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InvenTrust Properties Corp.2013 Annual Report Cedar Woods Properties Limited A.B.N. 47 009 259 081 Cedar Woods – award winning property developer, producing residential communities in Western Australia and Victoria CEDAR WOODS PROPERTIES LIMITED Cedar Woods’ Objective 02 About Cedar Woods 03 2013 Highlights 04 Financial and Operating Review 06 Overview of Projects 12 Community Development & Sponsorship 18 Performance Record 20 Corporate Directory 21 2013 ANNUAL REPORT CeDAR WOODS’ Objective Our primary objective is to create value for our shareholders through growth in earnings. In meeting our primary objective we seek to: • Communicate the company’s progress to shareholders and the investment community; • Satisfy customers’ expectations through excellence in property development; • Align the interests of the company and its employees and provide employees with the opportunity of growth and development in a safe working environment; • Have our citizenship recognised by the communities in which we operate and be recognised as environmentally responsible; and • Maintain the highest ethical standards. CeDAR WOODS PROPeRTIeS LIMITeD About Cedar Woods. 03 Cedar Woods Properties Limited is an Australian property development company. The company was established in 1987 and has been listed on the Australian Securities exchange since 1994, trading under the security code ‘CWP’. Its market capitalisation is approximately $500m. The company’s principal interests are in urban land subdivision and built form development for residential, commercial and industrial purposes. Its portfolio of assets is located in Western Australia and Victoria. The board and management of Cedar Woods have extensive experience in the property industry, with particular expertise in adding value to land holdings through the achievement of government and local authority approvals and the planning and design process. Cedar Woods has consistently generated profits and dividends for shareholders, whilst achieving excellence in product delivery, as recognised by several national awards and many state awards, including the categories “Best Residential estate” and “environmental excellence” and most recently, “Best High Density Development”. In the investor relations arena, the company is a past winner of 3 ARA silver awards for its Annual Report. Cedar Woods’ projects are sensitively developed with consideration for environmental and community interests and built to a high quality that is renowned in the marketplace. Through the rapid expansion of its built form development portfolio, Cedar Woods has earned a reputation of delivering high quality apartments for both the owner-occupier and investor market. The company has a strong focus on shareholder value and its record in delivering quality developments to the market has produced a strong earnings stream, providing consistently high returns to shareholders. 2013 ANNUAL REPORT 2013 highlights 04 Our primary objective is to create value for our shareholders through growth in earnings. • Record full year profit of $36.34m, up 6% • earnings per share of 49.9 cents, down 6% • Full year dividend of 26 cents (fully franked), up 4%; full year payout ratio to remain at 50% of net profit • $175m in pre-sales at projects completing in FY2014 & FY2015 • Net debt to equity ratio of 18% at 30 June 2013 • $110m bank facility in place until November 2015; $57.5m headroom available at June 2013 • Commenced development in Williams Landing Town Centre • Completed major new acquisitions in Western Australia 04 CEDAR WOODS PROPERTIES LIMITED2013 Financial Summary. 05 2013 FinAnCiAl Results summARy year ended 30 June Revenue Net profit after tax Total assets Net bank debt Shareholders’ equity 2013 Key PeRFoRmAnCe indiCAtoRs year ended 30 June Basic earnings per share Dividends per share – fully franked Total shareholder return (1 year) Net bank debt to equity – 30 June Interest cover Net asset backing per share – historical cost Shares on issue – end of year Stock market capitalisation at 30 June Share price at 30 June Return on equity Return on capital 2013 $’000 172,751 36,337 301,024 37,762 207,744 2013 49.9 26.0 53.8 18.2 12.6 2.83 73,360 379,269 5.17 17.5 21.6 2012 $’000 170,474 34,250 238,314 3,822 184,626 2012 53.2 25.0 -5.3 2.1 8.8 2.56 72,190 256,995 3.56 18.6 28.1 Change % + 1.3 + 6.1 + 26.3 + 888.0 + 12.6 Change % - 6.2% + 4.0% + 59.1% + 16.1% + 43.2% + 10.5% + 1.6% + 47.6% + 45.2% -1.1% -6.5% ¢ ¢ % % x $ ’000 $’000 $ % % Reference should be made to the financial performance summary on page 20 of this Annual Report which tables the financial performance of the company over the last five financial years. 2013 ANNUAL REPORT FINANCIAL AND Operating review 06 In 2013, Cedar Woods’ net profit increased 6% to a record $36.34 million. 