More annual reports from Vodafone:
2023 ReportPeers and competitors of Vodafone:
Telephone & Data Systems Inc.Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
A new roadmap for Vodafone
About Vodafone
Operating in a rapidly changing industry
Key performance indicators
6 Chair’s message
7 Chief Executive’s statement
and strategic roadmap
8 Mega trends
10 Stakeholder engagement
13 Our people strategy
16 Our financial performance
Purpose, sustainability and
responsible business
– Digital Society
– Inclusion for All
– Planet
28 Our purpose
39 Contribution to Sustainable Development Goals
40 Responsible business
– Protecting data
– Protecting people
– Business integrity
50 Non-financial information
51 Risk management
– Long-term viability statement
– TCFD disclosure
Governance at a glance
62 Chair’s governance statement
64 Our Company purpose, values and culture
65 Our Board
68 Our governance structure
69 Our Executive Committee
70 Division of responsibilities
71 Board activities and principal decisions
73 Board effectiveness
74 Nominations and Governance Committee
77 Audit and Risk Committee
83 ESG Committee
85 Remuneration Committee
87 Remuneration Policy
93 Annual Report on Remuneration
107 US listing requirements
108 Directors’ report
110 Reporting on our financial performance
111 Directors’ statement of responsibility
113 Auditor’s report
123 Consolidated financial statements and notes
211 Company financial statements and notes
Other information
219 Non-GAAP measures
230 Shareholder information
236 History and development
236 Regulation
242 Form 20-F cross reference guide
245 Forward-looking statements
246 Definition of terms
Welcome to our 2023 Annual Report
We have adopted a digital-first approach to our reporting reflecting how we operate as a business.
Whilst the Annual Report continues to be a core part of our reporting suite, we use a simplified
format and include links to interactive online content, such as videos. We also provide summaries
at the start of each key section (denoted by an
in the contents to the left).
We continue to publish a separate report that summarises our progress towards meeting the
recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (‘TCFD’), as well as a
comprehensive addendum that includes data on Environmental, Social and Governance (‘ESG’) topics.
This year, we have also published a separate cyber security factsheet which provides detail on our
approach to managing cyber risk, as well as how we help our customers protect themselves.
ESG reporting
We also report against a number of voluntary reporting frameworks to help our stakeholders
understand our sustainable business performance. Disclosures prepared in accordance with the
Global Reporting Initiative (‘GRI’) and Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (‘SASB’) guidance
can be found in our ESG Addendum and on respectively.
Corporate website
FY23 TCFD report
Cyber security factsheet
A-Z of ESG disclosures
Investor Relations website
ESG Addendum
FY23 SASB disclosures
ESG ratings
Our Annual Report has been designed to aid navigation. We have cross-referenced relevant
material and included navigation icons that are ‘clickable’ when using the digital version
of the Annual Report. Online content can be accessed by clicking links on the digital version,
copying the website address into an internet browser, or scanning the QR code on a mobile device.
Read more
page reference
Click to see related
content online
Click or scan to watch related
video content online
Watch our video content
Our performance
Our digital investor briefings
FY23 strategy
Della Valle,
Chief Executive
FY23 financial
Della Valle,
Chief Executive
Vodafone Business
Digital Services &
Social Contract
Purpose pillars
Responsible business
Digital inclusion
Net zero
Data privacy
Cyber security
Human rights
Our governance
van Boxmeer,
Chair, on cyber security
David Nish,
Chair of the Audit
and Risk Committee
Amparo Moraleda,
Chair of the
ESG Committee
Valerie Gooding, Senior Independent
Director, Workforce Engagement Lead
and Chair of the Remuneration Committee
Deborah Kerr,
Non-Executive Director
Stephen Carter,
Non-Executive Director
Delphine Ernotte Cunci,
Non-Executive Director
Simon Segars,
Non-Executive Director
This document is the Group’s UK Annual Report and is not the Group’s Annual Report on Form 20-F that will be filed separately with the US SEC at a later date.
This report contains references to Vodafone’s website, and other supporting disclosures located thereon such as videos, our ESG Addendum, our TCFD report,
and our cyber security factsheet, amongst others. These references are for readers’ convenience only and information included on Vodafone’s website is not
incorporated in, and does not form part of, this Annual Report.
Strategic report
A new roadmap for Vodafone
About Vodafone
Operating in a rapidly changing industry
Key performance indicators
6 Chair’s message
7 Chief Executive’s statement
and strategic roadmap
8 Mega trends
10 Stakeholder engagement
13 Our people strategy
16 Our financial performance
Purpose, sustainability and
responsible business
28 Our purpose
– Digital Society
– Inclusion for All
– Planet
40 Responsible business
– Protecting data
– Protecting people
– Business integrity
50 Non-financial information
51 Risk management
– Long-term viability statement
– TCFD disclosure
39 Contribution to Sustainable Development Goals
Governance at a glance
62 Chair’s governance statement
64 Our Company purpose, values and culture
65 Our Board
68 Our governance structure
69 Our Executive Committee
70 Division of responsibilities
71 Board activities and principal decisions
73 Board effectiveness
74 Nominations and Governance Committee
77 Audit and Risk Committee
83 ESG Committee
85 Remuneration Committee
87 Remuneration Policy
93 Annual Report on Remuneration
107 US listing requirements
108 Directors’ report
110 Reporting on our financial performance
111 Directors’ statement of responsibility
113 Auditor’s report
123 Consolidated financial statements and notes
211 Company financial statements and notes
Other information
219 Non-GAAP measures
230 Shareholder information
236 History and development
236 Regulation
242 Form 20-F cross reference guide
245 Forward-looking statements
246 Definition of terms
Welcome to our 2023 Annual Report
We have adopted a digital-first approach to our reporting reflecting how we operate as a business.
Whilst the Annual Report continues to be a core part of our reporting suite, we use a simplified
format and include links to interactive online content, such as videos. We also provide summaries
at the start of each key section (denoted by an
in the contents to the left).
We continue to publish a separate report that summarises our progress towards meeting the
recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (‘TCFD’), as well as a
comprehensive addendum that includes data on Environmental, Social and Governance (‘ESG’) topics.
This year, we have also published a separate cyber security factsheet which provides detail on our
approach to managing cyber risk, as well as how we help our customers protect themselves.
ESG reporting
We also report against a number of voluntary reporting frameworks to help our stakeholders
understand our sustainable business performance. Disclosures prepared in accordance with the
Global Reporting Initiative (‘GRI’) and Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (‘SASB’) guidance
can be found in our ESG Addendum and on respectively.
Corporate website
FY23 TCFD report
Cyber security factsheet
A-Z of ESG disclosures
Investor Relations website
ESG Addendum
FY23 SASB disclosures
ESG ratings
Our Annual Report has been designed to aid navigation. We have cross-referenced relevant
material and included navigation icons that are ‘clickable’ when using the digital version
of the Annual Report. Online content can be accessed by clicking links on the digital version,
copying the website address into an internet browser, or scanning the QR code on a mobile device.
Read more
page reference
Click to see related
content online
Click or scan to watch related
video content online
Watch our video content
Our performance
Our digital investor briefings
FY23 strategy
FY23 financial
Vodafone Business
Digital Services &
Social Contract
Della Valle,
Della Valle,
Chief Executive
Chief Executive
Purpose pillars
Responsible business
Digital inclusion
Net zero
Data privacy
Cyber security
Human rights
Our governance
van Boxmeer,
David Nish,
Amparo Moraleda,
Valerie Gooding, Senior Independent
Chair of the Audit
Chair of the
Director, Workforce Engagement Lead
Chair, on cyber security
and Risk Committee
ESG Committee
and Chair of the Remuneration Committee
Deborah Kerr,
Stephen Carter,
Delphine Ernotte Cunci,
Simon Segars,
Non-Executive Director
Non-Executive Director
Non-Executive Director
Non-Executive Director
This document is the Group’s UK Annual Report and is not the Group’s Annual Report on Form 20-F that will be filed separately with the US SEC at a later date.
This report contains references to Vodafone’s website, and other supporting disclosures located thereon such as videos, our ESG Addendum, our TCFD report,
and our cyber security factsheet, amongst others. These references are for readers’ convenience only and information included on Vodafone’s website is not
incorporated in, and does not form part of, this Annual Report.
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
A new roadmap for Vodafone
Our transformation
FY23 performance
Our purpose is to connect for a better future.
We have a new roadmap for Vodafone based on
three priorities: customers, simplicity and growth.
We must make four key strategic shifts.
Our financial performance was in line
with expectations for the year but below
our potential.
Key strategic shifts
Organic service revenue growth1
Balanced focus on
Business + Consumer
Consumer back-to-basics
to win in the market
Leaner organisation
focused on value
Portfolio right-sized
for growth
FY23 2.2%
FY23 2.2%
Q3 FY22
Q4 FY22
Q1 FY23
Q2 FY23
Q3 FY23
Q4 FY23
Group excluding Turkey
– Group service revenue growth maintained throughout the year
– Growth slowdown due to commercial underperformance in Germany
Adjusted EBITDAaL
– Decline reflects weak Germany performance and higher energy costs
– Absolute adjusted EBITDAaL impacted by foreign exchange
Return on capital employed (‘ROCE’)3
telco in Europe
& Africa
leading platform
for Business
Read more
on page 7
Click or scan to watch our Group Chief Executive,
Margherita Della Valle, introduce a new roadmap
for Vodafone:
Pre-tax ROCE
– ROCE maintained above pre-pandemic levels despite
macroeconomic challenges
1. Organic growth. See page 219 for more information.
3. FY23 excludes Vantage Towers.
Includes benefit of a legal settlement in Italy of €105 million in FY22.
Full year dividend maintained at
9.0 eurocents per share
Read more about our financial performance in FY23
on pages 16 to 25
Click or scan to watch our Group Chief Executive,
Margherita Della Valle, summarise our financial
performance in FY23:
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
About Vodafone
Our business model
How we govern
We are a European and African telecommunications
company which transforms the way our customers
live and work through our innovation, technology,
connectivity, platforms, products and services.
Where we operate
We operate mobile and fixed networks in 17 countries and have stakes in
a further five countries through our joint ventures and associates. We also
partner with mobile networks in 46 countries outside our footprint. Our
portfolio of local markets is supported by corporate services and shared
operations, which deliver benefits through scale and standardisation.
How we are structured and what we sell1
Our business is comprised of infrastructure assets, shared operations,
growth platforms and retail and service operations. Our retail and service
operations are split across three broad business lines: Europe Consumer,
Vodafone Business and Africa Consumer.
Core connectivity products and services in fixed and mobile account for
the majority of our revenue. However, our portfolio also includes high
return growth areas that leverage and complement our core connectivity
business, such as digital services, the Internet of Things (‘IoT’) and financial
services. We market and sell through digital and physical channels.
We provide a range of market leading mobile
and fixed line connectivity services in our
European markets. Our converged plans
combine these offerings, providing simplicity
and better value for our customers. Other value
added services include our Consumer IoT
propositions, as well as security and
insurance products.
We serve private and public sector customers
of all sizes with a broad range of connectivity
services, supported by our dedicated global
network. We have unique scale and capabilities,
and are expanding our portfolio of products
and services into growth areas such as unified
communications, cloud & security, and IoT.
We provide a range of mobile services.
The demand for mobile data is growing rapidly
driven by the lack of fixed broadband access
and by increased smartphone penetration.
Together with Vodacom’s VodaPay super-app
and the M-Pesa payment platform, we are the
leading provider of financial services, as well as
business and merchant services in Africa.
service revenue
service revenue
service revenue
1. Performance across our markets is summarised on pages 16 to 22.
Including Turkey.
Our business model is underpinned by our strong
governance and risk management framework.
The Board held six scheduled meetings this year to discuss key strategic
matters, our purpose and culture, our people and stakeholder interests.
The Nominations and Governance Committee evaluates the
composition and performance of the Board and ensures an appropriate
balance of independence, skills, knowledge, experience and diversity.
The Audit and Risk Committee provides effective governance
over the appropriateness of financial reporting of the Group, including
the adequacy of related disclosures, the performance of the internal audit
function and the external auditor and oversight of the Group’s systems of
internal control, risk management framework and compliance activities.
The ESG Committee oversees our Environmental, Social and
Governance (‘ESG’) programme, including our purpose pillars,
sustainability and responsible business practices, and our contribution
to the societies we operate in under our social contract.
The Remuneration Committee advises the Board on policies for
executive remuneration and reward packages for individual Executive
Directors. The Committee also oversees general pay practices
across the Group.
pages 74 to 86
Click or scan to watch our Non-Executive Directors
speak about their roles in short video interviews:
Risk management
Risks are not static and as the environment changes, so do risks – some
diminish or increase, while new risks appear. We continuously review and
improve our risk processes in order to ensure that the Company has the
appropriate level of support in meeting its strategic objectives.
Our risk framework clearly defines roles and responsibilities, and sets
out a consistent end-to-end process for identifying and managing risks.
We have embedded the risk framework across the Group as this allows
us to take a holistic approach and to make meaningful comparisons.
Our approach is continuously enhanced, enabling more dynamic risk
detection, modelling of risk interconnectedness and the use of data,
all of which are improving our risk visibility and our responses.
Our Board oversees principal and emerging risks, which are reported
to the various management committees and the Board throughout the
year. Additionally, risk owners are invited to present in-depth reviews to
ensure that risks are managed within the defined tolerance levels.
pages 51 to 59
Click or scan to watch our privacy and
cyber experts explain how we protect
customer data and our networks:
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
About Vodafone
Operating in a rapidly changing industry
Our business model
How we govern
Mega trends
Our stakeholders
We are a European and African telecommunications
Our business model is underpinned by our strong
company which transforms the way our customers
governance and risk management framework.
The long-term trends that are shaping our industry
and driving new growth opportunities.
live and work through our innovation, technology,
connectivity, platforms, products and services.
Where we operate
We operate mobile and fixed networks in 17 countries and have stakes in
The Board held six scheduled meetings this year to discuss key strategic
a further five countries through our joint ventures and associates. We also
matters, our purpose and culture, our people and stakeholder interests.
partner with mobile networks in 46 countries outside our footprint. Our
portfolio of local markets is supported by corporate services and shared
operations, which deliver benefits through scale and standardisation.
The Nominations and Governance Committee evaluates the
composition and performance of the Board and ensures an appropriate
balance of independence, skills, knowledge, experience and diversity.
The Audit and Risk Committee provides effective governance
over the appropriateness of financial reporting of the Group, including
the adequacy of related disclosures, the performance of the internal audit
function and the external auditor and oversight of the Group’s systems of
internal control, risk management framework and compliance activities.
The ESG Committee oversees our Environmental, Social and
Governance (‘ESG’) programme, including our purpose pillars,
sustainability and responsible business practices, and our contribution
to the societies we operate in under our social contract.
The Remuneration Committee advises the Board on policies for
executive remuneration and reward packages for individual Executive
Directors. The Committee also oversees general pay practices
across the Group.
pages 74 to 86
Click or scan to watch our Non-Executive Directors
speak about their roles in short video interviews:
How we are structured and what we sell1
Our business is comprised of infrastructure assets, shared operations,
growth platforms and retail and service operations. Our retail and service
operations are split across three broad business lines: Europe Consumer,
Vodafone Business and Africa Consumer.
Core connectivity products and services in fixed and mobile account for
the majority of our revenue. However, our portfolio also includes high
return growth areas that leverage and complement our core connectivity
business, such as digital services, the Internet of Things (‘IoT’) and financial
services. We market and sell through digital and physical channels.
We provide a range of market leading mobile
and fixed line connectivity services in our
European markets. Our converged plans
combine these offerings, providing simplicity
Risk management
and better value for our customers. Other value
Risks are not static and as the environment changes, so do risks – some
added services include our Consumer IoT
propositions, as well as security and
insurance products.
diminish or increase, while new risks appear. We continuously review and
improve our risk processes in order to ensure that the Company has the
appropriate level of support in meeting its strategic objectives.
We serve private and public sector customers
of all sizes with a broad range of connectivity
services, supported by our dedicated global
network. We have unique scale and capabilities,
and are expanding our portfolio of products
and services into growth areas such as unified
communications, cloud & security, and IoT.
We provide a range of mobile services.
The demand for mobile data is growing rapidly
driven by the lack of fixed broadband access
and by increased smartphone penetration.
Together with Vodacom’s VodaPay super-app
and the M-Pesa payment platform, we are the
leading provider of financial services, as well as
business and merchant services in Africa.
Our risk framework clearly defines roles and responsibilities, and sets
out a consistent end-to-end process for identifying and managing risks.
We have embedded the risk framework across the Group as this allows
us to take a holistic approach and to make meaningful comparisons.
Our approach is continuously enhanced, enabling more dynamic risk
detection, modelling of risk interconnectedness and the use of data,
all of which are improving our risk visibility and our responses.
Our Board oversees principal and emerging risks, which are reported
to the various management committees and the Board throughout the
year. Additionally, risk owners are invited to present in-depth reviews to
ensure that risks are managed within the defined tolerance levels.
pages 51 to 59
Click or scan to watch our privacy and
cyber experts explain how we protect
customer data and our networks:
service revenue
service revenue
service revenue
Including Turkey.
1. Performance across our markets is summarised on pages 16 to 22.
Hybrid Working
Digital services
investor briefing
– Hybrid working is becoming a permanent
feature of the modern working environment.
– This requires continued investment in reliable,
high-speed connections for both business and
Connected devices
– Demand for connected devices, beyond
smartphones, is growing rapidly.
– The Internet of Things (‘IoT’) is expected to drive
huge operational efficiencies, deliver real-time
information, and can be employed in a broad
range of use cases.
Vodafone Business
investor briefing
Adoption of cloud technology
– Large technology companies have invested
heavily in advanced centralised data storage
and processing capabilities that consumers can
access remotely via cloud technology.
– The cloud is increasingly utilised by businesses
and consumers as a more efficient way of
sharing capacity and services.
Vodafone Business
investor briefing
Digital and green transformation for the
private and public sector
– The European Union has launched a series
of funding programmes under the banner
‘NextGenerationEU’, including a Recovery
and Resilience facility which will also
support the European Commission’s
digital transformation agenda.
– Companies are also increasingly looking to
digitalise their operations to become more
efficient and reduce their environmental impact.
Social contract
investor briefing
Digital payments and financial services
– The trend towards more digital forms of
payment is growing, with a broader range of
financial services now being delivered through
apps and online.
– In Africa, the growth in smartphone penetration
is allowing consumers access to digital financial
services for the first time.
Digital services
investor briefing
Read more
on pages 8 to 9
We are committed to maintaining good
communications and building positive relationships
with all of our stakeholders, as we see this as
essential to strengthening our sustainable business.
Our customers
mobile customers1
broadband customers1
TV customers1
Our people
employees and contractors
Our suppliers
revenue across
operating markets2
benefits of job creation
spend, and
capital additions
Our local communities and
non-governmental organisations (‘NGOs’)
network coverage
recovered within days
of earthquakes in Turkey
donated in contributions and
in-kind services in response
to the earthquakes in Turkey
and surrounding areas
Government and regulators
total direct contribution
markets in FY22
Our investors
interactions with
institutional investors
in FY23
total tax and economic
contribution in FY22
paid in dividends in FY23 and
interest paid in FY23
Includes VodafoneZiggo and Safaricom.
Including Vodafone Hungary and Vodafone Ghana which
were sold in January 2023 and February 2023 respectively.
pages 10 to 12
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
Financial and non-financial performance
Key Performance Indicators
Our progress
We measure our success by tracking key performance indicators that reflect
our strategic, operational and financial progress and performance.
Financial results summary
Group revenue
Group service revenue
Operating profit1
Adjusted EBITDAaL2
Profit for the financial year1
Basic earnings per share1
Adjusted basic earnings per share1,2
Cash inflow from operating activities
Adjusted free cash flow2
Borrowings less cash & cash equivalents
Net debt2
Total dividends per share
Operational key performance indicators
Europe mobile contract customers3
Europe broadband customers3
Europe Consumer converged customers3
Europe mobile contract customer churn
Africa mobile customers4
Africa data users4
Business service revenue growth2
Europe TV subscribers3
IoT SIM connections
Africa M-Pesa customers4
Africa M-Pesa transaction volume4
Digital channel sales mix5
End-to-end TOBi completion rate6
5G available in European cities3
Europe on-net gigabit capable connections3
Europe on-net NGN broadband penetration3
Pre-tax return on capital employed2, 7
Post-tax return on capital employed1, 2, 7
Europe markets where 3G switched off 3
€m (54,685)
€m (33,375)
1. FY22 and FY21 have been re-presented for the reclassification of Indus Towers Limited which
is no longer reported as held for sale. See page 151 for more information.
4. Africa including 100% of Safaricom, excluding Ghana.
5. Based on Germany, Italy, UK and Spain only.
6. Defined as percentage of total customer contacts resolved without human interaction through
2. This is a non-GAAP measure. See page 219 for more information.
Including 100% of VodafoneZiggo.
TOBi. Group excluding Egypt.
7. The FY23 ROCE excludes Vantage Towers. FY22 excluding Vantage Towers pre-tax ROCE
is 7.0% and post-tax ROCE is 5.0%.
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Financial and non-financial performance
Key Performance Indicators
Our progress
We measure our success by tracking key performance indicators that reflect
our strategic, operational and financial progress and performance.
Financial results summary
Group revenue
Group service revenue
Operating profit1
Adjusted EBITDAaL2
Profit for the financial year1
Basic earnings per share1
Adjusted basic earnings per share1,2
Cash inflow from operating activities
Adjusted free cash flow2
Borrowings less cash & cash equivalents
Net debt2
Total dividends per share
Operational key performance indicators
Europe mobile contract customers3
Europe broadband customers3
Europe Consumer converged customers3
Europe mobile contract customer churn
Africa mobile customers4
Africa data users4
Business service revenue growth2
Europe TV subscribers3
IoT SIM connections
Africa M-Pesa customers4
Africa M-Pesa transaction volume4
Digital channel sales mix5
End-to-end TOBi completion rate6
5G available in European cities3
Europe on-net gigabit capable connections3
Europe on-net NGN broadband penetration3
Pre-tax return on capital employed2, 7
Post-tax return on capital employed1, 2, 7
Europe markets where 3G switched off 3
€m (54,685)
€m (33,375)
4. Africa including 100% of Safaricom, excluding Ghana.
1. FY22 and FY21 have been re-presented for the reclassification of Indus Towers Limited which
5. Based on Germany, Italy, UK and Spain only.
is no longer reported as held for sale. See page 151 for more information.
6. Defined as percentage of total customer contacts resolved without human interaction through
2. This is a non-GAAP measure. See page 219 for more information.
TOBi. Group excluding Egypt.
Including 100% of VodafoneZiggo.
7. The FY23 ROCE excludes Vantage Towers. FY22 excluding Vantage Towers pre-tax ROCE
is 7.0% and post-tax ROCE is 5.0%.
Strategic report
Other information
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
Purpose, sustainability and responsible business
We want to enable a digital, inclusive and sustainable society. To underpin the delivery of our purpose,
we ensure that we operate in a responsible way. Acting lawfully and with integrity is critical to our
long-term success.
Digital Society
Cumulative V-Hub unique visitors
Registered farmers on agricultural platforms
Inclusion for All
4G population coverage (outdoor 1Mbps) – Europe1
4G population coverage (outdoor 1Mbps) – Africa2
4G population coverage (outdoor 1Mbps) – Group
Our people
Average number of employees and contractors3
Employee engagement index4
Employee turnover rate (voluntary)
Women on the Board
Women in management and senior leadership roles
Women as a percentage of employees
Energy use
Total electricity cost
Total energy use6
Mobile and fixed access network and technology centres energy use
Percentage of purchased electricity from renewable sources
Percentage of purchased electricity from renewable sources in Europe
Greenhouse gas emissions (‘GHGs’)
Total Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emissions (market-based method)6
Total Scope 3 GHG emissions6
Total customer emissions avoided due to our green digital solutions6
Total network waste (including hazardous waste)6
Network waste reused or recycled6
Responsible business
Code of Conduct
Completed ‘Doing What’s Right’ employee training
Number of ‘Speak Up’ reports
Health & safety
Number of lost-time incidents – employees and contractors
Lost-time incident rate per 1,000 employees and contractors
Responsible supply chain
Total spend
Number of direct suppliers
Number of site assessments conducted collectively by JAC7 initiative members
Tax and economic contribution
Total tax and economic contribution8
1. Changes to FY22 figures relate to alignment of the Europe segment to exclude Turkey.
2. Based on coverage in Africa, including Egypt. Ghana is included in 2021 and 2022 metrics.
3. Calculation considers employee pro-rated headcount.
4. The employee engagement index is based on a weighted average index of responses to three
questions: satisfaction working at Vodafone; experiencing positive emotions at work; and
recommending us as an employer.
5. Data calculated using local market actual or estimated data sources from invoices, purchasing
requisitions, direct data measurement and estimations. Carbon emissions calculated in line with
GHG Protocol standards. For full methodology see our ESG Addendum 2023.
m tonnes CO2e
m tonnes CO2e
m tonnes CO2e
metric tonnes
6. Comparative metrics have been restated in lie with our updated methodology. See our ESG
Addendum 2023 for more detail.
7. Joint Alliance for CSR.
Includes direct taxes, non-taxation based revenue mechanisms, such as payments for the
right to use spectrum, and indirect taxes collected on behalf of governments around the world,
excludes joint ventures and associates. The FY23 figure will be finalised during FY24. For more
information, refer to our Tax and Economic Contribution reports, available at:
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Chair’s message
Strategic report
Other information
A new roadmap for Vodafone
This year has been a challenging one for Vodafone
and for many of our customers, following the rise
in energy costs and broader inflation. We have taken
a number of steps to mitigate the impact of these
cost pressures.
However, as a Board, we recognise that the Company
has also underperformed, and that change is needed.
This will require a transformation of the Group,
so that Vodafone can realise its full potential.
Group Chief Executive succession
In December 2022, we announced that Nick Read would step down
as Group Chief Executive. The Board and I would like to thank Nick for
his commitment and significant contribution to Vodafone throughout his
career spanning more than two decades with the Company.
The Board has undertaken a rigorous internal and external search to find
the best possible candidate, and in April 2023 I was delighted to announce
the appointment of Margherita Della Valle as Group Chief Executive.
Margherita has a strong track record during her long career at Vodafone
in marketing, operational, commercial and financial positions. During her
time as interim Group Chief Executive, the Board and I have been impressed
with her pace and decisiveness to begin the necessary transformation
of the Company. Margherita has the full support of myself and the Board
for her plans for Vodafone to provide a better customer experience,
become a simpler business and accelerate growth – and deliver value
for our shareholders.
Board composition
As I wrote last year, my ambition for this year was to further enhance
the Board’s experience within the telecommunications and technology
sectors. I was therefore pleased to welcome four new Non-Executive
Directors to the Board this year: Stephen Carter, Delphine Ernotte Cunci,
Simon Segars and Christine Ramon. Their appointments bring extensive
experience and strong track records of value creation, which will be
of great support to the Group.
On 10 May 2023, the Board approved the creation of a Technology
Committee as a Committee of the Board. The Technology Committee,
once established in due course, will oversee the technology strategy
and how it supports the overall Company strategy. The creation of a
Technology Committee – run by the highly experienced team of Simon
Segars, Stephen Carter, Delphine Ernotte Cunci and Deborah Kerr
– will be a great additional benefit to the Board and to Vodafone. On the
same date, having completed either 9 years or almost 9 years, we also
announced that Valerie Gooding, Sir Crispin Davis and Dame Clara Furse
would not be seeking re-election at the 2023 Annual General Meeting
(‘AGM’). I would like to thank my colleagues for their outstanding service
to the Company and look forward to their continuing contribution
until the AGM. In light of these retirements and following a review of
committee membership, a number of Non-Executive Directors will take
on new roles, including David Nish, who will be appointed Senior
Independent Director.
On 11 May 2023, we announced that we had agreed a strategic
relationship with Emirates Telecommunications Group Company PJSC
(“e&”). This marks the next phase in a strategic relationship that began last
year, and I’m delighted we have strengthened our existing relationship
with e&, which will bring additional telecoms experience to our Board
in the future.
1. This is a non-GAAP measure. See page 219 for more information.
2. Proforma ratio after adjusting for foreign exchange and M&A.
FY23 financial performance
Our financial results for FY23 have been in line with expectations for the
year. Total revenue increased by 0.3% to €45.7 billion, with Group organic
service revenue growing by 2.2% this year. This was driven by continued
good growth in the UK, Other Europe and Africa, partially offset by
declines in Germany, Italy and Spain.
Adjusted EBITDAaL declined by 1.3%1 reflecting the impact of higher
energy costs and commercial underperformance in Germany. These
factors more than offset the benefits of service revenue growth and a
further €0.2 billion of savings from our ongoing European cost efficiency
programme. Our reported financials were also impacted by adverse
currency movements during the year. Overall Group returns were broadly
maintained, with a return on capital employed (‘ROCE’) of 6.8% on a
pre-tax basis (excluding Vantage Towers)1. Group operating profit
increased by 146% to €14.3 billion, largely reflecting a gain on disposal
from Vantage Towers, and as a result basic earnings per share increased
to 42.77 eurocents.
Following the successful disposal of Vodafone Hungary and partial sale
of Vantage Towers, our balance sheet position has also improved, with
Group leverage now at 2.5x.2 The Board has declared a total dividend
per share of 9.0 eurocents, implying a final dividend per share of 4.5
eurocents, which will be paid on 4 August 2023 following shareholder
approval at our AGM.
Taking a leadership role in shaping the future
of digital connectivity
Over the last few years, we have seen significant shifts in society and the
direct role telecoms plays. Digital connectivity is an important priority for
governments as it increasingly impacts the relative competitiveness and
resilience of countries.
Vodafone is firmly committed to supporting Europe and Africa in realising
their digital ambitions. However, in order to do so, investment in digital
infrastructure is critical. While the European Union has set out a clear
vision and Digital Decade targets for a more sustainable and prosperous
future, there is currently an estimated €300 billion gap between their
ambitions and Europe’s current investment plans.
This investment gap is primarily due to the unintended consequences of
past policy and regulatory decisions, which have impacted returns for the
telecommunications industry. Returns have remained below the cost of
capital for over a decade, restricting the appetite for further investment.
Whilst we welcome a number of positive reforms towards pro-investment
policy, the current pace and magnitude of change is not enough. Further
pro-investment policy reform is required to drive growth and scale in the
sector. If delivered, it would enable operators to earn a sustainable return
and support the much-needed investment required to safeguard Europe
and Africa’s global competitiveness.
Going forward
On behalf of the Board, I would like to thank all of our colleagues across
the Group who have continued to work tirelessly to support our
customers – keeping them reliably connected.
As we enter FY24, the macroeconomic outlook still remains uncertain.
I am confident that under Margherita’s leadership we will improve the
Company’s performance and drive value for all of our stakeholders.
Jean-François van Boxmeer
Strategic report
Other information
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Chair’s message
A new roadmap for Vodafone
This year has been a challenging one for Vodafone
and for many of our customers, following the rise
in energy costs and broader inflation. We have taken
a number of steps to mitigate the impact of these
cost pressures.
However, as a Board, we recognise that the Company
has also underperformed, and that change is needed.
This will require a transformation of the Group,
so that Vodafone can realise its full potential.
Group Chief Executive succession
In December 2022, we announced that Nick Read would step down
as Group Chief Executive. The Board and I would like to thank Nick for
his commitment and significant contribution to Vodafone throughout his
career spanning more than two decades with the Company.
The Board has undertaken a rigorous internal and external search to find
the best possible candidate, and in April 2023 I was delighted to announce
the appointment of Margherita Della Valle as Group Chief Executive.
Margherita has a strong track record during her long career at Vodafone
in marketing, operational, commercial and financial positions. During her
time as interim Group Chief Executive, the Board and I have been impressed
with her pace and decisiveness to begin the necessary transformation
of the Company. Margherita has the full support of myself and the Board
for her plans for Vodafone to provide a better customer experience,
become a simpler business and accelerate growth – and deliver value
for our shareholders.
Board composition
As I wrote last year, my ambition for this year was to further enhance
the Board’s experience within the telecommunications and technology
sectors. I was therefore pleased to welcome four new Non-Executive
Directors to the Board this year: Stephen Carter, Delphine Ernotte Cunci,
Simon Segars and Christine Ramon. Their appointments bring extensive
experience and strong track records of value creation, which will be
of great support to the Group.
On 10 May 2023, the Board approved the creation of a Technology
Committee as a Committee of the Board. The Technology Committee,
once established in due course, will oversee the technology strategy
and how it supports the overall Company strategy. The creation of a
Technology Committee – run by the highly experienced team of Simon
Segars, Stephen Carter, Delphine Ernotte Cunci and Deborah Kerr
– will be a great additional benefit to the Board and to Vodafone. On the
same date, having completed either 9 years or almost 9 years, we also
announced that Valerie Gooding, Sir Crispin Davis and Dame Clara Furse
would not be seeking re-election at the 2023 Annual General Meeting
(‘AGM’). I would like to thank my colleagues for their outstanding service
to the Company and look forward to their continuing contribution
until the AGM. In light of these retirements and following a review of
committee membership, a number of Non-Executive Directors will take
on new roles, including David Nish, who will be appointed Senior
Independent Director.
On 11 May 2023, we announced that we had agreed a strategic
relationship with Emirates Telecommunications Group Company PJSC
(“e&”). This marks the next phase in a strategic relationship that began last
year, and I’m delighted we have strengthened our existing relationship
with e&, which will bring additional telecoms experience to our Board
in the future.
1. This is a non-GAAP measure. See page 219 for more information.
2. Proforma ratio after adjusting for foreign exchange and M&A.
FY23 financial performance
Our financial results for FY23 have been in line with expectations for the
year. Total revenue increased by 0.3% to €45.7 billion, with Group organic
service revenue growing by 2.2% this year. This was driven by continued
good growth in the UK, Other Europe and Africa, partially offset by
declines in Germany, Italy and Spain.
Adjusted EBITDAaL declined by 1.3%1 reflecting the impact of higher
energy costs and commercial underperformance in Germany. These
factors more than offset the benefits of service revenue growth and a
further €0.2 billion of savings from our ongoing European cost efficiency
programme. Our reported financials were also impacted by adverse
currency movements during the year. Overall Group returns were broadly
maintained, with a return on capital employed (‘ROCE’) of 6.8% on a
pre-tax basis (excluding Vantage Towers)1. Group operating profit
increased by 146% to €14.3 billion, largely reflecting a gain on disposal
from Vantage Towers, and as a result basic earnings per share increased
to 42.77 eurocents.
Following the successful disposal of Vodafone Hungary and partial sale
of Vantage Towers, our balance sheet position has also improved, with
Group leverage now at 2.5x.2 The Board has declared a total dividend
per share of 9.0 eurocents, implying a final dividend per share of 4.5
eurocents, which will be paid on 4 August 2023 following shareholder
approval at our AGM.
Taking a leadership role in shaping the future
of digital connectivity
Over the last few years, we have seen significant shifts in society and the
direct role telecoms plays. Digital connectivity is an important priority for
governments as it increasingly impacts the relative competitiveness and
resilience of countries.
Vodafone is firmly committed to supporting Europe and Africa in realising
their digital ambitions. However, in order to do so, investment in digital
infrastructure is critical. While the European Union has set out a clear
vision and Digital Decade targets for a more sustainable and prosperous
future, there is currently an estimated €300 billion gap between their
ambitions and Europe’s current investment plans.
This investment gap is primarily due to the unintended consequences of
past policy and regulatory decisions, which have impacted returns for the
telecommunications industry. Returns have remained below the cost of
capital for over a decade, restricting the appetite for further investment.
Whilst we welcome a number of positive reforms towards pro-investment
policy, the current pace and magnitude of change is not enough. Further
pro-investment policy reform is required to drive growth and scale in the
sector. If delivered, it would enable operators to earn a sustainable return
and support the much-needed investment required to safeguard Europe
and Africa’s global competitiveness.
Going forward
On behalf of the Board, I would like to thank all of our colleagues across
the Group who have continued to work tirelessly to support our
customers – keeping them reliably connected.
As we enter FY24, the macroeconomic outlook still remains uncertain.
I am confident that under Margherita’s leadership we will improve the
Company’s performance and drive value for all of our stakeholders.
Jean-François van Boxmeer
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
Chief Executive’s statement and strategic roadmap
Delivery through Customers, Simplicity & Growth
“Today I am announcing my plans for Vodafone.
Our performance has not been good enough.
To consistently deliver, Vodafone must change.
My priorities are customers, simplicity and growth.
We will simplify our organisation, cutting out
complexity to regain our competitiveness. We will
reallocate resources to deliver the quality service
our customers expect and drive further growth from
the unique position of Vodafone Business.”
Our purpose is to connect for a better future.
We have a new roadmap for Vodafone based on
three priorities: customers, simplicity and growth.
We must make four key strategic shifts.
Key strategic shifts
Our transformation
Margherita Della Valle, Group Chief Executive
We set out below a new roadmap for Vodafone, following a strategic
review conducted over the last five months.
1. Vodafone must change
The circumstances of our industry and the position of Vodafone within it,
require us to change.
– The European telecommunications sector has amongst the lowest
return on capital employed (‘ROCE’) of any sector in Europe, alongside
the highest capital investment demands. This has resulted in ROCE
being below the weighted average cost of capital (‘WACC’) for over
a decade, impacting total shareholder returns.
– More importantly, the comparative performance of Vodafone has
worsened over time, which is connected to our customer experience.
– Our market position and performance varies by geography and segment.
Where we have the right combination of strong local execution and a
rational market structure, we can grow and drive returns. There are also
material differences between our Consumer and Business segments,
with Business growing in nearly all of our European markets
– Our turnaround must be built from our strengths, but we need to
overcome some clear challenges. We are more complex than we need
to be, which limits our local commercial agility.
2. Strategic shifts
Our target is to be a best-in-class telco in Europe and Africa, and become
Europe’s leading platform for Business. To achieve this, we must change
in four essential areas.
– We will rebalance our organisation to maximise the potential of
Vodafone Business, which continues to accelerate growth, and
we believe has a unique set of capabilities and has a strong position
in a large and growing market as organisations digitalise.
– In order to win in our consumer markets, we will refocus on the basics
and deliver the simple & predictable experience our customers expect.
– We will be a leaner and simpler organisation, to increase our
commercial agility and free up resources.
We will focus our resources on a portfolio of products and geographies
that is right-sized for growth and returns over time.
3. Our action plan
To execute the change in these four areas, we have an action plan already
underway, focused around three priorities: Customers, Simplicity and
Growth. Early examples of this action plan include:
– Customers: Significant investment reallocated in FY24 towards
customer experience and brand;
– Simplicity: 11,000 role reductions planned over three years, with both
headquarters and local markets simplification; and
– Growth: Germany turnaround plan, continued pricing action and
strategic review in Spain.
We will change the level of ambition, speed and decisiveness of execution.
We will have empowered markets focused on customers, scale up
Vodafone Business and take out complexity to simplify how we operate.
Balanced focus on
Business + Consumer
Consumer back-to-basics
to win in the market
Leaner organisation
focused on value
Portfolio right-sized
for growth
telco in Europe
& Africa
leading platform
for Business
Click or scan to watch a more detailed outline of the new
roadmap for the transformation of Vodafone:
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Mega trends
Strategic report
Other information
Long-term trends shaping our industry
Digital services and next-generation connectivity
are increasingly central to everything we do – and
will be the driving forces that redefine relationships
between sectors, employers, employees, customers,
and friends and family.
In environments that are more localised, such as factories and ports,
network operators are building and running Mobile Private Networks
(‘MPNs’). MPNs offer corporate customers unparalleled security and
bespoke network control. As an example, MPNs enable autonomous
factories to connect to thousands of robots, enabling them to work
in a synchronised way. Once a product leaves the factory it can also
be tracked seamlessly through global supply chain management
applications, whether it is delivered through the post, in a vehicle or
even via drones.
In areas where the same solution can be deployed across multiple
sectors, network operators are moving beyond connectivity to
provide complex end-to-end hardware and software solutions such
as surveillance, smart metering and remote monitoring; it is often more
efficient for these solutions to be created in-house. Scaled operators
can leverage their unique position to co-create or partner with nimble
start-ups at attractive economics.
As the number of IoT devices increases, physical assets are also
communicating with each other in real-time and new digital markets
are being established. This is leading to the Economy of Things, where
connected devices securely trade with each other on a user’s behalf,
without human intervention. This presents businesses across multiple
industries with exciting opportunities to transform goods into tradeable
digital assets which can compete in new disruptive online markets.
Click or scan to watch our digital services and
experiences investor briefing:
Adoption of cloud technology
Over the past decade, large technology companies have invested heavily
in advanced centralised data storage and processing capabilities that
organisations and consumers can access remotely through connectivity
services (commonly termed ‘cloud’ technology). As a result, organisations
and consumers are increasingly moving away from using their own
expensive hardware and device-specific software to using more efficient
shared hardware capacity or services through the cloud. This is popular
as it allows upfront capital investment savings, the ability to efficiently
scale resources to meet demand, systems that can be easily updated and
increased resilience. This is driving demand for fast, reliable and secure
connectivity with lower latency.
Many small businesses increasingly understand the benefits of cloud
technology; however, they lack the technical expertise or direct
relationships with large enterprise and cloud specialists. This presents an
opportunity for network operators, particularly those with strong existing
relationships, as they can effectively help customers navigate their move
to the cloud at scale.
There are five ‘mega trends’ that we believe will
continue to shape our industry in the years ahead:
hybrid working, connected devices, adoption
of cloud technology, the digital and green
transformation of public and private sectors, and
digital payments.
Hybrid working
Over the past few years we have seen a dramatic shift in working
patterns, which are now being maintained following the end of the
COVID-19 pandemic. Companies have now moved from largely
office-based environments to more ‘hybrid’ working models, thereby
providing their employees with much greater flexibility as to how and
where they work, whilst still ensuring high or even increased levels
of productivity. This change in working patterns will continue to drive
increased demand for fast and reliable fixed and mobile networks, as well
as a range of supporting services such as cloud-based productivity and
communication platforms.
The majority of large multinationals already have remote working
capabilities; however they are now moving to more efficient technologies.
Smaller companies, ranging from corporates to small and medium-sized
offices, rely on network operators such as Vodafone to provide secure
remote working solutions. These solutions include virtual private
networks, unified communication services and the migration of enterprise
applications to the cloud. This is vital for business continuity, and it
provides network operators with an opportunity to further deepen their
customer relationships by offering a broad range of services.
Connected devices
The world is becoming ever more connected, and it is not just driven
by smartphones. A wide range of new devices, across all sectors and
applications, are increasingly being connected to the internet. These
connected devices, known as the Internet of Things (‘IoT’), are expected
to increase by around 55% to over 23 billion devices by 20251. This is
driven by continued reductions in the cost of computing components,
advances in cross-device operability and software, and the near-ubiquity
of networks.
For consumers, there is a growing range of applications such as
smartwatches, tracking devices for pets, bags and bicycles, and connected
vehicles – which can lower insurance premiums and enable a range
of advanced in-vehicle solutions.
For businesses, the demand for IoT and potential use cases is even more
evident. These include solutions such as automated monitoring of energy
usage across national grids, tracking consumption in smart buildings and
detecting traffic and congestion in cities.
1. GSMA Mobile Eonomy Report 2022.
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Mega trends
Long-term trends shaping our industry
In environments that are more localised, such as factories and ports,
network operators are building and running Mobile Private Networks
(‘MPNs’). MPNs offer corporate customers unparalleled security and
bespoke network control. As an example, MPNs enable autonomous
factories to connect to thousands of robots, enabling them to work
in a synchronised way. Once a product leaves the factory it can also
be tracked seamlessly through global supply chain management
applications, whether it is delivered through the post, in a vehicle or
even via drones.
In areas where the same solution can be deployed across multiple
sectors, network operators are moving beyond connectivity to
provide complex end-to-end hardware and software solutions such
as surveillance, smart metering and remote monitoring; it is often more
efficient for these solutions to be created in-house. Scaled operators
can leverage their unique position to co-create or partner with nimble
start-ups at attractive economics.
As the number of IoT devices increases, physical assets are also
communicating with each other in real-time and new digital markets
are being established. This is leading to the Economy of Things, where
connected devices securely trade with each other on a user’s behalf,
without human intervention. This presents businesses across multiple
industries with exciting opportunities to transform goods into tradeable
digital assets which can compete in new disruptive online markets.
Click or scan to watch our digital services and
experiences investor briefing:
Adoption of cloud technology
Over the past decade, large technology companies have invested heavily
in advanced centralised data storage and processing capabilities that
organisations and consumers can access remotely through connectivity
services (commonly termed ‘cloud’ technology). As a result, organisations
and consumers are increasingly moving away from using their own
expensive hardware and device-specific software to using more efficient
shared hardware capacity or services through the cloud. This is popular
as it allows upfront capital investment savings, the ability to efficiently
scale resources to meet demand, systems that can be easily updated and
increased resilience. This is driving demand for fast, reliable and secure
connectivity with lower latency.
Many small businesses increasingly understand the benefits of cloud
technology; however, they lack the technical expertise or direct
relationships with large enterprise and cloud specialists. This presents an
opportunity for network operators, particularly those with strong existing
relationships, as they can effectively help customers navigate their move
to the cloud at scale.
Digital services and next-generation connectivity
are increasingly central to everything we do – and
will be the driving forces that redefine relationships
between sectors, employers, employees, customers,
and friends and family.
There are five ‘mega trends’ that we believe will
continue to shape our industry in the years ahead:
hybrid working, connected devices, adoption
of cloud technology, the digital and green
transformation of public and private sectors, and
digital payments.
Hybrid working
Over the past few years we have seen a dramatic shift in working
patterns, which are now being maintained following the end of the
COVID-19 pandemic. Companies have now moved from largely
office-based environments to more ‘hybrid’ working models, thereby
providing their employees with much greater flexibility as to how and
where they work, whilst still ensuring high or even increased levels
of productivity. This change in working patterns will continue to drive
increased demand for fast and reliable fixed and mobile networks, as well
as a range of supporting services such as cloud-based productivity and
communication platforms.
The majority of large multinationals already have remote working
capabilities; however they are now moving to more efficient technologies.
Smaller companies, ranging from corporates to small and medium-sized
offices, rely on network operators such as Vodafone to provide secure
remote working solutions. These solutions include virtual private
networks, unified communication services and the migration of enterprise
applications to the cloud. This is vital for business continuity, and it
provides network operators with an opportunity to further deepen their
customer relationships by offering a broad range of services.
Connected devices
The world is becoming ever more connected, and it is not just driven
by smartphones. A wide range of new devices, across all sectors and
applications, are increasingly being connected to the internet. These
connected devices, known as the Internet of Things (‘IoT’), are expected
to increase by around 55% to over 23 billion devices by 20251. This is
driven by continued reductions in the cost of computing components,
advances in cross-device operability and software, and the near-ubiquity
of networks.
For consumers, there is a growing range of applications such as
smartwatches, tracking devices for pets, bags and bicycles, and connected
vehicles – which can lower insurance premiums and enable a range
of advanced in-vehicle solutions.
For businesses, the demand for IoT and potential use cases is even more
evident. These include solutions such as automated monitoring of energy
usage across national grids, tracking consumption in smart buildings and
detecting traffic and congestion in cities.
Strategic report
Other information
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
Larger corporates, which may already use the cloud today, are
progressively moving away from complex systems based on their own
servers or single cloud solutions, to multi-cloud offers sold by network
operators and their partners. This approach reduces supplier risk and
increases corporate agility and resilience. Large corporates continue to
drive higher demand for robust, secure and efficient connectivity services
as they transition from their own legacy hardware and services. Cloud
providers also recognise the criticality of telecommunications networks.
Many cloud providers are partnering with the largest network operators,
sometimes through revenue sharing agreements, to develop edge
computing solutions which integrate data centres at the edge of
telecommunication networks to deliver customers reduced latency.
The opportunity is significant as the total addressable market in
business-to-business cloud & security is expected to reach €82 billion
by 2025 compared to €65 billion today.
Consumers use cloud solutions for a variety of reasons, including
digital storage, online media consumption or interacting through the
metaverse. Consumer hardware can also in some cases be replaced
by cloud-first solutions. For example, new cloud-based gaming services
allow consumers to stream complex, bandwidth-heavy computer
games directly to their phones or tablets, without the need for expensive
dedicated hardware. Fast and reliable connectivity will act as a catalyst
for further innovation and consumer applications, many of which do
not currently exist today.
Read more about how Vodafone’s leading gigabit connectivity
infrastructure supports the digital society on pages 29 to 30
Click or scan to learn more about our IoT leadership and
evolution in our Vodafone Business investor briefing:
Digital and green transformation of the
public and private sectors
As a part of the fiscal response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the European
Union has launched a series of funding programmes with €723.8 billion
available under the banner ‘NextGenerationEU’. This includes the
Recovery and Resilience facility, which combines €385.5 billion of loans
and €338 billion of grants available to European Union Member States.
Of these grants, approximately 70% are being allocated to European
Union Member States in which Vodafone has an operating presence.
The range of funding presents a direct and indirect opportunity given
that at least 20% of the total funding is planned to support the European
Commission’s digital transformation agenda.
The UK and many of our African markets have similar stimulus measures
in place. These support measures will help connect schools, hospitals
and businesses to gigabit networks and provide hardware, such as tablets,
to millions of school children.
Similarly, the European Union has committed to be carbon-neutral
by 2050. Mobile network operators across Europe will be able to benefit
from these funds as they seek to limit their impact on the climate, and
help their customers from across the private and public sectors reduce
their own energy use and carbon emissions.
Small and medium-sized enterprises (‘SMEs’) in Europe can often lag
behind in terms of digital adoption. However, under various government-
led support mechanisms, SMEs will be eligible for vouchers, grants
and loans to transition to eCommerce, upskill employees, and move
to cloud-based solutions whilst ensuring they are secure as they do so.
SMEs will look to trusted and experienced network operators which can
offer a full suite of solutions, whilst also help them navigate technical and
regulatory processes. Finally, to ensure the benefits of these projects are
spread equitably, funding is also being allocated towards rural inclusion
to subsidise the building of network infrastructure where it is currently
uneconomical for operators to do so.
Read more about our purpose to enable an inclusive
and sustainable digital society on pages 35 to 38
Digital payments
Businesses in Europe continue to expand and migrate sales channels
from physical premises to online channels such as websites and
mobile applications. As a result, businesses increasingly transact
through mobile-enabled payment services which remove the
need for legacy fixed sales terminals. Consequently, businesses
demand reliable and secure mobile connectivity. Consumers are also
increasingly transitioning away from using cash to digital payment
methods conducted directly via mobile phones or smartwatches,
further increasing the importance of mobile networks.
In Africa, digital payments are primarily conducted via mobile phones
through payment networks owned and operated by network operators,
and the annual value of mobile money transactions has reached a key
milestone in 2021 with one trillion transactions globally1. Consumers
are also moving beyond peer-to-peer transactions as rising smartphone
penetration drives the adoption of mobile payment applications. Network
operators and a range of FinTech startups are using these applications to
sell additional financial services focused products, ranging from advances
on mobile airtime and device insurance to more complex offerings
such as life insurance, loans and e-commerce marketplaces. This plays
a critical role in improving financial inclusion for millions of people across
Africa where the traditional banking sector has not been able to reach.
Businesses are also increasingly reliant on operator-owned payment
infrastructure for consumer-to-business payments and for large
business-to-business transfers. These payment networks drive scale
benefits for the largest operators by allowing customers to save on
transaction fees whilst also driving both business and consumer
customers to seek reliable and secure networks.
Click or scan to watch our digital services
and experiences investor briefing:
1. GSMA Mobile Eonomy Report 2022.
1. GSMA State of the Industry Report on Mobile Money 2022
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Stakeholder engagement
Strategic report
Other information
Engaging regularly with our stakeholders
is fundamental to the way we do business
Regular engagement ensures we operate in a
balanced and responsible way, in both the short
and longer term.
Vodafone is required to provide information on how the Directors have
performed their duty under section 172 of the Companies Act 2006
to promote the success of Vodafone, and these matters are covered
throughout this Annual Report and summarised in the table below.
This includes how those matters and the interests of Vodafone’s key
stakeholders have been taken into account by the Directors.
We have also summarised our interactions with key stakeholders during
the year in this section. The engagement mechanisms directly involving
the Directors are indicated below with a
We are committed to maintaining good communications and building
positive relationships with all of our stakeholders, as we see this as
essential to strengthening our sustainable business.
Section 172 factor
The likely consequences of any
decision in the long term
Key performance indicators
Business model
Stakeholder engagement
Our purpose
Responsible business
Risk management
The interests of the Company’s employees
Stakeholder engagement
Our people strategy
Key performance indicators
Our purpose
Responsible business
Our Company purpose, values, and culture
Remuneration Committee, Remuneration Policy
and Annual Report on Remuneration
Business model
Stakeholder engagement
Chief Executive’s statement and strategic roadmap
Our purpose
Responsible business
Risk management
Board activities and principal decisions
Supplier financing arrangements
Stakeholder engagement
Our purpose
TCFD disclosure
Responsible business
Contribution to Sustainable Development Goals
ESG Committee
Stakeholder engagement
Responsible business
Stakeholder engagement
Shareholder information
The need to foster the Company’s
business relationships with suppliers,
customers and others
The impact of the Company’s
operations on the community
and the environment
The desirability of the Company
maintaining a reputation for high
standards of business conduct
The need to act fairly as between
members of the Company
Pages 4 to 5
Page 2
Pages 10 to 12
Pages 28 to 39
Pages 40 to 49
Pages 51 to 59
Pages 60 to 109
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Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Stakeholder engagement
Strategic report
Other information
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
Engaging regularly with our stakeholders
is fundamental to the way we do business
Regular engagement ensures we operate in a
balanced and responsible way, in both the short
and longer term.
We are committed to maintaining good communications and building
positive relationships with all of our stakeholders, as we see this as
essential to strengthening our sustainable business.
Vodafone is required to provide information on how the Directors have
performed their duty under section 172 of the Companies Act 2006
to promote the success of Vodafone, and these matters are covered
throughout this Annual Report and summarised in the table below.
This includes how those matters and the interests of Vodafone’s key
stakeholders have been taken into account by the Directors.
We have also summarised our interactions with key stakeholders during
the year in this section. The engagement mechanisms directly involving
the Directors are indicated below with a
Section 172 factor
The likely consequences of any
decision in the long term
Key performance indicators
Business model
Stakeholder engagement
Our purpose
Responsible business
Risk management
Our people strategy
Key performance indicators
Our purpose
Responsible business
The interests of the Company’s employees
Stakeholder engagement
Our Company purpose, values, and culture
Remuneration Committee, Remuneration Policy
and Annual Report on Remuneration
The need to foster the Company’s
business relationships with suppliers,
customers and others
Business model
Stakeholder engagement
Chief Executive’s statement and strategic roadmap
Our purpose
Responsible business
Risk management
Board activities and principal decisions
Supplier financing arrangements
Stakeholder engagement
Our purpose
TCFD disclosure
Responsible business
ESG Committee
Stakeholder engagement
Responsible business
Stakeholder engagement
Shareholder information
Contribution to Sustainable Development Goals
The impact of the Company’s
operations on the community
and the environment
The desirability of the Company
maintaining a reputation for high
standards of business conduct
The need to act fairly as between
members of the Company
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Our customers
We are focused on deepening our engagement with our customers
to develop long-term valuable and sustainable relationships. We have
hundreds of millions of customers across Europe and Africa, ranging from
individual consumers to large multinational corporates.
How did we engage with them?
– Digital channels (MyVodafone app, TOBi chatbots, social media interaction
and the Vodafone website), and call centres and branded retail stores
What were the key topics raised?
– Better value offerings and converged solutions for customers
– Fast and reliable data networks and wider coverage
– Making it simple and quick to deal with us, with prompt feedback and
resolution of service-related issues
– Managing the challenge of data-usage transparency
How did we respond?
– Improved efficiency and functionality of MyVodafone app
– Expanded our 4G and 5G coverage
– Stronger focus on Customer Experience (‘CX’) with new automated
satisfaction tracking tools, setting up CX boards in all markets and
increasing investments to reduce customer detraction
– Continued to leverage our digital channels to support easy access for
all of our customers
– Enabled free international calling and roaming for our customers
following the devastating earthquakes in Turkey and surrounding areas
– Supported financially vulnerable customers in the cost of living crisis
– Drove inclusion and affordability for smartphones and technology
hardware by introducing trade-in & Flex propositions in nine markets
– Entered an exclusive three-year partnership with WWF to collect one
million phones for the planet to support the circular economy
Our people
Our people are critical to the successful delivery of our strategy. It is
essential that they are engaged and embrace our purpose and values.
Throughout the year we focused on a number of areas to ensure that
everyone is highly motivated, and we remained focused on wellbeing.
How did we engage with them?
– Regular meetings with managers
European Employee Consultative Committee
– Inaugural Vodacom Group Employee Engagement Forum
National Consultative Committee (South Africa)
Executive Committee discussions
Internal website and live webinars, newsletters and other
digital communications
Employee Speak Up channel
– Global employee surveys, including onboarding and exit surveys
What were the key topics raised?
– Enhancing performance management and career development
– A balanced hybrid working approach
– Global and local market communication channels
– Global Pulse and Spirit Beat survey actions
– Increasing engagement amongst new hires
– Importance of manager/employee relationships
– Impacts of the macroeconomic environment
– Supporting colleagues affected by the earthquakes in Turkey
How did we respond?
– Launched a new performance management system
– Embedded our integrated skills and learning platform
– Strengthened our global senior leadership programme
– Reviewed our global hybrid ways of working policy
– Refreshed manager learning and support guides
– Redesigned our global onboarding processes and new starter support
– Regular business and trading updates communicated to staff
– Provided support for colleagues and their relatives affected by the
earthquakes in Turkey; as well as free psychological and wellbeing
guidance and matched employee donations
Our suppliers
Our business is helped by 9,000 suppliers who partner with us.
These range from start-ups and small businesses to large multinational
companies. Our suppliers provide us with the products and services
we need to deliver our strategy and connect our customers.
How did we engage with them?
– Supplier audits and assessments
– Safety forums, events, conferences and site visits
– Purpose criteria in tenders relating to planet, diversity and safety
What were the key topics raised?
– Improving health and safety standards
– Driving towards net zero emissions in supply chains
– Supplier and product innovation
How did we respond?
– Held quarterly safety forums
– Recognised suppliers through awards for health and safety, diversity
and inclusion and planet efforts at our Arch Summit
– Collaborated with industry peers and suppliers through the Joint
Alliance for CSR (‘JAC’), formerly known as the Joint Audit Cooperation
– Launched environmentally-linked supply chain finance programme
Our local communities and non-governmental
organisations (‘NGOs’)
We believe that the long-term success of our business is closely tied to the
success of the communities in which we operate. We interact with local
communities and NGOs, seeking to be a force for good wherever we operate.
How did we engage with them?
– Through our products and services
– Community and NGO interaction on education, health, agriculture and
inclusive finance projects, and on our humanitarian response to global
issues including the war in Ukraine
– Participation in multi-stakeholder working groups on policy issues
at the national and international level
What were the key topics raised?
– Increasing access to connectivity and digital services, by closing
the digital divide, closing the rural gap and connecting SMEs
– Human rights topics including digital child rights
– Environmental topics including net zero and the circular economy
– Delivery of global and national development goals including
UN Sustainable Development Goals
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
Stakeholder engagement (continued)
Our investors
Our investors include individual and institutional shareholders as well as
debt investors. We maintain an active dialogue with our investors through
our extensive investor relations programme.
How did we engage with them?
Personal meetings, roadshows, conferences
Annual & interim reports and presentations
Investor relations website used as primary digital communications
tool and is available to all shareholders (institutional and retail),
including over 12 hours of dedicated video content covering investor
events and interviews with Non-Executive Directors
– Stock Exchange News Service (‘SENS’) announcements
– For FY24, further resources will be available to individual shareholders, such
as online presentations hosted by the UK Individual Shareholders Society
Annual General Meeting (‘AGM’)
Investor perception study and regular feedback survey
– Our Registrar, Equiniti, operates a portfolio service which provides
shareholders with the ability to manage their holdings
What were the key topics raised?
– Strategy to deliver sustained financial growth and operational priorities
– Allocation of capital, deleveraging strategy and dividend policy
– Portfolio optimisation
– Corporate governance practices
– ESG strategy, targets and reporting
How did we respond?
– We conducted over 1,000 investor interactions through meetings with
major institutional shareholders, debt investors, individual shareholder
groups and financial analysts, and attended conferences
– Meetings were attended by Directors and senior management,
including our Chair, Group Chief Executive, Chief Financial Officer,
and Executive Committee members
How did we respond?
– Our previous Group Chief Executive chaired a UN Broadband
Commission working group on increasing smartphone access and
co-chaired a pillar of the International Telecommunication Union’s
Partner2Connect initiative
– Participated in partnerships and working groups on human rights
– Participated and engaged with key environmental initiatives, including
the Science Based Targets initiative and CDP
– Launched a response to the earthquakes in Turkey and surrounding
areas with NGOs and charities
Governments and regulators
Our relationship with governments and regulators is important and we
hope to work together on policies impacting our industry and customers,
while also enabling them to better understand the positive impact we can
have on the environment and communities we operate in.
How did we engage with them?
Participation and attendance at company and industry meetings
with government and regulators, EU institutions, public forums and
parliamentary processes
Meetings with commissioners, ministers, elected representatives,
policy officials and regulators
– Hosting and participating in workshops and events to improve sector
understanding of connectivity and digitalisation
Our Chair chairs the European Round Table for Industrialists, which
promotes competitiveness and prosperity and engages with European
and global institutions, and governments
What were the key topics raised?
– Regulatory and policy environment and compliance
– Responses to COVID-19 and the war in Ukraine
– Security and supply chain resilience, and data protection and privacy
– Digital societies, digital inclusion, the climate transition and the
European Green Deal
How did we respond?
– Engaged on the digital and green transformation of the EU, and the
Digital Decade targets such as the digitalisation of industries and SMEs
– Communications on the impact of electromagnetic fields (‘EMF’)
– Engaged on network investments, design and deployment, and issues
such as the allocation of spectrum and the protection of consumers
– Discussed policy and regulatory environment that facilitates
investment in technology
– Engaged with the EU with respect to the data economy, including data
protection, digital principles, and data sharing
– Engaged with the UN on digital inclusion via the ITU and UN
Broadband Commission, and climate topics via COP27
Click to read more about our social contract in our latest
investor briefing. The materials set out why a reset of the
European regulatory framework is so important; how
through our social contract we have taken a leadership
role in improving our relationship with governments and
policymakers; and what is need in terms of policy reform:
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Stakeholder engagement (continued)
Strategic report
Other information
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Our people strategy
Strategic report
Other information
How did we respond?
– Our previous Group Chief Executive chaired a UN Broadband
Commission working group on increasing smartphone access and
co-chaired a pillar of the International Telecommunication Union’s
Partner2Connect initiative
Our investors
Our investors include individual and institutional shareholders as well as
debt investors. We maintain an active dialogue with our investors through
our extensive investor relations programme.
– Participated in partnerships and working groups on human rights
– Participated and engaged with key environmental initiatives, including
the Science Based Targets initiative and CDP
– Launched a response to the earthquakes in Turkey and surrounding
How did we engage with them?
Personal meetings, roadshows, conferences
Annual & interim reports and presentations
areas with NGOs and charities
Governments and regulators
Our relationship with governments and regulators is important and we
hope to work together on policies impacting our industry and customers,
while also enabling them to better understand the positive impact we can
have on the environment and communities we operate in.
How did we engage with them?
Participation and attendance at company and industry meetings
with government and regulators, EU institutions, public forums and
parliamentary processes
policy officials and regulators
Investor relations website used as primary digital communications
tool and is available to all shareholders (institutional and retail),
including over 12 hours of dedicated video content covering investor
events and interviews with Non-Executive Directors
– Stock Exchange News Service (‘SENS’) announcements
Annual General Meeting (‘AGM’)
Investor perception study and regular feedback survey
– For FY24, further resources will be available to individual shareholders, such
as online presentations hosted by the UK Individual Shareholders Society
– Our Registrar, Equiniti, operates a portfolio service which provides
shareholders with the ability to manage their holdings
What were the key topics raised?
– Allocation of capital, deleveraging strategy and dividend policy
Meetings with commissioners, ministers, elected representatives,
– Strategy to deliver sustained financial growth and operational priorities
– Hosting and participating in workshops and events to improve sector
understanding of connectivity and digitalisation
Our Chair chairs the European Round Table for Industrialists, which
promotes competitiveness and prosperity and engages with European
and global institutions, and governments
– Portfolio optimisation
– Corporate governance practices
– ESG strategy, targets and reporting
How did we respond?
What were the key topics raised?
– Regulatory and policy environment and compliance
– Responses to COVID-19 and the war in Ukraine
– Security and supply chain resilience, and data protection and privacy
– We conducted over 1,000 investor interactions through meetings with
major institutional shareholders, debt investors, individual shareholder
groups and financial analysts, and attended conferences
– Meetings were attended by Directors and senior management,
including our Chair, Group Chief Executive, Chief Financial Officer,
– Digital societies, digital inclusion, the climate transition and the
and Executive Committee members
European Green Deal
How did we respond?
– Engaged on the digital and green transformation of the EU, and the
Digital Decade targets such as the digitalisation of industries and SMEs
– Communications on the impact of electromagnetic fields (‘EMF’)
– Engaged on network investments, design and deployment, and issues
such as the allocation of spectrum and the protection of consumers
– Discussed policy and regulatory environment that facilitates
investment in technology
– Engaged with the EU with respect to the data economy, including data
protection, digital principles, and data sharing
– Engaged with the UN on digital inclusion via the ITU and UN
Broadband Commission, and climate topics via COP27
Click to read more about our social contract in our latest
investor briefing. The materials set out why a reset of the
European regulatory framework is so important; how
through our social contract we have taken a leadership
role in improving our relationship with governments and
policymakers; and what is need in terms of policy reform:
Our people strategy
Our people strategy is to create an inclusive
environment for growth where everyone has the
opportunity to thrive. Our engaged and experienced
team are a key strength and will support us as we
begin the transformation of Vodafone.
The Spirit of Vodafone
Our culture – the ‘Spirit of Vodafone’ – outlines the beliefs we stand for
and the behaviours that enable our strategy and purpose.
We foster our culture by developing individual habits that reinforce our
Spirit, invest in leadership development to role model our beliefs, and
ensure systems, processes and milestone activities are aligned with the
Spirit of Vodafone. We measure our progress and identify where to take
action via a bi-annual employee survey called ‘Spirit Beat’. In our latest
Spirit Beat survey (September 2022), we had an 83% response rate and
sustained high scores in engagement, connection to purpose and Spirit.
Spirit Beat surveys
Team Spirit Index1
Response rates
Sept 2022
Apr 2022
This year we expanded our listening strategy and as part of this unified our scoring methodology
to a 5-point scale and favourable percentage (from a 7-point scale and weighted average). This new
scoring methodology provides less choice and greater distinction so any change between -3 to -5
points for Spirit Beat is likely due to the scale change, rather than a real decline.
1. The Team Spirit Index represents an overall view of how people are doing on the Spirit
of Vodafone and takes into account each of our Spirit Behaviours.
The Spirit Beat survey informs our priorities which include a focus
on ensuring new starters and managers are engaged with our Spirit.
New starters who joined during the pandemic were scoring slightly
lower on Spirit and engagement compared to other colleagues (-1 point).
In response, we redesigned our onboarding processes and support
globally. In September 2022, new hires reported higher Spirit and
engagement scores compared to other colleagues (+9 points),
highlighting the impact that listening and focused action can have.
Managers that act on Spirit outperform those who do not take action
on average by 18 points on Spirit and 22 points on engagement. This has
informed our new approach to performance development and how we
support and hold managers accountable for their impact.
We continue to evolve our employee listening strategy and deepen the
connection between employee and customer experiences by opening
up more channels. During the year, this included a pulse survey sent in
June 2022, the results of which were used to inform our hybrid ways
of working. Our listening strategy also includes standardising our
onboarding and exit listening approach globally. Results show that 71%
of leavers would recommend Vodafone as a great place to work (based
on 2,066 responses). As part of our focus on one of our Spirit behaviours,
earning customer loyalty, our Spirit Beat survey was extended in
September to include contractors in customer-facing roles in five
markets (76% response rate). This has enabled markets to celebrate
high customer scores, while also identifying opportunities to be
more effective. Based on the success of the pilot, we extended
contractor measurement to further markets in April 2023.
Once a quarter, we have a ‘Spirit of Vodafone Day’ which is dedicated
time to focus on learning, connection and wellbeing. During our Spirit
of Vodafone Day in February 2023, 80% more online learning hours were
recorded compared to a typical day in the financial year up until that point.
Colleagues took the opportunity to focus on earning customer loyalty
and this was facilitated through new learning materials that include
Consumer and Vodafone Business customer feedback and net
promoter scores.
Leadership at Vodafone
Leadership is essential for enabling transformation, and we have
continually invested in developing inclusive leaders who drive growth
and innovation, act as role models, coach and empower teams, and
lead with Spirit.
In April 2022, we launched a Spirit Accelerator, which aims to increase
accountability and ownership of our strategic priorities by our senior
leaders. Further to this, we launched ‘CEO accelerator’, an exciting and
varied programme of support to accelerate the leadership transition and
develop new local market CEOs. We have introduced tools to support
the development of our leaders and our selection process includes
an independent assessment. Executive coaching is now available to all
leaders through a platform-based approach and we support the broader
leadership population through an internal network of accredited coaches.
Senior leadership is accountable for our culture transformation, whilst
the Board reviews progress on employee engagement and Spirit on a
regular basis, and the Executive Committee monitors key achievements
and considers further opportunities to embed Spirit. We continue to do this
through Company policies and improvements to employee experience
through our ‘moments that matter’ programme. We are supporting
leaders to demonstrate Spirit as they transition with their teams into hybrid
working and are using updated leadership assessment methodologies to
reflect Spirit behaviours. We also run a global recognition programme that
celebrates those who demonstrate our Spirit behaviours.
Innovation at Vodafone
We continue to develop ‘LaunchPad’, our global employee-led
innovation platform which helps ‘Create the Future’. In the three years
since it has been operational, our employees have submitted over
2,000 ideas, ranging from e-waste recycling, Internet of Things (‘IoT’)
marketplaces and cloud smartphones. We are seeing the value these
ideas have. For example, ‘Scam Signal’ is a Vodafone application that
helps businesses combat fraud and cyber crime by utilising our network
to identify bank transfer scams in real time. LaunchPad has delivered
€15 million annualised value from ideas executed since inception and
this year 360 colleagues provided ideas based on using Vodafone
technology to solve environmental challenges.
Simplified operating model
We recently simplified the Group’s operating model to execute our
strategy, accelerate and streamline performance, and improve customer
experience. Key commercial decisions have moved back to markets, and
this is supported by a new governance structure. Group functions will
remain committed to governance, performance management, shared
operations, and best practice programmes that uphold global standards.
