Kansas City Life Insurance Co.
Annual Report 2007

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Kansas City Life Insurance Company Generations of Strength A n n u a l R e p o r t K a n s a s C i t y L i f e I n s u r a n c e C o m p a n y ’ s i m p r e s s i v e H o m e O f f i c e b u i l d i n g i s a l o c a l l a n d m a r k , c o m p l e t e d i n 1 9 2 4 o n a f i v e - a c r e t r a c t t h a t b o a s t s m a g n i f i c e n t t r e e s a n d a c o m m a n d i n g v i e w o f t h e s u r r o u n d i n g a r e a . STOCKHOLDER INFORMATION STOCK AND DIVIDEND INFORMATION Stock Quotation Symbol NASDAQ—KCLI The following table presents the high and low prices for the Company’s common stock for the periods indicated and the dividends declared per share during such periods. 2007: First quarter Second quarter Third quarter Fourth quarter 2006: First quarter Second quarter Third quarter Fourth quarter Bid High Low Dividend Paid $ 52.28 47.95 50.79 50.48 $ 53.04 51.27 46.08 58.97 $ 44.35 44.61 38.18 40.00 $ 48.75 41.57 41.82 44.36 $ 2.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 $ 3.08 $ 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 $ 1.08 A quarterly dividend of $0.27 per share was paid February 12, 2008. NASDAQ market quotations are compiled according to Company records and may reflect inter-dealer prices, without markup, markdown or commission and may not necessarily represent actual transactions. CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS Kansas City Life Insurance Company 3520 Broadway Post Office Box 219139 Kansas City, Missouri 64121-9139 Telephone: 816-753-7000 Fax: 816-753-4902 Internet: www.kclife.com E-mail: kclife@kclife.com NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of stockholders will be held at 9 a.m. on Thursday, April 24, 2008, at Kansas City Life’s corporate headquarters. TRANSFER AGENT Cheryl Keefer, Assistant Secretary Kansas City Life Insurance Company Post Office Box 219139 Kansas City, Missouri 64121-9139 10-K REQUEST Stockholders may request a free copy of Kansas City Life’s Form 10-K, as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, by writing to Secretary, Kansas City Life Insurance Company. SECURITY HOLDERS As of January 31, 2008, Kansas City Life had approximately 2,500 security holders, including individual participants in security position listings. Board of Directors R. Philip Bixby Chairman of the Board, President and Chief Executive Officer Kansas City Life Insurance Company Kansas City, Missouri Walter E. Bixby, LLIF Vice Chairman of the Board Kansas City Life Insurance Company President Old American Insurance Company Kansas City, Missouri William R. Blessing Retired Senior Vice President, Corporate Strategy and Development Embarq Overland Park, Kansas Michael Braude Retired President and Chief Executive Officer Kansas City Board of Trade Kansas City, Missouri Richard L. Finn Retired Senior Vice President, Finance Kansas City Life Insurance Company Kansas City, Missouri Senior Officers Webb R. Gilmore Attorney at Law Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, Shareholder Gilmore and Bell, P.C. Kansas City, Missouri Tracy W. Knapp Senior Vice President, Finance Kansas City Life Insurance Company Kansas City, Missouri Nancy Bixby Hudson Investor Lander, Wyoming Warren J. Hunzicker, M.D.* Retired Vice President and Medical Director Kansas City Life Insurance Company Kansas City, Missouri Daryl D. Jensen, MAAA, FLMI Vice President of Administration Western Institutional Review Board Olympia, Washington Retired President and Vice Chairman of the Board Sunset Life Insurance Company of America Kansas City, Missouri Cecil R. Miller, CPA Retired Partner KPMG LLP Kansas City, Missouri Bradford T. Nordholm Chief Executive Officer Starwood Energy Group Global LLC Greenwich, Connecticut William A. Schalekamp, JD, CLU, FLMI Senior Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary Kansas City Life Insurance Company Kansas City, Missouri E. Larry Winn Jr. Retired Member of Congress Kansas, Third Congressional District Prairie Village, Kansas * Warren J. Hunzicker, M.D., passed away on September 13, 2007. Senior Officers – Kansas City Life Insurance Company John L. Nogalski, CPA, FLMI Vice President, Taxes Tracy W. Knapp Chief Financial Officer R. Philip Bixby President, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board Walter E. Bixby, LLIF Vice Chairman of the Board Kansas City Life Insurance Company President Old American Insurance Company Kansas City, Missouri Charles R. Duffy Jr., FLMI Senior Vice President, Operations Tracy W. Knapp Senior Vice President, Finance Donald E. Krebs, MSM, CLU, ChFC Senior Vice President, Sales and Marketing Mark A. Milton, FSA, MAAA Senior Vice President and Actuary William A. Schalekamp, JD, CLU, FLMI Senior Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary Kathleen A. Hunzicker, M.D. Vice President and Medical Director David A. Laird, CPA, FLMI Vice President and Controller Bruce G. Olberding Vice President, Broker Dealer Robert J. Milroy Vice President, Underwriting and New Business W. David Phillips Vice President, Group David A. Laird, CPA, FLMI Vice President and Controller Richard D. Ropp, FLMI, ACS Vice President, Customer Services Richard D. Ropp, FLMI, ACS Vice President, Customer Services Stephen E. Ropp Vice President, Operation Services Senior Officers – Sunset Life Insurance Company of America J. Todd Salash Vice President, Computer Information Services Dan L. Schick, CPA, CLU, FLMI Vice President and Auditor Philip A. Williams, CFA Vice President, Securities R. Philip Bixby President, Chairman of the Board Daryl D. Jensen, MAAA, FLMI Vice Chairman of the Board Donald E. Krebs, MSM, CLU, ChFC Vice President, Sales and Marketing Senior Officers – Old American Insurance Company David A. Laird, CPA, FLMI Vice President and Controller R. Philip Bixby Chairman of the Board Walter E. Bixby, LLIF President John C. Alderton Vice President, Sales Robert J. Milroy Vice President, Insurance Services and Assistant Secretary Mark A. Milton, FSA, MAAA Vice President and Actuary Richard D. Ropp, FLMI, ACS Vice President, Policy Administration Robert J. Milroy Vice President, Underwriting and New Business Gary K. Hoffman, JD, CLU, FLMI Vice President, Associate General Counsel and Secretary James F. Aldrich, JD, CLU, CPCU, FLMI, HIA Secretary 12 Kansas City Life Insurance Company recorded net income of $35.7 million or $3.01 per share for the year ended December 31, 2007, a decrease of $1.3 million from the prior year. The decline in earnings for the year was a result of reduced insurance and investment revenues, along with increased income