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Juniata Valley Financial Corp.RUSTED RELATIONSHIPS ^ ^ ^M ""-•-.•w,*- •«Kf«-™ws%!a--'!«^-j'w« HM,- i'i.>,-^sm.i' «Ba3s. ?n*>>Mj-'w*&*s^»#'.-w&fe-^.;*ia«^:i'R'*''^' •^!«ESl8'>*'tesn&'S^"*«';»'li«wsi«iS3SsS ToMPKEVSIfci FINANCIAL US 2^ (B) ^<^/F CORPORATE REPORT liiiiiiiiiiii^ lbrn|)kins llnanclal is mucli n i o rr than an oi'^anl/atlon proxiding hanking, wealth m a n a ^ c m e nl and Insurance. Inmpkin.s Is also (lellned bv the manv t r u s t ed relationsliips that are the i o u n d a t i on o evervthlnw we do. o Throucrh t r u s t ed relatlonshl[)s \\ Ith o ur c u s t o m e r s, we are able to provide Hnancial solutions that help t h em a e h i e \e their goals as Individuals and as businesses. T h r o u gh t r u s t ed relationships witli o ur enij:)lo\ees, we see o ur C o m p a n v 's \ islon carried o ut in t h o u s a n ds ot personal Interactions each dav. T h r o u gh t r u s t ed relationshlj:)s \\ Ith o ur sharc^holdei's, we c o n t i n ue to attain llnanclal results that e x c e ed the \asl majorllv ol c o r p o r a t i o ns in o ur Industrv. .And t h r o u gh t r u s t ed relationships b e t w e en o ur organizations, we are able to seamlesslv ancl eBec:tlvelv w o rk t o g e t h er to serve o ur c u s t o m e rs and c o m m u n i t i es better. We are pleased at the p e r f o r m a n ce t h a t ' I o m p k i ns Mnanclal achieved In 2 0 1 2. Bevond that, we are abundanllv grateiiil lor the countless t r u s t ed relationships that m a ke such p e r l o r m a n ce possible. ^()mpkiil^Trust Companv "ihe i^ank of Castile .Vlahopae National Ikuik VIST Bank lornpkins lnsuranc:e .Agencies Tompkins Financial .Advisors iinirkivs I ;\ Wil \i iV/"/:^ (' >i I n t e r e st a nd D i v i d e nd I n c o me Loans Due from banks Federal funds sold Trading securities Available-for-sale securities Held-to-maturity securities Federal Home Loan Bank stock and Federal Reserve Bank stock T o t al I n t e r e st a nd D i v i d e nd I n c o me I n t e r e st E x p e n se Time certificates of deposit of S100,000 or more Other deposits Federal funds purchased and securities sold under agreements to repurchase Trust preferred debentures Other borrowings Total Interest Expense Net Interest I n c o me Less: Provision for Loan and Lease Losses Net Interest Income After Provision for Loan a nd Lease Losses N o n i n t e r e st I n c o me Insurance commissions and fees Investment services income Service charges on deposit accounts Card services income Mark-to-market (loss) gain on trading securities Mark-to-market gain (loss) on liabilities held at fair value Net other-than-temporary impairment losses^ Other income Net gain on securities transactions T o t al N o n i n t e r e st I n c o me N o n i n t e r e st E x p e n s es Salaries and wages Pension and other employee benefits Net occupancy expense of premises Furniture and fixture expense FDIC insurance Amortization of intangible assets Merger and integration related expenses Other operating expenses Total Noninterest Expenses I n c o me Before I n c o me Tax Expense I n c o me Tax Expense Net I n c o me Attributable to N o n c o n t r o l l i ng Interests a nd Tompkins Financial C o r p o r a t i on Less: Net Income Attributable to Noncontrolling Interests Net I n c o me Attributable to Tompkins Financial C o r p o r a t i on Basic earnings p er share Diluted earnings p er share $124,662 $103,998 5106,357 32 2 744 31,232 860 824 12 7 873 30,103 1,185 910 31 17 1,084 33,989 1,535 1,049 158,356 137,088 144,062 3,322 8,910 4,451 2,094 5,436 3,292 