2013 Financial Result Capital Management and the 2013 Dividend in 2013, Cedar Woods’ net profit increased 6% to a record In light of Cedar Woods’ strong financial result, and in $36.34 million, and a total shareholder return of 54% was accordance with the company’s policy of paying approximately achieved. Against the back drop of a weakening economy but improving residential property sector, Cedar Woods achieved another record profit for the year. The robust result reflects the increased profitability of the company’s projects in Perth and Melbourne and 50% of the full year profit in dividends, your board has declared a fully franked final dividend of 15 cents per share. This brings the full year payout to 26 cents per share, 4% up on FY2012, providing an attractive yield based on the current share price. The final dividend will be paid on 30 October 2013. the strength and diversity of Cedar Woods’ property portfolio. The dividend reinvestment plan (DRP) will be available for the Cedar Woods remains in a strong financial position with a $110 million debt facility in place until November 2015 and $57.5m in available headroom. The company remains modestly geared with net bank debt to equity at 30 June 2013 at 18.2%. Interest cover is comfortable at 12.6 times, improving on FY2012 (8.8 times). Strong operating cash flows derived from settlements were substantially reinvested into the property portfolio as we laid the foundations for future development at the Williams Landing Town Centre and commenced a number of new projects. The company has also been selective in its acquisitions in FY2013, boosting its WA land bank with the $6.5m purchase of land at Byford in Perth’s Se corridor, and the $22.3m investment in land at Brabham, in Perth’s growing Ne corridor. Shortly after the end of FY2013 the company also acquired the undeveloped balance landholding of 35.3ha in the ‘Byford on the Scarp’ residential estate for $9.3m further boosting our presence in the corridor. With the property sector generally returning to favour in the eyes of investors, the company’s share price increased over the financial year from $3.56 per share at 30 June 2012 to $5.17 at 30 June 2013. Including fully franked full year dividends of 26 cents per share, the total return to shareholders over the year was 54%. final dividend and shares under the DRP and Bonus Share Plan (BSP) will be offered at a 2.5% discount to the weighted average market price for the 10 days to 11 October 2013. economy and the Property Market The Australian economy as a whole weakened during the year as the decline in investment activity associated with the resources sector dampened growth, with real GDP forecast to grow by 2.5% in FY2014 before recovering to 3.0% in FY2015 based on Treasury estimates in the Pre-election economic and Fiscal Outlook. The economic fundamentals remain supportive for the residential property sector, with inbound migration contributing to a national population growth rate of 1.8% in CY2012, with the largest growth by percentage in WA (3.5%) and the largest by number in Victoria (100,000) – Source ABS. The unemployment rate, though increasing, remains below 6% and the housing vacancy rate remains under 3% in all capital cities (SQM Research). The growth in wages has outstripped the growth in house prices nationally over the last year (ABS) and the Reserve Bank of Australia has continued to reduce interest rates during 2013, with most of the reductions passed on by banks to homebuyers. As a consequence, these factors have improved affordability for home buyers. CEDAR WOODS PROPERTIES LIMITED5 year results summary. 07 ReVeNue ($m) NeT PROFIT ($m) 175 140 105 70 35 0 40 30 20 10 0 107.1 108.4 131.8 170.5 172.8 9.3 17.2 28.0 34.3 36.3 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 eARNINGS PeR SHARe (cents) DIVIDeND PeR SHARe (cents) 50.0 37.5 25.0 12.5 0 25 20 15 10 5 0 16.2 29.0 45.8 53.2 49.9 7.0 13.0 23.0 25.0 26.0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2013 ANNUAL REPORT FINANCIAL AND Operating review 08 Cedar Woods’ strong financial result enabled a fully franked final dividend of 15 cents per share. 