Annual Report 2015

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Raw materials for a clean and energy efficient future 2015 AnnUAl RePORT Contents 2015 Highlights Chairman’s letters Review of Operations Annual financial Report directors’ report Auditor’s independence declaration independent auditor’s report director’s declaration Consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income Consolidated statement of financial position Consolidated statement of changes in equity Consolidated statement of cash flows notes to the accounts 1 General information 2 Significant accounting policies 3 Critical accounting estimates and judgments 4 Segmented information 5 Revenue 6 Expenditure 7 Income tax expense 8 Cash and equivalents 9 Trade and receivables 10 Other assets 11 Property plant and equipment 12 Capitalised exploration and evaluation expenditure 13 Trade and other payables 14 Other liabilities 15 Provisions 16 Issued capital 17 Reserves 18 Dividends 19 Accumulated loss 20 Loss per share 21 Commitments for expenditure 22 Subsidiaries 23 Notes to the statement of cash flows 24 Share based payments 25 Financial instruments 26 Key management personnel compensation 27 Key management personnel equity holdings 28 Transactions with related parties 29 Parent company information 30 Remuneration of auditors 31 Subsequent events Additional stock exchange information Greenland Minerals and enerGy liMiTed – 2015 AnnUAl RePORT 1 2 4 17 18 33 34 36 37 38 39 40 41 41 41 50 51 51 51 53 54 54 55 55 56 57 57 58 58 59 60 60 60 61 61 62 62 64 67 68 72 72 73 73 74 Corporate Directory direcTors Anthony Ho non-executive Chairman John Mair Managing Director Simon Cato non-executive Director Michael Hutchinson non-executive Director CHief finAnCiAl OffiCeR/COMPAny SeCRetARy Miles Guy ReGiSteRed And HeAd OffiCe Unit 6, 100 Railway Road Subiaco WA 6008 Greenland nuugaarmiunt B-847 3921 narsaq, Greenland HOMe StOCk exCHAnGe Australian Securities exchange, Perth Code: GGG GGGOA GGGOB audiTors Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu SHARe ReGiStRy Advanced Share Registry 110 Stirling Highway nedlands WA 6009 COMPAny WeBSite 2015 Highlights Kvanefjeld Feasibility Study complete, confirming the project can be developed to be a highly profitable, low-cost diversified producer of rare earth products, uranium, zinc and fluorspar Maiden Ore Reserve estimate established – 108 million tonnes, to underpin initial 37 year mine-life, with clear potential to expand capacity and increase mine life Two large-scale pilot plant operations successfully conducted in Finland in association with the EURARE program. The first pilot plant tested the beneficiation circuit and generated two tonnes of mineral concentrate. The second pilot plant successfully operated the refinery circuit, and demonstrated higher than expected recoveries. The pilot plant operations confirmed Kvanefjeld’s status as one of the most advanced rare earth and uranium projects globally Pre-hearing white paper completed and approved by Government of Greenland, along with Terms of Reference. This sets an agreed development strategy Significant progress made by the Government of Greenland on enhancing their regulatory framework to effectively manage the production and export of uranium in accordance with international best-practice. Landmark agreement reached between Greenland and Denmark on uranium exports in early 2016 Completion of the environmental and social impact assessments, which together with the Feasibility study, constitute an exploitation (mining) license application. The application was then lodged with the Government of Greenland to commence the guidance phase which provides feedback prior to finalising material for public hearings Greenland Minerals and enerGy liMiTed – 2015 AnnUAl RePORT 1 Chairman's letter Dear Shareholder, In 2015 our Company made major progress toward securing a mining license for our key exploration license in Greenland that hosts Kvanefjeld and related rare earth and uranium deposits. Against the negative headwinds