Annual Report 2019

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Vitae Annual Report 2018 /2019 Global leader in supporting the professional development of researchers FOREWORD Firstly, to introduce myself. I’m Astrid Wissenburg and I was delighted to recently become Chair of the Careers Research and Advisory Centre (CRAC) Ltd that manages the Vitae programme. I am Director of Research and our At the last conference, the Concordat Doctoral College at the University of Strategy Group (CSG) announced a Exeter and have worked over 20 years in sector-wide consultation to consider higher education and research, the Concordat independent review including senior leadership roles at the recommendations. Vitae helped roll out Research Councils and at the Open an on line consultation and several live University. The growth in Vitae’s influence and consultation events around the UK on behalf of the CSG at the end of 2018. community, as more institutions Analysis of survey responses by Vitae, discover the advantages that Vitae provided a critical insight into the views can bring through engagement, of both researchers and those with a enhancement and enabling the stake in managing them. A great deal researcher developer community, is a of this detail and analysis, has been testament to the hard work that Vitae included in the revised Concordat by has accomplished over the last few the Concordat Writing Group with years. Vitae bridges the gap between Secretariat support provided by Vitae. researchers, institutions and The Concordat Writing Group (CWG) government and provides unique has made excellent progress in writing insights to policy makers, funders and the new Concordat ready for the start of the global higher education community. the academic year. The Concordat to Support the In the last 12 months Vitae has Development of Researchers has announced some new initiatives filtered through many conversations including three member Working in the past year, including at the Vitae Groups. Researcher Development International Conference and has affirmed its relevance in so many contexts. The groups that have now been and mental health, research established focus on researcher careers integrity, and equality, diversity and and professional development; inclusion. wellbeing and mental health; and continuous professional development (CPD) for researcher developers. They aim to influence the global research environment by giving members an opportunity to engage in the policy and practice of researcher development and so far, there have been some very interesting discussions on target topics. I hope that the Working Groups, with further development, will provide a platform for innovation and give a greater voice to the expertise across the Vitae community. With the new Concordat a significant step forward in the employment conditions, environment, and professional development opportunities available to researchers can be taken. In the next 12 months, Vitae will play a continued global role in advocating for the professional development needs of researchers and sharing good practice on improving wellbeing Of course, it’s the accumulation of research and intelligence that continues to underpin much of the work that informs Vitae’s programme of activities, the advancement of which has often positioned Vitae at the forefront in realising and informing trends in the sector. It is this knowledge and experience that enriches Vitae’s offering and collaboration with its members. Going forward I am confident that collectively we can drive support for the development of researchers internationally - equipping them for a bright future by driving positive change in research culture through the Concordat; and creating a healthy and positive environment in which they can thrive and flourish. Drs. Astrid Wissenburg Chair of the Board of Trustees, Careers Research and Advisory Centre (CRAC) Director of Research, University of Exeter ABOUT US Vitae is the global leader in supporting the professional development of researchers, experienced in working with institutions as they strive for research excellence, innovation and impact. We are a non-profit programme, part Our partners include governments, of the Careers Research & Advisory funders of research, academies, Centre (CRAC) Ltd, with over 50 years’ professional bodies, trusts and experience of enhancing the skills of foundations, universities and research researchers. We strengthen our institutes. CRAC provides research intelligence and innovation for all those who support career development for people of all ages and in all sectors. We work in partnership with government agencies, education organisations and providers, and employers and professional bodies. CRAC is a registered charity No 313164 established in 1964. members’ institutional provision for the professional development of researchers through research and innovation, training and resources, events, consultancy and membership. Vitae has four aims: – Influence the development and implementation of effective policy relating to researcher development – Enhance higher education provision to train and develop researchers – Empower researchers to make an impact on their careers – Evidence the impact of professional and career development support for researchers INFORMING STRATEGY & POLICY Vitae contributes to and influences higher education policy relating to research and researcher development, underpinned by our research