Annual Report 2010

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Plain-text annual report

Ramelius Resources Limited Annual Report 2010 Contents Chairman’s Report Chief Executive Officer’s Report Review of Operations Native Title Statement Corporate Governance Statement Glossary of Terms Photographs & Diagrams Directors’ Report Auditor’s Independence Declaration Income Statement Statement of Comprehensive Income Statement of Financial Position Statement of Changes in Equity Statement of Cash Flows Notes to the Financial Statements Directors’ Declaration Independent Auditor’s Report Shareholder Information Corporate Directory 01 02 03 15 16 34 37 42 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 99 100 103 Back Cover Ramelius Resources Limited ACN 001 717 540 ABN 51 001 717 540 Annual General Meeting The Annual General Meeting of Ramelius Resources Limited will be held at Enterprise House, 136 Greenhill Road, Unley, South Australia on Friday, 26 November 2010 at 11.00 am Adelaide time. Stock Exchange The Company is listed on the Australian Securities Exchange Limited. The Home Exchange is Adelaide. ASX Codes Shares: RMS Front Cover: Wattle Dam gold dore` bars. Photographs on pages 1 to 32 are a step by step depiction of a gold pour. Chairman’s Report DearShareholder, It is with pleasure that I present to you the 2010 AnnualReportofRameliusResourcesLimited. During 2009/10 Ramelius became a successful underground mining company with the extraction of 96,091tonnesofgoldoreatWattleDam. TheCompanymilledmorethan78,000tonnesofgold ore at its 100% owned Burbanks Processing Plant producing 60,780 ounces of gold and it is most pleasingtorecordasignificantincreaseingoldsales revenuefrom$19.8millionin2009,to$58.2millionfor the2010yearonthebackofthisproduction. The Wattle Dam mine has certainly been good to Rameliussinceminingbeganin2006.Itisthehighest gradegoldmineinAustraliaanditcontinuestodeliver wealth for shareholders. Earlier this year, Ramelius announced a 66% increase to the gold resource at Wattle Dam and in recent months, underground explorationdrillinghasresultedinfurthersignificantgold mineralisationbelowthecurrentmineplanwhichaugers wellforapotentialthirdphaseofminingatWattleDam. TheCompanyrecordeditsfourthconsecutiveprofit.Net profitaftertaxfortheyearended30June2010was $20.2million,apleasing306%increasefromlastyear’s resultwhichIbelievevindicatesthedirectors’strategy offocusingtheCompany’seffortsinrecentyearsonthe lowcostoperationatWattleDam. Ramelius is financially strong with cash on hand at 30June2010of$80.2millionandimportantly,hasno debt. Limited.Asaresult,theCompanynowhasexcitinggold explorationprojectsinNevadaUSA,whereitcanearna 60%interestintheBigBlueprojectanda70%interest intheAngelWingproject,aswellasinEasternAustralia, whereithastheopportunitytoearna51%interestinan epithermal gold deposit at the Glen Isla project near DubboNSWanda60%interestintheMtWindsorgold projectinQueensland. ItisalsoworthmentioningthattheCompany’sexcellent endeavoursinmakinganofferforDioroExplorationNL duringtheyear,achievedapleasing68%takeupofthe offerbyDioroshareholders(excludingitsothersuitor). Theultimatesaleoftheacquired37.51%ofthetarget entityresultedingrosscashproceedsof$42.4million and a profit of $7.1million. Significantly, the cash proceedsmadeitpossibleforRameliustosubsequently acquiretheMtMagnetGoldprojectinJuly2010andto payareturnofcapitaltoshareholdersof5centsper shareinAugust2010. In this regard, I take this opportunity to thank our Directors, particularly Ian Gordon who last year assumedtheroleofCEOfollowingJoeHouldsworth’s retirementasManagingDirector,andallemployeesand consultantsfortheirtremendouseffortsduringtheyear. I thank shareholders for their continued support duringtheyearandtogetherwithmyfellowdirectors, lookforwardtoanotherhighgradeproductionresultin theyearahead. This year Ramelius commenced its explorationfootprintbeyondtheSpargovilleBeltinthe EasternGoldfieldsofWesternAustraliawithkeyjoint ventureagreementsenteredintowithMirandaGoldInc, CarpentariaExplorationLimitedandLiontownResources to expand Bob Kennedy Chairman 01 Chief Executive Officer’s Report DearShareholders, The2010financialyearhasbeentransformingforour Company. Throughtheimplementationofourstrategytofocuson maximising cash flow from operations and company growth,Rameliushasmovedsuccessfullyfromasmall producertoamorediversifiedcompanywithsignificant cashandmultipleopportunitiesforgrowth. The Company’s assets now include two Western Australian development assets at Wattle Dam and Mt Magnet and world class exploration assets in QueenslandandNevada(US). Ramelius’wholly‐ownedWattleDamundergroundgold minehasbeguntoreachitspotentialintermsofhigh grade production and cash flows. This has placed Ramelius Resources in an enviable financial position comparedtoothersmallAustraliangoldproducers.The Companycontinuestomaintainrobustcashflows,has abalancesheetwithnodebt,isdeliveringahighreturn onourassetsandisincreasinglybeingrecognisedfor strongperformanceonneartermearnings. Duringtheyearunderreview,WattleDamtransformed fromahighgradegoldopportunitywithalimitedmine life to an exceptionally productive underground gold mine, which at the time of this report, has already produced more gold than the original mine plan of 68,000ounces.NetprofitaftertaxofA$20.2millionfor the year was also very pleasing, reflecting the strong operatingperformance. TheundergroundmineatWattleDamcommencedgold productionlateinNovember2009,andbyJune2010,had produced more than 60,000 ounces of gold at an average gradeof24g/t,makingitthehighestgradegold mineinAustralia.Duringthisperiod,theminehadtotal cashcostsofA$482perounceinamarketenvironment where the average gold sale price for 2009/10 was A$1261perounce‐ aneffectivecashmarginofA$780 perounce. 75,500tonnesofWattleDamoreand76,000tonnesof thirdpartyore.Overallrecoveryfortheyearwas97%,an excellentachievement,giventhehighgradeoftheore treated. Your Company also made significant inroads into developingitsgrowthprojects.Duringtheyear,Ramelius securedworld‐classexplorationprojectsinQueensland and Nevada in the United States, and laid the groundworkforthesubsequentacquisitioninJulythis yearoftheMtMagnetgoldprojectinWesternAustralia. The Mt Magnet gold project offers the Company the potentialincomingyearstosignificantlyincreaseitsgold productionaswellasincreasingthevalueofthisproject throughnewdiscoveries. Theprojectisanopen‐pitandundergroundminingasset setinaprolificgoldprovince.Theacquisitionboosted theCompany’sgoldresourcesto3.4millionouncesplus; andopensupapotential100,000ounceplusperannum productionscenariofor5‐7yearsoffanhistoricbase thatsawtheprojectproduce5.6millionouncesofgold. NewdrillprogramsbeingscheduledforMtMagnetlater thisyeararedesignedtoinfillitscurrentgoldresources, test new targets and move the project towards a decisiontomineinthefirsthalfofcalendar2011. Thecomingyearpromisestobeanexcitingone,with significantongoinglowcostproductionatWattleDam, newexplorationsuccessandthelikelydevelopmentof theMtMagnetproject. IextendmythankstoourBoardofDirectors,members ofwhichhavesupportedthegrowthstrategydeveloped fortheCompany.IalsosincerelythankRamelius’staff and contractors who have delivered an exceptional performancefortheyear. Our milling facility at Burbanks close to Wattle Dam, operatedsatisfactorilyfortheyear,treatingmorethan 151,500tonnesofgoldore,comprisingapproximately Ian Gordon ChiefExecutiveOfficer 02 Review Of Operations Financial Highlights • Totalrevenueof$71.1million(upfrom$20.7millionin2009) • Goldsalesof$58.2million(upfrom$19.8millionin2009) • Otherincomeof$9.8million(upfrom$0.8millionin2009) • Netprofitaftertaxof$20.2million(upfrom$4.97millionin2009) • Cashassetsattheendofthefinancialyearof$80.2million(upfrom $26.7millionin2009) Totalconsolidatedrevenuewasup243%fromthepreviousyearto$71,101,431whichincludedprofitfromsaleof financialassetsof$7,144,396. Revenuefromgoldsaleswas$58,216,932,up193%fromthepreviousyearandresultedfromsalesof46,147 ouncesofgoldduringtheyearatanaveragepriceofA$1,261.56perouncecomparedto15,393ouncesin2009. GoldsalesduringtheyearreflecthighgradegoldproductionfromtheWattleDamundergroundmine. Totalaftertaxconsolidatedcomprehensiveincomewas$20,202,041. At30June2010theconsolidatedentitycontinuedtobedebtfreeandheldcashassetsof$80.2million. Totalnetassetsincreased96%duringtheyearfrom$56,098,438to$110,339,121. Operational Highlights • SuccessfullycommencedundergroundminingoperationsatWattleDam • RecordProductionof60,000ouncesofgold • Acquisitionofgrowthexplorationprojects 03 Review of Operations Mining and Milling Operations The Wattle Dam gold mine is located approximately 25kmsouth-westofKambaldaintheEasternGoldfields ofWesternAustralia.ThegoldresourceatWattleDamis hostedinshearedultramaficrocksandhasbeendrilled to a vertical depth of over 300 metres. The mine commenced production in March 2006 and as at 30June2010,hadproducedapproximately110,000 ouncesofgold. Undergroundoreminingandmillingcommencedduring the2009/10financialyearwithapproximately60,000 ouncesofgoldproducedduringthisperiod. Mining Bytheendofthe2010financialyear,theunderground decline was established to the bottom of the current mine plan and the majority of development for the 2010/11year’sproductioncompleted(referFigure1on page 37). A total of 1,673m of underground capital developmentand845mofoperatingdevelopmentwas completedduringthisperiod. Duringthe2010financialyearatotalof96,000tonnes oforewasminedfromundergroundatamineestimated gradeof16gramspertonnegold.Ofthisore,atotalof 75,500wasmilledatarecoveredgradeof25g/tforthe production of 60,780 ounces of gold. As has been experienced in previous years, the grade recovered throughmillingtheorehasbeensubstantiallyhigherthan the mine estimated grade, due to the coarse gold present,whichisnotalwaysreflectedindrillingresults. An updated mineral resource estimate for the Wattle Dam gold deposit was completed in February 2010. Theresourceestimatewas226,500tonnesat18g/tAu for130,900ouncesofgold.OrdinaryKrigingandatop cutof2,000g/tgoldwereusedtoestimatetheresource. 04 Underground Diamond Drilling Diamond drilling was conducted in a series of campaignsduringtheyear.119undergrounddiamond holesweredrilledforatotalof13,952m.Mostholes were drilled as LTK60 size core as grade control/ resourcedefinitiondrillingonarelativelyclosespaced pattern of 20m x 10m. Some exploratory holes were drilledtargetingsouthernextensionstotheWattleDam lode,butonlyreturnedweakmineralisation. Towardsyearend,exploratorydrillingwasconducted downplungeoftheWattleDammainlodezoneandin June 2010 some significant intercepts were returned fromanareaaround100mbelowthecurrentbaseof mining. These to show a redevelopmentofthelodezoneatdepthafterazoneof weakermineralisation. intercepts appear Milling During the 2010 financial year the Company’s gold treatment plant at Burbanks, near Coolgardie milled 75,500 tonnes of Wattle Dam ore at an average recoveredgradeof25g/tAuand76,000tonnesofthird partyore.Anewgravityrecoverysystemwasinstalledto improve gold the higher grade undergroundore. recovery from Production Statistics – 2010 Financial Year (Wattle Dam) Unit Mined Grade g/t gold Oreprocessed tonnes 75,500 25 Recovery GoldProduction* GoldProduction* % oz kg 97 60,780 1,890.4 *IncludesG.I.C.recovered Review of Operations Exploration Eastern Goldfields Rameliuscontrolsthegoldrightsandmajoritynickelrights overapproximately135km2 coveringpredominantlythe SpargosRewardShears(referFigure2onpage37). Goldexplorationduringtheyearwasconductedatthe WattleDam,8500N,WestWattleDam,5Q,Hilditchand EaglesNestprospects. Wattle Dam Project (Gold, Tantalum, Nickel) (100% Gold, Tantalum and 80% Nickel Rights; MLs; 15/1101; 15/1263; 15/1264; 15/1323; 15/1338; 15/1769-1773, 100% MLs 1774-1776; PL 15/4381 [MLA 15/1474]) Wattle Dam Gold Mine (Gold) Surfaceexplorationdiamonddrillingtotalling5holesfor 2,176.8 metres was completed at Wattle Dam. The drilling was focused on defining further high grade mineralisation further down plunge from the current undergroundmineplan. Significantresultsof3.5metresat13.8g/tgoldfrom 353 metres including 1.2 metres @ 37.0 g/t Au from 353.8 metres and 2 metres at 7.5 g/t gold from 355 metres. Surface diamond drilling has defined a mineralisedzoneover90metresofplungeextentwhich hasbeeninfilldrilledbyundergrounddiamonddrilling. Gravity and Sub-Audio Magnetic surveys were completed over and along strike of Wattle Dam gold mineinordertoassistwiththegeologicalunderstanding oftheareaanddrilltargeting. A total of 14 RC drill holes for 2,791 metres were completedtoassistwiththegeologicalunderstanding along strike from Wattle Dam as well as test an anomalous EM trend identified from the recently completedSAMsurveyandtestanomalousintercepts and alteration within previous shallow RAB drilling at depth.Amaximumresultof3metresat1.2g/tgoldfrom 45metres(WDRC330)wasreceivedfromthedrilling. 8500N (Gold) Atotalof10RCholes(SRRC0024–SRRC0033)for 1,258 metres were drilled to further evaluate the supergenemineralisationintersectedwithinpreviousRC drilling and untested areas of the felsic/ultramafic contacts and their association with an interpreted northeasttrendingaeromagneticstructure.Amaximum significant result of 9 metres at 4.3 g/t gold from 65 metresincluding1metreat16.2g/tgoldfrom73metres (SRRC0029) was the supergene environmentadjacenttoapreviousRCdrillholewhich returnedamaximumresult2metresat2.3g/tgoldfrom 65metres. returned from West Wattle Dam (Gold) A total of 40 RC drill holes for 2,088 metres were completedtoevaluateanareaofaugergoldanomalism associatedwithanultramaficsequencetothewestof WattleDamGoldMine.Significantresultsof4metresat 9.0g/tgoldfrom28metresand4metresat6.9g/tgold from36metreswerereturnedfromthedrilling. 5Q (Gold and Nickel) AsingleRCdrillhole(SRRC0034)for160metreswas completed to evaluate coincident geochem and EM anomalies along strike from the 5A nickel prospect.  Asulfidicblackshalewasintersectedatthetargetdepth which is the likely source for the EM anomaly. No significantgoldornickelresultswerereceived. Atotalof9RCholesfor780metreswascompletedto testareasofanomalous(≥100ppb)goldreturnedfrom previouscosteansamplingandaugerdrillingandtotest underneathhistoricalgoldworkings.Amaximumresult of5metresat4.4g/tgoldfrom22metresincluding2 metresat6.4g/tgoldfrom22metreswasreceivedfrom thedrillingassociatedwithquartzveiningwithinupper saproliteclays. Regional Aircore Drilling (Gold and Nickel) A single RC hole (SRRC0075) for approximately 100 metres is planned to test underneath significant gold 05 Review of Operations (4m@0.7g/tAufrom18m)andnickel(20m@0.8%Ni from18mtoEOHincluding2m@1.4%Nifrom24m) within SRRB0240, located just north of the Hilditch Projectboundaryandatasimilarstratigraphiclocationto theHilditchgoldworkings.Maximumgoldandnickel interceptsof5metresat0.3g/tgoldfrom80metresand 5metresat0.4%nickelfrom69metreswerereceived. Hilditch Project (90%) (ML 15/1448) A programme of 9 RC holes for 857 metres was completedtotestforstrikeand/orplungeextensionsof mineralisationintersectedwithindrillingcompletedby previous explorers at the Hilditch Gold workings. A maximum result from the previous drilling of 14 metresat2.1g/tgoldfrom33metreswasreturned. Maximumsignificantresultsreturnedfromthedrilling include 2 metres at 8.8 g/t gold from 86 metres and 5metresat4.3g/tgoldfrom39metres. Afurther3RCholesfor340metreswerecompletedat HilditchSouthtoprimarilyevaluateaninterpretedzone of supergene anomalism within previous RC drilling, whichincludesmaximumresultsof2metresat5.6g/t goldfrom24metresand8metresat1.6g/tgoldfrom 36metres.Nosignificantresultswerereceived. North Widgiemooltha Project (100% Gold Rights) (MLs 15/97; 15/99; 15/100; 15/101; 15/102; 15/653; ML 15/1271) regional aircore drilling programme North Widgiemooltha Regional A totalling approximately 300 drill holes commenced during the periodtoevaluateareasalongtheeasternultramaficbelt withintheNorthWidgieProjectwherelimitedsystematic goldexplorationhasbeenundertakenwithinareasof transportedcover.Atotalof181holesfor7,616metres were completed.  Initial results have been received, whichwouldequatetoapproximately20%oftheentire programme.Amaximumanomalousresultof4metres at0.9g/tgoldfrom36metreshasbeenreceived. Eagles Nest South Atotalof7RCdrillholesfor706metresweredrilledto testforhighgrademineralisationassociatedwithstrike extensionsofa≥2g/tgoldmineralisedtrendidentified bypreviousRCdrillingatEaglesNest.Nosignificant resultswerereceived. Eagles Nest Project (100%) (ML 15/1475) AsingleRCdrillholefor184metreswascompletedto testforhighgrademineralisationassociatedwithdip extensionsofa≥2g/tgoldmineralisedtrendidentified bypreviousRCdrilling.Amaximumresultof3metres at1.7g/tgoldfrom148metreswasreceived. Bullabulling West Project (100%) (PL 15/5399-5400; PLA 15/5509) AtotalofthreeRCdrillholeswerecompletedtotestan aeromagnetic high anomaly to the west of the Bullabulling gold operations.  The aeromagnetic high anomalywasinterpretedtodisplaysynergieswiththe aeromagneticanomalyovertheWallabyGoldMinenear Laverton.Nosignificantresultswerereceivedfromthe drilling. Mt Windsor Project DuringtheperiodRameliusResourcesLimitedentered a joint venture with Liontown Resources Limited in regardstoitsMtWindsorGoldProject,locatedsouthof ChartersTowersinQueensland(referFigure3onpage 38).Rameliuscanearna60%equityintheprojectby spending $7 million over four years.  A minimum expenditureof$1.25MisrequiredpriortoJuly2011. Aprogrammeof4RCholes(G5RC0001–0004)for954 metreswascompletedatSpringCreek(G-5)toevaluate chargeable and resistive zones identified from an IP surveybyLiontownResources.Amaximumcomposite resultof4metresat0.1g/tgoldfrom268metreswas returned.TheinterceptisalsoweaklyanomalousinAg, As,Hg,Sb,andPb. 06 Review of Operations Deeppenetrating3DIPsurveyswillbeundertakenover each of Mt Redan, Mosquito Hill and Cardigan Dam (formerlyG-14)priortodiamonddrilltesting.Collaborative DrillingInitiative(CDI)fundinghasbeensourcedfromthe Queensland Government to assist with drilling at Mt RedanandMosquitoHill(referFigure4onpage38). Glen Isla Joint Venture NSW: EL 6246 (Rameliusearning75%) DuringtheyearRameliusenteredintoajointventurewith CarpentariaExplorationLimitedtoearna75%interestin theGlenIslaproject(referFigure3onpage38). Adetailed3‐Dinducedpolarization(IP)surveyoverthe Glen Isla epithermal target area was completed and (from 100m below surface) identified a shallow anomalous chargeable response. RC drilling of the chargeableanomalyisscheduledduringtheSeptember 2010quarter. Nevada Projects (Rameliusearning70%withMarmota) Ramelius and its partner Marmota Energy Ltd have entered into two agreements with Miranda Gold Corporationtoearna70%interestintheBigBlueand Angel Wing projects in Nevada, US. The Big Blue projectisprospectiveforCarlinStylesedimenthosted gold deposits and the Angel Wing project is being exploredforhighgradeepithermalgoldveins.Ramelius expectsbothoftheprojectstobedrilltestedinthesecond halfofcalendar2010(referFigure5onpage39). Consents The information in this report that relates to Exploration Results is based on information compiled by Matthew Svensson and Kevin Seymour. Matthew Svensson is a Member of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists and has sufficient experience which is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity he is undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the 2004 Edition of the Australasian Code for Reporting on Exploration Results. Matthew Svensson is a full-time employee of the company and consents to the inclusion in the report of the matters based on his information in the form and context in which it appears. Kevin Seymour is a Member of the Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy and has sufficient experience which is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity they have undertaken to qualify as a Competent Person. Kevin Seymour is a full-time employee of Ramelius Resources Limited and consents to the inclusion in this report of the matters based on his information in the form and context in which it appears. The information in this report that relates to resources and estimated mine grade at Wattle Dam is based on information compiled by Rob Hutchison. Rob Hutchison is a Member of the Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy and has sufficient experience which is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity he is undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person. Rob Hutchison is a full-time employee of the company and consents to the inclusion in the report of the matters based on his information in the form and context in which it appears. 07 Review of Operations Interests in Mining Tenements TheCompany’sinterestsinminingtenementsareasfollows: Project Location Tenement Status Application Date Grant Date Expiry Date Associated Acquiring Tenement ID % Acquired % Registered Beneficial Owner Owner Coolgardie Coolgardie Coolgardie P15/5399 P15/5400 P15/5509 Granted Granted Application 13-May-09 13-May-09 22-Dec-09 19-Nov-09 19-Nov-09 18-Nov-13 18-Nov-13 100% 100% 100% Ramelius Ramelius Ramelius Ramelius Ramelius Ramelius Coolgardie M16/34 Granted 15-Sep-86 28-Jan-87 27-Jan-29 90% Ramelius Ramelius Bullabulling Bullabulling Bullabulling Jaurdi/ Black Cat Jaurdi/ Black Cat Coolgardie M16/115 Granted 29-Sep-88 10-Sep-90 9-Sep-11 Hilditch Coolgardie M15/1448 Granted 9-Mar-04 30-Jun-08 29-Jun-29 Wattle Dam Coolgardie M15/1101 Granted 26-Mar-97 19-Mar-04 18-Mar-25 Wattle Dam Coolgardie M15/1263 Granted 23-Oct-98 24-Aug-04 23-Aug-25 Wattle Dam Coolgardie M15/1264 Granted 23-Oct-98 24-Aug-04 23-Aug-25 Wattle Dam Coolgardie M15/1323 Granted 10-Feb-00 30-Jun-08 29-Jun-29 Wattle Dam Coolgardie M15/1338 Granted 9-Jun-00 30-Jun-08 29-Jun-29 Ramelius Ramelius Ramelius Ramelius Ramelius Ramelius Ramelius Ramelius Ramelius Ramelius Ramelius Ramelius Ramelius Ramelius 90% 90% 100% & 80% of Ni Rights 100% & 80% of Ni Rights 100% & 80% of Ni Rights 100% & 80% of Ni Rights 100% & 80% of Ni Rights Wattle Dam Coolgardie M15/1474 Application 12-Apr-04 P15/4381 100% Ramelius Ramelius Wattle Dam Coolgardie M15/1769 Granted 1-Feb-06 30-Jun-08 29-Jun-29 Wattle Dam Coolgardie M15/1770 Granted 1-Feb-06 30-Jun-08 29-Jun-29 Wattle Dam Coolgardie M15/1771 Granted 1-Feb-06 30-Jun-08 29-Jun-29 Wattle Dam Coolgardie M15/1772 Granted 1-Feb-06 30-Jun-08 29-Jun-29 Wattle Dam Coolgardie M15/1773 Granted 1-Feb-06 30-Jun-08 29-Jun-29 Wattle Dam Coolgardie M15/1774 Granted 1-Feb-06 30-Jun-08 29-Jun-29 Wattle Dam Coolgardie M15/1775 Granted 1-Feb-06 30-Jun-08 29-Jun-29 Wattle Dam Coolgardie M15/1776 Granted 1-Feb-06 30-Jun-08 29-Jun-29 Ramelius Ramelius Ramelius Ramelius Ramelius Ramelius Ramelius Ramelius Ramelius Ramelius Ramelius Ramelius Ramelius Ramelius Ramelius Ramelius 100% & 80% of Ni Rights 100% & 80% of Ni Rights 100% & 80% of Ni Rights 100% & 80% of Ni Rights 100% & 80% of Ni Rights 100% & 80% of Ni Rights 100% & 80% of Ni Rights 100% & 80% of Ni Rights Wattle Dam Coolgardie P15/4381 Granted 5-May-00 9-Jan-01 8-Jan-05 M15/1474 100% Ramelius Ramelius North Widgie North Widgie North Widgie North Widgie North Widgie North Widgie North Widgie Coolgardie Coolgardie Coolgardie Coolgardie Coolgardie Coolgardie Coolgardie M15/97 M15/99 M15/100 M15/101 M15/102 M15/653 M15/1271 Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted Granted 9-Dec-83 9-Dec-83 9-Dec-83 9-Dec-83 9-Dec-83 20-Nov-92 7-Dec-98 26-Jul-84 26-Jul-84 26-Jul-84 26-Jul-84 11-Apr-85 29-Jan-93 7-Feb-07 25-Jul-26 25-Jul-26 25-Jul-26 25-Jul-26 10-Apr-27 28-Jan-14 6-Feb-28 Larkinville Coolgardie E15/896 Granted 13-Jul-05 9-Jan-07 8-Jan-12 Larkinville Coolgardie M15/1449 Application 9-Mar-04 was P15/3666 P15/4213 -4214 Larkinville Coolgardie P15/4213 Granted 17-Feb-99 28-Mar-00 27-Mar-04 M15/1449 Gold Rights Gold Rights Gold Rights Gold Rights Gold Rights Gold Rights Gold Rights ANM ANM ANM ANM ANM ANM ANM Ramelius Ramelius Ramelius Ramelius Ramelius Ramelius Ramelius 75% & 80% Ni Rights Pioneer Ramelius & Pioneer 75% & 80% Ramelius Ramelius & Pioneer & Pioneer Ni Rights 75% & 80% Ramelius Ramelius & Pioneer & Pioneer Ni Rights 08 Project Location Tenement Status Application Date Grant Date Expiry Date Associated Acquiring Tenement ID % Acquired % Registered Beneficial Owner Owner Larkinville Coolgardie P15/4214 Granted 17-Feb-99 28-Mar-00 27-Mar-04 M15/1449 Larkinville Coolgardie P15/4765 Granted 17-Jan-06 17-06-2010 16-06-2014 Larkinville Coolgardie P15/4904 Application 22-Jan-07 Larkinville Coolgardie P15/4905 Application 22-Jan-07 M15/1449 M15/1449 Eucalyptus Mt Margaret M39/803 Granted 15-Aug-00 22-May-08 21-May-29 Eucalyptus Mt Margaret M39/804 Granted 15-Aug-00 22-May-08 21-May-29 Groundlark Coolgardie M15/1290 Granted 29-Jun-99 25-Oct-02 24-Oct-23 Eagles Nest Coolgardie M15/1475 Granted 12-Jul-04 29-Sep-04 28-Sep-25 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet E21/100 Granted 10-Nov-99 14-Apr-09 13-Apr-14 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet E21/112 Granted 26-Jun-01 03-Jan-06 02-Jan-11 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet E21/151 Application 24-May-10 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet E21/152 Application 24-May-10 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet E58/278 Granted 23-Jul-02 23-Aug-06 22-Aug-11 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet E58/380 Application 04-Jun-09 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet G58/3 Granted 27-Jul-88 10-May-89 09-May-31 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet L58/16 Granted 24-Oct-88 20-Dec-88 19-Dec-13 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet L58/20 Granted 18-May-89 27-Nov-89 26-Nov-14 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet L58/31 Application 31-Mar-99 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet L59/40 Granted 20-May-96 31-Oct-96 30-Oct-11 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet M58/11 Granted 11-Nov-82 08-Jun-83 07-Jun-25 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet M58/119 Granted 25-Mar-88 16-Dec-88 15-Dec-30 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet M58/120 Granted 25-Mar-88 16-Dec-88 15-Dec-30 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet M58/121 Granted 25-Mar-88 16-Dec-88 15-Dec-30 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet M58/122 Granted 25-Mar-88 16-Dec-88 15-Dec-30 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet M58/130 Granted 09-May-88 30-Aug-88 29-Aug-30 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet M58/136 Granted 23-Jun-88 17-Aug-88 16-Aug-30 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet M58/140 Granted 14-Sep-88 10-May-89 09-May-31 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet M58/143 Granted 22-Nov-88 21-Mar-89 20-Mar-31 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet M58/146 Granted 08-Dec-88 09-Oct-89 08-Oct-10 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet M58/147 Granted 16-Dec-88 06-Jun-89 05-Jun-31 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet M58/157 Granted 23-Jun-89 27-Mar-90 26-Mar-11 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet M58/161 Granted 24-Oct-89 04-Apr-90 03-Apr-11 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet M58/163 Granted 24-Oct-89 04-Apr-90 03-Apr-11 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet M58/172 Granted 26-Feb-90 11-Sep-90 10-Sep-11 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet M58/173 Granted 26-Feb-90 11-Sep-90 10-Sep-11 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet M58/174 Granted 26-Feb-90 11-Sep-90 10-Sep-11 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet M58/179 Granted 12-Dec-90 20-Mar-92 19-Mar-13 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet M58/180 Granted 12-Dec-90 20-Mar-92 19-Mar-13 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet M58/181 Granted 12-Dec-90 20-Mar-92 19-Mar-13 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet M58/182 Granted 12-Dec-90 27-Nov-91 26-Nov-12 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet M58/185 Granted 15-Mar-91 09-Aug-91 08-Aug-12 09 75% & 80% Ramelius Ramelius & Pioneer & Pioneer Ni Rights 75% & 80% Ni Rights Pioneer Ramelius & Pioneer 75% & 80% Ramelius Ni Rights Ramelius & Pioneer & Pioneer 75% & 80% Ramelius Ni Rights Ramelius & Pioneer & Pioneer 50% of Gold Rights 50% of Gold Rights NiWest NiWest NiWest NiWest 100% 100% 100% Ramelius Ramelius Ramelius Ramelius Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL Review of Operations Interests in Mining Tenements (continued) Project Location Tenement Status Application Date Grant Date Expiry Date Associated Acquiring Tenement ID % Acquired % Registered Beneficial Owner Owner Mt Magnet Mt Magnet M58/186 Granted 17-Apr-91 09-Aug-91 08-Aug-12 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet M58/187 Granted 17-Apr-91 12-Dec-91 11-Dec-12 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet M58/188 Granted 17-Apr-91 09-Aug-91 08-Aug-12 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet M58/189 Granted 28-May-91 27-Nov-91 26-Nov-12 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet M58/191 Granted 28-May-91 11-Mar-92 10-Mar-13 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet M58/192 Granted 28-May-91 11-Mar-92 10-Mar-13 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet M58/193 Granted 28-May-91 27-Oct-92 26-Oct-13 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet M58/194 Granted 28-May-91 27-Oct-92 26-Oct-13 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet M58/195 Granted 28-May-91 11-Mar-92 10-Mar-13 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet M58/198 Granted 04-Nov-91 20-Feb-92 19-Feb-13 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet M58/201 Granted 31-Jan-92 22-Oct-92 21-Oct-13 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet M58/202 Granted 10-Feb-92 03-Dec-92 02-Dec-13 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet M58/205 Granted 13-Nov-92 11-Jun-93 10-Jun-14 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet M58/208 Granted 07-May-93 10-Aug-93 09-Aug-14 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet M58/209 Granted 22-Jun-93 19-Nov-93 18-Nov-14 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet M58/210 Granted 30-Nov-93 18-Feb-94 17-Feb-15 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet M58/211 Granted 07-Feb-94 17-May-94 16-May-15 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet M58/222 Granted 10-Jan-95 23-Aug-95 22-Aug-16 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet M58/231 Granted 25-Jul-95 11-Jul-96 10-Jul-17 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet M58/232 Granted 25-Jul-95 11-Jul-96 10-Jul-17 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet M58/233 Granted 25-Jul-95 11-Jul-96 10-Jul-17 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet M58/234 Granted 25-Jul-95 11-Jul-96 10-Jul-17 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet M58/235 Granted 25-Jul-95 11-Jul-96 10-Jul-17 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet M58/236 Granted 25-Jul-95 11-Jul-96 10-Jul-17 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet M58/241 Granted 13-Feb-96 19-May-99 18-May-20 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet M58/248 Application 06-May-96 P58/825 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet M58/263 Application 10-Mar-97 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet M58/273 Application 20-Feb-98 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet M58/285 Application 13-Oct-98 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet M58/286 Application 13-Oct-98 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet M58/30 Granted 13-Dec-83 08-Aug-85 07-Aug-27 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet M58/304 Granted 22-Nov-99 05-Jul-00 04-Jul-21 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet M58/320 Application 16-May-01 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet M58/323 Application 08-Oct-01 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet M58/345 Application 18-Nov-04 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet M58/4 Granted 03-Jun-82 21-Mar-83 20-Mar-25 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet M58/43 Granted 16-May-85 23-Jul-86 22-Jul-28 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet M58/47 Granted 23-Sep-85 03-Apr-86 02-Apr-28 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet M58/5 Granted 22-Jun-82 12-Jan-83 11-Jan-25 