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TPG TelecomTeAmwork And Technology Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 R o l l s - R o y c e G r o u p p l c A n n u a l r e p o r t 2 0 1 0 © Rolls-Royce plc 2011 Rolls-Royce Group plc Registered office: 65 Buckingham Gate London SW1E 6AT T +44 (0)20 7222 9020 Company number 4706930 Trusted to deliver excellence BUSIneSS reVIew 01 Introduction and highlights 02 Chairman’s statement 04 Chief Executive’s review 08 Our consistent strategy 20 Market outlook 22 Key performance indicators 26 Principal risks and uncertainties 28 Review of operations 28 civil aerospace 30 defence aerospace 32 marine 34 energy 36 engineering and technology 38 operations 40 Services 42 Sustainability 48 Finance Director’s review goVernAnce 56 Chairman’s introduction 56 Board of directors 58 The Group Executive 58 The International Advisory Board 59 Governance structure 62 Audit committee report 63 Nominations committee report 63 Ethics committee report 64 Risk committee report 67 Directors’ remuneration report 78 Shareholders and share capital 80 Other statutory information 81 Material litigation 81 Annual report and financial statements FInAncIAl STATemenTS Contents listed on page 83 Directors’ report The directors present the Annual report for the year ended december 31, 2010 which includes the business review, governance report and audited financial statements for the year. references to ‘rolls-royce’, the ‘group’, the ‘company’, ‘we’, or ‘our’ are to rolls-royce group plc and/or its subsidiaries, or any of them as the context may require. Pages 01 to 82, inclusive, of this Annual report comprise a directors’ report that has been drawn up and presented in accordance with english company law and the liabilities of the directors in connection with that report shall be subject to the limitations and restrictions provided by such law. rolls-royce group plc is incorporated as a public limited company and is registered in england under the Uk companies Act 1985 with the registered number 4706930. rolls-royce group plc’s registered office is 65 Buckingham gate, london, Sw1e 6AT. Cautionary statement regarding forward-looking statements This Annual report has been prepared for the members of the company only. The company, its directors, employees or agents do not accept or assume responsibility to any other person in connection with this document and any such responsibility or liability is expressly disclaimed. This Annual report contains certain forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements can be identified by the fact that they do not relate only to historical or current facts. In particular, all statements that express forecasts, expectations and projections with respect to future matters, including trends in results of operations, margins, growth rates, overall market trends, the impact of interest or exchange rates, the availability of financing to the group, anticipated cost savings or synergies and the completion of the group’s strategic transactions, are forward-looking statements. By their nature, these statements and forecasts involve risk and uncertainty because they relate to events and depend on circumstances that may or may not occur in the future. There are a number of factors that could cause actual results or developments to differ materially from those expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements and forecasts. The forward-looking statements reflect the knowledge and information available at the date of preparation of this Annual report, and will not be updated during the year. nothing in this Annual report should be construed as a profit forecast. designed and produced by salterbaxter Photography credits: Pages 10, 16, 21 littoral combat Ship, copyright lockheed martin corporation, page 31, eurofighter Typhoon, © 2011 eurofighter Typhoon. This document is printed on revive 50:50 Silk which has been independently certified according to the rules of the Forestry Stewardship council (FSc). revive 50:50 Silk contains 50 per cent recycled fibre bleached in an elementally chlorine Free (ecF) process. The manufacturing mill is accredited with the ISo 14001 environmental Standard. This document has been printed using vegetable based inks and is recyclable. Printed by St Ives westerham Press ltd. ISo 14001:2004, FSc certified and carbonneutral®. Business review our ability to design and develop high-technology products and then integrate these into sophisticated power systems for land, sea and air, provides us with access to global markets. Working together we… CReate woRld-ClaSS pRoduCtS aNd teChNology INtegRate Complex SyStemS delIVeR global SolutIoNS 10 12 14 ORDER BOOK – FIRM AND ANNOUNCED (£bn) UNDERLYING REVENUE (£m) . 7 6 1 . 1 7 1 . 7 8 1 . 3 1 2 . 4 4 2 . 1 6 2 . 9 5 4 . 5 5 5 . 3 8 5 . 2 9 5 £bn 60 40 20 0 8 2 3 6 , 8 8 7 5 , 5 4 6 5 , 7 4 9 5 , 8 5 4 6 , 3 5 3 7 , 7 1 8 7 , 7 4 1 9 , 8 0 1 0 1 , 6 6 8 0 1 , £m 12,000 8,000 4,000 0 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 PROFIT BEFORE FINANCING (£m) UNDERLYING PROFIT BEFORE TAX (£m) 1 1 3 2 1 2 0 7 2 7 1 4 7 7 8 3 9 6 2 1 5 2 6 8 2 7 1 1 , 4 3 1 1 , £m 1,200 800 400 0 £m 1,200 800 400 0 5 7 4 5 5 2 5 8 2 4 6 3 3 9 5 5 0 7 0 0 8 0 8 8 5 1 9 5 5 9 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 UNDERLYING EARNINGS PER ORDINARY SHARE (p) PAYMENTS TO SHAREHOLDERS (p) 0 2 0 2 . 0 1 1 1 . 0 2 2 1 . 2 6 5 1 . 8 4 4 2 . 1 8 9 2 . 6 0 4 3 . 0 7 6 3 . 7 6 9 3 . 3 7 8 3 . p 40 30 20 10 0 8 1 8 . 8 1 8 . 8 1 8 . 8 1 8 . 2 7 8 . 9 5 9 . 0 0 3 1 . 0 3 4 1 . 0 0 5 1 . 0 0 6 1 . p 16 12 8 4 0 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 Note: Reconciliation of underlying revenues and results is provided in notes 2 and 5 of the Consolidated Financial Statements. MATURITY PROFILE OF THE GROUP DEBT COMMITMENTS (£m) i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i £m 01 2 1 3 0 Rolls-Royce Group plc annual report 2010 1 2 1 0 2 7 6 5 8 4 1 1 1 0 0 5 600 400 200 0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Business review ChaIRmaN’S StatemeNt “ this has been a testing year, both for the world economy and for Rolls-Royce. I am therefore delighted to report that Rolls-Royce has performed well in these challenging circumstances.” the group conducts business on a global basis and has customers in 120 countries. It is this broad customer base, coupled with an extensive product and services portfolio, which underpins our success. we have continued to grow our order book in 2010 to £59.2 billion. underlying profits before tax increased by four per cent to £955 million. we are proposing a final payment to shareholders of 9.6 pence per share, bringing the full year payment to 16 pence per share. this is an increase of 6.7 per cent and reflects the board’s continuing confidence in the group’s business. International trade tensions, uneven growth, fiscal tightening and currency instability have combined to make the economic environment uncertain. In these circumstances it is important to have a balanced business portfolio. this annual report records that our three businesses outside civil aerospace – marine, defence aerospace and energy – have all grown underlying profits at double digit rates during 2010, adding to the resilience of the business. we continue to benefit from the high barriers to entry which are a consequence of our long-term investments and the businesses in which we are involved. our high-technology products and services require sophisticated systems integration and are hard to replicate. we continuously explore new ways in which technologies developed in one part of our business can be applied in others, reinforcing this strong market position. as well as meeting the challenges of the marketplace in 2010, Rolls-Royce has had to manage the high profile failure of a trent 900 engine on a Qantas airbus a380. Rolls-Royce behaved as you would expect of a highly proficient engineering company. we identified the problem quickly, and applied ourselves to the swift return of the fleet to normal operation. I would like to thank our customers for their support, and recognise the tremendous efforts of Rolls-Royce management and staff in responding so professionally to this very regrettable incident. the safety of our products has always been, and always will be our first priority. we are committed to conducting business to the highest standards, and to enriching the societies in which we live and work. as well as creating employment and generating wealth, we invest heavily and consistently in improving the environmental performance of our products. through our own research, and in collaboration with universities around the world, we are driving innovation and extending the boundaries of human knowledge. our training programmes raise levels of skills and capability and set new standards of engineering excellence. Rolls-Royce people around the world are directly involved in community projects and voluntary activities, contributing to the communities in which we operate. this year we took further steps to embed our global Code of business ethics. Rolls-Royce is a responsible group and we are committed to ensuring that we conduct business appropriately and to the highest levels of integrity. In order to ensure that we achieve best practice, our procedures and training programmes are continually reviewed and involve all our employees. we have continued to invest in our own people through training and development programmes. these programmes operate worldwide, including from dedicated training facilities in the uK and uS. these facilities are used to run a range of programmes for our worldwide workforce and for our customers. the board is committed to improving our environmental performance across all business sectors. Continuous investment in the gas turbine engine, the core product for Rolls-Royce, has progressively improved fuel efficiency 02 Rolls-Royce Group plc annual report 2010 i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i Business review and will continue to do so. the new trent xwb for example will be 16 per cent more fuel efficient than the first trent aero engine to enter service 15 years ago. this means less cost for our customers as well as lower emissions. the application of gas turbines and efficient diesel engines in the marine sector also offers the possibility of significant reductions in emissions at sea. as well as developing core technologies, the group is exploring other low carbon energy sources including civil nuclear power, fuel cell technology and tidal power. In 2011, we are proposing to introduce a new holding company for the group. this will enable us to continue our progressive shareholder payment policy and provide cash returns to shareholders in the most efficient manner through the issue and redemption of C Shares. Rolls-Royce supports a wide range of charitable causes with particular emphasis on the armed forces benevolent funds and educational programmes involved with science and engineering. this year’s Rolls-Royce Science prize was won by a team from teesdale School, County durham for their design project to enhance the lives of animals in their local zoo. they received their award of £20,000 from John Rose at an awards dinner attended by senior industry leaders, academics and government ministers. the Science prize attracts entrants from thousands of schools across the uK. I would like to thank all our management and employees very much for their loyalty and hard work during the past year. our results are a testament to the focus and commitment I see demonstrated in every part of the business and at all levels of the organisation. I am constantly impressed by the initiative shown by Rolls-Royce people in seizing opportunities and responding to the needs of our customers. once again the group benefited from the wise counsel of the International advisory board (Iab) during 2010. this board, whose membership is set out later in this report, was established in 2006 to help provide a broad perspective on issues such as global political developments, business risks and opportunities and economic trends. the advice they give is extremely valuable to us as we develop our global footprint and become more international in our outlook and behaviour. I would like to thank the members of the Iab for their work during the year in providing such high-level strategic advice. I would also like to thank my fellow directors for their superb support and hard work over the past year. there is of course one very important tribute to be paid by the board and everyone else in Rolls-Royce to our Chief 03 Rolls-Royce Group plc annual report 2010 executive, John Rose, who has announced his decision to retire at the end of march this year. John has been Chief executive for 15 years, during which time he has done the most extraordinary job. he has transformed Rolls-Royce into a world-class company operating on a global stage. his strategic vision has led to the construction of a resilient business with a powerful portfolio of internationally competitive products and services. his leadership and tenacity have helped establish a platform from which we expect revenues to double in the decade ahead. we owe John a huge debt of gratitude for what he has done for the Company, not only as Chief executive, but during his career of 27 years with Rolls-Royce. John has also been a driving force in public policy, championing the cause of high value-added manufacturing and services. he argued for the importance of rebalancing the uK economy long before it became fashionable to do so. I am sure he will continue to be a powerful advocate for the importance of science, technology and maths, and of the importance of technical education in a nation’s ability to generate wealth. John Rose will be succeeded as Chief executive by John Rishton, who is currently the Chief executive officer of the dutch based, global retail group Royal ahold. John Rishton has been a member of the Rolls-Royce board for four years. as well as knowing Rolls-Royce well, John has a deep understanding of the aviation industry gained as Chief Financial officer at british airways. he also has manufacturing experience gathered from a number of senior positions at Ford. I have come to know John Rishton well. he is an outstanding individual, with experience as the successful Chief executive of a global publicly listed company. he is an instinctive team player, and was the unanimous choice of the board. I am certain he will prove himself a distinguished Chief executive of Rolls-Royce when he takes up his new role at the end of march this year. the technologies that Rolls-Royce deploys are at the frontiers of engineering. we continue to invest in the long-term growth of our group. we enjoy the long-term support of our large customer base and suppliers, and we will continue to broaden our portfolio organically or by acquisition in our core sectors. we intend to maintain a strong balance sheet and a single a credit rating which we believe provides the foundation for the long-term growth of our businesses. a great company is built by first class, passionate and highly skilled people. we have these in Rolls-Royce and I believe that we will continue to improve our business and deliver excellent value for all our shareholders. Sir Simon Robertson Chairman February 9, 2011 16.00p Full year payment to shareholders i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i Business review ChIeF exeCutIVe’S ReVIew “ Rolls-Royce has maintained progress. our financial position was further strengthened in 2010.” i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i this is my fifteenth and final Chief executive’s review, and so it is a particular pleasure to report that Rolls-Royce has delivered a strong performance in 2010 despite challenging economic conditions. underlying revenue has grown seven per cent to £10.9 billion and underlying profit before tax has increased by four per cent to £955 million. our financial position has also continued to improve with average net cash balances reaching £960 million, an improvement of £325 million over the same period in 2009. this demonstrates once again the strength and resilience of the group and the progress that we have made in recent years. It is a measure of this progress that the civil, defence and marine businesses now each generate underlying profits of more than £300 million. I was an early pessimist about the condition of the world economy and I expect to be a late optimist. the situation remains fragile, recovery has been asymmetric and the global financial system retains the capacity to surprise unpleasantly. however, our consistent investment in a broad portfolio of products and services and our strong customer relationships have given us access to a wide range of global markets. this breadth has allowed Rolls-Royce to maintain progress through the downturn and the disruption to the world economy which began in 2007. Since then the business has grown its order book, revenues, profits and average net cash, and increased payments to shareholders while at the same time we have invested more than £4 billion in the business. total Shareholder Return (tSR) during this period has been 27 per cent, which compares to an average tSR of four per cent for the FtSe all Share index. Investing for the long term during 2010, we have continued our programme of investment, funding world-class facilities in all major geographies, providing capacity for future growth, contributing to improved productivity and delivering products with operational lives which may well extend to half a century. we remain confident in our ability to double revenues in the coming decade through organic growth alone. however, we also have the management and financial capability to accelerate growth through acquisition and partnership. Strategy our consistent strategy, applied over many years, has helped deliver a more broadly based, better balanced and more resilient portfolio. this strategy has five key elements: • address four global markets, civil aerospace, defence aerospace, marine and energy; • invest in technology, infrastructure and capability; • develop a competitive portfolio of products and services; • grow market share and our installed product base; and • add value for customers through the provision of product-related services. 04 Rolls-Royce Group plc annual report 2010 Business review we have high barriers to entry as a result of the technology required for the design, systems integration, manufacture and support of our products. In addition we work hard to transfer intellectual property, products and innovation across businesses to achieve competitive advantage in the markets which we serve. An increasingly global business the business today is the consequence of decisions and investments made over many years. when I first joined the Company in 1984, Rolls-Royce had a narrow product range and its business was mainly uK focused with some presence in the uS. this position has changed fundamentally. we are now able to trade successfully on a global basis and are developing our presence around the world. this brings us closer to customers and allows us access to funding and skills. our customer insight and our ability to develop technologies and integrate them into complex power systems, give us access to markets where demand remains strong for the products and services that we provide. the decision to locate the head office of our marine business in Singapore will have a profound impact on our ability to develop a global view. we now manage about one third of our revenue from Singapore, a further third from North america and the balance from the united Kingdom and europe. this means that management teams, running businesses that in themselves are the size of FtSe 100 companies, will think about challenges and opportunities from a different perspective. this will be of huge benefit to the group as we respond to customer requirements and competition. In 2010, rapid progress was made in the construction of our major new aerospace facilities at Crosspointe in the uS to manufacture discs and at Seletar in Singapore where we will assemble and test large civil engines and manufacture wide-chord fan blades. during the year, we also opened a new mechanical test complex at dahlewitz in germany to conduct testing for our businesses worldwide. we continue to expand our marine services. we already have 34 facilities around the world and the network is growing fast, ensuring that our locations match our customers’ requirements. of course our supply chain has also become increasingly global with around 8,000 suppliers in North and South america, europe 05 Rolls-Royce Group plc annual report 2010 and asia. we continue to invest in improving our supply chain management, to integrate these suppliers into our worldwide operations and to improve our quality and capabilities. £59.2bn order book 38.73p underlying earnings per ordinary share Our business today our business is conducted through four major customer focused businesses: Civil aerospace we have seen signs of recovery in the civil aerospace sector, although the strength of this recovery varies between regions. Nonetheless, we have continued to sign significant new orders, particularly with customers based in asia and the middle east. this includes two individual orders worth more than £1 billion from China and the middle east. In all, new orders amounted to £7.5 billion during 2010, demonstrating the continued confidence of our customers in our portfolio. the two new members of the trent family continued their development programmes through 2010. the trent 1000 is powering the boeing 787 on the aircraft’s flight test schedule. the engine for the airbus a350 xwb, which is due to enter service in 2013, ran for the first time in June. this promises to be the most successful member of the trent family with 1,150 engines already on order. across the portfolio, our order book requires us to more than double our output of trent engines by the middle of this decade. an uncontained disc release occurred on a trent 900 engine on board a Qantas operated airbus a380 in November 2010. this regrettable incident attracted widespread attention. uncontained disc failures happen with a frequency of about once a year on the world’s large civil aircraft fleet. however, this was the first time an event of this nature had occurred on a large civil Rolls-Royce engine since 1994. the safety of our products is our highest priority and each time a serious incident happens Rolls-Royce and the aviation industry learns lessons. these are embedded in the rigorous certification requirements, safety procedures and standards of regulation which make flying an extraordinarily safe form of transport. In line with this regime, Rolls-Royce worked closely with the regulators, i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i Business review airbus and our customers to put in place an effective inspection programme, to identify root cause and to achieve a rapid return of the trent 900 fleet to normal operation. Marine the growth of our marine business over the past decade has been a major feature in the broadening of our portfolio. In that time revenues have grown by six times, and we now have equipment on board 30,000 vessels. this growth is a consequence of our focus on power systems integration for increasingly complex and efficient vessels. Rolls-Royce has a strong position in the offshore support industry with production facilities in nine countries and a growing support network. the acquisition of odIm aSa during 2010, has added significantly to our systems capability and gives us greater access to the growing markets of seismic surveying and subsea deepwater installation. this will be particularly important as oil and gas exploration moves into ever deeper waters, for instance in brazil, where more complex and capable vessels are required. our naval business secured a breakthrough order from the uS Navy to power ten littoral Combat Ships with mt30 marine gas turbine engines. this represents the largest naval surface vessel contract the group has signed. In the uK, all six type 45 destroyers for the Royal Navy have now been launched, equipped with our highly-efficient wR-21 gas turbine power system. In the merchant sector, our technology enables us to respond to the growing demand for improved environmental performance of marine engines. as just one example of this, in 2010 we signed a contract for the world’s largest gas-powered ferry which will operate in the environmentally sensitive coastal waters of Norway, fuelled by liquefied natural gas. this technology dramatically reduces Co2 emissions and virtually eliminates soot and sulphur emissions. Defence aerospace our defence aerospace business is highly diversified with 160 customers in more than 100 countries. despite the pressure on public spending in its traditional markets we continue to benefit from our investment in a broad product and services portfolio, all of which have global applications. In particular, we see growth opportunities in emerging economies in asia, the middle east and South america. In the uK, the Strategic defence and Security Review has impacted a number of long-standing programmes, including the harrier jump jet, which was taken out of service during 2010. however, new products and our substantial service activities will both ensure the resilience of this part of the defence business and create opportunities. New european collaborative ventures are progressing well and are expected to have a strong export market. In particular, the tp400 turboprop on the airbus a400m has now successfully completed 3,000 hours of flight testing. Rolls-Royce is also the leading supplier of engines for transport aircraft globally, powering large fleets such as the C-130, C-130J, Spartan C-27 and osprey V-22. In the uS, the government approved 2010 funding for the development of the F136 engine for the Joint Strike Fighter. we believe this is an important programme not just for the aircraft but to ensure competition and value for taxpayers and customers. we are also involved in major research projects such as adoptive Versatile engine technology (adVeNt), which is designed to significantly reduce fuel consumption. these position us well for future military programmes. energy and nuclear our energy business has two main activities. these are supplying power to the oil and gas sector and the provision of power generation products and services. Rolls-Royce has been a major supplier of power systems for rigs and platforms since the earliest days of offshore oil and gas production. our gas turbines and compressors operate in harsh conditions and remote locations on behalf of major oil companies. For example, our industrial Rb211, avon and trent units are now employed on 60 major pipelines around the world. New discoveries and the associated distribution of their output are creating strong demand for our products and services. i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i 06 Rolls-Royce Group plc annual report 2010 Business review the power generation market continues to be restrained by weak demand for electricity in our traditional markets. however, we have secured significant new orders in emerging economies including India and Venezuela and we see good opportunities for long-term growth for both our gas turbine and reciprocating engine portfolio. It is clear that future developments in this sector are likely to be driven by the need for affordable, efficient, distributed multi-fuel systems. our gas turbine and reciprocating engine portfolio provides a good basis to address these markets. In addition, over the past decade, the group has invested in new technologies such as tidal power and fuel cells. during 2010, we conducted a full scale test of a tidal power turbine, anchored on the sea bed off the coast of Scotland. this has generated 500kw at full power and has been successfully linked into the national grid. we continue to expand our activities in civil nuclear power generation. during 2010, we secured contracts to provide nuclear safety systems in France and in China and have developed supply relationships with reactor vendors and utilities both in the uK and globally. these areas of investment enable us to address the particular requirements of low or zero carbon power generation with solutions that build on our core capabilities. Strength through teamwork the successful development of our portfolio depends critically on world-class people and teamwork. the global nature of our business means that our people must work effectively across time zones, geographies and cultures. of the 38,900 men and women we employ, 45 per cent are now based outside the uK. this makes communications and shared values critical. this year we built on the success of our annual strategy storyboard with a televised presentation to most of the senior managers in the group. the managers who attended this event have been responsible for presenting the storyboard to every employee of the group. this has enabled people at all levels and in every location in the organisation to understand our objectives and to feed back their own thoughts. over the past five years the group has committed £150 million to this area alone. our uK apprenticeship scheme has been awarded beacon Status by the office for Standards in education (ofsted) and we have schemes of similar quality globally. we benefit from the diversity that our global presence brings, recognising that a clear understanding of developing customer requirements, world-class technology and exceptional teamwork are the keys to our future success. Prospects the long-term disciplined application of our strategy has created a broad portfolio of products, services and capabilities that ensures a wide range of options for future growth. the expected doubling of revenue over the next decade is underpinned by a record order book, which gives good visibility of the future, and a strong balance sheet which enables us to invest in the people, technology and capability that will enhance competitiveness. In the short term we expect demand in some markets to remain subdued. however, we have access to the faster growing global markets and our large installed base allows us to benefit from an increasing emphasis on the services we can provide to our customers. last September, when I announced my intention to retire, I said there were three considerations that made me comfortable with my decision: I know Rolls-Royce is in a strong position with more choices than we have had in the past; we have a world-class team; and I am confident in the board’s appointment of John Rishton as my successor. he will be an outstanding Chief executive. Rolls-Royce has been my working life for 27 years. wherever I have gone in the world, I have always been proud to be Chief executive of this Company. It has been an extraordinary privilege to work with so many outstanding people and to contribute to the development of a business that has been at the forefront of engineering and technology for over 100 years. I wish Rolls-Royce, its employees and its shareholders continued success. we believe that effective recruitment and continuous training are critical to our success. this year, we recruited 220 apprentices and over 300 graduates from 25 countries. we devote significant resource to the continuous development and training of our people. Sir John Rose Chief executive February 9, 2011 07 Rolls-Royce Group plc annual report 2010 i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i BUSINESS REVIEw OUR cOnsIsTEnT sTRATEgy OUR cOnsIsTEnT sTRATEgy Is BAsED On FIVE KEy ELEMEnTs 1 2 3 ADDRESS FOUR GLOBAL MARkETS INVEST IN TECHNOLOGY INFRASTRUCTURE AND CAPABILITY DEVELOP A COMPETITIVE PORTFOLIO OF PRODUCTS AND SERVICES We are a leading producer of mission critical, integrated, power systems for the civil and defence aerospace, marine and energy markets. Over the past five years, we have invested £4.2 billion in R&D. We invest substantially in employee development and, in 2010, we invested £361 million in capital projects. We have 40 major engineering programmes and we are involved in many of the future projects in the markets we serve. These key projects will define the power systems market for many years. Civil aerospace Broadest engine range in the world £4,919m Underlying revenue 2010 Defence aerospace Europe’s biggest engine maker £2,123m Underlying revenue 2010 Marine World-leading systems provider and integrator £2,591m Underlying revenue 2010 Energy World leader in power for the oil and gas sector and a growing power generation presence £1,233m Underlying revenue 2010 UnDERPInnED By cORE cHARAcTERIsTIcs 08 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 A strong record of investment in research and development We invest in world-class, cost-effective technology in order to develop products that add value for our customers, improve efficiency and reduce environmental impact. Investment in research and development during 2010 £923m GROSS RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT EXPENDITURE (£m) In 2010, we continued to bring new advanced products to market, including our new wave-piercing design of offshore support vessel. This vessel improves efficiency of operation and safety at sea for the crew. UNDERLYING SERVICES REVENUE (£m) 6 3 6 0 9 5 9 1 6 1 0 6 3 6 6 7 4 7 4 2 8 5 8 8 4 6 8 3 2 9 £m 1,000 800 600 400 200 0 3 4 4 2 , 6 3 5 2 , 0 0 8 2 , 1 5 2 3 , 7 5 4 3 , 1 0 9 3 , 5 6 2 4 , 5 5 7 4 , 7 2 9 4 , 4 4 5 5 , £m 6,000 4,500 3,000 1,500 0 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 Closeness to our customers We recognise that our customers determine our strategy and organisation. Domain knowledge A deep understanding of our customers and the way in which our products and services are used. i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i BUSINESS REVIEw 4 5 GROw MARkET SHARE AND OUR INSTALLED PRODUCT BASE Across our group, the installed base of products in service is expected to generate attractive returns over many decades. ADD VALUE FOR CUSTOMERS THROUGH THE PROVISION OF PRODUCT-RELATED SERVICES We seek to add value for our customers with aftermarket services that will maximise the performance and reliability of our products. The increasing contribution from services We have grown our service revenues ten per cent compound over the past ten years. services account for over 50 per cent of total underlying revenue. The Trent 700 is the market leading engine on the Airbus A330. The engine secured Us$5 billion of business in the second half of 2010. Underlying services revenue 2010 £5,544m GROSS RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT EXPENDITURE (£m) UNDERLYING SERVICES REVENUE (£m) 6 3 6 0 9 5 9 1 6 1 0 6 3 6 6 7 4 7 4 2 8 5 8 8 4 6 8 3 2 9 £m 1,000 800 600 400 200 0 3 4 4 2 , 6 3 5 2 , 0 0 8 2 , 1 5 2 3 , 7 5 4 3 , 1 0 9 3 , 5 6 2 4 , 5 5 7 4 , 7 2 9 4 , 4 4 5 5 , £m 6,000 4,500 3,000 1,500 0 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 DELIVERING A 20-YEAR TRACk RECORD OF CONTINUED GROwTH Organic growth Our broad product range and expanding service provision have delivered growth globally. Partnerships We increasingly develop products with risk and revenue sharing partners and through strategic long-term relationships. Acquisition Major acquisitions such as Allison, Vickers and ODIM have enabled growth in key sectors. Our growth during the past 20 years has been achieved largely organically but also through partnerships and acquisitions. Integrated systems Integrating our products into systems that deliver increased value for our customers. Technological superiority gaining competitive advantage through continual investment in technology. Operational excellence Working constantly to meet and exceed customer expectations. Organisational capability Attracting and retaining the best people globally. Brand Recognised globally, our brand embodies qualities that create a common focus for all our people worldwide. 09 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i BUSINESS REVIEw cREATIng WORLD-cLAss PRODUcTs AnD TEcHnOLOgy OnE cOMPLEx cOMPOnEnT, 35 LARgE AnD 34 sMALL AnD MEDIUM sUPPLIERs, 37 UnIVERsITIEs AnD REsEARcH cEnTREs, OnE InTEgRATED TEAM A single crystal turbine blade is one small component in a gas turbine but it illustrates what makes a high-value business such as Rolls-Royce. The technology it encompasses and the teamwork it takes to design and manufacture it, make it very special. In service As the original manufacturer, Rolls-Royce together with partner companies, manages the equipment in service all over the world. A blade like this can find itself in a gas turbine for powering an aircraft, a ship or an electrical generator. The marine MT30 and the industrial Trent are both 80 per cent common to the aero Trent 800 gas turbine. 10 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i BUSINESS REVIEw Manufacturing We use a ceramic cast in a vacuum furnace to ‘grow’ the structure of the blade from a single crystal of nickel alloy. “Manufacturingproducts ofthiscomplexityrequires anin-depthscientific understandingthatcan onlybeachievedby comprehensiveand collaborativeresearch.” Hamid Mughal Executive Vice President – Manufacturing Engineering and Technology i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i Research Future technologies are developed via a global network of group-funded University Technology centres. Each is dedicated to a specific technical discipline. Aerospace The Trent 800 powers the Boeing 777 aircraft. It is available in a thrust range from 75–95,000lb thrust. Marine The 36MW MT30 marine gas turbine has been selected for the Us navy Littoral combat ship and DDg-1000 destroyer programme, as well as the UK’s new aircraft carriers. Energy The Trent 60 industrial gas turbine is the most powerful aero-derived gas turbine in the world and is in use for both gas compression and power generation applications. 11 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 BUSINESS REVIEw InTEgRATIng PRODUcTs InTO cOMPLEx sysTEMs OUR KnOWLEDgE OF HIgH-TEcHnOLOgy EngInEERIng ALLOWs Us TO InTEgRATE sOFTWARE AnD HARDWARE TO PROVIDE WHOLE sysTEM sOLUTIOns Systems integration Our UT Design of offshore vessel exemplifies the capability of Rolls-Royce. All the electrical automation, power, manoeuvring and propulsion systems are designed and built by Rolls-Royce. Together with the deck-handling equipment, these amount to 60 per cent of the vessel’s total value. Expertise in hydrodynamics makes Rolls-Royce a leader in providing propulsion and manoeuvring systems. Today, Rolls-Royce is a global leader in integrating power and propulsion systems. Offshore Our UT Design of offshore vessel is the market leader. Merchant We see a growing market opportunity based on environment and safety. Naval We are a market leader in integrated power systems on surface naval vessels. 650 80-90% Offshore vessels built 80-90 per cent of world trade is by sea 70 navies 12 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i BUSINESS REVIEw Platform power We are an essential partner in the offshore oil and gas industry. Our ships provide offshore support and over 500 of our gas turbines are powering platforms worldwide. 13 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 Dynamic Positioning “Informationisrelayed fromthepositioning referencesystemstothe ship’sbridge,thendatais automaticallycalculated fortheengines,thrusters andpropellers.” Geir Olav Otterlei DP service Manager Power systems The power and propulsion systems must all work together to keep the vessel within two metres of its intended position, even in high seas. Market leader “Rolls-Royceistheleading companyinoffshoreship design.Wehaveaunique competencebasedon decadesofdesign experiencecombined withcreativityand scientificknowledge.” Svein Kleven chief Designer – Offshore i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i BUSINESS REVIEw DELIVERIng gLOBAL sOLUTIOns AEROSPACE Our civil aerospace business provides the power for 30 different types of commercial aircraft and supports customers around the world. From helicopters and general aviation aircraft, to business jets and the world’s largest airliners, Rolls-Royce offers the industry’s broadest range of engines. In defence, we are a global aero-engine provider and the largest manufacturer in Europe. EXPANDING CIVIL ENGINE CAPABILITY IN ASIA FOR MANUFACTURING, ASSEMBLY AND TESTING “Constructionofthenew63,000m2Seletar campusinSingaporeiswellunderway andwillsoonberecognisedasaglobal aerospacehub.ItincludesthefirstTrent engineassemblyfacilityRolls-Roycehas builtoutsidetheUK.Thesitewillbe officiallyopenedinearly2012.” Tin Ho Operations Director singapore 63,000 m2 seletar footprint 2012 seletar opens 14 14 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i BUSINESS REVIEw “Wearedeterminedto ensurethatwemeet allourcommitments toourgrowinglist ofcustomers.“ Chris Cholerton Trent xWB Programme Director Next generation Trent Almost 1,200 Trent XwB engines are on order to power the new Airbus A350 XwB airliner. This is the newest member of the Trent family and it ran for the first time, on schedule, in mid 2010. The Trent XwB will power all variants of the new A350 XwB aircraft family and it will have a thrust range from 75–93,000lbs. The fan for the new engine, at 118 inches in diameter, is the biggest ever produced by Rolls-Royce. when the cowling is fitted it is wider than the fuselage of a Boeing 737. The first flight of the engine will be in 2011 and production engine delivery is due in early 2013. As the latest member of the Trent family, the -XwB benefits from a strong heritage which is important as we look towards an aggressive development schedule and the high production volumes required. Some of the new technology features include: a composite rear fan case; an optimised IP compressor; a blisked high-pressure compressor and a two-stage intermediate pressure turbine. MAIN IMAGE A Rolls-Royce powered aircraft takes off and lands every 2.5 seconds. NEW FOCUSED FACTORY FOR LIFTFAN™ ASSEMBLY IS OPENED “OurFocusedFactorytosupporttheproductionand assemblyofLiftFansforthenewJointStrikeFighter, wasofficiallyopenedinJune2010.Thefactoryis equippedwithstate-of-the-artassemblytechnology andisanimportantpartoftheexpandingcapability Rolls-RoycehasintheUS.” Anthony Woodard senior Manager for LiftFan Assembly GROWING OUR LARGE ENGINE SERVICES CAPABILITY ACROSS ASIA EUROPE’S PROGRAMME TO DEVELOP AN ALL NEW ENGINE AND MILITARY TRANSPORT AIRCRAFT we are building a £26 million extension to our Hong kong Aero Engine Services facility and our Singapore Aero Engine Services base has increased its capacity to 250 large engines each year. The TP400-D6 large turboprop for the Airbus A400M is being developed by EPI Europrop International, an international co-operation of Rolls-Royce, Snecma, MTU and ITP. Flight testing progressed well in 2010. 15 15 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i BUSINESS REVIEw DELIVERIng gLOBAL sOLUTIOns MARINE We have some 650 Rolls-Royce designed and equipped vessels operating in the offshore oil and gas sector. Our strengths in this sector have enabled us to broaden our reach into the merchant and coastal vessel market areas. We have a significant presence in the naval market powering 70 navies worldwide. i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i US NAVY ORDER 16 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 16 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 The US Navy confirmed at the beginning of 2011 that an order was being placed for the design and construction of ten Littoral Combat Ships incorporating the Rolls-Royce MT30 gas turbine. This is a breakthrough order for the Group. The Lockheed Martin designed ship operates in the close coastal or ‘littoral’ waters. 2,500 Marine customers 30,000 Vessels with Rolls-Royce equipment worldwide BUSINESS REVIEw “ODIMhasbeenaleading supplierofautomated handlingsystemsfor theseismicindustryfor manyyearsandalsohas expertiseinthe subseaandoffshore supplysectors.” Alf Gunnar Skogen Project Manager Deck Machinery seismic and subsea Growing capability Our acquisition of ODIM ASA in 2010 brought technology and complex handling systems enabling us to address better the subsea and seismic sectors in offshore. It is the technology that Rolls-Royce provides that will allow exploration and production of oil and gas to move into ever deeper waters. Naval power In the naval sector we have the world’s most powerful marine gas turbine, the MT30, and the most powerful and efficient waterjet in the world through our kamewa product range. Marine servicing A feature of the marine business which reflects that of aerospace, is the long life-cycle of the equipment in service. Ships can be in service for up to 40 years and the ability to provide comprehensive support for complex systems is critical for our customers and is a core strength of Rolls-Royce. 17 17 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 MAIN IMAGE servicing of an azimuth thruster. i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i EXPANDING OUR PRESENCE IN THE MERCHANT VESSEL MARKET “Weseegrowthincoastal andshort-seashipping, withfeedervesselsthat takeparcelsofcargo tosmallerports.Our energyefficientand moreenvironmentally friendlytechnologies willbeincreasingly attractivehere.” Per Egil Vedlog chief Designer – Merchant 80-90% World trade by sea Us$140bn Addressable market opportunity over 20 years WAVE-PIERCING VESSEL In 2010, the first order for the new Rolls-Royce design of ‘wave-piercing’ offshore vessel was secured from operator, Farstad Shipping. The new vessel is designed for efficiency, safety and comfort and has a visually striking bow shape which enables the ship to pierce waves in extreme weather conditions while maintaining a constant speed. BUSINESS REVIEw DELIVERIng gLOBAL sOLUTIOns ENERGY We are a well-established supplier of power for the energy sector. Rolls-Royce is one of the leading providers of gas turbines for onshore and offshore applications. The group has a growing position in the power generation industry where it offers aero-derived gas turbines, reciprocating engines and now, a civil nuclear capability. TRENT 60 GAS TURBINES IN SERVICE IN MASSACHUSETTS, USA The first two Trent 60 industrial gas turbines to be sold in the US are in operation at Braintree Electric Light Department’s, Thomas A watson Generating Station. 58MW Power rating of the Trent 60 gas turbine 120 Rolls-Royce has energy customers in 120 countries 18 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 18 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i BUSINESS REVIEw “Rolls-Roycehasa significantnuclearskills base,withalargeexisting nuclearcertifiedsupply chain,andsupportsa numberofkeyphasesof thenuclearprogramme.” Lawrie Haynes President – nuclear Civil nuclear capability The civil nuclear market is undergoing worldwide expansion. Increasingly, more countries are recognising the importance of nuclear in providing a secure energy supply and in addressing global climate change. Rolls-Royce is able to bring proven expertise in integrated, long-term support solutions and services throughout the reactor life cycle. The Group currently provides safety-critical instrumentation and controls in Europe, USA and many other international markets, including all 58 operating nuclear power facilities in France. Our nuclear capability covers safety, licensing and environmental activities; plant system and component design; manufacture and supply; in-service support and plant-life extension. 19 19 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 MAIN IMAGE Industrial Trent gas turbines in a Middle East gas compression plant. i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i POWER BOOST FOR THE INDUSTRIAL RB211 GAS TURBINE The RB211 has a strong reputation in the industrial gas turbine market. Over 650 have been sold to 100 customers in 37 countries for oil and gas applications. Now the latest version of the engine has been introduced, the -H63, capable of at least 30 per cent more power and delivering better efficiency than earlier models. 650 sold 37 countries 100 customers DEVELOPING A GENERATOR TO CAPTURE ENERGY FROM THE TIDE 500kW Tidal stream generator Our first tidal stream generator was deployed offshore of the Orkney Islands and a major milestone was reached in the development programme when it generated 500kw at full power for the first time. Business review MArKET OUTlOOK The Group operates in four long-term global markets – civil and defence aerospace, marine and energy. These markets create a total opportunity worth in excess of US$2 trillion over the next 20 years and: have very high barriers to entry; offer the opportunity for organic growth; feature extraordinarily long programme lives, usually measured in decades; can only be addressed through significant investments in technology, infrastructure and capability; and create a significant opportunity for extended customer relationships with revenues from aftermarket services similar in size to original equipment revenues. The size of these markets is generally related to world Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth, or in the case of the defence markets, global security and the scale of defence budgets. civil aerospace The Group produces a 20-year global market outlook, which covers passenger and cargo jets, corporate and regional aircraft. We predict that, over the next 20 years 137,000 engines, worth over US$800 billion, will be required for more than 63,000 commercial aircraft and business jets. The forecast predicts faster growth rates for long-haul markets and those markets to, from and within Asia. These markets will continue to benefit from more liberal air service agreements, which boost demand. Factors affecting demand include GDP growth, aircraft productivity, operating costs, environmental issues and the number of aircraft retirements. While the market can be temporarily disrupted by external events, such as war, acts of terrorism, or economic downturns, it has, in the past, always returned to its long-term growth trend. In addition to the demand for engines, the Group forecasts a market opportunity worth US$600 billion for the provision of product-related aftermarket services. defence aerospace The Group forecasts that demand for military engines will be worth US$160 billion over the next 20 years. This outlook was moderated, slightly based on US and European budget pressures. The largest single market is expected to be the US, followed by Europe and the Far East. Within Asia, demand will be dominated by Japan, South Korea and India. Trends are driven by the scale of defence budgets and geopolitical developments around the world. As in the Group’s other business sectors, programme lives are long and there is a significant opportunity to support equipment with aftermarket services, estimated at US$270 billion over the same period. Customers’ budget constraints and their need to increase the value they derive from their assets have accelerated the move in this direction. marine The Group forecasts a demand for marine power and propulsion systems valued at US$215 billion over the next 20 years. Demand will be greatest in the commercial sector, where the shipping of raw materials, finished goods and people, in addition to oil and gas exploration and production activity, play crucial roles in the world economy. These activities require large fleets of specialised and increasingly sophisticated ships, which have to be continually renewed and supported to remain operationally efficient. Merchant and offshore markets are rarely at the same stage of the business cycle, which helps to reduce overall volatility. Whilst naval markets are driven by different considerations, customers are similarly seeking to get more from their budgets, leading to increasing demand for integrated systems and through-life support arrangements. As in the Group’s other markets, marine aftermarket services are expected to generate significant opportunities, with demand forecasted at US$125 billion over the next 20 years. energy The International Energy Agency has forecast that over the next 20 years, the worldwide demand for oil will grow by more than 18 per cent, for gas by 44 per cent and for energy by more than 30 per cent. To satisfy this demand, there will be a growing requirement for aero-derivative gas turbines in various applications. The Group’s 20-year forecast values the total aero-derivative gas turbine sales in the oil and gas and power generation sectors at more than US$70 billion. Over this period, demand for associated aftermarket services is expected to be around US$50 billion. While the oil and gas market is large and growing, demand for aero-derivative gas turbines in the power generation segment is twice that of oil and gas. 20 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 Note: A long-term conversion rate has been used where necessary in order to present all figures in US$. i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o g s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n f i Business review US$800bn We predict that over the next 20 years 137,000 engines, worth over US$800 billion, will be required for more than 63,000 commercial aircraft and business jets. US$600bn The Group forecasts a market opportunity worth US$600 billion for the provision of product-related aftermarket services. US$160bn The Group forecasts that demand for military engines will be worth US$160 billion over the next 20 years. US$270bn We have an opportunity to support equipment with aftermarket services estimated at US$270 billion. US$215bn The Group forecasts a demand for marine power and propulsion systems valued at US$215 billion over the next 20 years. US$125bn Marine aftermarket services are expected to generate significant opportunities, with demand forecasted at US$125 billion over the next 20 years. US$70bn The Group’s 20-year forecast values the total aero-derivative gas turbine sales in the oil and gas and power generation sectors at more than US$70 billion. US$50bn Demand for associated aftermarket services is expected to be around US$50 billion. 21 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o g s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n f i Business review KEY PErFOrMANCE INDICATOrS The Board uses a range of financial and non-financial indicators to monitor Group and segmental performance in line with the strategy described on pages 08-09. These indicators are chosen to monitor both current performance and the success of investments that will sustain and enhance future performance. Key performance indicators are included in the appropriate sections of the business review and are as follows: Key performance indicators Underlying revenue Underlying profit before financing Cash flow return on capital employed Net research and development charge Gross research and development expenditure Net research and development expenditure as a proportion of underlying revenue Capital expenditure Order book Training and development Employee engagement Underlying revenue per employee Engine deliveries Installed thrust – civil aerospace Percentage of civil fleet under management Underlying services revenue Emissions underlying revenue £10,866m £m 7,353 Monitoring of revenues provides a measure of business growth. Underlying revenues are used in order to eliminate the effect of the decision not to adopt hedge accounting and to provide a clearer year-on-year measure. The Group measures foreign currency sales at the actual exchange rate achieved as a result of settling foreign exchange contracts from forward cover. 12,000 8,000 4,000 0 7,817 9,147 10,108 10,866 748 832 919 983 1,010 491 62 570 (183) 258 16.0 17.2 17.1 17.2 17.3 370 381 403 379 422 747 824 885 864 923 5.4 5.8 5.4 4.7 4.7 303 304 283 291 361 26.1 45.9 55.5 58.3 59.2 182 194 211 233 259 1,469 1,439 1,621 1,600 1,657 320 334 348 367 382 48 55 57 59 70 3,901 4,265 4,755 4,927 5,544 4,025 5,864 8,651 9,875 12,000 1,200 800 400 0 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 832 919 983 1,010 491 62 570 (183) 258 16.0 17.2 17.1 17.2 17.3 370 381 403 379 422 747 824 885 864 923 5.4 5.8 5.4 4.7 4.7 303 304 283 291 361 26.1 45.9 55.5 58.3 59.2 182 194 211 233 259 1,469 1,439 1,621 1,600 1,657 320 334 348 367 382 3,901 4,265 4,755 4,927 5,544 4,025 5,864 8,651 9,875 12,000 600 400 200 0 -200 600 400 200 0 -200 18 12 6 0 500 375 250 125 0 18 12 6 0 500 375 250 125 0 1,000 750 500 250 0 500 375 250 125 0 1,000 750 500 250 0 6 4 2 0 1,000 750 500 250 0 6 4 2 0 400 300 200 100 0 6 4 2 0 400 300 200 100 0 60 40 20 0 400 300 200 100 0 60 40 20 0 300 200 100 0 60 40 20 0 300 200 100 0 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 300 200 100 0 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 400 300 200 100 0 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 400 300 200 100 0 80 60 40 20 0 06 48 07 55 08 57 09 59 10 70 06 48 07 55 08 57 09 59 10 70 400 300 200 100 0 80 60 40 20 0 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 80 60 40 20 0 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 12,000 8,000 4,000 0 12,000 8,000 4,000 0 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 12,000 8,000 4,000 0 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 491 62 570 (183) 258 16.0 17.2 17.1 17.2 17.3 370 381 403 379 422 747 824 885 864 923 5.4 5.8 5.4 4.7 4.7 303 304 283 291 361 26.1 45.9 55.5 58.3 59.2 182 194 211 233 259 1,469 1,439 1,621 1,600 1,657 320 334 348 367 382 3,901 4,265 4,755 4,927 5,544 4,025 5,864 8,651 9,875 12,000 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 18 12 6 0 underlying profit Before financing £1,010m 7,353 Underlying profit before financing is presented on a basis that shows the economic substance of the Group’s hedging strategies in respect of the transactional exchange rate and commodity price movements. In particular: (a) revenues and costs denominated in US dollars and euros are presented on the basis of the exchange rates achieved during the year; (b) similar adjustments are made in respect of commodity derivatives; and (c) consequential adjustments are made to reflect the impact of exchange rates on trading assets and liabilities and long-term contracts on a 06 consistent basis. The derivation of underlying profit before financing is shown in note 2 on page 96 of the consolidated financial statements. cash flow £258m 748 In a business requiring significant investment, the Board monitors cash flow to ensure that profitability is converted into cash generation, both for future investment and as a reward for shareholders. The Group measures cash flow as the movement in net funds/debt during the year, after taking into account the value of derivatives held to hedge the value of balances denominated in foreign currencies. The figure in 2007 includes a £500 million special contribution to the Group’s UK pension schemes, as part of the restructuring of these pension schemes. 06 800 400 0 £m 600 400 200 0 -200 £m 748 1,200 10,866 10,108 1,010 7,817 9,147 919 983 832 07 08 09 10 07 08 09 10 22 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o g 12,000 8,000 4,000 0 s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n f i 1,200 800 400 0 7,353 7,817 9,147 10,108 10,866 12,000 8,000 4,000 0 06 07 08 09 10 Business review 62 570 (183) return on capital employed 17.3% 491 return on capital employed is calculated as the after-tax underlying profit, divided by the average net assets during the year, adjusted for net cash, net post-retirement deficit and goodwill previously written off. It represents a measure of the return the Group is making on its investments. 258 7,353 7,817 9,147 10,108 10,866 748 832 919 983 1,010 600 400 200 0 -200 7,353 7,817 9,147 10,108 10,866 748 832 919 983 1,010 570 (183) 258 16.0 17.2 17.1 17.2 17.3 500 375 250 125 0 7,353 7,817 9,147 10,108 10,866 748 832 919 983 1,010 570 (183) 258 06 491 07 62 12,000 8,000 4,000 0 1,200 800 400 0 600 400 200 0 -200 18 12 6 0 06 491 07 62 12,000 8,000 4,000 0 1,200 800 400 0 600 400 200 0 -200 06 491 07 62 06 491 07 62 12,000 8,000 4,000 0 1,200 800 400 0 600 400 200 0 -200 18 12 6 0 500 375 250 125 0 1,200 800 400 0 600 400 200 0 -200 18 12 6 0 500 375 250 125 0 1,000 750 500 250 0 7,353 7,817 9,147 10,108 10,866 748 832 919 983 1,010 570 (183) 258 16.0 17.2 17.1 17.2 17.3 370 381 403 379 422 7,353 7,817 9,147 10,108 10,866 748 832 919 983 1,010 570 (183) 258 16.0 17.2 17.1 17.2 17.3 370 381 403 379 422 747 824 885 864 923 06 07 08 09 10 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 12,000 8,000 4,000 0 1,200 800 400 0 12,000 8,000 4,000 0 1,000 750 500 250 0 6 4 2 0 18 12 6 0 17.2 17.1 net research and development charge £422m 16.0 Investment in research and development underpins all the elements of the Group’s strategy. Programme expenditure is monitored in conjunction with a gated review process on each programme and progress is reviewed at key milestones. 17.2 17.3 370 381 403 379 422 £m 500 375 250 125 0 381 403 gross research and development expenditure £923m 370 The Group’s research and development activities comprise both self-funded and customer funded programmes. Gross expenditure measures total research and development activity and is an indicator of the actions taken to enhance the Group’s intellectual property. 