and evaluation activities. and our relationships with key the aim of the Working Groups is to stakeholders, we can advocate on influence the global research our members’ behalf. VITAE RESEARCHER DEVELOPMENT INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE 2018 The Vitae Researcher Development International Conference 2018 drew nearly 400 participants from 15 countries, all with a strategic and practical role in developing researchers. Discussion themes were of attracting and retaining highly skilled researchers; enhancing researcher development capacity; meeting the future of career development needs of researchers; and evidencing the value of researchers and researcher development and their impact on society and the economy. environment by giving members an opportunity to engage with a wide range of colleagues who have a stake in the policy and practice of researcher development. RESEARCHER CAREERS AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT WORKING GROUP Discussions in this group have been around local and national researcher career tracking as well as developing researcher recognition. Findings will lead to valuable intelligence and benchmark- ing to the wider research community. WELLBEING AND MENTAL HEALTH WORKING GROUP Discussions so far have focused on the Participants gained an insight into and mental health of research staff, training discussed the 10-year revision of the supervisors, differences between UK Concordat, the independent review disciplines and reporting sector trends and the Concordat Strategy Group and challenges. The Wellbeing and (CSG) response. The CSG announced at Mental Health Group will guide Vitae’s the conference their plans for a sector ongoing advocacy for the wellbeing of consultation. all research professionals. Having this up to date sector Using our unique position in the higher education community WORKING GROUPS Launched at the conference last year, “ knowledge, particularly during a period of landmark change for the sector is crucial to give you an added advantage in your role” Dr Saneeya Qureshi, Vitae CPD for Researcher Developers Working Group and Research Staff Developer, University of Liverpool CONTINUOUS PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (CPD) FOR CONCORDAT WRITING GROUP RESEARCHER DEVELOPERS WORKING GROUP As Secretariat for the CSG, Vitae’s open This Working Group has been seeking to explore the applicability of the Vitae Career call for members resulted in the Framework for Researcher Developers (CFRD) in today’s researcher developer environment; the current CPD provision for researcher developers; gaps in CPD provision and feasible solutions to them. The group is identifying synergies with the formation of the Concordat Writing Group (CWG) at the start of 2019, Chaired by Dianne Berry. The CWG Vitae pilot for the recognition of Researcher Developers and identifying Continuous should be credited with producing text Professional Development (CPD), that is not currently available. that encapsulates the complexity of the Concordat’s ambitions, in a structure of three principles and expectations for four stakeholder groups - funders, institutions, managers of researchers and researchers. We look forward to the revised Concordat planned for September 2019. Alongside this, a series of live consultation events took place in “ The new Researcher Development Concordat should provide a fresh December in Bristol, London, York and impetus in driving this important Edinburgh, with a dedicated agenda forward, and hopefully will researcher focussed event at Oxford, further the attractiveness and CONCORDAT UPDATE THE INDEPENDENT REVIEW AND CSG RESPONSE During the Vitae Researcher Development International Conference 2018, the independent review report, including 15 recommendations and a subsequent response from the Concordat Strategy Group (CSG), were published. in partnership with UKRSA. As the Secretariat for the CSG, Vitae was instrumental in the roll-out and implementation of these events. THE CONSULTATION REPORT The review made a strong case for The level of engagement and strength how the Concordat could make a real of opinion was demonstrated through difference in improving the environment almost 600 responses and over 5,000 and career development for researchers, free text survey comments. Analysis of but that revisions were needed, to reflect the changes to the research environment over the last 10 years to make it fit for the future. the survey results, by Vitae on behalf of the CSG, provided a critical insight into the views of both researchers and those with a stake in managing them. sustainability of research careers in the UK” Dianne Berry, Chair, Concordat Writing Group and Dean of Postgraduate Research Studies of Psychology, University of Reading CATALYST FUND EVALUATION The 17 Catalyst funded projects are progressing well and demonstrating a range of approaches in tackling mental health and wellbeing for doctoral researchers. Appointed as evaluators of the programme by Research England, Vitae, in partnership with Universities THE CSG CONSULTATION The CSG announced the undertaking of a broad sector Concordat The responses were overwhelmingly in UK (UUK) is working across all projects favour of revitalising the Concordat and to identify emerging themes and welcomed the opportunity to clearly identify good practice. The main areas define the specific responsibilities of include peer mentoring, training engagement