Total net assets were CHF 3.8 billion at the end of December 2008, compared to   CHF 6.2 billion at the end of December 2007. The decrease was mainly due to net sales   and maturities, the decline in market values and the impact of changes in foreign currency  valuation.  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  59 Financial year / Business outlook Business outlook 60  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Property & Casualty The January 2009 renewals showed the first signs of a hardening market. We expect this  hardening to intensify through the year, due primarily to the crisis in the financial markets. Both  increased cost of capital and reduced capacity in the retrocession markets should generate  higher reinsurance rates. At the same time, the surplus of many of our clients has been  reduced, increasing their need to seek capital relief by buying reinsurance.  Property and specialty renewals show the beginning of an upward price trend for some  business segments, most notably for catastrophe cover in the US. We expect this to continue  and extend to other products and markets. We are prepared for rapid growth in segments  where the market hardens; we also remain fully committed to capturing value through active  and disciplined cycle management. We will continue to focus on the areas in which we have a  competitive advantage, including writing large individual lines. We have an underweight exposure to directors’ and officers’ liability and to professional  indemnity business, which we have reduced since 2004, particularly in regard to financial  institutions. We are managing any remaining subprime, liquidity or credit crisis risks through  terms, conditions and pricing. This allows us the flexibility to capitalise on other liability  opportunities that offer more attractive returns. Lower interest rate yields reinforce the need  for increased technical underwriting margins, particularly in long-tail lines of business. Thanks  to Swiss Re’s strong business position and established underwriting discipline, we believe we  are well positioned to benefit from a hardening market. Life & Health The slowdown in the global economy is likely to reduce demand for life and health insurance  into 2010, since sales of protection products are often linked to those of mortgages or  investment products. In the US, 2008 ended with indicators that declining cession rates are reversing; quote activity  increased late in the year as demand for reinsurance grew along with higher capital costs and  lower yields. These same forces made it necessary for us to increase our prices. We anticipate  continued demand for reinsurance in 2009, with large transactions likely as cedents leverage  reinsurance for capital relief until stability returns to the financial markets. In the UK, the sharp reduction in the mortgage market will present challenges for life insurers  as a large proportion of life and critical illness sales are linked to mortgages. Recent data,  however, indicates that, overall, sales of protection policies could be more resilient than sales  of mortgages and savings products – possibly because financial advisers are turning their  attention to protection products in the absence of sales opportunities in mortgages and  savings products. We also expect a slowdown in primary insurance sales in the mature markets of Western and  Northern Europe, but growth should continue in developing markets in Eastern Europe, the  Middle East, and Latin America. Cession rates are likely to remain stable or even increase,  because many primary insurers will have less capital available for risk retention.   Financial year / Business outlook Asia will see continued new business growth, particularly in health and wealth accumulation  products. Funding of healthcare costs will continue to be a priority for individuals, creating  increased demand among insurers for support in providing sustainable long-term solutions. Life companies around the world face significant challenges; their capital bases have been  depleted by investment losses and the difficult capital markets environment has made it  increasingly difficult to raise funds. We therefore expect an increasing need among clients to  release capital from their in-force portfolios through Admin Re® or other structured  reinsurance solutions. We expect increased demand for reinsurance of variable annuity products, both from existing  markets in the US and Japan, and new markets in Europe and Asia. The current cost of  hedging financial market risk, however, makes certain guarantees prohibitively expensive in  retail products. We are working actively with clients to make products more affordable  through redesigning guarantee structures. We are also seeing increased interest in  transferring longevity risk among life companies and pension funds.  Asset Management We expect 2009 to be marked as a year of transition. The economic outlook remains  challenging with the fall-out from the global credit crisis taking its toll on the real economy. In  January 2009, this challenging outlook prompted the International Monetary Fund to revise  their global GDP projections sharply from 2.2% to 0.5%. With the advanced economies facing  what is possibly their deepest recession in the post-war period, the financial market outlook is  likely to lack certainty for some time. In this environment, investors may well remain averse to  taking risk. A cautious investment approach is appropriate while global markets continue to suffer the  effects of unwinding leveraged positions. The markets’ flight for safety is unlikely to slow down  until the macro economic picture starts to brighten, particularly in the US housing market, and  until financial market stress begins to ease. Global policy efforts, in particular future actions   by the US Treasury and the Federal Reserve, could also be instrumental in driving the markets  towards the start of a recovery, perhaps as soon as in the second half of 2009. Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  61 Financial year / Share performance Share performance Swiss Re’s shares declined 37.6% in 2008, in line with the Swiss blue chip index  (SMI). In contrast, the index of European insurers fell 52.6%. Swiss Re shares Swiss Re had a market capitalisation of CHF 18.3 billion on 31 December 2008, with   363.5 million shares outstanding. Swiss Re shares are listed on the main board of the   SIX Swiss Exchange (SIX) and are traded on SWX Europe in its EU regulated segment   under the ticker symbol RUKN. Swiss Re shares are also traded over-the-counter in the   form of an American Depositary Receipt (ADR) level I programme (OTC symbol SWCEY). General information on Swiss Re shares Identification numbers Swiss Security Number (Valorennummer)  ISIN (International Securities Identification Number) Share 1233237 ADR level I1  –  CH0012332372 US8708872051 Ticker symbols Share ADR level I 1 Bloomberg RUKN VX SWCEY US Telekurs RUKN SWCEY Reuters RUKN.VX SWCEY.US 1 Swiss Re’s ADR are not listed but traded over-the-counter; one ADR corresponds to one Swiss Re share. Share price performance Capital markets continued in 2008 where they left off in 2007, with downward pressure   on most share prices, especially in the financial sector. Swiss Re shares started the year at   CHF 80.45; following the publication of strong 2007 results, they climbed to the year’s  intraday high of CHF 93.95 on 2 April 2008. Our shares outperformed those of most of our  peers as well as the relevant indices during the first six months of 2008. The second half of the year saw worries about subprime defaults expand into larger concerns  about asset valuations and then fear of worldwide recession as the credit crisis cut across   all industries. A number of banks and insurance companies sought state support and flagging  investor confidence drove down all major stock markets, with financial sector share prices  particularly affected. Swiss Re shares suffered significantly increased volatility during this period,  reaching an intraday low for the year of CHF 35.38 on 10 October 2008 before recovering   to CHF 50.30 at the year’s end. The 37.5% drop in Swiss Re’s share price over the year was    in line with the 34.8% fall in the Swiss blue chip index (SMI). Swiss Re outperformed our  benchmark, the Dow Jones STOXX 600 Insurance index, which fell 52.6%. Share trading The average daily trading volume for 2008 was 3.1 million shares on-exchange and 0.1 million  shares off-exchange. Trading volume peaked at 16 million shares on 23 January 2008 after  the announcement that Berkshire Hathaway had bought a 3% stake in Swiss Re. The week of  15 September 2008 also saw a significant volume of shares change hands as Wall Street   had its worst trading day since 11 September 2001, due to the Lehman Brothers bankruptcy  filing and the federal support provided to AIG, the largest US insurance company. Daily  volumes in the second half of the year were lower than in the first half as investors assumed   a wait-and-see position. 62  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report   Financial year / Share performance Swiss Re share price and trading volume in 2008 100 Closing price in CHF 2007 Annual results (29 February) Q1 results 2008 (6 May) Q2 results 2008 (5 August) Investors’ Day 2008 (25 September) Investors’ meeting Monte Carlo (8 September) 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 Volume in millions Q3 results 2008 (4 November) 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 January February March April May June July August September October November December  Closing price  Volume on-exchange  Volume off-exchange Share buy-back programme Swiss Re initially announced a share buy-back programme of up to CHF 6 billion on  1 March 2007 and on that date repurchased CHF 16.7 million of its shares from  General Electric Company (GE) that GE held as a result of Swiss Re’s acquisition of  GE Insurance Solutions. Swiss Re set up a second trading line on 10 August 2007 to enable  a tax efficient buy-back. On 23 January 2008, following the announcement of the quota share reinsurance contract  with Berkshire Hathaway, the share buy-back programme was extended. This reinsurance  contract brought additional capital relief to the Group allowing the extension of the buy-back  programme by CHF 1.75 billion to CHF 7.75 billion. The buy-back continued until  4 November 2008 when we decided to suspend it due to the unprecedented capital market  conditions. By this date, CHF 4 billion worth of shares had been repurchased, representing  51.2% of the total buy-back programme. Authorisation for the second line buy-back remains  until April 2010. Dividends The Board of Directors will propose a dividend of CHF 0.10 per share for 2008. Swiss Re   pays its dividend annually, three working days after the Annual General Meeting; as of that  day, the share price is ex-dividend. Share custody Swiss Re offers its shareholders the opportunity to deposit shares in their own names with   the Share Register in Zurich. Share custody is free of charge. Shareholders can download the  application form from Swiss Re’s website. Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  63 Financial year / Share performance Share performance Information for investors More information on Swiss Re’s shares is available in the Investor Relations section on  Swiss Re’s website. Shareholder structure  As of 31 December 2008 Institutional investors   Switzerland   Europe (excluding Switzerland)   North America   Rest of world Total institutional investors Additional shares held in nominee form  (within Share Register) Private shareholders registered (total) Unassigned shares   (including retail investors and trading positions) Shares reserved Total amount of shares outstanding Holdings  (CHF millions) in % in % of   free float 25.0  30.6  41.5  2.9  100 54.4  66.6  90.3  6.3  217.6  20.6  62.3  35.1  27.9  363.5  15.0  18.3  24.8  1.7  59.8  5.7  17.1  9.7  7.7  100 Index representation In addition to its relevant industry indices, Swiss Re is also represented in various global,  European and Swiss indices – including the SMI, FTSEurofirst 300 Insurance and the Dow  Jones STOXX 600 Insurance. The composition of these indices is usually based on free-float  market capitalisation. Swiss Re is also a member of various sustainability indices, including  the Dow Jones Sustainability and FTSE4Good index families. Weighting in indices As of 31 December 2008 Swiss / blue chip indices SMI SPI Insurance indices Dow Jones STOXX 600 Insurance Bloomberg Europe 500 Insurance FTSEurofirst 300 Insurance Sustainability indices Dow Jones Sustainability World Dow Jones Stoxx Sustainability FTSE4Good Global KLD Global Climate 100 Index weight (in %) 2.68  2.29 4.68 4.86 5.26  0.26  0.58 0.19  1.03 64  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report                                      Financial year / Share performance Key share statistics 2004 – 2008 As of 31 December Shares outstanding1  of which reserved to underlie convertible bonds  and corporate purposes  of which repurchased via second trading line  (subject to cancellation) Shares entitled to dividend 2004 322 066 174 2005 322 092 742 2006 374 440 378  2007 370 386 755 2008 363 516 036 11 678 802 11 678 802 16 184 149 17 715 789 17 715 789 310 387 372 310 413 940 358 256 229 6 005 000 346 665 966 8 881 000 335 665 775 CHF, unless otherwise stated Dividend paid per share Dividend yield2 (in %) Earnings per share3, 4 Book value per share3, 4 Price per share, year-end Price per share, year high (intraday) Price per share, year low (intraday) Daily trading volume (in CHF millions) Market capitalisation3 (in CHF millions) ADR price at year-end (in USD) 2004 1.10 1.4 8.00 61.78 81.10 97.05 66.35 104 26 120 71.80 2005 1.60 1.7 4.68 73.87 96.20 103.40 75.10 126 30 985 73.25 2006 2.50 2.4 13.49 86.21 103.60 108.50 79.60 153 38 792 85.25 2007 3.40 4.2 11.95 92.00 80.45 119.40 78.70 253 27 798 71.00 2008 4.00 8.0 —2.61  60.96  50.30 93.95 35.38 214 18 285 47.80 1  Nominal value of CHF 0.10 per share 2  Dividend divided by year-end share price of corresponding year 3  Based on outstanding shares 4  Figures for 2004 represent the previously applied accounting policy, Swiss GAAP FER; those for 2005 – 2008 are based on US GAAP. Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  65                                 Risk and capital management   68  Risk governance   68  Risk management view of the financial crisis   68  Risk management organisation   70  Swiss Re’s risk landscape   71  Integrated risk modelling   73  Risk assessment   73  Group capital requirement   74  Property and casualty insurance risk   75  Life and health insurance risk   76  Financial market risk   77  Credit risk   78  Operational risk   78  Reputational risk   79  Liquidity risk management   79  Liquidity management actions   79  Liquidity position of Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd   81  Capital management   81  Capital adequacy   82  Capital management actions   83  Credit ratings 66  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Key developments in 2008   ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤ Internal capital adequacy of 207%  remains slightly above our target range,  despite significant capital depletion   due to unprecedented turbulence in  global financial markets.  Group capital requirement measured   by 99% Tail VaR decreased 10%   to CHF 14.9 billion, as higher financial  market and credit risk was more   than offset by lower insurance risk.  Enhanced our limit framework to  strengthen the alignment of business  capacity to our Group Risk Policy.  Strengthened our liquidity management  framework and proactively managed   the Group’s liquidity position in a difficult  market environment.  Completed major step in European  restructuring with the transfer of our  Denmark, France, Ireland, Italy,  Netherlands, Spain, and UK business into  branches of our Luxembourg entities. The financial crisis has  demonstrated the importance  of a strong and independent  risk management function,   as well as the need for an  integrated approach to  assessing and controlling  risks. To this end, we   further enhanced our   risk management by  establishing a more robust  governance process,  intensifying our risk oversight  and strengthening our  liquidity management. Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  67 Risk and capital management Risk governance Swiss Re’s risk and capital management aims to ensure controlled risk taking as well  as adequate liquidity and capitalisation, in order to maintain the financial flexibility  to benefit from attractive business opportunities. Controlled risk taking requires a strong and independent risk management organisation and  comprehensive risk management processes to identify, assess and control the Group’s risk  exposures. Our risk management is based on four guiding principles that we strive to apply consistently  across all risk categories throughout the Group:   ̤ Controlled risk taking: Financial strength and sustainable value creation are central to  Swiss Re’s value proposition. As a result, we operate within a clearly defined risk policy   and risk control framework. Clear accountability: Our operations are based on the principle of delegated and clearly  defined authority. Individuals are accountable for the risks they take on, and their incentives  are aligned with Swiss Re’s overall business objectives. Independent risk controlling: To avoid conflicts of interest, dedicated specialised units  monitor our risk-taking activities. Open risk culture: Risk transparency and responsiveness to change are integral to our risk  control process. Swiss Re has institutionalised knowledge-sharing processes at all levels.   ̤  ̤  ̤ Risk management view of the financial crisis The unprecedented turbulence in the global financial markets has provided important lessons  on risk management for the financial services industry. First and foremost, recent events have  confirmed once again the importance of a strong and independent risk management function,  as well as the need for an integrated, company-wide approach to assessing and controlling  risks. In addition, risk management must be practised as a dynamic process, in which  scenarios, models and their parameters are continually adapted to changes in the  environment. This means that the results of quantitative controls should be supported by a  sound qualitative assessment of the underlying risks and assumptions.  ̤ We have learnt from the recent crisis and enhanced our risk management in several key areas: More robust governance processes for risk taking: In response to market developments,    ̤ we have implemented a single Group-wide approval process, with greater accountability  and increased Risk Management involvement in reviewing and approving transactions. Increased oversight: Risk Management has intensified its interaction with management   and the Board, including more detailed and frequent reporting on modelling results, limit  status and risk issues. Enhanced liquidity management: We responded to the tightening funding environment   by strengthening spot liquidity, optimising funding across regulated carriers and increasing  stress testing for projected liquidity intervals (see pages 79 – 80).  ̤ Risk management organisation The Board of Directors is ultimately responsible for the Group’s risk management principles  and policies, as well as for approving our overall risk tolerance. The Board committees dealing  with risk management include:  ̤ The Finance and Risk Committee, which is responsible for reviewing the Group Risk Policy  and capacity limits, as well as monitoring risk tolerance, and reviewing top risk issues and  exposures. The Audit Committee, which is responsible for overseeing internal controls and compliance  procedures.  ̤ 68  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Risk and capital management  The Executive Committee is responsible for implementing the risk management framework  through two further committees:  ̤ The Group Risk and Capital Committee has responsibility for allocating capital and capacity,  approving investment risk limits, and deciding changes to the internal risk and capital  methodology. The Group Products and Limits Committee determines Swiss Re’s product policy and  standards, grants reinsurance limits, and decides on large or non-standard transactions.  ̤ The Chief Risk Officer is a member of the Executive Committee. He leads the global Risk  Management function, which is responsible for risk controlling across the Group. The global Risk Management function is organised by risk categories, with dedicated  departments for property and casualty risk, life and health risk, and credit and financial market  risk. Each of these units is entrusted with Group-wide responsibility for identifying, assessing  and controlling their allocated risks, including operational risks which arise in their area of  control. They also work closely with other risk management units on transaction reviews and  issues which affect multiple risk categories. These units are supported by the Operational  Risk & Control Management department, which is responsible for maintaining our operational  risk framework, developing appropriate tools and training, and driving internal and   external dialogue on operational risk issues. In addition, the Business Risk Review department  conducts independent quality assessments of underwriting and pricing quality on   a transactional level, and also reviews authority processes and contract wordings. Key risk management bodies and functions Board of Directors Group Internal Audit Finance and   Risk Committee Audit Committee Executive Committee Group Risk and Capital  Committee Group Products   and Limits Committee Chief Risk Officer P & C Risk & Actuarial  Management L & H Risk & Actuarial  Management Business Risk Review Group Risks & Analytics Financial  Risk Management Sustainability & Emerging  Risk Management Operational Risk &   Control Management Group Regulatory Affairs Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  69 Risk and capital management Risk governance 70  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report In 2008, the insurance risk units were realigned to include both risk management and  actuarial functions. This combined expertise will strengthen independent review of large  transactions, new products, business plans, pricing accuracy and portfolio quality. The Group Risks & Analytics department has global responsibility for risk reporting, risk  models, the validation of valuation models and risk infrastructure. In addition, it is responsible  for capital adequacy and liquidity risk management, as well as for the overall risk governance  framework. Sustainability & Emerging Risk Management manages environmental, social,   and political risks as well as the systematic detection, assessment and business application of  emerging and existing, but potentially underestimated, risks. Finally, the Group Regulatory  Affairs department steers our regulatory activities and positions, and leads the implementation  of major regulatory developments. None of the Risk Management departments executes business. They oversee risk-taking  activities, and set the risk management guidelines and best practice standards that the  business units implement. Group Internal Audit is an independent, objective assurance function that assesses the  adequacy and effectiveness of our internal control systems. It monitors the execution of  processes within Swiss Re, including those in risk management. Swiss Re’s risk landscape Risk management is essential to our strategic planning and is embedded in our management  discipline. Our risk landscape comprises core risks as well as operational and other risks that  arise as a result of doing business. Categorisation of Swiss Re’s risk landscape Other risks Liquidity Reputational Operational risks  People Processes Systems External Core risks  Insurance Property and casualty  Life and health Financial market Equity market  Interest rate  Foreign exchange  Credit spread  Real estate Credit Credit migration  Credit default Risk and capital management  Core risks are split into three broad categories:  ̤  ̤  ̤ Insurance risk is the risk of incurring a financial loss as a result of a property, casualty, life   or health insurance event. Financial market risk is the risk that assets or liabilities may be negatively affected by  movements in financial market prices or rates, such as equity prices, interest rates, credit  spreads, foreign exchange rates or real estate prices. Credit risk is the risk of incurring a financial loss due to diminished creditworthiness  (eroding credit ratings and, ultimately, default) among counterparties of Swiss Re or of   third parties. Further risks that arise as a result of doing business include operational, reputational and  liquidity risk:  ̤ Operational risk, defined according to the Basel II recommendations, includes potential  losses or reputational damage arising from inadequate or failed internal processes, people  and systems, or from external events. This includes, for example, potential non-compliance  with regulation which might result in regulatory penalties. Reputational risk is the risk that a particular event or behaviour damages stakeholders’  perception of Swiss Re, thus impairing our ability to operate effectively. Liquidity risk is the risk that Swiss Re, though solvent, either does not have sufficient  resources available to meet its obligations when they fall due, or can secure them only   at excessive cost.  ̤  ̤ In addition to the assessment of known risks, we have a systematic framework to capture,  evaluate and mitigate emerging threats and opportunities across Swiss Re’s risk landscape,  including potential surprise factors that might affect known loss potentials. The framework  also comprises the Rapid Risk Research process, which provides a fast and flexible way   to investigate emerging issues and establish an initial estimate of their impact on Swiss Re  (see page 21). Integrated risk modelling We use a proprietary integrated risk model to determine the capital required to support the  risks on our books, as well as to allocate risk-taking capacity to the different lines of business.  This internal model is based on two important principles. First, it applies an asset-liability  management (ALM) approach, which measures the net impact of risk on the economic value  of both assets and liabilities. Second, it adopts an integrated perspective, recognising that   a single risk factor can affect different sub-portfolios and that different risk factors can have  mutual dependencies. The model generates a probability distribution for the Group’s annual economic profit and  loss, specifying the likelihood that the profit or loss will fall within any given range. From   this distribution, we derive a base capital requirement that captures the potential for severe,   but rare, aggregate losses over a one-year time horizon. We monitor our capital adequacy   by comparing the ratio of available capital to required capital with the target ratio set by the  Board of Directors. Our risk model assesses the potential economic loss at a specific confidence level. There   is thus a possibility that actual losses may exceed the selected threshold. In addition,   the reliability of the model may be limited when future conditions are difficult to predict, for  example in an extremely volatile market environment. For this reason, we continuously   review and update the model and its parameters to reflect changes in the risk environment   as well as current best practice. Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  71 Risk and capital management Risk governance 72  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Since the onset of the financial crisis, we have implemented various model enhancements to  better reflect changes in the market environment. In particular, we have significantly improved  the modelling of asset-backed securities by increasing its granularity: the respective risk  factors are now more frequently updated to capture increased market volatility. In 2008, we  also enhanced our internal model to reflect Swiss Re’s legal entity structure and related Group  effects, such as intra-Group transactions and consequential effects from potential distress  situations. As part of the Swiss Solvency Test (SST), the new model is in the process of being  validated by the Swiss regulator. In addition, the property and casualty risk models were  improved by introducing enhanced event-set-based methods for assessing windstorm and  aviation risks.  We are confident that our model provides an important tool for managing our business as well  as a meaningful assessment of the risks to which Swiss Re is exposed. At the same time,  market developments have confirmed that risk models must be supported by a clear  understanding of the risks to which the business is exposed – and complemented by robust  internal controls. Swiss Solvency Test In July 2008, Swiss Re submitted its first solvency report for the Swiss Solvency Test  (SST). The new SST introduces an economic, principles-based approach to Swiss  insurance regulation and is thus a forerunner of the European Solvency II regime.  While the SST is based on projected figures, it uses a similar approach to our internal  capital adequacy assessment (see page 81), and the results of our first SST report  have affirmed the fundamentals of our own capital adequacy methodology. An important aspect of the SST is its recognition of the fundamental economic  principle of diversification, taking legal structures and internal contracts into account.  We worked closely with the Swiss regulator to extend the Group’s internal model for  new SST requirements, including the modelling of intra-group transactions and their  impact on capital adequacy. This accelerated our existing efforts, helping us to further  enhance our Group-wide capital management. The SST is an important step on the path towards a consistent, principles-based  solvency regime. It fosters sound risk management and governance across the  insurance industry – and thus helps to establish better risk and capital insight. We  strongly support this direction and are actively participating in the development of  Solvency II. Thanks to our experience in implementing the SST, we are well prepared  for future changes in European and global solvency regulation. Risk assessment Group capital requirement under different risk measures CHF billions, as of 31 December 2008 14.9 12.9 11.2 99% Tail VaR 99.5% VaR 99% VaR Risk and capital management  Group capital requirement Frequently used measures for summarising the risk distribution and defining the base capital  requirement are 99% value at risk (VaR), 99.5% VaR and 99% Tail VaR (expected shortfall).  99% VaR measures the level of loss likely to be exceeded in only one year out of one hundred,  while 99.5% VaR measures the loss likely to be exceeded in only one year out of two hundred.  99% Tail VaR estimates the average annual loss likely to occur with a frequency of less than  once in one hundred years.  0.19 According to the Group’s internal risk model, Swiss Re’s overall risk exposure based on  99% VaR was CHF 11.2 billion compared to CHF 12.9 billion for 99.5% VaR. This represents  a decrease of 3% and 6% respectively since the end of 2007. Over the same period,  99% Tail VaR decreased 10% to CHF 14.9 billion at the end of 2008. Swiss Re uses the more  conservative 99% Tail VaR measure for assessing the Group’s capital requirements internally,  as well as for liquidity stress testing (see pages 79 – 80). The table below shows the standalone 99% Tail VaR for Swiss Re’s core risk categories.   The Group’s 99% Tail VaR was stable as higher financial market and credit risk was largely  offset by lower property and casualty risk. More information on developments within the   risk categories is provided later in this chapter. Base capital requirement using one-year 99% Tail VaR CHF billions, as of 31 December Property & casualty Life & health Financial market Credit Simple sum Diversification effect Swiss Re Group 2007 8.6 5.9 7.7 2.8 25.1 –8.5 16.6 2008 7.9  5.2 8.0 3.0  24.0 –9.1 14.9 Change in % –9 –12 3 6 –4 – –10 Our internal model considers the level of correlation and diversification between individual  risks. The benefits of diversification can be seen in the table above, where the base capital  requirement for the Group’s overall portfolio is lower than the sum of the base capital  requirements for individual sub-portfolios. We strive to diversify the risks to which we are  exposed, not only to limit the impact of any single source of risk, but also to ensure that  positive developments in some businesses balance out potential negative developments in  others. Stress scenario analyses complement the integrated risk model by providing information on  the potential economic impact of certain adverse situations. Some of these stress tests are  reported in the following sections. Our risk tolerance represents the amount of risk we are willing to accept within the constraints  imposed by our capital resources, strategy and risk appetite, as well as the regulatory and  rating agency environment within which we operate. Risk tolerance and appetite at Group  level are defined by a set of limits approved by the Executive Committee and the Board of  Directors. In 2008, we further enhanced our limit framework to consistently break down our  Group Risk Policy to all risk categories. The framework applies an iterative process to test our  annual business plan, and thus aims to ensure that the resulting limits and business capacity  reflect our Group-wide policies on capital adequacy and risk accumulation. Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  73 Risk and capital management Risk assessment 74  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Property and casualty insurance risk Property and casualty risk arises predominantly from our property and casualty business,  as well as from specialty lines, such as engineering, aviation and marine. The Group  Property & Casualty Risk Guideline, in conjunction with the Group Risk Management Guideline,  establishes the relevant risk governance framework. P & C Risk & Actuarial Management is  responsible for independent oversight of property and casualty risk taking. Limits to prevent excessive exposure to any individual policy, or to the same underlying risk  factor, are monitored on a Group-wide basis. In addition, each underwriter is assigned an  underwriting authority per treaty programme and single risk. We have a well-defined  escalation process at various levels up to the Group Products and Limits Committee. Large  individual transactions that could materially impact Swiss Re Group must be independently  reviewed by Risk Management before they can be authorised. The global Products Underwriting function plays a major role in managing property and  casualty risks by proposing the annual renewal strategy and closely monitoring renewal  business. Underwriting systems across the Group provide timely reporting on risks assumed  and capacity committed. Where appropriate, we also use insurance-linked securities, industry  loss warranties, retrocession and risk swaps to optimise Swiss Re’s risk and return profile. In 2008, the Group’s property and casualty risk measured by 99% Tail VaR decreased 9% to  CHF 7.9 billion. The reduction in risk was mainly driven by the 20% quota share arrangement  with Berkshire Hathaway for new property and casualty business, which lowered net exposure  and thus decreased capital requirements across all lines. This effect was partly offset by  reductions in other protection instruments in order to optimise Swiss Re’s property and  casualty hedging portfolio. We also reduced our risk from directors’ and officers’ liability  (D & O) and auditors’ professional indemnity insurance through more selective underwriting  and a significant reduction in business written. Strict underwriting discipline led to a moderate  overall reduction in general liability business, especially in pharmaceutical product liability. Natural catastrophe stress tests Estimated economic impact of each single loss event in CHF billions as of 31 December Atlantic hurricane (200-year return period) European windstorm (200-year return period) California earthquake (200-year return period) Japanese earthquake (200-year return period) 2007 –3.7 –2.2 –2.8 –2.0 2008 –3.5 –2.1 –3.9 –1.7 The table above shows the results of our stress scenario analysis: Swiss Re’s expected pre-tax  claims for major natural catastrophe events, net of insurance-linked securities, industry loss  warranties, retrocession and risk swaps. The scenarios take account of the fact that an event  can trigger claims in various lines of business. For example, the European windstorm scenario  includes, among others, claims from motor business, while the California earthquake scenario  also reflects – but is not limited to – additional claims arising from workers’ compensation and  general liability. The estimated impact for Swiss Re of the largest natural catastrophe loss events has generally  decreased since the end of 2007. This mainly reflects the impact of the Berkshire Hathaway  quota share arrangement, which is partly offset by the adjustment of other hedging  instruments mentioned above, as well as an increase in incoming business written. The rise in  California earthquake risk is due to significant business growth in the fourth quarter of 2008.  Risk and capital management  Life and health insurance risk Swiss Re takes on life and health risk in the form of mortality (death), longevity (survivorship)  and morbidity (illness and disability) covers as well as through the acquisition of run-off  business (Admin Re®). The Group Life & Health Risk Standards and Group Risk Management  Guideline establish the governance framework for life and health risk taking by our business  units. These guidelines include detailed guidance on referral procedures and approval bodies.  L & H Risk & Actuarial Management is responsible for independent oversight of life and health  risk taking. Our new limit framework introduces an aggregate Group limit governing the acceptance of all  life and health risks. Within this limit, our specific limit for mortality risk still applies. Local  business units can write reinsurance within their capital plans and within clearly defined  boundaries, such as per life retention limits for individual business. In addition, maximum  market exposure limits are in place for life and health catastrophe business. We pay particular  attention to accumulation risk in areas of high population density and apply limits based upon  expected maximum loss for exposures in individual buildings. Group limits are also in force   to control and monitor business with exposure to long-tailed longevity risk. Any transaction  that falls outside our specified limits requires individual approval under our risk governance  framework. All large and complex transactions are subject to independent review by the  central Products Underwriting team as well as by Risk Management.  In addition, we use insurance-linked securities as a means of reducing peak exposures.   The Vita index-linked security transactions, for example, were arranged to provide protection  against extreme mortality events. This is now a well-established programme. Since the end of 2007, we have implemented a new longevity risk model which incorporates  our previously established longevity capital calculation and allocation methodologies, and  captures – among other sources of uncertainty – the impact of changes in mortality trends.  The model is calibrated by underlying cause of death, including the possibility of an extreme  reduction in deaths from cardiovascular disease and cancer. In 2008, the Group’s life and health risk measured by 99% Tail VaR decreased 12% to  CHF 5.2 billion. This was mainly due to lower mortality and morbidity risk following the  strengthening of the Swiss franc against the currencies in which our exposures are mainly  denominated. In particular, the substantial weakening of the British pound had a significant  impact on life and health risk. These currency effects more than offset the impact of  introducing longevity risk into the Group risk model. Life insurance stress test Estimated economic impact of a single loss event in CHF billions as of 31 December Lethal pandemic (200-year return period) 2007 –4.0 2008 –3.5 The table above shows Swiss Re’s expected pre-tax mortality claims for a major lethal  pandemic loss event based on our proprietary pandemic model. The scenario assumes that  excess mortality will vary with age, but is conservative in that it does not allow for the   typically lower mortality experienced among insured populations. The decrease is due to the  depreciation of major currencies against the Swiss franc, which more than offset modest  overall growth in underlying business volumes. Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  75 Risk and capital management Risk assessment 76  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Financial market risk Swiss Re’s financial market risk originates from two main sources: our investment activities  and the financial market sensitivity of the economic value of liabilities. The Group Credit &  Financial Market Risk Guideline defines minimum standards for managing financial market  risk; these are supplemented by the Group Derivative Guidelines, the Swiss Re Financial  Markets Policy and other, business-specific guidelines. Financial Risk Management is  responsible for Group-wide monitoring and reporting of financial market risks. Our Group-wide risk limits are defined by the Group Risk and Capital Committee, based on a  proposal by Risk Management. In 2008, we enhanced our limit framework to reflect the  changed market environment: all activities involving financial market risk are subject to a first  limit set by risk factor and a second limit set by business group. Individual limits are expressed  in terms of 10-day VaR, stress testing and sensitivity analysis. Asset Management determines  a more detailed set of risk limits for its businesses, including stop-loss triggers. Risks are captured using a classification of risk factors that is maintained and updated by  Financial Risk Management. In addition, we continuously review business activities to detect  any emerging risks. Our business units are responsible for measuring the financial market risk  arising from their activities according to the guidelines provided by Risk Management; the  results are captured in the Market Risk Aggregation & Reporting System, which is also used   for risk modelling and risk reporting. We have increased the frequency of our risk reporting in response to the high market volatility.  Risks at Group level and limits for investment activities are now monitored and reported on   a weekly basis, while capital markets trading relies on a combination of daily and weekly  reporting. These reports are the primary tools for tracking exposures and documenting limit  usage, which is independently monitored by Financial Risk Management. The limits are  reported to the heads of the business unit, who seek to optimise their respective portfolios  within their limits, including the use of cash and derivative instruments. In 2008, financial market risk measured by 99% Tail VaR increased 3% to CHF 8.0 billion,  mainly due to higher credit spread market volatility, which led to a substantial increase in   credit spread risk. This was mostly offset by a significant decrease in equity risk, as we  reduced our equity positions and increased our hedging in response to the market turmoil. Market scenarios Estimated economic impact of each single loss event in CHF billions as of 31 December 30% fall in global equity markets 100 basis point parallel increase in global yield curves 15% fall in global real estate markets 2007 –3.8 0.2 –0.6 2008 –2.5 0.1 –0.6 The table above shows the pre-tax impact of Swiss Re’s market scenarios on available  economic capital. The decline in major equity markets – all of which lost over 30% throughout  2008 – and the sharp corrections in many real estate markets have confirmed that these  scenarios provide a realistic prediction of exceptional conditions. Since the end of 2007,  the potential loss from a 30% fall in global equity markets has decreased by a third to  CHF 2.5 billion, as a result of a significant reduction in our equity portfolio as well as increased  hedging. The equity scenario includes traded equities, equity derivatives, alternative  investments, guaranteed minimum death benefit products (including variable annuities) and  funding obligations arising from equity holdings in Swiss Re pension funds. As our assets   are closely matched to our liabilities, shifts in interest rates only have a minor impact. Risk and capital management  Credit risk Credit risk arises directly from our investment activities as well as from liabilities underwritten  by our business units. We distinguish between three types of credit exposure: the risk of issuer  default from instruments in which Swiss Re invests or trades, such as through corporate  bonds; counterparty exposure in a direct contractual relationship, such as retrocession or over- the-counter (OTC) derivatives; and risk assumed by Swiss Re through reinsurance contracts,  such as trade credit and surety reinsurance business. All contribute to an overall credit risk  portfolio governed by the Group Credit & Financial Market Risk Guideline that is approved by  the Group Risk and Capital Committee. Financial Risk Management is responsible for Group- wide monitoring and reporting of credit risks. The guideline requires the assignment of aggregate credit limits by business unit, limits for  corporate counterparties and limits by country. These limits are based on a variety of factors,  including the prevailing economic environment, the nature of the underlying credit exposures  and, in the case of corporate counterparties, a detailed assessment of the counterparty’s  financial strength, industry position and qualitative factors. The counterparty assessment  generates an internal counterparty-specific rating in one of 20 categories. We regularly  monitor counterparty credit quality and exposures, and compile watch lists of cases that merit  close attention. Credit exposure and limits are monitored and reported on a weekly basis. The reporting  process is supported by a Group-wide credit exposure information system that contains all  relevant data, including counterparty details, ratings, credit risk exposures, credit limits and  watch lists. All key credit practitioners in the Group have access to this system, thus providing  the transparency required for the successful implementation of active exposure management  strategies for specific counterparties, industry sectors and geographic regions. In 2008, credit risk measured by 99% Tail VaR rose 6% to CHF 3.0 billion, mainly due to  deterioration in credit quality. This was partly offset by a reduction in credit exposure from  trading activities as well as by our efforts initiated in early September to hedge our corporate  bond portfolio.  Credit stress test Estimated economic impact in CHF billions as of 31 December Credit default stress test 2007 –2.9  2008 –3.0 The table above shows the pre-tax impact of our credit default stress test on available  economic capital. This scenario indicates estimated unexpected losses due to the adverse  development of defaults. It is based on historical corporate default data from Moody’s and  combines the worst default frequencies observed over 12 months for each of the individual  rating categories. Since the end of 2007, the impact of the credit default stress test has risen  slightly due to a deterioration in credit quality, which was largely offset by increased hedging. Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  77 Risk and capital management Risk assessment Operational risk Swiss Re’s operational risk management (ORM) framework provides consistency of approach  and a comprehensive overview of potentially serious event scenarios, ensuring that  appropriate controls and contingency planning are in place. Our ORM is designed to reduce  the Group’s exposures to an acceptable level, taking into account the cost-benefit  considerations of risk mitigation, as well as to enhance operational excellence. In 2008, we took two important steps to refine our approach to ORM:  ̤ We further integrated the management of key operational risks into the overall risk  management framework. ORM experts are now based within the risk management units  with responsibility for core business activities. This ensures even greater focus on  maintaining the excellence of core processes such as pricing, accumulation control, claims  settlement, asset management and project management. We achieved significant risk control synergies by combining our Sarbanes Oxley and ORM  responsibilities, as well as by establishing a shared process for audit and management  assurance planning.  ̤ Reputational risk Maintaining our reputation with clients, investors, employees and other stakeholders is vital   to continued business success. Environmental, social and ethical reputation risks may arise  from specific business transactions. In addition, Swiss Re’s reputation may be damaged by  operational failures. We have a long-standing commitment to sustainable business practices, responsible  corporate citizenship and good governance. This is reflected in our participation in several  international initiatives and conventions. In March 2008, Swiss Re signed the Global  Compact, a United Nations initiative for businesses that are committed to human and labour  rights, as well as to environmental responsibility and anti-corruption. We mitigate potential reputational risk through clear corporate values, robust internal controls  and active dialogue with external stakeholders. All employees are required to commit to and  comply with the values and rules of behaviour defined in the Group’s Code of Conduct. These  values are supported by processes that enable early identification of potential problems.  Transactions that could potentially compromise our values or impair Swiss Re’s reputation are  submitted to the Sensitive Business Risks process (for more information, see page 31). In  2008, this process became part of a wider reputational risk framework comprising industry  policies and specific country exclusions. In addition, potential reputational impact is a key  factor in assessing and controlling operational issues within our ORM framework. 78  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Risk and capital management  Liquidity risk management Our liquidity risk management aims to ensure that Swiss Re is able to meet its financial  obligations efficiently when they fall due. As a reinsurance company, our core business generates liquidity largely through premium   income. Swiss Re’s exposure to liquidity risk stems mainly from regulatory constraints that   limit the flow of funds within the Group as well as from the funding of the Legacy portfolio   (described on page 59). To manage this risk, we have a range of liquidity policies and  measures in place. In particular, we aim to ensure that:  ̤ sufficient excess liquidity, mainly in the form of unencumbered liquid assets, is held  centrally to meet Group liquidity requirements resulting from a range of potential stress  events; funding is charged at an appropriate market rate through our internal transfer pricing; diversified sources are used to meet Swiss Re’s residual funding needs;  Swiss Re’s long-term liquidity needs are taken into account as part of our asset-liability  management approach used to control financial market risk (as described on page 76).  ̤  ̤  ̤ Liquidity management actions In response to the extreme market conditions in 2008 and in anticipation of extended market  disruption, we enhanced our monitoring of liquidity risk and implemented a range of  measures to support Swiss Re’s excess liquidity position. We put into run-off all financial market activities that did not directly support Swiss Re’s core  reinsurance or insurance business. Our Treasury unit enlarged the portfolio of liquid assets  that are earmarked for liquidity purposes. This included increasing the amount of cash held  centrally, while ensuring that these cash holdings were diversified across a group of core  issuers and types of cash instruments. During 2008, we entered into a USD 1.5 billion long-term letter of credit facility with   JP Morgan to meet US regulatory collateral requirements on existing life reinsurance business.  Our acquisition of Barclays Life on 31 October 2008 was partly financed by external funding  at attractive rates. Liquidity position of Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd We monitor Swiss Re’s liquidity position based on liquidity stress tests, as well as expected  funding gaps over intervals of three months to one year. Our core liquidity policy is to pre-fund  the potential funding requirements arising from various stress events. This is achieved by  maintaining excess liquidity in the form of unencumbered liquid assets and cash within a  central pool of entities, namely the “SRZ liquidity pool”. This pool comprises the Group’s  parent company – Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd – as well as subsidiaries whose funds are  freely transferable to the parent company. This excess liquidity, referred to in the following  discussion as “spot liquidity”, is intended to allow Swiss Re to meet its funding obligations in a  liquidity crisis without having to rely on other asset sales or unsecured external funding – and  assuming a reduction in funding from new reinsurance business. Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  79 Risk and capital management Liquidity risk management The amount of spot liquidity held is largely based on internal liquidity stress tests, which  estimate the potential short-term cash and collateral requirements stemming from an extreme  insurance event or a financial market crisis. These cash and collateral requirements under  stress include:  ̤ cash and collateral outflows, as well as potential capital and funding support required by  subsidiaries as a result of the assumed insurance or financial market event. repayment or loss of all maturing unsecured debt and credit facilities. In the event of a  financial market crisis, it is assumed that secured funding is only available on government  and agency bonds. additional collateral requirements associated with a potential ratings downgrade   of Swiss Re Group. In the case of a financial market crisis, a one-notch downgrade is  assumed. further contingent funding requirements related to asset downgrades and existing  commitments to extend credit or funding, based on a probabilistic assessment. other large committed payments, such as expenses, commissions, and tax.  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤ Composition of spot liquidity in the SRZ liquidity pool as of 31 December 2008 Total CHF 17.3 billion Swiss Re’s liquidity stress tests are reviewed on a regular basis and their main assumptions  are approved by the Group Risk and Capital Committee. The market value of spot liquidity within the SRZ liquidity pool was CHF 17.3 billion and   CHF 9.6 billion as of 31 December 2008 and 2007, respectively. In response to the  deterioration in financial market conditions, we substantially increased spot liquidity in  September 2008 by earmarking additional assets for liquidity purposes. As of 31 December  2008, we estimate Swiss Re held surplus spot liquidity based on our internal liquidity stress  tests. In addition to spot liquidity, a sizeable portfolio of other unencumbered assets are held within  the SRZ liquidity pool. We target holding total unencumbered assets, including spot liquidity,  that would provide sufficient funds if pledged or sold to meet the liquidity requirements  stemming from an aggregate extreme loss event corresponding to 99% Tail VaR (see page  73). In addition to the cash and collateral requirements resulting from such a loss, we assume  a two-notch ratings downgrade within 90 days and a four-notch downgrade within one year.  We also assume that funding from assets is subject to conservative haircuts (discounts); that  intra-Group funding is not available if it is subject to regulatory approval; that no new  unsecured funding is available; and that funding from new reinsurance business is reduced.  The estimated total liquidity sources available over a one-year horizon within the SRZ liquidity  pool amounted to CHF 25.6 billion and CHF 37.5 billion as of 31 December 2008 and 2007,  respectively. This decrease was mainly due to the significant reduction in assets funded by  repurchase agreements, which improved net liquidity, as well as the transfer of the European  branches from Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd to Swiss Re Europe S.A. There is a risk that  Swiss Re’s liquidity position could be impaired if the Group were unable to access the capital  markets over a one-year time horizon following the occurrence of such an extreme loss event. Swiss Re also maintains a variety of other committed facilities not reflected in the above  liquidity stress tests. As of 31 December 2008, Swiss Re had a total of CHF 2.1 billion of  unutilised credit facilities and a further CHF 1.9 billion of unutilised committed repurchase  agreement facilities. 36% Cash and bank deposits 31% G7 and Swiss government bonds 22% Agency and municipal bonds 11% Other developed market government and supranational bonds 80  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Risk and capital management  Capital management Our capital management aims to ensure the Group and all its subsidiaries are adequately  capitalised at all times. The level of capitalisation and capital structure are determined by  regulatory capital requirements (both for the Group and individual legal entities), requirements  for our target rating, as well as the management’s view of risks and opportunities arising from  our business operations.  Capital adequacy We are actively working towards closing the gaps between regulatory, rating and internal  views on capital adequacy. We have had an active dialogue with Standard & Poor’s (S & P),  providing feedback on their new Insurance Capital Model, and will continue to participate   fully in the development of Solvency II.  Swiss Re’s external capital adequacy Regulatory capital requirements On 1 January 2009, the former Federal Office of Private Insurance (FOPI), the Swiss Federal   Banking Commission (SFBC) and the Anti-Money Laundering Control Authority were merged  to form the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority, FINMA. FINMA exercises integrated  supervision of banks, insurance companies, reinsurers, other financial institutions and  intermediaries in Switzerland.  Swiss Re is supervised by FINMA both at Group level and with regard to its legal entities  domiciled in Switzerland. The supervision comprises minimum solvency capital, a wide range  of qualitative assessments and risk governance requirements.  With the introduction of the SST, Switzerland became one of the first countries in Europe to  implement an economic, principles-based approach similar to the planned Solvency II regime.  Swiss Re implemented the SST in 2008, when all Swiss-based reinsurers were required   to submit a first SST calculation. The SST target capital, however, only becomes a binding  measure for regulatory solvency from 2011 onwards.  