Inter Parfums
Annual Report 2019

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Plain-text annual report

100 Abercrombie & Fitch 2019 Anna Sui Boucheron Coach Dunhill Guess Graff Hollister Jimmy Choo Karl Lagerfeld Kate Spade Lanvin Mcm Monblanc Oscar de la Renta Paul Smith Repetto Rochas S.T. Dupont Van Cleef & Arpels 1 table of contents FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS 02 LETTER TO OUR SHAREHOLDERS 04 THE COMPANY 08 THE PRODUCTS 14 THE ORGANIZATION 60 2 Financial Highlights NET SALES (in millions(cid:23)) 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 NET INCOME ATTRIBUTABLE TO INTER PARFUMS, INC. (in millions(cid:23)) 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 $60.2 $53.8 $41.6 $33.3 $30.4 INTER PARFUMS, INC. SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY (in millions(cid:23)) 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 $713.5 $675.6 $591.3 $521.1 $468.5 $468.0 $447.6 $433.3 $370.4 $365.6 financial highlights 3 SELECTED FINANCIAL DATA The following selected financial data have been derived from our financial statements and should be read in conjunction with those financial statements, including the related footnotes. 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 (In thousands, except per share data) Years Ended December 31, INCOME STATEMENT DATA: Net Sales Cost of Sales Expenses Operating Income Income Before Taxes Net Income Attributable to the Noncontrolling Interest Net Income Attributable to Inter Parfums, Inc. Net Income Attributable to Inter Parfums, Inc. Common Shareholders’ per Share: Basic Diluted $713,514 267,578 341,209 104,727 105,146 15,821 60,249 $1.92 $1.90 Weighted Average Common Shares Outstanding: Basic Diluted Depreciation and Amortization BALANCE SHEET AND OTHER DATA: Cash and Cash Equivalents Short-Term Investments Working Capital Total Assets Short-Term Bank Debt Long-Term Debt (including current portion) Lease liabilities (including current portion) Inter Parfums, Inc. Shareholders’ Equity Dividends Declared per Share 31,451 31,689 $8,729 $192,417 60,714 388,831 828,832 −0− 23,060 29,991 468,004 $1.155 $675,574 $591,251 $521,072 $468,540 248,012 332,831 94,731 95,859 15,922 53,793 $1.72 $1.71 31,308 31,522 $11,031 214,965 295,540 78,623 78,065 13,659 41,594 $1.33 $1.33 31,172 31,305 $11,914 194,601 258,787 66,678 67,074 9,917 33,331 $1.07 $1.07 31,072 31,176 $15,341 179,069 228,268 61,203 60,496 8,532 30,437 $0.98 $0.98 30,996 31,100 $9,078 $193,136 $208,343 $161,828 $176,967 67,870 382,425 797,829 -0- 46,061 N/A 447,607 $0.905 69,899 382,171 777,772 -0- 60,579 N/A 433,298 $0.72 94,202 337,977 682,409 -0- 74,562 N/A 370,391 $0.62 82,847 337,674 687,659 -0- 98,606 N/A 365,587 $0.52 4 2019 Letter to our Shareholders DEAR FELLOW SHAREHOLDERS, As we write this letter, the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic has been raging throughout the world, particularly hitting hard in New York City and Paris, the headquarters of our U.S. and European operations. Our hearts go out to all those who have lost friends and family members and those who have been sickened by the virus. Before discussing recent and near-term business conditions along with actions being taken and plans in the works related to the COVID-19 environment, we will review the events and accomplishments of 2019. Jean Madar and Philippe Benacin letter to shareholders 5 YEAR-OVER-YEAR FINANCIAL OVERVIEW 19% ahead of 2017. Similarly, sales growth in Western Europe • Net sales increased 5.6% to a record $713.5 million from of 2.5% in 2019 comes on the heels of 9% sales gains in 2018. $675.6 million. At comparable foreign currency exchange In Eastern Europe, net sales rose nearly 5% layering upon the rates, net sales increased 7.6%. 7% gain in the preceding year. The biggest percentage gainer • Sales by European based operations rose 0.8% to $542.1 was the Middle East where 2019 sales surged 22% over 2018, million from $537.6 million; in comparable foreign currency which were 17% ahead of 2017. Sales in Asia, our third larg- exchange rates, net sales for European based operations est market, were down nominally in actual dollars in 2019, were up 4%. but ahead in constant dollars, which we consider quite re- • U.S. based operations generated net sales of $171.4 mil- spectable in light of trade tariffs on goods coming in and out lion, an increase of 24.2% from $138.0 million. of China from the United States. Also keep in mind our sales • Gross margin was 62.5% compared to 63.3%. in Asia climbed 24% in 2018, setting a high bar for 2019. Our • S, G & A expense as a percentage of sales was 47.8% com- smallest market, Central and South America, continued to pared to 49.3%. decline, not surprisingly in light of the region’s political, eco- • Operating income rose 10.6% to $104.7 million from $94.7 nomic and social turmoil. million. • Operating margin increased by 70 basis points to 14.7% 2019 EUROPEAN BASED OPERATIONS from 14.0%. Montblanc, Jimmy Choo and Coach continued to place first, • Our effective tax rate was 27.7% compared to 27.3%. second and third among our brands by sales. Montblanc • Net income attributable to Inter Parfums, Inc. increased grew full year sales by 22.7% with the excellent perfor- 12% to $60.2 million from $53.8 million. mance of the new Montblanc Explorer scent as well as the • Diluted net income per share was $1.90, an increase of continued strength of the brand’s Legend fragrance fam- 11.1% compared to $1.71. ily. In constant dollars, Jimmy Choo brand sales were up • The annual dividend rate increased 20% to $1.32 from slightly, however, due to the strength of the dollar, brand $1.10. sales were down nominally in actual dollars. In addition to Of note, for the full years ended December 31, 2019 and several brand extensions, Jimmy Choo ended the year with 2018, the average dollar/euro exchange rates were 1.12 and the launch of an entirely new men’s scent, Urban Hero with 1.18, respectively. The strong U.S. dollar throughout 2019 had a 2020 rollout ongoing. Similarly, Coach brand sales were a negative impact on our 2019 net sales but favorably affected also down slightly in 2019 in actual dollars but ahead of 2018 earnings, because over 45% of net sales of our European oper- in constant dollars. It is also worth mentioning that Coach ations were denominated in U.S. dollars, while almost all costs brand sales were 73.3% greater in 2018 compared to 2017. of those operations were incurred in euro. Two of our mid-sized brands, Karl Lagerfeld and Van Cleef & Arpels, achieved year-over-year sales growth of 5.0% and OTHER 2019 FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS 6.8%, respectively. • Our business generated cash flow from operating activities The big news within European operations was the addition of approximately $76.5 million. of a new brand, Kate Spade New York, for which an exclusive, • We closed the year with working capital of $389 million in- 11-year worldwide license was signed in June 2019. Under the cluding approximately $253 million in cash, cash equivalents agreement, we are creating and producing new perfumes and and short-term investments, resulting in a working capital fragrance-related products and distributing them globally to ratio of over 3 to 1. department and specialty stores and duty-free shops, as well • At year-end, long-term debt aggregated $10.7 million. as in Kate Spade New York retail stores. Since its launch in • We added two new brands to our portfolio. 1993 Kate Spade New York is a global life and style house with • We extended the duration of our license agreements with handbags, ready-to-wear, jewelry, footwear, gifts, and home three brands. décor and more. Kate Spade New York’s founding principles, polished ease, thoughtful details and a modern, sophisticated CONTINUING TO GROW OUR MARKETS use of color, celebrates confident women with a youthful spirit. For the third year in a row, North America was our largest Kate Spade New York is part of the Tapestry house of brands, market where 2019 sales were 11% ahead of 2018, which were as is Coach, our third largest brand. We are assuming distri- 6 bution of two of the brand’s most popular scents, and currently Rochas looked promising. Just under the wire, our six-scent plan to launch our first new scent under the brand. collection for Graff unveiled exclusively in London’s Harrod’s U.S. BASED OPERATIONS in March. Our sales for January and February were pretty good, except in China. But in March, as the COVID-19 infection The surge in sales by U.S. operations was primarily due to the spread, brick and mortar stores shuttered, air travel halted, GUESS brand. In fact, GUESS has emerged as our fourth larg- stay-at-home directives were implemented, and many busi- est brand across our entire portfolio in its first full year under nesses, including ours, slowed beyond recognition. Since that license with us. Of note, the increase in GUESS brand sales time, there has been a severe economic downturn character- was attributable to legacy scents and brand extensions, rather ized by unprecedented layoffs in many of the markets where than major product launches. GUESS is a major brand in the we do business. As a result, our April and May sales have Middle East, which also happened to be our fastest growing been minimal. market in 2019. As the COVID-19 infection spread, we took immediate Also contributing to the more than 24% top line growth by action and developed plans for the balance of the year. To U.S. operations in 2019 were Abercrombie & Fitch and Hollis- keep our staff safe and productive, our people set up home ter, both of which achieved significant sales growth spurred offices interfacing with each other via video conferences. by the launch of the Authentic fragrance duo for Abercrom- While we implemented a hiring freeze and cut bonuses, no bie & Fitch and brand extensions for the Wave and Festival one was laid off, because the last thing we want to do is to fragrance families for Hollister. Oscar de la Renta fragrance lose the great talent that brought us to 2019’s record sales sales rose slightly, supported by legacy scents and our grow- and who will be responsible for reenergizing our business ing Bella fragrance family. once the worst of the pandemic is behind us. Nonetheless, For U.S. operations, a catalyst for future incremental sales we have taken several actions to minimize expenses and took place in November 2019 with the signing of an exclusive, protect our cash flows during this crisis. Most of the major 10-year worldwide license agreement with German luxury product launches scheduled for 2020 have been postponed fashion house MCM. Since 1976, MCM has been pushing fash- until 2021, along with their related advertising and promo- ion boundaries and redefining luxury leather goods on a global tional programs. We’ve cut travel, internal company events scale through innovation, cutting-edge technology, exception- and nearly all other non-essential expenses. In addition, we al creativity and superior quality. Work has begun on develop- temporarily suspended the quarterly dividend, reduced our ing extraordinary fragrances for women and men that capture already nominal capex budget from 2019 levels and in March the creative spirit of MCM, with launches targeted for next 2020 budgeted fixed expenses for the remainder of the year year. Our distribution strategy will include MCM stores, high- at under $25 million per quarter. end department stores and prestige beauty retailers, with a Our strong balance sheet and conservative financial tradi- geographic focus on Asia, the Americas and Europe. tion have put us in an advantageous position relative to some During 2019, we extended our licensing arrangement with of our peers. We closed the first quarter of 2020 with working the Oscar de la Renta brand through the end of 2031, with an capital of $386 million, including approximately $204 mil- additional five-year option. In addition, we extended our li- lion in cash, cash equivalents and short-term investments, cense for both the Abercrombie & Fitch and Hollister brands a working capital ratio of over 3.7 to 1 and only $9.8 million until December 31, 2022 and added automatic renewals unless of long-term debt. We also have $47 million available in un- terminated with three years advance notice. tapped credit facilities. As noted, most of our major launches and corresponding 2020 AN OPTIMISTIC START AND THEN … advertising and promotion have been postponed until 2021. We began 2020 full of optimism for the new year. We had a The line-up for the coming year now includes a women’s signa- vibrant new product pipeline which included initial products ture scent for Montblanc, and other women’s scents including for our newer brands. We had issued sales guidance of $742 Anna Sui Sky, GUESS Bella Vita, Jimmy Choo I Want Choo, and million and built up inventory and developed advertising and our first ever Kate Spade New York scent. For our Hollister, we promotion programs to support our sales goals. Our first have a new pillar called Canyon Escape which again features major launch of the year, Coach Dreams was doing very well, a men’s and women’s scent. Also in the works for 2021, are and the early returns for Byzance by Rochas and L’Homme our first men’s and women’s scents for the newest brand in our letter to shareholders 7 portfolio, MCM and a new pillar for Oscar de la Renta, called pandemic are beyond our control. But our strengths in the Alibi. We also have a men’s grooming and fragrance collection best of times, namely our diverse portfolio of brands, financial under development for the GUESS brand. strength, global distribution network, and dedicated staff and Operationally, we are prepared for increased demand in the partners throughout the world, will, we are confident, be im- post-COVID-19 environment, with inventory levels of compo- measurably important as we emerge from these difficult and nents and finished goods, based upon our original 2020 sales often heartbreaking days. projections. As we write this letter, parts of Asia have already showed signs of a comeback, with internet sales especially Sincerely yours, strong. Other markets in North America, Europe and the Mid- dle East are likewise opening, but slowly and with restrictions. We recognize that the challenges will be many, even in the aftermath of the pandemic. The economic downturn, vast un- employment, slow to start up air travel and the related travel retail business, and the pressures social distancing places on ordinary shopping at department and specialty stores count Chairman of the Board Vice Chairman of the Board among them. The duration, scale, and spread of the COVID-19 Chief Executive Officer President Montblanc Explorer 8 The Company Founded in 1982, we operate in the fragrance business, and manufacture, market and dis- tribute a wide array of prestige fragrance, and fragrance related products. Our worldwide headquarters and the office of our four (4) wholly-owned United States subsidiaries, Jean Philippe Fragrances, LLC, Inter Parfums USA, LLC and Interstellar Brands LLC, all New York limited liability companies, and IP Beauty, Inc., a Delaware corporation, are located at 551 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10176, and our telephone number is 212.983.2640. We also own 100% of Inter Parfums USA Hong Kong Limited indirectly through our wholly-owned subsidiary, Inter Parfums USA, LLC. Our consolidated wholly-owned subsidiary, Inter Parfums Holdings, S.A., and its majority-owned subsidiary, Inter- parfums SA, maintain executive offices at 4 Rond Point des Champs Elysees, 75008 Paris, France. Our telephone number in Paris is 331.5377.0000. Interparfums SA is the sole owner of three (3) distribution subsidiaries: Inter Parfums srl for Ita- ly, Inter España Parfums et Cosmetiques, SL, for Spain and In- terparfums Luxury Brands, Inc., a Delaware corporation, for distribution of prestige brands in the United States. Interpar- fums SA is also the majority owner of Parfums Rochas Spain, SL, a Spanish limited liability company, which specializes in the distribution of Rochas fragrances. In addition, Interpar- fums SA is also the sole owner of Interparfums (Suisse) SARL, a company formed to hold and manage certain brand names, and Interparfums Asia Pacific Pte., Ltd., an Asian sales and marketing office. Our common stock is listed on The Nasdaq Global Select Market under the trading symbol “IPAR”. The common shares of our subsidiary, Interparfums SA, are traded on the Eu- ronext Exchange. The Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) maintains an internet site at that contains financial reports, proxy and information statements, and other informa- tion regarding issuers that file electronically with the SEC. We maintain our internet website at, which is linked to the SEC internet site. You can obtain through our website, free of charge, our annual reports on Form 10-K, quarterly reports on Form 10-Q, interactive data files, current reports on Form 8-K, beneficial ownership reports (Forms 3, Jimmy Choo Urban Hero 4 and 5) and amendments to those reports filed or furnished pursuant to Section 13(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 as soon as reasonably practicable after they have been electronically filed with or furnished to the SEC. the company 9 Guess Bella Vita 10 We operate in the fragrance business and manufacture, market and distribute a wide array of fragrance and fragrance European Operations We produce and distribute our fragrance products primarily related products. We manage our business in two segments, under license agreements with brand owners, and fragrance European based operations and United States based opera- product sales through our European operations represent- tions. Certain prestige fragrance products are produced and ed approximately 76% of net sales for 2019. We have built a marketed by our European operations through our 73% owned portfolio of prestige brands, which include Boucheron, Coach, subsidiary in Paris, Interparfums SA, which is also a publicly Jimmy Choo, Karl Lagerfeld, Kate Spade New York, Lanvin, traded company as 27% of Interparfums SA shares trade on Montblanc, Paul Smith, Repetto, Rochas, S.T. Dupont and Van the NYSE Euronext. Cleef & Arpels, whose products are distributed in over 120 Our business is not capital intensive, and it is important to countries around the world. note that we do not own manufacturing facilities. We act as a general contractor and source our needed components from our suppliers. These components are received at one of our United States Operations Prestige brand fragrance products are also marketed through distribution centers and then, based upon production needs, our United States operations, and represented 24% of sales the components are sent to one of several third party fillers for the year ended December 31, 2019. These fragrance prod- which manufacture the finished product for us and deliver ucts are sold under trademarks owned by us or pursuant to them to one of our distribution centers. license or other agreements with the owners of brands, which Our fragrance products focus on prestige brands, each with include Abercrombie & Fitch, Agent Provocateur, Anna Sui, a devoted following. By concentrating in markets where the bebe, Dunhill, French Connection, Graff, GUESS?, Hollister, Lily brands are best known, we have had many successful product Aldridge, MCM and Oscar de la Renta. launches. We typically launch new fragrance families for our brands every year or two, and more frequently seasonal and limited edition fragrances are introduced as well. The creation and marketing of each product family is in- BUSINESS STRATEGY Focus On Prestige Beauty Brands Prestige beauty brands are expected to contribute signifi- timately linked with the brand’s name, its past and present cantly to our growth. We focus on developing and launching positioning, customer base and, more generally, the prevail- quality fragrances utilizing internationally renowned brand ing market atmosphere. Accordingly, we generally study the names. By identifying and concentrating in the most recep- market for each proposed family of fragrance products for tive market segments and territories where our brands are almost a full year before we introduce any new product into known, and executing highly targeted launches that capture the market. This study is intended to define the general posi- the essence of the brand, we have had a history of success- tion of the fragrance family and more particularly its scent, ful launches. Certain fashion designers and other licensors bottle, packaging and appeal to the buyer. In our opinion, the choose us as a partner, because our Company’s size enables unity of these four elements of the marketing mix makes for us to work more closely with them in the product develop- a successful product. ment process as well as our successful track record. As with any business, many aspects of our operations are subject to influences outside our control. We believe we have a strong brand portfolio with global reach and potential. As part of our strategy, we plan to continue to make investments Grow Portfolio Brands Through New Product Development And Marketing We grow through the creation of fragrance family extensions behind fast-growing markets and channels to grow market within the existing brands in our portfolio. Every year or two, share. We discuss in greater detail risk factors relating to our we create a new family of fragrances for each brand in our business in Item 1A of this Annual Report on Form 10-K for the portfolio. We frequently introduce seasonal and limited edition fiscal year ended December 31, 2019, and the reports that we fragrances as well. With new introductions, we leverage our file from time to time with the SEC. ability and experience to gauge trends in the market and the company 11 further leverage the brand name into different product brands. We believe such product offerings meet customer needs families in order to maximize sales and profit potential. We and further strengthen customer loyalty. have had success in introducing new fragrance families (sub-brands, flanker brands or flankers) within our brand franchises. Furthermore, we promote the performance of our prestige fragrance operations through knowledge of Continue To Build Global Distribution Footprint Our business is a global business and we intend to contin- the market, detailed analysis of the image and potential of ue to build our global distribution footprint. In order to adapt each brand name, and a highly professional approach to to changes in the environment and our business, in addition international distribution channels. to our arrangements with third party distributors globally, we Continue To Add New Brands To Our Portfolio Through New Licenses Or Acquisitions Prestige brands are the core of our business and we in- are operating distribution subsidiaries or divisions in the major markets of the United States, France and Spain for distribution of prestige fragrances. We may look into future joint arrange- ments or acquire distribution companies within other key mar- kets to distribute certain of our prestige brands. While building tend to add new prestige beauty brands to our portfolio. a global distribution footprint is part of our long-term strategy, Over the past 25 years, we have built our portfolio of well- we may need to make certain decisions based on the short-term known prestige brands through acquisitions and new needs of the business. We believe that in certain markets, ver- license agreements. We intend to further build on our tical integration of our distribution network may be one of the success in prestige fragrances and pursue new licenses keys to future growth of our Company, and ownership of such and acquire new brands to strengthen our position in the distribution should enable us to better serve our customers’ prestige beauty market. To that end, in 2017, we extended needs in local markets and adapt more quickly as situations may our Jimmy Choo license through December 31, 2031 and determine. our Paul Smith license until December 2021. In 2018, we signed new license agreements with GUESS? Inc., Graff and Lily Aldridge and extended our license with Van Cleef & Arpels. In 2019, we extended our license agreements for RECENT DEVELOPMENTS Abercrombie & Fitch and Hollister In November 2019, we extended our license for both the Abercrombie & Fitch, Hollister and Oscar de la Renta, and Abercrombie & Fitch and Hollister brands until December 31, signed new licenses for Kate Spade New York and MCM. As 2022, and added automatic renewals unless terminated on 3 of December 31, 2019, we had cash, cash equivalents and years notice. short-term investments of approximately $253 million, which we believe should assist us in entering new brand licenses or out-right acquisitions. We identify prestige MCM In September 2019, we entered into an exclusive, 10-year world- brands that can be developed and marketed into a full and wide license agreement with German luxury fashion house MCM varied product families and, with our technical knowledge for the creation, development and distribution of fragrances un- and practical experience gained over time, take licensed der the MCM brand. Our rights under such license are subject to brand names through all phases of concept, development, certain minimum advertising expenditures and royalty payments manufacturing, marketing and distribution. as are customary in our industry. Expand Existing Portfolio Into New Categories We selectively broaden our product offering beyond the Oscar de la Renta In September 2019, we extended our license through December 31, 2031, and added an additional five-year extension option through fragrance category and offer other fragrance related prod- December 31, 2036. The original license agreement, signed in ucts and personal care products under some of our existing October 2013, would have expired on December 31, 2025. 