379 422 824 885 864 923 £m 747 1,000 750 500 250 0 16.0 17.2 17.1 17.2 17.3 370 381 403 379 422 747 824 885 864 923 5.4 5.8 5.4 4.7 4.7 303 304 283 291 361 26.1 45.9 55.5 58.3 59.2 182 194 211 233 259 1,469 1,439 1,621 1,600 1,657 320 334 348 367 382 48 55 57 59 70 3,901 4,265 4,755 4,927 5,544 4,025 5,864 8,651 9,875 12,000 % 18 12 6 0 1,000 750 500 250 0 i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o g 06 5.4 07 5.8 08 5.4 09 4.7 10 4.7 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 303 304 283 291 361 26.1 45.9 55.5 58.3 59.2 182 194 211 233 259 1,469 1,439 1,621 1,600 1,657 320 334 348 367 382 3,901 4,265 4,755 4,927 5,544 4,025 5,864 8,651 9,875 12,000 747 824 885 864 923 303 304 283 291 361 26.1 45.9 55.5 58.3 59.2 182 194 211 233 259 1,469 1,439 1,621 1,600 1,657 320 334 348 367 382 3,901 4,265 4,755 4,927 5,544 4,025 5,864 8,651 9,875 12,000 06 5.4 07 5.8 08 5.4 09 4.7 10 4.7 06 48 07 55 08 57 09 59 10 70 500 375 250 125 0 6 4 2 0 400 300 200 100 0 60 40 20 0 1,000 750 500 250 0 6 4 2 0 400 300 200 100 0 60 40 20 0 300 200 100 0 6 4 2 0 400 300 200 100 0 60 40 20 0 300 200 100 0 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 400 300 200 100 0 60 40 20 0 300 200 100 0 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 400 300 200 100 0 60 40 20 0 300 200 100 0 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 400 300 200 100 0 80 60 40 20 0 300 200 100 0 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 400 300 200 100 0 80 60 40 20 0 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 400 300 200 100 0 80 60 40 20 0 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 12,000 8,000 4,000 0 06 48 07 55 08 57 09 59 10 70 06 48 07 55 08 57 09 59 10 70 80 60 40 20 0 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 12,000 8,000 4,000 0 400 300 200 100 0 80 60 40 20 0 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 12,000 8,000 4,000 0 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 26.1 45.9 55.5 58.3 59.2 182 194 211 233 259 1,469 1,439 1,621 1,600 1,657 320 334 348 367 382 3,901 4,265 4,755 4,927 5,544 4,025 5,864 8,651 9,875 12,000 06 48 07 55 08 57 09 59 10 70 12,000 8,000 4,000 0 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 12,000 8,000 4,000 0 923 % 5.4 5.8 5.4 4.7 4.7 303 304 283 291 361 26.1 45.9 55.5 58.3 59.2 182 194 211 233 259 1,469 1,439 1,621 1,600 1,657 320 334 348 367 382 3,901 4,265 4,755 4,927 5,544 4,025 5,864 8,651 9,875 12,000 net research and development expenditure 747 as a proportion of underlying revenue 4.7% 885 864 824 research and development is measured as the self-funded expenditure before both amounts capitalised in the year and amortisation of previously capitalised balances. The Group expects to spend approximately five per cent of revenues on research and development although this proportion will fluctuate annually depending on the stage of development of current programmes. This measure reflects the need to generate current returns as well as to invest for the future. 06 08 07 09 10 4.7 4.7 5.4 capital expenditure £361m 5.4 5.8 To deliver on its commitments to customers, the Group invests significant amounts in its infrastructure. All investments are subject to rigorous review to ensure that they are consistent with forecast activity and will provide value for money. Annual capital expenditure is measured as the cost of property, plant and equipment acquired during the period. 06 07 08 09 10 303 304 283 291 361 s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n f i 6 4 2 0 £m 400 300 200 100 0 06 07 08 09 10 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 23 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 7,353 7,817 9,147 10,108 10,866 748 832 919 983 1,010 491 62 570 (183) 258 16.0 17.2 17.1 17.2 17.3 370 381 403 379 422 747 824 885 864 923 5.4 5.8 5.4 4.7 4.7 303 304 283 291 361 7,353 7,817 9,147 10,108 10,866 748 832 919 983 1,010 491 62 570 (183) 258 16.0 17.2 17.1 17.2 17.3 370 381 403 379 422 747 824 885 864 923 5.4 5.8 5.4 4.7 4.7 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 12,000 8,000 4,000 0 1,200 800 400 0 600 400 200 0 -200 1,200 800 400 0 600 400 200 0 -200 18 12 6 0 600 400 200 0 -200 18 12 6 0 500 375 250 125 0 18 12 6 0 500 375 250 125 0 1,000 750 500 250 0 500 375 250 125 0 1,000 750 500 250 0 6 4 2 0 1,000 750 500 250 0 6 4 2 0 400 300 200 100 0 6 4 2 0 400 300 200 100 0 60 40 20 0 12,000 8,000 4,000 0 1,200 800 400 0 12,000 8,000 4,000 0 7,353 7,817 9,147 10,108 10,866 748 832 919 983 1,010 491 62 570 (183) 258 16.0 17.2 17.1 17.2 17.3 370 381 403 379 422 747 824 885 864 923 5.4 5.8 5.4 4.7 4.7 303 304 283 291 361 26.1 45.9 55.5 58.3 59.2 300 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 l a i c n a n f i 0 400 300 200 100 0 i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o g 60 40 20 0 s t n e m e t a t s 100 200 10 09 08 07 304 361 283 291 order Book £59.2bn 303 The order book provides an indicator of future business. It is measured at constant exchange rates and list prices and includes both firm and announced orders. In civil aerospace, it is common for a customer to take options for future orders in addition to firm orders placed. Such options are excluded from the order book. In defence aerospace, long-term programmes are often ordered for only one year at a time. In such circumstances, even though there may be no alternative engine choice available to the customer, only the contracted business 06 is included in the order book. Only the first seven years’ revenue of long-term aftermarket contracts is included. £bn 26.1 45.9 55.5 58.3 59.2 182 194 211 233 259 1,469 1,439 1,621 1,600 1,657 320 334 348 367 382 48 55 57 59 70 3,901 4,265 4,755 4,927 5,544 4,025 5,864 8,651 9,875 12,000 60 40 20 0 300 200 100 0 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 training and development £33m employee engagement 38,900 £33 million investment in 2010 Training is a core element of the Group’s investment in its capability and is measured as the expenditure on the training and development of employees, customers and suppliers. Effectiveness is ensured by using a range of external and internal sources and by gathering user feedback. 38,900 employees in 2010 regular surveys are undertaken to identify and address emerging issues. A full employee engagement survey is run every two years with smaller pulse-check surveys in between. Training and employee engagement surveys are discussed further in the sustainability section of this review. 45.9 55.5 underlying revenue per employee £259,000 26.1 A measure of personnel productivity, this indicator measures underlying revenue generated per employee on a three-year rolling basis. 58.3 59.2 £000 300 200 100 0 182 194 211 233 259 1,469 1,439 1,621 1,600 1,657 320 334 348 367 382 48 55 57 59 70 3,901 4,265 4,755 4,927 5,544 4,025 5,864 8,651 9,875 12,000 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 400 300 200 100 0 80 60 40 20 0 400 300 200 100 0 80 60 40 20 0 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 80 60 40 20 0 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 12,000 8,000 4,000 0 12,000 8,000 4,000 0 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 12,000 8,000 4,000 0 1,469 1,439 1,621 1,600 1,657 320 334 348 367 382 48 55 57 59 70 3,901 4,265 4,755 4,927 5,544 4,025 5,864 8,651 9,875 12,000 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 400 300 200 100 0 engine deliveries 1,657 182 The Group’s installed engine base represents an opportunity to generate future aftermarket business. This is measured as the number of Group products delivered during the year within each business except for marine, as its products do not lend themselves to this measure due to their diversity. 211 233 259 194 Note: Figures have been restated to include diesel engines. 06 08 07 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 24 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 Business review 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 Business review 1,621 1,439 installed thrust – civil aerospace 382m lbs 1,469 Installed thrust is the indicator of the amount of product in use by our customers and therefore the scale of opportunity this presents for our services business. 1,600 1,657 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 334 348 367 382 48 55 57 59 70 3,901 4,265 4,755 4,927 5,544 4,025 5,864 8,651 9,875 12,000 m lbs 320 400 300 200 100 0 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 334 percentage of civil fleet under management 70% 382 348 320 long-term contracts are an important way of generating value for customers. The percentage of fleet under management gives a measure of the proportion of the installed base where the future aftermarket arrangements are agreed under long-term contracts. 367 The corresponding indicators for the other segments are shown in the respective sections of the business review of operations. 400 300 200 100 0 48 55 57 59 70 % 80 60 40 20 0 i w e v e r s s e n i s u B 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 80 60 40 20 0 12,000 8,000 4,000 0 3,901 4,265 4,755 4,927 5,544 4,025 5,864 8,651 9,875 12,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 12,000 8,000 4,000 0 7,353 7,817 9,147 10,108 10,866 748 832 919 983 1,010 491 62 570 (183) 258 16.0 17.2 17.1 17.2 17.3 370 381 403 379 422 747 824 885 864 923 5.4 5.8 5.4 4.7 4.7 303 304 283 291 361 26.1 45.9 55.5 58.3 59.2 182 194 211 233 259 1,469 1,439 1,621 1,600 1,657 7,353 7,817 9,147 10,108 10,866 748 832 919 983 1,010 491 62 570 (183) 258 16.0 17.2 17.1 17.2 17.3 370 381 403 379 422 747 824 885 864 923 5.4 5.8 5.4 4.7 4.7 303 304 283 291 361 26.1 45.9 55.5 58.3 59.2 182 194 211 233 259 12,000 8,000 4,000 0 1,200 800 400 0 600 400 200 0 -200 1,200 800 400 0 600 400 200 0 -200 18 12 6 0 600 400 200 0 -200 18 12 6 0 500 375 250 125 0 18 12 6 0 500 375 250 125 0 1,000 750 500 250 0 500 375 250 125 0 1,000 750 500 250 0 6 4 2 0 1,000 750 500 250 0 6 4 2 0 400 300 200 100 0 6 4 2 0 400 300 200 100 0 60 40 20 0 400 300 200 100 0 60 40 20 0 300 200 100 0 60 40 20 0 300 200 100 0 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 300 200 100 0 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 400 300 200 100 0 12,000 8,000 4,000 0 1,200 800 400 0 12,000 8,000 4,000 0 7,353 7,817 9,147 10,108 10,866 748 832 919 983 1,010 491 62 570 (183) 258 16.0 17.2 17.1 17.2 17.3 370 381 403 379 422 747 824 885 864 923 5.4 5.8 5.4 4.7 4.7 303 304 283 291 361 26.1 45.9 55.5 58.3 59.2 182 194 211 233 259 1,469 1,439 1,621 1,600 1,657 320 334 348 367 382 £m 3,901 4,265 4,755 4,927 5,544 4,025 5,864 8,651 9,875 12,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 e c n a n r e v o g 12,000 8,000 4,000 0 underlying services revenue £5,544m 59 48 Underlying services revenue shows the amount of business during the year that has been generated from the installed engine base. This is measured as the revenue derived from spare parts, overhaul services and long-term service arrangements. 80 60 40 20 0 70 57 55 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 06 07 08 09 10 emissions Much of the research and development expenditure is focused on reducing emissions of the Group’s products. The Group measures both the emissions of its products and the emissions of its manufacturing operations. These measures are described in detail in the environment report, ‘Powering a better world’, which is available on the Group’s website at 25 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n f i Business review PrINCIPAl rISKS AND UNCErTAINTIES The Group has established and implemented a sound risk management structure throughout the business, that supports programme execution, informs decision making and ultimately leads to better business performance. risk description potential impact mitigation environmental impact of products and operations legislative and regulatory pressures significant external events t n e m n o r i v n e s s e n s u B i competitive pressures export controls i c g e t a r t s government spending global resource capability i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o g s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n f i The Group recognises that its products and business operations have an impact on the environment, particularly in relation to climate change. Environmental performance is of great importance to customers and regulators; rolls-royce is determined to be part of the solution to these environmental challenges. Failure to respond proactively to the escalating environmental challenge could result in a dilution of reputation, and ultimately loss of market share to competitors. Product life cycles may also be shortened, with a consequent impact on the business model. • Significant investment in innovative solutions and enhancements for the aviation, marine and energy markets. • research and development in low carbon technologies such as nuclear power, fuel cells and tidal energy. • Governance structure headed by the Environment Council oversees improvements in the environmental performance of the Group. The Group operates in a highly regulated environment and aims to comply with all relevant statutes. Increasing requirements from domestic and international legislation continue to be experienced; examples include anti-bribery, authorisation of chemicals and substances, and financial regulations, specifically relating to ‘over-the-counter’ derivatives. Events may occur, externally to the business, that could undermine the basis of its operational and financial forecasts. Such events might include terrorism, political change, global pandemic, natural disaster or continued and deeper economic retrenchment. The markets in which the Group operates are highly competitive and this competition is increasing as a result of global economic uncertainties. The majority of product programmes are long term in nature and access to key customer platforms, most importantly Airbus and Boeing, is critical to success. This requires sustained investment in technology, capability and infrastructure, all creating high barriers to entry. However, these factors alone do not protect the Group from competition, including pricing and technical advances made by competitors. Non-compliance with applicable legislation and regulations would expose the Group to significant financial fines and penalties and may have a damaging effect on its reputation. • Establishment of a business-wide compliance structure, focusing on anti-bribery and corruption legislation. • Enhanced policies and training on Gifts and Hospitality and Commercial Intermediaries for all employees. • lobbying to inform and influence the content and implementation of new legislation and regulations. Such events could lead to a prolonged reduction in demand for transportation, and hence for a proportion of the Group’s products and services. There may also be constraints on the Group’s ability to conduct its business operations, for example, in the case of disruption to business premises or mobility of personnel. If the rolls-royce products, services and pricing do not remain competitive, this could result in the loss of market share, with attendant impact on long-term financial performance. • A balanced business portfolio and diversity of global operations mitigate the impact of events in any one market sector or geographic territory. • A responsive and regularly exercised team for the proactive management of external events ensures that disruptions to the business, and to customers’ operations, are minimised. • See also ‘IT security’ risk. • Establishment of long-term customer relationships allows the Group to differentiate its products and services and protect margins in the face of competitive pressures. • Steady focus on improvement in operational performance, for example through the modernisation of facilities. • Increased focus on managing the costs of operations and products. • Sustained investment in technology acquisition, and robust protection of intellectual property (see also ‘IT security’ risk). rolls-royce designs and supplies a number of products and services for the military. Many countries in which the Group conducts its business have legislation controlling the export of specified goods and technology intended or adaptable for military application. Non-compliance with export controls could impact both programme performance and the Group’s reputation. Our ability to conduct business in certain jurisdictions could be revoked if we are non-compliant. • Exports Committee, chaired by the Chief Operating Officer, directs strategy and policy on exports. • Export control managers embedded throughout the business. • Export controls awareness training. • Maintenance of the capability to monitor and comply with requirements. The Group conducts activities as a result of government investments, whether through direct sales or support to technology and other programmes. Such spending could be expected to experience continued pressure during a time of global financial uncertainty and budgetary constraint in Europe and the US in particular. The rolls-royce position at the forefront of technology and innovation, and its commitment to delivering significant volumes of business to its customers, demand that we maintain world- class capabilities in all core resource groups, particularly management. Demographic trends, the UK immigration cap and limited supply of appropriately educated and skilled personnel in science, technology, engineering and mathematics subjects exacerbate this risk. A decrease in governmental spending could have an adverse effect on the Group’s future performance. For example, asset usage and/or flying hours could reduce across military fleets impacting aftermarket revenues. reduction in technology investment programmes could delay product development and introduction. Failure to grow the Group’s resource capability to the necessary levels whilst maintaining world-class quality, would adversely impact delivery of customer programmes, threaten our reputation and stifle opportunities for future innovation and growth. • Development of a diversified portfolio of products and services to various markets and regions. • Proactive lobbying for research and technology funding. • Focus on performance to achieve commitments under current contracts. • Significant investment in resourcing and capability infrastructure, notably in the transformation of the Human resources function. • Comprehensive systems in place for the development of individuals’ competencies and the objective assessment of performance, linked to reward. • The Group lobbies on the implications of the UK immigration cap, whilst managing the situation under the interim arrangements announced in 2010. 26 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 Business review risk description potential impact mitigation counterparty credit risk rolls-royce works with various counterparties including financial institutions, customers, joint venture partners and insurers. Counterparty failure is recognised as a principal risk driven mainly by the economic uncertainties and pressures in the current environment. Cash and profit margins could be impacted in the short term, although the Group has built a strong balance sheet to protect itself from the impact of individual defaults. currency risk The Group is exposed to movements in exchange rates for both foreign currency transactions and the translation of net assets and income statements of foreign subsidiaries. The Group regards its interests in overseas subsidiary companies as long-term investments. The Group is exposed to a number of foreign currencies; the most significant being USD to GBP and USD to EUr. Fluctuations in exchange rates to which the Group is exposed could adversely affect operational results or the outcomes of financial transactions. • Established policy for managing counterparty credit risk. • Common framework to measure, report and control exposures to counterparties across the Group using value-at-risk and fair-value techniques. • Internal credit rating assigned to each counterparty, assessed with reference to publicly available credit information and subject to regular review. refer to the Finance Director’s review on page 48 for additional information. • Hedging policy, using a variety of financial instruments, to minimise the impact of fluctuations in exchange rates on future transactions and cash flows. • Translational exposures managed through the currency matching of assets and liabilities, where applicable. • risks reviewed regularly, and appropriate risk mitigation performed where material mismatches arise. refer to the Finance Director’s review on page 48 for additional information. credit rating As a long-term business, the Group attaches significant importance to maintaining a sound investment grade credit rating, which it views as necessary for the business to operate effectively. Downgrading of the Group‘s credit rating would inhibit its ability to secure funding, hedge forward or provide vendor financing, reducing and impacting cash, profit, and reputation. • The Group has developed a strong financial risk profile and continues to improve the business risk profile. refer to the Finance Director’s review on page 48 for additional information. i f n a n c a l i supply chain performance ethics programme portfolio The Group’s products and services are delivered through the effective operation of its facilities and key capabilities, including its supply chain. Success in strengthening our market position and our presence on a number of high profile civil and defence aerospace programmes, together with a growing marine business, places increased demands on the performance of the supply chain. There is an ongoing exposure to the price of base metals, arising from business operations. The Group recognises the benefits derived from conducting business in an ethical and socially responsible manner. This approach extends from the sourcing of raw materials and components to the manufacture and delivery of products and services in all of its global locations and markets. It applies to the provision of a safe and healthy place of work and investment in technologies to reduce the environmental impact of our products and operations. The Group manages complex product programmes with demanding technical and volume requirements against stringent, and sometimes fluctuating, customer schedules. This requires co-ordination of the engineering function, manufacturing operations, the external supply chain and other partners. it security The continuing globalisation of the business and advances in technology have resulted in more data being transmitted internationally, posing an increased security risk. product performance The Group strives to deliver world-class products that are safe and reliable, focusing attention on product design, robust quality and processes, pre-service maturity and in-service management. Safety is the Group’s highest priority. 27 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 Significant supply chain disruption, and failure to deliver parts on time or to committed costs and quality, would undermine the assumptions within business cases, adversely impacting profit and cash. Consequent damage to reputation could also hinder our ability to win future business. • Investment in developing world-class manufacturing processes in Asia, North America and Europe. • Well-established business continuity management process that focuses on critical facilities, activities, processes, skills and suppliers. Significant progress in dual sourcing in these areas. • Increased focus on understanding and addressing sources of risk arising in the external supply chain, particularly those associated with financial instability. • Comprehensive programme of business interruption insurance. • Policies to hedge the price of selected base metals. Shortcomings in the Group’s business conduct would result in significant financial penalties, disruption to our business and/or have a damaging effect on our reputation. • Ethics Committee established to oversee and maintain the highest ethical standards. • Global Code of Business Ethics, in 18 languages, issued to all employees supported by a training and engagement programme to improve awareness of the Group’s values. • Global telephone and intranet channels are available for employees to report in confidence any concerns regarding potentially unethical behaviours. Failure to achieve programme goals would have significant financial and reputational implications for the Group, including the risk of impairment of the carrying value of the Group’s intangible assets and the impact of potential litigation. Impairment is discussed further in the Finance Director’s review on page 48. A breach of IT security may result in controlled data or intellectual property being lost, corrupted or accessed by non- authorised users. Adverse impacts upon operational effectiveness, compliance with legislation or the reputation of the Group might arise. Deteriorations in product safety could significantly affect the Group’s reputation. Shortfalls in performance at entry into service or through life could lead to penalties or additional costs in the aftermarket, and would degrade the business cases upon which revenues are forecast. See also ‘Environmental impact of products and operations’ risk. • Continuous improvement of all processes and project management controls to ensure both technical and business objectives are achieved. • All major programmes subject to approval and regular review by the Board, with particular focus on the nature and potential impact of emerging risks and the effective mitigation of previously identified threats. o p e r a t o n a l i • Continual upgrading of security equipment and software, and deployment of a multi-layered protection system that includes web gateway filtering, firewalls and intruder detection. • Additional specialist resources committed. • Active sharing of information through industry and government forums. • The Group operates, and will continue to operate, in a ‘safety first’ culture. • Ongoing actions and activities being driven to improve maturity at entry into service. • Continuing engineering focus on improvements to product reliability and service lives. i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o g s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n f i Business review CiVil AEROsPACE The civil aerospace business powers over 30 types of commercial aircraft and has a strong position in all sectors of the market: widebody, narrowbody and corporate and regional aircraft. Over 13,000 engines are currently in service with 650 airlines, freight operators and lessors and 4,000 corporate operators. A Rolls-Royce powered aircraft takes off or lands every 2.5 seconds. Highlights First run, on schedule, for Trent XWB Trent 1000 accumulated more than 2,000 test flight hours Trent 700 continues to lead on Airbus A330 AE 3007A2 enters into service V2500 record production level 92 per cent of Trent engines under TotalCare® Key financial data Underlying revenue £m Underlying profit before financing £m Net assets £m 2006 3,907 +15% 519 +14% 2,165 2007 4,038 +3% 564 +9% 2,468 2008 4,502 +11% 566 0% 330 Other key performance indicators 2009 4,481 0% 493 -13% 2,694 2009 47.0 +8% 844 2010 4,919 +10% 392 -20% 2,727 2010 48.5 +3% 846 2006 20.0 +5% 856 2007 2008 35.9 +80% 851 43.5 +21% 987 2,310 2,554 2,726 2,626 3,027 59 48 63 55 61 57 59 59 62 70 Order book £bn Engine deliveries Underlying service revenues £m Underlying service revenues % Percentage of fleet under management 28 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i “ Economic prospects remain uncertain, although traffic growth is improving” Mark King President – Civil aerospace £4,919m Underlying revenue 2010 £392m Underlying profit 2010 1 Full Year 2010 – revenue 1 3 3 2 2 Full Year 2009 – revenue 1 1 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 Key 1 Combat 2 Transport Key 3 UAV/Trainer 1 Combat 2 Transport 3 UAV/Trainer Key 1 Combat 2 Transport Key 3 UAV/Trainer 1 Combat 2 Transport 3 UAV/Trainer 2 2 2 2 41% 52% 7% 41% 52% 7% 37% 52% 11% 37% 52% 11% Key 1 Widebody 2 Narrowbody Key 3 Small engines 1 Widebody 2 Narrowbody 3 Small engines Key 1 Widebody 2 Narrowbody Key 3 Small engines 1 Widebody 2 Narrowbody 3 Small engines 62% 13% 25% 62% 13% 25% 63% 12% 25% 63% 12% 25% 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 2 2 Key 1 Naval 2 Merchant Key 3 Offshore 1 Naval 2 Merchant 3 Offshore 2 Key 2 1 Naval 2 Merchant Key 3 Offshore 1 Naval 2 Merchant 3 Offshore 3 3 3 3 30% 21% 49% 30% 21% 49% 28% 24% 48% 28% 24% 48% 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 Key 1 Civil Nuclear/Other 9% 2 Oil and Gas 55% Key 3 PowerGen (inc Diesels) 36% 1 Civil Nuclear/Other 9% 2 Oil and Gas 55% 3 PowerGen (inc Diesels) 36% Key 1 Civil Nuclear/Other 8% 2 Oil and Gas Key 3 PowerGen 1 Civil Nuclear/Other 2 Oil and Gas 3 PowerGen 69% 23% 8% 69% 23% Business review TotalCare service agreements and Tunisair became a new member of the Trent family, ordering Trent 700s. A Trent 900 engine suffered a significant failure on a Qantas Airbus A380. The cause of this failure, which was specific to the Trent 900 and related to a component in the turbine area, was quickly established and addressed. The A380 fleet has returned to normal operation. Narrowbody in the narrowbody market the V2500 engine, produced by international Aero Engines (iAE) in which Rolls-Royce is a major partner, delivered 371 engines in 2010, its highest ever production level. iAE gained significant contract awards from sichuan Airlines, Vietnam Airlines, TAM Airlines, BOC Airlines and China southern. There are now more than 4,500 V2500 engines flying with more than 190 customers worldwide. Corporate and regional in the small- and medium-size engine market the BR725 remains on schedule for entry into service on the Gulfstream G650 in 2012, following an exemplary flight and engine test programme. The first Embraer legacy 650 large executive jet, powered by the new Rolls-Royce AE 3007A2 engine, was delivered to a Middle East customer in December. Services Revenues from TotalCare long-term support agreements remained resilient in 2010. The proportion of Trent engines in service with TotalCare reached more than 90 per cent, while time and materials activity showed some recovery in the second half of the year. Overall reliability of the Rolls-Royce engine fleet continued to improve with Trent engines achieving on average one million hours between in-flight shut downs, a rate 20 times better than that required by the regulators for approval of Extended Range Twin Operations. Future The business continues to plan for the future, with new two-shaft and three-shaft engines. The Advance2 and Advance3 technology programmes are being driven to support the potential for new engine requirements in the latter part of the decade. The business is also continuing its research into open rotor technology, which we believe could provide a step change in engine performance. Construction work at the seletar large engine assembly complex in singapore is well advanced and is scheduled to open in 2012. Work at the new Crosspointe facility in Virginia, Us, is also proceeding to plan. Trent XWB on test Our new Mechanical Test Operations Centre in Germany is employed in the testing of the Trent XWB. The airline industry has shown recovery in 2010, (after significant losses in 2008 and 2009) with above-average passenger and cargo traffic growth and a return to profit for many airlines. Business jet flights also increased, although not to the levels before the downturn. large cabin business aircraft deliveries, where Rolls-Royce has a strong position, have been more resilient, driven by demand in Asia and Europe, although the Us market remains weak. The small- and mid-size aircraft sectors, which are concentrated in the Us market, continued to be subdued. Widebody We made good progress with the latest members of the Trent engine family, the Trent XWB and Trent 1000. The Trent XWB will power the Airbus A350 XWB and ran for the first time in June – fulfilling a schedule commitment we made four years ago. seven engines will run in 2011 as part of a comprehensive test programme. The Trent 1000, which powers the Boeing 787 Dreamliner, has accumulated more than 2,000 hours of test flight time on four aircraft. The engine won several new orders in 2010, taking the total on order to nearly 550. The aircraft is now expected to enter service in the third quarter of 2011. The business continues to work closely with both large aircraft manufacturers, Airbus and Boeing, to support these programmes. Of the Trent engines already in service, the Trent 700 confirmed its market leading position on the Airbus A330. it has won more than 90 per cent of orders announced in 2010 and more than 70 per cent in the past five years. Orders were particularly strong in the second half of 2010, with Us$5 billion of business announced since the start of July. Rolls-Royce continued to enjoy success in growth markets. in China, Air China, China Eastern and Cathay Pacific selected Trent XWB and Trent 700 engines. in south East Asia, Thai Airways and Garuda ordered Trent 700s, and in the Middle East, Emirates and Egyptair extended While economic prospects remain uncertain in many countries for 2011, traffic growth is improving and we expect to see it return to its historic average of five per cent per annum. Oil prices have remained generally high, encouraging airlines to retire older aircraft during the economic downturn. The Rolls-Royce powered fleet is relatively young and as a result, more fuel efficient. We are benefiting from the upturn as hours flown under TotalCare agreements continue to grow. This underlines the value of our balanced services and products business model. 29 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i Business review DEFENCE AEROsPACE Rolls-Royce is the world’s second largest provider of defence aero-engine products and services, with 18,000 engines in service for 160 customers in 103 countries. Our engines power aircraft in all sectors: transport, combat, reconnaissance, training, helicopters and unmanned aerial vehicles. Highlights TP400 engine approaching 3,000 test flying hours F-35B achieved first vertical landing Adour engine order worth £200 million from india service business worth £1.5 billion secured 2009 2010 2,010 +19% 253 +13% (345) 2,123 +6% 309 +22% (523) 2008 1,686 +1% 223 +12% (197) Key 1 Widebody 2008 2009 62% 2010 2 Narrowbody 5.5 Key 3 Small engines +25% 1 Widebody 517 2 Narrowbody 6.5 +18% 662 13% 25% 62% 6.5 0% 710 13% 3 Small engines 947 1,046 25% 1,103 2007 1,673 +4% 199 +3% (172) 2007 4.4 +38% 495 877 52 11 1 1 1 1 Key financial data Underlying revenue £m Underlying profit before financing £m Net assets £m 2006 1,601 +13% 193 +7% 20 3 Other key performance indicators Order book £bn Engine deliveries Underlying service revenues £m Underlying service revenues % Percentage of fleet under management 2006 3.2 -3% 514 853 53 11 3 2 2 3 3 2 2 30 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i “ We are well positioned to secure growth from emerging economies” Dan Korte President – Defence aerospace £2,123m Underlying revenue 2010 £309m Underlying profit 2010 1 3 Full Year 2010 – revenue 1 3 Key 1 Combat 2 Transport Key 3 UAV/Trainer 1 Combat 2 Transport 3 UAV/Trainer 2 2 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 2 2 Key 1 Naval 2 Merchant Key 3 Offshore 1 Naval 2 Merchant 3 Offshore 2 Key 2 1 Naval 2 Merchant Key 3 Offshore 1 Naval 2 Merchant 3 Offshore 3 3 3 3 30% 21% 49% 30% 21% 49% 28% 24% 48% 28% 24% 48% 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 Key 1 Civil Nuclear/Other 9% 2 Oil and Gas 55% Key 3 PowerGen (inc Diesels) 36% 1 Civil Nuclear/Other 9% 2 Oil and Gas 55% 3 PowerGen (inc Diesels) 36% Key 1 Civil Nuclear/Other 8% 2 Oil and Gas Key 3 PowerGen 1 Civil Nuclear/Other 2 Oil and Gas 3 PowerGen 69% 23% 8% 69% 23% 41% 52% 7% 41% 52% 7% 37% 52% 11% 37% 52% 11% 52 16 52 18 Full Year 2009 – revenue 1 1 3 3 56 12 Key 1 Widebody 2 Narrowbody Key 3 Small engines 1 Widebody 2 Narrowbody 3 Small engines 63% 12% 25% 63% 12% 25% Key 1 Combat 2 Transport Key 3 UAV/Trainer 1 Combat 2 Transport 3 UAV/Trainer 2 2 Business review in March 2010. it is now ready for initial service Release in advance of the first customer deliveries to the Us Marine Corps, scheduled for 2011. The F136 engine programme for the F-35 Joint strike Fighter has continued to illustrate the benefits of its advanced design and technologies, which are uniquely tailored for the requirements of the aircraft. six production-standard F136 engines have been tested during 2010 and the programme is making excellent progress on the path to first flight. Trainers in india, the Government placed an order for a second tranche of Adour-powered Hawk Advanced Jet Trainers, worth up to £200 million. Helicopters in the helicopter market we were awarded a multi-million dollar contract by the Us Army to design and develop a dual-channel, full authority, digital engine control (FADEC) for the M250-powered OH-58 Kiowa Warrior helicopter. We also received the Us Army Kiowa Warrior supplier Excellence Award. in addition, the lHTEC CTs800 engine, which powered three first flights in 2009, achieved the milestone of 50,000 in-service flying hours. Services The success of our services business continued in 2010, attracting major contracts worth around £1.5 billion. Among these was an extension of the long-term support for the RB199 engines powering the UK’s Tornado fleet, and MissionCare™ contracts to provide availability-based engine support for V-22 Osprey transport aircraft and the C-130J in service with the Us. The Us Navy again renewed its support agreement for Adour F405 engines in the T-45 Goshawk trainer. The Canadian Air Force’s AE 2100 engines are now also part of the MissionCare fleet. Future We continue to make good progress on the Us Air Force Adaptive Versatile Engine Technology (ADVENT) demonstrator programme. it is designed to reduce fuel consumption significantly, enabling extended mission ranges and loiter times. in December, we completed the fan rig tests and work continues in preparation for the core and engine demonstrator phases of the programme. Our Unmanned Air systems portfolio was further increased by the roll out of the BAE systems Taranis technology demonstrator powered by the Adour engine. We continue to invest in performance improvements of established fleets such as the Northrop Grumman Global Hawk which is powered by our AE 3007. EJ200 engines power Typhoon aircraft for six air forces Eurofighter aircraft are powered by twin EJ200 turbofans. Each delivers 13,500lb thrust dry, or 20,000lb when using reheat. There continues to be pressure on defence spending in our key markets in Europe and the Us. However, our broad product portfolio and strong service and support position on many of the new and established defence aircraft programmes have continued to provide protection against the changes in defence spending by these important customers. We still see growth opportunities in these markets and, in addition, we are well positioned to secure growth from emerging economies in Asia, the Middle East and south America. Transport Rolls-Royce consolidated its position as a world leader in the transport market as our AE 2100 engine for the lockheed Martin C-130J transport aircraft continued to register orders with existing customers, such as the Us Air Force, while the global fleet expanded with the indian Air Force taking delivery of its first aircraft. The Airbus A400M military transport aircraft enjoyed a year of flight test success with its TP400 engines achieving more than 3,000 flying hours and completing the final bench test requirements, thereby clearing the path to certification. in 2011, we expect to begin flight testing with the Us Air Force for the certification of the T56 engine enhancement kit for the C-130. This will provide significant fuel savings, a substantial improvement to engine reliability and improved hot day/high-altitude performance over the existing engine fleet. Combat in the combat sector our twin contributions to the lockheed Martin F-35 programme continue to make significant progress in the test phase. The unique short take-off and vertical landing (sTOVl) Rolls-Royce liftsystem® powered the F-35B variant aircraft to its first vertical landing Despite the budget cuts in traditional geographical markets, the defence business has the opportunity to compete in a global market potentially worth around Us$430 billion over the next 20 years. Many of our customer requirements for the next ten years are already contracted and there are key export opportunities for programmes across all market sectors. 31 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i Business review MARiNE Rolls-Royce has a world-leading range of capabilities in the marine market, encompassing the design, supply and support of power and propulsion systems. We are leaders in the integration of technologically complex, mission critical systems for offshore oil and gas, merchant and naval vessels. Highlights strong profit growth despite challenging market environment ODiM acquired to extend deepwater oil and gas capabilities First order secured for revolutionary wave-piercing UT Design vessel World’s largest gas-powered ferry commissioned – using Bergen engines Us Navy order for ten MT30-powered littoral Combat ships Global service capabilities extended Key financial data Underlying revenue £m Underlying profit before Key financing £m 1 Widebody 62% 3 2006 1,299 3 +18% 101 +13% 619 2 Narrowbody Net assets £m Key 3 Small engines 1 Widebody 13% 25% 62% Other key performance indicators 2006 2.4 +41% 487 37 3 3 2 Narrowbody 3 Small engines Order book £bn 13% 25% Underlying service revenues £m Underlying service revenues % Key 1 Widebody 2 Narrowbody Key 3 Small engines 1 Widebody 2 Narrowbody 3 Small engines 63% 12% 25% 63% 12% 25% 32 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 1 1 1 1 2007 2008 2009 2010 1,548 +19% 113 +12% 563 2 2007 2 4.7 +96% 545 35 2,204 +42% 183 Key +62% 1 Combat 2,589 +17% 263 +44% 641 2 Transport 488 Key 3 UAV/Trainer 1 Combat 2,591 +0% 332 +26% 41% 52% 815 7% 41% 2008 2 Transport 2009 52% 2010 3 UAV/Trainer 5.2 +11% 3.5 -33% 7% 3.0 -16% 712 32 785 872 30 34 Key 1 Combat 2 Transport Key 3 UAV/Trainer 1 Combat 2 Transport 3 UAV/Trainer 2 2 37% 52% 11% 37% 52% 11% i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i 1 1 1 1 3 3 2 2 3 3 2 2 “ Our revenues have nearly tripled since 2005 and proved to be resilient in 2010” John Paterson President – Marine £2,591m Underlying revenue 2010 £332m Underlying profit 2010 1 Full Year 2010 – revenue 1 3 3 2 2 Key 1 Naval 2 Merchant Key 3 Offshore 1 Naval 2 Merchant 3 Offshore Full Year 2009 – revenue 1 1 3 3 2 Key 2 1 Naval 2 Merchant Key 3 Offshore 1 Naval 2 Merchant 3 Offshore 3 3 3 3 30% 21% 49% 30% 21% 49% 28% 24% 48% 28% 24% 48% 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 Key Key 1 Civil Nuclear/Other 9% 2 Oil and Gas 55% 3 PowerGen (inc Diesels) 36% 1 Civil Nuclear/Other 9% 2 Oil and Gas 55% 3 PowerGen (inc Diesels) 36% Key 1 Civil Nuclear/Other 8% 2 Oil and Gas Key 3 PowerGen 1 Civil Nuclear/Other 2 Oil and Gas 3 PowerGen 69% 23% 8% 69% 23% Business review As the oil and gas industry continues to explore ever deeper waters, the capabilities that the business now has in these highly-skilled areas will mean that we continue to be a strong partner for our offshore exploration and production customers. Naval Our naval business had a strong year, with significant activity in the UK, the Us and south Korea. in early 2011, we received an order from lockheed Martin for the provision of MT30s, the world’s most powerful gas turbine, together with Kamewa waterjets, to power a further ten Us Navy littoral Combat ships. This is the largest surface fleet order ever achieved by Rolls-Royce. We continued to deliver power and propulsion equipment for the UK’s new Queen Elizabeth class aircraft carriers. Merchant We invest in technology that addresses the need for more efficient marine power and propulsion systems. This is primarily through the reduction of exhaust gas emissions and improvements in ship design. Our Bergen gas engines already surpass international Maritime Organization (iMO) limits for NOx emissions, and several orders for these cleaner engines were secured for specialist coastal vessels and ferries in 2010. We believe that our strong focus on environment and safety technology will be increasingly attractive to customers, resulting in new business opportunities in the merchant and specialist vessel sector. Services Our services revenues grew by 11 per cent in 2010, now representing 34 per cent of total marine revenue, and we have continued to develop both capacity and capability to realise the significant opportunity that our increasing installed base represents. Our global pool of service engineers increased by 20 per cent during the year and we have further extended our service centre network with four facilities across Europe and Africa being expanded or opened. We have enhanced our range of equipment upgrades and successfully introduced an innovative underwater repair service that reduces vessel downtime and increases our ability to support customers operating in remote locations. in addition, we are continuing to develop equipment health monitoring capabilities, leveraging proven expertise in other Group sectors. Future Our strong profit performance in 2010 was a result of delivery of existing orders combined with continued growth in service related activity. Although new orders in equipment reduced in 2010, there was some recovery in the second half of the year. This, combined with anticipated further growth in services, provides us with good visibility of revenues in 2011. i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i Carrier propeller The first propeller for the Royal Navy’s Queen Elizabeth class aircraft carriers was produced by the marine business during 2010. Rolls-Royce has more than 2,500 marine customers and has equipment installed on over 30,000 vessels worldwide, including those of 70 navies. The marine business had another strong year, despite lingering macroeconomic uncertainty and a sluggish recovery in new shipbuilding activity. service opportunities continued to increase as a result both of the large number of vessels incorporating Rolls-Royce equipment entering the market in recent years, and our expanding services network. Revenues proved to be resilient in 2010 despite a slowdown in original equipment orders. Growth was driven by our aftermarket services and ongoing success in the offshore market. As a result, marine profit has increased by 26 per cent in 2010. Offshore The design of offshore vessels and the high-technology equipment they employ, is central to our business today, and we continued our strong performance in this sector. This was largely based on the success of our specialist UT Design vessels and ability to integrate sophisticated systems into complex ships. The latter part of 2010 saw a slight rebound in orders for highly specialised offshore vessels, highlighted by the first order for the innovative UT 790 wave-piercing series. This new design improves stability and crew safety, while minimising environmental impact. During 2010, we completed the acquisition of ODiM. The advanced automated handling solutions ODiM brings to our marine business has further extended our capabilities in the range of vessels and equipment we supply to support oil and gas customers in areas such as seismic surveys, deepwater installation, well intervention and other subsea operations. 33 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 Business review ENERGY The energy business supplies gas turbines, compressors and diesel power units to customers around the world. The business is a world leader in the supply of power for onshore and offshore oil and gas applications. Our developing civil nuclear capability has further strengthened our position in the power generation market. Highlights Eight industrial Trent units sold Avon 200 upgrade now sold to over 80 customers 57 Bergen diesel engines sold for land-based power applications 20 nuclear instrumentation and control systems for China Key financial data Underlying revenue £m Underlying profit before financing £m Net assets £m 2006 546 +2% 2007 558 +2% 1 (18) -1900% 387 5 +128% 1 370 Other key performance indicators Key 2008 2009 2010 755 +35% 1,028 +36% (2) 24 -140% +1300% 533 392 Key 1,233 +20% 27 +13% 434 2008 1 Naval 2009 30% 2010 2 Merchant 1.3 Key 3 Offshore +44% 1 Naval 106 2 Merchant 1.3 0% 87 21% 1.2 -8% 95 49% 30% 21% 3 Offshore 370 470 49% 542 49 9 46 10 44 10 2 2 2006 2007 3 3 0.5 +25% 87 251 46 6 0.9 +80% 78 289 52 7 1 1 2 Key 2 1 Naval 2 Merchant Key 3 Offshore 1 Naval 2 Merchant 3 Offshore 28% 24% 48% 28% 24% 48% 3 3 41% 52% 7% 41% 52% 7% 1 Combat 2 Transport Order book £bn Key 3 UAV/Trainer 1 Combat Engine deliveries 2 Transport Underlying service 3 UAV/Trainer revenues £m Underlying service revenues % Percentage of fleet under management Key 1 Combat 2 Transport Key 3 UAV/Trainer 1 Combat 2 Transport 3 UAV/Trainer 37% 52% 11% 37% 52% 11% 34 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 “ Energy delivered a strong performance in challenging market conditions” Andrew Heath President – energy £1,233m Underlying revenue 2010 £27m Underlying profit 2010 1 2 Full Year 2010 – revenue 1 2 3 3 Full Year 2009 – revenue 1 1 2 2 3 3 Key 1 Civil Nuclear/Other 9% 2 Oil and Gas Key 3 PowerGen (inc Diesels) 36% 9% 1 Civil Nuclear/Other 55% 2 Oil and Gas 55% 3 PowerGen (inc Diesels) 36% Key 1 Civil Nuclear/Other 8% 2 Oil and Gas Key 3 PowerGen 1 Civil Nuclear/Other 2 Oil and Gas 3 PowerGen 69% 23% 8% 69% 23% i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G 2 2 s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i 2 2 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 3 3 2 2 3 3 2 2 Key 1 Widebody 2 Narrowbody Key 3 Small engines 1 Widebody 2 Narrowbody 3 Small engines Key 1 Widebody 2 Narrowbody Key 3 Small engines 1 Widebody 2 Narrowbody 3 Small engines 62% 13% 25% 62% 13% 25% 63% 12% 25% 63% 12% 25% Business review Gas pipelines in China 28 RB211 gas turbine compressor systems have now been ordered by PetroChina for lines one and two of the West-East China Pipeline and for the third shaanxi-Beijing Gas Pipeline. The energy business delivered a strong performance in 2010 with underlying revenue of £1.2 billion, an increase of 20 per cent over 2009, and profit growth of 13 per cent as the business delivered a strong second half recovery to offset the £26 million charge taken in the first half of the year related to the industrial Trent engine. During 2010, the land-based diesel power business was integrated into energy, increasing revenue by £140 million. Oil prices continued to strengthen during the year and, as a result, bid activity increased in the oil and gas sector, although it is also the case that a number of potential projects were delayed. The traditional power generation market for the Trent continues to be depressed by the low demand for electricity in developed countries. However, the business has been successful in securing new unit orders for both the Trent gas turbine and Bergen reciprocating engines in countries where significant power shortfalls exist, with major orders received from Bangladesh, india, and Venezuela. Orders for land-based diesel and gas engine power generation applications tripled in 2010 when compared to the preceding two years. A packaging partnership for the industrial Trent was agreed with sTX in south Korea, further broadening territorial coverage. Services Demand for aftermarket products and services again grew strongly with another record year delivering revenue of £542 million, an increase of 15 per cent over 2009. including the land-based diesel units there are now a total of 662 units, or 33 per cent of the fleet under long-term service agreements. Operators continue to benefit from product 35 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 upgrades that incorporate the latest technology, including the Avon 200 upgrade, which was introduced in 2006 and has now been delivered to more than 24 customers. Developments investment in low carbon technology products continued with the ongoing development of fuel cell technology. in tidal generation the 500kW demonstration unit at the European Marine Energy Centre in the Orkney islands successfully achieved its technical milestones, generating in excess of 50MWh in the process and earning a Renewable Offset Credit under the UK Government’s tariff regime. Plans are now underway to build a 1MW unit that will provide the basis for a commercially available product. Nuclear During 2010, we continued to progress plans for a UK nuclear manufacturing base and announced the opening of two new nuclear-specific University Technology Centres (UTCs), located at imperial College london and the University of Manchester. Rolls-Royce is also a lead partner in the UK Government’s Nuclear Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (NAMRC) facility, which is due to open in september 2011. The business further extended its nuclear manufacturing skills base through the integration of Canada-based ODiM Numet, specialising in engineering, manufacturing and through-life support of nuclear island systems. in india, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed with larsen & Toubro ltd for a collaborative approach to address new nuclear build markets both in india and internationally. At the beginning of 2011, Rolls-Royce signed an agreement to collaborate with Nuclear Power Delivery UK consortium on its plans to deploy the Westinghouse nuclear reactor in the UK. The nuclear instrumentation and control business performed well in 2010, establishing a solid platform for global growth across Central and Eastern Europe, China and india. it is also delivering 20 safety instrumentation and control systems for eight new plants in China. Future Traditionally a strong oil price has resulted in increased business for original equipment in the oil and gas sector. We would therefore expect the market to continue to strengthen for products and services if the oil price remains relatively high. in power generation we now have a broad range of systems to offer and this puts us in a position of strength to take advantage of any market upturn. We will also continue to explore opportunities in emerging economies. i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i “ Research and development are fundamental to our future success” Colin Smith Director – engineering and Technology £923m Gross research and development 2010 Turbine technology High-pressure turbine blades for the Trent 1000 engine, which is now flight testing on the new Boeing 787 aircraft. Business review ENGiNEERiNG AND TECHNOlOGY in 2010, Rolls-Royce invested a total of £923 million in gross research and development, of which £506 million was funded from Group resources. Research and development are fundamental to our future success, providing technologies and intellectual property that allow us to compete on a global basis in highly competitive markets. Highlights successful rig demonstrator for the ADVENT programme Certification of the RR300-powered Robinson helicopter First test of the Trent XWB The AE 3007A2-powered legacy 650 achieved entry into service liftsystem™ on the F35 lightning ii completed a flawless first hover The tidal stream generator ran to full power (500kW) Key performance indicators Gross research and development expenditure £m Net research and development expenditure £m Net research and development charge £m Net research and development expenditure % of underlying revenue 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 747 395 370 824 454 381 885 490 403 864 471 379 923 506 422 5.4 5.8 5.4 4.7 4.7 i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i 36 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 Business review The Group’s engineering and technology activities are undertaken by close to 10,000 product, engineering and technology specialists covering more than 40 major programmes. The activity is global with main engineering centres located in the UK, Us, Germany, the Nordic countries, singapore and india. Research Our advanced research is supported through our worldwide network of 28 Rolls-Royce University Technology Centres, working across a range of specialist subject areas such as materials, noise, vibration and combustion. Two new centres for nuclear technology at imperial College london and at the University of Manchester were added during the year. During 2010, we strengthened our new Advanced Technology Centre (ATC) in singapore which is developing manufacturing and electrical systems and high-power computing capabilities. Work began on the new, dedicated home for the ATC as part of the seletar development. We opened our new Mechanical Test Operations Centre in Dahlewitz, Germany, during the year. This centre provides mechanical testing capability for all areas of the Group. Building on the success of our membership of the Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (AMRC), we continue to increase our focus on advanced manufacturing. in the UK, we opened the Advanced Fabrication Research Centre at strathclyde, scotland, and the Nuclear Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre project was launched. We are also establishing the Commonwealth Centre for Advanced Manufacturing (CCAM) at the Crosspointe complex in the Commonwealth of Virginia, UsA. in 2010, we established the Manufacturing Technology Centre (MTC) in Coventry, UK. MTC will be the largest in the network of AMRCs when it opens in 2011. Technology programmes in the areas of high integrity joining, intelligent automation, advanced fixturing and net shape powder manufacture have already been launched through MTC partnerships with founder members Rolls-Royce, Airbus and Aero Engine Controls. Environmental performance Further improving the environmental performance of our products and operations is a key driver for research and development in Rolls-Royce. We completed the first build of the Environmentally Friendly Engine, and the second build of our mid-size technology demonstrator engine, E3E, was tested successfully in Germany. The E3E, two-shaft core demonstrated, amongst other successes, critical operability throughout the flight envelope up to 38,000ft, for the novel lean-burn combustor. The European sTREAMliNE programme led by Rolls-Royce was launched in 2010. The project includes 22 partners in eight countries and focuses on demonstrating radical new marine propulsion concepts, aimed at delivering increases in efficiency of at least 15 per cent. We achieved notable engineering successes in each of our key business sectors in 2010. 37 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 Civil aerospace in the civil aerospace business, the first Trent XWB engine went to test on schedule in June, running to 100,000lbs of thrust later in the year. Flight testing of the BR725 for the new Gulfstream G650 progressed well and has now achieved 1,000 hours. The Trent 1000 flight test programme for the Boeing 787 continued, although Boeing announced in early 2011 that the entry into service for the aircraft would be further delayed until later in 2011. 