F & M Bank Corp.
Annual Report 2007

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• ^ ^ ^ 5 t ^M 1908-2008 tA A N N I V E R S A RY F&M BANK CORP. ! 2007 ANNUAL REPORT Filings Services April 8, 2008 SNL Financial, LC 1-800-969-4121 f V l f ' ^t ^•-' F' '". > Ip'i.*^ ae^.y^'^s^j*. ' ^.j^spis^-^^-gr^Sf^ Dear Stoclenolcler: We liave now entered our 100 year for Farmers & Mercfiants Bank and I tkink it is appropriate to taise a moment to reriect on now signiricant an acnievement tnis is. in 1908 tnere were no computers, ceil pnones, televisions or radios tnat are now an aEtertiiougnt in today's world. Automotiles and planes were just starting to te built and used. Yet a group oE farmers and mercnants in tne Timterville area liad tne vision and drive to start a Dank wnicli would grow and prosper for more tnan 100 years. We snould all ne proud of our accomplisfiments and also tkankful for tne guidance provided by not only our founding fathers, nut for tne very loyal employees, management, directors and sfiarenolders tnrougnout tne years. Managements' goal is to continue tnis guidance and vision so tnat Farmers & Mercnants will be celebrating its 2 00 anniversary in tne year 2 1 0 8. With that thought in mind, 1 am pleased to present the financial results for Farmers & Merchants Bank and F &M Bank Corp. Net inconie for 2 0 07 was $ 4 , 4 53 million or a decrease slightly of $76,000 (1.68%) over the prior year 2 0 0 6. Earnings per share decreased from $1.90 to $1.89. Both our Return on Average Assets and Return on Average Equity at 1.17% and 11.53% were down, but still in line with our Peer Group. Loans Held for Investment increased by $7,719 million (2.5%) to $ 3 1 7 , 1 80 million. Deposits increased by $9,038 million (3.1%) to $298,560 million. Credit quality remained good with charge offs at . 1 1% of Loans Held for Investment in 2007; however this was an increase from .04% in 2 0 0 6. Charge-offs in 2 0 06 were the lowest in a number of years. The increase for 2 0 07 was primarily related to one account in the medical field. Toward the end of last year and early 2 0 08 the economy slowed, especially in the housing sector. Therefore, we have increased our monthly Allowance for Loan Loss contribution to help offset any potential increase in charge-offs because of the slowing economy. Nonperforming assets increased to f . 1 1% of total assets, which is higher than it has been in the last few years. This increase is primarily related to two accounts, both of which are secured with real estate and are in the process of collection. I anticipate that both will be collected in the second quarter of 2 0 0 8. Management has reviewed the balance of the nonperforming loans, and determined that they are primarily secured with real estate with little potential for losses. The Allowance for Loan Losses remained relatively steady at .o4% oi Loans Held ior Investment, which is below our bank peer group; however, we ieel it is adequate to cover any potential losses. Dividends increased from $.82 to $.86 per share, an increase of 4.88%. In 2 0 07 we paid out 4 5 . 6 0% of our earnings in dividends. This was a slight increase over 2 0 06 and was the highest payout over the previous five years. Over the past few months we have seen financial stocks in general well below their highs in 2007, however F &M Bank Corp's stock price has held up well. We closed on December 3 1, 2 0 07 at $31.05 with a high in 2 0 07 of $ 3 3 . 9 5. The new branches opened in 2 0 06 showed significant growth in 2 0 0 7. The Crossroads branch had an increase in loans of over $20 million and all three showed good deposit growth. As these branches continue to mature they will contribute significantly to the bottom line. For 2 0 08 we have a number of new products and services, two of which have already been launched. Platinum Rewards is a new checking account which pays a CD like rate to our customers and should also increase both our deposits and non interest income. We have also added ID Saie Choice to our Platinum checking accounts. This product helps to prevent identiiy theit ior our customers, which uniortunately has become a large problem in today's society. Internally we