that have affected much of the resource sector globally, this was both an all-important and transformative development. Securing a license to operate is critical to any successful mining venture, and, as is widely known, projects that involve uranium have heightened levels of scrutiny and attention. We are confident that the Kvanefjeld project is well-positioned for the current low ebb in the mining cycle with major technical studies complete and a focus on permitting. This will have the Company well placed to commercialise the Kvanefjeld project, with the aim of having permits in place as sector interest rejuvenates. I believe Kvanefjeld has strong appeal to major industrial groups operating in the rare earth and uranium sectors, owing to the expansive resource inventories, long-projected mine life, and low operating costs. This has been reiterated by the cross section of groups that our Company continues to engage and advance discussions with. With the permitting process underway, increased confidence in political support and timelines will continue to de-risk the project, and assist in securing strong strategic partners to facilitate the projects development. Kvanefjeld is arguably Greenland’s highest profile mining project, and significant political capital has now been invested over a number of years to establish the regulatory framework that is required to see the project developed. Based on the achievements of 2015, it is safe to say, the Kvanefjeld project has never been better positioned. However, in recognising the challenging market conditions the Company has cut costs significantly, with the aim of working through the permitting phase as efficiently, and cost-effectively as possible. While rare earth prices along with uranium prices have remained low, and many sector peers have stalled or retreated, we have maintained focus. By virtue, Kvanefjeld’s status as one of the most advanced rare earth and uranium projects globally has been further consolidated. Importantly, we have managed to reach this point while still maintaining 100% control of the project. Yours sincerely Anthony Ho non-executive Chairman 2 Greenland Minerals and enerGy liMited – 2015 AnnuAl RepoRt Based on the achievements of 2015, it is safe to say, the Kvanefjeld project has never been better positioned. 3 Greenland Minerals and enerGy liMited – 2015 AnnuAl RepoRt Review of Operations Greenland Minerals and energy limited (GMEL) complete a successful year through the achievement of key objectives and milestones. The year concluded with the completion and lodgment of a mining license application for the Kvanefjeld Project. This represented the culmination of work conducted on and associated with the project since 2007 across technical, corporate and stakeholder focused areas. GMEL’s key license in southern Greenland is held through a full owned subsidiary, Greenland Minerals and Energy (Trading) A/S. The license has three delineated deposits that collectively comprise a global JORC (2012) resource estimate of 1 billion tonnes, containing 593 Mlbs U3O8, and 11Mt rare earth oxide and 5.3 Blbs zinc (ASX Announcement, 12 February, 2015). The deposits remain open, and represent one of the world’s largest undeveloped resources of rare earth metals and uranium. The initial development strategy focuses on a subset of Kvanefjeld, the most advanced of the three deposits. A 108 Mt ore reserve (ASX Announcement, 3 June, 2015) has been established, and is sufficient to sustain a 37 year mine life. The project is set to produce a rare earth product containing praseodymium, neodymium, dysprosium and terbium (the key permanent magnet components), uranium oxide, zinc concentrate and fluorspar. The processing of the mining license application for Kvanefjeld is a key focus in 2016. In addition, the Company will look to identify and pursue further value add initiatives afforded by the broader project area and contained mineral resources. Mineral Resource estimate Update for the kvanefjeld Project A new estimate was completed in February 