2010 also brought a number of challenges to the civil aerospace business. The eruption of a volcano in iceland in April 2010 resulted in significant disruption to the aviation industry. Our engineering team took a leading role and worked in a systematic way to assist the airlines and industry regulators on this issue. Towards the end of 2010, a Trent 900 suffered a high-profile failure on a Qantas Airbus A380, which initiated a significant and urgent response from the engineering team in order to return to normal operations. Marine in 2010, the marine business acquired ODiM and we have successfully integrated the engineers of this business into the Rolls-Royce engineering community. ODiM’s people have a wealth of skills and technological knowledge. We anticipate the acquisition will enhance our offshore capability significantly. Marine sold the first offshore vessel with a wave-piercing design (UT 754 WP) for delivery in 2012 and the Dynamic Positioning Release 3 (DP3) successfully passed concept design review. Defence aerospace in defence aerospace, the sTOVl variant of the lockheed Martin F-35 lightning ii, equipped with the Rolls-Royce liftsystem®, successfully completed a flawless first hover and vertical landing in March 2010. The pace of the F136 engine development programme accelerated significantly during 2010 with six new test engines delivered during the year. Approximately 900 test hours were completed according to plan for the F136 programme in 2010. The programme also continued its successful history of meeting contractual milestones with the first sTOVl propulsion system delivered to test, on time. libertyWorks® in indianapolis continues to perform well on the ADVENT demonstrator programme; rig testing demonstrated fan performance as expected and with a favourable stability margin. Work continues in preparation for the core and engine demonstrator phases of the programme. in 2010, Robinson Helicopter obtained FAA certification for the RR300-powered R66 helicopter and commenced customer deliveries. Energy We continue to develop our business activities in the civil nuclear market and also continued with further investment in nuclear engineers and in infrastructure. Our first tidal stream generator was deployed offshore of the Orkney islands. A major milestone was reached on November 10, 2010 when the turbine generated 500kW at full power for the first time at the test site. The turbine is now being operated unrestricted with several periods of fully automatic 24-hour operation and has achieved all requirements to gain a renewable obligation certificate. i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i Business review OPERATiONs We continue to invest in operational capability to enable the long-term growth plans of the Group to be executed. Our strong positions in growing markets, represented by a record order book, together with increasing services activity, place a demand on us to deliver world-class operational excellence from modern and efficient facilities. Highlights seletar and Crosspointe facilities on schedule simple and scalable processes being embedded globally Expansion of repair and overhaul capability in Asia Further investment in iT completed across the Group supporting new advanced manufacturing centres Key performance indicators Capital expenditure £m Underlying revenue per employee* £000 * Calculated on a three-year rolling basis 2006 303 2007 304 2008 283 2009 291 2010 361 182 194 211 233 259 “ We are focused on delivering today and building capability for tomorrow” Mike Terrett Chief Operating Officer £361m Capital expenditure i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i 38 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 Business review Investing for growth 2009 proved to be a year of firsts with an unprecedented number of new programmes reaching first flight or launch. in 2010, the work to support these programmes progressed well. in June 2010, the first Trent XWB engine ran for the first time, in line with the plans we set out four years ago. Flight test work progressed on the new Trent 1000 for the Boeing 787 and the TP400 for the Airbus A400M transport aircraft. in marine, we introduced a new wave-piercing design of offshore support vessel, and in energy we launched the upgraded industrial RB211, the –H63. Our success at winning business in the wide-bodied aircraft market means we expect to more than double the number of Trent engines being delivered by the middle of this decade. To manage this change in volume, investment in new facilities, tooling and capability continued during 2010. Building work has progressed as planned on the Crosspointe facility in Virginia, Us, and at seletar Aerospace Park in singapore. With the external building work broadly complete, both are on target to be in operation by 2011 and 2012 respectively. We opened the new Mechanical Test Operations Centre at Dahlewitz, Germany, and a new facility to support the F-35 liftFan™ assembly in indianapolis, Us. We also expanded the civil aerospace repair and overhaul joint venture, singapore Aero Engine services limited, increasing capacity to 250 large engines per year. in the UK, the new disc manufacturing plant in sunderland is progressing to plan and, in addition, we are supporting the development of four advanced manufacturing research centres. Two similar centres are being developed outside the UK. All of these will help improve manufacturing performance across the supply chain. Additional manufacturing capacity, for the submarines and civil nuclear businesses, is being added to our existing facilities in Derby. People and capability We are committed to investing in, and developing, our people to equip them with the skills required to meet the challenges and opportunities we face as the business grows. Through our ethics, health and safety programmes, we are helping our people to make the right decisions and ensuring that the safety of our people and products are at the forefront of our minds and actions. in 2010, we continued to invest heavily in information and technology across the Group. investments in Product lifecycle Management (PlM), Computer Aided Process Planning (CAPP) and Manufacturing Execution systems (MEs) are key to providing the tools to enable effectiveness and efficiency. Future Our journey to create a global, best-in-class, and fully integrated operations function is well underway. While economic uncertainty seems likely to continue, our priorities remain to improve the effectiveness of our delivery and ensure we are well placed to meet the operational demands of the future. i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i Executing operations effectively We are seeking to deliver world-class operational performance across the Group. There has been significant uncertainty in the economic environment during the last two years and our supply chain has performed well throughout this volatile period, with an increasing emphasis on productivity, flexibility and execution. The 2010 results reflect this performance through a marginal reduction in inventory and progress in productivity, reflected by an improvement in revenue per employee. Our global operational network is a highly integrated activity including our own facilities, partners and other external suppliers feeding the gas turbine applications in all four businesses. in addition, we are managing substantial global supply chains to support our growing range of marine and nuclear activities. Delivering excellence During 2010, we have continued to focus on operational excellence with our programme of investments to improve current productivity and support the inevitable growth embedded in the order book. We work in partnership with our external partners and suppliers to reduce waste, improve designs and introduce better manufacturing methods for new and existing products. Our achievements have helped offset inflationary pressures in 2010, however, there remains more to do. Creating simple, scalable processes and a culture of ‘right first time’ are key to operational excellence and will help achieve cost reductions in every aspect of our operations. The ongoing drive to reduce inventory provided further benefits in 2010. We are establishing systematic changes that can transform working capital management and, in time, release cash. 39 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 Business review sERViCEs Rolls-Royce provides power systems for applications that routinely operate in particularly harsh environments, often with years between intervention. service activities provide over one half of the Group’s revenues, having increased ten per cent compound over the past ten years. Highlights service revenues increased by 13 per cent to £5.5 billion 76 per cent of the large civil engine fleet now under TotalCare® Osys expands service diagnostic and predictive capabilities Major contracts secured for Tornado, Typhoon and C-130J engines Over 30 marine service centres in operation around the world 350 industrial gas turbines now covered by long-term service contracts Key performance indicators Underlying revenue £m Underlying services as a percentage of Group revenue 2006 3,901 2007 4,265 2008 4,755 2009 4,927 2010 5,544 53% 55% 52% 49% 51% “ We work closely with customers to align service packages” Tony Wood President – services £5,544m Underlying services revenue 2010 i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i 40 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 Business review Energy We secured further long-term service agreements which, together with the additional 38 new gas turbine units that became operational during 2010, mean the number of gas turbines under long-term service agreements is approaching 350. Additionally, a number of long-term service agreements were renewed, the most significant being with Total in the North sea supporting 14 gas turbine packages on two platforms for a period of ten years. We continue to develop the service infrastructure to support the growth of the Rolls-Royce fleet in China, india, Brazil, Malaysia and Russia, along with extending the global footprint of the business with expanding operations in West Africa and Central Asia. 2010 also saw the 20-year anniversary of the Rolls Wood Group repair and overhaul joint venture. The Rolls Wood joint venture continues to maintain its position as the major supplier of repair and overhaul services for Rolls-Royce industrial gas turbine engines. The scope of the joint venture was expanded in the year with the official opening of a facility in Malaysia in partnership with OTEC. Marine service opportunities have continued to increase in marine as a result of the large number of vessels with Rolls-Royce equipment installed, now totalling over 30,000 vessels worldwide. As this installed base of equipment continues to grow, we are actively expanding our support capacity and capability and now have over 30 dedicated marine service centres serving customers across North and south America, Africa, Europe, the Middle East, Asia and Oceania. Marine customers seek to have their ships serviced close to where they primarily operate, and we continued our expansion by adding around 200 service engineers globally. We continue to expand our service capabilities and in 2010 we completed more than 50 successful underwater intervention repair services which enabled major propulsion overhauls to be completed without the need for time consuming dry docking. Future The Group invested over £26 million this year in developing and restructuring our wholly-owned gas turbine repair and overhaul network, which will deliver significant improvements in operational performance and customer satisfaction. 2010 also saw the celebration of ten years of Rolls-Royce ownership of the Oakland repair and overhaul facility in the Us. Our component repair business continues to grow rapidly and delivered £150 million in benefit across all sectors in 2010. Asset optimisation service development has advanced strongly, led by the Optimized systems and solutions inc. (Osys) business. Osys has expanded our in-service diagnostic, risk management and predictive capabilities. Through Osys, we continue to advance the health monitoring services and capabilities already applied successfully to aircraft engines and energy systems with more than 8,900 assets being monitored. i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i Global services service opportunities have increased in the marine business as a result of the increased level of equipment in operation. As the original equipment manufacturer, Rolls-Royce is best placed to provide mission critical support, long-term product care and well planned maintenance on behalf of customers in each of the markets we serve. The Group’s service capabilities include field maintenance and support services, the provision of replacement parts, equipment overhaul services, component repair, data management, equipment leasing and inventory management. These are typically packaged together and sold as long-term support agreements such as our TotalCare suite. We work closely with customers to align each service package to their operational needs, helping to maximise the availability and efficient operation of the equipment on their behalf. Civil aerospace We have 76 per cent of the large engine fleet and 92 per cent of the in-service Trent fleet now managed under TotalCare. We also have 900 corporate and business jet aircraft enrolled in CorporateCare®, the equivalent offering for this market sector. in 2010, operational planning has been further enhanced across the Trent family of engines with the adoption of sophisticated proactive engine life management policies. These combine our technical knowledge with the service data on each individual engine to enable each customer to manage their whole fleet in a more predictable manner. Our network of On-Wing Care facilities supported over 3,500 events globally in 25 different countries. Defence aerospace We continued to develop MissionCare™ provision worldwide and service presence on military bases. A long-term service agreement was signed with lockheed Martin to support the Canadian Air Force fleet of C-130J military transport aircraft. New contracts were also signed with the UK Ministry of Defence to increase the scope of support for the frontline Tornado and Typhoon fighter aircraft operations. in 2010, Rolls-Royce completed 500,000 flight hours of MissionCare support for the Adour engines that power the Us Navy’s T-45 training aircraft. 41 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 Business review SuSTAInABILITy Our business activities need to be seen in the broader context of sustainable development. A secure supply of affordable energy is a prerequisite for sustainable economic growth, which in turn provides the foundations for social development. Climate change and other environmental concerns mean that new forms of power and propulsion systems are required to address these issues. The environmental challenges posed are complex. Technology will play a critical role and innovation will be vital. Rolls-Royce has highly relevant skills that can be applied to these challenges. i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i 42 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 The products and services that we deliver are critical to the operations of our customers and we pay the highest attention to product responsibility, guided by our core values of reliability, integrity and innovation. We also recognise the social responsibilities that come from being a major employer, neighbour and partner as we conduct our business around the world. In this regard we follow our published Global Code of Business Ethics. Corporate responsibility is fully integrated into our business activities. We believe that conducting business in a responsible manner creates competitive advantage by enabling us to: • attract, retain and motivate the best people; • develop and maintain successful working relationships with customers, suppliers and governments; and • support the global communities in which our employees live and work. External recognition and benchmarking Rolls-Royce is ranked in a number of external indices which benchmark our performance: Business in the Community Corporate Responsibility Index (BitC) The BitC Index assesses the extent to which corporate strategy is integrated into business practice throughout an organisation. In 2010, Rolls-Royce retained its Gold status with an overall score of 91 per cent. We also scored 94.8 per cent in the Environmental Index component of the overall survey. 9 10 Dow Jones Sustainability World and European Indexes (DJSI) Rolls-Royce has retained its position in the DJSI for the ninth consecutive year and, with an overall score of 79 per cent, was sector leader for the Aerospace and Defence sector. The Group scored 100 per cent for environmental reporting, product impact and operational eco-efficiency and occupational health and safety. Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) For the third consecutive year Rolls-Royce has been included within CDP’s FTSE 350 Carbon Disclosure Leadership Index, in recognition of a ‘professional approach to corporate governance in respect of climate change disclosure practices’. Our score increased from 76 in 2009 to 79 in 2010. 2009 Business review Ethics We regard ethical behaviour as key to maintaining and strengthening our reputation and in support of our commitment to act with integrity, we continued the deployment of the global ethics programme launched in 2009. This is underpinned by our Global Code of Business Ethics which is issued to all employees. Compliance and assurance The new uK Bribery Act, which is expected to come into force in May 2011, and whose scope extends beyond uK borders, has led us to prioritise the review of the policy areas linked to anti-bribery and corruption. Policies on gifts and hospitality and commercial intermediaries were reviewed and updated during the year and agreement was given for the establishment of a new compliance organisation. Training and awareness programme The global ethics training programme in 2010 was incorporated into a global risk, reputation and ethics training curriculum. A tailored e-learning package on the Global Code of Business Ethics has been developed to reinforce the key ethics messages and allow employees to work through ethical dilemmas. This will be introduced in 2011. Reporting line An independently operated and confidential ethics reporting facility is available worldwide. This allows employees to raise issues or concerns regarding business conduct independently of the normal management chain. Governance The following senior corporate governance bodies are in addition to those described on pages 59 to 67: • The Group Community Investment and Sponsorship Committee, chaired by the Chief Executive; • The Global Diversity Steering Group, chaired by the Chief Operating Officer; • The Sustainability Steering Group, chaired by the Director – Engineering and Technology; • The Environment Council, chaired by the Director – Engineering and Technology; and • The Environmental Advisory Board, chaired by a senior academic from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Our people Rolls-Royce employs 38,900 people in more than 50 countries. Our growing order book and the continuing innovation of the Group’s products makes it imperative that we have a skilled workforce that is committed to delivering excellence to customers. To achieve this, we seek to create an inclusive working environment that 43 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 attracts and retains the best people, enhances their flexibility, capability and motivation, and encourages them to be involved in the ongoing success of the Group. Our workforce is dispersed globally across our business sectors: Business seGment Headcount Civil aerospace Defence aerospace Marine Energy TOTAL 19,500 6,900 9,000 3,500 38,900 resourcing In 2010, over 1,250 experienced professionals were recruited to support the growth of the business and, of these, nearly 50 per cent were recruited outside of the uK. During 2010, our campus teams were active at more than 40 universities in the uK, Europe, Asia and the uS, and we recruited 222 graduates onto our graduate programmes from 73 universities and 25 nations worldwide. We were ranked 26th overall in The Times newspaper’s Top 100 uK Graduate Employers of 2010, achieving first position in the Engineering sector. In Singapore, we entered Singapore’s Top 100 Graduate employers in 21st place. In 2010, we recruited 220 apprentices globally. Our apprenticeship programme in the uK was graded as ‘Outstanding’ by Ofsted. Learning and career development Rolls-Royce provides all employees with access to learning that helps them deliver high performance in their current and future jobs. We have made significant improvements to the quality of our performance development review activity and in 2011 we will continue to focus on developing the right performance culture. The Global Code of Business Ethics, rolled out to managers in 2009, has been cascaded to all employees during 2010. A Global Gifts and Hospitality and Commercial Intermediaries policy compliance programme has been provided to all employees as a result of the new uK Bribery Act. We provide over 2,400 learning solutions globally through our online learning system. The catalogue includes several hundred programmes covering health, safety and the environment, diversity, ethics and corporate and management responsibility. i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i Business review By the end of 2010, employees from 55 countries had accessed the learning system with over 34,000 employees undertaking more than 94,000 days of learning. Of these, 86,000 hours consisted of online learning. We have updated our global leadership development framework in 2010 and partnered with world-class providers to ensure that the Group has a strategically focused and consistent way of managing its people. Product responsibility Product safety is paramount and the highest standards are maintained by the application of a robust safety management system. Our role does not stop once the product has been delivered to the customer. Safety and reliability are our highest priorities and we continue to drive uncompromised levels through rigorous design processes and by providing expert through-life support. Learning investment for 2010 was £33 million. engaging employees We continue to place great value on giving a voice to our workforce. Employee opinions are obtained via a two-year rolling engagement programme. Improvement activities are then embedded into local and corporate business planning activities. In 2010, the Group conducted its second global engagement survey. Seventy-four per cent of the workforce responded, representing a continuing high level of participation in such activities. Comprehensive feedback has been shared with teams across the Group. The general trend indicates an improvement in overall engagement levels compared to 2009 when the first global survey was undertaken. encouraging diversity The Group is committed to developing a diverse workforce and equal opportunities for all. Our global governance framework for diversity includes a senior executive Global Diversity Steering Group that provides leadership and shapes strategic direction. Rolls-Royce is both committed and well placed to find solutions to the substantial challenges posed by climate change. We receive independent expert advice from the Group’s Environmental Advisory Board, comprising distinguished academics who are leading authorities in their respective fields, vital to the overall business strategy and design process. The Board believes that technology must be applied on an industrial scale, through companies such as Rolls-Royce with its global reach, to achieve significant reductions in emissions. In 2010, we invested £923 million in research and development, two-thirds of which was aimed at improving the environmental performance of our products. The aviation industry has a strong track record of addressing its environmental impact, investing consistently in product technology over the past six decades. Aircraft today are 75 per cent quieter and use 70 per cent less fuel on a passenger-kilometre basis than the earliest jet aircraft. Rolls-Royce is continuing to work on ways to further reduce the effect of aviation. During 2010, we developed a number of awareness programmes to increase self awareness and promote cross-cultural working. The Group is launching a reverse mentoring programme in 2011, where our most senior executives will be reverse mentored by a colleague who is junior to them in the organisation. The aim is to give senior executives a different perspective from a colleague who can share diverse experiences and ideas. The Trent 900 and 1000 engines, for the Airbus A380 and Boeing 787 respectively, and in the future the Trent XWB for the Airbus A350 XWB, help us demonstrate progress towards meeting our Advisory Council for Aeronautics Research in Europe (ACARE) goal of a 15–20 per cent reduction in engine fuel burn by 2020 compared to 2000 levels. The Group also continues to drive for reduction in noise and improvements in air quality. The Group supports a number of women’s networks that focus on personal and professional development as well as providing support through networking. Our policy is to provide, wherever possible, employment training and development opportunities for disabled people. We are committed to supporting employees who become disabled during employment and helping disabled employees make the best use of their skills and potential. REDUCING CO2 Trent 895 n r u b l e u f r o 2 O C % 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 Trent 500 Trent 900 Trent 1000 Trent XWB i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 Trent family ACARE Target Reducing noise 74% 74 per cent of the workforce responded to the global survey £33m Learning investment for 2010 44 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 Trent 800 (Boeing 777) Trent 500 (Airbus A340) 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 -12 6 P E A C e v i t a l e r % -20 -40 -60 -80 B d Trent 900 (Airbus A380) Trent 1000 (Boeing 787) Trent XWB (Airbus A350) 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 Noise levels with advanced operational practices Certified noise levels Reducing NOx 0 Trent 895 Trent 500 Target 80% NOx overall reduction: • 60% from engine technology • 20% from operational efficiency improvements Trent 900 Trent 1000 Trent XWB 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 Trent family ACARE Target (Advisory Council for Aeronautics Research in Europe) Business review In the longer term, we continue to see open rotor technology as offering a potential step change in performance and we are currently targeting entry into service early in the next decade for this technology. Our civil engine product strategy for 2010–2025 means that we will have engines entering service that, on average, will reduce the fuel burn of aircraft replaced in that 15-year period by at least 15 per cent. There is widespread interest in the possibility that the aviation industry could replace, at least in part, traditional fuels with biofuel – a synthetic fuel made from biomass. Rolls-Royce actively supports, and plays a central part in, the rigorous scientific testing and evaluation of biofuels and we support demonstrations of biofuels where they directly contribute to developing fuel specification criteria, or to the improvement of scientific understanding. However, we have to make sure that biofuel achieves the same technical and commercial standards as traditional fuels, and that its production is sustainable (taking account of such factors as impact on biodiversity, water resources, livelihoods, ecosystems and life-cycle CO2 emissions). Rolls-Royce, as a world leader in marine technology, is well placed to help address the requirement for significantly reduced emissions. Our latest generation Azipull thruster technology, which is up to 16 per cent more efficient than conventional marine thrusters, enables ships to use less energy and so reduce emissions. Our Bergen lean-burn reciprocating gas engine achieves up to a 90 per cent reduction in oxides of nitrogen, virtually zero emissions of sulphur and a 20 per cent improvement in CO2 emissions, compared with a conventional diesel engine. The Group continues to explore opportunities in low emission and alternative energy products and is working in partnership with the uK Energy Technologies Institute. As part of this work programme, a prototype tidal device has been developed and is under test at the European Marine Energy Centre, in the Orkney Islands, Scotland. The need to drastically cut greenhouse gas emissions, combined with the increasing insecurity of oil supplies, is likely to lead to an expansion of nuclear power over the coming decades. With more than 50 years’ experience in designing and supporting pressurised water reactors, we are well placed to make a significant contribution to this nuclear renaissance. We have recently established a new civil nuclear business with the aim of serving this growing global power market. 45 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 We are also leading the development of the nuclear Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (nAMRC), as part of the uK’s Low Carbon Industrial Strategy. Operational HS&E performance Rolls-Royce is committed to building and maintaining a high reliability organisation; one that delivers consistently high performance across all aspects of health, safety and environmental (HS&E) management. Our objective is to achieve world-class levels of performance throughout our business and to be widely recognised for the excellence of our performance. During 2010, the Group conducted a programme of Process Safety audits on our main manufacturing plants and test facilities. The results are being used to further strengthen our approach to assurance over process safety. We operate three sites in the uK which together manufacture, test and support nuclear reactor cores for the Royal navy’s submarines. The nuclear Propulsion Assurance Committee regularly monitors the performance of both the submarines and our recently formed civil nuclear business and seeks evidence that the highest standards of HS&E are maintained and that fit-for-purpose processes are followed. The Group’s contribution to developing best practice through third party collaboration continues. We are taking a leading industry role in Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and restriction of Chemicals (REACH), the latest Eu chemicals regulation, and continue to work with other companies, trade bodies, sectors and regulators on implementation to ensure our continued access to materials necessary for the production and support of our products. operational performance In 2009, we declared a new set of global targets for our HS&E performance. Progress against these will be reported in an update to our last HS&E report ‘Powering a better world’ planned for April 2011. We made progress against two of our key targets: reducing the Group’s Total Reportable Injury (TRI) rate and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Our data collection and reporting is subject to independent assurance by Deloitte LLP. i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i Business review 50% We are targeting a 50 per cent reduction in Total Reportable Injuries by 2012 1 TRI cover fatalities, lost time injuries, restricted work cases and medical treatment cases. i w e v e r s s e n i s u B 10% We have set a target to reduce our total GHG emissions by ten per cent by 2012 PROGRESS AGAINST TRI REDUCTION TARGET 2009–2012 e c n a n r e v o G 0.69 (0.61) 2 Energy/GHG data for 2010 has been forecast based on data collected during January to October 2010. For details of the methodology see our ‘Basis of Reporting’ available at (0.37) (0.49) TRI Following a reduction of 40 per cent in our TRI1 rate during 2007–2009 we set a new target last year to reduce this by a further 50 per cent by 2012 (based on 2009). We can now report that we have reduced our TRI from 0.73 per 100 employees in 2009 to 0.69 in 2010. This represents a five per cent reduction which is slightly behind our interim target. We continue to develop global programmes focused on improving our performance. PROGRESS AGAINST TRI REDUCTION TARGET 2009–2012 0.73 (0.73) 0.69 (0.61) (0.49) (0.37) l s e e y o p m e 0 0 1 r e p e t a R I R T 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 09 Target reduction 10 11 12 GHG At the end of our last three-year target cycle (2007–2009) we reported a 38 per cent reduction in energy use (normalised on turnover). In addition, there was an accumulated 36 per cent reduction in absolute GHG emissions in the past decade. During 2010, we have achieved a further three per cent reduction in total Group GHG emissions (including product test and development) moving us towards our target of a ten per cent reduction (normalised) by 2012. In absolute terms, GHG emissions for our facilities (excluding product test and development) have remained at a similar level to 2009 compared with our five per cent reduction target by 2012.2 PROGRESS AGAINST FACILITY GHG (ABSOLUTE) EMISSION REDUCTION TARGET 2009–2012 446.6 (446.6) 447.1 (439.2) (432) (424.28) e 2 O C s e n n o T o l i K 500 375 250 125 0 09 10 11 12 Target reduction 09 10 Target five per cent reduction 11 12 PROGRESS AGAINST FACILITY GHG (ABSOLUTE) EMISSION REDUCTION TARGET 2009–2012 PROGRESS AGAINST TOTAL GHG (NORMALISED) EMISSION REDUCTION TARGET 2009–2012 447.1 (439.2) s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i 0.054 (0.054) 0.053 (0.052) (0.051) (0.049) (432) (424.28) m £ / e 2 O C s e n n o T o l i K 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.00 PROGRESS AGAINST TOTAL GHG (NORMALISED) EMISSION REDUCTION TARGET 2009–2012 0.054 (0.054) 0.053 (0.052) (0.051) (0.049) m £ / e 2 O C s e n n o T o l i K 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.00 09 10 11 12 Target ten per cent reduction GrouP GreenHouse Gas – GHG emissions For 2010 (ktco2e) Scope 1 (direct) Scope 2 (indirect) Total GHG 2010 217.3 363.1 580.4 2009 210.4 356.2 566.6 500 447.1 (439.2) 446.6 (446.6) We recognise the need to make cuts in global emissions PROGRESS AGAINST FACILITY GHG (ABSOLUTE) EMISSION within our own operations. Individual reduction targets REDUCTION TARGET 2009–2012 and budgets have been agreed for our top 25 energy consuming sites to enable us to build on previous improvements in energy efficiency. We will continue to work on ways to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels. This includes using more sustainable energy sources, like renewable and other low carbon technologies/materials within our facilities where this is cost effective and practical. e 2 O C s e n n o T o 375 250 125 (424.28) (432) 0 K l i 11 12 09 10 Target five per cent reduction Learning from incidents This year we have introduced a new process of notifying serious and high-potential incidents to senior management. High-potential incidents are now required to be reviewed at Chief Operating Officer level within the businesses and functions. This is intended to strengthen our learning from incidents and to prevent their reoccurrence. Health and wellbeing Rolls-Royce recognises the association between physical and mental health and the need for our employees to consider their personal wellbeing. A preventative occupational health strategy has been in place since PROGRESS AGAINST TOTAL GHG (NORMALISED) EMISSION 2005 and supports employee wellbeing and productivity REDUCTION TARGET 2009–2012 through a series of health promotion initiatives. 0.054 (0.054) 0.053 (0.052) (0.051) (0.049) 0.06 m £ / e 2 O C s e n n o T o 0.04 In 2010, 1,300 employees took part in the ‘Know your body metrics’ health promotion campaign in the uK representing six per cent of the covered population. 0.02 l i K 0.00 Our Group-wide HS&E targets for the period 2009–2012 10 are set out opposite. Target ten per cent reduction 09 11 12 (The methodology used by the Group to collect and report HS&E performance data is set out in our ‘Basis of Reporting’ available at 0.73 (0.73) s e e y o l p m e 0 0 1 r e p e t a R I R T e 2 O C s e n n o T o l i K 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 500 375 250 125 0 PROGRESS AGAINST TRI REDUCTION TARGET 2009–2012 0.73 (0.73) 0.69 (0.61) (0.49) (0.37) 446.6 (446.6) s e e y o l p m e 0 0 1 r e p e t a R I R T 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 09 10 11 12 Target reduction 09 10 Target five per cent reduction 11 12 09 10 Target ten per cent reduction 11 12 46 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 Business review our tarGets are: Protect HeaLtH Reduce the Group incident rate of occupational diseases and other work related ill-health by ten per cent by end 2012 Prevent inJurY Reduce the Group TRI rate by 50 per cent by end 2012 reduce environmentaL imPact Five per cent reduction in Group facility GHG by end 2012 (absolute) (excluding product development and test) Ten per cent reduction in total Group greenhouse gas emissions by end 2012 (normalised by financial revenues) (including product development and test) Ten per cent reduction in total Group production waste (solid and liquid) by end 2012 (normalised by financial revenues) 70 per cent Group recycle rate of solid waste by end 2012 note: A full update on our progress against these targets will be provided on sustainability in April 2011. Progress against our TRI and GHG targets is provided opposite. Suppliers In 2010, supplier engagement has seen Rolls-Royce leading Global and Regional Supplier Forums which focused on near-term and long-term business improvements. We also hosted Regional Supplier Groups, culminating in a Global Best Practice Sharing event aimed at promoting the application of lean techniques across the supply chain. Society We aim to communicate effectively, protect or enhance local quality of life and be recognised as part of the local community. We also recognise that there are significant business benefits for our organisation through community investment. These benefits include recruitment and retention of staff, employee engagement and development of our reputation and brand. Community investment The Group has a long-standing commitment to supporting its local communities focusing on four key areas: education; environment; regeneration; and arts and culture. The Group’s total contribution in these areas was approximately £5.3 million in 2010, measured using the London Benchmarking Group model. donations and sponsorship The Group’s charitable donations amounted to £2.3 million, of which £1.15 million were made in the uK. Rolls-Royce made charitable donations of uS$970,000 in the Americas, €535,000 in Europe and £80,000 in other regions. A further £1.1 million was contributed in sponsorships including the Smithsonian national Air and Space Museum in north America, the Brandenburg Summer Festival in Germany, and The Big Bang fair for young scientists and engineers in the uK. Each year, the Rolls-Royce Science Prize awards £120,000 in prize money to recognise excellent and innovative science teaching in the uK. This year’s winner, Teesdale School in Barnard Castle, England, received a total of £20,000 for their project in which pupils developed enrichment devices for primates in zoos. employee time Employee time contributed during 2010 is estimated at a value of over £1.5 million, with more than 4,000 employees participating in activities with societal benefits. Over 300 employees across the globe took part in 30 community and education outreach projects as part of their personal development during the year. Our programme of community projects, run by graduate and apprentice trainees, was awarded a ‘Big Tick’ by Business in the Community in its Awards for Excellence in 2010 in the category of ‘Building Stronger Communities’. employee giving Rolls-Royce finances the administration of a Payroll Giving Scheme for uK employees, enabling them to make tax-free donations to their chosen charities. During 2010, employees gave almost £460,000 to more than 500 charitable causes. In north America, employees donated uS$430,000 directly from payroll to good causes through the united Way and Centraide schemes, a percentage of which is matched by the Group. 47 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i Business review fInAnCE DIRECToR’S REvIEw “ The Group delivered a particularly resilient performance in 2010 with strong order flow delivering a record order book at the period end.” ORDER BOOK – FIRM AND ANNOUNCED (£bn) UNDERLYING REVENUE (£m) . 7 6 1 . 1 7 1 . 7 8 1 . 3 1 2 . 4 4 2 . 1 6 2 . 9 5 4 . 5 5 5 . 3 8 5 . 2 9 5 £bn 60 40 20 0 The results were affected by the movements in foreign 05 exchange rates through 2010, especially the GBP/USD and the GBP/EUR which are explained below. 01 08 09 10 07 06 04 03 02 £m 7 1 4 2 1 5 3 9 6 7 7 8 0 7 2 2 6 8 1 1 3 2 1 2 1,200 PROFIT BEFORE FINANCING (£m) The Group has maintained a strong financial position throughout the year and continues to hold strong credit ratings from both Standard & Poor’s (A-, Stable) and Moody’s (A3, Stable). At the year end, the Group held gross cash balances of £3.2 billion with £1.7 billion of outstanding debt commitments – a net cash position in excess of £1.5 billion with the average net cash position having improved by £325 million to £960 million in 2010. 05 2 7 1 1 4 3 1 1 400 800 06 07 01 09 08 04 03 10 02 0 , , 8 2 3 6 , 8 8 7 5 , 5 4 6 5 , 7 4 9 5 , 8 5 4 6 , 3 5 3 7 , 7 1 8 7 , 7 4 1 9 , 8 0 1 0 1 , 6 6 8 , 0 1 £m 12,000 8,000 4,000 0 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 UNDERLYING PROFIT BEFORE TAX (£m) £m 1,200 800 400 0 5 7 4 5 5 2 5 8 2 4 6 3 3 9 5 5 0 7 0 0 8 0 8 8 5 1 9 5 5 9 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 . . . . . . p 2 6 5 1 0 2 2 1 8 4 4 2 0 1 1 1 1 8 9 2 0 2 0 2 The maturities of the Group’s existing bond facilities, at around £1.7 billion, are well spread with the €750 million UNDERLYING EARNINGS PER ORDINARY SHARE (p) Eurobond due in the first half of 2011, as shown in the chart below. The Group had a further £450 million in term funding available to it that was undrawn at the year end. The Group essentially completed the refinancing of the 2011 Eurobond via the successful ten year £500 million GBP bond issued in the first half of 2009, the proceeds of which are currently held on term deposit and will be available to settle the 2011 bond when it falls due. There 08 05 are no other material maturities until 2013. 40 30 20 10 0 6 0 4 3 0 7 6 3 3 7 8 3 7 6 9 3 10 07 09 04 01 06 02 03 . . . . PAYMENTS TO SHAREHOLDERS (p) p 16 12 8 4 0 8 1 8 . 8 1 8 . 8 1 8 . 8 1 8 . 2 7 8 . 9 5 9 . . 0 0 3 1 . 0 3 4 1 . 0 0 5 1 0 0 . 6 1 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 MATURITY PROFILE OF THE GROUP DEBT COMMITMENTS (£m) 7 6 5 1 2 3 1 1 0 2 8 4 1 0 2 1 1 0 0 5 £m 600 400 200 0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Foreign exchange effects on published results whilst continuing to influence the Group’s published results in 2010, currency movements were less distortive than in prior years given that average and spot rates for i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i The trading performance in 2010 met the expectations of the Board and the guidance provided throughout the year, delivering a seven per cent increase in Group underlying revenues with underlying profit before tax up four per cent to £955 million. There was a cash inflow of £258 million in the year delivering a year end net cash balance in excess of £1.5 billion. These achievements came in a year that saw the broader environment remaining difficult and unpredictable with significant macro-economic, industry and Company-specific challenges throughout 2010. It was especially pleasing that further significant milestones on major new programmes, considerable investment in product development and continued expansion of the global facilities and supply chain were also delivered along with a resilient trading outturn. This performance continues to highlight the strength of the portfolio and the benefits of the long-term and disciplined application of the power systems strategy. All of our businesses have been affected by the economic factors that have been prevalent in the last few years and that have had an impact on our competitors. However, the Group has significant advantages in the diversity of its businesses, both by sector and geographical dispersal. The age of our installed fleet of products, the strong positions we hold on current and future major programmes, together with the Group’s services revenues have all helped to deliver significant progress in the last three years. This is demonstrated by: growth in the order book of 29 per cent; increase in underlying revenues of 39 per cent; and increase in underlying profit before tax of 19 per cent; all of which supported a 23 per cent improvement in payments to shareholders over the same period. Throughout this time, the portfolio has continued to evolve with investments totalling more than £4 billion in product development, acquisitions, capacity and facilities. This establishes a strong platform for long-term growth in revenue and productivity and hence profitability. 48 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 Business review the GBP/USD and GBP/EUR remained in a relatively narrow range throughout the year, as shown in the table below. Market exchange rates USD per GBP – Year end spot rate – Average spot rate EUR per GBP – Year end spot rate – Average spot rate 2009 2010 1.615 1.566 1.126 1.123 1.566 1.543 1.167 1.167 These movements have influenced both the reported income statement and the cash flow and closing net cash position (as set out in the cash flow statement and note 2 in the financial statements) in the following ways: income statement The most important impact was the end of year mark to market of outstanding financial instruments (foreign exchange contracts; interest rate, commodity and jet fuel swaps). The principal adjustments related to the GBP/USD hedge book. The impact of this mark to market is included in net financing in the income statement and caused a net £432 million loss, contributing to a published profit before tax of £702 million. These adjustments are non-cash, accounting adjustments required under IAS 39 Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement. As a result, reported earnings do not reflect the economic substance of derivatives that have been settled in the financial year, but do include the unrealised gains and losses on derivatives that will only affect cash flows when they are settled at some point in the future to match trading cash flows. Underlying earnings are presented on a basis that shows the economic substance of the Group’s hedging strategies in respect of transactional exchange rates and commodity price movements. further details and information are included within the section on key performance indicators on page 22 and in notes 2 and 5 of the financial statements. Cash flow and balance sheet The Group maintains a number of currency cash balances which vary throughout the financial year. These net cash balances were improved by the effects of retranslation, causing an improvement of £17 million in the 2010 cash flow and hence the closing balance sheet net cash position. Summary The Group’s revenues increased by six per cent in 2010 to £11,085 million with 86 per cent of revenues from customers outside the UK. Underlying revenues grew seven per cent in 2010, consisting of a three per cent improvement in original equipment revenues with services growing 13 per cent including double digit services growth in civil aerospace, marine and energy and a five per cent improvement in defence aerospace. Services activities represented 51 per cent of Group underlying revenues in 2010. • Underlying revenues in the civil aerospace segment grew ten per cent to £4,919 million (2009 £4,481 million) with a 15 per cent improvement in service revenues and a two per cent improvement in revenues from original equipment. new engine deliveries were stable at 846 (2009 844 engines) and included a record 371 v2500 engines for the Airbus A320 family of aircraft, and a small recovery in engine deliveries for corporate and regional applications. Trent deliveries for widebody commercial aircraft totalled 185 engines including a record number, 139 of Trent 700s, for the Airbus A330 aircraft. The overall total was held back by delayed entry into service and slower production ramp up in major new applications, the Boeing 787 and Airbus A380 respectively. Services revenues grew strongly reflecting three key elements: the completion of a spares distribution and logistics arrangement with Aviall Inc, and the disposal of associated spares inventory which contributed around one third of the annual services growth; the effect of better GBP/USD achieved foreign exchange rates which represented around one third of the service improvement; and the ongoing utilisation and some limited recovery in discretionary service activity. Underlying profit before tax of £955 million benefited from £74 million of foreign exchange benefits compared to 2009. The achieved rate on selling USD income was around nine cents better in 2010 than 2009 and is expected to improve by a similar level in 2011. In 2010, these better achieved rates contributed £72 million of transactional benefits. In addition, the improvement in the average GBP/USD of three cents contributed net translation benefits totalling £2 million to underlying profit before tax in the year. • Underlying defence aerospace revenues grew by six per cent to £2,123 million (2009 £2,010 million) supported by strong growth in deliveries for the military transport sector. original equipment revenues grew six per cent and services revenues increased by five per cent over 2009. The portfolio proved to be resilient despite some modest effects from the completion of the Strategic Defence and Security Review (SDSR) in the UK and is expected to grow revenues at a similar overall rate in 2011. 49 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i Business review • Underlying revenues in the marine business were stable in 2010 at £2,591 million (2009 £2,589 million) reflecting a five per cent decline from original equipment, as the subdued order cycle began to impact deliveries. This was offset by further services growth, with underlying revenues 11 per cent higher in the year benefiting from a growing installed base and new services centres commencing operation around the world. • The energy business made significant progress again in 2010 with a 20 per cent growth in underlying revenues to £1,233 million (2009 £1,028 million), and is now more than 60 per cent higher than 2008. Underlying profit margins before financing costs reduced slightly from 9.7 per cent in 2009 to 9.3 per cent in 2010. The reduction in margin reflected changes in revenue mix, higher levels of research and development charges, increasing costs associated with the launch phase of major new programmes. In addition, the performance reflected the net impact of a number of positive and negative one-off items in the year including the Aviall distribution agreement and costs associated with the Trent 900 failure on an Airbus A380 which offset improvements in operational performance and productivity and the benefits of better achieved foreign exchange rates in the year. Underlying financing costs reduced by £13 million to £55 million (2009 £68 million), primarily a function of lower finance costs associated with financial risk and revenue sharing partnerships as one of the major arrangements came to an end in late 2009. Restructuring charges in 2010, totalled £46 million down £9 million from the prior year. These costs are included within operating costs. A final payment to shareholders of 9.60 pence per share, in the form of C Shares, is proposed, making a total of 16.00 pence per share, a 6.7 per cent increase over the 2009 total. Order book The order book at December 31, 2010, at constant exchange rates, has remained resilient at £59.2 billion (2009 £58.3 billion). This included firm business that had been announced but for which contracts had not yet been signed of £4.5 billion (2009 £6.8 billion). Aftermarket services agreements, including TotalCare® packages, represented 31 per cent of the order book, having increased by more than 40 per cent in the last three years. These are long-term contracts where only the first seven years’ revenue is included in the order book. 50 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 Aftermarket services The Group continues to be successful in developing its aftermarket services activities. These grew by 13 per cent on an underlying basis in 2010, reflecting increasing installed base of products across all four markets, expansion of the global services network, especially in the marine sector, and some encouraging signs of improving trends in the discretionary service spend in some large civil engine programmes. Underlying services accounted for 51 per cent of the Group revenues in 2010. In particular, TotalCare packages in civil aerospace now cover 70 per cent, by value, of the installed fleet. TotalCare packages cover long-term management of the maintenance and associated logistics for our engines and systems, monitoring the equipment in service to deliver the system availability our customers require with predictable costs. The pricing of such contracts reflects their long-term nature. Revenues and costs are recognised based on the stage of completion of the contract, generally measured by reference to flying hours. The overall net position of assets and liabilities on the balance sheet for TotalCare packages was an asset of £920 million (2009 £970 million). Cash There was a cash inflow in the year of £258 million (2009 £183 million outflow) and an improvement in average net cash balances to £960 million (2009 £635 million). A modest increase in underlying profits combined with a strong working capital performance offset more than £800 million in investment in product development, operational facilities and tooling and the acquisition of oDIM ASA in the year. These total cash investments of £842 million (2009 £688 million) in intangible assets, property, plant and equipment and acquisitions together with payments to shareholders of £266 million (2009 £250 million) and tax payments of £168 million (2009 £119 million) represented the major cash outflows in the year. The net cash balance at the year end was £1,533 million (2009 £1,275 million). Taxation The overall tax charge on the profit before tax was £159 million (2009 £740 million), a rate of 22.6 per cent (2009 25.0 per cent). The tax charge on underlying profit was £236 million (2009 £187 million) a rate of 24.7 per cent (2009 20.4 per cent). The overall tax charge was reduced by £29 million in respect of the expected benefit of the UK research and i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i Business review development tax credit. The underlying tax rate is expected to be around 25 per cent in 2011. The operation of most tax systems, including the availability of specific tax deductions, means that there is often a delay between the Group tax charge and the related tax payments, to the benefit of cash flow. is to reduce the volatility of the pension schemes to enable greater stability in the funding requirements. over the last two years our three major defined benefit pension schemes have increased the assumed life expectancy of members and pensioners but, even after allowing for these changes, the overall funding level across these schemes has improved. The Group operates internationally and is subject to tax in many differing jurisdictions. As a consequence, the Group is routinely subject to tax audits and examinations which, by their nature, can take a considerable period to conclude. Provision is made for known issues based on management’s interpretation of country-specific legislation and the likely outcome of negotiation or litigation. The Group believes that it has a duty to shareholders to seek to minimise its tax burden but to do so in a manner which is consistent with its commercial objectives and meets its legal obligations and ethical standards. while every effort is made to maximise the tax efficiency of its business transactions, the Group does not use artificial structures in its tax planning. The Group has regard for the intention of the legislation concerned rather than just the wording itself. The Group is committed to building open relationships with tax authorities and to following a policy of full disclosure in order to effect the timely settlement of its tax affairs and to remove uncertainty in its business transactions. where appropriate, the Group enters into consultation with tax authorities to help shape proposed legislation and future tax policy. Transactions between Rolls-Royce subsidiaries and associates in different jurisdictions are conducted on an arms-length basis and priced as if the transactions were between unrelated entities, in compliance with the oECD Model Tax Convention and the laws of the relevant jurisdictions. Before entering into a transaction the Group makes every effort to determine the tax effect of that transaction with as much certainty as possible. To the extent that advance rulings and clearances are available from tax authorities, in areas of uncertainty, the Group will seek to obtain them and adhere to their terms. Pensions The changes made to the Group’s UK pension schemes over the last few years have enabled the deficit to remain stable and modest. The charges for pensions are calculated in accordance with the requirements of IAS 19 Employee Benefits. The Group’s principal UK defined benefit schemes employ a lower risk investment strategy in which the interest rate and inflation risks are largely hedged and the exposure to equities has reduced to less than 20 per cent of scheme assets. As reported last year, the primary objective of the revised investment strategy 51 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 further information and details of the pensions’ charge and the defined benefit schemes’ assets and liabilities are shown in note 18 to the financial statements. The net deficit, after taking account of deferred tax, was £593 million (2009 £590 million). Changes in this net position are affected by the assumptions made in valuing the liabilities and the market performance of the assets. Investments The Group continues to subject all investments to rigorous examination of risks and future cash flows to ensure that they create shareholder value. All major investments require Board approval. The Group has a portfolio of projects at different stages of their life cycles. Discounted cash flow analysis of the remaining life of projects is performed on a regular basis. Sales of engines in production are assessed against criteria in the original development programme to ensure that overall value is enhanced. Gross research and development (R&D) investment amounted to £923 million (2009 £864 million). net R&D charged to the income statement was £422 million (2009 £379 million). The level of self-funded investment in R&D is expected to remain at approximately four to five per cent of Group revenues in the future. The impact of this investment on the income statement will reflect the mix and maturity of individual development programmes and will result in an increase in the level of net R&D charged within the income statement in 2011. The continued development and replacement of operational facilities contributed to the total expenditure in property, plant and equipment of £361 million (2009 £291 million). Investment in 2011 is anticipated to increase compared to the 2010 level as the investments in new facilities in the US and Singapore continue. Investment in training was £33 million (2009 £24 million). Intangible assets The Group carried forward £2,884 million (2009 £2,472 million) of intangible assets. This comprised purchased goodwill of £1,108 million, engine certification costs and participation fees of £496 million, development expenditure of £630 million, recoverable engine costs of £346 million and other intangible assets of £304 million. i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i Business review Expenditure on intangible assets is expected to reduce modestly in 2011, largely as a result of the status of development programmes. Intangible assets of £211 million arose during the year as a result of the acquisition of oDIM ASA. The carrying values of the intangible assets are assessed for impairment against the present value of forecast cash flows generated by the intangible asset. The principal risks remain reductions in assumed market share, programme timings, increases in unit cost assumptions and adverse movements in discount rates. There have been no impairments in 2010. further details are given in note 8 of the financial statements. Partnerships The development of effective partnerships continues to be a key feature of the Group’s long-term strategy. Major partnerships are of two types: joint ventures and risk and revenue sharing partnerships. Joint ventures Joint ventures are an integral part of our business. They are involved in engineering, manufacturing, repair and overhaul, and financial services. They are also common business structures for companies participating in international, collaborative defence projects. They share risk and investment, bring expertise and access to markets and provide external objectivity. Some of our joint ventures have become substantial businesses. A major proportion of the debt of the joint ventures is secured on the assets of the respective companies and is non-recourse to the Group. risk and revenue sharing partnerships (rrsPs) RRSPs have enabled the Group to build a broad portfolio of engines, thereby reducing the exposure of the business to individual product risk. The primary financial benefit is a reduction of the burden of R&D expenditure on new programmes. The related R&D expenditure is expensed through the income statement and the initial programme receipts from partners, which reimburse the Group for past R&D expenditure, are also recorded in the income statement, as other operating income. RRSP agreements are a standard form of co-operation in the civil aero-engine industry. They bring benefits to the engine manufacturer and the partner. Specifically, for the engine manufacturer, they bring some or all of the following benefits: additional financial and engineering resource; sharing of risk; and initial programme contribution. As appropriate, the partner also supplies components and as consideration for these components, 52 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i receives a share of the long-term revenues generated by the engine programme in proportion to its purchased programme share. The sharing of risk is fundamental to RRSP agreements. Partners share financial investment in the programme, typically through: • market risk, as they receive their return from future sales; • currency risk, as their returns are denominated in US dollars; • sales financing obligations; • warranty costs; and • where they are manufacturing or development partners, technical and cost risk. Partners that do not undertake development work or supply components are referred to as financial RRSPs and are accounted for as financial instruments as described in the accounting policies on page 90. In 2010, the Group received other operating income of £95 million (2009 £89 million). Payments to RRSPs are recorded within cost of sales and increase as the related programme sales increase. These payments amounted to £198 million (2009 £231 million). The classification of financial RRSPs as financial instruments has resulted in a liability of £266 million (2009 £363 million) being recorded in the balance sheet and an associated underlying financing cost of £13 million (2009 £25 million) recorded in the income statement. The Group also receives government launch investment in respect of certain programmes. The treatment of this investment is similar to non-financial RRSPs. Risk management The Board has an established, structured approach to risk management. The risk committee (see page 64) has accountability for the system of risk management and reporting the key risks and associated mitigating actions. The Director of Risk reports to the finance Director. The Group’s policy is to preserve the resources upon which its continuing reputation, viability and profitability are built, to enable the corporate objectives to be achieved through the operation of the Rolls-Royce business processes. Risks are formally identified and recorded in a corporate risk register and its subsidiary registers within the businesses. These are reviewed and updated on a regular basis, with risk mitigation plans identified for key risks. Principal risks and uncertainties are identified on pages 26 and 27 and certain financial risks are described on page 53. Business review Financial risk The Group uses various financial instruments in order to manage the exposures that arise from its business operations as a result of movements in financial markets. All treasury activities are focused on the management and hedging of risk. It is the Group’s policy not to trade financial instruments or to engage in speculative financial transactions. During the year, the Group reviewed and amended its credit and short-term cash investment policies to reflect the state of the credit market and to ensure the Group can continue to lay-off market risks associated with its business. As a result, the Group has revised the minimum publicly assigned long-term credit rating requirements for transacting financial instruments with a counterparty from Standard & Poor’s ‘A- ‘ to ‘BBB+’ (or the equivalent ratings from Moody’s and/or fitch) to reflect the general lower level of ratings within the banking sector. The