More annual reports from Ultragenyx Pharmaceutical:
2023 ReportPeers and competitors of Ultragenyx Pharmaceutical:
Washington, D.C. 20549
Form 10-K
For the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023
For the transi on period from to
Commission File No. 001-36276
Ultragenyx Pharmaceu cal Inc.
(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)
(State or other jurisdic on of
incorpora on or organiza on)
60 Leveroni Court
Novato, California
(Address of principal execu ve offices)
(I.R.S. Employer Iden fica on No.)
(Zip Code)
(415) 483-8800
(Registrant’s telephone number, including area code)
Securi es registered pursuant to Sec on 12(b) of the Exchange Act:
Title of each class
Trading Symbol(s)
Name of each exchange on which registered
Common Stock, $0.001 par value
The Nasdaq Global Select Market
Indicate by check mark if the registrant is a well-known seasoned issuer, as defined in Rule 405 of the Securi es Act. YES ☑ NO ☐
Indicate by check mark if the registrant is not required to file reports pursuant to Sec on 13 or Sec on 15(d) of the Exchange Act. YES ☐ NO ☑
Securi es registered pursuant to Sec on 12(g) of the Exchange Act: None.
Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required to be filed by Sec on 13 or 15(d) of the Exchange Act during the preceding 12 months (or for such
shorter period that the registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to such filing requirements for the past 90 days. YES ☑ NO ☐
Indicate by check mark whether the registrant has submi ed electronically every Interac ve Data File required to be submi ed pursuant to Rule 405 of Regula on S-T (§232.405 of this
chapter) during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was required to submit such files). Yes ☑ NO ☐
Indicate by check mark whether the registrant is a large accelerated filer, an accelerated filer, a non-accelerated filer, a smaller repor ng company, or an emerging growth company. See
the defini ons of “large accelerated filer,” “accelerated filer,” “smaller repor ng company,” and “emerging growth company” in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act.
Large accelerated filer ☑
Accelerated filer ☐
Non- accelerated filer ☐
Smaller repor ng company ☐
Emerging growth company ☐
If an emerging growth company, indicate by check mark if the registrant has elected not to use the extended transi on period for complying with any new or revised financial
accoun ng standards provided pursuant to Sec on 13(a) of the Exchange Act. ☐
Indicate by check mark whether the registrant has filed a report on and a esta on to its management’s assessment of the effec veness of its internal control over financial repor ng
under Sec on 404(b) of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (15 U.S.C. 7262(b)) by the registered public accoun ng firm that prepared or issued its audit report. ☑
If securi es are registered pursuant to Sec on 12(b) of the Act, indicate by check mark whether the financial statements of the registrant included in the filing reflect the correc on of an error
to previously issued financial statements. ☐
Indicate by check mark whether any of those error correc ons are restatements that required a recovery analysis of incen ve-based compensa on received by any of the registrant’s
execu ve officers during the relevant recovery period pursuant to §240.10D-1(b). ☐
Indicate by check mark whether the registrant is a shell company (as defined in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act). YES ☐ NO ☑
The aggregate market value of the vo ng and non-vo ng common equity held by non-affiliates of the Company as of June 30, 2023 was approximately $3.1 billion, based upon the
closing price on The Nasdaq Global Select Market reported for such date. Shares of common stock held by each execu ve officer and director and by each person who is known to own 10% or
more of the outstanding common stock have been excluded as such persons may be deemed affiliates of the Company. This determina on of affiliate status is not necessarily a conclusive
determina on for other purposes.
As of February 15, 2024, the Company had 82,335,687 shares of common stock issued and outstanding.
Por ons of the registrant’s defini ve proxy statement rela ng to its 2024 Annual Mee ng of Stockholders, to be held on or about June 18, 2024, are incorporated by reference into Part
III of this Annual Report on Form 10-K where indicated. Such proxy statement will be filed with the U.S. Securi es and Exchange Commission within 120 days a er the end of the fiscal year to
which this report relates.
Table of Contents
Item 1.
Item 1A.
Risk Factors
Item 1B.
Unresolved Staff Comments
Item 1C.
Item 2.
Proper es
Item 3.
Legal Proceedings
Item 4.
Mine Safety Disclosures
Item 5.
Market for Registrant’s Common Equity, Related Stockholder Ma ers and Issuer Purchases of Equity Securi es
Item 6.
Item 7.
Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condi on and Results of Opera ons
Item 7A.
Quan ta ve and Qualita ve Disclosures About Market Risk
Item 8.
Financial Statements and Supplementary Data
Item 9.
Changes in and Disagreements With Accountants on Accoun ng and Financial Disclosure
Item 9A.
Controls and Procedures
Item 9B.
Other Informa on
Item 9C.
Disclosure Regarding Foreign Jurisdic ons that Prevent Inspec ons
Item 10.
Directors, Execu ve Officers and Corporate Governance
Item 11.
Execu ve Compensa on
Item 12.
Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management and Related Stockholder Ma ers
Item 13.
Certain Rela onships and Related Transac ons, and Director Independence
Item 14.
Principal Accountant Fees and Services
Item 15.
Exhibits and Financial Statement Schedules
Item 16.
Form 10-K Summary
This Annual Report on Form 10-K, or Annual Report, contains forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertain es. We make such forward-
looking statements pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securi es Li ga on Reform Act of 1995 and other federal securi es laws. All
statements other than statements of historical fact contained in this Annual Report are forward-looking statements. In some cases, you can iden fy forward-
looking statements by words such as “an cipate,” “believe,” “contemplate,” “con nue,” “could,” “es mate,” “expect,” “forecast,” “intend,” “may,” “plan,”
“poten al,” “predict,” “project,” “seek,” “should,” “target,” “will,” “would,” or the nega ve of these words, or other comparable terminology. These forward-
looking statements include, but are not limited to, statements about:
our commercializa on, marke ng, and manufacturing capabili es and strategy;
our expecta ons regarding the ming of clinical study commencements and repor ng results from same;
the ming and likelihood of regulatory approvals for our product candidates;
the an cipated indica ons for our product candidates, if approved;
the poten al market opportuni es for commercializing our products and product candidates;
our expecta ons regarding the poten al market size and the size of the pa ent popula ons for our products and product candidates, if
approved for commercial use;
es mates of our expenses, revenue, capital requirements, and our needs for addi onal financing;
our ability to develop, acquire, and advance product candidates into, and successfully complete, clinical studies;
the implementa on of our business model and strategic plans for our business, products and product candidates and the integra on and
performance of any businesses we have acquired or may acquire;
the ini a on, ming, progress, and results of ongoing and future preclinical and clinical studies, and our research and development programs;
the scope of protec on we are able to establish and maintain for intellectual property rights covering our products and product candidates;
our ability to maintain and establish collabora ons or strategic rela onships or obtain addi onal funding;
our ability to maintain and establish rela onships with third par es, such as contract research organiza ons, contract manufacturing
organiza ons, suppliers, and distributors;
our financial performance and the expansion of our organiza on;
our ability to obtain supply of our products and product candidates;
the scalability and commercial viability of our manufacturing methods and processes;
developments and projec ons rela ng to our compe tors and our industry;
stagna ng or worsening business and economic condi ons and increasing geopoli cal instability, including infla onary pressures, general
economic slowdown or a recession, high interest rates, foreign exchange rate vola lity, financial ins tu on instability, a poten al government
shutdown, and changes in monetary policy;
the impact of market condi ons and vola lity on unrealized gains or losses on our nonqualified deferred compensa on plan investments and
our financial results; and
other risks and uncertain es, including those listed under “Part I, Item 1A. Risk Factors.”
Any forward-looking statements in this Annual Report reflect our current views with respect to future events or to our future financial performance
and involve known and unknown risks, uncertain es, and other factors that may cause our actual results, performance, or achievements to be materially
different from any future results, performance, or achievements expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements. Factors that may cause actual
results to differ materially from current expecta ons include, among other things, those discussed under Part I, Item 1A. Risk Factors and elsewhere in this
Annual Report. Given these uncertain es, you should not place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements. Except as required by law, we assume
no obliga on to update or revise these forward-looking statements for any reason, even if new informa on becomes available in the future.
This Annual Report also contains es mates, projec ons, and other informa on concerning our industry, our business, and the markets for certain
diseases, including data regarding the es mated size of those markets, and the incidence and prevalence of certain medical condi ons. Informa on that is
based on es mates, forecasts, projec ons, market research, or similar methodologies is inherently subject to uncertain es and actual events or
circumstances may differ materially from events and circumstances reflected in this informa on. Unless otherwise expressly stated, we obtained such
industry, business, market, and other data from reports, research surveys, studies, and similar data prepared by market research firms and other third par es,
industry, medical and general publica ons, government data, and similar sources.
As used in this Annual Report, “Ultragenyx,” “we,” “our,” and similar terms refer to Ultragenyx Pharmaceu cal Inc. and its subsidiaries, unless the
context indicates otherwise.
Item 1. Business
We are a biopharmaceu cal company commi ed to bringing novel products to pa ents for the treatment of serious rare and ultrarare gene c
diseases. We have built a diverse por olio of approved therapies and product candidates aimed at addressing diseases with high unmet medical need and
clear biology for treatment, for which there are typically no approved therapies trea ng the underlying disease.
We were founded in April 2010 by our President and Chief Execu ve Officer, Emil Kakkis, M.D., Ph.D., and are led by a management team experienced
in the development and commercializa on of rare disease therapeu cs. Our strategy is predicated upon me- and cost-efficient drug development, with the
goal of delivering safe and effec ve therapies to pa ents with the utmost urgency.
Our Strategy
The cri cal components of our business strategy include the following:
Focus on rare and ultrarare gene c diseases with significant unmet medical need and clear biology. There are numerous rare and ultrarare
gene c diseases that currently have no drug therapy approved that treat the underlying disease. Pa ents suffering from these diseases o en have
a significant morbidity and/or mortality. We focus on developing and commercializing therapies for mul ple such indica ons with the utmost
urgency. We also focus on diseases that have biology that is well understood. We believe that developing drugs that directly impact known disease
pathways will increase the probability of success of our development programs. Our modali es of biologics, small molecules, adeno-associated
virus, or AAV, gene therapy, and nucleic acids provide us with what we believe is an op mal set of op ons to treat gene c diseases by selec ng the
best treatment strategy available for each disease.
In-license promising product candidates; retain global commercializa on rights to product candidates. Our current product candidates are
generally in-licensed from academic ins tu ons or derived from partnerships with other pharmaceu cal companies. We believe par es agree to
license product candidates to us because they are confident in our team’s exper se in rare disease drug development and commercializa on. We
generally intend to retain global commercializa on rights to our products and product candidates whenever possible to maximize the poten al
value of our product por olio.
Focus on excellent, rapid, and efficient clinical and regulatory execu on on mul ple programs in parallel. We believe that building a successful
and sustainable rare disease-focused company requires very specific exper se in the areas of pa ent iden fica on, clinical study design and
conduct, and regulatory strategy. Because rare disease programs involve fewer pa ents and may have accelerated paths to market, we are able to
feasibly develop mul ple clinical-stage product candidates in parallel, resul ng in a more diversified por olio that provides mul ple opportuni es
to create value, with some economies of scale.
Commercialize through pa ent-focused global organiza on. We seek to commercialize our products throughout the developed world, in North
America, the European Union, or the EU, the United Kingdom, or the U.K., La n America, Turkey, Asia, and select interna onal markets. We have
established our own commercial organiza on in these markets and a network of third-party distributors in smaller markets. We believe our
commercial organiza on is highly specialized and focused, due to the nature of rare disease treatment.
Approved Products and Clinical Product Candidates
Our current approved therapies and clinical-stage pipeline consist of four product categories: biologics, small molecules, AAV gene therapy, and nucleic
acid product candidates.
We have four commercially approved products, Crysvita® (burosumab) for the treatment of X-linked hypophosphatemia, or XLH, and tumor-induced
osteomalacia, or TIO, Mepsevii® (vestronidase alfa) for the treatment of mucopolysaccharidosis VII, or MPSVII or Sly Syndrome, Dojolvi® (triheptanoin) for the
treatment of long-chain fa y acid oxida on disorders, or LC-FAOD, and Evkeeza® (evinacumab) for the treatment of homozygous familial
hypercholesterolemia, or HoFH. The following table summarizes our approved products and pipeline of clinical product candidates:
Approved Products
Crysvita for the treatment of XLH and TIO
Crysvita is a fully human monoclonal an body administered via subcutaneous injec on, that targets fibroblast growth factor 23, or FGF23, developed
for the treatment of XLH. XLH is a rare, hereditary, progressive, and lifelong musculoskeletal disorder characterized by renal phosphate was ng caused by
excess FGF23 produc on. There are approximately 48,000 pa ents with XLH in the developed world, including approximately 36,000 adults and 12,000
children. Crysvita is the only approved treatment that addresses the underlying cause of XLH. Crysvita is approved in the U.S., the EU and certain other
regions for the treatment of XLH in adult and pediatric pa ents one year of age and older.
Crysvita is also approved in the U.S. and certain other regions for the treatment of FGF23-related hypophosphatemia in tumor-induced osteomalacia,
or TIO, associated with phosphaturic mesenchymal tumors that cannot be cura vely resected or localized in adults and pediatric pa ents 2 years of age and
older. There are approximately 2,000 to 4,000 pa ents with TIO in the developed world. TIO can lead to severe hypophosphatemia, osteomalacia, fractures,
fa gue, bone and muscle pain, and muscle weakness.
We are collabora ng with Kyowa Kirin Co., Ltd., or KKC, and Kyowa Kirin, a wholly owned subsidiary of KKC, on the development and commercializa on
of Crysvita globally.
Please see “—License and Collabora on Agreements—Approved Products— Kyowa Kirin Co., Ltd.” for a descrip on of our collabora on and license
agreement with KKC.
Mepsevii for the treatment of MPS VII
Mepsevii is an enzyme replacement therapy administered intravenously, or IV, that replaces the missing enzyme (beta-glucuronidase), developed for
the treatment of Mucopolysaccharidosis VII, also known as MPS VII or Sly syndrome. MPS VII is a rare lysosomal storage disease that o en leads to mul -
organ dysfunc on, pervasive skeletal disease, and death. MPS VII and is one of the rarest MPS disorders, affec ng an es mated 200 pa ents in the developed
world. Mepsevii is approved in the U.S., the EU and certain other regions for the treatment of children and adults with MPS VII.
Please see “—License and Collabora on Agreements—Approved Products—Saint Louis University” for a descrip on of our license agreement with
Saint Louis University.
Dojolvi for the treatment of LC-FAOD
Dojolvi is a highly purified, synthe c, 7-carbon fa y acid triglyceride administered orally, designed to provide medium-chain, odd-carbon fa y acids as
an energy source and metabolite replacement, developed for people with long-chain fa y acid oxida on disorders, or LC-FAOD. LC-FAOD represents a set of
rare metabolic diseases that prevents the conversion of fat into energy and can cause low blood sugar, muscle rupture, and heart and liver disease. Dojolvi is
approved in the U.S. and certain other regions as a source of calories and fa y acids for the treatment of pediatric and adult pa ents with molecularly
confirmed LC-FAOD. There are approximately 8,000 to 14,000 pa ents in the developed world with LC-FAOD.
Please see “—License and Collabora on Agreements—Approved Products—Baylor Research Ins tute” for a descrip on of our license agreement with
Baylor Research Ins tute.
Evkeeza for the treatment of HoFH
Evkeeza is a fully human monoclonal an body administered by IV, that binds to and blocks the func on of angiopoie n-like 3, or ANGPTL3, a protein
that plays a key role in lipid metabolism, developed for the treatment of homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia, or HoFH, a rare inherited condi on.
HoFH occurs when two copies of the familial hypercholesterolemia, or FH-causing genes are inherited, one from each parent, resul ng in dangerously high
levels (>400 mg/dL) of LDL-C, or bad cholesterol. Pa ents with HoFH are at risk for premature atherosclero c disease and cardiac events as early as their
teenage years. Evkeeza is approved in the U.S., where it is marketed by our partner Regeneron Pharmaceu cals, or Regeneron. It is also approved in the
European Economic Area, or EEA, as a first-in-class therapy for use together with diet and other low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol, or LDL-C, lowering
therapies to treat adults and adolescents aged five years and older with clinical HoFH. There are approximately 3,000 to 5,000 pa ents with HoFH in the
developed world outside of the U.S.
Please see “—License and Collabora on Agreements—Approved Products—Regeneron” for a descrip on of our license agreement with Regeneron
Pharmaceu cals.
Clinical Product Candidates
UX143 (setrusumab) for the treatment of Osteogenesis Imperfecta, or OI
UX143 (setrusumab) is a fully human monoclonal an body administered by IV that inhibits scleros n, a protein that acts on a key bone-signaling
pathway by inhibi ng the ac vity of bone-forming cells and promo ng bone resorp on. Setrusumab is being developed for the treatment of OI, or bri le
bone disease, which is caused by variants in the COL1A1 or COL1A2 genes, leading to either reduced or abnormal collagen and changes in bone metabolism.
There are an es mated 60,000 pa ents in the developed world affected by OI. UX143 has received orphan drug designa on from the U.S. Food and Drug
Administra on, or FDA, and European Medicines Agency, or EMA, rare pediatric disease designa on from the FDA, and was accepted into the EMA’s Priority
Medicines program, or PRIME, program. Setrusumab is subject to our collabora on agreement with Mereo and is the lead clinical asset in our bone
endocrinology franchise.
In June 2023, we, along with our collabora on partner, Mereo, announced posi ve data from the dose-selec on Phase 2 por on of the Phase 2/3
Orbit study, which demonstrated that setrusumab rapidly induced bone produc on in pa ents aged five to 25 with OI. Across all pa ents evaluated as of the
data cut-off, setrusumab demonstrated sta s cally significant increases in levels of serum P1NP, a sensi ve marker of bone forma on, and a substan al and
significant improvement in bone mineral density (BMD) by three months.
As of the data cut-off for our June 2023 announcement, serum P1NP levels through at least one month of treatment were available from all 24
pa ents enrolled in the Phase 2 por on of Orbit and demonstrated that treatment with setrusumab significantly increased serum P1NP in both dosing
cohorts, peaking at one to two weeks and again, as expected, a er the two-month dosing mepoint. Lumbar spine BMD data were available in 17 of 24 Orbit
pa ents at the 3-month mepoint. Treatment with setrusumab for three months resulted in an increase in lumbar spine BMD from baseline of 9.4% at 20
mg/kg (n=10), which represents a substan al mean change in Z-score of +0.65 from -2.12 (n=11) at baseline.
In October 2023 at the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research 2023 Annual Mee ng (ASBMR), we and Mereo announced addi onal interim
data from the Phase 2 por on of the Phase 2/3 Orbit study that demonstrated that treatment with UX143 significantly reduced incidence of fractures in
pa ents with OI with at least six months of follow-up and con nued to demonstrate ongoing and meaningful improvements in lumbar spine BMD. As of the
data cut-off on August 4, 2023 and following at least six months of treatment with setrusumab, the annualized fracture rate across all 24 pa ents in the Phase
2 por on of the study was reduced by 67%. The median annualized fracture rate of 0.72 in the two years prior to treatment was reduced to 0.00 (n=24,
p=0.042) during the mean treatment dura on period of nine months. Such fractures excluded fractures of the fingers, toes, skull and face consistent with the
Phase 3 study design. As of the data cut-off for our October 2023 announcement, there were no treatment-related serious adverse events observed in the
The Phase 3 por on of the Orbit study is expected to enroll approximately 150 pa ents and be fully enrolled around the end of the first quarter of
2024. Addi onal, longer-term Phase 2 data from the Orbit study are expected in 2024. The Phase 3 Cosmic study is an ac ve-controlled study evalua ng the
effect of setrusumab compared to intravenous bisphosphonate (IV-BP) therapy on annualized total fracture rate in pa ents aged 2 to <5 years. Cosmic is
targe ng to enroll approximately 50 pa ents or more at more than 20 global sites and is expected to complete enrollment in the first half of 2024.
Please see “—License and Collabora on Agreements—Clinical Product Candidates—Mereo” for a descrip on of our license and collabora on
agreement with Mereo.
GTX-102 for the treatment of Angelman Syndrome
GTX-102 is an an sense oligonucleo de, or ASO, administered by intrathecal injec on (IT) that inhibits expression of the paternal UBE3A an sense.
GTX-102 is being developed for the treatment of Angelman syndrome, a debilita ng and rare neurogene c disorder caused by loss-of-func on of the
maternally inherited allele of the UBE3A gene. There are an es mated 60,000 pa ents in the developed world affected by Angelman syndrome. GTX-102 has
received Fast Track Designa on, Orphan Drug Designa on and Rare Pediatric Disease Designa on from the FDA and has been accepted into the EMA’s Priority
Medicines program, or PRIME, program.
In May 2023, we announced that the FDA reviewed and agreed to a protocol amendment to the Phase 1/2 study of GTX-102 in pediatric pa ents with
Angelman syndrome that enables us to harmonize dose ranges in the U.S. with those being used in ex-U.S. cohorts of the study. The Phase 1/2, open-label,
dose-escala ng study is evalua ng the safety and tolerability of GTX-102 in pediatric pa ents with Angelman syndrome with a gene cally confirmed diagnosis
of full maternal UBE3A gene dele on. The study is looking to verify the GTX-102 dose range and treatment regimen that are expected to be used in the Phase
3 program.
In October 2023, at the Company's Analyst Day, we presented data from the extension cohorts (Cohorts 4-7) in the Phase 1/2 study for GTX-102 that
demonstrated clinically meaningful improvements in mul ple domains. We presented quan ta ve data that showed improvements across mul ple clinical
domains compared to natural history data, where available, and clinical changes were
associated with quan ta ve changes in EEG. Long-term data showed pa ents who stopped and restarted treatment reacquired previously gained
developmental skills when they were re-dosed with the current regimen. As of the data cut-off date, October 3, 2023, there had been no addi onal
treatment-related serious adverse events, or SAEs, since November 2022.
In January 2024, we announced that enrollment in the expansion cohorts had been completed with a total of 53 pa ents enrolled. Across the Phase
1/2, including the dose escala on and expansion cohorts, there are a total of 74 pa ents enrolled in the Phase 1/2 study. The expansion cohorts will evaluate
many of the same safety, pharmacokine c, and efficacy measures as the previously enrolled dose escala on cohorts plus some new evalua ons. The next
safety and efficacy data update is expected in the first half of 2024 and is planned to include at least 20 expansion cohort pa ents with a minimum of Day 170
Please see “—License and Collabora on Agreements—Clinical Product Candidates—GeneTx” for a descrip on of our license agreement with GeneTx.
UX111 for the treatment of Sanfilippo syndrome type A or MPS IIIA
UX111 (formerly ABO-102) is an adeno-associated virus 9, or AAV9, gene therapy product candidate, administered by a one- me IV infusion that
provides the cross-correc ng enzyme that enables the break down of Heparan sulfate, or HS. UX111 is being developed for the treatment of pa ents with
Sanfilippo syndrome type A, or MPS IIIA, a rare lysosomal storage disease with no approved treatment, which primarily affects the central nervous system.
There are an es mated 3,000 to 5,000 pa ents in the developed world affected by Sanfilippo syndrome type A. The program was acquired through an
exclusive license agreement with Abeona Therapeu cs, or Abeona, that was announced in May 2022. The UX111 program has received Regenera ve
Medicine Advanced Therapy, or RMAT, Fast Track, Rare Pediatric Disease, and Orphan Drug Designa ons in the U.S., and PRIME and Orphan Medicinal
Product designa ons in the EU.
Abeona previously announced the comple on of a successful Type B mee ng with the FDA regarding the pivotal Transpher A trial to support filing and
approval for UX111. Ultragenyx presented new data from the ongoing pivotal Transpher A study evalua ng the efficacy and safety of UX111 in children with
MPS IIIA at the 20th Annual WORLDSymposiumTM. The presenta on showed that the observed reduc ons of HS exposure in cerebrospinal fluid can predict
improved long-term cogni ve func on in pa ents with MPS IIIA following treatment with UX111. Discussions with the FDA seeking an accelerated review
path are ongoing.
Please see “—License and Collabora on Agreements—Clinical Product Candidates—Abeona” for a descrip on of our license agreement with Abeona.
DTX401 for the treatment of glycogen storage disease type Ia, or GSDIa
DTX401 is an adeno-associated virus 8, or AAV8, gene therapy clinical candidate, administered by a one- me IV infusion that is designed to deliver
stable expression and ac vity of G6Pase-α, an essen al enzyme in glycogen and glucose metabolism. DTX401 is being developed for the treatment of pa ents
with glycogen storage disease type Ia, or GSDIa, and is the most common gene cally inherited glycogen storage disease, with an es mated 6,000 pa ents in
the developed world. A Pediatric Inves ga on Plan, or PIP, was accepted by the EMA. The DTX401 program has received RMAT, Fast Track, and Orphan Drug
designa ons in the U.S., and PRIME and Orphan Medicinal Product Designa ons in the EU. We currently plan to move manufacturing of DTX401 from a third
party to our gene therapy manufacturing facility, which could lengthen our meline to filing a biologics license applica on, or BLA.
In May 2023, we announced the last pa ent had been dosed in the Phase 3 study of DTX401. The 48-week study has fully enrolled pa ents eight years
of age and older, randomized 1:1 to DTX401 (1.0 x 10^13 GC/kg dose) or placebo. The primary endpoint is the reduc on in oral glucose replacement with
cornstarch while maintaining glucose control. We expect to share results from this Phase 3 study in the first half of 2024.
Please see “—License and Collabora on Agreements—Clinical Product Candidates—REGENXBIO Inc.” for a descrip on of our license agreement with
DTX301 for the treatment of ornithine transcarbamylase, or OTC, deficiency
DTX301 is an AAV8 gene therapy product candidate, administered by a one- me IV infusion that is designed to deliver stable expression and ac vity of
the ornithine transcarbamylase, or OTC, gene. DTX301 is being developed for the treatment of pa ents with OTC deficiency, which is the most common urea
cycle disorder, and there are approximately 10,000 pa ents in the developed world with OTC deficiency, of which we es mate approximately 80% are
classified as late-onset, our target popula on. DTX301 has received Orphan Drug Designa on in both the U.S. and in the EU and Fast Track Designa on in the
We are currently randomizing and dosing pa ents in our 64-week Phase 3 study of DTX301. The pa ents in the study will be randomized 1:1 to
DTX301 (1.7 x 10^13 GC/kg dose) or placebo. We plan to enroll approximately 50 pa ents 12 years of age and older. The co-primary endpoints are the
percentage of pa ents who achieve a response, as measured by discon nua on or
reduc on in baseline disease management, and the 24-hour plasma ammonia levels. We expect to complete enrollment for the Phase 3 study in the first half
of 2024.
Please see “—License and Collabora on Agreements—Clinical Product Candidates—REGENXBIO Inc.” for a descrip on of our license agreement with
UX701 for the treatment of Wilson Disease
UX701 is an AAV type 9 gene therapy, administered by a one- me IV infusion that is designed to deliver a truncated form of the ATP7B gene. UX701 is
being developed for the treatment of pa ents with Wilson disease, which affects more than 50,000 pa ents in the developed world. UX701 has received
Orphan Drug Designa on in the U.S. and in the EU. UX701 has received a Fast Track Designa on from the FDA.
In October 2023 at the Company's Analyst Day, we announced that four out of five pa ents in the first cohort (5.0 x 10^12 GC/kg) had reduc ons in
urinary copper and were tapering off of chelators and/or zinc therapy, including two of three earlier treated pa ents in the cohort that were then completely
off standard of care therapy. As of the data cut-off date, October 8, 2023, UX701 had been generally well tolerated with no treatment-related SAEs.
We have enrolled and dosed pa ents in the three dose escala ng cohorts of the first stage of the pivotal Cyprus2+ study of UX701 for the treatment of
Wilson disease. During this stage, the safety and efficacy of UX701 is being evaluated that will enable a dose to be selected for further evalua on in the
second, randomized, placebo-controlled stage of this seamless pivotal study. Data from Stage 1 are expected in mid 2024, which will be followed by the
ini a on and dosing of pa ents in Stage 2 in the second half of 2024.
Please see “—License and Collabora on Agreements—Clinical Product Candidates— REGENXBIO Inc.” for a descrip on of our license and collabora on
agreement with REGENXBIO Inc.
Compe on
In the case of indica ons that we are targe ng, it is possible that other companies may produce, develop, and commercialize compounds that might
treat these diseases.
With respect to Crysvita, although we are not aware of any other products currently in clinical development for the treatment of XLH and TIO, it is
possible that compe tors may produce, develop, and commercialize therapeu cs, or u lize other approaches such as gene therapy, to treat XLH and TIO.
Most pediatric pa ents with XLH are managed using oral phosphate replacement and/or vitamin D therapy, which is rela vely inexpensive and therefore may
adversely affect our ability to commercialize Crysvita, if approved, in some countries.
With respect to Mepsevii, we are not aware of any other compounds currently in clinical development for MPS VII, but it is possible that other
companies may produce, develop, and commercialize compounds that might treat this disease. Addi onally, gene therapy and other therapeu c approaches
may emerge for the treatment of lysosomal diseases. Bone marrow or stem cell transplants have also been used in MPS VII and in other lysosomal storage
diseases and represent a poten al compe ng therapy. Stem cell transplants have been effec ve in trea ng so ssue storage and in having an impact on
brain disease, but have not to date proven effec ve in trea ng bone and connec ve ssue disease. Typically, enzyme replacement therapy has had an impact
on bone and connec ve ssue disease in other disorders when pa ents were treated early.
With respect to Dojolvi, LC-FAOD is commonly treated with diet therapy and MCT oil. Dojolvi may compete with this approach. Although we believe
that Dojolvi should be considered a drug and will be regulated that way, it is possible that other companies or individuals may a empt to produce
triheptanoin for use in LC-FAOD. Inves gators are tes ng triheptanoin in clinical studies across mul ple indica ons, including LC-FAOD. It is also possible that
other companies may produce, develop, and commercialize other medium odd-chain fa y acids, or completely different compounds, to treat LC-FAOD. Other
companies may also u lize other approaches, such as gene therapy, to treat LC-FAOD. In addi on, Reneo Pharmaceu cals is developing REN001, a PPAR delta
agonist, in Phase 1b for LC-FAOD and other gene c myopathies.
With respect to Evkeeza, the current treatments for pa ents with HoFH involve various lipid-lowering agents to reduce serum LDL and total cholesterol
levels. Drug therapies include sta ns (e.g., Rosuvasta n, Simvasta n, etc.), fenofibrate, eze mibe (Ezetrol), evolocumab (Repatha), and lomitapide
(Juxtapid/Lojuxta). Other than lomitapide, these agents rely on an LDL-receptor based mechanism to reduce cholesterol, which may be absent in HoFH
pa ents, par cularly those with LDLR-null muta ons. In addi on, Arrowhead Pharmaceu cals is developing ARO-ANG3 and Eli Lilly/Dicerna is developing
LY3561774, both RNAi-based inhibitors of ANGPTL3 in Phase 2 studies across various indica ons including HoFH.
With respect to UX143, there are currently no approved drugs for OI. Most pediatric pa ents with OI are managed with off-label use of
bisphosphonates to increase bone density and reduce frequency of bone fracture. We are aware of another
an -scleros n an body, romosozumab, that is in Phase 3 clinical tes ng by Amgen. In addi on, two an -TGFβ an bodies, fresolimumab and SAR439459, are
in Phase 1 clinical tes ng by Sanofi-Genzyme.
With respect to GTX-102, there are currently no approved drugs for Angelman syndrome. Many pa ents take general treatments to try to manage
specific symptoms, such as seizures or sleep disturbances, but there are no treatments available that address the underlying biology of the disease. We are
aware of other preclinical and clinical development programs for Angelman syndrome, including Phase 2 programs from Biogen in collabora on with Ionis,
ION582 an ASO, and Neuren Pharmaceu cals, NNZ-2591 an IGF-1 analog.
With respect to UX111, there are currently no approved pharmacologic treatments for pa ents with MPS IIIA. Pa ents receive suppor ve or
symptoma c treatment, but these approaches generally do not prevent func onal decline. We are aware of other gene therapies, including LYS-SAF302, in
Phase 2/3 for MPSIIIA by Lysogene, and EGT-101, in Phase 1/2 for MPSIIIA by Esteve. In addi on, Orchard Therapeu cs is developing OTL-201, an ex-vivo gene
therapy in Phase 1/2 for MPSIIIA.
With respect to DTX401, there are currently no pharmacologic treatments for pa ents with GSDIa. We are aware of an mRNA therapy, mRNA-3745, in
Phase 1 for GSDIa by Moderna.
With respect to DTX301, the current treatments for pa ents with OTC deficiency are nitrogen scavenging drugs and severe limita ons in dietary
protein. Drug therapy includes sodium phenylbutyrate (Buphenyl) and glycerol phenylbutyrate (Ravic ), both nitrogen scavengers that help eliminate excess
nitrogen, in the form of ammonia, by facilita ng its excre on. A novel formula on of sodium phenylbutyrate, ACER-001 by Acer Therapeu cs, was approved
in December 2022. During a metabolic crisis, pa ents rou nely receive carbohydrate and lipid rich nutri on, including overnight feeding through a nasogastric
tube, to limit bodily protein breakdown and ammonia produc on. In acute cases, ammonia must be removed by dialysis or hemofiltra on. Liver transplant
may also be a solu on for OTC deficiency. In addi on, Arcturus Therapeu cs is developing ARCT-810, a messenger RNA therapy, in Phase 2 for OTC deficiency.
With respect to UX701, there are no currently approved treatments that address the underlying cause of Wilson disease. Many pa ents are on
chelator therapies, but these fail to address the mutated ATP7B copper transporter gene. We are aware of another gene therapy, VTX-801, that is in Phase 1
for Wilson disease by Vivet Therapeu cs, in collabora on with Pfizer.
License and Collabora on Agreements
Our products and some of our current product candidates have been either in-licensed from academic ins tu ons or derived from partnerships with
other pharmaceu cal companies. Following is a descrip on of our significant license and collabora on agreements.
Approved Products
Kyowa Kirin Co., Ltd.
In August 2013, we entered into a collabora on and license agreement with KKC. Under the terms of this collabora on and license agreement, as
amended, we and KKC collaborate on the development and commercializa on of Crysvita in the field of orphan diseases in the U.S. and Canada, or the Profit-
Share Territory, and in the EU, U.K., and Switzerland, or the European Territory, and we have the right to develop and commercialize such products in the field
of orphan diseases in Mexico and Central and South America, or La n America. In the field of orphan diseases, and except for ongoing studies being
conducted by KKC, we were the lead party for development ac vi es in the Profit-Share Territory and in the European Territory un l the applicable transi on
date. We shared the costs for development ac vi es in the Profit-Share Territory and the European Territory conducted pursuant to the development plan
before the applicable transi on date equally with KKC. In April 2023, which was the transi on date for the Profit-Share Territory, KKC became the lead party
and became responsible for the costs of the development ac vi es. However, we will con nue to share the costs of the studies commenced prior to the
applicable transi on date equally with KKC. Crysvita was approved in the EU and U.K. in February 2018 and was approved by the FDA in April 2018. As
described below, we and KKC shared commercial responsibili es and profits in the Profit-Share Territory un l April 2023, KKC has the commercial
responsibility in the European Territory, and we are responsible for commercializing Crysvita in La n America.
In the Profit-Share Territory, KKC booked sales of products and we had the sole right to promote the products, with KKC having the right to increasingly
par cipate in the promo on of the products un l the transi on date of April 2023, which was five years from commercial launch. In 2022, we entered into an
amendment to the collabora on agreement which granted us the right to con nue to support KKC in commercial field ac vi es in the U.S. through April
2024, subject to the limita ons and condi ons set forth in the amendment. The par es subsequently mutually agreed to extend our right to con nue to
support KKC in commercial field ac vi es in the U.S. through December 31, 2024, and as a result, we will con nue to support commercial field efforts in the
U.S. through a cost share arrangement through December 2024. A er December 31, 2024, our rights to promote Crysvita in the U.S. will be limited to medical
gene cists and we will solely bear our expenses for the promo on of Crysvita in the Profit-Share Territory. See “Item I.A. Risk Factors” for addi onal
informa on on the risks related to the expira on of our exclusive right to promote Crysvita in the Profit-Share Territory. In the European Territory, KKC books
sales of products and has the sole right to promote and sell the products, with the excep on of Turkey. In Turkey, we have rights to commercialize Crysvita
and KKC has the op on to assume responsibility for such commercializa on efforts, a er a certain minimum period. In La n America, we book sales of
products and have the sole right to promote and sell the products.
Under the collabora on agreement, KKC manufactures and supplies Crysvita for sales in La n American territories and we pay KKC a transfer price of
30% of net sales. Prior to December 31, 2022, the transfer price on net sales was 35%. We also pay KKC a low single-digit royalty on net sales in La n America.
The remaining profit or loss from commercializing products in the Profit-Share Territory was shared between us and KKC on a 50/50 basis un l April 2023. In
April 2023, commercializa on responsibili es for Crysvita in the Profit-Share Territory transi oned to KKC and KKC assumed responsibility for the
commercializa on of Crysvita in the Profit-Share Territory at and a er April 2023. Therea er, we are en tled to receive a ered double-digit revenue share
from the mid-20% range up to a maximum rate of 30%, intended to approximate the profit-share. Our and KKC’s obliga ons to pay royal es will con nue on a
country-by-country basis for so long as we or KKC, as applicable, are selling products in such country.
In July 2022, we sold to OCM LS23 Holdings LP, an investment vehicle for the Ontario Municipal Employees Re rement System, or OMERS, our right to
receive 30% of the future royalty payments due to us based on net sales of Crysvita in the U.S. and Canada, subject to a cap, beginning in April 2023. KKC pays
us a royalty of up to 10% based on net sales in the European Territory. We sold our interest in the European Territory royalty to RPI Finance Trust, an affiliate
of Royalty Pharma, in December 2019.
The collabora on and license agreement will con nue for as long as products in the field of orphan diseases are sold in the Profit-Share Territory,
European Territory, Turkey, or La n America, unless the agreement is terminated in accordance with its terms.
KKC may terminate the agreement in certain countries or territories based upon our failure to meet certain milestones. Furthermore, either party may
terminate the agreement for the material breach or bankruptcy of the other party. In any event of termina on by KKC, unless such termina on is the result of
KKC’s termina on for certain types of breach of the agreement by us, we may receive low single-digit to low double-digit royal es on net post-termina on
sales by KKC in one or more countries or territories, the amount of which varies depending on the ming of, and reason for, such termina on. In any event of
termina on, our rights to Crysvita under the agreement and our obliga ons to share development costs will cease, and the program will revert to KKC,
worldwide if the agreement is terminated as a whole or solely in the terminated countries if the agreement is terminated solely with respect to certain
Saint Louis University
In November 2010, we entered into a license agreement with Saint Louis University, or SLU, wherein SLU granted us certain exclusive rights to
intellectual property related to Mepsevii. Under the terms of the license agreement, SLU granted us an exclusive worldwide license to make, have made, use,
import, offer for sale, and sell therapeu cs related to SLU’s beta-glucuronidase product for use in the treatment of human diseases.
Under the license agreement, we are obligated to pay to SLU a low single-digit royalty on net sales of the licensed products in the U.S., Europe, or
Japan, subject to certain poten al deduc ons. Our obliga on to pay royal es to SLU in these territories con nues un l the expira on of any orphan drug
Baylor Research Ins tute
In September 2012, we entered into a license agreement, which was subsequently amended, with Baylor Research Ins tute, or BRI, under which we
exclusively licensed certain intellectual property related to Dojolvi. The license includes patents, patent applica ons, know-how, and intellectual property
related to the composi on and formula on of Dojolvi as well as its use in trea ng a number of orphan diseases, including LC-FAOD. The license grant includes
the sole right to develop, manufacture, and commercialize licensed products for all human and animal uses. Under the license agreement, we are obligated to
use commercially reasonable efforts to develop and commercialize licensed products in select orphan indica ons. If we fail to meet our diligence obliga ons
with respect to a specified orphan indica on or set of orphan indica ons, BRI may convert our license to a non-exclusive license with respect to such orphan
indica on or set of orphan indica ons un l we receive regulatory approval for licensed products in the applicable orphan indica on or set of orphan
indica ons.
We are also obligated to pay a mid- single-digit royalty on net sales to BRI, subject to certain reduc ons and offsets. Our obliga on to pay royal es to
BRI con nues on a licensed product-by-licensed product and country-by-country basis un l the later of the expira on of the first regulatory exclusivity
granted with respect to such product in such country or the expira on of the last-to-expire licensed patent claiming such product in such country, in each case
in connec on with approval in such country for LC-FAOD or an orphan disease covered by our license from BRI. During the year ended December 31, 2022,
the sales milestone triggering a $2.5 million payment was achieved. Going forward, we may make future payments of up to $2.5 million con ngent upon
a ainment of certain development milestones and $5.0 million if certain sales milestones are achieved.
In January 2022, we announced a collabora on with Regeneron to commercialize Evkeeza for HoFH outside of the U.S. Evkeeza is approved in the U.S.,
where it is marketed by Regeneron, and in the EU and U.K. as a first-in-class therapy for use together with diet and other low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol-
lowering therapies to treat adults and adolescents aged 12 years and older with HoFH. Pursuant to the terms of the agreement, we received the rights to
develop, commercialize and distribute the product for HoFH in countries outside of the U.S. Upon closing of the transac on in January 2022, we paid
Regeneron a $30.0 million upfront payment. During the year ended December 31, 2023, a $10.0 million regulatory milestone was achieved. Going forward,
we are obligated to pay Regeneron up to $53.0 million in future milestone payments, con ngent upon the achievement of certain regulatory and sales
milestones. We may share in certain costs for global trials led by Regeneron and also received the right to opt into other poten al indica ons.
Under the collabora on agreement, Regeneron supplies the product and charges us a transfer price from the low 20% range up to 40% of net sales.
Clinical Product Candidates
In October 2013, we entered into an exclusive license agreement with REGENXBIO Inc., or REGENX, under which we were granted an op on to develop
products to treat hemophilia A, OTC deficiency and GSDIa. Under the 2013 license agreement, REGENX granted us an exclusive worldwide license to make,
have made, use, import, sell, and offer for sale licensed products with respect to such disease indica ons, subject to certain exclusions. We do not have the
right to control prosecu on of the in-licensed patent applica ons, and our rights to enforce the in-licensed patents are subject to certain limita ons. Under
the 2013 license agreement, we pay or will pay REGENX an annual maintenance fee and certain milestone fees per disease indica on, low to mid- single-digit
royalty percentages on net sales of licensed products, and milestone and sublicense fees, if any, owed by REGENX to its licensors as a result of our ac vi es
under the 2013 license agreement. We are required to develop licensed products in accordance with certain milestones. In the event that we fail to meet a
par cular milestone within established deadlines, we can extend the relevant deadline by providing a separate payment to REGENX.
In March 2015, we entered into an op on and license agreement with REGENX, which was subsequently amended, pursuant to which we have an
exclusive worldwide license to make, have made, use, import, sell, and offer for sale licensed products to treat Wilson disease and CDKL5 deficiency. We do
not have the right to control prosecu on of the in-licensed patent applica ons, and our rights to enforce the in-licensed patents are subject to certain
limita ons. Under the 2015 op on and license agreement, as amended, we pay or will pay REGENX an annual maintenance fee and certain milestone fees per
disease indica on, mid- to high single-digit royalty percentages on net sales of licensed products, and mid- single to low double-digit percentages of any
sublicense fees we receive from sublicenses for the licensed intellectual property rights. We are required to develop licensed products in accordance with
certain milestones. In the event that we fail to meet a par cular milestone within established deadlines, we can extend the relevant deadline by providing a
separate payment to REGENX.
In March 2020, we entered into a license agreement with REGENX, for an exclusive, sublicensable, worldwide license to REGENX’s NAV AAV8 and AAV9
vectors for the development and commercializa on of gene therapy treatments for a rare metabolic disorder. In return for these rights, we made an upfront
payment and pay or will pay certain annual fees, milestone payments and royal es on any net sales of products incorpora ng the licensed intellectual
property that range from a high single-digit to low double-digit.
University of Pennsylvania
In May 2016, we entered into a research, collabora on and license agreement with the University of Pennsylvania under which we are collabora ng on
the pre-clinical development of gene therapy products for the treatment of phenylketonuria and Wilson disease, each, a Subfield. Under the agreement, we
were granted an exclusive, worldwide, royalty-bearing right and license to certain patent rights arising out of the research program, and a non-exclusive,
worldwide, royalty-bearing right and license to certain University of Pennsylvania intellectual property, in each case to research, develop, make, have made,
use, sell, offer for sale, commercialize and import licensed products in each Subfield for the term of the agreement. We will fund the cost of the research
program and will be responsible for clinical development, manufacturing and commercializa on of each Subfield. In addi on, we are required to make
milestone payments (up to a maximum of $5.0 million per Subfield) if certain development milestones are achieved over me. We will also make milestone
payments of up to $25.0 million per approved product, if certain commercial milestones are achieved, and will pay low to mid- single-digit royal es on net
sales of each Subfield’s licensed products.
In August 2019, we entered into a Program Agreement and a Unitholder Op on Agreement with GeneTx Biotherapeu cs LLC, or GeneTx, to
collaborate on the development of GeneTx’s GTX-102, an ASO for the treatment of Angelman syndrome. In July 2022, pursuant to the terms of the Unitholder
Op on Agreement, as amended, we exercised the Op on to acquire GeneTx and entered into a Unit Purchase Agreement, or the Purchase Agreement,
pursuant to which we purchased all the outstanding units of GeneTx. In accordance with the terms of the Purchase Agreement, we paid the op on exercise
price of $75.0 million, an addi onal $15.6 million to acquire the outstanding cash of GeneTx, and adjustments for working capital and transac on expenses of
$0.6 million, for a total purchase considera on of $91.2 million. We may be required to make payments of up to $190.0 million upon the achievement of
certain milestones, including up to $30.0 million in milestone payments upon achievement of the earlier of ini a on of a Phase 3 clinical study or product
approvals in Canada and the U.K., up to $85.0 million in addi onal regulatory approval milestones for the achievement of U.S. and EU product approvals, and
up to $75.0 million in commercial milestone payments based on annual worldwide net product sales. We will also pay ered mid- to high single-digit
percentage royal es based on licensed product annual net sales. If we receive and resell an FDA priority review voucher, or PRV, in connec on with a new
drug applica on approval, GeneTx is en tled to receive a por on of proceeds from the sale of the PRV or a cash payment from us, if we choose to retain the
PRV. As part of our acquisi on of GeneTx, we assumed a License Agreement with Texas A&M University, or TAMU. Under this agreement, TAMU is eligible to
receive from us up to $23.5 million upon the achievement of various future milestones, a nominal annual license fee that may increase up to a maximum of
$2.0 million, as well as royal es in the mid-single-digits of net sales.
In December 2020, we entered into a License and Collabora on Agreement with Mereo to collaborate on the development of setrusumab. Under the
terms of the agreement, we will lead future global development of setrusumab in both pediatric and adult pa ents with OI and were granted an exclusive
license to develop and commercialize setrusumab in the U.S., Turkey, and the rest of the world, excluding the European Economic Area, United Kingdom, and
Switzerland, or the Mereo Territory, where Mereo retains commercial rights. Each party will be responsible for post-marke ng commitments and commercial
supply in their respec ve territories.
Upon the closing of the transac ons under the License and Collabora on Agreement with Mereo in January 2021, we made a payment of $50.0
million to Mereo. During the year ended December 31, 2023, we made a $9.0 million payment to Mereo upon the achievement of a clinical milestone. Going
forward, we may be required to make payments of up to $245.0 million upon the achievement of certain clinical, regulatory, and commercial milestones. We
will pay for all global development costs as well as ered double-digit percentage royal es to Mereo on net sales in the U.S., Turkey, and the rest of the world,
and Mereo will pay us a fixed double-digit percentage royalty on net sales in the Mereo Territory.
In May 2022, we announced an exclusive License Agreement with Abeona for an AAV gene therapy for the treatment of MPS IIIA, or UX111. Under the
terms of the agreement, we assumed responsibility for the UX111 program and in return, we are obligated
to pay Abeona certain UX111-related prior development costs and other transi on costs. Abeona is eligible to receive ered royal es of up to 10% on net
sales and commercial milestone payments of up to $30.0 million following regulatory approval of the product. Addi onally, we entered into an Assignment
and Assump on Agreement with Abeona to transfer and assign to us the exclusive license agreement between Na onwide Children’s Hospital, or NCH, and
Abeona for certain rights related to UX111. Under this agreement, NCH is eligible to receive from us up to $1.0 million in development and regulatory
milestones as well as royal es in the low single-digits of net sales.
Preclinical Pipeline
Solid Biosciences Inc.
In October 2020, we entered into a strategic Collabora on and License Agreement with Solid Biosciences Inc., or Solid, and received an exclusive
license for any pharmaceu cal product that expresses Solid’s proprietary microdystrophin construct from AAV8 and variants thereof in clade E for use in the
treatment of Duchenne muscular dystrophy and other diseases resul ng from lack of func onal dystrophin, including Becker muscular dystrophy. We are
collabora ng to develop products that combine Solid’s differen ated microdystrophin construct, our Pinnacle PCLTM producer cell line pla orm, or Pinnacle
PCL Pla orm, manufacturing pla orm, and our AAV8 variants. Solid may provide some development support and was granted an exclusive op on to co-invest
in products we develop for profit-share par cipa on in certain territories. We also entered into a Stock Purchase Agreement with Solid in October 2020
pursuant to which we purchased 521,719 shares (as adjusted for the October 2022 reverse stock split) of Solid’s common stock for an aggregate price of $40.0
Patents and Proprietary Rights
The proprietary nature of, and protec on for, our products, product candidates, processes, and know-how are important to our business. Our success
depends in part on our ability to protect our products, product candidates, processes, and know-how, to operate without infringing on the proprietary rights
of others, and to prevent others from infringing our proprietary rights. We seek patent protec on in the U.S. and interna onally for our products, product
candidates, and processes. Our policy is to patent or in-license the technologies, inven ons, and improvements that we consider important to the
development of our business. In addi on to patent protec on, we rely on trade secrets, know-how, and con nuing innova on to develop and maintain our
compe ve posi on.
We also use other means to protect our products and product candidates, including the pursuit of marke ng or data exclusivity periods, orphan drug
status, and similar rights that are available under regulatory provisions in certain countries, including the U.S., Europe, Japan, and China. See “Government
Regula on—U.S. Government Regula on — Orphan Designa on and Exclusivity,” “Government Regula on—U.S. Government Regula on — Pediatric Studies
and Exclusivity,” “Government Regula on—U.S. Government Regula on — Biosimilars and Exclusivity,” “Government Regula on—U.S. Government
Regula on — Abbreviated New Drug Applica ons for Generic Drugs and New Chemical En ty Exclusivity,” “Government Regula on—U.S. Government
Regula on — Patent Term Restora on,” “Government Regula on—EU Regula on — Orphan Designa on and Exclusivity,” and “Government Regula on—EU
Regula on — New Chemical En ty Exclusivity” below for addi onal informa on.
We seek regulatory approval for our products and product candidates in disease areas with high unmet medical need, significant market poten al, and
where we expect to have a proprietary posi on through patents covering various aspects of our product candidates, such as composi on, dosage,
formula on, use, and manufacturing process, among others. Our success depends in part on an intellectual property por olio that supports our future
revenue streams and erects barriers to our compe tors. We are maintaining and building our patent por olio by filing new patent applica ons, prosecu ng
exis ng applica ons, and licensing and acquiring new patents and patent applica ons.
Despite these measures, any of our intellectual property and proprietary rights could be challenged, invalidated, circumvented, infringed, or
misappropriated, or such intellectual property and proprietary rights may not be sufficient to achieve or maintain market exclusivity or otherwise to provide
compe ve advantages. We also cannot be certain that patents will be granted with respect to any of our pending patent applica ons or with respect to any
patent applica ons filed by us in the future, nor can we be sure that any of our exis ng patents or any patents granted to us in the future will be commercially
useful in protec ng our products, product candidates, or processes. For more informa on, please see “Item I.A. Risk Factors Risks Related to Our Intellectual
As of December 31, 2023, we own, jointly own, or have exclusive rights to more than 250 issued and in-force patents (not including individually
validated na onal patents in European Patent Conven on member countries) that cover one or more of our products or product candidates, methods of their
use, or methods of their manufacture, including more than 50 in-force patents issued by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, or the USPTO. Furthermore, as
of December 31, 2023, we own, jointly own, or have exclusive rights to more than 350 pending patent applica ons, including more than 50 pending U.S.
applica ons.
With respect to our owned or in-licensed issued patents in the U.S. and Europe, we may be en tled to obtain an extension of patent term to extend
the patent expira on date. For example, in the U.S., this extended coverage period is known as patent term extension, or PTE, and can only be obtained
provided we apply for and receive a marke ng authoriza on for a product. The period of extension may be up to five years beyond the expira on of the
patent, but cannot extend the remaining term of a patent beyond a total of 14 years from the date of product approval. Only one patent among those eligible
for an extension may be extended. In Europe, a Supplementary Protec on Cer ficate, or SPC, may be available to extend the term of certain European
patents covering our products; this requires applica on for an SPC in individual European Patent Conven on, or EPC, member countries following product
approval. However, there is no guarantee that the applicable authori es, including the FDA, will agree with our assessment of whether such extensions
should be granted, and even if granted, the length of such extensions. In the U.S., the exact dura on of the extension depends on the me we spend in
clinical studies as well as ge ng marke ng approval from the FDA.
The exclusivity posi ons for our commercial products and our clinical-stage product candidates as of December 31, 2023, are summarized below.
Crysvita (Burosumab) Exclusivity
We have in-licensed rights from KKC to patents and patent applica ons rela ng to Crysvita and its use for the treatment of XLH, TIO, and various other
hypophosphatemic condi ons. Pursuant to this license, we have rights to six issued U.S. patents, as well as issued patents and patent applica ons in other
jurisdic ons. The U.S. patents expire between 2028 and 2035. In addi on to the foregoing patent protec ons, Crysvita is protected in the U.S. by regulatory
exclusivity un l 2030 and by orphan drug exclusivity for trea ng XLH and TIO un l 2025 and 2027, respec vely.
Mepsevii (Vestronidase Alfa) Exclusivity
We own four issued U.S. patents and corresponding issued foreign patents covering Mepsevii and its use in the treatment of lysosomal storage
disorders such as MPS VII. These patents expire in 2035. Mepsevii is also protected in the U.S. by regulatory exclusivity un l 2029 and by orphan drug
exclusivity for trea ng MPS VII un l November 2024.
Dojolvi (Triheptanoin) Exclusivity
We have an exclusive license from BRI to patents and patent applica ons rela ng to Dojolvi and its use for the treatment of FAOD. Pursuant to this
license, we have rights to two issued U.S. patents covering Dojolvi which expire in 2025 and 2029. Beyond the patent por olio in-licensed from BRI, we own a
pending U.S. patent applica on, corresponding foreign patent applica ons, and issued patents in Australia, Brazil, Canada, Israel, Korea, Malaysia, and Taiwan
rela ng to our pharmaceu cal-grade Dojolvi composi on; these owned patents and any addi onal patents issuing from these owned applica ons are
expected to expire in 2034. Dojolvi is also protected in the U.S. by regulatory exclusivity un l 2025 and orphan drug exclusivity for trea ng FAOD un l 2027.
Evkeeza (Evinacumab) Exclusivity
We have an exclusive license from Regeneron to certain Regeneron patents for the development and commercializa on of Evkeeza outside of the U.S.
for the treatment of HoFH and other hyperlipidemia/hypercholesterolemia indica ons. The in-licensed Regeneron patent por olio includes a patent family
containing several issued foreign patents that expire in 2032 and cover the Evkeeza an body; Regeneron has filed supplementary protec on cer ficates to
extend the rights associated with the European patent within this family un l 2036 in certain countries. The in-licensed Regeneron patent por olio contains
five other patent families, one of which includes several pending patent applica ons directed to a stabilized pharmaceu cal formula on comprising Evkeeza;
we expect any patents emana ng from this patent family to expire in 2040. In addi on to the foregoing patent protec ons, Evkeeza is protected in Europe by
data exclusivity un l 2029 and marke ng exclusivity un l 2031.
DTX401 (Pariglasgene Brecaparvovec) Exclusivity
We have two in-licenses to patents and patent applica ons covering elements of our DTX401 product candidate. First, we have in-licensed an issued
U.S. patent owned by the University of Pennsylvania, or UPENN, and sublicensed to us by REGENX rela ng to the AAV8 capsid used in DTX401 that expired in
January 2024. Second, we have a non-exclusive license from the Na onal Ins tutes of Health, or NIH, to an issued U.S. patent expiring in 2034 (not accoun ng
for any available PTE) and corresponding foreign patents covering a recombinant nucleic acid construct used in DTX401 that includes a codon-op mized
version of the G6Pase gene.
DTX301 (Avalotcagene Ontaparvovec) Exclusivity
We have a license to two patent families covering elements of our DTX301 product candidate. These patent families are owned by UPENN and
sublicensed to us by REGENX. The in-licensed UPENN patent por olio includes an issued U.S. patent rela ng to the AAV8 capsid used in DTX301 that expired
in January 2024, as well as three issued U.S. patents expiring in 2035 (not accoun ng for any available PTE) and corresponding foreign patents and patent
applica ons covering the codon-op mized version of the OTC gene used in DTX301.