consultation on the review funders, employers, principal courses and surveys amongst other recommendations. An online investigators/managers of researchers wellbeing activities. consultation, ran from October 2018 and researchers, while showing the until January 2019 for all staff engaged interdependencies and collective effort in research and those managing or needed across the sector to take the supporting research and researchers. agenda forward. SHAPING POLICY ADVOCACY On behalf of the researcher Vitae provides a voice for the professional development of researchers by inputting to development community we have the following boards and advisory groups: helped gather evidence to inform a response to the following Consultations and Select Committees: – Advance HE Surveys Advisory Group – Economic and Social Research Council, North West Social Science Doctoral Training Partnership, Training, Employability and Knowledge Exchange – Biotechnology and Biological (TEKE) Panel Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) – EURAXESS TOP III Advisory Board Invitation to Comment on Doctoral Training Partnerships Programme 3 (DTP3) – 2021 Research Excellence Framework (REF) Consultation – Prosper, Stakeholder Advisory Group – QAA Doctoral Degree Characteristics Advisory Group – Royal Society Diversity Committee, UK (2015-2018) – Scientific Advisory Board for GW4 BioMed MRC Doctoral Training Partnership – The Association of Graduate Careers Advisory Services (AGCAS) Data Insights – Higher Education Statistics Agency Strategy Group (HESA) Graduate Outcomes Survey: doctoral graduate questions – The European Laboratory Research & Innovation Group (ELRIG) Early Career Professionals (ECP) Panel – CSG online consultation to inform a revision of the Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers – National Research Landscape Survey - in preparation for the post-REF2021 assessment cycle, Research England commissioned survey of researchers within higher education institutions (HEIs) Sector consultations: – Vitae managed five sector consultation events in December, hosted by the Concordat Strategy Group. The events were held in Bristol, London, York and Edinburgh, with a dedicated one for researchers in Oxford in with UKRSA. – Training Advisory Board for The Post-crisis Legitimacy of the European Union (PLATO), Innovative Training Network, Norway – Wellcome Four-year PhD Programmes in Science RESEARCH EVALUATION ACTIVITY: RESEARCH AND INTELLIGENCE Having carried out over 40 research postgraduate career tracking, STEM and assignments in the last 10 years, CRAC research careers, and also evaluation provides research, intelligence and and impact studies. innovation services to those working to support career development in a range of career sectors. Areas of specialism include career decision-making, employability development, transitions to postgraduate study, graduate and CRAC’s expertise includes design and implementation of quantitative and qualitative research studies as well as secondary data analysis, knowledge reviews and desk research. EVALUATION OF EARLY CAREER DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION VITAE IN THE MEDIA RESEARCH FELLOWSHIP PROGRAMMES CRAC has been undertaking a range As a result of Vitae’s frequent interview of projects which seek to understand requests, articles, comment pieces and Following our successful career tracking disparities in employment and research blogs have been published in the last study of the Royal Society’s Research and enhance diversity and inclusion in year by: Fellowship schemes, we have been workplaces. These range from provision undertaking an evaluation of the of support to a research institute to – EURAXESS Newton International Fellowships. This developing a wide-ranging toolkit for – European Service Network scheme is run jointly by the Royal organisations in the arts and cultural Society, British Academy and Academy sector to increase the diversity of their of Medical Sciences, and brings early workforces and governing boards. – European University Association – Genetics Society career researchers from across the world to the UK, with the aim of expanding international research capacity and forging sustained international research partnerships which include the UK. CRAC has also started an evaluation of the Royal Society and Wellcome Trust Sir Henry Dale Fellowship scheme, which is targeted on non-clinical biomedical science and aims to develop independent research leaders. Recent projects in the civil service and – Higher Education Policy the engineering sector have focused specifically on enhancing recruitment and selection processes to improve the gender, ethnic and socio-economic diversity of new intakes. These projects build also on a variety of data studies where CRAC has identified statistically significant variances in progression Institute – Nature – Nature Careers – New Scientist – The Guardian outcomes from higher education. – Times Higher Education Posts have been on a variety of themes but have included numerous articles around the Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers; wellbeing and mental health; postgraduate earnings; and promoting careers beyond academia. EVIDENCE GATHERING UK RESEARCH AND INNOVATION (UKRI) RESEARCH INTEGRITY CRAC also provides much of the LANDSCAPE STUDY research that underpins Vitae’s Vitae, in partnership with UKRIO, have different stakeholders and consideration activities, feeding