2015 and was undertaken following an increase in the density of geochemical data at the Kvanefjeld deposit that was generated from assay program in late 2014 on historically- drilled cores. The resource estimates for the Sørensen and Zone 3 deposits remained unchanged. All mineral resources are compliant with the JORC-code 2012. kvanefjeld deposit: ■■ Increase in overall resources to 673 million tonnes (8.7% increase), containing 368 million pounds U3O8 (5% increase), 7.4 million tonnes Total Rare earth Oxide (12% increase) ■■ 143 million tonnes in ‘Measured’ category @ 303ppm U3O8, 1.2% TReO and 0.24% zinc ■■ This includes 54 million tonnes @ 403ppm U3O8, 1.4% TReO and 0.24% zinc ■■ Measured category resources form the uppermost part of the Kvanefjeld deposit, and are readily accessible for mining Global Resources (All three deposits) ■■ Project global resources now stands at 1.01 billion tonnes containing 593 million pounds U3O8, 11.13 million tonnes TReO The Kvanefjeld deposit will be the starting point of mining operations. In conjunction with the outcomes of feasibility study components, the measured category resources provided the basis for establishing the initial mine reserve. The mineral resource estimate was carried out by SRK Consulting, who also produced the mine schedule. Drill intercepts from outside Kvanefjeld, Sørensen and Zone 3 resource shells highlight the extent of widespread mineralisation throughout the northern Ilimaussaq Complex, and the resource upside (Figure 1). The mineral resource update confirmed that GMEL’s 100% controlled license contains one of the world’s largest undeveloped JORC-code (2012) compliant resources of both rare earth elements and uranium. 4 Greenland Minerals and enerGy liMited – 2015 AnnuAl RepoRt The deposits remain open, and represent one of the world’s largest undeveloped resources of rare earth metals and uranium. figure 1: Overview of GMEL’s 100% controlled license over the northern Ilimaussaq Complex in southern Greenland. Three JORC code-compliant mineral resources have been established from an ore seam that persists over >502km. Widespread mineralisation has been demonstrated to occur outside established resource envelopes. The initial development strategy, that is now in the permitting phase, is focussed on just the Kvanefjeld Deposit, where a ore reserve estimate has been established that is sufficient to sustain an initial 37 year mine life. 5 GreenlandNuukGodhavnTasiilaqNordScoresbysundNarsaqKvanefjeld Project400kmGreenland Minerals and enerGy liMited – 2015 AnnuAl RepoRt Review of Operations (continued) kvanefjeld feasibility Study GMEL completed the Feasibility Study in May 2015, the Study proposes a development strategy to mine 3 million tonnes per annum to produce 250,000 tonnes of rare earth and uranium rich mineral concentrate, and 15,000 tonnes of zinc concentrate (sphalerite). The rare earth and uranium rich mineral concentrate is then refined to produce: ■■ 7,900 tonnes of high-purity critical mixed rare earth concentrate (nd, Pr, eu, Tb, Dy, Y) ■■ 512 tonnes of uranium oxide ■■ Lanthanum and cerium by-products ■■ Fluorspar is recovered from the flotation circuit the production of the above products will take place in Greenland. the key strengths of the project include: ■■ A world-class multi-element resource base that remains open to expansion, allowing for further development opportunities ■■ A simple process flow sheet that has been rigorously developed, which concentrates the key value minerals into a low-mass, high grade mineral concentrate for efficient refining ■■ Unlike many projects in the rare earth sector (developed or emerging), the mineral concentrate can be treated by a simple atmospheric acid leach circuit, without complex and costly mineral cracking, presenting significant cost benefits with reduced technical risk ■■ By-product credits reduce the costs of rare earth production significantly ■■ Incremental cost of recovering uranium is low at less than $5.80/lb U3O8 ■■ Ability to land lanthanum and cerium products