Western Areas Ltd
Annual Report 2014

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ANNUAL REPORT2014 CORPORATE DIRECTORY DIRECTORS Ian Macliver Dan Lougher David Southam Robin Dunbar Julian Hanna Richard Yeates Craig Readhead Tim Netscher COMPANY SECRETARY Joseph Belladonna AUDITORS Crowe Horwath Level 6 256 St Georges Terrace Perth WA 6000 BANKERS ANZ Banking Group Limited 77 St Georges Terrace Perth WA 6000 SHARE REGISTRY Computershare Investor Services Pty Ltd Level 2 45 St Georges Terrace Perth WA 6000 STOCK EXCHANGE Australian Securities Exchange Limited Code: WSA SOLICITORS Allion Legal Level 2 50 Kings Park Road West Perth WA 6005 REGISTERED OFFICE Level 2 2 Kings Park Road West Perth WA 6005 PO Box 1891 West Perth WA 6872 Phone: +61 (0) 8 9334 7777 Fax: +61 (0) 8 9486 7866 Email: info@westernareas.com.au ABN: 68 091 049 357 COMPETENT PERSON STATEMENT The information in the Annual Report that relates to Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves is based on information compiled by Mr Charles Wilkinson, Mr Andre Wulfse and Mr Daniel Lougher, who are Competent Persons and members of The AusIMM. They are full-time employees of Western Areas Ltd. Mr Wilkinson, Mr Wulfse and Mr Lougher have sufficient experience that is relevant to the style of mineralisation, type of deposit under consideration and to the activity being undertaken to qualify as Competent Persons as defined in the 2012 Edition of the Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves. Mr Wilkinson, Mr Wulfse and Mr Lougher consent to the inclusion in the report of the matters based on his information in the form and context in which it appears. FORWARD LOOKING STATEMENT: This Annual Report contains certain forward-looking statements including nickel production targets. Often, but not always, forward looking statements can generally be identified by the use of forward looking words such as “may”, “will”, “expect”, “intend”, “plan”, “estimate”, “anticipate”, “continue”, and “guidance”, or other similar words and may include, without limitation, statements regarding plans, strategies and objectives of management, anticipated production and expected costs. These forward-looking statements are subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties beyond the Company’s ability to control or predict which could cause actual events or results to differ materially from those anticipated in such forward-looking statements. This announcement does not include reference to all available information on the Company and should not be used in isolation as a basis to invest in Western Areas. Any potential investors should refer to Western Area’s other public releases and statutory reports and consult their professional advisers before considering investing in the Company. CONTENTS Chairman’s Letter Managing Director’s Report Highlights Operations Review Western Areas Ore Reserve / Mineral Resource Statement Exploration Report FinnAust Report Directors’ Report Corporate Governance Statements Auditor’s Independence Declaration Financial Statements Notes to the Financial Statements Directors’ Declaration Independent Auditor’s Opinion Tenement Listing Shareholder Information 02 04 07 08 18 20 28 29 47 53 54 59 109 110 112 118 WESTERN AREAS LTD ANNUAL REPORT 2014 1 CHAIRMAN’S LETTER DEAR FELLOW SHAREHOLDERS, On behalf of your Board of Directors, I am pleased to present to you the Annual Report for the year ended 30 June 2014. In my first year as independent Chairman of the Board, I am very pleased to report on a significant change in the nickel market over the course of the year, with prices rising some 36% throughout FY14, mostly in the second half of the year. The nickel price strength, coupled with our average US dollar exchange rate falling from $1.03 to $0.91, has had a positive effect on our Company’s finances. Crucially, we’ve maintained our operational performance throughout the year, allowing the Company to reap the full benefit of the improved pricing for nickel. Western Areas seeks to do all it can to implement a cost base and balance sheet that is sustainable through the highs and lows of the nickel price cycle. I am pleased to report that we still maintain our position as one of the lowest cost producers of nickel in Australia. The nickel price rise in the second half of the year was largely attributable to the Indonesian Government’s implementation of a ban in early 2014 on the export of unprocessed nickel laterite ore. The objective of the ban was to encourage the development of a domestic processing industry, rather than seeing raw product shipped off to other countries for value adding processing. Indonesia was previously a major supplier of nickel laterite material, accounting for as much as a quarter of world supply and as such the ban has seen a significant structural change to the supply side of the nickel industry. The Indonesian product was also the primary source of supply for the