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet M58/60 Granted 20-Jan-87 07-Oct-87 06-Oct-29 P58/924 P58/940 P58/941 P58/1042 P58/1396 10 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL Project Location Tenement Status Application Date Grant Date Expiry Date Associated Acquiring Tenement ID % Acquired % Registered Beneficial Owner Owner Mt Magnet Mt Magnet M58/64 Granted 30-Apr-87 12-Jul-88 11-Jul-30 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet M58/78 Granted 05-Jun-87 06-May-88 05-May-30 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet M58/79 Granted 05-Jun-87 06-May-88 05-May-30 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet M58/8 Granted 28-Jul-82 07-Jan-83 06-Jan-25 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet M58/80 Granted 10-Jun-87 06-May-88 05-May-30 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet M58/81 Granted 10-Jun-87 06-May-88 05-May-30 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet M58/97 Granted 17-Aug-87 08-Feb-88 07-Feb-30 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet M58/98 Granted 17-Aug-87 08-Feb-88 07-Feb-30 Western Queen Mt Magnet M59/208 Granted 18-Jun-90 17-Dec-90 16-Dec-11 Western Queen Mt Magnet M59/45 Granted 11-Aug-86 23-Mar-87 22-Mar-29 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet P21/690 Granted 12-Feb-08 09-Jun-09 08-Jun-13 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet P21/691 Granted 12-Feb-08 08-Jun-09 07-Jun-13 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet P21/692 Granted 12-Feb-08 08-Jun-09 07-Jun-13 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet P21/694 Granted 12-Feb-08 09-Jun-09 08-Jun-13 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet P21/710 Granted 26-Oct-09 28-Jun-10 27-Jun-14 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet P21/711 Granted 26-Oct-09 28-Jun-10 27-Jun-14 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL Mt Magnet Mt Magnet P58/1042 Granted 02-Jan-97 29-May-97 28-May-01 M58/320 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Mt Magnet P58/1303 Granted 01-Sep-05 01-Nov-06 31-Oct-10 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet P58/1304 Granted 01-Sep-05 01-Nov-06 31-Oct-10 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet P58/1305 Granted 01-Sep-05 01-Nov-06 31-Oct-10 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet P58/1306 Granted 01-Sep-05 01-Nov-06 31-Oct-10 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet P58/1307 Granted 01-Sep-05 01-Nov-06 31-Oct-10 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet P58/1308 Granted 01-Sep-05 01-Nov-06 31-Oct-10 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet P58/1309 Granted 01-Sep-05 01-Nov-06 31-Oct-10 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet P58/1310 Granted 01-Sep-05 01-Nov-06 31-Oct-10 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet P58/1311 Granted 01-Sep-05 01-Nov-06 31-Oct-10 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet P58/1312 Granted 01-Sep-05 01-Nov-06 31-Oct-10 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet P58/1313 Granted 01-Sep-05 01-Nov-06 31-Oct-10 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet P58/1314 Granted 01-Sep-05 01-Nov-06 31-Oct-10 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet P58/1315 Granted 01-Sep-05 01-Nov-06 31-Oct-10 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet P58/1316 Granted 01-Sep-05 01-Nov-06 31-Oct-10 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet P58/1317 Granted 01-Sep-05 01-Nov-06 31-Oct-10 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet P58/1318 Granted 01-Sep-05 01-Nov-06 31-Oct-10 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet P58/1319 Granted 01-Sep-05 01-Nov-06 31-Oct-10 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet P58/1320 Granted 01-Sep-05 01-Nov-06 31-Oct-10 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet P58/1321 Granted 01-Sep-05 01-Nov-06 31-Oct-10 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet P58/1322 Granted 01-Sep-05 01-Nov-06 31-Oct-10 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet P58/1323 Granted 01-Sep-05 01-Nov-06 31-Oct-10 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet P58/1324 Granted 01-Sep-05 01-Nov-06 31-Oct-10 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet P58/1377 Granted 09-Nov-06 08-Jun-09 07-Jun-13 11 Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL Review of Operations Interests in Mining Tenements (continued) Project Location Tenement Status Application Date Grant Date Expiry Date Associated Acquiring Tenement ID % Acquired % Registered Beneficial Owner Owner Mt Magnet Mt Magnet P58/1378 Granted 09-Nov-06 08-Jun-09 07-Jun-13 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet P58/1389 Granted 29-Jan-07 08-Jun-09 07-Jun-13 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet P58/1390 Granted 29-Jan-07 08-Jun-09 07-Jun-13 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet P58/1391 Granted 29-Jan-07 08-Jun-09 07-Jun-13 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet P58/1392 Granted 29-Jan-07 08-Jun-09 07-Jun-13 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet P58/1393 Granted 29-Jan-07 08-Jun-09 07-Jun-13 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet P58/1394 Granted 29-Jan-07 08-Jun-09 07-Jun-13 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet P58/1395 Granted 29-Jan-07 08-Jun-09 07-Jun-13 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL Mt Magnet Mt Magnet P58/1396 Application 29-Jan-07 M58/323 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Mt Magnet P58/1397 Granted 29-Jan-07 08-Jun-09 07-Jun-13 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet P58/1398 Granted 29-Jan-07 08-Jun-09 07-Jun-13 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet P58/1399 Granted 01-Feb-07 08-Jun-09 07-Jun-13 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet P58/1400 Granted 01-Feb-07 08-Jun-09 07-Jun-13 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet P58/1401 Granted 01-Feb-07 08-Jun-09 07-Jun-13 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet P58/1402 Granted 01-Feb-07 08-Jun-09 07-Jun-13 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet P58/1407 Granted 25-Jul-07 08-Jun-09 07-Jun-13 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet P58/1416 Granted 20-Sep-07 08-Jun-09 07-Jun-13 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet P58/1417 Granted 20-Sep-07 08-Jun-09 07-Jun-13 Mt Magnet Mt Magnet P58/1502 Application 17-Nov-09 Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL Mt Magnet Mt Magnet P58/825 Granted 31-Aug-92 27-Oct-92 26-Oct-96 M58/248 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL Mt Magnet Mt Magnet P58/924 Granted 03-Dec-93 22-Feb-94 21-Feb-96 M58/273 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL Mt Magnet Mt Magnet P58/940 Granted 12-Aug-94 25-Oct-94 24-Oct-98 M58/285 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Gold NL Gold NL Mt Magnet Mt Magnet P58/941 Granted 19-Aug-94 22-Nov-94 21-Nov-98 M58/286 100% Mt Magnet Mt Magnet Burbanks Coolgardie M15/1273 Granted 16-Dec-98 30-Mar-99 29-Mar-20 Burbanks Coolgardie M15/1369 Granted 22-May-01 31-Dec-01 30-Dec-22 Burbanks Coolgardie M15/1370 Granted 22-May-01 31-Dec-01 30-Dec-22 Burbanks Coolgardie P15/5269 Granted 19-May-08 29-Jun-09 28-Jun-13 Burbanks Coolgardie G15/10 Granted 22-Mar-91 20-May-92 19-May-13 Burbanks Coolgardie G15/11 Granted 22-Mar-91 20-May-92 19-May-13 Burbanks Coolgardie G15/12 Granted 22-Mar-91 20-May-92 19-May-13 Burbanks Coolgardie G15/13 Granted 22-Mar-91 20-May-92 19-May-13 Burbanks Coolgardie L15/109 Granted 3-Jul-89 22-Jun-90 21-Jun-10 12 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Gold NL Gold NL Ramelius Ramelius Milling Services Pty Ltd Milling Services Pty Ltd Ramelius Ramelius Milling Services Pty Ltd Milling Services Pty Ltd Ramelius Milling Services Pty Ltd Ramelius Milling Services Pty Ltd Ramelius Milling Services Pty Ltd Ramelius Milling Services Pty Ltd Ramelius Milling Services Pty Ltd Ramelius Milling Services Pty Ltd Ramelius Milling Services Pty Ltd Ramelius Milling Services Pty Ltd Ramelius Milling Services Pty Ltd Ramelius Milling Services Pty Ltd Ramelius Milling Services Pty Ltd Ramelius Milling Services Pty Ltd Ramelius Milling Services Pty Ltd Ramelius Milling Services Pty Ltd Project Location Tenement Status Application Date Grant Date Expiry Date Associated Acquiring Tenement ID % Acquired % Registered Beneficial Owner Owner Burbanks Coolgardie L15/110 Granted 3-Jul-89 22-Jun-90 21-Jun-10 100% Ramelius Ramelius Milling Services Pty Ltd Milling Services Pty Ltd Burbanks Coolgardie L15/189 Granted 10-Mar-94 21-Jun-94 20-Jun-14 100% Ramelius Ramelius Milling Services Pty Ltd Milling Services Pty Ltd Burbanks Coolgardie L15/234 Granted 31-Jan-02 27-Nov-03 26-Nov-24 100% Ramelius Ramelius Milling Services Pty Ltd Milling Services Pty Ltd Burbanks Coolgardie L15/284 Granted 21-Sep-07 25-May-09 24-May-30 100% Ramelius Ramelius Glen Isla Gold NSW EL6246 Granted 27-Jan-04 25-May-04 24-May-12 Mt Windsor Queensland EPM14161 Granted 15-Jul-03 15-Jun-04 14-Jun-12 Mt Windsor Queensland EPM15102 Granted 10-May-05 28-Mar-06 27-Mar-11 Mt Windsor Queensland EPM15192 Granted 22-Aug-05 30-Aug-06 29-Aug-11 Mt Windsor Queensland EPM15197 Granted 23-Aug-05 30-Aug-06 29-Aug-11 Mt Windsor Queensland EPM16408 Granted 1-May-07 12-Nov-09 11-Apr-14 Mt Windsor Queensland EPM16627 Granted 2-Jul-07 6-Nov-08 5-Nov-13 Mt Windsor Queensland EPM16712 Granted 1-Aug-07 30-Oct-08 29-Oct-13 Mt Windsor Queensland EPM16846 Application 3-Jun-07 Mt Windsor Queensland EPM16920 Application 1-Oct-07 Mt Windsor Queensland EPM17081 Application 3-Dec-07 Mt Windsor Queensland EPM17082 Application 3-Dec-07 Mt Windsor Queensland EPM17804 Granted 1-Sep-08 3-May-10 2-May-15 Mt Windsor Queensland EPM17971 Application 9-Dec-08 Mt Windsor Queensland EPM18224 Application 3-Aug-08 Mt Windsor Queensland EPM18231 Application 4-Aug-09 Mt Windsor Queensland EPM18233 Application 4-Aug-09 Mt Windsor Queensland EPM18235 Application 4-Aug-09 Mt Windsor Queensland EPM18236 Application 4-Aug-09 Mt Windsor Queensland EPM18352 Application 20-Oct-09 Mt Windsor Queensland EPM18376 Application 3-Nov-09 Mt Windsor Queensland EPM18422 Application 18-Feb-10 Mt Windsor Queensland EPM18545 Application 1-Dec-09 13 Earning 51 % Earning 60% Earning 60% Earning 60% Earning 60% Earning 60% Earning 60% Earning 60% Earning 60% Earning 60% Earning 60% Earning 60% Earning 60% Earning 60% Earning 60% Earning 60% Earning 60% Earning 60% Earning 60% Earning 60% Earning 60% Earning 60% Earning 60% Milling Services Pty Ltd Milling Services Pty Ltd Carpentaria Carpentaria Exploration Exploration Limited Limited Liontown Resources Resources Liontown Limited Limited Uranium Liontown Equities Resources Limited Limited Liontown Resources Resources Liontown Limited Limited Liontown Resources Resources Liontown Limited Limited Liontown Resources Resources Liontown Limited Limited Liontown Resources Resources Liontown Limited Limited Liontown Resources Resources Liontown Limited Limited Liontown Resources Resources Liontown Limited Limited Liontown Resources Resources Liontown Limited Limited Liontown Resources Resources Liontown Limited Limited Liontown Resources Resources Liontown Limited Limited Liontown Resources Resources Liontown Limited Limited Uranium Liontown Equities Resources Limited Limited Liontown Resources Resources Liontown Limited Limited Liontown Resources Resources Liontown Limited Limited Liontown Resources Resources Liontown Limited Limited Liontown Resources Resources Liontown Limited Limited Liontown Resources Resources Liontown Limited Limited Liontown Resources Resources Liontown Limited Limited Liontown Resources Resources Liontown Limited Limited Liontown Resources Resources Liontown Limited Limited Liontown Resources Resources Liontown Limited Limited Review of Operations Interests in Mining Tenements (continued) Project Location Tenement Status Application Date Grant Date Expiry Date Associated Acquiring Tenement ID % Acquired % Registered Beneficial Owner Owner Mt Windsor Mt Windsor Queensland EPM18682 Application 12-May-10 Queensland EPM18759 Application 1-Jul-10 100% 60% Ramelius Ramelius Ramelius Mt Windsor Queensland EPM18768 Application 9-Jul-10 60% Ramelius Mt Windsor Queensland EPM18776 Application 16-Jul-10 60% Ramelius Mt Windsor Queensland EPM18805 Application 2-Aug-10 60% Ramelius Mt Windsor Queensland EPM18807 Application 2-Aug-10 60% Ramelius Ramelius & Liontown Resources Limited Ramelius & Liontown Resources Limited Ramelius & Liontown Resources Limited Ramelius & Liontown Resources Limited Ramelius & Liontown Resources Limited Royalty Interests The Current status of the Company’s Royalty Interests is as follows: Project Name Location Tenement SANDSTONE* –Gold EastMurchison Various Current Holder Nature of Ramelius’ Royalty TroyResources NL Productionbased RoyaltyCapped at$300,000 BULONG* –Gold SPARGOS REWARD* –Gold EastCoolgardie Various YilgarnGoldLtd Productionbased Royalty NotCapped Coolgardie Various Breakaway ResourcesLtd 3%Gross GoldRoyalty SIBERIA* –Gold/Nickel BroadArrow Various SiberiaMining CorpLtd EDJUDINA* –Gold MtMargaret Various Saracen Mineral HoldingsLtd EUCALYPTUS* –Nickel MtMargaret M39/803, M39/804 GME ResourcesLtd NickelandGold Royalty Collectively cappedat $100,000 Production based RoyaltyCappedat $500,000 Optionto purchaseon commencement ofminingNickel Lateritesat $0.10/tonneof ProvenOre Comments NoCurrent Activityby Holderonthe Royalty Tenements NoCurrent Activityby Holderonthe Royalty Tenements NoCurrent MiningActivity byHolderonthe Royalty Tenements NoCurrent Activityby Holderonthe Royalty Tenements Currently Subjectto Proposed Development NoCurrent Activityby Holderonthe Royalty Tenements PARKER RANGE* –Allminerals Yilgarn E77/1403, P77/3764-5, P77/3481 CazalyIron PtyLtd Royaltyof1% ofvalueof mineralsproduced cappedat $500,000 NoCurrent Activityby Holderonthe Royalty Tenements * These royalty assets have been impaired and their carrying costs written off. 14 Native Title Statement ExplorationandminingareasheldbytheCompanymay besubjecttoissuesassociatedwithNativeTitle.Whilst it is not appropriate to comment in any detail upon specific negotiations with Native Title parties, the directorsofRameliusbelieveitisimportanttostatethe Company’s policy and approach to Native Title and dealings with indigenous communities. The directors believethatthefollowingNativeTitlepolicystatement summarisestheCompany’sdesiretodevelopaspiritof co-operation in its dealings with indigenous people, creategoodwill,mutualawarenessandunderstanding andmostimportantly,respectandcommitment. Recognition and Respect Ramelius recognises Aboriginal regard for land and respectstheirculture,traditionsandculturalsites. Understanding and Trust RameliuslistenstoAboriginalcommunityrepresentatives inordertounderstandtheirviewsandbeliefs.Recognising thatcommunitiesmaynotbefullyappreciativeofhowthe Company’s business and industry operates, Ramelius works towardsincreasingtheirunderstanding,respect andtrustandtopromotetheCompany’sobligationsand economic constraintsamongstindigenouscommunities. Rameliusensuresthatitsemployeesandcontractors approach the Company’s activities at local sites with respect andaclearunderstandingofimportantissues andpriorities. that leaders community Communication and Commitment Rameliusadoptspracticalmeasurestodeveloptrust. Acknowledging and representatives haveanobligationtoconsultitspeople inordertodeterminetheiropinionsandwishesandthat thismayoftennotbeachievedasquicklyasisdesired, Ramelius uses its best endeavours to expedite the processandensurethatitscommercialinterestsarenot adverselyimpacted.TheCompanyalsousesitsbest endeavourstoensurereasonablerightsofconsultation and continued access to land are facilitated and the integrityoflandispreserved.TheCompanyiscommitted totakingappropriatestepstoidentifyandreducethe effectsofanyunforseenimpactsfromitsactivities. Achievements During the year, Ramelius made production related paymentstoboththeWidjiPeopleandtheCentralWest GoldfieldsPeopleandcontinueditsbusinessdevelopment arrangementswiththeWidjiPeople. Acknowledgement The directors of Ramelius publicly acknowledge the continuedco-operationandgoodwillshownbytheWidji and Central West Goldfields People and their representativesinthecourseoftheirinteractionswith theCompanyduringtheyear. 15 Corporate Governance Statement Corporate Governance Statement Part A: Introduction A1. The Board of Directors are responsible for the overall Corporate Governance of the Company including strategicdirection,managementgoalsettingandmonitoring,internalcontrol,riskmanagementandfinancial reporting.Indischargingthisresponsibility,theBoardseekstotakeintoaccounttheinterestsofallkey stakeholdersoftheCompany,includingshareholders,employees,customersandthebroadercommunity. A2. Asalistedentity,RameliusResourcesLimitedisrequiredtoadheretotheASXListingRulesoftheAustralian SecuritiesExchange.Thisincludestherequirementtoannuallyreporttheextenttowhichtheentityhas followed the Corporate Governance Recommendations published by the ASX Corporate Governance Council(“ASXCGC”).Therecommendationsarebasedoneightcoreprinciplesofbestpracticeforcorporate governancewhicharenotintendedtobeprescriptionstobefollowedbyallASXlistedcompanies,butrather guidelinesdesignedtoproduceanoutcomethatiseffectiveandofhighqualityandintegrity.Inconsidering corporategovernancepractices,theBoardismindfuloftherecognitionbytheASXCGCthata“one size fits all”approachtoCorporateGovernanceisnotrequired.Instead,theASXCGCstatessuggestionsforbest practicedesignedtooptimisecorporateperformanceandaccountabilityintheinterestsofshareholdersand thebroadereconomy.Acompanymayconsiderthatarecommendationisinappropriatetoitsparticular circumstancesandhasflexibilitynottoadoptitandexplainwhy. A3. Except for those specifically identified and disclosed below, the Company has not to date adopted all ASXCGCbestpracticerecommendationsbecausetheBoardbelievesitcannotjustifythenecessarycost giventhesizeandstageoftheentity’slifeasapubliclistedexplorationcompany.TheBoardis,nevertheless, committedtoensuringthatappropriateCorporateGovernancepracticesareinplacefortheproperdirection andmanagementoftheCompany.ThisstatementoutlinesthemainCorporateGovernancepracticesofthe CompanydisclosedundertheprinciplesoutlinedbytheASXCGC,includingthosethatcomplywithbest practiceandwhichunlessotherwisedisclosed,wereinplaceduringthewholeofthefinancialyearended 30June2010. 16 Corporate Governance Statement Summary of Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations Reference Principle 1 – Lay solid foundations for management and oversight 1.1 EstablishthefunctionsreservedtotheBoardandthosedelegatedtosenior executivesanddisclosethosefunctions. B4,B6,B8, B18,B20 1.2 Disclosetheprocessforevaluatingtheperformanceofseniorexecutives. B9 1.3 ProvidetheinformationindicatedintheGuidetoreportingonPrinciple1. B11,B66 Principle 2 – Structure the Board to add value 2.1 AmajorityoftheBoardshouldbeindependentdirectors. 2.2 2.3 Thechairshouldbeanindependentdirector. Therolesofthechairandchiefexecutiveofficershouldnotbeexercisedby thesameindividual. 2.4 Theboardshouldestablishanominationcommittee. 2.5 Disclosetheprocessforevaluatingtheperformanceoftheboard,itscommittees andindividualdirectors. 2.6 ProvidetheinformationindicatedintheGuidetoreportingonPrinciple2. B14 B12,B14 B15 B7 B11 B11,B12,B13, B14,B16,B17, B66 Principle 3 – Promote ethical and responsible decision making 3.1 Establishacodeofconductanddisclosethecodeorsummaryofthecodeasto: • Thepracticesnecessarytomaintainconfidenceinthecompany’sintegrity; • Thepracticesnecessarytotakeintoaccounttheirlegalobligationsandthe B22,B23 reasonableexpectationsoftheirstakeholders; • Theresponsibilityandaccountabilityofindividualsforreportingandinvestigating reportsofunethicalpractices. 3.2 Establishapolicyconcerningtradingincompanysecuritiesbydirectors, B26,B27 seniorexecutivesandemployees,anddisclosethepolicyorasummaryofthatpolicy. 3.3 ProvidetheinformationindicatedintheGuidetoreportingonPrinciple3. B66 17 Corporate Governance Statement Principle 4 – Safeguard integrity in financial reporting 4.1 Theboardshouldestablishanauditcommittee. 4.2 Theauditcommitteeshouldbestructuredsothatit: • Consistsonlyofnon-executive; • Consistsofamajorityofindependentdirectors; • • Hasatleastthreemembers. Ischairedbyanindependentchair,whoisnotchairoftheboard; 4.3 Theauditcommitteeshouldhaveaformalcharter. 4.4 ProvidetheinformationindicatedintheGuidetoreportingonPrinciple4. B25 B12,B14, B29,B34 B30 B12,B13,B34, B36,B66 Principle 5 – Making timely and balanced disclosure 5.1 EstablishwrittenpoliciesdesignedtoensurecompliancewithASXListingRules disclosurerequirementsandtoensureaccountabilityatseniorexecutivelevelfor thatcomplianceanddisclosethosepoliciesorasummaryofthosepolicies. B38 5.2 ProvidetheinformationindicatedintheGuidetoreportingonPrinciple5. B37,B66 Principle 6 – Respect the rights of shareholders 6.1 Designacommunicationspolicyforpromotingeffectivecommunicationwith B39 shareholdersandencouragingtheirparticipationatgeneralmeetingsanddisclose thepolicyorasummaryofthepolicy. 6.2 ProvidetheinformationindicatedintheGuidetoreportingonPrinciple6. B40,B66 Principle 7 – Recognise and manage risks 7.1 Establishpoliciesfortheoversightandmanagementofmaterialbusinessrisks B41,B42 anddiscloseasummaryofthosepolicies. 7.2 TheBoardshouldrequiremanagementtodesignandimplementtherisk managementandinternalcontrolsystemtomanagethecompany’smaterial businessrisksandreporttoitonwhetherthoserisksarebeingmanagedeffectively. Theboardshoulddisclosethatmanagementhasreportedtoitastothe effectivenessofthecompany’smanagementofitsmaterialbusinessrisks. B42 18 Corporate Governance Statement 7.3 TheBoardshoulddisclosewhetherithasreceivedassurancefromthechief executiveofficer(orequivalent)andchieffinancialofficer(orequivalent)thatthe declarationprovidedinaccordancewithsection295AoftheCorporationsAct isfoundedonasoundsystemofriskmanagementandinternalcontrolandthat thesystemisoperatingeffectivelyinallmaterialrespectsinrelationtofinancial reportingrisks. B44 7.4 ProvidetheinformationindicatedintheGuidetoreportingonPrinciple7. B44,B66 Principle 8 – Remunerate fairly and responsibly 8.1 Theboardshouldestablisharemunerationcommittee. B49 8.2 Clearlydistinguishthestructureofnon-executivedirector’sremunerationfrom thatofexecutivedirectorsandseniorexecutives. 8.3 ProvidetheinformationindicatedintheGuidetoreportingonPrinciple8. B48,B50,B56 B12,B13,B48, B66 Part B: Corporate Governance Disclosure Principle 1 – Lay solid foundations for management and oversight Role of the Board B1. TheBoardisgovernedbytheCorporationsAct2001,ASXListingRulesandaformalconstitutionadopted bytheCompanyin2002onitsconversionfromaproprietarylimitedcompanytoapubliccompanylimitedby sharesandassubsequentlyamendedbyshareholders. B2. TheBoard’sprimaryroleistheprotectionandenhancementoflong-termshareholdervalue. B3. TheBoardtakesresponsibilityfortheoverallCorporateGovernanceoftheCompanyincludingitsstrategic direction,managementgoalsettingandmonitoring,internalcontrol,riskmanagementandfinancialreporting. Indischargingthisresponsibility,theBoardseekstotakeintoaccounttheinterestsofallkeystakeholdersof theCompany,includingshareholders,employees,customersandthebroadercommunity. B4. TheBoardhasadoptedaformalBoardCharterinaccordancewithASXCGCbestpracticerecommendation 1.1. The Board Charter details the functions and responsibilities of the Board of Directors including the ChairmanandtheManagingDirector/ChiefExecutiveOfficeroftheCompany. B5. TheBoardofDirectorsisresponsiblefortheoverallCorporateGovernanceoftheCompany.TheBoard overviews the formulation of strategies and participates in setting objectives for the Company and the establishment of policies to be implemented by management. The Board monitors the activities of the Companyandensurestheentityisaccountabletoexternalstakeholders. 19 Corporate Governance Statement B6. TheBoard’sresponsibilitiesareextensiveandincludethefollowing: • DeterminingthesizeandcompositionoftheBoardofDirectors,remunerationofdirectors(subjecttothe maximumaggregateamountasapprovedfromtimetotimebytheCompanyingeneralmeeting)and assessingtheeffectivenessofindividualdirectorsandtheBoardasawhole; • EstablishingcommitteesoftheBoardanddeterminingtermsofreferenceandreportingrequirements; • Selectingandappointing(andwhereappropriate,removing)theChiefExecutive,determiningconditionsof serviceincludingremunerationandreviewingperformanceagainstkeyobjectives; • Ratifyingtheappointment(andwhereappropriate,removal)ofseniormanagementincludingtheChief FinancialOfficerandCompanySecretaryandapprovingconditionsofserviceincludingremunerationand performancemonitoring; • Reviewingseniormanagementsuccessionplanninganddevelopment; • ApprovingstrategicdirectionsandperformanceobjectivesfortheCompanyandmonitoringimplementation bymanagement; • Ensuringadequatefinancial,andhumanresourcesareavailabletoachievetheCompany’sobjectives; • Delegatingappropriatelevelsofauthoritytomanagement; • OverseeingtheactivitiesoftheCompanyandensuringeffectivesystemsofaudit,riskmanagementand internalcontrolsareinplacetoprotecttheentity’sassetsandminimiseoperationsbeyondlegaland regulatoryrequirementsoracceptableriskthresholds; • Monitoring compliance with legal and other regulatory requirements including accounting standards, continuousdisclosureandASXListingRules; • Approving and monitoring financial budgets, capital management, major expenditures and significant acquisitionsanddivestments; • Approvingandmonitoringfinancialandotherreporting; • Approvingandmonitoringappropriatepolicies,procedures,codesofconductandethicalstandardsfor directorsandemployees; • Ensuring effective communication and reporting to shareholders and other key stakeholders of the Company. Board processes and management B7. TheBoardhasanestablishedframeworkforthemanagementoftheentityincludingasystemofinternal control,abusinessriskmanagementprocessandappropriateethicalstandards.Toassistintheexecutionof itsresponsibilities,theBoardhasanAuditCommitteetodealwithinternalcontrol,ethicalstandardsand financialreporting.TheAuditCommittee’sroleandresponsibilities,composition,structureandmembership aresetoutinaformalCharter.InAugust2008theBoardestablishedaRemunerationCommitteetodeal executiveperformance,remuneration,recruitment,retentionandterminationpoliciesforseniormanagement andincentiveschemes.InAugust2009theCommitteewasrenamedtheNominationandRemuneration Committee. B8. TheBoardappointsaManagingDirector/ChiefExecutiveOfficerresponsibleforthedaytodaymanagement oftheCompany.TheroleoftheManagingDirectorisdocumentedintheBoardCharter(referPrinciple2 below). 20 Corporate Governance Statement Performance Evaluation B9. TheNominationandRemunerationCommitteeevaluatestheperformanceoftheManagingDirector/Chief ExecutiveOfficer,ChiefFinancialOfficer/CompanySecretaryandotherseniorexecutivesonaregularbasisand makes recommendations to the Board on any performance related remuneration matters. The Board encouragescontinuingprofessionaldevelopmentofseniorexecutivesandotheremployees.TheCompany’s remunerationpracticesaredisclosedintheRemunerationReportsectionoftheDirectorsReport. B10. TheNominationandRemunerationCommittee’sresponsibilitiesincludethefollowing: • EvaluatingthenecessaryanddesirablecompetenciesformembersoftheBoardofDirectors; • Assessingskills,experienceandexpertiseandmakingrecommendationstotheBoardoncandidatesfor appointmentandre-appointmentasdirectorsontheBoard; • Reviewingandmakingrecommendationsonprocessesforevaluatingtheperformanceofmembersofthe BoardanditsCommitteesandforassessingandenhancingdirectorcompetencies; • ReviewingandmonitoringprogressofsuccessionplansandmakingrecommendationstotheBoard; • ReviewingandmakingrecommendationstotheBoardontheremunerationoftheManagingDirector/CEO; • ReviewingandmakingrecommendationstotheBoard,onadvicefromtheManagingDirector/CEO,on remunerationofseniorexecutivesoftheCompany(otherthantheManagingDirector/CEO)andinrespect ofremunerationmattersgenerally; • Evaluating and making recommendations to the Board on the Company’s recruitment, retention and terminationpoliciesandprocedures; • AssessingandmakingrecommendationstotheBoardonremunerationpoliciesandpracticesincluding superannuationarrangements,incentiveschemesandperformancetargetsforseniorexecutivesandother employeesoftheCompany. • ReviewingandassessingannuallytheperformanceoftheCommitteeandtheadequacyofitscharter. B11. AperformanceevaluationfortheBoardanditsmembersisconductedbytheChairmanonaninformalbasis asconsiderednecessary.SuchevaluationwasundertakenbytheChairmanduringthe2010financialyear. Performanceevaluationsforrelevantseniorexecutiveswereundertakenbytheremunerationcommittee duringthe2010financialyearinaccordancewiththecompany’sperformanceevaluationprocess. Principle 2 – Structure the Board to add value Composition of the Board B12. ThenamesofthedirectorsoftheCompanyandtermsinofficeatthedateofthisStatementtogetherwiththeir skills,experienceandexpertisearesetoutbelow.Thedirectors’termsinofficeareconsideredappropriatein lightofthefactthattheCompanywasadormantcompanypriortoitsASXlistinginMarch2003. Robert Michael Kennedy Non-Executive Chairman - ASAIT, Grad, Dip (Systems Analysis), FCA, ACIS, Life member AIM, FAICD. MrKennedyjoinedRameliusResourcesLimitedon1November1995asanon-executivechairman.Heisa charteredaccountantandaconsultanttoKennedy&Co,CharteredAccountants,afirmhefounded.Heis alsoadirectorofASXlistedcompaniesBeachEnergyLimited(since1991),FlindersMinesLimited(since 2001), Maximus Resources Limited (since 2004), Monax Mining Ltd (since 2004), ERO Mining Limited 21 Corporate Governance Statement (since2006),MarmotaEnergyLimited(since2007)andSomertonEnergyLimited(since2010).Hisspecial responsibilitiesincludemembershipoftheAuditCommitteeandtheNomination&RemunerationCommittee. Mr Kennedy brings to the Board his expertise in finance and management consultancy and extensive experienceaschairmanandnon-executivedirectorofarangeoflistedpubliccompaniesincludinginthe resourcessector.MrKennedyleadsthedevelopmentofstrategiesforthedevelopmentandfuturegrowthof theCompany. Reginald George Nelson Non-Executive Director - BSc, Hon Life Member Society of Exploration Geophysicists, FAusIMM, FAICD. MrNelsonjoinedRameliusResourcesLimitedasanon-executivedirectoron1November1995.Hehashad acareerspanningfourdecadesasanexplorationgeophysicistinthemineralsandpetroleumindustries. Hewaschairmanofthepeakindustryorganisation,theAustralianPetroleumProductionandExploration Association(APPEA)from2004to2006andremainsamemberofitsCouncil.HeisaformerChairmanofthe NevoriaGoldMineJointVentureinWesternAustralia.Hehasbroadexperienceingoldexplorationand miningoperationsinWesternAustralia,theNorthernTerritoryandSouthAustralia.HeisalsoadirectorofASX listedcompanies,BeachEnergyLimited(since1992),MonaxMiningLtd(since2004),MarmotaEnergy Limited (since 2007) and Sundance Energy Limited (since 2010). His special responsibilities include Chairmanship of the Audit Committee and the Nomination & Remuneration Committee. Mr Nelson’s contribution totheBoardishiswidetechnicalexpertiseandknowledgeoftheminingindustryandcorporate matters. Ian James Gordon Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer - B.Com, MAICD. MrGordonjoinedRameliusResourcesLimitedasanexecutivedirectoron18October2007.Hehasmorethan 20yearsexperienceintheresourcesindustryingold,diamondsandbasemetals.Hehasheldmanagement positionswithRioTintoExplorationPtyLtd,GoldFieldsAustraliaPtyLtdandDeltaGoldLimited.Hewasa directorofASXlistedcompany,GlengarryResourcesLimited(2004to2005).Hisspecialresponsibilities relatetodirectingtheexplorationprogramanddevelopmentoftheWattleDamgoldmine.MrGordon’s contributiontotheBoardishisbroadexperienceingoldexplorationandminingoperationsinAustraliaand knowledge of industry issues is directed towards expanding and strengthening the future growth of the Company. Joseph Fred Houldsworth Non-Executive Director MrHouldsworthjoinedRameliusResourcesLimitedasanexecutivedirectoron18February2002andwas ManagingDirectorandChiefExecutiveOfficeruntil31July2009.Hehasextensivepracticalexperienceinthe resourcesindustryhavingworkedintheminingandexplorationindustryformorethan30yearsatboth operationalandmanagementlevelsprimarilyintheWesternAustralianGoldfields.Hewasinstrumentalin turningaroundthetroubledNevoriaGoldMinein1993andisaformerconsultantfor10yearstoinsolvency specialistsonbothminingandexploration.MrHouldsworth’scontributiontotheBoardishisconsiderable experienceandknowledgeoftheminingindustryandastheformerchiefexecutiveofthecompanyaswell ashisbackgroundinassetmanagementforvariousminingentities. 