15 YEARS — UNITING THE ENERGY APPENDICES to 2019 Annual report CONTENT APPENDIX NO.1 INFORMATION ON COMPLIANCE WITH THE RUSSIAN CORPORATE GOVERNANCE CODE ....................................................................................................... 4 APPENDIX NO.2 Information (Report) on Interested-Party Transactions Concluded by PJSC RusHydro in 2019 ......................................................................................................... 41 APPENDIX NO.3 Information on Participation in Other Organizations ............................... 48 3.1. Information Concerning All Forms of the Company's Shareholding in Commercial Entities, including its Objectives, Form and Financial Involvement, Basic Data on the Entities (Main Statutory Activities, Earnings, Profit) and Efficiency Indicators, in Particular, the Amount of Dividends Received for the Owned Shares in the Reported Period ..................................... 48 3.2. Information Concerning All Forms of the Company's Participation in Non-Commercial Entities, including the Entity Name, Date of Joining, Subscription Fee in RUB/other currency, Area of the Entity's Activities.......................................................................................... 59 3.3. Information Concerning Shares/Stakes Purchase Contracts made by PJSC RusHydro in 2019, Indicating the Parties to the Contracts, their Subject, Price, and other Terms ........... 63 APPENDIX NO.4 Information on the Decisions Adopted by RusHydro’s Board of Directors in 2019............................................................................................................................ 67 APPENDIX NO.5 Information on the Meetings of the Committees under the Board of Directors .....................................................................................................................131 Audit Committee under the Board of Directors................................................................131 Nominations and Compensations Committee under the Board of Directors........................147 Strategy Committee under the Board of Directors ...........................................................166 Investments Committee under the Board of Directors .....................................................177 Far East Energy Development Committee under the Board of Directors ............................192 Committee on Reliability, Energy Efficiency and Innovations under the Board of Directors..199 APPENDIX NO.6 Information on the Sale of Non-Core Assets of PJSC RusHydro for 2019 .203 APPENDIX NO.7 Information on Pending Legal Proceedings ...........................................208 APPENDIX NO.8 Information Concerning the State Support Received by the Company in the Reporting Year, Including Information on the Subsidies Granted (in Rubles), Aim of Use, Information on the Use of Funds as of the End of the Reporting Period ............................209 APPENDIX NO.9 Report on the Long-term Development program implementation of the RusHydro Group for the year of 2019 ............................................................................211 9.1. Methodology for calculation and evaluation of Key Performance Indicators of RusHydro Group's Long-Term Development Program.....................................................................242 APPENDIX NO.10 Independent Assurance Report on the Fulfilment of the Long-Term Development Programme of RusHydro Group for 2019 ...................................................269 2 APPENDIX NO.11 Information Concerning Establishment of Unified Treasuries in the Head Companies, Subsidiaries, and Affiliates ..........................................................................272 APPENDIX NO.12 Information on the Actual Results of the Implementation of Executive Orders and Instructions issued by the President of the Russian Federation and by the Government of the Russian Federation in 2019 ..............................................................274 APPENDIX NO.13 Information about Legal Entities Controlled by the Company that are of Material Significance ....................................................................................................285 APPENDIX NO.14 List of the Most Significant Transactions Carried out by the Company and other Major Controlled Legal Entities for the last year .....................................................291 APPENDIX NO.15 Accounting statements and the Independent Auditor's audit report as of December 31, 2019 (in accordance with RAS) ................................................................298 APPENDIX NO.16 Consolidated financial statements prepared in accordance with IFRS and an audit opinion for the year ended December 31, 2019 and as of that date.....................368 APPENDIX NO.17 Opinion of the Internal Audit Commission of Public Joint-Stock Company Federal Hydro-generating Company RusHydro (PJSC RusHydro) following RusHydro’s 2019 financial and business performance audit .......................................................................439 APPENDIX NO.18 (cid:505)onsideration of stakeholders’ recommendations given at the Public Hearings in 2019 (Report for 2018 Draft).......................................................................445 APPENDIX NO.19 (cid:505)onsideration of stakeholders’ recommendations given at the Public Hearings in 2020 (Report for 2019 Draft).......................................................................446 APPENDIX NO.20 Certificate of Public Certification of the Report by the RUIE Council on Non-Financial Reporting ...............................................................................................450 APPENDIX NO.21 Organizational structure of PJSC RusHydro.........................................451 APPENDIX NO.22 GRI indicator consolidation boundaries and additional disclosures ........452 3 APPENDIX NO.1 INFORMATION ON COMPLIANCE WITH THE RUSSIAN CORPORATE GOVERNANCE CODE Hereby the Board of Directors of PJSC RusHydro announces the observance of the principles of corporate governance enshrined in the corporate governance Code and the reasons of partially observance and non-observance the particular principles of the Russian Corporate Governance Code. Information on principles and recommendations of the Corporate Governance Code that are not complied with by PJSC RusHydro or are compiled by PJSC RusHydro not in full with description of the extent to which they are not complied with: Partially complied principles: principle 1.1.6 is not complied with in the following part: not all candidates for the Company's management and control bodies were present at the General meeting of shareholders of the Company. principle 2.8.5 is not complied with in the following part: independent directors head not all committees, but only part of them. principle 7.2.2 is not complied with in the following part: list of grounds on which members of the Board of Directors and other parties stipulated by the legislation are considered interested in the transactions of the Company, is not widened. Principles not complied with: principle 2.4.3: independent directors comprise not less than one third of the elected members of the Board of Directors. Detailed information on the compliance of RusHydro with the principles and recommendations of the Corporate Governance Code recommended for use by the Bank of Russia is indicated in the table on "Compliance with the principles and recommendations of the Corporate Governance Code". A brief description of the most significant aspects of the model and practice of corporate governance in the Company, a description of the methodology by which the Company assessed the compliance with corporate governance principles enshrined in the Corporate Governance Code recommended by the Bank of Russia, as well as planned (proposed) actions and activities of the Company to improve the model and practice of corporate governance with an indication of the timing of the implementation of such actions and activities is indicated in the chapter “Corporate Governance” of this Annual Report. 4 The Company issues internal documents and corporate governance practices of the Company in accordance with the provisions of the Code of the Company. Thus, the Company respects the fundamental principles and recommendations of the Code. The reasons for the difference in some provisions of the Company's Corporate Governance Code from the principles of the recommendations of the Corporate Governance Code recommended by the Bank of Russia: the inapplicability of a number of provisions of the Code to the Company (for example, the absence of preferred shares). Key reasons explanation, factors and (or) circumstances due to which the Company does not comply with with or complies not in full with the principles of corporate governance, set out in the Corporate Governance Code and description of mechanisms and governance tools that are used by the Company in place of (substitute) recommended by the Corporate Governance Code are given below in column 5 of the table of the Report on compliance with the principles and recommendations of the Code of Corporate Governance. The Company complies with all recommendations of the Corporate Governance Code, which are reflected in the requirements of the Moscow Stock Exchange Listing Rules, which are mandatory for issuers whose shares are in the First level of the list of securities. Information on compliance with the principles and recommendations of the Corporate Governance Code1 No. Corporate Governance Principles Criteria used to evaluate whether the principle is observed Status of compliance with the principle of corporate governance for 2019 Explanations of deviations from the evaluation criteria compliance with the principle of corporate governance in 2019 1.1 1.1.1 The Company should ensure equal and fair treatment of all its shareholders in the course of exercising their rights to participate in the management of the Company. The Company creates the most favorable conditions possible for its shareholders, enabling them to participate in the general meetings and to 1. The internal document of the Company approved by the general meeting of shareholders and regulating the procedure of general meeting holding is available within the public observed partially -observed not observed 1 Considered by the Board of Directors of PJSC RusHydro (minutes dated ___ No.______). The Board of Directors confirms that the data provided in this report contains complete and reliable information on the Company's compliance with the principles and recommendations of the Corporate Governance Code for 2019. 5 develop informed positions on the issues forming its agenda, as well as providing them with the opportunity express their opinions regarding the issues under discussion. 1.1.2 Procedures for notification of the general meeting holding and provision of materials for it give the shareholders an opportunity to properly prepare themselves for participation therein. 1.1.3 During the preparation for domain. 2. The Company presents an available way of communication with the Company, such as hotline, e-mail or forum in the Internet, allowing the shareholders to express their opinion and send items in relation to the agenda in the process of preparation for holding the general meeting. Indicated actions were taken by the Company on the day preceding the general meeting held during the reporting period. 1. A notice announcing a general shareholders meeting is placed (published) on the website of the Company at least 30 days before the date of the general meeting. 2. In the message about the meeting provided the meeting venue and documents required for admission to the premises. 3. The shareholders were provided with access to information about what issues were proposed on the agenda and who was nominated to the Board of Directors and the auditing Commission of the Company. 1. In the reporting period, observed partially -observed not observed observed 6 and holding of the general meeting, the shareholders had the opportunity to freely and in a timely manner receive information about the meeting and its materials, to pose questions to members of the Company’s executive bodies and Board of Directors, and to communicate with each other. 1.1.4 There were no unjustified difficulties preventing shareholders from exercising their right to demand that a general meeting be convened, nominate candidates to the Company’s management bodies, and to place proposals on its agenda. partially -observed not observed observed partially -observed not observed shareholders were provided with an opportunity to pose questions to members of the Company’s executive bodies and Board members of the Company before and during the annual general meeting. 2. The materials set out the positions of the Board of Directors regarding the general meeting’s agenda, as well as dissenting opinions of the Board members on each item therein. 3. The Company provided those shareholders who are entitled to review the list of persons authorized to participate in the meeting with the opportunity to review it starting from the date when the Company receives such information. 1. The shareholders had the opportunity to propose items to be included in the agenda of its annual general meeting within a 60-day period following the end- date of the respective calendar year. 2. In the reporting period, the Company did not refuse to accept proposals on the agenda or candidates to the bodies of the Company because of typing errors and other insignificant 7 1.1.5 Each shareholder was able to freely exercise his/her right to vote in a straightforward and most convenient way. 1.1.6 Procedures for holding a general meeting set out by the Company provides equal opportunity to all persons present at the general meeting to express their opinions and ask questions that might be of interest to them. observed partially -observed not observed observed partially -observed not observed flaws in the shareholder proposal. 1. Internal document (internal policy) of the Company contains provisions whereby every participant of the general meeting may, until the end of the general meeting, request a copy of the filled out ballot certified by the counting commission. 1. When holding general meetings of shareholders in the form of a meeting (joint presence of shareholders) sufficient time for reports on the agenda was provided, as well as sufficient time to discuss these issues. 2. The candidates to management and control bodies of the Company were available to answer the questions of shareholders at the meeting, on which the nominees were put to vote. 3. The Board of Directors when making the decisions connected with preparation and conduction of general meetings of shareholders considered the issue of use of telecommunication systems to provide the shareholders with remote access to take part in Paras. 1 and 3 are fully observed. Para. 2 is partially observed. Regarding para. 2, the Company provides the following explanations: Para. 2.7. The Regulation on the procedure for convening and holding the General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company provides for the right to attend the meeting of persons included in the list of candidates for election to the management and control bodies of the Company. In practice, the Meeting in 2019 was attended by the majority of members of the Board of Directors, including the Chairman of the Board of Directors and two members of the Audit Commission. Herewith, invitations to participate in the Meeting were sent to all candidates to management and control bodies. The deviation from the compliance with this recommendation is triggered by the fact that the Company, due to various reasons (production, organizational, personal circumstances of each candidate), cannot provide the mandatory presence of each and every candidate to management and control bodies at each meeting. In practice, the candidates to the Board of Directors, who were not previously elected to the Board of Directors, are usually present at the meetings, and shareholders have an actual opportunity to ask them questions. In the future, the Company intends to strive for the fullest possible observance of this recommendation of the Code. 8 Shareholders were provided with equal and fair opportunities to participate in the profits of the Company by means of receiving dividends. The Company developed and put in place a transparent and clear mechanism for determining the amount of dividends and their payment. 1. The Company developed and disclosed its dividend policy approved by the Board of Directors. observed partially -observed not observed the general meetings during the reporting period. 2. If the dividend policy of the Company utilizes indicators from the financial statements of the Company to determine the size of the dividend, the relevant provisions of the dividend policy should include the consolidated indicators of financial statements. 1. The dividend policy of the Company contains clear indications of financial / economic circumstances, which prohibit the Company from paying the dividends. observed partially -observed not observed 1.2. 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.2.3 The Company does not make a decision on the payment of dividends, if such decision, without formal violation of limits set out by law, is unjustified from the economic point of view and might lead to the formation of false assumptions about the Company’s activity. The Company does not allow deterioration of dividend rights of its existing shareholders. 1.2.4 The Company strives to rule out any means through which its 1. The Company has not taken any actions, which lead to the deterioration of dividend rights of existing shareholders in the reporting period. 1. The Company has established appropriate control mechanisms in its internal documents to observed partially -observed not observed observed partially -observed not observed 9 shareholders can obtain profit (gain) at the Company’s expense other than dividends and distributions of its liquidation value. prevent its controlling persons from deriving a profit (income) from the Company in ways other than dividends or liquidation value, which contain provisions establishing control mechanisms for timely identification and approval of transactions with affiliated parties and major shareholders (persons entitled to control votes attached to voting shares) in cases when the law does not formally recognize these transactions as interested-party transactions. 1.3. 1.3.1 1.3.2 1.4. 1.4 observed partially -observed not observed 1. During the reporting period, the procedures adopted for management of potential conflicts between major shareholders were effective, and the Board of Directors paid sufficient attention to conflicts between shareholders, if there were any. The system and practices of corporate governance ensure equal terms and conditions for all shareholders owning shares of the same class (category), including minority (small) and foreign shareholders and equal treatment of them on the part of the Company. The Company has created the conditions for fair treatment of every shareholder on the part of management bodies and controlling persons of the Company, including conditions to ensure prohibition of abuse of minority shareholders by large shareholders. The Company does not perform any acts, which would or could result in artificial reallocation of corporate control therein. The shareholders were provided with reliable and efficient means of recording their rights to shares, as well as with the opportunity to freely dispose of such shares in a non-onerous manner. The shareholders were 1. There were no quasi-treasury shares or they did not participate in voting in the course of the reporting period. observed partially -observed not observed 1. Quality and reliability of the observed 10 2.1. 2.1.1 2.1.2 partially -observed not observed work performed by the registrar of the Company answers the requirements of the Company and its shareholders. Regarding para. 1, the Company provides the following explanations: In accordance with the Charter of the Company, the terms of the 1. According to the Charter of the Company, the Board of Directors has the authority to appoint, dismiss and determine the terms and conditions of contracts with members of executive bodies. provided with reliable and efficient means of recording their rights to shares, as well as with the opportunity to freely dispose of such shares in a non-onerous manner. The Board of Directors performs strategic management of the Company, determines major principles of and approaches to creation of risk management and internal control system within the Company, monitors the activity of the Company’s executive bodies, and carries out other key functions. observed The Board of Directors is partially -observed responsible for decisions to not observed appoint and remove members of executive bodies, including actions in response to failure of the latter to properly perform their duties. The Board of Directors also makes sure that the Company’s executive bodies act in accordance with an approved development strategy and main business goals of the Company. The Board of Directors establishes basic long-term targets of the Company’s activity, evaluates and approves its key performance indicators and principal business goals, as well as evaluates and approves its strategy and business plans in respect of its principal areas of operations. contract of the sole executive body shall be determined by the Board of Directors or a person authorized by the Board of Directors to sign a contract. Besides, the competence of the Board of Directors includes the authority to approve the Policy on Remuneration and Compensation of members of the Executive Bodies. The terms of contracts with members of the Management Board are determined by the sole executive body taking into account the Policy on Remuneration (Compensation) of members of Executive Bodies approved by the Board of Directors. 1. During the reporting period at the meetings the Board of Directors reviewed matters related to the status of execution of the strategy, approval by the financial plan (budget) of the Company, as well as review of criteria and indicators (including interim) pertaining to the execution of the strategy and business plans of the Company. 2. The Board of Directors heard the report (reports) of the sole executive body and members of the collective executive body on the implementation of the strategy of the Company. observed partially -observed not observed 11 2.1.3 2.1.4 The Board of Directors determines principles of and approaches to creation of the risk management and internal control system in the Company. The Board of Directors should determine the Company’s policy on remuneration due to and (or) reimbursement of costs (compensation) incurred by its Board of Directors, members of its executive bodies and other key managers. 2.1.5 The Board of Directors plays a key role in prevention, detection and resolution of internal conflicts between the Company’s bodies, shareholders and employees. 2.1.6 The Board of Directors 1. The Board of Directors has determined the principles and approaches to creation of the risk management and internal control system in the Company. 2. The Board of Directors has evaluated the risk management and internal control system during the reporting period. 1. The Company has developed and implemented a policy (policies) approved by the Board of Directors on remuneration and reimbursement of costs (compensation) incurred by its Board members, members of executive bodies and other key managers. 2. During the reporting period, at the meetings the Board of Directors reviewed matters related to the indicated policy (policies). 1. The Board of Directors plays a key role in prevention, detection and resolution of internal conflicts. 2. The Company has created a system of identification of transactions related to a conflict of interests and a system of measures intended to resolve such conflicts. 1. The Board of Directors has observed partially -observed not observed observed partially -observed not observed observed partially -observed not observed Regarding para. 1 and para. 2 the Company provides the following explanations: Since the category of “key executives” was not defined and not approved by the Board of Directors, the Remuneration and Reimbursement of Expenses (Compensation) Policy was not approved by the Board of Directors for this category of employees. The Remuneration and Reimbursement of Expenses (Compensation) Policy of all employees of the Company has been determined with due account to the principles of the Remuneration and Reimbursement of Expenses (Compensation) Policy for members of the Company’s executive bodies approved by the Board of Directors. observed 12 plays a key role in ensuring that the Company is transparent, discloses information in full and in due course, and provides its shareholders with unhindered access to its documents. The Board of Directors monitors the Company’s corporate governance practices and plays a key role in its material corporate events. approved a regulation on information policy. partially -observed not observed 2. The Company has appointed persons in charge of the implementation of the information policy. 1. During the reporting period, the Board of Directors reviewed the corporate governance practices in the Company. observed partially -observed not observed The Board of Directors is accountable to the Company’s shareholders. Information about the Board of Directors’ work is disclosed and provided to the shareholders. 1. The annual report of the Company for the reporting period includes information about the attendance of meetings of the Board of Directors and Committees by individual directors. observed partially -observed not observed 2.1.7 2.2. 2.2.1. 2.2.2 The chairman of the Board of Directors is available to communicate with the Company’s shareholders. 2. The annual report contains information about the main results of the evaluation of the work of the Board of Directors in the reporting period. 1. In the Company there is a transparent procedure that enables the shareholders to send the Chairman of the Board of Directors issues and their position thereon. observed partially -observed not observed 2.3. The Board of Directors is an efficient and professional governing body of the Company, which is able to make objective and independent judgements and pass resolutions in the best interests of the Company and its shareholders. 13 2.3.1 Only persons with impeccable business and personal reputation, having knowledge, skills and experience necessary to make decisions that fall within the competence of the Board of Directors and to perform all such functions efficiently, should be elected to the Board of Directors. 2.3.2 Members of the Board of Directors of the Company are elected pursuant to a transparent procedure enabling the shareholders to obtain information about candidates sufficient for them to get an idea of the candidates’ personal and professional qualities. observed partially -observed not observed observed partially -observed not observed 1. The performance assessment procedure for the Board of Directors adopted in the Company includes the evaluation of professional qualifications of the Board members. 2. In the reporting period, the Board of Directors (or its Nominations Committee) evaluated candidates nominated to the Board of Directors in terms of their experience, knowledge, business and personal reputation, absence of conflicts of interest etc. 1. In all cases of the general meeting of shareholders conduction in the reporting period the agenda of which included issues on election of the Board of Directors, the Company submitted biographical data on all candidates nominated to the Board of Directors, results of the evaluation of such candidates conducted by the Board of Directors (or its Nominations Committee), as well as information regarding the candidate’s conformity with independence criteria in accordance with recommendations 102 - 107 of the Code and the candidates’ 14 written consent to be elected to the Board of Directors. 2.3.3 2.3.4 2.4. 2.4.1 observed partially -observed not observed observed partially -observed not observed 1. During the procedure of assessment of the work of the Board of Directors conducted in the reporting period, the Board of Directors analysed its composition in terms of qualifications, experience and expertise of its members. 1. During the procedure of assessment of the work of the Board of Directors conducted in the reporting period, the Board of Directors analysed the conformity of its composition to the needs of the Company and its shareholders. The composition of the Board of Directors is balanced, in particular in terms of qualifications, expertise and business skills and enjoys the confidence of the shareholders. The composition of the Board of Directors of the Company enables the Board of Directors to organize its activities in the most efficient way possible, in particular, to create the possibility to form committees of the Board of Directors, as well as to enable substantial minority shareholders of the company to put forth a candidate to the Board of Directors for whom they vote. The Board of Directors should include a sufficient number of independent directors. An independent director should mean any person who has the required professional skills and expertise and is sufficiently able to have his/her own position and make objective and bona fide 1. During the reporting period all independent members of the Board of Directors answered all requirements of recommendations 102 - 107 of the Code or were deemed independent pursuant to a decision of the Board of observed partially -observed not observed 15 Directors2. judgements, free from the influence of the Company’s executive bodies, any individual group of its shareholders or other stakeholders. It should be noted that, under normal circumstances, a candidate (or an elected director) may not be deemed to be independent, if he/she is associated with the Company, any of its substantial shareholders, material trading partners or competitors or the government. 2 The recognition of directors as independent meets the requirements established by the Listing Rules of the Moscow Exchange, with the requirements of the Corporate Governance Code of the Company, but partially does not comply with the requirements of the Corporate Governance Code recommended by the Bank of Russia in respect of a provision that does not allow for the recognition of a director as independent if he/she has a formal connection with the State (A. Chekunov). 16 2.4.2 Evaluation is carried out of compliance of candidates nominated to the Board of Directors with the independence criteria and regular reviews are made of the compliance of independent members of the Board of Directors with independence criteria. When carrying out such evaluation, substance should take precedence over form. 2.4.3 Independent directors should account for at least one-third of all directors elected to the Board of Directors. 1. During the reporting period the Board of Directors (or the Nominations Committee of the Board of Directors) issued an opinion regarding the independence of each candidate nominated to the Board and provided the shareholders with the appropriate conclusion. 2. At least once in the reporting period the Board of Directors (or the Nominations Committee of the Board of Directors) evaluated the independence of current members of the Board of Directors indicated by the Company in the annual report as independent directors. 3. The Company has developed procedures indicating the actions which must be taken by the Board of Directors member once he/she ceases to be independent including their obligation to inform the Board of Directors of these circumstances in a timely manner. 1. Independent directors should account for at least one-third of the composition of the Board of Directors. observed partially -observed not observed observed partially -observed not observed Regarding para. 1 the Company provides the following explanations: The number of independent members of the Board of Directors during the reporting period was less than 1/3 of the number of the Board of Directors, due to the fact that the Company does not affect the composition of the Board of Directors, since members of the Board of Directors are elected by shareholders at the meeting. 17 However, the Nomination and Compensation Committee considered candidates to members of the Board of Directors in terms of their independence and this information was presented to shareholders as part of the Meeting materials. At the end of the reporting period, the Company had 4 independent directors (2 of which were completely independent and 2 were recognized as independent by the decision of the Board of Directors), which meets the requirements of the Moscow Exchange Listing Rules for the number of independent directors on the Board of Directors. In order to comply with this requirement in 2020, the Company will inform shareholders of the presence of independent candidates among candidates to the Board of Directors. If the Company fails to elect the sufficient number of independent directors for the meeting in 2020, the Company will consider the possibility of recognizing individual directors as independent directors by a decision of the Board of Directors. Independent directors play a key role in prevention of internal conflicts in the Company and performance by the latter of material corporate actions. 1. Independent directors (with no conflict of interest) preliminarily review material corporate actions related to a potential conflict of interest and the results of such evaluation should be made available to the Board of Directors. observed partially -observed not observed The Chairman of the Board of Directors helps to carry out the functions imposed thereon in a most efficient manner. The independent director is elected to the position of the chairman of the Board of Directors or among the Company’s independent directors who would coordinate work of the independent directors and liaise with the chairman of the Board of Directors. 1. The Chairman of the Board of Directors is an independent director or a senior independent director who was appointed from among the independent directors. 2. The role, rights and responsibilities of the Chairman of the Board (and, if applicable, of the senior independent director) are clearly determined observed partially -observed not observed The Company chose an approach for electing a senior independent director, in view of the fact that during the reporting period Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation - Plenipotentiary of the President in the Far Eastern Federal District Yu. Trutnev, representing the Russian Federation in the Company’s Board of Directors, was elected as the Chairman of the Board of Directors. 18 2.4.4 2.5. 2.5.1 2.5.2 2.5.3 2.6. 2.6.1 The Chairman of the Board of Directors ensures that meetings are held in a constructive atmosphere and that any items on the meeting agenda are discussed freely controls the execution of decisions, made by the Board of Directors. The Chairman of the Board of Directors takes any and all measures as may be required to provide the members of the Board of Directors in a timely manner with information required to make decisions on issues of the agenda. in the internal documents of the Company. 1. The performance of the Chairman of the Board of Directors was evaluated within the framework of the Board performance assessment procedure in the reporting period. 1. The obligation of the Chairman of the Board of Directors to take any and all measures to provide the members of the Board of Directors with information required to make decisions in a timely manner is stipulated in the internal documents of the Company. observed partially -observed not observed observed partially -observed not observed Board members act reasonably and in good faith in the best interests of the Company and its shareholders, being sufficiently informed, with due care and diligence. Acting reasonably and in good faith means that Board members make decisions considering all available information, in the absence of a conflict of interests, treating shareholders of the Company equally and assuming normal business risks. 1. Internal documents of the Company define that a Board member is obliged to notify the Board of Directors if he/she has a conflict of interests in relation to any issue of the agenda of the meeting of the Board of Directors or Committee of the Board of Directors before discussion beginning of the agenda issue. observed partially -observed not observed 2. According to internal 19 2.6.2 2.6.3 Rights and duties of the Board members are clearly stated and documented in the Company’s internal documents. Board members should have sufficient time to perform their duties. documents of the Company, the Board member should abstain from voting on any issues in which he/she has a conflict of interests. 3. The Company provides a procedure enabling the Board members to receive, at the expense of the Company, professional advice on issues relating to the competence of the Board of Directors. 1. The Company adopted and published an internal document whereby the rights and duties of the Board members are clearly stated. 1. Individual attendance of the Board and committee meetings and time devoted to the preparation for the participation in meetings was considered during the procedure of assessment of the Board of Directors in the reporting period. 2. In accordance with internal documents of the Company, the Board members should notify the Company’s Board of Directors of their intention to take a position in management bodies of other entities and (apart from subsidiaries and affiliates of the Company), as observed partially -observed not observed observed partially -observed not observed 20 2.6.4 2.7. 2.7.1 2.7.2 2.7.3 observed partially -observed not observed All Board members should have equal opportunity to access the Company’s documents and information. Newly elected Board members should be provided with sufficient information about the Company and work of its Board of Directors as soon as possible. well as of the fact of such appointment. 1. In accordance with internal documents of the Company, the Board members have the right to obtain access to the documents and make requests concerning the Company and entities controlled by the Company and executive bodies of the Company are obliged to provide corresponding information and documents. 2. The Company has a formal induction program for newly elected Board members. observed partially -observed not observed 1. The Board of Directors held at least six meetings in the reporting period. Meetings of the Board of Directors, preparation for them and participation of Board members therein should ensure efficient work of the Board. It is recommended to hold meetings of the Board of Directors as needed, with due account of the Company’s scope of activities and its then current goals. In internal documents of the Company a procedure for preparing for and holding of meetings of the Board of Directors is fixed, enabling the Board members to prepare themselves properly for the conduction of such meetings. The form of a meeting of the Board of Directors 1. The Company has an internal document in place regulating the procedure of preparation and holding of Board meetings, which, inter alia, requires that the notice of a meeting must be made, as a rule, at least 5 days before the date of the meeting. observed partially -observed not observed 1. According to the Charter or an internal document of the observed partially -observed 21 2.7.4 2.8. 2.8.1 not observed observed partially -observed not observed Company, the most important issues (in accordance with the list provided in recommendation 168 of the Code) must be considered and decided at meetings held in person. should be determined with due account of the importance of the issues on the agenda. Most important issues should be decided at the meetings held in person. Decisions on most important issues relating to the Company’s business should be made at a meeting of the Board of Directors by a qualified majority vote or by a majority vote of all elected Board members. The Board of Directors should form committees for preliminary consideration of the most important issues of the Company’s business. For the purpose of preliminary consideration of any matters of control over the Company’s financial and business activities, an audit committee is created comprised of independent directors. 1. According to the Charter of the Company, the most important issues as described by recommendation 170 of the Code must be decided by a qualified majority vote of at least three quarters of the votes or by a majority vote of all elected Board members. observed partially -observed not observed The requirement specified in Clause 3 of para. 2.8.1 is met by a member of the Board of Directors, V. Pivovarov, since he has experience in analysing accounting (financial) statements. 1. The Board of Directors formed an Audit Committee comprised exclusively of independent directors. 2. The objectives of the audit committee, including the objectives listed in recommendation 172 of the Code, are determined in the internal documents of the Company. 3. At least one member of the audit committee, who is an independent director, has experience and knowledge of preparation, analysis, evaluation and audit of accounting (financial) statements. 4. Meetings of the Audit Committee were held at least 22 observed partially -observed not observed observed partially -observed not observed 2.8.2 2.8.3 For the purpose of preliminary consideration of any matters of development of efficient and transparent remuneration practices, it is recommended to form a remuneration committee comprised of independent directors and chaired by an independent director who should not concurrently be the Board chairman. For the purpose of preliminary consideration of any matters relating to human resources planning (making plans regarding successor directors), professional composition and work efficiency of the Board of Directors, the Nominating Committee is formed (a committee on nominations, human resources) with a majority of its members being independent directors. once every quarter during the reporting period. 1. The Board of Directors formed a Remuneration Committee comprised exclusively of independent directors. 2. The Remuneration Committee is chaired by an independent director who is not the Board chairman at the same time. 3. The objectives of the Remuneration Committee, including the objectives listed in recommendation 180 of the Code, are determined in the internal documents of the Company. 1. The Board of Directors formed the Nominations Committee (or its objectives indicated in recommendation 186 of the Code are implemented by a different committee), with a majority of its members being independent directors. 2. The objectives of the Nominations Committee (or the relevant committee performing these functions) including the objectives indicated in recommendation 186 of the Code are determined in the 23 2.8.4 2.8.5 Taking into account activity scale and risk level the Board of Directors of the Company makes sure that the composition of its committees fully complies with the activity goals of the Company. Additional committees were either formed, or were not deemed necessary (strategy committee, corporate governance committee, ethics committee, risk management committee, budget committee, committee on health, security and environment etc.). The composition of the committees is determined in a way to allow a comprehensive discussion of issues being considered on a preliminary basis with due consideration of differing opinions. internal documents of the Company. 1. In reporting period, the Board of Directors of the Company considered an issue of compliance of composition of its committees with the goals of the Board of Directors and activity goals of the Company. Additional committees were either formed, or were not deemed necessary. observed partially -observed not observed 1. The Board committees are chaired by independent directors. observed partially -observed not observed Para. 1 is partially observed. Para. 2 is fully observed. 2. In internal documents (policies) of the Company provisions are provided in accordance to which persons who are not members of the Audit Committee, Nominating Committee and Remuneration Committee, can attend meetings of committees only at the invitation of their chairmen. Regarding para. 1, the Company provides the following explanations: In accordance with the requirements of the Company's Corporate Governance Code, the Committees should be headed by independent directors. The Audit Committee, the Nomination and Compensation Committee, and the Investment Committee are headed by independent directors. The Reliability, Energy Efficiency and Innovations Committee and the Committee on Energy Development of the Far East are narrow-focused committees that consider issues of territorial development and issues related to technical policy, reliable and 24 safe operation of the Company's production facilities, energy conservation policy, and innovative and environmental policy. Given the specific features of the issues addressed by these Committees, the Chairman of the Committee shall primarily possess professional skills, experience in the operative sphere of the relevant Committee and other special knowledge. Having regard to the above, the members of the Committees were elected as Chairmen of the respective Committees based on their professional skills and experience in the relevant operative sphere of the Committees. The Strategy Committee is a special-purpose committee on issues of strategic development of the Company, which by the orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, Board of Directors of the Company preliminarily considers strategic and other significant transactions of RusHydro Group, issues of priority directions of development of RusHydro Group and other significant issues of activity. Taking into account specificities of issues considered by the Strategy Committee, the Chairman of the Committee is more interested in professional skills, experience in working with the Government of the Russian Federation and federal executive bodies, experience in the Committee’s sphere of activity and other special knowledge. In connection with the abovementioned, I. Zadvornov was elected Chairman of the Strategy Committee (Head of the Secretariat of the Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation - Plenipotentiary of the President of the Russian Federation in the Far Eastern Federal District Yu. Trutnev), whose professional skills and work experience allow effective interaction of committee members who are representatives of executive authorities, business and independent directors, to form recommendation to the Board of Directors of the Company when considering strategic issues for the development of the Company. If possible, in 2019 the Company plans to consider the possibility of electing an independent director as the Chairman of the Strategy Committee. 25 2.8.6 2.9. 2.9.1 2.9.2 3.1. observed partially -observed not observed 1. During the reporting period chairmen of the Board committees presented regular reports to the Board of Directors on their activities. Committee chairmen inform the Board of Directors and its chairman of the work of their committees on a regular basis. The Board of Directors makes an exhaustive evaluation of the quality of its work and that of its committees and Board members. Evaluation of quality of the Board of Directors’ work is aimed at determining how efficiently the Board of Directors, its committees and Board members work and whether their work meets the Company’s needs, as well as at making their work more intensive and identifying areas of improvement. 1. Self-evaluation or external evaluation of the work of the Board of Directors in the reporting period included the evaluation of the work of the Board committees, separate members of the Board of Directors and of the Board of Directors as a whole. observed partially -observed not observed 2. The results of the self- evaluation or external evaluation of the Board of Directors in the reporting period were reviewed by the Board of Directors at meetings held in person. 1. An external organization (consultant) was engaged to carry out independent evaluation of the work quality of the Board of Directors at least once in the last three reporting periods. observed partially -observed not observed Quality of work of the Board of Directors, its committees and Board members is evaluated on a regular basis, at least once a year. To carry out an independent evaluation of the quality of the Board of Directors’ work, an external organization (consultant) is engaged on a regular basis, at least once every three years. The Company’s corporate secretary carries out efficient interaction with its shareholders, coordination of the Company’s actions designed to protect the 26 3.1.1 3.1.2 4.1. 4.1.1 1. The Company has adopted and disclosed an internal document – regulation on the corporate secretary. rights and interests of its shareholders and support of efficient work of its Board of directors. The corporate secretary possesses knowledge, experience and qualifications sufficient for performance of his/her duties, as well as an impeccable reputation and enjoys the trust of the shareholders. observed partially -observed not observed 2. The Company disclosed on its website and in its annual report information on the corporate secretary which is as detailed as that required to be disclosed in relation to the Board members and members of the executive bodies of the Company. 1. The Board of Directors approves the appointment, termination of appointment and additional remuneration of the corporate secretary. observed partially -observed not observed The corporate secretary has sufficient independence from the Company’s executive bodies and possesses necessary powers and resources required to perform his/her tasks. The level of remuneration paid by the Company is sufficient to enable it to attract, motivate and retain persons having required skills and qualifications. Remuneration due to the Board members, the executive bodies and other key managers of the Company is paid in accordance with a remuneration policy approved by the Company. The level of remuneration paid by the Company to its Board members, executive bodies, and other key managers creates sufficient motivation for them to work efficiently and enables the Company to attract and retain knowledgeable skilled and duly qualified persons. The Company avoids Regarding para. 1, the Company provides the following explanations: Since the category of “other key managers” was not defined and not approved by the Board of Directors, the Remuneration and Compensation Policy was not approved by the Board of Directors for this category of employees. 1. The Company has adopted an internal document (documents) – a remuneration policy (policies) in relation to its Board members, members of executive bodies and other key managers whereby the approaches to the remuneration of the indicated persons are clearly determined. observed partially -observed not observed 27 4.1.2 4.1.3 setting the level of remuneration any higher than necessary, nor allowing for an excessively large gap between the level of remuneration of any of the above persons and that of the Company’s employees. The Company’s remuneration policy was developed by its Remuneration Committee and approved by the Board of Directors of the Company. With the help of its Remuneration Committee, the Board of Directors should monitor implementation of, and compliance with the remuneration policy by the Company and, should this be necessary, review and amend the same. observed partially -observed not observed 1. During the reporting period the Remuneration Committee reviewed the remuneration policy (policies), and the practice of its (their) implementation and, if necessary, provided the Board of Directors with the relevant recommendations. Regarding para. 1, the Company provides the following explanations: The Company's remuneration policy was developed by the Nomination and Compensation Committee and approved by the Company's Board of Directors in 2016 and is implemented since 2017. The Board of Directors with the support of the Remuneration Committee, should this be necessary, reviews and amends the same. During the reporting period, the Nomination and Compensation Committee submitted relevant recommendations to the Board of Directors. observed partially -observed not observed The Company’s remuneration policy should provide for transparent mechanisms to be used to determine the amount of remuneration due to members of the Board of Directors, the executive bodies and other key managers of the Company, as well as to regulate any 1. The remuneration policy (policies) of the Company contains (contain) transparent mechanisms to be used to determine the amount of remuneration due to members of the Board of Directors, executive bodies and other key managers of the Company and regulates (regulate) all types of payments, benefits and Regarding para. 1, the Company provides the following explanations: Since the category of “other key managers” was not defined and not approved by the Board of Directors, the Remuneration and Compensation Policy was not approved by the Board of Directors for this category of employees. The Remuneration and Compensation Policy of all employees of the Company has been determined with due account to the principles of the Remuneration and Compensation Policy for members of the Company’s executive bodies approved by the Board of Directors and contains transparent mechanisms for 28 4.1.4 4.2. 4.2.1 privileges provided to any of the indicated persons. determining the amount of remuneration, as well as regulates all types of payments and benefits. observed partially -observed not observed 1. In the remuneration policy (policies) of the Company or in other internal documents of the Company the rules of reimbursement of expenses of the Board members, members of executive bodies and other key managers of the Company are set forth. Regarding para. 1, the Company provides the following explanations: Since the category of “key managers” was not defined and not approved by the Board of Directors, the Remuneration and Compensation Policy was not approved by the Board of Directors for this category of employees. The Remuneration and Compensation Policy of all employees of the Company has been determined with due account to the principles of the Remuneration and Compensation Policy for the members of the Company’s executive bodies approved by the Board of Directors. and all types of payments, benefits and privileges provided to any of the above persons. The Company develops a policy on reimbursement of expenses which would contain a list of reimbursable expenses and specify service levels provided to members of the Board of Directors, the executive bodies, and other key managers of the Company. Such policy can form a part of the Company’s policy on compensations. observed partially -observed not observed 1. A fixed annual remuneration has been the only form of monetary remuneration of the Board members for their services in the Board of Directors in the reporting period. The system of remuneration of the Board members should ensure harmony between the financial interests of the directors and the long-term financial interests of the shareholders. A fixed annual remuneration is paid out to the Board members by the Company. The Company does not pay remuneration for participation in individual meetings of the Board of Directors or its committees. The Company does not use any form of short-term incentives or additional financial incentives in respect of the Board members. 29 4.2.2 4.2.3 4.3. 4.3.1 observed partially -observed not observed Regarding para. 1, the Company shall provide the following explanations: Not applicable. The Company does not use remuneration by equities. 1. If internal document (documents) - policy (policies) on remuneration of the Company stipulate provision of shares of the Company to the Board members clear rules regulating the ownership of shares by the Board members should be set out, aimed at stimulation of long-term ownership of such shares. Long-term ownership of shares in the Company contributes most to aligning the financial interests of the Board members with the long- term interests of the Company’s shareholders. However, the Company does not stipulate the right to dispose of shares dependent on the achievement, nor the Board members take part in the Company’s option plans. The Company does not provide any additional allowance or compensation in the event of early dismissal of the Board members in connection with a change of control over the Company or other circumstances. The system of remuneration of the members of executive bodies and other key managers of the Company provides that their remuneration is dependent on the Company’s performance results and their personal contributions to the achievement thereof. Remuneration of members of the executive bodies and other key managers of the Company is set out in such a way as to procure a reasonable and justified ratio between its fixed portion and its variable portion that is dependent on the Company’s Regarding para. 1-3, the Company shall provide the following explanations: Since the category of “other key managers” was not defined and not approved by the Board of Directors, the Remuneration and Compensation Policy was not approved by the Board of Directors for this category of employees. Annual performance indicators established by the Board of Directors for the members of the Company’s executive bodies are used in determining the size of the variable remuneration of all Company’s employees. 1. In the reporting period, annual key performance indicators approved by the Board of Directors were used to determine the amount of variable remuneration of members of executive bodies and other key managers of the Company. 1. The Company does not provide any additional allowance or compensation in the event of early dismissal of Board members in connection with a change of control over the Company or other circumstances. observed partially -observed not observed observed partially -observed not observed 30 Regarding para. 3, the Company shall provide the following explanations: All bonus payments to members of executive bodies are made in accordance with the Remuneration Policy approved by the Company’s Board of Directors. The Regulations on Remuneration and Labor Contracts of the executive bodies contain provisions stipulating the possibility to offset the losses incurred by the Company. Moreover, in the context of the existing provisions of the labor legislation, the establishment of formal mechanisms for the return of bonus payments illegally received by the members of the executive bodies is difficult to implement. observed partially -observed not observed Regarding para. 1, the Company shall provide the following explanations: Since the category of “other key managers” was not defined and not approved by the Board of Directors, the Remuneration and Compensation Policy was not approved by the Board of Directors for this category of employees. The Company’s managers may be included into this Program by a separate decision of the Board of Directors regarding the recommendations of the Nomination and Compensation Committee. performance results and employees’ personal (individual) contributions to the achievement thereof. 4.3.2 The Company put in place a long-term incentive program for the Company’s executive bodies and other key managers involving the Company's shares (options or other derivative financial instruments the underlying assets for which are the Company’s shares). 2. During the last evaluation of the system of remuneration of the members of executive bodies and other key managers of the Company the Board of Directors (Remuneration Committee) made sure that the Company used an effective ratio between the fixed and variable remuneration. 3. The Company has a procedure ensuring that any bonus funds wrongfully obtained by the members of executive bodies or managers are repaid to the Company. 1. The Company has put in place a long-term incentive program for the Company’s executive bodies and other key managers of the Company involving the Company’s shares (financial instruments for which the Company’s shares are the underlying assets). 2. The long-term incentive program of the members of executive bodies and other key managers provides that the right to dispose of shares or exercise options shall arise no earlier than in three years from the date when such shares were provided. In addition, the right to dispose of the same should 31 be made conditional on the achievement of certain targets by the Company. 1. The amount of severance pay (golden parachute) payable by the Company in the event of early dismissal of an executive or other key manager at the initiative of the Company, provided that there have been no bad faith actions in the reporting period on the part of such persons, did not exceed double size of the fixed part of the portion of his/her annual remuneration. observed partially -observed not observed Regarding para. 1, the Company shall provide the following explanations: Since the category of “other key managers” was not defined and not approved by the Board of Directors, the Remuneration and Compensation Policy was not approved by the Board of Directors for this category of employees. "Golden parachutes" in the Company are provided not for all categories of workers. The amount of severance pay (so-called "golden parachute") payable by the Company in the event of early dismissal of an executive body or other key managers at the initiative of the Company, provided that there have been no bad faith actions on the part of such person, should not exceed double the fixed portion of his/her annual remuneration. The Company created an efficiently functioning risk management and internal control system designed to provide reasonable confidence that the Company’s goals will be achieved. The Board of Directors determined the principles of and approaches to the creation of the risk management and internal control system in the Company. observed partially -observed not observed 4.3.3 5.1. 5.1.1 5.1.2 1. The functions of various governance bodies and divisions of the Company in the risk management and internal control system are clearly determined in the internal documents/correspondent policy of the Company approved by the Board of Directors. 1. The Company’s executive bodies ensured the distribution of functions and powers in relation to risk management and internal control among managers (heads) of divisions and departments subordinate to them. 1. The Company has a The Company’s executive bodies ensure the establishment and continuing operation of the efficient risk management and internal control system in the Company. 5.1.3 The Company’s risk observed partially -observed not observed observed 32 management and internal control system provides objective, fair and clear view of the current condition and prospects of the Company, integrity and transparency of its accounts and reports, reasonableness and acceptability of risks being assumed by the Company. corruption prevention policy in place. partially -observed not observed 2. The Company has developed a procedure of informing the Board of Directors or the Audit Committee of the Board of Directors of violations of the law, internal procedures and the ethics code of the Company. 5.1.4 5.2. 5.2.1 observed partially -observed not observed 1. During the reporting period, the Board of Directors or the Audit Committee of the Board reviewed the efficiency of the risk management and internal control system of the Company. The results of such review were included as a part of the annual report of the Company. The Board of Directors is recommended to take required and sufficient measures to guarantee that the existing risk management and internal control system of the Company is consistent with the principles of and approaches to its creation as set forth by the Board of Directors and that it operates efficiently. For systematic and independent evaluation of reliability and efficiency of the risk management and internal control system and corporate governance practices, the Company arranges internal audits. For conduction of internal audits in the Company a separate structural division was created or independent third-party entity was engaged. Functional and administrative reporting of the internal audit department are separate. 1. A separate structural division of internal audit was created in the Company that reports directly to the Board of Directors or the Audit Committee or an external independent organization with the same reporting status was engaged. observed partially -observed not observed 33 5.2.2 6.1. 6.1.1 6.1.2 Functionally, the internal audit department is subordinate to the Board of Directors. Structural division of internal audit carries out evaluation of the efficiency of the internal control system, evaluation of the risk management system, as well as corporate governance system. The Company applies generally accepted standards of internal auditing. observed partially -observed not observed 1. In the reporting period, within the framework of internal audit procedures, the efficiency of the internal control system and the risk management system was evaluated. 2. The Company uses generally accepted approaches to internal control and risk management. The Company and its activities should be transparent to its shareholders, investors, and other stakeholders. The Company developed and implemented an information policy enabling the Company to efficiently exchange information with its shareholders, investors, and other stakeholders. 1. The Board of Directors of the Company approved the information policy developed in compliance with the recommendations of the Code. observed partially -observed not observed 2. The Board of Directors (or one of its committees) reviewed the Company’s compliance with the information policy at least once in the reporting period. 1. The Company discloses information on its corporate governance system and the general corporate governance principles applied in the Company, including on its official website. 2. The Company discloses The Company discloses information on its corporate governance system and practices, including detailed information on compliance with the principles and recommendations of the Code. observed partially -observed not observed Regarding para. 3, the Company shall provide the following explanations: According to the information provided by the Federal Agency for State Property Management (Rosimushchestvo), the Company's controlling entity, the Russian Federation represented by the Federal Agency for State Property Management (Rosimushchestvo), did not prepare a separate memorandum on the plans for the Company. Information about this, along with the information about the 34 inclusion of the Company into certain program documents of the Russian Federation, is disclosed on the Company's website at http://www.rushydro.ru/investors/stockmarket/capital/svedeniya- o-nalichii-memoranduma-o-planakh-kontroliruyushchego- obshchestvo-litsa-v-otnoshenie-obshch/ information regarding the composition of its executive bodies and the Board of Directors, independence of the Board members and their membership in the Board committees (in compliance with the Code). 3. If there is a person who controls the Company, the Company publishes the memorandum of the controlling entity with regard to his/her plans concerning corporate governance in the Company. 6.2. 6.2.1 The Company discloses, on a timely basis, full, updated and reliable information about itself so as to enable its shareholders and investors to make informed decisions. The Company discloses information in accordance with the principles of regularity, consistency and timeliness, as well as accessibility, reliability, completeness and comparability of the disclosed data. 1. The information policy of the Company determines the approaches and criteria of identifying information which may substantially affect the standing of the Company and the value of its securities and procedures which ensure that such information is disclosed in a timely manner. observed partially -observed not observed 2. If the Company’s securities are traded on international organized markets, material information is disclosed both in the Russian Federation and on such markets in the same amount and at the same time within the reporting period. 35 3. If foreign shareholders own a substantial number of shares in the Company, the Company discloses information not only in Russian, but in one of the most commonly-used foreign languages as well. 1. During the course of the reporting period, the Company disclosed annual and semiannual financial statements prepared in compliance with IFRS. The annual report of the Company for the reporting period contains annual financial IFRS statements and the relevant audit report. 2. The Company discloses full information about the structure of the capital of the Company in compliance with Recommendation 290 of the Code in the annual report and on the website of the Company in the Internet. 1. The annual report of the Company contains information about the key aspects of the Company’s operational activities and financial results. 2. The annual report of the Company contains information about the environmental and social aspects of the Company’s 6.2.2 The Company is advised against using a formalistic approach to information disclosure and discloses material information on its activities, even if disclosure of such information is not required by law. 6.2.3 The Company’s annual report, as one of the most important tools of its information exchange with its shareholders and other stakeholders, contains information enabling one to evaluate the Company’s performance results for the year. observed partially -observed not observed observed partially -observed not observed 36 activities. 1. Informational policy of the Company defines unburdensome procedure of information provision to shareholders, including information about the entities controlled by the Company, upon their request. 1. During the reporting period, the Company did not deny shareholders’ requests to provide information or such refusals were justified. 6.3. 6.3.1 The Company should provide information and documents requested by its shareholders in accordance with the principle of equal and unhindered accessibility. Provision of information and documents by the Company upon the request of the shareholders is carried out in accordance with the principles of equal availability and easiness. observed partially -observed not observed 6.3.2 When providing observed partially -observed not observed 2. In cases specified in the information policy of the Company, the shareholders are warned of the confidential nature of the information and undertake to protect its confidentiality. information to its shareholders, the Company should maintain a reasonable balance between the interests of individual shareholders and its own interests related to the fact that the Company is interested in keeping confidential sensitive business information that might have a material impact on its competitiveness. Any actions, which will or may materially affect the Company’s share capital structure and its financial position and, accordingly, the position of its shareholders (material corporate actions) should be taken on fair terms and conditions ensuring that the rights and interests of the shareholders, as well as other stakeholders, are observed. Material corporate actions are deemed to include reorganization of the Company, acquisition of 30 or more percent of its voting shares (takeover), entering by the Company into any material 1. The Company’s Charter defines a list of transactions or other actions falling within the category of material corporate actions and criteria for their definition. Making decisions on any such material corporate actions falls within the observed partially -observed not observed 37 7.1. 7.1.1 transactions, increase or decrease of its authorized capital, listing and de- listing of its shares, as well as other actions which might result in material changes in the rights of its shareholders or violation of their interests. The Charter of the Company defines the list (criteria) of transactions or other actions falling within the category of material corporate actions, and such actions fall within the competence of the Company’s Board of Directors. 7.1.2 The Board of Directors plays a key role in passing resolutions or making recommendations relating to material corporate actions, the Board of Directors relies on the position of the Company’s independent directors. competence of the Company’s Board of Directors. In cases when the indicated actions are within the purview of the general meeting of shareholders in compliance with the requirements of the law, the Board of Directors issues recommendations to the shareholders. 2. The Charter of the Company determines the following actions as material corporate actions: reorganization of the Company, acquisition of 30 or more percent of voting shares (takeover), major transactions made by the Company, increase or decrease of the authorized capital of the Company, as well as listing or de-listing of the Company’s shares. 1. The Company has a procedure in place whereby independent directors state their position on material corporate actions prior to their approval. observed partially -observed not observed 7.1.3 When material corporate actions affecting the rights or legitimate interests of the Company’s shareholders are 1. The Company’s Charter, taking into account peculiarities of its activities, establishes lower criteria than those specified under the law for the observed partially -observed not observed 38 categorization of the Company’s transactions as material corporate actions. 2. During the reporting period, all material corporate actions were subject to approval prior to their execution. performed, equal terms and conditions are ensured for all of the shareholders and if statutory mechanisms designed to protect the shareholder rights prove to be insufficient for that purpose, additional measures are taken with a view to protect the rights and legitimate interests of the Company’s shareholders. In such instances, the Company is guided not only by compliance with the formal requirements of law but also by the principles of corporate governance set out in this Code. The Company provides such a procedure for performing any material corporate actions that enables its shareholders to receive full information about such actions in due course and thus be in a position to influence them, and guarantees that the shareholders’ rights are observed and duly protected in the event of performing such actions. Information about execution of material corporate actions is disclosed with explanations concerning reasons for, conditions and consequences of such actions. Rules and procedures in relation to material corporate actions performed by the Company are set out in its Regarding para. 1, the Company shall provide the following explanations: During the reporting period, there were no extraordinary significant corporate actions that required, in the opinion of the Company, additional disclosure. 1. Within the reporting period, the Company disclosed information about its material corporate actions in a timely manner and in detail, including foundations and terms of such actions. Paras. 1 and 2 are fully observed. Para. 3 is partially observed. Regarding para. 3, the Company shall provide the following explanations: Since January 1, 2017, amendments to the legislation regarding 39 1. The Company’s internal documents specify a procedure for the engagement of services of an independent appraiser to determine the value of the observed partially -observed not observed observed partially -observed not observed 7.2. 7.2.1 7.2.2 internal documents. property being transferred or acquired under a major transaction or an interested- party transaction. 2. The Company’s internal documents specify a procedure for the engagement of the independent appraiser to determine the purchase or buyback value of the shares of the Company. 3. Internal documents of the Company provide an extended list of grounds on which members of the Board of Directors and other parties stipulated by the legislation are considered interested in the transactions of the Company. interested-party transactions have come into force, that completely revise the approaches to the approval of interested- party transactions. The indicated changes tend to liberalize the regulation of interested-party transactions. Accordingly, it is impossible to include in the Company’s Charter an extended list of grounds (different from that prescribed in the Law On Joint-Stock Companies), on which members of the Board of Directors and other individuals provided for by the law, are deemed to be interested in the Company’s transactions. To implement this recommendation, at the General Meeting in 2020, shareholders will be proposed not to expand the list of grounds for being deemed an interested party, but rather to add a separate ground to the Charter for approving transactions in which the party or beneficiary is a legal entity where members of the Company's Board of Directors or Management Board hold positions vested with management authority (except for positions in governing bodies). 40 APPENDIX NO.2 INFORMATION (REPORT) ON INTERESTED-PARTY TRANSACTIONS CONCLUDED BY PJSC RUSHYDRO IN 2019 Ser. No. List of Transactions (Groups of Related Transactions) 1. The Addendum dated January 10, 2019 to the Agreement of the Non-State Pension Provision Agreement in favor of employees of PJSC RusHydro’s branch - Zagorskaya PSP (parity plan) No. 242 dated January 10, 2006; The Addendum dated January 10, 2019 of the Non-State Pension Provision Agreement in favor of employees of PJSC RusHydro’s branch - Zagorskaya PSP (corporate plan) No. 241 dated March 20, 2006. No. and Date of Minutes of Management Body Approving the Transaction In accordance with Clause 1.1 of Article 81 of Federal Law “On Joint-Stock Companies”, the members of the Board of Directors and the Management Board of the Company were notified of these transactions. The requirement to obtain consent (approval) for the transaction has not been received. Material Terms of a Transaction Parties to Addenda: JSC NPF Otkrytie; PJSC RusHydro (The Company). Beneficiaries: employees of the Company, in whose favor pension savings are formed, and former employees of the Company - participants of pension programs who receive a non-state pension or are entitled to receive a non-state pension upon reaching the pension qualification under the Non-State Pension Provision Agreements in accordance with the local regulatory documents (acts) of the Company. Subject of Addenda: from October 1, 2018, reduction in the cost of services of JSC NPF Otkrytie under Agreements from 2% to 1% of the transferred pension contributions. Exclusion of fixed parity ratios from parity-based Non-State Pension Provision Agreements. Price of Addenda: 1% of the total pension contributions to be transferred from October 1, 2018 under Agreements, not exceeding the amounts approved by the Board of Directors of the Company as part of the Company's Business Plan. The total amount of pension contributions transferred by the Company under Agreements for 2019 amounts to RUB 7,047,873 (seven million forty seventeen thousand eight hundred seventy three) 58 kopecks. Duration of Agreements: until the Fund fully fulfils its obligations to pay pensions to all participants. Interested Party(ies) as of the Moment of Transaction Conclusion Member of the Management Board, First Deputy General Director of the Company A. Kazachenkov, simultaneously occupying a position in the management body of the legal entity, being the Interested Party in the transaction (member of the Board of Directors of JSC NPF Otkrytie). 41 No. and Date of Minutes of Management Body Approving the Transaction In accordance with Clause 1.1 of Article 81 of Federal Law “On Joint-Stock Companies”, the members of the Board of Directors and the Management Board of the Company were notified of these transactions. The requirement to obtain consent (approval) for the transaction has not been received. Material Terms of a Transaction Parties to Addenda: JSC TK RusHydro (Party 1); PJSC RusHydro (Party 2). Subject of Addenda: change in the list of vehicles and transport facilities for leasing and provision of integrated transport services; change in the price of transactions, including price components, within the ceiling aggregate price of Agreements; change in schedules and/or shift timetables for provision of vehicles and machinery within the terms of the validity of Agreements and terms of services, change of the planned mileage and operating time; change of obligation execution schedules within the terms of validity of Agreements and terms of services. The Ceiling Aggregate Price of Addenda: RUB 5,088,759,252.51 including VAT. Term of services rendering and leasing under Agreements: up to August 31, 2019. Agreements ceased to be effective. Obligations of the parties under Agreements are completely fulfilled. Interested Party(ies) as of the Moment of Transaction Conclusion Member of the Management Board, First Deputy General Director of PJSC RusHydro S. Kirov whose brother occupies a position in the governing body of the related party to the transaction (A. Kirov, General Director of JSC TK RusHydro). Ser. No. List of Transactions (Groups of Related Transactions) 2. Addenda dated January 29, 2019, dated June 6, 2019 to the Agreement for transportation services and leasing of vehicle dated October 3, 2016 No. 032/2016/TK/Du; Addenda dated February 15, 2019, dated September 26, 2019, dated September 26, 2019 to the Agreement for transportation services and leasing of vehicle dated October 3, 2016 No. 033/2016/TK/Du; Addenda dated January 24, 2019, dated May 21, 2019, dated November 1, 2019 to the Agreement for transportation services and leasing of vehicle dated November 7, 2016 No. 044/2016/TK/Du; Addenda dated January 24, 2019, dated June 3, 2019 to the Agreement for transportation services and leasing of vehicle dated November 8, 2016 No. 045/2016/TK/Du; Addenda dated January 28, 42 Ser. No. List of Transactions (Groups of Related Transactions) No. and Date of Minutes of Management Body Approving the Transaction Material Terms of a Transaction Interested Party(ies) as of the Moment of Transaction Conclusion 2019, dated September 26, 2019 to the Agreement for transportation services and leasing of vehicle dated November 8, 2016 No. 046/2016/TK/Du; Addenda dated January 29, 2019, dated March 28, 2019, dated November 1, 2019 to the Agreement for transportation services and leasing of vehicle dated November 8, 2016 No. 047/2016/TK/Du; Agreements of Pledges dated April 12, 2019 as security of performance of obligations of JSC DGK on Loan Agreements dated January 29, 2019 No. DHB/RK/006/19, No. DHB/RK/007/19, No. DHB/RK/008/19 and No. DHB/RK/005/19. 3. In accordance with Clause 1.1 of Article 81 of Federal Law “On Joint-Stock Companies”, the members of the Board of Directors and the Management Board of the Company were notified of these transactions. The requirement to obtain consent (approval) for the transaction has not been received. Parties to Agreements: PJSC ROSBANK (Bank, Creditor); PJSC RusHydro (Surety). Beneficiaries under Agreements: JSC DGK being the Borrower under the Loan Agreement (hereinafter the Borrower, Debtor). Subject of Agreements: As security of performance of obligations of the Debtor to the Bank under Loan Agreements the Surety shall be liable jointly and severally with the Debtor to the Bank to the full extent for fulfillment by the Debtor of its obligations arising from or in connection with the fulfillment of the terms of Loan Agreements, including obligations to pay the principal amount, interest, any other payments stipulated by Loan Agreements. Price of Agreements: determined as aggregate amount of obligations of the Borrower, which may arise out of Loan Agreements and Member of the Management Board, Deputy General Director of the Company V. Khmarin, simultaneously being the Member of the Board of Directors of JSC DGK - beneficiary under suretyship agreements. 