Chinese Nickel Pig Iron Industry. During the year we strengthened our balance sheet as a result of $105m capital raising and the repurchase of $15m of convertible bonds. At year end, the Company was in a net cash position (ie. we held more in cash and liquid assets than our total debt) for the first time in 10 years. IAN MACLIVER INDEPENDENT NON–EXECUTIVE CHAIRMAN 2 WESTERN AREAS LTD ANNUAL REPORT 2014 Looking forward to growth in the coming years, the Company retains an excellent portfolio of exploration acreage near our existing Forrestania Nickel Operations. Essentially, within the next 12 months we will have completely paid off the original development funding taken on to build our Forrestania Nickel Operations. Collectively, this will lead to a $24 million reduction in borrowing costs every year post FY15. Looking forward to growth in the coming years, the Company retains an excellent portfolio of exploration acreage near our existing Forrestania Nickel Operations. The core of our exploration efforts will be focused there, with the potential for any discovery to be brought rapidly into production, making use of our available infrastructure. We also continue to review a number of earn in and joint venture opportunities on advanced exploration acreage, currently held by junior resource companies. During the year we successfully listed our Finnish assets as a separate company on the London AIM market. Capital was raised as part of that process to enable exploration to be undertaken. Pleasingly, early drilling results in Finland have returned positive results. In closing, I’d like to thank the Company’s Managing Director, Dan Lougher, the executive team and all of the employees, contractors and suppliers of Western Areas for their hard work and dedication throughout the year. I would also like to thank my fellow directors for their hard work and valuable insights. I look forward to our operational excellence, and a positive nickel environment, continuing into next year. Ian Macliver Independent Non–executive Chairman WESTERN AREAS LTD ANNUAL REPORT 2014 3 MANAGING DIRECTOR’S REPORT With continued strong operational performance, including an unrelenting focus on cost reduction and safety, and a fundamental change in the nickel market, the 2014 financial year has been a successful one for Western Areas’ shareholders, employees and stakeholders. Production for the year exceeded expectations, with unit cash costs of nickel in concentrate in particular falling significantly compared to last year, coming in at A$2.50/lb versus A$2.68/lb for the prior year. The strong production results flowed through into our financial results, with underlying net profit after tax (NPAT) for the year of $32.6m, compared to an underlying result of $5.6m last year. At the end of the previous financial year, the Board made a commitment to increase dividends should the Company return to material profitability. Pleasingly, we were able fulfil this commitment and with the Company posting a solid financial result, the Board decided to pay a final fully franked dividend of 4c per share. Accordingly, dividends for the year totalled 5c per share representing a payout ratio of approximately 41% of NPAT. Importantly, we’ve undertaken our activities in a very safe manner, with our Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR) at an industry low rate of 1.9 at 30 June, after briefly touching zero during the year. At the time of writing this report, the Company’s LTIFR had decreased to 1.0. We are very proud of our safe work culture, and believe the ability to effectively manage safety in the workplace goes hand in hand with our ability to productively manage all other aspects of the business. By managing our mining operations well, we’ve been able to materially benefit from the upsurge in the nickel price created by the Indonesian Government nickel laterite export ban. As discussed elsewhere in the report, we continue to see evidence building that this will not be a temporary change to the nickel market, rather a permanent structural change tightening up the world’s supply of nickel. In particular, the second half of the financial year saw our realised nickel price increase significantly which resulted in Western Areas ending the year in a net cash position. Western Areas’ message to the market during the year was very clear that the Company was focused on reducing debt. This goal has now been achieved with our balance sheet being substantially transformed by the retirement of convertible bond debt subsequent to year end. Furthermore, with the last convertible bond debt on track DANIEL LOUGHER MANAGING DIRECTOR & CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER 4 WESTERN AREAS LTD ANNUAL REPORT 2014 to be retired from cash reserves in July 2015, the Company will realise around A$24m in annual debt cost savings from the commencement of FY16, including approximately A$12m in FY15. Our operational result