Valley National Bancorp
Annual Report 2001

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. !, ,: ,.., ,.=: _ ., _ # .J In 1927, Charles I.indbergh completed the firtt tolo flight acros~ th~ Atlantic T})@Holland “lunncl opened, linking lower Manhattan and New Jersey. Babe RLlth became the highest paid professional baseball player in history, earning $70,000 per year, and Valley National Bank opened its doors to serve the fin:] nc:i~]lne~ds of Ioci]l consumers :]nd k)usir]~<~~<. diverse cornrntini~iei rhrotigtioti! norrh@rn NPWJ@”rs@y”afid”,Manhattan.”, “:”” “ ,,:”” ~~~:““” ~~: Contiguouscouhties in central New Jersey, south#rn:NewYorkitateanti ~~~~~ Pennsylvania, :asw@lla~’oth~r boroughs of NewYtirk”City are easily within the sphere of otir”super+com”munity ban~n~model, and” repre!)ll><>l)ks FederiIl f[,n<155nld Ir)veent 5Pr1Jritics Ihcld to matL\riry, fair v:ilue of 5476,872 arid 254.3,0.i4 in 2001 and 2000, rP5pectively lllvt?stn7cnt securities Availatjl? fur S31F Loans 1.0,1115Ihcld for sale Total loans Less!Al10w3rIce fur lu~r> Buss??,,,,,.,.,,,,,,,.,, ...... ,,,.. Net loans Pre,l)i505 ,>nd +Trjuipimcllt, !nct Accrt~?d intcrcsr receivable B~nk owned life insurar)c? Ut17er ass?ts T(>tal assets December 31, 2001 2000 (jr)!f)t><),,(,(,)d<,C,VL*P[101SIIarCdata) 5 3’1l,n50 ~ 239/105 85,UOU 5’?7,1!;0 1,626,0s6 ~ 17’1,183 .t, ‘17,!)?7 ,~;,lno,l ‘1o (61,995) !,1.?.7, I ‘1.1 91,215 4!),870 ‘i05,4’19 503,061 2,171,6 <15 5,275,382 56<2?,>..,,.. 5,331,80/ ,,,,,,J$J,H03) 5,2 b8, ul)l 94,178 42,184 102,1)0 !(),67 3 $ ~,5f13,765 5 7/901 ,>bo -.. 33,31U 4n6,608 270,730 (fio2) ,,,,.,j:l,038 729,684 (5’I.30Y) 32>015 321,Y7U ~,7>855 (7’7s) (,2>.307) 668,/!>8 (:2!/.!!L ,,p,::, ,,!,,,,,,,, (,:cj j ,,:,, ?; ;,$, :, ; t > c i,>: ‘; U :,,,:~~;,,, 5ENIORVICE PRESIDENT& OFFICERS Gerald H. Lipkin, Chairr~)a(\ UI T,[N[RAl,, C()(JN5EL Lucinda P. Long [t)* B,:,t,rd, Pt(,5iflent & CIO SENIOI{ VILk PI{ELI[>ENT & Spenmr B. Witty, MiilT\<>rl TRIJ5T OFFICr,R EXFC(JTIVE VICF PIliESIDkN I Martin J. Carbotti Robert J. Chase Linda M, Bucey tXtCUl IVE VICE (>fiE\lDENT& Christopher. Coiley CIIIrF FINANCIAI r)rrlcEl< Ralph Cuono Alan D. E5kow FIIIST SENlOl{ VICE t>liESIDkN 15 William J. Cardew Kermit R. Dyke Albert L. Engel Robert J. Farnon Robert E, Farrell Richard P. Garber Eric W, Gould Robert J. Mulligan Garret G. Nleuwenhuis John H. Prol Stephen P, Davey Joseph J. DeMona Dianne M, Grenz William J. Kam$ti Jeffrey 5, Kramer Susan N. Milch Robert E, Rose Harry A. Rosen Sandra L. Seville Robert F. 5ierchio Alfred Sorrentino, Jr. Robert Stanton \ENIOR VICE PRESIDENTS joseph A, Telinbacco Jack M. Blackin Laura Blackwell Franklin Bol[horst Elizabeth De Laney Carol B. Diesner Lawrence E. Flack Wayne Fritsch IJrian Tish Robert C. Vliet fll;,‘!,1!!!t,.,:, ,, ,,:;,,,,,,,, ~!,,,,,[ ,,,,>(,, “ii!!:, ?~!,{~!:!,!i:,v Joseph A, Perconti, President k?,i!!:!,:; ‘(,:,,,,,!) ;I ;.1i ;~.:,:i;,:j,i,,:,:ljl,.:);;,, :(!, Peter S. Hagerman, Prcside!