tax expense. Total insurance revenues declined largely as a result of lower contract charges from reduced balances of life and annuity deposit products. However, the Company’s new sales of life insurance products increased for the year. Total new insurance premiums increased 1%, and total new deposits increased 8% for the year. New insurance premiums increased primarily due to a 1% increase in new individual life sales and a 13% increase in new immediate annuity receipts. The increase in new deposits resulted from a 7% increase in new universal life sales, a 5% increase in new variable universal life deposits and a 37% increase in new variable annuity sales. Kansas City Life’s investment revenues declined due to lower net investment income for the year. Net investment income decreased 3% compared to the prior year. This decline was driven by lower invested assets during the year, which was primarily the result of increased surrenders and withdrawals of insurance and annuity deposit products. The Company’s net realized investment gains for the year were $5.4 million, generated largely from real estate sales. Benefits and expenses declined for the year in comparison to 2006. Favorable mortality experience and reduced interest credited from lower policyholder account balances accounted for a large portion of the $11.6 million decline in total benefits and expenses for the year. Lower operating expenses resulted primarily from lower compensation costs. Income tax expense increased for the year, largely due to reduced low-income housing tax credits generated by the Company and adjustments in tax expense from earlier years. Other Company highlights: • Kansas City Life continues to enhance the product portfolio to keep pace with the changing financial service needs of each generation of clients. In 2007, the Company introduced a guaranteed minimum withdrawal benefit rider that allows the field force to more fully compete with other leading insurance carriers and helps ensure predictable and sustainable retirement income for customers. In 2008, Kansas City Life will unveil other additions and enhancements to the portfolio, including the Company’s first return-of-premium term life insurance product. • Old American Insurance Company had a very strong sales year in 2007. New premiums increased 5% in 2007 compared with 2006. Old American is continuing to build on sales momentum created by product enhancements and marketing changes to improve its competitive position. • The Group Insurance segment is continuing an ongoing focus on increasing sales and improving financial results. The efforts include increased emphasis on direct sales by Group sales representatives rather than through third-party marketers. This shift helped drive a 49% increase in new sales of group life insurance in 2007. • In 2007, the Company completed the sale of Generations Bank for $10.1 million. The sale generated a gain of $1.9 million. This sale supports the Company’s insurance-specific initiatives. • Kansas City Life continues to have solid financial strength. The Company earned “A” ratings from A.M. Best and Standard & Poor’s, two of the nation’s leading insurance rating agencies. • Additionally, the Company maintains a strong capital position, which gives Kansas City Life the ability to weather difficult economic cycles. As an indication of this strength, the Company paid a special dividend of $2 per share to shareholders in 2007, in addition to regular quarterly dividends. In September, we were saddened by the death of Warren “Bill” Hunzicker, M.D., who was an active Kansas City Life Board of Directors member for 18 years and also served nearly 20 years as the Company’s vice president and medical director. Dr. Hunzicker’s leadership and counsel will be missed. Looking ahead, the Company remains committed to continuing the 112-year tradition of providing Security Assured and high-quality service to customers. Generations of Kansas City Life customers have benefited from the Company’s financial strength, and we look forward to serving future generations of customers as well. R. Philip Bixby President, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board 1 The Kansas City Life Group of Companies S e n i o r O f f i c e r s Kansas City Life Insurance Company Since 1895, Kansas City Life Insurance Company (www.kclife.com) has been dedicated to the present and future financial security of our customers. With more than 2,000 general agents and agents serving 48 states and the District of Columbia, Kansas City Life serves individuals, families, small businesses and corporations with universal life, term life, whole life, variable life insurance,* variable annuities,* fixed annuities and a diverse range of group products. The Company and our subsidiaries provide financial services, including insurance and investments.* Kansas City Life has been Security Assured for 112 years. Old American Insurance Company Since 1939, the mission of Old American Insurance Company (www.oaic.com) has been to provide peace of mind to the senior market and, in turn, enhance the quality of life for policyholders and their beneficiaries. Agents assist individuals ages 50 to 85 through final arrangements planning, Social Security and retirement income replacement insurance and charitable giving life insurance. The subsidiary operates in 46 states and the District of Columbia. Sunset Life Insurance Company of America Sunset Life (www.sunsetlife.com) provides a competitive portfolio of traditional and interest-sensitive products. The Sunset Life sales force was integrated into the Kansas City Life sales force in 2006. Sunset Financial Services Inc.* Sunset Financial Services (www.sunsetfinancial.com) is a full-service brokerage firm and registered investment advisor. Sunset Financial Services registered representatives are primarily affiliated with Kansas City Life. Investment options include variable products, mutual funds, stocks and bonds, trusts, money market funds, CDs and asset management products. *Securities are distributed through Sunset Financial Services Inc., 3520 Broadway, Kansas City, MO 64111, 816-753-7000. Member FINRA (formerly NASD) and SIPC. R. Philip Bixby President, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board Walter E. Bixby, LLIF Vice Chairman of the Board, Kansas City Life Insurance Company President, Old American Insurance Company Charles R. Duffy Jr., FLMI Senior Vice President, Operations Tracy W. Knapp Senior Vice President, Finance Donald E. Krebs, MSM, CLU, ChFC Senior Vice President, Sales and Marketing Mark A. Milton, FSA, MAAA Senior Vice President and Actuary William A. Schalekamp, JD, CLU, FLMI