UX143 (Setrusumab) Exclusivity
We have in-licensed rights from Mereo to patents and patent applica ons rela ng to setrusumab and its use for the treatment of OI. Pursuant to our
license from Mereo, we have exclusive rights outside of Europe to a Mereo patent family that includes three issued U.S. patents and corresponding issued
foreign patents that relate to the setrusumab an body, nucleic acids encoding setrusumab, processes for producing setrusumab, and setrusumab’s use as a
medicament. Patents emana ng from this patent family expire in 2028 (not accoun ng for any available PTE). We also have exclusive rights outside of Europe
to two addi onal Mereo patent families, including an issued U.S. patent expiring in 2037 (not accoun ng for any available PTE), rela ng to methods of using
an -scleros n an bodies including setrusumab for the treatment of OI. Beyond these Mereo patents and patent applica ons, we jointly own with Mereo a
patent family rela ng to dosing regimens for the use of an -scleros n an bodies including setrusumab in the treatment of OI; we expect any patents
emana ng from this patent family to expire in 2042 (not accoun ng for any available PTE).
UX111 Exclusivity
We have an exclusive license from Na onwide Children’s Hospital, or NCH, to a pending U.S. patent applica on covering a method of trea ng MPS IIIA
by intravenously administering a recombinant AAV9 vector comprising a U1a promoter and a polynucleo de sequence encoding N-sulfoglucosamine
sulfohydrolase, or SGSH; we expect any patent emana ng from this applica on to expire in 2032 (not accoun ng for any available PTE).
GTX-102 Exclusivity
We have an exclusive license from TAMU to a patent family filed in the U.S. and several foreign jurisdic ons rela ng to UBE3A an sense
oligonucleo des including GTX-102 and their use for the treatment of Angelman syndrome. The in-licensed TAMU patent family includes three issued U.S.
patents expiring in 2038 (not accoun ng for any available PTE).
UX701 Exclusivity
We have two licenses to patents and patent applica ons covering elements of our UX701 product candidate. First, we have in-licensed patents owned
by UPENN and sublicensed to us by REGENX rela ng to the AAV9 capsid used in UX701 that expire between September 2024 and 2026 in the U.S., and in
September 2024 in foreign countries. Second, we have an exclusive license from UPENN to a patent family filed in the U.S. and several foreign jurisdic ons
rela ng to AAV vectors containing certain regulatory and coding sequences packaged in UX701; this patent family includes an issued U.S. patent expiring in
2039 (not accoun ng for any available PTE). Beyond these in-licenses, we own a patent family covering AAV vectors expressing a novel truncated version of
the ATP7B protein produced by UX701; we expect any patents emana ng from this patent family to expire in 2040 (not accoun ng for any available PTE).
We own registered trademarks covering the Ultragenyx word mark in the U.S. and mul ple other jurisdic ons. In addi on, we have a pending
trademark applica on in the U.S. covering a stylized design of our Ultragenyx logo. We also own registered trademarks in the U.S. and other territories
rela ng to our Mepsevii and Dojolvi brand names for vestronidase alfa and triheptanoin, respec vely. We addi onally have licenses from KKC and Regeneron
to registered trademarks covering the Crysvita and Evkeeza brand names, respec vely, in territories where we have rights to commercialize these products.
We rely upon unpatented trade secrets, know-how, and con nuing technological innova on to develop and maintain our compe ve posi on. We
seek to protect our ownership of know-how and trade secrets through an ac ve program of legal mechanisms including assignments, confiden ality
agreements, material transfer agreements, research collabora ons, and licenses.
While we currently contract with third par es for the manufacturing and tes ng of most of our products and product candidates for use in preclinical,
clinical, and commercial applica ons, we opened our first GMP manufacturing facility based in Bedford, Massachuse s in June 2023. This facility is focused on
drug substance and drug product manufacturing of AAV gene therapy products and will support our clinical and commercial pipeline. This new capability will
combine with our exis ng gene therapy process and analy cal development and QC lab capabili es in nearby Woburn, Massachuse s to form a fully
integrated gene therapy development, manufacturing, and tes ng unit.
The use of contracted manufacturing and reliance on collabora on partners has historically minimized our direct investment in manufacturing facili es
and addi onal staff early in development. Although we rely on contract manufacturers, we have personnel with extensive manufacturing experience to
oversee our contract manufacturers. All of our third-party manufacturers are subject to periodic audits to confirm compliance with applicable regula ons and
must pass inspec on before we can manufacture our drugs for commercial sales.
For the other non-gene therapy modali es, we primarily use third-party manufacturers to meet our projected needs for commercial manufacturing.
Third par es with whom we currently work might need to increase their scale of produc on, or we will need to secure alternate suppliers. We believe that
there are alternate sources of supply that can sa sfy our clinical and commercial requirements, although we cannot be certain that iden fying and
establishing rela onships with such sources, if necessary, would not result in significant delay or material addi onal costs.
The Mepsevii drug substance is manufactured by Rentschler Biopharma SE, or Rentschler, under non-exclusive commercial supply and services
agreements effec ve December 2017 and January 2018, respec vely. The drug substance agreement had an ini al term of five years, which was
automa cally extended for another five years following the ini al term and will con nue in full force and effect for its term unless earlier terminated.
Following the ini al term, we and Rentschler can withdraw from the agreement without cause upon prior no ce for specified periods. In addi on, either
party may terminate the agreement if the other party breaches a material provision and such breach remains uncured for a specified period following receipt
by the breaching party of wri en no ce of such breach. We can also terminate the agreement if Rentschler loses the right to operate under the agreement.
Either party can also terminate the agreements if Rentschler is unable to deliver its agreed upon services for a certain period in the case of a force majeure
event. The cell line to produce Mepsevii is specific for this product and is in our control and stored in mul ple secure loca ons. All other raw materials are
commercially available. We transferred the fill and finish ac vi es for the manufacture of Mepsevii drug product to a new site, BSP Pharmaceu cals S.p.A., or
BSP, located in La na, Italy as the Rentschler manufacturing site in Laupheim, Germany was discon nued. The site change was approved by relevant global
authori es, including the FDA, on May 5, 2022. Sufficient inventory levels were maintained during the transfer of the fill and finish ac vi es for Mepsevii to
The drug substance and drug product for burosumab are made by KKC in Japan under the collabora on and license agreement with KKC. The cell line
to produce burosumab is specific for this product and is in KKC’s control. All other raw materials are commercially available.
The pharmaceu cal-grade drug substance for Dojolvi is manufactured by IOI Oleo GmbH, or IOI Oleo, in Germany under an exclusive worldwide supply
agreement, subject to certain limita ons, executed in 2012 and subsequently amended and restated in 2023. The agreement has an indefinite term but can
be terminated by either party with 36 months prior no ce. Addi onally, if a party materially breaches an obliga on under the agreement and does not cure
such breach within 60 days of receiving no ce of the breach from the non-breaching party, the non-breaching party may terminate the agreement
immediately upon wri en no ce to the breaching party.
In March 2023, the Dojolvi drug product, or DP, manufacturer Aenova Haupt Pharma Wolfratshausen GmbH, or Haupt Pharma no fied us of their
intent to close the facility by the end of 2023. In response to this informa on, we produced addi onal DP batches prior to the facility closure at the end of
2023 and have iden fied a new DP manufacturer. We are currently in the process of qualifying the new DP manufacturer and conduc ng transfer ac vi es
and expect to complete these ac vi es before the end of 2024. Our current DP inventories are expected to support demand through at least the end of 2025.
On January 7, 2022, we announced a license and collabora on agreement with Regeneron for us to clinically develop, commercialize and distribute
Evkeeza in countries outside of the U.S. Evkeeza is a fully human monoclonal an body that binds to and blocks the func on of angiopoie n-like 3, or
ANGPTL3, a protein that plays a key role in lipid metabolism.
The Evkeeza drug substance is manufactured by Regeneron at their manufacturing facility in Rensselaer, New York and the drug product is
manufactured by Baxter Pharmaceu cal Solu ons, LLC. at their manufacturing facility in Bloomington, Indiana. Release tes ng of the drug product is
performed by Regeneron and third-party suppliers.
We u lize third-party suppliers to perform packaging, labelling, distribu on, and tes ng as needed for Evkeeza.
Product Candidates
The drug substances and drug products for our product candidates are manufactured using our network of GMP contract manufacturing organiza ons,
or CMOs, which are carefully selected and ac vely managed for high quality, reliable clinical supply. The CMOs are located in Western Europe or North
Commercializa on and Product Support
We have built our own commercial organiza ons in North America, Europe, La n America and Japan to effec vely support the commercializa on of
our products and product candidates, if approved. Our inten on is to expand our product por olio and its geographic accessibility through the con nued
development of our proprietary pipeline or through strategic partnerships. We may elect to u lize strategic partners, distributors, or contract management
organiza ons to assist in the commercializa on of our products in certain geographies. The commercial infrastructure for rare disease products typically
consists of a targeted, specialty field organiza on that educates a limited and focused group of physicians supported by field management and internal
support teams, which includes marke ng, pa ent support services, distribu on, and market access. One challenge, unique to commercializing therapies for
rare diseases, is the difficulty in iden fying eligible pa ents due to the very small and some mes heterogeneous pa ent popula ons along with o en
undefined clinical or gene c tests to confirm diagnosis. Our commercial and medical affairs teams focus on maximizing pa ent iden fica on for both clinical
development and commercializa on purposes in rare diseases.
Addi onal capabili es important to the rare disease marketplace in the U.S. include the management of key stakeholders such as managed care
organiza ons, specialty pharmacies, specialty distributors, and government payers. In many countries outside the U.S. single na onal payers are cri cal to
providing reimbursement access. To develop the appropriate commercial infrastructure, we will have to invest a significant amount of financial and
management resources, some of which will be commi ed prior to regulatory approval of the products that they are intended to support.
We con nue to support commercial and medical affairs organiza ons as well as other capabili es across North America, Europe, La n America, and
Japan to meet the educa onal needs of the healthcare providers and pa ents in the rare disease community, focusing on providing accurate disease state
informa on and balanced product informa on across our por olio for appropriate management of pa ents with rare disorders.
Medical affairs is comprised of the following capabili es in support of our mission: medical informa on, pa ent advocacy, pa ent diagnosis liaisons,
medical science liaisons, research and educa onal grants. Medical affairs will engage as early as Phase 1 and will con nue work throughout the lifecycle of
each product and product candidate as dictated by the specific scien fic needs in each therapeu c area.
Government Regula on
Government authori es in the U.S. (including federal, state, and local authori es) and in other countries, extensively regulate, among other things, the
manufacturing, research and clinical development, marke ng, labeling and packaging, storage, distribu on, post-approval monitoring and repor ng,
adver sing and promo on, pricing, and export and import of pharmaceu cal products, such as those we are developing. We must obtain the requisite
approvals from regulatory authori es in the U.S. and foreign countries prior to the commencement of clinical studies or marke ng of the product in those
countries. Accordingly, our opera ons are and will be subject to a variety of regula ons and other requirements, which vary from country to country. The
process of obtaining regulatory approvals and the subsequent compliance with appropriate federal, state, local, and foreign statutes and regula ons require
the expenditure of substan al me and financial resources that has a significant impact on our capital expenditures and results of opera ons.
Global Regula on of Clinical Studies
Clinical studies involve the administra on of an inves ga onal medicinal product to human subjects under the supervision of qualified inves gators in
accordance with protocols, Good Clinical Prac ces, or GCP, the ethical principles that have their origin in the Declara on of Helsinki and applicable regulatory
requirements. A protocol for each clinical study and any subsequent protocol amendments are typically submi ed to the FDA or other applicable regulatory
authori es as part of an inves ga onal new drug applica on, or IND, or clinical trial applica on, or CTA. Addi onally, approval must also be obtained from
each clinical study site’s ins tu onal review board, or IRB, or Ethics Commi ee, or EC, before the studies may be ini ated, and the IRB or EC must monitor the
study un l completed. There are also requirements governing the repor ng of ongoing clinical studies and clinical study results to public registries.
The clinical inves ga on of a drug is generally divided into three or four phases. Although the phases are usually conducted sequen ally, they may
overlap or be combined.
Phase 1. The drug is ini ally introduced into healthy human subjects or pa ents with the target disease or condi on. These studies are designed
to evaluate the safety, dosage tolerance, pharmacokine cs, and pharmacologic ac ons of the inves ga onal new drug in humans, and if possible,
to gain early evidence on effec veness.
Phase 2. The drug is administered to a limited pa ent popula on to evaluate dosage tolerance and op mal dosage, iden fy possible adverse side
effects and safety risks, and preliminarily evaluate efficacy.
Phase 3. The drug is administered to an expanded pa ent popula on, generally at geographically dispersed clinical study sites to generate
enough data to sta s cally evaluate dosage, clinical effec veness, and safety, to establish the overall benefit-risk rela onship of the
inves ga onal new drug product, and to provide an adequate basis for product approval.
Phase 4. In some cases, addi onal studies and pa ent follow-up are conducted to gain experience from the treatment of pa ents in the intended
therapeu c indica on. Regulatory authori es may condi on approval of a marke ng applica on for a product candidate on the sponsor’s
agreement to conduct addi onal clinical studies a er approval. In other cases, a sponsor may voluntarily conduct addi onal clinical studies a er
approval to gain more informa on about the drug. Such post-approval studies are typically referred to as Phase 4 clinical studies.
A pivotal study is a clinical study that adequately meets regulatory authority requirements for the evalua on of a drug candidate’s efficacy and safety
such that it can be used to jus fy the approval of the product. Generally, pivotal studies are Phase 3 studies, but regulatory authori es may accept results
from Phase 2 studies if the study design provides a well-controlled and reliable assessment of clinical benefit, par cularly in situa ons where there is an
unmet medical need and the results are sufficiently robust.
U.S. Government Regula on
In the U.S., the FDA regulates drugs under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosme c Act, or FDCA, and its implemen ng regula ons, and biologics under
the FDCA and the Public Health Service Act, or PHSA, and its implemen ng regula ons. FDA approval is required before any new drug or dosage form,
including a new use of a previously approved drug, can be marketed in the U.S. Drugs and biologics are also subject to other federal, state, and local statutes
and regula ons.
The process required by the FDA before product candidates may be marketed or sold in the U.S. generally involves the following:
comple on of extensive preclinical laboratory tests and preclinical animal studies performed in accordance with the Good Laboratory Prac ces,
or GLP, regula ons and the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Animal Welfare Act;
submission to the FDA of an IND, which must become effec ve before human clinical studies may begin and must be updated annually;
conduc ng adequate and well-controlled human clinical studies that generally follow the three- to four-phase design described above to
establish the safety and efficacy, or for BLA products, the safety, purity, and potency, of the product candidate for each proposed indica on under
an ac ve IND and approved by an independent IRB represen ng each clinical site;
prepara on of and submission to the FDA of a new drug applica on, or NDA, or biologics license applica on, or BLA, a er comple on of all
pivotal clinical studies;
poten al review of the product applica on by an FDA advisory commi ee, where appropriate and if applicable;
sa sfactory comple on of an FDA pre-approval inspec on of the manufacturing facili es where the proposed drug substance and drug product
are produced to assess compliance with Good Manufacturing Prac ces, or GMP;
FDA inspec on of one or more clinical sites to assure compliance with GCP; and
FDA review and approval of an NDA or BLA.
Submission of an NDA or BLA to the FDA
Assuming successful comple on of all required tes ng in accordance with all applicable regulatory requirements, detailed inves ga onal new drug
product informa on is submi ed to the FDA in the form of an NDA or BLA reques ng approval to market the product for one or more indica ons. Under
federal law, the submission of most NDAs and BLAs is subject to a significant applica on user fee, unless waived.
Pursuant to Title 21 of the Code of Federal Regula ons, the FDA conducts a preliminary review of an NDA within 60 days of receipt. FDA procedures
provide that the FDA will inform the sponsor by the 74th day a er the FDA’s receipt of submission to determine whether the applica on is sufficiently
complete to permit substan ve review. The FDA may request addi onal informa on rather than accept an NDA for filing, in which case the applica on must
be resubmi ed with the requested addi onal informa on. The resubmi ed applica on is also subject to review before it is accepted for filing. Once the
submission is accepted for filing, the FDA begins an in-depth substan ve review.
Once an NDA or BLA has been accepted, the FDA’s goal is to review the applica on within ten months a er it accepts the applica on for filing, or, if the
applica on relates to an unmet medical need in the treatment of a serious or life-threatening condi on, six months a er the FDA accepts the applica on for
filing. The review process can be significantly extended by FDA requests for addi onal informa on or clarifica on.
The FDA’s Decision on an NDA or BLA
The FDA may issue an approval le er if it finds the applica on has adequate support for commercial marke ng. An approval le er authorizes
commercial marke ng of the drug with specific prescribing informa on for specific indica ons. As a condi on of NDA or BLA approval, the FDA may impose
addi onal requirements, such as post-marke ng studies and/or a Risk Evalua on and Mi ga on Strategy, or REMS, to help ensure that the benefits of the
drug outweigh the poten al risks. A REMS can include medica on guides, assessment plans, communica on plans for healthcare professionals, and elements
to assure safe use. The FDA may also issue a Complete Response Le er, which indicates that the review cycle of the applica on is complete but the
applica on is not ready for approval. A Complete Response Le er may require addi onal clinical data and/or an addi onal pivotal Phase 3 clinical study(ies),
and/or other significant, expensive and me-consuming requirements related to clinical studies, preclinical studies or manufacturing. If the condi ons set
forth in the Complete Response Le er are met, the FDA may approve the product for marke ng.
Expedited Review and Accelerated Approval Programs
A sponsor may seek approval of its product candidate under programs designed to accelerate the FDA’s review and approval of NDAs and BLAs. For
example, Fast Track Designa on may be granted to a drug intended for treatment of a serious or life-threatening disease or condi on and data demonstrate
its poten al to address unmet medical needs for the disease or condi on. The key benefits of fast-track designa on are the eligibility for priority review,
rolling review (submission of por ons of an applica on before the complete marke ng applica on is submi ed), and accelerated approval, if relevant criteria
are met. The FDA may grant the NDA or BLA a priority review designa on, which sets the target date for FDA ac on on the applica on at six months a er the
FDA accepts the applica on for filing. Priority review is granted where there is evidence that the proposed product would be a significant improvement in the
safety or effec veness of the treatment, diagnosis, or preven on of a serious condi on. Priority review designa on does not change the scien fic/medical
standard for approval or the quality of evidence necessary to support approval.
The FDA may approve an NDA or BLA under the accelerated approval program if the drug treats a serious condi on, provides a meaningful advantage
over available therapies, and demonstrates an effect on either (1) a surrogate endpoint that is reasonably likely to predict clinical benefit, or (2) on a clinical
endpoint that can be measured earlier than irreversible morbidity or mortality, that is reasonably likely to predict an effect on irreversible morbidity or
mortality or other clinical benefit, taking into account the severity, rarity, or prevalence of the condi on and the availability or lack of alterna ve treatments.
Post-marke ng studies or comple on of ongoing studies a er marke ng approval are generally required to verify the drug’s clinical benefit in rela onship to
the surrogate endpoint or ul mate outcome in rela onship to the clinical benefit. The FDA may require, as appropriate, that such studies be underway prior
to approval or within a specific me period a er the date of approval for a product that has been granted accelerated approval. The FDA also has authority
for expedited procedures to withdraw approval of a product or indica on that was ini ally approved under accelerated approval if the sponsor fails to
conduct the required post-marke ng studies or if such studies fail to verify the predicted clinical benefit. In addi on, as a condi on for accelerated approval,
the FDA currently also requires pre-approval of promo onal materials, which could adversely impact the ming of the commercial launch of the product.
In addi on, the Food and Drug Administra on Safety and Innova on Act, or FDASIA, established the Breakthrough Therapy designa on. A sponsor
may seek FDA designa on of its product candidate as a breakthrough therapy if the drug is intended, alone or in combina on with one or more other drugs,
to treat a serious or life-threatening disease or condi on and preliminary clinical evidence indicates that the drug may demonstrate substan al improvement
over exis ng therapies on one or more clinically significant endpoints, such as substan al treatment effects observed early in clinical development. If a drug is
designated as a breakthrough therapy, the FDA will provide more intensive guidance on the drug development program and expedite its review.
Furthermore, the FDA has made available expedited programs to sponsors of regenera ve medicine therapies that have been granted designa on as a
regenera ve medicine advanced therapy, or RMAT. Regenera ve medicine therapies include cell therapies, therapeu c ssue engineering products and
human cell and ssue products. A sponsor may seek RMAT designa on if its regenera ve medicine product is intended to treat, modify, reverse, or cure a
serious or life-threatening condi on and preliminary clinical evidence indicates that the regenera ve medicine therapy has the poten al to address unmet
medical needs for such condi on. Advantages of the RMAT designa on include early interac ons with the FDA to discuss the development plan for the
product candidate, including poten al surrogate or intermediate endpoints, and eligibility for rolling and priority review. Products granted RMAT designa on
may also be eligible for accelerated approval on the basis of a surrogate or intermediate endpoint reasonably likely to predict long-term clinical benefit, or
reliance upon data obtained from a meaningful number of sites, including through expansion to addi onal sites. RMAT-designated products that receive
accelerated approval may, as appropriate, fulfill their post-approval requirements through the submission of clinical evidence, clinical studies, pa ent
registries, or other sources of real-world evidence (such as electronic health records); through the collec on of larger confirmatory data sets; or via post-
approval monitoring of all pa ents treated with such therapy prior to approval of the therapy.
Orphan Designa on and Exclusivity
Under the Orphan Drug Act, the FDA may grant orphan drug designa on to drugs intended to treat a rare disease or condi on that affects fewer than
200,000 individuals in the U.S., or if it affects more than 200,000 individuals in the U.S. and there is no reasonable expecta on that the cost of developing and
making the drug for this type of disease or condi on will be recovered from sales in the U.S. Orphan drug designa on must be requested before submi ng
an NDA or BLA. A er the FDA grants orphan drug designa on, the iden ty of the therapeu c agent and its poten al orphan use are publicly disclosed by the
Orphan drug designa on en tles a party to financial incen ves such as opportuni es for grant funding towards clinical study costs, tax advantages,
and user-fee waivers. Orphan drug designa on does not convey any advantage in, or shorten the dura on of, the regulatory review and approval process. In
addi on, the first NDA or BLA applicant to receive orphan drug designa on for a par cular drug is en tled to orphan drug exclusivity, which means the FDA
may not approve any other applica on to market the same drug for the same indica on for a period of seven years in the U.S., except in limited
circumstances. Orphan drug exclusivity does not prevent the FDA from approving a different drug for the same disease or condi on, or the same drug for a
different disease or condi on.
There is some uncertainty with respect to the FDA’s interpreta on of the scope of orphan drug exclusivity. Historically, exclusivity was specific to the
orphan indica on for which the drug was approved. As a result, the scope of exclusivity was interpreted as preven ng approval of a compe ng product.
However, in 2021, the federal court in Catalyst Pharmaceu cals, Inc. v. Becerra, suggested that orphan drug exclusivity covers the full scope of the orphan-
designated “disease or condi on” regardless of whether a drug obtained approval for a narrower use.
Pediatric Studies and Exclusivity
NDAs and BLAs must contain data to assess the safety and effec veness of an inves ga onal new drug product for the claimed indica ons in all
relevant pediatric popula ons in order to support dosing and administra on for each pediatric subpopula on for which the drug is safe and effec ve. The
FDA may, on its own ini a ve or at the request of the applicant, grant deferrals for submission of some or all pediatric data un l a er approval of the product
for use in adults or full or par al waivers if certain criteria are met. Pediatric development plans can be discussed with the FDA at any me, but usually occur
any me between the end-of-Phase 2 mee ng and submission of the NDA or BLA. Unless otherwise required by regula on, the requirements for pediatric
data do not apply to any drug for an indica on for which orphan designa on has been granted.
Pediatric exclusivity is another type of non-patent exclusivity in the U.S. that may be granted if certain FDA requirements are met, such as FDA’s
determina on that informa on rela ng to the use of a new drug in the pediatric popula on may produce health benefits, and the applicant agrees to
perform and report on FDA-requested studies within a certain me frame. Pediatric exclusivity adds a period of six months of exclusivity to the end of all
exis ng marke ng exclusivity and patents held by the sponsor for that ac ve moiety. This is not a patent term extension, but it effec vely extends the
regulatory period during which the FDA cannot accept or approve another applica on relying on the NDA or BLA sponsor’s data.
Biosimilars and Exclusivity
The Pa ent Protec on and Affordable Care Act of 2010, or Affordable Care Act, includes a sub tle called the Biologics Price Compe on and
Innova on Act of 2009, or BPCI Act, which created an abbreviated approval pathway for biological products shown to be similar to, or interchangeable with,
an FDA-licensed reference biological product.
A reference biologic is granted twelve years of exclusivity from the me of first licensure of the reference product. The first biologic product submi ed
under the abbreviated approval pathway that is determined to be interchangeable with the reference product has exclusivity against other biologics
submi ed under the abbreviated approval pathway for the lesser of (i) one year a er the first commercial marke ng, (ii) eighteen months a er approval if
there is no legal challenge, (iii) eighteen months a er the resolu on in the applicant’s favor of a lawsuit challenging the biologics’ patents if an applica on has
been submi ed, or (iv) 42 months a er the applica on has been approved if a lawsuit is ongoing within the 42-month period.
The Infla on Reduc on Act of 2022, or the IRA, is intended to foster generic and biosimilar compe on and to lower drug and biologic costs. The IRA
provides the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, or CMS, with significant new authori es. CMS is able to directly nego ate prescrip on drug prices
and to cap out-of-pocket costs. Each year, CMS will select and nego ate a preset number of high-spend drugs and biologics covered under Medicare Parts B
and D that lack generic or biosimilar compe on. Price nego a ons began in 2023. Effec ve from 2023, the IRA provides a new “infla on rebate” that covers
Medicare pa ents and is intended to counter certain price increases in prescrip on drugs. The infla on rebate requires drug manufacturers to pay a rebate to
the federal government if the price for a drug or biologic under Medicare Parts B or D increases faster than the rate of infla on. To support biosimilar
compe on, qualifying biosimilars may receive a Medicare Part B payment increase for a period of five years, beginning in October 2022. Separately, if a
biologic drug for which no biosimilar exists delays a biosimilar’s market entry beyond two years, CMS will be authorized to subject the biologics manufacturer
to price nego a ons intended to ensure fair compe on. Notwithstanding these provisions, the IRA’s impact on compe on and commercializa on remains
largely uncertain.
Abbreviated New Drug Applica ons for Generic Drugs and New Chemical En ty Exclusivity
The Drug Price Compe on and Patent Term Restora on Act of 1984, or the Hatch-Waxman Amendments, authorized the FDA to approve generic
drugs that are bioequivalent (i.e. iden cal) to previously approved branded drugs. To obtain approval of a generic drug, an applicant must submit an
abbreviated new drug applica on, or ANDA, to the FDA. In support of such applica ons, a generic manufacturer may rely on the preclinical and clinical tes ng
conducted for a drug product previously approved under an NDA, known as the reference listed drug, or RLD.
Specifically, in order for an ANDA to be approved, the FDA must find that the generic version is bioequivalent to the RLD with respect to the ac ve
ingredients, the route of administra on, the dosage form, quality and performance characteris cs, the strength of the drug, and intended use.
The FDCA provides a period of five years of non-patent exclusivity for a new drug containing a new chemical en ty. In cases where such exclusivity has
been granted, an ANDA may not be filed with the FDA un l the expira on of five years unless the submission is accompanied by a Paragraph IV cer fica on,
in which case the applicant may submit its applica on four years following the original product approval. The FDCA also provides for a period of three years of
exclusivity if an NDA or supplement includes reports of one or more new clinical inves ga ons, other than bioavailability or bioequivalence studies, that were
conducted by or for the applicant and are essen al to the approval of the applica on. This three-year exclusivity period o en protects changes to a previously
approved drug product, such as a new dosage form, route of administra on, combina on or indica on.
When an ANDA applicant files its applica on with the FDA, it must cer fy, among other things, that the new product will not infringe the already
approved product’s listed patents or that such patents are invalid or unenforceable, which is called a Paragraph IV cer fica on. If the applicant does not
challenge the listed patents or indicates that it is not seeking approval of a patented method of use, the ANDA applica on will not be approved un l all the
listed patents claiming the referenced product have expired. If the ANDA applicant has provided a Paragraph IV cer fica on to the FDA, the applicant must
also send no ce of the Paragraph IV cer fica on to the NDA and patent holders once the ANDA has been accepted for filing by the FDA. The NDA and patent
holders may then ini ate a patent infringement lawsuit in response to the no ce of the Paragraph IV cer fica on. The filing of a patent infringement lawsuit
within 45 days a er the receipt of a Paragraph IV cer fica on automa cally prevents the FDA from approving the ANDA un l the earlier of 30 months a er
the receipt of the Paragraph IV no ce, expira on of the patent, or a decision in the infringement case that is favorable to the ANDA applicant.
Sec on 505(b)(2) New Drug Applica ons
As an alterna ve path to FDA approval for modifica ons to formula ons or uses of products previously approved by the FDA pursuant to an NDA, an
applicant may submit an NDA under Sec on 505(b)(2) of the FDCA. Sec on 505(b)(2) was enacted as part of the Hatch-Waxman Amendments and permits
the filing of an NDA where at least some of the informa on required for approval
comes from studies not conducted by, or for, the applicant, and for which the applicant has not obtained a right of reference. If the Sec on 505(b)(2)
applicant can establish that reliance on the FDA’s previous findings of safety and effec veness is scien fically and legally appropriate, it may eliminate the
need to conduct certain preclinical studies or clinical trials of the new product. The FDA may also require companies to perform addi onal bridging studies or
measurements, including clinical trials, to support the change from the previously approved reference drug. The FDA may then approve the new drug
candidate for all, or some, of the label indica ons for which the reference drug has been approved, as well as for any new indica on sought by the Sec on
505(b)(2) applicant.
To the extent that a Sec on 505(b)(2) applicant is relying on studies conducted for an already approved product, the applicant is required to cer fy to
the FDA concerning any patents listed for the approved product in the Orange Book to the same extent that an ANDA applicant would. As a result, approval of
a Sec on 505(b)(2) NDA can be stalled un l all the listed patents claiming the referenced product have expired, un l any non-patent exclusivity (such as
exclusivity for obtaining approval of a new chemical en ty) listed in the Orange Book for the referenced product has expired and, in the case of a Paragraph IV
cer fica on and subsequent patent infringement suit, un l the earlier of 30 months, se lement of the lawsuit, or a decision in the infringement case that is
favorable to the Sec on 505(b)(2) applicant.
Patent Term Restora on
Some of our U.S. patents may be eligible for limited patent term extension under the Hatch-Waxman Amendments. The Hatch-Waxman Amendments
permit a patent restora on term of up to five years as compensa on for patent term lost during product development and the FDA regulatory review process.
However, patent term restora on cannot extend the remaining term of a patent beyond a total of 14 years from the product’s approval date. The patent term
restora on period is generally one-half the me between the effec ve date of an IND and the submission date of an NDA or BLA, plus the me between the
submission date and the approval of that applica on. Only one patent applicable to an approved product is eligible for the extension and the applica on for
the extension must be submi ed prior to the expira on of the patent. The USPTO, in consulta on with the FDA, reviews and approves the applica on for any
patent term extension or restora on. Thus, for each approved product, we may apply for restora on of patent term for one of our related owned or licensed
patents to add patent life beyond the original expira on date, depending on the expected length of the clinical studies and other factors involved in the filing
of the relevant NDA or BLA.
EU Regula on
In the EU and in Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein, together the European Economic Area or EEA, a er comple on of all required clinical tes ng,
pharmaceu cal products may only be placed on the market a er obtaining a Marke ng Authoriza on, or MA. To obtain a MA, we must submit a marke ng
authoriza on applica on, or MAA. The content of the MAA is similar to that of an NDA or BLA filed in the U.S., with the excep on of, among other things,
country-specific document requirements.
Authoriza on Procedures
Medicines can be authorized by using, among other things, a centralized or decentralized procedure. The centralized authoriza on procedure results
in a single marke ng authoriza on issued by the European Commission, or EC, following the scien fic assessment of the applica on by the European
Medicines Agency, or EMA, that is valid across the EEA. The centralized procedure is compulsory for specific medicinal products, including medicines
developed by means of certain biotechnological processes, products designated as orphan medicinal products, advanced therapy medicinal products, or
ATMPs, and medicinal products with a new ac ve substance indicated for the treatment of certain diseases (for instance, AIDS, cancer, neurodegenera ve
disorders, diabetes, auto-immune and viral diseases). Medicines that fall outside the mandatory scope of the centralized procedure have three routes to
authoriza on: (i) they can be authorized under the centralized procedure if they concern a significant therapeu c, scien fic or technical innova on, or if their
authoriza on would be in the interest of public health; (ii) they can be authorized under a decentralized procedure where an applicant applies for
simultaneous authoriza on in more than one EU country; or (iii) they can be authorized in a EU member state in accordance with that state’s na onal
procedures and then be authorized in other EU countries by a procedure whereby the countries concerned agree to recognize the validity of the original,
na onal marke ng authoriza on (mutual recogni on procedure).
All new MAAs must include a Risk Management Plan, or RMP, describing the risk management system that the Company will put in place and
documen ng measures to prevent or minimize the risks associated with the product. RMPs are con nually modified and updated throughout the life me of
the medicine as new informa on becomes available. We need to submit an updated RMP: (i) at the request of EMA or a na onal competent authority, or (ii)
whenever the risk-management system is modified, especially as the result of new informa on being received that may lead to a significant change to the
benefit-risk profile or as a result of an important pharmacovigilance or risk-minimiza on milestone being reached. The regulatory authori es may also impose
specific obliga ons as a condi on of the MA. RMPs and Periodic Safety Update Reports, or PSURs, are rou nely available to third par es reques ng access,
subject to limited redac ons.
Special rules apply in part for ATMPs. ATMPs comprise gene therapy products, soma c cell therapy products and ssue engineered products, which
are genes, cells or ssues that have undergone substan al manipula on and that are administered to human beings in order to cure, diagnose or prevent
diseases or regenerate, repair or replace a human ssue. Pursuant to the ATMP Regula on, the Commi ee on Advanced Therapies, or CAT, is responsible in
conjunc on with the CHMP for the evalua on of ATMPs. The CHMP and CAT are also responsible for providing guidelines on ATMPs. These guidelines provide
addi onal guidance on the factors that the EMA will consider in rela on to the development and evalua on of ATMPs and include, among other things, the
preclinical studies required to characterize ATMPs. The manufacturing and control informa on that should be submi ed in a MAA; and post-approval
measures required to monitor pa ents and evaluate the long- term efficacy and poten al adverse reac ons of ATMPs. Although such guidelines are not
legally binding, compliance with them is o en necessary to gain and maintain approval for product candidates. In addi on to the mandatory RMP, the holder
of a MA for an ATMP must put in place and maintain a system to ensure that each individual product and its star ng and raw materials, including all
substances coming into contact with the cells or ssues it may contain, can be traced through the sourcing, manufacturing, packaging, storage, transport and
delivery to the relevant healthcare ins tu on where the product is used.
A Pediatric Inves ga on Plan, or PIP, and/or a request for waiver (for example, because the relevant disease or condi on occurs only in adults) or
deferral (for example, un l enough informa on to demonstrate its effec veness and safety in adults is available), is required for submission prior to
submi ng an MAA. A PIP describes, among other things, proposed pediatric studies and their ming rela ve to clinical studies in adults and an MAA must
comply with the PIP to be validated.
MAA Review and Approval Timeframe and Accelerated Assessment
Under the centralized procedure in the EU, the Commi ee for Medicinal Products for Human Use, or CHMP, established at the EMA, is responsible for
conduc ng the ini al assessment of a drug. In principle, the maximum meframe for the evalua on of an MAA by the CHMP is 210 days from receipt of a
valid MAA. However, this meline excludes clock stops, when addi onal wri en or oral informa on is to be provided by the applicant in response to
ques ons asked by the CHMP, so the overall process typically takes a year or more. A favorable opinion on the applica on by the CHMP will typically result in
the gran ng of the marke ng authoriza on within 67 days of receipt of the opinion. Accelerated evalua on might be granted by the CHMP in excep onal
cases, when a medicinal product is expected to be of a major public health interest, par cularly from the point of view of therapeu c innova on. In this
circumstance, and upon request by the applicant, the CHMP’s evalua on me frame is reduced to 150 days, excluding me taken by an applicant to respond
to ques ons.
MA Validity Period
MAs have an ini al dura on of five years. A er five years, the authoriza on may subsequently be renewed on the basis of a reevalua on of the risk-
benefit balance. Once renewed, the MA is valid for an unlimited period unless the EC or the na onal competent authority decides, on jus fied grounds
rela ng to pharmacovigilance, to proceed with only one addi onal five-year renewal. Applica ons for renewal must be made to the EMA at least nine months
before the five-year period expires.
Conduct of Clinical Trials
Clinical trials are studies intended to discover or verify the effects of one or more inves ga onal medicines. The regula on of clinical trials aims to
promote the protec on of the rights, safety and well-being of trial par cipants and the credibility of the results of clinical trials. Regardless of where they are
conducted, all clinical trials included in applica ons for marke ng authoriza on for human medicines in the EU or EEA must have been carried out in
accordance with EU regula ons (such as, among others, the Clinical Trials Regula on (Regula on (EU) No 536/2014) and the Clinical Trials Direc ve (EC) No
2001/20/EC). This means that clinical trials conducted in the EU or EEA have to comply with EU clinical trial legisla on and that clinical trials conducted
outside the EU or EEA have to comply with ethical principles equivalent to those set out in the EEA, including adhering to interna onal good clinical prac ce
and the Declara on of Helsinki.
Excep onal Circumstances/Condi onal Approval
Orphan drugs or drugs with unmet medical needs may be eligible for EU approval under excep onal circumstances or with condi onal approval.
Approval under excep onal circumstances is applicable to orphan products and is used when an applicant is unable to provide comprehensive data on the
efficacy and safety under normal condi ons of use because the indica on for which the product is intended is encountered so rarely that the applicant cannot
reasonably be expected to provide comprehensive evidence, when the present state of scien fic knowledge does not allow comprehensive informa on to be
provided, or when it is medically unethical to collect such informa on. A condi onal MA is applicable to orphan medicinal products, medicinal products for
seriously debilita ng or life-threatening diseases, or medicinal products to be used in emergency situa ons in response to recognized public threats.
Condi onal MAs can be granted for medicinal products where, although comprehensive clinical data referring to the safety and efficacy of the medicinal
product have not been supplied, a number of criteria are fulfilled: (i) the benefit/risk balance of the product is posi ve, (ii) it is likely that the applicant will be
in a posi on to provide the comprehensive clinical data, (iii) unmet medical needs will be fulfilled by the grant of the MA and (iv) the benefit to public health
of the immediate availability on the market of the medicinal product concerned outweighs the risk inherent in the fact that addi onal data are s ll required.
Condi onal MAs are valid for only one year and must be reviewed annually subject to certain specific obliga ons.
PRIME Program
PRIME is a program launched by the EMA to enhance support for the development of medicines that target an unmet medical need. The program
focuses on medicines that may offer a major therapeu c advantage over exis ng treatments, or benefit pa ents without treatment op ons. These medicines
are considered priority medicines by EMA. To be accepted for PRIME, a medicine has to show its poten al to benefit pa ents with unmet medical needs
based on early clinical data. Through PRIME, the EMA offers early and proac ve support to medicine developers to op mize development plans and the
genera on of robust data on a medicine’s benefits and risks and enables accelerated assessment of medicines applica ons. PRIME eligibility does not change
the standards for product approval, and there is no assurance that any such designa on or eligibility will result in expedited review or approval.
Orphan Designa on and Exclusivity
As in the U.S., we may apply for designa on of a product as an orphan drug for the treatment of a specific indica on in the EU before the applica on
for marke ng authoriza on is made. The EMA’s Commi ee for Orphan Medicinal Products, or COMP, grants orphan drug designa on to promote the
development of products that are intended for the diagnosis, preven on, or treatment of life-threatening or chronically debilita ng condi ons affec ng not
more than 5 in 10,000 persons in the EU Community and for which no sa sfactory method of diagnosis, preven on, or treatment has been authorized (or the
product would be a significant benefit to those affected). Addi onally, designa on is granted for products intended for the diagnosis, preven on, or
treatment of a life-threatening, seriously debilita ng, or serious and chronic condi on when, without incen ves, it is unlikely that sales of the drug in the EU
would be sufficient to jus fy the necessary investment in developing the medicinal product. Orphan drug designa on en tles a party to financial incen ves
such as reduc on of fees or fee waivers and 10 years of market exclusivity is granted following medicinal product approval. This period may be reduced to six
years if the orphan drug designa on criteria are no longer met, including where it is shown that the product is sufficiently profitable not to jus fy
maintenance of market exclusivity. The applicant will receive a fee reduc on for the MAA if the orphan drug designa on has been granted, but not if the
designa on is s ll pending at the me the marke ng authoriza on is submi ed, and sponsors must submit an annual report to EMA summarizing the status
of development of the medicine. Orphan drug designa on does not convey any advantage in, or shorten the dura on of, the regulatory review and approval
New Chemical En ty Exclusivity
In the EU, new chemical en es, or NCEs, some mes referred to as new ac ve substances, qualify for eight years of data exclusivity upon the
product’s first MA in the EU and an addi onal two years of market exclusivity. This data exclusivity, if granted, prevents regulatory authori es in the EU from
referencing the innovator’s data to assess a generic (abbreviated) applica on for eight years, a er which generic marke ng authoriza on can be submi ed,
and the innovator’s data may be referenced, but not approved for two years. The overall ten-year period will be extended to a maximum of eleven years if,
during the first eight of those ten years, the marke ng authoriza on holder obtains an authoriza on for one or more new therapeu c indica ons which,
during the scien fic evalua on prior to their authoriza on, are held to bring a significant clinical benefit in comparison with exis ng therapies. Products may
not be granted data exclusivity since there is no guarantee that a product will be considered by the EU’s regulatory authori es to include an NCE. Even if a
compound is considered to be a NCE and the MA applicant is able to gain the prescribed period of data exclusivity, another company could market a version
of the medicinal product if such company can complete a full MAA with its own complete database of pharmaceu cal tests, preclinical studies and clinical
trials and obtain MA of its product.
Post-Approval Requirements
Drugs manufactured or distributed pursuant to regulatory approvals are subject to pervasive and con nuing regula on by the regulatory authori es,
including, among other things, requirements rela ng to formal commitments for post approval clinical trials and studies, manufacturing, recordkeeping,
periodic repor ng, product sampling and distribu on, marke ng, labeling, adver sing and promo on and repor ng of adverse experiences with the product.
A er approval, most changes to the approved product, such as adding new indica ons or other labeling claims are subject to prior regulatory authority
review and approval.
Drug manufacturers are subject to periodic unannounced inspec ons by regulatory authori es and country or state agencies for compliance with GMP
and other requirements. Changes to the manufacturing process are strictly regulated, and, depending on the significance of the change, may require prior
regulatory approval before being implemented. Regula ons also require inves ga on and correc on of any devia ons from GMP and impose repor ng and
documenta on requirements upon us and any third-party manufacturers that we may decide to use. Accordingly, manufacturers must con nue to expend
me, money, and effort in the area of produc on and quality control to maintain compliance with GMP and other aspects of regulatory compliance.
Pharmaceu cal Coverage, Pricing and Reimbursement
In the U.S. and markets in other countries, sales of any products for which we receive regulatory approval for commercial sale will depend in part on
the availability of coverage and reimbursement from third-party payors. Third-party payors include government authori es, managed care providers, private
health insurers and other organiza ons. The process for determining whether a payor will provide coverage for a drug product may be separate from the
process for se ng the reimbursement rate that the payor will pay for the drug product. Third-party payors may limit coverage to specific drug products on an
approved list, or formulary, which might not include all of the approved drugs for a par cular indica on. Moreover, a payor’s decision to provide coverage for
a drug product does not imply that an adequate reimbursement rate will be approved. Adequate third-party reimbursement may not be available to enable
us to maintain price levels sufficient to realize an appropriate return on our investment in product development.
In the EU, governments influence the price of pharmaceu cal products through their pricing and reimbursement rules and control of na onal health
care systems that fund a large part of the cost of those products to pa ents. Some jurisdic ons operate posi ve and nega ve list systems under which
products may only be marketed once a reimbursement price has been agreed to by the government. Other member states allow companies to fix their own
prices for medicines, but monitor and control company profits, including volume-based arrangements, caps and reference pricing mechanisms. In addi on, in
some countries, cross-border imports from low-priced markets exert a commercial pressure on pricing within a country.
Other Healthcare, Privacy, and Cybersecurity Laws and Compliance Requirements
We are subject to various laws targe ng, among other things, fraud and abuse in the healthcare industry, and privacy and protec on of personal
informa on, including health informa on. These laws may impact, among other things, our proposed sales, marke ng, and educa on programs. The laws
that may affect our ability to operate include:
the federal An -Kickback Statute, which prohibits, among other things, persons from knowingly and willfully solici ng or receiving renumera on
in return for, and from knowingly and willfully offering or paying remunera on to induce, referrals of federal healthcare program pa ents and the
purchase or recommenda on of an item or service reimbursable under a federal healthcare program, such as the Medicare and Medicaid
federal civil and criminal false claims laws and civil monetary penalty laws, which prohibit, among other things, individuals or en es from
knowingly presen ng, or causing to be presented to Medicare, Medicaid, or other third-party payers, claims for payment that are false or
federal civil and criminal false claims laws and civil monetary penalty laws, which prohibit, among other things, individuals or en es from
knowingly presen ng, or causing to be presented to Medicare, Medicaid, or other third-party payers, claims for payment that are false or
the EU General Data Protec on Regula on, or GDPR, and the U.K. General Data Protec on Regula on, or UK GDPR, which apply to processing of
personal data in the context of the ac vi es of an en ty established in the EEA/UK, and to processing by an en ty not established in the EEA/UK
where such processing is related to the offering of goods or services to individuals who are in the EEA/UK, or the monitoring of the behavior of
individuals who are in the EEA/UK, and imposes requirements and limita ons rela ng to the processing, storage, purpose of collec on, accuracy,
security, sharing and transfer of personal data outside the EEA/UK, in par cular with respect to special categories of personal data like health
data, and the no fica on of supervisory authori es about data breaches, accompanied by a strong sanc oning mechanism—in addi on, EU
member states may also impose addi onal requirements in rela on to health, gene c and biometric data through their na onal implemen ng
legisla on;
the 21st Century Cures Act, or the Cures Act, which introduced a wide range of reforms, such as broadening the types of data required to support
drug approval, extending protec ons for generic compe on, accelera ng approval of breakthrough therapies, expanding the orphan drug
product program, requiring disclosures about compassionate care programs, and clarifying how manufacturers communicate about their
the federal transparency laws, including the federal Physician Payment Sunshine Act, that requires drug manufacturers to disclose payments and
other transfers of value provided to various healthcare professionals and teaching hospitals; and
state and foreign law equivalents, or similar, of each of the above federal laws, such as transparency laws, an -kickback and false claims laws
which may apply to items or services reimbursed by any third-party payer, including commercial insurers, and privacy and security of health
informa on laws, including comprehensive privacy and security laws in California.
Addi onal Regula on
The U.S. Foreign Corrupt Prac ces Act or FCPA, to which we are subject, prohibits corpora ons and individuals from engaging in certain ac vi es to
obtain or retain business or to influence a person working in an official capacity. It is illegal to pay, offer to pay or authorize the payment of anything of value
to any foreign government official, government staff member, poli cal party, or poli cal candidate in an a empt to obtain or retain business or to otherwise
influence a person working in an official capacity. Similar laws exist in other countries, such as the United Kingdom or in EU member states, that restrict
improper payments to public and private par es. Many countries have laws prohibi ng these types of payments within the respec ve country. In addi on to
these an -corrup on laws, we are subject to import and export control laws, tariffs, trade barriers, economic sanc ons, and regulatory limita ons on our
ability to operate in certain foreign markets.
In addi on, federal, state, and foreign government bodies and agencies have adopted, are considering adop ng, or may adopt laws and regula ons
regarding the collec on, use, storage and disclosure of personally iden fiable informa on or other informa on treated as confiden al obtained from
consumers and individuals.
We are also subject to regula on under the Occupa onal Safety and Health Act, the Environmental Protec on Act, the Toxic Substances Control Act,
the Resource Conserva on and Recovery Act and other present and poten al federal, state, or local regula ons. These and other laws govern our use,
handling and disposal of various biological and chemical substances used in, and waste generated by, our opera ons. Complying with these requirements may
have a significant impact on our capital expenditures and results of opera ons.
Our customers include collabora on partners, drug wholesalers, and retail pharmacy distributors. For the year ended December 31, 2023, more than
half of our total revenues were earned from our collabora on partner KKC.
Human Capital
General Informa on
As of December 31, 2023, we had 1,276 total employees, of which 876 are in research and development and 400 are in sales, general, and
administra ve. Further, 1,089 employees are based in the U.S., including at our facili es in Novato, California, Brisbane, California, Cambridge, Massachuse s,
and Woburn, Massachuse s, and 187 employees are based at our interna onal loca ons. The majority of new employees hired during the year ended
December 31, 2023 were to support and extend our clinical and preclinical pipeline, our in-house manufacturing capaci es for our GTMF, as well as our
commercializa on ac vi es, with hires in commercial, clinical development and opera ons, research, manufacturing, and general and administra ve
func ons. We believe our rela onship with our employees to be generally good. We have not experienced any material employment-related issues or
interrup ons of services due to labor disagreements and are not a party to any collec ve bargaining agreements.
We expect to con nue to strategically add employees in 2024 with a focus on expanding our in-house manufacturing capacity in connec on with
maintaining and opera ng our gene therapy manufacturing facility, increasing exper se and bandwidth in clinical and preclinical research and development
and commercializa on ac vi es and expanding our geographic reach in connec on with the global launches of our approved products. We con nually
evaluate our business need and opportunity and balances in-house exper se and capacity with outsourced exper se and capacity. Currently, we outsource
substan al clinical trial work to clinical research organiza ons and certain drug manufacturing to contract manufacturers.
Workforce Safety and Employee Wellbeing
We maintain a safety culture grounded on the premise of elimina ng workplace incidents, risks and hazards. Our health and safety management
system includes several elements, such as incorpora on of Global Environmental, Health, Safety and Sustainability (EHSS) standards, site-specific standard
opera ng procedures, incident and safety observa on repor ng, hazard iden fica on and risk assessments, job safety analyses, ergonomic assessments and
industrial hygiene evalua ons. We have adopted a flexible, hybrid working arrangement for our employees, which allows some of our employees to work
remotely during certain days of the week. We provide our employees with wellness offerings to support their physical and mental health including our
“Caring For U” program, a global reimbursement program offering employees up to $1,200 annually (in local currency) for wellness and caregiving ac vi es.
Employee Reten on and Engagement
The biotechnology industry is an extremely compe ve labor market and we believe our company’s success depends on our ability to a ract, develop,
and retain key personnel. We invest in the growth and development of our employees through various training and development programs that build and
strengthen employees’ leadership and professional skills, including leadership development programs for new leaders, six sigma cer fica on, as well as a
mentoring program. We also have a talent management framework and processes in place that includes regularly conducted ac vi es such as performance
management, succession, and workforce planning in order to support our employees in their growth and development and to provide learning opportuni es.
We offer on-demand career coaching services through an external network of professional execu ve coaches. We encourage all employees to have an
individual development plan to iden fy focus areas for learning and growth.
To regularly assess and improve our employee reten on and engagement, we conduct an engagement survey approximately every 18 months, with
"pulse" surveys in between, the results of which are discussed with our board of directors, at all hands employee mee ngs and in individual func ons. We
take ac ons to address areas of employment concern and follow-up rou nely to share with employees what we are doing.
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging
We are commi ed to fostering a healthy, inclusive environment while nurturing a culture of belonging where all employees have equal opportuni es.
We strive to create an environment where everyone we work with, serve, and engage with feels valued, respected, and empowered.
As of December 31, 2023, of the eight members of our board of directors, three directors were women, three directors self-iden fied as racially or
ethnically diverse, and one director self-iden fied as LGBTQ+. As of December 31, 2023, women represented 56% of our global workforce and 44% of our
leadership posi ons at the Vice President level or above. As of December 31, 2023, 46% of our U.S. workforce that self-reported iden fied as racially or
ethnically diverse. We have included ques ons in our engagement survey to measure employee percep on of our inclusive culture, with the results from such
survey on inclusion and diversity included in our corporate goals. Our business units review diversity data related to hiring, promo ons, and reten on on an
ongoing basis in order to promote inclusivity and equal employment opportuni es.
We have also established a Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging, or DEIB Ac on Team, comprised of employee representa ves throughout our
company. In 2023, we hosted offsite DEIB workshops and retreats that brought together members of our DEIB Ac on Team and the leaders of our Employee
Resource Groups (ERGs). These sessions were designed to support team building, building our leadership skills, cri cally assessing, and enhancing our mul -
year DEIB corporate roadmap, aligning our efforts, and execu ng the roadmap's ac on items. In our efforts to promote diversity and inclusion, we have also
established or supported several internal ERGs, including UltraProud, La nX, UltraAPAC, UltraMosaic, and Empower X Women in Biotech.
Benefits and Compensa on
We are dedicated to fostering a workplace environment that keeps our employees inspired, including providing a comprehensive benefits program
that supports the health care, family, and financial needs of our employees. All of our full- me employees are eligible for cash bonuses and equity awards in
addi on to other benefits including comprehensive health insurance, life and disability insurance, 401(k) matching, paid me off for volunteering, wellness
programs, and tui on reimbursement. We benchmark and e compensa on to market data as well as to an employee’s experience, func on and
performance. Our compensa on structure includes performance-based elements, with the goal of recognizing and rewarding excep onal performance. We
regularly review our compensa on policies and prac ces in an effort to iden fy and address any dispari es or inequi es.
General Informa on
Our Internet website address is No por on of our website, or any other website that may be referenced, is incorporated by
reference into this Annual Report.
You are advised to read this Annual Report in conjunc on with other reports and documents that we file from me to me with the Securi es and
Exchange Commission, or the SEC. In par cular, please read our defini ve proxy statements, our Annual Reports on Form 10-K, our Quarterly Reports on Form
10-Q and any Current Reports on Form 8-K that we may file from me to me. The SEC maintains informa on for electronic filers (including Ultragenyx) at its
website at We make our annual reports on Form 10-K, our quarterly reports on Form 10-Q, and our current reports on Form 8-K, and
amendments to those reports, available on our internet website, free of charge, as soon as reasonably prac cable a er such material is electronically filed
with, or furnished to, the SEC.
Item 1A. Risk Factors
Inves ng in our common stock involves a high degree of risk. You should carefully consider the following material risks, together with all the other informa on
in this Annual Report, including our financial statements and notes thereto, before deciding to invest in our common stock. The risks and uncertain es
described below are not the only ones we face. Addi onal risk and uncertain es not presently known to us or that we presently deem less significant may also
impair our business opera ons. If any of the following risks actually materialize, our opera ng results, financial condi on, and liquidity could be materially
adversely affected. As a result, the trading price of our common stock could decline and you could lose part or all of your investment. Our company’s business,
financial condi on and opera ng results can be affected by a number of factors, whether currently known or unknown, including but not limited to those
described below, any one or more of which could, directly or indirectly, cause our actual financial condi on and opera ng results to vary materially from past,
or from an cipated future, financial condi on and opera ng results. Any of these factors, in whole or in part, could materially and adversely affect our
business, prospects, financial condi on, opera ng results and stock price.
Because of the following factors, as well as other factors affec ng our financial condi on and opera ng results, past financial performance should not be
considered to be a reliable indicator of future performance, and investors should not use historical trends to an cipate results or trends in future periods.
Risk Factor Summary
We have a history of opera ng losses and an cipate that we will con nue to incur losses for the foreseeable future.
We have limited experience in genera ng revenue from product sales.
We may need to raise addi onal capital to fund our ac vi es.
Clinical drug development is a lengthy, complex, and expensive process with uncertain outcomes.
We may experience delays in commercializa on of our products and other adverse effects if we do not achieve our projected development
goals in the me frames we announce and expect.
We may experience difficulty in enrolling pa ents.
The regulatory approval processes of the FDA and comparable foreign authori es are lengthy and inherently unpredictable.
Fast Track Product, Breakthrough Therapy, Priority Review or RMAT designa ons by the FDA, and analogous designa ons by the EMA, for our
product candidates may not lead to faster development or approval.
Our product candidates may cause undesirable or serious side effects.
We face a mul tude of manufacturing risks, par cularly with respect to our gene therapy and mRNA product candidates.
Our products remain subject to regulatory scru ny even if we obtain regulatory approval.
Product liability lawsuits against us could cause us to incur substan al liabili es.
We may not realize the full commercial poten al of our product candidates if we are unable to source and develop effec ve biomarkers.
We rely on third par es to conduct our nonclinical and clinical studies and perform other tasks for us.
We are dependent on KKC for the clinical and commercial supply of Crysvita for all major markets and for the development and
commercializa on of Crysvita in certain major markets.
We rely on third par es to manufacture our products and product candidates.
The loss of, or failure to supply by, any of any of our single-source suppliers for our drug substance and drug product could adversely affect our
The ac ons of distributors and specialty pharmacies could affect our ability to sell or market products profitably.