>t & CEO ,;>,,,2i,[4 [“:),:;!,i?, ;),,:$, ~,,,,:lr,:/ ;:;,,,:,,,,; James A. Salerno Jack Kaplowitz Gary D. Bennett, Esq. Iiln Salerno Pontiac R[lit:k GMC Rirch L(]nlhor C.nn)p,lny Koch, Koch & Bcnn?ft P. Russell Bodrato A1l-Fr,lr)cl! ALIL<)SOIP<, It><:, Robert A, Senior Carolyn Kes51er Gilbert Buchalter Thr(!? (oc~nty Vnlkswagcn K?sslcr lnd~~strics, IIIc.. Pharnlaccutical lnnovatinl~<, Inc Irwin Burack BtIIat:k ChevrolelOl<. Corpuratiur) Peter A. Spins Marc J, Lenner Thomas Cifelli Lester M. Elltill Associatc5 Cifclli As50ci3tc5 Donald Lesser Pine Lesser & Sons John Coffey, Esq. Atturr)?y-at-L~w Steven K. Cooper l,lck Trchotlr Ford 5uzuki Sanford Dorf D L C Lhcvrolct Company Lawrence T. Fette k~tte lm130rt5, Inc. Kenneth Gensinger Gensinqer M(iturs Nicholas Hagedoorn Boruuwr1/1i.itlgsl[,,) Gerald A. Lustig Ar.(Ira nf [)cl]villc Samuel A. Magarino M2g,lrinn rord M,crclJry John 5, Merriam Gcarharr Ent~rpri8cs, IIIC. Eugene C. Meyers Hawthorne Auto \ales CurrlparIy Fred J. M@yers Pie{-. Frank Nappa WcIyr\e ALI(<>5iIle\, II>(, Dennis C. Oberle Mdhwah 5al*$ fi Sotvi< +?,Inc. David R. Porter Iicll Imports Ltd. Robert X. Robertazzi Liberty Lincolll-M?rcury, Inc. Bruce Wainwright A1l-W~ys Adv?rtisirl[] CurrIpa{Iy Al[urr)Fy-8 i-Law Robert Lieberman Francis Costenbader, Esq. Rlltlcr CIllyrl)otdliol) Andrew Fiore, Jr. Anthony J. Mazzone AWF I ~,>$ir)q Cc,rpr,r<,lii31] hlnovation Data Processing, lInc John E, Garippa, E$q, John V. McGrane Atrorncyat Law McLrane Mortgaq? Com[pany Alan Golub Roy G. Meyer, Sr, Modern El?ctric Co. EllT1wuud 5L1pJly colT1pdlly, IIIL, Peter A. Goodman Grace Bielefeldt RP* P,)p@rCOlnpales Co., lr)c. (>ass~icHeth Israel Huspital Charles B. Hummel Milton Brown A<:r(>(J,ItAIIt Melvin Cohen Handi-Hut, Inc. Dorothy Druian ~r[~okd~le 5hup-flite, Inc. Phil Forte Sarldy Hill B(lilDi,lmnnri Agonry Arthur 5, Gurtman C<7nsultant Joseph Guttilla Chopl~cr Express, Inc Mitchell Herman Service Fabrics, Inc Lester F. H@rrschaft Alber LA. S(ier, lrIL, Edna Kanter Passdic-Clil(uo Dtiv-Ur-5ell 5y5T<,ln> 1,><. Patrick Mucci, Jr. HLlnlmel Machine & 1001 Lo. Group Advisory, lrIc, Robert Kuhl J. Kuh Met~ls, Ir)<, Joseph LaScala George Poydinecz Bell Mill Cor>$[iuc(ic:]!) Co,, 1!)<, Dcvt:lopcr Alan Lambiase Joshua Rabinowitz Riv?r Tcrmin,>l Dcv,?lolpn]c?tltC.,?, Con501r21>r Thomas J. Lazur Vtncent Riviello N,>rional Sil Os>r>(jinqIC>51)12!>,II,I!I,, Herl/lPlr[]tll>, Krass-Joseph, Inc, William Cohen Goliyhtly CAIIdy Conlpally Pasquale P, Tremonte FulroII Rtlikinq CO., inc. Richard Tully KPdrny S13np I*tc William Van Ness VarI Ne55 Ploltit: Molding Co. J. Scott Wright Graphic Manaqelnellt, lr)c, !’:.!:):,;,!,,i; )i ,:\,<,:,:,. ,>:, fi:,,,! <(< Jos@ph Abergel Jor~lark Textiles, Ii){, Stanley Blum RluIrI & Fir>k, Inc. Edward Blumenfeld Rkln]t?t]fcld IIcvelopmellt Group, Ltci. Leonard Boxer, Esq. 5truuck 5truuck & 1,1.,~tI I I P Jack Forgash Iri-tiealty Mar,tige[[>?nt C0rp0r2rit3>1 Sidney Gould tiruckller Plumhin$] & Healilll>5<)rTPrm~Prtifi5, LLC G<)tlhi)rn 0iq3ni72tiot1, I17c Harvey Ravner ReiIl F!*i!l ,,~,,:,,,,,:~~,.,,)! :,; S,,,j ,,!r ,,,,; Donald Aronson Donald AronsoI1 Curls~ll(irlg Grorlslll(arl( Stanley Berenzweig Rag Shnps, Inc. Robert W. Landzettel Anthony Costa I ~ron P,3i11t& Wallpaper Co. Resiatarai)letlv Burton Lerner T?navision, Itnc. Jack Felicio Rl~oml~t)s 5<~ftwarr, klc. Lawrence Levy, Esq. Gerald B, Green Marcus & Levy ConsllltJnt Stewart C, Libe$ ?nt CO. Cosimo Pedicini James R. Poole Ponlc & Company Robert J, Shannon, Jr. Administrator, “[uw!)