9,795 4,872 1,580 6,143 24,213 25,682 134,143 111,406 8,837 8,945 125,306 102,461 19,421 14,340 7,441 6,030 (332) 246 (196) 7,534 324 54,808 51,700 18,075 8,969 4,996 2,685 1,264 15,584 34,335 137,608 42,506 11,090 13,542 14,287 8,491 5,060 62 (464) (65) 6,705 396 48,014 44,140 14,275 7,117 4,463 2,527 589 174 25,267 98,552 51,923 16,373 31,416 35,550 131 131 4,297 13,380 5,418 1,581 7,611 32,287 111,775 8,507 103,268 12,738 14,329 8,554 4,285 219 (441) (34) 6,331 178 46,159 4 2 , 5 30 14,523 7,161 4,421 3,768 762 0 25,880 99,045 50,382 16,420 33,962 131 $31,285 535,419 533,831 52,44 52,43 $3,21 $3,20 $3,13 $3,11 2/ Consolidated Statements of Income 1. In 2 0 1 2, other-thaii-temporarj impairment fOTTI") on securities availablefioT-sale totaling $ 1 9 6 , 0 00 was recognized in noninterest income. There were no additional non-credit OTTI losses on these securities in 2 0 1 2. In 2 0 1 1, OTTI on securities available-Jor-saU totaling $ 1 7 8 , 0 00 was recognized, which included $ 1 1 3 , 0 00 in non-credit impairment losses recognized in accumulated otber comprehensive income, and S 6 S , 0 00 of OTTI losses recognized in noninterest income. In 2 0 1 0. OTTI on securities available-for-sale totaling $ 3 4 , 0 00 was recognized in noninterest income. There were no additional non-credit OTTI losses on these securities in 2 0 1 0. TOMPKINS FINANCIAL 2 0 /2 CORPOR.ATE REPORT MARKET FOR REGISTRANT'S COMMON EQUITY, RELATED STOCKHOLDER MATTERS AND ISSUER PURCHASES OF EQUITY SECURITIES Cash Dividends Market Price The Company's common stock is traded under the symbol "TMP" on the NYSE MKT LLC, The high and low closing sale prices, which represent actual transactions as quoted on the Exchange, of the Company's common stock for each quarterly period in 2011 and 2012 are presented to the right. The per share dividends paid by the Company in each quarterly period in 2011 and 2012 and the payment dates of these dividends are also presented. $3.21 $3.16 S2.96 High Low Amount Date Paid 2011 1 st Quarter 541,85 539,15 $,34 2 / 1 5 / 11 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter 42,20 41,00 40,49 36,43 34,01 33,75 ,34 ,36 .36 5 / 1 6 / 11 8 / 1 5 / 11 1 1 / 1 5 / 11 2012 1 st Quarter $43,13 $38,90 5,36 2 / 1 5 / 12 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter 40,69 42,52 41,67 35,82 37,30 36,85 ,36 ,36 ,38 5 / 1 5 / 12 8 / 1 5 / 12 1 1 / 1 5 / 12 As of February 25, 2013, there were approximately 3,517 holders of record ofthe Company's common stock. $1.46 $1.40 S1.53 $1.24 $1.20 22 Financial Highlights $2,00 5,50 09 10 11 12 08 09 10 11 12 DILUTED EARNINGS^ PER SHARE IN DOLLARS CASH D I V I D E N DS PER SHARE IN DOLLARS I.The lighter shaded sections ofthe bars reflects GAAP earnings per share. The darker shaded sections in 2011 and 2012 reflect the ajtei-tax impact oJ merger related expenses as well as other nonrecurring items. Refer to the Company's Form lO-KJor the calculation of these non-GAAf measures. REPORT OF INDEPENDENT REGISTERED PUBLIC ACCOUNTING FIRM The Board ofDirectors and Shareholders of Tompkins Financial Corporation, We have audited, in accordance with the standards ofthe PuUic Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States), the consolidated statements of condition of Tompkins Financial Corporation and subsidiaries as of December 31, 2012 and 2011, and the related consohdated statements of income, comprehensive income, changes in shareholders' equity, and cash flows for each of the years in the three-year period ended December 3 1, 2012 (not presented herein); and in our report dated March 18, 