2013 Financial Result As business investment diminishes, dwelling investment is At The Rivergums, Baldivis activity levels also increased as the expected to improve nationally in FY2014, with a 5% increase estate witnessed the completion of the Baldivis Secondary forecast by Treasury. The increase in dwelling investment College and the company released lots in adjoining stages. is already apparent in WA where loan approvals, building Similarly high levels of activity were recorded at emerald Park in approvals and home starts have been increasing over the last Wellard with all available lots selling out during the year. year, with home start activity expected to remain at current levels through FY2014 (Housing Industry Forecasting Group). The strong inbound migration and a shortage of supply provide the underlying fundamentals to support growing demand for residential property in the future. In Victoria, after a 2 year decline in activity in the residential property market, home loan and building approvals are now trending upwards and house prices have increased after two years of decline (ABS). Demand remains strong for well located property close to transport infrastructure and other amenities. Operational Review of Developments WesteRn AustRAliA At the end of last year the company invested in an exciting new development the Batavia Marina Apartments, on the waterfront in Geraldton in the state’s mid-west. These luxury apartments are already more than 65% pre-sold with construction now complete and settlements under way. elements at South Hedland is the first Cedar Woods project in the burgeoning Pilbara region and will consist of over 130 lots on 11 hectares. Working with project partners, mining companies, builders and, importantly, local residents and businesses, Cedar Woods has commenced development and expects to deliver the first lots towards the end of 2013, to satisfy the strong housing demand in the area. A significant number of lots have been pre-sold to a resource company, local builders and community groups with the public release also having been substantially In FY2013, our company derived income from two new projects, allocated by way of an expression of interest campaign. at the Piara Central residential subdivision in Piara, and the Batavia Coast Marina Apartments in Geraldton, bringing the total revenue producing projects in Cedar Woods’ portfolio to 16 across Western Australia and Victoria. Activity levels improved significantly at the company’s current Western Australian land estates, with price levels moderately increasing in the second half. Piara Central, in the growing south east corridor of Perth, saw the completion of the first two stages of development and the settlement of more than 100 residential lots. The estate will be home to more than 150 families upon completion, with central parkland providing a community focal point. The third and final stage of this development is expected to be launched in FY2014 with settlements in FY2015. Just after the end of the second half, Cedar Woods was selected as the preferred developer to work with LandCorp in establishing the Western edge project in South Hedland. under the terms of the development agreement Cedar Woods will secure planning approvals for the first phase of development of approximately 600 lots, subject to feasibility and market demand. ultimately the Western edge project is expected to deliver over 2,200 lots into the Hedland community. CEDAR WOODS PROPERTIES LIMITED09 ViCtoRiA The company’s major residential projects in Victoria performed well during the year, continuing to record strong pre-sales and good levels of enquiry. At Cedar Woods’ flagship Williams Landing development in Melbourne’s west, the estate received a major boost upon the completion of the Williams Landing railway station and freeway interchange works undertaken by State Government. During the year the company commenced construction of the new Masters Home Improvement store in the town centre, which is expected to be completed and open for business in late 2013. These developments, together with the opening of a new builder display village, have boosted demand for the company’s residential lots and interest in the Williams Landing Town Centre. During the year, stages at Banbury Village in Footscray and Carlingford at Lalor were completed and settled and the first six The Corporate Plan sets out a number of key action items and strategies focused on achieving delivery of earnings growth and addressing key risk factors. These key actions are implemented as performance targets by senior executives, sales managers and other employees. In addition, twice each year our Audit and Risk Management Committee assesses risk factors that may affect the company including specific risks affecting individual projects and more general risks affecting our business sector. The company’s strategies, as set out in the Corporate Plan are: • ongoing development of existing projects Cedar Woods’ core competency is in property development and the company continues to achieve industry-leading design, delivery and marketing of projects to maximise homes were completed at the Realm, Camberwell project with the remainder of the project now pre-sold for delivery in FY2014 and returns. FY2015. Details of progress at the projects commences on page 12. Corporate Objectives, Strategy & Risks • diversification of the property portfolio The company has a strategically located and diverse residential portfolio in urban and regional