Annual Report 2010

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2010 Annual Report p. 8 p. 10 p. 12 Focused Energy. For Life. is our promise to our customers, communities and shareholders: The men and women of Ameren, over 9,000 strong, are focused on making sure that the energy our customers and communities need to live, work and grow is there – for today, for tomorrow, for life. Focused On… Shareholders | 1 Communities | 8 Operations | 10 The Environment | 12 My Fellow Shareholders, This past year was marked by significant accomplishments at our company. We returned our newly rebuilt Taum Sauk pumped-storage hydroelectric plant to service, installed major environmental controls at two coal-fired plants, simplified our corporate structure and improved our safety and customer satisfaction performance. All of this was accomplished while being disciplined about cost management, which, coupled with strong customer sales and rate relief, allowed us to overcome the financial challenges posed by weak wholesale power prices. Focused Energy. For Life. is more than the theme of this report; it is a reflection of our vision to lead the way to a secure energy future. p. 1 B C A A. Ameren owns a robust transmission system of nearly 7,500 circuit miles and sees opportunities for a new subsidiary – Ameren Transmission Company (ATX) – to invest in regional reliability and efficiency. B. Andrea Donsbach, Ameren engineer, and CEO Tom Voss discuss the solar energy installation now on the rooftop of Ameren’s headquarters, where an energy learning center provides real-time data on five different solar power technologies. C. In 2010, Ameren’s three Illinois electric and natural gas delivery companies merged into a single legal entity – Ameren Illinois – increasing efficiency and offering greater convenience and clarity to customers and investors. At the same time, for greater clarity for our customers, Missouri-based AmerenUE was rebranded as Ameren Missouri. “ We ensure that the energy needed to power our lives and economy is there – not just for today, but for generations to come.” By optimizing day-to-day operations, while customers. In support of the diverse communi- planning strategically for the long-term, we ties we serve, we have significantly expanded our ensure that the energy needed to power our supplier diversity efforts. For the second year in lives and economy is there – not just for today, a row, we have been recognized by the St. Louis but for generations to come. That is our promise. Minority Business Council as the corporation of To deliver on that promise, we are using the year. our resources to enhance the value of your investment, while meeting current needs and implementing long-term strategies in five key areas: Customers, Communities, Workforce, Operations and you, our Shareholders. Each year, Ameren financially supports many programs that provide services to people in need and improve our communities. Our employee volunteerism effort is well on its way to our goal of 250,000 hours of community service annually FocuSing on cuSToMerS, coMMuniTieS by 2014. FocuSing on our WorkForce, operATionS We have been actively engaged in building a high-performance workforce and have continued to improve our operating and environmental performance. We have also developed a robust plan for the future generation needs of our regulated customer base in Missouri. Our customer satisfaction ratings have shown steady improvement in the past few years. Since 2004, the number of outages per customer has dropped by 19 percent. We continue to invest the time and capital necessary to develop infra- structure that is critical to serving our customers’ energy needs. To help customers manage their energy bills and protect the environment, we are promoting the efficient use of energy through a range of programs. We are also supporting renewable generation in Illinois and Missouri. This spring we break ground on a new power plant that will tap landfill gas to generate enough power for 10,000 households. We also have installed solar energy systems at our St. Louis headquarters and created a solar energy education center for our p. 3 “ on the generation side of our business, we have championed a number of programs that contribute to environmental sustainability.” We continue to make safety a top priority at the solutions we have available for the future, Ameren. In 2010, our recordable injuries were we are working with every major electric energy down 16 percent, and our lost workdays declined provider in the state of Missouri and Governor by 32 percent, compared to 2009. Jay Nixon to preserve an option to build a new On the generation side of our business, we have championed a number of programs that contribute to environmental sustainability. Over the past two years, we have completed the installation of five scrubber systems – major equipment additions that remove nearly all of a plant’s sulfur dioxide emis- sions and materially reduce nitrogen oxide and mercury emissions. With its return to service, our nuclear energy facility at our Callaway Plant site. This unprecedented alliance is supporting legis- lation that would enable us to move forward on an early site permit from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This permit would keep open the option of building an additional emissions-free nuclear facility in the next two decades for the benefit of the entire state of Missouri. 