Many of our subsidiaries are regulated by their respective home regulators and subject to   their respective capital requirements. Rating agency capital requirements Rating agencies assign credit ratings to the obligations of Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd  and its rated subsidiaries. The agencies evaluate Swiss Re based on a set of criteria, which  include an assessment of our capital adequacy. Each rating agency uses a different  methodology for this assessment; for example, Standard & Poor’s and A.M. Best base their  evaluation on their own proprietary capital models.  Swiss Re’s internal capital adequacy based on 99% Tail VaR Our internal capital adequacy view aims to maintain Swiss Re’s ability to continue operations  following an extremely adverse year of losses from insurance or financial market events.   Our target is to have an economic capital adequacy ratio (available capital divided by required  capital) in the 175% – 200% range at least. At the end of 2008, our internal capital adequacy ratio was 207%. Despite the significant  financial markets event of 2008, which resulted in the substantial decline of invested assets,  our internal ratio remains in excess of our target range. Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  81 Risk and capital management Capital management Available and required capital at 99% Tail VaR CHF billions, as of 31 December 2008 Swiss Re determines the amount of available capital based on Economic Value Management  (EVM) economic net worth, adjusted for additional risk-bearing items in line with the   SST requirements. Required capital is based on 99% Tail VaR, as discussed on page 73. 299% 49.7 207% 30.9 internal target range 175% –200% 16.6 14.9 50 40 30 20 10 0 2007 2008  Available capital  Required capital at 99% Tail VaR Capital adequacy ratio Capital management actions On 4 November 2008, with the publication of our third-quarter results, we announced the  suspension of the share buy-back programme as a consequence of the high volatility in   the financial markets and a significant increase in client demand for reinsurance. As of this  date, the Group had completed 51.2% of the total buy-back programme. Major legal entity simplification projects continue in Europe, the US, Canada and Asia, with   an expected combined statutory capital relief of around CHF 2.5 billion. In Europe, our simplification of the legal entity structure is well advanced. The project benefits  from recent regulatory and legal developments that have allowed us to simplify our entity  structure in the EU (excluding Admin Re®) into two companies: a reinsurance and a direct  insurance carrier based in Luxembourg with branch operations in other EU countries. During  2008, business from a number of entities and branches in the UK, Ireland, Denmark,  Netherlands, Spain, Italy and France was successfully integrated into the new Luxembourg  carriers. At the same time, we consistently maintained our high level of service in all our  European markets. Further, our product offerings and financial strength have remained  unchanged. Local branches continue to be responsible for client management.  EVM economic net worth EVM economic net worth (ENW) is the difference between the market value of assets  and the market value of liabilities.  For liquidly traded assets and liabilities, the market value is obtained from current  market prices. For insurance contracts and other assets and liabilities where no  reliable market value is available, market-consistent valuation techniques are applied.  This means that best estimates of future expected cash flows are replicated using  liquidly traded financial market instruments. The market value of this replicating  portfolio therefore corresponds to the economic value of future expected cash flows,  such as premiums, claims commissions, expenses, taxes and estimated frictional  capital costs. Frictional capital costs are required by the shareholder as a  compensation for risk and regulatory capital costs. The ENW is based on a “closed book” approach which implies that no value is  recognised for future expected new business. As a result, no credit is taken for  intangible items such as goodwill. For more information on EVM and the economic  valuation of insurance contracts, please refer to Swiss Re’s EVM Report, published in  May 2008. 82  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Risk and capital management  Credit ratings Standard & Poor’s (S & P), Moody’s and A.M. Best rate Swiss Re’s financial strength based  upon interactive relationships. Swiss Re’s very strong business position, financial flexibility, as well as our outstanding  franchise, and prudent risk management are reflected in superior insurance financial strength  ratings. Swiss Re’s financial strength ratings As of 18 February 2009  Rating  Outlook  S & P  A+  Stable   Moody’s  Aa3  Under review for  possible downgrade  negative implications A.M. Best A+ Under review with  On 18 February 2009, S&P lowered Swiss Re’s financial strength ratings from AA– to A+.   The outlook on the ratings is stable. On 5 February 2009, S&P had placed Swiss Re’s financial strength ratings (AA–) on  CreditWatch with negative implications. On the same day, A.M. Best placed Swiss Re’s  financial strength ratings (A+) under review with negative implications. On 6 February 2009,  Moody’s lowered Swiss Re’s financial strength ratings from Aa2 to Aa3 and placed the   ratings under review for possible downgrade. These rating actions followed Swiss Re’s  announcement on 5 February 2009 that it expected to report a net loss of approximately   CHF 1 billion for 2008 and a reduction in shareholders’ equity of approximately   CHF 4 – 5 billion in the fourth quarter of 2008.  On 19 December 2008, A.M. Best affirmed Swiss Re’s financial strength ratings   (A+, Superior) and revised the outlook from stable to negative. On 5 November 2008, Moody’s affirmed Swiss Re’s financial strength ratings (Aa2) and  revised the outlook from stable to negative. Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  83     Corporate governance   and compensation report   86  Corporate governance    88  Group structure and shareholders    90  Capital structure    94  Board of Directors  114  Executive management 118  Compensation, shareholdings and loans 125  Shareholders’ participation rights  126  Changes of control and defence measures  127  Auditors  129  Information policy Key developments in 2008   ̤ In addition to the existing four  committees, the Board of Directors  established the new Investment  Committee to ensure a stronger  contribution to and closer supervision of  investment and asset management.   ̤ The charters of the Board committees  have been refined to optimise interaction  and efficiency between and among them. 84  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Corporate governance   is about more than just   fine words. It is about  transparency and   integrity in everything   we do.  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  85 Corporate governance and compensation report Corporate governance  Corporate governance is the framework comprising a company’s organisation,  structure, management and assurance functions. Checks and balances Good corporate governance implies an effective system of mutual checks and balances  among the top corporate bodies. Swiss Re maintains a dual board structure. It thus  distinguishes clearly between the members of the Board of Directors as the supervisory body  and those of management. From 1 January 2009, the Board of Directors consists entirely of  non-executive and independent members. It increasingly performs its supervisory function  through its committees, thus ensuring competence and effectiveness. The newly established  Investment Committee, for example, allows more focused monitoring of the Group’s  investment and asset management operation. Joint sessions among the Board committees  enhance interaction and foster interdisciplinary exchange. In general, the Board of Directors  has taken a greater role in the supervision of decision-making, not least because of the effects  of financial market turbulence on the Group’s business. Transparency Transparency is an important component of the governance framework designed to protect  the interests of shareholders and create value for all stakeholders. Last year Swiss Re  continued to provide Economic Value Management (EVM) reporting to analysts and investors.  Unlike other calculation models, EVM includes capital costs and allows a comparison of the  Group’s different business operations. This increases the transparency of Swiss Re’s business.  In 2008, particular weight was placed on informing stakeholder groups about the  repercussions of the financial crisis on Swiss Re. Overall context of corporate governance Corporate governance is increasingly linked to corporate sustainability and corporate  citizenship. The integration of sustainability principles in core business activities strengthens a  company’s ability to protect its assets and create value. The expertise of private sector  companies is becoming more important in society’s efforts to tackle sustainability and other  key issues. Assuming an active role in society reinforces the effectiveness of internal responses  and creates goodwill among various stakeholders. Corporate sustainability and corporate  citizenship are therefore important drivers of continued business success, and are firmly  embedded in Swiss Re’s corporate responsibility framework, along with corporate governance  (for more information, see “Delivering sustainable value”, pages 28 – 33). 86  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Corporate governance and compensation report Legal requirements and best practice Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd, the parent company of Swiss Re Group, is listed in  Switzerland, so its corporate governance is assessed primarily in terms of the Swiss Code of  Best Practice for Corporate Governance, issued by economiesuisse in July 2002, as well as its  2007 Appendix. Swiss Re is also subject to the Directive on Information relating to Corporate  Governance (including its Annex), issued by SIX Swiss Exchange, effective since 1 July 2002  and amended on 1 January 2007 (also referred to as the “SIX Directive”). Moreover, Swiss Re  meets the requirements of the Provisions on Corporate Governance, Risk Management and  the Internal Control System, issued by the Federal Office of Private Insurance (FOPI) and  enacted on 1 January 2007. FOPI became part of the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory  Authority FINMA on 1 January 2009. Last but not least, the Group complies with the  applicable local rules and regulations of all the countries in which it does business. The information provided in this chapter of the Annual Report follows the structure of the SIX  Directive. Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  87 Corporate governance and compensation report 1 Group structure and shareholders 1.1 Group structure Operational Group structure Board of Directors Chairman Vice Chairman Members of the Board of Directors Executive Board Chief Executive Officer Members of the Executive Committee Members of the Executive Board Associated Units & Special Projects Communications & Human Resources Global Functions Client Markets  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤ Europe Americas Asia Insurance & Specialty Global Admin Re® Asset Management  ̤  ̤ Capital Markets  Insurance Solutions Conning Asset  Management Products Underwriting  ̤ Property & Specialty  ̤ Casualty  ̤ Life & Health Finance Risk Management Operations  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤ Global IT Group Legal Claims & Liability  Management Global Technical  Accounting &  Services Group Logistics Listed Group companies Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd, the Group’s parent company, is a joint stock company, listed  on the SIX Swiss Exchange, domiciled at Mythenquai 50/60 in 8022 Zurich and organised in  accordance with Swiss laws. For detailed share information, see the “Share performance”  section on pages 62 – 65. For the other listed Group companies, see the Group financial  statements, note 18 on “Subsidiaries, equity investees and variable interest entities”, on pages  208 – 217. Non-listed Group companies Please refer to the Group financial statements, note 18 on “Subsidiaries, equity investees and  variable interest entities”, pages 208 – 217. 88  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Corporate governance and compensation report 1.2 Significant shareholders As of 31 December 2008, there were four shareholders with participation exceeding the 3%  threshold of Swiss Re’s share capital. a. Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd, Mythenquai 50/60, P. O. Box, 8022 Zurich, Switzerland,  held a total of 28 521 789 Swiss Re shares or 7.85% of the share capital. Of these shares,   6 036 987 shares were fully paid-in shares held for general corporate purposes, 11 678 802  shares were paid in only at nominal value and reserved for general corporate purposes,   8 881 000 shares were acquired under the share buy-back programme and subject to  cancellation, and 1 925 000 were acquired under the first trading line of the share buy-back   programme. b. Dodge & Cox, 555 California Street, 40th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94104, USA, announced  on 31 October 2008 that they held, on behalf of the Dodge & Cox International Stock Fund,  through an acquisition, 10 766 995 registered shares of Swiss Re. Dodge & Cox thus has   a voting right of 3.05% in Swiss Re which can be exercised autonomously of the beneficial  owners.  c. Berkshire Hathaway Inc., 3555 Farnam Street, Omaha, NE 68131, USA, notified Swiss Re  on 22 January 2008 that, as of the same day, it held through its subsidiary Columbia  Insurance Company, 3024 Harney Street, Omaha, NE 68131, USA, 11 250 000 registered  shares or 3.03% of the voting rights of Swiss Re. d. Franklin Resources, Inc., 500 E. Broward Blvd., Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33394, USA, known as  Franklin Templeton Investments, notified Swiss Re on 6 December 2008 that it holds as of   4 December 2008, through an acquisition by a number of its Group companies, in the  capacity of investment manager for mutual funds and clients, 10 970 364 registered shares of   Swiss Re. Franklin Templeton Investments now holds 3.11% of the voting rights. 1.3 Cross-shareholdings Swiss Re does not hold 5% or more of the shares or voting rights of any company which, in  turn, also owns 5% or more of Swiss Re’s shares or voting rights. Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  89 Corporate governance and compensation report 2  Capital structure In accordance with the SIX Directive, the following information about Swiss Re’s capital  structure is provided for the listed parent company, Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd. 2.1 Capital Please refer to the statement of earnings per share on page 176 of the Group financial  statements. With regard to the conditional capital created for bonds or similar financial instruments with a  conversion right, shareholders’ pre-emptive rights may be restricted or excluded by decision of  the Board of Directors, in order to finance or refinance the acquisition of companies, parts of  companies, holdings, or new investments planned by the Group, or to issue convertible bonds  and warrants. If pre-emptive rights are excluded, then (1) the bonds are to be placed at market  conditions, (2) the exercise period is not to exceed ten years from the date of issue for options  and twenty years for conversion rights, and (3) the conversion or the exercise price for the  new shares is to be set at least in line with the market conditions prevailing at the date on  which the bonds are issued. With regard to the conditional capital for employee participation purposes, shareholders’  subscription rights are excluded. Such shares may be issued at a price below the current  market price. The Board of Directors shall specify the precise conditions of issue. At the Annual General Meeting in 2001, the creation of conditional capital was approved as  follows: a maximum nominal amount of CHF 900 000 for conversion rights and warrants  granted in connection with convertible bonds or similar financial instruments issued by the  Group and CHF 700 000 for employee participation purposes. No additional conditional capital and no authorised capital was created in 2002 and 2003. At the Annual General Meeting in 2004, an increase in conditional capital from CHF 900 000  to CHF 2 000 000 was approved, representing a maximum of 20 million registered shares,  payable in full, each with a nominal value of CHF 0.10, for the exercise of conversion rights  and warrants granted in connection with bonds or similar instruments issued by the Group. No additional conditional capital and no authorised capital was created in 2005.  At an Extraordinary General Meeting held on 27 February 2006, shareholders approved the  creation of CHF 9 000 000 of authorised capital as well as an increase in conditional capital of  CHF 2 000 000, relating to the acquisition of GE Insurance Solutions Corporation and for  general corporate purposes. The Annual General Meeting in 2007 approved a reduction of the conditional capital as per  art. 3a of the Articles of Association reserved for bonds or similar instruments in the maximum  nominal amount of CHF 3 100 000 by a nominal amount of CHF 496 072.50, corresponding  to 4 960 725 registered shares, each with a nominal value of CHF 0.10, to CHF 2 603 927.50.  Furthermore, the 2007 Annual General Meeting approved the cancellation of the conditional  capital as per art. 3c of the Articles of Association created in favour of General Electric  Company in the maximum nominal amount of CHF 900 000, which corresponds to  9 000 000 registered shares, each with a nominal value of CHF 0.10.  No additional conditional capital and no authorised capital was created in 2008. 2.2 Authorised and conditional capital 90  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report 2.3 Changes in share capital Corporate governance and compensation report in CHF 31.12.2001 31.12.2002 31.12.2003 31.12.2004 31.12.2005 31.12.2006 31.12.2007 31.12.2008 Authorised capital 1 105 337 1 105 337 1 Conditional capital  for bonds or instruments   with a conversion right 900 000 900 000 900 000 2 000 000 2 000 000 4 000 000 2 603 928 1 557 920 Conditional capital  for employee   participation purposes 682 027 663 052 663 052 662 222 659 565 649 560 604 388 602 567 1 The authorised capital created in February 2006 has expired In 2005, the company’s share capital remained at CHF 32 million. Total reserves increased  CHF 952 million to CHF 11.7 billion. The lower profit for the 2005 financial year of   CHF 1.1 billion (compared to CHF 1.4 billion in 2004) led to a decrease in disposable profit  from CHF 1.5 billion to CHF 1.1 billion. Total shareholders’ equity before allocation of profit  increased from CHF 12.2 billion to CHF 12.8 billion. At the Annual General Meeting,  shareholders approved a dividend payment of CHF 776 million, compared to CHF 497 million  in the previous year. In 2005, the company issued 26 568 shares from conditional capital for  employee participation purposes. In 2006, the company’s share capital increased from CHF 32 million to CHF 37 million, mainly  due to shares issued to General Electric (GE) and to capital markets as a result of the  acquisition of GE Insurance Solutions. Total reserves increased CHF 4.5 billion to   CHF 16.2 billion. The higher profit for the 2006 financial year of CHF 2.1 billion (compared to  CHF 1.1 billion in 2005) led to an increase in disposable profit from CHF 1.1 billion to   CHF 2.2 billion. Total shareholders’ equity before allocation of profit increased from   CHF 12.8 billion to CHF 18.4 billion. At the Annual General Meeting, shareholders approved a  dividend payment of CHF 1.2 billion, compared to CHF 776 million paid in the previous year.  In 2006, the company issued 100 047 shares from conditional capital for employee  participation purposes. In 2007, the company’s fully paid-in share capital remained roughly unchanged at   CHF 37 million. Total reserves increased CHF 1.0 billion to CHF 17.2 billion. The profit for the  2007 financial year of CHF 1.7 billion (compared to CHF 2.1 billion in 2006) led to a decrease  in disposable profit from CHF 2.2 billion to CHF 1.8 billion. Total shareholders’ equity before  allocation of profit increased from CHF 18.4 billion to CHF 19.0 billion. At the Annual General  Meeting, shareholders approved a dividend payment of CHF 1.4 billion, compared to   CHF 1.2 billion paid in the previous year. The company issued 451 724 shares from  conditional capital for employee participation purposes, bringing the total of shares issued for  employee participation purposes to 956 123, from a total of 7 000 000 shares available. In addition, the 2007 Annual General Meeting authorised the Board of Directors to buy   back the company’s own shares up to a total value of CHF 4.2 billion within a three-year  period by way of a second trading line. Any shares repurchased via the second trading line are   intended to be cancelled. As of 31 December 2007, the company had repurchased a total of   6 005 000 shares since inception of the second trading line in August 2007.  In 2008, the company’s fully paid-in share capital decreased from CHF 37 million to   CHF 36 million. This change was due to the cancellation of CHF 1 734 900 of share capital  consisting of 17 349 000 shares repurchased via the second trading line, as approved by  shareholders at Swiss Re’s 2008 Annual General Meeting, and the creation of 10 460 076  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  91                   Corporate governance and compensation report 2  Capital structure shares from conditional capital in connection with the conversion of the mandatory  convertible bond (MCS) as described below. Total reserves decreased CHF 0.2 billion   to CHF 17.0 billion. The profit for the financial year 2008 of CHF 15 million, compared to   CHF 1.7 billion in 2007, led to a decrease in disposable profit to CHF 0.1 billion   from CHF 1.8 billion. Total shareholders’ equity before allocation of profit decreased to   CHF 17.1 billion in 2008 from CHF 19.0 billion in 2007. The company issued 18 205 shares  from conditional capital for employee participation purposes, bringing the total of shares  issued for employee participation purposes to 974 328, from a total of 7 000 000 shares  available. In connection with the conversion of the CHF 1 billion MCS in December 2008  issued by Swiss Re Treasury Luxembourg S.A., the company issued 10 460 076 shares from  conditional capital for bonds or instruments with a conversion right, from a total of 26 039 275  shares available. At the Annual General Meeting of 13 March 2009, shareholders will vote on  a proposed dividend payment of CHF 33.6 million, compared to CHF 1.3 billion distributed in  the previous year.  In January 2008, Swiss Re announced, in connection with its entry into a retrocession  agreement with Berkshire Hathaway, that the company intended, in addition to the previously  announced share buy-back programme through a second trading line, to acquire its own  shares by way of its first trading line for general treasury purposes up to a total value of   CHF 1.75 billion. On 4 November 2008 the company announced its intention to suspend   both buy-back programmes due to prevailing market conditions. As of 31 December 2008, the share capital of Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd, including   11 678 802 shares reserved for corporate purposes, amounted to CHF 36 351 604 or   363 516 036 fully paid-in registered shares (each with a nominal value of CHF 0.10), of which  335 665 775 are entitled to a dividend payment. Other than the shares reserved for corporate  purposes, which have no voting power and are not entitled to a dividend payment, there are  no additional types of shares with a higher or limited voting power, privileged dividend  entitlement or any other preferential rights; nor are there any other securities representing a  part of the company’s share capital. Swiss Re’s capital structure ensures equal treatment of all  shareholders in accordance with the principle of “one share, one vote”. 2.4 Shares 2.5 Profit-sharing certificates According to the SIX Directive, profit-sharing certificates are particular types of non-voting  securities that substitute or complement shares. Such certificates do not exist at  Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd. 2.6  Limitations on transferability and   nominee registrations Free transferability Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd’s shares are freely transferable, without any limitations,  provided that the buyers declare that they are the beneficial owners of the shares and comply  with the disclosure requirements of the Swiss Federal Act on Stock Exchanges and Securities  Trading (“Stock Exchange Act”) of 24 March 1995. Admissibility of nominee registrations Trustees or nominees who act as fiduciaries of shareholders are entered without further  inquiry in Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd’s share register as shareholders with voting rights  up to a maximum of 2% of the outstanding share capital available at the time. Additional  shares held by such nominees, which exceed the limit of 2% of the outstanding share capital,  are entered in the share register with voting rights only if such nominees disclose the names,  addresses and shareholdings of the beneficial owners of the holdings amounting to or  exceeding 0.5% of the outstanding share capital. In addition, such nominees must comply  with the disclosure requirements of the Stock Exchange Act. 92  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Corporate governance and compensation report Procedure and conditions for cancelling statutory privileges and limitations on  transferability This point is not applicable, as no statutory privileges or limitations on transferability exist. 2.7 Convertible bonds and options Convertible bonds As stated in note 7 on “Debt” on pages 168 – 170 of the Group financial statements, the  following convertible bonds are outstanding: Tenor  2001 – 2021  2006 – 2009  Instrument  Convertible bond  Mandatory convertible bond  Currency  USD  CHF  Nominal (millions)  Terms of conversion  i ii  1 150  610  (i) Holders may convert the bonds, due in 2021 and issued in denominations of USD 10 000  principal amount and integral multiples thereof, into registered shares of Swiss Reinsurance  Company Ltd at any time on and after 22 November 2001, and prior to the close of business  on 21 November 2011, at a conversion price of CHF 207.19 per share and a fixed exchange  rate of USD 1 = CHF 1.6641. The exercise of this convertible bond will not affect Swiss Re’s  conditional capital, as Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd purchased a call option to hedge the  underlying shares. If bond holders convert the bond, Swiss Re will exercise the hedge option  to obtain the necessary shares without accessing Swiss Re’s conditional capital. (ii) Upon closing the acquisition of GE Insurance Solutions, Swiss Re issued CHF 610 million  of three-year MCS to General Electric. The MCS issued as a private offering, may, at the option  of each holder, be converted into registered shares of Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd at any  time from 18 July 2006 until 4.00 pm CET on the business day before the 20th trading day  prior to the maturity date on 8 June 2009. Holders exercising such early conversion right will  be entitled initially to receive 1 024.2 shares, subject to adjustment, for each MCS of   CHF 100 000 nominal value. Unless previously converted, each MCS will be mandatorily  converted on the maturity date into the number of registered shares of Swiss Reinsurance  Company Ltd that equals the maturity conversion ratio. The maturity conversion ratio equals  the arithmetic average of the 15 conversion ratios calculated on the basis of the closing prices  of Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd’s shares on each of the 15 consecutive trading days  ending on the third trading day prior to the maturity date. For the purposes of calculating such  arithmetic average, the conversion ratio for a given trading day is determined as follows: (a) if  the closing price is less than or equal to the minimum conversion price of CHF 84.90610, the  conversion ratio shall be equal to the maximum conversion ratio of initially 1 177.8 shares per  MCS of CHF 100 000 nominal value; (b) if the closing price is greater than or equal to the  maximum conversion price of CHF 97.64202, the conversion ratio shall be equal to the  minimum conversion ratio of initially 1 024.2 shares per MCS of CHF 100 000 nominal value;  and (c) if the closing price is greater than the minimum conversion price, but less than the  maximum conversion price, the conversion ratio shall be equal to CHF 100 000 divided by the  closing price. Based on the closing price, Swiss Re will be required to deliver between   6.2 million and 7.2 million shares created from conditional capital, shares reserved for  corporate purposes or other existing shares. Options For details on stock options granted to Swiss Re employees, see note 14 on “Share-based  payments” on pages 186 – 188 of the Group financial statements. Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  93 Corporate governance and compensation report 3  Board of Directors From left: Jakob Baer Hans Ulrich Maerki Raymond K. F. Ch’ien John R. Coomber Rajna Gibson Brandon Kaspar Villiger Walter B. Kielholz Mathis Cabiallavetta Peter Forstmoser Thomas W. Bechtler Bénédict G. F. Hentsch Robert A. Scott Raymund Breu 3.1   Members of the Board of Directors   as of 31 December 2008 Name  Peter Forstmoser  Nationality  Swiss  Walter B. Kielholz  Swiss  Jakob Baer  Thomas W. Bechtler  Raymund Breu  Mathis Cabiallavetta  Swiss  Swiss  Swiss  Swiss  Raymond K. F. Ch’ien  John R. Coomber  Chinese  British  Rajna Gibson Brandon  Swiss  Bénédict G. F. Hentsch  Swiss  Swiss  Hans Ulrich Maerki  British  /  Robert A. Scott  Australian  Swiss  Kaspar Villiger  Age  65  57  64  Additional function  Chairman of the Board  Chairman of the GC Vice Chairman of the Board  Member of the FRC and GC Chairman of the AC  Member of the FRC 59  Member of the AC, CC and IC  63  Member of the AC and IC  Chairman of the IC  63  Member of the CC 56  Member of the CC and IC  Chairman of the FRC  59  Member of the GC 46  Member of the FRC and IC  60  Member of the AC and IC  62  Member of the CC and FRC  Chairman of the CC  66  Member of the AC and FRC 67  Member of the FRC and GC  Initial   election  1990  Current   term ends  2010  1998  2010  2005  2009  1993  2003  2008  2008  2006  2000  1993  2007  2002  2009 2011 2011  2011 2009  2011 2009 2011 2010  2004  2011 AC = Audit Committee  CC = Compensation Committee  GC  =  Governance Committee FRC =  Finance and Risk Committee  IC = Investment Committee Independence Swiss Re requires a majority of the Board of Directors to be independent. To be considered  independent, a director may not be, and may not have been in the past three years, employed  as an executive officer of the Group. In addition, he or she must not have a material  relationship with any part of the Group – directly or as a partner, director or shareholder of an  organisation that has a material relationship with the Group. Based on Swiss Re’s  independence criteria, in 2008 twelve of Swiss Re’s thirteen directors qualified as  independent.  94  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report                                           Corporate governance and compensation report Since John R. Coomber was Chief Executive Officer until 31 December 2005, he may not be  considered to have been independent in 2008 under the applicable criteria, although he no  longer has an executive status. Information about managerial positions and significant business connections of   non-executive directors All members of the Board of Directors are non-executive. John R. Coomber was a member of  Swiss Re’s executive management and Chief Executive Officer until 31 December 2005.  Walter B. Kielholz, former Executive Vice Chairman and non-executive Vice Chairman since  2007, was Swiss Re’s Chief Executive Officer from 1 January 1997 to 31 December 2002. Of  the other eleven non-executive directors, none has ever held a management position in the  Group.  No director has any significant business connection with Swiss Re or any of its Group  companies. Skills, experience and expertise The Board aims to attain the requisite balance of skills, knowledge, and tenure for today’s  business needs among its members. Potential new candidates are assessed against Board  approved selection criteria including integrity, skill, qualifications, experience, communication  capabilities and community standing. In addition to their managerial skills and expertise,  Swiss Re’s Board members have a sound knowledge of today’s key areas, such as accounting,  legislation, insurance/reinsurance, finance and risk, and capital markets, thus providing a solid  foundation for decision making. It is ensured that every newly elected Board member receives  an adequate general introduction. In the course of the year, the Board and its committees also  receive educational sessions from business experts on emerging business trends and risks.  Peter Forstmoser Chairman, non-executive and independent Peter Forstmoser, a Swiss citizen born in 1943, received a doctorate in law from the University  of Zurich in 1970, became an attorney-at-law in 1971 and earned a master’s degree in law  from Harvard Law School in 1972. Peter Forstmoser was a law professor at the University of Zurich from 1974 to 2008 and has  been a partner of Niederer Kraft & Frey, Attorneys, in Zurich, since 1975. Peter Forstmoser was  elected to Swiss Re’s Board of Directors in 1990. His mandate was renewed by the Annual  General Meeting of shareholders in 1994, 1998, 2002 and 2006 each time for a further four  years. The Board of Directors elected him Chairman on 30 June 2000. He was re-elected as  Chairman in 2002 and 2006 for a further four-year term. Peter Forstmoser is also Chairman of the Board of Directors of Hesta AG and Hesta Tex AG, a  member of the Boards of Mikron Holding AG, Ernst Basler AG, Remer Holding AG and Hyos  Invest Holding AG, as well as Vice Chairman of Gebert Rüf Stiftung. Peter Forstmoser is the author of numerous publications on a variety of law disciplines, such  as business, company, capital markets and data protection law. In the context of corporate and  investment fund legislation, he has been engaged in numerous expert committees, some of  which he presided over as Chairman. Walter B. Kielholz Vice Chairman, non-executive   and independent Walter B. Kielholz, a Swiss citizen born in 1951, studied business administration at the  University of St. Gallen and graduated in 1976 with a master’s degree in business finance and  accounting. Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  95 Corporate governance and compensation report 3  Board of Directors Walter B. Kielholz’s career began at the General Reinsurance Corporation, Zurich. After  working in the US, the UK and Italy, he assumed responsibility for the company’s European  marketing. In 1986, he joined Credit Suisse, Zurich, where he was responsible for client  relations with large insurance groups in the multinational services department. At the beginning of 1989, Walter B. Kielholz joined Swiss Re, Zurich. He became a member of  the Executive Board in January 1993 and was Swiss Re’s Chief Executive Officer from   1 January 1997 to 31 December 2002. In June 1998, he was elected to Swiss Re’s Board of  Directors, which at the same time appointed him Executive Director. Walter B. Kielholz was  appointed Executive Vice Chairman with effect from 1 January 2003 and Vice Chairman in  2007. His mandate was renewed in 2002 and 2006 for a further four-year term. Walter B. Kielholz was elected to the Board of Directors of Credit Suisse Group in 1999. Since  1 January 2003 he has been Chairman of that company’s Board of Directors. In addition, Walter B. Kielholz is a member of the European Financial Roundtable (EFR), a  member of the Board (president in 2006/2007) of the International Monetary Conference  and a member of the Institute of International Finance (IIF). Walter B. Kielholz is also Chairman  of the Supervisory Board of Avenir Suisse and a member of the Board and the committee of  the Swiss Business Federation (economiesuisse). In 2005, he was elected to the Insurance  Hall of Fame, which honours individuals who have exercised substantial influence on the  insurance industry for the benefit of society. Furthermore, Walter B. Kielholz is Chairman of the Zurich Art Society. Jakob Baer Non-executive and independent director Jakob Baer, a Swiss citizen born in 1944, became an attorney-at-law in 1971 and graduated  from the University of Bern in 1973 with a doctorate in law. Jakob Baer began his career in the legal department of the Federal Finance Administration. In  1975, he joined Fides Trust Company. Following the successful planning and execution of a  management buyout of Fides’ advisory business, he became a member of the Management  Board of KPMG Switzerland in 1992. He was appointed Chief Executive Officer of KPMG  Switzerland in 1994 and a member of KPMG’s European and international Management  Boards. He retired from KPMG in September 2004, having reached the statutory retirement  age. Jakob Baer was elected to Swiss Re’s Board of Directors in May 2005. He also serves on the  Boards of Directors of Adecco S. A., Rieter Holding AG, Allreal Holding AG, Stäubli Holding AG  and two small-sized companies. Thomas W. Bechtler Non-executive and independent director Thomas W. Bechtler, a Swiss citizen born in 1949, received a doctorate in law from the   University of Zurich in 1973 and a master’s degree in law from Harvard Law School in 1975. Thomas W. Bechtler has been Chief Executive Officer of Hesta AG as well as Hesta Tex AG,  Zug, since 1982. Thomas W. Bechtler joined Swiss Re’s Board of Directors in November 1993. His mandate  was renewed in 1997, 2001 and 2005, each time for a further four-year term. Thomas W.  Bechtler also serves on the Boards of Directors of Credit Suisse Group, Bucher Industries, Sika  AG and Conzzeta Holding AG. From 1987 to 1999, he served as Chairman of “Swisscontact”,  96  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Corporate governance and compensation report a large Swiss development foundation, and from 1987 to 2002 as Chairman of the Zurich Art  Museum (Kunsthaus). Since 2005 he has been chairman of the Zurich committee of Human  Rights Watch. Raymund Breu Non-executive and independent director Raymund Breu, a Swiss citizen born in 1945, graduated from the Swiss Federal Institute of  Technology (ETH) in Zurich with a doctorate in mathematics. Raymund Breu is Chief Financial Officer of the Novartis Group and a member of that  company’s Executive Committee, positions he assumed when Novartis was created in  December 1996. He joined the group treasury of Sandoz, a predecessor company of Novartis,  in 1975. Ten years later, he was appointed Chief Financial Officer of Sandoz Corporation in  New York. In 1990, he became Group Treasurer of Sandoz Ltd and, in 1993, Head of Group  Finance and a member of the Sandoz Executive Board. Raymund Breu was elected to Swiss Re’s Board of Directors in 2003. He was re-elected in  2007 for a further four-year term. In addition, Raymund Breu serves on the Swiss Takeover  Board. Mathis Cabiallavetta Non-executive and independent director  Mathis Cabiallavetta, a Swiss citizen born in 1945, graduated from the University of Montreal  with a bachelor’s degree in economics and from the Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario  with a master’s degree in economics.  Mathis Cabiallavetta is a member of the Board of Philip Morris International and BlackRock,  Inc. He serves as Chairman of Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc. (MMC) International  Advisory Board and is also a member of the Executive Advisory Board of General Atlantic  Partners (GAP) in New York.  He was Vice Chairman of MMC from May 1999 to August 2008. Prior to joining MMC in  1999, Mathis Cabiallavetta was Chairman of the Board of Directors of UBS AG, having held  several senior positions in the company since 1971. He became President of the Group  Executive Board in 1996 and was elected Chairman of UBS AG in 1998. He is a former member of the Bank Council of the Swiss National Bank and a past Vice  Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Swiss Bankers Association. He was also a member  of the Committee of the Board of Directors of the Swiss Stock Exchange and the International  Capital Markets Advisory Committee of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Mathis Cabiallavetta was elected to Swiss Re’s Board of Directors at the Annual General  Meeting of 18 April 2008, with effect from 1 September 2008, for a three-year term of office. Raymond K. F. Ch’ien Non-executive and independent director Raymond K. F. Ch’ien, a Chinese citizen born in 1952, graduated from the University of  Pennsylvania with a PhD in economics in 1978. He became a Trustee of the University of  Pennsylvania in 2006. Raymond K. F. Ch’ien has been Chairman of CDC Corporation since 1999. He served as Chief  Executive Officer of the company in 2005 and as acting Chief Executive Officer in 2004.  From 1984 to 1997, he was Group Managing Director of Lam Soon Hong Kong Group. Raymond K. F. Ch’ien also serves as Chairman of the Boards of Directors of MTR Corporation  Limited, Hang Seng Bank Limited and HSBC Private Equity (Asia) Limited. He is also a  member of the Board of Directors of Inchcape plc, the Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking  Corporation Limited, Convenience Retail Asia Limited and The Wharf (Holdings) Limited. In  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  97 Corporate governance and compensation report 3  Board of Directors addition, Raymond K. F. Ch’ien holds positions in several public service institutions. He is  Chairman of the Hong Kong/European Union Business Cooperation Committee, a member of  the APEC Business Advisory Council, Hong Kong, and honorary President of the Federation of  Hong Kong Industries and a member of the Standing Committee of the Tianjin Municipal  Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference. Raymond K. F. Ch’ien was elected to Swiss Re’s Board of Directors at the Annual General  Meeting of 18 April 2008 for a three-year term of office. John R. Coomber Non-executive director John R. Coomber, a British citizen born in 1949, graduated in theoretical mechanics from  Nottingham University in 1970. John R. Coomber started his career with the Phoenix Insurance Company. He joined Swiss Re  in 1973. Having qualified as an actuary in 1974, he first specialised in the company’s life  reinsurance area. He was Swiss Re UK’s appointed actuary from 1983 to 1990. In 1987, he  assumed responsibility for the Life division and, in 1993, was made Head of the company’s  UK operations. John R. Coomber was appointed as a member of the Executive Board in April  1995, responsible for the Group’s Life & Health division. In June 2000, he became a member  of the Executive Committee. He was Swiss Re’s Chief Executive Officer from 1 January 2003  until 31 December 2005, when he retired after 33 years of employment with Swiss Re. John R. Coomber was elected to Swiss Re’s Board of Directors at the Extraordinary General  Meeting of 27 February 2006 for a term ending at the Annual General Meeting of 2009.   John R. Coomber also serves as a member of the supervisory board of Euler Hermes, as a  director of Pension Insurance Company Ltd, MH (GB) Limited, Parhelion Capital Ltd, telent Ltd,  and Qatar Insurance Services. He is also a trustee of The Climate Group, and a member of the  Deutsche Bank Climate Advisory Panel. John R. Coomber is an Honorary Fellow of the  Chartered Insurance Institute. Rajna Gibson Brandon Non-executive and independent director Rajna Gibson Brandon, a Swiss citizen born in 1962, studied business and economics at the  University of Geneva, graduating with a BA in 1982 and a PhD in economics and social  sciences in 1987. Rajna Gibson Brandon is currently professor of finance at the University of Geneva. She was a  professor of financial economics at the University of Zurich from March 2000 until July 2008  and was previously a professor of finance at the University of Lausanne. She is also a Director of the National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) “Financial  Valuation and Risk Management” research network, Director of Research of the Swiss Finance  Institute (SFI) and an advisor to scientific councils of various educational institutions. She was  a member of the Swiss Federal Banking Commission until the end of 2004. Rajna Gibson  Brandon was elected to Swiss Re’s Board of Directors in June 2000. Her mandate was  renewed in 2004 and again in 2008 for a three-year term. Bénédict G. F. Hentsch Non-executive and independent director Bénédict G.F. Hentsch, a Swiss citizen born in 1948, studied business administration at the  University of St. Gallen, Switzerland, graduating in 1972 with a master’s degree in business   finance and accounting.  Bénédict G.F. Hentsch was a general partner of Darier Hentsch & Cie, Private Bankers, Geneva  from 1985 until 2001. He chaired the Swiss Private Bankers Association from 1998 to 2001.  In 2004, he founded Banque Bénédict Hentsch & Cie S. A., a private bank dedicated to global  wealth management.  98  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Corporate governance and compensation report Bénédict G. F. Hentsch was elected to Swiss Re’s Board of Directors in 1993. His mandate   was renewed in 1997, 2001 and 2005, each time for a further four-year term. He is also   a member of the Board of the ISC Foundation and the MLE Foundation, both at the University  of St. Gallen. Hans Ulrich Maerki Non-executive and independent director Hans Ulrich Maerki, a Swiss citizen born in 1946, graduated with a master’s degree in  business administration from the University of Basel in 1972.  Hans Ulrich Maerki joined IBM Switzerland in 1973. After some years in the sales area, he  was promoted to a number of managerial positions in IBM’s Paris European Headquarters as  well as in IBM Switzerland. From 1993 to 1995, he led IBM’s business in Switzerland as  General Manager, before moving to IBM Europe in Paris to build the largest IT services  business in the market. In August 2001, he was appointed Chairman of the Board of Directors  of IBM Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA). From 2003 to 2005 he was also Chief  Executive Officer of IBM EMEA. He retired from IBM after 35 years of service in April 2008. Hans Ulrich Maerki was elected to Swiss Re’s Board of Directors at the Annual General  Meeting of 20 April 2007 for a four-year term of office. He is also a member of the Boards of  ABB Ltd, Mettler-Toledo International and the Menuhin Festival AG Gstaad. He serves on the  Foundation Board of Schulthess-Klinik in Zurich, on the Board of Trustees of the Hermitage  Museum in St. Petersburg as well as on the international advisory boards of the Ecole des  Hautes Etudes Commerciales (HEC) Paris, the IESE Business School University of Navarra  (IESE), the IMD Business School in Lausanne and Bocconi University in Milan. Robert A. Scott Non-executive and independent director Robert A. Scott, a British and Australian citizen born in 1942, was educated at Scots College,  Wellington, New Zealand. He has been a Senior Associate of the Australian and New Zealand  Institute of Insurance and Finance (ANZIIF) since 1965 and was made a Commander of the  British Empire (CBE) in 2002. Robert A. Scott is a retired Group Chief Executive of CGNU plc, now Aviva. In the 1990s, he  was Group Chief Executive of General Accident and, following the merger with Commercial  Union in 1998, was appointed Group Chief Executive of CGU plc. Following the merger in  2000 with Norwich Union, Robert A. Scott became Group Chief Executive of CGNU plc,  retiring in May 2001. Robert A. Scott was also Chairman of the Association of British Insurers  from 2000 to 2001, and a Board member in the previous four years. Robert A. Scott joined Swiss Re’s Board of Directors in 2002 for a four-year term. He was re- elected for a further four-year term in 2006. Robert A. Scott is also Chairman of the Board of  Directors of Yell Group plc and a non-executive Director of the Royal Bank of Scotland Group  plc. In addition, he is an adviser to Duke Street Capital and Pension Insurance Corporation  Holdings LLP. Kaspar Villiger Non-executive and independent director Kaspar Villiger, a Swiss citizen born in 1941, graduated from the Swiss Federal Institute of  Technology (ETH) in Zurich with a degree in mechanical engineering in 1966. As an entrepreneur, Kaspar Villiger co-owned and managed two businesses from 1966 until  1989. Simultaneously, Kaspar Villiger had several political positions, first in the parliament of  the canton of Lucerne and, from 1982, in the Swiss Federal Parliament. He became a Federal  Councillor in 1989. He initially served as Defence Minister, with responsibility for the Federal  Military Department. He then became Finance Minister in 1995 as Head of the Federal  Department of Finance until the end of 2003. Kaspar Villiger was President of the Swiss  Confederation in 1995 and 2002. Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  99 Corporate governance and compensation report 3  Board of Directors Kaspar Villiger joined Swiss Re’s Board of Directors in 2004 for a four-year term. His mandate  was renewed in 2008 for a further three-year term. He also serves as non-executive Director  on the Boards of Nestlé SA, and the newspaper “Neue Zürcher Zeitung”. Changes in the course of the 2008  business year John F. Smith, Jr. retired from the Board of Directors at the Annual General Meeting of 18 April  2008. At the same time, the shareholders re-elected Rajna Gibson Brandon and Kaspar  Villiger members of the Board of Directors for a three-year term. Additionally, Mathis  Cabiallavetta and Raymond K. F. Ch’ien were elected new members of the Board of Directors.  Nominations for the election at the  Annual General Meeting of 13 March  2009 The Board of Directors has decided to nominate the following candidates for re-election to the  Board for a further term:  ̤  ̤ Jakob Baer John R. Coomber 3.2  Other activities and functions Please refer to the information provided in each director’s biography on pages 95 – 100.  3.3  Cross-involvement Please refer to the information provided in each director’s biography on pages 95 – 100. 3.4  Elections and term of office Election procedure The members of the Board of Directors are elected at a General Meeting of shareholders.  The Governance Committee evaluates candidates for Board membership and makes  recommendations to the Board with regard to their nomination for election or re-election. The  Board submits nominations for new directors for election at the General Meeting that ensure  an adequate size and a well-balanced composition of the Board and comply with the  requirement that a majority of the Board is independent. At the General Meeting, each  proposed election or re-election is presented by the Chairman and voted upon separately. The  Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Board, as well as the chairpersons and members of the  Board committees are elected by the Board of Directors. Term The regular term of office of a directorship has been reduced from four to three years, based  on the decision taken at the Annual General Meeting of 18 April 2008. It usually begins with  the date of election by a General Meeting of shareholders and ends on the third subsequent  Annual General Meeting. Members whose term has expired are immediately eligible for re- election. The age limit is 70. Members who reach the age of 70 during a regular term of office  shall tender their resignation at the Annual General Meeting following the attainment of that  age. The term of office of a committee member is one year, beginning with the Board meeting  following the Annual General Meeting and ending with the Board meeting following the  subsequent Annual General Meeting. First election and remaining term of each director Please refer to the table provided on page 94. The organisation of the Board of Directors is laid down in the Corporate Bylaws, which define  the responsibilities of the Board of Directors, its committees and the executive management,  as well as the reporting procedures. The Corporate Bylaws are reviewed periodically by both  the Governance Committee and the full Board with regard to expediency as well as to  compliance with domestic and applicable international laws, regulations and best practice  standards.  3.5  Organisational structure of the Board  of Directors 100  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report 3.5.1  Allocation of tasks within the Board  of Directors Corporate governance and compensation report Chairman of the Board of Directors The Chairman of the Board of Directors exercises ultimate supervision of the executive  management on behalf of the Board. He usually attends the meetings of the Executive  Committee and Executive Board and receives the documentation and minutes of all the  meetings. He ensures adequate reporting to the Board by the Board committees, Executive  Committee and Executive Board. He is also responsible, with the Chairman of the Audit  Committee, for Group Internal Audit. He appoints the Head of Group Internal Audit, subject to  confirmation by the Audit Committee, and determines his or her compensation.  In addition, he convenes meetings of the Board and its committees, makes preparations for,  and presides at Board meetings. He coordinates the activities of Board committees and  ensures the Board is kept informed about their activities and findings. In cases of doubt, he  makes decisions regarding the authority of the Board or its committees and about the  application and interpretation of the Corporate Bylaws. He receives comments from the directors as to the Board’s performance, reports annually to  the Board with an assessment of its performance and ensures that newly elected Board  members receive a suitable introduction to their role. He presides at General Meetings and represents the Group to shareholders.  If the Chairman of the Board is prevented from performing his duties, they are performed by  the Vice Chairman or another member of the Board. Vice Chairman The Vice Chairman liaises between the Board and executive management in matters not  reserved to the Chairman, supervises management’s preparation and execution of Board  resolutions in operational matters as well as management’s development of Group strategies,  and oversees management development for the Group’s senior executives. Committees of the Board of Directors The Board has delegated certain responsibilities, including the preparation and execution of  its resolutions, to five committees: Audit Committee, Compensation Committee, Finance and  Risk Committee, Governance Committee and Investment Committee. The Investment  Committee was established in 2008 and held its first meeting in December 2008.  Each committee is headed by a chairperson. He or she prepares and presides over the  committee meetings. Any such committee must keep the Board apprised on a timely basis of  actions and determinations.  The committees may conduct or authorise special investigations, at any time and at their full  discretion, into any matters within their respective scope of responsibilities, as laid down in  their respective charters of duties, thereby taking into consideration relevant peer group  practice and general best practice. They are empowered to retain independent counsel,  accountants or other experts if deemed necessary, including for purposes of benchmarking  best practice, and shall receive appropriate funding for payment of compensation to such  outside advisers.  The Board has an assessment process in place, giving the members the opportunity to assess  the effectiveness of the Board and its committees on an annual basis. Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  101 Corporate governance and compensation report 3  Board of Directors 3.5.2  Committees of the Board of   Directors: responsibilities and  members Audit Committee Responsibilities of the Audit Committee The central task of the Audit Committee is to assist the Board in fulfilling its oversight  responsibilities as they relate to the integrity of the Group financial statements, the Group’s  compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, the external auditor’s qualifications and  independence, and the performance of the Group’s internal audit function and its external  auditor.  The Audit Committee serves as an independent and objective monitor of the Group’s financial  reporting process and system of internal control, and facilitates ongoing communication  between the external auditor, management, Group Internal Audit and the Board with regard to  the Group’s financial situation and course of business.  In fulfilling its responsibilities, the Audit Committee, among other things,   ̤  ̤ reviews major changes to the Group’s accounting principles and practices; reviews with the external auditor and the Head of Group Internal Audit the adequacy and  efficacy of the financial reporting process as well as the Group’s system of internal controls  over financial reporting and quality control procedures; reviews, at least annually, the Group’s policies regarding publication of earnings and the  policies regarding communication of financial information provided to analysts and rating  agencies; reviews and discusses with management the quarterly and annual financial accounts of the  parent company and the Group, and approves quarterly accounts and reports of the Group; exercises supervision of compliance-related matters by reviewing management’s reports  on legal, regulatory and compliance risks, including management’s identification of  potential fraud risks and implemented anti-fraud controls; approves the appointment of the Head of Group Internal Audit, approves planned audit  services by Group Internal Audit and reviews annually the performance of Group Internal  Audit; evaluates external auditors and recommends a firm to the Board of Directors for election at  the General Meeting, reviews annually the independence and the performance of the  external auditor as well as its quality control procedures, and approves the compensation  for external audit services; periodically meets with Group Internal Audit and the external auditor to discuss their  findings and management’s responses.  