Group manages its exposure to movements in exchange rates at two levels: i) Revenues and costs are currency matched where it is economic to do so. The Group actively seeks to source suppliers with the relevant currency cost base to avoid the risk or to flow down the risk to those suppliers that are capable of managing it. Currency risk is also a prime consideration when deciding where to locate new facilities. US dollar income converted into sterling represented 19 per cent of Group revenues in 2010 (2009 23 per cent). US dollar income converted into euros represented four per cent of Group revenues in 2010 (2009 two per cent). ii) Residual currency exposure is hedged via the financial markets. The Group operates a hedging policy using a variety of financial instruments with the objective of minimising the impact of fluctuations in exchange rates on future transactions and cash flows. Deposits and investments in other debt instruments continue to require a short-term rating from Standard & Poor’s of ‘A-1’ (or the equivalent ratings from Moody’s and/or fitch). The permitted range of the amount of cover taken is determined by the written policies set by the Board, based on known and forecast income levels. The most significant economic and market risks continue to be movements in foreign currency exchange rates, interest rates and commodity prices. The Board regularly reviews the Group’s exposures and financial risk management and a specialist committee also considers these in detail. All such exposures are managed by the Group Treasury function, which reports to the finance Director and which operates within written policies approved by the Board and within the internal control framework described on page 65. Currency risk The Group is exposed to movements in exchange rates for both foreign currency transactions and the translation of net assets and income statements of foreign subsidiaries. The Group regards its interests in overseas subsidiary companies as long-term investments and manages its translational exposures through the currency matching of assets and liabilities where applicable. The matching is reviewed regularly, with appropriate risk mitigation performed where material mismatches arise. The Group has exposure to a number of foreign currencies. The most significant transactional currency exposures are USD/GBP and USD/EUR. The forward cover is managed within the parameters of these policies in order to achieve the Group’s objectives, having regard to the Group’s view of long-term exchange rates. forward cover is in the form of standard foreign exchange contracts and instruments on which the exchange rates achieved are dependent on future interest rates. The Group may also write currency options against a portion of the unhedged dollar income at a rate which is consistent with the Group’s long-term target rate. At the end of 2010, the Group had US$20.9 billion of forward cover (2009 US$18.8 billion). The consequence of this policy has been to maintain relatively stable long-term foreign exchange rates. note 16 to the financial statements includes the impact of revaluing forward currency contracts at market values on December 31, 2010, showing a negative value of £336 million (2009 negative value of £144 million) which will fluctuate with exchange rates over time. The Group has entered into these forward contracts as part of the hedging policy, described above, in order to mitigate the impact of volatile exchange rates. interest rate risk The Group uses fixed rate bonds and floating rate debt as funding sources. The Group’s policy is to maintain a proportion of its debt at fixed rates of interest having regard to the prevailing interest rate outlook. To implement this policy the Group may utilise a combination of interest 53 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i Business review rate swaps, forward rate agreements and interest rate caps to manage the exposure. Commodity risk The Group has an ongoing exposure to the price of jet fuel and base metals arising from business operations. The Group’s objective is to minimise the impact of price fluctuations. The exposure is hedged, on a similar basis to that adopted for currency risks, in accordance with parameters contained in written policies set by the Board. Counterparty credit risk The Group has an established policy for managing counterparty credit risk. A common framework exists to measure, report and control exposures to counterparties across the Group using value-at-risk and fair-value techniques. The Group assigns an internal credit rating to each counterparty, which is assessed with reference to publicly available credit information, such as that provided by fitch, Moody’s, Standard & Poor’s, and other recognised market sources, and is reviewed regularly. Funding and liquidity The Group finances its operations through a mixture of shareholders’ funds, bank borrowings, bonds, notes and finance leases. The Group borrows in the major global markets in a range of currencies and employs derivatives where appropriate to generate the desired currency and interest rate profile. The Group’s objective is to hold financial investments and maintain undrawn committed facilities at a level sufficient to ensure that the Group has available funds to meet its medium-term capital and funding obligations and to meet any unforeseen obligations and opportunities. The Group holds cash and short-term investments which, together with the undrawn committed facilities, enable it to manage its liquidity risk. Short-term investments are generally held as bank deposits or in ‘AAA’ rated money market funds. The Group operates a conservative investment policy which limits investments to high quality instruments with a short-term credit rating of ‘A-1’ from Standard & Poor’s or better (or the equivalent ratings from Moody’s and/or fitch). Counterparty diversification is achieved with suitable risk-adjusted concentration limits. Investment decisions are refined through a system of monitoring real-time equity and credit-default swap (CDS) price movements of potential investment counterparties which are compared to other relevant benchmark indices and then risk-weighted accordingly. The Group’s borrowing facilities decreased during 2010 following the maturity of a US$187 million US private placement. As at December 31, 2010 the Group had total 54 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 committed borrowing facilities of £2.10 billion (2009 £2.15 billion). The proceeds of the £500 million GBP bond issue in 2009 are anticipated to be fully used to pay down the debt maturities occurring in 2011. The maturity profile of the borrowing facilities is staggered to ensure that refinancing levels are manageable in the context of the business and market conditions. There are no rating triggers contained in any of the Group’s facilities that could require the Group to accelerate or repay any facility for a given movement in the Group’s credit rating. The Group’s £250 million bank revolving credit facility contains a rating price grid, which determines the borrowing margin for a given credit rating. The Group’s current borrowing margin would be 20 basis points (bp) over sterling LIBoR if drawn. The borrowing margin on this facility increases by approximately 5bp per one notch rating downgrade, up to a maximum borrowing margin of 55bp. The facility was not drawn during 2010. There are no rating price grids contained in the Group’s other borrowing facilities. The Group continues to have access to all the major global debt markets. Credit rating The Group subscribes to both Moody’s Investors Service and Standard & Poor’s for its official publicised credit ratings. As at December 31, 2010, the Group’s assigned long-term credit ratings were: Rating agency Rating outlook Category Moody’s Standard & Poor’s A3 A- Stable Stable Investment grade Investment grade As a long-term business, the Group attaches significant importance to maintaining an investment grade credit rating, which it views as necessary for the business to operate effectively. The Group’s objective is to maintain an ‘A’ category investment grade credit rating from both agencies. sales financing In connection with the sale of its products, the Group will, on some occasions, provide financing support for its customers. This may involve the Group guaranteeing financing for customers, providing asset-value guarantees (AvGs) on aircraft for a proportion of their expected future value, or entering into leasing transactions. i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i Business review The Group manages and monitors its sales finance related exposures to customers and products within written policies approved by the Board and within the internal framework described in the governance section. The contingent liabilities represent the maximum discounted aggregate gross and net exposure that the Group has in respect of delivered aircraft, regardless of the point in time at which such exposures may arise. The Group uses Ascend worldwide Limited as an independent appraiser to value its security portfolio at both the half year and year end. Ascend provides specific values (both current and forecast future values) for each asset in the security portfolio. These values are then used to assess the Group’s net exposure. The permitted levels of gross and net exposure are limited in aggregate, by counterparty, by product type and by calendar year. At the year end, the gross level of commitments on delivered aircraft was US$991 million, comprising US$618 million for AvGs and US$373 million for credit guarantees. The Board regularly reviews the Group’s sales finance related exposures and risk management activities. Each financing commitment is subject to a credit and asset review process and prior approval in accordance with Board delegations of authority. The Group operates a sophisticated risk-pricing model to assess risk and exposure. Costs and exposures associated with providing financing support are incorporated in any decision to secure new business. Accounting standards The consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with International financial Reporting Standards (IfRS), as adopted by the EU. In 2010, the changes that have had the most significant effect on the Group’s financial statements are the revisions to IfRS 3 Business Combinations and amendments to IAS 27 Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements. These amendments affect the accounting for acquisitions and transactions with non-controlling interests and have been applied to the acquisition of oDIM ASA (see note 24 to the financial statements). There is no retrospective impact. A summary of other less significant changes, and those which have not been adopted in 2010, is included within the accounting policies in note 1 to the financial statements. Regulatory developments In response to the financial crisis, governments and regulators around the world are considering various regulatory reforms to the financial markets with the aim of improving transparency and reducing systemic risk. while the proposed reforms are predominantly directed at financial institutions, some of them may have implications for non-financial institutions. In particular, proposals by both US and European regulators to reform the over-the-Counter (oTC) derivatives market could have implications for the Group in terms of future funding requirements and increased cash flow volatility, if parties to future oTC derivative transactions were required to clear such transactions via an exchange or central clearing and be required to post cash collateral to reduce counterparty risk. The Group seeks to minimise the level of exposure from sales finance commitments by: • the use of third-party non-recourse debt where appropriate; • the transfer, sale, or reinsurance of risks; and • ensuring the proportionate flow down of risk and exposure to relevant RRSPs. Share price During the year, the Company’s share price increased by 29 per cent from 483.5p to 623p, compared to an eight per cent increase in the fTSE aerospace and defence sector and a nine per cent increase in the fTSE 100. The Company’s shares ranged in price from 473.4p in January to 654.5p in november. Each of the above forms an active part of the Group’s exposure management process. The number of ordinary shares in issue at the end of the year was 1,872 million, an increase of 18 million relating to the issue of shares for share option schemes. where exposures arise, the strategy has been, and continues to be, to assume where possible liquid forms of financing commitment that may be sold or transferred to third parties when the opportunity arises. note 22 to the financial statements describes the Group’s contingent liabilities. There were no material changes to the Group’s gross and net contingent liabilities during 2010. The average number of ordinary shares in issue (excluding ordinary shares held under trust) was 1,846 million (2009 1,845 million). Andrew Shilston finance Director february 9, 2011 55 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i governance GOvERNANCE CONTENTS 56 Chairman’s introduction 56 Board of directors 58 The Group Executive 58 The International Advisory Board 59 Governance structure 62 Audit committee report 63 Nominations committee report 63 Ethics committee report CHAIRMAN’S INTRODUCTION The UK Corporate Governance Code The Board attaches the highest priority to corporate governance, the system by which the Company is directed, managed and controlled in the interests of all its stakeholders. The strength of the Company’s corporate values, its reputation and its ability to achieve its objectives are influenced by the effectiveness of the Company’s approach towards corporate governance. In May 2010, the Financial Reporting Council introduced changes to the Combined Code, which will now be known as the UK Corporate Governance Code, to help company boards become more effective and more accountable to their shareholders. Changes include a clearer statement of the board’s responsibilities relating to risk, a greater emphasis on the importance of getting the right mix of skills and experience on the board, and a recommendation that all directors of FTSE 350 companies be re-elected annually. The Board has carefully considered the changes made to the Combined Code and intends to comply fully. 64 Risk committee report 67 Directors’ remuneration report 78 Shareholders and share capital 80 Other statutory information 81 Material litigation 81 Annual report and financial statements continue its progressive shareholder payment policy and the Company’s practice of providing cash returns to shareholders in the most efficient manner through the issue and redemption of C Shares. The restructuring proposals will create a new non-trading Group holding company (New Holdco) which will be incorporated under the laws of England and Wales and have a premium listing on the London Stock Exchange’s main market for listed securities. The new corporate structure will be implemented by means of a Scheme of Arrangement (Scheme) under Part 26 of the Companies Act 2006 followed by a reduction of capital of New Holdco. Under the terms of the Scheme, shareholders will exchange ordinary shares in Rolls-Royce Group plc for shares in New Holdco on a one-for-one basis. The Scheme will provide greater flexibility in the capital structure of the Group and provide distributable reserves to New Holdco. Approval will be sought from shareholders for these proposals at the time of the Group’s annual general meeting (AGM) on May 6, 2011 and the Scheme will also require the sanction of the High Court. Proposed arrangements for the creation of a new holding company The Company is proposing a change to its corporate structure in order to generate appropriate reserves which will allow it to Sir Simon Robertson Chairman February 9, 2011 In the year to December 31, 2010, the Company was subject to the Combined Code on Corporate Governance published in June 2008 by the FRC (the Combined Code). A printed copy of the code can be obtained free of charge from FRC Publications, 145 London Road, Kingston upon Thames, Surrey, KT2 6SR - telephone: +44 (0)20 8247 1264 and online at: From January 1, 2011, the Company is subject to the UK Corporate Governance Code which can similarly be obtained from the FRC website. The Board confirms that throughout 2010, the Company complied with the Combined Code. This report explains how the Company discharges its corporate governance responsibilities. 56 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o g s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i BOARD OF DIRECTORS Sir Simon Robertson Non-executive Chairman Chairman of the nominations committee Sir Simon Robertson was appointed to the Board in 2004. He is the founder member of Simon Robertson Associates LLP and Deputy Chairman of HSBC Holdings plc. He is a non- executive director of Berry Bros & Rudd Limited and The Economist Newspaper Limited. He is a director of The Royal Opera House Covent Garden Limited and a Trustee of The Eden Project and of the Royal Opera House Endowment Fund. He is the former President of Goldman Sachs Europe Limited. He was knighted in the 2010 Queen’s Birthday Honours for services to business. Age 69. Sir John Rose Chief Executive A member of the nominations committee Sir John Rose was appointed to the Board in 1992, having joined Rolls-Royce in 1984. He has been Chief Executive since 1996 and will retire from the Company at the end of March 2011. He is a Trustee of The Eden Project. Age 58. Helen Alexander CBE Non-executive director Chairman of the remuneration committee and a member of the ethics and nominations committees Helen Alexander CBE was appointed to the Board in September 2007. She is President of the CBI and Chairman of the Port of London Authority and of Incisive Media. She is a non-executive director and chair of the remuneration committee at Centrica plc and senior adviser to Bain Capital. She was CEO of the Economist Group from 1997 to 2008. She is also Chair of the Advisory Council of the Saïd Business School, Oxford; Deputy Chair of the governors of St Paul’s Girls’ School and a trustee of the World Wide Web Foundation. Age 53. governance Peter Byrom Non-executive director A member of the ethics and nominations committees Peter Byrom was appointed to the Board in 1997. He is Chairman of Domino Printing Sciences plc and is a Fellow of the Royal Aeronautical Society. He was a director of AMEC plc from 2005 to 2011 and of NM Rothschild & Sons Limited from 1977 to 1996. Age 66. Iain C Conn Non-executive director, Senior Independent Director A member of the audit and nominations committees Iain Conn was appointed to the Board in 2005. He has been an executive director of BP p.l.c. since 2004 and is Chief Executive of Refining and Marketing, having previously held a range of executive positions within the BP Group worldwide. He is Chairman of the Advisory Board of The Imperial College Business School. Age 48. Peter Gregson Non-executive director A member of the remuneration and nominations committees Peter Gregson was appointed to the Board in 2007. He is President and vice-Chancellor of Queen’s University Belfast and serves on the Northern Ireland Economic Development Forum, the Council of CBI Northern Ireland and the Steering Group of the US-Ireland Research and Development Partnership. He is a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, a Member of the Royal Irish Academy and Deputy Lieutenant of Belfast. He was formerly Professor of Aerospace Materials and Deputy vice-Chancellor of the University of Southampton and has served on the Councils of the Royal Academy of Engineering and the Central Laboratory of the Research Councils. Age 53. 57 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 James Guyette BSc President and Chief Executive Officer of Rolls-Royce North America Inc. Jim Guyette was appointed to the Board in 1998 having joined Rolls-Royce in 1997. He is a director of the PrivateBank and Trust Company of Chicago, Illinois and of Inc and he is Chairman, National Air & Space Museum, Washington DC. Until 1995 he was Executive vice President, Marketing and Planning of United Airlines. Age 65. John McAdam Non-executive director A member of the remuneration and nominations committees John McAdam was appointed to the Board in 2008. He is Chairman of United Utilities Group PLC and of Rentokil Initial plc, the Senior Independent Director of J Sainsbury plc and a non- executive director of Sara Lee Corporation. He was the Chief Executive of ICI plc until ICI’s acquisition by Akzo Nobel. Age 62. John Neill CBE Non-executive director A member of the audit and nominations committees John Neill was appointed to the Board in 2008. He is the Chief Executive of the Unipart Group of Companies. He is a member of the Council and Board of Business in the Community and is a non- executive director of Charter International plc. He is vice President of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, BEN, the automotive industry charity and The Institute of the Motor Industry. Age 63. John Rishton Non-executive director John Rishton was appointed to the Board in 2007. He served as Chairman of the audit committee and a member of the ethics and nominations committees until September 30, 2010 when the Board announced that he had been appointed to succeed Sir John Rose as Chief Executive. He will take up that role on March 31, 2011. John Rishton is currently Chief Executive Officer of Royal Ahold. He began his career in 1979 at Ford Motor Company and held a variety of positions both in the UK and in Europe. In 1994 he joined British Airways Plc where he was Chief Financial Officer from 2001 to 2005. He is a former non-executive director of Allied Domecq. Age 52. Andrew Shilston MA, ACA, MCT Finance Director Andrew Shilston was appointed to the Board in 2003 having joined Rolls-Royce in 2002. He was a non-executive director of Cairn Energy PLC until May 2008 and he was Finance Director of Enterprise Oil plc from 1993 until 2002. Age 55. Colin Smith BSc Hons, FREng, FRAeS, FIMechE Director – Engineering and Technology Colin Smith was appointed to the Board in 2005 having joined Rolls-Royce in 1974. He has held a variety of key positions within Engineering including Director – Research and Technology and Director of Engineering and Technology – Civil Aerospace. He is a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, the Royal Aeronautical Society and the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Age 55. Ian Strachan Non-executive director Chairman of the ethics and audit committees and a member of the nominations committee Ian Strachan was appointed to the Board in 2003. He is a non- executive director of Xstrata plc, Transocean Inc and Caithness Petroleum Limited. He is the former Chief Executive of BTR plc, former Deputy Chief Executive and Chief Financial Officer of Rio Tinto plc, former non-executive Chairman of Instinet Group Inc and former non-executive director of Johnson Matthey plc, Commercial Union and Reuters Group plc. Age 67. Mike Terrett Chief Operating Officer Mike Terrett was appointed to the Board in 2007, having joined Rolls-Royce in 1978. He has held a variety of senior positions in the development of new aero-engine programmes including Managing Director of Airlines and President and Chief Executive Officer of International Aero Engines (IAE) based in the United States. Prior to his appointment as Chief Operating Officer he was President – Civil Aerospace. He is a Member of the Institute of Mechanical Engineers and a Fellow of the Royal Aeronautical Society. Age 54. Tim Rayner General Counsel and Company Secretary Tim Rayner joined Rolls-Royce in 2007 having previously been General Counsel and Company Secretary at United Utilities PLC. Age 50. i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o g s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i governance THE GROUP EXECUTIvE The Group Executive is responsible for the management of the Group within the strategy determined by the Board. Sir John Rose, Chief Executive, chairs meetings of the Group Executive and its other members are: James Guyette President and Chief Executive Officer of Rolls-Royce North America Inc. Michael Haidinger President – Rolls-Royce Deutschland Ltd & Co KG Tom Brown Director – Human Resources Miles Cowdry Director – Global Corporate Development Lawrie Haynes President – Nuclear Andrew Heath President – Energy Mark King President – Civil Aerospace Dan Korte President – Defence Aerospace Alain Michaelis President – Gas Turbine Supply Chain Deputy Chief Operating Officer Peter Morgan Director – Corporate Affairs Tim Rayner General Counsel and Company Secretary Andrew Shilston Finance Director Colin Smith Director – Engineering and Technology Mike Orris Chief Procurement Officer Mike Terrett Chief Operating Officer John Paterson President – Marine Tony Wood President – Gas Turbine Services THE INTERNATIONAL ADvISORY BOARD The International Advisory Board (IAB) was formed in 2006. It advises the Group on emerging political, business and economic trends. Membership of the IAB is as follows: Lord Powell of Bayswater Chairman of IAB, former Foreign Affairs and Defence Adviser to Prime Ministers Margaret Thatcher and John Major Fernando Henrique Cardoso Former President of Brazil and professor emeritus, University of São Paulo Bernard Duc, CBE Senior Partner HMI Ltd (Hong Kong), Chairman of the Rolls-Royce South East Asia Advisory Board Sir Rod Eddington Chairman – Australia & New Zealand, J.P. Morgan and former Chief Executive, British Airways Plc Dr Fan Gang Professor at China’s Academy of Social Sciences and Director of National Economic Research Institute Carla Hills Chair and CEO, Hills & Company, International Consultants, former US Trade Representative, former Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, former Assistant Attorney General General Sir Mike Jackson Former Chief of the General Staff, UK Ministry of Defence Mustafa Koç Chairman of Koç Holding, A.Ş. Ratan Tata Chairman of Tata Sons Ltd Taizo Nishimuro Chairman of Tokyo Stock Exchange Group, Inc. and former Chairman of Toshiba Corporation Lubna Olayan CEO and Deputy Chairperson of the Olayan Financing Company Eduardo Serra President and founder of Eduardo Serra y Asociados (ESYA), former Spanish Defence Minister, former President of the Royal Board of Trustees of the Prado Museum Matthias Wissmann President of the German Association of the Automotive Industry (vDA), vice-Chairman of the Federation of German Industries (BDI) and Senior International Counsel at WilmerHale, former Federal Minister of Research and Technology and of Transports of Germany Lee Hsien Yang Chairman, Fraser and Neave Limited Rair Simonyan Chairman, Morgan Stanley, Russia, former first vP of Russian State oil company, Rosneft Ernesto Zedillo Former President of Mexico, Director, Yale Center for the Study of Globalization i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o g s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i 58 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 governance GOvERNANCE STRUCTURE Develops strategy – approves the financial plan – decides on allocations of capital – takes major business decisions – controls risk – monitors progress – ensures ethical standards. The primary goal which underpins all Board decisions is to create value for the long-term investor. BOARD Audit committee • recommends the financial statements to the Board • reviews accounting policies • reviews major results announcements • maintains relationship with, and recommends, the appointment of the external auditors • approves the internal audit work programme and reviews its work and the effectiveness of that function • reviews internal controls and risk systems Nominations committee • recommends the appointment of executive and non-executive directors assisted by external recruitment consultants • recommends the membership of Board committees • reviews succession planning generally • reviews specific appointments to the Board and to other senior positions within the Group • oversees the annual review of Board effectiveness Remuneration committee • recommends executive remuneration policy to the Board • determines the remuneration of the Chairman and the remuneration packages of the executive directors and a number of senior executives Ethics committee • reviews recommendations on ethical matters made by external regulatory authorities or other bodies • develops the Global Code of Business Ethics and reviews the Group’s compliance with it • oversees the enforcement of ethical conduct – receives reports on issues raised through the ‘confidential reporting line’ and any subsequent investigation • reviews the effectiveness of the Group’s external reporting of ethics policy and practice Risk committee • develops and implements the Group’s Risk Management strategy and policy • reviews reports on key risks compiled from risk profiles prepared by management • monitors the total level of risk within the Group as a whole and within each business unit • assesses the effectiveness of the systems established by management to identify, assess, manage and monitor financial and non-financial risks Scheduled meetings eligible to attend Meetings attended 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 6 5 7 8 7 8 8 8 8 7 8 Sir Simon Robertson, as Chairman of the Board of directors, is responsible for leadership of the Board and ensuring its effectiveness on all aspects of its role. Sir John Rose is the Chief Executive. The division of responsibilities between them is set down in writing and agreed by the Board. Iain Conn is the Company’s Senior Independent Director. There are currently 14 directors on the Board comprising the non-executive Chairman, the Chief Executive, four other executive directors and eight non-executive directors. There were no changes to Board members during the year. However, on September 30, 2010 the Board announced Sir John Rose’s intention to retire as Chief Executive on March 31, 2011. John Rishton has been appointed to succeed Sir John. Accordingly, John Rishton stood down from the ethics, nominations and audit committees on September 30, 2010 as he is no longer considered by the Board to be independent. The quality and broad experience of the directors, the balance of the Board’s composition and the dynamics of the Board as a group, ensure the Board’s effectiveness and also prevent any individual or small group The Board Board attendance 2010 Sir Simon Robertson (Chairman) Helen Alexander CBE Peter Byrom Iain Conn Peter Gregson James Guyette John McAdam John Neill CBE John Rishton Sir John Rose Andrew Shilston Colin Smith Ian Strachan Mike Terrett 59 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o g s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i governance dominating the Board’s decision making. Each executive director receives a service contract on appointment (see page 71 for further information) and each non-executive director receives a letter setting out the conditions of his or her appointment. Non-executive directors are appointed for an initial term of three years, which may be extended with the agreement of the Board, although reappointment is not automatic. Executive directors are employees who have executive responsibilities in addition to their duties as directors. Non-executive directors are not employees and do not participate in the daily business management of the Group. Under the Company’s Articles of Association, one-third of the directors are subject to re-election every year. However, in accordance with the UK Corporate Governance Code, a resolution will be put to the 2011 AGM to amend the Articles of Association to require that all directors stand for re-election every year. The Articles of Association also provide that no person may be appointed to the office of chairman (in an executive capacity) or to the office of chief executive, managing director or joint managing director of the Company, unless he or she is a British citizen. No person may be appointed to the office of director of the Company if, immediately following such appointment, the number of directors of the Company who are not British citizens would exceed one half of the total number of directors of the Company for the time being. A resolution will be put to the 2011 AGM to allow either the Chairman or the Chief Executive to be either a EU or US citizen provided the other is a British citizen. This proposed change has been approved by the HM Government (Special Shareholder). The Board believe that in a global business, it is essential to have a wider pool of talent to draw upon for such key positions. Role of the Board The Board is responsible to all the Company’s stakeholders for its conduct and for the performance of the Company. The day-to-day running of the Company is delegated by the Board to the executive team under the leadership of Sir John Rose, the Chief Executive. The Board retains responsibility for the approval of strategy and certain matters which affect the shape and risk profile of the Group, as well as items such as the annual budget and performance targets, the financial statements, payments to shareholders, major capital investments and any substantial change to balance sheet management policy. The division of responsibilities between the Board and the executive team is set out in detail in a schedule approved annually by the Board, which also defines those decisions which can only be taken by the Board. In 2010, the schedule was amended to include an overriding requirement for any high-risk item to be referred to the Board irrespective of it falling within the delegated financial limit. i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o g s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i The Board’s primary goal and tasks The primary goal of the Board is to ensure that the Company’s strategy creates value within an acceptable risk profile for the long-term investor. In line with its primary goal, the Board’s principal tasks are to: • ensure the development of the Company’s strategy and keep it under rigorous review; • monitor the implementation of the strategy, ensuring that the necessary financial and human resources are in place to deliver it and that effective controls exist to manage risk; • safeguard the values of the Company, including its brand and corporate reputation and the safety of its products; • oversee the quality and performance of management and ensure through effective succession planning and remuneration policies that it is maintained at world-class standards; and • maintain an effective corporate governance framework that aspires to deliver long-term value to shareholders. The work of the Board 2010 During the year, the Board received regular reports by executive directors on business and financial performance and engineering and technology and received presentations on business issues, health, safety and the environment, IT infrastructure and disaster recovery arrangements, corporate governance, corporate affairs and quality and process excellence. It received reports on the activities of its committees after each committee meeting. The Board reviewed strategy regularly and also held a day-long strategy meeting. In addition, the Board also approved: • the Annual report for 2009 and the preliminary announcement and the 2010 half yearly results; • the budget for 2011; • the final payment to shareholders in respect of the year ended December 31, 2009 and the interim payment for the year ending December 31, 2010; • the acquisition by Rolls-Royce Marine AS of ODIM ASA; • revised banking arrangements and facilities for the Group; • the renewal of the terms of the Euro Medium Term Note Programme; and • the actions to be taken to comply with the new UK Corporate Governance Code. Board committees Details of the work of the Board’s formal committees can be found on pages 62 to 64 and on page 67. Terms of reference for each committee are available on the Group’s website at Executive committees The executive governance structure evolved during the year. In 2010, three new committees were established which report to the Group Executive. The Executive Committee chaired by the Chief Executive and comprising the executive directors has nine scheduled meetings each year with other directors joining by invitation. It develops strategy, considers investment choices and provides leadership for the Group’s 60 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 governance businesses. The Operations Executive chaired by the Chief Operating Officer provides operational leadership driving world-class levels of cost, quality and delivery. The Functional Executive, chaired by the Finance Director, drives functional maturity. In addition, as our businesses have grown and developed, the leadership structure has broadened, with each business now having a governance structure which replicates broadly that of the holding company. Independence of the non-executive directors The Board applies a rigorous process in order to satisfy itself that its non-executive directors remain independent. The Combined Code does not consider the test of independence to be appropriate to the chairman of a company. However, Sir Simon Robertson did meet the Code’s independence criteria upon his appointment as Chairman on January 1, 2005. His other significant commitments are described on page 56. The Board reviews the independence of the other non-executive directors every year, based on the criteria in the Combined Code. This review was undertaken in 2010 and the Board concluded that all the non-executive directors were independent in character and judgement, although following the announcement on September 30, 2010 of the appointment of John Rishton as successor to Sir John Rose as Chief Executive, John Rishton has been treated as non-independent and has retired from his roles as a member of the audit, ethics and nominations committees. The Board will again be asking shareholders to re-elect Peter Byrom as a director even though he has served as a director of the holding company (then Rolls-Royce plc) since January 1,1997. In so doing, the Board has taken full account of the Combined Code requirement to consider carefully a non-executive director’s independence where that director has served on the board for more than nine years from the date of his or her first election. The Board strongly remains of the view that Peter Byrom continues to be independent and there are no issues which are likely to affect his independent judgement and that he is in no way dependent on the remuneration he receives from the Company. The Board believes that in a complex and technologically advanced company with a long business cycle from the development of an engine to its eventual retirement, it is highly desirable to retain at least one non-executive director with long-term experience. Directors’ induction, training and information Newly appointed directors participate in a structured induction programme and receive a comprehensive data pack providing detailed information on the Group. An existing executive director acts as a mentor to each newly appointed non-executive director, giving guidance and advice as required. As part of their briefing, non-executive directors visit key sites and meet a cross-section of managers and employees to gain a better understanding of the Group and its operations. Ongoing training is available for all the directors, including presentations by the executive team on particular aspects of the business. There is a procedure for directors to take independent professional advice at the Company’s expense. In addition, every director has access to the General Counsel and Company Secretary. Board evaluation The Chairman and the non-executive directors meet at least once a year without the executive directors present, in order to review the operation of the Board. The Chairman has an annual meeting with each non- executive director to review his or her contribution to the Board. The Senior Independent Director chairs an annual meeting of the executive and non-executive directors (excluding the Chairman) to review the performance of the Chairman, the outcome of which is reported back to him. Each year, the Chairman reviews the performance of the Chief Executive as part of the annual salary review process overseen by the remuneration committee. The Chief Executive reviews the performance of the other executive directors in the same way. In 2009, the Board asked outside consultants to assist it with a review, which took the form of a facilitated self evaluation. In 2010, the Chairman led a review of the Board’s effectiveness without the assistance of outside consultants. This review consisted of confidential, unattributable, one-on-one discussions with each Board member and covered any subject Board members wanted to raise concerning the workings of the Board, including governance, effectiveness, strategy development, composition, operations and dynamics. The Board members unanimously agreed that the Board was working effectively. The review highlighted the importance of the evaluation of strategy; risks including engineering and technology risk; the continued focus on Board and executive succession planning; and the need to be aware of challenges to the business. Conflicts of interest Directors have a duty to avoid a situation in which they have, or can have, a direct or indirect interest which conflicts, or possibly may conflict, with the interests of the Company unless that situational conflict has been authorised by the Board. The Board has reviewed and authorised all directors’ situational conflicts and has agreed that while directors are required to keep confidential all Company information, they shall not be required to share with the Company confidential information received by them from a third party which is the subject of the situational conflict. Indemnity The Company has entered into separate Deeds of Indemnity in favour of its directors. The deeds provide substantially the same protection as that already provided to directors under the indemnity in Article 170 of the Company’s Articles of Association. The Company has also arranged appropriate insurance cover for any legal action taken against its directors and officers. i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o g s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i 61 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 governance AUDIT COMMITTEE REPORT Membership of the audit committee Audit committee attendance 2010 Ian Strachan (chairman) Iain Conn John Neill CBE John Rishton 1 Meetings eligible to attend Meetings attended 5 5 5 3 5 5 5 3 1 John Rishton retired as a member of the audit committee on September 30, 2010 on the announcement of his appointment as the next Chief Executive. The audit committee consists exclusively of independent, non-executive directors. Up to September 30, 2010, John Rishton and thereafter Ian Strachan, both of whom have recent and relevant financial experience, chaired the committee. In 2010, its other members were Iain Conn and John Neill CBE. The committee met five times during the year. The Director of Risk, Head of Business Assurance, a representative of the external auditors and the General Counsel and Company Secretary normally attend the meetings. Additionally, the Director of Risk and the Head of Business Assurance have direct access to the committee. The Chairman of the Board, the Chief Executive, the Finance Director and any other Board member or senior executive may attend the meetings as necessary, at the invitation of the audit committee chairman. Responsibilities The committee has responsibility for recommending the financial statements to the Board and for reviewing the Group’s financial reporting and accounting policies, including formal announcements and trading statements relating to the Company’s financial performance. It is also responsible for the relationship with the external auditors and for assessing the role and effectiveness of the internal audit function, which in Rolls-Royce is termed business assurance. In addition, the committee reviews the Group’s procedures for detecting, monitoring and managing the risk of fraud. The committee has responsibility for recommending to the Board the appointment of the external auditors and for reviewing the nature, scope and results of the annual external audit. It also approves the audit fee and, on an annual basis, assesses the effectiveness and independence of the external auditors. A resolution to reappoint the auditors, KPMG Audit Plc, and to authorise the directors to determine the auditors’ remuneration, will be proposed at the 2011 AGM. The committee keeps under review the Group’s internal controls and systems for assessing and mitigating financial and non-financial risk. It also reviews and approves the business assurance work programme and ensures that this function is adequately resourced and co-ordinated with the work of the external auditors. Twice a year, the committee receives a written report on the reviews conducted throughout the Group by business assurance and reports from senior executives on the key business risks and risk systems in selected sectors. i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o g s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i 62 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 The work of the committee in 2010 In February 2010, the committee reviewed salient features arising out of KPMG Audit Plc’s audit of the 2009 Annual report, reviewed the draft Annual report and after consideration of a paper on going concern agreed to recommend the 2009 Annual report to the Board. Following completion of the 2009 year end process, the meeting assessed the 2009 audit process and the strategy for the 2010 audit and considered the performance of the auditors. The committee also considered and recommended to the Board the Company’s interim management statements and half-yearly report. During the year, the committee closely monitored and approved KPMG’s non-audit fees. It also reviewed expenses incurred by Board directors and members of the Group Executive. It received reports on the work of the business assurance team and a presentation by the Chief Information Officer on IT and the Process Delivery function and by the President – Defence Aerospace on risk management in the defence business. The committee also considered whistle blowing arrangements for the reporting of fraud. Throughout the year, the committee received technical updates of relevant changes in the governance environment and in accounting standards and other reporting matters. Auditors’ independence In order to safeguard auditors’ independence and objectivity, the following policy is applied in relation to services provided by the auditors: Audit related services – the auditors undertake these services as it is work that they must, or are best suited to, perform. It includes formalities relating to borrowings, shareholder and other circulars, risk management services, various regulatory reports and work in respect of acquisitions and disposals; Tax, accounting and mergers and acquisitions – the auditors are used for this work where they are best suited to undertake it. All other significant consulting work in these areas is put out to tender; and All other advisory services/consulting – the auditors are generally prohibited from providing these services. Throughout the year, the committee monitored the cost of non-audit work undertaken by the auditors and is, therefore, in a position to take action if at any time it believes that there is a risk of the auditors’ independence being undermined through the award of this work. governance NOMINATIONS COMMITTEE REPORT Membership of the nominations committee Nominations committee attendance 2010 Sir Simon Robertson (chairman) Helen Alexander CBE Peter Byrom Iain Conn Peter Gregson John McAdam John Neill CBE John Rishton 1 Sir John Rose Ian Strachan Meetings eligible to attend Meetings attended 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 3 2 4 4 1 John Rishton retired as a member of the nominations committee on September 30, 2010 on the announcement of his appointment as the next Chief Executive. In 2010, Sir Simon Robertson chaired the nominations committee which comprises the Chairman, the Chief Executive and the independent non-executive directors and which is attended by the General Counsel and Company Secretary. Responsibilities The committee makes recommendations to the Board on the appointment of executive and non-executive directors and on the membership of Board committees. It is assisted in the former task by external recruitment consultants. It reviews succession planning generally and also reviews specific appointments to the Board and to other senior positions within the Group. The committee also oversees the annual review of Board effectiveness. ETHICS COMMITTEE REPORT Membership of the ethics committee Ethics committee attendance 2010 Ian Strachan (chairman) Helen Alexander CBE Peter Byrom John Rishton 1 Meetings eligible to attend Meetings attended 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 2 1 John Rishton retired as a member of the ethics committee on September 30, 2010 on the announcement of his appointment as the next Chief Executive. The ethics committee consists exclusively of independent non-executive directors and met three times in 2010. Ian Strachan chairs the committee and its other members during 2010 were Helen Alexander CBE and 63 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 In carrying out these tasks, the committee gives careful consideration to the balance of skills required on the Board, including the need to reflect diversity, international experience and strong managerial and business skills. Before recommending the appointment of a non-executive director to the Board, the committee satisfies itself that the candidate will have sufficient time available to discharge his or her responsibilities effectively. The work of the committee in 2010 During the year, the committee recommended to the Board the reappointment of Helen Alexander CBE, Peter Byrom, Iain Conn, Peter Gregson, John Rishton and Sir Simon Robertson subject to those directors being re-elected at the 2011 AGM. The committee also engaged Egon Zehnder International (EZI) to conduct an executive search for a suitable successor to Sir John Rose and, after consideration of several candidates, recommended to the Board that an existing non-executive director, John Rishton, be appointed, such appointment to take effect on Sir John’s retirement on March 31, 2011. The committee has subsequently engaged EZI to search for a suitable non-executive director with substantial and recent relevant financial experience to be considered for the role of audit committee chairman. The committee reviewed the situational conflicts declared by each director. It considered the independence of each non-executive director and made recommendations to the Board. The committee also considered the future structure of the Board and received a report from the Director – Human Resources on progress made in the last three years to build strength in depth for the executive team. Peter Byrom. John Rishton was also a member up to September 30, 2010. The Director of Risk, who has executive responsibility for ethics, attends the meetings as does the General Counsel and Company Secretary. The Chairman of the Board, the Chief Executive and other executives of the Group may be invited to attend meetings of the committee. Responsibilities The Board strongly believes that the Group’s business should be conducted in a way that reflects the highest ethical standards. The ethics committee was established in 2008 to oversee the implementation of the Group’s global ethics strategy and the management of ethical and reputational risk. i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o g s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i governance The committee is responsible for reviewing compliance with the Group’s Global Code of Business Ethics (Global Code) and will, if appropriate, make recommendations to the Board for changes to the Global Code. The Global Code sets out the principles to be followed by employees when conducting business. The committee reviews recommendations on ethical matters made by external regulatory authorities or other bodies and is responsible for making recommendations to the Board about whether these should be applied to the Group and, if so, to what extent. It also has responsibility for monitoring reports on issues raised through the Group’s confidential reporting line and for reviewing the results of subsequent investigations. The committee ensures that ethical policies and practice are subject to an appropriate level of internal audit and, where necessary, will appoint auditors to conduct an independent external review. The work of the committee in 2010 During the year, the committee reviewed and enhanced relevant supporting policies and procedures that provide detailed guidance and support for the implementation of the Global Code. The committee also considered the impact of the new UK Bribery Act which is expected to come into force in May 2011. In response, the committee has thoroughly reviewed its policies in this area. In particular, policies on Gifts and Hospitality and Commercial Intermediaries were updated during the year with every relevant employee receiving training on the new arrangements and a new compliance organisation has been established. RISK COMMITTEE REPORT Membership of the risk committee Risk committee attendance 2010 Sir John Rose (chairman) James Guyette Andrew Shilston Colin Smith Mike Terrett Meetings eligible to attend Meetings attended 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 The risk committee, chaired by the Chief Executive, and comprising all of the executive directors, meets at least twice a year and is attended by the sector presidents, the Director of Risk and the General Counsel and Company Secretary. Responsibilities The Group has established and implemented a sound risk management structure throughout the business that supports programme execution, informs decision making and, ultimately, helps to deliver better business performance. The risk committee has accountability for the system of risk management and reports annually to the Board on the policy, process and operation of the risk management system and the principal risks facing the Group, including the treatment plans in place to manage them. The risk committee has responsibility for implementing the Board’s policies on risk and internal control and reviews the results of the risk management process, which operates at all levels of the Group. Specific committees have accountability for reviewing certain categories of risk. The financial risk committee reviews credit, market or liquidity risks. The ethics committee reviews those risks with a significant ethical dimension. The risk committee has developed a risk policy which states that risk management is a part of every manager’s responsibility and is to be embedded within the day-to-day activity. The work of the committee in 2010 During the year, the committee agreed additions and retirements to the Group risk register and reviewed mitigation plans. The committee received reports on business continuity and crisis management and on the Anti-Bribery and Corruption programme. It also reviewed the tools and processes used for risk management and reviewed the Group’s insurance portfolio. Risk profile The Group’s risk profile has increased over the past five years which, in part, can be attributed to the increasing maturity of the processes to recognise and formally communicate risks. The significant risks arising from economic downturn and financial market disruption in that period have been or are being addressed by comprehensive mitigation strategies and plans. The external business environment is challenging and whilst competitive pressures remain high there are some early signs of recovery across all sectors. i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o g s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i 64 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 governance Had the Group remained so strongly dependent upon the civil aerospace business, then its exposure to the cyclical downturn in the economy affecting the global demand for air travel would have been much more severe. While it is still possible that there may be a ‘double dip’ recession, the Group has performed well to date in the recessionary environment. The benefits of a strong aftermarket business, a broad portfolio of products across all businesses and the growing influence of geographical diversification have all been factors in maintaining a strong financial performance. Continued development of the portfolio in areas such as marine, energy and civil nuclear will further mitigate the risk. Low probability/high impact events that are beyond the range of normal expectations have attracted a substantial degree of focus in 2010. The European sovereign debt crisis threatening the euro, the April eruption of the Eyjafjallajökull volcano in Iceland, which shut down Europe’s airspace for six days, and the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico have together resulted in a much deeper consideration of the risks to organisational resilience. The reliability of our products remains a significant exposure and recent events have highlighted the negative impact that any deficiencies could have on the Group’s reputation. Management attention is on the ‘safety first’ culture and there is continuing engineering focus on product reliability and service lives. THE RISK MANAGEMENT PROCESS Principal risks and uncertainties The ‘Principal risks and uncertainties’, described in the table on pages 26 and 27, are among those that may have an impact on the Group’s performance. This is notwithstanding other risks and uncertainties that are currently unknown to the Group, or which the Group does not presently consider to be material. The principal risks reflect the global nature of the business and the competitive and challenging business environment in which it operates. Risks, including those to the Group’s reputation, are considered under four broad headings: • business environment risks; • strategic risks; • financial risks; and • operational risks. Assessment Planning Identification Risk register Treatment Risk management process Rolls-Royce takes a proactive approach to the management of risk and recognises the risk management process as fundamental in achieving its business objectives. Throughout the Group, risks are identified, assessed and managed through an established structured approach. The Board has reviewed the risk management process and confirms that ongoing processes and systems ensure that Rolls-Royce continues to be compliant with the Turnbull guidance as contained in ‘Internal Control: Guidance for Directors on the Combined Code’. THE RISK MANAGEMENT PROCESS Assessment Planning Identification Risk register Treatment Review, control and communicate THE RISK ESCALATION STRUCTURE Group R I S Business unit/ Function K E S C A L A T I O N RISK ACTION FLOWDOWN Programme/Department A N D M O N I T O R I N G Review, control and communicate Work package 65 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 THE RISK ESCALATION STRUCTURE Group R I S Business unit/ Function K E S C A L A T I O N RISK ACTION FLOWDOWN Programme/Department Work package A N D M O N I T O R I N G i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o g s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i A global network of risk champions, mentors and facilitators drives the application of the standard process in each part of the business and helps to develop, embed and share best practice throughout the Group. The risk management process is subject to continuous improvement. Over the past year, training material has been enhanced for all risk roles to ensure consistency of risk management capability for all levels of the organisation. The global uptake of risk training has more than doubled in comparison to 2009. As the Group broadens its portfolio and enters new territories through organic growth and acquisition, it places increased emphasis on the need to understand the geopolitical risks inherent in the business. Initiatives are underway to formalise, corroborate and respond to these risks. governance Risks are defined as threats to the achievement of business objectives or to the continuing reputation of the Group. As part of the business cycle, each part of the Group is required to identify and record key risks together with appropriate treatment activities. Risks are documented in a framework of risk registers and are regularly reviewed and updated by management. The process provides methods for escalation and aggregation at every level of the business; delegation to the appropriate levels within the organisation ensures that risk and treatment actions are owned, defined, resourced and effective. The top-level corporate risk register is an aggregation of lower-level risk registers from where risks are escalated to be reviewed by the Board. The Board also considers these risks in the context of the Group’s business strategy. This ongoing process has been in place during 2010, up to and including the date of approval of this Annual report contained within it. Management has continued to perform comprehensive risk reviews for all major programmes, including business change plans. Independent gated reviews are conducted where key risks and mitigating actions are identified and reported to management for incorporation into programme plans. The risk management process places significant emphasis on learning from and sharing prior experience. Continuous improvement of the risk management process Development, implementation and maintenance of the standard global process is the responsibility of a dedicated Enterprise Risk Management team, part of the Risk function, led by the Director of Risk. The team has created a comprehensive framework for the assessment of risk management process maturity that enables focused improvement actions and drives consistent application of the risk management process throughout all levels of the Group. An integrated range of tools and training supports the risk process. Implementation of an enterprise-wide risk database application enables the recording, analysis, communication and management of risks across the Group. i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o g s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i 66 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 governance DIRECTORS’ REMUNERATION REPORT On behalf of the Board, I am pleased to present the Directors’ remuneration report for 2010, for which the Company will be seeking approval from shareholders at the AGM on May 6, 2011. The work of the committee during 2010 During the last year the committee: • determined the outcome of awards for the Annual Performance The report: • explains the policy under which the executive directors, the Chairman and the non-executive directors are remunerated; and • gives details of the remuneration, fees and share interests of the directors. The remuneration policy framework The Group operates in a highly competitive, international market. Its business is complex, technologically advanced and has long time horizons. The Group is committed to achieving sustained improvements in performance and this depends crucially on the individual contributions made by the executive team and by employees at all levels. The Board therefore believes that an effective remuneration strategy plays an essential part in the future success of the Group. Accordingly, we remain committed to a remuneration policy which, whilst sufficiently flexible to take account of future changes in the Group’s business environment and in remuneration practice, will continue to reflect the following broad principles: • the remuneration of executive directors and other senior executives should reflect their responsibilities and contain incentives to deliver the Group’s performance objectives without encouraging excessive risk-taking; • remuneration must be capable of attracting and retaining the individuals necessary for business success; • total remuneration should be based on Group and individual performance, both in the short and long term; • the system of remuneration should establish a close identity of interest between senior executives and shareholders through measures such as encouraging the senior executives to acquire shares in the Company. Therefore a significant proportion of senior executive remuneration will comprise long-term share-based incentives; and • when determining remuneration, the remuneration committee will take into account pay and employment conditions elsewhere in the Group. The committee reviews regularly both the competitiveness of the Group’s remuneration structure and its effectiveness in incentivising executives to enhance value for shareholders over the longer term. Related Award Plan, All-Employee Bonus Scheme and Performance Share Plan for 2009 and set performance conditions for the 2010 awards under those plans; • considered the effect of foreign exchange movements on incentive plans; • agreed terms for the engagement of a new Chief Executive; • reviewed salary levels and participation in incentive arrangements for executive directors and other senior executives; • reviewed the implications of changes to tax relief on UK pension arrangements; • reviewed the Directors’ remuneration report for the year ended 2009 prior to its approval by the Board; and • considered the Group remuneration arrangements in light of the UK Corporate Governance Code. The committee will review regularly the policy and principles outlined above to ensure that Group remuneration practice continues to be in the best interests of shareholders. Helen Alexander CBE Chairman of the remuneration committee Introduction to the remuneration report The report provides the information required by the Large and Medium- sized Companies and Groups (Accounts and Reports) Regulations 2008 and describes how the Company applied the principles of the Combined Code in relation to executive directors’ remuneration. The Company confirms that it complied with the requirements of the Code. The report was approved by the committee on February 8, 2011. The committee The committee has responsibility for making recommendations to the Board on the Group’s policy regarding executive remuneration. The committee determines, on the Board’s behalf, the remuneration of the Chairman and the remuneration packages of the executive directors and a number of senior executives. A copy of the committee’s terms of reference is available on the Group’s website at i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o g s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i 67 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 governance The committee consists exclusively of independent, non-executive directors. The members of the committee and their attendance at committee meetings during the year were: Helen Alexander CBE (chairman) Peter Byrom 1 Peter Gregson John McAdam Meetings eligible to attend Meetings attended 7 7 7 7 7 5 6 7 1 Peter Byrom retired as a member of the remuneration committee on February 8, 2011. In 2010, Sir Simon Robertson, Chairman, Sir John Rose, Chief Executive, the Director – Human Resources and the General Counsel and Company Secretary, attended meetings by invitation of the committee but were not present during any discussion of their own emoluments. Advice to the committee During 2010, the committee had access to advice from inside and outside the Group from: • the Chairman; • the Chief Executive; • the Finance Director; • the Director – Human Resources; • the General Counsel and Company Secretary; • the Director – Global Reward; • the Group finance department; • Deloitte LLP1; • Kepler Associates; and • Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP, the Company’s lawyers. 