Senior Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary Kansas City Life Insurance Company Old American Insurance Company Sunset Life Insurance Company of America Sunset Financial Services Inc. Home Office 3520 Broadway Kansas City, MO 64111 Phone: 816-753-7000 Visit us on the Internet: www.kclife.com www.oaic.com www.sunsetlife.com www.sunsetfinancial.com 11 2 Like the mighty eagle in the logo, Old American Insurance Company promises strength and protection for more than 200,000 policyholders. The artwork below, which is displayed in Old American’s offices, was created shortly after the subsidiary adopted the eagle symbol in the 1950s. Old American was incorporated in 1939 by the principal partners of a successful Kansas City, Missouri, insurance agency. Created to satisfy the needs of a forgotten market segment, the founding McGee family believed nobody should be considered uninsurable simply because of their age. Today, Old American’s president is Walter E. Bixby, a fourth-generation member of the Bixby family that has led Kansas City Life Insurance Company since the Company’s early days. Under his leadership, Old American continues to adjust and adapt its approach to keep pace with the changing needs of the final expense insurance market. Old American Insurance Company For nearly 70 years, Old American Insurance Company has provided peace of mind to the senior market, helping to enhance the quality of life for policyholders and beneficiaries. The final expense products offered by Old American are designed to cover necessary costs following a death and also to provide reassurance to surviving family members that money will be available for ongoing living expenses. Old American’s final expense products have long been appreciated by policy- owners. However, the subsidiary has faced challenges during the last decade from competitors with similar offerings. In 2007, Old American experienced a positive sales year—generating 8% of the consolidated net income for all Kansas City Life Insurance Company operations. After nearly a decade of flat or decreasing sales, Old American surged ahead in 2007, exceeding 2006 annualized sales by 18%. Unlike previous years when sales for most of Old American’s independent general agencies were flat, 63% of agencies met or exceeded their 2007 sales projections. Contributing to the 2007 sales success were rate structure improvements in late 2006 to reward policyowners who lead healthier lifestyles. In addition, the subsidiary’s approach to lead generation has long been recognized in the industry and will continue to strengthen Old American sales. During 2007, Old American also focused on retaining business rather than simply recruiting new customers. The subsidiary introduced customer follow-up communications and coupled them with value-added benefits to help improve customer loyalty. Thanks to these and other enhancements, Old American produced 26% of consolidated customer revenues in 2007, the same as in 2006. The subsidiary also increased new premiums 5% in 2007, compared to a 12% decrease in 2006. Old American is committed to delivering peace of mind through the subsidiary’s successful nation- wide general agency system with exclusive territories and to evaluating additional ways to increase overall sales and customer retention. For 2008, Old American is focusing on recruiting as well as supporting improved production from existing agencies and agents. Financial Highlights Revenue (shown in millions) $502 $448 $450 $449 $439 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Net Income (shown in millions) $58 $36 $37 $36 $15 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Book Value per Share $54 $58 $57 $58 $58 10 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 3 C o r p o r a t e H i g h l i g h t s Sales and Marketing The just-completed year was an exciting and progressive one for Kansas City Life Insurance Company and the agencies and clients who have benefited from our strength and partnered with us for generations. In 2008, we began a series of enhancements that will help us continue to prosper and grow. Last fall we introduced FIVE PlusSM, a new guaranteed minimum with- drawal benefit (GMWB) rider that allows us to compete more effectively with other leading financial service companies. A new direction for Kansas City Life, the GMWB offers clients a predictable and sustainable retirement income with further growth possibilities, depending on market performance. Further expanding our products and services toolbox in early 2008, Kansas City Life introduced SuperNOVA, an enhanced version of one of our most popular universal life products, and FlexWealth AdvantageSM, a new universal life option to help clients take control of their money. In the months ahead, we will introduce our first return-of-premium term insur- ance coverage. The bottom line with all these enhancements and additions is to help our agencies better satisfy the changing financial service needs of prospective and current clients. Additionally, Kansas City Life remains committed to continuing to provide competitive products, superior customer service, financial strength, specialized training, and superior sales and marketing support. Together these are our value proposition, which is designed to help our agencies grow their businesses. While all these elements are critical to our ongoing success, what has set Kansas City Life apart from the competition is our relationships with our field force. These relationships are a critical reason that generations of agencies and their clients have turned to Kansas City Life over the past 112 years and why new generations of general agents, agents and their clients are now joining our strong and balanced partnership. w i t h j e w e l e d c h a n d e l i e r s i r i d e s c e n t d e c o r a t e d B r o n z e g l a s s o v e r l o o k H o m e O f f i c e t h e d r a m a t i c d e s i g n s i n t h e I t a l i a n m a r b l e The Kansas City Life side of this balanced partnership is to build and fortify these relationships with our field force. For our field force, the partnership contribution isn’t the quantity of services they sell. Instead, it’s their com- mitment to do business with Kansas City Life. We highly value the opportunity to do business with people who appreciate doing business with us. Partnerships. That’s what has kept Kansas City Life Insurance Company strong for generations. As we have since 1895, the Company will continue to proudly partner with agencies, policyowners and associates to deliver the Security Assured that each expects and so richly deserves. Generations of strength for today and tomorrow, too. This is Kansas City Life. l o b b y . B r a s s - o u t l i n e d c u s t o m e r s e r v i c e w i n d o w s r e c a l l l o n g - a g o d a y s w h e n m a n y p o l i c y - o w n e r s p a i d t h e i r p r e m i u m s a t t h e H o m e O f f i c e . 