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤ Members of the Audit Committee Jakob Baer, Chair Thomas W. Bechtler (as of 18 April 2008) Raymund Breu  Rajna Gibson Brandon (until 18 April 2008) Bénédict G. F. Hentsch (as of 18 April 2008) Robert A. Scott John F. Smith, Jr. (until 18 April 2008) Independence and other qualifications All members of the Audit Committee are non-executive and independent. In addition to the  independence criteria applicable to Board members, members of the Audit Committee may  not accept any consulting, advisory, or other compensatory fee from the company. All  members must be financially literate. At least one member must have the attributes qualifying  him/her as an Audit Committee Financial Expert (as defined in the Corporate Bylaws and  determined by the Board). Furthermore, the Corporate Bylaws require that Audit Committee  102  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Corporate governance and compensation report members should not serve on audit committees of more than two other listed companies.  They shall advise the Chairman in advance of accepting any further invitation to serve on the  audit committee of another listed company. No member of the Audit Committee held more  than two additional audit committee mandates in 2008. Compensation Committee Responsibilities of the Compensation Committee The Compensation Committee, among other things,  ̤ ensures the development of a set of Group compensation principles, submits them to the  Board for approval, monitors adherence to the principles and regularly discusses their  appropriateness; keeps itself informed of industry and peer compensation practices; recommends to the Board the remuneration of the members of the Board, the  compensation of the Chief Executive Officer and the total amount available for  compensation of the other members of the Executive Board; determines the individual compensation amounts of the members of the Executive Board  (other than the Chief Executive Officer), based on the Board’s determination of the total  amount available; determines the total amount for bonus payments and related share deferral plans, on the  basis of achieved performance, and approves long-term incentive plans (subject to the  approval of the Board of Directors for new option plans); reviews and approves the Group’s compensation and pension plans; ensures compliance with any remuneration disclosure requirements; approves employment contracts with the Chairman, the Vice Chairman, the Chief Executive  Officer and the members of the Executive Committee and the Executive Board.  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤ Members of the Compensation Committee Robert A. Scott, Chair Thomas W. Bechtler Raymund Breu (until 18 April 2008) Mathis Cabiallavetta (as of 1 September 2008) Raymond K. F. Ch’ien (as of 18 April 2008)  Hans Ulrich Maerki  Independence All members of the Compensation Committee are non-executive and independent. Finance and Risk Committee Responsibilities of the Finance and Risk Committee The Finance and Risk Committee, among other things,   ̤ annually reviews and recommends for approval to the Board of Directors the Group Risk  Policy, including Swiss Re’s risk tolerance targets regarding capital adequacy, risk  concentration, and earnings volatility; regularly monitors the usage of limits set out in the Group Risk Policy and decides on  actions to be taken following breaches; discusses with the Chief Risk Officer the top risk issues for the Group and corresponding  risk mitigation actions; reviews the most important risk exposures in all major risk categories – insurance  (including reserve risk), financial market, credit, funding and liquidity, and operational –  highlighting significant risk concentrations;  ̤  ̤  ̤ Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  103 Corporate governance and compensation report 3  Board of Directors  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤ reviews new products or strategic expansions of the Group’s areas of business, which  would result in a substantial change to the Group’s risk profile, and provides comments to  the Board of Directors from a risk perspective; reviews the assurance activities of the Risk Management function; reviews critical principles used in internal risk measurement, valuation of assets and  liabilities, capital adequacy assessment, and economic performance measurement, and  reviews their implementation; reviews the Group’s funding structure and capital adequacy; reviews the Group’s treasury strategy, including cash and liquidity management; discusses external risk mitigation activities (including retrocession, insurance bonds, and  investment hedging) and their impact on counterparty risk; reviews reports on the Group-wide use of derivative instruments. Members of the Finance and Risk Committee John R. Coomber, Chair Jakob Baer Rajna Gibson Brandon Walter B. Kielholz Hans Ulrich Maerki  Robert A. Scott Kaspar Villiger Governance Committee Responsibilities of the Governance Committee The Governance Committee, among other things,  ̤ keeps itself informed on corporate governance developments, measures the Group’s  governance against relevant best practice standards and informs the Board of its findings  and emerging trends; evaluates Board member candidates and makes recommendations to the Board with  regard to their nomination for election or re-election at a General Meeting, while ensuring  an adequate size and a well-balanced composition of the Board as well as the  independence of the majority of the Board; evaluates proposals of the Chief Executive Officer for the appointment and removal of  members of the Executive Committee and the Executive Board; ensures the effectiveness of executive succession and emergency planning processes; reviews compliance with corporate governance disclosure requirements; periodically reviews the company’s Articles of Association and the Corporate Bylaws, and  informs the Board of its findings and proposals; reviews the Group’s communication policy; periodically reviews the Group’s guiding principles, as well as corporate citizenship and  corporate sustainability activities; monitors Investor Relations activities and the relationship with rating agencies; examines how public reports are perceived, especially with regard to whether they fulfil the  needs and expectations of international investors; monitors the shareholder structure; has initial responsibility for assessing any merger and take-over proposals submitted to the  Group; has initial responsibility for reviewing material transactions with any of the Group’s  significant shareholders.  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤ 104  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Corporate governance and compensation report Members of the Governance Committee Peter Forstmoser, Chair John R. Coomber (as of 18 April 2008) Bénédict G. F. Hentsch (until 18 April 2008) Walter B. Kielholz John F. Smith, Jr. (until 18 April 2008) Kaspar Villiger Investment Committee Responsibilities of the Investment Committee The Investment Committee, among other things,  ̤  ̤ reviews the quarterly performance of all financial assets of the Group;  reviews the valuation methodology and the risk analysis methodology for each investment  asset class;  approves the strategic asset allocation and reviews the tactical asset allocation;  ensures compliance of risk limits with approved limits;  decides on investments for private equity, real estate, hedge funds or third-party fund  manager allocation if in excess of any delegated authority, and reviews the strategic  investment portfolio;  conducts liquidity reviews relating to investment activities.  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤ Members of the Investment Committee Mathis Cabiallavetta, Chair  Thomas W. Bechtler Raymund Breu Raymond K. F. Ch’ien Rajna Gibson Brandon Bénédict G. F. Hentsch 3.5.3  Work methods of the Board   of Directors and its committees The Board and its committees meet at the invitation of the Chairman of the Board as often as  business requires. The Board has six regular two-day meetings a year. The first day is usually  reserved for the committees; on the second day, the full Board meets for as long as necessary,  mostly the whole day. The regular Board meetings are normally held in early and late February, April, May or June,  early October and December. Each regular Board meeting has a special focus, which is  basically related to Swiss Re’s reporting schedule. These areas of focus consist of strategic  issues, financial statements, analysis of internal results, the medium-term business plan and  corporate governance. a. General work methods of the Board of Directors and its committees Extraordinary meetings are called at short notice if and when required. Board members can  also join such meetings by video or telephone conference. A quorum is constituted when at  least half the members of the Board or the Board committee are present in person or  participate using some alternative means of communication. In addition to the regular and extraordinary meetings, the Board and its committees can make  decisions in writing. These resolutions by written agreement have equal validity to decisions  made in regular or extraordinary meetings. Resolutions by written agreement of the Board of  Directors may be adopted if no Board member calls for discussion of the motion. A quorum is  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  105 Corporate governance and compensation report 3  Board of Directors constituted when at least half the members express their agreement or disagreement with the  resolution. Written resolutions of Board committees may be adopted if all committee members  express their agreement or disagreement with the resolution. The Chairman of the Board is responsible for defining the agendas for the meetings of the  Board and its committees in close cooperation with the chairpersons of the committees and in  consultation with the Chief Executive Officer. A number of recurring issues are discussed  periodically at the regular meetings. The members of the Board of Directors receive an invitation to Board and committee meetings  with a list of the agenda items approximately two weeks before each meeting. They also  receive written documentation on the items for discussion, so that they can prepare  thoroughly. The first set of pre-reading material is usually sent out with the invitation two  weeks prior to the meeting, followed by a second delivery one week later. In the meeting, the agenda items are usually introduced by a presentation, followed by a  discussion and, where necessary, a resolution on the item. The presentation is given by an  expert from the Executive Committee or Executive Board or by other employees having the  requisite specialist knowledge. Specific subjects can be discussed in a closed session with a reduced number of participants.  Depending on the item being discussed, these closed sessions consist solely of Board  members (private session) or Board members and the Chief Executive Officer (executive  session). Minutes are kept of the discussions and the resolutions of each meeting and are  usually approved at the next Board or Board committee meeting. b. Specific work methods of the Board of Directors The Board meetings are attended by members of the Board and, in an advisory capacity, by  the members of the Executive Committee as well as the company secretary. In 2008, there were eight regular and three extraordinary Board meetings, and the Board  made three decisions in writing. The Board meetings lasted 6.5 hours on average. Between  one and 14 agenda items were discussed per meeting, with an average of eight items per  meeting. The average attendance rate was 97.9% at the regular meetings throughout the year.  Average attendance including extraordinary meetings, which were often called at short  notice, was 96.4%. Whenever possible, Board members who are unable to attend an  extraordinary meeting give their views on the agenda items to the Chairman before the  meeting. 106  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Corporate governance and compensation report c. Specific work methods of the Audit Committee The Audit Committee normally meets eight times a year. The first two meetings of the year  mainly deal with the annual closing. In the subsequent meetings, the committee focuses on  topics such as embedded value, the internal control system, or legal, regulatory and  compliance issues. The committee receives a status report from Group Internal Audit about  four times a year. The meetings at the beginning of May, August and November are mainly  dedicated to the discussion and approval of the quarterly results. Besides the committee members and the company secretary, selected individuals are invited  to attend Audit Committee meetings in an advisory capacity. In 2008, the following people  exercised an advisory role on the committee:  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤ Peter Forstmoser, Chairman of the Board of Directors Walter B. Kielholz, Vice Chairman Jacques Aigrain, Chief Executive Officer George Quinn, Chief Financial Officer  Clare Bousfield, Head of Group Internal Audit  The two lead auditors representing the external auditor are also invited to Audit Committee  meetings. The Head of Group Internal Audit and the two lead auditors of the external auditor  are normally present in executive sessions of the committee. In 2008, there were eight Audit Committee meetings and no extraordinary meetings. No  resolutions were taken by written agreement. On average, the meetings lasted three hours.  Between four and ten agenda items were discussed per meeting, with an average of seven  items. Average attendance was 92.5% at the meetings throughout the year. d. Specific work methods of the Compensation Committee The Compensation Committee normally holds four regular meetings per year. The main  purpose of the January and February meetings is to set the total amount for bonus payments  in the organisation, including bonuses for Executive Board members, as well as to allocate  benefits from the long-term incentive plans. The October meeting is to review the  compensation principles and instruments. In December, the Committee undertakes an initial  assessment of Executive Board members’ performance for the pending bonus allocation and  decides on any amendments to the compensation system for the following year. Besides the committee members and minutes taker, selected individuals are invited to attend  Compensation Committee meetings in an advisory capacity. In 2008, the following people  exercised an advisory role on the Committee:  ̤  ̤  ̤ Peter Forstmoser, Chairman of the Board of Directors Walter B. Kielholz, Vice Chairman Jacques Aigrain, Chief Executive Officer The Compensation Committee enlisted the help of Mercer Human Resources Consulting to  provide support and advice for compensation issues during the reporting year. Mercer  supported the Committee in organising benchmark studies and reviewing and amending the  compensation philosophy. Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  107 Corporate governance and compensation report 3  Board of Directors In 2008, there were four regular meetings of the Compensation Committee. There were no  extraordinary meetings and five resolutions by written agreement. The meetings lasted on  average three hours. Between six and nine agenda items were discussed per meeting, with an  average of eight items. Attendance was 100% during the reporting year. e. Specific work methods of the Finance and Risk Committee The Finance and Risk Committee normally holds six regular meetings per year. The topics  discussed at committee meetings depend on current developments and corporate  requirements. In the reporting year, the Committee focused mainly on the implications of the  financial crisis for the Group’s risk management. Amongst others, the Committee reviewed the  Group’s capital adequacy, capital management initiatives, financial market and credit risks,  liquidity issues, longevity and variable annuities activities, life and health key risks, reserving  policy for life and non-life business, the optimal approach to the insurance price cycle and  treasury issues. The Committee also discusses the Chief Risk Officer’s latest written report at  almost every meeting. This report outlines the Group’s position in terms of main risk issues as  well as related risk management actions and recommendations. Besides the committee members and the company secretary, selected individuals are invited  to attend Finance and Risk Committee meetings in an advisory capacity. In 2008, the  following people acted in an advisory role on the Committee:  ̤ Peter Forstmoser, Chairman of the Board of Directors  ̤ Jacques Aigrain, Chief Executive Officer  ̤ David J. Blumer, Head of Asset Management (as of 1 May 2008)  ̤ Brian Gray, Chief Underwriting Officer (as of 1 September 2008)  ̤ George Quinn, Chief Financial Officer   ̤ Stefan Lippe, Deputy Chief Executive Officer and Chief Operating Officer   ̤ Raj Singh, Chief Risk Officer  ̤ Roger W. Ferguson, Head of Financial Services Products (until 30 April 2008)  ̤ Benjamin Meuli, Chief Investment Officer (until 13 August 2008)  In 2008, there were six regular meetings of the Finance and Risk Committee. There were no  extraordinary meetings and no resolutions by written agreement. On average, the meetings  lasted 2.5 hours. Seven or eight agenda items were discussed per meeting. Average  attendance was 97.6% during the reporting year. f. Specific work methods of the Governance Committee The Governance Committee normally holds four regular meetings per year. The Committee  usually spends its first meeting of the year discussing developments in corporate governance  and reviewing the Articles of Association, Corporate Bylaws and the corporate governance  section of the Annual Report. The Committee’s other meetings address the media and investor  response to the annual results, the Group’s Guiding Principles, social commitment, approach  to sustainability, the activities of Investor Relations and shareholder structure. In 2008, one  meeting was dedicated to an initiative which aims at improving the search for and promotion  of talent as well as internal collaboration. 108  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Corporate governance and compensation report Besides the committee members and the company secretary, selected individuals are invited  to attend Governance Committee meetings in an advisory capacity. In 2008, the following  people exercised an advisory role on the Committee:  ̤  ̤ Jacques Aigrain, Chief Executive Officer George Quinn, Chief Financial Officer In 2008, there were four regular and one extraordinary meetings of the Governance  Committee. There were no resolutions by written agreement. On average, the meetings lasted  1.5 hours. Between two and six agenda items were discussed per meeting, with an average of  five items. Attendance was 100% during the reporting year. g. Specific work methods of the Investment Committee The Investment Committee was established in autumn 2008. It held its first and only meeting  in December 2008. The meeting, which was attended by all six committee members, lasted  2.5 hours and covered 9 agenda items. Main focus was on strategy, asset management  activities, investment performance, valuation methodologies and organisational matters.  There were no resolutions by written agreement. h. Meeting schedule in 2008 Dates   30 January    31 January     1 February    27 February    28 February    26 March    16 April    17 April     5 May    15 May    16 May     9 July     4 August    19 September    21 September     2 October     3 October     3 November     4 December     5 December    13 December   Board of  Directors  Audit  Committee  Compensation  Committee  ̤  Finance and Risk  Committee  Governance  Investment  Committee  Committee ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤ ̤ ̤  ̤ ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤  The Board meetings of 19 and 21 September, as well as 13 December and the meeting of the  Governance Committee of 2 October were extraordinary. Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  109                                                                                                                       Corporate governance and compensation report 3  Board of Directors 3.6  Definition of areas of responsibility   of the Board of Directors and the  Executive Committee The Board of Directors exercises the ultimate authority of the Group. It has delegated the  responsibility for managing the Group’s operations to the Executive Committee (see section 4  below).  The Board of Directors, among other things,  ̤ determines the risk tolerance level of the Group, monitors risk development and approves  the business principles to be applied in reinsurance and asset management; defines the Group’s Guiding Principles, adopts the strategy of the Group and keeps itself  informed of the strategies of the business and corporate functions, as well as of the  divisions; approves consolidated medium- and short-term Group business plans based on the  Group’s strategic goals and the business plans of the business and corporate functions; decides on high-level transactions in alternative investments, Admin Re®, debt issuances,  credit facilities or similar instruments, and capital market transactions; reviews periodic core business status reports as well as reports on major business  transactions and events; has overall responsibility for corporate governance matters; approves the compensation principles of the Group upon recommendation of the  Compensation Committee; reviews the Group’s adherence to legal, regulatory and compliance standards, as well as  the status of significant legal, regulatory or compliance matters, in conjunction with the  Audit Committee; determines the structure of the Group, defines its business and corporate functions and  divisions, and decides on structural changes to the Group, as well as the business and  corporate functions; appoints and removes members of the Executive Committee and the Executive Board upon  recommendation of the Governance Committee; assesses, on an annual basis, the performance of the Chief Executive Officer as well as the  members of the Executive Committee and the Executive Board; assesses, on an annual basis, the performance of the Board and its committees; determines the remuneration of the members of the Board, the compensation of the Chief  Executive Officer and the total amount available for compensation of the other members of  the Executive Board, upon recommendation of the Compensation Committee; elects the Chairman of the Board, the Vice Chairman and the chairpersons and members of  the Board committees; nominates Board member candidates for election or re-election by the General Meeting  upon recommendation of the Governance Committee; establishes the methods and applicable standards for accounting, budgetary control and  financial planning; reviews and approves annual reports of the parent company and the Group, subject to the  authority of the General Meeting; makes preparations for and convenes General Meetings of shareholders and executes the  resolutions of General Meetings.   ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤ 110  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Corporate governance and compensation report The Executive Committee has, in addition to its overall responsibility for the operational  management of the Group, the following key responsibilities:  ̤ submits proposals to the Board of Directors relating to all matters within the Board’s  responsibilities, for the Board’s consideration, such as the Group strategy, the business  plan, risk tolerances and accounting principles; approves the strategies, structures and business plans of the business and corporate  functions and divisions; establishes principles on financing through capital markets, the financing of Group  companies and the allocation of financial resources within the Group; decides on transactions in alternative investments, Admin Re®, debt issuances and credit  facilities or similar instruments, while submitting proposals on high-limit transactions to the  Board of Directors; establishes the performance targets for the Group, the business and corporate functions  and the divisions, monitors performance and takes any necessary action; forms Group committees, delegates to them authorities and responsibilities, and issues  binding Group guidelines; decides on the underwriting authority of the business functions and divisions, and on  individual reinsurance transactions exceeding the underwriting authority limits; exercises oversight responsibilities in respect of the Group‘s internal control evaluation and  certification process; oversees the implementation of Group compliance procedures, monitors remediation of  identified regulatory and compliance deficiencies and ensures that appropriate risk  management committees are constituted; assumes responsibility for personnel planning and management development of the  Group, makes recommendations to the Chief Executive Officer on promotions for or  removals of Managing Directors, and appoints the Responsible Actuary.  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤ The Executive Committee holds, as a rule, two meetings per month. In 2008, the Executive  Committee held 20 regular meetings plus numerous ad hoc telephone conferences. The Executive Committee is supported by the larger Executive Board comprising 20 senior  executive officers (including the eight members of the Executive Committee). All members of  the Executive Board are appointed by the Board of Directors upon recommendation of the  Chief Executive Officer and after consultation with the Governance Committee. The Executive  Board supports the Executive Committee as a sounding forum. It held four regular meetings in  2008 and one extended meeting lasting several days and devoted to strategic issues. Several  telephone conferences were held in addition at regular intervals. 3.7  Information and control instruments  of the Board with respect to executive   management Swiss Re maintains effective and consistent control of executive management through the  Board of Directors. The Board of Directors has a number of controlling and information- gathering mechanisms in place to monitor the handling of responsibilities it has delegated to  the executive management. a. Participation of Board members at executive management meetings Both the Chairman of the Board and the Vice Chairman are invited to all meetings of the  executive management and the Executive Board; effectively, the Board of Directors was  represented at 18 of the 20 regular Executive Committee meetings and three of the four  regular Executive Board meetings in 2008. The Chairman of the Board and the Vice Chairman  always receive the meeting documentation and minutes. Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  111 Corporate governance and compensation report 3  Board of Directors b. Involvement of executive management in meetings of the Board of Directors As a matter of principle, all members of the Executive Committee are invited to all meetings of  the Board of Directors. The entire Executive Committee was present at all regular Board  meetings in 2008, with the exception of two Executive Committee members who were  absent from one of the meetings each.  c. Involvement of executive management in Board committee meetings At the meetings of the Board committees, executive management members participate in an  advisory capacity. For a detailed listing of Executive Committee member participation in  Board committee meetings, as well as the number of meetings and the meeting cycle, see the  relevant sections in 3.5.3. d. Periodic reporting by executive management At each regular Board meeting, the “Executive Report” is a standard agenda item, comprising  a comprehensive report on the business development, including major business transactions,  claims, corporate development issues and key projects.  In addition, specific written reports focusing on issues such as risk exposure and risk  management activities of the Group, economic results, investment operations, compliance,  legal aspects and economic outlook are provided to the members of the Board of Directors on  a regular basis. e. Management Information System Several times a year, Board members receive a printed “Business Update”, which measures  Swiss Re’s performance against its strategic and financial objectives. The content of this  report is extracted from Swiss Re’s Management Information System (MIS), a web-based tool  providing an in-depth quantitative and qualitative analysis of the current performance of the  Group as well as detailed business information for all fields of activity. The MIS covers, besides  performance figures, a wide variety of aspects, such as capital adequacy, business renewals,  deal pipeline, investment results, claims development, costs, workforce, strategic initiatives,  project portfolio, findings of Group Internal Audit, compliance, competitors and shareholding  structure. f. Risk management Risk Management provides regular risk reports to the Board of Directors, which are discussed  by the Finance and Risk Committee. These reports cover Swiss Re’s compliance with the  Group’s risk tolerance criteria, major changes in risk and capital adequacy measures and a  description of the Group’s main risk issues, including related risk management actions and  recommendations. In addition, the Board of Directors received the Assurance Report 2008,  which provides a qualitative summary of assurance activities.  g. Duty to inform about extraordinary events As soon as the Executive Committee hears about significant extraordinary business  developments or events, it is obliged to inform the Board of Directors immediately, even if the  Board is not in session. h. Supervision of the Executive Committee by the Vice Chairman of the Board The Vice Chairman supervises the preparation and execution of Board resolutions by the  Executive Committee for all operational matters. In addition, he supervises the Executive  Committee’s development of Group strategy and oversees management development of the  Group’s senior executives. 112  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Corporate governance and compensation report i. Right to obtain information At Board meetings, any member of the Board of Directors can demand information on any  aspect of the Group’s business. Any member may, in such meetings, request that books and  records be produced for timely inspection. Outside Board meetings, any member can direct a  request for production of business records to the Chairman of the Board. In the event the  request is denied, the Board decides whether such information shall be produced. j. Special investigations Each Board committee is entitled to undertake or commission special investigations at its own  discretion into any matters within its respective scope of responsibility. They may also enlist  assistance from independent legal advisers, auditors or other experts if deemed necessary. k. Group Internal Audit Group Internal Audit (GIA) is an independent, objective assurance function, performing  activities designed to assess the adequacy and effectiveness of the Group‘s internal control  systems. GIA helps the Group accomplish its objectives by applying a systematic, disciplined  approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management, control, and  governance processes. GIA staff govern themselves in accordance with the Code of Ethics established by the Institute  of Internal Auditors (IIA). The IIA’s “International Standards for the Professional Practice of  Internal Auditing” constitute the operating guidance for the department. Authority is granted for full, free and unrestricted access to any and all of the Group’s property  and personnel relevant to any function under review. All employees are required to assist GIA  in fulfilling their duty. GIA has no direct operational responsibility or authority over any of the  activities they review. GIA applies a risk-based approach to auditing the Group’s control systems, performing its own  risk assessment and making use of risk assessments performed by the risk management and  other assurance functions in the Group after reviewing the quality of the assurance work  performed. The GIA Audit Plan is determined annually and updated on a quarterly basis. The  results of the audits are reported to the Group’s Executive Board and Audit Committee. Formal  quarterly updates are provided to the Audit Committee on the findings, resources and skills  within GIA and on the changes in tools and methodologies GIA uses. GIA coordinates its activities with other assurance functions in the Group and the external  auditor. l. External auditor Please refer to pages 127 – 128. Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  113 Corporate governance and compensation report 4  Executive management 4.1 Members of the Executive Committee Membership as of 31 December 2008 Name  Jacques Aigrain  Stefan Lippe  Nationality  Swiss and French  German  Andreas Beerli   Swiss  David J. Blumer  Brian Gray  Michel M. Liès  George Quinn  Raj Singh   Swiss  Canadian  Luxembourg  British  US  Age  54  53  57  40  46  54  42  46  Function Chief Executive Officer  Chief Operating Officer  Deputy Chief Executive Officer Head of Associated Units   and Special Projects Head of Asset Management Chief Underwriting Officer Head of Client Markets Chief Financial Officer Chief Risk Officer Jacques Aigrain Chief Executive Officer Jacques Aigrain, a Swiss and French citizen born in 1954, received a PhD in economics in  1981 from the Sorbonne in France and a master’s degree in economics from Paris-Dauphine  University. He started his career with J. P. Morgan in 1981 and had various functions in investment  banking in London, Paris and New York. Immediately prior to joining Swiss Re, he was a  Managing Director and a member of J.P. Morganʼs Investment Banking Management  Committee, where he was Co-head of client coverage. In June 2001, he joined Swiss Re as Head of the Financial Services business group and  member of the Executive Committee. In August 2004, the Board of Directors appointed him  Deputy Chief Executive Officer in addition to his Financial Services role, a task that included a  number of coordination functions across the firm, in particular regulatory affairs. He was  appointed Chief Executive Officer effective as of 1 January 2006. Jacques Aigrain is a member of the Supervisory Board of Deutsche Lufthansa AG, a member  of the Board of Directors of Swiss International Air Lines Ltd., Basle, and a member of various  advisory committees of a regional or financial nature. Stefan Lippe Chief Operating Officer Deputy Chief Executive Officer Stefan Lippe, a German citizen born in 1955, graduated in mathematics with business  administration from the University of Mannheim. He obtained his doctorate in 1982 while  working as a scientific assistant to the chair of insurance business management, being  awarded the Kurt Hamann foundation prize for his thesis. In October 1983, he joined Bavarian Re as a team member of a business analysis project.  From 1985, he was involved in the casualty department’s operations in the German-speaking  area. In 1986, he became Head of the non-proportional underwriting department. 114  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report             Corporate governance and compensation report He was appointed deputy member of the Board in 1988 and a full member of the Board in  1991, when he assumed general responsibility for the company’s operations in the German- speaking area. In 1993, he became Chairman of the Board of Management of Bavarian Re.  Since 2001, he has been Chairman of the Board of Directors of the renamed Swiss Re  Germany Holding AG. Stefan Lippe was appointed a member of Swiss Re’s Executive Board in 1995, as Head of the  Bavarian Re Group. In 2001, he was assigned as Head of the Property & Casualty Business  Group and appointed a member of the Executive Committee. In September 2008, he took  over as Chief Operating Officer and was also appointed Deputy Chief Executive Officer.  Andreas Beerli Head of Associated Units and Special  Projects Andreas Beerli, a Swiss citizen born in 1951, graduated in law in 1976 and received a  doctorate in law from the University of Basle in 1983. He joined Swiss Re in 1979, serving in  various marketing functions until 1984. He then worked for Credit Suisse in private banking  and for the Baloise Insurance Group, where he served in the company’s foreign operations. He rejoined Swiss Re in 1993 as Chief of Staff. Two years later, he assumed marketing  responsibilities for Austria, Italy and Switzerland. In 1997, he was appointed Managing  Director of Swiss Re Italia SpA in Rome, successfully restructuring and integrating the newly  acquired Italian reinsurance company Uniorias. In 1998, he assumed an additional position as  Head of the Global Clients unit. Andreas Beerli served as Head of the Americas division from January 2000 to December  2005 and Chief Operating Officer from January 2006 to August 2008. Until his announced  retirement in 2009, he will remain a member of the Executive Committee in charge of  Associated Units and Special Projects.  David J. Blumer Head of Asset Management David J. Blumer, a Swiss citizen born in 1968, holds a degree in economics from the  University of Zurich.  Before joining Swiss Re, he worked at Credit Suisse from 1993 to 2008 and held a number of  positions in Zurich, London and New York. In private banking, he established an industry- leading alternative investment platform. He was appointed Head of Trading and Sales in 2004  and headed Asset Management at Credit Suisse from 1 January 2006. He held the position  of Chief Executive Officer of Asset Management and was a member of the Executive Board of  Credit Suisse. He joined Swiss Re in 2008 and was appointed Head of Asset Management and member of  the Executive Committee. His commitments to organisations outside Swiss Re include his membership of the Forum of  Young Global Leaders at the World Economic Forum (WEF). Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  115 Corporate governance and compensation report 4  Executive management Brian Gray Chief Underwriting Officer Brian Gray, a Canadian citizen born in 1962, has a degree in economics from Wilfrid Laurier  University and an MBA from the University of Toronto, and is a Fellow of the Insurance  Institute of Canada. He joined Swiss Re in 1985 and worked in a variety of underwriting and marketing roles in  Toronto. In 1994, he moved to Zurich where he held positions in the former Asia-Pacific/Africa  division, as well as corporate integrated risk management functions. In 1997, he returned to  Canada where he assumed responsibility for Underwriting, Claims and Special Lines activities.  He was appointed President and Chief Executive Officer of Swiss Re Canada in March 2001.  Brian Gray became a member of the Executive Board in September 2005 as Head of Property  and Specialty. In September 2008, he was appointed to the Executive Committee as Chief  Underwriting Officer.  Michel M. Liès Head of Client Markets Michel M. Liès, a citizen of Luxembourg born in 1954, gained a degree in mathematics from  the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich in 1974. In 1978, Michel M. Liès joined the Life department of Swiss Re in Zurich and was mainly  active in the Latin American market. From 1983 to 1993, he was responsible for France and  the Iberian peninsula and coordinated Swiss Re’s life strategy across the European  Community. In 1994, he transferred to the non-life sector of the Southern Europe/Latin America  department, where he was initially responsible for the Spanish market. He was appointed  Head of the Southern Europe/Latin America department at the beginning of 1997. Michel M. Liès became a member of the Executive Board in 1998 and was appointed Head of  the Latin America division. In April 2000, he became Head of Europe division of the  Property & Casualty Business Group. In September 2005, he assumed the position of Head of  Client Markets. George Quinn Chief Financial Officer George Quinn, a British citizen born in 1966, holds a degree in engineering from the  University of Strathclyde and is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England  and Wales. He started his career at KPMG in London where he held a number of positions as adviser and  consultant to insurance and reinsurance companies. He joined Swiss Re in 1999 as Chief  Accounting Officer, based in Zurich. In 2003, he was appointed Chief Financial Officer for the  Financial Services Business Group. He moved to New York in 2005 as Regional Chief  Financial Officer for Swiss Re Americas. On 1 March 2007, George Quinn became Chief  Financial Officer of Swiss Re Group. He is also a Board member of IMD, a leading international business school. 116  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Corporate governance and compensation report Raj Singh Chief Risk Officer Raj Singh, a US citizen born in 1962, holds a Bachelor of Science degree from the Winona  State University, Minnesota, and an MBA from the Thunderbird American School for  International Management, Arizona. He worked for Citigroup from 1989 to 2001, where he held a number of senior positions,  mainly in the area of credit and structured finance. Last he was Managing Director Risk/ Merger & Acquisitions for Citibank Northern Europe and with site responsibility for Citibank  Belgium. He joined Allianz SE, where he held the position of Group Chief Risk Officer from  2002 to 2007. He joined Swiss Re as Chief Risk Officer in 2008. Raj Singh is a member of the International Financial Risk Institute, founding Chairman of the  Chief Risk Officers Forum and an associate of the American Banking Association.  Changes in the course of the 2008 business year In April, it was announced that David J. Blumer would join Swiss Re as Head of Asset  Management and member of the Executive Committee on 1 May 2008. He succeeded Roger  Ferguson, who left Swiss Re to assume a senior position at a major financial institution. In July, Andreas Beerli announced that he would retire in the course of 2009. The Board of   Directors appointed Stefan Lippe to succeed him as Chief Operating Officer with effect from  September 2008, conferring on him, in addition, the title of Deputy Chief Executive Officer.  The Board of Directors also appointed Brian Gray as Chief Underwriting Officer and member  of the Executive Committee, effective 1 September 2008. Changes in 2009 On 11 February 2009, Jacques Aigrain resigned as Chief Executive Officer; the Board of  Directors appointed Stefan Lippe as his successor, effective 12 February 2009. 4.2 Other activities and vested interests To the extent that members of the Executive Committee are engaged in activities in governing  and supervisory bodies, institutions and foundations, or perform permanent management and  consultancy functions for important interest groups or accepted official functions and political  posts, such information is included in the curricula vitae under 4.1 above. 4.3 Management contracts Swiss Re has not entered into reportable management contracts with any third party. Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  117 Corporate governance and compensation report 5  Compensation, shareholdings and loans 5.1  Content and method of determining  the compensation and shareholding  programmes This section provides an overview of Swiss Re’s governance, compensation philosophy and  guiding principles and descriptive elements of the compensation paid to the Board of  Directors and Executive Committee, in order to give a comprehensive picture of performance  and reward practices in Swiss Re.  Governance The Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors approves the total remuneration  philosophy of the company as well as annual and long-term incentive plans for executives. It  ensures the development of a set of Group-wide compensation principles and compliance  with remuneration disclosure requirements. It determines the total amount for Annual  Performance Incentive (API) payments and related deferral plans, and regularly reviews and  approves the Group’s compensation and pension plans. The Committee’s work is governed by  its charter, which is set forth in the Corporate Bylaws of Swiss Re.  Mercer is the external adviser to the Committee. In this role, they provide information on  market competitive pay and remuneration trends, as well as timely advice on executive  compensation issues. Mercer is engaged directly by the Compensation Committee. Mercer  also conducts an annual review of the total compensation of the Executive Committee relative  to an identified group of reference companies within the financial services industry to ensure  that market competitiveness is maintained.  The Chairman, Vice Chairman, Chief Executive Officer and the Executive Board member  responsible for Human Resources are normally invited to attend the meetings of the  Compensation Committee, except when their own executive pay matters are being discussed  and decided. Each meeting starts and ends with a private session, in which the committee  members can raise and discuss questions among themselves. The Committee held four  meetings during 2008 after which a summary of decisions was submitted to the full Board of  Directors for approval. The Committee has a predetermined agenda to ensure that important  reviews take place at the appropriate time throughout the year. Furthermore, the  Compensation Committee has established a periodic self-review procedure which ensures  that a high level of effectiveness is maintained over time. Approval process The API pool for the Executive Committee is funded in light of financial performance and  qualitative assessment. Financial performance is measured against the following key  performance indicators: economic value measures, return on equity, GAAP net income and  earnings per share growth. 118  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Corporate governance and compensation report Decision on   Total amount for annual  performance incentive payments Total amount for  Long-term Incentive plans Remuneration of the members  of the Board of Directors (incl.  Chairman and Vice Chairman) Compensation of the  Chief Executive Officer Individual compensation of the  members of the Executive Board  (excl. CEO)  Recommendation  CEO  Authority Compensation Committee  CEO  Compensation Committee  Compensation Committee  Board of Directors  Compensation Committee  Board of Directors  CEO  Compensation Committee   based on Board’s   determination of the total   amount available Additional information on the Compensation Committee can be found in sections 3.5.2  (responsibilities, members) and 3.5.3 (work methods). Compensation philosophy and guiding principles Philosophy To attract, motivate and retain the qualified talent necessary for its success, Swiss Re, as a  global company, aims to provide remuneration that is competitive in the labour markets in  which it operates. Swiss Re takes a holistic view of rewards, including both direct financial compensation, such  as base salary, API and equity-related plans, as well as other tangible and intangible benefits,  including health coverage, pension and development opportunities. While the variable portion of the total compensation increases as an individual progresses in  the organisation, virtually all employees have at least some of their compensation directly  correlated with the company’s success, to sharpen the focus on performance and reinforce  teamwork and collaboration. Swiss Re’s incentive programmes are designed to reflect the long-term dynamics of its  business and are applied across all hierarchical levels. A significant portion of higher  management’s compensation is tied to the organisation’s long-term performance, ensuring  that compensation is given for solid, sustainable achievement as opposed to short-term  annual results. The Long-term Incentive plan (LTI) and in particular the Value Alignment  Incentive plan (VAI), as described further, support this goal. Focus on performance Swiss Re is performance-oriented, and as such aligns the goals of each employee with the  Group’s strategic targets. Our performance management measures each employee’s  achievement and behaviour, and ensures that the compensation paid through base salary,  annual incentives and other programmes is commensurate with the respective employee’s  performance. Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  119         Corporate governance and compensation report 5  Compensation, shareholdings and loans To create and maintain this high performance culture, a globally consistent performance  management process is in place to ensure that:  ̤ individual goals with challenging performance benchmarks are aligned to the business  strategy; transparent information is provided on an individual’s contribution to the business success,  using clear qualitative and quantitative performance measurement criteria.  ̤ Performance management in Swiss Re is multidimensional. An employee’s individual  performance is determined by:  ̤ performance in the current position, based on a set of objectives, and assessed in terms of  timeliness, quality and quantity of achievement; ability to build trust and confidence, as well as to coach and transfer knowledge to enable  others to succeed in broader positions; demonstration of competencies in the areas of thought, results, people and personal  leadership.  ̤  ̤ Swiss Re strives to offer exceptional performers total earning opportunities approaching the  top tier in the industry. Each compensation element is designed to encourage individual  performance, company achievement and shareholder alignment. To that end, annual and  long-term incentives are balanced to reflect the performance on Group, business or corporate  function and personal level. Total compensation The total reward offering comprises the following elements: Base salary and benefits  ̤ Set in relation to market median Annual   Performance   Incentive Cash  component  ̤ Paid annually Bonus  shares Value   Alignment   Incentive   component  ̤ Employees can elect to receive blocked shares  ̤  ̤  ̤ Measured against prior-year development Applies above a certain threshold Paid after three years Long-term Incentive  ̤  ̤ Shareholder value-aligned performance units Three-year measurement period Base salary Base salary is a compensation for the function and scope of the job performed. Swiss Re aims  to position the total compensation, of which base salary is an element, around the market  median for equivalent positions in comparable companies. It reviews pay against market  benchmarks on a regular basis to ensure that competitive pay is maintained and undesired  fluctuation minimised. Base salary is primarily driven by the markets where the company  competes for talent, but factors such as individual expertise are also considered when making  any salary-related decision. 120  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Corporate governance and compensation report Annual Performance Incentive The API is a discretionary, variable component of Swiss Re’s total cash compensation package  for employees. The API, together with the base salary, provides an income around the market  median for total cash compensation when performance targets are achieved. Where  exceptional performance justifies it, the API provides an opportunity for additional income. The cash API for a year’s service is paid after the publication of the Group’s result, in March of  the following year.  When the variable compensation level for an employee exceeds a pre-defined amount, the  variable pay is delivered through two components: a cash payment and a VAI. Bonus shares From 2008, employees have the opportunity to take some or all of their cash API in the form  of Swiss Re shares. This bonus shares programme encourages employee ownership by  allowing employees to use API funds to purchase shares of the company at a discount of 10%  to the open market. At the end of a one-year blocking period, the employee assumes full  ownership of the purchased shares. Value Alignment Incentive The objective of the VAI is to complement the Swiss Re incentive compensation structure by  introducing a time component which supports the business model of the firm and by aligning  the API with the long tail factor of the reinsurance business model, which is inherently volatile.  Its aim is to promote accurate and commercially sound cash flow projections through all  stages of the business acquisition, underwriting and valuation process. The VAI has now been in place for three years and supports the company’s aims by providing  a “claw-back” mechanism. Target group   Employees above threshold  Executive Board  Chief Executive Officer  API in cash  75%  55%  40%  Deferred VAI 25% 45% 60% Each VAI cycle runs for three years, tracking the development of the business over that period.  With the VAI, Swiss Re ensures that a significant portion of variable pay is tied to the longer- term financial results of the company. The final VAI payment can vary from 50% to 150% of  the original value of the VAI with a mark-up of 25% on this value. In case of termination before  date of payment, forfeiture rules apply.  Long-term Incentive The LTI is a discretionary grant for all Executive Board and Executive Committee members and  a select group of key executives at Managing Director level, over and above their annual cash  remuneration. The intention is to:  ̤ achieve competitive total compensation for top executive talent by offering the participant  a long-term incentive opportunity; focus participants on growth and capital efficiency, both of which are critical to long-term  shareholder value creation; assist with retention.  ̤  ̤ Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  121 Corporate governance and compensation report 5  Compensation, shareholdings and loans The LTI is based on a three-year rolling financial plan approved by the Board, and focuses   on the achievement of three-year goals for return on equity and growth in earnings per share.   A performance scale around a pre-defined target for both measures determines the level of   reward earned at the end of each three-year performance cycle.  The LTI is offered each year and is denominated in units that are calculated as the grant  amount divided by the share price at the grant date. The final payout will be the number of  units multiplied by the share price at the end of the three-year period, as well as by a factor  that can vary between 0% and 200% based on a matrix of average return on equity and  compound earnings per share growth over the three-year period.  Our report for 2007 was based on value expectations for the outstanding LTI grants  which  have since proved unfounded. The line item “Change in fair value of plans vesting over several  years” in the compensation tables on the following pages reflects the disappointing  performance of the company during 2008 and as a result the LTI granted in 2006 will not  yield any value when it vests in March 2009. Similarly, the LTI grants made in 2007 and 2008  will also suffer a significant adverse effect. The Compensation Committee reviews the LTI on an annual basis to ensure that it remains  competitive, and that the measures and performance targets are well aligned with the  company’s goals. Employee benefits Swiss Re aims to provide an appropriate package of employee benefits for each distinct  operating environment. Employee benefits are one component in Swiss Re’s total reward  offering and should contribute to achieving competitive advantage, relative to general local  market employment conditions, in order to recruit, motivate and retain talent. The primary  purpose is to establish a level of security for the employee and their dependents in respect of  major events in their lives in the areas of age, health, disability and death. Stock grants Swiss Re does not grant employee stock options or restricted stock units (RSUs) on a regular  basis, but reserves the right to provide ad hoc grants based on events such as exceptional  business cycles, significant acquisitions or the replacement of forfeited equity for new  executive hires.  Summary of compensation at Board level  The members of the Board of Directors receive a fixed honorarium of CHF 325 000 per annum.  The Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Board, as well as the chairpersons of Committees,  receive a higher compensation to reflect their increased responsibilities and engagements.  Unlike the API for the Executive Committee, which is determined in arrears based on the results  of the performance year, the honorarium is determined in advance at the start of the financial  year. The honorarium is reviewed to ensure that it remains appropriate going forward. A minimum  of 40% of the honorarium must be taken in Swiss Re shares with a four-year deferral period. Compensation, participations and loans of the members of the Board of Directors (extract from note 15 to the Financial statements) CHF thousands Honorarium and cash allowances Honorarium shares Funding of pension benefits Total 2007 5 761 4 248 223 10 232 2008 5 772 4 561 167 10 500 122  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Corporate governance and compensation report Individual compensation of 14 members of the Board of Directors in 2008 CHF thousands Peter Forstmoser, Chairman Walter B. Kielholz, Vice Chairman Total 2007 3 267 2 893 Honorarium,  pension and  allowances  1 980 1 469 Honorarium  shares Total 2008 3 300 1 320 2 713 1 244 Prospective   total 2009 1650 1350 Honorariums are set at the beginning of each year and as such are not subject to the  performance of the company. In recognition of the difficulties faced by the company in the  current financial environment, the Chairman and the Vice Chairman have each elected to  forego 50% of their 2008 honorarium in 2009. CHF thousands Jakob Baer, Chairman of the Audit Committee Thomas W. Bechtler, Member Raymund Breu, Member Mathis Cabiallavetta,   Chairman of the Investment Committee1 Raymond K. F. Ch’ien, Member2 John R. Coomber,   Chairman of the Finance and Risk Committee Rajna Gibson Brandon, Member Bénédict G. F. Hentsch, Member Hans Ulrich Maerki, Member Robert A. Scott,   Chairman of the Compensation Committee John F. Smith, Jr., Former member3 Kaspar Villiger, Member Honorarium,   pension and   allowances  480 195 Total 2007 785 325 325 Honorarium   shares Total 2008 800 320 325 130 325 325 200 137 395 195 195 195 255 48 195 133 91 260 130 130 130 170 48 130 333 228 655 325 325 325 425 96 325 587 325 325 227 425 325 325 1 Elected to the Board of Directors at the Annual General Meeting of 18 April 2008, with effect as of 1 September 2008 2 Elected to the Board of Directors at the Annual General Meeting of 18 April 2008  3 Retired from the Board of Directors at the Annual General Meeting of 18 April 2008 Summary of compensation at Executive Committee level  The members of the Executive Committee are remunerated under the same scheme as all  other Swiss Re employees. The members of the Executive Committee are paid a fixed base  salary in cash. Furthermore, Executive Committee members receive a variable API, which  totalled CHF 12.34 million for 2008 (compared to CHF 25.33 million in 2007). As explained  above, a material part of the API is deferred through the VAI for three years, while the  remaining API can be taken either in cash or in bonus shares. All Executive Committee  members also participate in the LTI. Compensation of EC members in 2008 Total CHF 39 345 thousand 44% Long-term Incentive plan grant 21% Base salary and allowances 14% Cash variable pay for performance 11% Value Alignment Incentive 6% Shares 3% Funding of pension benefits The Chief Executive Officer and all Executive Committee members have standard employment  contracts without severance payment agreements. There are no specific “change in control”  or retention agreements in place with members of the Executive Committee, other than those  provisions applicable to all Swiss Re employees. Executives are covered by the standard  defined contribution pension plan of the company. The Swiss legal salary cap on insurable  salaries of CHF 795 600 applies and no additional provisions have been made. Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  123 Corporate governance and compensation report 5  Compensation, shareholdings and loans All required financial information on compensation, shareholdings and loans of members of  the Board of Directors, the Executive Committee and the highest paid member of the  Executive Committee can be found in note 15 to the Financial statements, on   pages 189 – 197. Compensation of members of the Executive Committee   (extract from note 15 to the Financial statements) CHF thousands Base salary and allowances Cash variable pay for performance  Total cash Value Alignment Incentive (VAI)1 Shares Long-term Incentive plan grant (LTI)2 Subtotal Compensation due to member leaving Contractual commitments due to new members Funding of pension benefits Total Change in fair value of plans vesting over several years 2007 8 868 10 229 19 097 12 243 2 862 16 000 50 202 2 280 1 494 53 976 4 671 2008 8 417 5 625 14 042 4 219 2 500 17 500 38 261 9 124 1 084 48 469 –53 087 1 Includes 25% uplift on nominal value, which will be paid out at vesting after three years. 2  For 2007 disclosure, the LTI plan granted was presented net of grant which included an adjustment to fair value as at  balance sheet date. For 2008 and going forward, the amounts for LTI represent the grant value of the plan for the   respective year and the changes in the fair value of the LTI plan as at balance sheet date are reflected in the line   “Change in fair value of plans vesting over several years”. 2007 numbers have been revised accordingly. Compensation of the Chief Executive Officer (extract from note 15 to the Financial statements) Jacques Aigrain, Chief Executive Officer CHF thousands Base salary and allowances Cash variable pay for performance  Total cash Value Alignment Incentive (VAI)1 Long-term Incentive plan grant (LTI)2 Subtotal Funding of pension benefits Total Change in fair value of plans vesting over several years 2007 1 475 2 600 4 075 4 875 5 000 13 950 223 14 173 1 557 2008 1 486 1 486 5 000 6 486 167 6 653 –16 900 1 Includes 25% uplift on nominal value, which will be paid out at vesting after three years. 2  For 2007 disclosure, the LTI plan granted was presented net of grant which included an adjustment to fair value    as at balance sheet date. For 2008 and going forward, the amounts for LTI represent the grant value of the plan   for the respective year and the changes in the fair value of the LTI plan as at balance sheet date are reflected in the line   “Change in fair value of plans vesting over several years”. 2007 numbers have been revised accordingly. 5.2  Transparency of compensations,  shareholdings and loans pertaining   to issuers domiciled abroad  This section is not applicable to Swiss Re, as Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd, the parent  company of the Group, is domiciled in Switzerland. 124  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Corporate governance and compensation report 6  Shareholders’ participation rights 6.1  Voting right restrictions and   representation Voting right restrictions, statutory group clauses, exception rules There are no voting right restrictions, no statutory group clauses and thus no rules on making  exceptions. Reasons for making exceptions in the year under review No exceptions were made. Procedure and conditions for cancelling statutory voting right restrictions As there are no voting right restrictions, there is neither a procedure nor a condition for their  cancellation. Statutory rules on participating in the General Meeting of shareholders if differing  from legal provisions In line with the legal provisions, any shareholder with voting rights may have his/her shares  represented at any General Meeting by another person authorised in writing or by corporate  bodies, independent proxies or proxies for deposited shares. Such representatives need not  be shareholders. The Articles of Association do not provide for any statutory quorums. Any General Meeting of  shareholders passes resolutions irrespective of the number of shareholders present or shares  represented by an absolute majority of the votes validly cast, subject to the compulsory  exceptions provided by law. The Chairman of the General Meeting shall determine the voting  procedure. As a rule, voting is usually carried out electronically. When this is not the case,  votes shall be cast by ballot if more than 50 of the shareholders present so demand by a show  of hands. 6.2 Statutory quorums 6.3  Convocation of the General Meeting  of shareholders The statutory rules on the convocation of the General Meeting of shareholders correspond  with the legal provisions. Accordingly, the General Meeting of shareholders is summoned by  the Board of Directors at least 20 days before the date of the meeting by notice published in  the Swiss Official Gazette of Commerce. 6.4 Agenda 6.5 Registrations in the share register Extraordinary General Meetings may be called by resolution of the General Meeting or the  Board of Directors, or by shareholders with voting powers, provided they represent at least  10% of the share capital. The Board of Directors announces the agenda. Shareholders with voting powers whose  combined holdings represent shares with a nominal value of at least CHF 100 000 may, no  later than 45 days before the date of the meeting, demand that matters be included in the  agenda. Such demands must be in writing and must specify the items and the proposals to be  submitted. There is no statutory rule on the deadline for registering shareholders in connection with the  attendance of the General Meeting. In recent years, Swiss Re acknowledged the voting rights  of shares which were registered at least two working days before the General Meeting. In  2008, the qualifying date for the Annual General Meeting held on Friday, 18 April 2008 was  Wednesday, 16 April 2008. Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  125 Corporate governance and compensation report 7  Changes of control and defence measures 7.1 Duty to make an offer Swiss Re has not taken any defence measures against take-over attempts. The governing  bodies are of the opinion that the best protection is a fair valuation of the shares. They believe  in the efficiency of a free market rather than relying on defence measures that normally have a  long-term negative effect on the share price development. There are no statutory rules on “opting up” or “opting out”. “Opting up” is a statutory rule  based on which the triggering threshold would be lifted to a higher percentage than 33⅓%  of all voting rights, while “opting out” is a statutory rule waiving the legal duty to submit an  offer when reaching the threshold of 33⅓% of all voting rights. Should a shareholder reach  the threshold of 33⅓% of all voting rights, then, under the Swiss Stock Exchange Act, the  shareholder would be required to submit a general take-over offer. 7.2 Clauses on change of control Unvested bonus shares, share options, and certain other employee benefit programmes  would vest upon a change of control. Rights of members of the governing bodies are identical  to those of employees. 126  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Corporate governance and compensation report 8  Auditors 8.1  Duration of the mandate and term   of office of the lead auditors PricewaterhouseCoopers AG (PwC), formerly known as Revisuisse Price Waterhouse AG,  were elected as Swiss Re’s auditors at the Annual General Meeting of 25 November 1991  and, since then, have been re-elected annually. At the Annual General Meeting of  shareholders on 18 April 2008, based on the proposal of the Audit Committee and  recommended by the Board of Directors, PwC were re-elected as Swiss Re’s statutory  auditors and auditors of the consolidated financial statements for a term of one year. Mr David J. A. Law and Ms Dawn M. Kink took up office as lead auditors responsible for the  existing auditing mandate as of 1 January 2004 and 1 September 2006, respectively. 8.2 Auditing honorarium The following summarises fees (including VAT) for professional services for the year ended   31 December 2008. 8.3 Additional honorarium Audit fees PricewaterhouseCoopers AG CHF 32.8 million Audit-related fees PricewaterhouseCoopers AG CHF 4.2 million Audit-related fees comprise, among other things, amounts for letters of comfort, accounting  advice, information systems reviews and reviews of internal controls. In addition to the fees described above, aggregate fees of CHF 2.5 million were billed by  PricewaterhouseCoopers AG during the year ended 31 December 2008, primarily for the  following:  ̤  ̤  ̤ Income tax compliance and related tax services CHF 0.4 million Other fees CHF 2.1 million Other fees include permitted advisory work related to a range of projects including due  diligence. 8.4  Supervisory and control instruments  vis-à-vis the external auditor The Audit Committee evaluates the external auditor annually and recommends one audit firm  to the Board of Directors for election at the following Annual General Meeting of shareholders.  The external auditor is accountable to the Audit Committee, the Board of Directors and  ultimately to the shareholders. The external auditor, PricewaterhouseCoopers AG, is responsible for performing an  independent audit of the consolidated financial statements in accordance with generally  accepted auditing standards. The Audit Committee liaises closely with the elected external  auditor. In particular, it discusses with the auditor any significant risks, contingencies or other  obligations of the company; it reviews and approves the planned audit services to be provided  by Group Internal Audit and the external auditor and discusses the audits with them; it  approves in advance non-audit services expected to be provided by the external auditor, and  reviews and approves other non-audit services that have been pre-approved by the Chairman  of the Audit Committee between committee meetings; it reviews major changes to the  company’s accounting principles and practices; it reviews the adequacy and efficacy of the  financial reporting process, the system of internal controls and quality control procedures, as  well as any significant findings and recommendations made by the external auditor. Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  127 Corporate governance and compensation report 8  Auditors The Audit Committee meets at least annually with the external auditor to review any  significant matters or disagreement between management and the auditor, if and when such  disagreements arise. It discusses with the auditor the results of the annual audit, in particular  their report on the financial statements, necessary changes to the audit plan, all critical  accounting policies, all alternative accounting treatments of financial information that have  been discussed with management and other material written communications with  management, such as management letters or schedules of unadjusted differences. The auditor is requested to supply a formal written statement at least once a year, delineating  all relationships with the company that might affect auditor independence. The Audit  Committee actively engages in a dialogue with the auditor in respect of any disclosed  relationships or services that might impact the auditor’s objectivity and independence, and  recommends to the Board of Directors appropriate action in response to the auditors’  statement to satisfy itself of the external auditor’s independence; it obtains from the auditor  and reviews, at least annually, a report describing the auditor’s own quality control  procedures, and any material issues raised by the most recent internal reviews, or inquiries or  investigations by governmental or professional authorities within the preceding five years and  any steps taken to deal with any such issues. In addition, it reviews the audit fees to consider  whether the level of fees is appropriate, as well as any fees paid to the auditor in respect of  non-audit services. In accordance with the Swiss Federal Act on the Licensing and Oversight of Auditors, and to  ensure independence of the external auditor, the lead audit partner rotates from his or her role  after seven years. 128  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Corporate governance and compensation report 9  Information policy One of Swiss Re’s core values is integrity through an uncompromising commitment to  transparency and ethical principles. As a result, the Group’s information policy goes beyond  legal requirements, aiming to meet best practice standards. Swiss Re maintains a close relationship with the financial community and the broader public  by using all available communication channels. Important corporate news is announced on an  ad-hoc basis. The Group’s website includes full details of its corporate disclosure. The Investor Relations unit at Swiss Re is responsible for managing all contacts with investors  and analysts. Meetings are held regularly with institutional investors and analysts to discuss  important corporate news or specific topics. These meetings can also be followed by private  shareholders via telephone conference or on the Swiss Re website. In 2008, Swiss Re held an  investors’ day on its Life & Health business and at the same time gave an update on market  exposures. Presentations and conference call recordings are made available to the public on  the Group’s website. In 2008, Swiss Re published its first Economic Value Management (EVM) report. EVM is  Swiss Re’s framework used for planning, pricing, reserving and managing the business. On   31 March 2008 Swiss Re held an EVM teach-in and disclosed EVM figures for 2006. In the  analyst and investor conference call on 6 May 2008 Swiss Re published its EVM results   for 2007. Swiss Re is strongly committed to treating all investors equally. The Group prevents selective  disclosure by observing ad-hoc publicity rules and a policy of restrictions for the so-called  “close period”, during which quarterly and annual financial results information is finalised.  Swiss Re subjects all employees globally to the corresponding trading restrictions in Swiss Re  securities. The close period commences on a given date preceding the official publication of  the financial information and ends after a “cooling off” period following public release.  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  129 Corporate governance and compensation report 9  Information policy The corporate calendar as well as regularly updated information are available on Swiss Re’s  website: Corporate news in 2008 and method of distribution  News  Swiss Re enters into strategic   partnership with the largest   domestic reinsurer in Vietnam Swiss Re successfully places   EUR 200 million in a French   windstorm securitisation for the   benefit of Groupama SA World Economic Forum event;   Global Risk Report 2008  Swiss Re successfully closes   USD 175 million private XXX   transaction with The Savings   Bank Life Insurance Company   of Massachusetts Swiss Re successfully places first   ever bond linked to Central American   earthquakes  Berkshire Hathaway acquires   a 3% stake in Swiss Re To extend its leading influence in   the risk transfer industry, Swiss Re   continues to sharpen its business   model Annual Results 2007   Method of dissemination News release  News release  News release and press conference  in London News release  News release  News release  News release  News release, press conference and  analysts’ meeting in Zurich (including  telephone conference and web cast) News release  Swiss Re to establish full-service third   News release  party administrator in China – move   underlines commitment to Chinese   medical insurance industry Swiss Re appoints David J. Blumer   as Chief Investment Officer and   Member of the Executive Committee 144th Annual General Meeting  First quarter 2008 and   EVM 2007 results  Swiss Re recognised as Admitted   Reinsurer to Brazilian reinsurance    market Swiss Re obtains USD 150 million   of natural catastrophe protection   through Vega capital programme News release  Meeting in Zurich and news release News release and press and analysts’   telephone conference in Zurich News release  Date   7 January  7 January  9 January  11 January  22 January  23 January  29 February   29 February  2 April   2 April   18 April  6 May  26 May  30 June  130  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report                                                                                                                                                                             Corporate governance and compensation report Corporate news in 2008 and method of distribution  Date  10 July  5 August  News  Swiss Re names Stefan Lippe as   Deputy CEO and Chief Operating    Officer and Brian Gray as Chief    Underwriting Officer; Andreas Beerli   to retire in 2009 Second quarter 2008 results  19 August   Walter Bell to join Swiss Re as   Chairman of Swiss Re America   Holding Corporation “Les Rendez-Vous de Septembre   2008”, (re)insurance industry event   in Monte Carlo 25 September  Swiss Re hosts Investors’ Day in   8 September  Method of dissemination  News release  News release, press conference in   Zurich and analystsʼ telephone   conference News release  News release, press conference and  analysts’ meeting in Monte Carlo  News release, press conference and  analysts’ meeting in Zurich  20 October  31 October   4 November  9 December  Zurich: The Group provides update   on its Life & Health business and its    investment portfolio Swiss Re enters into a weather   derivative contract with the World    Bank covering drought in Malawi Swiss Re completes GBP 762 million   News release  acquisition of Barclays Life Assurance   Company Ltd Third quarter 2008 results  News release  Swiss Re’s Economic Forum 2008:   The financial crisis and its effects  on global insurance News release, press conference in  Zurich and analystsʼ telephone   conference  News release and press conference in   London (including telephone conference)  Important dates for 2009 19 February   13 March     7  May    5  August    3  November    9  December  2008 annual results 145th Annual General Meeting First quarter 2009 results Second quarter 2009 results Third quarter 2009 results Investors’ Day Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  131                                                                                                                                       Financial statements 132  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Financial statements Financial statements Contents  Group financial statements  135  Income statement  Notes to the Group financial  statements 136  Balance sheet  138  Statement of shareholders’ equity  139  Statement of comprehensive income  140  Statement of cash flow 141  Note 1  Organisation and summary of significant accounting policies  150  Note 2  Investments  156  Note 3  Fair value disclosures  161  Note 4  Derivative financial instruments  165  Note 5  Acquisitions  167  Note 6  Deferred acquisition costs (DAC) and acquired present value of future profits (PVFP)  168  Note 7  Debt  171  Note 8  Unpaid claims and claim adjustment expenses  173  Note 9  Reinsurance information  175  Note 10  Financial guarantee reinsurance  176  Note 11  Earnings per share  177  Note 12  Income taxes  180  Note 13  Benefit plans  186  Note 14  Share-based payments  189  Note 15  Compensation, participations and loans of members of governing bodies  198  Note 16  Commitments and contingent liabilities  200  Note 17  Information on business segments  208  Note 18  Subsidiaries, equity investees and variable interest entities  218  Note 19  Restructuring provision  219  Note 20  Risk Assessment  220  Note 21  Subsequent event  222  Report of the statutory auditor Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd  225  Annual report  227  Income statement  228  Balance sheet  230  Notes  240  Proposal for allocation of profit  241  Report of the statutory auditor Financial years 1999 – 2008  243 Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  133                                                             Financial statements 134  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Financial statements / Group financial statements Income statement For the years ended 31 December CHF millions Revenues Premiums earned Fee income from policyholders Net investment income Net realised investment gains/losses Other revenues Total revenues Expenses Claims and claim adjustment expenses Life and health benefits Return credited to policyholders Acquisition costs Other expenses Interest expenses Total expenses Income/loss before income tax expense/benefit Income tax expense/benefit Net income/loss Earnings per share in CHF Basic Diluted The accompanying notes are an integral part of the Group financial statements. Note 9, 17 9, 17 2, 17 2, 17 17 9, 17 9, 17 17 9, 17 17 17 2007 2008 31 664 955 10 692 –739 302 42 874 –12 065 –11 112 –2 120 –6 499 –4 077 –1 814 –37 687 5 187 –1 025 4 162 25 501 808 7 881 –9 482 270 24 978 –10 007 –9 065 2 822 –5 366 –3 211 –1 501 –26 328 –1 350 486 –864 11 11 11.95 11.23 –2.61 –2.61 Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  135 Financial statements / Group financial statements Balance sheet As of 31 December Assets CHF millions Investments Fixed income securities: Available-for-sale, at fair value (including 9 045 in 2007 and 8 188 in 2008 subject to  securities lending and repurchase agreements) (amortised cost: 2007: 105 995; 2008:  106 216) Trading (including 15 000 in 2007 and 33 in 2008 subject to securities lending   and repurchase agreements) Equity securities:      Available-for-sale, at fair value (including 1 528 in 2007 and 9 in 2008 subject to securities  lending and repurchase agreements) (amortised cost: 2007: 9 039; 2008: 675) Trading Policy loans, mortgages and other loans  Investment real estate Short-term investments, at amortised cost which approximates fair value Other invested assets Total investments Cash and cash equivalents (including 0 in 2007 and 2 477 in 2008  subject to securities lending) Accrued investment income Premiums and other receivables Reinsurance recoverable on unpaid claims and policy benefits Funds held by ceding companies Deferred acquisition costs Acquired present value of future profits Goodwill Income taxes recoverable Other assets Note 2, 3, 4 2007 2008 107 810 103 438 51 793 13 961 10 759 22 103 7 414 2 682 8 786 16 465 227 812 11 531 2 139 14 341 14 232 14 205 5 152 6 769 4 897 1 049 5 160 833 15 355 6 611 2 143 5 802 15 822 163 965 17 268 1 449 12 446 11 934 11 230 4 311 6 139 4 265 757 6 113 9 6, 9 6 Total assets 307 287 239 877 The accompanying notes are an integral part of the Group financial statements. 136  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Financial statements / Group financial statements Liabilities and shareholders’ equity CHF millions Liabilities Unpaid claims and claim adjustment expenses Liabilities for life and health policy benefits Policyholder account balances Unearned premiums Funds held under reinsurance treaties Reinsurance balances payable Income taxes payable Deferred and other non-current taxes Short-term debt Accrued expenses and other liabilities Long-term debt Total liabilities Shareholders’ equity Common stock, CHF 0.10 par value 2007: 370 386 755; 2008: 363 516 036 shares authorised and issued Additional paid-in capital Treasury shares Accumulated other comprehensive income: Net unrealised investment gains/losses, net of deferred taxes Cumulative translation adjustments, net of deferred taxes Accumulated adjustment for pension and post-retirement benefits, net of deferred taxes Total accumulated other comprehensive income Retained earnings Total shareholders’ equity Note 2007 2008 8 9 9 12 7 7 88 528 50 026 41 340 7 722 8 377 5 384 679 3 817 12 658 33 552 23 337 275 420 37 11 208 –1 540 3 119 –2 554 –115 450 21 712 31 867 75 510 39 911 34 518 7 802 5 872 5 493 769 1 329 6 522 21 245 20 453 219 424 36 10 776 –1 640 –2 407 –4 854 –529 –7 790 19 071 20 453 Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity 307 287 239 877 The accompanying notes are an integral part of the Group financial statements. Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  137 Financial statements / Group financial statements Statement of shareholders’ equity For the years ended 31 December CHF millions Common shares Balance as of 1 January Issue of common shares Cancellation of shares bought back Balance as of period end Additional paid-in capital Balance as of 1 January Issue of common shares1 Cancellation of shares bought back Share-based compensation Realised gains/losses on treasury shares Balance as of period end Treasury shares Balance as of 1 January Purchase of treasury shares Cancellation of shares bought back Sales of treasury shares Balance as of period end Net unrealised gains/losses, net of tax Balance as of 1 January Change during the period  Cumulative effect of adoption of SFAS 159 Balance as of period end Foreign currency translation Balance as of 1 January Change during the period  Balance as of period end Adjustment for pension and other post-retirement benefits Balance as of 1 January Change during the period  Balance as of period end Retained earnings Balance as of 1 January Net income/loss Dividends on common shares Cumulative effect of adoption of FIN 48 Cumulative effect of adoption of SFAS 158 Cumulative effect of adoption of SFAS 159 Deferred income tax on cross-border business transfer2 Balance as of period end 2007 2008 37 37 11 136 38 –18 52 11 208 –272 –2 574 1 306 –1 540 2 230 889 3 119 –205 –2 349 –2 554 –724 609 –115 18 682 4 162 –1 162 30 21 712 37 1 –2 36 11 208 992 –1 453 78 –49 10 776 –1 540 –2 032 1 453 479 –1 640 3 119 –5 493 –33 –2 407 –2 554 –2 300 –4 854 –115 –414 –529 21 712 –864 –1 331 –31 –7 –408 19 071 Total shareholders’ equity 31 867 20 453 1 This balance represents the premium from the conversion of a mandatory convertible bond that matured in December 2008. 2  The novation of certain treaties from Swiss Re’s Bermuda branches to Swiss Re Zurich resulted in a net deferred tax liability transfer to Swiss Re Zurich. The respective increase    in deferred tax liability is due to different jurisdictional tax rates. The transfer of the net deferred tax liability does not impact the Group’s net income or effective tax rate. The accompanying notes are an integral part of the Group financial statements. 138  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Financial statements / Group financial statements Statement of comprehensive income For the years ended 31 December CHF millions Net income/loss Other comprehensive income, net of tax: Change in unrealised gains/losses (tax: 213 in 2007 and –963 in 2008) Change in foreign currency translation (tax: –201 in 2007 and –238 in 2008) Change in adjustment for pension benefits (tax: –194 in 2007 and –123 in 2008) Comprehensive income/loss The accompanying notes are an integral part of the Group financial statements. 2007 4 162 889 –2 349 609 3 311 2008 –864 –5 526 –2 300 –414 –9 104 Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  139 Financial statements / Group financial statements Statement of cash flow For the years ended 31 December CHF millions Cash flows from operating activities Net income Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided/used by operating activities: Depreciation, amortisation and other non-cash items Net realised investment gains/losses Change in: Technical provisions, net Funds held by ceding companies and other reinsurance balances Other assets and liabilities, net Income taxes payable/recoverable Income from equity-accounted investees, net of dividends received Trading positions, net Securities purchased/sold under agreement to resell/repurchase, net Net cash provided/used by operating activities Cash flows from investing activities Fixed income securities: Sales and maturities Purchases Net purchase/sale/maturities of short-term investments Equity securities: Sales Purchases Cash paid/received for acquisitions/disposals and reinsurance transactions, net  Net purchases/sales/maturities of other investments Net cash provided/used by investing activities Cash flows from financing activities Issuance of long-term debt Issuance/repayment of short-term debt Equity issued Purchase/sale of treasury shares Dividends paid to shareholders Net cash provided/used by financing activities Total net cash provided/used Effect of foreign currency translation Change in cash and cash equivalents  Cash and cash equivalents as of 1 January Cash and cash equivalents as of 31 December 2007 4 162 676 739 –6 434 –449 3 107 672 –407 –13 331 7 935 –3 330 2008 –864 871 9 482 –11 687 3 191 –3 407 –1 213 1 031 4 721 –8 214 –6 089 59 324 –61 711 980 89 219 –81 530 4 020 6 495 –6 244 1 615 –1 761 –1 302 4 342 2 057 38 –2 303 –1 162 2 972 –1 660 –415 –2 075 13 606 11 531 9 137 –1 440 170 –757 18 819 1 327 –5 354 1 –1 553 –1 331 –6 910 5 820 –83 5 737 11 531 17 268 The accompanying notes are an integral part of the Group financial statements. Interest paid during 2008 was CHF 1 644 million including interest paid on repurchase agreements. The Group settled a mandatory  convertible bond totalling CHF 996 million with equity. For 2007 comparatives fixed income securities designated as trading assets have been reclassified from operating cash flows to investing  cash flows according to the nature and purpose for which those assets are held as per the amendment to FAS 95 “Statement of Cash Flows”. 140  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Financial statements / Notes to the Group financial statements Notes to the Group financial statements Nature of operations Basis of presentation Principles of consolidation Use of estimates in the  preparation of financial  statements Foreign currency  remeasurements and  translation 1  Organisation and summary of significant accounting policies The Swiss Re Group, which is headquartered in Zurich, Switzerland, comprises Swiss  Reinsurance Company Ltd (the parent company, referred to as “Swiss Re Zurich”) and its  subsidiaries (collectively, the “Swiss Re Group” or the “Group”). The Group provides  reinsurance and other related products and services to insurance companies, direct  clients and  others worldwide through reinsurance brokers and a network of offices in over 25 countries. The accompanying consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance   with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America (US GAAP)   and comply with Swiss law. The Group’s financial statements are stated in Swiss francs (CHF),   the currency of the country in which Swiss Re Zurich is incorporated. All significant   inter-company transactions and balances have been eliminated on consolidation. The Group’s financial statements include the consolidated financial statements of Swiss Re  Zurich and its subsidiaries. Entities which Swiss Re Zurich directly or indirectly controls  through holding a majority of the voting rights are consolidated in the Group’s accounts. The  Group also consolidates variable interest entities where Swiss Re is the primary beneficiary.  Companies which Swiss Re Zurich does not control, but over which Swiss Re Zurich directly  or indirectly exercises significant influence, are accounted for using the equity method and  are included in other invested assets. The Swiss Re Group’s share of net profit or loss in  investments accounted for under the equity method is included in net investment income.  Equity and net income of these companies are adjusted as necessary to be in line with   the Group’s accounting policies. The results of consolidated subsidiaries and investments  accounted for using the equity method are included in the financial statements for the period  commencing from the date of acquisition. The preparation of financial statements requires management to make significant estimates  and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses  as well as the related disclosure including contingent assets and liabilities. The Swiss Re  Group’s liabilities for unpaid claims and claim adjustment expenses and policy benefits for life  and health include estimates for premium, claim and benefit data not received from ceding  companies at the date of the financial statements. In addition, the Group uses certain financial  instruments and invests in securities of certain entities for which exchange trading does not  exist. The Group determines these estimates based on historical information, actuarial  analyses, financial modelling, and other analytical techniques. Actual results could differ  significantly from the estimates described above. Transactions denominated in foreign currencies are remeasured to the respective subsidiary’s  functional currency at average quarterly exchange rates. Monetary assets and liabilities are  remeasured to the functional currency at closing exchange rates, whereas non-monetary  assets and liabilities are remeasured to the functional currency at historical rates. Remeasurement  gains and losses on monetary assets and liabilities and trading securities are reported in  earnings. Remeasurement gains and losses on available-for-sale securities, investments in  consolidated subsidiaries and investments accounted for using the equity method are  reported in shareholders’ equity. For consolidation purposes, assets and liabilities of subsidiaries with functional currencies  other than Swiss francs are translated from the functional currency to Swiss francs at closing  rates. Revenues and expenses are translated at average exchange rates. Translation  adjustments are reported in shareholders’ equity. Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  141 Financial statements / Notes to the Group financial statements The fair value of the majority of the Group’s financial instruments is based on quoted prices in  active markets or observable inputs. These instruments include government and agency  securities, commercial paper, most investment-grade corporate debt, most high-yield debt  securities, exchange traded derivative instruments, most mortgage-backed and asset-backed  securities and listed equity securities. In markets with reduced or no  liquidity, spreads between  bid and offer prices are normally wider compared to spreads in highly liquid markets. Such  market conditions affect the valuation of certain asset classes of the Group, such as some  asset-backed securities as well as certain derivative structures referencing such asset classes. The Group considers both the credit risk of its counterparties, and own risk of non-performance  in the valuation of certain financial instruments. In determining the fair value of the financial  instruments, the assessment of the Group’s exposure to the credit risk of our counterparties  incorporates consideration of existing collateral and netting arrangements entered into with  each counterparty. The measure of the counterparty credit risk is estimated for derivative  instruments and other over-the-counter financial assets with incorporation of the observable  credit spreads, where available, or credit spread estimates  derived based on the benchmarking  techniques where market data is not available. The impact of the Group’s own risk of   non-performance is analysed in the manner consistent with the aforementioned approach;  with consideration of the Group’s observable credit spreads. The value representing such   risk is incorporated into the fair value of the financial instruments (primarily derivatives),   in a liability position as of the measurement date. The change in this adjustment from period   to period is reflected in realised gains and losses in the income statement. There can also be differences between the market values implied by collateral requested by  counterparties and the prices observed in the markets. The Group has provided collateral on  all financial instruments, including the structured credit default swap, in excess of the market  value estimate of CHF 391 million. For these assets or derivative structures, the Group uses  market prices or inputs derived from market prices. A separate internal price verification  process, independent of the trading function, provides an additional control over the market  prices or market input used to determine the fair values of such assets. Whilst management  considers that appropriate values have been ascribed to such assets, current market conditions  increase the level of uncertainty and judgment over these valuations. Subsequent valuations  could differ significantly from the results of the process described above. The Group may  become aware of counterparty valuations, either directly through the exchange of information  or indirectly, for example, through collateral demands. Any implied differences are considered  in the independent price verification process and may result in adjustments to initially indicated  valuations. The Group’s investments in fixed income and equity securities are classified as available-for- sale (AFS) or trading. Fixed income securities AFS and equity securities AFS are carried at   fair value, based on quoted market prices, with the difference between original cost and fair  value being recognised in shareholders’ equity. Trading fixed income and equity securities   are carried at fair value with unrealised gains and losses being recognised in earnings. The Group only transfers investments from the trading into the available-for-sale category  under rare circumstances. Transfers are accounted for at fair value at the date of transfer, which  becomes the new cost basis. As of 1 October 2008 the Group reclassified fixed income  securities from the trading into the available-for-sale category. Refer to Note 2 Investments   for more detail. Valuation of financial assets Investments 142  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Financial statements / Notes to the Group financial statements The cost of fixed income and equity securities are reduced to fair value, with a corresponding  charge to realised investment losses if the decline in value, expressed in functional currency  terms, is other than temporary. Subsequent recoveries of previously recognised impairments  are not recognised. Interest on fixed income securities is recorded in net investment income when earned and   is adjusted for the amortisation of any purchase premium or discount. Dividends on equity  securities are recorded on the basis of the ex-dividend date. Realised gains and losses on  sales are included in earnings and are calculated using the specific identification method. Policy loans, mortgages and other loans are carried at amortised cost (effective yield method),  net of any allowance for the estimated uncollectible amounts. Investment in real estate that the Group intends to hold for the production of income is carried  at depreciated cost, net of any write-down for impairment in value. Impairment in value is  recognised if the sum of the estimated future undiscounted cash flows from the use of the real  estate is lower than its carrying value. Impairment in value, depreciation and other related  charges or credits are included in net investment income. Investment in real estate held for sale  is carried at the lower of cost or fair value, less estimated selling costs, and is not depreciated.  Reductions in the carrying value of real estate held for sale are included in realised investment  losses. Short-term investments are carried at amortised cost, which approximates fair value. The  Group considers highly liquid investments with a remaining maturity at the date of acquisition  of one year or less, but greater than three months, to be short-term investments.  Other invested assets include affiliated companies, equity accounted companies, derivative  financial instruments, collateral receivables, securities purchased under agreement to resell,  and investments without readily determinable fair value (including limited partnership  investments). Investments in limited partnerships where the Group’s interest equals or  exceeds 3% are accounted for using the equity method. Investments in limited partnerships  where the Group’s interest is below 3% and equity investments in corporate entities which  are not publicly traded are accounted for at estimated fair value with changes in fair value  recognised as unrealised gains/losses in shareholders’ equity.  The Group enters into security lending arrangements under which it loans certain securities   in exchange for collateral and receives securities lending fees. The Group’s policy is to require  collateral, consisting of cash or securities, equal to at least 102% of the carrying value of the  securities loaned. In certain arrangements, the Group may accept collateral of less than 102%  if the structure of the overall transaction offers an equivalent level of security. Cash received  as collateral is recognised along with an obligation to return the cash. Securities received as  collateral that can be sold or repledged are also recognised along with an obligation to return  those securities. Security lending fees are recognised over the term of the related loans. The Group uses a variety of derivative financial instruments including swaps, options, forwards  and exchange-traded financial futures for the Group’s trading and hedging strategy in line  with the overall risk management strategy. Derivative financial instruments are primarily used  as a means of managing exposure to price, foreign currency and/or interest rate risk on  planned or anticipated investment purchases, existing assets or liabilities and also to lock in  attractive investment conditions for funds which become available in the future. The Group  recognises all of its derivative instruments on the balance sheet at fair value. Derivatives that  are not designated as hedging instruments are adjusted to fair value through earnings. Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  143 Derivative financial   instruments and hedge   accounting Financial statements / Notes to the Group financial statements If the derivative is designated as a hedge of the fair value of assets or liabilities, changes in   the fair value of the derivative are recognised in earnings, together with changes in the fair  value of the related hedged item. If the derivative is designated as a hedge of the variability   in expected future cash flows related to a particular risk, changes in the fair value of the  derivative are reported in other comprehensive income until the hedged item is recognised   in earnings. The ineffective portion of the hedge is recognised in earnings. When hedge  accounting is discontinued on a cash flow hedge, the net gain or loss remains in accumulated  other comprehensive income and is reclassified to earnings in the period in which the  formerly hedged transaction is reported in earnings. When the Group discontinues hedge  accounting because it is no longer probable that a forecasted transaction will occur within the  required time period, the derivative continues to be carried on the balance sheet at fair value,  and gains and losses that were previously recorded in accumulated other comprehensive  income are recognised in earnings.  The Group recognises separately derivatives that are embedded within other host instruments  if the economic characteristics and risks are not clearly and closely related to the economic  characteristics and risks of the host contract and if it meets the definition of a derivative if it   were stand-alone. Derivative financial instrument assets are generally included in other invested assets and  derivative financial instrument liabilities are generally included in accrued expenses and other  liabilities. The Group also designates non-derivative monetary financial instruments as a hedge of the  foreign currency exposure of its net investment in certain foreign operations. From the  inception of the hedging relationship, remeasurement gains and losses on the designated  non-derivative monetary financial instruments and translation gains and losses on the hedged  net investment are reported as translation gains and losses in shareholders’ equity.  Cash and cash equivalents include cash on hand, short-term deposits, certain short-term  investments in money market funds, and highly liquid debt instruments with a remaining  maturity at the date of acquisition of three months or less. Acquisition costs, which vary with, and are primarily related to, the production of new  insurance and reinsurance business, are deferred to the extent they are deemed recoverable  from future gross profits. Deferred acquisition costs consist principally of commissions.  Deferred acquisition costs for short-duration contracts are amortised in proportion to  premiums earned. Future investment income is considered in determining the recoverability  of deferred acquisition costs for short-duration contracts. Deferred acquisition costs for   long-duration contracts are amortised over the life of underlying contracts. Deferred  acquisition costs for universal life-type contracts are amortised based on the present value   of estimated gross profits. Cash and cash equivalents Deferred acquisition costs Business combinations The Group applies the purchase method of accounting for business combinations. This  method allocates the cost of the acquired entity to the assets and liabilities assumed based   on their estimated fair values at the date of acquisition. 144  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Financial statements / Notes to the Group financial statements Admin Re® blocks of business can be acquired in different legal forms, either through an  acquisition of an entity’s share capital or through a reinsurance transaction. The Group’s policy  is to treat these transactions consistently regardless of the form of acquisition. Accordingly,  the Group records the acquired assets and liabilities directly to the balance sheet. Premiums,  life and health benefits and other income statement items are not recorded in the income  statement on the date of the acquisition.  The underlying liabilities and assets acquired are subsequently accounted for according to   the relevant GAAP guidance, including specific guidance applicable to subsequent accounting  for assets and liabilities recognised as part of the purchase method of accounting, including  present value of future profit, goodwill and other intangible assets. The acquired present value of future profits (PVFP) of business in force is recorded in connection  with the acquisition of life and/or health operations. The initial value is determined actuarially  by discounting estimated future gross profits as a measure of the value of business acquired.  The resulting asset is amortised on a constant yield basis over the expected revenue recognition  period of the business acquired, generally over periods ranging up to 30 years, with the accrual  of interest added to the unamortised balance at the earned rate. The carrying value of PVFP is  reviewed periodically for indicators of impairment in value. Adjustments to reflect impairment  in value are recognised in earnings during the period in which the determination of impairment  is made. The excess of the purchase price of acquired businesses over the estimated fair value of net  assets acquired is recorded as goodwill, which is reviewed periodically for indicators of  impairment in value. Adjustments to reflect impairment in value are recognised in earnings   in the period in which the determination of impairment is made. Other assets include deferred expenses on retroactive reinsurance, separate account assets,  prepaid reinsurance premiums, receivables related to investing activities, real estate for own  use, property, plant and equipment, accrued income, certain intangible assets and prepaid  assets.  The excess of estimated liabilities for claims and claim adjustment expenses payable over  consideration received in respect of retroactive property and casualty reinsurance contracts   is recorded as a deferred expense. The deferred expense on retroactive reinsurance contracts  is amortised through earnings over the expected claims-paying period.  Separate account assets are carried at fair value. The investment performance (including  interest, dividends, realised gains and losses and changes in unrealised gains and losses) of  separate account assets and the corresponding amounts credited to the contract holder are  offset to zero in the same line item in earnings. Real estate for own use, property, plant and equipment are carried at depreciated cost.  External direct costs of materials and services incurred to develop or obtain software for  internal use, payroll and payroll-related costs for employees directly associated with   software development and interest cost incurred while developing software for internal use  are capitalised and amortised on a straight-line basis through earnings over the estimated  useful life. Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  145 Acquired present value   of future profits Goodwill Other assets Capitalised software costs Financial statements / Notes to the Group financial statements Deferred income tax assets and liabilities are recognised based on the difference between  financial statement carrying amounts and the corresponding income tax bases of assets and  liabilities using enacted income tax rates and laws. A valuation allowance is recorded against  deferred tax assets when it is deemed more likely than not that some or all of the deferred   tax asset may not be realised. Liabilities for unpaid claims and claim adjustment expenses for property and casualty  reinsurance contracts are accrued when insured events occur and are based on the estimated  ultimate cost of settling the claims, using reports and individual case estimates received from  ceding companies. A provision is also included for claims incurred but not reported, which is  developed on the basis of past experience adjusted for current trends and other factors that  modify past experience. The establishment of the appropriate level of reserves is an inherently  uncertain process involving estimates and judgments made by management, and therefore  there can be no assurance that ultimate claims and claim adjustment expenses will not exceed  the loss reserves currently established. These estimates are regularly reviewed, and adjustments  for differences between estimates and actual payments for claims and for changes in estimates  are reflected in income in the period in which the estimates are changed or payments are made. The Group does not discount liabilities arising from prospective property and casualty insurance  and reinsurance contracts, including liabilities which are discounted for US statutory reporting  purposes. Liabilities arising from property and casualty insurance and reinsurance contracts  acquired in a business combination are initially recognised at fair value in accordance with the  purchase method of accounting. Experience features which are directly linked to a reinsurance asset or liability are classified   in a manner that is consistent with the presentation of that asset or liability. Liabilities for life and health policy benefits from reinsurance business are generally calculated  using the net level premium method, based on assumptions as to investment yields, mortality,  withdrawals, lapses and policyholder dividends. Assumptions are set at the time the contract  is issued or, in the case of contracts acquired by purchase, at the purchase date. The  assumptions are based on projections from past experience, making allowance for possible  adverse deviation. Interest assumptions for life and health reinsurance benefits liabilities  range from 1% to 11%. Assumed mortality rates are generally based on experience multiples  applied to the actuarial select and ultimate tables based on industry experience. Liabilities   for policy benefits are increased if it is determined that future cash flows, including investment  income, are insufficient to cover future benefits and expenses.  The liability for accident and health policy benefits consists of active life reserves and the  estimated present value of the remaining ultimate net costs of incurred claims. The active life  reserves include unearned premiums and additional reserves. The additional reserves are  computed on the net level premium method using assumptions for future investment yield,  mortality and morbidity experience. The assumptions are based on projections of past  experience and include provisions for possible adverse deviation. Deferred income taxes Unpaid claims and claim  adjustment expenses Liabilities for life and health  policy benefits 146  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Financial statements / Notes to the Group financial statements Policyholder account  balances Policyholder account balances relate to universal life-type contracts and investment contracts.  Interest crediting rates for policyholder account balances range from 2.5% to 8.5%. Funds held assets and  liabilities Premiums Universal life-type contracts are long-duration insurance contracts, providing either death or  annuity benefits, with terms that are not fixed and guaranteed.  Investment contracts are long-duration contracts that do not incorporate significant insurance  risk if there is no mortality and morbidity risk, or the mortality and morbidity risk associated  with the insurance benefit features offered in the contract is of insignificant amount or remote  probability. Amounts received as payment for investment contracts are reported as  policyholder account balances. Related assets are included in general account assets.  Amounts assessed against policyholders for mortality, administration and surrender are  shown as fee income. Amounts credited to policyholders are shown as return credited to   policyholders. Investment income and realised investment gains and losses allocable to  policyholders are included in net investment income and net realised investment gains/ losses. Funds held assets and liabilities include amounts retained by the ceding company or the  Group for business written on a funds withheld basis, and amounts arising from the  application of the deposit method of accounting to insurance and reinsurance contracts that  do not indemnify the ceding company or the Group against loss or liability relating to  insurance risk.  Under the deposit method of accounting, the deposit asset or liability is initially measured  based on the consideration paid or received. For contracts that transfer neither significant  timing nor underwriting risk, and contracts that transfer only significant timing risk, changes in  estimates of the timing or amounts of cash flows are accounted for by recalculating the  effective yield. The deposit is then adjusted to the amount that would have existed had the  new effective yield been applied since the inception of the contract. The revenue and expense  recorded for such contracts is included in net investment income. For contracts that transfer  only significant underwriting risk, once a loss is incurred, the deposit is adjusted by the  present value of the incurred loss. At each subsequent balance sheet date, the portion of the  deposit attributable to the incurred loss is recalculated by discounting the estimated future  cash flows. The resulting changes in the carrying amount of the deposit are recognised in  claims and claim adjustment expenses. Property and casualty reinsurance premiums are recorded when written and include an   estimate for written premiums receivable at period end. Premiums earned are generally  recognised in income over the contract period in proportion to the amount of reinsurance  provided. Unearned premiums consist of the unexpired portion of reinsurance provided.   Life reinsurance premiums are earned when due. Related policy benefits are recorded in   relation to the associated premium or gross profits so that profits are recognised over the  expected lives of the contracts.  Life and health reinsurance premiums for group coverages are generally earned over the   term of the coverage. For group contracts that allow experience adjustments to premiums,  such premiums are recognised as the related experience emerges. Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  147 Financial statements / Notes to the Group financial statements The Group uses retrocession arrangements to increase its aggregate underwriting capacity,   to diversify its risk and to reduce the risk of catastrophic loss on reinsurance assumed. The  ceding of risks to retrocessionaires does not relieve the Group of its obligations to its ceding  companies. The Group regularly evaluates the financial condition of its retrocessionaires and  monitors the concentration of credit risk to minimise its exposure to financial loss from  retrocessionaires’ insolvency. Premiums and losses ceded under retrocession contracts are  reported as reductions of premiums earned and claims and claim adjustment expenses.  Amounts recoverable for ceded short- and long-duration contracts, including universal   life-type and investment contracts, are reported as assets in the accompanying consolidated  balance sheet. The Group provides reserves for uncollectible amounts on reinsurance balances ceded, based  on management’s assessment of the collectibility of the outstanding balances.  The Group accounts for its pension and other post-retirement benefit costs using the accrual  method of accounting. Amounts charged to expense are based on periodic actuarial  determinations. The Group has a long-term incentive plan, a fixed option plan, a restricted share plan, and an  employee participation plan. These plans are described in more detail in Note 14. The Group  accounts for share-based payment transactions with employees using the fair value method.  Under the fair value method, the fair value of the awards is recognised in earnings over the   vesting period.  