12 Kate Spade New York In June 2019, we entered into an exclusive 11-year worldwide and are primarily manufactured in France. For United States operations, components for our prestige fragrances are license agreement with Kate Spade New York for the creation, sourced from many suppliers around the world and are pri- development and distribution under the Kate Spade brand. Our marily manufactured in the United States. rights under such license are subject to certain minimum ad- vertising expenditures and royalty payments as are customary MARKETING AND DISTRIBUTION in our industry. PRODUCTION AND SUPPLY Our products are distributed in over 120 countries around the world through a selective distribution network. For our inter- national distribution, we either contract with independent dis- The stages of the development and production process for all tribution companies specializing in luxury goods or distribute fragrances are as follows: prestige products through our distribution subsidiaries. In • Simultaneous discussions with perfume designers and each country, we designate anywhere from one to three distrib- creators (includes analysis of esthetic and olfactory utors on an exclusive basis for one or more of our name brands. trends, target clientele and market communication We also distribute our products through a variety of duty free approach) • Concept choice operators, such as airports and airlines and select vacation destinations. • Produce mock-ups for final acceptance of bottles and packaging As our business is a global one, we intend to continue to • Receive bids from component suppliers (glass makers, build our global distribution footprint. For distribution of plastic processors, printers, etc.) and packaging companies brands within our European based operations we operate • Choose suppliers through our distribution subsidiaries or divisions in the major • Schedule production and packaging markets of the United States, France, Italy and Spain, in addi- • Issue component purchase orders tion to our arrangements with third party distributors globally. • Follow quality control procedures for incoming components; Our third party distributors vary in size depending on the num- and ber of competing brands they represent. This extensive and di- • Follow packaging and inventory control procedures verse network together with our own distribution subsidiaries provides us with a significant presence in over 100 countries Suppliers who assist us with product development include: around the world. • Independent perfumery design companies (Aesthete, Carré Over 45% of our European based prestige fragrance net Basset, PI Design, Cent Degres) sales are denominated in U.S. dollars. We address certain • Perfumers (IFF, Givaudan, Firmenich, Robertet, Takasago, financial exposures through a controlled program of risk Mane) which create a fragrance consistent with our expec- management that includes the use of derivative financial in- tations and, that of the fragrance designers and creators struments. We primarily enter into foreign currency forward • Bottle manufacturers (Pochet du Courval, Verescence, exchange contracts to reduce the effects of fluctuating foreign Verreries Brosse, Bormioli Luigi, Stoelzle Masnières ), currency exchange rates. caps (Qualipac, ALBEA, RPC, Codiplas, LF Beauty, Texen The business of our European operations has become in- Group) or boxes (Autajon , MMPP, Nortier, Draeger) creasingly seasonal due to the timing of shipments by our dis- • Production specialists who carry out packaging (CCI, tribution subsidiaries and divisions to their customers, which Edipar, Jacomo, SDPP, MF Productions,Biopack) or logis are weighted to the second half of the year. tics (Bolloré Logistics for storage, order preparation and For our United States operations, we distribute product to shipment) retailers and distributors in the United States as well as inter- nationally, including duty free and other travel-related retail- Suppliers’ accounts for our European operations are pri- ers. We utilize our in-house sales team to reach our third party marily settled in euro and for our United States operations, distributors and customers outside the United States. In addi- suppliers’ accounts are primarily settled in U.S. dollars. For tion, the business of our United States operations has become our European operations components for our prestige fra- increasingly seasonal as shipments are weighted toward the grances are purchased from many suppliers around the world second half of the year. the company 13 Coach Coach Dreams 14 Our licenses for these brands expire on the following dates: Brand Name Expiration Date Abercrombie & Fitch Extends until either party terminates on 3 years notice Anna Sui December 31, 2021, plus two 5-year optional terms if certain conditions are met bebe Stores Boucheron June 30, 2023 December 31, 2025, Coach Dunhill plus a 5-year optional term if certain sales targets are met June 30, 2026 September 30, 2023 French Connection December 31, 2027, plus a 10- Graff GUESS Hollister year optional term if certain sales targets are met December 31, 2026, plus 3 optional 3-year terms if certain sales targets are met December 31, 2033 Extends until either party terminates on 3 years notice Kate Spade New York June 30, 2030 Jimmy Choo Karl Lagerfeld Lily Aldridge MCM Montblanc December 31, 2031 October 31, 2032 December 31, 2023 December 31, 2030, plus 4 option years December 31, 2025 Oscar de la Renta December 31, 2031, Paul Smith Repetto S.T. Dupont plus a 5-year optional term if certain sales targets are met December 31, 2021 December 31, 2024 December 31, 2020, plus automatic annual renewals, unless terminated on 6 months’ notice by either party Van Cleef & Arpels December 31, 2024 In connection with the acquisition of the Lanvin brand names and trademarks for our class of trade, we granted the seller the right to repurchase the brand names and trademarks in 2025 for the greater of €70 million (approximately $79 million) or one times the average of the annual sales for the years end- ing December 31, 2023 and 2024. The Products We are the owner of the Rochas brand, and the Lanvin brand name and trademark for our class of trade. In addition, we have built a portfolio of licensed prestige brands where- by we produce and distribute our prestige fra- grance products under license agreements with brand owners. Under license agreements, we obtain the right to use the brand name, cre- ate new fragrances and packaging, determine positioning and distribution, and market and sell the licensed products, in exchange for the payment of royalties. Our rights under li- cense agreements are also generally subject to certain minimum sales requirements and advertising expenditures as are customary in our industry. the products 15 Fragrance Portfolio 16 In 2014, we entered into a worldwide license to create, produce and distribute new fragrances and fragrance related products under the Abercrombie & Fitch brand name. We distribute these fragrances internationally in specialty stores, high-end department stores and duty free shops, and in the U.S., in duty free shops and in select Abercrombie & Fitch retail stores. Our initial men’s scent, First Instinct was launched in 2016 followed by a women’s version in 2017. During 2018 and early 2019, we introduced several First Instinct brand extensions. In the spring of 2019, we unveiled a new fragrance family for Abercrombie & Fitch, Authentic, for men and women, and for 2020, we have a brand extension duo planned. Abercrombie & Fitch believes that every day should feel as exceptional as the start of the long weekend. Since 1892, the brand has been a specialty retailer of quality apparel, outer- wear and fragrance – designed to inspire our global customers to feel confident, be comfortable and face their Fierce. the products 17 Abercrombie & Fitch Authentic Night 18 In 2011, we entered into an exclusive worldwide fragrance license to create, produce and distribute fragrances and fra- grance related products under the Anna Sui brand. We work in partnership with American designer, Anna Sui, and her creative team to build upon the brand’s growing customer appeal, and develop new fragrances that capture the brand’s very sweet feminine girly aspect, combined with touch of nostalgia, hip- ness and rock-and-roll. Anna Sui’s devoted customer base, which spans the world, is concentrated in Asia. After a period of weaker sales, due primarily to a decline in China’s economy, the 2017 successful launch of Fantasia by Anna Sui and the benefit that accrued from our continued com- mitment to advertising and marketing commitment, produced a significant increase in 2018 brand sales. However, brand sales declined modestly 2019, as the 2018 and 2019 product launches were primarily brand extensions. We look to Sky by Anna Sui to reinvigorate brand sales when it debuts in 2021. the products 19 Anna Sui Fantasia Mermaid 20 In 2010, we entered into an exclusive 15-year worldwide license agreement for the creation, development and distribution of fragrances under the Boucheron brand. Boucheron is the French jeweler “par excellence”. Founded by Frederic Boucheron in 1858, the House has produced some of the world’s most beautiful and precious creations. Today, Boucheron creates jewelry and timepieces and, under license from global brand leaders, fragrances and sunglasses. Currently Boucheron operates through over 40 boutiques worldwide as well as an e-commerce site. Boucheron brand sales continue to be driven by legacy scents Boucheron Femme and Boucheron Homme as well as its legendary Jaipur lines. A six scent collection was launched under the Boucheron brand in 2017, and additional scents were added in 2018. In 2019, two new fragrances, Boucheron Fleurs and Boucheron Quatre en Rouge, were added to the Boucheron collection. the products 21 Boucheron Collection Boucheron 22 In 2015, we entered into an exclusive 11-year worldwide li- cense to create, produce and distribute new men’s and wom- en’s fragrances and fragrance related products under the Coach brand name. We distribute these fragrances globally to department stores, specialty stores and duty free shops, as well as in Coach retail stores. Coach, established in New York City in 1941, is a leading de- sign house of modern luxury accessories and lifestyle collec- tions with a rich heritage of pairing exceptional leathers and materials with innovative design. Coach branded products are sold worldwide through Coach stores, select department stores and specialty stores, and through Coach’s website. In 2016, we launched our first Coach fragrance, a women’s scent, and in 2017, a men’s scent, both of which have quick- ly become top selling prestige fragrances. In 2018, the Coach brand achieved remarkable sales growth and quickly become one of the largest brands in our portfolio. Coach sales were driven by the continued popularity of the Coach signature lines, as well as the success of flankers, Coach Floral and Coach Platinum, which rolled out in 2018. For 2019 we added Coach Floral Blush, and we have a new Coach women’s scent Coach Dreams debuting in early 2020. Coach is part of the Tapestry house of brands. the products 23 Coach Coach Dreams 24 In 2012, we entered into an exclusive 10-year worldwide fragrance license to create, produce and distribute fragrances and fragrance related products under the Dunhill brand. The house of Dunhill was established in 1893 and since that time has been dedicated to providing high quality men’s luxury products, with core collections offered in menswear, leather goods and accessories. The brand has global reach through a premium mix of self-managed retail outlets, high-level de- partment stores and specialty stores. Known for its commit- ment to elegance and innovation and being a leader of British men’s style, the brand continues to blend innovation and cre- ativity with traditional craftsmanship. Beginning in 2015, we rolled out a new Dunhill scent, Icon, the success of which has made the Dunhill brand one of the stars within our United States based operations. Building upon the established success of the Icon fragrance family, we launched several product extensions including Icon Absolute, Icon Elite and Icon Racing. In 2018 we introduced a new Dunhill scent for men called Century, and in 2019 Century Blue. Also in 2019 the Dunhill Signature Collection debuted exclusive- ly at Harrod’s followed by a global rollout. Brand extensions dominate our plans for Dunhill in 2020 with a new pillar, Drive, launching in 2021. . the products 25 Dunhill Signature Collection 26 In 2018, the Company entered into an exclusive, 8-year world- wide license agreement with London-based Graff for the creation, development and distribution of fragrances under the Graff brand. The 8-year agreement has three 3-year auto- matic renewal options, potentially extending the license until December 31, 2035. Since Laurence Graff OBE founded the company in 1960, Graff has been dedicated to sourcing and crafting diamonds and gemstones of untold beauty and rarity, and transforming them into spectacular pieces of jewelry that move the heart and stir the soul. Throughout its rich history, Graff has be- come the world leader for diamonds of rarity, magnitude and distinction. Most notably, it has dominated the list of historical and important rough diamonds discovered, cut and polished this century. Each jewelry creation is designed and manufac- tured in Graff’s London atelier, where master craftsman em- ploy stone-led design techniques to emphasize the beauty of each individual stone. The company remains a family business, overseen by Francois Graff, Chief Executive Officer. For Graff, a six-scent collection for women debuted exclu- sively at Harrods in March 2020. The global rollout will begin with selective luxury travel retail in 2021. Additionally, we are exploring opportunities for luxury travel amenities, including five star hotels. the products 27 Graff Lesedi La Rona Fragrances 28 In 2018, the Company entered into an exclusive, 15-year worldwide license agreement with GUESS?, Inc. for the cre- ation, development and distribution of fragrances under the GUESS brand. Established in 1981, GUESS began as a jeans company and has since successfully grown into a global lifestyle brand. GUESS?, Inc. designs, markets, distributes and licenses a lifestyle collection of contemporary apparel, denim, hand- bags, watches, footwear and other related consumer prod- ucts. GUESS products are distributed through branded GUESS stores as well as better department and specialty stores around the world. This license took effect on April 1, 2018 and we began sell- ing GUESS legacy scents in 2018. In 2019 the GUESS brand became the largest within our U.S. operations, with legacy fra- grances dominating the sales mix. In the 2019 third quarter, we began shipments of 1981 Los Angeles and Seductive Noir, both flankers of established scents, which accelerated brand growth further. Nearly two years in the making, our first new blockbuster scent, Bella Vita, will debut for the GUESS brand domestically in 2021, followed in the fall by an international rollout. In addition, a new men’s grooming and fragrance collection is being readied for a 2021 launch. In its first full year of sales, GUESS has be- come the fourth largest brand in our portfolio. the products 29 Guess Bella Vita Rosa 30 We have a worldwide license to create, produce and distrib- ute new fragrances and fragrance related products under the Hollister brand name. The Company distributes these fragranc- es internationally in specialty stores, high-end department stores and duty free shops, and in the U.S., in duty free shops as well as select Hollister retail stores. In 2016 we launched a men’s and women’s scent, Wave, for Hollister. In 2017, we introduced a fragrance duo, Wave 2, to complement the Wave franchise by Hollister. During 2018 we debuted an entirely new fragrance family for Hollister, Festival Vibes, as well as Free Wave, both for men and women. In 2019, we launched the Wave limited edition duo, plus our first Festival brand extension, Festival Nite. For 2021, we have a duo in the works, Canyon Escape for men and women scheduled. The quintessential retail brand of the global teen consumer, Hollister Co. believes in liberating the spirit of an endless sum- mer inside everyone. At Hollister, summer isn’t just a season; it’s a state of mind. Hollister creates carefree style designed to make all teens feel celebrated and comfortable in their own skin, so they can live in a summer mindset all year long, what- ever the season. the products 31 Hollister Festival Party 32 In 2009, we entered into an exclusive 12-year worldwide li- cense agreement for the creation, development and distribu- tion of fragrances under the Jimmy Choo brand, and in 2017, we extended the license agreement which now runs through December 31, 2031. Jimmy Choo encompasses a complete luxury accesso- ries brand. Women’s shoes remain the core of the product offering, alongside handbags, small leather goods, scarves, eyewear, belts, fragrance and men’s shoes. Management at Jimmy Choo share a vision to create one of the world’s most treasured luxury brands. Jimmy Choo has a global store net- work encompassing more than 150 stores and is present in the most prestigious department and specialty stores world- wide. Jimmy Choo is part of the Capri Holdings Limited luxury fashion group. Our first fragrance under the Jimmy Choo brand, a wom- en’s signature scent, rolled out globally in 2011. In 2013, we launched our second Jimmy Choo line, Flash, and in 2014, we debuted Jimmy Choo Man, our first men’s scent. In 2015, the launch of Jimmy Choo Illicit, our third women’s fragrance under that label hit the market. In 2017, building on the very strong fragrance family trees of the women’s signature scent and Jimmy Choo Man, we successfully launched Jimmy Choo L’Eau for women and Jimmy Choo Man Ice. In 2018 we released another men’s flanker, Jimmy Choo Man Blue, and the brand’s women’s signature scent added Jimmy Choo Fever. During 2019, we introduced a Jimmy Choo Floral line, and an entirely new scent for men, Jimmy Choo Urban Hero, launched late in the year. For 2021, we are expanding our product line to in- clude a lipstick and nail polish line, and our new women’s fra- grance, I Want Choo should be ready towards the end of the year with much of the sell-in continuing into 2021. the products 33 Jimmy Choo Urban Hero 34 In 2012, we entered into a 20-year worldwide license agree- ment with Karl Lagerfeld B.V., the internationally renowned haute couture fashion house, to create, produce and distribute fragrances under the Karl Lagerfeld brand. Under the creative direction of the late Karl Lagerfeld, one of the world’s most influential and iconic designers, the Lager- feld Portfolio represents a modern approach to distribution, an innovative digital strategy and a global 360 degree vision that reflects the designer’s own style and soul. In 2017, we changed the strategic positioning and instituted new pricing with the launch of a new duo called Les Parfums Matières. Building on excellent sales results of the initial scents, in the second half of 2018, we expanded the Les Parfums Matières line with an- other fragrance duo, and in 2019, we added new scents to the brand’s expanding multi-scent collection. the products 35 Karl Lagerfeld Les Parfums Matières 36 In 2019, we entered into an exclusive, 11-year worldwide li- cense agreement with Kate Spade New York to create, produce and distribute new perfumes and fragrance-related products under the Kate Spade brand. We will distribute these fragranc- es globally to department and specialty stores and duty-free shops, as well as in Kate Spade New York retail stores begin- ning with our first new scent in 2021. We also took over distri- bution of the Kate Spade’s existing fragrance portfolio. Since its launch in 1993 with a collection of six essential handbags, Kate Spade New York has always stood for opti- mistic femininity. Today, the brand is a global life and style house with handbags, ready-to-wear, jewelry, footwear, gifts, home