Read more about our headcount
on page 33
Diverse talent and future ready skills
In April 2022, we launched a new operating model for learning, talent,
leadership, and skills – the global Vodafone Learning Organisation (‘VLO’)
– which has already started to drive simplification across our markets,
while enabling a high quality development experience for employees.
We have already begun to realise the benefits of this operating model
change with higher quality streamlined global learning offerings.
We are focused on developing diverse talent with the skills to transform
Vodafone and this is reflected by four strategic pillars which are
summarised on the following page.
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
Our people strategy (continued)
1. Enable a high impact performance & learning culture
We continue to support the personal and professional growth of people
through online learning initiatives. During the year, our employees
accomplished two million hours of learning with an average of 1.7 hours
per month. The annual average number of hours per employee has
increased by 33% per employee since FY22, with each employee now
spending 20 hours on average per annum on their learning. We invested
an average of €301 for both mandatory and non-mandatory training for
each employee to build future capabilities.
To support customer experience, we have launched customer-centric
programmes for all employees including a Company-wide customer
experience curriculum.
In April 2023, we launched a new performance management system and
process to increase alignment and prioritisation of goals, enable greater
employee ownership, and create a shared understanding of the impact
an employee has on outcomes. Performance assessments consider
the impact an employee has had on team, business, and customer
outcomes and how the Spirit of Vodafone has been harnessed to deliver
those outcomes. Reward will be linked to the individual’s impact and
underpinned by minimum performance standards, including completion
of our Doing What’s Right training, that reinforce our commitment to
building an ethical culture.
2. Build the skills for the future
This year, we strategically reviewed the skills that we need to support our
business strategy. From April 2023 we started to deliver Skill Accelerators
across the organisation for critical skill areas such as agile project
management, software engineering, automation, and cyber security.
In Italy, more than 300 people have been reskilled from contact centres
to other internal functions. Large-scale programmes on digital skills have
impacted employees in Italy, reflected by more than one million learning
hours delivered. We are also introducing a global software engineering
reskilling programme. Successful applicants began training in May 2023.
As part of our ambition to hire 7,000 software engineers by 2025,
we enhanced our employer brand awareness by launching a global
recruiting playbook, investing in talent acquisition campaigns, running
events across markets, and redesigning the global careers site. So far,
we have hired 5,880 software engineers. This year, we also launched
a specific ‘Always-on Software Engineer’ attraction campaign in Egypt,
Germany, Spain, Turkey, Romania, Portugal and the UK. As a result,
we have had 42.8 million impressions. Moreover, last year we were a
platinum sponsor at the React Summit, an annual conference gathering
thousands of software engineers from around the world. This had a
positive impact as 77% of engineers we interacted with had an improved
perception of Vodafone as a technology employer following the event.
Our technical career path supports the attraction, retention and
development of our technical experts and sits alongside a managerial/
leadership career path. The technical career path is designed to provide
more formal ways to recognise and reward career progression for
technical experts, giving choice in career direction.
Click to read our technology employee articles:
3. Drive an efficient engine with the scale and expertise to deliver
on our growth ambitions
We simplified the operations of the VLO by leveraging vendor partnerships,
and launching global product offerings on agile project management,
languages and executive coaching. We removed duplicated activities
across markets by continuing to expand our _VOIS shared services team.
We also conducted global demand planning for our learning, talent,
leadership and skills to align our investments with our strategic objectives.
4. Engage and retain diverse talent, and unlock potential through
focused succession and people development
We reviewed our talent and succession pools across senior roles.
These are ultimately discussed and approved at the annual Executive
Committee talent review and are also shared with the Board. Gender
diversity of the executive succession pools increased to 50% from 38%
in the prior year. This year, we also reviewed our commercial capabilities
by reviewing the skills we need for the future, assessing the capability
of current and future leaders, and developing learning journeys and
targeted development actions. We further embedded these assessment
tools and strategies into our overall processes for developing and
recruiting senior leaders across the business.
We continue to invest in youth hiring (5,731 hires, of which 942 were
graduates) whilst providing digital learning experiences to 66,036 young
people through local work experience programmes and training
initiatives. During the year, we also hired 236 apprentices with local
programmes that aim to grow future talent and skills in areas such as
cyber security, network engineering and software engineering through
work-based learning and qualifications.
Read more about workplace equality
on pages 33 to 34
Digital and personalised experience
Future ready ways of working
This year, we reviewed our Future Ready Vodafone global policy on
hybrid working, which includes the option to work from another country
during the year for a maximum of 20 days. To continue our commitment
to hybrid ways of working, we believe a minimum of two days in the office
is the right balance to achieve the benefits of in-person collaboration and
our leaders are expected to clearly role-model this. We are not mandating
a fixed day per week at a function or market level as this compromises
the principle of flexibility that hybrid working is built on. Underpinning all
our hybrid thinking is our continued commitment to the health, safety,
and wellbeing of our teams.
Office space
The shift to hybrid working has redefined the role of the office and
inspired us to create a new global office design primarily for collaboration
and connection. We experimented in different countries last year,
redesigned the Vodafone Turkey headquarters, and opened a new
office in Valencia, and a new Innovation Hub in Malaga. These are great
examples of the hybrid workplace improving the employees’ experience
and being a magnet to attract talent, collaborate, and innovate.
A new initiative called ‘Office in a Box’ was implemented to support
employees’ wellbeing while working from home, providing a virtual
office setup at home following a self-assessment. We are also improving
the digital workplace experience with new booking systems for desks
and collaboration spaces, access control, video conferencing, and
presentation facilities to enhance the employee experience at the office.
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Our people strategy (continued)
Strategic report
Other information
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
1. Enable a high impact performance & learning culture
3. Drive an efficient engine with the scale and expertise to deliver
We continue to support the personal and professional growth of people
on our growth ambitions
through online learning initiatives. During the year, our employees
We simplified the operations of the VLO by leveraging vendor partnerships,
accomplished two million hours of learning with an average of 1.7 hours
and launching global product offerings on agile project management,
per month. The annual average number of hours per employee has
languages and executive coaching. We removed duplicated activities
increased by 33% per employee since FY22, with each employee now
across markets by continuing to expand our _VOIS shared services team.
spending 20 hours on average per annum on their learning. We invested
We also conducted global demand planning for our learning, talent,
an average of €301 for both mandatory and non-mandatory training for
leadership and skills to align our investments with our strategic objectives.
each employee to build future capabilities.
4. Engage and retain diverse talent, and unlock potential through
To support customer experience, we have launched customer-centric
focused succession and people development
programmes for all employees including a Company-wide customer
We reviewed our talent and succession pools across senior roles.
experience curriculum.
In April 2023, we launched a new performance management system and
process to increase alignment and prioritisation of goals, enable greater
employee ownership, and create a shared understanding of the impact
an employee has on outcomes. Performance assessments consider
the impact an employee has had on team, business, and customer
outcomes and how the Spirit of Vodafone has been harnessed to deliver
those outcomes. Reward will be linked to the individual’s impact and
underpinned by minimum performance standards, including completion
These are ultimately discussed and approved at the annual Executive
Committee talent review and are also shared with the Board. Gender
diversity of the executive succession pools increased to 50% from 38%
in the prior year. This year, we also reviewed our commercial capabilities
by reviewing the skills we need for the future, assessing the capability
of current and future leaders, and developing learning journeys and
targeted development actions. We further embedded these assessment
tools and strategies into our overall processes for developing and
recruiting senior leaders across the business.
of our Doing What’s Right training, that reinforce our commitment to
We continue to invest in youth hiring (5,731 hires, of which 942 were
building an ethical culture.
2. Build the skills for the future
This year, we strategically reviewed the skills that we need to support our
business strategy. From April 2023 we started to deliver Skill Accelerators
across the organisation for critical skill areas such as agile project
management, software engineering, automation, and cyber security.
In Italy, more than 300 people have been reskilled from contact centres
to other internal functions. Large-scale programmes on digital skills have
impacted employees in Italy, reflected by more than one million learning
hours delivered. We are also introducing a global software engineering
reskilling programme. Successful applicants began training in May 2023.
As part of our ambition to hire 7,000 software engineers by 2025,
we enhanced our employer brand awareness by launching a global
recruiting playbook, investing in talent acquisition campaigns, running
events across markets, and redesigning the global careers site. So far,
we have hired 5,880 software engineers. This year, we also launched
a specific ‘Always-on Software Engineer’ attraction campaign in Egypt,
Germany, Spain, Turkey, Romania, Portugal and the UK. As a result,
we have had 42.8 million impressions. Moreover, last year we were a
platinum sponsor at the React Summit, an annual conference gathering
thousands of software engineers from around the world. This had a
positive impact as 77% of engineers we interacted with had an improved
perception of Vodafone as a technology employer following the event.
Our technical career path supports the attraction, retention and
development of our technical experts and sits alongside a managerial/
leadership career path. The technical career path is designed to provide
more formal ways to recognise and reward career progression for
technical experts, giving choice in career direction.
Click to read our technology employee articles:
graduates) whilst providing digital learning experiences to 66,036 young
people through local work experience programmes and training
initiatives. During the year, we also hired 236 apprentices with local
programmes that aim to grow future talent and skills in areas such as
cyber security, network engineering and software engineering through
work-based learning and qualifications.
Read more about workplace equality
on pages 33 to 34
Digital and personalised experience
Future ready ways of working
This year, we reviewed our Future Ready Vodafone global policy on
hybrid working, which includes the option to work from another country
during the year for a maximum of 20 days. To continue our commitment
to hybrid ways of working, we believe a minimum of two days in the office
is the right balance to achieve the benefits of in-person collaboration and
our leaders are expected to clearly role-model this. We are not mandating
a fixed day per week at a function or market level as this compromises
the principle of flexibility that hybrid working is built on. Underpinning all
our hybrid thinking is our continued commitment to the health, safety,
and wellbeing of our teams.
Office space
The shift to hybrid working has redefined the role of the office and
inspired us to create a new global office design primarily for collaboration
and connection. We experimented in different countries last year,
redesigned the Vodafone Turkey headquarters, and opened a new
office in Valencia, and a new Innovation Hub in Malaga. These are great
examples of the hybrid workplace improving the employees’ experience
and being a magnet to attract talent, collaborate, and innovate.
A new initiative called ‘Office in a Box’ was implemented to support
employees’ wellbeing while working from home, providing a virtual
office setup at home following a self-assessment. We are also improving
the digital workplace experience with new booking systems for desks
and collaboration spaces, access control, video conferencing, and
presentation facilities to enhance the employee experience at the office.
Mental health and wellbeing
We remain focused on physical and mental wellbeing, with training
and services available in each market, including the provision of
employee assistance and psychological support services. Market
examples from the year include:
– Vodafone Egypt became one of the first companies in the Middle East,
as well as in our Vodafone markets, to be verified against ISO
45003:2021 for psychological health and safety at work.
– In Italy, we organised awareness and training sessions, including
mindfulness sessions, a webinar with a team of psychologists during
Mental Health Week, and a session on social welfare services.
– In the UK we continued our third year of support for the 245 mental
health first aiders across the business. We facilitated six bi-monthly
learning sessions across a range of topics on mental health. In May
2022, we delivered a two-hour workshop to 400 employees during
UK Mental Health Awareness Week and introduced a new service
for people to access professional therapy.
– In South Africa, we launched an onsite financial coach and counselling
clinic in February 2023 and established the Wellbeing Committee
on employee wellbeing needs. We also held 10 wellbeing café sessions
on a range of topics including mental health, finance, resilience,
anxiety, and trauma (2,235 participants).
– Finally in Spain, we launched the rercárgate wellbeing programme,
engaging more than 1,260 colleagues in wellbeing programmes.
Click to read more about mental health and wellbeing:
Digital experience
This year, we continued to focus on providing a digital and personalised
experience to employees, informed by internal insights, and underpinned
by our culture. This has included digitalising our core HR processes,
ensuring we have the right tools and data to deliver the people strategy.
In 2022, we launched ‘Grow with Vodafone’, an integrated talent
acquisition, skills and learning platform that enhances the employee
experience, whilst giving employees greater ownership of their learning
and career development. The tool is split into three main features:
– Grow your skills: Enables individuals to create their unique skills
profile enabling personalised learning and career recommendations,
as well as providing upskilling opportunities.
– Grow your learning: Offers personalised learning recommendations
to help each employee achieve their career goals, whilst also driving
a culture where growing never stops.
– Grow your career: Provides role recommendations based on skills
and experience to candidates, and offers optimised recruiter and hiring
manager experience by prioritising the most suitable applications.
This has had the following impact:
– Candidate experience: Job recommendations based on an
individual’s skills and experience (driven by an AI role-matching
engine). This is facilitated by 66% of roles being auto-calibrated.
– Gender diversity: For management roles a higher proportion
of women shortlisted, supported by efforts to remove unconscious
bias during screening.
– Recruiter capability: Increased effectiveness of recruiters, as
reflected by a reduction in time-to-hire time by 49%, enabled through
AI-based sourcing capabilities.
To standardise and improve the experience of new joiners, we deployed
a new digital onboarding tool in November 2022. It has received
an effectiveness score of 86% from new joiners and 83% from hiring
managers over a baseline of 80%.
We continued to invest in our AI chatbot called, ‘TOBi’, to provide
personalised instant responses and process administrative tasks.
New features have been piloted in Vodacom Group and _VOIS India,
with roll-out plans to UK employees in FY24. In FY23, TOBi resolved 53%
of queries that would have been actioned by other support channels.
We have also implemented a new quality tool to check and correct HR
data against pre-set rules to enable richer and more accurate insights
on employee experience. The tool has already fixed 98% of errors.
We continue to invest in our data strategy by bringing together and
visualising both HR and non-HR data through cloud-based data-lake
functionality, and this is reflected in pilots in Greece and _VOIS.
Workers’ councils and union engagement
We respect freedom of association and recognise the rights of
employees to join trade unions and engage in collective bargaining in
accordance with local law. We continue to maintain strong relationships
with workers’ councils and unions through their representatives and we
have almost 23,000 people covered by collective bargaining agreements
across our global footprint. As an example, unions in Spain are supported
through infrastructure and resources which employees have access to
through union halls, digital and physical forums, and regular newsletters.
This year, we reached agreements with unions in Spain and Italy on
items such as pay, hybrid working and training as we continued to
shape the future of work.
Employee forums
We have a number of employee forums where elected employee
representatives represent the views of their colleagues. During the year,
the Board’s Workforce Engagement Lead, Valerie Gooding, attended
employee forums to gather employee views, such as the European
Employee Consultative Committee. Key discussion topics from the
meetings included talent development, future ready ways of working,
cost of living support, and business performance.
Read more about the Board’s engagement with the
employee voice on pages 62, 64 and 85
Pay and benefits
As part of the people experience, we continue to ensure pay, benefits,
and wellbeing propositions are competitive and fair. Pay is typically
reviewed on an annual basis, with increases aligned to an individual’s level
of skills and experience, as well as external factors like market competition
and inflation. Our total reward approach also encourages collective
performance and ‘in-the-moment’ recognition. For example, 21,335
peer-to-peer ‘Thank You’s’ and 65,258 cash Vodafone Star awards were
issued through a digital recognition tool during the year. We continue to
apply Fair Pay principles across all markets, working with the Fair Wage
Network to ensure a good standard of living in each market. In the UK,
our commitment to these principles is reflected in being an Accredited
Living Wage employer.
Read more about our Fair Pay principles
on page 100
Click to read more about Fair Pay at Vodafone:
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Our financial performance
Strategic report
Other information
Financial performance in line with expectations
– Group revenue increased by 0.3% to €45.7 billion driven by growth in Africa and higher equipment sales, offset
by lower European service revenue and adverse exchange rate movements.
– Group service revenue trend was impacted by a decline in Germany, Italy, and Spain, offset by continued growth
in the UK, Other Europe, and Africa.
– Service revenue growth in Turkey increased to 47.6%* driven by higher inflation. Group service revenue growth
excluding Turkey was 1.0%*.
– Adjusted EBITDAaL1 declined by 1.3%* to €14.7 billion due to higher energy costs, and commercial
underperformance in Germany.
– Inflationary cost pressures in Europe were mitigated by our ongoing cost efficiency programme, with a further
€0.2 billion of savings in FY23.
– Returns broadly maintained; pre-tax ROCE1 (ex. Vantage) at 6.8%.
1. Adjusted EBITDAaL and ROCE are non-GAAP measures. See page 219 for more information.
Click or scan to watch our Group Chief Executive and Chief Financial Officer,
Margherita Della Valle, summarise our financial performance in FY23:
Group financial performance
– Service revenue
– Other revenue
Adjusted EBITDAaL3,4
Restructuring costs
Interest on lease liabilities5
Loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets
Depreciation and amortisation of owned assets
Share of results of equity accounted associates and joint ventures
Impairment loss
Other income
Operating profit
Investment income
Financing costs
Profit before taxation
Income tax expense
Profit for the financial year
Attributable to:
– Owners of the parent
– Non-controlled interests
Profit for the financial year
Basic earnings per share
Adjusted basic earnings per share3
change %
1. The FY23 results reflect average foreign exchange rates of €1:£0.86, €1:INR 83.69, €1:ZAR 17.69, €1:TRY 18.53 and €1: EGP 23.72.
2. The results for the year ended 31 March 2022 have been re-presented to reflect that Indus Towers Limited is no longer reported as held for sale. There is no impact on previously reported revenue and
adjusted EBITDAaL. However, operating profit, profit before taxation and profit for the financial year have all increased by €149 million compared to amounts previously reported. Consequently, basic
earnings per share increased by 0.51c and adjusted basic earnings per share increased by 0.65c compared to amounts previously reported. See note 7 ‘Discontinued operations and assets held for sale’
in the consolidated financial statements for more information.
3. Adjusted EBITDAaL and adjusted basic earnings per share are non-GAAP measures. See page 219 for more information.
5. Reversal of interest on lease liabilities included within adjusted EBITDAaL under the Group’s definition of that metric, for re-presentation in financing costs.
Includes depreciation on leased assets of €3,883 million (FY22: €3,908 million).
Organic growth
All amounts marked with an ‘*’ in the commentary represent organic growth which presents performance on a comparable basis, excluding the impact of foreign
exchange rates, mergers and acquisitions, the hyperinflation adjustments in Turkey and other adjustments to improve the comparability of results between periods.
Organic growth figures are non-GAAP measures.
Read more about non-GAAP measures
on page 219
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Our financial performance
Strategic report
Other information
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
– Group revenue increased by 0.3% to €45.7 billion driven by growth in Africa and higher equipment sales, offset
Geographic performance summary
Total revenue
Service revenue
Adjusted EBITDAaL1
Adjusted EBITDAaL margin (%)1
Other Europe
40.6% 30.2% 19.8% 24.2% 28.4% 34.2% 29.9% 59.4%
Service revenue growth %
Other Europe
Other Markets
Organic service revenue growth %*1
Other Europe
Other Markets
1. Organic service revenue growth, Group adjusted EBITDAaL and Group adjusted EBITDAaL margin are non-GAAP measures. See page 219 for more information.
(1,564) 45,706
(271) 37,969
Financial performance in line with expectations
by lower European service revenue and adverse exchange rate movements.
– Group service revenue trend was impacted by a decline in Germany, Italy, and Spain, offset by continued growth
– Service revenue growth in Turkey increased to 47.6%* driven by higher inflation. Group service revenue growth
– Adjusted EBITDAaL1 declined by 1.3%* to €14.7 billion due to higher energy costs, and commercial
in the UK, Other Europe, and Africa.
excluding Turkey was 1.0%*.
underperformance in Germany.
– Inflationary cost pressures in Europe were mitigated by our ongoing cost efficiency programme, with a further
€0.2 billion of savings in FY23.
– Returns broadly maintained; pre-tax ROCE1 (ex. Vantage) at 6.8%.
1. Adjusted EBITDAaL and ROCE are non-GAAP measures. See page 219 for more information.
Click or scan to watch our Group Chief Executive and Chief Financial Officer,
Margherita Della Valle, summarise our financial performance in FY23:
Group financial performance
Loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets
Depreciation and amortisation of owned assets
Share of results of equity accounted associates and joint ventures
– Service revenue
– Other revenue
Adjusted EBITDAaL3,4
Restructuring costs
Interest on lease liabilities5
Impairment loss
Other income
Operating profit
Investment income
Financing costs
Profit before taxation
Income tax expense
Profit for the financial year
Attributable to:
– Owners of the parent
– Non-controlled interests
Profit for the financial year
Basic earnings per share
Adjusted basic earnings per share3
change %
1. The FY23 results reflect average foreign exchange rates of €1:£0.86, €1:INR 83.69, €1:ZAR 17.69, €1:TRY 18.53 and €1: EGP 23.72.
2. The results for the year ended 31 March 2022 have been re-presented to reflect that Indus Towers Limited is no longer reported as held for sale. There is no impact on previously reported revenue and
adjusted EBITDAaL. However, operating profit, profit before taxation and profit for the financial year have all increased by €149 million compared to amounts previously reported. Consequently, basic
earnings per share increased by 0.51c and adjusted basic earnings per share increased by 0.65c compared to amounts previously reported. See note 7 ‘Discontinued operations and assets held for sale’
in the consolidated financial statements for more information.
3. Adjusted EBITDAaL and adjusted basic earnings per share are non-GAAP measures. See page 219 for more information.
Includes depreciation on leased assets of €3,883 million (FY22: €3,908 million).
5. Reversal of interest on lease liabilities included within adjusted EBITDAaL under the Group’s definition of that metric, for re-presentation in financing costs.
All amounts marked with an ‘*’ in the commentary represent organic growth which presents performance on a comparable basis, excluding the impact of foreign
exchange rates, mergers and acquisitions, the hyperinflation adjustments in Turkey and other adjustments to improve the comparability of results between periods.
Organic growth
Organic growth figures are non-GAAP measures.
Read more about non-GAAP measures
on page 219
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
Our financial performance (continued)
Germany: 30% of Group service revenue
Italy: 11% of Group service revenue
Total revenue
Service revenue
Other revenue
Adjusted EBITDAaL
Adjusted EBITDAaL
Total revenue
Service revenue
Other revenue
Adjusted EBITDAaL
Adjusted EBITDAaL
Total revenue decreased by 0.1% to €13.1 billion, driven by lower service
revenue partially offset by higher equipment sales.
Total revenue declined 4.2% to €4.8 billion due to lower service revenue
and equipment sales.
Service revenue declined by 2.9%* (Q3: -3.3%*, Q4: -2.7%*), as a result
of continued price pressure in the mobile value segment, partly offset
by strong Business demand in fixed line and digital services.
Mobile service revenue declined by 5.4%* (Q3: -5.7%*, Q4: -5.4%*).
Price competition in the mobile value segment has remained intense,
resulting in a lower active prepaid customer base and ARPU.
This was partially offset by targeted pricing actions taken during
the year. Our second brand ‘ho.’ continued to grow and now has
3.0 million customers.
Fixed service revenue increased by 3.3%* (Q3: 2.7%*, Q4: 3.6%*)
supported by strong Business demand for connectivity and digital
services, including a good take up of the Business voucher programme,
an initiative related to the EU Recovery and Resilience Facility that
subsidises high-speed broadband connectivity. This was partially
offset by a slightly lower customer base in Consumer broadband.
Our broadband customer base declined by 55,000 during the year,
however this was largely offset by 47,000 fixed-wireless additions
which are reported in mobile. Our Consumer converged customer
base now stands at 1.4 million, and in total 56% of our broadband
customers are converged.
Our next generation network (‘NGN’) broadband services are now
available to 23.5 million households, including 9.4 million through
our own network and our partnership with Open Fiber. In October 2022,
we launched 5G fixed-wireless services and now cover 3.4 million
households. This complements our 4G fixed-wireless access products,
which covers an additional 2.2 million households.
Adjusted EBITDAaL declined by 14.5%* including a 5.7 percentage point
impact relating to a €105 million legal settlement received in the prior
year, and 3.0 percentage points due to higher energy costs. Adjusted
EBITDAaL growth was also impacted by lower mobile service revenue,
partly offset by our continued strong focus on cost efficiency.
The adjusted EBITDAaL margin was 3.6* percentage points lower
year-on-year at 30.2%.
On an organic basis, service revenue declined by 1.6%* (Q3: -1.8%*, Q4:
-2.8%*) due to broadband customer losses and a lower mobile ARPU,
partially offset by higher roaming revenue and broadband ARPU growth.
The slowdown in quarterly trends was primarily driven by small
one-off benefits in Q4 last year and the impact of a multi-year IoT
contract renewal.
Fixed service revenue declined by 1.8%* (Q3: -2.0%*, Q4: -2.1%*), driven
by a lower broadband customer base, primarily as a result of specific
operational challenges related to the implementation of policies to
comply with the 2021 Telecommunications Act, which are now resolved.
This was partially offset by ARPU growth. In November 2022 we
increased prices for new broadband customers, and in March 2023,
we started to communicate price increases to some of our existing
customers, which will be implemented during H1 FY24. Our cable
broadband customer base declined by 119,000 and we lost 87,000 DSL
broadband customers during the year. As expected, our commercial
performance in Q4 was impacted by the decision to increase retail prices.
Our TV customer base declined by 412,000 and our converged customer
base decreased by 52,000 to 2.3 million Consumer converged accounts.
These declines primarily reflect higher disconnections of broadband
bundle customers, as well as fewer cross-selling opportunities.
Ahead of changes to German TV laws, which take effect from July 2024
and end the practise of bulk TV contracting in Multi Dwelling Units
(‘MDUs’), we are actively working with our Housing Association partners
to manage this transition, and sign customers up to individual contracts.
In total, we have 8.5 million MDU TV customers, and they generate
around €800 million in basic-TV revenue. We have commenced our first
trials to re-contract customers.
Mobile service revenue declined by 1.2%* (Q3: -1.7%*, Q4: -3.7%*)
primarily driven by lower contract ARPU reflecting mobile termination
rate cuts and a change in customer mix, as well as lower MVNO revenue,
partially offset by higher roaming revenue. The slowdown in quarterly
trends was due to small one-off benefits in the prior year, and the impact
of a major IoT automotive contract renewal in Q4 which will enable us
to capture additional future revenue opportunities. We added 68,000
contract customers in the year across both Business and Consumer.
We also added 8.2 million IoT connections, driven by continued strong
demand from the automotive sector.
Adjusted EBITDAaL declined by 6.1%*, of which 0.8 percentage points
was due to higher energy costs. Adjusted EBITDAaL growth was also
impacted by lower service revenue and one-off settlements in the prior
year. The adjusted EBITDAaL margin was 2.6* percentage points lower
year-on-year at 40.6%.
On 8 March 2023 we announced the completion of our fibre-to-the-
home (‘FTTH’) joint venture with Altice, which will deploy FTTH to
up to seven million homes over a six-year period. This partnership
is complementary to our upgrade plans for our existing hybrid fibre
cable network.
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Our financial performance (continued)
Strategic report
Other information
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
Germany: 30% of Group service revenue
Italy: 11% of Group service revenue
UK: 14% of Group service revenue
Spain: 9% of Group service revenue
Total revenue
Service revenue
Other revenue
Adjusted EBITDAaL
Adjusted EBITDAaL
Adjusted EBITDAaL
Total revenue
Service revenue
Other revenue
Adjusted EBITDAaL
Total revenue decreased by 0.1% to €13.1 billion, driven by lower service
Total revenue declined 4.2% to €4.8 billion due to lower service revenue
revenue partially offset by higher equipment sales.
and equipment sales.
On an organic basis, service revenue declined by 1.6%* (Q3: -1.8%*, Q4:
Service revenue declined by 2.9%* (Q3: -3.3%*, Q4: -2.7%*), as a result
-2.8%*) due to broadband customer losses and a lower mobile ARPU,
of continued price pressure in the mobile value segment, partly offset
partially offset by higher roaming revenue and broadband ARPU growth.
by strong Business demand in fixed line and digital services.
The slowdown in quarterly trends was primarily driven by small
one-off benefits in Q4 last year and the impact of a multi-year IoT
contract renewal.
Mobile service revenue declined by 5.4%* (Q3: -5.7%*, Q4: -5.4%*).
Price competition in the mobile value segment has remained intense,
resulting in a lower active prepaid customer base and ARPU.
Fixed service revenue declined by 1.8%* (Q3: -2.0%*, Q4: -2.1%*), driven
This was partially offset by targeted pricing actions taken during
by a lower broadband customer base, primarily as a result of specific
the year. Our second brand ‘ho.’ continued to grow and now has
operational challenges related to the implementation of policies to
3.0 million customers.
comply with the 2021 Telecommunications Act, which are now resolved.
This was partially offset by ARPU growth. In November 2022 we
increased prices for new broadband customers, and in March 2023,
we started to communicate price increases to some of our existing
customers, which will be implemented during H1 FY24. Our cable
broadband customer base declined by 119,000 and we lost 87,000 DSL
broadband customers during the year. As expected, our commercial
performance in Q4 was impacted by the decision to increase retail prices.
Fixed service revenue increased by 3.3%* (Q3: 2.7%*, Q4: 3.6%*)
supported by strong Business demand for connectivity and digital
services, including a good take up of the Business voucher programme,
an initiative related to the EU Recovery and Resilience Facility that
subsidises high-speed broadband connectivity. This was partially
offset by a slightly lower customer base in Consumer broadband.
Our broadband customer base declined by 55,000 during the year,
however this was largely offset by 47,000 fixed-wireless additions
Our TV customer base declined by 412,000 and our converged customer
which are reported in mobile. Our Consumer converged customer
base decreased by 52,000 to 2.3 million Consumer converged accounts.
base now stands at 1.4 million, and in total 56% of our broadband
These declines primarily reflect higher disconnections of broadband
customers are converged.
bundle customers, as well as fewer cross-selling opportunities.
Our next generation network (‘NGN’) broadband services are now
Ahead of changes to German TV laws, which take effect from July 2024
available to 23.5 million households, including 9.4 million through
and end the practise of bulk TV contracting in Multi Dwelling Units
our own network and our partnership with Open Fiber. In October 2022,
(‘MDUs’), we are actively working with our Housing Association partners
we launched 5G fixed-wireless services and now cover 3.4 million
to manage this transition, and sign customers up to individual contracts.
households. This complements our 4G fixed-wireless access products,
In total, we have 8.5 million MDU TV customers, and they generate
which covers an additional 2.2 million households.
around €800 million in basic-TV revenue. We have commenced our first
trials to re-contract customers.
Mobile service revenue declined by 1.2%* (Q3: -1.7%*, Q4: -3.7%*)
Adjusted EBITDAaL declined by 14.5%* including a 5.7 percentage point
impact relating to a €105 million legal settlement received in the prior
year, and 3.0 percentage points due to higher energy costs. Adjusted
primarily driven by lower contract ARPU reflecting mobile termination
EBITDAaL growth was also impacted by lower mobile service revenue,
rate cuts and a change in customer mix, as well as lower MVNO revenue,
partly offset by our continued strong focus on cost efficiency.
partially offset by higher roaming revenue. The slowdown in quarterly
The adjusted EBITDAaL margin was 3.6* percentage points lower
trends was due to small one-off benefits in the prior year, and the impact
year-on-year at 30.2%.
of a major IoT automotive contract renewal in Q4 which will enable us
to capture additional future revenue opportunities. We added 68,000
contract customers in the year across both Business and Consumer.
We also added 8.2 million IoT connections, driven by continued strong
demand from the automotive sector.
Adjusted EBITDAaL declined by 6.1%*, of which 0.8 percentage points
was due to higher energy costs. Adjusted EBITDAaL growth was also
impacted by lower service revenue and one-off settlements in the prior
year. The adjusted EBITDAaL margin was 2.6* percentage points lower
year-on-year at 40.6%.
On 8 March 2023 we announced the completion of our fibre-to-the-
home (‘FTTH’) joint venture with Altice, which will deploy FTTH to
up to seven million homes over a six-year period. This partnership
is complementary to our upgrade plans for our existing hybrid fibre
cable network.
Total revenue
Service revenue
Other revenue
Adjusted EBITDAaL
Adjusted EBITDAaL
Total revenue
Service revenue
Other revenue
Adjusted EBITDAaL
Adjusted EBITDAaL
Total revenue declined by 6.5% to €3.9 billion due to lower service
revenue and equipment sales.
On an organic basis, service revenue declined by 5.4%* (Q3: -8.7%*,
Q4: -3.7%*) driven by continued price competition in the value segment
and a lower customer base. The improvement in quarterly trends was
driven by inflation-linked price increases, which took effect at the end
of January 2023, and increased Business demand for digital services.
In mobile, our contract customer base declined by 159,000 reflecting
one-off disconnections of 123,000 relating to temporary business SIMs
provided to schools and higher education providers during the pandemic,
as well as ongoing price competition in both the Consumer and SoHo
segments. Our Q4 commercial performance was impacted by our
price increases. Consumer contract churn improved by 2.7 percentage
points during the year, supported by our simplified and more transparent
range of tariff plans. Our second brand ‘Lowi’ continued to grow, adding
200,000 customers.
Our broadband customer base declined by 121,000 and our TV customer
base decreased by 56,000 due to price competition and the ongoing
shutdown of DSL. Our converged customer base remained broadly
stable at 2.2 million.
Adjusted EBITDAaL declined by 1.1%*, which included 6.7 percentage
points of one-off tax benefits and a 1.5 percentage point impact from
higher energy costs. Excluding these impacts, adjusted EBITDAaL
declined due to lower service revenue, partly offset by our ongoing
cost efficiency programme.
On 12 January 2023, we announced that Spain will become part of
the ‘Europe Cluster’, managed by Serpil Timuray, CEO Europe Cluster.
In March 2023, we announced that Mário Vaz, previously CEO of
Vodafone Portugal, had been appointed as new CEO of Spain, effective
from 1 April 2023.
Total revenue increased by 3.6% to €6.8 billion driven by service
revenue growth, partly offset by the depreciation of the pound sterling
against the euro.
On an organic basis, service revenue increased by 5.6%* (Q3: 5.3%*,
Q4: 3.8%*). This was driven by continued strong growth in Consumer and
an acceleration in Business. The slowdown in quarterly trends was driven
by lower MVNO revenues.
Mobile service revenue grew by 8.0%* (Q3: 8.1%*, Q4: 2.8%*), driven
by our strong commercial momentum and annual price increases
in Consumer, good growth in Business, and higher roaming revenue.
The slowdown in quarterly trends reflected the complete migration
of the Virgin Media MVNO off our network. We continued to deliver good
customer base growth, supported by our flexible proposition Vodafone
‘Evo’, adding 230,000 contract customers. Our digital prepaid sub-brand
‘VOXI’ also continued to grow, with 134,000 customers added in FY23.
Our digital sales mix improved by 4 percentage points year-on-year
to 37% of total sales.
Fixed service revenue declined by 0.3%* (Q3: -1.6%*, Q4: 6.3%*)
with strong growth in Consumer offset by a decline in Business.
The improvement in quarterly trends was driven by Business, which
returned to growth in Q4, supported by several large corporate contract
wins and higher project work. Consumer growth was supported by our
price actions and good demand for our Vodafone ‘Pro Broadband’ and
fibre products. Our broadband customer base increased by 173,000
during the year and we now have over 1.2 million broadband customers.
Through our partnerships with CityFibre and Openreach we are able to
reach over 11 million households with full fibre broadband, more than
any other provider in the UK.
Adjusted EBITDAaL declined by 1.4%*, of which 5.4 percentage points
was due to higher energy costs. Adjusted EBITDAaL excluding energy
grew, driven by service revenue growth, partially offset by other
inflationary costs, a lower Virgin MVNO contribution and new annual
licence fees. The adjusted EBITDAaL margin declined 1.3* percentage
points year-on-year at 19.8%.
On 3 October 2022, we confirmed that we are in discussions with CK
Hutchison Holdings Limited (‘CK Hutchison’) in relation to a possible
combination of Vodafone UK and Three UK. The envisaged transaction
would entail us combining our UK business with Three UK, with Vodafone
owning 51% and CK Hutchison owning 49% of the combined business.
There can be no certainty that any transaction will ultimately be agreed.
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
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Our financial performance (continued)
Other Europe: 13% of Group service revenue
Total revenue
Service revenue
Other revenue
Adjusted EBITDAaL
Adjusted EBITDAaL
Vodacom: 13% of Group service revenue
Total revenue
Service revenue
Other revenue
Adjusted EBITDAaL
Adjusted EBITDAaL
Total revenue increased by 1.6% to €5.7 billion driven by service revenue
and equipment sales growth.
Total revenue increased by 5.4% to €6.3 billion driven by service revenue
growth and higher equipment sales.
On an organic basis, service revenue increased by 2.8%* (Q3: 2.1%*, Q4:
3.6%*), with good growth in all markets other than Romania, which was
impacted by a mobile termination rate reduction. The improvement in
quarterly trends was driven by inflation-linked price increases in several
markets, as well as strong Business growth in Greece.
In Portugal, service revenue grew due to our strong commercial
momentum, with 183,000 mobile contract customers and 48,000 fixed
broadband customer additions during the year. In September 2022,
we announced that we had entered into an agreement to buy Portugal’s
fourth largest converged operator, Nowo Communications, from Llorca
JVCO Limited, the owner of Masmovil Ibercom S.A. The transaction
is conditional on regulatory approval, with completion expected in the
second half of the 2023 calendar year.
On an organic basis, Vodacom’s service revenue grew by 3.5%*
(Q3: 3.5%*, Q4: 2.6%*) with growth in both South Africa and Vodacom’s
international markets. The slowdown in quarterly trends was driven by
a tough prior year comparative in Vodacom Business within South Africa.
In South Africa, service revenue growth was supported by contract price
increases and prepaid ARPU growth, partially offset by repricing pressure
from a government mobile contract renewal. We added 192,000 mobile
contract customers in the year, and now have a total base of 6.7 million.
Across our active customer base, 74.9% of our mobile customers now
use data services, an increase of 2.0 million year-on-year. Financial
Services revenue grew by 10.6%* to €167 million, supported by good
demand for insurance services. Our VodaPay ‘super-app’ has continued
to gain traction with 3.3 million registered users.
In Ireland, service revenue increased driven by customer base growth,
higher roaming revenue, and contractual price increases. Our mobile
contract customer base increased by 64,000 and our broadband
customer base grew by 14,000. In October 2022, we announced that
we had agreed a fixed wholesale network access agreement with Virgin
Media Ireland. Vodafone is already the largest fibre-to-the home provider
in Ireland, covering over 1 million households.
In Vodacom’s international markets, service revenue growth was
supported by strong growth in data, a higher customer base and strong
M-Pesa growth. This was despite disruptions caused by heavy flooding
in both Mozambique and the DRC during the year. M-Pesa revenue grew
by 15.5% and now represents 25.0% of service revenue. Our mobile
customer base now stands at 50.2 million with 63.5% of active customers
using data services.
Service revenue in Greece grew, reflecting higher roaming revenue, good
growth in Business fixed supported by several public sector contract wins
relating to the EU Recovery Fund, and higher wholesale revenue. During
the year we added 138,000 mobile contract customers, and our
broadband customer base declined by 26,000.
Adjusted EBITDAaL increased by 4.7%*, including a 3.4 percentage point
impact from higher energy costs. Excluding this, adjusted EBITDAaL grew
driven by service revenue growth, ongoing cost efficiencies and a one-off
provision in Greece last year. The adjusted EBITDAaL margin remained
stable year-on-year at 28.4%.
On 31 January 2023, we announced that we had completed the sale
of Vodafone Hungary to 4iG Public Limited Company and Corvinus Zrt
for a cash consideration of HUF 660 billion (€1.6 billion), representing
a multiple of 8.4x Adjusted EBITDAaL for the year ended 31 March 2022.
Vodacom’s adjusted EBITDAaL increased by 1.4%*, including a 1.7
percentage point impact from higher energy costs. Excluding this,
adjusted EBITDAaL was supported by service revenue growth and
accelerated cost initiatives, partially offset by an increase in technology
operating expenses as we continued to improve the resilience and
capacity of our network. The adjusted EBITDAaL margin decreased
by 1.2* percentage points to 34.2%.
On 13 December 2022, Vodafone completed the transfer of its 55%
shareholding in Vodafone Egypt to Vodacom. This transfer simplifies
the management of our African assets. Vodafone received cash proceeds
of €577 million and 242 million shares in Vodacom in exchange for
Vodafone’s shareholding in Vodafone Egypt. Following completion,
Vodafone’s shareholding in Vodacom has increased from 60.5% to 65.1%.
Vodafone Egypt will be included within the Vodacom reporting segment
from 1 April 2023.
Click to see further information on our operations in Africa:
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Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Our financial performance (continued)
Strategic report
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Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
Other Europe: 13% of Group service revenue
Vodacom: 13% of Group service revenue
Other Markets: 9% of Group service revenue
Total revenue
Service revenue
Other revenue
Adjusted EBITDAaL
Adjusted EBITDAaL
Total revenue remained broadly unchanged at €3.8 billion, with strong
service revenue growth offset by significant currency devaluations in both
Turkey and Egypt.
On an organic basis, service revenue grew by 30.7%* (Q3: 34.1%*,
Q4: 40.0%) reflecting a higher contribution from Turkey, impacted by
accelerating inflation, as well a strong customer base and ARPU growth.
Service revenue growth in Turkey was driven by continued customer
base growth and ongoing repricing actions to reflect the high inflationary
environment. We maintained our good commercial momentum, adding
1.6 million mobile contract customers during the year, including
migrations of prepaid customers. Customer loyalty rates continued to
improve, with mobile contract churn down by 1.5 percentage points
year-on-year to 13.9%. Our Q4 performance was impacted by the
earthquakes in Turkey.
Service revenue in Egypt continued to grow strongly, reflecting good
customer base growth and increased data usage. During the year,
we added 153,000 contract customers and 2.5 million prepaid
mobile customers.
Adjusted EBITDAaL increased by 22.2%* despite significant inflationary
pressure on our cost base. The adjusted EBITDAaL margin decreased
by 3.8* percentage points year-on-year to 29.9%.
On 21 February 2023, Vodafone completed the sale of our 70%
shareholding in Vodafone Ghana (‘GTCL’) to Telecel Group, further
simplifying our African portfolio.
Hyperinflationary accounting in Turkey
Turkey was designated as a hyperinflationary economy on 1 April 2022
in line with IAS 29 ‘Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies’.
See note 1 ‘Basis of preparation’ in the condensed consolidated financial
statements for further information.
During the year service revenue in Turkey increased by 47.6*% and
adjusted EBITDAaL grew by 49.8%* due to ongoing repricing actions
to reflect increasing inflation. Organic growth metrics exclude the impact
of the hyperinflation adjustment in the period in Turkey. Group service
revenue growth excluding Turkey was 1.0%* (Q3: 0.5%*, Q4: 0.5%*)
and adjusted EBITDAaL excluding Turkey declined 1.1%*
Total revenue
Service revenue
Other revenue
Adjusted EBITDAaL
Adjusted EBITDAaL
Total revenue
Service revenue
Other revenue
Adjusted EBITDAaL
Adjusted EBITDAaL
Total revenue increased by 1.6% to €5.7 billion driven by service revenue
Total revenue increased by 5.4% to €6.3 billion driven by service revenue
and equipment sales growth.
growth and higher equipment sales.
On an organic basis, service revenue increased by 2.8%* (Q3: 2.1%*, Q4:
On an organic basis, Vodacom’s service revenue grew by 3.5%*
3.6%*), with good growth in all markets other than Romania, which was
(Q3: 3.5%*, Q4: 2.6%*) with growth in both South Africa and Vodacom’s
impacted by a mobile termination rate reduction. The improvement in
international markets. The slowdown in quarterly trends was driven by
quarterly trends was driven by inflation-linked price increases in several
a tough prior year comparative in Vodacom Business within South Africa.
markets, as well as strong Business growth in Greece.
In Portugal, service revenue grew due to our strong commercial
In South Africa, service revenue growth was supported by contract price
increases and prepaid ARPU growth, partially offset by repricing pressure
momentum, with 183,000 mobile contract customers and 48,000 fixed
from a government mobile contract renewal. We added 192,000 mobile
broadband customer additions during the year. In September 2022,
contract customers in the year, and now have a total base of 6.7 million.
we announced that we had entered into an agreement to buy Portugal’s
Across our active customer base, 74.9% of our mobile customers now
fourth largest converged operator, Nowo Communications, from Llorca
use data services, an increase of 2.0 million year-on-year. Financial
JVCO Limited, the owner of Masmovil Ibercom S.A. The transaction
Services revenue grew by 10.6%* to €167 million, supported by good
is conditional on regulatory approval, with completion expected in the
demand for insurance services. Our VodaPay ‘super-app’ has continued
second half of the 2023 calendar year.
to gain traction with 3.3 million registered users.
In Ireland, service revenue increased driven by customer base growth,
In Vodacom’s international markets, service revenue growth was
higher roaming revenue, and contractual price increases. Our mobile
supported by strong growth in data, a higher customer base and strong
contract customer base increased by 64,000 and our broadband
M-Pesa growth. This was despite disruptions caused by heavy flooding
customer base grew by 14,000. In October 2022, we announced that
in both Mozambique and the DRC during the year. M-Pesa revenue grew
we had agreed a fixed wholesale network access agreement with Virgin
by 15.5% and now represents 25.0% of service revenue. Our mobile
Media Ireland. Vodafone is already the largest fibre-to-the home provider
customer base now stands at 50.2 million with 63.5% of active customers
in Ireland, covering over 1 million households.
using data services.
Service revenue in Greece grew, reflecting higher roaming revenue, good
Vodacom’s adjusted EBITDAaL increased by 1.4%*, including a 1.7
growth in Business fixed supported by several public sector contract wins
percentage point impact from higher energy costs. Excluding this,
relating to the EU Recovery Fund, and higher wholesale revenue. During
adjusted EBITDAaL was supported by service revenue growth and
the year we added 138,000 mobile contract customers, and our
accelerated cost initiatives, partially offset by an increase in technology
broadband customer base declined by 26,000.
Adjusted EBITDAaL increased by 4.7%*, including a 3.4 percentage point
impact from higher energy costs. Excluding this, adjusted EBITDAaL grew
operating expenses as we continued to improve the resilience and
capacity of our network. The adjusted EBITDAaL margin decreased
by 1.2* percentage points to 34.2%.
driven by service revenue growth, ongoing cost efficiencies and a one-off
On 13 December 2022, Vodafone completed the transfer of its 55%
provision in Greece last year. The adjusted EBITDAaL margin remained
shareholding in Vodafone Egypt to Vodacom. This transfer simplifies
stable year-on-year at 28.4%.
On 31 January 2023, we announced that we had completed the sale
of Vodafone Hungary to 4iG Public Limited Company and Corvinus Zrt
for a cash consideration of HUF 660 billion (€1.6 billion), representing
a multiple of 8.4x Adjusted EBITDAaL for the year ended 31 March 2022.
the management of our African assets. Vodafone received cash proceeds
of €577 million and 242 million shares in Vodacom in exchange for
Vodafone’s shareholding in Vodafone Egypt. Following completion,
Vodafone’s shareholding in Vodacom has increased from 60.5% to 65.1%.
Vodafone Egypt will be included within the Vodacom reporting segment
from 1 April 2023.
Click to see further information on our operations in Africa:
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Adjusted EBITDAaL increased 7.9%* to €795 million, driven by revenue
growth, partly offset by increased costs relating to the ramp up of the
build to suit programme and 1&1 rollout.
On 23 March 2023, we announced the completion of our co-control
partnership for Vantage Towers with a consortium of long-term
infrastructure investors led by Global Infrastructure Partners and KKR.
Reflecting the final take-up in the connected voluntary takeover offer
and delisting offer, the co-control partnership, Oak Holdings GmbH.,
will own 89.3% of Vantage Towers. Vodafone has received initial net
cash proceeds of €4.9 billion and now hold a 64% shareholding in Oak
Holdings. The Consortium has the option to increase its ownership of
Oak Holdings up to a maximum of 50% by 30 June 2023, subject to the
outcome of its fundraising process.
Click to find further information on Vantage Towers:
Associates and joint ventures
VodafoneZiggo Group Holding B.V.
Safaricom Limited
Indus Towers Limited
Share of results of equity accounted
associates and joint ventures
1. The results for the year ended 31 March 2022 have been re-presented to reflect that Indus
Towers Limited is no longer reported as held for sale. The share of results from Indus Towers
Limited has increased by €178 million compared to €nil as previously reported. See note 7
‘Discontinued operations and assets held for sale’ in the consolidated financial statements
for more information.
VodafoneZiggo Joint Venture (Netherlands)
The results of VodafoneZiggo, in which we own a 50% stake, are reported
here under US GAAP, which is broadly consistent with our IFRS basis
of reporting.
Total revenue remained stable at €4.1 billion, as mobile contract
customer base growth, higher roaming revenue and contractual price
increases were offset by a decline in the fixed Consumer customer base.
During the period, VodafoneZiggo added 181,000 mobile contract
customers, supported by its best-in-class net promoter score.
VodafoneZiggo’s broadband customer base declined by 13,000
customers to 3.3 million due to ongoing price competition. The number
of converged households increased by 21,000, with 46% of broadband
customers now converged. VodafoneZiggo now offers nationwide
1 gigabit speeds across its fixed network.
In FY23, we received €165 million in dividends from the joint venture,
as well as €51 million in interest payments.
Safaricom Associate (Kenya)
Safaricom service revenue grew to €2.3 billion due to a higher customer
base and continued data revenue and M-Pesa growth. In FY23, we
received €249 million in dividends from Safaricom.
Vantage Towers
Total revenue
Service revenue
Other revenue
Adjusted EBITDAaL
Adjusted EBITDAaL
Total revenue increased 6.9% to €1.3 billion in FY23, driven by 1,750
new tenancies and new macro sites. As a result, the tenancy ratio
increased to 1.46x.
Indus Towers Limited Associate (India)
Following the sale of shares in Indus Towers Limited (‘Indus Towers’) in
February and March 2022, the Group holds 567.2 million shares in Indus
Towers, equivalent to a 21.0% shareholding.
Vodafone Idea Limited Joint Venture (India)
See note 29 ‘Contingent liabilities and legal proceedings’ in the
consolidated financial statements for more information.
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
Our financial performance (continued)
TPG Telecom Limited Joint Venture (Australia)
We own an economic interest of 25.05% in TPG Telecom Limited, a
fully integrated telecommunications operator in Australia. Hutchison
Telecommunications (Australia) Limited owns an equivalent economic
interest of 25.05%, with the remaining 49.9% listed as free float on the
Australian stock exchange. We also hold a 50% share of a US$3.5 billion
loan facility held within the structure that holds the Group’s equity stake
in TPG Telecom.
change %
Net financing costs
Investment income
Financing costs
Net financing costs
Adjustments for:
Mark-to-market gains
Foreign exchange losses
Adjusted net financing costs1
1. Adjusted net financing costs is a non-GAAP measure. See page 219 for more information.
Net financing costs decreased by €230 million, primarily due to
mark-to-market gains recycled from reserves on derivatives that were
previously in cash flow hedge relationships and mark-to-market gains
on embedded derivatives. Adjusted net financing costs increased by
€197 million primarily due to interest movements on lease liabilities and
tax provisions and other individually immaterial movements. Excluding
items outside of net debt, net financing costs remained broadly stable.
Effective tax rate
Adjusted effective tax rate1
1. Adjusted effective tax rate is a non-GAAP measure. See page 219 for more information.
The Group’s effective tax rate for the year ended 31 March 2023 was
3.8%, (2022: 33.6%). The rate is lower than the prior year’s due to gains
on the disposals of Vantage Towers and Vodafone Ghana. These gains
are largely exempt from tax, except for a €88 million charge relating to
the disposal of Vantage Towers.
The effective tax rate also includes a tax credit of €309m relating to the
impacts of hyperinflation accounting in Turkey and a €33 million tax
charge (2022: €327 million) relating to the use of losses in Luxembourg,
which is lower than the prior period because of an internal restructuring
which resulted in a loss in Luxembourg. As a result of the restructuring,
the amount of losses in Luxembourg are no longer subject to changes
in the value of investments.
The year ended 31 March 2022 includes the following items: i) a charge
of €1,468 million for the utilisation of losses against our profits in
Luxembourg. This arose from an increase in the valuation of investments
based upon local GAAP financial statements and tax returns; ii) a credit
of €699 million relating to the recognition of a deferred tax asset in
Luxembourg because of higher interest rates increasing our forecasts of
future profits; iii) an increase in our deferred tax assets in the UK of €593
million following the increase in the corporate tax rate to 25% and; iv)
€273 million following the revaluation of assets for tax purposes in Italy.
The Group’s adjusted effective tax rate for the year ended 31 March 2023
was 26.2% (2022: 27.9%). This is in line with our expectations for the year.
The adjusted effective tax rate excludes the amounts relating to
Luxembourg, the impact of hyperinflation accounting in Turkey and
the tax charge relating to the disposal of Vantage Towers which are
set out above.
Earnings per share
Basic earnings per share
Adjusted basic earnings
per share2
1. The results for the year ended 31 March 2022 have been re-presented to reflect that Indus
Towers Limited is no longer reported as held for sale. Consequently, basic earnings per share
increased by 0.51c, from 7.20c as previously reported, to 7.71c. Adjusted basic earnings
per share increased by 0.65c, from 11.03c as previously reported, to 11.68c. See note 7
’Discontinued operations and assets held for sale’ in the consolidated financial statements
for more information.
2. Adjusted basic earnings per share is a non-GAAP measure. See page 219 for more information.
Basic earnings per share was 42.77 eurocents, compared to 7.71
eurocents for FY22. The increase is primarily attributable to the gains
on disposal of Vantage Towers A.G. and Vodafone Ghana, partially offset
by the loss on disposal of Vodafone Hungary.
Adjusted basic earnings per share was 11.45 eurocents, compared to
11.68 eurocents for FY22.
Consolidated statement of financial position
The consolidated statement of financial position is set out on page 124.
Details of the major movements of both our assets and liabilities in the
year are set out below.
Goodwill decreased by €4.3 billion between 31 March 2022 and 31
March 2023 to €27.6 billion. This was primarily attributable to a decrease
of €3.9 billion from the disposal of subsidiaries in the year (see note 27
‘Acquisitions and disposals’ in the consolidated financial statements) and
a net decrease of €0.4 billion from foreign exchange movements.
Other intangible assets, which primarily comprises licence and
spectrum, computer software and customer bases, decreased by
€1.8 billion between 31 March 2022 and 31 March 2023 to €19.6 billion.
This reflected an amortisation charge of €4.0 billion, a reduction from the
disposal of subsidiaries of €0.8 billion and a net decrease from exchange
movements of €0.6 billion, partly offset by additions of €3.3 billion in the
year and an increase of €0.5 billion following the adoption of IAS 29
‘Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies’ (see note 1 ‘Basis
of preparation’ in the consolidated financial statements’).
Property, plant and equipment decreased by €2.8 billion between
31 March 2022 and 31 March 2023 to €38.0 billion. This primarily
reflected additions in the year of €5.9 billion and an increase of €0.7
billion following the adoption of IAS 29 (see above), which was offset
by a depreciation charge of €5.6 billion, a reduction of €2.7 billion arising
from the disposal of subsidiaries in the year and a net decrease of €1.0
billion from foreign exchange movements. Right-of-use assets arising
from the Group’s lease arrangements remain broadly consistent with
the prior year with the recognition of lease arrangements on the
de-consolidation of Vantage Towers A.G. offsetting disposals.
Other non-current assets increased by €7.2 billion between 31 March
2022 and 31 March 2023 to €39.7 billion, primarily due to a €5.8 billion
increase in investments in associates and joint ventures which now
includes Oak Holdings 1 GmbH, the new co-control partnership of
Vodafone, GIP and KKR (see note 12 ‘Investments in associates and joint
arrangements’ in the consolidated financial statements). In addition,
trade and other receivables increased by €1.5 billion primarily due to
an increase in the carrying value of derivative financial instruments.
Current assets increased by €3.1 billion between 31 March 2022 and
31 March 2023 to €30.7 billion, primarily due to an increase of €4.2 billion
in cash and cash equivalents, partially offset by a €0.9 billion decrease
in other investments.
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Our financial performance (continued)
Strategic report
Other information
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
TPG Telecom Limited Joint Venture (Australia)
We own an economic interest of 25.05% in TPG Telecom Limited, a
fully integrated telecommunications operator in Australia. Hutchison
Telecommunications (Australia) Limited owns an equivalent economic
interest of 25.05%, with the remaining 49.9% listed as free float on the
Australian stock exchange. We also hold a 50% share of a US$3.5 billion
loan facility held within the structure that holds the Group’s equity stake
Earnings per share
Basic earnings per share
Adjusted basic earnings
per share2
in TPG Telecom.
Net financing costs
Investment income
Financing costs
Net financing costs
Adjustments for:
Mark-to-market gains
Foreign exchange losses
Adjusted net financing costs1
change %
1. The results for the year ended 31 March 2022 have been re-presented to reflect that Indus
Towers Limited is no longer reported as held for sale. Consequently, basic earnings per share
increased by 0.51c, from 7.20c as previously reported, to 7.71c. Adjusted basic earnings
per share increased by 0.65c, from 11.03c as previously reported, to 11.68c. See note 7
’Discontinued operations and assets held for sale’ in the consolidated financial statements
for more information.
2. Adjusted basic earnings per share is a non-GAAP measure. See page 219 for more information.
Basic earnings per share was 42.77 eurocents, compared to 7.71
eurocents for FY22. The increase is primarily attributable to the gains
on disposal of Vantage Towers A.G. and Vodafone Ghana, partially offset
by the loss on disposal of Vodafone Hungary.
Adjusted basic earnings per share was 11.45 eurocents, compared to
11.68 eurocents for FY22.
1. Adjusted net financing costs is a non-GAAP measure. See page 219 for more information.
Net financing costs decreased by €230 million, primarily due to
mark-to-market gains recycled from reserves on derivatives that were
previously in cash flow hedge relationships and mark-to-market gains
on embedded derivatives. Adjusted net financing costs increased by
€197 million primarily due to interest movements on lease liabilities and
tax provisions and other individually immaterial movements. Excluding
items outside of net debt, net financing costs remained broadly stable.
Effective tax rate
Adjusted effective tax rate1
1. Adjusted effective tax rate is a non-GAAP measure. See page 219 for more information.
The Group’s effective tax rate for the year ended 31 March 2023 was
3.8%, (2022: 33.6%). The rate is lower than the prior year’s due to gains
on the disposals of Vantage Towers and Vodafone Ghana. These gains
are largely exempt from tax, except for a €88 million charge relating to
the disposal of Vantage Towers.
The effective tax rate also includes a tax credit of €309m relating to the
impacts of hyperinflation accounting in Turkey and a €33 million tax
charge (2022: €327 million) relating to the use of losses in Luxembourg,
which is lower than the prior period because of an internal restructuring
which resulted in a loss in Luxembourg. As a result of the restructuring,
the amount of losses in Luxembourg are no longer subject to changes
in the value of investments.
of €1,468 million for the utilisation of losses against our profits in
Luxembourg. This arose from an increase in the valuation of investments
based upon local GAAP financial statements and tax returns; ii) a credit
of €699 million relating to the recognition of a deferred tax asset in
Luxembourg because of higher interest rates increasing our forecasts of
future profits; iii) an increase in our deferred tax assets in the UK of €593
million following the increase in the corporate tax rate to 25% and; iv)
€273 million following the revaluation of assets for tax purposes in Italy.
The Group’s adjusted effective tax rate for the year ended 31 March 2023
was 26.2% (2022: 27.9%). This is in line with our expectations for the year.
The adjusted effective tax rate excludes the amounts relating to
Luxembourg, the impact of hyperinflation accounting in Turkey and
the tax charge relating to the disposal of Vantage Towers which are
set out above.
Consolidated statement of financial position
The consolidated statement of financial position is set out on page 124.
Details of the major movements of both our assets and liabilities in the
year are set out below.
Goodwill decreased by €4.3 billion between 31 March 2022 and 31
March 2023 to €27.6 billion. This was primarily attributable to a decrease
of €3.9 billion from the disposal of subsidiaries in the year (see note 27
‘Acquisitions and disposals’ in the consolidated financial statements) and
a net decrease of €0.4 billion from foreign exchange movements.
Other intangible assets, which primarily comprises licence and
spectrum, computer software and customer bases, decreased by
€1.8 billion between 31 March 2022 and 31 March 2023 to €19.6 billion.
This reflected an amortisation charge of €4.0 billion, a reduction from the
disposal of subsidiaries of €0.8 billion and a net decrease from exchange
movements of €0.6 billion, partly offset by additions of €3.3 billion in the
year and an increase of €0.5 billion following the adoption of IAS 29
‘Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies’ (see note 1 ‘Basis
of preparation’ in the consolidated financial statements’).
Property, plant and equipment decreased by €2.8 billion between
31 March 2022 and 31 March 2023 to €38.0 billion. This primarily
reflected additions in the year of €5.9 billion and an increase of €0.7
billion following the adoption of IAS 29 (see above), which was offset
by a depreciation charge of €5.6 billion, a reduction of €2.7 billion arising
from the disposal of subsidiaries in the year and a net decrease of €1.0
billion from foreign exchange movements. Right-of-use assets arising
from the Group’s lease arrangements remain broadly consistent with
the prior year with the recognition of lease arrangements on the
Other non-current assets increased by €7.2 billion between 31 March
2022 and 31 March 2023 to €39.7 billion, primarily due to a €5.8 billion
increase in investments in associates and joint ventures which now
includes Oak Holdings 1 GmbH, the new co-control partnership of
Vodafone, GIP and KKR (see note 12 ‘Investments in associates and joint
arrangements’ in the consolidated financial statements). In addition,
trade and other receivables increased by €1.5 billion primarily due to
an increase in the carrying value of derivative financial instruments.
Current assets increased by €3.1 billion between 31 March 2022 and
31 March 2023 to €30.7 billion, primarily due to an increase of €4.2 billion
in cash and cash equivalents, partially offset by a €0.9 billion decrease
in other investments.
The year ended 31 March 2022 includes the following items: i) a charge
de-consolidation of Vantage Towers A.G. offsetting disposals.
Total equity and liabilities
Total equity increased by €7.4 billion between 31 March 2022 and 31
March 2023 to €64.5 billion, primarily due to comprehensive income for
the year of €11.6 billion and an opening adjustment of €0.6 billion for the
adoption of IAS 29. This was partially offset by a decrease of €1.4 billion
arising from transactions with non-controlling interests in subsidiaries,
dividends paid to the Group’s shareholders of €2.9 billion and the
purchase of treasury shares of €0.6 billion.
Non-current liabilities decreased by €6.9 billion between 31 March 2022
and 31 March 2023 to €56.5 billion, primarily due to a €6.5 billion decrease
in borrowings and a €0.3 billion decrease in trade and other payables.
Current liabilities increased by €1.0 billion between 31 March 2022 and
31 March 2023 to €34.6 billion, primarily due to a €2.8 billion increase in
borrowings, offset by a €1.4 billion decrease in trade and other payables
as a result of settling the share buyback obligation from the prior year.
The impact of inflation on the Group’s operations during the year is
outlined on pages 18 to 21. Furthermore, Turkey has met the requirements
to be designated as a hyperinflationary economy on 1 April 2022 in
line with IAS 29 ‘Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies’.
See note 1 ‘Basis of preparation’ in the consolidated financial statements
for more information.
Cash flow, capital allocation and funding
Analysis of cash flow
Inflow from operating activities
Outflow from investing activities
Outflow from financing activities
Net cash inflow
Cash and cash equivalents at
beginning of the financial year
Exchange gain on cash and cash
Cash and cash equivalents at end
of the financial year
change %
Cash inflow from operating activities decreased to €18,054 million, as
favourable working capital movements were offset by lower operating
profit, excluding a net gain resulting from the sale of Vantage Towers,
Vodafone Ghana and Vodafone Hungary, and higher taxation payments.
Outflow from investing activities decreased to €379 million, primarily in
relation to proceeds resulting from the disposals of Vantage Towers and
Vodafone Hungary, which outweighed a lower net inflow in respect of
short-term investments. Short-term investments include highly liquid
government and government-backed securities and managed
investment funds that are in highly rated and liquid money market
investments with liquidity of up to 90 days.
Outflows from financing activities increased by 38.4% to €13,430 million,
as higher outflows arising from the repayment of borrowings, including
the repayment of debt in relation to licenses and spectrum, notably in Italy,
outweighed higher proceeds from the issue of long-term borrowings.
change %
Adjusted EBITDAaL1
Capital additions2
Working capital
Disposal of property, plant and
equipment and intangible assets
Integration capital additions3
Restructuring costs including
working capital movements4
Licences and spectrum
Interest received and paid5
Dividends received from associates
and joint ventures
Dividends paid to non-controlling
shareholders in subsidiaries
Free cash flow1
Acquisitions and disposals
Equity dividends paid
Share buybacks5
Foreign exchange loss
Other movements in net debt6
Net debt decrease/(increase)1
Opening net debt1
Closing net debt1
Free cash flow1
– Licences and spectrum
– Restructuring costs including
working capital movements4
– Integration capital additions3
– Vantage Towers growth
capital expenditure
– Other adjustments7
Adjusted free cash flow1
1. Adjusted EBITDAaL, Free cash flow, Adjusted free cash flow and Net debt are non-GAAP
measures. See page 219 for more information.
2. See page 229 for an analysis of tangible and intangible additions in the year.
Integration capital additions comprises amounts for the integration of acquired Liberty Global
assets and network integration.
Includes working capital in respect of Integration capital additions.
Interest received and paid excludes interest on lease liabilities of €372 million outflow (FY22:
€361 million) included within Adjusted EBITDAaL and €26 million of cash outflow (FY22: €58
million inflow) from the option structures relating to the issue of the mandatory convertible
bonds which is included within Share buybacks. The option structures were intended to ensure
that the total cash outflow to execute the programme were broadly equivalent to the amounts
raised on issuing each tranche.
6. Other movements on net debt for the year ended 31 March 2023 includes mark-to-market
gains recognised in the income statement of €534 million (FY22: €256 million gain), together
with €1,739 million (FY22: €55 million) for the repayment of debt in relation to licenses and
spectrum in Italy.
7. Other adjustments in FY23 includes €120 million received in respect of the Group’s new fibre
joint venture in Germany and an allocation of €43 million from the Vodafone Hungary proceeds
for future services to be provided by the Group. The amount for FY22 includes a special
dividend of €194 million paid to the minority shareholders in Egypt.
Adjusted free cash flow decreased by €595 million to €4,842 million
in the year. This reflected a decrease in Adjusted EBITDAaL in the year,
together with higher payments on lease liabilities, which outweighed
favourable working capital movements and higher taxation payments.
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
Our financial performance (continued)
Borrowings and cash position
Non-current borrowings
Current borrowings
Cash and cash equivalents
Borrowings less cash and
cash equivalents
change %
Borrowings principally includes bonds of €44,116 million (FY22: €48,031
million), lease liabilities of €13,364 million (FY22: €12,539 million) and
cash collateral liabilities €4,886 million (FY22: €2,914 million).
The decrease in borrowings of €3,702 million was principally driven
by repayments of bonds of €5,742 million, Italy licences and spectrum
liabilities of €1,739 million and the disposal of our controlling interest
in Vantage Towers of €2,188 million, partially offset by bonds issued
of €3,577 million, an increase in collateral liabilities of €1,972 million
and lease liabilities of €825 million.
Funding position
change %
Bank loans
Other borrowings including
Gross debt1
Cash and cash equivalents
Short-term investments2
Derivative financial instruments3
Net collateral liabilities4
Net debt1
1. Gross debt and Net debt are non-GAAP measures. See page 219 for more information.
2. Short-term investments includes €1,338 million (FY22: €1,446 million) of highly liquid
government and government-backed securities and managed investment funds of €2,967
million (FY22: €3,349 million) that are in highly rated and liquid money market investments
with liquidity of up to 90 days.
3. Derivative financial instruments excludes derivative movements in cash flow hedging reserves
of €2,785 million gain (FY22: €1,350 million gain).
4. Collateral arrangements on derivative financial instruments result in cash being held as security.
This is repayable when derivatives are settled and is therefore deducted from liquidity.
Net debt decreased by €8,203 million to €33,375 million. This was driven
by the free cash inflow of €1,442 million and acquisitions and disposals
of €8,727 million, partially offset by equity dividends of €2,484 million,
share buybacks of €1,893 million (used to offset dilution linked to the
conversion of certain mandatory convertible bonds). Other movements
in net debt includes €1,730 million relating to the settlement of 5G
spectrum in Italy previously included in net debt. Settlement of the
liability during the period had no impact overall on net debt, with the
resulting cash payment included in free cash flow.
Other funding obligations to be considered alongside net debt include:
– Lease liabilities of €13,364 million (€12,539 million as at
31 March 2022);
– KDG put option liabilities of €485 million (€494 million as at
31 March 2022);
– Guarantee over Australia joint venture loan of €1,611 million
(€1,573 million as at 31 March 2022); and
– Pension liabilities of €258 million (€281 million as at 31 March 2022).
The Group’s gross and net debt includes €9,942 million (€9,942 million
as at 31 March 2022) of long-term borrowings (‘Hybrid bonds’) for which a
50% equity characteristic of €4,971 million (€4,971 million as at 31 March
2022) is attributed by credit rating agencies.
The Group’s gross and net debt includes certain bonds which have been
designated in hedge relationships, which are carried at €1,282 million
higher value (€1,316 million higher as at 31 March 2022) than their euro
equivalent redemption value. In addition, where bonds are issued in
currencies other than euro, the Group has entered into foreign currency
swaps to fix the euro cash outflows on redemption. The impact of these
swaps is not reflected in gross debt and if it were included would
decrease the euro equivalent value of the bonds by €1,440 million
(€1,456 million as at 31 March 2022).
Return on capital employed
Return on capital employed (‘ROCE’) reflects how efficiently we are
generating profit with the capital we deploy. We calculate two ROCE
measures: i) Pre-tax ROCE for controlled operations only and ii) Post-tax
ROCE including associates and joint ventures. ROCE calculated using
GAAP measures3 for the year was 12.9% (FY22: 5.2%), impacted by the
disposal of Vantage Towers to the newly formed joint venture, resulting
in an increase in the average capital employed.
The table below presents adjusted ROCE metrics.
Towers 2
Pre-tax ROCE (controlled)3
Post-tax ROCE (controlled and
associates/joint ventures)3
1. The results for the year ended 31 March 2022 have been re-presented to reflect that Indus
Towers Limited is no longer reported as held for sale. Consequently, post-tax ROCE (controlled
and associates/joint ventures) has increased by 0.2pps, from 5.0% as previously reported, to
5.2%. Similarly, ROCE calculated using GAAP measures has increased by 0.2pps, from 5.0%
as previously reported, to 5.2%. See note 7 ’Discontinued operations and assets held for sale’
in the consolidated financial statements for more information.
2. FY23 excludes the results of Vantage Towers following its disposal on 22 March 2023. FY22
excluding Vantage Towers pre-tax ROCE is 7.0% and post-tax ROCE is 5.0%.