has been built on a culture of constant productivity improvements, innovation and a strong focus on costs. Throughout the year we have implemented a range of operational enhancements and cost reduction initiatives. Significantly, a great number of these initiatives are proposed from our employees, not from the “top down”. The ability of our staff to identify these initiatives and see them implemented is a great asset for our Company. Our Spotted Quoll mine performed extremely well, easily exceeding the steady state run rate of 12,000 nickel tonnes per year (actual 13,973 nickel tonnes) and doing this with zero LTI’s. Spotted Quoll continues to have a mine life based on reserves of greater than 10 years. Flying Fox also performed strongly, mining over 14,000 tonnes of nickel for the year. The Cosmic Boy Concentrator continued its excellent track record with throughput being 9% above nameplate capacity and utilisation around 98%. The majority of the Company’s exploration expenditure continues to be directed towards the assessment of the highly prospective greenstone belt contained within the Forrestania tenements. As with previous years, the exploration activities have been directed towards identifying new deposits and evaluating potential extensions to the existing operations. During the year, our focus was on the delineation around the new discovery below the existing resources at New Morning. In addition, testing of the 6km zone between the two mines was undertaken. This area would be easily accessible from existing infrastructure and now with a higher nickel price environment, the Company is running a number of internal studies on how to bring into production a third mine in the medium term. Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR) Total Ore Mined (tns) Average Mined Grade Contained Nickel Mined (tns) Total Ore Processed (tns) Average Processed Grade Average Recovery Contained Nickel Processed (tns) Nickel Sold (tns) Average Nickel Price Recieved (US$/tn) Cash Costs before smelting/refining (A$/lb) Average Exchange Rate USD/AUD FY14 1.9 598,959 4.8% 28,686 598,152 4.8% 89% 25,700 25,756 16,458 2.50 0.91 FY13 0.83 555,736 5.0% 27,639 586,254 5.1% 91% 26,918 27,819 16,112 2.68 1.03 WESTERN AREAS LTD ANNUAL REPORT 2014 5 Throughout the year we have implemented a range of operational enhancements and cost reduction initiatives. Significantly, a great number of these initiatives are proposed from our employees, not from the ‘top down’. The ongoing challenge for funding in the junior exploration market continues to offer Western Areas a wealth of opportunities to enter relatively advanced projects for attractive entry prices. Importantly, shareholders should understand that when the Company examines these opportunities it is done with in-depth due diligence, with the view of bringing on a new mining camp. The Company intends to increase its exploration spend to $20m for FY15 which will allow additional exploration resources to be deployed into the Company’s projects. In line with our stated objectives, the Company’s Finnish exploration assets were listed on the London AIM Stock Exchange during December 2013, as FinnAust Mining Plc (“FinnAust”). FinnAust raised sufficient exploration funding for a highly targeted 18 month drilling program and is self sufficient with an in-country geological team and a modest office in London. Western Areas of course retains exposure to any discovery through holding a majority 68% of FinnAust. Early drilling success has been seen with high-grade poly- metallic mineralisation from their Hammaslahti target in Southern Finland. A high standard of environmental management has been maintained at the Forrestania operations. The Company undertook a number of key initiatives during the year, including the completion of a site wide independent environmental audit, the development of a site wide rehabilitation plan and the completion of a carbon emissions benchmarking study. The Company also participated in the Department of Mines and Petroleum’s Mining Rehabilitation Fund which has resulted in relinquishment of all the unconditional performance bonds. Western Areas continues to support a series of biodiversity initiatives such as funding the Carnaby’s Black Cockatoo research and is a major sponsor of Perth Zoo’s Western Quoll exhibit. The Company also continues to support The Starlight Children’s Foundation. Looking forward into the new financial year, we have released guidance around key operational and financial metrics. Our shareholders will appreciate that we have a proud track record of not missing our targets and working extremely hard to outperform where possible. As a group we are tremendously determined to maintain our reputation of being a dependable mining company and will update our progress towards our goals through quarterly and half year reporting. We are prepared to say at this early juncture that should the nickel price increase from existing levels as has been forecast by market commentators, the Company expects the financial year to be very strong from a profitability and cashflow generation perspective. This has been an excellent year for Western Areas shareholders and I would like to acknowledge all of our dedicated staff, contractors and support companies who have made this result possible. I look forward to our success continuing into FY15. Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to thank our past Chairman, Terry Streeter, for his commitment and leadership over the past 13 years with the company. Thank you for your support. Daniel Lougher Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer 6 WESTERN AREAS LTD ANNUAL REPORT 2014 HIGHLIGHTS 2013-2014 SAFETY DIVIDEND Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR) at an industry low rate of 1.9 at 30 June, after briefly touching zero. At the time of writing this report, the Company’s LTIFR had decreased to 1.0. The Board decided to pay a final fully franked dividend of 4c per share. Accordingly, dividends for the year totalled 5c per share representing a payout ratio of approximately 41% of NPAT. COSMIC BOY CONCENTRATOR The Cosmic Boy nickel concentrator achieved its fifth year of operation during FY14, achieving a record breaking ore throughput for the full year of 598,152 tonnes. ENVIRONMENTAL Western Areas has better energy and emissions productivity (per tonne of contained nickel) than any other nickel miner reporting in Australia. SPOTTED QUOLL MINE PRODUCTION COSTS Our Spotted Quoll mine performed extremely well, easily exceeding the steady state run rate of 12,000 nickel tonnes per year (actual 13,973 nickel tonnes) and doing this with zero LTI’s. Production for the year exceeded expectations, with unit cash costs of nickel in concentrate in particular falling significantly compared to last year, coming in at A$2.50/lb versus A$2.68/lb for the prior year. FLYING FOX MINE BALANCE SHEET Flying Fox performed strongly, mining over 14,000 tonnes of nickel for the year. Balance sheet being substantially transformed by the retirement of convertible bond debt subsequent to year end. WESTERN AREAS LTD ANNUAL REPORT 2014 7 Bacterial Heap Leach Worldwide Patents Full Laboratory and Management Team Bioheap 100% Finland VMS Deposits Polymetallic Outokumpu Copper FinnAust Mining P L C 68 % Makwa - Ni/PGM Mayville (M2) - Cu/PGM M Corp u sta r o a n g C a ti o M i n n a n ( e r 1 a d a n o i t a r o l p x E s t e s s A Western Areas Ltd 2 Operating Mines Flying Fox - Ni Spotted Quoll - Ni 9 . l s 9 % ) ( 1 0 0 % ) N i c k e l P t y L t d W e s t e r n A r e a s Lounge Lizard - Ni Mt Alexander - Ni Southern Cross Goldfields JV - Ni Traka Resources JV - Ni, W OPERATIONS REVIEW A u s t Forrestania (100%) o r r e stania (7 0 % ) F Diggers South - Ni New Morning - Ni Mt Gibb JV - Ni, Au Lake King JV - Ni GROUP OVERVIEW Western Areas Ltd is an Australian- based nickel miner listed on the ASX. The main asset is the 100% owned Forrestania Nickel Operations, 400km east of Perth. Western Areas is currently targeting FY15 total annual production from the Flying Fox and Spotted Quoll mines of between 25,000 to 27,000 tonnes of nickel in ore and the production of 24,500 to 25,500 tonnes of nickel in concentrate from the Cosmic Boy nickel concentrator. Sunrise - Ni Cosmic Boy - Ni Gold Rights The Company’s 100% owned Forrestania Nickel Operation (FNO) comprises two underground nickel mines (Flying Fox and Spotted Quoll), the Cosmic Boy nickel concentrator and the associated accommodation village. Flying Fox is one of the highest grade nickel mines in Australia and has been in production since 2006 and the second mine, Spotted Quoll, commenced underground high grade nickel ore production in November 2011. The Cosmic Boy nickel concentrator achieved its fifth year of operation during FY14, celebrating this milestone by achieving record ore throughput for the full year. STRUCTURE Western Areas is a company limited by shares that is incorporated and domiciled in Australia. Western Areas has prepared a consolidated financial report incorporating the material entities that it controlled during the financial year, which are shown below along with the principal assets of each. 8 WESTERN AREAS LTD ANNUAL REPORT 2014 FNO emergency response/DFES teams responding to a local bush fire FORRESTANIA SAFETY At the end of FY14, FNO had a 12 month Lost Time Injury (LTI) frequency rate of 1.98. The FNO individual department summary LTI free days is shown in the table below. FNO Department Surface Exploration Spotted Quoll UG mine Cosmic Boy Village Cosmic Boy Concentrator Flying Fox UG mine Surface Haulage LTI free days 2,060 1,170 880 370 350 90 The FNO workforce (comprising both Western Areas and contractors) has a proactive approach to workplace risk management which enabled the excellent safety results across the entire operation. During FY14, there were more than 200 Job