450-megawatt Taum Sauk Hydroelectric Plant is We have not accomplished these environmental proving to be a valuable energy storage resource. achievements by ignoring operating efficiency – Severely damaged five years ago, the plant can our combined regulated and merchant generating store energy generated during non-peak periods, plant availability stood at industry-leading levels which is when wind power is often available, and in 2010. make electricity available when it is needed. In February 2011, we filed an integrated resource its strong safety record. In the wake of another plan with the Missouri Public Service Commission utility company’s gas transmission line explosion that provides a detailed analysis of our customers’ in California, we proactively re-inspected our high future energy needs and the relative merits of pressure gas transmission lines. Our natural gas distribution business continued various generation options. Given a number of uncertainties, including the impact of more stringent environmental regulation, our aging infrastructure and economic, legislative and regu- latory factors, we will work tirelessly to provide the best solutions for customers and shareholders. Undoubtedly, we must pursue a range of potential options, including nuclear, fossil and renewable fuels as well as energy efficiency. To optimize Our merchant generating plants have taken several steps to remain highly competitive. In 2009 and 2010, we reduced staffing at our merchant business by over 200 positions and significantly lowered planned capital expendi- tures. We are focused on maintaining a low-cost structure and prudently addressing environmental mandates. p. 4 A B A. In downtown St. Louis, Scottrade Center installed energy efficient lighting inside the entertainment venue. This project was supported by incentives that are part of Ameren Missouri’s energy efficiency programs, which help the environment and save customers money. Program costs are eligible for recovery in rates. B. Ray Boccardi, shown here with Ameren Illinois Engineering Representative Barbara Baldridge, depended on Ameren Illinois’ gas experts when he set up the new Joe Boccardi’s Ristorante in Swansea, Ill. In addition to good service, Ameren’s nearly one million natural gas custom- ers enjoy safe service. Ameren Illinois’ average gas leak response time is an industry-leading 23 minutes. C. Gateway Regional Medical Center upgraded the energy efficiency and reliability of its cooling system with the help of a nearly $230,000 grant from Ameren Illinois’ Act On Energy program. Aimed at helping customers save energy, the program is funded through a charge on energy bills. D. Since 2009, Missouri residential customers have received annual personal energy reports, providing such information as year-to-year comparisons of household energy usage plus tips on ways to save energy and details on discounts offered on energy efficient products. C D A D Ameren’s Executive Leadership Team: (A) Thomas R. Voss, Chair- man, President and Chief Executive Officer, Ameren Corporation; (B) Warner L. Baxter, Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer, Ameren Missouri; (C) Scott A. Cisel, Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer, Ameren Illinois; (D) Daniel F. Cole, Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer, Ameren Services; (E) Steven R. Sullivan, Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer, Ameren Energy Resources; Chairman and President, Ameren Energy Generating; and Secretary, Ameren Corporation; (F) Maureen A. Borkowski, Chair- man, President and Chief Executive Officer, Ameren Transmission; (G) Karen C. Foss, Senior Vice President, Communications and Brand Management, Ameren Services; (H) Adam C. Heflin, Senior Vice President and Chief Nuclear Officer, Ameren Missouri; (I) Martin J. Lyons, Jr., Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, Ameren Corporation; (J) Richard J. Mark, Senior Vice President, Customer Operations, Ameren Missouri; B E C F G H I J K L M (K) Charles D. Naslund, Senior Vice President, Generation and Environmental Projects, Ameren Missouri; (L) Michael L. Moehn, Senior Vice President, Corporate Planning and Business Risk Management, Ameren Services; and (M) Andrew M. Serri, President and Chief Executive Officer, Ameren Energy Marketing FocuSing on ShAreholder VAlue and maintaining generation options for our future. Our employees and leadership team will continue We will prudently manage our operations and to focus our energy on tight control of capital