For share-based compensation plans which are settled in cash, compensation costs are  recognised as liabilities, whereas for equity-settled plans, compensation costs are recognised  as an accrual to additional paid-in capital within shareholders’ equity. Treasury shares are reported at cost in shareholders’ equity. Treasury shares also include  stand-alone derivative instruments indexed to the Group’s shares that meet the requirements  for classification in shareholders’ equity. Basic earnings per common share are determined by dividing net income available to  shareholders by the weighted average number of common shares entitled to dividends during  the year. Diluted earnings per common share reflect the effect on earnings and average  common shares outstanding associated with dilutive securities. In September 2006, the Financial Accounting Standards Board issued SFAS No. 158  “Employers’ Accounting for Defined Benefit Pension and Other Postretirement Plans” (SFAS  158). SFAS 158 requires an employer to recognise the overfunded or underfunded status of  a defined benefit post-retirement plan as an asset or liability and to recognise changes in that  funded status in the year in which the changes occur through comprehensive income. The  Group adopted the provisions of SFAS 158 for the year ended 31 December 2006 except for  the provision to measure plan assets and benefit obligations as of the date of the employers’  fiscal year end statement of financial condition. The Group adopted the final provision as of    1 January 2008. Refer to Note 13 for further information. Reinsurance ceded  Pensions and other   post-retirement benefits Share-based payment  transactions Treasury shares Earnings per common share Recent accounting guidance 148  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Financial statements / Notes to the Group financial statements In September 2006, the Financial Accounting Standards Board issued SFAS No. 157 “Fair  Value Measurements” (SFAS 157). SFAS 157 establishes a new definition and frame work   for determining fair value and expands the required disclosures for assets and liabilities  recorded at fair value. This statement applies to all assets and liabilities measured at fair   value which are required or allowed by other standards with limited  exceptions. The Group  adopted SFAS 157 as of 1 January 2008. Refer to Note 3 for further information. In February 2007, the Financial Accounting Standards Board issued SFAS No. 159 “The Fair  Value Option for Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities” (SFAS 159). SFAS 159  enables  entities to elect to measure specified financial assets and liabilities at fair value on an  instrument-by-instrument basis and expands the ability to use fair value measurements with  financial instruments and certain other items for which fair value measurement was not  previously permitted. The Group adopted SFAS 159 and applied the fair value option as of   1 January 2008. Refer to Note 3 for further information. In April 2007, the Financial Accounting Standards Board issued FSP FIN 39-1 “Amendment  of FASB Interpretation No. 39” (FIN 39-1). FIN 39-1 impacts master netting arrangements,  which are part of derivative transactions, by allowing net derivative positions to be offset  against the fair value of amounts (or amounts that approximate fair value) recognised as   the right to reclaim cash collateral or the obligation to return cash collateral under those  arrangements. The Group adopted FIN 39-1 as of 1 January 2008. Refer to Note 4 for further  information. In May 2008, the Financial Accounting Standards Board issued SFAS No. 163 “Accounting  for Financial Guarantee Insurance Contracts”. This standard changes the measurement and  disclosure requirements for financial guarantee insurance contracts. It has become effective  for the Group on 1 January 2009. As required by the standard, the Group adopted for the  third quarter 2008 disclosure requirements about risk management practices and exposures  that have experienced credit deterioration. Refer to Note 10 for further information. In September 2008, the Financial Accounting Standards Board issued FSP FAS 133-1 and  FIN 45-4 “Disclosures about Credit Derivatives and Certain Guarantees – An Amendment of  FASB Statement No. 133 and FASB Interpretation No. 45; and Clarification of the Effective  Date of FASB Statement No. 161” (FSP FAS 133-1 and FIN 45-4). This FSP requires  disclosures by sellers of credit derivatives and about the current status of the payment/ performance risk of guarantees. The Group adopted FSP FAS 133-1 and FIN 45-4 as of   31 December 2008. Refer to Note 4 for further information. On 10 October 2008, the Financial Accounting Standards Board issued FSP FAS 157-3  “Determining the Fair Value of a Financial Asset When the Market for That Asset Is Not Active”  (FSP FAS 157-3). FSP FAS 157-3 clarifies the application of SFAS No. 157 “Fair Value  Measurements” in a market that is not active. FSP FAS 157-3 is effective upon issuance. The  Group has reviewed FSP FAS 157-3 and concluded that it is consistent with the valuation  guidance applied by the Group. Refer to Note 3 for further information. In December 2008, the Financial Accounting Standards Board issued FSP FAS 140-4 and  FIN 46(R)-8 “Disclosures about Transfers of Financial Assets and Interests in VIEs” (FSP FAS  140-4 and FIN 46(R)-8). This FSP requires additional disclosures about a company’s  involvement with variable interest entities (VIEs) and its continuing involvement with transferred  financial assets. The Group adopted FSP FAS 140-4 and FIN 46(R)-8 as of 31 December  2008. Refer to Notes 2 and 18 for further information. Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  149 Financial statements / Notes to the Group financial statements Investment income Net investment income by source (including unit-linked and with-profit business) was as  follows: 2  Investments CHF millions Fixed income securities Equity securities Policy loans, mortgages and other loans  Investment real estate Short-term investments Other current investments Share in earnings of equity-accounted investees Cash and cash equivalents Deposits with ceding companies Gross investment income Investment expenses Interest charged for funds held Net investment income 2007 7 516 888 604 221 494 539 448 351 777 11 838 –612 –534 10 692 2008 6 788 767 541 232 275 409 –944 332 595 8 995 –732 –382 7 881 Dividends received from investments accounted for using the equity method were   CHF 26 million and CHF 87 million for 2007 and 2008, respectively. The Group revised the  classification of share in earnings and dividends from equity-accounted investments for   2007 and 2008.  Net investment income includes income on unit-linked business and with-profit business,  which are credited to policyholders. CHF millions Unit-linked investment income With-profit investment income 2007 749 311 2008 767 249 150  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Financial statements / Notes to the Group financial statements Realised gains and losses Realised gains and losses for fixed income, equity securities and other investments   (including unit-linked and with-profit business) were as follows: CHF millions Fixed income securities available-for-sale: Gross realised gains Gross realised losses Equity securities available-for-sale: Gross realised gains Gross realised losses Other-than-temporary impairments Net realised investment gains/losses on trading securities Change in net unrealised investment gains on trading securities Other investments: Gross realised/unrealised gains/losses Foreign exchange gains/losses Net realised investment gains/losses  2007 2008 621 –670 1 714 –159 –647 –917 298 356 –1 335 –739 1 416 –2 443 927 –1 250 –2 868 –2 689 –5 712 1 799 1 338 –9 482 Proceeds from the sales of fixed income securities available-for-sale amounted to   CHF 44 356 million and CHF 77 491 million for 2007 and 2008, respectively. Sales of equity  securities available-for-sale were CHF 6 668 million and CHF 8 916 million for 2007 and  2008, respectively. For 2007, foreign exchange gains and losses on investments are included in the respective  line items. For 2008, all foreign exchange gains and losses on remeasurement are included in  the line item “Foreign exchange gains/losses”. Net realised investment gains/losses include income on unit-linked and with-profit business,  which are credited to policyholders. CHF millions Unit-linked realised gains/losses With-profit realised gains/losses 2007 512 –67 2008 –4 052 –741 Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  151 Financial statements / Notes to the Group financial statements Investments available- for-sale Amortised cost or cost and estimated fair values of investments in fixed income and equity  securities classified as available-for-sale were as follows: As of 31 December 2007 CHF millions Debt securities issued by governments  and government agencies: US Treasury and other US govern- ment corporations and agencies States of the United States and  political subdivisions of the states United Kingdom Canada Germany France Other Total Corporate debt securities Mortgage-backed and asset-backed  securities Fixed income securities  available-for-sale  Equity securities available-for-sale As of 31 December 2008 CHF millions Debt securities issued by governments  and government agencies: US Treasury and other US govern- ment corporations and agencies States of the United States and  political subdivisions of the states United Kingdom Canada Germany France Other Total Corporate debt securities Mortgage-backed and asset-backed  securities Fixed income securities  available-for-sale   Equity securities available-for-sale Amortised cost  or cost Gross un- realised gains Gross un- realised losses Estimated fair  value 22 743 678 –96 23 325 1 417 11 096 3 708 2 228 1 196 7 293 49 681 25 117 46 261 1 040 50 11 281 2 367 650 –11 –65 –4 –22 –24 –41 –263 –747 1 452 11 292 4 744 2 256 1 183 7 533 51 785 25 020 31 197 246 –438 31 005 105 995 9 039 3 263 2 205 –1 448 –485 107 810 10 759 Amortised cost  or cost Gross un- realised gains Gross un- realised losses Estimated fair  value 22 545 2 962 –339 25 168 45 10 302 3 620 1 193 1 302 8 060 47 067 24 781 488 478 92 93 391 4 504 411 –4 –278 –180 –16 –14 –269 –1 100 –2 535 41 10 512 3 918 1 269 1 381 8 182 50 471 22 657 34 368 319 –4 377 30 310 106 216 675 5 234 184 –8 012 –26 103 438 833 152  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Financial statements / Notes to the Group financial statements Investments trading Fixed income securities and equity securities classified as trading as of 31 December were   as follows: Reclass of fixed income  securities from trading to  available-for-sale Maturity of fixed income  securities available-for-sale CHF millions Debt securities issued by governments and government agencies Corporate debt securities Mortgage-backed and asset-backed securities Fixed income securities trading Equity securities trading 2007 14 738 18 894 18 161 51 793 22 103 2008 9 026 3 429 1 506 13 961 15 355 SFAS No. 115 “Accounting for Certain Investments in Debt and Equity Securities” requires  that investments are classified into one of three categories: trading, available-for-sale, and  held-to-maturity. The criterion for classification is management’s plan for holding or disposing  of the investment, rather than the characteristics of the asset. Reclassification between  categories is only possible under rare circumstances. As a reaction to the current unprecedented market turmoil, Swiss Re revised its business  strategy and therefore its related investment strategy. Under the revised strategy, the majority  of the fixed income securities classified as trading are no longer held for the purpose of selling  or repurchasing over the short term. To reflect this change, as of 1 October 2008, the Group  transferred CHF 22 441 million of fixed income securities from the trading into the available- for-sale category.  Fixed income securities, which remain in the trading category, include assets related to   unit-linked and with-profit business and assets designated to match monetary liabilities to  balance the foreign exchange remeasurement impact under SFAS No. 52 “Foreign Currency  Translation”. The amortised cost or cost and estimated fair values of investments in fixed income securities  available-for-sale by remaining maturity are shown below. Fixed maturity investments are  assumed not to be called for redemption prior to the stated maturity date. As of 31 December  2007 and 2008, CHF 5 169 million and CHF 8 648 million, respectively, of fixed income  securities available-for-sale were callable. As of 31 December  CHF millions Due in one year or less Due after one year through five years Due after five years through ten years  Due after ten years Mortgage  and  asset-backed  securities  with no fixed maturity Total fixed income securities  available-for-sale Amortised  cost or cost 6 643 20 156 17 819 30 180 2007 Estimated  fair value 4 149 23 241 18 075 31 340 Amortised  cost or cost 6 369 15 468 17 931 36 291 2008 Estimated  fair value 6 384 15 095 17 506 37 510 31 197 31 005 30 157 26 943 105 995 107 810 106 216 103 438 Assets on deposit or pledged As of 31 December 2007 and 2008, investments with the carrying value of   CHF 1 438 million and 1 566 CHF million, respectively, were on deposit with regulatory  agencies in accordance with local requirements. As of 31 December 2007 and 2008, investments (including cash and cash equivalents)   with a carrying value of approximately CHF 9 262 million and CHF 8 689 million, respectively,  were placed on deposit or pledged to secure certain reinsurance liabilities.  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  153 Financial statements / Notes to the Group financial statements As of 31 December 2008, securities of CHF 10 707 million are pledged as collateral   in securities lending transactions and repurchase agreements. The associated liabilities of  CHF 4 465 million are recognised in accrued expenses and other liabilities.  As of 31 December 2007 and 2008, the fair value of the government and corporate bond  securities received as collateral, was CHF 13 969 million and CHF 8 272 million, respectively.  Of this, the amount that has been sold or repledged as of 31 December 2007 and 2008   was CHF 7 995 million and CHF 2 554 million, respectively, which is used to settle short  Government bond positions. The sources of the collateral are typically highly rated banking  market counterparties. The Group has revised the presentation of collateral, which can be sold or repledged, for  2007. The revision has no impact on balance sheet items, shareholders’ equity or net income.  The following table shows the fair value and unrealised losses of the Group’s fixed income  securities, aggregated by investment category and length of time that individual securities  were in a continuous unrealised loss position, as of 31 December 2007 and 2008. A  continuous decline in the value of equity securities available-for-sale for longer than twelve  months is considered other-than-temporary and recognised as net realised investment gains/ losses in the income statement. Therefore, as of 31 December 2007 and 2008, the   gross unrealised loss on equity securities available-for-sale of CHF 485 million, respectively,  and CHF 26 million relates to declines in value for less than 12 months. As of 31 December 2007 CHF millions Debt securities issued by  governments and   government agencies Corporate debt securities Mortgage and asset-backed securities Total  As of 31 December 2008 CHF millions Debt securities issued   by governments and  government agencies Corporate debt securities Mortgage and asset-backed securities Total  Less than 12 months Unrealised  losses Fair value 12 months or more Unrealised  losses Fair value Total Unrealised  losses Fair value 6 960 9 379 11 044 27 383 79 432 317 828 6 349 3 495 4 573 14 417 184 315 121 620 13 309 12 874 15 617 41 800 263 747 438 1 448 Less than 12 months Unrealised  losses Fair value 12 months or more Unrealised  losses Fair value Total Unrealised  losses Fair value 11 266 11 511 13 033 35 810 864 1 605 3 240 5 709 867 3 080 5 061 9 008 236 930 12 133 14 591 1 137 2 303 18 094 44 818 1 100 2 535 4 377 8 012 The unprecedented market volatility and relative illiquidity in certain asset sectors had an  adverse impact on the valuation of certain of the Group’s investments.  An assessment of whether an other-than-temporary decline in the value of equity and fixed  income securities available-for-sale has occurred as of the balance sheet date is based on a  case-by-case evaluation of the reasons behind the decline in value. This evaluation includes:  (a) an assessment of the duration and extent of the decline in value; (b) review of the financial  Collateral accepted which  the Group has the right to  sell or repledge Unrealised losses on   securities available-for-sale 154  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Financial statements / Notes to the Group financial statements performance and outlook for the economic environment and industry in which the issuer  operates; (c) review of the financial performance and outlook for the issuer compared to  industry peers; and (d) analysis of any other factors, including credit rating, that may adversely  affect the Group’s intent and ability to hold the investment long enough to allow for any  anticipated recovery. Considering these factors, the Group deems the unrealised loss of   CHF 8 012 million on fixed income securities available-for-sale to be temporary, as it has the  ability and the intent as of 31 December 2008 to hold these securities until recovery of   fair value. Other-than-temporary declines in the value of equity and fixed income securities  available-for-sale are recognised as net realised investment gains/losses in the income  statement. The Group may sell available-for-sale equity or fixed income securities at a loss in subsequent  periods having previously asserted the intent and ability to hold such securities until recovery.  Such sales may only take place in response to changes in market conditions or other  circumstance that occur after the balance sheet date. As a result, the Group recognises the  associated realised losses in the period in which the decision to sell the securities is taken. Mortgages, loans and real  estate As of 31 December, investments in mortgages and other loans and real estate comprised   the following: CHF millions Policy loans, mortgages and other loans Investment real estate Carrying value 7 414 2 682 2007 Fair value 7 414 3 937  Carrying value 6 611 2 143 2008 Fair value 6 611 3 093 As of 31 December 2007 and 2008, the Group’s investment in mortgages and other loans  included CHF 216 million and CHF 200 million, respectively, of loans due from employees  and CHF 415 million and CHF 444 million, respectively, due from officers. These loans  generally consist of mortgages offered at variable and fixed interest rates. As of 31 December 2007 and 2008, investments in real estate included CHF 64 million   and CHF 9 million, respectively, of real estate held for sale. Depreciation expense related to income-producing properties was CHF 57 million and   CHF 38 million for 2007 and 2008, respectively. Accumulated depreciation on investment  real estate totalled CHF 508 million and CHF 493 million as of 31 December 2007 and  2008, respectively. Substantially all mortgages and other loans receivable are secured by buildings, land or   the underlying policies. The ultimate collectibility of the receivables is evaluated regularly and  an appropriate allowance for uncollectible amounts is established. Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  155 Financial statements / Notes to the Group financial statements 3  Fair value disclosures As of 1 January 2008, the Swiss Re Group adopted SFAS No.157 “Fair Value Measurements”  (SFAS 157). SFAS 157 defines fair value, establishes a framework for measuring fair value,  and expands disclosures about fair value measurements. It requires disclosures of the Group’s  assets and liabilities that are measured at fair value. Fair value, as defined by SFAS 157, is the price that would be received to sell an asset or   paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the  measurement date. SFAS 157 requires all assets and liabilities that are measured at fair value to be categorised  within the fair value hierarchy. This three-level hierarchy is based on the observability of the  inputs used in the fair value measurement. The levels of the fair value hierarchy are defined as  follows: Level 1 inputs are quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities that the  Group has the ability to access. Level 1 inputs are the most persuasive evidence of fair value  and are to be used whenever possible.  Level 2 inputs are market-based inputs that are directly or indirectly observable but not  considered level 1 quoted prices. Level 2 inputs consist of (i) quoted prices for similar assets  or liabilities in active markets; (ii) quoted prices for identical assets or liabilities in non-active  markets (e.g. markets which have few transactions and prices are not current or price  quotations vary substantially); (iii) inputs other than quoted prices that are observable (eg  interest rates, yield curves, volatilities, prepayment speeds, credit risks and default rates);   and (iv) inputs derived from, or corroborated by, observable market data. Level 3 inputs are unobservable inputs. These inputs reflect the Group’s own assumptions  about market pricing using the best internal and external information available. The types of instruments valued based on quoted market prices in active markets include  most US government and sovereign obligations, active listed equities and most money market  securities. Such instruments are generally classified within level 1 of the fair value hierarchy.  The Group does not adjust the quoted price for such instruments, even in situations where it  holds a large position and a sale could reasonably impact the quoted price. The types of instruments that trade in markets that are not considered to be active, but are  valued based on quoted market prices, broker or dealer quotations, or alternative pricing  sources with reasonable levels of price transparency include most government agency  securities, investment-grade corporate bonds, certain mortgage and asset-backed products,  less liquid listed equities, state and municipal and provincial obligations. Such instruments are  generally classified within level 2 of the fair value hierarchy. Exchange-traded derivative instruments typically fall within level 1 or level 2 of the fair value  hierarchy depending on whether they are considered to be actively traded or not. 156  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Financial statements / Notes to the Group financial statements Certain financial instruments are classified within level 3 of the fair value hierarchy because  they trade infrequently and therefore have little or no price transparency. Such instruments  include private equity, less liquid corporate debt securities and certain asset-backed  securities. Certain over-the-counter derivatives trade in less liquid markets with limited pricing  information, and the determination of fair value for these derivatives is inherently more  difficult. Such instruments are classified within level 3 of the fair value hierarchy. Pursuant to  the election of the fair value option, the Group classifies certain Life & Health policy reserves   to level 3 of the fair value hierarchy. When appropriate, valuations are adjusted for various  factors such as liquidity, bid/offer spreads and credit considerations. Such adjustments are  generally based on available market evidence. In the absence of such evidence,  management’s best estimate is used. The fair values of assets are adjusted to incorporate the counterparty risk of non-performance.  Similarly, the fair values of liabilities reflect the risk of non-performance of the Group, captured  by the Group’s credit spread. These valuation adjustments have resulted in a net realised gain  from assets and liabilities measured at fair value using significant unobservable inputs.  Whenever the underlying assets or liabilities are reported in a specific business segment, the  valuation adjustment is allocated accordingly. Valuation adjustments not attributable to any  business segment are reported in Group Items.  In certain situations, the Group uses inputs to measure the fair value of asset or liability  positions that fall into different levels of the fair value hierarchy. In these situations, the Group  will determine the level in which the fair value falls based upon the lowest level input that is  significant to the determination of the fair value.  As of 31 December 2008, the fair values of assets and liabilities measured on a recurring  basis by level of input were as follows: CHF millions Assets Fixed income securities Equity securities Derivative financial  instruments Other assets Total assets at fair value Liabilities Derivative financial  instruments Liabilities for life and  health policy benefits Accrued expenses and  other liabilities Total liabilities at fair  value Quoted prices in  active markets  for identical  assets (Level 1) Significant other  observable  inputs (Level 2) Significant  unobservable  inputs (Level 3) Impact of  netting1 11 646 15 185 382 36 27 249 94 232 783 80 897 175 912 11 521 220 14 917 1 580 28 238 –88 174 –88 174 Total 117 399 16 188 8 022 1 616 143 225 –416 –76 358 –18 547 85 750 –9 571 –607 –58 –494 –494 –665 –1 023 –76 416 –19 041 85 750 –10 730 1  FIN 39 permits the netting of derivative receivables and derivative payables when a legally enforceable master netting  agreement exists between two counterparties. A master netting agreement provides for the net settlement of all  contracts, as well as cash collateral, through a single payment, in a single currency, in the event of default or on the  termination of any one contract. Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  157 Assets and liabilities  measured at fair value on a  recurring basis Financial statements / Notes to the Group financial statements CHF millions Assets Opening balance as of 1 January 2008 Realised/unrealised gains/losses: Included in net income  Included in other comprehensive  income Purchases, issuances, and settlements Transfers in and/or out of Level 3 Impact of foreign exchange movements Closing balance as of  31 December 2008 Liabilities Opening balance as of 1 January 2008 Realised/unrealised gains/losses: Included in net income Included in other comprehensive  income Purchases, issuances, and settlements Transfers in and/or out of Level 3 Impact of foreign exchange movements Closing balance as of  31 December 2008  Fixed  income  securities Equity  securities Derivative  financial  instruments Other assets Total 8 887 140 9 389 1 498 19 914 –1 554 116 3 878 –324 2 116 –2 689 1 733 5 877 –733 19 –236 273 –92 1 723 106 –179 –248 187 493 –26 –2 918 3 407 6 749 –1 030 11 521 220 14 917 1 580 28 238 Liabilities  for life and  health policy  benefits Derivative  financial  instruments Accrued  expenses  and other  liabilities Total –102 –10 200 –170 –10 472 –376 –7 074 10 –1 391 14 94 –16 –7 450 10 –1 246 48 69 145 34 –9 –494 –18 547 0 –19 041 The gains and losses relating to the assets and liabilities measured at fair value using   significant unobservable inputs (Level 3) for the twelve months ended 31 December 2008  were as follows: CHF millions Gains/losses included in net income for the period Whereof change in unrealised gains/losses relating to assets   and liabilities still held at the reporting date Net realised investment  gains/losses –5 334 –3 605 Assets and liabilities  measured at fair value on a  recurring basis using  significant unobservable  inputs (Level 3) Gains and losses on assets  and liabilities measured at  fair value on a recurring basis  using significant  unobservable inputs (Level 3) 158  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Financial statements / Notes to the Group financial statements Fair value option SFAS 159, “The Fair Value Option for Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities”, permits   the choice to measure specified financial assets and liabilities at fair value on an instrument- by-instrument basis. The Group elected the fair value option for positions in the following line items in the  balance  sheet: Fixed income securities trading In the second quarter of 2008, the Group elected the fair value option for specific investments   acquired within a transaction. These securities are classified as debt securities under the  Group’s accounting policies. Upon election of the fair value option the securities are classified  as trading, with changes in fair value recorded in earnings. The primary reason for electing the  fair value option is to mitigate volatility in earnings as a result of using different measurement  attributes. Equity securities trading As of 1 January 2008, the Group elected the fair value option for an investment previously  classified as available-for-sale within other invested assets in the balance sheet. The Group  economically hedges the investment with derivative instruments that offset this exposure. The  changes in fair value of the derivatives are recorded in earnings. Electing the fair value option  eliminates the mismatch previously caused by the economic hedging of the investment and  reduces the volatility in the income statement. According to the nature of the investment, the  Group revised the presentation in the current period and included it in equity securities held  for trading. Liabilities for life and health policy benefits As of 1 January 2008, the Group elected the fair value option for existing SOP 03-01  guaranteed minimum death benefit (GMDB) reserves related to certain variable annuity  contracts which are classified as universal life-type contracts. The Group has applied the   fair value option as the equity risk associated with those contracts is managed on a fair value  basis, and it is economically hedged with derivative options in the market. Cumulative effect due   to initial adoption of the   fair value option The initial adoption of the fair value option for existing transactions had a one-time effect   on the corresponding balance sheet positions and retained earnings. The following table   shows the adjustment for each balance sheet item as of 1 January 2008: As of 1 January 2008 CHF millions Assets Equity securities trading1 Carrying value  prior to adoption Impact upon  adoption Fair value  after adoption 576 576 Liabilities Liabilities for life and health policy benefits –108 –40 –148 1 Prior to the election of the fair value option, the investment was reported in other invested assets. The net impact on retained earnings from the fair value elections described above was an  increase of CHF 33 million and a decrease of CHF 40 million, respectively. Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  159 Financial statements / Notes to the Group financial statements Assets and liabilities  measured at fair value  pursuant to election   of the fair value option Pursuant to the election of the fair value option for the items described, the balances as   of 31 December 2008 were as follows: As of 31 December CHF millions Assets Fixed income securities trading of which at fair value pursuant to the fair value option Equity securities trading of which at fair value pursuant to the fair value option Liabilities Liabilities for life and health policy benefits of which at fair value pursuant to the fair value option 2008 13 961 681 15 355 121 –39 911 –494 Changes in fair values for  items measured at fair   value pursuant to election   of the fair value option Total losses included in earnings for the year ended 31 December 2008, including foreign  exchange impact, were CHF 1 150 million. Fair value changes from fixed income securities trading (CHF –349 million) and equity  securities trading (CHF –455 million) are reported in net realised investment gains/losses.  Fair value changes from the guaranteed minimum death benefit reserves (CHF –346 million)  are shown in life and health benefits. 160  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Financial statements / Notes to the Group financial statements 4  Derivative financial instruments The Group uses a variety of derivative financial instruments including swaps, options,  forwards, credit derivatives and exchange-traded financial futures in its trading and hedging  strategies, in line with the Group’s overall risk management strategy. The objectives include  managing exposure to price, foreign currency and/or interest rate risk on planned or  anticipated investment purchases, existing assets or liabilities, as well as locking in attractive  investment conditions for future available funds. The fair values represent the gross carrying value amounts at the reporting date for each   class of derivative contract held or issued by the Group. The fair values below are not   an indication of credit risk, as many over-the-counter transactions are contracted and  documented under ISDA master agreements or their equivalent. Management believes that  such agreements provide for legally enforceable set-off in the event of default, which  substantially reduces credit exposure. The fair value of derivatives outstanding as of 31 December 2007 and 31 December 2008  was as follows: CHF millions Interest rate contracts Forwards and futures Swaps Other Total  Equity and index contracts Forwards and futures  Options Swaps Other Total  Foreign currency Options Swaps Other Total Other derivatives Credit derivatives Catastrophe derivatives Weather derivatives Other Total  Total derivative  financial instruments Positive fair value As of 31 December 2007 Carrying value  Negative  assets /liabilities fair value Positive  fair value As of 31 December 2008 Carrying value  Negative  assets /liabilities fair value 88 5 330 101 5 519 –396 –5 483 –101 –5 980 –308 –153 –461 253 –333 15 354 –15 292 –432 16 356 –16 057 749 670 2 763 290 57 3 780 –672 –1 997 –131 –11 –2 811 –2 766 159 46 969 311 3 360 10 21 3 702 –265 –1 220 –138 –23 –1 646 407 2 034 –359 –2 821 48 –787 2 441 –3 180 –739 396 2 118 25 2 539 –286 –3 363 –18 –3 667 4 011 1 3 40 4 055 –4 071 –11 –12 –97 –4 191 –60 –10 –9 –57 –136 15 710 –15 008 –1 –1 284 –3 986 17 503 –20 279 2 1 130 661 –80 62 317 299 46 2 140 –128 –2 2 056 110 –1 245 7 –1 128 702 1 –154 –3 325 –2 776 15 795 –16 162 –367 40 100 –41 649 –1 549 Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  161 Financial statements / Notes to the Group financial statements The Group offsets derivative assets and liabilities, including certain derivative related collateral  contracts in the balance sheet, for which a right of offset under master netting agreements  exists. According to FIN 39-1, the fair value amounts recognised for the right to reclaim cash  collateral or the obligation to return cash collateral that have been offset are   CHF 2 748 million for assets and CHF 2 548 million for liabilities as of 31 December 2007,  and CHF 6 189 million for assets and CHF 3 765 million for liabilities as of 31 December  2008, respectively. The fair value amounts that have not been offset are CHF 302 million and  nil as of 31 December 2007 and 31 December 2008, respectively. The maximum potential loss assuming non-performance by all counterparties, and based   on the market replacement cost as of 31 December 2007 and 31 December 2008,  approximated CHF 6 713 million and CHF 14 032 million, respectively. These values are net  of amounts offset pursuant to rights of set-off and qualifying master netting arrangements  with various counterparties. As of 31 December 2007 and 31 December 2008, other invested assets included   derivative financial instruments with a fair value of CHF 6 168 million and CHF 8 022 million,  respectively. As of 31 December 2007 and 31 December 2008, other accrued expenses and other  liabilities included derivative financial instruments with a fair value of CHF 6 535 million and  CHF 9 571 million, respectively. These derivative financial instruments include cash flow hedges with a fair value of   CHF 21 million and CHF 6 million as of 31 December 2007 and 31 December 2008,  respectively. Hedges of net investment in  foreign operations The Group designates non-derivative monetary financial instruments as hedging the foreign  currency exposure of its net investment in certain foreign operations. Credit derivatives   written/sold For the year ended 31 December 2007 and 31 December 2008, the Group recorded net  unrealised foreign currency remeasurement losses in shareholders’ equity of CHF 668 million  and CHF 210 million, respectively. This offsets translation gains and losses on the hedged   net investment. The Group writes/sells credit derivatives, including credit default swaps, credit spread options  and credit index products, and total return swaps. The credit derivatives, which protect the  counterparty against credit risk, are classified as credit derivatives under FAS 133-1. The total  return swaps, for which the Group assumes asset risks mainly of variable interest entities,  qualify as guarantees under FIN 45-4. These activities are part of the Group’s overall portfolio  and risk management strategies. The events that could require the Group to perform include  bankruptcy, default, obligation acceleration or moratorium of the credit derivative’s  underlying. 162  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Financial statements / Notes to the Group financial statements The table below shows the fair values and the maximum potential payout of the written/sold  credit derivatives as of 31 December 2008, categorised by the type of the credit derivative  and credit spreads which are based on external market data. The fair values represent the  gross carrying values, excluding the effects of netting under ISDA master agreements and  cash collateral netting. The maximum potential payout is based on the notional values of the  derivatives and represents the gross undiscounted future payments the Group would be  required to make, assuming the default of all credit derivatives’ underlyings. CHF millions Credit Default Swaps Credit spread in basis points 0 – 250 251 – 500 501 – 1000 Greater than 1000 No credit spread available Total  Credit Spread Options Credit spread in basis points 0 – 250 Total  Credit Index Products Credit spread in basis points 0 – 250 No credit spread available Total  Total Return Swaps4 Credit spread in basis points No credit spread available Total  Total credit derivatives   written/sold Total fair valu- es of written/ sold credit  derivatives  Maximum potential payout (time to maturity)1 0 – 5 years 5 –10 years Over 10 years Total maxi- mum potential  payout As of 31 December 2008 –2 310 –1 233 –1 795 –6 373 –149 –11 860 38 109 19 464 12 965 13 029 2 685 86 252 20 7842 1 943 1 448 587 330 25 092 1 180 115 85 3 3923 173 4 945 60 073 21 522 14 498 17 008 3 188 116 289 –35 –35 2 372 2 372 0 0 2 372 2 372 –4 290 116 –4 174 16 849 44 16 893 23 572 439 24 011 134 493 627 40 555 976 41 531 –534 –534 7 227 7 227 716 716 7 943 7 943 0 –16 603 112 744 49 819 5 572 168 135 1 The maximum potential payout is based on notional values of the credit derivatives. 2 Including Corporate Portfolio CDS, which consists predominantly of large investment grade and SME corporate loans. 3 Including Structured CDS. 4  The Group enters total return swaps mainly with variable interest entities which issue insurance-linked and credit-linked  securities. Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  163 Financial statements / Notes to the Group financial statements The fair values of the credit derivatives written/sold do not represent the Group’s effective   net exposure, as the ISDA master agreement and the cash collateral netting are excluded. The Group has purchased protection to manage the performance/payment risks related   with credit derivatives. As of 31 December 2008, the total purchased credit protection was   CHF 169 682 million based on notional values. Thereof CHF 90 491 million was related   to identical underlyings for which the Group sold credit protection. For tranched indexes and  baskets only matching tranches of the respective index were determined as identical. In  addition to the purchased credit protection, the Group manages the performance/payment  risks through a correlation hedge, which is performed with non-identical offsetting positions. 164  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Financial statements / Notes to the Group financial statements Determination   of purchase price 5  Acquisitions On 31 October 2008, the Group completed the acquisition of Barclays Life Assurance  Company Ltd in a GBP 762 million cash transaction. The Group acquired 100% of the equity  share capital of Barclays Life Assurance Company Ltd. The total cost of investment amounted  to GBP 765 million, including GBP 3 million transaction cost. The Group has acquired approximately 760 000 life insurance and pension policies and  annuity contracts, representing approximately GBP 5.9 billion in invested assets. The Barclays  Life book comprises unit-linked life and pension policies, non-linked annuity policies and a  smaller block of protection business, including term life and permanent health insurance. The  acquisition provides further scale and infrastructure for the Group’s Admin Re® business in  the United Kingdom. CHF millions Cash Transaction cost Total cost of investment As of 31 October 2008 CHF 1 439 5 1 444 GBP 762 3 765 Allocation of purchase price The purchase price has been allocated based on the fair value of assets acquired and  liabilities at the date of acquisition. The allocation of the purchase price included adjustments  to the following assets and liabilities: CHF millions Net assets acquired Adjustments to assets acquired and liabilities assumed Present value of future profits (PVFP) Liabilities for policy benefits for Life & Health Tax impact of above adjustments and other tax adjustments Total cost of investment As of 31 October 2008 688 969 73 –286 1 444 Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  165 Financial statements / Notes to the Group financial statements Investments Present value of future  profits and Life & Health  policy benefits Fair values have been attributed to investments mainly according to quoted market prices.   If quoted market prices were not available, valuation models were applied.  The present value of future profits (PVFP) has been estimated based on the best estimate   of expected future profits. As of the purchase date the PVFP amounted to a value of   CHF 969 million with an amortisation period of 50 years. The Life & Health policy benefit  reserves have been adjusted based on best estimate assumptions at the time of the  acquisition. Restructuring provision The Group has not recognised any restructuring provision related to the acquisition. Deferred taxes Deferred tax has been recognised on the fair value adjustments summarised above.   Historic deferred tax assets and liabilities have been adjusted to the expected payable and  recoverable amounts which the Group expects to realise. Pro forma financial result  (unaudited) The unaudited pro forma financial information as of 31 December 2008 is presented to  illustrate the effect on the Group’s income statement of the acquisition. The unaudited pro forma result is based on the estimated revenues and net income of   the acquired business in 2007 and 2008 and includes estimates for the impact of purchase  accounting. This pro forma information is not necessarily indicative of what would have  occurred had the acquisition and related transactions been made on the dates indicated, or   of future results of the company. Unaudited pro forma results after the Barclays acquisition CHF millions (except share data) Total revenues Net income/loss Net income/loss per share in CHF – basic Net income/loss per share in CHF – diluted 2007 44 227 4 237 12.17 11.42 As of 31 December 2008 23 311 –810 –2.45 –2.45 166  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Financial statements / Notes to the Group financial statements 6  Deferred acquisition costs (DAC) and acquired present   value of future profits (PVFP) CHF millions Balance as of 1 January  Deferred Effect of acquisitions/disposals and  retrocessions Amortisation Interest accrued on unamortised PVFP Effect of foreign currency translation  Effect of change in unrealised gains/ losses Balance as of period end DAC 5 270 4 123 –3 984 –257 5 152 2007 PVFP 7 550 265 –977 382 –458 7 6 769 DAC 5 152 2 719 –2 842 –718 4 311 2008 PVFP 6 769 1 204 –926 330 –1 143 –95 6 139 The amortisation of DAC in 2008 represents CHF 2 676 million and CHF 166 million for   the Property & Casualty and Life & Health business segments, respectively. Retroceded DAC and PVFP may arise on retrocession of reinsurance portfolios, including   reinsurance undertaken as part of a securitisation. The associated potential retrocession  recoveries are determined by the nature of the retrocession agreements and by the terms   of the securitisation. The percentage of PVFP which is expected to be amortised in each of the next five years   is 7%, 7%, 6%, 6%, 6%. Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  167 Financial statements / Notes to the Group financial statements 7  Debt The Group enters into long- and short-term debt arrangements to obtain funds for general  corporate use and specific transaction financing. The Group defines short-term debt as debt  having a maturity at the balance sheet date of less than one year and long-term debt as  having a maturity of greater than one year. Interest expense is classified accordingly. The  Group’s debt as of 31 December 2007 and 2008 was as follows: CHF millions Senior financial debt  Senior operational debt Subordinated financial debt Short-term debt – financial and operational debt Senior financial debt Senior operational debt Subordinated financial debt Subordinated operational debt Long-term debt – financial and operational debt 2007 1 254 10 478 926 12 658 1 367 8 074 6 330 7 566 23 337 2008 1 4371 5 085 6 522 415 9 467 5 474 5 097 20 453 Total debt 35 995 26 975 1  A mandatory convertible bond matured in December 2008, which converted to Swiss Re shares using the   conversion rate of CHF 95.6. This balance now includes one other mandatory convertible bond issued in June 2006,  due in June 2009, with a book value of CHF 610 million. Maturity of long-term debt As of 31 December 2007 and 2008, long-term debt as reported above had the following  maturities: CHF millions Due in 2009 Due in 2010 Due in 2011 Due in 2012 Due in 2013 Due after 2013 Total carrying value Total fair value 1 Balance was reclassified to short-term debt. 2 007 2 381 1 245 1 730 1 167 37 16 777 23 337 23 266 2008 01 1 474 1 742 1 098 38 16 101 20 453 19 360 The Group uses debt for general corporate purposes and to fund discrete pools of oper ational  leverage and financial intermediation assets. Operational leverage and financial  intermediation are subject to strong asset and liability matching, resulting in little to no risk  that the assets will be insufficient to service and settle the liabilities. Debt used for operational  leverage and financial intermediation is treated as operational debt and excluded by the  rating agencies from financial leverage calculations. As of 31 December 2007 and 2008,  operational leverage and financial intermediation liabilities amounted to CHF 52.4 billion  (thereof CHF 9.8 billion non-recourse) and CHF 34.2 billion (thereof CHF 5.2 billion non- recourse), respectively. 168  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Senior long-term debt Financial statements / Notes to the Group financial statements Maturity 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2011 2011 2011 2011 2012  2013 2015 2016 2019 2026 2028 2028 2030 2032  Various  Instrument Senior note1 EMTN (amortising bond) 2 EMTN EMTN EMTN Credit-linked note EMTN Insurance-linked placement EMTN Credit-linked note  Credit-linked note EMTN (straight bond) Credit-linked note Senior note1 Senior note1 Senior note2 Senior note2 Senior note1 Principal protected structured note Payment undertaking   agreements Issued in 2000 2003 2005 2005 2008 Currency USD GBP CHF CZK USD Nominal in  millions 350 20 625 300 280 2006 2007 2007 2008 2007  2008 2001 2007 1999 1996 2005 2008 2000 2007  USD CHF EUR EUR USD  USD CHF USD USD USD GBP GBP USD USD  735 250 110 25 980  2 150 621 400 600 100 240 350 35  Interest rate 7.50% 4.38% various 2.88% 3M Libor 3M Libor –  95.51bp 3.13% 3.83% 4.73% 3M Libor –  89.87bp 3M Libor +  50bp 4.00% 3M Libor  6.45% 7.00% 1M Libor 4.98% 7.75% zero coupon  Book value  in CHF mil- lions 421 31 625 17 298 782 250 59 37 1 043  2 151 1 769 543 931 153 367 605 37  various  USD  932  various  1 761  Total senior debt as of 31 December 2008 Total senior debt as of 31 December 2007 1 Assumed in the acquisition of GE Insurance Solutions. 2 Reclassified from internal to external debt in 2008. 9 882 9 441 Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  169 Financial statements / Notes to the Group financial statements Subordinated long-term debt Maturity Instrument 2021 Convertible bond 2047 2057 Subordinated private placement  (amortising)1 Subordinated private placement  (amortising)1 Subordinated perpetual loan   Subordinated perpetual bond  (SUPERBs) Subordinated perpetual loan note Subordinated perpetual loan note Subordinated perpetual loan note 2 subordinated perpetual loan  notes Issued in Currency 2001 Nominal  in millions USD 1 150 Interest  rate … … first  call in 3.25% 2 011 Book va- lue in CHF  millions 1 209 2007 GBP 1 537 4.96% 2007 1998  GBP 1 796 110  DEM  1999  CHF  600  2 010  4.79% 6M  Libor +  45bp 3.75%  2 011  2006 2006 2007 2007  EUR 1 000 752 USD 500 GBP 750  AUD  5.25% 2 016 6.85% 2 016 6.30% 2 019 various  2 017  2 352 2 745 83  596  1 471 800 761 554  10 571 13 896 Total subordinated debt as of 31 December 2008 Total subordinated debt as of 31 December 2007  1 This debt position resulted from a single transaction and is non-recourse. Interest expense on long- term debt Interest expense on long-term debt for the years ended 31 December 2007 and 2008,  respectively, was as follows: CHF millions Senior financial debt Senior operational debt Subordinated financial debt Subordinated operational debt Total  2 007 83 424 327 163 997 2008 36 324 330 323 1 013 Long-term debt issued in  2008 In January 2008, the Group issued a credit-linked note of USD 2 million, due in 2013,  bearing interest of three-month USD Libor plus 50 basis points. In May 2008, the Group issued a structured EMTN of USD 280 million, due in 2010, bearing  interest of three-month USD Libor, and a EUR 25 million EMTN with a three-year maturity and  a coupon of 4.73%. In November 2008, the Group deconsolidated an entity, which provided funding to other  Group companies. Prior to the deconsolidation, two existing loans were classified as  intercompany transactions and therefore not reported as liabilities to external parties.  Subsequent to deconsolidation, the Group shows these positions as Senior notes which   mature in 2028, one note with a nominal value of GBP 240 million and the other with   a nominal of GBP 100 million, bearing interest of 4.98% and one-month GBP Libor flat,  respectively. Additional funding resources As additional resources to meet funding requirements, the Group has access to the US  commercial paper market through its USD 1.5 billion programme, as well as back-up credit  lines and committed repurchase facilities in place with various banks. 170  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report             Financial statements / Notes to the Group financial statements 8  Unpaid claims and claim adjustment expenses The liability for unpaid claims and claim adjustment expenses is analysed as follows: CHF millions Non-life Life & Health Total 2007 73 171 15 357 88 528 2008 62 802 12 708 75 510 A reconciliation of the opening and closing reserve balances for non-life unpaid claims and  claim adjustment expenses for the period is presented as follows: CHF millions Balance as of 1 January  Reinsurance recoverable Deferred expense on retroactive reinsurance Net Incurred related to: Current year Prior year Amortisation of deferred expense on retroactive reinsurance and impact of commutations Total incurred Paid related to: Current year Prior year Total paid Foreign exchange Effect of acquisitions, disposals, new retroactive reinsurance and other items Net Reinsurance recoverable Deferred expense on retroactive reinsurance Balance as of 31 December  2007 80 391 –7 622 –875 71 894 11 945 –205 92 11 832 2008 73 171 –5 041 –723 67 407 10 092 –462 125 9 755 –1767 –12285 –14 052 –1 521 –12 131 –13 652 –2567 –6 527 300 578 67 407 5041 723 73 171 57 561 4 701 540 62 802 The Group does not discount liabilities arising from prospective property and casualty  insurance and reinsurance contracts, including liabilities which are discounted for US  statutory reporting purposes. Liabilities arising from property and casualty insurance and  reinsurance contracts acquired in a business combination are initially recognised at fair value  in accordance with the purchase method of accounting. Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  171 Financial statements / Notes to the Group financial statements Asbestos and environmental  claims exposure The Group’s obligation for claims payments and claims settlement charges also includes  obligations for long-latent injury claims arising out of policies written prior to 1985, in  particular in the area of US asbestos and environmental liability.  Due to the inherent uncertainties and assumptions on which these estimates are based,  however, the Group cannot exclude the need to make further additions to these provisions in  the future. At the end of 2008 the Group carried net reserves for US asbestos, environmental and   other long-latent health hazards equal to CHF 2 280 million. During 2008, the Group incurred  net losses of CHF 137 million and paid net against these liabilities CHF 266 million. The Group maintains an active commutation strategy to reduce exposure. When  commutation payments are made, the traditional “survival ratio” is artificially reduced by  premature payments which should not imply a reduction in reserve adequacy. Prior year development Claims development on prior years was favourable during 2008. Adverse developments in  America were balanced by favourable development in Europe and the rest of the world. Reserves for asbestos and environmental pollution claims in the US were increased slightly  during 2008. Experience on the workers’ compensation line of business again showed  adverse development for which the Group strengthened its reserves. Financial Guarantee Re  also showed adverse development during 2008.  The favourable development arose mostly from Property, Marine, Engineering and Aviation  from 2001 and subsequent years.  172  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Financial statements / Notes to the Group financial statements 9  Reinsurance information For the years ended 31 December Premiums written, premiums  earned and fees assessed  against policyholders Claims and claim adjustment  expenses Acquisition costs CHF millions Premiums written Direct Assumed Ceded Total premiums written Premiums earned Direct Assumed Ceded Total premiums earned Fee income from policyholders Direct Assumed Ceded Total fee income from  policyholders Claims Claims paid, gross Claims paid, retro Claims paid, net Change in unpaid claims and  claim adjustment expenses;  life and health benefits, gross Change in unpaid claims and  claim adjustment expenses;  life and health benefits, retro Change in unpaid claims and  claim adjustment expenses;  life and health benefits, net Claims and claim adjustment  expenses; life and health  benefits Acquisition costs Acquisition costs, gross Acquisition costs, retro Acquisition costs, net Non-Life Life & Health 2007 Total Non-Life Life & Health 2008 Total 2 742 17 436 –1 539 18 639 2 147 12 029 –1 598 12 578 4 889 29 465 –3 137 31 217 2 204 16 280 –3 886 14 598 1 520 10 847 –1 306 11 061 3 724 27 127 –5 192 25 659 2 838 17 537 –1 376 18 999 2 148 12 101 –1 584 12 665 4 986 29 638 –2 960 31 664 2 201 15 418 –3 208 14 411 1 519 10 851 –1 280 11 090 3 720 26 269 –4 488 25 501 798 293 –136 798 293 –136 654 271 –117 654 271 –117 955 955 808 808 –17 897 –10 971 –28 868 –15 749 –12 226 –27 975 3 526 2 097 –9 587 –23 639 –13 652 –10 797 –24 449 3 845 –14 052 1 429 5 229 1 384 4 846 –1 810 3 036 3 813 2 928 6 741 –2 859 285 –2 574 –168 –1 196 –1 364 1 987 –1 525 462 3 645 1 732 5 377 –12 065 –11 112 –23 177 –10 007 –9 065 –19 072 –3 901 67 –3 834 –3 021 356 –2 665 –6 922 423 –6 499 –3 532 792 –2 740 –3 128 502 –2 626 –6 660 1 294 –5 366 Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  173 Financial statements / Notes to the Group financial statements Reinsurance assets and  liabilities CHF millions Assets Reinsurance recoverable Deferred acquisition costs Liabilities Unpaid claims and claim adjustment expenses Life and health policy benefits Policyholder account balances Non-Life Life & Health 2007 Total Non-Life Life & Health 2008 Total 5 041 1 417 9 191 3 735 14 232 5 152 4 701 1 189 7 233 3 122 11 934 4 311 73 171 15 357 50 026 41 340 88 528 50 026 41 340 62 802 12 708 39 911 34 518 75 510 39 911 34 518 174  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Financial statements / Notes to the Group financial statements 10  Financial guarantee reinsurance For reporting periods ending on or after 1 January 2009, the Swiss Re Group will fully adopt  SFAS No. 163 “Accounting for Financial Guarantee Insurance Contracts” (SFAS 163) as   per the Statement requirements. For the reporting period ended 31 December 2008, SFAS  163 requires selected disclosures about financial guarantee reinsurance business based   on existing accounting policies. The disclosures relate to risk management practices and  exposures that have experienced credit deterioration.  The Group reinsures monoline insurers against the risk of default on insured financial obligations.  The Group’s exposure encompasses public finance and structured finance exposures.   In total, the notional exposure as of 31 December 2008 amounted to CHF 15 857 million,  whereof 24% is attributable to structured finance. The main driver of the Group’s exposure   is the credit risk of the underlying insured obligation.  The Group tracks and monitors credit deterioration in insured financial obligations. This is  based on the surveillance activities of its cedents and internal reviews of its reinsured portfolio.  Each cedent maintains a process for identifying credits that require higher levels of scrutiny   or intervention. The cedent is required to notify the Swiss Re Group when a transaction falls  under increased scrutiny.  The Group maintains a watch list based on the information provided by the cedents and the  Group’s internal monitoring activities. Obligations with credit deterioration are split into two   categories. Category 1 (Special mention) encompasses transactions that are still currently  performing, but where indicators point to an increased risk of default. Category 2 (Workout)   includes insured financial obligations that are characterised as non-performing and a reserve  has been reported by the cedent. A default may have occurred or is seen as likely to occur in  the future. As of 31 December 2008, the notional exposures and  claims liabilities allocated   to categories 1 and 2 were as follows:  As of 31 December 2008 CHF millions Category 1 Category 2 % of total notional Notional exposure 728 607 (CHF 15 857 million) Claims liabilities 7 5% 142 4% As of 31 December 2008, total technical provisions for financial guarantee reinsurance  amounted to CHF 512 million, which includes unpaid claims and claims adjustment expenses  of CHF 149 million and unearned premiums of CHF 363 million. Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  175 Financial statements / Notes to the Group financial statements 11  Earnings per share All of the Group’s companies prepare statutory financial statements based on local laws and  regulations. Most jurisdictions require reinsurers to maintain a minimum amount of capital in  excess of statutory definition of net assets or maintain certain minimum capital and surplus  levels. In addition, some jurisdictions place certain restrictions on amounts that may be loaned  or transferred to the parent company. The Group’s ability to pay dividends may be restricted  by these requirements.  