3. ROCE is calculated by dividing Operating profit by the average of capital employed as
reported in the consolidated statement of financial position. Pre-tax ROCE (controlled) and
Post-tax ROCE (controlled and associates/joint ventures) are non-GAAP measures. See page
219 for more information.
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Our financial performance (continued)
Strategic report
Other information
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
Borrowings and cash position
Other funding obligations to be considered alongside net debt include:
change %
– Lease liabilities of €13,364 million (€12,539 million as at
Non-current borrowings
Current borrowings
Cash and cash equivalents
Borrowings less cash and
cash equivalents
– KDG put option liabilities of €485 million (€494 million as at
31 March 2022);
31 March 2022);
– Guarantee over Australia joint venture loan of €1,611 million
(€1,573 million as at 31 March 2022); and
– Pension liabilities of €258 million (€281 million as at 31 March 2022).
The Group’s gross and net debt includes €9,942 million (€9,942 million
Borrowings principally includes bonds of €44,116 million (FY22: €48,031
as at 31 March 2022) of long-term borrowings (‘Hybrid bonds’) for which a
million), lease liabilities of €13,364 million (FY22: €12,539 million) and
50% equity characteristic of €4,971 million (€4,971 million as at 31 March
cash collateral liabilities €4,886 million (FY22: €2,914 million).
2022) is attributed by credit rating agencies.
The decrease in borrowings of €3,702 million was principally driven
by repayments of bonds of €5,742 million, Italy licences and spectrum
liabilities of €1,739 million and the disposal of our controlling interest
in Vantage Towers of €2,188 million, partially offset by bonds issued
of €3,577 million, an increase in collateral liabilities of €1,972 million
and lease liabilities of €825 million.
Funding position
Bank loans
Gross debt1
Other borrowings including
change %
Cash and cash equivalents
Short-term investments2
Derivative financial instruments3
Net collateral liabilities4
Net debt1
The Group’s gross and net debt includes certain bonds which have been
designated in hedge relationships, which are carried at €1,282 million
higher value (€1,316 million higher as at 31 March 2022) than their euro
equivalent redemption value. In addition, where bonds are issued in
currencies other than euro, the Group has entered into foreign currency
swaps to fix the euro cash outflows on redemption. The impact of these
swaps is not reflected in gross debt and if it were included would
decrease the euro equivalent value of the bonds by €1,440 million
(€1,456 million as at 31 March 2022).
Return on capital employed
Return on capital employed (‘ROCE’) reflects how efficiently we are
generating profit with the capital we deploy. We calculate two ROCE
measures: i) Pre-tax ROCE for controlled operations only and ii) Post-tax
ROCE including associates and joint ventures. ROCE calculated using
GAAP measures3 for the year was 12.9% (FY22: 5.2%), impacted by the
disposal of Vantage Towers to the newly formed joint venture, resulting
in an increase in the average capital employed.
The table below presents adjusted ROCE metrics.
Towers 2
1. Gross debt and Net debt are non-GAAP measures. See page 219 for more information.
2. Short-term investments includes €1,338 million (FY22: €1,446 million) of highly liquid
government and government-backed securities and managed investment funds of €2,967
million (FY22: €3,349 million) that are in highly rated and liquid money market investments
with liquidity of up to 90 days.
3. Derivative financial instruments excludes derivative movements in cash flow hedging reserves
of €2,785 million gain (FY22: €1,350 million gain).
Pre-tax ROCE (controlled)3
Post-tax ROCE (controlled and
associates/joint ventures)3
4. Collateral arrangements on derivative financial instruments result in cash being held as security.
1. The results for the year ended 31 March 2022 have been re-presented to reflect that Indus
This is repayable when derivatives are settled and is therefore deducted from liquidity.
Net debt decreased by €8,203 million to €33,375 million. This was driven
by the free cash inflow of €1,442 million and acquisitions and disposals
of €8,727 million, partially offset by equity dividends of €2,484 million,
share buybacks of €1,893 million (used to offset dilution linked to the
conversion of certain mandatory convertible bonds). Other movements
in net debt includes €1,730 million relating to the settlement of 5G
spectrum in Italy previously included in net debt. Settlement of the
liability during the period had no impact overall on net debt, with the
resulting cash payment included in free cash flow.
Towers Limited is no longer reported as held for sale. Consequently, post-tax ROCE (controlled
and associates/joint ventures) has increased by 0.2pps, from 5.0% as previously reported, to
5.2%. Similarly, ROCE calculated using GAAP measures has increased by 0.2pps, from 5.0%
as previously reported, to 5.2%. See note 7 ’Discontinued operations and assets held for sale’
in the consolidated financial statements for more information.
2. FY23 excludes the results of Vantage Towers following its disposal on 22 March 2023. FY22
excluding Vantage Towers pre-tax ROCE is 7.0% and post-tax ROCE is 5.0%.
3. ROCE is calculated by dividing Operating profit by the average of capital employed as
reported in the consolidated statement of financial position. Pre-tax ROCE (controlled) and
Post-tax ROCE (controlled and associates/joint ventures) are non-GAAP measures. See page
219 for more information.
Share buybacks
In March 2022, Vodafone started the first of two irrevocable and
non-discretionary share buyback programmes, announced on 9 March
2022 and 16 November 2022 (the ‘programmes’), The sole purpose of
the programmes was to reduce the issued share capital of Vodafone to
offset the increase in the issued share capital as a result of the maturing
of the second tranche of the mandatory convertible bond (‘MCB’)
in March 2022.
In order to satisfy the second tranche of the MCB, a total of 1,518.6
million shares were reissued from treasury shares in March 2022 at
a conversion price of £1.326. This reflected the conversion price at
issue (£1.3505) adjusted for the pound sterling equivalent of aggregate
dividends paid in August 2019, February 2020, August 2020, February
2021, August 2021 and February 2022.
The programmes completed on 15 March 2023. Details of the shares
purchased under the programmes, including those purchased under
irrevocable instructions, are shown below.
Average price
paid per share
inclusive of
transaction costs
Total number of
shares purchased
under publicly
share buyback
Maximum number
of shares that may
yet be purchased
under the
Number of shares
110.51 1,518,630
Date of share purchase
March 2022
(from 17 March)
April 2022
May 2022
June 2022
July 2022
August 2022
September 2022
October 2022
November 2022
December 2022
January 2023
February 2023
March 2023 (to
15 March)
1. The nominal value of shares purchased is 2021/22 US cents each.
2. No shares were purchased outside the publicly announced share buyback programmes.
4. The total shares repurchased under each programme were 1,014,444,506 shares completed
In accordance with shareholder authority granted at the 2021 and 2022 Annual General Meetings.
on 15 November 2022 and 504,185,187 shares completed on 15 March 2023.
5. The total number of shares purchased represented 5.6% of our issued share capital, excluding
treasury shares, at 12 May 2023.
The Board is recommending total dividends per share of 9.0 eurocents
for the year. This includes a final dividend of 4.5 eurocents which
compares to 4.5 eurocents in the prior year.
This year’s report contains the Strategic Report on pages 1 to 59,
which includes an analysis of our performance and position, a review
of the business during the year, and outlines the principal risks
and uncertainties we face. The Strategic Report was approved
by the Board and signed on its behalf by the Group Chief Executive
and Chief Financial Officer.
Margherita Della Valle
Group Chief Executive and Chief Financial Officer
16 May 2023
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
Purpose, sustainability and responsible business
We connect for a better future
Our approach to ESG
Our approach to ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance topics) is an integral part of our purpose
and strategy to enable an inclusive and sustainable digital society.
Below we have set out the main elements through which our approach to ESG is delivered. Our strategy helps to deliver our targets across three purpose
pillars: Digital Society, Inclusion for All, and Planet, and ensures Vodafone acts responsibly and ethically, wherever we operate. Our social contract
represents the partnership we wish to develop with governments, policy makers and civil society. We are also committed to supporting the delivery
of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (‘SDGs’).
Our purpose pillars
Digital Society
Connecting people and things and digitalising
critical sectors.
Inclusion for All
Ensuring everyone has access to the benefits
of a digital society.
Reducing our environmental impact and helping
society decarbonise.
Digitalising business
Providing products and services to support
business, particularly SMEs.
Digitalising agriculture
Supporting the digitalisation of agriculture with
specific products and services.
Digitalising healthcare
Using our products, services and technology to
support the digitalisation of healthcare.
Access for all
Finding new ways to roll out our network to rural
locations in our markets.
Propositions for equality
Providing relevant products and services to address
societal challenges such as gender equality and
financial inclusion.
Climate change
Working to reduce our environmental impact to
reach net zero emissions across our full value chain
by 2040.
Carbon enablement
Helping our customers reduce their own carbon
emissions by 350 million tonnes by 2030.
Workplace equality
Developing a diverse and inclusive global
workforce that reflects the customers and societies
we serve.
Driving action to reduce device waste and
progressing against our target to reuse, resell
or recycle 100% of our network waste.
Read more
on pages 29 to 30
Read more
on pages 30 to 34
Read more
on pages 35 to 38
Social contract: Activation and acceleration of our purpose initiatives
Our approach is underpinned by responsible business practices
Protecting data
Customers trust us with their data and maintaining
this trust is critical.
Data privacy
We respect the privacy preferences of our
customers and help improve society through the
responsible use of data.
Cyber security
As a provider of critical national infrastructure and
connectivity that is relied upon by millions of
customers, we prioritise cyber and information
security across everything that we do.
Protecting people
Health and safety
Creating a safe working environment for everyone
working for and on behalf of Vodafone.
Business integrity
We are committed to ensuring that our business
operates ethically, lawfully and with integrity
wherever we operate.
Mobiles, masts and health
Operating our networks within national regulations.
Human rights
Contributing to the protection and promotion
of human rights and freedoms.
Responsible supply chain
Managing relationships with our direct suppliers,
and evaluating their commitments to diversity,
inclusion and the environment.
Tax and economic contribution
As a major investor, taxpayer and employer, we
make a significant contribution to the economies
of the countries in which we operate.
Anti-bribery, corruption and fraud
We have a policy of zero tolerance towards bribery,
corruption and fraud. Our policy provides guidance
on what constitutes a bribe and prohibits giving
or receiving any excessive or improper gifts
and hospitality.
Read more
on pages 40 to 43
Read more
on pages 44 to 47
Read more
on pages 47 to 49
Essential to our approach is transparency and measurement
Click or scan to learn more about how
we help improve digital inclusion:
Click or scan to learn more
about our net zero goal:
Click or scan to learn more about
our approach to data privacy:
Click or scan to learn more about
our approach to cyber security:
Click or scan to learn more about
our human rights approach:
Click or scan to learn more about
our approach to tax:
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
Purpose, sustainability and responsible business
We connect for a better future
Our approach to ESG
Our targets and achievements
Our approach to ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance topics) is an integral part of our purpose
and strategy to enable an inclusive and sustainable digital society.
Over the last year we have made progress against many of our key purpose targets. Our Board-level
ESG Committee provides oversight of our ESG programme and each of the purpose pillars has
an executive-level sponsor.
Below we have set out the main elements through which our approach to ESG is delivered. Our strategy helps to deliver our targets across three purpose
pillars: Digital Society, Inclusion for All, and Planet, and ensures Vodafone acts responsibly and ethically, wherever we operate. Our social contract
represents the partnership we wish to develop with governments, policy makers and civil society. We are also committed to supporting the delivery
of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (‘SDGs’).
Our purpose pillars
Digital Society
critical sectors.
Digitalising business
business, particularly SMEs.
Digitalising agriculture
Connecting people and things and digitalising
Ensuring everyone has access to the benefits
Reducing our environmental impact and helping
Inclusion for All
of a digital society.
Access for all
locations in our markets.
Propositions for equality
financial inclusion.
Workplace equality
society decarbonise.
Climate change
by 2040.
Providing products and services to support
Finding new ways to roll out our network to rural
Working to reduce our environmental impact to
reach net zero emissions across our full value chain
Supporting the digitalisation of agriculture with
Providing relevant products and services to address
Carbon enablement
specific products and services.
societal challenges such as gender equality and
Helping our customers reduce their own carbon
emissions by 350 million tonnes by 2030.
Digitalising healthcare
Using our products, services and technology to
support the digitalisation of healthcare.
Developing a diverse and inclusive global
Driving action to reduce device waste and
workforce that reflects the customers and societies
progressing against our target to reuse, resell
we serve.
or recycle 100% of our network waste.
Read more
on pages 29 to 30
Read more
on pages 30 to 34
Read more
on pages 35 to 38
Social contract: Activation and acceleration of our purpose initiatives
Our approach is underpinned by responsible business practices
Protecting data
Customers trust us with their data and maintaining
Protecting people
Health and safety
Creating a safe working environment for everyone
working for and on behalf of Vodafone.
We respect the privacy preferences of our
customers and help improve society through the
Mobiles, masts and health
Operating our networks within national regulations.
this trust is critical.
Data privacy
responsible use of data.
Cyber security
As a provider of critical national infrastructure and
connectivity that is relied upon by millions of
customers, we prioritise cyber and information
security across everything that we do.
Human rights
Contributing to the protection and promotion
of human rights and freedoms.
Responsible supply chain
Managing relationships with our direct suppliers,
and evaluating their commitments to diversity,
inclusion and the environment.
Read more
on pages 40 to 43
Read more
on pages 44 to 47
Essential to our approach is transparency and measurement
Business integrity
We are committed to ensuring that our business
operates ethically, lawfully and with integrity
wherever we operate.
Tax and economic contribution
As a major investor, taxpayer and employer, we
make a significant contribution to the economies
of the countries in which we operate.
Anti-bribery, corruption and fraud
We have a policy of zero tolerance towards bribery,
corruption and fraud. Our policy provides guidance
on what constitutes a bribe and prohibits giving
or receiving any excessive or improper gifts
and hospitality.
Read more
on pages 47 to 49
Click or scan to learn more about how
we help improve digital inclusion:
Click or scan to learn more
about our net zero goal:
Click or scan to learn more about
our approach to data privacy:
Click or scan to learn more about
our approach to cyber security:
Click or scan to learn more about
our human rights approach:
Click or scan to learn more about
our approach to tax:
V-Hub unique visitors
We aim to support
seven million visitors
to digitalise using
V-Hub by 2025.
million customers
connected to our financial
inclusion services
We aim to connect 75
million customers to
mobile money and
financial inclusion services
by 31 March 2026.
women in
management and
senior leadership roles
We aim to have
40% women in
management roles
by 2030.
registered farmers on our
agricultural platforms
We are supporting small
and large commercial
farms to digitalise.
electricity in
European markets
Target achieved from July
2021, four years ahead of
our original 2025 target.
reduction in
Scope 1 and 2 emissions
since 2020
By 2030 we aim to achieve
net zero emissions from
our operations (Scope 1
and 2) and halve our
Scope 3 emissions.
page 32
page 29
page 33
page 29
pages 35 to 36
pages 35 to 36
We conducted a materiality assessment in 2021 to identify the material
and emerging ESG issues relevant to our business, our stakeholders and
the societies in which we operate. In FY23, we consider our material
issues to be unchanged from the 2021 materiality assessment. Our Task
Force on Climate-related Disclosures (‘TCFD’) report outlines an updated
list of climate-related risks (reflecting the potential impact of society and
environment on Vodafone).
Click to read our materiality matrix:
Reporting frameworks
Vodafone reports against a number of reporting frameworks to help
stakeholders understand our sustainable business performance.
Our Global Reporting Initiative (‘GRI’) 2023 disclosure is included
in our 2023 ESG Addendum.
Click to download our ESG Addendum:
Disclosures prepared in accordance with the Task Force
on Climate-related Disclosures (‘TCFD’) framework.
Click to read our TCFD report:
Disclosures prepared in accordance with the Sustainability
Accounting Standards Board’s (‘SASB’) Standards.
Click to read our SASB disclosures:
Vodafone supports the Ten Principles of the United Nations
Global Compact (‘UNGC’).
Click to read our 2023 UNGC Communication on Progress:
Vodafone participates in the CDP’s annual climate
change questionnaire.
Click to read our CDP response:
External ESG assurance
KPMG LLP has provided independent limited assurance over selected data
within our ESG Addendum and this report, using the assurance standard ISAE
(UK) 3000 and ISAE (UK) 3410 for selected greenhouse gas data. KPMG has
issued an unqualified opinion over the selected data and their full assurance
statement, along with the reporting criteria, is available in our ESG Addendum.
ESG governance structure
The Executive Committee has overall accountability to the Board for our
sustainable business strategy and regularly reviews progress. Submissions
to the ESG Committee are reviewed by the Purpose and Reputation Steering
Committee that manages reputation risks and polices. We continue to include
ESG measures in the long-term incentive plan for our senior leaders and each
purpose pillar has an executive-level sponsor.
Read more about remuneration
on pages 85 to 106
The ESG Committee supports the Board in providing oversight of our ESG
programme, sustainability and responsible business practices, as well as our
contribution to the societies we operate in under our social contract.
ESG Committee
Audit and Risk Committee
Executive Committee
Purpose and Reputation Steering Committee
Digital Society
Vinod Kumar 1
for All
Serpil Timuray
Joakim Reiter
Read more about the Board’s oversight of material
ESG topics on page 83 to 84
Read more about the governance underpinning our
responsible business practices on pages 40 to 49
1. Vinod Kumar, CEO of Vodafone Business, will retire from Vodafone effective 31 December 2023.
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
Our purpose
Our purpose is to connect for a better future by using
technology to improve lives and enable inclusive
and sustainable digital societies. We achieve this
by focusing on three pillars: Digital Society, Inclusion
for All and Planet, which serve as the framework
for everything we do at Vodafone. Our purpose
is underpinned by our responsible business
practices: protecting data, protecting people,
and business integrity.
Our three purpose pillars are focused on integrating environmental and
social considerations into our business strategy and priorities. Our ESG
Committee embeds this approach as a formal committee of the Board.
This strives to provide strategic support for our ESG ambitions and
ensures effective oversight of our ESG strategy.
Read more on our ESG Committee
on pages 83 to 84
The role of business in society continues to evolve to address the
socioeconomic impacts triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic and
humanitarian and refugee crises caused by natural catastrophes and
conflicts, as well as the ongoing climate crisis. Recognising this, we
continue to evolve our social contract, which represents the partnership
we wish to develop with governments, policy makers and civil society.
We use the social contract to understand what matters the most to the
societies and economies we operate in, and activate our purpose around
these. This year we transitioned our social contract to address societal
challenges created by the significant rise in the costs of living affecting
many of our customers, as well as providing humanitarian support
relating to the ongoing war in Ukraine, and the earthquakes in Turkey
and surrounding areas in February 2023.
How we are keeping everyone connected through
the cost of living crisis
In today’s world, connectivity is an essential service; it underpins access to
information, provision of services, and the ability to connect personally and
professionally. However, as the cost of living increases, affording to stay
connected is increasingly difficult for both individuals and businesses.
To support our customers through this financially challenging time we offer
low cost and social tariffs in all our markets. Whenever we can, we use
government criteria for eligibility to ensure we implement social tariffs as
fairly as possible, and we do not apply price increases to social tariffs at any
point during the term of the contract. We also support customers who find
themselves in financial difficulties fairly and appropriately, ensuring they get
the right help, support, and services for their needs, including revised
payment plans or other options. We seek to monitor the impact of our help
for customers struggling to pay, listen to their feedback and improve our
services as a result. We continue to work with governments, consult with
consumer organisations and partner with providers to help raise awareness
of the support available.
Everyone connected
Since its launch in June 2021, our everyone.connected programme has
delivered £108 million in social value across the UK. Following the launch
of our social broadband tariff Vodafone Essential Broadband, we are the
first UK network operator to have both a social mobile and a fixed tariff
alongside a social virtual network offering (VOXI for Now). We also
reached the milestone of donating connectivity to one million people,
and we have since committed to helping a further three million people
cross the digital divide (the gap between those with access to the internet
and those without it) by the end of 2025.
For small and medium-sized enterprises (‘SMEs’) and small-office
home-office (‘SOHO’) customers, we provide our V-Hub service, a digital
advisory service offering free information, inspiration and insight to
increase understanding, and benefits of digital tools and technology.
V-Hub users also get access to an adviser who provides one-to-one
tailored support and guidance.
Read more about V-Hub
on page 29
As global energy costs rise, we are managing our energy as efficiently as
possible while providing solutions to help businesses and society save
energy too.
Read more about our approach to carbon enablement
on page 37
Vodafone’s humanitarian response in support
of Turkey and surrounding areas
The earthquakes in Turkey and surrounding areas created an
unprecedented humanitarian crisis impacting more than 13 million
people in the region across an area of 110,000 square kilometres.
Around 32,000 people lost their lives, including 27 Vodafone
employees. The Vodafone Turkey Search & Rescue Team, formed
voluntarily by Vodafone employees, worked tirelessly to assist the
emergency response in the disaster zone and support customers,
communities and society in the aftermath of the quakes.
Restoring connectivity
Vodafone has more than 3.7 million customers across 10 cities in the
affected area in Turkey connected through more than 3,000 mobile
base stations, most of which were destroyed or damaged during
the earthquakes.
We focused on restoring and keeping our networks operational,
ensuring that our customers and their communities could be
connected. Vodafone Turkey immediately mobilised engineering teams
and over 1,000 power generators to work 24 hours a day to restore
connectivity. As a result, Vodafone Turkey had restored almost 98%
of its network coverage in the affected areas just days after the disaster.
Supporting our employees
Vodafone offered financial support for our employees and agents
living in the affected areas. In some cases, our offices were repurposed
in order to provide shelter and accommodation for people and
their families.
Keeping our customers connected
In Turkey, Vodafone provided free calls, data, and texts to people in
the impacted areas of the country. Many of our markets also provided
their customers with free calls and texts into Turkey and Syria, or free
roaming services when visiting the region so that people could keep
connected with their families and friends.
Charitable and fundraising activities
The humanitarian part of our initial comprehensive response is
coordinated under Vodafone Foundation in line with our policy for
all charitable activities to be led and funnelled by our Foundations.
A donation fund was established across Vodafone and its Foundation
that has to date raised more than €3 million to be used for rescue and
recovery initiatives in Turkey.
Click to read more about our response to the
humanitarian crisis:
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Our purpose
Our purpose is to connect for a better future by using
technology to improve lives and enable inclusive
and sustainable digital societies. We achieve this
by focusing on three pillars: Digital Society, Inclusion
for All and Planet, which serve as the framework
for everything we do at Vodafone. Our purpose
is underpinned by our responsible business
practices: protecting data, protecting people,
and business integrity.
Our three purpose pillars are focused on integrating environmental and
social considerations into our business strategy and priorities. Our ESG
Committee embeds this approach as a formal committee of the Board.
This strives to provide strategic support for our ESG ambitions and
ensures effective oversight of our ESG strategy.
Read more on our ESG Committee
on pages 83 to 84
The role of business in society continues to evolve to address the
socioeconomic impacts triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic and
humanitarian and refugee crises caused by natural catastrophes and
conflicts, as well as the ongoing climate crisis. Recognising this, we
continue to evolve our social contract, which represents the partnership
we wish to develop with governments, policy makers and civil society.
We use the social contract to understand what matters the most to the
societies and economies we operate in, and activate our purpose around
these. This year we transitioned our social contract to address societal
challenges created by the significant rise in the costs of living affecting
many of our customers, as well as providing humanitarian support
relating to the ongoing war in Ukraine, and the earthquakes in Turkey
and surrounding areas in February 2023.
How we are keeping everyone connected through
the cost of living crisis
In today’s world, connectivity is an essential service; it underpins access to
information, provision of services, and the ability to connect personally and
professionally. However, as the cost of living increases, affording to stay
connected is increasingly difficult for both individuals and businesses.
To support our customers through this financially challenging time we offer
low cost and social tariffs in all our markets. Whenever we can, we use
government criteria for eligibility to ensure we implement social tariffs as
fairly as possible, and we do not apply price increases to social tariffs at any
point during the term of the contract. We also support customers who find
themselves in financial difficulties fairly and appropriately, ensuring they get
the right help, support, and services for their needs, including revised
payment plans or other options. We seek to monitor the impact of our help
for customers struggling to pay, listen to their feedback and improve our
services as a result. We continue to work with governments, consult with
consumer organisations and partner with providers to help raise awareness
of the support available.
Everyone connected
Since its launch in June 2021, our everyone.connected programme has
delivered £108 million in social value across the UK. Following the launch
of our social broadband tariff Vodafone Essential Broadband, we are the
first UK network operator to have both a social mobile and a fixed tariff
alongside a social virtual network offering (VOXI for Now). We also
reached the milestone of donating connectivity to one million people,
and we have since committed to helping a further three million people
cross the digital divide (the gap between those with access to the internet
and those without it) by the end of 2025.
For small and medium-sized enterprises (‘SMEs’) and small-office
home-office (‘SOHO’) customers, we provide our V-Hub service, a digital
advisory service offering free information, inspiration and insight to
increase understanding, and benefits of digital tools and technology.
V-Hub users also get access to an adviser who provides one-to-one
tailored support and guidance.
Read more about V-Hub
on page 29
As global energy costs rise, we are managing our energy as efficiently as
possible while providing solutions to help businesses and society save
energy too.
on page 37
Read more about our approach to carbon enablement
Vodafone’s humanitarian response in support
of Turkey and surrounding areas
The earthquakes in Turkey and surrounding areas created an
unprecedented humanitarian crisis impacting more than 13 million
people in the region across an area of 110,000 square kilometres.
Around 32,000 people lost their lives, including 27 Vodafone
employees. The Vodafone Turkey Search & Rescue Team, formed
voluntarily by Vodafone employees, worked tirelessly to assist the
emergency response in the disaster zone and support customers,
communities and society in the aftermath of the quakes.
Restoring connectivity
Vodafone has more than 3.7 million customers across 10 cities in the
affected area in Turkey connected through more than 3,000 mobile
base stations, most of which were destroyed or damaged during
the earthquakes.
We focused on restoring and keeping our networks operational,
ensuring that our customers and their communities could be
connected. Vodafone Turkey immediately mobilised engineering teams
and over 1,000 power generators to work 24 hours a day to restore
connectivity. As a result, Vodafone Turkey had restored almost 98%
of its network coverage in the affected areas just days after the disaster.
Supporting our employees
Vodafone offered financial support for our employees and agents
living in the affected areas. In some cases, our offices were repurposed
in order to provide shelter and accommodation for people and
their families.
Keeping our customers connected
In Turkey, Vodafone provided free calls, data, and texts to people in
the impacted areas of the country. Many of our markets also provided
their customers with free calls and texts into Turkey and Syria, or free
roaming services when visiting the region so that people could keep
connected with their families and friends.
Charitable and fundraising activities
The humanitarian part of our initial comprehensive response is
coordinated under Vodafone Foundation in line with our policy for
all charitable activities to be led and funnelled by our Foundations.
A donation fund was established across Vodafone and its Foundation
that has to date raised more than €3 million to be used for rescue and
recovery initiatives in Turkey.
Click to read more about our response to the
humanitarian crisis:
Strategic report
Other information
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
Digital Society
We believe in the power of connectivity and digital
services to strengthen the resilience of societies. Our
priority is to provide fixed networks to ensure that data
flows at speed to connect people and communities.
In doing so, we can contribute to societies becoming
more inclusive, under our Inclusion for All pillar, and to
decarbonising our economies, under our Planet pillar.
As recent years have demonstrated, connectivity and digital services can
be a lifeline, allowing people to work, learn, access healthcare, stay in touch
with friends and family and more. Currently, we have over 300 million
customers connected to our next-generation mobile and fixed networks.
Informed by our social contract, we continue to focus the Digital Society
pillar towards digitalising critical sectors. We have specifically focused on
small and medium-sized enterprises (‘SMEs’), agriculture and health. We
have also continued to invest in our network infrastructure and coverage.
Aligned with our Planet pillar, our products and services enable customers
to become more efficient and, in many cases, reduce their emissions,
through the use of such products and services.
Read more about our approach to carbon enablement
on page 37
Digitalising business
Goal: Support seven million visitors to digitalise using V-Hub by 2025
SMEs are the lifeblood of our economy, providing opportunities for
socio-economic participation, as well as social mobility for women, young
people, and ethnic minorities.
Through Vodafone Business, we provide products and services which
are specifically tailored for SME and small-office home-office (‘SOHO’)
businesses, helping guide them through technology choices and
improving their digital readiness. These segments also represent a
significant commercial opportunity for Vodafone. We estimate that the
total addressable market for SME and SOHO customers in our markets
is €55 billion and we currently have almost seven million SME and
SOHO customers.
To better support SMEs across Europe and Africa, Vodafone Business
launched V-Hub, its digital advice service. This free service provides access
to online information and connects SMEs with experts who provide
one-to-one advice and support on digitally transforming businesses in
an ever-changing digital world.
As of March 2023, V-Hub has been used by over 5.2 million unique visitors
across 14 markets. Since its launch, the service has achieved a strong
return rate of 25% on average, increasing to almost 30% in Q3 and 35%
in Q4 of FY23.
We have set an ambition to reach seven million visitors and help them digitalise
their businesses through V-Hub by 2025. Over the next year, we plan to
enhance the V-Hub offering, creating a signed-in environment to provide a
more personal, secure, and efficient experience for SMEs. Once signed in,
users will receive tailored content and a bespoke action plan for their business’
digitalisation. In turn, we will start to build a V-Hub membership of engaged
SMEs on their digitalisation journey, creating reliable and relevant connections
for peer-to-peer advice, business networking and local-to-global community.
Beyond customers, we are working to support SMEs in our supply chain.
We also offer optional supply chain financing which allows suppliers
to leverage Vodafone’s credit position to access cheaper funding and
liquidity. This has no impact on Vodafone’s commercially negotiated
payment terms.
In South Africa, Vodacom Financial Services has built a supplier portal
called VodaTrade, where small suppliers can connect with bigger business
partners. Currently, there are 127 SMEs registered on the VodaTrade
portal, which provides them access to procurement opportunities with
seven large retailers.
Digitalising agriculture
According to the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organisation, by 2050, the
world will need to produce 50% more food than current levels.1 There is
also a growing need to address the environmental impact of agriculture.
In Europe, agriculture accounts for 10% of total greenhouse gas
emissions and over 40% of land use,2 in many cases leading to habitat
loss and deforestation.
A total of five million farmers are registered on our various agriculture
platforms that manage and monitor resource consumption, which in turn
can reduce their carbon footprint, protect biodiversity, and increase yields.
Vodafone is working with partners across the value chain to introduce
new applications and Internet of Things (‘IoT’) platforms to provide
farmers with digital information and the opportunity to optimise resources.
Through Vodacom’s subsidiary, Mezzanine, we have developed
MyFarmWeb, an agricultural digital platform, to support commercial
farms. Last year we expanded into Italy, Germany, Spain, Ireland and
the UK and now almost 9,300 commercial farms use MyFarmWeb.
The cloud-based web platform allows producers to capture key
agriculture data (physical, chemical, microbial soil analysis, pest presence,
and satellite and sensor) into a system that aggregates and calibrates the
information to assist decision-making. This equips decision-makers with
information to increase yields whilst not damaging the environment
– all of which could enable carbon savings along the production process.
MyFarmWeb also provides farmers with a platform that aims to allow
them to use more productive and sustainable farming practices, which is
becoming increasingly important to comply with the changing legislation
to qualify for subsidy funding in the future.
Mezzanine is also helping to digitalise agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa
through its eVuna and dairy management platforms amongst others.
This enables smallholder farmers to access agricultural inputs, financial
products, logistics suppliers, markets, and knowledge.
Mezzanine’s eVoucher platform enables the distribution of digital
vouchers for farming subsidies with over 4.6 million registered farmers
and enables the distribution of disaster relief grants. We continue to
support the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural
Development and the Solidarity Fund in South Africa, as well as the
Kenyan Ministry of Agriculture, Land and Fisheries and the Kenyan
Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock. These programmes have issued
over two million vouchers to smallholder farmers.
Women and youth were focus demographics for some of the
programmes, with the Solidarity Fund reporting that more than 69%
of the beneficiaries were women. Over nine million vouchers have been
issued through various disaster relief programmes.
Click to read more about digitalising agriculture at
1. Food and Agriculture Organisation, 2017.
2. Eurostat, 2021.
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Purpose (continued)
Strategic report
Other information
Digitalising healthcare
Recent years have seen several global events impact the mental and
physical health of citizens, as well as causing major disruptions to health
systems around the world. Hospital waiting lists are extending, some
healthcare professionals are leaving the industry and delays in diagnoses
are resulting in patients presenting significantly advanced medical issues.1
As part of the EU’s focus on building resilient health systems, over €40
billion has been set aside in EU Recovery and Resilience Plans to support
health investments and reforms.1 A recent survey by the Vodafone
Institute revealed that 92% of European citizens think the health sector
needs urgent support.2
We aim to use our technology to play an active role and make the
delivery of healthcare services more efficient and cost-effective for
providers, and more inclusive for patients. Examples of how we are
making a difference include:
– Working together with University Clinic Düsseldorf, we have built
Europe’s first 5G medical campus using Vodafone’s RedBox, a 5G
network-in-a-box that provides multi-building low latency coverage.
The 5G network enables new ways of working for medical
professionals – for example, using 3D mixed reality to rehearse
neurology and cardiology procedures before operating.
– Vodafone will implement optical fibre backbone and internet access
for thousands of hospitals and health centres across seven regions
in Italy. This is part of the Italian government’s National Recovery and
Resilience Plan as it looks to improve connectivity infrastructure across
the healthcare system.
– In Spain, we have helped Cruz Roja Español (Red Cross) by building
a telecare solution that supports vulnerable people, including the
elderly, victims of gender violence and people with disabilities.
– We are among the largest global IoT connectivity providers, enabling
over 25 million connected medical devices on our IoT network,
and have been recognised by Gartner as a leader in Managed IoT
Connectivity Services for nine consecutive years.
– Health is the foundation upon which resilient, productive and fair
societies are built and, as we look to the future, we are investing in
our new Tech Innovation Centre in Dresden. Working with leading
universities, hospitals, and health tech companies, we’re advancing
the use of 5G, 6G and artificial intelligence (‘AI’) in digital healthcare.
Inclusion for All
Our Inclusion for All strategy seeks to ensure no
one is left behind. It focuses on digital skills and
improving equitable access to connectivity, and
on offering products and services that facilitate
access to education, healthcare, and finance for
marginalised and vulnerable groups. At Vodafone,
we aim to develop a diverse and inclusive global
workforce that reflects the customers and
societies we serve.
In 2022, as the global population hit eight billion, 5.3 billion of us were
online, while 2.7 billion remained offline, representing a stubborn digital
divide. In Africa, 60% of the population is unconnected, and in the world’s
least developed countries the figure rises to 64%. Globally, the growth
rate for internet usage was 6.1%,1 which is well below growth
requirements to achieve the UN’s target of universal and meaningful
connectivity by the end of 2023. This target is further threatened by high
inflation and the cost of living crisis, which has eroded real incomes and
pushed millions more into poverty in Europe and Africa.
The internet is a vital part of everyday life, enabling us to communicate,
and access vital services. There are strong economic gains from increased
usage of mobile broadband. Research from the World Bank shows that
mobile broadband can reduce the number of households in extreme
poverty by 4 percentage points, mainly due to increases in labour force
participation among women.2 Furthermore, expanding broadband
penetration across Africa by 10% could boost GDP per capita by 2.5%.2
Access for all and propositions for equality pillars within our overall
Inclusion for All strategy focus on overcoming the five key barriers that
create the digital divide; coverage, access to devices, affordability, digital
skills, and creating relevant products and services for those most at risk
of being unconnected, such as the elderly and women. In FY23, we made
significant progress across these areas and continued to build on the
partnerships that are crucial to achieving meaningful connectivity for all.
Access for all
Increasing coverage
Connecting everyone to digital services, particularly across Africa, is a
significant challenge. Fixed and mobile services are increasing globally,
with mobile broadband networks reaching 95% of the world’s population,
but coverage in Africa lags behind at 83%.3
Expanding coverage to rural networks remains a focus for us, with 25% of
the EU population and 58% of the population in Sub-Saharan Africa living
in rural areas.4 Expansion of rural networks can often be more challenging
and have a lower return on investment due to lower population densities.
New approaches, partnerships, and a blend of technologies help us to
overcome some of these barriers and deliver more universal coverage.
One example of such new approaches is our partnership with AST
& Science LLC, which seeks to develop the first space-based mobile
network designed to connect directly to consumers’ 4G and 5G devices
without the need for specialised hardware. This year, AST successfully
launched and deployed its first communications array and announced in
April 2023 the first connection from space to a mobile with no specialised
equipment. The space-based network has the potential to enable even
those in the hardest-to-reach areas to connect to the internet, ultimately
reaching an estimated 1.6 billion people across 49 countries. This will
include a number of least-developed countries where coverage
is currently the lowest.
1. Eurostat, 2021.
2. Vodafone Institute for Society Communications, 2021.
ITU, 2022.
2. World Bank, 2022.
3. GSMA, 2022.
4. World Bank 2021.
Strategic report
Other information
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
In order to drive digital inclusion to the hardest-to-connect communities,
this year we made good progress on our goal to increase 4G population
coverage to an additional 80 million people in Sub-Saharan Africa
(as part of the UN Partner2Connect digital coalition since March 2022).
This targeted intervention includes four of the least-developed counties
(‘LDCs’): Mozambique, Tanzania, Lesotho and the Democratic Republic
of the Congo (‘DRC’), and will help to close a particular gap in internet
usage between urban communities and rural communities. This year
we have added 4G technology to an additional 1,429 sites across these
countries, giving access to millions more people in Sub-Saharan Africa.
In Europe, as well as in Africa, we are also increasing investment in rural
areas, helping farmers and other rural small businesses overcome barriers
to connectivity and digitisation.
In line with the recommendation to increase device financing options,
Vodacom launched the Easy2Own payment plan during the year.
Through the initiative, customers in South Africa can purchase a
smartphone with a one-off deposit and complete the payment through
affordable monthly payments over the following 11 months. Customers
who settle their monthly instalment on time receive a 1GB data bundle,
valid for seven days each month.
Safaricom also runs a device-financing programme, Lipa Mdogo Mdogo
(Pay Little by Little). The partnership between Safaricom and Google
offers a flexible payment plan with an 95% reduction in the upfront cost
of 500Ksh and an affordable daily fee of 20Ksh. Since the launch in 2020,
over 935,000 4G devices have been connected through the Lipa Mdogo
Mdogo initiative.
FY23 network deployment
4G sites
4G population
Access to devices and affordability
The digital divide goes beyond just coverage but also relates to usage
of networks already deployed.
We know that the vast majority of those offline live within mobile
broadband coverage. There are many barriers preventing the use
of mobile broadband, including lack of awareness, digital skills, and the
prohibitive upfront cost of smartphones. Given that smartphones are
increasingly the main gateway to digital services, lowering the cost
of devices is key to addressing the digital divide.
Smartphone ownership is lowest in emerging markets, with only 45% of
adults owning a smartphone compared to 76% in advanced economies.
Women are also less likely to own a smartphone than men. Affordability
is one of the key challenges to smartphone adoption as it can cost over
70% of the average monthly income in vulnerable countries.1
We recognise that we cannot solve this issue by ourselves, and in 2022
we co-chaired the ITU/UNESCO Broadband Commission for Sustainable
Development working group on smartphone access. This group
represents the first multi-stakeholder group looking to address
smartphone access challenges. The working group drew upon the
expertise of a cross-sectoral body of commissioners and experts.
The outcome report, ‘Strategies towards universal smartphone access’
identified key interventions to make smartphones accessible to all,
including; increasing device financing options; introducing fair taxation
and lower import duties; and improving distribution to remote areas.
In addition, the working group recommended investigating further the
use of device subsidies and pre-owned smartphones which was endorsed
by the UN Broadband Commission at its annual meeting during the
UN General Assembly in September 2022.
Click to read the UN General Assembly Report:
Propositions for equality
Addressing the digital gender gap
The majority of those still unconnected are women. The digital gender
gap continues to grow in many LDCs, creating a specific need to support
digital gender equality. In 2022, 69% of men were using the internet,
compared with 63% of women globally. In the LDCs, just 30% of women
used the internet in 2022, compared to 92% in high-income countries.2
Research indicates that women who have access to mobile internet via
a smartphone have 9% higher levels of wellbeing than women who
have access via a basic or feature phone. However, across low and
middle-income countries women are 18% less likely than men to own
a smartphone and 16% less likely to use mobile internet.3
Focusing on creating relevant services for women is a key strategy to
bring more women online, as an example, in many African markets
gaining access to quality health information and antenatal care can be
very difficult. Information delivered by mobile can help to bridge some of
the gaps in crucial, basic information. Responding to this, our Mum & Baby
service continues to grow, giving customers free access to maternal,
neonatal and child health information in South Africa. The service has
over 2.3 million registered users in South Africa, helping parents and
caregivers to take positive actions to improve their children’s health.
In DRC, Vodacom’s Je Suis Cap, or I am Capable programme, aims to
empower women living with disabilities through digital inclusion. In phase
1 of this programme, 500 women received free financial education
training by M-Pesa and Visa to support their entrepreneurship projects
within their respective communities. Each participant received an M-Pesa
kit, a smartphone, an equipped point of sale and financing of $275 to get
their venture started.
Vodafone Egypt launched the Egyptian Gender Alliance in partnership
with the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology,
National Council for Women, UN Women, and other private sector
partners. The Alliance promotes the social and economic empowerment
of women in Egypt through digital inclusion and skills training to increase
their employability and economic participation.
network-in-a-box that provides multi-building low latency coverage.
connectivity by the end of 2023. This target is further threatened by high
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Purpose (continued)
Digitalising healthcare
Recent years have seen several global events impact the mental and
physical health of citizens, as well as causing major disruptions to health
systems around the world. Hospital waiting lists are extending, some
healthcare professionals are leaving the industry and delays in diagnoses
are resulting in patients presenting significantly advanced medical issues.1
As part of the EU’s focus on building resilient health systems, over €40
billion has been set aside in EU Recovery and Resilience Plans to support
health investments and reforms.1 A recent survey by the Vodafone
Institute revealed that 92% of European citizens think the health sector
needs urgent support.2
We aim to use our technology to play an active role and make the
delivery of healthcare services more efficient and cost-effective for
providers, and more inclusive for patients. Examples of how we are
making a difference include:
– Working together with University Clinic Düsseldorf, we have built
Europe’s first 5G medical campus using Vodafone’s RedBox, a 5G
The 5G network enables new ways of working for medical
professionals – for example, using 3D mixed reality to rehearse
neurology and cardiology procedures before operating.
– Vodafone will implement optical fibre backbone and internet access
for thousands of hospitals and health centres across seven regions
in Italy. This is part of the Italian government’s National Recovery and
Resilience Plan as it looks to improve connectivity infrastructure across
the healthcare system.
– In Spain, we have helped Cruz Roja Español (Red Cross) by building
a telecare solution that supports vulnerable people, including the
elderly, victims of gender violence and people with disabilities.
– We are among the largest global IoT connectivity providers, enabling
over 25 million connected medical devices on our IoT network,
and have been recognised by Gartner as a leader in Managed IoT
Connectivity Services for nine consecutive years.
– Health is the foundation upon which resilient, productive and fair
societies are built and, as we look to the future, we are investing in
our new Tech Innovation Centre in Dresden. Working with leading
universities, hospitals, and health tech companies, we’re advancing
the use of 5G, 6G and artificial intelligence (‘AI’) in digital healthcare.
Inclusion for All
Our Inclusion for All strategy seeks to ensure no
one is left behind. It focuses on digital skills and
improving equitable access to connectivity, and
on offering products and services that facilitate
access to education, healthcare, and finance for
marginalised and vulnerable groups. At Vodafone,
we aim to develop a diverse and inclusive global
workforce that reflects the customers and
societies we serve.
In 2022, as the global population hit eight billion, 5.3 billion of us were
online, while 2.7 billion remained offline, representing a stubborn digital
divide. In Africa, 60% of the population is unconnected, and in the world’s
least developed countries the figure rises to 64%. Globally, the growth
rate for internet usage was 6.1%,1 which is well below growth
requirements to achieve the UN’s target of universal and meaningful
inflation and the cost of living crisis, which has eroded real incomes and
pushed millions more into poverty in Europe and Africa.
The internet is a vital part of everyday life, enabling us to communicate,
and access vital services. There are strong economic gains from increased
usage of mobile broadband. Research from the World Bank shows that
mobile broadband can reduce the number of households in extreme
poverty by 4 percentage points, mainly due to increases in labour force
participation among women.2 Furthermore, expanding broadband
penetration across Africa by 10% could boost GDP per capita by 2.5%.2
Access for all and propositions for equality pillars within our overall
Inclusion for All strategy focus on overcoming the five key barriers that
create the digital divide; coverage, access to devices, affordability, digital
skills, and creating relevant products and services for those most at risk
of being unconnected, such as the elderly and women. In FY23, we made
significant progress across these areas and continued to build on the
partnerships that are crucial to achieving meaningful connectivity for all.
Access for all
Increasing coverage
Connecting everyone to digital services, particularly across Africa, is a
significant challenge. Fixed and mobile services are increasing globally,
with mobile broadband networks reaching 95% of the world’s population,
but coverage in Africa lags behind at 83%.3
Expanding coverage to rural networks remains a focus for us, with 25% of
the EU population and 58% of the population in Sub-Saharan Africa living
in rural areas.4 Expansion of rural networks can often be more challenging
and have a lower return on investment due to lower population densities.
New approaches, partnerships, and a blend of technologies help us to
overcome some of these barriers and deliver more universal coverage.
One example of such new approaches is our partnership with AST
& Science LLC, which seeks to develop the first space-based mobile
network designed to connect directly to consumers’ 4G and 5G devices
without the need for specialised hardware. This year, AST successfully
launched and deployed its first communications array and announced in
April 2023 the first connection from space to a mobile with no specialised
equipment. The space-based network has the potential to enable even
those in the hardest-to-reach areas to connect to the internet, ultimately
reaching an estimated 1.6 billion people across 49 countries. This will
include a number of least-developed countries where coverage
is currently the lowest.
1. Eurostat, 2021.
2. Vodafone Institute for Society Communications, 2021.
ITU, 2022.
2. World Bank, 2022.
3. GSMA, 2022.
4. World Bank 2021.
1. Alliance for Affordable Internet (A4AI), 2021.
ITU, 2022.
3. GSMA, 2022.
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Purpose (continued)
Strategic report
Other information
Enabling quality education and digital skills
Even before the COVID-19 crisis, an estimated 258 million children
around the world were not in school, and more than half were not
meeting the minimum expected standards in reading and mathematics.1
Within six months of the pandemic, at least a third of schoolchildren
began to drop behind due to lack of access to remote learning,2 and we’re
still seeing the effects of this today.
The COVID-19 pandemic and its after-effects have highlighted the need
to adapt teaching to the new realities of increasingly digital societies. We
have continued to grow our Connected Education programme, providing
access to our ready-made classroom which includes connectivity,
devices, and collaboration software for students and teachers across the
world. To date, around 1.7 million students and teachers in 5,500
educational institutions across 13 countries have benefited from this
digital learning solution, helping to bridge the digital divide.
In South Africa, the Vodacom e-School solution allows learners to access
curriculm-aligned content and educators to access learning materials on
their smartphones with no data charges. We currently have 1.4 million
users on the platform.
Research published by Vodafone Foundation in October 2022 revealed
that while 92% of teachers surveyed believe that schools have a
responsibility to promote digital literacy, a fifth feel that they themselves
are not competent enough in the use of digital technologies.3 Vodafone
Foundation is working to address this by equipping teachers with the
digital skills and confidence to apply innovative methodologies in the
classroom. Guided by the EU Digital Competence framework, our
‘SkillsUpload Jr’ solution provides digital skills training for teachers and
students, tools for use in schools and access to teaching materials and
lesson plans via online platforms. More than 2.3 million teachers and
students have received training to date through SkillsUpload Jr.
Vodafone Foundation also continues to scale Instant Network Schools, its
partnership with United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
(‘UNHCR’), which provides education for refugee students and
communities in the DRC, Egypt, Kenya, Tanzania and Mozambique. Since
2013, this partnership has worked with communities and education
ministries to transform classrooms into multimedia learning hubs,
complete with internet connectivity, sustainable solar power, classroom
kits including tablets, laptops, projectors and speakers, localised digital
content, and teacher training. In 2023, 84 Instant Network Schools were
deployed, benefiting 247,000 students. By 2025, Vodafone Foundation
aims to deploy 300 Instant Network Schools to support 500,000 refugee
and host-community students and 10,000 teachers.
Evolving platforms for financial inclusion
Goal: To connect 75 million people and their families to mobile money
services by 31 March 2026.
Two billion people remain unbanked globally.1 Digital services are key to
helping people access safe, secure financial services and without the
ability to transfer money, people are limited in their ability to save, access
loans, start a business and even be paid. Together with Safaricom, we
developed the first mobile money platform, M-Pesa, which provides
financial services to millions of people who have a mobile phone but
limited access to a bank account. It is also widely used to manage
business transactions and to pay salaries, pensions, agricultural subsidies
and government grants, and reduces the associated risks of robbery and
corruption in a cash-based society.
In addition to its core service, we have developed a number of additional
financial and business services to increase financial independence and
health. For example, M-Koba provides a platform for groups (such as
village savings groups) to safely store and manage funds. With security
features like multiple approvals and group notifications of any
transactions, the platform enables greater transparency and a more
efficient way to save as a community. Small enterprises can also increase
their efficiency by using Lipa Mdogo Mdogo and M-Pesa, allowing
business owners to pay wages and suppliers, as well as withdraw funds to
their M-Pesa mobile money wallet and other online bank accounts or to
an agent.
This year we published new research in partnership with the United
Nations Development Programme (‘UNDP’) that showed mobile financial
services can have a direct, positive impact on developing economies with
a one percentage point higher GDP than in markets with no mobile
money platforms. Based on previous World Bank research on the
relationship between economic growth and reductions in the number of
people living in poverty, this higher GDP per capita implies that countries
with successful mobile money adoption could reduce poverty by around
2.6% as a result of these services. Furthermore, the research indicated
that mobile money services resulted in 1.7 million fewer people living in
Approximately 26 billion transactions were made in the year using
M-Pesa, the equivalent of almost three million per hour on average
through a network of more than 670,000 agents. As of the end of March
2023, 60.7 million customers were using Vodafone’s financial inclusion
services, which includes 2.2 million in South Africa.
Financial inclusion
South Africa
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Vodacom Group
Vodafone Group
Kenya (Safaricom)
% of service
% penetration
of base
1. Ghana figures are detailed separately for the 11 months prior to its disposal on 28 February
1. UNESCO, 2018
2. UNICEF, 2020
3. 21st Century Teachers, Global Report, 2022
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Purpose (continued)
Strategic report
Other information
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
Evolving platforms for financial inclusion
Enabling quality education and digital skills
Goal: To connect 75 million people and their families to mobile money
Even before the COVID-19 crisis, an estimated 258 million children
services by 31 March 2026.
Two billion people remain unbanked globally.1 Digital services are key to
helping people access safe, secure financial services and without the
ability to transfer money, people are limited in their ability to save, access
loans, start a business and even be paid. Together with Safaricom, we
around the world were not in school, and more than half were not
meeting the minimum expected standards in reading and mathematics.1
Within six months of the pandemic, at least a third of schoolchildren
began to drop behind due to lack of access to remote learning,2 and we’re
still seeing the effects of this today.
developed the first mobile money platform, M-Pesa, which provides
The COVID-19 pandemic and its after-effects have highlighted the need
financial services to millions of people who have a mobile phone but
to adapt teaching to the new realities of increasingly digital societies. We
limited access to a bank account. It is also widely used to manage
have continued to grow our Connected Education programme, providing
business transactions and to pay salaries, pensions, agricultural subsidies
access to our ready-made classroom which includes connectivity,
and government grants, and reduces the associated risks of robbery and
devices, and collaboration software for students and teachers across the
corruption in a cash-based society.
In addition to its core service, we have developed a number of additional
financial and business services to increase financial independence and
world. To date, around 1.7 million students and teachers in 5,500
educational institutions across 13 countries have benefited from this
digital learning solution, helping to bridge the digital divide.
health. For example, M-Koba provides a platform for groups (such as
In South Africa, the Vodacom e-School solution allows learners to access
village savings groups) to safely store and manage funds. With security
curriculm-aligned content and educators to access learning materials on
features like multiple approvals and group notifications of any
their smartphones with no data charges. We currently have 1.4 million
transactions, the platform enables greater transparency and a more
users on the platform.
efficient way to save as a community. Small enterprises can also increase
their efficiency by using Lipa Mdogo Mdogo and M-Pesa, allowing
business owners to pay wages and suppliers, as well as withdraw funds to
their M-Pesa mobile money wallet and other online bank accounts or to
an agent.
This year we published new research in partnership with the United
Research published by Vodafone Foundation in October 2022 revealed
that while 92% of teachers surveyed believe that schools have a
responsibility to promote digital literacy, a fifth feel that they themselves
are not competent enough in the use of digital technologies.3 Vodafone
Foundation is working to address this by equipping teachers with the
digital skills and confidence to apply innovative methodologies in the
Nations Development Programme (‘UNDP’) that showed mobile financial
classroom. Guided by the EU Digital Competence framework, our
services can have a direct, positive impact on developing economies with
‘SkillsUpload Jr’ solution provides digital skills training for teachers and
a one percentage point higher GDP than in markets with no mobile
students, tools for use in schools and access to teaching materials and
money platforms. Based on previous World Bank research on the
lesson plans via online platforms. More than 2.3 million teachers and
relationship between economic growth and reductions in the number of
students have received training to date through SkillsUpload Jr.
people living in poverty, this higher GDP per capita implies that countries
with successful mobile money adoption could reduce poverty by around
2.6% as a result of these services. Furthermore, the research indicated
that mobile money services resulted in 1.7 million fewer people living in
Approximately 26 billion transactions were made in the year using
M-Pesa, the equivalent of almost three million per hour on average
Vodafone Foundation also continues to scale Instant Network Schools, its
partnership with United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
(‘UNHCR’), which provides education for refugee students and
communities in the DRC, Egypt, Kenya, Tanzania and Mozambique. Since
2013, this partnership has worked with communities and education
ministries to transform classrooms into multimedia learning hubs,
complete with internet connectivity, sustainable solar power, classroom
through a network of more than 670,000 agents. As of the end of March
kits including tablets, laptops, projectors and speakers, localised digital
2023, 60.7 million customers were using Vodafone’s financial inclusion
content, and teacher training. In 2023, 84 Instant Network Schools were
services, which includes 2.2 million in South Africa.
Financial inclusion
deployed, benefiting 247,000 students. By 2025, Vodafone Foundation
aims to deploy 300 Instant Network Schools to support 500,000 refugee
and host-community students and 10,000 teachers.
% of service
% penetration
of base
Democratic Republic of the Congo
South Africa
Vodacom Group
Vodafone Group
Kenya (Safaricom)
1. UNESCO, 2018
2. UNICEF, 2020
3. 21st Century Teachers, Global Report, 2022
1. Ghana figures are detailed separately for the 11 months prior to its disposal on 28 February
Workplace equality
As part of our purpose, we aim to make the world more connected,
inclusive and sustainable, where everyone can truly be themselves and
belong. We bring the human touch to our technology to create a better
digital future for all, starting with our people.
Our people
We are developing a diverse and inclusive global workforce that reflects
the customers and societies we serve.
We continued to engage with colleagues and raise awareness of why
inclusion matters. During the year, we held global sessions focused
on gender and ethnic diversity, the LGBT+ community, disabilities, and
wellbeing. These received over 10,000 viewers across all webinars.
Gender diversity
Goal: We aim to have 40% women in management roles by 2030
We have reached 34% which is on track towards our ambition. We continue
to drive progress through programmes, policies and leadership incentives.
Key information
Average number of employees1
Average number of contractors1
Number of markets where we operate
Employee nationalities
Employees and contractors across the Group2
_VOIS and shared operations4
Employee experience
Employee engagement index6
Alignment to purpose6
Voluntary turnover rate7
Involuntary turnover rate7
1. All headcount figures exclude non-controlled operations such as those in the Netherlands,
Kenya, Australia and India. Further information on how headcount is defined and calculated can
be found in the ESG Addendum. Calculation considers pro-rated headcount.
2. May not cast due to rounding.
3. Europe reflects employees based in: Germany, UK, Italy, Spain; Portugal, Ireland, Greece,
Romania, Czech Republic, Albania, and Hungary (until disposal in January 2023). Africa reflects
employees based in: Vodacom Group, including Egypt and Ghana (until disposal in February
4. _VOIS and shared operations constitute a significant number of employees. The figures
presented above include _VOIS headcount across our footprint (Albania, Egypt, Hungary, India,
Portugal, Romania and Spain), as well as headcount in our global Group entities.
5. Other includes employees based in Turkey and Vantage Towers.
6. More detail on the employee survey is included on page 13. The employee engagement index
is based on a weighted average index of responses to three questions: satisfaction working at
Vodafone; experiencing positive emotions at work; and recommending us as an employer.
Alignment to purpose is based on a single question that asks whether employees feel their daily
work contributes significantly to Vodafone’s purpose. Employee engagement index and
purpose alignments scores reflect September 2022 data.
7. The voluntary turnover rate includes retirements and death-in-service. Further information on
how this has been calculated is included in the ESG Addendum.
Diversity and inclusion
Our focus is on removing barriers to workplace equality. This year we have
accelerated momentum on gender equality, sustained focus on LGBT+, built
on our foundations on race and ethnicity, and taken actions to ensure the
accessibility of our physical and digital workplace. An expanded focus on
practising inclusion supports our ambition to create a global workforce that
reflects the customers, communities and colleagues we serve, and the wider
societies in which we operate. We believe that embedding inclusion to enable
diversity is critical to achieving these goals in a sustainable way.
Embedding inclusion
Multiple employee networks operate across Vodafone including Women,
VodAbility, LGBT+ Friends, Carers and Multicultural Inclusion. We actively
support them and provide network chairs and sponsors with specific
leadership development focused on effectively setting up and running
an employee network.
Global Withstander training has been rolled out in eleven languages
to upskill employees on how to become active allies by challenging
negative and inappropriate behaviours when they witness them.
Over 43,000 employees completed the Withstander training
during the year.
Women on the Board
Women on the Executive Committee
Women in senior leadership positions1
Women in management and senior
leadership roles2
Women as a percentage of external hires
Women as a percentage of graduates
Women as a percentage of employees3
1. Percentage of senior women in our top 162 positions includes the Executive Committee
and Senior Leadership Team (FY22: 191).
2. Percentage of women in our 6,328 management and leadership roles (FY22: 6,727).
3. Percentage of women based on 93,095 total employees (FY22: 94,789). The total number
of employees represents the position on 31 March 2023 and does not include pro-rated
headcount. The total excludes employees from Ghana, Hungary, Vantage Towers and those
that left the Company on 31 March 2023. Further information on how employees are defined
and calculated can be found in the ESG Addendum.
We work to ensure there is gender diversity when resourcing for senior
leadership roles and our leadership team is accountable for maintaining
diversity and inclusion in their teams. Women in management targets
are also embedded in our long-term incentive plans. Our progress and
achievements to increase diversity have been recognised externally
as Vodafone has been included in the Bloomberg Gender Equality Index
for the fifth consecutive year.
Across youth programmes, 50% of hires were women. We have also now
connected with over 11,000 girls via the digital skills programme ‘Code
Like a Girl’ since 2017. The introduction of digital sessions, and the
increase in demand from markets affected by the pandemic, has enabled
us to connect with more girls this year.
Domestic violence
Our global domestic violence policy sets out comprehensive workplace
resources, support, security and other measures for employees at risk
of experiencing, and recovering from, domestic violence and abuse.
We continue to provide support in this area through global training, ‘Apps
Against Abuse’, and a publicly available toolkit to support survivors. ‘Apps
Against Abuse’ includes the Bright Sky app, which is a safe, easy-to-use
app and website which provide support and information on how to
respond to domestic abuse. The Vodafone Foundation’s portfolio of ‘Apps
Against Abuse’ has connected 2.4 million people to information, advice
and support (FY22: 1.6 million people).
Our external research identified that 62% of women with symptoms
of menopause found it impacted their work. We made a global ambition
to support women experiencing menopause, including the release
of a global toolkit which is freely available to download externally and
menopause e-learning on common symptoms and the impact on work.
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Purpose (continued)
Strategic report
Other information
Maternity and parental leave
Our global maternity and parental leave policies are available across
markets, providing 16 weeks of fully paid leave with a phased return
to work over six months, where parents work the equivalent of four days
and are paid for five days. This policy is open to all employees regardless
of gender, sexual orientation, length of service, and whether their partner
is having a baby, or they are welcoming a child through surrogacy or
adoption. This year, over 2,300 women have utilised our maternity leave.
Over 1,600 men have taken parental leave, with 72% of the latter taking
four or more weeks of leave. Of those who identify as LGBT+, 2% have
taken parental leave.
Alongside gender equality, we retained our focus on supporting the LGBT+
community with over 3,600 allies and active support from senior executive
sponsors. We continue to be recognised as a Top Global Employer by
Stonewall. The Vodafone Foundation launched the Zoteria app in the UK
to help the LGBT+ community and the wider public to come together
and tackle the issue of LGBT+ hate crime.
Race, ethnicity, and cultural heritage (‘REACH’)
We continue greater workplace inclusion through allyship and anti-racism.
REACH fluency training was first completed by all members of the Executive
Committee, as well as their direct reports, to increase confidence and
capability to talk about race. Since then, the training has been adapted to local
context and been rolled out in our European markets. The plan also includes
reciprocal mentoring, external cross-company mentoring and McKinsey Black
Leadership Academy participation. In 2020, we set ethnic diversity targets at
leadership level, which are summarised below.
Black, Asian,
other diverse
South Africa
31 March
2030: 25% Global Senior
Leadership Team
(140 positions)
2025: 20% UK-based senior
leadership and
(1,323 positions)
2025: 4%
2030: 75% South African- based
senior leadership and
(411 positions)
Read more about Board and executive management diversity
on pages 75 to 76
Physical and digital accessibility in the workplace
We have joined the ‘Valuable 500’ – a group of 500 companies committed
to disability inclusion in business. The commitments are focused
on creating a physically and digitally accessible work environment.
During the year, we upskilled our people through continued promotion
and education accessibility features available within Microsoft 365. We
also have accessibility guidelines and these are reinforced by workshops
and training for developers. Assessments were also conducted to improve
the accessibility of our own products.
We also partnered with Coventry University to understand the skills
needed for effective remote working, with research taking place in the
UK, Ireland, Czech Republic, and Turkey. Colleagues from Vodafone took
part in a new ‘Remote4All’ research project that shed light on the remote
working experiences of people with disabilities and neurodivergent
people, including communications, accessibility and technology use,
work-life balance, social isolation, and manager support.
Leadership diversity
To better understand representation across the organisation and inform
our diversity and inclusion programmes, we launched ‘#CountMeIn’, an
initiative which encourages employees to voluntarily self-declare their
diversity demographics. These include race, ethnicity, disability, sexual
orientation, gender identity and caring responsibilities, in line with local
privacy and legal requirements1. Our senior leadership positions have the
highest self-declaration rate at 85% and this enables transparency of our
diversity at senior leadership.
Representation in senior
leadership positions
1. Self-identification of gender identity, including trans and non-binary identities,
excluding cisgender.
2. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and other sexual orientations, excluding heterosexual.
3. Asian, Arab, Black/African/Caribbean, Latinx, mixed ethnic groups, and ‘other’ identities.
4. Self-identification of disability, including long-term conditions, visible and non-visible disabilities.
Policies, initiatives and targets
Our commitment to diversity and inclusion is reflected across our
global policies and principles, such as the Code of Conduct and our
Fair Pay principles.
Read more about these Fair Pay principles
on page 100
Click to read more about Fair Pay at Vodafone:
The achievement of our diversity targets is dependent on the attraction,
engagement and retention of diverse talent and skills. To support this,
we have inclusive initiatives such as: hybrid and flexible working, parental
leave, a mental health toolkit, learning and development programmes,
allyship training and menopause support, reinforced by the work of
employee networks and executive sponsors. During the year, we
refreshed our training for hiring managers and recruiters to support
an inclusive candidate experience from application to offer stage.
Programmes are designed to help employees through all life stages and
challenge societal norms to create an environment where everyone can
contribute at their best and thrive.
Read more about diverse talent, future ready skills and
personalised employee experience on pages 13 to 15
1. Markets not asking LGBT+ questions include: DRC, Tanzania, Turkey, and Egypt; the latter also
does not ask ethnicity questions. #CountMeIn is not live in Mozambique.
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Purpose (continued)
Strategic report
Other information
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
Reducing our environmental impact and helping to
decarbonise society is a part of Vodafone’s purpose.
Digital technology is key to saving energy, using natural
resources more efficiently and creating a more circular
economy to reduce e-waste. This year, the need for
a green digital transition became ever more urgent,
as the global climate crisis continued unabated while
the energy crisis deepened.
Our Planet strategy centres around three key areas: net zero, enablement
and circularity. We have set ourselves near- and long-term goals across
these strategic topics to focus our efforts where we believe we can have
the greatest impact. This year, we continued to progress towards our
Planet goals. We also continued to integrate environmental considerations
into the way we operate as a business by strengthening governance,
data and systems, risk management, and engagement with our people
– all important foundations for accelerating future action.
Our Planet goals
– Purchase 100% of the electricity we use globally from
renewable sources1
– Reuse, resell or recycle 100% of our network waste
– Net zero emissions from our operations and from energy
we purchase and use (Scope 1 & 2)1,2, 3
– Halve emissions from our value chain (Scope 3)1,2
– Enable 350 million tonnes of carbon emissions to be avoided
through green digital solutions4
– Net zero emissions across our full value chain (Scope 1, 2 & 3)2,3
1. Near-term targets are SBTi approved (since 2020) and are subject to re-validation as part of the
current process to seek SBTi approval of our long-term (2040) net zero target. Our current SBTi
approved near-term target includes reducing Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 95% by 2030.
2. Against a baseline of financial year ending 31 March 2020.
3. This year we amended our terminology from ‘fully abate’ to ‘net zero’, to align with definitions in
the SBTi’s Corporate Net Zero Standard. Going forward, we will seek to align our 2030 and 2040
net zero targets with the SBTi definition of net zero, which means that we will reduce our carbon
emissions in absolute terms by 90-95% by our target year (in line with a science-based 1.5
degree pathway), and neutralise any residual emissions through high quality carbon offsetting.
4. Cumulatively from 2020 to 2030, based on carbon emissions avoided by our business
customers through the use of our green digital solutions, products and services.
Our performance1
Click to download our ESG Addendum which includes detailed
methodologies for ESG data, including GHG emissions and
energy data:
Read more about our TCFD disclosures
on pages 58 to 59
Net Zero
Goal: To reduce our own carbon emissions to net zero (Scope 1 & 2) by
2030 and across the full value chain (Scope 3) by 2040.
We recognise the urgent need to address the global climate crisis. The
information and communication sector (‘ICT’) is responsible for an estimated
1.8% to 2.8% of global greenhouse gas emissions.1 As we move towards an
ever more digital society, with increasing volumes of internet use and mobile
data traffic, we are committed to driving down our emissions in absolute
terms as well as shifting our energy mix to renewable sources, in line with
what is required by science to avoid negative impacts of climate change.
In 2020 we set a SBTi approved 2030 Science-Based Target in line with
reductions required to keep warming to 1.5°C, becoming the first major
telecoms operator to follow the emission reduction pathway developed
by SBTi for the ICT sector (setting out specific emissions reduction
trajectories for mobile, fixed and data centres).
This year, we progressed on our journey to net zero and developed
business plans to implement the actions required to reduce our carbon
emissions in line with this pathway. As a next step, we are developing our
first climate transition plan outlining our key areas for action, collaboration,
and advocacy to achieve our goal of net zero emissions across our full value
chain by 2040. We are in the process of having our long-term (2040) net
zero targets approved under the SBTi Corporate Net Zero Standard.2
Our FY23 performance: Our total Scope 1 and market-based method
Scope 2 GHG emissions decreased by 10% to 0.97 million tonnes of CO2e
(carbon dioxide equivalent), equivalent to a 52% reduction from our FY20
baseline. Our Scope 3 emissions increased by 5% to 10.1 million tonnes
of CO2e, representing a 7% increase from our FY20 baseline, mainly due
to improvements in our Scope 3 data and calculation methodology.
1. Freitag, C. et al. (2021), The real climate and transformative impact of ICT: A critique of estimates,
trends, and regulations.
2. Continued validation of our long-term net zero target from SBTi, has faced delays due to a high volume
of companies currently seeking target validation. Subject to the validation process by the SBTi, our long
term net zero target may change as part of the validation process.
Maternity and parental leave
Physical and digital accessibility in the workplace
Our global maternity and parental leave policies are available across
markets, providing 16 weeks of fully paid leave with a phased return
We have joined the ‘Valuable 500’ – a group of 500 companies committed
to disability inclusion in business. The commitments are focused
to work over six months, where parents work the equivalent of four days
on creating a physically and digitally accessible work environment.
and tackle the issue of LGBT+ hate crime.
Leadership diversity
and are paid for five days. This policy is open to all employees regardless
of gender, sexual orientation, length of service, and whether their partner
is having a baby, or they are welcoming a child through surrogacy or
adoption. This year, over 2,300 women have utilised our maternity leave.
Over 1,600 men have taken parental leave, with 72% of the latter taking
four or more weeks of leave. Of those who identify as LGBT+, 2% have
taken parental leave.
Alongside gender equality, we retained our focus on supporting the LGBT+
community with over 3,600 allies and active support from senior executive
sponsors. We continue to be recognised as a Top Global Employer by
Stonewall. The Vodafone Foundation launched the Zoteria app in the UK
to help the LGBT+ community and the wider public to come together
Race, ethnicity, and cultural heritage (‘REACH’)
We continue greater workplace inclusion through allyship and anti-racism.
REACH fluency training was first completed by all members of the Executive
Committee, as well as their direct reports, to increase confidence and
capability to talk about race. Since then, the training has been adapted to local
context and been rolled out in our European markets. The plan also includes
reciprocal mentoring, external cross-company mentoring and McKinsey Black
Leadership Academy participation. In 2020, we set ethnic diversity targets at
leadership level, which are summarised below.
31 March
2030: 25% Global Senior
Black, Asian,
other diverse
2025: 20% UK-based senior
2025: 4%
South Africa
2030: 75% South African- based
Leadership Team
(140 positions)
leadership and
(1,323 positions)
senior leadership and
(411 positions)
Read more about Board and executive management diversity
on pages 75 to 76
During the year, we upskilled our people through continued promotion
and education accessibility features available within Microsoft 365. We
also have accessibility guidelines and these are reinforced by workshops
and training for developers. Assessments were also conducted to improve
the accessibility of our own products.
We also partnered with Coventry University to understand the skills
needed for effective remote working, with research taking place in the
UK, Ireland, Czech Republic, and Turkey. Colleagues from Vodafone took
part in a new ‘Remote4All’ research project that shed light on the remote
working experiences of people with disabilities and neurodivergent
people, including communications, accessibility and technology use,
work-life balance, social isolation, and manager support.