22 Corporate Governance Statement Kevin James Lines Non-Executive Director - BSc (Geology), MAusIMM. MrLinesjoinedRameliusResourcesLimitedasanon-executivedirectoron9April2008.Hehasover25 yearsexperienceinmineralexplorationandminingforgold,copper,lead,zincandtin.Hehasheldsenior geologicalmanagementpositionswithNewmontAustraliaLimited,NormandyMiningLimitedandtheCRA groupof companies.HewasthefoundationChiefGeologistatKalgoorlieConsolidatedGoldMineswherehe ledtheteamthatdevelopedtheore-bodymodelsandgeologicalsystemsfortheSuper-PitOperationsin Kalgoorlie, managed the Eastern Australian Exploration Division of Newmont Australia that included responsibilityfortheexpansivetenementholdingsoftheTanamiregion.HeisalsomanagingdirectorofASX listed company, ERO Mining Limited (since 2006). Mr Line’s contribution to the Board is his extensive experienceintheassessmentandevaluationofexplorationprojectsanddevelopmentofpropertiesand miningoperationsoverseas. B13. TheCompanyheld35meetingsofdirectors(includingcommitteesofdirectors)duringthefinancialyear.The numberofdirectors’meetingsandnumberofmeetingsattendedbyeachofthedirectorsoftheCompany (includingcommitteesofdirectors)duringthefinancialyearwereasfollows: Directors’ Meetings Audit Committee Meetings Nomination & Remuneration Committee Meetings Due Diligence Committee Meetings Number Number Attended Eligible to attend Number Eligible to attend Number Attended Number Number Attended Eligible to attend Number Number Eligible Attended to attend Director RobertMichaelKennedy2 ReginaldGeorgeNelson2 JosephFredHouldsworth1,2 IanJamesGordon 1 KevinJamesLines1 26 26 26 26 26 26 25 25 26 26 2 2 - - - 2 2 - - - 2 2 - - - 2 2 - - - - - - 5 5 - - - 5 5 1 Messrs Houldsworth, Gordon and Lines are not members of the Audit Committee or the Nomination & RemunerationCommittee. 2 MessrsKennedy,NelsonandHouldswortharenotmembersoftheDueDiligenceCommittee. 23 Corporate Governance Statement B14. ThecompositionoftheBoardcurrentlyconsistsoffivedirectors,MrRMKennedy(Chairman),MrRGNelson, MrJFHouldsworth,MrKJLinesandMrIJGordon.ApartfromMrGordon(ChiefExecutiveOfficer),allother directorsincludingtheChairman,arenon-executives.AlthoughthecompositionoftheBoardiscomprisedof amajorityofnon-executivedirectors,themajorityoftheBoardishowevernotregardedasmeetingthe criteriaofbeingindependentbecausetwoofthenon-executivedirectors(MessrsKennedyandNelson)are officersofasubstantialshareholderoftheCompanyandMrHouldsworthwasManagingDirectoruntilJuly 2009.Onedirector(MrLines)meetstheindependentdirectorcriteriacontainedinASXCGCbestpractice recommendation2.1.Notwithstandingthecriteriasetoutinbestpracticerecommendation2.1,theBoard considers that all non-executive directors act independent from any conflict of interest and in the best interestsofstakeholdersbecausealldirectorsarerequiredtodiscloseanyconflictormaterialinterestinany matterbeingconsideredbytheBoardinaccordancewiththeprovisionsofSection191oftheCorporations Act. B15. MrKennedy’sroleasChairmanoftheBoardisseparatefromthatoftheManagingDirector/ChiefExecutive Officer,MrHouldsworth(until31July2009)/MrGordon(since1August2009)whoisresponsiblefortheday todaymanagementoftheCompanyandisincompliancewiththeASXCGCbestpracticerecommendation 2.3thattheserolesnotbeexercisedbythesameindividual. B16. TheCompany’sconstitutionspecifiesthenumberofdirectorsmustbeatleastthreeandatmostten.The Boardmayatanytimeappointadirectortofillacasualvacancy.DirectorsappointedbytheBoardare subjecttoelectionbyshareholdersatthefollowingannualgeneralmeetingandthereafterdirectors(other than theManagingDirector)aresubjecttore-electionatleasteverytwoyears.Thetenureforexecutive directorsislinkedtotheirholdingofexecutiveoffice. B17. FormaldeedswereenteredintobytheCompanywithdirectorswherebyalldirectorsareentitledtotakesuch legaladviceastheyrequireatanytimeandfromtimetotimeonanymatterconcerningorinrelationtotheir rights,dutiesandobligationsasdirectorsinrelationtotheaffairsoftheCompany. B18. TheBoardCharterdetailstherolesoftheChairmanandManagingDirector/ChiefExecutiveOfficerasfollows. Role of the Chairman B19. TheroleofChairmanisnon-executiveandcentraltotheeffectivecorporategovernanceoftheCompany.The ChairmanleadstheBoardandGeneralMeetingsoftheCompanyandisinstrumentalinensuringeffective communicationsexistbetweentheBoardofDirectorsandseniormanagement.TheChairmanisalso responsibleforthefollowing: • Ensuring the Company has an effective Board and that there are appropriate procedures in place to evaluatetheperformanceoftheBoardasawhole,itsindividualdirectorsandcommittees; • EnsuringthatmeetingsoftheBoardareconductedefficientlyandeffectivelyandthatthequalityofagenda andBoardpapersproperlyinformdirectorsontheoperationsoftheCompanysoastofacilitateeffective review,analysis,discussionanddecisionmakingbydirectors; • Promotinghighstandardsofintegrityandethics; • EstablishingandmaintainingacloseworkingrelationshipwiththeManagingDirector/ChiefExecutive Officerandprovidingongoingsupportandadvice; • OverseeingcommunicationswithshareholdersandotherkeystakeholdersandrepresentingtheBoardof Directorsasrequired. 24 Corporate Governance Statement Role of the Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer B20. TheroleoftheManagingDirector/ChiefExecutiveOfficerisseparatefromtheChairmanandisappointedby the non-executive directors of the Board. The responsibilities of the Managing Director/Chief Executive Officerincludethefollowing: • RecommendingstrategicdirectionsandimplementingbusinessplansapprovedbytheBoard; • ManagingthedaytodayoperationsoftheCompanyincludingitsfinancial,physicalandhumanresources; • Developingandimplementingriskmanagementprocedures; • Developingandimplementinginternalcontrolandregulatorycompliancepoliciesandprocedures; • Providingtimely,accurateandrelevantinformationtotheBoard. Principle 3 – Promote ethical and responsible decision making Ethical standards B21. The Company aims to a high standard of corporate governance and ethical conduct by directors and employees. B22. TheCompanyhasaPolicyManualwhichcontainsacodeofconductthatprovidesguidancetoemployees regardingexpectedstandardsofbehaviour,ethicsandintegrityasaconditionoftheiremployment. B23. TheCompany’scodeofconductrequiresDirectorsandofficersto: • actingoodfaithandinthebestinterestsoftheCompany; • exercisecareanddiligencethatareasonablepersoninthatrolewouldexercise; • exercisetheirpowersingoodfaithforaproperpurposeandinthebestinterestsoftheCompany; • notimproperlyusetheirpositionorinformationobtainedthroughtheirpositiontogainapersonaladvantage orfortheadvantageofanotherpersontothedetrimentoftheCompany; • disclosematerialpersonalinterestsandavoidactualorpotentialconflictsofinterests; • keepthemselvesinformedofrelevantCompanymatters; • keepconfidentialthebusinessofalldirectorsmeetings;and • observeandsupporttheBoard’sCorporateGovernancepracticesandprocedures. B24. AlldirectorshavesigneddeedswiththeCompanywhichrequirethemtoprovidetheCompanywithdetails ofallsecuritiesregisteredinthedirector’snameoranentityinwhichthedirectorhasarelevantinterestwithin themeaningofsection9oftheCorporationsAct2001anddetailsofallcontracts,otherthancontractsto whichtheCompanyisapartytowhichthedirectorisapartyorunderwhichthedirectorisentitledtoa benefit,andthatconferarighttocallforordeliversharesintheCompanyandthenatureofthedirector’s interestunderthecontract. B25. DirectorsarerequiredtodisclosetotheBoardanymaterialcontractinwhichtheymayhaveaninterest.In accordancewithSection195oftheCorporationsAct2001,adirectorhavingamaterialpersonalinterestin anymattertobedealtwithbytheBoard,willnotbepresentwhenthatmatterisconsideredbytheBoardand willnotvoteonthatmatter. 25 Corporate Governance Statement Trading in the Company’s Securities B26. TheCompanyhasapolicywherebydirectors,officersandemployeesarenotpermittedtotradeinsecurities oftheCompanyatanytimewhilstinpossessionofpricesensitiveinformationnotreadilyavailabletothe market.Section1043AoftheCorporationsAct2001alsoprohibitstheacquisitionanddisposalofsecurities whereapersonpossessesinformationthatisnotgenerallyavailableandwhichmayreasonablybeexpected tohaveamaterialeffectonthepriceofthesecuritiesiftheinformationwasgenerallyavailable. B27. InadditiontheBoardhasapprovedaformalpolicyregardingnotificationofDirectors’interestsinsecuritiesof theCompanyandcontracts. Principle 4 – Safeguard integrity in financial reporting CEO/CFO declarations on financial reports B28. TheChiefExecutiveOfficerandChiefFinancialOfficerarerequiredtoprovidewrittendeclarationstotheBoard statingthatintheiropinionstheCompany’sannualfinancialreportspresentatrueandfairview,inallmaterial respects,oftheCompany’sfinancialpositionandfinancialperformanceareinaccordancewithrelevant accountingstandards. Audit Committee B29. RameliusisnotaCompanyrequiredbyASXListingRule12.7tohaveanAuditCommitteeduringtheyear althoughitisabestpracticerecommendationoftheASXCGC.NotwithstandingtheListingRulerequirement, theCompanyhasestablishedanAuditCommitteeinaccordancewithASXCGCbestpracticerecommendation 4.1tooverseetheCompany’sinternalcontrols,ethicalstandards,financialreporting,andexternalaccounting andcomplianceprocedures. B30. TheBoardhasadoptedaformalCharterfortheAuditCommitteeinaccordancewithASXCGCbestpractice recommendation4.3.TheCharterdetailstheAuditCommittee’sroleandresponsibilities,compositionand membershiprequirements.TheroleoftheChairmanoftheAuditCommitteeisalsodetailedintheCharter. B31. The Audit Committee is generally responsible for the integrity of the Company’s financial reporting and overseeingtheperformanceandindependenceoftheexternalauditor. B32. MembersoftheAuditCommitteehavefullrightstoaccessallinformationandrecordsoftheCompanyand todiscussanymatterwiththeexternalauditorandseniormanagement.TheCommitteealsohastherightto seekexternalprofessionaladviceatthecostoftheCompany. B33. TheAuditCommittee’sresponsibilitiesareasfollows: • Overseeingestablishment,maintenanceandreviewingtheeffectivenessoftheCompany’sinternalcontrol andensuringefficacyandefficiencyofoperations,reliabilityoffinancialreportingandcompliancewith applicableAccountingStandards,RegulationsandASXListingRules; • Reviewing,assessingandmakingrecommendationstotheBoardontheannualandhalfyearfinancial reportsandotherfinancialinformationorformalannouncementspublishedorreleasedbytheCompany; • Assessing and ensuring that any significant transactions and related party dealings are properly recognised,recordedanddisclosedintheCompany’sfinancialreports; • ObtainingandreviewingstatementsfromtheChiefExecutiveOfficerandChiefFinancialOfficerexpressing opinionsonwhethertheCompany’sfinancialrecordshavebeenproperlymaintainedandwhetherfinancial statementscomplywithaccountingstandardsandpresentatrueandfairview; 26 Corporate Governance Statement • ReviewingtheeffectivenessoftheCompany’sriskmanagementandinternalcompliancesystems; • Approvingandmonitoringappropriatepolicies,procedures,codesofconductandethicalstandardsfor directors and employees and receiving and assessing management reports on any deficiencies or weaknessesthatmayarise; • LiaisinganddiscussinganyrelevantissueswiththeChiefExecutiveOfficerandChiefFinancialOfficer; • Assessingthescopeoftheannualauditandhalfyearreview,ensuringemphasisisplacedonanyareas requiringspecialattention; • Liaisingwithandreviewingallreportsoftheexternalauditorincludingauditreports,managementlettersand independencedeclarations; • Reviewingperformanceandassessingindependenceoftheexternalauditorhavingregardfortheprovision ofanynonauditservicesandwherenecessary,makingrecommendationsrelatingtoauditfees,selection process,appointment,andremovaloftheCompany’sexternalauditor; • Obtainingandreviewingstatementsconfirmingtheexternalauditor’sindependence; • Reviewing and monitoring management’s response to any significant external auditor findings and recommendations; • Reporting generally to the Board on the activities of the Committee and making any necessary recommendationsrelatingtoareasofimprovement; • ReviewingthecontentsofstatementstobeincludedintheannualreportontheactivitiesoftheCommittee; • EnsuringeffectivecommunicationandreportingoftheroleoftheCommitteetoshareholdersandotherkey stakeholdersoftheCompany; • ReviewingandassessingannuallytheperformanceoftheCommitteeandtheadequacyofthisCharter. B34. TheAuditCommitteecurrentlyconsistsofthetwonon-executiveBoarddirectors,MessrsKennedy&Nelson, andischairedbyMrNelson.MrKennedyisaqualifiedCharteredAccountant.Detailsofthesedirectors’ qualificationsandattendanceatmeetingsaresetoutintheDirectors’Reportsectionofthisreport.TheAudit Committeecurrentlyconsistoflessthanthreemembersanddoesnothaveamajorityofindependentdirectors includinganindependentChairman.ThemembersoftheCommitteearenotregardedasbeingindependent accordingtothecriteriasetoutintheASXCGCbestpracticerecommendationsbecausetheyareofficersof asubstantialshareholderoftheCompany.Notwithstandingthecriteriasetoutinbestpracticerecommendation 2.1regardingindependence,theBoardconsidersthatallmembersoftheCommitteeactindependentfrom anyconflictofinterestandinthebestinterestsofstakeholdersbecausealldirectorsarerequiredtodisclose anyconflictormaterialinterestinanymatterbeingconsideredbytheCommitteeinaccordancewiththe provisionsofSection191oftheCorporationsAct.Nevertheless,notwithstandingthattheCompanyisnot requiredtohaveanAuditCommitteebyASXListingRule12.7,theAuditCommitteeestablishedbytheBoard isinpartialcompliancewithASXCGCbestpracticerecommendation4.2inthatitconsistsofonlynon- executivedirectorswithaChairmanwhoisnottheChairmanoftheBoard.TheBoardconsidersthecurrent compositionoftheAuditCommitteeisappropriategiventhecurrentcompositionandsizeoftheBoardof Directors. B35. The role of Chairman is non-executive and central to the effectiveness of the Audit Committee and its contributiontotheBoard’soverallresponsibilityfortheCorporateGovernanceoftheCompany.TheChairman leadstheCommitteeanditsmeetingsandisinstrumentalinensuringeffectivecommunicationsexistbetween theCommitteeandtheBoardofDirectors,seniormanagementandexternalauditor.TheChairmanisalso responsibleforthefollowing: 27 Corporate Governance Statement • Ensuring the Audit Committee has appropriate procedures in place to evaluate the performance and effectivenessoftheCommitteeasawholeanditsindividualMembers; • Ensuring that meetings of the Audit Committee are conducted efficiently and effectively and that the qualityofagendasandpapersproperlyinformMembersonmattersbeforetheCommitteethatfacilitates effectivereview,analysis,discussionanddecisionmakingbyMembersoftheCommittee; • Promotinghighstandardsofintegrityandethics; • Maintaining a close working relationship with the Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer, senior management and external auditor so as to facilitate an effective flow of relevant and appropriate informationtotheCommittee; • EnsuringthattheBoardiskeptinformedonallmattersrelatingtotheactivitiesoftheCommitteeand overseeinganycommunicationsconcerningitsactivitieswithshareholdersandotherkeystakeholders. B36. TheCommitteemeetsatleasttwotimesperannumandreportstotheBoard.TheManagingDirector/Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer and external auditor may by invitation attend meetings at the discretionoftheCommittee. Principle 5 – Making timely and balanced disclosure Continuous Disclosure B37. TheCompanyoperatesunderthecontinuousdisclosurerequirementsoftheASXListingRulesandensures that all information which may be expected to affect the value of the Company’s securities or influence investmentdecisionsisreleasedtothemarketinorderthatallinvestorshaveequalandtimelyaccessto materialinformationconcerningtheCompany.TheinformationismadepubliclyavailableontheCompany’s websitefollowingreleasetotheASX. B38. AlthoughtheCompanyhasaprocedureinplacetopromotetimelydisclosureofmaterialinformation,proper vettingandauthorisationofannouncementsthatarefactualandproperlypresented,suchprocedureshave onlybeensummarisedandnotformallydocumentedindetail.TheBoarddoesnotconsiderthistohave impededcompliancewiththecontinuouscompliancerequirementsoftheASXListingRulesgiventhesizeof theCompany. Principle 6 – Respect the rights of shareholders The Role of Shareholders B39. TheBoardaimstoensurethatshareholdersareinformedofallmajordevelopmentsaffectingtheCompany’s state of affairs.  In accordance with the ASXCGC best practice recommendation 6.1, information is communicatedtoshareholdersasfollows: • the annual financial report which includes relevant information about the operations of the Company duringtheyear,changesinthestateofaffairsoftheentityanddetailsoffuturedevelopments,inaddition totheotherdisclosuresrequiredbytheCorporationsAct2001; thehalfyearlyfinancialreportlodgedwiththeAustralianSecuritiesExchangeandtherebytheAustralian SecuritiesandInvestmentsCommissionandsenttoallshareholderswhorequestit; • 28 Corporate Governance Statement • notifications relating to any proposed major changes in the Company which may impact on share ownershiprightsthataresubmittedtoavoteofshareholders; • noticesofallmeetingsofshareholders; • publiclyreleaseddocumentsincludingfulltextofnoticesofmeetingsandexplanatorymaterialmade availableontheCompany’sinternetweb-siteatwww.rameliusresources.com.auandsentbyemailto shareholderswhorequesttoreceivesuchinformationelectronically;and • disclosureoftheCompany’sCorporateGovernancepracticesandcommunicationsstrategyontheentity’s internetweb-site. B40. TheBoardencouragesfullparticipationofshareholdersattheAnnualGeneralMeetingtoensureahighlevel ofaccountabilityandidentificationwiththeCompany’sstrategyandgoals.Importantissuesarepresentedto theshareholdersassingleresolutions.InaccordancewithASXCGCbestpracticerecommendations,the externalauditoroftheCompanyisalsoinvitedtotheAnnualGeneralMeetingofshareholdersandisavailable toansweranyquestionsconcerningtheconduct,preparationandcontentoftheauditor’sreport.Pursuant tosection249KoftheCorporationsAct2001theexternalauditorisprovidedwithacopyofthenoticeof meetingandrelatedcommunicationsreceivedbyshareholders. Principle 7 – Recognise and manage risks Risk Assessment and Management B41. The Board recognises that there are inherent risks associated with the Company’s operations including mineralexplorationandmining,environmental,titleandnativetitle,legalandotheroperationalrisks.TheBoard endeavourstomitigatesuchrisksbycontinuallyreviewingtheactivitiesoftheCompanyinordertoidentifykey businessandoperationalrisksandensuringthattheyareappropriatelyassessedandmanaged.TheBoard ofDirectorsbelievethatconsistentwiththeoperationsoftheCompany,itskeystakeholders,principally shareholders,arewillingtoacceptahigherlevelofriskthanmayotherwisebeexpectedwithotherlisted companiesinreturnforhigherpotentialrewards.Nevertheless,theDirectorsconsiderthatthereisvaluein formalisingaprocessformonitoringmaterialbusinessrisksinordertoassistitwithitsoverallresponsibilityfor mitigatingsuchrisks. B42. TheBoardhasapprovedapolicymanualthecontentsofwhichassistswithriskmitigation,oversightand management.HowevertheBoardhasnottodaterequestedmanagementtoformallydesignandimplement ariskmanagementandinternalcontrolsystemtomanagetheentity’smaterialbusinessrisksbecausethe Board considers the size of the Company renders the costs associated with this to be prohibitive. ConsequentlymanagementdoesnotcurrentlyreporttotheBoardagainstaformalriskmanagementand internal control system. Notwithstanding this, the Company has during the year held a risk review and developedariskregister. B43. AlthoughtheBoardrecognisesitsultimateresponsibilityforriskmanagementandoversight,indischargingits duties,considerablerelianceisplacedoninformationprovidedbymanagementtomitigatematerialbusiness risks.RameliusdoesnothaveaseparateRiskManagementCommitteeastheDirectorsdonotconsiderthis wouldbeefficientgiventhesizeoftheBoardandinviewofthesizeoftheCompanyandtheenvironmentin whichitoperates.InsteadDirectorsprefertoproactivelyandcontinuallyassessallmaterialbusinessrisksas partoftheBoard’soveralldecisionmakingprocess.WhilsteveryeffortismadebyDirectorstoweighup 29 Corporate Governance Statement materialbusinessrisksagainstpotentialrewardsintheirdecisionmakingprocess,theBoardacknowledges thatnoprocesscanguaranteeeliminationofpotentialmaterialloss. B44. TheChiefExecutiveOfficerandChiefFinancialOfficerarerequiredtodeclaretotheBoardinwritingthatthe financialrecordsoftheCompanyforthefinancialyearhavebeenproperlymaintainedinaccordancewith Section286oftheCorporationsAct2001.Thefinancialstatementsandassociatednotescomplyinall materialrespectswiththeaccountingstandardsasrequiredbySection296oftheCorporationsAct2001;and thefinancialstatementsandassociatednotesgiveatrueandfairview,inallmaterialrespects,ofthefinancial positionasatbalancedateandperformanceoftheCompanyfortheyearasrequiredbySection297ofthe CorporationsAct2001.ThedeclarationswereprovidedtotheBoardinrespectofthe2010financialyear. However these officers are not presently required to state in writing that the integrity of the financial statements are based on a sound system of risk management and internal control because the Board considersthesizeoftheCompanyrendersthecostsofimplementingsuchsystemsandcontrolsprohibitive. Principle 8 – Remunerate fairly and responsibly Remuneration Policy B45. InaccordancewithASXCGCbestpracticerecommendations,theCompany’sremunerationpracticesareset outasfollows: Remuneration Practices B46. TheCompany’spolicyfordeterminingthenatureandamountsofemolumentsofBoardmembersandKey ManagementPersonneloftheCompanyisasfollows. B47. TheCompany’sConstitutionspecifiesthatthetotalamountofremunerationofnon-executiveDirectorsshall befixedfromtimetotimebyageneralmeeting.Thecurrentmaximumaggregateremunerationofnon- executiveDirectorshasbeensetat$450,000perannum.Directorsmayapportionanyamountuptothis maximumamountamongstthenon-executivedirectorsastheydetermine.Directorsarealsoentitledtobepaid reasonabletravelling,accommodationandotherexpensesincurredinperformingtheirdutiesasDirectors. The remuneration of the Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer is determined by the non-executive DirectorsontheNominationandRemunerationCommitteeandapprovedbytheBoardaspartoftheterms andconditionsofhisemploymentwhicharesubjecttoreviewfromtimetotime.Theremunerationofother executiveofficersandemployeesisdeterminedbytheManagingDirector/ChiefExecutiveOfficersubjectto theapprovaloftheBoard. B48. Non-executivedirectorremunerationisbywayoffeesandstatutorysuperannuationcontributions.Non- executiveDirectorsdonotparticipateinschemesdesignedforremunerationofexecutivesnordotheyreceive optionsorbonuspaymentsandarenotprovidedwithretirementbenefitsotherthansalarysacrificeand statutorysuperannuation. 30 Corporate Governance Statement B49. TheCompany’sremunerationstructureisbasedonanumberoffactorsincludingtheparticularexperienceand performanceoftheindividualinmeetingkeyobjectivesoftheCompany.TheNominationandRemuneration Committeeisresponsibleforassessingrelevantemploymentmarketconditionsandachievingtheoverall,long termobjectiveofmaximisingshareholderbenefits,throughtheretentionofhighqualitypersonnel.InAugust 2008, a Nomination and Remuneration Committee was established to assist the Board by overseeing remunerationpoliciesandmakerecommendationstotheBoard.TheCompanymayalsoengageexternal consultantstoadviseonremunerationpolicyandtobenchmarkremunerationofseniorexecutivesagainst comparableentitiessoastoensurethatremunerationpackagesareconsistentwiththemarketandare appropriatefortheorganisation. B50. Allkeymanagementpersonnelreceiveabasesalarybasedonfactorssuchasexperience,lengthofservice, superannuationandperformanceincentives.Performanceincentivesaregenerallypaidoncepredetermined keyperformanceindicatorshavebeenmet.Keymanagementpersonnelreceiveastatutorysuperannuation guaranteecontribution,howeverdonotreceiveanyotherformofretirementbenefits.Individualsmayelectto salary sacrifice part of their salary to increase payments towards superannuation. On retirement, key managementpersonnelarepaidemployeebenefitentitlementsaccruedtothedateofretirement. B51. Todate,theCompanyhasnotemphasisedpaymentforresultsthroughtheprovisionofcashbonusschemes orotherincentivepaymentsbasedonkeyperformanceindicators.HowevertheNominationandRemuneration CommitteemayrecommendtotheBoardthepaymentofcashbonusesfromtimetotimeinordertoreward individualexecutiveperformanceinachievingkeyobjectivesasconsideredappropriatebytheNomination andRemunerationCommittee.CashbonusespaidduringthefinancialyeararedisclosedintheRemuneration Report. B52. AllremunerationpaidtokeymanagementpersonnelisvaluedatthecosttotheCompanyandexpensed. Employee Incentive Plan B53. TheCompanyhasanEmployeeShareAcquisitionPlanandaPerformanceRightsPlanwhichhavebeen approvedbyshareholdersinNovember2007.TheShareAcquisitionPlanenablestheBoardtooffereligible employeesasalong-termincentive,ordinaryfullypaidsharesintheCompanyandinaccordancewiththe termsofthePlan,sharesmaybeofferedatnoconsiderationunlesstheBoarddeterminesthatmarketvalue orsomeothervalueisappropriate.Anyconsiderationmaybebywayofinterestfreeloansrepayablein accordancewiththetermsandconditionsofthePlan.ThePerformanceRightsPlanenablestheBoardtogrant PerformanceRights(beingentitlementstosharesintheCompanythataresubjecttosatisfactionofvesting conditions) to selected key senior executives as a long-term incentive as determined by the Board in accordancewiththetermsandconditionsofthePlan. B54. The objective of the Share Acquisition Plan is to align the interests of employees and shareholders by providingemployeesoftheCompanywiththeopportunitytoparticipateintheequityoftheCompanyasan incentive to achieve greater success and profitability for the Company and to maximise the long-term performanceoftheCompany.TheobjectiveofthePerformanceRightsPlanistoprovideselectedsenior executivestheopportunitytoparticipateintheequityoftheCompanythroughtheissueofPerformanceRights asalong-termincentivethatisalignedtothelong-terminterestsofshareholders. B55. During the year ended 30 June 2010 no shares were issued to employees under the Employee Share AcquisitionPlanorPerformanceRightsPlan. 31 Corporate Governance Statement Performance Based Remuneration B56. KeyManagementPersonnelreceiveperformancebasedremunerationasconsideredappropriatebythe NominationandRemunerationCommitteeandtheBoard.Theintentionofthisremunerationistofacilitate goal congruence between Key Management Personnel with that of the business and shareholders. B57. TheremunerationpolicyoftheCompanyhasbeentailoredtoincreasegoalcongruencebetweenshareholders, directorsandseniorexecutives.Twomethodshavebeenusedtoachievethisaim. B58. ThefirstmethodwastheissueofoptionstoKeyManagementPersonnel.Duringthe2008financialyearatotal of800,000options(eachexercisableat$1.90by30June2009)withafairvalueof$272,000wereissuedto certainKeyManagementPersonnel.Theseoptionswerenotexercisedandlapsedatexpiry.Nooptionswere issuedtoKeyManagementPersonnelduringthe2010financialyear. B59. ThesecondmethodwasthroughaPerformanceRightsPlanbasedonKeyPerformanceIndicators(“KPI’s”) setbytheBoard.TheKPIconditionsattachedtothePerformanceRightsPlanincludeavestingperiodof threeyearsfromgrantdate(7April2008)andarequirementfortheCompany’ssharepricetobewithinthe top40%comparatorgroupofcompaniesassetbytheBoard.TheCompaniesinthecomparatorgroupare asfollows. AvocaResourcesLimited AlkaneResourcesLimited ApexMineralsNL BarraResourcesLimited BendigoMiningLimited CarrickGoldLimited CitigoldCorporationLimited CrescentGoldLimited DioroExplorationNL GryphonMineralsLimited IntegraMiningLimited MonarchGoldMiningCompanyLimited NortonGoldFieldsLimited SilverLakeResourcesLimited TanamiGoldNL TroyResourcesNL B60. Duringthe2008financialyearatotalof900,000PerformanceRightswithafairvalueof$576,000weregranted underthePerformanceRightsPlantoselectedKeyManagementPersonnel.NoPerformanceRightswere grantedduringthe2010financialyear.TheseRightsarerecognisedonapro-ratabasisoverthevesting period.AnyRightsthatdonotvestonthevestingdatewilllapse.TheRightsaresubjecttoperformance conditionswhicharetobetestedinfuturefinancialperiods. B61. TheemploymentconditionsofExecutiveDirectorsincludingtheChiefExecutiveOfficerandKeyManagement Personnelareformalisedincontractsofemployment.Duringtheyearanewemploymentcontractforthe ChiefExecutiveOfficerwasenteredinto.Thecontractshavenofixedtermwith3monthsand6months noticeofterminationbytheexecutiveandCompanyrespectively.Generally,employmentcontractsofsenior executivesenabletheCompanytoterminatethecontractswithoutcausebyprovidingwrittennoticeor makingaterminationpaymentinlieuofnoticeincludingaminimumterminationpaymentasprovidedforunder the contracts. However any such termination payments to officers of the Company are subject to the requirementsofASXListingRule10.19,andintheeventthatthevalueofterminationbenefitstobepaidand thevalueofallotherterminationbenefitsthatareormaybepayabletoallofficersoftheCompanytogether exceed5%oftheequityinterestsoftheCompanyassetoutinthelatestaccountsgiventotheASX,the paymentshallbepro-ratabasedonthemaximumtotalterminationbenefitsallowableunderASXListingRule 10.19. 32 Corporate Governance Statement Terminationpaymentsarenotgenerallypayableonresignationordismissalforseriousmisconduct.Any performancerightsoroptionsnotvestedorexercisedbeforethedateofterminationwilllapse. B62. DetailsofDirectors’andexecutives/officers’remuneration,superannuationandretirementpaymentsareset outintheRemunerationReportsectionoftheDirectors’Report. B63. In August 2008 the Board established a Remuneration Committee to deal with executive performance, remuneration,recruitment,retentionandterminationpoliciesforseniormanagementandincentiveschemes. InAugust2009thecommitteewasrenamedtheNominationandRemunerationCommittee. B64. The Nomination and Remuneration Committee currently consists of two non-executive Board directors, Messrs Kennedy & Nelson, and is chaired by Mr Nelson. Details of these directors’ qualifications and attendanceatmeetingsaresetoutintheDirectors’Reportsectionofthisreport.TheBoardconsidersthe current composition of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee is appropriate given the current compositionandsizeoftheBoardofDirectors. Products Limiting Risk B65. The Company has a policy that Directors should not engage in hedge contracts over securities of the Company. Corporate Governance Statements B66. CorporategovernancestatementsrelatingtothefollowingmattersarepubliclyavailablefromtheCompany’s websiteatwww.rameliusresources.com.au • FunctionsandresponsibilitiesoftheBoard,Chairman&ManagingDirector/ChiefExecutiveOfficer; • BoardCharter; • AuditCommitteeCharter; • NominationandRemunerationCommitteeCharter; • CodeofConduct; • TradingPolicy; • ContinuousDisclosure; • Riskoversightandmanagement; • Productslimitingrisk. 33 Glossary of Terms ADSORPTION - The attraction of molecules (of gold) in solutiontothesurfaceofsolidbodies(carbon). AEROMAGNETICS - A geophysical technique measuring changesintheearth’smagneticfieldfromanairbornecraft. AIRCORE -Amethodofrotarydrillingwherebyrockchipsare recoveredbyairflowreturninginsidethedrillrodsratherthan outside,therebyprovidingusuallyreliablesamples. ANOMALOUS -Adeparturefromtheexpectednorm.Inmineral exploration thistermisgenerallyappliedtoeithergeochemical orgeophysicalvalueshigherorlowerthanthenorm. ARCHAEAN -TheoldestrocksoftheEarth’scrust–olderthan 2,400millionyears. AURIFEROUS Goldbearingmaterial CIL CIRCUIT -Thatpartofthegoldtreatmentplantwheregold is dissolved from the pulverised rock and subsequently adsorbed onto carbon particles from which the gold is ultimatelyrecovered. COMPANY -RameliusResourcesLimited(ACN001717540) COSTEAN - Atrenchdugthroughsoiltoexposethebedrock. CU -Copper. CUT -Atermusedwhenreferringtoaverageassayswherethe gradeofaparticularlyhigh-gradeintervalisreducedtoalesser value. DISSEMINATED -Usuallyreferringtomineralsofeconomic interestscatteredordiffusedthroughoutthehostrock. AUGER -Ascrew-likeboringordrillingtoolforuseinclayorsoft sediments. DIP -Theangleatwhichrockstratumorstructureisinclined fromthehorizontal. AS -Arsenic DYKE -Tabularigneousintrusivecuttingthebeddingorplanar featuresinthecountryrock. ASX -TheAustralianSecuritiesExchangeLimited(ACN008 629691) EL -ExplorationLicence. AU -Gold ELA -ExplorationLicenceapplication. AZ - Azimuth, a surveying term, the angle of horizontal difference,measuredclockwise,ofabearingfromastandard direction,asfromnorth. BASE METAL - Nonpreciousmetal,usuallyreferringtocopper, zincandlead. EM -Electromagnetic,ageophysicaltechniqueusedtodetect conductivematerialintheearth. EOH -EndofHole. FAULT -Afractureinrocksalongwhichrocksononesidehave beenmovedrelativetotherocksontheother. BCM -BankCubicMetre.Usuallyreferstothevolumeofwaste measuredinsitu. F.C.I. -Freecarriedinterest. BERM -Ahorizontalbenchleftinthewallofanopenpitto providestabilitytothewall. BIOTITE -Amineralofthemicagroupwidelydistributedina varietyofrocktypes. CALCRETE -Soilandsuperficialmaterialcementedbycalcium carbonate. CARBONATE - A common mineral type consisting of carbonatesofcalcium,iron,and/ormagnesium. FELSIC -Lightcolouredrockcontaininganabundanceofany ofthefollowing:-feldspars,felspathoidsandsilica. FERRUGINOUS -Containingiron. FLITCH -AMiningTermforthedifferentlevelsinanopenpit. GEOCHEMICAL EXPLORATION - Used in this report to describeaprospectingtechnique,whichmeasuresthecontent ofcertainmetalsinsoilsandrocksanddefinesanomaliesfor furthertesting. CHLORITE - A representative of a group of micaceous greenishmineralswhicharecommoninlowgradeschistsand isalsoacommonmineralassociatedwithhydrothermalore deposits. GEOPHYSICAL EXPLORATION -Theexplorationofanarea inwhichphysicalproperties(eg.Resistivity,gravity,conductivity and magnetic properties) unique to the rocks in the area quantitativelymeasuredbyoneormoregeophysicalmethods. 