Boart Longyear Group
Annual Report 2007

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OUR DiffeRences cReate ValUe 2007 Annual Report 1 2 PhOTO: BOART LOngyEAR DRILLIng SERvICES MInERALS ExPLORATIOn SITE, InDOnESIA table Of cOntents Chairman’s Letter Managing Director’s Letter Operations Review Competitive Differences Board of Directors Leadership Team Financial Report Directors’ Report 2 4 6 8 17 18 19 22 Independent Auditor’s Declaration 46 Directors’ Declaration 48 Supplementary Information 123 Welcome to Boart longyear Boart Longyear has a rich legacy of more than 100 years of providing drilling services and products to our customers around the world in the mining, environmental, infrastructure and energy industries. Boart Longyear listed on the Australian Securities Exchange on 5 April 2007. For additional copies of this Annual Report, please visit the Investor Relations page of our website at 1 A LETTER FROM ThE ChAIRMAn gRAhAM BRADLEy Dear Investors, I am pleased to present the Company’s first annual result since our ASx listing on 5 April 2007. Our 2007 net profit after tax (nPAT) on a statutory basis was US$81 million. This exceeded our prospectus forecast (US$78 million) by nearly 4 percent. Because of the significant restructuring undertaken by the Company and its predecessor group in the course of 2006 and early 2007, the Company’s underlying performance is best judged by considering our results on a pro forma basis compared to our prospectus forecast. I am, therefore, pleased to report we have exceeded our pro forma nPAT and earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) (US$336 million) for 2007. This exceeded our prospectus forecast (US$320 million) by 5 percent. This result was achieved from revenues of US$1,571 million which exceeded our prospectus forecast (US$1,461 million) by US$110 million, or 8 percent. Both our Drilling Services division and our Products division contributed to this above-prospectus result. Boart Longyear ended the year with a strong cash position. net debt was US$569 million compared to US$642 million in April 2007 at the time of listing. The Company has declared a dividend of 1.5 US cents per share. This dividend is consistent with the stated policy set out in our prospectus of distributing between 30 to 40 percent of net earnings. The dividend will be paid on 18 April 2008. Our 2007 results were delivered in a climate of strong growth in demand for the Company’s services and products, as mineral resources enjoyed continuing strong demand on a worldwide basis. Accordingly, the Company continued during 2007 to invest in expanded production capacity, to add new drill rigs to our worldwide fleet and to make selective acquisitions. In early 2007 we completed the purchase of grimwood Davies and KWL Drill Rig Engineering in Western Australia, and Connors Drilling in Chile and Argentina, acquisitions, which have performed at or above plan. On 31 December, we also acquired Patagonia Drill Mining Services’ operations in Argentina, Chile, Uruguay and Paraguay. These acquisitions added drilling services capability—making us the largest drilling services contractor in Australia and substantially expanding our footprint in South America—along with adding product capability and expertise. Since 1 January 2008, we have completed our acquisition of Britton Bros. Diamond Drilling, located in western Canada and Mexico. We have also sold our non-core mining capital equipment business in South Africa. In addition, in 2007 the Company has added 130 new drill rigs to our global fleet through acquisitions and capital investment, bringing “We have exceeded our pro forma nPAT and EBITDA ... we see growth in demand for our services and products continuing strongly in 2008 and beyond.” 2 our total in rigs to more than 1,100. We have also expanded our manufacturing operations in Wuxi, China, as well as Wroklaw, Poland, and invested additional capital in existing manufacturing facilities. There have been no changes to the composition of the Board since the Company was listed last April. I would like to thank my Board colleagues for their considerable contribution in both preparing the Company for its initial public offering and in overseeing the establishment of corporate governance, remuneration, health, environment and safety, risk management and other important policies and procedures necessary to ensure that as a listed company, Boart Longyear’s governance, structures and practices meet the highest standards. I would also like to thank our chief executive, Paul Brunner, and his executive team for their energy and dedication during the past year. We thank, in particular, our former Chief Financial Officer, Ron Sellwood, who retired in October after three years with the Company. Looking ahead, while we see continued volatility in global debt and equity markets, we expect that this will not fundamentally affect the continuing