2013 we expressed an unqualified opinion on those consolidated financial statements. In our opinion, the information set forth in the accompanying consolidated condensed financial statements is fairly stated, in all material respects, in relation to the consolidated financial statements from which it has been derived, Syracuse, NY March 18,2013 TOMPKINS EINANCIAL 2 0 /2 CORPOR.ATE REPORT TOMPKINS FINANCIAL CORPORATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS FROM LEFT TO RIGHT: P a ul J. B a t t a g l i a, CPA Managing Director, Freed Maxick & Battaglia, CPAs, P.C, J o hn E . A l e x a n d er Founder,The CBORD Group, Inc, F r a nk C. M i l e w s ki Regional President, Providence Service Corporation J a m es W. F u l m er Vice Chairman, Tompkins Financial; Chairman, President 8: CEO,The Bank of Castile P a t r i c ia A. J o h n s on Treasurer, Cornell University C a rl E. H a y n es President, Tompkins Cortland Community College D a n i el J. F e s s e n d en Executive Director, Fred L, Emerson Foundation, Inc, J a m es J. B y r n es Chairman S t e p h en S. R o m a i ne President & CEO T h o m as R. R o c h on President, Ithaca College W i l l i am D. S p a i n, J r. Chairman, Mahopac National Bank; Managing Partner, Spain & Spain, PC M i c h a el H. S p a in President, Spain Agency, Inc, A l f r ed J. W e b er President, Tweed-Weber, Inc. J a m es R. H a r d ie Vice Chairman,Tompkins Insurance Agencies, Inc, S u s an A. H e n r y, P h .D Professor, Department of Molecular Biology & Genetics, Cornell University R e e d er D. G a t es Retired President, R,D, Gates Ltd, S a n d ra A. P a r k er President & CEO, Rochester Business AUiance C r a ig Y u n k er Managing Partner, CY Farms 2.3 Tompkins Financial Board of Directors & Leadership Team TOMPKINS FINANCIAL CORPORATION LEADERSHIP TEAM FROM LEFT TO RIGHT D a v id S. B o y ce President & CEO,Tompkins Insurance Agencies, Inc, F r a n c is M. F e t s ko ExecutiveVice President, CFO, C OO &Trea,surer R o s e m a ry G. H y l a nd SeniorVice President, Director of Human Resources S t e p h en S. R o m a i ne President ii. CEO, Tompkins Financial Corporation G r e g o ry J. H a r tz President 81: CEO, Tompkins Trust Company G e r a ld J. K l e i n, J r. President & CEO, Mahopac National Bank S u s an M . V a l e n ti SeniorVice President, Corporate Marketing Officer R o b e rt D. D a v is President & CEO, VIST Bank J a m es W. F u l m er Chairman, President & CEO, The Bank of Castile TOMPKINS EINANCIAL 2 0 /2 CORPORATE REPORT T o m p k i ns T r u st C o m p a ny T he B a nk of C a s t i le M a h o p ac N a t i o n al B a nk VIST B a nk BOARDS OF DIRECTORS J a m es J. B y r n es Chairman G r e g o ry J. H a r tz President SLCEO J a m es W. F u l m er W i l l i am D. S p a i n, J r. Chairman, President Si^CEO Chairman P a ul J. B a t t a g l i a, CPA Managing Director Managing Partner Spain & Spain, PC J o hn E. A l e x a n d er CPAs, RC, President &_CEO Freed Maxick & Battaglia, G e r a ld J. K l e i n, J r. Founder The CBORD Group, Inc. J o s e ph G. B u c ci J a m es J. B y r n es D a n i el J. F e s s e n d en Executive Director Co-founder & Vice Chairman Chairman American Rock Salt Co., Inc, Tompkins Financial Corporation Founder & Owner, Bucci Fred L, Emerson Foundation, Inc, Real Estate J a m es W. F u l m er Vice Chairman R e e d er D. G a t es Retired President R,D, Gates, Ltd, P h i l l i p J. C l a r k, P.E. Tompkins Financial Corporation Chairman & CEO Clark Patter,son Lee S t e p h en S. R o m a i ne President & CEO C a rl E. H a y n es T h o m as E. G u s h i ng