43 Ser. No. List of Transactions (Groups of Related Transactions) No. and Date of Minutes of Management Body Approving the Transaction Material Terms of a Transaction Interested Party(ies) as of the Moment of Transaction Conclusion consisting without limitation of the following: 1. obligations of the Borrower under the Loan Agreement dated January 29, 2019 No. DHB/RK/005/19: repay the debt sum of the Borrower within the aggregate loan limit on revolving credit line: RUB 700,000,000 (seven hundred million); pay interest, accrued by the rate of 8.98% (eight point ninety eight hundredths of percent) per annum, with the right of the Bank to change the interest rate depending on the change of conditions of the monetary and financial market; pay the interest in the amount of a key rate of the Bank of Russia, twofold the sum of the outstanding payment. Date of final repayment of the credit line: January 9, 2020. 2. obligations of the Borrower under the Loan Agreement dated January 29, 2019 No. DHB/RK/006/19: repay the debt sum of the Borrower within the aggregate loan limit on revolving credit line: RUB 1,000,000,000 (one billion); pay interest, accrued by the rate of 9.15% (nine point fifteen hundredths of percent) per annum, with the right of the Bank to change the interest rate depending on the change of conditions of the monetary and financial market; pay the interest in the amount of a key rate of the Bank of Russia, twofold the sum of the outstanding payment. Date of final repayment of the credit line: November 16, 2020. 3. obligations of the Borrower under the Loan Agreement dated January 29, 2019 No. DHB/RK/007/19: 44 Ser. No. List of Transactions (Groups of Related Transactions) No. and Date of Minutes of Management Body Approving the Transaction Material Terms of a Transaction Interested Party(ies) as of the Moment of Transaction Conclusion repay the debt sum of the Borrower within the aggregate loan limit on revolving credit line: RUB 1,000,000,000 (one billion); pay interest, accrued by the rate of 9.15% (nine point fifteen hundredths of percent) per annum, with the right of the Bank to change the interest rate depending on the change of conditions of the monetary and financial market; pay the interest in the amount of a key rate of the Bank of Russia, twofold the sum of the outstanding payment. Date of final repayment of the credit line: November 16, 2020. 4. obligations of the Borrower under the Loan Agreement of January 29, 2019 No. DHB/RK/008/19: repay the debt sum of the Borrower within the aggregate loan limit on revolving credit line: RUB 533,441,000 (five hundred thirty three million four hundred forty one thousand); pay interest, accrued by the rate of 9.15% (nine point fifteen hundredths of percent) per annum, with the right of the Bank to change the interest rate depending on the change of conditions of the monetary and financial market; pay the interest in the amount of a key rate of the Bank of Russia, twofold the sum of the outstanding payment. Date of final repayment of the credit line: November 16, 2020. Duration of Agreements: Agreements become effective from the date of their signing by the Parties. Agreements are valid: 45 Ser. No. List of Transactions (Groups of Related Transactions) No. and Date of Minutes of Management Body Approving the Transaction Material Terms of a Transaction Interested Party(ies) as of the Moment of Transaction Conclusion in relation to Loan Agreements dated January 29, 2019 No. DHB/RK/006/19, No. DHB/RK/007/19 and No. DHB/RK/008/19 up to November 16, 2022; in relation to the Loan Agreement dated January 29, 2019 No. DHB/RK/005/19 up to January 9, 2022. Premature termination of Agreements is allowed in cases stipulated by the relevant agreement. Other conditions of Agreements: the Surety, having fulfilled the obligation of the Borrower under the Loan Agreement, receives all the rights of the Creditor under this obligation to the extent that the Surety satisfied the requirement of the Creditor. Parties to Agreements and Addenda Party 1 - PJSC RusHydro; Party 2 - JSC TK RusHydro; Subject of Agreement: provision by the Party 2 to Party 1 of integrated transport services, as well as leasing with a crew and leasing without a crew of vehicles and transport facilities. Subject of the Addendum: change in the list of vehicles and transport facilities for leasing and provision of integrated transport services of the Headquarters and 18 branches of PJSC RusHydro; change in the price of the Agreement, including price components, within the ceiling aggregate price; change in schedules and/or shift timetables for provision of vehicles and machinery within the terms of the validity of services rendering and leasing under the Agreement; change of obligation execution schedules within the terms of validity of agreements and terms of services Member of the Management Board, First Deputy General Director of PJSC RusHydro S. Kirov whose brother occupies a position in the governing body to the transaction (A. Kirov, General Director of JSC TK RusHydro). 46 4. Agreement for transportation services and leasing of vehicle dated October 4, 2016 and Addendum hereto dated December 16, 2019. In accordance with Clause 1.1 of Article 81 of Federal Law “On Joint-Stock Companies”, the members of the Board of Directors and the Management Board of the Company were notified of these transactions. On the demand of the Member of the Board of Directors consent was obtained to transaction carrying out by the Board of Directors of the Company (minutes dated September 25, Ser. No. List of Transactions (Groups of Related Transactions) No. and Date of Minutes of Management Body Approving the Transaction Material Terms of a Transaction 2019 No. 296). rendering. Interested Party(ies) as of the Moment of Transaction Conclusion Ceiling Aggregate Price of the Agreement including the Addendum: RUB 4,880,824,790 (four billion eight hundred eighty million eight hundred twenty four thousand seven hundred ninety) 04 kopecks excluding VAT. Term of services rendering and leasing under the Agreement: from September 1, 2019 up to August 31, 2022. 47 APPENDIX NO.3 INFORMATION ON PARTICIPATION IN OTHER ORGANIZATIONS 3.1. INFORMATION CONCERNING ALL FORMS OF THE COMPANY'S SHAREHOLDING IN COMMERCIAL ENTITIES, INCLUDING ITS OBJECTIVES, FORM AND FINANCIAL INVOLVEMENT, BASIC DATA ON THE ENTITIES (MAIN STATUTORY ACTIVITIES, EARNINGS, PROFIT) AND EFFICIENCY INDICATORS, IN PARTICULAR, THE AMOUNT OF DIVIDENDS RECEIVED FOR THE OWNED SHARES IN THE REPORTED PERIOD Company Name Objectives of the Involvement Form of the Involveme nt Financial Indicators of the Involvement Earnings in 2019, thou. RUB Net Profit in 2019, thou. RUB Book Value of the Contribution, RUB PJSC RusHydro's stake in the Authorized Capital, % Main Activities Dividends/Profit Received by PJSC RusHydro in 2018 for Owned Shares (reporting period - 2018), thou. RUB Common service center of JSC RusHydro2 Supporting the Company's core business JSC Vedeneyev VNIIG Supporting the Company's core business Shareholding in the Company’s authorized capital Shareholding in the Company’s authorized capital 2,291,979,300.00 100 27,115 (17,567) - 8,160,200.00 100 1,280 512 64,717 68,672 000.00 Rendering of accounting, financial audit, tax consulting services Research and development activities in the field of electric power industry JSC Zaramagskiye Ensuring the Shareholding 17,933,142,000.00 99.75 217,227 (24,376) - Construction of 2 Name before July 23, 2019 - JSC HydroEngineering Siberia. 48 HPPs JSC Hydroinvest JSC Leningradskaya PSHPP development of the Company's core business Ensuring the development of the Company's core business Ensuring the development of the Company's core business in the Company’s authorized capital Shareholding in the Company’s authorized capital Shareholding in the Company’s authorized capital JSC NIIES JSC MC HydroOGK Supporting the Company's core business Supporting the Company's core business Shareholding in the Company’s authorized capital Shareholding in the Company’s authorized 9,553,493,704.00 66.81 1,035,692 592,324 6,663,565 938.00 100 - (292,851) - - 649 ,970,985.00 100 221,722 (63,552) - Zaramagskiye HPPs, power generation Securities transactions Redesign of the pilot Northern MPP, construction of the Leningradskaya PSPP, power generation Research and development activities in the field of electric power industry 150,000.00 100 731,964 23,523 4,782,000.00 Managing organization 49 JSC ESCO UES Ensuring the development of the Company's core business CJSC Boguchanskiy Aluminum Smelter Construction Organizer Development of new type of business JSC Boguchanskiy Aluminum Smelter Construction Customer Development of new type of business JSC Nizhne- Bureyskaya HPP JSC Zagorskaya PSHPP-2 Ensuring the development of the Company's core business Ensuring the development of the Company's core business capital Shareholding in the Company’s authorized capital Shareholding in the Company’s authorized capital Shareholding in the Company’s authorized capital Shareholding in the Company’s authorized capital Shareholding in the Company’s authorized capital 15,000,000.00 100 - (68,029) 4,900.00 49 527,454 96 5,100.00 51 114,465 162 100 509,803 (997,860) 100 70,338 (485,666) 38,392,689,509.00 62,681,508 646.00 JSC TK RusHydro Supporting the Shareholding 531,671,380.00 100 2,568 096 (8,256) - - - - - - Construction works Construction of the Boguchanskiy aluminum smelter Construction of the Boguchanskiy aluminum smelter Construction of the Nizhne-Bureyskaya HPP Construction of the Zagorskaya PSHPP-2 Provision of 50 Company's core business JSC Engineering Center for Renewable Energy Ensuring the development of the Company's core business JSC RusHydro CAC JSC Sulaksky HydroCascade JSC SSHPP SC Ensuring the development of the Company's core business Ensuring the development of the Company's core business Supporting the Company's core business in the Company’s authorized capital Shareholding in the Company’s authorized capital Shareholding in the Company’s authorized capital Shareholding in the Company’s authorized capital Shareholding in the Company’s authorized capital 694,072,210.00 100 - - 3,255,023,323.00 100 1,054 (4,818) - - 10,347,673 015.00 100 88,462 61,827 86,738,799.93 482,153,947.00 100 99,764 (15,320) - transportation services Construction of an experimental binary power unit Independent assessment of qualifications in the form of a professional exam for applicants in the field of electric power industry Construction of the Sulaksky hydropower cascade Training and Production Information and Innovation Center 51 535,040.00 100 8,648,675 37,863 52,918,000.00 6,582,581.00 100 34,200.00 Euro 100 - - (2,217) (5,100) - - 174,451.00 100 986,004 24,542 49,364,000.00 JSC Hydroremont – VCC Supporting the Company's core business JSC Karachay- Cherkessia Hydrogeneration Company Ensuring the development of the Company's core business HydroOGK Aluminium Company Limited Financial investments JSC Lenhydroproject PJSC Kolymaenergo Ensuring the development of the Company's core business Ensuring the development of the Company's core business Shareholding in the Company’s authorized capital Shareholding in the Company’s authorized capital Shareholding in the Company’s authorized capital Shareholding in the Company’s authorized capital Shareholding in the Company’s authorized capital 12,063,052,613.00 98.76 3,631,621 (3,928) - - JSC ChirkeiHPPstroy Supporting the Company's core business Shareholding in the Company’s 249,690,071.50 74.99 4,435,923 37,346 Repair of electric power facilities Construction Holding company Research and development activities in the field of electric power industry Power generation Construction works 52 JSC Dyakov Ust- Srednekanskaya HPP JSC ESC RusHydro JSC Malaya Dmitrovka JSC Small HHPs of Altai RusHydro International B.V. Ensuring the development of the Company's core business Supporting the Company's core business Ensuring the development of the Company's core business Ensuring the development of the Company's core business Ensuring the development of the Company's core business authorized capital Shareholding in the Company’s authorized capital Shareholding in the Company’s authorized capital Shareholding in the Company’s authorized capital Shareholding in the Company’s authorized capital Shareholding in the Company’s authorized capital 18,809,586,927.00 67.82 1,360,363 3,702 11,981,227,367.00 99.99 5,972,090 970,935 - - Construction of the Ust-Srednekanskaya HPP Wholesale trade in electric and thermal energy 4,819,782,000.00 100 600,248 62,435 73,112,949.96 Property management 500,000.00 100 5,800,000.00 Euro 100 - - (5,188) - Construction of small HPPs in Altai (8,267) Euro - Investment Activities 53 PJSC Yakutskenergo PJSC Boguchanskaya HPP JSC RHS JSC RAO ES East JSC CEK Ensuring the development of the Company's core business Ensuring the development of the Company's core business Supporting the Company's core business Ensuring the development of the Company's core business Strategic, financial investments Shareholding in the Company’s authorized capital Shareholding in the Company’s authorized capital Shareholding in the Company’s authorized capital Shareholding in the Company’s authorized capital Shareholding in the Company’s authorized capital 2,769,811,893.00 29.8 36,466,247 (3,424,667) - Power production, transmission and distribution 163,578,869.00 2.9 18,467,123 6,595,548 - Power generation 3,809,000.00 100 478,907 30,387 61,674,000.00 19,171,124,235.50 84.39 2,716,706 (2,757,319) - Provision of consulting services in procurement Management of holding companies 3,507,568,000.00 26.94 641,764 (5,395) - Power generation JSC Verkhne-Naryn HPPs Ensuring the development of the Company's Shareholding in the Company’s 2,500,000 som 50 - (1,517,188) som Construction of the Verkhne-Naryn cascade of HPPs 54 JSC IEGC JSC Blagoveshchenskaya CHPP JSC Sakhalinskaya SDPP-2 JSC Yakutskaya SDPP-2 JSC CHPP at Sovetskaya Gavan core business Strategic, financial investments Ensuring the development of the Company's core business Ensuring the development of the Company's core business Ensuring the development of the Company's core business Ensuring the development of the Company's core business authorized capital Shareholding in the Company’s authorized capital Shareholding in the Company’s authorized capital Shareholding in the Company’s authorized capital Shareholding in the Company’s authorized capital Shareholding in the Company’s authorized 8,861,928,328.00 42.75 No data No data Power transmission 6,301,500,000.00 100 367,351 (42,444) 176,924,323.74 CHPP construction 100 150,707 46,173 15,011,980 000.00 100 2,186,953 93,814 100 - 589,723 16,861,500,000.00 13,843,500,000.00 - - - SDPP construction SDPP construction CHPP construction 55 JSC BoAZ Holding Company Strategic, financial investments JSC BoHPP Holding Company Strategic, financial investments LLC RusHydro IT Service Supporting the Company's core business LLC Verkhnebalkarskaya SHPP Ensuring the development of the Company's core business LLC SHPPs of Stavropol Krai and Karachay-Cherkessia Ensuring the development of the Company's core business capital Shareholding in the Company’s authorized capital Shareholding in the Company’s authorized capital Shareholding in the Company’s authorized capital Shareholding in the Company’s authorized capital Shareholding in the Company’s authorized capital 500,000.00 100 10,114,189,287.00 100 - - (797) (476) - - 500,000.00 100 1,298,851 269,554 34,935 000.00 100 3,337 1,760 100 17,499 9,970 - - 581,256,768.00 47,694,908.51 Investment Activities Investment Activities Provision of consulting services in the field of IT Construction of the Verkhnebalkarskaya SHPP Construction of small HPPs in Karachay- Cherkessia PJSC Ensuring the Shareholding 681,451,532.8 13.93 20,514,508 804,139 Power production, 56 Kamchatskenergo JSC Technopark Rumyantsevo development of the Company's core business Supporting the Company's core business PJSC FEGrC Strategic, financial investments JSC Chukotskenergo Ensuring the development of the Company's core business in the Company’s authorized capital Shareholding in the Company’s authorized capital Shareholding in the Company’s authorized capital Shareholding in the Company’s authorized capital 0.000005 - (2,474) 8.23 10.00 178,714,322.00 1.04 97,746,207 (6,935,073) - 97.93 7,581,808 257,825 7,541,815,092 transmission and distribution Construction and installation works Purchase and sale of electricity (power) Power production, transmission and distribution Bank of Cyprus Public Company Ltd4 shares were acquired during liquidation of RusSUNHydro - Shareholding in the Company’s authorized 0.000186 Banking business 3 Taking into account placed new shares No. 1-01-31555-F-002D dated September 13, 2018, report on the results of new shares issue that are not yet registered by the Bank of Russia. 4 Information on revenue and net profit is not provided, since Bank of Cyprus Public Company Ltd is not an associate and/or a joint company of the RusHydro Group and is also not a part of it. PJSC RusHydro does not have the accounting statements of the said company. 57 Limited capital 58 3.2. INFORMATION CONCERNING ALL FORMS OF THE COMPANY'S PARTICIPATION IN NON-COMMERCIAL ENTITIES, INCLUDING THE ENTITY NAME, DATE OF JOINING, SUBSCRIPTION FEE IN RUB/OTHER CURRENCY, AREA OF THE ENTITY'S ACTIVITIES RusHydro Group is a member of several Russian industry associations and non-commercial partnerships. RusHydro Group considers its participation in few of them as strategic. (102-13) No. Name of the Entity Area of Activities of Non-Commercial Partnership Year of Entrance and Data of Decision Amount of Regular Membership Fee Note Non-Residents of the Russian Federation, Fees are Paid in the Currency of the Resident Country 1 International Hydropower Association Support and dissemination of hydropower industry knowledge under the auspices of UNESCO International Hydrological Program 2006, extract from the minutes of the Board of Directors of OJSC RAO UES No. 47 dated December 21, 2006 13,200 pounds of the United Kingdom 2 Global Sustainable Energy Partnership, GSEP Elaboration of joint policy platforms and implementation of relevant initiatives, both on domestic and international markets 2008, extract from the minutes of the Board of Directors of OJSC RusHydro No. 59 dated July 18, 2008 150,000 Canadian dollars Residents of the Russian Federation, Fees are Paid in Rubles 3 Market Council Association Arrangement of electric power trade in the wholesale market 4 Association of Land and Real Estate Owners and Investors The partnership serves a discussion panel used by RusHydro to promote its interests and dialogue with the government authorities concerning improvement of the legal environment in the area of land and property ownership. 2008, extract from the minutes of the Board of Directors of OJSC HydroOGK No. 48 dated March 3, 2008 2012, extract from the minutes of the Board of Directors of OJSC RusHydro No. 168 dated November 30, 2012 6,400 000 300,000 59 No. Name of the Entity Area of Activities of Non-Commercial Partnership Year of Entrance and Data of Decision Amount of Regular Membership Fee Note 5 6 7 8 Hydropower of Russia Association Improvement of the performance of hydropower facilities and the use of hydropower resources in Russia 2003, extract from the minutes of the Board of Directors of OJSC Managing Company Volzhsky Hydropower Cascade No. 18 dated December 15, 2003 7,140,000 Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs Protection of economic and social interests and legal rights that are necessary for the sustainable development of companies and the market economy as a whole 2006, extract from the minutes of the Board of Directors of OJSC HydroOGK No. 4 dated February 18, 2008 500,000 Council of Energy Industry Veterans Promotion of the Partnership members' activities in comprehensive support of the energy industry veterans 2008, extract from the minutes of the Board of Directors of OJSC HydroOGK No. 50 dated April 4, 2008 15,000,000 National Network of the Global Compact Association Representation and protection of the common interests of the Association’s members aimed at observing and consistently introducing into business practice the principles of responsible business conduct based on cooperation with all interested parties in accordance with the provisions of the Global Compact - the largest UN initiative for sustainable development. 2008, extract from the minutes of the General Meeting of Shareholders No. 17 dated June 28, 2018 (issue 14) 250,000 USD 15,000 - fee to the Foundation of the United Nations Global Compact 60 No. Name of the Entity Area of Activities of Non-Commercial Partnership Year of Entrance and Data of Decision Amount of Regular Membership Fee Note 9 Self-Regulatory Corporation of Builders of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Association Prevention of damage to life or health of natural persons, property of natural persons or legal entities, state or municipal property, environment, life or health of animals and plants, cultural heritage objects (historical and cultural monuments) of nationalities of the Russian Federation resulting from shortcomings of construction works, influencing the safety of capital construction objects and are executed by Self-Employed Entrepreneurs and (or) legal entities - members of the Association. 2017, extract from the minutes of the Management Board of PJSC RusHydro No. 1055pr/6 dated July 28, 2017 320,000 10 11 Scientific and Technical Council of the Unified Energy System Support to the Partnership’s members in the efforts to formulate the Research & Technology and Economic Policy of the Unified Energy System of Russia All-Russian Industry Association of Employers of the Power Sector “Energetic Employers Association of Russia” (“Association EEA of Russia”) Assistance in business development in electric power industry by means of representation and protection of employers’ interests in social and labor, economic and other spheres, in relationships with labor organizations, government authorities, local government bodies, working out and conduction of coordinated socially responsible policy of organizations - members of the Association. 2008, extract from the minutes of the Board of Directors of OJSC HydroOGK No. 50 dated April 4, 2008 2006, extract from the minutes of the Board of Directors of OJSC HydroOGK No. 18 dated April 10, 2006 2,000,000 2,450,000 61 Charters, Principles, and Initiatives Supported by the Company (102-13): Name Year of Joining Document Scope Declaration on Reservoirs for Sustainable Development (ICOLD) Russian Business Social Charter (RSPP) Anti-Corruption Charter of Russian Business (RSPP) Concept of Long-term Socio-Economic Development of Russia until 2020 Methodology for Assessing the Compliance of Hydropower Projects with Sustainable Development Criteria (International Hydropower Association (IHA-MAG) United Nations Global Compact Sectoral Tariff Agreement in the Electric Power Industry of the Russian Federation for 2019-2021 Paris Agreement on Climate 2012 2013 2013 2008 2011 2017 2019 2019 International document Russian Federation Russian Federation Russian Federation International document International document Russian Federation International document 62 3.3. INFORMATION CONCERNING SHARES/STAKES PURCHASE CONTRACTS MADE BY PJSC RUSHYDRO IN 2019, INDICATING THE PARTIES TO THE CONTRACTS, THEIR SUBJECT, PRICE, AND OTHER TERMS 1. Alienation of Shares under Purchase Contract Date of the contract: February 8, 2019 Parties: Seller - PJSC RusHydro Buyer - VHG Auslandsbeteiligungen GmbH Subject: The Seller transfers to the Buyer's ownership the share, amounting to 40.00% in the authorized capital of the Limited Liability Company VolgaHydro and the Buyer accepts the share and pays its price Price: Price of the transferred share amounted to RUB 450,000,000 (Four hundred and fifty million) 00 kopecks 2. Acquisition of shares under additional issue (budget funds) Date of the contract: April 11, 2019. Parties: Company - JSC Chukotskenergo Organization - PJSC RusHydro Subject: The Organization provides a contribution in 2019 - 2020 to the authorized capital of the Company at the expense of acquired budget investments for implementation of “Construction of Two Single-Circuit 110 kV Pevek-Bilibino Overhead Lines” (construction stage No. 1) with equivalent increase of the Organization share in the authorized capital of the Company. Price: The Organization provides the Company budget investments in total amount of RUB 13,000,000,000 (Thirteen billion) 00 kopecks, including: in 2019 - RUB 7,000,000,000 (Seven billion) 00 kopecks; in 2020 - RUB 6,000,000,000 (Six billion) 00 kopecks. 3. Acquisition of shares under additional issue 63 Date of the contract: April 11, 2019. Parties: Issuer - JSC Chukotskenergo Acquirer - PJSC RusHydro Subject: The Issuer shall transfer to the Acquirer's ownership the following shares, placed by private subscription issued in accordance with the Decision on additional issue of securities, registered by the Bank of Russia on September 13, 2018: Name of Issuer Quantity of shares Category (type) of shares Nominal value of 1 share Share offering price of 1 share Issue state registration number Total price of shares acquired Joint Stock Company Chukotskenergo (JSC Chukotskenergo) 5,000,000,000 (Five billion) pcs. Registered ordinary uncertificated share RUB 1 (One) RUB 1 (One) 1-01-31555-F-002D dated September 13, 2018 RUB 5,000,000,000 (Five billion) 4. Acquisition of shares under additional issue (budget funds) Date of the contract: November 29, 2019. Parties: Company- JSC CHPP at Sovetskaya Gavan Organization - PJSC RusHydro Subject and price: The Organization provides in 2019 a contribution to the authorized capital of the Company at the expense of allocated balance of target funds in the amount of RUB 899,304,159 (Eight hundred ninety nine million three hundred four thousand one hundred fifty nine) 70 kopecks for implementation of the project “CHPP construction at Sovetskaya Gavan, Khabarovsk Territory. Correction 2017” and transferred the Company own funds in the amount of 30 kopecks with equivalent increase of the Organization share in the authorized capital of the Company. 5. Acquisition of shares under additional issue Date of the contract: December 11, 2019 Parties: Issuer - JSC CHPP at Sovetskaya Gavan Acquirer - PJSC RusHydro Subject: 64 The Issuer shall transfer to the Acquirer's ownership the following shares, placed by private subscription issued in accordance with the Decision on additional issue of securities, registered by the Bank of Russia on November 28, 2019: Name of Issuer Quantity of shares Category (type) of shares Nominal value of 1 share Share offering price of 1 share Issue state registration number Total price of shares acquired Joint Stock Company CHPP construction at Sovetskaya Gavan (JSC CHPP construction at Sovetskaya Gavan) 17,556,695,840 (Seventeen billion five hundred fifty six million six hundred ninety five thousand eight hundred forty) pcs. Registered ordinary uncertificated share RUB 1 (One) RUB 1 (One) 1-01-58919-N-002D dated November 28, 2019 RUB 17,556,695,840 (Seventeen billion five hundred fifty six million six hundred ninety five thousand eight hundred forty) 6. Acquisition of shares under additional issue Date of the contract: December 10, 2019 Parties: Issuer - JSC Yakutskaya SDPP-2 Acquirer - PJSC RusHydro Subject: The Issuer shall transfer to the Acquirer's ownership the following shares, placed by private subscription issued in accordance with the Decision on additional issue of securities, registered by the Bank of Russia on December 5, 2019: Name of Issuer Quantity of shares Category (type) of shares Nominal value of 1 share Share offering price of 1 share Issue state registration number Total price of shares acquired Joint Stock Company Sakhalinskaya SDPP-2 (JSC Sakhalinskaya SDPP-2) 9,216,605,312 (Nine billion two hundred sixteen million six hundred five thousand three hundred twelve) pcs. Registered ordinary uncertificated share RUB 1 (One) RUB 1 (One) 1-01-58922-N-003D dated December 5, 2019 RUB 9,216,605,312 (Nine billion two hundred sixteen million six hundred five thousand three hundred twelve) 7. Acquisition of shares under additional issue Date of the contract: December 19, 2019 Parties: Issuer - JSC Yakutskaya SDPP-2 Acquirer - PJSC RusHydro Subject: 65 The Issuer shall transfer to the Acquirer's ownership the following shares, placed by private subscription issued in accordance with the Decision on additional issue of securities, registered by the Bank of Russia on December 16, 2019: Name of Issuer Quantity of shares Category (type) of shares Nominal value of 1 share Share offering price of 1 share Issue state registration number Total price of shares acquired Joint Stock Company Yakutskaya SDPP-2 (JSC Yakutskaya SDPP-2) 5,912,000,000 (Five billion nine hundred twelve million) pcs. Registered ordinary uncertificated share RUB 1 (One) RUB 1 (One) 1-01-58921-N-002D dated December 16, 2019 RUB 5,912,000,000 (Five billion nine hundred twelve million) The Company in 2019 did not conclude contracts for the sale of shares (equity interests) of economic partnerships and companies. 66 APPENDIX NO.4 INFORMATION ON THE DECISIONS ADOPTED BY RUSHYDRO’S BOARD OF DIRECTORS IN 2019 Date and No. of Minutes Minutes of 21.02.2019 (cid:569)(cid:3)(cid:21)(cid:27)(cid:22) Items on the Agenda Decisions Taken On approval of the Program of Works of RusHydro's Board of Directors for the 1st half of 2019. On the approval of the report concerning the implementation of actions aimed at selling the non- core assets of the Company for 2018. On approval of transactions for the gratuitous transfer of the Company's property to third parties. To approve the Program of Works of RusHydro's Board of Directors for the first half of 2019 (Schedule 1 to the Minutes). To approve the Report on the implementation of the Program of Works for the sale of non-core assets of RusHydro for 2018 (Schedule 2 to the Minutes). To approve the conclusion of an Agreement on the Gratuitous Transfer (Donation) of Property 1. (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) under the following material terms and conditions: Parties to the Agreement: The Donor is the Company. The Donee is the Russian Federation represented by the Interregional Territorial Administration of the Federal Agency for State Property Management in the Khabarovsk Territory and the Jewish Autonomous Region. Subject Matter of the Agreement: The Donor shall gratuitously transfer and the Donee shall accept in ownership the immovable and movable property of the hydrometeorological network in accordance with Schedule 3 and Schedule 4 to the Minutes (hereinafter referred to as the Property) for the subsequent assignment of the right of operational management to the Federal State Budgetary Institution Far East Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring Department. Price (book value) of the Property (as of December 31, 2018): 20,674,861 (twenty million six hundred seventy-four thousand eight hundred sixty-one) rubles and 28 kopecks. 2. To approve the conclusion of an Agreement on the Gratuitous Transfer (Donation) of Property (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) under the following material terms and conditions: Parties to the Agreement: The Donor is the Company. The Donee is the rural settlement Gimry Village of the Untsukulsky District of the Republic of Dagestan 67 Items on the Agenda Decisions Taken Date and No. of Minutes To approve the conclusion of an Agreement on the Gratuitous Transfer (Donation) of Property represented by the Administration of the Municipal Formation Gimry Village of the Untsukulsky District of the Republic of Dagestan. Subject Matter of the Agreement: The Donor shall gratuitously transfer and the Donee shall accept in ownership the real estate object – the road transport structure "Bridge" with cadastral number 05:35:000022:113, 113 m long, located at: the Republic of Dagestan, Untsukulsky District, Gimry Village, Irganayskaya HPP in accordance with Schedule 5 to the Minutes (hereinafter, the Property). Price (book value) of the Property (as of December 31, 2018): 98,977,438 (ninety-eight million nine hundred seventy-seven thousand four hundred thirty-eight) rubles and 26 kopecks. 3. (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) under the following material terms and conditions: Parties to the Agreement: The Donor is the Company. The Donee is the Russian Federation represented by the Territorial Administration of the Federal Agency for State Property Management in the Stavropol Territory. Subject Matter of the Agreement: The Donor shall gratuitously transfers and the Donee shall accept in ownership the immovable property – hydraulic structure “Differential No. 1 With a Dam” with the cadastral number 26:15:000000:3586, 1,860 m long, located at: Stavropol Territory, Kochubeyevsky District, 7,850 m in a south-westerly direction from the central part of the Dvortsovskoye Village according to Schedule 6 to the Minutes (hereinafter, the Property) for subsequent assignment of the right of operational management to the Federal State Budgetary Institution Department of Land Reclamation and Agricultural Water Supply in the Stavropol Territory. Price (book value) of the Property (as of December 31, 2018): 3,469,704 (three million four hundred sixty-nine thousand seven hundred four) rubles and 54 kopecks. To approve the conclusion of an agreement on making a contribution to the property of Small HPPs of Altai JSC (hereinafter, the Agreement) as a transaction related to the gratuitous transfer of the Company's property on the following material terms: Parties to the Agreement: 68 On approval of a transaction for the gratuitous transfer of the Company's property. Items on the Agenda Decisions Taken Date and No. of Minutes On approval of the Company's internal documents: On approval of the Regulation on the evaluation of the activities of the Board of Directors and committees of the Board of Directors of RusHydro. Confidential. Confidential. Confidential. Confidential. Confidential. On the approval of reports concerning the results of activity of the Committees of the Board of Directors of RusHydro. RusHydro Small HHPs of Altai JSC Subject of the Agreement: Making a contribution (in cash) to the property of Small HPPs of Altai JSC. The contribution amount is 4,071,399 (four million seventy-one thousand three hundred ninety-nine) rubles and 00 kopecks. Other terms of the Agreement: The period for the contribution is until February 25, 2019. To approve the Regulations on the evaluation of the activities of the Board of Directors and committees of the Board of Directors of RusHydro (Schedule 7 to the Minutes). 1. To approve the report concerning the results of the activity of the Audit Committee of the Board of Directors of the Company for the first half of the 2018–2019 corporate year (Schedule 12 to the Minutes). 2. To approve the report concerning the results of the activity of the HR and Remunerations (Nominations) Committee of the Board of Directors of the Company for the first half of the 2018–2019 corporate year (Schedule 13 to the Minutes). 3. Directors of the Company for the first half of the 2018–2019 corporate year (Schedule 14 to the Minutes). 4. To approve the report concerning the results of the activity of the Strategy Committee of the Board of To approve the report concerning the results of the activity of the Investment Committee of the Board 69 Items on the Agenda Decisions Taken Date and No. of Minutes To instruct the Company's Management Board: To take into consideration the information on the effectiveness of the forward contract and on the To approve the report concerning the results of the activity of the Reliability, Energy Efficiency and of Directors of the Company for the first half of the 2018–2019 corporate year (Schedule 15 to the Minutes). 5. To approve the report concerning the results of the activity of the Far East Power Industry Development Committee of the Board of Directors of the Company for the first half of the 2018–2019 corporate year (Schedule 16 to the Minutes). 6. Innovations Committee of the Board of Directors of the Company for the first half of the 2018–2019 corporate year (Schedule 17 to the Minutes). 1. implementation of the Plan to increase the value of the RusHydro Group for the period up to 2021 in accordance with Schedules 18 and 19 to the Minutes. 2. 2.1. To continue work aimed at increasing the market value of the Company, including creating conditions for ensuring the cost recovery of the pumped storage hydropower plant; inclusion of the Company's projects in the Far Eastern Federal District (hereinafter referred to as the FEFD) in the asset modernization program, taking into account the guaranteed return of the investments; establishing long-term tariff regulation in the FEFD which takes into account the real cost increases of energy companies; and the implementation of measures for the capitalization of the intragroup debt level of DGK JSC in order to preserve the financial stability of the latter. 2.2. To submit proposals for consideration by the Board of Directors of the Company aimed at increasing the transparency and predictability of dividend payments of the Company, taking into account the need to ensure that the financial condition of RusHydro Group does not deteriorate, as well as the implementation of investment projects in the Far Eastern Federal District. 1. To terminate the powers of member of the Management Board V. I. Markin on February 24, 2019. 2. To define the number of members of the Company's Management Board as 6 persons. 3. Confidential. - - - - 70 On the effectiveness of the forward contract and on the implementation of the Plan to increase the value of the RusHydro Group for the period up to 2021. On forming RusHydro's management bodies. Confidential. Confidential. Confidential. Confidential. Date and No. of Minutes Minutes of 29.03.2019 (cid:569)(cid:3)(cid:21)(cid:27)(cid:23) Items on the Agenda Decisions Taken On implementation of the Business Plan of the Company for 2018 (including the report on implementation of the Investment Program, including the Program for the Integrated Upgrading of Generating Facilities, for 2018). On approval of the report on the implementation of the consolidated Business Plan (including the consolidated Investment Program) of RusHydro Group for 2018. On approval of the report on the achievement of the Company's (the Management Board members') key performance indicators. Confidential. To approve the report on the implementation of the Business Plan of the Company for the year 2018 (including the report on the implementation of the Investment Program, including the Complex Modernization Program for Generating Facilities for the year 2018) (Appendix No. 1 to the Minutes). To approve the report on the implementation of the consolidated Business Plan (including the consolidated Investment Program and the action plan for the optimization of costs based on the results of an external independent cost audit at RusHydro, including its subsidiaries) of RusHydro Group for 2018 (Appendix No. 2 to the Minutes). To approve the report on achievement of annual key performance indicators of members of the 1. Company's Management Board for 2018 for the following indicators: "Return on Equity (ROE)," "Earnings before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization (EBITDA)," "Share of Purchases from Small and Medium Enterprises, %, Including based on Results of Purchases Only from Small and Medium Enterprises," "Productivity of Labor," "Prevention of More Than the Limit Number of Breakdowns, Pcs," "Observation of Facility Commissioning Schedules and the Financing and Development Plan, %," as per Appendix No. 3 to the Minutes. 2. of Operating Expenses (Costs), %" for 2018 to another scheduled meeting of the Board of Directors. To postpone the hearing of the issue of fulfillment of the annual key performance indicator "Reduction - Furthermore, during the discussion of the agenda items, the Chairman of the Board of Directors Yu. P. Trutnev ordered the Company's Management Board: 1.1. designed to ensure the growth of stock prices for consideration of the Board of Directors by August 31, 2019. 1.2. To submit the matter of the analysis of factors affecting stock quotations and additional measures To ensure the consideration of information about the reasons for the growth of the debt burden of RAO 71 Items on the Agenda Decisions Taken Date and No. of Minutes To submit a legal opinion on the legality of the adoption of a resolution by the Company's Board of To provide the Chairman of the Board of Directors with suggestions for a set of measures designed to ES of East Holding at the appropriate committee of the Board of Directors. To provide the results to the Chairman of the Company's Board of Directors. 1.3. lift restrictions on recovery of receivables from non-paying offtakers. 1.4. Directors on deeming the indicator "Decrease of Operational Costs (Expenses), %" for 2018 fulfilled. The minority opinion of member of the Company's Board of Directors V. M. Kravchenko on the agenda items is enclosed. 1. To take the Draft Consolidated Investment Program of RusHydro for 2020–2024 and for 2019 (adjustment) (Appendices No. 1a, 1b and 1c to the Minutes) and the sources of their financing (Appendix No. 1d to the Minutes) under advisement. To pre-approve the Draft Consolidated Investment Program of RusHydro for 2020–2024 and draft 2. amendments to the Draft Investment Program of RusHydro for 2019–2028 approved by Order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia (Minenergo) No. 6@ of October 22, 2018 (Appendices No. 2a, 2b and 2c to the Minutes) in order to ensure that information disclosure is compliant with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 24 of January 21, 2004 "On Approval of Standards for Information Disclosure by Wholesale and Retail Electricity Market Participants". 3. approved Draft Investment Program of RusHydro for 2020–2029 and the draft amendments to the Investment Program of RusHydro for 2019–2028 approved by order of the Ministry of Energy (Minenergo) of Russia No. 6@ of October 22, 2018, in accordance with the procedure established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 977 of December 1, 2009 "On Investment Programs of Electrical Energy Industry Participants" (hereinafter referred to as "Decree No. 977"). To approve the report on the public technology and pricing audit of RusHydro's 2018 investment projects, with the results of a consolidated analysis of the audits and with the findings of public and expert discussions (Appendix No. 3 to the Minutes). To instruct Chairman of the Management Board and General Director N. G. Shulginov to send the 72 Minutes of 29.03.2019 (cid:569)(cid:3)(cid:21)(cid:27)(cid:24) On consideration of the Draft Consolidated Investment Program of RusHydro Group for 2020– 2024 and for 2019 (Adjustment) and the Draft Investment Program of RusHydro for 2020– 2029 and for 2019 (adjustment). On approval of a report on the public technological and price audit of investment projects for 2018, which contains the results of a consolidated analysis of the audits and conclusions based on Items on the Agenda Decisions Taken Date and No. of Minutes the results of public and expert discussion. On approval of the list of RusHydro investment projects for the public technological and price audit in 2019–2020. On approval of the Report on the Organization of Insurance Coverage of RusHydro in 2017. Confidential. Confidential. On determining cases when the Company may execute transactions related to release from liabilities to itself or to a third party without the prior approval of the Company's Board of Directors: waiver by the Company of the rights under a bank guarantee and/or signing by the Company of an agreement to terminate a guarantor's liabilities under a bank guarantee. To approve the list of RusHydro's investment projects which are implemented or scheduled for implementation under the investment program of RusHydro for the conduct of a public technology and pricing audit in 2019– 2020 (Appendix No. 4 to the Minutes). To approve the report on the insurance coverage of RusHydro in 2018 (Appendix No. 5 to the Minutes). To decide that the sole executive body of the Company may enter into transactions (including several related transactions), without the prior consent of the Company's Board of Directors, under which the Company waives its rights under a bank guarantee and/or under which the Company consents to release a guarantor under a bank guarantee from its liabilities in the following cases: - The Company receives a new bank guarantee (issued by the same or by a new guarantor) or another valid bank guarantee (issued by the same or by a new guarantor) is amended to ensure the fulfilment of the principal liability that was previously guaranteed by the terminated bank guarantee; - (issued by the same or by a new guarantor) or another valid bank guarantee (issued by the same or by a new guarantor) is amended to ensure the fulfillment of the changed principal liability; - In connection with a change in the principal liability, the Company receives a new bank guarantee The principal liability guaranteed by the terminated bank guarantee is fulfilled. On financing of the project "Construction of two single-chain 110 kV overhead power lines 'Pevek — Bilibino'" (construction To instruct Chairman of the Management Board and General Director of the Company N. G. Shulginov to grant an intra-group loan to JSC Chukotenergo (with the possibility of subsequent capitalization) to ensure the financing of the design documentation for the priority project "Construction of two single-chain 110 kV overhead power lines 'Pevek — Bilibino'" (construction stage 2) (hereinafter referred to as the "Project") under 73 Items on the Agenda Decisions Taken Date and No. of Minutes stage 2). On approval of the 2018—2021 Action Plan for the Company's transition to the preferred use of Russian software. On development of programs to improve procurement quality. the following material terms and conditions: Parties to the Agreement: The Borrower: JSC Chukotenergo The Lender: RusHydro Subject of the Agreement: The Lender shall issue funds (loan amount, loan) to the Borrower, and the Borrower undertakes to repay the loan to the Lender. Maximum loan amount: Two hundred eleven million seven hundred forty thousand rubles and 00 kopecks (RUB 211,740,000.00). Loan repayment period: The parties shall determine the loan repayment schedule by March 1, 2020, by way of signing a supplementary agreement to the Agreement. Until the loan repayment scheduled is determined, the loan shall be repaid at call within five (5) business days from the moment of delivery to the Borrower of the Lender's notice of loan repayment, but in any case no later than on December 28, 2027. The interest rate for the Loan is 0% per annum. The Loan's intended use: Financing of working capital to cover the expenses for the preparation of design documentation for the Project. Loan terms and conditions: Nonrevolving tranches based on the request of the Borrower. Terms and conditions for early repayment of the Loan: The Lender shall have the right to demand early repayment of the Loan from the Borrower. The Borrower shall have the right to repay the loan early in part or in full. 1. To approve the 2018—2021 Action Plan for the Company's transition to the preferred use of Russian software in accordance with Appendix No. 8 to the Minutes. 2. To approve performance indicators for taking actions to transition to the preferred use by the Company of Russian software in accordance with Appendix No. 9 to the Minutes. To instruct Chairman of the Management Board and General Director of the Company N. G. Shulginov to arrange for the following: 74 Items on the Agenda Decisions Taken Date and No. of Minutes Publication of information about the execution of Directives of the Government of the Russian development and approval of the Program for Improvement of the Company's Procurement Quality Dissemination of the Program to the organizations controlled by the Company (Appendix No. 11 to the an assessment procedure and performance indicators of the Program that take into account the level of 1. (hereinafter referred to as the "Program"), which shall include the following: - competition in procurements, as specified in Appendix No. 10 to the Minutes; - actions to assess and improve the qualification of personnel, both those directly involved in procurement and those responsible for identifying the client's specific need, and performance of agreements and payments under agreements, by April 1, 2019. 2. Minutes). 3. Federation No. 1519p-P13, together with electronic copies of support documents, on the Interdepartmental State Property Management Portal by April 3, 2019. 1. The Company's Management Board shall ensure the following: 1.1. Analysis and amendment of the long-term development program for its subsequent update in view of the Action Plan and for the improvement of return on investments in capital assets in line with the goals defined by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 204 of May 7, 2018 "On National Goals and Strategic Development Objectives of the Russian Federation up to 2024" (hereinafter referred to as "Decree No. 204"), within three months as of the date of approval of the Action Plan for the accelerated pace of growth of investments in capital assets and for the increase of their share in the Gross Domestic Product to 25%, including the performance targets by types of economic activity (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan"). 1.2. Submission of audit reports concerning the long-term development program to the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, the Federal Agency for State Property Management and the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, including by way of publishing the audit reports on the Interdepartmental State Property Management Portal by June 1 of each year. 2. To deem the order specified in Directives of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 276p-P13 of January 17, 2019, and in Paragraph 1.1 hereof with regard to bringing the long-term development program into line with the objectives specified in Decree No. 204 to have been executed in connection with the adoption by the Company's Board of Directors of a decision on Item 3.4 "On amendments to the long-term development program of RusHydro Group" (Minutes No. 279 of October 26, 2018). 75 On the update of the long-term development program of RusHydro and submission of an audit report on the long-term development program to the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, the Federal Agency for State Property Management and the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation. Items on the Agenda Decisions Taken Date and No. of Minutes On revision of the corporate import substitution plans with regard to means of protection against radiation, chemical and biological factors. On forming the Reliability, Energy Efficiency, and Innovations Committee under the Board of Directors of the Company. On the progress of the priority construction projects in the Far East (CHPP in Sovetskaya Gavan, Sakhalin GRES-2 (stage 1)) as of December 31, 2018. The requirements of the URPP have been applied to the organizations controlled by the Company The above provision of the URPP applies, among other things, to the purchase of Russian means of To take note of the following: and Paragraph 5.17 of the Unified Regulation on Product Procurement for the Needs of RusHydro 1. - Group, approved by the Company's Board of Directors (Minutes No. 277 of October 4, 2018, hereinafter referred to as the "URPP"), priority shall be placed on procured products (goods, work, services) of Russian origin over procured products of foreign origin5; - protection against radiation, chemical and biological factors; - starting November 1, 2018. 2. To establish that no additional amendments to the URPP or other bylaws of the Company related to procurement are required to establish the priority of the purchase of modern Russian means of protection against radiation, chemical and biological factors. 3. To instruct the Chairman of the Management Board and General Director of the Company to revise the production process procedures and/or bylaws of the Company governing occupational health and safety in view of the latest technologies, including Russian ones, related to protection against radiation, chemical and biological factors. To prematurely terminate the powers of Dmitry Borisovich Gvozdev, a member of the Reliability, Energy Efficiency, and Innovations Committee under the Company's Board of Directors. To elect Andrey Vladimirovich Mayorov, Deputy General Director and Chief Engineer of PJSC Rosseti, as a member of the Reliability, Energy Efficiency, and Innovations Committee under the Company's Board of Directors. To take note of the information on the progress of the priority construction projects in the Far East (CHPP in Sovetskaya Gavan, Sakhalin GRES-2 (stage 1)) as of December 31, 2018 (Appendix No. 12 to the Minutes). 5 In accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 925 of September 16, 2016 "On the Priority of Goods of Russian Origin and Work Performed and Services Provided by Russian Persons as Compared to Goods of Foreign Origin or Work Performed and Services Provided by Foreign Persons". 76 Items on the Agenda Decisions Taken Date and No. of Minutes Confidential. Minutes of 05.04.2019 (cid:569)(cid:3)(cid:21)(cid:27)(cid:25) Review of the Company shareholders’ proposals on the nomination of candidates for election to the management and supervisory bodies of RusHydro. - The minority opinions of the Members of the Company's Board of Directors P. S. Grachev and M. A. Rasstrigin (on item 1) and V. M. Kravchenko (on items 1, 5.2., 6.2., 6.3., 6.6. and 6.8.) are attached to the Minutes. 1. On the basis of proposals received from Company shareholders, include the following candidates in the list of candidates for election to the Company's Board of Directors at the annual General Meeting of Company Shareholders on the results of 2018: (cid:569) Candidate nominated by the shareholder(s) for election to the Board of Directors of the Company Mikhail Viktorovich Voyevodin Artem Valeryevich Kislichenko Andrey Nikolayevich Shishkin 1. 2. 3. Position and place of employment of the candidate 6, nominated by the shareholder(s) for election to the Board of Directors of the Company General Director, Public Joint- Stock Company Corporation VSMPO-AVISMA. Director for Legal Affairs, Public Joint-Stock Company Corporation VSMPO-AVISMA. Vice President for Power Engineering, Localization, and Innovations, Rosneft Oil Company President and Chairman of the Management Board, Public Joint Stock Oil Company Bashneft. Name of the shareholder(s) nominating the candidate for election to the Board of Directors of the Company Quantity of the Company's voting shares held by the shareholder(s) 7 (as a percentage of the authorized capital) Limited Liability Company Avitrans 6.05 2. For the purpose of including the candidates nominated by the Board of Directors in the list of candidates for election to the Board of Directors and the lnternal Audit Commission of the Company, hold a meeting of the Company's Board of Directors on or before May 24, 2019. 6 Position and place of employment of the candidate as of the nomination date according to the shareholder’s application. 7 Quantity of the Company's voting shares held by the shareholder as of the nomination date. 77 Items on the Agenda Decisions Taken Date and No. of Minutes Review of the Company shareholders’ proposals on matters to be placed on the agenda of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of RusHydro. Participation of the Company in other organizations. Approval of a report on the achievement of the annual KPI "Reduction of operating expenses (costs), %" of the Company (Management Board members). Approve participation of the Company in Chukotenergo JSC through the acquisition of additional RUB 3,000,000,000 at the cost of funds from the Reserve Fund of the Government of the Russian 1. Consider information on the absence of proposals of the Company's shareholders on items to be placed on the agenda of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of RusHydro, the period for submitting which is established in Clause 11.1 of the Company's Articles of Association. 2. For the purpose of placing items on the agenda of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company on the results of 2018 upon the proposal of the Board of Directors, hold a meeting of the Company's Board of Directors on or before May 24, 2019. 1. ordinary registered uncertified shares of Chukotenergo JSC for a total amount not exceeding RUB 18,000,000,000 at a price determined by the Board of Directors of Chukotenergo JSC in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, of which: - RUB 10,000,000,000 will be contributed to the authorized capital of the said joint-stock company at the cost of funds from the federal budget according to Federal Law No. 459-FZ dated November 29, 2018 "On the Federal Budget for 2019 and for the Planning Period of 2020 and 2021"; - Federation according to Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 231 dated March 2, 2019 "On the Allocation of Budgetary Investments to RusHydro at the Cost of Funds from the Federal Budget"; - RUB 5,000,000,000 at the cost of the Company's own funds, inter alia, by way of set-off under loans issued, for the purposes of making capital investments in the construction of the overhead power line Pevek – Bilibino 110 kV. The aggregate shareholding of the Company in the authorized capital of Chukotenergo JSC following its increase will be not less than 97.74%. 2. Determine that the price of acquisition of the ordinary shares of Chukotenergo JSC by the Company equals the price of their offering, as determined by the Board of Directors of Chukotenergo JSC (Minutes No. 12-18 dated July 6, 2018) and amounts to one (1) ruble per one additionally offered ordinary share. 1. To deem the KPI "Reduction of operating expenses (costs), %" for 2018, calculated with due regard for factors that are beyond the control of the Company's management, to have been achieved. 2. To approve a report on the achievement of the annual KPI "Reduction of operating expenses (costs), %" of the Company's Management Board members for 2018 (Appendix No. 1 to the Minutes). 78 Items on the Agenda Decisions Taken Date and No. of Minutes To apply to the federal executive authorities with an initiative to revoke, adjust or recognize as Considering the minority opinion of Member of the Board of Directors M. S. Bystrov regarding item 3.2 of the Agenda, the Company's Management Board was instructed: 1. implemented Directive of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 2303p-P13 dated April 16, 2015, in order to subsequently amend the Methodology for Calculating and Evaluating the Key Performance Indicators of the Members of the Company's Management Board (the "Methodology"); 2. Within three (3) months, and also following the receipt of the opinion of the federal executive authority regarding item 1 of the instruction, ensure that the proposals to change the Methodology are brought up at the meeting of the Company's Board of Directors, with preliminary consideration of the matter at the meeting of the HR and Remuneration (Nomination) Committee under the Company's Board of Directors. The minority opinion of Member of the Board of Directors M. S. Bystrov is attached to the Minutes. 1. To approve the new version of the Regulation on the RusHydro Dividend Policy (Appendix 1 to the Minutes). 2. To take under advisement the information related to the factors affecting the pricing of RusHydro PJSC stock, which was analyzed in accordance with the instruction of the Board of Directors (Minutes No. 284 dated March 26, 2019), as well as the implemented measures aimed at stock price growth. For the purpose of stabilizing the financial and economic position of DGK JSC, to approve extension until March 27, 2021 (inclusive) of the grace period for the payment of accrued interest by DGK JSC determined under Clause 1.2 of the resolution of the Board of Directors dated December 26, 2016 (Minutes No. 246 dated December 27, 2016). To take under advisement the results of the external assessment of corporate governance and note the To take under advisement the results of the assessment of the corporate governance practice of the 1. Company performed by the Internal Audit Service of the Company and the recommendations for improving corporate governance (Appendix 2 to the Minutes). 2. positive dynamics of the assessment of independent experts. To take under advisement the Report on the results of the self-assessment of the activities of 3. RusHydro's Board of Directors and proposals to improve the work of the Board of Directors (Appendix 3 to the Minutes). To approve the report on the fulfillment of the Annual Complex Procurement Program of RusHydro for 2018 79 Minutes of 22.04.2019 (cid:569)(cid:3)(cid:21)(cid:27)(cid:26) Approval of the Regulation on the RusHydro Dividend Policy. Extension of the grace period on a loan to DGK JSC provided as part of the implementation of a forward transaction with VTB Bank (PJSC). Review of the results of the assessment of corporate governance practice and the report on the results of the self- assessment of the Company's Board of Directors. Minutes of Approval of the report on the Date and No. of Minutes 22.04.2019 (cid:569)(cid:3)(cid:21)(cid:27)(cid:27) Items on the Agenda Decisions Taken fulfillment of the Annual Complex Procurement Program of the Company for 2018. Approval of a transaction related to the alienation of the Company's property consisting of fixed assets used for the purpose of generating electrical power (conclusion of an agreement for the sale of the immovable and movable property of Khorobrovskaya SHPP). Approval of a transaction related to the alienation of the Company's property consisting of fixed assets used for generating electrical power (conclusion of an Agreement on gratuitous transfer (Appendix 1 to the Minutes). To approve the conclusion of the agreement for the sale of the immovable and movable property of Khorobrovskaya HPP (hereinafter, the Agreement) on the following material terms and conditions: Parties to the Agreement: The Seller is RusHydro PJSC; The Buyer is the winner of the Auction. Subject of the Agreement: The Seller shall transfer ownership of and the Buyer shall pay for and accept the immovable and movable property of Khorobrovskaya HPP (hereinafter, the Property) in accordance with the Agreement. The list of Property is specified in Appendices 2 and 3 to the Minutes. Property sale method: Selling via open auction on an electronic trading platform (hereinafter, the Auction). Auction starting price: 4,587,199 (four million five hundred eighty-seven thousand one hundred ninety-nine) rubles 20 kopecks, including VAT, in accordance with the valuation report of the independent valuer on the market value of the Property. Price of the Agreement: To be determined based on the Auction results. Payment procedure (period) for the Property: The Buyer is provided an interest-free installment plan to pay for the Property in equal annual installments for 5 years. 1. (donation), which is to be used for generating electrical power (hereinafter, the Agreement), on the following material terms and conditions: Parties to the Agreement: The Donor is RusHydro PJSC; The Donee is the municipal entity Ardonsky District of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania, as represented by To approve the conclusion of the Agreement on gratuitous transfer of the property of Bekanskaya HPP 80 Items on the Agenda Decisions Taken Date and No. of Minutes of the property of Bekanskaya HPP). Confidential. On the review of the results of field audits by Minenergo of Russia, conducted in 2018, and on the course of corrective measures as of December 31, 2018. On convening the annual General Meeting of Shareholders. Minutes of 20.05.2019 (cid:569)(cid:3)(cid:21)(cid:27)(cid:28) Electing a Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Company. the Administration of the local government of the municipal entity Ardonsky District of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania. Subject of the Agreement: The Donor shall gratuitously transfer and the Donee shall take into possession the immovable and movable property of Bekanskaya HPP (Appendices 4 and 5 to the Minutes). Price (book [residual] value) of the Property: 28,510,749 (twenty-eight million five hundred ten thousand seven hundred forty-nine) rubles 32 kopecks. 2. transaction in accordance with Subclause 26 of Clause 12.1 of the Company's Articles of Association. To establish that the decision specified in Clause 1 of this resolution is also a decision to complete a To take under advisement the results of the field inspections by Minenergo of Russia conducted in 2018, and information on the course of the corrective measures as of December 31, 2018 (Appendix 7 to the Minutes). The special opinion of Board of Directors member M.A. Rasstrigin regarding items Nos. 2.1 and 2.2 is attached. 1. To convene the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of PJSC RusHydro as a meeting (joint presence) (the "Meeting"). To determine the date of the annual General Meeting of Shareholders of PJSC RusHydro: June 28, 2019. To determine the time of the Meeting: the beginning of the Meeting shall be at 10:30 a.m. (Moscow time). To determine the start time of registration of persons participating in the Meeting: 9:00 a.m. (Moscow time). To determine the venue of the Meeting: 12 Krasnopresnenskaya Naberezhnaya, Congress Hall, Floor 2, Congress Center, Entrance No. 4, World Trade Center (WTC), Moscow, Russian Federation. 2. To approve the date on which the persons entitled to participate in the Meeting shall be determined (fixed): June 3, 2019. 1. Nikolayevich Ivanov. 2. To elect Nikolay Dmitriyevich Rogalev as Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Company. To terminate the powers of the Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Company Sergey 81 Items on the Agenda Decisions Taken Date and No. of Minutes On approval of the Report on the implementation of the Action Plan for the sale of non-core assets of the Company for Q1 2019. On approval of transactions for the gratuitous transfer of the Company's property to third parties. Confidential. Consideration of the results of To approve the Report on the implementation of the Action Plan To make the following amendments to the Register of Non-core Assets of the Company approved by To exclude the facility JSC HydroEngineering Siberia; To change the planned method of disposition of the facilities "Concrete plant building: construction 1. for the sale of non-core assets of PJSC RusHydro for Q1 2019 (Schedule No. 1 to the Minutes). 2. the decision of the Company Board of Directors dated December 24, 2018 (Minutes No. 281): - - laboratory building" and "Concrete plant structure: gallery" from "gratuitous transfer" to "direct sale in favor of JSC Zagorskaya Pumped Storage Hydropower Plant-2". To approve the conclusion by the controlled organization of the Company – JSC Dyakov Ust-Srednekanskaya HPP of the contract of donation associated with the gratuitous transfer of property to the state ownership of the Magadan region, on the following material terms: Parties to the Agreement: The Donor is JSC Dyakov Ust-Srednekanskaya HPP; The Donee is the Magadan region, represented by the Department of Property and Land Relations of the Magadan Region. Subject Matter of the Agreement: The Donor shall gratuitously transfer to the state ownership of the Magadan Region, and the Donee undertakes to accept and formalize — in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation — the state registration of the transfer of ownership of the 10-bed Facility of the Infectious Diseases Department of the Municipal Budgetary Health-Care Institution Srednekanskaya Central Regional Hospital in Seymchan (purpose: nonresidential, area: 1,548.6 m2, number of floors: 2, including 1 underground, address (location): 13A Yuzhnaya St., the settlement of Seymchan, Srednekanskiy District, Magadan Region, cadastral number: 49:04:010103:2661) (the "Facility"), held by the Donor in ownership, as evidenced by entry in the Unified State Register of Real Estate No. 49:04:010103:2661-49/009/2019-1 dated March 26, 2019. The Facility shall be transferred with equipment (laboratory, intensive care, and X-ray), furniture, and inventory (Schedule 2 to the Minutes). - To postpone the execution of clause 2 of the Decision on Item 4.3 of the meeting of the Board of Directors of 82 Items on the Agenda Decisions Taken Date and No. of Minutes comparing the level of technological development and the values of key performance indicators of innovative activities of RusHydro Group with the level of development and indicators of similar leading companies. On approval of the report on the implementation of the RusHydro Group Innovative Development Program for 2016–2020 with an outlook for 2025 in 2018. On the inclusion of candidates in the list for election to the Company's management and control bodies. On Approval of the agenda of the Company's Annual General Meeting of Shareholders. Minutes of 28.05.2019 (cid:569)(cid:3)(cid:21)(cid:28)0 the Company dated May 31, 2018 (Minutes No. 271 dated June 1, 2018), regarding consideration by the Board of Directors of the results of comparing the level of technological development and the values of key performance indicators of innovative activities of RusHydro Group with the level of development and indicators of similar leading companies (the "Comparison") and to set the deadline for consideration of the results of the Comparison by the Board of Directors of the Company within 30 days after their approval by the Ministry of Energy of Russia and the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia and the approval of the results of the Comparison by the Interdepartmental Commission on Technological Development under the Government Commission on Modernization of the Economy and the Innovative Development of Russia. To approve the report on the implementation of the RusHydro Group Innovative Development Program for 2016–2020 with an outlook for 2025 in 2018 (Schedule 3 to the Minutes). 1. To add to the list of candidates for election to the Board of Directors of the Company at the annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company for 2018, approved by resolution of the Board of Directors of the Company on April 4, 2019 (Minutes No. 286 dated April 5, 2019), the candidates specified in Schedule 1 to the Minutes. 2. To include in the list of candidates for election to the lnternal Audit Commission of the Company at the annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company for 2018 the candidates specified in Schedule 2 to the Minutes. To approve the agenda of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders to be held based on the results of 2018: Approval of the Annual Report of the company for 2018. 1. Approval of the annual accounting (financial) statements of the company based on the results of 2018. 2. Approval of distribution of the Company's profits based on the results of 2018. 3. 4. On payment of dividends, the time and form of payment of dividends based on the results of operations in 2018, and establishment of the date as of which the persons entitled to dividends are determined. 5. On remuneration for work performed on the Board of Directors to members of the company's Board of Directors, who are not public officials, in the amount specified by the internal documents of the company. 83 Items on the Agenda Decisions Taken Date and No. of Minutes Election of members of the company's Board of Directors. Election of members of the company's Internal Audit Commission. Approval of the company's Auditor. Approval of the new version of RusHydro's Articles of Association. Approval of the new version of RusHydro's Regulation on the Internal Audit Commission. Approval of the new version of the Regulation on the Procedure for Convening and Holding RusHydro's On payment of compensation for work as part of the lnternal Audit Commission to the members of the 6. lnternal Audit Commission of the Company, who are not public officials, in the amount specified by the internal documents of the Company. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. General Meeting of Shareholders. 13. RusHydro's Board of Directors. 14. 15. Compensation to Members of RusHydro's Board of Directors. Approval of the new version of the Regulation on RusHydro's Management Board. Approval of the new version of the Regulation on the Procedure for Paying Remuneration and Approval of the new version of the Regulation on the Procedure for Convening and Holding Meetings of On preapproval of the Company's annual report for 2018. On preliminary approval of the annual accounting (financial) statements of the Company based on the results of 2018. On recommendations for the annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company concerning: Approval of distribution of the Company's profits based on the results of To preliminarily approve the Company's Annual Report for 2018 according to the draft annual report included in the scope of materials for the Meeting* and to submit it for approval to the annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company. To recommend that the annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company adopt the following resolution: To approve the Annual Accounting (Financial) Statements of the Company based on the results of 2018 included in the materials prepared for the Meeting*. Preliminarily approve and recommend to the annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company to approve the following allocation of profits of the Company based on the results of 2018: Retained earnings (losses) for the reporting period Distribute to: the reserve fund Development of the Company Dividends (million rubles) 36,725.6 1,836.3 18,970.8 15,918.5 84 Items on the Agenda Decisions Taken Date and No. of Minutes 2018. On recommendations for the annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company concerning: On payment of dividends, the time and form of payment of dividends based on the results of operations in 2018, and establishment of the date as of which the persons entitled to dividends are determined. On recommendations for the annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company concerning: On payment of compensation for work as part of the Board of Directors to the members of the Board of Directors of the Company, who are not public officials, in the amount specified by the internal documents of the Company. On recommendations for the annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company concerning: On payment of compensation for work as part of the lnternal Audit Commission to To recommend that the annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company adopt the following resolution: Pay dividends on ordinary shares of the Company according to the results of 2018 in the amount of RUB 0.0367388 per one share. Form of payment of dividends: monetary. Establish July 9, 2019 (the 11th day from the date of the resolution to pay dividends), as the date on which the persons entitled to receive dividends shall be determined. The dividend payment period for a nominee holder or beneficial owner who is a securities market professional registered in the Company's shareholder register shall not exceed 10 business days, and for other persons registered in the Company's shareholder register it shall not exceed 25 business days from the date when the persons entitled to dividends are determined. To recommend that the annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company adopt the following resolution: To pay remuneration to the members of the Board of Directors based on their work in the Board of Directors during the period from June 27, 2018, to June 28, 2019, in the amount, as per the procedure, and within the term specified by the Resolution on the Payment of Remunerations and Compensations to the Members of the Board of Directors of RusHydro approved by the decision of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company dated June 26, 2017 (Minutes No. 16 dated June 27, 2017). To recommend that the annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company adopt the following resolution: To pay remuneration to the members of the lnternal Audit Commission based on their work in the lnternal Audit Commission during the period from June 27, 2018, to June 28, 2019, in the amount, as per the procedure, and within the term specified by the Resolution on Remunerations and Compensations to the Members of the lnternal Audit Commission of RusHydro approved by the decision of the Annual General Meeting of 85 Items on the Agenda Decisions Taken Date and No. of Minutes the members of the lnternal Audit Commission of the Company, who are not public officials, in the amount specified by the internal documents of the Company. On recommendations for the annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company concerning: Approval of the company's Auditor. On recommendations for the annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company concerning: Approval of the new version of RusHydro's Articles of Association. On recommendations for the annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company concerning: Approval of the new version of RusHydro's Regulation on the Internal Audit Commission. On recommendations for the annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company concerning: Approval of the new version of the Regulation on the Procedure for Convening and Holding RusHydro's General Shareholders of the Company dated June 26, 2017 (Minutes No. 16 dated June 27, 2017). To recommend that the annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company adopt the following resolution: To approve Joint-Stock Company PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit (OGRN 1027700148431) as the Auditor of RusHydro. Recommend that the annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company adopt the following resolution: To approve the new version of the Articles of Association of RusHydro in accordance with the Draft Articles of Association of RusHydro included in the materials prepared for the Meeting*. Recommend that the annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company adopt the following resolution: To approve the new version of the Regulation on the lnternal Audit Commission of RusHydro in accordance with the Draft Regulation on the lnternal Audit Commission included in the materials prepared for the Meeting*. Recommend that the annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company adopt the following resolution: To approve the new version of the Regulation on the Procedure for Convening and Holding a General Meeting of Shareholders of RusHydro in accordance with the Draft Regulation on the Procedure for Convening and Holding a General Meeting of Shareholders of RusHydro included in the materials prepared for the Meeting*. 86 Items on the Agenda Decisions Taken Date and No. of Minutes Meeting of Shareholders. On recommendations for the annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company concerning: Approval of the new version of the Regulation on the Procedure for Convening and Holding Meetings of RusHydro's Board of Directors. On recommendations for the annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company concerning: Approval of the new version of the Regulation on RusHydro's Management Board. On recommendations for the annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company concerning: Approval of the new version of the Regulation on the Procedure for Paying Remuneration and Compensation to Members of RusHydro's Board of Directors. On approval of the report on interested-party transactions made by the Company in 2018. On recognition of the candidates Recommend that the annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company adopt the following resolution: To approve the new version of the Regulation on the Procedure for Convening and Holding Meetings of the Board of Directors of RusHydro in accordance with the Draft Regulation on the Procedure for Convening and Holding Meetings of the Board of Directors of RusHydro included in the materials prepared for the Meeting*. Recommend that the annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company adopt the following resolution: To approve the new version of the Regulation on the Management Board of RusHydro in accordance with the Draft Regulation on the Management Board of RusHydro included in the materials prepared for the Meeting*. Recommend that the annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company adopt the following resolution: To approve the new version of the Regulation on Payment of Remunerations and Compensations to Members of the Board of Directors of RusHydro in accordance with the Draft Regulation on Payment of Remunerations and Compensations to Members of the Board of Directors of RusHydro included in the materials prepared for the Meeting*. To approve the report on interested-party transactions made by the Company in 2018 (Schedule 3 to the Minutes). In accordance with the recommendations of the HR and Remuneration (Nominations) Committee under the 87 Items on the Agenda Decisions Taken Date and No. of Minutes for the Board of Directors of the Company as independent ones. To take note of the information on the results of evaluation of the compliance of member of the Board Company's Board of Directors: 1. of Directors (candidate for election to the Company Board of Directors at the annual General Meeting of Shareholders in 2019) Maksim Bystrov with the independence criteria provided for in Schedule 4 to the Listing Rules of the Moscow Exchange. There is no connection between M. S. Bystrov and the Company, a substantial shareholder, competitors, the state, or a municipal entity. S. Bystrov meets the formal criteria of connection with the Company's significant counterparties — JSC ATS, JSC SO UES, JSC FSC, and Autonomous Noncommercial Organization Training Center Market Council8 — as the amount of liabilities under the agreements between the Company and each of the said counterparties exceeds 2% of the book value of assets and 2% of the revenue of each counterparty. To note that the connection between M. S. Bystrov and significant counterparties of the Company—JSC ATS, JSC SO UES, JSC FSC*, and Autonomous Noncommercial Organization Training Center Market Council—is formal in nature and does not affect M. S. Bystrov’s ability to act, as a member of the Board of Directors, in the interests of the Company and its shareholders for the following reasons: SC ATS9 (Joint-Stock Company Administrator of the Trade System of the Wholesale Electricity Market) - renders the services of a commercial operator of the wholesale electricity and capacity market (the "wholesale market") to the Company in the manner provided for in clause 7 of article 33 of Federal Law No. 35-FZ dated March 26, 2003, "On the Electric Power Industry" (the "Federal Law on the Electric Power Industry") under an Agreement for Integration into the Trade System of the Wholesale Market. The conditions of the agreement are binding for the parties. Commercial relations between the Company and JSC ATS are based on the principle of nondiscriminatory access to the services of commercial infrastructure organizations of the wholesale market 8 M. S. Bystrov is a member of the Board of Directors of JSC SO UES, the Chairman of the Management Board and a member of the Board of Directors of JSC ATS, the Chairman of the Management Board and a member of the Supervisory Board of the Association Nonprofit Partnership Market Council. JSC FSC (through JSC ATS) and Autonomous Noncommercial Organization Training Center Market Council are controlled by the organizations of the Association Nonprofit Partnership Market Council. 9 By decision of the Supervisory Board of the Association Nonprofit Partnership Market Council (formerly known as Nonprofit Partnership ATS) dated November 30, 2007, since April 1, 2008, JSC ATS has been entrusted with the performance of the functions of a commercial operator of the wholesale market, classified by clause 1 of article 33 of the Federal Law on the Electric Power Industry as commercial infrastructure organizations of the wholesale market. 