strong demand for mineral resources, energy and water resources, which, in turn, will drive continued growth in the Company’s revenues. We see growth in demand for our services and products continuing strongly in 2008. We believe we are well-positioned to serve this demand with high- quality products and reliable and safe contract drilling services. With our moderate debt levels, high interest cover and strong cash flows, Boart Longyear is well-positioned to continue to take advantage of market conditions by further investment in organic growth and selective acquisitions in the year ahead. We expect, therefore, continued double-digit percentage growth in the Company’s revenues and financial results in 2008. I look forward to working with my Board colleagues, our executive leadership team and our 9000 people around the world to realise this aspiration in the year ahead. Boart Longyear’s Initial Public Offering took place on 5 April 2007. 2007 featured the launch of several new products, including the variable Wall (v-Wall) coring rod. gRAhAM BRADLEy ChAIRMAn Left to right: Chairman graham Bradley, Employee Scott Krugg, and Director Peter St. george tour a US drill site. 3 A LETTER FROM ThE MAnAgIng DIRECTOR PAUL BRUnnER We are pleased to announce to our Shareholders that in Boart Longyear’s first year of operation as a listed company we posted record revenues and profits exceeding the commitments we made in our IPO prospectus. Our success was driven by strong demand for minerals in China and elsewhere in the developing world, in conjunction with a commitment from Boart Longyear’s employees at all levels to meet the challenges set out in our operating plan. Underpinning our performance in our Drilling Services division were the addition of drill rigs and the crews to man those rigs, and from our Products division, the completion of substantial capacity increases while restructuring some underperforming parts of our operation. We also successfully integrated three acquisitions made early in the year and closed on a fourth acquisition at year’s end. The Company is well-positioned to extend our success into 2008 by building on this sound platform. Our outlook for growth from all business segments remains strong and there is no evidence that credit issues in the United States will spill over into the demand for mineral exploration. The constrained supply for commodities such as copper, gold, nickel and zinc is sustaining prices well above historical averages and the point at which mining companies are willing to invest in their exploration programmes. Exploration is a segment of the mining industry that has seen 30 years of under-investment. Success to date has not yielded the new deposits or increases in metal reserves necessary to close the supply gap for key metals. In addition, the increasing complexity of new deposits, the politics in the jurisdictions being explored and the logistics of operating a mine in remote and under- developed locations should extend the life of this exploration cycle. It is our view that the macro-economic conditions in which the mining and the mineral exploration drilling industries find themselves will sustain exploration and mine development well into the future. Boart Longyear’s platform for growth and success in this environment will be built on our points of competitive difference. We are the exploration drilling industry’s global leader and are clearly differentiated through our position as the only major integrated products and services provider. This integration provides a built-in continuous improvement and innovation loop leading to a stream of new product solutions and value-adding ideas. As evidence of this, in 2007 we introduced the Stage3 Diamond Bit, the v-Wall Rod and the Quick Descent Core Barrel, all products which contain patented technologies and significantly enhance drilling productivity. Further differentiating the Company are nearly 120 years of proven performance, reliability, and innovation unmatched in the industry. Boart Longyear truly is advantaged by our differences. The strength of the Boart Longyear brand forms a solid base for extending valued “We are the exploration drilling industry’s global leader and are clearly differentiated through our position as the only major integrated products and services provider. This integration provides a built-in continuous improvement and innovation loop leading to a stream of new product solutions and value-adding ideas.” 