décor and more. Polished ease, thoughtful details and a modern, sophisticated use of color—Kate Spade New York’s founding principles define a unique style synonymous with joy. Under the vision of its creative director, the brand continues to celebrate confident women with a youthful spirit. Kate Spade New York is part of the Tapestry house of brands. the products 37 Kate Spade 38 In 2007, we acquired the worldwide rights to the Lanvin brand names and international trademarks listed in Class 3, our class of trade. A synonym of luxury and elegance, the Lanvin fashion house, founded in 1889 by Jeanne Lanvin, expanded into fragrances in the 1920s. Lanvin fragrances occupy an important position in the se- lective distribution market in France, Eastern Europe and Asia, and we have several lines currently in distribution, including: Arpège, Lanvin L’Homme, Éclat d’Arpège, Rumeur 2 Rose, Jeanne Lanvin, Marry Me, Modern Princess and A Girl in Ca- pri. Our Éclat d’Arpège line accounts for almost 50% of brand sales. To capitalize on the success of our Éclat d’Arpège line, in 2015 we launched Éclat d’Arpège Homme as well as Éclat de Fleurs. In late 2016, we released a new women’s line, Modern Princess which rolled out to broader international distribution in 2017. We added two flankers, Modern Princess Eau Sen- suelle and Éclat de Nuit in 2018, and we debuted a new scent called A Girl in Capri in 2019. the products 39 Lanvin A Girl in Capri 40 In 2019, we entered into an exclusive, 10-year worldwide li- cense agreement with German luxury fashion house MCM for the creation, development and distribution of fragrances un- der the MCM brand. The agreement has a 4-year automatic re- newal option, potentially extending the license until December 31, 2034. Fusing modern German craftsmanship and the traditional art of French perfumery, Inter Parfums will develop exception- al fragrances for women and men that will celebrate the bold- ness, attitude and essence of MCM which defined the brand since its birth in Munich. The long-term collaboration will thrive on innovation with a passionate, tailor-made approach built on a mastery of fragrance expertise. Positioned in the prestige fine fragrance arena, MCM fragrances will fuse luxury with an expressive spirit of originality and optimism. Every de- tail will enhance MCM’s identity, transcending perfumery with elegance and excellence. Our plan is to develop extraordinary fragrances for women and men that capture the creative spirit of MCM, with the first launch targeted for the first quarter of 2021. We expect our distribution strategy to include MCM stores, high-end depart- ment stores and prestige beauty retailers, with a geographic focus on Asia, the Americas and Europe. the products 41 MCM 42 In 2010, we entered into an exclusive license agreement to cre- ate, develop and distribute fragrances and fragrance related products under the Montblanc brand. In 2015, we extended the agreement which now runs through December 31, 2025. Montblanc has achieved a world-renowned position in the luxury segment and has become a purveyor of exclusive products, which reflect today’s exacting demands for time- less design, tradition and master craftsmanship. Through its leadership positions in writing instruments, watches and leather goods, promising growth outlook in women’s jewelry, active presence in more than 70 countries, network of more than 350 boutiques worldwide and high standards of product design and quality, Montblanc has grown to be our largest fragrance brand. In 2011, we launched our first new Montblanc fragrance, Legend, which quickly became our best-selling men’s line. In 2012, we launched our first women’s fragrance under the Montblanc brand, and our second men’s line, Emblem, was launched in 2014. The Emblem line was expanded in 2015 to include Montblanc Emblem Intense and a new women’s scent, Lady Emblem. In 2016, we further extended our successful Montblanc Legend line with another men’s scent, Montblanc Legend Spirit. For 2017, we continued the rollout of the highly successful launch of Montblanc Legend Spirit and launched Montblanc Legend Night. In 2019, we unveiled Montblanc Ex- plorer, a new men’s scent, with distribution in all geographic markets around the globe. For 2021, the Montblanc brand will introduce a new women’s scent. the products 43 Montblanc Explorer 44 In 2013, we entered into an exclusive worldwide license to create, produce and distribute fragrances and fragrance re- lated products under the Oscar de la Renta brand. In 2019, the agreement was extended through December 31, 2031, with an additional five-year option potentially extending the agreement through December 31, 2036. In 2014, we took over distribution of fragrances within the brand’s legacy fragrance portfolio, and our first new women’s fragrance under the Oscar de la Renta brand, Extraordinary, was launched in 2015. Oscar de la Renta Bella Blanca, a new Oscar de la Renta scent, debuted in early 2018, and the Bella Rosa flanker was introduced in 2019. In 2020, the Oscar de la Renta Bella pillar will add Bella Essence to the family tree. Oscar de la Renta is one of the world’s leading luxury goods firms. The New York-based company was established in 1965, and encompasses a full line of women’s accessories, bridal, children’s wear, fragrance, beauty and home goods, in addition to its internationally renowned signature women’s ready to wear collection. Oscar de la Renta products are sold globally in fine department and specialty stores, www.oscardelarenta. com and through wholesale channels. The Oscar de la Renta brand has a loyal following in the United States, Canada and Latin America. the products 45 T H E N E W F R AG R A N C E F O R H E R Oscar de la Renta Bella Essence 46 In 2017, the Company renewed its license agreement for an additional four years with Paul Smith for the creation, de- velopment, and distribution of fragrance products through December 2021, without any material changes in terms and conditions. Our initial 12-year license agreement with Paul Smith was signed in 1998, and had previously been extended through December 31, 2017. Paul Smith is an internationally renowned British design- er who creates fashion with a clear identity. Paul Smith has a modern style which combines elegance, inventiveness and a sense of humor and enjoys a loyal following, especially in the UK and Japan. Fragrances include: Paul Smith, Paul Smith Ex- trême, Paul Smith Rose Hello You, and Paul Smith Essential. the products 47 Paul Smith London 48 In 2011, we entered into a 13-year exclusive worldwide license agreement to create, produce and distribute fragrances under the Repetto brand. Created in 1947 by Rose Repetto at the request of her son, dancer and choreographer Roland Petit, Repetto is today a leg- endary name in the world of dance. For a number of years, it has developed timeless and must-have collections with a fully modernized signature style ranging from dance shoes, ballet slippers, flat shoes, and sandals to more recently handbags and high-end accessories. With Repetto boutiques in several countries throughout the world, the brand has branched out into Asia, notably China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Thailand, South Korea and Japan with a mix of cross-generational appeal and French chic. Our first Repetto fragrance line was launched in 2013 and a floral scent was added in 2015. Despite this brand’s success with footwear, handbags and high-end accessories, fragrance sales have been modest. Repetto’s most recent new scent, Dance with Repetto, debuted in 2018. the products 49 Repetto So Repetto 50 In 2015, we acquired the Rochas brand from The Procter & Gamble Company. Founded by Marcel Rochas in 1925, the brand began as a fashion house and expanded into perfum- ery in the 1950s under Hélène Rochas’ direction. This trans- action included all brand names and registered trademarks for Rochas (Femme, Madame, Eau de Rochas, etc.), mainly for fragrance, cosmetics and fashion. This acquisition opened a new page in the Company’s histo- ry by integrating for the first time both fragrances and fashion, allowing us to apply a global approach to managing a fragrance brand with complete freedom in terms of creativity and aes- thetic choices. At the same time, we enjoy a very high degree of visibility establishing a position of even greater preeminence for Rochas in the luxury goods universe. Rochas brand sales currently include approximately $2.2 million of royalties gen- erated by the fashion and accessory business via its portfolio of license agreements. Our first new fragrance for Rochas, Mademoiselle Rochas, had a successful launch that began in the first quarter of 2017 in its traditional markets of France and Spain. In 2018, we debuted flankers for Eau de Rochas and Mademoiselle Rochas and in late 2018, we launched our first new men’s line, Rochas Moustache. In 2019, a seasonal limited edition called Escapade Exotique came to market, as well as the debut of Mademoiselle Rochas Couture. A new men’s line, L’Homme Rochas and a new women’s line, Byzance, debuted in early 2020. the products 51 Rochas Byzance 52 In 1997, we signed an exclusive worldwide license agreement with S.T. Dupont for the creation, manufacture and distribu- tion of S.T. Dupont fragrances. The license agreement had been renewed several times and is now renewed annually, without any material changes in terms and conditions. S.T. Dupont is a French luxury goods house founded in 1872, which is known for its fine writing instruments, lighters and leather goods. S.T. Dupont fragrances include: S.T. Dupont Classic, S.T. Dupont Essence Pure, S.T. Dupont Collection and Be Exceptional. the products 53 S.T. Dupont Golden Wood 54 In 2018, the Company renewed its license agreement for an additional six years with Van Cleef & Arpels for the creation, development, and distribution of fragrance products through December 2024. Our initial 12-year license agreement with Van Cleef & Arpels was signed in 2006. Van Cleef & Arpels fragrances in current distribution include: First and Collection Extraordinaire. Sales of the Collection Extraordinaire line have experienced continued growth since its debut. We continue to introduce new addi- tions to the Van Cleef & Arpels Collection Extraordinaire as- sortment annually. the products 55 Van Cleef & Arpels Collection Extraordinaire, Santal Blanc 56 Abercrombie & Fitch First Instinct Together quaterly financial data 57 QUARTERLY DATA: (UNAUDITED) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2019 (In thousands, except per share data) 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter Net Sales Gross Margin Net Income Net Income Attributable to $178,242 109,841 24,978 $166,242 106,974 15,600 $191,227 114,437 26,658 $177,803 114,684 8,834 Full Year $713,514 445,936 76,070 Inter Parfums, Inc. 18,894 12,318 20,848 8,189 60,249 Net Income Attributable to Inter Parfums, Inc. per Share: Basic Diluted Weighted Average Common Shares Outstanding: Basic Diluted $0.60 $0.60 31,431 31,679 $0.39 $0.39 31,449 31,687 $0.66 $0.66 31,452 31,676 $0.26 $0.26 31,473 31,713 $1.92 $1.90 31,451 31,689 QUARTERLY DATA: (UNAUDITED) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2018 (In thousands, except per share data) 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter $149,367 $171,767 Net Sales 3rd Quarter $177,213 4th Quarter $177,227 Gross Margin Net Income Net Income Attributable to 105,629 21,862 95,654 14,259 109,147 24,426 117,132 9,168 Full Year $675,574 427,562 69,715 Inter Parfums, Inc. 15,909 10,899 18,938 8,047 53,793 Net Income Attributable to Inter Parfums, Inc. per Share: Basic Diluted Weighted Average Common Shares Outstanding: Basic Diluted $0.51 $0.51 31,267 31,429 $0.35 $0.35 31,299 31,490 $0.60 $0.60 31,326 31,587 $0.26 $0.26 31,340 31,584 $1.72 $1.71 31,308 31,522 5858 North America 33% CONSOLIDATED NET SALES TO CUSTOMERS BY REGION (in thousands) Year Ended December 31, North America Europe Asia Middle East Central and South America Other 2019 $234,200 240,800 106,500 72,600 2018 $210,200 233,600 109,000 59,300 2017 $176,900 214,800 88,000 50,500 46,200 13,400 $713,500 51,700 11,800 51,200 9,900 $675,600 $591,300 CONSOLIDATED NET SALES TO CUSTOMERS IN MAJOR COUNTRIES ARE AS FOLLOWS: (in thousands) Year Ended December 31, United States France Russia United Kingdom 2019 $225,300 43,500 36,800 35,800 2018 $204,000 2017 $173,000 44,000 35,000 36,000 44,000 34,000 33,000 Central & South America 6% 5959 Europe 34% ASIA 15% Middle East 10% 60 The Organization All Corporate Functions: Including product analysis and development, production and sales, and finance are coordinated at the Company’s corpo- rate headquarters in New York and at the corporate offices of Interparfums SA in Paris. Each company is organized into two operational units that report directly to general man- agement, and European operations ultimately report to Mr. Benacin and United States operations ultimately report to Mr. Madar. Finance, Investor Relations And Administration: Russell Greenberg in the United States and Philippe Santi in France: • Financial policy and communication, investor relations; • Financial accounting, cost accounting, budgeting and cash flow management; • Disclosure requirements of the Securities and Ex- change Commission and Commission des Operations de Bourse; • Labor relations, tax and legal matters and management information systems. Operations: Brian Gibbons in the United States and Axel Marot in France: • Product development; • Logistics and transportation; • Purchasing and industrial relations; • Quality control and inventory cost supervision. Export Sales: Herve Bouillonnec in the United States and Frédéric Garcia- Pelayo in France: • International development strategy; • Establishment of distributor networks and negotiation of contracts; • Monitoring of profit margins and advertising expenditures. Domestic (Home Country) Sales: Jean-Claude Sanchez in the United States and Jérôme Thermoz in France: • Establish and apply domestic sales strategy and distribution policy; • Sales team management and development; • Monitoring of profit margins and advertising expenditures. the organization 61 SIMPLIFIED CHART OF THE ORGANIZATION 45% PHILIPPE BENACIN JEAN MADAR 55% PUBLIC SHAREHOLDERS 100% 100% 100% 100% INTER PARFUMS HOLDINGS, SA JEAN PHILIPPE FRAGRANCES, LLC INTER PARFUMS USA, LLC INTERSTELLAR BRANDS, LLC 73% 100% INTERPARFUMS SA [ EURONEXT - PARIS ] INTER PARFUMS USA HONG KONG LTD rparfums srl (italy) 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% INTERPARFUMS LUXURY BRANDS, INC INTERPARFUMS [ SUISSE ] SARL INTERPARFUMS SINGAPORE PTE, LTD INTER ESPAÑA PARFUMS ET COSMÉTIQUES SL [ SPAIN ] INTERPARFUMS SRL [ ITALY ] 51% PARFUMS ROCHAS SPAIN, SL 62 contents MANAGEMENT’S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS OF FINANCIAL CONDITION AND RESULTS OF OPERATIONS REPORT ON INTERNAL CONTROL OVER FINANCIAL REPORTING REPORT OF INDEPENDENT REGISTERED PUBLIC ACCOUNTING FIRM FINANCIAL STATEMENTS NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DIRECTORS AND EXECUTIVE OFFICERS 63 72 73 75 80 98 management’s discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations 63 tions represented 24%, 20% and 19% of net sales in 2019, 2018 and 2017, respectively. These fragrance products are sold or to be sold primarily pursuant to license or other agreements with the owners of the Abercrombie & Fitch, Anna Sui, bebe, Dunhill, French Connection, Graff, GUESS, Hollister, MCM and Oscar de la Renta brands. With respect to the Company’s largest brands, we own the Lanvin brand name for our class of trade, and license the Montblanc, Jimmy Choo, Coach and GUESS brand names. As a percentage of net sales, product sales for the Company’s larg- est brands were as follows: Management’s Discussion And Analysis Of Financial Condition And Results Of Operations 2019 2018 2017 21% 19% Years ended December 31, Montblanc Jimmy Choo Coach 22% 16% 14% GUESS (license commenced April 1, 2018) Lanvin 10% 8% 17% 15% n/a 10% 18% 10% n/a 11% Quarterly sales fluctuations are influenced by the timing of new product launches as well as the third and fourth quarter holiday season. In certain markets where we sell directly to retailers, seasonality is more evident. We sell directly to re- MANAGEMENT’S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS OF tailers in France as well as through our own distribution sub- FINANCIAL CONDITION AND RESULTS OF OPERATIONS sidiaries in Italy, Spain and the United States. OVERVIEW We grow our business in two distinct ways. First, we grow by We operate in the fragrance business, and manufacture, mar- adding new brands to our portfolio, either through new licens- ket and distribute a wide array of fragrances and fragrance es or other arrangements or out-right acquisitions of brands. related products. We manage our business in two segments, Second, we grow through the introduction of new products and European based operations and United States based opera- by supporting new and established products through advertis- tions. Certain prestige fragrance products are produced and ing, merchandising and sampling as well as by phasing out un- marketed by our European operations through our 73% owned derperforming products so we can devote greater resources to subsidiary in Paris, Interparfums SA, which is also a publicly those products with greater potential. The economics of devel- traded company as 27% of Interparfums SA shares trade on oping, producing, launching and supporting products influence the NYSE Euronext. our sales and operating performance each year. Our introduc- We produce and distribute our European based fragrance tion of new products may have some cannibalizing effect on products primarily under license agreements with brand own- sales of existing products, which we take into account in our ers, and European based fragrance product sales represented business planning. approximately 76%, 80% and 81% of net sales for 2019, 2018 and Our business is not capital intensive, and it is important to 2017, respectively. We have built a portfolio of prestige brands, note that we do not own manufacturing facilities. We act as a which include Boucheron, Coach, Jimmy Choo, Karl Lagerfeld, general contractor and source our needed components from Kate Spade New York, Lanvin, Montblanc, Paul Smith, Repetto, our suppliers. These components are received at one of our Rochas, S.T. Dupont and Van Cleef & Arpels, whose products distribution centers and then, based upon production needs, are distributed in over 120 countries around the world. the components are sent to one of several third party fillers, Through our United States operations, we also market fra- which manufacture the finished product for us and then deliver grance and fragrance related products. United States opera- them to one of our distribution centers. 64 As with any global business, many aspects of our operations are subject to influences outside our control. We believe we have Kate Spade New York In June 2019, we entered into an exclusive 11-year worldwide a strong brand portfolio with global reach and potential. As part license agreement with Kate Spade New York for the cre- of our strategy, we plan to continue to make investments behind ation, development and distribution of fragrances under the fast-growing markets and channels to grow market share. Kate Spade brand. Our rights under such license are subject Our reported net sales are impacted by changes in foreign to certain minimum advertising expenditures and royalty currency exchange rates. A strong U.S. dollar has a negative payments as are customary in our industry. impact on our net sales. However, earnings are positively af- fected by a strong dollar, because over 45% of net sales of our DISCUSSION OF CRITICAL ACCOUNTING POLICIES European operations are denominated in U.S. dollars, while We make estimates and assumptions in the preparation of almost all costs of our European operations are incurred in our financial statements in conformity with accounting prin- euro. Conversely, a weak U.S. dollar has a favorable impact on ciples generally accepted in the United States of America. our net sales while gross margins are negatively affected. We Actual results could differ significantly from those estimates address certain financial exposures through a controlled pro- under different assumptions and conditions. We believe the gram of risk management that includes the use of derivative following discussion addresses our most critical account- financial instruments, and primarily enter into foreign curren- ing policies, which are those that are most important to the cy forward exchange contracts to reduce the effects of fluctu- portrayal of our financial condition and results of operations. ating foreign currency exchange rates. We are also carefully These accounting policies generally require our manage- monitoring currency trends in the United Kingdom as a result ment’s most difficult and subjective judgments, often as a re- of the volatility created from the United Kingdom’s exit from sult of the need to make estimates about the effect of matters the European Union. We have evaluated our pricing models and that are inherently uncertain. Management of the Company we do not expect any significant pricing changes. However, if has discussed the selection of significant accounting policies the devaluation of the British Pound worsens, it may affect fu- and the effect of estimates with the Audit Committee of the ture gross profit margins from sales in the territory. Board of Directors. RECENT IMPORTANT EVENTS Abercrombie & Fitch and Hollister In November 2019, we extended our license for both the Sales Returns Generally, we do not permit customers to return their unsold prod- ucts. However, for U.S. based customers, we allow returns if prop- Abercrombie & Fitch and Hollister brands until December 31, erly requested, authorized and approved. We regularly review and 2022, and added automatic renewals unless terminated on 3 revise, as deemed necessary, our estimate of reserves for future years’ notice. sales returns based primarily upon historic trends and relevant current data, including information provided by retailers regarding MCM In September 2019, we entered into an exclusive, 10-year world- their inventory levels. In addition, as necessary, specific accruals may be established for significant future known or anticipated wide license agreement with German luxury fashion house MCM events. The types of known or anticipated events that we consid- for the creation, development and distribution of fragrances un- er include, but are not limited to, the financial condition of our der the MCM brand. Our rights under such license are subject to customers, store closings by retailers, changes in the retail envi- certain minimum advertising expenditures and royalty payments ronment and our decision to continue to support new and existing as are customary in our industry. products. We record our estimate of potential sales returns as a Oscar de la Renta In September 