Our revenue may be adversely affected if the market opportuni es for our products and product candidates are smaller than expected.
Our compe tors may develop therapies that are similar, more advanced, or more effec ve than ours.
We may not successfully manage expansion of our company, including building an integrated commercial organiza on.
A er the transi on of our commercializa on responsibili es for Crysvita in the U.S. and Canada, the success of Crysvita in those territories is
dependent on the effec veness of KKC’s commercializa on efforts.
Commercial success of our products depends on the degree of market acceptance.
We face uncertainty related to insurance coverage and reimbursement status of our newly approved products.
If we, or our third-party partners, are unable to maintain effec ve proprietary rights for our products or product candidates, we may not be
able to compete effec vely.
Claims of intellectual property infringement may prevent or delay our development and commercializa on efforts.
We may not be successful in obtaining or maintaining necessary rights to our product candidates through acquisi ons and in-licenses.
We may face compe on from biosimilars of our biologics product and product candidates or from generic versions of our small-molecule
product and product candidates, which may result in a material decline in sales of affected products.
We could lose license rights that are important to our business if we fail to comply with our obliga ons in the agreements under which we
license intellectual property and other rights from third par es.
We may become involved in lawsuits to protect or enforce our patents or the patents of our licensors, or be subject to claims that challenge the
inventorship or ownership of our patents.
Changes to patent laws in the U.S. and other jurisdic ons could diminish the value of patents in general, thereby impairing our ability to protect
our products.
We may not be able to protect our intellectual property rights throughout the world.
We have limited experience as a company opera ng our own manufacturing facility.
Our success depends in part on our ability to retain our President and Chief Execu ve Officer and other qualified personnel.
Our revenue may be impacted if we fail to obtain or maintain orphan drug exclusivity for our products.
Our opera ng results may be adversely impacted if our intangible assets become impaired.
We may not be successful in iden fying, licensing, developing, or commercializing addi onal product candidates.
We may fail to comply with laws and regula ons or changes in laws and regula ons could adversely affect our business.
We are exposed to risks related to interna onal expansion of our business outside of the U.S.
Our business may be adversely affected in the event of computer system failures or security breaches.
We or our third-party partners may be adversely affected by earthquakes or other serious natural disasters.
We may incur various costs and expenses and risks related to acquisi on of companies or products or strategic transac ons.
The market price of our common stock is highly vola le.
Future sales and issuances of our common stock could dilute the percentage ownership of our current stockholders and result in a decline in
stock price.
Provisions in our amended and restated cer ficate of incorpora on and by-laws, as well as provisions of Delaware law, could make it more
difficult for a third party to acquire us or increase the cost of acquiring us or could limit our stockholders’ ability to obtain a favorable judicial
forum for disputes with us or our directors, officers or employees.
We face general risks related to our ability to maintain effec ve internal controls over financial repor ng, addi onal tax liabili es related to our
opera ons, our ability to use our net opera ng loss carryforwards, costs of li ga on, stockholder ac vism and increased scru ny regarding our
ESG prac ces and disclosures.
Risks Related to Our Financial Condi on and Capital Requirements
We have a history of opera ng losses and an cipate that we will con nue to incur losses for the foreseeable future.
We are a biopharmaceu cal company with a history of opera ng losses, and an cipate con nuing to incur opera ng losses for the foreseeable future.
Biopharmaceu cal product development is a highly specula ve undertaking and involves a substan al degree of risk. We have devoted substan ally all of our
financial resources to iden fying, acquiring, and developing our products and product candidates, including conduc ng clinical studies, developing
manufacturing processes, manufacturing product candidates for clinical studies, and providing selling, general and administra ve support for these
opera ons. The amount of our future net losses will depend, in part, on non-recurring events, the success of our commercializa on efforts, and the rate of
our future expenditures. We an cipate that our expenses will increase substan ally if and as we:
con nue our research and nonclinical and clinical development of our product candidates;
expand the scope of our current clinical studies for our product candidates;
advance our programs into more expensive clinical studies;
ini ate addi onal nonclinical, clinical, or other studies for our product candidates;
pursue preclinical and clinical development for addi onal indica ons for exis ng products and product candidates;
change or add addi onal manufacturers or suppliers;
expand upon our manufacturing-related facili es and capabili es, par cularly as we con nue to ramp-up opera ons at our GMP gene therapy
manufacturing facility;
seek regulatory and marke ng approvals for our product candidates that successfully complete clinical studies;
con nue to establish Medical Affairs field teams to ini ate relevant disease educa on;
con nue to establish a marke ng and distribu on infrastructure and field force to commercialize our products and any product candidates for
which we may obtain marke ng approval;
con nue to manage our interna onal subsidiaries and establish new ones;
con nue to operate as a public company and comply with legal, accoun ng and other regulatory requirements;
seek to iden fy, assess, license, acquire, and/or develop other product candidates, technologies, and/or businesses;
make milestone or other payments under any license or other agreements;
seek to maintain, protect, and expand our intellectual property por olio;
seek to a ract and retain skilled personnel;
create addi onal infrastructure, including facili es and systems, to support the growth of our opera ons, our product development, and our
commercializa on efforts; and
experience any delays or encounter issues with any of the above, including, but not limited to, failed studies, complex results, safety issues,
inspec on outcomes, or other regulatory challenges that require longer follow-up of exis ng studies, addi onal major studies, or addi onal
suppor ve studies in order to pursue marke ng approval.
The net losses we incur may fluctuate significantly from quarter to quarter and year to year, such that a period-to-period comparison of our results of
opera ons may not be a good indica on of our future performance.
We have limited experience in genera ng revenue from product sales.
Our ability to generate significant revenue from product sales depends on our ability, alone or with strategic collabora on partners, to successfully
commercialize our products and to complete the development of, and obtain the regulatory and marke ng approvals necessary to commercialize, our
product candidates. Our ability to generate substan al future revenue from product sales, including named pa ent sales, depends heavily on our success in
many areas, including, but not limited to:
obtaining regulatory and marke ng approvals with broad indica ons for product candidates for which we complete clinical studies;
developing a sustainable and scalable manufacturing process for our products and any approved product candidates and establishing and
maintaining supply and manufacturing rela onships with third par es that can conduct the processes
and provide adequate (in amount and quality) product supply to support market demand for our products and product candidates, if approved;
launching and commercializing our products and product candidates for which we obtain regulatory and marke ng approval, either directly or
with a collaborator or distributor;
obtaining market acceptance of our products and product candidates as viable treatment op ons;
obtaining adequate market share, reimbursement and pricing for our products and product candidates;
our ability to sell our products and product candidates on a named pa ent basis or through an equivalent mechanism and the amount of
revenue generated from such sales;
our ability to find pa ents so they can be diagnosed and begin receiving treatment;
addressing any compe ng technological and market developments;
nego a ng favorable terms, including commercial rights, in any collabora on, licensing, or other arrangements into which we may enter, any
amendments thereto or extensions thereof;
maintaining, protec ng, and expanding our por olio of intellectual property rights, including patents, trade secrets, and know-how; and
a rac ng, hiring, and retaining qualified personnel.
If the number of our addressable rare disease pa ents is not as significant as we es mate, the indica on approved by regulatory authori es is
narrower than we expect, or the reasonably accepted popula on for treatment is narrowed by compe on, physician choice, or treatment guidelines, or any
other reasons, we may not generate significant revenue from sales of our products, even if they receive regulatory approval.
We may need to raise addi onal capital to fund our ac vi es. Such addi onal financing may not be available on acceptable terms, if at all. Failure to
obtain this necessary capital when needed may force us to delay, limit, or terminate our product development efforts or other ac vi es.
As of December 31, 2023, our available cash, cash equivalents, and marketable debt securi es were $777.1 million. We expect we will need addi onal
capital to con nue to commercialize our products, and to develop and obtain regulatory approval for, and to commercialize, all of our product candidates. In
addi on, our opera ng plans may change as a result of many factors that may currently be unknown to us, and we may need to seek addi onal funds sooner
than planned. Our future funding requirements will depend on many factors, including but not limited to:
the scope, rate of progress, results, and cost of our clinical studies, nonclinical tes ng, and other related ac vi es;
the cost of manufacturing clinical and commercial supplies of our products and product candidates;
the cost of crea ng addi onal infrastructure, including facili es and systems, such as systems in our GMP gene therapy manufacturing facility;
the cost of opera ng and maintaining our gene therapy manufacturing facility;
the number and characteris cs of the product candidates that we pursue;
the cost, ming, and outcomes of regulatory approvals;
the cost and ming of establishing and opera ng our interna onal subsidiaries;
the cost and ming of establishing and opera ng field forces, marke ng, and distribu on capabili es;
the cost and ming of other ac vi es needed to commercialize our products; and
the terms and ming of any collabora ve, licensing, acquisi on, and other arrangements that we may establish, including any required
milestone, royalty, and reimbursements or other payments thereunder.
Any addi onal fundraising efforts may divert our management’s a en on from their day-to-day ac vi es, which can adversely affect our ability to
develop our product candidates and commercialize our products. In addi on, we cannot guarantee that future financing will be available in sufficient
amounts or on terms acceptable to us, if at all, par cularly in light of the current macroeconomic condi ons, including the general economic slowdown and
poten al recessionary environment. The terms of any financing may adversely affect the holdings or the rights of our stockholders and the issuance of
addi onal securi es by us, whether equity or debt, or the possibility of such issuance, may cause the market price of our shares to decline. The sale of
addi onal equity or conver ble securi es would dilute all of our stockholders. If we incur debt, it could result in increased fixed payment obliga ons and we
may be required to agree to certain restric ve covenants, such as limita ons on our ability to incur addi onal debt, limita ons on our ability to acquire, sell,
or license intellectual property rights, and other opera ng restric ons that could adversely impact our ability to conduct our business. We have in the past
sought and may in the future seek funds through a sale of future royalty payments similar to our transac ons with Royalty Pharma and OMERS or through
collabora ve partnerships, strategic alliances, and licensing or other arrangements, such as our transac on with Daiichi Sankyo Co., Ltd., or Daiichi Sankyo,
and we may be required to relinquish rights to some of our technologies or product candidates, future revenue streams, research programs, and other
product candidates or otherwise agree to terms unfavorable to us, any of which may have a material adverse effect on our business, opera ng results, and
prospects. Even if we believe we have sufficient funds for our current or future opera ng plans, we may seek addi onal capital if market condi ons are
favorable or if we have specific strategic considera ons.
In addi on, we may not be able to access a por on of our exis ng cash, cash equivalents and investments due to market condi ons. If banks or
financial ins tu ons enter receivership or become insolvent in the future, similar to what occurred at Silicon Valley Bank in March 2023, or if there is a
concern that they may do so in response to financial condi ons affec ng the banking system and financial markets, our ability to access our exis ng cash,
cash equivalents and investments may be threatened and the value of our investments may be significantly impaired.
If we are unable to access our exis ng cash, cash equivalents and investments and/or are unable to obtain funding on a mely basis, or at all, we may
be required to significantly curtail, delay, or discon nue one or more of our research or development programs or the commercializa on of our products and
any approved product candidates or be unable to expand our opera ons or otherwise capitalize on our business opportuni es, as desired, which could
materially affect our business, financial condi on, and results of opera ons.
Risks Related to the Discovery and Development of Our Product Candidates
Clinical drug development involves a lengthy, complex, and expensive process with uncertain outcomes and the poten al for substan al delays, and the
results of earlier studies may not be predic ve of future study results.
Before obtaining marke ng approval from regulatory authori es for the sale of our product candidates, we must conduct extensive clinical studies to
demonstrate the safety and efficacy of the product candidates in humans. Clinical tes ng is expensive, complex, me consuming, and uncertain as to
outcome. We cannot guarantee that any clinical studies will be conducted as planned or completed on schedule, if at all. We have also had difficul es in
recrui ng clinical site inves gators and clinical staff for our studies, and may con nue to experience such difficul es. Addi onally, a failure of one or more
clinical studies can occur at any stage of tes ng, and our future clinical studies may not be successful. Product candidates that have shown promising results
in early-stage clinical studies may s ll suffer significant setbacks or fail in subsequent clinical studies. The safety or efficacy results generated to date in clinical
studies do not ensure that later clinical studies will demonstrate similar results. Further, we have reported and expect to con nue to report preliminary or
interim data from our clinical trials. Preliminary or interim data from our clinical trials are subject to the risk that one or more of the clinical outcomes may
materially change as pa ent enrollment con nues and/or more pa ent data become available. Such data may show ini al evidence of clinical benefit, but as
pa ents con nue to be assessed and more pa ent data become available, there is a risk that any therapeu c effects are no longer durable in pa ents and/or
decrease over me or cease en rely. As a result, preliminary or interim data should be considered carefully and with cau on un l the final data are available.
Results from inves gator-sponsored studies or compassionate-use studies may not be confirmed in company-sponsored studies or may nega vely impact the
prospects for our programs. Addi onally, given the nature of the rare diseases we are seeking to treat, we o en devise newly-defined endpoints to be tested
in our studies, which can lead to subjec vity in interpre ng study results and could result in regulatory agencies not agreeing with the validity of our
endpoints, or our interpreta on of the clinical data, and therefore delaying or denying approval. Given the illness of the pa ents in our studies and the nature
of their rare diseases, we have also been required to or have chosen to conduct certain studies on an open-label basis. We have in the past, and may in the
future elect to review interim clinical data at mul ple me points during the studies, which could introduce bias into the study results and poten ally result in
denial of approval.
In the biopharmaceu cal industry, there is a high failure rate for drugs and biologics proceeding through clinical studies, and product candidates in
later stages of clinical studies may fail to show the desired safety and efficacy despite having progressed through nonclinical studies and ini al clinical studies.
A number of companies in the biopharmaceu cal industry have suffered significant setbacks in advanced clinical studies due to lack of efficacy or adverse
safety profiles, notwithstanding promising results in earlier studies.
Scenarios that can prevent successful or mely comple on of clinical development include but are not limited to:
delays or failures in genera ng sufficient preclinical, toxicology, or other in vivo or in vitro data to support the ini a on or con nua on of human
clinical studies or filings for regulatory approval;
failure to demonstrate a star ng dose for our product candidates in the clinic that might be reasonably expected to result in a clinical benefit;
delays or failures in developing gene therapy, messenger RNA, or mRNA, DNA, small interfering RNA, or siRNA, or other novel and complex
product candidates, which are expensive and difficult to develop and manufacture;
delays resul ng from a shutdown, or uncertainty surrounding the poten al for future shutdowns of the U.S. government, including the FDA;
delays or failures in reaching a consensus with regulatory agencies on study design;
delays in reaching agreement on acceptable terms with contract research organiza ons, or CROs, clinical study sites, and other clinical trial-
related vendors;
failure or delays in obtaining required regulatory agency approval and/or IRB or EC approval at each clinical study site or in certain countries;
failure to correctly design clinical studies which may result in those studies failing to meet their endpoints or the expecta ons of regulatory
changes in clinical study design or development strategy resul ng in delays related to obtaining approvals from IRBs or ECs and/or regulatory
agencies to proceed with clinical studies;
imposi on of a clinical hold by regulatory agencies a er review of an IND applica on or amendment, another equivalent applica on or
amendment, or an inspec on of our clinical study opera ons or study sites;
delays in recrui ng suitable pa ents to par cipate in our clinical studies;
difficulty collabora ng with pa ent groups and inves gators;
failure by our CROs, other third par es, or us to adhere to clinical study requirements;
failure to perform in accordance with the FDA’s and/or ICH’s good clinical prac ces requirements or applicable regulatory guidelines in other
delays in pa ents’ comple on of studies or their returns for post-treatment follow-up;
pa ents dropping out of a study;
adverse events associated with the product candidate occurring that are viewed to outweigh its poten al benefits;
changes in regulatory requirements and guidance that require amending or submi ng new clinical protocols;
greater than an cipated costs associated with clinical studies of our drug candidates, including as a result of infla on;
clinical studies of our drug candidates producing nega ve or inconclusive results, which may result in us deciding, or regulators requiring us, to
conduct addi onal clinical or nonclinical studies or to abandon drug development programs;
compe ng clinical studies of poten al alterna ve product candidates or inves gator-sponsored studies of our product candidates; and
delays in manufacturing, tes ng, releasing, valida ng, or impor ng/expor ng sufficient stable quan es of our product candidates for use in
clinical studies or the inability to do any of the foregoing.
Any inability to successfully complete nonclinical and clinical development could result in addi onal costs to us or nega vely impact our ability to
generate revenue. In addi on, if we make manufacturing or formula on changes to our product candidates, we may need to conduct addi onal toxicology,
comparability or other studies to bridge our modified product candidates to earlier versions. Clinical study delays could also shorten any periods during which
our products have commercial exclusivity and may allow our compe tors to bring products to market before we do, which could nega vely impact our ability
to obtain orphan exclusivity and to successfully commercialize our product candidates and may harm our business and results of opera ons.
If we do not achieve our projected development goals in the me frames we announce and expect, the commercializa on of our products may be delayed
and the credibility of our management may be adversely affected and, as a result, our stock price may decline.
For planning purposes, we es mate the ming of the accomplishment of various scien fic, clinical, regulatory, and other product development goals,
which we some mes refer to as milestones. These milestones may include the commencement or comple on of scien fic studies and clinical trials, the
ming of pa ent dosing, the ming, type or clarity of data from clinical trials, the submission or acceptance of regulatory filings, and the poten al approval of
such regulatory filings. We periodically make public announcements about the expected ming of some of these milestones. All of these milestones are based
on a variety of assump ons, but the actual ming of these milestones can vary drama cally from our es mates. If we do not meet these publicly announced
milestones, the commercializa on of our products may be delayed and the credibility of our management may be adversely affected and, as a result, our
stock price may decline.
We may find it difficult to iden fy and enroll pa ents in our clinical studies due to a variety of factors, including the limited number of pa ents who have
the diseases for which our product candidates are being studied and other unforeseen events. Difficulty in enrolling pa ents could delay or prevent clinical
studies of our product candidates.
Iden fying and qualifying pa ents to par cipate in clinical studies of our product candidates is cri cal to our success. The ming of our clinical studies
depends in part on the speed at which we can recruit pa ents to par cipate in tes ng our product candidates, and we may experience delays in our clinical
studies if we encounter difficul es in enrollment.
Each of the condi ons for which we plan to evaluate our current product candidates is a rare gene c disease. Accordingly, there are limited pa ent
pools from which to draw for clinical studies. For example, we es mate that approximately 6,000 pa ents worldwide suffer from GSDIa, for which DTX401 is
being studied, and these all may not be treatable if they are immune to the AAV viral vector.
In addi on to the rarity of these diseases, the eligibility criteria of our clinical studies will further limit the pool of available study par cipants as we will
require pa ents to have specific characteris cs that we can measure or to assure their disease is either severe enough or not too advanced to include them in
a study. The process of finding and diagnosing pa ents is costly and me-consuming, especially since the rare diseases we are studying are commonly
underdiagnosed. We also may not be able to iden fy, recruit, and enroll a sufficient number of appropriate pa ents to complete our clinical studies because
of demographic criteria for prospec ve pa ents, the perceived risks and benefits of the product candidate under study, the proximity and availability of
clinical study sites for prospec ve pa ents, and the pa ent referral prac ces of physicians. The availability and efficacy of compe ng therapies and clinical
studies can also adversely impact enrollment. If pa ents are unwilling to par cipate in our studies for any reason (such as drug-related side effects), the
meline for and our success in recrui ng pa ents, conduc ng studies, and obtaining regulatory approval of poten al products may be delayed or impaired,
the commercial prospects of our product candidates will be harmed, and our ability to generate product sales from any of these product candidates could be
delayed or prevented. Delays in comple ng our clinical studies will increase our costs, slow down our product candidate development and approval process,
and jeopardize our ability to commence product sales and generate revenue.
The regulatory approval processes of the FDA and comparable foreign authori es are lengthy, me consuming, and inherently unpredictable. Even if we
achieve posi ve results in our pre-clinical and clinical studies, if we are ul mately unable to obtain mely regulatory approval for our product candidates,
our business will be substan ally harmed.
Our future success is dependent on our ability to successfully commercialize our products and develop, obtain regulatory approval for, and then
successfully commercialize one or more product candidates. We are not permi ed to market or promote any of our product candidates before we receive
regulatory approval from the FDA or comparable foreign regulatory authori es. We have only obtained regulatory approval for three products that we have
developed, and it is possible that none of our exis ng product candidates or any product candidates we may seek to develop in the future will ever obtain
regulatory approval. Further, as the clinical trial requirements of regulatory authori es and the criteria these regulators use to determine the safety and
efficacy of a product candidate vary substan ally according to the type, complexity, novelty and intended use and market of the product candidates, the
regulatory approval process for novel product candidates, such as our gene therapy product candidates, can be more expensive and take longer than for
other product candidates, leading to fewer product approvals. To date, very few gene therapy products have received regulatory approval in the U.S. or
Europe. The regulatory framework and oversight over development of gene therapy products has evolved and may con nue to evolve in the future. Within
the FDA, the Center for Biologics Evalua on and Research, or CBER, regulates gene therapy products. Within the CBER, the review of gene therapy and related
products is consolidated in the Office of Cellular, Tissue and Gene Therapies, and the FDA has established the Cellular, Tissue and Gene Therapies Advisory
Commi ee to advise CBER on its reviews. The CBER works closely with the Na onal Ins tutes of Health, or NIH. The FDA and the NIH have published guidance
with respect to the development and submission of gene therapy protocols. For example, in January 2020, the FDA issued final guidance to set forth the
framework for the development, review and approval of gene therapies. The final guidance pertains to the development of gene therapies for the treatment
of specific disease categories, including rare diseases, and to manufacturing and long-term follow up issues relevant to gene therapy, among other topics. At
the same me the FDA issued guidance describing the FDA’s approach for determining whether two gene therapy products were the same or different for the
purpose of assessing orphan drug exclusivity. Within the European Medicines Agency, or EMA, special rules apply to gene therapy and related products as
they are considered advanced therapy medicinal products, or ATMPs. Pursuant to the ATMP Regula on, the Commi ee on Advanced Therapies, or CAT, is
responsible in conjunc on with the Commi ee for Medicinal Products for Human Use, or CHMP, for the evalua on of ATMPs. The CHMP and CAT are also
responsible for providing guidelines on ATMPs. These guidelines provide addi onal guidance on the factors that the EMA will consider in rela on to the
development and evalua on of ATMPs and include, among other things, the preclinical studies required to characterize ATMPs. The manufacturing and
control informa on that should be submi ed in a MAA; and post-approval measures required to monitor pa ents and evaluate the long-term efficacy and
poten al adverse reac ons of ATMPs. Although such guidelines are not legally binding, compliance with them is o en necessary to gain and maintain
approval for product candidates. In addi on to the mandatory risk-management plan, or RMP, the holder of a marke ng authoriza on for an ATMP must put
in place and maintain a system to ensure that each individual product and its star ng and raw materials, including all substances coming into contact with the
cells or ssues it may contain, can be traced through the sourcing, manufacturing, packaging, storage, transport, and delivery to the relevant healthcare
ins tu on where the product is used.
To obtain regulatory approval in the U.S. and other jurisdic ons, we must comply with numerous and varying requirements regarding safety, efficacy,
chemistry, manufacturing and controls, clinical studies (including good clinical prac ces), commercial sales, pricing, and distribu on of our product
candidates, as described above in “Item 1. Business – Government Regula on”. Even if we are successful in obtaining approval in one jurisdic on, we cannot
ensure that we will obtain approval in any other jurisdic ons. In addi on, approval policies, regula ons, posi ons of the regulatory agencies on study design
and/or endpoints, or the type and amount of clinical data necessary to gain approval may change during the course of a product candidate’s clinical
development, which may cause delays in the approval or the decision not to approve an applica on. Communica ons with the regulatory agencies during the
approval process are also unpredictable; favorable communica ons early in the process do not ensure that approval will be obtained and unfavorable
communica ons early on do not guarantee that approval will be denied. Applica ons for our product candidates could fail to receive regulatory approval, or
could be delayed in receiving regulatory approval, for many reasons, including but not limited to the following:
regulatory authori es may disagree with the design, implementa on, or conduct of our clinical studies;
regulatory authori es may change their guidance or requirements for a development program for a product candidate;
the popula on studied in the clinical program may not be sufficiently broad or representa ve to assure efficacy and safety in the full popula on
for which we seek approval;
regulatory authori es may disagree with our interpreta on of data from nonclinical studies or clinical studies;
the data collected from clinical studies of our product candidates may not be sufficient to support the submission of an NDA, or biologics license
applica on, or BLA, or other submission or to obtain regulatory approval;
we may be unable to demonstrate to regulatory authori es that a product candidate’s risk-benefit ra o for its proposed indica on is acceptable;
regulatory authori es may fail to approve the manufacturing processes, test procedures and specifica ons, or facili es used to manufacture our
clinical and commercial supplies;
the U.S. government may be shut down, which could delay the FDA;
the FDA may be delayed in responding to our applica ons or submissions due to compe ng priori es or limited resources, including as a result of
the lack of FDA funding or personnel;
failure of our nonclinical or clinical development to comply with an agreed upon Pediatric Inves ga onal Plan, or PIP, which details the designs
and comple on melines for nonclinical and clinical studies and is a condi on of marke ng authoriza on in the EU; and
the approval policies or regula ons of regulatory authori es may significantly change in a manner rendering our clinical data insufficient for
Furthermore, the disease states we are evalua ng o en do not have clear regulatory paths for approval and/or do not have validated outcome
measures. In these circumstances, we work closely with the regulatory authori es to define the approval path and may have to qualify outcome measures as
part of our development programs. Addi onally, many of the disease states we are targe ng are highly heterogeneous in nature, which may impact our ability
to determine the treatment benefit of our poten al therapies.
This lengthy and uncertain approval process, as well as the unpredictability of the clinical and nonclinical studies, may result in our failure to obtain
regulatory approval to market any of our product candidates, or delayed regulatory approval.
Fast Track, Breakthrough Therapy, Priority Review, or Regenera ve Medicine Advanced Therapy, or RMAT, designa ons by the FDA, or access to the
Priority Medicine scheme, or PRIME, by the EMA, for our product candidates, if granted, may not lead to faster development or regulatory review or
approval process, and it does not increase the likelihood that our product candidates will receive marke ng approval.
As described in “Item 1. Business – Government Regula on”, we seek Fast Track, Breakthrough Therapy designa on, RMAT designa on, PRIME scheme
access or Priority Review designa on for our product candidates if supported by the results of clinical trials. Designa on as a Fast Track product, Breakthrough
Therapy, RMAT, PRIME, or Priority Review product is within the discre on of the relevant regulatory agency. Accordingly, even if we believe one of our
product candidates meets the criteria for designa on as a Fast Track product, Breakthrough Therapy, RMAT, PRIME, or Priority Review product, the agency
may disagree and instead determine not to make such designa on. The receipt of such a designa on for a product candidate also may not result in a faster
development process, review or approval compared to drugs considered for approval under conven onal regulatory procedures and does not assure that the
product will ul mately be approved by the regulatory authority. In addi on, regarding Fast Track products and Breakthrough Therapies, the FDA may later
decide that the products no longer meet the condi ons for qualifica on as either a Fast Track product, RMAT, or a Breakthrough Therapy or, for Priority
Review products, decide that period for FDA review or approval will not be shortened. Furthermore, with respect to PRIME designa on by the EMA, PRIME
eligibility does not change the standards for product approval, and there is no assurance that any such designa on or eligibility will result in expedited review
or approval.
The FDA Rare Pediatric Disease Priority Review Voucher Program, or PRV Voucher Program, awards Priority Review Vouchers, or PRVs, to sponsors of
rare pediatric product applica ons that meet certain criteria. Under the program, a company that receives an approval for a product for a rare pediatric
disease (as determined by the applicable regula ons) may qualify for a PRV that can be redeemed to receive Priority Review of a subsequent marke ng
applica on for a different product. PRVs may also be sold by the company to third par es. We received PRVs under the PRV Voucher Program in connec on
with the approval of Mepsevii and Crysvita in 2018 and subsequently sold these two PRVs to third par es for an average amount of $105.3 million for each
PRV. The current PRV Voucher Program is scheduled to sunset such that the FDA may only award a PRV for a product applica on if a company receives the
rare pediatric disease designa on from the FDA for the product candidate by September 30, 2024, and the FDA will cease awarding PRVs a er September 30,
2026. Extension of the current PRV Voucher Program is subject to approval by Congress and it is currently uncertain whether the program will be extended. If
our qualifying product candidates are approved by the FDA a er the current approval deadlines, we will not be eligible to receive addi onal PRVs for our
product candidates and accordingly, we would be unable to use such PRV for Priority Review for another one of our programs or to sell such PRV, which sale
has the poten al to generate significant proceeds.
Our product candidates may cause undesirable side effects or have other proper es that could delay or prevent their regulatory approval, limit the
commercial profile of an approved label, or result in significant nega ve consequences following marke ng approval, if any.
Undesirable side effects caused by our product candidates could cause us or regulatory authori es to interrupt, delay, or halt clinical studies or further
development, and could result in a more restric ve label, the delay or denial of regulatory approval by the FDA or other comparable foreign authori es, or a
Risk Evalua on and Mi ga on Strategy, or REMS, plan, which could include a medica on guide outlining the risks of such side effects for distribu on to
pa ents, restricted distribu on, a communica on plan for healthcare providers, and/or other elements to assure safe use. Our product candidates are in
development and the safety profile has not been established. Further, as one of the goals of Phase 1 and/or 2 clinical trials is to iden fy the highest dose of
treatment that can be safely provided to study par cipants, adverse side effects, including serious adverse effects, have occurred in certain studies as a result
of changes to the dosing regimen during such studies and may occur in future studies. Results of our studies or inves gator-sponsored trials could reveal a
high and unacceptable severity and prevalence of these or other side effects. In such an event, our studies could be suspended or terminated, and the FDA or
comparable foreign regulatory authori es could order us to cease further development of or deny or withdraw approval of our product candidates for any or
all targeted indica ons.
Addi onally, notwithstanding our prior or future regulatory approvals for our product candidates, if we or others later iden fy undesirable side effects
caused by such products, a number of poten ally significant nega ve consequences could result, including but not limited to:
regulatory authori es may withdraw approvals of such product;
regulatory authori es may require addi onal warnings on the product’s label or restrict the product’s approved use;
we may be required to create a REMS plan;
pa ents and physicians may elect not to use our products, or reimbursement authori es may elect not to reimburse for them; and
our reputa on may suffer.
Any of these events could prevent us from achieving or maintaining market acceptance of the par cular product candidate, if approved.
Serious adverse events in clinical trials involving gene therapy product candidates may damage public percep on of the safety of our product candidates,
increase government regula on, and adversely affect our ability to obtain regulatory approvals for our product candidates or conduct our business.
Gene therapy remains a novel technology. Public percep on may be influenced by claims that gene therapy is unsafe, and gene therapy may not gain
the acceptance of the public or the medical community. For example, certain gene therapy trials using AAV8 vectors (although at significantly higher doses
than those used in our gene therapy product candidates) and other vectors led to several well-publicized adverse events, including cases of leukemia and
death. The risk of cancer or death remains a concern for gene therapy and we cannot assure you that it will not occur in any of our planned or future clinical
studies. In addi on, there is the poten al risk of delayed adverse events following exposure to gene therapy products due to persistent biological ac vity of
the gene c material or other components of products used to carry the gene c material. Serious adverse events in our clinical trials, or other clinical trials
involving gene therapy products, par cularly AAV gene therapy products such as candidates based on the same capsid serotypes as our product candidates,
or occurring during use of our compe tors’ products, even if not ul mately a ributable to the relevant product candidates, and the resul ng publicity, could
result in increased government regula on, unfavorable public percep on, poten al regulatory delays in the tes ng or approval of our gene therapy product
candidates, stricter labeling requirements for those gene therapy product candidates that are approved and a decrease in demand for any such gene therapy
product candidates.
Gene therapy and mRNA, DNA and siRNA product candidates are novel, complex, expensive and difficult to manufacture. We could experience
manufacturing problems that result in delays in developing and commercializing these programs or otherwise harm our business.
The manufacturing process used to produce our gene therapy, mRNA, DNA and siRNA product candidates is novel, complex, and has not been
validated for commercial use. Several factors could cause produc on interrup ons, including equipment malfunc ons, malfunc ons of internal informa on
technology systems, regulatory inspec ons, facility contamina on, raw material shortages or contamina on, natural disasters, geopoli cal instability,
disrup on in u lity services, human error or disrup ons in the opera ons of our suppliers. Further, given that cGMP gene therapy, mRNA, DNA and siRNA
manufacturing is a nascent industry, there are a small number of CMOs with the experience necessary to manufacture our gene therapy product candidates
and we may
have difficulty finding or maintaining rela onships with such CMOs or hiring experts for internal manufacturing and accordingly, our produc on capacity may
be limited.
Our gene therapy, mRNA, DNA and siRNA product candidates require processing steps that are more complex than those required for most small
molecule drugs. Moreover, unlike small molecules, the physical and chemical proper es of a biologic such as gene therapy, mRNA, DNA and siRNA product
candidates generally cannot be fully characterized. As a result, assays of the finished product candidate may not be sufficient to ensure that the product
candidate is consistent from lot to lot or will perform in the intended manner. Accordingly, we employ mul ple steps to control the manufacturing process to
assure that the process works reproducibly, and the product candidate is made strictly and consistently in compliance with the process. Problems with the
manufacturing process, even minor devia ons from the normal process, could result in product defects or manufacturing failures that result in lot failures,
noncompliance with regulatory requirements, product recalls, product liability claims or insufficient inventory. We may encounter problems achieving
adequate quan es and quality of clinical-grade materials that meet FDA, the EMA or other applicable standards or specifica ons with consistent and
acceptable produc on yields and costs.
In addi on, FDA, the EMA and other foreign regulatory authori es may require us to submit samples of any lot of any approved product together with
the protocols showing the results of applicable tests at any me. Under some circumstances, FDA, the EMA or other foreign regulatory authori es may
require that we not distribute a lot un l the agency authorizes its release. Slight devia ons in the manufacturing process, including those affec ng quality
a ributes and stability, may result in unacceptable changes in the product that could result in lot failures or product recalls. Lot failures or product recalls
could cause us to delay product launches or clinical trials, which could be costly to us and otherwise harm our business, financial condi on, results of
opera ons and prospects.
Even if we obtain regulatory approval for our product candidates, our products remain subject to regulatory scru ny.
Our products and any product candidates that are approved in the future remain subject to ongoing regulatory requirements for manufacturing,
labeling, packaging, storage, distribu on, adver sing, promo on, sampling, record-keeping, conduct of post-marke ng studies, and submission of safety,
efficacy, and other post-market informa on, including both federal and state requirements in the U.S. and requirements of comparable foreign regulatory
authori es, as described above in “Item 1. Business – Government Regula on.”
Manufacturers and manufacturers’ facili es are required to comply with extensive FDA, and comparable foreign regulatory authority, requirements,
including ensuring that quality control and manufacturing procedures conform to Good Manufacturing Prac ces, or GMP, regula ons. As such, we and our
contract manufacturers are subject to con nual review and inspec on to assess compliance with GMP and adherence to commitments made in any NDA,
BLA, MAA, or other comparable applica on for approval in another jurisdic on. Although we are not involved in the day-to-day opera ons of our contract
manufacturers, we are ul mately responsible for ensuring that our products are manufactured in accordance with GMP regula ons. Regulatory authori es
may, at any me, audit or inspect a manufacturing facility involved with the prepara on of our products, product candidates or the associated quality systems
for compliance with the regula ons applicable to the ac vi es being conducted. Due to the complexity of the processes used to manufacture our products
and product candidates, we or any of our collaborators or contract manufacturers may be unable to comply with GMP regula ons in a cost-effec ve manner
and may be unable to ini ally or con nue to pass a federal, na onal or interna onal regulatory inspec on. If we, our collaborators, such as KKC or Regeneron,
or any of our third-party manufacturers fail to maintain regulatory compliance, the FDA or other applicable regulatory authority can impose regulatory
sanc ons including, among other things, warning or un tled le ers, fines, unan cipated compliance expenses, the temporary or permanent suspension of a
clinical study or commercial sales, recalls or seizures of product or the temporary or permanent closure of a facility or withdrawal of product approval,
enforcement ac ons and criminal or civil prosecu on. If supply from one approved manufacturer is interrupted due to failure to maintain regulatory
compliance, an alterna ve manufacturer would need to be qualified through an NDA or BLA supplement or MAA varia on, or equivalent foreign regulatory
filing, which could result in delays in product supply. The regulatory agencies may also require addi onal studies if a new manufacturer, material, tes ng
method or standard is relied upon for commercial produc on. Switching manufacturers, materials, test methods or standards may involve substan al costs
and may result in a delay in our desired clinical and commercial melines. Accordingly, we and others with whom we work are required con nue to expend
me, money, and effort in all areas of regulatory compliance, including manufacturing, produc on, and quality control.
Any regulatory approvals that we receive for our product candidates may be subject to limita ons on the approved indicated uses for which the
product may be marketed or other condi ons of approval, or contain requirements for poten ally costly post-marke ng tes ng, including Phase 4 clinical
studies, and surveillance to monitor the safety and efficacy of the product candidate. We could also be asked to conduct post-marke ng clinical studies to
verify the safety and efficacy of our products in general or in specific pa ent subsets. If original marke ng approval was obtained via the accelerated approval
or condi onal marke ng authoriza on pathways, we would be required to conduct a successful post-marke ng clinical study to confirm clinical benefit for
our products. An unsuccessful post-marke ng study or failure to complete such a study could result in the withdrawal of marke ng approval. We will be
required to report certain adverse events and manufacturing problems, if any, to the FDA and comparable foreign regulatory authori es. The holder of an
approved NDA, BLA, MAA, or other comparable applica on must submit new or supplemental applica ons and obtain approval for certain changes to the
approved product, product labeling, or manufacturing process.
If we fail to comply with applicable regulatory requirements, or there are safety or efficacy problems with a product, a regulatory agency or
enforcement authority may, among other things:
issue warning or no ce of viola on le ers;
impose civil or criminal penal es;
suspend or withdraw regulatory approval;
suspend any of our ongoing clinical studies;
refuse to approve pending applica ons or supplements to approved applica ons submi ed by us;
impose restric ons on our opera ons, including closing our contract manufacturers’ facili es;
seize or detain products, or require a product recall; or
require entry into a consent decree.
Any government inves ga on of alleged viola ons of law could require us to expend significant me and resources in response, and could generate
nega ve publicity. Any failure to comply with ongoing regulatory requirements may significantly and adversely affect our ability to commercialize and
generate revenue from our products. If regulatory sanc ons are applied or if regulatory approval is withdrawn, the value of our company and our opera ng
results will be adversely affected.
Product liability lawsuits against us could cause us to incur substan al liabili es and could limit commercializa on of our approved products or product
We face an inherent risk of product liability exposure related to the tes ng of our approved products and product candidates in human clinical trials,
as well as in connec on with commercializa on of our current and future products. If we cannot successfully defend ourselves against claims that any of our
approved products or product candidates caused injuries, we could incur substan al liabili es. There can be no assurance that our product liability insurance,
which provides coverage in the amount of $15.0 million in the aggregate, will be sufficient in light of our current or planned clinical programs. We may not be
able to maintain insurance coverage at a reasonable cost or in sufficient amounts to protect us against losses due to liability, or losses may exceed the amount
of insurance that we carry. A product liability claim or series of claims brought against us could cause our stock price to decline and, if judgments exceed our
insurance coverage, could adversely affect our results of opera ons and business. In addi on, regardless of merit or eventual outcome, product liability claims
may result in impairment of our business reputa on, withdrawal of clinical study par cipants, costs due to related li ga on, distrac on of management’s
a en on from our primary business, ini a on of inves ga ons by regulators, substan al monetary awards to pa ents or other claimants, the inability to
commercialize our product candidates, and decreased demand for our product candidates, if approved for commercial sale.
If we are unable to iden fy, source, and develop effec ve biomarkers, or our collaborators are unable to successfully develop and commercialize
companion diagnos cs for our product candidates, or experience significant delays in doing so, we may not realize the full commercial poten al of our
product candidates.
We are developing companion diagnos c tests to iden fy the right pa ents for certain of our product candidates and to monitor response to
treatment. In certain cases, diagnos c tests may need to be developed as companion diagnos cs and regulatory approval obtained in order to commercialize
some product candidates. We currently use and expect to con nue to use biomarkers to iden fy the right pa ents for certain of our product candidates. We
may also need to develop predic ve biomarkers in the future. We can offer no assurances that any current or future poten al biomarker will in fact prove
predic ve, be reliably measured, or be accepted as a measure of efficacy by the FDA or other regulatory authori es. In addi on, our success may depend, in
part, on the development and commercializa on of companion diagnos cs. We also expect the FDA will require the development
and regulatory approval of a companion diagnos c assay as a condi on to approval of our gene therapy product candidates. There has been limited success
to date industrywide in developing and commercializing these types of companion diagnos cs. Development and manufacturing of companion diagnos cs is
complex and there are limited manufacturers with the necessary exper se and capability. Even if we are able to successfully develop companion diagnos cs,
we may not be able to manufacture the companion diagnos cs at a cost or in quan es or on melines necessary for use with our product candidates. To be
successful, we need to address a number of scien fic, technical and logis cal challenges. We are currently working with a third party to develop companion
diagnos cs; however, we have li le experience in the development and commercializa on of diagnos cs and may not ul mately be successful in developing
and commercializing appropriate diagnos cs to pair with any of our product candidates that receive marke ng approval. We rely on third par es for the
automa on, characteriza on and valida on, of our bioanaly cal assays, companion diagnos cs and the manufacture of its cri cal reagents.
Companion diagnos cs are subject to regula on by the FDA and similar regulatory authori es outside the U.S. as medical devices and require
regulatory clearance or approval prior to commercializa on. In the U.S., companion diagnos cs are cleared or approved through FDA’s 510(k) premarket
no fica on or premarket approval, or PMA, process. Changes in marke ng approval policies during the development period, changes in or the enactment of
addi onal statutes or regula ons, or changes in regulatory review for each submi ed 510(k) premarket no fica on, PMA or equivalent applica on types in
jurisdic ons outside the U.S., may cause delays in the approval, clearance or rejec on of an applica on. Given our limited experience in developing and
commercializing diagnos cs, we expect to rely in part or in whole on third par es for companion diagnos c design and commercializa on. We and our
collaborators may encounter difficul es in developing and obtaining approval or clearance for the companion diagnos cs, including issues rela ng to
selec vity/specificity, analy cal valida on, reproducibility, or clinical valida on. Any delay or failure by us or our collaborators to develop or obtain regulatory
approval of the companion diagnos cs could delay or prevent approval of our product candidates.
Risks Related to our Reliance on Third Par es
We rely on third par es to conduct our nonclinical and clinical studies and perform other tasks for us. If these third par es do not successfully carry out
their contractual du es, meet expected deadlines, or comply with regulatory requirements, we may be exposed to sub-op mal quality and reputa onal
harm, we may not be able to obtain regulatory approval for or commercialize our product candidates, and our business could be substan ally harmed.
We have relied upon and plan to con nue to rely upon third par es, including CROs, collabora ve partners, and independent inves gators to analyze,
collect, monitor, and manage data for our ongoing nonclinical and clinical programs. We rely on third par es for execu on of our nonclinical and clinical
studies, and for es mates regarding costs and efforts completed, and we control only certain aspects of their ac vi es. We and our CROs and other vendors
and partners are required to comply with GMP, GCP, and GLP, which are regula ons and guidelines enforced by the FDA, the Competent Authori es of the
Member States of the European Economic Area, and comparable foreign regulatory authori es for all of our product candidates in development. Regulatory
authori es enforce these regula ons through periodic inspec ons of study sponsors, principal inves gators, study sites, and other contractors. If we or any of
our CROs or other vendors and partners, including the sites at which clinical studies are conducted, fail to comply with applicable regula ons, the data
generated in our nonclinical and clinical studies may be deemed unreliable and the FDA, EMA, or comparable foreign regulatory authori es may deny
approval and/or require us to perform addi onal nonclinical and clinical studies before approving our marke ng applica ons, which would delay the approval
process. We cannot make assurances that upon inspec on by a given regulatory authority, such regulatory authority will determine that any of our clinical
studies comply with GCP regula ons or that nonclinical studies comply with GLP regula ons. In addi on, our clinical studies must be conducted with products
produced under GMP regula ons. If the regulatory authori es determine that we have failed to comply with GLP, GMP, or GCP regula ons, they may deny
approval of our product candidates and/or we may be required to repeat clinical or nonclinical studies, which would delay the regulatory approval process.
Our CROs and other vendors and partners are not our employees and we cannot control whether or not they devote sufficient me and resources to
our on-going nonclinical and clinical programs, except for the limited remedies available to us under our agreements with such third par es. If our vendors
and partners do not successfully carry out their contractual du es or obliga ons or meet expected deadlines, if they need to be replaced, or if the quality or
accuracy of the data they obtain is compromised due to the failure to adhere to our protocols, regulatory requirements, or for other reasons, our clinical
studies may be extended, delayed, or terminated, and we may not be able to obtain regulatory approval for or successfully commercialize our product
candidates. CROs and other vendors and partners have also generated higher costs than an cipated as a result of changes in scope of work or otherwise. As a
result, the commercial prospects for our product candidates could be harmed, our costs could increase, and our ability to generate revenue could be delayed.
If any of our rela onships with these third par es terminate, we may not be able to enter into arrangements with alterna ve vendors or do so on
commercially reasonable terms. Switching or adding addi onal vendors involves addi onal cost and requires management me and focus. In addi on, there
is a natural transi on period when a new vendor commences work. As a result, delays may occur, which can materially impact our ability to meet our desired
clinical development melines. Our efforts to manage our rela onships with our vendors and partners can provide no assurance that we will not encounter
similar challenges or delays in the future or that these delays or challenges will not have a material adverse impact on our business, financial condi on, and
business prospects.
We also rely on third par es in other ways, including efforts to support pa ent diagnosis and iden fy pa ents, to assist our finance and legal
departments, and to provide other resources for our business. Use of these third par es could expose us to sub-op mal quality, missed deadlines, and non-
compliance with applicable laws, all of which could result in reputa onal harm to us and nega vely affect our business.
We are dependent on KKC for the clinical and commercial supply of Crysvita for all major markets and for the development and commercializa on of
Crysvita in certain major markets, and KKC’s failure to provide an adequate supply of Crysvita or to commercialize Crysvita in those markets could result in
a material adverse effect on our business and opera ng results.
Under our agreement with KKC, KKC has the sole right to commercialize Crysvita in Europe and, at certain specified mes, in the U.S., Canada, and
Turkey, subject to certain rights retained. Our partnership with KKC may not be successful, and we may not realize the expected benefits from such
partnership, due to a number of important factors, including but not limited to the following:
KKC has no obliga on under our agreement to use diligent efforts to commercialize Crysvita in Europe. The ming and amount of any royalty
payments that are made by KKC based on sales of Crysvita in Europe will depend on, among other things, the efforts, alloca on of resources, and
successful commercializa on of Crysvita by KKC in Europe;
the ming and amount of any payments we may receive under our agreement with KKC will depend on, among other things, the efforts,
alloca on of resources, and successful commercializa on of Crysvita by KKC in the U.S. and Canada under our agreement;
KKC may change the focus of its commercializa on efforts or pursue higher priority programs;
KKC may make decisions regarding the indica ons for our product candidates in countries where it has the sole right to commercialize the
product candidates that limit commercializa on efforts in those countries or in countries where we have the right to commercialize our product
KKC may make decisions regarding market access and pricing in countries where it has the sole right to commercialize our product candidates
which can nega vely impact our commercializa on efforts in countries where we have the right to commercialize our product candidates;
KKC may fail to manufacture or supply sufficient drug product of Crysvita in compliance with applicable laws and regula ons or otherwise for our
development and clinical use or commercial use, which could result in program delays or lost revenue;
KKC may elect to develop and commercialize Crysvita indica ons with a larger market than XLH and at a lower price, thereby reducing the profit
margin on sales of Crysvita for any orphan indica ons, including XLH;
if KKC were to breach or terminate the agreement with us, we would no longer have any rights to develop or commercialize Crysvita or such
rights would be limited to non-terminated countries;
KKC may terminate its agreement with us, adversely affec ng our poten al revenue from licensed products; and
the ming and amounts of expense reimbursement that we may receive are uncertain, and the total expenses for which we are obligated to
reimburse KKC may be greater than an cipated.
We rely on third par es to manufacture our products and our product candidates and we are subject to a mul tude of manufacturing risks, any of which
could substan ally increase our costs and limit the supply of our product and product candidates.
As we currently lack the resources and the full capability to manufacture all of our products and product candidates on a clinical or commercial scale,
we rely on third par es to manufacture our products and product candidates. Although we oversee the contract manufacturers, we cannot control the
manufacturing process of, and are substan ally dependent on, our contract manufacturing partners for compliance with the regulatory requirements. See “-
Even if we obtain regulatory approval for our product candidates, our products remain subject to regulatory scru ny” risk factor above. Further, we depend on
our manufacturers
to purchase from third-party suppliers the materials necessary to produce our products and product candidates. There are a limited number of suppliers for
raw materials that we use to manufacture our drugs, placebos, or ac ve controls, and there may be a need to iden fy alternate suppliers to prevent or
mi gate a possible disrup on of the manufacture of the materials necessary to produce our products and product candidates for our clinical studies, and, if
approved, ul mately for commercial sale. We also do not have any control over the process or ming of the acquisi on of these raw materials by our
manufacturers. We may also experience interrup ons in supply of product if the product or raw material components fail to meet our quality control
standards or the quality control standards of our suppliers.
Further, manufacturers that produce our products and product candidates may not have experience producing our products and product candidates at
commercial levels and may not produce our products and product candidates at the cost, quality, quan es, loca ons, and ming needed to support
profitable commercializa on. We have not yet secured manufacturing capabili es for commercial quan es of all of our product candidates and may be
unable to nego ate binding agreements with manufacturers to support our commercializa on ac vi es on commercially reasonable terms. Even if our third-
party product manufacturers develop acceptable manufacturing processes that provide the necessary quan es of our products and product candidates in a
compliant and mely manner, the cost to us for the supply of our products and product candidates manufactured by such third par es may be high and could
limit our profitability. For instance, KKC is our sole supplier of commercial quan es of Crysvita. The supply price to us for commercial sales of Crysvita in La n
America and the transfer price for commercial sales of the product in the U.S. and Canada was 35% of net sales through December 31, 2022 and 30%
therea er, which is higher than the typical cost of sales for companies focused on rare diseases.
The process of manufacturing our products and product candidates is complex, highly regulated, and subject to several risks, including but not limited
to those listed below.
The process of manufacturing our products and product candidates is extremely suscep ble to product loss due to contamina on, equipment
failure or improper installa on or opera on of equipment, or vendor or operator error. Even minor devia ons from normal manufacturing
processes for our products and any of our product candidates could result in reduced produc on yields, product defects, and other supply
disrup ons. If microbial, viral, or other contamina ons are discovered in our products and product candidates or in the manufacturing facili es in
which our products and product candidates are made, such manufacturing facili es may need to be closed for an extended period of me to
inves gate and remedy the contamina on.
The manufacturing facili es in which our products and product candidates are made could be adversely affected by equipment failures, labor
shortages, raw material shortages, natural disasters, power failures, actual or threatened public health emergencies, and numerous other factors.
Any adverse developments affec ng manufacturing opera ons for our products and product candidates may result in shipment delays, inventory
shortages, lot failures, withdrawals or recalls, or other interrup ons in the supply of our products and product candidates. Due to their stage of development,
small volume requirements, and infrequency of batch produc on runs, we carry limited amounts of safety stock for our products and product candidates. We
have, and may in the future, be required to take inventory write-offs and incur other charges and expenses for products and product candidates that fail to
meet specifica ons, undertake costly remedia on efforts, or seek more costly manufacturing alterna ves.
The drug substance and drug product for our products and most of our product candidates are currently acquired from single-source suppliers. The loss of
these suppliers, or their failure to supply us with the necessary drug substance or drug product, could materially and adversely affect our business.
We acquire most of the drug substances and drug products for our products and product candidates from single sources. If any single source supplier
breaches an agreement with us, or terminates the agreement in response to an alleged breach by us or otherwise becomes unable or unwilling to fulfill its
supply obliga ons, we would not be able to manufacture and distribute the product or product candidate un l a qualified alterna ve supplier is iden fied,
which could significantly impair our ability to commercialize such product or delay the development of such product candidate. For example, the drug
substance and drug product for Crysvita and Evkeeza are made, respec vely, by KKC pursuant to a license and collabora on agreement and Regeneron
pursuant to a supply agreement. The drug substance and drug product for Mepsevii are currently manufactured by Rentschler under a commercial supply and
services agreement, accompanying purchase orders, and other agreements. Pharmaceu cal-grade drug substance for Dojolvi is manufactured by IOI Oleo
pursuant to a supply agreement, and the drug product for Dojolvi is prepared by Haupt Pharma AG, pursuant to a master services agreement. Single source
suppliers are also used for our gene therapy programs. Haupt Pharma closed its Wolfrathshausen, Germany site, which produces the Dojolvi drug product, at
the end of 2023. As such, we are in the process of qualifying and conduc ng transfer ac vi es to an alterna ve supplier. We cannot provide assurances that
qualifying alternate sources, if available at all, for the Dojolvi drug product or for any of our other drug substances and drug products, and establishing
rela onships with such sources would not result in significant expense, supply disrup ons or delay in the commercializa on of our products or the
development of our product candidates. Addi onally, we may not be able to enter into supply arrangements with an alterna ve supplier on commercially
reasonable terms or at all. The terms of any new agreement may also be less favorable or more costly than the terms we have with our current supplier. A
delay in the commercializa on of our products or the development of our product candidates or having to enter into a new agreement with a different third-
party on less favorable terms than we have with our current suppliers could have a material adverse impact upon on our business.
The ac ons of distributors and specialty pharmacies could affect our ability to sell or market products profitably. Fluctua ons in buying or distribu on
pa erns by such distributors and specialty pharmacies could adversely affect our revenues, financial condi on, or results of opera ons.
We rely on commercial distributors and specialty pharmacies for a considerable por on of our product sales and such sales are concentrated within a
small number of distributors and specialty pharmacies. The financial failure of any of these par es could adversely affect our revenues, financial condi on or
results of opera ons. Our revenues, financial condi on or results of opera ons may also be affected by fluctua ons in buying or distribu on pa erns of such
distributors and specialty pharmacies. These fluctua ons may result from seasonality, pricing, wholesaler inventory objec ves, or other factors.
Risks Related to Commercializa on of Our Products and Product Candidates
If the market opportuni es for our products and product candidates are smaller than we believe they are, our revenue may be adversely affected, and our
business may suffer. Because the target pa ent popula ons of our products and product candidates are small, and the addressable pa ent popula on
poten ally even smaller, we must be able to successfully iden fy pa ents and acquire a significant market share to achieve profitability and growth.
We focus our research and product development on treatments for rare and ultrarare gene c diseases. Given the small number of pa ents who have
the diseases that we are targe ng, it is cri cal to our ability to grow and become profitable that we con nue to successfully iden fy pa ents with these rare
and ultrarare gene c diseases. Some of our current products or clinical programs may also be most appropriate for pa ents with more severe forms of their
disease. For instance, while adults make up the majority of the XLH pa ents, they o en have less severe disease that may reduce the penetra on of Crysvita
in the adult popula on rela ve to the pediatric popula on. Given the overall rarity of the diseases we target, it is difficult to project the prevalence of the
more severe forms, or the other subsets of pa ents that may be most suitable to address with our products and product candidates, which may further limit
the addressable pa ent popula on to a small subset. Our projec ons of both the number of people who have these diseases, as well as the subset of people
with these diseases who have the poten al to benefit from treatment with our products and product candidates, are based on our beliefs and es mates.
These es mates have been derived from a variety of sources, including the scien fic literature, surveys of clinics, pa ent founda ons, or market research, and
may prove to be incorrect. Further, new studies may change the es mated incidence or prevalence of these diseases. The number of pa ents may turn out to
be lower than expected. The effort to iden fy pa ents with diseases we seek to treat is in early stages, and we cannot accurately predict the number of
pa ents for whom treatment might be possible. Addi onally, the poten ally addressable pa ent popula on for each of our products and product candidates
may be limited or may not be amenable to treatment with our products and product candidates, and new pa ents may become increasingly difficult to
iden fy or access. Further, even if we obtain significant market share for our products and product candidates, because the poten al target popula ons are
very small, we may never become or remain profitable nor generate sufficient revenue growth to sustain our business.
We face intense compe on and rapid technological change and the possibility that our compe tors may develop therapies that are similar, more
advanced, or more effec ve than ours, which may adversely affect our financial condi on and our ability to successfully commercialize our product
The biotechnology and pharmaceu cal industries are intensely compe ve and subject to rapid and significant technological change. We are currently
aware of various exis ng treatments that may compete with our products and product candidates. See “Item 1. Business – Compe on” above.