4 customer relationships by using our global reach to provide exceptional customer service anywhere in the world. It also: • gives us a first mover’s advantage on entering new markets and looking at acquisition opportunities; • Allows us to leverage our scale into even our smallest operation, from our purchasing power to our training programmes; and • Ensures our governance programmes are robust, from our ethics and good citizenship to our environment, health and safety efforts. As an organisation, I am proudest of how our people remained focused on operational excellence through a period of strong growth and significant change. We have delivered on our promises to the financial community, but, as important, we met the challenges of safeguarding our people in the field. Key among our efforts is our focus on safety, such that today, we maintain among the industry’s lowest Loss Time Injury (LTI) rates and continue to review every LTI at the highest level in of Company management. It is Boart Longyear’s global leadership in both drilling services and drilling products, coupled with our world-class product innovation, strong corporate values and commitment to the safety and training of our people around the world that will enable us to continue to provide high-quality, reliable products and services to our customers to meet their growing needs. I am confident that our integrated business model and strong financial position will assure Boart Longyear’s future success and that our differences will continue to create value for our investors and customers. Our primary Corporate value of “Safety First” is a commitment to each of our over 9000 employees around the world. In 2007, the Company launched new global training initiatives focused on retention, leadership and safety. PAUL BRUnnER MAnAgIng DIRECTOR Managing Director Brunner visits a sonic drilling project in Europe. 5 OUR inteGRateD DRillinG sOlUtiOns g & m i n e r als Drilling Servic e s minin Drilling Products Exploration Drilling Tools and Equipment Rock Drilling Tools and Equipment s e c i v r e S geotechnical and Environmental Tools g n i l l i r D y g r e n e Drilling ServiceS: Diamond core drilling Rotary drilling Rotary air blast drilling Dual tube reverse circulation drilling Sonic drilling Auger drilling Percussive drilling Probe drilling Drilling ProDUctS: Coring Diamond bits Drill rods and casing In-the-hole tools Percussive Percussive bits Drilling tools Tapered and threaded rods Pneumatic and hydraulic drills Environmental and geotechnical geotechnical drilling tools Overburden drilling tools Jet grouting tools Drilling rigs Surface coring rigs Underground coring rigs Longhole percussive drill rigs Reverse circulation drill rigs geotechnical and construction rigs 6 OpeRatiOns ReView bUsiness OVeRView Boart Longyear has been a leading provider of drilling services and products to the global minerals industry for well over a century. We operate an integrated business delivering high-quality drilling services and products to customers globally. DRillinG seRVices Our Drilling Services division operates in more than 35 countries across north America, South America, Asia and the Pacific rim, Europe and Sub-Saharan Africa. We have an international network of more than 50 zone locations that maintain and mobilise equipment close to key geographic markets. Our competitive strengths include: • global reach and longstanding relationships with a global customer base; • Access to equipment and consumables to enhance drilling productivity; • • Full suite of drilling services technologies; and Industry-leading safety and training programmes. MInIng AnD MInERALS We are the global leader for minerals exploration, supporting mining customers in the exploration, development and production of gold, copper, diamonds, platinum, uranium, and other metals and minerals. The rock core chips and samples we extract provide mining companies with critical information over the life of a mining project, from exploration through the development, production and closure of the mine. EnvIROnMEnTAL & InFRASTRUCTURE Our Environmental & Infrastructure drilling business continues to expand its presence and capabilities to serve customers in the following industries: • Environmental: drilling to support site investigation and remediation of contamination for both soil and groundwater; Environmental & InfrastructureDrilling Services OpeRatiOns ReView Key financial peRfORmance taRGets stateD in the pROspectUs haVe been met 2006/2007 yEAR OvER yEAR FInAnCIAL COMPARISOnS $2000 $1500 $1000 $500 $0 $1,576 $1,118 ‘07 ‘06 REvEnUE FROM COnTInUIng OPERATIOnS* In US$ M • Water: drilling in support of groundwater exploration and development, including the construction of water wells and servicing existing well and pumping systems; • geotechnical: subsurface investigative drilling for new construction and the repair and remediation of existing infrastructure systems; and • geo-construction: drilling for a variety of civil engineering and infrastructure construction projects. EnERgy We assist customers in the exploration and production of non-conventional energy sources, such as oil sands, oil shale and coal bed methane, by providing earth and rock core samples for analysis and by installing gas well casings and coal bed methane wells. Due to growing hydrocarbon consumption and uncertainty