2019, we extended our license through reduction of sales and cost of sales with corresponding entries to accrued expenses, to record the refund liability, and inventory, for the right to recover goods from the customer. Returned products December 31, 2031, and added an additional five-year exten- are valued based upon their estimated realizable value. The physi- sion option through December 31, 2036. The original license cal condition and marketability of returned products are the major agreement, signed in October 2013, would have expired on factors we consider in estimating realizable value. Actual returns, December 31, 2025. as well as estimated realizable values of returned products, may management’s discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations 65 differ significantly, either favorably or unfavorably, from our esti- tors exist for an amortizable intangible asset, the undiscount- mates, if factors such as economic conditions, inventory levels or ed future cash flows associated with the expected service competitive conditions differ from our expectations. potential of the asset are compared to the carrying value of Long-Lived Assets We evaluate indefinite-lived intangible assets for impairment at the asset. If our projection of undiscounted future cash flows is in excess of the carrying value of the intangible asset, no im- pairment charge is recorded. If our projection of undiscounted least annually during the fourth quarter, or more frequently when future cash flows is less than the carrying value of the intangi- events occur or circumstances change, such as an unexpected ble asset, an impairment charge would be recorded to reduce decline in sales, that would more likely than not indicate that the intangible asset to its fair value. The cash flow projections the carrying value of an indefinite-lived intangible asset may are based upon a number of assumptions, including future not be recoverable. When testing indefinite-lived intangible sales levels and future cost of goods and operating expense assets for impairment, the evaluation requires a comparison levels, as well as economic conditions, changes to our busi- of the estimated fair value of the asset to the carrying value of ness model or changes in consumer acceptance of our prod- the asset. The fair values used in our evaluations are estimated ucts which are more subjective in nature. In those cases where based upon discounted future cash flow projections using we determine that the useful life of long-lived assets should a weighted average cost of capital of 7.94%. The cash flow be shortened, we would amortize the net book value in excess projections are based upon a number of assumptions, including, of the salvage value (after testing for impairment as described future sales levels and future cost of goods and operating above), over the revised remaining useful life of such asset expense levels, as well as economic conditions, changes to thereby increasing amortization expense. We believe that the our business model or changes in consumer acceptance of our assumptions we have made in projecting future cash flows for products which are more subjective in nature. If the carrying the evaluations described above are reasonable. value of an indefinite-lived intangible asset exceeds its fair In determining the useful life of our Lanvin brand names and value, an impairment charge is recorded. trademarks, we applied the provisions of ASC topic 350-30-35- We believe that the assumptions we have made in project- 3. The only factor that prevented us from determining that the ing future cash flows for the evaluations described above are Lanvin brand names and trademarks were indefinite life intan- reasonable. However, if future actual results do not meet our gible assets was Item c. “Any legal, regulatory, or contractual expectations, we may be required to record an impairment provisions that may limit the useful life.” The existence of a re- charge, the amount of which could be material to our results purchase option in 2025 may limit the useful life of the Lanvin of operations. brand names and trademarks to the Company. However, this At December 31, 2019 indefinite-lived intangible assets ag- limitation would only take effect if the repurchase option were gregated $121.0 million. The following table presents the im- to be exercised and the repurchase price was paid. If the re- pact a change in the following significant assumptions would purchase option is not exercised, then the Lanvin brand names have had on the calculated fair value in 2019 assuming all other and trademarks are expected to continue to contribute directly assumptions remained constant: to the future cash flows of our Company and their useful life would be considered to be indefinite. Increase (decrease) With respect to the application of ASC topic 350-30-35- $ in millions Change to fair value 8, the Lanvin brand names and trademarks would only have Weighted average cost of capital Weighted average cost of capital Future sales levels Future sales levels +10% $(14.9) $15.0 −10% $13.3 +10% $(13.3) −10% a finite life to our Company if the repurchase option were exercised, and in applying ASC topic 350-30-35-8, we as- sumed that the repurchase option is exercised. When exer- cised, Lanvin has an obligation to pay the exercise price and the Company would be required to convey the Lanvin brand Intangible assets subject to amortization are evaluated for names and trademarks back to Lanvin. The exercise price to impairment testing whenever events or changes in circum- be received (Residual Value) is well in excess of the carrying stances indicate that the carrying amount of an amortizable value of the Lanvin brand names and trademarks, therefore intangible asset may not be recoverable. If impairment indica- no amortization is required. 66 Quantitative Analysis During the three-year period ended December 31, 2019, we have not made any material changes in our assumptions underlying these critical accounting policies or to the related significant estimates. The results of our business underlying these assumptions have not differed significantly from our expectations. While we believe the estimates we have made are proper and the related results of operations for the period are presented fairly in all material respects, other assumptions could reasonably be justified that would change the amount of reported net sales, cost of sales, and selling, general and administrative expenses as they relate to the provisions for anticipated sales returns, allowance for doubtful accounts and inventory obsolescence reserves. For 2019, had these estimates been changed simultaneously by 5% in either direction, our reported gross profit would have increased or decreased by approximately $0.5 million and selling, general and administrative expenses would have changed by approximately $0.1 million. The collective impact of these changes on 2019 op- erating income, net income attributable to Inter Parfums, Inc., and net income attributable to Inter Parfums, Inc. per diluted share would be an increase or decrease of approximately $0.5 million, $0.2 million and $0.01, respectively. RESULTS OF OPERATIONS Net Sales (in millions) Years Ended December 31, European-based product sales United States-based product sales Total net sales 2019 % Change 1% $542.1 24% 171.4 6% $713.5 $537.6 2018 % Change 13% 20% 138.0 $675.6 14% 2017 $476.5 114.8 $591.3 Net sales increased 6% in 2019 to $713.5 million, as compared to $675.6 million in 2018. At comparable foreign currency exchange rates, net sales increased 8%. Net sales increased 14% in 2018 to $675.6 million, as compared to $591.3 million in 2017. At compa- rable foreign currency exchange rates, net sales increased 13%. The average U.S. dollar/euro exchange rates were 1.12 in 2019 and 1.18 in 2018 and 1.13 in 2017. European based product sales increased 1% in 2019 to $542.1 million, as compared to $537.6 million in 2018. At comparable for- eign currency exchange rates, European based product sales increased 4% in 2019. European based product sales increased 13% in 2018 to $537.6 million, as compared to $476.5 million in 2017. At comparable foreign currency exchange rates, European based product sales increased 11% in 2018. European based product sales came in as expected in 2019 despite fighting a stronger dollar throughout the year. Our largest brand, Montblanc, grew full year sales by 23% with the excellent performance of the new Montblanc Explorer scent as well as the continued strength of the brand’s Legend fragrance family. In constant dollars, Jimmy Choo brand sales were up slightly. However, due to the strengthening of the dollar brand sales for our second largest brand were down nominally in actual dollars. Coach brand sales were also down slightly in 2019 in actual dollars but ahead of 2018 in constant dollars. Of note, Coach brand sales in 2018 were 73.3% ahead of the prior year. Two of our mid-sized brands, Karl Lagerfeld and Van Cleef & Arpels, achieved year-over-year sales growth of 5.0% and 6.8%, respectively. European based product sales in 2018 were stronger than our original expectations even though no new fragrance families were launched that year. Top line growth was primarily attributed to established scents and brand extensions for our largest brands. Coach brand sales accounted for much of the 2018 upside surprise with brand sales increasing 73.3% in 2018 to $99.7 million, as compared to $57.5 million in 2017, making it our portfolio’s third largest brand. The other largest brands in our European opera- tions portfolio performed as expected with Montblanc, Jimmy Choo and Lanvin, achieving year-over-year sales growth of 1%, 8%, and 7%, respectively. United States based product sales increased 24% in 2019 to $171.4 million, as compared to $138.0 million in 2018. GUESS brand fragrances had an extraordinary year due to the addition of two brand extensions, 1981 Los Angeles and Seductive Noir, the con- tinued popularity of legacy scents, and the success of our international distribution and marketing programs. Also contributing management’s discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations 67 to the top line growth by U.S. operations were Abercrombie & Fitch and Hollister, both of which achieved significant sales Net Sales to Customers by Region (in millions) growth spurred by the launch of the Authentic fragrance duo Years ended December 31, for Abercrombie & Fitch, and brand extensions for the Wave North America and Festival fragrance families for Hollister. Oscar de la Renta Western Europe fragrance sales rose slightly, supported by legacy scents and Asia our growing Bella fragrance family. Middle East United States based product sales increased 20% in 2018 to Eastern Europe $138.0 million, as compared to $114.8 million in 2017. The in- Central & South America clusion of legacy GUESS fragrances, which began in the second Other quarter of 2018, was a major contributor to the increase in net sales. Also factoring into the 2018 increase was the successful 2019 $234.2 185.5 106.3 72.6 55.3 46.2 13.4 $713.5 2018 $210.1 180.9 109.0 59.3 52.8 51.7 11.8 2017 $176.9 165.4 88.0 50.5 49.4 51.2 9.9 $675.6 $591.3 launch of brand extensions for Abercrombie & Fitch and Hol- Virtually all regions registered growth for the year ended lister. With the popularity of Anna Sui fragrances throughout December 31, 2019, as compared to 2018 with Central and Asia, we enjoyed dramatic increases in Anna Sui brand sales South America being the only decline. Even Asia, which ap- in that region in 2018. pears to be down slightly in 2019, is actually up in constant We maintain confidence in our future as we continue to dollars. The strongest gains were achieved by the Middle East, strengthen advertising and promotional investments sup- North America and Eastern Europe, which increased sales by porting all portfolio brands, accelerate brand development 22%, 11% and 5%, respectively. For the year ended December and build upon the strength of our worldwide distribution 31, 2018, as compared to 2017, the strongest gains were network. We have a more robust launch schedule in 2020 on achieved by Asia, North America and the Middle East, which both sides of the Atlantic. For U.S. operations, the most im- increased sales by 24%, 19% and 17%, respectively. portant launch will be our first blockbuster scent for women under the GUESS brand unveiling this spring, domestically, followed in the fall by an international rollout. A new fra- Gross Margins (in millions) grance duo for Hollister, Canyon Escape, is scheduled for Years ended December 31, a spring launch. We look to Sky by Anna Sui to reinvigorate Net sales brand sales when it debuts in the fall of 2020. Our first fra- Cost of sales grance collection under the Graff label debuts in Harrod’s Gross margin for a six-month exclusive starting in the spring, followed by Gross margin as 2019 $713.5 267.6 $445.9 2018 $675.6 248.0 2017 $591.3 215.0 $427.6 $376.3 select international luxury distribution. For European opera- a percent of net sales 62.5% 63.3% 63.6% tions, our new Coach scent for women, Coach Dreams, came to market this winter. We have new women’s scents for the As a percentage of net sales, gross profit margin was 62.5%, Montblanc brand debuting in the spring, and for Kate Spade 63.3%, and 63.6% in 2019, 2018 and 2017, respectively. For New York our first scent is coming to market this summer. European based operations, gross profit margin as a percent- For Jimmy Choo our new women’s fragrance launch should age of net sales was 65.7%, 66.3% and 67.1% in 2019, 2018 and be close to year-end, with much of the sell-in continuing into 2017, respectively. We carefully monitor movements in foreign 2021. In addition, as always, we will strengthen fragrance currency exchange rates as over 45% of our European based families with brand extensions as well as limited edition and operations net sales is denominated in U.S. dollars, while most holiday programs throughout the year. of our costs are incurred in euro. From a margin standpoint, Lastly, we hope to benefit from our strong financial posi- a strong U.S. dollar has a positive effect on our gross margin tion to potentially acquire one or more brands, either on a while a weak U.S. dollar has a negative effect. The average dol- proprietary basis or as a licensee. However, we cannot as- lar/euro exchange rate was 1.12 in 2019, as compared to 1.18 sure you that any new license or acquisition agreements will in 2018. The stronger dollar in 2019 resulted in a benefit to our be consummated. gross margin in 2019, however, our new Montblanc Explorer 68 product line has a greater than typical cost of sales, which For United States operations, selling, general and ad- more than offset the benefit of the stronger dollar. ministrative expenses increased 20.2% in 2019 and 25.0% in The small fluctuation in gross margin as a percentage of 2018, as compared to the corresponding prior year period and sales for our European operations in 2018, as compared to represented 38.5%, 39.8% and 38.2% of sales in 2019, 2018 2017, is primarily the effect of exchange rate changes as the and 2017, respectively. The increase, which is also in line with average dollar/euro exchange rate was 1.18 in 2018, as com- the increase in sales, is the result of royalties and promo- pared to 1.13 in 2017. tional and advertising expenses required under our license For United States operations, gross profit margin was agreements. 52.5%, 51.4% and 49.3% in 2019, 2018 and 2017, respectively. Promotion and advertising included in selling, general and Sales growth for our United States operations has primarily administrative expenses aggregated $144.6 million, $139.7 come from increased sales of higher margin prestige products million and $123.7 million in 2019, 2018 and 2017, respective- under licenses. ly. Promotion and advertising as a percentage of sales repre- Costs relating to purchase with purchase and gift with pur- sented 20.3%, 20.7% and 20.9% of net sales in 2019, 2018 and chase promotions are reflected in cost of sales, and aggregat- 2017, respectively. We continue to invest heavily in promotional ed $38.9 million, $36.4 million and $33.8 million in 2019, 2018 spending to support new product launches and to build brand and 2017, respectively, and represented 5.5%, 5.4% and 5.7% of awareness. We anticipated that on a full year basis, promotion net sales, respectively. and advertising expenditure would aggregate approximately Generally, we do not bill customers for shipping and han- 21% of 2019 net sales, which was in line with prior year’s annu- dling costs and such costs, which aggregated $7.7 million, $7.1 al promotion and advertising expenditures as a percentage of million and $5.9 million in 2019, 2018 and 2017, respectively, sales. The slight decline in promotion and advertising expense are included in selling, general and administrative expenses in as a percentage of sales in 2019 is the result of minor fluctua- the consolidated statements of income. As such, our Compa- tions in launch schedules. ny’s gross margins may not be comparable to other companies, Royalty expense included in selling, general and admin- which may include these expenses as a component of cost of istrative expenses aggregated $53.0 million, $48.9 million goods sold. Selling, General & Administrative Expenses (in millions) and $39.6 million in 2019, 2018 and 2017, respectively. Royal- ty expense as a percentage of sales represented 7.4%, 7.2% and 6.7% of net sales in 2019, 2018 and 2017, respectively. The increase in 2019 and 2018, as a percentage of sales, is Years ended December 31, Selling, general 2019 2018 2017 directly related to new licenses and increased royalty based product sales. & administrative expenses $341.2 $332.8 $295.5 Service fees, which are fees paid within our European op- Selling, general & administrative expenses erations to third parties relating to the activities of our distri- bution subsidiaries, aggregated $7.5 million, $9.7 million and as a percent of net sales 47.8% 49.3% 50.0% $11.7 million in 2019, 2018 and 2017, respectively. The 2019 and 2018 decrease is primarily the result of the discontinuation of Although selling, general and administrative expenses increased certain European distribution subsidiaries, and a return to a 2.5% in 2019 as compared to 2018 and increased 12.6% in 2018 as third party distribution model in those territories. compared to 2017, as a percentage of sales, selling, general and administrative expenses exhibited a steady decrease, and were 47.8%, 49.3% and 50.0% in 2019, 2018 and 2017, respectively. For Impairment Loss The Company reviews intangible assets with finite lives for im- European operations, selling, general and administrative expenses pairment whenever events or changes in circumstances indi- declined 1.0% in 2019 and increased 10.5% in 2018, as compared to cate that the carrying amount may not be recoverable. Product the corresponding prior year period and represented 50.8%, 51.7% sales of some of our mass market product lines have been and 52.8% of sales in 2019, 2018 and 2017, respectively. As dis- declining for many years. In 2017, the Company set in motion a cussed in more detail below, the fluctuations which are in line with plan to discontinue several of these product lines over the next the fluctuations in sales for European operations, are primarily few years. As a result, the Company recorded an impairment from variations in promotion and advertising expenditures. loss of $2.1 million in 2017. management’s discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations 69 Income from Operations As a result of the above analysis regarding net sales, gross federal corporate tax rate discussed above; (ii) a general elim- ination of U.S. federal income taxes on dividends from foreign profit margins, selling, general and administrative expenses subsidiaries; (iii) a provision designed to tax global intangible and impairment loss, income from operations increased 10.6% low-taxed income (“GILTI”); and (iv) a provision that allows a to $104.7 million in 2019 as compared to $94.7 million in 2018, domestic corporation an immediate deduction for a portion of which was an increase of 20.5% from $78.6 million in 2017. its foreign derived intangible income (“FDII”). Operating margins aggregated 14.7%, 14.0% and 13.3% for the The Securities and Exchange Commission staff issued Staff years ended December 31, 2019, 2018 and 2017, respectively. Accounting Bulletin (“SAB”) 118, which provides a measurement In summary, small fluctuations in gross margin were mitigat- period that was not to extend beyond one year from the Tax Act ed by small fluctuations in selling, general and administrative enactment date for companies to complete the related account- expenses, primarily promotion and advertising expenditures. ing under ASC 740, Accounting for Income Taxes. In accordance Overall the Company has been able to increase sales with a with SAB 118, a company must reflect the income tax effects of steady increase in its operating margin. those aspects of the Tax Act for which the accounting under ASC Other Income and Expenses Interest expense aggregated $2.1 million, $2.6 million and 740 is complete. To the extent that a company’s accounting for a certain income tax effect of the Tax Act was incomplete, but it was able to determine a reasonable estimate, it was required to $2.0 million in 2019, 2018 and 2017, respectively. Interest record a provisional estimate in the financial statements. expense is primarily related to the financing of brand and In connection with its initial analysis of the impact of the Tax licensing acquisitions. We use the credit lines available to Act, the Company recorded a tax expense of $1.1 million for us, as needed, to finance our working capital needs as well the year ended December 31, 2017. This estimate consists of as our financing needs for acquisitions. Long-term debt in- no expense for the one-time transition tax, and an expense of cluding current maturities aggregated $23.1 million, $46.1 $1.1 million related to revaluation of deferred tax assets and li- million and $60.6 million as of December 31, 2019, 2018 and abilities caused by the lower corporate tax rate. There were no 2017, respectively. material differences between the Company’s 2017 estimates Foreign currency losses aggregated $1.1 million, $0.3 million and the final calculated amounts. and $1.5 million in 2019, 2018 and 2017, respectively. We typi- The Company has estimated of the effect of GILTI and has cally enter into foreign currency forward exchange contracts to determined that it has no tax liability related to GILTI as of De- manage exposure related to receivables from unaffiliated third cember 31, 2019 and 2018. parties denominated in a foreign currency and occasionally to The Tax Act also contains a provision that allows a domestic manage risks related to future sales expected to be denominat- corporation an immediate deduction for a portion of its foreign ed in a foreign currency. Over 45% of 2019 net sales of our Euro- derived intangible income (“FDII”). The Company estimated pean operations were denominated in U.S. dollars. the effect of FDII and recorded a tax benefit of $0.9 million and Interest and dividend income aggregated $3.7 million, $0.6 million as of December 31, 2019 and 2018, respectively. $4.0 million and $3.0 million in 2019, 2018 and 2017, respec- Our effective income tax rate was 27.7%, 27.3% and 29.2% in tively. Cash and cash equivalents and short-term invest- 2019, 2018 and 2017, respectively. The French government had ments are primarily invested in certificates of deposit with introduced a 3% tax on dividends or deemed dividends for en- var ying maturities. Income Taxes In December 2017, the U.S. government passed the Tax Cuts and tities subject to French corporate income tax in 2012. In 2017, the French Constitutional Court released a decision declaring that the 3% tax on dividends or deemed dividends is unconsti- tutional. As a result of that decision, the Company filed a claim Jobs Act (“the Tax Act”). The Tax Act made broad and complex for refund of approximately $3.9 million for these taxes paid changes to the U.S. tax code, including, but not limited to reducing since 2015 including accrued interest of approximately $0.4 the U.S. federal corporate tax rate from 35% to 21% beginning in million. The Company recorded the refund claim as of Decem- 2018, and requiring companies to pay a one-time transition tax on ber 31, 2017 and received the entire refund in 2018. certain unremitted earnings of foreign subsidiaries. Excluding the 2017 adjustment to deferred tax benefit as a The Tax Act also established new tax laws that took effect in result of the Tax Act and the 2017 claim for refund, our effec- 2018, including, but not limited to: (i) the reduction of the U.S. tive tax rate for 2017 was 32.4%. 