into the evidence recently been commissioned by UK of the impact of these incentives on base that helps influence policy as well Research and Innovation (UKRI) to as understanding emerging trends. This undertake a research integrity landscape includes analysis of aggregated data study. This project involves research from surveys such as CROS and PIRLS, into the effects of incentives in the to feed into policy development, and research system on researcher behaviour also tracking the careers of doctoral in the context of research integrity, how graduates and early career researchers. these incentives are perceived by researcher behaviour and organisational practices more broadly. The project involves a literature review, large scale survey, focus groups and interviews to gather the views of different stakeholders. The project is due for completion by the end of the year. ENHANCING PROVISION Vitae membership enhances researcher development in higher education institutions through a blended offering of courses, resources and delivery of innovative professional development and capacity programmes, helping strengthen provision for the professional development of researchers. Such a fantastic #vitaechat! ENGAGEMENT WITH MEMBERS “ There is much more to do and things to follow-up from these discussions . . . thanks for organising this @vitae_news” Dr Alejandra Aranceta Garza, Panel member of #vitaechat, Co-chair of Researchers’ Group and Research Associate, University of Strathclyde Visitors to the Vitae website during the – @vitae_news reached a milestone of last year amounted to 456,240, with the current number of registered Vitae website users increasing by 21% to 75,076. 10,000 followers this year and each #vitaechat has resonated c.25,000 initial impressions with a 50% re-tweet rate The Vitae website is packed with – Additional resources for members resources for institutions, researcher developers and researchers, including: – Publications - an extensive range of policy level and practice-sharing such as ‘off-the-shelf’ training programme manuals and back copies of our full suite of ‘Focus-on’ resources and #vitaehangouts reports – Information and advice web pages – CV examples, cover letters and interview examples which continue to be the most frequently viewed pages gaining around 400,000 views per annum – Access to Vitae Twitterchats during the year - popular and fast-paced open discussions connecting participants from around the globe to chat in real time around a shared interest - hundreds of dedicated web pages containing advice, tips and links for researcher developers and researchers, covering a wide range of relevant topics, including speaker presentations from events – Inspirational career story videos, webinars and podcasts, including the recent ‘15 minutes to develop your researcher career’, developed in conjunction with Taylor and Francis, and 3MT® recorded performances including those from the live final RDF AND RDF PLANNER LA CAIXA SCHOLARSHIP HR EXCELLENCE IN RESEARCH AWARD Holding and retaining this Award demonstrates long-term commitment to the career development of researchers. Aside from meeting researchers’ needs, the Award adds value to funding applications and is also an attractive benefit to researchers who might be considering moving to your institution. 97 UK member institutions currently hold the award. Vitae supported 46 institutions with their HR Excellence in Research Award reviews last year. Our internationally acclaimed Vitae Researcher Development Framework (RDF) maps the knowledge, behaviour and attributes of researchers, to enhance their success. Researcher developers can use this tool to create a powerful professional development programme for researchers. The web-based RDF Planner application was used by 12,655 researchers spread over 18 countries, from 88 institutions - 30 of which are Sub-Saharan African Institutes. Our Professional Development Planning for Researchers Online Course (PDP ROC) is suitable for researchers at any career stage and can be used together with institutional provision. “ It was one of the most useful day’s training I’ve attended during my entire post-graduate studies. Thank you!” Quote from participant, Environment Platform Wales Impact & Policy workshop, June 2019 PROGRAMMES, SPAIN The Vitae-La Caixa Training Programme provides personal and professional development training for researchers from all disciplines and is based in Spain. Since 2016, Vitae has delivered six 3-day residential workshops and almost 30 webinars for over 170 PhD fellows, PhD supervisors, and postdoc fellows. Workshop themes include personal effectiveness, project management, working with and managing others, self-confidence and self-reflection, academic writing, career planning and opportunities, and public engagement. Webinar topics include grant writing, networking, preparing for internships, and building an online profile. POLONEZ The Vitae POLONEZ training programme consists of 29 2 workshops on five different themes for over 100 fellows. It is aimed at research fellows funded by POLONEZ, a funding scheme run by the National Science Centre, Poland. The themes of the Vitae POLONEZ programme include personal effectiveness, working with others, management, communication and intellectual property and commercialisation. networking event, which included talks on research-industry collaboration and a networking opportunity for Polonez fellows and fellows from other