34 Glossary of Terms g/cc -gramspercubiccentimetre M -metre G.I.C. -Goldincircuit g/t -gramspertonne ML -MiningLease. MLA -MiningLeaseApplication. GOSSAN - The oxidised, near surface part of underlying primarysulphideminerals. GROSS GOLD ROYALTY -Aroyaltypaymentbasedonthe totalamountofproduct(gold)produced. GRADE -g/t–gramspertonne,ppb–partperbillion,ppm– partspermillion. GRATICULAR BLOCK - WithrespecttoExplorationLicences, thatareaoflandcontainedwithinoneminuteofLatitudeand oneminuteofLongitude. NATIVE TITLE -NativeTitleistherecognitioninAustralianlawof indigenous Australian’srightsandinterestsinlandandwaters accordingtotheirowntraditionallawsandcustoms.InJune 1992, the High Court of Australia, in the case of Mabo v Queensland (1992) 175 Commonwealth Law Reports 1, overturnedtheideathattheAustraliancontinentbelongedtono oneatthetimeofEuropean’sarrival.Itrecognisedforthefirst timethatindigenous Australiansmaycontinuetoholdnative title.IndigenousAustraliansmaynowmakenativetitleclaimant applicationsseekingrecognitionunderAustralianlawoftheir nativetitlerights. GRAVITY CIRCUIT -PartoftheGoldTreatmentPlantwhere goldparticlesareaccumulatedbyvirtueoftheirdensity. NATIVE TITLE TRIBUNAL -TheNativeTitleTribunalsetup undertheNativeTitleAct1993. GSWA -TheGeologicalSurveyofWesternAustralia. Ni - Nickel. ha -Hectare Hg -Mercury JORC - The Australasian Code for Reporting of Mineral Resources andOreReserves km -kilometre OPEN PIT -Amineexcavationproducedbyquarryingorother surfaceearth-movingequipment. ORE GRADE - Thegradeofmaterialthatcanbe(orhasbeen) minedandtreatedforaneconomicreturn. OVERCALL -Referstomoremetal(gold)beingrecoveredthan anticipated. KOMATIITE -Anultramaficrockwithhighmagnesiumcontent extruded fromavolcano. OXIDISED -Nearsurfacedecompositionbyexposuretothe atmosphereandgroundwater,comparetoweathering. LAG -Aresidualdepositremainingafterfinerparticleshave beenblownawaybywind. oz -Troyounces=31.103477grams LATERITE -Highlyweatheredresidualmaterialrichinsecondary oxidesorironand/oraluminium. Pb -Lead PEDOGENIC -Thedevelopmentofsoil. LEACHWELL -Ananalyticalmethod. LODE DEPOSIT -Aveinorothertabularmineraldepositwith distinctboundaries. MASSIVE - Large Homogeneousstructure. in mass, having no stratification. MINERALISED -Rockimpregnatedwithmineralsofeconomic importance. PENTLANDITE -Animportantoreofnickel(FeNi)9S8 PETROLOGICAL -Pertainstoastudyoftheorigin,distribution, structureandhistoryofrocks. PERCUSSION DRILLING -Methodofdrillingwhererockis brokenbythehammering actionofabitandthecuttingsare carriedtothesurfacebypressurisedairreturningoutsidethe drillpipe. M TONNES -milliontonnes Pd -Palladium. 35 Glossary of Terms PL -ProspectingLicence. Sb - Antinomy PLA -ProspectingLicenceapplication PORPHYRY - Afelsicorsubvolcanicrockwithlargercrystals setinafinegroundmass. ppb -partsperbillion PRIMARY GOLD -Goldmineralisationthathasnotbeensubject toweatheringprocesses,asopposedtoSecondaryGold. SECONDARY GOLD - Goldmineralisationthathasbeen subjecttoandusuallyenrichedbyweatheringprocesses. SEDIMENTARY ROCKS - Rocks formed by deposition of particlescarriedbyair,waterorice. SHEAR ZONE -Agenerallylinearzoneofstressalongwhich deformationhasoccurredbytranslationofonepartofarock bodyrelativetoanotherpart. PROTEROZOIC - ThePrecambrianeraafterArchaean. SILICIFIED -Alterationofarockbyintroductionofsilica. Pt - Platinum. PYRITE - Acommon,palebronzeironsulphidemineral. PYRRHOTITE -Anironsulphidemineral. QUARTZ -Mineralspeciescomposedofcrystallinesilica. RAB DRILLING - RotaryAirBlastDrilling:Methodofdrillingin whichthecuttingsfromthebitarecarriedtothesurfaceby pressurisedairreturningoutsidethedrillpipe.Most“RAB”drills areverymobileanddesignedforshallow,low-costdrillingof relativelysoftrocks. RC DRILLING - Reverse Circulation Drilling: A method of drillingwherebyrockchipsarerecoveredbyairflowreturning inside the drill rods rather than outside, thereby providing usuallyreliablesamples. REIDEL FAULT -Aslipsurfacethatdevelopsduringtheearly stageofshearing. REGOLITH - Alayeroffragmentedandunconsolidatedmaterial thatoverliesorcoversbasement. RESERVE - The mineable part of a resource to which a tonnageandgradehasbeenassignedaccordingtotheJORC code. RESOURCE - Mineralisationtowhichatonnageandgradehas beenassignedaccordingtotheJORCcode. ROCK CHIP SAMPLE -Aseriesofrockchipsorfragments takenatregularintervalsacrossarockexposure. STRATIGRAPHY -Thestudyofformation,compositionand correlationofsedimentaryrocks. STRIKE -Thedirectionofbearingofabedorlayerofrockin thehorizontalplane. SULPHIDES -Mineralsconsistingofachemicalcombinationof sulphurwithametal. t -tonnes TEM - Transient Electromagnetic, a geophysical technique usedtodetectconductivematerialintheearth. TOLL TREATMENT -Thetreatmentoforeswherepaymentis madetotheoperatorofthetreatmentplantaccordingtothe amountofmaterialbeingtreated. TONNE -32,125Troyounces. OZ -Troyounce=31.103477grams TREMOLITE -Apalecolouredamphibolemineral. ULTRAMAFIC -Anigneousrockcomprisedchieflyofmafic minerals. UNCUT -Atermusedwhenreferringtoaverageassayswhere thegradeofaparticularlyhigh-gradeintervalisnotreducedto alesservalue. VACUUM DRILLING - Amethodofrotarydrillingwherethe drillcuttingsarerecoveredinsidethedrillrodsbyavacuum system. 36 Photographs and Diagrams Figure 1 - Wattle Dam Underground Mine (Left) Figure 2 Spargoville Project Location including Wattle Dam Gold Mine (Above) Examining Wattle Dam Diamond Core 37 Photographs and Diagrams Figure 3 - Australian Project Locations Figure 4 - Mt Windsor Prospect Locations 38 Photographs and Diagrams Figure 5 - Nevada Project Locations 39 Photographs and Diagrams Wattle Dam Underground Mining Operations Haulage of Gold Ore from Wattle Dam Underground Mine 40 Ramelius Resources Limited Consolidated Entity Annual Financial Report 30 June 2010 41 Directors’ Report Ramelius Resources Limited - Consolidated Entity Directors’ Report The directors present their report together with the financial report of Ramelius Resources Limited - Consolidated Entity (“the Group”) for the year ended 30 June 2010 and the auditor’s report thereon. Directors The directors of Ramelius Resources Limited (“the Company”) at any time during or since the end of the financial year are as set out below. Details of directors’ qualifications, experience, special responsibilities and interests in shares and options of the Company are as follows. Robert Michael Kennedy Non-Executive Chairman - ASAIT, Grad. Dip (Systems Analysis), FCA, ACIS, Life member AIM, FAICD. Mr Kennedy joined Ramelius Resources Limited on 1 November 1995 as a non-executive chairman. He is a chartered accountant and a consultant to Kennedy & Co, Chartered Accountants, a firm he founded. He is also a director of ASX listed companies Beach Energy Limited (since 1991), Flinders Mines Limited (since 2001), Maximus Resources Limited (since 2004), Monax Mining Ltd (since 2004), ERO Mining Limited (since 2006), Marmota Energy Limited (since 2007) and Somerton Energy Limited (since 2010). His special responsibilities include membership of the Audit Committee and the Nomination & Remuneration Committee. Mr Kennedy brings to the Board his expertise in finance and management consultancy and extensive experience as chairman and non-executive director of a range of listed public companies including in the resources sector. Mr Kennedy leads the development of strategies for the development and future growth of the Company. Mr Kennedy has an interest in 7,729,572 shares but does not have an interest in any options of the Company. Reginald George Nelson Non-Executive Director - BSc, Hon Life Member Society of Exploration Geophysicists, FAusIMM, FAICD. Mr Nelson joined Ramelius Resources Limited as a non-executive director on 1 November 1995. He has had a career spanning four decades as an exploration geophysicist in the minerals and petroleum industries. He was chairman of the peak industry organisation, the Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association (APPEA) from 2004 to 2006 and remains a member of its Council. He is a former Chairman of the Nevoria Gold Mine Joint Venture in Western Australia. He has broad experience in gold exploration and mining operations in Western Australia, the Northern Territory and South Australia. He is also a director of ASX listed companies, Beach Energy Limited (since 1992), Monax Mining Ltd (since 2004), Marmota Energy Limited (since 2007) and Sundance Energy Limited (since 2010). His special responsibilities include Chairmanship of the Audit Committee and the Nomination & Remuneration Committee. Mr Nelson’s contribution to the Board is his wide technical expertise and knowledge of the mining industry and corporate matters. Mr Nelson has an interest in 5,331,984 shares but does not have an interest in any options of the Company. Ian James Gordon Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer - BCom, MAICD. Mr Gordon joined Ramelius Resources Limited as an executive director on 18 October 2007. He has more than 20 years experience in the resources industry in gold, diamonds and base metals. He has held management positions with Rio Tinto Exploration Pty Ltd, Gold Fields Australia Pty Ltd and Delta Gold Limited. He was a director of ASX listed company, Glengarry Resources Limited (2004 to 2005). His special responsibilities relate to directing the exploration program and development of the Wattle Dam gold mine. Mr Gordon’s contribution to the Board is his broad experience in gold exploration and mining operations in Australia and knowledge of industry issues directed towards expanding and strengthening the future growth of the Company. Mr Gordon has an interest in 14,979 shares but does not have an interest in any options of the Company. Joseph Fred Houldsworth Non-Executive Director Mr Houldsworth joined Ramelius Resources Limited as an executive director on 18 February 2002 and was Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer until 31 July 2009. He has extensive practical experience in the resources industry having worked in the mining and exploration industry for more than 30 years at both operational and management levels primarily in the Western Australian Goldfields. He was instrumental in turning around the troubled Nevoria Gold Mine in 1993 and is a former consultant for 10 years to insolvency specialists on both mining and exploration. Mr Houldsworth’s contribution to the Board is his considerable experience and knowledge of the mining industry and as the former chief executive of the Company as well as his background in asset management for various mining entities. Mr Houldsworth has an interest in 4,124,710 shares but does not have an interest in any options of the Company. 42 Directors’ Report Ramelius Resources Limited - Consolidated Entity Directors’ Report (continued) Kevin James Lines Non-Executive Director - BSc (Geology), MAusIMM. Mr Lines joined Ramelius Resources Limited as a non-executive director on 9 April 2008. He has over 25 years experience in mineral exploration and mining for gold, copper, lead, zinc and tin. He has held senior geological management positions with Newmont Australia Limited, Normandy Mining Limited and the CRA group of companies. He was the foundation Chief Geologist at Kalgoorlie Consolidated Gold Mines where he led the team that developed the ore-body models and geological systems for the Super-Pit Operations in Kalgoorlie, managed the Eastern Australian Exploration Division of Newmont Australia that included responsibility for the expansive tenement holdings of the Tanami region. He is also managing director of ASX listed company, ERO Mining Limited (since 2006). Mr Line’s contribution to the Board is his extensive experience in the assessment and evaluation of exploration projects and development of properties and mining operations overseas. Mr Lines does not have an interest in any shares or options of the Company. Directors’ meetings The Company held 35 meetings of directors (including committees of directors) during the financial year. The number of directors’ meetings and number of meetings attended by each of the directors of the Company (including committees of directors) during the financial year were as follows: Directors’ Meetings Audit Committee Meetings Nomination & Remuneration Committee Meetings Due Diligence Committee Meetings Number Eligible to attend Number Attended Number Eligible to attend Number Attended Number Eligible to attend Number Attended Number Eligible to attend Number Attended Director Robert Michael Kennedy 2 Reginald George Nelson 2 Joseph Fred Houldsworth 1, 2 Ian James Gordon 1 Kevin James Lines 1 26 26 26 26 26 26 25 25 26 26 2 2 - - - 2 2 - - - 2 2 - - - 2 2 - - - - - - 5 5 - - - 5 5 1 Messrs Houldsworth, Gordon and Lines are not members of the Audit Committee or the Nomination & Remuneration Committee. 2 Messrs Kennedy, Nelson and Houldsworth are not members of the Due Diligence Committee. Company Secretary The following person held the position of Company Secretary at the end of the financial year. Domenico Antonio Francese – B.Ec., FCA, FFin, ACIS. Appointed Company Secretary on 21 September 2001. A Chartered Accountant with an audit and investigations background and more than 12 years experience in a regulatory and supervisory role with ASX. He has been employed by the Company since 1 April 2003 and was appointed Chief Financial Officer in June 2005. Principal activities The Group’s principal activity is minerals exploration with a focus on gold, mining and milling services. Review and results of operations Mining & Milling During the financial year the Group continued to develop the Wattle Dam underground gold mine. Milling of the first parcel of development ore from the mine commenced in November 2009 and resulted in the production of the second tonne of gold from Wattle Dam during December 2009. Stoping of high grade ore commenced on 30 December 2009. The Group mined 85,024 tonnes of high grade ore during the financial year from the Wattle Dam underground mine at an estimated grade of 17.875g/t gold and 11,067 tonnes of low grade ore at 2.29g/t gold for a total of 96,091 tonnes at an average of 16.08g/t. A total of 78,749 tonnes of gold ore was milled during the year to produce 60,780 ounces of gold. In June 2010 production from the Wattle Dam mine achieved a milestone of 100,000 fine ounces of gold. 43 Directors’ Report Ramelius Resources Limited - Consolidated Entity Directors’ Report (continued) Gold sales to 30 June 2010 totalled $58,216,931 at an average gold sales price of $1,261.56 per ounce. This compares with gold sales of $19,830,035 at an average gold sales price of $1,288.33 per ounce during the previous financial year. The Burbanks processing facility also toll treated 73,339 tonnes of third party ore during the year. Exploration During the year the Group carried out in-pit and underground infill diamond drilling at the Wattle Dam gold mine to further define the interpreted mineralised zone at depth below the current underground mine plan. This work was continuing subsequent to the end of the reporting period. During the financial year, drilling programs were also carried out at the Company’s Eagles Nest, Bullabulling West, Hilditch, West Wattle Dam, 5Q, Wattle Dam Regional and North Widgie projects however no further exploration work has been planned on these projects. A SAM (Sub-Audio Magnetics) survey was completed immediately north of the Wattle Dam open pit which covered approximately 1.1 kilometres of strike, north from Wattle Dam. At Glen Isla a 3D induced polarisation (IP) survey over the project area was carried out in the latter part of the financial year. A soil sampling program was carried out during the June 2010 quarter at the Big Blue gold project in Nevada USA. Results The consolidated net profit after income tax for the year was $20,198,695 and compares with an after tax profit of $4,973,356 for the previous financial year. Dividends No dividends have been paid or provided by the Group since the end of the previous financial year. Significant changes in state of affairs Significant changes in the state of affairs of the Group during the year were as follows: (cid:120) Mr Joe Houldsworth retired as founding Managing Director after more than six years in the role however he continues to serve on the Ramelius Board as a Non-Executive Director. In addition to accrued leave entitlements, Mr Houldsworth at the time of his retirement was paid a separation payment totalling $234,712. Mr Houldsworth’s entitlement to 450,000 rights in Ramelius shares which were granted on 7 April 2008 at a fair value of $288,000, lapsed on his retirement (refer Note 22(ii) to the Financial Statements). (cid:120) Chief Operating Officer and Executive Director, Mr Ian Gordon, was appointed Chief Executive Officer, effective from 1 August 2009; (cid:120) The Company announced an offer for all of the shares of Dioro Exploration NL (“Dioro”) on 30 July 2009 whereby Ramelius offered Dioro shareholders two Ramelius shares for every one Dioro share held. The 2 for 1 scrip offer valued Dioro shares at $1 per share with total equity value at approximately $92 million. On 11 August 2009 the Company announced that it had waived all conditions on the offer (including the minimum requirement of 50.1% acceptances) except for Foreign Investment Review Board approval, which was subsequently received on 22 September 2009. Dioro shareholders were sent a Bidder’s Statement on 9 September 2009. The offer opened on 10 September 2009 and the initial closing date of 12 October 2009 was extended several times. On 18 December 2009 the Company increased the offer consideration to 2.1 Ramelius shares for every Dioro share and declared it to be the last and final offer and would not be extended past the closing date of 8 February 2010. The Company closed its offer for Dioro Exploration NL on 8 February 2010 having secured 34,352,544 Dioro shares representing a 37.51% stake of the target; (cid:120) On 12 February 2010 the Company accepted an offer from Avoca Resources Limited for its interest in Dioro for a consideration of $0.65 cash and 0.325 Avoca shares per Dioro share resulting in the receipt of $22.3 million in cash and 11,164,578 Avoca shares. All the Avoca shares were subsequently sold at a price of $1.80 for gross proceeds of $20.1 million; (cid:120) The Company executed a letter of acceptance with Miranda Gold Corporation to spend up to US$4 million on exploration over 5 years to earn a 60% interest in Miranda’s Big Blue project in Nevada, USA (with a minimum 44 Directors’ Report Ramelius Resources Limited - Consolidated Entity Directors’ Report (continued) expenditure of US$250,000 before the Company can withdraw), and the potential to earn a further 10% interest by completion of a bankable feasibility study, incurring expenditure of at least US$4 million over 4 years or additional expenditure of US$10 million over 10 years (under an Alliance Agreement agreed between Ramelius and Marmota Energy Limited, Marmota elected to participate for a 40% interest in Ramelius’ rights under the agreement); (cid:120) A farm-in agreement was entered into with Carpentaria Exploration Limited to spend A$1 million on exploration over 18 months to earn a 51% interest in Carpentaria’s Glen Isla Project near Dubbo in NSW (with a minimum expenditure of A$100,000 before the Company can withdraw), and the potential to earn a further 24% interest by completion of a bankable feasibility study; (cid:120) In April 2010 the Company entered into a farm-in agreement with Liontown Resources Limited to spend up to A$7 million over 4 years with a minimum spend of A$1.25 million in the first year to earn a 60% interest in the Mt Windsor Gold Project in North Queensland; (cid:120) On 1 March 2010, the Company announced a 66% increase in the Wattle Dam gold resource estimate; (cid:120) In May 2010 directors announced a repayment of capital of 5 cents per share subject to the approval of shareholders and receipt of a favourable ATO class ruling. Shareholders approved the capital repayment on 30 June 2010 and a favourable ATO class ruling was subsequently received in August 2010; and (cid:120) Share capital increased during the financial year by $33,934,524 as result of 72,140,701 shares issued to accepting Dioro shareholders at a fair value of $33,932,056 and 2,468 shares issued to option-holders who exercised 2,468 options at $1 each. Events subsequent to balance date The following events occurred since 30 June 2010. Acquisition of Mt Magnet On 20 July 2010 the Group acquired 100% of the issued capital of Mt Magnet Gold NL for a cash consideration of $35,346,500 plus replacement of environmental bonds of $4,653,500 via bank guarantees. Joint venture agreement The Group entered into a farm-in agreement with Miranda Gold Corporation to earn a 70% interest in the Angel Wing Gold Project in Nevada USA by exploration expenditure of US$4 million over 5 years with a minimum expenditure commitment of US$350,000 before it may withdraw. Under an alliance with Marmota Energy Limited, Marmota may participate and earn a 40% interest in Ramelius’ rights under the farm-in agreement. Capital Repayment The capital repayment amounting to $14,567,264 was paid on 20 August 2010. Apart from the above, there has not arisen in the interval between 30 June 2010 and the date of this report any item, transaction or event of a material and unusual nature likely, in the opinion of the directors of the Company, to affect significantly the operations of the Company, the results of those operations, or the state of affairs of the Company, in future years. Likely developments Development of the Wattle Dam current underground mine plan is expected to continue into 2011. A significant exploration program of A$5 million is planned to be undertaken at the Mt Magnet Gold Project in 2010/11. Further information about likely developments in the operations of the Company and the expected results of those operations in future years has not been included in this report because disclosure of the information would be likely to result in unreasonable prejudice to the Company. Options At the date of this report there were no unissued ordinary shares of the Company under option. During the financial year, 2,468 ordinary shares were issued as a result of the exercise of options. Since the end of the financial year, the Company issued ordinary shares as a result of the exercise of options on 30 June 2010 as follows. There were no amounts unpaid on shares issued. 45 Directors’ Report Ramelius Resources Limited - Consolidated Entity Directors’ Report (continued) Number of shares 2,362 Amount paid on each share $1.50 During the financial year a total of 18,450,258 options with an exercise price of $1.50 expired as they had not been exercised by the 30 June 2010 expiry date. Environmental regulation and performance statement The Consolidated Group’s operations are subject to significant environmental regulations under both Commonwealth and State legislation in relation to discharge of hazardous waste and materials arising from any mining activities and development conducted by the Company on any of its tenements. In respect of the Wattle Dam Mine Development, the Consolidated Group has the necessary licences and permits to carry out these activities and has provided unconditional Performance Bonds to the regulatory authorities to provide for any future rehabilitation requirements. In respect of the Processing Plant, the Consolidated Group also has all the necessary licences and permits to operate this facility and has provided unconditional Performance Bonds to the regulatory authorities to provide for any future rehabilitation requirements. The Consolidated Entity’s operations have been subjected to Environmental Audits both internally and by the various regulatory authorities and there have been no known breaches of any environmental obligations at any of the Consolidated Group’s operations. Indemnification and insurance of officers Indemnification The Company is required to indemnify the directors and other officers of the Company against any liabilities incurred by the directors and officers that may arise from their position as directors and officers of the Company. No costs were incurred during the year pursuant to this indemnity. The Company has entered into deeds of indemnity with each director whereby, to the extent permitted by the Corporations Act 2001, the Company agreed to indemnify each director against all loss and liability incurred as an officer of the Company, including all liability in defending any relevant proceedings. Insurance premiums Since the end of the previous year the Company has paid insurance premiums in respect of directors’ and officers’ liability and legal expenses insurance contracts. The terms of the policies prohibit disclosure of details of the amount of the insurance cover, the nature thereof and the premium paid. Proceedings on behalf of the Company No person has applied to the Court under section 237 of the Corporations Act 2001 for leave to bring proceedings on behalf of the Company or to intervene in any proceedings to which the Company is a party for the purpose of taking responsibility on behalf of the Company for all or part of those proceedings. There were no such proceedings brought or interventions on behalf of the Company with leave from the Court under section 237 of the Corporations Act 2001. Auditor of the Company The auditor of the Company for the financial year was Grant Thornton. Non-audit services The Board of Directors, in accordance with advice from the audit committee, is satisfied that the provision of non-audit services during the year is compatible with the general standard of independence for auditors imposed by the Corporations Act 2001. The directors are satisfied that the nature of the services provided as disclosed below did not compromise the general principles relating to auditor independence in accordance with APES 110: Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants set by the Accounting Professional and Ethical Standards Board. The following fees were paid or payable to Grant Thornton for non-audit services provided during the year ended 30 June 2010: Due diligence related services $16,000 Auditor’s Independence Declaration A copy of the auditor’s independence declaration as required by section 307C of the Corporations Act 2001 for the year ended 30 June 2010 has been received as set out immediately following the end of the Directors’ Report. 