We have compe tors both in the U.S. and interna onally, including major mul na onal pharmaceu cal companies, specialty pharmaceu cal
companies, biotechnology companies, startups, academic research ins tu ons, government agencies, and public and private research ins tu ons. Many of
our compe tors have substan ally greater financial, technical, and other resources, such as larger research and development staff and experienced marke ng
and manufacturing organiza ons. Addi onal mergers and acquisi ons in the biotechnology and pharmaceu cal industries can o en result in even more
resources being concentrated in our compe tors. As a result, these companies may obtain regulatory approval more rapidly than we are able to and may be
more effec ve in selling and marke ng their products as well. Smaller or early-stage companies may also prove to be significant compe tors, par cularly
through collabora ve arrangements with large, established companies. Compe on may increase further as a result of advances in the commercial
applicability of technologies and greater availability of capital for investment in these industries. Our compe tors may succeed in developing, acquiring, or
licensing on an exclusive basis, products that are more effec ve or less costly than any product candidate that we may develop, or achieve earlier patent
protec on, regulatory approval, product commercializa on, and market penetra on than we do. Addi onally, technologies developed by our compe tors
may render our poten al products and product candidates uneconomical or obsolete, and we may not be successful in marke ng our products and product
candidates against compe tors.
We may not be able to effec vely manage the expansion of our organiza on, including building an integrated commercial organiza on. If we are unable
to expand our exis ng commercial infrastructure or enter into agreements with third par es to market and sell our products and product candidates, as
needed, we may be unable to increase our revenue.
We expect to need addi onal managerial, opera onal, marke ng, financial, legal, and other resources to support our development and
commercializa on plans and strategies. In order to successfully commercialize our products as well as any addi onal products that may result from our
development programs or that we acquire or license from third par es, we are expanding our commercial infrastructure in, Europe, La n America and the
Asia-Pacific region. This infrastructure consists of both office-based as well as field teams with technical exper se, and will be expanded as we approach the
poten al approval dates of addi onal products that result from our development programs. Our management may need to divert a dispropor onate amount
of its a en on away from our day-to-day ac vi es and devote a substan al amount of me to managing these growth ac vi es. We may not be able to
effec vely manage the expansion of our opera ons, which may result in weaknesses in our infrastructure, opera onal mistakes, loss of business
opportuni es, loss of employees, and reduced produc vity among remaining employees. Our expected growth could require significant capital expenditures
and may divert financial resources from other projects, such as the development of addi onal product candidates. If our management is unable to effec vely
manage our growth, our expenses may increase more than expected, our ability to generate and/or grow revenue could be reduced, and we may not be able
to implement our business strategy. Our future financial performance and our ability to commercialize product candidates and compete effec vely will
depend, in part, on our ability to effec vely manage any future growth.
We, as a company, have limited, recent experience selling and marke ng our product and only some of our employees have prior experience
promo ng other similar products while employed at other companies. As we increase the number and range of our commercialized products, we may
experience addi onal complexi es in our sales process and strategy and may encounter difficul es in alloca ng sufficient resources to sales and marke ng of
certain products. Further, as we launch addi onal products or as demand for our products change, our ini al es mate of the size of the required field force
may be materially more or less than the size of the field force actually required to effec vely commercialize our product candidates. As such, we may be
required to hire larger teams to adequately support the commercializa on of our products and product candidates or we may incur excess costs in an effort
to op mize the hiring of commercial personnel. With respect to certain geographical markets, we may enter into collabora ons with other en es to u lize
their local marke ng and distribu on capabili es, but we may be unable to enter into such agreements on favorable terms, if at all. If our future collaborators
do not commit sufficient resources to commercialize our future products, if any, and we are unable to develop the necessary marke ng capabili es on our
own, we will be unable to generate sufficient product sales to sustain our business. We face compe on from companies that currently have extensive and
well-funded marke ng and sales opera ons. Without a large internal team or the support of a third party to perform key commercial func ons, we may be
unable to compete successfully against these more established companies.
Our exclusive rights to promote Crysvita in the U.S. and Canada transi oned back to KKC and the success of Crysvita in those territories are dependent on
the effec veness of KKC’s commercializa on efforts.
Pursuant to the terms of our collabora on and license agreement with KKC, or the collabora on agreement, we had the sole right to promote Crysvita
in the U.S. and Canada, or the profit-share territory, for a specified period of me, with KKC increasingly par cipa ng in the promo on of the product un l
the transi on date of April 2023. At the transi on date, commercializa on responsibili es for Crysvita in the profit-share territory transi oned to KKC, and
KKC assumed responsibility for the commercializa on of the product in the territory. A er the transi on date, the commercial success of Crysvita in the profit-
share territory depends on, among other things, the efforts and alloca on of resources of KKC, which we do not control. Failure by KKC to successfully market
and sell Crysvita in the United States could have an adverse effect on our financial results.
The commercial success of any current or future product will depend upon the degree of market acceptance by physicians, pa ents, third-party payors,
and others in the medical community.
Even with the requisite approvals from the FDA and comparable foreign regulatory authori es, the commercial success of our current and future
products will depend in part on the medical community, pa ents, and payors accep ng our current and future products as medically useful, cost-effec ve,
and safe. Any product that we bring to the market may not gain market acceptance by physicians, pa ents, payors, and others in the medical community. The
degree of market acceptance of any of our current and future products will depend on a number of factors, including:
the efficacy of the product as demonstrated in clinical studies and poten al advantages over compe ng treatments;
the prevalence and severity of any side effects, including any limita ons or warnings contained in a product’s approved labeling;
the clinical indica ons for which approval is granted;
rela ve convenience and ease of administra on;
the cost of treatment, par cularly in rela on to compe ng treatments;
the willingness of the target pa ent popula on to try new therapies and of physicians to prescribe these therapies;
the effec veness of our field forces and marke ng efforts;
the strength of marke ng and distribu on support and ming of market introduc on of compe ve products;
publicity concerning our products or compe ng products and treatments; and
sufficient third-party insurance coverage and reimbursement.
Even if a poten al product displays a favorable efficacy and safety profile in nonclinical and clinical studies, market acceptance of the product will not
be fully known un l a er it is launched. Our efforts to educate the medical community and payors on the benefits of the product candidates require
significant resources and may never be successful. If our current and future products fail to achieve an adequate level of acceptance by physicians, pa ents,
payors, and others in the medical community, we will not be able to generate sufficient revenue to become or remain profitable.
The insurance coverage and reimbursement status of newly approved products is uncertain. Failure to obtain or maintain adequate coverage and
reimbursement for new or current products could limit our ability to market those products and decrease our ability to generate revenue.
Our target pa ent popula ons are small, and accordingly the pricing, coverage, and reimbursement of our products and product candidates, if
approved, must be adequate to support our commercial infrastructure. Our per-pa ent prices must be sufficient to recover our development and
manufacturing costs and poten ally achieve profitability. We expect the cost of a single administra on of gene therapy products, such as those we are
developing, to be substan al, when and if they achieve regulatory approval. Accordingly, the availability and adequacy of coverage and reimbursement by
governmental and private payors are essen al for most pa ents to afford expensive treatments such as ours, assuming approval. Sales of our products and
product candidates, if approved, will depend substan ally, both domes cally and abroad, on the extent to which their costs will be paid for by health
maintenance, managed care, pharmacy benefit, and similar healthcare management organiza ons, or reimbursed by government authori es, private health
insurers, and other payors. If coverage and reimbursement are not available, are available only to limited levels, or are not available on a mely basis, we may
not be able to successfully commercialize our products and product candidates, if approved. For example, deteriora ng economic condi ons and poli cal
instability in certain La n American countries and in Turkey con nue to cause us to experience significant delays in receiving approval for reimbursement for
our products and consequently impact our product commercializa on melines in such regions. Even if coverage is provided, the approved reimbursement
amount may not be high enough to allow us to establish or maintain pricing sufficient to sustain our overall enterprise. In addi on, we do not know the
reimbursement rates un l we are ready to market the product and we actually nego ate the rates.
There is significant uncertainty related to the insurance coverage and reimbursement of newly approved products. In the U.S., the Centers for
Medicare & Medicaid Services, or CMS, an agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, decides whether and to what extent a new drug
will be covered and reimbursed under Medicare. Private payors tend to follow the coverage reimbursement policies established by CMS to a substan al
degree. It is difficult to predict what CMS or private payors will decide with respect to reimbursement for products such as ours, especially our gene therapy
product candidates as there is a limited body of established prac ces and precedents for gene therapy products.
Outside the U.S., interna onal opera ons are generally subject to extensive governmental price controls and other market regula ons, and we believe
the increasing emphasis on cost-containment ini a ves in Europe, Canada, and other countries will put pressure on the pricing and usage of our products and
product candidates. In many countries, the prices of medical products are subject to varying price control mechanisms as part of na onal health systems.
Other countries allow companies to fix their own prices for medicinal products, but monitor and control company profits. Addi onal foreign price controls or
other changes in pricing regula on could restrict the amount that we are able to charge for our product candidates. Accordingly, in markets outside the U.S.,
the reimbursement for our products may be reduced compared with the U.S. and may be insufficient to generate commercially reasonable revenue and
profits. The ming to complete the nego a on process in each country is highly uncertain, and in some countries outside of the United States, we expect the
process to exceed several months. Even if a price can be nego ated, countries frequently request or require reduc ons to the price and other concessions
over me, including retrospec ve “clawback” price reduc ons. Addi onally, member states of the EU have regularly imposed new or addi onal cost
containment measures for pharmaceu cals such as volume discounts, cost caps, clawbacks and free products for a por on of the expected therapy period.
For example, in France, we es mate clawback reserves on Dojolvi based on current regula ons, our es mate of pricing on approval of Dojolvi and other
factors. However, if pricing is approved at levels lower than es mated, if at all, or if there are further changes in the regulatory framework, we may be
required to pay back amounts higher than clawback reserves and reverse revenue that has been previously recorded.
Moreover, increasing efforts by governmental and third-party payors in the U.S. and abroad to cap or reduce healthcare costs may cause such
organiza ons to limit both coverage and the level of reimbursement for new products and, as a result, they may not cover or provide adequate payment for
our products and product candidates. We expect to experience pricing pressures in connec on with the sale of any of our products and product candidates
due to the trend toward managed healthcare, the increasing influence of health maintenance organiza ons, addi onal legisla ve changes, including the
impact from the Infla on Reduc on Act of 2022, and statements by elected officials. For example, proposals have been discussed to e U.S. drug prices to the
cost in other countries, several states in the U.S. have introduced legisla on to require pharmaceu cal companies to disclose their costs to jus fy the prices of
their products. Drug pricing is also expected to remain a focus for the current Presiden al Administra on and Congress. The downward pressure on
healthcare costs in general, and with respect to prescrip on drugs, surgical procedures, and other treatments in par cular, has become very intense. As a
result, increasingly high barriers are being erected to the entry of new products.
Risks Related to Our Intellectual Property
If we are unable to obtain and maintain effec ve patent rights for our products, product candidates, or any future product candidates, we may not be able
to compete effec vely in our markets.
We rely upon a combina on of patents, trade secret protec on, and confiden ality agreements to protect the intellectual property related to our
technologies, our products, and our product candidates. Our success depends in large part on our and our licensors’ ability to obtain and maintain patent and
other intellectual property protec on in the U.S. and in other countries with respect to our proprietary technologies, our products, and our product
We have sought to protect our proprietary posi on by filing patent applica ons in the U.S. and abroad related to our novel technologies, products and
product candidates that are important to our business. This process is expensive and me consuming, and we may not be able to file and prosecute all
necessary or desirable patent applica ons at a reasonable cost or in a mely manner. It is also possible that we will fail to iden fy patentable aspects of our
research and development output before it is too late to obtain patent protec on.
The patent posi on of biotechnology and pharmaceu cal companies generally is highly uncertain and involves complex legal and factual ques ons for
which legal principles remain unse led. The patent applica ons that we own or in-license may fail to result in issued patents with claims that cover our
products or product candidates in the U.S. or in foreign countries. There is no assurance that all poten ally relevant prior art rela ng to our patents and
patent applica ons has been found, which can prevent a patent from issuing from a pending patent applica on or provide the basis for third par es to
challenge the validity of an issued patent. Third par es may challenge the validity, enforceability, or scope of any issued patents, which may result in such
patents being narrowed, found unenforceable, or invalidated. Furthermore, even if the patents and patent applica ons we own or in-license are
unchallenged, they may not adequately protect our intellectual property, provide exclusivity for our products or product candidates, or prevent others from
designing around our claims. Any of these outcomes could impair our ability to prevent compe on from third par es.
We, independently or together with our licensors, have filed several patent applica ons covering various aspects of our products or product
candidates. We cannot offer any assurances about which, if any, patents will issue, the breadth of any such patent, or whether any issued patents will be
found invalid and unenforceable or will be threatened by third par es. Any successful opposi on to these patents could impair the exclusivity posi on of our
products or deprive us of rights necessary for the successful commercializa on of any product candidates that are approved. Further, if we encounter delays
in regulatory approvals, the period of me during which we could market a product candidate under patent protec on could be reduced.
Our current patents or applica ons covering methods of use and certain composi ons of ma er do not provide complete patent protec on for our
products and product candidates in all territories. For example, there are no issued patents covering the Crysvita composi on of ma er in La n America,
where we have rights to commercialize this product. Therefore, a compe tor could develop the same an body or a similar an body as well as other
approaches that target FGF23 for poten al commercializa on in La n America, subject to any intellectual property rights or regulatory exclusivi es awarded
to us. If we cannot obtain and maintain effec ve patent rights for our products or product candidates, we may not be able to compete effec vely and our
business and results of opera ons would be harmed.
We may not have sufficient patent terms to effec vely protect our products and business.
Patents have a limited lifespan. In the U.S., the natural expira on of a patent is generally 20 years from its earliest non-provisional filing date. Although
various extensions may be available, the life of a patent, and the protec on it affords, is limited. Even if patents covering our products or product candidates
are obtained, once the patent life has expired for a product, we may be open to compe on from generic or biosimilar medica ons.
Patent term extensions under the Hatch-Waxman Act in the U.S. and under supplementary protec on cer ficates in Europe may not be available to
extend the patent exclusivity term for our products and product candidates, and we cannot provide any assurances that any such patent term extension will
be obtained and, if so, for how long. Furthermore, we may not receive an extension if we fail to apply within applicable deadlines, fail to apply prior to
expira on of relevant patents, or otherwise fail to sa sfy applicable requirements. Moreover, the length of the extension could be less than we request. If we
do not have sufficient patent terms or regulatory exclusivity to protect our products, our business and results of opera ons may be adversely affected.
Patent law and rule changes could increase the uncertain es and costs surrounding the prosecu on of our patent applica ons and the enforcement or
defense of our issued patents.
Changes in either the patent laws or interpreta on of the patent laws in the U.S. and other countries may diminish the value of our patents or narrow
the scope of our patent protec on. The laws of foreign countries may not protect our rights to the same extent as the laws of the U.S. Publica ons of
discoveries in the scien fic literature o en lag behind the actual discoveries, and patent applica ons in the U.S. and other jurisdic ons are typically not
published un l 18 months a er filing, or in some cases not at all. We therefore cannot be certain that we or our licensors were the first to make the inven on
claimed in our owned and in-licensed patents or pending applica ons, or that we or our licensor were the first to file for patent protec on of such inven ons.
In 2011, the Leahy-Smith America Invents Act, or the Leahy-Smith Act, was signed into law and introduced significant changes to the prosecu on of
U.S. patent applica ons and to the procedures for challenging U.S. patents. The effects of these changes s ll remain unclear owing to the evolving nature of
the law and the lengthy melines associated with court system review and interpreta on. However, the Leahy-Smith Act and its implementa on could
increase the uncertain es and costs surrounding the prosecu on of our patent applica ons and the enforcement or defense of our issued patents, all of
which could have a material adverse effect on our business and financial condi on.
Outside the U.S., there have been changes to patent laws in certain jurisdic ons that could impair our ability to obtain, maintain, or enforce our
patents in those territories. For instance, Europe’s new Unitary Patent system and Unified Patent Court (the “UPC”) may present uncertain es for our ability
to protect and enforce our patent rights against compe tors in Europe. In 2012, as part of the European Patent Package (the “EU Patent Package”),
regula ons were passed with the goal of providing a single pan-European Unitary Patent system and a new UPC, for li ga on involving European patents.
Implementa on of the EU Patent Package occurred in June 2023. Under the UPC, all European patents, including those issued prior to ra fica on of the
European Patent Package, will by default automa cally fall under the jurisdic on of the UPC. The UPC will provide our compe tors with a new forum in which
to seek central revoca on of our European patents and allow for the possibility of a compe tor to obtain pan-European injunc ons. It will be several years
before we will understand the scope of patent rights that will be recognized and the strength of patent remedies that will be provided by the UPC. Under the
EU Patent Package, we will have the right to opt our patents out of the UPC over the first seven years of the court’s existence, but doing so may preclude us
from realizing the benefits of the new unified court.
If we are unable to maintain effec ve proprietary rights for our products, product candidates, or any future product candidates, we may not be able to
compete effec vely in our markets.
In addi on to the protec on afforded by patents, we rely on trade secret protec on and confiden ality agreements to protect proprietary know-how
that is not patentable or that we elect not to patent, processes for which patents are difficult to enforce and any other elements of our products or product
candidate discovery and development processes that involve proprietary know-how, informa on, or technology that is not covered by patents. However,
trade secrets can be difficult to protect. The confiden ality agreements entered into with our employees, consultants, scien fic advisors, contractors and
other third par es that we rely on in connec on with the development, manufacture and commercializa on of our products may not be sufficient to protect
our proprietary technology and processes, which increase the risk that such trade secrets may become known by our compe tors or may be inadvertently
incorporated into the technology of others.
The physical security of our premises and physical and electronic security of our informa on technology systems may not preserve the integrity and
confiden ality of our data and trade secrets. These individuals, organiza ons and systems, agreements or security measures may be breached, and we may
not have adequate remedies for any breach. In addi on, our trade secrets may otherwise become known or be independently discovered by compe tors.
The assignment agreements we enter into with our employees and consultants to assign their inven ons to us, and the confiden ality agreements we
enter into with our employees, consultants, advisors, and any third par es who have access to our proprietary know-how, informa on, or technology may not
have been duly executed and we cannot assure that our trade secrets and other confiden al proprietary informa on will not be disclosed or that compe tors
will not otherwise gain access to our trade secrets or independently develop substan ally equivalent informa on and techniques. Misappropria on or
unauthorized disclosure of our trade secrets could impair our compe ve posi on and may have a material adverse effect on our business. Addi onally, if the
steps taken to maintain our trade secrets are deemed inadequate, we may have insufficient recourse against third par es for misappropria ng the trade
Claims of intellectual property infringement may prevent or delay our development and commercializa on efforts.
Our commercial success depends in part on our avoiding infringement of the patents and proprietary rights of others. There have been many lawsuits
and other proceedings involving patent and other intellectual property rights in the biotechnology and pharmaceu cal industries, including patent
infringement lawsuits, interferences, inter partes reviews, post grant reviews, opposi ons, and reexamina on proceedings before the USPTO and
corresponding foreign patent offices. Numerous U.S. and foreign issued patents and pending patent applica ons, which are owned by other par es, exist in
the fields in which we are developing product candidates. As the biotechnology and pharmaceu cal industries expand and more patents are issued, the risk
increases that our products or product candidates may be subject to claims of infringement of the patent rights of these other par es.
Other par es may assert that we are employing their proprietary technology without authoriza on. There may be patents or patent applica ons with
claims to materials, formula ons, methods of manufacture, or methods for treatment relevant to the use or manufacture of our products or product
candidates. We have conducted freedom to operate analyses with respect only to our products and certain of our product candidates, and therefore we do
not know whether there are any patents of other par es that would impair our ability to commercialize all of our product candidates. We also cannot
guarantee that any of our analyses are complete and thorough, nor can we be sure that we have iden fied each and every patent and pending applica on in
the U.S. and abroad that is relevant or necessary to the commercializa on of our products or product candidates. Because patent applica ons can take many
years to issue, there may be currently pending patent applica ons that may later result in issued patents that are relevant to our products or product
We are aware of certain U.S. and foreign patents owned by third par es that a court might construe to be valid and relevant to one or more of our
gene therapy product candidates, certain methods that may be used in their manufacture or delivery, or certain formula ons comprising one or more of our
gene therapy candidates. Regarding our an -scleros n an body product candidate, setrusumab, we are aware of li ga on involving patents owned by a
third-party, OssiFi-Mab LLC (OMab), rela ng to methods of using scleros n antagonists in combina on with an resorp ve drugs to increase bone growth,
bone forma on, and/or bone density. Specifically, in the U.S., OMab has asserted certain patents expiring in 2027 or 2028 against Amgen based on Amgen’s
commercializa on of an an -scleros n an body, Evenity®, for the treatment of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women at high risk for fracture; Amgen
denies infringement and asserts the OMab patents are invalid. In Europe, OMab was granted two patents with related subject ma er; the first patent has
been revoked while the second has been opposed by Amgen, UCB, and two anonymous par es. There is a risk that one or more third par es may choose to
engage in li ga on with us to enforce or to otherwise assert their patent rights against us. Even if we believe such claims are without merit, a court of
competent jurisdic on could hold that one or more of these patents is valid, enforceable, and infringed, in which case the owners of any such patents may be
able to block our ability to commercialize a product candidate unless we obtain a license under the applicable patents, or un l such patents expire. However,
such a license may not be available on commercially reasonable terms or at all.
Par es making claims against us may obtain injunc ve or other equitable relief, which could effec vely block our ability to con nue commercializa on
of our products, or block our ability to develop and commercialize one or more of our product candidates. Defense of these claims, regardless of their merit,
would involve substan al li ga on expense and would be a substan al diversion of employee resources from our business. In the event of a successful claim
of infringement against us, we may have to pay substan al damages, including treble damages and a orneys’ fees for willful infringement, pay royal es,
redesign our infringing products, or obtain one or more licenses from third par es, which may be impossible or require substan al me and monetary
We may not be successful in obtaining or maintaining necessary rights to our product candidates through acquisi ons and in-licenses.
Because our programs may require the use of proprietary rights held by third par es, the growth of our business will likely depend in part on our
ability to acquire, in-license, or use these proprietary rights. We may be unable to acquire or in-license any composi ons, methods of use, processes, or other
third-party intellectual property rights from third par es that we iden fy as necessary for our product candidates. The licensing and acquisi on of third-party
intellectual property rights is a compe ve area, and a number of more established companies are also pursuing strategies to license or acquire third-party
intellectual property rights that we may consider a rac ve. These established companies may have a compe ve advantage over us due to their size, cash
resources, and greater clinical development and commercializa on capabili es. In addi on, companies that perceive us to be a compe tor may be unwilling
to assign or license rights to us. We also may be unable to license or acquire third-party intellectual property rights on terms that would allow us to make an
appropriate return on our investment.
We some mes collaborate with U.S. and foreign academic ins tu ons to accelerate our preclinical research or development under wri en agreements
with these ins tu ons. Typically, these ins tu ons provide us an op on to nego ate a license to any of the ins tu on’s rights in technology resul ng from the
collabora on. Regardless of such op on, we may be unable to nego ate a license within the specified meframe or under terms that are acceptable to us. If
we are unable to do so, the ins tu on may offer the intellectual property rights to other par es, poten ally blocking our ability to pursue our program.
If we are unable to successfully obtain rights to required third-party intellectual property rights or maintain the exis ng intellectual property rights we
have, we may have to abandon development of the corresponding program.
We may face compe on from biosimilars, which may have a material adverse impact on the future commercial prospects of our biological products and
product candidates.
Even if we are successful in achieving regulatory approval to commercialize a product candidate faster than our compe tors, we may face compe on
from biosimilars with respect to our biological products (Crysvita, Mepsevii and Evkeeza) and our biological product candidates. In the U.S., the Biologics Price
Compe on and Innova on Act of 2009, or BPCI Act, was included in the Affordable Care Act and created an abbreviated approval pathway for biological
products that are demonstrated to be “highly similar,” or biosimilar, to or “interchangeable” with an FDA-approved biological product. The BPCI Act prohibits
the FDA from approving a biosimilar or interchangeable product that references a brand biological product un l 12 years a er the licensure of the reference
product, but permits submission of an applica on for a biosimilar or interchangeable product to the FDA four years a er the reference product was first
licensed. The BPCI Act does not prevent another company from developing a product that is highly similar to the innova ve product, genera ng its own data,
and seeking approval. The law is complex and is s ll being interpreted and implemented by the FDA. Moreover, aspects of the law are s ll being evaluated
and interpreted by courts. As a result, its ul mate impact, implementa on and meaning are subject to uncertainty. Modifica on of the BPCI Act, or changes
to the interpreta on or implementa on of the BPCI Act, could have a material adverse effect on the future commercial prospects for our biological products
and product candidates.
In Europe, the European Commission has granted marke ng authoriza ons for several biosimilars pursuant to a set of general and product class-
specific guidelines for biosimilar approvals issued over the past few years. In Europe, a compe tor may reference data suppor ng approval of an innova ve
biological product, but will not be able to get on the market un l 10 years a er the me of approval of the innova ve product. This 10-year marke ng
exclusivity period will be extended to 11 years if, during the first eight of those 10 years, the marke ng authoriza on holder obtains an approval for one or
more new therapeu c indica ons that bring significant clinical benefits compared with exis ng therapies. In addi on, companies may be developing
biosimilars in other countries that could compete with our products.
If compe tors are able to obtain marke ng approval for biosimilars referencing our products, our products may become subject to compe on from
such biosimilars, with the a endant compe ve pressure and consequences.
Compe tors could enter the market with generic versions of Dojolvi or our small-molecule product candidates, which may result in a material decline in
sales of affected products.
Under the Hatch-Waxman Act, a pharmaceu cal manufacturer may file an abbreviated new drug applica on, or ANDA, seeking approval of a generic
copy of an approved innovator product. Under the Hatch-Waxman Act, a manufacturer may also submit an NDA under sec on 505(b)(2) that references the
FDA’s finding of safety and effec veness of a previously approved drug. A 505(b)(2) NDA product may be for a new or improved version of the original
innovator product. Innova ve small molecule drugs may be eligible for certain periods of regulatory exclusivity (e.g., five years for new chemical en es,
three years for changes to an approved drug requiring a new clinical study, and seven years for orphan drugs), which preclude FDA approval (or in some
circumstances, FDA filing and review of) an ANDA or 505(b)(2) NDA relying on the FDA’s finding of safety and effec veness for the innova ve drug. In addi on
to the benefits of regulatory exclusivity, an innovator NDA holder may have patents claiming the ac ve ingredient, product formula on or an approved use of
the drug, which would be listed with the product in the “Orange Book.” If there are patents listed in the Orange Book, a generic applicant that seeks to market
its product before expira on of the patents must include in the ANDA or 505(b)(2) what is known as a “Paragraph IV cer fica on,” challenging the validity or
enforceability of, or claiming non-infringement of, the listed patent or patents. No ce of the cer fica on must be given to the innovator, too, and if within 45
days of receiving no ce the innovator sues to enforce its patents, approval of the ANDA is stayed for 30 months, or as lengthened or shortened by the court.
Accordingly, compe tors could file ANDAs for generic versions of our small-molecule product, Dojolvi, or 505(b)(2) NDAs that reference Dojolvi. For
the patents listed for Dojolvi in the Orange Book, those ANDAs and 505(b)(2) NDAs would be required to include a cer fica on as to each listed patent
indica ng whether the ANDA applicant does or does not intend to challenge the patent. We cannot predict how any generic compe tor would address such
patents, whether we would sue on any such patents, or the outcome of any such suit.
There have been a number of recent regulatory and legisla ve ini a ves designed to encourage generic compe on for small-molecule
pharmaceu cal products. For instance, in December 2019, the Crea ng and Restoring Equal Access to Equivalent Samples Act, or the CREATES Act, was
enacted, which provides a legisla vely defined private right of ac on under which eligible product developers can bring suit against companies who refuse to
sell sufficient quan es of their branded products on commercially reasonable, market-based terms to support such eligible product developers’ marke ng
applica ons. It is our policy to evaluate requests for samples of our branded products, and to provide samples in response to bona fide, CREATES Act-
compliant requests from qualified third par es, including generic manufacturers. We have received requests for samples of Dojolvi, and when appropriate,
we have sold samples of Dojolvi to eligible product developers in compliance with the requirements of the CREATES Act.
We may not be successful in securing or maintaining proprietary patent protec on for products and technologies we develop or license. Moreover, if
any patents that are granted and listed in the Orange Book are successfully challenged by way of a Paragraph IV cer fica on and subsequent li ga on, the
affected product could more immediately face generic compe on and its sales would likely decline materially. For instance, if compe tors develop generic
version of Dojolvi and are able to enter the market, our sales of Dojolvi could materially decline which could have an adverse impact on our financial results.
The patent protec on and patent prosecu on for some of our products and product candidates is dependent on third par es.
While we normally seek and gain the right to fully prosecute the patents rela ng to our products or product candidates, there may be mes when
patents rela ng to our products or product candidates are controlled by our licensors. This is the case with our license agreements with KKC and Regeneron,
who are primarily responsible for the prosecu on of certain patents and patent applica ons covering Crysvita and Evkeeza, respec vely.
In addi on, we have in-licensed various patents and patent applica ons owned by the University of Pennsylvania rela ng to our DTX301, DTX401
and/or UX701 product candidates. Some of these patents and patent applica ons are licensed or sublicensed by REGENX and sublicensed to us. We do not
have the right to control the prosecu on of these patent applica ons, or the maintenance of any of these patents. In addi on, under our agreement with
REGENX, we do not have the first right to enforce the licensed patents, and our enforcement rights are subject to certain limita ons that may adversely
impact our ability to use the licensed patents to exclude others from commercializing compe ve products. Moreover, REGENX and the University of
Pennsylvania may have interests which differ from ours in determining whether to enforce and the manner in which to enforce such patents.
If KKC, Regeneron, the University of Pennsylvania, REGENX, or any of our future licensing partners fail to appropriately prosecute, maintain, and
enforce patent protec on for the patents covering any of our products or product candidates, our ability to develop and commercialize those products or
product candidates may be adversely affected and we may not be able to prevent compe tors from making, using, and selling compe ng products. In
addi on, even where we now have the right to control patent prosecu on of patents and patent applica ons we have licensed from third par es, we may s ll
be adversely affected or prejudiced by ac ons or inac ons of our licensors and their counsel that took place prior to us assuming control over patent
prosecu on.
If we fail to comply with our obliga ons in the agreements under which we license intellectual property and other rights from third par es or otherwise
experience disrup ons to our business rela onships with our licensors, we could lose license rights that are important to our business.
We are a party to a number of intellectual property license agreements that are important to our business and expect to enter into addi onal license
agreements in the future. Our exis ng license agreements impose, and we expect that future license agreements will impose, various diligence, milestone
payment, royalty, and other obliga ons on us. If we fail to comply with our obliga ons under these agreements, or we are subject to a bankruptcy, we may be
required to make certain payments to the licensor, we may lose the exclusivity of our license, or the licensor may have the right to terminate the license, in
which event we would not be able to develop or market products covered by the license. Addi onally, the milestone and other payments associated with
these licenses will make it less profitable for us to develop our product candidates.
In certain cases, we control the prosecu on of patents resul ng from licensed technology. In the event we breach any of our obliga ons related to
such prosecu on, we may incur significant liability to our licensing partners. Licensing of intellectual property is of cri cal importance to our business and
involves complex legal, business, and scien fic issues. Disputes may arise regarding intellectual property subject to a licensing agreement, including but not
limited to:
the scope of rights granted under the license agreement and other interpreta on-related issues;
the extent to which our technology and processes infringe on intellectual property of the licensor that is not subject to the licensing agreement;
the sublicensing of patent and other rights;
our diligence obliga ons under the license agreement and what ac vi es sa sfy those diligence obliga ons;
the ownership of inven ons and know-how resul ng from the joint crea on or use of intellectual property by our licensors and us and our
collaborators; and
the priority of inven on of patented technology.
If disputes over intellectual property and other rights that we have licensed prevent or impair our ability to maintain our current licensing
arrangements on acceptable terms, we may be unable to successfully develop and commercialize the affected product candidates.
We may become involved in lawsuits to protect or enforce our patents or the patents of our licensors, or be subject to claims that challenge the
inventorship or ownership of our patents or other intellectual property, which could be expensive, me consuming, and result in unfavorable outcomes.
Compe tors may infringe our patents or the patents of our licensors. If we or one of our licensing partners were to ini ate legal proceedings against a
third party to enforce a patent covering our products or one of our product candidates, the defendant could counterclaim that the patent covering our
product or product candidate is invalid and/or unenforceable. In patent li ga on in the U.S., defendant counterclaims alleging invalidity and/or
unenforceability are commonplace. Grounds for a validity challenge could be an alleged failure to meet any of several statutory requirements, including lack
of novelty, obviousness, or non-enablement. Grounds for an unenforceability asser on could be an allega on that someone connected with prosecu on of
the patent withheld relevant informa on from the USPTO, or made a misleading statement, during prosecu on. The outcome following legal asser ons of
invalidity and unenforceability is unpredictable.
Interference proceedings or deriva on proceedings now available under the Leahy-Smith Act provoked by third par es or brought by us or declared or
ins tuted by the USPTO may be necessary to determine the priority of inven ons with respect to our patents or patent applica ons or those of our licensors.
An unfavorable outcome could require us to cease using the related technology or to a empt to license rights to it from the prevailing party. Our business
could be harmed if the prevailing party does not offer us a license on commercially reasonable terms. In addi on, the validity of our patents could be
challenged in the USPTO by one of the new post grant proceedings (i.e., inter partes review or post grant review) now available under the Leahy-Smith Act.
Our defense of li ga on, interference proceedings, or post grant proceedings under the Leahy-Smith Act may fail and, even if successful, may result in
substan al costs and distract our management and other employees.
We may in the future also be subject to claims that former employees, collaborators, or other third par es have an interest in our patents as an
inventor or co-inventor. In addi on, we may have ownership disputes arise from conflic ng obliga ons of consultants or others who are involved in
developing our product candidates. Li ga on may be necessary to defend against these and other claims challenging inventorship or ownership. If we fail to
successfully defend against such li ga on or claims, in addi on to paying monetary damages, we may lose valuable intellectual property rights, such as
exclusive ownership of, or right to use, valuable intellectual property.
Even if we are successful in defending against such li ga on and claims, such proceedings could result in substan al costs and distract our
management and other employees. Because of the substan al amount of discovery required in connec on with intellectual property li ga on, there is a risk
that some of our confiden al informa on could be compromised by disclosure during li ga on. There could also be public announcements of the results of
hearings, mo ons, or other interim proceedings or developments related to such li ga on or claims. If securi es analysts or investors perceive these results
to be nega ve, it could have a material adverse effect on the price of our common stock.
We may be subject to claims that our employees, consultants, or independent contractors have wrongfully used or disclosed confiden al informa on of
third par es or that our employees have wrongfully used or disclosed alleged trade secrets of their former employers.
We employ certain individuals who were previously employed at universi es or other biotechnology or pharmaceu cal companies, including our
compe tors or poten al compe tors. Our efforts to vet our employees, consultants, and independent contractors and prevent their use of the proprietary
informa on or know-how of others in their work for us may not be successful, and we may in the future be subject to claims that our employees, consultants,
or independent contractors have wrongfully used or disclosed confiden al informa on of third par es. If we fail in defending any such claims, in addi on to
paying monetary damages, we may lose valuable intellectual property rights or personnel, which could adversely impact our business. Even if we are
successful in defending against such claims, li ga on could result in substan al costs and distract management and other employees.
Changes to patent laws in the U.S. and other jurisdic ons could diminish the value of patents in general, thereby impairing our ability to protect our
As is the case with other biotechnology and pharmaceu cal companies, our success is heavily dependent on intellectual property, par cularly patents.
Obtaining and enforcing patents in the biotechnology and pharmaceu cal industries involves both technological and legal complexity. Therefore, obtaining
and enforcing such patents is costly, me consuming, and inherently uncertain.
In recent years, the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled on several patent cases, and in some instances, narrowed the scope of patent protec on available. In
addi on, there have been recent proposals for changes to U.S. laws that, if adopted, could impact our ability to obtain or maintain patent protec on for our
proprietary technologies. Depending on future ac ons by U.S. courts, U.S. Congress, the USPTO, and the relevant law making bodies in other countries, the
laws and regula ons governing patents could change in unpredictable ways that could weaken our ability to obtain new patents, shorten the term of our
exis ng patents and patents that we might obtain in the future, or impair the validity or enforceability of our patents that may be asserted against our
compe tors or other third par es. Any of these outcomes could have a material adverse effect on our business. For example, with respect to patent term
adjustment (PTA), the Federal Circuit’s recent holding in In re Cellect, LLC, 81 F.4th 1216 (Fed. Cir. 2023), that the obviousness-type double paten ng analysis
for a patent that has received PTA must be based on the expira on date of the patent a er the PTA has been added, may nega vely impact the validity and/or
term of certain of our owned or in-licensed U.S. patents.
We may not be able to protect our intellectual property rights throughout the world.
Filing, prosecu ng, and defending patents on our products or product candidates in all countries throughout the world would be prohibi vely
expensive, and our intellectual property rights in some countries outside the U.S. can be less extensive than those in the U.S. In addi on, the laws of some
foreign countries do not protect intellectual property rights to the same extent as federal and state laws in the U.S. Further, licensing partners such as KKC and
Regeneron may not prosecute patents in certain jurisdic ons in which we may obtain commercial rights, thereby precluding the possibility of later obtaining
patent protec on in these countries. Consequently, we may not be able to prevent third par es from prac cing our inven ons in all countries outside the
U.S., or from selling or impor ng products made using our inven ons in and into the U.S. or other jurisdic ons. Compe tors may use our technologies in
jurisdic ons where we have not obtained patent protec on to develop their own products and may also export infringing products to territories where we
have patent protec on, but enforcement is not as strong as that in the U.S. These products may compete with our products, and our patents or other
intellectual property rights may not be effec ve or sufficient to prevent them from compe ng.
Many companies have encountered significant problems in protec ng and defending intellectual property rights in foreign jurisdic ons. The legal
systems of certain countries, par cularly certain developing countries, do not favor the enforcement of patents, trade secrets, and other intellectual property
protec on, par cularly those rela ng to biotechnology products, which could make it difficult for us to stop the infringement of our patents or marke ng of
compe ng products in viola on of our proprietary rights generally. Proceedings to enforce our patent rights in foreign jurisdic ons, whether or not successful,
could result in substan al costs and divert our efforts and a en on from other aspects of our business, could put our patents at risk of being invalidated or
interpreted narrowly, could put our patent applica ons at risk of not issuing, and could provoke third par es to assert claims against us. We may not prevail in
any lawsuits that we ini ate and the damages or other remedies awarded, if any, may not be commercially meaningful. Accordingly, our efforts to enforce our
intellectual property rights around the world may be inadequate to obtain a significant commercial advantage from the intellectual property that we develop
or license.
Risks Related to Our Business Opera ons
We have limited experience as a company opera ng our own manufacturing facility and may experience unexpected costs or challenges.
We completed construc on of our gene therapy manufacturing facility in Bedford, Massachuse s in 2023. Prior to construc on of this facility, we did
not previously have experience as a company in opera ng our own manufacturing facility and at this point, we cannot assure that the facility will be fully
u lized at all mes, par cularly as we have only recently commenced our manufacturing opera ons. Our limited experience may contribute to unacceptable
or inconsistent product quality success rates and yields, and we may be unable to maintain adequate quality control, quality assurance, and qualified
personnel. We have incurred and will con nue to incur significant expenses and costs to operate the facility, which may be subject to significant impairment if
our gene therapy programs are unsuccessful. Before we can begin to commercially manufacture any of our product candidates at the facility, we must obtain
regulatory approval from the FDA for our manufacturing processes and for the facility. In order to obtain approval, we will need to ensure that all of our
processes, quality systems, methods, equipment, policies and procedures are
compliant with cGMP. Un l recently, few gene therapy products manufactured by a cGMP gene therapy manufacturing facility in the U.S. had received
approval from the FDA; therefore, the me frame required for us to obtain such approval is uncertain. The cGMP requirements govern quality control of the
manufacturing process and documenta on policies and procedures. In complying with cGMP, we will be obligated to spend me, money and effort on
produc on, record keeping and quality control to assure that the product meets applicable specifica ons and other requirements. If we fail to comply with
these requirements, we would be subject to possible regulatory ac on and may not be permi ed to sell any products that we may develop.
As we seek to op mize and operate our manufacturing process at the facility, we will likely face technical and scien fic challenges, considerable capital
costs and poten al difficulty in recrui ng and hiring experienced, qualified personnel at the facility which could result in delays in our produc on or
difficul es in maintaining compliance with applicable regulatory requirements. We may also experience unexpected technical, regulatory, safety, quality or
opera onal issues during manufacturing campaigns. As we expand our commercial footprint to mul ple geographies, we may establish mul ple
manufacturing facili es, which may lead to regulatory delays or prove costly. Even if we are successful, we cannot assure that such addi onal capacity will be
required or that our investment will be recouped. Further, our manufacturing capabili es could be affected by cost-overruns, unexpected delays, equipment
failures, lack of capacity, labor shortages, natural disasters, power failures, program failures, actual or threatened public health emergencies, and numerous
other factors that could prevent us from realizing the intended benefits of our manufacturing strategy.
Our future success depends in part on our ability to retain our Founder, President, and Chief Execu ve Officer and to a ract, retain, and mo vate other
qualified personnel.
We are dependent on Emil D. Kakkis, M.D., Ph.D., our Founder, President, and Chief Execu ve Officer, the loss of whose services may adversely impact
the achievement of our objec ves. Dr. Kakkis could leave our employment at any me, as he is an “at will” employee. Recrui ng and retaining other qualified
employees, consultants, and advisors for our business, including scien fic and technical personnel, will also be cri cal to our success. There is currently a
shortage of skilled personnel in our industry, which is likely to con nue. As a result, compe on for skilled personnel is intense and the turnover rate can be
high. In addi on, failure to succeed in preclinical or clinical studies may make it more challenging to recruit and retain qualified personnel. Over the last
several years, we have also experienced certain execu ve leadership changes. Leadership transi ons are inherently difficult to manage, cause uncertainty and
disrup on and could increase the likelihood of turnover of other key officers and employees. The inability to recruit and retain qualified personnel, or the loss
of the services of Dr. Kakkis or any of other member of our execu ve leadership team or other key employee, may impede the progress of our research,
development, and commercializa on objec ves.
If we fail to obtain or maintain orphan drug exclusivity for our products, our compe tors may sell products to treat the same condi ons and our revenue
will be reduced.
Our business strategy focuses on the development of drugs that are eligible for FDA and EU orphan drug designa on. In the U.S., orphan drug
designa on en tles a party to financial incen ves such as opportuni es for grant funding towards clinical study costs, tax advantages, and user-fee waivers. In
addi on, if a product receives the first FDA approval for the indica on for which it has orphan designa on, the product is en tled to orphan drug exclusivity,
which means the FDA may not approve any other applica on to market the same drug for the same indica on for a period of seven years, except in limited
circumstances, such as a showing of clinical superiority over the product with orphan exclusivity or where the manufacturer is unable to assure sufficient
product quan ty. In the EU, orphan drug designa on en tles a party to financial incen ves such as reduc on of fees or fee waivers and ten years of market
exclusivity following drug or biological product approval. This period may be reduced to six years if the orphan drug designa on criteria are no longer met,
including where it is shown that the product is sufficiently profitable not to jus fy maintenance of market exclusivity.
Because the extent and scope of patent protec on for our products may in some cases be limited, orphan drug designa on is especially important for
our products for which orphan drug designa on may be available. For eligible drugs, we plan to rely on the exclusivity period under the Orphan Drug Act to
maintain a compe ve posi on. If we do not obtain orphan drug exclusivity for our drug products and biologic products that do not have broad patent
protec on, our compe tors may then sell the same drug to treat the same condi on sooner than if we had obtained orphan drug exclusivity, and our revenue
will be reduced.
Even though we have orphan drug designa on for UX111, UX143, DTX301, DTX401 and UX701 in the U.S. and Europe and for GTX 102 in the U.S., we
may not be the first to obtain marke ng approval for any par cular orphan indica on due to the uncertain es associated with developing pharmaceu cal
products. Further, even if we obtain orphan drug exclusivity for a product, that exclusivity may not effec vely protect the product from compe on because
different drugs with different ac ve moie es can be approved for the same condi on or the same drug can be approved for a different indica on unless there
are other exclusivi es such as new chemical en ty exclusivity preven ng such approval. Even a er an orphan drug is approved, the FDA or EMA can
subsequently approve the same drug with the same ac ve moiety for the same condi on if the FDA or EMA concludes that the later drug is safer, more
effec ve, or makes a major contribu on to pa ent care. Orphan drug designa on neither shortens the development me or regulatory review me of a drug
nor gives the drug any advantage in the regulatory review or approval process.
Our opera ng results would be adversely impacted if our intangible assets become impaired.
We have recorded on our Consolidated Balance Sheets intangible assets for in-process research and development, or IPR&D, related to DTX301 and
DTX401 as a result of the accoun ng for our acquisi on of Dimension Therapeu cs. We also recorded an intangible asset related to our license from
Regeneron for Evkeeza. We test the intangible assets for impairment annually during the fourth quarter and more frequently if events or changes in
circumstances indicate that it is more likely than not that the asset is impaired. If the associated research and development effort is abandoned, the related
assets will be wri en-off and we will record a noncash impairment loss on our Consolidated Statement of Opera ons. We have not recorded any impairments
related to our intangible assets through December 31, 2023.
We may not be successful in our efforts to iden fy, license, discover, develop, or commercialize addi onal product candidates.
The success of our business depends upon our ability to iden fy, license, discover, develop, or commercialize addi onal product candidates in addi on
to the con nued clinical tes ng, poten al approval, and commercializa on of our exis ng product candidates. Research programs to iden fy and develop
new product candidates require substan al technical, financial, and human resources. We may focus our efforts and resources on poten al programs or
product candidates that ul mately prove to be unsuccessful. Our research programs or licensing efforts may fail to yield addi onal product candidates for
clinical development and commercializa on for a number of reasons, including but not limited to the following:
our research or business development methodology or search criteria and process may be unsuccessful in iden fying poten al product
we may not be able or willing to assemble sufficient technical, financial or human resources to acquire or discover addi onal product candidates;
we may face compe on in obtaining and/or developing addi onal product candidates;
our product candidates may not succeed in research, discovery, preclinical or clinical tes ng;
our poten al product candidates may be shown to have harmful side effects or may have other characteris cs that may make the products
unmarketable or unlikely to receive marke ng approval;
compe tors may develop alterna ves that render our product candidates obsolete or less a rac ve;
product candidates we develop may be covered by third par es’ patents or other exclusive rights;
the market for a product candidate may change during our program so that such a product may become unreasonable to con nue to develop;
a product candidate may not be capable of being produced in commercial quan es at an acceptable cost or at all; and
a product candidate may not be accepted as safe and effec ve by regulatory authori es, pa ents, the medical community, or payors.
If any of these events occur, we may be forced to abandon our development efforts for a program or programs, or we may not be able to iden fy,
license, discover, develop, or commercialize addi onal product candidates, which would have a material adverse effect on our business and could poten ally
cause us to cease opera ons.
We may expend our limited resources to pursue a par cular product, product candidate or indica on and fail to capitalize on products, product candidates
or indica ons that may be more profitable or for which there is a greater likelihood of success.
Because we have limited financial and managerial resources, we focus our sales, marke ng and research programs on certain products, product
candidates or for specific indica ons. As a result, we may forego or delay pursuit of opportuni es with other
products or product candidates or other indica ons that later prove to have greater commercial poten al. Our resource alloca on decisions may cause us to
fail to capitalize on viable commercial products or profitable market opportuni es. Our spending on current and future research and development programs
and product candidates may not yield any commercially viable products. If we do not accurately evaluate the commercial poten al or target market for a
par cular product or product candidate, we may relinquish valuable rights through collabora on, licensing, or other royalty arrangements in cases in which it
would have been advantageous for us to retain sole development and commercializa on rights or we may allocate internal resources to a product candidate
in a therapeu c area in which it would have been more advantageous to enter into a partnering arrangement.
Changes to healthcare and FDA laws, regula ons, and policies may have a material adverse effect on our business and results of opera ons.
As described above in “Item 1. Business - Government Regula on” and in the Risk Factor above en tled “ – The insurance coverage and
reimbursement status of newly approved products is uncertain” there have been and con nue to be a number of legisla ve ini a ves to contain healthcare
costs and to modify the regula on of drug and biologic products. We expect that addi onal state and federal healthcare reform measures and regula ons will
be adopted in the future, including proposals to reduce the exclusivity protec ons provided to already approved biological products and to provide biosimilar
and interchangeable biologic products an easier path to approval. Any of these measures and regula ons could limit the amounts that federal and state
governments will pay for healthcare products and services, result in reduced demand for our product candidates or addi onal pricing pressures and affect our
product development, tes ng, marke ng approvals and post-market ac vi es.
Failure to comply with laws and regula ons could harm our business and our reputa on.
Our business is subject to regula on by various federal, state, local and foreign governmental agencies, including agencies responsible for monitoring
and enforcing employment and labor laws, workplace safety, privacy and security laws and regula ons, and tax laws and regula ons. In certain jurisdic ons,
these regulatory requirements may be more stringent than those in the U.S., and in other circumstances these requirements may be more stringent in the
In par cular, our opera ons are directly, and indirectly through our customers, subject to various federal and state fraud and abuse laws, including,
without limita on, the federal An -Kickback Statute, the federal False Claims Act, and physician sunshine laws and regula ons; and pa ent and non-pa ent
privacy regula ons, including the GDPR and the California Consumer Privacy Act, or CCPA, including amendments from the California Privacy Rights Act, or
CPRA, as described above in “Item 1. Business – Government Regula on”. Because of the breadth of these laws and the narrowness of the statutory
excep ons and safe harbors available, it is possible that some of our business ac vi es could be subject to challenge under one or more of such laws. For
instance, one of our programs for sponsored gene c tes ng to help pa ents receive an accurate diagnosis was previously the subject of review by applicable
governmental authori es of compliance with various fraud and abuse laws. We se led the ma er with the governmental authori es for an immaterial
se lement amount and without any admission of legal liability. We cannot assure that our other opera ons or programs will not be subject to review by
governmental authori es or found to violate such laws.
The GDPR imposes a number of strict obliga ons and restric ons on the ability to process personal data of individuals, in par cular with respect to
special categories of personal data like health data (e.g., reliance on a legal basis, informa on to individuals, no fica on to relevant na onal data protec on
authori es in case of personal data breach and implementa on of appropriate security measures). EU member states may also impose addi onal
requirements in rela on to special categories of personal data through their na onal legisla on. In addi on, the GDPR imposes specific restric ons on the
transfer of personal data to countries outside of the EEA that are not considered by the European Commission as providing an adequate level of protec on
(including the U.S.). Appropriate safeguards are required to enable such transfers (e.g., reliance on standard contractual clauses and transfer risk
assessments). There are also several compliance requirements under the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, or HIPAA, as
amended by the Health Informa on Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act, or HITECH, and implemen ng regula ons that create requirements
rela ng to the privacy and security of protected health informa on. Those requirements are also applicable, in many instances, to business associates of
covered en es. In some cases, depending on our business opera ons and contractual agreements, including through the conduct of clinical trials, we are
subject to HIPAA requirements. Also, we may be subject to addi onal federal, state and local privacy laws and regula ons in the U.S., including new and
recently enacted laws (such as CCPA and CPRA), that may apply to us and/or our service providers now or in the future and that require that we take
measures to be transparent regarding, honor rights with respect to, and protect the privacy and security of certain informa on we gather and use in our
business, including personal informa on, par cularly personal informa on that is not otherwise subject to HIPAA.
If our opera ons are found to be in viola on of any of the laws described above or any other governmental regula ons that apply to us, we may be
subject to penal es, including civil and criminal penal es, damages, fines, exclusion from par cipa on in government health care programs, such as Medicare
and Medicaid, imprisonment, disgorgement of profits, and the curtailment or restructuring of our opera ons. If any governmental sanc ons, fines, or
penal es are imposed, or if we do not prevail in any possible civil or criminal li ga on, our business, opera ng results, financial condi on and our reputa on
could be harmed. In addi on, responding to any ac on will likely result in a significant diversion of management’s a en on and resources and an increase in
professional fees.
Our research and development ac vi es, including our process and analy cal development ac vi es in our quality control laboratory, and our and our
third-party manufacturers’ and suppliers’ ac vi es, including ac vi es related to the build-out and opera on of our gene therapy manufacturing facility,
involve the controlled storage, use, and disposal of hazardous materials, including the components of our product candidates, such as viruses, and other
hazardous compounds, which subjects us to laws and regula ons governing such ac vi es. In some cases, these hazardous materials and various wastes
resul ng from their use are stored at our or our manufacturers’ facili es pending their use and disposal. We cannot eliminate the risk of contamina on,
which could cause an interrup on of our commercializa on efforts, research and development efforts, and business opera ons or environmental damage
that could result in costly clean-up and liabili es under applicable laws and regula ons governing the use, storage, handling, and disposal of these materials
and specified waste products. We cannot guarantee that the safety procedures u lized by us and our third-party manufacturers for handling and disposing of
these materials comply with the standards prescribed by these laws and regula ons, or eliminate the risk of accidental contamina on or injury from these
materials. In such an event, we may be held liable for any resul ng damages—and such liability could exceed our resources—and state or federal or other
applicable authori es may curtail our use of certain materials and/or interrupt our business opera ons. Furthermore, environmental laws and regula ons are
complex, change frequently, and have tended to become more stringent. We cannot predict the impact of such changes and cannot be certain of our future
Addi onally, as we and our employees increasingly use social media tools as a means of communica on with the public, there is a risk that the use of
social media by us or our employees to communicate about our products or business may cause to be found in viola on of applicable laws, despite our
a empts to monitor such social media communica ons through company policies and guidelines. In addi on, our employees may knowingly or inadvertently
make use of social media in ways that may not comply with our company policies or other legal or contractual requirements, which may give rise to liability,
lead to the loss of trade secrets or other intellectual property, cause reputa onal harm or result in public exposure of personal informa on of our employees,
clinical trial pa ents, customers, and others.
Interna onal expansion of our business exposes us to business, regulatory, poli cal, opera onal, financial, and economic risks associated with doing
business outside of the U.S.
Our business strategy includes interna onal expansion. We currently conduct clinical studies and regulatory ac vi es and we also commercialize
products outside of the U.S. Doing business interna onally involves a number of risks, including but not limited to:
mul ple, conflic ng, and changing laws and regula ons such as privacy and data regula ons, transparency regula ons, tax laws, export and
import restric ons, employment laws, regulatory requirements, and other governmental approvals, permits, and licenses;
introduc on of new health authority requirements and/or changes in health authority expecta ons;
failure by us to obtain and maintain regulatory approvals for the use of our products in various countries;
addi onal poten ally relevant third-party patent rights;
complexi es and difficul es in obtaining protec on for, and enforcing, our intellectual property;
difficul es in staffing and managing foreign opera ons;
complexi es associated with managing mul ple payor reimbursement regimes, government payors, or pa ent self-pay systems;
limits on our ability to penetrate interna onal markets;
financial risks, such as longer payment cycles, addi onal or more burdensome regulatory requirements of financial ins tu ons outside of the
U.S., difficulty collec ng accounts receivable, the impact of local and regional financial crises on demand and payment for our products, and
exposure to foreign currency exchange rate fluctua ons;
natural disasters and geopoli cal and economic instability, including wars, terrorism, poli cal unrest (including, for example the conflict between
Russia and Ukraine, the conflict between Israel and the surrounding areas, and the rising tensions between China and Taiwan), results of certain
elec ons and votes, actual or threatened public health emergencies and outbreak of disease, rising infla on, the poten al recessionary
environment, the poten al shutdown of the U.S. federal government, boyco s and resul ng staffing shortages, adop on or expansion of
government trade restric ons, and other business restric ons;
certain expenses including, among others, expenses for travel, transla on, and insurance;
regulatory and compliance risks that relate to maintaining accurate informa on and control over commercial opera ons and ac vi es that may
fall within the purview of the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Prac ces Act, or FCPA, its books and records provisions, or its an -bribery provisions, including
those under the U.K. Bribery Act and similar foreign laws and regula ons; and
regulatory and compliance risks rela ng to doing business with any en ty that is subject to sanc ons administered by the Office of Foreign Assets
Control of the U.S. Department of the Treasury.
Any of these factors could significantly harm our future interna onal expansion and opera ons and, consequently, our results of opera ons.
Our business and opera ons may be materially adversely affected in the event of computer system failures or security breaches.