1 During the year, Deloitte LLP advised the Group on tax, assurance, pensions and corporate finance and Deloitte MCS Limited provided consulting services. The main components of remuneration The main components of remuneration for all executives worldwide comprise base salary, annual incentive arrangements, long-term share-based incentives and benefits. Executives are also entitled to participate in all-employee share plans. COMPONENT SUMMARY TIMEFRAME MAIN FEATURES Base salary annual perFormance related award plan (apra) • Set by the committee at levels required to recruit and retain high quality senior executives with reference to the marketplace for companies of similar size, internationality and complexity and taking account of pay elsewhere in the Group. • Set with reference to the median of market practice. • Annual incentive. • Measures set by the committee based on underlying profit, cash flow and individual objectives and performance. • Strong link between performance and remuneration. • Promotes share ownership and encourages decisions in the long-term interest of shareholders. rolls-royce group plc perFormance share plan (psp) • Long-term share based incentive. • Conditional on corporate performance. • Measures based on Cash Flow Per Share (CPS), Total Shareholder Return (TSR) and an Earnings Per Ordinary Share underpin (EPS). all-employee share plans • ShareSave Plan – a savings-related share option plan • • available to all employees allowing purchase of shares at a discount to the share price at date of grant. ‘Free Share’ element of the Share Incentive Plan (SIP) where UK employees may receive shares as part of any bonus paid. ‘Partnership Share’ element of the SIP under which UK employees may make regular purchases of shares from pre-tax income. Not applicable • Set annually on March 1. Performance is taken into account. One year plus two year deferral • Bonus potential: - - for on target performance, 75 per cent of salary for executive directors and 81 per cent for Chief Executive. for maximum performance, 125 per cent of salary for executive directors and 135 per cent for Chief Executive. • Bonuses can be increased by up to 20 per cent to reflect exceptional personal performance. • Compulsory deferral of 40 per cent of bonus into shares. • Shares vest after two years, subject to continued employment. Three years • Potential: - - for maximum CPS performance, 100 per cent of salary for executive directors and 120 per cent for Chief Executive. for maximum CPS and TSR performance, 150 per cent of salary for executive directors and 180 per cent for Chief Executive. • Shares vest after three years provided performance criteria are met. Not applicable • ShareSave options may be exercised in three or five years from the date of grant. • Shares under the SIP vest after five years free from income tax and national insurance. In addition to the above, pension and other benefits, which are competitive in local markets, are provided. 68 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o g s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i governance Base salaries The committee has commissioned salary benchmarks from Deloitte LLP. The benchmarks have been prepared using their company size and complexity methodology. All salary increases must be justified on the basis of performance and are not automatic. The committee is informed of pay and conditions elsewhere in the Group and these are taken into account in determining remuneration for the executive directors. Annual incentives Executive directors and selected senior executives participate in APRA. For UK participants, APRA awards do not form part of pensionable earnings. Target and maximum APRA bonus opportunity The committee considers that there should be a continuing emphasis on those at risk elements of remuneration, such as annual and long-term incentives, which directly influence the performance of senior executives. For the Chief Executive, a 162 per cent maximum bonus opportunity means that 62 per cent of combined basic pay and bonus opportunity is directly related to annual financial and personal performance. Deferred APRA For executive directors and selected senior executives, 40 per cent of APRA is delivered in the form of a deferred share award in the Company’s shares. For other participants in APRA, 33 per cent is delivered in the form of deferred shares. The deferred share element operated for 2010 will result in share awards as described in the directors’ emoluments table on page 72. Details of deferred shares held under the plan are shown in the table on page 76. A participant who is granted a deferred share award under APRA must normally continue to remain an employee of the Group for two years from the date of the award in order for the shares to vest, although shares will be released early in certain circumstances including retirement or redundancy. The value of any deferred share awards is derived from the annual bonus criteria and is therefore dependent on personal and business financial performance. This arrangement provides a strong link between performance and remuneration, promotes a culture of share ownership amongst the Group’s senior management and encourages decisions in the long-term interest of shareholders. Under APRA as operated in 2010, executive directors were eligible for awards in accordance with the table below: APRA TIMELINE James Guyette Sir John Rose Andrew Shilston Colin Smith Mike Terrett Target bonus (as a % of salary)1 Maximum bonus (as a % of salary)1,2 75 81 75 75 75 125 135 125 125 125 Start of performance period End of performance period Deferred share awards allocated and cash awards paid End of two year retention period Deferred shares released 1 The target bonuses are 60 per cent of the maximum bonus figure in the table. 2 It is possible for a bonus award to be increased by a further 20 per cent to reflect exceptional personal performance. Therefore the overall maximum was 162 per cent for the Chief Executive and 150 per cent for the other executive directors. The committee has determined that the bonus in respect of 2011 will be operated on substantially similar terms to 2010. There will be no change to the maximum bonus opportunities for executive directors. APRA performance measures The APRA performance measures set by the committee are based on the Group’s annual operating plans. For 2010, the measures for executive directors included underlying profit, cash flow and individual contribution assessed with reference to the achievement of personal objectives and overall personal performance. Forty per cent of any APRA bonus depends on personal performance. In 2010, the level of achievement against the financial measures was sufficient to generate up to 100 per cent of the maximum bonus for individual participants subject to the achievement of their personal objectives. 2011 bonus targets will also be determined with reference to profit, cash flow and personal performance. The committee is mindful of corporate, environmental, social and governance risks when setting personal objectives. 69 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 1 Jan 11 1 Jan 12 1 Jan 13 1 Jan 14 Other annual incentives The same financial targets, as set for APRA, are used for the Managers’ Bonus and the All-Employee Bonus Scheme (AEBS). The Managers’ Bonus typically enables managers worldwide to receive a bonus of up to ten per cent of pay and the AEBS up to two weeks’ pay, based on corporate and business performance. Participants in APRA or the Managers’ Bonus do not participate in the AEBS. PSP The PSP is designed to reward and incentivise selected senior executives who can influence the long-term performance of the Group. The size of awards under the PSP are set taking into account competitive levels within the marketplace for UK companies of a similar size and complexity to the Group. In 2010, Sir John Rose received a conditional award of shares with a market value at the time of grant of 110 per cent of his annual salary. For other executive directors and business heads the grant was 80 per cent, and 65 per cent for other members of the Group Executive. i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o g s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i governance Under the rules of the PSP, selected senior executives are granted conditional share awards entitling them to a number of shares determined by reference to corporate performance over a three-year performance period. The measures of corporate performance are CPS, EPS and TSR. These measures are considered particularly important in generating shareholder value and are explained in more detail below. There is no retesting of the performance criteria and no automatic vesting in the event of a takeover. In the three-year period to December 31, 2010, the Company’s financial and TSR performance generated 125 per cent of the number of shares conditionally granted in 2008. PSP TIMELINE Start of performance period End of performance period After tax shares released subject to performance criteria 50% of after tax shares continue to be held under retention policy 1 Jan 11 1 Jan 12 1 Jan 13 1 Jan 14 Performance measures challenging earnings hurdle at the start of each three-year performance period, but, given the uncertain outlook for inflation and the increased proportion of turnover destined for markets outside the UK, the hurdle will not necessarily be RPI plus three per cent per annum. The hurdle for the 2011 grant will require EPS to show real growth by exceeding a composite world inflation figure. The following CPS targets will apply to the grants to be made in 2011: Aggregate CPS over three-year performance period Percentage of maximum award released 56p 83p 30 100 The committee believes that these CPS targets are challenging and that the performance necessary to achieve awards towards the upper end of the range is stretching. They should not, therefore, be interpreted as providing guidance on the Group’s performance over the relevant period. PSP awards granted in 2011 For 2011, the size of awards under the PSP will be unchanged from 2010 and will be as follows: James Guyette John Rishton1,2 Andrew Shilston Colin Smith Mike Terrett PSP award (as a % of salary) PSP award overall maximum (as a % of salary) 100 120 100 100 100 150 180 150 150 150 vesting criteria Purpose of the measure Performance condition over three-year period EPS growth Aggregate CPS TSR performance against FTSE 100 index • Underpin to ensure any payouts are supported by sound profitability. Incentivise generation of cash flow in line with Company’s strategy. • • • If EPS growth exceeds the hurdle, the number of shares vesting will be determined in accordance with the CPS targets. If EPS growth does not exceed the hurdle, zero vesting. • Below threshold cash flow target, zero vesting. • Threshold cash flow target, 30 per cent vesting. • vesting will increase on a straight-line basis between 30 per cent and 100 per cent. • Align interests • 50th percentile (median) and below, with shareholders by rewarding out performance of FTSE 100 returns. no additional vesting. • Above 50th percentile (median) vesting will be enhanced by 25 per cent. For executive directors and selected senior executives, a straight-line basis will operate from 25 per cent to a maximum of a 50 per cent enhancement for upper quartile TSR performance. The plan rules approved by shareholders in 2004 included a fixed EPS growth hurdle of RPI plus three per cent per annum. The rules permit the committee to make adjustments. Following consultation with major shareholders, the committee agreed that from the 2011 grant it will set a 1 This is the same level as previously granted to Sir John Rose in 2010. 2 In addition, John Rishton will receive a special grant of shares intended to mirror the fair value of shares forfeited on resigning from his current employer as described on page 71. Share retention policy The committee believes it is important that the interests of the executive directors should be closely aligned with those of shareholders. The deferred APRA award and the PSP provide considerable alignment. However, participants in the PSP are also required to retain at least one half of the number of after tax shares released from the PSP, until the value of their shareholding reaches 200 per cent of salary for the Chief Executive and 150 per cent for other executive directors. When this level is reached, it must be retained until retirement or departure from the Company. Details of the executive directors’ share interests are set out on pages 74 to 76. The current executive directors have each complied with the minimum shareholding requirement. All-employee share plans The committee believes that share-based plans make a significant contribution to the close involvement and interest of all employees in the Group’s performance. Executive directors are eligible to participate in the Group’s all-employee share plans on the same terms as other employees: i) the ShareSave Plan – a savings-related share option plan available to all employees. In the UK, this plan operates within UK tax legislation (including a requirement to finance the exercise of the option using the proceeds of a monthly savings contract) but the key principles are i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o g s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i 70 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 governance applied globally. The exercise of the option is not subject to the achievement of a performance target; ii) the ‘Free Share’ element of the Share Incentive Plan (SIP) under which UK employees may receive shares as part of the Company component of any bonus paid. The SIP attracts tax benefits for UK employees; and iii) the ‘Partnership Share’ element of the SIP under which UK employees may make regular purchases of shares from pre-tax income. The effect of the corporate restructuring on share plans At the 2011 AGM, shareholder approval will be sought for a revised corporate structure involving the creation of a new holding company. The committee has considered the implications of the restructuring proposal for the Company’s share plans and concluded that the new holding company will not advantage or disadvantage participants in any way. Participants will be able to exchange their rights over Rolls-Royce Group plc shares for rights of an equivalent value over shares in the new holding company, held on the same terms and conditions as the existing rights. Benefits Executive directors and senior executives are entitled to a company car or car allowance, private medical insurance and financial counselling. James Guyette is entitled to a housing allowance and the costs of additional housing are met for Mike Terrett. Service contracts The committee’s policy is that executive directors appointed to the Board are offered notice periods of 12 months. The committee recognises that in the case of appointments to the Board from outside the Group, it may be necessary to offer a longer initial notice period, which would subsequently reduce to 12 months after that initial period. The committee has a defined policy on compensation and mitigation to be applied in the event of a UK director’s contract being terminated prematurely. In these circumstances, steps are taken to ensure that poor performance is not rewarded. When calculating termination payments, the committee takes into account a range of factors including the director’s obligation to mitigate his or her own loss. Retirement of Sir John Rose and terms of engagement for John Rishton as Chief Executive No compensation payment will be made to Sir John Rose on his retirement from the Board on March 31, 2011. He will receive the deferred elements of his 2009 and 2010 bonuses. He will also retain an interest in the 2009 and 2010 PSP grants. To the extent the performance conditions are satisfied at the end of each three-year performance period (ie December 31, 2011 in relation to the 2009 grant and December 31, 2012 in relation to the 2010 grant) he will be entitled to shares, prorated to his service in that performance period. John Rishton will join Rolls-Royce on March 1, 2011 as an executive director and will be appointed as Chief Executive with effect from March 31, 2011 under similar terms and conditions as Sir John Rose. He will be entitled to a base salary of £875,000 and a maximum bonus entitlement of 135 per cent which may be increased by 20 per cent to reflect exceptional personal performance. He will also be eligible to receive an annual grant of performance shares under the PSP which would equate to a maximum of 120 per cent of base salary. The proportion of these shares released after a three-year performance period would depend on the extent to which profit, cash and TSR performance conditions are met. John Rishton will also receive pension and other benefits consistent with standard Rolls-Royce terms and conditions for senior executives. He will be entitled to 12 months’ notice of termination and required to give six months’ notice to the Company. The contract includes mitigation provisions in the event of early termination by the Company. In addition to his remuneration package he will, on joining the Company, receive a special grant of shares in Rolls-Royce intended to mirror the fair value and vesting profile of the incentives forfeited on resigning from his current employer. The fair value of these shares is currently assessed as £2.8 million, attributed 56 per cent to performance and 44 per cent to restricted shares. These proportions mirror his existing arrangements. External directorships of executive directors James Guyette was a director of The PrivateBank and Trust Company of Chicago, Illinois and of Inc., and retained the relevant fees from serving on the boards of these companies, as shown in the table below: The following table summarises the terms of the executive directors’ service contracts: External directorship fees James Guyette Sir John Rose Andrew Shilston Colin Smith Mike Terrett Date of contract 29 September 1997 4 December 1992 5 November 2002 1 July 2005 1 September 2007 Unexpired term Notice period Company 30 days1 Indefinite 12 months 12 months2 12 months 12 months 12 months 12 months 12 months 12 months Notice period individual 30 days 6 months 6 months 6 months 6 months 2 1 James Guyette has a contract with Rolls-Royce North America Inc., drawn up under the laws of the State of virginia, US. It provides that, on termination without cause, he is entitled to 12 months’ severance pay without mitigation and, in addition, appropriate relocation costs. In the event of the service contract being terminated by the Company, other than in accordance with the contract’s terms, Sir John Rose is entitled to receive a liquidated sum of 12 months’ salary and benefits. Performance related payments are not covered under this arrangement, although an annual bonus may be paid if he is in post at the end of the performance year. 71 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 James Guyette1,2 Payment received £000 100 1 James Guyette was paid in US dollars translated at £1 = US$1.543. 2 In addition to an annual fee, James Guyette received 3,693 Restricted Stock Units (RSUs) at US$13.54 per share in PrivateBank. During 2010, 2,503 RSUs vested at US$19.98 per share. Also during 2010, 500 shares of restricted stock vested at US$204.20 per share and 1,048 shares of restricted stock vested at US$233.12 per share in He was granted 466 shares of restricted stock at US$235.82 per share. i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o g s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i governance TSR return over five years The Company’s TSR performance over the previous five years compared to a broad equity market index is shown in the graph opposite. The FTSE 100 has been chosen as the comparator index because it contains a broad range of other leading UK listed companies. The graph shows the growth in value of a hypothetical £100 holding in Rolls-Royce Group plc ordinary shares over five years, relative to the FTSE 100 index. The values of the hypothetical £100 holdings at the end of the five year period were £168.80 and £126.30 respectively. Aggregate directors’ remuneration The total amounts for directors’ remuneration were as follows: 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 Emoluments Gains on exercise of share options value of shares vested under long-term incentive awards Money purchase pension contributions Directors’ emoluments (audited) The individual executive directors’ emoluments are analysed as follows: Rolls-Royce (rebased to 100) FTSE 100 (rebased to 100) 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2010 £000 7,902 713 3,379 539 12,533 2009 £000 5,237 51 1,586 524 7,398 James Guyette5 Sir John Rose Andrew Shilston Colin Smith Mike Terrett Annual Performance Related Award plan (APRA) Basic salary £000 Cash bonus £000 506 864 559 419 508 2,856 336 843 438 290 398 2,305 Deferred shares1 £000 224 562 292 194 265 1,537 Total APRA £000 560 1,405 730 484 663 3,842 2010 Aggregate emoluments excluding pensions contributions4 £000 2009 Aggregate emoluments excluding pensions contributions4 £000 Pension payments2 £000 Taxable benefits3 £000 – – – 105 – 105 54 30 19 19 99 221 1,120 2,299 1,308 1,027 1,270 7,024 764 1,270 787 659 898 4,378 1 Shares forming part of the bonus under APRA have been valued at the date of award. An investment is expected to be made by March 31, 2011 when the trustee will acquire the required number of shares at the prevailing market price. 2 Colin Smith received a cash allowance in lieu of future pension accrual. 3 Taxable benefits may include the following: a car or car allowance; private medical insurance and financial counselling. In the case of James Guyette, a housing allowance and appropriate club membership fees. In the case of Mike Terrett, the figure in the above table includes additional housing costs paid on his behalf and the tax charge on that benefit paid by the Company. Amounts charged during the year to UK income tax in respect of the use of chauffeur services provided for the years 2005 to 2010 for Sir John Rose were £46,216. Only the amount for 2010 of £7,210 is included in the taxable benefits column in the above table. 4 Details of the directors’ pensions are set out below and on page 73. 5 James Guyette was paid in US dollars translated at £1 = US$1.543. Payments made to former directors of the Company (audited) John Cheffins retired from the Board on September 30, 2007. He was appointed on March 25, 2009 as acting President – Energy on a part-time basis and retired from this role on June 21, 2010. John Cheffins has continued in his role as Chairman of Rolls-Royce Fuel Cell Systems Limited and provided non-executive advice to the energy business. He was paid £130,223 and benefits totalling £1,767 in 2010. (He was paid in Canadian dollars translated at £1 = CAD$1.589.) Dr Mike Howse retired from the Board on June 30, 2005. Following his retirement, he has continued to be retained by the Company for his expertise in engineering. He was paid £23,310 in 2010. Pensions (audited) The Group’s UK pension schemes are funded, registered schemes and were approved under the regime applying until April 5, 2006. They are defined benefit pension schemes providing, at retirement, a pension of up to two-thirds of final remuneration, subject to HM Revenue & Customs limits. 72 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o g s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i governance Andrew Shilston is a member of the Group’s UK pension scheme. He is also a member of the Rolls-Royce Supplementary Retirement Scheme (Scheme). The purpose of the Scheme is to fund pension provision above the pensionable earnings cap which was imposed on approved pension schemes by the 1989 Finance Act. Membership of the Scheme is restricted to executive directors and to a limited number of senior executives. Employer contributions to the Scheme during 2010 have been added to the increase in transfer value over 2010 for the registered defined benefit plans, and are therefore included in the figures shown in the final two columns of the first table below. Sir John Rose opted out of future pension accrual with effect from February 1, 2008 and started to receive his pension immediately. Mike Terrett opted out of future pension accrual with effect from April 1, 2006 and started to receive his pension from November 1, 2009. The transfer value for Mike Terrett as at December 31, 2009 was calculated using market gilt yields on that date and included cash taken on retirement whereas the transfer value as at December 31, 2010 is the value of benefits in payment calculated using gilt yields applicable on that date. Since starting to receive their pensions, neither Sir John Rose nor Mike Terrett accrue any further pension benefit or allowance in lieu of pension benefit from their ongoing employment with the Group. Colin Smith opted out of future pension accrual with effect from April 1, 2006. He receives a cash allowance in lieu of future pension accrual. Had he elected to continue to accrue pension the estimated cost of that accrual would be higher than the cash allowance to be paid in lieu. James Guyette participates in pension plans sponsored by Rolls-Royce North America Inc. He is a member of two defined benefit plans in the US, one qualified and one non-qualified. He accrues a retirement lump sum benefit in both of these plans. The aggregate value of the retirement lump sums accrued in these two plans, and the transfer values of these benefits, are shown in the second table below. In addition, James Guyette is a member of two 401(k) Savings Plans in the US, one qualified and one non-qualified, to which both he and his employer, Rolls-Royce North America Inc., contribute. He is also a member of an unfunded non-qualified deferred compensation plan in the US, to which his employer makes notional contributions. Employer contributions to these three plans during 2010 have been added to the increase in transfer value over 2010 for the defined benefit plans, and are therefore included in the figures shown in the final two columns of the second table below. The transfer values in the tables below have been calculated on the basis of actuarial advice. Details of the pension benefits, which accrued over the year in the Group’s registered UK defined benefit pension schemes1, are given below. Sir John Rose Andrew Shilston Colin Smith Mike Terrett Increase in accrued pension year ended Dec 31, 2010 £000pa Increase in accrued pension during the year ended Dec 31, 20102 £000pa Total accrued pension entitlement at the year ended Dec 31, 20103 £000pa Transfer value of accrued pension as at Dec 31, 20104 £000 Transfer value as at Dec 31, 2009 of accrued pension at that date4 £000 Increase/ (decrease) in transfer value over 2010 net of the member’s own contributions £000 Transfer value of increase in accrued pension over 2010 net of the member’s own contributions £000 3 2 2 1 3 2 2 1 453 17 260 240 8,828 412 4,467 4,739 8,542 354 3,837 5,188 286 216 630 (449) 85 206 535 16 Increase in accrued retirement lump sum during the year ended Dec 31, 2010 £000pa Increase in accrued retirement lump sum during the year ended Dec 31, 20102 £000pa Total accrued retirement lump sum entitlement at the year ended Dec 31, 20106 £000pa Transfer value of accrued retirement lump sum as at Dec 31, 2010 £000 Transfer value as at Dec 31, 2009 of accrued retirement lump sum at that date £000 Increase in transfer value over 2010 net of the member’s own contributions £000 Transfer value of increase in accrued retirement lump sum over 2010 net of the member’s own contributions5 £000 James Guyette7 93 64 833 833 740 461 432 1 Members of the schemes have the option to pay Additional voluntary Contributions. Neither the contributions nor the resulting benefits are included in the above table. 2 This column shows the increase in accrued pension/retirement lump sum during the year ended December 31, 2010 but in this case excluding the effect of inflation. 3 The pension entitlement shown is that which would be paid annually on retirement, based on service to the end of the year, or to April 1, 2006 for members with enhanced protection from ‘A’ day. For Sir John Rose and Mike Terrett, the pension shown is the annual pension in payment at December 31, 2010. 4 The transfer values stated represent liabilities of the Rolls-Royce sponsored pension schemes and are not sums paid to the individuals. The transfer values of the accrued pensions as at December 31, 2009 and December 31, 2010 have been calculated on a basis adopted by the Trustee on October 6, 2008 following receipt of actuarial advice. 5 This column shows the transfer value of the increase in pension/retirement lump sum during the year ended December 31, 2010 excluding the effect of inflation, and net of the member’s own contributions. 6 The lump sum entitlement shown is that which would be paid on immediate retirement based on service to the end of the year. 7 Benefits are translated at £1 = US$1.566. 73 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o g s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i governance Directors’ share interests (audited) The directors who held office at December 31, 2010 and their connected persons had the following interests in the ordinary shares and C Shares1 of the Company in respect of which transactions are notifiable to the Company under DTR 3.1.2R of the Disclosure Rules and Transparency Rules as shown in the following table: Helen Alexander CBE Peter Byrom Iain Conn Peter Gregson James Guyette John McAdam John Neill CBE John Rishton Sir Simon Robertson Sir John Rose2 Andrew Shilston Colin Smith Ian Strachan Mike Terrett Ordinary shares C Shares January 1, 2010 Changes in 2010 December 31, 2010 January 1, 2010 Changes in 2010 December 31, 2010 1,043 211,952 15,379 2,511 423,192 619 22,521 6,707 39,710 1,217,154 442,900 153,294 11,500 433,991 28 6,065 2,539 896 (98,961) 505 2,093 2,289 1,162 (302,676) 82,527 21,885 – (5,696) 1,071 218,017 17,918 3,407 324,231 1,124 24,614 8,996 40,872 914,478 525,427 175,179 11,500 428,295 – – – – – 13,899 – – – – – – – – – – – – – 102,870 350,100 – – – – – – – – – – – – 116,769 350,100 – – – – – – – 1 Non-cumulative redeemable preference shares of 0.1p each. 2 Sir John Rose had a non-beneficial interest in nil (2009 45,191) ordinary shares. Directors’ interests in the Company’s share plans are shown separately on pages: 75 (SIP and share options) and 76 (APRA and PSP). No director had any other interests, beneficial or otherwise, in the share capital of the Company or any of its subsidiaries as at December 31, 2010. Changes in the interests of the executive directors and non-executive directors between December 31, 2010 and February 9, 2011 are listed below. The ordinary share purchases were made pursuant to either their participation in the C Share Reinvestment Plan (CRIP) and/or the SIP. C Shares were allotted under both the ‘Partnership’ and ‘Free’ share elements of the SIP. James Guyette Sir John Rose Andrew Shilston Colin Smith Mike Terrett Ordinary shares January 7, 2011 February 7, 2011 3,116 19 5,070 1,703 4,137 – 19 20 19 19 C Shares January 4, 2011 – – 253,132 253,068 37,003 The following non-executive directors purchased ordinary shares either under arrangements made for them to purchase shares on a monthly basis using a percentage of their after tax fees and/or pursuant to their participation in the CRIP. Helen Alexander CBE Peter Byrom Iain Conn Peter Gregson John McAdam John Neill CBE John Rishton Sir Simon Robertson 74 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 Ordinary shares January 7, 2011 February 7, 2011 C Shares January 4, 2011 – 2,097 319 90 36 150 233 392 – – 153 60 37 153 153 – 68,544 – – – 66,880 – – – i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o g s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i governance ‘Partnership Shares’ held in trust under the SIP1 Sir John Rose2 Andrew Shilston2 Colin Smith2 Mike Terrett2 ‘Free Shares’ held in trust under the SIP1 Sir John Rose Andrew Shilston Colin Smith ‘Unrestricted Shares’ held under the SIP1 Sir John Rose Andrew Shilston Colin Smith Mike Terrett Ordinary shares C Shares January 1, 2010 Net changes in 2010 December 31, 2010 January 1, 2010 Net changes in 2010 December 31, 2010 2,009 2,011 2,009 2,008 (275) (277) (275) (275) 1,734 1,734 1,734 1,733 – 239,096 232,566 232,363 – 143,614 149,967 149,878 Ordinary shares – 382,710 382,533 382,241 C Shares January 1, 2010 Net changes in 2010 December 31, 2010 January 1, 2010 Net changes in 2010 December 31, 2010 1,253 4,143 4,012 (1,253) (762) (631) – 3,381 3,381 – 540,454 521,722 – 298,714 317,446 – 839,168 839,168 Ordinary shares C Shares January 1, 2010 Net changes in 2010 December 31, 2010 January 1, 2010 Net changes in 2010 December 31, 2010 7,844 4,404 2,315 3,645 1,794 1,794 1,662 541 9,638 6,198 3,977 4,186 – 64,779 337,345 527,595 – 25,812 (247,047) (437,095) – 90,591 90,298 90,500 1 Under the SIP ‘Free Shares’ and ‘Partnership Shares’ held in trust for more than five years are classified as ‘Unrestricted’ and are no longer subject to income tax or national insurance contributions on withdrawal. ‘Unrestricted Shares’ can be held in Trust under the SIP for as long as the participant remains an employee of the Company. 2 On January 9, 2011 and February 7, 2011 the ordinary shares held as Partnership Shares by Sir John Rose 31 and 29; Andrew Shilston 31 and 28; Colin Smith 31 and 29; and Mike Terrett 29 and 29 were classified as ‘Unrestricted Shares’. Share options (audited) Mike Terrett held an option under the Rolls-Royce 1999 Executive Share Option Plan (ESOP), which had vested and was capable of exercise. Colin Smith held an option under the Rolls-Royce Group plc ShareSave Scheme 1997 and James Guyette held an option under the Rolls-Royce Group plc International ShareSave Plan 2007 (ShareSave). January 1, 2010 Granted in 2010 Lapsed in 2010 Exercised in 2010 December 31, 2010 Exercise price James Guyette Colin Smith Mike Terrett ShareSave ShareSave ESOP1 683 1,233 180,556 – – – – – – – – 180,556 683 1,233 – 416p 298p 216p Market price at date exercised – – 611p Aggregate gains 2010 £000 Aggregate gains 2010 £000 Exercisable dates – – 713 – 51 – 2011 2011 – 1 Granted in 2001 under the ESOP with additional performance and personal shareholding requirements. vesting of the Supplementary option was subject to attainment of significant personal shareholding targets and the requirement that the growth in EPS exceeded an average of six per cent year-on-year as well as exceeding the UK RPI by three per cent per year over a rolling three-year period. The increases were measured from the year 2000 or the base year of the rolling three-year period, whichever was the more stringent. The option was granted at the market value on the date of issue and no discount was applied. No option was varied during the year and no consideration was paid for the grant of the option. The market price of the Company’s ordinary shares ranged between 473.40p and 654.50p during 2010. The closing price on December 31, 2010 was 623.00p. i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o g s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i 75 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 governance Long-term incentive awards (audited) The directors as at December 31, 2010 had the following share awards arising out of the operation of the APRA1 plan: James Guyette Sir John Rose Andrew Shilston Colin Smith Mike Terrett January 1, 2010 vested during 2010 Granted during 2010 December 31, 2010 38,930 78,790 44,524 29,381 37,329 (12,805) (34,771) (20,313) (12,045) (14,888) 16,272 29,785 16,798 12,480 15,555 42,397 73,804 41,009 29,816 37,996 1 Under APRA, shares vest after two years. Shares went into trust in 2008, 2009 and 2010 at prices of 440.03p, 289.65p and 537.20p respectively. At December 31, 2010, the amounts stated in the emoluments table representing the 2010 APRA deferred shares had not yet been applied by the Trustee to purchase shares. The market value per share which vested under APRA during 2010 was 558.00p. Conditional awards, granted under the PSP to executive directors, are set out below. The number of shares released will be dependent upon the achievement of the EPS and CPS targets over the three-year performance period. In respect of awards made up to and including 2008, the number of shares released will be increased by 25 per cent if the TSR exceeds the median for the FTSE 100 index over the three-year performance period. For the 2009 and 2010 grants, if the Company’s TSR is above the median of the FTSE 100 index, the number of shares due to be released to an executive will be increased by between 25 per cent and 50 per cent. This increase is on a straight-line basis between the median and upper-quartile TSR performance in the performance period. James Guyette Sir John Rose Andrew Shilston Colin Smith Mike Terrett January 1, 2010 Granted during 2010 TSR uplift at vesting1 Total vested during 2010 December 31, 2010 Performance period Date of grant Market price at date of grant 60,669 70,672 207,845 – 339,186 175,649 212,888 391,675 – 780,212 81,438 100,183 211,198 – 392,819 59,881 70,356 148,319 – 278,556 61,693 91,075 191,998 – 344,766 – – – 91,383 91,383 – – – 191,005 191,005 – – – 102,993 102,993 – – – 78,025 78,025 – – – 93,630 93,630 9,859 – – – 9,859 28,543 – – – 28,543 13,234 – – – 13,234 9,731 – – – 9,731 10,026 – – – 10,026 (70,528) – – – (70,528) (204,192) – – – (204,192) (94,672) – – – (94,672) (69,612) – – – (69,612) (71,719) – – – (71,719) – 70,672 207,845 91,383 369,900 – 212,888 391,675 191,005 795,568 – 100,183 211,198 102,993 414,374 – 70,356 148,319 78,025 296,700 – 91,075 191,998 93,630 376,703 Jan 1, 2007 to Dec 31, 2009 Jan 1, 2008 to Dec 31, 2010 Jan 1, 2009 to Dec 31, 2011 Jan 1, 2010 to Dec 31, 2012 March 1, 2007 March 3, 2008 March 10, 2009 March 1, 2010 Jan 1, 2007 to Dec 31, 2009 Jan 1, 2008 to Dec 31, 2010 Jan 1, 2009 to Dec 31, 2011 Jan 1, 2010 to Dec 31, 2012 March 1, 2007 March 3, 2008 March 10, 2009 March 1, 2010 Jan 1, 2007 to Dec 31, 2009 Jan 1, 2008 to Dec 31, 2010 Jan 1, 2009 to Dec 31, 2011 Jan 1, 2010 to Dec 31, 2012 March 1, 2007 March 3, 2008 March 10, 2009 March 1, 2010 Jan 1, 2007 to Dec 31, 2009 Jan 1, 2008 to Dec 31, 2010 Jan 1, 2009 to Dec 31, 2011 Jan 1, 2010 to Dec 31, 2012 March 1, 2007 March 3, 2008 March 10, 2009 March 1, 2010 Jan 1, 2007 to Dec 31, 2009 Jan 1, 2008 to Dec 31, 2010 Jan 1, 2009 to Dec 31, 2011 Jan 1, 2010 to Dec 31, 2012 March 1, 2007 March 3, 2008 March 10, 2009 March 1, 2010 501.00p 439.20p 260.42p 544.70p 501.00p 439.20p 260.42p 544.70p 501.00p 439.20p 260.42p 544.70p 501.00p 439.20p 260.42p 544.70p 501.00p 439.20p 260.42p 544.70p 1 Under the rules of the PSP, the number of shares vesting in 2010 was increased by 25 per cent as the TSR exceeded the median of the FTSE 100 index during the three-year performance period to December 31, 2009. The market value per share, which vested under the PSP during 2010, was 558.00p. 76 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o g s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i governance Non-executive directors’ remuneration Policy The committee determines, on the Board’s behalf, the remuneration of the Chairman. The Board determines the remuneration of the other non-executive directors. The Chairman and the non-executive directors have letters of appointment rather than service contracts. No compensation is payable to the Chairman or to any non-executive director if the appointment is terminated early. Helen Alexander CBE Peter Byrom Iain Conn Peter Gregson John McAdam John Neill CBE John Rishton Sir Simon Robertson Ian Strachan Appointment date Sep 1, 2007 Jan 1, 1997 Jan 20, 2005 Mar 1, 2007 Feb 19, 2008 Nov 13, 2008 Mar 1, 2007 Jan 1, 2005 Sep 19, 2003 Current letter of appointment start date Current letter of appointment end date Sep 1, 2010 Jan 1, 2011 Jan 20, 2011 Mar 1, 2010 Feb 19, 2008 Nov 13, 2008 Mar 1, 2010 Jan 1, 2011 Sep 19, 2009 Aug 31, 2013 Dec 31, 2011 Jan 19, 2014 Mar 1, 2013 Feb 18, 2011 Nov 12, 2011 Feb 28, 2013 Dec 31, 2013 Sep 18, 2012 Non-executive directors’ fees The Board takes account of independent market surveys in determining the fees payable to the Chairman and the non-executive directors. The fees payable to the non-executive directors are reviewed periodically by the Board. The fees were increased with effect from February 1, 2011 as shown below: Chairman Other non-executive directors Chairman of audit committee Chairman of remuneration committee Chairman of ethics committee Senior Independent Director From February 1, 2011 £000 From February 1, 2010 £000 370 60 20 15 15 12 370 55 15 12 12 10 77 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 Remuneration of non-executive directors Helen Alexander CBE Peter Byrom Iain Conn Peter Gregson John McAdam John Neill CBE John Rishton Sir Simon Robertson1 Ian Strachan 2010 £000 67 55 65 55 55 55 69 386 71 878 2009 £000 67 55 65 55 55 55 70 370 67 859 1 Amounts charged during the year to UK income tax in respect of the use of chauffeur services provided for the years 2005 to 2010 for Sir Simon Robertson were £72,788. Only the amount for 2010 of £15,683 is included in the above table. The Chairman and the non-executive directors are not eligible to participate in any of the Group’s share schemes, incentive arrangements or pension schemes. A facility is in place which enables non-executive directors to use some or all of their fees, after the appropriate statutory deductions, to make market purchases of shares in the Company on a monthly basis. The Directors’ remuneration report was approved by the Board of directors on February 9, 2011 and signed on its behalf by Helen Alexander CBE Chairman of the remuneration committee i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o g s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i governance SHAREHOLDERS AND SHARE CAPITAL Share capital and voting rights The Company no longer has an authorised share capital having adopted new articles of association on April 28, 2010. On December 31, 2010, there were 1,871,779,201 ordinary shares of 20p each, 23,379,971,475 C Shares of 0.1p each and one Special Share of £1 in issue. The ordinary shares are listed on the London Stock Exchange. Payments to shareholders At the AGM on May 6, 2011 the directors will recommend an issue of 96 C Shares with a total nominal value of 9.6 pence for each ordinary share. Together with the interim issue on January 4, 2011 of 64 C Shares for each ordinary share with a total nominal value of 6.4 pence, this is the equivalent of a total annual payment to ordinary shareholders of 16 pence for each ordinary share. Communication with shareholders The Company attaches importance to the effectiveness of its communications with shareholders. It publishes an Annual report which is available on the Group’s website. There are also separate reports covering the environment and community relations. The Company maintains a regular dialogue with institutional shareholders and the financial community. This includes presentations of the preliminary and interim results, regular meetings with major shareholders, participation in stockbrokers’ seminars and site visits. Each year the Company holds an investors’ seminar in order to improve the financial community’s understanding of the Group and to introduce investors to a broader range of management. All shareholders can gain access to these and other presentations, as well as to the Annual report and other information about the Group, on the Group’s website at Holders of ordinary shares may attend the Company’s AGM at which the Company highlights key business developments during the year and at which shareholders have an opportunity to ask questions. The chairmen of the audit, nominations, remuneration, ethics and risk committees are available to answer any questions from shareholders on the work of their committees. The Company confirms that it sends the AGM notice and relevant documentation to all shareholders at least 20 working days before the date of the AGM. For those shareholders who have elected to receive communications electronically, notice is given by email of the availability of documents on the Group’s website. Responsibility for maintaining regular communications with shareholders rests with the executive management team led by the Chief Executive. However, the Board is informed on a regular basis of key shareholder issues, including share price performance, the composition of the shareholder register and market expectations. Independent research is commissioned annually into institutional shareholder perceptions of the Group. The Chairman, the Senior Independent Director and the non-executive directors make themselves available to meet with shareholders as required. 78 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o g s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i Share class rights The rights and obligations attaching to the different classes of shares are set out in the Company’s Articles of Association. Ordinary shares Holders of ordinary shares are entitled to receive the Company’s Annual report. They are also entitled to attend and speak at general meetings of the Company, to appoint one or more proxies or, if they are corporations, corporate representatives, and to exercise voting rights. They have the right to ask questions at the AGM relating to the business of the meeting and for these to be answered, unless such answer would interfere unduly with the business of the meeting, involve the disclosure of confidential information, if the answer has already been published on the Group’s website or if it is not in the interests of the Company or the good order of the meeting that the question be answered. Holders of ordinary shares may receive a bonus issue of C Shares or a dividend and on liquidation may share in the assets of the Company. Holders of not less than five per cent of the issued ordinary share capital of the Company may requisition a general meeting of the Company. Members who represent at least five per cent of the total voting rights of all the members who have a right to vote at the meeting or at least 100 members who can vote and hold shares paid up on average, per member, as to at least £100, can require the Company to include a matter (other than a proposed resolution) at an AGM unless it is defamatory, frivolous or vexatious. Alternatively, such members may require the Company to circulate a statement of not more than 1,000 words with respect to a matter referred to in a proposed resolution or other business to be dealt with at a general meeting. The members do not have to meet the costs of circulating the statement provided a valid request is received before the end of the financial year preceding the meeting. C Shares Since January 2009, the Company has issued non-cumulative redeemable preference shares (C Shares) as an alternative to paying a cash dividend. Shareholders can choose to: • redeem all C Shares for cash; • redeem all C Shares for cash and reinvest the proceeds in additional ordinary shares using the C Share Reinvestment Plan operated by Computershare Investor Services PLC (Registrar); or • keep the C Shares. Any C Shares retained attract a dividend of 75 per cent of LIBOR on the 0.1p nominal value of each share, paid on a twice-yearly basis, and have limited voting rights. The Company has the option to compulsorily redeem the C Shares, at any time, if the aggregate number of C Shares in issue is less than ten per cent of the aggregate number of all C Shares issued, or on the acquisition or capital restructuring of the Company. On a return of capital on a winding-up, the holders of C Shares shall be entitled, in priority to any payment to the holders of ordinary shares, to the repayment of the nominal capital paid-up or credited as paid-up on governance the C Shares held by them, together with a sum equal to the outstanding preferential dividend which will have been accrued but not been paid until the date of return of capital. authorities are valid until the AGM in 2011 and the directors propose to renew these authorities at that AGM. The holders of C Shares are entitled to attend, speak and vote at a general meeting only if a resolution to wind up the Company is to be considered, in which case they may vote only on such resolution. Special Share Certain rights attach to the special rights non-voting share (Special Share) issued to the Special Shareholder. Subject to the provisions of the Companies Act 2006, the Treasury Solicitor may redeem the Special Share at par at any time. The Special Share confers no rights to dividends but in the event of a winding-up it shall be repaid at its nominal value in priority to any other shares. Certain articles (in particular those relating to the foreign shareholding limit, disposals and the nationality of directors) that relate to the rights attached to the Special Share may only be altered with the consent of the Special Shareholder. The Special Shareholder is not entitled to vote at any general meeting or any other meeting of any class of shareholders. Restrictions on transfer of shares and limitations on holdings There are no restrictions on transfer or limitations on the holding of the ordinary shares or C Shares other than under the Articles of Association (as described below), under restrictions imposed by law or regulation (for example, insider trading laws) or pursuant to the Company’s share dealing code. The Articles of Association provide that the Company should be and remain under United Kingdom control. As such, an individual foreign shareholding limit is set at 15 per cent of the aggregate votes attaching to the share capital of all classes (taken as a whole) and capable of being cast on a poll and to all other shares that the directors determine are to be included in the calculation of such holding. Shareholder agreements and consent requirements There are no known arrangements under which financial rights carried by any of the shares in the Company are held by a person other than the holder of the shares and no known agreements between the holders of shares with restrictions on the transfer of shares or exercise of voting rights. No disposal may be made to a non-Group member which, alone or when aggregated with the same or a connected transaction, constitutes a disposal of the whole or a material part of either the nuclear business or the assets of the Group as a whole, without consent of the Special Shareholder. Authority to issue shares At the AGM in 2010, authority was given to the directors to allot new ordinary shares up to a nominal value of £123,607,451, equivalent to one-third of the issued share capital of the Company as at February 10, 2010. In addition, a special resolution was passed to effect a disapplication of pre-emption rights for a maximum of five per cent of the issued share capital of the Company as at February 10, 2010. These In line with revised guidance issued by the Association of British Insurers in November 2009, it is proposed to seek a further authority at the AGM in 2011 to allot up to two-thirds of the total issued share capital, but only in the case of a rights issue. This is called the Second Section 551 amount. The Board believes that this additional authority will allow the Company to retain the maximum possible flexibility (consistent with evolving market practice) to respond to circumstances and opportunities as they arise. At the AGM in 2010, authority was given to the directors to allot new C Shares up to a nominal value of £350 million as an alternative to a cash dividend. Such authority expires at the conclusion of the AGM in 2011. The directors propose to renew this authority at the AGM in 2011. Authority to purchase own shares At the AGM in 2010, the Company was authorised by shareholders to purchase up to 185,411,177 of its own ordinary shares representing ten per cent of its issued ordinary share capital as at February 10, 2010. The Company did not make use of this authority during 2010. The authority for the Company to purchase its own shares expires at the conclusion of the AGM in 2011 or 15 months from April 28, 2010 whichever is the earlier. A resolution to renew it will be proposed at that meeting. voting rights Deadlines for exercising voting rights Electronic and paper proxy appointment and voting instructions must be received by the Company’s Registrar not less than 48 hours before a general meeting. Voting rights for employee share plan shares Shares are held in various employee benefit trusts for the purpose of satisfying awards made under the various employee share plans. For shares held in a nominee capacity or if plan/trust rules provide the participant with the right to vote in respect of specifically allocated shares, the trustee votes in line with the participants’ instructions. For shares that are not held absolutely on behalf of specific individuals, the general policy of the trustees, in accordance with investor protection guidelines, is to abstain from voting in respect of those shares. Major shareholdings At February 9, 2011, the following companies had notified an interest in the issued ordinary share capital of the Company in accordance with the Financial Services Authority’s Disclosure and Transparency Rules: Company AXA S.A. BlackRock Inc. Invesco Limited Legal & General Group plc Date notified January 11, 2010 September 3, 2010 February 4, 2008 October 14, 2009 % of issued ordinary share capital 4.90 5.02 6.91 3.96 i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o g s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i 79 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 governance OTHER STATUTORY INFORMATION Political donations In line with its established policy, the Group made no political donations pursuant to the authority granted at the 2010 AGM. Although the Group does not make, and does not intend to make, donations to political parties, within the normal meaning of that expression, the definition of political donations under the Companies Act 2006 is very broad and includes expenses legitimately incurred as part of the process of talking to members of parliament and opinion formers to ensure that the issues and concerns of the Group are considered and addressed. These activities are not intended to support any political party and the Group’s policy is not to make any donations for political purposes in the normally accepted sense. A resolution will therefore be proposed at the 2011 AGM seeking shareholder approval for the directors to be given authority to make donations and incur expenditure which might otherwise be caught by the terms of the Companies Act 2006. The authority sought will be limited to a maximum amount of £25,000 per Group company but so as not to exceed £50,000 for the entire Group in aggregate. During the year, the contribution made by a US subsidiary towards the running expenses of a political action committee (PAC) organised by its employees was US$ nil (2009: US$24,636). PACs are a common feature of the US political system and are governed by the Federal Election Campaign Act. The Rolls-Royce PAC is independent of the Company and independent of any political party. Its funds are contributed voluntarily by employees and the Company cannot affect how they are applied. Such contributions do not require authorisation by shareholders under the Companies Act 2006 and therefore do not count towards the £25,000 and £50,000 limits for political donations and expenditure for which shareholder approval will be sought at the AGM. Change of control Contracts and joint venture agreements There are a number of contracts and joint venture agreements which would allow the counterparties to terminate or alter those arrangements in the event of a change of control of the Company. These arrangements are commercially confidential and their disclosure could be seriously prejudicial to the Company. Borrowings and other financial instruments The Group has a number of borrowing facilities provided by various lenders. These facilities generally include provisions which may require any outstanding borrowings to be repaid or the alteration or termination of the facility upon the occurrence of a change of control of the Company. At December 31, 2010 these facilities were less than 40 per cent drawn. i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o g s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i The Group has entered into a series of financial instruments to hedge its currency, interest rate and commodity exposures. These contracts provide for termination or alteration in the event that a change of control of the Company materially weakens the creditworthiness of the Group. Employee share plans In the event of a change of control of the Company, the effect on the employee share plans would be as follows: • Executive Share Option Plan – All options granted have vested and are exercisable. Consequently, no early vesting is currently possible. This Plan has now expired and no further options can be granted; • Performance Share Plan – Awards would vest pro rata to service in the performance period, subject to remuneration committee judgement of Company performance; • Annual Performance Related Award deferred shares – The shares would be released from trust immediately; • ShareSave – Options would become exercisable immediately. The new company might offer an equivalent option in exchange for cancellation of the existing option; and • Share Incentive Plan – Consideration received as shares would be held within the Plan, if possible, otherwise the consideration would be treated as a disposal from the Plan. Essential commercial relationships Supply chain Certain suppliers to the Group contribute key components or services, the loss of which could cause disruption to the Group’s deliveries. However, none are so vital that their loss would affect the viability of the business as a whole. When dealing with suppliers, the Group is guided by the Supply Chain Relationships in Aerospace (SCRIA) initiative. It seeks the best possible terms from suppliers and when entering into binding purchasing contracts, gives consideration to quality, delivery, price and the terms of payment. In the event of disputes, efforts are made to resolve them quickly. As the Company is a holding company and does not itself trade, it owed no amounts to trade creditors at December 31, 2010 and therefore the number of creditor days required to be shown in this report to comply with the provisions of the Companies Act 2006 is nil. Customers The increasingly global nature of the business, balanced across the civil aerospace, defence aerospace, marine and energy businesses, ensures that the Group is not overly dependent on any individual customer. 