are installing Branch Capture for processing oi checks. leather than having a courier pick up the daily work from a branch, it will be sent electronically to Timberville for processing. Later in the year we will also have Remote Capture, which will allow primarily business customers to process their deposit at their location and electronically send it to the bank. Both of these products have significant efficiency savings. Document Imaging is another product we are considering. As I mentioned before, this is our 100 ' year and we have a number of events planned, along with some items to commemorate this occasion. Our history book is now available and can be picked up at any of our branches. Be on the lookout for various events, etc. throughout the year. I want to thank everyone for your support not only for the last year, but for your support over the last 100 years. Many of our current shareholders are descendants oi shareholders irom our earlier years, and I think that is the cornerstone oi what sets us apart irom many oi our competitors today. The philosophy oi our iounding lathers to help our local communities grow is still very important to us today. Farmers & Merchants truly has "Stood the Test oi Time ". ^Xl^ee^ U i -^ ^f"^^^"^^ Dean W Withers President/CEO •t»»^wA««)«»i{fateiiii"i } Dividends Per Sn are Earnings Per Snare Financial Ratios: Return on Average Assets Financial Ratios: Return on Average Equity 1 A ^ j^ : ^ ^ s m s ^^ iNSIDt €*UR FlR.ST 100 YiAII$ • 1 9 08 Model T is marketed Farmers & Mercnants Bank opened tor kusiness on August 24 . 1 9 09 Peary and H e n s on reack tke N o r tk Pole P' Ajinual Meeting-45 stockkolders attended • • • • • 1 9 1 7 - 1 9 19 World War I is fougkt 1 9 29 1 9 35 1 9 41 1 9 53 Beginning or Great Depression Bank remained open & never registered a yearly loss Social Security Act Japanese attack Pearl Harkor Color television approved ky F CC Present Timfcerville location opened • 1 9 56 Dow Jones Industrial closes akove 5 00 lor first time Bank @ $5 million 1 9 6 1 - 1 9 63 Vietnam ^(^r 1 9 63 1 9 65 1 9 69 1 9 73 Jokn F. Kennedy assassinated Medicare and Medicaid enacted Neil Armstrong walks on moon Price of a karrel or oil increased irom $ 1 . 50 to $ 1 1 . 56 • • • . • Elkton Branck opened • 1 9 79 E S PN kas first kroadcast Broadway Branck opened • 1 9 84 Macintosk personal computer released Holding Company formed • 1 9 90 Germany is re-united • • 1 9 91 1 9 92 Elkton Plaza Branck opened First Gulf War World wide wek used in komes ror first time Bank reacked $ 1 00 million in assets • 1 9 95 First planet outside our own solar system is found Bridgewater Branck opened » 1 9 99 Y2K scare First female kank director • 2 0 01 Terrorist attacks on World Trade Center and Pentagon Purckased Edinkurg & Woodstock Branckes, Bank reacked $ 2 50 mikion in assets • • 2 0 05 2 0 06 Hurricanes strike US including Katrina P l u to loses its status as planet Port Road Luray & Crossroads Branckes opened The world and the United States kave experienced turmoil, catastropke, keartkreak and accompliskments in tke past 100 years. Wken Farmers & Merckants Bank kegan in 1908, most people still traveled ky true korsepower. Since tken automokiles and air planes kave carried us to any place on Eartk and rockets kave carried us to tke moon. w k en tke kank was ckartered, women didn't yet kave tke rigkt to vote in all states and at tke federal level, people suffered from polio, tk e radio and television kadn't keen invented and tkere were only 46 states in tke LInion. We kave truly stood tke test of time. : ^ F s ^ s ^^ FIRST MEETING OF THE JOARD OF DIRECTORS li\RCH t t, 1908 "J;*"^! • ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ SERVICE ANNIVERSARIES L a r ry C a p l i n ^ er 35 ^ a rs Ralpli (Ckuck) Foltz 25 l(ears Lynette Wine 20 Years RiTiRiD EMPLOYEES J e an B. C o rf m an M a r go S. M i l l er Jean Coftman graduated from Broadway Higk and Dunsmore Business School. Prior tcj coming to work for tke Bank, Jean worked at Aileen, Inc. Ske joined Farmers & Merckants Bank in June of 1 9 86 as a part time teller, kriefly working in tke Broadway Office kef ore transferring to Timkerville. In Fekruary 1 9 8 