Cybersecurity incidents, including phishing a acks and a empts to misappropriate or compromise confiden al or proprietary informa on or sabotage
enterprise IT systems are becoming increasingly frequent and more sophis cated. The informa on and data processed and stored in our technology systems,
and those of our strategic partners, CROs, contract manufacturers, suppliers, distributors or other third par es for which we depend to operate our business,
may be vulnerable to loss, damage, denial-of-service, unauthorized access or misappropria on. Data security breaches can occur as a result of malware,
hacking, business email compromise, ransomware a acks, phishing or other cybera acks directed by third par es. We, and certain of the third par es for
which we depend on to operate our business, have experienced cybersecurity incidents, including third party unauthorized access to and misappropria on of
financial informa on, and may experience similar incidents in the future. Further, risks of unauthorized access and cyber-a acks have increased as most of
our personnel, and the personnel of many third-par es with which we do business, have adopted hybrid working arrangements following the COVID-19
pandemic. Improper or inadvertent behavior by employees, contractors and others with permi ed access to our systems, pose a risk that sensi ve data may
be exposed to unauthorized persons or to the public. A system failure or security breach that interrupts our opera ons or the opera ons at one of our third-
party vendors or partners could result in intellectual property and other proprietary or confiden al informa on being lost or stolen or a material disrup on of
our drug development programs and commercial opera ons. For example, the loss of clinical trial data from ongoing or planned clinical trials could result in
delays in our regulatory approval efforts and significantly increase our costs to recover or reproduce the data. To the extent that any disrup on or security
breach results in a loss of or damage to our data or applica ons, loss of trade secrets or inappropriate disclosure of confiden al or proprietary informa on,
including protected health informa on, or personal informa on of employees or former employees, access to our clinical data, or disrup on of the
manufacturing process, we could incur liability and the further development of our drug candidates could be delayed. Further, we could incur significant costs
to inves gate and mi gate such cybersecurity incidents. A security breach that results in the unauthorized access, use or disclosure of personal informa on
also requires us to no fy individuals, governmental authori es, credit repor ng agencies, or other par es, as applicable, pursuant to privacy and security laws
and regula ons or other obliga ons. Such a security breach could harm our reputa on, erode confidence in our informa on security measures, and lead to
regulatory scru ny and result in penal es, fines, indemnifica on claims, li ga on and poten al civil or criminal liability.
We or the third par es upon whom we depend may be adversely affected by earthquakes or other natural disasters and our business con nuity and
disaster recovery plans may not adequately protect us from a serious disaster.
Our corporate headquarters and one of our laboratories are located in the San Francisco Bay Area, and our collabora on partner for Crysvita, KKC, is
located in Japan, which have both in the past experienced severe earthquakes and other natural disasters. We do not carry earthquake insurance.
Earthquakes or other natural disasters could severely disrupt our opera ons or those of our collaborators, and have a material adverse effect on our business,
results of opera ons, financial condi on, and prospects. We have also experienced power outages as a result of wildfires in the San Francisco Bay Area which
are likely to con nue to occur in the future. If a natural disaster, power outage, or other event occurred that prevented us from using all or a significant
por on of our headquarters, that damaged cri cal infrastructure (such as the manufacturing facili es of our third-party contract manufacturers) or that
otherwise disrupted opera ons, it may be difficult or, in certain cases, impossible for us to con nue our business for a substan al period of me. The disaster
recovery and business con nuity plans we have in place currently are limited and may be inadequate in the event of a serious disaster or similar event. We
may incur substan al expenses as a result of the limited nature of our disaster recovery and business con nuity plans, which, par cularly when taken
together with our lack of earthquake insurance, could have a material adverse effect on our business.
We may acquire companies or products or engage in strategic transac ons, which could divert our management’s a en on and cause us to incur various
costs and expenses, or result in fluctua ons with respect to the value of such investment, which could impact our opera ng results.
We may acquire or invest in businesses or products that we believe could complement or expand our business or otherwise offer growth
opportuni es. For example, we acquired Dimension in November 2017 and GeneTx in July 2022. The pursuit of poten al acquisi ons or investments may
divert the a en on of management and may cause us to incur various costs and expenses in iden fying, inves ga ng, and pursuing them, whether or not
they are consummated. We may not be able to iden fy desirable acquisi ons or investments or be successful in comple ng or realizing an cipated benefits
from such transac ons. We may experience difficul es in assimila ng the personnel, opera ons and products of the acquired companies, management’s
a en on may be diverted from other business concerns and we may poten ally lose key employees of the acquired company. If we are unable to successfully
or mely integrate the opera ons of acquired companies with our business, we may incur unan cipated liabili es and be unable to realize the revenue
growth, synergies and other an cipated benefits resul ng from the acquisi on, and our business, results of opera ons and financial condi on could be
materially and adversely affected.
The value of our investments in other companies or businesses may also fluctuate significantly and impact our opera ng results quarter to quarter or
year to year. We purchased 7,825,797 shares of common stock of Solid in October 2020. Our investment in Solid is being accounted for at fair value, as the fair
value is readily determinable. As a result, increases or decreases in the stock price of equity investments have resulted in and will result in accompanying
changes in the fair value of our investments, and cause substan al vola lity in, our opera ng results for the repor ng period. As the fair value of our
investment in Solid is dependent on the stock price of Solid, which has recently seen wide fluctua ons, the value of our investments and the impact on our
opera ng results may similarly fluctuate significantly from quarter to quarter and year to year such that period-to-period comparisons may not be a good
indica on of the future value of the investments and our future opera ng results.
Risks Related to Ownership of Our Common Stock
The market price of our common stock may be highly vola le.
The market price of our common stock has been, and is likely to con nue to be, vola le, including for reasons unrelated to changes in our business.
Our stock price could be subject to wide fluctua ons in response to a variety of factors, including but not limited to the following:
adverse results or delays in preclinical or clinical studies;
any inability to obtain addi onal funding;
any delay in filing an IND, NDA, BLA, MAA, or other regulatory submission for any of our product candidates and any adverse development or
perceived adverse development with respect to the applicable regulatory agency’s review of that IND, NDA, BLA, MAA, or other regulatory
the percep on of limited market sizes or pricing for our products and product candidates;
decisions by our collabora on partners with respect to the indica ons for our products and product candidates in countries where they have the
right to commercialize the products and product candidates;
decisions by our collabora on partners regarding market access and pricing in countries where they have the right to commercialize our products
and product candidates;
failure to successfully develop and commercialize our products and product candidates;
the level of revenue we receive from our commercialized products or from named pa ent sales;
post-marke ng safety issues;
failure to maintain our exis ng strategic collabora ons or enter into new collabora ons;
failure by us or our licensors and strategic collabora on partners to prosecute, maintain, or enforce our intellectual property rights;
changes in laws or regula ons applicable to our products;
any inability to obtain adequate product supply for our products and product candidates or the inability to do so at acceptable prices;
adverse regulatory decisions;
introduc on of new products, services, or technologies by our compe tors;
changes in or failure to meet or exceed financial projec ons or other guidance we may provide to the public;
changes in or failure to meet or exceed the financial projec ons or other expecta ons of the investment community;
the percep on of the pharmaceu cal industry or our company by the public, legislatures, regulators, and the investment community;
the percep on of the pharmaceu cal industry’s approach to drug pricing;
announcements of significant acquisi ons, strategic partnerships, joint ventures, or capital commitments by us, our strategic collabora on
partners, or our compe tors;
the integra on and performance of any businesses we have acquired or may acquire;
disputes or other developments rela ng to proprietary rights, including patents, li ga on ma ers, and our ability to obtain patent protec on for
our technologies;
addi ons or departures of key scien fic or management personnel;
significant inves ga ons, regulatory proceedings or lawsuits, including patent or stockholder li ga on;
securi es or industry analysts’ reports regarding our stock, or their failure to issue such reports;
changes in the market valua ons of similar companies;
general market, macroeconomic condi ons or geopoli cal developments, rising infla on, and the poten al recessionary environment;
sales of our common stock by us or our stockholders in the future; and
trading volume of our common stock.
In addi on, biotechnology and biopharmaceu cal companies in par cular have experienced extreme price and volume fluctua ons that have o en
been unrelated or dispropor onate to the opera ng performance of these companies. Broad market and industry factors may nega vely affect the market
price of our common stock, regardless of our actual opera ng performance.
Future sales and issuances of our common stock or rights to purchase common stock, including pursuant to our equity incen ve plans, could result in
addi onal dilu on of the percentage ownership of our stockholders and could cause our stock price to fall.
We will need addi onal capital in the future to con nue our planned opera ons. To the extent we raise addi onal capital by issuing equity securi es,
our stockholders may experience substan al dilu on. We may sell common stock, conver ble securi es, or other equity securi es in one or more
transac ons at prices and in a manner we determine from me to me. If we sell common stock, conver ble securi es, or other equity securi es in more
than one transac on, investors may be materially diluted by subsequent sales. These sales may also result in material dilu on to our exis ng stockholders,
and new investors could gain rights superior to our exis ng stockholders.
In June 2023, we adopted our 2023 Incen ve Plan, or the 2023 Plan, which replaced our 2014 Incen ve Plan, following stockholder approval of the
plan. Pursuant to our 2023 Plan, our management is authorized to grant stock op ons and other equity-based awards to our employees, directors, and
consultants. At December 31, 2023, there were 5,359,901 shares available for future grants under the 2023 Plan.
Pursuant to our 2014 Employee Stock Purchase Plan, which was amended and restated in June 2023, or the A&R ESPP, eligible employees can acquire
shares of our common stock at a discount to the prevailing market price. At December 31, 2023, there were 6,609,795 shares available for issuance under the
Our board of directors has adopted an Employment Inducement Plan, which was amended in June 2023, or the Inducement Plan, with a maximum of
850,000 shares available for grant under the plan. At December 31, 2023, there were 130,996 shares available for issuance under the Inducement Plan. If our
board of directors elects to increase the number of shares available for future grant under the 2023 Plan, the A&R ESPP, or the Inducement Plan, our
stockholders may experience addi onal dilu on, which could cause our stock price to fall.
Provisions in our amended and restated cer ficate of incorpora on and by-laws, as well as provisions of Delaware law, could make it more difficult for a
third party to acquire us or increase the cost of acquiring us, even if doing so would benefit our stockholders, or remove our current management.
Our amended and restated cer ficate of incorpora on, amended and restated by-laws, and Delaware law contain provisions that may have the effect
of delaying or preven ng a change in control of us or changes in our management. Our amended and restated cer ficate of incorpora on and by-laws include
provisions that:
authorize “blank check” preferred stock, which could be issued by our board of directors without stockholder approval and may contain vo ng,
liquida on, dividend, and other rights superior to our common stock;
create a classified board of directors whose members serve staggered three-year terms;
specify that special mee ngs of our stockholders can be called only by our board of directors or the chairperson of our board of directors;
prohibit stockholder ac on by wri en consent;
establish an advance no ce procedure for stockholder approvals to be brought before an annual mee ng of our stockholders, including proposed
nomina ons of persons for elec on to our board of directors;
provide that our directors may be removed only for cause;
provide that vacancies on our board of directors may be filled only by a resolu on adopted by the board of directors;
expressly authorize our board of directors to modify, alter or repeal our amended and restated by-laws; and
require holders of 75% of our outstanding common stock to amend specified provisions of our amended and restated cer ficate of incorpora on
and amended and restated by-laws.
These provisions, alone or together, could delay, deter, or prevent hos le takeovers and changes in control or changes in our management.
In addi on, because we are incorporated in Delaware, we are governed by the provisions of Sec on 203 of the Delaware General Corpora on Law,
which limits the ability of stockholders owning in excess of 15% of our outstanding vo ng stock to merge or combine with us. Further, no stockholder is
permi ed to cumulate votes at any elec on of directors because this right is not included in our amended and restated cer ficate of incorpora on.
Any provision of our amended and restated cer ficate of incorpora on or amended and restated by-laws or Delaware law that has the effect of
delaying or deterring a change in control could limit the opportunity for our stockholders to receive a premium for their shares of our common stock, and
could also affect the price that some investors are willing to pay for our common stock.
Our amended and restated cer ficate of incorpora on provides that the Court of Chancery of the State of Delaware is the sole and exclusive forum for
substan ally all disputes between us and our stockholders, which could limit our stockholders’ ability to obtain a favorable judicial forum for disputes with
us or our directors, officers or employees.
Our amended and restated cer ficate of incorpora on provides that the Court of Chancery of the State of Delaware is the sole and exclusive forum for
(1) any deriva ve ac on or proceeding brought on our behalf, (2) any ac on asser ng a claim of breach of fiduciary duty owed by any of our directors,
officers, or other employees to us or to our stockholders, (3) any ac on asser ng a claim against us arising under the Delaware General Corpora on Law or
under our amended and restated cer ficate of incorpora on or bylaws, or (4) any ac on against us asser ng a claim governed by the internal affairs doctrine.
The choice of forum provision may limit a stockholder’s ability to bring a claim in a judicial forum that it finds favorable for disputes with us or our directors,
officers, or other employees, which may discourage such lawsuits against us and our directors, officers, and other employees. Alterna vely, if a court were to
find the choice of forum provision contained in our amended and restated cer ficate of incorpora on to be inapplicable or unenforceable in an ac on, we
may incur addi onal costs associated with resolving such ac on in other jurisdic ons, which could harm our business, opera ng results and financial
condi on.
General Risk Factors
If we are unable to maintain effec ve internal control over financial repor ng, investors may lose confidence in the accuracy and completeness of our
financial reports and the market price of our stock may decrease.
The Sarbanes-Oxley Act requires, among other things, that we maintain effec ve internal controls for financial repor ng and disclosure controls and
procedures. In par cular, we are required to perform system and process evalua on and tes ng of our internal controls over financial repor ng to allow
management to report on the effec veness of our internal controls over financial repor ng, as required by Sec on 404(a) of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Sec on
404(b) of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act also requires our independent auditors to a est to, and report on, this management assessment. Ensuring that we have
adequate internal controls in place so that we can produce accurate financial statements on a mely basis is a costly and me-consuming effort that will need
to be evaluated frequently. If we are not able to comply with the requirements of Sec on 404 or if we or our independent registered public accoun ng firm
are unable to a est to the effec veness of our internal control over financial repor ng, investors may lose confidence in the accuracy and completeness of
our financial reports, the market price of our stock could decline and we could be subject to sanc ons or inves ga ons by Nasdaq, the SEC, or other
regulatory authori es, which would require addi onal financial and management resources.
We may incur addi onal tax liabili es related to our opera ons.
We have a mul na onal tax structure and are subject to income tax in the U.S. and various foreign jurisdic ons. Our effec ve tax rate is influenced by
many factors including changes in our opera ng structure, changes in the mix of our earnings among countries, our alloca on of profits and losses among our
subsidiaries, our intercompany transfer pricing agreements and rules rela ng to transfer pricing, the availability of U.S. research and development tax credits,
and future changes in tax laws and regula ons in the U.S. and foreign countries. Significant judgment is required in determining our tax liabili es including
management’s judgment for uncertain tax posi ons. The Internal Revenue Service, other domes c taxing authori es, or foreign taxing authori es may
disagree with our interpreta on of tax laws as applied to our opera ons. Our reported effec ve tax rate and a er-tax cash flows may be materially and
adversely affected by tax assessments in excess of amounts accrued for our financial statements. This could materially increase our future effec ve tax rate
thereby reducing net income and adversely impac ng our results of opera ons for future periods.
Our ability to use our net opera ng loss carryforwards and certain other tax a ributes may be limited.
We have incurred substan al losses during our history. To the extent that we con nue to generate taxable losses, unused taxable losses will, subject to
certain limita ons, carry forward to offset future taxable income, if any, un l such unused losses expire. Under Sec ons 382 and 383 of the Internal Revenue
Code of 1986, as amended, or the IRC, if a corpora on undergoes an “ownership change,” generally defined as a greater than 50% change (by value) in its
equity ownership over a three-year period, the corpora on’s ability to use its pre-change net opera ng loss carryforwards, or NOL carryforwards, and other
pre-change tax a ributes (such as research tax credits) to offset its post-change income may be limited. An analysis to determine limita ons upon our NOL
carryforwards and other pre-change tax a ributes for ownership changes that have occurred previously has been performed, resul ng in a permanent
decrease of federal and state NOL carryforwards in the amount of $7.2 million and a permanent decrease in federal research tax credit carryforwards in the
amount of $0.2 million. As a result of these decreases and others that may occur as a result of future ownership changes, our ability to use our pre-change
NOL carryforwards and other tax a ribute carryforwards to offset U.S. federal taxable income and tax liabili es is limited and may become subject to even
greater limita ons, which could poten ally accelerate or permanently increase future federal tax liabili es for us. In addi on, there may be
periods during which the use of state income tax NOL carryforwards and other state tax a ribute carryforwards (such as state research tax credits) are
suspended or otherwise limited, which could poten ally accelerate or permanently increase future state tax liabili es for us.
Li ga on may substan ally increase our costs and harm our business.
We have been, and may in the future become, party to lawsuits including, without limita on, ac ons, claims and proceedings in the ordinary course of
business rela ng to our directors, officers, stockholders, intellectual property, and employment ma ers and policies, which will cause us to incur legal fees
and other costs related thereto, including poten al expenses for the reimbursement of legal fees of officers and directors under indemnifica on obliga ons.
The expense of defending against such claims or li ga on may be significant and there can be no assurance that we will be successful in any defense. Further,
the amount of me that may be required to resolve such claims or lawsuits is unpredictable, and these ac ons may divert management’s a en on from the
day-to-day opera ons of our business, which could adversely affect our business, results of opera ons, and cash flows. Li ga on is subject to inherent
uncertain es, and an adverse result in such ma ers that may arise from me to me could have a material adverse effect on our business, results of
opera ons, and financial condi on.
Our business and opera ons could be nega vely affected if we become subject to stockholder ac vism or hos le bids, which could cause us to incur
significant expense, hinder execu on of our business strategy and impact our stock price.
Stockholder ac vism, which takes many forms and arises in a variety of situa ons, has been increasingly prevalent. Stock price declines may also
increase our vulnerability to unsolicited approaches. If we become the subject of certain forms of stockholder ac vism, such as proxy contests or hos le bids,
the a en on of our management and our board of directors may be diverted from execu on of our strategy. Such stockholder ac vism could give rise to
perceived uncertain es as to our future strategy, adversely affect our rela onships with business partners and make it more difficult to a ract and retain
qualified personnel. Also, we may incur substan al costs, including significant legal fees and other expenses, related to ac vist stockholder ma ers. Our stock
price could be subject to significant fluctua on or otherwise be adversely affected by the events, risks and uncertain es of any stockholder ac vism.
Increased scru ny regarding ESG prac ces and disclosures could result in addi onal costs and adversely impact our business and reputa on.
Companies across all industries are facing increasing scru ny rela ng to their Environmental, Social and Governance, or “ESG,” prac ces and
disclosures and ins tu onal and individual investors are increasingly using ESG screening criteria in making investment decisions. Investors who are focused
on ESG ma ers may seek enhanced ESG disclosures or to implement policies adverse to our business, and there can be no assurances that stockholders will
not advocate, via proxy contests, media campaigns or other public or private means, for us to make corporate governance changes or engage in certain
corporate ac ons. Our disclosures on these ma ers or a failure to sa sfy evolving stakeholder expecta ons for ESG prac ces and repor ng may poten ally
harm our reputa on and impact employee reten on and access to capital. In addi on, our failure, or perceived failure, to pursue or fulfill our goals, targets,
and objec ves or to sa sfy various repor ng standards within the melines we announce, or at all, could expose us to government enforcement ac ons and
private li ga on.
Our ability to achieve any goal or objec ve, including with respect to environmental and diversity ini a ves and compliance with ESG repor ng
standards, is subject to numerous risks, many of which are outside of our control. Examples of such risks include the availability and cost of technologies and
products that meet sustainability and ethical supply chain standards, evolving regulatory requirements affec ng ESG standards or disclosures, our ability to
recruit, develop, and retain diverse talent in our labor markets, and our ability to develop repor ng processes and controls that comply with evolving
standards for iden fying, measuring and repor ng ESG metrics. As ESG best-prac ces, repor ng standards, and disclosure requirements con nue to develop,
we may incur increasing costs related to maintaining or achieving our ESG goals in addi on to ESG monitoring and repor ng.
Item 1B. Unresolved Staff Comments
Item 1C: Cybersecurity
In the ordinary course of our business, we collect, use, store, and transmit digitally large amounts of confiden al, financial, sensi ve, proprietary,
personal, and health-related informa on. The secure maintenance of this informa on and our informa on technology systems is important to our opera ons
and business strategy. To this end, we have implemented processes designed to assess, iden fy, and manage risks from poten al unauthorized occurrences
on or through our informa on technology systems that may result in adverse effects on the confiden ality, integrity, and availability of these systems and the
data residing therein. These processes are managed and monitored by a dedicated informa on technology team, including a Senior Director of Informa on
Security, and is led by our Senior Vice President, Chief Informa on Officer, or “CIO”. Our processes include mechanisms, controls, technologies, and systems
designed to prevent or mi gate data loss, the , misuse, or other security incidents or vulnerabili es affec ng the data and maintain a stable informa on
technology environment. For example, we conduct penetra on and vulnerability tes ng, data recovery tes ng, security audits, and ongoing risk assessments,
including due diligence on and audits of our key technology vendors, and other contractors and suppliers. We also conduct regular employee trainings on
cyber and informa on security, among other topics. In addi on, we consult with outside advisors and experts, when appropriate, to assist with assessing,
iden fying, and managing cybersecurity risks, including to an cipate future threats and trends, and their impact on the Company’s risk environment.
Our CIO, together with our Senior Director of Informa on Security and other members of the IT leadership team, are responsible for assessing and
managing cybersecurity risks. Our CIO has ten years of experience managing informa on technology and cybersecurity. Our Senior Director of Informa on
Security has over 26 years of experience managing informa on technology and cybersecurity ma ers and is cer fied as a Cer fied Informa on Systems
Security Professional (CISSP). We consider cybersecurity, along with other significant risks that we face, within our overall enterprise risk management
framework. During the year ended December 31, 2023, we did not iden fy risks from known cybersecurity threats, including as a result of any prior
cybersecurity incidents, that have materially affected us, but we face certain ongoing cybersecurity risks or threats that, if realized, are reasonably likely to
materially affect us. Addi onal informa on on cybersecurity risks we face is discussed in Part I, Item 1A, “Risk Factors,” under the heading “Our business and
opera ons may be materially adversely affected in the event of computer system failures or security breaches.”
The Board of Directors, as a whole and at the commi ee level, has oversight for the most significant risks facing us and for our processes to iden fy,
priori ze, assess, manage, and mi gate those risks. The Audit Commi ee, which is comprised solely of independent directors, has been designated by our
Board to oversee cybersecurity risks. The Audit Commi ee receives regular updates on cybersecurity and informa on technology ma ers and related risk
exposures from our CIO. The Board also receives updates from the Audit Commi ee on cybersecurity risks on at least an annual basis.
Item 2. Proper es
Our primary opera ons are conducted at the leased facili es summarized in the below table. In 2023, we completed the construc on of our gene
therapy manufacturing facility located in Bedford, Massachuse s. We believe our facili es are adequate and suitable for our current needs and that we will
be able to obtain new or addi onal leased space in the future when necessary.
Property Loca on
Novato, California
Novato, California
Brisbane, California
Somerville, Massachuse s
Woburn, Massachuse s
Woburn, Massachuse s
Bedford, Massachuse s
Headquarters and office
Laboratory and office
Laboratory and office
Laboratory and office
Laboratory and office
Manufacturing facility
Lease Expira on Date
December 2024
October 2028
June 2026
October 2029
April 2025
October 2026
Owned property
Item 3. Legal Proceedings
We are not currently a party to any material legal proceedings. We may, however, in the ordinary course of business face various claims brought by
third par es or government regulators and we may, from me to me, make claims or take legal ac ons to assert our rights, including claims rela ng to our
directors, officers, stockholders, intellectual property rights, employment ma ers and the safety or efficacy of our products. Any of these claims could subject
us to costly li ga on and, while we generally believe that we have adequate insurance to cover many different types of liabili es, our insurance carriers may
deny coverage, may be inadequately capitalized to pay on valid claims, or our policy limits may be inadequate to fully sa sfy any damage awards or
se lements. If this were to happen, the payment of any such awards could have a material adverse effect on our consolidated opera ons, cash flows and
financial posi on. Addi onally, any such claims, whether or not successful, could damage our reputa on and business.
Item 4. Mine Safety Disclosures
Not applicable.
Item 5. Market for Registrant’s Common Equity, Related Stockholder Ma ers and Issuer Purchases of Equity Securi es
Our common stock has been traded on The Nasdaq Global Select Market since January 31, 2014 under the symbol “RARE”. As of February 15, 2024,
we had 8 holders of record of our common stock. Certain shares are held in “street” name and, accordingly, the number of beneficial owners of such shares is
not known or included in the foregoing number.
The following stock performance graph compares our total stock return with the total return for (i) the Nasdaq Composite Index and (ii) the Nasdaq
Biotechnology Index for the period from December 31, 2018 through December 31, 2023. The figures represented below assume an investment of $100 in
our common stock at the closing price of $43.48 on December 31, 2018 and in the Nasdaq Composite Index, or IXIC, and the Nasdaq Biotechnology Index, or
NBI, on December 31, 2018 and the reinvestment of dividends into shares of common stock. The comparisons in the table are required by the SEC and are not
intended to forecast or be indica ve of the possible future performance of our common stock. This graph shall not be deemed “solici ng material” or be
deemed “filed” for purposes of Sec on 18 of the Securi es Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, or the Exchange Act, or otherwise subject to the liabili es
under that sec on, and shall not be deemed to be incorporated by reference into any of our filings under the Securi es Act of 1933, as amended, or the
Securi es Act, whether made before or a er the date hereof and irrespec ve of any general incorpora on language in any such filing.
$100 Investment in Stock or
Ultragenyx Pharmaceu cal
NASDAQ Composite Index
NASDAQ Biotechnology
December 31,
December 31,
December 31,
31, 2021
31, 2022
31, 2023
98.23 $
318.38 $
106.55 $
135.23 $
194.24 $
157.74 $
124.41 $
156.36 $
138.42 $
Dividend Policy
We have never declared or paid cash dividends on our common stock. We currently intend to retain all available funds and any future earnings, if any,
to fund the development, opera on, and expansion of our business, and we do not an cipate paying any cash dividends on our common stock in the
foreseeable future. Any future determina on to pay dividends will be made at the discre on of our board of directors or any authorized commi ee thereof.
Unregistered Sales of Equity Securi es
Issuer’s Purchases of Equity Securi es
Item 6. Reserved
Item 7. Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condi on and Results of Opera ons
You should read the following discussion and analysis of our financial condi on and results of opera ons together with our Consolidated Financial
Statements and related notes included elsewhere in this Annual Report.
This discussion and analysis generally covers our financial condi on and results of opera ons for the year ended December 31, 2023, including year-
over-year comparisons versus the year ended December 31, 2022. Our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2022 includes a
discussion and analysis of our financial condi on and results of opera ons for the year ended December 31, 2021 in "Part II, Item 7. Management’s Discussion
and Analysis of Financial Condi on and Results of Opera ons.”
Ultragenyx Pharmaceu cal Inc., we or the Company, are a biopharmaceu cal company commi ed to bringing novel products to pa ents for the
treatment of serious rare and ultrarare gene c diseases. We have built a diverse por olio of approved therapies and product candidates aimed at addressing
diseases with high unmet medical need and clear biology for treatment, for which there are typically no approved therapies trea ng the underlying disease.
Our strategy is predicated upon me- and cost-efficient drug development, with the goal of delivering safe and effec ve therapies to pa ents with the utmost
Approved Therapies and Clinical Product Candidates
Our current approved therapies and clinical-stage pipeline consist of four product categories: biologics, small molecules, AAV gene therapy, and nucleic
acid product candidates. We have four commercially approved products, consis ng of Crysvita® (burosumab) for the treatment of X-linked
hypophosphatemia, or XLH, and tumor-induced osteomalacia, or TIO, Mepsevii® (vestronidase alfa) for the treatment of mucopolysaccharidosis VII, or MPSVII
or Sly Syndrome, Dojolvi® (triheptanoin) for the treatment of long-chain fa y acid oxida on disorders, or LC-FAOD, and Evkeeza® (evinacumab) for the
treatment of homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia, or HoFH. Please see “Item 1. Business” above for a descrip on of our approved products and our
clinical stage pipeline products.
Financial Opera ons Overview
We are a biopharmaceu cal company with a limited opera ng history. To date, we have invested substan ally all of our efforts and financial resources
in iden fying, acquiring, and developing our products and product candidates, including conduc ng clinical studies and providing selling, general and
administra ve support for these opera ons. To date, we have funded our opera ons primarily from the sale of our equity securi es, revenues from our
commercial products, the sale of certain future royal es, and strategic collabora on arrangements.
We have incurred net losses in each year since incep on. Our net losses were $606.6 million and $707.4 million for the years ended December 31,
2023 and 2022, respec vely. Substan ally all of our net losses have resulted from costs incurred in connec on with our research and development programs
and from selling, general and administra ve costs associated with our opera ons.
For the year ended December 31, 2023, our total revenues increased to $434.2 million, compared to $363.3 million for the same period in 2022. The
increase in revenue was driven by higher demand for our approved products.
As of December 31, 2023, we had $777.1 million in available cash, cash equivalents and marketable debt securi es.
Cri cal Accoun ng Policies and Significant Judgments and Es mates
Our management’s discussion and analysis of our financial condi on and results of opera ons is based on our Consolidated Financial Statements,
which have been prepared in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accoun ng principles, or GAAP. The prepara on of these Consolidated Financial
Statements requires us to make es mates and assump ons that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabili es and the disclosure of con ngent assets
and liabili es at the date of the financial statements, as well as the reported expenses incurred during the repor ng periods. Our es mates are based on our
historical experience and on various other factors that we believe are reasonable under the circumstances, the results of which form the basis for making
judgments about the carrying value of assets and liabili es that are not readily apparent from other sources. Actual results may differ from these es mates
under different assump ons or condi ons. We periodically review our es mates as a result of changes in circumstances, facts and experience. The effects of
material revisions in es mates are reflected in the financial statements prospec vely from the date of the change in es mate. Our significant accoun ng
policies are more fully described in Note 2 to our financial statements included elsewhere in this Annual Report.
We define our cri cal accoun ng policies as those GAAP accoun ng principles that require us to make subjec ve es mates and judgments about
ma ers that are uncertain and are likely to have a material impact on our financial condi on and results of opera ons as well as the specific manner in which
we apply those principles. We believe the cri cal accoun ng policies used in the prepara on of our financial statements that require significant es mates and
judgments are as follows:
Accrued Research and Development, and Research and Development Expenses
As part of the process of preparing consolidated financial statements, we are required to es mate and accrue expenses, the largest of which is related
to accrued research and development expenses. This process involves reviewing contracts and purchase orders, iden fying services that have been
performed on our behalf, and es ma ng the level of service performed and the associated cost incurred for the service when we have not yet been invoiced
or otherwise no fied of the actual costs.
We record accruals for es mated costs of research, preclinical and clinical studies, and manufacturing development. These costs are a significant
component of our research and development expenses. A substan al por on of our ongoing research and development ac vi es is conducted by third-party
service providers. We accrue the costs incurred under our agreements with these third par es based on actual work completed in accordance with
agreements established with these third par es. We determine the actual costs through discussions with internal personnel and external service providers as
to the progress or stage of comple on of the services and the agreed-upon fee to be paid for such services. We make significant judgments and es mates in
determining the accrual balance in each repor ng period. As actual costs become known, we adjust our accruals. Although we do not expect our es mates to
be materially different from amounts actually incurred, our understanding of the status and ming of services performed rela ve to the actual status and
ming of services performed may vary and could result in us repor ng amounts that are too high or too low in any par cular period. Our accrual is
dependent, in part, upon the receipt of mely and accurate repor ng from clinical research organiza ons and other third-party vendors.
Research and development costs are expensed as incurred and consist of salaries and benefits, stock-based compensa on, lab supplies, materials and
facility costs, as well as fees paid to other nonemployees and en es that conduct certain research and development ac vi es on our behalf. Amounts
incurred in connec on with collabora on and license agreements are also included in research and development expense. Payments made prior to the
receipt of goods or services to be used in research and development are capitalized un l the goods or services are received.
To date, there have been no material differences from our accrued es mated expenses to the actual clinical trial expenses; however, due to the nature
of es mates, we cannot assure you that we will not make changes to our es mates in the future as we become aware of addi onal informa on about the
status or conduct of our clinical studies and other research ac vi es.
Revenue Recogni on
Product Sales
We sell our approved products through a limited number of distributors. Under ASC 606, revenue from product sales is recognized at the point in me
when control is transferred to these distributors. We also recognize revenue from sales of certain products on a “named pa ent” basis, which are allowed in
certain countries prior to the commercial approval of the product. Prior to recognizing revenue, we make es mates of the transac on price, including any
variable considera on that is subject to a constraint. Amounts of variable considera on are included in the transac on price to the extent that it is probable
that a significant reversal in the amount of cumula ve revenue recognized will not occur and when the uncertainty associated with the variable considera on
is subsequently resolved. Product sales are recorded net of es mated government-mandated rebates and chargebacks, es mated product returns, and other
deduc ons.
Provisions for returns and other adjustments are provided for in the period the related revenue is recorded, as es mated by management. These
reserves are based on es mates of the amounts earned or to be claimed on the related sales and are reviewed periodically and adjusted as necessary. Our
es mates of government mandated rebates, chargebacks, es mated product returns, and other deduc ons depends on the iden fica on of key customer
contract terms and condi ons, nego ated pricing, as well as es mates of sales volumes to different classes of payors. If actual results vary, we may need to
adjust these es mates, which could have a material effect on earnings in the period of the adjustment.
Collabora on, License and Royalty Revenue
We have certain license and collabora on agreements that are within the scope of Accoun ng Standards Codifica on, or ASC, 808, Collabora ve
Agreements, which provides guidance on the presenta on and disclosure of collabora ve arrangements. Generally, the classifica on of the transac ons
under the collabora ve arrangements is determined based on the nature of contractual terms of the arrangement, along with the nature of the opera ons of
the par cipants. We record our share of collabora on revenue, net of transfer pricing related to net sales in the period in which such sales occur, if we are
considered as an
agent in the arrangement. We are considered an agent when the collabora on partner controls the product before transfer to the customers and has the
ability to direct the use of and obtain substan ally all of the remaining benefits from the product. Funding received related to research and development
services and commercializa on costs is generally classified as a reduc on of research and development expenses and selling, general and administra ve
expenses, respec vely, in the Consolidated Statement of Opera ons, because the provision of such services for collabora ve partners are not considered to
be part of our ongoing major or central opera ons.
We also record royalty revenues under certain of our license or collabora on agreements in exchange for license of intellectual property.
We u lize certain informa on from our collabora on partners to record collabora on revenue, including revenue from the sale of the product,
associated reserves on revenue, and costs incurred for development and sales ac vi es. For the periods covered in the financial statements presented, there
have been no material changes to prior period es mates of revenues and expenses.
We sold the right to receive certain royalty payments from net sales of Crysvita in certain territories to RPI Finance Trust, or RPI, an affiliate of Royalty
Pharma, and to OCM LS23 Holdings LP, an investment vehicle for Ontario Municipal Employees Re rement System, or OMERS, as further described in
“Liabili es for Sales of Future Royal es” below. We record the royalty revenue from the net sales of Crysvita in the applicable territories on a prospec ve
basis as non-cash royalty revenue in the Consolidated Statements of Opera ons over the term of the applicable arrangement.
The terms of our collabora on and license agreements may contain mul ple performance obliga ons, which may include licenses and research and
development ac vi es. We evaluate these agreements under ASC 606, Revenue from Contracts with Customers, or ASC 606, to determine the dis nct
performance obliga ons. We analogize to ASC 606 for the accoun ng for dis nct performance obliga ons for which there is a customer rela onship. Prior to
recognizing revenue, we make es mates of the transac on price, including variable considera on that is subject to a constraint. Amounts of variable
considera on are included in the transac on price to the extent that it is probable that a significant reversal in the amount of cumula ve revenue recognized
will not occur and when the uncertainty associated with the variable considera on is subsequently resolved. Total considera on may include nonrefundable
upfront license fees, payments for research and development ac vi es, reimbursement of certain third-party costs, payments based upon the achievement of
specified milestones, and royalty payments based on product sales derived from the collabora on.
If there are mul ple dis nct performance obliga ons, we allocate the transac on price to each dis nct performance obliga on based on our rela ve
standalone selling price. The standalone selling price is generally determined based on the prices charged to customers or using expected cost-plus margin.
We es mate the efforts needed to complete the performance obliga ons and recognize revenue by measuring the progress towards complete sa sfac on of
the performance obliga ons using input measures.
We expense costs associated with the manufacture of our products prior to regulatory approval. Typically, capitaliza on of such costs begins when we
have received the regulatory approval of the product. Prior to the approval of our products by the U.S. Food and Drug Administra on, or FDA, manufacturing
and related costs are expensed. As of December 31, 2023, we do not hold a material amount of previously expensed inventory for our approved products.
Inventory that is manufactured a er regulatory approval is valued at the lower of cost and net realizable value and cost is determined using the
average-cost method.
We periodically review our inventories for excess amounts or obsolescence and write down obsolete or otherwise unmarketable inventory to the
es mated net realizable value.
Liabili es for Sales of Future Royal es
In December 2019, we entered into a Royalty Purchase Agreement with RPI. Pursuant to the agreement, RPI paid us $320.0 million in considera on for
our right to receive royalty payments on the net sales of Crysvita in the European Union, or the EU, the United Kingdom, and Switzerland, effec ve January 1,
2020, under the terms of our Collabora on and License Agreement with Kyowa Kirin Co., Ltd., or KKC. The agreement with RPI will automa cally terminate,
and the payment of royal es to RPI will cease, in the event aggregate royalty payments received by RPI are equal to or greater than the capped amount of
$608.0 million prior to December 31, 2030, or in the event aggregate royalty payments received by RPI are less than $608.0 million prior to December 31,
2030, when aggregate royalty payments received by RPI are equal to $800.0 million.
In July 2022, we entered into a Royalty Purchase Agreement with OMERS. Pursuant to the agreement, OMERS paid $500.0 million to us in
considera on for the right to receive 30% of the future royalty payments due to us from KKC based on net sales of Crysvita in the U.S. and Canada under the
terms of the KKC Collabora on Agreement. The calcula on of royalty payments to OMERS
is based on net sales of Crysvita beginning in April 2023 and con nuing un l expira on, which is the earlier of the date on which aggregate payments received
by OMERS equals $725.0 million or the date the final royalty payment is made to us under the KKC Collabora on Agreement.
Proceeds from these transac ons were recorded as liabili es (specifically, liabili es for sales of future royal es on the Consolidated Balance Sheets).
We are amor zing $320.0 million and $500.0 million, net of transac on costs of $5.8 million and $9.1 million for RPI and OMERS, respec vely, using the
effec ve interest method over the es mated life of the applicable arrangement. In order to determine the amor za on of the liabili es, we are required to
es mate the total amount of future royalty payments to be received by us and paid to RPI and OMERS, subject to the capped amount, over the life of the
arrangements. The excess of future es mated royalty payments (subject to the capped amount) to RPI and OMERS, in excess of the net proceeds received of
$314.2 million and $491.0 million, respec vely, is recorded as non-cash interest expense over the life of the arrangements. Consequently, we es mate an
imputed interest on the unamor zed por on of the liabili es and record interest expense rela ng to the transac ons. We record the royalty revenue arising
from the net sales of Crysvita in the applicable territories as non-cash royalty revenue in the Consolidated Statements of Opera ons over the term of the
We periodically assess the expected royalty payments using a combina on of historical results, internal projec ons and forecasts from external
sources. To the extent such payments are greater or less than our ini al es mates or the ming of such payments is materially different than its original
es mates, we will prospec vely adjust the amor za on of the liabili es and the effec ve interest rate. Our effec ve annual interest rates were 6.2% and
7.8%, for RPI and OMERS, respec vely, as of December 31, 2023.
There are a number of factors that could materially affect the amount and ming of royalty payments from KKC in the applicable territories, most of
which are not within our control. Such factors include, but are not limited to, the success of KKC’s sales and promo on of Crysvita, changing standards of care,
macroeconomic and infla onary pressures, the introduc on of compe ng products, pricing for reimbursement in various territories, manufacturing or other
delays, intellectual property ma ers, adverse events that result in governmental health authority imposed restric ons on the use of Crysvita, significant
changes in foreign exchange rates as the royalty payments are made in U.S. dollars, or USD, while significant por ons of the underlying sales of Crysvita are
made in currencies other than USD, and other events or circumstances that could result in reduced royalty payments from sales of Crysvita, all of which would
result in a reduc on of non-cash royalty revenue and the non-cash interest expense over the life of the arrangement. Conversely, if sales of Crysvita in the
relevant territories are more than expected, the non-cash royalty revenue and the non-cash interest expense recorded by us would be greater over the term
of the arrangements.
Stock-Based Compensa on
Stock-based compensa on costs related to equity awards granted to employees are measured at the date of grant based on the es mated fair value of
the award, net of es mated forfeitures. We es mate the grant date fair value of op ons, and the resul ng stock-based compensa on expense, using the
Black-Scholes op on-pricing model. The grant date fair value of the stock-based awards is recognized on a straight-line basis over the requisite service period,
which is generally the ves ng period of the respec ve awards. We expect to con nue to grant equity awards in the future, and to the extent that we do, our
actual stock-based compensa on expense will likely increase. The Black-Scholes op on-pricing model requires the use of certain subjec ve assump ons
which determine the es mated fair value of stock-based awards.
Expected Term — The expected term represents the period that the stock-based awards are expected to be outstanding and is determined using
the simplified method (based on the midpoint between the ves ng date and the end of the contractual term).
Expected Vola lity— The expected vola lity is based on historical vola lity over the look-back period corresponding to the expected term.
Strike price for op ons, including performance stock op ons, or PSOs, is equal to the closing market value of our common stock on the date of grant.
In addi on to the assump ons used in the Black-Scholes op on-pricing model, we also es mate a forfeiture rate to calculate the stock-based
compensa on for our awards. We will con nue to use judgment in evalua ng the expected vola lity, expected terms, and forfeiture rates u lized for our
stock-based compensa on calcula ons on a prospec ve basis and will revise in subsequent periods, if actual forfeitures differ from those es mates.
For restricted stock units, or RSUs, and performance stock units, or PSUs, the fair value is based on the market value of our common stock on the date
of grant, except for certain PSUs with a market ves ng condi on, for which fair value is es mated using a Monte Carlo simula on model. Stock-based
compensa on expense for RSUs is recognized on a straight-line basis over the requisite service period. PSUs are subject to vest only if certain specified criteria
are achieved and the employees’ con nued service with the Company. For certain PSUs, the number of PSUs that may vest are also subject to the
achievement of certain specified criteria, including both performance condi ons and market condi ons. Compensa on expense for PSUs is recognized only
a er the achievement of the specified criteria is considered probable and recognized on a straight-line basis between the grant date and the expected vest
date, with a catch-up for previously unrecognized expense, if any, recognized in the period the achievement criteria is deemed probable.
For the years ended December 31, 2023, 2022, and 2021 stock-based compensa on expense was $135.2 million, $130.4 million, and $105.0 million,
respec vely. As of December 31, 2023, we had $219.8 million of total unrecognized stock-based compensa on costs, net of es mated forfeitures, which we
expect to recognize over a weighted-average period of 2.2 years.
Income Taxes
We use the liability method of accoun ng for income taxes. Under this method, deferred tax assets and liabili es are determined based on the
differences between the financial repor ng and the tax bases of assets and liabili es and are measured using the enacted tax rates and laws that will be in
effect when the differences are expected to reverse. We assess the likelihood that the resul ng deferred tax assets will be realized. A valua on allowance is
provided when it is more likely than not that some por on or all of a deferred tax asset will not be realized.
In conjunc on with the acquisi on of Dimension Therapeu cs, or Dimension, in 2017, we recorded a deferred tax liability reflec ng the tax impact of
the difference between the book basis and tax basis of acquired IPR&D. Such deferred income tax liability was not used to offset deferred tax assets when
analyzing our valua on allowance as the acquired IPR&D is considered to have an indefinite life un l we complete or abandon development of the acquired
We recognize benefits of uncertain tax posi ons if it is more likely than not that such posi ons will be sustained upon examina on based solely on
their technical merits, as the largest amount of benefit that is more likely than not to be realized upon the ul mate se lement. Our policy is to recognize
interest and penal es related to the underpayment of income taxes as a component of income tax expense or benefit. To date, there have been no interest or
penal es charged in rela on to the unrecognized tax benefits.
As of December 31, 2023, our total gross deferred tax assets were $1,041.8 million. Due to our lack of earnings history and uncertain es surrounding
our ability to generate future taxable income, the net deferred tax assets have been fully offset by a valua on allowance. The deferred tax assets were
primarily comprised of federal and state tax net opera ng losses and tax credit carryforwards. U liza on of the net opera ng loss and tax credit
carryforwards may be subject to an annual limita on due to historical or future ownership percentage change rules provided by the Internal Revenue Code of
1986, and similar state provisions. The annual limita on may result in the expira on of certain net opera ng loss and tax credit carryforwards before their
u liza on.
Results of Opera ons
Comparison of Years Ended December 31, 2023 and 2022
Revenues (dollars in thousands)
Product sales:
Total product sales
Crysvita royalty revenue
Collabora on and license revenue:
Crysvita collabora on revenue in Profit-Share
Daiichi Sankyo
Total collabora on and license revenue
Total revenues
* not meaningful
Year Ended December 31,
75,697 $
42,678 $
(145,319 )
(6,207 )
(151,526 )
Our product sales increased $61.5 million for the year ended December 31, 2023, compared to the same period in 2022. The increase was primarily
due to an increase in demand for Crysvita in La n America resul ng from an increase in the number of pa ents on therapy, con nued increase in demand for
our other approved products, and increases in revenue under our named pa ent programs.
Our Crysvita collabora on revenue in the Profit-Share Territory and royalty revenue increased by a net $15.6 million for the year ended December 31,
2023, compared to the same period in 2022; this increase in Crysvita revenue is primarily due to an increase in the number of pa ents on therapy. We
transi oned commercial responsibili es to KKC in the Profit-Share Territory in April 2023. Post transi on, we recognize our revenue share for Crysvita sales in
the Profit-Share Territory as royalty revenue, which was recorded as collabora on revenue prior to the transi on.
Our revenue from the Daiichi Sankyo arrangement decreased by $6.2 million for the year ended December 31, 2023, compared to the same period in
2022. The decrease was due to the comple on of the technology transfer and the technology transfer period as of March 31, 2023.
Cost of Sales (dollars in thousands)
Cost of sales
Year Ended December 31,
Cost of sales increased by $16.9 million for the year ended December 31, 2023, compared to the same period in 2022. The increase in cost of sales was
due to increased demand for our approved products, par ally offset by a decrease in the Crysvita transfer price on sales of the product in La n America from
35% prior to December 31, 2022, to 30% in 2023.
Research and Development Expenses (dollars in thousands)
Research and development expenses include internal and external costs incurred for research and development of our programs and program
candidates and expenses related to certain technology that we acquire or license through business development transac ons. These expenses consist
primarily of clinical studies performed by contract research organiza ons, manufacturing of drug substance and drug product performed by contract
manufacturing organiza ons and at our gene therapy manufacturing facility, materials and supplies, fees from collabora ve and other arrangements including
milestones, licenses and other fees, personnel costs including salaries, benefits and stock-based compensa on, and overhead alloca ons consis ng of various
support and infrastructure costs.
Clinical programs include study conduct and manufacturing costs related to clinical program candidates. Transla onal research includes costs for
preclinical study work and costs related to preclinical programs prior to IND filing. Upfront license, acquisi on, and milestone fees include any significant
expenses related to strategic licensing agreements. Approved products include costs for disease monitoring programs for post-marke ng clinical studies,
medical affairs ac vi es to support scien fic discovery efforts on
exis ng programs, and regulatory costs for unapproved regions. Infrastructure costs include direct costs related to laboratory, IT, and equipment deprecia on
costs, and overhead alloca ons for human resources, IT, and other allocable costs.
The following table provides a breakout of our research and development expenses by major program type and business ac vi es:
Clinical programs:
Gene therapy programs
Biologic and nucleic acid programs
Transla onal research
Upfront license, acquisi on, and milestone fees
Approved products
Stock-based compensa on
Other research and development
Total research and development expenses
Year Ended December 31,
168,705 $
153,754 $
(9,611 )
(66,033 )
(22,205 )
(57,340 )
Total research and development expenses decreased $57.3 million for the year ended December 31, 2023 compared to the same period in 2022. The
change in research and development expenses was due to:
for gene therapy programs, an increase of $15.0 million, primarily related to the addi on of the development costs for the UX111 program
acquired from Abeona Therapeu cs in May 2022, and an increase in produc on materials purchases for internal manufacturing, par ally offset
by decreases in external clinical manufacturing expenses for DTX401;
for biologic and nucleic acid programs, an increase of $11.6 million, primarily related to the con nued clinical progress of the UX143 and GTX102
programs and associated clinical development and manufacturing expenses, par ally offset by a reduc on in development expense on UX053 for
the treatment of Glycogen Storage Disease Type III;
for transla onal research, a decrease of $9.6 million, primarily related to decreases in manufacturing and headcount expense for IND-stage
for upfront license, acquisi on, and milestone fees, a decrease of $66.0 million, due to $9.0 million related to payment for achievement of a
clinical enrollment milestone for the UX143 program recognized during the year ended December 31, 2023, as compared to $75.0 million
recognized from the GeneTx acquisi on for the year ended December 31, 2022;
for approved products, a decrease of $22.2 million, primarily due to transi on of Crysvita commercializa on responsibili es in North America to
KKC and realized cost efficiencies for Dojolvi, par ally offset by reimbursement of Regeneron collabora on expenses and increased personnel and
launch costs for Evkeeza;
for infrastructure, an increase of $7.3 million, primarily related to increased expenses for support of our clinical and research program pipeline,
expansion of laboratory space, deprecia on of laboratory-related leasehold improvements and equipment, and IT-related expenses; and
for other research and development expenses, an increase of $6.6 million, primarily related to increased staffing and material costs to support
internal manufacturing and increased administra ve and general support.
We expect our annual research and development expenses to con nue to moderate in the future as we advance our product candidates through
clinical development. The ming and amount of expenses incurred will depend largely upon the outcomes of current or future clinical studies for our product
candidates as well as the related regulatory requirements, manufacturing costs, and any costs associated with the advancement of our preclinical programs.
Selling, General and Administra ve Expenses (dollars in thousands)
Selling, general and administra ve
Year Ended December 31,
Selling, general and administra ve expenses increased $31.7 million for the year ended December 31, 2023, compared to the same period in 2022.
The increases in selling, general and administra ve expenses were primarily due to increases in commercializa on costs, and professional services costs, as
well as a one- me legal se lement of $6.2 million for the year ended December 31, 2023.
We expect selling, general and administra ve expenses to con nue to moderate in the future as we con nue to support our approved products and
mul ple clinical-stage product candidates, with expected decreases in commercial ac vi es due to transi on of Crysvita commercial responsibili es to our
partner in the Profit-Share Territory.
Interest Income (dollars in thousands)
Interest income
Year Ended December 31,
Interest income increased $15.6 million for the year ended December 31, 2023 compared to the same period in 2022, primarily due to increases in
interest rates.
Change in Fair Value of Equity Investments (dollars in thousands)
Change in fair value of equity investments
(19,299 ) $
Year Ended December 31,
For the year ended December 31, 2023, we recorded a net increase in the fair value of our equity investments of $0.4 million due to an increase in the
fair value of our investments in Solid Biosciences Inc., or Solid, common stock for the period.
For the year ended December 31, 2022, we recorded a net decrease in the fair value of our equity investments of $19.3 million. The fair value of our
investments in Arcturus Therapeu cs Holdings Inc., or Arcturus, and Solid common stock decreased by $8.4 million and $10.9 million, respec vely, for the
period. The change in fair value of Arcturus included a realized gain on the sale of all our remaining shares of common stock for net proceeds of $10.1 million.
As of December 31, 2022, we had sold all our remaining equity investments in Arcturus.
Non-cash Interest Expense on Liabili es for Sales of Future Royal es (dollars in thousands)
Non-cash interest expense on liabili es for
sales of future royal es
Year Ended December 31,
Our non-cash interest expense on liabili es for sales of future royal es increased by $23.0 million for the year ended December 31, 2023, compared to
the same period in 2022. This was primarily due to the par al sale of North American Crysvita royal es to OMERS in July 2022, with a full year of interest
expense in 2023. To the extent the royalty payments are greater or less than our ini al es mates or the ming of such payments is materially different than
our original es mates, we prospec vely adjust the effec ve interest rate.
Other Expense (dollars in thousands)
Other expense
Year Ended December 31,
(337 ) $
(1,566 ) $
Other expense decreased $1.2 million for the year ended December 31, 2023, compared to the same period in 2022. These changes were primarily
due to fluctua ons in foreign exchange rates.
Benefit from (provision for) income taxes
Benefit from (provision for) income taxes
(5,696 ) $
Year Ended December 31,
For the year ended December 31, 2023, we recognized an income tax benefit of $4.8 million a ributable to modifica ons in our state appor onment
methodology. We realized no benefit for current year losses due to a full valua on allowance against the U.S. net deferred tax assets. The benefit was offset
by an income tax expense of $3.0 million from foreign jurisdic ons.
Beginning in 2022, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 eliminated the right to deduct research and development expenditures for tax purposes in the
period the expenses were incurred and instead requires all U.S. and foreign research and development expenditures to be amor zed over five and fi een tax
years, respec vely. Due to this required capitaliza on of research and
development expenditures and the significant taxable income generated as a result of our sale of royal es in July 2022, we recorded a one- me discrete tax
expense of $6.1 million for the year ended December 31, 2022. The discrete tax expense is for state taxes we an cipate paying as a result of statutory
limita ons on our ability to offset expected taxable income with net opera ng loss carry forwards in certain states. We realized no benefit for current year
losses due to a full valua on allowance against the U.S. net deferred tax assets.
Liquidity and Capital Resources
To date, we have funded our opera ons primarily from the sale of our equity securi es, revenue from our commercial products, the sale of certain
future royal es, and strategic collabora on arrangements.
As of December 31, 2023, we had $777.1 million in available cash, cash equivalents, and marketable debt securi es. We believe that our exis ng
capital resources will be sufficient to fund our projected opera ng requirements for at least the next twelve months. Our cash, cash equivalents, and
marketable debt securi es are held in a variety of deposit accounts, interest-bearing accounts, corporate bond securi es, commercial paper, U.S government
securi es, asset-backed securi es, and money market funds. Cash in excess of immediate requirements is invested with a view toward liquidity and capital
preserva on, and we seek to minimize the poten al effects of concentra on and credit risk.
In October 2023, we completed an underwri en public offering in which 9,833,334 shares of common stock were sold, including the exercise in full by
the underwriters of their op on to purchase an addi onal 1,500,000 shares, at a public offering price of $30.00 per share. In connec on with the offering, we
sold to certain investors pre-funded warrants, in lieu of common stock, to purchase 1,666,722 shares of common stock at a purchase price of $29.999 per pre-
funded warrant, which equals the public offering price per share of common stock less the $0.001 exercise price per share of each pre-funded warrant. The
total proceeds that we received from the offering were $326.5 million, net of underwri ng discounts and commissions.
In May 2021, we entered into an Open Market Sale Agreement with Jefferies LLC, or Jefferies, pursuant to which we may offer and sell shares of our
common stock having an aggregate offering proceeds up to $350.0 million, from me to me, in at-the-market, or ATM, offerings through Jefferies. There
were 1,175,584 shares sold under this arrangement for the year ended December 31, 2023, for net proceeds of $53.3 million. No shares were sold under this
arrangement for the year ended December 31, 2022. As of December 31, 2023, net proceeds from shares sold under the arrangement were $132.2 million.
The following table summarizes our cash flows for the periods indicated (in thousands):
Cash used in opera ng ac vi es
Cash provided by (used in) inves ng ac vi es
Cash provided by financing ac vi es
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash
Net increase (decrease) in cash, cash equivalents, and
restricted cash
Year Ended December 31,
(474,806 ) $
(380,465 )
(291,652 )
(1,075 )
81,798 $
(171,984 )
Cash Used in Opera ng Ac vi es
Our primary use of cash is to fund opera ng expenses, which consist primarily of research and development and commercial expenditures. Due to our
significant research and development expenditures, we have generated significant opera ng losses since our incep on. Cash used to fund opera ng expenses
is affected by the ming of when we pay these expenses, as reflected in the change in our outstanding accounts payable and accrued expenses.
Cash used in opera ng ac vi es for the year ended December 31, 2023 was $474.8 million and primarily reflected a net loss of $606.6 million,
par ally offset by non-cash items of $146.9 million, net, which consisted primarily of non-cash collabora on royalty revenues, interest expense related to the
sale of future royal es to RPI and OMERS, net of amounts capitalized, stock-based compensa on, amor za on of discounts on marketable debt securi es,
and deprecia on and amor za on. The change in opera ng assets and liabili es also reflected a net use of cash of $15.1 million, primarily due to an increase
in accounts receivable primarily related to an increase in sales of our approved products, par ally offset by a net decrease in other assets primarily in prepaid
Cash used in opera ng ac vi es for the year ended December 31, 2022 was $380.5 million and reflected a net loss of $707.4 million par ally offset by
non-cash items of $266.7 million, net, which consisted primarily of non-cash collabora on royalty revenues, interest expense related to the sale of future
royal es to RPI and OMERS, net of amounts capitalized, stock-based compensa on, acquired in-process research and development rela ng to our acquisi on
of GeneTx, the change in fair value of equity investments, primarily for the net change in fair value of equity investments from Arcturus and Solid, and
deprecia on and amor za on. The change in opera ng assets and liabili es also reflected net cash provided of $60.2 million, primarily due to an increase in
accounts payable, accrued, and other liabili es, primarily due to ming of payments and receipt of invoices, as well as an increase in manufacturing accruals
related to manufacturing and clinical expenses, an increase in accrued bonus due to an increase in headcount, and an increase in accrued development costs
owed to a collabora on partner, par ally offset by an increase in accounts receivable primarily related to an increase in sales of our approved products.