finances and remain dedicated to providing an and optimization of the value of our regulated attractive total return based on a strong dividend and merchant generation businesses. Our rate and long-term prospects for earnings growth. cases in Missouri and Illinois should allow our revenues to better keep pace with our costs and investments, while still providing customers with rates that are below the national average. Our merchant plants should benefit from an eventual recovery in power prices prompted by economic growth and a corresponding increase in demand for electricity. In closing, I want to express our deep gratitude to two, retiring, long-time directors who have contributed a great deal to our company. Former Ameren Chairman, President and CEO Charles Mueller was an employee for over 40 years and has been a director since 1993. Harvey Saligman will retire after more than 20 years on our board. Both Chuck and Harvey have served with extraor- To capitalize on Ameren’s already robust, high- dinary distinction. Their vision and leadership will voltage transmission system, we formed a new be missed. subsidiary – Ameren Transmission Company (ATX). ATX intends to build greenfield regional transmission projects, initially within Illinois and Missouri, and has identified more than $3 billion of investment opportunities with attractive return potential. 2010 was a solid year, and we have seized on multiple opportunities to improve our outlook for the future. We expect 2011 to be marked by final versions of proposed and significant new environmental rules, which will shape the future of generation in the United States and the future of our businesses. We are committed to a leading role in the environmental debate and creating I also want to thank our employees for their commitment to building an ever stronger company. Rest assured, we are working diligently to deliver on our goals. I invite you to attend this year’s annual meeting on April 21 at Powell Symphony Hall in St. Louis. Thomas R. Voss Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer Ameren Corporation p. 7 A A. A rebate from Ameren Illinois’ energy efficiency program helped pay for new lighting so students can more easily find the right books at Cullom-Davis Library on the campus of Bradley University. The library serves as a valuable resource for the 6,000 students at the Peoria, Ill.-based institution and is open to the community. Program costs are covered by charges on customer bills. B B. Over 19,000 children with physical or mental disabilities benefit from programs funded by Variety the Children’s Charity of St. Louis. In 2010, Variety awarded Ameren its President’s Award, in recognition of the company’s support. W e ’ r e F o c u s e d O n E n r i c h i n g O u r Commun ties pArTnering WiTh our MAny coMMuniTieS To MAke TheM BeTTer plAceS To liVe AT AMEREN, WE NURTURE OUR RELATIONSHIPS with our communities through corporate contributions, employee volunteerism and a range of programs. In 2010, we provided additional help to those most in need in this tough economy — from supporting housing for the homeless to providing emergency food supplies and energy assistance. In addition, our economic development programs assisted communities in a difficult economy. By partnering with economic development organizations, we helped attract over $194 million in new project investment and approximately 1,200 new jobs. We supported such projects as the new distribution center for World Wide Technology, Inc. — a leading systems integrator, in Edwardsville, Ill., and the new 224,000 square-foot technology and innovation center built in St. Louis County by Express Scripts, Inc., one of the largest pharmacy benefit management companies in North America. We also supported a variety of creative programs to encourage more efficient use of energy and safe practices in using gas and electricity. Launched in 2010, the online site — — provides a range of energy efficiency and safety information for kids, teachers and parents, reaching more than 40,000 Illinois elementary and junior high students in 2010 alone. p. 9 A. 2010 marked a return to service for Ameren Missouri’s 450-megawatt Taum Sauk Hydroelectric Plant. Severely damaged by overtopping five years ago, the plant’s upper reservoir was rebuilt, and the plant now has a new, state-of- the-art distributed control system that is shown here. B. Two, 400-foot towers were needed to span the Mississippi River for a 345,000-volt, 30-mile transmission line that connects the Dynegy Baldwin Plant in Illinois to the Ameren Missouri Rush Island Plant in Missouri – all to increase reliability and reduce future congestion on the grid. A B W e ’ r e F o c u s e d O n E n h a n c i n g Opera ions keeping The gAS And elecTriciTy FloWing in A SAFe, reliABle, eFFicienT, enVironMenTAlly reSponSiBle MAnner OPERATIONAL EXCELLENCE means available generation — keeping plants running 24/7. It means rebuilding our pumped-storage hydroelectric plant’s upper