To better understand representation across the organisation and inform
our diversity and inclusion programmes, we launched ‘#CountMeIn’, an
initiative which encourages employees to voluntarily self-declare their
diversity demographics. These include race, ethnicity, disability, sexual
orientation, gender identity and caring responsibilities, in line with local
privacy and legal requirements1. Our senior leadership positions have the
highest self-declaration rate at 85% and this enables transparency of our
diversity at senior leadership.
Representation in senior
leadership positions
excluding cisgender.
1. Self-identification of gender identity, including trans and non-binary identities,
2. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and other sexual orientations, excluding heterosexual.
3. Asian, Arab, Black/African/Caribbean, Latinx, mixed ethnic groups, and ‘other’ identities.
4. Self-identification of disability, including long-term conditions, visible and non-visible disabilities.
Policies, initiatives and targets
Our commitment to diversity and inclusion is reflected across our
global policies and principles, such as the Code of Conduct and our
Fair Pay principles.
Read more about these Fair Pay principles
on page 100
Click to read more about Fair Pay at Vodafone:
The achievement of our diversity targets is dependent on the attraction,
engagement and retention of diverse talent and skills. To support this,
we have inclusive initiatives such as: hybrid and flexible working, parental
leave, a mental health toolkit, learning and development programmes,
allyship training and menopause support, reinforced by the work of
employee networks and executive sponsors. During the year, we
refreshed our training for hiring managers and recruiters to support
an inclusive candidate experience from application to offer stage.
Programmes are designed to help employees through all life stages and
challenge societal norms to create an environment where everyone can
contribute at their best and thrive.
Read more about diverse talent, future ready skills and
personalised employee experience on pages 13 to 15
1. Markets not asking LGBT+ questions include: DRC, Tanzania, Turkey, and Egypt; the latter also
does not ask ethnicity questions. #CountMeIn is not live in Mozambique.
Total Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions (market-based)
Scope 1 emissions
Scope 2 emissions (market-based)2
Scope 2 emissions (location-based)
Scope 3 emissions
Purchased goods and services and capital goods
Use of sold products
Fuel and energy-related activities
All other scope 3 categories
Renewable electricity
Percentage of purchased electricity from renewable sources
Percentage of purchased electricity from renewable sources in Europe
GHG emissions intensity
Scope 1 and 2 (market-based) GHG emissions per EURm revenue
Vodafone energy use
Mobile and fixed access network and technology centres
Offices and retail stores
1. Data is calculated using local market actual or estimated data sources from invoices, purchasing requisitions, direct data measurement and estimations. Carbon emissions calculated in line with GHG
Protocol standards. Scope 2 market-based emissions are reported using the market-based methodology as in effect as at the date of this report. For full methodology see our ESG Addendum 2023.
2. Scope 2 emissions for FY22 have been restated following the correction or inclusion of data points in line with our reporting methodology. In addition, emissions for the UK have been restated to apply
Million tonnes of CO2e
Million tonnes of CO2e
Million tonnes of CO2e
Million tonnes of CO2e
Million tonnes of CO2e
Million tonnes of CO2e
Million tonnes of CO2e
Million tonnes of CO2e
Million tonnes of CO2e
Million tonnes of CO2e
Tonnes of CO2e
Gigawatt hours
Gigawatt hours/%
Gigawatt hours/%
Gigawatt hours/%
the correct emissions factor.
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Purpose (continued)
Strategic report
Other information
Click or scan to watch a video summarising
how we plan to reach net zero by 2040:
Net zero operations (Scope 1 & 2 emissions)
Our plans to reduce emissions from our operations (Scope 1 & 2
emissions) focus on driving energy efficiency across our mobile and fixed
line networks, phasing out the use of fossil fuels and increasing renewable
sources of energy for both our stationary equipment and vehicle fleet.
Driving energy efficiency
Despite the ever-growing use of data and expansion of our networks, this
year our total Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions decreased by 10% to 0.97
million tonnes of CO2e (carbon dioxide equivalent), due to our ongoing
focus on energy efficiency and an increase in the proportion of renewable
electricity purchased.
We are committed to continually improving the energy efficiency of our
mobile access network, fixed access networks and technology centres,
which together account for 93% of our total global energy consumption.
We are rolling out new generation network technology, software solutions
to optimise energy use, and rationalising our property portfolio. During
FY23, we invested €57 million of capital expenditure in energy efficiency
and on-site renewable projects which has led to annual savings of 50 GWh.
We continue to implement the ISO 50001 Energy Management Standard
globally across our operations. To date, 12 operating companies and
Safaricom have been awarded certification. This is underpinned by our
energy data management and analytics system which collects and stores
data feeds from our electricity suppliers and from smart meters.
This system is now live across 12 markets in Europe, with smart meters
installed at over 47,000 sites.
Click to read more about our energy efficiency initiatives:
Switching to renewables
To achieve our goal of net zero carbon emissions from our operations by
2030, we are phasing out the use of fossil fuels such as diesel for stationary
generators, and petrol or diesel for vehicle fuel. Our goal is to purchase
100% of the grid electricity we use globally from renewable sources by
2025. Since July 2021, 100% of the grid electricity used in our European
network (FY22: 96%), and 81% globally (FY22: 77%), has been purchased
from renewable sources.
Click to read more about our self-powered mobile masts:
On-site renewable generation
This year, we continued to install and deploy new solar photovoltaic (‘PV’)
systems at sites in the UK, Egypt and South Africa. This increased our
annual on-site generation of renewable electricity to 14 GWh p.a.
We are also collaborating with partners to develop new innovative
solutions for renewable energy generation, with ongoing projects to
install 750 micro wind turbines in Germany, trialling self-powered masts
in the UK, and developing proof-of-concept mini-grid solutions in
Mozambique and the DRC.
Purchasing renewable electricity
This was the first full year in which we matched all of the grid electricity
we used in Europe with renewable sources1 (having been 100%
renewable in Europe from July 2021). This is significantly ahead of our
target to power 100% of our global operations with renewable energy by
2025 and a major milestone towards our net zero goal. We currently have
purchase power agreements (‘PPAs’) in six countries having signed new
PPAs in Germany, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain and the UK this year,
1. We purchase renewable electricity in accordance with RE100’s Technical Criteria.
through which we purchased 6% of our renewable grid electricity
globally. When fully operational, these will generate approximately 40%
or our grid electricity demand in Europe by 2025. PPAs provide us with
more economic certainty against current volatile wholesale electricity
prices. The remainder of our electricity consumption is matched with
renewable energy certificates (‘RECs’).
We are committed to making the same change to 100% renewable in
Africa and 20% of our electricity supply in South Africa was matched with
renewable energy certificates during FY23.
We are also helping to build a more accessible market for renewables
across some of our African markets. This year, we established a new
agreement with the Egyptian government and embarked on discussions
with the national energy provider in South Africa, Eskom, which aim to
help us source more renewable power from the electricity grid.
This year, we spent €1.2 billion on purchasing electricity. This is a
year-on-year increase of approximately 40%, largely driven by exceptional
and extreme wholesale market conditions.
Click to read more about our renewable electricity
purchasing strategy:
Reducing diesel use
We used 72.5 million litres of diesel in FY23 (a 3% increase from FY22:
70.3 million litres) mainly to fuel generators at sites that are off-grid
or have unreliable grid electricity supply. We are seeking alternatives to
diesel, including connecting off-grid sites to the grid where possible, fuel
cell technology trials (including our successful ammonia fuel cell trial
in Romania, launched in 2022) and small-scale on-site renewables.
Electrification of our fleet
This year, we progressed with increasing the proportion of electric
vehicles (‘EVs’) in our company fleet (with EVs making up 49% of the fleet
compared to 39% in FY22). We launched a global fleet dashboard to
monitor carbon emissions from company vehicles, and progressed plans
to phase out purchasing of new vehicles with internal combustion
engines in our European operations.
Net zero value chain (Scope 3 emissions)
As part of our Science-Based Target, our goal is to halve the carbon
emissions from our full value chain by 2030 and bring them to net zero
by 2040 (against a 2020 baseline). This includes our indirect (Scope 3)
emissions, which we estimate to be 10.1 million tonnes CO2e in FY23 (5%
higher than the previous year), forming 91% of our total carbon emissions.
Reliable and standardised data from across an entire value chain is
fundamental to driving down Scope 3 emissions. Today, however, most
companies are relying heavily on estimates and assumptions for their
Scope 3 emissions. This year we have invested in enhanced ESG data
capabilities to improve the quality of our data, including Scope 3 emissions.
The increase in Scope 3 emissions this year is primarily due to
improvements in the completeness and accuracy of data, and mapping
to corresponding factors used for calculating emissions from our
upstream supply chain (mainly purchased goods and services, and capital
goods). In part, these calculations use a spend-based methodology,
so this trend was also driven by an increase in procurement spend
(of approximately €1 billion), which was further amplified by currency
exchange rate fluctuations over the last year. To help us move away
from a spend-based methodology in the future, in FY23 we completed
a project to engage our top four suppliers of network equipment
(representing 38% of Vodafone’s total network category spend),
to improve sharing of product carbon footprint data and identify
opportunities to reduce embedded carbon. We are committed to
improving Scope 3 data quality to enable us to better understand the
emissions from our value chain, and ultimately to manage them
more effectively.
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Purpose (continued)
Strategic report
Other information
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
Click or scan to watch a video summarising
how we plan to reach net zero by 2040:
through which we purchased 6% of our renewable grid electricity
globally. When fully operational, these will generate approximately 40%
or our grid electricity demand in Europe by 2025. PPAs provide us with
more economic certainty against current volatile wholesale electricity
prices. The remainder of our electricity consumption is matched with
renewable energy certificates (‘RECs’).
Net zero operations (Scope 1 & 2 emissions)
Our plans to reduce emissions from our operations (Scope 1 & 2
emissions) focus on driving energy efficiency across our mobile and fixed
We are committed to making the same change to 100% renewable in
Africa and 20% of our electricity supply in South Africa was matched with
line networks, phasing out the use of fossil fuels and increasing renewable
renewable energy certificates during FY23.
sources of energy for both our stationary equipment and vehicle fleet.
Driving energy efficiency
Despite the ever-growing use of data and expansion of our networks, this
year our total Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions decreased by 10% to 0.97
million tonnes of CO2e (carbon dioxide equivalent), due to our ongoing
focus on energy efficiency and an increase in the proportion of renewable
electricity purchased.
We are committed to continually improving the energy efficiency of our
mobile access network, fixed access networks and technology centres,
which together account for 93% of our total global energy consumption.
We are rolling out new generation network technology, software solutions
to optimise energy use, and rationalising our property portfolio. During
FY23, we invested €57 million of capital expenditure in energy efficiency
and on-site renewable projects which has led to annual savings of 50 GWh.
We continue to implement the ISO 50001 Energy Management Standard
globally across our operations. To date, 12 operating companies and
Safaricom have been awarded certification. This is underpinned by our
energy data management and analytics system which collects and stores
data feeds from our electricity suppliers and from smart meters.
This system is now live across 12 markets in Europe, with smart meters
installed at over 47,000 sites.
Click to read more about our energy efficiency initiatives:
Switching to renewables
To achieve our goal of net zero carbon emissions from our operations by
2030, we are phasing out the use of fossil fuels such as diesel for stationary
generators, and petrol or diesel for vehicle fuel. Our goal is to purchase
100% of the grid electricity we use globally from renewable sources by
2025. Since July 2021, 100% of the grid electricity used in our European
network (FY22: 96%), and 81% globally (FY22: 77%), has been purchased
from renewable sources.
Click to read more about our self-powered mobile masts:
On-site renewable generation
This year, we continued to install and deploy new solar photovoltaic (‘PV’)
systems at sites in the UK, Egypt and South Africa. This increased our
annual on-site generation of renewable electricity to 14 GWh p.a.
We are also collaborating with partners to develop new innovative
solutions for renewable energy generation, with ongoing projects to
install 750 micro wind turbines in Germany, trialling self-powered masts
in the UK, and developing proof-of-concept mini-grid solutions in
Mozambique and the DRC.
Purchasing renewable electricity
This was the first full year in which we matched all of the grid electricity
we used in Europe with renewable sources1 (having been 100%
renewable in Europe from July 2021). This is significantly ahead of our
target to power 100% of our global operations with renewable energy by
2025 and a major milestone towards our net zero goal. We currently have
purchase power agreements (‘PPAs’) in six countries having signed new
PPAs in Germany, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain and the UK this year,
1. We purchase renewable electricity in accordance with RE100’s Technical Criteria.
We are also helping to build a more accessible market for renewables
across some of our African markets. This year, we established a new
agreement with the Egyptian government and embarked on discussions
with the national energy provider in South Africa, Eskom, which aim to
help us source more renewable power from the electricity grid.
This year, we spent €1.2 billion on purchasing electricity. This is a
year-on-year increase of approximately 40%, largely driven by exceptional
and extreme wholesale market conditions.
Click to read more about our renewable electricity
purchasing strategy:
Reducing diesel use
We used 72.5 million litres of diesel in FY23 (a 3% increase from FY22:
70.3 million litres) mainly to fuel generators at sites that are off-grid
or have unreliable grid electricity supply. We are seeking alternatives to
diesel, including connecting off-grid sites to the grid where possible, fuel
cell technology trials (including our successful ammonia fuel cell trial
in Romania, launched in 2022) and small-scale on-site renewables.
Electrification of our fleet
This year, we progressed with increasing the proportion of electric
vehicles (‘EVs’) in our company fleet (with EVs making up 49% of the fleet
compared to 39% in FY22). We launched a global fleet dashboard to
monitor carbon emissions from company vehicles, and progressed plans
to phase out purchasing of new vehicles with internal combustion
engines in our European operations.
Net zero value chain (Scope 3 emissions)
As part of our Science-Based Target, our goal is to halve the carbon
emissions from our full value chain by 2030 and bring them to net zero
by 2040 (against a 2020 baseline). This includes our indirect (Scope 3)
emissions, which we estimate to be 10.1 million tonnes CO2e in FY23 (5%
higher than the previous year), forming 91% of our total carbon emissions.
Reliable and standardised data from across an entire value chain is
fundamental to driving down Scope 3 emissions. Today, however, most
companies are relying heavily on estimates and assumptions for their
Scope 3 emissions. This year we have invested in enhanced ESG data
capabilities to improve the quality of our data, including Scope 3 emissions.
The increase in Scope 3 emissions this year is primarily due to
improvements in the completeness and accuracy of data, and mapping
to corresponding factors used for calculating emissions from our
upstream supply chain (mainly purchased goods and services, and capital
goods). In part, these calculations use a spend-based methodology,
so this trend was also driven by an increase in procurement spend
(of approximately €1 billion), which was further amplified by currency
exchange rate fluctuations over the last year. To help us move away
from a spend-based methodology in the future, in FY23 we completed
a project to engage our top four suppliers of network equipment
(representing 38% of Vodafone’s total network category spend),
to improve sharing of product carbon footprint data and identify
opportunities to reduce embedded carbon. We are committed to
improving Scope 3 data quality to enable us to better understand the
emissions from our value chain, and ultimately to manage them
more effectively.
We continued to embed climate-related topics, among other ESG topics
into our procurement process. In March 2023, we launched a new
environmentally-linked supply chain financing programme, to provide
financial incentives for our suppliers to disclose carbon data to the CDP
and take action to improve their score over time. In partnership with CDP,
we developed a framework consisting of 12 criteria from the CDP survey
and sharing their performance score with their supply chain financing
provider, our suppliers have the opportunity to receive preferential
financing rates based on their ranking. The programme has initially been
launched for suppliers using Citibank’s scheme, with a view to expanding
to other supply chain financing providers over the next year. CDP plans to
make a template of the framework available to other telecommunication
industry players, to drive industry-wide adoption of the model. This work
is a contributing factor in our being recognised by the CDP as a Supplier
Engagement Leader in 2022.
Activities to influence our downstream emissions include improving
consumer awareness of the climate impact of smartphones, through
marketing of Eco Rating scores that aim to provide consistent and
accurate information on the environmental impact of products.
Read more about
Eco Rating on page 38
We are also engaging with our partners and supporting them on their
decarbonisation journey. In June 2022, we held a summit for our global
Vodafone sustainable business teams to share knowledge in which
several of our joint venture partners participated.
A review of emissions from our investments identified the need to update
the calculation methodology and correct the underlying energy data for
our joint ventures and associates, Vodafone Idea (which was determined
to be incomplete in prior year emissions calculations). We have restated
the Scope 3 category 15 data for all previous years to reflect these
improvements to data and methodology.
Industry collaboration and standardised reporting will be crucial to driving
down Scope 3 emissions, and we will continue to work with partners and
suppliers to increase the reliability of data.
Click to read more about Scope 3 emissions in our ESG
Goal: To enable our business customers reduce their own carbon
emissions by 350 million tonnes between 2020 and 2030
One of our most important contributions to protecting our planet is
enabling our customers (which include consumers, businesses, and
governments) to reduce their environmental footprint using our digital
technologies and services. We have begun this journey with a focus
on using green digital solutions to tackle climate change and help
decarbonise society.
This year, we estimate we have enabled an avoidance of 24.9 million
tonnes CO2e, which is almost 26 times the emissions generated from our
own operations (Scope 1 and 2). Since setting our carbon enablement
target in 2020, we estimate we have enabled our customers to save a
cumulative 47.6 million tonnes of carbon emissions. Our IoT service offer,
including logistics, fleet management and smart metering, has been
pivotal in delivering these savings so far. We estimate that 52% of our
162.3 million IoT connections directly enabled customers to reduce
their emissions in the past year.
FY23 carbon enablement overview
GHG estimated emission saving (million tonnes CO2e)1
Smart meters
Fleet management2
EV charging
Other (e.g. cloud/remote working/connected solar)
Other transport solutions and logistics solutions
Cumulative total (FY20 to FY23)
Total GHG enablement saving (million tonnes of CO2e)
Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions (million tonnes of CO2e)
Enablement ratio
1. Enablement figures are estimates. The detailed methodology is available in our ESG Addendum.
2. Significant year-on-year reduction due to recategorisation of connected car into other transport
solutions for FY23.
In FY23, we rolled out a carbon enablement toolkit to support product
teams to understand how the solutions they develop result in carbon
emission reductions. The toolkit helps them to identify solutions in our
existing product portfolio that have carbon enablement potential.
As a result, we have been able to measure and report the carbon
enablement impact of an expanded number of Vodafone Business
products and services this year, such as remote working solutions, and
IoT-enabled solutions for mobility and remote monitoring.
In addition, we hosted a customer summit at this year’s London Green
Tech Festival, and published our ‘Fit for the Future’ insights report, to
actively engage our Vodafone Business customers to think about our
collective role in the green digital transition.
We continue to advocate for the green digital transition at forums such
as the European Green Digital Coalition (‘EGDC’), GSMA and the European
Roundtable of Industrialists, and by speaking at conferences and events,
including at COP27.
Goal: To reuse, resell or recycle 100% of our network waste by 2025
The UN estimates that as much as 50 million tonnes of electronic and
electrical waste (e-waste) are produced globally each year, with only 20%
formally recycled. As the use of technology expands and develops, we
are playing our part to address the growing global e-waste problem.
Our circular economy (or ‘circularity’) initiatives look at two main types of
e-waste: network equipment (such as radio equipment used to run our fixed
and mobile access networks) and the electronic devices that we sell to
customers (such as smartphones).
We reused, resold or recycled 96% of network waste in FY23, in comparison
from our FY22 performance of 95% (which has been restated from 99%
to include parts of our network operations and data centres that were
previously omitted). Our asset marketplace contributed to this and we also
launched and began to scale up a number of new circular devices initiatives.
Our initiatives aim to raise consumer awareness of sustainable purchasing,
extend the lifetime of devices, and improve collection rates for used devices
so that they stay within a circular system.
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Purpose (continued)
Strategic report
Other information
FY23 network waste management (excluding hazardous waste)
Total network waste (metric tonnes)
1. Disposed network waste includes used network equipment that is disposed to landfill or incineration.
Circularity of network waste
Our global policy on waste management prioritises the reuse, resale
or recycling of surplus or obsolete network equipment. We aim to keep
resources in use for as long as possible, maximising the value employed,
and then recover and reuse materials responsibly.
We implement resource efficiency and waste disposal management
programmes in all our markets to minimise environmental impacts
from network waste and IT equipment waste. This year, we generated
an estimated 12,400 tonnes of network waste equipment (including
hazardous waste). We reused and recycled 96% of the non-hazardous
waste; partly via our asset marketplace, which was established in 2020 to
resell and repurpose excess or decommissioned network equipment, thus
extending its useful life. This year, we estimate that we have saved €14.7
million of spend and avoided over 1,143 tonnes of CO2e through our asset
marketplace platform. This is in addition to the reuse of equipment within
individual operating companies. For example, Vodafone UK avoided
an estimated 1,466 tonnes of CO2e in FY23 by reusing equipment.
Circularity of devices
Across our industry small IT equipment and electronics, such as devices,
constitute around 9% of total e-waste generated.1 We aim to reduce our
impact in this area by implementing circular devices initiatives in
conjunction with our partners and other operators.
Improving collection rates for used devices
Our previous metric that measured weight of products collected via
product take-back schemes is not reported in FY23 as we have retired it
in place of our newly formed partnership with WWF. In November 2022
we launched our ‘1 million phones for the planet’ campaign, to raise
consumer awareness of e-waste and incentivise our customers to bring
back their used devices for trade-in, donation or recycling. WWF’s ability
to deliver impactful environment projects, combined with Vodafone’s
digital technology capabilities and our reach across a global consumer
audience, will enable us to show how technology can help overcome
sustainability and conservation challenges.
This year we also we launched a new e-waste compensation partnership
in Germany. Our ‘One for One’ campaign promises that for every phone
purchased directly from us, our partners at Closing the Loop will collect
one for recycling from an African country that does not have safe
recycling infrastructure or systems. This diverts e-waste from landfill
or incineration, whilst also enabling valuable materials such as gold
and palladium to be recovered from otherwise hazardous waste.
Our partnership with Closing the Loop aims to enable the safe collection
and recycling of over one million scrap devices per year.
Extending the lifetime of devices
In partnership with Recommerce, our ‘Trade in’ campaign encourages
customers to extend the lifetime of their device by trading it in to be
refurbished and resold. Our digital trade-in platform, now live in four
European markets, offers customers a guaranteed price to make the
trade-in customer journey convenient, cost-effective and attractive.
1. GSMA, Strategy paper for circular economy: Mobile Devices, 2022
2. ADEME (2022) Assessment of the environmental impact of a set of refurbished products
We are also encouraging our customers to consider purchasing
second-life devices. Purchasing a refurbished smartphone saves around
50kg of CO2e – making its contribution to climate change 87% lower than
that of the equivalent, newly manufactured smartphone – and removes
the need to extract 76.9 kg of raw materials.2 We are offering customers
high quality and competitively priced refurbished smartphone ranges
in UK, Turkey, and Vodacom.
We also continue to collect, refurbish and reuse fixed line equipment
(such as broadband routers) multiple times, to drive significant associated
environmental and cost savings.
Improving consumer awareness of product sustainability
We are continuing our engagement in the Eco Rating labelling scheme
jointly with other major European operators. Eco Rating is a pan-industry
initiative to help consumers identify and compare the sustainability of
mobile phones on the market, whilst also encouraging suppliers to
reduce the environmental impact of devices.
In November 2022, Eco Rating expanded to reach 35 countries,
supported by 22 manufacturers and a total of eight operators. Since its
introduction, the rating has contributed to improving the environmental
performance of mobile phones on the market, illustrated by the increase
of the average Eco Rating score from 74 to 76 out of a maximum 100
since it was launched 18 months ago. We now operate this initiative in 12
markets with over 200 handsets assessed and available to our customers.
Reducing virgin plastic use
We continue to reduce use of single-use plastics, replacing them with
lower-impact alternatives across all our retail stores, offices and logistics
operations in collaboration with our logistics providers. To reduce virgin
plastic use in our SIM cards, we have continued to roll out half-size SIMs
made from recycled plastics.
Where plastic must be used, we aim to use recycled plastic. For example,
our new Ultrahub broadband router uses 95% recycled plastic in the
product housing and the packaging is made using 85% recycled
materials, both of which are 100% recyclable at the end of life.
Partnerships and collaboration
Reducing our environmental impact is a challenge that we know we
cannot achieve alone. Partnerships are essential to addressing the climate
and nature crises. We work with a number of valued partners at a global
and local level to deliver initiatives across our Planet strategy.
Together with Vodafone Egypt and Vodacom, we re-affirmed our
commitment to climate leadership through our headline sponsorship
of the COP27 UN Climate Change Conference in Sharm El-Sheikh in
November 2022. Our presence demonstrated our resolve for businesses
to take an active role in bringing about the green digital transition.
In addition to providing essential digital connectivity services for the
conference and its delegates, we showcased examples of innovative
green digital solutions that can help reduce global carbon emissions and
optimise resource efficiency – including our agricultural platforms such
as MyFarmWeb and Connected Farmer solutions, which are supporting
over five million farmers across Africa to minimise agricultural inputs like
vehicle fuel, water and chemicals, whilst maintaining crop yields.
Read more about our agricultural programmes
on page 29
Engaging our people on Planet
We are engaging people across Vodafone to think about environmental
impacts and risks as part of their own business decision-making.
Our ‘#RedLovesGreen’ community is the largest employee group outside
of core business topics on Workplace (Vodafone’s internal collaborative
communication platform) with more than 12,000 colleagues who are
engaged on environmental subjects. In FY23 we launched a series of
webinars called ‘Green Talks’, covering topics including climate change
science and net zero.
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Purpose (continued)
FY23 network waste management (excluding hazardous waste)
We are also encouraging our customers to consider purchasing
Total network waste (metric tonnes)
in UK, Turkey, and Vodacom.
second-life devices. Purchasing a refurbished smartphone saves around
50kg of CO2e – making its contribution to climate change 87% lower than
that of the equivalent, newly manufactured smartphone – and removes
the need to extract 76.9 kg of raw materials.2 We are offering customers
high quality and competitively priced refurbished smartphone ranges
1. Disposed network waste includes used network equipment that is disposed to landfill or incineration.
Circularity of network waste
Our global policy on waste management prioritises the reuse, resale
or recycling of surplus or obsolete network equipment. We aim to keep
resources in use for as long as possible, maximising the value employed,
and then recover and reuse materials responsibly.
We implement resource efficiency and waste disposal management
programmes in all our markets to minimise environmental impacts
from network waste and IT equipment waste. This year, we generated
an estimated 12,400 tonnes of network waste equipment (including
hazardous waste). We reused and recycled 96% of the non-hazardous
waste; partly via our asset marketplace, which was established in 2020 to
resell and repurpose excess or decommissioned network equipment, thus
extending its useful life. This year, we estimate that we have saved €14.7
million of spend and avoided over 1,143 tonnes of CO2e through our asset
marketplace platform. This is in addition to the reuse of equipment within
individual operating companies. For example, Vodafone UK avoided
an estimated 1,466 tonnes of CO2e in FY23 by reusing equipment.
Circularity of devices
Across our industry small IT equipment and electronics, such as devices,
constitute around 9% of total e-waste generated.1 We aim to reduce our
impact in this area by implementing circular devices initiatives in
conjunction with our partners and other operators.
Improving collection rates for used devices
Our previous metric that measured weight of products collected via
product take-back schemes is not reported in FY23 as we have retired it
in place of our newly formed partnership with WWF. In November 2022
we launched our ‘1 million phones for the planet’ campaign, to raise
consumer awareness of e-waste and incentivise our customers to bring
back their used devices for trade-in, donation or recycling. WWF’s ability
to deliver impactful environment projects, combined with Vodafone’s
digital technology capabilities and our reach across a global consumer
audience, will enable us to show how technology can help overcome
sustainability and conservation challenges.
This year we also we launched a new e-waste compensation partnership
in Germany. Our ‘One for One’ campaign promises that for every phone
purchased directly from us, our partners at Closing the Loop will collect
one for recycling from an African country that does not have safe
recycling infrastructure or systems. This diverts e-waste from landfill
or incineration, whilst also enabling valuable materials such as gold
and palladium to be recovered from otherwise hazardous waste.
Our partnership with Closing the Loop aims to enable the safe collection
and recycling of over one million scrap devices per year.
Extending the lifetime of devices
In partnership with Recommerce, our ‘Trade in’ campaign encourages
customers to extend the lifetime of their device by trading it in to be
refurbished and resold. Our digital trade-in platform, now live in four
European markets, offers customers a guaranteed price to make the
trade-in customer journey convenient, cost-effective and attractive.
1. GSMA, Strategy paper for circular economy: Mobile Devices, 2022
2. ADEME (2022) Assessment of the environmental impact of a set of refurbished products
We also continue to collect, refurbish and reuse fixed line equipment
(such as broadband routers) multiple times, to drive significant associated
environmental and cost savings.
Improving consumer awareness of product sustainability
We are continuing our engagement in the Eco Rating labelling scheme
jointly with other major European operators. Eco Rating is a pan-industry
initiative to help consumers identify and compare the sustainability of
mobile phones on the market, whilst also encouraging suppliers to
reduce the environmental impact of devices.
In November 2022, Eco Rating expanded to reach 35 countries,
supported by 22 manufacturers and a total of eight operators. Since its
introduction, the rating has contributed to improving the environmental
performance of mobile phones on the market, illustrated by the increase
of the average Eco Rating score from 74 to 76 out of a maximum 100
since it was launched 18 months ago. We now operate this initiative in 12
markets with over 200 handsets assessed and available to our customers.
Reducing virgin plastic use
We continue to reduce use of single-use plastics, replacing them with
lower-impact alternatives across all our retail stores, offices and logistics
operations in collaboration with our logistics providers. To reduce virgin
plastic use in our SIM cards, we have continued to roll out half-size SIMs
made from recycled plastics.
Where plastic must be used, we aim to use recycled plastic. For example,
our new Ultrahub broadband router uses 95% recycled plastic in the
product housing and the packaging is made using 85% recycled
materials, both of which are 100% recyclable at the end of life.
Partnerships and collaboration
Reducing our environmental impact is a challenge that we know we
cannot achieve alone. Partnerships are essential to addressing the climate
and nature crises. We work with a number of valued partners at a global
and local level to deliver initiatives across our Planet strategy.
Together with Vodafone Egypt and Vodacom, we re-affirmed our
commitment to climate leadership through our headline sponsorship
of the COP27 UN Climate Change Conference in Sharm El-Sheikh in
November 2022. Our presence demonstrated our resolve for businesses
to take an active role in bringing about the green digital transition.
In addition to providing essential digital connectivity services for the
conference and its delegates, we showcased examples of innovative
green digital solutions that can help reduce global carbon emissions and
optimise resource efficiency – including our agricultural platforms such
as MyFarmWeb and Connected Farmer solutions, which are supporting
over five million farmers across Africa to minimise agricultural inputs like
vehicle fuel, water and chemicals, whilst maintaining crop yields.
Read more about our agricultural programmes
on page 29
Engaging our people on Planet
We are engaging people across Vodafone to think about environmental
impacts and risks as part of their own business decision-making.
Our ‘#RedLovesGreen’ community is the largest employee group outside
of core business topics on Workplace (Vodafone’s internal collaborative
communication platform) with more than 12,000 colleagues who are
engaged on environmental subjects. In FY23 we launched a series of
webinars called ‘Green Talks’, covering topics including climate change
science and net zero.
Strategic report
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Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
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We contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals
The UN Sustainable Development Goals (‘SDGs’)
provide a blueprint for human progress and a clear call
to action for businesses to contribute to a better future.
Examples of our projects and initiatives supporting
the SDGs over the last year
Read more about our contribution to the SDGs:
The confluence of the climate crisis and the macro economic downturn
as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated existing challenges
for society, particularly in less developed countries, and led to a reversal
of progress on a number of SDGs. For example, we have seen the first rise
in extreme poverty in a generation, with around 120 million people pushed
back into extreme poverty1. Furthermore, the UN estimates that COVID-19
has wiped out 20 years of educational gains, with secondary school
completion rates at just 53%, and this is predicted to decline.1
Digital technology will be essential in reducing these impacts and helping
progress towards delivering the SDGs. We are committed to playing our role
and believe we can increase the speed and scale of delivery across a wide
number of SDGs through leveraging our technology and services, and
through partnering with others. Simultaneously, we can drive significant
growth. For example, our M-Pesa mobile money platform, designed to
enable financial inclusion, has 58.5 million active customers (including
Ghana). Excluding Safaricom, M-Pesa revenue in FY23 was €444 million.
We enable inclusive and sustainable digital societies
At Vodafone we are accelerating connectivity and digitalisation in
order to meet the SDGs by 2030. We have identified two priority
SDGs (SDG 9 build resilient infrastructure and innovation, and SDG 17
strengthen the means of implementation and partnerships for
sustainable development) that will enable us and our partners to find
lasting solutions to social, economic and environmental challenges
and thereby accelerate the delivery of other SDGs.
Read more about our partnerships
on page 30 to 32 and 37 to 38
The SDGs will only be achieved in partnership, and we continue to
pioneer new models of cooperation between business, governments,
international organisations, and civil society to deliver process and scale.
For example, we were a founding member of the International
Telecommunication Union’s Partner2Connect coalition to
connect the unconnected. We also initiated and co-led the first
multi-stakeholder working group on smartphone access and
affordability under the auspices of the Broadband Commission for
Sustainable Development.
This year, our partnership in Ethiopia with Safaricom, Sumitomo
Corporation and CDC Group launched a new network in Ethiopia
combining our innovation and technology to help solve customer
and societal challenges in the region.
We have also increased our partnerships to address the climate crisis.
This includes our partnership with the Egyptian government and
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in COP27
in Egypt in November 2022, and our global partnership with WWF that
will support our goals to reduce carbon emissions to net zero by 2040
and encourage a more circular economy for mobile phones.
Through connectivity infrastructure, digital innovations and
partnerships, we deliver impact across many of the SDGs.
1. UN, 2022.
No poverty
Our everyone.connected campaign in the UK has delivered
£108 million in social value helping customers deal with the
increased level of poverty due to cost of living increases.
Read more about our approach to the cost of living:
Good health and wellbeing
Our partnership with Deloitte will provide new and effective
ways for medical professionals to diagnose, treat, and
support patients.
Read more about our partnership:
Quality education
Our Connected Education programme has
benefited over 1.7 million students and
teachers in 5,500 education institutions
across 13 countries.
Click or scan to watch how Vodafone is providing
digital learning through connected education.
Gender equality
We continue to design digital solutions to empower women
such as Mum & Baby with over 2.3 million customers
subscribing to our free maternal health programme.
Read more about our Mum & Baby programme on page 31.
Affordable and clean energy
Since July 2021 our European network is powered 100%
by electricity purchased from renewable sources and
are forming new agreements to enable us to purchase
renewable power in Africa.
We are also partnering with others to innovate in renewable
technologies for remote mobile sites.
Read more about our Planet purpose pillar on pages 35-38.
Read more about self-powered mobile masts providing
sustainable solutions for rural communities:
Sustainable cities and communities
Our IoT solutions help local governments take control of
their energy usage across multiple sites, improve air quality
via monitors and optimise waste collection.
Read more about our digital solutions to build
sustainable cities:
Responsible consumption
12 of our European markets have launched Eco Rating
schemes to provide consistent, accurate information on the
environmental impact of products, including smartphones.
Read more about Eco Rating for mobile phones:
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Responsible business
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Responsible business
To underpin the delivery of our purpose, we ensure
that we operate in a responsible way. Acting
ethically, lawfully and with integrity is critical to our
long-term success.
This section of the Strategic Report covers the elements underpinning
our responsible business strategy. On this page, we explain how we
embed an understanding of our Code of Conduct throughout the Group
and provide our people and suppliers with access to a whistleblowing
hotline (‘Speak Up’). This section also summarises our approach to
protecting data and people, as well as how we ensure we behave
ethically, lawfully and with integrity wherever we operate.
Code of Conduct
Our Code of Conduct sets out what we expect from every single person
working for Vodafone, regardless of location. We also expect our suppliers
and business partners to uphold the same standards as set out in our
Code of Ethical Purchasing.
Click here to read our Code of Conduct:
Our Doing What’s Right (‘DWR’) training and communication programme is
key to embedding a shared understanding of the Code of Conduct across
Vodafone. Throughout the year, the Doing What’s Right communication
programme promoted different areas of our Code of Conduct, including
Speak Up, anti-bribery, privacy, competition law, security, and health and
safety. In FY23, we launched a campaign to reinforce how line managers have
a critical responsibility to be a role model for ethics and integrity at Vodafone
and create a culture where we take decisions that foster trust and admiration.
Training in our Code of Conduct is mandatory for all employees and is
included in our standard induction process for new employees. This year
we have upgraded our DWR learning strategy moving from training every
two years to a learning intervention every year. Of those employees
assigned Doing What’s Right training, 93% had completed the training as
at 31 March 2023. From FY24 onwards, end-of-year reward linked to an
individual’s impact will be underpinned by minimum standards, including
completion of our Doing What’s Right training, that reinforce our
commitment to building an ethical culture.
We also strive to make compliance easy for our employees and continue to
improve our digital Code of Conduct and Global Policy Portal, the internal
platform where employees can find information about our policies and
procedures. During FY23, 220,000 visits to these portals were logged which
is an indicator that our employees are engaging with our policies.
Our Code of Conduct is well understood throughout Vodafone. In our
latest Spirit Beat employee survey, 95% of respondents agreed with the
statement ‘Our team lives by the Code of Conduct’.
Speak Up
Everyone who works for or on behalf of Vodafone has a responsibility to
report any behaviour at work that may be unlawful or criminal, or could
amount to an abuse of our policies, systems or processes and therefore
be a breach of our Code of Conduct. Employees are able to raise
concerns with a line manager, with a colleague from human resources or
through our anonymous confidential third-party hotline, Speak Up, which
is accessible in local languages online or by telephone.
We have a non-retaliation policy when a genuine concern has been
reported. Everyone who raises a concern in good faith is treated fairly,
with no negative consequences for their employment with Vodafone,
regardless of the outcome of any subsequent investigation.
Speak Up reports are confidentially investigated by local specialist teams,
with a senior team in place to triage reports. Each grievance is monitored
to verify that any corrective action plan or remediation has been
conducted. Our Group Risk and Compliance Committee reviews the
effectiveness of the Speak Up process and trends twice a year, and the
Audit and Risk Committee receives an annual update, with additional
ad hoc reviews also carried out where appropriate.
Our employees trust our Speak Up process, as evidenced by our
September 2022 Spirit Beat survey, with 85% of respondents agreeing
that they believe appropriate action would be taken as a result of using
the process. We also track the proportion of ‘named’ versus ‘anonymous’
reports as a higher number of named reports suggests higher levels
of trust in the Speak Up process. During the year, 57% (FY22: 64%)
of reports were ‘named’ and this was higher than available
industry benchmarks.
This year, 505 (FY22: 642) separate concerns were reported using Speak
Up. Speak Up reports could relate to matters of unlawful behaviour or
matters of integrity, such as bribery, fraud, price fixing, a conflict of interest,
or a breach of data privacy. Reports could also relate to people issues such
as discrimination, bullying or harassment, danger to the health and safety
of employees or the public, or potential abuses of human rights.
If we decide to proceed with an investigation, a qualified expert will
investigate, keeping the person who raised the concern informed
throughout the process. Where reports made to Speak Up require
remedial action, this could include consequences at the individual level,
or changes to internal processes and procedures.
Speak Up is owned by the Chief Human Resources Officer and overseen
by the Group Risk and Compliance Committee. In 2022, we undertook
a review of the Speak Up process to check it against the UN Guiding
Principles on Business and Human Rights requirements.
Speak Up topics raised during the year
People issues2
Health and safety
Speak Up
remedial action
1. There were no reports relating to modern slavery concerns reported during the period
(FY22: zero reports).
2. Diversity & Inclusion topics accounted for 2% of the People issues reported during the year.
Speak Up is also made available to our suppliers and is communicated
through our Code of Ethical Purchasing. For suppliers that decide to maintain
their own grievance mechanisms, we require that they inform us of any
grievances raised relating to work done on behalf of Vodafone directly.
Protecting data
Millions of people communicate and share
information over our networks, enabling them to
connect, innovate and prosper. Customers trust us
with their data and maintaining this trust is critical.
Data privacy
We believe that everyone has a right to privacy wherever they live in
the world, and our commitment to our customers’ privacy goes beyond
legal compliance. As a result, our privacy programme applies globally,
irrespective of whether there are local data protection or privacy laws.
Our privacy management policy is based on the European Union General
Data Protection Regulation (‘GDPR’) and this is applied across Vodafone
markets both inside and outside the European Economic Area.
Our privacy management policy establishes a framework within which
local data protection and privacy laws are respected and sets a baseline
for those markets where there are no equivalent legal requirements.
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Responsible business
Responsible business
To underpin the delivery of our purpose, we ensure
that we operate in a responsible way. Acting
ethically, lawfully and with integrity is critical to our
long-term success.
This section of the Strategic Report covers the elements underpinning
our responsible business strategy. On this page, we explain how we
embed an understanding of our Code of Conduct throughout the Group
and provide our people and suppliers with access to a whistleblowing
hotline (‘Speak Up’). This section also summarises our approach to
protecting data and people, as well as how we ensure we behave
ethically, lawfully and with integrity wherever we operate.
Code of Conduct
Our Code of Conduct sets out what we expect from every single person
working for Vodafone, regardless of location. We also expect our suppliers
and business partners to uphold the same standards as set out in our
Code of Ethical Purchasing.
Click here to read our Code of Conduct:
Our Doing What’s Right (‘DWR’) training and communication programme is
key to embedding a shared understanding of the Code of Conduct across
Vodafone. Throughout the year, the Doing What’s Right communication
programme promoted different areas of our Code of Conduct, including
Speak Up, anti-bribery, privacy, competition law, security, and health and
safety. In FY23, we launched a campaign to reinforce how line managers have
a critical responsibility to be a role model for ethics and integrity at Vodafone
and create a culture where we take decisions that foster trust and admiration.
Training in our Code of Conduct is mandatory for all employees and is
included in our standard induction process for new employees. This year
we have upgraded our DWR learning strategy moving from training every
two years to a learning intervention every year. Of those employees
assigned Doing What’s Right training, 93% had completed the training as
at 31 March 2023. From FY24 onwards, end-of-year reward linked to an
individual’s impact will be underpinned by minimum standards, including
completion of our Doing What’s Right training, that reinforce our
commitment to building an ethical culture.
We also strive to make compliance easy for our employees and continue to
improve our digital Code of Conduct and Global Policy Portal, the internal
platform where employees can find information about our policies and
procedures. During FY23, 220,000 visits to these portals were logged which
is an indicator that our employees are engaging with our policies.
Our Code of Conduct is well understood throughout Vodafone. In our
latest Spirit Beat employee survey, 95% of respondents agreed with the
statement ‘Our team lives by the Code of Conduct’.
Speak Up
Everyone who works for or on behalf of Vodafone has a responsibility to
report any behaviour at work that may be unlawful or criminal, or could
amount to an abuse of our policies, systems or processes and therefore
be a breach of our Code of Conduct. Employees are able to raise
We have a non-retaliation policy when a genuine concern has been
reported. Everyone who raises a concern in good faith is treated fairly,
with no negative consequences for their employment with Vodafone,
regardless of the outcome of any subsequent investigation.
Speak Up reports are confidentially investigated by local specialist teams,
with a senior team in place to triage reports. Each grievance is monitored
to verify that any corrective action plan or remediation has been
conducted. Our Group Risk and Compliance Committee reviews the
effectiveness of the Speak Up process and trends twice a year, and the
Audit and Risk Committee receives an annual update, with additional
ad hoc reviews also carried out where appropriate.
Our employees trust our Speak Up process, as evidenced by our
September 2022 Spirit Beat survey, with 85% of respondents agreeing
that they believe appropriate action would be taken as a result of using
the process. We also track the proportion of ‘named’ versus ‘anonymous’
reports as a higher number of named reports suggests higher levels
of trust in the Speak Up process. During the year, 57% (FY22: 64%)
of reports were ‘named’ and this was higher than available
industry benchmarks.
This year, 505 (FY22: 642) separate concerns were reported using Speak
Up. Speak Up reports could relate to matters of unlawful behaviour or
matters of integrity, such as bribery, fraud, price fixing, a conflict of interest,
or a breach of data privacy. Reports could also relate to people issues such
as discrimination, bullying or harassment, danger to the health and safety
of employees or the public, or potential abuses of human rights.
If we decide to proceed with an investigation, a qualified expert will
investigate, keeping the person who raised the concern informed
throughout the process. Where reports made to Speak Up require
remedial action, this could include consequences at the individual level,
or changes to internal processes and procedures.
Speak Up is owned by the Chief Human Resources Officer and overseen
by the Group Risk and Compliance Committee. In 2022, we undertook
a review of the Speak Up process to check it against the UN Guiding
Principles on Business and Human Rights requirements.
Speak Up topics raised during the year
Speak Up
remedial action
People issues2
Health and safety
(FY22: zero reports).
1. There were no reports relating to modern slavery concerns reported during the period
2. Diversity & Inclusion topics accounted for 2% of the People issues reported during the year.
Speak Up is also made available to our suppliers and is communicated
through our Code of Ethical Purchasing. For suppliers that decide to maintain
their own grievance mechanisms, we require that they inform us of any
grievances raised relating to work done on behalf of Vodafone directly.
Protecting data
Millions of people communicate and share
information over our networks, enabling them to
connect, innovate and prosper. Customers trust us
with their data and maintaining this trust is critical.
Data privacy
We believe that everyone has a right to privacy wherever they live in
Our privacy management policy is based on the European Union General
Data Protection Regulation (‘GDPR’) and this is applied across Vodafone
markets both inside and outside the European Economic Area.
Our privacy management policy establishes a framework within which
local data protection and privacy laws are respected and sets a baseline
for those markets where there are no equivalent legal requirements.
concerns with a line manager, with a colleague from human resources or
the world, and our commitment to our customers’ privacy goes beyond
through our anonymous confidential third-party hotline, Speak Up, which
legal compliance. As a result, our privacy programme applies globally,
is accessible in local languages online or by telephone.
irrespective of whether there are local data protection or privacy laws.
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Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
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We always seek to respect and protect the right to privacy, including
our customers’ lawful rights to hold and express opinions and share
information and ideas without interference. At the same time, as a
licensed national operator, we are obliged to comply with lawful orders
from national authorities and the judiciary, including law enforcement.
Click or scan to watch our privacy experts
summarise our approach to data privacy:
Privacy risks
As data volumes continue to grow and regulatory and customer scrutiny
increases, it is important to be clear on the privacy risks we face, as well as
how our policies and programmes can mitigate these risks. We categorise
data privacy risk into three main areas:
– Collection: collection of personal data without permissions or
excessive collection of data;
– Access & use: use of personal data for unauthorised purposes,
excessive data retention or poor data quality; and
– Sharing: unauthorised disclosure of personal data, including supplier
non-compliance with the law or our own policies.
To help us identify and manage evolving risks, we constantly evaluate our
business strategy, new technologies, products and services, as well as
government policies and regulation.
Privacy principles
Our privacy programme governs how we collect, use and manage our
customers’ personal data to ensure we respect the confidentiality of their
communications and any choices that they have made regarding the use
of their data. Our privacy programme is based on the following principles:
accountability; fairness and lawfulness; choice and access; security
safeguards; privacy by design; openness and honesty; responsible data
management; and balance.
Click to read more about our privacy principles and how
they guide the way our products are designed and built:
Using customer data
We want to enable our customers to get the most out of our products
and services. To provide these services, we need to use our customers’
personal information. We aim to protect our customers’ data, use it for
a stated and specific purpose, and we are always open about what
customer data we collect, and why we collect it.
Click to read more about uses of customer data:
Each local market publishes a Privacy Statement to provide clear,
transparent and relevant information on how we collect and use personal
data, what choices are available regarding its use and how customers can
exercise their rights. Our product-specific privacy notices include details
relating to a particular product. These statements and notices are available
to customers online, in the MyVodafone app and in our retail stores.
We provide our customers with access to their data through online and
physical channels. These channels can be used also to request deletion
of data that is no longer necessary, or for correction of outdated or incorrect
data, or for data portability. Our customer privacy statements and other
customer facing documents provide comprehensive information on how
these rights can be exercised and how to raise complaints or contact the
relevant data protection authority. Our frontline retail and customer support
staff are trained to respond to customers’ requests.
Our state-of-the-art, multi-channel permission management approach
was deployed across our channels (MyVodafone app, website, call
centres and retail stores) in 2018. This approach allows our customers
to control how we use their data for marketing and other purposes at
any time and the permissions are synchronised across our channels.
For example, customers can:
– Opt-in for processing of special categories of data;
– Choose what data we collect through the MyVodafone app and how
it is used;
– Opt-out from marketing across different channels (call, SMS,
notifications), or opt-in to the use of their communications metadata
for marketing purposes or for receiving third-party marketing
messages; and
– Opt-out from the use of anonymised network and location data
(‘Vodafone Analytics’).
Click to read more about our privacy policies:
Case study: Privacy-first digital advertising
Following a trial of a new ‘TrustPid’ solution, we have formed a new
joint venture with three other major European telecommunications
operators. TrustPid is a technology for data protection-compliant
digital marketing, allowing consumers to enjoy free content and the
benefits of the open internet whilst maintaining control over their
privacy. TrustPid requires express consent of the user to be activated
and offers a centralised self-serve privacy portal enabling users to
review and manage their consents across websites participating in
the service at any time. Users can revoke their consents all at once
or individually per website, as well as block the service.
TrustPid works with secure, unique network-based digital
tokens generated using the IP address of the user and multiple
de-identification steps to break the ‘link-ability’ back to the users.
The telecommunications providers are responsible for creating a
pseudonymised network ID which is used by the TrustPid platform
to generate the additional digital tokens. The telecommunications
providers do not enhance the tokens with any customer or traffic
data, nor is any other directly identifiable data, such as name or email
address, shared or processed by the service in any other way. The
digital tokens shared with advertisers and publishers are randomised,
specific for each domain and have a limited lifespan of up to 90 days.
These allow advertisers and publishers to provide users with a
personalised experience on their websites, apps and services, without
being able to trace them back to reveal the personal identity of the
individuals, and always with the requirement that the user must have
provided express prior consent for each individual site. These
measures reduce the risk of uncontrolled cross-site tracking, data
sharing and profiling across different partners – one of the big
drawbacks for consumers in the way digital advertising works today.
Transparency, control and data minimisation are key principles for
TrustPid which seeks to provide a privacy first solution whereby
only the minimum personal data for the service to work is processed
and shared on a need-to-know basis.
The European Commission has provided unconditional approval for
the creation of the joint venture and the joint venture partners have
now tested the platform with advertisers and publishers in Germany
and Spain. All local data protection authorities were consulted before
the trial was initiated. Following completion of the trial at the end
of May 2023, the joint venture will outline its vision and strategy,
including information about next steps and a commercial launch,
which will be announced in due course by a new company called Utiq.
Click to read more about Utiq:
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Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
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Responsible business (continued)
Operating model
We have an experienced team of privacy specialists dedicated to ensuring
compliance with data protection laws and our policies in the countries
where we operate.
We apply a process-based approach to managing privacy risks across the data
lifecycle and teams from across Vodafone ensure end-to-end coverage.
Dedicated security teams ensure appropriate technical and organisational
information security measures are applied to protect personal data against
unauthorised access, disclosure, loss or use during transit and at rest.
Read more about cyber security
on pages 42 to 43 and 53
All products, services and processes are subject to privacy impact
assessments as part of their development and throughout their lifecycle.
We maintain personal data processing records, supplier privacy
compliance, data breach management and individual rights processes,
as well as internal and international data transfer compliance frameworks,
and training and awareness programmes.
In our supply chain, privacy and security requirements form a key part of
our supplier management processes. All suppliers go through a thorough
onboarding process to verify their adherence with these requirements,
appropriate data protection agreements are agreed, and suppliers are
subject to continuous monitoring.
Our teams monitor and influence regulatory and industry developments
and work to build and maintain relationships with local data protection
authorities and other key stakeholders.
Our privacy control frameworks are subject to continuous risk-based
improvements. In addition to introducing updates to our global privacy
controls, we also require every employee, and where possible contractors,
to complete Doing What’s Right privacy training within six weeks of joining
and then in line with our annual learning intervention cycle. We also have
targeted training for high-risk roles which is aimed at teams with a key
role in personal data processing. With this approach we aim to achieve
a 90% completion rate on both types of training across all target groups
across our global footprint. In FY23, 95% of assigned employees
completed Doing What’s Right or more specific privacy training.
The effectiveness of control implementation is subject to quarterly
reporting, and annual evidence-based testing by the privacy teams, as
well as internal audit. Control implementation is also reviewed by local
market CEOs, the Group Risk and Compliance Committee and the Audit
and Risk Committee. Any findings are subject to remedial actions by the
responsible control operator, and completion is monitored.
The General Counsel and Company Secretary, a member of the Executive
Committee, oversees the global privacy programme. The Group Privacy
Officer, reporting to the General Counsel, is responsible for managing
and overseeing the privacy programme on a day-to-day basis across the
markets and provides regular status reports to the General Counsel and
Company Secretary and an annual update to the Audit and Risk
Committee. During the year, the Group Chief Executive also introduced
regular compliance reviews to ensure operating companies were
adhering to the Group’s policies and procedures. This included oversight
of our privacy programme.
Whilst each employee is responsible for protecting personal data they
are trusted with, accountability for compliance sits with each operating
company. A member of the local executive committee oversees the local
implementation of our privacy programme. Each operating company also
has a dedicated privacy officer, privacy legal counsel and other privacy
specialists. Local privacy officers report to the Group Privacy Officer
throughout the year.
The Privacy Leadership team approves new standards and guidelines and
monitors the implementation of global privacy plans. Operating companies
also maintain privacy steering committees that bring together privacy and
security teams and senior management from relevant business functions.
Privacy incidents
We have a strong culture of data privacy and our assurance and
monitoring activities are designed to identify potential issues before they
materialise. However, during the financial year, Vodafone was fined
€1 million (FY22: €2 million) for separate data privacy issues, primarily
relating to fraudulent SIM swaps, telesales and marketing without
consent, human and system errors in data processing, and delayed
execution of data subject rights. In response, we have introduced new
standards and increased monitoring.
Read more about how we respond to a data breach in the
cyber security section on page 43
Cyber security
Our role is to enable connectivity in society. As a provider of critical
national infrastructure and connectivity that is relied upon by millions of
customers, we prioritise cyber and information security across everything
we do. Our customers use Vodafone products and services because of
our next-generation connectivity, but also because they trust that their
information is secure.
Cyber attacks are part of the technology landscape today and will be
in the future. All organisations, governments and people will be subject
to cyber attacks and some will be successful. The telecommunications
industry is faced with a unique set of risks as we provide connectivity
services and handle private communication data. Our operating model is
designed based on this knowledge and focused on how we prevent,
detect and respond to attacks to minimise the impact.
We have published a separate factsheet which provides more detail
on our approach to managing cyber risk at Vodafone, as well as how
we protect our customers from cyber threats. The following section
is a summary of our approach.
Click to read our cyber security factsheet:
Click or scan to watch our cyber security experts
summarise our approach to cyber security:
Our cyber security strategy
Our vision is a secure connected future for our customers and society.
We are motivated by a clear purpose to inspire customer trust and loyalty
by providing sustained cyber security, ultimately contributing to a secure
society and an inclusive future for all.
Our cyber security strategy sets out how we plan to achieve these goals.
It is aligned to, and forms part of, Vodafone’s 2025 technology strategy.
Our cyber security strategy has six pillars: control evolution, secure
by design, dynamic trust, real-time data & real-time response, Spirit
of Vodafone and culture, and security for society.
Identification of vulnerabilities and risks
Cyber security is one of Vodafone’s principal risks. We understand that
if not managed effectively, there could be major customer, financial,
reputation, stakeholder or regulatory impacts. Risk and threat
management are fundamental to maintaining the security of our services
across every aspect of our business.
To help us identify and manage emerging and evolving risks, we
constantly evaluate and challenge our business strategy, new
technologies, government policies and regulation, and cyber threats.
We conduct regular reviews of the most significant security risks affecting
our business and develop strategies and policies to detect, prevent
and respond to them. Our cyber security strategy focuses on minimising
the risk of cyber incidents that affect our networks and services.
When incidents do occur, we identify the root causes and use them to
improve our controls.
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Annual Report 2023
Responsible business (continued)
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Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
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We have an experienced team of privacy specialists dedicated to ensuring
We have a strong culture of data privacy and our assurance and
compliance with data protection laws and our policies in the countries
monitoring activities are designed to identify potential issues before they
Privacy incidents
Operating model
where we operate.
We apply a process-based approach to managing privacy risks across the data
lifecycle and teams from across Vodafone ensure end-to-end coverage.
Dedicated security teams ensure appropriate technical and organisational
information security measures are applied to protect personal data against
unauthorised access, disclosure, loss or use during transit and at rest.
Read more about cyber security
on pages 42 to 43 and 53
All products, services and processes are subject to privacy impact
assessments as part of their development and throughout their lifecycle.
We maintain personal data processing records, supplier privacy
compliance, data breach management and individual rights processes,
as well as internal and international data transfer compliance frameworks,
and training and awareness programmes.
In our supply chain, privacy and security requirements form a key part of
our supplier management processes. All suppliers go through a thorough
onboarding process to verify their adherence with these requirements,
appropriate data protection agreements are agreed, and suppliers are
subject to continuous monitoring.
Our teams monitor and influence regulatory and industry developments
and work to build and maintain relationships with local data protection
authorities and other key stakeholders.
Our privacy control frameworks are subject to continuous risk-based
improvements. In addition to introducing updates to our global privacy
controls, we also require every employee, and where possible contractors,
to complete Doing What’s Right privacy training within six weeks of joining
and then in line with our annual learning intervention cycle. We also have
targeted training for high-risk roles which is aimed at teams with a key
role in personal data processing. With this approach we aim to achieve
a 90% completion rate on both types of training across all target groups
across our global footprint. In FY23, 95% of assigned employees
completed Doing What’s Right or more specific privacy training.
The effectiveness of control implementation is subject to quarterly
reporting, and annual evidence-based testing by the privacy teams, as
well as internal audit. Control implementation is also reviewed by local
market CEOs, the Group Risk and Compliance Committee and the Audit
and Risk Committee. Any findings are subject to remedial actions by the
responsible control operator, and completion is monitored.
The General Counsel and Company Secretary, a member of the Executive
Committee, oversees the global privacy programme. The Group Privacy
Officer, reporting to the General Counsel, is responsible for managing
and overseeing the privacy programme on a day-to-day basis across the
markets and provides regular status reports to the General Counsel and
Company Secretary and an annual update to the Audit and Risk
Committee. During the year, the Group Chief Executive also introduced
regular compliance reviews to ensure operating companies were
adhering to the Group’s policies and procedures. This included oversight
of our privacy programme.
Whilst each employee is responsible for protecting personal data they
are trusted with, accountability for compliance sits with each operating
company. A member of the local executive committee oversees the local
implementation of our privacy programme. Each operating company also
has a dedicated privacy officer, privacy legal counsel and other privacy
specialists. Local privacy officers report to the Group Privacy Officer
throughout the year.
The Privacy Leadership team approves new standards and guidelines and
monitors the implementation of global privacy plans. Operating companies
also maintain privacy steering committees that bring together privacy and
security teams and senior management from relevant business functions.
materialise. However, during the financial year, Vodafone was fined
€1 million (FY22: €2 million) for separate data privacy issues, primarily
relating to fraudulent SIM swaps, telesales and marketing without
consent, human and system errors in data processing, and delayed
execution of data subject rights. In response, we have introduced new
standards and increased monitoring.
Read more about how we respond to a data breach in the
cyber security section on page 43
Cyber security
Our role is to enable connectivity in society. As a provider of critical
national infrastructure and connectivity that is relied upon by millions of
customers, we prioritise cyber and information security across everything
we do. Our customers use Vodafone products and services because of
our next-generation connectivity, but also because they trust that their
information is secure.
Cyber attacks are part of the technology landscape today and will be
in the future. All organisations, governments and people will be subject
to cyber attacks and some will be successful. The telecommunications
industry is faced with a unique set of risks as we provide connectivity
services and handle private communication data. Our operating model is
designed based on this knowledge and focused on how we prevent,
detect and respond to attacks to minimise the impact.
We have published a separate factsheet which provides more detail
on our approach to managing cyber risk at Vodafone, as well as how
we protect our customers from cyber threats. The following section
is a summary of our approach.
Click to read our cyber security factsheet:
Click or scan to watch our cyber security experts
summarise our approach to cyber security:
Our cyber security strategy
Our vision is a secure connected future for our customers and society.
We are motivated by a clear purpose to inspire customer trust and loyalty
by providing sustained cyber security, ultimately contributing to a secure
society and an inclusive future for all.
Our cyber security strategy sets out how we plan to achieve these goals.
It is aligned to, and forms part of, Vodafone’s 2025 technology strategy.
Our cyber security strategy has six pillars: control evolution, secure
by design, dynamic trust, real-time data & real-time response, Spirit
of Vodafone and culture, and security for society.
Identification of vulnerabilities and risks
Cyber security is one of Vodafone’s principal risks. We understand that
if not managed effectively, there could be major customer, financial,
reputation, stakeholder or regulatory impacts. Risk and threat
management are fundamental to maintaining the security of our services
across every aspect of our business.
To help us identify and manage emerging and evolving risks, we
constantly evaluate and challenge our business strategy, new
technologies, government policies and regulation, and cyber threats.
We conduct regular reviews of the most significant security risks affecting
our business and develop strategies and policies to detect, prevent
and respond to them. Our cyber security strategy focuses on minimising
the risk of cyber incidents that affect our networks and services.
When incidents do occur, we identify the root causes and use them to
improve our controls.
Risk and control framework
Controls can prevent, detect or respond to risks. Most risks and threats are
prevented from occurring and most will be detected before they cause
harm and need a response. A small minority will need recovery actions.
We use a common global framework called the Cyber Security Baseline
and it is mandatory across the entire Group. The baseline is based on an
international standard and includes key security controls which
significantly reduce cyber security risk by preventing, detecting or
responding to events and attacks. We have effectiveness targets for the
key controls that are monitored and reported to senior management for
each market every month. The framework is regularly reviewed and new
controls or new targets identified each year.
As well as monitoring control effectiveness within Vodafone, we oversee
the cyber security of our suppliers and third parties with a dedicated team.
At supplier onboarding, security requirements are written into contracts,
and we determine the inherent risk of the supplier based on the service
they are providing. We then assess their controls to understand the
residual risk, which informs the frequency of review. We follow up on
open actions and ensure security incidents are tracked and managed.
A dedicated assurance team reviews and validates the effectiveness of
our security controls, and our control environment is subject to regular
internal audit. The security of our mobile networks is also independently
tested and benchmarked versus other telecommunications operators
every year to assure we are maintaining the highest standards and our
controls are operating effectively. We maintain independently audited
information security certifications, including ISO 27001, which cover our
global technology function and 15 local markets. In addition, our markets
comply with national information security requirements where applicable.
Read more about our identification of cyber threat
as a principal risk on page 53
New technologies, industry practice and regulations
We adopt new technologies to better serve our customers and gain
operational efficiency. For every technology programme, new or existing,
we follow our Security by Design process, evaluating suppliers’ hardware
and software, modelling threats and understanding the risks before
designing, implementing and testing the necessary security controls.
We anticipate threats will continue from existing sources, but also evolve
in areas such as 5G, IoT, vendor software integrity, quantum computing
and the use of artificial intelligence (‘AI’) and machine learning.
More broadly, we actively engage with stakeholders, including industry
and government, in order to protect Vodafone, respond to cyber threats
and work together to share best practice. Given our expertise and
extensive experience, we also engage with a wide range of organisations
to help improve the understanding of cyber security thinking and
practice, and contribute to public policy, technical standards, information
sharing and analysis, risk assessment, and governance.
We expect a significant increase in security regulation over the next few
years as governments respond to the heightened cyber threat landscape,
recognising that telecommunications operators provide critical national
infrastructure. We engage directly with governments and industry
partners to promote proportionate, risk-based and cost-effective solutions
to security threats. We look to establish shared approaches to reinforce
standardisation and regulatory frameworks that apply equally to all
market participants.
Operating model
We have implemented an operating model based on the leading industry
security standards published by the US National Institute of Standards
and Technology (‘NIST’). The model is designed to reduce risk through
constantly protecting, defending and improving our security. We have an
in-house international team of almost 1,000 employees and we also work
with third-party experts in specialist areas. Our scale means we benefit
from global collaboration, technology sharing and deep expertise, and
ultimately have greater visibility of emerging threats.
Although the cyber team leads on detect, respond and recover,
preventative and protective controls are embedded across all our
technology and throughout the entire business. Every employee has
responsibility for cyber security and must follow the Vodafone Cyber
Code, be sensitive to threats and report suspicious activity. Embedded
in our Code of Conduct, the Cyber Code is the cornerstone of how we
expect all employees to behave when it comes to best practice in cyber
security. It consists of seven areas where employees need to follow
security good practice.
Click to read more about Vodafone’s
Cyber Code in our Code of Conduct:
Cyber security is included within our Doing What’s Right training
programme and our latest module was translated for non-English-
speaking markets during the year, having been launched in English last
year. We are also about to launch a training manual for contractors.
Training on our Code of Conduct and cyber security is included in our
standard induction process for new employees, and we expect every
employee to complete annual learning interventions when assigned.
The Chief Technology Officer and Chief Network Officer are the Executive
Committee members responsible for managing the risks associated with
cyber threats and information security. The Cyber Security, Technology
Assurance and Strategy (‘CTAS’) Director is responsible for managing and
overseeing the cyber security programme on a day-to-day basis and
reports to the Chief Technology Officer. Reporting to the CTAS Director
are the heads of the global cyber security functions and markets or
regions. The local cyber security leads are part of their local management
teams and responsible for the cyber agenda in their market or region.
Key risk indicators for our most important controls and our security
baseline are reported to senior management and the Executive
Committee every month. Cyber threats and information security are a
major area of focus for the Board’s Audit and Risk Committee and detailed
updates including threat landscape, incidents, security position, residual
risk and security strategy and programme progress were provided by the
CTAS Director twice during the year, most recently in March 2023.
Read more about the Audit and Risk Committee’s oversight
of cyber security on pages 77 to 82
Cyber incidents
As a global connectivity provider, we are subject to a range of cyber
threats. We use our layers of controls to identify, block and mitigate
threats and reduce any business or customer impact. Where a security
incident occurs, we have a consistent incident management framework
and an experienced team to manage our response. The focus of our
incident responders is always fast risk mitigation and customer security.
In the event of a cyber breach, disclosure is made in line with local
regulations and laws, and based on a risk assessment considering
customers, law enforcement and relevant authorities. The European
Union’s GDPR provides a framework for notifying customers in the event
there is a loss of customer data because of a data breach, and this
framework is a baseline across all our markets.
Vodafone classifies security incidents on a scale (S0-S4) according to
severity, measured by business and customer impact. We attribute root
causes to incidents and use the information to improve our control
effectiveness. The highest severity category (S0) corresponds to a
significant data breach or loss of service caused by the incident. There
have been no cyber incidents classified at this level in the past financial
year. Even with an increased threat landscape, we have seen a gradual
decline in the numbers of more severe incidents.
Click to read more about how we manage risks from
technology disruptions in our SASB disclosure:
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Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
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Responsible business (continued)
Protecting people
Wherever we operate, we have an opportunity to
contribute to the advancement of fundamental
rights for our customers, colleagues and communities.
We are also conscious of the risks associated with
our operations and we work hard to mitigate
negative impacts, ensuring we keep people safe.
Health and safety
Keeping people safe is one of the most important responsibilities we
hold as an employer. Our ongoing focus is to provide a safe working
environment for everyone working for and on behalf of Vodafone and the
communities in which we operate. We want to ensure that everyone is
safe when working with and for Vodafone.
Our health and safety framework provides a consistent approach to
safety leadership, planning, performance monitoring, governance and
assurance. Our commitment to safety does not differentiate between
employees, contractors and suppliers, all of whom benefit from the same
focus on preventing harm, both on worksites and when working or
moving between sites.
Health and safety risks
We continue to focus on our key health and safety risks, which account
for the majority of reported incidents and remain a focus area globally:
occupational road risk, falls from height, and working with electricity
and fibre.
Road traffic incidents continue to be the primary cause of major injuries
and fatalities reported globally, accounting for 58% of incidents classified
as ‘high potential’ during the year. We continue to focus on road safety
and driver behaviour within our global health and safety strategy and
operating company plans. In addition, local market road risk controls are
reviewed as part of our internal assurance plans.
In recognition of our key health and safety risks, we established the
‘Vodafone Absolute Rules’. These rules focus on risks that present the
greatest potential for harm for anyone working for or on behalf of
Vodafone. The Absolute Rules apply everywhere we work and provide
clear expectations for safe behaviour for everyone to follow. The Absolute
Rules must be followed by all Vodafone employees and contractors, as
well as our suppliers’ employees and contractors. Where this requirement
is not met, we take appropriate management actions. In the September
2022 Spirit Beat survey, 94% of employees agreed that the Absolute
Rules are taken seriously at Vodafone.
Leadership engagement
Our Executive Committee and operating company executive committees
provide visible and clear leadership in health and safety. These senior
leaders are actively engaged and carry out regular face-to-face site tours
throughout the year as they recognise the importance of connecting with
teams and critical workers as they continue to maintain our networks,
work in our retail stores and on customer sites. We ensure everyone has
access to senior leadership support in health and safety matters, as this
is critical to encouraging people to voice any concerns.
We also launched our mandatory ‘Leading for Health & Safety at Work’
e-learning module. This module sets out the specific impact we expect
our leaders to have, such as:
– Set high and visible standards for health and safety, and continuously
challenge others to do the same;
– Build and sustain an authentic, preventative, and caring safety culture;
– Empower and encourage their teams to take ownership; and
– Be well informed about safety risks and controls and ensure open
communication with their teams around best practice.
The training module provides personal experiences, views, and advice
from some of our global senior leaders. By 31 March 2023, 3,910
assigned leaders had completed the module.
Health and safety governance
Health and safety is managed through a global health and safety
framework, which includes the monitoring and assessing of risks, setting
targets, reviewing progress and reporting performance. Our global safety
framework is based on international standards for occupational health
and safety. It is aligned to internationally recognised best practice, and
always meets or exceeds local requirements. In addition, some of our
local markets have chosen to undergo independent external certification
to ISO 45001, the international standard for occupational health and
safety; 57% of our group’s workforce is externally certified to ISO 45001.
All incidents relating to key risks and breaches of the Vodafone Absolute
Rules are reported and investigated in adherence with timescales
contained within our Incident Reporting Standard. We ensure that
incidents are investigated in accordance with their severity, and
appropriate remedial actions and improvements are identified and
implemented. We strongly believe in the importance of prevention;
however, we also believe that every incident should be treated as an
opportunity for learning and improvement.