growth areas in Victoria and WA, offering a wide spectrum of dwelling product and price points to consumers. The company’s Cedar Woods’ Corporate Plan guides management’s activities offerings include small affordable housing lots at its and provides a five year outlook for the company, projecting residential estates through to high-end luxury apartments at earnings and other key performance indicators. boutique waterfront developments. Cedar Woods’ primary objective is to create value for • Focus on the project pipeline shareholders through earnings growth as it aims to deliver strong year on year growth in net profit and earnings per share and put the company in the top half of all listed industrial companies based on financial performance. This year, the company reported full year net profit growth of 6% and dividend growth of 4%. earnings per share experienced negative growth of -6%, impacted by the issue of shares associated with last year’s equity raising, although the company has achieved 20% annualised earnings growth over the last 3 years. In the last year the company bolstered its land bank by completing key acquisitions in Western Australia. During the second half of the financial year the company made two strategic acquisitions, buying land parcels in Byford in Perth’s burgeoning south-west growth corridor and at Brabham in the growing north-east corridor where the company was not previously represented. More recently the company acquired a second land holding in Byford, boosting its land bank to 670 lots in that vicinity. 2013 ANNUAL REPORT FINANCIAL AND Operating review 10 entering FY2014, Cedar Woods has $175 million of pre-sales in place and new projects commencing which will assist in driving earnings. 2013 Financial Result • using joint ventures, syndicates and co-development The company is also exposed to the property cycles in the arrangements to leverage the company’s skill base markets in which it operates, i.e. Western Australia (Regional Cedar Woods utilises joint ventures, syndicates and co- development arrangements to diversify the company’s revenue streams and efficiently manage its capital. This year, the company has continued the development of lots at the Harrisdale Green project, an important co-development with the Department of Housing and has progressed development by its syndicate company, Cedar Woods Wellard Limited, which generates ongoing revenue by way of management and selling fees. In addition, Cedar Woods was recently selected by LandCorp as the successful proponent to develop the landmark Western edge project in South Hedland. and Metropolitan) and Victoria (Metropolitan). The fluctuations in demand in these markets represent a risk to achieving the company’s financial objectives. The company aims to mitigate this risk by operating in diverse geographical markets and offering a wide range of products and price points to consumers. Sustainability Reporting Our environmental and community development report and overview of research and innovation is available as a separate web-based Sustainability Report. The Report is available on our website, • Retaining ownership of income producing assets People The company will build a limited number of commercial Our management team continues to expand to support the and retail property assets at Williams Landing and at other growth in the business. estates, where the development of those buildings is consistent with estate master plan objectives. The long term ownership of those assets will be balanced against the company’s capital management objectives and acquisition opportunities. Developments may be sold once they have achieved the amenity objectives and their valuations have matured, with disposals likely to become a regular component of the company’s revenue stream. The general risks to company performance include those relevant to the property market including government policy in relation to immigration and support for the housing industry generally, the environmental policy framework, monetary policy set by the Reserve Bank of Australia, the strength of the labour market and consumer confidence. Cedar Woods’ remains committed to an inclusive workplace that embraces and promotes diversity and during the year the company embellished its workplace policies to further those objectives. The diversity policy sets out a framework for the company’s diversity-related initiatives, strategies and programs and commentary is provided in the Corporate Governance Statement in the Financial Report. The company has continued to actively support a range of industry groups including the Property education Foundation of WA which focuses on improving property professionals’ skills. In 2013, Cedar Woods participated in promotional activities with the Foundation to help attract graduates to the development