46 Directors’ Report Ramelius Resources Limited - Consolidated Entity Directors’ Report (continued) Remuneration Report (Audited) This report forms part of the Directors Report and details the nature and amount of remuneration for each Director and Key Management Person of Ramelius Resources Limited and for executives receiving the highest remuneration. Remuneration Practices The Group’s policy for determining the nature and amounts of emoluments of Board members and Key Management Personnel of the Group is as follows. The Company’s Constitution specifies that the total amount of remuneration of non-executive Directors shall be fixed from time to time by a general meeting. The current maximum aggregate remuneration of non-executive directors has been set at $450,000 per annum. Directors may apportion any amount up to this maximum amount amongst the non- executive directors as they determine. Directors are also entitled to be paid reasonable travelling, accommodation and other expenses incurred in performing their duties as Directors. The remuneration of the Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer is determined by the non-executive directors on the Nomination and Remuneration Committee and approved by the Board as part of the terms and conditions of his employment which are subject to review from time to time. The remuneration of other executive officers and employees is determined by the Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer subject to the approval of the Board. Non-executive director remuneration is by way of fees and statutory superannuation contributions. Non-executive Directors do not participate in schemes designed for remuneration of executives nor do they receive options or bonus payments and are not provided with retirement benefits other than salary sacrifice and statutory superannuation. The Group’s remuneration structure is based on a number of factors including the particular experience and performance of the individual in meeting key objectives of the Group. The Nomination and Remuneration Committee is responsible for assessing relevant employment market conditions and achieving the overall, long term objective of maximising shareholder benefits, through the retention of high quality personnel. The Nomination and Remuneration Committee assists the Board by overseeing remuneration policies and make recommendations to the Board. The Group may also engage external consultants to advise on remuneration policy and to benchmark remuneration of senior executives against comparable entities so as to ensure that remuneration packages are consistent with the market and are appropriate for the organisation. All key management personnel receive a base salary based on factors such as experience, length of service, superannuation and performance incentives. Performance incentives are generally paid once predetermined key performance indicators have been met. Key management personnel receive a statutory superannuation guarantee contribution but do not receive any other form of retirement benefits. Individuals may elect to salary sacrifice part of their salary to increase payments towards superannuation. On retirement, key management personnel are paid employee benefit entitlements accrued to the date of retirement. To date, the Group has not emphasised payment for results through the provision of cash bonus schemes or other incentive payments based on key performance indicators. However the Nomination and Remuneration Committee may recommend to the Board the payment of cash bonuses from time to time in order to reward individual executive performance in achieving key objectives as considered appropriate by the Nomination and Remuneration Committee. Cash bonuses paid during the financial year are disclosed in the Remuneration Report. All remuneration paid to key management personnel is valued at the cost to the Company and expensed. Employee Incentive Plan The Company has an Employee Share Acquisition Plan and a Performance Rights Plan which have been approved by shareholders in November 2007. The Share Acquisition Plan enables the Board to offer eligible employees as a long- term incentive, ordinary fully paid shares in the Company and in accordance with the terms of the Plan, shares may be offered at no consideration unless the Board determines that market value or some other value is appropriate. Any consideration may be by way of interest free loans repayable in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Plan. The Performance Rights Plan enables the Board to grant Performance Rights (being entitlements to shares in the Company that are subject to satisfaction of vesting conditions) to selected key senior executives as a long-term incentive as determined by the Board in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Plan. The objective of the Share Acquisition Plan is to align the interests of employees and shareholders by providing employees of the Group with the opportunity to participate in the equity of the Company as an incentive to achieve greater success and profitability for the Group and to maximise the long term performance of the Group. The objective 47 Directors’ Report Ramelius Resources Limited - Consolidated Entity Directors’ Report (continued) of the Performance Rights Plan is to provide selected senior executives the opportunity to participate in the equity of the Company through the issue of Performance Rights as a long term incentive that is aligned to the long term interests of shareholders. There were no shares issued to employees under the Employee Share Acquisition Plan during the 2009/10 financial year. Performance Based Remuneration Key Management Personnel receive performance based remuneration as considered appropriate by the Nomination and Remuneration Committee and the Board. The intention of this remuneration is to facilitate goal congruence between Key Management Personnel with that of the business and shareholders. The remuneration policy of the Company has been tailored to increase goal congruence between shareholders, directors and senior executives. Two methods have been used to achieve this aim. The first method was through the issue of options to Key Management Personnel during the 2008 financial year. No options were issued to Key Management Personnel during the 2009 and 2010 financial years. The second method was through a Performance Rights Plan based on Key Performance Indicators (“KPI’s”) set by the Board. The KPI conditions attached to the Performance Rights Plan include a vesting period of three years from grant date (7 April 2008) and a requirement for the Company’s share price to be within the top 40% comparator group of companies as set by the Board. The Companies in the comparator group are as follows. Avoca Resources Limited Alkane Resources Limited Apex Minerals NL Barra Resources Limited Bendigo Mining Limited Carrick Gold Limited Citigold Corporation Limited Crescent Gold Limited Dioro Exploration NL Gryphon Minerals Limited Integra Mining Limited Monarch Gold Mining Company Limited Norton Gold Fields Limited Silver Lake Resources Limited Tanami Gold NL Troy Resources NL During the 2008 financial year a total of 900,000 Performance Rights with a fair value of $576,000 were granted under the Performance Rights Plan to selected Key Management Personnel. No Performance Rights were granted during the 2009 and 2010 financial years. These Rights are recognised on a pro-rata basis over the vesting period. Any Rights that do not vest on the vesting date will lapse. The Rights are subject to performance conditions which are to be tested in future financial periods. The employment conditions of the Chief Executive Officer and Key Management Personnel are formalised in contracts of employment. During the year, a new employment contract was entered into with Chief Operating Officer on his appointment as Chief Executive Officer. The contracts have no fixed term with 3 months and 6 months notice of termination by the executives and Company respectively. Generally, employment contracts of senior executives enable the Company to terminate the contracts without cause by providing written notice or making a termination payment in lieu of notice including a minimum termination payment as provided for under the contracts. However any such termination payments to officers of the Company are subject to the requirements of ASX Listing Rule 10.19, and in the event that the value of termination benefits to be paid and the value of all other termination benefits that are or may be payable to all officers of the Company together exceed 5% of the equity interests of the Company as set out in the latest accounts given to the ASX, the payment shall be pro-rata based on the maximum total termination benefits allowable under ASX Listing Rule 10.19. Termination payments are not generally payable on resignation or dismissal for serious misconduct. Any performance rights or options not vested or exercised before the date of termination will lapse. Remuneration of Directors and Key Management Personnel This Report details the nature and amount of remuneration for each Director and Key Management Person of the Company and for the Executives receiving the highest remuneration. (a) Directors and Key Management Personnel The names and positions held by Directors and Key Management Personnel of the Company during the financial year are: 48 Directors’ Report Ramelius Resources Limited - Consolidated Entity Directors’ Report (continued) Directors Mr RM Kennedy Mr RG Nelson Mr JF Houldsworth 1 Mr IJ Gordon 2 Mr KJ Lines Key Management Personnel 4 Mr DA Francese Mr DA Doherty 4 Mr MI Svensson Mr AP Webb Mr KM Seymour 3 Positions Chairman – Non-Executive Director – Non-Executive Director – Non-Executive Director – Executive – Chief Executive Officer Director – Non-Executive Chief Financial Officer / Company Secretary Wattle Dam Underground Mine Manager Exploration Manager Burbanks Mill Process Manager Manager Business Development 1 Mr Houldsworth held the position of Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer until his retirement as an executive of the Company on 31 July 2009. Mr Houldsworth continues to serve on the Board as a non-executive director. 2 Mr Gordon held the position of Executive Director and Chief Operating Officer until the retirement of Mr Houldsworth as an executive of the Company. On 1 August 2009 Mr Gordon was appointed Chief Executive Officer. 3 Mr Seymour commenced as Manager Business Development on 1 July 2009. 4 Mr Kelty, a previous member of Key Management Personnel, retired as the Wattle Dam Mine Manager on 31 July 2008 following the appointment of Danny Doherty as Wattle Dam Underground Mine Manager. (b) Non-Executive Directors’ Remuneration Benefits and payments during the financial year and components of remuneration for Non-Executive Directors of the Consolidated Group are detailed as follows. Primary Benefits Year Directors Fees $ Super Contributions $ Non Cash Benefits $ Mr RM Kennedy Mr RG Nelson Mr KJ Lines Mr JF Houldsworth* 2010 2009 2010 2009 2010 2009 2010 2009 2010 2009 154,128 154,128 77,064 77,064 77,064 77,064 70,642 - 378,898 308,256 13,872 13,872 6,936 6,936 6,936 6,936 6,358 - 34,102 27,744 - - - - - - - - - - Total $ 168,000 168,000 84,000 84,000 84,000 84,000 77,000 - 413,000 336,000 Performance Related % - - - - - - - - - - * Mr Houldsworth retired as an executive on 31 July 2009 but continued as a non executive director of Ramelius Resources Limited. Mr Houldsworth’s additional executive remuneration is separately disclosed in the following table. Apart from the potential termination payment referred to above, there are no other post-employment benefits payable to non-executive directors. (c) Executive Director / Key Management Personnel Remuneration Benefits and payments during the financial year and components of remuneration for Executive Directors and Key Management Personnel of the Consolidated Group are detailed as follows. 49 Directors’ Report Ramelius Resources Limited - Consolidated Entity Directors’ Report (continued) Executive Directors and Group Key Management Personnel Year IJ Gordon DA Doherty DA Francese JF Houldsworth* 2010 2009 2010 2009 2010 2009 2010 2009 2010 2009 2010 2009 2010 2009 2010 2009 KM Seymour MI Svensson AP Webb BT Kelty Short-term benefits Post-employment benefits Share-based payments Salary, Fees & Leave $ 25,986 251,457 362,074 306,330 243,418 253,431 246,000 227,232 - 37,785 180,000 - 167,856 163,761 243,346 188,575 Cash Bonus $ Non- Monetary $ Super Contributions $ - - - - 935 - 14,696 - - - 935 - 826 13,647 14,696 - 32,088 13,647 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2,338 22,631 32,587 27,569 49,2421 22,808 23,463 20,450 - 3,400 16,284 - 15,181 15,966 49,2242 62,0923 188,319 174,916 LTI Shares $ LTI Rights / Options4 $ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8,153 44,713 64,000 29,808 32,000 14,905 - - - - - - - - - - 104,153 89,426 Performance Related % 3.00 14.02 13.95 8.19 10.11 5.11 5.17 - - - 0.47 - 0.45 7.05 4.78 - 6.72 6.04 Total $ 271,189 318,801 458,661 363,707 325,595 291,144 284,159 247,682 - 41,185 197,219 - 183,863 193,374 307,266 250,667 2,027,952 1,706,560 Other $ 234,712 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 234,712 - 2010 2009 1,468,680 1,428,571 * Mr Houldsworth retired as an executive on 31 July 2009 but continued as a non executive director of Ramelius Resources Limited. Mr Houldsworth’s additional non executive remuneration is separately disclosed in the previous table. 1 Super contributions for Mr Francese for 2010 include salary of $25,000 sacrificed for super. 2 Super contributions for Mr Webb for 2010 include salary of $26,000 sacrificed for super. 3 Super contributions for Mr Webb for 2009 include salary of $41,395 sacrificed for super. 4 LTI Rights/Options for 2009 relate to performance related rights to shares issued under the Performance Rights Plan. Performance income as a proportion of total remuneration Executive Directors and Key Management Personnel may be paid performance based bonuses based on set monetary amounts rather than proportions of their fixed salary and also performance based rights to shares and options. This has resulted in the proportion of remuneration related to performance varying between individuals. The Board has set these bonuses in order to encourage the achievement of specific goals that have been given high levels of importance in relation to future growth and profitability of the Consolidated Group. The terms and conditions relating to options and bonuses granted as remuneration during the year to Non-Executive Directors and Key Management Personnel are as follows. 50 Directors’ Report Ramelius Resources Limited - Consolidated Entity Directors’ Report (continued) Executive Directors and Group Key Management Personnel DA Francese DA Doherty KM Seymour MI Svensson AP Webb Remuneration Type Grant Date Cash Bonus Cash Bonus Cash Bonus Cash Bonus Cash Bonus Cash Bonus Cash Bonus 14/12/2009 22/6/2009 14/12/2009 14/12/2009 14/12/2009 22/6/2009 14/12/2009 Reason For Grant* Performance Performance Performance Performance Performance Performance Performance * Cash bonuses were paid to each of the above Key Management Personnel as reward for general performance in accordance with a recommendation made to the Board by the Managing Director/CEO. Executive Director and Key Management Personnel Service Agreements On 31 July 2009, Mr Houldsworth retired as an executive of the Company and a separation payment totalling $234,712 was paid to Mr Houldsworth. Mr Houldsworth’s entitlement to 450,000 rights in the Company’s shares which were granted on 7 April 2008 at a fair value of $288,000, lapsed on the date of his retirement (refer Note 22(ii) to the Financial Statements). Mr Gordon was appointed to the role of Chief Executive Officer effective 1 August 2009 and his salary increased to $399,425 per annum inclusive of superannuation from that date. Mr Gordon was also entitled to receive a general performance bonus subject to the discretion of the Board. Mr Gordon is entitled to a termination payment equal to six months remuneration where in certain circumstances the employment agreement is terminated. Mr Gordon’s employment agreement has no fixed term and may be terminated by the Company with six month’s notice and by Mr Gordon with three month’s notice. The Company has also entered into employment agreements with other key management personnel in respect of their services. These agreements provide for the initial set salary per annum inclusive of superannuation guarantee contributions to be reviewed periodically. In the event that the Company terminates the agreements without notice, the key management personnel are entitled to a termination payment including a minimum termination payment as provided for in the agreements. Mr Francese is entitled to a termination payment equal to six months remuneration where in certain circumstances the employment agreement is terminated. Mr Francese’s employment agreement has no fixed term and may be terminated by the Company with six month’s notice and by Mr Francese with three month’s notice. Mr Doherty is entitled to a termination payment equal to three months remuneration where in certain circumstances the employment agreement is terminated. Messrs Doherty and Seymour’s employment agreements have no fixed term and may be terminated by either the Company or the relevant executives with three month’s notice. Messrs Svensson and Webb are entitled to a termination payment equal to one month and three month’s remuneration respectively where in certain circumstances the employment is terminated. Mr Svensson’s employment agreement is for a fixed term of one year, is renewable annually and may be terminated by either the Company or Mr Svensson with one month’s notice. Mr Webb’s employment agreement has no fixed term and may be terminated by the Company with three month’s notice and by Mr Webb with one month’s notice. Any termination payments to officers of the Company are subject to the requirements of ASX Listing Rule 10.19, and in the event that the value of termination benefits to be paid and the value of all other termination benefits that are or may be payable to all officers of the Company together exceed 5% of the equity interests of the Company as set out in the latest accounts given to the ASX, the payment shall be pro-rata based on the maximum total termination benefits allowable under ASX Listing Rule 10.19. Executive Director and Key Management Personnel post employment/retirement and termination benefits There were no other post employment, retirement or termination benefits payable to Executive Directors and Key Management Personnel other than those referred to above. 51 Directors’ Report Ramelius Resources Limited - Consolidated Entity Directors’ Report (continued) (d) Securities received that are not performance related No directors or members of key management personnel are entitled to receive securities which are not performance related as part of their remuneration package. Options and Rights Granted as Remuneration There were no options or rights granted as remuneration to Directors or Key Management Personnel of the Company during the 2009 and 2010 financial years. Options 800,000 options expired during the 2009 financial year (2010: nil), as detailed at Note 22 of the financial statements. Performance Rights Performance Rights granted by the Parent Entity are as follows. Name No. of Rights Grant Date Fair Value per Right at grant date 1 $ Exercised No: Exercised $ Lapsed 2 No: Lapsed Lapsed $ % JF Houldsworth3 450,000 7 April 2008 288,000 IJ Gordon 300,000 7 April 2008 192,000 DA Francese 150,000 7 April 2008 96,000 TOTAL 900,000 576,000 - - - - - - - - 450,000 288,000 - - - - 450,000 288,000 100 - - 50 1 The value of rights granted as remuneration and shown in the above table has been determined in accordance with applicable accounting standards. 2 The value of rights that have lapsed during the year due to vesting conditions not being satisfied have been determined at the time the rights lapsed as if vesting conditions had been satisfied. 3 On 31 July 2009 Mr Houldsworth retired as an executive of the Company and as a result, his entitlement to these Rights lapsed. Shares Issued on Exercise of Remuneration Options Apart from shares granted under the Company’s Employee Share Acquisition Plan and the Performance Rights Plan as detailed above, no other shares were granted to Directors or Key Management Personnel or as result of the exercise of remuneration options during the financial year. Directors’ Interests in Shares and Options Directors’ relevant interests in shares and options of the Company are disclosed in Note 5 to the Financial Statements. The Report of Directors, incorporating the Remuneration Report is signed in accordance with a resolution of the Board of Directors. 52 Directors’ Report Ramelius Resources Limited - Consolidated Entity Directors’ Report (continued) Competent Person Statement The information in this report that relates to Exploration Results is based on information compiled by Matthew Svensson. Matthew Svensson is a Member of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists and has sufficient experience which is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity he is undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the 2004 Edition of the Australasian Code for Reporting on Exploration Results. Matthew Svensson is a full-time employee of the company and consents to the inclusion in the report of the matters based on his information in the form and context in which it appears. The information in this report that relates to resources and estimated mine grade at Wattle Dam is based on information compiled by Rob Hutchison. Rob Hutchison is a Member of the Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy and has sufficient experience which is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity he is undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person. Rob Hutchison is a full-time employee of the company and consents to the inclusion in the report of the matters based on his information in the form and context in which it appears. 53 Auditor’s Independence Declaration 54 Income Statement Ramelius Resources Limited - Consolidated Entity Income Statement For the year ended 30 June 2010 Revenue Other income Total revenue Administrative expenses Change in inventories Consultant expenses Depreciation and amortisation Employment expenses Impairment of exploration assets Exploration costs written off Foreign exchange losses Listing expenses Mining and milling expenses Occupancy expenses Other expenses from ordinary activities Profit/(loss) before income tax expense Income tax expense Profit/(loss) after income tax expense Basic earnings per share (cents) Diluted earnings per share (cents) Note 2 2 3 4 8 8 Consolidated Group 2009 2010 $ $ 61,271,067 19,861,748 9,830,364 819,532 71,101,431 20,681,280 (734,521) 8,740,539 (141,840) (18,476,576) (1,343,664) (9,102,214) (361,955) (25,778) (36,367) (20,813,426) (38,762) (79,952) 28,686,915 (8,488,220) 20,198,695 (689,524) 995,815 (120,000) (5,077,221) (843,140) (126,515) (21,407) - (29,318) (7,541,576) (34,810) (35,978) 7,157,606 (2,184,250) 4,973,356 7.5 7.5 2.6 2.6 The accompanying notes form part of these financial statements. 55 Statement of Comprehensive Income Ramelius Resources Limited - Consolidated Entity Statement of Comprehensive Income For the year ended 30 June 2010 Note Profit/(loss) for the period Other comprehensive income - Exchange differences on translating foreign controlled entities Total other comprehensive income for the period, net of tax Consolidated Group 2009 2010 $ $ 20,198,695 4,973,356 3,346 3,346 - - Total comprehensive income for the period 20,202,041 4,973,356 The accompanying notes form part of these financial statements. 56 Statement of Financial Position Ramelius Resources Limited - Consolidated Entity Statement of Financial Position As at 30 June 2010 Note 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 17 19 17 20 21 Current Assets Cash and cash equivalents Trade and other receivables Inventories Derivatives Other current assets Total current assets Non-current assets Plant, equipment & development assets Exploration and evaluation expenditure Deferred tax asset Total non-current assets Total assets Current liabilities Trade and other payables Short term provisions Current tax liabilities Total current liabilities Non-current liabilities Long term provisions Deferred tax liability Total non-current liabilities Total liabilities Net assets Equity Issued capital Reserves Retained earnings Total Equity The accompanying notes form part of these financial statements. 57 Consolidated Group 2009 2010 $ $ 80,226,850 26,692,626 1,438,035 3,867,847 1,147,458 10,933,927 - 2,741 205,861 254,941 95,286,306 29,483,980 27,959,334 24,983,428 6,767,255 12,084,996 5,214,266 35,447,544 42,282,690 720,955 130,733,850 71,766,670 6,867,231 499,451 6,322,879 13,689,561 6,518,303 421,563 41,512 6,981,378 590,280 6,114,888 6,705,168 285,493 8,401,361 8,686,854 20,394,729 15,668,232 110,339,121 56,098,438 79,864,456 45,929,967 779,697 9,388,774 887,196 29,587,469 110,339,121 56,098,438 Statement of Changes in Equity Ramelius Resources Limited - Consolidated Entity Statement of Changes in Equity For the year ended 30 June 2010 Consolidated Group Balance as at 1 July 2008 Fair value of 72,090 shares issued to employees Fair value of unvested performance rights for executives Fair value of 100,000 shares issued as consideration for tenement acquisition 3,847 options exercised during the period at $1.00 1,853 options exercised during the period at $1.50 33,727,288 shares issued during the period at $0.53 Transaction costs associated with the issue of shares net of tax Total comprehensive income Share Based Payments Reserve $ Foreign Currency Translation Reserve $ Issued Capital $ Retained Earnings $ Total $ 28,661,250 555,412 - 4,415,418 33,632,080 - 39,650 - 184,635 80,000 3,847 2,779 17,875,463 (693,372) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 39,650 - 184,635 80,000 - 3,847 - 2,779 - - 17,875,463 - 4,973,356 (693,372) 4,973,356 Balance as at 30 June 2009 45,929,967 779,697 - 9,388,774 56,098,438 Fair value of 72,140,701 shares issued pursuant to a takeover offer at a cost of $0.47 per share Fair value of unvested performance rights for executives 2,468 options exercised during the period at $1.00 Transaction costs associated with the issue of shares net of tax Total comprehensive income 33,932,056 - - 2,468 104,153 - (35) - - - - - - - 33,932,056 - - 104,153 2,468 - (35) 3,346 20,198,695 20,202,041 - Balance as at 30 June 2010 79,864,456 883,850 3,346 29,587,469 110,339,121 The accompanying notes form part of these financial statements. The accompanying notes form part of these financial statements. 58 Statement of Cash Flows Ramelius Resources Limited - Consolidated Entity Statement of Cash Flows For the year ended 30 June 2010 Note Cash Flows from operating activities Cash receipts in the course of operations Cash payments in the course of operations Interest received Net cash provided by/(used in) operating activities Cash Flows from investing activities Payments for plant, equipment & development Proceeds from sale of mining tenements Proceeds from sale of plant and equipment Proceeds from sale of investments Payments for mining tenements & exploration Net cash provided by/(used in) investing activities Cash Flows from Financing activities Proceeds from issue of shares Transaction costs from issue of shares Payments for hedge options Net cash provided by/(used in) financing activities Net increase/(decrease) in cash held Cash at the beginning of the financial year Effect of exchange rates on cash holdings in foreign currencies Consolidated Group 2009 2010 $ $ 61,602,173 19,931,625 (9,572,962) (24,123,142) 620,764 1,466,921 25 38,945,952 10,979,427 (23,862,676) (12,386,113) 100,000 - - (4,832,861) - 25,000 42,425,394 (3,390,411) 15,197,307 (17,118,974) 2,468 17,884,557 (1,119,991) (103,240) (30,568) (566,500) (594,600) 16,661,326 53,548,659 10,521,779 26,692,626 16,170,847 (14,435) - Cash at the end of the financial year 9 80,226,850 26,692,626 The accompanying notes form part of these financial statements. 59 Notes to the Financial Statements Ramelius Resources Limited - Consolidated Entity Notes to the financial statements For the year ended 30 June 2010 1 Statement of significant accounting policies This financial report includes the consolidated financial statements and notes of Ramelius Resources Limited and controlled entities (“Consolidated Group” or “Group”). (a) Basis of preparation This financial report is a general purpose financial report that has been prepared in accordance with Australian Accounting Standards, Australian Accounting Interpretations, other authoritative pronouncements of the Australian Accounting Standard Board and the Corporations Act 2001. Ramelius Resources Limited is a listed public company, incorporated and domiciled in Australia. Compliance with International Financial Reporting Standards Australian Accounting Standards set out accounting policies that the AASB has concluded would result in a financial report containing relevant and reliable information about transactions, events and conditions. Compliance with Australian Accounting Standards ensures that the financial statements and notes also comply with International Financial Reporting Standards. Historical cost convention The financial report has been prepared on an accruals basis under the historical cost convention, modified where applicable by the measurement at fair value of relevant non current assets, financial assets and financial liabilities. Accounting Policies The material accounting policies adopted in the preparation of this financial report are presented below and have been consistently applied unless otherwise stated. (b) Principles of consolidation The consolidated financial statements incorporate the assets and liabilities of all controlled entities as at 30 June 2010 and their results for the year then ended. Ramelius Resources Limited and its subsidiaries together are referred to in this financial report as the Group or Consolidated Group. A controlled entity is any entity over which Ramelius Resources Limited has power to govern the financial and operating policies so as to obtain benefits from its activities. In assessing power to govern, the existence and effect of holdings of actual and potential voting rights are considered. A list of controlled entities is contained in Note 28 to the financial statements. All controlled entities have a 30 June financial year end. All inter-group balances and transactions between entities in the consolidated group, including any realised profits or losses, have been eliminated on consolidation. Accounting policies of subsidiaries are consistent with those adopted by the parent entity. (c) Income Tax The income tax expense (benefit) for the year comprises current income tax expense (benefit) and deferred tax expense (benefit). Current income tax expense charged to the profit or loss is the tax payable on taxable income calculated using applicable income tax rates that have been enacted, or substantially enacted, as at reporting date. Current tax liabilities (assets) are therefore measured at the amounts expected to be paid to (recovered from) the relevant taxation authority. 60 Notes to the Financial Statements Ramelius Resources Limited - Consolidated Entity Notes to the financial statements For the year ended 30 June 2010 Deferred income tax expense reflects movements in deferred tax asset and deferred tax liability balances during the year as well as unused tax losses. Current and deferred income tax expense (benefit) is charged or credited directly to equity instead of the profit or loss when the tax relates to items that are credited or charged directly to equity. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are ascertained based on temporary differences arising between the tax bases of assets and liabilities and their carrying amounts in the financial statements. Deferred tax assets also result where amounts have been fully expensed but future tax deductions are available. No deferred income tax will be recognised from the initial recognition of an asset or liability, excluding a business combination, where there is no effect on accounting or taxable profit or loss. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are calculated at the tax rates that are expected to apply to the period when the asset is realised or the liability is settled, based on tax rates enacted or substantively enacted at reporting date. Their measurement also reflects the manner in which management expects to recover or settle the carrying amount of the related asset or liability. Deferred tax assets relating to temporary differences and unused tax losses are recognised only to the extent that it is probable that future taxable profit will be available against which the benefits of the deferred tax asset can be utilised. The amount of benefits brought to account or which may be realised in the future is based on the assumption that no adverse change will occur in income tax legislation and the anticipation that the Company will derive sufficient future assessable income to enable the benefit to be realised and comply with the conditions of deductibility imposed by the law. Ramelius Resources Limited and its wholly-owned Australian subsidiaries have formed an income tax consolidated group under tax consolidation legislation. Each entity in the Group recognises its own current and deferred tax assets and liabilities. Such taxes are measured using the ‘stand-alone taxpayer’ approach to allocation. Current tax liabilities (assets) and deferred tax assets arising from unused tax losses and tax credits in the subsidiaries are immediately transferred to the head entity. The Group notified the Australian Tax Office that it had formed an income tax consolidated group to apply from 1 July 2008. The tax consolidated group has entered a tax funding arrangement whereby each company in the Group contributes to the income tax payable by the Group in proportion to their contribution to the Group’s taxable income. Differences between the amounts of net tax assets and liabilities derecognised and the net amounts recognised pursuant to the funding arrangement are recognised as either a contribution by, or distribution to the head entity. (d) Inventories Inventories are measured at the lower of cost and net realisable value. The cost of mining stocks includes direct materials, direct labour, transportation costs and variable and fixed overhead costs relating to mining activities. (e) Plant & equipment Each class of plant and equipment is carried at cost or fair value as indicated less, where applicable, any accumulated depreciation and impairment losses. Plant and equipment Plant and equipment are measured on the cost basis less depreciation and impairment losses. The carrying amount of plant and equipment is reviewed annually by directors to ensure it is not in excess of the recoverable amount from these assets. The recoverable amount is assessed on the basis of the expected net cash flows that will be received from the asset’s employment and subsequent disposal. The expected net cash flows have been discounted to their present values in determining recoverable amounts. Subsequent costs are included in the asset’s carrying amount or recognised as a separate asset, as appropriate, only when it is probable that future economic benefits associated with the item will flow to the Group and the cost of the item can be measured reliably. All other repairs and maintenance are charged to the income statement during the financial period in which they are incurred. 