4 O r i g i n a l l y c h a r t e r e d i n 1 8 9 5 a s B a n k e r s L i f e A s s o c i a t i o n , K a n s a s C i t y L i f e I n s u r a n c e C o m p a n y h a s g r o w n t o $ 4 3 9 . 2 m i l l i o n i n r e v e n u e s a n d l i f e i n s u r a n c e i n f o r c e o f m o r e t h a n $ 3 1 b i l l i o n . T o d a y , K a n s a s C i t y L i f e a n d o u r s u b s i d i a r i e s p r o v i d e S e c u r i t y A s s u r e d t o g e n e r a t i o n s o f c u s t o m e r s a c r o s s 4 9 s t a t e s . 9 Sunset Financial Services Inc. l i o n e s s e s T w o g r a n i t e Kansas City Life Insurance Company’s in-house broker/dealer facilitates the pur- chase, sale and management of securities like variable universal life (VUL) and variable annuity (VA) products. Through this effective alliance, Sunset Financial Services gives registered representatives the flexibility to market a full range of fixed and variable products through a single relationship. Despite volatile domestic and foreign market performance in 2007, Sunset Financial Services revenue increased 15% for the year, which compares with a 13% increase the previous year. Looking ahead to 2008 and beyond, Sunset Financial Services has laid the groundwork for increased sales and improved performance and will continue working with Kansas City Life to help recruit and retain quality agencies and producers. O f f i c e , l a s t i n g t o K a n s a s C i t y t h e C o m p a n y ’ s p r o u d l y g u a r d s t a b i l i t y a n d r e m i n d e r s o f t h e e n t r a n c e L i f e ’ s H o m e s t r e n g t h . Each pierced bronze panel in Kansas City Life’s massive Home Office front doors tells a visual story of strength, protection, guardianship, longevity or beauty. C o l o r f u l l o b b y m u r a l s r e c r e a t e m o m e n t s o f i n d u s t r y h i s t o r y , i n c l u d i n g t h e 2 1 4 B . C . c o n s t r u c t i o n o f t h e G r e a t W a l l o f C h i n a a s i n s u r a n c e a g a i n s t i n v a s i o n . 8 P e r c h e d a t o p a p e d e s t a l o f V e r d e m a r b l e , K a n s a s C i t y L i f e ’ s M e r c u r y i s m o d e l e d a f t e r t h e 1 6 t h c e n t u r y G i a m b o l o g n a c l a s s i c i n F l o r e n c e , I t a l y . M e r c u r y i s t h e m e s s e n g e r o f g o o d t i d i n g s a n d p r o t e c t o r o f c o m m e r c e , a p e r f e c t c e n t e r p i e c e f o r t h e C o m p a n y ’ s H o m e O f f i c e l o b b y . 5 Individual Insurance Thanks to Kansas City Life Insurance Company’s continuing and effective focus on life insurance products and distribution, the Company’s Individual Insurance segment generated the majority of consolidated net income for 2007. These products are primarily marketed through independent general agents and agents who sell face-to-face to their clients. The total also includes sales through two alternate mar- keting channels. Based on a marketing arrangement that began in 2006, American Republic Insurance Company’s nearly 600 agent representatives offer Kansas City Life life insurance products to their customers. Additionally, we continue to make our life insurance products available through the agents of GuideOne Insurance Company. American Republic and GuideOne representatives are expected to continue contributing to individual life insurance sales in the future. The Individual Insurance segment’s successful year is reflect- ed in 2007 new premiums, which increased 6% following a 27% decrease in 2006; renewal premiums, which increased 2% in 2007 as well as 2006; and new deposits, which increased 8% in 2007 after a 26% decrease in 2006. Customers showed increased interest in equity The lioness in Kansas City Life Insurance Company’s logo symbolizes strength, stability and protection— providing Security Assured since 1895. Group Insurance markets, which prompted a 37% increase in new variable annuity deposits in 2007 compared with a 14% decline in 2006. Also, new universal life deposits increased 7% and new variable universal life deposits increased 5% in 2007 compared with 2006. Overall, the Individual Insurance segment produced 56% of consolidated customer revenues for 2007. Kansas City Life Insurance Company’s Group Insurance segment markets dental, life, short- and long-term disability, and vision insurance products primarily to small and mid-size organizations. Products are sold through Group Insurance representatives who target a nationwide network of independent general agents and group brokers and also through the Company’s career general agents. By emphasizing these sales, Group Insurance’s core distribution set an annualized premiums sales record of $10 million in 2007, which followed a record of more than $9 million in 2006. This is in addition to Group Insurance products sold through selective third-party marketing arrangements. The Group Insurance segment generated 19% of the Company’s customer revenues in 2007, up from 18% in 2006. Contributing to the higher customer revenues, new group life premiums increased an impressive 49% in 2007 after a 23% decrease in 2006. Policyholder benefits for Kansas City Life’s group accident and health product line increased $1.0 million or 4% in 2007, largely because of an increase in group dental benefits paid. For 2008 and beyond, the Company continues to focus on three key improvement opportunities: 1. Grow in-force premiums, particularly from the Group representative sales force. 2. Increase the use of technology to improve administrative efficiency and reduce expenses. 3. Add new products to the portfolio. 6 I n c e l e b r a t i o n o f i t s 1 0 0 t h a n n i v e r s a r y , K a n s a s C i t y L i f e a d d e d t h e K u g e l t o i t s H o m e O f f i c e c o m p l e x i n 1 9 9 5 . R e c o g n i z i n g t h e C o m p a n y ’ s e n d u r i n g c o m m i t m e n t t o p o l i c y o w n e r s , t h e p e r f e c t l y b a l a n c e d 2 , 1 5 5 - p o u n d g r a n i t e s p h e r e p e r p e t u a l l y m o v e s o n a t h i n f i l m o f w a t e r . I n t r i c a t e c a r v i n g s h i g h l i g h t t h e c e i l i n g a n d t o p t h e 2 0 - f o o t - t a l l B o t t i c i n o m a r b l e c o l u m n s t h a t f r a m e K a n s a s C i t y L i f e ’ s d r a m a t i c H o m e O f f i c e l o b b y . T h e b u i l d i n g ’ s i n t e r i o r a n d e x t e r i o r r e f l e c t c l a s s i c G r e e k D o r i c a r c h i t e c t u r e . 