industry. CEDAR WOODS PROPERTIES LIMITED11 Board Matters The board is conscious of its duty to ensure the company meets its performance objectives. During the year the board and its committees reviewed their respective charters and performance to ensure they were properly discharging their responsibilities. The charters were updated during the year and were published on the company’s website. Further details of Cedar Woods’ corporate governance framework are available on the company’s website and in the Corporate Governance Statement in the 2013 Financial Report. Outlook While the Australian economy has weakened as the construction phase of the resources boom winds down, the underlying fundamentals of the property market remain solid, particularly In 2013, we have continued to actively engage with the investment and broking community to raise Cedar Woods’ profile and build awareness of the strength of the company’s portfolio. We are pleased with the support of our existing shareholders and welcome the new institutional investors onto our register. We look forward to further building on the strength and diversity of our portfolio of projects and our land bank in the year ahead. We would like to thank our fellow directors and staff for their dedication and hard work in 2013. Thanks also go to our shareholders for their ongoing support of Cedar Woods in 2013 and in the year ahead. in Western Australia and Victoria where the company’s portfolio William Hames – Chairman is located. With strong levels of inbound migration, low levels of unemployment, historically low interest rates and improved affordability, the medium-to-long term prospects of Australia’s residential property sector remain positive. The Western Australian economy is forecast to grow at 3.25% in FY2014 with unemployment, although rising, well below the national average. Victoria’s economy is expected to grow at a steady 2.25% in FY2014, with population growth of 1.7% anticipated (State Treasury forecasts). Cedar Woods enters FY2014 with low debt, a strong balance sheet and a diverse portfolio in major growth regions in Western Australia and Victoria. The company has $175 million of pre- sales in place and new projects commencing which will assist in driving earnings, positioning the company to achieve profit growth in FY2014, assuming current market conditions continue. With ample funding and approvals in place, your board remains positive about the company’s outlook. Paul Sadleir – Managing Director 2013 ANNUAL REPORT western australia Land Development OVeRVIeW OF prOjects 12 Bushmead The former Bushmead Rifle Carine Rise, Carine The planned redevelopment of Range site was sold by the the former TAFe site in Perth’s emerald Park, Wellard Cedar Woods Wellard Limited, Mangles Bay, Rockingham In April 2010, LandCorp Department of Defence on middle northern suburb of behalf of the Commonwealth Carine was the company’s first of Australia. The land is located project to be conducted in 16 kilometres north east of the cooperation with the Western Perth CBD and adjacent to Australian state government Cedar Woods’ Helena Valley agency, LandCorp. Cedar Private estate completed in Woods and the St Ives Group 2008. Given its proximity to were selected through a highly the Perth CBD, Perth airport, competitive tender process as Midland regional centre and the preferred project partners. strong connectivity via regional The redevelopment will include road networks, the site is in residential aged care, a a prime location for future retirement village, mixed use redevelopment. The site is development and residential a long term project for the lots, townhouses and company and expected to apartments. The St Ives Group yield between 600 and 900 is one of the state’s leading residential lots, depending providers of aged care and on lot sizes and planning retirement housing. Civil outcomes. A rezoning construction commenced in amendment was lodged in July 2013 with sales to 2013. commence in early 2014. an investment syndicate appointed Cedar Woods to managed by the company, develop the Mangles Bay owns this exciting residential Marina-Based Tourist Precinct. estate to ultimately comprise The project area is nearly 80ha over 620 home sites, a school of beachfront land which will site and sports ground. Its provide the local and visiting location in Perth’s southern community with a quality suburbs, some 33km from and innovative development the CBD, adjacent to the providing marine, tourist, Kwinana Freeway and close to recreational, commercial and the Perth - Mandurah rail line, residential components, while bring convenient accessibility respecting and repairing the benefits to residents. coastal environment. The project is currently undergoing environmental and planning approvals with construction commencement planned for 