surrounding the supply of existing resources in the Middle East and other energy-producing states, major oil and gas companies and utilities are seeking to develop these alternative energy sources. DRillinG pRODUcts Our Products division develops, manufactures and sells coring tools, drilling capital equipment and percussive tools. These products are used in industries such as minerals, environmental, infrastructure, construction, stone and energy. Coring tools developed, manufactured and distributed by Boart Longyear include diamond coring bits, drill rods and wireline core extraction systems. The Products division also manufacturers drilling tools and accessories for the construction drilling and geotechnical markets globally. Many of our products use patented technologies. We are a recognised leader in the supply of drilling products to minerals drilling services providers, primarily for dedicated surface and underground coring rigs and bits. The majority of the Product division’s sales are to our Drilling Services division’s competitors, and an estimated 15 percent of the Product division’s manufacturing output is used by our Drilling Services division. $100 $60 $20 $0 $-20 $-60 $-100 $81 ‘07 ‘06 ($83) nET PROFIT (LOSS) FROM COnTInUIng OPERATIOnS* In US$ M $300 $250 $200 $150 $100 $50 $0 $297 $69 ‘06 ‘07 EBITDA FROM COnTInUIng OPERATIOnS* In US$ M $200 $150 $100 $50 $0 $-50 $158 ‘07 ‘06 ( $41) OPERATIng CAShFLOW* In US$ M *Statutory Basis 7 MInE ExPAnSIOn PROJECT UTAh, USA Around the world, Boart Longyear’s skilled employees and high- performance rigs and consumables are called upon to deliver excellent and safe results to our customers. OUR DIFFEREnCE- the inDUstRy’s Only maJOR inteGRateD DRillinG sOlUtiOns pROViDeR Because of our leading positions in drilling services and products, we truly understand the needs of our customers with regards to safety, people, training, environments, applications and geographies. As an experienced industry leader, we answer these needs with innovative drilling solutions that bring value to our customers, including: • Access to equipment in a supply- constrained market; • A continuous product development and innovation cycle; • Product engineering driven by the productivity requirements of our Drilling Services division; • A ‘speed to market’ advantage for new product development; • Market knowledge based on experience in the field; • Industry-leading safety practices; and • Early adoption of productivity- enhancing products. 8 DRillinG cOnsUmables DRillinG capital eQUipment DRillinG seRVices FOCUS On OUR inteGRateD bUsiness aDVantaGe: Our drilling consumables and capital equipment are developed in close collaboration with our Drilling Services division. In turn, we incorporate our experience in the field into our product engineering cycle. In 2007, we took additional steps to leverage the power of our integrated business model and the unique value of the information it provides our global engineering teams. Working together, our Drilling Services and Products divisions are actively sharing field data, challenges, safety requirements and best practices — driving our product development to new heights #1 pROViDeR: seRVices tO the mininG inDUstRy #1 pROViDeR: seRVices tO the Us enViROnmental inDUstRy #1 pROViDeR: pRODUcts tO the sURface eXplORatiOn inDUstRy #1 pROViDeR: pRODUcts tO the UnDeRGROUnD eXplORatiOn inDUstRy OUR DIFFEREnCE- fOcUseD GlObal leaDeRship pOsitiOn in Key inDUstRies DRillinG seRVices DRillinG pRODUcts Boart Longyear delivers expert drilling services solutions for a wide variety of applications to our customers around the world. Operating in more than 35 countries, our Drilling Services division is growing to meet increasing demand from our customers. Our teams are constantly developing tomorrow’s solutions, applying emerging technologies while offering time-tested, safe and performance-driven processes perfected in a variety of drilling applications around the globe. Boart Longyear is a world leader in the design, development and manufacture of products for mining, environmental, energy and construction applications. With state-of-the-art manufacturing centres and patented technologies, we offer world-class products such as coring, percussive, environmental and geotechnical consumables and drilling rigs that perform in the toughest applications. Drilling Services: Sonic Advantages: • Reverse circulation • Speed • Percussive • Cost-effectiveness • Underground and surface coring • Sonic • Less waste • Sample accuracy Surface Exploration Products: Underground Exploration Products: • LF Series coring rigs • LM Series coring rigs • Coring consumables • Coring consumables • KWL reverse • Percussive rigs and circulation and multipurpose rigs consumables 9 DRIvERS’ SAFETy TRAInIng ChATREE, ThAILAnD As part of our commitment to the safety of our employees, Boart Longyear conducts training on topics such as operator