programmes to meet those involved in R&D and Startups beyond academia. BESPOKE PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT TRAINING Each year we deliver a host of live and virtual professional development training programmes for researchers across the world. Our professional development and training programmes are developed and evaluated a community of experienced professional Associates to deliver them. Vitae offers bespoke and flagship training programmes ranging from a few hours to multi-day residential events, to long-term programmes reaching hundreds of in collaboration with the researcher development community and we collaborate with In June 2019, Vitae facilitated an evening researchers over multiple years. Topics covered include: – Diversity – Engagement – Enterprise – Impact – Research Leadership – Managing research – Open research environment – Policy Additionally, at a strategic level we offer: benchmarking, training needs analysis, “ The learning programme offered by Vitae is definitely an engaging organisational gap analysis, strategy, and inspiring experience for its policy development, talent management participants . . . and gives POLONEZ and development. Fellows an opportunity to develop techniques for personal effectiveness, as well as time and risk management” Anna Kotarba, International Cooperation Officer, National Science Centre TOP IV - EURAXESS NETWORK As part of the ongoing development of the EURAXESS network (Top IV), Vitae held a series of training webinars for a network of European buddies who have chosen to act as champions across the community. Participants will then develop their own webinar series in order to create a widespread community of practice. The purpose of these webinars was to highlight topics that might be of interest to the community whilst also supporting buddies in the use of webinar tools and webinar format. Topics included mentoring and coaching, career development planning, articulating transferable skills, setting up a career development centre and networking for researchers. During this next phase Vitae will support buddies in the development and delivery of their own webinars. RRING The RRING project has completed its first year focusing on gaining greater understanding of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) approaches globally, in order to start to build a long-term sustainable RRI network. The project consists of 21 international consortium members and the first year of the project has seen two public engagement stakeholder workshops, held in Dublin and London, with more in the pipeline for year two. CLIMATE IMPACTS RESEARCH CAPACITY AND LEADERSHIP ENHANCEMENT (CIRCLE) An extension of funding from the Department for International Development (DfID) has resulted in institutions being able to access materials developed by Vitae and the Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU). THE PATH TO RESEARCH EPSRC INCLUSION MATTERS LEADERSHIP IN AFRICA Wellcome and Accelerating Vitae has been collaborating in four of the Inclusion Matters projects Excellence in Science in Africa (AESA) funded by the Engineering and Physical commissioned Vitae to explore the Research Sciences Research Council landscape of research leadership (EPSRC). “ Excellent workshop. Very helpful. Especially the panel discussion with 2 academics who have been through the patent and spin-out process. It helped me understand more about IP and copyright, and how it would affect me throughout my academic and associated training programmes available across Africa. The £5.5m funding announced in 2017, career” is aimed at improving equality, diversity Quote from IP for research workshop Vitae gathered views from 330 research and inclusion within engineering and participant leaders, early and middle career physical sciences. Vitae is involved researchers, research managers, senior in projects relating to pathways to management, and funders by means of spin-outs for women researchers with focus groups, in depth interviews and Oxford Brookes University and the an online survey, across 25 countries in development of an innovative shared Africa. A literature review was compiled platform to evaluate culture and IP FOR RESEARCH as well as a gap analysis which resulted inclusion in STEM facilities with the in the articulation of an African University of Lincoln. Research Leadership Model. The Leadership Lens on the Vitae advisory capacity for projects Researcher Development Framework around bias in physical sciences and was also used to outline competencies. engineering research with the Vitae has been acting in an expert Vitae made 15 recommendations for institutions, researchers, research leaders/managers of researchers and University of Birmingham and reimagining recruitment with the University of Bath. Vitae have delivered 15 IP for Research events throughout the UK on behalf of the Intellectual Property Office. Each workshop introduced researchers to Intellectual Property and encouraged them to reflect on its implications for their own research area. Topics included patents, design rights, trademarks, commercialisation of IP and the role of the Technology Transfer Office at the funders, around how to develop the next We hope to showcase some of the early institution. Over 250 researchers have generation and build the capacity of outcomes from the projects at the Vitae been trained so far and feedback from current African research leaders. International