7 Individual Insurance Thanks to Kansas City Life Insurance Company’s continuing and effective focus on life insurance products and distribution, the Company’s Individual Insurance segment generated the majority of consolidated net income for 2007. These products are primarily marketed through independent general agents and agents who sell face-to-face to their clients. The total also includes sales through two alternate mar- keting channels. Based on a marketing arrangement that began in 2006, American Republic Insurance Company’s nearly 600 agent representatives offer Kansas City Life life insurance products to their customers. Additionally, we continue to make our life insurance products available through the agents of GuideOne Insurance Company. American Republic and GuideOne representatives are expected to continue contributing to individual life insurance sales in the future. The Individual Insurance segment’s successful year is reflect- ed in 2007 new premiums, which increased 6% following a 27% decrease in 2006; renewal premiums, which increased 2% in 2007 as well as 2006; and new deposits, which increased 8% in 2007 after a 26% decrease in 2006. Customers showed increased interest in equity The lioness in Kansas City Life Insurance Company’s logo symbolizes strength, stability and protection— providing Security Assured since 1895. Group Insurance markets, which prompted a 37% increase in new variable annuity deposits in 2007 compared with a 14% decline in 2006. Also, new universal life deposits increased 7% and new variable universal life deposits increased 5% in 2007 compared with 2006. Overall, the Individual Insurance segment produced 56% of consolidated customer revenues for 2007. Kansas City Life Insurance Company’s Group Insurance segment markets dental, life, short- and long-term disability, and vision insurance products primarily to small and mid-size organizations. Products are sold through Group Insurance representatives who target a nationwide network of independent general agents and group brokers and also through the Company’s career general agents. By emphasizing these sales, Group Insurance’s core distribution set an annualized premiums sales record of $10 million in 2007, which followed a record of more than $9 million in 2006. This is in addition to Group Insurance products sold through selective third-party marketing arrangements. The Group Insurance segment generated 19% of the Company’s customer revenues in 2007, up from 18% in 2006. Contributing to the higher customer revenues, new group life premiums increased an impressive 49% in 2007 after a 23% decrease in 2006. Policyholder benefits for Kansas City Life’s group accident and health product line increased $1.0 million or 4% in 2007, largely because of an increase in group dental benefits paid. For 2008 and beyond, the Company continues to focus on three key improvement opportunities: 1. Grow in-force premiums, particularly from the Group representative sales force. 2. Increase the use of technology to improve administrative efficiency and reduce expenses. 3. Add new products to the portfolio. 6 I n c e l e b r a t i o n o f i t s 1 0 0 t h a n n i v e r s a r y , K a n s a s C i t y L i f e a d d e d t h e K u g e l t o i t s H o m e O f f i c e c o m p l e x i n 1 9 9 5 . R e c o g n i z i n g t h e C o m p a n y ’ s e n d u r i n g c o m m i t m e n t t o p o l i c y o w n e r s , t h e p e r f e c t l y b a l a n c e d 2 , 1 5 5 - p o u n d g r a n i t e s p h e r e p e r p e t u a l l y m o v e s o n a t h i n f i l m o f w a t e r . I n t r i c a t e c a r v i n g s h i g h l i g h t t h e c e i l i n g a n d t o p t h e 2 0 - f o o t - t a l l B o t t i c i n o m a r b l e c o l u m n s t h a t f r a m e K a n s a s C i t y L i f e ’ s d r a m a t i c H o m e O f f i c e l o b b y . T h e b u i l d i n g ’ s i n t e r i o r a n d e x t e r i o r r e f l e c t c l a s s i c G r e e k D o r i c a r c h i t e c t u r e . 7 Sunset Financial Services Inc. Kansas City Life Insurance Company’s in-house broker/dealer facilitates the purchase, l i o n e s s e s T w o g r a n i t e sale and management of securities like variable universal life (VUL) and variable annuity (VA) products. Through this effective alliance, Sunset Financial Services gives registered representatives the flexibility to market a full range of fixed and variable products through a single relationship. Despite volatile domestic and foreign market performance in 2007, Sunset Financial Services revenue increased 17% for the year, which compares with a 13% increase the previous year. Looking ahead to 2008 and beyond, Sunset Financial Services has laid the groundwork for increased sales and improved performance and will continue working with Kansas City Life to help recruit and retain quality agencies and producers. O f f i c e , l a s t i n g t o K a n s a s C i t y t h e C o m p a n y ’ s p r o u d l y g u a r d s t a b i l i t y a n d r e m i n d e r s o f t h e e n t r a n c e L i f e ’ s H o m e s t r e n g t h . Each pierced bronze panel in Kansas City Life’s massive Home Office front doors tells a visual story of strength, protection, guardianship, longevity or beauty. C o l o r f u l l o b b y m u r a l s r e c r e a t e m o m e n t s o f i n d u s t r y h i s t o r y , i n c l u d i n g t h e 2 1 4 B . C . c o n s t r u c t i o n o f t h e G r e a t W a l l o f C h i n a a s i n s u r a n c e a g a i n s t i n v a s i o n . 8 P e r c h e d a t o p a p e d e s t a l o f V e r d e m a r b l e , K a n s a s C i t y L i f e ’ s M e r c u r y i s m o d e l e d a f t e r t h e 1 6 t h c e n t u r y G i a m b o l o g n a c l a s s i c i n F l o r e n c e , I t a l y . M e r c u r y i s t h e m e s s e n g e r o f g o o d t i d i n g s a n d p r o t e c t o r o f c o m m e r c e , a p e r f e c t c e n t e r p i e c e f o r t h e C o m p a n y ’ s H o m e O f f i c e l o b b y . 