reservoir to provide energy storage and quick start generation. It also means investing in a smarter distribution system so system operators can better monitor, control and respond to grid conditions. In 2010, as part of our customer strategic initiative, Ameren Missouri’s grid became even smarter with the automation of all distribution circuits at its Maryland Heights, Mo., substation, integrating several technical applications that, when combined, improved system operation and reliability. The complexity and sophistication of the Dorsett Distribution Automation Project has captured the attention of the utility industry, with the Electric Power Research Institute, the key industry research organization, showcasing this initiative as one of a select number of “Smart Grid” demonstration projects. p. 11 A B A. Ameren has installed five new scrubber systems in two years – the most recent installation was at our Sioux Plant outside St. Louis. These sophisticated air filtration systems remove nearly all of the plant’s sulfur dioxide emissions and materially reduce nitrogen oxide and mercury emissions. B. Riverlands Migratory Bird Sanctuary, near Alton, Ill., is home to hundreds of swans and to 1,000 new Ameren “swan diverters” designed to keep breeding swans from being injured by flying into transmission lines. W e ’ r e F o c u s e d O n P r o t e c t i n g t h e Envir nment SupporTing reneWABle energy, cleAn coAl TechnologieS, WASTe reducTion — All cornerSToneS oF enVironMenTAl perForMAnce leAderShip OVER THE yEARS, Ameren has invested in renewable energy resource development, recycled and stored waste responsibly and served as an industry leader in reducing emissions at its power plants. To support research on clean coal technologies, Ameren is a partner in FutureGen 2.0 — funded by one billion federal stimulus dollars. Through FutureGen 2.0, our Meredosia Plant in Illinois would become the world’s first full-scale oxy-combustion power plant. Once retrofitted, a unit at this merchant generating plant would capture more than 90% of the carbon dioxide (CO2) emitted at the site. A coal combustion byproduct often linked to climate change, the CO2 would then be piped and injected into underground storage areas. While certain conditions must be met before the project moves forward, we are excited about the prospect of building a near-zero-emission facility that will serve as an invaluable testing ground for these critical new technologies. p. 13 Financial Highlights AMEREN CONSOLIDATED (In millions, except per share amounts and as noted) 2010 2009 2008 year Ended December 31, RESULTS OF OPERATIONS Operating revenues Operating expenses Operating income Net income attributable to Ameren Corporation COMMON STOCK DATA Earnings per basic and diluted share Dividends per common share Dividend yield (year-end) Market price per common share (year-end closing) Shares outstanding (weighted average) Total market value of common shares (year-end) Book value per common share BALANCE SHEET DATA Property and plant, net Total assets Long-term debt obligations, excluding current maturities Capitalization ratios Common equity Preferred stock, not subject to mandatory redemption Debt and preferred stock subject to mandatory redemption, net of cash OPERATING DATA Total electric sales (kilowatthours) Native natural gas sales (decatherms in thousands) Total generation output (kilowatthours) Electric customers Natural gas customers $7,638 $6,722 $916 $139 $7,135 $5,719 $1,416 $612 $0.58 $1.54 5.5% $28.19 238.8 $6,777 $32.15 $17,853 $23,515 $6,853 51.3% 0.9% 47.8% 111,887 103,012 77,698 2.4 0.9 $2.78 $1.54 5.5% $27.95 220.4 $6,635 $33.08 $17,610 $23,702 $7,111 50.3% 1.3% 48.4% 104,062 107,647 76,239 2.4 0.9 $7,869 $6,507 $1,362 $605 $2.88 $2.54 7.6% $33.26 210.1 $7,062 $32.80 $16,567 $22,671 $6,554 45.9% 1.3% 52.8% 107,754 119,712 80,859 2.4 0.9 p. 14 Electrical Generating Capacity (Expected for 2011 summer peak) 6,300 megawatts of merchant generating capacity 3,300,000 electric and natural gas customers 10,400 megawatts of Ameren Missouri generating capacity Peoria Springfield Decatur St. Louis Company Headquarters Subsidiary Headquarters Electric Service Territory Electric and Natural Gas Service Territory Ameren companies serve approximately 2.4 million electric and nearly one million natural gas customers over 64,000 square miles in Illinois and Missouri. Our service territory includes a diverse base of residential, commercial and large industrial customers in both urban and rural areas. In Missouri, we operate primarily as a traditional, rate-regulated utility with approximately 10,400 megawatts of generating capacity. Our Illinois operations include rate-regulated electric and natural gas transmission and distribution businesses. Ameren’s merchant generation business includes several coal-fired plants and mul- tiple natural gas-fired units with a capacity of approximately 6,300 megawatts of generation. Ameren Missouri is the largest electric utility in the