2015. CEDAR WOODS PROPERTIES LIMITED13 North Baldivis Cedar Woods’ second major project alongside The Rivergums in the high growth south west corridor. Located just off the Kwinana Freeway and Mundijong Road which will afford the project transport links. Whilst the land is currently zoned Rural under the local planning scheme and urban Deferred under the Metropolitan Region Scheme, the planned connection to waste and water services by the Water Corporation in 2016 will soon see the land Piara Central, Piara Waters The company’s landholding in Piara Waters has the potential to yield over 300 residential lots. Located in Perth’s south- eastern corridor, the company’s two sites on Nicholson Road form part of a larger new urban precinct which includes new retail commercial centres and schools. This new urban area is close to the Armadale Regional Centre and with the extension of the nearby Tonkin Highway, benefits from good access to surrounding rezoned as urban. The project employment centres. will yield some 800 lots and is a neat strategic fit with the expected completion of Cedar Woods’ estates at Baldivis (The Rivergums) and Wellard (emerald Park). Harrisdale Green, Harrisdale The Harrisdale Green project Mariners Cove, Mandurah A unique waterfront is located within Perth’s south- development close to the eastern urban corridor and will Mandurah town centre, comprise up to 500 homes comprising a mix of canal lots, and mixed use business parkland lots and estuary view opportunities. Won as a result lots, Mariners Cove boasts of a competitive process, it a spectacular 98ha wildlife was the company’s focus on reserve complete with raised affordability and sustainability board walks, two bird hides that set it apart from its and an interpretive centre. The competitors. The project is reserve protects the Creery a co-development with The Wetlands, an internationally Department of Housing. recognised waterbird habitat that is home to migratory birds from around the world. Mariners Cove won the State and National urban Development Institute of Australia environmental excellence Awards in 2002 and 2003, respectively. It has also won the State and National uDIA awards for Best Residential Development (250 or more lots) in 2004 and 2005 respectively. The last ‘Island’ has now been constructed and adds product diversity to Cedar Woods’ project portfolio. 2013 ANNUAL REPORT western australia Land & Built Form Development OVeRVIeW OF prOjects 14 The Rivergums, Baldivis Located in Perth’s southern elements, South Hedland Located within the growing Western edge, South Hedland The Western edge suburbs and only minutes Pilbara region, Cedar Woods development is another project from the Perth - Mandurah was announced by the in conjunction with LandCorp. rail line and the Rockingham Department of Regional 226ha in area, the land has beaches, The Rivergums Development and Lands as the been identified as having the residential estate continues to successful proponent in July potential to deliver over 2,260 see strong demand as the key 2010, and has collaborated lots, a local commercial centre location in the southern corridor. with Foundation Housing, and other land uses. Cedar The estate will ultimately IBN Corporation and Gumala Woods is now planning to provide over 1,300 dwellings Aboriginal Corporation to deliver the first 600 lots to help plus primary and secondary provide a balanced mix of meet the continued demand schools. The estate boasts a residential, affordable, key for quality and affordable family network of lakes, wetlands, worker, social and indigenous housing in South Hedland. and beautifully landscaped housing options to the region. parks. environmental initiatives Construction commenced in included restoration of a 2013 and the estate has met degraded wetland, conservation with strong demand. Brabham This 40.5ha site was acquired in April 2013 and is located just 22kms northeast of the Perth CBD. Brabham is a great geographical fit for Cedar Woods’ WA portfolio, being close to the attractions of both Whiteman Park and the Swan Valley and within close proximity to both the ellenbrook (4kms) and Midland (10kms) Town Centres. This estate is expected to deliver over 340 lots to this high growth north- eastern corridor of Perth. of the local frog population and the revegetation of the adjoining Tramway reserve. The Rivergums was also one of the first Housing Industry Association (WA) ‘Green Smart’ developments, promoting efficient energy and water use. CEDAR WOODS PROPERTIES LIMITED15 The Jetty, Rockingham This completed 4 storey beachfront development is located opposite the landmark Palm Beach Z Force Jetty in Rockingham. The Jetty comprises 15 luxury three bedroom, two bathroom, apartments, all with spectacular ocean views and the very best quality fit-out. It is now sold