61 Notes to the Financial Statements Ramelius Resources Limited - Consolidated Entity Notes to the financial statements For the year ended 30 June 2010 Depreciation The depreciation of all fixed assets is depreciated on a straight line basis over the asset’s useful life to the Consolidated Group commencing from the time the asset is held ready for use. The depreciation rates used for each class of depreciable assets are: Class of fixed asset Plant and equipment Depreciation Rate 1% – 50% The asset’s residual values and useful lives are reviewed, and adjusted if appropriate, at the end of each reporting period. An asset’s carrying amount is written down immediately to its recoverable amount if the asset’s carrying amount is greater than its estimated recoverable amount. Gains and losses on disposals are determined by comparing proceeds with the carrying amount. These gains and losses are included in the income statement. When revalued assets are sold, amounts included in the revaluation reserve relating to that asset are transferred to retained earnings. (f) Exploration and evaluation expenditure Exploration, evaluation and development expenditure incurred is accumulated in respect of each identifiable area of interest. These costs are only carried forward to the extent that they are expected to be recouped through the successful development of the area or where activities in the area have not yet reached a stage that permits reasonable assessment of the existence of economically recoverable reserves. Accumulated costs in relation to an abandoned area are written off in full against profit in the year in which the decision to abandon the area is made. When production commences, the accumulated costs for the relevant area of interest are transferred to development assets (refer note 1(g) below). A regular review is undertaken of each area of interest to determine the appropriateness of continuing to carry forward costs in relation to that area of interest. Costs of site restoration are provided over the life of the facility from when exploration commences and are included in the costs of that stage. Site restoration costs include the dismantling and removal of mining plant, equipment and building structures, waste removal and rehabilitation of the site in accordance with clauses of the mining permits. Such costs are determined using estimates of future costs, current legal requirements and technology on an undiscounted basis. Any changes in the estimates for the costs are accounted on a prospective basis. In determining the costs of site restoration, there is uncertainty regarding the nature and extent of the restoration due to community expectations and future legislation. Accordingly, the costs are determined on the basis that the restoration will be completed within one year of abandoning the site. (g) Development assets Development costs are amortised over the life of the area of interest according to the rate of depletion of the economically recoverable reserves. A regular review is undertaken of each area of interest to determine the appropriateness of continuing to carry forward costs in relation to that area of interest. Costs of site restoration are provided over the life of the facility from when development commences and are included in the costs of that stage. Site restoration costs include the dismantling and removal of mining plant, equipment and building structures, waste removal and rehabilitation of the site in accordance with clauses of the 62 Notes to the Financial Statements Ramelius Resources Limited - Consolidated Entity Notes to the financial statements For the year ended 30 June 2010 mining permits. Such costs are determined using estimates of future costs, current legal requirements and technology on an undiscounted basis. Any changes in the estimates for the costs are accounted on a prospective basis. In determining the costs of site restoration, there is uncertainty regarding the nature and extent of the restoration due to community expectations and future legislation. Accordingly, the costs are determined on the basis that the restoration will be completed within one year of abandoning the site. (h) Leases Leased payments for operating leases, where substantially all the risks and benefits remain with the lessor, are charged as expenses in the periods in which they are incurred. (i) Financial instruments Initial recognition and measurement: Financial assets and financial liabilities are recognised when the entity becomes a party to the contractual provisions to the instrument. For financial assets, this is equivalent to the date that the company commits itself to either the purchase or sale of the asset (i.e. trade date accounting is adopted). Financial instruments are initially measured at fair value plus transaction costs except where the instrument is classified “at fair value through profit or loss” in which case transaction costs are expensed to the profit or loss immediately. Classification and subsequent measurement: Financial instruments are subsequently measured at either fair value, amortised cost using the effective interest rate method or cost. Fair value represents the amount for which an asset could be exchanged, or a liability settled, between knowledgeable willing parties. Where available, quoted prices in an active market are used to determine fair value. The Group does not designate any interest in subsidiaries, associates or joint venture entities as being subject to the requirements of accounting standards specifically applicable to financial instruments. Loans and receivables: Loans and receivables are non-derivative financial assets with fixed or determinable payments that are not quoted in an active market and are subsequently measured at amortised cost. Held-to-maturity investments: These investments are non-derivative financial assets that have fixed maturities and fixed or determinable payments, and it is the Group’s intention to hold these investments to maturity. They are subsequently measured at amortised cost. Available for sale financial assets: Available for sale financial assets are non-derivative assets that are either not suitable to be classified into other categories of financial assets due to their nature or they are designated as such by management. They comprise investments in the equity of other entities where there is neither a fixed maturity nor fixed or determinable payments. Available for sale financial assets are included in non-current assets, except for those which are expected to mature within 12 months after the end of the reporting period. Financial liabilities: Non-derivative financial liabilities (excluding financial guarantees) are subsequently measured at amortised cost. Derivative instruments: The Group designates certain derivatives as either: i. Hedges of the fair value of recognised assets or liabilities or a firm commitment (fair value hedges); or ii. Hedges of highly probable forecast transactions (cash flow hedges). Assessments, both at hedge inception and on an ongoing basis, of whether the derivatives that are used in hedging transactions have been and will continue to be highly effective in offsetting changes in fair values or cash flows of hedging items, are also made. (i) Fair value hedge Changes in the fair value of derivatives that are designated and qualify as fair value hedges are recorded in the income statement, together with any changes in the fair value of hedged assets or liabilities that are attributable to the hedged risk. 63 Notes to the Financial Statements Ramelius Resources Limited - Consolidated Entity Notes to the financial statements For the year ended 30 June 2010 (ii) Cash flow hedge The effective portion of changes in the fair value of derivatives that are designated and qualify as cash flow hedges is deferred to a hedge reserve in equity. The gain or loss relating to the ineffective portion is recognised immediately in the income statement. Amounts accumulated in the hedge reserve in equity are transferred to the income statement in the periods when the hedged item will affect profit or loss. Fair value: Fair value is determined based on current bid prices for all quoted investments. Valuation techniques are applied to determine the fair value for all unlisted securities, including recent arm’s length transactions, reference to similar instruments and option pricing models. Impairment: At each reporting date, the Group assesses whether there is objective evidence that a financial instrument has been impaired. (j) Impairment of assets At each reporting date, the Group reviews the carrying values of its tangible and intangible assets to determine whether there is any indication that those assets have been impaired. If such an indication exists, the recoverable amount of the asset, being the higher of the asset’s fair value less costs to sell and value in use, is compared to the asset’s carrying value. Any excess of the asset’s carrying value over its recoverable amount is expensed to the income statement. (k) Interests in Joint Ventures The consolidated group’s share of the assets, liabilities, revenue and expenses of joint venture operations are included in the appropriate items of the consolidated financial statements. Details of the consolidated group’s interests are shown at Note 30. (l) Foreign Currency Transactions and Balances Functional and presentation currency The functional currency of each of the Group’s entities is measured using the currency of the primary economic environment in which that entity operates. The consolidated financial statements are presented in Australian dollars which is the parent entity’s functional and presentation currency. Transaction and balances Foreign currency transactions are translated into functional currency using the exchange rates prevailing at the date of the transaction. Foreign currency monetary items are translated at the year-end exchange rate. Non- monetary items measured at historical cost continue to be carried at the exchange rate at the date of the transaction. Non-monetary items measured at fair value are reported at the exchange rate at the date when fair values were determined. Exchange differences arising on the translation of monetary items are recognised in the income statement, except where deferred in equity as a qualifying cash flow or net investment hedge. Exchange differences arising on the translation of non-monetary items are recognised directly in equity to the extent that the gain or loss is directly recognised in equity, otherwise the exchange difference is recognised in the income statement. Group companies The financial results and position of foreign operations whose functional currency is different from the Group’s presentation currency are translated as follows: (cid:120) assets and liabilities are translated at year-end exchange rates prevailing at that reporting date; (cid:120) (cid:120) income and expenses are translated at average exchange rates for the period; and retained earnings are translated at the exchange rates prevailing at the date of the transaction. 64 Notes to the Financial Statements Ramelius Resources Limited - Consolidated Entity Notes to the financial statements For the year ended 30 June 2010 (m) Employee benefits Provision is made for the Group’s liability for employee benefits arising from services rendered by employees to balance date. Employee benefits that are expected to be settled within one year are measured at the amounts expected to be paid when the liability is settled, plus related on-costs. Employee benefits payable later than one year are measured at the present value of the estimated future cash outflows to be made for those benefits. Those cash flows are discounted using market yields on national government bonds with terms to maturity that match the expected timing of cash flows. Superannuation contributions: Employees may nominate their own superannuation fund into which the Group pays superannuation contributions. The Group currently contributes 9% of employee’s salary to each employee’s nominated fund or where a fund is not nominated by an employee, to a superannuation fund chosen by the Group. Share-based payments: The Group has an Employee Share Acquisition Plan and a Performance Rights Plan where employees and senior executives may be provided with shares or rights to shares in the Parent Entity. The Group may also grant performance related options over shares to Key Management Personnel. The fair value of the equity to which employees become entitled is measured at grant date and recognised as an expense over the vesting period, with a corresponding increase to an equity account. The fair value of shares is ascertained as the market bid price. The fair value of options is ascertained using a Black-Scholes pricing model which incorporates all market vesting conditions. The number of shares and options expected to vest is reviewed and adjusted at each reporting date such that the amount recognised for services received as consideration for the equity instruments granted shall be based on the number of equity instruments that eventually vest. (n) Provisions Provisions are recognised when the Group has a legal or constructive obligation, as a result of past events, for which it is probable that an outflow of economic benefits will result and that outflow can be reliably measured. (o) Cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents includes cash on hand, demand deposits held with banks, other short-term highly liquid investments that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and which are subject to an insignificant risk of changes in values. (p) Revenue Revenue is measured at the fair value of the consideration received or receivable. Revenue from sale of goods or rendering of a service is recognised upon delivery of the goods or service to customers as this corresponds to the transfer of significant risks and rewards of ownership of the goods and the cessation of all involvement with those goods. Interest revenue is recognised using the effective interest rate method, which, for floating rate financial assets, is the rate inherent in the instrument. All revenue is stated net of goods and services tax (GST). (q) Trade and other payables Trade and other payables represent the liability outstanding at the end of the reporting period for goods and services received by the Group during the reporting period which remains unpaid, The balance is recognised as a current liability with the amount being normally paid within 30 days of initial recognition. (r) Goods and services tax Revenues, expenses and assets are recognised net of the amount of goods and services tax (GST), except where the amount of GST incurred is not recoverable from the Australian Tax Office (ATO). In these circumstances the GST is recognised as part of the cost of acquisition of the asset or as part of the expense. Receivables and payables are stated in the statement of financial position inclusive of GST. The net amount of GST recoverable from, or payable to, the ATO is included as a current asset or liability in the statement of financial position. 65 Notes to the Financial Statements Ramelius Resources Limited - Consolidated Entity Notes to the financial statements For the year ended 30 June 2010 Cash flows are included in the statement of cash flows on a gross basis. The GST components of cash flows arising from investing and financing activities which are recoverable from, or payable to, the ATO are classified as operating cash flows. (s) Transaction costs on the issue of equity instruments Transaction costs arising from the issue of equity instruments are recognised directly in equity as a reduction of the proceeds of the equity instruments to which the costs relate. Transaction costs are the costs that are incurred directly in connection with the issue of those equity instruments and which would not have been incurred had those instruments not been issued. (t) Comparative figures When required by Accounting Standards, comparative figures have been adjusted to conform to changes in presentation for the current financial year. (u) Earnings per share (i) Basic earning per share Basic earnings per share is calculated by dividing the profit attribute to equity holders of the entity, excluding any costs of servicing equity other then ordinary shares, by the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the financial year, adjusted for bonus elements in ordinary shares issues during the year. (ii) Diluted Earnings per share Diluted earnings per share adjusts the figures used in the determination of basic earnings per share to take into account after income tax effect of interest and other financial costs associated with the dilutive potential ordinary shares and the weighted average number of shares assumed to have been issued for no consideration in relation to dilutive potential ordinary shares. (v) Third statement of financial position applies an accounting policy retrospectively; Two comparative periods are presented for the statement of financial position when the Company: (i) (ii) makes a retrospective restatement of items in its financial statements; or (iii) reclassifies items in the financial statements. The Group has determined that only one comparative period for the statement of financial position was required for the current reporting period as application of new accounting standards have had no material impact on the previously presented financial statements that were presented in the prior year. (w) Adoption of new and revised accounting standards During the financial year, the Group adopted all of the new and revised Standards and Interpretations issued by the Australian Accounting Standards Board that are relevant to its operations and effective for the current annual reporting period. The 2009 comparatives contained in these financial statements therefore differ from those published in the financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2009 as described below. Significant effects on current, prior or future periods arising from the first-time application of the standards discussed above in respect of presentation, recognition and measurement of accounts are described in the following notes. Adoption of AASB 8 Operating Segments From 1 January 2009, operating segments are identified and segment information disclosed on the basis of internal reports provided to or received by the chief operating decision maker which is the Chief Executive Officer. 66 Notes to the Financial Statements Ramelius Resources Limited - Consolidated Entity Notes to the financial statements For the year ended 30 June 2010 Adoption of AASB 101 Presentation of Financial Statements (revisions), AASB 2007-8 and 2007-10 Amendments arising from the revisions to AASB 101 The Group has adopted the revisions to AASB 101 Presentation of Financial Statements in these financial statements which has resulted in the introduction of the statement of comprehensive income, changes to the statement of changes in equity, and other terminology changes. (x) New accounting standards for application in future periods The AASB has issued new and amended accounting standards and interpretations that have mandatory application dates for future reporting periods. The Group has decided against early adoption of these standards. A discussion of those future requirements and their impact on the Group follows: AASB 2009-4: Amendments to Australian Accounting Standards arising from the Annual Improvements Project [AASB 2 and AASB 138 and AASB Interpretations 9 & 16] (applicable for annual reporting periods commencing from 1 July 2009) and AASB 2009-5: Further Amendments to Australian Accounting Standards arising from the Annual Improvements Project [AASB 5, 8, 101, 117, 118, 136 & 139] (applicable for annual reporting periods commencing from 1 January 2010). These standards detail numerous non-urgent but necessary changes to accounting standards arising from the IASB’s annual improvements project. No changes are expected to materially affect the Group. AASB 9: Financial Instruments and AASB 2009–11: Amendments to Australian Accounting Standards arising from AASB 9 [AASB 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 101, 102, 108, 112, 118, 121, 127, 128, 131, 132, 136, 139, 1023 & 1038 and Interpretations 10 & 12] (applicable for annual reporting periods commencing on or after 1 January 2013) These standards are applicable retrospectively and amend the classification and measurement of financial assets. The Group has not yet determined the potential impact on the financial statements. The changes made to accounting requirements include: (cid:120) (cid:120) (cid:120) (cid:120) (cid:120) (cid:120) simplifying the classifications of financial assets into those carried at amortised cost and those carried at fair value; simplifying the requirements for embedded derivatives; removing the tainting rules associated with held-to-maturity assets; removing the requirements to separate and fair value embedded derivatives for financial assets carried at amortised cost; allowing an irrevocable election on initial recognition to present gains and losses on investments in equity instruments that are not held for trading in other comprehensive income. Dividends in respect of these investments that are a return on investment can be recognised in profit or loss and there is no impairment or recycling on disposal of the instrument; and reclassifying financial assets where there is a change in an entity's business model as they are initially classified based on: a. b. the objective of the entity's business model for managing the financial assets; and the characteristics of the contractual cash flows. AASB 2009–8: Amendments to Australian Accounting Standards — Group Cash-settled Share-based Payment Transactions [AASB 2] (applicable for annual reporting periods commencing on or after 1 January 2010) These amendments clarify the accounting for group cash-settled share-based payment transactions in the separate or individual financial statements of the entity receiving the goods or services when the entity has no obligation to settle the share-based payment transaction. The amendments incorporate the requirements previously included in Interpretation 8 and Interpretation 11 and as a consequence, these two Interpretations are superseded by the amendments. These amendments are not expected to impact the Group. AASB 2009–10: Amendments to Australian Accounting Standards — Classification of Rights Issues [AASB 132] (applicable for annual reporting periods commencing on or after 1 February 2010) These amendments clarify that rights, options or warrants to acquire a fixed number of an entity's own equity instruments for a fixed amount in any currency are equity instruments if the entity offers the rights, options or 67 Notes to the Financial Statements Ramelius Resources Limited - Consolidated Entity Notes to the financial statements For the year ended 30 June 2010 warrants pro-rata to all existing owners of the same class of its own non-derivative equity instruments. These amendments are not expected to impact the Group. AASB 2009–12: Amendments to Australian Accounting Standards [AASBs 5, 8, 108, 110, 112, 119, 133, 137, 139, 1023 & 1031 and Interpretations 2, 4, 16, 1039 & 1052] (applicable for annual reporting periods commencing on or after 1 January 2011) This standard makes a number of editorial amendments to a range of Australian Accounting Standards and Interpretations, including amendments to reflect changes made to the text of International Financial Reporting Standards by the IASB. The standard also amends AASB 8 to require entities to exercise judgment in assessing whether a government and entities known to be under the control of that government are considered a single customer for the purposes of certain operating segment disclosures. These amendments are not expected to impact the Group. AASB 2009–13: Amendments to Australian Accounting Standards arising from Interpretation 19 [AASB 1] (applicable for annual reporting periods commencing on or after 1 July 2010) This standard makes amendments to AASB 1 arising from the issue of Interpretation 19. The amendments allow a first-time adopter to apply the transitional provisions in Interpretation 19. This standard is not expected to impact the Group. AASB Interpretation 19: Extinguishing Financial Liabilities with Equity Instruments (applicable for annual reporting periods commencing on or after 1 July 2010) This Interpretation deals with how a debtor would account for the extinguishment of a liability through the issue of equity instruments. The Interpretation states that the issue of equity should be treated as the consideration paid to extinguish the liability, and the equity instruments issued should be recognised at their fair value unless fair value cannot be measured reliably in which case they shall be measured at the fair value of the liability extinguished. The Interpretation deals with situations where either partial or full settlement of the liability has occurred. This Interpretation is not expected to impact the Group. The Group does not anticipate the early adoption of any of the above Australian Accounting Standards. (y) Critical accounting estimates and judgements The directors evaluate estimates and judgements incorporated into the financial report based on historical knowledge and best available information. Estimates assume a reasonable expectation of future events and are based on current trends and economic data, obtained both externally and within the Group. Key Estimates and Judgements (i) Impairment The Group assesses impairment at each reporting date by evaluating conditions and events specific to the Group that may lead to impairment of assets. Where an impairment trigger exists, the recoverable amount of the asset is determined. (ii) Exploration and evaluation expenditure The Group capitalises exploration and evaluation expenditure where it is considered likely to be recoverable or where activities have not reached a stage to permit a reasonable assessment of the existence of reserves. While there are certain areas of interest for which no reserves have been extracted, the directors continue to believe that such expenditure should not be written off, as evaluation in those areas has not yet been concluded. (iii) Development The group capitalises development expenditure which is amortised over the life of the economic resource. The recoverable economic resource is subject to estimates and assumptions that impact on the rate of depletion of the economic resource (amortisation), depreciation and assessment of impairment of assets. Assessment of future development involves various assumptions including commodity gold price, exchange rates for Australian and US dollars and general economic conditions. (iv) Provision for restoration The Group estimates future mine site restoration costs that are expected to be incurred. Such estimates are based on a review of amounts required by the Western Australian Department of Mines to be lodged as environmental 68 Notes to the Financial Statements Ramelius Resources Limited - Consolidated Entity Notes to the financial statements For the year ended 30 June 2010 bonds, which the Group effects via unconditional bank guarantees, and management’s assessment of any additional expenditure expected to be incurred. (v) Employee Benefits In calculating long service leave at balance date, management judgement is applied in determining key assumptions relating to future increases in wages and salaries, future on-cost rates and experience of employee departures and period of service. (z) Authorisation for issue of financial statements The financial statements were authorised for issue by the Board of Directors on 30 August 2010. Note Consolidated Group 2010 $ 2009 $ 2 Revenue and other income Revenues: From operating activities Refined gold sales Toll milling sales Refined silver sales Total revenue Other income Interest received from other parties Gain on sale of non-current investments Gain on disposal of tenements Foreign exchange gains Other revenue Total other income 14 3 Profit before income tax expense has been determined after Expenses Depreciation and amortisation of non current assets Plant and equipment - depreciation Mining and milling - depreciation Mining and milling - amortisation Rental expense on operating leases Minimum lease payments Exploration costs written off Diminution in value of gold hedge put options Foreign currency translation losses Impairment of exploration and evaluation assets Provision for employee benefits 69 58,216,932 19,830,035 - 3,054,135 31,713 - 61,271,067 19,861,748 2,079,171 7,144,396 - 1,990 604,807 9,830,364 648,856 - 38,443 - 132,233 819,532 39,274 505,149 17,932,153 18,476,576 27,462 377,817 4,671,942 5,077,221 175,226 361,955 563,759 25,778 9,102,214 125,676 100,002 21,407 457,063 - 126,515 103,884 Notes to the Financial Statements Ramelius Resources Limited - Consolidated Entity Notes to the financial statements For the year ended 30 June 2010 Note Other revenue and expenses Consideration on disposal of mining tenements Carrying amount of listed mining tenements Net gain on disposal Consideration on disposal of assets Carrying amount of assets disposed Carrying amount of assets written off Net loss on disposal 4 Income tax expense (a) The components of tax expense comprise: Current tax Deferred tax Under provision in respect of prior years (b) The prima facie tax on profit from ordinary activities before income tax is reconciled to the income tax as follows: Prima facie tax payable on profit from ordinary activities before income tax at 30% - Consolidated group Add: Tax effect of: - Share based payments - costs of capital raising - other non allowable items Deferred tax asset in respect of tax losses utilised Less: Tax effect of: Other allowable items Recognition of timing differences not previously brought to account Over provision in respect of prior years Income tax attributable to entity The applicable weighted average effective tax rates are as follows: 70 Consolidated Group 2010 $ 2009 $ - - - 25,000 (25,000) - - 100,000 (61,557) 38,443 - - (22,957) (22,957) 6,322,879 2,183,371 (18,030) 8,488,220 41,512 2,142,738 - 2,184,250 8,606,075 2,147,282 31,246 - 6,465 67,285 - 966 - 8,643,786 22,675 2,238,208 137,536 31,283 - 22,675 (18,030) 8,488,220 - 2,184,250 30% 31% Notes to the Financial Statements Ramelius Resources Limited - Consolidated Entity Notes to the financial statements For the year ended 30 June 2010 Note Consolidated Group 2010 $ 2009 $ 5 Directors and Key Management Personnel Remuneration Director and Key Management Personnel remuneration has been included in the Remuneration Report section of the Directors Report. The totals of remuneration paid to Directors and Key Management Personnel of the Group during the year are as follows: Short-term employee benefits Post-employment benefits Other long-term benefits Termination benefits Share-based payments Directors & Key Management Personnel 1,879,666 457,133 - - 104,153 2,440,952 1,750,474 202,660 - - 89,426 2,042,560 (a) Directors and Key Management Personnel The names and positions held by Directors and Key Management Personnel of the Company during the financial year are: Directors Mr RM Kennedy Mr RG Nelson Mr JF Houldsworth 1 Mr IJ Gordon 2 Mr KJ Lines Key Management Personnel Mr DA Francese Mr DA Doherty 4 Mr MI Svensson Mr AP Webb Mr KM Seymour 3 Positions Chairman – Non-Executive Director – Non-Executive Director – Non-Executive Director – Executive / Chief Executive Officer Director – Non-Executive Chief Financial Officer / Company Secretary Wattle Dam Underground Mine Manager Exploration Manager Burbanks Mill Process Manager Manager Business Development 1 Mr Houldsworth held the position of Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer until his retirement as an executive of the Company on 31 July 2009. Mr Houldsworth continues to serve on the Board as a non-executive director. 2 Mr Gordon held the position of Executive Director and Chief Operating Officer until the retirement of Mr Houldsworth as an executive of the Company. On 1 August 2009 Mr Gordon was appointed Chief Executive Officer. 3 Mr Seymour commenced as Manager Business Development of the Company on 1 July 2009. 4 Mr Kelty, a previous member of Key Management Personnel, retired as the Wattle Dam Mine Manager on 31 July 2008 following the appointment of Danny Doherty as Wattle Dam Underground Mine Manager. 