Health and safety is a global policy and is included within our global
risk and compliance governance programme. This year we resumed
in-country audits, although remote validation continued as a
complementary process. Our audits focused on fixed networks in
Germany, Czech Republic, Romania and Albania in response to our key
risks of working at height and working with electricity and fibre operations.
Our audits in our _VOIS shared service centres in Egypt focused on
occupational road risk. Visits were also made to South Africa, Turkey,
Mozambique, Tanzania, and Ethiopia. These were focused on
engagement and communication and included a combination of team
meetings, site visits with contractors and suppliers, meetings with local
community stakeholders and, where applicable, verification checks
following any serious incidents.
Employee engagement and consultation in our arrangements for health
and safety are the foundations of our approach and all markets have
Health and Safety consultative committees that meet on a regular basis.
They include elected employee safety representatives, as well as
representatives from unions and works councils, as appropriate to
each market.
We continue to include a health and safety module as part of our
mandatory ‘Doing What’s Right’ training. The training module includes
a video from our Chief Human Resources Officer demonstrating
senior-level support for the Vodafone Absolute Rules. Every employee
must complete the training within six weeks of joining and then follow
our annual learning intervention cycle. During FY23, 93% of assigned
Vodafone employees completed the health and safety module.
Contractors are required to complete separate training relevant to their
role and position.
Each local market is also responsible for delivering health and safety
training which supports the development of appropriate safety leadership
skills, behaviours and identification of health and safety risks. Additional
training is specific to an individual’s role and aligned to each market’s local
safety legislation.
Key performance indicators
We have a global set of key performance indicators as part of our safety
framework, which are reported monthly to the Executive Committee,
and bi-annually to the Board:
– Number of fatalities;
– Number of employee lost time incidents (‘LTI’); and
– Number of top safety risks, including breaches of our Absolute Rules.
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Responsible business (continued)
Strategic report
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Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
Protecting people
Wherever we operate, we have an opportunity to
contribute to the advancement of fundamental
rights for our customers, colleagues and communities.
We are also conscious of the risks associated with
our operations and we work hard to mitigate
negative impacts, ensuring we keep people safe.
Health and safety
Keeping people safe is one of the most important responsibilities we
hold as an employer. Our ongoing focus is to provide a safe working
environment for everyone working for and on behalf of Vodafone and the
communities in which we operate. We want to ensure that everyone is
safe when working with and for Vodafone.
Our health and safety framework provides a consistent approach to
safety leadership, planning, performance monitoring, governance and
assurance. Our commitment to safety does not differentiate between
employees, contractors and suppliers, all of whom benefit from the same
focus on preventing harm, both on worksites and when working or
moving between sites.
Health and safety risks
We continue to focus on our key health and safety risks, which account
for the majority of reported incidents and remain a focus area globally:
occupational road risk, falls from height, and working with electricity
and fibre.
Road traffic incidents continue to be the primary cause of major injuries
and fatalities reported globally, accounting for 58% of incidents classified
as ‘high potential’ during the year. We continue to focus on road safety
and driver behaviour within our global health and safety strategy and
operating company plans. In addition, local market road risk controls are
reviewed as part of our internal assurance plans.
In recognition of our key health and safety risks, we established the
‘Vodafone Absolute Rules’. These rules focus on risks that present the
greatest potential for harm for anyone working for or on behalf of
Vodafone. The Absolute Rules apply everywhere we work and provide
clear expectations for safe behaviour for everyone to follow. The Absolute
Rules must be followed by all Vodafone employees and contractors, as
well as our suppliers’ employees and contractors. Where this requirement
is not met, we take appropriate management actions. In the September
2022 Spirit Beat survey, 94% of employees agreed that the Absolute
Rules are taken seriously at Vodafone.
Leadership engagement
Our Executive Committee and operating company executive committees
provide visible and clear leadership in health and safety. These senior
leaders are actively engaged and carry out regular face-to-face site tours
throughout the year as they recognise the importance of connecting with
teams and critical workers as they continue to maintain our networks,
work in our retail stores and on customer sites. We ensure everyone has
access to senior leadership support in health and safety matters, as this
is critical to encouraging people to voice any concerns.
We also launched our mandatory ‘Leading for Health & Safety at Work’
e-learning module. This module sets out the specific impact we expect
our leaders to have, such as:
The training module provides personal experiences, views, and advice
from some of our global senior leaders. By 31 March 2023, 3,910
assigned leaders had completed the module.
Health and safety governance
Health and safety is managed through a global health and safety
framework, which includes the monitoring and assessing of risks, setting
targets, reviewing progress and reporting performance. Our global safety
framework is based on international standards for occupational health
and safety. It is aligned to internationally recognised best practice, and
always meets or exceeds local requirements. In addition, some of our
local markets have chosen to undergo independent external certification
to ISO 45001, the international standard for occupational health and
safety; 57% of our group’s workforce is externally certified to ISO 45001.
All incidents relating to key risks and breaches of the Vodafone Absolute
Rules are reported and investigated in adherence with timescales
contained within our Incident Reporting Standard. We ensure that
incidents are investigated in accordance with their severity, and
appropriate remedial actions and improvements are identified and
implemented. We strongly believe in the importance of prevention;
however, we also believe that every incident should be treated as an
opportunity for learning and improvement.
Health and safety is a global policy and is included within our global
risk and compliance governance programme. This year we resumed
in-country audits, although remote validation continued as a
complementary process. Our audits focused on fixed networks in
Germany, Czech Republic, Romania and Albania in response to our key
risks of working at height and working with electricity and fibre operations.
Our audits in our _VOIS shared service centres in Egypt focused on
occupational road risk. Visits were also made to South Africa, Turkey,
Mozambique, Tanzania, and Ethiopia. These were focused on
engagement and communication and included a combination of team
meetings, site visits with contractors and suppliers, meetings with local
community stakeholders and, where applicable, verification checks
following any serious incidents.
Employee engagement and consultation in our arrangements for health
and safety are the foundations of our approach and all markets have
Health and Safety consultative committees that meet on a regular basis.
They include elected employee safety representatives, as well as
representatives from unions and works councils, as appropriate to
each market.
We continue to include a health and safety module as part of our
mandatory ‘Doing What’s Right’ training. The training module includes
a video from our Chief Human Resources Officer demonstrating
senior-level support for the Vodafone Absolute Rules. Every employee
must complete the training within six weeks of joining and then follow
our annual learning intervention cycle. During FY23, 93% of assigned
Vodafone employees completed the health and safety module.
Contractors are required to complete separate training relevant to their
role and position.
Each local market is also responsible for delivering health and safety
training which supports the development of appropriate safety leadership
skills, behaviours and identification of health and safety risks. Additional
training is specific to an individual’s role and aligned to each market’s local
safety legislation.
Key performance indicators
– Set high and visible standards for health and safety, and continuously
challenge others to do the same;
We have a global set of key performance indicators as part of our safety
framework, which are reported monthly to the Executive Committee,
– Build and sustain an authentic, preventative, and caring safety culture;
and bi-annually to the Board:
– Empower and encourage their teams to take ownership; and
– Number of fatalities;
– Be well informed about safety risks and controls and ensure open
– Number of employee lost time incidents (‘LTI’); and
communication with their teams around best practice.
– Number of top safety risks, including breaches of our Absolute Rules.
All fatalities that may be connected with our activities in any way,
including those affecting employees, suppliers and members of the
public are formally reported to the Group’s Executive Committee and to
the Board by the Head of Health, Safety and Wellbeing (‘HSW’). Each
incident is investigated by an investigation team to determine the facts
and any actions required to prevent recurrence. The investigation’s
findings are reviewed by the Chief Human Resources Officer at a formal
review meeting to ensure the thoroughness of the investigation,
suitability of corrective and preventive actions and to determine whether
the fatal accident was within Vodafone’s control or not. All fatalities
determined to be within Vodafone’s control are considered ‘recordable’
and are publicly reported.
Our aim is to ensure no one gets hurt. Any injury is one too many and any
loss of life related to our operations is unacceptable. It is therefore with
great regret that we record a fatality additional to the one reported in the
prior financial year (FY22), that has since been determined to be within
Vodafone’s control. In Vodacom South Africa, a supplier’s employee fell
from height whilst working on a telecoms tower. In response to the
incident the following actions have been taken:
– Held forums with employees and suppliers to share experiences and
improve health and safety awareness;
– Updated our policies to ensure only specialised suppliers are engaged
to provide specific tasks, and those suppliers have received relevant
training and use appropriate equipment; and
– Updated our working at height training materials and procedures and
shared these throughout Vodacom South Africa and its suppliers.
There have been no recorded fatalities during FY23.
We track and investigate incidents relating to our top health and safety
risks and breaches of the Vodafone Absolute Rules. During the year,
2,059 breaches of Vodafone Absolute Rules and 484 incidents relating
to our key risks were recorded. Each incident is investigated, and we seek
to identify the root cause and ensure suitable corrective action is taken
where necessary. An investigation into each incident is conducted at a
scale proportionate to the indicative level of risk. By reporting,
investigating and taking preventive action as a result of these events we
believe we can continuously reduce the risk of future injury.
Lost-time incident (‘LTI’) is the term we use when an employee is injured
while carrying out a work-related task and is consequently unable to
perform their regular duties for a complete shift or period of time after the
incident. During the year, 19 employee LTIs were reported; three of these
occurred whilst travelling for work, one occurred in a Vodafone office,
three occurred in retail, four occurred in a public space, and eight occurred
on work sites. In total these incidents account for 237 lost workdays.
Key performance indicators
Work-related injuries or ill health
(excluding fatalities)
Employees and contractors
Suppliers’ employees and contractors
Lost-time incidents (‘LTI’)
Number of lost-time employee and
contractor incidents1
Lost-time incident rate per 1,000 employees
and contractors
Total recordable fatalities
Employees and contractors
Suppliers’ employees/contractors
Members of the public
1. Lost-time incident means the loss of one or more work day as a result of injury.
Includes one additional incident reported to be within Vodafone’s control.
Mobiles, masts and health
The health and safety of our customers and the wider public has always
been, and continues to be, a priority for us. Our masts fully comply
with national regulations, which are typically based on, or go beyond,
international guidelines set by the independent scientific body, the
International Commission for Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (‘ICNIRP’).
There has been scientific research on mobile frequencies for decades,
including those used by 5G. If exposure is within national regulations,
the scientific consensus is that there is no adverse impact on health.
We continually monitor and evaluate our mobile networks to make sure
we meet all regulations. In addition, all the products we sell are rigorously
evaluated to ensure they comply with international safety guidelines.
As well as complying with national regulations, markets that have rolled
out 5G apply the ‘Smart PowerLock’ (‘SPL’) feature. This innovative
technology, designed for use with the adaptive antennas used for 5G,
continuously monitors the transmitted radio frequency power of the
antenna to ensure it is always below a threshold when averaged
over a predefined time window. This guarantees compliance with
electromagnetic field (‘EMF’) regulations under all possible operating
conditions for 5G sites. This is now one of many software features that are
routinely activated when a new 5G site is commissioned. SPL also
includes statistics, that can be used to build evidence of compliance over
several weeks for a given site if needed by regulators. National regulators
have accepted the feature as effective.
Science monitoring
Scientific reviews have made a vital contribution to establishing industry
guidelines and standards. We follow the results of these independent
expert reviews to understand developments in scientific research related
to mobile devices, base stations, and health.
In February 2022, an EU-funded scientific study into the effect of mobile
phone use by children and young people was published. The case study
was conducted between 2010 and 2015 across 14 countries with more
than 2,000 participants aged 10-24 years. The study found no evidence
of a causal association between wireless phone use and brain tumours.
We fund research into mobile devices, base stations, and health through
funding bodies such as national governments to ensure that the research
remains independent of industry influence, including our own. We also
respond to requests from bodies conducting research by providing
technical advice and information on the use of mobile devices. This helps
to ensure scientists have access to the best-quality information available.
Harmonisation with international science-based guidelines
Following the opening in 2020 of updated international guidelines on
electromagnetic frequencies, we have supported and promoted the
transition from the previous guidelines from 1998 to this more up-to-date
and appropriate set of guidelines. In EU Member States the EMF regulations
are set nationally. With the exception of Italy and Greece, which have
updated their national regulations, our other European markets continue
to align with the EU Council Recommendation of 1999. We expect that
this will be updated to reflect the ICNIRP 2020 guidelines.
Click to read more about the ICNIRP 2020 guidelines:
Operating model
We have robust governance mechanisms in place and conduct regular
compliance assessments to ensure that our products meet the standards
set by the Group policy and national regulations. The Group EMF leadership
team met four times during the year and submitted written reports to the
Executive Committee and the Board.
We conduct network measurements and calculations of EMF exposure
from the network masts and review the test reports we receive on EMF
testing on devices.
During the year, end-to-end compliance reviews in two of our markets
verified robust and optimised EMF risk management, and examples
of best practice are shared across our footprint. All Vodafone markets
participated in a compliance self-assessment programme with assurance
provided through our compliance team.
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
Responsible business (continued)
Human rights
We want to make sure that we have a positive impact on people and
society, which includes respecting human rights in all our operations.
We are a long-standing member of the UN Global Compact (‘UNGC’) and
follow the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human
Rights (‘UNGP’), which guide our approach.
Click to read more about our human rights approach:
Our Human Rights Policy Statement details how we do this and is backed
up by our internal Human Rights Policy which sets out how our people
must ensure we respect human rights, including steps to take through
our other aligned policies, such as those covering artificial intelligence,
responsible minerals, health, safety and wellbeing, human resources,
privacy management, marketing, business resilience and law
enforcement assistance.
Click to read our Human Rights Policy Statement:
Human rights risks
As a global telecommunications operator, we connect people.
This means that our most significant human rights risks relate to our
customers’ rights to privacy (concerning their data that we safeguard)
and freedom of expression (in terms of their access to information,
through the connections we provide). Local laws and regulations can
mandate that telecommunications operators must provide assistance
to governments, and we must comply with lawful government requests
as part of our operating licences. This might include the disclosure of
customer information or limiting access to digital networks and services.
However, our internal law enforcement assistance policy guides us in how
to do this in a rights-respecting way and our transparency reporting
provides data on certain requests we receive.
Click to read more about how we
handle law enforcement demands:
The risks to people working in our supply chain are another area of focus
for us. We manage these risks through our supply chain management
programme which assesses our suppliers for indicators such as forced
labour and other risks to human rights, such as health and safety. We
also believe in supporting the responsible sourcing of minerals globally.
Although we do not source minerals ourselves, we follow the best
practice of the OECD Due Diligence Guidance to understand whether
our manufactured products include minerals which have been sourced
from smelters taking a responsible approach to sourcing.
Click to read more about our
Conflict Minerals Reports and Statement:
Our human rights programme also addresses a broader range of
human rights risks, such as those relating to the design and deployment
of artificial intelligence, children’s rights, data ethics and risks we may
become connected with through our broader value chain, such as
enterprise customers or partner markets.
Click or scan to watch a video summarising
our human rights approach:
Our approach
We conduct due diligence to help make sure that we respect human
rights. Due diligence comes in various forms and at different moments in
our operations: it may be an independent human rights risk assessment
for a new market entry, a thematic impact assessment such as the child
rights assessment completed in FY21, or it may be the ongoing
assessments we do when considering new partner markets.
The nature of our business also means that we need to keep ahead on
issues concerning data ethics. For example, this year our Group Data
Governance Committee approved a new artificial intelligence policy
to underpin our Artificial Intelligence Framework.
Click to read more about our Artificial Intelligence
We follow up assessments with mitigating actions, such as contractual
commitments to respect human rights in our partner market agreements,
and in our enterprise customer contracts. For example, Safaricom Ethiopia
followed up the human rights impact assessment conducted in February
2021 with an updated independent assessment and implementation
programme in FY23. In previous years, we reported that we had
conducted a child rights assessment, and this year we have continued
to implement its recommendations. This year, we updated our child
protection policy by integrating it and including other child rights
considerations into our internal human rights policy.
We continue to review our processes. For example, this year we have
reviewed and updated our Code of Ethical Purchasing and we have
commissioned an independent review of our human rights risks,
governance and controls. Next year we will report on the outcome
of the review which we expect to conclude later in 2023.
Anyone who works for us can use Speak Up to raise concerns about
human rights issues. This year we reviewed Speak Up against the UNGP
expectations for non-state grievance mechanisms. As a result, we have
sought to improve the user experience for reporting any human
rights concerns.
The Chief External and Corporate Affairs Officer oversees our human
rights programme and is a member of the Executive Committee.
The senior human rights manager manages our programme, with the
support of a cross-functional internal Human Rights Advisory Group,
comprising senior managers responsible for: privacy, security, responsible
sourcing, and diversity and inclusion, amongst others. This year we have
set up a community of human rights champions in each of our
operating companies.
We report regularly on our progress to the Purpose and Reputation
Steering Committee, which assists the Executive Committee in fulfilling
duties with regards to our purpose, reputation management and policy.
This year our ESG Committee reviewed our approach to managing risks
to freedom of expression and privacy in the context of government
assistance requests.
Read more about our ESG Committee
on pages 83 to 84
We play our part in developing the global understanding of what
businesses should do to respect human rights. We are a member of
initiatives such as the United Nations B-Tech Project which convenes
business, civil society and government to advance implementation of
the UN Guiding Principles in the technology sector. We were a member
of the Global Network Initiative ‘GNI’ from 2017. Membership includes a
requirement to undergo an independent assessment to assess progress
in implementing the GNI Principles. We successfully completed our first
GNI independent assessment in 2019, and in 2022 we completed our
second independent assessment. The multi-stakeholder GNI Board
considered the independent assessment in detail and determined that
Vodafone is making good faith efforts to implement the GNI Principles
on freedom of expression and privacy with improvement over time.
Following the completion of our 2022 assessment, we chose to leave
GNI, in order to focus our attention on our broader human rights risks and
governance and controls at Group level. Simultaneously, Vodacom has
applied for observer status at GNI to take increased ownership of human
rights risk management across our Africa footprint.
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Responsible business (continued)
Strategic report
Other information
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
Human rights
We want to make sure that we have a positive impact on people and
society, which includes respecting human rights in all our operations.
We are a long-standing member of the UN Global Compact (‘UNGC’) and
follow the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human
Rights (‘UNGP’), which guide our approach.
Click to read more about our human rights approach:
Our Human Rights Policy Statement details how we do this and is backed
up by our internal Human Rights Policy which sets out how our people
must ensure we respect human rights, including steps to take through
our other aligned policies, such as those covering artificial intelligence,
responsible minerals, health, safety and wellbeing, human resources,
privacy management, marketing, business resilience and law
enforcement assistance.
Click to read our Human Rights Policy Statement:
Human rights risks
As a global telecommunications operator, we connect people.
customers’ rights to privacy (concerning their data that we safeguard)
and freedom of expression (in terms of their access to information,
through the connections we provide). Local laws and regulations can
mandate that telecommunications operators must provide assistance
to governments, and we must comply with lawful government requests
as part of our operating licences. This might include the disclosure of
The nature of our business also means that we need to keep ahead on
issues concerning data ethics. For example, this year our Group Data
Governance Committee approved a new artificial intelligence policy
to underpin our Artificial Intelligence Framework.
Click to read more about our Artificial Intelligence
We follow up assessments with mitigating actions, such as contractual
commitments to respect human rights in our partner market agreements,
and in our enterprise customer contracts. For example, Safaricom Ethiopia
followed up the human rights impact assessment conducted in February
2021 with an updated independent assessment and implementation
programme in FY23. In previous years, we reported that we had
conducted a child rights assessment, and this year we have continued
to implement its recommendations. This year, we updated our child
protection policy by integrating it and including other child rights
considerations into our internal human rights policy.
We continue to review our processes. For example, this year we have
reviewed and updated our Code of Ethical Purchasing and we have
commissioned an independent review of our human rights risks,
governance and controls. Next year we will report on the outcome
Anyone who works for us can use Speak Up to raise concerns about
human rights issues. This year we reviewed Speak Up against the UNGP
expectations for non-state grievance mechanisms. As a result, we have
sought to improve the user experience for reporting any human
rights concerns.
This means that our most significant human rights risks relate to our
of the review which we expect to conclude later in 2023.
customer information or limiting access to digital networks and services.
However, our internal law enforcement assistance policy guides us in how
The Chief External and Corporate Affairs Officer oversees our human
to do this in a rights-respecting way and our transparency reporting
rights programme and is a member of the Executive Committee.
provides data on certain requests we receive.
Click to read more about how we
handle law enforcement demands:
The risks to people working in our supply chain are another area of focus
for us. We manage these risks through our supply chain management
programme which assesses our suppliers for indicators such as forced
labour and other risks to human rights, such as health and safety. We
also believe in supporting the responsible sourcing of minerals globally.
Although we do not source minerals ourselves, we follow the best
practice of the OECD Due Diligence Guidance to understand whether
our manufactured products include minerals which have been sourced
from smelters taking a responsible approach to sourcing.
Click to read more about our
Conflict Minerals Reports and Statement:
Our human rights programme also addresses a broader range of
human rights risks, such as those relating to the design and deployment
of artificial intelligence, children’s rights, data ethics and risks we may
become connected with through our broader value chain, such as
enterprise customers or partner markets.
Click or scan to watch a video summarising
our human rights approach:
Our approach
We conduct due diligence to help make sure that we respect human
rights. Due diligence comes in various forms and at different moments in
our operations: it may be an independent human rights risk assessment
for a new market entry, a thematic impact assessment such as the child
rights assessment completed in FY21, or it may be the ongoing
assessments we do when considering new partner markets.
The senior human rights manager manages our programme, with the
support of a cross-functional internal Human Rights Advisory Group,
comprising senior managers responsible for: privacy, security, responsible
sourcing, and diversity and inclusion, amongst others. This year we have
set up a community of human rights champions in each of our
operating companies.
We report regularly on our progress to the Purpose and Reputation
Steering Committee, which assists the Executive Committee in fulfilling
duties with regards to our purpose, reputation management and policy.
This year our ESG Committee reviewed our approach to managing risks
to freedom of expression and privacy in the context of government
assistance requests.
Read more about our ESG Committee
on pages 83 to 84
We play our part in developing the global understanding of what
businesses should do to respect human rights. We are a member of
initiatives such as the United Nations B-Tech Project which convenes
business, civil society and government to advance implementation of
the UN Guiding Principles in the technology sector. We were a member
of the Global Network Initiative ‘GNI’ from 2017. Membership includes a
requirement to undergo an independent assessment to assess progress
in implementing the GNI Principles. We successfully completed our first
GNI independent assessment in 2019, and in 2022 we completed our
second independent assessment. The multi-stakeholder GNI Board
considered the independent assessment in detail and determined that
Vodafone is making good faith efforts to implement the GNI Principles
on freedom of expression and privacy with improvement over time.
Following the completion of our 2022 assessment, we chose to leave
GNI, in order to focus our attention on our broader human rights risks and
governance and controls at Group level. Simultaneously, Vodacom has
applied for observer status at GNI to take increased ownership of human
rights risk management across our Africa footprint.
Responsible supply chain
We spend approximately €25 billion a year with 9,000 direct suppliers
around the world to meet our business’ and customers’ needs across
network infrastructure, IT and services related to fixed lines, mobile masts
and data centres that run our networks.
The majority of our external spend is managed by our Vodafone
Procurement Company (‘VPC’), based in Luxembourg, and our shared
services (‘_VOIS’), based in India. Another large area of spend is on the
products we sell to our customers, including mobile phones, tablets, SIM
cards, broadband routers, TV set-top boxes and IoT devices. This centralised
approach helps to ensure that we maintain a consistent approach to
supplier management across Vodafone, from onboarding and vetting
a supplier, to raising orders and paying for delivered goods and services.
Supply chain risks
The main risks in our supply chain relate to three key areas; health and
safety matters related to non-compliant fire safety measures, excessive
working hours and environmental matters related to non-compliant
chemical storage and lack of carbon reduction programmes. This year,
these three risks made up 73% of all non-compliance issues found in our
supply chain through our assessments. Suppliers that do not meet our
standards are provided with a corrective action plan to address any areas
for improvement and are required to submit evidence that this has
been completed.
Industry collaboration
We work with other operators collaboratively on supply chain risks
within the Joint Alliance for CSR (‘JAC’) formerly known as the Joint Audit
Cooperation. We currently chair the JAC working group established to
improve ethical, labour and environmental standards in the technology
supply chain. We are engaged in workstreams to make progress on key
risks in our supply chain, namely human rights, reducing Scope 3
emissions and driving a circular economy to reduce e-waste.
JAC reports on progress with respect to third-party factory audits
of common suppliers carried out on behalf of all its members in its
own reporting.
Click to read more about the Joint Alliance for CSR:
This year we updated our Code of Ethical Purchasing to reinforce the
specific requirements that every supplier that works for Vodafone must
comply with. These commitments extend down through the supply chain
so that a supplier with which we have a direct contractual relationship
(Tier 1 supplier) in turn is required to ensure compliance across its own
direct supply chain (Tier 2 supplier from Vodafone’s perspective) and
beyond. The Code of Ethical Purchasing is based on international
standards, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the
International Labour Organization’s Fundamental Conventions on Labour
Standards. It stipulates the social, ethical, and environmental standards
that we expect, including areas such as child and forced labour, health
and safety, working hours, discrimination and disciplinary processes.
Click to read our Code of Ethical Purchasing:
Our approach
When new suppliers tender for work, they are asked to demonstrate
policies and procedures that support safe working, diversity in the
workplace and to address carbon reduction, renewable energy, plastic
reduction, circular economy and product life-cycle which account for
up to 20% of the overall evaluation criteria. Commitments made by our
suppliers are assessed against our own purpose strategy with respect
to diversity & inclusion (5%), the environment (5%) and health & safety
(10%) in categories where there is a safety risk. We have included purpose
criteria in all FY23 tenders.
We continue to assess risk during our on boarding process by using a
Supplier Assurance Risk Management (‘SARM’) system to assess key risks
associated with new suppliers. The system uses logic to identify suppliers
with risks that are material to our business, related to money laundering,
bribery, conflict minerals, conflict of interest, corporate security, cyber
security, environment, health & safety, payment card industry, privacy,
product safety, responsible sourcing and sanctions & trade control.
Any identified risks require an independent policy expert to approve
suppliers before they are on-boarded, and if necessary, to establish
a mitigation plan. Our requirements are backed up by risk assessments,
audits and operational improvement processes, which are included
in suppliers’ contractual commitments.
This year, we launched an improved supplier qualification process which
uses a risk-based assessment to review compliance for any new suppliers
across 16 countries. The rollout to remaining operations is subject to
consultation with the respective workers’ councils.
We report on our approach to preventing modern slavery and human
trafficking in our business and supply chain in our annual Modern
Slavery Statement.
Click to read our Modern Slavery Statement:
The Chief Financial Officer oversees our supply chain and is a member
of the Executive Committee and Board. Reporting to the Chief Financial
Officer, the Chief Executive Officer of the VPC is responsible for the
implementation of our Code of Ethical Purchasing. Progress is reported
regularly to the Vodafone Procurement Company Board. Procurement is
a highly centralised function within the business, with the majority of our
external spend managed by VPC. This enables us to maintain a consistent
approach to supplier management and makes it easier to monitor and
improve supplier performance across our markets.
Business integrity
We are committed to ensuring that our business
operates ethically, lawfully and with integrity
wherever we operate as this is critical to our
long-term success.
Tax and economic contribution
As a major investor, taxpayer and employer, we make a significant
contribution to the economies of the countries where we operate.
In addition to direct and indirect taxation, our financial contributions to
governments also include other areas such as radio spectrum fees and
spectrum auction proceeds.
Click or scan to watch our Group Head of Tax
summarise our approach to taxation:
Tax transparency
Our most recent tax report sets out our total contribution to public
finances on a cash-paid basis for both 2021 and 2022. In 2022, we
contributed, directly and indirectly, nearly €9.9 billion to public finances
worldwide, compared with almost €9.6 billion in 2021. The year-on-year
increase was due to higher spectrum payments, principally in Spain
during 2022. In 2022, we paid over €2.2 billion in direct taxes, including
more than €1.0 billion in corporate income taxes, nearly €1.7 billion via
non-taxation based revenue mechanisms, such as payments for the right
to use spectrum, and collected nearly €6.0 billion of indirect taxes for
governments around the world.
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
Responsible business (continued)
Acting with integrity in the creation and execution of our tax strategy,
policies and practices is absolutely core to our approach to tax, as is our
commitment to transparency. We disclose our financial contributions
to governments at a country level, as we believe this is an important way
to demonstrate that it is possible to achieve an effective balance between
a company’s responsibilities to society as a whole, through the payment
of taxes and other government revenue-raising mechanisms, and its
obligations to its shareholders. The information we share aims to help our
stakeholders understand our approach, policies, and principles.
We also share our views on key topics of relevance, including the latest
on the taxation of the digital economy, as well as publishing our OECD
country-by-country disclosure, as submitted to the UK’s tax authority
(HMRC), as well as how our disclosures compare to the B Team tax
principles and the requirements of the Global Reporting Initiative.
Our tax report for 2023 will be published by the end of the year, following
the submission of our tax returns and payment of all applicable taxes.
Click to read more about our tax and economic contribution
to public finances:
Anti-bribery, corruption and fraud
At Vodafone, we support and foster a culture of zero tolerance towards
bribery, corruption or fraud in all our activities.
Our anti-bribery policy
Our policy on this issue is summarised in our Code of Conduct and
states that employees or others working on our behalf must never offer
or accept any kind of bribe. Our anti-bribery policy is consistent with the
UK Bribery Act and the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and provides
guidance about what constitutes a bribe and prohibits giving or receiving
any excessive or improper gifts and hospitality. Any policy breaches can
lead to dismissal or termination of contract.
Click to read our Code of Conduct:
Facilitation payments are strictly prohibited, and our employees are provided
with practical training and guidance on how to respond to demands for
facilitation payments. The only exception is when an employee’s personal
safety is at risk. In such circumstances, when a payment under duress is made,
the incident must be reported as soon as possible afterwards.
We regularly monitor our anti-bribery programme to ensure it is
implemented through conducting risk assessment, policy compliance
reviews and internal audits.
To support our approach, Vodafone is also a member of Transparency
International UK’s Business Integrity Forum.
Governance and risk assessment
Our Group Chief Executive and Executive Committee oversee our efforts
to prevent bribery. They are supported by local market Chief Executive
Officers, who are responsible for ensuring that our anti-bribery programme
is implemented effectively in their local market. They in turn are
supported by local specialists and by a dedicated Group team that
is solely focused on anti-bribery policy and compliance. The Risk and
Compliance Committee assists the Executive Committee in fulfilling
duties with regards to risk management and policy compliance.
As part of our anti-bribery programme, every Vodafone business must
adhere to minimum global standards, which include:
– Ensuring there is a due diligence process for suppliers and business
partners at the start of the business relationship;
– Completion of the global e-learning training for all employees, as well
as tailored training for higher risk teams; and
– Using Vodafone’s global online gift and hospitality registration
platform, as well as ensuring there is a process for approving local
sponsorships and charitable contributions.
The risks we face evolve constantly but broadly fall into the areas
summarised in the table below, which outlines the principal risk
categories and the mitigation measures adopted.
Engaging employees to raise awareness of bribery risk
We run a multi-channel high-profile global communications programme,
‘Doing What’s Right’, to engage with employees and raise awareness
and understanding of the policy. The ‘Doing What’s Right’ programme
features e-learning training, including a specific anti-bribery module.
Of those employees (including management) assigned training during
the period, 93% had completed the training as at 31 March 2023.
For higher-risk employees, additional tailored training programmes are
used to cover relevant scenarios for those employees. We also conduct
internal communication campaigns using a range of materials to
highlight some of the key messages around zero tolerance of bribery
and corruption.
Operating in
high-risk markets
Business acquisition
and integration
Spectrum licensing
Building and
upgrading networks
Working with
third parties
We undertake biennial risk assessments in each of our local operating companies and at Group, so we can understand and
limit our exposure to risk.
Anti-bribery pre and post acquisition due diligence are carried out on a target company. Red flags identified during the due
diligence process are reviewed and assessed. Following acquisition, we implement our anti-bribery programme.
To reduce the risk of attempted bribery, a specialist spectrum policy team oversees our participation in all negotiations and
auctions. We provide appropriate training and guidance for employees who interact with government officials on
spectrum matters.
Our anti-bribery policy makes it clear that we never offer any form of inducement to secure a permit, lease or access to a site.
We regularly remind all employees and contractors in network roles of this prohibition, through tailored training sessions
and communications.
Suppliers and other relevant third parties working for or on behalf of Vodafone must comply with the principles set out in our
Code of Conduct and Code of Ethical Purchasing, as well as have programmes in place to ensure suppliers’ employees and
contractors are aware of these policies. Third-party due diligence is completed at the start of our business relationship with
suppliers, other third parties and partners. Through their contracts with us, our suppliers, partners and other third parties
make a commitment to implement and maintain proportionate and effective anti-bribery compliance measures.
We regularly remind current suppliers of our policy requirements and complete detailed compliance assessments across a
sample of higher-risk and higher-value suppliers. Select high-risk third parties are trained to ensure awareness of our
zero-tolerance policy.
Winning and
retaining business
We provide targeted training for our Vodafone Business and Partner Markets sales teams. In addition, we also maintain and
monitor a global register of gifts and hospitality to ensure that inappropriate offers are not accepted or extended by
our employees.
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Responsible business (continued)
Strategic report
Other information
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
Acting with integrity in the creation and execution of our tax strategy,
We regularly monitor our anti-bribery programme to ensure it is
policies and practices is absolutely core to our approach to tax, as is our
implemented through conducting risk assessment, policy compliance
commitment to transparency. We disclose our financial contributions
reviews and internal audits.
to governments at a country level, as we believe this is an important way
to demonstrate that it is possible to achieve an effective balance between
a company’s responsibilities to society as a whole, through the payment
To support our approach, Vodafone is also a member of Transparency
International UK’s Business Integrity Forum.
of taxes and other government revenue-raising mechanisms, and its
Governance and risk assessment
obligations to its shareholders. The information we share aims to help our
Our Group Chief Executive and Executive Committee oversee our efforts
stakeholders understand our approach, policies, and principles.
We also share our views on key topics of relevance, including the latest
on the taxation of the digital economy, as well as publishing our OECD
country-by-country disclosure, as submitted to the UK’s tax authority
(HMRC), as well as how our disclosures compare to the B Team tax
principles and the requirements of the Global Reporting Initiative.
Our tax report for 2023 will be published by the end of the year, following
the submission of our tax returns and payment of all applicable taxes.
Click to read more about our tax and economic contribution
to public finances:
Anti-bribery, corruption and fraud
At Vodafone, we support and foster a culture of zero tolerance towards
bribery, corruption or fraud in all our activities.
Our anti-bribery policy
Our policy on this issue is summarised in our Code of Conduct and
states that employees or others working on our behalf must never offer
or accept any kind of bribe. Our anti-bribery policy is consistent with the
UK Bribery Act and the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and provides
guidance about what constitutes a bribe and prohibits giving or receiving
any excessive or improper gifts and hospitality. Any policy breaches can
lead to dismissal or termination of contract.
Click to read our Code of Conduct:
Facilitation payments are strictly prohibited, and our employees are provided
with practical training and guidance on how to respond to demands for
facilitation payments. The only exception is when an employee’s personal
safety is at risk. In such circumstances, when a payment under duress is made,
the incident must be reported as soon as possible afterwards.
to prevent bribery. They are supported by local market Chief Executive
Officers, who are responsible for ensuring that our anti-bribery programme
is implemented effectively in their local market. They in turn are
supported by local specialists and by a dedicated Group team that
is solely focused on anti-bribery policy and compliance. The Risk and
Compliance Committee assists the Executive Committee in fulfilling
duties with regards to risk management and policy compliance.
As part of our anti-bribery programme, every Vodafone business must
adhere to minimum global standards, which include:
– Ensuring there is a due diligence process for suppliers and business
partners at the start of the business relationship;
– Completion of the global e-learning training for all employees, as well
as tailored training for higher risk teams; and
– Using Vodafone’s global online gift and hospitality registration
platform, as well as ensuring there is a process for approving local
sponsorships and charitable contributions.
The risks we face evolve constantly but broadly fall into the areas
summarised in the table below, which outlines the principal risk
categories and the mitigation measures adopted.
Engaging employees to raise awareness of bribery risk
We run a multi-channel high-profile global communications programme,
‘Doing What’s Right’, to engage with employees and raise awareness
and understanding of the policy. The ‘Doing What’s Right’ programme
features e-learning training, including a specific anti-bribery module.
Of those employees (including management) assigned training during
the period, 93% had completed the training as at 31 March 2023.
For higher-risk employees, additional tailored training programmes are
used to cover relevant scenarios for those employees. We also conduct
internal communication campaigns using a range of materials to
highlight some of the key messages around zero tolerance of bribery
and corruption.
Operating in
high-risk markets
limit our exposure to risk.
We undertake biennial risk assessments in each of our local operating companies and at Group, so we can understand and
Business acquisition
Anti-bribery pre and post acquisition due diligence are carried out on a target company. Red flags identified during the due
and integration
diligence process are reviewed and assessed. Following acquisition, we implement our anti-bribery programme.
Spectrum licensing
To reduce the risk of attempted bribery, a specialist spectrum policy team oversees our participation in all negotiations and
auctions. We provide appropriate training and guidance for employees who interact with government officials on
Building and
Our anti-bribery policy makes it clear that we never offer any form of inducement to secure a permit, lease or access to a site.
upgrading networks
We regularly remind all employees and contractors in network roles of this prohibition, through tailored training sessions
Working with
third parties
Suppliers and other relevant third parties working for or on behalf of Vodafone must comply with the principles set out in our
Code of Conduct and Code of Ethical Purchasing, as well as have programmes in place to ensure suppliers’ employees and
contractors are aware of these policies. Third-party due diligence is completed at the start of our business relationship with
suppliers, other third parties and partners. Through their contracts with us, our suppliers, partners and other third parties
make a commitment to implement and maintain proportionate and effective anti-bribery compliance measures.
We regularly remind current suppliers of our policy requirements and complete detailed compliance assessments across a
sample of higher-risk and higher-value suppliers. Select high-risk third parties are trained to ensure awareness of our
Winning and
retaining business
We provide targeted training for our Vodafone Business and Partner Markets sales teams. In addition, we also maintain and
monitor a global register of gifts and hospitality to ensure that inappropriate offers are not accepted or extended by
spectrum matters.
and communications.
zero-tolerance policy.
our employees.
Implementation of the anti-bribery policy is monitored regularly in
all local markets as part of the annual Group assurance process, which
reviews key anti-bribery controls. This year we completed our end-to-end
testing with respect to our businesses in Spain and Mozambique. Further
to this, self-assessments and quality reviews were completed in Albania,
Italy, Portugal, DRC, Germany, Ireland and South Africa. We tested key
high-risk areas of the policy to ensure the markets are implementing the
controls effectively. The key outcomes from the assurance activities and
actions for the programme for the coming year are documented in
the annual assurance paper, which is issued to the Group Risk and
Compliance Committee.
The results demonstrate good implementation of the Anti-bribery
programme. The markets demonstrated that they have strong robust
controls in place to manage bribery risks. A recurring focus area across a
few markets is third-party risk management; necessary action plans have
been put in place to improve this area.
Fraud is a growing threat globally, impacting customers, reputation, and
financial performance. The Executive Committee and the Audit and Risk
Committee have recognised this through significant investment and
focus on developing a future-ready fraud management capability
to mitigate the risk of fraud to continue to provide a safe and secure
environment for our customers.
We successfully implemented a global organisation and operating model,
including a fraud centre of excellence and shared services infrastructure,
to manage fraud across local markets, share intelligence, and leverage
best practices, to ensure quick and effective responses to any incidences
of fraud that may occur and achieve real-time and proactive fraud
risk management.
We have invested in advanced fraud detection technologies that leverage
artificial intelligence capabilities, which have delivered proven benefits
across Vodafone by helping us detect and manage fraud’s impact
more effectively.
External ESG assurance
KPMG LLP has provided independent limited assurance over selected data within our ESG Addendum and this report, using the assurance standard
ISAE (UK) 3000 and ISAE (UK) 3410 for selected greenhouse gas data. KPMG has issued an unqualified opinion over the selected data and their full
assurance statement, along with the reporting criteria, is available on our website at
The data subject to KPMG LLP’s assurance is detailed below;
Digital Society
Inclusion for All
Cumulative V-Hub unique users
Percentage of women in management and senior leadership roles
Number of financial inclusion customers
4G population coverage (outdoor 1Mbps) – Group
Total Scope 1 emissions
Total Scope 2 emissions (location-based)
Total Scope 2 emissions (market-based)
Total GHG emissions: Scope 1 and Scope 2 (location-based)
Total GHG emissions: Scope 1 and Scope 2 (market-based)
Grid renewable electricity purchased (% of purchased electricity)
Scope 3 emissions (air travel)
Total emissions avoided as a consequence of green digital solutions
million tonnes CO2e
million tonnes CO2e
million tonnes CO2e
million tonnes CO2e
million tonnes CO2e
million tonnes CO2e
million tonnes CO2e
With the exception of the metrics outlined in the Assurance sheet above, the information contained within the purpose and responsible business
sections (pages 26 to 49) has not been independently verified or assured. All the information included within these pages has been taken from
sources which we deem reliable. While all reasonable care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the data, Vodafone has not arranged for
independent verification of the data with respect to its accuracy or completeness. Our ESG Addendum includes further information with regard
to reporting methodologies for certain metrics.
ESG cautionary statement
In preparing the ESG-related information contained in this document, we have made a number of key judgements, estimations and assumptions.
The processes, methodologies and issues involved in preparing this information are complex. The ESG data, models and methodologies used are often
relatively new, are rapidly evolving and are not necessarily of the same standard as those available in the context of financial and other information,
nor are they subject to the same or equivalent disclosure standards, historical reference points, benchmarks or globally accepted accounting principles.
It is not possible to rely on historical data as a strong indicator of future trajectories, in the case of climate change and its evolution. Outputs of models,
processed data and methodologies may be affected by underlying data quality, which can be hard to assess and we expect industry guidance, standards,
market practice and regulations in this field to continue to evolve. There are also challenges faced in relation to the ability to access certain data on
a timely basis and the lack of consistency and comparability between data that is available. This means the ESG-related forward-looking statements,
information and targets discussed in this document carry an additional degree of inherent risk and uncertainty.
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
Responsible business (continued)
Non-financial information statement
The table below outlines where the key content requirements of the non-financial information statement can be found within this document
(as required by sections 414CA and 414CB of the Companies Act 2006).
Vodafone’s sustainable business reporting also considers other international reporting frameworks, including the Global Reporting Initiative,
the SASB Standards, CDP and the GHG Reporting Protocol.
Click to download our ESG Addendum:
Click to read our SASB disclosures:
Reporting requirement
Environmental matters
Social and community matters
Human rights
Anti-bribery and corruption
Policy embedding, due diligence and outcomes
Description of principal risks and impact
of business activity
Description of business model and strategy
Non-financial key performance indicators
Vodafone policies and approach
Section within Annual Report
Planet performance
Climate change risk
Code of Conduct
Risk management
Responsible business and
anti-bribery, corruption and fraud
Occupational health and safety
Health and safety
Diversity and inclusion
Workplace equality
Driving positive societal
transformation performance
Stakeholder engagement
Mobiles, masts and health
Human rights approach
Inclusion for All
Digital Society
Stakeholder engagement
Mobiles, masts and health
Human rights
Code of Ethical Purchasing
Responsible supply chain
Modern Slavery Statement
Responsible supply chain
Code of Conduct
Anti-bribery policy
Speak Up process
Responsible business
Anti-bribery, corruption and fraud
Responsible business
Purpose, sustainability and
responsible business
Risk management
Risk management
Business model
Chief Executive’s statement
and strategic roadmap
Key performance indicators
Purpose, sustainability and
responsible business
35 to 38
51 to 59
40 and
48 to 49
44 to 45
33 to 34
30 to 34
29 to 30
10 to 12
40 to 49
40 to 49
26 to 49
51 to 59
51 to 59
4 to 5
26 to 49
UK Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (‘SECR’)
In accordance with SECR requirements, this provides a summary of GHG emissions and energy data1 for Vodafone UK, in comparison with
global performance.
Scope 1 GHG emissions (million tonnes CO2e)
Scope 2 market-based GHG emissions (million tonnes CO2e)2
Scope 2 location-based GHG emissions (million tonnes CO2e)
GHG emissions per EUR million of revenue (tonnes of CO2e)
Total energy consumption (GWh)3
Year ended 31 March 2023
Year ended 31 March 2022
Vodafone UK)
Vodafone UK as
a proportion of
Group data
Vodafone UK)
Vodafone UK as
a proportion of
Group data
Vodafone UK
Vodafone UK
1. Data is calculated using local market actual or estimated data sources from invoices, purchasing requisitions, direct data measurement and estimations. Carbon emissions calculated in line with GHG
Protocol standards. Scope 2 market-based emissions are reported using the market-based methodology as in effect as at the date of this report. For full methodology see our ESG Addendum 2023.
2. Scope 2 emissions for FY22 have been restated following the correction or inclusion of data points in line with our reporting methodology. In addition, emissions for the UK have been restated
to apply the correct emissions factor.
3. More information on energy efficiency initiatives implemented during the year can be found on page 36 and in our disclosures prepared in accordance with the SASB Standards.
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Responsible business (continued)
Strategic report
Other information
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Risk management
Strategic report
Other information
Non-financial information statement
The table below outlines where the key content requirements of the non-financial information statement can be found within this document
(as required by sections 414CA and 414CB of the Companies Act 2006).
Vodafone’s sustainable business reporting also considers other international reporting frameworks, including the Global Reporting Initiative,
the SASB Standards, CDP and the GHG Reporting Protocol.
Click to download our ESG Addendum:
Click to read our SASB disclosures:
Vodafone policies and approach
Section within Annual Report
Reporting requirement
Environmental matters
Social and community matters
Human rights
Anti-bribery and corruption
Policy embedding, due diligence and outcomes
Description of principal risks and impact
of business activity
Description of business model and strategy
Non-financial key performance indicators
Planet performance
Climate change risk
Code of Conduct
Risk management
Responsible business and
anti-bribery, corruption and fraud
Occupational health and safety
Health and safety
Diversity and inclusion
Workplace equality
Driving positive societal
transformation performance
Stakeholder engagement
Mobiles, masts and health
Human rights approach
Inclusion for All
Digital Society
Stakeholder engagement
Mobiles, masts and health
Human rights
Code of Ethical Purchasing
Responsible supply chain
Modern Slavery Statement
Responsible supply chain
Code of Conduct
Anti-bribery policy
Speak Up process
Responsible business
Anti-bribery, corruption and fraud
Responsible business
Purpose, sustainability and
responsible business
Risk management
Risk management
Business model
Chief Executive’s statement
and strategic roadmap
Key performance indicators
Purpose, sustainability and
responsible business
35 to 38
51 to 59
40 and
48 to 49
44 to 45
33 to 34
30 to 34
29 to 30
10 to 12
40 to 49
40 to 49
26 to 49
51 to 59
51 to 59
4 to 5
26 to 49
UK Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (‘SECR’)
In accordance with SECR requirements, this provides a summary of GHG emissions and energy data1 for Vodafone UK, in comparison with
global performance.
Scope 1 GHG emissions (million tonnes CO2e)
Scope 2 market-based GHG emissions (million tonnes CO2e)2
Scope 2 location-based GHG emissions (million tonnes CO2e)
GHG emissions per EUR million of revenue (tonnes of CO2e)
Total energy consumption (GWh)3
Year ended 31 March 2023
Year ended 31 March 2022
Vodafone UK)
Vodafone UK
Group data
Vodafone UK)
Vodafone UK
Group data
Vodafone UK as
a proportion of
Vodafone UK as
a proportion of
1. Data is calculated using local market actual or estimated data sources from invoices, purchasing requisitions, direct data measurement and estimations. Carbon emissions calculated in line with GHG
Protocol standards. Scope 2 market-based emissions are reported using the market-based methodology as in effect as at the date of this report. For full methodology see our ESG Addendum 2023.
2. Scope 2 emissions for FY22 have been restated following the correction or inclusion of data points in line with our reporting methodology. In addition, emissions for the UK have been restated
to apply the correct emissions factor.
3. More information on energy efficiency initiatives implemented during the year can be found on page 36 and in our disclosures prepared in accordance with the SASB Standards.
Managing uncertainty
in our business
We face a range of risks and uncertainties that could
impact the delivery of our strategic initiatives.
Therefore, our culture and day-to-day management
of risk is an integral part of the way we do business.
Governance and identifying our risks
On behalf of the Board, the Audit and Risk Committee provides oversight
for the principal, emerging and watchlist risks, as well as direction on
risks that the Company is willing to take to achieve its strategic goals.
The Board approves Vodafone’s strategy and has overall accountability
that the risk management approach supports this strategy. The aim of the
risk function is to make risk meaningful and relevant in the context of the
delivery of our strategy. The risk function acts as an enabler for informed
decision-making across our markets.
We adopt an end-to-end approach to risk management. The process
starts with local markets and Group entities identifying and evaluating
risks which could affect their local strategy. These risks are then assessed
and challenged centrally by the Group risk team. Next, a comprehensive
list of these risks is compiled and presented to a selected group of senior
leaders and executives within the Group, along with the findings from our
external risk scanning exercise. With a Group-wide perspective in mind,
these executives analyse and identify the most significant risks that
require further exploration. The proposed principal risks (pages 52 to 55),
emerging risks and risk watchlist (page 56) are agreed by our Executive
Committee (‘ExCo’) before being submitted to the Audit and Risk
Committee and the Board for scrutiny and approval.
Overview of risk governance structure
Managing our risks
Establishing the context and having a clear understanding of the
environment in which we operate is important. Therefore, we assign
each of our risks to a specific category (strategic, operational or financial)
and identify whether the source of the threat is internal or external.
This approach helps us to better understand how we should treat the risk
most effectively and to provide the right level of oversight and assurance.
Executive risk owners are accountable for confirming adequate controls
are in place, and that the necessary treatment plans are used to bring
the risk within an acceptable tolerance level. We continue to monitor
the status of our risk treatment plans across the year, and we perform
in-depth reviews of our risks which are presented to the relevant oversight
Read more about the Audit and Risk Committee
on pages 77 to 82
We also develop severe but plausible scenarios for each principal risk.
These provide additional insights into possible threats and improve
the treatment strategy. Scenarios are also used for the purpose
of assessing our viability.
Read more about our long-term viability statement
on page 57
The diagram below shows a simplified, high-level governance structure
for risk management.
Vodafone Group
Local markets or
Group entities
Board/Audit and Risk Committee
– Provide oversight for Vodafone Group
– Discuss, challenge and make a robust assessment of principal and emerging risks
– Ensure appropriate risk culture is embedded throughout the organisation
Risk and Compliance
– Reviews principal,
watchlist and
emerging risks
– Reviews
effectiveness of
risk management
across the Group
Group risk team
– Responsible for the
application of the global risk
management framework
– Supports the Board/ExCo
by creating programmes to
strengthen our risk culture
Group risk owners
– ExCo risk owners
have responsibility
for management
of the risk assigned
to them
– Senior executive risk
champions identify
and implement
mitigating actions
Assurance functions
Review and provide
assurance over selected
controls for the Group
and local markets
Internal Audit
Supports the Audit
and Risk Committee
in reviewing the
effectiveness of the
global risk management
framework and
management of
individual risks
Local oversight committees
Provide oversight for the local risk management programme
Local market CEOs
Set local objectives, identify priority risks and align tolerance levels with the
Vodafone Group guidance
Local risk owners
Senior managers in local management teams are responsible for local risks and the
local risk programme to manage, measure, monitor and report on the risks
Local risk managers
Are the contact point for each market/entity on risk, and facilitate all activities as defined by
the global risk management framework
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
Risk management (continued)
Risk categorisation and interdependencies
Principal risks
Adverse changes in
macroeconomic conditions
Adverse changes to economic conditions
could result in reduced customer spending,
higher interest rates, adverse inflation,
currency devaluations or movements in
foreign exchange rates. Adverse conditions
could also lead to limited debt refinancing
options and/or an increase in costs.
Risk ranking
Risk owner
Group Chief Financial Officer
A severe contraction in economic activity leads
to lower cash flow generation for the Group
and disruption in global financial markets,
which impacts our ability to refinance debt
obligations as they fall due in a cost
effective manner.
Emerging factors
Because this is an externally driven risk, the
threat environment is continually changing.
External factors such as the ongoing war in
Ukraine and uncertainty in the banking sector
could have future impacts on economic
activity across our markets. The financial
markets are experiencing high levels of
volatility, and both sovereign debt levels
and inflation have reached record levels.
These factors could lead to a significant
change in the availability and cost of capital.
Mitigation activities
We have a relatively resilient business model.
Our offers are competitive in the markets
in which we operate. We are supporting our
business customers’ efficiencies through our
innovative products. We have a long average
life of debt which reduces refinancing
requirements, and all of our bond debt
is effectively held at fixed interest rates.
By analysing the correlation between risks we can identify those that have the potential to impact
or increase other risks, to ensure they are weighted appropriately.
This exercise also informs our scenario analysis, particularly the combined scenario used in the
long-term viability statement.
Read more about our long-term viability statement
on page 57
Risk related to our financial status, standing and continued growth
A Adverse changes in macroeconomic conditions
Risks affecting the execution of our strategy
D Strategic transformation
Adverse political and policy environment
Adverse market competition
Cyber threat
Risks impacting our operations
G Supply chain disruption
H Technology resilience and future readiness
Risks are ordered by category and not risk ranking
Data management and privacy
Organisational simplification
Financi a l
Year-on-year risk ranking movement
No change
New/change in scope
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Risk management (continued)
Strategic report
Other information
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
Risk categorisation and interdependencies
Principal risks
By analysing the correlation between risks we can identify those that have the potential to impact
or increase other risks, to ensure they are weighted appropriately.
This exercise also informs our scenario analysis, particularly the combined scenario used in the
long-term viability statement.
Read more about our long-term viability statement
on page 57
Risk related to our financial status, standing and continued growth
A Adverse changes in macroeconomic conditions
Risks affecting the execution of our strategy
Adverse political and policy environment
D Strategic transformation
Adverse market competition
Risks impacting our operations
Cyber threat
G Supply chain disruption
H Technology resilience and future readiness
Data management and privacy
Organisational simplification
Risks are ordered by category and not risk ranking
Financi a l
Adverse changes in
macroeconomic conditions
Adverse changes to economic conditions
could result in reduced customer spending,
higher interest rates, adverse inflation,
currency devaluations or movements in
foreign exchange rates. Adverse conditions
could also lead to limited debt refinancing
options and/or an increase in costs.
Risk ranking
Risk owner
Group Chief Financial Officer
A severe contraction in economic activity leads
to lower cash flow generation for the Group
and disruption in global financial markets,
which impacts our ability to refinance debt
obligations as they fall due in a cost
effective manner.
Emerging factors
Because this is an externally driven risk, the
threat environment is continually changing.
External factors such as the ongoing war in
Ukraine and uncertainty in the banking sector
could have future impacts on economic
activity across our markets. The financial
markets are experiencing high levels of
volatility, and both sovereign debt levels
and inflation have reached record levels.
These factors could lead to a significant
change in the availability and cost of capital.
Mitigation activities
We have a relatively resilient business model.
Our offers are competitive in the markets
in which we operate. We are supporting our
business customers’ efficiencies through our
innovative products. We have a long average
life of debt which reduces refinancing
requirements, and all of our bond debt
is effectively held at fixed interest rates.
Cyber threat
Failure to effectively respond to threats from
emerging technology or disruptive business
models could lead to a loss of customer
relevance, market share and new/existing
revenue streams.
An external attack, insider threat or supplier
breach could cause service interruption or
confidential data breaches.
Adverse political and policy
An adverse political and policy environment
could impact our strategy and result in
increased costs, create competitive
disadvantage or have negative impact on our
return on capital employed.
Risk ranking
Risk ranking
Risk ranking
Risk owner
Chief Commercial Officer / CEO
Vodafone Business
Risk owner
Group Chief Technology Officer
Risk owner
Chief External and Corporate
Affairs Officer
Further developments in mobile handset
technologies, such as eSIM, could lead to
an increase in higher customer churn, higher
costs, and lower revenue.
Emerging factors
In our Consumer segment, the widespread
introduction of alternative technology
solutions driving disintermediation could put
pressure on our core business, while content
producers seeking to engage directly with
consumers could increase pressure on our
TV propositions. In the Business segment,
technology players could move deeper into
the telecommunications value chain and look
to control end-to-end service orchestration.
Alternative connectivity networks with
‘free-to-use’ business models may begin to
appeal to customers across both Consumer
and Business segments.
Mitigation activities
We are focused on strenghtening relationships
with our customers through innovative and
transformative products and services that go
beyond our leading connectivity propositions.
We aim to be less complex as an organisation,
by simplifying our product portfolio, improving
our operating model, and progressing with our
digital transformation.
We have modelled scenarios including attacks
on core infrastructure, a bulk data breach
and loss of major customer-facing systems.
An example includes threat actors using
destructive malware to disable our ability
to service new and existing customers.
Emerging factors
Cyber risk is constantly evolving in line with
technological and geopolitical developments.
We anticipate threats will continue from
existing sources, and also evolve in areas
such as 5G, IoT, vendor software integrity,
quantum computing and the use of AI and
machine learning.
Mitigation activities
We have a risk-based approach to managing
cyber security. We actively identify risks
and threats, design layers of control, and
implement controls across the Group.
We implement controls that prevent the
majority of attacks, in addition to controls to
detect events and respond quickly to
reduce harm. We perform regular cyber crisis
simulations with senior management in our
markets and Group functions using a tailored
set of scenarios.
Click to read more about our
approach to cyber security
in our cyber security factsheet:
Exposure to additional liabilities and
reputational damage, triggered by policy
maker and/or regulatory authority interventions
were to adversely change in the markets in
which we operate.
Emerging factors
The war in Ukraine has generated ripple effects
across the political and macroeconomic
environment, in particular in Europe but also
in some of our other markets. This has resulted
in energy price fluctuations, accentuated
inflation and worsened a cost of living crisis,
requiring us to adapt accordingly. Goverments’
responses to these challenges may also
impact on our business. Also, geopolitical
tensions are increasing which amplifies the
risk of protectionist responses, or other forms
of state interventions and security-related
requirements that could affect our operations,
supply chains and conditions for competition
in various ways.
Mitigation activities
We actively scan the external horizon, gather
intelligence to inform decision-making and
address issues openly with policymakers,
regulatory authorities, customers and
impacted stakeholders to find mutually
acceptable ways forward. As a last resort,
we uphold our rights through legal means.
Year-on-year risk ranking movement
Year-on-year risk ranking movement
No change
New/change in scope
No change
New/change in scope
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
Risk management (continued)
Strategic transformation
Supply chain disruption
Technology resilience and
future readiness
Failure to effectively execute our
transformational activities, including shaping
our portfolio and delivering on product
innovation, could result in loss of business
value and/or additional cost.
Disruption in our supply chain could mean that
we are unable to execute our strategic plans,
resulting in increased cost, reduced choice and
lower network quality.
Network, system, or platform outages, or
ineffective execution of the technology
strategy could lead to dissatisfied customers
and/or impact revenue.
Risk ranking
Risk ranking
Risk ranking
Risk owner
Group Chief Executive /
Chief Commercial Officer
Risk owner
Chief Financial Officer
Risk owner
Group Chief Technology
Officer / Group Chief Network
We are not an active participant in in-market
consolidation in key markets and do not
benefit from the resulting synergies, or we
are adversely impacted by market remedies
imposed by regulators following in-market
Emerging factors
Macroeconomic conditions, such as the
current inflationary environment, may impact
our transformational efforts. In addition, no
change in the regulators’ approach to
in-market consolidation may limit opportunities
for value accretive in-market consolidation.
Mitigation activities
In relation to shaping our portfolio, we actively
monitor and pursue opportunities to optimise
our portfolio to deliver value for our
shareholders and improve returns. We actively
assess opportunities to i) generate and realise
value from our assets; ii) deliver value accretive
in-market consolidation to deliver sustainable
market structures; and iii) streamline and
simplify our portfolio.
We are prioritising our efforts on three key
areas: customers, simplicity and growth.
To enable that, we have robust policies and
governance structures in place, such as our
Global Product Board, dedicated to steering
our transformation efforts and ensuring
we execute at scale. Lastly, we have been
transforming our approach to product
management to become more agile.
Political decisions affecting our ability to use
equipment from specific vendors could cause
trade and supply chain disruptions.
Emerging factors
Changes in the political landscape outside
Vodafone’s control (for example, US and China
tensions or long-term impacts from the war in
Ukraine) may significantly impact the upgrade
and maintenance of our network, or impact
product availability. Disruption may lead to an
increase in our costs from areas such as raw
material prices, energy costs, and shipping
costs, while at the same time, triggering
shortages or extended lead times for critical
components. Additionally, economic instability
might impact our suppliers’ ability to deliver.
Mitigation activities
We are closely monitoring the evolution of
the geopolitical environment. This enables us
to respond to emerging challenges and to
comply with regulations, economic sanctions
and trade rulings. We also mitigate our
exposure through having multi-year contracts
with key suppliers, forecasting and forward
ordering our inventory requirements in
anticipation of extended lead-times as well
as continuing to execute our logistics
optimisation strategy for networks
infrastructure logistics.
A major outage in a critical data centre or a
failed IT transformation activity could reduce
service to customers, affecting revenue
and reputation.
Emerging factors
Due to the time frame to implement large IT
transformation programmes, macroeconomic
conditions and customer expectations
might change for in-progress programmes.
Extreme weather events may increase the
likelihood or frequency of technology failure.
Additionally, deliberate attacks on national
critical infrastructure could increase during
war or volatile periods.
Mitigation activities
Recovery targets for critical assets are
established to limit the impact of service
outages. A global policy outlines the controls
required to ensure that technology services
are resilient and in alignment with these
targets. We prioritise IT transformation and
modernisation programmes to address specific
technology resilience risks, while also
supporting business process and portfolio
simplification. IT transformation programmes
carry risks of scope creep and cost overruns,
therefore we are increasingly using an
incremental delivery approach to be able to
realise benefits and adapt faster while applying
tight governance.
Year-on-year risk ranking movement
No change
New/change in scope
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Risk management (continued)
Strategic report
Other information
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
Strategic transformation
Supply chain disruption
Data management and privacy
Adverse market competition
Organisational simplification
Technology resilience and
future readiness
Failure to effectively execute our
Disruption in our supply chain could mean that
Network, system, or platform outages, or
transformational activities, including shaping
we are unable to execute our strategic plans,
ineffective execution of the technology
our portfolio and delivering on product
innovation, could result in loss of business
value and/or additional cost.
resulting in increased cost, reduced choice and
strategy could lead to dissatisfied customers
lower network quality.
and/or impact revenue.
Risk ranking
Risk ranking
Risk ranking
Risk owner
Group Chief Executive /
Risk owner
Chief Financial Officer
Risk owner
Group Chief Technology
Chief Commercial Officer
Officer / Group Chief Network
We are not an active participant in in-market
Political decisions affecting our ability to use
A major outage in a critical data centre or a
consolidation in key markets and do not
benefit from the resulting synergies, or we
are adversely impacted by market remedies
imposed by regulators following in-market
Emerging factors
equipment from specific vendors could cause
failed IT transformation activity could reduce
trade and supply chain disruptions.
service to customers, affecting revenue
Emerging factors
and reputation.
Changes in the political landscape outside
Emerging factors
Vodafone’s control (for example, US and China
Due to the time frame to implement large IT
tensions or long-term impacts from the war in
transformation programmes, macroeconomic
Macroeconomic conditions, such as the
Ukraine) may significantly impact the upgrade
conditions and customer expectations
current inflationary environment, may impact
and maintenance of our network, or impact
might change for in-progress programmes.
our transformational efforts. In addition, no
product availability. Disruption may lead to an
Extreme weather events may increase the
change in the regulators’ approach to
increase in our costs from areas such as raw
likelihood or frequency of technology failure.
in-market consolidation may limit opportunities
material prices, energy costs, and shipping
for value accretive in-market consolidation.
costs, while at the same time, triggering
Additionally, deliberate attacks on national
critical infrastructure could increase during
Mitigation activities
In relation to shaping our portfolio, we actively
monitor and pursue opportunities to optimise
shortages or extended lead times for critical
war or volatile periods.
components. Additionally, economic instability
might impact our suppliers’ ability to deliver.
our portfolio to deliver value for our
Mitigation activities
shareholders and improve returns. We actively
We are closely monitoring the evolution of
assess opportunities to i) generate and realise
the geopolitical environment. This enables us
Mitigation activities
Recovery targets for critical assets are
established to limit the impact of service
outages. A global policy outlines the controls
required to ensure that technology services
value from our assets; ii) deliver value accretive
to respond to emerging challenges and to
are resilient and in alignment with these
in-market consolidation to deliver sustainable
comply with regulations, economic sanctions
targets. We prioritise IT transformation and
market structures; and iii) streamline and
and trade rulings. We also mitigate our
modernisation programmes to address specific
simplify our portfolio.
exposure through having multi-year contracts
technology resilience risks, while also
We are prioritising our efforts on three key
areas: customers, simplicity and growth.
To enable that, we have robust policies and
governance structures in place, such as our
Global Product Board, dedicated to steering
our transformation efforts and ensuring
we execute at scale. Lastly, we have been
transforming our approach to product
management to become more agile.
with key suppliers, forecasting and forward
ordering our inventory requirements in
anticipation of extended lead-times as well
as continuing to execute our logistics
optimisation strategy for networks
infrastructure logistics.
supporting business process and portfolio
simplification. IT transformation programmes
carry risks of scope creep and cost overruns,
therefore we are increasingly using an
incremental delivery approach to be able to
realise benefits and adapt faster while applying
tight governance.
Data breaches, misuse of data, data
manipulation, inappropriate data sharing, or
data unavailability could lead to fines,
reputational damage, loss of value, loss of
business opportunity, and failure to meet our
customers’ expectations.
Risk ranking
Risk owner
Group General Counsel and
Company Secretary / Group
Financial Controller
Failure to manage the privacy of our
stakeholders’ data effectively and compliantly
could result in regulatory fines, paying
significant reparation of damages to impacted
individuals, and also reputational damage that
could result in higher churn rates.
Emerging factors
Proliferation of Artificial Intelligence and
related regulator and legislative action across
our footprint requires a robust ethics and
compliance approach. Geopolitisation of data
will continue to negatively impact cross border
data transfers. New European data regulations,
such as the Artificial Intelligence Act or the
Cyber Act, will introduce significant new legal
requirements around data management of our
business activities.
Mitigation activities
We process data ethically, with integrity,
securely, and always consistently with
applicable laws and our values. We are known
for our robust approach to privacy and strike
the right balance between business objectives
and customer and regulatory expectations.
We manage this through various privacy and
data management specific policies and related
controls, measured by a global control
effectiveness target for each related control
and underpinned with mandatory
training programmes.
Read more about our approach
to data management and privacy
on pages 40 to 42
Significant activity by competition, such as
price wars, new market entrants or business
practices, may lead to reduced margins and
market share, and increased customer churn.
Failure to effectively execute on our goal to
simplify our organisation and operating model
could result in reduced speed of decision-
making and delivery, reduced clarity on
accountabilities, and higher cost.
Risk ranking
Risk ranking
Risk owner
Chief Commercial Officer
Risk owner
Group Human Resources
Aggressive pricing, accelerated customer
losses to low value players on mobile and
fixed, and disruptive new market entrants in
key European markets could result in greater
customer churn and pricing pressures,
impacting our financial position. In addition,
high inflation levels and low confidence in
economic outlook could have further impact.
Emerging factors
While emerging factors often depend on
individual market structures and the
competitive landscape, external factors such
as the confidence in global economic systems,
record high inflation, the ongoing war in
Ukraine and slow post-pandemic economic
recovery in many markets may impact
household and individual connectivity spend.
Mitigation activities
We closely monitor the competitive
environment in all markets and react
accordingly to both consumer and business
needs. We continue to evolve our tariffs and
offers to provide a differentiated customer
experience through benefits, such as flexible
contract terms, refurbished devices and social
tariffs. In addition, in many markets we utilise
‘second’ brands to compete more effectively
and efficiently in the value segment.
Unsuccessful attempts to drive organisational
simplicity could result in lower employee
engagement, higher talent attrition and failure
to become a more efficient organisation.
Emerging factors
The increase in changes within the internal
organisation and external macroeconomic
environment requires all employees to show
Spirit behaviours. As our customers’ needs and
expectations change, we might have to adapt
or change our simplification agenda to meet
and exceed their requirements.
Mitigation activities
We have a clear organisational strategy
of simplification, which underpins the delivery
of operational excellence and employee
engagement, measured in our Spirit Beat
survey annually. Robust communication plans
and employee engagement activities
throughout periods of change are further
mitigation activities to encourage talent
retention and engagement. We have specialist
teams managing our organisation
simplification agenda, working with leaders
to design and embed changes. We also have
governance structures, sponsored by the
Executive Committee in place to align on
potential changes while considering their
implications, risks and mitigating actions
across all relevant dimensions.
Year-on-year risk ranking movement
Year-on-year risk ranking movement
No change
New/change in scope
No change
New/change in scope
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
Risk management (continued)
Tax risk covers our management of tax across the markets in which we
operate and how we respond to changes in tax law, which may have an
impact on the Group. We have controls in place to govern each of these
areas in line with our tax principles.
Read more about our tax risk and our approach to tax and our
economic contribution on pages 47 to 48
Emerging risks
We face a number of uncertainties where an emerging risk may
potentially impact us. In some cases, there may be insufficient information
to understand the likelihood, impact, or velocity of the risk. Also, we might
not be able to fully define a mitigation plan until we have a better
understanding of the threat.
We continue to identify new emerging risk trends, using inputs from
analysis of the external environment and internal sources. We evaluate
our risks across different time periods, allowing us to provide the
appropriate level of focus on these emerging risks.
We work with the relevant experts across the business to assess the
potential impacts and time horizon of these risks. Our emerging risks,
within predefined risk categories, are provided to the Executive
Committee and the Audit and Risk Committee for further scrutiny.
Strengthening our framework
We continue to enhance and embed the global risk management
framework with the objective of maturing our approach. This promotes
consistency across all the markets in which we operate.
Over the course of the year, we have:
– Developed a risk knowledge and skills matrix for our risk
management community;
– Enhanced reporting to our governance committees, which allows for
better decision-making;
– Performed a Group-wide risk awareness campaign in an effort to
enhance our risk culture; and
– Completed a cross-functional analysis of our operational resilience
capabilities to identify gaps and areas for enhancements.
Key changes to our principal risks:
– The Adverse changes in macroeconomic conditions principal
risk has increased. We constantly monitor the economic
repercussions of the war in Ukraine and the effects of sovereign
debt build-up during the COVID-19 pandemic. These factors
contribute to an uncertain outlook.