88 Items on the Agenda Decisions Taken Date and No. of Minutes JSC FSC (Joint-Stock Company Financial Settlement Center) is classified among the commercial JSC SO UES (Joint-Stock Company System Operator of the Unified Energy System) provides the (article 20 of the Federal Law on the Electric Power Industry) and on the principle of state regulation of tariffs for the services of a commercial operator of the wholesale market (article 23.1 of the Federal Law on the Electric Power Industry); - Company with operational dispatch management services in the electric power industry due to its status as a system operator envisioned by clause 1 of article 12 of the Federal Law on the Electric Power Industry and under the Agreement for Integration into the Trade System of the Wholesale Market. Commercial relations between the Company and JSC SO UES are based on the principle of nondiscriminatory access to operational dispatch management services in the electric power industry (clause 6 of article 20 of the Federal Law on the Electric Power Industry) and on the principle of state regulation of tariffs for operational dispatch management services (article 23.1 of the Federal Law on the Electric Power Industry); - infrastructure organizations of the wholesale electricity and capacity market of the Russian Federation; it ensures the functioning of the contractual structure of the wholesale market and the system of financial settlements between its participants and renders services to the Company for calculation of claims and liabilities under the Agreement for Integration into the Trade System of the Wholesale Market. The Agreement was concluded in accordance with clause 1 of article 32 of the Federal Law on the Electric Power Industry and clause 40 of the Rules for the Wholesale Electricity and Capacity Market approved by Regulation of the Government of the RF No. 1172 dated December 27, 2010. Commercial relations between the Company and JSC FSC are based on the principle of nondiscriminatory access to the services of commercial infrastructure organizations of the wholesale market (article 20 of the Federal Law on the Electric Power Industry). The uniform charge for the service package provided by JSC FSC (for all counterparties) is approved by the Supervisory Board of the Association Nonprofit Partnership Market Council; - Organization of Continuing Professional Education Training Center of Nonprofit Partnership Market Council), established under the Association of Nonprofit Partnership Market Council, is an infrastructure organization of wholesale and retail trade in electricity and capacity; it renders services to the Company in the field of education and training of specialists in organizing an effective system of wholesale and retail trade in electricity Autonomous Noncommercial Organization Training Center Market Council (Autonomous Noncommercial 89 Items on the Agenda Decisions Taken Date and No. of Minutes and capacity. Considering that the wholesale market regulations adopted by the Supervisory Board of the Association Nonprofit Partnership Market Council are constantly amended, to maintain a high level of knowledge in the field of wholesale market procedures and to obtain information on current and planned changes in the wholesale market, the employees of the Company need to undergo training at the primary source—that is, at Autonomous Noncommercial Organization Training Center Market Council. The training contracts between the Company and Autonomous Noncommercial Organization Training Center Market Council are concluded on market conditions. S. Bystrov’s track record in the Company Board of Directors proves his ability to make independent, unbiased, and conscientious judgments as M. S. Bystrov’s stance on agenda items of meetings of the Board of Directors and committees under the Board of Directors is based on his expertise and experience, is autonomous and independent, and the decisions made by M. S. Bystrov allow one to draw the conclusion that his formal connection with significant counterparties of the Company—JSC ATS, JSC SO UES, JSC FSC, and Autonomous Noncommercial Organization Training Center Market Council—does not influence his decision making as M. S. Bystrov acts in the interests of the Company and all its shareholders. Based on clause 2 of section 2.18 of Schedule 2 and on Schedule 4 to the Listing Rules of the Moscow Exchange, to recognize Maksim Bystrov as an independent director. To approve the material terms and conditions of Supplementary Agreement to the Agreement for provision services for the keeping of shareholder register No. 1010-238-31-2017 dated April 10, 2017 (Schedule 4 to the Minutes). 1. To determine that the information (materials) to be provided to the persons entitled to participate in the Meeting shall be as follows: The Annual Report of the Company for 2018 (including the information on sustainable development) and the opinion of the Internal Audit Commission based on its review findings The annual accounting (financial) statements on the results of 2018, including the auditor's report and the report of the Company's Internal Audit Commission based on its audit findings A justification of the proposed distribution of net earnings and an assessment of its compliance with the dividend policy adopted in the Company, including for the payment of dividends and the Company's own needs, with explanations and economic justification for the need to allocate a certain part of the net earnings for the Company's own needs 90 On the confirmation of the terms and conditions of the agreement with the Company's registrar. On matters related to the convening, preparation, and conduct of the annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company. Items on the Agenda Decisions Taken Date and No. of Minutes Information on shareholder's agreements concluded during the year before June 28, 2019 Report on the entry into related-party transactions by the Company in 2018 and conclusion of the Company's lnternal Audit Commission on the reliability of the data contained in the report Recommendations of the Board of Directors of the Company on agenda items of the annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company as well as minority reports of members of the Board of Directors on each agenda item Information on proposals to include items in the agenda of the annual General Meeting of Shareholders, including the information on who proposed each of the items included in the agenda of the Meeting Extracts from the Minutes of the Audit Committee under the Company's Board of Directors, the Investments Committee under the Company's Board of Directors, and the HR and Remuneration (Nominations) Committee under the Company's Board of Directors on the respective items to be considered by the Meeting Details of candidates for election to the Board of Directors of the Company, including the information on who nominated them, and the information on their compliance with independence criteria Details of candidates for election to the Internal Audit Commission of the Company, including the information on who nominated them Information regarding the presence or absence of the written consent of the candidates nominated for election to the Board of Directors and the Internal Audit Commission to be elected to the respective body of the Company Details of the candidacy of the Company's Auditor Articles of Association of the Company The draft of a new version of the Company’s Articles of Association A comparative table of changes to the Company's Articles of Association with the justification for the need to adopt the respective resolutions The current version and the draft of a new version of the Regulation on Convening and Holding the General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company A comparative table of changes to the Regulation on the Procedure for Convening and Holding the General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company with the justification for the need to adopt the respective resolutions The current version and the draft of a new version of the Regulation on Convening and Holding the Meetings of the Company's Board of Directors 91 Items on the Agenda Decisions Taken Date and No. of Minutes A comparative table of changes to the Regulation on the Procedure for Convening and Holding the Meetings of the Board of Directors of the Company with the justification for the need to adopt the respective resolutions The current version and the draft of a new version of the Regulation on the Management Board of the Company A comparative table of changes to the Regulation on the Management Board of the Company with the justification for the need to adopt the respective resolutions The current version and the draft of a new version of the Regulation on the lnternal Audit Commission of the Company A comparative table of changes to the Regulation on the lnternal Audit Commission of the Company with the justification for the need to adopt the respective resolutions The current version and the draft of a new version of the Regulation on Payment of Remunerations and Compensations to Members of the Company's Board of Directors A comparative table of changes to the Regulation on Payment of Remunerations and Compensations to Members of the Company's Board of Directors with the justification for the need to adopt the respective resolutions An explanation of the consequences that may occur for the Company and its shareholders in the case of the adoption of amendments to the Company's Articles of Association and internal documents Information on corporate actions that resulted in a deterioration of shareholders' dividend rights and/or dilution of their shares and information on court decisions that established facts of the use by shareholders of other methods besides dividends and liquidation value for obtaining income at the expense of the Company Internal audit report Draft resolutions of the Meeting on the agenda items. 2. To determine that persons entitled to participate in the Meeting may familiarize themselves with information (materials) for the Meeting at the Meeting venue (on the date of the Meeting) and during 30 days prior to the date of the Meeting at the following addresses: - 7 Malaya Dmitrovka St., Moscow (on business days from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. local time), tel.: 8-800-333- 80-00 ext. 1969; 2204; - 23/10 Pravdy St., Moscow, JSC VTB Registrar (on business days from 10.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. local time), tel.: 8 (800) 200-61-12 (toll-free number in Russia); 92 Items on the Agenda Decisions Taken Date and No. of Minutes - 43/1 Dubrovinskogo, Krasnoyarsk (on business days from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. local time), tel.: 8-913- 031-71-04; - And on the Company's website: www.rushydro.ru, in the personal account of the shareholder on the Registrar's website at: http://www.vtbreg.ru, in the Quorum mobile application (for iOS and Android) developed by the Registrar, and in the shareholder’s personal account in the E-voting electronic voting service on the internet at: https://www.e-vote.ru/ru. 3. To approve the form and text of the notice on the holding of the Meeting (Schedule 5 to the Minutes). 4. To publish the notice on the holding of the Meeting on the Company's website on the internet: www.rushydro.ru, at least 30 days prior to the date of the Meeting. 5. To determine that the notice on the holding of the Meeting and the information (material) for the Meeting shall be sent in electronic form (as electronic documents) to the Company's registrar for their further submission to the persons entitled to participate in the Meeting, in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation on securities. 6. To approve the form and text of the ballots for voting at the annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company (Schedule 6 to the Minutes). 7. To determine that ballots for voting on the Meeting's agenda items shall be sent by registered mail or be delivered against signature to each person registered in the Company's shareholder registers and entitled to participate in the Meeting no later than June 7, 2019 (inclusive). 8. To approve the wording of resolutions on the agenda items of the Meeting, which should be sent electronically (in the form of electronic documents) to nominal holders of shares registered in the Company's shareholder register (Schedule 7 to the Minutes). 9. To determine that the wording of resolutions on the agenda items of the Meeting and the voting ballots shall be provided by sending them to the Company's registrar for their further submission in electronic form (as electronic documents) to the nominal holders of shares registered in the Company's shareholder register no later than June 7, 2019 (inclusive). 10. To determine that completed voting ballots may be sent to the following postal address: - JSC VTB Registrar, PO Box 54, Moscow 127137. 11. To determine the following addresses of websites for electronic registration and completion of the electronic voting ballots: http://www.vtbreg.ru; https://www.e-vote.ru/ru, and in the Quorum app developed by the 93 Date and No. of Minutes Minutes of 21.06.2019 (cid:569)(cid:3)(cid:21)(cid:28)(cid:20) Minutes of 24.06.2019 (cid:569)(cid:3)(cid:21)(cid:28)(cid:21) Items on the Agenda Decisions Taken Considering matters of significance to the Company. Progress of the construction of the Ust-Srednekanskaya HPP. Matters of the organization of internal control and risk management: 2.1. On approval of the report on the functioning and the results of internal assessment of the corporate system of internal control and risk management. 2.2. On approval of the Internal Control and Risk Management Policy of RusHydro Group. 2.3. On approval of the Risk- Appetite Methodology of RusHydro Group. Approval of amendments to the Decision on the additional issue of the Company's securities. Approval of amendments to the Company's Securities Prospectus. Approval of the report on the interim results of execution of the registrar (for iOS and Android). 12. To elect Natalia Kovaleva as the Secretary of the Meeting. 13. To conduct a video broadcast of the Meeting on the corporate website of the Company. To take into consideration information on the progress of the construction of the Ust-Srednekanskaya HPP (Schedule No. 1 to the Minutes). 1. To approve the report on the functioning and the results of internal assessment of the corporate system of internal control and risk management (Schedule 2 to the Minutes). 2. To instruct the Company to develop an action plan based on internal assessment of the internal control and risk management system conducted as of 2018 year-end. 3. To approve the Internal Control and Risk Management Policy of RusHydro Group (Schedule No. 3 to the Minutes). 4. To declare null and void the Internal Control and Risk Management Policy of RusHydro approved by decision of the Company's Board of Directors (Minutes No. 227 dated November 16, 2015). 5. To approve the Risk-Appetite Methodology of RusHydro Group (Schedule No. 4 to the Minutes). To introduce (approve) amendments to the Decision on the additional issue of RusHydro securities (ordinary shares) (Schedule No. 1 hereto). To introduce (approve) amendments to the RusHydro Securities Prospectus (for ordinary shares) (Schedule No. 2 hereto). To approve the report on the interim results of execution of the Business Plan for 2019 considering the actual results for Q1 2019 (including the report on execution of the Investment Program, including the Complex 94 Items on the Agenda Decisions Taken Date and No. of Minutes Company's Business Plan for 2019 considering the actual results for Q1 2019 (including the report on execution of the Investment Program, including the Complex Modernization Program for Generating Facilities, for Q1 2019). Approval of the report on execution of the Annual Complex Procurement Program of the Company for Q1 2019. Election of members to the HR and Remuneration (Nominations) Committee under the Company's Board of Directors. Election of members to the Audit Committee under the Company's Board of Directors. Approval of the reports on the performance results of the Committees under the RusHydro Board of Directors for the 2018– 2019 corporate year. Consideration of the Report on Modernization Program for Generating Facilities, for Q1 2019) (Schedule No. 3 hereto). To approve the report on execution of RusHydro's Annual Complex Procurement Program for Q1 2019 (Schedule No. 4 hereto). To terminate ahead of time the powers of Sergey Nikolayevich Ivanov, a member of the Audit To terminate ahead of time the powers of Sergey Nikolayevich Ivanov, a member of the HR and To elect Pavel Sergeyevich Grachev, a member of the Board of Directors, to the HR and Remuneration 1. Remuneration (Nominations) Committee under the Company's Board of Directors. 2. (Nominations) Committee under the Company's Board of Directors. 1. Committee under the Company's Board of Directors. 2. the Company's Board of Directors. 3. Board of Directors. To defer consideration of the item to a later date. To elect Pavel Sergeyevich Grachev, a member of the Board of Directors, to the Audit Committee under To elect Pavel Sergeyevich Grachev as the Chairman of the Audit Committee under the Company's To take into consideration the Report on the Company Management Board's Activities for 2018 (Schedule No. 5 95 Items on the Agenda Decisions Taken Date and No. of Minutes the Company Management Board's Activities for 2018. Amending the Unified Regulation on Procurement of Products for the Needs of RusHydro Group: extending the practice of using factoring when carrying out contracts for the supply of goods (performance of work, provision of services). Creation of a General Service Center performing accounting and tax accounting functions and generation of reports in RusHydro Group. Consideration of the progress report on the Action Plan (list of measures) for the introduction of professional standards in the Company's operations. Progress of priority projects for the construction of two facilities hereto). To instruct the Chairman of the Management Board and General Director of the Company N. G. 1. To amend Clause 5.3.9 of the Unified Regulation on Procurement of Products for the Needs of RusHydro Group approved by Decision of the RusHydro Board of Directors (Minutes No. 277 dated October 4, 2018) to read as follows: "5.3.9. A procurement notice and/or procurement documentation may provide for the use of assignment of claim (factoring) when carrying out product delivery contracts concluded by the Customer with small and medium business entities based on the results of procurements held in the form of a competitive tender in accordance with the provisions of the civil laws of the Russian Federation." 2. Shulginov: 2.1. Products for the Needs of RusHydro Group about the amendments introduced thereto within 10 business days after this resolution is adopted. 2.2. No. 4111p-p13 dated May 8, 2019, along with electronic copies of the supporting documents on the Interdepartmental State Property Management Portal by July 10, 2019. To approve the creation of a General Service Center performing accounting and tax accounting functions and generation of reports in RusHydro Group based at HydroEngineering Siberia JSC. To publish information about the execution of Directives of the Government of the Russian Federation To notify controlled organizations that have acceded to the Unified Regulation on Procurement of To approve the progress report on the Action Plan (list of measures) for the introduction of professional standards in the Company's operations in Q4 2018 and Q1 2019 (Schedule No. 6 hereto). To take note of information on the progress of priority projects for the construction of two facilities in the Far East (CHPP in Sovetskaya Gavan, Sakhalinskaya GRES-2 (stage 1)) as of March 31, 2019 (Schedule No. 7 96 Items on the Agenda Decisions Taken Date and No. of Minutes in the Far East (CHPP in Sovetskaya Gavan, Sakhalinskaya GRES-2 (stage 1)) as of March 31, 2019. Recognizing candidates to the Company's Board of Directors (Member of the Company's Board of Directors) as independent. hereto). In accordance with the recommendations of the HR and Remuneration (Nominations) Committee under the Company's Board of Directors: 1. To take into consideration information on the results of the evaluation of conformity of A.O. Chekunkov, a candidate nominated for election to the Company's Board of Directors at the annual General Meeting of Shareholders in 2019, to the independence criteria stipulated in Schedule No. 4 to the MOEX Listing Rules. A.O. Chekunkov is not affiliated with the Company, a substantial shareholder of the Company, or the Company's competitors. Mr. Chekunkov has formal criteria for affiliation with: - The state, as Mr. Chekunkov is General Director of the Far East and Baikal Region Development Fund JSC, an organization controlled by the Russian Federation; - The Company's substantial counterparty, the Far East and Baikal Region Development Fund JSC (FEDF), as the amount of liabilities between the Company and the FEDF under a loan agreement exceeds 2% of the book value of assets and 2% of revenue of the FEDF. To note that the affiliation between A.O. Chekunkov and the state and the substantial counterparty is formal in nature and does not affect Mr. Chekunkov's ability to act on the Board of Directors for the benefit of the Company and all its shareholders for the following reasons: - In accordance with Order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 607-r dated March 30, 2019, A.O. Chekunkov has been nominated by the Russian Federation as an independent director; therefore, Mr. Chekunkov has no obligation to vote according to the directives of the Government of the Russian Federation (Clause 16 of Regulation of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 738 dated December 3, 2004); - A.O. Chekunkov's affiliation with the state is formal in nature because his labor relations with the Far East and Baikal Region Development Fund JSC do not influence the objective and independent decisions made by Mr. Chekunkov because the Russian Federation's control over the Far East and Baikal Region Development Fund JSC is indirect and is exercised via the State Development Corporation VEB.RF, which is managed by management bodies typical for a commercial institution; 97 Items on the Agenda Decisions Taken Date and No. of Minutes - A.O. Chekunkov's affiliation with RusHydro's substantial counterparty is formal in nature due to the following: On April 4, 2018, RusHydro (the Borrower) and the FEDF (the Lender) concluded a financing (target loan) agreement for the construction of offsite infrastructure facilities at Sakhalinskaya GRES-2 (the Project). The borrowed funds were allocated to RusHydro on a repayable and paid basis; the loan agreement was concluded for a period until June 25, 2026, for a total amount of up to RUB 5 billion at 5% per annum. Provision of funds to the FEDF to finance RAO Energy Systems of the East JSC for implementation of the Project in accordance with Regulation of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1055 dated October 16, 2014, has been preliminarily approved by the Government Subcommission for the Implementation of Investment Projects in the Far East and the Baikal Region (Minutes No. 3 dated December 25, 2017), by the FEDF Board of Directors (Minutes No. 57 dated December 29, 2017), and by the RusHydro Board of Directors as an interested party transaction (Minutes No. 265 dated February 6, 2018; A.O. Chekunkov did not vote on this item). As of December 31, 2018, the loan had been disbursed in full (RUB 5 billion) and the loan funds had been allocated to finance the Project by way of their transfer in the form of a loan to an organization controlled by the Company, RAO Energy Systems of the East JSC. - The track record of A.O. Chekunkov in the Company's Board of Directors and the Company's Committees in 2016–2018 has proved his ability to make independent, unbiased, and conscientious judgments because Mr. Chekunkov's opinion on the agenda items of meetings of the Board of Directors and committees under the Board of Directors was based on his expertise and experience and was autonomous and independent, and the decisions made by Mr. Chekunkov previously allow one to draw the conclusion that his formal connection with the state did not influence his decisions, as Mr. Chekunkov acted for the benefit of the Company and all its shareholders; 2. For the purpose of increasing the transparency of RusHydro, building its positive business reputation, strengthening the positive current expert evaluation of the corporate governance system, increasing the share of independent directors in the Board of Directors[1], and ensuring the conformity of RusHydro to the recommendations of the Code of Corporate Governance and the Company's internal documents, it is suggested that the candidate to the RusHydro Board of Directors Alexey Olegovich Chekunkov be recognized as an independent director. Mr. Chekunkov has an excellent business and personal reputation, the knowledge, skills, and experience necessary to make decisions that fall within the competence of the Board of Directors and required for the 98 Items on the Agenda Decisions Taken Date and No. of Minutes effective performance of his functions, thus allowing him, among other things, to participate in the work of various committees under the RusHydro Board of Directors. Since 2015, Mr. Chekunkov has been a member of the Committee for Far East Energy Development under the Board of Directors of the Company. In 2016–2018, he was a member of the Company's Board of Directors and of the Reliability, Energy Efficiency, and Innovations Committee and the Investment Committee under the Company's Board of Directors. Mr. Chekunkov's long service on the Company's Board of Directors and the Committee for Far East Energy Development is his strength, as Mr. Chekunkov has the necessary longstanding experience in the field of electrical power and investments and extensive knowledge of the Company's business, which can contribute to the effective work of the Board of Directors and the Committees of the Company. During the meetings of the Committees and the Board of Directors, Mr. Chekunkov was always active in discussing the agenda items and always expressed an objective and well-considered opinion in voting that was independent from the opinion of the Company's management. He is responsible and proactive. When participating in the work of the Board of Directors and its Committees, Mr. Chekunkov made a significant contribution to the Company's implementation of the most important matters related to various areas of the Company's business, including priority projects for the construction of facilities in the Far East, investment projects, and the RusHydro innovation development program. Furthermore, Mr. Chekunkov chaired the Far East and Baikal Region Development Fund for a long time. He has 18 years of experience working in the direct investments sector. He has held senior positions in the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF), A-1 (Alfa-Group consortium), Delta Private Equity (US-Russian investment fund), and Alrosa Investment Group OJSC. He is also a member of the Supervisory Board of Alrosa JSC (PJSC). Mr. Chekunkov took part in building the main mechanisms and approaches that served as the basis for the state system of management of Far East development and was one of the visionaries and creators of the Voskhod investment system for attracting capital to investment projects in the Far East. The work experience described above, deep knowledge of the specifics of the Company's work, an understanding of business processes, possession of the necessary professional skills in the financial, administrative, and economic spheres, and use of the best corporate governance practices in his work make Mr. Chekunkov's experience significant for the Company. 3. Based on Clause 2 of Section 2.18 of Schedule No. 2 and based on Schedule No. 4 to the MOEX Listing Rules, to recognize Alexey Olegovich Chekunkov as an independent director. 99 Date and No. of Minutes Minutes of 29.07.2019 (cid:569)(cid:3)(cid:21)(cid:28)(cid:22) Items on the Agenda Decisions Taken Consideration of the Electrical Power Development Program to ensure advanced economic growth in the Far Eastern Federal District. Confidential. Electing the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Company. Electing the Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Company. Forming the Audit Committee under the Company's Board of Directors. Forming the HR and Remuneration (Nominations) To take into consideration the Electrical Power Development Program to ensure advanced economic growth in the Far Eastern Federal District (Schedule No. 8 hereto). - The special opinions of members of RusHydro Board of Directors V.M. Kravchenko and M.A. Rasstrigin are attached to the Minutes. To elect Yuriy Petrovich Trutnev as Chairman of the Board of Directors of RusHydro. To elect Nikolay Dmitriyevich Rogalev as Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of RusHydro. 1. To elect the following persons to the Audit Committee under the Board of Directors of RusHydro: 1 Maksim Sergeyevich 2 3 Bystrov Pavel Sergeyevich Grachev Vyacheslav Viktorovich Pivovarov Member of the Board of Directors of RusHydro, Chairman of the Management Board of NP Market Council Association. Member of the Board of Directors of RusHydro, General Director of Polyus PJSC. Member of the Board of Directors of RusHydro, President of Altera Capital LLC. 2. To take into consideration information regarding whether all members of the Audit Committee under the Board of Directors of RusHydro have experience and knowledge in the field of preparation, analysis, assessment, and audit of accounting (financial) statements. 3. To elect Maksim Sergeevich Bystrov as the Chairman of the Audit Committee under the Board of Directors of RusHydro. 1. To elect the following persons to the HR and Remuneration (Nominations) Committee under the Board of Directors of RusHydro: 100 Items on the Agenda Decisions Taken Date and No. of Minutes Committee under the Company's Board of Directors. Forming the Strategy Committee under the Board of Directors of the Company. 1. 2. 3. Vyacheslav Viktorovich Pivovarov Pavel Sergeyevich Grachev Aleksey Olegovich Chekunkov Member of the Board of Directors of RusHydro, President of Altera Capital LLC. Member of the Board of Directors of RusHydro, General Director of Polyus PJSC Member of the Board of Directors of RusHydro, General Director of Far East and Baikal Region Development Fund JSC. 2. To elect Vyacheslav Viktorovich Pivovarov as Chairman of the HR and Remuneration (Nominations) Committee under the Board of Directors of RusHydro. 1. To determine the size of the Strategy Committee under the Board of Directors: 12 persons. 2. To elect the following persons to the Strategy Committee under the Board of Directors of the Company: Member of the Board of Directors of RusHydro, General Director of Polyus PJSC. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Pavel Sergeyevich Grachev Lev Vladimirovich Kuznetsov Vyacheslav Viktorovich Pivovarov Nikolay Dmitriyevich Rogalev Dmitriy Gennadyevich Denisov Igor Anatolyevich Zadvornov Andrey Valentinovich Kazachenkov Boris Arkadyevich Livshits Vasiliy Vladislavovich Nikonov Yevgeniy Aleksandrovich Olkhovich George Ilyich Rizhinashvili Member of the Board of Directors of RusHydro, First Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of Management Company Intergeo LLC. Member of the Board of Directors of RusHydro, President of Altera Capital LLC. Member of the Board of Directors of RusHydro, Chancellor of National Research University Moscow Power Engineering Institute. Director of the Department for Competition, Energy Efficiency and Environment of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia. Head of the Secretariat of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation – Presidential Envoy to the Far Eastern Federal District Yu. P. Trutnev. Member of the Management Board, First Deputy General Director of RusHydro. Deputy Head of the Competitive Pricing Department at NP Market Council Association. Director of the Energy Department of Rosneft. Deputy General Director for Strategic Development of Rosseti PJSC. Member of the Management Board, First Deputy General Director of RusHydro. 101 Items on the Agenda Decisions Taken Date and No. of Minutes 12. Pavel Nikolayevich Snikkars Director of the Department of Electric Power Development of the Ministry of Energy of Russia. 3. To elect Igor Anatolyevich Zadvornov as Chairman of the Strategy Committee under the Board of Directors of RusHydro. 4. To ensure that the Company concludes confidentiality agreements with the members of the Strategy Committee under the Board of Directors who are not classified as Company insiders under the legislation of the Russian Federation, as per the form established in the Company's internal documents. 1. To determine the size of the Investment Committee under the Board of Directors: 13 persons. 2. To elect the following persons to the Investment Committee under the Board of Directors of RusHydro: Member of the Board of Directors of RusHydro, Chairman of the Management Board of NP Market Council Association. 1. Forming the Investment Committee under the Board of Directors of the Company. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Maksim Sergeyevich Bystrov Lev Vladimirovich Kuznetsov Vyacheslav Viktorovich Pivovarov Nikolay Dmitriyevich Rogalev Mikhail Aleksandrovich Bychko Sergey Igorevich Zhuravlyov Aleksandr Vladimirovich Ilyenko Andrey Valentinovich Kazachenkov Member of the Board of Directors of RusHydro, First Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of Management Company Intergeo LLC. Member of the Board of Directors of RusHydro, President of Altera Capital LLC. Member of the Board of Directors of RusHydro, Chancellor of the National Research University Moscow Power Engineering Institute. Acting Deputy General Director for Capital Construction at Rosseti PJSC. Vice President for Governmental Affairs at Management Company Polyus LLC. Member of the Management Board, Director for Unified Energy System Management at SO UES JSC. Member of the Management Board, First Deputy General Director of RusHydro. 102 Items on the Agenda Decisions Taken Date and No. of Minutes 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Sergey Anatolyevich Kirov Aleksey Vladimirovich Kulagin Mikhail Sergeyevich Sonin Denis Vladimirovich Milyutin Viktor Viktorovich Khmarin Member of the Management Board, First Deputy General Director of RusHydro. Deputy Head of the Directorate "Expert & Analytical Center of the Fuel and Energy Complex," Russian Energy Agency under the Ministry of Energy of Russia. Head of the Office for Competition in the Goods and Services Markets of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia Head of the Fuel and Power Resources Cost Control Office of the Energy Department of Rosneft. Member of the Board, Deputy General Director for Resource Provision and Future Development, RusHydro. 3. To elect Lev Vladimirovich Kuznetsov as the Chairman of the Investment Committee under the Board of Directors of RusHydro. 4. To ensure that the Company concludes confidentiality agreements with the members of the Investment Committee under the Board of Directors who are not classified as Company insiders under the legislation of the Russian Federation, as per the form established in the Company's internal documents. 1. To elect the following persons to the Committee for Far East Energy Development under the Board of Directors of the Company: 1. 2. 3. 4. Yuriy Petrovich Trutnev Pavel Sergeyevich Grachev Aleksey Olegovich Chekunkov Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation – Presidential Envoy to the Far Eastern Federal District, Member of the Board of Directors of RusHydro. Member of the Board of Directors of RusHydro, General Director of Polyus PJSC. Member of the Board of Directors of RusHydro, General Director of JSC “Far East Development Fund”. Dmitry Stanislavovich Bulgakov Deputy Head of the Directorate "Expert & Analytical Center of the Fuel and Energy Complex," Russian Energy Agency under the Ministry of Energy of Russia. 103 Forming the Committee for Far East Energy Development under the Board of Directors of the Company. Items on the Agenda Decisions Taken Date and No. of Minutes 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Sergey Vyacheslavovich Vasilyev Andrey Vladimirovich Gabov Igor Anatolyevich Zadvornov Andrey Valentinovich Kazachenkov Sergey Yuryevich Lebedev Leonid Gennadyevich Petukhov Denis Viktorovich Pileniyeks Aleksandr Mikhaylovich Pyatigor Aleksey Valeryevich Molskiy Sergey Aleksandrovich Tyrtsev Deputy General Director – Director of the Far East Division of RusHydro. Head of the Electrical Energy Industry Development Office of the Department for the State Regulation of Tariffs and Infrastructure Reforms of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia. Head of the Secretariat of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation – Presidential Envoy to the Far Eastern Federal District Yu. P. Trutnev. Member of the Management Board, First Deputy General Director of RusHydro. Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of NP Market Council Association. General Director of ANO Far East Investment and Export Agency. Deputy Director for Unified Energy System Development at SO UES JSC. Member of the Management Board, Deputy General Director of Rosseti PJSC for Service Development and Implementation. Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of FGC UES PJSC. First Deputy Minister of Russian Far East Development. 2. To elect Yuriy Petrovich Trutnev as Chairman of the Committee for Far East Energy Development under the Board of Directors of RusHydro. 3. To ensure that the Company concludes confidentiality agreements with the members of the Committee for Far East Energy Development under the Board of Directors who are not classified as Company insiders under the legislation of the Russian Federation, as per the form established in the Company's internal documents. Forming the Reliability, Energy 1. To determine the size of the Reliability, Energy Efficiency, and Innovations Committee under the 104 Items on the Agenda Decisions Taken Date and No. of Minutes Efficiency, and Innovations Committee under the Board of Directors of the Company. Approving the Program of Works of the Board of Directors of Board of Directors: 9 persons. 2. the Board of Directors of the Company: To elect the following persons to the Reliability, Energy Efficiency, and Innovations Committee under 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Nikolay Dmitriyevich Rogalev Igor Anatolyevich Baykov Oleg Gennadyevich Barkin Boris Borisovich Bogush Yuriy Mikhaylovich Vishnevskiy Sergey Igorevich Zhuravlyov Andrey Vladimirovich Mayorov George Ilyich Rizhinashvili Mikhail Petrovich Fedorov Member of the Board of Directors of RusHydro, Chancellor of the National Research University Moscow Power Engineering Institute. Deputy Director of the Department for Operational Control and Management of the Electrical Power Industry under the Ministry of Energy of Russia. Member of the Management Board – Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of NP Market Council Association. Member of the Management Board, First Deputy General Director – Chief Engineer of RusHydro. Deputy Director for Unified Energy System Regime Management at SO UES JSC. Vice President for Governmental Affairs at Management Company Polyus LLC. Deputy General Director, Chief Engineer of Rosseti PJSC. Member of the Management Board, First Deputy General Director of RusHydro. President of Peter the Great Saint Petersburg Polytechnic University, Chairman of the Bureau of the Scientific and Technical Council of RusHydro. To elect Nikolay Dmitriyevich Rogalev as Chairman of the Reliability, Energy Efficiency, and 3. Innovations Committee under the Board of Directors of RusHydro. 4. To ensure that the Company concludes confidentiality agreements with the members of the Reliability, Energy Efficiency and Innovations Committee under the Board of Directors who are not classified as Company insiders under the legislation of the Russian Federation, as per the form established in the Company's internal documents. 5. To recognize the appropriateness of the composition of the committees to the objectives of the Board of Directors and the goals of Company activities and the absence of the need to set up new committees. To approve the Program of Works of the Board of Directors of RusHydro for H2 2019 (Schedule No. 1 hereto). 105 Items on the Agenda Decisions Taken Date and No. of Minutes RusHydro for H2 2019. On determining the position of RusHydro (RusHydro's representatives) in the management bodies of its subsidiaries. Recognizing a member of the Board of Directors of the Company as independent. Commercial secret. In accordance with the recommendations of the HR and Remuneration (Nominations) Committee under the Company's Board of Directors: To take into account information on the results of evaluation of the conformance of Maksim Sergeyevich Bystrov, member of the Board of Directors, to the independence criteria established in Appendix 4 to the Listing Rules of Moscow Exchange. There is no affiliation between M. S. Bystrov and the Company, competitors or the state. M. S. Bystrov has formal criteria of affiliation with: - the Company's significant counterparties — ATS JSC, SO UES JSC, FSC JSC, ANO Market Council Training Center 10, Karachayevo-Cherkesskenergo JSC, and Kabbalkenergo JSC 11, — as the amount of liabilities under agreements between the Company and each of the said counterparties exceeds 2% of the book value of assets and 2% of the revenue of each counterparty; - of Directors in more than two organizations controlled by the Russian Federation, i.e. Rosseti PJSC, SO UES JSC, and RusHydro. To note that the connection between Maksim Bystrov and the significant counterparties of the Company — ATS the Company's major shareholder, the Russian Federation 12, as M. S. Bystrov is a member of the Board 10 M. S. Bystrov is a member of the Board of Directors of SO UES JSC, the Chairman of the Management Board and a member of the Board of Directors of ATS JSC, and the Chairman of the Management Board and a member of the Supervisory Board of NP Market Council Association. JSC FSC (through JSC ATS) and Autonomous Noncommercial Organization Training Center Market Council are controlled by the organizations of the Association Nonprofit Partnership Market Council. 11 Karachayevo-Cherkesskenergo JSC and Kabbalkenergo JSC are entities controlled by Rosseti PJSC, of whose Board of Directors M. S. Bystrov is a member. 12 60.6% of RusHydro's ordinary shares belong to the Russian Federation, represented by the Federal Agency for State Property Management; 13.3% of RusHydro's ordinary shares belong to VTB Bank (PJSC), which is also controlled by the Russian Federation. 106 Items on the Agenda Decisions Taken Date and No. of Minutes In accordance with Order of the Government of the Russian Federation (hereinafter, "RF Government") JSC, SO UES JSC, FSC JSC, ANO Market Council Training Center, Karachayevo-Cherkesskenergo JSC, and Kabbalkenergo JSC — is formal in nature and does not affect Mr. Bystrov’s ability to act, as a member of the Board of Directors, in the interests of the Company and its shareholders for the following reasons: - No. 607-r dated March 30, 2019, M. S. Bystrov has been nominated by the Russian Federation as an independent director; therefore, M. S. Bystrov has no obligation to vote according to the directives of the Government of the Russian Federation (Clause 16 of Regulation of the RF Government No. 738 dated December 3, 2004); ATS JSC 13 (Joint-Stock Company Administrator of the Trade System of the Wholesale Electricity - Market) is a commercial operator of the wholesale electricity and capacity market (the "wholesale market") and renders services to the Company for organizing electricity and capacity trading in the wholesale market in the manner provided for in Clause 7 of Article 33 of Federal Law No. 35-FZ dated March 26, 2003, "On the Electric Power Industry" (the "Federal Law on the Electric Power Industry") under an Agreement for Integration into the Trade System of the Wholesale Market. The conditions of the agreement are binding for the parties. Commercial relations between the Company and ATS JSC are based on the principle of nondiscriminatory access to the services of commercial infrastructure organizations of the wholesale market (Article 20 of the Federal Law "On the Electric Power Industry") and on the principle of state regulation of tariffs for the services of a commercial operator of the wholesale market (Article 23.1 of the Federal Law "On the Electric Power Industry"); - Company with operational dispatch management services in the electric power industry due to its status as a system operator envisioned by Clause 1 of Article 12 of the Federal Law on the Electric Power Industry and under the Agreement for Integration into the Trade System of the Wholesale Market. Commercial relations between the Company and SO UES JSC are based on the principle of nondiscriminatory access to operational dispatch management services in the electric power industry (Clause 6 of Article 20 of the Federal Law "On the SO UES JSC (Joint-Stock Company System Operator of the Unified Energy System) provides the 13 By decision of the Supervisory Board of the NP Market Council Association (formerly known as NP ATS) dated November 30, 2007, since April 1, 2008, JSC ATS has been entrusted with the performance of the functions of a commercial operator of the wholesale market, classified by Clause 1 of Article 33 of the Federal Law "On the Electric Power Industry" as a commercial infrastructure organization of the wholesale market. 107 Items on the Agenda Decisions Taken Date and No. of Minutes FSC JSC (Joint-Stock Company Financial Settlement Center) is classified among the commercial Electric Power Industry") and on the principle of state regulation of tariffs for operational dispatch management services (Article 23.1 of the Federal Law "On the Electric Power Industry"); - infrastructure organizations of the wholesale electricity and capacity market of the Russian Federation; it ensures the functioning of the contractual structure of the wholesale market and the system of financial settlements between its participants and renders services to the Company for calculation of claims and liabilities under the Agreement for Integration into the Trade System of the Wholesale Market. The Agreement was concluded in accordance with Clause 1 of Article 32 of the Federal Law on the Electric Power Industry and Clause 40 of the Rules for the Wholesale Electricity and Capacity Market approved by Regulation of the RF Government No. 1172 dated December 27, 2010. Commercial relations between the Company and FSC JSC are based on the principle of nondiscriminatory access to the services of commercial infrastructure organizations of the wholesale market (Article 20 of the Federal Law on the Electric Power Industry). The uniform charge for the service package provided by FSC JSC (for all counterparties) is approved by the Supervisory Board of NP Market Council Association; - infrastructure company for trading at wholesale and retail electricity and capacity market, renders services to the Company for the education and training of specialists in organizing an efficient system of wholesale and retail electricity and capacity trading. Considering that the wholesale market regulations adopted by the Supervisory Board of NP Market Council Association are constantly amended, to maintain a high level of knowledge in the field of wholesale market procedures and to obtain information on current and planned changes in the wholesale market, the employees of the Company need to undergo training at the primary source, that is, at ANO Market Council Training Center. The training contracts between the Company and ANO Market Council Training Center are concluded on market conditions; - Karachayevo-Cherkesskenergo JSC and Kabbalkenergo JSC are the only last-resort electricity providers in their territory, which purchase energy resources in the wholesale market and sell them to any consumer that approaches them by entering into public agreements with them. Karachayevo-Cherkesskenergo JSC and Kabbalkenergo JSC sell electricity to the Company under contracts for administrative and business needs. Payment for goods is effected at a price and/or in accordance with the procedure for determining the price ANO Market Council Training Center, a company organized under NP Market Council Association, an 108 Items on the Agenda Decisions Taken Date and No. of Minutes established in accordance with the provisions of federal laws and other statutory acts in force at the moment of payment, as well as acts of the competent agencies in the field of state regulation of tariffs. Mr. Bystrov's track record in the Company's Board of Directors proves his ability to make independent, unbiased, and conscientious judgments, as Mr. Bystrov's stand on agenda items of meetings of the Board of Directors and committees under the Board of Directors is based on his expertise and experience and is autonomous and independent, and the decisions made by Mr. Bystrov allow one to draw the conclusion that his formal affiliation with significant counterparties, a major shareholder of the Company and the state does not influence his decision making, as Mr. Bystrov acts in the interests of the Company and all its shareholders. Based on Clause 2 of Section 2.18 of Schedule No. 2 and on Schedule No. 4 to the Listing Rules of Moscow Exchange, to recognize Maksim Sergeevich Bystrov as an independent director. To approve the new version of the Regulation on Insider Information of RusHydro (Schedule 1 to the Minutes). 1. To approve the Report on the implementation of the Action Plan for the sale of non-core assets of RusHydro for Q2 2019 in accordance with Schedule 2 to the Minutes. 2. To amend the Register of non-core assets of the Company and the Action Plan for the sale of non-core assets of RusHydro for Q4 2018 and 2019 approved by a resolution of the Board of Directors of the Company dated December 24, 2018 (Minutes No. 281 dated December 27, 2018), in accordance with Schedule 3 to the Minutes. To approve the conclusion of the Agreement on the Gratuitous Transfer (Donation) of Property (hereinafter, the "Agreement") under the following material terms and conditions: Parties to the Agreement: The Donor is the Company; The Donee is the urban settlement city of Zavolzhye, Gorodetsky municipal district, Nizhny Novgorod Region Subject of the Agreement: The Donor shall gratuitously transfer and the Donee shall accept in ownership for use as an object of provision of urban amenities the installation "Pedestrian and Bicycle Lanes," cadastral number: 52:15:0000000:1448, length: 545 m, address: 14 Privokzalnaya Street, city of Zavolzhye, Gorodetsky District, Nizhny Novgorod 109 Minutes of 29.08.2019 (cid:569)(cid:3)(cid:21)(cid:28)(cid:23) On approval of the Company's internal documents: On approval of the amended Regulation on Insider Information of RusHydro. On approval of the Report on the implementation of the Action Plan for the sale of non-core assets of the Company for Q2 2019. On approval of transactions for the gratuitous transfer of the Company's property to third parties: pedestrian and bicycle lanes created as part of the construction of Nizhegorodskaya HPP for provision of urban amenities. Items on the Agenda Decisions Taken Date and No. of Minutes Region, Russian Federation (ownership recorded in the Unified State Register of Real Estate on February 15, 2019 under No. 52:15:0000000:1448-52/110/2019-1). To approve the conclusion of the Agreement on the Gratuitous Transfer (Donation) of Property (hereinafter, the "Agreement") under the following material terms and conditions: Parties to the Agreement: The Donor is the Company; The Donee is the Administration of the Priyutnensky District Municipality of the Republic of Kalmykia. Subject of the Agreement: The Donor shall transfer free of charge and the Donee shall take into possession a share in the construction facilities in progress of the Kalmytskaya WPP in accordance with Schedule 4 to the Minutes. To terminate the Company's participation in the authorized capital of Technopark Rumyantsevo in accordance with the Program for the Alienation of Non-Core Assets of RusHydro. To approve the termination of participation of RusHydro in Geotherm as a result of the reorganization of Geoterm in the form of merger into Kamchatskenergo. To approve the termination of participation of RusHydro in KamGEK as a result of the reorganization of KamGEK in the form of merger into Kamchatskenergo. To approve the participation of RusHydro in the authorized capital of Kamchatskenergo as a result of reorganization of Kamchatskenergo in the form of the merger of Geoterm and KamGEK into it. The share of RusHydro in the authorized capital of Kamchatskenergo before reorganization is 0%. The share of RusHydro Group in the authorized capital of Kamchatskenergo before reorganization is 98.7%. The share of RusHydro in the authorized capital of Kamchatskenergo after reorganization is not less than 13.89%. The share of RusHydro Group in the authorized capital of Kamchatskenergo after reorganization is not less than 98.53%. On approval of transactions for the gratuitous transfer of the Company's property to third parties: shares in construction facilities in progress of the Kalmytskaya WPP. On termination of the Company's participation in Technopark Rumyantsevo. On termination of the Company's participation in Geoterm. On termination of the Company's participation in KamGEK. On participation of the Company in the authorized capital of Kamchatskenergo. Confidential. Confidential. 110 Items on the Agenda Decisions Taken Date and No. of Minutes Confidential. On amendments to the Long- Term Development Program of RusHydro Group for the period of 2018 to 2022 (implementation of the directives of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 10068p-P13 dated December 6, 2018, in terms of supplementation of the section "Implementation of Intelligent Systems and Digital Technologies"). On the consideration of matters of significance to the Company: On updating the Innovation Development Program of RusHydro Group. On termination of the Company's participation in the authorized Pursuant to the directives of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 10068p-P13 dated December 6, 2018, and in accordance with the resolution of the Board of Directors of the Company on the item "On the transition of the Company to the predominant use of domestic software,"1 to approve amendments to the Long-Term Development Program of RusHydro Group for the period of 2018 to 20222 in terms of the section "Implementation of Intelligent Systems and Digital Technologies" according to Schedule 5 to the Minutes. 1. To take into account the report on comparison of the level of technological development and the values of key performance indicators of the RusHydro Group's innovation activity with the level of development and indicators of the leading peer companies (hereinafter referred to as the Comparison), revised with due regard to the conclusions on the report submitted by the Ministry for Economic Development of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation (Schedule -6 to the Minutes). 2. To approve the proposals for improving the quality of preparation and implementation of the RusHydro Group Innovation Development Program (Schedule 7 to the Minutes) prepared based on the results of the Comparison, when updated. 3. To entrust the Chairman of the Management Board and General Director of the Company, N. G. Shulginov, with ensuring the development of an updated Innovation Development Program of RusHydro Group for 2020 to 2024 in accordance with the proposals pursuant to Schedule 7 to the Minutes and forwarding it for approval to the relevant federal executive bodies (Russian Ministry for Economic Development, Russian Ministry of Energy, Russian Ministry of Education and Science, and Russian Ministry for Development of Russian Far East) by December 31, 2019. To terminate the Company's participation in the authorized capital of Bank of Cyprus Holdings Public Limited Company in accordance with the Program for the Alienation of Non-Core Assets of RusHydro. 111 Items on the Agenda Decisions Taken Date and No. of Minutes Minutes of 23.09.2019 (cid:569)(cid:3)(cid:21)(cid:28)(cid:24) capital of Bank of Cyprus Holdings Public Limited Company. On preliminary approval of transactions with the shares of organizations in which the Company participates: transactions for the sale of sixteen thousand six hundred forty-one (16,641) ordinary shares of Bank of Cyprus Holdings Public Limited Company at exchange trading. On the interim results of the fulfillment of the Company's Business Plan for 2019 with regard to the actual results for H1 2019 (considering the report on the fulfillment of the Investment Program, including the Complex Modernization Program for Generating Facilities, for H1 2019). On the adjustment of the Company's business plan for 2019–2023 insofar as it relates to the Investment Program of RusHydro for 2019. On the adjustment of the 1. To approve transactions for the sale of sixteen thousand six hundred forty-one (16,641) ordinary shares of Bank of Cyprus Holdings Public Limited Company at exchange trading. The share of participation of the Company in Bank of Cyprus Holdings Public Limited Company before alienation is 0.003729494%. The share of participation of the Company in Bank of Cyprus Holdings Public Limited Company after alienation is up to 0%. 2. To determine the price of the alienation of 16,641 ordinary shares of Bank of Cyprus Holdings Public Limited Company based on the current market price of the shares of Bank of Cyprus Holdings Public Limited Company formed on the day of sale on the London Stock Exchange. The minority opinion of the member of RusHydro Board of Directors M. A. Rasstrigin is attached. To confirm the interim results of the fulfillment of the Business Plan for 2019 with regard to the actual results of H1 2019 (considering the report on the fulfillment of the Investment Program, including the Complex Modernization Program for Generating Facilities, for H1 2019) (Appendix 1 to the Minutes). To approve the adjustment of the Company's business plan for 2019 insofar as it relates to amending the parameters of the Investment Program of RusHydro for 2019, considering their influence on the KPI "Compliance with the capacity commissioning schedules and financing and utilization plan, %" for 2019 (Appendices 2 and 2a to the Minutes). The minority opinion of member of the Company's Board of Directors P. A. Livinskiy on agenda item 2 is attached. To approve the adjusted consolidated Business Plan (including the consolidated Investment Program) of 112 Items on the Agenda Decisions Taken Date and No. of Minutes consolidated Business Plan (including the consolidated Investment Program) of RusHydro Group for 2019. On the approval of the adjusted targets for annual KPIs of the Company's Management Board members for 2019. n the approval of the reports on the performance results of the Committees under the RusHydro Board of Directors for the corporate year 2018–2019. On the participation of the Company in JSC Sakhalin SDPP-2. Minutes of 25.09.2019 (cid:569)(cid:3)(cid:21)(cid:28)(cid:25) RusHydro Group for 2019 (Appendix 3 to the Minutes). The minority opinion of member of the Company's Board of Directors P. A. Livinskiy on agenda item 3 is attached. o approve the adjusted targets for KPIs of the Company's Management Board members for 2019 as follows: "ROE, %," "EBITDA, million rubles," "Workforce Productivity, thousand rubles/man-hours" (Appendix 4 to the Minutes). To consider the item at the next scheduled in-person meeting of the Board of Directors with the participation of the Chairmen of the Committees under the Board of Directors of the Company. 1. To approve the participation of the Company in the authorized capital of JSC Sakhalin SDPP-2 by concluding an agreement(s) for the sale of shares (the "Transaction") on the following material conditions: Parties to the Transaction: Issuer: Sakhalin SDPP-2 JSC. Acquirer: RusHydro. Subject of the Transaction: The Issuer shall transfer to the Acquirer no more than 16,345,000,000 ordinary shares to be placed through private subscription (the "Shares"). The Acquirer undertakes to accept and pay for the Shares. Price of the Transaction: RUB 1 per one share for a total amount of no more than RUB 16,345,000,000. Other terms and conditions of the Transaction: The form of payment for the Shares is cash, with the possibility of payment by offsetting monetary claims against the Issuer. 2. To determine that based on the results of the issue the Company's participation share in the authorized capital of JSC Sakhalin SDPP-2 will not change and will remain 100%, while the debt of Sakhalin SDPP-2 owed 113 Items on the Agenda Decisions Taken Date and No. of Minutes On the participation of the Company in JSC CHPP in Sovetskaya Gavan. to the Company in the amount of no less than RUB 9,216,605,312 shall be repaid following the acquisition of the additional shares. 3. To determine that the price of acquisition by the Company of additional ordinary shares of JSC Sakhalin SDPP-2 corresponds to the nominal value and amounts to RUB 1 per one additional ordinary share for the total maximum amount of RUB 16,345,000,000. 4. To consider this decision to be approval of the transaction in accordance with letter c) of subclause 24 of clause 12.1 of the Articles of Association of the Company. 1. To approve the participation of the Company in the authorized capital of JSC CHPP in Sovetskaya Gavan by concluding an agreement(s) for the sale of shares (the "Transaction) on the following material conditions: Parties to the Transaction: Issuer: JSC CHPP in Sovetskaya Gavan. Acquirer: RusHydro. Subject of the Transaction: The Issuer shall transfer to the Acquirer no more than 18,456,000,000 ordinary shares placed through private subscription (the "Shares"). The Acquirer undertakes to accept and pay for the Shares. Price of the Transaction: RUB 1 per one share for a total amount of no more than RUB 18,456,000,000. Other terms and conditions of the Transaction: The form of payment for the Shares is cash, with the possibility of payment by offsetting monetary claims against the Issuer. To determine that based on the results of the issue the Company's participation share in the 2. authorized capital of JSC CHPP in Sovetskaya Gavan will not change and will remain 100%, while the debt of JSC CHPP in Sovetskaya Gavan to the Company in the amount of no less than RUB 2,644,947,674 shall be repaid following the acquisition of the additional shares. 3. To determine that the price of acquisition by the Company of the additional ordinary shares of JSC CHPP in Sovetskaya Gavan shall correspond to the nominal value and shall amount to RUB 1 per one additional ordinary share for the total maximum amount of RUB 18,456,000,000. 4. To consider this decision to be approval of the transaction in accordance with letter c) of subclause 24 of 114 Items on the Agenda Decisions Taken Date and No. of Minutes On the participation of the Company in JSC Yakutsk SDPP-2. On approval of the report on the fulfillment of the Annual Comprehensive Procurement Program of RusHydro for six months of 2019. clause 12.1 of the Articles of Association of the Company. 1. To approve the participation of the Company in the authorized capital of Yakutsk SDPP-2 JSC by concluding an agreement(s) for the sale of shares (the "Transaction") on the following material conditions: Parties to the Transaction: Issuer: Yakutsk SDPP-2 JSC. Acquirer: RusHydro. Subject of the Transaction: The Issuer shall transfer to the Acquirer no more than 5,912,000,000 ordinary shares placed through private subscription (the "Shares"). The Acquirer undertakes to accept and pay for the Shares. Price of the Transaction: RUB 1 per one share for a total amount of not more than RUB 5,912,000,000. Other terms and conditions of the Transaction: The form of payment for the Shares is cash, with the possibility of payment by offsetting monetary claims against the Issuer. 2. To determine that based on the results of the issue the Company's participation share in the authorized capital of JSC Yakutsk SDPP-2 will not change and will remain 100%, while the debt of JSC Yakutsk SDPP-2 owed to the Company in the amount of no less than RUB 5,911,757,990 shall be repaid to the Company after the acquisition of the additional shares. 3. To determine that the price of acquisition by the Company of additional ordinary shares of Yakutsk SDPP-2 JSC corresponds to the nominal value and amounts to RUB 1 per one additional ordinary share for the total maximum amount of RUB 5,912,000,000. 4. To consider this decision to be approval of the transaction in accordance with letter c) of subclause 24 of clause 12.1 of the Articles of Association of the Company. To approve the report on the fulfillment of RusHydro's Annual Comprehensive Procurement Program for six months of 2019 (Schedule 1 hereto). 115 Items on the Agenda Decisions Taken Date and No. of Minutes On consent to conclude an agreement on the provision of comprehensive transport services as well as on the leasing with crew and leasing of vehicles without crew and additional agreements thereto between RusHydro and JSC RusHydro TC as related-party transactions. To give consent to the conclusion by the Company of the Agreement To determine the maximum price of the contract for the provision of comprehensive transport services 1. as well as the provision of leasing with crew and leasing of vehicles without crew between the Company and JSC RusHydro TC (the "Agreement") and its additional agreements, which are related-party transactions: RUB 4,880,824,790.04, excluding VAT. 2. and the subsequent conclusion of additional agreements thereto as interested-party transactions on the following material conditions: Parties to the Agreement and additional agreements: Party 1: RusHydro (the Company). Party 2: JSC TC RusHydro. Subject of the Agreement: The provision by Party 2 to Party 1 of a comprehensive transport service as well as the provision of leasing with crew and leasing without crew of vehicles and equipment (including, among other things, ships and floating objects of inland water transport, and/or hovercraft, and/or special equipment, and/or firefighting equipment, and/or railway transport and equipment, and/or automobile freight vehicles, and/or automobile passenger vehicles, and/or buses, and/or minibuses, and/or trams, and/or lifting facilities. Subject of Additional Agreements: - floating objects of inland water transport, and/or hovercraft, and/or special equipment, and/or firefighting equipment, and/or railway transport and equipment, and/or automobile freight vehicles, and/or automobile passenger vehicles, and/or buses, and/or minibuses, and/or trams, and/or lifting facilities for leasing and rendering comprehensive transportation services to the executive office and 18 branches of RusHydro); Change in the price of the Agreement, including price components, within the limit price; - - Change of schedules and/or interchangeability of the provision of vehicles and equipment within the term for the provision of services and leases under the Agreement The maximum price of the Agreement (including Additional Agreements): RUB 4,880,824,790.04, excluding VAT. The period for the provision of services and leases under the Agreement: Change in the list of transport vehicles and equipment (including, among other things, ships and 116 Items on the Agenda Decisions Taken Date and No. of Minutes September 1, 2019, to August 31, 2022. Period of validity of the Agreement: The Agreement shall enter into force upon its signing by the Parties and remain in effect until the Parties perform their obligations in full. In accordance with clause 2 of article 425 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the terms of the Agreement apply to relations between the Parties that arose on or after September 1, 2019. Other material terms of the Agreement or the procedure for their determination: The provision of services under the Agreement shall be carried out within the borders of the Russian Federation. Specific routes (points of departure and destination), cargo parameters (mass, quantity, volume, dimensions, nature (type, names), etc.), moto-watches, periods, service schedules, transportation schedules, shift work of vehicles, schedules of means of transport, the place of supply of vehicles, the procedure for the supply and use of vehicles, the nature of the vehicle, the consignor, the consignee may be determined (subject to the limits specified in this decision) in the Agreement and/or applications of Party 1 to Party 2 for the provision of transport or transportation services. Persons with an interest in the execution of the transaction by the Company: member of the Management Board of the Company S. A. Kirov, who is the brother of A. A. Kirov, who holds a position in the management bodies (general director, member of the Board of Directors) of a party to the Agreement, JSC TC RusHydro. 3. To determine that the present decision is valid until August 31, 2022. To take note of information on the progress of priority projects for the construction of two facilities in the Far East (CHPP in Sovetskaya Gavan, Sakhalinskaya SDPP-2 (stage 1)) as of June 30, 2019 (Schedule 2 hereto). To approve amendments to the Methodology for the Calculation and Evaluation of the Annual KPIs of RusHydro Management Board Members (Schedule 3 to the Minutes). 117 On the status of the implementation of priority projects for the construction of 2 facilities in the Far East (CHPP in Sovetskaya Gavan, Sakhalin SDPP-2 (stage 1). On approval of amendments to the Methodology for the Calculation and Evaluation of the Items on the Agenda Decisions Taken Date and No. of Minutes Annual KPIs of RusHydro Management Board Members. On participation of the Company in the authorized capital of JSC DGK. Minutes of 21.10.2019 (cid:569)(cid:3)(cid:21)(cid:28)(cid:26) Confidential. Confidential. On approval of the Report on the implementation of the Action Plan for the sale of non-core assets of the Company for 9 months of 2019. On progress in the To approve participation of the Company in the authorized capital of JSC DGK for the purpose of capitalization of the latter's debt to RusHydro under loans issued (including payment of interest) by way of concluding an agreement to purchase additional shares of JSC DGK (the "Agreement"), as part of a procedure for increasing the authorized capital of JSC DGK by private subscription in favor of the sole entity, RusHydro, on the following material terms and conditions: Parties to the Agreement: Issuer: JSC DGK. Acquirer: RusHydro. Subject of the Agreement: The Issuer shall transfer to the Acquirer ownership of ordinary registered shares of JSC DGK for a maximum amount of RUB 40,500,000,000, and the Acquirer shall accept and pay for them at the price determined by the Board of Directors of JSC DGK on the basis of an independent appraiser's report, which shall not be less than the par value of one ordinary share, with the possibility of paying for them by way of offset of the Company's monetary claims under the extended loans (including payment of interest). The shareholding of the Company and its controlled entities in the authorized capital of JSC DGK after the acquisition of the additional shares of JSC DGK will not change and will remain 100%. The minority opinions of members of RusHydro Board of Directors P. A. Livinskiy and M. A. Rasstrigin are attached to the Minutes. - - To approve the Report on the implementation of the Action Plan for the sale of non-core assets of RusHydro for 9 months of 2019 (Schedule No. 1 to the Minutes). To take into account the information on the progress in the implementation of RusHydro Group's Long-Term 118 Items on the Agenda Decisions Taken Date and No. of Minutes implementation of RusHydro Group's Long-term Development Program in H1 2019. Amendments to RusHydro Group's Long-Term Development Program. Minutes of 22.10.2019 (cid:569)(cid:3)(cid:21)(cid:28)(cid:27) Confidential. On the accomplishment of the action plan for works at Zagorskaya PSHP-2. On measures for refinancing the debt of RAO Energy Systems of the East Holding companies. Development Program in H1 2019 (Schedule 2 to the Minutes). To approve amendments to the list, target values, and methods of calculating and evaluating key performance indicators of RusHydro Group's Long-Term Development Program 14 in accordance with the adjustment by the Board of Directors of the Company of the list, target values, and methods of calculating and evaluating key performance indicators of members of the Management Board and the Long-term Motivation Program of the Company (Minutes of the Board of Directors of the Company No. 283 dated February 21, 2019, No. 295 dated September 23, 2019, No. 296 dated September 24, 2019) (Schedule No. 3 to the Minutes). The minority opinion of member of the Company's Board of Directors M. A. Rasstrigin on the agenda item 2.2 is attached. - To take into consideration the interim report on the accomplishment of the follow-up action plan for works at Zagorskaya PSHP-2 (Schedule No. 1 hereto). In order to streamline the terms of the non-deliverable forward contract (hereinafter referred to as the 1. Forward) concluded between the Company and VTB Bank (PJSC) in respect of 55,000,000,000 (Fifty-five billion) ordinary shares of PJSC RusHydro and formalized in the Confirmation of a Non-Deliverable Forward Transaction for Shares dated March 3, 2017 (hereinafter referred to as the Confirmation) in accordance with the Master Agreement on Derivatives Transactions in the Financial Markets dated March 3, 2017, to approve the conclusion of a supplementary agreement to the Confirmation providing for the following amendments to the essential terms of the Forward: 1.1. 1.2. obligations under the Forward in full by twelve (12) months. Reduction of the forward rate by 0.5 (five-tenths) percentage points. Prolongation of the period during which the Company cannot demand early performance of the 14 The Long-term Development Program for the period 2018–2022, approved by Minutes of the Board of Directors of the Company No. 271 dated June 1, 2018, as amended by Minutes of the Board of Directors of the Company No. 279 dated October 26, 2018, and No. 294 dated August 29, 2019. 119 Items on the Agenda Decisions Taken Date and No. of Minutes Entitlement of VTB Bank (PJSC) to unilaterally extend the Forward term no more than three (3) times 1.3. and in aggregate no more than up to March 3, 2025, inclusive, by sending a written notice to the Company. 2. To consider this resolution to be also the approval of a derivative transaction in accordance with Subclause 25, Clause 12.1 of the Company's Articles of Association and the Borrowing Policy Regulation of the Company approved by the decision of the Company's Board of Directors dated July 29, 2010 (Minutes No. 104 dated August 2, 2010). 3. For the purpose of collaboration aimed at increasing the selling price of shares of RusHydro as part of the Forward, to approve the conclusion of an agreement on the provision of financial and consulting services (hereinafter, the Agreement) on the following essential terms: Parties to the Agreement: Customer: PJSC RusHydro; Contractor: VTB Capital JSC. Subject of the Agreement: To provide services and assistance to the Customer as part of analysis and measures for the implementation of strategic initiatives aimed at increasing the market value of the Customer’s shares, including as part of the implementation of the RusHydro Group Value Increase Plan for the period up to 2021, as well as for the implementation of the transaction for the sale of Customer's shares in the total amount of 55,000,000,000 (Fifty-five billion) ordinary shares owned by VTB Bank (PJSC) for the purposes of final settlement of the Forward (hereinafter, the “Transaction”). Price of the Agreement: Five percent (5%) of the amount of the excess of the price for the sale of one (1) share as a result of the Transaction over one ruble and thirty-five thousandths (1.035), multiplied by the number of shares that are the subject of this Transaction, but not more than seven hundred million (700,000,000) rubles. Term of the Agreement: The Agreement shall be valid from the moment of its execution until the earlier of the following dates: a) the date of completion of the Transaction; b) the date falling 36 months from the date of execution of the Agreement; or (c) the date of early termination of the Agreement by any Party upon prior written notice to the other Party. Additional terms: 120 Items on the Agenda Decisions Taken Date and No. of Minutes On the approval of the reports on the performance results of the Committees under the RusHydro Board of Directors for the corporate year 2018–2019. Minutes of 04.12.2019 (cid:569)(cid:3)(cid:21)(cid:28)(cid:28) On setting up branches of RusHydro. On the progress of The Customer undertakes to compensate the Contractor for property losses actually incurred and documented by VTB Capital JSC in connection with the Transaction which arose out of any claims, actions, demands, requests or investigations from any third parties with regard to the Contractor or its affiliates, as well as any proceedings relating to such claims. However, property losses that occurred mainly through the fault of the Contractor, as established by a final court judgment, will be excluded from the amount of compensation. The amount of losses compensable by the Customer may not exceed the Price of the Agreement. 1. To approve the report on the performance results of the Audit Committee of the Company's Board of Directors for the 2018-2019 corporate year (Schedule No. 2 hereto). 2. To approve the report on the performance results of the HR and Remuneration (Nominations) Committee under the Board of Directors for the 2018-2019 corporate year (Schedule No. 3 hereto). 3. To approve the report on the performance results of the Strategy Committee under the Company's Board of Directors for the 2018—2019 corporate year (Schedule No. 4 hereto). 4 To approve the report on the performance results of the Reliability, Energy Efficiency and Innovations Committee under the Company's Board of Directors for the 2018—2019 corporate year (Schedule No. 5 hereto). 5. To approve the report on the performance results of the Far East Power Industry Development Committee under the Company's Board of Directors for the 2018—2019 corporate year (Schedule No. 6 hereto). 1. To take information on the status of projects for the construction, retrofitting and upgrading of generating facilities (thermal plants) in the non-price zone of the wholesale electricity and capacity market in accordance with Order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1544-r dated July 15, 2019 (hereinafter, "Projects") under advisement. 2. To set up, for the purposes of implementing the Projects: - Yakutsk; - in Khabarovsk; - Vladivostok. To take information on the progress of implementation of the investment project "Construction of two single- the Primorsky Branch of Public Joint-Stock Company Federal Hydrogeneration Company – RusHydro in the Yakutsky Branch of Public Joint-Stock Company Federal Hydrogeneration Company – RusHydro in the Khabarovsky Branch of Public Joint-Stock Company Federal Hydrogeneration Company – RusHydro 121 Items on the Agenda Decisions Taken Date and No. of Minutes implementation of the investment project "Construction of two single-circuit 110 kV overhead lines Pevek – Bilibino (construction phase No. 1)." On determining the position of the Company (delegates of the Company) regarding the agenda of the management bodies of JSC Hydroinvest: "On the execution by JSC Hydroinvest of a transaction on the alienation of shares in its subsidiary, CJSC MEK, which produces electricity." circuit 110 kV overhead lines Pevek – Bilibino (construction phase No. 1)" (Schedule No. 1 to the Minutes) under advisement. Furthermore, during the discussion of this matter, Yu. P. Trutnev, Chairman of the Board of Directors, ordered the Management Board of the Company to elaborate, within one week, the possibility of implementing the project "Construction of two single-circuit 110 kV overhead lines Pevek – Bilibino (construction phase No. 1)" by means of allocating several startup complexes. To instruct the representatives of the Company in the management bodies of JSC Hydroinvest on the issue "On the execution by JSC Hydroinvest of a transaction on the alienation of shares in its subsidiary, CJSC MEK, which produces electricity," to vote "FOR" the adoption of the following resolution: 1. To approve the termination of participation of JSC Hydroinvest (the company controlled by RusHydro) in CJSC MEK by selling 527,085 ordinary registered uncertified shares in CJSC MEK at the price determined by the Board of Directors of JSC Hydroinvest based on the valuation report, but not lower than the carrying value, with cash payment. The compulsory condition for the alienation of shares in CJSC MEK is the termination of the surety agreement dated January 30, 2013, concluded between RusHydro and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, and the surety agreement dated May 15, 2013, concluded between RusHydro and the Asian Development Bank. 2. To implement the decision in Clause 1, to approve the conclusion of a sale and purchase agreement (the "Agreement") on the following conditions and terms (method for their determination): Parties to the Agreement: Seller: Joint-Stock Company Hydroinvest Buyer: the persons who have the preemptive right to acquire shares in CJSC MEK in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Armenia or, if they refuse to acquire shares or do not exercise their preemptive right, Open Joint-Stock Company Hrazdan Energy Company (RazTES) (Republic of Armenia). Subject Matter of the Agreement: The Seller shall transfer to the Buyer the ownership of 527,085 ordinary uncertified shares in CJSC MEK with a par value of 1,000 Armenian drams each (the "Shares"), and the Buyer shall accept them and pay for them. 122 Items on the Agenda Decisions Taken Date and No. of Minutes obtaining by CJSC MEK of the consent of the Public Services Regulatory Commission of the Republic of Price of the Agreement: The value of the alienated shares is determined by the Board of Directors of JSC Hydroinvest based on the valuation report, but not lower than the carrying value, which is one hundred seventy-two million nine hundred sixty-one thousand nine hundred seventy-two rubles 00 kopecks (RUB 172,961,972.00) for 527,085 shares (the "Stock Value") as of September 30, 2019. The payment for the Shares shall be made in cash. Other conditions for the alienation of the Shares: (cid:520). Ownership of the Shares is transferred to the Buyer after all the following conditions are met: signing a loan agreement between CJSC MEK and the new lending bank (on material terms in - accordance with Schedule No. 2 to the Minutes) in order to fully refinance the debt to the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (hereinafter, EBRD) and the Asian Development Bank (hereinafter, ADB) (hereinafter, EBRD and ADB are jointly referred to as the Lending Banks) under the loan agreement dated December 21, 2012 and under the loan agreement dated May 13, 2013 (hereinafter jointly referred to as the Loan Agreements), on the conditions agreed upon by the Buyer and CJSC Ardshinbank; - Armenia to signing a share pledge agreement and an immovable property pledge agreement in favor of the new lending bank; - stipulated by the surety agreement dated January 30, 2013, concluded between RusHydro and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, and the surety agreement dated May 15, 2013, concluded between RusHydro and the Asian Development Bank pursuant to the full debt repayment by CJSC MEK under the Loan Agreements; failure to use the pre-emptive right to acquire the Shares within the established time period, or refusal - to use the pre-emptive right to acquire the Shares by the minority shareholder of CJSC MEK and by CJSC MEK itself (in case of the sale of the Shares to the Open Joint-Stock Company Hrazdan Energy Company (RazTES)). b. The Seller provides to the Buyer representations for the most significant potential risks listed in Schedule No. 3 to the Minutes. 3. To establish that the stake of JSC Hydroinvest in CJSC MEK: before the alienation of the Shares is 90.00%, and after the alienation of the Shares, 0.00%." To approve the report on the performance results of the Investment Committee of the Company's Board of termination of the suretyships of RusHydro for the obligations of CJSC MEK under the Loan Agreements 123 On approving the report on the Date and No. of Minutes Minutes of 04.12.2019 (cid:569)(cid:3)(cid:22)(cid:19)(cid:19) Items on the Agenda Decisions Taken performance results of the Investment Committee of the Board of Directors of RusHydro for the corporate year 2018– 2019. On Consideration of the Report on Compliance with the Company's Information Policy. On approval of the report on the execution of the Annual Complex Procurement Program of the Company for 9 months of 2019. On annual notification of industry- related federal executive bodies and the Government of the Russian Federation on the volumes of contracts concluded with defense industry enterprises for the procurement of civil products for the fuel and energy industry (performance of work, provision of services) which are not related to a state defense order. Directors for the corporate year 2018–2019 (Schedule No. 4 to the Minutes). To take into consideration the Report on Compliance with RusHydro's Information Policy (Schedule No. 1 to the Minutes). To approve the report on the execution of the RusHydro Annual Complex Procurement Program for 9 months of 2019 (Schedule No. 2 to the Minutes). on the official website of the State Industrial Information System of information on the current and of all procurement information of RusHydro Group on the official website of the Unified Procurement 1. To note the publication by the Company: - Information System, including the goods, works and services procurement plan and up-to-date official publications on procurements, containing, inter alia, notices of procurement, procurement documentation, draft contracts, and information on all contracts concluded by RusHydro Group with all counterparties (this information is publicly available at http://zakupki.gov.ru); - prospective needs of RusHydro Group for the implementation of production programs, which is available for the manufacturers of the defense industry for submission of their commercial proposals and further participation in tender procedures (this information is publicly available at https://gisp.gov.ru). 