out. Waterline Apartments, Mandurah The Waterline Apartments Batavia Marina Apartments, Geraldton The construction of this occupy a prime beachfront four and five storey luxury location, directly opposite beachfront development, is Doddi’s Beach in Halls Head, now complete. The project Mandurah. Stage 1 of this comprises 50 luxury two and beachside development three bedroom, two bathroom comprised the construction apartments, mostly with and sale of 15 two and three spectacular marina and ocean bedroom luxury ocean view views and a high quality fit-out. apartments and 3 luxury The ground floor includes 4 penthouses. Retail space on retail/commercial tenancies, the ground floor incorporates a including a cafe. popular ‘Dome’ cafe. Stage 1 is now sold out. The Brook at Byford Centrally located adjacent to the town centre in Byford, a variety of block sizes will soon be available. Approximately 33 kilometres south east of Perth, the site is very well located at the base of the Darling Scarp, alongside Beenyup Brook. The Shire enjoys a strong population growth and is considered one of Perth’s fastest growing urban growth corridors. Byford on the Scarp Located close to our new “The Brook” at Byford site,” Byford On The Scarp” is an existing residential estate acquired in 2013. Sales commenced at Byford on the Scarp in the mid 2000’s with the estate quickly establishing its market position as the premium location in Byford, due to its generous block sizes and elevated location on the Darling Scarp. The land acquired has existing subdivision approval for 76 lots out of a total lot potential of some 320 lots. 2013 ANNUAL REPORT victoria Land & Built Form Development OVeRVIeW OF prOjects 16 Banbury Village, Footscray Purchased in 2006, 9ha, remaining Carlingford, Lalor Purchased in 2006 and comprising Realm, Camberwell Purchased in 2010, 2.55ha, remaining project life of 3 years. Banbury Village 55ha. An infill project in Melbourne’s project life of 1.5 years. An infill project in is a substantial urban renewal project northern suburb of Lalor, Carlingford is one of Melbourne’s prestigious eastern comprising more than 420 houses, the first residential estate launched in suburbs that will accommodate 78 townhouses and apartments. The project the area in over a decade. ultimately premium homes. A mix of product has is a premium housing development for comprising over 600 housing lots, its been designed for the site including the inner west suburb of Footscray, some location boasts excellent transport links terraces, duplexes and detached homes. 6km from the Melbourne CBD. The to the Melbourne CBD and is within easy design outcome for completed stages reach of shopping, schools and the train has set a new benchmark for integrated network. housing developments. CEDAR WOODS PROPERTIES LIMITEDSt Albans A 6.8ha infill site purchased in 2012 Williams Landing Purchased in 1997 and comprising and located close to the St Albans train 275ha. A premium master planned station, which is soon expected to be community development is being upgraded by the State Government. delivered on the former RAAF Williams The site will accommodate around 200 airfield, comprising 4 neighbourhoods dwellings with a mix of terraces, duplexes with over 2,500 dwellings and a and detached homes. major town centre. Significant State Government infrastructure has now been constructed on the site including a new freeway interchange and rail station. 17 Williams Landing Town Centre The Williams Landing Town Centre will be a dynamic commercial and retail hub in Melbourne’s Western Region and is located adjacent to a new train station and freeway interchange. upon completion, Williams Landing will include all features of a 21st century town centre offering civic, office, retail and residential spaces, plus cafes and various forms of entertainment. The Town Centre will provide: - A major centre for business, shopping and entertainment - A prestigious gateway between the City of Wyndham and the inner suburbs of Melbourne - A safe, convenient and fully integrated transport network for pedestrians, cyclists, motorists and public transport users - Contemporary public spaces for leisure and recreation - Town living with apartments and townhouses 2013 ANNUAL REPORT COMMuNITY DeVeLOPMeNT and spOnsOrship 18 Since 2009, Cedar Woods’ Neighbourhood Grants Program has awarded over $100,000 to community groups. Cedar Woods’ key objectives in Community Development Neighbourhood Grants Strategy are to: • Focus on creating community wellbeing • nurture community building in new developments, and strengthen community building in existing developments At the heart of the Cedar Woods’ community development strategy is our Neighbourhood grants program. Since launching the Neighbourhood Grants Program in 2009, Cedar Woods has helped many grass roots