in Europe for 5 years $' 000 total $' 000 - - - - 2,706 43 2,749 - 5,569 172 5,741 dec 2015 Cash and equivalents Trade and receivables - current dec 2014 Cash and equivalents Trade and receivables - current 64 65 6565 Greenland Minerals and enerGy liMited and Controlled entities – 2015 AnnuAl FInAnCIAl RepoRt Greenland Minerals and energy limited And Controlled entities 31 december 2015 financial Report notes to the accounts 25: financial instruments The following table details the Consolidated Group’s remaining contractual maturity for its non- derivative financial liabilities. The tables have been drawn up based on the undiscounted cash flows of financial liabilities based on the earliest date on which the Group can be required to pay. The table includes both interest and principal cash flows. Weighted Average effective interest rate % - - - - < 6 Months $' 000 6 – 12 Months $' 000 1 – 5 years $' 000 > 5 years $' 000 total $' 000 987 - 987 786 - 786 - - - - 85 85 - - - - - - - - - - - - 987 - 987 786 85 871 dec 2015 Trade and other payables Other liabilities dec 2014 Trade and other payables Other liabilities (e) interest rate risk The Consolidated Group is exposed to interest rate risk because it places funds on deposit at variable rates. The risk is managed by the Consolidated Group by monitoring interest rates. The Consolidated Group’s exposures to interest rates on financial assets and financial liabilities are detailed in the liquidity risk management section of this note. The Group has performed sensitivity analysis relating to its exposure to interest rate risk at balance date. This sensitivity analysis demonstrates the effect on the current year results and equity post tax which could result from a change in these risks. In the analysis a 1% or 100 basis points movement has been applied on the assumption that interest rates are unlikely to move up more than that and less likely to fall. This is taking into account the current interest rate levels and general state of the economy. There has been no change in managing credit risk or the method of measuring risk from the prior year. interest Rate Sensitivity Analysis At 31 December 2015, the effect on profit and equity as a result of changes in the interest rate, with all other variables remaining constant would be as follows: Change in profit Increase in interest rate by 1% (100 basis points) Decrease in interest rate by 1% (100 basis points) dec 2015 $' 000 dec 2014 $' 000 23 (23) 74 (71) A 1% or 100 basis points variable has been applied to the interest rate sensitivity analysis, after giving consideration to the current interest rate levels and general state economy. 66 66 Greenland Minerals and enerGy liMited and Controlled entities – 2015 AnnuAl FInAnCIAl RepoRt notes to the accounts 25: financial instruments The following table details the Consolidated Group’s remaining contractual maturity for its non- derivative financial liabilities. The tables have been drawn up based on the undiscounted cash flows of financial liabilities based on the earliest date on which the Group can be required to pay. The table includes both interest and principal cash flows. Weighted Average effective interest rate % - - - - < 6 6 – 12 Months Months $' 000 $' 000 1 – 5 years $' 000 > 5 years $' 000 total $' 000 987 - 987 786 - 786 - - - - 85 85 - - - - - - - - - - - - 987 - 987 786 85 871 dec 2015 Trade and other payables Other liabilities dec 2014 Trade and other payables Other liabilities (e) interest rate risk The Consolidated Group is exposed to interest rate risk because it places funds on deposit at variable rates. The risk is managed by the Consolidated Group by monitoring interest rates. The Consolidated Group’s exposures to interest rates on financial assets and financial liabilities are detailed in the liquidity risk management section of this note. The Group has performed sensitivity analysis relating to its exposure to interest rate risk at balance date. This sensitivity analysis demonstrates the effect on the current year results and equity