2. The Company shall ensure timely annual notification of industry-related federal executive bodies (the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia, the Ministry of Energy of Russia, and the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia) and the Government of the Russian Federation on the volumes of contracts concluded by the Company and its subsidiaries with defense industry enterprises for the procurement of civil products for the fuel and energy industry (performance of works, provision of services) which are not related to a state defense order not later than 30 days before the date of the annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the 124 Items on the Agenda Decisions Taken Date and No. of Minutes On approval of a new revision of the Unified Regulation on the Procurement of Products for the Needs of RusHydro Group. On consideration of the report on the progress of the Action Plan (the list of measures) for the implementation of occupational standards in the Company's operations. On consideration of the audit findings of the Ministry of Energy of Russia and the progress on the elimination of violations discovered. Procurement of Russian products used for the implementation of national projects and the complex plan for modernization and expansion of trunk infrastructure. Company, after the industry-related federal executive bodies (the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia and/or the Federal Agency for State Property Management) submit information to the Company about the organizations included in the register of defense industry organizations in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 96 dated February 20, 2004 "On the Consolidated Register of Defense Industry Organizations." 1. To approve a new revision of the Unified Regulation on the Procurement of Products for the Needs of RusHydro Group (Schedule No. 3 to the Minutes). 2. As soon as the Unified Regulation on the Procurement of Products for the Needs of RusHydro Group comes into force, to deem the Unified Regulation on the Procurement of Products for the Needs of RusHydro Group approved by Decision of the Board of Directors of RusHydro (Minutes No. 277 dated October 4, 2018, with amendments approved by Minutes of the meeting of the Board of Directors of RusHydro No. 292 dated June 24, 2019) to have lost force. To approve the report on the progress of the Action Plan (the list of measures) for the implementation of professional standards in the Company's operations in Q2 and Q3 2019 (Schedule No. 4 to the Minutes). To take under advisement the results of the field audits conducted by the Ministry of Energy of Russia in 2019 and information on the progress on the elimination of violations as of September 30, 2019 (Schedule No. 5 to the Minutes). Clause 5.17 of the Unified Regulation on the Procurement of Products for the Needs of RusHydro 1. To take note of the following: - Group, approved by the Company's Board of Directors (Minutes No. 277 dated October 4, 2018, with amendments approved by Minutes No. 292 dated June 24, 2019, hereinafter referred to as the "URPP"), provides for the priority of procured products (goods, work, services) of Russian origin over procured products 125 Items on the Agenda Decisions Taken Date and No. of Minutes Approval of the report on the interim results of accomplishment of the Company's Business Plan for 2019 considering the actual results for 9 months of 2019 (including the report on execution of the Investment Program, including the Complex Modernization Program for Generating Facilities, for 9 months of 2019). On approval of the Company's Business Plan (including the Investment Program) for 2020– 2024. Minutes of 26.12.2019 (cid:569)(cid:3)(cid:22)(cid:19)(cid:20) of foreign origin15; - this clause of the URPP covers, inter alia, the procurement of Russian products used for the implementation of national projects and the complex plan for modernization and expansion of trunk infrastructure. 2. To establish that no additional amendments need be introduced to the URPP and other local regulations (acts) of the Company in the field of procurement activities to establish the priority of the procurement of Russian products used for the implementation of national projects and the complex plan for modernization and expansion of trunk infrastructure. To approve the report on the interim results of accomplishment of the Company's Business Plan for 2019 considering the actual results for 9 months of 2019 (including the report on execution of the Investment Program, including the Complex Modernization Program for Generating Facilities, for 9 months of 2019) (Schedule No. 6 to the Minutes). 1. To approve the RusHydro Business Plan for 2020 (Schedule 1 to the Minutes). 2. To approve the RusHydro Investment Program for 2020 (Schedule 2 to the RusHydro Business Plan for 2020–2024). 3. To approve the planning data for RusHydro's investment projects and for new construction facilities of controlled companies that are taken into account in calculating the performance indicator of RusHydro Management Board members "Compliance with the Capacity Commissioning Schedule and the Financing and Utilization Plan, %" for 2020 (Schedule 2a to the RusHydro Business Plan for 2020–2024). 15 In accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 925 dated September 16, 2016 "On the Priority of Goods of Russian Origin and Work Performed and Services Provided by Russian Persons as Compared to Goods of Foreign Origin or Work Performed and Services Provided by Foreign Persons." 126 Items on the Agenda Decisions Taken Date and No. of Minutes On approval of the consolidated Business Plan (including the consolidated Investment Program) of RusHydro Group for 2020–2024. On approval of the list and the target values of annual key performance indicators of RusHydro Management Board members for 2020. 4. To take into consideration the RusHydro Business Plan for 2021–2024 (Schedule 1 to the Minutes), including the RusHydro Investment Program for 2021–2024 (Schedule 2 to the RusHydro Business Plan for 2020–2024). To approve the consolidated Business Plan (including the consolidated Investment Program) of RusHydro Group for 2020–2024 (Schedule 2 to the Minutes). To approve: To approve and put into effect from January 1, 2020: 1. 1.1. A new revision of the Regulation on the System of Key Performance Indicators of RusHydro (the "Regulation") as per Schedule 3 to the Minutes. 1.2. The list of annual key performance indicators of RusHydro Management Board members for 2020 as per Schedule 4 to the Minutes. 1.3. The target values of the annual key performance indicators of RusHydro Management Board members for 2020 as per Schedule 5 to the Minutes. 1.4. The new revision of the methodology for calculating and evaluating the annual key performance indicators of RusHydro Management Board members as per Schedule 6 to the Minutes. 2. 2.1. The target values of KPIs under RusHydro's Cycle 4 Long-Term Motivation Program for 2020–2022 as per Schedule 7 to the Minutes. 2.2. Changes to the target values of KPIs under RusHydro's Cycle 2 Long-Term Motivation Program for 2018– 2020 as per Schedule 8 to the Minutes. 2.3. Changes to the target values of KPIs under RusHydro's Cycle 3 Long-Term Motivation Program for 2019– 2021 as per Schedule 9 to the Minutes. 2.4. Changes to the Methodology for Calculating and Evaluating KPIs under the RusHydro Long-Term Motivation Program approved by decision of the Company's Board of Directors on December 26, 2017 (Minutes No. 264 dated December 28, 2017), as amended on February 19, 2019 (Minutes No. 283 dated February 21, 2019), with respect to calculation of the KPI "Total shareholder return (TSR), %" as per Schedule 10 to the Minutes. 3. To calculate the KPIs under the Cycle 2 Long-Term Motivation Program for 2018–2020 and the Cycle 3 Long- 127 Items on the Agenda Decisions Taken Date and No. of Minutes Minutes of 26.12.2019 (cid:569)(cid:3)(cid:22)(cid:19)(cid:21) On the Company's non-core assets. Conclusion of an Agreement on the gratuitous transfer of pedestrian and bicycle paths to the municipal entity City of Sayanogorsk. Conclusion of an Agreement on the gratuitous transfer of hydrometeorological network facilities for assignment to the Siberian Department for the Russian Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring. A new version of the Register of RusHydro's Non-Core Assets (Schedule No. 1 to the Minutes); The Action Plan for the Sale of RusHydro's Non-Core Assets for 2019 (Q4) – 2020 (Schedule No. 2 to Term Motivation Program for 2019–2021 in accordance with the Methodology for Calculating and Evaluating Key Performance Indicators under the RusHydro Long-Term Motivation Program approved by decision of the Company's Board of Directors dated December 26, 2017 (Minutes No. 264 dated December 28, 2017), including amendments thereto, including those stipulated by clause 2.4 hereof. To approve: - - the Minutes). To approve the conclusion of an Agreement on the Gratuitous Transfer (Donation) of Property (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) under the following material terms and conditions: Parties to the Agreement: The Donor is the Company; The Donee is the municipal entity City of Sayanogorsk of the Republic of Khakassia, represented by the Administration of the municipal entity City of Sayanogorsk. Subject of the Agreement: The Donor transfers free of charge, and the Donee takes ownership of the immovable property "Pedestrian path and bicycle path" (cadastral number 19:03:080103:7009, length 3,904 m, purpose: other construction (improvement)), located at: Naberezhnaya Street, Building 2, Cheryomushki Working Village, Sayanogorsk, Republic of Khakassia, Russian Federation (hereinafter, the Property). To approve the conclusion of an Agreement on the Gratuitous Transfer (Donation) of Property (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) under the following material terms and conditions: Parties to the Agreement: The Donor is the Company; The Donee is the Russian Federation represented by the Interregional Territorial Administration of the Federal Agency for State Property Management in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Republic of Khakassia and the Republic of Tyva. Subject of the Agreement: The Donor transfers free of charge, and the Donee takes ownership of the movable property of the hydrometeorological network facilities (Schedule No. 3 to the Minutes) (hereinafter, the Property) for 128 Items on the Agenda Decisions Taken Date and No. of Minutes Conclusion of an Agreement for the gratuitous transfer of property of the Kora-Ursdonskaya HPP to the Administration of the Dur-Dur rural settlement of the Digorsky district of the Republic of North Ossetia – Alania. On approval of an agreement for the purchase and sale of the upper concrete spillway dam in the ownership of Zagorskaya PSPP-2 JSC for its subsequent dismantling. On approval of the annual comprehensive procurement program of RusHydro for 2020. On approval of the Insurance Protection Program of RusHydro for 2020. On the progress of priority projects for the construction of subsequent assignment to the Siberian Department for the Russian Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring on the basis of operational management. To approve the conclusion of an Agreement for the gratuitous transfer (donation) of the property of the Kora- Ursdonskaya HPP (hereinafter, the Agreement) on the following significant terms and conditions: Parties to the Agreement: The Donor is the Company; The Donee is Dur-Dur rural settlement of Digorsky district of the Republic of North Ossetia – Alania. Subject of the Agreement: The donor transfers free of charge, and the Donee takes into ownership the immovable and movable property of the Kora-Ursdonskaya HPP according to the list in accordance with Schedules No. 4 and 5 to the Minutes (hereinafter, the Property). As part of the implementation of the construction project of the Zagorskaya PSPP-2 on the Kunya River, to approve the conclusion of a Real Estate Purchase and Sale Agreement (hereinafter, the Agreement) on the following significant terms and conditions: Parties to the Agreement: The Seller is RusHydro; The Buyer is Zagorskaya PSPP-2 JSC. Subject of the Agreement: The Seller undertakes to transfer to the Buyer, and the Buyer undertakes to accept and pay for the immovable property owned by the Seller, according to Schedule No. 6 to the Minutes. To approve the annual comprehensive procurement program of RusHydro for 2020 (Schedule No. 7 to the Minutes). To approve the Insurance Protection Program of RusHydro for 2020 (Schedule No. 8 to the Minutes). To take note of information on the progress of priority projects for the construction of two facilities in the Far East (CHPP in Sovetskaya Gavan, Sakhalinskaya GRES-2 (stage 1)) as of September 30, 2019 (Schedule No. 9 129 Items on the Agenda Decisions Taken Date and No. of Minutes two facilities in the Far East (CHPP in Sovetskaya Gavan, Sakhalin GRES-2 (stage 1)) as of September 30, 2019. On termination of the Company's participation in the authorized capital of RusHydro International B.V. through its voluntary liquidation. On determining the membership of RusHydro's Management Board. hereto). To exit from RusHydro International B.V. through its voluntary liquidation in accordance with the Program for the Alienation of Non-Core Assets of RusHydro. 1. To terminate the powers of member of the Management Board D. I. Rizhinashvili. 2. To define the number of members of the Company's Management Board as 5 persons. 3. Confidential. 130 APPENDIX NO.5 INFORMATION ON THE MEETINGS OF THE COMMITTEES UNDER THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS AUDIT COMMITTEE UNDER THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Issue Discussed Decisions Taken Date and No. of Minutes (cid:48)(cid:76)(cid:81)(cid:88)(cid:87)(cid:72)(cid:86)(cid:3)(cid:82)(cid:73)(cid:3)(cid:19)(cid:23)(cid:17)(cid:19)(cid:21)(cid:17)(cid:21)(cid:19)(cid:20)(cid:28)(cid:3)(cid:569)(cid:3) 127 Review of the Report on Compliance of the Company with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on countering the unlawful use of insider information and market manipulation and of the Regulation of RusHydro on Insider Information for Q4 2018. Preliminary approval of the report on the results of the activity of the Audit Committee under the Board of Directors of the Company for H1 of the 2018–2019 corporate year. (cid:48)(cid:76)(cid:81)(cid:88)(cid:87)(cid:72)(cid:86)(cid:3)(cid:82)(cid:73)(cid:3)(cid:20)(cid:27)(cid:17)(cid:19)(cid:21)(cid:17)(cid:21)(cid:19)(cid:20)(cid:28)(cid:3)(cid:569)(cid:3) 128 On recommendations for the Company’s Board of Directors concerning approval of the Report on the Organization of Insurance Coverage of RusHydro in 2018. On recommendations for the Company’s Board of Directors concerning approval of transactions for the transfer of the Company's property to third parties free of charge. To approve the Report on Compliance of the Company with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on countering the unlawful use of insider information and market manipulation and of the Regulation of RusHydro on Insider Information for Q4 2018 (Appendix 1). To preliminarily approve the report on the results of the activity of the Audit Committee of the Board of Directors of the Company for H1 of the 2018–2019 corporate year. To recommend the Company’s Board of Directors to adopt the following resolution: To approve the Report on the Organization of Insurance Coverage of RusHydro in 2018 as per Appendix 2 to this resolution. To recommend the Company's Board of Directors to adopt the following resolutions: «1. Transfer (Donation) of Property (hereinafter, the “Agreement”) under the following material terms and conditions: Parties to the Agreement: The Donor is the Company; The Donee is the Russian Federation, represented by the Interregional Territorial Directorate of the Federal Agency for State Property Management in Khabarovsk Krai and the Jewish Autonomous Region. Subject of the Agreement: The Donor shall transfer free of charge and the Donee shall accept in ownership the immovable and movable property of the To approve the conclusion of the Agreement on the Free 131 Date and No. of Minutes Issue Discussed Decisions Taken hydrometeorological network in accordance with Appendix 1 and Appendix 2 to this draft resolution (hereinafter, the “Property”) for the subsequent assignment of the operational management right to the Federal State Budgetary Institution Far East Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring Department. Price (book value) of the Property (as of December 31, 2018): 20,674,861 (twenty million six hundred seventy-four thousand eight hundred and sixty-one) rubles and 28 kopeks. 2. Transfer (Donation) of Property (hereinafter, the “Agreement”) under the following material terms and conditions: To approve the conclusion of the Agreement on the Free Parties to the Agreement: The Donor is the Company; The Donee is the village of Gimry in the Untsukulsky District of the Republic of Dagestan, represented by the Administration of the Gimry Municipality of the Untsukulsky District of the Republic of Dagestan. Subject of the Agreement: The Donor shall transfer to the Donee free of charge and the Donee shall assume ownership over the real estate object (“Bridge” road transport structure) under cadastral number 05:35:000022:113, length of 113 m, located at Irganai HPP, Gimry, Untsukulsky District, Republic of Dagestan, pursuant to Appendix 3 to this draft resolution (hereinafter, the “Property”). Price (book value) of the Property (as of December 31, 2018): 98,977,438 (ninety-eight million nine hundred seventy- seven thousand four hundred and thirty-eight) rubles and 26 kopeks. 3. To approve the conclusion of the Agreement on the Free 132 Date and No. of Minutes Issue Discussed Decisions Taken Transfer (Donation) of Property (hereinafter, the “Agreement”) under the following material terms and conditions: Parties to the Agreement: The Donor is the Company; The Donee is the Russian Federation, represented by the Territorial Directorate of the Federal Agency for State Property Management in Stavropol Krai. Subject of the Agreement: The Donor shall transfer free of charge and the Donee shall assume ownership over the real estate object (“Drop No. 1 with a dam” hydraulic structure) under cadastral number 26:15:000000:3586, length of 1,860 m, located 7,850 m southwest from the central part of Dvortsovskoye, Kochubeyevsky District, Stavropol Krai, in accordance with Appendix 4 to this draft resolution (hereinafter, the “Property”) for further assignment of the operational management right to the Federal State Budgetary Institution Land Improvement and Agricultural Water Supply Directorate for Stavropol Krai. Price (book value) of the Property (as of December 31, 2018): 3,469,704 (three million four hundred sixty-nine thousand seven hundred and four) rubles and 54 kopeks. To recommend the Company’s Board of Directors to adopt the following resolution: To approve the Report on Implementation of the Non-Core Asset Sale Plan of RusHydro for 2018 in accordance with the Appendix to this resolution. 1. To recommend the Company's Board of Directors to adopt the following resolution: To approve the conclusion of an agreement on making a 133 On recommendations for the Company’s Board of Directors concerning approval of the Report on Implementation of the Company's Non-Core Asset Sale Plan for 2018. On recommendations for the Company’s Board of Directors concerning approval of the transaction for the free transfer of the Company's property. Date and No. of Minutes Issue Discussed Decisions Taken contribution to the property of Small HPPs of Altai JSC (hereinafter, the “Agreement”) as a transaction to transfer the Company's property free of charge under the following material terms and conditions: Parties to the Agreement: RusHydro Small HPPs of Altai JSC Subject of the Agreement: Making a contribution (in cash) to the property of Small HPPs of Altai JSC. The contribution amount is 4,071,399 (four million seventy-one thousand three hundred and ninety-nine) rubles and 00 kopeks. Other terms and conditions of the Agreement: The contribution periods ends on February 25, 2019. 2. For S.A. Kirov, Member of the Management Board, First Deputy General Director, and A.V. Kazachenkov, Member of the Management Board, First Deputy General Director, to ensure the required adjustments to the Company's budget in order to make a contribution in accordance with Clause 1 of this resolution. Recommend to the Company’s Board of Directors to make the following decision: “Take under advisement the results of on-site audits by the Russian Ministry of Energy in 2018 and follow-up on corrective actions as at December 31, 2018, in accordance with the Appendices 1–10 hereto”. Approve the Action Plan of the Audit Committee under the Board of Directors of RusHydro for 1H 2019 (Appendix 1). Take under advisement the report on progress against the Action Plan for Implementing the Company’s Comprehensive Program of Anti-Corruption Activities in 2018. 134 Minutes No. 129 of March 25, 2019 On recommendations to the Company’s Board of Directors on the item: “Review of material matters for the Company: review of the results of on-site audits by the Russian Ministry of Energy in 2018 and follow-up on corrective actions as at December 31, 2018”. Minutes No. 130 of April 9, 2019 On approval of the Action Plan of the Audit Committee under the Board of Directors of RusHydro for 1H 2019. On review of the report on progress against the Action Plan for Implementing the Company’s Comprehensive Program of Anti- Corruption Activities in 2018. Issue Discussed Decisions Taken Date and No. of Minutes Minutes No. 131/85 of April 18, 2019 Minutes No. 132 of April 30, 2019 On review of the results of the corporate governance practice assessment and self-assessment of the Board of Directors’ performance. On consideration of the Report on the Company's compliance with laws and regulations of the Russian Federation in terms of prevention of unauthorized use of insider information and market manipulation and RusHydro’s Regulations on Insider Information in Q1 2019. On progress against the schedule of RusHydro’s control activities for Q4 2018. On assessment of RusHydro's internal audit function for 2018. Minutes No. 133 of May 21, 2019 On recommendations to the Company’s Board of Directors on the item: “Preliminary approval of RusHydro’s annual report (including sustainability disclosures) for 2018”. On opinion of the Internal Audit Commission issued after the audit of the Company in 2018. On recommendations to the Company’s Board of Directors on the item: “Preliminary approval of the Company’s annual financial (accounting) statements for 2018”. Take under advisement the results of the corporate governance practice assessment performed by the Internal Audit Service and recommendations on improving the Company’s corporate governance in accordance with Appendix 1 hereto. Take under advisement the external assessment results and mark positive changes in the assessments by independent experts. Take under advisement the Report on self-assessment of the Board of Directors’ performance and proposals on improvements in the Board of Directors’ performance in accordance with Appendix 2 hereto. Approve the Report on the Company's compliance with laws and regulations of the Russian Federation in terms of prevention of unauthorized use of insider information and market manipulation and RusHydro’s Regulations on Insider Information in Q1 2019 (Appendix 1). Approve the report compiled by the Head of the Internal Audit Service on progress against the 2018 schedule of RusHydro’s control activities in Q4 2018 (Appendix 2). Approve findings of the internal function assessment for 2018 in accordance with Appendix 1 hereto. Recommend to the Company’s Board of Directors to make the following decision: “Pre-approve RusHydro’s annual report (including sustainability disclosures) for 2018 in accordance with Appendix 1 hereto and submit it for approval by the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders”. Take under advisement opinion of the Internal Audit Commission issued after the audit of the Company in 2018. Recommend to the Company’s Board of Directors to make the following decision: “Pre-approve the Company’s annual financial (accounting) 135 Date and No. of Minutes Issue Discussed Decisions Taken On the Report compiled by AO PwC Audit (the Company’s Auditor) on the audit of PJSC RusHydro’s RAS accounting statements for 2018. . On the Report compiled by AO PwC Audit (the Company’s Auditor) on the audit of RusHydro Group’s IFRS consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2018. On opinion of the Company’s Auditor issued after the audit of the Company’s accounts for 2018 prepared under the Russian Accounting Standards. On assessment of the external audit efficiency in 2018. On recommendations to the Company’s Board of Directors on the item: “Recommendations to the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders regarding approval of the Company’s auditor”. Minutes No. 134 of May 15, 2019 On recommendations to the Company’s Board of Directors on the item: “Approval of the report on progress against the Action Plan for the Disposal of Non-Core Assets of the Company in Q1 2019”. statements for 2018”. Take under advisement the Report compiled by AO PwC Audit (the Company’s Auditor) on the audit of PJSC RusHydro’s RAS accounting statements for 2018. Take under advisement the Report compiled by AO PwC Audit on the audit of RusHydro Group’s IFRS consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2018 (see attached). Take under advisement the opinion issued by AO PricewaterhouseCoopers (the “Auditor”) after the audit of the Company’s accounts for 2018 prepared under the Russian Accounting Standards. Recommend that the Company's Board of Directors submit the opinion on the audit of the Company’s accounts for 2018 to the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders. Based on the assessment, recognise external audit for 2018 as efficient. Recommend to the Company’s Board of Directors to make the following decision: “Recommend to the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders to adopt the following resolution regarding approval of the Company’s auditor: “Approve AO PricewaterhouseCoopers (OGRN 1027700148431) as PJSC RusHydro’s auditor”. Recommend to the Company’s Board of Directors to make the following decision: 1. “Approve the report on progress against the Action Plan for the Disposal of Non-Core Assets of the Company in Q1 2019. 2. Amend the Register of Non-Core Assets of the Company approved by the Company’s Board of Directors on December 24, 2018 (Minutes No. 281) as follows: - exclude JSC HydroEngineering Siberia; 136 Date and No. of Minutes Issue Discussed Decisions Taken On recommendations to the Company’s Board of Directors on the item: “Approval of transactions entered into by the Company: approval of a transaction related to the gratuitous transfer of the Company’s property to a third party”. - change the planned disposal procedure for the Construction Laboratory Building of the Concrete Facility and the Gallery Structure of the Concrete Facility from “gratuitous transfer” to “direct sale to Zagorskaya PSPP-2”. Recommend to the Company’s Board of Directors to make the following decision: “Approve the donation agreement entered into by JSC Ust- Srednekanskaya HPP, the Company’s subsidiary, and related to the gratuitous transfer of property to the Magadan Region as follows: Parties to the Agreement: JSC Ust-Srednekanskaya HPP as the Donor; the Magadan Region represented by the Department of Property and Land Relations of the Magadan Region as the Donee. Subject matter of the Agreement: The Donor shall gratuitously transfer to the government and the Donee shall take into possession and provide for the state registration of the transferred right over the Infectious Disease Clinic of the Srednekanskaya Central District Hospital in the settlement of Seymchan with a capacity of 10 inpatient beds (purpose: non-residential, floor area: 1,548.6 sq m, number of floors: two, including one basement, address (location): 13A Yuzhnaya Street, Seymchan, Srednekansky District, Magadan Region, Russia, cadastral number 49:04:010103:2661, hererinafter the “Facility”) as required by the applicable Russian laws. The Facility is owned by the Donor as confirmed by record in the Unified State Register of Immovable Property No. 49:04:010103:2661-49/009/2019-1 dated March 26, 2019. The Facility shall be transferred together with its equipment (laboratory, intensive care and X ray), furniture and inventories”. 137 Issue Discussed Decisions Taken Date and No. of Minutes Minutes No. 135 of June 19, 2019 On recommendations to the Company’s Board of Directors on the item: “Approval of the Guidelines on RusHydro Group’s Risk Appetite”. On recommendations to the Company’s Board of Directors on the item: “Approval of the Internal Control and Risk Management Policy of RusHydro Group”. On recommendations to the Company’s Board of Directors on the item: “Approval of the report on the operation and internal assessment of the internal control and risk management system”. Minutes No. 136 of August 9, 2019 On preliminary approval of the report on performance of the Audit Committee of the Company’s Board of Directors for the 2018-2019 corporate year. On appointment of the Audit Committee’s secretary On review of efficiency improvement proposals based on the audit of the LTDP implementation in 2018. Recommend to the Company’s Board of Directors to make the following decision: “Approve the Guidelines on RusHydro Group’s Risk Appetite (see Appendix to the draft resolution)”. Recommend to the Company’s Board of Directors to make the following decision: “Approve the Internal Control and Risk Management Policy of RusHydro Group (see Appendix to the draft resolution). Invalidate the Internal Control and Risk Management Policy of PJSC RusHydro approved by resolution of the Board of Directors of PJSC RusHydro (Minutes No. 227 of November 16, 2015)”. Take under advisement the report on the operation and internal assessment of the internal control and risk management system. Recommend to the Company’s Board of Directors to make the following decision: - Approve the report on the operation and internal assessment of the internal control and risk management system (see Appendix to the draft resolution). - Instruct the Company to develop an action plan based on the internal assessment of the internal control and risk management system in 2018. Pre-approve the report on performance of the Audit Committee of the Company’s Board of Directors for the 2018-2019 corporate year. Appoint Alexandra Pyatova, chief expert of the Internal Audit Service, as the secretary of the Audit Committee of the Company’s Board of Directors. 1. Approve efficiency improvement proposals based on the audit of the LTDP implementation in 2018 (Appendix 1 to the draft resolution). 2. Inform the Audit Committee of the Board 138 Date and No. of Minutes Issue Discussed Decisions Taken On consideration of the Report on the Company's compliance with laws and regulations of the Russian Federation in terms of prevention of unauthorized use of insider information and market manipulation and RusHydro’s Regulations on Insider Information in Q2 2019. On progress against the schedule of the Internal Audit Service’s control activities for Q1 2019. On recommendations to the Company’s Board of Directors on approval of a transaction related to the gratuitous transfer of the Company’s property to a third party. of Directors about progress against the proposals specified in clause 1. Take under advisement the information about progress against efficiency improvement proposals based on the audit of the LTDP implementation in 2017 (Appendix 2 to the explanatory note). Approve the Report on the Company's compliance with with laws and regulations of the Russian Federation in terms of prevention of unauthorized use of insider information and market manipulation and RusHydro’s Regulations on Insider Information in Q2 2019. Approve the report compiled by the Head of the Internal Audit Service on progress against the 2019 schedule of RusHydro’s control activities in Q1 2019 (Appendix 4). Recommend to the Company’s Board of Directors to make the following decision: “Approve the conclusion of an Agreement on the Gratuitous Transfer (Donation) of Property (the “Agreement”) on the following material terms and conditions: Parties to the Agreement: the Company as the Donor; the settlement of Zavolzhye, Gorodetsky Municipal District, Nizhny Novgorod Region as the Donee. Subject matter of the Agreement: The Donor shall gratuitously transfer and the Donee shall take into possession the pedestrian and cycling lane (cadastral number 52:15:0000000:1448, 545 m long, address: 14 Privokzalnaya Street, Zavolzhye, Gorodetsky District, Nizhny Novgorod Region, Russia, ownership record in the Unified State Register of Immovable Property No. 52:15:0000000:1448- 52/110/2019-1 dated February 15, 2019) as a public space improvement facility. 139 Date and No. of Minutes Issue Discussed Decisions Taken On recommendations to the Company’s Board of Directors on the item: “Approval of the report on progress against the Action Plan for the Disposal of Non-Core Assets of the Company in Q2 2019.” Minutes No. 137 of August 23, 2019 On recommendations to the Company’s Board of Directors on the item: "Approval of the Company’s internal regulations: approval of the new version of RusHydro’s Regulations on Insider Information". On recommendations to the Company’s Board of Directors on approval of a transaction related to the gratuitous transfer of the Company’s property to a third party. Amend the Register of Non-Core Assets of the Company Approve the report on progress against the Action Plan for Recommend to the Company’s Board of Directors to make the following decisions: “1. the Disposal of Non-Core Assets of the Company in Q2 2019 in accordance with Appendix hereto. 2. and the Action Plan for the Disposal of Non-Core Assets of the Company in Q4 2018 – 2019 approved by the Company’s Board of Directors on December 24, 2018 (Minutes No. 281 of December 27, 2018) in accordance with Appendix hereto”. Recommend to the Company’s Board of Directors to make the following decision: "Approve the new version of RusHydro’s Regulations on Insider Information (see Appendix 1 hereto)". Recommend to the Company’s Board of Directors to make the following decision: "1. Approve the conclusion of an Agreement on the Gratuitous Transfer (Donation) of Property (the “Agreement”) on the following material terms and conditions: Parties to the Agreement: the Company as the Donor; the Administration of the Priyutnensky Municipal District of the Republic of Kalmykia as the Donee. Subject matter of the Agreement: The Donor shall gratuitously transfer and the Donee shall take into possession the Kalmytskaya WPP assets under construction in accordance with Appendix 1 hereto. 2. Amend the Register of Non-Core Assets of the Company approved by the Company’s Board of Directors on December 24, 2018 (Minutes No. 281 of December 27, 2018) in accordance with 140 Issue Discussed Decisions Taken Date and No. of Minutes Minutes No. 138 of September 20, 2019 Minutes No. 139 of September 23, 2019 On election of the Deputy Chairman of the Audit Committee. On approval of the Action Plan of the Audit Committee under the Board of Directors of RusHydro for 2H 2019. On the Report compiled by AO PwC Audit (the Company’s Auditor) on RusHydro Group’s audit plan for 2019. On the Report compiled by AO PwC Audit (the Company’s Auditor) on the results of the interim audit of PJSC RusHydro’s accounting statements and the review of RusHydro Group’s IFRS financial statements for three and six months ended June 30, 2019. Minutes No. 140 of October 9, 2019 On amendments to the 2019 schedule of control activities of RusHydro’s Internal Audit Service. Minutes No. 141 of October 17, 2019 Minutes No. 142 of November 15, 2019 On recommendations to the Company’s Board of Directors on the item: "Approval of the report on progress against the Action Plan for the Disposal of Non-Core Assets of the Company in 9M 2019". On consideration of the Report on the Company's compliance with laws and regulations of the Russian Federation in terms of prevention of unauthorized use of insider information and market manipulation and RusHydro’s Regulations on Insider Information in Q3 2019. On progress against the schedule of RusHydro’s control activities for Q2 2019. Minutes No. 143 of November 28, 2019 On recommendations to the Company’s Board of Directors on the item: "Review of material matters for the Company: review of the results of on-site audits by the Russian Ministry of Energy in 2019 Appendix 2 hereto". Elect Vyacheslav Pivovarov as the Deputy Chairman of the Audit Committee under the Board of Directors of RusHydro. Approve the Action Plan of the Audit Committee under the Board of Directors of RusHydro for 2H 2019 (Appendix 1). Take under advisement the Report compiled by AO PwC Audit on RusHydro Group’s audit plan for 2019 (Appendix 1). Take under advisement the Report compiled by AO PwC Audit (the Company’s Auditor) on the results of the interim audit of PJSC RusHydro’s accounting statements and the review of RusHydro Group’s IFRS financial statements for three and six months ended June 30, 2019. Amend the 2019 schedule of control activities of RusHydro’s Internal Audit Service by approving the 2019 schedule of control activities of RusHydro’s Internal Audit Service attached hereto as Appendix 1. Approve the report compiled by the Head of the Internal Audit Service on progress against the 2018 schedule of RusHydro’s control activities for Q2 2018. Approve the Report on the Company's compliance with laws and regulations of the Russian Federation in terms of prevention of unauthorized use of insider information and market manipulation and RusHydro’s Regulations on Insider Information in Q3 2019 (Appendix 1). Approve the report compiled by the Head of the Internal Audit Service on progress against the 2019 schedule of RusHydro’s control activities for Q2 2019 (Appendix 2). Recommend to the Company’s Board of Directors to make the following decision: "Take under advisement the results of on-site audits by the 141 Date and No. of Minutes Issue Discussed Decisions Taken and follow-up on corrective actions as at September 30, 2019". On recommendations to the Company’s Board of Directors on the item: "Consideration of the Report on the Company’s compliance with its information policy". Minutes No. 135/144 of November 28, 2019 On recommendations to the Company’s Board of Directors on the item: "Determination of the Company’s position on the agenda for JSC Hydroinvest’s governing bodies: JSC Hydroinvest entering into a transaction to sell shares in its power generating subsidiary, CJSC MEK". Russian Ministry of Energy in 2019 and follow-up on corrective actions as at September 30, 2019, in accordance with the Appendix hereto". Recommend to the Company’s Board of Directors to make the following decision: "Take under advisement the Report on the Company’s compliance with its information policy in accordance with Appendix 1 hereto". Recommend to the Company’s Board of Directors to make the following decision: "Instruct the Company’s representatives in JSC Hydroinvest’s governing bodies to vote FOR the following resolution on JSC Hydroinvest entering into a transaction to sell shares in its power generating subsidiary, CJSC MEK: 1. Approve the divestment of JSC Hydroinvest (RusHydro’s subsidiary) from CJSC MEK through the sale of 527,085 ordinary registered uncertificated shares in CJSC MEK at the greater of either the price determined by JSC Hydroinvest’s Board of Directors based on the appraiser’s report or their book value, with consideration payable in cash. The transaction is conditional upon termination of the surety contract (s.n.)made between PJSC RusHydro and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development on January 30, 2013 and the surety contract (s.n.) made between PJSC RusHydro and the Asian Development Bank on May 15, 2013. 2. In pursuance of the resolution on item 1, approve the conclusion of a sale and purchase agreement (the “Agreement”) on the following terms and conditions (subject to the following procedure): Parties to the Agreement: JSC Hydroinvest as the Seller; persons having the pre-emptive right to buy shares in 142 Date and No. of Minutes Issue Discussed Decisions Taken CJSC MEK in accordance with the applicable Armenian laws or, failing which, OJSC Hrazdan Energy Company (RazTES), the Republic of Armenia, as the Buyer. Subject matter of the Agreement: The Seller shall transfer ownership of, and the Buyer shall accept and pay for, 527,085 (five hundred twenty-seven thousand and eighty-five) ordinary uncertificated shares in CJSC MEK, each with a par value of AMD 1,000 (one thousand Armenian drams) (the “Shares”). Price of the Agreement: The price of the Shares shall be the greater of either the price determined by JSC Hydroinvest’s Board of Directors based on the appraiser’s report or their book value which is equal to RUB 172,961,972.00 (one hundred seventy-two million nine hundred sixty-one thousand nine hundred and seventy-two roubles and 00 kopecks) for 527,085 shares as at September 30, 2019 (the "Share Price"). The consideration for the Shares shall be payable in cash. Other conditions precedent: a. The ownership of the Shares shall pass to the Buyer if all the following conditions are met: CJSC MEK and a new lending bank sign a loan agreement (on the material terms and conditions as per Appendix 1 hereto) to refinance its debt in full to the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (the “EBRD”) and the Asian Development Bank (the “ADB”) (collectively, the “Lending Banks”) under the loan agreement (s.n.)dated December 21, 2012 and the loan agreement (s.n.)dated May 13, 143 Date and No. of Minutes Issue Discussed Decisions Taken 2013 (collectively, the “Loan Agreements”), on the terms and conditions agreed between the Buyer and Ardshinbank; CJSC MEK obtains the consent of Armenia’s Public Services Regulatory Commission to sign a pledge agreement in respect of the Shares and a pledge agreement in respect of real properties in favour of the new lending bank; CJSC MEK repays in full its debt under the Loan Agreements, following which PJSC RusHydro terminates its sureties securing CJSC MEK’s obligations under the Loan Agreements as provided for by the surety contract (s.n.) made between PJSC RusHydro and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development on January 30, 2013 and the surety contract (s.n.) made between PJSC RusHydro and the Asian Development Bank on May 15, 2013; the minority shareholder in CJSC MEK and CJSC MEK itself refuse or fail to exercise their pre-emptive right to buy the Shares in due time (if the Shares are sold to OJSC Hrazdan Energy Company (RazTES)). b. The Seller makes representations and warranties on material potential risks to the Buyer as per Appendix 2 hereto. 3. Determine that JSC Hydroinvest’s stake in CJSC MEK is 90.00% before the sale of the Shares and 0.00% thereafter". Recommend to the Company’s Board of Directors to make the following decision: "Approve RusHydro’s Insurance Program for 2020 (as per Appendix 1 hereto)". Recommend to the Company’s Board of Directors to make the following decision: "Approve the conclusion of an Agreement on the Gratuitous Transfer (Donation) of Kora-Ursdonskaya HPP assets (the “Agreement”) on the following material terms and conditions: 144 Minutes No. 145 of December 18, 2019 On recommendations to the Company’s Board of Directors on the item: "Approval of RusHydro’s Insurance Program for 2020". Minutes No. 146 of December 23, 2019 On recommendations to the Company’s Board of Directors on the item: "Approval of a transaction related to the gratuitous transfer of the Company’s property to a third party". Date and No. of Minutes Issue Discussed Decisions Taken On recommendations to the Company’s Board of Directors on the Company’s non-core assets. On recommendations to the Company’s Board of Directors on the item: "Preliminary approval of the Company’s transaction related to actual or possible disposal of its assets constituting fixed assets, intangible assets or assets under construction as detailed in specific resolutions by the Company’s Board of Directors: approval of a sale and purchase agreement in respect of real properties as a transaction related to the disposal of the Company’s assets constituting fixed assets". Parties to the Agreement: the Company as the Donor; the Dur-Durskoye rural settlement in the Digorsky District of the Republic of North Ossetia – Alania as the Donee. Subject matter of the Agreement: The Donor shall gratuitously transfer and the Donee shall take into possession the movable assets and real properties of Kora- Ursdonskaya HPP as per the lists attached as Appendices 1 and 2 hereto (the “Assets”)". Recommend to the Company’s Board of Directors to make the following decisions: "Approve: the new version of the Register of RusHydro’s Non-Core Assets (as per Appendix 1 hereto); the Action Plan for the Disposal of RusHydro’s Non-Core Assets in Q4 2019 – 2020 (as per Appendix 2 hereto)". Recommend to the Company’s Board of Directors to make the following decision: "As part of the construction of Zagorskaya PSPP-2 on the Kunya River, approve the conclusion of a sale and purchase agreement in respect of real properties (the “Agreement”) on the following material terms and conditions: Parties to the Agreement: PJSC RusHydro as the Seller; Zagorskaya PSPP-2 as the Buyer. Subject matter of the Agreement: The Seller shall transfer ownership of, and the Buyer shall accept and pay for, real properties owned by the Seller and listed in the Appendix hereto. Price of the Agreement: 145 Date and No. of Minutes Issue Discussed Decisions Taken On recommendations to the Company’s Board of Directors on the item: "Approval of a transaction related to the gratuitous transfer of the Company’s property to a third party". On recommendations to the Company’s Board of Directors on the item: "Approval of a transaction related to the gratuitous transfer of the Company’s property to a third party". The price is determined based on independent appraiser’s report No. 199-4 dated November 22, 2019 and specified in the Appendix hereto". Recommend to the Company’s Board of Directors to make the following decision: "Approve the conclusion of an Agreement on the Gratuitous Transfer (Donation) of Property (the “Agreement”) on the following material terms and conditions: Parties to the Agreement: the Company as the Donor; the Russian Federation represented by the Interregional Territorial Administration of the Federal Agency for State Property Management in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Republic of Khakassia, and the Republic of Tyva as the Donee. Subject matter of the Agreement: The Donor shall gratuitously transfer and the Donee shall take into possession the movable assets of the hydrometeorological observation network listed in the Appendix hereto (the “Assets”) to be subsequently operated by Federal State-funded Budgetary Institution "Siberian Weather Control and Environmental Monitoring Service". Recommend to the Company’s Board of Directors to make the following decision: "Approve the conclusion of an Agreement on the Gratuitous Transfer (Donation) of Property (the “Agreement”) on the following material terms and conditions: Parties to the Agreement: the Company as the Donor; Sayanogorsk Municipality in the Republic of Khakassia represented by the Administration of Sayanogorsk Municipality as 146 Date and No. of Minutes Issue Discussed Minutes No. 147 of December 30, 2019 On progress against the schedule of RusHydro’s control activities for Q3 2019. On review of the Interim Report on Diagnostics and Preliminary Assessment of RusHydro’s Internal Audit Function. On review of RusHydro Group’s comprehensive risk classifier (typical risk database). On approval of the 2020 schedule of control activities of RusHydro’s Internal Audit Service. Decisions Taken the Donee. Subject matter of the Agreement: The Donor shall gratuitously transfer and the Donee shall take into possession the pedestrian and cycling lane (cadastral number 19:03:080103:7009, 3,904 m long, designated as other structure (landscaping)) located at structure 2, Naberezhnaya Street, Cheremushki Compound, Sayanogorsk, the Republic of Khakassia, Russia (the “Assets”)". Approve the report compiled by the Head of the Internal Audit Service on progress against the 2019 schedule of RusHydro’s control activities for Q3 2019 in accordance with the Appendix hereto. Take under advisement the Interim Report on Diagnostics and Preliminary Assessment of RusHydro’s Internal Audit Function. Based on the results of diagnostics and preliminary assessment of RusHydro’s internal audit functions, the Head of the Internal Audit Service shall be instructed to propose amendments to RusHydro’s Internal Audit Policy and related internal regulations. Take under advisement RusHydro Group’s comprehensive risk classifier (typical risk database) in accordance with the Appendix hereto. Approve the 2020 schedule of control activities of RusHydro’s Internal Audit Service in accordance with the Appendix hereto. NOMINATIONS AND COMPENSATIONS COMMITTEE UNDER THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Date and No. of Minutes Minutes No. 82 of Items Discussed Confidential. Decisions Taken – 147 Date and No. of Minutes January 25, 2019 Items Discussed Decisions Taken Confidential. Confidential. On preliminary approval of the report on performance of the Nomination and Compensation Committee of RusHydro’s Board of Directors for 1H of the 2018-2019 corporate year. Minutes No. 83 of February 15, 2019 On recommendations to the Company’s Board of Directors on the item: "Membership of RusHydro's governing bodies". Minutes No. 84 of March 22, 2019 Confidential. On recommendations to the Company’s Board of Directors on the item: "Approval of the report on achievement of key performance indicators (for the Management Board)". – – 1. Pre-approve the report on performance of the Nomination and Compensation Committee of RusHydro’s Board of Directors for 1H of the 2018-2019 corporate year (Appendix to the Minutes). 2. Recommend to the Company’s Board of Directors to approve the report on performance of the Nomination and Compensation Committee of RusHydro’s Board of Directors for 1H of the 2018- 2019 corporate year (Appendix to the Minutes). Recommend to the Company’s Board of Directors to make the following decision: 1. Terminate the powers of Vladimir Markin as member of the Management Board from February 24, 2019. 2. Determine the Company’s Management Board to consist of six members. 3. – – 1. Recommend to the Company’s Board of Directors to make the following decision: "1.1. Approve the report on achievement of the Management Board’s annual KPI for 2018 in accordance with Appendix 1 hereto. 1.2. Deem the KPI "Decrease in Operating Expenses (Costs), %" for 2018 to have been achieved (subject to factors beyond control of the management team). 2. Approve the payment of the annual bonus to members of the Company’s Management Board based on the annual KPI achievement in 2018 after the Company’s Board of Directors approves the report on achievement of the Management Board’s 148 Date and No. of Minutes Items Discussed Decisions Taken Minutes No. 131/85 of April 18, 2019 On review of the results of the corporate governance practice assessment and self-assessment of the Board of Directors’ performance. Minutes No. 86 of May 21, 2019 On recommendations to the Company’s Board of Directors on the item: "Recommendations to the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders regarding payment of remuneration to members of the Board of Directors who are not public officers in the amount set by the Company's internal regulations". On recommendations to the Company’s Board of Directors on the item: "Recognition of nominees to the Board of Directors (members of the Board of Directors) as independent". annual KPI for 2018". Take under advisement the results of the corporate governance practice assessment performed by the Internal Audit Service and recommendations on improving the Company’s corporate governance in accordance with Appendix 1 hereto. Take under advisement the external assessment results and mark positive changes in the assessments by independent experts. Recommend to the Company’s Board of Directors to make the following decision: "Recommend to the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders to adopt the following resolution: Pay remuneration to members of the Board of Directors for the time served between June 27, 2018 and June 28, 2019 in the amount, within the timeframes, and in accordance with the procedure set out in the Regulations on Payment of Remunerations and Compensations to Members of RusHydro's Board of Directors as approved by the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders on June 26, 2017 (Minutes No. 16 of June 27, 2017)". Recommend to the Company’s Board of Directors to make the following decision on recognizing nominees to the Board of Directors (members of the Board of Directors) as independent: "Take under advisement the results of assessment of member of the Board of Directors (candidate nominated for election to the Company’s Board of Directors at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders in 2019), Maxim Bystrov, for compliance with the independence criteria stipulated by Annex 4 to the Listing Rules of the Moscow Exchange. There is no relation between Maxim Bystrov and the Company, a substantial shareholder, competitors, the state, or a municipal 149 Date and No. of Minutes Items Discussed Decisions Taken entity. Maxim Bystrov meets the formal criteria of being related to the Company's substantial counterparties, specifically JSC TSA, JSC SO UES, JSC CFS and NP Market Council Training Center, as the amount of obligations between the Company and each of the above counterparties exceeds 2% of the book value of assets and 2% of the revenue of each counterparty. Note that the abovementioned relation is formal and does not affect Maxim Bystrov’s ability to act as a member of the Board of Directors in the interests of the Company and its shareholders for the following reasons: JSC TSA (JSC Trading System Administrator of the Wholesale Electricity Market) acts as a commercial operator of the wholesale electricity and capacity market (the “wholesale market”) in accordance with Clause 7 of Article 33 of Federal Law No. 35-FZ On Electric Power Industry dated March 26, 2003 (the “Federal Law on the Electric Power Industry”) and renders services to the Company pursuant to the Agreement for Accession to the Wholesale Market Trading System, whose terms and conditions are binding on the parties. The commercial relations between the Company and JSC TSA are based on the principle of non- discriminatory access to the services of commercial infrastructure organizations in the wholesale market (Article 20 of the Federal Law on the Electric Power Industry) and the principle of government regulation of tariffs for the services of a commercial operator of the wholesale market (Article 23.1 of the Federal Law on the Electric Power Industry); JSC SO UES (JSC System Operator of the Unified Energy System) acts as a system operator in accordance with Clause 1 of Article 12 of the Federal Law on the Electric Power Industry and 150 Date and No. of Minutes Items Discussed Decisions Taken provides the Company with supervision and control services in the electric power industry pursuant to the Agreement for Accession to the Wholesale Market Trading System. The commercial relations between the Company and JSC SO UES are based on the principle of non-discriminatory access to supervision and control services in the electric power industry (Clause 6 of Article 20 of the Federal Law on the Electric Power Industry) and the principle of government regulation of tariffs for supervision and control services (Article 23.1 of the Federal Law on the Electric Power Industry); JSC CFS (JSC Center for Financial Settlements) is a commercial infrastructure organization in the Russian wholesale electricity and capacity market which supports a contractual framework and financial settlements between market participants and helps the Company calculate its claims and liabilities pursuant to the Agreement for Accession to the Wholesale Market Trading System. The Agreement was made in accordance with Clause 1 of Article 32 of the Federal Law on the Electric Power Industry and Clause 40 of the Rules for the Wholesale Electricity and Capacity Market approved by the Russian Government's Resolution No. 1172 dated December 27, 2010. The commercial relations between the Company and JSC CFS are based on the principle of non-discriminatory access to the services of commercial infrastructure organizations in the wholesale market (Article 20 of the Federal Law on the Electric Power Industry). The Supervisory Board of NP Market Council approves a uniform fee for the service package provided by JSC CFS to all counterparties. NP Market Council Training Center (Independent Non-Profit Partnership of Continuing Professional Education NP Market Council Training Center) operates under the auspices of NP Market 151 Date and No. of Minutes Items Discussed Decisions Taken Council, an infrastructure organization in charge of the wholesale and retail markets of electricity and capacity, and renders educational and training services to the Company with a view to promoting a robust electricity and capacity trading system in the wholesale and retail markets. In the light of continuous amendments to the wholesale market regulations adopted by the Supervisory Board of NP Market Council, the employees of the Company need to undergo training at NP Market Council Training Center, the primary source of information, to maintain a high level of knowledge in wholesale market procedures and to obtain information on the actual and planned changes in the wholesale market. The training contracts between the Company and NP Market Council Training Center are made on arm’s length terms. Mr Bystrov’s track record in the Company’s Board of Directors proves his ability to make independent, unbiased and well- informed judgements, as Mr Bystrov’s opinion on items included in the agenda of the Board of Directors and its committees is based on his expertise and experience, is autonomous and independent, and the decisions made by Mr Bystrov bring us to the conclusion that his formal relation to the Company's substantial counterparties, specifically JSC TSA, JSC SO UES, JSC CFS and NP Market Council Training Center, does not affect his decision making, with Mr Bystrov acting in the interests of the Company and all its shareholders. Based on Clause 2 of Section 2.18 of Annex 2 and Annex 4 to the Listing Rules of the Moscow Exchange, recognize Maxim Bystrov as an independent director". Recommend to the Company’s Board of Directors to make the following decision: 152 On recommendations to the Company’s Board of Directors on the item: "Recommendations to the Annual General Meeting of Date and No. of Minutes Items Discussed Decisions Taken Shareholders regarding approval of the new version of the Regulations on Payment of Remunerations and Compensations to Members of RusHydro's Board of Directors". Minutes No. 87 of May 27, 2019 On compliance of nominees to RusHydro's Board of Directors with the independence criteria. On analysis of professional qualification of nominees to the Company's Board of Directors, presence or absence of a conflict of interests with the Company, and development of recommendations for the Company's shareholders regarding voting on election of candidates to the Company's Board of Directors. "Recommend to the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders to adopt the following resolution: Approve the new version of the Regulations on Payment of Remunerations and Compensations to Members of RusHydro’s Board of Directors as per the draft included in the meeting materials". "Approve results of the assessment of nominees to RusHydro’s Board of Directors for compliance with the independence criteria according to Annex 1." The Nomination and Compensation Committee under the Company's Board of Directors, upon preliminary assessment of nominees to the Company's Board of Directors for compliance with the criteria/recommendations defined by the Corporate Governance Code recommended for implementation by the Bank of Russia, the Corporate Governance Code of the Company approved by decision of the Board of Directors of the Company (Minutes No. 218 dated June 22, 2015), adopted the following decisions: 1. All candidates nominated to the Board of Directors of the Company have higher vocational education and are highly professional and qualified: - are recognized experts in energy, finance, law, strategic and corporate governance, audit, risk management, HR, innovation and investment, as well as production and R&D (the detailed information is reflected in the appendix to the decision); - have a track record of serving on boards of directors or in senior positions at other joint-stock companies listed on organized exchanges; - have impeccable business and personal track record, sufficient skills, expertise and experience to make decisions falling within the Board of Directors’ remit and perform their responsibilities 153 Date and No. of Minutes Items Discussed Decisions Taken efficiently. 2. As of the nomination date, all nominees to the Company's Board of Directors have no conflict of interest. 3. Nature of relations with the Company: are nominees to the Company’s Board of Directors of the Company and members of the Company's Board of Directors. Nominee to the Board of Directors Mikhail Voevodin is the Company’s shareholder (13,314 shares). Nominee to the Board of Directors Nikolay Shulginov is the Chairman of the Management Board – General Director of PJSC RusHydro. 4. Regarding the issue of election of members of the Board of Directors at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders for 2018, the shareholders are advised to vote in such a way as to ensure a balanced composition of the Board of Directors in terms of experience, expertise and business competencies. Recommend to the Company’s Board of Directors to make the following decision: “Approve the report on progress against the Action Plan (List of Measures) for the Introduction of Professional Standards into RusHydro's Operations in Q4 2018 and Q1 2019 (Appendix to the Minutes).” 1. Pre-approve the report on performance of the Nominations and Compensations Committee of RusHydro’s Board of Directors for 2018-2019 corporate year (Appendix to the Minutes). 2. Recommend to the Company’s Board of Directors to approve the report on performance of the Nominations and Compensations Committee of RusHydro’s Board of Directors for 2018-2019 corporate year (Appendix to the Minutes). Recommend to the Company’s Board of Directors to make the following decision on the item “On recognizing a candidate to the 154 On recommendations to the Company’s Board of Directors on the item: “On material matters for the Company: On review of report on progress against the Action Plan (List of Measures) for the Introduction of Professional Standards into RusHydro's Operations”. Minutes No. 88 of June 6, 2019 On preliminary approval of the report on performance of the Nominations and Compensations Committee of RusHydro’s Board of Directors for 2018-2019 corporate year. Minutes No. 89 of June 19, 2019 On recommendations to the Company’s Board of Directors on the item: “On recognizing a candidate to the Company's Board of Date and No. of Minutes Items Discussed Directors as independent.” Decisions Taken Company's Board of Directors as independent": 1. "Take under advisement the information on results of the assessment of Alexey Chekunkov, nominated to the Company's Board of Directors for election at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders for 2019, for compliance with the independence criteria stipulated by Annex 4 to the Listing Rules of the Moscow Exchange. There is no relation between Mr. Chekunkov and the Company, a substantial shareholder or competitors. Mr. Chekunkov meets the formal criteria of being related to: - the state, as Mr. Chekunkov is Chief Executive Officer of the Far East and Baikal Region Development Fund (the “Fund”) which is controlled by the Russian Federation; - a substantial counterparty of the Company — the Fund, as the amount of obligations between the Company and the Fund under the loan agreement exceeds 2% of the book value of assets and 2% of revenues of the Fund. Note that Mr. Chekunkov's relationship with the state and the substantial counterparty is formal and does not affect the ability of Mr. Chekunkov to act at the Board of Directors in the interests of the Company and all its shareholders for the following reasons: - According to the Russian Government's Decree No. 607-r dated March 30, 2019, Mr. Chekunkov was nominated by the Russian Federation as an Independent Director; therefore, Mr. Chekunkov has no obligation to vote in accordance with the directives of the Russian Government (Clause 16 of the Russian Government's Resolution No. 738 dated December 03, 2004); - Mr. Chekunkov 's relationship with the state is formal, since his employment relationship with the Fund does not influence the adoption by Mr. Chekunkov of unbiased and independent 155 Date and No. of Minutes Items Discussed Decisions Taken decisions, as the Russian Federation's control over the Fund is indirect and is exercised through the State Development Corporation VEB.RF, which is operated through governing bodies typical of a commercial entity; - Mr. Chekunkov's relationship with a substantial counterparty of RusHydro is formal in view of the following. On April 04, 2018 the Company (borrower) and the Fund (lender) entered into an agreement on provision of financing (a special- purpose loan) for the construction of off-site facilities of Sakhalinskaya GRES-2 in accordance with the Russian Government’s Resolution No. 1055 dated October 16, 2014 (the “Project”). The loan provided by the Company shall be repaid and reimbursed – the loan agreement is for up to RUB 5 bn at 5% per annum maturing on June 25, 2026. In addition, the loan was pre-approved by the Government Sub- Commission for Implementation of Investment Projects in the Far East and the Baikal Region (Minutes No. 3 dated December 25, 2017), as well as by the Board of Directors of the Fund (Minutes No. 57 dated December 29, 2017), and by the Company's Board of Directors as an interested-party transaction (Minutes No. 265 dated February 06, 2018, Mr. Chekunkov did not participate in the voting on this issue). As at December 31, 2018, the loan was disbursed in full (RUB 5 bn), and the borrowed funds were used by the Company to finance the Project through their transfer in the form of a loan to RAO ES East, a subsidiary of the Company. - Mr. Chekunkov track record in the Company’s Company’s Board of Directors and committees in 2016-2018, proves his ability to make independent, unbiased and well-informed judgements, as Mr. Chekunkov’s opinion on items included in the agenda of the 156 Date and No. of Minutes Items Discussed Decisions Taken Board of Directors and its committees is based on his expertise and experience, is autonomous and independent, and the decisions made by Mr. Chekunkov bring us to the conclusion that his formal relation to the state did not affect his decision making, with Mr. Chekunkov acting in the interests of the Company and all its shareholders; 2. In order to increase transparency of the Company's operations, establish a positive business reputation, support the current positive expert opinion of the corporate governance system, increase the percentage of independent directors on the Board of Directors, ensure compliance of the Company's activities with the recommendations of the Corporate Governance Code and internal regulations of the Company, it is proposed to recognize Alexey Chekunkov as an Independent Director. Mr. Chekunkov has an impeccable business and personal reputation and possesses the expertise, skills and experience required to make decisions that fall within the remit of the Company’s Board of Directors, are necessary for effective performance of his functions and allow him, inter alia, to participate in the work of various committees under the Company's Board of Directors. Since 2015, Mr. Chekunkov has been a member of the Committee on Energy Development of the Far East under the Company's Board of Directors. In 2016-2018, he was a member of the Company's Board of Directors, the Committee on Reliability, Energy Efficiency and Innovation and the Investment Committee under the Company's Board of Directors. Mr. Chekunkov's long track record with the Company's Board of Directors and the Board’s Committee on Energy Development of the Far East is his advantage, as Mr. Chekunkov possesses the relevant long-term 157 Date and No. of Minutes Items Discussed Decisions Taken professional experience in the power industry, investments, as well as extensive expertise in the Company's business, which contribute to effective performance of the Company's Board of Directors and its committees. At the meetings of the Company’s Board of Directors and its committees Mr. Chekunkov actively participated in discussions of agenda items, expressing an unbiased and well-balanced position, independent of the Company's management position, at voting sessions; Mr. Chekunkov is responsible and proactive. In the course of his participation in the Board of Directors and its committees, Mr. Chekunkov has made a significant contribution to the most important lines of business of the Company, including priority projects for the construction of facilities in the Far East, investment projects, and the innovation development program of RusHydro Group. In addition, Mr. Chekunkov has been CEO of the Far East and Baikal Region Development Fund for a long period. He has 18 years of experience in the private equity sector. He held management positions with the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF), A-1 (Alfa Group Consortium), Delta Private Equity (US- Russia Investment Fund) and Alrosa Investment Group. He is a member of the Supervisory Board at Alrosa. Mr. Chekunkov took part in designing the main mechanisms and approaches for the state system for management of the Far East development and was one of the ideologists and creators of the Voskhod investment system designed to raise capital for investment projects in the Far East. The track record described above, strong expertise in the Company's operations, understanding of business processes, possession of necessary professional competencies in finance, 158 Date and No. of Minutes Items Discussed Decisions Taken Minutes No. 90 of July 25, 2019 On recommendations to the Company’s Board of Directors on the item: “On recognizing a member to the Company's Board of Directors as independent.” management and economics, use of the best corporate governance practices in his work make Mr. Chekunkov's experience significant for the Company. 3. Based on Clause 2, Section 2.18 of Annex 2, and Annex 4 of the Listing Rules of the Moscow Exchange, recognize Alexey Chekunkov as an independent director." Recommend to the Company’s Board of Directors to make the following decision on the item “On recognizing a member to the Company's Board of Directors as independent”: "Take under advisement the results of assessment of member of the Board of Directors, Maxim Bystrov, for compliance with the independence criteria stipulated by Annex 4 to the Listing Rules of the Moscow Exchange. Mr. Bystrov is not related to the Company, competitors or the state. Mr. Bystrov meet the formal criteria of being related to: the Company's substantial counterparties, specifically JSC TSA, JSC SO UES, JSC CFS and NP Market Council Training Center, JSC Karachaevo-Cherkesskenergo, JSC Kabbalkenergo, as the amount of obligations under the contracts between the Company and each of the above counterparties exceeds 2% of the book value of assets and 2% of the revenue of each counterparty; - a significant shareholder of the Company – the Russian Federation, as Mr. Bystrov is a member of the Board of Directors of more than two entities controlled by the Russian Federation – PJSC Rosseti, JSC SO UES, PJSC RusHydro. Note that the relation to the Company’s substantial counterparts, such as JSC TSA, JSC SO UES, JSC CFS and NP Market Council 159 Date and No. of Minutes Items Discussed Decisions Taken Training Center, JSC Karachaevo-Cherkesskenergo, JSC Kabbalkenergo, and the Company’s substantial shareholder is formal and does not affect Maxim Bystrov’s ability to act as a member of the Board of Directors in the interests of the Company and its shareholders for the following reasons: - According to the Russian Government's Decree No. 607-r dated March 30, 2019, Mr. Bystrov was nominated by the Russian Federation as an Independent Director, therefore, Mr. Bystrov has no obligation to vote in accordance with the directives of the Russian Government (Clause 16 of the Russian Government's Resolution No. 738 dated December 03, 2004); - JSC TSA (JSC Administrator of the Trading System for the Wholesale Electricity Market) acts as a commercial operator of the wholesale electricity and capacity market (the “wholesale market”) and renders services to the Company on arrangement of trade in electric power and capacity on the wholesale market in accordance with Clause 7 of Article 33 of Federal Law No. 35-FZ On Electric Power Industry dated March 26, 2003 (the “Federal Law on the Electric Power Industry”) pursuant to an Agreement for Accession to the Wholesale Market Trading System, whose terms and conditions are binding on the parties. The commercial relations between the Company and JSC TSA are based on the principle of non-discriminatory access to the services of commercial infrastructure organizations in the wholesale market (Article 20 of the Federal Law on the Electric Power Industry) and the principle of government regulation of tariffs for the services of a commercial operator of the wholesale market (Article 23.1 of the Federal Law on the Electric Power Industry); - JSC SO UES (JSC System Operator of the Unified Energy System) 160 Date and No. of Minutes Items Discussed Decisions Taken acts as a system operator in accordance with Clause 1 of Article 12 of the Federal Law on the Electric Power Industry and provides the Company with supervision and control services in the electric power industry pursuant to the Agreement for Accession to the Wholesale Market Trading System. The commercial relations between the Company and JSC SO UES are based on the principle of non-discriminatory access to supervision and control services in the electric power industry (Clause 6 of Article 20 of the Federal Law on the Electric Power Industry) and the principle of government regulation of tariffs for supervision and control services (Article 23.1 of the Federal Law on the Electric Power Industry); - JSC CFS (JSC Center for Financial Settlements) is a commercial infrastructure organization in the Russian wholesale electricity and capacity market which supports a contractual framework and financial settlements between market participants and helps the Company calculate its claims and liabilities pursuant to the Agreement for Accession to the Wholesale Market Trading System. The Agreement was made in accordance with Clause 1 of Article 32 of the Federal Law on the Electric Power Industry and Clause 40 of the Rules for the Wholesale Electricity and Capacity Market approved by the Russian Government's Resolution No. 1172 dated December 27, 2010. The commercial relations between the Company and JSC CFS are based on the principle of non-discriminatory access to the services of commercial infrastructure organizations in the wholesale market (Article 20 of the Federal Law on the Electric Power Industry). The Supervisory Board of NP Market Council approves a uniform fee for the service package provided by JSC CFS to all counterparties. - NP Market Council Training Center (Independent Non-Profit 161 Date and No. of Minutes Items Discussed Decisions Taken Partnership of Continuing Professional Education NP Market Council Training Center) operates under the auspices of NP Market Council, an infrastructure organization in charge of the wholesale and retail markets of electricity and capacity, and renders educational and training services to the Company with a view to promoting a robust electricity and capacity trading system in the wholesale and retail markets. In the light of continuous amendments to the wholesale market regulations adopted by the Supervisory Board of NP Market Council, the employees of the Company need to undergo training at NP Market Council Training Center, the primary source of information, to maintain a high level of knowledge in wholesale market procedures and to obtain information on the actual and planned changes in the wholesale market. The training contracts between the Company and NP Market Council Training Center are made on arm’s length terms; - JSC Karachaevo-Cherkesskenergo and JSC Kabbalkenergo are the only guaranteed suppliers of electricity on their territory, which purchase energy resources on the wholesale market and sell them to any consumer, through public contracts concluded with them. JSC Karachaevo-Cherkesskenergo and JSC Kabbalkenergo sell electricity to the Company for administrative and general purposes under agreements. The product is paid at the price and/or in accordance with the pricing procedure established by federal laws, other regulations in force at the time of payment, as well as acts of authorized government tariff regulators. Mr Bystrov’s track record in the Company’s Board of Directors proves his ability to make independent, unbiased and well- informed judgements, as Mr Bystrov’s opinion on items included in 162 Date and No. of Minutes Items Discussed Decisions Taken Minutes No. 91 of August 30, 2019 On approval of the Company's Senior Independent Director. On election of the Secretary of the Nomination and Compensation Committee of the Company's Board of Directors. On election of the Deputy Chairman of the Nomination and Compensation Committee of the Company's Board of Directors. Minutes No. 92 of September 19, 2019 On recommendations to the Company’s Board of Directors on the item: “On approval of amendments to Calculation and Evaluation Methodology for the Annual KPIs of RusHydro's Management Board”. Minutes No. 93 of September 23, 2019 On conducting assessment of the Board of Directors’ performance in 2019-2020 corporate year. the agenda of the Board of Directors and its committees is based on his expertise and experience, is autonomous and independent, and the decisions made by Mr Bystrov bring us to the conclusion that his formal relation to the Company's substantial counterparties, substantial shareholder and the state, does not affect his decision making, with Mr Bystrov acting in the interests of the Company and all its shareholders. Based on Clause 2, Section 2.18 of Annex 2, and Annex 4 of the Listing Rules of the Moscow Exchange, recognize Maxim Bystrov as an independent director." "Approve Pavel Grachev, an independent member of the Company’s Board of Directors, as the Senior Independent Director." "Elect Margarita Budkova as the Secretary of the Nomination and Compensation Committee of the Company's Board of Directors." "Elect Pavel Grachev as the Deputy Chairman of the Nomination and Compensation Committee of the Company's Board of Directors." Recommend to the Company’s Board of Directors to make the following decision: “Approve the amendments to Calculation and Evaluation Methodology for the Annual KPIs of RusHydro's Management Board according to Appendix 1 to this decision”. 1. "Determine that performance assessment of the Board of Directors, elected at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company on June 28, 2019 (Minutes No. 18 of July 02, 2019), based on the performance in 2019-2020 corporate year, shall be in the form of self-assessment. 2. The Company’s Corporate Secretary Natalya Kovaleva shall ensure that self-assessment of the Company’s Board of Directors’ 163 Date and No. of Minutes Items Discussed Decisions Taken Minutes No. 94 of October 16, 2019 Minutes No. 95 of November 28, 2019 Confidential. On recommendations to the Company’s Board of Directors on the item: “On material matters for the Company: On review of report on progress against the Action Plan (List of Measures) for the Introduction of Professional Standards into RusHydro's Operations”. On analysis of compliance of independent members of the Company's Board of Directors with the independence criteria. Minutes No. 96 of December 19, 2019 On recommendations for RusHydro’s Board of Directors on the item: “On approval of the annual KPIs for RusHydro’s Management Board and their target values for 2020” performance in 2019-2020 corporate year is conducted not later than April 30, 2020." – Recommend to the Company’s Board of Directors to make the following decision: “Approve the report on progress against the Action Plan (List of Measures) for the Introduction of Professional Standards into RusHydro's Operations in Q2 and Q3 2019 (Appendix to the Minutes)”. Upon analysis of compliance of independent members of the Company's Board of Directors with the independence criteria: "Take under advisement the information on compliance of Pavel Grachev, Vyacheslav Pivovarov, Maxim Bystrov and Alexey Chekunkov with the independence criteria stipulated by Annex 4.1 to the Listing Rules of the Moscow Exchange, including considering the decision of the Nomination and Compensation Committee under the Company's Board of Directors dated May 27, 2019 (Minutes No. 87) and decisions of the Company’s Board of Directors dated July 26, 2019 (Minutes No. 293 of July 29, 2019), June 21, 2019 (Minutes No. 292 dated June 24, 2019) according to the Appendix to this decision." 1. "Take take under advisement the analysis of the current system of KPIs established for the members of the Company's Management Board with regard to compliance with the methodological recommendations on the application of KPIs for business entities in which the share of the Russian Federation or a region of the Russian Federation exceeds 50% of their authorized capital, and performance indicators of state unitary enterprises for determining remuneration of their management, approved by the Russian Government’s Decree No. 1388-r dated June 27, 2019, 164 Date and No. of Minutes Items Discussed Decisions Taken presented in Appendix 1 to the Minutes." 2. Recommend to the Company’s Board of Directors to make the following decisions: 2.1. "Approve and put into effect from January 1, 2020: New version of the Regulation on RusHydro's system of 2.2. key performance indicators (the “Regulation”) in accordance with Appendix 2 to the Minutes; List of annual KPIs of RusHydro's Management Board for 2020 according to Appendix 3 to the Minutes; Target annual KPIs of RusHydro's Management Board for 2020 according to Appendix 4 to the Minutes; New version of the Calculation and Evaluation Methodology for the Annual KPIs of RusHydro's Management Board according to Appendix 5 to the Minutes." Approve: Target KPIs under the fourth cycle of RusHydro's Long- Term Incentive Plan for 2020-2022 according to Appendix 6 to the Minutes; Amendments to target KPIs under the second cycle of RusHydro's Long-Term Incentive Plan for 2018- 2020 (Appendix 7); Amendments to target KPIs under the third cycle of RusHydro's Long-Term Incentive Plan for 2019-2021 (Appendix 8); Amendments to the Calculation and Evaluation Methodology for the Annual KPIs of RusHydro's Long- Term Incentive Plan, approved by the decision of the Company’s Board of Directors on December 26, 2017 (Minutes No. 264 of December 28, 2017) as amended on February 19, 2019 (Minutes No. 283 of February 21, 2019), related to calculation of KPI "Total Shareholder Return (TSR), %" according to Appendix 9 to the Minutes." 