Tompkins Financial Corporation President, Tompkins Cortland Vice President Community College S u s an A. H e n r y, P h .D Secretary-Treasurer J , 0, Cook, Inc, C. C o m p t on S p a in Attorney, .Spain & Spain, PC Professor, D e p a r t m e nt of D a v id N. D e L a V e r g ne M i c h a el S p a in •^ Molecular Biology and Genetics Retired SeniorVice President President, Spain Agency, Inc. Boards of Cornell University The Bank of Castile Directors P a t r i c ia A. J o h n s on J o hn P. L i n f o o t* Treasurer, Cornell University President T h o m as R. R o c h on President, Ithaca College J o hn D. M c C l u rg John P, Linfoot, Inc, S t e p h en S. R o m a i ne President & CEO President McClurg Chrysler Dodge Jeep, Inc, Tompkins Financial Corporation & McClurg Chevrolet Buick, Inc, S a n d ra A. P a r k er President 8: CEO Rochester Business Alliance S t e p h en S. R o m a i ne President & CEO Tompkins Financial Corporation S t e p h en R. S t o d d a r d, D VM Perry Veterinary Clinic C r a ig Y u n k er Managing Partner CY Farms ' R e t i r i n g A p r i l, 2013 TOMPKINS EINANCIAL 2 0 /2 CORPOR.ATE REPORT A l f r ed J . W e b er Chairman President,Tweed-Weber, Inc, R o b e rt D. D a v is President &_CEO E d w a rd C. B a r r e t t, CPA EVP & CFO J a m es H. B u r t on President Manchester Copper Products, LLC J a m es W. F u l m er Vice Chairman Tompkins Financial Corporation P h i l ip E. H u g h e s, E s q ., CPA Vice Chairman Keystone Industries F r a nk C. M i l e w s ki Regional President Providence Service Corporation H a r r y J. O ' N e i l l, I II President, Empire Group K a r en A. R i g h t m i re President The Wyomissing Foundation S t e p h en S. R o m a i ne President & C EO Tompkins Financial Corporation T o m p k i ns I n s u r a n ce A g e n c i es J a m es W. F u l m er Chairman Vice Chairman Tompkins Financial Corporation J a m es R. H a r d ie Vice Chairman D a v id S. B o y ce President SLCEO S t e p h en S. R o m a i ne President & CEO Tompkins Financial Corporation F r a nk V i t a g l i a n o, J r. SeniorVice President CORPORATE INFORMATION T o m p k i ns F i n a n c i al C o r p o r a t i on C o r p o r a te O f f i c e rs S t e p h en S. R o m a i ne President & CEO J a m es W. F u l m er Vice Chairman D a v id S. B o y ce C o r p o r a t i on Office S t o ck L i s t i ng Janet L, Hewitt, AVP Tompkins Financial Corporation Tompkins Financial Corporation Tompkins Financial Corporation RO, Box 460 Ithaca, NY 14851 (607)273-3210 common stock is traded on the RO, Box 460 NYSE MKT LLC under the symbol Ithaca, NY 14851 TMR 1-888-503-5753 or 1-607-274-2004 Website: The Tompkins Financial Stock Purchase E-mail address: www, tompkinsfinancial, com Plan is administered bv the American jhewitt(S^tompkinstrust,com E-mail: StockTransfer & Trust Company, LLC shareholdcr@tompkinsfinancial, com as transfer agent for Tompkins Financial Corporation, It offers a convenient Form 10-K Executive Vice President S u b s i d i a r i es wav for shareholders to increase their Copies ofthe Company's Form 10-K R o b e rt D. D a v is ExecutiveVice President F r a n c is M. F e t s ko Executive Vice President CFO, C OO & Treasurer G r e g o ry J. H a r tz Executive Vice President G e r a ld J. K l e i n, J r. Executive Vice President Tompkins Trust Company enables shareholders to reinvest all or with the Securities and Exchange investment in the Company, The plan (Annual Report) for 2012, filed R O, Box 460 Ithaca, NY 14851 ( 6 0 7 ) 2 7 3 - 3 2 10 part of their cash dividends or to make Commission, may be obtained by optional