Researcher Development the workshops has been extremely Conference 2019. positive. ENABLING INDIVIDUALS Vitae helps enable talent development of researchers and researcher developers through professional development and recognition. The Professional Recognition PROFESSIONAL RECOGNITION ACADEMIC APPRENTICESHIPS “ of Research Developers Pilot is enabling researcher developers to reflect on their own practice and professional development, providing them with a tool to guide their own career progression. OF RESEARCHER DEVELOPERS AWARD AND CAREER FRAMEWORK FOR RESEARCHER DEVELOPERS (CFRD) The level 7 Academic Professional Apprenticeship is a new standard intended to develop full competency in early career academics’ role as The recognition scheme aims to offer practitioners. HEIs in England could a standard for researcher developers consider this option to access to work towards using the Vitae Career Apprenticeship Levy funds to support This award is the first official Framework for Researcher Developers the costs of early career academic recognition of the unique and (CFRD). Since the sector welcomed the development. Academic Professionals critical role researcher developers play in directly supporting early stage researchers, as well as in strategically working at institutional, regional, national and international level to champion policies and initiatives that support researcher’s professional and career development” Dr Dawn Duke Head of Researcher Development and Engagement, University of Surrey initiative, a pilot group consisting of 19 undertake a core role and follow one researcher developers from range of of two specialist routes; teaching and different types of institutions, including supporting learning or undertaking from Australia, Africa, Germany and research. Switzerland have been working towards gaining the Award. Two practice-sharing guidance meetings have taken place and a buddy system is in place for participants. The apprenticeship requires an independent End Point Assessment (EPA). Advance HE is now the registered End Point Assessment Organisation for the Level 7 Academic Professional An assessment group will review the Apprenticeship, working in partnership portfolio’s during summer 2019 and with Vitae on the research track. findings will be shared during the Vitae Researcher Development International conference 2019. 3MT® VITAE MEMBER COMPETITION Running a 3MT® competition is an effective way to increase public engagement, demonstrate the impact researchers are making and raise the profile of VITAE INVOLVEMENT IN CATALYST FUND PROJECTS Engagement in the Catalyst Fund research at your institution. The Vitae 3MT competition 2019 has resulted in projects to date has provided useful 70 finalists from member institutions being judged, an increase of 9% who reached the same stage last year. More than 1,200 postgraduate researchers (PGRs) take part in the preceding heats. learning in how to engage with and improve the wellbeing and mental health of PGRs that will be of considerable use to the wider HE sector. The initial learning has been valuable in shaping the direction of the projects, with many adapting their project plans, so as to be even more impactful. Strong themes emerging on these projects, which are currently ongoing, include engaging with PGRs and profiling wellbeing and mental health activities to them as part of the doctoral degree experience; and the value of using a diversity of approaches and engaging with supervisors and other relevant staff management to understand their role in the wellbeing and mental health of PGRs. UK RESEARCH STAFF ASSOCIATION (UKRSA) UKRSA has engaged with the Concordat through representation on the Concordat Strategy Group and Concordat Executive Group as well as jointly leading a Concordat consultation dedicated to researchers. UKRSA members also provided feedback for the Concordat Consultation review in June 2019. Last year, UKRSA fed into REF September 2018 and more recently was involved in a researcher development #vitaechat. Ongoing activities include representation on the HR Excellence in Research Award Panel UK, a project looking at experiences of researchers taking parental leave, and being represented at a number of research specific conferences. UKRSA has undergone a change in leadership during the last year. PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT LEADERSHIP LENS VITAE CONNECTIONS: GETTING TO GRIPS 2019 Bringing together complementary expertise in researcher development and public engagement, Vitae, Wellcome Vitae’s annual professional development event for those within their first 18 months of supporting researchers in their professional development, ran and the National Co-ordinating Centre in May in Manchester. for Public Engagement (NCCPE) are developing a Public Engagement Leadership Lens on the RDF aimed at researcher leaders. Following consultation with the steering group, analysis of other relevant lenses and sector consultation the appropriate Participants were provided with insights, tools and tactics to make them more effective researcher developers, including how to develop workshops, delivery approaches, issues and challenges in researcher development, adding value and creating impact in the role, as well as supporting their continuing professional development. 