70 The French authorities are considering that the existence of IP Suisse, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Interparfums SA, does not, in and of itself, constitute a permanent establishment and therefore Interparfums, SA should pay French taxes on all or part of the profits of that entity. The French Tax Authority recently notified the Company that IP Suisse will be the subject of a tax audit covering the period January 1, 2010 through December 31, 2018. No claim or assessment for any taxes or penalties has been made at this time. The Company disagrees and is prepared to vigorously defend its position. Consequently, no provision has been made in the accompanying financial statements as we believe it is more likely than not that our position will be sustained based on its technical merits. Although we believe that we have sufficient arguments to support our position, there exists a risk that the French authorities may prevail. The Company’s exposure in connection with this matter is approximately $5.8 million, net of recover taxes already paid to the Swiss authorities, and excluding interest. Lastly, pursuant to an action plan released by the French Prime Minister, the French corporate income tax rate is expected to be cut from approximately 33% to 25% over a three-year period which began in 2020. Other than as discussed above, we did not experience any significant changes in tax rates, and none were expected in jurisdictions where we operate. Net Income and Earnings per Share (In thousands, except share and per share data) Years ended December, 31 Net income attributable to European operations Net income attributable to United States operations Net income Less: Net income attributable to the noncontolling interest Net income attributable to Inter Parfums, Inc. Net income attributable to Inter Parfums, Inc. common shareholders: Basic Diluted Weighted average number of shares outstanding: Basic Diluted 2019 $56,343 19,727 76,070 15,821 $60,249 2018 $56,469 13,246 69,715 15,922 2017 $48,236 7,017 55,253 13,659 $53,793 $41,594 $1.92 1.90 $1.72 1.71 $1.33 1.33 31,451,093 31,688,700 31,307,991 31,522,371 31,172,285 31,305,101 Net income has continued to increase over the past three years, and aggregated $76.1 million, $69.7 million and $55.3 million in 2019, 2018 and 2017, respectively. Net income attributable to European operations was $56.3 million, $56.5 million and $48.2 mil- lion in 2019, 2018 and 2017, respectively, while net income attributable to United States operations was $19.7 million, $13.2 million and $7.0 million in 2019, 2018 and 2017, respectively. The fluctuations in net income for European operations are directly related to the previous discussions relating to changes in sales, gross profit margins, selling, general and administrative expenses and the French tax refund. For United States operations the significant fluctuations in net income are also directly related to the previous discussions relat- ing to changes in sales, gross profit margins and selling, general and administrative expenses. In addition, results for 2017 include the effect of the $2.1 million impairment loss. The noncontrolling interest arises primarily from our 73% owned subsidiary in Paris, Interparfums SA, which is also a publicly traded company as 27% of Interparfums SA shares trade on the NYSE Euronext. Net income attributable to the noncontrolling in- terest is related to the profitability of our European operations, and aggregated 28.1%, 28.2% and 28.3% of European operations net income in 2019, 2018 and 2017, respectively. Net income attributable to Inter Parfums, Inc. aggregated $60.2 million, $53.8 million and $41.6 million in 2019, 2018 and 2017, respectively. Net margins attributable to Inter Parfums, Inc. aggregated 8.4%, 8.0% and 7.0% in 2019, 2018 and 2017, respectively. management’s discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations 71 Liquidity and Capital Resources The Company’s financial position remains strong. At December Our business is not capital intensive as we do not own any manufacturing facilities. On a full year basis, we spent approxi- 31, 2019, working capital aggregated $389 million, and we had mately $5.4 million on capital expenditures including tools and a working capital ratio of over 3 to 1. Cash and cash equiva- molds needed to support our new product development calen- lents and short-term investments aggregated $253 million dar. Capital expenditures also include amounts for office fix- most of which is held in euro by our European operations and tures, computer equipment and industrial equipment needed is readily convertible into U.S. dollars. We have not had any at our distribution centers. Payments for licenses, trademarks liquidity issues to date, and do not expect any liquidity issues and other intangible assets primarily represent upfront entry relating to such cash and cash equivalents and short-term fees incurred in connection with new license agreements. In investments held by our European operations. Approximately December 2016, the Company agreed to a buyout of one of its 81% of the Company’s total assets are held by European op- licenses, effective December 31, 2016, for a payment aggre- erations including approximately $176 million of trademarks, gating approximately $5.9 million. The Company received the licenses and other intangible assets. buyout payment in May 2017. The Company hopes to benefit from its strong financial po- In 2018, in connection with a new license agreement, we sition to potentially acquire one or more brands, either on a agreed to pay $15.0 million in equal annual installments of $1.1 proprietary basis or as a licensee. Opportunities for external million including interest imputed at 4.1%. In 2015, in connec- growth continue to be examined, with the priority of maintain- tion with a brand acquisition, we entered into a 5-year term ing the quality and homogeneous nature of our portfolio. How- loan payable in equal quarterly installments of Ð5.0 million ever, we cannot assure you that any new license or acquisition (approximately $5.6 million) plus interest. In order to reduce agreements will be consummated. exposure to rising variable interest rates, we entered into a Cash provided by operating activities aggregated $76.5 swap transaction effectively exchanging the variable interest million, $63.0 million and $35.9 million in 2019, 2018 and rate to a fixed rate of approximately 1.2%. 2017, respectively. In 2019, working capital items used $11.7 Our short-term financing requirements are expected to be million in cash from operating activities, as compared to met by available cash on hand at December 31, 2019, cash gen- $20.9 million in 2018 and $32.5 million in 2017. Although ac- erated by operations and short-term credit lines provided by do- counts receivable is up slightly from that of the prior year, mestic and foreign banks. The principal credit facilities for 2020 day’s sales outstanding improved to 68 days in 2019, as com- consist of a $20.0 million unsecured revolving line of credit pro- pared to 71 days and 67 days in 2018 and 2017, respectively. vided by a domestic commercial bank and approximately $28.1 Inventory days on hand aggregated 225 days in 2019, as com- million in credit lines provided by a consortium of international pared to 223 days in 2018 and 189 days in 2017, respectively. financial institutions. There were no balances due from short- The increase in 2018 was primarily the result of the required term borrowings as of December 31, 2019 and 2018. buildup of inventory for new licenses entered into in 2018 Purchase of subsidiary shares from noncontrolling interest where we do not have a full year of sales. At year-end 2019, primarily represents the purchase of treasury shares of Inter- higher inventory levels were needed to support our robust parfums SA, which are expected to be issued to Interparfums new product launch schedule for 2020. In terms of cash flow, SA employees pursuant to its Free Share Plan. inventory levels at December 31, 2019 are up only 3.7% from In October 2017, our Board authorized a 24% increase in the that date of the prior year. annual dividend to $0.84 per share. In October 2018, our Board Cash flows used in investing activities reflect the purchase authorized a 31% increase in the annual dividend to $1.10 per and sales of short-term investments. These investments are share and in October 2019, our Board authorized a further 20% primarily certificates of deposit with maturities greater than increase in the annual dividend to $1.32 per share. The next three months. At December 31, 2019, approximately $65 mil- quarterly cash dividend of $0.33 per share is payable on April lion of certificates of deposit contain penalties where we would 15, 2020 to shareholders of record on March 31, 2020. Divi- forfeit a portion of the interest earned in the event of early dends paid, including dividends paid once per year to noncon- withdrawal. trolling stockholders of Interparfums SA, aggregated $44.2 72 report on internal control over financial reporting million, $35.0 million and $27.2 million for the years ended December 31, 2019, 2018 and 2017, respectively. The cash dividends to be paid in 2020 are not expected to have any significant impact on our financial position. We believe that funds provided by or used in operations can be supplemented by our present cash position and available credit facili- ties, so that they will provide us with sufficient resources to meet all present and reasonably foreseeable future operating needs. Inflation rates in the U.S. and foreign countries in which we operate did not have a significant impact on operating results for the year ended December 31, 2019. Contractual Obligations The following table summarizes our contractual obligations over the periods indicated, as well as our total contractual obligations ($ in thousands): Contractual Obligations Long-Term Debt Lease Liabilities Purchase Obligations(1) Total Total $23,060 $29,991 $1,665,369 $1,718,420 Payments Due by Period Less than Years Year More than 5-years $6,450 1-year $12,326 2-3 $2,142 4-5 $2,142 $5,871 $173,159 $191,356 $9,772 $350,386 $362,300 $7,759 $344,796 $354,697 $6,589 $797,028 $810,067 (1) Consists of purchase commitments for advertising and promotional items, minimum royalty guarantees, including fixed or minimum obligations, and estimates of such obligations subject to variable price provisions. Future advertising commitments were estimated based on planned future sales for the license terms that were in effect at December 31, 2019, without consideration for potential renewal periods and do not reflect the fact that our distributors share our advertising obligations. MANAGEMENT’S ANNUAL REPORT ON INTERNAL CONTROL OVER FINANCIAL REPORTING The management of Inter Parfums, Inc. is responsible for establishing and maintaining adequate internal control over financial reporting as defined in Rule 13(a)-15(f) under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. With the participation of the Chief Executive Officer and the Chief Financial Officer, our management conducted an evaluation of the effectiveness of our internal control over financial reporting based on the framework and criteria established in Internal Control – Integrated Framework (2013), issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission. Based on this evaluation, our management has conclud- ed that our internal control over financial reporting was effective as of December 31, 2019. Our independent auditor, Mazars USA LLP, a registered public accounting firm, has issued its report on its audit of our internal control over financial reporting. This report appears on the following page. Jean Madar Russell Greenberg Chief Executive Officer, Executive Vice President Chairman of the and Chief Financial Officer Board of Directors report of independent registered public accounting firm 73 REPORT OF INDEPENDENT REGISTERED We conducted our audits in accordance with the standards PUBLIC ACCOUNTING FIRM To Shareholders and the Board of Directors of Inter Parfums, Inc. Opinions on the Financial Statements and Internal Control over Financial Reporting of the PCAOB. Those standards require that we plan and per- form the audits to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement, whether due to error or fraud, and whether effective internal control over financial reporting was maintained in all material We have audited the accompanying consolidated balance sheets respects. of Inter Parfums, Inc. (the “Company”) as of December 31, 2019 Our audits of the consolidated financial statements included and 2018, and the related consolidated statements of income, performing procedures to assess the risks of material mis- comprehensive income, shareholders’ equity, and cash flows statement of the consolidated financial statements, whether for each of the years in the three-year period ended December due to error or fraud, and performing procedures that respond 31, 2019, and the related notes and the schedule listed in the to those risks. Such procedures included examining, on a test Index in Item 15(a)(2) (collectively referred to as the “finan- basis, evidence regarding the amounts and disclosures in the cial statements”). We also have audited the Company’s inter- consolidated financial statements. Our audits also includ- nal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2019, ed evaluating the accounting principles used and significant based on criteria established in Internal Control - Integrated estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the Framework: (2013) issued by the Committee of Sponsoring overall presentation of the consolidated financial statements. Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO). Our audit of internal control over financial reporting included In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements re- obtaining an understanding of internal control over financial ferred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the fi- reporting, assessing the risk that a material weakness exists, nancial position of the Company as of December 31, 2019 and and testing and evaluating the design and operating effective- 2018, and the results of its operations and its cash flows for ness of internal control based on the assessed risk. Our audits each of the years in the three-year period ended December 31, also included performing such other procedures as we consid- 2019, in conformity with accounting principles generally ac- ered necessary in the circumstances. We believe that our au- cepted in the United States of America. Also in our opinion, the dits provide a reasonable basis for our opinions. Company maintained, in all material respects, effective inter- nal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2019, Definition and Limitations of Internal Control based on criteria established in Internal Control - Integrated over Financial Reporting Framework: (2013) issued by COSO. A company’s internal control over financial reporting is a process Basis for Opinion designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reli- ability of financial reporting and the preparation of consolidated The Company’s management is responsible for these consol- financial statements for external purposes in accordance with idated financial statements, for maintaining effective internal generally accepted accounting principles. A company’s internal control over financial reporting, and for its assessment of control over financial reporting includes those policies and pro- the effectiveness of internal control over financial reporting cedures that (1) pertain to the maintenance of records that, in included in the accompanying Management’s Annual Report reasonable detail, accurately and fairly reflect the transactions on Internal Control over Financial Reporting. Our responsi- and dispositions of the assets of the company; (2) provide rea- bility is to express an opinion on the Company’s consolidated sonable assurance that transactions are recorded as necessary financial statements and an opinion on the Company’s internal to permit preparation of consolidated financial statements in ac- control over financial reporting based on our audits. We are cordance with generally accepted accounting principles, and that a public accounting firm registered with the Public Company receipts and expenditures of the company are being made only Accounting Oversight Board (United States) (“PCAOB”) and in accordance with authorizations of management and directors are required to be independent with respect to the Company of the company; and (3) provide reasonable assurance regarding in accordance with the U.S. federal securities laws and the ap- prevention or timely detection of unauthorized acquisition, use, plicable rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange or disposition of the company’s assets that could have a material Commission and the PCAOB. effect on the consolidated financial statements. 74 report of independent registered public accounting firm Because of its inherent limitations, internal control over fi- The determination of the future cash flows of the intangible nancial reporting may not prevent or detect misstatements. assets requires management to make significant estimates and Also, projections of any evaluation of effectiveness to future peri- assumptions related to forecasts of future revenues, operat- ods are subject to the risk that controls may become inadequate ing margins and discount rates. As disclosed by management, because of changes in conditions, or that the degree of compli- changes in these assumptions could have a significant impact ance with the policies or procedures may deteriorate. on either the future cash flows and therefore, on the amount Critical Audit Matters of any impairment charge. The determination of an impairment indicator on the finite – life intangible assets requires manage- The critical audit matters communicated below are matters ment judgments and involves assumptions. arising from the current period audit of the consolidated fi- We identified the impairment assessment of intangible as- nancial statements that were communicated or required to be sets as a critical audit matter. Auditing management’s judg- communicated to the audit committee and that: (1) relate to ments regarding the evaluation of impairment indicators, accounts or disclosures that are material to the consolidated forecasts of future revenue and operating margin, and the dis- financial statements and (2) involved our especially challeng- count rate to be applied involve a high degree of subjectivity. ing, subjective, or complex judgments. The communication of The primary procedures we performed to address this criti- critical audit matters does not alter in any way our opinion on cal audit matter included: the consolidated financial statements, taken as a whole, and • Reviewing the analysis of the identification of impairment we are not, by communicating the critical audit matters below, evidence for each indefinite and finite-life asset based on three providing separate opinions on the critical audit matters or on indicators (sales analysis, new products launches, payment of the accounts or disclosures to which they relate. minimum guarantees), and then corroborate that analysis with As described in Notes 1 and 7 to the consolidated financial external information and evidence obtained in other areas of statements, the Company’s consolidated indefinite and finite the audit. —life intangible assets balance was $202 million at December • Testing the effectiveness of controls relating to 31, 2019. Indefinite lived intangible assets principally consist of management’s impairment tests, including controls over trademarks and finite-lived intangible assets represent fees to the impairment indi- cators and determination of the future acquire, or enter into a license. cash flows. Those intangible assets are tested for impairment as follows: • In testing management’s process for determining the future • Indefinite – life intangible assets are tested for impairment cash flows we evaluated the reasonableness of manage- at least annually at the reporting unit level or more ment’s forecasts of future revenue and operating margin by frequently when events occur or circumstances change. performing a retrospective review in comparing these fore- The evaluation requires a comparison of the estimated fair casts to historical operating results and evaluating whether value of the asset to the carrying value of the asset. The the assumptions used were reasonable considering current fair value is estimated based upon discounted future cash information as well as future expectations as well as using flow projections. If the carrying value of an indefinite-lived additional evidence obtained in other areas of the audit. intangible asset exceeds its fair value, an impairment charge • Utilizing a valuation specialist to assist in auditing is recorded. the discount rate. It includes evaluating whether the • Finite – life intangible assets are tested for impairment assumptions used were reasonable by comparing with third testing whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate party market data. that the carrying amount of the asset may not be recoverable. If impairment indicators exist, the undiscounted future cash flows associated with the expected service potential of the asset are compared to the carrying value of the asset. If the projection of undiscounted cash flows is less than the carrying We have served as the Company’s auditor since 2004. value of a finite-lived intangible asset, an impairment charge New York, New York would be recorded. March 2, 2020 financial statements 75 INTER PARFUMS, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS (In thousands, except share and per share data) Years Ended December 31, ASSETS Current assets: Cash and cash equivalents Short-term investments Accounts receivable, net Inventories Receivables, other Other current assets Income taxes receivable Total current assets Equipment and leasehold improvements, net Rights of use assets, net Trademarks, licenses and other intangible assets, net Deferred tax assets Other assets Total assets LIABILITIES AND EQUITY Current liabilities: Current portion of long-term debt Current portion of lease liabilities Accounts payable - trade Accrued expenses Income taxes payable Dividends payable Total current liabilities Long–term debt, less current portion Lease liabilities, less current portion Equity: Inter Parfums, Inc. shareholders’ equity: Preferred stock, $0.001 par value. Authorized 1,000,000 shares; none issued − Common stock, $0.001 par value. Authorized 100,000,000 shares; outstanding, 31,513,018 and 31,382,127 shares at December 31, 2019 and 2018, respectively Additional paid-in capital Retained earnings Accumulated other comprehensive loss Treasury stock, at cost, 9,864,805 common shares at December 31, 2019 and 2018 Total Inter Parfums, Inc. shareholders’ equity Noncontrolling interest Total equity Total liabilities and equity (See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.) 