cash pavments, with some shareholders, by written request, from restrictions, in order to purchase shares Francis M, Fetsko, ExecutiveVice www, tompkinstrust, com of Tompkins Financial Corporation President and Chief Financial Officer, The Bank of Castile 90 Main St, Batavia, NY 14020 (585)345-0122 www, bankofcastile,com common stock without incurring RO, Box 460, Ithaca, NY 14851, charges for brokerage commissions Copies can also be obtained from our or service charges. Shareholders who website: www, tompkinsfinancial, com are interested in the plan may receive enrollment information and a plan enrollment application by contacting: Mahopac National Bank American StockTransfer 8cTrust R o s e m a ry G. H y l a nd SeniorVice President Director of Human Resources 1441 Route 22 Brewster, NY 10509 (845)278-1000 B r a d l ey G. J a m es SeniorVice President ChiefTechnology Officer S u s an M. V a l e n ti SeniorVice President Corporate Marketing Officer G r e g o ry H. S m i th Vice President & Corporate Risk Manager J a n et L. H e w i tt Assistant Vice President Corporate Administrative &. Investor Relations Officer K a t h l e en A. M a n l ey Assistant Vice President & Corporate Secretary www,mahopacnationalbank,com VIST Bank PO Box 6219 Wyomissing, PA 19610 (610)478-9922 www, vistbank, com 2^ Corporate Information Company, LLC Toll-free number: 1-877-573-4008 Internet: ww^w,amstock,com Mailing address: Go G r e en If you would like to American StockTransfer & Trust receive future Tompkins Company, LLC Financial Corporation ^ Attn: Dividend Reinvestment Corporate Reports Department RO, Box 922 Wall Street Station and proxy materials electronically, please follow the instructions on your proxy card for voting via the internet Tompkins Insurance Agencies, Inc, NewYork, NY 10269-0560 and select the option for electronic 90 Main St, Batavia, NY 14020 (585) 344-0833 ^,tompki msins,com For answers to many of your shareholder questions or to request forms, visit American StockTransfer & Trust Company's website transmission of proxy materials. to F SC Paper from responsible sources FSC*C008168 Tompkins Financial Advisors www,amstock,com or contact: Western NewYork The savings below are achieved 179 Sully'sTrail, Suite 200 American StockTransfer & Trust when PC recycled paper is used in Pittsford, NY 14534 (585) 248-0050 Company, LLC Shareholder Relations place of virgin fiber. This project uses 5,800 lbs of paper which has a www, tompkinsfinancialadvisors, com 6201 15th Avenue postconsumer recycled percentage of Brooklyn, NY 11219 10%. Tompkins Financial Advisors Central NewYork 119 East Seneca St, Ithaca, NY 14851 ( 6 0 7 ) 2 7 3 - 0 0 37 Overnight address: 6201 15th Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11219 2 trees preserved for the future 7 lbs waterborne waste not created www, tompkinsfinancialadvisors,com 1-800-937-5449 or 1-718-921-8200 999 gallons wastewater flow saved Tompkins Financial Advisors Hudson Valley 10 Bank St, E-mail address: info@amstock.coni Also,Tompkins Financial Stock 111 lbs solid waste not generated Purchase Plan enrollment information 218 lbs net greenhouse gases prevented White Plains, NY 10606 can be requested and shareholder ( 9 1 4 ) 9 4 6 - 1 2 77 questions answered by contacting 1,666,000 BTUs energy not consumed www, tompkinsfinancialadvisors, com the Company: TOMPKINS FINANCIAL 2 0 /2 CORPORATE RHPORT ToMPKEVSlfcS FINANCIAL ^^F •-rf'?r'^?wst?«P^?'*^»"%^K4.'"''CMkf«£«r«'.H* * ."i.-!«»S«if!B»*««ri'* ^.''T'.^-l www, tompkinsfinancial,com
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