state, while Ameren Illinois ranks as the second largest electric distributor and one of the largest natural gas distributors in Illinois. Residential Rates (Cents per kilowatthour at June 2010) Capitalization (December 31, 2010) U.S. Average Ameren Illinois Ameren Missouri 11.74¢ 9.92 ¢ 7.18 ¢ 0.9% Preferred Stock 51.3% Equity 47.8% Debt Commercial Rates (Cents per kilowatthour at June 2010) U.S. Average Ameren Illinois 9.97 ¢ 8.77 ¢ Ameren Missouri 5.83 ¢ Source: Summer 2010 EEI Typical Bills and Average Rates Report p. 15 Ameren Corporation and Subsidiaries Officers and Directors ExECUTIVE LEADERSHIP TEAM Thomas R. Voss Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer, Ameren Corporation Warner L. Baxter* Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer, Ameren Missouri Scott A. Cisel* Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer, Ameren Illinois Daniel f. Cole* Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer, Ameren Services Steven R. Sullivan** Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer, Ameren Energy Resources; Chairman and President, Ameren Energy Generating Company; and Secretary, Ameren Corporation Maureen A. Borkowski*, ** Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer, Ameren Transmission Company Karen C. foss* Senior Vice President, Communications and Brand Management, Ameren Services Adam C. Heflin* Senior Vice President and Chief Nuclear Officer, Ameren Missouri Martin J. Lyons, Jr. Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer Richard J. Mark* Senior Vice President, Customer Operations, Ameren Missouri Michael L. Moehn* Senior Vice President, Corporate Planning and Business Risk Management, Ameren Services Charles D. Naslund*, ** Senior Vice President, Generation and Environmental Projects, Ameren Missouri Andrew M. Serri* President and Chief Executive Officer, Ameren Energy Marketing OTHER OffICERS Lynn M. Barnes* Vice President, Business Planning and Controller, Ameren Missouri Jerre E. Birdsong Vice President and Treasurer Mark C. Birk* Vice President, Power Operations, Ameren Missouri S. Mark Brawley* Vice President, Internal Audit, Ameren Services Kevin DeGraw* Vice President, Enterprise Risk and Project Management, Ameren Services fadi Diya* Vice President, Nuclear Operations, Ameren Missouri Scott A. Glaeser* Vice President, Gas & Electric Technical Services, Ameren Illinois Mary P. Heger* Vice President, Information Technology and Ameren Services Center, Ameren Services David Hunt*, ** Vice President, Corporate Communications, Ameren Services Christopher A. Iselin* Vice President, Generation, Ameren Energy Resources Stephen M. Kidwell* Vice President, Corporate Development, Ameren Services Mark C. Lindgren* Vice President, Human Resources, Ameren Services Michael L. Menne* Vice President, Environmental Services, Ameren Services Michael G. Mueller* Vice President, Energy Trading and Fuel Commodities, Ameren Missouri Craig D. Nelson* Senior Vice President, Regulatory Affairs and Financial Services, Ameren Illinois Gregory L. Nelson** Senior Vice President and General Counsel Stan E. Ogden* Vice President, Customer Service and Public Relations, Ameren Illinois Ronald D. Pate* Vice President, Operations, Ameren Illinois Joseph M. Power* Vice President, Federal Legislative and Regulatory Affairs, Ameren Services Cleveland O. Reasoner* Vice President, Engineering, Callaway Nuclear Plant, Ameren Missouri David J. Schepers* Vice President, Energy Delivery Technical Services, Ameren Missouri Shawn E. Schukar* Vice President, Strategic Initiatives, Ameren Services James A. Sobule* Vice President and Deputy General Counsel, Ameren Services Bruce A. Steinke Vice President and Controller David N. Wakeman* Vice President, Energy Delivery-Distribution Services, Ameren Missouri Dennis W. Weisenborn* Vice President, Supply Services, Ameren Services D. Scott Wiseman* Vice President, Regulatory Affairs, Ameren Illinois Warren T. Wood* Vice President, Regulatory and Legislative Affairs, Ameren Missouri BOARD Of DIRECTORS Stephen f. Brauer 2, 4 Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Hunter Engineering Company Ellen M. fitzsimmons 2, 4 Senior Vice President of Law and Public Affairs, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary, CSX Corporation Walter J. Galvin 1, 2 Vice Chairman, Emerson Electric Co. Dr. Gayle P. W. Jackson 4, 5 President and Chief Executive Officer, Energy Global, Inc. James C. Johnson 3, 4 General Counsel, Loop Capital Markets, LLC Steven H. Lipstein 1, 3 President and Chief Executive Officer, BJC HealthCare Charles W. Mueller 1, 5 Retired Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Ameren Corporation Harvey Saligman 3, 4 Partner, Cynwyd Investments Patrick T. Stokes 1, 3, 6 Former Chairman, Anheuser-Busch Companies, Inc. * Officer of an Ameren Corporation subsidiary only ** As of March 2, 2011 1 Member of the Finance Committee 2 Member of the Audit and Risk Committee 3 Member of the Human Resources Committee 4 Member