~lli[) o~Wyckoff Alfred Simon crps Construction Lo. Tino Rosa RO Illc, C~r(ih~[1 Steven U. Leitner, Esq. <.nq>0r2ti0n Attorney-at-Law William L@rn@r Itnperial Parkirl<] 5y5(I?rI)s, l!~< Nathan Lubow COnsultarlt Sara L. Mayes FaslliOn Accessuties 5tlippei5 A~s(:,ci;,lion, k~c. Alan Mirken Aaron Publishin[l tiruup Bernard Dorfman, Esq. Attorllcy -at-Law Harold Effron Fffroll I{?alty Assucia[?s Leon Finver C.ot]tinc11r21Ag?ncy of tlorid%, Inc. Judith Greenberg Herilt,qo M,lfl,lg?mcllt Co. Cl]airlnatl, Newark Chapter Service Curps uf R?iire,,;:$:,~,,:$,,~;, ! ,j\,(j ,::,<<,>1, !)6,(, ?l;, Edward F, Bo$cia I. R.Ward & SOIIS, Inc. Albert Burlando Alnlet~k kldustries, )k)c, Vincent DAccardi I dkfi Dovclopcrs Steven Dickman CIicknlall Business Brokers Paul Dunajchuk Ruxt~ury W?I(er Cc) Thomas D. Farka$ Hsllltallt Robert A. Hopler Stroud-Hopler, Inc. Gilb@rt R, Jacobs JA-BAR 5ili, !::(,?, ! {i Sanford D, Axelband Barclay Prograln Services, LLC Jeffrey 8irnberg J, Qitr)berg & Associates, LLC David M. Collins c,>115[11tal>t Thomas D. Collins Hardwdre Corl>ult~rlt Patrick D’Angola ARCS F,>hric,>tors, In<. lo$eph J. DeLuccia, Esq. Artorll? y-at-Law Kenneth Elkin Joel A. Kobert, Esq. KG Specialty \teel, Inc. Solomon W, Masters l?cal Estate Brok?r Robert Ringley Ber Pl<\5[ic5, Inc. Stacey Rudbart Morgall StalllPy Dean Wittel Ben Sher Sher L)istributing CO., Inc Dr. Arnold Speert Wilian) P4tc~rsm>IInivcrsity Robert J. Topchik Consultant Richard Unman Naliur\al Ptesciip[ ior) Acll>]i!>i5tr+tc)r5, lnr. Salvatore Valente Iic Art, Inc. Dennis C. Kwasnik lee [’F? b>aLka[]irlg, I<)c, James Luke (31UVFA\\uit,3tFor Ilumanity John Griffith Pul)li< Service Electtic & G,>s y Christopher Kui Asiall Atllcricans for Fquality Joseph Masciandaro C:IVe Plus NJ, 1!><, Rev. Earl Modean R*T. FirPrJl Dirortor Charles A. Lots Certified I,ublic Accuurltant Saul Lupin, CPA 5r1101iri, Lupii) h Cor)) I)dr)y, PA CORPORATE ADDRESS FORM IO-K SHAREHOLDER INQUIRIES, Vall?y N our ctlarge, A copy U( ?[52001 DIVIDEND REINVESTMENT PLAN, AND REGISTRAR AND TRANSFER WayI1c, New Jers?y 07470 Annual Re,)ort or Fornl 10K, l? s?nt to: For ir>iort>larion r~5 Dept. stuck i5 trided UII (h@ New York 5Cnck ViIllcy Nariur]al b~ncorp Excl~2nge urldei the symbul VIY t455 Valley Road wayr>e, Nfiw JPr5ey 07.$70 ANNUAL MEETING (<)7>) 305-3380 acIT~InoIIstock or VJIICY’S Dividend Reinvestment Plan, pleas? C0,1(8CTTIIC I?egistr<\rAnd Transfer Aqeni or Vdlley National B{tr~corp America!) Stork “Traniler h ‘1ru5t Company 40 wall Stre?( We flncsday, Apfi 10, 20U2 dmgrerlz(Gvalleytlatiurlalbdtlk. com Ncw York N?w York 10005 :3:00 PM I lhe 2001 Annual (Report and Form 10 K 690 Rf)~ltc 46 k~s( 31e ,11s0availat~le on our web !it~ at Art)?: >harohold?r Reklrions l)l?parrn,?!)t (800) 9375449 Fairtleld, New ICVSCY07004 www.v811~y(1 (Y73) ?77 9200 (800) 2784353 Valley Na(ion21 !3ancur[) Attrl: $l]<~rcholders Rel,ltions uep3rt,T,Pnr (800) 522-41 LUJ,ext. 3380 (973) .305-3380

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