– The Disintermediation principal risk has increased as we consider
the impacts of alternative technologies being developed/deployed
in the near future.
– The Data management and privacy risk was added to the
principal risks from watchlist risk, as we continue to face increasing
scrutiny from regulators, investors and customers.
– As Vodafone continues to transform and simplify, we have included
Organisational simplification as a new principal risk.
– The Strategic transformation principal risk scope was redefined.
The new scope includes the portfolio transformation risk (a
previous principal risk), the management of joint ventures, as well
as product innovation. The digital transformation sub-risk was
removed from this risk.
– The Infrastructure competitiveness risk was moved to our
watchlist risks (see section below).
Watchlist risks
Our watchlist risk process enables us to monitor material risks to
Vodafone Group which fall outside our principal risks. These include,
but are not limited to:
Legal compliance
The legal compliance risk is made up of multiple sub-risks (sanctions and
trade controls, competition law, anti-bribery, and anti-money laundering).
Controls are in place to monitor and manage these risks and ensure
compliance with the relevant regulations and legislation.
Read more about ‘Doing What’s Right’ training
on page 40
Electromagnetic field (‘EMF’)
The health and safety of our customers and the wider public has always
been, and continues to be, a priority for us. We refer to the current body
of scientific evidence so that the services and products we provide are
within prescribed safety limits and adhere to all relevant standards and
national laws.
Read more about EMF
on page 45
Climate change
As part of our commitment to operate ethically and sustainably, we are
dedicated to understanding climate-related risks and opportunities and
embedding responses to these into business strategy and operations.
Read more about the Task Force on Climate-related
Financial Disclosures (‘TCFD’) on pages 58 to 59
Infrastructure competitiveness
We continue to provide the appropriate broadband technology in our
fixed and mobile networks. Our Technology 2025 Strategy incorporates
our fixed and mobile network evolution steps to enhance our coverage
and network performance.
Click to read more about our Technology 2025 Strategy
in an investor briefing:
Tax risk covers our management of tax across the markets in which we
operate and how we respond to changes in tax law, which may have an
impact on the Group. We have controls in place to govern each of these
areas in line with our tax principles.
Read more about our tax risk and our approach to tax and our
economic contribution on pages 47 to 48
Emerging risks
We face a number of uncertainties where an emerging risk may
potentially impact us. In some cases, there may be insufficient information
to understand the likelihood, impact, or velocity of the risk. Also, we might
not be able to fully define a mitigation plan until we have a better
understanding of the threat.
We continue to identify new emerging risk trends, using inputs from
analysis of the external environment and internal sources. We evaluate
our risks across different time periods, allowing us to provide the
appropriate level of focus on these emerging risks.
We work with the relevant experts across the business to assess the
potential impacts and time horizon of these risks. Our emerging risks,
within predefined risk categories, are provided to the Executive
Committee and the Audit and Risk Committee for further scrutiny.
Strengthening our framework
We continue to enhance and embed the global risk management
framework with the objective of maturing our approach. This promotes
consistency across all the markets in which we operate.
– Developed a risk knowledge and skills matrix for our risk
management community;
– Enhanced reporting to our governance committees, which allows for
– Performed a Group-wide risk awareness campaign in an effort to
enhance our risk culture; and
– Completed a cross-functional analysis of our operational resilience
capabilities to identify gaps and areas for enhancements.
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Risk management (continued)
Key changes to our principal risks:
– The Adverse changes in macroeconomic conditions principal
risk has increased. We constantly monitor the economic
repercussions of the war in Ukraine and the effects of sovereign
debt build-up during the COVID-19 pandemic. These factors
contribute to an uncertain outlook.
– The Disintermediation principal risk has increased as we consider
the impacts of alternative technologies being developed/deployed
in the near future.
– The Data management and privacy risk was added to the
principal risks from watchlist risk, as we continue to face increasing
scrutiny from regulators, investors and customers.
– As Vodafone continues to transform and simplify, we have included
Organisational simplification as a new principal risk.
– The Strategic transformation principal risk scope was redefined.
The new scope includes the portfolio transformation risk (a
previous principal risk), the management of joint ventures, as well
as product innovation. The digital transformation sub-risk was
removed from this risk.
– The Infrastructure competitiveness risk was moved to our
watchlist risks (see section below).
Our watchlist risk process enables us to monitor material risks to
Vodafone Group which fall outside our principal risks. These include,
Watchlist risks
but are not limited to:
Legal compliance
trade controls, competition law, anti-bribery, and anti-money laundering).
Controls are in place to monitor and manage these risks and ensure
compliance with the relevant regulations and legislation.
on page 40
Electromagnetic field (‘EMF’)
The health and safety of our customers and the wider public has always
been, and continues to be, a priority for us. We refer to the current body
of scientific evidence so that the services and products we provide are
within prescribed safety limits and adhere to all relevant standards and
national laws.
Read more about EMF
on page 45
Climate change
As part of our commitment to operate ethically and sustainably, we are
dedicated to understanding climate-related risks and opportunities and
embedding responses to these into business strategy and operations.
Read more about the Task Force on Climate-related
Financial Disclosures (‘TCFD’) on pages 58 to 59
Infrastructure competitiveness
We continue to provide the appropriate broadband technology in our
fixed and mobile networks. Our Technology 2025 Strategy incorporates
our fixed and mobile network evolution steps to enhance our coverage
and network performance.
Click to read more about our Technology 2025 Strategy
in an investor briefing:
The legal compliance risk is made up of multiple sub-risks (sanctions and
Over the course of the year, we have:
Read more about ‘Doing What’s Right’ training
better decision-making;
Strategic report
Other information
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
Long-term viability statement (‘LTVS’)
The preparation of the LTVS includes an assessment of the Group’s
long-term prospects in addition to an assessment of the ability to meet
future commitments and liabilities as they fall due over the three-year
review period.
Assessment of viability
The Board has chosen a three-year period to assess Vodafone
Group’s viability. This is the period in which we believe our principal risks
tend to develop. This time horizon is also in line with the structure of
long-term management incentives and the outputs from the long range
business planning cycle. We continue to conduct financial stress testing
and sensitivity analysis, considering revenue at risk.
The viability assessment started with the available headroom as of 31
March 2023 and considered the plans and projections assembled as part
of the forecasting cycle, which include the Group’s cash flows, planned
commitments, required funding, and other key financial ratios. We also
assumed that debt refinancing will remain available in all plausible
market conditions.
Finally, we estimated the impact of severe but plausible scenarios for
all our principal risks on the three-year plan. We also stress tested a
combined scenario taking into account the risk interdependencies as
defined in the diagram on page 52, where the following risks were
modelled as materialising in parallel over the three-year period:
Cyber threat: A cyber-attack exploits vulnerabilities allowing
unauthorised access to our systems, or a ransomware attack, impacting
our ability to service customers for an extended period of time.
Data management and privacy: A data breach, through malicious
activities (e.g. cyber-attack), leading to an investigation and a
subsequent GDPR fine.
Adverse changes in macroeconomic conditions: Adverse changes in
the macroeconomic environment could result in restricted ability to
refinance, while prolonged high inflation rates, may lead to increased
interest rates.
Adverse political and policy measures: Adverse political and policy
interventions could lead to increased cost of operations, and directly
or indirectly reduce profitability.
Assessment of long-term prospects
The Board undertakes a robust review and challenge of the strategy and
assumptions. Each year the Board conducts a strategy session, reviewing
the internal and external environment as well as significant threats and
opportunities to the sustainable creation of long-term shareholder value
(note that known emerging threats related to each principal risk are
described on pages 52 to 55).
As an input to the strategy discussion, the Board considers the principal
risks (including Cyber threat, Data management and privacy, Adverse
changes in macroeconomic conditions, and Adverse political and policy
measures) with the focus on identifying underlying opportunities and
setting the Group’s future strategy. The output from this session is
reflected in the strategic section of the Annual Report (page 7), which
provides a view of the Group’s long-term prospects.
The Board assessed the prospects and viability of the Group in
accordance with provision 31 of the UK Corporate Governance Code,
considering the Group’s strategy and business model, and the principal
risks to the Group’s future performance, solvency, liquidity and
reputation. The assessment takes into account possible mitigating
actions available to management were any risk or combination
of risks to materialise.
Cash and cash equivalents available of €11.6 billion (page 170) as of
31 March 2023, along with options available to reduce cash outgoings
over the period considered, provide the Group with sufficient positive
headroom in all scenarios tested. Reverse stress testing on revenue and
adjusted EBITDAaL over the review period confirmed that the Group has
sufficient headroom available to face uncertainty. The Board deemed
the stress test conducted to be adequate, and therefore confirmed that
it has a reasonable expectation that the Group will remain in operation
and be able to meet its liabilities as they fall due up to 31 March 2026.
Assessment of prospects
Outlook, strategy & business model
Outlook of possible long-term scenarios expected in the sector and the Group’s current position to face them
Assessment of the key principal risks that may influence the Group’s long-term prospects
Articulation of the main levers in the Group’s strategy and business model ensuring the sustainability of value creation
Long Range Plan is the three-year forecast approved by the Board on an annual basis, used to calculate cash position and headroom
Assessment of viability
Headroom is calculated using cash, cash equivalents and other available facilities, at year end
Sensitivity analysis
Principal risks
Combined scenario
Sensitivity analysis to assess the level
of decline in performance that the Group
could withstand, were a black swan
event to occur
Severe but plausible scenarios modelled
to quantify the cash impact of an
individual principal risk materialising
over the three-year period
Quantification of the cash impact of
combined scenarios where multiple risks
materialise across one or more markets,
over the three-year period
Viability results from comparing the cash impact of severe but plausible scenarios on the available headroom, considering additional liquidity options
Long-term viability statement
Directors confirm that they have reasonable expectation that the Group will be able to
continue in operation and meet its liabilities as they fall due over the three-year period
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures
TCFD disclosure
We recognise that climate change poses a
number of physical (i.e. extreme weather events)
and transition-related (i.e. related to moving to a
greener economy) risks and opportunities for our
business. As part of our commitment to operate
ethically and sustainably, we strive to understand
climate-related risks and opportunities and embed
responses to these into our business strategy and
operations. We have been aligning our internal
processes with the recommendations of the
Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures
(‘TCFD’) and will continue to enhance our
policies, processes and reporting with respect
to the TCFD recommendations. Our progress
is summarised in this section.
TCFD recommendations
For the year ending 31 March 2023, we are consistent with 10 out of 11
TCFD recommendations. There is one recommendation with which we
are currently partially consistent:
Metrics and targets (physical risks): We measure and have set
ambitious targets for reducing our carbon emissions. We also have
metrics in place to measure our energy use, which is one underlying
factor in our exposure to transition risk. As a measure of the climate
opportunity associated with developing and deploying products to help
society decarbonise, we also report annually on the carbon emissions
avoided through the use of green digital solutions. This year, we also
began measuring our physical risk exposure and management based
on the number of infrastructure assets that are at high or very high risk
of climate impacts such as extreme weather events. Whilst these are
important steps forward on our climate-related risk disclosure journey,
we recognise that we do not yet have metrics and targets in place to
measure our full suite of climate risks.
Our disclosure this year improves upon our position in 2022, when we
were only consistent with eight out of 11 recommendations. In this
year’s report, we are pleased to include further detail on the impact
of climate-related risks and opportunities on our business strategy and
financial planning, and a quantitative measure of the number of assets
at high or very high risk of physical climate change. As industry practices
evolve and our internal programme matures, we aim to address the
remaining gaps in our climate-related risk management and reporting
approach over the next three years.
TCFD reporting
As with last year’s disclosure, we have once again published our
comprehensive TCFD overview in a standalone report. This enables us
to provide more detailed information for investors and other interested
stakeholders in a more accessible format.
Click to read our TCFD report:
Our strategy is approved by the Board which has reviewed Vodafone’s
purpose and Planet commitments to reduce our environmental impact,
such as reaching ‘net zero’ emissions across our full value chain (Scope 1,
2 and 3) by 2040. The Board’s Audit and Risk Committee has oversight
of our climate-related risks and opportunities. In addition, the ESG
Committee provides oversight of the broader ESG strategy.
Read more about the ESG Committee
on pages 83 to 84
The Chief External and Corporate Affairs Officer, a member of the
Executive Committee, is the sponsor for the Planet agenda as part of our
purpose-led strategy and has overall accountability for climate change
action within the Group. This includes providing updates to the Board on
the progress towards our climate-related goals. The Chief Network Officer
is responsible for the overall management of the physical risks to Vodafone
due to the nature of our business.
In addition, our Remuneration Policy incorporates our ESG priorities in
the long-term incentive plan. For the 2023 award, the ESG measure under
the long-term incentive plan includes an ambition on planet linked to
our aim of reaching net zero for our own operations under Scope 1
and 2 by 2030.
Read more about ESG measures in our long-term incentive
plan on pages 93 to 106
TCFD recommendations
We have considered our ‘comply or explain’ obligation under the UK’s
Financial Conduct Authority Listing Rules and have detailed in the
table below the 11 TCFD recommendations with which we are fully
or partially consistent.
a. Describe the Board’s oversight of climate-related risks
and opportunities
b. Describe management’s role in assessing and
managing climate-related risks and opportunities
c. Describe the climate-related risks and opportunities
the organisation has identified over the short, medium
and long term
d. Describe the impact of climate-related risks and
opportunities on the organisation’s businesses,
strategy and financial planning
e. Describe the resilience of the organisation’s strategy,
taking into consideration different climate-related
scenarios, including a 2°C or lower scenario
Risk Management
f. Describe the organisation’s processes for identifying
and assessing climate-related risks
g. Describe the organisation’s processes for managing
climate-related risks
h. Describe how processes for identifying, assessing and
managing climate-related risks are integrated into the
organisation’s overall risk management
Metrics and Targets
i. Disclose the metrics used by the organisation to assess
climate-related risks and opportunities in line with its
strategy and risk management process
j. Disclose Scope 1, Scope 2, and, if appropriate, Scope 3
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and the related risks
k. Describe the targets used by the organisation to
manage climate-related risks and opportunities and
performance against targets
Consistent with the TCFD recommendations
Partially consistent with the TCFD recommendations
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures
TCFD disclosure
We recognise that climate change poses a
number of physical (i.e. extreme weather events)
and transition-related (i.e. related to moving to a
greener economy) risks and opportunities for our
business. As part of our commitment to operate
ethically and sustainably, we strive to understand
climate-related risks and opportunities and embed
responses to these into our business strategy and
operations. We have been aligning our internal
processes with the recommendations of the
Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures
(‘TCFD’) and will continue to enhance our
policies, processes and reporting with respect
to the TCFD recommendations. Our progress
is summarised in this section.
TCFD recommendations
For the year ending 31 March 2023, we are consistent with 10 out of 11
TCFD recommendations. There is one recommendation with which we
are currently partially consistent:
Metrics and targets (physical risks): We measure and have set
ambitious targets for reducing our carbon emissions. We also have
metrics in place to measure our energy use, which is one underlying
factor in our exposure to transition risk. As a measure of the climate
opportunity associated with developing and deploying products to help
society decarbonise, we also report annually on the carbon emissions
avoided through the use of green digital solutions. This year, we also
began measuring our physical risk exposure and management based
on the number of infrastructure assets that are at high or very high risk
of climate impacts such as extreme weather events. Whilst these are
important steps forward on our climate-related risk disclosure journey,
we recognise that we do not yet have metrics and targets in place to
measure our full suite of climate risks.
Our disclosure this year improves upon our position in 2022, when we
were only consistent with eight out of 11 recommendations. In this
year’s report, we are pleased to include further detail on the impact
of climate-related risks and opportunities on our business strategy and
financial planning, and a quantitative measure of the number of assets
at high or very high risk of physical climate change. As industry practices
evolve and our internal programme matures, we aim to address the
remaining gaps in our climate-related risk management and reporting
approach over the next three years.
TCFD reporting
As with last year’s disclosure, we have once again published our
comprehensive TCFD overview in a standalone report. This enables us
to provide more detailed information for investors and other interested
stakeholders in a more accessible format.
Click to read our TCFD report:
Our strategy is approved by the Board which has reviewed Vodafone’s
purpose and Planet commitments to reduce our environmental impact,
such as reaching ‘net zero’ emissions across our full value chain (Scope 1,
2 and 3) by 2040. The Board’s Audit and Risk Committee has oversight
of our climate-related risks and opportunities. In addition, the ESG
Committee provides oversight of the broader ESG strategy.
Read more about the ESG Committee
on pages 83 to 84
The Chief External and Corporate Affairs Officer, a member of the
Executive Committee, is the sponsor for the Planet agenda as part of our
purpose-led strategy and has overall accountability for climate change
action within the Group. This includes providing updates to the Board on
the progress towards our climate-related goals. The Chief Network Officer
is responsible for the overall management of the physical risks to Vodafone
due to the nature of our business.
In addition, our Remuneration Policy incorporates our ESG priorities in
the long-term incentive plan. For the 2023 award, the ESG measure under
the long-term incentive plan includes an ambition on planet linked to
our aim of reaching net zero for our own operations under Scope 1
and 2 by 2030.
Read more about ESG measures in our long-term incentive
plan on pages 93 to 106
TCFD recommendations
We have considered our ‘comply or explain’ obligation under the UK’s
Financial Conduct Authority Listing Rules and have detailed in the
table below the 11 TCFD recommendations with which we are fully
or partially consistent.
a. Describe the Board’s oversight of climate-related risks
and opportunities
b. Describe management’s role in assessing and
managing climate-related risks and opportunities
c. Describe the climate-related risks and opportunities
the organisation has identified over the short, medium
and long term
d. Describe the impact of climate-related risks and
opportunities on the organisation’s businesses,
strategy and financial planning
e. Describe the resilience of the organisation’s strategy,
taking into consideration different climate-related
scenarios, including a 2°C or lower scenario
f. Describe the organisation’s processes for identifying
and assessing climate-related risks
g. Describe the organisation’s processes for managing
climate-related risks
h. Describe how processes for identifying, assessing and
managing climate-related risks are integrated into the
organisation’s overall risk management
Risk Management
Metrics and Targets
i. Disclose the metrics used by the organisation to assess
climate-related risks and opportunities in line with its
strategy and risk management process
j. Disclose Scope 1, Scope 2, and, if appropriate, Scope 3
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and the related risks
k. Describe the targets used by the organisation to
manage climate-related risks and opportunities and
performance against targets
Consistent with the TCFD recommendations
Partially consistent with the TCFD recommendations
This year, we once again conducted our annual exercise to refresh the
assessment of the top climate-related risks and opportunities to ensure
we are incorporating any change in climate trends or science, as well as
new risks and opportunities. The exercise confirmed that the identified
risks and opportunities remain largely unchanged from the previous
assessment, although some require more attention in the short term due
to the macroeconomic environment and volatility in the energy market.
Last year, we built on our previous climate scenario work and considered
our resilience against key climate-related risks and opportunities.
That work included mapping the current controls in place and the
strength of those controls for each material risk and opportunity.
Overall, we have controls in place for all identified key risks and this
helps us build resilience against the potential impacts on the business.
Physical risks are assessed and considered throughout the critical
stages of the asset lifecycle. Environmental risks are assessed ahead
of the acquisition of buildings and network equipment. We have teams
and processes dedicated to disaster recovery and business continuity.
In addition, we mitigate the financial impact of physical risks through
insurance and damage response.
Our broader Planet strategy, targets and external communications are
designed to manage and mitigate the potential impacts of transition risks
on the Group. We have specialist teams that monitor and drive progress
to maintain and meet expectations from key stakeholders. This year,
we took further steps to improve energy efficiency and limit exposure to
energy market volatility as it is a key short-term risk. Similarly, harnessing
our current climate and ESG strategy and monitoring market trends
will enable us to also capture opportunities arising from the
low-carbon transition.
Read more about how our products and services help
our customers reduce their emissions on page 37
This year, we also conducted a scenario analysis focusing on the potential
impact of physical climate-related risks on specific types of our
infrastructure assets, with the aim of understanding how our infrastructure
asset portfolio is expected to evolve in the long term under different
climate change scenarios. This exercise will inform our longer-term
resilience plans related to physical climate-related risks, such as damage
to our infrastructure.
Risk management
We have aligned our climate-related risk management process with our
overall risk management framework. Climate change was discussed and
considered during the principal risk assessment process and it was once
again placed on our risk watchlist.
Read more about our risk management framework
on pages 51 to 52 and 56
To ensure a robust identification and assessment of climate-related risks
and opportunities we use the following data sources:
– Climate-change publications and data;
– Guidance from the TCFD on potential risks and opportunities;
– Previous year’s assessments; and
– Key stakeholders’ inputs via a survey and targeted discussions.
We evaluate the materiality of the identified risks and opportunities by
assessing their likelihood and impact using our global risk management
framework. This process helps us determine the relative significance
of the climate-related risks in relation to other risks.
Due to the nature of the topic, there are many teams across Vodafone
that are responsible for managing climate-related risks and we have
multiple processes and policies in place to ensure we are managing
them effectively.
Metrics and targets
We use a wide variety of metrics to measure the current and potential
impacts of climate-related risks. We have been measuring and reporting
on energy and carbon emissions since 2001 and have been responding
to CDP’s climate change questionnaire since 2010. Our main carbon
emissions metrics are also subject to independent limited assurance.
In addition, we have set a number of targets to manage climate-related
risks and reduce our impact on the environment, such as reaching ‘net
zero’ emissions across our full value chain (Scope 1, 2 and 3) by 2040 and
purchasing 100% renewable electricity in all markets by 2025. Since July
2021, our European network has been 100% powered by electricity from
renewable sources.
Click to download our ESG Addendum:
We constantly seek to refresh and improve our metrics and key risk
indicators to better measure and manage climate-related risks and
opportunities. We recognise that we need to mature further in this
area as industry practices and better-quality data become available.
Read more about our existing environmental KPIs
on pages 35 to 38
Material climate-related risks and opportunities
Physical risks:
– Damage to infrastructure caused by increasing frequency and
severity of extreme weather events, including wildfires, flooding,
and storms
– Interruption or reduction in the quality of services due to increased
precipitation and extreme weather events
– Supply chain disruption due to climate impacts on key suppliers
– Increases in global temperatures leading to an increase in the
consumption of energy for cooling
Transition risks:
– Increasing stakeholder scrutiny over our environmental
performance impacting revenue, market share and reputation
– Rising price of energy (renewable and non-renewable)
– Emerging carbon regulations and carbon taxation
– Changing mandates and regulations over infrastructure
energy efficiency
– Third-party dependency impacting our ability to meet carbon
targets and improve efficiencies
– Development of new product lines enabling customers to better
manage climate-related impacts
– Reduced costs through sustainable procurement
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Governance at a glance
Strategic report
Other information
Leadership, governance and engagement
Our Board
The Nominations and Governance Committee regularly reviews the Board’s composition with a view
to ensuring a diverse mix of backgrounds, skills, knowledge and experience as well as deep expertise
in technology and telecommunications. Each year, the Board monitors and improves its performance
by conducting an annual performance review.
As at 31 March 2023
0-3 years 6
0-3 years 6
4-6 years 3
4-6 years 3
7-10 years 4
7-10 years 4
Independent 11
Independent 11
Independent 1
Independent 1
NED Chair
NED Chair
Gender diversity
Senior Board positions
Chief Financial
1. The roles of Chief Executive and Chief Financial
Officer are held by Margherita Della Valle.
Ethnically diverse
Ethnically diverse
Skills and expertise of Non-Executive Directors
goods and
Social and
Membership and attendance
The table below details the Board and Committee meeting attendance
during the year to 31 March 2023. The number of attendances is shown
next to the maximum number of meetings the Director was entitled to
attend. Ad hoc meetings of the Board and its Committees were also held
as required during the year.
Stephen Carter1
Ernotte Cunci1
Sir Crispin Davis
Margherita Della Valle
Michel Demaré
Dame Clara Furse
Valerie Gooding
Deborah Kerr
Amparo Moraleda
David Nish
Christine Ramon2
Nick Read3
Simon Segars1
van Boxmeer
and Governance
Audit and Risk
1. Stephen Carter, Delphine Ernotte Cunci and Simon Segars joined the Board on 26 July 2022.
2. Christine Ramon joined the Board on 14 November 2022.
3. Nick Read stepped down from the Board on 31 December 2022.
4. Deborah Kerr was unable to attend one scheduled meeting of the Board due to ill health and
one scheduled meeting of the Audit and Risk Committee due to personal reasons.
5. David Nish was unable to attend one scheduled meeting of the Board due to a scheduling
6. Sir Crispin Davis was unable to attend one scheduled meeting of the Nominations and
Governance Committee due to time zone differences.
7. Michel Demaré was unable to attend one scheduled meeting of the Audit and Risk Committee
and one scheduled meeting of the Remuneration Committee due to a family emergency.
Board evaluation
Progress in the year
Read more
on page 73
The 2023 Board evaluation reported
improvements had been achieved in:
– Appointing four new Non-Executive Directors,
each bringing extensive technology and
telecommunications experience;
– devoting more time to strategy by holding
several strategic deep-dive sessions during the
year to enhance free-flowing discussions; and
– establishing a Board sub-committee to
consider mergers and acquisitions (‘M&A’)
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Governance at a glance
Leadership, governance and engagement
Our Board
As at 31 March 2023
0-3 years 6
0-3 years 6
4-6 years 3
4-6 years 3
7-10 years 4
7-10 years 4
Independent 11
Independent 11
Independent 1
Independent 1
NED Chair
NED Chair
Gender diversity
Senior Board positions
Chief Financial
1. The roles of Chief Executive and Chief Financial
Officer are held by Margherita Della Valle.
Ethnically diverse
Ethnically diverse
Skills and expertise of Non-Executive Directors
Social and
goods and
Membership and attendance
The table below details the Board and Committee meeting attendance
during the year to 31 March 2023. The number of attendances is shown
next to the maximum number of meetings the Director was entitled to
attend. Ad hoc meetings of the Board and its Committees were also held
as required during the year.
and Governance
Audit and Risk
Margherita Della Valle
Stephen Carter1
Ernotte Cunci1
Sir Crispin Davis
Michel Demaré
Dame Clara Furse
Valerie Gooding
Deborah Kerr
Amparo Moraleda
David Nish
Christine Ramon2
Nick Read3
Simon Segars1
van Boxmeer
1. Stephen Carter, Delphine Ernotte Cunci and Simon Segars joined the Board on 26 July 2022.
2. Christine Ramon joined the Board on 14 November 2022.
3. Nick Read stepped down from the Board on 31 December 2022.
4. Deborah Kerr was unable to attend one scheduled meeting of the Board due to ill health and
one scheduled meeting of the Audit and Risk Committee due to personal reasons.
5. David Nish was unable to attend one scheduled meeting of the Board due to a scheduling
6. Sir Crispin Davis was unable to attend one scheduled meeting of the Nominations and
Governance Committee due to time zone differences.
7. Michel Demaré was unable to attend one scheduled meeting of the Audit and Risk Committee
and one scheduled meeting of the Remuneration Committee due to a family emergency.
Board evaluation
Progress in the year
The 2023 Board evaluation reported
improvements had been achieved in:
– Appointing four new Non-Executive Directors,
each bringing extensive technology and
telecommunications experience;
– devoting more time to strategy by holding
several strategic deep-dive sessions during the
year to enhance free-flowing discussions; and
– establishing a Board sub-committee to
consider mergers and acquisitions (‘M&A’)
Read more
on page 73
Strategic report
Other information
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
The Nominations and Governance Committee regularly reviews the Board’s composition with a view
to ensuring a diverse mix of backgrounds, skills, knowledge and experience as well as deep expertise
in technology and telecommunications. Each year, the Board monitors and improves its performance
by conducting an annual performance review.
Committee activities
To operate efficiently and to ensure matters are given the right level of focus, the Board delegates
some of its responsibilities to its Committees. These provide focused oversight on: Board composition,
performance, and succession planning; financial reporting, risk, internal processes and controls;
remuneration practices; and environmental, sustainability and governance topics.
Nominations and Governance Committee
In addition to keeping under review developments in corporate
governance and the Company’s responses to them, the Nominations and
Governance Committee makes recommendations to the Board about
Board composition and ensures Board diversity and the necessary
balance of skills. The Committee recognises the need to anticipate the
skills and attributes that will be needed on the Board as the Company
develops. A key focus for the Committee this year has been Board and
Executive Committee composition. For the latter half of the year, the main
activity has concerned succession planning for the Group Chief Executive.
Read more
on pages 74-76
Board changes
Following shareholder approval at the Company’s Annual General Meeting
on 26 July 2022, Stephen Carter, Delphine Ernotte Cunci and Simon Segars
joined the Board as Non-Executive Directors. In addition, on 14 November
2022, Christine Ramon joined the Board as a Non-Executive Director.
Christine brings extensive financial and strategic experience, along with
telecommunications expertise. She also has comprehensive African market
experience that will support the strategic aims of the Group.
Click or scan to watch conversations with our new
Non-Executive Directors:
On 31 December 2022, Nick Read stood down as Group Chief Executive.
Margherita Della Valle was appointed Group Chief Executive for an interim
period with effect from 1 January 2023, in addition to her continuing role
as Group Chief Financial Officer, whilst the Board undertook a rigorous
internal and external search to find a permanent Group Chief Executive.
On 27 April 2023, the Company announced the appointment of
Margherita Della Valle as Group Chief Executive, Margherita will also
continue as Group Chief Financial Officer until an external search for
a new successor is completed.
Audit and Risk Committee
The Committee oversees the Group’s financial reporting, risk management,
internal control and assurance processes and the external audit. This
includes in-depth reviews of our principal risks, the review of our Annual
Report and a programme of deep-dives across multiple business units with
a focus on the risk and control environment. The Committee also monitors
the activities and effectiveness of the Internal Audit function and has
primary responsibility for overseeing the relationship with the external
auditor. Deep-dive topics this year included reviews of adverse regulatory
measures, technology resilience and readiness, cyber threats, infrastructure
competitiveness and disintermediation risk. Entity deep-dives included
Vodacom, the cluster of markets within the Other Europe segment,
Vodafone Spain, Vodafone Germany, Vodafone Roaming Services and
Vantage Towers. The Committee also has joint responsibility, with the ESG
Committee, for reviewing the appropriateness and adequacy of ESG
disclosures provided within the Annual Report and the ESG Addendum,
including approving its content.
Read more
on pages 77-82
Click or scan to watch the Chair of the
Audit Committee, David Nish, explain his role:
ESG Committee
The Committee provides oversight of Vodafone’s ESG programme:
purpose pillars (Digital Society, Inclusion for All and Planet), sustainability
and responsible business practices as well as Vodafone’s contribution to
the societies we operate in under the social contract. The Committee also
monitors progress against key performance indicators and external ESG
index results. Focus for this year centred on enhancing the approach to
ESG disclosure and assurance and expanding agenda items to reflect the
Committee’s purpose. Key discussion topics included ESG indices and
rankings, digital inclusion, human rights and our Digital Society
purpose pillar.
Read more
on pages 83-84
Click or scan to watch the Chair of the ESG Committee,
Amparo Moraleda, explain her role:
Remuneration Committee
The Remuneration Committee sets, assesses and recommends for
shareholder approval the Remuneration Policy for Executive Directors,
sets the remuneration of the Executive Directors and approves the
remuneration of the Chair of the Board and members of the Executive
Committee. It also reviews remuneration arrangements across the Group
to ensure they are aligned with our strategy, support our purpose and
celebrate the ‘Spirit of Vodafone’.
Fair pay principles:
1. Market competitive
4. Share in our successes
2. Free from discrimination
5. Provide benefits for all
3. Provide a good standard of living 6. Open and transparent
During the year the Committee reviewed the Remuneration Policy ahead
of it being put to shareholders’ vote at the 2023 Annual General Meeting.
Details of this and the associated shareholder engagement can be found
on pages 85 and 87.
Read more
on pages 85-106
Click or scan to watch the Senior Independent
Director and Chair of the Remuneration Committee,
Valerie Gooding, explain her role:
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
Chair’s governance statement
We take seriously our commitment to strong and
robust corporate governance
Dear shareholders,
I am pleased to present the Corporate Governance Report for the year
ended 31 March 2023 on behalf of the Board.
The year in review
This year, has again, been one of change and I am grateful to my fellow
Directors, the executive team, and the people of Vodafone for their
support, flexibility, and strong spirit throughout.
In spite of the challenges faced we have functioned well and have
continued to take seriously our commitment to strong and robust
corporate governance to support the creation of long-term sustainable
value for the benefit of all our stakeholders.
This report provides details about the Board and an explanation of our
individual roles and responsibilities as well as providing an insight into the
activities of the Board and Committees over the year and how we seek to
ensure the highest standards of corporate governance remain embedded
throughout the Company, underpinning and supporting our business and
the decisions we make.
Board succession
Executive Directors
During the year, the Board and Nominations and Governance Committee
reviewed the future leadership of the Company and, as announced on 5
December 2022, the Board agreed with Nick Read that he would step down
as Group Chief Executive and as a Director of the Company on 31
December 2022. I would like to thank Nick for his commitment and
significant contribution to Vodafone as Group Chief Executive and
throughout his career spanning more than two decades with the Company.
In addition to her role as Group Chief Financial Officer, Margherita Della
Valle was appointed Group Chief Executive with effect from 1 January 2023
on an interim basis. The Board initiated a process with the support of Egon
Zehnder, an independent external search firm, to find a permanent Group
Chief Executive and on 27 April 2023, we announced the permanent
appointment of Margherita Della Valle. The Board and I have been
impressed with her pace and decisiveness to begin the necessary
transformation of Vodafone. Tasked with accelerating the execution of
the Company’s strategy to improve operational performance and deliver
shareholder value the Board fully supports her. Margherita will also
continue as Group Chief Financial Officer until an external search for
a new Group Chief Financial Officer is complete.
Non-Executive Directors
The Board, together with the Nominations and Governance Committee,
has continued to monitor the composition and skills matrix of the Board
with a focus on succession planning for our Non-Executive Directors.
Last year we indicated several upcoming scheduled retirements from
the Board and on 10 May 2023 we announced that Valerie Gooding,
Sir Crispin Davis and Dame Clara Furse would not be seeking re-election
at the 2023 Annual General Meeting (‘AGM’). At the date of publication,
Valerie Gooding has served more than nine years as a Director; however,
she will remain on the Board until the conclusion of the 2023 AGM in
order to allow for a gradual and smooth transition period of the Senior
Independent Director role to David Nish, Remuneration Committee Chair
role to Amparo Moraleda and Workforce Engagement Lead roles to
Delphine Ernotte Cunci and Christine Ramon. Following evaluation,
Valerie is still considered independent.
In anticipation of these retirements, there have been a number of Board
changes during the year, with the appointment of four new Non-Executive
Directors, Stephen Carter, Delphine Ernotte Cunci, Simon Segars and
Christine Ramon. I am delighted to welcome them to Vodafone’s Board.
Their appointments bring extensive experience and track records of
value creation across a variety of sectors which will be of great support
to the Group.
A full induction programme is underway for the new Non-Executive Directors,
including meetings with executives leading our businesses and functions.
Read more about the appointment process
on page 74
Board diversity
We remain firmly committed to having a Board that is diverse in all
respects. With support from the Nominations and Governance
Committee, we continue to monitor requirements and are proud to meet
these including the target that at least 40% of the Board is composed
of women. This includes our Group Chief Executive and Group Chief
Financial Officer, Margherita Della Valle and our Senior Independent
Director, Valerie Gooding. We have also met the Parker Review target to
have at least one Director from a non-white ethnic minority.
Read more about our Board Diversity Policy
on page 75
Beyond the Board, we announced last year the introduction of a new
ethnic diversity target that 25% of global senior leadership will come from
ethnically diverse backgrounds by 2030.
Read more
on page 34
Board evaluation
This year the Board undertook an internal evaluation led by myself
with support from the Group General Counsel and Company Secretary.
I am pleased to report the findings show there is clear consensus that
the Board is operating well with effective leadership and where open
discussion and input from all members is encouraged. Positive feedback
was also received on the composition of the Board and the conduct
of meetings and materials provided. Some areas for improvement were
identified and we will look to progress these during the year ahead.
Read more
on page 73
Continued stakeholder engagement
We recognise that Vodafone’s success is dependent on the Board taking
decisions for the benefit of our shareholders and in doing so having
regard to all our stakeholders.
Throughout the year, I have interacted with institutional shareholders and
engaged on topics such as the Company’s strategy, Board and Executive
changes, and succession plans. I was delighted that as well as virtual
meetings, we were able to host some meetings in person for the first time
since the COVID-19 pandemic. The Board has also received updates on
the investor perception study completed during the year.
In her role as Chair of the Remuneration Committee, Valerie Gooding
engaged with shareholders on the proposed updates to the Remuneration
Policy and remuneration arrangements in respect of the forthcoming year.
Read more
on page 85
Valerie Gooding also continued to serve as the Board’s Workforce
Engagement Lead, gathering the views of employees through a number
of employee consultative committees across all our European and
African markets. Key discussion topics from this year’s meetings included
‘Future Ready Vodafone’ ways of working, the ‘Grow with Vodafone’
personal development platform, economic uncertainty and the Race,
Ethnicity and Cultural Heritage (‘REACH’) targets.
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Chair’s governance statement
Strategic report
Other information
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
This year, we have continued to publish ‘Board conversations’ with our
recently appointed Non-Executive Directors, to give all shareholders the
opportunity to hear directly from them.
The Board is committed to understanding the views of all of Vodafone’s
stakeholders to inform the decisions that we make.
Read more
on pages 10-12
Click or scan to watch conversations with
our Non-Executive Directors:
The 2022 AGM was held at Vodafone UK’s headquarters in Newbury,
Berkshire and was available to watch live via a webcast for those
shareholders who were unable to attend in person. Shareholders were
able to pre-submit questions or, if attending in person, ask questions
on the day, for consideration by the Directors at the meeting. We intend
to hold the 2023 AGM in the same format.
Click to read more about the AGM:
Compliance with the 2018 UK Corporate
Governance Code (the ‘Code’)
In respect of the year ended 31 March 2023 Vodafone Group Plc was
subject to the Code (available from The Board is
pleased to confirm that Vodafone applied the principles and complied
with all the provisions of the Code throughout the year. Further
information on compliance with the Code can be found as follows:
Board leadership and Company purpose
Read more
Long-term value and sustainability
Shareholder engagement
Other stakeholder engagement
Conflicts of interest
Role of the Chair
10-12 62-63
Purpose and the ‘Spirit of Vodafone’
Our purpose ‘We connect for a better future’ is at the core of our strategy,
enabling inclusive and sustainable digital society. It has guided actions
at every level throughout the year.
Division of responsibilities
Read more
Non-Executive Directors
Read more
on pages 28-39
The Board understands the importance of culture and setting the tone
of the organisation from the top and embedding it throughout the Group.
We refer to our culture as the ‘Spirit of Vodafone’. It is a key component
for our strategic, organisational and digital transformation. The aim of our
people strategy is to create an environment where growing never stops
and everyone can truly belong, innovate, and fulfil their potential. We
continue to hold quarterly ‘Spirit of Vodafone’ days for our employees,
designed to provide dedicated space for personal growth, wellbeing and
connection. The Board receives regular updates on employee engagement
and the ‘Spirit of Vodafone’, which enables it to make informed
decisions where appropriate.
Read more about our culture and people strategy
on pages 13-15
The year ahead
On 10 May 2023, the Board approved the creation of a Technology
Committee as a new Board Committee. Once established, during the
course of this year, the Committee will oversee the technology strategy
and how it supports the overall Company strategy. Further information
on this Committee will be shared in next year’s report.
A key focus for myself and the Board will be completing the appointment
process for a new Group Chief Financial Officer and supporting that
individual as they step into the role alongside Margherita Della Valle.
In addition, the Board will continue to drive for better returns for
shareholders and will monitor the Company’s progress on the execution
of Vodafone’s strategy focusing on Customers, Simplicity and Growth. The
Board will keep the Group’s strategy under review, adapting it to anticipate
or respond to opportunities and risks in the markets in which we operate.
Composition, succession and evaluation
Read more
Appointments and succession planning
61-62 74-75
Skills, experience and knowledge
Length of service
Audit, risk and internal control
Integrity of financial statements
Fair, balanced and understandable
Internal controls and risk management
External auditor
Principal and emerging risks
Policies and practices
Read more
Read more
Alignment with purpose, values and long-term strategy
Independent judgement and discretion
In anticipation of these retirements, there have been a number of Board
‘Future Ready Vodafone’ ways of working, the ‘Grow with Vodafone’
changes during the year, with the appointment of four new Non-Executive
personal development platform, economic uncertainty and the Race,
Ethnicity and Cultural Heritage (‘REACH’) targets.
Jean-François van Boxmeer
Chair of the Board
Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules
We comply with the Corporate Governance Statement requirements
pursuant to the FCA’s Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules
by virtue of the information included in this ‘Governance’ section
of the Annual Report together with information contained in the
‘Shareholder information’ section on pages 230 to 235.
We take seriously our commitment to strong and
robust corporate governance
Dear shareholders,
I am pleased to present the Corporate Governance Report for the year
ended 31 March 2023 on behalf of the Board.
A full induction programme is underway for the new Non-Executive Directors,
including meetings with executives leading our businesses and functions.
Read more about the appointment process
throughout his career spanning more than two decades with the Company.
the Board is operating well with effective leadership and where open
The year in review
This year, has again, been one of change and I am grateful to my fellow
Directors, the executive team, and the people of Vodafone for their
support, flexibility, and strong spirit throughout.
In spite of the challenges faced we have functioned well and have
continued to take seriously our commitment to strong and robust
corporate governance to support the creation of long-term sustainable
value for the benefit of all our stakeholders.
This report provides details about the Board and an explanation of our
individual roles and responsibilities as well as providing an insight into the
activities of the Board and Committees over the year and how we seek to
ensure the highest standards of corporate governance remain embedded
throughout the Company, underpinning and supporting our business and
the decisions we make.
Board succession
Executive Directors
During the year, the Board and Nominations and Governance Committee
reviewed the future leadership of the Company and, as announced on 5
December 2022, the Board agreed with Nick Read that he would step down
as Group Chief Executive and as a Director of the Company on 31
December 2022. I would like to thank Nick for his commitment and
significant contribution to Vodafone as Group Chief Executive and
In addition to her role as Group Chief Financial Officer, Margherita Della
Valle was appointed Group Chief Executive with effect from 1 January 2023
on an interim basis. The Board initiated a process with the support of Egon
Zehnder, an independent external search firm, to find a permanent Group
Chief Executive and on 27 April 2023, we announced the permanent
appointment of Margherita Della Valle. The Board and I have been
impressed with her pace and decisiveness to begin the necessary
transformation of Vodafone. Tasked with accelerating the execution of
the Company’s strategy to improve operational performance and deliver
shareholder value the Board fully supports her. Margherita will also
continue as Group Chief Financial Officer until an external search for
a new Group Chief Financial Officer is complete.
Non-Executive Directors
The Board, together with the Nominations and Governance Committee,
has continued to monitor the composition and skills matrix of the Board
with a focus on succession planning for our Non-Executive Directors.
Last year we indicated several upcoming scheduled retirements from
the Board and on 10 May 2023 we announced that Valerie Gooding,
Sir Crispin Davis and Dame Clara Furse would not be seeking re-election
at the 2023 Annual General Meeting (‘AGM’). At the date of publication,
Valerie Gooding has served more than nine years as a Director; however,
she will remain on the Board until the conclusion of the 2023 AGM in
order to allow for a gradual and smooth transition period of the Senior
Independent Director role to David Nish, Remuneration Committee Chair
role to Amparo Moraleda and Workforce Engagement Lead roles to
Delphine Ernotte Cunci and Christine Ramon. Following evaluation,
Valerie is still considered independent.
Directors, Stephen Carter, Delphine Ernotte Cunci, Simon Segars and
Christine Ramon. I am delighted to welcome them to Vodafone’s Board.
Their appointments bring extensive experience and track records of
value creation across a variety of sectors which will be of great support
to the Group.
on page 74
Board diversity
We remain firmly committed to having a Board that is diverse in all
respects. With support from the Nominations and Governance
Committee, we continue to monitor requirements and are proud to meet
these including the target that at least 40% of the Board is composed
of women. This includes our Group Chief Executive and Group Chief
Financial Officer, Margherita Della Valle and our Senior Independent
Director, Valerie Gooding. We have also met the Parker Review target to
have at least one Director from a non-white ethnic minority.
Read more about our Board Diversity Policy
on page 75
Beyond the Board, we announced last year the introduction of a new
ethnic diversity target that 25% of global senior leadership will come from
ethnically diverse backgrounds by 2030.
Read more
on page 34
Board evaluation
This year the Board undertook an internal evaluation led by myself
with support from the Group General Counsel and Company Secretary.
I am pleased to report the findings show there is clear consensus that
discussion and input from all members is encouraged. Positive feedback
was also received on the composition of the Board and the conduct
of meetings and materials provided. Some areas for improvement were
identified and we will look to progress these during the year ahead.
Read more
on page 73
Continued stakeholder engagement
We recognise that Vodafone’s success is dependent on the Board taking
decisions for the benefit of our shareholders and in doing so having
regard to all our stakeholders.
Throughout the year, I have interacted with institutional shareholders and
engaged on topics such as the Company’s strategy, Board and Executive
changes, and succession plans. I was delighted that as well as virtual
meetings, we were able to host some meetings in person for the first time
since the COVID-19 pandemic. The Board has also received updates on
the investor perception study completed during the year.
In her role as Chair of the Remuneration Committee, Valerie Gooding
engaged with shareholders on the proposed updates to the Remuneration
Policy and remuneration arrangements in respect of the forthcoming year.
Read more
on page 85
Valerie Gooding also continued to serve as the Board’s Workforce
Engagement Lead, gathering the views of employees through a number
of employee consultative committees across all our European and
African markets. Key discussion topics from this year’s meetings included
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
Our Company purpose, values and culture
At Vodafone, our purpose is to connect for a better future by enabling
inclusive and sustainable digital societies and it is supported by our three
purpose pillars: Digital Society, Inclusion for All and Planet. Our purpose
is championed by our Board, which is collectively responsible for the
oversight and long-term success of the Company. It is aligned with our
culture and strategy, placed at the forefront of our decision-making and
strategy development, and the Board considers how the initiatives
progressed by management throughout the year have advanced our
purpose. Board oversight ensures that continued product development
realises our ambition to connect for a better future.
Read more about our purpose
on pages 28-39
The Board monitors the Company’s progress against established strategic
objectives and performance against competitors. Board meetings are
planned with reference to the Company’s strategic priorities and meeting
agendas are constructed to deliver information at appropriate junctures
and from a broad range of management, to enable the Board to
effectively review and challenge.
Read more about the new roadmap for Vodafone
on page 7
The Board ensures the highest standard of corporate governance
is maintained by regularly reviewing developments in governance
best practice and ensuring these are adopted by the Company.
The Board dedicated time during the year to thoroughly consider the
independence and time commitment of all Directors, the arrangements
in place to monitor conflicts of interest, as well as evaluating the
effectiveness of the Board and each of the Directors.
All Directors have access to the advice of the Company Secretary, who
is responsible for advising the Board on all governance matters and
ensuring the Board has access to the necessary policies, processes and
resources required to operate efficiently and effectively.
Read more about our governance structure and roles
and responsibilities on pages 68-70
Values and culture
The Board has a critical role in setting the tone of our organisation and
championing the behaviours we expect to see throughout the Group.
The ‘Spirit of Vodafone’ aligns with our purpose and strategy, which
ultimately leads to a more motivated and productive workforce.
The Board has continued to influence and monitor culture throughout
the year and receives regular updates on the ‘Spirit of Vodafone’
initiatives, including ‘Spirit of Vodafone’ Days, the two Spirit Beat surveys
and the additional global pulse survey.
The cultural climate in Vodafone is measured through a number of
mechanisms including policy and compliance processes, internal audit,
and formal and informal channels for employees to raise concerns.
The latter includes our bi-annual people survey and our whistleblowing
programme, Speak Up, which is also available to the contractors and
suppliers working with us. A series of communication materials were
shared in April through ‘Workplace’, our internal digital platform, and
other channels to address common misconceptions and encourage
more employees to come forward with experiences and/or observations
of those breaching the code of conduct. The Board is apprised of any
material whistleblowing incidents.
Alongside these mechanisms, the Board remains committed to
engagement with the workforce and these opportunities continue to
shape how the Board influences and understands the Company’s culture.
Read more about Speak Up
on page 40
Employee engagement
Given the geographical size and complexity of our business, we utilise
several employee engagement methods and communication channels
between the Board, the Executive Committee, and our workforce to
enable meaningful engagement.
The Board receives regular updates including an annual written report
from Valerie Gooding, the designated Workforce Engagement Lead,
detailing activities undertaken during the year to engage with employees.
Examples of these initiatives include:
Workforce Engagement Lead attendance at Employee Forums
The Board was apprised of feedback from Valerie Gooding’s attendance
at Employee Forums, namely the European Employee Consultative
Committee. It is evident from these meetings that employee delegates
continue to appreciate the opportunity to speak directly to a Board
member. Through these means we understand that our people are
engaged and interested in business strategy, mergers & acquisitions
(‘M&A’) activity and opportunities for personal development.
Workplace communications
‘Workplace’ is our internal digital platform that allows employees to start
conversations and themed groups on topics of their choice. The Executive
Committee and Internal Communications team regularly post relevant
business updates on the platform, with employees able to directly
respond with views and questions. Key highlights in the year include:
Grow with Vodafone
People development
Discussion focus: The Chief Human Resources Officer announced our new digital
and intuitive career, skills and learning experience – Grow with Vodafone. The tool
is designed to deliver learning and career recommendations based on individuals’
unique skills profiles in a connected and personal way.
Global pride webinar
Discussion focus: The Group Chief Executive, Chief Human Resources Officer,
expert guest speakers and colleagues from around the world joined our global
pride webinar to help our employees understand the current challenges that
LGBT+ people are facing, what we can do about them as individuals and what
Vodafone is doing.
2022 highlights
Our business
Discussion focus: A highlight reel was published showcasing what employees
across the business have accomplished together over the last year and provided
inspiration to achieve even more next year by raising our ambition, being
customer focused, and delivering growth.
Board and Executive communications
Sessions have been held and videos published to provide updates that
matter most to our people, with key highlights in the year including:
Our business
Discussion focus: Video updates where the Group Chief Executive speaks with
various leaders both inside and outside our business about key topics of interest.
There have been many communications this year, including a video address from
the Chair following the change in Group Chief Executive to ensure employees are
kept informed and reassured regarding developments across the business.
Financial results and
Group performance
Our business strategy
and performance
Discussion focus: Quarterly trading update videos on financial results and Group
performance were published as was a ‘WeConnect’ webinar, where the Group
Chief Executive and Executive Committee members discussed key priorities.
Employee listening
We have extended the opportunities for employees to share their experiences
throughout their time at Vodafone. For example, we proactively gather
employee perspectives through the typical new joiner lifecycle by measuring
sentiment in the first week, month, and 90 days. Exiting employees are also
requested to submit feedback 48 hours after logging their notice.
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
Our Company purpose, values and culture
Employee engagement
At Vodafone, our purpose is to connect for a better future by enabling
Given the geographical size and complexity of our business, we utilise
inclusive and sustainable digital societies and it is supported by our three
several employee engagement methods and communication channels
purpose pillars: Digital Society, Inclusion for All and Planet. Our purpose
between the Board, the Executive Committee, and our workforce to
is championed by our Board, which is collectively responsible for the
enable meaningful engagement.
oversight and long-term success of the Company. It is aligned with our
culture and strategy, placed at the forefront of our decision-making and
strategy development, and the Board considers how the initiatives
progressed by management throughout the year have advanced our
The Board receives regular updates including an annual written report
from Valerie Gooding, the designated Workforce Engagement Lead,
detailing activities undertaken during the year to engage with employees.
purpose. Board oversight ensures that continued product development
Examples of these initiatives include:
realises our ambition to connect for a better future.
Read more about our purpose
on pages 28-39
The Board monitors the Company’s progress against established strategic
objectives and performance against competitors. Board meetings are
planned with reference to the Company’s strategic priorities and meeting
agendas are constructed to deliver information at appropriate junctures
and from a broad range of management, to enable the Board to
effectively review and challenge.
Read more about the new roadmap for Vodafone
on page 7
The Board ensures the highest standard of corporate governance
is maintained by regularly reviewing developments in governance
best practice and ensuring these are adopted by the Company.
The Board dedicated time during the year to thoroughly consider the
independence and time commitment of all Directors, the arrangements
in place to monitor conflicts of interest, as well as evaluating the
effectiveness of the Board and each of the Directors.
All Directors have access to the advice of the Company Secretary, who
is responsible for advising the Board on all governance matters and
ensuring the Board has access to the necessary policies, processes and
resources required to operate efficiently and effectively.
Read more about our governance structure and roles
and responsibilities on pages 68-70
Values and culture
The Board has a critical role in setting the tone of our organisation and
championing the behaviours we expect to see throughout the Group.
The ‘Spirit of Vodafone’ aligns with our purpose and strategy, which
ultimately leads to a more motivated and productive workforce.
The Board has continued to influence and monitor culture throughout
the year and receives regular updates on the ‘Spirit of Vodafone’
initiatives, including ‘Spirit of Vodafone’ Days, the two Spirit Beat surveys
and the additional global pulse survey.
The cultural climate in Vodafone is measured through a number of
mechanisms including policy and compliance processes, internal audit,
and formal and informal channels for employees to raise concerns.
The latter includes our bi-annual people survey and our whistleblowing
programme, Speak Up, which is also available to the contractors and
suppliers working with us. A series of communication materials were
shared in April through ‘Workplace’, our internal digital platform, and
other channels to address common misconceptions and encourage
more employees to come forward with experiences and/or observations
of those breaching the code of conduct. The Board is apprised of any
material whistleblowing incidents.
Alongside these mechanisms, the Board remains committed to
engagement with the workforce and these opportunities continue to
shape how the Board influences and understands the Company’s culture.
Read more about Speak Up
on page 40
Workforce Engagement Lead attendance at Employee Forums
The Board was apprised of feedback from Valerie Gooding’s attendance
at Employee Forums, namely the European Employee Consultative
Committee. It is evident from these meetings that employee delegates
continue to appreciate the opportunity to speak directly to a Board
member. Through these means we understand that our people are
engaged and interested in business strategy, mergers & acquisitions
(‘M&A’) activity and opportunities for personal development.
Workplace communications
‘Workplace’ is our internal digital platform that allows employees to start
conversations and themed groups on topics of their choice. The Executive
Committee and Internal Communications team regularly post relevant
business updates on the platform, with employees able to directly
respond with views and questions. Key highlights in the year include:
Grow with Vodafone
People development
Discussion focus: The Chief Human Resources Officer announced our new digital
and intuitive career, skills and learning experience – Grow with Vodafone. The tool
is designed to deliver learning and career recommendations based on individuals’
unique skills profiles in a connected and personal way.
Global pride webinar
Discussion focus: The Group Chief Executive, Chief Human Resources Officer,
expert guest speakers and colleagues from around the world joined our global
pride webinar to help our employees understand the current challenges that
LGBT+ people are facing, what we can do about them as individuals and what
Vodafone is doing.
2022 highlights
Discussion focus: A highlight reel was published showcasing what employees
across the business have accomplished together over the last year and provided
inspiration to achieve even more next year by raising our ambition, being
customer focused, and delivering growth.
Our business
Board and Executive communications
Sessions have been held and videos published to provide updates that
matter most to our people, with key highlights in the year including:
Our business
Discussion focus: Video updates where the Group Chief Executive speaks with
various leaders both inside and outside our business about key topics of interest.
There have been many communications this year, including a video address from
the Chair following the change in Group Chief Executive to ensure employees are
kept informed and reassured regarding developments across the business.
Financial results and
Group performance
Our business strategy
and performance
Discussion focus: Quarterly trading update videos on financial results and Group
performance were published as was a ‘WeConnect’ webinar, where the Group
Chief Executive and Executive Committee members discussed key priorities.
Employee listening
We have extended the opportunities for employees to share their experiences
throughout their time at Vodafone. For example, we proactively gather
employee perspectives through the typical new joiner lifecycle by measuring
sentiment in the first week, month, and 90 days. Exiting employees are also
requested to submit feedback 48 hours after logging their notice.
Our Board
Our business is led by our Board of Directors.
Biographical details of the Directors as at 16 May
2023 are provided below.
Click to find full biographical information for the Directors:
External appointments listed are only those required to be disclosed
pursuant to Listing Rule 9.6.
Jean-François van Boxmeer
Chair – Independent on appointment
Tenure: 2 years
Career and experience:
Jean-François is highly regarded as having been one of the longest
standing and most successful CEOs in Europe. He was the Chief Executive
of Heineken for 15 years, having been with the company for 36 years.
Jean-François held a number of senior roles in Africa and Europe before
joining Heineken’s Executive Board in 2001 with worldwide responsibility
for supply chain and technical services, as well as regional responsibility
for the operating businesses in North-West Europe, Central and Eastern
Europe and Sub-Saharan Africa.
Skills and attributes which support strategy and long-term success:
– Extensive international experience in driving growth through both
business-to-business and business-to-consumer business models,
both of which are integral components of the Company’s strategy and
long-term success.
– Exposure to overseeing the management of complex and far-reaching
transformational projects, including specific hands-on experience
of the countries in which the Company operates.
– Skilled communicator with a strong track record of developing
stakeholder relations and overseeing governance in the context of a
large global firm, which, in his capacity as Chair of the Board, continues
to be of great value to the Company.
External appointments:
– Heineken Holding N.V., non-executive director
Margherita Della Valle
Group Chief Executive and Chief Financial Officer – Executive Director
Tenure: 4 years
Career and experience:
Margherita was appointed Group Chief Financial Officer in 2018, and
Group Chief Executive on 1 January 2023. Margherita’s previous roles
within Vodafone were Deputy Chief Financial Officer from 2015 to 2018,
Group Financial Controller, Chief Financial Officer for Vodafone’s
European region and Chief Financial Officer for Vodafone Italy. She joined
Omnitel Pronto Italia – which later became Vodafone Italy – in 1994 and
held key senior positions in consumer, marketing, business analytics and
customer base management before moving to finance. After moving
to a Group finance position in 2007, Margherita established a number of
shared operations functions, which now employ over 30,000 people and
provides a portfolio of services spanning IT operations, customer care,
supply chain management, human resources and finance operations
to 27 partners in other markets.
Skills and attributes which support strategy and long-term success:
– Strong commercial and operational leadership with expert knowledge
of the global telecommunications landscape after close to three
decades of direct industry experience.
– Considerable corporate finance and accounting experience, translating
into an expert understanding of capital allocation, operational efficiency
and investment appraisal.
– After almost 30 years at Vodafone, Margherita has a strong personal
affiliation and understanding of the Company’s culture and values, which
help her represent the Company to all stakeholders and develop and
implement the strategy.
– Proven record of developing the next generation of talent, including senior
leadership within Vodafone and more broadly through her founding of NXT
GEN Women in Finance, an initiative where European Chief Financial Officers
identify, mentor and promote rising female stars in finance.
External appointments:
– Reckitt Benckiser Group plc, non-executive director and member of the
audit committee
Stephen A. Carter CBE
Non-Executive Director
Tenure: <1 year
Career and experience:
Since becoming Group CEO of Informa plc in 2013, Stephen has led Informa plc
through a transformation into an international leader in B2B events, digital
services and academic markets and is now a FTSE 50 Company. Prior to
Informa, Stephen was President and Managing Director at Alcatel-Lucent,
where he played a key role in restructuring the business, and investing in
next-generation mobile network equipment product development delivery.
Stephen also served a term as the founding CEO of Ofcom, where he brought
together five different regulatory authorities. After Ofcom, the UK’s
telecommunication regulator, Stephen served as Chief of Strategy for the UK’s
Prime Minister, and then as a Minister of State for Communications, Technology
& Broadcasting. Stephen later served as a non-executive director for the
Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy from 2016-2020.
Skills and attributes which support strategy and long-term success:
– Track record of value creation, with specific experience in the telecoms
and media sectors.
– Experience in public policy, government affairs and regulatory
engagement, which is welcomed in relation to the highly regulated
environment within which the Company operates.
External appointments:
– Informa plc, group chief executive
Michel Demaré
Non-Executive Director
Tenure: 5 years
Career and experience::
Michel began his career at Continental Bank SA, Belgium, before spending
18 years with The Dow Chemical Company in several finance and strategy
responsibilities in Benelux, France, the US and Switzerland. He was Chief
Financial Officer Europe for Baxter International from 2002 to 2005, and
Chief Financial Officer at ABB Group from 2005 to 2013. He also served
as Interim CEO of ABB during 2008. He was independent vice-chairman at
UBS Group from 2009 to 2019, and vice-chairman/chairman of Syngenta
AG from 2013 to 2017.
Skills and attributes which support strategy and long-term success:
– Proven multinational business leader with substantial international
finance, strategy and M&A experience.
– Highly skilled in governance and corporate stewardship, which Michel
brings both to the Board and to each of the Committees of the Company
on which he sits.
External appointments:
– AstraZeneca plc, non-executive chair, chair of the nomination and
governance committee and member of the remuneration committee.
Committee key
Audit and
Risk Committee
ESG Committee
Nominations and
Governance Committee
Solid background signifies
Committee Chair
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Governance (continued)
Strategic report
Other information
Delphine Ernotte Cunci
Non-Executive Director
Tenure: <1 year
Career and experience:
Since 2015, Delphine has been President of France Télévisions, the
French national public television broadcaster. Her mandate was extended
in 2020, the first time this has happened to an incumbent President. Prior
to that, Delphine spent 26 years at Orange S.A., where she became
Deputy CEO in 2010 and led the successful turnaround of Orange France.
Skills and attributes which support strategy and long-term success:
– Considerable experience in the telecoms sector and, more recently, in
media and technology, which enhances Board understanding of trends
relevant to the Company’s operations and the wider European
regulatory environment.
– Delphine’s engineering background and distinguished career at
Orange provide a firm grounding to the Board’s evaluation of specific
opportunities within the telecoms and connectivity space.
Deborah Kerr
Non-Executive Director
Tenure: 1 year
Career and experience:
Deborah is Managing Director at Warburg Pincus, where she serves as
co-head of Value Creation. Deborah has previously held senior executive
roles and non-executive appointments across a range of sectors,
including senior executive roles at Sabre, the travel technology company,
Fair Isaac Corp, the data analytics business, and Hewlett-Packard
Company, where she was Chief Technology Officer for HP’s Enterprise
Services operations. Until recently, Deborah was also a non-executive
director of EXLservice Holdings Inc, the business process solutions
company. Deborah has also held non-executive roles at International
Airline Group, the airline conglomerate, DH Corporation, a global FinTech
solutions and service provider, and Mitchell International Inc, a privately
owned global technology business.
Skills and attributes which support strategy and long-term success:
– A wealth of technological expertise, including an understanding of
complex digital transformations, which continues to be central to the
next phase of the Company’s growth.
– Detailed knowledge of the technology market, which, in the context of
her role as a member of the Audit and Risk Committee, affords insights
into the risk profile of the Company as well as the sectors and markets
within which it operates.
External appointments:
– NetApp, INC, non-executive director and member of the audit committee
– Chico’s FAS, Inc., non-executive director and member of the human
resources, compensation and benefits committee, the corporate
governance and nominating committee and the environmental, social
and governance committee
Amparo Moraleda
Non-Executive Director
Tenure: 5 years
Career and experience:
Amparo received a degree in Industrial Engineering from Comillas
Pontifical University in Madrid and is also an IESE AMP graduate. She
joined IBM in 1988 and spent more than 20 years with the company,
becoming President of IBM Southern Europe in 2005. In 2009, Amparo
joined Iberdrola S.A. where she was Chief Operating Officer of the
International Division until 2012. Amparo is a member of the Royal
Academy of Economic and Financial Sciences and was inducted into
the Women in Technology International Hall of Fame in 2005.
Skills and attributes which support strategy and long-term success:
– A background in engineering, IT and technology allows Amparo to act
as a balanced and highly knowledgeable sounding board in technical
Board discussions and is of great utility to her role as a member of the
Audit and Risk Committee.
– Corporate social responsibility experience and her experience as a
champion of inclusion and diversity are significant assets in the context
of her role as Chair of the Company’s ESG Committee.
External appointments:
– Airbus Group, senior independent director, chair of nominations and
governance committee and remuneration committee and member
of ethics & compliance committee
– CaixaBank S.A., non-executive director and chair of remuneration
– A.P. Moller-Maersk A/S, non-executive director and member of the
audit committee, remuneration committee and transformation and
innovation committee
David Nish
Tenure: 7 years
Career and experience:
David was Group Finance Director of Scottish Power Plc from 1999 to
2005 having joined the company as Deputy Finance Director in 1997.
Additionally, he was the Chief Executive Officer of Standard Life Plc from
January 2010 to September 2015 having joined the company as Group
Finance Director in November 2006. David was also a former Partner at
Price Waterhouse, where he began his career as a trainee. Previous
non-executive positions held by David include boards of London Stock
Exchange Group Plc, Zurich Insurance Group Ltd, UK Green Investment
Bank plc, Northern Foods Plc, Thus Plc, HDFC Life (India) and Royal
Scottish National Orchestra. He was Deputy Chairman of the Association
of British Insurers. He was also formerly a member of the City UK Board
Advisory Committee and the Financial Services Advisory Board of the
Scottish Government.
Skills and attributes which support strategy and long-term success:
– Wide-ranging operational and strategic experience as a senior leader
and a deep understanding of financial and capital markets.
– Significant finance experience, bringing strong direction as the Chair of
the Audit and Risk Committee through a focus on the risk and control
environment and Group resilience.
External appointments:
– HSBC Holdings plc, senior independent director, chair of the audit
committee and member of the risk committee and the nomination
and corporate governance committee
Christine Ramon
Non-Executive Director
Tenure: <1 year
Career and experience:
Until recently Christine was Chief Financial Officer and executive director
of AngloGold Ashanti Ltd, a global gold mining company. Prior to
AngloGold Ashanti, she was Chief Financial Officer of Sasol Ltd, a South
African energy and chemicals company. Christine was also a former
Chief Executive Officer at Johnnic Holdings Ltd, an investment holding
company with interests in media, entertainment and telecommunications
prior to joining Sasol. Additionally, she has worked at Pepsi as a Financial
Controller. Christine has held non-executive director roles at the
International Federation of Accountants, the global organisation
for the accountancy profession, MTN Group Ltd, a South African
telecommunications company, Lafarge S.A., a cement company, and
Transnet SOC Ltd, a South African rail, port and pipeline company.
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Governance (continued)
Delphine Ernotte Cunci
Non-Executive Director
Tenure: <1 year
Career and experience:
Since 2015, Delphine has been President of France Télévisions, the
French national public television broadcaster. Her mandate was extended
in 2020, the first time this has happened to an incumbent President. Prior
to that, Delphine spent 26 years at Orange S.A., where she became
Deputy CEO in 2010 and led the successful turnaround of Orange France.
Skills and attributes which support strategy and long-term success:
– A background in engineering, IT and technology allows Amparo to act
as a balanced and highly knowledgeable sounding board in technical
Board discussions and is of great utility to her role as a member of the
Audit and Risk Committee.
– Corporate social responsibility experience and her experience as a
champion of inclusion and diversity are significant assets in the context
of her role as Chair of the Company’s ESG Committee.
External appointments:
Skills and attributes which support strategy and long-term success:
– Considerable experience in the telecoms sector and, more recently, in
media and technology, which enhances Board understanding of trends
relevant to the Company’s operations and the wider European
– Airbus Group, senior independent director, chair of nominations and
governance committee and remuneration committee and member
of ethics & compliance committee
– CaixaBank S.A., non-executive director and chair of remuneration
regulatory environment.
– Delphine’s engineering background and distinguished career at
Orange provide a firm grounding to the Board’s evaluation of specific
opportunities within the telecoms and connectivity space.
– A.P. Moller-Maersk A/S, non-executive director and member of the
audit committee, remuneration committee and transformation and
Deborah Kerr
Non-Executive Director
Tenure: 1 year
Career and experience:
innovation committee
David Nish
Tenure: 7 years
Career and experience:
Deborah is Managing Director at Warburg Pincus, where she serves as
co-head of Value Creation. Deborah has previously held senior executive
roles and non-executive appointments across a range of sectors,
including senior executive roles at Sabre, the travel technology company,
Fair Isaac Corp, the data analytics business, and Hewlett-Packard
Company, where she was Chief Technology Officer for HP’s Enterprise
Services operations. Until recently, Deborah was also a non-executive
director of EXLservice Holdings Inc, the business process solutions
company. Deborah has also held non-executive roles at International
Airline Group, the airline conglomerate, DH Corporation, a global FinTech
solutions and service provider, and Mitchell International Inc, a privately
owned global technology business.
Skills and attributes which support strategy and long-term success:
– A wealth of technological expertise, including an understanding of
complex digital transformations, which continues to be central to the
next phase of the Company’s growth.
– Detailed knowledge of the technology market, which, in the context of
her role as a member of the Audit and Risk Committee, affords insights
into the risk profile of the Company as well as the sectors and markets
within which it operates.
External appointments:
David was Group Finance Director of Scottish Power Plc from 1999 to
2005 having joined the company as Deputy Finance Director in 1997.
Additionally, he was the Chief Executive Officer of Standard Life Plc from
January 2010 to September 2015 having joined the company as Group
Finance Director in November 2006. David was also a former Partner at
Price Waterhouse, where he began his career as a trainee. Previous
non-executive positions held by David include boards of London Stock
Exchange Group Plc, Zurich Insurance Group Ltd, UK Green Investment
Bank plc, Northern Foods Plc, Thus Plc, HDFC Life (India) and Royal
Scottish National Orchestra. He was Deputy Chairman of the Association
of British Insurers. He was also formerly a member of the City UK Board
Advisory Committee and the Financial Services Advisory Board of the
Scottish Government.
Skills and attributes which support strategy and long-term success:
– Wide-ranging operational and strategic experience as a senior leader
and a deep understanding of financial and capital markets.
– Significant finance experience, bringing strong direction as the Chair of
the Audit and Risk Committee through a focus on the risk and control
environment and Group resilience.
External appointments:
– HSBC Holdings plc, senior independent director, chair of the audit
committee and member of the risk committee and the nomination
– NetApp, INC, non-executive director and member of the audit committee
and corporate governance committee
– Chico’s FAS, Inc., non-executive director and member of the human
resources, compensation and benefits committee, the corporate
Christine Ramon
governance and nominating committee and the environmental, social
Non-Executive Director
and governance committee
Amparo Moraleda
Non-Executive Director
Tenure: 5 years
Career and experience:
Amparo received a degree in Industrial Engineering from Comillas
Pontifical University in Madrid and is also an IESE AMP graduate. She
joined IBM in 1988 and spent more than 20 years with the company,
becoming President of IBM Southern Europe in 2005. In 2009, Amparo
joined Iberdrola S.A. where she was Chief Operating Officer of the
International Division until 2012. Amparo is a member of the Royal
Academy of Economic and Financial Sciences and was inducted into
the Women in Technology International Hall of Fame in 2005.