165 Date and No. of Minutes Items Discussed Decisions Taken Calculate the KPIs under the second (2018-2020) and 2.3. third (2019-2021) cycles of the Long-Term Incentive Plan based on the Calculation and Evaluation Methodology for the Annual KPIs of RusHydro's Long-Term Incentive Plan, approved by the decision of the Company's Board of Directors dated December 26, 2017 (Minutes No. 264 dated December 28, 2017), considering the amendments, including those specified in Clause 2.2 of the Minutes. STRATEGY COMMITTEE UNDER THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Issue Discussed Decisions Taken Date and No. of Minutes Minutes of (cid:21)(cid:24)(cid:17)(cid:19)(cid:20)(cid:17)(cid:21)(cid:19)(cid:20)(cid:28)(cid:3)(cid:569)(cid:3) 124 On recommendations for the Company’s Board of Directors on the item: "On the approval of the report concerning the results of activity of the Strategy Committee under the Board of Directors of RusHydro for H1 of the 2018—2019 corporate year." On approval of the Programme of Works of the Strategy Committee under the Board of Directors of RusHydro for H1 2019. (cid:48)(cid:76)(cid:81)(cid:88)(cid:87)(cid:72)(cid:86)(cid:3)(cid:82)(cid:73)(cid:3)(cid:20)(cid:21)(cid:17)(cid:19)(cid:23)(cid:17)(cid:21)(cid:19)(cid:20)(cid:28)(cid:3)(cid:569)(cid:3) 125 On recommendations for the Company’s Board of Directors on the items: On approval of the amended Regulation on RusHydro's Dividend Policy. To recommend that the Company’s Board of Directors adopt the following resolution: "To approve the report concerning the results of the activity of the Strategy Committee under the Board of Directors of RusHydro for H1 of the 2018— 2019 corporate year (Schedule 1)." To approve the Programme of Works of the Strategy Committee under the Board of Directors of RusHydro for H1 2019 (Schedule 2). To recommend that the Company’s Board of Directors adopt the following resolution: 1. To approve the amended Regulation on the Company's Dividend Policy according to the schedule (Schedule 1 hereto). 2. To take under advisement the information related to factors affecting the pricing of RusHydro stock which was analyzed in accordance with the instruction of the Board of Directors (Minutes No. 284 dated March 26, 2019), as well as the implemented measures aimed at stock price growth. On recommendations for the Company’s Board of Directors on the To recommend that the Company’s Board of Directors adopt the 166 Date and No. of Minutes Issue Discussed Decisions Taken items: On the prolongation of the grace period on a loan to DGK JSC, provided as part of the implementation of a forward transaction with VTB Bank (PJSC). (cid:48)(cid:76)(cid:81)(cid:88)(cid:87)(cid:72)(cid:86)(cid:3)(cid:82)(cid:73)(cid:3)(cid:20)(cid:28)(cid:17)(cid:19)(cid:23)(cid:17)(cid:21)(cid:19)(cid:20)(cid:28)(cid:3)(cid:569)(cid:3) 126) On the implementation of RusHydro Group's Long-term Development Program for 2018. (cid:48)(cid:76)(cid:81)(cid:88)(cid:87)(cid:72)(cid:86)(cid:3)(cid:82)(cid:73)(cid:3)(cid:19)(cid:26)(cid:17)(cid:19)(cid:25)(cid:17)(cid:21)(cid:19)(cid:20)(cid:28)(cid:3)(cid:569)(cid:3) 127 On recommendations for the Company’s Board of Directors on the item: "On the consideration of matters of significance to the Company: "On the creation of a General Service Center performing accounting and tax accounting functions and generation of reports in RusHydro Group"." On recommendations for the Company’s Board of Directors on the item: "On approval of amendments to the Decision on the additional issue of the Company's securities." On recommendations for the Company’s Board of Directors on the item: "On approval of amendments to the Company's Securities Prospectus." (cid:48)(cid:76)(cid:81)(cid:88)(cid:87)(cid:72)(cid:86)(cid:3)(cid:82)(cid:73)(cid:3)(cid:20)(cid:26)(cid:17)(cid:19)(cid:25)(cid:17)(cid:21)(cid:19)(cid:20)(cid:28)(cid:3)(cid:569)(cid:3) 128 On recommendations for the Company’s Board of Directors on the item: "On approval of the report concerning the results of activity of the Strategy Committee under the Board of Directors of following resolution: "For the purpose of stabilizing the financial and economic position of JSC FEGC, to approve the prolongation until March 27, 2021, (inclusive) of the grace period for the payment of accrued interest by JSC FEGC determined under clause 1.2 of the resolution of the Board of Directors dated December 26, 2016 (Minutes No. 246 dated December 27, 2016)." 1. To take into consideration the Report on RusHydro Group's Long-term Development Program for 2018 according to Schedule 1 hereto (hereinafter, "the Report"). 2. To recommend that the Company's Executive Management include the Report in the Company's Annual Report for consideration by the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders on the results of 2018. To recommend that the Company’s Board of Directors adopt the following resolution: "To approve the creation of a General Service Center performing accounting and tax accounting functions and generation of reports in RusHydro Group based at JSC HydroEngineering Siberia." To recommend that the Company’s Board of Directors adopt the following resolution: "To approve amendments in the Decision on the additional issue of securities of RusHydro (ordinary shares) in accordance with Schedule 1 hereto." To recommend that the Company’s Board of Directors adopt the following resolution: "To approve amendments in the Prospectus on the additional issue of securities of RusHydro (ordinary shares) in accordance with Schedule 2 hereto." To recommend that the Company’s Board of Directors adopt the following resolution: To approve the report concerning the results of the activity of the Strategy Committee under the Board of 167 Issue Discussed Decisions Taken Date and No. of Minutes (cid:48)(cid:76)(cid:81)(cid:88)(cid:87)(cid:72)(cid:86)(cid:3)(cid:82)(cid:73)(cid:3)(cid:21)(cid:19)(cid:17)(cid:19)(cid:25)(cid:17)(cid:21)(cid:19)(cid:20)(cid:28)(cid:3)(cid:569)(cid:3) 129 (cid:48)(cid:76)(cid:81)(cid:88)(cid:87)(cid:72)(cid:86)(cid:3)(cid:82)(cid:73)(cid:3)(cid:20)(cid:24)(cid:17)(cid:19)(cid:27)(cid:17)(cid:21)(cid:19)(cid:20)(cid:28)(cid:3)(cid:569)(cid:3) 130 RusHydro for the 2018—2019 corporate year." 1. On recommendations for the Company’s Board of Directors on the item: "On determining the priority areas of the Company's activities: On the consideration of the Electrical Power Development Program to ensure advanced economic growth in the Far Eastern Federal District." On election of the Deputy Chairman of the Strategy Committee. On approval of the Program of Works of the Strategy Committee for the 2nd half of 2019. On election of the secretary of the Strategy Committee. On recommendations for the Company’s Board of Directors on the item: "On Amendments to the Long-Term Development Program of the RusHydro Group for the period of 2018 to 2022." Directors of RusHydro for the 2018—2019 corporate year (Schedule 1). To recommend that the Company’s Board of Directors adopt the following resolution: "To take the Electrical Power Development Program under advisement to ensure advanced economic growth in the Far Eastern Federal District (Schedule 1)." To elect Member of the Management Board and First Deputy General Director of RusHydro D. I. Rizhinashvili as Deputy Chairman of the Strategy Committee under the Board of Directors of RusHydro. To approve the Program of Works of the Strategy Committee for the 2nd half of 2019 (Schedule 1). To elect Chief Expert of the Strategy and IR Department P. V. Krasovskaya as the Secretary of the Strategy Committee under the Board of Directors of RusHydro. To recommend that the Company’s Board of Directors adopt the following resolution: "Pursuant to the directives of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 10068p-P13 dated December 6, 2018 and in accordance with the decision of the Board of Directors of the Company 'On the transition of the Company to the predominant use of domestic software, 16 to approve amendments to the Long-Term Development Program of RusHydro Group for the period of 2018 to 20222 in terms of the section 'Implementation of Intelligent Systems and Digital Technologies' according to Schedule 2 to this resolution." To recommend that the Company’s Board of Directors adopt the 168 Minutes of (cid:21)(cid:22)(cid:17)(cid:19)(cid:27)(cid:17)(cid:21)(cid:19)(cid:20)(cid:28)(cid:3)(cid:569)(cid:3) 131 On recommendations for the Company’s Board of Directors on the item: "On termination of the Company's participation in 16 Minutes of (cid:21)(cid:26)(cid:17)(cid:20)(cid:21)(cid:17)(cid:21)(cid:19)(cid:20)(cid:27)(cid:3)(cid:569)(cid:3)(cid:21)(cid:27)(cid:20) Date and No. of Minutes Issue Discussed Decisions Taken Technopark Rumyantsevo JSC." On the merger of RusHydro Group energy companies located in the Kamchatka Territory: On recommendations for the Board of Directors on the items: "On the participation and termination of the participation of RusHydro in other entities." following resolution: "To terminate the Company's participation in the authorized capital of Technopark Rumyantsevo JSC in accordance with the Program for the Alienation of NonCore Assets of RusHydro." 2.1.1. To recommend that the Company’s Board of Directors adopt the following resolution: "1. To approve the termination of the participation of RusHydro in Geotherm JSC as a result of the reorganization of Geotherm JSC in the form of merger into Kamchatskenergo PJSC." 2.1.2. To recommend that the Company’s Board of Directors adopt the following resolution: "To approve the termination of the participation of RusHydro in KamGEK PJSC as a result of the reorganization of KamGEK PJSC in the form of merger into Kamchatskenergo PJSC." 2.1.3 To recommend that the Company’s Board of Directors adopt the following resolution: "To approve the participation of RusHydro in the authorized capital of Kamchatskenergo PJSC as a result of the reorganization of Kamchatskenergo PJSC in the form of the merger of Geotherm JSC and KamGEK PJSC into it. The share of RusHydro in the authorized capital of Kamchatskenergo PJSC before reorganization is 0%. The share of RusHydro Group in the authorized capital of Kamchatskenergo PJSC before reorganization is 98.7%. The share of RusHydro in the authorized capital of Kamchatskenergo PJSC after reorganization is not less than 13.89%. The share of RusHydro Group in the authorized capital of 169 Date and No. of Minutes Issue Discussed Decisions Taken Confidential. On recommendations for the Company’s Board of Directors on the item: "On the consideration of matters of significance to the Company: 'On updating the Innovation Development Program of RusHydro Group.'" On recommendations for the Company’s Board of Directors on the item: "On termination of the Company's participation in the authorized capital of Bank of Cyprus Holdings Public Limited Company." Kamchatskenergo PJSC after reorganization is not less than 98.53%." - To recommend that the Company’s Board of Directors adopt the following resolution: "1.1. To take into account the report on comparison of the level of technological development and the values of key performance indicators of the RusHydro Group's innovation activity with the level of development and indicators of the leading peer companies (hereinafter referred to as the Report, the Comparison), revised with due regard to the conclusions on the report submitted by the Ministry for Economic Development of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation (Schedule 1). 1.2. To approve the proposals for improving the quality of preparation and implementation of the RusHydro Group Innovation Development Program (Schedule 2) prepared based on the results of the Comparison, when updated. 1.3. To entrust the Chairman of the Management Board and General Director of the Company, N. G. Shulginov, with ensuring the development of an updated Innovation Development Program of RusHydro Group for 2020 to 2024 in accordance with the proposals pursuant to Schedule 2 to the Minutes and forwarding it for approval to the relevant federal executive bodies (Russian Ministry for Economic Development, Russian Ministry of Energy, Russian Ministry of Education and Science, and Russian Ministry for Development of Russian Far East) by December 31, 2019." To recommend that the Company’s Board of Directors adopt the following resolution: "To terminate the Company's participation in the authorized capital of Bank of Cyprus Holdings Public Limited Company in accordance with the Program for the Alienation of 170 Date and No. of Minutes Issue Discussed Decisions Taken On recommendations for the Company’s Board of Directors on the item: "On preliminary approval of transactions with shares of organizations in which the Company participates." (cid:48)(cid:76)(cid:81)(cid:88)(cid:87)(cid:72)(cid:86)(cid:3)(cid:82)(cid:73)(cid:3)(cid:21)(cid:22)(cid:17)(cid:19)(cid:27)(cid:17)(cid:21)(cid:19)(cid:20)(cid:28)(cid:3)(cid:569)(cid:3) 132) Minutes of 11.10.2019 (cid:569)(cid:3) 133 Confidential. On recommendations for the Company’s Board of Directors on the item: "On progress in the implementation of RusHydro Group's Long-term Development Program in H1 2019." On recommendations for the Company’s Board of Directors on the item: "On amendments to RusHydro Group's Long-Term Development Program." Non-Core Assets of RusHydro." To recommend that the Company’s Board of Directors adopt the following resolution: "1. To approve transactions for the sale of sixteen thousand six hundred forty-one (16,641) ordinary shares of Bank of Cyprus Holdings Public Limited Company at exchange trading. The share of participation of the Company in Bank of Cyprus Holdings Public Limited Company before alienation is 0.003729494%. The share of participation of the Company in Bank of Cyprus Holdings Public Limited Company after alienation is up to 0%. 2. Bank of Cyprus Holdings Public Limited Company based on the current market price of the shares of Bank of Cyprus Holdings Public Limited Company formed on the day of sale on the London Stock Exchange." - To determine the sale price of 16,641 ordinary shares of To recommend that the Company’s Board of Directors adopt the following resolution: "To take into account the information on the progress in the implementation of RusHydro Group's Long-Term Development Program in H1 2019 as per Schedule 1 to this Resolution." To recommend that the Company’s Board of Directors adopt the following resolution: "To approve amendments to the list, target values, and methods of calculating and evaluating key performance indicators of RusHydro Group's Long-Term Development Program1 in accordance with the adjustment by the Board of Directors of the Company of the list, target values, and methods of calculating and evaluating key performance indicators 171 Date and No. of Minutes Issue Discussed Decisions Taken Minutes of 16.10.2019 (cid:569)(cid:3) 134 On recommendations for the Company’s Board of Directors concerning: "On the consideration of matters of significance to the Company: On measures for refinancing the debt of RAO Energy Systems of the East Holding companies." In order to streamline the terms of the non- of members of the Management Board and the Long-term Motivation Program of the Company (Minutes of the Board of Directors of the Company No. 283 dated February 21, 2019, No. 295 dated September 23, 2019, No. 296 dated September 25, 2019) (Schedule 2 to this Resolution)." To recommend that the Company’s Board of Directors adopt the following resolution: 1. deliverable forward contract (hereinafter referred to as the Forward) concluded between the Company and VTB Bank (PJSC) in respect of 55,000,000,000 (Fifty-five billion) ordinary shares of PJSC RusHydro and formalized in the Confirmation of a Non- Deliverable Forward Transaction for Shares dated March 3, 2017 (hereinafter referred to as the Confirmation) in accordance with the Master Agreement on Derivatives Transactions in the Financial Markets dated March 3, 2017, to approve the conclusion of a supplementary agreement to the Confirmation providing for the following amendments to the essential terms of the Forward: 1.1. Reduction of the forward rate by 0.5 (five-tenths) percentage points. 1.2. cannot demand early performance of the obligations under the Forward in full by twelve (12) months. 1.3. Entitlement of VTB Bank (PJSC) to unilaterally extend the Forward term no more than three (3) times and in aggregate no more than up to March 3, 2025, inclusive, by sending a written notice to the Company. 2. To consider this resolution to be also the approval of a derivative transaction in accordance with Subclause 25, Clause 12.1 of the Company's Articles of Association and the Borrowing Policy Regulation of the Company approved by the decision of the Company's Board of Directors dated July 29, 2010 (Minutes No. 104 dated August 2, 2010). Prolongation of the period during which the Company 172 Date and No. of Minutes Issue Discussed Decisions Taken 3. For the purpose of collaboration aimed at increasing the selling price of shares of RusHydro as part of the Forward, to approve the conclusion of an agreement on the provision of financial and consulting services (hereinafter, the Agreement) on the following essential terms: Parties to the Agreement: Customer: PJSC RusHydro; Contractor: VTB Capital JSC. Subject of the Agreement: To provide services and assistance to the Customer as part of analysis and measures for the implementation of strategic initiatives aimed at increasing the market value of the Customer’s shares, including as part of the implementation of the RusHydro Group Value Increase Plan for the period up to 2021, as well as for the implementation of the transaction for the sale of Customer’s shares in the total amount of 55,000,000,000 (Fifty- five billion) ordinary shares owned by VTB Bank (PJSC) for the purposes of final settlement of the Forward (hereinafter, the “Transaction”). Price of the Agreement: Five percent (5%) of the amount of the excess of the price for the sale of one (1) share as a result of the Transaction over one ruble and thirty-five thousandths (1.035), multiplied by the number of shares that are the subject of this Transaction, but not more than seven hundred million (700,000,000) rubles. Period of Validity of Agreement: The Agreement shall be valid from the moment of its execution until the earlier of the following dates: a) the date of completion of the Transaction; b) the date falling 36 months from the date of execution of the agreement; or (c) the date of early termination 173 Date and No. of Minutes Issue Discussed Decisions Taken Minutes of 28.11.2019 (cid:569)(cid:3) 135/144 On recommendations for the Company’s Board of Directors on the item: On determining the position of the Company regarding the agenda items of the management bodies of JSC Hydroinvest: “On the execution by JSC Hydroinvest of a transaction for the alienation of shares in its subsidiary CJSC MEK that produces electricity." of the agreement by any Party upon prior written notice to the other Party. Additional terms: The Customer undertakes to compensate the Contractor for property losses actually incurred and documented by VTB Capital JSC in connection with the Transaction which arose out of any claims, actions, demands, requests or investigations from any third parties with regard to the Contractor or its affiliates, as well as any proceedings relating to such claims. However, property losses that occurred mainly through the fault of the Contractor, as established by a final court judgment, will be excluded from the amount of compensation. The amount of losses compensable by the Customer may not exceed the Price of the Agreement. To recommend that the Company’s Board of Directors adopt the following resolution: To instruct the representatives of the Company in the management bodies of JSC Hydroinvest, with regard to the item “On the execution by JSC Hydroinvest of a transaction for the alienation of shares in its subsidiary CJSC MEK that produces electricity,” to vote “FOR” the adoption of the following resolution: 1. To approve the termination of participation of JSC Hydroinvest (the company controlled by PJSC RusHydro) in CJSC MEK by selling 527,085 ordinary registered uncertified shares in CJSC MEK at the price determined by the Board of Directors of JSC Hydroinvest based on the valuation report, but not lower than the carrying value, with cash payment. The compulsory condition for the alienation of shares in CJSC MEK is the termination of the surety agreement dated January 30, 2013, concluded between PJSC RusHydro and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the 174 Date and No. of Minutes Issue Discussed Decisions Taken surety agreement dated May 15, 2013, concluded between PJSC RusHydro and the Asian Development Bank. 2. To implement the decision in clause 1, to approve the conclusion of a sale and purchase agreement (the "Agreement") on the following conditions and terms (method for their determination): Parties to the Agreement: Seller: Joint-Stock Company Hydroinvest Buyer: the persons who have the preemptive right to acquire shares in CJSC MEK in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Armenia or, if they refuse to acquire shares or do not exercise their preemptive right, Open Joint-Stock Company Hrazdan Energy Company (RazTES) (Republic of Armenia) Subject Matter of the Agreement: The Seller shall transfer to the Buyer the ownership of 527,085 ordinary uncertified shares in CJSC MEK with a par value of 1,000 Armenian drams each (the "Shares"), and the Buyer shall accept them and pay for them. Price of the Agreement: The value of the alienated shares is determined by the Board of Directors of JSC Hydroinvest based on the valuation report, but not lower than the carrying value, which is RUB 172,961,972 for 527,085 shares (the "Stock Value") as of September 30, 2019. The payment for the Shares shall be made in cash. Other conditions for the alienation of the Shares: (cid:520). Ownership of the Shares shall be transferred to the Buyer after all the following conditions are met: Signing a loan agreement between CJSC MEK and the new lending bank (on material terms in accordance 175 Date and No. of Minutes Issue Discussed Decisions Taken with Appendix 1 to this Resolution) to fully refinance the debt to the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (the "EBRD") and the Asian Development Bank (the "ADB") (EBRD and ADB collectively, the "Lending Banks") under the loan agreement dated December 21, 2012, and under the loan agreement dated May 13, 2013 (the "Loan Agreements"), on the conditions agreed upon by the Buyer and Ardshinbank CJSC Obtaining by CJSC MEK of the consent of the Public Services Regulatory Commission of the Republic of Armenia to signing a share pledge agreement and an immovable property pledge agreement in favor of the new lending bank Termination of the suretyships of PJSC RusHydro for the obligations of CJSC MEK under the Loan Agreements stipulated by the surety agreement dated January 30, 2013, concluded between PJSC RusHydro and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the surety agreement dated May 15, 2013, concluded between PJSC RusHydro and the Asian Development Bank pursuant to the full debt repayment by CJSC MEK under the Loan Agreements Failure to use the preemptive right to acquire the Shares within the established time period or refusal to use the preemptive right to acquire the Shares by the minority shareholder of CJSC MEK and by CJSC MEK itself (in case of the sale of the Shares to the Open Joint-Stock Company Hrazdan Energy Company (RazTES)) The Seller shall provide the Buyer with representations for the most significant potential risks listed in Appendix 2 to this Resolution. b. 3. To establish that the stake of JSC Hydroinvest in CJSC 176 Date and No. of Minutes Issue Discussed Decisions Taken MEK before the alienation of the Shares is 90.00%, and after the alienation of the Shares, 0.00%." INVESTMENTS COMMITTEE UNDER THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Issue Discussed Decisions Taken Date and No. of Minutes Minutes of 19.02.2019 (cid:569)(cid:3) 112 On recommendations for the Company’s Board of Directors concerning: Approval of the report on the performance results of the Investment Committee under the Board of Directors of RusHydro for H2 2018. On recommendations for the Company’s Board of Directors concerning: Consideration of matters of significance to the Company. (cid:48)(cid:76)(cid:81)(cid:88)(cid:87)(cid:72)(cid:86)(cid:3)(cid:82)(cid:73)(cid:3)(cid:21)(cid:24)(cid:17)(cid:19)(cid:22)(cid:17)(cid:21)(cid:19)(cid:20)(cid:28)(cid:3)(cid:569)(cid:3) 113 On recommendations for the Company’s Board of Directors on the item "On the Draft Consolidated Investment Program of RusHydro Group for 2020–2024 and for 2019 (adjustment) and the Draft Investment Program of RusHydro for 2020– 2029 and for 2019 (adjustment)" To recommend that the Company’s Board of Directors adopt the following resolution: To approve the report of the Chairman of the Investment Committee under the Board of Directors of RusHydro for H2 2018 (Appendix 1). To recommend that the Company’s Board of Directors adopt the following resolution: To approve the target values for the KPI "Earnings (profit) per share (EPS)" of the first cycle for 2017–2019, of the second cycle for 2018–2020, and of the third cycle for 2019–2021 (Appendices 2–4). To recommend that the Company’s Board of Directors adopt the following resolutions: 1. RusHydro for 2020–2024 and for 2019 (adjustment) (Schedules 1.1a, 1.1b, and 1.1c hereto) and the sources of their financing (Schedule 1.1d hereto) under advisement. 2. of RusHydro for 2020–2029 and draft amendments to the Investment Program of RusHydro for 2019–2028 approved by Order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia (Minenergo) No. 6@ dated October 22, 2018 (Schedules 1.2a, 1.2b, and 1.2c hereto), to ensure that information disclosure is compliant with Regulation To take the Draft Consolidated Investment Program of To preapprove the Draft Consolidated Investment Program 177 Date and No. of Minutes Issue Discussed Decisions Taken of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 24 dated January 21, 2004, "On Approval of Standards for Information Disclosure by Wholesale and Retail Electricity Market Participants." 3. To instruct Chairman of the Management Board and General Director N. G. Shulginov to send the approved Draft Investment Program of RusHydro for 2020– 2029 and the draft amendments to the Investment Program of RusHydro for 2019– 2028 approved by Order of the Ministry of Energy (Minenergo) of Russia No. 6@ dated October 22, 2018, in accordance with the procedure established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 977 dated December 1, 2009, "On Investment Programs of Electrical Energy Industry Participants" ("Decree No. 977"). To recommend that the Company’s Board of Directors adopt the following resolution: To approve the report on the public technology and pricing audit of RusHydro's 2018 investment projects, with the results of a consolidated analysis of the audits and with the findings of public and expert discussions (Schedules 2.1, 2.2). To recommend that the Company’s Board of Directors adopt the following resolution: To approve the list of investment projects implemented and scheduled for implementation under the RusHydro investment program for conducting a public technology and pricing audit in 2019–2020 according to Schedule 3 hereto. To recommend that the Company’s Board of Directors adopt the following resolution: To decide that the sole executive body of the Company may enter into transactions (including several related transactions), without the prior consent of the Company's Board of Directors, under 178 On recommendations for the Company’s Board of Directors on the item "On approval of a report on the public technological and price audit of investment projects for 2018, which contains the results of a consolidated analysis of the audits and conclusions based on the results of public and expert discussion" On recommendations for the Company’s Board of Directors on the item "On approval of the list of RusHydro investment projects for the public technological and price audit in 2019–2020" On recommendations for the Company’s Board of Directors on the item "On determining cases when the Company may execute transactions related to release from liabilities to itself or to a third party without the prior approval of the Company's Board of Directors: waiver by the Company of the rights under a bank Date and No. of Minutes Issue Discussed Decisions Taken guarantee and/or signing by the Company of an agreement to terminate a guarantor's liabilities under a bank guarantee" On recommendations for the Company’s Board of Directors on the item "Financing of the project 'Construction of two single-chain 100 kV overhead power lines Pevek – Bilibino' (construction stage 2)" The principal liability guaranteed by the terminated bank which the Company waives its rights under a bank guarantee, and/or under which the Company consents to release a guarantor under a bank guarantee from its liabilities in the following cases: - The Company receives a new bank guarantee (issued by the same or by a new guarantor), or another valid bank guarantee (issued by the same or by a new guarantor) is amended to ensure the fulfillment of the principal liability that was previously guaranteed by the terminated bank guarantee. In connection with a change in the principal liability, the - Company receives a new bank guarantee (issued by the same or by a new guarantor), or another valid bank guarantee (issued by the same or by a new guarantor) is amended to ensure the fulfillment of the changed principal liability. - guarantee is fulfilled. To recommend that the Company’s Board of Directors adopt the following resolution: To instruct Chairman of the Management Board and General Director of the Company N. G. Shulginov to grant an intragroup loan to JSC Chukotenergo (with the possibility of subsequent capitalization) to ensure the financing of the design documentation for the priority project "Construction of two single-chain 110 kV overhead power lines Pevek – Bilibino" (construction stage 2) (the "Project") under the following material terms and conditions: Parties to the Agreement: The Borrower: JSC Chukotenergo The Lender: RusHydro Subject of the Agreement: The Lender shall issue funds (loan amount, loan) to the Borrower, and the Borrower undertakes to repay the loan to the Lender. 179 Date and No. of Minutes Issue Discussed Decisions Taken Maximum loan amount: RUB 211,740,000.00 Loan repayment period: The parties shall determine the loan repayment schedule by March 1, 2020, by way of signing a supplementary agreement to the Agreement. Until the loan repayment schedule is determined, the loan shall be repaid at call within five business days from the moment of delivery to the Borrower of the Lender's notice of loan repayment, but in any case no later than on December 28, 2027. Interest rate for using the Loan Amount: 0% per annum The Loan's intended use: Financing of working capital to cover the expenses for the preparation of design documentation for the Project. Loan terms and conditions: Nonrevolving tranches based on the request of the Borrower. Terms and conditions for early repayment of the Loan: The Lender shall have the right to demand early repayment of the Loan from the Borrower. The Borrower shall have the right to repay the loan early in part or in full. To recommend that the Company’s Board of Directors adopt the following resolutions: To instruct Chairman of the Management Board and General Director of the Company N. G. Shulginov to arrange for the following: 1. Improvement of the Company's Procurement Quality (the "Program"), which shall include the following: Development and approval of the Program for 180 On recommendations for the Company’s Board of Directors on the item "On the matters of significance to the Company: on development of a program to improve procurement quality" Date and No. of Minutes Issue Discussed Decisions Taken Publication of information about the execution of The Program assessment procedure and performance Dissemination of Program actions to organizations under (cid:0) indicators, taking into account the level of competition in procurements, as specified in Schedule 6.1 hereto Actions to assess and improve the qualification of (cid:0) personnel, both those directly involved in procurement and those responsible for identifying the client's specific need, and performance of agreements and payments under agreements by April 1, 2019. 2. Company control, as specified in Schedule 6.2 hereto 3. Directives of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1519p-P13 together with electronic copies of support documents on the Interdepartmental State Property Management Portal by April 3, 2019 To recommend that the Company’s Board of Directors adopt the following resolution: To approve the report on execution of the Business Plan of the Company for the year 2018 (including the report on execution the Investment Program, including the Complex Modernization Program for Generating Facilities, for the year 2018) (Schedule 7). To recommend that the Board of Directors of RusHydro adopt the following resolution: To approve the Report on the Implementation of the Consolidated Business Plan (including the consolidated Investment Program and the action plan for the optimization of costs based on the results of an external independent cost audit at RusHydro, including its subsidiaries) of RusHydro Group for 2018 according to Schedule 8 hereto. To recommend that the Company's Board of Directors adopt the 181 On recommendations for the Company’s Board of Directors on the item "On execution of the Business Plan of the Company for 2018 (including the report on the execution of the Investment Program, including the Complex Modernization Program for Generating Facilities for 2018)" On recommendations for the Company’s Board of Directors on the item "On approval of the report on the implementation of the consolidated Business Plan (including the consolidated Investment Program) of RusHydro Group for 2018" On recommendations for the Board of Directors of RusHydro Date and No. of Minutes Issue Discussed Decisions Taken concerning the item: "On approval of the report on the achievement of the Company's (the Management Board members') key performance indicators" On recommendations for the Company’s Board of Directors on the item "On approval of the report on the fulfillment of the Annual Complex Procurement Program of the Company for 2018" On approval of the Action Plan of the Investment Committee under the Board of Directors of RusHydro for H1 2019 Recommendations for the Company’s Board of Directors concerning: Recommendations for the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company concerning: Payment of dividends, periods and form of payment of dividends based on the results of operations in 2018, and establishment of the date as of which the persons entitled to dividends are determined. Minutes of (cid:21)(cid:20)(cid:17)(cid:19)(cid:24)(cid:17)(cid:21)(cid:19)(cid:20)(cid:28)(cid:3)(cid:569)(cid:3) 114 (in the form of joint presence) Recommendations for the Company’s Board of Directors following resolution: 1. To approve the report on the achievement of the Company Management Board Members' annual key performance indicators for 2018 according to Schedule 9.1 hereto. 2. To deem the KPI "Reduction of operating expenses (costs), %" for 2018, calculated with due regard to factors that are beyond the control of the Company's management, to have been achieved. To recommend that the Company’s Board of Directors adopt the following resolution: Approve the report on the fulfillment of RusHydro's Annual Complex Procurement Program for 2018 (Schedule 10). Approve the Program of Works of the Investment Committee under the RusHydro Board of Directors for H1 2019 (Schedule 11). Recommend that the Board of Directors adopt the following resolution: Recommend that the annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company adopt the following resolution: Pay dividends on ordinary shares of the Company according to the results of 2018 in the amount of RUB 0.0367388 per one share. Form of payment of dividends: monetary. Establish July 9, 2019 (the 11th day from the date of the resolution to pay dividends) as the date on which the persons entitled to receive dividends shall be determined. The dividend payment period for a nominee holder or beneficial owner who is a securities market professional registered in the Company's shareholder register shall not exceed 10 business days, and for other persons registered in the Company's shareholder register it shall not exceed 25 business days from the date when the persons entitled to dividends are determined. Recommend that the Board of Directors adopt the following 182 Date and No. of Minutes Issue Discussed Decisions Taken concerning: Recommendations for the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company concerning: Approval of distribution of the Company's profits based on the results of 2018. Consideration of information on the reasons for the growth of the debt burden of Holding RAO ES of EAST. Minutes of (cid:20)(cid:19)(cid:17)(cid:19)(cid:25)(cid:17)(cid:21)(cid:19)(cid:20)(cid:28)(cid:3)(cid:569)(cid:3) 115 On recommendations for the Board of Directors of RusHydro concerning the item: "On approval of the report on the interim results of the fulfillment of the Company's Business Plan for 2019 considering the actual results for Q1 2019 (including the report on the fulfillment of the Investment Program, inter alia, the Complex Modernization Program for Generating Facilities, for Q1 2019)." On recommendations for the Board of Directors of RusHydro concerning the item: "On approval of the report on the fulfillment of the Annual Complex Procurement Program of the Company for Q1 2019." resolution: Preliminarily approve and recommend to the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company to approve the following allocation of profits of the Company based on the results of 2018: Retained earnings (losses) for the reporting period Distribute to: The reserve fund Development of the Company Dividends (million rubles) 36,725.6 1,836.3 18,970.8 15,918.5 Take into consideration the information on the reasons for 1. the growth of the debt burden of Holding RAO ES of EAST in accordance with Appendix 1 to this resolution and bring the report on the results of the analysis to the Chairman of the Board of Directors of RusHydro Yu. P. Trutnev. Recommend to the Management Board of RusHydro to 2. continue work on optimizing the debt burden of the RusHydro Group. To recommend that the Board of Directors of RusHydro adopt the following resolution: To approve the report on the interim results of the fulfillment of the Business Plan for 2019 considering the actual results for Q1 2019 (including the report on the fulfillment of the Investment Program, inter alia, the Complex Modernization Program for Generating Facilities, for Q1 2019) (Schedule 1). To recommend that the Company’s Board of Directors adopt the following resolution: "To approve the Report on the Achievement of the Key Performance Indicators of RusHydro for Q1 2019 (Schedule 2)." 183 Date and No. of Minutes Issue Discussed Decisions Taken On recommendations for the Board of Directors of RusHydro concerning the item: "On amending the Unified Regulation on Procurement of Products for the Needs of RusHydro Group: on extending the practice of using factoring in performing contracts for supply of goods (performance of work, provision of services)." On recommendations for the Board of Directors of RusHydro concerning the item: "On the progress of implementation of the investment project 'Construction of two single-circuit OHLs 110 kV Pevek-Bilibino (construction phase No. 1)'." To recommend that the Company’s Board of Directors To instruct the Chairman of the Management Board and 1. adopt the following resolution: 1. To amend Clause 5.3.9 of the Unified Regulation on Procurement of Products for the Needs of RusHydro Group approved by Decision of the RusHydro Board of Directors (Minutes No. 277 dated October 4, 2018) to read as follows: "5.3.9. A procurement notice and/or procurement documentation may provide for the use of assignment of claim (factoring) when carrying out product delivery contracts concluded by the Customer with small and medium business entities based on the results of procurements held in the form of a competitive tender in accordance with the provisions of the civil laws of the Russian Federation." 2. General Director of the Company N. G. Shulginov: 2.1. acceded to the Unified Regulation on Procurement of Products for the Needs of RusHydro Group about the amendments introduced thereto within 10 business days after this resolution is adopted. To publish information about the execution of 2.2. Directives of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 4111p-p13 dated May 8, 2019, along with electronic copies of the supporting documents on the Interdepartmental State Property Management Portal by July 10, 2019." To recommend that the Company’s Board of Directors adopt the following resolution: To take note of the information on the implementation of the investment project "Construction of two single-circuit 110 kV OHLs Pevek-Bilibino" (construction stage No. 1) according to Schedule 3 to this decision. To notify controlled organizations that have 184 Date and No. of Minutes Issue Discussed Decisions Taken On recommendations for the Board of Directors of RusHydro concerning the item: "On the approval of the report concerning the results of activity of the Investment Committee of the Board of Directors of RusHydro for corporate year 2018 —2019". On electing the Deputy Chairperson of the Investment Committee of the Company's Board of Directors. Minutes of (cid:20)(cid:25)(cid:17)(cid:19)(cid:28)(cid:17)(cid:21)(cid:19)(cid:20)(cid:28)(cid:3)(cid:569)(cid:3) 116 Minutes of 18.09.2019 (cid:569)(cid:3)(cid:20)(cid:20)(cid:26)(cid:3)(cid:11)in the form of joint presence) On electing the Secretary of the Investment Committee of the Company's Board of Directors. On approval of the Program of Works of the Investment Committee under the Board of Directors of RusHydro for H2 2019 On recommendations for the Company’s Board of Directors on the item: On the interim results of the fulfillment of the Company's Business Plan for 2019 considering the actual results for H1 2019 (including the report on the fulfillment of the Investment Program, among other things, the Complex Modernization Program for Generating Facilities for H1 2019). On recommendations for the Company’s Board of Directors on the item: On the adjustment of the Company's business plan for 2019–2023 insofar as it relates to the Investment Program of RusHydro for 2019. To approve the report concerning the results of activity of the Investment Committee of the Board of Directors of RusHydro for the corporate year 2018—2019 and recommend to the Company's Board to review this report (Schedule 4). To elect Member of the Management Board and First Deputy General Director of RusHydro Sergey Kirov as Deputy Chairman of the Investment Committee under the Board of Directors of RusHydro. To elect Leading Specialist of the Office for Monitoring and Evaluation of the Efficiency of Investment Programs of the Department of Economic Planning and Investment Programs of RusHydro Yekaterina Gogotova as Secretary of the Investment Committee under the Board of Directors of RusHydro. To approve the Program of Works of the Investment Committee under the Board of Directors of RusHydro for H2 2019 (Schedule 1). To recommend that the Company’s Board of Directors adopt the following resolution: To approve the report on the interim results of the fulfillment of the Business Plan for 2019 considering the actual results for H1 2019 (including the report on the fulfillment of the Investment Program, among other things, the Complex Modernization Program for Generating Facilities, for H1 2019) (Schedule 1). To recommend that the Company’s Board of Directors adopt the following resolution: To approve the adjustment of the Company's business plan for 2019 insofar as it relates to amending the parameters of the Investment Program of RusHydro for 2019, considering their influence on the KPI "Compliance with the capacity commissioning 185 Date and No. of Minutes Issue Discussed Decisions Taken On recommendations for the Company’s Board of Directors on the item: On the adjustment of the consolidated Business Plan (including the consolidated Investment Program) of RusHydro Group for 2019. On recommendations for the Company’s Board of Directors on the item: On the approval of the adjusted targets for annual KPIs of the Company's Management Board members for 2019. On recommendations for the Company’s Board of Directors on the item: Approval of the report on the fulfillment of the Annual Comprehensive Procurement Program of RusHydro for 6 months of 2019. (cid:48)(cid:76)(cid:81)(cid:88)(cid:87)(cid:72)(cid:86)(cid:3)(cid:82)(cid:73)(cid:3)(cid:20)(cid:27)(cid:17)(cid:20)(cid:19)(cid:17)(cid:21)(cid:19)(cid:20)(cid:28)(cid:3)(cid:569)(cid:3) 118 (in the form of joint presence) On recommendations for the Company’s Board of Directors concerning: "On the consideration of a matter of significance to the Company: On the accomplishment of the action plan for works at Zagorskaya PSHP-2." Minutes o(cid:73)(cid:3)(cid:19)(cid:21)(cid:17)(cid:20)(cid:21)(cid:17)(cid:21)(cid:19)(cid:20)(cid:28)(cid:3)(cid:569)(cid:3) 119 (in the form of joint presence) Recommendations for the Company’s Board of Directors concerning: "On the consideration of matters of significance to the Company: 'On the progress of implementation of the investment project 'Construction of two single-circuit OHLs 110 kV Pevek – Bilibino (construction phase No. 1)'." schedules and the financing and utilization plan, %" for 2019 (Schedules 2 and 2a). To recommend that the Company’s Board of Directors adopt the following resolution: To approve the adjusted consolidated Business Plan (including the consolidated Investment Program) of RusHydro Group for 2019 (Schedule 3). To recommend that the Company’s Board of Directors adopt the following resolution: To approve the adjusted Targets of the Annual KPIs of the Company's Management Board Members for 2019 (the KPIs "Return on Equity (ROE), %," "Earnings before Interest, Tax, Depreciation, and Amortization (EBITDA), RUB million," and "Labor Productivity, RUB thousand/man-hours") (Schedule 4). To recommend that the Company’s Board of Directors adopt the following resolution: To approve the Report on the Achievement of the Key Performance Indicators of RusHydro for 6 months of 2019 (Schedule 5). To recommend that the Company’s Board of Directors adopt the following resolution: To take into consideration the interim report on the accomplishment of the follow-up action plan for works at Zagorskaya PSHP-2 (Schedule 1). To recommend that the Company’s Board of Directors adopt the following resolution: "1. To take note of the information on the implementation of the investment project 'Construction of two single-circuit 110 kV OHLs Pevek – Bilibino' (construction stage No. 1) (hereinafter, the 186 Date and No. of Minutes Issue Discussed Decisions Taken Facility, Project) according to the Schedule to this decision. 2. To note the presence of high risks of further postponement of the implementation period of the Project to 2024 in the absence of decisions aimed at implementing the instructions of the Government of the Russian Federation in December 2019 – February 2020 (Minutes No. DK-P9-208pr dated October 22, 2019): 2.1. on the approval of regulatory acts of the Government of the Russian Federation on the recalculation of the cost of construction of the Facility; 2.2. on the mechanism for additional financing for the construction of the Facility from the federal budget (taking into account the inadmissibility of deterioration of the financial condition of the Company); 2.3. on amendments to Regulation of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 231 dated March 2, 2019, regarding the change in the cost of construction of the Facility and the postponement of the implementation period of the project to 2023; 2.4. on the approval of the regulatory act of the Government of the Russian Federation on determining the sole supplier (contractor) for the construction of the Facility." To recommend that the Company’s Board of Directors adopt the following resolution: To approve the report on the execution of the Annual Comprehensive Procurement Program of RusHydro for 9 months of 2019 (Schedule No. 2). To recommend that the Company’s Board of Directors adopt the following resolution: 1.1. To approve a new revision of the Unified Regulation on the 187 Recommendations for the Company’s Board of Directors concerning: "On approval of the report on the execution of the Annual Comprehensive Procurement Program of the Company for 9 months of 2019." Recommendations for the Company’s Board of Directors concerning: "On amending the Unified Regulation on Procurement of Products for the Needs of RusHydro Group." Date and No. of Minutes Issue Discussed Decisions Taken Recommendations for the Company’s Board of Directors concerning: "On the interim results of accomplishment of the Company's Business Plan for 2019 considering the actual results for 9 months of 2019 (including the report on execution of the Investment Program, including the Complex Modernization Program for Generating Facilities, for 9 months of 2019)." Recommendations for the Company’s Board of Directors concerning: "On annual notification of industry-related federal executive bodies and the Government of the Russian Federation on the volumes of contracts concluded with defense industry enterprises for the procurement of civil products for the fuel and energy industry (performance of work, provision of services) which are not related to a state defense order." Procurement of Products for the Needs of RusHydro Group (Schedule No. 3). 1.2. As soon as the Unified Regulation on the Procurement of Products for the Needs of RusHydro Group comes into force, to deem the Unified Regulation on the Procurement of Products for the Needs of RusHydro Group approved by Decision of the Board of Directors of RusHydro (Minutes No. 277 dated October 4, 2018, with amendments approved by Minutes of the meeting of the Board of Directors of RusHydro No. 292 dated June 24, 2019) to have lost force. To recommend that the Company’s Board of Directors adopt the following resolution: To approve the report on the interim results of accomplishment of the Company's Business Plan for 2019 considering the actual results for 9 months of 2019 (including the report on execution of the Investment Program, including the Complex Modernization Program for Generating Facilities, for 9 months of 2019) (Schedule No. 4). To recommend that the Company’s Board of Directors adopt the following resolutions: 1. To note the publication by the Company: - official website of the Unified Procurement Information System, including the goods, works and services procurement plan and up- to-date official publications on procurements, containing, inter alia, notices of procurement, procurement documentation, draft contracts, and information on all contracts concluded by RusHydro Group with all counterparties (this information is publicly available at http://zakupki.gov.ru); - of all procurement information of RusHydro Group on the on the official website of the State Industrial Information 188 Date and No. of Minutes Issue Discussed Decisions Taken The Company shall ensure timely annual notification of System of information on the current and prospective needs of RusHydro Group for the 6 implementation of production programs, which is available for the manufacturers of the defense industry for submission of their commercial proposals and further participation in tender procedures (this information is publicly available at https://gisp.gov.ru). 2. industry-related federal executive bodies (the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia, the Ministry of Energy of Russia, and the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia) and the Government of the Russian Federation on the volumes of contracts concluded by the Company and its subsidiaries with defense industry enterprises for the procurement of civil products for the fuel and energy industry (performance of works, provision of services) which are not related to a state defense order not later than 30 days before the date of the annual General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company, after the industry-related federal executive bodies (the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia and/or the Federal Agency for State Property Management) submit information to the Company about the organizations included in the register of defense industry organizations in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 96 dated February 20, 2004 "On the Consolidated Register of Defense Industry Organizations." To recommend that the Company’s Board of Directors adopt the following resolutions: 1. To take note of the following: - of Products for the Needs of RusHydro Group, approved by the Company's Board of Directors (Minutes No. 277 dated October 4, Clause 5.17 of the Unified Regulation on the Procurement 189 Recommendations for the Company’s Board of Directors concerning: "Procurement of Russian products used for the implementation of national projects and the complex plan for modernization and expansion of trunk infrastructure." Date and No. of Minutes Issue Discussed Decisions Taken (cid:48)(cid:76)(cid:81)(cid:88)(cid:87)(cid:72)(cid:86)(cid:3)(cid:82)(cid:73)(cid:3)(cid:20)(cid:28)(cid:17)(cid:20)(cid:21)(cid:17)(cid:21)(cid:19)(cid:20)(cid:28)(cid:3)(cid:569)(cid:3) 120 (in the form of joint presence) On recommendations for the Company’s Board of Directors on the following item: On approval of the annual comprehensive procurement program of PJSC RusHydro for 2020. On recommendations for the Company’s Board of Directors on the following item: On approval of the Company's Business Plan (including the Investment Program) for 2020–2024. this clause of the URPP covers, inter alia, the procurement 2018, with amendments approved by Minutes No. 292 dated June 24, 2019, hereinafter referred to as the "URPP"), provides for the 7 priority of procured products (goods, work, services) of Russian origin over procured products of foreign origin17 ; - of Russian products used for the implementation of national projects and the complex plan for modernization and expansion of trunk infrastructure. 2. To establish that no additional amendments need be introduced to the URPP and other local regulations (acts) of the Company in the field of procurement activities to establish the priority of the procurement of Russian products used for the implementation of national projects and the complex plan for modernization and expansion of trunk infrastructure. To recommend that the Company’s Board of Directors adopt the following resolution: To approve the annual comprehensive procurement program of PJSC RusHydro for 2020 (Schedule1). To recommend that the Company’s Board of Directors adopt the following resolution: 1. To approve the PJSC RusHydro Business Plan 2020 (Schedule 2). 2. To approve the PJSC RusHydro Investment Program for 2020 (Schedule No. 2.2 to the PJSC RusHydro Business Plan for 2020– 2024). 3. To approve the planning data for PJSC RusHydro's investment projects and for new construction facilities of controlled companies 17 In accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 925 dated September 16, 2016 "On the Priority of Goods of Russian Origin and Work Performed and Services Provided by Russian Persons as Compared to Goods of Foreign Origin or Work Performed and Services Provided by Foreign Persons." 190 Date and No. of Minutes Issue Discussed Decisions Taken On recommendations for the Company’s Board of Directors on the following item: On approval of the consolidated Business Plan (including the consolidated Investment Program) of RusHydro Group for 2020–2024. On recommendations for the Company’s Board of Directors on the following item: On approval of the list and the target values of annual key performance indicators of the members of PJSC RusHydro Management Board for 2020. that are taken into account in calculating the performance indicator of the members of PJSC RusHydro Management Board "Compliance with the Capacity Commissioning Schedule and the Financing and Utilization Plan, %" for 2020 (Schedule No. 2.2a to the PJSC RusHydro Business Plan for 2020–2024). 4. To take into consideration the PJSC RusHydro Business Plan for 2021–2024 (Schedule No. 2), including the PJSC RusHydro Investment Program for 2021–2024 (Schedule No. 2.2 to the PJSC RusHydro Business Plan for 2020–2024). To recommend that the Company’s Board of Directors adopt the following resolution: To approve the consolidated Business Plan (including the consolidated Investment Program) of RusHydro Group for 2020– 2024 (Schedule 3). To recommend that the Company’s Board of Directors adopt the following resolution: To approve: The target values of the annual KPIs of the members of (cid:0) PJSC RusHydro Management Board for 2020 (Schedule No. 4.1); The target value of the KPI "Reduction of Operating (cid:0) Expenses (Costs) for Procurement of Goods (Works, Services) per Produced Unit" for the members of the Company's Management Board for the year 2020 at the level of at least 2%; The target values of KPIs under PJSC RusHydro's Cycle 4 (cid:0) Long-Term Motivation Program for 2020–2022 (Schedule No. 4.2); Amendments to the target values of the KPIs of the (cid:0) second cycle Long-Term Motivation Program of PJSC RusHydro for 2018–2020 (Schedule No. 4.3); Changes to the target values of KPIs under PJSC (cid:0) RusHydro's Cycle 3 LongTerm Motivation Program for 2019–2021 191 Date and No. of Minutes Issue Discussed Decisions Taken On recommendations for the Company’s Board of Directors on the following item: On approval of a report concerning the results of activity of the Investment Committee of the Board of Directors of the Company. (Schedule No. 4.4). To recommend that the Company’s Board of Directors adopt the following resolution: To approve the report of the Chairman of the Investment Committee of the Board of Directors of PJSC RusHydro for H2 2019 (Schedule 5). FAR EAST ENERGY DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE UNDER THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Date and No. of Minutes Minutes of (cid:21)(cid:19)(cid:17)(cid:19)(cid:21)(cid:17)(cid:21)(cid:19)(cid:20)(cid:28)(cid:3)(cid:569)(cid:3) 17 Issue Discussed Decisions Taken On recommendations for the Board of Directors of RusHydro concerning the following item: On the approval of the report concerning the results of the activity of the Far East Power Industry Development Committee under the Board of Directors of the Company for the first half of the 2018–2019 corporate year. On recommendations for the Board of Directors of RusHydro concerning the following item: On determining the position of the Company (the delegates of the Company) regarding the agenda item of the meeting of the Board of Directors of JSC RAO ES of East: On the alienation of the shares of an organization in which the Company participates. On recommendations for the Board of Directors of RusHydro concerning the following item: On determining the position of the Company (the Company's delegates) on the agenda item of the General Meeting of Shareholders of JSC Dyakov Ust- Srednekanskaya HPP: On the approval of a major transaction related to the lease-out of movable property and real estate of Ust-Srednekanskaya HPP forming part of an engineering and To recommend that the Company's Board of Directors adopt the following resolution: To approve the report concerning the results of the activity of the Far East Power Industry Development Committee under the Board of Directors of the Company for the first half of the 2018–2019 corporate year (Schedule No. 1 to the Minutes). Confidential. To reschedule the consideration of the item for a later date. 192 Date and No. of Minutes Minutes of (cid:21)(cid:26)(cid:17)(cid:19)(cid:22)(cid:17)(cid:21)(cid:19)(cid:20)(cid:28)(cid:3)(cid:569)(cid:3) 18 Minutes of (cid:20)(cid:28)(cid:17)(cid:19)(cid:23)(cid:17)(cid:21)(cid:19)(cid:20)(cid:28)(cid:3)(cid:569)(cid:3) 19 Issue Discussed Decisions Taken manufacturing complex used for the generation and transmission of electricity. On approving the Program of Works of the Far East Power Industry Development Committee under the Board of Directors of RusHydro for H1 2019. On recommendations for the Board of Directors of RusHydro concerning the following matter: The progress status of the priority projects for the construction of three facilities in the Far East (Yakutskaya GRES-2 (Phase 1), CHPP in Sovetskaya Gavan, Sakhalinskaya GRES-2 (Phase 1)) as of December 31, 2018. On recommendations for the Board of Directors of RusHydro concerning the following matter: On determining the position of RusHydro (RusHydro's delegates) in the management bodies of its subsidiaries: On determining the position of the Company (the Company's delegates) on the agenda item of the meeting of the Board of Directors of JSC RAO ES East: "On the execution by JSC RAO ES East of a transaction (including several related transactions) to alienate the Company's assets consisting of fixed assets, intangible assets, and construction facilities in progress 2 used for the generation, transmission, dispatching and distribution of electrical energy and heat." On recommendations for the Board of Directors of RusHydro concerning the following matter: On determining the position of the Company (the Company's delegates) on the agenda item of the General Meeting of Shareholders of JSC Nizhne-Bureyskaya HPP: "On approval of a major transaction for leasing the property of Nizhne-Bureyskaya HPP." Confidential. To approve the Program of Works of the Far East Power Industry Development Committee under the Board of Directors of RusHydro for H1 2019 (Appendix No. 1 to the Minutes). To recommend that the Company's Board of Directors adopt the following resolution: To take note of the information on the progress of the priority construction projects in the Far East (CHPP in Sovetskaya Gavan, Sakhalin GRES-2 (Phase 1)) as of December 31, 2018 (Appendix No. 2 to the Minutes). Confidential. Confidential. 193 Date and No. of Minutes Minutes of (cid:21)(cid:19)(cid:17)(cid:19)(cid:25)(cid:17)(cid:21)(cid:19)(cid:20)(cid:28)(cid:3)(cid:569)(cid:3) 20 Minutes of (cid:21)(cid:22)(cid:17)(cid:19)(cid:28)(cid:17)(cid:21)(cid:19)(cid:20)(cid:28)(cid:3)(cid:569)(cid:3) 21 Issue Discussed Decisions Taken On recommendations for the Board of Directors of RusHydro concerning the following matter: Progress of the construction of the Ust-Srednekanskaya HPP. On recommendations for the Board of Directors of RusHydro concerning the following matter: On the progress of priority projects for the construction of two facilities in the Far East (CHPP in Sovetskaya Gavan, Sakhalin GRES-2 (stage 1)) as of March 31, 2019. On recommendations for the Board of Directors of RusHydro concerning the following matter: On the approval of the report on the results of the activity of the Far East Energy Development Committee of the Board of Directors of RusHydro for the 2018– 2019 corporate year. On electing the Deputy Chairperson of the Far East Energy Development Committee under the Board of Directors of RusHydro. On electing the Secretary of the Far East Energy Development Committee under the Board of Directors of RusHydro. On approving the Program of Works of the Far East Energy Development Committee under the Board of Directors of RusHydro for H2 2019. On recommendations for the Board of Directors of RusHydro concerning the item: On the participation of the Company in other organizations: On the participation of the Company in Sakhalin GRES-2 To recommend that the Company's Board of Directors adopt the following resolution: To take into consideration information on the progress of the construction of the Ust-Srednekanskaya HPP (Appendix No. 1 to the Minutes). To recommend that the Company's Board of Directors adopt the following resolution: To take note of information on the progress of the priority projects of construction of two facilities in the Far East (CHPP in Sovetskaya Gavan, Sakhalin GRES-2 (stage 1)) as of March 31, 2019 (Appendix No. 2 to the Minutes). To recommend that the Company's Board of Directors adopt the following resolution: To approve the report concerning the results of the activity of the Far East Energy Development Committee of the Board of Directors for the 2018–2019 corporate year (Appendix 3 to the Minutes). To elect Igor Anatolyevich Zadvornov Deputy Chairperson of the Far East Energy Development Committee under the Board of Directors of RusHydro. To elect Natalia Gennadievna Kovaleva as Secretary of the Far East Energy Development Committee under the Board of Directors of RusHydro. To approve the Program of Works of the Far East Energy Development Committee under the Board of Directors of RusHydro for H2 2019 (Schedule No. 1 to the Minutes) To recommend that the Company’s Board of Directors adopt the following resolution: 1. To approve the participation of the Company in the authorized capital of JSC Sakhalin GRES-2 by concluding an agreement(s) for 194 Date and No. of Minutes Issue Discussed JSC. On the participation of the Company in TPP in Sovetskaya Gavan JSC. On the participation of the Company in Yakutsk GRES-2 JSC. Decisions Taken the sale of shares (hereinafter referred to as the Transaction) on the following material conditions: Parties to the Transaction: Issuer: Sakhalin GRES-2 JSC. Acquirer: RusHydro. Subject of the Transaction: The Issuer shall transfer to the Acquirer no more than sixteen billion three hundred forty-five million (16,345,000,000) ordinary shares to be placed through private subscription (the Shares). The Acquirer undertakes to accept and pay for the Shares. Price of the Transaction: one ruble (RUB 1) per one (1) share for a total amount of no more than sixteen billion three hundred forty-five million rubles (RUB 16,345,000,000). Other terms and conditions of the Transaction: The form of payment for the Shares is cash, with the possibility of payment by offsetting monetary claims against the Issuer. 2. To determine that based on the results of the issue the Company's participation share in the authorized capital of Sakhalin GRES-2 JSC will not change and will remain 100%, while the debt of Sakhalin GRES-2 JSC owed to the Company in the amount of no less than nine billion two hundred sixteen million six hundred five thousand three hundred twelve rubles (RUB 9,216,605,312) shall be repaid following the acquisition of the additional shares. 3. To determine that the price of acquisition by the Company of additional ordinary shares of Sakhalin GRES-2 JSC corresponds to the nominal value and amounts to one ruble (RUB 1) per one (1) additional ordinary share for the total maximum amount of sixteen billion three hundred forty-five million rubles (RUB 16,345,000,000). 195 Date and No. of Minutes Issue Discussed Decisions Taken 4. To consider this decision to be approval of the transaction in accordance with letter c) of Subclause 24 of Clause 12.1 of the Articles of Association of the Company. To recommend that the Company’s Board of Directors adopt the following resolution: 4.2. To approve the participation of the Company in the authorized capital of TPP in Sovetskaya JSC Gavan by concluding an agreement(s) for the sale of shares (hereinafter referred to as the Transaction) on the following material conditions: Parties to the Transaction: Issuer: TPP in Sovetskaya Gavan JSC. Acquirer: RusHydro. Subject of the Transaction: The Issuer shall transfer to the Acquirer no more than eighteen billion four hundred fifty-six million (18,456,000,000) ordinary shares placed through private subscription (the Shares). The Acquirer undertakes to accept and pay for the Shares. Price of the Transaction: one ruble (RUB 1) per one (1) share for a total amount of no more than eighteen billion four hundred fifty-six million rubles (RUB 18,456,000,000). Other terms and conditions of the Transaction: The form of payment for the Shares is cash, with the possibility of payment by offsetting monetary claims against the Issuer. 2. To determine that based on the results of the issue the Company's participation share in the authorized capital of TPP in Sovetskaya Gavan JSC will not change and will remain 100%, while the debt of TPP in Sovetskaya Gavan JSC to the Company in the amount of no less than two billion six hundred forty-four million nin hundred fortyseven thousand six hundred seventy-four 196 Date and No. of Minutes Issue Discussed Decisions Taken rubles (RUB 2,644,947,674) shall be repaid following the acquisition of the additional shares. 3. To determine that the price of acquisition by the Company of the additional ordinary shares of TPP in Sovetskaya Gavan JSC shall correspond to the nominal value and shall amount to one ruble (RUB 1) per one (1) additional ordinary share for the total maximum amount of eighteen billion four hundred fifty-six million rubles (RUB 18,456,000,000). 4. To consider this decision to be approval of the transaction in accordance with letter c) of Subclause 24 of Clause 12.1 of the Articles of Association of the Company. 4.3. To approve the participation of the Company in the authorized capital of Yakutsk GRES-2 JSC by concluding an agreement(s) for the sale of shares (hereinafter referred to as the Transaction) on the following material conditions: Parties to the Transaction: Issuer: Yakutsk GRES-2 JSC. Acquirer: RusHydro. Subject of the Transaction: The Issuer shall transfer to the Acquirer no more than five billion nine hundred twelve million (5,912,000,000) ordinary shares placed through private subscription (the Shares). The Acquirer undertakes to accept and pay for the Shares. Price of the Transaction: one ruble (RUB 1) per one (1) share for a total amount of not more than five billion nine hundred twelve million rubles (RUB 5,912,000,000). Other terms and conditions of the Transaction: The form of payment for the Shares is cash, with the possibility of payment by offsetting monetary claims against the Issuer. 197 Date and No. of Minutes Issue Discussed Decisions Taken On recommendations for the Board of Directors of RusHydro concerning the item: On the consideration of matters of significance to the Company: On the status of the implementation of priority projects for the construction of 2 facilities in the Far East (TPP in Sovetskaya Gavan, Sakhalin GRES-2 (stage 1)) as of June 30, 2019. On recommendations for the Board of Directors of RusHydro concerning the following item: On setting up branches of RusHydro. Minutes of (cid:19)(cid:22)(cid:17)(cid:20)(cid:21)(cid:17)(cid:21)(cid:19)(cid:20)(cid:28)(cid:3)(cid:569)(cid:3) 22 2. To determine that, based on the results of the issue, the Company's participation share in the authorized capital of Yakutsk GRES-2 JSC will not change and will remain 100%, while the debt of Yakutsk GRES-2 JSC owed to the Company in the amount of no less than five billion nine hundred eleven million seven hundred fiftyseven thousand nine hundred ninety rubles (RUB 5,911,757,990) shall be repaid to the Company after the acquisition of the additional shares. 3. To determine that the price of acquisition by the Company of additional ordinary shares of Yakutsk GRES-2 JSC corresponds to the nominal value and amounts to one ruble (RUB 1) per one (1) additional ordinary share for the total maximum amount of five billion nine hundred twelve million rubles (RUB 5,912,000,000). 4. To consider this decision to be approval of the transaction in accordance with letter c) of Subclause 24 of Clause 12.1 of the Articles of Association of the Company. To recommend that the Company’s Board of Directors adopt the following resolution: To take note of information on the progress of priority projects for the construction of two facilities in the Far East (TPP in Sovetskaya Gavan, Sakhalinskaya GRES-2 (stage 1)) as of June 30, 2019 (Schedule 2 hereto). To recommend that the Company’s Board of Directors adopt the following resolution: 1. To take information on the status of projects for the construction, retrofitting and upgrading of generating facilities (thermal plants) in the non-price zone of the wholesale electricity and capacity market in accordance with Order of 2 the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1544-r dated July 15, 2019 (hereinafter, "Projects") under advisement. 198 Date and No. of Minutes Issue Discussed Decisions Taken Minutes of (cid:21)(cid:23)(cid:17)(cid:20)(cid:21)(cid:17)(cid:21)(cid:19)(cid:20)(cid:28)(cid:3)(cid:569)(cid:3) 23 On recommendations for the Board of Directors of RusHydro concerning the following item: On the status of the implementation of priority projects for the construction of two facilities in the Far East (CHPP in Sovetskaya Gavan, Sakhalin SDPP-2 (stage 1). 2. To set up, for the purposes of implementing the Projects: The Yakutskiy Branch of RusHydro located in Yakutsk; The Khabarovskiy Branch of RusHydro located in Khabarovsk; The Primorskiy Branch of RusHydro located in Vladivostok. To recommend that the Company’s Board of Directors adopt the following resolution: To take note of information on the progress of priority projects for the construction of two facilities in the Far East (CHPP in Sovetskaya Gavan, Sakhalinskaya SDPP-2 (stage 1)) as of September 30, 2019 (Schedule 1 hereto). COMMITTEE ON RELIABILITY, ENERGY EFFICIENCY AND INNOVATIONS UNDER THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Date and No. of Minutes Minutes of (cid:20)(cid:27)(cid:17)(cid:19)(cid:21)(cid:17)(cid:21)(cid:19)(cid:20)(cid:28)(cid:3)(cid:569)(cid:3) 57 Minutes of (cid:20)(cid:27)(cid:17)(cid:19)(cid:23)(cid:17)(cid:21)(cid:19)(cid:20)(cid:28)(cid:3)(cid:569)(cid:3) 58 Issue Discussed On recommendations for the Company’s Board of Directors on the item "On determining the position of RusHydro (RusHydro's representatives) in the management bodies of its subsidiaries." On recommendations for the Company’s Board of Directors concerning "On approval of transactions related to the alienation of the Company's property consisting of fixed assets, intangible assets and construction in progress which are used for the purpose of the generation, transfer, dispatching, and distribution of electrical power and heat (conclusion of an agreement on the purchase of the immovable and movable property of Khorobrovskaya HPP)." Decisions Taken Confidential. To recommend that the Company’s Board of Directors adopt the following resolution: "To approve the conclusion of an agreement on the purchase of the immovable and movable property of Khorobrovskaya HPP (hereinafter, the Agreement) on the following material terms and conditions: Parties to the Agreement: The Seller is RusHydro; The Buyer is the winner of the Auction. Subject of the Agreement: The Seller shall transfer ownership of and the Buyer shall pay for 199 Date and No. of Minutes Issue Discussed Decisions Taken and accept the immovable and movable property of Khorobrovskaya HPP (hereinafter, the Property) in accordance with the Agreement. The list of the Property is provided in Schedules 1 and 2 hereto. Property sale method: Selling via open auction on an electronic trading platform (hereinafter, the Auction). Auction starting price: four million five hundred eighty-seven thousand one hundred ninety-nine (4,587,199) rubles 20 kopecks, including VAT, in accordance with the valuation report of the independent valuer on the market value of the Property. Price of Agreement: To be determined based on the Auction results. Payment procedure (period) for the Property: The Buyer shall be provided with an interest-free installment plan to pay for the Property in equal annual instalments for 5 years." To recommend that the Company’s Board of Directors adopt the following resolution: "1. To approve the conclusion of the Agreement on gratuitous transfer of the property of Bekanskaya HPP (donation), which is to be used for generating electrical power (hereinafter, the Agreement), on the following material terms and conditions: Parties to the Agreement: The Donor is RusHydro; The Donee is the municipal entity Ardonsky District of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania, as represented by the Administration of the local government of the municipal entity Ardonsky District of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania. Subject of the Agreement: 200 On recommendations for the Company’s Board of Directors concerning "On approval of transactions related to the alienation of the Company's property consisting of fixed assets, intangible assets and construction in progress which are used for the purpose of the generation, transfer, dispatching, and distribution of electrical power and heat (conclusion of an agreement for the gratuitous transfer of the assets of Bekanskaya HPP (donation))." Date and No. of Minutes Issue Discussed Decisions Taken Minutes of (cid:20)(cid:25)(cid:17)(cid:19)(cid:24)(cid:17)(cid:21)(cid:19)(cid:20)(cid:28)(cid:3)(cid:569)(cid:3) 59 Minutes of (cid:20)(cid:28)(cid:17)(cid:19)(cid:25)(cid:17)(cid:21)(cid:19)(cid:20)(cid:28)(cid:3)(cid:569)(cid:3) 60 On recommendations for the Company’s Board of Directors concerning "On matters of significance for the Company: On approval of the report on the implementation of the RusHydro Group Innovative Development Program for 2016–2020 with an outlook for 2025 in 2018." On the approval of the report on the results of the activity of the Reliability, Energy Efficiency, and Innovations Committee of the Board of Directors of Rushydro for the 2018–2019 corporate year. Minutes of (cid:21)(cid:22)(cid:17)(cid:19)(cid:27)(cid:17)(cid:21)(cid:19)(cid:20)(cid:28)(cid:3)(cid:569)(cid:3) 61 Electing the Deputy Chairperson of the Reliability, Energy Efficiency and Innovations Committee of the Company's Board of Directors. Electing the Secretary of the Reliability, Energy Efficiency and Innovations Committee of the Company's Board of Directors. The Donor shall transfer gratuitously and the Donee shall accept in ownership the immovable and movable property of Bekanskaya HPP as per Schedule 3 and Schedule 4 hereto (hereinafter, the Property). Price (book [residual] value) of the Property: twenty-eight million five hundred ten thousand seven hundred forty-nine (28,510,749) rubles 32 kopecks. 2. resolution is also a decision to execute a transaction in accordance with subclause 26 of Clause 12.1 of the Company's Charter." To establish that the decision specified in Clause 1 of this To recommend that the Company’s Board of Directors adopt the following resolution: "To approve the report on the implementation of the RusHydro Group Innovative Development Program for 2016–2020 with an outlook for 2025 in 2018 (Schedule 1 hereto)." To approve the report on the results of the activity of the Reliability, Energy Efficiency and Innovations Committee of the Board of Directors of RusHydro for the 2018–2019 corporate year (Appendix to the Minutes). To elect Boris Borisovich Bogush, Member of the Management Board, First Deputy General Director and Chief Engineer of RusHydro, as Deputy Chairman of the Reliability, Energy Efficiency, and Innovations Committee under the Company's Board of Directors. To elect Timur Rasimovich Khaziakhmetov, Director of the Department for Development and Standardization of Production Processes at RusHydro, as the Secretary of the Reliability, Energy Efficiency, and Innovations Committee under the Company's Board of Directors. 201 Date and No. of Minutes Issue Discussed Decisions Taken On recommendations for the Company’s Board of Directors on the item: "On the consideration of matters of significance to the Company: On updating the Innovation Development Program of RusHydro Group." Minutes of (cid:20)(cid:25)(cid:17)(cid:20)(cid:19)(cid:17)(cid:21)(cid:19)(cid:20)(cid:28)(cid:3)(cid:569)(cid:3) 62 On recommendations for the Company’s Board of Directors concerning the following item: "On the consideration of a matter of significance to the Company: On the accomplishment of the action plan for works at Zagorskaya PSHP-2". To recommend that the Company’s Board of Directors adopt the following resolution: "1. To take into account the report on comparison of the level of technological development and the values of key performance indicators of the RusHydro Group's innovation activity with the level of development and indicators of the leading peer companies (hereinafter referred to as the Report, the Comparison), revised with due regard to the conclusions on the report submitted by the Ministry for Economic Development of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation (Schedule -1). 2. To approve the proposals for improving the quality of preparation and implementation of the RusHydro Group Innovation Development Program (Schedule 2) prepared based on the results of the Comparison, when updated. 3. To entrust the Chairman of the Management Board and General Director of the Company, N. G. Shulginov, with ensuring the development of an updated Innovation Development Program of RusHydro Group for 2020 to 2024 in accordance with the proposals pursuant to Schedule 2 to the Minutes and forwarding it for approval to the relevant federal executive bodies (Russian Ministry for Economic Development, Russian Ministry of Energy, Russian Ministry of Education and Science, and Russian Ministry for Development of Russian Far East) by December 31, 2019." To recommend the Company’s Board of Directors to adopt the following resolution: "To take into consideration the interim report on the accomplishment of the follow-up action plan for works at Zagorskaya PSHP-2 (Appendix to this resolution)". 202 APPENDIX NO.6 INFORMATION ON THE SALE OF NON-CORE ASSETS OF PJSC RUSHYDRO FOR 2019 In order to fulfill the directives of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Company's Board of Directors (Minutes No. 263 dated December 28, 2017) approved the revised Program for the Divestment of Non-Core Assets of PJSC RusHydro, updated in line with by the Methodological Recommendations of the Government of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - the Program). The Program defines of the Company’s general principles and procedures for disposing its non- core assets. The goal of the Program is to formulate a methodology for managing non-core assets of the Company. The main directions of the Program: formation and maintenance of the Non-Core Assets Register and the Action Plan for the Disposal of Non-Core Assets; ways and procedures for the disposal of non-core assets; information support for the disposal of non-core assets; reporting on the disposal of non-core assets. The updated and revised Non-Core Assets Register of PJSC RusHydro and the Action Plan for the Disposal of Non-Core Assets of PJSC RusHydro for 2018 (Q4) - 2019 were approved by the Board of Directors (Minutes No. 281 dated December 27, 2018). The Non-Core Assets Register contains the basic information about non-core assets, their book value, type of the proposed action with respect to non-core assets and other necessary information. The Action Plan for the Disposal of Non-(cid:505)ore Assets includes non-core assets planned to be sold in 2019, detailing the timing of the sale of non-core assets and their market value, as determined by an appraisal organization. In 2019, the Company planned to sell 18 non-core assets. In fact, 18 non-core assets were sold. Earnings from the sale of non-core assets amounted to RUB 0.5 bn. The Board of Directors (Minutes No. 303 of February 12, 2020) approved the progress report on the disposal of non-core assets for 2019. Information on the sale of non-core assets is quarterly reported to the Company’s Board of Directors, Ministry of Energy of Russia, Federal Agency for State Property Management and is posted on the Interdepartmental Portal of the Federal Agency for State Property Management. 