Dividends are declared in Swiss francs. For the years ended 31 December 2007 and 2008,  the Group’s dividends per share were CHF 3.40 and CHF 4.00, respectively. CHF millions (except share data) Basic earnings per share Income/loss available to common shares Weighted average common shares outstanding Net income/loss per share in CHF Effect of dilutive securities Change in income available to common shares due to convertible bonds Change in average number of shares due to convertible bonds and employee options Diluted earnings per share Net income assuming debt conversion and exercise of options Weighted average common shares outstanding Net income/loss per share in CHF 2007 2008 4 162 –864 348 214 512 331 024 378 –2.61 11.95 143 35 261 146 4 305 383 475 658 11.23 –2.61 The effects of debt conversion and the issuance of employee options have not been   included in the 2008 earnings/losses per share. The resulting change of 26 887 844 shares  for the year ended 31 December 2008 was anti-dilutive. At the company’s 144th Ordinary General Meeting held on 18 April 2008, the shareholders   approved the cancellation of 17.3 million shares with a total value of CHF 1.45 billion. These  shares were repurchased under the share buy-back programme agreed at the 2007 Ordinary  General Meeting. The shares were cancelled in accordance with Article 733 of the Swiss  Code of Obligations. 176  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Financial statements / Notes to the Group financial statements 12  Income taxes The Group is generally subject to corporate income taxes based on the taxable net income in  various jurisdictions in which the Group operates. The components of the income tax charge  were: CHF millions Current tax expense Deferred tax expense/benefit Income tax expense/benefit 2007 482 543 1 025 2008 560 –1 046 –486 Tax rate reconciliation The following table reconciles the expected tax expense at the Swiss statutory tax rate to the  actual tax benefit in the accompanying income statement: CHF millions Income tax at the Swiss statutory rate of 21.0% Increase (decrease) in the income tax charge resulting from: Foreign income taxed at different rates Impact of foreign exchange movements Disallowed expenses Tax exempt income/dividends received deduction Change in valuation allowance Basis differences in subsidiaries Change in statutory tax rates FIN 48 including interest and penalties Business restructuring Life tax adjustments Other, net Total 2007 1 089 247 –125 75 –141 –41 –21 –170 83 45 –15 –1 1 025 2008 –284 384 –30 9 –39 604 –517 –21 –88 –250 –79 –175 –486 Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  177 Financial statements / Notes to the Group financial statements Deferred and other   non-current taxes The components of deferred and other non-current taxes were as follows: CHF millions Deferred tax assets Income accrued/deferred Technical provisions Unrealised losses on investments Pension provisions Benefit on loss carryforwards Currency translation adjustments Other Gross deferred tax asset Valuation allowance Total Deferred tax liabilities Present value of future profits Income accrued/deferred Bond amortisation Deferred acquisition costs Technical provisions Unrealised gains on investments Foreign exchange provisions DFI losses Other Total 2007 2008 667 1849 191 148 2084 265 941 6145 –994 5 151 –1710 –500 –203 –632 –1113 –553 –446 –277 –1 705 –7 139 509 651 650 264 4 396 574 1 388 8 432 –2 007 6 425 –1586 –147 –223 –724 –840 –169 –666 –389 –1 561 –6 305 Deferred income taxes –1 988 120 FIN 48 liabilities including interest and penalites –1 829 –1 449 Deferred and other non-current taxes –3 817 –1 329 Deferred taxes have not been recognised on the undistributed earnings of certain foreign  subsidiaries to the extent the Company considers such earnings as being indefinitely  reinvested abroad and does not expect to repatriate these earnings in the foreseeable future.  The amount of such earnings included in consolidated retained earnings as of 31 December  2008 was approximately 6 769 million CHF. It is not practicable to estimate the amount of  additional tax that might be payable if such earnings were not reinvested indefinitely. As of 31 December 2008, the Group had CHF 14 231 million net operating tax loss  carryforwards, including mark to market losses, expiring as follows: CHF 25 million in 2009,  CHF 28 million in 2010, CHF 45 million in 2011, CHF 14 million in 2012, CHF 1 484 million   in 2013, CHF 6 931 million after 2013 and CHF 5 704 million do not expire. The Group also  had capital loss carryforwards of CHF 453 million, expiring as follows: CHF 113 million   in 2009, CHF 46 million in 2011, CHF 17 million in 2012, CHF 275 million in 2013, and   CHF 2 million never expire. Net operating losses of CHF 726 million were utilised or expired  during the period ended 31 December 2008. 178  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Financial statements / Notes to the Group financial statements Income taxes paid in 2007, as revised from prior report, and through 31 December 2008  were CHF 376 million and 147 million, respectively. FIN 48 A reconciliation of the beginning and ending amount of gross unrecognised tax benefits  (excluding interest and penalties) is as follows:   CHF millions Balance as of 1 January Additions based on tax positions of current year Additions for tax positions of prior years Reductions for tax positions of prior years Settlements Balance as of 31 December 2008 2007 1667 233 259 –89 –106 1964 2008 1964 123 33 –538 –174 1408 The amount of gross unrecognised tax benefits within the tabular reconciliation that,   if recognised, would affect the effective tax rate were approximately CHF 1 535 million and   CHF 856 million as of 1 January 2008 and 31 December 2008, respectively. Interest   and penalties related to unrecognised tax benefits are recorded in income tax expense. Such  expense for the period ending 31 December 2008 was CHF 63 million. As of 1 January 2008  and 31 December 2008, CHF 240 million and CHF 268 million, respectively, has been  accrued for the payment of interest (net of tax benefits) and penalties. The 31 December  2008 accrued interest balance is included within the deferred and other non-current taxes  section reflected above and in the statement of financial position. The 31 December 2008 balance of gross unrecognised tax benefits presented in the table  above is less than the FIN 48 liability reflected in the deferred and other non-current taxes  section due to the impact of tax positions which offset loss carryforwards (CHF 227 million)  and the removal of interest expense (CHF 268 million). Unrecognised tax benefits which have  created certain loss carryforwards are net, whereby the statement of financial position does   not reflect a deferred tax asset for the attribute or a liability for the unrecognised tax benefit. During the year, the Group had met the effectively settled definition within FIN 48 for various  tax positions and audits in Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States. The Group continually evaluates proposed adjustments by taxing authorities. The Group  believes that it is reasonably possible (more than remote and less than likely) that the balance  of unrecognised tax benefits could increase or decrease over the next 12 months due to  settlements or expiration of statutes. However, quantification of an estimated range cannot be  made at this time. The following table summarises tax years that remain subject to examination in jurisdictions   of significance to the Group: Switzerland Germany United States United Kingdom Canada 2004 – 2008 1997 – 2008 2005 – 2008 2005 – 2008 2002 – 2008 Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  179 Financial statements / Notes to the Group financial statements Defined benefit pension  plans and post-retirement  benefits 13  Benefit plans The Group sponsors various funded defined benefit pension plans. Employer contributions   to the plans are charged to income on a basis which recognises the costs of pensions over   the expected service lives of employees covered by the plans. The Group’s funding policy for  these plans is to contribute annually at a rate that is intended to  maintain a level percentage   of compensation for the employees covered. A full valuation is prepared at least every three  years. In June 2008, the Group communicated its intention to change the structure of its Swiss  other post-retirement benefits plan. The change is effective as of 1 July 2009 and results in    a decrease of the accumulated benefit obligation of CHF 130 million in the current period. Effective as of 1 January 2007, Swiss Re Group has changed the structure of its Swiss  pension plan to a defined contribution scheme. The plan will continue to be accounted for   as a defined benefit plan under US GAAP. The Group also provides certain healthcare and life insurance benefits for retired employ ees  and their dependants. Employees become eligible for these benefits when they become  eligible for pension benefits. The measurement date of these plans is 30 September (except for one UK pension plan   with a measurement date as of 31 December) for the year 2007, and 31 December for the  year 2008. 180  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Financial statements / Notes to the Group financial statements CHF millions Benefit obligation as   of 1 January Adjustment to retained  earnings Service cost Interest cost Amendments Actuarial gains/losses Benefits paid Employee contribution Acquisitions/disposals/ additions Effect of curtailment and  termination benefits Effect of foreign currency  translation Benefit obligation as   of 31 December Fair value of plan assets   as of 1 January Adjustment to retained  earnings Actual return on plan  assets Company contribution Benefits paid Employee contribution Acquisitions/disposals/ additions Effect of foreign currency  translation Fair value of plan assets  as of 31 December Funded status Swiss plans  pension benefits 2008 2007 Foreign plans  pension benefits 2008 2007 Other benefits 2007 2008 2 893 2 743 2 349 2 212 670 462 28 20 –231 –13 11 15 17 –130 –22 –15 98 88 –209 –158 16 15 48 98 93 27 –204 22 70 122 –183 –73 1 8 –2 39 54 115 –235 –83 1 6 –27 –80 –440 –12 –13 2 743 2 827 2 212 1 642 462 325 2 920 3 169 1 543 1 970 38 –432 83 –204 22 275 116 –158 16 29 –294 172 –83 1 146 410 –73 1 10 –29 –67 –404 13 –13 15 –15 3 169 426 2 676 –151 1 970 –242 1 362 –280 –462 –325 Amounts recognised in the balance sheet in 2008 consist of: CHF millions Non current assets Current liabilities Non current liabilities Net amount recognised Swiss plan –151 –151 Foreign plans 93 –373 –280 Other benefits –14 –311 –325 Total 93 –14 –835 –756 Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  181 Financial statements / Notes to the Group financial statements Amounts recognised in accumulated other comprehensive income, gross of tax, in 2008  consist of: Net gain/loss Prior service cost/credit Total Swiss plan 710 63 773 Foreign plans 242 242 Other benefits –170 –153 –323 Total 782 –90 692 Components of net periodic  benefit cost Components of net periodic benefit cost and other amounts recognised in other  comprehensive income consist of: CHF millions Service cost (net of participant   contributions) Interest cost Expected return on assets Amortisation of:   Net gain/loss   Prior service cost Effect of settlement,   curtailment and termination Net periodic benefit cost Swiss plans  pension benefits 2008 2007 Foreign plans  pension benefits 2008 2007 Other benefits 2007 2008 98 88 –141 98 93 –152 17 7 15 84 7 46 70 122 –101 28 1 –2 118 54 115 –118 6 –9 48 28 20 –7 –8 15 17 –10 –11 33 11 Other changes in plan assets and benefit obligations recognised in other comprehensive  income consist of: CHF millions Adjustment to retained  earnings Net gain/loss Prior service cost/credit Amortisation of:   Net gain/loss   Prior service cost Exchange rate gain/loss  recognised during the year Total recognised in other  comprehensive income, gross of tax Total recognised in net  periodic benefit cost and  other comprehensive  income, gross of tax Swiss plan Foreign plans Other benefits –2 610 –7 –2 177 –4 –54 4 –22 –130 10 11 2 601 117 –125 Total 0 765 –130 6 4 –52 593 647 165 –114 698 182  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Financial statements / Notes to the Group financial statements The estimated net loss and prior service cost for the defined benefit pension plans that will    be amortised from accumulated other comprehensive income into net periodic benefit cost  over the next fiscal year are CHF 12 million and CHF 7 million, respectively. The estimated net  gain and prior service credit for the other defined post-retirement benefits that will be  amortised from accumulated other comprehensive income into net periodic benefit cost over  the next fiscal year is CHF 10 million and CHF 14 million, respectively. The accumulated benefit obligation (the current value of accrued benefits excluding future  salary increases) for pension benefits was CHF 4 642 million and CHF 4 282 million as of   31 December 2007 and 2008, respectively. Pension plans with an accumulated benefit obligation in excess of plan assets consist of: CHF millions Projected benefit obligation Accumulated benefit obligation Fair value of plan assets 2007 1 096 981 784 2008 3 634 3 512 3 149 Assumptions used to determine  obligations at the end of the year Discount rate Rate of compensation increase Assumptions used to determine  net periodic pension costs for the  year ended Discount rate Expected long-term return   on plan assets Rate of compensation increase Assumed medical trend rates   at year end Medical trend – initial rate Medical trend – ultimate rate Year that the rate reaches the ultimate trend rate Swiss plans  pension benefits 2008 2007 Foreign plans  pension benefits weighted average 2008 2007 Other benefits weighted average 2008 2007 3.5% 2.3% 3.3% 2.3% 5.8% 4.7% 5.9% 3.3% 4.5% 4.5% 4.6% 4.1% 3.2% 3.5% 5.2% 5.8% 3.9% 4.5% 5.0% 2.3% 5.0% 2.3% 6.4% 4.5% 6.4% 4.7% 4.5% 4.5% 7.1% 4.6% 7.2% 4.5% 2015 2015 Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  183 Principal actuarial  assumptions Financial statements / Notes to the Group financial statements The expected long-term rates of return on plan assets are based on long-term expected  inflation, interest rates, risk premiums and targeted asset category allocations. The estimates  take into consideration historical asset category returns. Assumed health-care cost trend rates have a significant effect on the amounts reported for  the health-care plans. A one percentage point change in assumed health-care cost trend rates  would have had the following effects for 2008: CHF millions Effect on total of service and interest cost components Effect on post-retirement benefit obligation 1 percentage  point increase 2 34 1 percentage  point decrease –2 –27 Plan asset allocation by   asset category The actual asset allocation by major asset category for defined benefit pension plans as of   the respective measurement dates in 2007 and 2008, are as follows: Asset category Equity securities Debt securities Real estate Other Total Swiss plans actual allocation Foreign plans actual allocation Swiss plans Foreign plans 2007 2008 2007 2008  Target allocation 34% 45% 14% 7% 100% 12% 52% 18% 18% 100% 51% 46% 1% 2% 100% 35% 60% 2% 3% 100% 30% 42% 18% 10% 100% 39% 57% 3% 1% 100% Actual asset allocation is determined by a variety of current economic and market conditions  and considers specific asset class risks. Equity securities include Swiss Re common stock of CHF 11 million (0.2% of total plan assets)  and CHF 3 million (0.1% of total plan assets) as of 31 December 2007 and 2008,  respectively. The Group’s pension plan investment strategy is to match the maturity profiles of the assets  and liabilities in order to reduce the future volatility of pension expense and funding status of  the plans. This involves balancing investment portfolios between equity and fixed income  securities. Tactical allocation decisions that reflect this strategy are made on a quarterly basis. The employer contributions expected to be made in 2009 to the defined benefit pension  plans are CHF 190 million and to the post-retirement benefit plan are CHF 14 million. Expected contributions   and estimated future benefit  payments 184  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Financial statements / Notes to the Group financial statements As of 31 December 2008, the projected benefit payments, which reflect expected future  service, not adjusted for transfers in and for employees voluntary contributions, are as follows: CHF millions 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Years 2014 – 2018 Swiss plans  pension benefits 127 132 142 135 137 764 Foreign plans  pension benefits 61 63 67 71 75 447 Other  benefits 14 16 17 18 19 111 The Group sponsors a number of defined contribution plans to which employees and the  Group make contributions. The accumulated balances are paid as a lump sum at the earlier of  retirement, termination, disability or death. The amount expensed in 2007 and in 2008 was  CHF 48 million and CHF 48 million, respectively. The Group changed the measurement date for its employee benefit plans from 30 September  to 31 December for its 2008 financial statements in accordance with new generally accepted  accounting guidance effective as of 1 January 2008. The corresponding adjustment to   the opening balance of retained earnings and accumulated other comprehensive income was  CHF 31 million and nil, respectively. Defined contribution pension  plans  Impact of new accounting  guidance Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  185 Financial statements / Notes to the Group financial statements 14  Share-based payments As of 31 December 2007 and 2008, the Group had the share-based compensation plans  described below. Total compensation cost for share-based compensation plans recognised in net income was  CHF 31 million and CHF 41 million in 2007 and 2008, respectively. The related tax benefit  was CHF 7 million and CHF 9 million, respectively. Stock option plans Stock option plans include the long-term equity award programme, the fixed-option plan   and an additional grant to certain members of executive management. The long-term equity award programme was provided to members of the Executive Board  and certain members of management. Under the scheme, the beneficiary was allowed to  choose between the fixed-option plan and a restricted-share plan. Under the fixed-option plan, the exercise price of each option is equal to the market price   of the shares on the date of the grant. Options issued vest at the end of the fourth year and  have a maximum life of ten years. A summary of the activity of the Group’s stock option plans is as follows: Outstanding as of 1 January Options exercised Options sold Options forfeited or expired  Outstanding as of 31 December  Weighted average  exercise price in CHF 123 68 105 147 120 2008 Number of  Shares 7 936 234 –10 000 –94 700 –850 492 6 981 042 Exercisable as of 31 December  127 5 853 192 No options were granted under this plan from 2007 onwards. The following table summarises the status of stock options outstanding as of 31 December  2008: Range of exercise  prices in CHF 67 – 99 128 – 187 67 – 187 Number of  options 3 345 994 3 635 048 6 981 042 Weighted average remaining  contractual life in years 7.0 10.3 8.7 Weighted average exercise  price in CHF 82 155 120 The fair value of each option grant was estimated on the date of grant using a binomial  option-pricing model, with the following weighted average assumptions used for grants in  2006: dividend yield of 3.8%; expected volatility of 20.0%; risk-free interest rate of 2.4%;  expected life of 6.0.  186  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Financial statements / Notes to the Group financial statements Options exercisable The status of stock options exercisable as of 31 December 2008 is summarised as follows: Restricted shares Long-term Incentive plan Stock appreciation rights Range of exercise  prices in CHF 67 – 99 128 – 187 67 – 187 Number exercisable (vested) 2 218 144 3 635 048 5 853 192 Weighted average remaining  contractual life in years 6.5 7.8 7.3 Weighted average exercise  price in CHF 81 155 127 The Group introduced a restricted-share plan during 2004 to complement the fixed-option  plan. In 2007 and 2008, nil and 772 248 restricted shares were issued under this plan,  respectively. In addition, restricted bonus shares were issued during 2007 and 2008 of   69 770 and 389 506 shares, respectively. A summary of shares relating to outstanding awards granted under the above-mentioned  plans as of 31 December 2008 is presented below: Non-vested at January 1 Granted Delivery of restricted shares Forfeited Outstanding as of 31 December  Number of shares 665 885 1 161 754 –139 509 –25 877 1 662 253 Weighted average  grant date fair value 79 82 93 85 84 The weighted average fair value of restricted shares, which equals the market price of the  shares on the date of the grant, was CHF 108 and CHF 84 in 2007 and 2008, respectively.  Starting in 2006, the Group annually grants a Long-term Incentive plan (LTI) to selected   employees with a three-year vesting period. The plans are expected to be settled in cash.   The requisite service periods as well as the maximum contractual term for each plan is three   years. The method to estimate fair value is based on a risk neutral approach that uses the  current share price as an estimate of the share price at the end of the vesting period. In order  to determine the fair value the following key performance indicators are also taken into  consideration: three-year average return on equity (ROE) and three-year earnings per share   compound annual growth rate (EPS CAGR). Fair value is revised at every balance sheet date. In 2006, the Group issued 3 million stock appreciation rights (SAR) as an extraordinary grant  following the Insurance Solutions acquisition. The plan will be settled in cash. The requisite  service period is 2 years, which vested in June 2008, while the maximum contractual term is  5 years. The fair value of the appreciation rights are estimated at date of grant using a  binomial option-pricing model and is revised at every balance sheet date until exercise.  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  187 Financial statements / Notes to the Group financial statements Unrecognised compensation  costs As of 31 December 2008, the total unrecognised compensation cost (net of expected  forfeitures) related to non-vested, share-based compensation awards was CHF 15 million and  the weighted average period over which that cost is expected to be recognised was 2.1  years. The number of shares authorised for the Group’s share-based payments to employees was 1 204 155 and 649 773 as of 31 December 2007 and 2008, respectively. For the Groups outstanding LTI plans, the unrecognised compensation costs are based on   the fair value that is revised at every balance sheet date. Based on the calculated fair value as  at 31 December 2008, the Group does not expect to recognise further compensation costs  related to outstanding LTI plans. Employee participation plan The Groups employee participation plan consists of a savings scheme lasting two or   three years. Employees combine regular savings with the purchase of either actual or tracking  options. The Group contributes to the employee savings over the period of the plan. At maturity, either the employee receives shares or cash equal to the accumulated savings  balance, or the employee may elect to exercise the options. In 2007 and 2008, 980 711 and 1 222 339 options, respectively, were issued to employees  and the Group contributed CHF 19 million and CHF 18 million, respectively, to the plan. 188  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Compensation for acting  members of governing bodies Board of Directors Financial statements / Notes to the Group financial statements 15   Compensation, participations and loans of members   of governing bodies The section below follows articles 663bbis and 663c para. 3 of the Swiss Code of Obligations,  which require disclosure of the elements of compensation, paid to Swiss Re Group’s Board of  Directors and Executive Committee, as well as their shareholdings and loans. Article 663bbis of the Swiss Code of Obligations requires disclosure of total compensation   paid to members of the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee. Compensation to  members of the Board of Directors and the highest paid member of the Executive Committee  are shown by individual. For a description of the elements of this compensation, please see  page 118 in the corporate governance and compensation report. Members of the Board of Directors received an honorarium, a mandatory 40% of which is in  the form of shares; the remainder may be taken either in the form of cash or shares with a  four-year deferral period. Prior to 2008, the Chairman and Vice Chairman were remunerated  through a fixed honorarium and a variable bonus. The share price as of 2 March 2007 of   CHF 107.90 and the share price as of 29 February 2008 of CHF 84.10 have been used for  calculating the number of shares awarded based upon the amount of the honorarium  received in shares. There was one exception for an honorarium granted in September 2008  where the share price of CHF 64.00 was used to calculate the number of shares awarded.  Total compensation of the members of the Board of Directors was as follows: CHF thousands Honorarium and cash allowances Honorarium shares Funding of pension benefits Total 2007 5 761 4 248 223 10 232 2008 5 772 4 561 167 10 500 Individual compensation of the Chairman and the Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors   for 2007 was as follows: 2007 CHF thousands Peter Forstmoser, Chairman Walter B. Kielholz, Vice Chairman Total Honorarium and  cash allowances 2 600 1 288 3 888 Honorarium  shares 667 1 382 2 049 Pension 223 223 Total 3 267 2 893 6 160 Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  189 Financial statements / Notes to the Group financial statements Individual compensation of the remaining members of the Board of Directors for 2007 was   as follows: 2007 CHF thousands Jakob Baer, Chairman of the Audit Committee Thomas W. Bechtler, Member Raymund Breu, Member John R. Coomber, Chairman of the Finance   and Risk Committee Dennis D. Dammerman, Former member1 Rajna Gibson Brandon, Member Bénédict G.F. Hentsch, Member Hans Ulrich Maerki, Member2 Robert A. Scott, Chairman of the Compensation Committee John F. Smith, Jr., Member Kaspar Villiger, Member Total Honorarium and  cash allowances 392 195 Honorarium  shares 393 130 325 354 59 163 195 255 97 163 1 873 233 39 162 130 227 170 228 162 2 199 Total 785 325 325 587 98 325 325 227 425 325 325 4 072 1 Retired from the Board of Directors at the Annual General Meeting of 20 April 2007. 2 Elected to the Board of Directors at the Annual General Meeting of 20 April 2007. Individual compensation of the Chairman and the Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors  granted in 2008 was as follows: 2008 CHF thousands Peter Forstmoser, Chairman Walter B. Kielholz, Vice Chairman Total Honorarium and  cash allowances  1 980 1 302 3 282 Honorarium  shares 1 320 1 244 2 564 Pension 167 167 Total 3 300 2 713 6 013 Honorariums are set at the beginning of each year and as such are not subject to the  performance of the company. In recognition of the difficulties faced by the company in the  current financial environment, the Chairman and the Vice Chairman have each elected to  forego 50% of their 2008 honorarium in 2009. 190  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Financial statements / Notes to the Group financial statements Individual compensation of the remaining members of the Board of Directors granted in 2008  was as follows: 2008 CHF thousands Jakob Baer, Chairman of the Audit Committee Thomas W. Bechtler, Member Raymund Breu, Member Mathis Cabiallavetta, Chairman of the Investment  Committee1 Raymond K.F. Ch’ien, Member2 John R. Coomber, Chairman of the Finance   and Risk Committee Rajna Gibson Brandon, Member Bénédict G.F. Hentsch, Member Hans Ulrich Maerki, Member Robert A. Scott, Chairman of the  Compensation Committee John F. Smith, Jr., Former member3 Kaspar Villiger, Member Total Honorarium and  cash allowances  480 195 Honorarium  shares 320 130 325 200 137 395 195 195 195 255 48 195 2 490 133 91 260 130 130 130 170 48 130 1 997 Total 800 325 325 333 228 655 325 325 325 425 96 325 4 487 1 Elected to the Board of Directors at the Annual General Meeting of 18 April 2008, with effect as of 1 September 2008. 2 Elected to the Board of Directors at the Annual General Meeting of 18 April 2008. 3 Retired from the Board of Directors at the Annual General Meeting of 18 April 2008. Executive Committee Total compensation for members of the Executive Committee was as follows: CHF thousands Base salary and allowances Cash variable pay for performance  Total cash Value alignment incentive (VAI)1 Shares Long-term Incentive plan grant (LTI) 2 Subtotal Compensation due to member leaving Contractual commitments due to new members Funding of pension benefits Total Change in fair value of plans vesting over several years 2007 8 868 10 229 19 097 12 243 2 862 16 000 50 202 2 280 1 494 53 976 4 671 2008 8 417 5 625 14 042 4 219 2 500 17 500 38 261 9 124 1 084 48 469 –53 087 1 Includes 25% uplift on nominal value, which will be paid out at vesting after three years. 2  For 2007 disclosure, the LTI plan granted was presented net of grant which included an adjustment to fair value as   at balance sheet date. For 2008 and going forward, the amounts for LTI represent the grant value of the plan for the  respective year and the changes in the fair value of the LTI plan as at balance sheet date are reflected in the   line “Change in fair value of plans vesting over several years”. 2007 numbers have been revised accordingly. The fair values of the Value Alignment Incentive (VAI) granted in the current year are based   on the nominal amount of the grant and a mark-up of 25% on nominal value. Subsequently,   the fair values of VAI’s granted are updated based on actual results for the years covered by  the grants. For a description of the VAI plans, see page121 of the corporate governance and  compensation report. Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  191 Financial statements / Notes to the Group financial statements Amounts reported under shares relate to bonus shares and restricted stock units granted.   The bonus plan stipulates that Executive Committee members decide on the split between  cash and bonus shares and the shares granted are subject to a one-year blocking period. Members of the Executive Committee are granted Long-term Incentive (LTI) plans. The plans  are expected to be settled in cash and the requisite service periods as well the maximum  contractual term for each plan is three years. The method to estimate fair value is based on a  risk neutral approach that uses the current share price as an estimate of the share price at the  end of the vesting period. In order to determine the fair value, the following key performance  indicators are also taken into consideration: three-year average return on equity (ROE) and  three-year earnings per share compound annual growth rate (EPS CAGR). The fair values of  the LTI plans were based on the actual results for those years and the forecast years covered  by the plans. For further information on LTI plans, see page 121 of the corporate governance  and compensation report. For US GAAP reporting purposes, the cost of the bonus shares, VAI and LTI awards are  accrued over the period during which they are earned. For the current compensation  disclosure purposes the value of awards granted is included as compensation in the year of  grant and the change in the fair value of both current and prior-year awards are reflected  separately from the grant value. Contractual commitments due to new members represent long-term incentives granted to  replace agreements with former employers that were forgone upon joining Swiss Re Group. As of 1 January 2007, Swiss Re Group converted the pension fund in Switzerland from a  defined benefit plan to a defined contribution plan (as defined under Swiss Law), requiring  actuarially determined one-off contributions to the plan, which did not give rise to higher  pension entitlement. The remuneration for 2007 disclosed above excludes these one-off  contributions arising from the conversion. The actuarially determined contribution amounts  were approximately CHF 4.8 million in total for the Board of Directors and the Executive  Committee. Therefore, certain members of the Board of Directors and the Executive  Committee are now in a defined contribution scheme and their pension funding compensation  in the remuneration tables above reflects the actual employer contributions. Where defined  benefit arrangements persist, the funding is determined on an actuarial basis, which can vary  substantially from year to year depending on age and years of service of the benefiting  Executive Committee members. 192  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Financial statements / Notes to the Group financial statements Highest paid member of   the Executive Committee  In 2007, Jacques Aigrain, Chief Executive Officer, was the highest paid member of the  Executive Committee. In 2008, the highest paid member was David J. Blumer, Head of Asset  Management. Their respective compensation was as follows: Jacques Aigrain, Chief Executive Officer CHF thousands Base salary and allowances Cash variable pay for performance  Total cash Value alignment incentive (VAI)1 Long-term Incentive plan grant (LTI) 2 Subtotal Funding of pension benefits Total Change in fair value of plans vesting over several years 2007 1 475 2 600 4 075 4 875 5 000 13 950 223 14 173 1 557 2008 1 486 1 486 5 000 6 486 167 6 653 –16 900 1 Includes 25% uplift on nominal value, which will be paid out at vesting after three years. 2  For 2007 disclosure, the LTI plan granted was presented net of grant which included an adjustment to fair value as at  balance sheet date. For 2008 and going forward, the amounts for LTI represent the grant value of the plan for the   respective year and the changes in the fair value of the LTI plan as at balance sheet date are reflected in the line “Change  in fair value of plans vesting over several years”. 2007 numbers have been revised accordingly. David J. Blumer, Head of Asset Management CHF thousands Base salary and allowances Cash variable pay for performance  Total cash Shares Long-term Incentive plan grant Subtotal Contractual commitments1 Funding of pension benefits Total Change in fair value of plans vesting over several years 2008 854 1 500 2 354 2 500 2 500 7 354 6 998 111 14 463 –2 500 1  Represents long-term incentives granted by the former employer which were replaced in the form of Swiss Re shares   at a value of CHF 86.40 per share. Compensation of former  members of governing bodies The compensation of former members of the Executive Committee relates to residual  payments made to a former member.  CHF thousands Former members of the Executive Committee Total 2007 530 530 2008 10 10 Share ownership, options  and related instruments The disclosure below follows article 663c para. 3 of the Swiss Code of Obligations which  requires disclosure of share ownership, options and related instruments individually for each  member of the Board of Directors and Executive Committee, including shares, options   and related instruments held by persons closely related to, and by companies controlled by  members of the Board of Directors and Executive Committee. Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  193 Financial statements / Notes to the Group financial statements The numbers of shares held as of 31 December 2007 and 2008 were as follows: Members of the Board of Directors Peter Forstmoser, Chairman Walter B. Kielholz, Vice Chairman Jakob Baer, Chairman of the Audit Committee Thomas W. Bechtler, Member Raymund Breu, Member Mathis Cabiallavetta, Chairman of the Investment Committee Raymond K.F. Ch’ien, Member John R. Coomber, Chairman of the Finance and Risk Committee Rajna Gibson Brandon, Member Bénédict G.F. Hentsch, Member Hans Ulrich Maerki, Member Robert A. Scott, Chairman of the Compensation Committee John F. Smith, Jr., Former Member Kaspar Villiger, Member Total Members of the Executive Committee Jacques Aigrain, Chief Executive Officer Stefan Lippe, Deputy Chief Executive Officer and Chief Operating Officer Andreas Beerli, Head of Associated Units and Special Projects Brian Gray, Chief Underwriting Officer1 Michel M. Liès, Head of Client Markets George Quinn, Chief Financial Officer Christian Mumenthaler, Former Chief Risk Officer2 Total 1 Appointed to the Executive Committee on 1 September 2008. 2 Stepped down from the Executive Committee on 31 December 2007.  2007 98 775 123 775 10 336 17 673 12 208 113 541 11 440 9 755 3 819 9 249 9 878 4 833 425 282 2008 132 398 155 301 14 141 13 081 16 072 1 961 1 086 116 633 12 986 11 301 7 762 11 271 6 379 500 372 2007 236 275 2008 249 620 39 100 30 828 48 093 14 929 2 419 371 644 55 371 38 178 3 207 51 482 17 145 415 003 Restricted shares In 2004 and 2005, the beneficiaries of the Long-term equity award programme received, as  an alternative to stock options, the right to opt for restricted shares. The applicable ratio of  stock options to restricted shares was four to one. The restricted shares vest after four years.  During the vesting period, there is a risk of forfeiture. 194  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Financial statements / Notes to the Group financial statements The following unvested restricted shares were held by members of governing bodies as   of 31 December 2007 and 2008: Members of the Board of Directors Grant year Share price in CHF as of grant  date Peter Forstmoser, Chairman Members of the Executive Committee Grant year Average share price in CHF   as of grant date Jacques Aigrain,   Chief Executive Officer Stefan Lippe,   Deputy Chief Executive Officer  and Chief Operating Officer Andreas Beerli,   Head of Associated Units   and Special Projects David J. Blumer,   Head of Asset Management Brian Gray,   Chief Underwriting Officer Michel M. Liès,   Head of Client Markets Raj Singh,   Chief Risk Officer Christian Mumenthaler,   Former Chief Risk Officer Total As of 31 December 2007 2005 2004 As of 31 December 2008 2005 93.00 10 000 82.85 5 000 82.85 5 000 As of 31 December 2007 2005 2004 As of 31 December 2008 2008 2005 93.00 82.85 82.85 86.29 13 750 13 750 9 125 8 750 7 500 7 500 7 500 750 3 750 3 750 81 000 4 000 1 250 8 750 5 000 39 125 34 500 85 000 Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  195 Financial statements / Notes to the Group financial statements Unvested options The following unvested options were held by members of governing bodies as of   31 December 2007 and 2008: Members of the Board of Directors Average strike price in CHF as of grant date Peter Forstmoser, Chairman Walter B. Kielholz, Vice Chairman John R. Coomber, Chairman of the Finance and Risk Committee Total Members of the Executive Committee Average strike price in CHF as of grant date Jacques Aigrain, Chief Executive Officer Stefan Lippe, Deputy Chief Executive Officer and Chief Operating  Officer Brian Gray, Chief Underwriting Officer Michel M. Liès, Head of Client Markets George Quinn, Chief Financial Officer Total 2007 87.12 20 000 40 000 130 000 190 000 Number of options 2008 82.85 20 000 20 000 70 000 110 000 2007 92.95 150 000 Number of options 2008 93.51 100 000 41 000 42 000 25 000 258 000 3 000 15 000 10 000 128 000 Options have a four-year vesting period, during which there is a risk of forfeiture, and   an exercise period of six years. The exchange ratio is 1:1, meaning each option entitles the  beneficiary to purchase one share at a non-adjustable strike price. The range of expiry years for unvested options held by members of governing bodies   was 2014 to 2015 as of 31 December 2007 and 2015 as of 31 December 2008. 196  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Financial statements / Notes to the Group financial statements Vested options The following vested options were held by members of governing bodies as of   31 December 2007 and 2008: Members of the Board of Directors Average strike price in CHF as of grant date Peter Forstmoser, Chairman Walter B. Kielholz, Vice Chairman John R. Coomber, Chairman of the Finance and Risk Committee Total Members of the Executive Committee Average strike price in CHF as of grant date Jacques Aigrain, Chief Executive Officer Stefan Lippe, Deputy Chief Executive Officer   and Chief Operating Officer Andreas Beerli, Head of Associated Units and Special Projects Brian Gray, Chief Underwriting Officer Michel M. Liès, Head of Client Markets George Quinn, Chief Financial Officer Christian Mumenthaler, Former Chief Risk Officer Total 2007 111.68 30 000 337 950 207 000 574 950 Number of options 2008 129.72 30 000 230 000 256 000 516 000 Number of options 2008 114.94 140 000 2007 123.53 90 000 86 400 103 600 104 000 24 600 2 000 410 600 112 400 101 200 16 200 123 000 39 600 532 400 The range of expiry years for vested options held by members of governing bodies as of   31 December 2007 and 2008 was 2008 to 2013 and 2009 to 2014, respectively. Loans to members of  governing bodies The following loans were granted to members of governing bodies as of 31 December 2007  and 2008: CHF thousands Mortgages and loans to members of the Board of Directors Walter B. Kielholz, Vice Chairman Total mortgages and loans to members of the Executive Committee Highest mortgages and loans to an individual member of the   Executive Committee 2007 2008 2 000 8 585 2 000 6 004 Andreas Beerli, Head of Associated Units and Special Projects 3 000 3 000 Total mortgages and loans not at market conditions to former   members of the Executive Committee 4184 4 528 All credit is secured against real estate or pledged shares. The terms and conditions of loans  and mortgages are the same as those available to all of Swiss Re Groups employees in the  respective locations. Fixed-rate mortgages have a maturity of five years and interest rates that  correspond to the five-year Swiss franc swap rate plus a margin of 10 basis points.  Adjustable-rate mortgages have no agreed maturity dates. The basic preferential interest  rates equal the corresponding interest rates applied by the Zurich Cantonal Bank minus one  percentage point. To the extent that fixed or adjustable interest rates are preferential, such  values have been factored into the compensation sums given to the governing body  members.  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  197 Financial statements / Notes to the Group financial statements 16  Commitments and contingent liabilities Leasing commitments As part of its normal business operations, the Group enters into a number of lease  agreements. Such agreements, which are operating leases, total the following obligations   for the next five years and thereafter: As of 31 December 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 After 2013 Total operating lease commitments Less minimum non-cancellable sublease rentals Total net future minimum lease commitments CHF millions 78 73 65 57 48 509 830 –95 735 The following schedule shows the composition of total rental expenses for all operating leases  as of 31 December (except those with terms of a month or less that were not renewed): CHF millions Minimum rentals Sublease rental income Total 2007 69 –3 66 2008 74 –4 70 As a participant in limited investment partnerships, the Group commits itself to making  available certain amounts of investment funding, callable by the partnerships for periods of   up to 10 years. The total commitments remaining uncalled as of 31 December 2008 were  CHF 2 757 million.  The Group enters into a number of contracts in the ordinary course of reinsurance   and asset management business which, if the Group’s credit rating and/or defined statutory  measures decline to certain levels, would require the Group to post collateral or obtain  guarantees. The contracts typically provide alternatives for recapture of the associated  business. On 27 February 2008, a putative securities class action complaint was filed in the United  States District Court for the Southern District of New York against Swiss Re Zurich and certain  executive officers alleging false and misleading statements in connection with the two credit  default swaps in violation of the antifraud provisions of the U.S. securities laws. The original  complaint purports to be brought on behalf of U. S. purchasers of our stock between 8 May  2007 and 19 November 2007. On 28 July 2008, the court appointed Plumbers’ Union Local  No. 12 Pension Fund as the lead plaintiff for the class action. On 10 September 2008, an  amended complaint was filed which, among other things, seeks to expand the class period to  1 March 2007 through 19 November 2007. On 10 November 2008, Swiss Re Zurich filed   a motion seeking to dismiss the amended complaint on legal grounds. The lead plaintiff filed   its response to the motion on 9 January 2009, and Swiss Re Zurich’s reply brief is due in  February 2009. We intend to vigorously defend against the action. Other commitments Putative class action suit 198  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Financial statements / Notes to the Group financial statements Legal proceedings In the normal course of business operations, the Group is involved in various claims, lawsuits  and regulatory matters. In the opinion of management, the disposition of these or any   other legal matters, except as disclosed in this note, is not expected to have a material adverse  effect on the Group’s business, consolidated financial position or results of operations. Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  199 Financial statements / Notes to the Group financial statements 17  Information on business segments The Group provides reinsurance, insurance and capital market solutions for clients that  complement our (re)insurance offering throughout the world through its business segments.  The business segments are determined by the organisational structure and by the way in  which management reviews the operating result of the Group. As a reaction to the current unprecedented market turmoil, Swiss Re had to reassess its  business strategy with respect to its Asset Management function and the way this impacts   its reportable segments. The former Financial Markets Segment has been split into two areas: Asset  Management  which focuses on generating stable risk adjusted investment returns on assets generated  through (re)insurance activities and the provision of certain specific capital markets insurance  solutions and Legacy which contains discontinued activities formerly in Financial Markets or  Property and Casualty. Following the new structure, the Group presents four operating business segments:  Property & Casualty, Life & Health, Asset Management and Legacy. Items not allocated to  these four business segments are included in the “Group items” column. The Property & Casualty segment consists of the following sub-segments: Property traditional,  Casualty traditional, Specialty traditional and non-traditional business. The Specialty  traditional sub-segment includes certain parts of the former Credit Solutions business, Credit  Reinsurance, Bank Trade Finance, and Credit securitisations. Certain parts of the former  Financial Markets unit are included in the Property & Casualty business segment, including  Property & Casualty insurance-linked securities. The Life & Health segment continues to consist of the following sub-segments: Life traditional,  Health traditional and Admin Re®. Certain parts of the former Financial Markets unit   are now included in the Life & Health business segment, including variable annuity business. The Asset Management business segment includes two separate sub-segments “  Credit & Rates” and “Equity and Alternative Investments” resulting from the aggregation of  Asset Management Risk Stripes. The Asset Management business segment includes  proprietary returns on the Group’s invested fixed income securities, equity securities and  alternative investments. Third-party asset management is included in Credit & Rates.  200  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Financial statements / Notes to the Group financial statements Non-core activities have been consolidated into the new segment Legacy. These activities,  which have been in run-off since November 2007, are managed separately from the Asset   Management division. Legacy includes Financial Guarantee Re business, SCDS, PCDS and  further assets in the former Group’s trading book including Credit Correlation, Collateralised   Fund Obligations and other non-core activities.  Group items include certain costs of Corporate Centre functions not allocated to the business  segments, certain foreign exchange items, interest expenses on operating and financial   debt and other items not considered for the performance of the operating segments. With the new segment structure, the allocation of investment results has been revised.  Certain investment results, including investment income and realised gains on unit-linked  business, with-profit business and reinsurance derivatives, are excluded from the  performance of the Asset Management business segment and directly allocated to the  Property & Casualty and Life & Health business segments. The allocation of investment result to Property & Casualty and Life & Health is determined  based on US GAAP reinsurance liabilities. The new methodology applies a risk-free return to  the nominal net reserves at the end of the prior quarter. The risk-free interest rate applied   to the reserves is determined by currency and duration of the underlying Property & Casualty  and Life & Health reserves. The Allocation column eliminates the calculated investment result  allocated to either the Property & Casualty or the Life & Health business segments. 2007 information is disclosed accordingly to 2008 segments presentation basis. The accounting policies of the business segments are in line with those described in the  summary of significant accounting policies (see Note 1). Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  201 Financial statements / Notes to the Group financial statements a) Business segment results For the years ended 31 December 2007 CHF millions Revenues Premiums earned Fee income from policyholders Net investment income Net realised investment gains/losses Other revenues Total revenues Expenses Claims and claim adjustment  expenses; life and health benefits Return credited to policyholders Acquisition costs Other expenses Interest expenses Total expenses Property & Casualty Life & Health  Asset Management  Legacy Group items Allocation Total 18 977 3 188 –283 97 21 979 12 665 955 4 106 799 5 18 530 7 895 427 125 8 447 –12 049 –3 826 –1 633 –11 112 –2 120 –2 665 –1 313 22 3 –1 506 –1 481 –16 –8 –17 508 –17 210 0 –24 469 –176 75 368 –4 969 –4 969 –626 –1 814 –2 440 –505 –505 31 664 955 10 692 –739 302 42 874 –23 177 –2 120 –6 499 –4 077 –1 814 –37 687 Operating income/loss 4 471 1 320 8 447 –1 505 –2 072 –5 474 5 187 2008 CHF millions Revenues Premiums earned Fee income from policyholders Net investment income Net realised investment gains/losses Other revenues Total revenues Expenses Claims and claim adjustment  expenses; life and health benefits Return credited to policyholders Acquisition costs Other expenses Interest expenses Total expenses Property &  Casualty Life & Health  Asset  Management  Legacy Group items Allocation Total 14 379 2 607 –145 54 16 895 –9 857 –2 730 –1 562 11 090 808 3 648 –5 022 10 524 –9 065 2 822 –2 626 –958 5 360 480 72 5 912 32 231 –5 997 4 –5 730 –150 –10 –14 149 –9 827 0 –160 575 1 202 140 1 917 –4 540 –4 540 –561 –1 501 –2 062 –130 –130 25 501 808 7 881 –9 482 270 24 978 –19 072 2 822 –5 366 –3 211 –1 501 –26 328 Operating income/loss 2 746 697 5 912 –5 890 –145 –4 670 –1 350 202  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Financial statements / Notes to the Group financial statements b) Property & Casualty business segment – by line of business For the years ended 31 December 2007 CHF millions Revenues Premiums earned  Net investment income Net realised investment gains/losses Other revenues Total revenues Expenses Claims and claim adjustment expenses Acquisition costs Other expenses Total expenses Property  traditional Casualty  traditional Specialty  traditional Total traditional Non-traditional Total 6 464 496 –300 –7 6 653 –2 800 –1 143 –510 –4 453 7 446 1 936 9 382 –6 634 –1 417 –732 –8 783 4 701 477 112 5 290 –2 077 –1 123 –326 –3 526 18 611 2 909 –300 105 21 325 –11 511 –3 683 –1 568 –16 762 366 279 17 –8 654 –538 –143 –65 –746 18 977 3 188 –283 97 21 979 –12 049 –3 826 –1 633 –17 508 Operating income/loss  2 200 599 1 764 4 563 –92 4 471 Claims ratio in % Expense ratio in % Combined ratio in % 43.3 25.6 68.9 89.1 28.9 118.0 44.2 30.8 75.0 61.9 28.2 90.1 Property  traditional Casualty  traditional Specialty  traditional Total traditional Non-traditional Total 2008 CHF millions Revenues Premiums earned  Net investment income Net realised investment gains/losses Other revenues Total revenues Expenses Claims and claim adjustment expenses Acquisition costs Other expenses Total expenses 4 884 345 –153 5 187 1 658 15 5 076 6 860 –2 654 –623 –463 –3 740 –4 545 –1 010 –691 –6 246 Operating income/loss  1 336 614 Claims ratio in % Expense ratio in % Combined ratio in % 54.4 22.2 76.6 87.6 32.8 120.4 3 815 434 22 15 4 286 –2 367 –972 –274 –3 613 673 62.0 32.7 94.7 13 886 2 437 –116 15 16 222 –9 566 –2 605 –1 428 –13 599 493 170 –29 39 673 –291 –125 –134 –550 14 379 2 607 –145 54 16 895 –9 857 –2 730 –1 562 –14 149 2 623 123 2 746 68.9 29.0 97.9 Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  203 Financial statements / Notes to the Group financial statements c) Life & Health business segment – by line of business  For the years ended 31 December 2007 CHF millions Revenues Premiums earned Fee income from policyholders Net investment income Net realised investment gains/losses Other revenues Total revenues Expenses Claims and claim adjustment expenses; life and health benefits Return credited to policyholders Acquisition costs Other expenses Total expenses Life traditional Health traditional Admin Re® Total 8 311 48 963 –182 5 9 145 –6 226 255 –1 697 –684 –8 352 2 950 457 –65 1 404 907 2 686 1 046 3 342 6 043 –2 239 –596 –159 –2 994 –2 647 –2 375 –372 –470 –5 864 12 665 955 4 106 799 5 18 530 –11 112 –2 120 –2 665 –1 313 –17 210 Operating income/loss 793 348 179 1 320 Operating result, excluding non-participating net realised investment gains/ losses Net investment income – unit-linked Net investment income – with-profit business Net investment income – non-participating Net realised investment gains/losses – unit-linked Net realised investment gains/losses – with-profit business Net realised investment gains/losses – non-participating Operating revenues1 Management expense ratio in % Benefit ratio2 in % 413 –1 966 554 111 852 –421 457 239 –65 638 311 1 737 933 –67 180 749 311 3 046 512 –67 354 9 216 3 407 4 048 16 671 7.4 4.7 11.6 7.9 87.0 1  Operating revenues exclude net investment income and net realised investment gains/losses from unit-linked and with-profit business as these are passed through to contract holders  and therefore do not have an impact on the operating result. Operating revenues also exclude net realised investment gains/losses from non-participating business. 2 The benefit ratio is calculated as claims divided by premiums earned, both of which exclude unit-linked and with-profit business. 204  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Financial statements / Notes to the Group financial statements Life & Health business segment – by line of business  For the years ended 31 December 2008 CHF millions Revenues Premiums earned Fee income from policyholders Net investment income Net realised investment gains/losses Other revenues Total revenues Expenses Claims and claim adjustment expenses; life and health benefits Return credited to policyholders Acquisition costs Other expenses Total expenses Life traditional Health traditional Admin Re® Total 7 773 66 943 –1 225 2 434 412 –250 883 742 2 293 –3 547 11 090 808 3 648 –5 022 7 557 2 596 371 10 524 –6 162 884 –1 663 –480 –7 421 –1 671 –453 –179 –2 303 –1 232 1 938 –510 –299 –103 –9 065 2 822 –2 626 –958 –9 827 Operating income/loss 136 293 268 697 Operating result, excluding non-participating net realised investment   gains/losses Net investment income – unit-linked Net investment income – with-profit business Net investment income – non-participating Net realised investment gains/losses – unit-linked Net realised investment gains/losses – with-profit business Net realised investment gains/losses – non-participating Operating revenues1 Management expense ratio in % Benefit ratio2 in % 543 48 926 335 120 823 –1 026 412 –199 –250 647 249 1 397 –3 026 –741 220 767 249 2 632 –4 052 –741 –229 8 662 2 846 3 022 14 530 5.5 6.3 9.9 6.6 85.5 1  Operating revenues exclude net investment income and net realised investment gains/losses from unit-linked and with-profit business as these are passed through to contract holders  and therefore do not have an impact on the operating result. Operating revenues also exclude net realised investment gains/losses from non-participating business. 2 The benefit ratio is calculated as claims divided by premiums earned, both of which exclude unit-linked and with-profit business. Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  205 Financial statements / Notes to the Group financial statements d) Asset Management For the years ended 31 December 2007 CHF millions Revenues Premiums earned Net investment income Net realised investment gains/losses Other revenues Total revenues Expenses Claims and claim adjustment expenses Acquisition costs Other expenses Total expenses Operating income/loss 2008 CHF millions Revenues Premiums earned Net investment income Net realised investment gains/losses Other revenues Total revenues Expenses Claims and claim adjustment expenses Acquisition costs Other expenses Total expenses Operating income/loss 206  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Credit & Rates Equity & Alternative  Investments 7 390 –1 045 125 6 470 505 1 472 1 977 Total 7 895 427 125 8 447 0 0 0 6 470 1 977 8 447 Credit & Rates Equity & Alternative  Investments 6 297 807 80 7184 –937 –327 –8 –1272 Total 5 360 480 72 5912 0 0 0 7 184 –1 272 5 912 Financial statements / Notes to the Group financial statements e) Net premiums earned and fees income from policyholders by country CHF millions United States United Kingdom Germany Canada Australia France Italy Switzerland Spain Netherlands Japan Other Total 2007 13 387 4 788 1 983 1 314 997 1 220 994 832 704 623 563 5 214 32 619 2008 10 558 3 677 1 486 1 069 943 896 849 713 642 632 521 4 323 26 309 Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  207 Financial statements / Notes to the Group financial statements 18  Subsidiaries, equity investees and variable interest entities Subsidiaries and equity  investees Subsidiaries and equity investees Europe Denmark Swiss Re Denmark Holding ApS  Swiss Re Denmark Reinsurance A/S  France Frasecur Société d’Investissement à Capital Variable 1 Protegys Assurance Germany ROLAND Partner Beteiligungsverwaltung GmbH Swiss Re Frankona Rückversicherungs AG  Swiss Re Germany AG Swiss Re Germany Holding GmbH  Hungary Swiss Re Treasury (Hungary) Ltd Ireland Swiss Re International Treasury (Ireland) Ltd Swiss Reinsurance Ireland Ltd  Liechtenstein Elips Life AG Luxembourg Swiss Re Europe S. A. Swiss Re Finance (Luxembourg) S. A. Swiss Re Funds (LUX) I 1 Swiss Re Management (Luxembourg) S. A. Swiss Re Treasury (Luxembourg) S. A. Swiss Re International SE Malta Swiss Re Finance (Malta) Ltd Swiss Re Treasury (Malta) Ltd Method of consolidation f  full e  equity 1 Net asset value instead of share capital Netherlands Algemene Levensherverzekering Maatschappij N. V. Atradius Swiss Re Nederland Holding B.V. 208  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Share capital    (CHF millions) Affiliation  in % as of  31.12.2008 Method of  consolidation 0 0 170 37 0 74 67 38 100 100 99 34 20 100 100 100 0 100 0 118 100 100 15 48 518 0 12 171 294 155 196 740 740 7 84 1 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 25 100 f f f e e f f f f f f e f f f f f f f f f e f Financial statements / Notes to the Group financial statements Switzerland European Reinsurance Company of Zurich SR Institutional Funds 1 Tertianum AG United Kingdom Admin Re UK Ltd Banian Investments UK Ltd Calico Leasing (GB) Ltd Cyrenaic Investments (UK) Ltd Dex Name Ltd European Credit and Guarantee Insurance PCC Ltd NM Insurance Holdings Ltd NM Life Group Ltd NM Life Ltd NM Pensions Ltd PRO Insurance Solutions Ltd Reassure UK Life Assurance Company Ltd SR Delta Investments (UK) Ltd SRNY Ltd Swiss Re BHI Ltd Swiss Re Capital Markets Ltd Swiss Re Financial Services Ltd Swiss Re Frankona LM Ltd  Swiss Re GB Plc Swiss Re Life & Health Ltd Swiss Re Services Ltd Swiss Re Specialised Investments Holdings (UK) Ltd Swiss Re Specialty Insurance (UK) Ltd Swiss Reinsurance Company UK Ltd The Mercantile & General Reinsurance Company Ltd The Palatine Insurance Company Ltd Windsor Life Assurance Company Ltd XSMA Ltd Share capital    (CHF millions) Affiliation  in % as of  31.12.2008 Method of  consolidation 312 0 10 112 1 54 918 18 9 201 229 145 230 1 590 15 51 0 64 11 11 977 0 4 2 28 0 29 11 402 23 100 0 20 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 f f e f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f e f f f f f f f f f f Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  209 Financial statements / Notes to the Group financial statements North America and Caribbean Barbados Accra Holdings Corporation Atlantic International Reinsurance Company Ltd European Finance Reinsurance Company Ltd European International Holding Company Ltd European International Reinsurance Company Ltd Gasper Funding Corporation Stockwood Reinsurance Company, Ltd Underwriters Reinsurance Company (Barbados) Ltd Bermuda CORE Reinsurance Company Ltd Englewood Ltd Old Fort Insurance Company Ltd Swiss Re Global Markets Ltd SwissRe Capital Management (Bermuda) Ltd SwissRe Finance (Bermuda) Ltd SwissRe Investments (Bermuda) Ltd Canada Swiss Re Holdings (Canada) Inc. Swiss Re Life & Health Canada Swiss Reinsurance Company Canada Cayman Islands Ampersand Investments (UK) Ltd Cobham Funding Ltd Dunstanburgh Finance (Cayman) Ltd Epping Funding Ltd Kilgallon Finance Ltd Swiss Re Alternative Financing I SPC Swiss Re Alternative Financing II SPC SR Cayman Holdings Ltd SR York Ltd Swiss Re Strategic Investments (UK) Ltd Share capital    (CHF millions) Affiliation  in % as of  31.12.2008 Method of  consolidation 17 5 5 3 282 3 277 18 1 17 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 101 98 0 918 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 77 0 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f e f f f f f f 210  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Financial statements / Notes to the Group financial statements United States Conning & Company  Core Insurance Holdings Inc.  Facility Insurance Corporation Facility Insurance Holding Corporation First Specialty Insurance Coporation  Industrial Risk Insurers  North American Capacity Insurance Company North American Elite Insurance Company North American Specialty Insurance Company Reassure America Life Insurance Company  Rialto Re I Inc. SR IS North America Group  SR PA Finance Inc. Swiss Re America Holding Corporation Swiss Re Atrium Corporation Swiss Re Capital Markets Corporation Swiss Re Financial Products Corporation Swiss Re Financial Services Corporation Swiss Re Solutions Holding Corporation  Swiss Re Life & Health America Holding Company  Swiss Re Life & Health America Inc. Swiss Re Partnership Holding, LLC Swiss Re Treasury (US) Corporation Swiss Reinsurance America Corporation Washington International Insurance Company Westport Insurance Corporation  Australia Swiss Re Australia Ltd Swiss Re Life & Health Australia Ltd Africa South Africa Swiss Re Africa Ltd Swiss Re Life & Health Africa Ltd Share capital    (CHF millions) Affiliation  in % as of  31.12.2008 Method of  consolidation 0 0 0 0 5 0 4 4 5 3 151 7 280 0 1 0 0 0 9 5 4 392 0 12 9 7 15 115 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 1 0 100 100 f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  211 Financial statements / Notes to the Group financial statements Share capital    (CHF millions) Affiliation  in % as of  31.12.2008 Method of  consolidation Middle East United Arab Emirates GlobeMed Gulf FZ-LLC Asia China Beijing Prestige Health Consulting Services   Company Ltd Singapore ERC Asia Pacific Pte Ltd 3 6 4 39 100 100 Vietnam Vietnam National Reinsurance Corporation 31 25 e e f e 212  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Financial statements / Notes to the Group financial statements Variable interest entities Swiss Re Group enters into arrangements with variable interest entities (VIEs) in the normal  course of business. The involvement ranges from being a passive investor to designing,  structuring, and managing the VIEs. The variable interests held by the Group arise due to a   modified coinsurance agreement, certain insurance-linked and credit-linked securitisations,  private equity limited partnerships, hedge funds, debt financing and other entities, which  meet the definition of a VIE. When analysing the status of an entity, Swiss Re Group mainly assesses if (1) the equity is  sufficient to finance the entity’s activities without additional subordinated financial support,  (2) the equity owners have the right to make significant decisions affecting the entity’s  operations, and (3) the holders of the voting rights substantively participate in the gains and  losses of the entity. When one of these criteria is not met, these entities need to be assessed  for consolidation under FIN46(R). The party that will absorb the majority of the expected losses, receive the majority of the  expected residual return, or both, is considered the primary beneficiary according to  FIN46(R). To determine the primary beneficiary of a VIE, a qualitative analysis is performed in  which the nature and design, capital structure, contractual terms and relationships among   the variable interest holders are evaluated. When the qualitative analysis is not conclusive, a  quantitative analysis is performed. For this, the Group determines under various probability- weighted scenarios the cash flows that the variable interest holders will receive based on the  explicit and implicit variable interests they hold. Swiss Re Group consolidates a VIE when it   is the primary beneficiary. The assessment if Swiss Re Group is the primary beneficiary is reviewed whenever  circumstances qualify as a reconsideration event under FIN 46(R). These events include:  ̤ the VIE’s governing documents or contractual arrangements are changed in a manner   that changes the characteristics of the Group’s involvement; the Group’s assumption of additional variable interests; and the Group’s sale or disposal of variable interests, or the issuance of variable interests   by the VIE to unrelated parties.  ̤  ̤ In general, third parties invested in consolidated VIEs do not have recourse to the Group in   the event of a default, except in cases where the Group has protected the assets with a  derivative contract or has provided a guarantee. In these cases, the recourse is limited to the  notional of the guarantee or the value of the assets protected by the derivative contract. Modified coinsurance agreement Swiss Re Group assumes insurance risk via a modified coinsurance agreement from a direct  insurer, which qualifies as a VIE. Swiss Re Group takes the majority of the mortality risk,   which makes the Group the primary beneficiary. Consequently, Swiss Re Group will incur   losses when mortality risk develops unfavourably. Insurance-linked and credit-linked securitisations The insurance-linked and credit-linked securitisations transfer pre-existing insurance or credit  risk to the capital markets through the issuance of insurance-linked or credit-linked securities.  In insurance-linked securitisations, the securitisation vehicle initially assumes the insurance  risk through insurance contracts. In credit-linked securitisations, the securitisation vehicle  initially assumes the credit risk through credit default swaps. Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  213 Financial statements / Notes to the Group financial statements The securitisation vehicle generally retains the issuance proceeds as collateral. To determine  if Swiss Re Group is the primary beneficiary or has a significant variable interest, the   Group considers the insurance or credit risk assumed by the bondholders of the vehicles, the  investment risk of the securities held as collateral, and any derivative contracts or other  guarantees Swiss Re Group has entered into with the VIE. Typically, the variable interests held  by the Group arise through ownership of insurance-linked and credit-linked securities, or  through protection provided for the value of the collateral held. The collateral held predominantly consists of investment grade securities. Swiss Re Group  would incur losses when some or all of these securities drop in value or default. The Group’s  maximum exposure to loss equals the higher of the carrying amount of the collateral  protected or the carrying amount of the insurance-linked or credit-linked securities held.  Investment vehicles Investment vehicles include private equity limited partnerships and hedge funds, in which the  Group invested as part of its investment strategy. The Group’s variable interests arise through  an ownership interest in the vehicle. To determine if the Group is the primary beneficiary or  holds a significant portion of the variable interests, the Group assesses its ownership share   in relation to the total equity outstanding. The Group is exposed to losses when the values of  the investments held by the vehicles decrease. The maximum exposure to loss equals the  carrying amount of the ownership interest. Debt financing vehicles Debt financing vehicles issue preference shares or loan notes to provide the Group with  funding. Swiss Re Group is partially exposed to the asset risk by holding equity rights or by  protecting some of the assets held by the VIEs via guarantees or derivative contracts. The  assets held by the VIEs consist of investment grade securities, structured products, hedge  fund units and others. Others The VIEs in this category were created for various purposes. Generally, the Group is exposed   to the asset risk of the VIEs by holding an equity stake in the VIE or by guaranteeing a part or  the entire asset value to third-party investors. A significant portion of the exposure of Swiss Re  Group is either retroceded or hedged. The assets held by the VIEs consist of investment grade  securities, private equity investments, residential real estate and others. The Group did not provide financial or other support to any VIEs during the year that it was   not previously contractually required to provide. 214  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Financial statements / Notes to the Group financial statements The following table shows the total assets and liabilities in the Group’s balance sheet related  to VIEs of which the Group is the primary beneficiary: As of 31 December CHF millions Fixed income securities: Available-for-sale (whereof restricted 8 144) Trading  Policy loans, mortgages and other loans   (whereof restricted 260) Other invested assets (whereof restricted 162) Cash and cash equivalents (whereof restricted 411) Acquired present value of future profits   (whereof restricted 84) Accrued investment income (whereof restricted 80) Other assets (whereof restricted 33) Total assets Liabilities for life and health policy benefits  Policyholder account balances  Deferred and other non-current taxes  Accrued expenses and other liabilities Long-term debt Net unrealised investment gains/losses, net of deferred taxes Cumulative translation adjustments, net of deferred taxes Additional paid in capital Retained earnings Total liabilities and equity 2008 8 953 131 260 162 411 84 80 33 10 114 1 327 1 718 162 525 5 155 –187 1 204 241 –31 10 114 For investment vehicles, the assets and liabilities above are presented net of minority interest. The total assets of VIEs of which the Group is the primary beneficiary, but does not hold a  majority voting interest for periods ended 31 December 2007 and 2008, respectively, were  as follows: As of 31 December CHF millions Insurance-linked/Credit-linked securitisations Investment vehicles Debt financing Modified coinsurance agreement Other  Total 2007 241 7 766 4 022 1 12 030 2008 163 162 6 097 3 830 34 10 286 Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  215 Financial statements / Notes to the Group financial statements The following table shows the total assets and liabilities in the Group’s balance sheet related  to VIEs in which the Group holds a significant variable interest: As of 31 December 2008 CHF millions Other invested assets  Accrued expenses and other liabilities Total Assets 2 166 2 166 Liabilities 752 752 The total assets of VIEs of which the Group holds a significant variable interest for periods  ended 31 December 2007 and 2008, respectively, were as follows: As of 31 December CHF millions Insurance-linked/Credit-linked securitisations Investment vehicles Debt financing Other  Total 2007 10 874 17 684 7 753 1 690 38 001 2008 6 510 3 939 5 074 1 721 17 244 The following table shows the Group’s maximum exposure to loss and the liabilities related   to VIEs in which the Group holds a significant variable interest: As of 31 December CHF millions Insurance-linked/Credit-linked   securitisations Investment vehicles Debt financing Other  Total Maximum  exposure to loss  2007 Maximum  exposure to  loss 2008 Total liabilities  2008 Difference  2008 10 874 2 089 526 1 137 14 626 6 255 1 664 266 991 9 176 865 213 1 078 5 390 1 664 266 778 8 098 The liabilities of CHF 865 million for insurance-linked and credit-linked securitisations  represent the negative fair value of the total return swaps Swiss Re Group has entered into  with the securitisation vehicles. The negative fair value is caused by a decrease of value   of some of the assets held as collateral by the vehicles.  When the net asset values of the investment vehicles decrease, the carrying amount of   the investment is adjusted accordingly and a loss is recognised in the income statement.   Consequently, no liabilities are set up for investment vehicles when losses occur. 216  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Financial statements / Notes to the Group financial statements The liabilities of CHF 213 million for the debt financing and the other categories represent   the decline in value of VIE assets which are guaranteed by Swiss Re Group. For VIEs where   the variable interests consist in an equity stake, a loss is recognised in the income statement  rather than a liability is set up when the net asset value declines. As of 31 December 2008, the consolidation of the VIEs resulted in a minority interest in    the balance sheet of CHF 420 million (2007: CHF 435 million). The minority interest is  included in accrued expenses and other liabilities. The net minority interest in income was  CHF 37 million and CHF 10 million net of tax for the years ended 31 December 2007   and 2008, respectively. The income statement impacts are generally included in the relevant  segment with the underlying movement in income or expenses. Reconsideration events under FIN 46(R) required the review of the consolidation assessment  of certain VIEs. As a result, the Group consolidated and deconsolidated some VIEs. The effect  of this on the financial statements is immaterial. Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  217 Financial statements / Notes to the Group financial statements 19  Restructuring provision In 2008, the Property & Casualty and the Life & Health business segments set up provisions   of CHF 72 million and CHF 19 million, respectively, related to the German offices and  alignment of IT activities. The Property & Casualty business segment released provisions of  CHF 24 million, mostly related to the business acquired from Insurance Solutions, and   utilised CHF 14 million related to IT activities. The Asset Management business segment increased the provision by CHF 46 million  following the realignment of the former Financial Markets unit announced in 2007. Costs   of CHF 39 million were charged against the provision. 2008 CHF millions Balance as of 1 January  Increase in provision Release of provision Costs incurred Effect of foreign currency translation Balance as of 31 December Property &  Casualty 43 72 –24 –14 –4 73 Life & Health 10 19 –1 –12 –1 15 Asset   Management 28 46 –1 –39 –4 30 Total 81 137 –26 –65 –9 118 218  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Financial statements / Notes to the Group financial statements 20  Risk assessment The section below follows article 663b para. 12 of the Swiss Code of Obligations, which  requires disclosure of the Group’s performance of a risk assessment. The Board of Directors is ultimately responsible for the Group’s risk management principles  and policies, as well as for approving Swiss Re’s overall risk tolerance. The Board committees  dealing with risk management include two committees:  ̤ The Finance and Risk Committee, which is responsible for reviewing the Group Risk Policy,  monitoring risk tolerance and capacity limits, and reviewing top risk issues and exposures.  The Audit Committee, which is responsible for overseeing internal controls and compliance  procedures.  ̤ The Executive Committee is responsible for implementing the risk management framework  through two further committees. The Group Risk and Capital Committee has responsibility   for allocating capital and capacity, approving investment risk limits, and deciding changes to  the internal risk and capital methodology. The Group Products and Limits Committee  determines Swiss Re’s product policy and standards, grants reinsurance limits, and decides  on large or non-standard transactions. The Chief Risk Officer is a member of the Executive Committee. He leads the global Risk  Management function, which is responsible for risk controlling across the Group. The global Risk Management function is organised by risk categories, with dedicated  departments for property and casualty risk, life and health risk, and credit and financial market  risk. Each of these units is entrusted with Group-wide responsibility for identifying, assessing  and controlling their allocated risks, including operational risks which arise in their area of  control. Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  219 Financial statements / Notes to the Group financial statements 21  Subsequent event Swiss Re Group and Berkshire Hathaway Inc. have agreed in principle, as announced on   5 February 2009, that Berkshire Hathaway Inc. will invest CHF 3 billion in Swiss Re Group.  The final closing of the investment is subject to the shareholder approval. The investment is expected to be in the form of a subordinated convertible perpetual capital  instrument issued by Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd or one of its subsidiaries with a 12%  coupon. At the holder’s option, it will be convertible after three years into Swiss Re shares, at  a price of CHF 25 per share (subject to adjustments). 220  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Financial statements / Notes to the Group financial statements Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  221 Financial statements / Notes to the Group financial statements Report of the statutory auditor Report of the statutory auditor to the General Meeting of Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd Zurich Report of the statutory auditor on the Consolidated Financial Statements As statutory auditor, we have audited the consolidated financial statements of Swiss Re Group,  which comprise the income statement, balance sheet, statement of shareholders’ equity,  statement of comprehensive income, statement of cash flow and notes (pages 135 to 220),  for the year ended 31 December 2008. Board of Directors’ Responsibility The Board of Directors is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the   consolidated financial statements in accordance with accounting principles generally   accepted in the United States of America (US GAAP) and the requirements of Swiss law. This  responsibility includes designing, implementing and maintaining an internal control system  relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of consolidated financial statements that are  free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. The Board of Directors is   further responsible for selecting and applying appropriate accounting policies and making   accounting estimates that are reasonable in the circumstances. Auditor’s Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these consolidated financial statements based  on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with Swiss law, Swiss Auditing Standards  and auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America. Those standards  require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the  consolidated financial statements are free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and   disclosures in the consolidated financial statements. The procedures selected depend on   the auditor’s judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the   consolidated financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk   assessments, the auditor considers the internal control system relevant to the entity’s   preparation and fair presentation of the consolidated financial statements in order to design  audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of   expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control system. An audit   also includes evaluating the appropriateness of the accounting policies used and the   reasonableness of accounting estimates made, as well as evaluating the overall presentation  of the consolidated financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained  is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion. Opinion In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2008  present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position, the results of operations and the  cash flows in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States  of America (US GAAP) and comply with Swiss law. 222  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Financial statements / Notes to the Group financial statements Report on other legal requirements We confirm that we meet the legal requirements on licensing according to the Auditor   Oversight Act (AOA) and independence (article 728 CO and article 11 AOA) and that there  are no circumstances incompatible with our independence. In accordance with article 728a paragraph 1 item 3 CO and Swiss Auditing Standard 890,   we confirm that an internal control system exists which has been designed for the preparation  of consolidated financial statements according to the instructions of the Board of Directors. We recommend that the consolidated financial statements submitted to you be approved. PricewaterhouseCoopers AG David JA Law   Audit expert  Auditor in charge Dawn M Kink Audit expert Zurich, 18 February 2009 Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  223 Financial statements / Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd 224  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Financial statements / Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd Annual report Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd Reinsurance and holding company Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd, domiciled in Zurich, Switzerland, performs a dual role within  the Swiss Re Group as both a reinsurance company and a holding company. The assessment  of the market position, profitability and financial strength of Swiss Re’s worldwide organisation  must focus primarily on the consolidated financial statements. The following commentary on the 2008 financial year of the parent company thus  complements the review of the financial year of the Swiss Re Group. Financial year 2008 In 2008, the Company reported an after-tax gain of CHF 15 million, compared to a gain of  CHF 1.7 billion in the previous year. Reinsurance result The reinsurance business continued to perform well and delivered a gain of CHF 1.8 billion.  The investment result, however, suffered from the current financial markets crisis. The business year was characterised by a number of transactions in connection with the  simplification of the Group’s entity structure in the EU and the consolidation of its EU business.  During 2008, the Company transferred assets and liabilities from its French, Italian and  Spanish branches to the respective branch operations of a reinsurance carrier based in  Luxembourg by way of contribution in kind. In addition, the life and health business written by  the Company’s German branch was transferred into the German branch of a Luxembourg  entity by way of portfolio transfer. Furthermore, the termination of the Group’s Bermuda operations led to the assumption of   a considerable life and health reinsurance portfolio by the Company. In 2008, the Swiss franc increased significantly against the US dollar, the British pound and  the euro. The currency fluctuations markedly affect the comparison of year-on-year reported  income statement and balance sheet figures. Net premiums earned increased slightly to CHF 20.3 billion. Property and casualty premiums  decreased mainly due to a quota share arrangement with Berkshire Hathaway,  which had an  impact on both the retroceded premiums and the premiums assumed from the Swiss Re  Group companies via quota share agreements. In addition, the transfer of the business from  the European branches of the Company to a Luxembourg carrier led to a considerable  reduction in premiums earned. This decrease was offset by the initial premium consideration  received at inception of a life and health portfolio being recorded as a written premium. The development of the claims and claim adjustment expenses, life and health benefits and  acquisition costs was principally affected by the portfolio transactions described above. Operating costs allocated to reinsurance operations decreased mainly as a result of the  change of the reporting classification of unallocated management expenses. The overall  management expenses decreased as well due to lower personnel expenses incurred in   the year under report. Investment result The investment result declined to a loss of CHF 0.7 billion. Both the realised gains and valuation adjustments increased significantly mostly driven by  extended volume of the derivative financial instruments in connection with variable annuity  business. Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  225 Financial statements / Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd In addition, higher valuation adjustments were necessary on the alternative investments   and on own shares. Furthermore, a CHF 1.8 billion valuation adjustment on a subsidiary was  recognised to reflect losses from the structured credit default swaps. Realised losses  increased due to the substantial reduction of the equity portfolio, as well as sales of fixed  income securities. These negative effects were partly offset by a compensation received on the basis of an   intragroup profit allocation agreement. The agreement stipulates the compensation for  Swiss Re Group entities participating in the trading, structuring and treasury operations of  Swiss Re’s Asset Management division, based on the residual profit split method. The increase in other expenses is mainly due to losses assumed in the context of the   merger with a Swiss Re Group subsidiary. Furthermore, administrative expenses which cannot  be directly allocated to reinsurance or investment operations are newly reported under   “Other expenses”. Other income and expenses Assets Total assets decreased by 2% to CHF 103.3 billion. At constant foreign exchange rates total  assets would amount to CHF 110.9 billion. During 2008, the Company substantially reduced its equity portfolio. Loans to subsidiaries  and affiliated companies increased due to intragroup financing transactions. Increased volume  of the assets in derivative financial instruments is mainly driven by the foreign currency swaps.  Furthermore, the Company absorbed a subsidiary holding the majority of the Group’s  alternative investments. The corresponding assets, composed mainly of investments in hedge  funds and private equity investments, are reported under the new line item “Alternative  investments”. Total liabilities remained at the previous year level and amounted to CHF 86.2 billion. The  technical provisions decreased by 8% to CHF 60.2 billion mainly due to the weakening of the  US dollar, the British pound and the euro against the Swiss franc. The movement in the  provision for currency fluctuation reflects considerable foreign exchange rate fluctuations in  2008. The liabilities from derivative financial instruments increased mainly driven by the  foreign currency swaps and the derivatives in connection with the variable annuity business. As of 31 December 2007, shareholders’ equity amounted to CHF 19.0 billion before allocation  of the profit. After the dividend payment of CHF 1 331 million for 2007, the cancellation   of shares from the share buy-back programme, the issuance of new shares and the inclusion  of the profit for the 2008 financial year, shareholders’ equity decreased to CHF 17.1 billion   at the end of 2008. Other reserves decreased by CHF 364 million to CHF 14.9 billion in 2008, due to the net result  of the increase of the reserve for own shares, the allocation of the profit for the 2007 financial  year, the cancellation of shares from the share buy-back programme, the creation of new  shares for the conversion of a mandatory convertible bond and newly issued shares from  options being exercised. The nominal share capital of the Company decreased slightly due to the net effect from the  cancellation of 17 349 000 shares, based on a 2008 General Meeting resolution, the creation  of 10 460 076 new shares from the conditional capital for the conversion of a mandatory  convertible bond, and 18 205 newly issued shares from the conditional capital in connection  with employee participation programmes. As of 31 December 2008, the nominal share capital  amounted to CHF 36 million. Liabilities Shareholders’ equity 226  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Financial statements / Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd Income statement Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd For the years ended 31 December CHF millions Reinsurance Premiums earned Claims and claim adjustment expenses Life and health benefits Change in equalisation provision Acquisition costs Other reinsurance result Operating costs Allocated investment return Reinsurance result Investments Investment income Investment expenses Allocated investment return Investment result Other income and expenses Other interest income Other interest expenses Other income Other expenses Result from other income and expenses Income before tax expense Tax expense Net income The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements. Notes   1 2007 2008  18 883  –13 663  77  –300  –3 949  983  –1 101  1 326  2 256  20 327  –13 331  –3 382   –  –2 895  898  –941  1 136  1 812  2  5 437  –4 175  –1 326  –64  9 482  –9 007  –1 136  –661  348  –524  226  –297 –247   1 945  –248  1 697  313  –554  213  –848  –876  275  –260  15 Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  227                                                                 Financial statements / Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd Balance sheet Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd As of 31 December Assets CHF millions Non-current assets Investments Investment real estate Investments in subsidiaries and affiliated companies Loans to subsidiaries and affiliated companies Mortgages and other loans Equity securities Fixed income securities Short-term investments Alternative investments Assets in derivative financial instruments Total investments Tangible assets Intangible assets Total non-current assets Current assets Premiums and other receivables from reinsurance Funds held by ceding companies Deferred acquisition costs Cash and cash equivalents Other receivables Other assets Accrued income Total current assets Total assets  The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements. Notes 2007 2008  1 098 17 092   13 737  749  7 461  22 860  1 497  –  1 713 66 207  772  63  1 116  17 403  16 188  756  1 314  18 205  2 470  3 473  2 987  63 912  732  59  67 042  64 703  9 615  20 115  1 085  4 041  1 382  590 1 224 38 052  8 322  21 292  837  3 422  3 878  543  270  38 564 105 094  103 267  3  3  3 228  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report                                                                             Liabilities and shareholders’ equity  CHF millions  Liabilities Technical provisions Unpaid claims Liabilities for life and health policy benefits Unearned premiums Provisions for profit commissions Equalisation provision Total technical provisions Non-technical provisions Provision for taxation Provision for currency fluctuation Other provisions Total non-technical provisions Debt Debentures Loans Total debt Funds held under reinsurance treaties Reinsurance balances payable Liabilities from derivative financial instruments Other liabilities Accrued expenses Total liabilities Shareholders’ equity Share capital Reserve for own shares Other legal reserves Other reserves Retained earnings brought forward Profit for the financial year Total shareholders’ equity Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements. Financial statements / Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd Notes 2007 2008  4  4  4  4  4  4  4  5  48 469  11 053  4 832  617  550  65 521  41 579  13 550  4 064  474  550  60 217 179 948 518 1 645 5 757 3 060 8 817 2 849 3 713 2 417  949  202  191  2 040  363  2 594  4 094  4 109  8 203  2 327  3 307  6 523  2 839  178  86 113  86 188  37  1 297  650 15 235 65 1 697 18 981  36  1 446  650  14 871  61  15  17 079 105 094  103 267 Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  229                                                                                                 Financial statements / Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd Notes Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd Significant accounting principles Basis of presentation The financial statements are prepared in accordance with Swiss Company Law. Time period The 2008 financial year comprises the accounting period from 1 January to  31 December 2008. Foreign currency translation Assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translated into Swiss francs at  year-end exchange rates. Participations are maintained in Swiss francs at historical exchange  rates. Investments Revenues and expenses are translated into Swiss francs at average exchange rates of the year  under report. All exchange rate differences arising from the revaluation of the opening balance sheet, the  adjustments from application of year-end or average rates and foreign exchange transactions  are booked via a corresponding provision. The following assets are carried at cost, less necessary and legally permissible depreciation:  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤ Investment real estate Investments in subsidiaries and affiliated companies Equity securities Fixed income securities Investments in funds Short-term investments Alternative investments Assets in derivative financial instruments These assets are generally not subject to revaluation. The valuation rules prescribed by the  Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority FINMA are observed. Assets in derivative financial instruments include reinsurance contracts or features embedded  in reinsurance contracts that fulfil the characteristics of derivative financial instruments. Short-term investments contain investments with a remaining maturity at the date of  acquisition of one year or less, but greater than three months. Loans to subsidiaries and affiliated companies, mortgages and other loans are carried   at nominal value. Value adjustments are recorded where the recovery value is lower than   the nominal value. Tangible assets Property for own use is valued at the purchase or construction cost less necessary and legally  permissible depreciation. Other tangible assets are carried at cost, less individually scheduled straight-line depreciation  over their useful lives. Items of minor value are not capitalised. Intangible assets, consisting of capitalised development costs for software for internal use,   are stated at cost less straight-line amortisation over the estimated useful lives. Deferred acquisition costs consist principally of commissions and are related to the production  of new reinsurance business. Deferred acquisition costs for short duration contracts are  amortised in proportion to premiums earned. Deferred acquisition costs for long duration  contracts are amortised over the life of the underlying contracts. Intangible assets Deferred acquisition costs 230  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Other assets Other current assets Technical provisions Financial statements / Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd Other assets include deferred expenses on retroactive reinsurance policies, which are  amortised through earnings over the expected claims-paying period. Other current assets are carried at nominal value in the balance sheet, after deduction of  known credit risks if applicable. Unpaid claims are based on information provided by clients and own estimates of expected  claims experience, which are drawn from empirical statistics. These include provisions   for claims incurred but not reported. Unpaid insurance obligations are set aside at the full  expected amount of future payment. Liabilities for life and health policy benefits are determined on the basis of actuarially  calculated present values taking experience into account. For external business, liabilities are  the greater of cedent-reported information and estimates of own experience drawn from  internal studies. With respect to the business ceded by the Company’s life and health  subsidiaries, a prospective gross premium valuation is applied taking into account expected  future cash flows inherent in the reinsurance contract from the valuation date until expiry   of the contract obligations. Cash flows include premiums, claims, commissions, investment  income and expenses, with a margin added for prudence to reflect the uncertainties of the  underlying best estimates. The gross premium valuation approach could result in a negative  liability provision, which is typically set to zero. Accounting principles for life and health business require that no contract is treated as   an asset on the balance sheet, with the exception of specific contracts (for example modified  coinsurance type of treaties), where an offsetting amount has been paid and is recoverable  from the ceding company. Premiums written relating to future periods are stated as unearned premiums and are normally  calculated by statistical methods. The accrual of commissions is determined correspondingly  and is reported in the line item “Deferred acquisition costs”. Provisions for profit commissions are based on contractual agreements with clients and  depend on the results of reinsurance treaties. The equalisation provision is established to achieve a protection of the balance sheet and to  break peaks of incurred claims in individual financial years with an exceptionally high claims  burden by releasing appropriate amounts from the provision. The shares of technical provisions pertaining to retroceded business are determined or  estimated according to the contractual agreement and the underlying gross business data   per treaty. Liabilities assumed and consideration provided in connection with portfolio transactions are  established through the respective income statement line items. The initial recognition of   the assumed outstanding claims is recorded as change in unpaid claims, with the consideration  being recognised as negative claims paid. The assumption of the provision for unearned  premiums is established through the change in unearned premiums, with the respective  consideration accounted for as premiums written. The liability for life and health policy  benefits is established as a charge against life and health benefits, with the initial premium  consideration recorded as premiums written. Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  231 Financial statements / Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd Non-technical provisions The provision for taxation contains taxes on the basis of the financial year just ended. The initial set up of assets and liabilities in respect of property and casualty retroactive treaties  with Group external counterparties is accounted for as a balance sheet transaction. The provision for currency fluctuation comprises all currency differences arising from the  revaluation of the opening balance sheet, the adjustments from application of year-end or  average rates and foreign exchange transactions. Other provisions are determined according to business principles and are based on estimated  needs and in accordance with tax regulations. Debt Debt is held at redemption value. Funds held under reinsurance treaties Funds held under reinsurance treaties mainly contain cash deposits withheld from  retrocessionaires, which are stated at redemption value. Reinsurance balances payable Reinsurance balances payable are held at redemption value. Liabilities from derivative financial  instruments Liabilities from derivative financial instruments are generally maintained at the highest  commitment amount as per a balance sheet date during the life of the underlying contracts.  Premiums received in respect of derivative financial instruments are not realised until expiration  or settlement of the contract. Deposit arrangements Included in this position are reinsurance contracts or features embedded in reinsurance  contracts that fulfil the characteristics of derivative financial instruments. For such contracts,  premiums received may be recognised as income prior to contract expiration or settlement   in cases, where the recorded commitment has already reached the maximum liability amount  potentially payable under the terms of the respective contracts. Contracts which do not meet risk transfer requirements, defined as transferring a reasonable  probability of a significant loss to the reinsurer, are accounted for as deposit arrangements.  Deposit amounts are adjusted for payments received and made, as well as for amortisation or  accretion of interest. Allocated investment return The allocated investment return contains the calculated interest generated on the investments  covering the technical provisions. The interest rate reflects the currency-weighted, five-year  average yield on five-year government bonds. Management expenses Tax expense The overall management expenses are allocated to the reinsurance business, the investment  business and to other expenses on an imputed basis. The tax expense relates to the financial year and includes taxes on income and capital as well  as indirect taxes. Value-added taxes are included in the respective expense lines in the income  statement. 232  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Financial statements / Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd Notes Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd Additional information on the financial statements 1.  Reinsurance result CHF millions Premiums written Change in unearned premiums Premiums earned Claims paid and claim adjustment expenses Change in unpaid claims Claims and claim adjustment expenses Gross  23 788  –1 160  22 628  –8 276  –7 177  –15 453 Retro  –4 106  361  –3 745 2007  Net  19 682  –799  18 883 Gross  23 899  418  24 317  1 684  106  1 790  –6 592  –7 071  –13 663  –19 677  3 508  –16 169 Retro  –3 832  –158  –3 990  4 364  –1 526  2 838 2008  Net  20 067  260  20 327  –15 313  1 982  –13 331 Life and health benefits  –271  348  77  –3 115  –267  –3 382 Change in equalisation provision  –300 –   –300  – Fixed commissions Profit commissions Acquisition costs Other reinsurance income and expenses Result from cash deposits Other reinsurance result Operating costs Allocated investment return Reinsurance result  –4 210  –385 –4 595   –7 1 187 1 180  579  67  646  –36  –161  –197  –3 424  –380  –3 804  139  913  1 052  –3 631  –318  –3 949  –43  1 026  983  –1 101 1 326 2 256  –  855  54  909  –25  –129  –154  –  –2 569  –326  –2 895  114  784  898  –941  1 136  1 812 Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  233                                                                                                                                             2007  93  2 109  817  905  56 –  88 –  1 369  5 437  –235  –2 432  –1 508  –4 175  –1 326  –64 Gross  9 464  20 115  1 367  30 946 Retro 151 – –282 –131 2007  Net 9 615 20 115 1 085 30 815 Gross  8 204  21 292  1 072  30 568 Retro  118  –  –235  –117 2008  100  1 790  17  892  47  6  64 795  5 771 9 482   –225  –6 196  –2 586  –9 007  –1 136  –661 2008  Net  8 322  21 292  837  30 451 Financial statements / Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd 2.  Investment result CHF millions Income from investment real estate Income from subsidiaries and affiliated companies Income from equity securities Income from fixed income securities, mortgages and other loans Income from short-term investments Income from alternative investments Income from investment services Income from intragroup profit allocation agreement Realised gains on sale of investments Investment income Investment management expenses Valuation adjustments on investments Realised losses on sale of investments Investment expenses Allocated investment return Investment result 3.  Assets from reinsurance CHF millions Premiums and other receivables from reinsurance Funds held by ceding companies Deferred acquisition costs Assets from reinsurance 234  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report               Financial statements / Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd 4.  Liabilities from reinsurance CHF millions Unpaid claims Liabilities for life and health policy benefits Unearned premiums Provisions for profit commissions Equalisation provision Funds held under reinsurance treaties Reinsurance balances payable Liabilities from reinsurance 5.  Shareholders’ equity Change in shareholders’ equity CHF millions Shareholders’ equity as of 1 January Dividend paid for the previous year Capital increase/decrease including premium Profit for the financial year Shareholders’ equity on 31 December before allocation of profit Dividend payment Shareholders’ equity on 31 December after allocation of profit Gross 52 433 12 189  6 129  656  550  403  1 506 73 866 Retro –3 964 –1 136 –1 297 –39 – 2 446 2 207  –1 783 2007  Net 48 469 11 053 4 832 617  550 2 849 3 713 72 083 Gross  43 788  14 504  5 136  510  550  392  1 519  66 399 Retro  –2 209  –954  –1 072  –36  –  1 935  1 788  –548 2008  Net  41 579  13 550  4 064  474  550  2 327  3 307  65 851 2007 18 409 –1 162 37 1 697 18 981 –1 387 17 594  2008  18 981  –1 331  –586  15  17 079  –341  17 045 1   Board of Directors’ proposal to the Annual General Meeting of 13 March 2009, subject to the actual number of shares outstanding and eligible for dividend.  The difference between the proposed dividend payment in the previous year and the actual dividend payment in the year under report is described on page 240. Sources of shareholders’ equity after allocation of profit CHF millions From nominal capital From share premium From profit allocation From other allocations Shareholders’ equity on 31 December after allocation of profit 2007 37 10 045 7 213 299 17 594 2008  36  9 459  7 251  299  17 045 Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  235            Financial statements / Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd Contingent liabilities Putative class action suit Unfunded commitments Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd has issued a number of guarantees to various of its  subsidiaries in support of their business activities by securing either their overall capital  positions or specific transactions. These guarantees are generally not limited by a nominal  amount but rather by the exposure of the underlying business. In addition, as a component of the Group’s financing structure, Swiss Reinsurance Company  Ltd has guaranteed CHF 4 798 million (2007: CHF 7 069 million) of debt issued by certain of  its subsidiaries and letter of credit facilities benefiting various subsidiaries of which an amount  of CHF 4 537 million (2007: CHF 4 980 million) was drawn as of the balance sheet date. Currently the Company or one of its subsidiaries expect to provide funding of USD 1.5 billion  to a Swiss Re Group subsidiary in 2009 under the terms of a guarantee. On 27 February 2008, a putative securities class action complaint was filed in the United  States District Court for the Southern District of New York against Swiss Re Zurich and certain  executive officers alleging false and misleading statements in connection with the two credit  default swaps in violation of the antifraud provisions of the U.S. securities laws. The original  complaint purports to be brought on behalf of U.S. purchasers of our stock between  8 May 2007 and 19 November 2007. On 28 July 2008, the court appointed Plumbers’ Union  Local No. 12 Pension Fund as the lead plaintiff for the class action. On 10 September 2008,  an amended complaint was filed which, among other things, seeks to expand the class period  to 1 March 2007 through 19 November 2007. On 10 November 2008, Swiss Re Zurich filed   a motion seeking to dismiss the amended complaint on legal grounds. The lead plaintiff filed  its response to the motion on 9 January 2009, and Swiss Re Zurich’s reply brief is due in  February 2009. We intend to vigorously defend against the action. As a participant in limited investment partnerships, Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd commits  itself to making available certain amounts of investment funding, callable by the partnerships  for periods of up to 10 years. As of 31 December 2008, total commitments remaining  uncalled were CHF 2 309 million. These commitments were assumed in the context of the  absorption of a subsidiary in 2008. Leasing contracts Total off-balance sheet commitments from operating leases for the next five years and   there after are as follows: CHF millions 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 After 2013 2007  16  8 5 2 12  – 2008  –  18  15  10  5  18 These commitments pertain to the non-cancellable contract periods and refer primarily to  office and apartment space rented by the Company. In addition, a financial lease of IT hardware is recognised on the balance sheet. The  corresponding asset and liability of CHF 27 million (2007: CHF 13 million) are included in  tangible assets and other liabilities, respectively. 236  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report   Financial statements / Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd Security deposits Securities lending Investment funds To secure the technical provisions on the 2008 balance sheet date, securities with a value  of CHF 11 646 million (2007: CHF 10 428 million) were deposited in favour of ceding   com panies, of which CHF 7 519 million (2007: CHF 5 839 million) was to Group companies. As of 31 December 2008, securities of CHF 878 million (2007: CHF 5 845 million) were lent  under securities lending agreements, with the right to be sold or pledged by the borrowing  entity. In 2008, no securities were lent to Group companies (2007: CHF 4 154 million). The  securities which were held and lent by the investment funds are excluded. Equity securities of CHF 2 million (2007: CHF 5 681 million) and fixed income securities of  CHF 1 811 million (2007: CHF 5 333 million) were held in investment funds, which are  fully owned by Swiss Re Group companies. The securities in these funds and their revenues  are reported in the corresponding asset category. Fire insurance value of tangible assets As of 31 December 2008, the insurance value of tangible assets, comprising the real estate  portfolio and other tangible assets, amounted to CHF 2 515 million (2007: CHF 2 508 million). Obligations towards employee   pension funds Other liabilities include CHF 6 million (2007: CHF 7 million) payable to the employee pension  funds. Debentures As of 31 December 2008, the following debentures were outstanding: Instrument Subordinated perpetual bond Issued in 1999 Currency CHF Nominal  in millions First  Interest  call in rate 600 3.75% 2011 Book value  CHF millions 600 Investments in subsidiaries Details on the Swiss Re Group‘s subsidiaries are disclosed on pages 208 to 217. Treasury shares As of 31 December 2008, the Group held 16 973 828 treasury shares (2007: 12 334 212).  In the year under report, 25 495 057 treasury shares (2007: 25 277 897) were purchased  at an average price of CHF 77.18 (2007: CHF 101.41) and 20 855 441 treasury shares  (2007: 13 231 309) were sold at an average price of CHF 84.03 (2007: CHF 99.19). Deposit account Deposit arrangements generated the following balances, which are included in: Claims on and obligations towards  Group companies CHF millions Reinsurance result Premiums and other receivables from reinsurance Funds held by ceding companies Funds held under reinsurance treaties Reinsurance balances payable CHF millions Premiums and other receivables from reinsurance Funds held by ceding companies Other receivables Funds held under reinsurance treaties Reinsurance balances payable Loans Other liabilities 2007  –76  677  162 403  644 2007 3 353 13 830 1 137 213 1 712 2 785 445 2008  50  570  211  392  484 2008  3 665  18 035  3 733  77  1 523  3 534  2 362 Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  237       Financial statements / Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd Conditional capital and authorised capital As of 31 December 2008, Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd‘s total conditional capital  outstanding amounted to CHF 2 160 487 (2007: CHF 3 208 316). CHF 1 557 920 was  reserved for the exercise of conversion rights and warrants granted in connection with   bonds and similar instruments and CHF 602 567 for employee participation purposes. In addition, no authorised capital with shareholders’ subscription rights was outstanding   at the end of 2008 (2007: CHF 1 105 337). Change in undisclosed reserves In the year under report, no net undisclosed reserves on investments and on provisions   were released (2007: no net release). Major shareholders As of 31 December 2008, there were four shareholders with a participation exceeding the  3% threshold of Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd’s share capital. a. Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd, Mythenquai 50/60, 8022 Zurich, Switzerland, held a  total of 28 521 789 Swiss Re shares or 7.85% of the share capital. Of these shares, 6 036 987  shares were fully paid-in shares held for general corporate purposes, 11 678 802 shares were  paid in only at nominal value and reserved for general corporate purposes, 8 881 000 shares  were acquired under the share buy-back programme and subject to cancellation, and  1 925 000 were acquired under the first trading line of the share buy-back programme. b. Dodge & Cox, 555 California Street, San Francisco, CA, USA, announced on 31 October  2008 that they held, on behalf of the Dodge & Cox International Stock Fund, through an acquisition, 10 766 995 registered Swiss Re shares. Dodge & Cox thus has a voting right of  3.05% in Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd which can be exercised autonomously of the  beneficial owners. c. Berkshire Hathaway Inc., 3555 Farnam Street, Omaha, NE, USA, notified Swiss Reinsurance  Company Ltd on 22 January 2008 that, as of the same day, it held through its subsidiary  Columbia Insurance Company, 3024 Harney Street, Omaha, NE, USA, 11 250 000 registered  shares or 3.03% of the voting rights of Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd. d. Franklin Resources, Inc., 500 E. Broward Blvd., Ft. Lauderdale, FL, USA, known as Franklin  Templeton Investments, notified Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd on 6 December 2008   that it holds as of 4 December 2008, through an acquisition by a number of its Group  companies, in the capacity of investment manager for mutual funds and clients, 10 970 364  registered Swiss Re shares. Franklin Templeton Investments now holds 3.11% of the voting  rights of Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd. Personnel information As of 31 December 2008, Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd employed a worldwide   staff of 3 568 (2007: 3 802). Personnel expenses for the 2008 financial year amounted to  CHF 892 million (2007: CHF 1 009 million). In connection with the integration of GE Insurance Solutions, restructuring charges of   CHF 59 million were recognised in 2006. As of 31 December 2008, a respective restructuring  provision of CHF 1 million (2007: CHF 4 million) remained on the Company’s books. The disclosure requirements under Swiss Company Law in respect of management  compensation to the members of the Board of Directors and of the Executive Committee of  Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd, as well as to closely related persons, are detailed on pages  189 to 197. Management compensation 238  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Financial statements / Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd Management fee contribution In 2008, management expenses of CHF 173 million (2007: CHF 152 million) were recharged  to Group companies and reported net under “Operating costs” and “Investment expenses”. Allocation of management expenses In 2008, Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd has revised the basis for the reporting of  management expenses that cannot be clearly allocated to the reinsurance or investment  business. Such unallocated expenses of CHF 179 million (2007: CHF 168 million) are newly  reported under “Other expenses”. In previous years, those expenses were included in the   line item “Operating costs” within the reinsurance result. The comparative 2007 figures are  adjusted accordingly. Risk assessment Article 663b lit.12 of Swiss Company Law requires disclosure of information on the  performance of a risk assessment. Major transactions Subsequent event The identification, assessment and control of risk exposures of the Swiss Reinsurance   Company Ltd on a stand-alone basis are integrated in and covered by the Swiss Re’s Group risk  management organisation and processes. Details are disclosed on page 219. On 1 January 2008, the reinsurance business of the Company’s German branch was integrated  into the German branch of a Luxembourg based reinsurance carrier of the Swiss Re Group   by way of a portfolio transfer. Both assets and liabilities of CHF 1.0 billion were transferred. On 1 October 2008, the Company contributed its French, Italian and Spanish branch to the  respective branch operations of a reinsurance carrier based in Luxembourg by way of  contribution in kind. The final aggregate value of these contributions has been determined as of  30 September 2008 at EUR 301 million. Both assets and liabilities of CHF 9.0 billion were  transferred. Due to the termination of the Swiss Re Group’s Bermuda operations, the majority of the  reinsurance business previously written by the Bermuda branch of a Swiss Re Group’s  subsidiary was novated into the Company as per 31 December 2008. The Company assumed  both assets and liabilities of CHF 7.9 billion and paid ceding commissions of CHF 1.2 billion. On 1 October 2008, the Company absorbed a subsidiary holding the majority of the Swiss Re  Group’s alternative investments. In connection with the merger the Company assumed both  assets and liabilities of CHF 4.4 billion. The merger has been executed per 1 October 2008.  The Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority FINMA has given approval to the transaction  and the notification to the register of commerce has been performed subsequently. Swiss Re Group and Berkshire Hathaway Inc. have agreed in principle, as announced on   5 February 2009, that Berkshire Hathaway Inc. will invest CHF 3.0 billion in Swiss Re Group.  The final closing of the investment is subject to shareholder approval. The investment is expected to be in the form of a subordinated convertible perpetual capital  instrument issued by Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd or one of its subsidiaries with a 12%  coupon. At the holder’s option, it will be convertible after three years into Swiss Re shares, at   a price of CHF 25 per share (subject to adjustments). Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  239 Financial statements / Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd Proposal for allocation of profit The Annual General Meeting, to be held in Zurich on 13 March 2009, has at its disposal the  following profit: in CHF Retained earnings brought   forward from the previous year Profit for the financial year Disposable profit Share structure   For the financial year 2008: –  eligible for dividend –  not eligible for dividend Total shares issued 2007 2008 64 760 537 1 697 024 261 1 761 784 798  60 976 534  15 441 566  76 418 100 Number of  registered shares Nominal  capital in CHF 335 665 775  27 850 261  363 516 036  33 566 578  2 785 026  36 351 604 The Board of Directors proposes to the Annual General Meeting to allocate this profit as follows: in CHF Dividend Allocation to other reserves Balance carried forward Disposable profit 2007 1 386 663 8641 370 000 000 5 120 9341 1 761 784 798  2008  33 566 5782  –  42 851 522  76 418 100 1   The number of registered shares eligible for dividend at the dividend payment date decreased since the proposal for  allocation of profit, dated 29 February 2008, due to the net effect from the share buy-back of 13 980 000 shares and  the issuance of 16 100 new registered shares from options being exercised. This resulted in a lower dividend of   CHF 55 855 600 compared to the Board of Directors’ proposal, and in higher retained earnings brought forward from  the previous year by the same amount. 2   Board of Directors’ proposal to the Annual General Meeting of 13 March 2009, subject to the actual number of shares  outstanding and eligible for dividend. Dividend If the Board of Directors’ proposal for allocation of profit is accepted, a dividend of CHF 0.10  per share will be paid. After deduction of Federal Withholding Tax of 35%, the dividend will be paid from   18 March 2009 by means of dividend order to shareholders recorded in the Share Register   or to their deposit banks. Zurich, 18 February 2009 240  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report           Financial statements / Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd Report of the statutory auditor Report of the statutory auditor to the General Meeting of Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd   Zurich Report of the statutory auditor on the Financial Statements As statutory auditor, we have audited the financial statements of Swiss Reinsurance Company  Ltd, which comprise the income statement, balance sheet and notes (pages 227 to 239), for  the year ended 31 December 2008. Board of Directors’ responsibility The Board of Directors is responsible for the preparation of the financial statements in  accordance with the requirements of Swiss law and the company’s articles of incorporation.  This responsibility includes designing, implementing and maintaining an internal control  system relevant to the preparation of financial statements that are free from material  misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. The Board of Directors is further responsible for  selecting and applying appropriate accounting policies and making accounting estimates   that are reasonable in the circumstances.  Auditor’s responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit.  We conducted our audit in accordance with Swiss law and Swiss Auditing Standards.   Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance  whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement.  An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and  disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s  judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial   statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor  considers the internal control system relevant to the entity’s preparation of the financial  statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but  not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal  control system. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of the accounting  policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made, as well as evaluating   the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence   we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion. Opinion In our opinion, the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2008 comply with  Swiss law and the company’s articles of incorporation. Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  241   Financial statements / Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd Report on other legal requirements We confirm that we meet the legal requirements on licensing according to the Auditor  Oversight Act (AOA) and independence (article 728 CO and article 11 AOA) and that there  are no circumstances incompatible with our independence. In accordance with article 728a paragraph 1 item 3 CO and Swiss Auditing Standard 890,   we confirm that an internal control system exists which has been designed for the preparation  of financial statements according to the instructions of the Board of Directors. We further confirm that the proposal for allocation of profit complies with Swiss law and the  company’s articles of incorporation. We recommend that the financial statements submitted  to you be approved. PricewaterhouseCoopers AG David JA Law  Audit expert  Auditor in charge Dawn M Kink Audit expert Zurich, 18 February 2009 242  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report     Financial statements / Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd Financial years 1999 – 2008 CHF millions Income statement Revenues Premiums earned Fee income Net investment income Net realised investment gains/losses Trading revenues Other revenues Total revenues Expenses Claims and claim adjustment expenses Life and health benefits Return credited to policyholders Acquisition costs Amortisation of goodwill Other operating costs and expenses Total expenses 1999¹ 2000¹ 2001¹ 2002¹ 2003¹ 2004¹ 2005 2006² 2007² 2008² 18 051 22 081 25 219 29 058 30 740 29 439 3 846 3 588 4 802 4 275 5 765 2 665 246 25 731 395 31 553 455 34 104 5 494 –730 228 365 34 415 4 606 376 472 236 36 430 4 857 1 116 438 243 36 093 26 891 881 6 137 3 474 346 283 38 012 29 515 879 7 991 2 106 31 664 955 10 692 25 501 808 7 881 –739 –9 482 280 40 771 302 42 874 270 24 978 –9 333 –12 153 –16 266 –14 485 –14 898 –13 853 –14 758 –11 799 –12 065 –10 007 –6 200 –7 478 –8 532 –10 084 –9 085 –9 331 –8 668 –9 594 –11 112 –9 065 2 822 –3 973 –4 883 –5 658 –6 220 –6 854 –6 325 –5 927 –6 079 –6 499 –5 366 –3 019 –2 827 –2 120 –211 –310 –368 –350 –315 –277 –2 785 –3 074 –3 384 –3 240 –2 942 –2 940 –3 081 –4 616 –5 891 –4 712 –22 502 –27 898 –34 208 –34 379 –34 094 –32 726 –35 453 –34 915 –37 687 –26 328 Income/loss before income tax expense Income tax expense Net income/loss on ordinary activities Extraordinary income Extraordinary charges 3 229 –783 2 446 450 –450 3 655 –689 2 966 –104 –61 –165 36 –127 –91 2 336 –634 1 702 3 367 –892 2 475 2 559 5 856 –255 –1 296 –1 025 4 162 4 560 2 304 5 187 –1 350 486 –864 Net income/loss 2 446 2 966 –165 –91 1 702 2 475 2 304 4 560 4 162 –864 Balance sheet Assets Investments Other assets Total assets Liabilities Unpaid claims and claim adjustment  expenses Liabilities for life and health policy benefits  Unearned premiums Other liabilities Long-term debt Total liabilities 85 684 44 516 90 653 108 023 130 601 204 238 227 812 163 965 75 912 79 045 130 200 142 640 170 230 161 857 169 698 184 440 221 299 291 300 307 287 239 877 95 888 74 342 86 728 75 129 89 584 53 056 79 475 87 062 76 417 90 698 54 072 23 279 4 251 18 819 4 947 75 510 39 911 7 802 75 748 20 453 105 368 119 853 147 632 145 171 151 187 165 263 196 906 260 416 275 420 219 424 88 528 50 026 7 722 97 743 105 807 23 337 14 738 68 618 41 370 6 399 24 200 7 045 59 600 29 300 6 131 19 764 5 058 62 652 37 269 6 754 32 833 5 663 63 474 37 244 6 457 39 205 4 807 71 759 31 081 6 563 81 651 5 852 61 619 43 239 5 748 49 361 5 296 95 011 44 899 8 025 Shareholders’ equity 24 832 22 787 22 598 16 686 18 511 19 177 24 393 30 884 31 867 20 453 Earnings/losses per share in CHF 8.55* 10.39* –0.57 –0.29 5.48 8.00 7.44 13.49 11.95 –2.61 * Adjusted by 20-for-1 share split ¹ Numbers are based on the Group’s previous accounting standards ² Trading revenues are included in net investment income; long-term debt also includes debt positions from former Financial Markets Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  243 General information General information 245  Cautionary note on forward-looking statements  247  Note on risk factors  252  Glossary  257  Key events  250  2008 awards 262  Business contact information 263  Corporate calendar 244  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report General information / Cautionary note on forward-looking statements Cautionary note on forward-looking statements Certain statements and illustrations contained herein are forward-looking. These statements  and illustrations provide current expectations of future events based on certain assumptions   and include any statement that does not directly relate to a historical fact or current fact.  Forward-looking statements typically are identified by words or phrases such as “anticipate“,  “assume“, “believe“, “continue“, “estimate“, “expect“, “foresee“, “intend“, “may increase“ and  “may fluctuate“ and similar expressions or by future or conditional verbs such as “will“,  “should“, “would“ and “could“. These forward-looking statements involve known and unknown  risks, uncertainties and other factors, which may cause Swiss Re’s actual results, performance,  achievements or prospects to be materially different from any future results, performance,  achievements or prospects expressed or implied by such statements. Such factors include,  among others:  ̤ the direct and indirect impact of the continuing deterioration in the financial markets and  the efficacy of efforts to strengthen financial institutions and stabilise the credit markets  and the broader financial system; changes in global economic conditions and the effects of the global economic downturn; the occurrence of other unanticipated market developments or trends; Swiss Re’s ability to maintain sufficient liquidity and access to capital markets, including  sufficient liquidity to cover potential recapture of reinsurance agreements, early calls of  debt or debt-like arrangements and collateral calls under derivative contracts due to actual   or perceived deterioration of Swiss Re’s financial strength; the effect of market conditions, including the global equity and credit markets, and the  level and volatility of equity prices, interest rates, credit spreads, currency values and other  market indices, on Swiss Re’s investment assets; changes in Swiss Re’s investment result as a result of changes in its investment policy   or the changed composition of Swiss Re’s investment assets, and the impact of the timing  of any such changes relative to changes in market conditions; uncertainties in valuing credit default swaps and other credit-related instruments; possible inability to realise amounts on sales of securities on Swiss Re’s balance sheet  equivalent to its mark-to-market values recorded for accounting purposes; the outcome of tax audits, the ability to realise tax loss carryforwards and the ability   to realise deferred tax assets (including by reason of the mix of earnings in a jurisdiction   or deemed change of control), which could negatively impact future earnings;  the possibility that Swiss Re’s hedging arrangements may not be effective; the lowering or loss of one of the financial strength or other ratings of one or more  companies in the Group; risks associated with implementing Swiss Re’s business strategies; the cyclicality of the reinsurance industry; uncertainties in estimating reserves; the frequency, severity and development of insured claim events; acts of terrorism and acts of war;  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤ Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  245 General information / Cautionary note on forward-looking statements Cautionary note on forward-looking statements  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤  ̤ mortality and morbidity experience; policy renewal and lapse rates; extraordinary events affecting Swiss Re’s clients and other counterparties, such as  bankruptcies, liquidations and other credit-related events; political risks in the countries in which Swiss Re operates or in which it insures risks; the impact of current, pending and future legislation, regulation and regulatory   and legal actions; the impact of significant investments, acquisitions or dispositions, and any delays,  unexpected costs or other issues experienced in connection with any such transactions,  including, in the case of acquisitions, issues arising in connection with integrating   acquired operations; changing levels of competition; and operational factors, including the efficacy of risk management and other internal  procedures in managing the foregoing risks. These factors are not exhaustive. We operate in a continually changing environment   and new risks emerge continually. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on  forward-looking statements. We undertake no obligation to publicly revise or update   any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or  otherwise. 246  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report General information / Note on risk factors Note on risk factors Current market conditions  The global financial markets have experienced extreme volatility and disruption for more   than 18 months, due in large part to the turmoil affecting the liquidity of the banking system  and the market reaction thereto. The impact of the turmoil in the financial markets has been  exacerbated by adverse macroeconomic trends affecting an increasing number of the  principal economies that have moved toward, or are now in, recession. Volatility and disruption  have reached unprecedented levels.  Governments in a number of countries have undertaken initiatives to stabilise the financial  markets. It remains to be seen whether these initiatives will be sufficient to positively impact or  stabilise the volatility in the financial markets. Failure of these or other initiatives to stabilise  and improve the performance of the financial markets could result in continued constraints on  the liquidity available to the banking system and financial markets and increased pressure   on securities prices of financial institutions. Moreover, government intervention may have a  distorting impact on the markets, ranging from changes to the competitive landscape to capital  support for ceding companies, thus reducing their need for reinsurance, as well as having a  distorting impact on the debt capital markets.  It is unclear whether the severity of the downturn in the global financial markets and/or  economic conditions will continue to worsen, or when conditions might improve. It is also  unclear what the impact of further deterioration in the financial markets is likely to be on   the financial condition of market participants (from a capital, liquidity or other perspective)   and on investor confidence. If current levels of market disruption and volatility continue   or worsen, at the very least, there can be no assurance that the Group will not be required   to record further write-downs and impairments on assets over and above those announced   to date, and more broadly, it is difficult to predict what the impact of continued market  turbulence will be on the Group from a general business perspective or from a capital or  liquidity perspective.    Market risk As a result of the extreme and unprecedented volatility and disruption in the global financial  markets, the Group is exposed to significant financial and capital markets risk, including  changes in interest rates, credit spreads, equity prices and foreign currency exchange rates,  which may adversely impact the Group’s financial condition, results of operations and liquidity. The Group’s exposure to interest rate risk is primarily related to the market price and cash flow  variability associated with changes in interest rates. Exposure to credit spreads primarily  relates to market price and cash flow variability associated with changes in credit spreads.  With widening of credit spreads, the net unrealised loss position of the Group’s investment  portfolio has increased, as have other-than-temporary impairments. With respect to equity  prices, the Group is exposed to changes in the level and volatility of equity prices, as they  affect the value of equity securities themselves as well as the value of securities or instruments  that derive their value from a particular equity security, a basket of equity securities or a   stock index. Exposure to foreign exchange risk arises from exposures to changes in spot   prices, forward prices and volatilities of currency rates.  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  247 General information / Note on risk factors Note on risk factors These risks can have a significant effect on investment returns, which in turn affects both  results of operations and financial condition. The Group is focused on asset-liability  management for its investment portfolio, but pursuing even this strategy has its risks,  including possible mismatch, that in turn can lead to reinvestment risk. As interest rates have  dropped significantly in line with reductions in central bank rates, which trend is exacerbated  by the effects of unprecedented government intervention and the corresponding need for  governments to raise debt to finance rescue efforts, the Group may be unable to successfully  match, or come close to, historical parameters. The Group seeks to manage the risks inherent in its investment portfolio by repositioning   the portfolio from time to time, as needed, and to reduce risk and fluctuations through the use  of hedges and other risk management tools. The Group has moved to reduce risk to the  portfolio by repositioning the components of the portfolio and, as a result, profitability will  potentially be impacted, and unless offset by underwriting returns, will be reduced. Credit risk  Like other financial institutions, the Group has been adversely impacted by the deterioration in  the credit markets, and further market fluctuations and volatility could have a material adverse  effect on the Group’s business, financial condition and results of operations. For 2008, the  Group reported a net loss of CHF 0.9 billion, which was due principally to mark-to-market  losses recognised in income and CHF 2.9 billion of impairments on the investment portfolio.  Total mark-to-market losses were approximately CHF 3.2 billion excluding unit-linked  investments and with-profit business, which included approximately CHF 2.5 billion  attributable to two related structured CDS contracts written by the Group’s former Credit  Solutions business. Shareholders’ equity in 2008 decreased to CHF 20.5 billion. This was  mainly due to credit spread widening resulting in net unrealised losses of CHF 5.5 billion,  foreign exchange movements of CHF –2.3 billion, share buy-back of CHF 2.0 billion and  dividend of CHF 1.3 billion paid to shareholders during the year.  The unprecedented and severe ratings downgrades that the Group and others have  experienced over the past 18 months, and the absence of a liquid market for credit-related  and other securities, have resulted in a significant and material reduction in the value of the  underlying assets. With respect to the credit default swaps, the Group remains exposed to  continued fluctuations in the market value of the underlying securities and could be required  to report further mark-to-market losses. Changes in the market value of the underlying  securities and other factors impacting their price could give rise to market value losses. If the  credit markets continue to deteriorate, the Group could face further losses in other areas of   its portfolio, including other structured instruments. More generally, the continued deterioration of the credit markets and related developments  have had, and can be expected to have (at least in the near term), an adverse impact on the  ability of market participants, including the Group and its counterparties, to value credit  default swaps and other credit-related instruments. In the absence of a liquid market, various  methodologies may be available to value securities positions. Valuation is a complex process  248  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report General information / Note on risk factors involving quantitative modelling and management judgment, which is also impacted by  external factors including default rates, rating agency action, financial strength of  counterparties and prices of observable comparable market transactions. In addition, to the  extent institutions sell assets as part of national rescue efforts, such sales may establish   new valuation benchmarks. Valuation processes can produce significantly different outcomes, which could create additional  uncertainty and differences of opinion among counterparties to swaps and other similar  instruments as to obligations in respect of collateral and other terms of such instruments. These  differences in opinion, in turn, could result in legal disputes among counterparties as to their  respective obligations, the outcomes of which are difficult to predict and could be material. The Group becomes aware of counterparty valuations either directly, through the exchange of  information, or indirectly, for example, through demands to post collateral. These valuations  may differ significantly from the Group’s estimates. Counterparty valuation estimates for  collateral purposes are considered during the independent price verification process and may  result in adjustments to initially indicated valuations. Resolution of any dispute in relation   to asset valuation in which the Group may become involved with counterparties, in a manner  adverse to it could have a material adverse effect on the Group’s financial condition and  results of operations. Liquidity risks The Group’s business requires, and its clients expect, that it has sufficient capital and sufficient  liquidity to meet its reinsurance obligations, and that that would continue to be the case  following the occurrence of any event or series of events, including extreme catastrophes, that  would trigger insurance or reinsurance coverage obligations. The Group’s uses of funds  include obligations arising in its reinsurance business (including claims and other payments   as well as insurance provision repayments due to portfolio transfers, securitisations and  commutations), which may include large and unpredictable claims (including catastrophe  claims), funding of capital requirements and operating costs, payment of principal and interest  on outstanding indebtedness and funding of acquisitions. The Group also enters into contracts  or trading arrangements that could give rise to significant short-term funding obligations and,  in connection with the Group’s trading operations, it could be subject to unexpected calls to  deliver collateral or unwind trading positions at a net cost to it. The Group also has unfunded  capital commitments in its private equity and hedge fund investments, which could result in  funding obligations at a time when it is subject to liquidity constraints.   The Group manages liquidity and funding risks by focusing on the liquidity stress that is likely  to result from extreme capital markets scenarios or from extreme insurance events or  combinations of the two. Generally, the ability to meet liquidity needs could be adversely  impacted by factors that the Group cannot control, such as market dislocations or interruptions,  the economic downturn, continued severe disruption in the financial and worldwide credit  markets and the related increased constraints on the availability of credit, changes in interest  rates and credit spreads, or by perceptions among market participants of the extent of the  Group’s liquidity needs. Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  249 General information / Note on risk factors 250  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report The Group may not be able to secure new sources of liquidity or funding, should projected or  actual liquidity fall below levels it requires. In addition, the Group’s ability to meet liquidity  needs may be further constrained by regulatory requirements that require regulated entities to  maintain regulatory capital or that restrict intra-group transactions, the timing of dividend  payments from subsidiaries or the fact that certain assets may be encumbered or otherwise  non-tradeable. Finally, any adverse ratings action could trigger a need for further liquidity (for  example, by triggering termination provisions or collateral delivery requirements in contracts  to which we are a party) at a time when the Group’s ability to obtain liquidity from external  sources is limited by such ratings action.  Counterparty risks In the current financial crisis and in view of the impact it is having, or may have, on market  participants, the Group’s general exposure to counterparty risk is heightened and this risk  could be exacerbated to the extent defaults, or concerns about possible defaults, by certain  market participants trigger more systemic concerns about liquidity. Losses due to defaults by  counterparties, including issuers of investment securities (which include structured securities)  or derivative instrument counterparties, could adversely affect the Group. In addition, trading  counterparties, counterparties under swaps and other derivative contracts and financial  intermediaries may default on their obligations due to bankruptcy, insolvency, lack of liquidity,  adverse economic conditions, operational failure, fraud or other reasons, which could also  have a material adverse impact on the Group.  The Group could also be adversely affected by the insolvency of, or other credit constraints  affecting, counterparties in its reinsurance operations.   Risks relating to credit rating downgrades Ratings are an important factor in establishing the competitive position of reinsurance  companies, and market conditions could increase the risk of downgrade. Third-party rating  agencies assess and rate the financial strength of reinsurers and insurers, such as Swiss Re.  These ratings are intended to measure a company’s ability to repay its obligations and are  based upon criteria established by the rating agencies. The Group’s ratings have come under  pressure due to the additional asset write-downs it recorded for the fourth quarter of 2008  and the resulting impact on the Group’s capital position.  As claims paying and financial strength ratings are key factors in establishing the competitive  position of reinsurers, a decline in ratings alone could make reinsurance provided by the  Group less attractive to clients relative to reinsurance from competitors with similar or stronger  ratings. A decline in ratings could also cause the loss of clients who are required by either  policy or regulation to purchase reinsurance only from reinsurers with certain ratings. A further  decline in ratings could also obligate the Group to provide collateral or other guarantees in   the course of its reinsurance business or trigger early termination of funding arrangements.  Any rating downgrades could also have a material adverse impact on the Group’s costs of  borrowing and limit its access to the capital markets. Further negative ratings action could  also impact reinsurance contracts.  General information / Note on risk factors Insurance and operational risks  As part of the Group’s ordinary course operations, the Group is subject to a variety of risks,  including risks that reserves may not adequately cover future claims and benefits, risks that  catastrophic events may expose the Group to unexpected large losses, competitive conditions,  cyclicality of the industry, risks related to emerging claims and coverage issues, risks arising  from the Group’s dependence on policies, procedures and expertise of ceding companies,  and risks related to the failure of operational systems and infrastructure. In addition, the  occurrence of future risks that the Group’s risk management procedures fail to identity or  anticipate could have a material adverse effect on the Group.  Legal and regulatory risks The Group has been named, from time to time, as a defendant in various legal actions in  connection with its operations. The Group is also involved from time to time in investigations  and regulatory proceedings, certain of which could result in adverse judgments, settlements,  fines and other outcomes. The number of these investigations and proceedings involving   the financial services industry has increased in recent years. The Group could also be subject  to risk from potential employee misconduct, including non-compliance with internal policies  and procedures. Substantial legal liability could materially adversely affect the Group’s  business, financial condition or results of operations or could cause significant reputational  harm, which could seriously harm its business.  A number of lawsuits have been filed against financial service firms raising claims tied to the  unprecedented market turmoil. Swiss Re is already subject to one such action, which is a  putative securities class action filed in the United States District Court for the Southern District  of New York in February 2008 against it and certain of its executive officers alleging false   and misleading statements in connection with the mark-to-market loss, announced on  November 19, 2007. The Group cannot predict whether it could be subject to further claims  arising out of the market turmoil.  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  251 General information / Glossary Glossary Accident insurance Accumulation risk Acquisition costs Admin Re® Insurance of individuals or groups against economic risks in the event of death or temporary  or permanent disability by accident. A branch of casualty insurance. Risk that arises when a large number of individual risks are correlated such that a single event  will affect many or all of these risks. That portion of an insurance premium which represents the cost of obtaining the insurance  business: it includes the intermediaries’ commission, the company’s sales expense and other  related expenses. Acceptance of a closed block of in-force life and health insurance business either through   acquisition or reinsurance, typically assuming the responsibility to administer the underlying  policies. Admin Re® can also extend to the acquisition of an entire life insurance company. Asset-backed securities Securities backed by notes or receivables against assets such as auto loans, credit cards,   royalties, student loans and insurance. Management of a business in a way that coordinates decisions on assets and liabilities.  Specifically, the ongoing process of formulating, implementing, monitoring and revising  strategies related to assets and liabilities in an attempt to achieve financial objectives for   a given set of risk tolerances and constraints. Insurance of accident and liability risks, as well as hull damage, connected with the operation  of aircraft. Insurance covering the loss of earnings resulting from, and occurring after, destruction   of property; also known as “loss of profits” or “business income protection insurance”. Maximum amount of risk that can be accepted in insurance. Capacity also refers to the  amount of insurance coverage allocated to a particular policyholder or in the marketplace   in general. Branch of insurance – mainly comprising accident and liability business – which is separate  from property, engineering and life insurance. Risk-based securities that allow (re)insurance companies to transfer peak insurance risks,   including natural catastrophes, to institutional investors in the form of bonds. Catastrophe  bonds help to spread peak exposures (see insurance-linked securities). Insurance that is reinsured: the passing of the insurer’s risks to the reinsurer against payment  of a premium. The insurer is referred to as the ceding company or cedent. Demand by an insured for indemnity under an insurance contract. Activities in connection with the investigation, settlement and payment of claims from the  time of their occurrence until settlement. Asset-liability management (ALM) Aviation insurance Business interruption Capacity Casualty insurance Catastrophe bonds Cession Claim Claims handling 252  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report General information / Glossary Claims incurred and claim adjustment   expenses All claims payments plus the adjustment in the outstanding claims provision of a business  year and claim adjustment expenses. Claims ratio Coinsurance Combined ratio Commission Commutation Cover Credit insurance Sum of claims paid, change in the provisions for unpaid claims and claim adjustment expenses  in relation to premiums earned. Arrangement by which a number of insurers and/or reinsurers share a risk. Combination of the non-life claims ratio and the expense ratio. Remuneration paid by the insurer to its agents, brokers or intermediaries, or by the reinsurer to  the insurer, for costs in connection with the acquisition and administration of insurance business. Transaction in which policyholders or insurers surrender all rights and are relieved from   all obligations under an insurance or reinsurance contract in exchange for a single current  payment. Insurance and reinsurance protection based on a contractual agreement. Insurance against financial losses sustained through the failure, for commercial reasons, of  policyholders’ clients to pay for goods or services supplied to them. Directors’ and officers’ liability   insurance (D & O) Liability insurance for directors and officers of an entity, providing cover for their personal   legal liability towards shareholders, creditors, employees and others arising from wrongful   acts such as errors and omissions. Disability insurance Expense ratio Insurance against the incapacity to exercise a profession as a result of sickness or other   infirmity. Sum of acquisition costs and other operating costs and expenses, in relation to premiums  earned. Guaranteed minimum death benefit  (GMDB) A feature of variable annuity business. The benefit is a predetermined minimum amount   that the beneficiary will receive upon the death of the insured. Health insurance Generic term applying to all types of insurance indemnifying or reimbursing for losses   caused by bodily injury or sickness or for expenses of medical treatment necessitated by  sickness or accidental bodily injury. Incurred but not reported (IBNR) Provision for claims incurred but not reported by the balance sheet date. In other words,   it is anticipated that an event will affect a number of policies, although no claims have been  made so far, and is therefore likely to result in liability for the insurer. Industry loss warranties (ILW) Index-linked catastrophe contracts with a dual trigger that require a minimum industry loss   to occur before the coverage responds to the individual company loss. Impairment charge Adjustment in the accounting value of an asset.  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  253   General information / Glossary Glossary Insurance-linked securities (ILS) Bonds for which the payment of interest and/or principal depends on the occurrence or severity  of an insurance event. The underlying risk of the bond is a peak or volume insurance risk.  Layer Liability insurance Life insurance Section of cover in a non-proportional reinsurance programme in which total coverage is   divided into a number of consecutive layers starting at the retention or attachment point   of the ceding company up to the maximum limit of indemnity. Individual layers may be placed  with different (re)insurers. Insurance for damages that a policyholder is obliged to pay because of bodily injury or property  damage caused to another person or entity based on negligence, strict liability or contractual  liability. Insurance that provides for the payment of a sum of money upon the death of the insured.   In addition, life insurance can be used as a means of investment or saving. Mandatory convertible bond Bond that has a compulsory conversion or redemption feature. Either on or before a contractual  conversion date, the holder must convert the mandatory convertible into the underlying stock. Marine insurance Motor insurance Net reinsurance assets Line of insurance which includes coverage for property in transit (cargo), means of  transportation (except aircraft and motor vehicles), offshore installations and valuables, as well  as liabilities associated with marine risks and professions. Line of insurance which offers coverage for property, accident and liability losses involving  motor vehicles. Receivables related to deposit accounting contracts (contracts which do not meet risk transfer  requirements) less payables related to deposit contracts. Non-life insurance All classes of insurance business excluding life insurance. Non-proportional reinsurance Form of reinsurance in which coverage is not in direct proportion to the original insurer’s loss;  instead the reinsurer is liable for a specified amount which exceeds the insurer’s retention;  also known as “excess of loss reinsurance”. Nuclear energy insurance Property and liability insurance for atomic reactors, power stations or any other plant related   to the production of atomic energy or its incidental processes. Operating revenues Premiums earned plus net investment income plus other revenues. Operational risk Premium Risk arising from failure of operational processes, internal procedures and controls leading   to financial loss. The payment, or one of the periodical payments, a policyholder agrees to make for an insurance  policy. 254  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report General information / Glossary Premiums earned Premiums an insurance company has recorded as revenues during a specific accounting   period. Premiums written Premiums for all policies sold during a specific accounting period. Product liability insurance Insurance covering the liability of the manufacturer or supplier of goods for damage caused   by their products. Professional indemnity insurance Liability insurance cover which protects professional specialists such as physicians, architects,  engineers, lawyers, accountants and others against third-party claims arising from activities   in their professional field; policies and conditions vary according to profession. Property insurance Proportional reinsurance Collective term for fire and business interruption insurance as well as burglary, fidelity guarantee  and allied lines. Form of reinsurance in which the premiums and claims of the insurer are shared proportionally  by the insurer and reinsurer. Present value of future profits (PVFP) Intangible asset primarily arising from the purchase of life and health insurance companies   or portfolios. Quota-share reinsurance Form of proportional reinsurance in which a defined percentage of all risks held by the insurer  in a specific line is reinsured. Reinsurance Reserves Retention Retrocession Insurance which lowers the risk carried by primary insurance companies. Reinsurance includes  various forms such as facultative, financial, non-proportional, proportional, quota-share, surplus  and treaty reinsurance. Amount required to be carried as a liability in the financial statements of an insurer or reinsurer  to provide for future commitments under outstanding policies and contracts. Amount of risk which the policyholder or insurer does not insure or reinsure but keeps for its  own account. Amount of the risk accepted by the reinsurer which is then passed on to other reinsurance  companies. Return on equity Net income as a percentage of time-weighted shareholders’ equity. Return on investments Investment result as a percentage of average invested assets. Invested assets include   investments, funds held by ceding companies, net cash equivalents and net reinsurance   assets. Average invested assets are calculated as opening balance plus one half of the   net asset turnover. Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  255 General information / Glossary Glossary Risk Risk management Securitisation Solvency II Stop-loss reinsurance Condition in which there is a possibility of loss; also used by insurance practitioners to indicate  the property insured or the peril insured against. Management tool for the comprehensive identification and assessment of risks based   on knowledge and experience in the fields of natural sciences, technology, economics and   statistics. Financial transaction, in which future cash flows from assets (or insurable risks) are pooled,  converted into tradeable securities and transferred to capital market investors. The assets are  commonly sold to a special-purpose entity, which purchases them with cash raised through  the issuance of beneficial interests (usually debt instruments) to third-party investors. Initiative launched by the European Commission to revise current EU insurance solvency   rules. Solvency II focuses on capital requirements, risk modelling, prudential rules, supervisory  control, market discipline and disclosure. Form of reinsurance that protects the ceding insurer against an aggregate amount of claims  over a period, in excess of either a stated amount or a specified percentage of estimated benefit  costs. An example of this is employer stop loss (ESL) coverage, which is used by US companies  to cap losses on self-funded group health benefit programmes. The stop-loss can apply to   specific conditions or aggregate losses. Surety insurance Sureties and guarantees issued to third parties for the fulfilment of contractual liabilities. Surplus reinsurance Form of proportional reinsurance in which risks are reinsured above a specified amount. Tail VaR See “Value at risk”. Treaty reinsurance Underwriting result US GAAP Participation of the reinsurer in certain sections of the insurer’s business as agreed by treaty,  as opposed to single risks. Premiums earned less the sum of claims paid, change in the provision for unpaid claims   and claim adjustment expenses and other expenses (acquisition costs and other operating  costs and expenses). United States Generally Accepted Accounting Principles are the accounting rules, as issued   by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), its predecessors and other bodies, used  to prepare financial statements for publicly traded companies in the United States. 256  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report   General information / Glossary Value at risk (VaR) Maximum possible loss in market value of an asset portfolio within a given time span and at   a given confidence level. 99% VaR measures the level of loss likely to be exceeded in only one  year out of a hundred, while 99.5% VaR measures the loss likely to be exceeded in only one  year out of two hundred. 99% Tail VaR estimates the average annual loss likely to occur with a  frequency of less than once in one hundred years. Some of the terms included in the glossary are explained in more detail in note 1 to the Group  financial statements. Swiss Re uses some of the term definitions provided by the glossary of the International   Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS). For additional insurance terms, see Swiss Re’s   online glossary of technical terms at Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  257 General information / Key events Key events CEO Jacques Aigrain announces initiative with Oxfam Swiss Re establishes third-party administrator in China Swiss Re’s Pierre Ozendo honoured by Insurance   Industry Charitable Foundation 29 February 2007 annual results Net income of CHF 4.2 billion and a return  on equity of 13.5% 2 April Comprehensive third-party healthcare  administrator established in China Swiss Re received approval to establish   a consulting company in China to provide   full-service third-party administrator and  related consulting services to hospitals,  insurers, policyholders and employers 18 April 144th Annual General Meeting Shareholders approved an 18% increase in  dividend to CHF 4.00 per share 6 May First quarter 2008 results Net income of CHF 624 million for the first  quarter (EPS: CHF 1.84) 7 May GlobeCat transaction named Deal of   the Year “Energy Risk” magazine named Swiss Re’s  USD 85 million GlobeCat transaction,  covering windstorm events in the US and  earthquakes in California and Central  America, Deal of the Year 26 May Swiss Re recognised as admitted  reinsurer in Brazil Swiss Reinsurance America Corporation and  Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd recognised  as admitted reinsurers with the ability to   sell reinsurance in the newly de-regulated  Brazil marketplace 11 June Joint operations for electronic data  exchange in accounting and settlement  launched Swiss Re and global insurance broker Guy  Carpenter successfully implemented joint  operations for electronic data exchange in  accounting and settlement 2008 7 January Strategic partnership in Vietnam Acquisition of 25% stake in Vietnam’s  leading reinsurance provider, Vietnam  National Reinsurance Corporation 11 January “Regulation XXX” transaction with SBLI USD 175 million of peak “Regulation XXX”  reserve requirements for the Savings Bank  Life Insurance Company of Massachusetts  (SBLI) funded through private securitisation 22 January First Central American earthquake bond USD 85 million issued in multi-peril  securitisation covering windstorm events in  the US and earthquakes in California and  Central America 23 January Property & Casualty quota-share  arrangement  Five year quota-share agreement with  Berkshire Hathaway covering 20% of the  Group’s new and renewed Property &  Casualty business 258  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report General information / Key events 30 June USD 150 million in natural catastrophe  protection Swiss Re obtained USD 150 million  protection against North Atlantic hurricane,  European windstorm, Californian earthquake  and Japanese typhoon through a natural  catastrophe protection programme named  Vega Capital Ltd 30 September Swiss Re entered into partnership with CelsiusPro Partnership with CelsiusPro, the first Europe- based weather derivative online sales  platform, to offer weather risk transfer  solutions. Swiss Re provides risk capacity  and expertise to support CelsiusPro’s online  platform 5 August Second quarter 2008 results Net income of CHF 0.6 billion for the second  quarter (EPS: CHF 1.70) 26 September Swiss Re and Oxfam America launched  joint risk management initiative for  farmers in Tigray, Ethiopia Swiss Re and Oxfam America announced a  joint Commitment to Action at the Clinton  Global Initiative 2008 meeting in New York.  The collaboration is aimed at helping  communities most vulnerable to climate  variability and change 31 October GBP 762 million acquisition of Barclays  Life Assurance Company Ltd completed The transaction, announced on 5 August  2008, received all the required regulatory  approvals. The transaction provides further  scale and infrastructure for Swiss Re’s Admin  Re® business in the United Kingdom 4 November Third quarter 2008 results Net loss of CHF 304 million for   the third quarter (EPS: CHF –0.93) 2009 5 February Swiss Re announced preliminary and  unaudited 2008 results – Warren Buffett  to invest CHF 3 billion in Swiss Re via  Berkshire Hathaway Inc. Swiss Re Group announced that it expected  to report a net loss for the full year 2008 of  approximately CHF 1 billion. The Group is  raising CHF 3 billion of capital from Berkshire  Hathaway Inc. and will consider further  equity raising of up to CHF 2 billion, both of  which are subject to shareholder approval 12 February Swiss Re’s Board of Directors appointed  Stefan Lippe as new Chief Executive  Officer Swiss Re’s Board of Directors announced  that it had accepted the resignation of  Jacques Aigrain as Chief Executive Officer,  and had appointed Stefan Lippe as his  successor Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  259 General information / 2008 awards 2008 awards Swiss Re received a broad range of awards in 2008. They confirm our strict client  focus as well as our ability to develop customised solutions for clients. Reactions Global Awards  ̤ Best Global Reinsurance Company  ̤ Best Reinsurance Company for Life “Swiss Re remains one of the most innovative in the business and embodies the convergence  of the industry with the capital markets through its Swiss Re Capital Markets division.(…) In  2008, Swiss Re demonstrated that it too is committed to being disciplined when it comes to  rates and terms and conditions.” (“Reactions” magazine, August 2008) The Review Worldwide Reinsurance  Awards  ̤ Life reinsurance company of the year  ̤ Professional service provider of the year “For the third year running the world’s largest reinsurer has been awarded the accolade of  being the best life player in the secondary market. In Asia, the main focus of Swiss Re’s push to grow health business will be in offering  reinsurance solutions that combine risk taking, professional risk management and professional  third party administration (for example, in India and China) to promote the sustainable  development of the primary medical industry”. (“The Review” magazine, September 2008) Asia Insurance Industry Awards  ̤ General Reinsurer of the Year “With 11 offices across the region, Swiss Re has continued to understand and stay close to  client and market needs. (...) The reinsurer takes the honour for its customer focus, innovation  in the area of parametric covers and claims, and contribution towards India’s medical  insurance market.” (“Asia Insurance Review”, November 2008) Risk & Insurance  ̤ 2008 Risk Innovators: Financial Institutions & Services  “The Farmers Insurance Exchange deal was the first broadly syndicated transaction to  combine an insurance event, in this case a hurricane, with the issuance of regulatory capital.  The concept created “just-in-time” capital that would be available if a major natural disaster  loss occurred rather than holding additional, and expensive, equity on its balance sheet or  purchasing more reinsurance to cover remote events.” (“Risk & Insurance”, September 2008) Reactions London Market Awards  ̤ Best Reinsurance Company Underwriting Marine  “Swiss Re is a dominant player in all lines of business. And the judges felt it led the way for  marine risks. (…) Swiss Re impressed the judges with its expertise.  (…) The firm’s marine  underwriters have worked together as a team for many years and have made Swiss Re in the  UK a respected London market lead for both proportional and non-proportional treaty  business.” (“Reactions” London Market Awards, June 2008) 260  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report   General information / 2008 awards Global Broker London Market Awards  ̤ Marine Reinsurer of the Year 2008 “Swiss Re was voted as top of the market in this category. ‘It is efficient and responsive,’   said one broker.” (“Global Broker & Underwriter”, May/June 2008) The Banker  ̤ Deal of the Year 2008 “During turbulent times, any temporary stable market condition must be taken advantage   of. Thanks to meticulous organisation, Swiss Re successfully launched its inaugural  benchmark Sterling hybrid Tier 1 notes at short notice when windows of stability were  identified.” (“The Banker”, May 2008) Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes  ̤ 2008 leadership position (Insurance sector) ”Today, the world’s leading companies are integrating sustainability considerations into   their core business. They are accounting for general as well as industry-specific sustainability   risks and opportunities. And they do so by setting and achieving clear and quantifiable  objectives. At the same time, there remains significant room for improvement and thus wide  scope for a continued strong sustainability momentum.” Alexander Barkawi, Managing  Director, SAM Indexes (SAM media release, September 2008) Energy Risk Awards  ̤ Weather House of the Year “Philanthropy is rarely an innovator in capitalism but it is sometimes a by-product. In the    case of global reinsurer Swiss Re, the attention of the panel was captured by the ability   of its environmental and commodities markets (ECM) arm to combine these two philosophies,  leading it once again to being voted Weather House of the Year for 2008.” (“Energy Risk  magazine”, June 2008) Energy Risk  ̤ Deal of the Year 2008 “At the end of 2007, Swiss Re Capital Markets launched a catastrophe bond with a difference  – not only was it the first cat bond to offer protection against earthquakes in Central America,  it was also the blueprint for a new concept allowing charities or governments to leverage  donations to pay for the coupon of the bond.” (“Energy Risk”, Spring 2008) Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  261     Corporate calendar 13 March 2009 145th Annual General Meeting 7 May 2009 First quarter 2009 results 5 August 2009 Second quarter 2009 results 3 November 2009 Third quarter 2009 results 9 December 2009 Investors’ Day General information / Corporate calendar ©2009  Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd Title:  2008 Annual Report  Design:  Addison Corporate Marketing, London  Saffron Brand Consultants Photographs:  JWT International (cover, back cover)  Marc Wetli (pp 2, 10, 94) Glowimages; John Foxx; Alan Schein/zefa/Corbis   (p 8, left to right) Keystone; Belinda Lawley/Panos Pictures; Thomas  Northcut (p 13 top to bottom)  Gettyimages; Glowimages; Keystone/STR (p 15 top   to bottom) Sigrid Olsson/Getty Images (p 17) Swiss Re, Gerrit Fokkema (p 18 –19) Yva Momatiuk & John Eastcott, Minden/Geographic  Image Collection, Chris Hondros/Gettyimages,  Winfield Parks/National Geographic Image Collection  (p 21 top to bottom) Swiss Re, Reza Estakhrian/Gettyimages, Swiss Re   (p 25 top to bottom) Swiss Re (p 27) Andres Leighton/Keystone; Jon Hrusa/Keystone;  DEZA (p 29 top to bottom) K tembien pictures/Oxfam America (p 33) Todd France, Swiss Re, Jeannette Seifert (p 258 left   to right) Printing:  NZZ Fretz AG, Schlieren This report is printed on sustainably produced paper  and climate neutral. The wood used comes from  forests certified to 100% by the Forest Stewardship  Council (FSC). Original version in English. The 2008 Annual Report is also available in German. The web version of the 2008 Annual Report   is available at: Order no: 1490793_09_en CCHCC, 2/09, 13 000 en Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report  263 General information / Business contact information Business contact information Swiss Re maintains over 65 office locations in over 25 countries. For a full list of office  locations and service offerings, please visit our website at Head Office Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd Mythenquai 50/60 P.O. Box 8022 Zurich Switzerland Telephone +41 43 285 2121 Investor Relations Susan Holliday Telephone +41 43 285 4444 Fax +41 43 285 5555 Media Relations Simone Lauper Telephone +41 43 285 7171 Fax +41 43 285 2023 Share Register Karl Haas Telephone +41 43 285 3294 Fax +41 43 285 3480 Americas Europe (incl. Middle East and Africa) Asia Armonk 175 King Street Armonk, New York 10504 Telephone +1 914 828 8000 Bogotá Carrera 7 No. 71– 21, Torre B, Piso 15 Bogotá, D.C. Telephone +57 1 313 6000 Calabasas 26050 Mureau Road Calabasas, CA 91302  Telephone +1 818 878 9500 Mexico City Insurgentes Sur 1898, Piso 8 Torre Siglum Colonia Florida México, D.F. 01030 Telephone +52 55 5322 8400 New York 55 East 52nd Street New York, NY 10055 Telephone +1 212 317 5400 São Paulo Alameda Santos, 1940 –10° andar CEP 01418-200 São Paulo SP Telephone +55 11 3371 6570 Toronto 150 King Street West Toronto, Ontario M5H 1J9  Telephone +1 416 408 0272 262  Swiss Re 2008 Annual Report Johannesburg 24 Fricker Road Illovo Corner Illovo, 2196 Johannesburg/Gauteng Telephone +27 11 502 5000 London 30 St Mary Axe London EC3A 8EP Telephone +44 20 7933 3000 Luxembourg 2a, rue Albert Borschette 1246 Luxembourg Telephone +352 26 12 16 Madrid Paseo de la Castellana, 95 planta 18   Edificio Torre Europa 28046 Madrid  Telephone +34 91 598 1726 Munich Dieselstraße 11 85774 Unterföhring bei München Telephone +49 89 3844-0 Paris 7, rue de Logelbach 75847 Paris Cedex 17 Telephone +33 1 43 18 30 00 Zurich Mythenquai 50/60 8022 Zurich Telephone +41 43 285 2121  Beijing 23rd Floor, East Tower, Twin Towers, No. B12, Jian Guo Men Wai Avenue Chao Yang District Beijing 100022 Telephone +86 10 6563 8888  Hong Kong 61 / F Central Plaza 18 Harbour Road G.P.O. Box 2221 Wanchai, HK Telephone +852 2827 4345  Mumbai 9th floor, Essar House 11 K Khadye Marg Mahalaxmi Mumbai 400 034 Telephone +91 22 6661 2121  Singapore 1 Raffles Place OUB Centre Singapore 048616 Telephone +65 6532 2161 Sydney  Level 29, 363 George Street Sydney NSW 2000 Telephone +61 2 8295 9500 Tokyo Otemachi First Square 9F 5 –1 Otemachi 1 chome Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 100-0004 Telephone +81 3 3272 287   Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd Mythenquai 50/60 P.O. Box 8022 Zurich Switzerland Telephone +41 43 285 2121 Fax +41 43 285 2999

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