safety,safe driving, basic first aid and hIv/AIDS prevention at our locations around the world. OUR DIFFEREnCE- OUR RepUtatiOn fOR leaDinG the way in safety peRfORmance In 2007, Boart Longyear executed several new programmes and initiatives, received numerous awards and recognitions, and earned or maintained industry certifications, validating our commitment to the environment and the safety of others. InCIDEnT REPORTIng We improved the effectiveness of our environment, health and safety (EhS) incident reporting with the launch of a web-based system that allows immediate access to EhS data across the globe. This ‘real time’ information is captured and distributed across our operations globally to prevent future incidents by sharing best practices and lessons learned and expanding awareness of safety risks and solutions. EhS CERTIFICATIOnS In 2007, with the exception of recent acquisitions, all of our drill sites around the world and all 8 of our manufacturing plants were ISO 14001, and OhSAS 18001 certified, proof of our long-term commitment to the environment and the safety of our employees and customers today, and into the future. 10 FOCUS On eXcellence in safety: Boart Longyear’s reputation for safety is among the best in the industry. We proudly thank our employees for their commitment to safety and share these examples of 2007 safety performance acccomplishments. CODELCO DIvISIón AnDInA SAFETy AWARD Chile, December 2007 SAFETy InnOvATIOn AWARD nOMInATIOn Australia, 2007 BOART LOngyEAR SAFETy AWARD 1-MILLIOn hOURS WIThOUT SERIOUS InCIDEnT Thailand, 2007 KEnnECOTT hSEC AWARD Canada, 2007 BOART LOngyEAR SAFETy AWARD 12 MOnThS WIThOUT SERIOUS InCIDEnT Australia, 2007 CODELCO DIvISIón AnDInA SAFETy AWARD Chile, April 2007 QUICK DESCEnT CORE BARREL COnCEPTUAL ILLUSTRATIOn Our knowledge of drilling drives our product innovation. As the industry’s only integrated provider, we bring a unique perspective into designing tomorrow’s drilling solutions. OUR DIFFEREnCE- 24-hR GlObal enGineeRinG speeDs wORlD-class innOVatiOn tO maRKet Through Boart Longyear’s commitment to engineering, we accelerated technology development and speed to market, delivering solutions that improved performance, safety, productivity and ease of use. Internally, we combined our global engineering groups into “Centres of Expertise”, offering round-the-clock sharing of data, best practices and ideas. This 24-hour stream of information significantly shortened our product development cycle and led to the introduction of the following products in 2007: • Stage3TM diamond bit; • v-WallTM coring rod; • Quick DescentTM core barrel; • DeltaBase 105 environmental and infrastructure rigs; and • new line of reverse circulation drill rigs; In addition, we developed and readied for launch in Q1 2008 a reverse circulation rod handling system. FOCUS On incReasinG capacity: We continually seek to improve our manufacturing capacity, and in 2007 we significantly enhanced our manufacturing operations, particularly with respect to coring products and rigs. For example, at our new rig manufacturing plant in Wroklaw, Poland, we delivered 65 percent faster production through lean manufacturing. We improved our cost position through facility consolidation as well as other internal cost saving measures and positioned the recently acquired KWL business for rapid capacity increases for 2008. I y T C A P A C D E S A E R C n I E g A T n E C R E P y O y 100% 100% 50% ‘06 ‘07 Rods ‘07 ‘06 Bits ‘07 ‘06 Rigs PRODUCT LInE 11 MInERALS ExPLORATIOn SITE CAnADA At Boart Longyear, we hire the best people and provide them with superior training, mentoring and development programmes essential to recognising their exceptional performance, actions and ideas. OUR DIFFEREnCE- OVeR 9000 tRaineD, sKilleD anD DeDicateD emplOyees wORlDwiDe With a specific focus on training, development and retention of our drillers and drillers’ helpers, gAT involves a Zone Manager and top driller from each operational region and brings them together to find solutions for operational challenges and training needs to improve performance and reduce injuries, benefiting our people and delivering the best results to our customers. As a result of gAT initiatives, our personnel participate in the design and implementation of enhanced training and development programmes and see first-hand our commitment to safety, increased retention and career opportunities and deliver greater operational efficiencies for our business. FOCUS On sOnic UniVeRsity: Boart Longyear’s Sonic University is an accredited training program focused on sonic drilling technology. Students participate in both classroom and hands-on learning methods while gaining an in-depth understanding about sonic drilling and the advantages that come with this innovative, cutting-edge technology. Ensuring the courses are applicable to the field, coursework includes actual operation of a sonic drill rig, with