31 70,664 474,637 (39,853) (37,475) 468,004 140,994 608,998 $828,832 2019 2018 $192,417 $193,136 60,714 133,010 167,809 2,054 17,123 169 573,296 11,107 28,359 201,983 8,004 6,083 $828,832 12,326 5,356 54,098 96,421 5,865 10,399 184,465 10,734 24,635 67,870 133,320 161,778 2,112 12,576 810 571,602 9,839 - 204,325 5,761 6,302 $797,829 23,155 - 58,328 94,668 4,396 8,630 189,177 22,906 - - 31 69,970 448,731 (33,650) (37,475) 447,607 138,139 585,746 $797,829 76 INTER PARFUMS, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF INCOME (In thousands, except share and per share data) Years Ended December 31, Net sales Cost of sales Gross margin Selling, general, and administrative expenses Impairment loss Income from operations Other expenses (income): Interest expense Loss on foreign currency Interest and dividend income Income before income taxes Income taxes Net income Less: Net income attributable to the noncontrolling interest Net income attributable to Inter Parfums, Inc. Net income attributable to Inter Parfums, Inc. common shareholders: Basic Diluted Weighted average number of shares outstanding: Basic Diluted Dividends declared per share (See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.) 2019 $713,514 267,578 445,936 341,209 − 104,727 2,146 1,128 (3,693) (419) 105,146 29,076 76,070 15,821 $60,249 $1.92 1.90 2018 $675,574 248,012 427,562 332,831 − 94,731 2,578 251 (3,957) (1,128) 95,859 26,144 69,715 15,922 2017 $591,251 214,965 376,286 295,540 2,123 78,623 1,992 1,549 (2,983) 558 78,065 22,812 55,253 13,659 $53,793 $41,594 $1.72 1.71 $1.33 1.33 31,451,093 31,688,700 $1.16 31,307,991 31,522,371 $0.91 31,172,285 31,305,101 $0.72 financial statements 77 INTER PARFUMS, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME (In thousands, except share and per share data) Years Ended December 31, Net income Other comprehensive income: Net derivative instrument, net of tax Transfer of OCI into earnings Translation adjustments, net of tax Comprehensive income Comprehensive income attributable to noncontrolling interests: Net income Net derivative instrument income (loss), net of tax Transfer of OCI into earnings Translation adjustments, net of tax Comprehensive income attributable to Inter Parfums, Inc. (See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.) 2019 $76,070 22 (136) (8,712) (8,826) 67,244 15,821 (30) − (2,593) 13,198 $54,046 2018 $69,715 175 (37) (22,555) (22,417) 47,298 15,922 39 − (6,638) 9,323 $37,975 2017 $55,253 54 22 55,995 56,071 111,324 13,659 17 5 15,899 29,580 $81,744 78 INTER PARFUMS, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CHANGES IN SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY (In thousands, except share and per share data) Years Ended December 31, Common stock, beginning and end of year Additional paid-in capital, beginning of year Shares issued upon exercise of stock options Purchase of subsidiary shares from noncontrolling interests Stock-based compensation Additional paid-in capital, end of year Retained earnings, beginning of year Net income Dividends Stock-based compensation Retained earnings, end of year Accumulated other comprehensive loss, beginning of year Foreign currency translation adjustment, net of tax Transfer from other comprehensive income into earnings Net derivative instrument gain, net of tax Accumulated other comprehensive loss, end of year 2019 $31 69,970 4,458 (5,167) 1,403 $70,664 448,731 60,249 (36,349) 2,006 474,637 (33,650) (6,119) (136) 52 (39,853) 2018 $31 66,004 3,406 (572) 1,132 2017 $31 63,103 1,963 - 938 $69,970 $66,004 422,570 (53,793) (28,356) 724 448,731 (17,832) (15,917) (37) 136 402,714 41,594 (22,460) 722 422,570 (57,982) 40,096 17 37 (33,650) (17,832) Treasury stock, beginning and end of year (37,475) (37,475) (37,475) Noncontrolling interest, beginning of year Net income Foreign currency translation adjustment, net of tax Transfer from other comprehensive income into earnings4 Net derivative instrument gain (loss), net of tax Purchase of subsidiary shares from noncontrolling interest Dividends Stock-based compensation Noncontrolling interest, end of year Total equity (See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.) 138,139 15,821 (2,593) − (30) (920) (9,654) 231 140,994 $608,998 137,339 15,922 (6,638) - 39 (236) (8,706) 419 138,139 $585,746 113,267 13,659 15,899 5 17 - (6,039) 531 137,339 $570,637 financial statements 79 INTER PARFUMS, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS (in thousands) Years ended December, 31 Cash flows from operating activities: Net income Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by operating activities: Depreciation and amortization including impairment loss Provision for doubtful accounts Noncash stock compensation Lease expense Deferred tax benefit Change in fair value of derivatives Changes in: Accounts receivable Inventories Other assets Accounts payable and accrued expenses Income taxes, net Net cash provided by operating activities Cash flows from investing activities: Purchases of short-term investments Proceeds from sale of short-term investments Purchase of equipment and leasehold improvements Payment for intangible assets acquired Proceeds from sale of trademark Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities Cash flows from financing activities: Repayment of long-term debt Proceeds from exercise of options Dividends paid Dividends paid to noncontrolling interests Purchase of subsidiary shares from noncontrolling interests Net cash used in financing activities Effect of exchange rate changes on cash Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents – beginning of year Cash and cash equivalents – end of year Supplemental disclosures of cash flow information: Cash paid for: Interest Income taxes (See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.) 2019 2018 2017 $76,070 $69,715 $55,253 8,729 1,380 3,394 1,068 (2,330) (169) 1,124 (5,925) (4,945) (4,960) 3,016 76,452 (38,958) 44,814 (5,427) (6,067) − (5,638) (22,321) 4,458 (34,579) (9,654) (6,087) (68,183) (3,350) (719) 193,136 $192,417 11,031 1,442 2,205 - (158) (302) (21,532) (29,341) (1,016) 25,592 5,405 63,041 (10,030) 8,859 (3,956) (8,509) - (13,636) (23,487) 3,406 (26,287) (8,706) (808) (55,882) (8,730) (15,207) 11,914 939 2,093 - (591) (1,254) (4,116) (28,518) (1,173) 5,696 (4,352) 35,891 (31,874) 66,981 (3,023) (1,046) 5,886 36,924 (22,362) 1,963 (21,192) (6,039) - (47,630) 21,330 46,515 208,343 $193,136 161,828 $208,343 $1,764 26,332 $1,745 24,995 $1,813 24,337 80 notes to consolidated financial statements (in thousands, except share and per share data) NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS estimates. Significant estimates for which changes in the near (1) The Company and its Significant term are considered reasonably possible and that may have a Accounting Policies Business Of The Company Inter Parfums, Inc. and its subsidiaries (the “Company”) are in the fragrance business and manufacture and distribute a wide array of fragrances and fragrance related products. material impact on the financial statements are disclosed in these notes to the consolidated financial statements. Foreign Currency Translation For foreign subsidiaries with operations denominated in a Substantially all of our prestige fragrance brands are li- foreign currency, assets and liabilities are translated to U.S. censed from unaffiliated third parties, and our business is dollars at year end exchange rates. Income and expense dependent upon the continuation and renewal of such licens- items are translated at average rates of exchange prevailing es. With respect to the Company’s largest brands, we own during the year. Gains and losses from translation adjust- the Lanvin brand name for our class of trade, and license the ments are accumulated in a separate component of share- Montblanc, Jimmy Choo, Coach, and GUESS brand names. As a holders’ equity. percentage of net sales, product sales for the Company’s larg- est brands were as follows: Year Ended December 31, Montblanc Jimmy Choo Coach 22% 16% 14% GUESS (license commenced April 1, 2018) 10% 8% Lanvin 2019 2018 2017 21% 19% 17% 15% n/a 10% 18% 10% n/a 11% Cash And Cash Equivalents And Short-Term Investments All highly liquid investments purchased with a maturity of three months or less are considered to be cash equivalents. From time to time, the Company has short-term investments which consist of certificates of deposit with maturities greater than three months. The Company monitors concentrations of credit risk associated with financial institutions with which the Company conducts significant business. The Company believes its credit risk is minimal, as the Company primarily conducts business with large, well-established financial institutions. No other brand represented 10% or more of consolidated Substantially all cash and cash equivalents are primarily held net sales. at financial institutions outside the United States and are read- ily convertible into U.S. dollars. Basis Of Preparation The consolidated financial statements include the accounts of the Company, including 73% owned Interparfums SA, a subsidiary Accounts Receivable Accounts receivable represent payments due to the Company whose stock is publicly traded in France. In 2018, the Company for previously recognized net sales, reduced by allowances for formed Interstellar Brands, LLC, (“Interstellar”), a wholly owned doubtful accounts or balances which are estimated to be un- subsidiary in the United States. Interstellar’s partnership with collectible, which aggregated $2.5 million and $2.6 million as IMG Models allows for the two groups to collaborate on exploring of December 31, 2019 and 2018, respectively. Accounts receiv- and developing compelling e-commerce businesses for clients able balances are written-off against the allowance for doubt- of IMG Models. All material intercompany balances and transac- ful accounts when they become uncollectible. Recoveries of tions have been eliminated. accounts receivable previously recorded against the allow- Management Estimates Management makes assumptions and estimates to prepare when received. We generally grant credit based upon our anal- ysis of the customer’s financial position, as well as previously ance are recorded in the consolidated statement of income financial statements in conformity with accounting principles established buying patterns. generally accepted in the United States of America. Those as- sumptions and estimates directly affect the amounts reported and disclosures included in the consolidated financial state- Inventories Inventories, including promotional merchandise, only include ments. Actual results could differ from those assumptions and inventory considered saleable or usable in future periods, and notes to consolidated financial statements (in thousands, except share and per share data) 81 are stated at the lower of cost and net realizable value, with inite-lived intangible assets for impairment at least annually cost being determined on the first-in, first-out method. Cost during the fourth quarter, or more frequently when events oc- components include raw materials, direct labor and over- cur or circumstances change, such as an unexpected decline head (e.g., indirect labor, utilities, depreciation, purchasing, in sales, that would more-likely-than-not indicate that the receiving, inspection and warehousing) as well as inbound carrying value of an indefinite-lived intangible asset may not freight. Promotional merchandise is charged to cost of sales be recoverable. When testing indefinite-lived intangible assets at the time the merchandise is shipped to the Company’s for impairment, the evaluation requires a comparison of the customers. estimated fair value of the asset to the carrying value of the asset. The fair values used in our evaluations are estimated Derivatives All derivative instruments are recorded as either assets or based upon discounted future cash flow projections using a weighted average cost of capital of 7.94% and 6.21% in 2019 liabilities and measured at fair value. The Company uses de- and 2018, respectively. The cash flow projections are based rivative instruments to principally manage a variety of market upon a number of assumptions, including future sales levels, risks. For derivatives designated as hedges of the exposure future cost of goods and operating expense levels, as well as to changes in fair value of the recognized asset or liability economic conditions, changes to our business model or chang- or a firm commitment (referred to as fair value hedges), the es in consumer acceptance of our products which are more gain or loss is recognized in earnings in the period of change subjective in nature. If the carrying value of an indefinite-lived together with the offsetting loss or gain on the hedged item intangible asset exceeds its fair value, an impairment charge attributable to the risk being hedged. The effect of that ac- is recorded. counting is to include in earnings the extent to which the Intangible assets subject to amortization are evaluated for hedge is not effective in achieving offsetting changes in fair impairment testing whenever events or changes in circum- value. For cash flow hedges, the effective portion of the de- stances indicate that the carrying amount of an amortizable rivative’s gain or loss is initially reported in equity (as a com- intangible asset may not be recoverable. If impairment indica- ponent of accumulated other comprehensive income) and is tors exist for an amortizable intangible asset, the undiscount- subsequently reclassified into earnings in the same period or ed future cash flows associated with the expected service periods during which the hedged forecasted transaction af- potential of the asset are compared to the carrying value of the fects earnings. The ineffective portion of the gain or loss of asset. If our projection of undiscounted future cash flows is in a cash flow hedge is reported in earnings immediately. The excess of the carrying value of the intangible asset, no impair- Company also holds certain instruments for economic pur- ment charge is recorded. If our projection of undiscounted fu- poses that are not designated for hedge accounting treatment. ture cash flows is less than the carrying value of the intangible For these derivative instruments, changes in their fair value asset, an impairment charge would be recorded to reduce the are recorded in earnings immediately. intangible asset to its fair value. Equipment And Leasehold Improvements Equipment and leasehold improvements are stated at cost Revenue Recognition The Company sells its products to department stores, perfum- less accumulated depreciation and amortization. Depreciation eries, specialty stores and domestic and international whole- and amortization are provided using the straight line method salers and distributors. Our revenue contracts represent over the estimated useful lives for equipment, which range single performance obligations to sell our products to cus- between three and ten years and the shorter of the lease term tomers. Sales of such products by our domestic subsidiaries or estimated useful asset lives for leasehold improvements. are denominated in U.S. dollars, and sales of such products by Depreciation provided on equipment used to produce invento- our foreign subsidiaries are primarily denominated in either ry, such as tools and molds, is included in cost of sales. euro or U.S. dollars. The Company recognizes revenues when Long-Lived Assets Indefinite-lived intangible assets principally consist of trade- contract terms are met, the price is fixed and determinable, collectability is reasonably assured and control of the assets has passed to the customer based on the agreed upon ship- marks which are not amortized. The Company evaluates indef- ping terms. Net sales are comprised of gross revenues less 82 returns, trade discounts and allowances. The Company does promotions as cost of sales. Certain other incentive arrange- not bill its customers’ freight and handling charges. All ship- ments require the payment of a fee to customers based on ping and handling costs, which aggregated $7.7 million, $7.1 their attainment of pre-established sales levels. These fees million and $5.9 million in 2019, 2018 and 2017, respectively, have been recorded as a reduction of net sales. are included in selling, general and administrative expenses in the consolidated statements of income. The Company grants credit to all qualified customers and does not believe it is ex- Advertising and Promotion Advertising and promotional costs are expensed as incurred posed significantly to any undue concentration of credit risk. and recorded as a component of cost of goods sold (in the case No one customer represented 10% or more of net sales in 2019, of free goods given to customers) or selling, general and ad- 2018 or 2017. Sales Returns Generally, the Company does not permit customers to return ministrative expenses. Advertising and promotional costs in- cluded in selling, general and administrative expenses were $144.6 million, $139.7 million and $123.7 million for 2019, 2018 and 2017, respectively. Costs relating to purchase with pur- their unsold products. However, for U.S. based customers, we chase and gift with purchase promotions that are reflected in allow returns if properly requested, authorized and approved. cost of sales aggregated $38.9 million, $36.4 million and $33.8 The Company regularly reviews and revises, as deemed nec- million in 2019, 2018 and 2017, respectively. essary, its estimate of reserves for future sales returns based primarily upon historic trends and relevant current data including information provided by retailers regarding their Package Development Costs Package development costs associated with new products inventory levels. In addition, as necessary, specific accruals and redesigns of existing product packaging are expensed as may be established for significant future known or anticipat- incurred. ed events. The types of known or anticipated events that we consider include, but are not limited to, the financial condition of our customers, store closings by retailers, changes in the Operating Leases The Company leases its offices and warehouses, vehicles, and retail environment and our decision to continue to support new certain office equipment, substantially all of which are classi- and existing products. The Company records its estimate of fied as operating leases. The Company currently has no materi- potential sales returns as a reduction of sales and cost of sales al financing leases. The Company determines if an arrangement with corresponding entries to accrued expenses, to record the is a lease at inception. Operating lease assets and obligations refund liability, and inventory, for the right to recover goods are recognized at the lease commencement date based on the from the customer. The refund liability associated with esti- present value of lease payments over the lease term. mated returns was $4.1 million and $2.2 million at December 31, 2019 and 2018, respectively, and the amounts recognized for the rights to recover products was $1.6 million and $0.8 License Agreements The Company’s license agreements generally provide the million at December 31, 2019 and 2018, respectively. The Company with worldwide rights to manufacture, market and physical condition and marketability of returned products are sell fragrance and fragrance related products using the licen- the major factors we consider in estimating realizable value. sors’ trademarks. The licenses typically have an initial term Actual returns, as well as estimated realizable values of re- of approximately 5 to 15 years, and are potentially renewable turned products, may differ significantly, either favorably or subject to the Company’s compliance with the license agree- unfavorably, from our estimates, if factors such as economic ment provisions. The remaining terms, excluding potential re- conditions, inventory levels or competitive conditions differ newal periods, range from approximately 1 to 14 years. Under from our expectations. each license, the Company is required to pay royalties in the Payments to Customers The Company records revenues generated from purchase with net sales to third parties. In certain cases, the Company may pay an entry fee to acquire, purchase and gift with purchase promotions as sales and the or enter into, a license where the licensor or another licens- costs of its purchase with purchase and gift with purchase ee was operating a pre-existing fragrance business. In those range of 5% to 10% to the licensor, at least annually, based on notes to consolidated financial statements notes to consolidated financial statements (in thousands, except share and per share data) (in thousands, except share and per share data) 83 cases, the entry fee is capitalized as an intangible asset and are held in treasury for general corporate purposes, includ- amortized over its useful life. ing issuances under various employee stock option plans. Most license agreements require minimum royalty pay- Treasury shares are accounted for under the cost