post tax which could result from a change in these risks. In the analysis a 1% or 100 basis points movement has been applied on the assumption that interest rates are unlikely to move up more than that and less likely to fall. This is taking into account the current interest rate levels and general state of the There has been no change in managing credit risk or the method of measuring risk from the prior economy. year. interest Rate Sensitivity Analysis At 31 December 2015, the effect on profit and equity as a result of changes in the interest rate, with all other variables remaining constant would be as follows: Change in profit Increase in interest rate by 1% (100 basis points) Decrease in interest rate by 1% (100 basis points) A 1% or 100 basis points variable has been applied to the interest rate sensitivity analysis, after giving consideration to the current interest rate levels and general state economy. dec 2015 $' 000 dec 2014 $' 000 23 (23) 74 (71) 66 Greenland Minerals and energy limited And Controlled entities 31 december 2015 financial Report Greenland Minerals and energy limited And Controlled entities 31 december 2015 financial Report notes to the accounts 25: Financial instruments (cont’d) fair value of financial instruments The carrying value of all financial instruments is the approximate fair value of the instruments. This is based on the fact that all financial instruments have either a short term date of maturity or are loans to subsidiaries. 26: key management personnel compensation The aggregate compensation made to key management personnel of the Consolidated Group is set out below: Short-term employee benefits Post-employment benefits Other long-term benefits – provision for long service leave Share-based payment year ended 31 dec 2015 $ 795,100 65,075 year ended 31 dec 2014 $ 1,388,702 92,689 22,633 - 882,808 37,942 711,329 2,230,662 Refer to the remuneration report included in pages 24 to 31 of the Directors report for more detailed remuneration disclosures. 67 6767 Greenland Minerals and enerGy liMited and Controlled entities – 2015 AnnuAl FInAnCIAl RepoRt d e t i i m l y g r e n e d n a i l s a r e n M d n a n e e r G l s e i t i t n e d e l l o r t n o C d n A t r o p e R l a i i c n a n f 5 1 0 2 r e b m e c e d 1 3 e c n a l a B e g n a h c r e h t o t e n n o d e v i e c e R s n o i t p o f o e s i c r e x e s a d e t n a r G n o i t a s n e p m o c r a e y e c n a l a B i f o g n n n g e b t a i d e t i i m L y g r e n E d n a l i s a r e n M d n a n e e r G l f o s e r a h s i y r a n d r o d a p y i l i s g n d o h y t i u q e l e n n o s r e p t n e m e g a n a m y e k : 7 2 l l u F s t n u o c c a e h t o t s e t o n 68 i y l l a n m o n d l e h e c n a l a B r a e y f o d n e t a . o n . o n ) i ( . o n - 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Advanced Share Registry Limited provides share registry services to Greenland Minerals and energy Limited. These services are supplied on normal commercial terms and Mr Cato does not receive any remuneration from Advanced Share Registry Limited based on the supply of share registry services to the Consolidated Group. For the year ended 31 December 2015 $73,365 was paid to Advance Share Registry Limited for services provided (Dec 2014: $83,333). 29: Parent Company information financial position Total Current Assets Total non-Current Assets Total Assets Total Current liabilities Total non-current liabilities Total liabilities net Assets equity Issued Capital Reserves Accumulated losses Total equity financial Performance Profit (loss) for the year total comprehensive income Parent dec 2015 $' 000 dec 2014 $' 000 2,863 73,856 76,719 1,044 97 1,141 75,578 5,804 69,369 75,173 893 50 943 74,230 348,361 19,813 (292,596) 75,578 344,349 18,833 (288,952) 74,230 3,645 3,645 6,321 6,321 Contingent liabilities The parent company has no contingent liabilities as at 31 December 2015 or 2014. Guarantees Greenland Minerals and energy limited has guaranteed the provision of funding and support to the Company’s 100% held subsidiary, Greenland Minerals and energy limited (Trading) A/S). This funding forms part of the Consolidated Group’s approved budgeted expenditure. Greenland Minerals and Energy Limited has placed $220,000 and $169,905 into two separate deposit accounts with the Company’s bank. These deposits are held by the bank as security over corporate credit cards issued to the Company and deposit bond and lease office premises respectively. 