203 List of the Sale of Non-Core Assets of PJSC RusHydro in 2019 N o. Asset Description Asset Inventory No. (if applicable) Balance Sheet Item Containing an Asset as of the Reporting Date prior to the Asset Sale Items (Analytics Included) Containing Gains and Expenses from the Disposal of an Asset (91.1(cid:541)(cid:541)(cid:541)/91.2(cid:541)(cid:541) (cid:541)) 9101040101/ 9102040101 LLC VolgaHydro (participation share 40%) - 1171.1 460,871 450,000 - 10,871 Book Value of the Assets, thou. RUB Actual Sale Value, thou.RUB, excluding VAT Deviation of Actual Sale Value from the Book Value, thou.RUB Reason for Deviation of Actual Sale Value from the Book Value 1 2 3 4 5 HydroOGK Power Company Limited (100%) JSC Boguchanskaya HPP Construction Organizer (51%) CJSC Boguchanskaya HPP Construction Customer (49%) Central construction yard (23 objects) - - - KB00002002, KB00002001, KB00001002, KB00004405, 1171.1 1171.1 1171.1 1151 9101100100, 9101999901/ 9102040101 9101040101/ 9102040101 9101040101/ 9102040101 9101010101/ 9102010201 0 5 5 39,930* 1,324* 108* 18,481 5,085 -13,396 Direct selling in favor of the VHG Auslandsbeteilig ungen GmbH (minutes of the Board of Directors of the Company No. 277 dated October 04, 2018) The company is dissolved The company is dissolved The company is dissolved Sale by the bidding results 204 N o. Asset Description Asset Inventory No. (if applicable) Balance Sheet Item Containing an Asset as of the Reporting Date prior to the Asset Sale Items (Analytics Included) Containing Gains and Expenses from the Disposal of an Asset (91.1(cid:541)(cid:541)(cid:541)/91.2(cid:541)(cid:541) (cid:541)) Book Value of the Assets, thou. RUB Actual Sale Value, thou.RUB, excluding VAT Deviation of Actual Sale Value from the Book Value, thou.RUB Reason for Deviation of Actual Sale Value from the Book Value KB00004406, KB00004409, KB00001004, KB00004404, KB00004414, KB00004403, KB00001003, KB00004408, KB00004407, KB00001001, KB00002010, KB00002004, KB00002005, KB00002006, KB00002023, KB00002009, KB00002003, KB00002008, KB00002007 (cid:509)(cid:19)(cid:19)(cid:19)(cid:25)(cid:21) 1151.1 (cid:498)(cid:57)(cid:19)(cid:19)(cid:19)(cid:19)(cid:19)(cid:21)(cid:20)(cid:27)(cid:20) 1151.1 ZE0003119 1151.1 ZE0003202 1151.1 6 7 8 9 Residential house with outbuildings Amenity building of the directorate Building of STiM heated parking lot Building of Hydrotechnical Workshop 9101010101/ 9102010101 9101010101/ 9102010101 9101010101/ - 9101010101/ 9102010101 213 257 0 23 410 330 1,265 158 +197 +73 +1,265 +135 Sale by the bidding results Sale by the bidding results Sale by the bidding results Sale by the bidding results 205 N o. Asset Description Asset Inventory No. (if applicable) Balance Sheet Item Containing an Asset as of the Reporting Date prior to the Asset Sale Warehouse No. 5 10 Building of ZG111173 1151.1 concrete household: building of construction laboratory 11 Construction of concrete household: gallery ZG121129 - 12 Administrative and amenity building 2960/1 1151.1 13 4 MW electric boiler house No. 4 2960 1151.1 14 Check drop No. 1 with the weir KK0000178 1151.3 15 Bridge 1080103000000 2550000 1151.3 Items (Analytics Included) Containing Gains and Expenses from the Disposal of an Asset (91.1(cid:541)(cid:541)(cid:541)/91.2(cid:541)(cid:541) (cid:541)) 9101010101/ 9102010101, 9103010101 9101010101/ 9103010101 -/ 9102051100 -/ 9102051100 -/ 9102051100 -/ 9102051100 Book Value of the Assets, thou. RUB Actual Sale Value, thou.RUB, excluding VAT Deviation of Actual Sale Value from the Book Value, thou.RUB Reason for Deviation of Actual Sale Value from the Book Value 408 418 +10 0 1,415 1,415 440 831 3,412 98,112 0 0 0 0 -440 -831 -3,412 -98,112 Direct sale of JSC Zagorskaya PSHPP-2 (100% BEFORE the Company) Direct sale of JSC Zagorskaya PSHPP-2 (100% BEFORE the Company) Gratuitous transfer to the federal ownership Gratuitous transfer to the federal ownership Gratuitous transfer to the federal ownership Gratuitous transfer to the municipal ownership 206 N o. Asset Description Asset Inventory No. (if applicable) Balance Sheet Item Containing an Asset as of the Reporting Date prior to the Asset Sale 16 Walkway and NZh0000113 1151.3 bicycle path 17 Motor-vehicle refuelling container block with columns (5 object) Security building 18 54026, 54027, 54028, 85145, 85146 1151.4 232 1151.1 Items (Analytics Included) Containing Gains and Expenses from the Disposal of an Asset (91.1(cid:541)(cid:541)(cid:541)/91.2(cid:541)(cid:541) (cid:541)) -/ 9102051100 9101990201 / 9102010700 -/ - Book Value of the Assets, thou. RUB Actual Sale Value, thou.RUB, excluding VAT Deviation of Actual Sale Value from the Book Value, thou.RUB Reason for Deviation of Actual Sale Value from the Book Value 2,182 0 -2,182 7 0 17** +10 0 0 Gratuitous transfer to the municipal ownership The company is dissolved The company is dissolved Total 585,247 500,460 207 APPENDIX NO.7 INFORMATION ON PENDING LEGAL PROCEEDINGS 1. Pursuant to the denunciation of the Agreement between the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic and the Government of the Russian Federation on the construction and operation of the Verkhne-Naryn cascade of HPPs and the refusal of the Kyrgyz Republic to return the funds spent by RusHydro on the construction of the Verkhne-Naryn cascade of HPPs, international arbitration proceedings were initiated to recover USD 37,191,306.61 as compensation for expenses transferred under loan agreements, interest on loan agreements in the amount of USD 1,628,692.54, the obligation to accept 50% of the joint venture shares, and recovery of cost of the said shares in the amount of 2,500,000 Kyrgyz soms. The case is governed by the Permanent Court of Arbitration at the Hague (Netherlands). 2. In connection with planned start of Verkhnebalkarskaya SHPP between LLC Verkhnebalkarskaya SHPP and IDGC of Northern Caucasus PJSC an agreement of technological connection is concluded, on conditions of which the parties sign the addendum to the agreement after confirmation of payment for the technical connection by the tariff body. By the Order of the Ministry of Energy, Tariffs and Housing Supervision of the Kabardino- Balkarian Republic payment is approved in the amount of RUB 1,640,706,284 (excluding VAT). In connection with essential overpricing of technological connection of LLC Verkhnebalkarskaya SHPP, an application is filed to court about acknowledgement of the order of the tariff body invalid (case No. (cid:488)20-4938/19). In addition, an application is filed to the Federal Anti-Monopoly Service of Russia about settlement of disagreements related to the establishment of payment, based on the results of which payment amount was adjusted and amounted to RUB 1,107,355,224.29 (excluding VAT). In addition, an appeal was filed to the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia for the settlement of disagreement over the fee, which resulted in an adjustment of the fee to RUB 1,107,355,224.29 (net of VAT). IDGC of Northern Caucasus PJSC filed a lawsuit against LLC Verkhnebalkarskaya SHPP to force conclusion of addendum to the agreement of technical connection with price setting approved by the order of the tariff body (case No. (cid:488)40-317919/19). In connection with additional issue of uncertified shares of PJSC Sakhalinenergo dated December 7, 2017 by minor shareholders of PJSC Sakhalinenergo D. Ginzburg and N. Volkov, claims are stated about invalidation of additional issue of securities by PJSC Sakhalinenergo, as well as property sales and purchase transaction between PJSC Sakhalinenergo and JSC RAO ES East (case No. (cid:488)(cid:24)(cid:28)-7785/19). 208 APPENDIX NO.8 INFORMATION CONCERNING THE STATE SUPPORT RECEIVED BY THE COMPANY IN THE REPORTING YEAR, INCLUDING INFORMATION ON THE SUBSIDIES GRANTED (IN RUBLES), AIM OF USE, INFORMATION ON THE USE OF FUNDS AS OF THE END OF THE REPORTING PERIOD Contribution of budget investments to the authorized capital of PJSC RusHydro from the federal budget with the aim of financing the investment project “Construction of Two Single-Circuit 110 kV Pevek-Bilibino Overhead Lines” (construction stage No. 1). In accordance with the decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 3, 2018 No. 188, order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 25, 2018 No. 983-r, article 9 of Federal Law dated November 29., 2018 No. 459-FZ, order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 2, 2019 No. 231 as well as by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 2, 2019 No. 354-r on allocation to the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation of funds of the reserve fund of the Government of the Russian Federation in the amount of RUB 3 bn to provide budget investments to PJSC RusHydro in the form of a contribution of the Russian Federation to the authorized capital, with the aim of financing the investment project “Construction of Two Single-Circuit 110 kV Pevek-Bilibino Overhead Lines” (construction stage No. 1) (hereinafter the “Capital Construction Object”), between the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, Federal Agency for State Property Management and the Company entered into an agreement No. 022-18-2019-001 dated March 29, 2019 (hereinafter - the Agreement) on provision of budget investments in the amount of RUB 13.0 bn. Budget investments are granted to the Company within the limits of budget obligations in 2019 RUB 7.0 bn, in 2020 RUB 6.0 bn. Funds in accordance with the Agreement are transferred by the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation on April 16, 2019 in the amount of RUB 4.0 bn, on April 26, 2019 in the amount of RUB 3.0 bn to the individual account of the Company No. 41736229170 in the Administration of the Federal Treasury of Moscow. In its turn the Company concluded an agreement No. 1010-265-5-2019 dated April 11, 2019 on granting a contribution into the authorized capital of JSC Chukotenergo and funds in the amount of RUB 7.0 bn are transferred to the individual account No. 41886(cid:514)53950 in the Administration of the Federal Treasury of the Chukotka Autonomous District to make capital investments into the Capital Construction Object by JSC Chukotenergo. As of December 31, 2019 budget investments in the amount of RUB 7.0 bn are on the individual account of JSC Chukotenergo in the Administration of the Federal Treasury of the Chukotka Autonomous District. Use of the unused contribution into the authorized capital in the amount of RUB 899.3 by PJSC RusHydro with the aim of implementation of the investment project “CHPP construction in Sovetskaya Gavan, Khabarovsk Territory. Correction 2017”. In order to use the contributions to the authorized capital of Open Joint Stock Company RusHydro in the amount of RUB 476.9 mn, implemented in accordance with part 6 of Article 25 of Federal Law No. 204-FZ dated November 24, 2008 to complete the construction of the 209 onshore spillway of the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP, as well as contribution to the authorized capital of Open Joint Stock Company RusHydro in the amount of RUB 422.4 mn, made in accordance with paragraph 2 of part 1 of Article 12 of Federal Law No. 204-FZ dated November 24, 2008 for the implementation of integrated investment project “Development of Design Documentation for the Investment Project “Comprehensive development of South Yakutia” (hereinafter - the balance of target funds), in order to use funds for implementation of the investment project “CHPP construction in Sovetskaya Gavan, Khabarovsk Territory. Correction 2017” (hereinafter - the Object), between the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, Federal Agency for State Property Management and PJSC RusHydro (hereinafter - the Company), addenda No. 1 dated September 24, 2019 the agreement No. 09/0412.3400200.082/08/392 dated December 14, 2009, No. 1 dated September 24, 2019 to the agreement No. 01-13/307 dated June 24, 2009 were concluded. to Between the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, the Federal Agency for State Property Management and the Company, an addendum was concluded No. 6 dated September 24, 2019 to the agreement on provision of budget investments No. 01-08/827 dated December 18, 2012, the Company allocated balance of target funds in the amount of RUB 899.3 mn, to finance the construction of the Object. Also, between the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, Public Joint-Stock Company Sberbank of Russia (hereinafter - PJSC Sberbank) and the Company, an addendum No. 3 dated November 25, 2019 to the agreement on provision of budget investments to finance the construction of energy facilities on the territory of the Far East No. S-718-AB/D07 dated December 14, 2012 (hereinafter - the Agreement) was concluded, on the implementation of actions related to the construction of the Object and ensuring the allocation of the balance of target funds to a separate bank account of the Company opened in PJSC Sberbank (hereinafter the SBA), for subsequent expenditure of the balance of target funds for the construction of the Object through the SBA system, which ensures transparency in the use of cash flow. Funds in accordance with the Agreement were transferred to the Administration of the Federal Treasury of Moscow by payment orders dated October 31, 2019 in the amount of RUB 422.4 mn, RUB 476.9 mn to the SBA of the Company. In its turn, the Company concluded an agreement No. 1010-272-148-2019 dated November 29, 2019 with JSC CHPP at Sovetskaya Gavan on provision in 2019 of a contribution to the authorized capital from the balance of target funds allocated by the Company in the amount of RUB 899.3 mn for the implementation of the Object sold in accordance with the Agreement. Funds are sent by the Company to the SBA of JSC CHPP at Sovetskaya Gavan on November 29, 2019 in the amount of RUB 899.3 mn. In 2019, JSC CHPP at Sovetskaya Gavan allocated the balance of target funds for construction of the Object in the amount of RUB 446.9 mn, as of December 31, 2019 the balance of target funds, placed on the SBA of JSC CHPP in Sovetskaya Gavan amount to RUB 452.4 mn. 210 APPENDIX NO.9 REPORT ON THE LONG-TERM DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM IMPLEMENTATION OF THE RUSHYDRO GROUP FOR THE YEAR OF 2019 1. GENERAL INFORMATION RusHydro's Long-Term Development Program for 2018–2022 (the LTDP) is prepared and updated in accordance with instructions of the Russian President (No. Pr-3086 dated December 27, 2013) and the Russian Government (Minutes No. 3 dated January 30, 2014, Directive No. 4955p-P13 of the Russian Government dated July 17, 2014). The LTDP was approved by resolution of the Company’s Board of Directors18. RusHydro Group's LTDP sets out the main principles and activities for the Company's rapid growth, seeking to ensure efficient use of water resources, sustainability of Russia’s Unified Energy System, as well as social and economic development of the Russian regions, including the Far East, by providing its existing and prospective consumers with access to energy infrastructure. Pursuant to the Russian Government’s Directive No. 4955p-P13 dated July 17, 2014, progress against the LTDP is audited on an annual basis in accordance with the LTDP Audit Standard19 and the Terms of Reference for auditing the progress against the LTDP20, developed in line with the recommendations of the Russian Government21. Calculation of the LTDP KPI for 2019 is presented in Section 12 of this report and complies with the Calculation and Evaluation Methodology for the KPIs of RusHydro Group’s LTDP approved as part of this LTDP and amended as follows to facilitate unbiased assessment of certain indicators: use of data on the number of utility connections, including connections covered by agency agreements with PJSC DEK, JSC DGK, PJSC Sakhalinenergo and PJSC Yakutskenergo, to calculate the Decrease in Operating Expenses (Costs) KPI; use of data on the growth of controllable expenses taken into account by the regulator in estimating the required gross revenue on a year-on-year basis (GRR)22 to calculate the Decrease in Operating Expenses (Costs) KPI for all Group companies where GRR for the reporting year exceeds CPI calculated as per this Methodology, particularly for PJSC DEK, PJSC Kamchatskenergo, JSC UESK, PJSC Mobile Energy, JSC Chukotenergo, JSC Geoterm and PJSC KamGEK; 18 Minutes of the Board of Directors No. 271 dated June 1, 2018 as amended by resolutions of the Board of Directors (Minutes No. 279 of October 26, 2018, No. 294 of August 29, 2019, and No. 297 of October 21, 2019). 19 Minutes of the Board of Directors No. 281 of December 27, 2018. 20 Minutes of the Board of Directors No. 279 of October 26, 2018. 21 Instruction of the Russian Government No. ISH-P13-2583 of April 15, 2014. 22 Pursuant to the Methodology, GRR is calculated for heat suppliers and wholesale market suppliers owning or otherwise in control of thermal power plants operating in the non-price zones of the wholesale electricity and capacity market in the Russian Far East (South Yakutian, Western and Central districts in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Primorye Territory, Khabarovsk Territory, Amur Region and Jewish Autonomous Region) whose tariffs are set through long-term indexation of required gross revenue. 211 inclusion of the line “Redemption of bank deposits and proceeds from sale of other investments” from the Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows in the calculation of free cash flow (FCF); use of data on the capacity commissioned as a result of rehabilitation and modernization at RusHydro’s facilities that do not require a commissioning permit issued by the regulator or an acceptance certificate for equipment following comprehensive testing by the working commission (as per the Methodology) to calculate the Adherence to the Capacity Commissioning Schedule, Funding and Spending Plan KPI (for the purpose of the 2019 KPI calculations, the Capacity Commissioning component was determined using the same calculation method as in 2018, which was duly accounted for in the resolution of the Company's Board of Directors adopted on April 3, 2020 (Minutes No. 306) to approve actual KPI performance values); inclusion of expenses to file Patent No. 1911112 for the “Device designed to automatically connect and switch power supply and load sources at hybrid power generating plants based on PV modules, storage batteries and a diesel generator” dated July 24, 2019 in the calculation of the Integrated Innovative KPI (its Increase in IP assets on the Balance Sheet in the Reporting Period component); as at December 12, 2019, these expenses were recognised as other current assets under the R&D contract signed to develop a commercial prototype of a combined modular portable power plant, but were not included in the balance sheet of JSC UESK as an IP asset. PERFORMANCE AGAINST PLANNED AND ESTIMATED TARGETS BASED ON 2. RUSHYDRO GROUP’S CONSOLIDATED BUSINESS PLAN RusHydro’s medium-term business plan is the central element in the Group’s economic planning. The Company’s Board of Directors approved the Regulations on the Business Planning Framework (Minutes No. 273 of June 27, 2018) to be used as guidelines to draft RusHydro Group’s consolidated business plan in accordance with the IFRS23. The LTDP for 2018–2022 builds on RusHydro Group’s Consolidated Business Plan approved by the Board of Directors on April 3, 2018 (Minutes No. 267 of April 4, 2018)24. The Company's Board of Directors approved adjustments for the targets included in RusHydro Group’s Consolidated Business Plan for 2019 (Minutes No. 295 of September 23, 2019) reflecting changes in the business plans of RAO ES East Subgroup companies, updates in the non-deliverable forward for RusHydro’s shares signed with VTB Bank, rescheduling of CHPP commissioning in Sovetskaya Gavan, and changes in the amount of funding allocated under the Consolidated Investment Program. Assessment of performance against the LTDP draws on the data contained in RusHydro Group’s Adjusted Consolidated Business Plan for 2019 and marked in the analytical tables of this report as ‘Target’. 23 Hereinafter the “International Financial Reporting Statements”. 24 RusHydro Group’s Consolidated Business Plan for 2018–2022 was prepared based on the business plan forms of PJSC RusHydro and its direct or indirect affiliates and subsidiaries, as well as transformational and consolidation adjustments used to ensure compliance with the IFRS. 212 The information on actual performance against the LTDP for 2019 is sourced from the IFRS audited consolidated financial statements of RusHydro Group as at and for the year ended December 31, 2019. The Report on progress against RusHydro Group’s Consolidated Business Plan for 2019 was approved by the Company’s Board of Directors on April 9, 2020 (Minutes No. 307 of April 10, 2020). Pursuant to RusHydro’s IFRS audited consolidated financial statements, the Company’s authorized capital as at December 31, 2019 was RUB 426,288.8 mn25. As part of an effort to refinance the debt of RAO ES East, RusHydro signed a supplement to the forward contract with VTB Bank providing for a reduction of the forward rate by 0.5% (down to the level of the Bank of Russia’s key rate + 1.0%) and contract extension for three more years to March 2025. The extension will enable the Company to find a strategic investor and take additional measures to increase the share price. Improvements of the forward contract terms will help the Company save RUB 275 mn per year, with total savings over the entire term of the financial instrument set to reach RUB 1.5 bn. The forward contract improvements brought the current effective forward rate to 5.41%, which is significantly below the interest rates under credit instruments available in the market. Income The analysis of RusHydro Group’s data for 2019 shows a 0.7% decrease in actual income against the target. Income structure in 2019, RUB mn Item 2019P 2019A Sales of electricity and capacity 288,75626 291,09627 Target/actual deviation Absolute 2,340 Relative 0.8% 25 The RUB 7 bn contributed by the Russian Federation to the authorized capital of PJSC RusHydro in April 2019 as part of the ongoing additional share issuance brought the total number of shares issued by PJSC RusHydro to 433,288.9 million, with the Russian Government’s share in the Company’s authorized capital amounting to 61.2%. The target number of shares issued by PJSC RusHydro, including additional issuance in 2020 (the Russian Federation is expected to contribute RUB 6 bn to the authorized capital of PJSC RusHydro), is 439,288.9 million, with the Russian Government’s share set to stand at 62.34%. Relevant amendments to the Charter are expected to be made (to reflect additional issuance in 2019– 2020) after the Bank of Russia registers RusHydro’s Additional Issuance Report for 2020. 26 In the Adjusted Consolidated Business Plan of RusHydro Group for 2019 (as approved by resolution of the Board of Directors (Minutes No. 295 of September 23, 2019)) the target for Sales of Electricity and Capacity is RUB 294,943 mn. For the purpose of data comparability in the report, targets were aligned with the IFRS 15 requirements. The costs of electricity purchased by the Group’s companies in the WECM for production processes and other in-house needs are offset as an indemnity due to be paid to the buyer in the amount of RUB 6,187 mn. The same amount is excluded from operating expenses in the line “Infrastructure payments related to the sales of electricity heat”. 27 Including actual results in the lines “Sales of electricity and capacity in the retail market” in the amount of RUB 144,924 mn, “Sales of electricity in the wholesale market” in the amount of RUB 97,995 mn, and “Sales of capacity in the wholesale market” in the amount of RUB 48,177 mn in accordance with Note 24 213 Item 2019P 2019A Heat and hot water sales Government grants Other revenue Other operating income Total 45,839 39,065 36,969 0 410,629 40,645 39,983 34,90128 1,174 407,799 Target/actual deviation Absolute -5,194 918 -2,068 1,174 -2,830 Relative -11.3% 2.3% -5.6% 100% -0.7% Revenue from sales of electricity and capacity accounts for the largest part of proceeds (71% of total income). The increase in revenue from RusHydro’s sales of electricity is associated with a rise in the actual output and net supply of electricity during the reporting period against RusHydro’s business plan and is attributable to the efficient planning of hydropower operational regimes amid higher-than-usual water levels in the reservoirs of the Volgo-Kama HPP cascade (H2 2019) and Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP (H2 2019) and in the Bureyskoye water reservoir (throughout 2019)29. The decrease in revenue from heat and hot water sales by RUB 5,194 mn (or 11.3%) is attributable to changes in the share of intra-Group revenue, a decline in net supply against the targets (as a result of specific climate conditions with unusually high temperatures observed throughout Russia at the end of 2019), unscheduled maintenance works in between the heating seasons, and consumption savings achieved through the installation of metering devices. RAO ES East Subgroup companies account for almost 100% of total revenue from heat and hot water sales. The increase in government grants by RUB 918 mn against the target is attributable to higher power consumption and changes in the relationship between PJSC Kamchatskenergo in its capacity of supplier of last resort and energy supply organizations operating within its footprint. The 5.6% decrease in earnings recognised as other revenue is attributable to rescheduling of utility connections to 2020 and termination of contracts, as well as changes in the share of intra-Group revenue against targets set for the companies of RAO ES East Subgroup. Earnings recognised as other operating income come from penalties in the amount of RUB 992 mn and changes in the value of financial assets measured through profit and loss in the amount of RUB 182 mn. Expenses to RusHydro Group’s IFRS consolidated financial statements as at and for the year ended December 31, 2019. 28 Including actual results in the lines “Rendering services for electricity transportation” in the amount of RUB 14,218 mn, “Rendering services for connections to the grid” in the amount of RUB 10,206 mn, and “Other revenue” in the amount of RUB 10,477 mn in accordance with Note 24 to RusHydro Group’s IFRS consolidated financial statements as at and for the year ended December 31, 2019. 29 For more details, see the Report on progress against RusHydro Group’s Consolidated Business Plan for 2019 approved by the Company’s Board of Directors on April 9, 2020 (Minutes No. 307 of April 10, 2020). 214 In 2019, actual expenses in RusHydro Group decreased by RUB 21,872 mn (or 6.1%) against the targets. The greatest decline in expenses is observed in the lines “Depreciation of property, plant and equipment and amortisation of intangible assets”, “Third party services”, and “Other expenses”. Structure of operating expenses in 2019, RUB mn Item 2019P 2019A Target/actual deviation Absolute Relative Fuel expenses Depreciation of PPE and amortization of intangible assets Employee benefit expenses (including payroll taxes and pension benefit expenses) Taxes other than on income Third party services Water usage expenses Other materials Infrastructure payments related to the sales of electricity and heat Purchased energy (capacity) Other expenses Total 71,487 71,433 -53 -0.1% 34,194 25,686 -8,508 -24.9% 80,395 14,794 39,976 4,297 10,257 46,77231 43,302 12,973 80,376 12,133 33,888 4,333 12,08530 44,05832 46,310 6,27333 -19 -2,661 -6,088 36 1,828 -2,714 3,009 0% -18.0% -15.2% 0.8% 17.8% -5.8% 6.9% -6,700 -51.6% 358,447 336,575 -21,872 -6.1% The decrease in the line “Depreciation of property, plant and equipment and amortisation of intangible assets” is attributable to the rescheduling of PPE commissioning and different approaches to depreciation planning in the subsidiaries’ business plans and financial statements as regards asset valuation methodologies. 30 Including actual results in the lines “Other materials” in the amount of RUB 11,260 mn and “Purchase of oil products for sale” in the amount of RUB 825 mn in accordance with Note 26 to RusHydro Group’s IFRS consolidated financial statements as at and for the year ended December 31, 2019. 31 In the Adjusted Consolidated Business Plan of RusHydro Group for 2019 (as approved by resolution of the Board of Directors (Minutes No. 295 of September 23, 2019)) the target for Infrastructure Payments Related to the Sales of Electricity and Heat is RUB 52,959 mn. For the purpose of data comparability in the report, targets were aligned with the IFRS 15 requirements. The costs of electricity purchased by the Group’s companies in the WECM for production processes and other in-house needs are offset as an indemnity due to be paid to the buyer in the amount of RUB 6,187 mn. The same amount is excluded from revenue in the line “Sales of electricity and capacity”. 32 Including actual results in the lines “Grid companies services on electricity distribution” in the amount of RUB 36,955 mn, “Support of electricity and capacity market operation” in the amount of RUB 4,020 mn, and “Purchase and transportation of heat power” in the amount of RUB 3,083 mn in accordance with Note 26 to RusHydro Group’s IFRS consolidated financial statements as at and for the year ended December 31, 2019. 33 Including actual results in the lines “Loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment, net” in the amount of RUB 1,582 mn, “Social charges” in the amount of RUB 1,164 mn, “Travel expenses” in the amount of RUB 1,023 mn, and “Other expenses” in the amount of RUB 2,504 mn in accordance with Note 26 to RusHydro Group’s IFRS consolidated financial statements as at and for the year ended on December 31, 2019. 215 The rescheduling of PPE commissioning drove down expenses in the lines “Taxes other than on income”, “Third party services” and “Other materials”. Lease and other third party services expenses accounted for most of the decline in the line “Third party services” as a result of cost-cutting and business process optimisation initiatives. The increase in the line “Other materials” was primarily driven by the growth of in-house work, higher share of external purchases and growth in fuel supplies to third party customers. Lower expenses in the line “Infrastructure payments related to the sales of electricity and heat” are attributable to changes in the average transmission tariff (decline in actual prices set by regional authorities based on tariffs), decrease in DEK’s transmission volumes and a significant shift from external to intra-Group expenses at JSC DGK and PJSC Yakutskenergo. At the same time, ESC RusHydro Subgroup companies saw their expenses rise as a result of higher electricity sales volumes. The target/actual deviation in the line “Purchased energy (capacity)” is primarily due to the unwinding of intra-Group operations (revenue of PJSC DEK and PJSC Yakutskenergo), which served as the basis for target calculations. The decrease in the line “Other expenses” is primarily attributable to the decrease in social charges and extraordinary expenses, losses on disposal of property, plant and equipment and other expenses against the set targets. “Other expenses” account for an insignificant part of actual operating expenses (around 2%). Expenses in the lines “Fuel expenses”, “Employee benefit expenses (including payroll taxes and pension benefit expenses)” and “Water usage expenses” were in line with the targets. RusHydro Group’s financial results Income Statement for 2019, RUB mn Items 2019P 2019A Revenue Government grants Other operating income Operating expenses Impairment of property, plant and 371,56434 39,065 0 -358,44717 -60,60035 366,642 39,983 1,174 -336,575 -53,53236 Target/actual deviation Absolute Relative -4,923 918 1,174 21,871 7,068 -1.3% 2.3% 100% -6.1% -11.7% 34 In the Consolidate Income Statement form of RusHydro Group’s Adjusted Consolidated Business Plan for 2019 approved by the Company’s Board of Directors (Minutes No. 295 of September 23, 2019), revenue is equal to RUB 377,751 mn. For the purpose of data comparability in the report, targets were aligned with the IFRS 15 requirements. The costs of electricity purchased by the Group’s companies in the WECM for production processes and other in-house needs are offset as an indemnity due to be paid to the buyer in the amount of RUB 6,187 mn. The same amount is excluded from the line “Operating expenses”. Prior to adjustments, the approved target for this item was RUB 364,634 mn 35 Targets include impairment testing results for assets commissioned in 2019, including (-) RUB 27,400 mn for Sakhalinskaya GRES-2 (including off-site infrastructure), (-) RUB 31,700 mn for Nizhne- Bureyskaya HPP, and (-) RUB 1,500 mn for other operations involving accrual of PPE impairment and reversal of previously accrued impairment. 216 Items 2019P 2019A equipment, net Impairment of financial assets, net Impairment of other assets Operating profit Finance income/(expenses), net Share of results of associates and joint ventures Profit before income tax Income tax expense Profit for the year -1,675 0 -10,093 -7,155 2,280 -14,967 -10,326 -25,293 -4,491 -2,045 11,156 -540 -2,757 7,859 -7,216 643 Target/actual deviation Absolute Relative -2,815 -2,045 21,248 6,615 -5,037 22,826 3,110 25,936 168.1% 100% -210.5% -92.5% -220.9% -152.5% -30.1% -102.5% Analysis of the Income Statement shows that RusHydro Group’s profit for 2019 exceeds target by RUB 25,936 mn. The positive shift in RusHydro Group’s financial results in 2019 is primarily due to the RUB 21,871 mn decrease in operating expenses and RUB 7,068 mn decline in impairment of property, plant and equipment. The actual operating profit is 0.7% below the adjusted target. As at December 31, 2019, long-term loans and borrowings amounted to RUB 162,528 mn, while short-term loans and borrowings and the current portion of long-term loans and borrowings stood at RUB 39,435 mn. By Resolution No. 287 dated April 22, 2019, the Company’s Board of Directors approved the Regulations on the Dividend Policy. In order to enhance the transparency and predictability of dividend payouts, the updated version of the Regulations sets out 50% of RusHydro Group’s IFRS net profit for the respective reporting period as the base rate for calculating dividends. Additionally, the minimum dividend payout (lower threshold) is set at the level of the average dividend paid for the previous three years. Based on the Russian Government’s Decree No. 774-r dated May 29, 2006 (as amended by Decree No. 944-r dated May 18, 2017) the Company distributed RUB 15,919 mn of its profit for 2018 as dividends, which is 50% of RusHydro Group’s financial result as determined by the IFRS consolidated financial statements as at and for the year ended December 31, 2018. 3. INITIATIVES ENVISAGED BY RUSHYDRO GROUP’S PROGRAMS 3.1. RusHydro Group’s Investment Program The approved LTDP provides for financing of RusHydro Group’s investment projects in 2018– 2022 in the total amount of RUB 396,344.51 mn37 (including RUB 228,384.06 mn in the Russian 36 The actual data includes impairment testing results, including for the following assets: (-) RUB 24,111 mn for Sakhalinskaya GRES-2 (including off-site infrastructure), (-) RUB 30,735 mn for Nizhne- Bureyskaya HPP, and RUB 1,314 mn for other operations involving accrual of PPE impairment and reversal of previously accrued impairment. 37 RusHydro Group’s Consolidated Investment Program for 2018–2022 was approved by resolution of the Company's Board of Directors on April 3, 2018 (Minutes No. 267 of April 4, 2018) as part of the Consolidated Business Plan for 2018–2022 and comprises investment projects of PJSC RusHydro and its subsidiaries included in RusHydro Group’s Consolidated Business Plan. 217 Far East), with RUB 94,269.12 mn allocated for 2019 (RUB 56,506.71 mn in the Russian Far East). In line with adjustments made to RusHydro Group’s Consolidated Investment Program for 2019 as regards rescheduling of certain investment projects and review of financing volumes (approved by the Company’s Board of Directors, see Minutes No. 295 of September 23, 2019) and improvements suggested by government authorities with respect to draft investment programs of RusHydro Group’s subsidiaries as part of the the approval procedure prescribed for electricity market participants by the Russian Government’s Resolution No. 977 of December 1, 2009, the target financing volume for RusHydro Group’s investment projects in 2019 stands at RUB 103,210.76 mn (including RUB 59,639.05 mn in the Russian Far East). In the reporting year, 89.8% of target financing was provided (equivalent of RUB 92,663.32 mn), including 87.6% of financing earmarked for the Far East (RUB 52,245.70 mn), which is fully in line with RusHydro Group’s Investment Program. Financing allocated for RusHydro Group’s TR&M program in 2019 amounted to RUB 37,760.51 mn38, or 89.8% of the initial target. Structure of RusHydro Group’s investments in 201939 Focus area RusHydro Group’s core companies TR&M Construction of new facilities Utility connection Other RusHydro Group’s non-core companies Total for Consolidated Investment Program Financing for 2019, RUB mn target Actual Financing 2019, RUB mn for Performance the against annual plan, % 100,142.19 90,514.60 90.4 % 41,082.74 40,924.49 11,689.47 6,445.48 37,431.34 38,908.73 8,478.40 5,696.13 3,068.56 2,148.72 91.1 % 95.1% 72.5 % 88.4 % 70.0 % 89.8 % 87.6 % including in the Russian Far East 59,639.05 103,210.76 92,663.32 52,245.70 In the reporting year, the key drivers of discrepancies between actual and target financing under the Consolidated Investment Program were as follows: updates on the work schedules for rehabilitation and modernization, with the reasons (cid:0) including more time required for contractors to complete their assignments and reductions in project costs following approval of design documentation (-RUB 4.28 bn); updates on the work schedules for utility connection contracts based on customer (cid:0) requests (-RUB 3.21 bn); 38 Including TR&M programs of RusHydro’s other subsidiaries where actual financing came in at RUB 329.17 mn vs the target of RUB 959.28 mn 39 In terms of financing. 218 revision of actual spending with savings achieved upon the completion of such (cid:0) investment projects as Construction of GTP-CHPP at the Central Steam and Water Boiler Site in Vladivostok, Construction of Hot-Water Peaking Boiler Plant at Yakutskaya GRES, and Construction of Power Distribution System at the CHPP in Sovetskaya Gavan (-RUB 1.0 bn); review of the contractor guarantee payment timing based on the actual acceptance (cid:0) certificate dates at Sakhalinskaya GRES-2 commissioned in Q4 2019, with RUB 0.9 bn worth of financing postponed until 2020. According to the 2019 schedule, RusHydro Group planned to commission 836,81 MW and 323.99 Gcal/h of new capacities. The actual figures for 2019 were 854.57 MW and 326.39 Gcal/h40, including 787.22 MW contributed by newly constructed facilities, in particular, 120 MW by Sakhalinskaya GRES-2 (stage 1), 320 MW by Nizhne-Bureyskaya HPP, 346 MW by Zaramagskaya HPP-1 and 1.22 MW by Sakhaenergo. 1.1. RusHydro’s Production Program The approved LTDP sets out amounts to be spent41 on production programs in 2018–202242 as follows: RUB 15,985.83 mn for the repairs program, including RUB 3,095.19 mn in 2019. RUB 6,180.87 mn for the maintenance program, including RUB 1,157.02 mn in 2019. RUB 3,352.52 mn for the R&D program, including RUB 673.16 mn in 2019. Adjusted amounts to be spent on production programs in 2018–2022 are as follow43: RUB 16,453.03 mn for the repairs program, including RUB 3,203.94 mn in 2019. RUB 6,327.22 mn for the maintenance program, including RUB 1,180.83 mn in 2019. RUB 3,538.12 mn for the R&D program, including RUB 706.05 mn in 2019. Progress against the programs in 2019 40 As at January 1, 2020. 41 The expenses were aligned with the Company's draft production program for 2018–2023 available at the time of the LTDP approval (with spending amounts calculated until 2022). The key metric was the amount to be spent (excluding VAT) rather than the financing volumes. The expenses were converted to account for indicative future prices in 2020–2022 using the base case industrial deflator index from PJSC RusHydro’s Uniform Scenario Conditions. 42 For more details on financing under the TR&M program, see the section on RusHydro Group’s Investment Program. 43 The repairs, maintenance and R&D programs for 2018–2023 were approved by resolution of the Company’s Management Board (Minutes No. 1099/1pr of April 26, 2018, No. 1105pr of June 1, 2018, No. 1108pr of June 8, 2018, No. 1109pr of June 14, 2018, No. 1113pr of June 22, 2018, No. 1115pr of June 29, 2018, No. 1119pr of July 17, 2018, and No. 1122pr of July 26, 2018). The Management Board also resolved to use the amount to be spent as the key metric rather than the financing volumes. The expenses were converted to account for indicative future prices in 2020–2022 using the base case (optimistic) index from PJSC RusHydro’s Uniform Scenario Conditions (see Order No. 12 of January 15, 2020). 219 Progress by programs44 Repairs program Maintenance program R&D program Spending target for RUB mn 2019, Actual spending for 2019, RUB mn Performance the against annual plan, % 3,203.94 1,180.83 3,215.27 100.4% 1,043.68 706.05 576.42 88.4% 81.6% The spending target under RusHydro’s repairs program for 2019 was exceeded by 100.4%: actual spending amounted to RUB 3,215.27 mn vs the initial target of RUB 3,203.94 mn. The spending target under RusHydro’s maintenance program for 2019 was met by 88.4 %: actual spending amounted to RUB 1,043.68 mn vs the initial target of RUB 1,180.83 mn. The decrease in works completed under the maintenance program comes as a result of the Russian Government’s instructions to cut operating expenses45 and revision of the downtime schedule. The spending target under RusHydro’s R&D program for 2019 was met by 81.6 %: actual spending amounted to RUB 576.42 mn vs the initial target of RUB 706.05 mn. The decrease in works completed under the R&D program comes as a result of the Russian Government’s instructions to cut operating expenses22 and savings achieved in procurement. 2019 highlights: Rehabilitation of generator No. 3 at Volzhskaya HPP was completed. Rehabilitation of hydropower units No. 7 at Votkinskaya HPP and No. 5 Votkinskaya HPP was completed, with turbines and generators replaced. Modernization of turbines No. 3 and No. 6 at Kamskaya HPP was completed, with the turbine top cover replaced. Upgrade of hydropower unit No. 3 at Rybinskaya HPP was completed, with a turbine and a generator replaced. Replacement of turbine No. 2 at Novosibirskaya HPP and turbines No. 1 and No. 9 at Saratovskaya HPP was completed. Replacement of the 2(cid:488)(cid:506) auto-type transformer (phase (cid:488), phase (cid:490), phase (cid:505)) at Votkinskaya HPP was completed. A new main control board was commissioned at Novosibirskaya HPP. At Cheboksarskaya HPP, the runner was replaced on-site for turbines No. 3 and No. 11, the stator and the iron piece of the rotor rim were replaced at generator No. 3, and the stator and tachometer generator were replaced at generator No. 11. On top of that, 44 For more details on progress against the TR&M program in terms of financing, see the section on RusHydro Group’s Investment Program. 45 Instructions of the Russian Government No. DM-P13-9024 of December 8, 2014 calling for the reduction of operating expenses (costs) by at least 2–3% per year. 220 obsolete oil circuit breakers of the plant’s 220 kV outdoor switchgear equipment were replaced with the latest gas-insulated ones. The generator excitation system was replaced at hydropower unit No. 1 of Zeyskaya HPP. A new modern switchgear was commissioned at Zagorskaya PSPP. The Production Program in 2019 brought about an incremental capacity increase of 62.5 MW, including 30.0 MW contributed by Votkinskaya HPP, 12.0 MW by Saratovskaya HPP, 10.5 MW by Zhigulevskaya HPP, and 10.0 MW by Novosibirskaya HPP. 1.2. Production Program of RAO ES East The LTDP sets the amount to be spent under the Repairs Production Program of RAO ES East in 2018–2022 at RUB 69,854.11 mn46, including RUB 12,674.58 mn to be spent in 2019. In 2019, spending targets under the Repairs Production Program of RAO ES East were adjusted based on the actual performance in 2018, with new spending targets for 2018–2022 approved at RUB 84,205.72 mn, including RUB 16,194.84 mn earmarked for 201947. Progress against the Program in 2019 Progress by focus areas48 Spending for 2019, RUB mn target Actual for 2019, RUB mn spending Achievement, % Repairs Program 16 194,84 15 440,55 95,3% The spending target under the repairs program of RAO ES East for 2019 was met by 95.3 %: actual spending amounted to RUB 15,440.55 mn vs the initial target of RUB 16,194.84 mn. The target/actual discrepancy under the program is due to the trading and purchasing savings achieved. Highlights of RAO ES East’s Production Program in 2019: TR&M: 46 Duly reviewed and approved by the governance bodies of RusHydro’s subsidiaries. The key metric assumed for calculation purposes is the amount to be spent (excluding VAT) rather than the financing volumes. 47 Adjustments to the repairs production programs included in the subsidiaries’ business plans for 2019 were duly reviewed and approved by the governance bodies of RusHydro’s subsidiaries. See resolutions of the Board of Directors (Minutes): No. 10 of September 18, 2019 for JSC DRSK, No. 6 of September 23, 2019 for PJSC Kamchatskenergo, No. 13 of September 23, 2019 for JSC Sakhaenergo, and No. 17 of September 12, 2019 for PJSC Yakutskenergo. For the remaining subsidiaries, repairs production programs included in the business plans for 2019–2023 were approved by the following resolutions of the Board of Directors: No. 25-18 of December 3, 2018 for PJSC Magadanenergo, No. 19 of December 7, 2018 for JSC Teploenergoservis, No. 23-18 of December 7, 2018 for JSC Chukotenergo, No. 9 of November 23, 2018 for JSC UESK, No. 12 of December 4, 2018 for PJSC Sakhalinenergo, No. 15/2018 of December 20, 2018 for PJSC Mobile Energy, and No. 6 of September 12, 2019 for JSC DGK. 48 For more details on progress against the the Production Program program as regards financing of the Rehabilitation and Modernization Program, see the section on RusHydro Group’s Investment Program. 221 Rehabilitation of power units No. 2 and No. 3 and rehabilitation of hot water boiler49 No. 2 at Neryungrinskaya GRES (JSC DGK). Modernization of air heaters at boiler No. 3 of Khabarovskaya CHPP-3 (JSC DGK). Gasification of Anadyr CHPP (JSC Chukotenergo), with boiler No. 1 to be converted to combined combustion of coal and natural gas (partly completed). Gasification of hot-water peaking boiler plant at Khabarovskaya CHPP-3 (JSC DGK), with the PTVM-180 boiler No. 1 to be converted to natural gas combustion (partly completed). Rehabilitation of substations and transmission lines to ensure stable power supply for existing consumers and new customers. Rehabilitation of heat supply networks in the run-up to the heating season. As part of the repairs program, the reporting year saw 29 turbo generators (vs target of 28), 29 boilers (vs target of 29), 62 generators (vs target of 63) and 62 transformers50 (vs target of 55) undergo major and heavy repairs, including overhaul of boilers at power unit No. 3 of Primorskaya GRES, boiler No. 7 of Khabarovskaya CHPP-1, boiler No. 1 of Anadyr CHPP, turbo generator No. 3 at the Cascade of Viluysky HPPs, and gas turbine units No. 2 and No. 7 of Yakutskaya GRES. In June 2019, unscheduled overhaul of gas turbine unit No. 1 (LM6000 PF GE gas turbine) at Yakutskaya GRES-2 was completed. The reporting year saw 5,105 km of power grids and 53.9 km of heat supply networks repaired. As part of the repairs program, a number of initiatives were implemented to improve equipment efficiency Primorskaya GRES, Neryungrinskaya GRES, Khabarovskaya CHPP-1 and Khabarovskaya CHPP-3, with investments totaling RUB 367.467 mn. reliability including JSC DGK plants, and at Efforts to reduce the wear and tear of production assets Electric networks: RAO ES East operates 21,953 transformer substations with voltage of 0.4 to 220 kV and over 105,020 km of transmission power lines. As at December 31, 2019, equipment health indices51 for the company’s assets were as follows: 73.7% for transmission lines with voltage of 110 kV and higher and 68.5% for transformer substations with voltage of 110 kV and higher. 49 KVTK-100-150. 50 Only 35–220 kV transformers are included. 51 Calculated based on the Russian Government's Resolution No. 1401 On Comprehensive Assessment of Power Facilities’ Engineering and Economic Health, Including Determination of Power Grid Facilities’ Physical Wear and Energy Efficiency, and Procedure to Monitor their Health Indicators dated December 19, 2016 and Order of the Russian Ministry of Energy No. 676 On Approval of Engineering Health Assessment Guidelines for Process Equipment and Transmission Lines of Power Plants and Electric Power Gridsdated July 26, 2017. 222 Generating facilities: RAO ES East operates 109 turbo generators and 150 boilers. As at December 31, 2019, equipment health indices34 for the company’s assets were as follows: 82.1% for turbo generators and 62.2% for boilers. 1.3. RusHydro Group’s Innovative Development Program In accordance with RusHydro Group's Innovative Development Program for 2016–2020 with a Prospect up to 202552 (“RusHydro’s IDP”), target financing for 2018–2020 stands at RUB 7,325.7 mn53, including RUB 1,666.2 mn for PJSC RusHydro54 and RUB 5,659.5 mn for JSC RAO ES East. RUB 2,429.8 mn is earmarked for 2019, including RUB 548.3 mn for PJSC RusHydro and RUB 1,881.5 mn for JSC RAO ES East. The medium-term action plan under RusHydro’s IDP for 2019–202355 approved by resolution of the Company’s Board of Directors on May 17,2019 (Minutes No. 289 of May 20, 2019) made adjustments the financing volumes to be allocated for the innovative development of RusHydro in 2019–2020, with funding for 2018–2020 amounting to RUB 2,537.3 mn56, including RUB 801.1 mn for 2019. Below is the breakdown of financing by target initiatives: RUB 762.7 mn for innovative projects and initiatives, including RUB 646.2 mn for R&D projects. RUB 38.4 mn for the development of cooperation with third party organizations and implementation of open innovation principles. financing under RusHydro’s medium-term action plan Actual to RUB 483.3 mn, or 60.3% of the annual target. Below is the breakdown of financing by target initiatives: in 2019 amounted RUB 441.0 mn (or 57.8% of the annual target) for innovative projects and initiatives, including RUB 395.9 mn (or 61.3% of the annual target) for R&D projects. RUB 42.1 mn (or 109.6% of the annual target) for the development of cooperation with third party organizations and implementation of open innovation principles. 52 Approved by the Company’s Board of Directors on November 22, 2016 (Minutes No. 244 of November 23, 2016). 53 Pursuant to RusHydro Group’s Innovative Development Program for 2016–2020 with a Prospect up to 2025 approved by the Company’s Board of Directors on November 22, 2016 (Minutes No. 244 of November 23, 2016). 54 PJSC RusHydro (headquarters and branches), JSC NIIES, JSC Vedeneev VNIIG, JSC Hydroproject Institute, JSC Lenhydroproject and JSC Mosoblhydroproject. 55 Pursuant to the Guidelines on Development and Adjustment of Innovative Development Programs for Joint-Stock Companies Partially Owned by the Government, State Corporations, State Companies and Federal State Unitary Enterprises approved by the Interdepartmental Commission for Technological Development under the Government Commission for Economic Modernization and Innovative Development of Russia (Minutes No. 34-D01 of October 25, 2019), the planning horizon for medium-term action plans to implement innovative development programs of electric power companies should be four to five years. The medium-term action plan under RusHydro’s IDP was developed for a term of five years to align it with RusHydro Group’s Consolidated Investment Program. 56 The RUB 909.4 mn target for 2018 is provided as per the medium-term action plan under RusHydro’s IDP for 2018–2022 approved by the Company’s Board of Directors on May 31, 2018 (Minutes No. 271 of June 1, 2018). Information on the Innovative Development Program of RAO ES East is provided separately. 223 Key reasons behind the failure to meet the target in full: rescheduling of financing for certain works for 2020 due to longer procurement procedures; lower event costs and revision of financing schedules due to the requirements of tender procedures. 2019 highlights: Modernization of reinforced-concrete penstock encasements, including application of protective coatings. Development of a solid-state storage power plant (SSPP) offering gravity-type energy storage driven by solid loads, including development of prototypes of mechanic arms required for the plant’s construction. Development of an automated warning system to detect ruptures and measure turbine flows at RusHydro’s diversion and impoundment HPPs. Development of recommendations on assessing the human impact on tailraces with regard to the HPP equipment, hydraulic structures and energy efficiency. Development of a hardware and software system for monitoring and predicting the reliability of HPP/PSPP hydraulic structures in geologically challenging environments. Research into new technologies to repair and rehabilitate hydraulic structures and their elements as a way to extend their lifespan and reliability, development of implementation guidelines. Reliability analysis of gas turbine units and development of a database and guidelines to assess their health. The medium-term action plan under the Innovative Development Program of RAO ES East for 2019–2023 approved by the Board of Directors of RAO ES East (Minutes No. 209 of September 24, 2019) made adjustments the financing volumes to be allocated for the innovative development of RAO ES East in 2019–2020, with funding for 2018–2020 amounting to RUB 7,126.0 mn57, including RUB 2,673.3 mn for 2019. Below is the breakdown of financing by target initiatives: RUB 2,600.4 mn for innovative projects and initiatives, including RUB 244.4 mn for R&D projects. RUB 4.4 mn for the development of a management system for innovations and innovation infrastructure. RUB 68.5 mn for the development of cooperation with third party organizations. 57 The RUB 2,330.3 mn target for 2018 is provided as per the medium-term action plan under the IDP of RAO ES East for 2018–2022 approved by the Company’s Board of Directors on May 31, 2018 (Minutes No. 271 of June 1, 2018). 224 Actual financing for RAO ES East in 2019 amounted to RUB 2,267.8 mn, or 84.8% of the annual target. Below is the breakdown of financing by target initiatives: RUB 2,123.4 mn (or 81.7 % of the annual target) for innovative projects and initiatives, including RUB 222.97 mn (or 91.2 % of the annual target) for R&D projects. RUB 2.7 mn (or 61.4% of the annual target) for the development of a management system for innovations and innovation infrastructure. RUB 141.8 mn (or 207.0 % of the annual target) for the development of cooperation with third party organizations. Key reasons behind the failure to meet the target in full: rescheduling of financing for certain works for 2020 due to longer procurement procedures; lower event costs and revision of financing schedules due to the requirements of tender procurement procedures. RAO ES East’s highlights in 2019: Development and implementation of a process to partially restore heat transfer surface elements of cogeneration heat exchange equipment (tubes) instead of replacing the entire tube bundle (Khabarovskaya CHPP-3, Khabarovsk Generation branch of DGK). Development of a technology to protect the surface of slurry pipelines designed for high coal ash slurry. Delivering a commercial prototype (Khabarovskaya CHPP-3, Khabarovsk Generation branch of DGK). In line with the resolution of the Government Commission for Economic Modernization and Innovative Development of Russia (Minutes No. 2 of October 22, 2018), in 2019 RusHydro Group completed the development of its Innovative Development Program for 2020–2024 with a Prospect up to 2029 (the “Innovative Development Program of RusHydro Group, IDP or Program”). The Program builds on the findings of an analysis comparing the Group's technological capabilities and innovation KPI with those of its major peers (the "Comparison"). Based on the Comparison conducted in 2019, RusHydro reviewed its technical priorities and drafted an action plan to support further technological development of the Group. The KPI system under the IDP covers all companies of RusHydro Group (reflecting the fusion of innovative development programs of PJSC RusHydro and JSC RAO ES East). The IDP has obtained affirmative opinions from the Russian Ministry for the Development of the Russian Far East and Arctic and Ministry of Education and Science. Review of the updated version by the Interdepartmental Commission for Technological Development under the Government Commission for Economic Modernization and Innovative Development of Russia (the Interdepartmental Commission) is slated for Q2 2020. Once approved by the 225 Interdepartmental Commission, the updated Innovative Development Program of RusHydro Group will be submitted for review and approval by the Company’s Board of Directors. 4. FAR EASTERN ASSETS PERFORMANCE 4.1. Tariff regulation As part of efficiency enhancement at RusHydro Group’s Far Eastern assets, the Company is working to implement a long-term tariff regulation methodology. The Company contributes to the regulatory process aimed at implementation of such methods through intense cooperation with federal executive authorities (hereinafter, FEAs), NP Market Council, and other agencies. Based on RusHydro’s proposals, the relevant FEAs have developed and submitted the following draft regulations: The Russian Government’s Resolution No. 64 dated January 30, 2019, On Amendments to Certain Acts of the Government of the Russian Federation Concerning Regulation of Prices (Tariffs) for Electricity (Capacity) Supplied to Technologically Isolated Local Electric Power Systems and in Areas not Technologically Linked with the Unified Energy System of Russia and Technologically Isolated Local Electric Power Systems; and The Russian Government's Resolution No. 837 dated June 29, 2019 On Amendments to Pricing Basis in the Field of Regulated Prices (Tariffs) for Electric Power (for the non- price zone of the wholesale electricity and capacity market). These regulations support implementation of long-term tariff regulation in the non-price zone of the wholesale electricity and capacity market, in the isolated energy systems, and in energy systems that are not linked to the UES or isolated systems. This will ensure the possibility to revise the energy companies’ index-linked cost base and bring the required gross revenue and generation tariffs to an economically justified level. In respect of TPPs located in the non-price zone, the new methodology for long-term indexation of required gross revenues will be applied starting July 1, 2020. In order to secure the implementation of long-term regulation for technologically isolated local electric power systems and for areas that are not technologically linked with the Unified Energy System and technologically isolated local electric power systems, Russia’s Federal Antimonopoly Service approved the respective guidelines (Order No. 686/19 dated May 29, 2019), which were applied to electricity tariffs for 2020. Guidelines are also being developed for calculation of regulated electricity (capacity) prices (tariffs) for wholesale market suppliers that own or otherwise control thermal power plants operating in the non-price zones of the wholesale electricity and capacity market, where tariffs are established through long-term indexation of required gross revenue. In addition, the Russian Government’s Resolution No. 43 dated January 25, 2019 On Selecting Projects to Upgrade Generating Facilities of Thermal Power Plants was enacted, providing for introduction of an ROI framework similar to capacity supply agreements. 226 Another government resolution is being drafted that will establish the rules for calculation of electricity and capacity prices and the manner of payments on the electricity and capacity market. 4.2. Fuel cost optimization During the reporting period, RAO ES East continued to streamline its fuel supply system by: 1) Preventing the fuel supply risk exposure for generating facilities located in the Far East (including the Kamchatka and Khabarovsk Territories). Kamchatskenergo’s energy facilities currently require about 425.4 mn m³ of natural gas annually. However, only 349.2 mn m³ was supplied in 2019, and a further decrease to 150.0 mn m³ is expected by 2030, so that the natural gas will have to be substituted by heating oil, which is a higher-cost alternative. Given the reduced gas supplies to Kamchatka's CHPP-1 and CHPP-2 from Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Far East, Kamchatskenergo replaced them by increasing heating oil purchases by 49,600 tonnes vs. 2018, so the actual amount procured in the reporting year reached 116,100 tonnes. Pursuant to Russian President's Instruction No. Pr-2486 dated December 25, 2018 concerning natural gas supplies to the Khabarovsk Territory after September 2025, the Russian Ministry of Energy held a meeting on June 19, 2019 with representatives from the Ministry of Economic Development, the Ministry for Development of the Russian Far East, and Gazprom, which resulted in a decision to appoint Gazprom as the gas supplier for the Khabarovsk Territory’s consumers starting September 2025. On November 19, 2019, Gazprom’s Board of Directors issued its decision No. 3336 authorizing its CEO Alexei Miller to ensure that the required gas volumes are included in the production and distribution balance and that Gazprom’s CAPEX program integrates, starting from 2020, measures to make the Sakhalin–Khabarovsk–Vladivostok gas trunkline available to consumers in the Khabarovsk Territory who are currently connected to the Okha–Komsomolsk trunkline. 2) Reducing the transportation cost component in the reporting period. The Company continued supplying fuel to Yakutian utility companies using the Northern Sea Route and transhipping it through the ports located in the North-Western Federal District. During 2019, this route was used to ship about 30,000 tonnes of diesel fuel to Yakutia’s northernmost areas and about 37,000 tonnes to heat generators in its Ust-Yansky District. This logistic scheme minimizes the fuel undersupply risk as compared to reliance on the Lena river, whose upper reach often becomes shallow, and brings cost efficiencies due to reduced transportation expenditures. Demonopolizing the Far Eastern energy market, enhancing competition, and diversifying 3) fuel supplies towards non-standard coal grades. In 2019, the Company piloted the combustion of non-standard lignite produced by Russian Coal’s Pereyaslovskiy mine mixed with standard coal from their Erkovetskiy mine in the ratio of 227 1 to 2 at Power Station 5 of Blagoveshchenskaya CHPP operated by DGK’s Amur Generation subsidiary. The pilot combustion resulted in an approval for commercial operation. Another pilot combustion project was completed at Magadanenergo’s Magadanskaya CHPP and involved non- standard hard coals produced by Russian Coal’s Chernogorskoye and Beiskoye deposits in the ratio of 40/60. The pilot project resulted in an approval for commercial operation. Negotiating long-term coal supply contracts (for at least three years) that include pricing 4) provisions for each subsequent calendar year based on the market environment. Coal supplies from Tuimaada-Ugol were secured for 2019–202158 to meet the needs of Chukotenergo’s Chaunskaya CHPP. 5) New fuel supply contracts negotiated with RAO ES East provide for reduction of the coal prices in day-to-day deliveries and deviations from the contractual terms depending on the coal properties (humidity, ash content, calorific value). RUB 930.5 mn was saved on day-to-day coal supplies during 2019. 6) For spot market purchases based on best price offered, framework agreements signed in 2019 included 12 agreements for supplies of coal to meet excess requirements of DGK and 21 agreements for supplies of oil products (diesel fuel, heating oil). 4.3. Receivables management The consumer receivables for electric and thermal energy to RusHydro’s subsidiaries in the Far Eastern Federal District59 (hereinafter RusHydro’s Far Eastern subsidiaries) as at December 31, 2019 amounted to RUB 35,103 mn60 (debt growth for 2019 was RUB 1,269 mn, or 3.8%). Electric energy As at December 31, 2019, consumer receivables for electricity to RusHydro’s Far-Eastern subsidiaries amounted to RUB 15,518 mn (an increase in the debt during the reporting period of RUB 409 mn). The highest growth was seen in the following groups: utility companies – RUB 415 mn; households on direct contracts – RUB 334 mn; grid companies (losses) – RUB 327 mn. The decrease was across the following groups: transportation and communications facilities; enterprises financed from the federal budget; wholesalers-resellers. The bulk of accounts receivable is held by the following groups of consumers: households – 27.6%, utility companies – 22.9%, management companies and housing cooperatives – 12.3%, industry – 10.8%, grid companies (losses) – 7.9%. The share of these groups in the total accounts receivable is 81.5%. Heat energy 58 Contract No. 1/2019 dated May 24, 2019. 59 PJSC DEK, The covers control PJSC Kamchatskenergo, PJSC Sakhalinenergo, JSC Chukotenergo, JSC UESK, JSC Sakhaenergo, JSC Teploenergoservis, and PJSC Mobile Energy (Peredvizhnaya Energetika). 60 According to the consolidated data of the sales units of RusHydro’s Far Eastern subsidiaries. PJSC Yakutskenergo, JSC DGK, 228 As at December 31, 2019, consumer receivables for thermal energy to RusHydro’s Far-Eastern subsidiaries amounted to RUB 19,585 mn (an increase in the debt during the reporting period of RUB 860 mn). The main growth was across the following groups: households on direct contracts – RUB 967 mn; heat for offsetting losses RUB 556 mn (the growth came from the regulator’s decisions on tariffs that saw expenses on offsetting losses to heat transmission companies be included in the tariff only starting H2 2019). The share of these consumer groups in the structure of receivables was 61.0% of the total debt. RusHydro’s Far Eastern subsidiaries take all measures stipulated by the current legislation to ensure timely receipt of funds for current payments and repayment of receivables: 1. In 2019, 227,571 lawsuits were filed for electricity and heat, totalling RUB 11,454 mn. RUB 7,674 mn was collected through claims and writs of execution for electric and thermal energy (including previously filed lawsuits). 2. Working with federal, regional level authorities to assist in the payment of debts of subordinate budget organizations, as well as in the allocation of additional funds to housing and utility enterprises and heat supply organizations for settlements with resource providers. In 2019, 120,657 consumers entered into direct contracts, leading to a decrease in the receivables from management companies and an increase in collection rates for consumers that used to make settlements through management companies. 3. RusHydro's Decree No. 225r dated May 16, 2019 laid down a model program for managing the receivables of subsidiaries that operate on retail electricity and heat markets. Pursuant to the program, RusHydro’s subsidiaries have introduced and approved their own programs that assign those responsible for implementing the measures and the respective deadlines. In 2019, each Far Eastern subsidiary of RusHydro submitted reports on their implementation progress. 4. Control and monitoring of calculations made by suppliers of electric and heat energy for the needs of enterprises of the Ministry of Defense of Russia. 5. As part of the efforts to increase the revenues (sales of electricity at above-tariff prices) of JSC DGK, PJSC Yakutskenergo and JSC RAO ES East, bilateral electricity sales contracts were concluded with PJSC Inter RAO, Rusenergosbyt LLC and Rusenergoresource LLC in 2019, with the sales amounting to 1,394.6 mn kWh. PJSC DEK and RusHydro, PJSC Yakutskenergo and RusHydro signed bilateral agreements in 2019. The volume of electric energy purchased amounted to 407.4 mn kWh. 4.3. Developing generating capacities in the Far Eastern Federal District Order of the Russian Government No. 1544-r dated July 15, 2019 set out a list of projects put forward by RusHydro to build and modernize thermal power plants in the Far East: construction of Artyomovskaya CHPP-2 (420 MW, 483 Gcal/h), Khabarovskaya CHPP-4 (328 MW, 1,374 Gcal/h), the second stage of Yakutskaya GRES-2 (154 MW, 194 Gcal/h) and modernization of 229 Vladivostokskaya CHPP-2 (turbines No. 1, 2, 3 and boilers 1–8; the electric and heat capacity of the equipment will increase from 283 MW to 360 MW and from 506 Gcal/h to 570 Gcal/h respectively). The implementation of these projects will not only provide replacements for the generating facilities that are being decommissioned due to highly deteriorated equipment, but also lay the ground for further social and economic development of the Far Eastern Federal District. Key 2019 initiatives: Completed the first design stage – a study of financeability. Received a positive opinion in the independent public technology and price audit (TPA), whose results were approved at a joint meeting between the R&D board of NP Scientific and Technical Council of the Unified Energy System and the Section on Reliability and Safety of Large-scale Energy Systems of the Russian Academy of Sciences’ Research Council on Major Problems in the Energy Sector (Minutes No. 3/19 dated May 6, 2019, Minutes No. 4/19 dated May 15, 2019). Had projects approved by the Government Commission on the Development of the Electric Power Industry (Minutes No. 2 dated May 29, 2019). At the moment, design and survey works are still underway. The Russian Ministry of Energy is developing a regulatory framework in respect of return calculation and ROI mechanisms for modernization and new facility construction projects in the Far East. 4.5. EV charging network development in the Far East In the run-up to the 5th Eastern Economic Forum, on September 3, 2019, RusHydro launched the first network of electric vehicle fast charging stations in the Far East, with ten stations being opened in Vladivostok, Artyom and Ussuriysk. Two months later, as part of the Amur Economic Forum, another station was opened in the Amur Region's Blagoveshchensk. To further support the project, RusHydro and the administrations of the Primorsky Territory and the Amur Region signed agreements on joint development and implementation of a program to promote electric vehicles and ensure the adequate charging infrastructure, including that for public transport (electric buses). For the convenience of EV owners, charging stations have been installed in the parking lots of supermarkets and shopping and entertainment centers, near the offices of RusHydro's single settlement centers, and at filling stations. During the time that the charging stations were in operation, RusHydro observed high demand, with electric car owners doing several thousand charging sessions. There were many positive comments and suggestions for further expansion. To support the project and the network's users, RusHydro created a dedicated website (charge.rushydro.ru), as well as a WhatsApp group for processing customer queries. 230 The project is slated for scale-up in the following priority regions: Primorsky Territory, Amur Region, Khabarovsk Territory, Sakhalin Region, Kamchatka Territory, which will include the construction of charging stations to enable electric vehicle travel between the key cities of the Far East. 5. IMPROVING THE CORPORATE GOVERNANCE SYSTEM In 2019, the Company continued implementing the standards set forth in the Corporate Governance Code (hereinafter referred to as the “CGC” or the “Code”), to improve overall corporate governance, by consistently amending the internal regulations and applying the standards in the day-to-day operations. The following key actions were taken in reporting period: The Board of Directors of the Company approved a new version of the Regulations on Dividend Policy (Minutes No. 287 dated April 22, 2019) and the Regulation on the Assessment of the Activities of the Board of Directors and the Board of Director Committees of PJSC RusHydro (Minutes No. 283 dated February 21, 2019); On June 28, 2019, the Company’s shareholders could for the first time vote at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders using an electronic voting system, while also having an opportunity to benefit from a new forum on the meeting agenda; The revised Internal Control and Risk Management Policy of RusHydro Group was approved, which further enhanced of the role of the Board of Directors in the risk management. Guidelines on RusHydro Group’s Risk Appetite were approved the Company’s Board of Directors ; The Company’s Charter and internal regulations were amended to include the following corporate governance enhancement clauses Company: Resolutions on critical matters set forth in recommendation 170 of the Code shall be passed by a majority vote involving all elected directors; shareholders shall have access the list of persons entitled to attend General Meetings of Shareholders as soon as such list becomes available to the Company; material corporate actions involving a potential conflict of interest shall be assessed by independent directors; shareholders holding in aggregate no less than two (2) percent of the Company voting shares shall be entitled to make proposals for the agenda of the Board of Directors. The quality and level of detail of information disclosed in the Company’s Annual Report and on the Company’s website were improved. In April 2019, a meeting of the Board of Directors held in person reviewed results of the corporate governance practice assessment and self-assessment of the Board of Directors’ performance, marked positive changes in the assessments by independent experts and took note of the proposals put forward to improve the Board’s performance (Minutes No. 287 dated April 22, 2019). 231 In September 2019, the RID affirmed the corporate governance ranking at 8 (“Advanced Corporate Governance Practice” according to the National Corporate Governance Rating (NCGR) scale). RusHydro is the first company in the energy industry to receive such a high rating. In 2019, RusHydro secured its position among the top 10 leaders in the area of compliance with the corporate governance principles of the fifth annual “National Corporate Governance Index 2019” survey. The survey was carried out by the Centre for Corporate Development ‘TopCompetence’ with involvement of the Centre for Systemic Transformations of the Economics Department of Lomonosov Moscow State University and Moscow Exchange. In January 2020, Internal Audit assessed the corporate governance practices in 2019 by determining whether they meet the criteria set forth in the Methodology for Assessment of RusHydro’s Corporate Governance Framework endorsed by the Audit Committee under the Board of Directors of RusHydro (Minuted No. 123 dated October 22, 2018) and approved by PJSC RusHydro’s Order No. 799 dated October 18, 2018. The Methodology is based on the Federal Agency for State Property Management's Methodology approved by Order No. 306 dated August 22, 2014. RusHydro’s overall corporate governance rating was 92% out of 100% (89% in 2018). According to the assessment results, the Company's corporate governance system is recognized as “Effective”. This assessment indicates that the system is functioning properly in all essential aspects, but there are some modest weaknesses and a room for improvement. In addition, the Company was fully committed to compliance with the Corporate Governance Code over the reporting period: Senior Independent Director was elected; performance of the Company’s risk management and internal control system was assessed; corporate governance practices in the Company were discussed; report on the implementation of the Company’s Information Policy Regulations was reviewed; etc. As a result of corporate governance improvement efforts and implementation of the standards set forth in the Code, RusHydro came to observe 95% of the principles in 2019, compared to 92% in 2018. RusHydro (including indirectly, through subsidiaries) has stakes in authorized capital of companies engaged in electricity and heat generation and distribution, energy facilities design, construction, repair, maintenance, rehabilitation and modernization, and other activities. In 2019, in addition to streamlining the Group's structure, RusHydro took measures aimed at improving the corporate governance system of its subsidiaries. The Company implemented standard charters in the subsidiaries to align them with the current law, to harmonise approaches to approving transactions, and to reduce the corporate procedures’ timelines. 6. IMPROVING THE STAFFING SYSTEM The following measures were taken in 2019 to enhance the staffing system: The Plan for the Introduction of Professional Standards into the Company’s Operations that had been approved for a period of 2016–2019, was realised in full. Based on the measures taken, as at the end of 2019, 93% of the Company's employees meet the 232 qualification requirements of the occupational standards underwritten by the Company. 53 hydro- and heating power sector’s occupational qualifications developed by RusHydro Group experts to be used in the work of the Qualifications Assessment Centre, were approved by the Energy Sector Occupational Qualifications Council. In 2019, 80 employees of RusHydro’s branches and subsidiaries took 29 exams in 10 occupational qualifications. 63% of the examinees passed the exams. The Energy Sector Occupational Qualifications Council accredited two RusHydro Qualifications Assessment Centre’s additional examination sites based on RusHydro Group’s training centres: Sakhalinenergo Training Centre and Magadanenergo Training Centre. 12 standard professional development and retraining programs for operational personnel based on the industry’s professional standards were designed by the Corporate Hydropower University. The 2nd corporate competitions for operations staff at cross-connection thermal power plants of RusHydro Group were organised. The competitions were held from 5 to 9 August 2019 at Sakhalinenergo Training Centre (city of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk). 40 employees (5 teams composed of 8 people in each) of the following Company’s subsidiaries the competitions: JSC DGK, PJSC Kamchatskenergo, PJSC Magadanenergo, PJSC Sakhalinenergo, JSC Chukotenergo. took part in In October 2019, RusHydro’s branches—Volzhskaya HPP and Volga Training Centre of the Corporate Hydropower University (including RZA training complex)—hosted a corporate WorldSkills competition testing professional skills in the competence of Repair and Maintenance of Relaying and Automation Equipment. The competition attracted employees of the Company's branches and subsidiaries, and third party entities of the power sector, as well as students of industry-specific universities (Nizhniy Novgorod State Technical University, Moscow Power Engineering Institute, Moscow Power Engineering Institute branch in Volzhsky). The students took part in the competition out of hors-concours and as part of a trial demonstration exam. The 1st Corporate Engineering Case Championship of Innovation and Work Improvement Proposals “Ratsenergy” was organised. The championship was held from January to March 2019 in four stages. Engineering cases for the championship were developed in two areas: Electric Networks and Heat Power Engineering. 37 teams of the Company's subsidiaries took part in the championship: PJSC Yakutskenergo, JSC DGK and JSC DRSK. For the development of strategic partnership with specialist educational organizations of higher professional education the following events were organized: The X-th Energy for Development contest of students’ projects. 141 students and undergraduates from 26 higher educational institutions of Russia took part in the Energy for Development contest. The Power Energy qualifiers of the “Case-in” International Engineering Championship were held on the base of Sayano-Shushensky branch of the Siberian Federal University and Volga branch of the Moscow Power Engineering Institute. 55 students took part in the qualifiers. The winning teams advanced to the Finals. 233 The Spring Student Energy School was organized and held on the base of RusHydro's partner university, South-Russian State Polytechnic University named after M.I. Platov, and attended by 25 4-th year undergraduate and 1-st year graduate students, specializing in Relay Protection and Electric Power System Automation, Electric Power Plants, Electric Power Systems and Networks. In collaboration with the Siberian Federal University (SFU) and Sayano-Shushensky branch of the SFU, the VI All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists, Professionals, Postgraduate and Graduate Students “Hydropower Plants in the 21st Century” was organized and held. Students of the Institute of Hydropower and Renewable Energy Sources (part of Moscow Power Engineering Institute) participated in interactive sessions on socially significant and technological subjects within the Youth Day of the Russian Energy Week. In 2019, the Company signed a cooperation agreement with the Federal State-funded Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation". 7. IMPROVING THE COUNTER-TERRORISM, ECONOMIC AND INFORMATION SECURITY SYSTEM The following set of measures was taken in 2019 to improve the Company’s security system: 1. In order to improve the counter-terrorism security system of RusHydro Group’s facilities, the next scheduled stage of modernization of the security systems of the Company’s facilities was delivered in line with the requirements of the Russian Government’s Decrees No. 458 dated May 5, 2012 and No. 993 dated September 19, 2015. 2. In cooperation with federal Government authorities and law enforcement agencies, pursuant to the requirements of the Federal Law No. 256-FZ dated 21 July 2011 "On Security of Fuel and Energy Complex Facilities", comprehensive surveys of all RusHydro power facilities of high and medium hazard categories were carried out. Their counter-terrorism security and protection system was tried and tested. 3. In order to improve the counter-terrorism security system of RusHydro Group’s facilities, to enhance the quality and effectiveness of interaction with the Federal Security Service of Russia, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the Operational Headquarters of the National Counter- Terrorism Committee, the Federal National Guard Troops Service (the Rosgvardia), the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters (EMERCOM) of Russia, and FSUE Departmental Security Service of the Ministry of Energy of Russia carried out: In accordance with the Plan of the National Antiterrorism Committee of the RF, integrated special tactical training exercises at Nizhne-Bureyskaya HPP and table-top training exercises at RusHydro’s branches: Kamskaya HPP and North Ossetia branch. In addition, two research counter-terrorism training drills at RusHydro branches: Sayano- Shushenskaya HPP and Dagestan branch, and 124 counter-terrorism training drills under RusHydro plan were carried out; 234 (cid:2919) Two training programs for RusHydro Group’s security divisions managers and staff. 4. Based on the analysis of the routine activities of RusHydro Group’s security divisions, five proposals were drafted and sent to the Federal State Authorities to improve legislation in the area of fuel and energy facilities’ security. Most of the proposals were considered in the draft Federal Law “On Amending the Federal Law “On Safety and Security of the Fuel and Energy Complex Facilities”, in draft amendments to laws and regulations of the Government of the RF and included in the recommendations of the round table session “Fuel and Energy Complex Security Issues. Legislative Aspect”, held by the State Duma Committee on Energy on July 8, 2019. In accordance with the provisions of the Energy Security Doctrine of the Russian Federation, the Economic Security Strategy of the Russian Federation for the period of up to 2030 and for the purpose of identifying, preventing and eliminating risks and threats to RusHydro Group’s economic interests, a set of relevant measures was undertaken. The key efforts aimed at information security in the reporting period were mainly focused on compliance with the Federal Law in the area of critical information infrastructure security, and on development and improvement of information protection systems: The classification of facilities of RusHydro’s critical information infrastructure (CII) was 1. completed, the results were provided to the FSTEC of Russia61 on 27 December 2019. The FSTEC of Russia accepted the classification results and entered RusHydro’s CII facilities in the Russian CII significant facilities register. A structural division of the Company - Corporate Centre for Computer Attacks 2. Identification, Prevention and Suppression (hereinafter referred to as “CCAIS”) was established on the basis of RusHydro IT Service. CCAIS technical infrastructure was set up, measures to arrange communication with the National Coordination Centre for Computer Incidents were initiated. A subsystem of communication channels cryptographic protection using domestic 3. algorithms was established for the Company’s Executive Office and branches. A subsystem of protected remote access to the Company’s information resources from 4. the Internet was established. 