87% of participants said they would descriptors have now been identified. recommend the event to colleagues. We are currently developing the supporting text for the lens in order to ensure maximum value and usability. MEMBER WEBINAR In November 2018, Vitae members were invited to join a Vitae membership webinar, to virtually meet the Vitae team and other participants. Aimed at Researcher Developers and anyone in a role supporting researchers, it attracted over 50 participants and provided the opportunity for those new to Vitae, or looking for a refresher, to have a tour of the website and our resources, and to ask questions of the team. A recording of the webinar is available to members on the Vitae website. GET TO KNOW VITAE AND THE TEAM SESSION This session at last year’s annual conference gave the opportunity for participants to meet members of the Vitae team and find out about more about their specialist interests and upcoming projects. The session was particularly useful for anyone attending the conference for the INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY (IP) LENS The Intellectual Property Lens on the consultation with representatives from Vitae Researcher Development institutions with experience of Framework has been developed through developing researchers and at the Vitae a consultation between Vitae and the conference last year. first time, coming from outside the UK, IPO, drawing on a range of expertise or new to researcher development. and experience, and also through FUTURE Whilst the future holds many uncertainties, now is the time for us to work together to create a positive environment for researchers to thrive. Vitae will play a continued role in culture, around employment conditions, advocating for the professional environment, and professional development needs of researchers at all development opportunities available to career stages and sharing good practice researchers. on improving wellbeing and mental health, research integrity, and equality, diversity and inclusion. We will work with and for our member community in the UK, Europe and internationally to understand how research culture is realised on the ground, and ensure key messages and challenges are received and heard by policy-makers. The 2019 revised Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers and its principles, underpin many of these elements, amongst others, serving as a set of guidelines for institutions and funders to improve the employment and support for researchers and research careers in UK higher education. It is essential, that the principles of the Concordat become integral to UK The ‘connected world’ in which research operates means that researchers are increasingly working in collaborative, connected, international and inter- disciplinary ways. With current political and societal attention on global challenges, such as climate change, we have an opportunity to help researchers access a global platform for their research. In the coming year, Vitae will look at the underpinning competences and behaviours of open research, collaboration, and responsible research and innovation. To complement this focus on future societal needs, we will continue to challenge the myth that a research degree inevitably leads to a career as a institutional researcher development researcher by showcasing the breadth strategy and that they are actively of varied, challenging and rewarding applied. The UK higher education sector roles that make use of research talent can take a significant step forward now and skills across all sectors and far in the changing landscape of research beyond ‘being a researcher’. The Industrial Strategy ambition to build on good practice and we will informing activities, practical and increase UK investment in R&D to 2.4% support this through the Vitae useful events and resources to improve of GDP and the implementation of the member community to share learning, researcher development as well as 2019 revised Concordat provide an provide mentorship and identify many practice-sharing and networking opportunity to renew and strengthen common challenges. By working together, opportunities within the international efforts to showcase the attractiveness we can tackle some of the enduring Vitae member arena. and importance of cross-sector career challenges in researcher development mobility, and we need to find effective and ensure we are working optimally to mechanisms to support this. develop researcher talent. By informing policy at institutional level, enhancing researcher development provision and ultimately, enabling We will drive the future of researcher The Vitae 2019/20 programme of researchers, Vitae can offer solutions to development as a profession to help activities has been designed to help help overcome the certain challenges researcher developers access institutions, researcher developers and and seize the opportunities the future appropriate development opportunities researchers adjust their perspective holds for researcher development. and get reward and recognition for this. and prepare for the changing world of It is important to ensure that researcher research to help to tackle these development provision continues to challenges. This includes policy- We are a non-profit programme, part of the Careers Research & Advisory Centre (CRAC) Ltd with over 50 years’ experience of enhancing the skills and careers of researchers Global leader in supporting the professional development of researchers Vitae, © 2019 The Careers Research and Advisory Centre (CRAC) Limited

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