Cash Provided by (Used in) Inves ng Ac vi es
Cash provided by inves ng ac vi es for the year ended December 31, 2023 was $168.0 million and was primarily related to $219.8 million from net
ac vi es in marketable debt securi es, offset by purchases of property, plant, and equipment of $44.3 million, primarily related to the fit-out of our gene
therapy manufacturing facility.
Cash used in inves ng ac vi es for the year ended December 31, 2022 was $291.7 million and was primarily related to purchases of property, plant,
and equipment of $116.1 million, primarily related to the construc on of our gene therapy manufacturing facility, the acquisi on of GeneTx for $75.0 million,
net of cash acquired, $79.8 million from net ac vi es in marketable debt securi es, and the payment to Regeneron for intangible assets of $30.0 million,
offset by proceeds from the sale of Arcturus common stock of $10.1 million.
Cash Provided by Financing Ac vi es
Cash provided by financing ac vi es for the year ended December 31, 2023 was $388.1 million and was primarily comprised of $326.5 million in net
proceeds from the sale of common stock in our October 2023 underwri en public offering and $53.3 million in net proceeds from the issuance of common
stock from our ATM.
Cash provided by financing ac vi es for the year ended December 31, 2022 was $501.2 million and was primarily comprised of $491.0 million in net
proceeds from the par al sale of future North America Crysvita royal es to OMERS and $10.8 million in net proceeds from the issuance of common stock
upon the exercise of stock op ons, net of taxes withheld from the ves ng of restricted stock units.
Funding Requirements
We an cipate that, excluding non-recurring items, we will con nue to generate annual losses for the foreseeable future as we con nue the
development of, and seek regulatory approvals for, our product candidates, and con nue with commercializa on of approved products. We may require
addi onal capital to fund our opera ons, to complete our ongoing and planned clinical studies, to commercialize our products, to con nue inves ng in early-
stage research capabili es to promote our pipeline growth, to con nue to acquire or invest in businesses or products that complement or expand our
business, including future milestone payments thereunder, and to further develop our general infrastructure and such funding may not be available to us on
acceptable terms or at all.
If we are unable to raise addi onal capital in sufficient amounts or on terms acceptable to us, we may be required to delay, limit, reduce the scope of,
or terminate one or more of our clinical studies, research and development programs, future commercializa on efforts, or grant rights to develop and market
product candidates that we would otherwise prefer to develop and market ourselves.
Our future funding requirements will depend on many factors, including the following:
the scope, rate of progress, results and cost of our clinical studies, nonclinical tes ng, and other related ac vi es;
the cost of manufacturing clinical supplies, and establishing commercial supplies, of our product candidates, products that we have begun to
commercialize, and any products that we may develop in the future;
the cost of opera ng our GMP gene therapy manufacturing facility;
the number and characteris cs of product candidates that we pursue;
the cost, ming, and outcomes of regulatory interac ons and approvals;
the cost and ming of establishing our commercial infrastructure, and distribu on capabili es;
the impact of macroeconomic condi ons, including the general economic slowdown, infla onary pressure, high interest rates, a poten al U.S.
federal government shutdown, and poten al recessionary environment on our business opera ons and opera ng results, as described in “Part I,
Item IA. Risk Factors " and
the terms and ming of any collabora ve, licensing, marke ng, distribu on, acquisi on and other arrangements that we may establish, including
any required upfront milestone, royalty, reimbursements or other payments thereunder.
We expect to sa sfy future cash needs through exis ng capital balances, revenue from our commercial products, and a combina on of public or
private equity offerings, debt financings, collabora ons, strategic alliances, licensing arrangements, and other marke ng and distribu on arrangements.
Please see “Risk Factors—Risks Related to Our Financial Condi on and Capital Requirements.”
Contractual Obliga ons and Commitments
Material contractual obliga ons arising in the normal course of business primarily consist of opera ng and finance leases and manufacturing and
service contract obliga ons. See Note 9 to the Consolidated Financial Statements for amounts outstanding for opera ng and finance leases on December 31,
Manufacturing and service contract obliga ons primarily relate to manufacturing of inventory for our approved products, the majority of which are
due in the next 12 months. See Note 15 to the Consolidated Financial Statements for these contractual obliga ons.
The terms of certain of our licenses, royal es, development and collabora on agreements, as well as other research and development ac vi es,
require us to pay poten al future milestone payments based on product development success. The amount and ming of such obliga ons are unknown or
uncertain. These poten al obliga ons are further described in Note 8 to the Consolidated Financial Statements.
Recent Accoun ng Pronouncements
Item 7A. Quan ta ve and Qualita ve Disclosures about Market Risk
Interest Rate Risk
Our exposure to market risk for changes in interest rates relates primarily to interest earned on our cash equivalents and marketable debt securi es.
The primary objec ve of our investment ac vi es is to preserve our capital to fund opera ons. A secondary objec ve is to maximize income from our
investments without assuming significant risk. Our investment policy provides for investments in low-risk, investment-grade debt instruments. As of
December 31, 2023, we had cash, cash equivalents, and marketable debt securi es totaling $777.1 million, which included bank deposits, money market
funds, U.S. government treasury and agency securi es, and investment-grade corporate bond securi es which are subject to default, changes in credit ra ng,
and changes in market value. The securi es in our investment por olio are classified as available for sale and are subject to interest rate risk and will decrease
in value if market interest rates increase. A hypothe cal 100 basis point change in interest rates during any of the periods presented would not have had a
material impact on the fair market value of our cash equivalents and marketable debt securi es as of December 31, 2023. To date, we have not experienced a
loss of principal on any of our investments and as of December 31, 2023, we did not record any allowance for credit loss from our investments.
Foreign Currency Risk
We face foreign exchange risk as a result of entering into transac ons denominated in currencies other than U.S. dollars. Due to the uncertain ming
of expected payments in foreign currencies, we do not u lize any forward exchange contracts. All foreign transac ons se le on the applicable spot exchange
basis at the me such payments are made. Vola le market condi ons arising from the macroeconomic environment (including financial condi ons affec ng
the banking system and financial ins tu ons), infla on, or global poli cal instability may result in significant changes in exchange rates, and in par cular a
weakening of foreign currencies rela ve to the U.S. dollar may nega vely affect our revenue and opera ng income as expressed in U.S. dollars. An adverse
movement in foreign exchange rates could have a material effect on payments made to foreign suppliers and payments related to license agreements. For the
year ended December 31, 2023, a majority of our revenue, expenses, and capital expenditures were denominated in U.S. dollars. A hypothe cal 10% change
in foreign exchange rates during any of the periods presented would not have had a material impact on our Consolidated Financial Statements.
Item 8. Financial Statements and Supplementary Data
Our financial statements are annexed to this Annual Report beginning on page F-1 and are incorporated by reference into this Item 8.
Item 9. Changes in and Disagreements with Accountants on Accoun ng and Financial Disclosure
Item 9A. Controls and Procedures
Evalua on of Disclosure Controls and Procedures
Management carried out an evalua on, under the supervision and with the par cipa on of our Principal Execu ve Officer and our Principal Financial
Officer, of the effec veness of our “disclosure controls and procedures” as of the end of the period covered by this Annual Report, pursuant to Rules 13a-
15(e) and 15d-15(e) under the Securi es Exchange Act of 1934, or the Exchange Act. In connec on with that evalua on, our Principal Execu ve Officer and
our Principal Financial Officer concluded that our disclosure controls and procedures were effec ve and designed to provide reasonable assurance that the
informa on required to be disclosed is recorded, processed, summarized, and reported within the me periods specified in the SEC rules and forms as of
December 31, 2023. For the purpose of this review, disclosure controls and procedures means controls and procedures designed to ensure that informa on
required to be disclosed by us in the reports that we file or submit is recorded, processed, summarized and reported within the me periods specified in the
SEC’s rules and forms. These disclosure controls and procedures include, without limita on, controls and procedures designed to ensure that informa on
required to be disclosed by us in the reports that we file or submit is accumulated and communicated to management, including our Principal Execu ve
Officer and our Principal Financial Officer, as appropriate to allow mely decisions regarding required disclosure. In designing and evalua ng the disclosure
controls and procedures, our management recognizes that any controls and procedures, no ma er how well designed and operated, can provide only
reasonable assurance of achieving the desired control objec ves, and our management necessarily applies its judgment in evalua ng the cost-benefit
rela onship of possible controls and procedures.
Management’s Annual Report on Internal Control Over Financial Repor ng
Management is responsible for establishing and maintaining adequate internal control over financial repor ng as defined in Rules 13a-15(f) and 15d-
15(f) of the Exchange Act. Our management used the Commi ee of Sponsoring Organiza ons of the Treadway Commission Internal Control - Integrated
Framework issued by the Commi ee of Sponsoring Organiza ons of the Treadway Commission (2013 framework), or the COSO framework, to evaluate the
effec veness of internal control over financial repor ng. Management believes that the COSO framework is a suitable framework for its evalua on of
financial repor ng because it is free from bias, permits reasonably consistent qualita ve and quan ta ve measurements of our internal control over financial
repor ng, is sufficiently complete so that those relevant factors that would alter a conclusion about the effec veness of our internal control over financial
repor ng are not omi ed and is relevant to an evalua on of internal control over financial repor ng.
Management has assessed the effec veness of our internal control over financial repor ng as of December 31, 2023, and has concluded that as of
such date, our internal control over financial repor ng was effec ve.
Our independent registered public accoun ng firm, Ernst & Young LLP, has audited the financial statements included in this Annual Report and has
issued a report on the effec veness of our internal control over financial repor ng. The report of Ernst & Young LLP is included below.
Changes in Internal Control over Financial Repor ng
There have been no changes in our internal control over financial repor ng (as defined in Rules 13a-15(f) and 15d-15(f) under the Exchange Act)
during our fourth quarter ended December 31, 2023, that have materially affected, or are reasonably likely to materially affect our internal control over
financial repor ng.
To the Stockholders and the Board of Directors of Ultragenyx Pharmaceu cal Inc.
Report of Independent Registered Public Accoun ng Firm
Opinion on Internal Control Over Financial Repor ng
We have audited Ultragenyx Pharmaceu cal Inc.’s internal control over financial repor ng as of December 31, 2023, based on criteria established in
Internal Control—Integrated Framework issued by the Commi ee of Sponsoring Organiza ons of the
Treadway Commission (2013 framework) (the COSO criteria). In our opinion, Ultragenyx Pharmaceu cal Inc. (the Company) maintained, in all material
respects, effec ve internal control over financial repor ng as of December 31, 2023, based on the COSO criteria.
We also have audited, in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accoun ng Oversight Board (United States) (PCAOB), the consolidated
balance sheets of the Company as of December 31, 2023 and 2022, the related consolidated statements of opera ons, comprehensive loss, stockholders’
equity and cash flows for each of the three years in the period ended December 31, 2023, and the related notes and our report dated February 21, 2024
expressed an unqualified opinion thereon.
Basis for Opinion
The Company’s management is responsible for maintaining effec ve internal control over financial repor ng and for its assessment of the
effec veness of internal control over financial repor ng included in the accompanying Management’s Annual Report on Internal Control Over Financial
Repor ng. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the Company’s internal control over financial repor ng based on our audit. We are a public
accoun ng firm registered with the PCAOB and are required to be independent with respect to the Company in accordance with the U.S. federal securi es
laws and the applicable rules and regula ons of the Securi es and Exchange Commission and the PCAOB.
We conducted our audit in accordance with the standards of the PCAOB. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain
reasonable assurance about whether effec ve internal control over financial repor ng was maintained in all material respects.
Our audit included obtaining an understanding of internal control over financial repor ng, assessing the risk that a material weakness exists, tes ng
and evalua ng the design and opera ng effec veness of internal control based on the assessed risk, and performing such other procedures as we considered
necessary in the circumstances. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.
Defini on and Limita ons of Internal Control Over Financial Repor ng
A company’s internal control over financial repor ng is a process designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of financial
repor ng and the prepara on of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generally accepted accoun ng principles. A company’s internal
control over financial repor ng includes those policies and procedures that (1) pertain to the maintenance of records that, in reasonable detail, accurately
and fairly reflect the transac ons and disposi ons of the assets of the company; (2) provide reasonable assurance that transac ons are recorded as necessary
to permit prepara on of financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accoun ng principles, and that receipts and expenditures of the
company are being made only in accordance with authoriza ons of management and directors of the company; and (3) provide reasonable assurance
regarding preven on or mely detec on of unauthorized acquisi on, use, or disposi on of the company’s assets that could have a material effect on the
financial statements.
Because of its inherent limita ons, internal control over financial repor ng may not prevent or detect misstatements. Also, projec ons of any
evalua on of effec veness to future periods are subject to the risk that controls may become inadequate because of changes in condi ons, or that the degree
of compliance with the policies or procedures may deteriorate.
/s/ Ernst & Young LLP
San Mateo, California
February 21, 2024
Item 9B. Other Informa on
On November 10, 2023, Corsee Sanders, Ph.D., a member of the Company’s Board of Directors, adopted a trading arrangement intended to sa sfy the
affirma ve defense of Rule 10b5-1(c), to sell up to 2,322 shares of the Company’s common stock through July 12, 2024, subject to certain condi ons.
On December 7, 2023, Ma hew Fust, a member of the Company’s Board of Directors, adopted a trading arrangement intended to sa sfy the
affirma ve defense of Rule 10b5-1(c), to sell up to 12,195 shares of the Company’s common stock through December 6, 2024, subject to certain condi ons.
Item 9C. Disclosure Regarding Foreign Jurisdic ons that Prevent Inspec ons
Not applicable.
Item 10. Directors, Execu ve Officers and Corporate Governance
Except as set forth below, the informa on required by this Item is incorporated herein by reference to informa on in the proxy statement for our 2024
Annual Mee ng of Stockholders, which we will file with the SEC within 120 days of the end of the fiscal year to which this Annual Report relates, or the “2024
Proxy Statement”, including under the headings “Nominees and Incumbent Directors,” “Execu ve Officers,” ““Board of Directors and Commi ees,” and, as
applicable, “Delinquent Sec on 16(a) Beneficial Ownership Reports.” We have adopted a code of ethics that applies to all of our directors, officers and
employees, including our principal execu ve, principal financial and principal accoun ng officers, or persons performing similar func ons, or Code of Ethics.
Our Code of Ethics is posted on our website located at h ps:// under “Corporate Governance”. We intend to disclose future amendments
to certain provisions of the Code of Ethics, and waivers of the Code of Ethics granted to execu ve officers and directors, on the website within four business
days following the date of the amendment or waiver.
Item 11. Execu ve Compensa on
The informa on required by this Item is incorporated herein by reference to informa on in the 2024 Proxy Statement, including under the headings
“Execu ve Compensa on,” “Director Compensa on,” and “Board of Directors and Commi ees.”
Item 12. Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management and Related Stockholder Ma ers
The informa on required by this Item is incorporated herein by reference to informa on in the 2024 Proxy Statement, including under the headings
“Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management” and “Equity Compensa on Plan Informa on.”
Item 13. Certain Rela onships and Related Transac ons, and Director Independence
The informa on required by this Item is incorporated herein by reference to informa on in the 2024 Proxy Statement, including under the headings
“Certain Rela onships and Related-Person Transac ons,” “Corporate Governance,” and “Board of Directors and Commi ees.”
Item 14. Principal Accountant Fees and Services
The informa on required by this Item is incorporated herein by reference to informa on in the 2024 Proxy Statement, including under the heading
“Proposal No. 3—Ra fica on of the Selec on of Independent Registered Public Accoun ng Firm.”
Item 15. Exhibits and Financial Statement Schedules
(a) The following documents are filed as part of this Annual Report.
(1) Consolidated Financial Statements
Consolidated Financial Statements—See Index to Consolidated Financial Statements at page F-1 of this Annual Report.
(2) Consolidated Financial Statement Schedules
Consolidated Financial Statement schedules have been omi ed in this Annual Report because they are not applicable, not required under
the instruc ons, or the informa on requested is set forth in the Consolidated Financial Statements or related notes thereto.
(b) Exhibits
Exhibit Descrip on
Incorporated by Reference
Amended and Restated Cer ficate of Incorpora on
Second Amended and Restated Bylaws
Form of Common Stock Cer ficate
Form of Indenture
Form of Pre-Funded Warrant
Descrip on of Common Stock
Collabora on and License Agreement, effec ve as of August 29,
2013, between Ultragenyx Pharmaceu cal Inc. and Kyowa Hakko
Kirin Co., Ltd.
Amendment No. 1 to Collabora on and License Agreement, effec ve
as of August 24, 2015, between Ultragenyx Pharmaceu cal Inc. and
Kyowa Hakko Kirin Co., Ltd.
Amendment No. 2 to Collabora on and License Agreement, effec ve
as of November 28, 2016, between Ultragenyx Pharmaceu cal Inc.
and Kyowa Hakko Kirin Co., Ltd.
Amendment No. 3 to Collabora on and License Agreement, effec ve
September 29, 2017, between Ultragenyx Pharmaceu cal Inc. and
Kyowa Hakko Kirin Co., Ltd.
Amendment No. 4 to Collabora on and License Agreement, effec ve
as of January 29, 2018, between Ultragenyx Pharmaceu cal Inc. and
Kyowa Hakko Kirin Co., Ltd.
Amendment No. 5 to Collabora on and License Agreement, effec ve
as of April 30, 2018, between Ultragenyx Pharmaceu cal Inc. and
Kyowa Hakko Kirin Co., Ltd.
Amendment No. 6 to Collabora on and License Agreement, effec ve
as of February 1, 2019, between Ultragenyx Pharmaceu cal Inc. and
Kyowa Hakko Kirin Co., Ltd.
Amendment No. 7 to Collabora on and License Agreement, effec ve
as of December 5, 2018, between Ultragenyx Pharmaceu cal Inc.
and Kyowa Hakko Kirin Co., Ltd.
Amendment No. 8 to Collabora on and License Agreement, effec ve
as of July 4, 2019, between Ultragenyx Pharmaceu cal Inc. and
Kyowa Kirin Co., Ltd. (formerly, Kyowa Hakko Kirin Co., Ltd.)
Amendment No. 9 to Collabora on and License Agreement, effec ve
December 23, 2019, between Ultragenyx Pharmaceu cal Inc. and
Kyowa Kirin Co., Ltd.
Amendment No. 10 to Collabora on and License Agreement,
effec ve as of April 1, 2020, between Ultragenyx Pharmaceu cal Inc.
and Kyowa Kirin Co., Ltd.
Amendment No. 11 to Collabora on and License Agreement,
effec ve as of December 17, 2021 between Ultragenyx
Pharmaceu cal Inc. and Kyowa Kirin Co., Ltd.
Amendment No. 12 to Collabora on and License Agreement,
effec ve as of September 29, 2022, between Ultragenyx
Pharmaceu cal Inc. and Kyowa Kirin Co., Ltd.
Amendment No. 13 to Collabora on and License Agreement,
effec ve as of May 16, 2023, between Ultragenyx Pharmaceu cal
Inc. and Kyowa Kirin Co., Ltd.
Unit Purchase Agreement, dated as of July 15, 2022, by and among
Ultragenyx Pharmaceu cal Inc., GeneTx Biotherapeu cs LLC, the
Unitholders and Deborah A. Guagliardo
Commercial Supply and Services Agreement – Drug Substance,
effec ve December 7, 2017, between Ultragenyx Europe GmbH and
Rentschler Biopharma SE
Commercial Master Service Agreement – Drug Product, effec ve
February 22, 2021, between Ultragenyx Pharmaceu cal Inc. and BSP
Pharmaceu cals S.p.A
Commercial Supply Agreement, dated June 19, 2023, between
Ultragenyx Pharmaceu cal Inc. and IOI Oleo GmbH
Royalty Purchase Agreement, dated as of December 17, 2019,
between Ultragenyx Pharmaceu cal Inc. and RPI Finance Trust
Royalty Purchase Agreement, dated as of July 14, 2022, by and
among Rare Delaware Inc., Ultragenyx Pharmaceu cal Inc. and OCM
LS23 Holdings LP
2014 Incen ve Plan (as amended)
Form of Incen ve Stock Op on Agreement (2014 Plan)
Form of Non Statutory Stock Op on Agreement (Employees) (2014
Form of Restricted Stock Unit Agreement (Employees) (2014 Plan)
Form of Non-Statutory Stock Op on Agreement (Annual Grant for
Directors) (2014 Plan)
Form of Restricted Stock Unit Agreement (Annual Grant for
Directors) (2014 Plan)
Form of Non-Statutory Stock Op on Agreement (Grant for New
Directors) (2014 Plan)
Form of Restricted Stock Unit Agreement (Grant for New
Directors) (2014 Plan)
2023 Incen ve Plan
Form of Incen ve Stock Op on Agreement (2023 Plan)
Form of Non Statutory Stock Op on Agreement (Employees)(2023
Form of Restricted Stock Unit Agreement (Employees)(2023 Plan)
Form of Non-Statutory Stock Op on Agreement (Annual Grant for
Directors) (2023 Plan)
Form of Restricted Stock Unit Agreement (Annual Grant for
Directors) (2023 Plan)
Form of Non-Statutory Stock Op on Agreement (Grant for New
Directors)(2023 Plan)
Form of Restricted Stock Unit Agreement (Grant for New Directors)
(2023 Plan)
Form of Performance Stock Unit Agreement (2022)
Form of Performance Stock Unit Agreement (2023)
Amended and Restated 2014 Employee Stock Purchase Plan
Corporate Bonus Plan
Employment Inducement Plan
First Amendment to Employment Inducement Plan
Form of Non Statutory Stock Op on Agreement (Inducement Plan)
Form of Non Statutory Stock Op on Agreement (Inducement Plan)
Form of Restricted Stock Unit Agreement (Inducement Plan)
Form of Restricted Stock Unit Agreement (Inducement Plan)(ex-US)
Ultragenyx Pharmaceu cal Inc. Deferred Compensa on Plan
Amendment No. 1 to the Ultragenyx Pharmaceu cal Inc. Deferred
Compensa on Plan
Execu ve Employment Agreement, dated as of June 15, 2011,
between Ultragenyx Pharmaceu cal Inc. and Emil D. Kakkis, M.D.,
Amendment No. 1 to Execu ve Employment Agreement, dated
August 8, 2014, between Ultragenyx Pharmaceu cal Inc. and Emil D.
Kakkis, M.D., Ph.D.
Amendment No. 2, dated September 13, 2022, to Execu ve
Employment Agreement between Ultragenyx Pharmaceu cal Inc.
and Emil D. Kakkis, M.D., Ph.D.
Offer Le er, dated as of October 31, 2011, between Ultragenyx
Pharmaceu cal Inc. and Thomas Kassberg
Amendment No. 1 to Offer Le er, dated as of August 8, 2014,
between Ultragenyx Pharmaceu cal Inc. and Thomas Kassberg
Amendment No. 2, dated September 13, 2022, to Offer Le er
between Ultragenyx Pharmaceu cal Inc. and Thomas Kassberg
Offer Le er, dated as of April 26, 2016, between Ultragenyx
Pharmaceu cal Inc. and Karah Parschauer
Amendment, dated September 13, 2022, to Offer Le er between
Ultragenyx Pharmaceu cal Inc. and Karah Parschauer
Offer Le er, dated as of February 20, 2015, between Ultragenyx
Pharmaceu cal Inc. and Dennis Huang
Amendment, dated September 13, 2022, to Offer Le er between
Ultragenyx Pharmaceu cal Inc. and Dennis Huang
Offer Le er, dated as of June 11, 2015, between Ultragenyx
Pharmaceu cal Inc. and John R. Pinion II
Amendment, dated September 13, 2022, to Offer Le er between
Ultragenyx Pharmaceu cal Inc. and John R. Pinion II
Amended and Restated Offer Le er, dated March 31, 2023, between
Ultragenyx Pharmaceu cal Inc. and Eric Crombez, M.D.
Offer Le er, dated June 2, 2023, between Ultragenyx Pharmaceu cal
Inc. and Howard Horn
Amendment, dated September 6, 2023, to the Offer Le er between
Ultragenyx Pharmaceu cal Inc. and Howard Horn
Offer Le er, dated May 16, 2017, between Ultragenyx
Pharmaceu cal Inc. and Erik Harris
Addendum #1, dated August 8, 2017, to Offer Le er dated May 16,
2017 between Ultragenyx Pharmaceu cal Inc. and Erik Harris
Addendum #2, dated June 19, 2019, to Offer Le er dated May 16,
2017 between Ultragenyx Pharmaceu cal Inc. and Erik Harris
Amendment No. 3, dated September 13, 2022, to Offer Le er
between Ultragenyx Pharmaceu cal Inc. and Erik Harris
Form of Indemnifica on Agreement
Standard Lease, dated as of July 5, 2011, between Ultragenyx
Pharmaceu cal Inc. and Condio Enterprises, Inc.
Addendum One to Standard Lease, dated as of July 5, 2011, between
Ultragenyx Pharmaceu cal Inc. and Condio Enterprises, Inc.
Addendum Two to Standard Lease, dated as of March 7, 2012,
between Ultragenyx Pharmaceu cal Inc. and Condio Enterprises,
Addendum #3 to Standard Lease, effec ve as of February 12, 2014,
between Ultragenyx Pharmaceu cal Inc. and Condio Enterprises,
Addendum #4 to Standard Lease, effec ve as of March 9, 2015,
between Ultragenyx Pharmaceu cal Inc. and Condio Enterprises,
Addendum #5 to Standard Lease, effec ve as of April 7, 2015,
between Ultragenyx Pharmaceu cal Inc. and Condio Enterprises,
Addendum #6 to Standard Lease, effec ve as of April 29, 2019,
between Ultragenyx Pharmaceu cal Inc. and Condio Enterprises,
Lease Agreement, dated as of December 8, 2015, between Marina
Boulevard Property, LLC and Ultragenyx Pharmaceu cal Inc.
Lease Agreement, dated November 2, 2015, between Dimension
Therapeu cs, Inc. and ARE-MA Region No. 20, LLC, and Consent to
Assignment to Ultragenyx Pharmaceu cal Inc.
First Amendment to Lease Agreement, dated March 20, 2018,
between Ultragenyx Pharmaceu cal Inc. and ARE-MA Region No. 20,
Second Amendment to Lease Agreement, dated July 1, 2018,
between Ultragenyx Pharmaceu cal Inc. and ARE-MA Region No. 20,
Third Amendment to the Lease Agreement, dated July 29, 2019,
between Ultragenyx Pharmaceu cal Inc. and ARE-MA Region No.,
Amended and Restated Fourth Amendment, dated August 4, 2020,
to the Lease Agreement between Ultragenyx Pharmaceu cal Inc. and
ARE-MA Region No., LLC.
Lease Agreement, dated December 15, 2019, between Ultragenyx
Pharmaceu cal Inc. and ARE-San Francisco No. 17, LLC.
First Amendment, dated September 20, 2020, to the Lease
Agreement between Ultragenyx Pharmaceu cal Inc. and ARE-San
Francisco No. 17, LLC.
Second Amendment, dated October 21, 2020, to the Lease
Agreement between Ultragenyx Pharmaceu cal Inc. and ARE-San
Francisco No. 17, LLC.
Third Amendment, dated July 27, 2022, to the Lease Agreement
between Ultragenyx Pharmaceu cal Inc. and ARE-San Francisco No.
17, LLC
Office Lease, dated April 19, 2019, between Ultragenyx
Pharmaceu cal Inc. and Woburn MCB II, LLC
Commercial Lease, dated July 2, 2018, between Ultragenyx
Pharmaceu cal Inc. and 32 Leveroni LLC
Lease, dated August 18, 2022, between Ultragenyx Pharmaceu cal
Inc. and Brickbo om I QOZB L.P.
Subsidiaries of Ultragenyx Pharmaceu cal Inc.
Consent of Independent Registered Public Accoun ng Firm
Power of A orney (included on the signature page of this report)
Cer fica on of Principal Execu ve Officer of Ultragenyx
Pharmaceu cal Inc., as required by Rule 13a-14(a) or Rule 15d-14(a)
of the Exchange Act as adopted pursuant to Sec on 302 of the
Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002
Cer fica on of Principal Financial Officer of Ultragenyx
Pharmaceu cal Inc., as required by Rule 13a-14(a) or Rule 15d-14(a)
of the Exchange Act as adopted pursuant to Sec on 302 of the
Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002
Cer fica on by the Principal Execu ve Officer and Principal Financial
Officer, as required by Rule 13a-14(b) or Rule 15d-14(b) and Sec on
1350 of Chapter 36 of Title 18 of the United States Code (18 U.S.C.
Ultragenyx Pharmaceu cal Inc. Clawback Policy
XBRL Instance Document, forma ed in Inline XBRL
Inline XBRL Taxonomy Extension Schema Document
The cover page from this Annual Report on Form 10-K, forma ed in
Inline XBRL and contained in Exhibit 101
* Certain iden fied informa on has been omi ed by means of marking such informa on with asterisks in reliance on Item 601(b)(10)(iv) of Regula on S-K
because it is both (i) not material and (ii) the type that the registrant treats as private or confiden al.
# Indicates management contract or compensatory plan.
§ The cer fica on a ached as Exhibit 32.1 that accompanies this Annual Report is not deemed filed with the SEC and is not to be incorporated by reference
into any filing of Ultragenyx Pharmaceu cal Inc. under the Securi es Act or the Exchange Act, whether made before or a er the date of this Annual Report,
irrespec ve of any general incorpora on language contained in such filing.
Item 16. Form 10-K Summary
Pursuant to the requirements of Sec on 13 or 15(d) of the Securi es Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on
its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.
/s/ Emil D. Kakkis
Emil D. Kakkis, M.D., Ph.D.
President and Chief Execu ve Officer
(Principal Execu ve Officer)
Date: February 21, 2024
KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS, that each person whose signature appears below cons tutes and appoints Emil D. Kakkis, M.D., Ph.D. and
Howard Horn, and each of them, as his or her true and lawful a orneys-in-fact and agents, with full power of subs tu on for him or her, and in his or her
name in any and all capaci es, to sign any and all amendments to this Annual Report, and to file the same, with exhibits thereto and other documents in
connec on therewith, with the Securi es and Exchange Commission, gran ng unto said a orneys-in-fact and agents, and each of them, full power and
authority to do and perform each and every act and thing requisite and necessary to be done therewith, as fully to all intents and purposes as he or she might
or could do in person, hereby ra fying and confirming all that said a orneys-in-fact and agents, and any of them, his or her subs tute or subs tutes, may
lawfully do or cause to be done by virtue hereof.
Pursuant to the requirements of the Securi es Exchange Act of 1934, this report has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of the
registrant and in the capaci es and on the dates indicated.
/s/ Emil D. Kakkis
Emil D. Kakkis, M.D., Ph.D.
/s/ Howard Horn
Howard Horn
/s/ Theodore A. Huizenga
Theodore A. Huizenga
/s/ Daniel G. Welch
Daniel G. Welch
/s/ Deborah Dunsire
Deborah Dunsire, M.D.
/s/ Ma hew K. Fust
Ma hew K. Fust
/s/ Michael Narachi
Michael Narachi
/s/ Amrit Ray
Amrit Ray, M.D.
/s/ Corsee D. Sanders
Corsee D. Sanders, Ph.D.
/s/ Shehnaaz Suliman
Shehnaaz Suliman, M.D.
President and Chief Execu ve Officer and Director
(Principal Execu ve Officer)
Execu ve Vice President, Chief Financial Officer, Corporate Strategy
(Principal Financial Officer)
Senior Vice President and Chief Accoun ng Officer
(Principal Accoun ng Officer)
Chairman of the Board
February 21, 2024
February 21, 2024
February 21, 2024
February 21, 2024
February 21, 2024
February 21, 2024
February 21, 2024
February 21, 2024
February 21, 2024
February 21, 2024
Ultragenyx Pharmaceu cal Inc.
Report of Independent Registered Public Accoun ng Firm (PCAOB ID: 42)
Consolidated Financial Statements:
Consolidated Balance Sheets
Consolidated Statements of Opera ons
Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Loss
Consolidated Statements of Stockholders’ Equity
Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
Report of Independent Registered Public Accoun ng Firm
To the Stockholders and the Board of Directors of Ultragenyx Pharmaceu cal Inc.
Opinion on the Financial Statements
We have audited the accompanying consolidated balance sheets of Ultragenyx Pharmaceu cal Inc. (the Company) as of December 31, 2023 and
2022, the related consolidated statements of opera ons, comprehensive loss, stockholders' equity and cash flows for each of the three years in the period
ended December 31, 2023, and the related notes (collec vely referred to as the “consolidated financial statements”). In our opinion, the consolidated
financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial posi on of the Company at December 31, 2023 and 2022, and the results of its
opera ons and its cash flows for each of the three years in the period ended December 31, 2023, in conformity with U.S. generally accepted accoun ng
We also have audited, in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accoun ng Oversight Board (United States) (PCAOB), the Company's
internal control over financial repor ng as of December 31, 2023, based on criteria established in Internal Control—Integrated Framework issued by the
Commi ee of Sponsoring Organiza ons of the Treadway Commission (2013 framework), and our report dated February 21, 2024 expressed an unqualified
opinion thereon.
Basis for Opinion
These financial statements are the responsibility of the Company's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the Company’s
financial statements based on our audits. We are a public accoun ng firm registered with the PCAOB and are required to be independent with respect to the
Company in accordance with the U.S. federal securi es laws and the applicable rules and regula ons of the Securi es and Exchange Commission and the
We conducted our audits in accordance with the standards of the PCAOB. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain
reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement, whether due to error or fraud. Our audits included
performing procedures to assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to error or fraud, and performing procedures
that respond to those risks. Such procedures included examining, on a test basis, evidence regarding the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements.
Our audits also included evalua ng the accoun ng principles used and significant es mates made by management, as well as evalua ng the overall
presenta on of the financial statements. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.
Cri cal Audit Ma er
The cri cal audit ma er communicated below is a ma er arising from the current period audit of the financial statements that was communicated or
required to be communicated to the audit commi ee and that: (1) relates to accounts or disclosures that are material to the financial statements and (2)
involved our especially challenging, subjec ve or complex judgments. The communica on of the cri cal audit ma er does not alter in any way our opinion on
the consolidated financial statements, taken as a whole, and we are not, by communica ng the cri cal audit ma er below, providing a separate opinion on
the cri cal audit ma er or on the accounts or disclosures to which it relates.
Descrip on of the
Ma er
Liabili es for sales of future royal es
As discussed in Note 10, the Company has entered into two royalty purchase agreements, under which the
Company sold its rights to receive royalty payments arising from the net sales of Crysvita in the European and
North American markets in exchange for $320 million and $500 million, respec vely. The proceeds from each
transac on were recorded as liabili es that are being amor zed using the effec ve interest method over the
es mated lives of the respec ve arrangements. In order to determine the amor za on of the liabili es, the
Company is required to es mate the total amount of future royalty payments to be paid to the respec ve
counterparty, subject to the capped amount, over the life of the arrangement. The Company es mates an
imputed interest on the unamor zed por on of the liability and records non-cash interest expense rela ng to
the transac on.
Audi ng the Company’s liabili es related to the sale of future royal es was complex due to the subjec ve
judgments required to forecast the expected royalty payments subject to each agreement. Specifically, the
forecasted revenues of Crysvita involve significant es ma on uncertainty given the limited historical Crysvita
sales data.
How We Addressed
the Ma er in Our
We obtained an understanding, evaluated the design and tested the opera ng effec veness of controls over the
Company’s process of accoun ng for the liabili es related to the sale of future royal es, including controls over
the Company’s es mates of projected sales of Crysvita in the European and North American markets.
To test management’s es mates of the future royal es and the imputed effec ve interest rates, we performed
audit procedures that included, among others, evalua ng the reasonableness of management’s assump ons
related to the treatable pa ent popula ons, es mated pricing and reimbursement, and the rate of adop on. We
compared the significant assump ons with historical trends of actual sales, analyst expecta ons and performed
sensi vity analyses of es mated future royal es to evaluate the changes in the future royal es on the implied
effec ve interest rates.
/s/ Ernst & Young LLP
We have served as the Company’s auditor since 2012.
San Mateo, California
February 21, 2024
(In thousands, except share and per share amounts)
December 31,
Current assets:
Cash and cash equivalents
Marketable debt securi es
Accounts receivable, net
Other assets
Total current assets
Property, plant, and equipment, net
Marketable debt securi es
Intangible assets, net
Other assets
Total assets
Current liabili es:
Accounts payable
Accrued liabili es
Contract liabili es
Lease liabili es
Liabili es for sales of future royal es
Total current liabili es
Lease liabili es
Deferred tax liabili es
Liabili es for sales of future royal es
Other liabili es
Total liabili es
Commitments and con ngencies (Notes 9 and 15)
Stockholders’ equity:
Preferred stock, par value of $0.001 per share—25,000,000 shares authorized; nil
outstanding in 2023 and in 2022
Common stock, par value of $0.001 per share—250,000,000 shares authorized;
outstanding—82,315,590 in 2023 and 70,197,297 in 2022
Treasury stock, at cost, 9,559 in 2023 and nil in 2022
Deferred compensa on obliga on
Addi onal paid-in capital
Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss)
Accumulated deficit
Total stockholders’ equity
Total liabili es and stockholders’ equity
See accompanying notes.
213,584 $
1,491,013 $
42,114 $
(432 )
(3,387,661 )
1,491,013 $
(6,573 )
(2,781,022 )
(In thousands, except share and per share amounts)
Product sales
Royalty revenue
Collabora on and license
Total revenues
Opera ng expenses:
Cost of sales
Research and development
Selling, general and administra ve
Total opera ng expenses
Loss from opera ons
Interest income
Change in fair value of equity investments
Non-cash interest expense on liabili es for sales of future royal es
Other expense
Loss before income taxes
Benefit from (provision for) income taxes
Net loss
Net loss per share, basic and diluted
Year Ended December 31,
180,413 $
118,927 $
(569,208 )
(66,004 )
(337 )
(608,464 )
(606,639 ) $
(8.25 ) $
(648,919 )
(19,299 )
(43,015 )
(1,566 )
(701,725 )
(5,696 )
(707,421 ) $
(10.12 ) $
(381,737 )
(42,063 )
(29,422 )
(1,687 )
(452,981 )
(1,044 )
(454,025 )
(6.70 )
Shares used in compu ng net loss per share, basic and diluted
See accompanying notes.
(In thousands)
Net loss
Other comprehensive income (loss):
Foreign currency transla on adjustments
Unrealized gain (loss) on available-for-sale securi es
Other comprehensive income (loss):
Total comprehensive loss
See accompanying notes.
Year Ended December 31,
(707,421 ) $
(606,639 ) $
(599,419 ) $
(724 )
(4,445 )
(5,169 )
(712,590 ) $
(454,025 )
(550 )
(1,543 )
(2,093 )
(456,118 )
(In thousands, except share amounts)
Common Stock
Addi onal
Balance as of December 31, 2020
$ (1,619,576 ) $
Obliga on
$ 1,154,375
Issuance of common stock in connec on
with at-the-market
offering, net of issuance costs
Stock-based compensa on
Issuance of common stock under
equity plan awards, net of tax
Other comprehensive loss
Net loss
Balance as of December 31, 2021
Stock-based compensa on
Issuance of common stock under
equity plan awards, net of tax
Other comprehensive loss
Net loss
Balance as of December 31, 2022
Issuance of common stock and pre-funded
warrants in connec on with underwri en
public offering, net of issuance costs
Issuance of common stock in connec on
at-the-market offering, net of issuance costs
Stock-based compensa on
Issuance of common stock under
equity plan awards, net of tax
Deferred compensa on
Other comprehensive income
Net loss
(2,093 )
(454,025 )
(1,404 ) $ (2,073,601 ) $
(5,169 )
(707,421 )
(2,093 )
(454,025 )
(5,169 )
(707,421 )
(6,573 ) $ (2,781,022 ) $
(606,639 )
(432 )
(432 ) $
(606,639 )
Balance as of December 31, 2023
$ (3,387,661 ) $
See accompanying notes.
(In thousands)
Opera ng ac vi es:
Net loss
Adjustments to reconcile net loss to net cash used in opera ng ac vi es:
Stock-based compensa on
Acquired in-process research and development
Amor za on of premium (discount) on marketable debt securi es, net
Deprecia on and amor za on
Change in fair value of equity investments
Non-cash collabora on royalty revenue
Non-cash interest expense on liabili es for sales of future royal es
Changes in opera ng assets and liabili es:
Accounts receivable
Other assets
Accounts payable, accrued, and other liabili es
Contract liabili es, net
Deferred tax liabili es
Net cash used in opera ng ac vi es
Inves ng ac vi es:
Purchase of property, plant, and equipment
Acquisi on, net of cash acquired
Purchase of marketable debt securi es
Proceeds from sale of marketable debt securi es
Proceeds from sale of equity investments
Proceeds from maturi es of marketable debt securi es
Payment for intangible asset
Net cash provided by (used in) inves ng ac vi es
Financing ac vi es:
Proceeds from the sale of future royal es, net
Proceeds from the issuance of common stock and pre-funded warrants in connec on with
underwri en
public offerings, net of issuance costs
Proceeds from the issuance of common stock in connec on with at-the-market
offering, net of issuances costs
Proceeds from the issuance of common stock from exercise of warrants and equity
plan awards, net
Net cash provided by financing ac vi es
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash
Net increase (decrease) in cash, cash equivalents, and restricted cash
Cash, cash equivalents, and restricted cash at beginning of year
Cash, cash equivalents, and restricted cash at end of year
Year Ended December 31,
(606,639 ) $
(707,421 ) $
(454,025 )
(12,842 )
(397 )
(69,364 )
(22,778 )
(6,930 )
(1,479 )
(1,619 )
(474,806 )
(44,267 )
(526,382 )
(2,500 )
(5,048 )
(21,692 )
(230 )
(12,068 )
(9,701 )
(7,597 )
(1,639 )
(380,465 )
(116,123 )
(75,025 )
(614,735 )
(30,000 )
(844 )
(291,652 )
(28 )
219,399 $
(555 )
(1,075 )
(171,984 )
137,601 $
(17,951 )
(5,432 )
(3,117 )
(29,508 )
(57,492 )
(338,695 )
(73,093 )
(1,012,187 )
(942 )
(195,372 )
(492 )
(1,194 )
(416,709 )
See accompanying notes.
(In thousands)
Supplemental disclosures of non-cash inves ng and financing informa on:
Acquired lease liabili es arising from obtaining right-of-use assets and property, plant, and
Costs of property, plant and equipment included in accounts payable, accrued, and other liabili es $
Non-cash interest expense on liabili es for sales of future royal es capitalized during the year into
ending property, plant and equipment
See accompanying notes.
Year Ended December 31,
22,162 $
1,577 $
1,168 $
17,963 $
9,431 $
11,380 $
Organization and Basis of Presenta on
Ultragenyx Pharmaceu cal Inc., or the Company, is a biopharmaceu cal company incorporated in Delaware.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
The Company is focused on the iden fica on, acquisi on, development, and commercializa on of novel products for the treatment of serious rare and
ultrarare gene c diseases. The Company operates as one reportable segment and has four commercially approved products.
Crysvita® (burosumab) is approved in the United States, or U.S., the European Union, or EU, and certain other regions for the treatment of X-linked
hypophosphatemia, or XLH, in adult and pediatric pa ents one year of age and older. Crysvita is also approved in the U.S. and certain other regions for the
treatment of fibroblast growth factor 23, or FGF23-related hypophosphatemia in tumor-induced osteomalacia, or TIO, associated with phosphaturic
mesenchymal tumors that cannot be cura vely resected or localized in adults and pediatric pa ents 2 years of age and older.
Mepsevii® (vestronidase alfa) is approved in the U.S., the EU and certain other regions, as the first medicine for the treatment of children and adults
with mucopolysaccharidosis VII, or MPS VII, also known as Sly syndrome.
Dojolvi® (triheptanoin) is approved in the U.S. and certain other regions for the treatment of pediatric and adult pa ents severely affected by long-
chain fa y acid oxida on disorders, or LC-FAOD.
Evkeeza® (evinacumab) is approved in the U.S. and the European Economic Area, or EEA, for the treatment of homozygous familial
hypercholesterolemia, or HoFH. The Company has exclusive rights to commercialize Evkeeza® (evinacumab) outside of the U.S.
In addi on to the approved products, the Company has the following ongoing clinical development programs:
UX111 (formerly ABO-102) is an AAV9 gene therapy product candidate for the treatment of pa ents with Sanfilippo syndrome type A, or MPS
IIIA, a rare lysosomal storage disease;
DTX401 is an adeno-associated virus 8, or AAV8, gene therapy product candidate for the treatment of pa ents with glycogen storage disease
type Ia, or GSDIa;
DTX301 is an AAV8 gene therapy product candidate in development for the treatment of pa ents with ornithine transcarbamylase, or OTC
deficiency, the most common urea cycle disorder;
UX143 (setrusumab), which is subject to the Company’s collabora on agreement with Mereo BioPharma 3, or Mereo, is a fully human
monoclonal an body that inhibits scleros n, a protein that acts on a key bone-signaling pathway and inhibits the ac vity of bone-forming cells
for the treatment of pa ents with osteogenesis imperfect, or OI;
GTX-102 is an an sense oligonucleo de, or ASO for the treatment of Angelman syndrome, a debilita ng and rare neurogene c disorder caused
by loss-of-func on of the maternally inherited allele of the UBE3A gene.; and
UX701 is an adeno-associated virus 9, or AAV9, gene therapy designed to deliver stable expression of a truncated version of the ATP7B copper
transporter following a single intravenous infusion to improve copper distribu on and excre on from the body and reverse pathological
findings of Wilson liver disease;
The Company has sustained opera ng losses and expects such annual losses to con nue over the next several years. The Company’s ul mate success
depends on the outcome of its research and development and commercializa on ac vi es. Through December 31, 2023, the Company has relied primarily on
its sale of equity securi es, its revenues from commercial products, its sale of future royal es, and strategic collabora on arrangements to finance its
opera ons. The Company may need to raise addi onal capital to fully implement its business plans through the issuance of equity, borrowings, or strategic
alliances with partner companies. However, if such financing is not available at adequate levels, the Company would need to reevaluate its opera ng plans.
Summary of Significant Accoun ng Policies
Basis of Consolida on
The Consolidated Financial Statements include the accounts of Ultragenyx Pharmaceu cal Inc. and its wholly owned subsidiaries. All intercompany
balances and transac ons have been eliminated.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)
Use of Es mates
The accompanying Consolidated Financial Statements have been prepared in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accoun ng principles, or GAAP.
The prepara on of the Consolidated Financial Statements in conformity with GAAP requires management to make es mates and assump ons that affect the
reported amounts of assets and liabili es, disclosure of con ngent liabili es and the reported amounts of expenses in the Consolidated Financial Statements
and the accompanying notes. On an ongoing basis, management evaluates its es mates, including those related to clinical trial accruals, fair value of assets
and liabili es, income taxes, stock-based compensa on, revenue recogni on, and the liabili es for sales of future royal es. Management bases its es mates
on historical experience and on various other market-specific and relevant assump ons that management believes to be reasonable under the circumstances.
Actual results could differ from those es mates.
Cash, Cash Equivalents, and Restricted Cash
The Company considers all highly liquid investments with original maturi es of three months or less from the date of purchase to be cash equivalents.
Cash equivalents consist primarily of amounts invested in money market accounts.
Restricted cash primarily consists of money market accounts used as collateral for the Company’s obliga ons under its facility leases and the gene
therapy building construc on project.
The following table provides a reconcilia on of cash, cash equivalents, and restricted cash reported within the Consolidated Balance Sheets that sum
to the total of the same such amounts shown in the Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows (in thousands):
December 31,
Cash and cash equivalents
Restricted cash included in other current assets
Restricted cash included in other non-current assets
Total cash, cash equivalents, and restricted cash
shown in the statements of cash flows
213,584 $ 132,944 $ 307,584
219,399 $ 137,601 $ 309,585
Marketable Debt Securi es
All marketable debt securi es have been classified as “available-for-sale” and are carried at es mated fair value as determined based upon quoted
market prices or pricing models for similar securi es. Management determines the appropriate classifica on of its investments at the me of purchase and
reevaluates such designa on as of each balance sheet date. Investments with a maturity of one year or less from the balance sheet date are reported as
current marketable debt securi es and investments with a maturity of greater than one year from the balance sheet date are reported as non-current
marketable debt securi es. Unrealized gains and losses are excluded from earnings and are reported as a component of comprehensive loss. Realized gains
and losses and declines in fair value judged to be other than temporary, if any, on available-for-sale securi es are included in other income (expense). The
cost of securi es sold is based on the specific-iden fica on method. Interest on investments is included in interest income.
Equity Investments
The Company records investments in equity securi es, other than equity method investments, at fair market value, if the fair value is readily
determinable. Equity securi es with no readily determinable fair values are recorded using the measurement alterna ve of cost adjusted for observable price
changes in orderly transac ons for iden cal or similar investments of the same issuer less impairment, if any. Investments in equity securi es are recorded in
Equity investments on the Company's Consolidated Balance Sheets. Unrealized gains and losses are reported in Change in fair value of equity investments on
the Company’s Consolidated Statements of Opera ons. The Company regularly reviews its non-marketable equity securi es for indicators of impairment.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)
Concentra on of Credit Risk, Credit Losses, and Other Risks and Uncertain es
Financial instruments that poten ally subject the Company to a concentra on of credit risk consist of cash, cash equivalents, and investments. The
Company’s cash, cash equivalents, and investments are held by financial ins tu ons that management believes are of high credit quality. The Company’s
investment policy limits investments to fixed income securi es denominated and payable in U.S. dollars such as U.S. government obliga ons, money market
instruments and funds, corporate bonds, commercial paper, and asset-backed securi es and places restric ons on maturi es and concentra ons by type and
issuer. Such deposits may, at mes, exceed federally insured limits. The Company has not experienced any losses on its deposits of cash and cash equivalents
and its accounts are monitored by management to mi gate risk. The Company is exposed to credit risk in the event of default by the financial ins tu ons
holding its cash and cash equivalents, corporate issuers, and other financial instruments, to the extent recorded in the Consolidated Balance Sheets.
The Company is exposed to credit losses primarily through receivables from customers and collaborators and through its available-for-sale debt
securi es. For trade receivables and other instruments, the Company uses a forward-looking expected loss model that generally results in the earlier
recogni on of allowances for losses. For available-for-sale debt securi es with unrealized losses, the losses are recognized as allowances rather than as
reduc ons in the amor zed cost of the securi es.
The Company’s expected loss allowance methodology for the receivables is developed using historical collec on experience, current and future
economic market condi ons, a review of the current aging status and financial condi on of the en es. Specific allowance amounts are established to record
the appropriate allowance for customers that have a higher probability of default. Balances are wri en off when determined to be uncollec ble. The
Company’s expected loss allowance methodology for the debt securi es is developed by reviewing the extent of the unrealized loss, the size, term,
geographical loca on, and industry of the issuer, the issuers’ credit ra ngs and any changes in those ra ngs, as well as reviewing current and future economic
market condi ons and the issuers’ current status and financial condi on. There was no allowance for losses on available-for-sale debt securi es which were
a ributable to credit risk for the years ended December 31, 2023 and 2022.
The Company is dependent on third-party manufacturers to supply products for research and development ac vi es in its programs. In par cular, the
Company relies and expects to con nue to rely on a small number of manufacturers to supply it with its requirements for the ac ve pharmaceu cal
ingredients and formulated drugs related to these programs. These programs could be adversely affected by a significant interrup on in the supply of ac ve
pharmaceu cal ingredients and formulated drugs.
The Company values inventory at the lower of cost and net realizable value and determines the cost of inventory using the average-cost method. The
Company expenses costs associated with the manufacture of product candidates prior to regulatory approval. Inventories consist of currently approved
products. The Company periodically reviews its inventories for excess amounts or obsolescence and writes down obsolete or otherwise unmarketable
inventory to its es mated net realizable value. Management determines excess inventory based on expected future demand. Es mates related to future
demand are sensi ve to significant inputs and assump ons such as acceptance by pa ents and physicians and the availability of formulary coverage and
adequate reimbursement from private third-party payers for the product.
Property, Plant, and Equipment
Property, plant, and equipment are stated at cost, less accumulated deprecia on and amor za on. Deprecia on and amor za on is computed using
the straight-line method over the es mated useful lives of the respec ve assets. Deprecia on and amor za on begins when the asset is placed in service.
Interest costs incurred during the construc on of major capital projects are capitalized un l the underlying asset is ready to be placed in service. Maintenance
and repairs are charged to opera ons as incurred. Upon sale or re rement of assets, the cost and related accumulated deprecia on or amor za on are
removed from the balance sheet and the resul ng gain or loss, if any, is reflected in opera ons. See “Note 4. Balance Sheet Components” for further
disclosure on the useful lives of property, plant, and equipment.
Intangible Assets
Finite-lived intangibles consist of contractual payments made for certain milestones achieved with collabora on partners. The contractual payments
are recorded as intangible assets and are amor zed over their es mated useful lives. The Company reviews its definite-lived intangible assets when events or
circumstances may indicate that the carrying value of these assets is not recoverable and exceeds their fair value. The Company measures fair value based on
the es mated future undiscounted cash flows associated with these assets in addi on to other assump ons and projec ons that the Company deems to be
reasonable and supportable.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)
Indefinite-lived intangibles consist of acquired in-process research and development, or IPR&D. IPR&D assets represent capitalized incomplete
research projects that the Company acquired through business combina ons. Such assets are ini ally measured at their acquisi on date fair values and are
tested for impairment annually and whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount may not be recoverable. When
development of the project is complete, which generally occurs when regulatory approval to market a product is obtained, the associated assets will be
deemed finite-lived and will be amor zed over a period that best reflects the economic benefits provided by these assets.
If it is determined that an intangible asset becomes impaired, the carrying value is wri en down to its fair value with the related impairment charge
recognized in Consolidated Statements of Opera ons in the period in which the impairment occurs. The Company has not recorded any impairments of
intangible assets to date.
Goodwill represents the excess of purchase price over fair value of net assets acquired in a business combina on and is not amor zed. Goodwill is
subject to impairment tes ng at least annually during the fourth quarter or when a triggering event occurs that could indicate a poten al impairment. If it is
determined that the goodwill becomes impaired, the carrying value is wri en down to its fair value with the related impairment charge recognized in
Consolidated Statements of Opera ons in the period in which the impairment occurs. The Company has not recorded any impairments of goodwill.
Impairment of Long-Lived Assets
The Company evaluates its long-lived assets, including property and equipment, for impairment whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate
that the carrying value of these assets may not be recoverable. Recoverability of these assets is measured by comparison of the carrying amount of each asset
to the future undiscounted cash flows expected to result from the use of the asset and its eventual disposi on. If the asset is considered to be impaired, the
amount of any impairment is measured as the difference between the carrying value and the fair value of the impaired asset. The Company has not recorded
material impairment of any long-lived assets.
Accruals of Research and Development Costs
The Company records accruals for es mated costs of research, preclinical and clinical studies and manufacturing development. These costs are a
significant component of the Company’s research and development expenses. A substan al por on of the Company’s ongoing research and development
ac vi es are conducted by third-party service providers, including contract research organiza ons. The Company accrues the costs incurred under its
agreements with these third par es based on actual work completed in accordance with agreements established with these third par es. The Company
determines the actual costs through obtaining informa on from external service providers as to the progress or stage of comple on of the services and the
agreed-upon fee to be paid for such services.
Revenue Recogni on
Product Sales
The Company sells its approved products through a limited number of distributors. Under ASC 606, revenue from product sales is recognized at the
point in me when control is transferred to these distributors. The Company also recognizes revenue from sales of certain products on a “named pa ent”
basis, which are allowed in certain countries prior to the commercial approval of the product. Prior to recognizing revenue, the Company makes es mates of
the transac on price, including any variable considera on that is subject to a constraint. Amounts of variable considera on are included in the transac on
price to the extent that it is probable that a significant reversal in the amount of cumula ve revenue recognized will not occur and when the uncertainty
associated with the variable considera on is subsequently resolved. Product sales are recorded net of es mated government-mandated rebates and
chargebacks, es mated product returns, and other deduc ons.
Provisions for returns and other adjustments are provided for in the period the related revenue is recorded, as es mated by management. These
reserves are based on es mates of the amounts earned or to be claimed on the related sales and are reviewed periodically and adjusted as necessary. The
Company’s es mates of government mandated rebates, chargebacks, es mated product returns, and other deduc ons depends on the iden fica on of key
customer contract terms and condi ons, as well as es mates of sales volumes to different classes of payors. If actual results vary, the Company may need to
adjust these es mates, which could have a material effect on earnings in the period of the adjustment.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)
Collabora on, License, and Royalty Revenue
The Company has certain license and collabora on agreements that are within the scope of Accoun ng Standards Codifica on, or ASC, 808,
Collabora ve Agreements, which provides guidance on the presenta on and disclosure of collabora ve arrangements. Generally, the classifica on of the
transac ons under the collabora ve arrangements is determined based on the nature of contractual terms of the arrangement, along with the nature of the
opera ons of the par cipants. The Company records its share of collabora on revenue, net of transfer pricing related to net sales in the period in which such
sales occur, if the Company is considered as an agent in the arrangement. The Company is considered an agent when the collabora on partner controls the
product before transfer to the customers and has the ability to direct the use of and obtain substan ally all of the remaining benefits from the product.
Funding received related to research and development services and commercializa on costs is generally classified as a reduc on of research and
development expenses and selling, general and administra ve expenses, respec vely, in the Consolidated Statements of Opera ons, because the provision of
such services for collabora ve partners are not considered to be part of the Company’s ongoing major or central opera ons.