coaching and feedback from master driller trainers. Since its inception in 2004, over 200 drillers have graduated from our Sonic University. People make the difference at Boart Longyear. We know that our success depends on our people and our continued investment in our workforce. We successfully added more than 1300 employees in 2007 despite significant labour shortages in certain key markets. Our workforce is of the most mobile in the industry and can meet our customers’ needs virtually anywhere in the world. TRAInIng AnD RETEnTIOn In a global environment of high demand for skilled employees, we strive to be the employer of choice in the industries we serve so we can meet the demand for our products and services with employees that are motivated, well-trained, safety- conscious and customer-focused. In 2007, along with the implementation of our Performance and Development Management system for salaried employees, Boart Longyear enhanced the training and development of our field employees, notably through the creation of a global Advisory Training (gAT) team. 12 SURFACE MInERALS ExPLORATIOn SITE InDOnESIA Through strategic acquisitions as well as organic growth, Boart Longyear is focusing on the regions, technologies and products that matter most to our customers. OUR DIFFEREnCE- fOcUseD On stRateGic GROwth Our Drilling Services division saw significant growth in 2007 with the successful completion of several strategic acquisitions and through organic growth. Our Products division, already the supplier of choice for many mines and drilling contractors in over 100 countries, launched several new products and acquired KWL, well-known for its high performance reverse circulation rigs. In addition to expanding our presence with existing customers, our acquisition of Prosonic, and the subsequent creation of our Environment & Infrastructure business, provides a platform for future growth opportunities. As the world’s drilling needs continue to expand, we are executing our plan to bolster our position in key markets while expanding into new geographies or into markets where we have had a limited presence. We have continued to partner with our customers to identify needs and opportunities for cutting-edge solutions and safety enhancements, and we constantly explore opportunities to leverage our core competencies into adjacent markets or relationships with new customers. FOCUS On Recent acQUisitiOns: December 2006 - Prosonic Corp., USA January 2007 - Connors Chile, Argentina January 2007 - KWL, Western Australia The acquisition of Prosonic Corporation, a provider of sonic drilling services in the United States and a number of international locations, strengthens our global ability to offer sonic drilling services to customers and brings a diverse fleet of sonic drill rigs for customers in the environmental, water and mining industries. Our acquisition of the Latin American operations of Connors Drilling, a highly successful provider of diamond drilling services, brings 33 drill rigs to our expanding operations in Latin America and enhances our global ability to offer a wide range of services to our mineral exploration customers. Along with completion of the acquisition, the Connors operation also won two important safety awards in their first year with Boart Longyear. We also acquired KWL, headquartered in Perth, Australia, a rapidly growing and well-regarded innovator and manufacturer of multipurpose and dual tube reverse circulation rigs. The acquisition complements our strong offering of surface and underground coring drilling rigs for mineral exploration, strengthens our global products capability, and positions us to lead the drill rig product market in Australia. 13 OUR DIFFEREnCE- OUR eXpanDinG GlObal fOOtpRint M exico U S A C anada Argentina Brazil n a mibia P eru C hile S outh Africa g hana Z a m bia S pain Ireland U K headquarters and Regional Offices Adelaide, Australia Salt Lake City, United States Mississauga, Canada Santiago, Chile venlo, netherlands Moscow, Russia Almaty, Kazakhstan Johannesburg, South Africa Recent Acquisitions KWL RC Rigs - Australia Drill Corp Minerals Exploration Drilling - Australia Connors, South America Minerals Exploration Drilling - Chile and Argentina northwest Drilling Minerals Exploration Drilling - Australia Prosonic Corp - United States Sonic Drilling grimwood Davies Minerals Exploration Drilling - Australia Patagonia Drilling Minerals Exploration Drilling - Argentina Britton Bros. Drilling Minerals Exploration Drilling - Canada and Mexico 14 AOAOMMOAAAMOAAOMM With experience in virtually every major global market, we have the ability to respond to any challenge. no other company has the versatility to provide that kind of service worldwide. n etherlands B elgiu m S witzerland n orw ay S w eden Finland g erm any g erm any P oland C zech R epublic Italy K azakhstan India R ussia T hailand Laos Indonesia A ustralia C hina n e w Z ealand This map depicts many, but not all, Boart Longyear projects and facilities worldwide. 