71 Notes to the Financial Statements Ramelius Resources Limited - Consolidated Entity Notes to the financial statements For the year ended 30 June 2010 (b) Directors and Key Management Personnel equity remuneration holdings and transactions (i) Options provided as remuneration and shares issued on exercise of such options Details of options provided as remuneration and shares issued on the exercise of such options together with the terms and conditions of the options can be found in the remuneration report. (ii) Shareholdings The number of shares in the Company held during the financial year by each director of Ramelius Resources Limited and other key management personnel of the group including their personal related entities, are set out below. There were no shares granted during the year as remuneration. Shares Year Opening Balance Received as Remuneration Options Exercised Net Change Other1 Closing Balance Mr RG Nelson Mr JF Houldsworth Held by Directors in own name 2010 Mr RM Kennedy 2009 2010 2009 2010 2009 2010 2009 2010 2009 2010 2009 Mr IJ Gordon Mr KJ Lines Held by personally related entities Mr RM Kennedy Mr RG Nelson Mr JF Houldsworth Mr IJ Gordon Mr KJ Lines Total held by Directors - - 105,480 105,480 4,580,014 4,570,581 14,979 10,263 - - 4,700,473 4,686,324 7,729,572 7,701,273 5,226,504 5,217,071 44,696 35,263 - - - - 17,701,245 17,639,931 - - 823,443 814,010 328,116 338,683 - - 223,481 513,663 21,743 12,310 19,098,028 19,318,597 2010 2009 2010 2009 2010 2009 2010 2009 2010 2009 2010 2009 2010 2009 2010 2009 2010 2009 2010 2009 2010 2009 2010 2009 2010 2009 Mr DA Francese Mr BT Kelty Mr KM Seymour Mr MI Svensson Mr AP Webb Total Key Management Personnel excluding Directors Mr DA Doherty - - - - - - 105,480 105,480 (500,000) 4,080,014 9,433 4,580,014 14,979 14,979 - - (500,000) 4,200,473 14,149 4,700,473 - 4,716 - - - 7,729,572 28,299 7,729,572 - 5,226,504 9,433 5,226,504 44,696 44,696 - - - - (500,000) 17,201,245 61,314 17,701,245 - 9,433 - - - - - - - 9,433 (20,000) (10,567) 20,000 - - (290,182) - 9,433 - - 823,443 823,443 308,116 328,116 20,000 - 223,481 223,481 21,743 21,743 (500,000) 18,598,028 (220,569) 19,098,028 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 72 Notes to the Financial Statements Ramelius Resources Limited - Consolidated Entity Notes to the financial statements For the year ended 30 June 2010 (iii) Performance rights to shares The number of performance rights to shares in the Company held during the financial year by each Director and other key management personnel of the group including their personal related entities, are set out below. There were no performance rights to shares granted during the year as remuneration. Performance Rights to Shares* Year Opening Balance Received as Remuneration Options Exercised Net Change Other2 Closing Balance Total Vested at Year End Total Exercisable at Year End Mr RG Nelson Mr JF Houldsworth Held by Directors in own name 2010 Mr RM Kennedy 2009 2010 2009 2010 2009 2010 2009 2010 2009 2010 2009 Mr IJ Gordon Mr KJ Lines Held by personally related entities Mr RM Kennedy Mr RG Nelson Mr JF Houldsworth Mr IJ Gordon Mr KJ Lines Total held by Directors - - - - 450,000 450,000 300,000 300,000 - - 750,000 750,000 - - - - - - - - - - 750,000 750,000 - - 150,000 150,000 - - - - - - - - 900,000 900,000 2010 2009 2010 2009 2010 2009 2010 2009 2010 2009 2010 2009 2010 2009 2010 2009 2010 2009 2010 2009 2010 2009 2010 2009 2010 2009 Mr DA Francese Mr BT Kelty Mr KM Seymour Mr MI Svensson Mr AP Webb Total Key Management Personnel excluding Directors Mr DA Doherty - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (450,000) - - - - - - - - - - - (450,000) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (450,000) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (450,000) - - - - - - - 450,000 300,000 300,000 - - 300,000 750,000 - - - - - - - - - - 300,000 750,000 - - 150,000 150,000 - - - - - - - - 450,000 900,000 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * These Rights to shares were granted under the Performance Rights Plan on 7 April 2008. The KPI conditions attached to the performance Rights include a vesting period of three years from the grant date and a requirement for the Company’s share price to be within the top 40% comparator group of companies as set by the Board. The Companies in the comparator group are set out in the Remuneration Report section of the Directors Report. 73 Notes to the Financial Statements Ramelius Resources Limited - Consolidated Entity Notes to the financial statements For the year ended 30 June 2010 (iv) Option holdings The number of options over ordinary shares in the Company held during the financial year by each director of Ramelius Resources Limited and any other key management personnel of the group, including their personally related parties are set out below. Options Exercisable at $1.00 by 30 June 2009 Year Opening Balance Received as Remuneration Options Exercised Net Change Other 3 Closing Balance Total Vested at Year End Total Exercisable at Year End Held by Directors in own name Mr RM Kennedy Mr RG Nelson Mr JF Houldsworth Mr IJ Gordon Mr KJ Lines 2010 2009 2010 2009 2010 2009 2010 2009 2010 2009 2010 2009 - - - 10,022 - 456,532 - - - - - 466,554 Mr RG Nelson Mr JF Houldsworth Held by personally related entities Mr RM Kennedy 2010 2009 2010 2009 2010 2009 2010 2009 2010 2009 Total held by Directors 2010 - 768,549 - 421,182 - 3,000 - - - - - 2009 1,659,285 Mr IJ Gordon Mr KJ Lines Key Management Personnel excluding Directors Mr DA Doherty Mr DA Francese Mr BT Kelty Mr KM Seymour Mr MI Svensson Mr AP Webb Total - 2010 - 2009 - 2010 79,522 2009 - 2010 54,000 2009 - 2010 - 2009 - 2010 50,000 2009 - 2010 - 2009 2010 - 2009 1,842,807 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (10,022) - (456,532) - - - - - (466,554) - - (768,549) - - - (421,182) - - - (3,000) - - - - - - - - - - - - (1,659,285) - - - - - - (79,522) - - - (54,000) - - - - - - - (50,000) - - - - - - - - (1,842,807) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 74 Notes to the Financial Statements Ramelius Resources Limited - Consolidated Entity Notes to the financial statements For the year ended 30 June 2010 (iv) Option holdings (continued) Options Exercisable at $1.50 by 30 June 2010 Year Opening Balance Received as Remuneration Options Exercised Net Change Other 4 Closing Balance Total Vested at Year End Total Exercisable at Year End Held by Directors in own name Mr RM Kennedy Mr RG Nelson Mr JF Houldsworth Mr IJ Gordon Mr KJ Lines Held by personally related entities Mr RM Kennedy Mr RG Nelson Mr JF Houldsworth 2010 2009 2010 2009 2010 2009 2010 2009 2010 2009 Total held by Directors 2010 2009 Mr IJ Gordon Mr KJ Lines 2010 2009 2010 2009 2010 2009 2010 2009 2010 2009 2010 2009 2010 2009 2010 2009 2010 2009 2010 2009 2010 2009 2010 2009 2010 2009 - - 10,548 10,548 457,059 457,059 1,027 1,027 - - 468,634 468,634 770,128 770,128 521,708 521,708 3,527 3,527 - - - - 1,763,997 1,763,997 - - 81,402 81,402 1,342 33,869 - - 51,367 51,367 1,231 1,231 1,899,339 1,931,866 Mr DA Francese Mr BT Kelty Mr KM Seymour Mr MI Svensson Mr AP Webb Total Key Management Personnel excluding Directors Mr DA Doherty - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (10,548) - (457,059) - (1,027) - - - (468,634) - - - - 10,548 - 457,059 - 1,027 - - - 468,634 - - - 10,548 - 457,059 - 1,027 - - - 468,634 (770,128) - - - (521,708) - - - (3,527) - - - - - - - - - - - - (1,763,997) - - - 770,128 770,128 - - 521,708 521,708 - - 3,527 3,527 - - - - - - - - - - - 1,763,997 1,763,997 - - - - (81,402) - - - - (1,342) - (32,527) - - - - (51,367) - - - (1,231) - - - - (1,899,339) - - - - 81,402 - 1,342 - - - 51,367 - 1,231 - (32,527) 1,899,339 1,899,339 - - - 81,402 - 1,342 - - - 51,367 - 1,231 - - - - 10,548 - 457,059 - 1,027 - - - 468,634 - 770,128 - 521,708 - 3,527 - - - - - 1,763,997 - - - 81,402 - 1,342 - - - 51,367 - 1,231 - 1,899,339 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 75 Notes to the Financial Statements Ramelius Resources Limited - Consolidated Entity Notes to the financial statements For the year ended 30 June 2010 (iv) Option holdings (continued) Year Opening Balance Received as Remuneration Options Exercised Net Change Other 3 Closing Balance Total Vested at Year End Total Exercisable at Year End Options Exercisable at $1.90 by 30 June 2009 Held by Directors in own name Mr RM Kennedy Mr RG Nelson Mr JF Houldsworth Mr IJ Gordon Mr KJ Lines 2010 2009 2010 2009 2010 2009 2010 2009 2010 2009 2010 2009 Held by personally related entities Mr RM Kennedy Mr RG Nelson Mr JF Houldsworth 2010 2009 2010 2009 2010 2009 2010 2009 2010 2009 Total held by Directors 2010 2009 Mr IJ Gordon Mr KJ Lines - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 400,000 - - - 400,000 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - (400,000) - - - (400,000) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Key Management Personnel excluding Directors Mr DA Doherty Mr BT Kelty Mr DA Francese Mr KM Seymour - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1. Net change other in respect of shares refers to shares purchased and/or sold during the financial year. 2. Net change other in respect of performance rights to shares relate to rights which lapsed at retirement of Joe - - - - - - - - - - - (400,000) - (800,000) - - - - - - - - - - - 400,000 - 800,000 2010 2009 2010 2009 2010 2009 2010 2009 2010 2009 2010 2009 2010 2009 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mr MI Svensson Mr AP Webb Total Houldsworth as Managing Director. 3. Net change other in respect of $1.00 and $1.90 options refers to options which expired at 30 June 2009. 4. Net change other in respect of $1.50 options refers to options purchased/sold or which expired at 30 June 2010. 76 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Notes to the Financial Statements Ramelius Resources Limited - Consolidated Entity Notes to the financial statements For the year ended 30 June 2010 No options previously granted to Directors, Director related entities or Key Management Personnel were exercised during the year. Other Key Management Personnel Transactions There have been no other transactions involving equity instruments other than those described in the tables above. For details of other transactions with Directors or Key Management Personnel, refer Note 27: Related Parties. 6 Auditors’ remuneration Audit services: Auditors of the Company – Grant Thornton Audit and review of the financial reports Other due diligence related services 7 Dividends and return of capital Dividends paid Return of capital to shareholders* * On 5 May 2010 the directors proposed a capital return to shareholders of 5 cents per share which was paid in August 2010. (a) Proposed final 2010 dividend (b) Balance of franking account at year end adjusted for franking credits arising from: - payment of provision for income tax - dividends recognised as receivables and franking debits arising from payment of proposed dividends, and franking credits that may be prevented from distribution in subsequent financial years Consolidated Group 2009 2010 $ $ 46,775 16,000 62,775 46,564 - 46,564 - - - - - - - - - - 334,603 334,603 8 Earnings per share (a) Classification of securities All ordinary shares have been included in basic earnings per share. (b) Classification of securities as potential ordinary shares The Consolidated Group had no options listed on ASX Limited at the close of business on 30 June 2010. (c) Earnings used in the calculation of earnings per share Profit/(loss) after income tax expense 20,198,695 4,973,356 77 Notes to the Financial Statements Ramelius Resources Limited - Consolidated Entity Notes to the financial statements For the year ended 30 June 2010 (d) Weighted average number of shares outstanding during the year used in calculating earnings per share Consolidated Group 2009 2010 $ $ Number for basic earnings per share Ordinary shares Number for dilutive earnings per share Ordinary shares Options 9 Cash and cash equivalents Cash Deposits at call* 267,690,423 192,844,130 267,690,423 192,844,130 - - 267,690,423 192,844,130 673,726 36,199,182 44,027,668 26,018,900 80,226,850 26,692,626 * Includes deposits of $412,900 for the Consolidated Group provided as security against unconditional bank guarantees in favour of the Western Australian Government in respect of restoration costs required for the Wattle Dam Mine and Burbanks Gold Processing Mill; and in respect of the Burbanks Gold Processing Mill, bank guarantees to secure supply of gas and electricity. 10 Trade and other receivables Current Trade debtors Other debtors 93,679 3,774,168 3,867,847 77,173 1,360,862 1,438,035 Other debtors represent accrued interest receivable, refundable security deposits and amounts due from taxation authorities. Receivables are not considered to be past due and/or impaired. Credit risk – trade and other receivables The Group has one main customer in respect of gold sales however this is not regarded as a significant concentration of credit risk because the customer is owned by the WA State Government. 11 Inventory Current Gold nuggets at cost Raw materials - unprocessed gold ore at cost Work in progress - unrefined gold at cost Finished goods - gold bullion at cost Consumables and spare parts at cost 9,690 4,545,465 927,203 5,013,813 437,756 10,933,927 5,251 148,653 717,603 - 275,951 1,147,458 78 Notes to the Financial Statements Ramelius Resources Limited - Consolidated Entity Notes to the financial statements For the year ended 30 June 2010 12 Derivatives Current Gold hedge - put options Consolidated Group 2009 2010 $ $ 2,741 - Put options are used to hedge cash flow risk associated with future transactions. Gains and losses arising from changes in the fair value of derivatives are initially recognised in the income statement to the extent that the cash flow hedges are ineffective. 13 Other current assets Current Prepayments 14 Financial assets Acquisition and disposal of financial assets 254,941 205,861 On 30 July 2009 the Group announced an offer for all of the shares of Dioro Exploration NL (“Dioro”) with consideration of two Ramelius shares for every one Dioro share held. The offer was extended several times and on 18 December 2009 the consideration was increased to 2.1 Ramelius shares for every Dioro share. The Dioro offer closed on 8 February 2010 and the Group secured 34,352,544 Dioro shares representing a 37.51% stake of the target entity. On 12 February 2010 the Group accepted an offer from Avoca Resources Limited (“Avoca”) for its interest in Dioro for a consideration of $0.65 cash and 0.325 Avoca shares per Dioro share resulting in the receipt of $22,329,154 in cash and 11,164,578 Avoca shares. All the Avoca shares were subsequently sold at a price of $1.80 per share for gross proceeds of $20,096,240. 15 Plant, equipment & development assets Plant and equipment At cost Accumulated depreciation/amortisation Net book value Development expenditure Production phase at cost Accumulated amortisation Net book value Total property, plant and equipment Reconciliations (i) (ii) 8,477,906 (1,675,730) 6,802,176 6,621,044 (961,249) 5,659,795 44,721,093 25,109,250 (23,563,935) (5,785,617) 21,157,158 19,323,633 27,959,334 24,983,428 Reconciliations of the carrying amounts for each class of plant, equipment and development assets are set out below: 79 Notes to the Financial Statements Ramelius Resources Limited - Consolidated Entity Notes to the financial statements For the year ended 30 June 2010 Note (i) Reconciliation Plant and equipment Carrying amount at beginning of year Additions Disposals/written off Depreciation/amortisation Carrying amount at end of year (ii) Reconciliation Development expenditure* Carrying amount at beginning of year Transfer from exploration and evaluation expenditure Capitalised development additions Amortisation Carrying amount at end of year Consolidated Group 2009 2010 $ $ 5,659,795 1,881,862 (25,000) (714,481) 4,838,562 1,341,558 (22,957) (497,368) 6,802,176 5,659,795 19,323,633 - 8,626,522 - 19,611,843 15,298,994 (4,601,883) (17,778,318) 21,157,158 19,323,633 * Development assets relate to the Wattle Dam Mine with initial production from a pit cut-back in the September 2008 quarter and followed by underground ore production during the December 2009 quarter. Amortisation of capitalised development costs commenced from the beginning of the pit cut-back and will continue over the estimated life of the mine. 16 Exploration and evaluation expenditure Costs carried forward in respect of areas of interest in: Exploration and evaluation Total exploration and evaluation expenditure (i) 6,767,255 12,084,996 6,767,255 12,084,996 The ultimate recoupment of costs carried forward for exploration phase is dependent on the successful development and commercial exploitation or sale of the respective areas. (i) Reconciliation A reconciliation of the carrying amount of exploration and evaluation phase expenditure is set out below. Carrying amount at beginning of year Additional costs capitalised during the year Exploration costs written off during the year Exploration tenement sold during the year Amounts transferred to development expenditure Carrying amount at end of year 12,084,996 3,784,473 (9,102,214) - 8,041,535 4,231,533 (126,515) (61,557) - - 6,767,255 12,084,996 80 Notes to the Financial Statements Ramelius Resources Limited - Consolidated Entity Notes to the financial statements For the year ended 30 June 2010 Note Consolidated Group 2010 $ 2009 $ 6,322,879 41,512 17 Tax Consolidated entity Liabilities Current Income tax Assets and liabilities Non current Opening Balance $ Other $ Charged to Income $ Charged Directly to Equity $ Closing Balance $ Consolidated group Deferred tax liability Exploration and evaluation Development Balance at 30 June 2010 Deferred tax asset Issued equity transaction costs Provisions Future income tax benefits attributable to tax losses Franking deficit tax offset Other Balance at 30 June 2010 3,625,499 4,775,862 8,401,361 422,761 194,087 4,227,896 334,603 34,919 5,214,266 - - - (1,619,724) (666,749) (2,286,473) - - - 2,005,775 4,109,113 6,114,888 - - - - - - (125,832) 132,833 (4,227,896) (334,603) 62,172 (4,493,326) 15 - - - - 15 296,944 326,920 - - 97,091 720,955 18 Trade and other payables Trade creditors Other creditors and accruals 19 Provisions Current Employee benefits Non current Employee benefits Restoration costs 26 26 1(f) 81 6,102,302 764,929 6,867,231 6,079,894 438,409 6,518,303 499,451 421,563 90,280 500,000 590,280 42,493 243,000 285,493 Notes to the Financial Statements Ramelius Resources Limited - Consolidated Entity Notes to the financial statements For the year ended 30 June 2010 Note Consolidated Group 2010 $ 2009 $ Provision for long service leave A provision for long service leave has been recognised for employee benefits. In calculating the present value of future cash flow in respect of long service leave, the probability of long service leave being taken is based on historical data. The measurement and recognition criteria relating to employee benefits has been included in Note 1 to this report. Provision for restoration In calculating the provision for restoration, the estimated provision has been estimated by reference to be the sum of guarantees required by the Western Australia Department of Mines for the Wattle Dam mine and management’s assessment of any additional expenditure expected to be incurred. The measurement and recognition criteria relating to restoration provisions have been included in Note 1 to this report. 20 Issued capital Issued and paid-up share capital 291,342,923 (2009: 219,199,754) ordinary shares, fully paid 20(a) (a) Ordinary shares Balance at the beginning of year Shares issued during the year 72,140,701 shares issued pursuant to a takeover offer at a fair value of $0.47036 per share 25,283,017 shares placed at $0.53 8,444,271 shares issued through share purchase plan at $0.53 Less transaction costs arising from share issues for cash net of tax 100,000 shares issued as consideration for tenement acquisition Nil (2009: 72,090) shares issued to employees at nil consideration 2,468 shares issued to option-holders on exercise of options at $1.00 cash Nil shares issued to option-holders on exercise of options at $1.50 cash 79,864,456 45,929,967 45,929,967 28,661,250 33,932,056 - - 13,399,999 - 4,475,464 (35) (693,372) - - 80,000 - 2,468 3,847 - 2,779 Balance at end of year 79,864,456 45,929,967 Holders of ordinary shares are entitled to receive dividends as declared from time to time and are entitled to one vote per share at shareholders’ meetings. In the event of winding up of the Company ordinary shareholders rank after all creditors and are fully entitled to any proceeds of liquidation. Capital management Management effectively monitors the capital of the Group by assessing the financial risks and adjusting the capital structure in response to changes in these risks and the market. The responses include the management of 82 Notes to the Financial Statements Ramelius Resources Limited - Consolidated Entity Notes to the financial statements For the year ended 30 June 2010 dividends to shareholders and share issues. There have been no changes in the strategy adopted by management to control the capital during the year. (b) Options At close of business on 30 June 2010 all unexercised options expired and there were no unissued shares for which options were outstanding. (30 June 2009: 18,452,620 were exercisable at $1.50 by 30 June 2010). (i) For information relating to the Ramelius Resources Limited Incentive Options issued to Key Management Personnel including details of any options issued, exercised and lapsed during the financial year and the options outstanding at year end, refer to Note 22. (ii) For information relating to share options issued to Key Management Personnel during the financial year refer to Note 5. 21 Reserves Share based payments reserve Foreign currency translation reserve Note (a) (b) Consolidated Group 2010 $ 2009 $ 883,850 3,346 887,196 779,697 - 779,697 (a) Share based payments reserve The share based payments reserve records items recognised as expenses on valuation of employees share options and performance rights. (b) Foreign currency translation reserve The foreign currency translation reserve records exchange differences arising on translations of a foreign controlled subsidiary. 22 Share based payments The following share-based payments arrangements existed at 30 June 2010: (i) Shares Shares granted to Key Management Personnel and other employees as share based payments are as follows: Shares granted to Key Management Personnel and other employees as share based payments Name No. of Shares 1 Grant Date Fair Value per Share at grant date 1 Key Management Personnel Other Employees Other Employees TOTAL 47,660 15 April 2008 54,809 104,480 15 April 2008 120,152 72,090 20 April 2009 224,230 39,650 214,611 1 Each fully paid ordinary share was issued for no consideration. 83 Notes to the Financial Statements Ramelius Resources Limited - Consolidated Entity Notes to the financial statements For the year ended 30 June 2010 These shares were issued to employees at no consideration pursuant to the Employee Share Acquisition Plan which was approved by shareholders in November 2007. No shares were issued to employees during the 2010 financial year. The fair value of these shares at the date of issue for 2009 was $39,650 which was recognised in share based payments reserve and included under employee expenses in the income statement (2010: nil). Vesting of these shares occurs three years after the issue date or the time the holder ceases to be an employee, which ever is the earlier. Given that vesting is certain to occur, the market value of the shares at the issue date was used to determine their fair value. (ii) Performance Rights On 7 April 2008, a total of 900,000 Performance Rights were granted to three senior executives and Key Management Personnel pursuant to a Performance Rights Plan which was approved by shareholders in November 2007. The Performance Rights, being an entitlement to shares in the Company, will vest three years after the grant date subject to satisfaction of certain performance conditions at which time, shares will be issued to the executives. The fair value of these Performance Rights at grant date was $576,000 of which $104,153 was recognised during the 2010 financial year in share based payments reserve and income statement (2009: $184,635). During the year 450,000 Performance Rights lapsed as result of Mr Houldsworth retiring as an executive of the Company. At balance date, none of the remaining 450,000 Performance Rights had vested. The fair value was determined using the market price of the underlying shares at the date the Performance Rights were granted and assuming that all holders continued to be employees of the Group until the end of the vesting period, adjusted for the risk that vesting conditions are not met. This assumes the performance condition, which requires the Company’s share price to be within the top 40% of the comparator group as detailed in the Remuneration Report section of the Directors Report, is met and the Rights vest. Performance Rights granted by the Parent Entity during the 2008 financial year Name No. of Rights 1 Grant Date Fair Value per Right at grant date 2 Exercise price per Right Rights expiry date Rights first exercise date Rights last exercise date Performance measurement period JF Houldsworth3 450,000 7 April 2008 288,000 IJ Gordon 300,000 7 April 2008 192,000 DA Francese 150,000 7 April 2008 96,000 TOTAL 900,000 576,000 $ - - - - 7 April 2011 7 April 2011 7 April 2011 7 April 2011 7 April 2011 7 April 2011 7 April 2011 7 April 2011 7 April 2011 3 years 3 years 3 years 1 Each Right is issued for no consideration. Once exercisable, a Right entitles the holder to one fully paid ordinary share in the Parent Entity on payment of the exercise price. 2 The aggregate value of Rights at the grant date is $576,000 of which $104,153 was expensed in the 2010 financial year (2009: $184,635) and after allowing for lapsed Performance Rights $73,907 is to be expensed in subsequent years (2009: $339,814). In accordance with the requirements of the Australian Accounting Standards, remuneration includes a proportion of the notional value of equity compensation granted or outstanding during the year. The notional value of equity instruments which do not vest during the reporting period is determined as at the grant date and is progressively allocated over the vesting period. The amount included as remuneration is not related to or indicative of the benefit (if any) that individuals may ultimately realise should the Rights vest. The notional value of Rights as at grant date has been determined in accordance with AASB2. The calculations are performed using an appropriate valuation methodology. The total minimum value of Rights, if the performance conditions are not met, is nil. 3 On 31 July 2009 Mr Houldsworth retired as an executive of the Company and as a result, his entitlement to these Rights lapsed. (iii) Options Options granted to Key Management Personnel as share based payments are as follows: 84 Notes to the Financial Statements Ramelius Resources Limited - Consolidated Entity Notes to the financial statements For the year ended 30 June 2010 2010 2009 Number of Options Weighted Average Exercise Price $ Number of Options Weighted Average Exercise Price $ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 800,000 1.90 - - - - - - (800,000) 1.90 - - - - Outstanding at the beginning of the year Granted Forfeited Exercised Expired Outstanding at year-end Exercisable at year-end The weighted average fair value of the options granted during the 2008 financial year was $0.34. This price was calculated by using Black Scholes option pricing model applying the following inputs: Weighted average exercise price Weighted average life of the option (days) Underlying share price Expected share price volatility Risk free interest rate $1.90 522 $0.99 107% 7.75% The life of the options was based on the days remaining until expiry. On 25 January 2008, a total of 800,000 incentive share options were granted to two Key Management Personnel to take up ordinary shares at an exercise price of $1.90 each by 30 June 2009. The options were non transferable and not quoted securities. The fair value of the 800,000 options was $272,000. None of the 800,000 share options had been exercised prior to expiry and therefore lapsed. The fair value of these options was determined using the Black-Scholes Pricing model as detailed above. Options and Performance Rights granted to Key Management Personnel were over ordinary shares in Ramelius Resources Limited, which conferred a right of one ordinary share for every option held. 23 Financial risk management policies The Group’s financial instruments consist mainly of deposits with banks, derivatives, accounts receivable and payables. The totals for each category of financial instruments, measured in accordance with AASB 119 as detailed in the accounting policies to the financial statements, are as follows. 85 Notes to the Financial Statements Ramelius Resources Limited - Consolidated Entity Notes to the financial statements For the year ended 30 June 2010 Consolidated Group 2010 $ 2009 $ Financial assets Cash at bank 36,199,182 673,726 Deposits 44,027,668 26,018,900 Receivables 3,847,009 1,438,035 Derivatives 2,741 - Total financial assets 84,076,600 28,130,661 Financial liabilities Payables (6,638,011) (6,518,303) Total financial liabilities (6,638,011) (6,518,303) Total net financial assets 77,438,589 21,612,358 Financial risk management policies The Board of Directors are responsible for monitoring and managing financial risk exposures of the Group. Specific financial risk exposures and management The main risks the Group is exposed to include interest rate risk, price risk, credit risk, liquidity risk and treasury management risk. (a) Interest rate risk Exposure to interest rate risk arises on financial assets and liabilities recognised at reporting date whereby a future change in interest rates will affect future cash flows or the fair value of fixed rate financial instruments. The Group has no long term financial assets or liabilities upon which it earns or pays interest. Cash is held in an interest yielding cheque account and on short term call deposits where the interest rate is both fixed and variable according to the financial asset. (i) Risk management Interest rate risk is managed with a mixture of fixed and floating rate cash deposits. The Group has, where possible, placed funds with financial institutions in order to receive the benefit of available government guarantees. (ii) Sensitivity analysis Interest rate risk The Group has performed a sensitivity analysis relating to its exposure to interest rate risk at balance date. This sensitivity analysis demonstrates the effect on the current year results and equity which could result in a change in these risks. It should be noted that the group does not have borrowings and any impacts would be in relation to deposit yields on cash assets. 