72 72 Greenland Minerals and enerGy liMited and Controlled entities – 2015 AnnuAl FInAnCIAl RepoRt notes to the accounts 30: Remuneration of auditors Auditor of the parent entity Audit or review of the financial report Other assurance services non-audit services - taxation Related practice of the parent entity auditor Audit or review of the financial report non-audit services – taxation non-audit services – other Greenland Minerals and energy limited And Controlled entities 31 december 2015 financial Report dec 2015 $ 101,633 8,000 - 109,633 dec 2015 $ 26,316 1,583 1,583 29,482 dec 2014 $ 91,350 8,500 8,085 107,935 dec 2014 $ 26,661 1,838 2,942 31,441 The auditor of Greenland Minerals and energy limited is Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu. 31: Subsequent events The Company on 16 February 2016 issued 15,000,000 GGGOB options. These options were issued under the Secondary Trading Prospectus issued on 2 February 2016. The options were issued to Corporate Advisers for corporate advisory services to be provided. Other than the matter above, there have been no matters or circumstances occurring subsequent to the financial period that has significantly affected, or may significantly affect, the operations of the Consolidated Group, the results of those operations, or the state of affairs of the Consolidated Group in future years. Greenland Minerals and energy limited And Controlled entities 31 december 2015 financial Report notes to the accounts 28: transactions with related parties Simon Cato is a non-executive Director and Chairman of Advanced Share Registry limited. Advanced Share Registry Limited provides share registry services to Greenland Minerals and energy Limited. These services are supplied on normal commercial terms and Mr Cato does not receive any remuneration from Advanced Share Registry Limited based on the supply of share registry services to the Consolidated Group. For the year ended 31 December 2015 $73,365 was paid to Advance Share Registry Limited for services provided (Dec 2014: $83,333). 29: Parent Company information financial position Total Current Assets Total non-Current Assets Total Assets Total Current liabilities Total non-current liabilities Total liabilities net Assets equity Issued Capital Reserves Accumulated losses Total equity financial Performance Profit (loss) for the year total comprehensive income Contingent liabilities Guarantees Parent dec 2015 $' 000 dec 2014 $' 000 2,863 73,856 76,719 1,044 97 1,141 75,578 5,804 69,369 75,173 893 50 943 74,230 348,361 19,813 (292,596) 75,578 344,349 18,833 (288,952) 74,230 3,645 3,645 6,321 6,321 The parent company has no contingent liabilities as at 31 December 2015 or 2014. Greenland Minerals and energy limited has guaranteed the provision of funding and support to the Company’s 100% held subsidiary, Greenland Minerals and energy limited (Trading) A/S). This funding forms part of the Consolidated Group’s approved budgeted expenditure. Greenland Minerals and Energy Limited has placed $220,000 and $169,905 into two separate deposit accounts with the Company’s bank. These deposits are held by the bank as security over corporate credit cards issued to the Company and deposit bond and lease office premises respectively. 