15 Manufacturing Locations Perth, Australia Salt Lake City, Utah KWL Rigs Diamond Bits Adelaide, Australia Coring Rods north Bay, Canada In-the-hole Tools Wuxi, China Mississauga, Canada Coring Rods, Percussive Bits Percussive Tools Wroclaw, Poland DeltaBase Rigs Johannesburg, South Africa Percussive Drills Eiterfeld, germany DeltaTools MMMAAOOMMAAOOO MInERALS ExPLORATIOn SITE WESTERn AUSTRALIA Safety is the cornerstone of our business culture, and nothing is more important than the wellbeing of our employees. Our customers share this same priority, and benefit from our training programs and commitment to keeping “safety first.” OUR DIFFEREnCE- OUR ValUes SAFETy FIRST - EThICS AnD gOOD CITIZEnShIP - ExCEPTIOnAL RESULTS DEDICATIOn TO OUR CLIEnTS’ SUCCESS - MUTUAL TRUST AnD RESPECT Boart Longyear’s Corporate values define what matters most to our employees, investors and the communities in which we operate, and serve as a guide for our business operations. Our directors, management and employees understand the fundamental importance of these values, and are guided by them in our decision making each and every day. In Brazil, our employees reached five million hours without a lost work day case by putting safety first. Our teams in Canada focused on delivering exceptional results to our customers by breaking records for meters drilled per shift. In Thailand, our Drilling Services division made outstanding contributions to their community by providing water wells to villages and hospitals. no matter where you go in the world you will find Boart Longyear employees putting our values into action. FOCUS On GOOD citiZenship: As part of Boart Longyear’s commitment to being a responsible global corporate citizen, in 2007 the Company signed on as one of the main sponsors of the Rainbow Elizabetha Project, in the impoverished and AIDS-stricken Kantolomba district of ndola, Zambia. The project, which runs entirely on sponsorships and the assistance of members from its community, provides shelter and counseling for hIv/AIDS-related issues and a nutritional food supplement program. It also helps support two community schools. With the support of Boart Longyear, these schools educated almost 600 students and provided 1500 books to the children. In addition, monetary support from the Company provided medicines, food, baby formula, mosquito nets and school uniforms, while Boart Longyear’s local services team is drilling a borehole to provide clean running water to the Project’s home and assisting the facility with access to electricity. This program is just one of the many global projects underway with donations of time and money from our Company and employees. 16 OUR bOaRD Of DiRectORs gr gRAhAM BRADLEy (ChAIRMAn) BRUCE BROOK gEOFF hAnDLEy DAvID McCLEMORE PETER ST. gEORgE PAUL BRUnnER graham BraDley geoff hanDley Peter St. george BA and LLB (hons 1) from Sydney University and LLM from harvard Law School. BSc (hons) (geology and Chemistry) from James Cook University of north Queensland. geoff handley is Chairman of the Environment health & Safety Committee and a member of the Audit Compliance & Risk Committee. he is currently director of Toronto- and ASE-listed Endeavour Silver Corp and Eldorado gold Corporation, ASx-listed Pan Australian Resources Ltd and the unlisted Oryx Mining and Exploration Ltd. Mr. handley has over 30 years’ technical and financial experience in the mining industry, most recently as EvP, Strategic Development with Placer Dome Inc., with responsibility for global exploration, acquisitions and strategic planning. DaviD mclemore BSc from Oklahoma State University. David McLemore is a member of the nomination & Remuneration Committee and the Environment health & Safety Committee. Mr. McLemore acted as Chairman and then Deputy Chairman of Boart Longyear from 2005 during its ownership by Advent International, Bain Capital and later the Macquarie Bank-led consortium of investors. Mr. McLemore served in various capacities for general Electric from 1985 to 1997 and has 35 years’ broad industrial and operational experience, including eight years with Advent International. graham Bradley is Chairman of the Board and a member of the Remuneration & nomination Committee. he is currently Chairman of ASx- listed Stockland Corporation Ltd and a director of Singapore Telecommunications Ltd and Po valley Energy Ltd. he also chairs unlisted entities Anglo American Australia Ltd and hSBC Bank Australia Ltd. Mr. Bradley was formerly a director and Chairman of ASx-listed Proteome Systems Ltd. From 1995 to 2003, Mr. Bradley was the CEO of the listed investment management group Perpetual Ltd. he spent four years as the CEO of law firm Blake Dawson and 12 years at McKinsey & Company. BrUce Brook B.Comm and B.Accounting from the University of Witwatersrand. Bruce Brook is