method ments, incremental royalties based on net sales levels and and reported as a reduction of equity. Share Repurchase minimum spending on advertising and promotional activities. Authorizations may be suspended, limited or terminated at Royalty expenses are accrued in the period in which net sales any time without notice. are recognized while advertising and promotional expenses are accrued at the time these costs are incurred. In addition, the Company is exposed to certain concentration Recent Accounting Pronouncements In August 2017, the Financial Accounting Standards Board risk. Most of our prestige fragrance brands are licensed from (“FASB”) issued an Accounting Standards Update (“ASU”) unaffiliated third parties, and our business is dependent upon to improve accounting for hedging activities. The objective the continuation and renewal of such licenses. of the ASU is to improve the financial reporting of hedging relationships in order to better portray the economic results Income Taxes The Company accounts for income taxes using an asset and of an entity’s risk management activities in its financial statements and to make certain targeted improvements to liability approach that requires the recognition of deferred simplify the application of hedge accounting guidance. This tax assets and liabilities for the expected future tax conse- ASU is effective for annual and interim periods beginning quences of events that have been recognized in its financial after December 15, 2018 and early adoption is permitted. statements or tax returns. The net deferred tax assets as- We have evaluated the standard and determined that there sume sufficient future earnings for their realization, as well has been no material impact on our consolidated financial as the continued application of currently enacted tax rates. statements. Included in net deferred tax assets is a valuation allowance In June 2016, the FASB issued ASU 2016-13, “Financial In- for deferred tax assets, where management believes it is struments - Credit Losses (Topic 326): Measurement of Cred- more-likely-than-not that the deferred tax assets will not it Losses on Financial Instruments”, as updated in 2019 and be realized in the relevant jurisdiction. If the Company de- 2020, which require a financial asset measured at amortized termines that a deferred tax asset will not be realizable, an cost basis to be presented at the net amount expected to be adjustment to the deferred tax asset will result in a reduction collected. The new rules eliminate the probable initial recogni- of net earnings at that time. Accrued interest and penalties tion threshold and, instead, reflect an entity’s current estimate are included within the related tax asset or liability in the ac- of all expected credit losses. The new rules will be effective for companying financial statements. the Company in the first quarter of 2020. The Company expects Issuance of Common Stock by Consolidated Subsidiary The difference between the Company’s share of the proceeds the new rules to apply to its trade receivables, but does not expect the adoption to have a material impact on our consoli- dated financial statements. In February 2016, the FASB issued an ASU which requires received by the subsidiary and the carrying amount of the por- lessees to recognize lease assets and lease liabilities aris- tion of the Company’s investment deemed sold, is reflected as ing from operating leases on the balance sheet. This ASU is an equity adjustment in the consolidated balance sheets. effective for annual and interim reporting periods beginning after December 15, 2018. The standard requires entities to Treasury Stock The Board of Directors may authorize share repurchas- recognize a lease liability to cover lease payments and a lease asset representing its right to use the underlying asset for the es of the Company’s common stock (Share Repurchase lease term. The Company has adopted the standard on Jan- Authorizations). Share repurchases under Share Repurchase uary 1, 2019 using the modified retrospective method in the Authorizations may be made through open market transac- year of adoption with certain transition practical expedients tions, negotiated purchase or otherwise, at times and in such with no restatement of prior period amounts. Upon adoption, amounts within the parameters authorized by the Board. the Company recognized right-of-use assets of $31.8 million Shares repurchased under Share Repurchase Authorizations and lease liabilities of $32.4 million and made no adjustments 84 to retained earnings. Adoption of the new standard did not ma- partnership through December 31, 2031, and added an addi- terially impact our consolidated net income and cash flows. tional five-year extension option through December 31, 2036. There are no other recent accounting pronouncements is- The original license agreement, signed in October 2013, would sued but not yet adopted that would have a material effect on have expired on December 31, 2025. our consolidated financial statements. Reclassifications Certain prior year’s amounts in the accompanying consoli- Kate Spade New York In June 2019, the Company entered into an exclusive, 11-year world- wide license agreement with Kate Spade New York for the creation, dated balance sheet and statements of cash flows have been development and distribution of fragrances under the Kate Spade reclassified to conform to current period presentation. brand. This license took effect on January 1, 2020, and our rights (2) Recent Agreements Abercrombie & Fitch and Hollister In November 2019, we extended our license for both the under such license are subject to certain minimum advertising ex- penditures and royalty payments as are customary in our industry. (3) Inventories Abercrombie & Fitch and Hollister brands until December 31, Year Ended December 31, 2019 2018 2022, and added automatic renewals unless terminated on 3 Raw materials and years’ notice. MCM In September 2019, the Company entered into an exclusive, 10- component parts Finished goods $71,895 95,914 $167,809 $67,508 94,270 $161,778 year worldwide license agreement with German luxury fashion Overhead included in inventory aggregated $4.3 million and $4.2 house MCM for the creation, development and distribution of million as of December 31, 2019 and 2018, respectively. Included fragrances under the MCM brand. Our rights under such li- in inventories is an inventory reserve, which represents the cense are subject to certain minimum advertising expenditures difference between the cost of the inventory and its estimated and royalty payments as are customary in our industry. realizable value, based upon sales forecasts and the physical Oscar de la Renta In September 2019, the Company and Oscar de la Renta en- cific reserves for future known or anticipated events may be established. Inventory reserves aggregated $4.9 million as of tered into an amended license agreement extending their December 31, 2019 and 2018. condition of the inventories. In addition, and as necessary, spe- notes to consolidated financial statements (in thousands, except share and per share data) 85 (4) Fair Value of Financial Instruments The following tables present our financial assets and liabilities that are measured at fair value on a recurring basis and are categorized using the fair value hierarchy. The fair value hierarchy has three levels based on the reliability of the inputs used to determine fair value. FAIR VALUE MEASUREMENTS AT DECEMBER 31, 2019 Quoted Prices in Significant Significant Active Markets for Other Observable Unobservable Total Identical Assets Inputs Inputs (Level 3) (Level 2) (Level 1) Assets: Short-term investments Foreign currency forward exchange contracts accounted for using hedge accounting Foreign currency forward exchange contracts not accounted for using hedge accounting Liabilities: Interest rate swap FAIR VALUE MEASUREMENTS AT DECEMBER 31, 2018 $60,714 $− $60,714 $− 16 112 $60,842 $30 − − − $− 16 −   112 $60,842 $30 − − $− Quoted Prices in Significant Significant Active Markets for Other Observable Unobservable Total Identical Assets Inputs Inputs (Level 3) (Level 2) (Level 1) Assets: Short-term investments Foreign currency forward exchange contracts accounted for using hedge accounting Liabilities: Foreign currency forward exchange contracts not accounted for using hedge accounting Interest rate swap $67,870 179 $68,049 45 $207 $252 $- - - - $- $- $67,870 179 $68,049 45 $207 $252 $- - - - $- $- The carrying amount of cash and cash equivalents including money market funds, short-term investments, accounts receivable, other receivables, accounts payable and accrued expenses approximates fair value due to the short terms to maturity of these instruments. The carrying amount of loans payable approximates fair value as the variable interest rates on the Company’s indebtedness approximate current market rates. Foreign currency forward exchange contracts are valued based on quotations from financial institutions and the value of interest rate swaps are the discounted net present value of the swaps using third party quotes from financial institutions. 86 (5) Derivative Financial Instruments All derivative instruments are reported as either assets or The Company enters into foreign currency forward exchange liabilities on the balance sheet measured at fair value. The val- contracts to hedge exposure related to receivables denomi- uation of interest rate swaps resulted in a liability which is in- nated in a foreign currency and occasionally to manage risks cluded in long-term debt on the accompanying balance sheets. related to future sales expected to be denominated in a foreign The valuation of foreign currency forward exchange contracts currency. Before entering into a derivative transaction for at December 31, 2019 and December 31, 2018, resulted in an as- hedging purposes, it is determined that a high degree of initial set and is included in other current assets on the accompanying effectiveness exists between the change in value of the hedged balance sheets. item and the change in the value of the derivative instrument At December 31, 2019, the Company had foreign currency from movement in exchange rates. High effectiveness means contracts in the form of forward exchange contracts with no- that the change in the cash flows of the derivative instrument tional amounts of approximately U.S. $18.5 million, GB £2.7 will effectively offset the change in the cash flows of the hedged million and JPY ¥105.0 million, which all have maturities of less item. The effectiveness of each hedged item is measured than one year. throughout the hedged period and is based on the dollar offset methodology and excludes the portion of the fair value of the 6) Equipment and Leasehold Improvements foreign currency forward exchange contract attributable to the change in spot-forward difference which is reported in current period earnings. Any hedge ineffectiveness is also recognized Year Ended December 31, Equipment as a gain or loss on foreign currency in the income statement. Leasehold Improvements For hedge contracts that are no longer deemed highly effec- tive, hedge accounting is discontinued and gains and losses Less accumulated accumulated in other comprehensive income are reclassified depreciation and amortization to earnings. If it is probable that the forecasted transaction will no longer occur, then any gains or losses accumulated in 2019 2018 $37,743 $36,465 1,760 1,639 38,104 39,503 28,396 $11,107 28,265 $9,839 other comprehensive income are reclassified to current-period Depreciation and amor tization expense was $3.7 million, earnings. $4.1 million and $3.8 million in 2019, 2018, and 2017, re- In connection with a 2015 brand acquisition, $108 million of spectively. the purchase price was paid in cash on the closing date and was financed entirely through a 5-year term loan. As the payment (7) Trademarks, Licenses and Other Intangible Assets at closing was due in dollars and we had planned to finance it with debt in euro, the Company entered into foreign currency forward contracts to secure the exchange rate for the $108 mil- lion purchase price at $1.067 per 1 euro. This derivative was 2019 Trademarks Gross Accumulated Net Book Amount Amortization Value designated and qualified as a cash flow hedge. (indefinite lives) $121,001 $− $121,001 Gains and losses in derivatives designated as hedges are Trademarks accumulated in other comprehensive income (loss) and gains (finite lives) 43,464 67 43,397 and losses in derivatives not designated as hedges are included Licenses in (gain) loss on foreign currency on the accompanying income (finite lives) 88,008 53,714 34,294 statements. Such gains and losses were immaterial in each of Other intangible assets the years in the three-year period ended December 31, 2019. (finite lives) For the years ended December 31, 2019 and 2018, interest ex- Subtotal pense includes a gain of $0.2 million and $0.3 million, respec- Total 15,436 146,908 $267,909 12,145 65,926 3,291 80,982 $65,926 $201,983 tively, relating to an interest rate swap. notes to consolidated financial statements (in thousands, except share and per share data) 87 Gross Accumulated Net Book 2018 Amount Amortization Value Trademarks The cost of trademarks, licenses and other intangible assets with finite lives is being amortized by the straight line method over the term of the respective license or the intangible assets (indefinite lives) $123,287 $- $123,287 estimated useful life which range from three to twenty years. Trademarks If the residual value of a finite life intangible asset exceeds its (finite lives) 44,300 69 44,231 carrying value, then the asset is not amortized. The Compa- Licenses (finite lives) Other intangible assets 85,100 50,539 34,561 whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the ny reviews intangible assets with finite lives for impairment carrying amount may not be recoverable. (finite lives) Subtotal Total 13,619 143,019 11,373 61,981 2,246 81,038 Trademarks (finite lives) primarily represent Lanvin brand names and trademarks and in connection with their pur- $266,306 $61,981 $204,325 chase, Lanvin was granted the right to repurchase the brand Amortization expense was $5.0 million, $7.0 million and $6.0 lion (approximately $79 million) or one times the average million in 2019, 2018 and 2017, respectively. Amortization ex- of the annual sales for the years ending December 31, 2023 pense is expected to approximate $5.3 million in 2020 and 2021, and 2024 (residual value). Because the residual value of the $3.8 million in 2022 and 2023 and $3.6 million in 2024. The intangible asset exceeds its carrying value, the asset is not names and trademarks in 2025 for the greater of €70 mil- weighted average amortization period for trademarks, licens- being amortized. es and other intangible assets with finite lives are 18 years, 15 years and 2 years, respectively, and 14 years on average. (8) Accrued Expenses The Company reviews intangible assets with indefinite lives Accrued expenses consist of the following: for impairment whenever events or changes in circumstanc- es indicate that the carrying amount may not be recoverable. Year Ended December 31, In 2017, the Company set in motion a plan to discontinue some Advertising liabilities of its mass market product lines. As a result, the Company re- Salary (including bonus corded an impairment loss of $2.1 million as of December 31, and related taxes) 2017. There were no impairment charges for trademarks with Royalties indefinite useful lives in 2019 and 2018. The fair values used in Due vendors (not yet invoiced) our evaluations are estimated based upon discounted future Retirement reserves cash flow projections using a weighted average cost of capital Refund (return) liability of 7.94%, 6.21%, 6.22% as of December 31, 2019, 2018 and 2017, Other respectively. The cash flow projections are based upon a num- ber of assumptions, including, future sales levels and future 2019 2018 $14,868 $25,713 16,173 16,646 19,196 9,907 4,131 4,655 $96,421 19,939 14,533 29,790 9,616 2,200 3,722 $94,668 cost of goods and operating expense levels, as well as economic (9) Loans Payable – Banks conditions, changes to our business model or changes in con- Loans payable – banks consist of the following: sumer acceptance of our products which are more subjective in The Company and its domestic subsidiaries have available a nature. The Company believes that the assumptions it has made $20 million unsecured revolving line of credit due on demand, in projecting future cash flows for the evaluations described which bears interest at the daily one-month LIBOR plus 2% above are reasonable and currently no other impairment indi- (the one-month LIBOR was 1.76% as of December 31, 2019). cators exist for our indefinite-lived assets. However, if future The line of credit which has a maturity date of December 18, actual results do not meet our expectations, the Company may 2020 is expected to be renewed on an annual basis. Borrow- be required to record an impairment charge, the amount of ings outstanding pursuant to lines of credit were zero as of De- which could be material to our results of operations. cember 31, 2019 and 2018. 88 The Company’s foreign subsidiaries have available credit lines, including several bank overdraft facilities totaling approximately $28 million. These credit lines bear interest at EURIBOR plus between 0.5% and 0.8% (EURIBOR was minus 0.379% at December 31, 2019). Outstanding amounts were zero as of December 31, 2019 and 2018. As there were no borrowings outstanding as of December 31, 2019 and 2018, there is no weighted average interest rate on short- term borrowings as of December 31, 2019 and 2018. (10) Long-term Debt Long-term debt consists of the following: Year Ended December 31 $15.0 million payable in 14 equal annual installments of $1.1 million beginning in January 2020 including interest imputed at 4.1% per annum $111.0 million 5-year term loan payable in 20 equal quarterly installments plus interest at 1.2% per annum Other Less current maturities Total 2019 $11,806 11,254 − 23,060 12,326 $10,734 2018 $11,291 34,350 420 46,061 23,155 $22,906 The $111.0 million 5-year term loan requires the maintenance of certain financial covenants, tested semi-annually, including a maximum leverage ratio and a minimum interest coverage ratio. The facility also contains new debt restrictions among other standard provisions. The Company is in compliance with all of the covenants and other restrictions of the debt agreements. In order to reduce exposure to rising variable interest rates, the Company entered into a swap transaction effectively exchanging the variable interest rate to a fixed rate of approximately 1.2%. The swap is a derivative instrument and is therefore recorded at fair value and changes in fair value are reflected in the accompanying consolidated statements of income. Maturities of long-term debt subsequent to December 31, 2019 are approximately $12.3 million in 2020 and $1.1 million per year thereafter through 2033. (11) Commitments Leases The Company leases its offices and warehouses, vehicles, and certain office equipment, substantially all of which are classified as operating leases. The Company currently has no material financing leases. The Company determines if an arrangement is a lease at notes to consolidated financial statements (in thousands, except share and per share data) 89 inception. Operating lease assets and obligations are recognized at the lease commencement date based on the present value of License Agreements The Company is party to a number of license and other agree- lease payments over the lease term. ments for the use of trademarks and rights in connection In determining lease asset value, the Company considers fixed with the manufacture and sale of its products expiring at var- or variable payment terms, prepayments, incentives, and options ious dates through 2033. In connection with certain of these to extend or terminate, depending on the lease. Renewal, termi- license agreements, the Company is subject to minimum nation or purchase options affect the lease term used for deter- annual advertising commitments, minimum annual royalties mining lease asset value only if the option is reasonably certain and other commitments as follows: to be exercised. The Company generally uses its incremental borrowing rate based on information available at the lease com- mencement date for the location in which the lease is held in de- termining the present value of lease payments. As of December 31, 2019, the weighted average remaining lease term was 6.6 years and the weighted average discount rate 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 used to determine the operating lease liability was 2.8%. Rental Thereafter expense related to operating leases was $7.5 million, $7.0 mil- lion, and $6.5 million for the years ended December 31, 2019, $173,159 178,951 171,435 177,442 167,355 797,028 $1,665,370 2018 and 2017, respectively. Operating lease payments included Future advertising commitments are estimated based on in operating cash flows totaled $6.0 million and noncash addi- planned future sales for the license terms that were in effect tions to operating lease assets totaled $34.9 million. at December 31, 2019, without consideration for potential re- Maturities of lease liabilities subsequent to December 31, newal periods. The above figures do not reflect the fact that 2019 are as follows: 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Thereafter 33,093 Less imputed interest (based on 2,8% weighted-average discount rate) our distributors share our advertising obligations. Royalty ex- pense included in selling, general, and administrative expens- $5,871 es, aggregated $53.0 million, $48.9 million and $39.6 million, 5,159 4,613 3,968 3,790 9,692 in 2019, 2018 and 2017, respectively, and represented 7.4%, 7.2% and 6.7% of net sales for the years ended December 31, 2019, 2018 and 2017, respectively. (12) Equity Share-Based Payments: The Company maintains a stock option program for key em- (3,102) $29,991 ployees, executives and directors. The plans, all of which have been approved by shareholder vote, provide for the granting of 90 both nonqualified and incentive options. Options granted under the plans typically have a six-year term and vest over a four to five- year period. The fair value of shares vested aggregated $1.4 million and $1.1 million in 2019 and 2018, respectively. Compensation cost, net of estimated forfeitures, is recognized on a straight-line basis over the requisite service period for the entire award. Forfeitures are estimated based on historic trends. It is generally the Company’s policy to issue new shares upon exercise of stock options. The following table sets forth information with respect to nonvested options for 2019: Nonvested options – beginning of year Nonvested options granted Nonvested options vested or forfeited Nonvested options-end of year Number of Shares 485,360 194,050 (165,200) 514,210 Weighted Average Grant Date Fair Value $10.72 $14.14 $9.65 $12.36 The effect of share-based payment expenses decreased income statement line items as follows: Year Ended December 31, 2019 $3,390 Income before income taxes Net Income attributable to Inter Parfums, Inc. 2,060 Diluted earnings per share attributable to 2018 $2,200 1,390 2017 $2,100 1,150 Inter Parfums, Inc 0.07 0.04 0.04 The following table summarizes stock option activity and related information for the years ended December 31, 2019, 2018 and 2017: Year Ended December 31, 2019 2018 2017 Weighted Average Weighted Average Weighted Average Options Exercise Price Options Exercise Price Options Exercise Price Shares under option- beginning of year Options granted Options exercised Options forfeited Shares under option- 776,171 194,050 (130,891) (23,530) $41.33 72.89 34.06 45.48 730,980 196,350 (140,579) (10,580) $31.92 63.91 24.21 37.64 684,540 174,600 (103,230) (24,930) $26.94 43.48 19.03 29.49 end of year 815,800 49.89 776,171 41.33 730,980 31.92 At December 31, 2019, options for 573,695 shares were available for future grant under the plans. The aggregate intrinsic value of options outstanding is $18.7 million as of December 31, 2019 and unrecognized compensation cost related to stock options out- standing aggregated $6.0 million, which will be recognized over the next five years. The weighted average fair values of options granted by Inter Parfums, Inc. during 2019, 2018 and 2017 were $14.14, $14.31 and $9.82 per share, respectively, on the date of grant using the Black-Scholes option pricing model to calculate the fair value. notes to consolidated financial statements (in thousands, except share and per share data) 91 The assumptions used in the Black-Scholes pricing model are set forth in the following table: Year Ended December 31, Weighted average expected stock-price volatility Weighted average expected option life Weighted average risk-free interest rate Weighted average dividend yield 2019 25% 5.0 yrs 1.7% 2.0% 2018 27% 5.0 yrs 2.5% 2.0% 2017 28% 5.0 yrs 2.2% 2.0% Expected volatility is estimated based on historic volatility of the Company’s common stock. The expected term of the option is estimated based on historic data. The risk-free rate is based on the U.S. Treasury yield curve in effect at the time of the grant of the option and the dividend yield reflects the assumption that the dividend payout as authorized by the Board of Directors would maintain its current payout ratio as a percentage of earnings. Proceeds, tax benefits and intrinsic value related to stock options exercised were as follows: Year Ended December 31, Proceeds from stock options exercised Tax benefits Intrinsic value of stock options exercised 2019 $4,458 $690 $4,520 2018 $3,406 $807 $4,310 2017 $1,963 $600 $2,258 The following table summarizes additional stock option information as of December 31, 2019: Exercice Price Options Outstanding Contractual Life Options Exercisable $23.61 − $27.80 $32.83 − $33.95 $40.15 − $46.90 $65.25−$66.46 $73.09 Totals 179,740    108,280    158,380    181,350 188,050    815,800    1.52 years 2.97 years 3.96 years 4.97 years 6.00 years 3.99 years 153,820    57,180    55,520    35,070    − 301,590  As of December 31, 2019, the weighted average exercise price of options exercisable was $35.05 and the weighted average re- maining contractual life of options exercisable is 2.62 years. The aggregate intrinsic value of options exercisable at December 31, 2019 is $11.4 million. In September 2016, Interparfums SA, our 73% owned French subsidiar y, approved a plan to grant an aggregate of 15,100 shares of its stock to employees with no performance condition requirement, and an aggregate of 133,000 shares to officers and managers, subject to certain corporate performance conditions. The corporate performance conditions were met and therefore in September 2019, 172,851 shares, adjusted for stock splits, were distributed. The aggregate cost of the grant of approximately $3.9 million was recognized as compensation cost on a straight-line basis over the requisite three-year ser- vice period. In December 2018, Interparfums SA approved an additional plan to grant an aggregate of 26,600 shares of its stock to employees with no performance condition requirement, and an aggregate of 133,000 shares to officers and managers, subject to certain cor- porate performance conditions. The shares, subject to adjustment for stock splits, will be distributed in June 2022 and will follow the same guidelines as the September 2016 plan. 92 The fair value of the grant has been determined based on the quoted stock price of Interparfums SA shares as reported by the NYSE Euronext on the date of grant. The estimated number of shares to be distributed of 142,379 has been determined taking into account employee turnover. The aggregate cost of the grant of approximately $4.4 million will be recognized as compensation cost on a straight-line basis over the requisite three and a half year service period. Similar to the September 2016 plan, in order to avoid dilution of the Company’s ownership of Interparfums SA, all shares distributed or to be distributed pursuant to these plans will be pre-existing shares of Interparfums SA, purchased in the open market by Interparfums SA. During the year ended December 31, 2019, the Company acquired 131,613 shares at an aggregate cost of $5.8 million. All share purchases and issuances have been classified as equity transactions on the accompanying balance sheet. Dividends In October 2019, the Board of Directors of the Company authorized a 20% increase in the annual dividend to $1.32 per share. The quarterly dividend aggregating approximately $10.4 million ($0.33 per share) declared in December 2019 was paid in January 2020. The next quarterly dividend of $0.33 per share will be paid on April 15, 2020 to shareholders of record on March 31, 2020. (14) Net Income Attributable to Inter Parfums, Inc. Common Shareholders Net income attributable to Inter Parfums, Inc. per common share (“basic EPS”) is computed by dividing net income attributable to Inter Parfums, Inc. by the weighted average number of shares outstanding. Net income attributable to Inter Parfums, Inc. per share assuming dilution (“diluted EPS”), is computed using the weighted average number of shares outstanding, plus the incre- mental shares outstanding assuming the exercise of dilutive stock options using the treasury stock method. The reconciliation between the numerators and denominators of the basic and diluted EPS computations is as follows: Year Ended December 31, Numerator for diluted earnings per share Denominator: Weighted average shares Effect of dilutive securities: stock options Denominator for diluted earnings per share Earnings per share: Net income attributable to Inter Parfums, Inc. common shareholders: Basic Diluted 2019 $60,249  31,451,093 237,607 31,688,700 2018 $53,793 2017 $41,594 31,307,991 31,172,285 214,380 132,816 31,522,371 31,305,101 $1.92 $1.90 $1.72 $1.71 $1.33 $1.33 Not included in the above computations is the effect of anti dilutive potential common shares, which consist of outstanding op- tions to purchase 183,000, 89,000, and 165,000 shares of common stock for 2019, 2018, and 2017, respectively. notes to consolidated financial statements (in thousands, except share and per share data) 93 (15) Segments and Geographical Areas The Company manufactures and distributes one product line, fragrances and fragrance related products. The Company manages its business in two segments, European based operations and United States based operations. The European assets are located, and operations are primarily conducted, in France. Both European and United States operations primarily represent the sale of prestige brand name fragrances. Information on the Company’s operations by segments is as follows: 2019 2018 2017 Year Ended December 31, Net sales: United States Europe Eliminations of intercompany sales Net income attributable to Inter Parfums, Inc.: United States Europe Eliminations Depreciation and amortization expense including impairment loss: United States Europe Interest income: United States Europe Eliminations United States Europe Eliminations Income tax expense: United States Europe Eliminations $173,522 542,226 (2,234) $713,514 $140,768 537,805 (2,999) $675,574 $13,071 $19,365 40,840 $60,249 40,877 44 (155) $53,793 $3,088 5,641 $8,729 $2,711 8,320 $11,031 $137 $345 3,820 3,501 (153) - $3,957 $419 $673 1,626 (153) - 2,159 $2,146 $2,578 $116,244 476,660 (1,653) $591,251 $7,051 34,577 (34) $41,594 $3,943 7,971 $11,914 $58 2,925 - $2,983 $- 1,992 - $1,992 $3,764 19,069 $3,693 Interest expense: $3,945 25,101 30 29,076 $2,264 23,898 (18) (21) 26,144 22,812 94 Segments and Geographical Areas continued Year Ended December 31, Total assets: United States Europe Eliminations Additions to long-lived assets: United States Europe Total long-lived assets: United States Europe Deferred tax assets: United States Europe Eliminations 2019 2018 2017 $166,180 670,657 (8,005) $828,832 $5,851 5,643 $11,494 $44,473 196,976 $241,449 $705 7,241 58 $8,004 $133,706 684,485 (20,362) $797,829 $19,181 4,188 $23,369 $25,753 188,411 $214,164 $650 5,023 88 $5,761 $92,909 694,385 (9,522) $777,772 $980 3,089 $4,069 $9,284 201,541 $210,825 $781 4,987 69 $5,837 United States export sales were approximately $113.2 million, $95.5 million and $71.4 million in 2019, 2018 and 2017, respectively. Consolidated net sales to customers by region are as follows: Year Ended December 31, North America Europe Asia Middle East Central and South America Other Consolidated net sales to customers in major countries are as follows: Year Ended December 31, United States France Russia United Kingdom (16) Income Taxes 2019 $234,000 240,800 106,500 72,600 46,200 13,400 $713,500 2019 $225,300 $43,500 $36,800 $35,800 2018 $210,200 233,600 109,000 59,300 51,700 11,800 2017 $176,900 214,800 88,000 50,500 51,200 9,900 $675,600 $591,300 2018 $204,000 $44,000 $35,000 $36,000 2017 $173,000 $44,000 $34,000 $33,000 The Company and its subsidiaries file income tax returns in the U.S. federal, and various states and foreign jurisdictions. The Company assessed its uncertain tax positions and determined that it has no uncertain tax position at December 31, 2019. notes to consolidated financial statements (in thousands, except share and per share data) 95 The components of income before income taxes consist of the Valuation allowances are provided for foreign net operating following: loss carry-forwards, as future profitable operations from cer- tain foreign subsidiaries might not be sufficient to realize the Year Ended December 31, U.S. operations Foreign operations 2019 $23,384 81,762 $105,146 2018 $15,162 80,697 2017 $10,761 67,304 full amount of net operating loss carry-forwards. No other valuation allowances have been provided as man- agement believes that it is more likely than not that the asset $95,859 $78,065 will be realized in the reduction of future taxable income. The provision for current and deferred income tax expense (benefit) consists of the following: Tax Cuts and Jobs Act In December 2017, the U.S. government passed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (“the Tax Act”). The Tax Act made broad and com- Year Ended December 31, 2019 2018 2017 plex changes to the U.S. tax code, including, but not limited to Current: Federal State and local Foreign Deferred: Federal State and local Foreign Total income tax expense $3,280 713 27,412 31,405 (3) (22) (2,304) (2,329) $1,629 $4,050 21% beginning in 2018, and requiring companies to pay a one- reducing the future U.S. federal corporate tax rate from 35% to 497 24,175 26,301 302 19,051 23,403 113 - (270) (157) (554) (55) 18 (591) time transition tax on certain unremitted earnings of foreign subsidiaries. The Tax Act also established new tax laws that took ef- fect in 2018, including, but not limited to: (i) the reduction of the U.S. federal corporate tax rate discussed above; (ii) a general elimination of U.S. federal income taxes on div- idends from foreign subsidiaries; (iii) a provision designed to tax global intangible low-taxed income (“GILTI”); and (iv) a provision that allows a domestic corporation an immedi- $29,076 $26,144 $22,812 ate deduction for a por tion of its foreign derived intangible income (“FDII”). The tax effects of temporary differences that give rise to sig- The Securities and Exchange Commission staff issued Staff nificant portions of the deferred tax assets and deferred tax Accounting Bulletin (“SAB”) 118, which provides a measure- 2019 2018 Tax Act enactment date for companies to complete the relat- ment period that was not to extend beyond one year from the liabilities are as follows: December 31, Net deferred tax assets: Foreign net operating loss carry -forwards Inventory and accounts receivable Profit sharing Stock option compensation Effect of inventory profit elimin ation Other Total gross deferred tax assets, net Valuation allowance Net deferred tax assets $362 1,231 4,812 588 $468 658 4,561 626 4,630 3,267 214 (23) 11,837 9,557 (361) (258) 9,299 11,476 Deferred tax liabilities (long-term): Trademarks and licenses Net deferred tax assets (3,472) $8,004 (3,538) $5,761 ed accounting under ASC 740, Accounting for Income Taxes. In accordance with SAB 118, a company must reflect the in- come tax effects of those aspects of the Tax Act for which the accounting under ASC 740 is complete. To the extent that a company’s accounting for a certain income tax effect of the Tax Act was incomplete, but it was able to determine a reasonable estimate, it was required to record a provisional estimate in the financial statements. In connection with its initial analysis of the impact of the Tax Act, the Company recorded a tax expense of $1.1 million for the year ended December 31, 2017. This estimate consists of no ex- pense for the one-time transition tax, and an expense of $1.1 mil- lion related to revaluation of deferred tax assets and liabilities caused by the lower corporate tax rate. There were no material differences between the Company’s 2017 estimates and the final calculated amounts. 96 The Company has estimated of the effect of GILTI and has determined that it has no tax liability related to GILTI as of December 31, 2019 and 2018. The Tax Act also contains a provision that allows a domestic corporation an immediate deduction for a portion of its foreign derived intangible income (“FDII”). The Company estimated the effect of FDII and recorded a tax benefit of approximately $0.9 million and $0.6 million as of December 31, 2019 and 2018, respectively. Income Tax Recovery The French government had introduced a 3% tax on dividends or deemed dividends for entities subject to French corporate income tax in 2012. In 2017, the French Constitutional Court released a decision declaring that the 3% tax on dividends or deemed dividends is unconstitutional. As a result of that decision, the Company filed a claim for refund of approximately $3.9 million for these taxes paid since 2015 including accrued interest of approximately $0.4 million. The Company recorded the refund claim as of December 31, 2017 and has received the entire refund in 2018. Other Tax Matters The French authorities are considering that the existence of IP Suisse, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Interparfums SA, does not, in and of itself, constitute a permanent establishment and therefore Interparfums, SA should pay French taxes on all or part of the profits of that entity. The French Tax Authority recently notified the Company that IP Suisse will be the subject of a tax audit covering the period January 1, 2010 through December 31, 2018. No claim or assessment for any taxes or penalties has been made at this time. The Company disagrees and is prepared to vigorously defend its position. Consequently, no provision has been made in the accompanying financial statements as we believe it is more-likely-than-not that our position will be sustained based on its technical merits. Although we believe that we have sufficient arguments to support our position, there exists a risk that the French authorities may prevail. The Company’s exposure in connection with this matter is approximately $5.8 million, net of recovery taxes already paid to the Swiss authorities, and excluding interest. The Company is no longer subject to U.S. federal, state, and local or non-U.S. income tax examinations by tax authorities for years before 2016. Differences between the United States federal statutory income tax rate and the effective income tax rate were as follows: Year Ended December 31, Statutory rates State and local taxes, net of Federal benefit Benefit of Foreign Derived Intangible Income Deferred tax effect of statutory tax rate changes Foreign income tax recovery Effect of foreign taxes greater than (less than) U.S. statutory rates Other Effective rates 2019 21.0% 0.6 (0.9) − − 7.5 (0.6) 27.6% 2018 21.0% 0.4 (0.6) - - 7.3 (0.8) 2017 34.0% 0.2 − 1.4 (4.6] (1.0) [0.8] 27.3% 29.2% notes to consolidated financial statements (in thousands, except share and per share data) 97 (16) Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Loss) The components of accumulated other comprehensive loss consist of the following: Year Ended December 31, Net derivative instruments,beginning of year Net derivative instrument gain (loss), net of tax Net derivative instruments end of year Cumulative translation adjustments,beginning of year Translation adjustments Cumulative translation adjustments, end of year Accumulated other comprehensive loss (17) Net Income Attributable to Inter Parfums, Inc. and Transfers from the Noncontrolling Interest Year Ended December 31, Net income attributable to Inter Parfums, Inc. Decrease in Inter Parfums, Inc.’s additional paid-in capital 2019 $136 (84) 52 (33,786) (6,119) (39,905) $(39,853) 2018 $37 99 136 2017 $(17) 54 37 (17,869) (57,965) 40,096 (15,917) (33,786) $(33,650) (17,869) $(17,832) 2019 2018 $60,249 $53,793 2017 $41,594 for subsidiary share transactions (5,167) (572) - Change from net income attributable to Inter Parfums, Inc. and transfers from noncontrolling interest $55,082 $53,221 $41,594 98 directors and executive officers DIRECTORS AND EXECUTIVE OFFICERS Directors Jean Madar Michel Dyens Frédéric Garcia-Pelayo Chairman, and Chief Executive Officer, Director of Export Sales Chief Executive Officer, Michel Dyens & Co. Interparfums SA and Chairman of the Board of Directors Inter Parfums, Inc. Véronique Gabai-Pinsky President of Startup Specialty Corporate Information Inter Parfums, Inc. Philippe Benacin Fragrance Company and Former 551 Fifth Avenue President, and Vice Chairman of the President, Vera Wang Group Board of Directors, Inter Parfums, Inc. Chief Executive Officer, Interparfums SA Russell Greenberg Executive Vice President, and Chief Financial Officer Inter Parfums, Inc. Philippe Santi Executive Vice President Director General Delegue Interparfums SA New York, NY 10176 Tel. (212) 983-2640 Fax: (212) 983-4197 Gilbert Harrison Chairman, Harrison Group, Inc. Founder and Chairman Emeritus Financo LLC Interparfums SA Executive Officers Jean Madar Chief Executive Officer, 4 Rond Point des Champs Elysées 75008 Paris, France Tel. (1) 53-77-00-00 Fax: (1) 40-76-08-65 and Chairman of the Board of Directors Inter Parfums, Inc. Auditors Philippe Benacin Mazars USA, LLP 135 West 50th Street President, and Vice Chairman of the New York, NY 10020 Francois Heilbronn Board of Directors, Inter Parfums, Inc. Managing Partner M.M. Friedrich, Chief Executive Officer, Transfer Agent Heilbronn & Fiszer Interparfums SA American Stock Transfer and Trust Company 6201 15th Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11219 Robert Bensoussan-Torres Russell Greenberg Co-founder of Sirius Equity, Executive Vice President, a retail and branded luxury goods and Chief Financial Officer investment company Inter Parfums, Inc. Patrick Choël Philippe Santi Business Consultant and Former Executive Vice President President and Chief Executive Officer Director General Delegue Parfums Christian Dior Interparfums SA and the LVMH Perfume and Cosmetics Division corporate and market information 99 the market for our common stock Our Company’s common stock, $.001 par value per share, is Dividends In October 2018, our Board of Directors authorized a 31% increase traded on The Nasdaq Global Select Market under the symbol in the annual dividend to $1.10 per share on an annual basis. In “IPAR”. The following table sets forth in dollars, the range of October 2019, our Board of Directors authorized a 20% increase high and low closing prices for the past two fiscal years for our in the annual dividend to $1.32 per share on an annual basis. common stock. Third Quarter High Closing Low Closing Fiscal 2019 Price Price 66.65 Fourth Quarter 62.38 63.53 58.50 First Quarter High Closing Low Closing Fiscal 2018 Price Price 81.40 71.58 77.34 80.99 Second Quarter Fourth Quarter Third Quarter Second Quarter First Quarter 66.48 66.25 54.75 49.15 55.88 53.75 46.25 42.00 The first quarterly cash dividend of $0.33 per share was payable on April 15, 2020 to shareholders of record on March 31, 2020. In April 2020, due to the effect of the Covid-19 global pandemic, our Board of Directors authorized a temporary suspension of our quarterly cash dividend. Corporate Performance Graph The following graph compares the performance for the periods indicated in the graph of our common stock with the perfor- mance of the Nasdaq Market Index and the average performance of a group of the Company’s peer corporations consisting of: Avon Products Inc., CCA Industries, Inc., Colgate-Palmolive Co., Estée Lauder Companies, Inc., Inter Parfums, Inc., Kimberly Clark Corp., Natural Health Trends Corp., Procter & Gamble Co., Revlon, Inc., Spectrum Brands Holdings, Inc., Stephan Co., As of February 10, 2020, the number of record holders, Summer Infant, Inc. and United Guardian, Inc. The graph as- which include brokers and broker nominees, etc., of our com- sumes that the value of the investment in our common stock and mon stock was 37. We believe there are approximately 16,100 each index was $100 at the beginning of the period indicated in beneficial owners of our common stock. the graph, and that all dividends were reinvested. COMPARISON 0F 5 YEAR CUMULATIVE TOTAL RETURN* Among Inter Parfums, Inc., The NASDAQ Composite Index, and a Peer Group Inter Parfums, Inc. NASDAQ Composite Peer Group *$100 invested on 12/31/14 in stock or index, including reinvestment of dividends. Fiscal year ending December 31. Below is the list of the data points for each year that corresponds to the lines on the above graph. Inter Parfums, Inc. NASDAQ Composite Peer Group 12/14 100.00 100.00 100.00 12/15 88.41 106.96 94.92 12/16 124.00 116.45 99.10 12/17 167.48 150.96 114.27 12/18 256.80 146.67 113.19 12/19 289.48 200.49 154.63 100 2019 Abercrombie & Fitch Anna Sui Boucheron Coach Dunhill Guess Graff Hollister Jimmy Choo Karl Lagerfeld Kate Spade Lanvin Mcm Monblanc Paul Smith Repetto Rochas S.T. Dupont Oscar de la Renta Van Cleef & Arpels

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