72 73 7373 Greenland Minerals and enerGy liMited and Controlled entities – 2015 AnnuAl FInAnCIAl RepoRt Greenland Minerals and energy limited And Controlled entities 31 december 2015 financial Report additional stock exchange information as at 10th february 2016 Consolidated Group secretary Miles Guy Registered office Unit 6, 100 Railway Road, Subiaco Western Australia, 6008 Principal administration office Unit 6, 100 Railway Road, Subiaco Western Australia, 6008 Share registry Advanced Share Registry Services 110 Stirling Highway nedlands, Western Australia, 6009 number of holders of equity securities Ordinary share capital 787,708,978 fully paid ordinary shares are held by 3,701 individual shareholders. table of exploration licenses Exploration Licence EL 2010/02 Location Southern Greenland Ownership 100% held by Greenland Minerals and Energy (Trading) A/S 74 74 Greenland Minerals and enerGy liMited and Controlled entities – 2015 AnnuAl FInAnCIAl RepoRt additional stock exchange information as at 10th february 2016 additional stock exchange information as at 10th february 2016 Greenland Minerals and energy limited And Controlled entities 31 december 2015 financial Report Greenland Minerals and energy limited And Controlled entities 31 december 2015 financial Report Consolidated Group secretary Miles Guy Registered office Unit 6, 100 Railway Road, Subiaco Western Australia, 6008 Principal administration office Unit 6, 100 Railway Road, Subiaco Western Australia, 6008 Share registry Advanced Share Registry Services 110 Stirling Highway nedlands, Western Australia, 6009 number of holders of equity securities Ordinary share capital 787,708,978 fully paid ordinary shares are held by 3,701 individual shareholders. table of exploration licenses Exploration Licence Location EL 2010/02 Southern Greenland 100% held by Greenland Minerals and Ownership Energy (Trading) A/S Substantial Shareholders Shareholder 1. 2. 3. Citicorp Nominees Pty Limited JP Morgan nominees Australia limited HSBC Custody nominees (Australia) limited number 178,825,785 128,792,694 107,222,859 Percentage 22.7% 16.4% 13.6% Distribution of holders of quoted shares Share Spread Holders 1 – 1,000 1,001 – 5,000 5,001 – 10,000 10,001 – 100,000 100,001 and over 368 830 569 1,412 522 3,701 Units 152,723 2,489,412 4,655,979 53,458,614 726,952,250 787,708,978 Percentage 0.019% 0.316% 0.591% 6.787% 92.287% 100% twenty largest holders of quoted shares ABn Amro Clearing Sydney nominees Pty limited Flourish Super Pty Limited Ordinary shareholders 1. Citicorp Nominees Pty Limited 2. JP Morgan nominees Australia limited 3. HSBC Custody nominees (Australia) limited 4. Rimbal Pty limited John Mair 5. 6. Jay and linda Hughes 7. Hackleton Investments limited 8. 9. 10. Jeremy Sean Whybrow 11. Simon Cato 12. elinora Investments Pty limited 13. Giacobbe, Dimitri and David Iesini 14. Merrill lynch (Australia) nominees Pty limited 15. Notarianni Nominees Pty Limited 16. national nominees limited 17. Peter Harry Hatch 18. LS Whitehall Group Inc 19. BNP Paribas Nominees Pty Limited 20. KGBR Future Fund Pty limited fully paid ordinary shares Percentage 22.7% 16.4% 13.6% 2.6% 1.0% 0.9% 0.9% 0.9% 0.9% 0.8% 0.7% 0.7% 0.7% 0.7% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.5% 0.4% 66.3% number 178,825,785 128,792,694 107,222,859 20,887,624 7,989,062 7,000,000 6,845,000 6,792,321 6,750,000 6,260,200 5,843,984 5,006,486 5,431,505 5,353,411 4,190,959 4,116,359 4,000,000 3,872,840 3,858,308 3,000,000 522,039,397 74 75 7575 Greenland Minerals and enerGy liMited and Controlled entities – 2015 AnnuAl FInAnCIAl RepoRt Greenland Minerals and energy limited And Controlled entities 31 december 2015 financial Report additional stock exchange information as at 10th february 2016 distribution of holders of quoted options - GGGoa Share Spread Holders 1 – 1,000 1,001 – 5,000 5,001 – 10,000 10,001 – 100,000 100,001 and over 170 201 85 167 75 698 Units 87,879 539,017 642,368 6,173,896 98,215,012 105,658,172 Percentage 0.083% 0.510% 0.608% 5.843% 92.955% 100% twenty largest holders of GGGoa options JP Morgan nominees Australia limited GGGOA Option holders 1. HSBC Custody nominees (Australia) limited 2. Citicorp Nominees Pty Limited 3. 4. Roderick McIllree 5. Hackleton Investments limited Sampension KP Livsforsikring 6. Potatomagic Pty limited 7. 