Chairman of the Audit Compliance & Risk Committee and a member of the Environment health & Safety Committee. he currently is a director and Chairman of Audit Committee of Lihir gold Ltd and Snowy hydro Ltd. he recently retired as director of Consolidated Minerals Ltd. Mr. Brook was the CFO of WMC Resources Limited from 2002 to 2005 and has 30 years’ experience in various roles, including Deputy CFO of AnZ Banking group Ltd, group Chief Accountant of Pacific Dunlop Ltd, gM, group Accounting at CRA Ltd and general Manager, Accounting and Services at Pasminco Ltd. he is a fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia. MBA from the University of Cape Town. Peter St. george is Chairman of the nomination & Remuneration Committee and a member of the Audit Compliance & Risk Committee. Mr. St. george is currently a director of Toronto-listed First Quantum Minerals Ltd, a director of Spark Infrastructure group, Powercor Australia Ltd. and Citipower Pty Ltd, as well as Chairman of financial services firm, Walter Turnbull. he also was a director of SFE Corporation Ltd from 2000 until July 2006 and served as CEO/Co-CEO of Salomon Smith Barney Australia/ natWest Markets Australia from 1995 to 2001. In addition, Mr. St. george served more than 20 years in senior corporate advisory roles at natWest Markets and hill Samuel & Co in London. Mr. St. george qualified as a Chartered Accountant in South Africa. PaUl BrUnner BSc from Colorado School of Mines and an MBA from harvard Business School. Paul Brunner joined Boart Longyear’s Canadian operation in 1987. he was appointed as CEO of Boart Longyear in 2004, having been Managing Director from 2000. he was Boart Longyear’s South American Regional Director for six years and held senior management positions in Canada for six years. 17 OUR leaDeRship team PAUL BRUnnER CRAIg KIPP DOn nEWMAn PATRICK JOhnSOn FABRIZIO RASETTI ChIEF ExECUTIvE OFFICER AnD PRESIDEnT ChIEF OPERATIng OFFICER InTERIM ChIEF FInAnCIAL OFFICER, vICE PRESIDEnT AnD CORPORATE COnTROLLER SEnIOR vICE PRESIDEnT, hUMAn RESOURCES SEnIOR vICE PRESIDEnT, gEnERAL COUnSEL AnD SECRETARy PaUl BrUnner See page 17. craig kiPP BA and MA (Mechanical Engineering) from Univ. of north Dakota and MBA from Univ. of Chicago. Craig Kipp was appointed as COO of Boart Longyear in 2005. Prior to Boart Longyear, he was employed in various capacities by general Electric from 1983 to 2005, including as President and COO of the global nuclear Fuel division, general Manager of China and hungary operations. Don neWman BAcc from Univ. of Minnesota. Don newman joined the Company in October 2006 as vice President, Corporate Controller. In October 2007, he was appointed the Interim Chief Financial Officer. Prior to joining Boart Longyear, Mr. newman was vice President and Corporate Controller of nASDAQ-listed Transaction Systems Architects for three years. Mr. newman also worked twelve years for nySE-listed nRg Energy in a number of finance leadership roles. Patrick JohnSon BBA (Accounting) and MA (human Resource Mgmt) from Univ. of houston. Patrick Johnson was appointed Senior vice President, human Resources in January 2006. Prior to Boart Longyear, he was Managing Director of human Resources for global Operations at Applied Materials, having served there in various capacities for the previous six years. Mr. Johnson also was the vice President of human Resources for TECO Westinghouse and held positions at Arabian American Oil Company and Star Enterprise. he holds a Senior Professional in human Resources certificate, and a Certified Employee Benefit Specialist qualification from IFEB and the Wharton School. faBrizio raSetti BSc (Foreign Service) and JD from georgetown Univ. Fabrizio Rasetti joined the Company in April 2006. Prior to Boart Longyear, he was a Segment general Counsel 18 SCOTT ALExAnDER MIKE BIRCh vICE PRESIDEnT, gLOBAL DRILLIng SERvICES vICE PRESIDEnT, gLOBAL PRODUCTS AnD SALES and Segment vice-President for Business Development for nySE-listed SPx Corporation and served in various other management roles during his nine-years there. Prior to SPx Corporation, he worked in the private law firms of howrey & Simon and Towey & Associates in Washington, DC. Scott aleXanDer BBA (Marketing) from the Univ. of Wisconsin. Scott Alexander was appointed vice President, global Drilling Services in 2006. Prior to Boart Longyear, he was vice President of Manitowoc Crane’s aftermarket operations in the Americas. he also has held several leadership positions at Joy global and Bucyrus International. michael Birch BSc (Business) from Brigham young Univ. Mike Birch was appointed vice President, global Products in 2006. Prior to Boart Longyear, he worked for Black and Decker for 15 years in a variety of roles, including vice President and general Manager for Baldwin hardware and Director of Marketing for DeWalt Industrial Power Tool division. 19

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