86 Notes to the Financial Statements Ramelius Resources Limited - Consolidated Entity Notes to the financial statements For the year ended 30 June 2010 Interest rate sensitivity analysis Based on the cash at the end of the financial year, if interest rates were to change by + / - 2% with all other variables remaining constant, the estimated impact on pre-tax profits would have been as follows: Impact on pre-tax profit Increase in interest rate by 2% Decrease in interest rate by 2% Impact on equity Increase in interest rate by 2% Decrease in interest rate by 2% (b) Price risk Consolidated Group 2010 $ 2009 $ 1,603,601 533,496 (1,603,601) (533,496) 1,603,601 533,496 (1,603,601) (533,496) Price risk relates to the risk that the fair value of future cash flows of gold sales will fluctuate because of changes in market prices largely due to demand and supply factors for commodities. The Group sells gold produced from the Wattle Dam Mine through a gold refiner in Perth Western Australia. The Group is exposed to commodity price risk as a result of the sale of gold on physical delivery at prices determined by market gold prices at time of sale. (i) Risk management Gold price risk is managed with the use of hedging strategies through the purchase of gold put options to establish gold “floor prices” in Australian dollars over the Group’s gold production. Gold prices, gold futures and economic forecasts are constantly monitored to determine whether to implement a hedging program. (ii) Sensitivity analysis Price risk The Group has performed a sensitivity analysis relating to its exposure to gold price risk at balance date. This sensitivity analysis demonstrates the effect on the current year results and equity which could result in a change in these risks. It should be noted that the group may also hedge part of its gold production by implementing gold “floor prices” through the purchase of gold put options however this is generally at levels lower than current market prices. Notwithstanding this, the sensitivity analysis is still valid for gold prices above any floor prices that may be put in place. Any impacts from such hedging would be in relation to revenue from gold sales. Price sensitivity analysis Based on the gold sales of 15,393oz and 46,147oz for the 2009 and 2010 financial years respectively, if the gold price in Australian dollars changed by + / - A$100, with all other variables remaining constant, the estimated impact on pre-tax profits would have been as follows: 87 Notes to the Financial Statements Ramelius Resources Limited - Consolidated Entity Notes to the financial statements For the year ended 30 June 2010 Impact on pre-tax profit Increase in gold price by A$100 Decrease in gold price by A$100 Impact on equity Increase in gold price by A$100 Decrease in gold price by A$100 Consolidated Group 2010 $ 2009 $ 4,614,700 1,539,300 (4,614,700) (1,539,300) 4,614,700 1,539,300 (4,614,700) (1,539,300) (c) Credit risk exposures Credit risk represents the loss that would be recognised if counterparties failed to perform as contracted. The credit risk on financial assets of the entity which have been recognised in the statement of financial position, is the carrying amount, net of any provision of doubtful debts. Credit risk is managed through the maintenance of procedures which ensure to the extent possible, that customers and counterparties to transactions are of sound credit worthiness. Such monitoring is used in assessing receivables for impairment. No receivables are considered past due or impaired. (d) Liquidity risk Liquidity risk arises from the possibility that the group might encounter difficulty in settling its debts or otherwise meeting its obligations related to financial liabilities. All financial assets and liabilities as disclosed above have maturities within one year. The Group manages liquidity risk by monitoring forecast cash flows. (e) Treasury risk management The Board meets on a regular basis to analyse financial risk exposure and evaluate treasury management strategies in the context of the most recent economic conditions and forecasts. The Board’s overall risk management strategy seeks to assist the Consolidated Group in meeting its financial targets, whilst maintaining the effects on financial performance. Risk is also minimised through investing surplus funds in financial institutions that maintain a high credit rating or in entities that the Board has otherwise cleared as being financially sound. (f) Net fair values of financial assets and liabilities Fair values are amounts at which an asset could be exchanged, or a liability settled, between knowledgeable willing parties in an arms length transaction. The net fair values of financial assets and liabilities are determined by the entity on the following bases: (i) Monetary financial assets and financial liabilities not readily traded in an organised financial market are carried at book value and where relevant adjusted for any changes in exchange rates. (ii) Non monetary financial assets and liabilities are recognised at their carrying values in the statement of financial position. 88 Notes to the Financial Statements Ramelius Resources Limited - Consolidated Entity Notes to the financial statements For the year ended 30 June 2010 Note Consolidated Group 2010 $ 2009 $ 24 Commitments & contingent liabilities (a) Commitments Exploration expenditure commitments In order to maintain current rights of tenure to exploration tenements, the Group is required to perform minimum exploration work to meet the minimum expenditure requirements specified by the various State Governments of Australia. These obligations are subject to renegotiation when application for a mining lease is made and at other times. These obligations are not provided for in the financial report and are payable as follows. Within one year One year or later and no later than five years Later than five years 1,572,700 4,474,020 6,721,600 682,060 2,324,500 7,306,600 12,768,320 10,313,160 The Group sub-leases a serviced office in Adelaide under a non-cancellable annual operating lease expiring in October 2010; two properties in Kambalda WA expiring in July 2010 and March 2011 and a property in Charters Towers QLD. The Group also leases office accommodation in Perth under a non-cancellable operating lease expiring in May 2013. The lease generally provides the Group with a right of renewal for a further 2 years after which time all terms are renegotiated. Lease payments comprise a base amount plus an incremental contingent rental. Contingent rentals are based on movements in the Consumer Price Index and operating criteria. Non-cancellable operating lease expense commitments Future operating lease commitments not provided for in the financial statements and payable: Within one year One year or later and no later than five years Later than five years Tenement acquisitions No contracts exist at year end for acquisition of tenements. (b) Contingent liabilities 129,344 182,457 - 311,801 37,177 - - 37,177 The details and estimated maximum amounts of contingent liabilities (excluding unquantifiable royalties) that may become payable are set out below. The contingent liabilities arise from certain agreements for acquisition/earning of interests in mining tenements that are subject to certain precedent conditions being satisfied. At the date of this report there is no certainty that these liabilities will crystallise and therefore no provisions are included in the financial statements in respect of these matters. Exploration expenditure obligations may be subject to renegotiation, farm-out or relinquishment. In addition to the contingent liabilities detailed below, the Company is also required under various agreements to maintain tenements in good standing and pay all rates, rents and taxes and do all things necessary to renew tenements during the conditions precedent period. 89 Notes to the Financial Statements Ramelius Resources Limited - Consolidated Entity Notes to the financial statements For the year ended 30 June 2010 Contingent liabilities Termination benefits Mine development services Exploration expenditure to earn mineral rights on tenements in addition to minimum exploration expenditure commitment disclosed above Gold royalties & gold production payments Within one year One year or later and no later than five years Note (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) Consolidated Group 2010 $ 2009 $ 736,359 913,287 200,000 1,000,000 10,897,673 11,834,032 152,143 2,065,430 2,062,346 - 2,062,346 1,774,000 237,438 2,011,438 (i) Termination benefits Service Agreements exist with the executive officers and other employees under which termination benefits may, in appropriate circumstances, become payable. The maximum total contingent liability at 30 June 2010 under the service agreements is the amount disclosed above. (ii) Mine development services Mine development services relate to termination of contractor services that may, in certain circumstances, become payable. The maximum total contingent liability at 30 June 2010 under the services agreement is the amount disclosed above. (iii) Exploration expenditure Exploration expenditure relates to periods up to 5 years (2009: 4 years) in accordance with terms set out in relevant agreements. During the earning period the Company is associated with other entities in joint ventures whereby the Company sole funds certain exploration expenditure of not less than $1.02 million which at 30 June 2010 had substantially been spent with only the sum disclosed above yet to be incurred. (iv) Gold royalties and gold production payments Gold royalties and gold production payments relate to royalties payable to Western Australian Government and production payments to Native Title Parties in accordance with gold production agreements. The amounts payable have been based on the current mine plan and represents management’s best estimate of the contingent liability. (c) Performance guarantees Unconditional bank guarantees have been provided by the Consolidated Group’s bankers in favour of the Western Australian Government in respect of restoration costs required for the company’s projects including the Wattle Dam Mine and Burbanks Gold Processing Mill; and in respect of the Burbanks Gold Processing Mill, to secure supply of gas and electricity. Deposits of $412,900 have been provided by the Consolidated Group as security against these unconditional bank guarantees (refer Note 9). 90 Notes to the Financial Statements Ramelius Resources Limited - Consolidated Entity Notes to the financial statements For the year ended 30 June 2010 Note Consolidated Group 2010 $ 2009 $ (d) Credit facilities The Group has established corporate credit card facilities with its bankers which are used by senior executives to incur business related expenditure. These cards each have a maximum available facility limit which is drawn down as corporate expenditure is incurred. Drawn down amounts are repaid monthly. The total maximum facility limit available to the Group at 30 June 2010 was $57,500. 25 Notes to the statement of cash flows Reconciliation of profit from ordinary activities after income tax to net cash provided by operating activities Profit/(loss) after income tax expense Add/(less) non cash items Depreciation Amortisation of development expenditure Effect of exchange rates on cash holdings in foreign currencies Changes in assets and liabilities (Increase)/decrease in investments (Increase)/decrease in prepayments (Increase)/decrease in receivables (Increase)/decrease in inventories (Increase)/decrease in non-current assets (Increase)/decrease in other financial assets (Increase)/decrease in deferred tax assets (Decrease)/increase in accounts payable (Decrease)/increase in provisions (Decrease)/increase in current tax liabilities (Decrease)/increase in deferred tax liability Items classified as investing/financing activities (Decrease)/increase in share based payments reserve (Decrease)/increase in issued capital (Decrease)/increase in issued capital Transaction costs – tax effect Net cash provided by/(used in) operating activities 91 20,198,695 4,973,356 698,258 395,336 17,778,318 4,601,884 17,781 - (42,425,394) (76,544) 947,316 (9,781,826) 9,101,456 563,759 - (85,335) (401,732) (995,814) 111,799 457,063 4,493,312 (2,334,287) (216,613) (747,065) 65,553 6,428,136 41,512 - (2,286,474) 3,845,262 104,153 33,932,056 224,284 - 15 297,159 38,945,952 10,979,427 Notes to the Financial Statements Ramelius Resources Limited - Consolidated Entity Notes to the financial statements For the year ended 30 June 2010 Note 19 19 26 Employee benefits Aggregate liability for employee benefits, including on-costs Current Opening balance Increase/(decrease) in provision Closing balance Non-current Opening balance Increase/(decrease) in provision Closing balance Total Number of employees Number of employees at year end 27 Related parties Consolidated Group 2010 $ 2009 $ 421,563 77,888 499,451 42,493 47,787 90,280 257,858 163,705 421,563 102,315 (59,822) 42,493 589,731 464,056 39 35 Directors’ transactions with the Company A number of directors of the Company, or their director-related entities, held positions in other entities during the financial year that result in them having control or significant influence over the financial or operating policies of those entities. The terms and conditions of the transactions with directors and their director related entities were no more favourable to the directors and their director related entities than those available, or which might reasonably be expected to be available, on similar transactions to non-director related entities on an arm’s length basis. The aggregate amounts recognised during the year (excluding re-imbursement of expenses incurred on behalf of the Company) relating to directors and their director-related entities were as follows: Director Transaction JF Houldsworth Amount paid to a relative of the director representing wages inclusive of superannuation in respect of mine security and living away from home expenses. Amount paid to a relative of the director in respect of a leased property at Kambalda WA on an arms length basis. RM Kennedy Amount paid to relatives of the director in respect of casual wages 85,808 78,863 3,661 694 - - There were no transactions with key management personnel and their related entities during the financial year. There were no amounts receivable from and payable to directors and their director-related entities at balance date. 92 Notes to the Financial Statements Ramelius Resources Limited - Consolidated Entity Notes to the financial statements For the year ended 30 June 2010 28 Controlled Entities Country of Incorporation Australia Percentage Owned (%)* 2010 2009 Australia United States 100 100 100 - Parent entity: Ramelius Resources Limited Subsidiaries of Ramelius Resources Limited: Ramelius Milling Services Pty Ltd Ramelius Nevada LLC** * percentage of voting power is in proportion to ownership ** incorporated during the financial year 29 Operating segments The Consolidated Entity has adopted AASB 8 Operating Segments with effect from 1 July 2009. AASB 8 requires operating segments to be identified on the basis of internal reports about components of the Consolidated Entity that are regularly reviewed by the chief operating decision maker, the Chief Executive Officer, in order to allocate resources to the segment and to assess its performance. The Consolidated Entity has identified its operating segments to be as follows based on distinct operational activities: (i) Exploration; and (ii) Mining & Milling This is the basis on which internal reports are provided to the Chief Executive Officer for assessing performance and determining the allocation of resources within the Consolidated Entity. Unless stated otherwise, all amounts reported to the Chief Executive Officer, being the chief decision maker with respect to operating segments, are determined in accordance with accounting policies that are consistent to those adopted in the annual financial statements of the group. The Consolidated Entity operates primarily in one business, namely the exploration, development and production of minerals with a focus on gold. Details of the performance of each of these operating segments for the financial years ended 30 June 2009 and 30 June 2010 are set out below: Segment performance Segment revenue Sales revenue Segment results Gross segment result before development amortisation & impairment costs Development amortisation costs Impairment costs Interest income Other revenue Other expenses Profit before tax Exploration Mining & Milling Total 2010 $ 2009 $ 2010 $ 2009 $ 2010 $ 2009 $ 61,271,067 19,861,748 61,271,067 19,861,748 48,539,197 12,877,966 48,539,197 12,877,966 (9,102,214) (9,102,214) (126,515) (126,515) 30,760,879 8,276,082 (17,778,318) (4,601,884) (17,778,318) (9,102,214) 21,658,665 2,079,171 7,751,067 (2,801,988) 28,686,915 (4,601,884) (126,515) 8,149,567 648,856 170,676 (1,811,493) 7,157,606 93 Notes to the Financial Statements Ramelius Resources Limited - Consolidated Entity Notes to the financial statements For the year ended 30 June 2010 Exploration Mining & Milling Total 2010 $ 2009 $ 2010 $ 2009 $ 2010 $ 2009 $ 3,784,473 (9,102,214) 4,231,533 (126,515) 19,611,843 15,298,994 19,611,843 3,784,473 (9,102,214) 15,298,994 4,231,533 (126,515) 7,025,179 12,245,118 39,336,709 26,112,642 46,361,888 38,357,760 80,226,850 26,692,626 3,360,391 1,428,602 63,767 73,416 720,954 5,214,266 130,733,850 71,766,670 880,613 533,542 5,830,058 5,587,611 6,710,671 6,121,153 1,091,825 951,481 106,852 104,016 6,322,879 41,512 47,615 48,709 6,114,887 8,401,361 20,394,729 15,668,232 Capitalised expenditure Mine development Exploration Less Impairment Segment assets Total corporate and unallocated assets - Cash and cash equivalents - Trade and other receivables Plant equipment and development - - Deferred tax assets Total consolidated assets Segment liabilities Total corporate and unallocated liabilities - Trade and other - payables Short term provisions - Current tax liabilities - Long term provisions - Deferred tax liabilities Total consolidated liabilities Major customers The group has one major customer to whom it provides its products. This customer accounts for 95% (2009: 99%) of sales revenue. 94 Notes to the Financial Statements Ramelius Resources Limited - Consolidated Entity Notes to the financial statements For the year ended 30 June 2010 Note Consolidated Group 2010 $ 2009 $ 30 Interests in unincorporated joint ventures (a) The group has a direct interest in a number of unincorporated joint ventures, as follows: Joint Venture Project Black Cat Hilditch Wattle Dam Logan’s Larkinville Principal Activities Gold Nickel Nickel Nickel Gold and Tantalum Gold Gold Gold * Under an alliance with Marmota Energy Limited, Marmota may participate and earn a 40% interest in Ramelius’ interest Interest 90% 90% 80% 80% 75% 60% 75% 60% Nevada* Glen Isla Mt Windsor (b) The Company’s share of assets in unincorporated joint ventures is as follows: Non current assets Exploration and evaluation expenditure (included in Note 16) Total assets employed in joint ventures 31 Events subsequent to balance date The following events occurred since 30 June 2010. 1,743,258 1,743,258 4,953,040 4,953,040 Acquisition of Mt Magnet On 20 July 2010 the Group acquired 100% of the issued capital of Mt Magnet Gold NL for a cash consideration of $35,346,500 plus replacement of environmental bonds of $4,653,500 via bank guarantees. The acquisition is part of the group’s strategy of expanding its exploration and development portfolio. Through the acquisition of 100% of the issued capital of Mt Magnet Gold NL, the group has obtained control of the company. Mt Magnet Gold NL owns various tenements which comprise the Mt Magnet Gold Project. The financial effect of this transaction has not been brought to account in the financial year ended 30 June 2010. Purchase consideration: Cash Assets and liabilities held at acquisition date: Exploration and evaluation assets Plant, equipment and development Inventories Trade and other payables Current provisions Non-current provisions Net assets Assets acquired $ Fair Value of assets acquired $ 387,687 6,414,809 807,777 (81,476) (11,869) (18,329,817) (10,812,889) 35,346,500 46,547,076 6,414,809 807,777 (81,476) (11,869) (18,329,817) 35,346,500 Fair values will be confirmed prior to 30 June 2011 as required by the Australian accounting standards. 95 Notes to the Financial Statements Ramelius Resources Limited - Consolidated Entity Notes to the financial statements For the year ended 30 June 2010 Joint venture agreements The Group entered into a farm-in agreement with Miranda Gold Corporation to earn a 70% interest in the Angel Wing Gold Project in Nevada USA by exploration expenditure of US$4 million over 5 years with a minimum expenditure commitment of US$350,000 before it may withdraw. Under an alliance with Marmota Energy Limited, Marmota may participate and earn a 40% interest in the Group’s rights under the farm-in agreement. Capital repayment The capital repayment amounting to approximately A$14.5 million was paid on 20 August 2010. Apart from the above, there has not arisen in the interval between 30 June 2010 and the date of this report any item, transaction or event of a material and unusual nature likely, in the opinion of the directors of the Company, to affect significantly the operations of the Company, the results of those operations, or the state of affairs of the Company, in future years. 32 Reserves Share options reserve: The share options reserve records items recognised as expenses on valuation of employee share options. 33 Parent Company details Note Assets Current assets Non-current assets Total assets Liabilities Current liabilities Non-current liabilities Total liabilities Net assets Equity Issued capital Reserves Retained earnings Total equity Financial performance Profit/(loss) for the period Other comprehensive income Total other comprehensive income for the period, net of tax Parent Entity 2010 $ 2009 $ 90,191,555 24,778,181 39,485,243 46,110,865 129,676,798 70,889,046 12,613,886 6,130,081 6,677,260 8,677,239 19,291,146 14,807,320 110,385,652 56,081,726 79,864,456 45,929,967 779,697 29,637,346 9,372,062 883,850 110,385,652 56,081,726 20,265,284 4,859,836 - - - - Total comprehensive income for the period 20,265,284 4,859,836 96 Notes to the Financial Statements Ramelius Resources Limited - Consolidated Entity Notes to the financial statements For the year ended 30 June 2010 (a) Commitments Exploration expenditure commitments In order to maintain current rights of tenure to exploration tenements, the Parent Entity is required to perform minimum exploration work to meet the minimum expenditure requirements specified by the various State Governments of Australia. These obligations are subject to renegotiation when application for a mining lease is made and at other times. These obligations are not provided for in the financial report and are payable as follows. Within one year One year or later and no later than five years Later than five years 1,550,700 4,390,020 6,591,600 650,060 2,198,500 7,086,600 12,532,320 9,935,160 The Parent Entity sub-leases a serviced office in Adelaide under a non-cancellable annual operating lease expiring in October 2010; two properties in Kambalda WA expiring in July 2010 and March 2011 and a property in Charters Towers QLD. The Parent Entity also leases office accommodation in Perth under a non-cancellable operating lease expiring in May 2013. The lease generally provides the Parent Entity with a right of renewal for a further 2 years after which time all terms are renegotiated. Lease payments comprise a base amount plus an incremental contingent rental. Contingent rentals are based on movements in the Consumer Price Index and operating criteria. Non-cancellable operating lease expense commitments Future operating lease commitments not provided for in the financial statements and payable: Within one year One year or later and no later than five years Later than five years (b) Contingent liabilities Termination benefits Mine development services Exploration expenditure to earn mineral rights on tenements in addition to minimum exploration expenditure commitment disclosed above Gold royalties & gold production payments Within one year One year or later and no later than five years (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) 97 129,344 182,457 - 311,801 37,177 - - 37,177 618,645 806,171 200,000 1,000,000 10,897,673 11,716,318 152,143 1,958,314 2,062,346 1,774,000 - 2,062,346 237,438 2,011,438 Notes to the Financial Statements Ramelius Resources Limited - Consolidated Entity Notes to the financial statements For the year ended 30 June 2010 (i) Termination benefits Service Agreements exist with the executive officers and other employees under which termination benefits may, in appropriate circumstances, become payable. The maximum total contingent liability at 30 June 2010 under the service agreements is the amount disclosed above. (ii) Mine development services Mine development services relate to termination of contractor services that may, in certain circumstances, become payable. The maximum total contingent liability at 30 June 2010 under the services agreement is the amount disclosed above. (iii) Exploration expenditure Exploration expenditure relates to periods up to 5 years (2009: 4 years) in accordance with terms set out in relevant agreements. During the earning period Ramelius Resources Limited is associated with other entities in joint ventures whereby Ramelius Resources Limited sole funds certain exploration expenditure of not less than $1.02 million which at 30 June 2010 had substantially been spent with only the sum disclosed above yet to be incurred. (iv) Gold royalties and gold production payments Gold royalties and gold production payments relate to royalties payable to Western Australian Government and production payments to Native Title Parties in accordance with gold production agreements. The amounts payable have been based on the current mine plan and represents management’s best estimate of the contingent liability. (c) Performance guarantee Unconditional bank guarantees have been provided by the Parent Entity’s bankers in favour of the Western Australian Government in respect of restoration costs required for the company’s projects including the Wattle Dam Mine and Burbanks Gold Processing Mill; and in respect of the Burbanks Gold Processing Mill, to secure supply of gas and electricity. Deposits of $236,900 have been provided by the Parent Entity as security against these unconditional bank guarantees (refer Note 9). (d) Credit facilities The Parent Entity has established corporate credit card facilities with its bankers which are used by senior executives to incur business related expenditure. These cards each have a maximum available facility limit which is drawn down as corporate expenditure is incurred. Drawn down amounts are repaid monthly. The total maximum facility limit available to the Parent Entity at 30 June 2010 was $45,000. (e) Guarantees in relation to debts of subsidiaries There were no guarantees in relation to debts of subsidiaries. 34 Company details The registered office and principal place of business of the company is: 140 Greenhill Road UNLEY SA 5061 98 Directors’ Declaration Ramelius Resources Limited - Consolidated Entity Directors’ declaration For the year ended 30 June 2010 Directors’ declaration The Directors of Ramelius Resources Limited declare that: (a) the financial statements and notes, as set out on pages 55 to 98, are in accordance with the Corporations Act 2001, including: (i) giving a true and fair view of the financial position as at 30 June 2010 and of the performance for the year ended on that date of the Consolidated Group; and (ii) complying with Accounting Standards; (iii) complying with International Financial Reporting Standards as disclosed in Note 1; (b) The Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer have declared that: (i) the financial records of the Company for the financial year have been properly maintained in accordance with section 286 of the Corporations Act 2001; (ii) the financial statements and notes for the financial year comply with the accounting standards; and (iii) the financial statements and notes for the financial year give a true and fair view; and (c) In the Directors’ opinion, there are reasonable grounds to believe that the Company will be able to pay its debts as and when they become due and payable. This declaration is made in accordance with a resolution of the Board of Directors. 99 Independent Auditor’s Report 100 Independent Auditor’s Report 101 Independent Auditor’s Report 102 Shareholder Information Ramelius Resources Limited Shareholder Information Additional information required by the Australian Securities Exchange Limited Listing Rules and not disclosed elsewhere in this report is set out below. Shareholdings as at 17 September 2010 Substantial shareholders The number of shares held by substantial shareholders and their associates as disclosed in substantial holding notices given to the Company are set out below: Substantial shareholder Sprott Asset Management Inc. Beach Energy Limited J P Morgan Chase & Co and its affiliates Number of fully paid ordinary shares held 48,070,574 20,100,003 14,495,152 Voting rights Fully paid ordinary shares Subject to any rights or restrictions attached to any class of shares, at a meeting of members, on a show of hands, each member present (in person, by proxy, attorney or representative) has one vote and on a poll, each member present (in person, by proxy, attorney or representative) has one vote for each fully paid share they hold. Options There were no options on issue by the Company as at 17 September 2010. Distribution of equity security holders Category 1 – 1,000 1,001 – 5,000 5,001 – 10,000 10,001 – 100,000 100,001 and over Total number of security holders Holders of Ordinary shares 921 1,981 1,243 2,449 309 6,903 The number of shareholders holding less than a marketable parcel of ordinary shares is 528. On market buy-back There is no current on-market buy-back. 103 Shareholder Information Ramelius Resources Limited Shareholder Information Twenty largest shareholders The names of the 20 largest holders of fully paid ordinary shares constituting a class of quoted equity securities on the Australian Securities Exchange Limited including the number and percentage held by those holders at 17 September 2010 are as follows. Name HSBC Custody Nominees (Australia) Limited JP Morgan Nominees Australia Limited Beach Energy Limited JP Morgan Nominees Australia Limited Mandurang Pty Ltd Aurelius Resources Pty Ltd National Nominees Limited Joseph Fred Houldsworth ANZ Nominees Limited Mr Stig Hakan Hellsing Mrs Patricia Anne Hellsing Citicorp Nominees Pty Ltd Mr George Chien Hsun Lu & Mrs Jenny Chin Pao Lu NEFCO Nominees Pty Ltd Comsec Nominees Pty Limited Goldfields Hotels Pty Ltd Mr Harold Walter Daly & Mrs Maureen Hazel Daly Pan Australian Nominees Pty Limited B & J O’Shannassy Management Pty Ltd Mrs Rosalind Mary Smart Triple Eight Gold Pty Ltd Number of fully paid ordinary shares held 29,479,636 23,291,683 20,100,003 7,166,663 6,429,813 5,074,091 4,173,450 4,080,014 4,057,120 2,635,000 2,478,525 2,475,000 1,928,378 1,722,832 1,500,000 1,420,501 1,335,340 1,209,653 1,209,415 1,194,732 Percentage held 10.12 7.99 6.90 2.46 2.21 1.74 1.43 1.40 1.39 0.90 0.85 0.85 0.66 0.59 0.51 0.49 0.46 0.42 0.42 0.41 122,961,849 42.19 104 Shareholder Information Ramelius Resources Limited Shareholder Information Unquoted and restricted equity securities Fully paid ordinary shares Details of fully paid ordinary shares on issue as at 17 September 2010 which are unquoted restricted securities are as follows. Date until securities are restricted Number of unquoted fully paid ordinary shares on issue Number of holders 15 April 2011* 20 April 2012** 14 September 2013*** 119,360 72,090 72,520 21 10 6 * These securities are issued to employees and do not vest until 3 years from the date of issue of 15 April 2008 or the holder ceases as an employee, whichever occurs first. ** These securities are issued to employees and do not vest until 3 years from the date of issue of 20 April 2009 or the holder ceases as an employee, whichever occurs first. *** These securities are issued to employees and do not vest until 3 years from the date of issue of 14 September 2010 or the holder ceases as an employee, whichever occurs first. 105 106 Wattle Dam Underground Drill Rig Wattle Dam Gold Pour Burbanks Gold Processing Mill Australian Securities Exchange Code RMS: Shares Listed on Australian Securities Exchange Limited Home Exchange: Adelaide 91 King William Street Adelaide SA 5000 Share Registrar Location of Share Register Computershare Investor Services Pty Limited Level 5, 115 Grenfell Street ADELAIDE SA 5000 Telephone: (08) 8236 2300 or 1300 556 161 Facsimile: (08) 8236 2305 Email: info@computershare.com.au Auditors Grant Thornton Chartered Accountants 67 Greenhill Road WAYVILLE SA 5034 Lawyers DMAW Lawyers Level 3, 80 King William Street ADELAIDE SA 5000 Corporate Directory Principal Registered Office Ramelius Resources Limited 140 Greenhill Road UNLEY SA 5061 GPO Box 1373 ADELAIDE SA 5001 Telephone: (08) 8373 6473 / (08) 8373 5588 Facsimile: (08) 8373 5917 Email: info@rameliusresources.com.au Website: www.rameliusresources.com.au Perth Exploration Office Level 1, 130 Royal Street EAST PERTH WA 6004 P.O. BOX 6070 EAST PERTH WA 6892 Telephone: (08) 9202 1127 Facsimile: (08) 9202 1138 Email: accounts@rameliusresources.com.au Directors and Senior Management ROBERT MICHAEL KENNEDY ASIT, Grad. Dip. (Systems Analysis) FCA, ACIS, FAIM, FAlCD Non-Executive Chairman IAN JAMES GORDON BCom, MAICD Executive Director & Chief Executive Officer REGINALD GEORGE NELSON BSc (MATHS), FAusIMM, FAICD Non-Executive Director JOSEPH FRED HOULDSWORTH Non-Executive Director KEVIN JAMES LINES BSc (Geology), MAusIMM. Non-Executive Director DOMENICO ANTONIO FRANCESE BEc, FCA, FFin, ACIS Company Secretary and Chief Financial Officer DANNY DOHERTY BSc, Applied (Mining Engineering) MAusIMM, Registered Mine Manager, WA Operations Manager KEVIN MARK SEYMOUR BSc, (Geology) MAusIMM Business Development Manager ANTONY WEBB BSc. (Metallurgy) Process Manager

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