of the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee 5 Member of the Nuclear Oversight and Environmental Committee 6 Lead Director Thomas R. Voss Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer, Ameren Corporation Stephen R. Wilson 2, 5 Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer, CF Industries Holdings, Inc. Jack D. Woodard 3, 5 Retired Executive Vice President and Chief Nuclear Officer, Southern Nuclear Operating Company, Inc. Investor Information COMMON STOCK AND DIVIDEND INfORMATION Ameren’s common stock is listed on the New York Stock Exchange (ticker symbol: AEE). Ameren began trading on January 2, 1998, following the merger of Union Electric Company and CIPSCO Inc. on December 31, 1997. Ameren common shareholders of record totaled 67,035 on December 31, 2010. The following table provides the closing price ranges and dividends paid per Ameren common share during each quarter of 2010 and 2009. AEE 2010 Dividends Quarter Ended High Low Close Paid March 31 June 30 September 30 December 31 AEE 2009 $28.27 $24.14 $26.08 23.09 23.45 28.99 28.40 23.77 26.92 29.89 27.65 28.19 38 1⁄2 ¢ 38 1⁄2 38 1⁄2 38 1⁄2 Dividends Quarter Ended High Low Close Paid March 31 June 30 September 30 December 31 $35.35 $19.51 $23.19 21.75 23.09 24.89 25.25 27.66 25.28 28.67 23.78 27.95 38 1⁄2 ¢ 38 1⁄2 38 1⁄2 38 1⁄2 ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of Ameren Corporation shareholders will convene at 9 a.m. (Central Time), Thursday, April 21, 2011, at Powell Symphony Hall, 718 North Grand Boulevard, St. Louis, Missouri. The annual shareholder meetings of Ameren Illinois Company and Union Electric Company will be held at the same time. DRPLUS Any person of legal age or entity, whether or not an Ameren shareholder, is eligible to participate in DRPlus, Ameren’s dividend reinvestment and stock purchase plan. Participants can: • make cash investments by check or automatic direct debit to their bank accounts to purchase Ameren common stock, totaling up to $120,000 annually, • reinvest their dividends in Ameren common stock (minimum dividend reinvestment requirement of 10% as of January 1, 2011) or receive Ameren dividends in cash and • place Ameren common stock certificates in safekeeping and receive regular account statements. For more information about DRPlus, you may obtain a prospectus from Ameren’s Investor Services representatives. DIRECT DEPOSIT Of DIVIDENDS All registered Ameren common and Ameren Illinois Company and Union Electric Company preferred shareholders can have their cash dividends automatically deposited to their bank accounts. This service gives shareholders immediate access to their dividend on the dividend payment date and eliminates the possibility of lost or stolen dividend checks. CORPORATE GOVERNANCE DOCUMENTS Ameren makes available, free of charge through its website (, the charters of the board of directors’ audit and risk committee, human resources committee, nominating and corporate governance committee, nuclear oversight and environmental committee, and finance committee. Also available on Ameren’s website are its corporate governance guidelines, policy regarding nominations of directors, policy regarding communications to the board of directors, policy and procedures with respect to related person transactions, Code of Business Conduct (referred to as the “Corporate Compliance Policy”) and its Code of Ethics for principal executive and senior financial officers. These documents are also available in print, free of charge upon written request, from the Office of the Secretary, Ameren Corporation, P.O. Box 66149, Mail Code 1370, St. Louis, MO 63166-6149. Ameren also makes available, free of charge through its website, the company’s annual reports on SEC Form 10-K, quarterly reports on SEC Form 10-Q, and its current reports on SEC Form 8-K, including any chief executive officer and chief financial officer certifications required to be filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission therewith. ONLINE STOCK ACCOUNT ACCESS Ameren’s website ( allows registered shareholders to access their account information online. Shareholders can securely change their reinvestment options, view account summaries, receive DRPlus statements and more through the website. This is a free service. INVESTOR SERVICES Ameren’s Investor Services representatives are available to help you each business day from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (Central Time). Please write or call: Ameren Services Company, Investor Services P.O. Box 66887 St. Louis, MO 63166-6887 314-554-3502 800-255-2237 TRANSfER AGENT , REGISTRAR AND P AyING AGENT The Transfer Agent, Registrar and Paying Agent for Ameren common stock and Ameren Illinois Company and Union Electric Company preferred stock is Ameren Services Company. Ameren Corporation One Ameren Plaza 1901 Chouteau Avenue St. Louis, MO 63103 314-621-3222 P.O. Box 66149 St. Louis, MO 63166-6149

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