The Company u lizes certain informa on from its collabora on partners to record collabora on revenue, including revenue from the sale of the
product, associated reserves on revenue, and costs incurred for development and sales ac vi es. For the periods covered in the financial statements
presented, there have been no material changes to prior period es mates of revenues and expenses. The Company also records royalty revenues under
certain of the Company’s license or collabora on agreements in exchange for license of intellectual property.
The Company sold the right to receive certain royalty payments from net sales of Crysvita in certain territories to RPI Finance Trust, or RPI, an affiliate
of Royalty Pharma, and to OCM LS23 Holdings LP, an investment vehicle for Ontario Municipal Employees Re rement System, or OMERS, as further described
in “Note 10. Liabili es for Sales of Future Royal es.” The Company records the royalty revenue from the net sales of Crysvita in the applicable territories on a
prospec ve basis as non-cash royalty revenue in the Consolidated Statements of Opera ons over the term of the applicable arrangement.
The terms of the Company’s collabora on and license agreements may contain mul ple performance obliga ons, which may include licenses and
research and development ac vi es. The Company evaluates these agreements under ASC 606, Revenue from Contracts with Customers, or ASC 606, to
determine the dis nct performance obliga ons. The Company analogizes to ASC 606 for the accoun ng for dis nct performance obliga ons for which there is
a customer rela onship. Prior to recognizing revenue, the Company makes es mates of the transac on price, including variable considera on that is subject
to a constraint. Amounts of variable considera on are included in the transac on price to the extent that it is probable that a significant reversal in the
amount of cumula ve revenue recognized will not occur and when the uncertainty associated with the variable considera on is subsequently resolved. Total
considera on may include nonrefundable upfront license fees, payments for research and development ac vi es, reimbursement of certain third-party costs,
payments based upon the achievement of specified milestones, and royalty payments based on product sales derived from the collabora on.
If there are mul ple dis nct performance obliga ons, the Company allocates the transac on price to each dis nct performance obliga on based on its
rela ve standalone selling price. The standalone selling price is generally determined based on the prices charged to customers or using expected cost-plus
margin. The Company es mates the efforts needed to complete the performance obliga ons and recognizes revenue by measuring the progress towards
complete sa sfac on of the performance obliga ons using input measures.
Deferred Compensa on Plan
The Company maintains a nonqualified deferred compensa on plan whereby certain employees and members of the board of directors are able to
defer certain equity awards and other compensa on. Amounts deferred are invested into shares of the Company's common stock, mutual funds, and other
investment op ons. The plan complies with the provisions of Sec on 409A of the Internal Revenue Code. All of the various mutual funds held in the plan are
classified as trading securi es and recorded at fair value in other non-current assets in the Consolidated Balance Sheets with changes in fair value recognized
as earnings in the period they occur. The short-term por on of the corresponding liability for the plan is included in accrued expenses. The long-term por on
of the liability is included in other non-current liabili es in the Consolidated Balance Sheets. Certain equity awards deferred under the plan are required to be
se led through the issuance of Company stock. These awards are recorded as treasury stock and deferred compensa on obliga on within stockholders’
Lease agreements are evaluated to determine whether an arrangement is or contains a lease in accordance with ASC 842, Leases. The Company
determines if an arrangement includes a lease at incep on. Right-of-use lease assets and lease liabili es are
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)
recognized based on the present value of the future minimum lease payments over the lease term at the commencement date. The right-of-use lease asset
includes any lease payments made and excludes lease incen ves. Incremental borrowing rate is used in determining the present value of future payments.
The Company applies a por olio approach to the property leases to apply an incremental borrowing rate to leases with similar lease terms. The lease terms
may include op ons to extend or terminate the lease. The Company recognizes the op ons to extend the lease as part of the right-of-use lease assets and
lease liabili es only if it is reasonably certain that the op on would be exercised. Lease expense for minimum lease payments is recognized on a straight-line
basis over the non-cancelable lease term. The Company has elected to not separate lease and non-lease components. See “Note 9. Leases” for further
Comprehensive Loss
Comprehensive loss is the change in stockholders’ equity from transac ons and other events and circumstances other than those resul ng from
investments by stockholders and distribu ons to stockholders. The Company’s other comprehensive loss is comprised of unrealized gains and losses on
investments in available-for-sale securi es and foreign currency transla on adjustments.
Research and Development
Research and development costs are expensed as incurred and consist of salaries and benefits, stock-based compensa on expense, lab supplies and
facility costs, as well as fees paid to other nonemployees and en es that conduct certain research and development ac vi es on the Company’s behalf.
Amounts incurred in connec on with license agreements are also included in research and development expense. Nonrefundable advance payments for
goods or services to be received in the future for use in research and development ac vi es are deferred. The deferred amounts are expensed as the related
goods are delivered or the services are performed.
Stock-Based Compensa on
Stock-based awards issued to employees, including stock op ons, performance stock op ons, or PSOs, restricted stock units, or RSUs, and
performance stock units, or PSUs are recorded at fair value as of the grant date and recognized as expense on a straight-line basis over the employee’s
requisite service period (generally the ves ng period). PSOs and PSUs vest only if certain specified criteria are achieved and the employees’ con nued service
requirements are met; therefore, the expense recogni on occurs when the likelihood of the PSOs and PSUs being earned is deemed probable. Stock
compensa on expense on awards expected to vest is recognized net of es mated forfeitures.
Income Taxes
The Company uses the liability method of accoun ng for income taxes. Under this method, deferred tax assets and liabili es are determined based on
the differences between the financial repor ng and the tax bases of assets and liabili es and are measured using the enacted tax rates and laws that will be in
effect when the differences are expected to reverse. The Company must then assess the likelihood that the resul ng deferred tax assets will be realized. A
valua on allowance is provided when it is more likely than not that some por on or all of a deferred tax asset will not be realized. Due to the Company’s lack
of earnings history, the net deferred tax assets have been fully offset by a valua on allowance.
In conjunc on with the acquisi on of Dimension Therapeu cs, Inc., or Dimension, a deferred tax liability was recorded reflec ng the tax impact of the
difference between the book basis and tax basis of acquired IPR&D. Such deferred income tax liability is not used to offset deferred tax assets when analyzing
the Company’s valua on allowance as the acquired IPR&D is considered to have an indefinite life un l the Company completes or abandons development of
the acquired IPR&D.
The Company recognizes benefits of uncertain tax posi ons if it is more likely than not that such posi ons will be sustained upon examina on based
solely on their technical merits, as the largest amount of benefit that is more likely than not to be realized upon the ul mate se lement. The Company’s
policy is to recognize interest and penal es related to the underpayment of income taxes as a component of income tax expense or benefit. To date, there
have been no interest or penal es charged in rela on to the unrecognized tax benefits.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)
Foreign Currency
Assets and liabili es of non-U.S. subsidiaries that operate in a local currency environment, where the local currency is the func onal currency, are
translated to U.S. dollars at exchange rates in effect at the balance sheet date, with the resul ng transla on adjustments directly recorded to a separate
component of accumulated other comprehensive loss. Income and expense accounts are translated at average exchange rates for the period. Transac ons
which are not in the func onal currency of the en ty are remeasured into the func onal currency and gains or losses resul ng from the remeasurement
recorded in other income (expense).
Net Loss per Share
Basic net loss per share is calculated by dividing the net loss by the weighted-average number of shares of common stock outstanding during the
period, without considera on for common stock equivalents. Shares of common stock into which pre-funded warrants may be exercised are considered
outstanding for the purposes of compu ng basic net loss per share because the shares may be issued for li le or no considera on, are fully vested and are
exercisable a er the original issuance date. Diluted net loss per share is the same as basic net loss per share, since the effects of poten ally dilu ve securi es
are an dilu ve. In periods when we have incurred a net loss, op ons and warrants to purchase common stock are considered common stock equivalents, but
have been excluded from the calcula on of diluted net loss per share, as their effect is an dilu ve.
Fair Value Measurements
Financial assets and liabili es are recorded at fair value. The carrying amount of certain financial instruments, including cash and cash equivalents,
accounts receivable, accounts payable and accrued liabili es approximate fair value due to their rela vely short maturi es. Assets and liabili es recorded at
fair value on a recurring basis in the balance sheets are categorized based upon the level of judgment associated with the inputs used to measure their fair
values. Fair value is defined as the exchange price that would be received for an asset or an exit price that would be paid to transfer a liability in the principal
or most advantageous market for the asset or liability in an orderly transac on between market par cipants on the measurement date. The authorita ve
guidance on fair value measurements establishes a three- er fair value hierarchy for disclosure of fair value measurements as follows:
Level 1—Inputs are unadjusted, quoted prices in ac ve markets for iden cal assets or liabili es at the measurement date;
Level 2—Inputs are observable, unadjusted quoted prices in ac ve markets for similar assets or liabili es, unadjusted quoted prices for iden cal or
similar assets or liabili es in markets that are not ac ve, or other inputs that are observable or can be corroborated by observable market data for
substan ally the full term of the related assets or liabili es; and
Level 3—Unobservable inputs that are significant to the measurement of the fair value of the assets or liabili es that are supported by li le or no
market data.
The Company’s financial instruments consist of Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 assets. Where quoted prices are available in an ac ve market, securi es
are classified as Level 1. Money market funds and U.S. Government treasury bills are classified as Level 1. Level 2 assets consist primarily of corporate bonds,
asset backed securi es, commercial paper, U.S. Government Treasury and agency securi es, and debt securi es in government-sponsored en es based
upon quoted market prices for similar movements in ac ve markets, quoted prices for iden cal or similar instruments in markets that are not ac ve and
model-based valua on techniques for which all significant inputs are observable in the market or can be corroborated by observable market data for
substan ally the full term of the assets. Where applicable these models project future cash flows and discount the future amounts to a present value using
market-based observable inputs obtained from various third-party data providers, including but not limited to, benchmark yields, interest rate curves,
reported trades, broker/dealer quotes and reference data.
The Company determines the fair value of its equity investments in Solid Biosciences, Inc., or Solid, by using the quoted market prices, which are Level
1 fair value measurements.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)
The following tables set forth the fair value of the Company’s financial assets remeasured on a recurring basis based on the three- er fair value
hierarchy (in thousands):
Financial Assets:
Money market funds
Cer ficates of deposit and me deposits
Corporate bonds
Commercial paper
Asset-backed securi es
U.S. Government Treasury and agency securi es
Investment in Solid common stock
Deferred compensa on assets
Total financial assets
Financial Liabili es:
Deferred compensa on liabili es
Financial Assets:
Money market funds
Cer ficates of deposit and me deposits
Corporate bonds
Commercial paper
Asset-backed securi es
U.S. Government Treasury and agency securi es
Debt securi es in government-sponsored en es
Investment in Solid common stock
Deferred compensa on assets
Total financial assets
Financial Liabili es:
Deferred compensa on liabili es
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
December 31, 2023
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
December 31, 2022
Deferred compensa on assets are recorded at fair value in other non-current assets in the Consolidated Balance Sheets. There have been no
significant gains or losses on deferred compensa on assets for the periods presented.
Deferred compensa on liabili es consist of short-term liabili es of $0.2 million and nil as of December 31, 2023 and 2022, respec vely, included in
accrued liabili es on the Consolidated Balance Sheets, and long-term liabili es of $10.1 million and $4.7 million as of December 31, 2023 and 2022,
respec vely, included in other non-current liabili es on the Consolidated Balance Sheets.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)
Balance Sheet Components
Cash Equivalents and Marketable Debt Securi es
The fair values of cash equivalents and marketable debt securi es classified as available-for-sale securi es consisted of the following (in thousands):
December 31, 2023
Gross Unrealized
Amor zed
Es mated
Fair Value
Money market funds
Cer ficates of deposit and me deposits
Corporate bonds
Commercial paper
Asset-backed securi es
U.S. Government Treasury and agency securi es
Money market funds
Cer ficates of deposit and me deposits
Corporate bonds
Commercial paper
Asset-backed securi es
U.S. Government Treasury and agency securi es
Debt securi es in government-sponsored en es
Amor zed Cost
(337 )
(3 )
(100 )
(440 )
December 31, 2022
Gross Unrealized
(4,700 )
(22 )
(1,263 )
(150 )
(6,135 )
Es mated
Fair Value
At December 31, 2023, the remaining contractual maturi es of available-for-sale securi es were less than three years. There have been no significant
realized gains or losses on available-for-sale securi es for the periods presented.
Inventory consists of the following (in thousands):
Finished goods
Total inventory
December 31,
18,859 $
33,969 $
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)
Property, Plant, and Equipment, net
Property, plant, and equipment, net consists of the following (in thousands):
Leasehold improvements
Research and development equipment
Furniture and office equipment
Computer equipment and so ware
Manufacturing equipment
Construc on-in-progress
Property, plant, and equipment, gross
Less: accumulated deprecia on
Property, plant, and equipment, net
Useful life (years)
Shorter of lease term
es mated useful life
Not applicable
Not applicable
Varies by asset
December 31,
181,356 $
(83,401 )
290,566 $
(63,381 )
Deprecia on expense for the years ended December 31, 2023, 2022, and 2021 was $22.2 million, $15.0 million and $12.9 million, respec vely.
Amor za on of leasehold improvements and so ware is included in deprecia on expense.
Construc on in progress reflects amounts incurred for construc on or improvements of property or costs for equipment that has not been placed in
service. The construc on-in-progress balance as of December 31, 2022 is primarily the construc on costs for the gene therapy manufacturing facility in
Bedford, Massachuse s.
Accrued Liabili es
Accrued liabili es consists of the following (in thousands):
Research, clinical study, and manufacturing expenses
Payroll and related expenses
Total accrued liabili es
December 31,
65,326 $
196,486 $
Intangible Assets, net
Indefinite-lived Intangibles
The Company has IPR&D assets of $129.0 million as of December 31, 2023 and 2022. IPR&D assets represent the fair value of acquired programs to
develop an AAV gene therapy for OTC deficiency and to develop an AAV gene therapy for glycogen storage disease type Ia. The fair value of IPR&D assets
acquired was determined based on the discounted present value of each research project’s projected cash flows using an income approach, including the
applica on of probability factors related to the likelihood of success of the program reaching final development and commercializa on. Addi onally, the
projec ons consider the relevant market sizes and growth factors, es mated future cash flows from product sales resul ng from completed products and in-
process projects and ming and costs to complete the in-process projects. The rates u lized to discount the net cash flows to their present value are
commensurate with the stage of development of the projects and uncertain es in the economic es mates used in the projec ons. IPR&D assets are
considered to be indefinite-life un l the comple on or abandonment of the associated research and development efforts.
Finite-lived Intangibles
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)
Subsequent to the FDA approval of Dojolvi for the treatment of LC-FAOD in 2020, the Company recorded $4.8 million for the a ainment of various
development and commercial milestones as finite-lived intangible assets which are amor zed over a weighted-average useful life of 5.7 years.
In January 2022, the Company announced a collabora on with Regeneron to commercialize Evkeeza for HoFH outside of the U.S. Upon closing of the
transac on in January 2022, the Company paid Regeneron a $30.0 million upfront payment. During the year ended December 31, 2023, a $10.0 million
regulatory milestone was achieved. As both the upfront payment and the regulatory milestone are related to the Company’s use of intellectual property for
Evkeeza for HoFH, these amounts were recorded as intangible assets, which are amor zed over a weighted-average useful life of ten years.
The Company's intangible assets were as follows:
Indefinite-lived intangibles
Finite-lived intangibles
Total intangible assets
Indefinite-lived intangibles
Finite-lived intangibles
Total intangible assets
Gross Carrying Amount
Gross Carrying Amount
December 31, 2023
Average Life
Amor za on
Net Carrying
— $
— $
— $
(7,504 )
(7,504 ) $
December 31, 2022
Average Life
Amor za on
Net Carrying
— $
— $
— $
(3,670 )
(3,670 ) $
The Company recorded costs of sales of $3.8 million, $3.2 million and $0.3 million for the years ended December 31, 2023, 2022, and 2021,
respec vely, related to the amor za on of the intangible assets.
The expected amor za on of the intangible assets, as of December 31, 2023, for each of the next five years and therea er is as follows:
Therea er
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)
The following table disaggregates total revenues from external customers by product sales, royalty revenue, and collabora on and license revenue (in
Product sales:
Total product sales
Crysvita royalty revenue
Collabora on and license revenue:
Crysvita collabora on revenue in Profit-Share Territory
Crysvita royalty revenue in European Territory
Daiichi Sankyo
Total collabora on and license revenue
Total revenues
Year Ended December 31,
The following table disaggregates total revenues based on geographic loca on (in thousands):
North America
La n America
Total revenues
Year Ended December 31,
The following table presents the ac vity and ending balances for sales-related accruals and allowances (in thousands):
Year Ended December 31,
Balance of product sales reserve at beginning of year
Balance of product sales reserve at end of year
(12,746 )
(473 )
(9,613 )
(6,120 )
(198 )
The following table presents changes in the contract liabili es for the years ended December 31, 2023 and 2022 (in thousands):
Balance of contract liabili es at beginning of period
Addi ons
Deduc ons
Balance of contract liabili es at end of period, net
Year Ended December 31,
(1,479 )
(7,686 )
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)
See Note 8 for addi onal details on contract liabili es ac vi es.
The Company’s largest accounts receivable balance was from a collabora on partner and was 53% and 68% of the total accounts receivable balance as
of December 31, 2023 and 2022, respec vely.
GeneTx Acquisi on
In August 2019, the Company entered into a Program Agreement and a Unitholder Op on Agreement with GeneTx Biotherapeu cs LLC, or GeneTx, to
collaborate on the development of GeneTx’s GTX-102, an ASO for the treatment of Angelman syndrome. In July 2022, pursuant to the terms of the Unitholder
Op on Agreement, as amended, the Company exercised the op on to acquire GeneTx and entered into a Unit Purchase Agreement, or the Purchase
Agreement, pursuant to which the Company purchased all the outstanding units of GeneTx. In accordance with the terms of the Purchase Agreement, the
Company paid the op on exercise price of $75.0 million and an addi onal $15.6 million to acquire the outstanding cash of GeneTx, and adjustments for
working capital and transac on expenses of $0.6 million, for a total purchase considera on of $91.2 million. The Company may be required to make
payments of up to $190.0 million upon the achievement of certain milestones, including up to $30.0 million in milestone payments upon achievement of the
earlier of ini a on of a Phase 3 clinical study or product approvals in Canada and the U.K., up to $85.0 million in addi onal regulatory approval milestones for
the achievement of U.S. and EU product approvals, and up to $75.0 million in commercial milestone payments based on annual worldwide net product sales.
The Company will also pay ered mid- to high single-digit percentage royal es based on licensed product annual net sales. If the Company receives and
resells an FDA priority review voucher, or PRV, in connec on with a new drug applica on approval, GeneTx is en tled to receive a por on of proceeds from
the sale or a cash payment from the Company if the Company choses to retain the PRV. As part of the Company's acquisi on of GeneTx, the Company
assumed a License Agreement with Texas A&M University, or TAMU. Under this agreement, TAMU is eligible to receive from the Company up to $23.5 million
upon the achievement of various future milestones, a nominal annual license fee that may increase up to a maximum of $2.0 million, as well as royal es in
the mid-single-digits of net sales.
The transac on was accounted as an asset acquisi on, as substan ally all of the fair value of the gross assets acquired was concentrated in a single
iden fiable in-process research and development intangible asset. Prior to the achievement of certain development and regulatory milestones, the acquired
in-process research and development intangible asset has not yet reached technological feasibility and has no alterna ve future use. Accordingly, the
Company recorded the acquisi on price of $75.0 million, net of cash and working capital acquired, as in-process research and development expense during
the year ended December 31, 2022.
License and Research Agreements
Kyowa Kirin Co., Ltd.
In August 2013, the Company entered into a collabora on and license agreement with Kyowa Kirin Co., Ltd., or KKC. Under the terms of this
collabora on and license agreement, as amended, the Company and KKC collaborate on the development and commercializa on of Crysvita in the field of
orphan diseases in the U.S. and Canada, or the Profit-Share Territory, and in the European Union, United Kingdom, and Switzerland, or the European Territory,
and the Company has the right to develop and commercialize such products in the field of orphan diseases in Mexico and Central and South America, or La n
Development Ac vi es
In the field of orphan diseases, except for ongoing studies being conducted by KKC, the Company was the lead party for development ac vi es in the
Profit-Share Territory and in the European Territory un l the applicable transi on date. The Company shared the costs for development ac vi es in the Profit-
Share Territory and the European Territory conducted pursuant to the development plan before the applicable transi on date equally with KKC. In April 2023,
which was the transi on date for the Profit-Share Territory, KKC became the lead party and became responsible for the costs of the subsequent development
ac vi es. However, the Company will con nue to equally share in the costs of the studies with KKC that commenced prior to the applicable transi on date.
The collabora on and license agreements are within the scope of ASC 808, which provides guidance on the presenta on and disclosure of
collabora ve arrangements.
Collabora on and Royalty Revenue for Sales in the Profit-Share Territory
The Company and KKC shared commercial responsibili es and profits in the Profit-Share Territory un l April 2023. Under the collabora on agreement,
KKC manufactured and supplied Crysvita for commercial use in the Profit-Share Territory and charged the Company a transfer price of 30% of net sales in
2023, and 35% prior to December 31, 2022. The remaining profit or loss a er supply
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)
costs from commercializing products in the Profit-Share Territory was shared between the Company and KKC on a 50/50 basis un l April 2023. In April 2023,
commercializa on responsibili es for Crysvita in the Profit-Share Territory transi oned to KKC. Therea er, the Company is en tled to receive a ered double-
digit revenue share from the mid-20% range up to a maximum rate of 30%.
In 2022, the Company entered into an amendment to the collabora on agreement which granted the Company the right to con nue to support KKC in
commercial field ac vi es in the U.S. through April 2024, subject to the limita ons and condi ons set forth in the amendment. The par es subsequently
mutually agreed to extend the Company's right to con nue to support KKC in commercial field ac vi es in the U.S. through December 31, 2024, and as a
result, the Company will con nue to support commercial field efforts in the U.S. through a cost share arrangement through December 2024. A er December
31, 2024, the Company’s rights to promote Crysvita in the U.S. will be limited to medical gene cists and the Company will solely bear its expenses for the
promo on of Crysvita in the Profit-Share Territory.
As KKC was the principal in the sale transac on with the customer during the profit-share period, the Company recognized a pro-rata share of
collabora on revenue, net of transfer pricing, in the period the sale occurs. The Company concluded that its por on of KKC’s sales in the Profit-Share Territory
prior to April 2023 was analogous to a royalty and therefore recorded its share as collabora on revenue, similar to a royalty. Star ng in April 2023, the
Company began to record the royalty revenue as the underlying sales occur.
In July 2022, the Company sold to OMERS its right to receive 30% of the future royalty payments due to the Company based on net sales of Crysvita in
the U.S. and Canada, subject to a cap, beginning in April 2023, as further described in Note 10. The Company records this revenue as royalty revenue.
Product Sales Revenue for Other Territories
The Company is responsible for commercializing Crysvita in La n America and Turkey. The Company is considered the principal in these territories as
the Company controls the product before it is transferred to the customer. Accordingly, the Company records revenue on a gross basis for the sale of Crysvita
once the product is delivered and the risk and tle of the product is transferred to the distributor. KKC has the op on to assume responsibility for
commercializa on efforts in Turkey from the Company, a er a certain minimum period.
Under the collabora on agreement, KKC manufactures and supplies Crysvita, which is purchased by the Company for sales in La n American territories
and charges the Company a transfer price of 30% of net sales. The transfer price on these sales was 35% prior to December 31, 2022. The Company also pays
to KKC a low single-digit royalty on net sales in La n America.
Total Crysvita revenue was as follows (in thousands):
Revenue in profit-share territory:
Collabora on revenue
Royalty revenue
Non-cash royalty revenue
Total revenue in Profit-Share Territory
Product sales
Royalty revenue in European Territory
Non-cash royalty revenue in European Territories
Total Crysvita revenue
Year Ended December 31,
Royalty Revenue for Sales in the European Territory
KKC has the commercial responsibility for Crysvita in the European Territory. In December 2019, the Company sold its right to receive royalty payments
based on sales in the European Territory to Royalty Pharma, effec ve January 1, 2020, as further described in Note 10. Prior to the Company’s sale of the
royalty, the Company received a royalty of up to 10% on net sales in the European Territory, which was recognized as the underlying sales occur. Beginning in
2020, the Company records the royalty revenue as non-cash royalty revenues. The Company records this revenue as royalty revenue.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)
Collabora on Cost Sharing and Payments
Under the collabora on agreement, KKC and the Company share certain development and commercializa on costs and as a result, the Company was
reimbursed for these costs and opera ng expenses were reduced. Addi onally, KKC is owed a transfer price fee and royal es on certain revenues and the
Company recorded amounts owed to KKC in cost of sales. These amounts were recognized in the Company’s Statements of Opera ons in connec on with the
collabora on agreement with KKC as follows (in thousands):
Research and development
Selling, general and administra ve
Cost of sales
Collabora on Receivable and Payable
Year Ended December 31,
(6,510 )
(17,199 )
(15,974 )
(37,217 )
(21,657 )
(32,629 )
The Company had accounts receivable from KKC in the amount of $39.2 million and $27.5 million from profit-share revenue and royal es and other
receivables recorded in other current assets of $1.1 million and $6.4 million and accrued liabili es of $5.3 million and $3.1 million from commercial and
development ac vity reimbursements, as of December 31, 2023 and 2022, respec vely.
Saint Louis University
In November 2010, the Company entered into a license agreement with Saint Louis University, or SLU. Under the terms of this license agreement, SLU
granted the Company an exclusive worldwide license to make, have made, use, import, offer for sale, and sell therapeu cs related to SLU’s beta-glucuronidase
product for use in the treatment of human diseases.
The Company made a milestone payment of $0.1 million upon approval of Mepsevii for treatment of MPS 7. The Company is required to pay to SLU a
low single-digit royalty on net sales of the licensed products in any country or region, upon reaching a certain level of cumula ve worldwide sales of the
Baylor Research Ins tute
In September 2012, the Company entered into a license agreement with Baylor Research Ins tute, or BRI. Under the terms of this license agreement,
as amended, BRI exclusively licensed to the Company its territories for certain intellectual property related to Dojolvi (triheptanoin) for the treatment of LC-
For the years ended December 31, 2023 and 2022, the Company recorded nil and $2.5 million, respec vely, for the a ainment of various development
and commercial milestones as finite-lived intangible assets. The Company is obligated to make addi onal future payments of up to $7.5 million con ngent
upon a ainment of various development and commercial milestones. Addi onally, the Company is paying BRI a mid- single-digit royalty on net sales of the
licensed product in the licensed territories.
The Company has a license agreement with REGENXBIO, Inc., or REGENX, for an exclusive, sublicensable, worldwide commercial license under certain
intellectual property for preclinical and clinical research and development, and commercializa on of drug therapies using REGENX's licensed patents for the
treatment of hemophilia A, OTC deficiency, and GSD1a. The Company will pay an annual fee and certain milestone fees per disease indica on, low to mid-
single-digit royalty percentages on net sales of licensed products, and milestone and sublicense fees owed by REGENX to its licensors, con ngent upon the
a ainment of certain development ac vi es as outlined in the agreement.
The Company also has an op on and license agreement with REGENX under which the Company has an exclusive, sublicensable, worldwide license to
make, have made, use, import, sell, and offer for sale licensed products to treat Wilson disease and CDKL5 deficiency. For each disease indica on, the
Company is obligated to pay an annual maintenance fee of $0.1 million and up to $9.0 million upon achievement of various milestones, as well as mid- to high
single-digit royal es on net sales of licensed products and mid- single-digit to low double-digit percentage sublicenses fees, if any.
In March 2020, the Company entered into a license agreement with REGENX, for an exclusive, sublicensable, worldwide license to REGENX’s NAV AAV8
and AAV9 vectors for the development and commercializa on of gene therapy treatments for a rare metabolic disorder. In return for these rights, the
Company made an upfront payment of $7.0 million. The Company will pay certain
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)
annual fees of $0.1 million, milestone payments of up to $14.0 million, and royal es on any net sales of products incorpora ng the licensed intellectual
property that range from a high single-digit to low double-digit royalty.
Bayer HealthCare LLC
The Company previously had a collabora on and license agreement with Bayer Healthcare LLC, or Bayer, to research, develop and commercialize AAV
gene therapy products for the treatment of hemophilia A, or DTX 201. Under this agreement, Bayer had been granted an exclusive license to develop and
commercialize one or more novel gene therapies for hemophilia A.
In October 2022, the Collabora on and License Agreement for DTX201 with Bayer was terminated and all licensed rights to DTX201 have reverted back
to the Company. The Company also obtained rights to all necessary data and informa on to further develop DTX201 or another hemophilia A program
through a royalty-free, worldwide, sublicensable, perpetual license.
University of Pennsylvania
The Company has a research, collabora on, and license agreement with University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, or Penn, which provides the
terms for the Company and Penn to collaborate with respect to the pre-clinical development of gene therapy products for the treatment of certain
indica ons. Under the agreement, Penn granted the Company an exclusive, worldwide license to certain patent rights arising out of the research program,
subject to certain retained rights, and a non-exclusive, worldwide license to certain Penn intellectual property, in each case to research, develop, make, have
made, use, sell, offer for sale, commercialize and import licensed products in each indica on for the term of the agreement. The Company will fund the cost
of the research program in accordance with a mutually agreed-upon research budget and will be responsible for clinical development, manufacturing and
commercializa on of each indica on. The Company may be obligated to make milestone payments of up to $5.0 million for each indica on, if certain
development milestones are achieved over me. The Company is also obligated to make milestone payments of up to $25.0 million per approved product if
certain commercial milestones are achieved, as well as low to mid- single-digit royal es on net sales of each licensed product.
Arcturus Therapeu cs Holdings Inc.
In October 2015, the Company entered into a Research Collabora on and License Agreement with Arcturus Therapeu cs Holdings Inc., or Arcturus, to
collaborate on the research and development of therapies for select rare diseases. Arcturus was responsible for conduc ng certain research services, funded
by the Company, and the Company was responsible for development and commercializa on costs.
On a product-by-product basis, the Company is obligated to make development and regulatory milestone payments of up to $24.5 million, and
commercial milestone payments of up to $45.0 million if certain milestones are achieved. For the year ended December 31, 2021, the Company achieved a
$1.0 million development milestone, which was paid with a corresponding credit received from Arcturus for prior research and collabora on ac vi es. The
Company is also obligated to pay Arcturus royal es on any net sales of products incorpora ng the licensed intellectual property that may range from a mid-
single-digit to low double-digit percentage. There were no material expenses for this arrangement during the years ended December 31, 2023, 2022, and
In June 2019, the Company entered into an Equity Purchase Agreement and an amendment to the Research Collabora on and License Agreement, or
License Agreement, to expand the field of use and increase the number of disease targets to include mRNA, DNA and siRNA therapeu cs for up to 12 rare
diseases. Pursuant to the agreements, the Company paid $6.0 million in cash upfront to Arcturus and purchased 2,400,000 shares of Arcturus’ common stock
at a stated value of $10.00 per share, resul ng in a total of $30.0 million of considera on paid at the close of the transac on. As a result, the Company
received expanded license rights under the License Agreement, Arcturus common stock, and an op on to purchase an addi onal 600,000 shares of Arcturus’
common stock at $16.00 per share. In May 2020, the Company exercised its op on to purchase 600,000 shares of Arcturus common stock for a total purchase
price of $9.6 million.
The Company’s investment in Arcturus was accounted at fair value, as the fair value was readily determinable. During the year ended December 31,
2022, the Company sold 500,000 shares of Arcturus common stock, at a weighted-average price of $20.39 per share. As of December 31, 2022, the Company
held no shares of Arcturus common stock.
The changes in the fair value of the Company’s equity investment in Arcturus were as follows (in thousands):
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)
December 31, 2021
Change in fair value
Sale of shares
December 31, 2022
Daiichi Sankyo
Arcturus Common Stock
(8,411 )
(10,094 )
In March 2020, the Company executed a License and Technology Access Agreement, or the License Agreement, with Daiichi Sankyo Co., Ltd., or Daiichi
Sankyo. Pursuant to the License Agreement, the Company granted Daiichi Sankyo a non-exclusive license to intellectual property, including know-how and
patent applica ons, with respect to its Pinnacle PCLTM producer cell line pla orm, or Pinnacle PCL Pla orm, and HEK293 transient transfec on manufacturing
technology pla orms for AAV-based gene therapy products.
Under the terms of the License Agreement, Daiichi Sankyo made an upfront payment of $125.0 million and an addi onal $25.0 million upon
comple on of the technology transfer of the Pinnacle PCL Pla orm and HEK293 pla orm. Daiichi Sankyo reimbursed the Company for all costs associated
with the transfer of the manufacturing technology.
The Company also entered into a Stock Purchase Agreement, or SPA, with Daiichi Sankyo, pursuant to which Daiichi Sankyo purchased 1,243,913
shares of the Company’s common stock in exchange for $75.0 million in cash during the first quarter of 2020. The fair market value of the common stock
issued to Daiichi Sankyo was $55.3 million based on the stock price of $44.43 per share on the date of issuance, resul ng in a $19.7 million premium on the
In June 2020, the Company executed a subsequent license agreement, or the Sublicense Agreement, with Daiichi Sankyo for transfer of certain
technology in considera on for an upfront payment of $8.0 million and annual maintenance fees, milestone payments, and royal es on any net sales of
products incorpora ng the licensed intellectual property.
The Company evaluated the License Agreement and the Sublicense Agreement under ASC 606 and determined that the performance obliga ons
under the agreements are (i) intellectual property with respect to its Pinnacle PCL Pla orm and HEK293 transient transfec on manufacturing technology
pla orm together with the ini al technical assistance and technology transfer services, and (ii) the transfer of any know-how and improvements a er the
comple on of the ini al technology transfer through the end of the three year technology transfer period.
The Company allocated the total transac on price to the two performance obliga ons on a rela ve stand-alone selling price basis. Revenue allocated
to the intellectual property and the technology transfer services was recognized over an ini al period which was completed during the first quarter of 2022,
measuring the progress toward complete sa sfac on of the individual performance obliga on using an input measure. Revenue for know-how and
improvements a er the comple on of technology transfer was recognized on a straight-line basis over the remaining technology transfer period, which ended
in March 2023, as it was expected that Daiichi Sankyo would receive and consume the benefits consistently throughout the period. The Company’s current
obliga ons under the License Agreement and the Sublicense Agreement were completed following the conclusion of the technology transfer period. Total
revenue recognized under the arrangement through December 31, 2023 was $183.3 million.
The Company recognized $1.5 million, $7.7 million, and $85.0 million for the years ended December 31, 2023, 2022, and 2021, respec vely, in revenue
related to this arrangement. Accordingly, the Company recorded contract liabili es of nil and $1.5 million, net, for this arrangement as of December 31, 2023
and 2022, respec vely.
In December 2020, the Company entered into a License and Collabora on Agreement with Mereo to collaborate on the development of setrusumab.
Under the terms of the agreement, the Company will lead future global development of setrusumab in both pediatric and adult pa ents with OI. The
Company was granted an exclusive license to develop and commercialize setrusumab in the U.S., Turkey, and the rest of the world, excluding the European
Economic Area, United Kingdom, and Switzerland, or the
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)
Mereo Territory, where Mereo retains commercial rights. Each party will be responsible for post-marke ng commitments and commercial supply in their
respec ve territories.
Upon the closing of the transac on in January 2021, the Company made a payment of $50.0 million to Mereo and will be required to make payments
of up to $254.0 million upon the achievement of certain clinical, regulatory, and commercial milestones. The Company will pay for all global development
costs as well as ered double-digit percentage royal es to Mereo on net sales in the U.S., Turkey, and the rest of the world (excluding the Mereo Territory),
and Mereo will pay the Company a fixed double-digit percentage royalty on net sales in the Mereo Territory.
Although Mereo is a variable interest en ty, the Company is not the primary beneficiary as it does not have the power to direct the ac vi es that
would most significantly impact the economic performance of Mereo. Prior to the achievement of certain development milestones, all considera on paid to
Mereo represents rights to poten al future benefits associated with Mereo’s in-process research and development ac vi es, which have not reached
technological feasibility and have no alterna ve future use.
For the years ended December 31, 2023, 2022, and 2021, the Company recorded research and development expense of $9.0 million for the
achievement of a clinical milestone, nil, and $50.0 million for the upfront payment, respec vely.
In January 2022, the Company announced a collabora on with Regeneron Pharmaceu cals, or Regeneron, to commercialize Evkeeza for HoFH outside
of the U.S. Evkeeza is approved in the U.S., where it is marketed by Regeneron, and in the EU and U.K. as a first-in-class therapy for use together with diet and
other low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol-lowering therapies to treat adults and adolescents aged 12 years and older with HoFH. Pursuant to the terms of the
agreement, the Company received the rights to develop, commercialize and distribute the product for HoFH in countries outside of the U.S. The Company is
obligated to pay up to $63.0 million in future milestone payments, con ngent upon the achievement of certain regulatory and sales milestones. The Company
may share in certain costs for global trials led by Regeneron and also received the right to opt into other poten al indica ons.
The collabora on agreement is within the scope of ASC 808 which provides guidance on the presenta on and disclosure of collabora ve
arrangements. As the Company would be the principal in future sale transac ons with the customer, the Company will recognize product sales and cost of
sales in the period the related sales occur and the related revenue recogni on criteria are met. Under the collabora on agreement, Regeneron supplies the
product and charges the Company a transfer price from the low 20% range up to 40% on net sales, which is recognized as cost of sales in the Company’s
Statement of Opera ons.
The Company paid Regeneron a $30.0 million upfront payment upon the closing of the transac on in January 2022, and during the year ended
December 31, 2023, a $10.0 million regulatory milestone was achieved. As these payments are for the Company’s use of intellectual property for Evkeeza for
HoFH, they were recorded as intangible assets. See Note 5 for addi onal details.
Under the collabora on agreement, the Company reimbursed Regeneron for development costs of $7.6 million, $7.3 million, and nil for the years
ended December 31, 2023, 2022, and 2021, respec vely, which were recorded as research and development expense on the Consolidated Statements of
Opera ons. The Company had collabora on payables for this arrangement included in accrued liabili es on the Consolidated Balance Sheets of $10.6 million
and $6.8 million as of December 31, 2023 and December 31, 2022, respec vely. Addi onally, Regeneron is owed a transfer price fee and royal es on certain
revenues and the Company recorded amounts owed to Regeneron of $0.7 million in cost of sales on the Consolidated Statements of Opera ons for the year
ended December 31, 2023.
In May 2022, the Company announced an exclusive License Agreement for the AAV gene therapy for UX111 with Abeona for the treatment of MPS
IIIA. Under the terms of the agreement, the Company assumed responsibility for the UX111 program and in return, Abeona is eligible to receive ered
royal es of up to 10% on net sales and commercial milestone payments of up to $30.0 million following regulatory approval of the product. Addi onally, the
Company entered into an Assignment and Assump on Agreement with Abeona to transfer and assign to the Company the exclusive license agreement
between Na onwide Children’s Hospital, or NCH, and Abeona for certain rights related to UX111. Under this agreement, NCH is eligible to receive from the
Company up to $1.0 million in development and regulatory milestones as well as royal es in the low single-digits of net sales.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)
The Company is obligated to pay Abeona certain prior development costs and other transi on costs related to UX111. Prior to product regulatory
approval, all considera on paid to Abeona represents rights to poten al future benefits associated with Abeona’s in-process research and development
ac vi es, which have not reached technological feasibility and have no alterna ve future use. Accordingly, the value of the acquired intellectual property
rights and clinical inventory as well as prior development costs and transi on costs of $3.1 million, were recorded as research and development expense for
the year ended December 31, 2022. The Company did not incur any other material costs related to this agreement in the years presented.
Solid Biosciences, Inc.
In October 2020, the Company entered into a strategic Collabora on and License Agreement with Solid Biosciences Inc., or Solid, and received an
exclusive license for any pharmaceu cal product that expresses Solid’s proprietary microdystrophin construct from AAV8 and variants thereof in clade E for
use in the treatment of Duchenne muscular dystrophy and other diseases resul ng from lack of func onal dystrophin, including Becker muscular dystrophy.
The Company is collabora ng to develop products that combine Solid’s differen ated microdystrophin construct, the Company’s Pinnacle PCL Pla orm, and
the Company’s AAV8 variants. Solid is providing development support and was granted an exclusive op on to co-invest in products the Company develops for
profit-share par cipa on in certain territories. On a product-by-product basis, the Company is obligated to make development milestone payments of up to
$25.0 million, regulatory milestone payments of up to $65.0 million, and commercial milestone payments of up to $165.0 million, if such milestones are
achieved, as well as royal es on any net sales of products incorpora ng the licensed intellectual property that range from a low to mid-double-digit
percentage. The royalty rate changes to mid- to high double-digit percentage if Solid decides to co-invest in the product.
The Company also entered into a Stock Purchase Agreement and the Investor Agreement with Solid, pursuant to which, the Company purchased
7,825,797 shares of Solid’s common stock for an aggregate purchase price of $40.0 million. In October 2022, Solid announced a 1 for 15 reverse stock split.
A er the split, the Company held 521,719 shares of Solid's common stock. The Company’s investment in Solid is being accounted at fair value, as the fair
value is readily determinable. The Company recorded the common stock investment at $26.8 million on the transac on date, which was based on the quoted
market price on the closing date.
Although Solid is a variable interest en ty, the Company is not the primary beneficiary as it does not have the power to direct the ac vi es that would
most significantly impact the economic performance of Solid. Prior to the achievement of certain development milestones, all considera on paid to Solid
represents rights to poten al future benefits associated with Solid’s in-process research and development ac vi es, which have not reached technological
feasibility and have no alterna ve future use. Accordingly, the remaining $13.2 million of the total $40.0 million paid as considera on was a ributed to the
license rights obtained and was recorded as in-process research and development expense during the year ended December 31, 2020.
The changes in the fair value of the Company’s investment in Solid’s common stock were as follows (in thousands):
December 31, 2021
Change in fair value
December 31, 2022
Change in fair value
December 31, 2023
Solid Common Stock
(10,888 )
The Company leases office space and research, tes ng and manufacturing laboratory space in various facili es in Novato and Brisbane, California, in
Somerville, and Woburn, Massachuse s, and in certain foreign countries, under opera ng agreements expiring at various dates through 2029. Certain lease
agreements include op ons for the Company to extend the lease for mul ple renewal periods and provide for annual minimum increases in rent, usually
based on a consumer price index or annual minimum increases. None of these op onal periods have been considered in the determina on of the right-of-use
lease asset or the lease liability for the leases as the Company did not consider it reasonably certain that it would exercise any such op ons. The Company
recognizes lease expense on a straight-line basis over the non-cancelable term of its opera ng leases. The variable lease expense primarily consists of
common area maintenance and other opera ng costs.
The components of lease expense were as follows (in thousands):
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)
Opera ng lease expense
Variable lease expense
Amor za on
Interest expense
Year Ended December 31,
12,883 $
11,775 $
18,358 $
16,940 $
Cash paid for amounts included in the measurement of opera ng lease liabili es for the years ended December 31, 2023, 2022, and 2021 was $13.4
million, $13.1 million, and $11.8 million, respec vely, and was included in net cash used in opera ng ac vi es in the Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows.
Right-of-use lease assets were $23.9 million and $26.0 million as of December 31, 2023 and 2022, respec vely, and were included in other non-current
assets on the Consolidated Balance Sheets.
The following table summarizes maturi es of lease liabili es and the reconcilia on of lease liabili es as of December 31, 2023:
Year Ending December 31,
Therea er
Total future lease payments
Less: Amount represen ng interest
Present value of future lease payments
Less: Lease liabili es, current
Lease liabili es, non-current
Opera ng
(11,190 )
(12,595 )
Lease liabili es are based on the net present value of the remaining lease payments over the remaining lease term. For the years ended December 31,
2023 and 2022, the weighted-average remaining opera ng lease terms were 4.5 years and 3.0 years, the weighted-average remaining financing lease terms
were nil and 2.8 years, the weighted-average discount rates used to determine the lease liability for opera ng leases were 9.6% and 6.7%, and the weighted-
average discount rates used to determine the lease liability for finance leases were nil and 5.1% respec vely.
Liabili es for Sales of Future Royal es
In December 2019, the Company entered into a Royalty Purchase Agreement with RPI. Pursuant to the agreement, RPI paid $320.0 million to the
Company in considera on for the right to receive royalty payments effec ve January 1, 2020, arising from the net sales of Crysvita in the EU, the U.K., and
Switzerland under the terms of the Company’s Collabora on and License Agreement with KKC dated August 29, 2013, as amended, or the KKC Collabora on
Agreement. The agreement with RPI will automa cally terminate, and the payment of royal es to RPI will cease, in the event aggregate royalty payments
received by RPI are equal to or greater than $608.0 million prior to December 31, 2030, or in the event aggregate royalty payments received by RPI are less
than $608.0 million prior to December 31, 2030, or when aggregate royalty payments received by RPI are equal to $800.0 million.
In July 2022, the Company entered into a Royalty Purchase Agreement with OMERS. Pursuant to the agreement, OMERS paid $500.0 million to the
Company in considera on for the right to receive 30% of the future royalty payments due to the Company from KKC based on net sales of Crysvita in the U.S.
and Canada under the terms of the KKC Collabora on Agreement. The calcula on of royalty payments to OMERS is based on net sales of Crysvita beginning in
April 2023 and will expire upon the earlier of the date on which aggregate payments received by OMERS equals $725.0 million or the date the final royalty
payment is made to the Company under the KKC Collabora on Agreement.
Proceeds from these transac ons were recorded as liabili es for sales of future royal es on the Consolidated Balance Sheets. Upon incep on of the
respec ve arrangements, the Company recorded $320.0 million and $500.0 million, net of transac on costs of $5.8 million and $9.1 million for RPI and
OMERS, respec vely, using the effec ve interest method over the es mated life of the applicable arrangement. In order to determine the amor za on of the
liabili es, the Company is required to es mate the total
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)
amount of future royalty payments to be received by the Company and paid to RPI and OMERS, subject to the capped amount, over the life of the
arrangements. The excess of future es mated royalty payments (subject to the capped amount) to RPI and OMERS, over the $314.2 million and $491.0
million, respec vely, of net proceeds, is recorded as non-cash interest expense over the life of the arrangements. Consequently, the Company es mates an
imputed interest on the unamor zed por on of the liabili es and records interest expense rela ng to the transac ons. The Company records the royalty
revenue arising from the net sales of Crysvita in the applicable territories as royalty revenue in the Consolidated Statements of Opera ons over the term of
the arrangements. Royal es earned under the RPI and OMERS arrangements from incep on to December 31, 2023 have been $73.4 million and $48.6 million,
respec vely.
The Company periodically assesses the expected royalty payments using a combina on of historical results, internal projec ons and forecasts from
external sources. To the extent such payments are greater or less than the Company’s ini al es mates or the ming of such payments is materially different
than its original es mates, the Company will prospec vely adjust the amor za on of the liabili es and the effec ve interest rate. The Company’s effec ve
annual interest rates were 6.2% and 7.8%, for RPI and OMERS, respec vely, as of December 31, 2023.
There are a number of factors that could materially affect the amount and ming of royalty payments from KKC in the applicable territories, most of
which are not within the Company’s control. Such factors include, but are not limited to, the success of KKC’s sales and promo on of Crysvita, changing
standards of care, macroeconomic and infla onary pressures, the introduc on of compe ng products, pricing for reimbursement in various territories,
manufacturing or other delays, intellectual property ma ers, adverse events that result in governmental health authority imposed restric ons on the use of
Crysvita, significant changes in foreign exchange rates as the royalty payments are made in U.S. dollars, or USD, while significant por ons of the underlying
sales of Crysvita are made in currencies other than USD, and other events or circumstances that could result in reduced royalty payments from sales of
Crysvita, all of which would result in a reduc on of royalty revenue and the non-cash interest expense over the life of the arrangement. Conversely, if sales of
Crysvita in the relevant territories are more than expected, the royalty revenue and the non-cash interest expense recorded by the Company would be greater
over the term of the arrangements.
The following table shows the ac vity within the liability account (in thousands):
December 31, 2021
Net proceeds from sale of future
royal es
Royalty revenue
Non-cash interest expense
December 31, 2022
Royalty revenue
Non-cash interest expense
December 31, 2023
At-the-Market Offerings
Liabili es for Sales of Future Royal es
351,786 $
(21,692 )
(20,783 )
376,641 $
— $
(38,524 )
514,926 $
(21,692 )
(59,307 )
In May 2021, the Company entered into an Open Market Sale Agreement with Jefferies LLC, or Jefferies, pursuant to which the Company may offer and
sell shares of the Company’s common stock having an aggregate offering proceeds up to $350.0 million, from me to me, in at-the-market, or ATM, offerings
through Jefferies. During the year ended December 31, 2023, there were 1,175,584 shares sold under the ATM resul ng in net proceeds of $53.3 million.
There were no shares sold under the ATM for year ended December 31, 2022. As of December 31, 2023, the Company has sold a total of 2,225,956 shares
under the ATM, resul ng in net proceeds of $132.2 million.
Underwri en Public Offering
In October 2023, the Company completed an underwri en public offering in which 9,833,334 shares of common stock were sold, including the
exercise in full by the underwriters of their op on to purchase an addi onal 1,500,000 shares, at a public offering price of $30.00 per share. In connec on
with the offering, the Company sold to certain investors pre-funded warrants, in lieu of common stock, to purchase 1,666,722 shares of common stock at a
purchase price of $29.999 per pre-funded warrant, which equals the public offering price per share of common stock less the $0.001 exercise price per share
of each pre-funded warrant. The total
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)
proceeds that the Company received from the offering were $326.5 million, net of underwri ng discounts and commissions. As of December 31, 2023, none
of the pre-funded warrants had been exercised.
The pre-funded warrants were classified as a component of permanent equity in the Company's Consolidated Balance Sheets as they are freestanding
financial instruments that are immediately exercisable, do not embody an obliga on for the Company to repurchase its own shares and permit the holders to
receive a fixed number of shares of common stock upon exercise. All of the shares underlying the pre-funded warrants have been included in the weighted-
average number of shares of common stock used to calculate net loss per share, basic and diluted, a ributable to common stockholders because the shares
may be issued for li le or no considera on, are fully vested, and are exercisable a er the original issuance date of the pre-funded warrants.
Stock-Based Awards
Equity Plan Awards
In 2014, the Company adopted the 2014 Incen ve Plan, or the 2014 Plan, for the gran ng of stock-based awards to employees, directors, and
consultants under terms and provisions established by the board of directors. The 2014 Plan had 2,250,000 shares of common stock available for future
issuance at the me of its incep on. The 2014 Plan provided for automa c annual increases in shares available for grant, beginning on January 1, 2015
through June 7, 2023. In June 2023, the Company adopted the 2023 Incen ve Plan which had 4,500,000 shares of common stock available for future issuance
at the me of its incep on, plus the number of shares subject to the 2014 Plan cancelled a er June 7, 2023. No further shares were granted under the 2014
Plan a er June 7, 2023.In February 2021, the Company adopted the Employment Inducement Plan, or the Inducement Plan, which was subsequently
amended in June 2023 to provide for a maximum of 850,000 shares available for grant under the plan. In 2014, the Company adopted the 2014 Incen ve
Plan, or the 2014 Plan, for the gran ng of stock-based awards to employees, directors, and consultants under terms and provisions established by the board
of directors. Under the terms of the 2023 Plan and Inducement Plan, awards may be granted at an exercise price not less than fair market value. The exercise
price of an op on may not be less than the fair market value. The term of an award granted under the 2023 Plan and Inducement Plan may not exceed ten
years. Typically, the ves ng schedule for op on grants to the employees provides that ¼ of the grant vests upon the first anniversary of the date of grant, with
the remainder of the shares ves ng monthly therea er at a rate of 1/48 of the total shares subject to the op on. Typically, the ves ng schedule for RSU
grants provides that ¼ of the grant vests upon the annual anniversary of the date of grant over the period of four years.
As of December 31, 2023, an aggregate of 19,610,125 shares of common stock have been authorized for issuance under the 2014 Plan, the 2023 Plan,
and the Inducement Plan.
Stock Op on Ac vity
The following table summarizes ac vity under the Company’s stock op on plans and related informa on:
Outstanding — December 31, 2022
Op ons granted
Op ons exercised
Op ons cancelled
Outstanding — December 31, 2023
Vested and exercisable — December 31, 2023
Vested and expected to vest — December 31, 2023
Op ons Outstanding
Number of
Op ons
Exercise Price
Term (Years)
7,773,367 $
(209,793 )
(899,118 )
Intrinsic Value
(In thousands)
The aggregate intrinsic values of op ons outstanding, vested and exercisable, and vested and expected to vest were calculated as the difference
between the exercise price of the op ons and the fair value of the Company’s common stock. The total intrinsic value of op ons exercised during the years
ended December 31, 2023, 2022, and 2021 was $4.9 million, $2.6 million, and $38.8 million, respec vely. Cash received from the exercise of op ons was $2.7
million, $6.2 million, and $36.6 million for the years ended December 31, 2023, 2022, and 2021, respec vely.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)
The weighted-average es mated fair value of stock op ons granted was $25.53, $34.77, and $70.84 per share of the Company’s common stock during
the years ended December 31, 2023, 2022, and 2021, respec vely. The total es mated grant date fair value of op ons vested during the years ended
December 31, 2023, 2022, and 2021 was $59.7 million, $58.7 million, and $48.1 million, respec vely.
Performance Stock Op ons
The following table summarizes ac vity under the Company’s Performance Stock Op on, or PSO, plans and related informa on:
PSOs Outstanding
Outstanding — December 31, 2022
PSOs cancelled
Outstanding — December 31, 2023
Vested and exercisable — December 31, 2023
Vested and expected to vest — December 31, 2023
Number of
Op ons
1,624,599 $
(243,601 )
Exercise Price
Term (Years)
Intrinsic Value
4.14 $
During the year ended December 31, 2022, PSOs were granted to certain nonexecu ve employees. PSOs are subject to vest only if specified
opera onal milestones are achieved and the employees’ con nued service with the Company. The Company uses the Black-Scholes method to calculate the
fair value at the grant date and is recognizing stock-based compensa on expense for the PSOs that are expected to vest. Stock-based compensa on for PSOs
is recognized over the service period, beginning in the period the Company determines it is probable that a milestone will be achieved. Forfeitures of PSOs
are recognized as they occur. The Company reassesses the probability of the performance condi on at each repor ng period and adjusts the compensa on
cost based on the probability assessment. As of December 31, 2023, certain opera onal milestones were deemed probable of achievement. The aggregate
intrinsic values of PSOs outstanding, vested and exercisable, and vested and expected to vest were calculated as the difference between the exercise price of
the PSOs and the fair value of the Company’s common stock. The total es mated grant date fair value of PSOs vested during the year ended December 31,
2023, was $3.4 million. No PSOs were granted or were exercised during the year ended December 31, 2023. The weighted-average es mated fair value of
PSOs granted was $28.76 during the year ended December 31, 2022.
Restricted Stock Units
The following table summarizes ac vity under the Company’s Restricted Stock Units, or RSU, plans and related informa on:
Unvested — December 31, 2022
RSUs granted
RSUs vested
RSUs cancelled
Unvested — December 31, 2023
RSUs Outstanding
of Shares
2,129,153 $
(738,130 )
(394,081 )
Weighted- Average
Grant Date Fair Value
The fair value of the RSUs is determined on the grant date based on the fair value of the Company’s common stock. The fair value of the RSUs is
recognized as expense ratably over the ves ng period of one to four years. The total grant date fair value of the RSUs vested during the years ended
December 31, 2023, 2022, and 2021 was $54.6 million, $47.1 million, and $35.5 million, respec vely. The aggregate intrinsic value of the shares of the RSUs
vested during the years ended December 31, 2023, 2022, and 2021 was $33.0 million, $37.8 million, and $69.9 million, respec vely.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)
Performance Stock Units
The following table summarizes ac vity under the Company’s Performance Stock Units, or PSUs and related informa on:
Unvested — December 31, 2022
PSUs granted
PSUs vested
PSUs cancelled
Unvested — December 31, 2023
PSUs Outstanding
of Shares
209,230 $
(27,581 )
(38,013 )
Weighted- Average
Grant Date Fair Value
The fair value of the PSUs is determined on the grant date based on the fair value of the Company’s common stock, except for certain PSUs with a
market ves ng condi on, for which fair value is es mated using a Monte Carlo simula on model. PSUs are subject to vest only if certain specified criteria are
achieved and the employees’ con nued service with the Company. For certain PSUs, the number of PSUs that may vest are also subject to the achievement of
certain specified criteria, including both performance condi ons and market condi ons. As of December 31, 2023, certain specified criteria were deemed
probable of achievement or already achieved. Stock-based compensa on for PSUs is recognized over the service period beginning in the period the Company
determines it is probable that the performance criteria will be achieved. The total grant date fair value of the PSUs vested during the years ended December
31, 2023, 2022, and 2021 was $3.9 million, $1.6 million, and $9.2 million, respec vely, with an aggregate intrinsic value of the shares of $1.3 million, $2.0
million and $18.9 million, respec vely.