5 C o r p o r a t e H i g h l i g h t s Sales and Marketing The just-completed year was an exciting and progressive one for Kansas City Life Insurance Company and the agencies and clients who have benefited from our strength and partnered with us for generations. In 2008, we began a series of enhancements that will help us continue to prosper and grow. Last fall we introduced FIVE PlusSM, a new guaranteed minimum with- drawal benefit (GMWB) rider that allows us to compete more effectively with other leading financial service companies. A new direction for Kansas City Life, the GMWB offers clients a predictable and sustainable retirement income with further growth possibilities, depending on market performance. Further expanding our products and services toolbox in early 2008, Kansas City Life introduced SuperNOVA, an enhanced version of one of our most popular universal life products, and FlexWealth AdvantageSM, a new universal life option to help clients take control of their money. In the months ahead, we will introduce our first return-of-premium term insur- ance coverage. The bottom line with all these enhancements and additions is to help our agencies better satisfy the changing financial service needs of prospective and current clients. Additionally, Kansas City Life remains committed to continuing to provide competitive products, superior customer service, financial strength, specialized training, and superior sales and marketing support. Together these are our value proposition, which is designed to help our agencies grow their businesses. While all these elements are critical to our ongoing success, what has set Kansas City Life apart from the competition is our relationships with our field force. These relationships are a critical reason that generations of agencies and their clients have turned to Kansas City Life over the past 112 years and why new generations of general agents, agents and their clients are now joining our strong and balanced partnership. w i t h j e w e l e d c h a n d e l i e r s i r i d e s c e n t d e c o r a t e d B r o n z e g l a s s o v e r l o o k H o m e O f f i c e t h e d r a m a t i c d e s i g n s i n t h e I t a l i a n m a r b l e The Kansas City Life side of this balanced partnership is to build and fortify these relationships with our field force. For our field force, the partnership contribution isn’t the quantity of services they sell. Instead, it’s their com- mitment to do business with Kansas City Life. We highly value the opportunity to do business with people who appreciate doing business with us. Partnerships. That’s what has kept Kansas City Life Insurance Company strong for generations. As we have since 1895, the Company will continue to proudly partner with agencies, policyowners and associates to deliver the Security Assured that each expects and so richly deserves. Generations of strength for today and tomorrow, too. This is Kansas City Life. l o b b y . B r a s s - o u t l i n e d c u s t o m e r s e r v i c e w i n d o w s r e c a l l l o n g - a g o d a y s w h e n m a n y p o l i c y - o w n e r s p a i d t h e i r p r e m i u m s a t t h e H o m e O f f i c e . 4 O r i g i n a l l y c h a r t e r e d i n 1 8 9 5 a s B a n k e r s L i f e A s s o c i a t i o n , K a n s a s C i t y L i f e I n s u r a n c e C o m p a n y h a s g r o w n t o $ 4 3 9 . 2 m i l l i o n i n r e v e n u e s a n d l i f e i n s u r a n c e i n f o r c e o f m o r e t h a n $ 3 1 b i l l i o n . T o d a y , K a n s a s C i t y L i f e a n d o u r s u b s i d i a r i e s p r o v i d e S e c u r i t y A s s u r e d t o g e n e r a t i o n s o f c u s t o m e r s a c r o s s 4 9 s t a t e s . 9 Like the mighty eagle in the logo, Old American Insurance Company promises strength and protection for more than 200,000 policyholders. The artwork below, which is displayed in Old American’s offices, was created shortly after the subsidiary adopted the eagle symbol in the 1950s. Old American was incorporated in 1939 by the principal partners of a successful Kansas City, Missouri, insurance agency. Created to satisfy the needs of a forgotten market segment, the founding McGee family believed nobody should be considered uninsurable simply because of their age. Today, Old American’s president is Walter E. Bixby, a fourth-generation member of the Bixby family that has led Kansas City Life Insurance Company since the Company’s early days. Under his leadership, Old American continues to adjust and adapt its approach to keep pace with the changing needs of the final expense insurance market. Old American Insurance Company For nearly 70 years, Old American Insurance Company has provided peace of mind to the senior market, helping to enhance the quality of life for policyholders and beneficiaries. The final expense products offered by Old American are designed to cover necessary costs following a death and also to provide reassurance to surviving family members that money will be available for ongoing living expenses. Old American’s final expense products have long been appreciated by policy- owners. However, the subsidiary has faced challenges during the last decade from competitors with similar offerings. In 2007, Old American experienced a positive sales year—generating 8% of the consolidated net income for all Kansas City Life Insurance Company operations. After nearly a decade of flat or decreasing sales, Old American surged ahead in 2007, exceeding 2006 annualized sales by 18%. Unlike previous years when sales for most of Old American’s independent general agencies were flat, 63% of agencies met or exceeded their 2007 sales projections. Contributing to the 2007 sales success were rate structure improvements in late 2006 to reward policyowners who lead healthier lifestyles. In addition, the subsidiary’s approach to lead generation has long been recognized in the industry and will continue to strengthen Old American sales. During 2007, Old American also focused on retaining business rather than simply recruiting new customers. The subsidiary introduced customer follow-up communications and coupled them with value-added benefits to help improve customer loyalty. Thanks to these and other enhancements, Old American produced 26% of consolidated customer revenues in 2007, the same as in 2006. The subsidiary also increased new premiums 5% in 2007, compared to a 12% decrease in 2006. Old American is committed to delivering peace of mind through the subsidiary’s successful nation- wide general agency system with exclusive territories and to evaluating additional ways to increase overall sales and customer retention. For 2008, Old American is focusing on recruiting as well as supporting improved production from existing agencies and agents. Financial Highlights Revenue (shown in millions) $502 $448 $450 $449 $439 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Net Income (shown in millions) $58 $36 $37 $36 $15 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Book Value per Share $54 $58 $57 $58 $58 10 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 3 The Kansas City Life Group of Companies S e n i o r O f f i c e r s Kansas City Life Insurance Company Since 1895, Kansas City Life Insurance Company (www.kclife.com) has been dedicated to the present and future financial security of our customers. With more than 2,000 general agents and agents serving 48 states and the District of Columbia, Kansas City Life serves individuals, families, small businesses and corporations with universal life, term life, whole life, variable life insurance,* variable annuities,* fixed annuities and a diverse range of group products. The Company and our subsidiaries provide financial services, including insurance and investments.