8, she changed to a full time teller in Timkerville wkere she remained until ker retirement tke end of Decemker 2 0 0 7. Jean loves to travel and is very active in tke Timkerville Fire Department Auxiliary. Jean's family incluaes twc5 sons and tkeir families. Margo started ker hanking career in 1 9 71 in tke proof department and wc^rked in tke operations area of tke kank tmtil 1 9 76 wken ske left to spend time witk ker family. Ske rejoined tke kank from 1 9 80 until 1 9 84 as a part time teller. In April of 1 9 9 2, Margo again returned as a full time teller. Ske continued in tke teller area ot tke 1 imkerville Office until ker retirement in Septemker, 2 0 0 7. As senior teller, Margo was instrumental in training new tellers tkat joined tke Bank. : ^ ® ^ s ^^ IN MEMORY We lost a well-loved coworker wken Skeila Denise Fulk Owen passed away Fekruary 9, 2 0 0 8. Ske was Assistant Vice President and kad made many contrikutions to our kank during ker 31-year career kere. After many years as tke assistant manager in tke Bookkeeping Department, ske kad most recently keen tke Branck Specialist at our new Port Repuklic Road office in Harrisonkurg working directly witk customers. Her kusband, Greg Owen ot Harrisonkurg, survives. Peggy Ann Wakeman passed away January 7, 2 0 0 8. Ske was tke in Edinkurg, and muck-loved drive-tkrougk kad been serving kank customers tkere since 1 9 74 wken tke kank tkat kranck was Farmers Bank. Farmers & Merckants purckased join our kank oftice family tken. Peggy is survived ky two sons and eigkt grandchildren. in 2 0 01 and was fortunate teller at our kranck to kave Peggy Wken our bank first expanded to Elkton in 1 9 7 3, Welty H. Hensley joined our Board of Directors; ke passed away on January 3, 2 0 0 8. He was an Elkton native, and atter serving in tke U.S. Navy kecame a successful automobile dealer in Elkton and later a Realtor. He was very active in tke community, serving as Mayor tor four years and leading many community initiatives in Elkton and Rockingham County. He also authored the book "A History ot Elkton" in 2 0 0 4. He retired from our Board in 1 9 9 5. He is survived ky kis wife Alice, kis son and grandckildren. Mary Sue Fakrney, retired Assistant Vice President, passed away on Dec. 2, 2 0 0 7. Ske kegan ker career witk tke kank in 1 9 71 and worked full time for 35 years in various capacities in tke Timberville and Broadway offices. Earlier in ker career ske kad taugkt school. Her huskand, Merlin Fakrney, survives. :^?^sms^K DIRECTORS AND OFFIC^RSI DIRECTORS T H O M AS L. C L I NE R I C H A RD S. M Y E RS President, Truck & Equipment Corp. President, Mac Lease, Inc. President, Dick Myers Automotive, Inc. J O HN N. C R I ST Partner, Hoover Penrod, PLC-Attomeys President, Old Dominion Realty, Inc. President, Colonial Appraisal Service, Inc. M I C H A EL W. P U GH J U L I AN D. F I S H ER Chairman of tke Board, Farmers & Merckants Bank and F &M Bank Corp. R O N A LD E. W A M P L ER Outside sales-Dick Myers Automotive, Inc. Partner, Dove Okio Farms, LLC. and W W TD Okio Farms, LLC Retired Farmer E L L EN R. F I T Z W A T ER Partner, Financial Manager, F & R Leasing, LLC D E AN W. W I T H E RS DANIEL J. HARSHMAN Manager, Town of Edinkurg President, Farmers & Merckants Bank and F &M Bank Corp. Julian D. Fisker Ckairman ot tke Board Tkomas L. Cline Vice Lkairman of tke Board Dean W. Witkers President and Chief Executive Officer Larry A. Caplinger Executive Vice President and Secretary of tke Board Neil W. Hayslett Executive Vice President and Ckiet Financial Otticer Ellen C. Branner Sr. Vice President/Human Resources Stepkanie E. Skillingkurg Sr. Vice President/Retail Services Ralpk C. Fokz, Jr. Sr. Vice President/Operations OFFICERS Curtis M. Arey Sylvia T Bowman Carolyn J. Dove Sally H. Erickson Henry E. Hawkins Jeffrey L. Lam Susan K. Olson Mary Sue Propket Kitty H. Purcell Rokert R. Reedy, Jr Edward A. Strunk Vice Presidents Dekorak A. Andes Carrie A. Comer Katky L. Grubbs Joskua P. Hale Mary Ellen Harrison Teresa D. Helmick Catky M. Lindamood Cyntkia A. Skerman Jacqueline M. Skifflett Darlene K. Sites Dekorak D. Vance Assistant Vice Presidents !^

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