Tenure: <1 year
Career and experience:
Until recently Christine was Chief Financial Officer and executive director
of AngloGold Ashanti Ltd, a global gold mining company. Prior to
AngloGold Ashanti, she was Chief Financial Officer of Sasol Ltd, a South
African energy and chemicals company. Christine was also a former
Chief Executive Officer at Johnnic Holdings Ltd, an investment holding
company with interests in media, entertainment and telecommunications
prior to joining Sasol. Additionally, she has worked at Pepsi as a Financial
Controller. Christine has held non-executive director roles at the
International Federation of Accountants, the global organisation
for the accountancy profession, MTN Group Ltd, a South African
telecommunications company, Lafarge S.A., a cement company, and
Transnet SOC Ltd, a South African rail, port and pipeline company.
Strategic report
Other information
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
Skills and attributes which support strategy and long-term success:
– Considerable experience of African markets, which aid the Company
with its ambition to be a best-in-class telco in Europe and Africa.
– Up-to-date investor relations experience and strong ambassadorial
skills developed through a distinguished executive career to date.
– Highly experienced corporate financial executive with extensive board
expertise. This will supplement the Board’s financial, commercial and
strategic expertise.
External appointments:
– Clicks Group Limited, non-executive director
Simon Segars
Non-Executive Director
Tenure: <1 year
Career and experience:
Simon was previously the CEO of Arm Ltd., the global leader in the
development of semiconductor intellectual property. He successfully led
the business from 2013 to 2022 and generated significant value for
investors during his tenure. During 2017-2021, Simon was also a Board
member of the SoftBank Group. Prior to joining Arm in 1991, he was an
engineer at Standard Telephones and Cables.
Skills and attributes which support strategy and long-term success:
– Possesses significant understanding of technology trends and how
these are reshaping industry landscapes, which are important in
charting the Company’s long-term strategic direction.
– Proven history of business transformation and corporate strategy
in dynamic and swiftly evolving commercial environments.
External appointments:
– Dolby Laboratories, Inc., non-executive director
Retiring Directors
Sir Crispin Davis, Dame Clara Furse and Valerie Gooding will not be seeking re-election at the 2023 Annual General Meeting and will therefore retire from
the Board at the conclusion of the Meeting on 25 July 2023. The Company announced on 10 May 2023 that with effect from the conclusion of the 2023
AGM, David Nish shall be appointed the Senior Independent Director, Amparo Moraleda shall be appointed Chair of the Remuneration Committee and
both Delphine Ernotte Cunci and Christine Ramon shall be appointed Workforce Engagement Leads.
Sir Crispin Davis
Non-Executive Director
Tenure: Almost 9 years
Career and experience:
Sir Crispin was formerly the Chief Executive of RELX Group plc (formerly
Reed Elsevier) and the digital agency Aegis Group plc, and group
managing director of Guinness plc (now Diageo plc). Sir Crispin began
his executive career with Procter & Gamble, where he held a variety
of senior management roles including as president of the company’s
North American Food Business. In his non-executive career, Sir Crispin
was the chairman of StarBev Consumer Industries B.V. from 2009 to
2012 and was a non-executive director on the board of GlaxoSmithKline
plc from 2003 to 2013, where he chaired the remuneration committee.
He was knighted in 2004 for services to publishing and information.
Skills and attributes which support strategy and long-term success:
– Sir Crispin’s wide-ranging experience as a business leader within the
international technology market, which is key to the Company’s
operational practice.
– Strong commercial background, which has been leant on during his
tenure in the Board’s evaluation of strategic investment decisions.
Dame Clara Furse DBE
Non-Executive Director
Tenure: Almost 9 years
Career and experience:
Dame Clara was the Chief Executive of the London Stock Exchange
Group plc from 2001 to 2009. She was also previously Group Chief
Executive of Credit Lyonnais Rouse Ltd and Managing Director, Global
Futures and Options at UBS AG. Dame Clara is also Chair of the UK
Voluntary Carbon Markets Forum, which aims to operationalise
London’s market for global voluntary carbon credits to accelerate the
transition to net zero. Her previous non-executive career includes board
appointments at Amadeus IT Group S.A. (2010-2022), Nomura Holdings
Inc (2010 to 2017), Legal & General Group plc (2009 to 2013),
Euroclear plc (2002 to 2009), Fortis (2006 to 2008) and LIFFE Holdings
plc (1991 to 1999). In 2008 she was appointed Dame Commander
of the Order of the British Empire.
Skills and attributes which support strategy and long-term success:
– Over her tenure, Dame Clara has brought a deep understanding
of international capital markets, regulation, service industries and
business transformation to Board discussions.
– Direct and contemporaneous involvement in innovative initiatives to
drive the transition to net zero has allowed Dame Clara to contribute
significantly to the refinement of the Company’s ESG strategy as
a member of its ESG Committee.
External appointments:
– Assicurazioni Generali S.p.A, non-executive director
Valerie Gooding CBE
Senior Independent Director and Workforce Engagement Lead
Tenure: 9 years
Career and experience:
Valerie held the position of Chief Executive of British United Provident
Association (‘Bupa’) for 10 years between 1998 and 2008, following a
successful tenure as Managing Director. Prior to joining Bupa, Valerie spent
23 years working with British Airways plc, where she held a number of
positions, including head of Cabin Services, head of Marketing, director of
Business Units and director for Asia Pacific. Valerie has also held a variety of
non-executive positions in the past, including as non-executive chairman of
Premier Farnell plc and Aviva UK, lead non-executive director at the Home
Office and a non-executive director of Standard Chartered Bank plc, the BBC,
J. Sainsbury plc, Compass Group plc, BAA plc and CWC Communications
plc. Valerie was awarded a CBE in 2002 for services to business.
Skills and attributes which support strategy and long-term success:
– Valerie brought a wealth of international business experience
obtained at companies with high levels of customer service, which
is of critical importance to the Company’s future success.
– Valerie’s varied experience of other organisations, industries and
contexts through a large number of prior non-executive positions
added a depth of perspective to Board discussions.
– People-centric and highly personable leadership style which,
together with her focus on leadership and talent, has been essential
to roles as the Company’s Senior Independent Director,
Remuneration Committee Chair and Workforce Engagement Lead.
Committee key
Audit and
Risk Committee
ESG Committee
Nominations and
Governance Committee
Solid background signifies
Committee Chair
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Governance (continued)
Strategic report
Other information
Our governance structure
The Board
Responsible for the overall conduct of the Group’s business including our long-term success; setting our purpose;
monitoring culture, values, standards and strategic objectives; reviewing our performance; and maintaining positive dialogue with our stakeholders.
Audit and Risk Committee
Reviews the adequacy of the Group’s
system of internal control, including the risk
management framework and related
compliance activities.
Monitors the integrity of financial statements,
reviews significant financial reporting
judgements, advises the Board on fair,
balanced and understandable reporting and
the long-term viability statement.
The Committee also has joint responsibility,
with the ESG Committee, to review the
appropriateness and adequacy of ESG
disclosures provided within the Annual
Report and the ESG Addendum, including
the approval of its content.
Nominations and
Governance Committee
Evaluates Board composition and
ensures Board diversity and a
balance of skills.
Reviews Board and Executive
Committee succession plans to
maintain continuity of skilled
Oversees matters relating to
corporate governance.
Remuneration Committee
Sets, reviews and recommends
the policy on remuneration of
the Chair, executives and senior
management team.
Monitors the implementation
of the Remuneration Policy.
Oversees general pay practices
across the Group.
ESG Committee
Oversees the ESG
programme, purpose
(Inclusion for All, Planet and
Digital Society) and the social
Monitors progress against
key performance indicators
and external ESG index
Oversees progress on ESG
commitments and targets.
Group Chief Executive
Group Chief Financial Officer
Executive Committee
Focuses on strategy implementation, financial and competitive
performance, commercial and technological developments,
succession planning and organisational development.
Disclosure Committee
Oversees the accuracy and timeliness of Group disclosures
and approves controls and procedures in relation to the public
disclosure of financial information.
Global Products Board
Supports the Executive Committee by providing
visibility of global product strategy and lifecycle
and identifies capital allocation opportunities.
Purpose and Reputation
Steering Committee
Assists the Executive Committee with the effective
coordination of purpose activities and advises on
reputational risks and policy matters.
Risk and Compliance Committee
Assists the Executive Committee in fulfilling
its accountabilities with regard to
risk management and policy compliance.
Click to read more about the responsibilities of each Board Committee:
The Board
The Board is comprised of the Chair, Senior Independent Director,
Non-Executive Directors, the Group Chief Executive, and the Group Chief
Financial Officer. Our Non-Executive Directors bring independent
judgement, and wide and varied commercial and financial experience
to the Board and Committees.
A summary of each role can be found
on page 70
Board meetings are structured to allow open discussions. At each meeting
the Directors are made aware of the key discussions and decisions of the
principal Committees by the respective Committee Chairs. Minutes of Board
and Committee meetings are circulated to all Directors after each meeting.
Read more about the Board’s activities during the year
on pages 71-72
The Board is collectively responsible for ensuring leadership through
effective oversight and review. It sets the strategic direction with the goal
of delivering sustainable stakeholder value over the longer term and has
oversight of cultural and ethics programmes.
The Board also oversees the implementation of risk assessment systems
and processes to identify, manage and mitigate Vodafone’s principal risks.
It is also responsible for matters relating to finance, audit and internal
control, reputation, listed company management, corporate governance,
remuneration and effective succession planning, much of which is
overseen through its principal Committees.
The Executive Committee
The Executive Committee is comprised of Margherita Della Valle, the
Group Chief Executive and Group Chief Financial Officer, a number of
senior executives responsible for global commercial operations, human
resources, technology, external affairs and legal, as well as the Chief
Executive Officers of our largest operating companies in Germany, the UK,
Italy, Europe Cluster and Vodacom Group.
Led by the Group Chief Executive, the Executive Committee and other
management committees are responsible for making day-to-day
management and operational decisions, including implementing
strategic objectives and empowering competitive business performance
in line with established risk management frameworks, compliance
policies, internal control systems and reporting requirements.
The details of the Executive Committee members, range of experience,
skills, and expertise can be found below. Some members also hold external
non-executive directorships, giving them valuable board experience.
Click to read more about the Executive Committee:
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Governance (continued)
Our governance structure
Responsible for the overall conduct of the Group’s business including our long-term success; setting our purpose;
monitoring culture, values, standards and strategic objectives; reviewing our performance; and maintaining positive dialogue with our stakeholders.
The Board
Audit and Risk Committee
Reviews the adequacy of the Group’s
system of internal control, including the risk
management framework and related
compliance activities.
Monitors the integrity of financial statements,
reviews significant financial reporting
judgements, advises the Board on fair,
balanced and understandable reporting and
the long-term viability statement.
The Committee also has joint responsibility,
with the ESG Committee, to review the
appropriateness and adequacy of ESG
disclosures provided within the Annual
Report and the ESG Addendum, including
the approval of its content.
Nominations and
Governance Committee
Evaluates Board composition and
ensures Board diversity and a
balance of skills.
Reviews Board and Executive
Committee succession plans to
maintain continuity of skilled
Oversees matters relating to
corporate governance.
Remuneration Committee
Sets, reviews and recommends
the policy on remuneration of
the Chair, executives and senior
management team.
Monitors the implementation
of the Remuneration Policy.
Oversees general pay practices
across the Group.
ESG Committee
Oversees the ESG
programme, purpose
(Inclusion for All, Planet and
Digital Society) and the social
Monitors progress against
key performance indicators
and external ESG index
Oversees progress on ESG
commitments and targets.
Group Chief Executive
Group Chief Financial Officer
Executive Committee
Focuses on strategy implementation, financial and competitive
performance, commercial and technological developments,
succession planning and organisational development.
Disclosure Committee
Oversees the accuracy and timeliness of Group disclosures
and approves controls and procedures in relation to the public
disclosure of financial information.
Global Products Board
Supports the Executive Committee by providing
visibility of global product strategy and lifecycle
and identifies capital allocation opportunities.
Purpose and Reputation
Steering Committee
Assists the Executive Committee with the effective
coordination of purpose activities and advises on
reputational risks and policy matters.
Risk and Compliance Committee
Assists the Executive Committee in fulfilling
its accountabilities with regard to
risk management and policy compliance.
Click to read more about the responsibilities of each Board Committee:
The Board
The Board is comprised of the Chair, Senior Independent Director,
Non-Executive Directors, the Group Chief Executive, and the Group Chief
Financial Officer. Our Non-Executive Directors bring independent
judgement, and wide and varied commercial and financial experience
to the Board and Committees.
A summary of each role can be found
on page 70
Board meetings are structured to allow open discussions. At each meeting
the Directors are made aware of the key discussions and decisions of the
principal Committees by the respective Committee Chairs. Minutes of Board
and Committee meetings are circulated to all Directors after each meeting.
Read more about the Board’s activities during the year
on pages 71-72
The Board is collectively responsible for ensuring leadership through
effective oversight and review. It sets the strategic direction with the goal
of delivering sustainable stakeholder value over the longer term and has
oversight of cultural and ethics programmes.
The Board also oversees the implementation of risk assessment systems
and processes to identify, manage and mitigate Vodafone’s principal risks.
It is also responsible for matters relating to finance, audit and internal
control, reputation, listed company management, corporate governance,
remuneration and effective succession planning, much of which is
overseen through its principal Committees.
The Executive Committee
The Executive Committee is comprised of Margherita Della Valle, the
Group Chief Executive and Group Chief Financial Officer, a number of
senior executives responsible for global commercial operations, human
resources, technology, external affairs and legal, as well as the Chief
Executive Officers of our largest operating companies in Germany, the UK,
Italy, Europe Cluster and Vodacom Group.
Led by the Group Chief Executive, the Executive Committee and other
management committees are responsible for making day-to-day
management and operational decisions, including implementing
strategic objectives and empowering competitive business performance
in line with established risk management frameworks, compliance
policies, internal control systems and reporting requirements.
The details of the Executive Committee members, range of experience,
skills, and expertise can be found below. Some members also hold external
non-executive directorships, giving them valuable board experience.
Click to read more about the Executive Committee:
Strategic report
Other information
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
Our Executive Committee
Biographical details of the Executive Committee,
as at 16 May 2023 are provided below.
Margherita Della Valle
Group Chief Executive and Chief Financial Officer
Read more about the Group Chief Executive and
Chief Financial Officer on page 65
Scott Petty
Vodafone Group Chief Technology Officer (CTO)
Scott joined Vodafone in 2009 and has held positions in Vodafone
Business Product Management and Technology before becoming UK
CTO in 2017. He has been the Chief Digital & Information Officer since
April 2021 as part of a newly created integrated European-wide
Technology team to drive the transformation to achieve Vodafone’s
ambition to become a Next Generation Telco. Previously, Scott held
a number of Executive roles at Dimension Data, as Group Executive –
Services, Chief Operating Office – Australia and as Chief Information
Officer – Australia. Scott joined the Executive Committee in January 2023.
Alberto Ripepi
Group Chief Network Officer (CNO)
Since joining Vodafone in 2001, Alberto has held various roles in
technology including CTO of Italy, CTO of Europe and Operational
director for Group Technology. Alberto joined the Executive Committee
in January 2023 and is responsible for strategy, architecture, design and
operating the Vodafone network in Europe.
Vinod Kumar
CEO Vodafone Business
Vinod Kumar joined Vodafone and the Executive Committee as CEO
Vodafone Business in September 2019. He is responsible for Vodafone’s
enterprise business globally. Prior to joining Vodafone, Vinod was the
Managing Director and CEO of Tata Communications Ltd from 2011,
after joining the company as Chief Operating Officer in 2004. He was also
a member of the company’s board from 2007 to 2019.
Leanne Wood
Chief Human Resources Officer
Leanne joined Vodafone as Chief Human Resources Officer and a
member of the Executive Committee on 1 April 2019. She is responsible
for leading Vodafone’s people and organisation strategy which includes
developing strong talent and leadership, effective organisations, strategic
capabilities and an engaging culture and work environment. Previously
Leanne was the Chief People, Strategy and Corporate Affairs Officer for
Burberry plc from 2015. Leanne was appointed to the Vodacom Group
Board in July 2019 and is a current Non-Executive Director and member
of the Audit, Corporate Responsibility and Nomination and Remuneration
Committees at Compass Group plc.
Joakim Reiter
Chief External and Corporate Affairs Officer
Joakim, an Executive Committee member since August 2017, is Vodafone’s
Chief External and Corporate Affairs Officer, responsible for public relations
and corporate affairs, including policy and regulation, communications,
security, sustainability and charitable activities. He currently sits on the
Board of the Swedish Space Corporation. Before joining Vodafone, Joakim
served as Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations and has also
been Ambassador to the World Trade Organisation, served as a Swedish
senior diplomat to the EU, a trade negotiator in the European Commission,
and has had a longstanding career in the Swedish Foreign Service.
Maaike de Bie
Group General Counsel and Company Secretary
Maaike de Bie was appointed Group General Counsel and Company Secretary
on 1 March 2023 and has responsibility for the Group legal, compliance,
risk and company secretariat functions as well as advising the Board on all
aspects relating to corporate governance. She previously served as General
Counsel and Company Secretary of easyJet plc and before that as General
Counsel of Royal Mail plc. An experienced international lawyer, Maaike is dual
qualified in both the US and UK, with almost 30 years of experience. Maaike is
currently a Board Member of General Counsel for Diversity & Inclusion (GCD&I),
an organisation which promotes greater diversity, equity and inclusion in the
legal sector. She is also a Trustee of the charity, Blueprint for Better Business.
Serpil Timuray
CEO Europe Cluster
Serpil is an Executive Committee member since January 2014 and was
appointed as the CEO of the Europe Cluster in October 2018. She also oversees
Vodafone’s interest in the joint venture companies in Netherlands, Australia and
India as well as Vodafone Partner Markets in 48 countries. She is the Chairperson
of Vodafone Turkey, the Vice-Chairperson of VodafoneZiggo in Netherlands and
a Non-Executive Director of TPG Telecom plc in Australia. Prior to her current
role, she was the Group Chief Commercial Operations and Strategy Officer.
Philippe Rogge
CEO Vodafone Germany
Philippe joined the Executive Committee on 1 July 2022 and as CEO is
responsible for Vodafone Germany business. Philippe joined Vodafone
after more than a decade with Microsoft including his most recent role as
President, Central and Eastern Europe, based in Germany. Amongst other
responsibilities, he led sales, channels and marketing and accelerated
annual growth to double digits. His global career at Microsoft included
senior roles such as Chief Operating Officer China, General Manager Belgium
and Luxembourg, and General Manager Portugal.
Ahmed Essam
CEO Vodafone UK
With 20 years of experience in the fields of Telecommunications, Strategy,
Financial Planning, Commercial Management and General Management,
Ahmed joined the Executive Committee in 2016 and was appointed CEO of
Vodafone UK effective 1 February 2021, where he is responsible for all Vodafone
resources in country. Ahmed has been Group Chief Commercial Operations and
Strategy Officer since 2018 and prior to this he was CEO of the Europe Cluster.
Ahmed joined Vodafone in 1999 and has held a variety of roles including
Customer Care Director and Consumer Business Unit Director and has also
previously been the Group Management Director for Vodafone’s Africa, Middle
East and Asia-Pacific region and has held a number of senior roles within
Vodafone’s Group Commercial functions.
Aldo Bisio
Chief Commercial Officer and CEO Vodafone Italy
Aldo was appointed Group Chief Commercial Officer in January 2023. He was
appointed Chief Executive Officer of Vodafone Italia in January 2014 and joined
the Executive Committee in October 2015. Aldo is responsible to drive Group’s
commercial and brand strategy through CX Excellence and the delivery of new
digital services for the consumer segment. As CEO of Italy he is fully accountable
to steer local commercial strategy and drive operational excellence. Prior to
joining Vodafone, Aldo held the position of Group Managing Director of Ariston
Thermo Group from 2008 and he was then named Group Chief Executive Officer
in 2010. Being part of McKinsey & Co previously, he held different positions in
strategic consultancy focusing on the telecommunications and media industries.
Shameel Joosub
CEO Vodacom Group
Shameel joined Vodafone in 1994 and currently serves as Chief Executive
Officer at Vodacom Group Limited, a position he has held since 2012. He has
extensive telco experience having operated at a senior level in various
companies across the group for the last 22 years, including Managing Director
at Vodacom South Africa and Chief Executive Officer at Vodafone Spain.
Shameel holds board positions at Vodacom Group Ltd, Safaricom Plc and
Vodafone Egypt Telecommunications S.A.E. He also sits on the board of
Business Leadership South Africa. He was appointed to the Executive
Committee in April 2020, and is responsible for the overall strategic direction
and performance of all its African operations, comprising eight markets.
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Governance (continued)
Strategic report
Other information
Division of responsibilities
Jean-François van Boxmeer
– Leads the Board, sets each meeting agenda and ensures the Board
receives accurate, timely and clear information in order to monitor,
challenge, guide and take sound decisions;
– Promotes a culture of open debate between Executive and
Group Chief Executive
Margherita Della Valle
– Provides leadership of the Company, including representing the
Company to customers, suppliers, governments, shareholders,
financial institutions, employees, the media, the community and
the public and enhances the Group’s reputation;
Non-Executive Directors and holds meetings with the Non-Executive
Directors, without the Executive Directors present;
– Leads the Executive Directors and senior management team in running
the Group’s business, including chairing the Executive Committee;
– Regularly meets with the Group Chief Executive and other senior
– Develops and implements Group objectives and strategy having regard
management to stay informed;
to shareholders and other stakeholders;
– Ensures effective communication with shareholders and other
– Recommends remuneration, terms of employment and succession
planning for the senior executive team;
– Manages the Group’s risk profile and ensures appropriate internal
controls are in place;
– Ensures compliance with legal, regulatory, corporate governance,
social, ethical and environmental requirements and best practice; and
– Ensures there are effective processes for engaging with,
communicating with, and listening to, employees and others working
for the Company.
Chief Financial Officer
Margherita Della Valle
– Supports the Chief Executive in developing and implementing the
Group strategy;
– Leads the global finance function and develops key finance talent;
– Ensures effective financial reporting, processes and controls
are in place;
– Recommends the annual budget and long-term strategic and
financial plan;
– Oversees Vodafone’s relationships with the investment community;
– Oversees shared services organisation (_VOIS); and
– Leads on supply chain management, including the Vodafone
Procurement Company.
Click to read more about the Board’s role and
responsibilities, matters reserved and the terms
of reference for each Board Committee:
Read more about our Board Committees, together with details
of their activities, on pages 74-109
– Promotes high standards of corporate governance and ensures Directors
understand the views of the Company’s shareholders and other key
stakeholders, and the section 172 Companies Act 2006 duties;
– Promotes and safeguards the interests and reputation of the
Company; and
– Represents the Company to customers, suppliers, governments,
shareholders, financial institutions, the media, the community
and the public.
Senior Independent Director and Workforce
Engagement Lead
Valerie Gooding, CBE
– Provides a sounding board for the Chair and acts as a trusted
intermediary for the Directors as required;
– Meets with the Non-Executive Directors (without the Chair present)
when necessary and at least once a year to appraise the Chair’s
performance and communicates the results to the Chair;
– Together with the Nominations and Governance Committee, leads
an orderly succession process for the Chair; and
– Engages with the workforce in key regions where the Group operates,
answers direct questions from workforce-elected representatives,
and provides the Board with feedback on the content and outcome
of those discussions.
Non-Executive Directors
– Monitor and challenge the performance of management;
– Assist in development, approval and review of strategy;
– Review Group financial information and provide advice to
– Engage with stakeholders and provide insight as to their views,
including in relation to workforce and the culture of Vodafone; and
– As part of the Nominations and Governance Committee,
review the succession plans for the Board and key members
of senior management.
Company Secretary
Maaike de Bie
– Ensures the necessary information flows between the Board,
Committees and between senior management and Non-Executive
Directors in a timely manner;
– Supports the Chair in ensuring the Board functions efficiently and
effectively, and assists the Chair with organising Director induction
and training programmes;
– Provides advice and keeps the Board updated on all corporate
governance developments; and
– Is a member of the Executive Committee.
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Governance (continued)
Division of responsibilities
Jean-François van Boxmeer
Group Chief Executive
Margherita Della Valle
– Leads the Board, sets each meeting agenda and ensures the Board
– Provides leadership of the Company, including representing the
receives accurate, timely and clear information in order to monitor,
challenge, guide and take sound decisions;
– Promotes a culture of open debate between Executive and
Company to customers, suppliers, governments, shareholders,
financial institutions, employees, the media, the community and
the public and enhances the Group’s reputation;
Non-Executive Directors and holds meetings with the Non-Executive
– Leads the Executive Directors and senior management team in running
Directors, without the Executive Directors present;
the Group’s business, including chairing the Executive Committee;
– Regularly meets with the Group Chief Executive and other senior
– Develops and implements Group objectives and strategy having regard
management to stay informed;
to shareholders and other stakeholders;
– Ensures effective communication with shareholders and other
– Recommends remuneration, terms of employment and succession
planning for the senior executive team;
– Promotes high standards of corporate governance and ensures Directors
– Manages the Group’s risk profile and ensures appropriate internal
understand the views of the Company’s shareholders and other key
controls are in place;
stakeholders, and the section 172 Companies Act 2006 duties;
– Promotes and safeguards the interests and reputation of the
– Ensures compliance with legal, regulatory, corporate governance,
social, ethical and environmental requirements and best practice; and
– Ensures there are effective processes for engaging with,
– Represents the Company to customers, suppliers, governments,
communicating with, and listening to, employees and others working
shareholders, financial institutions, the media, the community
for the Company.
Company; and
and the public.
Chief Financial Officer
Margherita Della Valle
– Supports the Chief Executive in developing and implementing the
– Leads the global finance function and develops key finance talent;
– Ensures effective financial reporting, processes and controls
– Recommends the annual budget and long-term strategic and
Group strategy;
are in place;
financial plan;
– Oversees Vodafone’s relationships with the investment community;
– Oversees shared services organisation (_VOIS); and
– Leads on supply chain management, including the Vodafone
Procurement Company.
Click to read more about the Board’s role and
responsibilities, matters reserved and the terms
of reference for each Board Committee:
Read more about our Board Committees, together with details
of their activities, on pages 74-109
Senior Independent Director and Workforce
Engagement Lead
Valerie Gooding, CBE
– Provides a sounding board for the Chair and acts as a trusted
intermediary for the Directors as required;
– Meets with the Non-Executive Directors (without the Chair present)
when necessary and at least once a year to appraise the Chair’s
performance and communicates the results to the Chair;
– Together with the Nominations and Governance Committee, leads
an orderly succession process for the Chair; and
– Engages with the workforce in key regions where the Group operates,
answers direct questions from workforce-elected representatives,
and provides the Board with feedback on the content and outcome
of those discussions.
Non-Executive Directors
– Monitor and challenge the performance of management;
– Assist in development, approval and review of strategy;
– Review Group financial information and provide advice to
– Engage with stakeholders and provide insight as to their views,
including in relation to workforce and the culture of Vodafone; and
– As part of the Nominations and Governance Committee,
review the succession plans for the Board and key members
of senior management.
Company Secretary
Maaike de Bie
– Ensures the necessary information flows between the Board,
Committees and between senior management and Non-Executive
Directors in a timely manner;
– Supports the Chair in ensuring the Board functions efficiently and
effectively, and assists the Chair with organising Director induction
and training programmes;
– Provides advice and keeps the Board updated on all corporate
governance developments; and
– Is a member of the Executive Committee.
Strategic report
Other information
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
Board activities and principal decisions
Our Board is responsible for the overall leadership of
the Group and throughout the year, Board activities and
discussion have continued to focus on the Company’s
strategic priorities. The Board oversees the Company’s
strategic direction and supports the executive
management with its delivery of the strategy within a
transparent governance framework. Alongside the
strategic priorities, the Board has considered topics
including executive succession, the business plan,
financial performance, digital and technology, and
governance. Further detail on these topics is set
out below.
Digital and IT strategy
The Board was kept updated on the progress of One Technology
following its formation 18 months ago. As at September 2022, Vodafone
led in 13 out of 15 categories of Gartner’s IT functionality index and a key
aim of the project was to move away from big IT transformation projects
and focus on investing in engineering, insourcing and modernisation.
The Chief Information Officers and Chief Technology Officers in each
local market were made members of their company’s executive team
and many were given additional domain roles across the Group.
Business plan and financial performance
Business plan
In the year, the Board discussed and approved the business plan.
Financial performance
The Board received regular updates on the financial performance of the
Group. This year the Board reviewed the Group trading performance and
financial forecast against the backdrop of rising energy prices, increased
wage costs due to inflation, and the effect of the war in Ukraine.
The Board also considered the Group’s debt position and agreed to
reduce its debt in the long term. In March 2023, the Board received and
approved the budget and long range plan.
The decision to approve the dividend was supported by a robust
assessment of the position, performance and viability of the business
carried out by management. The Board was mindful that the Directors
had continued to adopt the going concern basis in preparing the annual
report and accounts and was also cognisant of available reserves to
support the payment of the dividend.
On 15 November 2022, we announced an interim dividend of 4.50
eurocents per share which was paid on 3 February 2023. We have
recommended a final dividend of 4.50 eurocents per share to be paid
on 4 August 2023. This was consistent with dividends declared during
FY22 and the expectations of our shareholders.
Investor relations
The Board received regular updates on market share information and
was kept updated on the results of an investor perception study.
Annual roadshow feedback was also provided during the year.
Read more about how the Board engaged with investors
during the year on page 12
Strategy and business developments
Strategy remained a key focus throughout the year. In addition to the
usual meetings, the Board attended a strategy offsite session in South
Africa. The deep-dive session focused on reviewing the Company’s
portfolio and agreeing key priorities for the Company.
On 3 October 2022, we confirmed that discussions were taking place
with CK Hutchinson Holdings in relation to a possible combination of
Vodafone UK and Three UK. The potential transaction is expected to bring
benefits to customers through competitively priced access to a reliable,
high-quality and secure 5G network throughout the UK.
Vodafone Hungary
This year the Board discussed the proposed sale of Vodafone Hungary
and on 31 January 2023, we announced that Vodafone Group Plc had
completed the sale of Vodafone Hungary to 4iG Public Limited Company
and Corvinus Zrt. Proceeds from the sale were used for deleveraging.
Vodafone Egypt
The Board considered the growth plans for the Group and on 13
December 2022 we announced that Vodafone Group Plc had completed
the transfer of its 55% shareholding in Vodafone Egypt to Vodacom (its
African subsidiary). This transfer simplifies the management of Vodafone’s
African assets, along with the Group’s structure, and supports Vodacom
and Vodafone Egypt for future growth.
Key stakeholders are considered in the decision-
making process in accordance with section 172
of the Companies Act 2006.
Read more about Vodafone’s key stakeholders and how the
Board has engaged with them during the year on pages 10-12
Information in relation to the evolving needs of customers is regularly
provided to the Board by the Executive Committee members and
senior managers.
Cost of living crisis
The Board discussed pricing trends in Europe and considered the
Company’s cost of living initiative. The initiative consisted of three elements:
social or low cost tariffs in all markets; extra measures to ensure consumers
and small businesses were supported; and leveraging technology and
digital services to help customers reduce their energy usage.
Customer experience
In March 2023, the Board received a detailed analysis of customer satisfaction
and experience in markets across the Group. Updates were provided on new
tools to generate more actionable insights and the implementation of more
impactful processes to improve customer experience. Noting the current pain
points, the Board considered the planned actions for each market during the
course of the next financial year.
Vodafone Germany
The Board received regular updates on customer trends in Germany
throughout the year. The Board considered the performance of the
network, the impact of shop closures, changes in regulation and the
difficulties experienced with the rollout of a new IT system. Focus was
also given to improving customer service.
Digital and technology
New technology operating model
The Board received an update following the transition to a new technology
operating model. The technology organisation changed from one per
country to a common European organisation based on scaled domains and
sub domains. The main aim of the model was to enable faster decision-
making. Not only have significant cost savings been achieved, but
operational performance has improved following the implementation.
The employee Technology Spirit survey results had also improved during
the transition following improvements to career development and the
reputation of Vodafone as an employer of technologists.
The Board considered the positive impact, along with improvements to
innovation and customer experience.
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Governance (continued)
Strategic report
Other information
Vodafone Ghana
The sale of Vodafone Group Plc’s 70% shareholding in Ghana
Telecommunications Company Limited (GTCL) to Telecel Group was
announced on 21 February 2023. Throughout the year, the Board was
kept informed on regulatory discussions. The sale is a further step in
simplifying the Group’s African portfolio. The transaction received
regulatory approval and agreement from the Government of Ghana in
February 2023, which will retain its 30% minority shareholding in GTCL.
Modern slavery
The Board monitors our compliance with the requirements of the UK
Modern Slavery Act 2015 and approved our Modern Slavery Statement
in May 2023.
Inclusion and diversity
The Board received an update on the programme to embed inclusion
to support the expansion of key diversity areas, including gender, LGBT+,
race, ethnicity, and cultural heritage (‘REACH’) and disability.
Vantage Towers
Throughout the year, the Board received regular updates on the proposal
to sell a stake in Vantage Towers in order to optimise capital and structure
and generate upfront cash proceeds to support the Group’s deleveraging
strategic priority. In November 2022, we announced that the Board had
taken the decision to enter a co-control partnership with Global
Infrastructure Partners and KKR for Vantage Towers. The partnership is
with long-term investors with significant expertise in digital infrastructure
and is expected to accelerate Vantage Tower’s growth and value creation,
whilst retaining co-control over a strategically important asset.
Key steps to date
– May 2022: the Board discussed options for the proposed Vantage
Towers transaction;
– July 2022: the Board considered the benefits and challenges of
co-control and the benefits of having an investor in Vantage Towers
that had expertise in tower management;
– September 2022: the Board received an update on potential
investors; and
– November 2022: the Board received an update on the proposed
transaction and the respective bids. The Board provided constructive
feedback and questioned the advisers on detailed aspects of the bids.
Section 172 considerations
In accordance with section 172 of the Companies Act, the Board,
with the support of an external legal adviser, conducted a deep-dive
analysis to consider stakeholder interests and whether the Vantage
Towers transaction (and which of the proposed counterparts) was
in the best interests of the Company’s members as a whole.
The following factors were taken into consideration by the Board in its
analysis and decision-making:
– the respective valuations;
– the terms proposed by each bid;
– agreement changes;
– funding and structure;
– protection for risks in relation to minority shareholders;
– regulatory, legal and governance considerations; and
– the proceeds to the Company.
The Board also discussed market perception and the need for
effective communication with investors.
Following deliberation, the Board concluded that the proposed
transaction was in the best interests of the Company.
During the year, the Board completed a review of the Company’s risk
appetite, principal and emerging risks and how they are managed.
Read more about our system of internal controls and risk
management on page 81
Our people
The Board considered the results of the employee ‘Spirit Beat’ survey in
November 2022. Feedback was positive, however the cost of living crisis
was highlighted as an ongoing concern.
Read more about Spirit Beat
on page 13
Read more about inclusion
on pages 30-34
The Board Diversity Policy is reviewed on an annual basis. The Board
received an update on the diversity disclosure requirements from the
Financial Conduct Authority and NASDAQ.
Read more about our Board Diversity Policy
on page 75
The Board has also spent time this year considering the following matters:
– Health and safety: the Board received an update on upholding
a culture of prevention and the steps being taken to refresh health
and safety awareness following COVID-19.
– Earthquakes in Turkey and the surrounding region: the response
from Vodafone Turkey was commended. Focus was on ensuring
network continuity, including providing generators to the region to
help with power cuts, mobilising network engineers and provisioning
mobile base stations to restore connectivity. Free minutes, data and
texts/SMS to people in the impacted areas were also rolled out.
Vodafone Turkey’s search and rescue team also supported the
emergency response efforts. Vodafone continues to support our
colleagues and their families who have been affected by the disaster.
Read more about our response to the earthquakes in Turkey
and the surrounding region on page 28
– Brand and reputation of the Group: the Board received updates
on Vodafone’s reputation as measured by RepTrak. The Company’s
reputation has continued to improve across multiple markets and
stakeholders and is now ahead of the sector average. Stakeholder
awareness of the Company’s ESG commitments and initiatives was
also considered.
– Internal controls and assessment of the viability statement:
the Board receives at least an annual update from the Audit and Risk
Committee following its review of the effectiveness of the Group’s
system of internal controls, including risk management. Following
recommendation from the Audit and Risk Committee, the Board
approved the internal controls and viability statement disclosures for
the Annual Report.
The Board will continue to focus on the strategic priorities for
the year and the appointment and onboarding of a permanent
Chief Financial Officer.
CEO Succession
On 27 April 2023, the Company announced the appointment of
Margherita Della Valle as Group Chief Executive, following a rigorous
internal and external search. In accordance with its Terms of
Reference, the Nominations and Governance Committee led on the
succession process and received regular updates.
Read more about CEO succession in the Nominations
and Governance Committee report on page 74
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Governance (continued)
Strategic report
Other information
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
Vodafone Ghana
Modern slavery
The sale of Vodafone Group Plc’s 70% shareholding in Ghana
The Board monitors our compliance with the requirements of the UK
Telecommunications Company Limited (GTCL) to Telecel Group was
Modern Slavery Act 2015 and approved our Modern Slavery Statement
announced on 21 February 2023. Throughout the year, the Board was
in May 2023.
kept informed on regulatory discussions. The sale is a further step in
simplifying the Group’s African portfolio. The transaction received
regulatory approval and agreement from the Government of Ghana in
February 2023, which will retain its 30% minority shareholding in GTCL.
Inclusion and diversity
The Board received an update on the programme to embed inclusion
to support the expansion of key diversity areas, including gender, LGBT+,
race, ethnicity, and cultural heritage (‘REACH’) and disability.
Vantage Towers
Throughout the year, the Board received regular updates on the proposal
to sell a stake in Vantage Towers in order to optimise capital and structure
and generate upfront cash proceeds to support the Group’s deleveraging
strategic priority. In November 2022, we announced that the Board had
taken the decision to enter a co-control partnership with Global
Infrastructure Partners and KKR for Vantage Towers. The partnership is
with long-term investors with significant expertise in digital infrastructure
and is expected to accelerate Vantage Tower’s growth and value creation,
whilst retaining co-control over a strategically important asset.
Key steps to date
Towers transaction;
– May 2022: the Board discussed options for the proposed Vantage
– July 2022: the Board considered the benefits and challenges of
co-control and the benefits of having an investor in Vantage Towers
that had expertise in tower management;
– September 2022: the Board received an update on potential
investors; and
– November 2022: the Board received an update on the proposed
transaction and the respective bids. The Board provided constructive
feedback and questioned the advisers on detailed aspects of the bids.
Section 172 considerations
In accordance with section 172 of the Companies Act, the Board,
with the support of an external legal adviser, conducted a deep-dive
analysis to consider stakeholder interests and whether the Vantage
Towers transaction (and which of the proposed counterparts) was
in the best interests of the Company’s members as a whole.
The following factors were taken into consideration by the Board in its
analysis and decision-making:
– the respective valuations;
– the terms proposed by each bid;
– agreement changes;
– funding and structure;
– protection for risks in relation to minority shareholders;
– regulatory, legal and governance considerations; and
– the proceeds to the Company.
The Board also discussed market perception and the need for
effective communication with investors.
Following deliberation, the Board concluded that the proposed
transaction was in the best interests of the Company.
During the year, the Board completed a review of the Company’s risk
appetite, principal and emerging risks and how they are managed.
management on page 81
Our people
The Board considered the results of the employee ‘Spirit Beat’ survey in
November 2022. Feedback was positive, however the cost of living crisis
was highlighted as an ongoing concern.
Read more about Spirit Beat
on page 13
Read more about inclusion
on pages 30-34
The Board Diversity Policy is reviewed on an annual basis. The Board
received an update on the diversity disclosure requirements from the
Financial Conduct Authority and NASDAQ.
Read more about our Board Diversity Policy
on page 75
The Board has also spent time this year considering the following matters:
– Health and safety: the Board received an update on upholding
a culture of prevention and the steps being taken to refresh health
and safety awareness following COVID-19.
– Earthquakes in Turkey and the surrounding region: the response
from Vodafone Turkey was commended. Focus was on ensuring
network continuity, including providing generators to the region to
help with power cuts, mobilising network engineers and provisioning
mobile base stations to restore connectivity. Free minutes, data and
texts/SMS to people in the impacted areas were also rolled out.
Vodafone Turkey’s search and rescue team also supported the
emergency response efforts. Vodafone continues to support our
colleagues and their families who have been affected by the disaster.
Read more about our response to the earthquakes in Turkey
and the surrounding region on page 28
– Brand and reputation of the Group: the Board received updates
on Vodafone’s reputation as measured by RepTrak. The Company’s
reputation has continued to improve across multiple markets and
stakeholders and is now ahead of the sector average. Stakeholder
awareness of the Company’s ESG commitments and initiatives was
also considered.
– Internal controls and assessment of the viability statement:
the Board receives at least an annual update from the Audit and Risk
Committee following its review of the effectiveness of the Group’s
system of internal controls, including risk management. Following
recommendation from the Audit and Risk Committee, the Board
approved the internal controls and viability statement disclosures for
the Annual Report.
The Board will continue to focus on the strategic priorities for
the year and the appointment and onboarding of a permanent
Chief Financial Officer.
CEO Succession
On 27 April 2023, the Company announced the appointment of
Margherita Della Valle as Group Chief Executive, following a rigorous
Reference, the Nominations and Governance Committee led on the
succession process and received regular updates.
Read more about CEO succession in the Nominations
and Governance Committee report on page 74
Read more about our system of internal controls and risk
internal and external search. In accordance with its Terms of
Board effectiveness and improving our performance
The Board recognises that it needs to continually
monitor and improve its performance. Our annual
performance evaluation provides the opportunity
for the Board and its Committees to consider and
reflect on the effectiveness of its activities, the
quality of its decision-making, and the collective
contribution made by each Board member.
Progress against actions identified following the 2022 external
The composition, performance and effectiveness of each of the Board
Committees was also evaluated and the Committee members agreed
that each Committee was functioning effectively.
Progress made
Refresh the composition of the
Board to bring on more Directors
with technology and/or
telecommunications sector
Four new Non-Executive
Directors have been appointed
to the Board in FY23, each
bringing extensive technology
and telecommunications
Devote more time to strategy
sessions to enhance free-flowing
discussions and allow for
additional topics to be discussed
where required.
Topics requiring additional
deep-dives could be bolstered by
using smaller groups of the Board
with specific expertise in the
The Board held several strategic
deep-dive sessions during the
year to enhance discussions.
A Board sub-committee has
been set up to consider merger
and acquisition transactions.
Process undertaken for our Board evaluation
In accordance with the 2018 UK Corporate Governance Code
recommendations and following two consecutive years of externally
facilitated Board evaluations, the 2023 Board evaluation was
conducted internally.
Evaluation process
The internal evaluation was led by the Chair and supported by the Group
General Counsel and Company Secretary. The structure of the evaluation
was agreed and the objectives of the review were to provide an
assessment of Vodafone Group’s Board effectiveness and governance,
including the effectiveness of its Committees.
A tailored Board questionnaire was compiled to gather and distil feedback
on topics including composition, diversity and how effectively members
worked together to achieve objectives. The Directors’ responses were
collated and a paper summarising the findings was presented to the
Nominations and Governance Committee and the Board at the March
2023 meetings.
Evaluation findings
The Board discussed the findings from the evaluation and was
encouraged by the strengths identified. In particular, the Board
agreed that:
– there has been effective leadership throughout the year and the Chair
continued to actively encourage input from all Board members,
facilitating open discussion and constructive challenge;
– the conduct of the meetings and the materials provided supported the
Board in discharging its responsibilities and ensuring that meetings ran
effectively and efficiently; and
– following the appointment of new Non-Executive Directors, good
progress has been made in increasing sector experience and skills on
the Board, which in turn has supported strategic discussion and
The Board also identified areas in which it could improve. Particular areas
of focus for the coming year include:
– Leadership: succession planning, including securing and on-boarding
an outstanding Chief Financial Officer;
– Operational Performance: prioritising time spent on the key strategic
pillars of customer satisfaction, simplification and growth; and
– Technology: increasing the Board’s focus on technology strategy and
capital allocation.
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Governance (continued)
Strategic report
Other information
Nominations and Governance Committee
The Nominations and Governance Committee (the
‘Committee’) continues to monitor the composition,
structure and size of the Board and its Committees
to ensure that there is an appropriate balance
of skills, knowledge, experience, and diversity so
that responsibilities can be discharged effectively.
The Committee oversees all matters relating to
corporate governance and succession planning and
makes recommendations to the Board as appropriate.
Click or scan to watch our new
Non-Executive Directors explain their role:
The Committee has also considered the succession plans for the roles
of Senior Independent Director, Workforce Engagement Lead and Chair
of the Remuneration Committee in line with the expected retirement of
Valerie Gooding this year, following nine years’ service to the Board. With
effect from the conclusion of the 2023 AGM, David Nish will be appointed
as Senior Independent Director, Delphine Ernotte Cunci and Christine
Ramon will be appointed Workforce Engagement Leads, and Amparo
Moraleda will be appointed Chair of the Remuneration Committee.
The Committee is confident that the Board currently has the
necessary mix of skills and experience to contribute to the Company’s
strategic objectives.
Read more about the details of the length of tenure of each
Director and a summary of the skills and experience of the
Non-Executive Directors on pages 60 and 65-67
Appointment process for Non-Executive Directors
To begin the appointment process, the Company engages with an
external search consultancy which it provides with a search specification.
The consultancy then proposes a list of individuals with a diverse range
of backgrounds and characteristics. Capturing the clear benefits of
diversity of background and opinion, and identifying candidates with the
requisite experience and capabilities, is at the forefront of this search.
The shortlisted candidates are interviewed by the Committee members
and they meet with the Group Chief Executive. A recommendation is
made to the Board on the chosen candidate. Once a candidate is selected,
appointment terms are drafted and agreed with the selected candidate.
Executive Committee changes, succession planning and talent
The Committee receives regular updates on succession planning and
changes to the membership of the Executive Committee. This year,
the Committee has discussed succession plans for executives below
Board level.
Following Nick Read stepping down from his role as Group Chief
Executive in December 2022, Margherita Della Valle was appointed as
Group Chief Executive on an interim basis with effect from 1 January
2023, whilst continuing her role as Group Chief Financial Officer. We are
grateful to Nick Read for his significant commitment and contribution to
Vodafone during his career. The Board announced on 27 April 2023,
following a rigorous internal and external search, that Margherita was
appointed as the permanent Group Chief Executive. She will also continue
as Group Chief Financial Officer until an external search for a new Group
Chief Financial Officer is complete.
During the year the Committee discussed succession planning for a
new Group Chief Technology Officer and Group General Counsel and
Company Secretary following the respective retirements of Johan
Wibergh on 31 December 2022 and Rosemary Martin on 1 March 2023.
Both individuals also stepped down from the Executive Committee on
their respective retirement dates.
Following the recruitment process, we were pleased to announce the
appointment of Maaike de Bie as Group General Counsel and Company
Secretary with effect from 1 March 2023. Maaike also joined the
Executive Committee with effect from the same date. With almost 30
years of experience, Maaike is an experienced international lawyer and
is dual qualified in both the US and UK. She has held numerous senior
roles in a variety of sectors, including at EY LLP, General Electric and the
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development LLP. Maaike has
also previously served as General Counsel and Company Secretary
of easyJet plc and Royal Mail plc.
Jean-François van Boxmeer
Sir Crispin Davis
Valerie Gooding
Michel Demaré
Stephen A. Carter CBE (appointed as a member on 8 November 2022)
Following the announcement on 10 May 2023, Sir Crispin Davis and
Valerie Gooding will be stepping down as members of the Committee
with effect from the conclusion of the 2023 AGM. David Nish will join
the Committee with effect from the same date.
The Committee is comprised solely of independent Non-Executive
Directors. The Committee had four scheduled meetings during the year
and additional ad hoc meetings as required. The attendance at Committee
meetings can be found on page 60.
Letter from Committee Chair
On behalf of the Board, I am pleased to present the Nominations and
Governance Committee Report for the year ended 31 March 2023.
Board composition and succession planning
The main areas of focus for the Committee this year have been Board
and Executive Committee composition and succession planning, with
a continued focus on the appointment of Non-Executive Directors with
telecommunications, technology, and e-commerce expertise, as well as
the process to identify a permanent Group Chief Executive.
The Committee monitors the length of tenure and the skills of the
Non-Executive Directors to assist with succession planning. We reported
last year that there were several upcoming scheduled retirements from
the Board and on 10 May 2023 we announced that Sir Crispin Davis,
Dame Clara Furse and Valerie Gooding would not be seeking re-election
at the 2023 AGM.
In anticipation of these scheduled departures, the Committee focused
on finding suitable Non-Executive Director successors to further enhance
the Board’s experience and capabilities in the telecommunications and
technology sectors. MWM Consulting, an independent external search firm,
was appointed to support this process. Following shareholder approval at
the Annual General Meeting on 26 July 2022, Stephen Carter, Delphine
Ernotte Cunci and Simon Segars were appointed as Non-Executive
Directors, each bringing a broad range of experience and expertise to the
Board. In November 2022, we also announced the appointment of Christine
Ramon who joined the Board as a Non-Executive Director on 14 November
2022. Christine brings extensive financial and strategic experience, along
with telecommunications expertise. She also has comprehensive African
market experience that will support the strategic aims of the Group and
I am delighted to welcome her to Vodafone’s Board.
In light of these Board changes and having reviewed the composition
of the Board Committees, we announced that with effect from 8
November 2022, Stephen Carter became a member of the Nominations
and Governance Committee, Delphine Ernotte Cunci a member of
the Remuneration Committee and Simon Segars a member of the ESG
Committee. Christine Ramon was appointed a member of the Audit
and Risk Committee with effect from 28 March 2023.
Strategic report
Other information
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
The Committee continues to develop a deeper understanding of
executive talent requirements and the capabilities required for the future.
We were delighted to announce the appointment of Scott Petty as Group
Chief Technology Officer on 1 January 2023, who joined Vodafone in
2009. Alberto Ripepi was appointed as Group Chief Network Officer on
1 January 2023 having joined in 2001 and both Scott and Alberto co-lead
Vodafone Technology and joined the Group Executive Committee with
effect from the same date.
We also announced that Alex Froment-Curtil stepped down as Group
Chief Commercial Officer and Executive Committee member with effect
from 31 December 2022. Aldo Bisio was appointed as Chief Commercial
Officer on 12 January 2023 in addition to his role as CEO Vodafone Italy.
Vodafone Spain joined the Europe Cluster with effect from 12 January
2023 reporting to Europe Cluster CEO, Serpil Timuray. Colman Deegan
stepped down as CEO of Vodafone Spain with effect from 31 March 2023.
The Committee continues to review action taken to comply with
the Code and other legal and regulatory obligations during the year.
The Committee receives regular governance updates and is satisfied that
Vodafone has complied with the Code in full during the year.
In accordance with the Code, the independence of all the Non-Executive
Directors was considered by the Committee. At the date of publication,
Valerie Gooding has served more than nine years as a director; however,
she will remain on the Board until the conclusion of the 2023 AGM in
order to allow for a gradual and smooth transition period of the Senior
Independent Director, Workforce Engagement Leads and Remuneration
Committee Chair roles. Following evaluation, all Non-Executive Directors
are considered independent, and they continue to make independent
contributions and effectively challenge management.
All Non-Executive Directors have submitted themselves for election or
re-election, as applicable, at the 2023 AGM, other than Sir Crispin Davis,
Dame Clara Furse and Valerie Gooding who will retire from the Board at
the conclusion of the 2023 AGM as announced on 10 May 2023.
The Executive Directors’ service contracts and Non-Executive Directors’
appointment letters are available for inspection at our registered office
and at the 2023 Annual General Meeting.
Conflicts of interest
The Companies Act 2006 provides that directors have a duty to avoid a
situation in which they have or may have a direct or indirect interest that
conflicts or might conflict with the interests of the Company. This duty is
in addition to the existing duty owed to the Company to disclose to the
Board any interest in a transaction or arrangement under consideration
by the Company.
Our Directors must report any changes to their commitments to the
Board, immediately notify the Company of actual or potential conflicts
or a change in circumstances relating to an existing authorisation and
complete an annual conflicts questionnaire. Any conflicts or potential
conflicts identified are considered and, where appropriate, authorised
by the Board in accordance with the Company’s Articles of Association.
A register of authorised conflicts is also reviewed periodically.
The Committee and the Board are satisfied that the external
commitments of the Directors do not conflict with their duties and
commitments as Directors of the Company. The Committee is
comfortable that it has adequate measures in place to manage and
mitigate any actual or potential conflicts of interests that may arise
in the future.
Time commitment
In accordance with the Code, the Committee actively reviews the time
commitments of the Board. All Directors are engaged in providing their
external commitments to establish that they have sufficient time to meet
their Board responsibilities. The Committee is satisfied that the Board does
meet this requirement and all Directors provide constructive challenge,
strategic guidance and hold management to account.
Board evaluation
In accordance with the Code, Vodafone conducts an annual evaluation of
Board and Board Committee performance, which every Director engages
in, and which is facilitated by an independent third party at least once
every three years. This year, an internal evaluation of the performance
of the Board and Committees took place led by the Chair, with support
from the Group General Counsel and Company Secretary.
Read more about the outcome of this
review on page 73
Roles and responsibilities
The terms of reference for the Nominations and Governance Committee
set out the role and responsibilities of the Committee in further detail
and were reviewed in March 2023.
Click to read the Committee’s terms of reference:
The Board Diversity Policy reinforces the ongoing commitment of the
Board to supporting diversity and inclusion in the boardroom in all its
forms including age, gender ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability and
socio-economic background. The Committee acknowledges the
significant role diversity and inclusion has on the effective functioning
of the Board and its Committees and believes a diverse board brings
a broader perspective, which enables it to be better equipped to
understand the views of our stakeholders as well as our shareholders
in the decision-making process.
The Committee reviews the Board Diversity Policy annually to ensure
the objectives remain appropriate and sufficiently stretching. We also
continue to monitor requirements as set by the Financial Conduct
Authority, FTSE Women Leaders Review, NASDAQ listing rules and the
Parker Review in terms of gender and ethnic diversity. Vodafone
acknowledges that these targets are not just an end goal, but rather steps
towards a drive for further progress.
Whilst the Board Diversity Policy specifically focuses on diversity at Board
and Committee level, commitment to diversity at Vodafone extends
beyond the Board to the Executive Committee, talent pipeline and global
workforce. The Board supports management in their efforts to build a
diverse organisation throughout the Group. As at 31 March 2023, our
Executive Committee has four positions held by women (33%) and 25%
of the Executive Committee identifies as ethnically diverse. In the Senior
Leadership Team, 49 roles are held by women (33%) and 18% of the
Senior Leadership Team identify as ethnically diverse.
Read more on Senior Leadership Team diversity
on page 34
Read more about our workforce inclusion programmes
on pages 30-34
Nominations and Governance Committee
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Governance (continued)
The Nominations and Governance Committee (the
‘Committee’) continues to monitor the composition,
structure and size of the Board and its Committees
to ensure that there is an appropriate balance
of skills, knowledge, experience, and diversity so
that responsibilities can be discharged effectively.
The Committee oversees all matters relating to
corporate governance and succession planning and
makes recommendations to the Board as appropriate.
Jean-François van Boxmeer
Sir Crispin Davis
Valerie Gooding
Michel Demaré
Stephen A. Carter CBE (appointed as a member on 8 November 2022)
Following the announcement on 10 May 2023, Sir Crispin Davis and
Valerie Gooding will be stepping down as members of the Committee
with effect from the conclusion of the 2023 AGM. David Nish will join
the Committee with effect from the same date.
The Committee is comprised solely of independent Non-Executive
Directors. The Committee had four scheduled meetings during the year
and additional ad hoc meetings as required. The attendance at Committee
meetings can be found on page 60.
Letter from Committee Chair
On behalf of the Board, I am pleased to present the Nominations and
Governance Committee Report for the year ended 31 March 2023.
Board composition and succession planning
The main areas of focus for the Committee this year have been Board
and Executive Committee composition and succession planning, with
a continued focus on the appointment of Non-Executive Directors with
telecommunications, technology, and e-commerce expertise, as well as
the process to identify a permanent Group Chief Executive.
The Committee monitors the length of tenure and the skills of the
Non-Executive Directors to assist with succession planning. We reported
last year that there were several upcoming scheduled retirements from
the Board and on 10 May 2023 we announced that Sir Crispin Davis,
Dame Clara Furse and Valerie Gooding would not be seeking re-election
at the 2023 AGM.
In anticipation of these scheduled departures, the Committee focused
on finding suitable Non-Executive Director successors to further enhance
the Board’s experience and capabilities in the telecommunications and
technology sectors. MWM Consulting, an independent external search firm,
was appointed to support this process. Following shareholder approval at
the Annual General Meeting on 26 July 2022, Stephen Carter, Delphine
Ernotte Cunci and Simon Segars were appointed as Non-Executive
Directors, each bringing a broad range of experience and expertise to the
Board. In November 2022, we also announced the appointment of Christine
Ramon who joined the Board as a Non-Executive Director on 14 November
2022. Christine brings extensive financial and strategic experience, along
with telecommunications expertise. She also has comprehensive African
market experience that will support the strategic aims of the Group and
I am delighted to welcome her to Vodafone’s Board.
In light of these Board changes and having reviewed the composition
of the Board Committees, we announced that with effect from 8
November 2022, Stephen Carter became a member of the Nominations
and Governance Committee, Delphine Ernotte Cunci a member of
the Remuneration Committee and Simon Segars a member of the ESG
Committee. Christine Ramon was appointed a member of the Audit
and Risk Committee with effect from 28 March 2023.
Click or scan to watch our new
Non-Executive Directors explain their role:
The Committee has also considered the succession plans for the roles
of Senior Independent Director, Workforce Engagement Lead and Chair
of the Remuneration Committee in line with the expected retirement of
Valerie Gooding this year, following nine years’ service to the Board. With
effect from the conclusion of the 2023 AGM, David Nish will be appointed
as Senior Independent Director, Delphine Ernotte Cunci and Christine
Ramon will be appointed Workforce Engagement Leads, and Amparo
Moraleda will be appointed Chair of the Remuneration Committee.
The Committee is confident that the Board currently has the
necessary mix of skills and experience to contribute to the Company’s
strategic objectives.
Read more about the details of the length of tenure of each
Director and a summary of the skills and experience of the
Non-Executive Directors on pages 60 and 65-67
Appointment process for Non-Executive Directors
To begin the appointment process, the Company engages with an
external search consultancy which it provides with a search specification.
The consultancy then proposes a list of individuals with a diverse range
of backgrounds and characteristics. Capturing the clear benefits of
diversity of background and opinion, and identifying candidates with the
requisite experience and capabilities, is at the forefront of this search.
The shortlisted candidates are interviewed by the Committee members
and they meet with the Group Chief Executive. A recommendation is
made to the Board on the chosen candidate. Once a candidate is selected,
appointment terms are drafted and agreed with the selected candidate.
Executive Committee changes, succession planning and talent
Board level.
The Committee receives regular updates on succession planning and
changes to the membership of the Executive Committee. This year,
the Committee has discussed succession plans for executives below
Following Nick Read stepping down from his role as Group Chief
Executive in December 2022, Margherita Della Valle was appointed as
Group Chief Executive on an interim basis with effect from 1 January
2023, whilst continuing her role as Group Chief Financial Officer. We are
grateful to Nick Read for his significant commitment and contribution to
Vodafone during his career. The Board announced on 27 April 2023,
following a rigorous internal and external search, that Margherita was
appointed as the permanent Group Chief Executive. She will also continue
as Group Chief Financial Officer until an external search for a new Group
Chief Financial Officer is complete.
During the year the Committee discussed succession planning for a
new Group Chief Technology Officer and Group General Counsel and
Company Secretary following the respective retirements of Johan
Wibergh on 31 December 2022 and Rosemary Martin on 1 March 2023.
Both individuals also stepped down from the Executive Committee on
their respective retirement dates.
Following the recruitment process, we were pleased to announce the
appointment of Maaike de Bie as Group General Counsel and Company
Secretary with effect from 1 March 2023. Maaike also joined the
Executive Committee with effect from the same date. With almost 30
years of experience, Maaike is an experienced international lawyer and
is dual qualified in both the US and UK. She has held numerous senior
roles in a variety of sectors, including at EY LLP, General Electric and the
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development LLP. Maaike has
also previously served as General Counsel and Company Secretary
of easyJet plc and Royal Mail plc.
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Governance (continued)
Strategic report
Other information
Diversity targets – progress update
The Board aspires to meet and ultimately exceed the target
for at least 40% of Board positions to be held by women.
We are pleased to report that as at 31 March 2023, 54% of our Board identified
as women.
That at least one of the positions of Chair, CEO, CFO or Senior
Independent Director is held by a woman.
That at least one member of the Board is from a minority
ethnic background.
As at 31 March 2023 our Senior Independent Director, Chief Executive and
Chief Financial Officer positions are held by women.1
As at 31 March 2023, we currently have one Board member from a minority
background, and we continually aspire to increase diverse representation on our Board.
1. The positions of Chief Executive and Chief Financial Officer are held by Margherita Della Valle.
Board and executive management diversity
Prepared in accordance with UK Listing Rule 9.8.6R(10) as at 31 March 2023
Gender identity or sex1
Other categories
Not specified/prefer not to say
Ethnic background
White British or other White
(including minority-white groups)
Mixed/Multiple Ethnic Groups
Asian/Asian British
Black/African/Caribbean/Black British
Other ethnic group, including Arab
Not specific/prefer not to say
Number of
Board members
Percentage of the Board
Number of senior positions
on the Board (CEO, CFO,
SID and Chair)2
Number in executive
Percentage of executive
Number of
Board members
Percentage of the Board
Number of senior positions
on the Board (CEO, CFO,
SID and Chair)2
Number in executive
Percentage of executive
1. The data reported is on the basis of gender identity.
2. The positions of Chief Executive and Chief Financial Officer are held by Margherita Della Valle.
Board diversity matrix
This has been prepared in accordance with the guidance issued by
NASDAQ. More information can be found here:
As of 31 March 2023
Country of Principal Executive Offices
Foreign Private Issuer
Disclosure Prohibited under Home Country Law
Total Number of Directors
United Kingdom
Part I: Gender Identity
Part II: Demographic Background
Under-represented individual in Home Country Jurisdiction
Did Not Disclose Demographic Background
Did Not
Disclose Gender
The data contained in the tables on this page was collected as part
of the annual declaration process, whereby the Board and the
Executive Committee received declaration forms for self-completion.
The declaration forms included, for all individuals whose data is being
reported, the same questions relating to ethnicity, gender, sexual
orientation and disabilities. The data is used for statistical reporting
purposes and is provided with consent. The data in the above tables is as
at 31 March 2023 and there have been no changes in the period between
then and the date of this report.
Whilst we commit to diversity and inclusion in all its forms, all
appointments are made on merit and objective criteria to ensure the
appropriate mix of skills and experience on the Board, valuing the unique
contribution that an individual will bring.
Key areas of focus for 2023/24
– Board and Committee composition, tenure and succession;
– Senior leadership succession and onboarding; and
– Continued onboarding of our recent Non-Executive Directors.
Jean-François van Boxmeer
On behalf of the Nominations and Governance Committee
16 May 2023
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Governance (continued)
Strategic report
Other information
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
Diversity targets – progress update
The Board aspires to meet and ultimately exceed the target
We are pleased to report that as at 31 March 2023, 54% of our Board identified
for at least 40% of Board positions to be held by women.
as women.
That at least one of the positions of Chair, CEO, CFO or Senior
As at 31 March 2023 our Senior Independent Director, Chief Executive and
Independent Director is held by a woman.
Chief Financial Officer positions are held by women.1
That at least one member of the Board is from a minority
As at 31 March 2023, we currently have one Board member from a minority
background, and we continually aspire to increase diverse representation on our Board.
ethnic background.
1. The positions of Chief Executive and Chief Financial Officer are held by Margherita Della Valle.
Board and executive management diversity
Prepared in accordance with UK Listing Rule 9.8.6R(10) as at 31 March 2023
Gender identity or sex1
Other categories
Not specified/prefer not to say
Ethnic background
White British or other White
(including minority-white groups)
Mixed/Multiple Ethnic Groups
Asian/Asian British
Black/African/Caribbean/Black British
Other ethnic group, including Arab
Not specific/prefer not to say
Number of
Board members
Percentage of the Board
Number of senior positions
on the Board (CEO, CFO,
SID and Chair)2
Number in executive
Percentage of executive
Number of
Board members
Percentage of the Board
Number of senior positions
on the Board (CEO, CFO,
SID and Chair)2
Number in executive
Percentage of executive
1. The data reported is on the basis of gender identity.
2. The positions of Chief Executive and Chief Financial Officer are held by Margherita Della Valle.
Board diversity matrix
This has been prepared in accordance with the guidance issued by
NASDAQ. More information can be found here:
As of 31 March 2023
The data contained in the tables on this page was collected as part
of the annual declaration process, whereby the Board and the
Executive Committee received declaration forms for self-completion.
The declaration forms included, for all individuals whose data is being
reported, the same questions relating to ethnicity, gender, sexual
Country of Principal Executive Offices
United Kingdom
orientation and disabilities. The data is used for statistical reporting
Foreign Private Issuer
Disclosure Prohibited under Home Country Law
Total Number of Directors
Part I: Gender Identity
Disclose Gender
Part II: Demographic Background
Under-represented individual in Home Country Jurisdiction
Did Not Disclose Demographic Background
Did Not
purposes and is provided with consent. The data in the above tables is as
at 31 March 2023 and there have been no changes in the period between
then and the date of this report.
Whilst we commit to diversity and inclusion in all its forms, all
appointments are made on merit and objective criteria to ensure the
appropriate mix of skills and experience on the Board, valuing the unique
contribution that an individual will bring.
Key areas of focus for 2023/24
– Board and Committee composition, tenure and succession;
– Senior leadership succession and onboarding; and
– Continued onboarding of our recent Non-Executive Directors.
Jean-François van Boxmeer
On behalf of the Nominations and Governance Committee
16 May 2023
Audit and Risk Committee
The Committee oversees the governance
of the Group’s financial reporting, the external audit
process, risk management, internal control and
related assurance processes. During the year, the
Committee completed a series of deep dive reviews
of principal key risks and additional reviews, with an
ongoing focus on technology matters, particularly
cyber threats and resilience.
Chair and financial expert
David Nish
Michel Demaré
Deborah Kerr
Amparo Moraleda
Christine Ramon (appointed as a member on 28 March 2023)
Key responsibilities
The responsibilities of the Committee are to:
– Monitor the integrity of the financial statements, including the review
of significant financial reporting judgements;
– Monitor the Group’s risk management system, review of the principal
risks and the management of those risks;
– Provide advice to the Board on whether the Annual Report is fair,
balanced and understandable and on the appropriateness of the
long-term viability statement;
– Review and monitor the external auditor’s independence and
objectivity and the effectiveness of the external audit;
– Review the system of internal financial control and compliance with
section 404 of the US Sarbanes-Oxley Act;
– Review and provide advice to the Board on the approval of the Group’s
US Annual Report on Form 20-F; and
– Monitor the activities and review the effectiveness of the Internal
Audit function.
Click to read the Committee’s terms of reference:
Letter from the Committee Chair
I am pleased to present our report as Chair of the Audit and Risk
Committee. This report provides an overview of how the Committee
operates, an insight into the Committee’s activities during the year
and its role in ensuring the integrity of the Group’s published financial
information and the effectiveness of its risk management, controls
and related processes.
The Committee met five times during the year, which included a joint
meeting with the ESG Committee. Amparo Moraleda will step-down
from the Committee with effect from the conclusion of the 2023 AGM.
The attendance by members at Committee meetings can be seen on
page 60. Each meeting agenda included a range of topics across the
Committee’s areas of responsibility.
– External cyber threats continue to be a Group principal risk and the
Group invests considerable resources in the technology teams working
to prevent, identify and manage attempted cyber attacks. During the
year, the Committee regularly met with the Chief Technology Officer
and Cyber Security, Technology Assurance and Strategy Director to
review and challenge the cyber security strategy and also undertook
a deep dive review of this principal risk.
Read more about cyber security
on pages 42 to 43
– We performed deep dive reviews on several other principal risks, including
technology resilience and future readiness with the Chief Technology Officer
and Chief Network Officer, as well as threats from emerging technology
and disruptive business models with the CEO of Vodafone Business and the
Group Strategy Director. In addition, the Committee undertook a number
of reviews of M-Pesa with a focus on risk management, the control
environment, regulatory compliance and assurance activities;
– We completed a series of reviews across multiple business units, typically
with a focus on the risk and control environment. This was performed
with the CEO and CFO of the Other Europe markets cluster, the CEO of
Vantage Towers, the CEOs of Vodafone Germany, Vodafone Spain and
Vodacom Group; and
– At the September 2022 and March 2023 meetings, we considered
the anticipated financial reporting matters impacting the half-year
and year-end reporting. We also reviewed the half-year results
announcement at our November meeting and the Annual Report and
accompanying materials at our May meeting, prior to the Group’s results
release. Our work included reviews of goodwill impairment testing,
taxation judgements, legal contingencies and the Company’s work
on going concern and the long-term viability statement.
The Committee recognises the importance of Environmental, Social and
Governance (‘ESG’) topics and the requirement for disclosures in
accordance with the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures
(‘TCFD’) framework. We modified our terms of reference during the year
to enhance the Committee’s oversight in these areas by having a joint
meeting with the ESG Committee. During our joint meeting in May 2023,
we challenged the disclosures included in this Annual Report and also
the Group’s ESG Addendum which is available on our website.
Our external auditor, Ernst & Young (‘EY’), provides robust challenge to
management and its independent view to the Committee on specific
financial reporting judgements and the control environment.
David Nish
On behalf of the Audit and Risk Committee
16 May 2023
The objective of the Committee is the provision of effective governance
over the appropriateness of financial reporting of the Group, including
the adequacy of related disclosures, the performance of both the
Internal Audit function and the external auditor and oversight of the Group’s
systems of internal control, business risks and related compliance activities.
Click or scan to watch the Chair of the
Audit and Risk Committee explain his role:
Committee governance
Committee meetings normally take place the day before Board meetings.
The Committee Chair reports to the Board, as a separate agenda item,
on the activity of the Committee and matters of particular relevance.
The Board has access to the Committee’s papers and receives copies of
the Committee minutes. The Committee regularly meets separately with
the external auditor, the Group Chief Executive and Group Chief Financial
Officer, the Group Audit Director and the Group Head of Risk without others
being present. The Chair also meets regularly with the external lead audit
partner during the year, outside of the formal Committee process.