8. IMPROVING THE ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM RusHydro Group’s environmental protection and environmental management activities are aligned with RusHydro Group’s approved Environmental Policy62, which determines a list of key tasks aimed at improving the environmental management system: Increasing the installed capacity of low-carbon generation in RusHydro Group’s energy balance; 61 The Federal Service for Technology and Export Control. 62 Approved by the decision of the Company’s Board of Directors (Minutes No. 275 dated August 9, 2018). 235 Reducing direct and specific greenhouse gas emissions at RusHydro Group’s facilities; Conserving the biological diversity; Taking measures aimed at finding and using the best available technical solutions and technologies to reduce the negative impact on the environment and to minimize the environmental risks of RusHydro Group's activities; Reducing the oil content in switch-over units at RusHydro Group’s facilities; Introducing corporate standards in the area of RusHydro Group’s environmental activities. In 2019, the Company approved RusHydro Group's Implementation Program for the Environmental Policy, developed for the period of 2019–202163. In order to ensure environmental safety of RusHydro Group’s facilities in the reporting year, the following measures were taken: replacement of oil-filled electrical equipment with vacuum or SF6 gas equipment, which contains no oil, or with equipment with lower oil content; rehabilitation, modernization and repair of power generation facilities; rehabilitation and repair of hydraulic structures to maintain proper condition of water protection zones; setting up automated systems for monitoring pollutant emissions into the air; carrying out environmental monitoring; performing a set of measures to recover damage caused to aquatic biological resources; taking measures for biodiversity conservation. Moreover, in the reporting year the Company undertook the following activities aimed at reducing the negative impact on the environment: construction of sites for the accumulation, production and consumption of waste; reconstruction of sewage systems and wastewater treatment plants; collection of floating debris from water areas and its transfer to waste disposal facilities; landscaping and gardening; repair of ash and slag waste storage facilities. 9. ROLL-OUT OF INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS AND DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY In the course of rolling-out intelligent systems and digital technology, RusHydro Group is committed to realising projects aimed at adjustment and improvement of internal technological and operational processes facilitating the use of modern, cost-effective and fast-operating technology, improving key business parameters. In 2019, the Company realised projects in the following areas: Enhancing existing technological and supporting (operational) processes: RusHydro's joint active power regulation systems are upgraded to receive JSC SO UES dispatch schedules and their automatic performance (brought into commercial operation at 11 HPPs); remote control function is implemented at new-generation power plant distribution substations (in three branches); the pilot project of remote control of Votkinskaya HPP equipment from JSC SO UES’ dispatching control rooms is started. Enhancing the traditional service level in the area of reliability of power supply to consumers, observability of main and auxiliary equipment, investment efficiency and 63 Approved by the Company Management Board's Minutes No. 1204 pr. dated September 26, 2019. 236 labour productivity: The Company developed the Concept of establishing an information system to support Situation Analysis Centre (SAC) operation, the first stage of establishing the information system to support SAC operation was started. In compliance with the Russian Government’s Directives No. 10068p-P1364 dated December 6, 2018, the Board of Directors of the Company approved “The 2019–2021 Action Plan for RusHydro’s increased reliance on domestically developed software” (hereinafter, the “Plan”), under which the following measures were undertaken in the reporting year: RusHydro’s existing information and technology infrastructure was analysed, RusHydro’s IT Technical Policy65 was updated, user support system on local software NAUMEN was upgraded, the transition of the procurement management system (which is in pilot operation) to local platform is underway, establishing of RusHydro Group’s Single Treasury on the local platform is started, information security systems on the local platforms are upgraded. The 2019 Plan set a performance indicator “Percentage of procurement of software included in the unified register of the Russian software, as well as the software-related works and services, in the total procurement volume of finished software, as well as the software-related works and services (in money terms)” with a target value of at least 65%. The target of 65% was achieved in 2019. 10. RUSHYDRO GROUP’S RISK MANAGEMENT In 2019, RusHydro Group implemented a set of key initiatives listed below to improve its internal control and risk management system. 1. The Company's auditors conducted an independent assessment of RusHydro Group’s internal control and risk management system. The follow-up report was reviewed and approved by the Company’s Board of Directors in June 201966. 2. In the reporting year, the Company developed and approved: RusHydro Group's Risk Appetite Methodology. RusHydro Group’s Internal Control and Risk Management Policy which determines goals, objectives and principles of the corporate internal control and risk management system, allocation of RusHydro Group entities’ responsibilities and authorities. 1. The Audit Committee under the Company Board of Directors developed and reviewed RusHydro Group’s “Risk Classifier” (typical risk base). 2. The Company delivered a pilot project for automating the risk management process and implementing the automated risk management system (ARMS) as a tool of supporting the decision-making and forming RusHydro Group's risk base. The first ARMS module (FX and Interest Risk Management) was tested in 2019. 64 Including “The Guidelines for increased reliance of State-owned companies on domestic software, including office software” approved by the Russian Ministry of Communications’ Order No. 486 dated September 20, 2018. 65 RusHydro’s Technical Policy was approved by the Resolution of the Company’s Board of Directors (Minutes No. 303 dated February 12, 2020). 66 Minutes No. 291 of the Resolution of the Company’s Board of Directors dated June 21, 2019. 237 3. The Company delivered risk management actions in accordance with RusHydro Group’s Strategic Risk Mitigation Plan67, the progress report on the action plan for 2019 was approved by the Company's Management Board68. All key group companies approve risk management plans with an annual review of reports at meetings of the respective companies’ boards of directors. 11. ACTIVITIES UNDER RUSHYDRO GROUP’S LONG-TERM DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM AS PER DIRECTIVES OF THE GOVERNMENT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION On increasing labor productivity (No. 7389p-P13 dated October 31, 2014) In pursuance of directives of the Russian Government No. 7389p-P13 dated October 31, 2014, the Long-Term Development Program69 was complemented with the key performance indicator Labor Productivity70 calculated in line with the Rosstat methodology71. Progress against the Labor Productivity KPI target Labor productivity, RUB ‘000/man-hour Metric 2019 target 2019 actual 5.6272 6.42 On decrease in operating expenses (costs) (No. 2303p-P13 dated April 16, 2015) In pursuance of directives of the Russian Government No. 2303p-P13 dated April 16, 2015, the Long-Term Development Program73 was complemented with the key performance indicator Decrease in Operating Expenses (Costs) calculated in line with the Rosstat methodology. Decrease in operating expenses (costs) Metric 2019 target 2% 2019 actual 2.02% On demand for labor resources, including engineering and technical professionals (No. 7439p-P13 dated November 5, 2014) Key parameters of the demand for labor resources of RusHydro Group74 are determined with due account to the time employees reach retirement age, as well as the possibility of internal 67RusHydro Group’s Strategic Risk Mitigation Plan for 2018–2019 approved by the Company's Management Board (Minutes No. 1133pr. dated October 9, 2018). 68Minutes No. 1133pr. of the Company's Management Board dated October 9, 2018. 69 The Long-Term Development Program for 2018–2022 was approved by the Board of Directors, Minutes No. 271 dated June 1, 2018 as amended by resolutions of the Board of Directors (Minutes No. 279 of October 26, 2018, No. 294 of August 29, 2019, and No. 297 of October 21, 2019). 70 The list of legal entities used in the KPI calculation: PJSC RusHydro, PJSC DEK, PJSC Yakutskenergo, PJSC Kamchatskenergo, JSC UESK, PJSC Magadanenergo, PJSC Sakhalinenergo, JSC DGK, JSC DRSK, PJSC Mobile Energy, JSC Chukotenergo, JSC Sakhaenergo, JSC Teploenergoservis, JSC ESC RusHydro, PJSC Krasnoyarskenergosbyt, PJSC RESK, JSC Chuvashskaya Electricity Sales Company, JSC Geoterm (including JSC Pauzhetskaya GeoPP), PJS(cid:505) Kolymaenergo, PJSC KamGEK, PJSC Boguchanskaya HPP. 71 Rosstat’s Order No. 576 dated September 23, 2014. 72 As per adjusted 2019 KPI for the Management Board approved by resolution of the Board of Directors dated September 20, 2019 (Minutes No. 295 of September 23, 2019). 73 The Long-Term Development Program for 2018–2022 was approved by the Board of Directors, Minutes No. 271 dated June 1, 2018 as amended by resolutions of the Board of Directors (Minutes No. 279 of October 26, 2018, No. 294 of August 29, 2019, and No. 297 of October 21, 2019). 238 relocation of workers with appropriate recommendations based on the employee rating, talent pool, and candidate database. The demand for engineering and technical professionals also includes worker job vacancies that require a level of professional training no lower than a bachelor’s degree from a technical educational establishment. This approach is brought forth by the process of operating, repairing, and maintaining core equipment at HPP/PSPPs. Progress against the key parameters of RusHydro Group’s demand for labor resources, including engineering and technical professionals, for 2019 Metric 2019 target 2019 actual Total number of planned vacancies: including engineering and technical professionals 525 366 1,277 732 On scheduled step-by-step substitution of imported products with those of Russian origin having similar specifications and usability and used in investment projects and day-to-day operations (No. 1346p-P13 dated March 5, 2015) As part of the Comprehensive Modernization Program for RusHydro’s generating facilities, RusHydro is increasing supplies from domestic machinery producers given that, among other things, certain types of equipment and components will be produced in Russia. In the reporting year, in line with the import substitution roadmap, the following measures were put in place: Technical Policy of RusHydro Group75 was amended to include the requirements for increased reliance on domestic solutions starting from the design phase; Uniform Regulations on RusHydro Group’s Procurement Policy was amended in line with the Russian Government’s Resolution No. 878 dated July 10, 2019 and the Russian Government’s Directives No. 6574p-P13 dated July 18, 2019.. In 2019, RusHydro reduced the share of imported equipment for its operations so that foreign goods, works and services are gradually phased out and replaced by local goods, works and services with similar specifications and usability: Share of imported equipment Metric 2019 target 2019 actual Share of imported equipment, % 20 20 As part of its import substitution efforts, the Company engages in the following activities: Interaction with the Industrial Development Fund of the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade with a view to implementing activities to diversify the defense industry for the 74 PJSC DEK, PJSC Sakhalinenergo, JSC Sakhaenergo, JSC UESK, PJSC RusHydro, Energy, PJSC Magadanenergo, RusHydro, JSC Chukotenergo, PJSC Krasnoyarskenergosbyt, PJSC RESK, JSC Chuvashskaya Electricity Sales Company, JSC Geoterm, PJS(cid:505) Kolymaenergo, PJSC KamGEK, PJSC Boguchanskaya HPP. 75 RusHydro Group’s Technical Policy was approved by resolution of the Company’s Board of Directors (Minutes No. 303 dated February 12, 2020). PJSC Kamchatskenergo, JSC DRSK, PJSC Yakutskenergo, JSC DGK, JSC Teploenergoservis, PJSC Mobile JSC ESC 239 betterment of the energy sector using the state industrial information system: a list was compiled detailing the demand for equipment and software planned for procurement in 2020–2024; initial population and testing of the state industrial information system was executed; Interaction with the Russian Energy Agency of the Russian Ministry of Energy with a view to coordinating import substitution initiatives with the defense industry: proposals were sent for manufacturing civil purpose products to the pilot list of defense industry enterprises. Subsidiaries of RAO ES East are actively working together with Russian suppliers and producers of equipment and spare parts (Power Machines, Ural Turbine Works, Energomash- Uralelectrotyazhmash, Prosoft Systems, Unitel Engineering, Togliatti Transformator, SVEL – Power Transformers, Cheboksary Electrical Apparatus Plant, Moselectroshield, Electroshield Group – TM Samara, etc.). Completed and ongoing projects, such as CHPP Vostochnaya, Blagoveshchenskaya CHPP (second stage), Sakhalinskaya GRES-2 (first stage), Yakutskaya GRES-2 (first stage), and CHPP in Sovetskaya Gavan mainly rely on equipment made in Russia. In all its production operations, rehabilitation and upgrades at energy companies, RusHydro Group prioritizes Russian manufacturers as equipment suppliers. According to a consolidated review of procurement by RAO ES East76, the share of purchased domestic equipment in 2019 is 94.4%77. On the Company’s (No. 10068p-P13 dated December 6, 2018) increased reliance on domestically developed software In pursuance of directives of the Russian Government No. 10068p-P13 dated December 6, 2018 On Increased Reliance on Domestically Developed Software, the Long-Term Development Program was amended in the Intelligent Systems and Digital Technology Roll-out section as approved by resolution of the Company’s Board of Directors (Minutes No. 294 of August 29, 2019). On aligning the Long-Term Development Program with goals set forth by Decree of the Russian President No. 204 dated May 7, 2018 On National Goals and Strategic Objectives of the Russian Federation through to 2024 In order to align the Long-Term Development Program with the Russian President’s Decree No. 204 dated May 7, 2018 On National Goals and Strategic Objectives of the Russian Federation through to 2024, the Program was amended by resolution of the Company’s Board of Directors (Minutes No. 279 of October 26, 2018) to reflect measures being taken by RusHydro Group to improve efficiency of investments in fixed assets in line with clause 5.3.3 on attracting investments in the modernization of thermal and electricity power generation facilities (in pursuance of the Russian President’s list of instructions No. Pr-2530 dated December 12, 2017) of the Action Plan to Accelerate Investments in Fixed Assets and Increase Their Share in 76 Based on review of procurement contracts worth over RUB 250,000. 77 Of the total procurement value of RUB 5,517.0 mn. 240 the Gross Domestic Product to 25%, approved by Chairman of the Russian Government, No. 1315p-P13 dated February 13, 2019. The Company’s Board of Directors resolved (Minutes No. 285 of March 29, 2019) to classify the instruction set forth by directives of the Russian Government No. 276p-P13 dated January 17, 2019 as successfully executed. 12. ACHIEVEMENT OF KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS OF RUSHYDRO GROUP’S LONG-TERM DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM FOR 2019 Metric78 Prevention of accidents exceeding the limit number of accidents: 0 number of production-related - accidents and before interest, number of major accidents. tax, amortization - Return on equity (ROE) Earnings depreciation (EBITDA), RUB mn Share of procurement from small and medium enterprises, including through contracts allocated for SME bidders only 81 Adherence capacity commissioning schedules, funding and spending plan82 Labour productivity (RUB ‘000/man-hours) Decrease in operating expenses (costs) Integrated innovative KPI Total shareholder return (TSR) Free cash flow (FCF), RUB mn the to 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Earnings per share (EPS) 2019 target 2019 actual Evaluation (cid:148) 5-year average79 0 18.24% 0 (cid:148) 5-year average80 0 Achieved 23.03% Achieved 166,880 171,907 Achieved 18% 15% 85% 5.6283 2% 85% 100% -51,30284 0.25 71% 49% 88% 6.42 2.02% 96% 0 -36,384 0.31 Achieved Achieved Achieved Achieved Achieved Not achieved Achieved Achieved 78 If the KPI of the Management Board members or KPI of the Long-Term Incentive Plan are amended or updated and approved by the Company’s Board of Directors, progress against the KPI of the Long-Term Development Program is assessed using the updated KPI of the Management Board members and KPI of the Long-Term Incentive Plan. 7917.6. 8010. 81 For PJSC RusHydro. 82 The capacity commissioning schedule and the funding and spending plan are determined based on planned data on facilities the Company is investing in and on new construction facilities of subsidiaries duly approved as part of the Business Plan by the Company’s Board of Directors. 83 As per adjusted 2019 KPI for the Management Board approved by resolution of the Board of Directors dated September 20, 2019 (Minutes No. 295 of September 23, 2019). The pre-adjustment value is 5.72. 84 As per adjusted consolidated Business Plan of RusHydro Group for 2019 and target KPI of the Long- Term Incentive Plan approved by resolution of the Board of Directors dated September 20, 2019 (Minutes No. 295 of September 23, 2019). The pre-adjustment value is RUB (-)55,710 mn. 241 9.1. METHODOLOGY FOR CALCULATION AND EVALUATION OF KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS OF RUSHYDRO GROUP'S LONG-TERM DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM 85 1. General information This Methodology for calculation and evaluation of Key Performance Indicators of 1.1. RusHydro Group's Long-Term Development Program (the “Methodology”) was developed: to describe the calculation and evaluation of meeting the indicators of RusHydro Group’s - Long-Term Development Program approved by the Board of Directors of PJSC RusHydro (the “Company”); to formalize the procedure of calculation and evaluation of meeting the indicators of - RusHydro Group’s Long-term Development Program approved by the Company’s Board of Directors. 1.2. The evaluation of meeting the indicators in accordance with this Methodology shall be the responsibility of the respective business unit of the Company as specified in internal documents. The procedure for reporting the achievement of certain indicators, timelines and formats 1.3. of evaluation of meeting the indicators shall be set forth in the Company’s internal documents. 1.4. The list of Long-term Development Program’s KPI shall include the indicators of the Company’s Management Board and indicators listed among KPIs under the Company’s Long- Term Incentive Plan. 1.5. The list and specific weights of annual indicators of members of the Company’s Management Board shall be subject to annual approval by resolution of the Board of Directors; the list and specific weights of indicators under the Company’s Long-Term Incentive Plan are defined in the Regulations on the Company’s Long-Term Incentive Plan approved by the Board of Directors on November 11, 2016 (minutes No. 243 of November 14, 2016). 1.6. As part of the annual reporting on the implementation of the Long-Term Development Program and external audit of implementing indicators 2.1–2.7 of the Long-Term Development Program (KPI of Management Board members), annual reports are drawn and annual interim results specified for indicators 2.8–2.10 (KPI of the Company’s Long-Term Incentive Plan). 1.7. The remuneration of the Management Board, including the sole executive body, for achieving the indicators shall be paid in accordance with the Regulations on Payment of Remuneration and Compensation to Members of RusHydro’s Management Board and Regulations on RusHydro’s Long-Term Incentive Plan approved by the Board of Directors on November 11, 2016 (minutes No. 243 of November 14, 2016). 2. Procedure for calculation and evaluation of key performance indicators of RusHydro Group's Long-term Development Program 85 Approved by PJSC RusHydro’s Board of Directors on 31 May 2018 (Minutes No. 271) as amended by the resolutions of PJSC RusHydro’s Board of Directors on 25 October 2018 (Minutes No. 279), on 28 August 2019 (Minutes No. 294) and on 18 October 2019 (Minutes No. 297). 242 2.1. KPI 'Meeting the Accident Prevention Target' 2.1.1. Calculation List of legal entities included in the calculation (generating facilities): (18 generating PJSC RusHydro PJSC Yakutskenergo, PJSC Kamchatskenergo, JSC UESK, PJSC Magadanenergo, PJSC Sakhalinenergo, JSC DGK, JSC DRSK, PJSC Mobile Energy, JSC Chukotenergo, JSC Sakhaenergo, JSC Teploenergoservis, JSC (cid:42)(cid:72)(cid:82)(cid:87)(cid:72)(cid:85)(cid:80)(cid:15)(cid:3) and PJSC Boguchanskaya HPP. (cid:45)(cid:54)(cid:38) Pauzhetskaya GeoPP, (cid:51)(cid:45)(cid:54)(cid:505)(cid:3) (cid:46)(cid:82)(cid:79)(cid:92)(cid:80)(cid:68)(cid:72)(cid:81)(cid:72)(cid:85)(cid:74)(cid:82)(cid:15)(cid:3) PJSC KamGEK, branches), PJSC DEK, To calculate the actual value, the following sources of information are used: production-related accident reports (Form N-1) prepared in accordance with Resolution of the Russian Ministry of Labor No. 73 On Approval of Document Forms for Investigation and Reporting of Production- Related Accidents and Specifics of Production-Related Accident Investigations in Certain Industries and Organizations dated October 24, 2002, investigation reports on accident causes in the electric power industry prepared in accordance with Order of the Russian Ministry of Energy No. 90 On Approval of Accident Investigation Report Forms for the Electric Power Industry and Form Filling Procedure dated March 2, 2010, investigation reports on technical causes of accidents at hazardous production facilities or hydraulic structures prepared in accordance with Rostechnadzor's Order No. 480 On Approval of the Procedure for Investigating Technical Causes of Accidents, Incidents and Cases of Loss of Industrial Explosives at Facilities Supervised by the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Energy Supervision Service (Rostechnadzor) dated August 19, 2011, investigation reports on causes of heat supply accidents prepared in accordance with Rostechnadzor's Order No. 157 On Approval of Investigation Report Forms and Procedure for Reporting of Causes of Heat Supply Accidents dated April 25, 2016. The indicator consists of several parameters: Number of production-related accidents; Number of major accidents. The number of production-related accidents is calculated as a sum total of all production-related accidents investigated, documented and reported in accordance with: Articles 227, 228, 228.1, 229, 229.1, 229.2, 229.3, 230, 230.1 of the Russian Labor Code; Resolution of the Russian Ministry of Labor No. 73 On Approval of Document Forms for Investigation and Reporting of Production-Related Accidents and Specifics of Production- in Certain Industries and Organizations dated Related Accident Investigations October 24, 2002. 243 The number of production-related accidents includes production-related accidents where the chief executive officer86, other executives87 and heads of structural units88 of a company are specified in the investigation report (Clause 10 of Form N-1) as individuals responsible for labor safety violations (Clauses 2.1, 2.2 and 2.4 of the Rules for Personnel Management in the Electric Power Industry of the Russian Federation approved by Order of the Russian Ministry of Energy No. 49 dated February 19, 2000). The number of major accidents is a sum total of all accidents in the electric power industry, heat supply emergencies, accidents at hazardous production facilities or hydraulic structures investigated, documented and reported by Rostechnadzor's commissions in accordance with: Clause 4 of the Rules for Investigation of Accident Causes in the Electric Power Industry adopted by the Russian Government's Resolution No. 846 dated October 28, 2009; Clause 3 of the Rules for Investigation of Heat Supply Accident Causes adopted by the Russian Government's Resolution No. 1114 dated October 17, 2015; Rostechnadzor's Order No. 480 dated August 19, 2011 On Approval of the Procedure for Investigating Technical Causes of Accidents, Incidents and Cases of Loss of Industrial Explosives at Facilities Supervised by the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Energy Supervision Service (Rostechnadzor) dated August 19, 2011; Rostechnadzor's Order No. 157 On Approval of Investigation Report Forms and Procedure for Reporting of Causes of Heat Supply Accidents dated April 25, 2016; Order of the Russian Ministry of Energy No. 90 On Approval of Accident Investigation Report Forms for the Electric Power Industry and Form Filling Procedure dated March 2, 2010, and meeting the following criteria: damage to hydraulic structures disrupting their safe operation and causing the water level in the reservoir (river) to fall or water in the tail pond to rise beyond the threshold limits; collapse of load-bearing elements of buildings and structures at an electric power generating facility, including as a result of an explosion or fire, if such collapse leads to electricity (capacity) consumption being limited by100 MW and more for a period of 25 days and more; 86 Chief executive officer is a person directly managing the company regardless of its ownership form (hereinafter the chief executive officer) and authorized to act on behalf of the company without a power of attorney and represent the company before any government body, including judicial authorities. The company owner directly managing the company is classified as the chief executive officer. 87 Executives of the company are persons duly appointed as deputy chief executive officers and having certain administrative functions and responsibilities (chief engineer, vice president, technical director, deputy director, etc.). 88 Head of a structural unit is a person who signed an employment agreement (contract) with the chief executive officer or was appointed by such chief executive officer to manage a structural unit (manager, foreman, supervisor, etc.) and his/her deputies. 244 destruction of, or damage to, the equipment of heat supply facilities, leading to the outage of heat sources or heat networks for a period of 3 days and more; destruction of, or damage to, buildings containing heat supply facilities, resulting in the interruption of heat supply to consumers; damage to turbines with a rated capacity of 100 MW and more, including destruction of the turbine flow path, change of shape and geometric dimensions or displacement of the turbine casing against the base, if such damage results in the turbine undergoing emergency repairs for 25 days and more; damage to generators with an installed capacity of 100 MW and more, including destruction of its stator, rotor or stator winding insulation, if such damage results in the generator undergoing emergency repairs for 25 days and more; damage to power transformers (auto-type transformers) with a capacity of 100 MVA and more, including destruction, change of shape and geometric dimensions or displacement of its housing, if such damage results in the transformer undergoing emergency repairs for 25 days and more; damage to power boilers with a steam capacity of 100 tonnes per hour and more or damage to hot water boilers with a capacity of 50 Gcal per hour and more, including destruction, change of shape or geometric dimensions of the boiler or displacement of units (elements) of the boiler or the metal frame, if such damage results in the boiler undergoing emergency repairs for 25 days and more; shutdown of generating equipment or a power grid facility, leading to a decrease in reliability of the Unified Energy System or technologically isolated local electric power systems and resulting in temporary suspensions of power supply totaling 100 MW and more or power supply reductions by 25 percent and more of the total consumption in an operational area of the dispatching center; disconnection of power grid facilities of the highest voltage category (110 kV and more), generating equipment with a capacity of 100 MW and more at two and more electric power facilities, causing the interruption of power supply to consumers with the total consumption of 100 MW and more for a period of 30 minutes and more; disruptions in the operation of emergency shutdown or mode-switching controls, including those caused by personnel error, resulting in the interruption of electric power supply to consumers with the total consumption of 100 MW and more. Accidents are included in the the number of major accidents if relevant clauses of investigation reports prepared by Rostechnadzor's commission indicate erroneous or wrong actions (or omissions) on the part of executives, except for accidents, the causes of which are, according to an official opinion of Rostechnadzor's commission, as follows: shortcomings in the design, structure, workmanship, construction or installation of equipment; fault of third parties (related organizations) involved in the technological process; 245 any illegal or negligent act of third parties; any force majeure event that cannot be predicted (a crash of an aircraft and its parts, natural disasters not accounted for in the design of a hydraulic structure or power equipment, etc.) and that exempts RusHydro Group from liability. 2.1.2. Evaluation The Meeting the Accident Prevention Target KPI is considered to be fulfilled (its value is 0) when the KPI target is achieved and, simultaneously, all the following conditions are met: the number of production-related accidents does not exceed the annual average for the last five years preceding the period in question; the number of major accidents does not exceed its target value (0).. In all other cases, the Meeting the Accident Prevention Target KPI is considered unfulfilled. 2.2. KPI 'Return on Equity (ROE)' 2.2.1. Calculation The list of legal entities for the calculation of: the target value is taken from PJSC RusHydro’s effective Regulations on the Business Planning Framework subject to RusHydro Group’s Consolidated Business Plan; the actual value is taken from RusHydro Group's audited consolidated financial statements prepared in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), Note Principal Subsidiaries For the target value calculation, RusHydro Group uses data from its Consolidated Business Plan: ROE = [(Profit for the period + Non-monetary expenses – Non-monetary income + Fuel expenses) /Average annual equity]*100%, where Profit for the period is the Profit for the Period line in the RusHydro Group’s Consolidated Income Statement. The average annual equity is obtained by the following formula: Average annual equity = (cid:2904)(cid:2899)(cid:2904)(cid:2885)(cid:2896) (cid:2889)(cid:2901)(cid:2905)(cid:2893)(cid:2904)(cid:2909)(cid:3116)(cid:2878)(cid:2904)(cid:2899)(cid:2904)(cid:2885)(cid:2896) (cid:2889)(cid:2901)(cid:2905)(cid:2893)(cid:2904)(cid:2909)(cid:3117) (cid:2870) ,where TOTAL EQUITY0 is the sum of Equity Attributable to Shareholders of PJSC RusHydro and Non- controlling Interest as at the beginning of the period as indicated in the RusHydro Group's Consolidated Balance Sheet; TOTAL EQUITY1 is the sum of EquityAttributable to Shareholders of PJSC RusHydro and Non- controlling Interest as at the end of the period as indicated in the RusHydro Group's Consolidated Balance Sheet. 246 Non-monetary expenses/income is the Other Non-Monetary Items of Operating Income and Expenses line (Explanatory Note to the RusHydro Group's Consolidated Business Plan, chapters "Finance Income and Expenses", "Business Analysis by Segment", and "Financial Results") and consists of: Non-monetary expenses, including: Impairment of property, plant and equipment; Impairment of long-term promissory notes; Impairment of financial assets held for sale; Loss on revaluation of net assets of a subsidiary acquired for resale; Loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment; Net income and expenses from provisions; Expense on discounting; Provision for impairment of inventories; Foreign exchange loss; Other non-monetary expenses. Non-monetary income, including: Income associated with the pension plan reduction; Income on discounting; Foreign exchange gain; Income from revaluation of financial investments; Other non-monetary income. Fuel expenses are target expenses attributed to the Fuel Expensesline (Explanatory Note to the RusHydro Group's Consolidated Business Plan, Chapter "RusHydro Group Expenses"). The indicator is calculated to one decimal place and rounded mathematically to the nearest whole number. For the actual value calculation, RusHydro Group uses data from its consolidated financial statements prepared in accordance with the IFRS (Consolidated Statement of Financial Position, Consolidated Income Statement, and Note Segment Information. ROE = [(Profit for the period (year) + Non-monetary expenses – Non-monetary income + Fuel expenses) / Average annual equity] * 100%, where 247 Profit for the period is the Profit for the Period line in the Consolidated Income Statement; The average annual equity is obtained by the following formula: Average annual equity = (cid:2904)(cid:2899)(cid:2904)(cid:2885)(cid:2896) (cid:2889)(cid:2901)(cid:2905)(cid:2893)(cid:2904)(cid:2909)(cid:3116)(cid:2878)(cid:2904)(cid:2899)(cid:2904)(cid:2885)(cid:2896) (cid:2889)(cid:2901)(cid:2905)(cid:2893)(cid:2904)(cid:2909)(cid:3117) (cid:2870) , where TOTAL EQUITY0 is the sum of Equity Attributable to Shareholders of PJSC RusHydro and Non- controlling Interest as at the beginning of the period as indicated in the Consolidated Statement of Financial Position; TOTAL EQUITY1 is the sum of Equity Attributable to Shareholders of PJSC RusHydro and Non- controlling Interest as at the end of the period as indicated in the Consolidated Statement of Financial Position; Non-monetary expenses/income is the Other Non-monetary Items of Operating Income and Expenses line (Notes Segment Information and Finance Income, Costs to RusHydro Group's consolidated financial statements prepared in accordance with the IFRS for the reporting period) and consists of: Non-monetary expenses, including: Impairment of property, plant and equipment; Impairment of long-term promissory notes; Impairment of financial assets held for sale; Loss on revaluation of net assets of a subsidiary acquired for resale; Loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment; Net income and expenses from provisions; Expense on discounting; Provision for impairment of inventories; Foreign exchange loss; Other non-monetary expenses. Non-monetary income, including: Income associated with the pension plan reduction; Income on discounting; Foreign exchange gain; Income from revaluation of financial investments; Other non-monetary income. 248 Fuel expenses are actual expenses attributed to the Fuel Expenses line (Note Operating Expenses to RusHydro Group's consolidated financial statements prepared in accordance with the IFRS for the reporting period). The indicator is calculated to one decimal place and rounded mathematically. 2.2.2. Evaluation The KPI is considered to meet the established target if its actual value is at least 95% of the target for the reporting period. Otherwise, the indicator is not considered to meet the established target. 2.3. KPI 'Earnings Before Interest, Tax, Depreciation and Amortization (EBITDA)' The list of legal entities for the calculation of: the target value is taken from PJSC RusHydro’s effective Regulations on the Business Planning Framework subject to RusHydro Group’s Consolidated Business Plan; the actual value is taken from RusHydro Group's audited consolidated financial statements prepared in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), Note Principal Subsidiaries. 2.3.1. Calculation For the target value calculation, RusHydro Group uses data from its Consolidated Business Plan: EBITDA = Profit before tax + Depreciation and Amortization + Non-monetary expenses – Non-monetary income + Interest payable + Fuel expenses. Profit before tax is the Profit Before Income Tax line in the Consolidated Income Statement. Depreciation and amortization is the Depreciation of Property, Plant and Equipment and Amortization of Intangible Assets (Table "Structure of Current Operating Expenses"). Non-monetary expenses/income are determined as set out in Clause 2.2.1 hereof. Interest payable is the Interest Payable line (Explanatory Note to the RusHydro Group's Consolidated Business Plan, Chapter "RusHydro Group's Financial Results"). Fuel expenses are determined as set out in Clause 2.2.1 hereof. For the actual value calculation, RusHydro Group uses data from its consolidated financial statements prepared in accordance with the IFRS (Consolidated Statement of Financial Position, Consolidated Income Statement, Note Segment Information, and Note Finance Income, Costs): EBITDA = Profit before tax + Depreciation and amortization + Non-monetary expenses – Non-monetary income + Interest payable + Fuel expenses. Profit before tax is the Profit Before Income Tax line in the Consolidated Income Statement. 249 Depreciation and amortization is the Depreciation of Property, Plant and Equipment line (Note Segment Information). Non-monetary expenses/income are determined as set out in Clause 2.2.1 hereof. Interest payable is the Interest Expense line in Note Finance Income, Costs. Fuel expenses are determined as set out in Clause 2.2.1 hereof. No decimals are used in the calculation of the indicator. The value is rounded to the nearest integer mathematically. 2.3.2. Evaluation The KPI is considered to meet the established target if its actual value is at least 95% of the target for the reporting period. Otherwise, the indicator is not considered to meet the established target. 2.4. KPI 'Share of Procurement from Small and Medium Businesses, Including Through SME-only Procurement Procedures' List of legal entities included in the calculation: PJSC RusHydro. 2.4.1. Calculation The target value is a statutory value determined as set out in Section 1 of the Regulation on Special Aspects of Participation of Small and Medium Enterprises in Procurement of Goods, Works and Services for Certain Types of Legal Entities, Annual Volume of Such Procurement and Procedure for Calculation of the Said Volume adopted by the Russian Government’s Resolution No. 1352 On Special Aspects of Participation of Small and Medium Enterprises in Procurement of Goods, Works and Services for Certain Types of Legal Entities dated December 11, 2014. The actual value is calculated on the basis of the Register of Contracts concluded as a result of the Company's procurement activities. The actual value is defined as a share of procurements from small and medium businesses in the total annual volume of procurements under the contracts concluded by PJSC RusHydro in the reporting period. It is calculated by the following formulas: SHsmeTOT= (PrcexclSME+ PrcSME+ PrcSMEsub)/ Prctot × 100 SHsme = PrcexclSME / Prctot × 100 where: SHsmeTOT is a share of contracts awarded to small and medium enterprises (hereinafter SMEs) in the total annual volume of contracts concluded as a result of procurement procedures, including SME-only procurement procedures. In this case, first-tier subcontracts are also taken into account. The first-tier subcontracts mean agreements for the supply of goods or services concluded directly between SMEs and other companies that have direct contracts with the Company, %; 250 SHsme is a share of contracts awarded to SMEs as a result of SME-only procurement procedures in accordance with Regulation No. 1352 in the total annual volume of contracts, %; PrcexclSME is a total price of contracts awarded to SMEs as a result of SME-only procurement procedures in accordance with Section 2 of Regulation No. 1352, RUB; PrcSMEsub is a total price of first-tier subcontracts concluded directly between SMEs and other companies that have direct contracts with the Company, RUB; PrcSME is a total price of contracts awarded to SMEs as a result of SME-only procurement procedures in accordance with Section 2 of Regulation No. 1352, RUB; Prctot is a total price of contracts concluded as a result of SME-only procurement procedures in accordance with Section 2 of Regulation No. 1352, RUB. Purchases made in the reporting period and specified in Clause 7 of Regulation No. 1352 are not accounted for in the calculation of this KPI. 2.4.2. Evaluation The KPI is considered to meet the established target if its actual value is at least 95% of the target for the reporting period. Otherwise, the indicator is not considered to meet the established target. 2.5. KPI 'Adherence to the Capacity Commissioning Schedules, Funding and Spending Plan' 2.5.1. Calculation The indicator is calculated for PJSC RusHydro and new facilities constructed by subsidiaries according to the Company's duly approved business plan. The target value is taken from the Company's investment plans and subsidiaries' construction plans as duly approved and included in the Business Plan by the Company’s Board of Directors. The actual value is sourced from the Company's actual investment performance and subsidiaries' actual new builds as specified in the report on progress against the Company's Business Plan duly approved by the Company's Board of Directors. Adherence to the capacity commissioning schedules, funding and spending plan is calculated by the following formula: (cid:498)(cid:3)comm fund spend (cid:32)(cid:3)(cid:19)(cid:17)(cid:26)(cid:24)(cid:257)(cid:498)commcap (cid:14)(cid:3)(cid:19)(cid:15)(cid:21)(cid:24)(cid:257)(cid:498)(cid:3)volfundspend year, where: (cid:498)(cid:3)comm fund spend is adherence to the capacity commissioning schedules, funding and spending plan (for the year); (cid:498)comm cap is an aggregate (covering all types of commissioned capacity) indicator of adherence to commissioning schedules; (cid:498)(cid:3)volfundspend yearis adherence to the annual funding and spending plan. The aggregate indicator (covering all types of commissioned capacity) of adherence to capacity commissioning schedules for the reporting year is calculated by the following formula: 251 comm capcc (cid:580) 100 actual cap V target capcap VV (cid:498)comm cap is adherence to commissioning schedules (covering all types of commissioned capacity89) in the reporting year; , where: V target cap is an annual capacity commissioning target (MW); V actual cap is capacity actually commissioned in the reporting year (MW). If no capacity commissioning plan is available for the reporting year, (cid:498)comm cap is not calculated and the corresponding share is included in (cid:498)(cid:3)volfundspend year. The indicator does not include the actually commissioned facilities if they were planned to be commissioned in the previous periods. Adherence to the funding and spending plan is calculated by the following formula: (cid:498)(cid:3)volfundspend (cid:498)(cid:3)volfund spend (cid:498)(cid:3)volfund (cid:498)(cid:3)vol spend year (cid:32)(cid:3)(cid:19)(cid:17)(cid:24)(cid:257)(cid:498)(cid:3)vol fund year(cid:14)(cid:19)(cid:17)(cid:24)(cid:257)(cid:498)(cid:3)volspend yearis adherence to the annual funding and spending plan; year , where: yearis adherence to the annual funding plan; yearis adherence to the annual spending plan. Adherence to the funding plan is calculated by the following formula: (cid:3049)(cid:3042)(cid:3039) (cid:3033)(cid:3048)(cid:3041)(cid:3031) (cid:3052)(cid:3032)(cid:3028)(cid:3045) = (cid:4686) (cid:1837) (cid:3269)(cid:3267)(cid:3126)(cid:3262) (cid:3295)(cid:3276)(cid:3293)(cid:3282)(cid:3280)(cid:3295) (cid:3007)(cid:3048)(cid:3041)(cid:3031) (cid:3007)(cid:3048)(cid:3041)(cid:3031)(cid:3295)(cid:3276)(cid:3293)(cid:3282)(cid:3280)(cid:3295) (cid:1499) (cid:4684)1 (cid:3398) (cid:4708)(cid:959)(cid:3007)(cid:3048)(cid:3041)(cid:3031) (cid:3269)(cid:3267)(cid:3126)(cid:3262) (cid:3293)(cid:3280)(cid:3291)(cid:3290)(cid:3293)(cid:3295)(cid:4708) (cid:3007)(cid:3048)(cid:3041)(cid:3031)(cid:3295)(cid:3276)(cid:3293)(cid:3282)(cid:3280)(cid:3295) (cid:4685) + (cid:3007)(cid:3048)(cid:3041)(cid:3031) (cid:3007)(cid:3048)(cid:3041)(cid:3031)(cid:3295)(cid:3276)(cid:3293)(cid:3282)(cid:3280)(cid:3295) (cid:3263)(cid:3251) (cid:3295)(cid:3276)(cid:3293)(cid:3282)(cid:3280)(cid:3295) (cid:3263)(cid:3251) (cid:3293)(cid:3280)(cid:3291)(cid:3290)(cid:3293)(cid:3295) (cid:1499) (cid:4678)1 + (cid:963) (cid:959)(cid:3007)(cid:3048)(cid:3041)(cid:3031) (cid:3007)(cid:3048)(cid:3041)(cid:3031)(cid:3295)(cid:3276)(cid:3293)(cid:3282)(cid:3280)(cid:3295) (cid:4679)(cid:4687) (cid:1499) 100%, where: Fundtargetis an annual funding target; (cid:1832)(cid:1873)(cid:1866)(cid:1856) (cid:1832)(cid:1873)(cid:1866)(cid:1856) (cid:3021)(cid:3019)(cid:2878)(cid:3014) (cid:3047)(cid:3028)(cid:3045)(cid:3034)(cid:3032)(cid:3047) is an annual funding target for the facilities financed by the Company; (cid:3015)(cid:3003) (cid:3047)(cid:3028)(cid:3045)(cid:3034)(cid:3032)(cid:3047) is a total annual funding target for new builds; (cid:3628)(cid:959)(cid:1832)(cid:1873)(cid:1866)(cid:1856) (cid:3021)(cid:3019)(cid:2878)(cid:3014) (cid:3045)(cid:3032)(cid:3043)(cid:3042)(cid:3045)(cid:3047)(cid:3628) is a module deviation between the target and actual funds allocated for the facilities financed by the Company90 in the reporting year. (cid:3015)(cid:3003) (cid:3045)(cid:3032)(cid:3043)(cid:3042)(cid:3045)(cid:3047) is a total deviation between the target and actual funds allocated for each new build in the (cid:963) (cid:959)(cid:1832)(cid:1873)(cid:1866)(cid:1856) reporting year. If the actual funds are less than 100% of the total target amount, the new build component in the formula is assumed to be zero in the reporting year. Adherence to the annual spending plan is calculated by the following formula: (cid:3049)(cid:3042)(cid:3039) (cid:3046)(cid:3043)(cid:3032)(cid:3041)(cid:3031) (cid:1837) (cid:3052)(cid:3032)(cid:3028)(cid:3045) = (cid:3428) (cid:3269)(cid:3267)(cid:3126)(cid:3262) (cid:3020)(cid:3043)(cid:3032)(cid:3041)(cid:3031)(cid:3295)(cid:3276)(cid:3293)(cid:3282)(cid:3280)(cid:3295) (cid:3020)(cid:3043)(cid:3032)(cid:3041)(cid:3031)(cid:3295)(cid:3276)(cid:3293)(cid:3282)(cid:3280)(cid:3295) (cid:1499) (cid:3436)1 + (cid:3269)(cid:3267)(cid:3126)(cid:3262) (cid:959)(cid:3020)(cid:3043)(cid:3032)(cid:3041)(cid:3031)(cid:3293)(cid:3280)(cid:3291)(cid:3290)(cid:3293)(cid:3295) (cid:3020)(cid:3043)(cid:3032)(cid:3041)(cid:3031)(cid:3295)(cid:3276)(cid:3293)(cid:3282)(cid:3280)(cid:3295) (cid:3440) + (cid:3263)(cid:3251) (cid:3020)(cid:3043)(cid:3032)(cid:3041)(cid:3031)(cid:3295)(cid:3276)(cid:3293)(cid:3282)(cid:3280)(cid:3295) (cid:3020)(cid:3043)(cid:3032)(cid:3041)(cid:3031)(cid:3295)(cid:3276)(cid:3293)(cid:3282)(cid:3280)(cid:3295) (cid:1499) (cid:3436)1 + (cid:3263)(cid:3251) (cid:963) (cid:959)(cid:3020)(cid:3043)(cid:3032)(cid:3041)(cid:3031)(cid:3293)(cid:3280)(cid:3291)(cid:3290)(cid:3293)(cid:3295) (cid:3020)(cid:3043)(cid:3032)(cid:3041)(cid:3031)(cid:3295)(cid:3276)(cid:3293)(cid:3282)(cid:3280)(cid:3295) (cid:3440)(cid:3432) (cid:1499) 100%,where: Spend target is an annual spending target; 89 For the purpose of KPI calculation, capacity commissioning targets are approved and included in the Business Plan by the Company's Board of Directors. Capacity is deemed to have been commissioned in the reporting period if an operation permit is issued for a power installation by the regulator as per the template provided for in Rostechnadzor's Order No. 212 dated April 7, 2008, and an equipment acceptance certificate is issued by the acceptance commission following comprehensive tests. 90 The volume of TR+M funding and spending for the calculation of KPI 'Adherence to the Capacity Commissioning Schedules, Funding and Spending Plan, %' is taken as the total value of the TR+Mline in the Business Plan approved by the Company's Board of Directors. 252 (cid:1845)(cid:1868)(cid:1857)(cid:1866)(cid:1856)(cid:3047)(cid:3028)(cid:3045)(cid:3034)(cid:3032)(cid:3047) (cid:3021)(cid:3019)(cid:2878)(cid:3014) is an annual spending target for the facilities financed by the Company; (cid:1845)(cid:1868)(cid:1857)(cid:1866)(cid:1856)(cid:3047)(cid:3028)(cid:3045)(cid:3034)(cid:3032)(cid:3047) (cid:3015)(cid:3003) is an total annual spending target for the new builds; (cid:3021)(cid:3019)(cid:2878)(cid:3014) is a deviation between the target and actual spendings on the facilities financed by the (cid:959)(cid:1845)(cid:1868)(cid:1857)(cid:1866)(cid:1856)(cid:3045)(cid:3032)(cid:3043)(cid:3042)(cid:3045)(cid:3047) Company54 in the reporting year. (cid:3015)(cid:3003) is a total deviation between the target and actual spendings on each new build in the (cid:963) (cid:959)(cid:1845)(cid:1868)(cid:1857)(cid:1866)(cid:1856)(cid:3045)(cid:3032)(cid:3043)(cid:3042)(cid:3045)(cid:3047) reporting year. If the actual spendings are less than 100% of the total target amount, the new build component in the formula is assumed to be zero in the reporting year. The annual funding and spending targets for each facility are included in the Company's Business Plan duly approved by the Board of Directors. Amendments to the annual funding and spending targets and capacity commissioning indicators for each financed facility are submitted to the Company's Board of Directors for approval as part of the amended Business Plan. 2.5.2. Evaluation The KPI is considered to meet the established target if its actual value is at least 100% of the target for the reporting period. Otherwise, the indicator is not considered to meet the established target. 2.6. KPI 'Labor Productivity' 2.6.1. Calculation List of legal entities included in the calculation: PJSC RusHydro, PJSC DEK, PJSC Yakutskenergo, PJSC Kamchatskenergo, JSC UESK, PJSC Magadanenergo, PJSC Sakhalinenergo, JSC DGK, PJSC DRSK, PJSC Mobile Energy, JSC Chukotenergo, JSC Sakhaenergo, JSC Teploenergoservis, JSC ESC RusHydro, PJSC Krasnoyarskenergosbyt, PJSC RESK, JSC Chuvash Energy Retail Company, JSC Geoterm, PJS(cid:505) Kolymaenergo, JSC Pauzhetskaya GeoPP, PJSC KamGEK, and PJSC Boguchanskaya HPP. The target value is based on the Business Plans of the Company and its subsidiaries: Revenue is the Total Net Revenue from Sales of Goods and Services line from the approved Business Plans of the Company and its subsidiaries for the relevant period; Man-hours are calculated by the following formula: (Ndays – Nleave)* 8 * Etarget, where: Ndays is a number of business days in the period according to the business calendar; Nleave is a number of business days in the paid leaves; Etarget is a target number of employees as per approved Business Plans of the Company and its subsidiaries for the relevant period. The actual value is based on Federal Statistical Observation Forms No. PT (GS) Labor Productivity in the Sector of Non-financial Corporations Partially Owned by the Government 253 (Rosstat’s Order No. 576 On Approval of Statistical Tools for the Federal Agency for State Property Management to Perform Federal Statistical Observation of Labor Productivity in the Sector of Non-financial Corporations Partially Owned by the Government dated September 23, 2014). This indicator is calculated as the ratio of the Company’s and its subsidiaries’ aggregate revenue (as per reports on the implementation of the Company’s and its subsidiaries’ business plans) to man-hours worked by employees on payroll and external part-timers (as per Federal Statistical Observation Form No. P4 Headcount, Payroll and HR Flows) and is calculated using the following formula: LP = Revenue / Man-hours, where: LP is labor productivity, RUB ‘000/man-hour; Revenue is the Revenue from Sales of Goods and Services line, RUB ‘000; Man-hours are man-hours worked by employees on payroll and external part-timers. The indicator is calculated to two decimal places and rounded mathematically. 2.6.2. Evaluation The KPI is considered to meet the established target if its actual value is at least 95% of the target for the reporting period. Otherwise, the indicator is not considered to meet the established target. 2.7. KPI 'Decrease in Operating Expenses (Costs)' 2.7.1. Calculation List of legal entities included in the calculation: RusHydro Group companies operating in the price zones: PJSC RusHydro, PJSC Boguchanskaya HPP, JSC ESC RusHydro, PJSC Krasnoyarskenergosbyt, PJSC Ryazan Retail Energy Company, and JSC Chuvash Energy Retail Company. RusHydro Group companies operating in the non-price zones, in technologically isolated local electric power systems and in areas not technologically linked with the Unified Energy System of Russia or with technologically isolated local electric power systems: JSC RAO ES East, PJSC Yakutskenergo, PJSC Kamchatskenergo, JSC UESK, PJSC Magadanenergo, PJSC Sakhalinenergo, JSC DGK, JSC DRSK, PJSC Mobile Energy, JSC Chukotenergo, JSC Sakhaenergo, JSC Teploenergoservis, JSC Geoterm, PJS(cid:505) Kolymaenergo, PJSC KamGEK, and PJSC DEK. The target value is calculated as per Directive of the Russian Government No. 2303p-P13 dated April 16, 2015. 254 The actual value is sourced from: Report on progress against the Business Plan of the Company and its subsidiaries. The reduction of unit costs is calculated using the following formula: DOE(cid:2911)(cid:2913)(cid:2930)(cid:2931)(cid:2911)(cid:2922) = (DOE(cid:2919) (cid:1499) (cid:574)(cid:2919) + DOE(cid:2920) (cid:1499) (cid:574)(cid:2920)), where DOE(cid:2911)(cid:2913)(cid:2930)(cid:2931)(cid:2911)(cid:2922) is a decrease in operating expenses (costs) in the reporting period, %; i is each of RusHydro Group companies included in the calculation of the indicator and operating in the price zones; j is each of RusHydro Group companies included in the calculation of the indicator and operating in the non-price zones, in technologically isolated local electric power systems and in areas not technologically linked with the Unified Energy System of Russia or with technologically isolated local electric power systems; is a share of RusHydro Group companies included in the calculation of the indicator and (cid:574)(cid:2919) operating in the price zones in the total revenue; is a share of RusHydro Group companies included in the calculation of the indicator and (cid:574)(cid:2920) operating in the non-price zones, in technologically isolated local electric power systems and in areas not technologically linked with the Unified Energy System of Russia or with technologically isolated local electric power systems in the total revenue. DOE(cid:2919),(cid:2920) = (cid:1735) (cid:1736) (cid:1737) (cid:963) (cid:3147)(cid:3148)(cid:3137)(cid:3156) (cid:963) (cid:3146) (cid:963) (cid:3147)(cid:3148)(cid:3137)(cid:3156) (cid:963) (cid:3146) (cid:3176)(cid:3163)(cid:3174) (cid:3165)(cid:3163)(cid:3172) (cid:3167),(cid:3168) (cid:3176)(cid:3163)(cid:3174) (cid:3167),(cid:3168) (cid:3176)(cid:3163)(cid:3174)(cid:3127)(cid:3117) (cid:3162)(cid:3167)(cid:3177)(cid:3161) (cid:3165)(cid:3163)(cid:3172) (cid:3168) (cid:3176)(cid:3163)(cid:3174)(cid:3127)(cid:3117) (cid:3167),(cid:3168) (cid:1499) (cid:573)(cid:2917)(cid:2915)(cid:2924) (cid:3398) (cid:963) (cid:3147)(cid:3148)(cid:3137)(cid:3156) (cid:963) (cid:3137)(cid:3175)(cid:3153) (cid:3176)(cid:3163)(cid:3174) (cid:3165)(cid:3176)(cid:3167)(cid:3162) (cid:3167),(cid:3168) (cid:3176)(cid:3163)(cid:3174) (cid:3167),(cid:3168) (cid:3176)(cid:3163)(cid:3174)(cid:3127)(cid:3117) (cid:3162)(cid:3167)(cid:3177)(cid:3161) (cid:3165)(cid:3176)(cid:3167)(cid:3162) (cid:3167),(cid:3168) (cid:3176)(cid:3163)(cid:3174)(cid:3127)(cid:3117) (cid:3167),(cid:3168) (cid:963) (cid:3147)(cid:3148)(cid:3137)(cid:3156) (cid:963) (cid:3137)(cid:3175)(cid:3153) (cid:1499) (cid:573)(cid:2917)(cid:2928)(cid:2919)(cid:2914) (cid:3398) (cid:963) (cid:3147)(cid:3148)(cid:3137)(cid:3156) (cid:963) (cid:3153)(cid:3135) (cid:3176)(cid:3163)(cid:3174) (cid:3176)(cid:3163)(cid:3178)(cid:3159)(cid:3167)(cid:3170) (cid:3167),(cid:3168) (cid:3176)(cid:3163)(cid:3174) (cid:3167),(cid:3168) (cid:3176)(cid:3163)(cid:3174)(cid:3127)(cid:3117) (cid:3162)(cid:3167)(cid:3177)(cid:3161) (cid:3176)(cid:3163)(cid:3178)(cid:3159)(cid:3167)(cid:3170) (cid:3167),(cid:3168) (cid:963) (cid:3147)(cid:3148)(cid:3137)(cid:3156) (cid:963) (cid:3153)(cid:3135) (cid:3176)(cid:3163)(cid:3174)(cid:3127)(cid:3117) (cid:3167),(cid:3168) (cid:1499) 100%,where (cid:1499) (cid:573)(cid:2928)(cid:2915)(cid:2930)(cid:2911)(cid:2919)(cid:2922) (cid:1738) (cid:1739) (cid:1740) (cid:2928)(cid:2915)(cid:2926) , OPEX(cid:2917)(cid:2928)(cid:2919)(cid:2914) (cid:2919),(cid:2920) (cid:2928)(cid:2915)(cid:2926) OPEX(cid:2917)(cid:2915)(cid:2924) (cid:2919),(cid:2920) calculation and incurred in the reporting period by RusHydro Group company i or j included in the calculation, RUB mn; is actual operating expenses recognized for the purpose of , OPEX(cid:2928)(cid:2915)(cid:2930)(cid:2911)(cid:2919)(cid:2922) (cid:2919),(cid:2920) (cid:2928)(cid:2915)(cid:2926) (cid:2928)(cid:2915)(cid:2926)(cid:2879)(cid:2869) (cid:2928)(cid:2915)(cid:2926)(cid:2879)(cid:2869) , OPEX(cid:2914)(cid:2919)(cid:2929)(cid:2913) (cid:2917)(cid:2928)(cid:2919)(cid:2914) (cid:2919),(cid:2920) OPEX(cid:2914)(cid:2919)(cid:2929)(cid:2913) (cid:2917)(cid:2915)(cid:2924) (cid:2920) preceding the reporting period (and discounted to the reporting year) by RusHydro Group company i or j included in the calculation, as attributable to regulated activities, RUB mn; is actual operating expenses incurred in the period (cid:2928)(cid:2915)(cid:2926)(cid:2879)(cid:2869) , OPEX(cid:2914)(cid:2919)(cid:2929)(cid:2913) (cid:2928)(cid:2915)(cid:2930)(cid:2911)(cid:2919)(cid:2922) (cid:2919),(cid:2920) (cid:302)gen(cid:15)(cid:3)(cid:302)grid(cid:15)(cid:3)(cid:302)retail is a share of expenses incurred by RusHydro Group company i or j included in the calculation in the total actual OPEX recognized in the reporting period for the purpose of calculation, as attributable to regulated activities; (cid:2928)(cid:2915)(cid:2926) is an actual value of the normalized installed (electric and thermal) capacity of generating N(cid:2919),(cid:2920) facilities (including capacity of facilities leased and/or operated under contracts) of RusHydro Group company i or j included in the calculation in the reporting period, MW. 255 For each generating facilities, the calculation is made as at the end of the reporting period, taking into account the new capacity commissioned under investment programs approved by the boards of directors of legal entities included in the KPI calculation; (cid:2928)(cid:2915)(cid:2926)(cid:2879)(cid:2869) is an actual value of the normalized installed (electric and thermal) capacity of N(cid:2919),(cid:2920) generating facilities (including capacity of facilities leased and/or operated under contracts) of RusHydro Group company i or j included in the calculation in the period preceding the reporting period, MW; (cid:2928)(cid:2915)(cid:2926) is the actual number of equivalent units of equipment used in the reporting period at EqU(cid:2919),(cid:2920) power grid facilities of RusHydro Group company i or j included in the calculation, pcs.91; (cid:2928)(cid:2915)(cid:2926)(cid:2879)(cid:2869) is the actual number of equivalent units of equipment used in the period preceding EqU(cid:2919),(cid:2920) the reporting period at power grid facilities of RusHydro Group company i or j included in the calculation, pcs.58; (cid:2928)(cid:2915)(cid:2926) is the actual number of utility connections of RusHydro Group company i or j included in UC(cid:2919),(cid:2920) the calculation as at the end of the reporting period, pcs.; (cid:2928)(cid:2915)(cid:2926)(cid:2879)(cid:2869) is the actual number of utility connections of RusHydro Group company i or j included UC(cid:2919),(cid:2920) in the calculation as at the end of the period preceding the reporting period, pcs.; 100 is a multiplier to calculate the percentage. The actual operating expenses in the reporting period recognized for the purpose of the KPI calculation are obtained by the following formula: OPEX(cid:2919),(cid:2920) (cid:2928)(cid:2915)(cid:2926) = OPEX(cid:2919),(cid:2920) (cid:2911)(cid:2913)(cid:2930)(cid:2931)(cid:2911)(cid:2922) (cid:3398) (cid:959)Pacx, where OPEX(cid:2919),(cid:2920) (cid:2911)(cid:2913)(cid:2930)(cid:2931)(cid:2911)(cid:2922) is the actual operating expenses in the reporting period, RUB mn; (cid:959)(cid:671)(cid:707)(cid:724)(cid:728) is operating expenses (costs) of the reporting year not used in the KPI calculation by decision of PJSC RusHydro's Board of Directors. The actual operating expenses in the period preceding the reporting period are calculated by the following formula: OPEX(cid:2914)(cid:2919)(cid:2929)(cid:2913) (cid:2919),(cid:2920) (cid:2928)(cid:2915)(cid:2926)(cid:2879)(cid:2869) = OPEX (cid:2919),(cid:2920) (cid:2928)(cid:2915)(cid:2926)(cid:2879)(cid:2869) (cid:1499) CPI(GRR DOE(cid:2873)(cid:2877)), where (cid:2928)(cid:2915)(cid:2926)(cid:2879)(cid:2869) is the actual operating expenses in the period preceding the reporting period, RUB OPEX (cid:2919),(cid:2920) mn; CPI is a consumer price index as at the end of the year (conservative, in % to December) published on the Russian Ministry of Economic Development (http://economy.gov.ru) as part of the preliminary social and economic development forecast the website of 91 Determined as per Order of the Federal Tariff Service of Russia No. 20-e/2 On Approval of Guidelines for Calculation of Regulated Tariffs and Prices for Electric (Thermal) Energy in the Retail (Consumer) Market dated August 6, 2004 and amended on April 14, 2014 and September 16, 2014. 256 for the reporting year (for the purpose hereof); GRR DOE92 is a growth rate of controllable expenses accounted for in the estimates of required gross revenue imposed by the regulator on a year-on-year basis for regulated activities in accordance with the Guidelines for Calculation of Regulated Electricity (Capacity) Prices (Tariffs) for Wholesale Market Suppliers That Own or Otherwise Control Thermal Power Plants Operating in Non-price Zones of Wholesale Electricity and Capacity Market Where Tariffs are Established Through Long-term Indexation of Required Gross Revenue as developed in accordance with the Russian Government's Resolution No. 837 On Amendments to Pricing Basis in the Field of Regulated Prices (Tariffs) for Electric Power dated June 26, 2019, as well as the Guidelines for Calculation of Regulated Prices (Tariffs) for Heat Supplies approved by Order of the Federal Tariff Service No. 760-e dated June 13, 2013. List of items included in the calculation of KPI 'Decrease in Operating Expenses (Costs)' Cost Estimate form of the Business Plan, including business and management costs No. Items 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Materials and supplies Production-related work and services – Power transmission services of grid companies – Commercial power metering except: – Cash collection Payroll costs Compulsory social insurance Private pension plans Third-party work and services except: – R&D write-off – Services rendered by state (regulated) bodies (agencies) Business travel and representation expenses Lease broken down by areas (lessors) except: – Power generating and grid assets lease 9 Voluntary health insurance 10 Accident insurance 11 Other costs attributable to the cost of revenue except: – Software and licenses 92 Used for j–companies if GRR DOE is higher than CPI. 257 – Remuneration of Board and Internal Audit Commission members – Estimated liabilities other than labor costs Other income and expenses form of the Business Plan 12 Other taxes recognized as part of OPEX 13 Maintenance of mothballed facilities 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Social Program of housing conditions improvement Social facilities Payroll out of other expenses Voluntary health insurance Annual General Meeting of Shareholders Contributions to non-profit foundations and partnerships 21 Non-capitalized construction costs (impoundment areas, etc.) 22 Miscellaneous except: – State duties, reimbursements – Retiring and written-off assets and materials – Estimated liabilities, other prepaid expense – Borrowing and hedging The calculated indicator is rounded to two decimal places. The rounding is mathematical. 2.7.2. Evaluation The KPI is deemed to meet the established target if its actual value is at least 95% of the target for the reporting period. Otherwise, the indicator is not considered to meet the established target. 2.8. Integrated Innovative KPI 2.8.1. Calculation List of legal entities included in the calculation: PJSC RusHydro, JSC NIIES, JSC Vedeneyev VNIIG, JSC Hydroproject Institute, JSC Lenhydroproject, JSC Mosoblhydroproject, JSC RAO ES East, JSC DGK, JSC DRSK, PJSC Kamchatskenergo, PJSC Magadanenergo, PJSC Mobile Energy, PJSC Sakhalinenergo, JSC Sakhaenergo, JSC Chukotenergo, JSC UESK, and PJSC Yakutskenergo. The indicator is calculated by measuring each of the Integrated Innovative KPI components: R&D expenses, % of revenue; increase in IP assets on the balance sheet in the reporting period; thermal efficiency in heat generation; HPP capacity management efficiency; quality of design (update) and implementation of the Innovative Development Program. 258 The target value is calculated using data from the duly approved Innovative Development Program of RusHydro effective in the reporting period93. The actual values of R&D expenses as a percentage of revenue, increase in IP assets on the balance sheet in the reporting period, and thermal efficiency in heat generation are taken from the duly approved annual progress report on the Group’s Innovative Development Program. The actual values for the calculation of HPP capacity management efficiency are determined as per the annual report on progress against PJSC RusHydro’s Business Plan. To this end, the actual HPP installed capacity is taken as capacity as at the last day of the reporting year. The actual values of the quality of design (update) / implementation of the Innovative Development Program are calculated in accordance with the Regulations on the Quality Assessment Procedure for the Development, Update and Annual Independent Assessment of Innovative Development Programs of Joint-Stock Companies Partially Owned by the Government, State-Owned Companies and Federal State Unitary Enterprises (appendix to Russian Government’s Decree No. AD-P36-621 dated February 9, 2016). RR&Dexpenses, % of revenue (P1) The indicator is calculated using the following formula: RR&D = (R&D/S)*100%, where R&D is annual R&D expenses of the companies used in the indicator calculation, including: a) cost of acquiring exclusive intellectual property rights (under contracts for the alienation of exclusive rights under Article 1234 of the Russian Civil Code) or rights to use intellectual property (pursuant to license contracts under Article 1234 of the Russian Civil Code) with respect to the following intellectual properties: inventions, utility models or industrial designs (patent rights); software (copyright), databases (related rights), and integrated circuit topographies; microcircuits; manufacturing processes (know-how). b) contributions to venture capital funds or private equity funds with a focus on small innovative and high-tech businesses; c) investments in high-tech manufacturing projects in cooperation with Russian universities and government research institutions as part of Russian Government’s Resolution No. 218 of April 9, 2010; 93 Should any amendments be made by the Interdepartmental Working Group for the Implementation of Innovative Development Priorities with the Presidium of the Russian President’s Council for Modernization of the Economy and Innovative Development of Russia to the target values or to guidelines for the calculation of integrated innovative KPI components or should the program be updated or should the program be approved for a new period, the integrated innovative KPI is calculated using the updated information. 259 d) procurement of research equipment for Russian educational institutions; e) contributions to non-profit organizations supporting priority technology platforms as per the list approved by the Presidium of the Russian President’s Council for Modernization of the Economy and Innovative Development of Russia and contributions to specialized entities managing regional innovation clusters as per the list set forth in Appendix 6 to Russian Government’s Resolution No. 316 of April 15, 2014; f) cost of continuing education (professional development and retraining of staff) and targeted training of students at universities and vocational schools. S is annual revenue of the companies included in the calculation as per RAS financial statements less the cost of purchased electricity and heat, cost of power and heat transmission by grid companies, intragroup operations, including revenue of JSC DRSK and revenue from utility connection Increase in IP assets on the balance sheet in the reporting period (P2). The indicator is calculated using the following formula N(cid:2926)(cid:2911)(cid:2930)(cid:2915)(cid:2924)(cid:2930)(cid:2929) = (cid:3436) P(cid:2919) P(cid:2919)(cid:2879)(cid:2869) (cid:3398) 1(cid:3440) (cid:1499) 100% is the actual number of IP assets on the balance sheet of the companies included in the Pi calculation (with the copyright protection available) in the reporting year. P i-1 is the actual number of IP assets on the balance sheet of the companies included in the calculation (with the copyright protection available) in the year preceding the reporting year. Copyright protection means duly executed (with the copyright protection available) patents for inventions, patents for utility models, software registration certificates, database and integrated circuit topography (including know-how) registration certificates. Thermal efficiency in heat generation (P3) (for JSC RAO ES East only) The indicator is calculated using the following formula: Teh 86.0( W supply *7 *7 Q BB )* 1,000 supply %, where Wsupply is total electricity supply from the busbars to the companies included in the calculation in the reporting year, mn kWh; Qsupply is total heat supply from the boiling stations to the companies included in the calculation in the reporting year, ‘000 Gcal; 0.86 is a conversion factor for kWh to Gcal; 7 is a ratio of calorific value of equivalent fuel, kcal/kg; 260 (cid:490) is total consumption per unit of equivalent fuel for electricity and heat generation across the companies included in the calculation in the reporting year, tonnes of equivalent fuel. HPP capacity management efficiency (P4), number of employees per 100 MW (for PJSC RusHydro only) The indicator is calculated using the following formula: WHPP = Average headcount involved in core operations / HPP installed capacity *100 The target values of headcount and installed capacity are calculated based on PJSC RusHydro’s Business Plan for the relevant period. The HPP capacity management efficiency measured in the number of employees per 100 MW (P4) is an inverse proportion: the lower the value, the higher the efficiency. Quality of Innovative Development Program design (update) and implementation (P5), % The target value of the indicator is set at 90%. Specific weights are assigned to the components of the quality of Innovative Development Program design (update) and the quality of Innovative Development Program implementation as resolved by the Interdepartmental Working Group for the Implementation of Innovative Development Priorities with the Presidium of the Russian President’s Council for Modernization of the Economy and Innovative Development of Russia. If, at the time the indicator is calculated, any of the component values is not available, its weight is assigned to another component of the indicator. The evaluation of whether and to what extent the indicator meets the established target is based on the results of the final assessment of the quality of Innovative Development Program design (update) and Innovative Development Program implementation for the reporting period as provided by the Interdepartmental Commission for Technological Development with the Presidium of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for the modernization of the economy and innovative development of Russia and approved by the resolution of the Interdepartmental Working Group for the Implementation of Innovative Development Priorities with the Presidium of the Russian President's Council for Modernization of the Economy and Innovative Development of Russia. 2.8.2. Evaluation The evaluation of whether and to what extent the integrated innovative KPI meets the established target is based on the values of its components as shown below: P(cid:2919)(cid:2924)(cid:2930)(cid:2911)(cid:2917)(cid:2928)(cid:2911)(cid:2930)(cid:2915)(cid:2914) = (cid:963) 5 i = 1 (cid:962) 0 i (cid:1499) weight(cid:2919), % where Pintegrated is the Integrated Innovative KPI in the reporting year. (cid:962) is an indicator value n(i) characterising the Company's innovation activity in the reporting 0 i year. 261 weight(cid:2919) is a weight of the indicator in the reporting year. Weights for the calculation of the Integrated Innovative KPI are shown in the table below: No. Component Weight, % 1 2 3 4 5 R&D expenses, % of revenue Increase in IP assets on the balance sheet in the reporting period, % Thermal efficiency, % (JSC RAO ES East only) HPP capacity management efficiency, number of employees per 100 MW (RusHydro) Quality of implementation, % Innovative Development Program design (update) and 15 15 20 20 30 R&D expenses, % of revenue( (cid:616)(cid:585)1 ). The indicator is considered to fully meet the established target if its actual value is not below the target set in the Innovative Development Program for the reporting year. Otherwise, it is assessed by the extent to which the target has been met (the ratio of the indicator's actual value to its target value as provided in the Innovative Development Program and the relevant progress report). Increase in IP assets on the balance sheet in the reporting period ( (cid:616)(cid:585)2 ). The indicator is considered to fully meet the established target if its actual value is not below the target set in the Innovative Development Program for the reporting year. Otherwise, it is assessed by the extent to which the target has been met (the ratio of the indicator’s actual value to its target value as provided in the Innovative Development Program and the relevant progress report). Thermal efficiency (JSC RAO ES East only) ( (cid:616)(cid:585)3 ). The indicator is considered to fully meet the established target if its actual value is not below the target set in the Innovative Development Program for the reporting year. Otherwise, it is assessed by the extent to which the target has been met (the ratio of the indicator’s actual value to its target value as provided in the Innovative Development Program and the relevant progress report). HPP capacity management efficiency, number of employees per 100 MW (for RusHydro only) ( (cid:616)(cid:585)4 ). The HPP capacity management efficiency measured in the number of employees per 100 MW (P4) is an inverse proportion: the lower the value, the higher the efficiency. The indicator is considered to fully meet the established target if its actual value is not above the target set in the Innovative Development Program for the reporting year. Otherwise, it is assessed by the 262 extent to which the target has been met (the ratio of the indicator’s target value to its actual value as provided in the Innovative Development Program and the relevant progress report). Quality of Innovative Development Program design (update) and implementation ( (cid:616)(cid:585)5 ). Whether and to what extent the indicator meets the established target is evaluated as provided in paragraph Evaluation of the integrated innovative KPI: the indicator is considered to meet the established target if Pintegratedactual (cid:149)(cid:3) (cid:19)(cid:17)(cid:28)(cid:24)(cid:3) Pintegratedplan, where Pintegratedactual year. is the actual value of the integrated innovative KPI in the reporting Pintegratedplan is the established (target) value of the integrated innovative KPI in the reporting year. the indicator is considered not to meet the established target if Pintegratedactual < 0.95·Pintegratedplan. 2.9. KPI ‘Total Shareholder Return (TSR)’ 2.9.1. Calculation The target value is not calculated since it is sourced externally. The indicator is calculated for one year using the data about the Company's shares quotation on the Moscow Exchange and RusHydro Group's consolidated financial statements prepared in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) using the following formula: TSR = (cid:3435)(cid:2900)(cid:3117)(cid:2879)(cid:2900)(cid:3116)(cid:3439)(cid:2878)(cid:2888)(cid:2900)(cid:2903) , where (cid:2900)(cid:3116) P(cid:2868) is an average price per share in RUB on the Moscow Exchange over 22 trading days as at the end of the year preceding the reporting year; P(cid:2869) is an average price per share in RUB on the Moscow Exchange over 22 trading days as at the end of the reporting year; DPS (dividend per share) is a total amount of dividends or other disbursements (special dividends, redemption of shares, etc.) in RUB payable to shareholders per share during the reporting period. No decimals are used in the calculation of the indicator. The rounding is mathematical. 2.9.2. Evaluation The indicator is evaluated by comparing the Company’s actual TSR against changes in the key 263 composite index of the Moscow Exchange (the Index). Changes in the Index are calculated as a percentage of changes in the average Index over 22 trading days as at the end of the year preceding the reporting year and the average Index for 22 trading days as at the end of the reporting year. The indicator is considered to fully meet the established target (the actual value is assumed to be 100%) if the estimated actual indicator grew faster than the Index in the reporting period. Otherwise, the indicator is not considered to meet the established target (the actual value is assumed to be 0%). 2.10. KPI ‘Free cash flow (FCF)’ 2.10.1. Calculation The list of legal entities for the calculation of: the target value is taken from PJSC RusHydro’s effective Regulations on the Business Planning Framework subject to RusHydro Group’s Consolidated Business Plan; the actual value is taken from RusHydro Group's audited consolidated financial statements prepared in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), Note Principal Subsidiaries. For the target value calculation, RusHydro Group uses data from its Business Plan duly approved by the Company. For the actual value calculation, RusHydro Group uses data from its audited consolidated financial statements prepared in accordance with the IFRS (Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows). The indicator for RusHydro Group is calculated as a difference between the net cash flow from operations less interest paid on borrowings, financial lease and derivatives, and CAPEX. Free Cash Flow (FCF) is net consolidated cash flow from operations less obligatory financing expenses and investments required to maintain and/or expand the existing assets. FCF is calculated on the basis of RusHydro Group's consolidated annual financial statements prepared in accordance with the IFRS, using the following formula: FCF = CFO – CAPEX – Interest paid – Finance lease payments where CFO is the Net Cash Generated by Operating Activities line in the Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows for the reporting period; CAPEX is total cash outflows recognized in the Cash Flow from Investing Activities section of the Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows for the reporting period; 264 Interest paid and Finance lease payments94 are relevant amounts specified in the Cash Flow from Financing Activities section of the Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows for the reporting period. 2.10.2. Evaluation The KPI is considered to meet the established target if its actual value is at least 95% of the target for the reporting period. Otherwise, the indicator is not considered to meet the established target. 2.11. Earnings per share (EPS), RUB/share 2.11.1. Calculation List of legal entities to be used in the calculation: the target value is calculated based on RusHydro’s effective Regulations on the Business Planning Framework subject to RusHydro Group’s Consolidated Business Plan; the actual value is calculated based on RusHydro Group's audited consolidated financial statements prepared under the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), note Principal subsidiaries. The target value is calculated based on the input from RusHydro Group’s Consolidated Business Plan and RusHydro Group’s Business Plan: EPS Profit for the period + Non (cid:3398) cash expenses (cid:3398) (cid:3398)Non (cid:3398) cash income + Fuel costs (Number of shares as at the beginning of the year + Number of shares as at the end of the year) (cid:1499) 0.5 = where: Profit for the period is the line Profit for the period in RusHydro Group’s Consolidated Income Statement, RUB mn. Non-cash expenses/income – the item Other Non-cash Operating Expense/Income Items (Explanatory Note to RusHydro Group's Consolidated Business Plan, chapters Financial Income and Expenses, Analysis by Segment, Financial Results), RUB mn, includes: Non-cash expenses include: Loss from impairment of fixed assets; Loss from impairment of long-term promissory notes; Impairment loss on available-for-sale financial assets; 94 Line titles may differ from those published in the IFRS financial statements or the business plan, but their meaning and content correspond to those specified herein. 265 Loss on revaluation of net assets of a subsidiary acquired exclusively with a view to resale; Loss from disposal of fixed assets; Balance of income and expenses related to provisioning; Discounting costs; Inventory impairment provision; Foreign exchange losses; Other non-cash expenses. Non-cash income includes: Income associated with the pension plan reduction; Discounting income; Foreign exchange gains; Income from revaluation of financial investments; Other non-cash income. Fuel costs is the estimated amount of expenses under the Fuel costs item (Explanatory Note to RusHydro Group's Consolidated Business Plan, Chapter RusHydro Group’s Expenses), RUB mn. Number of shares as at the beginning of the year is the number of shares (in millions) as at the beginning of the year calculated by dividing the Authorized capital line (RusHydro's business plan / RusHydro’s pro forma balance sheet / Liabilities / III Capital and reserves) by par value of a share (RUB 1). Number of shares as at the end of the year is the number of shares (in millions) as at the end of the year calculated by dividing the Authorized capital line (RusHydro's business plan / RusHydro’s pro forma balance sheet / Liabilities / III Capital and reserves) by par value of a share (RUB 1). The calculated indicator is rounded to two decimal places. The rounding is mathematical. For the actual value calculation, RusHydro Group uses the data from its IFRS consolidated financial statements. Consolidated Statement of Financial Position, Consolidated Profit and Loss Statement, note Information by Segment to RusHydro’s audited financial (accounting) statements. EPS Profit for the period + Non (cid:3398) cash expenses (cid:3398) (cid:3398)Non (cid:3398) cash income + Fuel costs (Number of shares as at the beginning of the year + Number of shares as at the end of the year) (cid:1499) 0.5 = 266 where: Profit for the period (year) is the Profit for the year line in RusHydro Group’s Consolidated Profit and Lost Statement template, RUB mn. Number of shares as at the beginning of the year is the number of shares (in millions) as at the beginning of the year calculated by dividing the Authorized capital line (RusHydro's balance sheet / Liabilities / III Capital and reserves) by par value of a share (RUB 1). Number of shares as at the end of the year is the number of shares (in millions) as at the end of the year calculated by dividing the Authorized capital line (RusHydro's balance sheet / Liabilities / III Capital and reserves) by par value of a share (RUB 1). Non-cash expenses/income – the item Other non-cash items of operating income and expenses (Notes Segment information and Finance income, expenses to RusHydro Group's IFRS consolidated financial statements for the reporting period), RUB mn, includes: Non-cash expenses include: Loss from impairment of fixed assets; Loss from impairment of long-term promissory notes; Impairment loss on available-for-sale financial assets; Loss on revaluation of net assets of a subsidiary acquired exclusively with a view to resale; Loss from disposal of fixed assets; Balance of income and expenses related to provisioning; Discounting costs; Inventory impairment provision; Foreign exchange losses; Other non-cash expenses. Non-cash income includes: Income associated with the pension plan reduction; Discounting income; Foreign exchange gains; Income from revaluation of financial investments; Other non-cash income. 