80 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 governance MATERIAL LITIGATION In 2010, Rolls-Royce commenced an action in the United States against United Technologies Corporation (UTC), the parent company of Pratt & Whitney, alleging that the GP7200 turbofan engine, UTC’s geared turbofan engine, and other UTC turbofan engines infringe Rolls-Royce swept fan blade patent. A trial is expected be held in June this year. UTC subsequently commenced proceedings against Rolls-Royce in the United States and in England alleging that Trent 900, Trent 1000 and Trent XWB engines infringe its patent. Judgements in UTC’s cases are expected to be handed down between 2012 and 2015. It is not possible to comment at this stage on the amount of any damages which might be awarded in favour of, or against, Rolls-Royce although an award of damages or the financial effect of other remedies could be material. Rolls-Royce is advised that it has a strong claim against UTC and strong defences in the proceedings brought by UTC. ANNUAL REPORT AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Statement of directors’ responsibilities in respect of the Annual report and financial statements The directors are responsible for preparing the Annual report and the Group and parent company financial statements in accordance with applicable law and regulations. Company law requires the directors to prepare Group and parent company financial statements for each financial year. Under that law they are required to prepare the Group financial statements in accordance with IFRS as adopted by the EU and applicable law and have elected to prepare the parent company financial statements in accordance with UK Accounting Standards and applicable law (UK Generally Accepted Accounting Practice). Under company law the directors must not approve the financial statements unless they are satisfied that they give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Group and parent company and of their profit or loss for that period. In preparing each of the Group and parent company financial statements, the directors are required to: • select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently; • make judgements and estimates that are reasonable and prudent; • for the Group financial statements, state whether they have been prepared in accordance with IFRSs as adopted by the EU; • for the parent company financial statements, state whether applicable UK Accounting Standards have been followed, subject to any material departures disclosed and explained in the parent company financial statements; and • prepare the financial statements on the going concern basis unless it is inappropriate to presume that the Group and the parent company will continue in business. The directors are responsible for keeping adequate accounting records that are sufficient to show and explain the parent company’s transactions and disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the parent company and enable them to ensure that its financial statements comply with the Companies Act 2006. They have general responsibility for taking such steps as are reasonably open to them to safeguard the assets of the Group and to prevent and detect fraud and other irregularities. Under applicable law and regulations, the directors are also responsible for preparing a Directors’ report, Directors’ remuneration report and Corporate governance statement that complies with that law and those regulations. The directors are responsible for the maintenance and integrity of the corporate and financial information included on the Group’s website. Legislation in the UK governing the preparation and dissemination of financial statements may differ from legislation in other jurisdictions. Going concern The Group’s business activities, together with the factors likely to affect its future development, performance and position are set out on pages 1 to 41 of the business review and a summary of the principal risks affecting the business are shown on pages 26 and 27. The financial position of the Group, its cash flows, liquidity position, borrowing facilities and financial risks are described in pages 48 to 55 of the business review. In addition, notes 1, 13, 14 and 16 of the consolidated financial statements include the Group’s objectives, policies and processes for financial risk management, details of its cash and cash i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o g s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i 81 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 governance equivalents, indebtedness and borrowing facilities and its financial instruments, hedging activities and its exposure to counterparty credit risk, liquidity risk, currency risk, interest rate risk and commodity pricing risk. Responsibility statement Each of the persons who is a director at the date of approval of this report confirms that to the best of his or her knowledge: i) each of the Group and parent company financial statements, prepared in accordance with IFRS and UK Accounting Standards respectively, gives a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position and profit or loss of the issuer and the undertakings included in the consolidation taken as a whole; and ii) the Directors’ report on pages 1 to 82 includes a fair review of the development and performance of the business and the position of the Company and the undertakings included in the consolidation taken as a whole, together with a description of the principal risks and uncertainties that they face. By order of the Board Tim Rayner General Counsel and Company Secretary February 9, 2011 As described on page 54, the Group meets its funding requirements through a mixture of shareholders’ funds, bank borrowings, bonds, notes and finance leases. The chart on page 48 shows the maturity profile of the Group’s outstanding debt facilities; a total of £567 million is due to expire in 2011. The Group has a further £450 million of term funding available that is currently undrawn. The Group’s forecasts and projections, taking into account reasonably possible changes in trading performance, show that the Group has sufficient financial resources. As a consequence, the directors have a reasonable expectation that the Company and the Group are well placed to manage their business risks and to continue in operational existence for the foreseeable future, despite the current uncertain global economic outlook. Accordingly, the directors continue to adopt the going concern basis in preparing the consolidated financial statements. Disclosure of information to auditors Each of the persons who is a director at the date of approval of this report confirms that: i) so far as the director is aware, there is no relevant audit information of which the Company’s auditors are unaware; and ii) the director has taken all steps that he or she ought to have taken as a director in order to make himself or herself aware of any relevant audit information and to establish that the Company’s auditors are aware of that information. This confirmation is given and should be interpreted in accordance with the provisions of Section 418 of the Companies Act 2006. i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o g s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i 82 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 Consolidated FinanCial statements FINANCIAL STATEMENTS CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 84 84 85 86 88 CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 134 COMPANY BALANCE SHEET 134 RECONCILIATION OF MOVEMENTS IN SHAREHOLDERS’ FUNDS OTHER MATTERS 137 PRINCIPAL SUBSIDIARY UNDERTAKINGS 138 PRINCIPAL JOINT VENTURES 140 141 GROUP FIVE-YEAR REVIEW 142 SHAREHOLDER INFORMATION INDEPENDENT AUDITOR’S REPORT 83 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 89 Accounting policies 1 89 Segmental analysis 96 2 Net financing 100 3 Taxation 100 4 Earnings per ordinary share 103 5 Employee information 103 6 Auditors’ remuneration 104 7 Intangible assets 104 8 Property, plant and equipment 106 9 Investments 107 10 Inventories 109 11 109 12 Trade and other receivables 109 13 Cash and cash equivalents 110 14 Borrowings 110 15 111 16 121 17 122 18 Post-retirement benefits Share capital 126 19 Share-based payments 126 20 129 21 Operating and finance leases 130 22 Contingent liabilities and contingent assets 131 23 Related party transactions 132 24 Acquisitions and disposals Trade and other payables Financial instruments Provisions for liabilities and charges Accounting policies Investments – subsidiary undertakings Financial liabilities Share capital 135 NOTES TO THE COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 135 1 135 2 135 3 136 4 136 5 Movements in capital and reserves Contingent liabilities 136 6 Other information 136 7 i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i Consolidated FinanCial statements – Continued CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2010 Revenue Cost of sales Gross profit Other operating income Commercial and administrative costs Research and development costs Share of results of joint ventures and associates Operating profit Profit/(loss) on disposal of businesses Profit before financing and taxation Financing income Financing costs Net financing Profit before taxation1 Taxation Profit for the year Attributable to: Ordinary shareholders Non-controlling interests Profit for the year Earnings per ordinary share attributable to shareholders: Basic Diluted Payments to ordinary shareholders in respect of the year Per share Total 1 Underlying profit before taxation Notes 2 10 24 2 3 3 4 5 16 2 2010 £m 11,085 (8,885) 2,200 95 (836) (422) 93 1,130 4 1,134 453 (885) (432) 702 (159) 543 539 4 543 2009 £m 10,414 (8,303) 2,111 89 (740) (379) 93 1,174 (2) 1,172 2,276 (491) 1,785 2,957 (740) 2,217 2,221 (4) 2,217 29.20p 28.82p 120.38p 119.09p 16.0p 299 955 15.0p 278 915 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2010 Profit for the year Other comprehensive income (OCI) Foreign exchange translation differences on foreign operations Net actuarial gains/(losses) relating to post-employment schemes Movement in unrecognised post-retirement surplus Movement in post-retirement minimum funding liability Transfers from transition hedging reserve Share of other comprehensive income of joint ventures and associates Related tax movements Total comprehensive income for the year Attributable to: Ordinary shareholders Non-controlling interests Total comprehensive income for the year 84 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 Notes 18 18 18 10 4 2010 £m 543 22 157 (300) 49 – (16) 29 484 480 4 484 2009 £m 2,217 (156) (1,148) 707 40 (27) 20 141 1,794 1,799 (5) 1,794 i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i Consolidated FinanCial statements – Continued CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET AT DECEMBER 31, 2010 ASSETS Non-current assets Intangible assets Property, plant and equipment Investments – joint ventures and associates Investments – other Other financial assets Deferred tax assets Post-retirement scheme surpluses Current assets Inventories Trade and other receivables Taxation recoverable Other financial assets Short-term investments Cash and cash equivalents Assets held for sale Total assets LIABILITIES Current liabilities Borrowings Other financial liabilities Trade and other payables Current tax liabilities Provisions for liabilities and charges Non-current liabilities Borrowings Other financial liabilities Trade and other payables Deferred tax liabilities Provisions for liabilities and charges Post-retirement scheme deficits Total liabilities Net assets EQUITY Equity attributable to ordinary shareholders Called-up share capital Share premium account Capital redemption reserves Hedging reserves Other reserves Retained earnings Non-controlling interests Total equity The financial statements on pages 84 to 133 were approved by the Board on February 9, 2011 and signed on its behalf by: Sir Simon Robertson Chairman Andrew Shilston Finance Director 85 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 Notes 8 9 10 10 16 4 18 11 12 16 13 14 16 15 17 14 16 15 4 17 18 19 2010 £m 2,884 2,136 393 11 371 451 164 6,410 2,429 3,943 6 250 328 2,859 9 9,824 16,234 (717) (105) (5,910) (170) (276) (7,178) (1,135) (945) (1,271) (438) (268) (1,020) (5,077) (12,255) 2009 £m 2,472 2,009 437 58 637 360 75 6,048 2,432 3,877 12 80 2 2,962 9 9,374 15,422 (126) (181) (5,628) (167) (210) (6,312) (1,787) (868) (1,145) (366) (232) (930) (5,328) (11,640) 3,979 3,782 374 133 209 (37) 527 2,769 3,975 4 3,979 371 98 191 (19) 506 2,635 3,782 – 3,782 i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i Consolidated FinanCial statements – Continued CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2010 Reconciliation of cash flows from operating activities Profit before taxation Share of results of joint ventures and associates (Profit)/loss on disposal of businesses Profit on disposal of property, plant and equipment Net financing Taxation paid Amortisation of intangible assets Depreciation of property, plant and equipment Impairment of investments Increase in provisions Decrease in inventories Decrease/(increase) in trade and other receivables Increase/(decrease) in trade and other payables Increase in other financial assets and liabilities Additional cash funding of post-retirement schemes Share-based payments Transfers of hedge reserves to income statement Dividends received from joint ventures and associates Net cash inflow from operating activities Cash flows from investing activities Additions of unlisted investments Disposals of unlisted investments Additions of intangible assets Disposals of intangible assets Purchases of property, plant and equipment Disposals of property, plant and equipment Acquisitions of businesses Disposals of businesses Investments in joint ventures and associates Net cash outflow from investing activities Cash flows from financing activities Repayment of loans Proceeds from increase in loans Capital element of finance lease payments Net cash flow from (decrease)/increase in borrowings Interest received Interest paid Interest element of finance lease payments Increase in short-term investments Issue of ordinary shares Purchase of ordinary shares Other transactions in ordinary shares Redemption of C Shares Net cash (outflow)/inflow from financing activities Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents at January 1 Exchange gains/(losses) on cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents at December 31 i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i 86 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 Notes 10 24 3 8 9 10 20 16 10 24 24 2010 £m 702 (93) (4) (10) 432 (168) 130 237 3 99 41 39 286 (299) (135) 50 – 68 1,378 (1) 46 (321) – (354) 38 (150) 2 (19) (759) (108) 68 – (40) 11 (65) – (326) 67 (124) – (266) (743) (124) 2,958 17 2,851 2009 £m 2,957 (93) 2 (40) (1,785) (119) 121 194 – 81 119 (14) (183) (303) (159) 31 (27) 77 859 (2) – (339) 2 (258) 82 (7) 3 (87) (606) (10) 693 (3) 680 24 (66) (1) (1) 18 (17) (3) (250) 384 637 2,462 (141) 2,958 Consolidated FinanCial statements – Continued CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT (CONTINUED) FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2010 Reconciliation of movements in cash and cash equivalents to movements in net funds (Decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents Net cash flow from decrease/(increase) in borrowings Cash outflow from increase in short-term investments Change in net funds resulting from cash flows Net funds (excluding cash and cash equivalents) of businesses acquired Exchange gains/(losses) on net funds Fair value adjustments Movement in net funds Net funds at January 1 excluding the fair value of swaps Net funds at December 31 excluding the fair value of swaps Fair value of swaps hedging fixed rate borrowings Net funds at December 31 The movement in net funds (defined by the Group as including the items shown below) is as follows: 2010 £m (124) 40 326 242 (1) 17 26 284 1,051 1,335 198 1,533 2009 £m 637 (680) 1 (42) – (141) 110 (73) 1,124 1,051 224 1,275 Cash at bank and in hand Overdrafts Short-term deposits Cash and cash equivalents Investments Other current borrowings Non-current borrowings Finance leases Fair value of swaps hedging fixed rate borrowings At January 1, 2010 £m 1,240 (4) 1,722 2,958 2 (122) (1,786) (1) 1,051 224 1,275 Funds flow £m 384 (4) (504) (124) 326 42 (2) – 242 242 Net funds of businesses acquired £m – – (1) – (1) (1) Exchange differences £m 23 – (6) 17 – – – – 17 17 Fair value adjustments £m – – – – – 59 (33) – 26 (26) – Reclassi- fications £m – – – – – (688) 688 – – – At December 31, 2010 £m 1,647 (8) 1,212 2,851 328 (709) (1,134) (1) 1,335 198 1,533 i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i 87 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 Consolidated FinanCial statements – Continued CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2010 At January 1, 2009 Profit for the year Foreign exchange translation differences on foreign operations Net actuarial losses on post-employment schemes Movement in unrecognised post-retirement surplus Movement in post-retirement minimum funding liability Transfers from transition hedging reserve Share of OCI of joint ventures and associates 4 Related tax movements Total comprehensive income for the year Arising on issues of ordinary shares Issue of C Shares Redemption of C Shares Ordinary shares purchased Share-based payments – direct to equity 5 Transactions with non-controlling interests Related tax movements – deferred tax Other changes in equity in the year At January 1, 2010 Profit for the year Foreign exchange translation differences on foreign operations Net actuarial gains on post-employment schemes Movement in unrecognised post-retirement surplus Movement in post-retirement minimum funding liability Share of OCI of joint ventures and associates 4 Related tax movements Total comprehensive income for the year Arising on issues of ordinary shares Issue of C Shares Redemption of C Shares Ordinary shares purchased Share-based payments – direct to equity 5 Related tax movements – deferred tax Other changes in equity in the year At December 31, 2010 Notes Share capital £m 369 – Share premium £m 82 – Capital redemption reserves £m 204 – Hedging reserves1 £m (22) – Other reserves2 £m 663 – Retained earnings3 £m 920 2,221 Non- controlling interests £m 9 (4) Total £m 2,216 2,221 Total equity £m 2,225 2,217 Attributable to ordinary shareholders 18 18 18 10 4 19 16 16 4 18 18 18 10 4 19 16 16 4 – – – – – – – – 2 – – – – – – 2 371 – – – – – – – – 3 – – – – – 3 374 – – – – – – – – 16 – – – – – – 16 98 – – – – – – – – 64 (29) – – – – 35 133 – – – – – – – – – (264) 251 – – – – (13) 191 – – – – – – – – – (249) 267 – – – 18 209 – – – – (27) 22 8 3 – – – – – – – – (19) – – – – – (18) – (18) – – – – – – – (37) (155) – (155) (1) (156) – – – – (2) – (157) – – – – – – – – 506 – 22 – – – 1 (2) 21 – – – – – – – 527 (1,148) (1,148) 707 707 40 – – 133 1,953 – 1 (251) (17) 28 – 1 (238) 2,635 539 – 157 40 (27) 20 141 1,799 18 (263) – (17) 28 – 1 (233) 3,782 539 22 157 (300) (300) 49 1 31 477 – 1 (267) (124) 42 5 (343) 2,769 49 (16) 29 480 67 (277) – (124) 42 5 (287) 3,975 – – – – – – (5) – – – – – (4) – (4) – 4 – – – – – – 4 – – – – – – – 4 (1,148) 707 40 (27) 20 141 1,794 18 (263) – (17) 28 (4) 1 (237) 3,782 543 22 157 (300) 49 (16) 29 484 67 (277) – (124) 42 5 (287) 3,979 1 See accounting policies note 1 – hedge accounting. Hedging reserves include nil (2009 nil, 2008 £19m) in respect of the transition hedging reserve and £(37)m (2009 £(19)m, 2008 £(41)m) in respect of the cash flow hedging reserve. 2 Other reserves include a merger reserve of £3m (2009 £3m, 2008 £3m) and a translation reserve of £524m (2009 £503m, 2008 £660m). 3 At December 31, 2010, 28,320,962 ordinary shares with a net book value of £125m (2009 7,156,497, 2008 8,017,635 ordinary shares with net book values of £25m and £34m respectively) were held and included in retained earnings. During the year, 6,586,568 ordinary shares with a net book value of £24m (2009 6,766,884 shares with a net book value of £25m) vested in share-based payment plans. During the year, the Company acquired 27,751,333 ordinary shares through purchases on the London Stock Exchange. 4 Certain of the Group’s joint ventures and associates hold interest rate and inflation swaps for which cash flow hedge accounting has been adopted. 5 The share-based payments charge direct to equity is the net of the credit to equity in respect of the share-based payment charge to the income statement and the actual cost of shares vesting, excluding those vesting from own shares. i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i 88 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 Notes to the CoNsolidated FiNaNCial statemeNts notes to the consoliDAteD FinAnciAl stAtements 1 Accounting policies The Company Rolls-Royce group plc (the ‘company’) is a company domiciled in the united Kingdom. the consolidated financial statements of the company for the year ended December 31, 2010 comprise the company and its subsidiaries (together referred to as the ‘group’) and the group’s interest in jointly controlled and associated entities. the financial statements were authorised for issue by the directors on February 9, 2011. Basis of preparation and statement of compliance in accordance with european union (eu) regulations, these financial statements have been prepared in accordance with international Financial Reporting standards (iFRs) issued by the international Accounting standards Board (iAsB), as adopted for use in the eu effective at December 31, 2010 (Adopted iFRs). the company has elected to prepare its parent company accounts under uK generally Accepted Accounting practices (gAAp). the financial statements have been prepared on the historical cost basis except where Adopted iFRs requires the revaluation of financial instruments to fair value and certain other assets and liabilities on an alternative basis – most significantly post-retirement scheme liabilities are valued on the basis required by iAs 19. the group’s significant accounting policies are set out below. these accounting policies have been applied consistently to all periods presented in these consolidated financial statements and by all group entities. the preparation of financial statements in conformity with Adopted iFRs requires the use of certain critical accounting estimates and judgements. the directors consider the potential key areas of judgements required to be made in applying the group’s accounting policies to be: • A large proportion of the group’s activities relate to long-term aftermarket contracts. the determination of appropriate accounting policies for recognising revenue and costs in respect of these contracts requires judgement, in particular (i) whether an aftermarket contract is linked, for accounting purposes, to the related sale of original equipment and (ii) the appropriate measure of stage of completion of the contract. • Where the group participates in the financing of original equipment, judgement is required to determine whether revenue should be recognised or whether the transaction results in the consolidation of a special purpose financing entity. • As set out in note 8, the group has significant intangible assets. the decision as to when to commence capitalisation of development costs and whether sales of original equipment give rise to recognisable recoverable engine costs is a key judgement. • As set out in note 22, the group has contingent liabilities in respect of financing support provided to customers. Judgement is required to assess the likelihood of these crystallising, in order to assess whether a provision should be recognised. Key sources of estimation uncertainty in applying the group’s accounting policies are described on page 94. Basis of consolidation the group financial statements include the financial statements of the company and all of its subsidiary undertakings made up to December 31, together with the group’s share of the results of joint ventures and associates up to December 31. A subsidiary is an entity controlled by the company. control exists when the company has the power, directly or indirectly, to govern the financial and operating policies of the entity so as to derive benefits from its activities. A joint venture is an entity in which the group holds a long-term interest and which is jointly controlled by the group and one or more other venturers under a contractual arrangement. An associate is an entity, being neither a subsidiary nor a joint venture, in which the group holds a long-term interest and where the group has a significant influence. the results of joint ventures and associates are accounted for using the equity method of accounting. Any subsidiary undertakings, joint ventures or associates sold or acquired during the year are included up to, or from, the dates of change of control. All intra-group transactions, balances, income and expenses are eliminated on consolidation. Adjustments are made to eliminate the profit or loss arising on transactions with joint ventures and associates to the extent of the group’s interest in the entity. i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i 89 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 Notes to the CoNsolidated FiNaNCial statemeNts – CoNtiNued 1 Accounting policies (continueD) Significant accounting policies Revenue recognition Revenues comprise sales to outside customers after discounts, excluding value added tax. i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i sales of products are recognised when the significant risks and rewards of ownership of the goods are transferred to the customer, the sales price agreed and the receipt of payment can be assured. on occasion, the group may participate in the financing of engines in conjunction with airframe manufacturers, most commonly by the provision of guarantees as described in note 22. in such circumstances, the contingent obligations arising under these arrangements are taken into account in assessing whether significant risks and rewards of ownership have been transferred to the customer. Where it is judged that sufficient risks and rewards are not transferred, the transaction is treated as a leasing transaction, resulting in an operating lease between the group and the customer. no deliveries of engines were treated as operating leases during 2010. Depending on the specific circumstances, where applicable, the financing arrangements may result in the consolidation of the entity established to facilitate the financing. such special purpose entities will be consolidated as required by Adopted iFRs. no such entities were consolidated at December 31, 2010. sales of services are recognised by reference to the stage of completion based on services performed to date. the assessment of the stage of completion is dependent on the nature of the contract, but will generally be based on: costs incurred to the extent these relate to services performed up to the reporting date; achievement of contractual milestones where appropriate; or flying hours or equivalent for long-term aftermarket arrangements. linked sales of products and services are treated as a single contract where these components have been negotiated as a single commercial package and are so closely interrelated that they do not operate independently of each other and are considered to form a single project with an overall profit margin. Revenue is recognised on the same basis as for other sales of products and services as described above. provided that the outcome of construction contracts can be assessed with reasonable certainty, the revenues and costs on such contracts are recognised based on stage of completion and the overall contract profitability. Full provision is made for any estimated losses to completion of contracts having regard to the overall substance of the arrangements. progress payments received, when greater than recorded revenue, are deducted from the value of work in progress except to the extent that payments on account exceed the value of work in progress on any contract where the excess is included in trade and other payables. the amount by which recorded revenue of long-term contracts is in excess of payments on account is classified as amounts recoverable on contracts and is separately disclosed within trade and other receivables. Risk and revenue sharing partnerships (RRSPs) From time-to-time, the group enters into arrangements with partners who, in return for a share in future programme revenues or profits, make cash payments that are not refundable. cash sums received, which reimburse the group for past expenditure, are credited to other operating income. the arrangements also require partners to undertake development work and/or supply components for use in the programme at their own expense. no accounting entries are recorded where partners undertake such development work or where programme components are supplied by partners because no obligation arises unless and until programme sales are made; instead, payments to partners for their share in the programme are charged to cost of sales as programme revenues arise. the group has arrangements with partners who do not undertake development work or supply parts. such arrangements are considered to be financial instruments as defined by iAs 32 Financial Instruments: Presentation and are accounted for using the amortised cost method. Government investment Where a government or similar body has previously invested in a development programme, the group treats payments to that body as royalty payments, which are matched to related sales. Government grants government grants are recognised in the income statement so as to match them with the related expenses that they are intended to compensate. Where grants are received in advance of the related expenses, they are included in the balance sheet as deferred income. non-monetary grants are recognised at fair value. Interest interest receivable/payable is credited/charged to the income statement using the effective interest method. Where borrowing costs are attributable to the acquisition, construction or production of a qualifying asset, such costs are capitalised as part of the specific asset. 90 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 Notes to the CoNsolidated FiNaNCial statemeNts – CoNtiNued 1 Accounting policies (continueD) Taxation the tax charge on the profit or loss for the year comprises current and deferred tax. current tax is the expected tax payable for the year, using tax rates enacted or substantively enacted at the balance sheet date, and any adjustment to tax payable in respect of previous years. Deferred tax is provided using the balance sheet liability method, providing for temporary differences between the carrying amounts of the assets and liabilities for financial reporting purposes and the amounts used for taxation purposes. Deferred tax liabilities are recognised for taxable temporary differences arising on investments in subsidiaries and joint ventures, except where the group is able to control the reversal of the temporary difference and it is probable that the temporary difference will not reverse in the foreseeable future. Deferred tax is not recognised on taxable temporary differences arising on the initial recognition of goodwill or for temporary differences arising from the initial recognition of assets and liabilities in a transaction that is not a business combination and that affects neither accounting nor taxable profit. Deferred tax is calculated using the enacted or substantively enacted rates that are expected to apply when the asset or liability is settled. Deferred tax is charged or credited in the income statement or statement of comprehensive income as appropriate, except when it relates to items credited or charged directly to equity in which case the deferred tax is also dealt with in equity. Deferred tax assets are recognised only to the extent that it is probable that future taxable profits will be available against which the assets can be utilised. Foreign currency translation transactions in overseas currencies are translated into local currency at the exchange rates ruling on the date of the transaction. monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translated into local currency at the rate ruling at the year end. exchange differences arising on foreign exchange transactions and the retranslation of assets and liabilities into sterling at the rate ruling at the year end are taken into account in determining profit before taxation. the trading results of overseas undertakings are translated at the average exchange rates for the year. the assets and liabilities of overseas undertakings, including goodwill and fair value adjustments arising on acquisition, are translated at the exchange rates ruling at the year end. exchange adjustments arising from the retranslation of the opening net investments, and from the translation of the profits or losses at average rates, are taken to equity. Financial instruments iAs 39 Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement requires the classification of financial instruments into separate categories for which the accounting requirement is different. the group has classified its financial instruments as follows: • short-term investments are classified as available for sale, if designated upon initial recognition. • short-term deposits (principally comprising funds held with banks and other financial institutions), trade receivables and short-term investments not designated as available for sale are classified as loans and receivables. • Borrowings, trade payables, financial RRsps and c shares are classified as other liabilities. • Derivatives, comprising foreign exchange contracts, interest rate swaps and commodity swaps are classified as held for trading. Financial instruments are recognised at the contract date and initially measured at fair value. their subsequent measurement depends on their classification: • loans and receivables and other liabilities are held at amortised cost and not revalued (except for changes in exchange rates which are included in the income statement) unless they are included in a fair value hedge accounting relationship. Where such a relationship exists, the instruments are revalued in respect of the risk being hedged. if instruments held at amortised cost are hedged, generally by interest rate swaps, and the hedges are effective, the carrying values are adjusted for changes in fair value, which are included in the income statement. • Available for sale assets are held at fair value. changes in fair value arising from changes in exchange rates are included in the income statement. All other changes in fair value are taken to equity. on disposal, the accumulated changes in value recorded in equity are included in the gain or loss recorded in the income statement. • held for trading instruments are held at fair value. changes in fair value are included in the income statement unless the instrument is included in a cash flow hedge. if the instruments are included in a cash flow hedging relationship, which is effective, changes in value are taken to equity. When the hedged forecast transaction occurs, amounts previously recorded in equity are recognised in the income statement. Financial instruments are derecognised on expiry or when all contractual rights and obligations are transferred. i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i 91 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 Notes to the CoNsolidated FiNaNCial statemeNts – CoNtiNued 1 Accounting policies (continueD) Hedge accounting the group does not apply hedge accounting in respect of forward foreign exchange contracts held to manage the cash flow exposures of forecast transactions denominated in foreign currencies. the group does not apply hedge accounting in respect of commodity swaps held to manage the cash flow exposures of forecast transactions in those commodities. the group applies hedge accounting in respect of transactions entered into to manage the fair value and cash flow exposures of its borrowings. Forward foreign exchange contracts are held to manage the fair value exposures of borrowings denominated in foreign currencies and are designated as fair value hedges. interest rate swaps are held to manage the interest rate exposures and are designated as fair value or cash flow hedges of fixed and floating rate borrowings respectively. changes in the fair values of derivatives designated as fair value hedges and changes in fair value of the related hedged item are recognised directly in the income statement. changes in the fair values of derivatives that are designated as cash flow hedges and are effective are recognised directly in equity. Any ineffectiveness in the hedging relationships is included in the income statement. the amounts deferred in equity are recognised in the income statement to match the recognition of the hedged item. hedge accounting is discontinued when the hedging instrument expires or is sold, terminated, exercised, or no longer qualifies for hedge accounting. At that time, for cash flow hedges and if the forecast transaction remains probable, any cumulative gain or loss on the hedging instrument recognised in equity is retained in equity until the forecast transaction occurs. if a hedged transaction is no longer expected to occur, the net cumulative gain or loss previously recognised in equity is transferred to the income statement. the portion of a gain or loss on an instrument used to hedge a net investment in a foreign operation that is determined to be an effective hedge is recognised directly in equity. the ineffective portion is recognised immediately in the income statement. until December 31, 2004, and as allowed by iFRs 1 First-time Adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards, the group applied hedge accounting for forecast foreign exchange transactions and commodity exposures in accordance with uK gAAp. on January 1, 2005, the fair values of derivatives used for hedging these exposures were included in the transition hedging reserve. this reserve was released to the income statement based on the designation of the hedges on January 1, 2005. the reserve was fully utilised in 2009. Purchased goodwill goodwill represents the excess of the fair value of the purchase consideration for shares in subsidiary undertakings, joint ventures and associates over the fair value to the group of the net of the identifiable assets acquired and the liabilities assumed. i) to December 31, 1997: goodwill was written off to reserves in the year of acquisition. ii) From January 1, 1998: goodwill was recognised within intangible assets in the year in which it arose and amortised on a straight-line basis over its useful economic life, up to a maximum of 20 years. iii) From January 1, 2004, in accordance with iFRs 3 Business Combinations, goodwill is recognised as per (ii) above but is no longer amortised. Certification costs and participation fees costs incurred in respect of meeting regulatory certification requirements for new civil aero-engine/aircraft combinations and payments made to airframe manufacturers for this, and participation fees, are carried forward in intangible assets to the extent that they can be recovered out of future sales and are charged to the income statement over the programme life, up to a maximum of 15 years from the entry into service of the product. Research and development in accordance with iAs 38 Intangible Assets, expenditure incurred on research and development, excluding known recoverable amounts on contracts, and contributions to shared engineering programmes, is distinguished as relating either to a research phase or to a development phase. All research phase expenditure is charged to the income statement. For development expenditure, this is capitalised as an internally generated intangible asset only if it meets strict criteria, relating in particular to technical feasibility and generation of future economic benefits. expenditure that cannot be classified into these two categories is treated as being incurred in the research phase. the group considers that, due to the complex nature of new equipment programmes, it is not possible to distinguish reliably between research and development activities until relatively late in the programme. expenditure capitalised is amortised over its useful economic life, up to a maximum of 15 years from the entry into service of the product. 92 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i Notes to the CoNsolidated FiNaNCial statemeNts – CoNtiNued 1 Accounting policies (continueD) Recoverable engine costs on occasion, the group may sell original equipment to customers at a price below its cost, on the basis that this deficit will be recovered from future aftermarket sales to the original customer. Where the group has a contractual right to supply aftermarket parts to the customer and its intellectual rights, warranty arrangements and statutory airworthiness requirements provide reasonable control over this supply, these arrangements are considered to meet the definition of an intangible asset. such intangible assets are recognised to the extent of the deficit and amortised on a straight-line basis over the expected period of utilisation by the original customer. Software the cost of acquiring software that is not specific to an item of property, plant and equipment is classified as an intangible asset and amortised over its useful economic life, up to a maximum of five years. Property, plant and equipment property, plant and equipment assets are stated at cost less accumulated depreciation and any provision for impairment in value. Depreciation is provided on a straight-line basis to write off the cost, less the estimated residual value, of property, plant and equipment over their estimated useful lives. no depreciation is provided on assets in the course of construction. estimated useful lives are as follows: i) land and buildings, as advised by the group’s professional advisors: a) Freehold buildings – five to 45 years (average 24 years). b) leasehold buildings – lower of advisor’s estimates or period of lease. c) no depreciation is provided on freehold land. ii) plant and equipment – five to 25 years (average 13 years). iii) Aircraft and engines – five to 20 years (average 16 years). Leases i) As lessee: Assets financed by leasing agreements that give rights approximating to ownership (finance leases) are capitalised at their fair value and depreciation is provided on the basis of the group depreciation policy. the capital elements of future obligations under finance leases are included as liabilities in the balance sheet and the current year’s interest element, having been allocated to accounting periods to give a constant periodic rate of charge on the outstanding liability, is charged to the income statement. the annual payments under all other lease arrangements, known as operating leases, are charged to the income statement on a straight-line basis. ii) As lessor: Amounts receivable under finance leases are included within receivables and represent the total amount outstanding under the lease agreements less unearned income. Finance lease income, having been allocated to accounting periods to give a constant periodic rate of return on the net investment, is included in revenue. Rentals receivable under operating leases are included in revenue on a straight-line basis. Impairment of non-current assets impairment of non-current assets is considered in accordance with iAs 36 Impairment of Assets. Where the asset does not generate cash flows that are independent of other assets, impairment is considered for the cash-generating unit to which the asset belongs. goodwill and intangible assets not yet available for use are tested for impairment annually. other intangible assets and property, plant and equipment are assessed for any indications of impairment annually. if any indication of impairment is identified, an impairment test is performed to estimate the recoverable amount. Recoverable amount is the higher of value in use or fair value less costs to sell, if this is readily available. the value in use is the present value of future cash flows using a pre-tax discount rate that reflects the time value of money and the risk specific to the asset. if the recoverable amount of an asset (or cash-generating unit) is estimated to be below the carrying value, the carrying value is reduced to the recoverable amount and the impairment loss recognised as an expense. Inventories inventories and work in progress are valued at the lower of cost and net realisable value on a first-in, first-out basis. cost comprises direct materials and, where applicable, direct labour costs and those overheads, including depreciation of property, plant and equipment, that have been incurred in bringing the inventories to their present location and condition. net realisable value represents the estimated selling prices less all estimated costs of completion and costs to be incurred in marketing, selling and distribution. i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i 93 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 Notes to the CoNsolidated FiNaNCial statemeNts – CoNtiNued 1 Accounting policies (continueD) Cash and cash equivalents cash and cash equivalents include cash at bank and in hand and short-term deposits with a maturity of three months or less on inception. the group considers overdrafts (repayable on demand) to be an integral part of its cash management activities and these are included in cash and cash equivalents for the purposes of the cash flow statement. Provisions provisions are recognised when the group has a present obligation as a result of a past event, and it is probable that the group will be required to settle that obligation. provisions are measured at the director’s best estimate of the expenditure required to settle the obligation at the balance sheet date, and are discounted to present value where the effect is material. Post-retirement benefits pensions and similar benefits (principally healthcare) are accounted for under iAs 19 Employee Benefits. For defined benefit plans, obligations are measured at discounted present value whilst plan assets are recorded at fair value. the service and financing costs of such plans are recognised separately in the income statement; current service costs are spread systematically over the lives of employees and financing costs are recognised in the periods in which they arise. Actuarial gains and losses are recognised immediately in the statement of comprehensive income. surpluses in schemes are recognised as assets only if they represent economic benefits available to the group in the future. A liability is recognised to the extent that the minimum funding requirements in respect of past service will give rise to an unrecognisable surplus. movements in unrecognised surpluses and minimum funding liabilities are included in the statement of comprehensive income. payments to defined contribution schemes are charged as an expense as they fall due. Share-based payments the group provides share-based payment arrangements to certain employees. these are principally equity-settled arrangements and are measured at fair value (excluding the effect of non-market based vesting conditions) at the date of grant. the fair value is expensed on a straight-line basis over the vesting period. the amount recognised as an expense is adjusted to reflect the actual number of shares or options that will vest, except where additional shares vest as a result of the total shareholder Return (tsR) performance condition in the performance share plan. cash-settled share options (grants in the international sharesave plan) are measured at fair value at the balance sheet date. the group recognises a liability at the balance sheet date based on these fair values, taking into account the estimated number of options that will actually vest and the relative completion of the vesting period. changes in the value of this liability are recognised in the income statement for the year. the fair values of the share-based payment arrangements are measured as follows: i) sharesave plans – using the binomial pricing model; ii) performance share plan – using a pricing model adjusted to reflect non-entitlement to dividends (or equivalent) and the tsR market-based performance condition; iii) Annual performance Related Award plan deferred shares – share price on the date of the award. see note 20 for a further description of the share-based payment plans. Contingent liabilities in connection with the sale of its products, the group will, on occasion, provide financing support for its customers. these arrangements fall into two categories; credit-based guarantees and asset-value guarantees. in accordance with the requirements of iAs 39 and iFRs 4 Insurance Contracts, credit-based guarantees are treated as insurance contracts. the group considers asset-value guarantees to be non-financial liabilities and accordingly these are also treated as insurance contracts. provision is made as described above. the group’s contingent liabilities relating to financing arrangements are spread over many years and relate to a number of customers and a broad product portfolio, and are reported on a discounted basis. Key sources of estimation uncertainty in applying the above accounting policies, management has made appropriate estimates in many areas, and the actual outcome may differ from those calculated. the key sources of estimation uncertainty at the balance sheet date, that have a significant risk of causing material adjustment to the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities within the next financial year are set out below. the estimation of the relevant assets and liabilities involves the combination of a number of assumptions. Where appropriate and practicable, sensitivities are disclosed in the relevant notes. i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i 94 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 Notes to the CoNsolidated FiNaNCial statemeNts – CoNtiNued 1 Accounting policies (continueD) Current economic environment the current economic environment could impact a number of estimates necessary to prepare the financial statements, in particular, the recoverable amount of assets and contingent liabilities. the group has taken these factors into account in assessing the estimates set out below. these matters are discussed in more detail in the Finance Director’s review. Forecasts and discount rates the carrying value of a number of items on the balance sheet are dependent on the estimates of future cash flows arising from the group’s operations, in particular: • the assessment whether there are any indications of impairment of development, participation, certification and recoverable engine costs recognised as intangible assets are dependent on forecasts of cash flows generated by the relevant assets. (carrying values at December 31, 2010 £1,472m, December 31, 2009 £1,290m.) • the financial liabilities arising from financial risk and revenue sharing partnerships are valued at each reporting date using the amortised cost method. (carrying values at December 31, 2010 £266m, December 31, 2009 £363m.) this involves calculating the present value of the forecast cash flows of the arrangement using the internal rate of return at the inception of the arrangement as the discount rate. • the realisation of the deferred tax assets (carrying value at December 31, 2010 £451m, December 31, 2009 £360m) recognised is dependent on the generation of sufficient future taxable profits. the group recognises deferred tax assets where it is more likely than not that the benefit will be realised. Assessment of long-term contractual arrangements the group has long-term contracts that fall into different accounting periods. in assessing the allocation of revenues and costs to individual accounting periods, and the consequential assets and liabilities, the group estimates the total revenues and costs forecast to arise in respect of the contract and the stage of completion based on an appropriate measure of performance as described under revenue recognition on page 90. Post-retirement benefits the group’s defined benefit pension schemes and similar arrangements are assessed annually in accordance with iAs 19. the accounting valuation, which was based on assumptions determined with independent actuarial advice, resulted in a net deficit of £856m before deferred taxation being recognised on the balance sheet at December 31, 2010 (December 31, 2009 £855m). the size of the net deficit is sensitive to the market value of the assets held by the schemes and to actuarial assumptions, which include price inflation, pension and salary increases, the discount rate used in assessing actuarial liabilities, mortality and other demographic assumptions and the levels of contributions. Further details are included in note 18. Provisions As described in the accounting policy above, the group measures provisions (carrying value at December 31, 2010 £544m, December 31, 2009 £442m) at the directors’ best estimate of the expenditure required to settle the obligation at the balance sheet date. these estimates are made, taking account of information available and different possible outcomes. Taxation the tax payable on profits is determined based on tax laws and regulations that apply in each of the numerous jurisdictions in which the group operates. Where the precise impact of these laws and regulations is unclear then reasonable estimates may be used to determine the tax charge included in the financial statements. if the tax eventually payable or reclaimable differs from the amounts originally estimated then the difference will be charged or credited in the financial statements for the year in which it is determined. Revisions to Adopted IFRS in 2010 in 2010, the group has adopted Revised iFRs 3 Business Combinations (including Amendments to iFRs 3 in improvements to iFRs (2009) and amendments to iAs 27 Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements were applicable for 2010. the acquisition of oDim AsA (see note 24) has been accounted for in accordance with the requirements of Revised iFRs 3. there was no retrospective impact. no other revisions to Adopted iFRs that became applicable in 2010 had a significant impact on the group’s financial statements. Revisions to IFRS not applicable in 2010 standards and interpretations issued by the iAsB are only applicable if endorsed by the eu. if endorsed, iFRs 9 Financial Instruments will be applicable from 2013. if endorsed, this standard will simplify the classification of financial assets for measurement purposes, but is not anticipated to have a significant impact on the financial statements. the group does not consider that any other standards, amendments or interpretations issued by the iAsB, but not yet applicable, will have a significant impact on the financial statements. i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i 95 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 Notes to the CoNsolidated FiNaNCial statemeNts – CoNtiNued 2 segmentAl AnAlysis the analysis by business segment is presented in accordance with iFRs 8 Operating segments, on the basis of those segments whose operating results are regularly reviewed by the Board (the chief operating Decision maker as defined by iFRs 8), as follows: civil aerospace Defence aerospace marine energy – development, manufacture, marketing and sales of commercial aero engines and aftermarket services. – development, manufacture, marketing and sales of military aero engines and aftermarket services. – development, manufacture, marketing and sales of marine propulsion systems and aftermarket services. – development, manufacture, marketing and sales of power systems for the offshore oil and gas industry and electrical power generation and aftermarket services. engineering and technology, operations and services discussed in the business review operate on a group-wide basis across all the above segments. the operating results are prepared on an underlying basis that excludes items considered to be non-underlying in nature. the principles adopted are: underlying revenues – Where revenues are denominated in a currency other than the functional currency of the group undertaking, these reflect the achieved exchange rates arising on settled derivative contracts and exclude the release of the foreign exchange transition hedging reserve. there is no inter-segment trading and hence all revenues are from external customers. underlying profit before financing – Where transactions are denominated in a currency other than the functional currency of the group undertaking, this reflects the transactions at the achieved exchange rates on settled derivative contracts and excludes the release of the foreign exchange transition hedging reserve. underlying profit before taxation – in addition to those adjustments in underlying profit before financing: • includes amounts realised from settled derivative contracts and revaluation of relevant assets and liabilities to exchange rates forecast to be achieved from future settlement of derivative contracts. • excludes unrealised amounts arising from revaluations required by iAs 39 Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement, changes in value of financial RRsp contracts arising from changes in forecast payments and the net impact of financing costs related to post-employment scheme benefits. i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i 96 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 Notes to the CoNsolidated FiNaNCial statemeNts – CoNtiNued 2 segmentAl AnAlysis (continueD) this analysis also includes a reconciliation of the underlying results to those reported in the consolidated income statement. Year ended December 31, 2010 underlying revenue from sale of original equipment underlying revenue from aftermarket services Total underlying revenue underlying operating profit excluding share of results of joint ventures and associates share of results of joint ventures and associates profit on disposal of businesses Underlying profit before financing and taxation segment assets investments in joint ventures and associates segment liabilities net assets investment in intangible assets, property, plant and equipment and joint ventures and associates Depreciation and amortisation year ended December 31, 2009 underlying revenue from sale of original equipment underlying revenue from aftermarket services total underlying revenue underlying operating profit excluding share of results of joint ventures and associates share of results of joint ventures and associates profit/(loss) on disposal of businesses underlying profit before financing and taxation segment assets investments in joint ventures and associates segment liabilities net assets investment in intangible assets, property, plant and equipment and joint ventures and associates Depreciation and amortisation Civil aerospace £m 1,892 3,027 4,919 315 77 – 392 Defence aerospace £m 1,020 1,103 2,123 300 9 – 309 7,790 372 (5,435) 2,727 568 246 1,855 2,626 4,481 409 82 2 493 7,341 271 (4,918) 2,694 522 209 1,359 (15) (1,867) (523) 53 35 964 1,046 2,010 247 6 – 253 1,166 62 (1,573) (345) 56 34 Marine £m 1,719 872 2,591 330 2 – 332 2,357 6 (1,548) 815 65 58 1,804 785 2,589 263 – – 263 2,302 77 (1,738) 641 122 46 Total reportable segments £m 5,322 5,544 10,866 963 93 4 1,060 12,658 393 (9,598) 3,453 702 367 5,181 4,927 10,108 942 93 (2) 1,033 11,807 437 (8,721) 3,523 720 315 Energy £m 691 542 1,233 18 5 4 27 1,152 30 (748) 434 16 28 558 470 1,028 23 5 (4) 24 998 27 (492) 533 20 26 As noted in the Finance Director’s review on page 50, 2010 profit before financing for civil aerospace includes a charge associated with the trent 900 failure on an Airbus A380. this has reduced profit before financing by £56m. i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i 97 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 Notes to the CoNsolidated FiNaNCial statemeNts – CoNtiNued 2 segmentAl AnAlysis (continueD) Reconciliation to reported results Year ended December 31, 2010 Revenue from sale of original equipment Revenue from aftermarket services Total revenue operating profit excluding share of results of joint ventures and associates share of results of joint ventures and associates profit on disposal of businesses Profit before financing and taxation net financing Profit before taxation taxation Profit for the year year ended December 31, 2009 Revenue from sale of original equipment Revenue from aftermarket services total revenue operating profit excluding share of results of joint ventures and associates share of results of joint ventures and associates loss on disposal of businesses profit before financing and taxation net financing profit before taxation taxation profit for the year 1 central corporate costs Underlying adjustments Total reportable segments £m 5,322 5,544 10,866 963 93 4 1,060 5,181 4,927 10,108 942 93 (2) 1,033 i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i underlying performance Release of transition hedging reserve Recognise revenue at exchange rate on date of transaction Realised losses/(gains) on settled derivative contracts 1 net unrealised fair value changes to derivative contracts 2 effect of currency on contract accounting Revaluation of trading assets and liabilities Financial RRsps – foreign exchange differences and changes in forecast payments net post-retirement scheme financing Related tax effect total underlying adjustments Reported per consolidated income statement Profit before financing £m 1,010 – – 180 – (56) – – – – 124 1,134 Net financing £m (55) – – (7) (341) – 8 (6) (31) – (377) (432) Revenue £m 10,866 – 219 – – – – – – – 219 11,085 2010 Taxation £m (236) – – – – – – – – 77 77 (159) profit before financing £m 983 27 – 274 14 (126) – – – – 189 1,172 Revenue £m 10,108 27 279 – – – – – – – 306 10,414 1 Realised losses/(gains) on settled derivative contracts included in profit before tax: – includes £2m of realised losses (2009 £15m) deferred from prior years; – excludes £5m of losses (2009 gains of £6m) realised in the year on derivative contracts settled in respect of trading cash flows that occurred after the year end and £7m of losses (2009 nil) recognised in prior years in respect of cancelled contracts; – excludes £10m of realised gains (2009 nil) in respect of derivatives held in fair value hedges and nil (2009 £14m realised losses) in respect of derivatives held in net investment hedges. 