* Kansas City Life has been Security Assured for 112 years. Old American Insurance Company Since 1939, the mission of Old American Insurance Company (www.oaic.com) has been to provide peace of mind to the senior market and, in turn, enhance the quality of life for policyholders and their beneficiaries. Agents assist individuals ages 50 to 85 through final arrangements planning, Social Security and retirement income replacement insurance and charitable giving life insurance. The subsidiary operates in 46 states and the District of Columbia. Sunset Life Insurance Company of America Sunset Life (www.sunsetlife.com) provides a competitive portfolio of traditional and interest-sensitive products. The Sunset Life sales force was integrated into the Kansas City Life sales force in 2006. Sunset Financial Services Inc.* Sunset Financial Services (www.sunsetfinancial.com) is a full-service brokerage firm and registered investment advisor. Sunset Financial Services registered representatives are primarily affiliated with Kansas City Life. Investment options include variable products, mutual funds, stocks and bonds, trusts, money market funds, CDs and asset management products. *Securities are distributed through Sunset Financial Services Inc., 3520 Broadway, Kansas City, MO 64111, 816-753-7000. Member FINRA (formerly NASD) and SIPC. R. Philip Bixby President, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board Walter E. Bixby, LLIF Vice Chairman of the Board, Kansas City Life Insurance Company President, Old American Insurance Company Charles R. Duffy Jr., FLMI Senior Vice President, Operations Tracy W. Knapp Senior Vice President, Finance Donald E. Krebs, MSM, CLU, ChFC Senior Vice President, Sales and Marketing Mark A. Milton, FSA, MAAA Senior Vice President and Actuary William A. Schalekamp, JD, CLU, FLMI Senior Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary Kansas City Life Insurance Company Old American Insurance Company Sunset Life Insurance Company of America Sunset Financial Services Inc. Home Office 3520 Broadway Kansas City, MO 64111 Phone: 816-753-7000 Visit us on the Internet: www.kclife.com www.oaic.com www.sunsetlife.com www.sunsetfinancial.com 11 2 Board of Directors R. Philip Bixby Chairman of the Board, President and Chief Executive Officer Kansas City Life Insurance Company Kansas City, Missouri Walter E. Bixby, LLIF Vice Chairman of the Board Kansas City Life Insurance Company President Old American Insurance Company Kansas City, Missouri William R. Blessing Retired Senior Vice President, Corporate Strategy and Development Embarq Overland Park, Kansas Michael Braude Retired President and Chief Executive Officer Kansas City Board of Trade Kansas City, Missouri Richard L. Finn Retired Senior Vice President, Finance Kansas City Life Insurance Company Kansas City, Missouri Senior Officers Webb R. Gilmore Attorney at Law Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, Shareholder Gilmore and Bell, P.C. Kansas City, Missouri Tracy W. Knapp Senior Vice President, Finance Kansas City Life Insurance Company Kansas City, Missouri Nancy Bixby Hudson Investor Lander, Wyoming Warren J. Hunzicker, M.D.* Retired Vice President and Medical Director Kansas City Life Insurance Company Kansas City, Missouri Daryl D. Jensen, MAAA, FLMI Vice President of Administration Western Institutional Review Board Olympia, Washington Retired President and Vice Chairman of the Board Sunset Life Insurance Company of America Kansas City, Missouri Cecil R. Miller, CPA Retired Partner KPMG LLP Kansas City, Missouri Bradford T. Nordholm Chief Executive Officer Starwood Energy Group Global LLC Greenwich, Connecticut William A. Schalekamp, JD, CLU, FLMI Senior Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary Kansas City Life Insurance Company Kansas City, Missouri E. Larry Winn Jr. Retired Member of Congress Kansas, Third Congressional District Prairie Village, Kansas * Warren J. Hunzicker, M.D., passed away on September 13, 2007. Senior Officers – Kansas City Life Insurance Company John L. Nogalski, CPA, FLMI Vice President, Taxes Tracy W. Knapp Chief Financial Officer R. Philip Bixby President, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board Walter E. Bixby, LLIF Vice Chairman of the Board Kansas City Life Insurance Company President Old American Insurance Company Kansas City, Missouri Charles R. Duffy Jr., FLMI Senior Vice President, Operations Tracy W. Knapp Senior Vice President, Finance Donald E. Krebs, MSM, CLU, ChFC Senior Vice President, Sales and Marketing Mark A. Milton, FSA, MAAA Senior Vice President and Actuary William A. Schalekamp, JD, CLU, FLMI Senior Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary Kathleen A. Hunzicker, M.D. Vice President and Medical Director David A. Laird, CPA, FLMI Vice President and Controller Bruce G. Olberding Vice President, Broker Dealer Robert J. Milroy Vice President, Underwriting and New Business W. David Phillips Vice President, Group David A. Laird, CPA, FLMI Vice President and Controller Richard D. Ropp, FLMI, ACS Vice President, Customer Services Richard D. Ropp, FLMI, ACS Vice President, Customer Services Stephen E. Ropp Vice President, Operation Services Senior Officers – Sunset Life Insurance Company of America J. Todd Salash Vice President, Computer Information Services Dan L. Schick, CPA, CLU, FLMI Vice President and Auditor Philip A. Williams, CFA Vice President, Securities R. Philip Bixby President, Chairman of the Board Daryl D. Jensen, MAAA, FLMI Vice Chairman of the Board Donald E. Krebs, MSM, CLU, ChFC Vice President, Sales and Marketing Senior Officers – Old American Insurance Company David A. Laird, CPA, FLMI Vice President and Controller R. Philip Bixby Chairman of the Board Walter E. Bixby, LLIF President John C. Alderton Vice President, Sales Robert J. Milroy Vice President, Insurance Services and Assistant Secretary Mark A. Milton, FSA, MAAA Vice President and Actuary Richard D. Ropp, FLMI, ACS Vice President, Policy Administration Robert J. Milroy Vice President, Underwriting and New Business Gary K. Hoffman, JD, CLU, FLMI Vice President, Associate General Counsel and Secretary James F. Aldrich, JD, CLU, CPCU, FLMI, HIA Secretary 12 Kansas City Life Insurance Company recorded net income of $35.7 million or $3.01 per share for the year ended December 31, 2007, a