267 Fuel costs is the actual expenses under the item Fuel Costs (Note Operating Expensesto RusHydro Group's IFRS consolidated financial statements for the reporting period), RUB mn. The calculated indicator is rounded to two decimal places. The rounding is mathematical.. 2.11.2. Indicator evaluation The KPI is deemed to meet the established target if its actual value is at least 95% of the target for the reporting period95. Otherwise, the indicator is not considered to meet the established target. 95 If any additional shares are issued this year in favor of the Russian Federation, the target number of such shares shall be adjusted to factor in such additional shares placed as part of such issue. 268 APPENDIX NO.10 INDEPENDENT ASSURANCE REPORT ON THE FULFILMENT OF THE LONG-TERM DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME OF RUSHYDRO GROUP FOR 2019 269 270 271 APPENDIX NO.11 INFORMATION CONCERNING ESTABLISHMENT OF UNIFIED TREASURIES IN THE HEAD COMPANIES, SUBSIDIARIES, AND AFFILIATES Pursuant to the Directives No. 5110 p-P13 and No. 1796p-P13 of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 8, 2014 and March 26, 2015, respectively, the Board of Directors of PJSC RusHydro (hereinafter- the Company) made a resolution "On the Establishment of a Unified Treasury of PJSC RusHydro, its Subsidiaries, and Affiliates (Minutes No. 203 dated September 15, 2014) and issued an order (Minutes No. 215 dated May 5, 2015) to conduct an annual analysis following the establishment of a Unified Treasury of RusHydro Group. The Unified Treasury (hereinafter - UT) has been functioning as a methodological and information center since June 30, 2015, whose activities are aimed at regulating the work of the UT, optimizing cash flows, and centralizing the management of RusHydro Group’s financial risks. The UT represents a vertically integrated three-level organizational system of RusHydro Group’s treasury: Unified Treasury Treasury of Subgroups Treasury of Subsidiaries On an annual basis: settlement and payment system of RusHydro Group is subject to the inventory check, following which a report on the annual outcomes of RusHydro Group’s UT establishment is sent to the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and the Federal Financial Monitoring Service. monitoring the level of reliability and financial stability of partner banks within RusHydro Group’s system for selecting lenders to place funds with the aim of accreditation of partner banks; calculation and approval of risk limits on accredited banks and guarantor banks. 272 In 2019, work aimed at centralizing risk management, optimization of operational costs of RusHydro Group is continued. Process of accepted guarantees monitoring is automated to secure performance of obligations of RusHydro Group’s counterparties. Since August 2019, the Group has been running a Project to create a centralized Single Treasury, an automated information platform, establishing a unified IT infrastructure to support business processes of the Treasury and Finance functions. The project is planned for 2021. completion in 273 APPENDIX NO.12 INFORMATION ON THE ACTUAL RESULTS OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF EXECUTIVE ORDERS AND INSTRUCTIONS ISSUED BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION AND BY THE GOVERNMENT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION IN 2019 No. Registration number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (cid:490)(cid:541)-(cid:24)(cid:26)(cid:22)(cid:17)(cid:501)(cid:512)(cid:3) (cid:490)(cid:541)-(cid:24)(cid:26)(cid:24)(cid:17)(cid:501)(cid:512)(cid:3) (cid:490)(cid:541)-(cid:25)(cid:21)(cid:25)(cid:17)(cid:501)(cid:512)(cid:3) (cid:490)(cid:541)-(cid:25)(cid:24)(cid:28)(cid:17)(cid:501)(cid:512)(cid:3) (cid:490)(cid:541)-(cid:20)(cid:19)(cid:21)(cid:24)(cid:17)(cid:501)(cid:512)(cid:3) (cid:490)(cid:541)-(cid:20)(cid:20)(cid:20)(cid:25)(cid:17)(cid:501)(cid:512)(cid:3) (cid:490)(cid:541)-(cid:20)(cid:22)(cid:28)(cid:24)(cid:17)(cid:501)(cid:512)(cid:3) (cid:490)(cid:541)-(cid:20)(cid:27)(cid:23)(cid:19)(cid:17)(cid:501)(cid:512)(cid:3) (cid:490)(cid:541)-(cid:20)(cid:28)(cid:24)(cid:26)(cid:17)(cid:501)(cid:512)(cid:3) The Body that issued Executive Order / Instruction Office of the Government of the Russian Federation Office of the Government of the Russian Federation Office of the Government of the Russian Federation Office of the Government of the Russian Federation Office of the Envoy from the President of the Russian Federation in the Far Eastern Federal District Office of the Government of the Russian Federation Office of the Envoy from the President of the Russian Federation in the Far Eastern Federal District Office of the Government of the Russian Federation Office of the Brief content of the Executive Order / Instruction On consideration of updating the long-term plan for the comprehensive social and economic development of Svobodny of the Amur Region On providing information Date of issue of the Executive Order / Instruction Date of execution of the Executive Order / Instruction January 17, 2019. February 15, 2019. January 17, 2019. February 11, 2019. Telegram about conducting a meeting on January 25, 2019 concerning results of work performed in 2018 and priority tasks for 2019 On providing information on graduates of the federal program “Training and retraining of professional managers reserve (2010-2021)” On providing information January 18, 2019. January 24, 2019. January 18, 2019. February 5, 2019. January 25, 2019. February 7, 2019. On providing information January 28, 2019. February 4, 2019. On sending information January 31, 2019. February 15, 2019. On providing information February 6, 2019. February 14, 2019. On presenting a report concerning February 7, 2019. February 12, 2019. 274 No. Registration number 10 (cid:490)(cid:541)-(cid:21)(cid:20)(cid:26)(cid:19)(cid:17)(cid:501)(cid:512)(cid:3) 11 12 13 (cid:490)(cid:541)-(cid:21)(cid:20)(cid:25)(cid:22)(cid:17)(cid:501)(cid:512)(cid:3) (cid:490)(cid:541)-(cid:21)(cid:27)(cid:21)(cid:24)(cid:17)(cid:501)(cid:512)(cid:3) (cid:490)(cid:541)-(cid:21)(cid:27)(cid:26)(cid:23)(cid:17)(cid:501)(cid:512)(cid:3) 14 (cid:490)(cid:541)-(cid:22)(cid:19)(cid:20)(cid:19)(cid:17)(cid:501)(cid:512)(cid:3) 15 16 (cid:490)(cid:541)-(cid:22)(cid:26)(cid:27)(cid:24)(cid:17)(cid:501)(cid:512)(cid:3) (cid:490)(cid:541)-(cid:23)(cid:27)(cid:19)(cid:27)(cid:17)(cid:501)(cid:512)(cid:3) 17 (cid:490)(cid:541)-(cid:23)(cid:27)(cid:22)(cid:25)(cid:17)(cid:501)(cid:512)(cid:3) The Body that issued Executive Order / Instruction Government of the Russian Federation Office of the Envoy from the President of the Russian Federation in the Far Eastern Federal District Office of the Government of the Russian Federation Office of the Government of the Russian Federation Office of the Government of the Russian Federation Office of the Envoy from the President of the Russian Federation in the Far Eastern Federal District Office of the Government of the Russian Federation Office of the Government of the Russian Federation Office of the Government of the Russian Federation Brief content of the Executive Order / Instruction Date of issue of the Executive Order / Instruction Date of execution of the Executive Order / Instruction implementation of actions on completion of Cheboksarskaya HPP construction On sending a report of the Government of the Russian Federation on issue of compensation of shortfall in income of JSC DGK February 11, 2019. February 15, 2019. On presentation of plan-schedule of engineering subdivisions placement on the Russky Island February 11, 2019. March 1, 2019. On sending information concerning the project “Construction of Two Single-Circuit 110 kV Pevek- Bilibino Overhead Lines” On providing information on making changes to exclude excessive requirements to designing, construction and operation of hydropower facilities On providing information on preparation of a report to the President of the Russian Federation on the main results of activity in 2018 on the territory of the Far Eastern Federal District On providing a report to the Government of the Russian Federation on annual qualification upgrade On conducting a meeting on March 27, at 6.30 p.m. with D. Kozak concerning the issue of price setting on electric energy for the new generating object in the Primorsky Territory On providing agreed suggestions on the report of the Federal Anti-Monopoly Service of Russia (dated March 1, 2019 No. VK/16210-Pr/19) February 21, 2019. February 28, 2019. February 21, 2019. February 26, 2019. February 25, 2019. April 1, 2019. March 7, 2019. March 25, 2019. March 26, 2019. March 27, 2019. March 26, 2019. April 1, 2019. 275 No. Registration number 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 (cid:490)(cid:541)-(cid:23)(cid:27)(cid:22)(cid:26)(cid:17)(cid:501)(cid:512)(cid:3) (cid:490)(cid:541)-(cid:23)(cid:27)(cid:22)(cid:27)(cid:17)(cid:501)(cid:512)(cid:3) (cid:490)(cid:541)-(cid:23)(cid:27)(cid:24)(cid:26)(cid:17)(cid:501)(cid:512)(cid:3) (cid:490)(cid:541)-(cid:23)(cid:28)(cid:26)(cid:28)(cid:17)(cid:501)(cid:512)(cid:3) (cid:490)(cid:541)-(cid:24)(cid:19)(cid:27)(cid:27)(cid:17)(cid:501)(cid:512)(cid:3) (cid:490)(cid:541)-(cid:24)(cid:19)(cid:26)(cid:21)(cid:17)(cid:501)(cid:512)(cid:3) (cid:490)(cid:541)-(cid:24)(cid:20)(cid:20)(cid:26)(cid:17)(cid:501)(cid:512)(cid:3) (cid:490)(cid:541)-(cid:24)(cid:27)(cid:25)(cid:25)(cid:17)(cid:501)(cid:512)(cid:3) (cid:490)(cid:541)-(cid:25)(cid:21)(cid:25)(cid:19)(cid:17)(cid:501)(cid:512)(cid:3) The Body that issued Executive Order / Instruction Office of the Government of the Russian Federation Office of the Government of the Russian Federation Office of the Government of the Russian Federation Office of the Government of the Russian Federation Office of the Envoy from the President of the Russian Federation in the Far Eastern Federal District Office of the Government of the Russian Federation Office of the Government of the Russian Federation Office of the Government of the Russian Federation Office of the Government of the Russian Federation Brief content of the Executive Order / Instruction On providing the agreed report (Ministry of Energy of Russia dated February 7, 2019 No. AN- 1141/09) On providing agreed suggestions to the Government of the Russian Federation on the report of the Ministry of Finances of Russia (dated February 15, 2019 No. 01-02-2/19-9644) On providing information on financing of the investment project “Construction of Two Single- Circuit 110 kV Pevek-Bilibino Overhead Lines” On providing agreed suggestions in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Energy On providing the position of PJSC RusHydro for preparation of the report to the Control Directorate of the President about alternative options working out of energy supply to the region within the frames of actions on adjustment of the Scheme and program of electric energy development of the Kamchatka Territory On providing information for the report to the President of the Russian Federation On providing the minutes on project implementation “Construction of Two Single- Circuit 110 kV Pevek-Bilibino Overhead Lines” On providing a report in compliance with Clause 3 of the order “On functioning of the integrated power grid of the Russian Federation” On providing a position on the use of available remaining balance of unused contributions to the authorized capital of PJSC RusHydro for the Date of issue of the Executive Order / Instruction Date of execution of the Executive Order / Instruction March 26, 2019. April 9, 2019. March 26, 2019. April 15, 2019. March 27, 2019. April 30, 2019. March 28, 2019. April 1, 2019. March 29, 2019. April 12, 2019. March 29, 2019. April 9, 2019. April 1, 2019. May 28, 2019. April 11, 2019. April 30, 2019. April 18, 2019. April 23, 2019. 276 No. Registration number The Body that issued Executive Order / Instruction Brief content of the Executive Order / Instruction Date of issue of the Executive Order / Instruction Date of execution of the Executive Order / Instruction 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 (cid:490)(cid:541)-(cid:25)(cid:21)(cid:25)(cid:23)(cid:17)(cid:501)(cid:512)(cid:3) (cid:490)(cid:541)-(cid:25)(cid:21)(cid:25)(cid:28)(cid:17)(cid:501)(cid:512)(cid:3) (cid:490)(cid:541)-(cid:26)(cid:20)(cid:23)(cid:20)(cid:17)(cid:501)(cid:512)(cid:3) (cid:490)(cid:541)-(cid:26)(cid:20)(cid:23)(cid:21)(cid:17)(cid:501)(cid:512)(cid:3) (cid:490)(cid:541)-72(cid:20)(cid:24)(cid:17)(cid:501)(cid:512)(cid:3) (cid:490)(cid:541)-(cid:26)(cid:21)(cid:20)(cid:25)(cid:17)(cid:501)(cid:512)(cid:3) (cid:490)(cid:541)-(cid:26)(cid:22)(cid:22)(cid:19)(cid:17)(cid:501)(cid:512)(cid:3) (cid:490)(cid:541)-(cid:26)(cid:23)(cid:19)(cid:24)(cid:17)(cid:501)(cid:512)(cid:3) 35 (cid:490)(cid:541)-(cid:26)(cid:28)(cid:20)(cid:23)(cid:17)(cid:501)(cid:512)(cid:3) Office of the Government of the Russian Federation Office of the Government of the Russian Federation Office of the Government of the Russian Federation Office of the Government of the Russian Federation Office of the Government of the Russian Federation Office of the Government of the Russian Federation Office of the Government of the Russian Federation Office of the Government of the Russian Federation Office of the Government of the implementation of investment projects On providing a position on energy saving of Chaun-Bilibinsky electric generation system of the Chukotka Autonomous District On follow-up revision of the order of the Government of the Russian Federation on approval of action plan on implementation of Concept of the Russky Island development On consideration of additions to the order of the Government of the Russian Federation On providing agreed suggestions to the Government of the Russian Federation in accordance with Clause 49 of the Regulation of the Government of the Russian Federation (report dated April 16, 2019 No. 01-02-02/19-26857) On presenting the position on technological connection to “Far East Hectare” electric grids On providing information on making changes to exclude excessive requirements to designing, construction and operation of hydropower facilities On consideration of consolidation of electric grid assets On conducting a meeting on May 17, 2018 at 1.00 p.m. concerning dividends paying out according to the results of 2018 of PJSC RusHydro and JSC SO UES On the project of plan-schedule of placement of engineering subdivisions and research and April 18, 2019. April 19, 2019. April 18, 2019. May 14, 2019. May 6, 2019. May 13, 2019. May 6, 2019. May 21, 2019. May 7, 2019. May 14, 2019. May 7, 2019. May 16, 2019. May 13, 2019. May 21, 2019. May 14, 2019. May 16, 2019. May 22, 2019. May 24, 2019. 277 No. Registration number 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 (cid:490)(cid:541)-(cid:27)(cid:20)(cid:22)(cid:19)(cid:17)(cid:501)(cid:512)(cid:3) (cid:490)(cid:541)-(cid:27)(cid:21)(cid:20)(cid:19)(cid:17)(cid:501)(cid:512)(cid:3) (cid:490)(cid:541)-(cid:28)(cid:20)(cid:23)(cid:26)(cid:17)(cid:501)(cid:512)(cid:3) (cid:490)(cid:541)-(cid:28)(cid:23)(cid:19)(cid:21)(cid:17)(cid:501)(cid:512)(cid:3) (cid:490)(cid:541)-(cid:28)(cid:23)(cid:19)(cid:22)(cid:17)(cid:501)(cid:512)(cid:3) (cid:490)(cid:541)-(cid:28)(cid:23)(cid:24)(cid:28)(cid:17)(cid:501)(cid:512)(cid:3) (cid:490)(cid:541)-(cid:28)(cid:26)(cid:22)(cid:24)(cid:17)(cid:501)(cid:512)(cid:3) (cid:490)(cid:541)-(cid:20)(cid:19)(cid:21)(cid:24)(cid:19)(cid:17)(cid:501)(cid:512)(cid:3) (cid:490)(cid:541)-(cid:20)(cid:19)(cid:22)(cid:24)(cid:19)(cid:17)(cid:501)(cid:512)(cid:3) 45 (cid:490)(cid:541)-(cid:20)(cid:19)(cid:22)(cid:24)(cid:20)(cid:17)(cid:501)(cid:512)(cid:3) The Body that issued Executive Order / Instruction Russian Federation Administration of the President of the Russian Federation Office of the Government of the Russian Federation Office of the Government of the Russian Federation Office of the Government of the Russian Federation Office of the Government of the Russian Federation Office of the Government of the Russian Federation Office of the Government of the Russian Federation Office of the Government of the Russian Federation Office of the Government of the Russian Federation Office of the Government of the Brief content of the Executive Order / Instruction Date of issue of the Executive Order / Instruction Date of execution of the Executive Order / Instruction development centres on the Russky Island On participation in “WEC patrons” program May 27, 2019. May 29, 2019. On providing suggestions concerning decrease of tariffs in the Zabaikalye Territory May 28, 2019. May 31, 2019. On providing the report draft June 13, 2019. June 18, 2019. On suggestions working out on further implementation of the project “Construction of Two Single-Circuit 110 kV Pevek-Bilibino Overhead Lines” (construction stage No. 1) On providing the suggestions concerning technological connection to “Far East Hectare” electric grids On presentation of suggestions on implementation of the solution about necessity of CHPP construction in Pevek On presenting a report on anti-corruption management June 18, 2019. June 27, 2019. June 18, 2019. June 26, 2019. June 19, 2019. June 24, 2019. June 25, 2019. July 8, 2019. On submitting a report on technological connection to “Far East Hectare” electric grids July 3, 2019. July 5, 2019. On execution of Clause 8 of the Section I of the order of the Government of the Russian Federation on implementation of construction project of the new CHPP in Pevek On providing information on energy supply to the Chukotka Autonomous District July 4, 2019. July 5, 2019. July 4, 2019. July 8, 2019. 278 No. Registration number 46 (cid:490)(cid:541)-(cid:20)(cid:19)(cid:23)(cid:25)(cid:21)(cid:17)(cid:501)(cid:512)(cid:3) The Body that issued Executive Order / Instruction Russian Federation Office of the Government of the Russian Federation 47 48 49 50 (cid:490)(cid:541)-(cid:20)(cid:19)(cid:24)(cid:23)(cid:24)(cid:17)(cid:501)(cid:512)(cid:3) (cid:490)(cid:541)-(cid:20)(cid:20)(cid:25)(cid:20)(cid:24)(cid:17)(cid:501)(cid:512)(cid:3) (cid:490)(cid:541)-(cid:20)(cid:21)(cid:20)(cid:26)(cid:28)(cid:17)(cid:501)(cid:512)(cid:3) (cid:490)(cid:541)-(cid:20)(cid:21)(cid:20)(cid:27)(cid:19)(cid:17)(cid:501)(cid:512)(cid:3) 51 (cid:490)(cid:541)-(cid:20)(cid:21)(cid:24)(cid:19)(cid:20)(cid:17)(cid:501)(cid:512)(cid:3) 52 53 (cid:490)(cid:541)-(cid:20)(cid:21)(cid:28)(cid:27)(cid:20)(cid:17)(cid:501)(cid:512)(cid:3) (cid:490)(cid:541)-(cid:20)(cid:22)(cid:20)(cid:22)(cid:22)(cid:17)(cid:501)(cid:512)(cid:3) Office of the Government of the Russian Federation Office of the Government of the Russian Federation Office of the Government of the Russian Federation Office of the Government of the Russian Federation Office of the Envoy from the President of the Russian Federation in the Far Eastern Federal District Office of the Government of the Russian Federation Office of the Government of the Russian Federation Brief content of the Executive Order / Instruction Date of issue of the Executive Order / Instruction Date of execution of the Executive Order / Instruction On sending information on execution of Clause 2 section III of the order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. DK-P9-250pr concerning financing the investment project “Construction of Two Single-Circuit 110 kV Pevek-Bilibino Overhead Lines” On providing information for the project on physical culture and popular sport development in the Russian Federation On sending agreed suggestions on technological connection to “Far East Hectare” electric grids On energy saving of the Chukotka Autonomous District by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. DK-P9-4921 On organization of centralized energy supply to Krasny Yar, Sobolinskoe, Yasenevoe and Olon of the Primorsky Territory by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation 3 DK-P9- 573 On considering application of Khabarovsk Territory Governor S. Furgal concerning gas supply of the region July 5, 2019. August 15, 2019. July 8, 2019. July 11, 2019. July 24, 2019. July 26, 2019. August 1, 2019. August 5, 2019. August 1, 2019. August 12, 2019. August 7, 2019. August 21, 2019. On preserving the bridge across the Yenisei River in the area of the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP August 15, 2019. August 21, 2019. On providing agreed suggestions on implementation of the project of construction of Single-Circuit 110 kV Pevek-Bilibino Overhead August 16, 2019. August 22, 2019. 279 No. Registration number 54 55 56 57 (cid:490)(cid:541)-(cid:20)(cid:22)(cid:24)(cid:19)(cid:21)(cid:17)(cid:501)(cid:512)(cid:3) (cid:490)(cid:541)-(cid:20)(cid:23)(cid:23)(cid:23)(cid:20)(cid:17)(cid:501)(cid:512)(cid:3) (cid:490)(cid:541)-(cid:20)(cid:23)(cid:23)(cid:23)(cid:21)(cid:17)(cid:501)(cid:512)(cid:3) (cid:490)(cid:541)-(cid:20)(cid:23)(cid:24)(cid:22)(cid:24)(cid:17)(cid:501)(cid:512)(cid:3) 58 (cid:490)(cid:541)-(cid:20)(cid:23)(cid:28)(cid:27)(cid:22)(cid:17)(cid:501)(cid:512)(cid:3) 59 60 61 62 63 (cid:490)(cid:541)-(cid:20)(cid:23)(cid:28)(cid:27)(cid:23)(cid:17)(cid:501)(cid:512)(cid:3) (cid:490)(cid:541)-(cid:20)(cid:24)(cid:21)(cid:20)(cid:20)(cid:17)(cid:501)(cid:512)(cid:3) (cid:490)(cid:541)-(cid:20)(cid:24)(cid:22)(cid:19)(cid:25)(cid:17)(cid:501)(cid:512)(cid:3) (cid:490)(cid:541)-(cid:20)(cid:24)(cid:22)(cid:20)(cid:20)(cid:17)(cid:501)(cid:512)(cid:3) (cid:490)(cid:541)-(cid:20)(cid:24)(cid:27)(cid:23)(cid:23)(cid:17)(cid:501)(cid:512)(cid:3) The Body that issued Executive Order / Instruction Office of the Government of the Russian Federation Office of the Government of the Russian Federation Office of the Government of the Russian Federation Administration of the President of the Russian Federation Office of the Government of the Russian Federation Office of the Government of the Russian Federation Office of the Government of the Russian Federation Office of the Government of the Russian Federation Office of the Government of the Russian Federation Office of the Brief content of the Executive Order / Instruction Date of issue of the Executive Order / Instruction Date of execution of the Executive Order / Instruction Lines On sending the materials for reworking of energy supply to the Chukotka Autonomous District August 23, 2019. August 27, 2019. On suggestions concerning implementation of construction project of the new CHPP in Pevek September 9, 2019. September 13, 2019. On technological connection to electric grids of consumers on the “Far East Hectare” program September 9, 2019. September 12, 2019. On considering the report of the Government of the Russian Federation “On actions of energy supply provision to the Chukotka Autonomous District” and provision of position On sending the minutes of the meeting concerning implementation progress of the federal project “Health Improvement of Volga” in constituent entities of the Russian Federation On state support of social and economic development of the Mari El Republic September 10, 2019. September 24, 2019. September 17, 2019. October 22, 2019. September 17, 2019. October 17, 2019. On the project of action plan with the results of the conducted analysis of the active legislation September 20, 2019. October 7, 2019. On presentation of position concerning organization of centralized energy supply to Krasny Yar, Sobolinskoe, Yasenevoe and Olon of the Primorsky Territory On implementation of plan-schedule of engineering subdivisions placement on the Russky Island On providing information on execution of the September 23, 2019. September 26, 2019. September 23, 2019. October 1, 2019. October 1, 2019. October 18, 2019. 280 No. Registration number The Body that issued Executive Order / Instruction Brief content of the Executive Order / Instruction Date of issue of the Executive Order / Instruction Date of execution of the Executive Order / Instruction 64 65 66 (cid:490)(cid:541)-(cid:20)(cid:24)(cid:28)(cid:23)(cid:21)(cid:17)(cid:501)(cid:512)(cid:3) (cid:490)(cid:541)-(cid:20)(cid:25)(cid:19)(cid:20)(cid:19)(cid:17)(cid:501)(cid:512)(cid:3) (cid:490)(cid:541)-(cid:20)(cid:25)(cid:19)(cid:19)(cid:24)(cid:17)(cid:501)(cid:512)(cid:3) 67 (cid:490)(cid:541)-(cid:20)(cid:25)(cid:20)(cid:21)(cid:24)(cid:17)(cid:501)(cid:512)(cid:3) 68 (cid:490)(cid:541)-(cid:20)(cid:25)(cid:21)(cid:26)(cid:23)(cid:17)(cid:501)(cid:512)(cid:3) 69 (cid:490)(cid:541)-(cid:20)(cid:25)(cid:23)(cid:20)(cid:24)(cid:17)(cid:501)(cid:512)(cid:3) 70 71 (cid:490)(cid:541)-(cid:20)(cid:25)(cid:23)(cid:23)(cid:22)(cid:17)(cid:501)(cid:512)(cid:3) (cid:490)(cid:541)-(cid:20)(cid:25)(cid:24)(cid:25)(cid:26)(cid:17)(cid:501)(cid:512)(cid:3) Government of the Russian Federation Office of the Government of the Russian Federation Office of the Government of the Russian Federation Office of the Government of the Russian Federation Office of the Government of the Russian Federation Office of the Government of the Russian Federation Office of the Government of the Russian Federation Office of the Government of the Russian Federation Office of the Government of the Russian Federation order of the Government of the Russian Federation “On the National Program of Anti- Corruption Management” On providing the information on submission of the federal property to the ownership of the Primorsky Territory On consideration of application of the non- governmental organization “All-Russian Electric Trade Union” On presentation of suggestions by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation “On Expediency of Changing the Reservoir Water Surface of Cheboksarskaya HPP” On presentation of suggestions by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation “On Expediency of Changing the Reservoir Water Surface of Cheboksarskaya HPP” On consideration of application of the Association “Community of Energy Consumers” concerning execution of independent audit of Artemovskaya CHPP-2 construction project On sending the minutes of the meeting concerning extension of action of levelling mechanism of tariffs for electric energy in the territory of the Far Eastern Federal District On sending the minutes of the meeting of the Government Commission concerning development of electric power industry On follow-up revision of the project “On making changes in some acts of the Government of the Russian Federation on separate issues of consolidation of objects of electric grid household October 2, 2019. October 9, 2019. October 3, 2019. October 25, 2019. October 3, 2019. November 1, 2019. October 4, 2019. November 1, 2019. October 8, 2019. November 5, 2019. October 10, 2019. October 24, 2019. October 10, 2019. November 1, 2019. October 14, 2019. October 30, 2019. 281 No. Registration number The Body that issued Executive Order / Instruction Brief content of the Executive Order / Instruction Date of issue of the Executive Order / Instruction Date of execution of the Executive Order / Instruction 72 (cid:490)(cid:541)-(cid:20)(cid:25)(cid:27)(cid:23)(cid:25)(cid:17)(cid:501)(cid:512)(cid:3) 73 (cid:490)(cid:541)-(cid:20)(cid:26)(cid:21)(cid:19)(cid:26)(cid:17)(cid:501)(cid:512)(cid:3) 74 (cid:490)(cid:541)-(cid:20)(cid:26)(cid:23)(cid:24)(cid:25)(cid:17)(cid:501)(cid:512)(cid:3) 75 (cid:490)(cid:541)-(cid:20)(cid:26)(cid:27)(cid:28)(cid:22)(cid:17)(cid:501)(cid:512)(cid:3) 76 (cid:490)(cid:541)-(cid:20)(cid:27)(cid:20)(cid:22)(cid:26)(cid:17)(cid:501)(cid:512)(cid:3) 77 (cid:490)(cid:541)-(cid:20)(cid:27)(cid:21)(cid:24)(cid:23)(cid:17)(cid:501)(cid:512)(cid:3) 78 (cid:490)(cid:541)-(cid:20)(cid:27)(cid:21)(cid:24)(cid:24)(cid:17)(cid:501)(cid:512)(cid:3) Office of the Government of the Russian Federation Office of the Government of the Russian Federation Office of the Envoy from the President of the Russian Federation in the Far Eastern Federal District Office of the Government of the Russian Federation Office of the Envoy from the President of the Russian Federation in the Far Eastern Federal District Office of the Envoy from the President of the Russian Federation in the Far Eastern Federal District Office of the Government of the Russian Federation in territorial grid organizations” On presentation of position concerning development of project documentation on construction completion of Cheboksarsky hydropower station On implementation of agreements achieved during the 17th session of the Russian-Bulgarian Intergovernmental Commission on Economic and Scientific-Technical Cooperation On alternative options working out of energy supply to the Kamchatka Territory October 17, 2019. October 18, 2019. October 24, 2019. November 29, 2019. October 29, 2019. November 12, 2019. On sending the minutes of the meeting concerning implementation of the investment project “Three volcanoes” Park” in the Kamchatka Territory On considering the materials about allocation of additional monetary funds to the Chukotka Autonomous District for implementation of the investment project on reclamation of Baimsky ore zone On presentation of position concerning CHPP construction in Sovetskaya Gavan On sending the minutes of the meeting concerning implementation of the project “Construction of Two Single-Circuit 110 kV Pevek- Bilibino Overhead Lines” and construction of other engineering infrastructure facilities for provision November 5, 2019. November 19, 2019. November 8, 2019. November 18, 2019. November 11, 2019. November 19, 2019. November 11, 2019. December 6, 2019. 282 No. Registration number The Body that issued Executive Order / Instruction Brief content of the Executive Order / Instruction Date of issue of the Executive Order / Instruction Date of execution of the Executive Order / Instruction 79 80 (cid:490)(cid:541)-(cid:20)(cid:27)(cid:23)(cid:25)(cid:20)(cid:17)(cid:501)(cid:512)(cid:3) (cid:490)(cid:541)-(cid:20)(cid:27)(cid:27)(cid:21)(cid:25)(cid:17)(cid:501)(cid:512)(cid:3) Office of the Government of the Russian Federation Office of the Government of the Russian Federation 81 (cid:490)(cid:541)-(cid:20)(cid:28)(cid:21)(cid:23)(cid:27)(cid:17)(cid:501)(cid:512)(cid:3) 82 83 (cid:490)(cid:541)-(cid:20)(cid:28)(cid:21)(cid:28)(cid:26)(cid:17)(cid:501)(cid:512)(cid:3) (cid:490)(cid:541)-(cid:21)(cid:19)(cid:21)(cid:20)(cid:20)(cid:17)(cid:501)(cid:512)(cid:3) 84 (cid:490)(cid:541)-(cid:21)(cid:19)(cid:23)(cid:27)(cid:27)(cid:17)(cid:501)(cid:512)(cid:3) 85 (cid:490)(cid:541)-(cid:21)(cid:19)(cid:28)(cid:19)(cid:25)(cid:17)(cid:501)(cid:512)(cid:3) Office of the Envoy from the President of the Russian Federation in the Far Eastern Federal District Office of the Government of the Russian Federation Office of the Envoy from the President of the Russian Federation in the Far Eastern Federal District Office of the envoy from the President of the Russian Federation in the Far Eastern Federal District Administration of the President of the Russian Federation of energy supply to the Chukotka Autonomous District On sending the minutes of the meeting with Yu. Trutnev concerning energy supply of consumers and active investment projects On sending the minutes of the meeting concerning the projects of the federal law, sent for improvement of state regulation of prices, legal position of natural monopolies and investment activity carrying out by subjects of natural monopolies On providing the information on running of heating period in Deputatsky On package of measures aimed at the increase of market value of RusHydro Group for the period up to 2021 On providing the information on the stated and prognosticative shortfall in incomes of the enterprise connected with the change of price for gas, actions taken to pay for the contracted volumes of gas On conducting the meeting on December 25, 2019 concerning the autumn and winter period of 2019-2020 going through by the subjects of the Far Eastern Federal District On planning a meeting conduction to discuss creation of non-commercial organization in the form of a fund November 14, 2019. November 22, 2019. November 20, 2019. November 25, 2019. November 27, 2019. December 4, 2019. November 27, 2019. December 13, 2019. December 12, 2019. December 23, 2019. December 17, 2019. December 23, 2019. December 23, 2019. December 26, 2019. 283 No. Registration number 86 (cid:490)(cid:541)-(cid:21)(cid:19)(cid:27)(cid:25)(cid:25)(cid:17)(cid:501)(cid:512)(cid:3) The Body that issued Executive Order / Instruction Office of the Government of the Russian Federation Brief content of the Executive Order / Instruction On sending the minutes of the meeting with the Deputy Chairman of the Government D. Kozak On implementing norms of Federal Law No. 522-FZ dated December 27, 2018 and draft regulation of the Government of the Russian Federation “On Making Changes in Some Acts” Date of issue of the Executive Order / Instruction Date of execution of the Executive Order / Instruction December 23, 2019. December 27, 2019. 284 APPENDIX NO.13 INFORMATION ABOUT LEGAL ENTITIES CONTROLLED BY THE COMPANY THAT ARE OF MATERIAL SIGNIFICANCE 96 In the IFRS financial statements of RusHydro Group, information about material subsidiaries is disclosed by particular segments arranged into groups by activity areas97. RusHydro Group performs its activities in three main reporting segments, one of which is represented by the parent company of the Group, RusHydro. 1. Joint-Stock Company RAO ES East (JSC RAO ES East) The role performed for RusHydro Group and key activity areas: The Company owns equity stakes in electricity companies operating in the Integrated Energy System of the East (Primorye, Khabarovsk Territory, Amur Region, Jewish Autonomous Region, and the south of Yakutia) and in isolated energy systems (Yakutia, Sakhalin Region, Magadan Region, and Kamchatka Territory), and implements investment projects of RusHydro Group in the Far Eastern Federal District (Vostochnaya TPP, off-site facilities of Yakutsk GRES-2, Sakhalin GRES-2, CHPP in Sovetskaya Gavan, etc.). Mechanisms ensuring accountability and controllability within RusHydro Group: RusHydro owns 84.39% of the voting shares of JSC RAO ES East, and 99.98% of voting shares are consolidated in the ownership of RusHydro Group; RusHydro exercises the powers of the sole executive body of JSC RAO ES East; the Board of Directors of JSC RAO ES East is entirely made up of representatives of RusHydro Group. Information about functional relations between key companies of the Group: In its activity, JSC RAO ES East interacts with RusHydro, JSC MC HydroOGC (which renders agency services for the investment projects to JSC RAO ES East), and electricity companies of the Group in the Far Eastern Federal District. Supplementary information: In the IFRS financial statements of RusHydro Group, the Company is placed in the segment "Subgroup of RAO ES East"98. 2. Public Joint-Stock Company Far East Electricity Company (PJSC FEEC/DEK) The role performed for RusHydro Group and key activity areas: The share of PJSC FEEC in the consolidated proceeds of RusHydro Group is 20.55%. 96 1There was no change in material control over significant controlled legal entities. 97 2More details on significant legal entities is given in the IFRS statements posted on the Company website. 98 This segment consists of JSC RAO ES of the East and its subsidiaries that generate, distribute, and market electricity and heat mainly in the Far East, as well as transport, construction, repair, and other companies rendering serving functions. 285 The Company is the main guaranteeing supplier of electricity for the public and enterprises of nonprice zone II of the wholesale electricity market and has the status of a Single Purchaser performing the function of purchase and sale of electricity (capacity) to participants of the wholesale market of non-price zone II. Mechanisms ensuring accountability and controllability within RusHydro Group: RusHydro controls PJSC FEEC through a controlled organization, JSC RAO ES East; JSC RAO ES East owns 51.03% of voting shares of PJSC FEEC, and 52.16% of voting shares are consolidated in the ownership of RusHydro Group; JSC ESC RusHydro, 100% of whose voting shares are owned by RusHydro Group, exercises the powers of the sole executive body of the Company; Eight members of the Board of Directors of PJSC FEEC out of 15 were elected by the votes of RusHydro Group. Information about functional relations between key companies of RusHydro Group: In its activity, PJSC FEEC deals with electricity companies of the Group in the Far Eastern Federal District. Supplementary information: In the IFRS financial statements of RusHydro Group, the Company is placed in the segment "Subgroup of RAO ES East". 3. Joint-Stock Company Far East Generating Company (JSC FEGC /DGK) The role performed for RusHydro Group and key activity areas: The share of PJSC FEEC in the consolidated proceeds of RusHydro Group is 6.60%. The Company produces heat and electricity and provides centralized heat supply for consumers in areas where power plants are located in the Khabarovsk and Primorsky Territories, Amur Region, Jewish Autonomous Region, and the southern region of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). JSC FEGC is also assigned the function of heat sales to end consumers. Mechanisms ensuring accountability and controllability within RusHydro Group: RusHydro controls PJSC FEGC through a controlled organization, PJSC FEEC; PJSC FEEC owns 100% – 1 share of voting shares of JSC FEGC, and 100% of voting shares are consolidated in the ownership of RusHydro Group; The Board of Directors of JSC FEGC is entirely made up of representatives of RusHydro Group. Information about functional relations between key companies of RusHydro Group: 286 In its activity, JSC FEGC deals with electricity companies of the Group in the Far Eastern Federal District. Supplementary information: In the IFRS financial statements of RusHydro Group, the Company is placed in the segment "Subgroup of RAO ES East". 4. Public Joint-Stock Company Yakutskenergo (PJSC Yakutskenergo) The role performed for RusHydro Group and key activity areas: The share of PJSC Yakutskenergo in the consolidated proceeds of RusHydro Group is 7.02%. The Company produces electricity and heat and provides the functions of the guaranteeing supplier of electricity in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). Mechanisms ensuring accountability and controllability within the Group: JSC RAO ES East owns 49.37% of voting shares of PJSC Yakutskenergo; RusHydro owns 29.80% of voting shares of PJSC Yakutskenergo; 79.17% of voting shares are consolidated in the ownership of RusHydro Group; The Board of Directors of PJSC Yakutskenergo is entirely made up of representatives of RusHydro Group. Information about functional relations between key companies of RusHydro Group: In its activity, PJSC Yakutskenergo deals with electricity companies of the Group in the Far Eastern Federal District. Supplementary information: In the IFRS financial statements of RusHydro Group, the Company is placed in the segment "Subgroup of RAO ES East". Public 5. Krasnoyarskenergosbyt) Joint-Stock Company Krasnoyarskenergosbyt (PJSC The role performed for RusHydro Group and key activity areas: The share of PJSC Krasnoyarskenergosbyt in the consolidated proceeds of RusHydro Group is 7.99%. The Company is the main guaranteeing supplier of electricity for the public and enterprises on the territory of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. PJSC Krasnoyarskenergosbyt also offers services for the sale, maintenance, and repair of energy accounting meters, high-voltage testing of electrical equipment, and energy audit of facilities, and renders services under agency contracts. Starting December 1, 2009, the Company renders services for management of multi-unit residential buildings. 287 Mechanisms ensuring accountability and controllability within RusHydro Group: RusHydro controls PJSC Krasnoyarskenergosbyt through the controlled companies JSC ESC RusHydro and JSC Hydroinvest; JSC ESC RusHydro owns 66.33% of voting shares of PJSC Krasnoyarskenergosbyt, and 69.4% of voting shares are consolidated in the ownership of RusHydro Group; JSC ESC RusHydro, 100% of whose voting shares are owned by RusHydro Group, exercises the powers of the sole executive body of the Company; seven out of nine members of the Board of Directors of Krasnoyarskenergosbyt were elected by the votes of RusHydro Group. Information about functional relations between key companies of RusHydro Group: In its activity, PJSC Krasnoyarskenergosbyt interacts with electricity companies of the Group, including JSC ESC RusHydro, which organizes electricity sales in RusHydro Group. Supplementary information: In the IFRS financial statements of RusHydro Group, the Company is placed in the segment "Subgroup of ESC RusHydro" 99. 6. Joint-Stock Company Zagorskaya PSHPP-2 (JSC Zagorskaya PSHPP-2) The role performed for RusHydro Group and key activity areas: The share of JSC Zagorskaya PSHPP-2 in the value of consolidated assets of RusHydro Group is 6.54%. The Company implements measures for the organization of construction of the Zagorskaya PSHPP-2. Mechanisms ensuring accountability and controllability within RusHydro Group: RusHydro owns 100% of voting shares of JSC Zagorskaya PSHPP-2; JSC MC HydroOGC, 100% of whose voting shares are owned by RusHydro, exercises the powers of the sole executive body of the Company; The Board of Directors of JSC Zagorskaya PSHPP-2 is entirely made up of representatives of RusHydro Group. Information about functional relations between key companies of RusHydro Group: 99 This segment consists of the Group’s subsidiaries selling electricity to end consumers. All companies in this segment, except for JSC ESC RusHydro, have the status of guaranteed suppliers, that is, suppliers who are obliged to sign contracts for the supply of electricity with all end consumers within their region subject to an respective application. 288 In its activity, JSC Zagorskaya PSHPP-2 interacts with JSC MC HydroOGC, which performs the functions of the sole executive bodies of the majority of controlled companies of RusHydro Group that are customers of construction, and with design organizations of RusHydro Group. Supplementary information: In the IFRS financial statements of RusHydro Group, the Company is placed in "Other segments". 7. Joint Stock Company Far-Eastern Grids Company (JSC FEGrC) The role performed for RusHydro Group and key activity areas: The share of PJSC FEGrC in the value of consolidated assets of RusHydro Group is 5.23%. The company is conducting operations within the United Power System of the East by transmitting electricity through power distribution networks in the Amur Region, Khabarovsk Territory, Jewish Autonomous Region, Primorsky Territory, and the southern region of Sahka Republic (Yakutia). Mechanisms ensuring accountability and controllability within RusHydro Group: RusHydro controls PJSC FEGrC through a controlled organization, PJSC FEEC; PJSC FEEC owns 100% of voting shares of JSC FEGrC; The Board of Directors of JSC FEGrC is entirely made up of representatives of RusHydro Group. Information about functional relations between key companies of RusHydro Group: In its activity, JSC FEGrC deals with electricity companies of the Group in the Far Eastern Federal District. Supplementary information: In the IFRS financial statements of RusHydro Group, the Company is placed in the segment "Subgroup of RAO ES East". 8. Public Joint Stock Company of energy and electrification Kamchatskenergo (PJSC Kamchatskenergo) The role performed for RusHydro Group and key activity areas: The share of PJSC Kamchatskenergo in the consolidated proceeds of RusHydro Group is 5.33%. PJSC Kamchatskenergo has been assigned the status of a guaranteeing supplier on the territory of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The company implements its activities within an isolated electric power system. The main market for the products of PJSC Kamchatskenergo limited by the Company's infrastructure capacity the territory of the Kamchatka territory within the Central energy hub. 289 Mechanisms ensuring accountability and controllability within RusHydro Group: RusHydro controls PJSC Kamchatskenergo through a controlled organization, JSC RAO ES East; JSC RAO ES East owns 84.77% of voting shares of PJSC Kamchatskenergo; RusHydro owns 13,93% of voting shares of PJSC Kamchatskenergo; 98.75% of voting shares are consolidated in the ownership of RusHydro Group; The Board of Directors of PJSC Kamchatskenergo is entirely made up of representatives of RusHydro Group. Information about functional relations between key companies of RusHydro Group: In its activity, PJSC Kamchatskenergo deals with electricity companies of the Group in the Far Eastern Federal District. Supplementary information: In the IFRS financial statements of RusHydro Group, the Company is placed in the segment "Subgroup of RAO ES East". 290 APPENDIX NO.14 LIST OF THE MOST SIGNIFICANT TRANSACTIONS CARRIED OUT BY THE COMPANY AND OTHER MAJOR CONTROLLED LEGAL ENTITIES FOR THE LAST YEAR Significant Transactions of the Company The criteria for classifying the Company's transactions as significant are defined in sub-clause 8.2 of Article 8 of the Company's Charter. In 2019, RusHydro committed no significant transactions as specified in sub-clause 8.2. of the Charter. Significant Transactions of Controlled Legal Entities The criteria for the “most significant transactions” of major controlled legal entities are not defined in their Charters. Since sub-clause 8.2. of Article 8 of the Company’s Charter, in relation to significant transactions of the Company, established the criterion of their assignment to significant category in the amount of 10 (Ten) and more percent of the Company's book value, in relation to the controlled legal entities, in order to disclose these data, the same criterion is applied and the transactions of major controlled legal entities (except for intragroup transactions) are given as significant, with their price exceeding 10 (ten) or more percent of the book value of the assets of the respective entity on the last reporting date preceding the date of the transaction. The entities controlled by PJSC RusHydro and significant for it (from January 1, 2019 up to December 31, 2019): Full corporate name: Joint-Stock Company RAO Energy Systems of the East Full corporate name: Public Joint-Stock Company Far Eastern Energy Company Full corporate name: Joint-Stock Company Far Eastern Generating Company Full corporate name: Public Joint-Stock Company Yakutskenergo Full corporate name: Public Joint-Stock Company Krasnoyarskenergosbyt Full corporate name: Joint-Stock Company Zagorskaya PSHPP-2 291 Full corporate name: Joint-Stock Company Far Eastern Distribution Company100 Full corporate name: Public Joint-Stock Company of Power and Electrification Kamchatskenergo101 From January 1, 2019 up to December 31, 2019 among controlled legal entities having significant meaning for PJSC RusHydro such transactions were performed by JSC DGK, PJSC FEGrC and PJSC Krasnoyarskenergosbyt: Ser. No. Type and Subject of the Transaction Parties to the Transaction Content of a transaction, including civil rights and obligations, the establishment, modification of which or termination a transaction is aimed at Deadline for the fulfillment of obligations under the transaction, parties and beneficiaries under the transaction, amount of the transaction in money terms and as a percentage of the value of the issuer's assets 1 Agreement on opening of the revolving PJSC Moscow Credit Bank The Creditor grants the Borrower the revolving credit line Limit validity period from August 12, 2019 up to August 12, 2026 The value of assets of a controlled entity significant for PJSC RusHydro at the end of the reporting period (quarter, year) preceding the transaction (date of contract) and for which the accounting (financial) statements were prepared in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation RUB 84,843,953 as of June 30, Date of the transactio n (contract) Transaction category with regard to a controlled entity significant for PJSC RusHydro Informat ion about the approval of the transacti on by PJSC RusHydr o August 12, 2019. Did not require Transaction, price of which The manage ment body of the controlle d entity significa nt for PJSC RusHydr o, which made the decision to approve the transacti on Board of Directors Date of the decisio n to approv e the transac tion Date and number of the Minutes of Meeting (Session) of the authorized management body of the controlled entity significant for PJSC RusHydro, at which the decision was made to approve the transaction August 8, Minutes No. 3 dated August 100 JSC FEGrC became significant controlled legal entity for PJSC RusHydro from March 14, 2019. Information on occurrence of this event is disclosed at: http://www.e-disclosure.ru/portal/event.aspx?EventId=RRbYHW9kW02oMrNxhGO5nQ-B-B 101 PJSC Kamchatskenergo became significant controlled legal entity for PJSC RusHydro from June 06, 2019. Information on occurrence of this event is disclosed at: http://www.e-disclosure.ru/portal/event.aspx?EventId=HCo2a1wlQEWLeHznv6qKRw-B-B 292 credit line (Creditor) and JSC DGK (Borrower). 2 102 PJSC FEGrC Russian Regional Developme nt Bank (JSC) General Terms Agreement No. 127-k-19 on opening of the revolving credit line with differentiated interested rate for financing current operating activities, investment activities and refinancing of existing credits and loans for the period up to August 12, 2026. Interest rate for using credit funds: key rate of the Bank of Russia +2.9% (bank margin) For financing current operating activities, investment activities and refinancing of existing credits and loans (both dates inclusive) 2019 consent Transaction size in money terms and as a percentage of the value of the issuer's assets: RUB 10,000,000,000 (Ten billion), 11.79% of the value of the issuer's assets as of June 30, 2019 deadline for the fulfillment of obligations under the transaction: November 15, 2026; RUB 46,683,905,000 as of September 30, 2019 November 15, 2019. Did not require consent parties to the transaction: PJSC FEGrC, Russian Regional Development 2019. 8, 2019 exceeds 10 (Ten) percent of the book value of the assets of the Company on the last reporting date - - Related transactions , price of which exceeds 10 (Ten) percent of the book value of the assets of the Company on the last reporting The transacti on is conclude d within the volume of attractio n of the Borrowi ng Plan for 2019, 102 Transaction, indicated in Clause 2 and Sub-Clause 2.1. are mutual and cumulatively amount to 19.2% of the book value of the assets of PJSC FEGrC as of September 30, 2019. 293 Bank (JSC) date sum of transaction: RUB 4.5 bn; 9.6% of book value of the assets of PJSC FEGrC as of September 30, 2019 approve d by the Board of Directors of PJSC FEGrC (minutes No. 334 dated Decemb er 14, 2018), as well as taking into account announc ed results of the contest committ ee accordin g to the results of the contest procedur e on selection of the 294 PJSC FEGrC Russian Regional Developme nt Bank (JSC) For financing current operating activities, investment activities and refinancing of existing credits and loans 2.1 General Terms Agreement No. 128-k-19 on opening of the revolving credit line with differentiated interested rate deadline for the fulfillment of obligations under the transaction: November 15, 2026; RUB 46,683,905,000 as of September 30, 2019 November 15, 2019. Did not require consent parties to the transaction: PJSC FEGrC, Russian Regional Development Bank (JSC) sum of transaction: RUB 4.5 bn; 9.6% of value of the - - credit organiza tion (minutes No. DEK- 58.K-VP dated October 24, 2019) The transacti on is conclude d within the volume of attractio n of the Borrowi ng Plan for 2019, approve d by the Board of Directors of PJSC FEGrC (minutes No. 334 295 assets of PJSC FEGrC as of September 30, 2019 dated Decemb er 14, 2018), as well as taking into account announc ed results of the contest committ ee accordin g to the results of the contest procedur e on selection of the credit organiza tion (minutes No. DEK- 58.K-VP dated October 296 3 Addendum No. 24 to the Sales and Purchase Agreement of electric power No. 450 dated August 21, 2017 The Buyer - PJSC Krasnoyarsk energosbyt The Seller - LLC RUSENERGO SBYT SIBIR Changes are made to the clauses of the Agreement regulating the cost and term of services rendering The Agreement is concluded for the period from January 1, 2018 up to December 31, 2020, limit amount of the transaction RUB 622,374,081 (Six hundred twenty two million three hundred seventy four thousand eighty one) 96 kopecks, including VAT RUB 101,118,230.32 which amounts to 14.2% of the book value of the assets as of September 30, 2019 RUB 4,731,705 as of September 30, 2019 December 31, 2019. Did not require consent 24, 2019) Board of Directors Decem ber 30, 2019 Minutes No. 181 dated December 31, 2019 Transaction, price of which exceeds 10 (Ten) percent of the book value of the assets of the Company on the last reporting date 297 APPENDIX NO.15 ACCOUNTING STATEMENTS AND THE INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S AUDIT REPORT AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2019 (IN ACCORDANCE WITH RAS) 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 APPENDIX NO.16 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH IFRS AND AN AUDIT OPINION FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2019 AND AS OF THAT DATE 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 APPENDIX NO.17 OPINION OF THE INTERNAL AUDIT COMMISSION OF PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY FEDERAL HYDRO-GENERATING COMPANY RUSHYDRO (PJSC RUSHYDRO) FOLLOWING RUSHYDRO’S 2019 FINANCIAL AND BUSINESS PERFORMANCE AUDIT 439 440 441 442 443 444 APPENDIX NO.18 (cid:505)ONSIDERATION OF STAKEHOLDERS’ RECOMMENDATIONS GIVEN AT THE PUBLIC HEARINGS IN 2019 (REPORT FOR 2018 DRAFT)103 (cid:569)(cid:3) Recommendations Disclosure in 2019 Report 1. 2. 3. 4. Include information on social payments and guarantees under a collective bargaining agreement. Disclosed partially in sections “Sustainable Development” and “Ensuring Good Working Conditions” Reflect the effects of reducing emissions in the longer term. Disclosed in the section “Environmental Protection” Disclose not only internal, but also external programs and HR Policy results in future reports. Disclosed partially in the following sections: Sustainable Development, Good Working Conditions, Social Initiatives and Contribution to the Growth of Local Communities. Describe the systemic effect of supporting social projects by RusHydro using the example of the Live in the Now Foundation. Disclosed in the section “Social Initiatives and Contribution to the Growth of Local Communities” 103 Only those recommendations that were not considered previously in the preparation of the Annual Report for 2018 are presented. 445 APPENDIX NO.19 (cid:505)ONSIDERATION OF STAKEHOLDERS’ RECOMMENDATIONS GIVEN AT THE PUBLIC HEARINGS IN 2020 (REPORT FOR 2019 DRAFT) No. Recommendations PJSC RusHydro’s response for 2019 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Add the revenue disclosure to the Annual Report (by electricity and capacity) in terms of market and tariff sources for 2018 and 2019 Show RusHydro Group's position against European generating companies by specific CO2 emissions in the Environmental Protection section Include the Papanin Institute for Biology of Inland Waters Russian Academy of Sciences in the STC’s specialized section “Water Reservoirs and Environmental Protection” Specify Latin names: • • • Panthera pardus ciscaucasica • Salmo trutta caspius • sterlet — Acipenser ruthenus Transfer the Information on the Report and Responsibility Statement sections to the end of the report/the appendix, since the information is not important enough to be placed at the beginning of the report demoiselle crane — Anthropoides virgo irbis — Panthera uncia persian leopard or snow leopard — red-list fish species — Caspian salmon — Transfer the information about coronavirus from the Risk Management section to the beginning of the report due to the relevance of this topic. It is important to expand this topic by adding the information to the messages of the top management, as well as to emphasize topics related to the virus (employment support, health and safety of employees, uninterrupted electricity supply to consumers, supply chain management (there are some export/import and transportation issues due to closed borders) In the Sustainable Development section it is necessary to state specific objectives and tasks related to this issue (if any). Furthermore, there is no need to list all the documents related to sustainable development; only key documents should be named, and it is then enough to provide the link to the website where they are collected Due to severe floods in Siberia in 2019, it is necessary to disclose the information on RusHydro's presence in the affected regions, the Company's measures and involvement in the remediation, as well as the state of RusHydro facilities (probability of accidents) See the information on electricity and capacity sales in physical terms in the WECM Sales and REM Sales sections. The information on the revenue from sales is detailed in Appendix 16 The possibility of including the relevant information will be reviewed when preparing reports for subsequent reporting periods It is considered in the Ensuring Compliance with Environmental Laws section It is considered in the Animal Protection and Recovery of Aquatic Life sections The structure of the report was approved at the beginning of the reporting campaign and is recognizable compared to the previous annual reports. Furthermore, the Information on the Report section provides the data both on the company names which are further used in the text and on the segments (subgroups), as well as the important reference to the Appendices Book. Therefore, it is advisable to place this section at the beginning of the report The Company considers the location and scope of the COVID-19 disclosure in the 2019 Annual Report sufficient. The possibility of including more detailed information on the measures taken and the influence of the current situation on the Company's activities will be reviewed when preparing reports for subsequent reporting periods The possibility of including the relevant information will be reviewed when preparing reports for subsequent reporting periods From the end of June to the beginning of August 2019, flooding was recorded in Irkutsk Region receiving the federal emergency status (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 316 of July 3, 2019). There are no facilities of RusHydro Group in the specified 446 No. Recommendations PJSC RusHydro’s response for 2019 9. 10. Add more content to the Personnel Management System Development Plans section (in addition to the conferences and the talent pool development) Indicate in the report that indirect greenhouse gas emissions are not taken into account 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Consider optimizing the volume of the report (reducing descriptive blocks by adding links for the information on the website or in previous annual reports) Disclose the information on measures taken to reduce the negative impact on hydrobionts Disclose the information on the RusHydro's educational activities in the field of public awareness (popularization) of the importance of renewable energy sources and, in particular, hydropower as one of the most eco-friendly energy sources Provide more detailed information on the Company's contribution to the development of smaller HPPs as the most eco-friendly hydropower type Specify the reason for the large amount of wastewater discharges: much of the wastewater are untreated or insufficiently treated Compare RusHydro Group's greenhouse gas emissions to estimate the scope Provide the information on remuneration of diligent payers Disclose the information on the sources which, in addition to the “Dedicated financial reserve for emergencies”, enabled RusHydro Group to form financial reserves to compensate for the damage that could be caused to the third parties as a result of the hydraulic structures accident (dam destruction) Reduce the information on the general ideas about the electricity market in Russia Compare the Company's actions and expenses to achieve the UN sustainable development goals against the previous year territory. Other facilities of RusHydro Group located in the Siberian Federal District (Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP, Mainskaya HPP, Novosibirskaya HPP and Boguchanskaya HPP) operated in a regular mode in compliance with the requirements of the Federal Water Resources Agency and dispatcher instructions by JSC SO UES The Company considers the amount of information presented in the section to be sufficient within the scope of projected activities The information on the lack of consideration for indirect greenhouse gas emissions is disclosed as part of the FTSE RUSSELL B EU Index. In the future, the Company plans to develop a tracking system to quantify indirect greenhouse gas emissions and disclose this information in subsequent reporting periods The possibility of including the relevant information will be reviewed when preparing reports for subsequent reporting periods It is considered in the Recovery of Aquatic Life section Currently, these educational activities are not carried out. The possibility of disclosing the information on the plans will be reviewed when preparing reports for subsequent reporting periods It is considered in the Smaller HPPs section It is considered in the Water Use and Discharge section It is considered in the Greenhouse Gas Emissions section It is considered in the Improvement of Payment Discipline Through Outreach Measures section It is considered in the Preparedness for Natural Disasters and Emergencies section The Annual Report is designed for a wide range of stakeholders, including those who are not significantly informed on the electricity market, and therefore the Company considers it important and useful to disclose this information Since the measurable indicators have been introduced as part of the current reporting campaign, the possibility of including the relevant information will be reviewed when 447 No. Recommendations PJSC RusHydro’s response for 2019 21. Present the results (if any) of RusHydro's work on developing methodological approaches to understanding global climate change processes in terms of greenhouse gas emissions from the surface of HPP freshwater reservoirs and evaluating their absorbing capacity 22. It is advisable to specify which categories of environmental impact RusHydro facilities are referred to 23. 24. 25. 26. Provide the information on regions (in addition to those already indicated) where biodiversity projects are planned. Indicate whether such separate projects can help to develop methodological documents in the field of biodiversity, or whether these projects are developed exclusively for a specific region and for a specific species of animals or birds and cannot be scaled to a wider range Add the following information to the report: In 2019, PJSC RusHydro intensely participated in the implementation of a project by the Association “Hydropower of Russia”, targeting the development of an assessment system of operated hydropower facilities’ compliance with the sustainable development criteria, taking into account the requirements of current Russian legislation regarding the analysis of existing methods. The project implementation will be resumed in 2020, with the assistance of the International Hydropower Association The capacity increase as part of retrofitting and upgrading is not considered in the table “Plans to finance the construction of power generation for a low-carbon economy.” It is also advisable to edit the title of the table and add the indicator “Volume of planned reductions of CO2 emissions” based on specific indicators of heat generation and annual output of commissioned/retrofitted HPPs Update the Comprehensive Modernization Program section with the information that the results of this program were presented by PJSC RusHydro at the Russian Energy Week International Forum (REW 2019) organized by the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation and the Moscow Government preparing reports for subsequent reporting periods Large hydropower plants are one of the most significant deterrents for climate change. There is no consensus on greenhouse gas emissions from the surface of freshwater reservoirs and, accordingly, the carbon neutrality of hydropower plants and their water reservoirs, as well as on estimation of absorbing capacity of hydropower reservoirs. For this purpose, RusHydro considers the possibility of developing methodological approaches to understanding global climate change processes in terms of greenhouse gas emissions from the surface of HPP freshwater reservoirs and evaluating their absorbing capacity In RusHydro Group, the facilities able to have a negative impact on the environment belong to categories 1, 2, 3, and 4. The possibility of including the relevant information will be reviewed when preparing reports for subsequent reporting periods It is considered in the Stakeholder Relations section It is considered in the Sustainable Development section The possibility of including the relevant information will be reviewed when preparing reports for subsequent reporting periods It is considered in the Comprehensive Modernization, Rehabilitation, and Upgrade Programs section 448 No. Recommendations PJSC RusHydro’s response for 2019 27. 28. 29. as part of the meeting dedicated to “Energy Efficiency and Energy Safety of Hydropower Facilities regarding Modernization of the Energy Equipment and Digital Transformation” Add the information to the report that PJSC RusHydro acted as an initiator and an active participant of the project implemented by the Association “Hydropower of Russia” to develop the Methodological Guidelines for Assessing Impacts on Water Bioresources in the Construction and Operation of Hydropower Plants. The project, executed by the Analytical Center under the Government of the Russian Federation and the B.E.Vedeneev VNIIG, was completed in December 2019 after its consideration and approval at RTC of PJSC RusHydro Add information that, in 2019, PJSC RusHydro continued developing the national standardization system by ensuring operation of the specialized subcommittee — Hydropower Plants (hereinafter, SC-4) of the Technical Committee 016 “Power Sector” In the Key Performance Indicators section, the target values are almost the same for 2018 and 2019 (that is, there is no growth, but in terms of such indicators as, for example, profit before tax and depreciation, target values decreased compared to the previous year). The planned values for 2020–2022 are lower than the actual values of 2019 (for example, procurement from SMEs, productivity, ROE, and ESP). It is necessary to explain this trend 30. Add to the appendices to the report the data on volume operating indicators by controlled organization: installed capacities, power and heat generation and output, loss volumes, capacity factor, etc. It is considered in the Ensuring Compliance with Environmental Laws section It is considered in the Stakeholder Relations section All the target (planned) KPIs are regulatory or estimated. Regulatory target values are determined by the directives of the Government of the Russian Federation or other federal legislative acts ("Decrease in operating expenses (costs), %", "Labor productivity", "Share of procurement from small and medium businesses, %") or are determined as the maximum and/or threshold percentage ("Adherence to the capacity commissioning schedule, funding and spending plan, %", "ROE (TSR), %", "Integral innovative KPI", "Prevention of accidents exceeding the limit number of accidents"). Estimated target values for financial and economic KPIs are determined in accordance with the RusHydro Group's consolidated business plan approved by the Board of Directors of PJSC RusHydro for the corresponding planning period under the current KPI calculation and evaluation methodology. Estimated target values include such KPIs as "EBITDA, RUB mn", "ROE, %", "Free cash flow (FCF), RUB mn", "Earnings per share (EPS), RUB/share" The possibility of including the relevant information will be reviewed when preparing reports for subsequent reporting periods 449 APPENDIX NO.20 CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CERTIFICATION OF THE REPORT BY THE RUIE COUNCIL ON NON-FINANCIAL REPORTING 450 APPENDIX NO.21 ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE OF PJSC RUSHYDRO 104 104 Approved by Order No. 753 of September 17, 2019. 451 APPENDIX NO.22 GRI INDICATOR CONSOLIDATION BOUNDARIES AND ADDITIONAL DISCLOSURES In 2019, the consolidation of reporting information was 58 companies105. Criteria for inclusion in the consolidation perimeter: the Company’s share in total group revenues as of 2018 is at least 0.1%; the headcount is at least 40 people as of December 31, 2018. The GRI standard discosures 101 and 102 set out the reporting principles for determining the quality content, and also include information about the organization's profile, strategy, ethics and integrity, management, stakeholder engagement practices, and are collected by the RusHydro Group. The standard GRI discosures of the 103 series cover management approaches for all significant topics defined in the 200, 300, 400 series and standard elements of the industry application for the electric power industry. Disclosure boundaries of significant indicators in accordance with the GRI SRS standard in 2019 No. Name 1 - 1 0 2 3 - 1 0 2 4 - 1 0 2 1 - 2 0 2 1 - 3 0 2 2 - 3 0 2 2 - 5 0 2 3 - 5 0 2 1 - 2 0 3 3 - 2 0 3 4 - 2 0 3 2 - 3 0 3 3 - 3 0 3 4 - 3 0 3 5 - 3 0 3 1 - 4 0 3 2 - 4 0 3 3 - 4 0 3 4 - 4 0 3 1 - 5 0 3 2 - 5 0 3 4 - 5 0 3 5 - 5 0 3 7 - 5 0 3 2 - 6 0 3 4 - 6 0 3 5 - 6 0 3 1 - 1 0 4 2 - 1 0 4 1 - 2 0 4 1 - 3 0 4 2 - 3 0 4 3 - 3 0 4 4 - 3 0 4 5 - 3 0 4 6 - 3 0 4 9 - 3 0 4 0 1 - 3 0 4 1 - 4 0 4 2 - 4 0 4 3 - 4 0 4 1 - 5 0 4 1 - 7 0 4 1 U E 2 U E 3 U E 4 U E 2 1 U E 3 1 U E 5 1 U E 2 2 U E 3 2 U E 5 2 U E 8 2 U E 9 2 U E 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 JSC RusHydro (with branches) PJSC Krasnoyarskenergosb yt JSC Chuvashskaya Electricity Sales Company PJSC Ryazanenergosbyt JSC ESC RusHydro JSC Hydroremont – VCC CJSC MEK JSC Hydroproject Institute (cid:51)(cid:45)(cid:54)(cid:505)(cid:3)(cid:46)(cid:82)(cid:79)(cid:92)(cid:80)(cid:68)(cid:72)(cid:81)(cid:72)(cid:85)(cid:74)(cid:82) JSC Vedeneyev VNIIG JSC ChirkeiHPPstroy JSC Lenhydroproject JSC Ust-Srednekan HPPstroy PJSC KamGEK JSC Geoterm JSC Mosoblhydroproject LLC SNRG JSC Transport Company RusHydro JSC NIIES JSC Nizhne- Bureiskaya HPP JSC SSHPP SC JSC Zagorskaya PSHPP-2 LLC RusHydro IT 105 The changes in 2018 (60 companies) were due to the exclusion of two organizations from the consolidation loop – JSC HUA due to bankruptcy and JSC Hydroinvest due to non-compliance with the criteria for inclusion in the perimeter. 452 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 Service JSC MC HydroOGK JSC RHS PJSC Boguchanskaya HPP JSC Ust- Srednekanskaya HPP JSC Malaya Dmitrovka JSC Zaramagskiye HPPs JSC Sulaksky HydroCascade JSC Sakhalinskaya SDPP-2 JSC CHPP at Sovetskaya Gavan JSC Blagoveshchenskaya CHPP JSC Yakutskaya SDPP-2 PJSC Far-Eastern Energy Company (FEEC) PJSC Yakutskenergo JSC FEGC PJSC Kamchatskenergo JSC DRSK PJSC Sakhalinenergo PJSC Magadanenergo JSC Chukotenergo JSC Teploenergoservis JSC UESK PJSC Peredvizhnaya Energetika JSC VOSTEC JSC Sakhaenergo JSC KhRAC JSC KhETC JSC Magadanenergoremo nt JSC Vehicle Fleet Operator LuTEC JSC LUR JSC Energotranssnab JSC Neryungrienergoremo nt JSC KhPRC JSC YaERC JSC Magadanelectrosetre mont 58 JSC RAO ES East 453 Taxes by regions of the Russian Federation by place of presence for 2017-2019, RUB mn Republic of Daghestan 1,804.5 Republic of Ingushetia - Territory Republic of Bashkortostan Republic of Buryatia Republic of Altai Kabardino-Balkarian Republic Republic of Kalmykia Karachayevo-Circassian Republic Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) Republic of North Ossetia - Alania Udmurtian Republic Republic of Khakassia Chuvash Republic Krasnodar Territory Krasnoyarsk Territory Primorye Territory Stavropol Territory Khabarovsk Territory Amur Region Volgograd Region Irkutsk Region Kamchatka Territory Kursk Region Leningrad Region Magadan Region Moscow Region Murmansk Region Nizhny Novgorod Region Novosibirsk Region Perm Territory Ryazan Region Samara Region Saratov Region Sakhalin Region Sverdlovsk Region Smolensk Region Yaroslavl Region Moscow 2017 Regional budget 21.4 Local budget 2.6 2018 Regional budget 20.1 Local budget 4.8 2019 Regional budget 17.4 Local budget 6.0 - 0.4 1,032.8 - 758.7 - - 4.2 - 5.4 - 2.9 0.2 0.4 1,693,5 - 766.1 - 786.9 - - 5.7 - 5.7 0,3 3.4 1.1 0.3 1,698.9 - 873.2 - 768.4 - - 3.7 - 5,0 - 2.7 3,220.4 75.4 2,660.7 69.2 3,319.4 60.8 377.6 - 2,623.9 613.7 1.5 1,358.4 2,165.2 471.4 2,061.0 3,892.7 1,883.0 15.2 1,131.4 14.5 1,223.5 865.0 8.6 303.0 523.8 795.5 68.0 1,777.9 1,483.0 626.0 0.2 0.1 428.4 1,496.8 2.3 - 5.7 5.1 - 8.2 94.2 42.9 136.5 28.7 7.5 0.8 14.0 70.2 10.6 199.5 - 5.9 8.6 0.1 0.6 1.4 5.1 15.1 0.4 - 3.7 20.3 352.6 - 2,845.6 556.0 1.9 1,404.6 2,218.4 427.5 2,173.0 3,785.8 1,576.3 0.9 1,241.6 18.9 1,676.4 762.5 8.2 333.9 659.7 911.9 54.6 1,981,.9 1,602.1 853.3 - 0.1 495.3 1,636.2 2.5 - 3.6 5.3 - 6.1 82.1 40.6 92.7 33.3 6.8 0.3 22.2 56.9 13.3 198.5 - 5.9 9.0 0.2 0.6 1.4 5.3 21.6 - - 4.3 14.0 367.4 - 2,272.4 561.7 2.2 495.0 2,799.9 423.4 2,434.7 3,650.9 1,535.1 2.9 1,139.6 0.1 16.4 1,881.8 710.7 10.1 313.9 516.2 868.9 79.0 1,524.6 1,607.8 735.7 - - 454.9 2,039.1 2.5 0.1 4.8 5.6 - 11.1 75.5 18.2 93.7 31.6 6.9 -0.2 25.7 - 2.9 9.6 149.6 - - 6.7 0.1 0.7 1.4 3.5 21.7 - - 5.4 15.8 454 Territory St. Petersburg Jewish Autonomous Region Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area Chukotka Autonomous Area Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Area Total 2017 Regional budget 156.7 138.9 9.8 263.7 37.1 Local budget 4.3 3.1 0.3 1.8 0.6 2018 Regional budget 151.3 159.2 9.4 Local budget 3.5 3.0 0.7 2019 Regional budget 1,349.0 182.6 15.9 Local budget 4.9 3.5 0.5 407.7 10.1 291.8 14.0 41.0 0.7 106.8 0.7 33,653.7 788.0 34,275.7 733.6 35,069.2 594.7 Key environmental achievements of 2019 as part of RusHydro Group’s Implementation Program for the Environmental Policy Branch/subsidiary Initiatives Votkinskaya HPP Zeyskaya HPP Saratovskaya HPP Kamskaya HPP Volzhskaya HPP Novosibirskaya HPP Cheboksarskaya HPP PJSC Kolymaenergo Boguchanskaya HPP JSC DGK replacement of runner sealings on turbine No. 9; current repair of hydrotechnical facilities; modernization of external sewer networks of the hydrotechnical complex; replacement of turbine No. 5. replacement of sealings of the turbine runner vane (as part of the major overhaul of hydropower unit No. 5). modernization of turbines at units No. 1, 3, 5, 7, 9; cleaning flood debris and sunken wood from trash rakes. current repairs of overflow dam – sealing off concrete surfaces; installation of storm drain metering station (issue No. 1); current repairs of drainage systems. replacement of oil-filled 220 kV cables with XLPE dry cables; repair of sealings of oil-filled runners of turbines; landscaping of upstream and downstream penstocks. rehabilitation of hydropower unit No. 2 (turbine replacement). replacement of oil-filled circuit breakers ORU-220; rehabilitation of drainage water treatment facilities adjacent to the HPP building and storm and thaw water treatment facilities adjacent to the logistics base. development and implementation of the project of rehabilitation of 10 kV integrated switchgear (replacement of switches with vacuum ones, replacement of 10 kV switchgear protective relays with microprocessor switches). fishery protection (ongoing monitoring); inspection to identify causes for poor performance of the waste water treatment process against discharge limits for oil- contaminated water (20 l/s). current and major repairs, testing, adjustment of duct collecting and aspiration bunkers, scrubber anti-corrosion protection, Venturi pipes at Blagoveshchenskaya CHPP, Raychikhinskaya CHPP, Primorskaya GRES, Neryungrinskaya GRES, Artyomovskaya CHPP, Vladivostokskaya CHPP-2, Partizanskaya GRES, Amurskaya CHPP, Komsomolskaya CHPP-2, Mayskaya GRES, Khabarovskaya CHPP-1, Khabarovskaya CHPP-3, Urgalskaya boiler plant; Repair of ash dump and sluice discharge piping at Blagoveshchenskaya CHPP, Chulamskaya CHPP; construction of dam at the 3rd tier of ash dump No. 2 (upstream 455 Branch/subsidiary Initiatives dam) at Primorskaya GRES, construction of ash dump at Amurskaya CHPP, ash dump expansion at Khabarovskaya CHPP-3; repair of clarified water treatment facilities and pump station at Blagoveshchenskaya CHPP, construction of a waste water treatment station at Khabarovskaya CHPP-2 using innovative technologies of biochemical purification and disinfection; current repair of boiler No. 3 at Blagoveshchenskaya CHPP; training and education of experts in waste management, environmental safety, environmental audit and management; repair of industrial, storm and household drains at Vladivostokskaya CHPP-2, repair of equipment and facilities at sewage treatment plant of Mayskaya GRES; rehabilitation of Khabarovskaya CHPP-1 and Khabarovskaya CHPP- 3 to upgrade boilers and hot-water peaking boiler plant to feed on natural gas; industrial environmental control. replacement of oil-filled electrical equipment with vacuum equipment; industrial environmental control; training and education of experts in waste management, environmental safety, environmental audit and management; implementation of measures to improve the environmental management system. replacement of oil-filled electrical equipment with vacuum equipment; rehabilitation of gas treatment units of medium pressure boiler units at Magadanskaya CHPP. introduction of gas monitors. replacement of oil-filled electrical equipment with insulated equipment; development of the design of treatment facilities for domestic, industrial and storm water at CHPP-1. repair, adjustment and testing of boiler equipment (including ash collection units); installation of metering devices, calibration, repair and adjustment of emission devices; replacement of oil-filled electrical equipment with vacuum or SF6 gas equipment, which contains no oil, or with equipment with lower oil content. maintenance and repair of ash and slag pipes; tests on dust collecting equipment and measurements of gaseous effluents from boilers of Anadyr CHPP and Chaunskaya CHPP. flue gas scrubbing from smoke and dust using special equipment (cyclones); major overhaul of the hydropower unit No. 3 of SHPP-4; major overhaul of the closed switchgear of Ust-Kamchatsk diesel power plant No. 23, including replacement of oil switches with vacuum ones; JSC DRSK PJSC Magadanenergo PJSC Mobile Energy PJSC Kamchatskenergo PJSC Sakhalinenergo JSC Chukotenergo JSC UESK PJSC Yakutskenergo JSC Sakhaenergo modernization of Atlasovo boiler plant. development of technical measures and advanced design solutions for the replacement of the cooling tower at Yakutskaya GRES (1 section); replacement of oil-filled circuit breakers with vacuum ones. replacement of oil-filled circuit breakers with vacuum ones; current repairs to prevent air inflow at uniflow cyclone and multi- cyclone of Deputatsky CHPP; replacement of uninsulated self-supporting wires. 456 Branch/subsidiary Initiatives JSC LUR water spraying (dust suppression) of roads, coal faces and open-pit crushing and screening area; repair of oil separators at vehicle handling facilities in the mining area. Assessment and controls over environmental impact at all stages of the projects of the RusHydro Group life cycle Stage Controls over environmental impact Planning (pre-project stage) Design Construction Operation R&D with a focus on environment; preliminary environmental impact assessment for new construction and rehabilitation planning. Environmental impact assessment: assessment of the facility impact on environment in order to decide whether construction or rehabilitation is feasible; designing initiatives to ensure the required level of environmental safety. implementation and follow-up on the initiatives provided for by the projects, aimed at ensuring environmental safety; compliance with environmental laws during construction and installation. industrial environmental control: initiatives preventing any deviation from the given level of environmental safety; voluntary initiatives to preserve biodiversity and improve environmental awareness among employees and communities. 457 Financing of capital investments in the forecast prices of the corresponding years, RUB mn (with VAT) 2024 2022 2020 2021 2023 2025 Plans to Finance the construction of low-carbon energy generation facilities Project The start year of the project impleme ntation Year of complet ion of the project Estimation of the total cost of the investment project in the forecast prices of the correspondin g years, RUB mn (with VAT) The balance of financing of capital investments in the forecast prices of the correspondin g years, RUB mn (with VAT) at January 1, 2020 23,369.4 Ust-Srednekanskaya HPP Solar generation unit at Nizhne- Bureyskaya HPP Ust-Dzhegutinskaya SHPP Barsuchkovskaya SHPP Krasnogorskaya SHPP-1 Krasnogorskaya SHPP-2 Verkhnebalkarskaya SHPP Photovoltaic power system (Vladivostok, 1991 2023 76,927.3 6,228.0 7,822.2 6,767.4 2,551.8 0.0 2019 2020 155.7 155.5 155.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2012 2020 1,684.2 433.8 433.8 0.0 2012 2020 1,551.3 495.0 495.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2017 2021 7,310.9 6,758.0 1,057.9 5,700.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2017 2022 7,454.3 6,887.6 1,367.7 3,312.0 2,208.0 0.0 2011 2020 3,706.1 483.9 483.9 0.0 2020 2020 5.0 5.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total for the period 2020-2025 23,369.4 155.5 433.8 495.0 6,758.0 6,887.6 483.9 5.0 458 Financing of capital investments in the forecast prices of the corresponding years, RUB mn (with VAT) 2024 2022 2020 2021 2023 2025 Total for the period 2020-2025 Project The start year of the project impleme ntation Year of complet ion of the project Estimation of the total cost of the investment project in the forecast prices of the correspondin g years, RUB mn (with VAT) The balance of financing of capital investments in the forecast prices of the correspondin g years, RUB mn (with VAT) at January 1, 2020 Primorye Territory, Russky Island) Development and testing of a hybrid container-type energy storage system as part of a distributed network with renewable energy sources (Vladivostok, Primorye Territory, Russky Island) Construction of a 0.3 MW wind turbine in Ust-Kamchatsk Construction of a 900 kW wind power plant in Tiksi, 2020 2020 18.0 18.0 18.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 18.0 2019 2021 185.3 150.8 66.8 84.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 150.8 2017 2020 290.0 12.7 12.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 12.7 459 Financing of capital investments in the forecast prices of the corresponding years, RUB mn (with VAT) 2024 2022 2020 2021 2025 2023 Total for the period 2020-2025 Project The start year of the project impleme ntation Year of complet ion of the project Estimation of the total cost of the investment project in the forecast prices of the correspondin g years, RUB mn (with VAT) The balance of financing of capital investments in the forecast prices of the correspondin g years, RUB mn (with VAT) at January 1, 2020 2018 2021 1,458.7 704.4 585.6 118.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 704.4 Bulunsky District Construction of a 3,000 kW diesel power plant with an energy storage unit for the wind diesel power station in Tiksi, Bulunsky District 460 GRI 102-8 Headcount of the workforce by type of employment, employment contract, and gender in 2019 Gender Male Female Total Full-time employees Switched to part-time work Working under indefinite employment contracts Working under fixed-term employment contracts 47,140 22,038 69,178 115 254 369 45,012 21,120 66,132 2,243 1,172 3,415 GRI 405-1 Headcount of employees by gender, category and age in 2019 Age group Managers Specialists and employees Blue-collar Total Male Female Male Female Male Female <25 years 25-34 years 35-44 years 45-54 years >55 years Total 24 1,281 2,665 2,441 1,731 8,142 4 217 797 751 565 2,334 226 2,538 2,562 1,479 1,204 8,009 156 1,369 271 1,022 7,019 3,336 1,666 8,006 4,654 2,069 7,865 2,994 1,818 1,841 6,976 13,073 31,235 6,754 2,050 15,413 20,350 17,599 14,135 69,547 461
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