2 the adjustment for unrealised fair value changes included in profit before financing includes the reversal of nil (2009 £5m unrealised gains) in respect of derivative contracts held by joint venture companies and nil (2009 £9m unrealised losses) for which the related trading contracts have been cancelled and consequently the fair value loss has been recognised immediately in underlying profit. the reconciliation of underlying earnings per ordinary share is shown in note 5. 98 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 Underlying central items £m – – – (50)1 – – (50) (55) (105) (236) (341) Total underlying £m 5,322 5,544 10,866 913 93 4 1,010 (55) 955 (236) 719 Underlying adjustments £m 112 107 219 124 – – 124 (377) (253) 77 (176) – – – (50)1 – – (50) (68) (118) (187) (305) 5,181 4,927 10,108 892 93 (2) 983 (68) 915 (187) 728 Group £m 5,434 5,651 11,085 1,037 93 4 1,134 (432) 702 (159) 543 5,309 5,105 10,414 1,081 93 (2) 1,172 1,785 2,957 (740) 2,217 2009 taxation £m (187) – – – – – – – – (553) (553) (740) 128 178 306 189 – – 189 1,853 2,042 (553) 1,489 net financing £m (68) – – 60 1,835 – (17) 72 (97) – 1,853 1,785 Notes to the CoNsolidated FiNaNCial statemeNts – CoNtiNued 2 segmentAl AnAlysis (continueD) Reportable segment assets investments in joint ventures and associates eliminations cash and cash equivalents and short-term investments Fair value of swaps hedging fixed rate borrowings income tax assets post-retirement scheme surpluses Total assets Reportable segment liabilities eliminations Borrowings income tax liabilities post-retirement scheme deficits Total liabilities Net assets Geographical segments the group’s revenue by destination is shown below: united Kingdom norway germany spain Rest of europe usA canada china south Korea middle east and south east Asia Rest of Asia Africa Australasia other 2010 £m 12,658 393 (823) 3,187 198 457 164 16,234 (9,598) 823 (1,852) (608) (1,020) (12,255) 3,979 2010 £m 1,594 486 413 231 1,251 3,096 299 890 355 1,585 228 109 153 395 11,085 2009 £m 11,807 437 (457) 2,964 224 372 75 15,422 (8,721) 457 (1,913) (533) (930) (11,640) 3,782 2009 £m 1,458 443 488 233 1,109 2,895 275 640 301 1,689 226 144 230 283 10,414 in 2010, revenue (included in all reportable segments) of £1,131m was received from a single customer. the carrying amounts of the group’s non-current assets, excluding financial instruments, deferred tax assets and post-employment benefit surpluses, by the geographical area in which the assets are located, are as follows: united Kingdom north America nordic countries germany other 99 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 2010 £m 2,925 611 908 625 344 5,413 2009 £m 2,764 467 824 574 289 4,918 i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i Notes to the CoNsolidated FiNaNCial statemeNts – CoNtiNued 3 net FinAncing Financing income interest receivable Fair value gains on foreign currency contracts (note 16) 2 Financial RRsps – foreign exchange differences and changes in forecast payments (note 16) Fair value gains on commodity derivatives (note 16) 2 expected return on post-retirement scheme assets (note 18) net foreign exchange gains Financing costs interest payable Fair value losses on foreign currency contracts (note 16) 2 Financial RRsps – foreign exchange differences and changes in forecast payments (note 16) Financial charge relating to financial RRsps (note 16) interest on post-retirement scheme liabilities (note 18) other financing charges Net financing Analysed as: net interest payable net post-retirement scheme financing net other financing Net financing 1 see note 2 2 net (loss)/gain on items held for trading 4 tAxAtion Current tax current tax charge for the year less double tax relief Adjustments in respect of prior years Deferred tax (credit)/charge for the year Adjustments in respect of prior years credit arising from reduction in uK tax rate Recognised in the income statement 100 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 2010 £m (2) (2) (4) 1 (3) (53) – (3) (56) (59) UK 2009 £m 26 (29) (3) (4) (7) 628 (12) – 616 609 i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i Per consolidated income statement £m 2010 Underlying financing1 £m per consolidated income statement £m 2009 Underlying financing1 £m 23 – – 29 400 1 453 (63) (370) (6) (13) (431) (2) (885) (432) (40) (31) (361) (432) (341) 2010 £m 174 – 174 2 176 41 1 – 42 218 23 – – – – – 23 (63) – – (13) – (2) (78) (55) (40) – (15) (55) – Overseas 2009 £m 129 – 129 (23) 106 21 4 – 25 131 21 1,783 72 52 305 43 2,276 (64) – – (25) (402) – (491) 1,785 (43) (97) 1,925 1,785 1,835 2010 £m 172 (2) 170 3 173 (12) 1 (3) (14) 159 21 – – – – – 21 (64) – – (25) – – (89) (68) (43) – (25) (68) – Total 2009 £m 155 (29) 126 (27) 99 649 (8) – 641 740 Notes to the CoNsolidated FiNaNCial statemeNts – CoNtiNued 2010 £m (37) 81 (13) – – (2) 29 OCI 2009 £m 342 (198) (11) 8 – – 141 4 tAxAtion (continueD) Other tax credits/(charges) Deferred tax net actuarial (losses)/gains on post-retirement schemes movement in unrecognised surplus on post-retirement schemes movement in minimum funding liability release of transition hedge reserve share-based payment plans net investment hedge Tax reconciliation profit before taxation less share of results of joint ventures and associates (note 10) profit before taxation excluding joint ventures and associates nominal tax charge at uK corporation tax rate 28.0% (2009 28.0%) uK R&D credit Rate differences other permanent differences Benefit to deferred tax from previously unrecognised tax losses and temporary differences tax losses in year not recognised in deferred tax Adjustments in respect of prior years Reduction in closing deferred taxes resulting from decrease in uK tax rate Analysis of taxation charge: underlying items (note 2) non-underlying items Deferred taxation assets and liabilities At January 1 Amount credited/(charged) to income statement Amount credited to other comprehensive income Amount credited to equity Acquisition of businesses exchange differences At December 31 Analysed as: Deferred tax assets Deferred tax liabilities 101 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 2010 £m – – – – 5 – 5 2010 £m 702 (93) 609 171 (29) 16 2 (5) 3 4 (3) 159 236 (77) 159 2010 £m (6) 14 29 5 (32) 3 13 451 (438) 13 Equity 2009 £m – – – – 1 – 1 2009 £m 2,957 (93) 2,864 802 (26) 7 5 (21) 8 (35) – 740 187 553 740 2009 £m 497 (641) 141 1 – (4) (6) 360 (366) (6) i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i Notes to the CoNsolidated FiNaNCial statemeNts – CoNtiNued 4 tAxAtion (continueD) the analysis of the deferred tax position is as follows: intangible assets property, plant and equipment other temporary differences Amounts recoverable on contracts pensions and other post-retirement scheme benefits Foreign exchange and commodity financial assets and liabilities losses Advance corporation tax intangible assets property, plant and equipment other temporary differences Amounts recoverable on contracts pensions and other post-retirement scheme benefits Foreign exchange and commodity financial assets and liabilities losses Advance corporation tax At January 1, 2010 £m (250) (160) (22) (243) 265 54 286 64 (6) At January 1, 2009 £m (200) (146) (31) (195) 168 655 182 64 497 Recognised in income statement £m (19) 10 (25) 14 (39) 40 33 – 14 Recognised in income statement £m (53) (17) 2 (48) (17) (609) 101 – (641) Recognised in OCI £m – – – – 31 – (2) – 29 Recognised in oci £m – – – – 133 8 - – 141 Recognised in equity £m – – 5 – – – – – 5 Acquisition of businesses £m (11) – (21) – – – – – (32) Recognised in equity £m – – (2) – – – 3 – 1 Acquisition of businesses £m – – – – – – – – – Advance corporation tax losses and other unrecognised deferred tax assets Deferred tax not recognised on unused tax losses and other items on the basis that future economic benefit is uncertain Exchange differences £m (2) – (1) – 6 – – – 3 exchange differences £m 3 3 9 – (19) – – – (4) 2010 £m 118 51 169 At December 31, 2010 £m (282) (150) (64) (229) 263 94 317 64 13 At December 31, 2009 £m (250) (160) (22) (243) 265 54 286 64 (6) 2009 £m 118 59 177 the emergency Budget on June 22, 2010 announced that the uK corporation tax rate will reduce from 28 per cent to 24 per cent over a period of four years from 2011. the first reduction in the rate from 28 per cent to 27 per cent was substantively enacted on July 21, 2010 and will be effective from April 1, 2011. As this rate change was substantively enacted prior to the year end, the closing deferred tax assets and liabilities have been restated. the resulting charges or credits have been recognised in the income statement except to the extent that they relate to items previously charged or credited to oci or equity. Accordingly, in 2010, £3m has been credited to the income statement, £1m has been charged to oci and £1m has been charged directly to equity. had the further tax rate changes been substantively enacted before the balance sheet date, it would have had the effect of reducing the deferred tax asset and liability by £27m and £29m respectively. i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i 102 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 Notes to the CoNsolidated FiNaNCial statemeNts – CoNtiNued 5 eARnings peR oRDinARy shARe Basic earnings per ordinary share (eps) are calculated by dividing the profit attributable to ordinary shareholders by the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the year, excluding ordinary shares held under trust, which have been treated as if they had been cancelled. Diluted eps are calculated by adjusting the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the year for the bonus element of share options. Potentially dilutive share options 24 (0.38) Basic 539 1,846 29.20 2010 Diluted 539 1,870 28.82 Pence 38.73 (13.70) 4.17 29.20 38.24 Basic 2,221 1,845 120.38 2010 £m 715 (253) 77 539 profit attributable to ordinary shareholders (£m) Weighted average number of ordinary shares (millions) eps (pence) the reconciliation between underlying eps and basic eps is as follows: underlying eps/underlying profit attributable to ordinary shareholders total underlying adjustments to profit before tax (note 2) Related tax effects eps/profit attributable to ordinary shareholders Diluted underlying eps 6 employee inFoRmAtion Average number of employees united Kingdom overseas civil aerospace Defence aerospace marine energy * Following a review of the allocation of employees in functions serving more than one segment, the 2009 figures have been restated. Group employment costs 1 Wages and salaries social security costs share-based payments (note 20) pensions and other post-retirement scheme benefits (note 18) 1 Remuneration of key management personnel is shown in note 23. potentially dilutive share options 20 (1.29) pence 39.67 110.68 (29.97) 120.38 39.25 2010 21,000 17,900 38,900 19,500 6,900 9,000 3,500 38,900 2009 Diluted 2,221 1,865 119.09 2009 £m 732 2,042 (553) 2,221 Restated* 2009 21,300 17,200 38,500 19,800 7,100 8,300 3,300 38,500 £m £m 1,847 212 50 221 2,330 1,725 194 31 263 2,213 i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i 103 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 Notes to the CoNsolidated FiNaNCial statemeNts – CoNtiNued 7 AuDitoRs’ RemuneRAtion Fees payable to the company’s auditors and its associates were as follows: Fees payable to the company’s auditors for the audit of the company’s annual financial statements 1 Fees payable to the company’s auditors and its associates for the audit of the company’s subsidiaries pursuant to legislation total fees payable for audit services Fees payable to the company’s auditors and its associates for other services: other services pursuant to legislation other services relating to taxation Fees payable in respect of the group’s pension schemes: Audit other services relating to taxation 2010 £m 0.1 4.3 4.4 0.5 0.5 5.4 0.2 0.1 2009 £m 0.1 4.1 4.2 0.6 0.4 5.2 0.2 0.1 1 the level of fees payable to the company’s auditors for the audit of the company’s annual financial statements reflects the fact that limited incremental work is required in respect of the audit of these financial statements. Rolls-Royce plc, a subsidiary of the company, is also required to prepare consolidated financial statements and the fees payable to the company’s auditors for the audit of those financial statements, including the audit of the sub-consolidation, is included in the audit of the company’s subsidiaries pursuant to legislation. 8 intAngiBle Assets Cost: At January 1, 2009 exchange differences Additions Acquisitions of businesses Disposals At January 1, 2010 exchange differences Additions Acquisitions of businesses Disposals At December 31, 2010 Accumulated amortisation: At January 1, 2009 exchange differences charge for the year 1 Disposals At January 1, 2010 charge for the year 1 Disposals At December 31, 2010 Net book value: At December 31, 2010 At December 31, 2009 At January 1, 2009 Certification costs and participation fees £m Goodwill £m Development expenditure £m Recoverable engine costs £m Software and other £m 1,013 (28) – 6 – 991 6 – 118 – 1,115 5 – 2 – 7 – – 7 1,108 984 1,008 568 (3) 66 – – 631 (2) 57 – – 686 165 (1) 13 – 177 13 – 190 496 454 403 632 (2) 121 – – 751 – 111 – – 862 176 – 29 – 205 27 – 232 630 546 456 463 – 123 – – 586 – 111 – – 697 250 – 46 – 296 55 – 351 346 290 213 254 (2) 32 – (11) 273 (1) 46 96 (1) 413 48 (1) 31 (3) 75 35 (1) 109 304 198 206 Total £m 2,930 (35) 342 6 (11) 3,232 3 325 214 (1) 3,773 644 (2) 121 (3) 760 130 (1) 889 2,884 2,472 2,286 i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i 1 charged to cost of sales except development costs, which are charged to research and development costs. 104 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 Notes to the CoNsolidated FiNaNCial statemeNts – CoNtiNued 8 intAngiBle Assets (continueD) Goodwill in accordance with the requirements of iAs 36 Impairment of Assets, goodwill is allocated to the group’s cash-generating units, or groups of cash-generating units, that are expected to benefit from the synergies of the business combination that gave rise to the goodwill as follows: Cash-generating unit (CGU) or group of CGUs Rolls-Royce Deutschland ltd & co Kg commercial marine – arising from the acquisitions of Vinters plc and scandinavian electric holdings As commercial marine – arising from the acquisition of oDim AsA other goodwill has been tested for impairment during 2010 on the following basis: Primary reporting segment civil aerospace marine marine Various 2010 £m 236 657 114 101 1,108 2009 £m 244 645 – 95 984 • the carrying value of goodwill has been assessed by reference to value in use. these have been estimated using cash flows from the most recent forecasts prepared by management, which are consistent with past experience and external sources of information on market conditions. given the long-term and established nature of many of the group’s products (product lives are often measured in decades), these forecast the next ten years. growth rates for the period not covered by the forecasts are based on a range of growth rates (2.0–2.5 per cent) that reflect the products, industries and countries in which the relevant cgu or group of cgus operate. • the key assumptions for the impairment tests are the discount rate and, in the cash flow projections, the programme assumptions, the growth rates and the impact of foreign exchange rates on the relationship between selling prices and costs. impairment tests are performed using prevailing exchange rates. • the pre-tax cash flow projections have been discounted at 13 per cent (2009 13 per cent), based on the group’s weighted average cost of capital. the principal value in use assumptions for goodwill balances considered to be individually significant are: • Rolls-Royce Deutschland ltd & co Kg – Volume of engine deliveries, flying hours of installed fleet and cost escalation, these are based on current and known future programmes, estimates of customers’ fleet requirements and long-term economic forecasts. the principal foreign exchange exposure is on translating us dollar income into euros. For the purposes of the impairment test only, cash flows beyond the ten-year forecasts are assumed to grow at 2.5 per cent (2009 2.5 per cent). the directors do not consider that any reasonably possible change in the key assumptions would cause the value in use of the goodwill to fall below its carrying value. the overall level of business would need to reduce by more than 45 per cent to cause an impairment of this balance. • Vinters plc – Volume of equipment deliveries, capture of aftermarket and cost escalation, these are based on current and known future programmes, estimates of customers’ fleet requirements and long-term economic forecasts. the principal foreign exchange exposures are on translating income in a variety of non-functional currencies into norwegian Kroner. For the purposes of the impairment test only, cash flows beyond the ten-year forecasts are assumed to grow at two per cent (2009 four per cent). the directors do not consider that any reasonably possible change in the key assumptions would cause the value in use of the goodwill to fall below its carrying value. the overall level of business would need to reduce by more than 80 per cent to cause an impairment of this balance. Other intangible assets certification costs and participation fees, development costs and recoverable engine costs have been reviewed for impairment in accordance with the requirements of iAs 36 Impairment of Assets. Where an impairment test was considered necessary, it has been performed on the following basis: • the carrying values have been assessed by reference to value in use. these have been estimated using cash flows from the most recent forecasts prepared by management, which are consistent with past experience and external sources of information on market conditions over the lives of the respective programmes. • the key assumptions underlying cash flow projections are assumed market share, programme timings, unit cost assumptions, discount rates, and foreign exchange rates. • the pre-tax cash flow projections have been discounted at 11 per cent (2009 11 per cent), based on the group’s weighted average cost of capital. • no impairment is required on this basis. however, a combination of changes in assumptions and adverse movements in variables that are outside the company’s control (discount rate, exchange rate and airframe delays), could result in impairment in future years. i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i 105 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 Notes to the CoNsolidated FiNaNCial statemeNts – CoNtiNued 9 pRopeRty, plAnt AnD equipment Land and buildings £m Plant and equipment £m Aircraft and engines £m In course of construction £m Cost: At January 1, 2009 exchange differences Additions Reclassifications transferred to assets held for sale Disposals/write-offs At January 1, 2010 exchange differences Additions Acquisition of businesses Reclassifications Disposals/write-offs At December 31, 2010 Accumulated depreciation: At January 1, 2009 exchange differences charge for the year 1 impairment transferred to assets held for sale Disposals/write-offs At January 1, 2010 exchange differences charge for the year 1 Disposals/write-offs At December 31, 2010 Net book value: At December 31, 2010 At December 31, 2009 At January 1, 2009 787 (17) 22 30 (12) (4) 806 6 11 17 41 (4) 877 218 (2) 25 4 (12) (2) 231 4 37 (1) 271 606 575 569 2,350 (43) 94 78 – (92) 2,387 16 94 7 108 (74) 2,538 1,308 (25) 156 1 – (82) 1,358 11 190 (62) 1,497 1,041 1,029 1,042 171 (2) 20 5 – (31) 163 – 35 – 5 (14) 189 32 (1) 8 – – (5) 34 – 10 (2) 42 147 129 139 245 (8) 155 (113) – (3) 276 1 221 – (154) (2) 342 – – – – – – – – – – – 342 276 245 1 Depreciation charged during the year is charged to the income statement or included in the cost of inventory as appropriate. Total £m 3,553 (70) 291 – (12) (130) 3,632 23 361 24 – (94) 3,946 1,558 (28) 189 5 (12) (89) 1,623 15 237 (65) 1,810 2,136 2,009 1,995 i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i 106 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 Notes to the CoNsolidated FiNaNCial statemeNts – CoNtiNued 9 pRopeRty, plAnt AnD equipment (continueD) property, plant and equipment includes: net book value of finance leased assets: land and buildings plant and equipment Aircraft and engines Assets held for use in operating leases: cost Depreciation net book value capital expenditure commitments cost of fully depreciated assets 10 inVestments At January 1, 2009 exchange differences Additions taxation paid by the group impairment share of retained profit transferred to other investments share of oci of joint ventures and associates At January 1, 2010 exchange differences Additions taxation paid by the group impairment share of retained profit transferred to subsidiary1 Disposals share of oci of joint ventures and associates At December 31, 2010 1 During the year, the group acquired the 67 per cent of the shares of oDim AsA that it did not already own – see note 24. 107 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 2010 £m 8 5 – 159 (35) 124 215 584 2009 £m 9 6 – 133 (31) 102 146 473 Joint ventures £m 345 (33) 16 2 (1) 18 (4) 20 363 4 16 3 (1) 24 – – (16) 393 Associates £m – 4 71 – – (1) – – 74 2 – – – 1 (77) – – – Equity accounted Total £m 345 (29) 87 2 (1) 17 (4) 20 437 6 16 3 (1) 25 (77) – (16) 393 Other unlisted £m 53 – 2 – (1) – 4 – 58 – 1 – (2) – – (46) – 11 i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i 2010 £m 1,405 1,161 (1,151) (1,022) 393 69 38 (20) (13) 74 (5) (1,043) Associates 2009 £m 15 – (1) – (1) – (1) 2010 £m 2,940 129 (19) (17) 93 (68) 25 Total 2009 £m 1,212 850 (729) (896) 437 (821) Total 2009 £m 2,570 132 (27) (12) 93 (77) 16 Notes to the CoNsolidated FiNaNCial statemeNts – CoNtiNued 10 inVestments (continueD) the summarised aggregated financial information of the group’s share of equity accounted investments is as follows: Joint ventures 2009 £m 2010 £m 2010 £m Associates 2009 £m Assets: non-current assets current assets liabilities: 2 current liabilities non-current liabilities 2 liabilities include borrowings of: Revenue profit before financing and taxation net financing taxation profit for the year recognised in the consolidated income statement Dividends received Retained profit the principal joint ventures are listed on pages 138 to 139. 1,405 1,161 (1,151) (1,022) 393 (1,043) 1,143 812 (709) (883) 363 (816) Joint ventures 2009 £m 2,555 132 (26) (12) 94 (77) 17 2010 £m 2,914 128 (19) (17) 92 (68) 24 – – – – – – 2010 £m 26 1 – – 1 – 1 i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i 108 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 Notes to the CoNsolidated FiNaNCial statemeNts – CoNtiNued 11 inVentoRies Raw materials Work in progress long-term contracts work in progress Finished goods payments on account inventories stated at net realisable value Amount of inventory write-down Reversal of inventory write-down 12 tRADe AnD otheR ReceiVABles trade receivables Amounts recoverable on contracts 1 Amounts owed by joint ventures and associates other receivables prepayments and accrued income Analysed as: Financial instruments (note 16): trade receivables and similar items other non-derivative financial assets non-financial instruments trade and other receivables expected to be recovered in more than one year: trade receivables Amounts recoverable on contracts Amounts owed by joint ventures and associates other receivables prepayments and accrued income 2010 £m 377 943 42 1,024 43 2,429 202 135 2 2010 £m 1,210 1,580 518 449 186 3,943 1,801 419 1,723 3,943 7 1,176 5 56 27 1,271 1 the balance at December 31, 2010 includes an allowance of £55m (2009 £43m), being the directors’ best estimate of the loss that will occur from the group’s contract with epi europrop international gmbh to participate in the development of the tp400 engine for the A400m military transport aircraft. 13 cAsh AnD cAsh equiVAlents cash at bank and in hand short-term deposits overdrafts (note 14) cash and cash equivalents per cash flow statement (page 86) cash held as collateral against third party obligations (see note 22) 109 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 2010 £m 1,647 1,212 2,859 (8) 2,851 68 2009 £m 358 820 61 1,163 30 2,432 138 83 5 2009 £m 1,285 1,524 502 401 165 3,877 1,837 382 1,658 3,877 9 1,178 14 35 30 1,266 2009 £m 1,240 1,722 2,962 (4) 2,958 77 i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i Notes to the CoNsolidated FiNaNCial statemeNts – CoNtiNued 14 BoRRoWings Unsecured overdrafts Bank loans 7 3/8% notes 2016 £200m 5.84% notes 2010 us$187m 1 6.38% notes 2013 us$230m 1 6.55% notes 2015 us$83m 1 4 1/2% notes 2011 €750m 2 6.75% notes 2019 £500m 3 Secured obligations under finance leases: (note 21)4 2010 £m 8 67 – – – – 642 – – 717 Current 2009 £m 4 2 – 120 – – – – – 126 2010 £m – 206 200 – 162 60 – 506 Non-current 2009 £m – 204 200 – 155 57 677 493 2010 £m 8 273 200 – 162 60 642 506 1 1,135 1 1,787 1 1,852 Total 2009 £m 4 206 200 120 155 57 677 493 1 1,913 1 these notes are the subject of interest rate swap agreements under which the group has undertaken to pay floating rates of interest, and currency swaps which form a fair value hedge. 2 these notes are the subject of swap agreements under which counterparties have undertaken to pay amounts at fixed rates of interest and exchange in consideration for amounts payable at variable rates of interest and at fixed exchange rates. 3 these notes are the subject of swap agreements under which counterparties have undertaken to pay amounts at fixed rates of interest in consideration for amounts payable at variable rates of interest . 4 obligations under finance leases are secured by related leased assets. 15 tRADe AnD otheR pAyABles payments received on account1 trade payables Amounts owed to joint ventures and associates other taxation and social security other payables Accruals and deferred income 1 includes payments received on account from joint ventures and associates 2010 £m 1,560 891 267 81 1,294 1,817 5,910 258 Current 2009 £m 1,550 863 276 71 1,086 1,782 5,628 200 2010 £m 475 – 7 – 94 695 1,271 243 Non-current 2009 £m 544 – 2 – 71 528 1,145 259 included within trade and other payables are government grants of £44m (2009 £31m). During the year, £2m (2009 £2m) of government grants were released to the income statement. Analysed as: Financial instruments (note 16): trade payables and similar items other non-derivative financial liabilities non-financial instruments 110 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 2010 £m 2,212 521 4,448 7,181 2009 £m 2,142 381 4,250 6,773 i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i Notes to the CoNsolidated FiNaNCial statemeNts – CoNtiNued 16 FinAnciAl instRuments this note should be read in conjunction with the Finance Director’s review on pages 48 to 55. carrying values and fair values of financial instruments At December 31, 2010 unlisted non-current asset investments trade receivables and similar items other non-derivative financial assets Derivative financial assets short-term investments cash at bank and in hand short-term deposits Borrowings Derivative financial liabilities Financial RRsps c shares trade payables and similar items other non-derivative financial liabilities At December 31, 2009 unlisted non-current asset investments trade receivables and similar items other non-derivative financial assets Derivative financial assets short-term investments cash at bank and in hand short-term deposits Borrowings Derivative financial liabilities Financial RRsps c shares trade payables and similar items other non-derivative financial liabilities Basis for determining fair value Held for trading £m Loans and receivables £m Available for sale £m Notes 10 12 12 13 13 14 15 15 10 12 12 13 13 14 15 15 A B B c B B B D c D B B B A B B c B B B D c D B B B – – – 621 – – – – – – – – – 621 – – – 717 – – – – – – – – – 717 11 1,801 419 – 328 – 1,212 – – – – – – 3,771 58 1,837 382 – – – 1,722 – – – – – – 3,999 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – 2 – – – – – – – – 2 Assets Cash £m – – – – – 1,647 – – – – – – – 1,647 – – – – – 1,240 – – – – – – – 1,240 Held for trading £m Liabilities Amortised cost £m – – – – – – – – (761) – – – – (761) – – – – – – – – (673) – – – – (673) – – – – – – – (1,852) – (266) (23) (2,212) (521) (4,874) – – – – – – – (1,913) – (363) (13) (2,142) (381) (4,812) Total £m 11 1,801 419 621 328 1,647 1,212 (1,852) (761) (266) (23) (2,212) (521) 404 58 1,837 382 717 2 1,240 1,722 (1,913) (673) (363) (13) (2,142) (381) 473 Fair values equate to book values for both 2010 and 2009, with the following exceptions: Borrowings Financial RRsps Book value £m (1,852) (266) 2010 Fair value £m (1,963) (296) Book value £m (1,913) (363) 2009 Fair value £m (2,012) (390) the fair value of a financial instrument is the price at which an asset could be exchanged, or a liability settled, between knowledgeable, willing parties in an arm’s-length transaction. Fair values have been determined with reference to available market information at the balance sheet date, using the methodologies described below. A these primarily comprise floating rate convertible loan stock. the conversion conditions are such that fair value approximates to the book value. B Fair values are assumed to approximate to cost either due to the short-term maturity of the instruments or because the interest rate of the investments is reset after periods not exceeding six months. c Fair values of derivative financial assets and liabilities are estimated by discounting expected future contractual cash flows using prevailing interest rate curves. Amounts denominated in foreign currencies are valued at the exchange rate prevailing at the balance sheet date. these financial instruments are included on the balance sheet at fair value, derived from observable market prices (level 2 as defined by iFRs 7 Financial Instruments: Disclosures). D Borrowing and financial RRsps are carried at amortised cost. Fair values are estimated by discounting expected future contractual cash flows using prevailing interest rate curves. Amounts denominated in foreign currencies are valued at the exchange rate prevailing at the balance sheet date. For financial RRsps, the contractual cash flows are based on future trading activity, which is estimated based on latest forecasts. 111 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i Notes to the CoNsolidated FiNaNCial statemeNts – CoNtiNued 16 FinAnciAl instRuments (continueD) Carrying values of other financial assets and liabilities At December 31, 2010 non-current assets current assets current liabilities non-current liabilities At December 31, 2009 non-current assets current assets current liabilities non-current liabilities Foreign exchange contracts £m 317 98 (38) (713) (336) 429 72 (56) (589) (144) Commodity contracts £m Interest rate contracts £m Total derivatives £m Financial RRSPs £m C Shares £m 18 10 (5) (2) 21 11 4 (12) (14) (11) 36 142 – (3) 175 197 4 – (2) 199 371 250 (43) (718) (140) 637 80 (68) (605) 44 – – (39) (227) (266) – – (100) (263) (363) – – (23) – (23) – – (13) – (13) Total £m 371 250 (105) (945) (429) 637 80 (181) (868) (332) Foreign exchange and commodity financial instruments the group uses various financial instruments to manage its exposure to movements in foreign exchange rates. the group uses commodity swaps to manage its exposure to movements in the price of commodities (jet fuel and base metals). the group does not include foreign exchange or commodity financial instruments in any cash flow hedging relationships for accounting purposes. to hedge the currency risk associated with a borrowing denominated in us dollars, the group has currency derivatives designated as part of fair value hedges. the fair values of foreign exchange and commodity instruments were as follows: At January 1, 2009 movements in fair value hedges 1,2 movements in net investment hedges movements in other derivative contracts 1 contracts settled At January 1, 2010 movements in fair value hedges 1,2 movements in other derivative contracts contracts settled 3 At December 31, 2010 1 included in financing. 2 loss on related hedged items £7m (2009 £33m gain). 3 includes settlement of contracts held in fair value hedge relationships of £10m (2009 nil). Foreign exchange instruments £m (2,181) (33) (14) 1,783 301 (144) 7 (370) 171 (336) Commodity instruments £m (89) – – 52 26 (11) – 29 3 21 i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i 112 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 Notes to the CoNsolidated FiNaNCial statemeNts – CoNtiNued 16 FinAnciAl instRuments (continueD) Interest rate financial instruments the group uses interest rate swaps, forward rate agreements and interest rate caps to manage its exposure to movements in interest rates. the fair values of interest rate financial instruments were as follows: At January 1, 2009 movements in fair values 1,2 At January 1, 2010 movements in fair values 1,2 contracts settled At December 31, 2010 1 included in financing. 2 gain on related hedged items £21m (2009 £77m gain). Included in fair value hedging relationships £m 278 (77) 201 (21) (2) 178 Total £m 274 (75) 199 (22) (2) 175 Other interest rate financial instruments £m (4) 2 (2) (1) – (3) Financial risk and revenue sharing partnerships (RRSPs) the group has financial liabilities arising from financial RRsps. these financial liabilities are valued at each reporting date using the amortised cost method. this involves calculating the present value of the forecast cash flows of the arrangements using the internal rate of return at the inception of the arrangements as the discount rate. the amortised cost values of financial RRsps were as follows: At January 1 cash paid to partners Additions exchange adjustments included in oci Financing charge 1 excluded from underlying profit: exchange adjustments 1 Restructuring of financial RRsp agreements and changes in forecast payments 1 At December 31 1 included in financing, excluding nil (2009 £1m) of finance charge capitalised in intangible assets. 2010 £m (363) 114 – 2 (13) (6) – (266) 2009 £m (455) 55 (15) 6 (26) 45 27 (363) Risk management policies and hedging activities the principal financial risks to which the group is exposed are: foreign currency exchange rate risk; liquidity risk; credit risk; interest rate risk; and commodity price risk. the Board has approved policies for the management of these risks. Foreign currency exchange rate risk – the group has significant cash flows (most significantly us dollars, followed by the euro) denominated in currencies other than the functional currency of the relevant trading entity. to manage its exposures to changes in values of future foreign currency cash flows, so as to maintain relatively stable long-term foreign exchange rates on settled transactions, the group enters into derivative forward foreign currency transactions. For accounting purposes, these derivative contracts are not designated as hedging instruments. the group also has exposures to the fair values of non-derivative financial instruments denominated in foreign currencies. to manage the risk of changes in these fair values, the group enters into derivative forward foreign exchange contracts, which are designated as fair value hedges for accounting purposes. the group regards its interests in overseas subsidiary companies as long-term investments. the group aims to match its translational exposures by matching the currencies of assets and liabilities. Where appropriate, foreign currency financial liabilities may be designated as hedges of the net investment. i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i 113 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 Notes to the CoNsolidated FiNaNCial statemeNts – CoNtiNued 16 FinAnciAl instRuments (continueD) liquidity risk – the group’s policy is to hold financial investments and maintain undrawn committed facilities at a level sufficient to ensure that the group has available funds to meet its medium-term capital and funding obligations and to meet any unforeseen obligations and opportunities. the group holds cash and short-term investments, which together with the undrawn committed facilities, enable the group to manage its liquidity risk. the profile of the maturity of the group’s committed facilities is shown in the Finance Director’s review. credit risk – the group is exposed to credit risk to the extent of non-payment by either its customers or the counterparties of its financial instruments. the effective monitoring and controlling of credit risk is a key component of the group’s risk management activities. the group has credit policies covering both trading and financial exposures. credit risks arising from treasury activities are managed by a central treasury function in accordance with the group credit policy. the objective of the policy is to diversify and minimise the group’s exposure to credit risk from its treasury activities by ensuring the group transacts strictly with ‘BBB+’ or higher rated financial institutions based on pre-established limits per financial institution. At the balance sheet date, there were no significant concentrations of credit risk to individual customers or counterparties. the maximum exposure to credit risk at the balance sheet date is represented by the carrying value of each financial asset, including derivative financial instruments. interest rate risk – the group’s interest rate risk is primarily in relation to its fixed rate borrowings (fair value risk), floating rate borrowings, cash and cash equivalents (cash flow risk). interest rate derivatives are used to manage the overall interest rate profile within the group policy, which is to maintain a higher proportion of net debt at floating rates of interest as a natural hedge to the net cash position. these are designated as either fair value or cash flow hedges as appropriate. commodity risk – the group has exposures to the price of jet fuel and base metals arising from business operations. to minimise its cash flow exposures to changes in commodity prices, the group enters into derivative commodity transactions. For accounting purposes, these derivative contracts are not designated as hedging instruments. other price risk – the group’s cash equivalent balances represent investments in money market instruments, with a term of up to three months. the group does not consider that these are subject to significant price risk. Derivative financial instruments the nominal amounts, analysed by year of expected maturity, and fair values of derivative financial instruments are as follows: At December 31, 2010 Foreign exchange contracts: Fair value hedges non-hedge accounted interest rate contracts: Fair value hedges non-hedge accounted commodity contracts: non-hedge accounted At December 31, 2009 Foreign exchange contracts: Fair value hedges non-hedge accounted interest rate contracts: Fair value hedges non-hedge accounted commodity contracts: non-hedge accounted Nominal amount £m Within one year £m Between one and two years £m Between two and five years £m After five years £m Assets £m Liabilities £m Expected maturity Fair value 175 15,561 1,200 46 138 17,120 280 14,203 809 35 169 15,496 – 3,806 500 – 60 4,366 106 3,544 116 20 62 3,848 – 3,285 – – 43 3,328 – 3,184 500 – 59 3,743 175 7,427 200 46 35 7,883 128 6,573 142 – 48 6,891 – 1,043 500 – – 1,543 46 902 51 15 – 1,014 20 395 178 – 28 621 23 478 201 – 15 717 – (751) – (3) (7) (761) – (645) – (2) (26) (673) As described above, all derivative financial instruments are entered into for risk management purposes, although these may not be designated as hedging relationships for accounting purposes. 114 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i Notes to the CoNsolidated FiNaNCial statemeNts – CoNtiNued 16 FinAnciAl instRuments (continueD) Derivative financial instruments related to foreign exchange risks are denominated in the following currencies: At December 31, 2010 currencies sold forward: sterling us dollar euro other At December 31, 2009 currencies sold forward: sterling us dollar euro other Sterling £m US dollar £m – 13,195 – 76 – 11,508 – 54 175 – – 35 280 – – 116 Euro £m – 1,161 – 106 – 1,094 – 129 other derivative financial instruments are denominated in the following currencies: sterling us dollar euro other Currencies purchased forward Total £m Other £m 35 642 285 26 77 810 371 44 2010 £m 514 337 500 33 210 14,998 285 243 357 13,412 371 343 2009 £m 15 498 500 – i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i 115 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 Notes to the CoNsolidated FiNaNCial statemeNts – CoNtiNued 16 FinAnciAl instRuments (continueD) Non-derivative financial instruments non-derivative financial instruments are denominated in the following currencies: Sterling £m US dollar £m 1 312 155 325 446 853 2,092 (972) – (23) (1,040) (211) (2,246) (154) 49 242 130 – 490 1,517 2,428 (893) – (13) (886) (187) (1,979) 449 – 1,120 46 – 614 20 1,800 (222) (208) – (705) (166) (1,301) 499 – 1,175 54 – 366 1 1,596 (332) (303) – (811) (86) (1,532) 64 Euro £m 4 210 40 – 156 317 727 (656) (58) – (219) (35) (968) (241) 4 225 40 – 129 192 590 (683) (60) – (221) (23) (987) (397) Other £m Total £m 6 159 178 3 431 22 799 (2) – – (248) (109) (359) 440 5 195 158 2 255 12 627 (5) – – (224) (85) (314) 313 11 1,801 419 328 1,647 1,212 5,418 (1,852) (266) (23) (2,212) (521) (4,874) 544 58 1,837 382 2 1,240 1,722 5,241 (1,913) (363) (13) (2,142) (381) (4,812) 429 At December 31, 2010 Assets unlisted non-current investments trade receivables and similar items other non-derivative financial assets short-term investments cash at bank and in hand short-term deposits Liabilities Borrowings Financial RRsps c shares trade payables and similar items other non-derivative financial liabilities At December 31, 2009 Assets unlisted non-current investments trade receivables and similar items other non-derivative financial assets short-term investments cash at bank and in hand short-term deposits Liabilities Borrowings Financial RRsps c shares trade payables and similar items other non-derivative financial liabilities i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i 116 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 Notes to the CoNsolidated FiNaNCial statemeNts – CoNtiNued 16 FinAnciAl instRuments (continueD) Currency exposures the group’s actual currency exposures after taking account of derivative foreign currency contracts, which are not designated as hedging instruments for accounting purposes are as follows: Sterling £m US dollar £m Euro £m Other £m Total £m – 1 – 1 – 9 – 3 – (1) – 2 – 4 1 (1) – 1 – (6) (1) 1 16 (1) 2 (2) 4 4 Up to three months overdue £m Between three months and one year overdue £m More than one year overdue £m Within terms £m 11 1,505 396 621 328 1,647 1,212 5,720 58 1,509 363 717 2 1,240 1,722 5,611 – 180 19 – – – – 199 – 237 14 – – – – 251 – 86 1 – – – – 87 – 67 3 – – – – 70 – 30 3 – – – – 33 – 24 2 – – – – 26 5 16 (2) 4 – 7 7 Total £m 11 1,801 419 621 328 1,647 1,212 6,039 58 1,837 382 717 2 1,240 1,722 5,958 i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i Functional currency of Group operation At December 31, 2010 sterling us dollar euro other At December 31, 2009 sterling us dollar other Ageing beyond contractual due date the ageing beyond contractual due date of the group’s financial assets is: At December 31, 2010 unlisted non-current asset investments trade receivables and similar items other non-derivative financial assets Derivative financial assets short-term investments cash at bank and in hand short-term deposits At December 31, 2009 unlisted non-current asset investments trade receivables and similar items other non-derivative financial assets Derivative financial assets short-term investments cash at bank and in hand short-term deposits 117 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 Notes to the CoNsolidated FiNaNCial statemeNts – CoNtiNued 16 FinAnciAl instRuments (continueD) Contractual maturity analysis At December 31, 2010 Borrowings Derivative financial liabilities Financial RRsps c shares trade payables and similar items other non-derivative financial liabilities At December 31, 2009 Borrowings Derivative financial liabilities Financial RRsps c shares trade payables and similar items other non-derivative financial liabilities Within one year £m (812) (43) (47) (23) (2,199) (516) (3,640) (112) (66) (118) (13) (2,139) (377) (2,825) Between one and two years £m (68) (110) (39) – (7) (3) (227) (903) (55) (45) – (2) (2) (1,007) Between two and five years £m (575) (525) (110) – (4) (1) (1,215) (366) (424) (109) – (1) (1) (901) Gross values After five years £m Discounting £m (887) (8) (152) – (2) (1) (1,050) (1,183) (113) (179) – – (1) (1,476) 490 (75) 82 – – – 497 651 (15) 88 – – – 724 Carrying value £m (1,852) (761) (266) (23) (2,212) (521) (5,635) (1,913) (673) (363) (13) (2,142) (381) (5,485) Interest rate risk in respect of income earning financial assets and interest bearing financial liabilities, the following table indicates their effective interest rates and the periods in which they reprice. the value shown is the carrying amount. Effective interest rate % 1.1654% gBp liBoR + 0.7 euRiBoR + 0.5 11.2467% 7.2237% gBp liBoR + 0.267 7.3750% 6.3800% usD liBoR + 1.26 6.5500% usD liBoR + 1.24 4.5000% gBp liBoR + 0.911 6.7500% gBp liBoR + 2.98 Total £m 328 1,647 1,212 (66) (5) (8) (1) (1) (200) (200) (162) – (60) – (642) – (506) – (66) (5) (8) (1) 12 (200) – – (162) – (60) (642) – – (506) 5.0000% (1) 1,335 – 1,548 6 months or less £m 327 1,647 1,212 6-12 months £m 1 – – 2010 Period in which interest rate reprices More than 5 years £m – – – 2-5 years £m – – – 1-2 years £m – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – 1 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – (13) – – (162) 162 (60) 60 – – – – – (13) – – – – – – (200) – – – – – – (506) 506 (1) (201) short-term investments 1 cash at bank and in hand 2 short-term deposits 3 Unsecured bank loans £66m floating rate loan €5m floating rate loan overdrafts 4 75m indian Rupee Fixed Rate loan interest rate swaps £200m floating rate loan Unsecured bond issues 73/8% notes 2016 £200m 6.38% notes 2013 us$230m effect of interest rate swaps 6.55% notes 2015 us$83m effect of interest rate swaps 41/2% notes 2011 €750m effect of interest rate swaps 6.75% notes 2019 £500m effect of interest rate swaps Other secured obligations under finance leases 118 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i Notes to the CoNsolidated FiNaNCial statemeNts – CoNtiNued 16 FinAnciAl instRuments (continueD) short-term investments 1 cash at bank and in hand 2 short-term deposits 3 Unsecured bank loans €2.5m floating rate loan €5m floating rate loan overdrafts 4 75m indian Rupee Fixed Rate loan interest rate swaps £200m floating rate loan Unsecured bond issues 73/8% notes 2016 £200m 5.84% notes 2010 us$187m effect of interest rate swaps 6.38% notes 2013 us$230m effect of interest rate swaps 6.55% notes 2015 us$83m effect of interest rate swaps 41/2% notes 2011 €750m effect of interest rate swaps 6.75% notes 2019 £500m Other secured obligations under finance leases effective interest rate % 8.6744% euRiBoR + 1.2 euRiBoR + 0.5 9.8167% 6.1814% gBp liBoR + 0.267 7.3750% 5.8400% usD liBoR + 1.159 6.3800% usD liBoR + 1.26 6.5500% usD liBoR + 1.24 4.5000% gBp liBoR + 0.911 6.7500% total £m 2 1,240 1,722 (1) (4) (4) (1) – (200) (200) (120) – (155) – (57) – (677) – (493) 6 months or less £m 2 1,240 1,722 6-12 months £m – – – 2009 period in which interest rate reprices more than 5 years £m - – – 2-5 years £m – – – 1-2 years £m – – – (1) (4) (4) (1) 15 (200) – – (120) – (155) – (57) – (677) – – – – – – – – (120) 120 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – (677) 677 – – – – – – – – – – – – (155) 155 – – – – – – – – – – – (15) – (200) – – – – (57) 57 – – (493) (1) (709) 5.0000% (1) 1,051 – 1,760 1 interest on the short-term investments are at fixed rates. 2 cash at bank and in hand comprises bank balances and demand deposits and earns interest at rates based on daily bank deposit rates. 3 short-term deposits are deposits placed on money markets for periods up to three months and earn interest at the respective short-term deposit rates. 4 overdrafts bear interest at rates linked to applicable liBoR rates that fluctuate in accordance with local practice. some of the group’s borrowings are subject to the group meeting certain obligations, including customary financial covenants. if the group fails to meet its obligations these arrangements give rights to the lenders, upon agreement, to accelerate repayment of the facilities. there are no rating triggers contained in any of the group’s facilities that could require the group to accelerate or repay any facility for a given movement in the group’s credit rating. in addition, the group has undrawn committed borrowing facilities available as follows: expiring in one to two years expiring after two years 2010 £m 250 200 450 2009 £m – 450 450 119 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i Notes to the CoNsolidated FiNaNCial statemeNts – CoNtiNued 16 FinAnciAl instRuments (continueD) Sensitivity analysis the group is exposed to a number of foreign currencies. the most significant transactional currency exposures are us dollar with sterling and us dollar with euro. At December 31, 2010 if sterling had weakened ten per cent against the us dollar with all other variables held constant, profit after tax for the year and equity would have been £989m lower (2009 £864m). if sterling had strengthened ten per cent against the us dollar with all other variables held constant, profit after tax for the year and equity would have been £809m higher (2009 £707m). there would have been no change to the underlying results that exclude unrealised gains and losses on foreign exchange derivatives. At December 31, 2010 if the euro had weakened ten per cent against the us dollar with all other variables held constant, profit after tax and equity for the year would have been £82m lower (2009 £88m). if the euro had strengthened ten per cent against the us dollar with all other variables held constant, profit after tax for the year and equity would have been £66m higher (2009 £72m). there would have been no change to the underlying results that exclude unrealised gains and losses on foreign exchange derivatives. At December 31, 2010 if the price of commodities had been ten per cent lower, with all other variables remaining constant, profit after tax for the year and equity would have been £11m lower (2009 £11m), arising mainly as the result of lower fair value gains on derivative contracts. if the price of commodities had been ten per cent higher, with all other variables remaining constant, profit after tax and equity would have been £11m higher (2009 £11m), arising mainly as the result of higher fair value gains on derivative contracts. there would have been no change to the underlying results that exclude unrealised gains and losses on commodity derivatives. At December 31, 2010 the group had no material sensitivity to changes in interest rates on that date. the main interest rate sensitivity for the group arises as a result of the gross up of net cash and this is mitigated as described under the interest rate risk management policies on page 53. C Shares and payments to shareholders the company issues non-cumulative redeemable preference shares (c shares) as an alternative to paying a cash dividend. c shares in respect of a year are issued in the following year. shareholders are able to redeem any number of their c shares for cash. Any c shares retained attract a dividend of 75 per cent of liBoR on the 0.1p nominal value of each share, paid on a twice-yearly basis, and have limited voting rights. in certain circumstances the company has the option to compulsorily redeem the c shares, at any time, if the aggregate number of c shares in issue is less than ten per cent of the aggregate number of c shares issued, or on the acquisition or capital restructuring of the company. movements in the c shares during the year were as follows: Issued and fully paid At January 1 issued to equity shareholders Redeemed At December 31 2010 Nominal value £m 13 278 (267) 23 Millions 12,577 278,115 (267,312) 23,380 2009 nominal value £m – 264 (251) 13 millions – 263,776 (251,199) 12,577 payments to shareholders in respect of the year represent the value of c shares to be issued in respect of the results for the year. As noted on page 56, the company intends to introduce a new holding company in 2011 and the c shares in respect of the final payment for 2010 will be issued by the new holding company. issues of c shares were declared as follows: Pence per share 6.4 9.6 16.0 2010 £m 119 180 299 pence per share 6.0 9.0 15.0 2009 £m 111 167 278 interim (issued in January) Final (issued in July) 120 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i Notes to the CoNsolidated FiNaNCial statemeNts – CoNtiNued 17 pRoVisions FoR liABilities AnD chARges Warranty and guarantees contract loss Restructuring customer financing insurance other Analysed as: current liabilities non-current liabilities At January 1, 2010 £m 224 58 8 71 45 36 442 Exchange differences £m 3 1 – – – 1 5 Acquisitions/ disposals of businesses £m 2 – – – – – 2 Unused amounts reversed £m (5) (6) (2) – – (4) (17) Charged to income statement £m 107 31 14 16 14 3 185 At December 31, 2010 £m 298 72 14 78 55 27 544 2009 £m 210 232 442 Utilised £m (33) (12) (6) (9) (4) (9) (73) 2010 £m 276 268 544 provisions for warranties and guarantees primarily relate to products sold and generally cover a period of up to three years. provisions for contract loss and restructuring are generally expected to be utilised within two years. customer financing provisions cover guarantees provided for asset value and/or financing. these guarantees are considered to be insurance contracts in nature and provision is made in accordance with iFRs 4 Insurance Contracts and iAs 37 Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets. these guarantees, the risks arising and the process used to assess the extent of the risk are described under the heading ‘sales financing’ in the Finance Director’s review on page 54. the related contingent liabilities arising from these guarantees and the sensitivity to movements in the value of the underlying security are discussed in note 22. it is estimated that the provision will be utilised as follows: potential claims with specific claim dates: in one year or less in more than one year but less than five years in more than five years potential claims that may arise at any time up to the date of expiry of the guarantee: up to one year up to five years thereafter 2010 £m 8 47 6 9 5 3 78 2009 £m 3 20 21 19 4 4 71 the group’s captive insurance company retains a portion of the exposures it insures on behalf of the remainder of the group. significant delays occur in the notification and settlement of claims and judgement is involved in assessing outstanding liabilities, the ultimate cost and timing of which cannot be known with certainty at the balance sheet date. the insurance provisions are based on information currently available, however it is inherent in the nature of the business that ultimate liabilities may vary. provisions for outstanding claims are established to cover the outstanding expected liability as well as claims incurred but not yet reported. other provisions comprise a number of liabilities with varying expected utilisation rates. i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i 121 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 Notes to the CoNsolidated FiNaNCial statemeNts – CoNtiNued 18 post-RetiRement BeneFits the group operates a number of defined benefit and defined contribution schemes. For the uK defined benefit schemes, the assets are held in separate trustee administered funds and employees are entitled to retirement benefits based on either their final or career average salaries and length of service. overseas defined benefit schemes are a mixture of funded and unfunded plans. Additionally in the us, and to a lesser extent in some other countries, the group’s employment practices include the provision of healthcare and life insurance benefits for retired employees. these schemes are unfunded. the valuations of the defined benefit schemes are based on the most recent funding valuations, updated by the scheme actuaries to December 31, 2010. the most recent funding valuations of the main uK schemes were: Scheme Rolls-Royce pension Fund Rolls-Royce group pension scheme (provisional) Vickers group pension scheme (provisional) Amounts recognised in the income statement Defined benefit schemes: current service cost past service cost curtailment Defined contribution schemes operating cost Financing in respect of defined benefit schemes: expected return on assets interest on liabilities total income statement charge the operating cost is charged as follows: cost of sales commercial and administrative costs Research and development Valuation date march 31, 2009 April 5, 2010 march 31, 2010 uK schemes £m overseas schemes £m UK schemes £m Overseas schemes £m 118 – – 118 11 129 (374) 375 1 130 34 1 (6) 29 32 61 (26) 56 30 91 2010 Total £m 152 1 (6) 147 43 190 (400) 431 31 221 94 2 – 96 8 104 (285) 355 70 174 Defined benefit 2009 £m 94 26 9 129 2010 £m 106 31 10 147 Defined contribution 2009 2010 £m £m 27 31 7 9 3 3 37 43 29 4 – 33 29 62 (20) 47 27 89 2010 £m 137 40 13 190 2009 total £m 123 6 – 129 37 166 (305) 402 97 263 Total 2009 £m 121 33 12 166 the group operates a paysave scheme in the uK. this is a salary sacrifice scheme under which employees elect to stop making employee contributions and the group makes additional contributions in return for a reduction in gross contractual pay. As a result, there is a decrease in wages and salaries and a corresponding increase in pension costs of £35m (2009 £36m) in the year. Amounts recognised in other comprehensive income Actuarial gain/(loss) on scheme assets experience losses on scheme liabilities movement in unrecognised surplus movement in minimum funding liability 122 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 2010 £m 460 (303) (300) 49 (94) 2009 £m (270) (878) 707 40 (401) i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i Notes to the CoNsolidated FiNaNCial statemeNts – CoNtiNued 18 post-RetiRement BeneFits (continueD) Defined benefit schemes Assumptions the principal actuarial assumptions used at the balance sheet date were as follows: Rate of increase in salaries Rate of increase of pensions in payment 1 Discount rate expected rate of return on scheme assets inflation assumption UK schemes % 4.7 3.0 5.5 5.0 3.6 2010 Overseas schemes % 3.9 1.7 5.4 7.2 2.5 uK schemes % 4.7 3.3 5.7 5.4 3.6 2009 overseas schemes % 4.0 2.2 5.9 7.4 2.6 1 Benefits from uK schemes accruing after April 5, 2005 are assumed to increase in payment at a rate of 1.9 per cent. the discount rates are determined by reference to the market yields on ‘AA’ rated corporate bonds. For the main uK schemes, the rate is determined by using the profile of forecast benefit payments to derive a weighted average discount rate from the yield curve. For less significant uK schemes and overseas schemes, the rate is determined as the market yield at the average duration of the forecast benefit payments. the discount rates above are the weighted average of those for each scheme, based on the value of their respective liabilities. the assumptions have not been adjusted to reflect the uK government’s announcement in 2010 to change the basis for the indexation of occupational pension schemes from the Retail prices index to the consumer price index. the overall expected rate of return is calculated by weighting the individual returns expected from each asset class (see below) in accordance with the actual asset balance in the schemes’ investment portfolios. the mortality assumptions adopted for the uK pension schemes are derived from the sAp actuarial tables, with 80 per cent of long cohort and an underpin of one per cent, published by the institute of Actuaries, projected forward and, where appropriate, adjusted to take account of the relevant scheme’s actual experience. the resulting life expectancies in the principal uK schemes are as follows: Life expectancy from age 65 current pensioner Future pensioner currently aged 45 22.4 years 24.2 years other demographic assumptions have been set on advice from the relevant actuary, having regard to the latest trends in scheme experience and other relevant data. the assumptions are reviewed and updated as necessary as part of the periodic actuarial valuation of the schemes. Assumptions in respect of overseas schemes are also set in accordance with advice from local actuaries. the future costs of healthcare benefits are based on an assumed healthcare costs trend rate of 8.4 per cent, grading down to 5.0 per cent over five years. Amounts recognised in the balance sheet present value of funded obligations Fair value of scheme assets present value of unfunded obligations unrecognised surplus 1 minimum funding liability 2 net liability recognised in the balance sheet Analysed as: post-retirement scheme surpluses post-retirement scheme deficits UK schemes £m (7,039) 7,783 744 – (628) (336) (220) 164 (384) (220) Overseas schemes £m (484) 434 (50) (579) (7) – (636) – (636) (636) 2010 Total £m (7,523) 8,217 694 (579) (635) (336) (856) 164 (1,020) (856) uK schemes £m (6,714) 7,048 334 – (329) (385) (380) 75 (455) (380) overseas schemes £m (406) 354 (52) (417) (6) – (475) – (475) (475) 2009 total £m (7,120) 7,402 282 (417) (335) (385) (855) 75 (930) (855) 1 Where a surplus has arisen on a scheme, in accordance with iAs 19 and iFRic 14, the surplus is recognised as an asset only if it represents an unconditional economic benefit available to the group in the future. Any surplus in excess of this benefit is not recognised in the balance sheet. 