community organizations in and around our developments awarding over • maximise social and environmental connectedness $100,000 in grants to date. Cedar Woods recognizes that the success of this program is largely reliant on the strength of the partnerships we develop with both local and state government, the not-for-profit sector and the local/regional services and amenities present in each community. Cedar Woods strives to be facilitative and collaborative in our approach to community development and sponsorship in order to achieve these goals. This is a significant contribution that has been shared amongst over 70 various community groups who provide services directly to our communities and the surrounding area. Grant recipients are chosen because: • They each have diverse interests enabling us to help a wide section of the community • They offer valuable services that Cedar Woods wants to help grow, to provide residents and the wider community a chance to get involved, get active and socialize. Currently active in WA at Harrisdale Green, emerald Park and The Rivergums and Williams Landing (VIC), the Neighbourhood Grants program will be introduced to Piara Central (WA) in FY14 as the first residents move in and the community starts to develop. CEDAR WOODS PROPERTIES LIMITED19 Sponsorship Cedar Woods’ sponsorship activity in FY13 saw us continue our long term involvement in a variety of community, industry and corporate sponsorships. In addition, we also gave our support to a number of new and worthy causes such as the Murdoch university ‘’Discover Your Potential Scholarship’’ and the Perth International Arts festival. Other FY13 Sponsorships included the Warren Jones Youth Regatta, Perth International Arts Festival – Quartetthous and Cockburn Sound Regatta. In financial year 2014 we will continue to support a range of worthwhile causes. 2013 ANNUAL REPORT PeRFORMANCe recOrd 20 5 year financial performance summary. All figures in $’000 except where stated FINANCIAL YeAR FinAnCiAl PeRFoRmAnCe Revenue from operations earnings before interest and tax Finance costs Operating profit before tax Income tax expense Net profit after tax FinAnCiAl Position Total assets Total liabilities Shareholders' equity 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 172,751 170,474 131,839 108,415 107,076 53,022 53,092 42,106 26,771 16,961 1,580 51,442 15,105 36,337 3,819 49,273 15,023 34,250 1,866 40,240 12,180 28,060 2,036 3,441 24,735 13,520 7,494 17,241 4,257 9,263 301,024 238,314 233,595 205,657 162,720 93,280 53,688 104,046 96,867 207,744 184,626 129,549 108,790 69,442 93,278 58,163 16.2 7.0 15.8% 2.2 9.9% Number of shares on issue - end of year ('000) 73,360 72,190 61,818 60,565 Key PeRFoRmAnCe meAsuRes earnings per share (cents) Dividend per share fully franked (cents) eBIT margin Interest cover (times) Return on equity 49.9 26.0 30.7% 12.6 17.5% 53.2 25.0 31.1% 8.8 18.6% 45.8 23.0 31.9% 9.1 21.7% 29.0 13.0 24.7% 6.4 15.8% Investment in inventory during year 145,474 97,401 102,348 56,338 45,312 Net tangible assets backing per share ($) Net bank debt Net bank debt to equity Share price - end of year ($) 2.83 37,762 18.2% 5.17 2.56 3,822 2.1% 3.56 2.10 1.80 1.60 55,100 39,716 47,913 42.5% 4.00 36.5% 2.45 51.4% 1.42 Stock market capitalisation at 30 June 379,269 256,995 247,272 148,383 82,592 Number of employees at 30 June 54 48 41 35 30 RetuRns to shAReholdeRs oVeR 1, 3 & 5 yeARs 1 Year 3 Year 5 Year earnings growth % Share price growth % Dividend growth % (paid dividend) Total shareholder return % -6.2 45.2 4.0 53.8 19.8 28.3 26.0 35.6 6.0 13.5 7.6 19.7 CEDAR WOODS PROPERTIES LIMITED CORPORATe directOry Cedar Woods Properties Limited. 21 diReCtoRs William George Hames, BArch (Hons) MCu (Harvard) LFRAIA, MPIA, FAPI (econ) – Chairman Robert Stanley Brown, MAICD, AIFS – Deputy Chairman Ronald Packer, BCom (uWA), FAICD, Solicitor Supreme Court of england & Wales Paul Stephen Sadleir, Be, MBA, AAPI, FAICD – Managing Director Timothy Robert Brown, BA, LLB, M.Fin, Post Grad Dip (Phil) (Alternate for R S Brown) ComPAny seCRetARy Paul Samuel Freedman, BSc, CA, GAICD RegisteRed oFFiCe And PRinCiPAl PlACe oF business Level 1, 50 Colin Street, WeST PeRTH WA 6005 Postal address: P.O. Box 788, WeST PeRTH WA 6872 Phone: (08) 9480 1500 Fax: (08) 9480 1599 email: Website: shARe RegistRy Computershare Investor Services Pty Ltd Level 2, Reserve Bank Building 45 St George’s Terrace, PeRTH WA 6000 AuditoR PricewaterhouseCoopers 125 St George’s Terrace, PeRTH WA 6000 seCuRities exChAnge listing Cedar Woods Properties Limited shares are listed on the Australian Securities exchange Limited. ASX Code: CWP AnnuAl geneRAl meeting Venue: Kings Park Function Centre, Fraser Avenue, West Perth Time: 11.00am Date: Friday, 1 November 2013 2013 ANNUAL REPORT
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