8. Paul Damian Conboy 9. Walter Graham 10. Catchpole Investments Pty Limited 11. Dymax Consultants Pty limited 12. Twofivetwo Pty limited 13. Jomot Pty limited 14. Prof Paul Edmond O’Brien 15. Cameron French 16. national nominees limited 17. Michael Anthony Brownlee 18. Adonis Kiritsopoulos and Jennifer Anne Ford 19. Jaycem Pty Limited 20. James Bradley Richardson fully paid ordinary shares number 21,016,999 13,921,067 8,550,786 7,888,130 6,845,000 5,000,000 2,485,237 2,324,509 1,954,146 1,868,106 1,600,000 1,516,750 1,469,590 1,400,000 1,100,000 1,090,786 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 616,666 83,647,772 Percentage 20.0% 13.2% 8.1% 7.5% 6.5% 4.7% 2.3% 2.2% 1.9% 1.7% 1.5% 1.4% 1.4% 1.3% 1.1% 1.0% 1.0% 1.0% 1.0% 0.5% 79.2% 76 76 Greenland Minerals and enerGy liMited and Controlled entities – 2015 AnnuAl FInAnCIAl RepoRt Greenland Minerals and energy limited And Controlled entities 31 december 2015 financial Report Greenland Minerals and energy limited And Controlled entities 31 december 2015 financial Report additional stock exchange information as at 10th february 2016 Additional stock exchange information as at 10th february 2016 distribution of holders of quoted options - GGGoa distribution of holders of quoted options - GGGoB Share Spread Holders Units Percentage Share Spread Holders Units Percentage 1 – 1,000 1,001 – 5,000 5,001 – 10,000 10,001 – 100,000 100,001 and over 170 201 85 167 75 698 87,879 539,017 642,368 6,173,896 98,215,012 105,658,172 0.083% 0.510% 0.608% 5.843% 92.955% 100% 1 – 1,000 1,001 – 5,000 5,001 – 10,000 10,001 – 100,000 100,001 and over 80 113 53 127 54 427 43,711 283,999 410,662 4,093,945 80,889,657 85,721,974 0.051% 0.331% 0.479% 4.779% 94.363% 100% twenty largest holders of GGGoa options twenty largest holders of GGGoB options GGGOA Option holders 1. HSBC Custody nominees (Australia) limited 2. Citicorp Nominees Pty Limited 3. JP Morgan nominees Australia limited 4. Roderick McIllree 5. Hackleton Investments limited Sampension KP Livsforsikring Potatomagic Pty limited 6. 7. 8. Paul Damian Conboy 9. Walter Graham 10. Catchpole Investments Pty Limited 11. Dymax Consultants Pty limited 12. Twofivetwo Pty limited 13. Jomot Pty limited 14. Prof Paul Edmond O’Brien 15. Cameron French 16. national nominees limited 17. Michael Anthony Brownlee 18. Adonis Kiritsopoulos and Jennifer Anne Ford 19. Jaycem Pty Limited 20. James Bradley Richardson 83,647,772 79.2% Flourish Super Pty Limited GGGOB Option Holders 1. Citicorp Nominees Pty Limited 2. JP Morgan nominees Australia limited 3. HSBC Custody nominees (Australia) limited 4. 5. Mr Jiahuang Zhang 6. M&K Korkidas Pty Limited Elinora Investments Pty Limited 7. KGBR Future fund Pty limited 8. 9. Peto Pty Limited ,1953 Super Fund A/C> 10. LTI Capital Pty Limited 11. Daniel and Frances Smart 12. Peter Harry Hatch 13. Kevin & Vikki Ho 14. Hitmaster Pty limited 15. Brian edward Fenton 16. John Mair 17. Hossam Habib Sharkawy 18. Miles Guy 19. Carol Margaret Newport 20. Amitoze nandha fully paid ordinary shares number 13,804,762 6,604,188 5,556,560 5,500,000 5,449,997 4,092,434 3,178,572 3,000,000 3,000,000 2,657,143 2,000,000 2,000,000 1,998,010 1,953,512 1,650,000 1,597,813 1,500,000 1,428,650 1,428,572 1,000,000 69,400,213 Percentage 16.1% 7.7% 6.5% 6.4% 6.4% 4.8% 3.7% 3.5% 3.5% 3.1% 2.3% 2.3% 2.3% 2.3% 1.9% 1.8% 1.8% 1.7% 1.7% 1.2% 80.9% 77 7777 fully paid ordinary shares number Percentage 21,016,999 13,921,067 20.0% 13.2% 8,550,786 7,888,130 6,845,000 5,000,000 2,485,237 2,324,509 1,954,146 1,868,106 1,600,000 1,516,750 1,469,590 1,400,000 1,100,000 1,090,786 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 616,666 8.1% 7.5% 6.5% 4.7% 2.3% 2.2% 1.9% 1.7% 1.5% 1.4% 1.4% 1.3% 1.1% 1.0% 1.0% 1.0% 1.0% 0.5% 76 Greenland Minerals and enerGy liMited and Controlled entities – 2015 AnnuAl FInAnCIAl RepoRt Greenland Minerals and enerGy liMiTed Registered Office & Principal Place of Business Unit 6, 100 Railway Road, Subiaco, Western Australia, 6008 Postal Address PO Box 2006, Subiaco, Western Australia, 6904 Tel: +61 8 9382 2322 Fax: +61 8 9382 2788

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