Employee Stock Purchase Plan
In January 2014, the Company adopted the 2014 Employee Stock Purchase Plan, or ESPP, which was amended and restated in June 2023. Under the
ESPP, eligible employees may purchase common stock at 85% of the lesser of the fair market value of common stock on the offering date or the purchase date
with a six-month look-back feature. ESPP purchases are se led with common stock from the ESPP’s previously authorized and available pool of shares. During
the year ended December 31, 2023, the Company issued 195,462 shares of common stock under the ESPP. As of December 31, 2023, an aggregate of
6,609,795 shares of common stock have been authorized for future issuance on the ESPP.
Stock-Based Compensa on Expense
Total stock-based compensa on recognized was as follows (in thousands):
Cost of sales
Research and development
Selling, general and administra ve
Total stock-based compensa on expense
Year Ended December 31,
1,166 $
135,213 $
902 $
130,368 $
Stock-based compensa on of $1.9 million, $2.2 million, and $1.7 million was capitalized into inventory for the years ended December 31, 2023, 2022,
and 2021, respec vely. Capitalized stock-based compensa on is recognized as cost of sales when the related product is sold. As of December 31, 2023, the
total unrecognized compensa on expense related to unvested equity awards, net of es mated forfeitures, was $219.8 million, which the Company expects to
recognize over an es mated weighted-average period of 2.2 years. In determining the es mated fair value of the stock op ons, PSOs and ESPP, the Company
uses the Black-Scholes op on-pricing model and assump ons discussed below. Each of these inputs is subjec ve and generally requires significant judgment
to determine.
Expected Term—The Company’s expected term represents the period that the Company’s stock-based awards are expected to be outstanding and is
determined using the simplified method (based on the mid-point between the ves ng date and the end of the contractual term).
Expected Vola lity—The Company’s expected vola lity is based on historical vola lity over the look-back period corresponding to the expected term.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)
Risk-Free Interest Rate—The risk-free interest rate is based on the U.S. Treasury zero coupon issues in effect at the me of grant for periods
corresponding with the expected term of op on.
Expected Dividend—The Company has never paid dividends on its common stock and has no plans to pay dividends on its common stock. Therefore,
the Company used an expected dividend yield of zero.
Strike price for op ons awards and PSOs is equal to the closing market value of our common stock on the date of grant.
The fair value of stock op on awards granted was es mated at the date of grant using a Black-Scholes op on-pricing model with the following
weighted-average assump ons:
Expected term (years)
Expected vola lity
Risk-free interest rate
Expected dividend rate
Year Ended December 31,
The fair value of PSOs granted was es mated at the date of grant using a Black-Scholes op on-pricing model with the following weighted-average
assump ons:
Expected term in years
Expected vola lity
Risk-free interest rate
Expected dividend rate
Defined Contribu on Plan
Year Ended December
The Company sponsors a re rement plan in which substan ally all of its full- me employees in the U.S. and certain other foreign countries are eligible
to par cipate. Eligible par cipants may contribute a percentage of their annual compensa on to this plan, subject to statutory limita ons. The Company
recorded $9.7 million, $9.0 million, and $5.5 million as expense related to the plan for the years ended December 31, 2023, 2022, and 2021, respec vely.
Income Taxes
The components of the Company’s loss before income taxes were as follows (in thousands):
Domes c
Total loss before income taxes
Year Ended December 31,
608,166 $
608,464 $
703,411 $
(1,686 )
701,725 $
(2,333 )
The components of the Company’s income tax provision were as follows (in thousands):
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)
Year Ended December 31,
Current provision for income taxes:
Interna onal
Total current tax provision
Deferred tax provision:
Interna onal
— $
— $
(3,187 )
(60 )
(1,608 )
(157 )
(1,765 )
(1,825 ) $
(1,640 )
(1,640 )
5,696 $
(14 )
Total deferred tax provision
Total (benefit from) provision for income taxes
The Company has incurred net opera ng losses since incep on. The Company has not reflected any benefit of such net opera ng loss carryforwards in
the accompanying financial statements. The Company has established a full valua on allowance against its deferred tax assets due to the uncertainty
surrounding the realiza on of such assets.
Beginning in 2022, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 eliminated the right to deduct research and development expenditures for tax purposes in the
period the expenses were incurred and instead requires all U.S. and foreign research and development expenditures to be amor zed over five and fi een tax
years, respec vely. Due to this required capitaliza on of research and development expenditures and the significant taxable income generated as a result of
our sale of royal es in July 2022, the Company has recorded current state income tax expense of $6.1 million for the year ended December 31, 2022. For the
year ended December 31, 2023, the Company recognized an income tax benefit of $4.8 million a ributable to modifica ons in its state appor onment
methodology. The Company realized no benefit for current year losses due to a full valua on allowance against the U.S. net deferred tax assets. The benefit
was offset by an income tax expense of $3.0 million from foreign jurisdic ons.
The effec ve tax rate of our provision for income taxes differs from the federal statutory rate as follows:
Federal statutory income tax rate
State income taxes, net of federal benefit
Federal tax credits
Nondeduc ble permanent items
Stock-based compensa on
Uncertain tax posi ons
Change in valua on allowance
Foreign rate differen al
Provision for income taxes
Year Ended December 31,
21.0 %
(0.7 )
(0.3 )
(1.8 )
(1.4 )
(24.1 )
(0.5 )
0.3 %
21.0 %
(0.4 )
(0.1 )
(0.6 )
(1.2 )
(1.2 )
(24.0 )
(0.2 )
(0.8 ) %
21.0 %
(0.8 )
(1.4 )
(27.9 )
(0.1 )
(0.2 ) %
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)
The tax effect of temporary differences that give rise to significant por ons of the deferred tax assets is presented below (in thousands):
Deferred tax assets:
Loss carryforwards
Tax credits
Stock op ons
Accruals and reserves
Fixed assets and intangibles
Liabili es for sales of future royal es
Basis difference in equity investments
Capitalized research and development costs
Gross deferred tax assets
Valua on allowance
Total deferred tax assets
Deferred tax liabili es:
In-process research and development
Right-of-use lease assets
Gross deferred tax liabili es
Net deferred tax liabili es
Year Ended December 31,
266,253 $
(1,035,836 )
(894,518 )
(30,688 )
(5,329 )
(36,017 )
(30,058 ) $
(31,667 )
(6,143 )
(37,810 )
(31,667 )
As of December 31, 2023 and 2022, the Company had approximately $1,004.8 million and $756.6 million, respec vely, of federal net opera ng loss
carryforwards available to reduce future taxable income that will begin to expire in 2031. As of December 31, 2023 and 2022, the Company had
approximately $659.9 million and $710.0 million, respec vely, of state net opera ng loss carryforwards available to reduce future taxable income that will
begin to expire in 2031.
As of December 31, 2023 and 2022, the Company had federal research tax credit carryforwards of approximately $46.9 million and $32.6 million,
respec vely, available to reduce future tax liabili es that will begin to expire in 2030. As of December 31, 2023 and 2022, the Company had state research
credit carryforwards of $74.4 million and $59.9 million, respec vely, available to reduce future tax liabili es that will be carried forward indefinitely.
As of December 31, 2023 and 2022, the Company had federal Orphan Drug Credits of $269.6 million and $239.3 million, respec vely, available to
reduce future tax liabili es that will begin to expire in 2031.
The Company’s ability to use net opera ng loss and tax credit carryforwards to reduce future taxable income and liabili es may be subject to annual
limita ons pursuant to Internal Revenue Code Sec ons 382 and 383 as a result of ownership changes in the past and future. As a result of ownership changes
in 2012 and 2011, $3.6 million of federal net opera ng loss carryforwards, $3.6 million of state net opera ng loss carryforwards, and $0.2 million of federal
tax credits are permanently limited. Deferred tax assets for net opera ng losses and tax credits have been reduced and a corresponding adjustment to the
valua on allowance has been recorded.
The valua on allowance increased by $141.3 million and $193.8 million during the years ended December 31, 2023 and 2022, respec vely.
Due to a change in the state tax rates, the Company recorded a net decrease to the deferred tax liability of $1.6 million with a corresponding deferred
income tax benefit of $1.6 million for the year ended December 31, 2023.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)
The Company recorded unrecognized tax benefits for uncertain es in income taxes. A reconcilia on of the Company’s unrecognized tax benefits
follows (in thousands):
December 31,
Balance at beginning of year
66,794 $
55,360 $
Addi ons based on tax posi ons related to current
Addi ons for tax posi ons of prior years
Reduc ons for tax posi ons of prior years
Balance at end of year
79,998 $
(259 )
66,794 $
(200 )
Approximately $1.3 million in unrecognized tax benefits would impact the Company’s effec ve tax rate if recognized. The Company has elected to
include interest and penal es as a component of tax expense. For the year ended December 31, 2023, the Company recognized accrued interest and
penal es of $0.2 million as a component of income tax expense. No accrued interest and penal es were recognized as a component of income tax expense
during the years ended December 31, 2022 and 2021. The Company does not an cipate that the amount of exis ng unrecognized tax benefits will
significantly increase or decrease during the next year.
It is the Company’s inten on to reinvest the earnings of its non-U.S. subsidiaries in their opera ons. As of December 31, 2023, the Company had not
made a provision for any incremental foreign withholding taxes on approximately $10.8 million of the excess of the amount of net income for financial
repor ng over the tax basis of investments in foreign subsidiaries that are essen ally permanent in dura on. If these earnings were repatriated to the U.S.,
the deferred tax liability associated with these temporary differences would result in a nominal amount of withholding taxes.
The Company files income tax returns in the U.S. federal, 40 state tax jurisdic ons, and ten foreign countries. The federal and state income tax returns
from incep on to December 31, 2023 remain subject to examina on.
Commitments and Con ngencies
The Company has various manufacturing, construc on, clinical, research, and other contracts with vendors in the conduct of the normal course of its
business. Other than as noted below, contracts are terminable, with varying provisions regarding termina on. If a contract with a specific vendor were to be
terminated, the Company would only be obligated for the products or services that the Company had received at the me the termina on became effec ve.
Manufacturing and service contract obliga ons primarily relate to the manufacture of inventory for our approved products, the majority of which are
due in the next 12 months.
As of December 31, 2023, the aggregate payments under contractually-binding manufacturing and service agreements are as follows (in thousands):
Manufacturing and Services
The terms of certain of the Company’s licenses, royal es, development and collabora on agreements, as well as other research and development
ac vi es, require the Company to pay poten al future milestone payments based on product development success. The amount and ming of such
obliga ons are unknown or uncertain. These poten al obliga ons are further described in “Note 8. License and Research Agreements.”
Year Ended December 31,
See “Note 9. Leases” for lease commitments.
Con ngencies
While there are no material legal proceedings the Company is aware of, the Company may become party to various claims and complaints arising in
the ordinary course of business. Management does not believe that any ul mate liability resul ng from any of these poten al claims will have a material
adverse effect on its results of opera ons, financial posi on, or liquidity. However, management cannot give any assurance regarding the ul mate outcome of
these claims, and their resolu on could be material to opera ng results for any par cular period, depending upon the level of income for the period.
Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)
Guarantees and Indemnifica ons
The Company indemnifies each of its directors and officers for certain events or occurrences, subject to certain limits, while the director or officer is or
was serving at the Company’s request in such capacity, as permi ed under Delaware law and in accordance with its cer ficate of incorpora on and bylaws.
The term of the indemnifica on period lasts as long as a director or officer may be subject to any proceeding arising out of acts or omissions of such director
and officer in such capacity. The maximum amount of poten al future indemnifica on is unlimited; however, the Company currently holds director liability
insurance. This insurance allows the transfer of risk associated with the Company’s exposure and may enable it to recover a por on of any future amounts
paid. The Company believes that the fair value of these indemnifica on obliga ons is minimal. Accordingly, it has not recognized any liabili es rela ng to
these obliga ons for any period presented.
Related Party Transac on
In July 2022, the Company entered into an agreement with a non-profit founda on in which two members of the Company’s board of directors,
including the Company’s Chief Execu ve Officer, also serve as board members of the founda on, whereby an aggregate $1.0 million contribu on is being paid
to the founda on over a four-year period, beginning in the third quarter of 2022, to support rare disease educa on and awareness. As a result, the Company
recorded $0.3 million and $0.3 million as research and development expense for this agreement for the years ended December 31, 2023 and 2022,
respec vely.
Net Loss per Share
The following table sets forth the computa on of the basic and diluted net loss per share during the years ended December 31, 2023, 2022, and 2021
(in thousands, except share and per share data):
Net loss
Year Ended December 31,
(606,639 ) $
(707,421 ) $
(454,025 )
Weighted-average shares used to compute net loss per
share, basic and diluted
Net loss per share, basic and diluted
(8.25 ) $
(10.12 ) $
(6.70 )
The following weighted-average outstanding common stock equivalents were excluded from the computa on of diluted net loss per share for the
periods presented because including them would have been an dilu ve:
Op ons to purchase common stock,
restricted stock units, and performance stock units
Employee stock purchase plan
Year Ended December 31,
Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Loss)
Total accumulated other comprehensive income (loss) consisted of the following (in thousands):
Cumula ve foreign currency transla on adjustment
Unrealized gain (loss) on securi es available-for-sale
Total accumulated other comprehensive income (loss)
Year Ended December 31,
(606 ) $
647 $
(845 )
(5,728 )
(6,573 )
Exhibit 10.18
Commercial Supply Agreement
Triheptanoin Ultrapure
Ultragenyx Pharmaceu cal Inc.
60 Leveroni Court Novato, CA
94949 USA
(Herein known as UGX)
IOI Oleo GmbH
Herrengraben 31
20459 Hamburg, Germany (Herein known
as IOI)
Hereina er referred to individually as a “Party” and together as the “Par es”
Whereas, UGX is a company engaged in the pharmaceu cal field focusing on development of rare disease therapies and has
obtained regulatory approval to market certain medicinal products based on ac ve pharmaceu cal ingredients;
Whereas, IOI is a supplier of oleochemical special es for a large number of pharmaceu cal and industrial applica ons, including the
development and manufacturing of drug substance.
Whereas, given IOI’s know-how, exper se, capability, experience and infrastructure, Ultragenyx entrusted IOI with, and IOI accepted,
the manufacturing, packing, releasing of Ultragenyx’s Triheptanoin Ultrapure Drug Substance (the PRODUCT) in accordance with the
terms and condi ons of the Supply Agreement between CREMER OLEO GmbH & Co KG as legal predecessor of IOI and Ultragenyx
Pharmaceu cal Inc. of November 19th 2012 (“INITIAL AGREEMENT”);
Whereas, as the PARTIES have determined the INITIAL AGREEMENT to be terminated and replaced with a modified agreement to
be er regulate their collabora on in par cular, but not limited to, the evolving regulatory status of PRODUCT across the world, both
PARTIES have expressed their inten on to be er regulate respec ve du es and obliga ons in rela on to the manufacturing of
Ultragenyx’s Triheptanoin Ultrapure Drug Substance;
Whereas, each Party herewith expresses once again its commitment to (i) work in a partnership model, (ii) always apply the
appropriate level of trust and transparency, (iii) respect a duty of good faith and fair dealing in connec on with its performance
under this AGREEMENT, (iv) perform its obliga ons under this AGREEMENT in a diligent, legal, ethical and professional manner so as
to advance the purposes and intent of this AGREEMENT.
Now, Therefore, in considera on of the mutual agreements and covenants contained herein, and for other good and valuable
considera on, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the Par es, intending to be legally bound, hereby
agree as follows:
1. Defini ons
AGREEMENT means this Commercial Supply AGREEMENT.
ADDITIONAL SERVICE means any service provided by IOI and agreed by both PARTIES, except all ac vi es involved in
MANUFACTURE and TECHNICAL RELEASES of PRODUCT. Addi onal services are subject to individual OFFERS. They are
defined in Appendix I.
AFFILIATE shall mean with respect to a Party, any person, corpora on, company, partnership or other en ty that controls, is
controlled by, or is under common control with that Party. For the purpose of this defini on, “control” shall mean direct
ownership of fi y percent (50%) or more of the shares of stock en tled to vote for the elec on of directors, in the case of a
corpora on, or fi y percent (50%) or more of the equity interest in the case of any other type of legal en ty, status as a
general partner in any partnership, or any other arrangement whereby the en ty or person controls or has the right to
control the board of directors or equivalent governing body of a corpora on or other en ty, or the ability to cause the
direc on of the management or policies of a corpora on or other en ty.
BUSINESS DAY shall mean each day of the week on which a Party`s offices are open for business (usually any day except
Saturday, Sunday and legal holidays).
CALENDAR QUARTER shall mean the respec ve periods of 3 (three) consecu ve CALENDAR MONTHs ending March 31st,
June 30th, September 30th and December 31st.
CALENDAR MONTH shall mean any of the 12 (twelve) CALENDAR MONTHs of a CALENDAR YEAR.
CALENDAR YEAR shall mean a period of 12 (twelve) consecu ve months corresponding to a calendar year commencing on
the first days of January.
CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION shall have the meaning as provided in Appendix 7.
DELIVERY DATE means the point in me set out in the confirmed FORECAST at which PRODUCT is delivered to UGX under
the applicable Incoterm®.
EQUIPMENT means any equipment system to support the manufacturing and/or packaging of UGX`s PRODUCT.
EXECUTIVE LEADERSHIP shall mean for the purpose of this AGREEMENT the [***] of UGX and the [***] of IOI respec vely
(or whoever is on these roles ad interim).
FACILITY shall mean the IOI manufacturing site located in [***] adequate to MANUFACTURE the PRODUCT by means of
validated processing equipment and manufacturing processes for the PRODUCT, trained and competent personnel with
relevant knowledge and experience.
FINAL RELEASE shall mean PRODUCT quality release by UGX or UGX`s delegate as per QTA.
FORCE MAJEURE shall have the meaning as provided in Sec on 12.
FORECAST shall have the meaning as provided in Appendix I.
cGMP means those prac ces related to the manufacture of medicinal products for human use laid down in interna onal
guidelines and regula ons such as the GMP rules of the World Health Organiza on, the United States Code of Federal
Regula ons (Title 21, Parts 210), and the European Union Guide to Good Manufacturing Prac ce (Eudralex Volume 4).
Current Good Manufacturing Prac ce (cGMP) is the applicable term in the United States. For the purpose of this
AGREEMENT, the terms GMP and cGMP are equivalent.
HIDDEN DEFECT means a defect of PRODUCT already present at the me of delivery but not detectable at the me of the
inspec on.
IMPROVEMENT means technical and business process op miza on that is beneficial for the manufacturing process,
product quality, financial aspect or supply of PRODUCT.
INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS or IP RIGHTS means rights in or arising from patents, patent applica ons (including all
u lity and design patents and patent applica ons), inven ons, trademarks, service marks, trade names, internet domain
names, rights in designs, rights in get-up and trade dress, goodwill and the right to sue for passing off or unfair compe on,
copyrights, (including all computer applica ons, programs and other so ware, including without limita on opera ng
so ware, network so ware, firmware, middleware, and design so ware rights in computer so ware and databases),
database rights, industrial property rights, moral rights of authors, rights to use and protect the confiden ality of,
confiden al informa on (including know-how and trade secrets), u lity models, any common law rights arising from use of
the foregoing, all rights of use, renewal, con nua ons, divisions, extensions and the like rela ng to the foregoing, and other
intellectual property rights, in each case whether registered or unregistered and including any applica ons and rights to
apply for the grant of any such rights and all rights and forms of protec on having an equivalent or similar effect anywhere
in the world.
JOINT WORKING TEAM shall mean the team selected by the STEERING COMMITTEE in accordance with the criteria set out
under Sec on 5 of this AGREEMENT.
MANUFACTURE or MANUFACTURING means compounding, filling and processing, produc on, tes ng and packaging of
material by IOI to obtain PRODUCT in accordance with the SPECIFICATION under cGMP condi ons.
MATERIAL CHANGE IN CONTROL or BUSINESS MODEL shall mean any of the following: (i) the sale or disposi on of all or
substan ally all of the assets of a Party to a THIRD-PARTY, (ii) the acquisi on by a THIRD-PARTY, of more than 50% of a
Party’s outstanding shares of vo ng capital stock (e.g. capital stock en tled to vote generally for the elec on of directors),
or (iii) the merger or consolida on of a Party with or into another corpora on. References in this defini on to a THIRD-
PARTY shall exclude AFFILIATES.
OFFER shall mean IOI`s quota on containing the details of the proposed ADDITIONAL SERVICES subject to UGX`s binding
ON-TIME DELIVERY shall mean PRODUCT released by both Par es and ready to be picked up under the applicable
INCOTERM® in accordance with the applicable FORECAST.
PRODUCT shall mean Triheptanoin Ultrapure, a Drug Substance as specified in Appendix 5 to this agreement and solely
used in pharmaceu cal applica ons.
PURCHASE ORDER shall mean a firm order placed and issued by UGX with a corresponding PURCHASE ORDER number to
IOI reflec ng forecasted DELIVERY DATE within the binding forecast period.
QUALITY AND TECHNICAL AGREEMENT (QTA) shall be dra ed substan ally in the same form as Appendix IV.
QUARANTINE SHIPMENT means a shipment of PRODUCT before the quality release by IOI in accordance with the QTA.
SERVICES means all ac vi es related to MANUFACTURING of PRODUCT as described in this AGREEMENT and includes all
ac vi es involved in MANUFACTURING of PRODUCT and according to the quality standards set forth in the QTA including
costs of in-process control, quality assurance, Con nuous Process Verifica on, Product Quality Review, quality control and
release, storage of raw materials, sharing raw analy cal/process data, providing relevant documenta on and THIRD-PARTY
MATERIAL procured by IOI, disposal of waste.
SPECIFICATION means the PRODUCT specifica on [***], as amended from me to me by mutual agreement between the
Par es, and as defined in IOI’s quality system a ached as Appendix V to this AGREEMENT and THIRD PARTY MATERIAL
specifica ons for [***] as defined in Appendix VI.
STEERING COMMITTEE shall mean the commi ee selected by the Par es in accordance with the criteria set out under
Sec on 5 of this AGREEMENT.
TECHNICAL RELEASE shall mean the release of PRODUCT by IOI and UGX in accordance with the QTA.
THIRD-PARTY means any person other than UGX, IOI and their respec ve AFFILIATES.
THIRD-PARTY MATERIAL means all material procured by IOI for the MANUFACTURING of the PRODUCT.
2. Scope of the AGREEMENT
2.1. UGX hereby retains IOI to MANUFACTURE and supply PRODUCT as well as perform SERVICES and ADDITIONAL SERVICES to
and for the benefit of UGX in accordance with the terms of this AGREEMENT and the applicable SPECIFICATIONS and
applicable QTA. On the term set forth herein, UGX will purchase and pay PRODUCT from IOI and pay ADDITIONAL SERVICES
fees as detailed under this AGREEMENT.
2.2. Quality control tes ng and analysis of any batch of PRODUCT MANUFACTURED by IOI shall be conducted by IOI and / or
THIRD-PARTY labs as s pulated in Appendix VIII. Any different se ng regarding where to perform Quality Control tes ng
and analysis of any batch of PRODUCT MANUFACTURED by IOI, for example quality control tes ng and analysis by a THIRD-
PARTY independent laboratory engaged by UGX,
shall be discussed and agreed in good faith by the PARTIES. It is understood by the PARTIES that: (i) [***] shall be [***] by
UGX to [***], provided IOI’s [***]are [***] to [***]; and (ii) in no event [***].
IOI undertakes to refrain from performing any manufacturing services of the PRODUCT for any party other than
Ultragenyx, [***].
UGX shall purchase the PRODUCT exclusively from IOI.
A ached to this AGREEMENT are the following Appendixes which form an integral part of this AGREEMENT:
Appendix I
Commercial Terms
Appendix II
Appendix III
Prices and Fees
Appendix IV
Appendix V
Appndix VI
Appendix VII
Appendix VIII
THIRD-PARTY laboratories
In case of any inconsistencies between this AGREEMENT, the Appendices and/or an OFFER referring to it, the Appendices
and/or the OFFER shall prevail. However, if there is any contradic on or inconsitency between this AGREEMENT and the
QTA, then this AGREEMENT will take precedence.
This AGREEMENT, including all its Appendixes cons tutes the en re understanding between the Par es as of the
EFFECTIVE DATE with respect to the subject ma er hereof and supersedes all prior agreements (including the INITIAL
AGREEMENT), nego a ons, understandings, representa ons, statements and wri ngs rela ng thereto.
2.7. Neither Party shall alter or adjust this AGREEMENT or any Appendixes to it without the prior wri en permission of the
other Party.
IOI`s Responsibili es
IOI shall comply with this AGREEMENT, all its Appendixes (including but not limited to Appendix IV) and cGMP.
differently agreed to by the Par es in wri ng.
All the responsibili es and obliga ons listed under Sec ons 3.1 and 3.2. will be covered by IOI at their [***]. In case IOI
incurs costs in connec on with the [***].
IOI will no fy UGX immediately but not later than within [***] BUSINESS DAYS a er becoming aware of any poten al
failure to deliver the PRODUCT within the melines agreed in each applicable FORECAST.
IOI will provide UGX an inventory report upon request.
IOI will undertake [***] to implement and operate an effec ve system for protec ng MANUFACTURE and supply of
PRODUCT against risks related to cyber-crime incidents.
4. UGX Responsibili es
4.1 UGX shall purchase and pay the quan ty of PRODUCT set out in the BINDING PERIOD of the FORECAST, as specified in
Appendix I.
4.2 UGX shall be responsible to provide IOI with complete and accurate informa on to enable IOI to MANUFACTURE the
4.3 UGX shall comply with Appendices I and II.
4.4 UGX shall provide reasonable assistance to IOI in dealing with regulatory changes related to the PRODUCT, SERVICES or
5. Governance Model
The partnership model includes a STEERING COMMITTEE and a JOINT WORKING TEAM focusing on opera onal
execu on. The JOINT WORKING TEAM will be led by a project/rela onship manager of each Party (Joint Working Team
The Par es shall establish a STEERING COMMITTEE consis ng of [***] individuals. Each Party will nominate [***]
Either Party may replace its STEERING COMMITTEE members by wri en no ce to the other Party.
The purpose of the STEERING COMMITTEE is to:
establish and maintain an effec ve and efficient collabora on between the Par es:
confirm the Joint Working Team Leads by each Party;
oversee the JOINT WORKING TEAM`s performance in business review mee ngs;
evaluate in good faith and ra fy any technical, business process and/or quality improvements proposed by
act as escala on body for issue resolu on;
define the framework for con nuous improvement, mutual long-term objec ves and priori es;
any other topics assigned to it in compliance with this AGREEMENT or following the mutual decision of the
Par es.
The Par es shall establish a JOINT WORKING TEAM, consis ng of at least [***] of each Party in the [***] and [***] of
each Party in [***]. Thus, the minimum size of the JOINT WORKING TEAM shall be [***] members.
Either Party may replace its JOINT WORKING TEAM leads and members by no ce to the other Party.
The purpose of the JOINT WORKING TEAM is to:
drive and improve performance of MANUFACTURE, SERVICES and ADDITIONAL SERVICES, if any, and the
JOINT WORKING TEAM func onality;
establish, manage and review rou nely other relevant key performance
indicators applicable to
c) manage MANUFACTURING, SERVICES and ADDITIONAL SERVICES risks, including lead mes and safety stock
d) overseeing and monitoring MANUFACTURING and manage any and all issues related to MANUFACTURING,
facilitate expedi ous resolu on of any issues, also in accordance with the instruc ons from the JOINT
f) maintain a collabora ve and construc ve rela onship at opera onal level;
poten ally propose any IMPROVEMENT to the STEERING COMMITTEE.
The JOINT WORKING TEAM shall conduct its discussion in good faith with a view to opera ng to the mutual benefit of the
Par es.
In addi on to any other topics to be discussed in the agenda of the relevant mee ng, the following ma ers shall be
considered to be discussed during the JOINT WORKING TEAM mee ngs:
team member updates;
b) performance review (services, quality, rela onship, financials);
risk evalua on and associated risk mi ga on projects;
review the status of past mee ng ac on items.
6. Records, Audits and Inspec ons
6.1 At [***], IOI will create and maintain accurate and relevant records related to MANUFACTURING, SERVICES and
ADDITIONAL SERVICES, limited to [***] (collec vely, the “RECORDS”). The Par es will [***] of
the RECORDS, to the extent they are [***] and do not [***]. In such a circumstance, each Party will [***] on the RECORDS
containing [***].
6.2 All original RECORDS of the development and MANUFACTURE of PRODUCT hereunder will be retained and archived by IOI
for a period set in accordance with cGMP, APPLICABLE LAW and the QTA (the “RETENTION PERIOD”). In case of conflict
between the men oned sources, the QTA shall prevail. Following the RETENTION PERIOD, IOI will not destroy any UGX
PROPRIETARY RECORDS or JOINTLY OWNED RECORDS without first giving UGX wri en no ce and the opportunity to return
6.3 Upon request, IOI agrees to share with UGX [***], which ascertains the accuracy of IOI’s annual balance sheet, as well as
the key financial data suppor ng IOI’s independent auditor’s report, provided that UGX shall keep [***] strictly confiden al
with the prohibi on of disclosure it to any third party without IOI’s prior wri en consent.
6.4 UGX has the right to audit and inspect the FACILITY, equipment, materials and RECORDS as required by cGMP guidelines,
this AGREEMENT and the QTA.
6.5 Not more frequently than [***] per [***], upon [***] advance wri en no ce and subject to compliance with all applicable
confiden ality provisions herein, UGX may request to perform cGMP audits at the FACILITY and IOI shall permit for such
audits as outlined in the QTA. UGX and its duly authorized representa ves may have access together with a IOI employee to
the FACILITY, during opera onal hours and during ac ve MANUFACTURING, to enter and inspect any premises and
MANUFACTURING SERVICES and/or ADDITIONAL SERVICES to ascertain compliance by IOI with the terms of this
AGREEMENT. IOI will cooperate with UGX to facilitate the evalua on and inspec on, and provide reasonable assistance to
UGX. UGX will reasonably cooperate with IOI to mi gate disrup on to IOI’s opera ons. Scope and further details are set
forth in the QTA a ached to Appendix III of this AGREEMENT. It is understood by the Par es that upon prior wri en
approval by IOI UGX may be accompanied by or delegate to THIRD PARTY’s representa ves the performance of such cGMP
audits; provided that such THIRD PARTY’s representa ves shall (i) be bound by confiden ality obliga ons toward IOI no less
stringent than those iden fied in this AGREEMENT and (ii) finalize a three-way confiden ality AGREEMENT which shall be
accepted by all contrac ng par es.
6.6 UGX and/or its designees may perform for-cause audits as outlined in the QTA. IOI shall make the FACILITY and the relevant
personnel involved in the performance of MANUFACTURING, SERVICES and ADDITIONAL SERVICES under this AGREEMENT
available, within reasonable business hours, and advanced wri en no ce ([***]) for the purpose of any UGX audits.
6.7 IOI shall [***] inform UGX of any inspec ons by competent regulatory authori es at the FACILITY which affects the
MANUFACTURE of PRODUCT under this AGREEMENT, within the terms provided in the QTA. In the event that the inspec on
reveals that IOI is not in compliance with the APPLICABLE LAWS and applicable regulatory regula ons, including cGMP, and
receives wri en observa ons (or any other wri en communica on) by such REGULATORY AUTHORITY which involve the
PRODUCT, IOI shall (i) use its best efforts to cure such non-compliance within the ming required by the REGULATORY
inform UGX of any proposed wri en response by IOI to any such REGULATORY AUTHORITY as far as it relates to
MANUFACTURE of PRODUCT and (iii) provide UGX with copies of all documenta on as far as it relates to MANUFACTURE of
PRODUCT within the terms provided in the QTA. UGX will have the opportunity to review and provide input to the response
to IOI as promptly as prac cable and in accordance with the QTA.
6.8 IOI agrees that for a jus fied and documented reason, and only a er prior wri en approval from IOI , which should not be
unreasonably denied by IOI up to [***] PERSONS of UGX may be present at the FACILITY during the MANUFACTURING for
the purpose of [***]. Any PERSON IN PLANT who are present at the FACILITY, shall comply with IOI’s site regula ons, SOPs
and rules.
Intellectual Property
7.1. Neither Party shall, as a result of this AGREEMENT, acquire any right, tle, or interest in any INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY
RIGHTS that the other Party owns or controls as of the EFFECTIVE DATE of this AGREEMENT, or that the other Party
obtains ownership or control of separately and apart from the MANUFACTURING or performance of the SERVICES under
7.2. UGX shall own exclusively all rights, tles, and interests in any and all inven ons, discoveries and INTELLECTUAL
PROPERTY RIGHTS that IOI may conceive, invent, reduce to prac ce, develop or make, solely or jointly with UGX in the
performance of the SERVICES and/or ADDITIONAL SERVICES directly related to the PRODUCT or UGX's BACKGROUND
INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY (collec vely, “UGX INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY”). IOI hereby assigns, and commits to assign and
have assigned, to UGX all UGX INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY. In turn and always subject to the confiden ality terms outlined
in this Agreement, UGX commits to grant to IOI during the Term (as herein defined) the exclusive, free-of- charge,
worldwide right and licence to prac ce, use, execute, reproduce, display, modify and exploit in any manner whatsoever
such UGX INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY [***]. For clarity’s sake, it is understood by the Par es that IOI's rights under this
Sec on 7.2. shall not include the right to grant sub licences to any persons, for any territories and on any terms.
7.3. Notwithstanding the foregoing, IOI shall own all rights, tles and interests in any inven ons, discoveries and
INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS that IOI may develop, conceive, invent, reduce to prac ce or make in the course of
MANUFACTURING of PRODUCT or performance of the SERVICES and/or ADDITIONAL SERVICES that is an improvement of
IOI commits to promptly inform UGX according to Sec on 14.3 of any viola on of UGX BACKGROUND INTELLECTUAL
PROPERTY and/or UGX INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY and further agrees, [***], to (i) assist UGX or its designee(s) under
APPLICABLE LAWS, in obtaining, maintaining, defending and enforcing patents and all other instruments in nature of
provide such informa on and assistance and execute such document as UGX or its designee(s) may request from me to
me, and (iii) confirm the assignments hereunder. For clarity, IOI agrees that UGX or its designee(s) shall be the only
Party responsible for filing, prosecu ng and maintaining any patent applica on covering UGX BACKGROUND
If the MANUFACTURING of PRODUCT and/or performance of the SERVICES and/or ADDITIONAL
SERVICES requires the use of IOI BACKGROUND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY, IOI hereby grants to UGX the necessary rights
of using IOI BACKGROUND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY rights solely for the marke ng, distribu on and sale of PRODUCT.
Such license is granted for PRODUCT manufactured during the term of this AGREEMENT on a worldwide basis, non-
exclusively and royalty-free, unless expressly agreed otherwise. Such rights shall be sublicensable by UGX to its
AFFILIATES, licensees, collabora on partners or other par es who receive a license(s) or sublicense(s) to UGX
If the performance of this AGREEMENT requires the use of IP RIGHTS of UGX or of THIRD-PARTIES, UGX hereby grants to
or procures for IOI the necessary rights of use to these IP RIGHTS solely for the MANUFACTURING of PRODUCT and/or
the performance of SERVICES and/or performance of ADDITIONAL SERVICES, [***].
8. Defec ve Product
If and to the extent permi ed by law, PRODUCT is delivered to UGX according to the condi ons and SPECIFICATIONS
outlined in this AGREEMENT subject to the checks by UGX under Sec on 8.2 and the inspec on by IOI under Sec on 8.3.
IOI makes no warran es, representa ons of guarantees nor any terms and/or condi ons of any kind whatsoever, either
expressed or implied whether by statute, common law, custom, course of dealing or otherwise, including any expressed
or implied warran es of merchantability, non-infringement, fitness for a par cular purpose other than those indicated in
8.2. UGX or its designee(s) shall examine PRODUCT MANUFACTURED and delivered by or on behalf of IOI for compliance with
the SPECIFICATIONS, shortage or chemical iden ty without undue delay as well as in line with the TECHNICAL RELEASE.
Should any of PRODUCT fail to meet the SPECIFICATIONS, shortage or chemical iden ty, UGX shall inform IOI in wri ng
without undue delay, [***] a er iden fica on of such defects. HIDDEN DEFECTS can be claimed in wri ng within [***]
a er being detected by UGX within [***] a er the TECHNICAL RELEASE. If UGX fails to no fy the defect within such a
period, UGX shall be deemed to have accepted the defect.
In the event UGX no fies IOI within the period and for the reasons men oned in Sec on 8.2 , IOI shall conduct its own
evalua on within the me frame defined in the QTA. Following such evalua on and in case IOI confirms the non-
conformity IOI will then repeat the MANUFACTURING and related SERVICES [***] un l the defect is corrected. This is
[***]. If the conformity is disputable, IOI and UGX jointly will engage a neutral third party expert to perform a neutral
evalua on. The outcome will be binding for both par es.
Indemnifica on for Third-Party Claims
Except for a claim arising out of [***] or [***] under this AGREEMENT, in the event of legal proceedings being ins tuted
against IOI by a third party arising out of UGX's development, processing and commercializa on of the Product, UGX shall
indemnify and keep indemnified IOI in full against all damages, losses, injuries, costs and expenses in connec on with
such legal proceedings. IOI will inform UGX about any legal proceedings being ins tuted against IOI without delay. UGX
shall control the respec ve legal proceedings but shall not se le any claim that admits fault on behalf of IOI without IOI's
consent (not be unreasonably withheld).
In the event of legal proceedings being ins tuted against UGX by a third party arising out of [***] or [***] under this
Agreement, IOI shall indemnify and keep indemnified UGX in full against all damages, losses, injuries, costs and expenses
in connec on with such legal proceedings. UGX will inform IOI about any legal proceedings being ins tuted against UGX
without delay. IOI shall control the respec ve legal proceedings but shall not se le any claim without UGX's consent (not
be unreasonably withheld).
If IOI’s coopera on is required in administra ve proceedings, especially in proceedings rela ng to admission, customs or
importa on of PRODUCT, UGX indemnifies IOI for any liability which may arise out of this coopera on, except to the
extent [***]. That applies, in par cular, in cases, where [***]. The procedural requirements of Sec ons 9.1-9.2 shall apply
to any indemnifica on claims by IOI under this Sec on 9.3.
Limita on of Liabili es
10.1. Subject to UGX’s obliga on to pay under Sec on 4, the Par es’ overall liability arising out of or in connec on with this
AGREEMENT, whether in contract, tort, statutory or otherwise is [***] Euro per [***], or [***] in the event this
AGREEMENT expires or is terminated for whatever reason before the end of a CALENDAR YEAR. The limita on under this
Sec on 10.1 does not apply to each Party’s obliga on to indemnify the other under [***] or any other liability that
cannot be restricted by law.
10.2. Except for the indemnity under Sec on 9, each Party excludes any liability for [***] provided that such damages have not
been [***].
11.1. Either Party shall, at its sole cost and expense, obtain and maintain in force for the term of the AGREEMENT adequate
and suitable insurance in the minimum amounts set forth below with a reputable insurance company to cover its liability
under this AGREEMENT.
11.2. UGX will maintain a comprehensive products liability insurance, with combined single limits of [***] USD for each claim
with respect to personal injury and/or damage to property and [***] USD aggregate.
IOI will maintain a comprehensive product liability insurance, with combined single limits of [***] USD for each claim
with respect to personal injury and/or damage to property and [***] USD aggregate.
11.4. Such insurance must remain in place for the en re dura on of this AGREEMENT and [***] a er termina on triggered in
compliance with Sec on 13. For the avoidance of any doubt, each Party is allowed to change the insurer during the
validity term of this Sec on 11.4 provided that all the condi ons described in this Sec on 11 are properly met.
IOI will provide insurance cer ficates upon request to UGX. IOI must promptly no fy UGX if any of such insurance is
canceled, terminated or not renewed.
12. Force Majeure
Neither Party is liable to the other Party for failure or delay in performing its obliga ons to the extent and for so long as
such failure or delay results from causes that were not reasonably foreseeable at the me of signing the AGREEMENT,
are beyond the reasonable control of such Party, including but not limited to fires, earthquakes, floods, embargoes,
wars, acts of war (whether war is declared or not), terrorist acts, insurrec ons, riots, civil commo on, strikes, lockouts
or other labor disturbances, acts of God or other acts, omissions, pandemics or delays in ac ng by any administra ve
authority (each, a “Force Majeure”), and the effects of which cannot be avoided or overcome by such Party. In the event
of the occurrence of Force Majeure, the Party affected must no fy the other Party promptly of the Force Majeure event
and its an cipated dura on, and each Party will use its [***] to mi gate the adverse consequences.
13. Term and Termina on
13.1. This AGREEMENT is effec ve as of the last date of signature (“Effec ve Date”) and will last for an indefinite period
(“Term”). Each Party may terminate this AGREEMENT at will (without cause) with a pre-no ce of [***] at any me.
If a Party commits a material breach of a material obliga on of this AGREEMENT and does not cure such breach within
[***] of receiving no ce of such breach from the non-breaching Party, the non- breaching Party may terminate this
AGREEMENT with immediate effect upon wri en no ce to the breaching Party.
13.3. Each Party shall also be en tled to terminate this AGREEMENT with [***] in case of MATERIAL CHANGE in CONTROL or
BUSINESS MODEL of the respec ve other Party which affects such Party`s ability to fulfill its contractual obliga ons.
13.4. Either Party shall be en tled to terminate this AGREEMENT with [***] if the other Party fails to maintain the necessary
rights, permits and approvals to perform the contractual obliga ons under this AGREEMENT.
13.5. Either Party may terminate in the event for FORCE MAJEURE las ng longer than [***].
In any event of termina on (including termina on at will by IOI, but excluding termina on at will by UGX as per Sec on
13.1 and termina on by IOI for UGX’s breach under Sec on 13.2) of this AGREEMENT triggered by any of the Par es or
resul ng from [***], UGX may by wri en no ce to IOI seek assistance from IOI with respect to [***] and agreed to by IOI
and UGX. IOI agrees to [***], which [***], with the excep on of the [***]. Except as specifically set forth in this
paragraph, IOI will not [***] and will not provide, disclose or teach or otherwise reveal IOI INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY or
IOI BACKGROUND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY, consistent with the principles set forth in Sec on 7.
14. Miscellaneous
14.1. No change of this AGREEMENT is valid unless it is in wri ng and signed by the Par es. This applies also to the foregoing
In case one of the sec ons is invalid or unenforceable, the other sec ons remain unaffected by this. The Par es shall
nego ate in good faith if they wish to replace such invalid or unenforceable sec on.
14.3. Any no ce or request required or permi ed to be given under or in connec on with this AGREEMENT or the subject
ma er hereof shall be given by prepaid registered or cer fied first-class airmail, recognized interna onal carrier, e-mail or
telefax to the recipient at its address set forth on the first page of this AGREEMENT or to such other address as may have
therefore been furnished in wri ng by the recipient to the sending Party. Any such aforemen oned no ce or request
concerning this AGREEMENT shall be effec ve upon receipt by the Party to which it is addressed.
14.4. Neither Party may assign or transfer this AGREEMENT or any rights or obliga ons hereunder, by opera on or law or
otherwise, without the prior wri en consent of the other Party, except that a Party may make such an assignment or
transfer, by opera on of law or otherwise, without the other Party’s consent to its insurers, its AFFILIATE(S) or to an
en ty that acquires all or substan ally all the business
of such Party to which this AGREEMENT relates, whether in a merger, consolida on, reorganiza on, acquisi on, sale or
otherwise. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, in the event of an assignment to an AFFILIATE
pursuant to this Sec on 14.4, the assigning Party consents, acknowledges, covenants and guarantees that it shall remain
jointly and severally liable, along with the assignee, to the non-assigning Party for all the obliga ons contained herein.
This AGREEMENT shall be binding on the successors and permi ed assigns of the assigning Party, and the name of a Party
appearing herein shall be deemed to include the name(s) of such Party’s successors and permi ed assigns to the extent
necessary to carry out the intent of this AGREEMENT. Any assignment or a empted assignment by either Party in
viola on of this Sec on 14.4, shall be null and void and of no legal effect.
14.5. This AGREEMENT and any poten al subsequent amendment to it, may be executed in 2 (two) or more counterparts, each
of which shall be deemed an original and all of which shall cons tute together the same instrument. In the event that
any signature is delivered by facsimile transmission, by e-signature or by e-mail delivery of a .pdf format data file, such
signature shall create a valid and binding obliga on of the party execu ng (or on whose behalf such signature is
executed) with the same force and effect as if such facsimile, electronic signature or “.pdf” signature page were an
original thereof.
14.6. Any controversy, claim or dispute arising out of or rela ng to this AGREEMENT, including any ques on regarding its
existence, validity, breach or termina on (a “DISPUTE”), shall be resolved in accordance with the following provisions:
a) Any DISPUTE shall be se led, if possible, through good-faith nego a on between the Par es at the Steering
Commi ee (as set out in Sec on 5). Such good faith nego a ons shall commence promptly upon a Party’s
receipt of no ce of any claim or dispute from the other Party and con nue for a period of [***]. [***].
If the Par es do not reach an amicable se lement of the DISPUTE, it shall be submi ed to media on in
accordance with the Swiss Rules of Media on of the Swiss Arbitra on Centre in force on the date when the
request for media on was submi ed in accordance with these Rules. The seat of the media on shall be Bern,
in Switzerland, although the mee ngs may be held in Basel, Switzerland, or in Hamburg, Germany. The
media on shall be conducted in English or in German.
If the Par es do not reach a resolu on of the DISPUTE by media on within [***] from the date when the
mediator(s) has (have) been confirmed or appointed by the Swiss Arbitra on Centre, it shall be exclusively
resolved by the courts of Bern, Switzerland.
14.7. This AGREEMENT shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Switzerland without reference to
any rules of conflicts of law and excluding the United Na ons Conven on on Contracts for the Interna onal Sale of Goods
14.8. Each Party hereto has a duty of good faith and fair dealing in connec on with its performance under this AGREEMENT.
Each Party shall perform its obliga ons under this AGREEMENT in a diligent, legal, ethical and professional manner so as
to advance the purposes and intent of this AGREEMENT.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this AGREEMENT is executed as of the AGREEMENT Effec ve Date on behalf of the par es by their duly
authorized representa ves.
U P I .
IOI Oleo GmbH
By: /s/ Siegfried Hackl
Siegfried Hackl
Printed Name
SVP Product Supply
/s/ Rene Fresen
Rene Fresen
Printed Name
Chief Marke ng Officer
U P I .
IOI Oleo GmbH
By: /s/ Dennis Huang
Dennis Huang
Printed Name
Chief Technical Ops Officer
/s/ Mark Tuchen
Mark Tuchen
Printed Name
Chief Financial Officer
Appendix I
Commercial Terms
Forecast and Purchase Order
(i) The Par es hereby establish a forecast procedure, comprising a binding rolling forecast period and a non-binding
long-term range as follows.
(ii) UGX will provide a good faith rolling forecast covering the [***] no later than the [***] of each [***], specifying
the ordered quan ty of PRODUCT, the number of batches and the expected DELIVERY DATE (“FORECAST”). IOI will
have [***] a er receipt to reject the FORECAST submi ed by UGX and to provide an alterna ve produc on
(iii) The first [***] of the confirmed FORECAST shall be binding (“BINDING PERIOD”) to [***] to both Par es with
respect to [***].
(iv) UGX will issue PURCHASE ORDERS upon confirma on of FORECAST reflec ng the quan es of PRODUCT to be
delivered during the BINDING PERIOD and their DELIVERY DATE. [***]. IOI can reject Purchase Order and DELIVERY
DATE within [***] of receipt of such PURCHASE ORDER a er which the Purchase Order and DELIVERY DATE will
become binding on IOI. [***].
In case a PURCHASE ORDER is changed by UGX and needs to be rescheduled within BINDING PERIOD, both Par es
agree [***].
(i) Any delivery of PRODUCT by IOI to UGX or to a THIRD-PARTY named by UGX shall be [***], unless otherwise
agreed in wri ng by the Par es. IOI will package PRODUCT according to the requirement of UGX for transport in
line with the QTA or mutually agreed on shipping procedures.
(ii) The transfer of property/ tle of PRODUCT will be upon payment by UGX of the respec ve invoice for PRODUCT.
(iii) In urgent cases, UGX may request in wri ng:
UGX assumes all risks, responsibili es and costs associated with a QUARANTINED SHIPMENT, unless the reason for
the non-compliance of the PRODUCT is caused by IOI.
Prices and Payment
(i) Price for the MANUFACTURING of PRODUCT (“PRICE") is outlined in Appendix III for the [***] -“INITIAL TERM”).
[***] is determined by the [***] within the [***].
If a er the INITIAL TERM it is determined that [***] had been applied, the [***] will be applied a er such
determina on. Any [***] differences therefore will either be a) [***] or b) [***].
The PRICE may be [***], effec ve on the [***] from IOI to UGX. Such [***] shall be based on [***] in [***].
Any [***] shall be based [***].
(iv) Payments shall be made by UGX in Euro and within [***] a er receipt of a proper invoice.
Invoices sent via email will be submi ed to and the responsible Joint Working Team
member of UGX. For sake of clarity, IOI shall invoice UGX any batches of PRODUCT upon [***].
(vi) [***] (“OFFER”) following specific requests by UGX and shall become applicable upon UGX’s acceptance of an
(vii) PRICE for PRODUCT and fee for ADDITIONAL SERVICES shall not contain [***]
Third-Party Material
(i) All Services requiring materials that are purchased, procured, stored and tested by IOI shall be [***].
IOI will promptly inform UGX if it encounters [***], including [***] with respect to any [***]. In such an event, [***].
Special Costs
All costs concerning [***]. In such a case, [***] of receipt of invoice and documenta on of such amounts. As soon as
possible, UGX will inform IOI about any administra ve requirement applicable to IOI in force in any country where UGX is
marke ng commercial PRODUCT.
Addi onal Services
Upon request by UGX, IOI will perform ADDITIONAL SERVICES, as long as [***]. If [***], the [***]. These addi onal services
might be but are not limited to:
(ii) Any [***] either requested by UGX (e.g. [***]) or resul ng from any [***] requested by UGX, including [***],
[***] work
[***]specific for the manufacturing of PRODUCT
(v) Any [***] work
(vii) [***]. For the avoidance of doubt, [***]. For any other circumstance JOINT WORKING TEAM will engage in good
faith to conclude the applicable fees.
(viii) [***].
IOI will [***] ADDITIONAL SERVICE to UGX by wri en OFFER referring to this AGREEMENT. Upon agreement between the
Par es about such OFFER, IOI will provide the ADDITIONAL SERVICES as described in the respec ve OFFER.
Appendix II
Compliance Statement
To the extent applicable, IOI shall inform itself of and comply with applicable an -corrup on legisla on, including
legisla on enacted pursuant to the 1997 OECD Conven on on Comba ng Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in
Interna onal Business Transac ons (the “OECD Conven on”), and the Foreign Corrupt Prac ces Act of 1977, as
amended (15 U.S.C. §§78dd-1, et. seq.) (the “FCPA”). If applicable to the MANUFACTURE, SERVICES and ADDITIONAL
SERVICES provided hereunder, IOI declares that it understands the provisions of the OECD Conven on and the FCPA
and agrees not to breach any such legisla on or to cause UGX to breach any such legisla on. IOI further agrees that, if
applicable, it will educate its personnel and contractors engaged in MANUFACTURE, providing SERVICES and
ADDITIONAL SERVICES to UGX hereunder in rela on to such legisla on. IOI agrees it has not, and covenants that it will
not, in connec on with the conduct of its business ac vi es, promise, authorize, ra fy or offer to make, or take any act
in furtherance of any payment, contribu on, gi , reimbursement or other transfer of anything of value, or any
solicita on, directly or indirectly: (i) to any individual including government officials; or (ii) to an intermediary for
payment to any individual including government officials; or (iii) to any poli cal party for the purpose or effect of public
or commercial bribery, acceptance of or acquiescence in extor on, kickbacks or other unlawful, illegal or improper
means. IOI has not, nor to the knowledge of IOI, have any of the IOI’s directors, officers, agents, stockholders or
employees ac ng on behalf of IOI made any false or ar ficial entries on any of its books or records for any reason. IOI
also represents, but only to the best of their knowledge, that, except as disclosed to UGX in wri ng, it will collaborate
with UGX to the best of its ability to represent on a CALENDAR YEAR basis whether neither it nor any of its officers,
directors, shareholders or beneficial owners is (i) an officer or employee of a government or any department, agency or
instrumentality thereof (including a government-owned or controlled commercial enterprise), (ii) an officer or
employee of a public interna onal organiza on, (iii) a person who acts in any official capacity for or on behalf of any
government or department, agency, instrumentality or public interna onal organiza on, or (iv) a poli cal party official
or candidate for poli cal office (each, a “GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL”). IOI will immediately disclose to UGX any current or
future affilia on or associa on between itself and any GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL as long as it becomes aware of that.
Data Privacy
Each Party shall collect, use, retain and disclose any personal data provided or belonging to the other Party in a fair,
transparent and secure way in accordance to any Applicable Law. Each Party shall (i) use the other Party personal data
only under such Party’s instruc ons in wri ng and not use it for any purpose other than the performance of this
AGREEMENT; (ii) ensure that effec ve organisa onal and security measures (both technological and physical) are
applied to all personal data of the other Party to ensure the privacy of affected individuals; (iii) appoint a
representa ve who is accountable for data privacy and security; (iv) ensure informa on is protected and kept secure at
all mes from unauthorised use, damage, disclosure, diversion or removal, whether through accident, improper act or
breach of trust; (v) ensure employees who will have access to the other Party’s personal data are appropriately trained
in their responsibili es around processing and protec ng the personal data.
Documenta on of Business Transac ons
The documenta on of any and all business transac ons must be complete, transparent, and in compliance with the
statutory provisions as well as with any provisions and processes.
Social Responsibility
IOI respects the dignity of every human being and is commi ed to compliance with and the protec on of human
IOI does not tolerate any kind of child labor as well as any exploita on of children and adolescents. The minimum age
for admission to employment must not be under the age for the fulfillment of compulsory educa on and in no case
under 15 (fi een) years.
IOI disapproves of any form of forced labor.
No Discrimina on
IOI creates a working atmosphere characterized by respec ul coopera on and to strictly oppose any kind of
discrimina on on grounds of race or ethnic origin, gender, religion or philosophy of life, disability, age, or sexual
iden ty.
EHS (Environment, Health and Safety)
IOI undertakes to operate in a safe and responsible manner with respect to the environment and health of employees,
customers and the communi es where they operate.
IOI will not compromise environmental, health or safety values for other interests; value human life above all else and
manage risks accordingly.
IOI pursues and con nually improves an EHS system and processes to achieve an EHS incident-free environment.
IOI agrees to always comply with applicable laws and set standards for suppliers.
Appendix III Prices and
Appendix IV
The current version of the QTA executed separately by the Par es.
Appendix V
The current version of [***]
Appendix VI
Appendix VII
Appendix VIII
THIRD PARTY laboratories
THIRD-PARTY labs are, but are not limited to:
Exhibit 10.30
Number of Shares of Stock subject to Stock Op on:
Price Per Share:
Date of Grant:
Ves ng Start Date:
U P I .
2023 I P
This agreement (this “Agreement”) evidences a stock op on granted by Ultragenyx Pharmaceu cal Inc. (the “Company”) to the undersigned (the
“Op onee”) pursuant to and subject to the terms of the Ultragenyx Pharmaceu cal Inc. 2023 Incen ve Plan (as amended from me to me, the “Plan”),
which is incorporated herein by reference.
1. Grant of Stock Op on. The Company grants to the Op onee on the date set forth above (the “Date of Grant”) an op on (the “Stock Op on”)
to purchase, on the terms provided herein and in the Plan, up to the number of shares of Stock set forth above (the “Shares”) with an exercise price per
Share as set forth above, in each case subject to adjustment pursuant to Sec on 7(b) of the Plan in respect of transac ons occurring a er the date hereof.
2. Meaning of Certain Terms. Except as otherwise defined herein, all capitalized terms used herein have the same meaning as in the Plan. The
following terms have the following meanings:
“Beneficiary” means, in the event of the Op onee’s death, the beneficiary named in the wri en designa on (in form acceptable to the
Administrator) most recently filed with the Administrator by the Op onee prior to the Op onee’s death and not subsequently revoked,
or, if there is no such designated beneficiary, the executor or administrator of the Op onee’s estate. An effec ve beneficiary
designa on will be treated as having been revoked only upon receipt by the Administrator, prior to the Op onee’s death, of an
instrument of revoca on in form acceptable to the Administrator.
“Op on Holder” means the Op onee or, if as of the relevant me the Stock Op on has passed to a Beneficiary, the Beneficiary.
3. Ves ng; Method of Exercise; Treatment of the Stock Op on Upon Cessa on of Employment.
Ves ng. As used herein with respect to the Stock Op on or any por on thereof, the term “vest” means to become exercisable and the
term “vested” as applied to any outstanding Stock Op on means that the Stock Op on is then exercisable, subject in each case to the
terms of the Plan. Unless earlier terminated, forfeited, relinquished or expired, the Stock Op on will vest as to 1/4th of the Shares
ini ally subject to the Stock Op on on the first (1st) anniversary of the Date of Grant (the "Anniversary Date"); therea er, 1/48th of the
Shares ini ally subject to the Stock Op on shall vest on each month as measured by the Anniversary Date. Notwithstanding the
foregoing, Shares subject to the Stock Op on shall not vest on any ves ng date
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