Safety Analyses, 18 major risk assessments and over 20,000 hazards reported and actioned. Senior Western Areas managers and department Safety Representatives have been active and visible in the work place areas, conducting safety inspections and audits (80). As a result, four of the six operational departments are reporting LTI free days in excess of a year and a fifth is approaching the same milestone. An external audit of the OHS safety management system in December 2013 reported a significant improvement from the previous year. A site tour by the auditor and individual interviews showed ‘that there is good OH&S compliance by both contractors and Western Areas personnel’. The FNO Emergency Response Team has put its skills to good use throughout the year assisting the local Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES) and the local Volunteer Fire Brigade to contain and control two bushfires approximately 10kms from site infrastructure. The emergency response team also responded to two vehicle related incidents. FNO emergency response/DFES teams responding to a local bush fire WESTERN AREAS LTD WESTERN AREAS LTD ANNUAL REPORT 2014 ANNUAL REPORT 2014 9 9 Underground Rescue Training OPERATIONS REVIEW FORRESTANIA ENVIRONMENTAL ACTIVITIES Overall, FNO environmental compliance was maintained at a high level throughout the financial year, however there were two low impact environmental incidents reported, both during the June quarter and both due to pipeline equipment failures. The environmental impact from these was minor and the faults repaired with no re-occurrence. Strategen Environmental Consultants were engaged to undertake an independent FNO environmental compliance audit with office preparation completed during the December quarter and the field component completed during the March quarter. The outcomes of the audit will be used to guide and update as required the FNO Environmental Management Plan during FY15. Various environmental applications relating to FNO surface infrastructure upgrades were approved by the relevant regulators throughout the year, as well as the FNO Rehabilitation and Mine Closure Plan (RMCP) approved by the Department of Mines and Petroleum (DMP) during the December quarter. The Company continued developing the FNO Rehabilitation Management Plan (RMP) to enhance and compliment the current RMCP, which will be further developed and refined during FY15. The provenance seed collection, sowing, seedling propagation (utilising the local Talbot Nursery) and planting programs continued during the financial year. The Mining Rehabilitation Fund (MRF) ground disturbance data submissions were lodged for all Western Areas tenement packages during the June quarter. The Company expects that, following DMP assessment of the data and full payment of the levy, relevant environmental performance bonds will be relinquished. The Company continued involvement in the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) and supplied relevant emissions data for the most recent reporting period. CDP reporting for FY14 was finalised during the June quarter. Energetics (carbon & energy consultants) completed a FNO energy and emissions benchmarking study during the December quarter with key findings below: • Western Areas produces ~11% of the Australian nickel industry’s contained nickel tonnes while only emitting 2% of the industry’s carbon emissions. • Since Western Areas began reporting energy and emissions data under the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Scheme (NGER), energy and emissions intensity has decreased in each of its three reported years. • Western Areas has better energy and emissions productivity (per tonne of contained nickel) than any other nickel miner reporting in Australia. During the September quarter, FNO replaced plastic disposable food containers with re-useable food containers for all personnel. As a result this reduced plastic and food wastage and has the associated benefit of also reducing consumption costs. 10 WESTERN AREAS LTD ANNUAL REPORT 2014 FLYING FOX MINE Streeter Decline development was put on hold during the financial year to optimise capital expenditure, in line with a low nickel price environment, particularly in the first half of FY14. Lateral capital development completed to establish the 285 and 295 ore blocks. This also included 128m of capital vertical development to provide the necessary extensions of the primary ventilation network and escape-way ladder systems to allow stoping activities to commence in these lower levels of the mine. The T4 and T5 orebodies are practically fully developed, however air-leg development of the narrower edges of both orebodies continued during the financial year. Flying Fox production continued to be sourced predominantly from the T5 area using the Avoca longhole stoping method and supplemented with some jumbo drill rig flatback stoping. The Avoca methodology, using a combination of