decrease of $1.3 million from the prior year. The decline in earnings for the year was a result of reduced insurance and investment revenues, along with increased income tax expense. Total insurance revenues declined largely as a result of lower contract charges from reduced balances of life and annuity deposit products. However, the Company’s new sales of life insurance products increased for the year. Total new insurance premiums increased 1%, and total new deposits increased 8% for the year. New insurance premiums increased primarily due to a 1% increase in new individual life sales and a 13% increase in new immediate annuity receipts. The increase in new deposits resulted from a 7% increase in new universal life sales, a 5% increase in new variable universal life deposits and a 37% increase in new variable annuity sales. Kansas City Life’s investment revenues declined due to lower net investment income for the year. Net investment income decreased 3% compared to the prior year. This decline was driven by lower invested assets during the year, which was primarily the result of increased surrenders and withdrawals of insurance and annuity deposit products. The Company’s net realized investment gains for the year were $5.4 million, generated largely from real estate sales. Benefits and expenses declined for the year in comparison to 2006. Favorable mortality experience and reduced interest credited from lower policyholder account balances accounted for a large portion of the $11.6 million decline in total benefits and expenses for the year. Lower operating expenses resulted primarily from lower compensation costs. Income tax expense increased for the year, largely due to reduced low-income housing tax credits generated by the Company and adjustments in tax expense from earlier years. Other Company highlights: • Kansas City Life continues to enhance the product portfolio to keep pace with the changing financial service needs of each generation of clients. In 2007, the Company introduced a guaranteed minimum withdrawal benefit rider that allows the field force to more fully compete with other leading insurance carriers and helps ensure predictable and sustainable retirement income for customers. In 2008, Kansas City Life will unveil other additions and enhancements to the portfolio, including the Company’s first return-of-premium term life insurance product. • Old American Insurance Company had a very strong sales year in 2007. New premiums increased 5% in 2007 compared with 2006. Old American is continuing to build on sales momentum created by product enhancements and marketing changes to improve its competitive position. • The Group Insurance segment is continuing an ongoing focus on increasing sales and improving financial results. The efforts include increased emphasis on direct sales by Group sales representatives rather than through third-party marketers. This shift helped drive a 49% increase in new sales of group life insurance in 2007. • In 2007, the Company completed the sale of Generations Bank for $10.1 million. The sale generated a gain of $1.9 million. This sale supports the Company’s insurance-specific initiatives. • Kansas City Life continues to have solid financial strength. The Company earned “A” ratings from A.M. Best and Standard & Poor’s, two of the nation’s leading insurance rating agencies. • Additionally, the Company maintains a strong capital position, which gives Kansas City Life the ability to weather difficult economic cycles. As an indication of this strength, the Company paid a special dividend of $2 per share to shareholders in 2007, in addition to regular quarterly dividends. In September, we were saddened by the death of Warren “Bill” Hunzicker, M.D., who was an active Kansas City Life Board of Directors member for 18 years and also served nearly 20 years as the Company’s vice president and medical director. Dr. Hunzicker’s leadership and counsel will be missed. Looking ahead, the Company remains committed to continuing the 112-year tradition of providing Security Assured and high-quality service to customers. Generations of Kansas City Life customers have benefited from the Company’s financial strength, and we look forward to serving future generations of customers as well. R. Philip Bixby President, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board 1 K a n s a s C i t y L i f e I n s u r a n c e C o m p a n y ’ s i m p r e s s i v e H o m e O f f i c e b u i l d i n g i s a l o c a l l a n d m a r k , c o m p l e t e d i n 1 9 2 4 o n a f i v e - a c r e t r a c t t h a t b o a s t s m a g n i f i c e n t t r e e s a n d a c o m m a n d i n g v i e w o f t h e s u r r o u n d i n g a r e a . STOCKHOLDER INFORMATION STOCK AND DIVIDEND INFORMATION Stock Quotation Symbol NASDAQ—KCLI The following table presents the high and low prices for the Company’s common stock for the periods indicated and the dividends declared per share during such periods. 2007: First quarter Second quarter Third quarter Fourth quarter 2006: First quarter Second quarter Third quarter Fourth quarter Bid High Low Dividend Paid $ 52.28 47.95 50.79 50.48 $ 53.04 51.27 46.08 58.97 $ 44.35 44.61 38.18 40.00 $ 48.75 41.57 41.82 44.36 $ 2.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 $ 3.08 $ 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 $ 1.08 A quarterly dividend of $0.27 per share was paid February 12, 2008. NASDAQ market quotations are compiled according to Company records and may reflect inter-dealer prices, without markup, markdown or commission and may not necessarily represent actual transactions. CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS Kansas City Life Insurance Company 3520 Broadway Post Office Box 219139 Kansas City, Missouri 64121-9139 Telephone: 816-753-7000 Fax: 816-753-4902 Internet: www.kclife.com E-mail: kclife@kclife.com NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of stockholders will be held at 9 a.m. on Thursday, April 24, 2008, at Kansas City Life’s corporate headquarters. TRANSFER AGENT Cheryl Keefer, Assistant Secretary Kansas City Life Insurance Company Post Office Box 219139 Kansas City, Missouri 64121-9139 10-K REQUEST Stockholders may request a free copy of Kansas City Life’s Form 10-K, as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, by writing to Secretary, Kansas City Life Insurance Company. SECURITY HOLDERS As of January 31, 2008, Kansas City Life had approximately 2,500 security holders, including individual participants in security position listings. Kansas City Life Insurance Company Generations of Strength A n n u a l R e p o r t

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