2 A minimum funding liability arises where the statutory funding requirements require future contributions in respect of past service that will result in a future unrecognisable surplus. 123 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i Notes to the CoNsolidated FiNaNCial statemeNts – CoNtiNued 18 post-RetiRement BeneFits (continueD) Changes in present value of defined benefit obligations At January 1 exchange differences current service cost past service cost Finance cost contributions by employees Benefits paid out Actuarial losses curtailment At December 31 Funded schemes unfunded schemes Changes in fair value of scheme assets At January 1 exchange differences expected return on assets contributions by employer contributions by employees Benefits paid out Actuarial gains/(losses) At December 31 Actual return on scheme assets UK schemes £m (6,714) – (118) – (375) (3) 313 (142) – (7,039) (7,039) – UK schemes £m 7,048 – 374 227 3 (313) 444 7,783 818 Overseas schemes £m (823) (27) (34) (1) (56) (2) 35 (161) 6 (1,063) (484) (579) Overseas schemes £m 354 16 26 55 2 (35) 16 434 42 2010 Total £m (7,537) (27) (152) (1) (431) (5) 348 (303) 6 (8,102) (7,523) (579) 2010 Total £m 7,402 16 400 282 5 (348) 460 8,217 860 uK schemes £m (5,719) – (94) (2) (355) (3) 324 (865) – (6,714) (6,714) – uK schemes £m 7,163 – 285 232 3 (324) (311) 7,048 (26) overseas schemes £m (827) 67 (29) (4) (47) (3) 33 (13) – (823) (406) (417) overseas schemes £m 283 (16) 20 56 3 (33) 41 354 61 the fair value of the scheme assets in the schemes and the expected rates of return at December 31, were as follows: 2010 UK schemes: lDi portfolios 1 equities sovereign debt corporate bonds other Overseas schemes: equities corporate bonds other Expected rate of return % 4.5 7.5 4.2 5.2 4.2 5.0 9.3 4.5 6.9 7.2 Market value £m 6,383 1,204 23 22 151 7,783 237 170 27 434 expected rate of return % 5.0 7.8 4.5 5.5 4.6 5.4 9.3 4.7 6.5 7.4 2009 total £m (6,546) 67 (123) (6) (402) (6) 357 (878) – (7,537) (7,120) (417) 2009 total £m 7,446 (16) 305 288 6 (357) (270) 7,402 35 2009 market value £m 5,736 1,107 18 8 179 7,048 194 136 24 354 1 A portfolio of gilt and swap contracts, backed by liBoR generating assets, that is designed to hedge the majority of the interest rate and inflation risks associated with the schemes’ obligations. the scheme assets do not include any of the group’s own financial instruments, nor any property occupied by, or other assets used by, the group. the expected rate of return for lDi portfolios is determined by the implicit yield on the portfolio at the balance sheet date. 124 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i Notes to the CoNsolidated FiNaNCial statemeNts – CoNtiNued 18 post-RetiRement BeneFits (continueD) the expected rates of return on other individual categories of scheme assets are determined by reference to gilt yields. in the uK, equities and corporate bonds are assumed to generate returns that exceed the return from gilts by 3.25 per cent and 1.0 per cent per annum respectively. the expected rates of return above are the weighted average of the rates for each scheme. Future contributions the group expects to contribute approximately £300m to its defined benefit schemes in 2011. Sensitivities the revised investment strategies are designed to hedge the risks from interest rates and inflation on an economic basis. A reduction of 0.25 per cent in the discount rate would increase the obligations of the principal uK defined benefit schemes by approximately £259m. An equivalent movement in interest rates would increase the fair value of the assets by approximately £343m. the difference arises largely due to differences in the methods used to value the obligations for accounting and economic purposes. on an economic basis the correlation is in excess of 90 per cent. the principal remaining risks relate to the assumptions for mortality and increases in salaries. if the age ratings in respect of the principal uK defined benefit schemes were increased by one year, the scheme liabilities would increase by £119m. if the rate of increase in salaries were 0.5 per cent higher, scheme liabilities would increase by £132m. the defined benefit obligation relating to post-retirement medical benefits would increase by £72m if the healthcare trend rate increases by one per cent, and reduce by £58m if it decreases by one per cent. the pension expense relating to post-retirement medical benefits, comprising service cost and interest cost, would increase by £7m if the healthcare trend increases by one per cent, and reduce by £5m if it decreases by one per cent. History of defined benefit schemes the history of the schemes for the current and prior years is as follows: Balance sheet present value of defined benefit obligations Fair value of scheme assets unrecognised surpluses minimum funding liabilities Deficit Experience gains/(losses) Actuarial gain/(losses) on scheme assets experience (losses)/gains on scheme liabilities movement in unrecognised surpluses Recognition of minimum funding liability on January 1, 2008 movement in minimum funding liabilities total amount recognised in oci cumulative amounts recognised in oci since January 1, 2004 2010 £m (8,102) 8,217 (635) (336) (856) 460 (303) (300) – 49 (94) (192) 2009 £m (7,537) 7,402 (335) (385) (855) (270) (878) 707 – 40 (401) (98) 2008 £m (6,546) 7,446 (1,042) (425) (567) 178 766 (928) (491) 66 (409) 303 2007 £m (6,912) 6,903 (114) – (123) 161 350 (112) – – 399 712 2006 £m (6,899) 5,906 (2) – (995) 132 470 – – – 602 313 i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i 125 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 Notes to the CoNsolidated FiNaNCial statemeNts – CoNtiNued 19 shARe cApitAl Issued and fully paid At January 1, 2009 proceeds from shares issued for share option schemes At January 1, 2010 proceeds from shares issued for share option schemes At December 31, 2010 the rights attaching to each class of share are set out on page 78 and 79. Non-equity Nominal value £m – – – – – Ordinary shares of 20p each Millions 1,844 10 1,854 18 1,872 Special Share of £1 1 – 1 – 1 Equity Nominal value £m 369 2 371 3 374 in accordance with iAs 32 Financial Instruments: Presentation, the company’s non-cumulative redeemable preference shares (c shares) are classified as financial liabilities. Accordingly, movements in c shares are included in note 16. 20 shARe-BAseD pAyments Effect of share-based payment transactions on the Group’s results and financial position total expense recognised for equity-settled share-based payment transactions total expense recognised for cash-settled share-based payment transactions share-based payment expense recognised in the consolidated income statement liability for cash-settled share-based payment expense Share-based payment plans in operation during the year 2010 £m 47 3 50 5 2009 £m 30 1 31 2 Performance Share Plan (PSP) this plan involves the award of shares to participants subject to performance conditions. Vesting of the performance shares is based on the achievement of both non-market based conditions (eps and cash flow per share) and a market-based performance condition (total shareholder Return – tsR) over a three-year period. ShareSave share option plan (ShareSave) Based on a three- or five-year monthly savings contract, eligible employees are granted share options with an exercise price of up to 20 per cent below the share price when the contract is entered into. Vesting of the options is not subject to the achievement of a performance target. in the uK, the plan is hm Revenue & customs approved. overseas, employees in 33 countries participate in cash-settled sharesave plans through arrangements which provide broadly comparable benefits to the uK plan. Executive Share Option Plan (ESOP) this plan involved the grant of market value share options to participants. it terminated in 2009 and no further grants may be made. Remaining options under the plan are subject to a non-market based performance condition (growth in eps) and have a maximum contractual life of ten years. Annual Performance Related Award (APRA) plan deferred shares A proportion of the ApRA annual incentive scheme is delivered in the form of a deferred share award. the release of deferred share awards is not dependent on the achievement of any further performance conditions, other than that participants remain employed by the group for two years from the date of the award in order to retain the full number of shares. During the two-year deferral period, participants are entitled to receive dividends, or equivalent, on the deferred shares. Further information regarding the operation of the plans can be found on pages 68 to 70 of the Directors’ remuneration report. i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i 126 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 Notes to the CoNsolidated FiNaNCial statemeNts – CoNtiNued 20 shARe-BAseD pAyments (continueD) Movements in the Group’s share-based payment plans during the year outstanding at January 1, 2009 granted Additional shares accrued from reinvestment of c shares Forfeited exercised outstanding at December 31, 2009 exercisable at December 31, 2009 Outstanding at January 1, 2010 granted Additional entitlements arising from tsR performance Additional shares accrued from reinvestment of c shares Forfeited exercised Outstanding at December 31, 2010 Exercisable at December 31, 2010 ShareSave Weighted average exercise price Pence 303 387 – 352 192 384 – 384 – – – 395 366 384 – Number Millions 29.7 11.9 – (2.3) (11.9) 27.4 – 27.4 – – – (0.8) (0.1) 26.5 – ESOP Weighted average exercise price Pence 177 – – 209 213 154 154 154 – – – – 190 125 125 Number Millions 2.1 – – (0.2) (0.7) 1.2 1.2 1.2 – – – – (0.5) 0.7 0.7 PSP APRA Number Millions 13.2 10.1 – (0.7) (4.2) 18.4 – 18.4 5.5 0.6 – (0.4) (4.6) 19.5 – Number Millions 2.8 2.3 0.1 (0.1) (1.7) 3.4 – 3.4 1.1 – 0.1 (0.1) (1.4) 3.1 – As share options are exercised throughout the year, the weighted average share price during the year of 579p (2009 386p) is representative of the weighted average share price at the date of exercise. the closing share price at December 31, 2010 was 623p, (2009 483.5p). the average remaining contractual life of exercisable options is 1.7 years (2009 2.1 years). Share options outstanding exercise price (pence) At December 31, 2010 0 – 99 100 – 199 200 – 299 300 – 399 400 – 499 At December 31, 2009 0 – 99 100 – 199 200 – 299 300 – 399 400 – 499 ShareSave Weighted average remaining contractual life Years ESOP Weighted average remaining contractual life Years Number Millions – – 0.1 3.2 1.3 2.0 – – 1.1 4.2 2.3 2.9 0.4 0.1 0.2 – – 0.7 0.5 0.2 0.5 – – 1.2 2.2 1.2 0.3 – – 1.7 3.2 1.7 1.2 – – 2.1 Number Millions – – 4.5 11.6 10.4 26.5 – – 4.6 11.9 10.9 27.4 Total Weighted average remaining contractual life Years 2.2 1.2 0.1 3.2 1.3 1.9 3.2 1.7 1.1 4.2 2.3 2.9 Number Millions 0.4 0.1 4.7 11.6 10.4 27.2 0.5 0.2 5.1 11.9 10.9 28.6 the range of exercise prices of options outstanding at December 31, 2010 was between 77p and 416p (2009 77p and 416p). For sharesave it was between 298p and 416p (2009 298p and 416p) and for esop it was between 77p and 218p (2009 77p and 218p). under the terms of the Rolls-Royce 1999 executive share option plan, options granted to 30 directors and senior executives were outstanding at December 31, 2010. 127 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i Notes to the CoNsolidated FiNaNCial statemeNts – CoNtiNued 20 shARe-BAseD pAyments (continueD) Fair values of share-based payment plans the weighted average fair value per share of equity-settled share-based payment plans granted during the year, estimated at the date of grant, are as follows: psp – 25% tsR uplift psp – 50% tsR uplift sharesave – 3 year grant sharesave – 5 year grant ApRA in estimating these fair values, the following assumptions were used: Weighted average share price exercise price expected dividends expected volatility correlation expected life – psp expected life – 3 year sharesave expected life – 5 year sharesave Risk free interest rate 2010 586p 654p n/a n/a 537p PSP 2009 260p n/a 14.7p 32% 35% 3 years n/a n/a 1.9% 2009 253p 282p 144p 167p 290p ShareSave 2009 462p 387p 14.3p 36% n/a n/a 3.3 – 3.8 years 5.3 – 5.8 years 2.4% 2010 545p n/a 14.6p 33% 35% 3 years n/a n/a 1.9% expected volatility is based on the historical volatility of the company’s share price over the seven years prior to the grant or award date. expected dividends are based on the company’s payments to shareholders in respect of the previous year. PSP the fair value of shares awarded under the psp is calculated using a pricing model that takes account of the non-entitlement to dividends (or equivalent) during the vesting period and the market-based performance condition, based on expectations about volatility and the correlation of, share price returns in the group of Ftse 100 companies which incorporates into the valuation the interdependency between share price performance and tsR vesting. this adjustment increases the fair value of the award relative to the share price at the date of grant. ShareSave the fair value of the options granted under the sharesave plan is calculated using a binomial pricing model that assumes participants will exercise their options at the beginning of the six-month window if the share price is greater than the exercise price. otherwise it assumes that options are held until the expiration of their contractual term. this results in an expected life that falls somewhere between the start and end of the exercise window. APRA the fair value of shares awarded under ApRA is calculated as the share price on the date of the award, excluding expected dividends. i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i 128 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 Notes to the CoNsolidated FiNaNCial statemeNts – CoNtiNued 21 opeRAting AnD FinAnce leAses Operating leases leases as lessee Rentals paid – hire of plant and machinery – hire of other assets non-cancellable operating lease rentals are payable as follows: Within one year Between one and five years After five years leases as lessor Rentals received – credited within revenue from aftermarket services non-cancellable operating lease rentals are receivable as follows: Within one year Between one and five years After five years 2010 £m 82 20 92 265 215 572 2010 £m 29 3 10 3 16 2009 £m 68 24 82 182 123 387 2009 £m 22 5 11 5 21 the group acts as lessee and lessor for both land and buildings and gas turbine engines, and acts as lessee for some plant and equipment. • sublease payments of £23m (2009 £18m) and sublease receipts of £11m (2009 £11m) were recognised in the income statement in the year. • purchase options exist on aero engines, land and buildings and plant and equipment, with the period to the purchase option date varying between one to five years. • Renewal options exist on aero engines, land and buildings and plant and equipment, with the period to the renewal option varying between one to 21 years, at terms to be negotiated upon renewal. • escalation clauses exist on some leases and are linked to liBoR. • the total future minimum sublease payments expected to be made is £18m (2009 £14m) and sublease receipts expected to be received is £3m (2009 £4m). Finance leases Finance lease liabilities are payable as follows: Between one and five years Payments £m 1 Interest £m – 2010 Principal £m 1 payments £m 1 interest £m – 2009 principal £m 1 there were no contingent rents recognised as an expense in the year or prior year and there are no minimum sublease receipts under non-cancellable subleases (2009 £4m). i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i 129 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 Notes to the CoNsolidated FiNaNCial statemeNts – CoNtiNued 22 contingent liABilities AnD contingent Assets in connection with the sale of its products the group will, on some occasions, provide financing support for its customers. the group’s contingent liabilities relating to financing arrangements are spread over many years and relate to a number of customers and a broad product portfolio. contingent liabilities are disclosed on a discounted basis. As the directors consider the likelihood of these contingent liabilities crystallising to be remote, this amount does not represent a value that is expected to crystallise. however, the amounts are discounted at the group’s borrowing rate to reflect better the time span over which these exposures could arise. the contingent liabilities are denominated in us dollars. As the group does not adopt cash flow hedge accounting for forecast foreign exchange transactions, this amount is reported, together with the sterling equivalent at the reporting date spot rate. the discounted values of contingent liabilities relating to delivered aircraft and other arrangements where financing is in place, less insurance arrangements and relevant provisions, were: Gross contingent liabilities contingent liabilities net of relevant security 1 contingent liabilities net of relevant security reduced by 20% 2 1 security includes unrestricted cash collateral of: £m 633 121 200 68 2010 $m 991 190 314 106 £m 704 134 233 77 2009 $m 1,137 217 376 124 2 Although sensitivity calculations are complex, the reduction of relevant security by 20 per cent illustrates the sensitivity of the contingent liability to changes in this assumption. there are also net contingent liabilities in respect of undelivered aircraft, but it is not considered practicable to estimate these as deliveries can be many years in the future, and the relevant financing will only be put in place at the appropriate time. contingent liabilities exist in respect of guarantees provided by the group in the ordinary course of business for product delivery, performance and reliability. the group has, in the normal course of business, entered into arrangements in respect of export finance, performance bonds, countertrade obligations and minor miscellaneous items. Various group undertakings are parties to legal actions and claims which arise in the ordinary course of business, some of which are for substantial amounts. these include claims, which are yet to be substantiated, received by epi europrop international gmbh (epi) in which the group is a partner, which is developing the tp400 engine for the Airbus A400m aircraft. As a consequence of the insolvency of an insurer, as previously reported, the group is no longer fully insured against known and potential claims from employees who worked for certain of the group’s uK based businesses for a period prior to the acquisition of those businesses by the group. While the outcome of some of these matters cannot be precisely foreseen, the directors do not expect any of these arrangements, legal actions or claims, after allowing for provisions already made, to result in significant loss to the group. in 2010, the launch nations reconfirmed their commitment to the A400m programme; however, the launch nations and Airbus remain in final negotiations to modify the existing agreement. epi and Airbus are simultaneously in negotiations to modify their agreement in support of the A400m. the timing and outcome of these negotiations, and their possible impact on epi and the group, therefore remain uncertain. in the event that the programme were cancelled, at December 31, 2010, the group’s balance sheet did not include any net assets that would require impairment (2009 £17m). As noted on page 81 of the business review, Rolls-Royce has commenced an action in respect of its swept fan blade patent. subsequent proceedings have commenced against Rolls-Royce alleging patent infringement. it is not possible, at this stage, to estimate the amount of any damages which might be awarded in favour of, or against, Rolls-Royce. i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i 130 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 Notes to the CoNsolidated FiNaNCial statemeNts – CoNtiNued 23 RelAteD pARty tRAnsActions sales of goods and services to joint ventures and associates purchases of goods and services from joint ventures and associates operating lease payments to joint ventures and associates guarantees of joint ventures’ and associates’ borrowings Dividends received from joint ventures and associates RRsp receipts from joint ventures and associates other income received from joint ventures and associates 2010 £m 2,681 (2,163) (58) 43 68 12 79 2009 £m 2,136 (1,900) (45) 15 77 7 52 the aggregated balances with joint ventures are shown in notes 12 and 15. transactions with group pension schemes are shown in note 18. in the course of normal operations, related party transactions entered into by the group have been contracted on an arms-length basis. Key management personnel are deemed to be the directors and the members of the group executive, as set out on pages 56 to 58. Remuneration for key management personnel is shown below: salaries and short-term benefits post-retirement schemes share-based payments 2010 £m 13 2 8 23 2009 £m 11 2 4 17 more detailed information regarding the directors’ remuneration, shareholdings, pension entitlements, share options and other long-term incentive plans is shown in the Directors’ remuneration report on pages 67 to 77. i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i 131 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 Notes to the CoNsolidated FiNaNCial statemeNts – CoNtiNued 24 Acquisitions AnD DisposAls on April 7, 2010, the group acquired 67 per cent of the issued share capital, of oDim AsA (oDim). together with the 33 per cent of the issued share capital already held, this gave Rolls-Royce control of 100 per cent of oDim. oDim is a norwegian marine technology company which develops and sells advanced automated handling systems for seismic and offshore vessels. oDim’s technology and unique subsea and deepwater capability complement the group’s existing activities. integrating oDim’s innovative technology and highly skilled people into the group will optimise the group’s offering and provide the global customer base with a wider range of products and services in this important market segment. Recognised amounts of identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed intangible assets – software and other property, plant and equipment inventories trade and other receivables cash and cash equivalents trade and other payables current tax liabilities Borrowings Deferred tax liabilities provisions Total identifiable assets and liabilities goodwill arising Total consideration Satisfied by: cash consideration existing 33 per cent shareholding Net cash outflow arising on acquisition: cash consideration less: cash and cash equivalents acquired cash outflow per cash flow statement Identifiable intangible assets comprise: technology, patents and licenses customer relationships other ODIM £m 96 24 16 57 12 (46) (3) (1) (32) (2) 121 115 236 159 77 236 Other £m – – – – – – – – – – – 3 3 3 – 3 Total £m 96 24 16 57 12 (46) (3) (1) (32) (2) 121 118 239 162 77 239 162 (12) 150 45 46 5 96 the fair value of the group’s 33 per cent interest in oDim before the acquisition was £77m. the group recognised a gain of £3m as a result of remeasuring this interest, which is included in the share of results of joint ventures and associates in the consolidated income statement for the year ended December 31, 2010. the goodwill arising on the acquisition of oDim amounting to £115m (which is not tax-deductible) consists of anticipated synergies and the assembled workforce. the synergies principally arise from: • increases in revenue from the combination of the routes to market; and • cost savings from the combination of the supply chain and central functions. the gross contractual value of trade and other receivables acquired is £58m. At the acquisition date, it is estimated that contractual cash flows of £1m will not be collected. Acquisition related costs (included in commercial and administrative costs) in the consolidated income statement for the year ended December 31, 2010, amounted to £2m. 132 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i Notes to the CoNsolidated FiNaNCial statemeNts – CoNtiNued 24 Acquisitions AnD DisposAls (continueD) the acquisition of the controlling interest in oDim contributed £205m of revenue and a £16m loss before tax (including amortisation of intangible assets arising on acquisition) to the group’s results for the period between the date of acquisition and December 31, 2010. if the acquisition of oDim had been completed on January 1, 2010, the group’s revenues and profit before tax would have been £11,132m and £696m respectively. During the year the group disposed of its interests in a number of small businesses, as summarised below: inventories provisions for liabilities and charges net assets profit on disposal of businesses proceeds deferred at December 31, 2010 Disposal proceeds Receipt of proceeds deferred at December 31, 2009 cash inflow per cash flow statement 133 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 Total £m 4 (4) – 4 (4) – 2 2 i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i company Financial statements COMPANY BAlANCe SheeT AT DeCeMBer 31, 2010 Fixed assets Investments – subsidiary undertakings Current assets Amounts owed by subsidiary undertakings due within one year Cash at bank Creditors – amounts falling due within one year Financial liabilities Bank loans Amounts owed to subsidiary undertakings due within one year Net current assets Total assets less current liabilities Net assets Capital and reserves Called-up share capital Share premium account Capital redemption reserves Other reserve Own shares reserve Profit and loss account Total shareholders’ funds Notes 2010 £m 2009 £m 2 3 4 5 5 5 5 5 2,274 2,261 250 1 251 (23) (67) – (90) 161 2,435 2,435 374 133 986 144 (126) 924 2,435 – 2 2 (13) - (71) (84) (82) 2,179 2,179 371 98 968 108 (27) 661 2,179 The financial statements on pages 134 to 136 were approved by the Board on February 9, 2011 and signed on its behalf by: Sir Simon Robertson Chairman Andrew Shilston Finance Director reCONCIlIATION OF MOveMeNTS IN ShArehOlDerS’ FuNDS FOr The YeAr eNDeD DeCeMBer 31, 2010 At January 1 Profit for the year Proceeds from shares issued for share option schemes Issue of C Shares Ordinary shares purchased Share-based payments – direct to reserves At December 31 134 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 2010 £m 2,179 549 67 (277) (124) 41 2,435 2009 £m 2,397 – 18 (263) (17) 44 2,179 i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i notes to the company Financial statements NOTeS TO The COMPANY FINANCIAl STATeMeNTS 1 ACCOuNTINg POlICIeS Basis of accounting The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with applicable uK Accounting Standards on the historical cost basis. As permitted by section 408 of the Companies Act 2006, a separate profit and loss account for the Company has not been included in these financial statements. As permitted by the audit fee disclosure regulations, disclosure of non-audit fees information is not included in respect of the Company. As permitted by FrS 1 Cash flow statements, no cash flow statement for the Company has been included. As permitted by FrS 8 Related party disclosures, no related party disclosures in respect of transactions between the Company and its wholly owned subsidiaries have been included. Investments in subsidiary undertakings Investments in subsidiary undertakings are reported at cost less any amounts written off. Share-based payments As described in the Directors’ remuneration report on pages 67 to 77, the Company grants awards of its own shares to employees of its subsidiary undertakings, (see note 20 of the consolidated financial statements). The costs of share-based payments in respect of these awards are accounted for, by the Company, as an additional investment in its subsidiary undertakings. The costs are determined in accordance with FrS 20 Share-based payment. Any payments made by the subsidiary undertakings in respect of these arrangements are treated as a return of this investment. Own shares for settlement of share-based payment plans Where the Company acquires its own shares for the purpose of satisfying share-based payment plans, the cost in excess of any exercise price payable by the plan participants is written off to the profit and loss reserve. Current assets Amounts are recognised at the lower of cost and net realisable value. Financial instruments In accordance with FrS 25 Financial instruments: Presentation, the Company’s C Shares are classified as financial liabilities and held at amortised cost from the date of issue until redeemed. Taxation Provision for taxation is made at the current rate and, in accordance with FrS 19 Deferred tax, for deferred taxation at the projected rate on timing differences that have originated, but not reversed at the balance sheet date. 2 INveSTMeNTS – SuBSIDIArY uNDerTAKINgS Cost: At January 1, 2010 Cost of share-based payments in respect of employees of subsidiary undertakings less receipts from subsidiaries in respect of those payments At December 31, 2010 3 FINANCIAl lIABIlITIeS C Shares Movements in C Shares during the year were as follows: Issued and fully paid At January 1, 2010 Shares issued Shares redeemed At December 31, 2010 The rights attaching to C Shares are set out on page 78. 135 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 C Shares of 0.1p Millions 12,577 278,115 (267,312) 23,380 £m 2,261 13 2,274 Nominal value £m 13 278 (267) 23 i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i notes to the company Financial statements – continued 4 ShAre CAPITAl Issued and fully paid At January 1, 2010 Proceeds from shares issued for share option schemes At December 31, 2010 The rights attaching to each class of share are set out on page 78. Non-equity Nominal value £m – – – Ordinary shares of 20p each Millions 1,854 18 1,872 Equity Nominal value £m 371 3 374 Special Share of £1 1 – 1 In accordance with FrS 25 Financial instruments: Presentation, the Company’s non-cumulative redeemable preference shares (C Shares) are classified as financial liabilities. Accordingly, movements in C Shares are included in note 3. 5 MOveMeNTS IN CAPITAl AND reServeS At January 1, 2010 Profit for the year Proceeds from shares issued for share option schemes Issue of C Shares4 redemption of C Shares Ordinary shares purchased Ordinary shares vesting in share-based payment plans Share-based payments – direct to reserves At December 31, 2010 Non-distributable reserves Share capital £m 371 – 3 – – – – – 374 Share premium £m 98 – 64 (29) – – – – 133 Capital redemption reserves1 £m 968 – – (249) 267 – – – 986 Other reserve2 £m 108 – – – – – – 36 144 Own shares reserve3 £m (27) – – – – (124) 25 – (126) Profit and loss account £m 661 549 – 1 (267) – (25) 5 924 Total £m 2,179 549 67 (277) – (124) – 41 2,435 1 Capital redemption reserves comprised £986m (2009 £719m) of capital redemption reserve (arising on the redemption of B and C Shares) and nil (2009 £249m) of capital reserve (which arose on the conversion of B shares). 2 The ‘Other reserve’ represents the value of share-based payments in respect of employees of subsidiary undertakings for which payment has not been received. 3 At December 31, 2010, 28,320,962 shares (2009 7,156,197) with a net book value of £126m (2009 £27m) were held. 4 C Shares issued during the year were paid up out of the capital reserve and out of the share premium arising on the issue of ordinary shares. 6 CONTINgeNT lIABIlITIeS Where the Company enters into financial guarantee contracts to guarantee the indebtedness of other companies within its group, the Company considers these to be insurance arrangements, and accounts for them as such. In this respect, the Company treats the guarantee contract as a contingent liability until such time as it becomes probable that the Company will be required to make a payment under the guarantee. At December 31, 2010, these guarantees amounted to £1,809m (2009 £1,876m). 7 OTher INFOrMATION Emoluments of directors The remuneration of the directors of the Company is shown in the Directors’ remuneration report on pages 67 to 77. Employees The Company had no employees in 2010 and 2009. Share-based payments Shares in the Company have been granted to employees of the group as part of share-based payment plans, and are charged in the employing company. 136 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i other matters PrINCIPAl SuBSIDIArY uNDerTAKINgS AT DeCeMBer 31, 2010 INCOrPOrATeD WIThIN The uK – helD BY rOllS-rOYCe grOuP plc rolls-royce plc Principal trading company INCOrPOrATeD WIThIN The uK – INDIreCTlY helD Optimized Systems and Solutions limited rolls-royce Fuel Cell Systems limited rolls-royce International limited rolls-royce leasing limited rolls-royce Marine electrical Systems limited rolls-royce Marine Power Operations limited rolls-royce Power Development limited rolls-royce Power engineering plc rolls-royce Total Care Services limited Tidal generation limited equipment health management and advanced data management services Development of fuel cell systems International support and commercial information services engine leasing Marine electrical systems Nuclear submarine propulsion systems generation of electricity from independent power projects energy and marine systems Aero engine aftermarket support services Development of tidal generation systems The above companies operate principally in the uK and the effective group interest is 100 per cent, other than rolls-royce Fuel Cell Systems limited in which it is 80 per cent. INCOrPOrATeD OverSeAS – INDIreCTlY helD Brazil rolls-royce Brasil limitada Canada China Finland France France germany guernsey India India Italy Norway Norway Singapore Sweden uS uS uS uS uS uS uS uS uS uS rolls-royce Canada limited rolls-royce Marine (Shanghai) limited rolls-royce OY AB rolls-royce Civil Nuclear SAS rolls-royce Technical Support SArl rolls-royce Deutschland ltd & Co Kg Nightingale Insurance limited rolls-royce India Private limited rolls-royce Operations (India) Private limited europea Microfusioni Aerospaziali S.p.A. rolls-royce Marine AS Scandinavian electric holding AS rolls-royce Singapore Pte limited rolls-royce AB Data Systems & Solutions llC Optimized Systems and Solutions Inc. rolls-royce Commercial Marine Inc. rolls-royce Corporation rolls-royce Crosspointe llC rolls-royce energy Systems Inc. rolls-royce engine Services – Oakland Inc. rolls-royce Defense Services Inc. rolls-royce Naval Marine Inc. Seaworthy Systems Inc. Industrial gas turbines and aero engine repair and overhaul, energy and marine aftermarket support services Industrial gas turbines and aero engine sales, service and overhaul Manufacture and supply of marine equipment Manufacture of marine winches and propeller systems Instrumentation and control systems and life-cycle management for nuclear power plants Aero engine project support Aero engine design, development and manufacture Insurance services Diesel engine project management and customer support engineering support services Manufacture of gas turbine engine castings Design and manufacture of ship equipment Marine electrical systems Aero engine parts manufacturing and engine assembly, energy and marine aftermarket support services Manufacture of marine propeller systems Instrumentation and control systems and life-cycle management for nuclear power plants equipment health management and advanced data management services Marine aftermarket support services Design, development and manufacture of gas turbine engines Manufacturing facility for aero engine parts energy turbine generator packages Aero engine repair and overhaul Aero engine repair and overhaul Design and manufacture of marine equipment Marine support services The above companies operate principally in the country of their incorporation. The effective group interest is 100 per cent. A list of all subsidiary undertakings will be included in the Company’s annual return to Companies house. 137 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i % of class held 20 22 100 – 100 – } } 100 } – 50 – 100 – 100 100 – – 100 – 100 40 37.5 } } } } } } % of total equity held 20 22 50 51 50 50 50 50 50 49.5 50 40 other matters PrINCIPAl JOINT veNTureS AT DeCeMBer 31, 2010 JOINT veNTureS INCOrPOrATeD WIThIN The uK – INDIreCTlY helD Airtanker holdings limited Strategic tanker aircraft PFI project Airtanker Services limited Provision of aftermarket services for strategic tanker aircraft Alpha Partners leasing limited Aero engine leasing Composite Technology & Applications limited Development of aero engine fan blades genistics holdings limited Trailer-mounted field mobile generator sets rolls-royce goodrich engine Control Systems limited Development and manufacture of aero engine controls rolls-royce Snecma limited (uK & France) Aero engine collaboration rolls-royce Turbomeca limited (uK & France) Aero engine collaboration rolls Wood group (repair and Overhauls) limited Industrial gas turbine repair and overhaul TrT limited Aero engine turbine blade repair services Turbine Surface Technologies limited Aero engine turbine surface coatings Turbo-union limited (uK, germany & Italy) rB199 engine collaboration Class Ordinary Ordinary A Ordinary B Ordinary A Ordinary B Ordinary A Ordinary B Ordinary Ordinary A Shares B Shares A Shares B Shares A Ordinary B Ordinary A Ordinary B Ordinary A Ordinary B Ordinary Ordinary A Shares i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i 138 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 other matters PrINCIPAl JOINT veNTureS AT DeCeMBer 31, 2010 JOINT veNTureS INCOrPOrATeD OverSeAS – INDIreCTlY helD China germany germany germany germany hong Kong India Israel Malaysia Singapore Singapore Spain Switzerland uS uS uS uS uS Xian Xr Aero Components Co limited Manufacturing facility for aero engine parts ePI europrop International gmbh (effective interest 35.5%) A400M engine collaboration eurOJeT Turbo gmbh (uK, germany, Italy & Spain) (effective interest 39%) eJ200 engine collaboration MTu, Turbomeca, rolls-royce gmbh (uK, France & germany) MTr390 engine collaboration N3 engine Overhaul Services verwaltungsgesellschaft mbh Aero engine repair and overhaul hong Kong Aero engine Services limited Aero engine repair and overhaul International Aerospace Manufacturing Private limited Manufacture of compressor shrouds, compressor rings, turbine blades and nozzel guide vanes Techjet Aerofoils limited Manufacture of compressor aerofoils for gas turbines Advanced gas Turbine Solutions Sdn Bhd Industrial gas turbine aftermarket services International engine Component Overhaul Pte limited Aero engine repair and overhaul Singapore Aero engine Services Private limited (effective interest 39%) Aero engine repair and overhaul Industria de Turbo Propulsores SA Aero engine component manufacture and maintenance IAe International Aero engines Ag (uK, germany, Japan & uS) v2500 engine collaboration Alpha leasing (uS) llC, Alpha leasing (uS) (No.2) llC, Alpha leasing (uS) (No.4) llC, Alpha leasing (uS) (No.5) llC, Alpha leasing (uS) (No.6) llC, Alpha leasing (uS) (No.7) llC rolls-royce & Partners Finance (uS) llC, rolls-royce & Partners Finance (uS) (No.2) llC Aero engine leasing exostar llC Business to business internet exchange ge rolls-royce Fighter engine Team llC F136 development engine for the Joint Strike Fighter Texas Aero engine Services, llC Aero engine repair and overhaul Williams-rolls Inc. (uK & uS) Small aero engine collaboration Class Ordinary Ordinary Ordinary Ordinary Ordinary Ordinary Ordinary A Ordinary B Ordinary Ordinary Ordinary Ordinary Ordinary A Shares B Shares C Shares D Shares Partnerships Partnership Partnership Partnership Common uNINCOrPOrATeD OverSeAS – helD BY SuBSIDIArY uNDerTAKINg light helicopter Turbine engine Company (lhTeC) uS rolls-royce Corporation has a 50 per cent interest in this unincorporated partnership which was formed to develop and market jointly the T800 engine The countries of principal operations are stated in brackets after the name of the company, if not the country of incorporation. 139 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 % of class held % of total equity held 49 28 33 49 28 33 33.3 33.3 } 50 45 50 50 50 49 50 30 46.9 100 – – – 50 17.6 40 50 15 50 45 50 50 49 50 30 46.9 32.5 – – – – 15 i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i other matters INDePeNDeNT AuDITOr’S rePOrT TO The MeMBerS OF rOllS-rOYCe grOuP plc We have audited the financial statements of rolls-royce group plc for the year ended December 31, 2010, set out on pages 84 to 139. The financial reporting framework that has been applied in the preparation of the group financial statements is applicable law and International Financial reporting Standards (IFrSs) as adopted by the eu. The financial reporting framework that has been applied in the preparation of the parent company financial statements is applicable law and uK Accounting Standards (uK generally Accepted Accounting Practice). This report is made solely to the Company’s members, as a body, in accordance with Chapter 3 of Part 16 of the Companies Act 2006. Our audit work has been undertaken so that we might state to the Company’s members those matters we are required to state to them in an auditors’ report and for no other purpose. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than the Company and the Company’s members, as a body, for our audit work, for this report, or for the opinions we have formed. Respective responsibilities of directors and auditors As explained more fully in the Directors’ responsibilities statement set out on page 81, the directors are responsible for the preparation of the financial statements and for being satisfied that they give a true and fair view. Our responsibility is to audit, and express an opinion on, the financial statements in accordance with applicable law and International Standards on Auditing (uK and Ireland). Those standards require us to comply with the Auditing Practices Board’s (APB’s) ethical Standards for Auditors. Scope of the audit of the financial statements A description of the scope of an audit of financial statements is provided on the APB’s website at Opinion on financial statements In our opinion: • the financial statements give a true and fair view of the state of the group’s and of the parent company’s affairs as at December 31, 2010 and of the group’s profit for the year then ended; • the group financial statements have been properly prepared in accordance with IFrSs as adopted by the eu; • the parent company financial statements have been properly prepared in accordance with uK generally Accepted Accounting Practice; • the financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Companies Act 2006; and, as regards the group financial statements, Article 4 of the IAS regulation. Opinion on other matters prescribed by the Companies Act 2006 In our opinion: • the part of the Directors’ remuneration report to be audited has been properly prepared in accordance with the Companies Act 2006; and • the information given in the Directors’ report for the financial year for which the financial statements are prepared is consistent with the financial statements. Matters on which we are required to report by exception We have nothing to report in respect of the following: under the Companies Act 2006 we are required to report to you if, in our opinion: • adequate accounting records have not been kept by the parent company, or returns adequate for our audit have not been received from branches not visited by us; or • the parent company financial statements and the part of the Directors’ remuneration report to be audited are not in agreement with the accounting records and returns; or • certain disclosures of directors’ remuneration specified by law are not made; or • we have not received all the information and explanations we require for our audit. under the listing rules we are required to review: • the directors’ statement, set out on page 81 in relation to going concern; • the part of the corporate governance statement on page 56 relating to the Company’s compliance with the nine provisions of the June 2008 Combined Code specified for our review; and • certain elements of the Directors’ remuneration report. A J Sykes (Senior Statutory Auditor) for and on behalf of KPMg Audit Plc, Statutory Auditor Chartered Accountants 15 Canada Square london e14 5gl February 9, 2011 140 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i other matters grOuP FIve-YeAr revIeW FOr The YeArS eNDeD DeCeMBer 31 Income statement Revenue Profit before net research and development and share of results of joint ventures and associates research and development (net) 1 Share of results of joint ventures and associates Profit before financing Net financing Profit/(loss) before taxation 2 Taxation Profit/(loss) for the year Attributable to: Ordinary shareholders Non-controlling interests Profit/(loss) for the year 1 research and development (gross) 2 underlying profit before taxation Earnings per ordinary share: underlying Basic 2010 £m 11,085 2009 £m 10,414 1,463 (422) 93 1,134 (432) 702 (159) 543 539 4 543 (923) 955 1,458 (379) 93 1,172 1,785 2,957 (740) 2,217 2,221 (4) 2,217 (864) 915 2008 £m 9,082 1,191 (403) 74 862 (2,754) (1,892) 547 (1,345) (1,340) (5) (1,345) (885) 880 2007 £m 7,435 827 (381) 66 512 221 733 (133) 600 606 (6) 600 (824) 800 2006 £m 7,156 1,016 (370) 47 693 698 1,391 (397) 994 998 (4) 994 (747) 705 38.73p 29.20p 39.67p 120.38p 36.70p (73.63p) 34.06p 33.67p 29.81p 57.32p Payments to shareholders per ordinary share 16.0p 15.0p 14.3p 13.0p 9.59p 2010 £m 16,234 (12,255) 3,979 2009 £m 15,422 (11,640) 3,782 2008 £m 15,348 (13,123) 2,225 374 3,601 3,975 4 3,979 2010 £m 1,378 (759) (743) (124) 1,533 371 3,411 3,782 – 3,782 2009 £m 859 (606) 384 637 1,275 369 1,847 2,216 9 2,225 2008 £m 1,015 (645) (221) 149 1,458 2007 £m 11,459 (7,910) 3,549 364 2,815 3,179 12 3,191 2007 £m 705 (572) (473) (340) 888 2006 £m 10,798 (8,073) 2,725 356 2,362 2,718 7 2,725 2006 £m 1,072 (469) (122) 481 826 Balance Sheet Assets liabilities Called-up share capital reserves equity attributable to ordinary shareholders Non-controlling interests Cash flow Cash inflow from operating activities Cash outflow from investing activities Cash (outflow)/inflow from financing activities (Decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents Net funds 141 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i other matters ShArehOlDer INFOrMATION Financial calendar 2011–2012 ex entitlement to C Shares record date for entitlement to C Shares AgM, Queen elizabeth II Conference Centre, london record date for dividend payable on C Shares Deadline for receipt of C Share elections Allotment of C Shares Payment of C Share redemption monies Purchase of ordinary shares for CrIP participants Announcement of interim results ex entitlement to C Shares record date for entitlement to C Shares Deadline for receipt of C Share elections 2011 Financial year end Allotment of C Shares Payment of C Share redemption monies Purchase of ordinary shares for CrIP participants Preliminary announcement – 2011 full year results 2011 Annual report published April 20, 2011 April 26, 2011 11.00am May 6, 2011 June 3, 2011 5.00pm June 6, 2011 July 1, 2011 July 5, 2011 By July 12, 2011 July 28, 2011 October 26, 2011 October 28, 2011 5.00pm December 5, 2011 December 31, 2011 January 3, 2012 January 5, 2012 By January 13, 2012 February, 2012 March, 2012 On February 10, 2011 the Company announced its intention to establish a new, non-trading, holding company, by way of a scheme of arrangement (Scheme). If shareholder approval is given at the Company’s AgM and subsequent Court meeting, the Scheme will come into effect on May 23, 2011 and new share certificates will be dispatched on May 31, 2011. The Company will continue to make payment to shareholders in the form of C Shares. Registrar Our registrar is Computershare Investor Services PlC. When making contact with the registrar please quote your Shareholder reference Number (SrN). This is a 10-digit number, which usually starts with the letter ‘C’ and which can be found on the right hand side of your share certificate. You can speak to a member of the registrar’s rolls-royce team by calling +44 (0)870 703 0162 between 8.30am and 5.30pm Monday to Friday or you can write to them at Computershare Investor Services PlC, The Pavilions, Bridgwater road, Bristol, BS13 8Ae. Information available on the internet. You can access copies of the Annual report, Company announcements and much more at You can also visit our registrar’s website at to: • view your account balance, values and history; • view your payment history; • update a record of your bank details; • register to receive electronic shareholder communications; • download forms; • deal in rolls-royce shares online; • vote online for forthcoming general meetings; • view your holdings in all companies registered with Computershare and create a portfolio; and • track the market value of your portfolio. i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i 142 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 other matters ShArehOlDer INFOrMATION (CONTINueD) ShareGift The Orr Mackintosh Foundation operates a charity donation scheme for shareholders with small numbers of shares which may be uneconomic to sell. Details of the scheme are available from Sharegift at or you can write to Orr Mackintosh Foundation, 17 Carlton house Terrace, london, SW1Y 5Ah (telephone +44 (0)20 7930 3737). Warning to shareholders We are aware that some shareholders have received unsolicited phone calls or correspondence concerning investment matters. These are typically from overseas based ‘brokers’ who target uK shareholders, offering to sell them what often turn out to be worthless or high risk shares in uS or uK investments. Such operations are commonly known as ‘boiler rooms’. These ‘brokers’ can be very persistent and extremely persuasive and a 2006 survey by the Financial Services Authority (FSA) has reported that the average amount lost by each investor is around £20,000. Shareholders are advised to be very wary of any unsolicited advice, offers to buy shares at a discount or offers of free company reports. If you receive any unsolicited investment advice: • make sure you get the correct name of the person and organisation; • check that they are properly authorised by the FSA before getting involved by visiting; • report the matter to the FSA. For uK callers telephone 0845 606 1234 and for overseas callers telephone +44 20 7066 1000 or visit; and • if the calls persist, hang up. If you deal with an unauthorised firm, you will not be eligible to receive payment under the Financial Services Compensation Scheme. i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i Share dealing service Our registrar offers both internet and telephone dealing services. You can deal over the telephone or the internet from 8.00am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday excluding Bank holidays. real-time trading is available on the internet during market hours and there is no need to open a trading account in order to deal. The fee for the service is 0.5 per cent of the value of each sale or purchase of shares subject to a minimum fee of £15. The maximum value of shares you can trade using the internet is £25,000 for purchases and £50,000 for sales. Please note that the internet dealing service is only available to existing shareholders at The fee for the Telephone Share Dealing Service is one per cent of the value of the transaction subject to a minimum fee of £25. If you would like to use this service please call +44 (0)870 703 0084. Stamp duty of 0.5 per cent is also payable on all purchases. Before selling your shares, via either internet or telephone dealing, you must ensure that you have a valid share certificate. If you are unsure as to the validity of your share certificate you should contact the registrar. Share price You can obtain the current market price of the Company’s shares on our website at or the london Stock exchange website at American Depositary Receipts Programme (ADR) rolls-royce ordinary shares are traded in the uS in the form of a sponsored ADr facility with The Bank of New York Mellon as the depositary. each ADr represents five ordinary shares. For further information about the uS ADr programme, please contact your broker or write to: BNY Mellon Shareholder Services PO Box 358516 Pittsburgh PA 15252-8516 Phone: +1 888 269 2377 or +1 888 BNY ADrS (toll free within the uS) Phone outside the uS: +1 201 680 6825 email: Website: Unsolicited mail under the provisions of the Companies Act 1985, the Company was legally obliged to supply the names and addresses of its members to certain organisations on request. This provision is no longer an obligation under the Companies Act 2006. however, as a result of the Companies Act 1985, you may receive mail you have not asked for. If you want to limit the amount of personally addressed unsolicited mail you receive, and you have a uK registered address, please write to the Mailing Preference Service (MPS), DMA house, 70 Margaret Street, london, W1W 8SS or register by telephoning +44 (0)845 703 4599 or online at 143 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 other matters ShArehOlDer INFOrMATION (CONTINueD) Dividends paid on C Shares held C Share calculation period July 1, 2010 – December 31, 2010 January 1, 2010 – June 30, 2010 July 1, 2009 – December 31, 2009 January 1, 2009 – June 30, 2009 Previous C Share issues Dividend rate (%) 0.381 0.314 1.055 1.110 record date for C Share dividend November 19, 2011 June 5, 2010 November 20, 2009 June 5, 2009 Payment date January 4, 2011 July 1, 2010 January 4, 2010 July 1, 2009 Apportionment values CgT apportionment i w e v e r s s e n i s u B e c n a n r e v o G s t n e m e t a t s l a i c n a n F i record date for entitlement to C Shares No of C Shares issued per latest date for ordinary receipt of election share forms by registrar 64.0 October 29, 2010 December 3, 2010 90.0 June 4, 2010 60.0 October 30, 2009 December 4, 2009 85.8 June 5, 2009 57.2 October 31, 2008 December 5, 2008 April 24, 2009 April 23, 2010 Price of ordinary shares on first day of trading (p) 634.500 534.750 486.250 366.500 343.125 value of C Share issues per ordinary share (p) 6.40 9.00 6.00 8.58 5.72 Ordinary shares (%) 99.00 98.34 98.78 97.71 98.36 Issue date January 4, 2011 July 1, 2010 January 4, 2010 July 2, 2009 January 2, 2009 Date of redemption of C Shares (%) C Shares CrIP purchase date 1.00 January 5, 2011 January 7, 2011 1.66 July 2, 2010 1.22 January 5, 2010 January 8, 2010 2.29 July 3, 2009 1.64 January 5, 2009 January 6, 2009 July 2, 2010 July 2, 2009 CrIP purchase price (p) 661.120 548.010 491.970 367.628 362.240 Analysis of ordinary shareholders at December 31, 2010 Type of holder: Individuals Institutional and other investors Total Size of holding: 1 – 150 151 – 500 501 – 10,000 10,001 – 100,000 100,001 – 1,000,000 1,000,001 and over Total Number of shareholders 220,219 5,591 225,810 % of total shareholders 97.52 2.48 100.00 69,061 117,382 37,465 1,314 391 197 225,810 30.58 51.98 16.59 0.58 0.17 0.10 100.00 Number of shares 115,152,937 1,756,626,264 1,871,779,201 6,908,768 30,711,715 61,469,806 34,925,943 140,271,264 1,597,491,705 1,871,779,201 % of total shares 6.15 93.85 100.00 0.37 1.64 3.28 1.87 7.49 85.35 100.00 144 Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 BUSIneSS reVIew 01 Introduction and highlights 02 Chairman’s statement 04 Chief Executive’s review 08 Our consistent strategy 20 Market outlook 22 Key performance indicators 26 Principal risks and uncertainties 28 Review of operations 28 civil aerospace 30 defence aerospace 32 marine 34 energy 36 engineering and technology 38 operations 40 Services 42 Sustainability 48 Finance Director’s review goVernAnce 56 Chairman’s introduction 56 Board of directors 58 The Group Executive 58 The International Advisory Board 59 Governance structure 62 Audit committee report 63 Nominations committee report 63 Ethics committee report 64 Risk committee report 67 Directors’ remuneration report 78 Shareholders and share capital 80 Other statutory information 81 Material litigation 81 Annual report and financial statements FInAncIAl STATemenTS Contents listed on page 83 Directors’ report The directors present the Annual report for the year ended december 31, 2010 which includes the business review, governance report and audited financial statements for the year. references to ‘rolls-royce’, the ‘group’, the ‘company’, ‘we’, or ‘our’ are to rolls-royce group plc and/or its subsidiaries, or any of them as the context may require. Pages 01 to 82, inclusive, of this Annual report comprise a directors’ report that has been drawn up and presented in accordance with english company law and the liabilities of the directors in connection with that report shall be subject to the limitations and restrictions provided by such law. rolls-royce group plc is incorporated as a public limited company and is registered in england under the Uk companies Act 1985 with the registered number 4706930. rolls-royce group plc’s registered office is 65 Buckingham gate, london, Sw1e 6AT. Cautionary statement regarding forward-looking statements This Annual report has been prepared for the members of the company only. The company, its directors, employees or agents do not accept or assume responsibility to any other person in connection with this document and any such responsibility or liability is expressly disclaimed. This Annual report contains certain forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements can be identified by the fact that they do not relate only to historical or current facts. In particular, all statements that express forecasts, expectations and projections with respect to future matters, including trends in results of operations, margins, growth rates, overall market trends, the impact of interest or exchange rates, the availability of financing to the group, anticipated cost savings or synergies and the completion of the group’s strategic transactions, are forward-looking statements. By their nature, these statements and forecasts involve risk and uncertainty because they relate to events and depend on circumstances that may or may not occur in the future. There are a number of factors that could cause actual results or developments to differ materially from those expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements and forecasts. The forward-looking statements reflect the knowledge and information available at the date of preparation of this Annual report, and will not be updated during the year. nothing in this Annual report should be construed as a profit forecast. designed and produced by salterbaxter Photography credits: Pages 10, 16, 21 littoral combat Ship, copyright lockheed martin corporation, page 31, eurofighter Typhoon, © 2011 eurofighter Typhoon. This document is printed on revive 50:50 Silk which has been independently certified according to the rules of the Forestry Stewardship council (FSc). revive 50:50 Silk contains 50 per cent recycled fibre bleached in an elementally chlorine Free (ecF) process. The manufacturing mill is accredited with the ISo 14001 environmental Standard. This document has been printed using vegetable based inks and is recyclable. Printed by St Ives westerham Press ltd. ISo 14001:2004, FSc certified and carbonneutral®. TeAmwork And Technology Rolls-Royce Group plc Annual report 2010 R o l l s - R o y c e G r o u p p l c A n n u a l r e p o r t 2 0 1 0 © Rolls-Royce plc 2011 Rolls-Royce Group plc Registered office: 65 Buckingham Gate London SW1E 6AT T +44 (0)20 7222 9020 Company number 4706930 Trusted to deliver excellence
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