rock-fill and Cemented Rock Fill (CRF), continues to provide stoping flexibility and quick stope panel turnaround. The T4 area continues to use predominately conventional longhole open stoping with minor rock-fill where possible. During the financial year, a custom built longhole drill rig was introduced to trial narrow vein stoping (>= 1.2m width) from air-leg drives, which has proved very successful in minimising ore dilution and speeding up extraction productivity over and above hand held mining methods. SPOTTED QUOLL MINE By the end of the financial year, the Hanna Decline was advanced to a depth of 505m (895m RL) below the surface with over 2.7km of lateral decline metres. Approximately 4.1km of capital mine development has been completed, as well as approximately 10.9km of total development. The capital development schedule is on track to access to the second stage of the orebody well before the first stage is complete. The first stoping district (Block A, 1215 to 1155mRL) was successfully mined out during the financial year with almost 100% extraction. The 1230 and 1155 ore drives have been quarantined to provide access for the high grade Spotted Quoll North orebody, with decline and incline development respectively from these ore drives commencing in July 14. The second stoping district (Block B, 1110 to 1020mRL) achieved steady state production during the financial year with three stopes available at any one time to ensure a continuous flow of ore. Split firing at the narrower ends of the lower ore drives has proved successful with additional high grade ore extracted in an otherwise low grade section of the ore drives. The third stoping district (Block C, 1020 to 915mRL) started ore drive development late in the financial year. The now well established ‘top-down’ longhole benching using paste-fill has proven to be a reliable and productive stoping method with just over 60,000m3 poured for the financial year. 285 South Ore Drive 1020 Ore Drive: Split fired drive face WESTERN AREAS LTD ANNUAL REPORT 2014 11 OPERATIONS REVIEW MINE ORE PRODUCTION Tonnes Mined Flying Fox Ore Tonnes Mined Grade Ni Tonnes Mined Spotted Quoll - Underground Ore Tonnes Mined Grade Ni Tonnes Mined Total - Ore Tonnes Mined Grade Total Ni Tonnes Mined FLYING FOX PRODUCTION Sep Qtr Dec Qtr Mar Qtr Jun Qtr FY Total Tns Ni % Tns Tns Ni % Tns Tns Ni % Tns 86,642 83,095 79,328 67,966 317,031 4.8% 4,200 4.6% 3,791 4.1% 3,243 5.1% 3,479 4.6% 14,713 77,097 74,720 71,614 58,497 281,928 5.3% 4,090 4.8% 3,616 4.8% 3,466 4.8% 2,801 5.0% 13,973 163,739 157,815 150,942 126,463 598,959 5.1% 8,290 4.7% 7,407 4.4% 6,709 5.0% 6,280 4.8% 28,686 During the year, Western Areas mined a total of 317,031 ore tonnes at an average grade of 4.6% nickel for 14,713 contained nickel tonnes which included 109,008 ore tonnes @ 4.4% for 4,750 nickel tonnes from the Lounge Lizard tenement. SPOTTED QUOLL PRODUCTION During the year, Western Areas mined a total of 281,928 ore tonnes at an average grade of 5.0% for 13,973 contained nickel tonnes. The Spotted Quoll underground operations reached steady state production throughout the year, to date the project has been delivered on time and on budget. 12 WESTERN AREAS LTD ANNUAL REPORT 2014 COSMIC BOY MILL PRODUCTION Tonnes Milled and Sold Ore Processed Grade Ave. Recovery Ni Tonnes in Concentrate Total Nickel Sold Tns % % Tns Tns Sep Qtr 150,475 Dec Qtr 148,901 Mar Qtr 147,544 Jun Qtr 151,232 4.9% 90% 6,593 6,554 4.9% 88% 6,427 6,409 4.8% 90% 6,344 6,418 4.7% 89% 6,336 6,374 FY Total 598,152 4.8% 89% 25,700 25,756 During the financial year, the Cosmic Boy Concentrator treated a record breaking 598,152 tonnes at an average ore grade of 4.8% nickel. A total of 173,998 tonnes of concentrate was produced at 14.8% nickel containing 25,700 nickel tonnes. Nickel recovery for the year averaged 89%. The record throughput was achieved due to the ongoing hard work of the concentrator production team that has maximised the utilisation of the concentrator that results from the excellent maintenance team effort that limits downtime to the absolute minimum. Cosmic Boy Concentrator at dawn WESTERN AREAS LTD WESTERN AREAS LTD ANNUAL REPORT 2014 ANNUAL REPORT 2014 13 13 OPERATIONS REVIEW NICKEL SALES Western Areas continued to deliver its high quality and sought after nickel concentrate material into the offtake contracts of the two current customers, BHPB Nickel-West and Jinchuan Group (Jinchuan). A total of 174,903 tonnes of concentrate was delivered to these two customers’ offtake contracts during FY14 which contained 25,756 tonnes of nickel. The current Jinchuan off-take contract which commenced in March 2013 will be completed ahead of time during December 2014. COST OF PRODUCTION The unit cash cost of nickel in concentrate (excluding smelting/ refining charges and royalties) for the full year was A$2.50/lb, being well below the full year guidance of

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