The Chair is designated as the financial expert on the Committee
for the purposes of the US Sarbanes-Oxley Act and the 2018 UK
Corporate Governance Code (‘Code’). The Committee continues to
have competence relevant to the sector in which the Group operates.
Read more about the skills and experience of Committee
members on pages 65 to 67
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Governance (continued)
Strategic report
Other information
Risk deep dive reviews
The Committee performed a series of deep dives with management as part of the meeting agendas. These reviews are summarised below, together with
the Group’s principal risk to which the review relates.
Principal risk
Area of focus
Adverse changes
in macroeconomic
Business resilience and crisis management
The Committee met with the Chief External and Corporate Affairs Officer and the Global Corporate Security and Resilience Director
to perform a deep dive on business resilience and crisis management planning. The Committee reviewed the Group’s crisis
management plans and preparedness for responding to multiple concurrent crises.
Adverse changes
in macroeconomic
The Committee met with the Group Treasury Director to perform an in-depth review of funding needs and related financing
activities. This included the potential impact of adverse changes in the macro-economic and market conditions on financing plans
over the short to medium term and, more broadly, how funding and financing risk is being managed.
New technologies
The Committee met with the CEO of Vodafone Business and the Group Strategy Director to review and challenge the Group’s
activities and strategies to mitigate the potential risks from new industry challengers and technologies.
Cyber threat
Cyber security strategy
The Committee met twice with the Chief Technology Officer and the Cyber Security, Technology Assurance and Strategy Director
to review the Group’s cyber security strategy, the cyber control framework and related compliance and assurance activities.
The deep dives included consideration of the threat landscape and the performance of the Group’s businesses in meeting the
required compliance standards.
Adverse political
and policy
Regulatory affairs
The Committee met with the Chief External and Corporate Affairs Officer to deep dive on the political and regulatory developments
impacting the industry. This included geo-political risks and the actions underway to respond to these risks.
Business reviews
The Committee met with a range of markets and business units, with a focus on the operational landscape, local risk assessments
and related activity, the control environment and progress against any findings from Internal Audit activities. This included:
– Germany market review with the market CEO and CFO;
– Spain market review with the market CEO and CFO;
– Review of the Europe Cluster markets with the Europe Cluster CEO and CFO;
– Business review of Vodacom with the Vodacom Group CEO and CFO;
– Business review of Vantage Towers with the Vantage Towers CEO and CFO; and
– Entity review of Vodafone Roaming Services with the Director of Roaming Services.
resilience and
future readiness
resilience and
future readiness
Technology risk
The Committee met with the Chief Technology Officer and the Chief Network Officer to consider potential points of technology
failure and the impact this could have on operational activities. Related business continuity plans were assessed and challenged.
Resilience and readiness
The Committee met with the Chief Technology Officer and the Chief Network Officer to deep dive on the activities to maintain
a robust, stable and resilient technology estate and on the transformation programmes in place to modernise aspects of our
technology estate to ensure future readiness.
resilience and
future readiness
IT control assurance
The Committee met with the Chief Technology Officer and IT Director to review and challenge the opportunities to increase
the standardisation of IT controls and leverage automation across the Vodafone footprint.
Financial reporting
The Committee’s primary responsibility in relation to the Group’s
financial reporting is to review, with management and the external
auditor, the appropriateness of the half-year and annual consolidated
financial statements. The Committee focuses on:
– The quality and acceptability of accounting policies and practices;
– Providing advice to the Board on the form and basis underlying
the long-term viability statement;
– Material areas in which significant judgements have been applied or
where significant issues have been discussed with the external auditor;
– An assessment of whether the Annual Report, taken as a whole, is fair,
balanced, and understandable and whether our US Annual Report
on Form 20-F complies with relevant US regulations;
– The clarity of the disclosures and compliance with financial
reporting standards and relevant financial and governance
reporting requirements; and
– Any correspondence from regulators in relation to our
financial reporting.
Accounting policies and practices
The Committee received reports from management in relation to:
– The identification of critical accounting judgements and key sources
of estimation uncertainty, including the impact of climate change on
the consolidated financial statements;
– Significant accounting policies; and
– Proposed disclosures of these in this Annual Report.
Following discussions with management and the external auditor, the
Committee approved the disclosures of the accounting policies and
practices set out in note 1 ‘Basis of preparation’ and within other notes
to the consolidated financial statements.
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Governance (continued)
Strategic report
Other information
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
The Committee performed a series of deep dives with management as part of the meeting agendas. These reviews are summarised below, together with
Risk deep dive reviews
the Group’s principal risk to which the review relates.
Principal risk
Area of focus
Adverse changes
Business resilience and crisis management
in macroeconomic
The Committee met with the Chief External and Corporate Affairs Officer and the Global Corporate Security and Resilience Director
to perform a deep dive on business resilience and crisis management planning. The Committee reviewed the Group’s crisis
management plans and preparedness for responding to multiple concurrent crises.
Adverse changes
in macroeconomic
The Committee met with the Group Treasury Director to perform an in-depth review of funding needs and related financing
activities. This included the potential impact of adverse changes in the macro-economic and market conditions on financing plans
over the short to medium term and, more broadly, how funding and financing risk is being managed.
New technologies
Cyber threat
Cyber security strategy
The Committee met with the CEO of Vodafone Business and the Group Strategy Director to review and challenge the Group’s
activities and strategies to mitigate the potential risks from new industry challengers and technologies.
The Committee met twice with the Chief Technology Officer and the Cyber Security, Technology Assurance and Strategy Director
to review the Group’s cyber security strategy, the cyber control framework and related compliance and assurance activities.
The deep dives included consideration of the threat landscape and the performance of the Group’s businesses in meeting the
required compliance standards.
Adverse political
Regulatory affairs
and policy
Business reviews
The Committee met with the Chief External and Corporate Affairs Officer to deep dive on the political and regulatory developments
impacting the industry. This included geo-political risks and the actions underway to respond to these risks.
The Committee met with a range of markets and business units, with a focus on the operational landscape, local risk assessments
and related activity, the control environment and progress against any findings from Internal Audit activities. This included:
– Germany market review with the market CEO and CFO;
– Spain market review with the market CEO and CFO;
– Review of the Europe Cluster markets with the Europe Cluster CEO and CFO;
– Business review of Vodacom with the Vodacom Group CEO and CFO;
– Business review of Vantage Towers with the Vantage Towers CEO and CFO; and
– Entity review of Vodafone Roaming Services with the Director of Roaming Services.
resilience and
resilience and
Technology risk
Resilience and readiness
future readiness
failure and the impact this could have on operational activities. Related business continuity plans were assessed and challenged.
The Committee met with the Chief Technology Officer and the Chief Network Officer to consider potential points of technology
future readiness
a robust, stable and resilient technology estate and on the transformation programmes in place to modernise aspects of our
The Committee met with the Chief Technology Officer and the Chief Network Officer to deep dive on the activities to maintain
technology estate to ensure future readiness.
resilience and
IT control assurance
future readiness
the standardisation of IT controls and leverage automation across the Vodafone footprint.
The Committee met with the Chief Technology Officer and IT Director to review and challenge the opportunities to increase
Financial reporting
The Committee’s primary responsibility in relation to the Group’s
financial reporting is to review, with management and the external
auditor, the appropriateness of the half-year and annual consolidated
financial statements. The Committee focuses on:
– The quality and acceptability of accounting policies and practices;
– Providing advice to the Board on the form and basis underlying
the long-term viability statement;
– Material areas in which significant judgements have been applied or
where significant issues have been discussed with the external auditor;
Accounting policies and practices
The Committee received reports from management in relation to:
– The identification of critical accounting judgements and key sources
of estimation uncertainty, including the impact of climate change on
the consolidated financial statements;
– Significant accounting policies; and
– Proposed disclosures of these in this Annual Report.
Following discussions with management and the external auditor, the
Committee approved the disclosures of the accounting policies and
practices set out in note 1 ‘Basis of preparation’ and within other notes
– An assessment of whether the Annual Report, taken as a whole, is fair,
to the consolidated financial statements.
balanced, and understandable and whether our US Annual Report
on Form 20-F complies with relevant US regulations;
– The clarity of the disclosures and compliance with financial
reporting standards and relevant financial and governance
reporting requirements; and
– Any correspondence from regulators in relation to our
financial reporting.
Fair, balanced and understandable
The Committee assessed whether the Annual Report, taken as
a whole, is fair, balanced and understandable and provides the
information necessary for shareholders to assess the Company’s
position and performance, business model and strategy. This
assessment is supported by the Group’s Disclosure Committee which
is chaired by the Group General Counsel and Company Secretary who
briefs the Committee on the Disclosure Committee’s work and findings.
The Committee reviewed the processes and controls that underpin
the Annual Report’s preparation, ensuring that all contributors and
senior management are fully aware of the requirements and their
responsibilities. This included the financial reporting responsibilities of
the Directors under section 172 of the Companies Act 2006 to promote
the success of the Company for the benefit of its members as well as
considering the interests of other stakeholders which will have an impact
on the Company’s long-term success.
The Committee reviewed an early draft of the Annual Report to
enable input and comment. The review is performed in conjunction
with the ESG Committee which also reviews the TCFD and ESG-related
disclosures. The Committee also reviewed the results announcement,
supported by the work of the Group’s Disclosure Committee, which
reviews and assesses the appropriateness of investor communications.
This work enabled the Committee to provide positive assurance to the
Board to assist it in making the statement required by the Code.
Significant financial reporting judgements
The areas considered and actions taken by the Committee in relation
to the 2023 consolidated financial statements are outlined below and
overleaf. For each area, the Committee was satisfied with the accounting
and disclosures in the consolidated financial statements.
Area of focus
Actions taken
Portfolio changes
The Group concluded several transactions during the second half of the
financial year of which the most notable was the disposal of a controlling
stake in Vantage Towers into a joint venture, the disposals of Vodafone
Hungary and Vodafone Ghana and the transfer of the Group’s
shareholding in Vodafone Egypt to its subsidiary, Vodacom Group
Limited. The most significant disclosure and accounting judgements
considered include:
– The recognition and measurement of gains on the business disposals,
including a partial deferral of the gain recognised from the sale of
Vantage Towers due to the leaseback of tower space by the Group
from Vantage Towers. See note 12 ‘Investments in associates and
joint arrangements’ and note 27 ‘Acquisitions and disposals’ in the
consolidated financial statements.
India accounting matters
The disclosure and accounting judgements in relation to:
– The Group’s conditional and capped obligations to make certain
payments to Vodafone Idea Limited (‘VIL’) under a payment
mechanism agreed at the time of the merger between Vodafone India
and Idea Cellular in 2017;
– The valuation of the security package provided by the Group to Indus
Towers (‘Indus’) in respect of commitments of VIL to Indus and the
Group’s obligation to the Total Return Swap (‘TRS’) lenders;
– The valuation of a mark-to-market derivative asset in relation to the TRS;
– The decision to cease reporting the Group’s investment in Indus as
held for sale in the consolidated financial statements; and
– The impairment of the Group’s investment in Indus.
See note 7 ‘Discontinued operations and assets held for sale’ and note
29 ‘Contingent liabilities and legal proceedings’ in the consolidated
financial statements.
Judgements in relation to impairment testing relate primarily to the
assumptions underlying the calculation of the value in use of the Group’s
businesses, being the achievability of the long-term business plans and
the macroeconomic and related valuation model assumptions.
See note 4 ‘Impairment losses’ in the consolidated financial statements.
The Committee met with the Group Financial Controlling and Operations
Director in March 2023 to review and challenge the accounting
treatment and disclosures in the 2023 consolidated financial statements,
including the sale and leaseback accounting resulting from the disposal
of Vantage Towers.
The Committee reviewed the appropriateness of the Group’s accounting
judgements in relation to potential liabilities under the payment
mechanism agreed with VIL, considering VIL’s ability to make any further
material payments.
The Committee also reviewed accounting judgements relating to Indus
Towers, notably the terms of the remaining pledge contained in the
security package, the reversal of the held for sale classification in the
consolidated financial statements and the valuation of the TRS related
derivative asset.
These reviews occurred at the September 2022, November 2022, March
2023 and May 2023 Committee meetings.
The Committee met with the Group Head of Financial Planning &
Analysis in November 2022 and May 2023 to discuss the impairment
exercise undertaken and to challenge the appropriateness of
assumptions made, including:
– The consistent application of management’s valuation methodology;
– The achievability of the Group’s five-year business plans;
– The potential impacts of (i) rising energy costs, (ii) inflation and (iii)
climate change on the Group’s businesses and valuation assumptions;
– The long-term growth assumed for the Group’s businesses at the end
of the plan period; and
– The discount rates assumed in the valuation of the Group’s businesses.
During the year, the Group recorded no material impairments of asset
carrying values.
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Governance (continued)
Strategic report
Other information
Area of focus
Actions taken
Liability provisioning
The Group is subject to a range of claims and legal actions from a
number of sources, including, but not limited to, competitors, regulators,
customers, suppliers and, on occasion, fellow shareholders in
Group subsidiaries.
See note 16 ‘Provisions’ and note 29 ‘Contingent liabilities and legal
proceedings’ in the consolidated financial statements.
The Group is subject to a range of tax claims and related legal actions
in several jurisdictions where it operates. Furthermore, the Group has
extensive accumulated tax losses, and a key management judgement
is whether a deferred tax asset should be recognised in respect
of those losses.
See note 6 ’Taxation’ and note 29 ’Contingent liabilities and legal
proceedings’ in the consolidated financial statements.
Revenue recognition
Revenue is a risk area given the inherent complexity of IFRS 15
accounting requirements and the underlying billing and related
IT systems.
See note 1 ’Basis of preparation’ in the consolidated financial statements.
Hyperinflation accounting in Turkey
Turkey has met the requirements to be designated as a hyperinflationary
economy under IAS 29 ‘Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary
Economies’. The Group has therefore applied the requirements of IAS 29
for its Turkish operations with a Turkish lira functional currency.
See note 1 ‘Basis of preparation’ in the consolidated financial statements.
Regulators and our financial reporting
The Financial Reporting Council (‘FRC’) publishes thematic reviews and
other guidance to help companies improve the quality of corporate
reporting through the provision of guidance and reviews of the quality
of reporting across public companies. The Group routinely reviews FRC
publications, the most relevant publications for the 2023 Annual
Report being:
– Key matters for 2022/23 reports and accounts;
– Annual review of corporate reporting 2021/22;
– Thematic review of existing disclosure requirements for (i) discount
rates, (ii) judgements and estimates, (iii) earnings per share, (iv) deferred
tax assets, (v) accounting and reporting for business combinations and
(vi) TCFD and climate-related disclosures;
– ‘What makes a good Annual Report and Accounts’ guidance;
– Updated guidance on Strategic Reports; and
– FRC Lab report on digital security risk disclosure.
The Group already complied with the majority of the recommendations
and the 2023 Annual Report has been updated to adopt best practice
where appropriate.
We also reviewed the draft standard for Audit Committees that was
published by the FRC in the year. The final requirements will be reviewed
once available although no significant impact is expected as we have
assessed that the Committee follows the working practices outlined
in the draft standard.
The Committee met with the Director of Litigation in November 2022
and May 2023 in advance of the half-year and year-end reporting,
respectively. The Committee reviewed and challenged management’s
assessment of the status of the most significant claims, together with
relevant legal advice received by the Group, to form a view on the level
of provisioning and appropriateness of disclosures in the consolidated
financial statements.
The Committee met with the Group Tax Director in November 2022
and May 2023 in advance of the half-year and year-end financial
reporting, respectively. The Committee challenged the judgements
underpinning tax provisioning, deferred tax assets and related
The accounting policy for and related disclosure requirements of IFRS 15
that have been presented in the Annual Report were reviewed in March
and May 2023.
The Committee considered the scope of EY’s planned revenue audit
procedures, and their related audit findings and observations at its
meetings in November 2022 and May 2023.
The Committee met with the Group Financial Controlling and Operations
Director in November 2022, March 2023 and May 2023 to review and
challenge the accounting treatment and disclosures in the half-year and
year-end financial reporting, respectively.
During the year, the Financial Conduct Authority (‘FCA’) finalised
new mandatory disclosure requirements on diversity and inclusion.
The Committee welcomes these new disclosure requirements which
are included in this Annual Report.
We continue to track developments for the proposals in the ‘Restoring
Trust in Audit and Corporate Governance’ paper issued by the Department
for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (‘BEIS’). This will ensure we are
well placed to implement the changes, as required, in the years ahead.
During the year, the Group received a notification letter from the FRC that
the Annual Report for the year ended 31 March 2022 had been included
in their thematic review of company disclosures relating to deferred tax
assets. In October 2022, we received confirmation that the FRC had no
questions for the Group arising from the review.
In December 2021, Vantage Towers A.G. (‘Vantage Towers’) received
an enquiry letter from BaFin, the German Federal Financial Supervisory
Authority, containing questions and requests for further information
in relation to the Vantage Towers Annual Report for the year ended
31 March 2022. To date, two written responses in January and March
2023 have been submitted to BaFin as part of the ongoing enquiry.
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Governance (continued)
Strategic report
Other information
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
Area of focus
Liability provisioning
Actions taken
The Group is subject to a range of claims and legal actions from a
The Committee met with the Director of Litigation in November 2022
number of sources, including, but not limited to, competitors, regulators,
and May 2023 in advance of the half-year and year-end reporting,
customers, suppliers and, on occasion, fellow shareholders in
Group subsidiaries.
See note 16 ‘Provisions’ and note 29 ‘Contingent liabilities and legal
proceedings’ in the consolidated financial statements.
respectively. The Committee reviewed and challenged management’s
assessment of the status of the most significant claims, together with
relevant legal advice received by the Group, to form a view on the level
of provisioning and appropriateness of disclosures in the consolidated
financial statements.
The Group is subject to a range of tax claims and related legal actions
The Committee met with the Group Tax Director in November 2022
in several jurisdictions where it operates. Furthermore, the Group has
and May 2023 in advance of the half-year and year-end financial
extensive accumulated tax losses, and a key management judgement
reporting, respectively. The Committee challenged the judgements
is whether a deferred tax asset should be recognised in respect
underpinning tax provisioning, deferred tax assets and related
of those losses.
See note 6 ’Taxation’ and note 29 ’Contingent liabilities and legal
proceedings’ in the consolidated financial statements.
Revenue recognition
Revenue is a risk area given the inherent complexity of IFRS 15
accounting requirements and the underlying billing and related
The accounting policy for and related disclosure requirements of IFRS 15
that have been presented in the Annual Report were reviewed in March
IT systems.
and May 2023.
See note 1 ’Basis of preparation’ in the consolidated financial statements.
The Committee considered the scope of EY’s planned revenue audit
procedures, and their related audit findings and observations at its
meetings in November 2022 and May 2023.
Hyperinflation accounting in Turkey
Turkey has met the requirements to be designated as a hyperinflationary
The Committee met with the Group Financial Controlling and Operations
economy under IAS 29 ‘Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary
Director in November 2022, March 2023 and May 2023 to review and
Economies’. The Group has therefore applied the requirements of IAS 29
challenge the accounting treatment and disclosures in the half-year and
for its Turkish operations with a Turkish lira functional currency.
year-end financial reporting, respectively.
See note 1 ‘Basis of preparation’ in the consolidated financial statements.
Regulators and our financial reporting
The Financial Reporting Council (‘FRC’) publishes thematic reviews and
other guidance to help companies improve the quality of corporate
reporting through the provision of guidance and reviews of the quality
of reporting across public companies. The Group routinely reviews FRC
publications, the most relevant publications for the 2023 Annual
Report being:
– Key matters for 2022/23 reports and accounts;
– Annual review of corporate reporting 2021/22;
– Thematic review of existing disclosure requirements for (i) discount
rates, (ii) judgements and estimates, (iii) earnings per share, (iv) deferred
tax assets, (v) accounting and reporting for business combinations and
(vi) TCFD and climate-related disclosures;
– ‘What makes a good Annual Report and Accounts’ guidance;
– Updated guidance on Strategic Reports; and
– FRC Lab report on digital security risk disclosure.
The Group already complied with the majority of the recommendations
and the 2023 Annual Report has been updated to adopt best practice
where appropriate.
We also reviewed the draft standard for Audit Committees that was
published by the FRC in the year. The final requirements will be reviewed
once available although no significant impact is expected as we have
assessed that the Committee follows the working practices outlined
in the draft standard.
During the year, the Financial Conduct Authority (‘FCA’) finalised
new mandatory disclosure requirements on diversity and inclusion.
The Committee welcomes these new disclosure requirements which
are included in this Annual Report.
We continue to track developments for the proposals in the ‘Restoring
Trust in Audit and Corporate Governance’ paper issued by the Department
for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (‘BEIS’). This will ensure we are
well placed to implement the changes, as required, in the years ahead.
During the year, the Group received a notification letter from the FRC that
the Annual Report for the year ended 31 March 2022 had been included
in their thematic review of company disclosures relating to deferred tax
assets. In October 2022, we received confirmation that the FRC had no
questions for the Group arising from the review.
In December 2021, Vantage Towers A.G. (‘Vantage Towers’) received
an enquiry letter from BaFin, the German Federal Financial Supervisory
Authority, containing questions and requests for further information
in relation to the Vantage Towers Annual Report for the year ended
31 March 2022. To date, two written responses in January and March
2023 have been submitted to BaFin as part of the ongoing enquiry.
Internal control and risk management
The Committee has the primary responsibility for the oversight of the
Group’s system of internal control, including the risk management
framework, the compliance framework, and the work of the Internal
Audit function.
Internal Audit
The Internal Audit function provides independent and objective
assurance over the design and operating effectiveness of the system of
internal control, through a risk-based approach. The function reports into
the Committee and, administratively, to the Chief Financial Officer. The
function is composed of teams across Group functions and local markets.
This enables access to specialist skills through centres of excellence and
ensures local knowledge and experience. Cooperation with professional
bodies and an information technology research firm has ensured access
to additional specialist skills and an advanced knowledge base.
Internal Audit activities are based on a robust methodology and the
internal quality assurance improvement programme ensures conformity
with the International Professional Practices framework, which includes
the IIA standards and code of ethics, and the continuous development
of the audit methodology applied. The conformity is reviewed and verified
through an external quality assessment by an independent consultancy
firm every three years.
The Committee has a standing agenda item to cover Internal Audit
related topics. Prior to the start of each financial year, the Committee
reviews and approves the annual audit plan, assesses the adequacy of
the budget and resources, and reviews the operational initiatives for the
continuous improvement of the function’s effectiveness. The audit plan
is determined by taking into account Internal Audit’s rolling review
framework and the outputs of a data-driven risk assessment.
The Committee reviews progress against the approved audit plan and the
results of Internal Audit activities, with a stronger focus on unsatisfactory
audit results and cross-entity audits, which are audits that are performed
across multiple markets with the same scope. Audit results are analysed
by process and entity to highlight both changes in the control
environment and areas that require attention.
During the year, Internal Audit coverage focused on principal risks,
including cyber threat and strategic transformation. Relevant audit results
are reported before the Committee’s in-depth review with the risk owner,
which allows the Committee to have an integrated view on the way
the risk is managed.
Assurance was also provided across a broad range of areas, including:
product development, customer base management, Vodafone Business
sales opportunity governance, billing of Internet of Things services,
compliance with the EU Electronic Communications Code, data
management, data protection at third parties, asset verification and
reconciliation, revenue and cost assurance controls, revenue accrual
processes, lease accounting, active directory infrastructure security,
Application Programming Interface security and M-Pesa operations.
The activities performed by the shared service organisation also received
ongoing focus due to their significance across many processes.
Management is responsible for ensuring that issues raised by Internal
Audit are addressed within an agreed timetable, and the Committee
reviews their timely completion.
The last independent review of the effectiveness of the Group’s Internal
Audit function was performed by Deloitte LLP in January 2022 and the
results have been presented to the Committee. The review concluded
that the Internal Audit function operated in accordance with the Global
Institute of Internal Auditors’ International Professional Practices
Framework, is at the top of its peer group range and demonstrates areas
of innovative practice.
The Internal Audit function continues to invest in several initiatives to
improve its effectiveness, particularly in the adoption of new technologies.
The innovative use of data analytics has provided broader and deeper
audit testing and driven increased insights.
Assessment of the Group’s system of internal control,
including the risk management framework
The Group’s risk assessment process and the way in which significant
business risks are managed is an area of focus for the Committee.
The Committee’s activity here was led primarily, but not solely, by the
Group’s assessment of its principal and emerging risks and uncertainties.
Cyber threats remain a major focus for the Committee given the
continual threats in this area.
The Group has an internal control environment designed to protect the
business from the material risks which have been identified. Management
is responsible for establishing and maintaining adequate internal controls
and the Committee has responsibility for ensuring the effectiveness
of those controls.
The Committee reviewed the process by which Group management
assessed the control environment, in accordance with the requirements
of the Guidance on Risk Management, Internal Control and Related
Financial and Business Reporting published by the FRC. This activity
was supported by reports from the Group Audit Director and the Group
Head of Risk and a range of functional specialists.
As part of the Committee’s recurring agenda items, the Group Security
Director provided a fraud update, the scope of which would include
incidents of fraud involving management or employees with a significant
role in internal controls.
The Group operates a ‘Speak Up’ channel that enables employees to
anonymously raise concerns about possible irregularities. The Committee
received an update on the operation of the channel together with the
output of any resulting investigations.
The Committee has completed its review of the effectiveness of the
Group’s system of internal control, including risk management, during
the year and up to the date of this Annual Report. The review covered
all material controls including financial, operating and compliance
controls. The Committee confirms that the system of internal control
operated effectively for the 2023 financial year. Where specific areas
for improvement were identified, mitigating alternative controls and
processes were in place. This allows us to provide positive assurance
to the Board to help fulfil its obligations under the Code.
Compliance with section 404 of the US Sarbanes-Oxley Act
Oversight of the Group’s compliance activities in relation to section 404
of the US Sarbanes-Oxley Act and policy compliance reviews also fall
within the Committee’s remit.
Management is responsible for establishing and maintaining adequate
internal controls over financial reporting and we have responsibility for
ensuring the effectiveness of these controls. The Committee received
updates on the Group’s work in relation to section 404 compliance and
the Group’s broader financial control environment during the year. We
continue to challenge management on ensuring the nature and scope
of control activities evolve to ensure key risks continue to be adequately
mitigated. For example, robust controls over our IT systems are critical
and were discussed with the Chief Technology Officer and IT Director
at the November 2022 meeting.
The Committee also took an active role in monitoring the Group’s
compliance activities, including receiving reports from management in
the year covering programme-level strategy, the scope of compliance
work performed and the results of controls testing. The external auditor
also reports the status of its work in relation to controls in its reports to
the Committee.
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Governance (continued)
Strategic report
Other information
Independence and objectivity
In its assessment of the independence of the auditor, and in accordance
with the US Public Company Accounting Oversight Board’s (‘PCAOB’)
standard on independence, the Committee received details of all
relationships between the Company and EY that may have a bearing
on its independence and received confirmation from EY that it is
independent of the Company in accordance with US federal securities
law and the applicable rules and regulations of the Securities and
Exchange Commission (‘SEC’) and the PCAOB.
Effectiveness of the external audit process
The Committee reviewed the quality of the external audit process
throughout the year and considered the performance of EY.
This comprised the Committee’s own assessment and the results of a
detailed feedback survey of senior personnel across the Group. Based on
these reviews, the Committee concluded that there had been appropriate
focus and challenge by EY on the primary areas of the audit and that
EY had applied robust challenge and scepticism throughout the audit.
EY audit and non-audit fees
Total fees payable to EY for audit and non-audit services in the year
ended 31 March 2023 amounted to €30 million (FY22: €25 million).
Audit fees
The Committee reviewed and discussed the fee proposal, was engaged
in agreeing audit scope changes and, following the receipt of formal
assurance that its fees were appropriate for the scope of the work
required, agreed an audit fee of €27 million for statutory audit services
in the year (FY22: €23 million).
Non-audit fees
To protect the independence and objectivity of the external auditor,
the Committee has a policy for the engagement of the external auditor
to provide non-audit services. The policy prohibits EY from playing any
part in management or decision-making, providing certain services such
as valuation work and the provision of accounting services. The Group’s
non-audit services policy incorporates the requirements of the FRC’s
Ethical Standard, including a ‘whitelist’ of permitted non-audit services
which mirrors the FRC’s Ethical Standard.
The Committee has pre-approved that EY can be engaged by
management, subject to the policies set out above, and subject to:
– A €60,000 fee limit for individual engagements;
– A €500,000 total fee limit for services where there is no legal
alternative; and
– A €500,000 total fee limit for services where there is no practical
alternative supplier.
For those permitted services that exceed these specified fee limits,
the Committee Chair pre-approves the service.
Non-audit fees were €3 million (FY22: €2 million). See note 3 ‘Operating
profit’ in the consolidated financial statements.
Long-term viability statement and
going concern assessment
The Committee provides advice to the Board on the form and basis of
conclusion underlying the long-term viability statement and the going
concern assessment.
Read more about the long-term viability statement
on page 57
Read more about the going concern assessment
on page 112
At our meeting in May 2023, the Committee challenged management
on its financial risk assessment as part of its consideration of the
long-term viability statement. This included scrutiny of forecast liquidity,
balance sheet stress tests, the availability of cash and cash equivalents
through new or existing financing facilities and a review of counter-party
risk to assess the likelihood of third parties not being able to meet
contractual obligations. This comprehensive assessment of the Group’s
prospects made by management included consideration of:
– The review period and alignment with the Group’s internal
long-term forecasts;
– The assessment of the capacity of the Group to remain viable after
consideration of future cash flows, expected debt service requirements,
undrawn facilities, and access to capital markets;
– The modelling of the financial impact of severe but plausible risk
scenarios materialising, including the impact of energy price inflation;
– The inclusion of clear and enhanced disclosures in the Annual Report
as to why the assessment period selected was appropriate to
the Group, what qualifications and assumptions were made and
how the underlying analysis was performed, consistent with
FRC pronouncements; and
– Comprehensive disclosure in relation to the Group’s liquidity provided
in the consolidated financial statements. See note 22 ‘Capital and
financial risk management’ in the consolidated financial statements.
External audit
The Committee has primary responsibility for overseeing the relationship
with the external auditor, EY. This includes making the recommendation
on the appointment, reappointment, and removal of the external auditor,
assessing its independence on an ongoing basis, and approving the
statutory audit fee, the scope of the statutory audit and the appointment
of the lead audit engagement partner. Alison Duncan has held this role
for four years since the appointment of EY as external auditor for the year
ended 31 March 2020.
EY presented to the Committee its detailed audit plan for the 2023
financial year, which outlined its audit scope, planning materiality and its
assessment of key audit risks. The identification of key audit risks is critical
in the overall effectiveness of the external audit process and these are
outlined in the Auditor’s report.
The Committee also received reports from EY on its assessment
of the accounting and disclosures in the financial statements and
financial controls.
The Committee will continue to review the auditor appointment and
anticipates that the audit will be put out to tender at least every 10 years.
The Company has complied with the Statutory Audit Services Order 2014
for the financial year under review. The last external audit tender took
place in 2019 which resulted in the appointment of EY.
Read the Auditor’s report
on pages 113 to 122
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Governance (continued)
Long-term viability statement and
going concern assessment
The Committee provides advice to the Board on the form and basis of
conclusion underlying the long-term viability statement and the going
concern assessment.
Read more about the long-term viability statement
on page 57
on page 112
Read more about the going concern assessment
At our meeting in May 2023, the Committee challenged management
on its financial risk assessment as part of its consideration of the
long-term viability statement. This included scrutiny of forecast liquidity,
balance sheet stress tests, the availability of cash and cash equivalents
through new or existing financing facilities and a review of counter-party
risk to assess the likelihood of third parties not being able to meet
contractual obligations. This comprehensive assessment of the Group’s
prospects made by management included consideration of:
– The review period and alignment with the Group’s internal
long-term forecasts;
– The assessment of the capacity of the Group to remain viable after
consideration of future cash flows, expected debt service requirements,
undrawn facilities, and access to capital markets;
– The modelling of the financial impact of severe but plausible risk
scenarios materialising, including the impact of energy price inflation;
– The inclusion of clear and enhanced disclosures in the Annual Report
as to why the assessment period selected was appropriate to
the Group, what qualifications and assumptions were made and
how the underlying analysis was performed, consistent with
FRC pronouncements; and
– Comprehensive disclosure in relation to the Group’s liquidity provided
in the consolidated financial statements. See note 22 ‘Capital and
financial risk management’ in the consolidated financial statements.
External audit
The Committee has primary responsibility for overseeing the relationship
with the external auditor, EY. This includes making the recommendation
on the appointment, reappointment, and removal of the external auditor,
assessing its independence on an ongoing basis, and approving the
statutory audit fee, the scope of the statutory audit and the appointment
of the lead audit engagement partner. Alison Duncan has held this role
for four years since the appointment of EY as external auditor for the year
ended 31 March 2020.
EY presented to the Committee its detailed audit plan for the 2023
financial year, which outlined its audit scope, planning materiality and its
assessment of key audit risks. The identification of key audit risks is critical
in the overall effectiveness of the external audit process and these are
outlined in the Auditor’s report.
The Committee also received reports from EY on its assessment
of the accounting and disclosures in the financial statements and
financial controls.
The Committee will continue to review the auditor appointment and
anticipates that the audit will be put out to tender at least every 10 years.
The Company has complied with the Statutory Audit Services Order 2014
for the financial year under review. The last external audit tender took
place in 2019 which resulted in the appointment of EY.
Read the Auditor’s report
on pages 113 to 122
Independence and objectivity
In its assessment of the independence of the auditor, and in accordance
with the US Public Company Accounting Oversight Board’s (‘PCAOB’)
standard on independence, the Committee received details of all
relationships between the Company and EY that may have a bearing
on its independence and received confirmation from EY that it is
independent of the Company in accordance with US federal securities
law and the applicable rules and regulations of the Securities and
Exchange Commission (‘SEC’) and the PCAOB.
Effectiveness of the external audit process
The Committee reviewed the quality of the external audit process
throughout the year and considered the performance of EY.
This comprised the Committee’s own assessment and the results of a
detailed feedback survey of senior personnel across the Group. Based on
these reviews, the Committee concluded that there had been appropriate
focus and challenge by EY on the primary areas of the audit and that
EY had applied robust challenge and scepticism throughout the audit.
EY audit and non-audit fees
Total fees payable to EY for audit and non-audit services in the year
ended 31 March 2023 amounted to €30 million (FY22: €25 million).
Audit fees
The Committee reviewed and discussed the fee proposal, was engaged
in agreeing audit scope changes and, following the receipt of formal
assurance that its fees were appropriate for the scope of the work
required, agreed an audit fee of €27 million for statutory audit services
in the year (FY22: €23 million).
Non-audit fees
To protect the independence and objectivity of the external auditor,
the Committee has a policy for the engagement of the external auditor
to provide non-audit services. The policy prohibits EY from playing any
part in management or decision-making, providing certain services such
as valuation work and the provision of accounting services. The Group’s
non-audit services policy incorporates the requirements of the FRC’s
Ethical Standard, including a ‘whitelist’ of permitted non-audit services
which mirrors the FRC’s Ethical Standard.
The Committee has pre-approved that EY can be engaged by
management, subject to the policies set out above, and subject to:
– A €60,000 fee limit for individual engagements;
– A €500,000 total fee limit for services where there is no legal
– A €500,000 total fee limit for services where there is no practical
alternative; and
alternative supplier.
For those permitted services that exceed these specified fee limits,
the Committee Chair pre-approves the service.
Non-audit fees were €3 million (FY22: €2 million). See note 3 ‘Operating
profit’ in the consolidated financial statements.
Strategic report
Other information
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
ESG Committee
The role of the ESG Committee is to provide
oversight of Vodafone’s Environmental, Social and
Governance (‘ESG’) programme, of sustainability and
responsible business practices, as well as Vodafone’s
contribution to the societies that we operate in
under the social contract.
Amparo Moraleda
Valerie Gooding
Dame Clara Furse DBE
Simon Segars (appointed as member in November 2022)
On 10 May 2023, we announced that Valerie Gooding and Dame Clara
Furse will be stepping down as members of the Committee with effect
from the conclusion of the 2023 AGM. Jean-François van Boxmeer and
Christine Ramon will join the Committee from the same date.
Key responsibilities
The responsibilities of the Committee are to:
– Provide oversight of the Vodafone Group ESG strategy, the Purpose
programme (Digital Society, Inclusion for All and Planet), sustainability
and responsible business practices, as well as the contribution to the
societies they operate in under their the social contract;
– Monitor progress against key performance indicators and external ESG
indices; and
– Provide joint oversight and effective governance with the Audit and
Risk Committee over the ESG content within the Annual Report, the
TCFD report and the ESG Addendum.
Click to read the Committee’s terms of reference:
Letter from Committee Chair
On behalf of the Board, I am pleased to present Vodafone’s ESG
Committee Report for the year ended 31 March 2023.
The Committee was established in 2021 with the founding members
selected to ensure a range of experience across the range of topics that
fall within ESG. In November 2022, we welcomed our fourth Committee
member, Simon Segars. Simon brings significant experience and insights
to the ESG Committee, including how technology and connectivity are
reshaping our digital societies.
On 10 May 2023, it was announced that Valerie Gooding and Dame Clara
Furse would be retiring following the conclusion of the 2023 AGM.
I would like to thank them both for their contribution since this Committee
was established two years ago. Jean-François van Boxmeer and Christine
Ramon will be joining this Committee on the same date and their insights
will be an excellent addition to the Committee.
This year, the Committee met twice, in November 2022 and March 2023.
Each meeting agenda included a range of topics across the Committee’s
areas of responsibility. During FY23, the Committee undertook deep dives
on each of Vodafone’s three purpose pillars, as well as Vodafone’s
approach to responsible business. These deep dives were supplemented
by committee training on key Planet-related topics by the Group
Sustainability team, and other experts across the business.
Now that the Committee has explored each of the key purpose themes
in detail, we will move into receiving regular updates on progress against
our key ESG strategy.
In addition to these thematic deep dives, a key focus of the ESG
Committee this year was oversight of Vodafone’s ESG data transformation
and disclosure programme. High quality and timely data is a core
component of a successful ESG strategy, both to ensure that we can
track progress against targets, and to enable decision-making by
investors, consumers, suppliers, governments and other stakeholders.
Recognising this, the Board was pleased to see that management updated
their approach to ESG reporting this year, by giving joint responsibility
for ESG reporting to the Group Financial Reporting team and the Group
Sustainable Business team. This allowed the teams to apply financial
reporting principles to non-financial ESG data, including establishing a
control framework and securing external assurance on key data points.
These changes have already yielded positive changes and set a firm basis
from which to grow. However we acknowledge that there is a long road
ahead before ESG disclosures will match similar levels of data quality to
financial disclosures, not only for Vodafone, but for other corporates too.
The absence of a clear framework for the calculation and reporting of
ESG data exacerbates the challenge for all reporters. For example, we
expect these challenges will come into sharper focus as Scope 3 emission
reductions become a priority for corporates.
In November 2022 the Committee reviewed its terms of reference and
agreed to introduce new joint oversight of selected ESG matters between
the ESG Committee and the Audit and Risk Committee. This will be
executed through increased sharing of papers between the committees,
and a new joint meeting each May to review ESG disclosures.
On behalf of the Committee, I have reported this year’s work to the Board
and I am looking forward to the next year chairing the Committee, starting
with the joint ESG Committee and Audit and Risk Committee meeting
in May 2023.
The Committee will continue oversight and scrutiny of Vodafone’s ESG
agenda, including further presentations from senior management and
experts across the Group. We will review against Vodafone’s strategy
and the pathways in place to achieve Vodafone’s targets across its three
purpose pillars. Consideration of the following stakeholder interests will
remain part of the Committee’s responsibility. We set out below some
of our key stakeholders and examples of their ESG-related interests:
– Investors: Board-level oversight of Vodafone’s ESG strategy and
performance is a key part of an effective ESG programme;
– Governments and regulators: Local and international legal and
regulatory obligations on ESG topics to increase;
– Local communities and NGOs: ESG topics affect the day-to-day lives
of the people in the communities that we serve;
– Suppliers and customers: Upholding high ethical standards
throughout our value chain is critical for stakeholders when deciding
whether they should do business with Vodafone; and
– Employees: Employees take pride in working for a purpose-driven
organisation that is enabling an inclusive and sustainable digital society.
We believe the ESG Committee will continue to add value to the
long-term success of Vodafone, for the benefit of our customers, key
stakeholders, and the societies in which we operate. I will be available to
engage with shareholders who have questions or comments about the
work of the Committee at our 2023 AGM.
Amparo Moraleda
On behalf of the ESG Committee
16 May 2023
Click or scan to watch the Chair of the
ESG Committee explain her role:
Click to read more about Vodafone’s
approach to ESG reporting:
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Governance (continued)
Strategic report
Other information
Focus during the year
The ESG Committee met twice during the year ended 31 March 2023.
The following provides a summary of the topics covered.
November 2022
– Review of the ESG reporting processes and disclosure accountabilities.
Following ExCo alignment, the discussion clarified and adjusted the
oversight for ESG disclosures between the ESG Committee, the Audit
and Risk Committee, and the Disclosure Committee.
– Review and approval of updates to the “Committee terms of reference”
to introduce new joint oversight of selected ESG matters between the
ESG Committee and the Audit and Risk Committee.
– Review of Vodafone’s approach to managing human rights, including
how Vodafone respects the rights to freedom of expression and privacy
in the context of government law enforcement assistance requests.
– Deep dive session on Vodafone’s Inclusion for All (I4A) purpose pillar,
delivered by the ExCo sponsor Serpil Timuray. During this session,
progress reports were delivered on the Inclusion for All metrics.
– The Committee also considered Vodafone’s Conflict Minerals Report.
March 2023
– Review of Vodafone’s approach to ESG disclosures in FY23 and update
on assurance of ESG metrics, provided by Joakim Reiter, Chief External
and Corporate Affairs Officer, and the Head of Group Financial Reporting.
– Deep dive on the Digital Society purpose pillar, including a report on
progress against the KPI to support seven million SMEs to digitalise
using V-Hub.
– An update for noting on Vodafone’s performance against Planet
targets, as well as an update on Planet initiatives and increasing
external requirements in this area. This followed the Planet deep dive
the previous financial year.
Key focus for the next year
The key areas of focus for the next year:
– Continuing to review progress of ESG strategy, including performance
against targets and performance in ESG indices and rankings;
– Reviewing progress in embedding key purpose targets and practices
into Vodafone’s operations and commercial strategy;
– Reviewing Vodafone’s alignment to external ESG disclosure standards;
– Continued oversight of the ESG data management programme; and
– Deep dive into renewable energy.
Mapping of ESG topics
When establishing the ESG Committee and setting its remit, we
completed a mapping of all key ESG topics for Vodafone, to ensure
clarity on the role of the ESG Committee alongside the Board and other
relevant Committees. This is presented to the right, alongside further
details of each ESG topic.
Read more
Energy consumption and GHG emissions
Including energy sources, uses and targets
Circularity and other environmental topics
Including device and network waste, water and plastics
Environmental benefits from
products & services
Including carbon & resource efficiency enablement
Climate change risk management
Including alignment with TCFD recommendations
Health and safety
Diversity & inclusion and
employee experience
Employee rights
Including collective bargaining, grievance mechanisms,
Speak Up, Fair Pay, and labour standards
Responsible supply chain
Including labour standards and sourcing of minerals
Human and digital rights
Including privacy regulations, right to privacy and
freedom of expression, and other human rights
Socio-economic benefits from
products & services
Including digital inclusion
Read more
44 100
Read more
Mobile, masts and health
Including cyber and other security topics
Anti-bribery and corruption
Business conduct & ethics
Including taxation, business conduct and compliance
Corporate governance
Including Annual Report and Accounts, TCFD report,
Modern Slavery Statement and voluntary ESG disclosures
Audit and Risk Committee
Nominations and
Governance Committee
ESG Committee
Full Board
– Review of Vodafone’s approach to ESG disclosures in FY23 and update
on assurance of ESG metrics, provided by Joakim Reiter, Chief External
Employee rights
and Corporate Affairs Officer, and the Head of Group Financial Reporting.
Including collective bargaining, grievance mechanisms,
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Governance (continued)
Focus during the year
November 2022
– Review of the ESG reporting processes and disclosure accountabilities.
Following ExCo alignment, the discussion clarified and adjusted the
oversight for ESG disclosures between the ESG Committee, the Audit
and Risk Committee, and the Disclosure Committee.
– Review and approval of updates to the “Committee terms of reference”
to introduce new joint oversight of selected ESG matters between the
ESG Committee and the Audit and Risk Committee.
– Review of Vodafone’s approach to managing human rights, including
how Vodafone respects the rights to freedom of expression and privacy
in the context of government law enforcement assistance requests.
– Deep dive session on Vodafone’s Inclusion for All (I4A) purpose pillar,
delivered by the ExCo sponsor Serpil Timuray. During this session,
progress reports were delivered on the Inclusion for All metrics.
– The Committee also considered Vodafone’s Conflict Minerals Report.
March 2023
– Deep dive on the Digital Society purpose pillar, including a report on
progress against the KPI to support seven million SMEs to digitalise
using V-Hub.
– An update for noting on Vodafone’s performance against Planet
targets, as well as an update on Planet initiatives and increasing
external requirements in this area. This followed the Planet deep dive
the previous financial year.
Key focus for the next year
The key areas of focus for the next year:
– Continuing to review progress of ESG strategy, including performance
against targets and performance in ESG indices and rankings;
– Reviewing progress in embedding key purpose targets and practices
into Vodafone’s operations and commercial strategy;
– Reviewing Vodafone’s alignment to external ESG disclosure standards;
– Continued oversight of the ESG data management programme; and
– Deep dive into renewable energy.
Mapping of ESG topics
When establishing the ESG Committee and setting its remit, we
completed a mapping of all key ESG topics for Vodafone, to ensure
clarity on the role of the ESG Committee alongside the Board and other
relevant Committees. This is presented to the right, alongside further
details of each ESG topic.
Energy consumption and GHG emissions
Including energy sources, uses and targets
Circularity and other environmental topics
Including device and network waste, water and plastics
Environmental benefits from
products & services
Including carbon & resource efficiency enablement
Climate change risk management
Including alignment with TCFD recommendations
Health and safety
Diversity & inclusion and
employee experience
Read more
44 100
Speak Up, Fair Pay, and labour standards
Responsible supply chain
Including labour standards and sourcing of minerals
Human and digital rights
Including privacy regulations, right to privacy and
freedom of expression, and other human rights
Socio-economic benefits from
products & services
Including digital inclusion
Read more
Mobile, masts and health
Including cyber and other security topics
Anti-bribery and corruption
Business conduct & ethics
Including taxation, business conduct and compliance
Corporate governance
Including Annual Report and Accounts, TCFD report,
Modern Slavery Statement and voluntary ESG disclosures
Audit and Risk Committee
ESG Committee
Full Board
Nominations and
Governance Committee
Strategic report
Other information
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
The ESG Committee met twice during the year ended 31 March 2023.
The following provides a summary of the topics covered.
Read more
Remuneration Committee
Letter from the Remuneration
Committee Chair
On behalf of the Board, I present our 2023
Directors’ Remuneration Report.
This report includes both our proposed Policy Report (which will be
submitted for shareholder approval at the 2023 AGM), and our 2023
Annual Report on Remuneration, which sets out how our current policy
was implemented during the year under review, and how, subject to its
approval, our revised policy will be applied for the year ahead.
Remuneration Policy review
Our current Policy Report was approved at the July 2020 AGM, with a
vote in favour of over 96%. Following the policy entering its third year of
operation without amendment, the Committee has been reviewing our
remuneration structures ahead of the regulatory requirement for a new
policy to be submitted to shareholders at the 2023 AGM.
The Committee is clear that consistency and flexibility should be
maintained within the new policy and in the event material revisions are
required before the end of its three-year regulatory lifecycle then the
Committee will re-engage with shareholders.
Following its review of the current arrangements, which the Committee is
satisfied remain appropriate and operating as intended, and having made
a significant number of best practice changes when the policy was last
renewed, the Committee is not proposing to make any material changes
at this time.
Instead, some refinements to our framework and the implementation
of our structures are proposed. These include the review of our
short-term incentive to more fully support our priorities of Growth and
Customers (further details of which are provided later in this letter under
‘Arrangements for 2024’). The Committee is also strengthening our
clawback policy with the current list of trigger events expanded to
include a breach of an executive’s restrictive or confidentiality covenants,
reflecting the importance in our industry of retaining and protecting key
talent and intellectual property. Clawback time frames are also being
revised to ensure compliance with the recently announced SEC
requirements, the vast majority of which our current arrangements
already complied with.
The implementation of our long-term incentive plan is subject to the
Global Incentive Plan Rules which were last approved by shareholders at
the 2014 AGM. In line with UK regulations, the Rules need to be approved
by shareholders at least every 10 years and will be submitted for approval
at the 2023 AGM. The Committee, with its external legal advisers, has
reviewed the Rules to ensure they reflect latest market practice.
Engagement during the year
Shareholder feedback has always played a vital role in the development
of our executive remuneration policy and this is reflected in this year’s
shareholder consultation. As part of this engagement the Committee
contacted shareholders with a combined holding of c.50% in Vodafone
Group Plc. We also actively engaged with a variety of investor bodies and
proxy agencies before finalising the Policy Report which will be submitted
for approval at the 2023 AGM. I would like to thank all stakeholders that
engaged in this year’s review.
In terms of engaging the employee voice, as Workforce Engagement
Lead, I attended meetings with both our European and African forums,
with feedback and comments from the meetings subsequently
presented back directly to the Board. The key topics raised by employee
representatives this year focused on the cost of living support being
provided, progress against our Race, Ethnicity and Cultural Heritage
targets, internal talent development, and our wider business performance.
I would like to thank the representatives from both forums for inviting
me and for contributing to the discussions.
Click or scan to watch the Senior Independent Director
and Chair of the Remuneration Committee explain her
When looking at the feedback from these forums and our other
channels of engagement it is evident that our colleagues value the
open and regular updates the business has given throughout the year,
and the Board will ensure these continue in the year ahead.
Read more about our stakeholder engagement activities
on pages 10 to 12 of this Annual Report
Fair pay
It is recognised that rising inflation levels and the subsequent cost of
living crisis have impacted colleagues across a number of our markets
this year. To help alleviate the impact of these pressures, targeted support
was provided in locations including the UK, Turkey and Egypt. Such
measures included additional or accelerated salary reviews, the provision
of extra cash allowances, and the careful consideration of wider market
conditions when setting salary budgets for the 2023 review.
When making decisions on executive remuneration the Committee
considers pay in the wider context including arrangements elsewhere
in the business, our fair pay principles and stakeholder considerations.
Read more
on page 100
Arrangements for 2024
Base salary and pension arrangements
Following her appointment to the position of Group Chief Executive,
Margherita Della Valle’s salary was set at £1,250,000. The Committee
decided the new salary was appropriate when compared against the
external market, was fair from a gender pay perspective given its long
standing work on fair pay, as referenced above, and reflected both the
responsibilities and demands of the role.
During the year no additional salary payment or allowance has been
made to Margherita Della Valle in respect of her carrying out the dual
roles of Group Chief Executive and Group Chief Financial Officer. This will
remain the approach going forward, and it is intended that Margherita will
continue with her dual responsibilities until the search for a new Group
Chief Financial Officer is complete.
Pension arrangements for Executive Directors will continue to remain
aligned with the wider UK workforce at 10% of base salary.
Annual bonus (‘GSTIP’)
In recent years the performance measures have normally been equally
weighted across service revenue, adjusted free cash flow, adjusted EBIT,
and customer appreciation. The Committee adjusted these weightings
ahead of the start of the FY24 plan to ensure performance against the
strategic priorities of Growth and Customers is fully incentivised.
For the 2024 plan, measures under the annual bonus will be:
– Growth (70%): service revenue (20%), adjusted EBIT (20%), adjusted
free cash flow (20%) and revenue market share (10%).
– Customers (30%): Net Promoter Score (20%), and churn (10%).
Global long-term incentive (‘GLTI’)
Following a comprehensive review of the GLTI structure the Committee
determined that this will remain unchanged for 2024. The measures
under the long-term incentive will continue to be weighted at 60%
adjusted free cash flow, 30% relative TSR and 10% ESG.
Read more
on pages 104 and 105
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
Remuneration Committee (continued)
Performance outcomes during 2023
GSTIP performance (1 April 2022 – 31 March 2023)
Annual bonus performance during the year was measured against
both financial and strategic measures. The four measures were equally
weighted at 25% each, with financial metrics constituting service revenue,
adjusted EBIT and adjusted free cash flow whilst the strategic measure
was linked to customer appreciation KPIs. These KPIs covered metrics
including churn, revenue market share, and Net Promoter Score.
Performance under the service revenue, free cash flow and customer
appreciation measures was above the mid-point of the target range whilst
performance against EBIT was below the mid-point. The combined
performance resulted in an overall bonus payout of 55.8% of maximum.
Read more
on pages 94 and 95
GLTI performance (1 April 2020 – 31 March 2023)
The 2021 GLTI award (granted November 2020) was subject to adjusted
free cash flow (60% of total award), relative TSR (30% of total award),
and ESG (10% of total award) performance. All performance conditions
were measured over the three-year period ending 31 March 2023.
Final adjusted FCF performance finished above the mid-point of the range
resulting in 72.7% of the adjusted FCF element vesting. Relative TSR
performance was below the median of the peer group resulting in no
vesting under this measure. ESG performance was assessed against three
metrics and vested at 95.3%. This resulted in an overall vesting percentage
for the 2021 GLTI of 53.2% of maximum.
Consideration of discretion
The Committee reviewed the appropriateness of the outcomes of
both the annual bonus and long-term incentive plan in light of both
the relevant performance targets and wider internal and external
considerations across the respective measurement periods. Outcomes
were reviewed against the wider employee experience during the
periods under review with the Committee noting the steps taken in
markets to help employees with the cost of living. The Committee also
acknowledged that no windfall gains had occurred under the long-term
incentive plan. It was agreed that the outcomes were appropriate and that
no adjustments were required.
Looking forward
Following the conclusion of the 2023 AGM I will be stepping down as Chair
of the Remuneration Committee. Amparo Moraleda will be appointed
as Chair of the Committee and Dame Clara Furse will be stepping down
as a member of the Committee with effect from the same date.
The rest of this report sets out both our proposed Policy Report, as will
be submitted at the 2023 AGM, and our Annual Report on Remuneration,
which sets out the decisions and outcomes summarised in this letter
in further detail.
Valerie Gooding
Chair of the Remuneration Committee
16 May 2023
Read more
on pages 95 and 96
Remuneration at a glance
2023 (year ending 31 March 2023)
2024 (year ending 31 March 2024)
Fixed pay
Base salary
Annual bonus
Effective 1 July 2022:
Chief Executive: £1,081,500.
Chief Financial Officer: £721,000.
Effective 27 April 2023:
Group Chief Executive and Chief Financial Officer:
Effective 1 January 2023:
Group Chief Executive on an interim basis and Chief Financial
Officer: £1,081,500.
Travel related benefits and private medical cover.
Travel related benefits and private medical cover.
Pension contribution of 10% of salary.
Pension contribution of 10% of salary.
Opportunity (% of salary):
Target: 100%/Maximum: 200%
Opportunity (% of salary):
Target: 100%/Maximum: 200%
Service revenue (25%), adjusted EBIT (25%), adjusted FCF
(25%), and customer appreciation KPIs (25%).
Service revenue (20%), adjusted EBIT (20%), adjusted FCF
(20%), revenue market share (10%), Net Promoter Score
(20%), and churn (10%).
Long-term incentive
Opportunity (% of salary – maximum):
Chief Executive: 500%/Other Executive Directors: 450%
Opportunity (% of salary – maximum):
Chief Executive: 500%/Other Executive Directors: 450%
Adjusted free cash flow (60%), relative TSR (30%),
and ESG (10%).
Adjusted free cash flow (60%), relative TSR (30%),
and ESG (10%).
Performance/holding periods:
Three-year performance + two-year holding period.
Performance/holding periods:
Three-year performance + two-year holding period.
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Remuneration Committee (continued)
Strategic report
Other information
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Remuneration Policy
Strategic report
Other information
Performance outcomes during 2023
GSTIP performance (1 April 2022 – 31 March 2023)
Annual bonus performance during the year was measured against
both financial and strategic measures. The four measures were equally
weighted at 25% each, with financial metrics constituting service revenue,
adjusted EBIT and adjusted free cash flow whilst the strategic measure
was linked to customer appreciation KPIs. These KPIs covered metrics
including churn, revenue market share, and Net Promoter Score.
Performance under the service revenue, free cash flow and customer
appreciation measures was above the mid-point of the target range whilst
performance against EBIT was below the mid-point. The combined
performance resulted in an overall bonus payout of 55.8% of maximum.
Read more
on pages 94 and 95
GLTI performance (1 April 2020 – 31 March 2023)
The 2021 GLTI award (granted November 2020) was subject to adjusted
free cash flow (60% of total award), relative TSR (30% of total award),
and ESG (10% of total award) performance. All performance conditions
were measured over the three-year period ending 31 March 2023.
Final adjusted FCF performance finished above the mid-point of the range
resulting in 72.7% of the adjusted FCF element vesting. Relative TSR
performance was below the median of the peer group resulting in no
vesting under this measure. ESG performance was assessed against three
Consideration of discretion
The Committee reviewed the appropriateness of the outcomes of
both the annual bonus and long-term incentive plan in light of both
the relevant performance targets and wider internal and external
considerations across the respective measurement periods. Outcomes
were reviewed against the wider employee experience during the
periods under review with the Committee noting the steps taken in
markets to help employees with the cost of living. The Committee also
acknowledged that no windfall gains had occurred under the long-term
incentive plan. It was agreed that the outcomes were appropriate and that
no adjustments were required.
Looking forward
Following the conclusion of the 2023 AGM I will be stepping down as Chair
of the Remuneration Committee. Amparo Moraleda will be appointed
as Chair of the Committee and Dame Clara Furse will be stepping down
as a member of the Committee with effect from the same date.
The rest of this report sets out both our proposed Policy Report, as will
be submitted at the 2023 AGM, and our Annual Report on Remuneration,
which sets out the decisions and outcomes summarised in this letter
in further detail.
Valerie Gooding
Chair of the Remuneration Committee
metrics and vested at 95.3%. This resulted in an overall vesting percentage
16 May 2023
for the 2021 GLTI of 53.2% of maximum.
Read more
on pages 95 and 96
Remuneration at a glance
Fixed pay
Base salary
2023 (year ending 31 March 2023)
2024 (year ending 31 March 2024)
Effective 1 July 2022:
Chief Executive: £1,081,500.
Chief Financial Officer: £721,000.
Effective 1 January 2023:
Group Chief Executive on an interim basis and Chief Financial
Officer: £1,081,500.
Effective 27 April 2023:
Group Chief Executive and Chief Financial Officer:
Travel related benefits and private medical cover.
Travel related benefits and private medical cover.
Pension contribution of 10% of salary.
Pension contribution of 10% of salary.
Annual bonus
Opportunity (% of salary):
Target: 100%/Maximum: 200%
Opportunity (% of salary):
Target: 100%/Maximum: 200%
(20%), and churn (10%).
Service revenue (25%), adjusted EBIT (25%), adjusted FCF
Service revenue (20%), adjusted EBIT (20%), adjusted FCF
(25%), and customer appreciation KPIs (25%).
(20%), revenue market share (10%), Net Promoter Score
Long-term incentive
Opportunity (% of salary – maximum):
Opportunity (% of salary – maximum):
Chief Executive: 500%/Other Executive Directors: 450%
Chief Executive: 500%/Other Executive Directors: 450%
and ESG (10%).
and ESG (10%).
Adjusted free cash flow (60%), relative TSR (30%),
Adjusted free cash flow (60%), relative TSR (30%),
Performance/holding periods:
Performance/holding periods:
Three-year performance + two-year holding period.
Three-year performance + two-year holding period.
Remuneration Policy
In this forward-looking section we describe our Remuneration Policy for the Board. This includes our considerations when determining policy,
a description of the elements of the reward package, including an indication of the potential future value of this package for the Executive Directors,
and the policy applied to the Chair and Non-Executive Directors.
We will be seeking shareholder approval for our Remuneration Policy at the 2023 Annual General Meeting (‘AGM’) and we intend to implement it at that
point. A summary and explanation of the proposed changes to the current Remuneration Policy is provided on page 85. The proposed Remuneration
Policy submitted for shareholders’ approval at the 2023 AGM does not differ substantively from the Remuneration Policy approved by shareholders in
2020 except for changes made to align the terms of the Remuneration Policy with the drafting of the rules of the new Global Incentive Plan 2023, which
is also being submitted for shareholders’ approval at the 2023 AGM. Subject to approval, we will review our Remuneration Policy each year to ensure that
it continues to support our Company strategy and, if it is necessary to make a change to our Remuneration Policy within the next three years, we will seek
prior shareholder approval for the change.
Considerations when determining our Remuneration Policy
To avoid conflicts of interest, the Remuneration Committee is entirely comprised of Non-Executive Directors (who are not eligible to participate in the
Company’s annual bonus or long-term incentive arrangements) and the Remuneration Committee ensures that individuals are not present when the
Remuneration Committee discusses their own remuneration. A critical consideration for the Remuneration Committee when determining our
Remuneration Policy is to ensure that it supports our Company purpose, strategy, and business objectives.
A variety of stakeholder views are taken into account when determining executive pay, including those of our shareholders, colleagues, and external
bodies. Further details of how we engage with, and consider the views of, each of these stakeholders are set out on page 100.
In advance of submitting our Remuneration Policy for shareholder approval we ran a thorough consultation exercise with our major shareholders.
We invited our top 25 shareholders (constituting a combined holding of c.50% of our issued share capital at the time of engagement) and a number of
key governance stakeholders to comment on remuneration at Vodafone and to provide feedback on the proposed changes to the current Remuneration
Policy which was approved at the 2020 AGM. A number of meetings between shareholders and the Remuneration Committee Chair took place during
this consultation period.
Listening to and consulting with our employees is very important and the Remuneration Committee is supportive of the activities undertaken to engage
the employee voice. Our engagement with employees can take different forms in different markets but includes a variety of channels and approaches
including our annual people survey which attracts very high levels of participation and engagement, regular business leader Q&A sessions, and a number
of internal digital communication platforms.
Our Workforce Engagement Lead also undertakes an annual attendance at our European employee forum, and a similar body which covers our African
markets, with any questions or concerns raised by the employee representatives presented directly to the Board for consideration and discussion.
Any actions taken by the Board are then fed back to these forums to ensure a two-way dialogue.
Whilst we do not formally consult directly with employees on the Remuneration Policy nor is any fixed remuneration comparison measurement used
when determining the Remuneration Policy for Executive Directors, the Remuneration Committee is briefed on pay and employment conditions of
employees in the Vodafone Group, with particular reference to the market in which the executive is based. The Company operates Sharesave, a UK
all-employee share plan, as well as other discretionary share-based incentive arrangements, which means that the wider workforce have the opportunity
to become shareholders in the Company and be able to vote on the Remuneration Policy in the same way as other shareholders. Further information
on our approach to remuneration for other employees is given on page 90.
Performance measures and targets
Our Company strategy and business objectives are the primary consideration when we are selecting performance measures for our incentive plans.
The targets within our incentive plans that are related to internal financial measures (such as revenue, profit and cash flow) are typically determined based
on our budgets. Targets for strategic and external measures (such as customer-focused metrics, ESG measures, and total shareholder return (‘TSR’)) are
set based on Company objectives and in light of the competitive marketplace. The threshold and maximum levels of performance are set to reflect
minimum acceptable levels at threshold and very stretching levels at maximum.
As in previous Remuneration Reports, we will disclose the details of our performance metrics for our short- and long-term incentive plans. However,
our annual bonus targets are commercially sensitive and therefore we will only disclose our targets in the Remuneration Report following the completion
of the financial year. We will normally disclose the targets for each long-term award in the Remuneration Report for the financial year preceding the start
of the performance period.
At the end of each performance period we review performance against the targets, using judgement to account for items such as (but not limited to)
mergers, acquisitions, disposals, foreign exchange rate movements, changes in accounting treatment, material one-off tax settlements etc.
The application of judgement is important to ensure that the final assessments of performance are fair and appropriate.
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
Remuneration Policy (continued)
Malus and clawback
The Remuneration Committee reviews the incentive plan results before any payments are made to executives or any shares vest and has full discretion
to adjust the final payment or vesting if they believe circumstances warrant it. In particular, the Remuneration Committee has the discretion to use either
malus or clawback as it sees appropriate. In the case of malus, the award may lapse wholly or in part, may vest to a lesser extent than it would otherwise
have vested or vesting may be delayed.
In the case of clawback, the Remuneration Committee may recover bonus amounts that have been paid up to three years after the relevant payment
date, or recover share awards that have vested up to five years after the relevant grant date. In line with best practice guidance, the key trigger events
for the use of the clawback arrangements include material misstatement of results, material miscalculation of performance condition outcomes, the
Executive Director’s gross misconduct, or breach of their restrictive covenants, the Executive Director causing a material financial loss to the Group as
a result of reckless or negligent conduct or inappropriate values or behaviour, corporate failure or serious reputational damage.
Subject to approval of this Remuneration Policy, these arrangements will be applicable to all bonus amounts paid, or share awards granted, following the
2023 AGM. The current clawback arrangements, which are set out in the Remuneration Policy approved by shareholders at the 2020 AGM, have been
applicable to all bonus amounts paid, or share awards granted, since the 2020 AGM.
The Remuneration Policy table
The table below summarises the main components of the reward package for Executive Directors.
Fixed pay: Base salary
Purpose and link
to strategy
To attract and retain the best talent
Salaries are usually reviewed annually and fixed for 12 months commencing 1 July. Decisions are influenced by:
– the level of skill, experience and scope of responsibilities;
– business performance, scarcity of talent, economic climate and market conditions;
– increases elsewhere within the Group; and
– external comparator groups (which are used for reference purposes only) made up of companies of similar size
and complexity to Vodafone.
Average salary increases for existing Executive Committee members (including Executive Directors) will not normally exceed
average increases for employees in other appropriate parts of the Group. Increases above this level may be made in specific
situations. These situations could include (but are not limited to) internal promotions, changes to role, material changes to the
business and exceptional Company performance.
Performance metrics
Fixed pay: Pension
Purpose and link
to strategy
To remain competitive within the marketplace
– Executive Directors may choose to participate in the defined contribution pension scheme or to receive a cash allowance
in lieu of pension.
– The pension contribution or cash payment is equal to the maximum employer contribution available to our UK employees
under our Defined Contribution scheme (currently 10% of annual gross salary).
Performance metrics
Fixed pay: Benefits
Purpose and link
to strategy
To aid retention and remain competitive within the marketplace
– Travel-related benefits. These may include (but are not limited to) a company car or cash allowance, fuel and access to
a driver where appropriate.
– Private medical, death and disability insurance and annual health checks for the Executive Directors and their families.
– In the event that we ask an individual to relocate we would offer them support in line with Vodafone’s relocation and
international assignment policies. This may cover (but is not limited to) relocation, cost of living allowance, housing,
home leave, education support, and tax equalisation and advice.
– Legal and tax support fees if appropriate.
– Other benefits are also offered in line with the benefits offered to other employees, for example, our all-employee share
plan, mobile phone discounts, maternity/paternity benefits, sick leave, paid holiday etc.
– Benefits will be provided in line with appropriate levels indicated by local market practice in the country of employment,
though no monetary maximum has been set.
– We expect to maintain benefits at the current level but the value of any benefit may fluctuate depending on, amongst other
things, personal situation, insurance premiums and other external factors.
Performance metrics
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Remuneration Policy (continued)
Strategic report
Other information
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
Malus and clawback
The Remuneration Committee reviews the incentive plan results before any payments are made to executives or any shares vest and has full discretion
to adjust the final payment or vesting if they believe circumstances warrant it. In particular, the Remuneration Committee has the discretion to use either
malus or clawback as it sees appropriate. In the case of malus, the award may lapse wholly or in part, may vest to a lesser extent than it would otherwise
have vested or vesting may be delayed.
In the case of clawback, the Remuneration Committee may recover bonus amounts that have been paid up to three years after the relevant payment
date, or recover share awards that have vested up to five years after the relevant grant date. In line with best practice guidance, the key trigger events
for the use of the clawback arrangements include material misstatement of results, material miscalculation of performance condition outcomes, the
Executive Director’s gross misconduct, or breach of their restrictive covenants, the Executive Director causing a material financial loss to the Group as
a result of reckless or negligent conduct or inappropriate values or behaviour, corporate failure or serious reputational damage.
Subject to approval of this Remuneration Policy, these arrangements will be applicable to all bonus amounts paid, or share awards granted, following the
2023 AGM. The current clawback arrangements, which are set out in the Remuneration Policy approved by shareholders at the 2020 AGM, have been
applicable to all bonus amounts paid, or share awards granted, since the 2020 AGM.
The Remuneration Policy table
The table below summarises the main components of the reward package for Executive Directors.
Purpose and link
To attract and retain the best talent
Fixed pay: Base salary
to strategy
Salaries are usually reviewed annually and fixed for 12 months commencing 1 July. Decisions are influenced by:
– the level of skill, experience and scope of responsibilities;
– business performance, scarcity of talent, economic climate and market conditions;
– increases elsewhere within the Group; and
– external comparator groups (which are used for reference purposes only) made up of companies of similar size
and complexity to Vodafone.
Average salary increases for existing Executive Committee members (including Executive Directors) will not normally exceed
average increases for employees in other appropriate parts of the Group. Increases above this level may be made in specific
situations. These situations could include (but are not limited to) internal promotions, changes to role, material changes to the
business and exceptional Company performance.
Performance metrics
Fixed pay: Pension
Purpose and link
To remain competitive within the marketplace
– Executive Directors may choose to participate in the defined contribution pension scheme or to receive a cash allowance
in lieu of pension.
– The pension contribution or cash payment is equal to the maximum employer contribution available to our UK employees
under our Defined Contribution scheme (currently 10% of annual gross salary).
Purpose and link
To aid retention and remain competitive within the marketplace
– Travel-related benefits. These may include (but are not limited to) a company car or cash allowance, fuel and access to
a driver where appropriate.
– Private medical, death and disability insurance and annual health checks for the Executive Directors and their families.
– In the event that we ask an individual to relocate we would offer them support in line with Vodafone’s relocation and
international assignment policies. This may cover (but is not limited to) relocation, cost of living allowance, housing,
home leave, education support, and tax equalisation and advice.
– Legal and tax support fees if appropriate.
– Other benefits are also offered in line with the benefits offered to other employees, for example, our all-employee share
plan, mobile phone discounts, maternity/paternity benefits, sick leave, paid holiday etc.
– Benefits will be provided in line with appropriate levels indicated by local market practice in the country of employment,
though no monetary maximum has been set.
– We expect to maintain benefits at the current level but the value of any benefit may fluctuate depending on, amongst other
things, personal situation, insurance premiums and other external factors.
Performance metrics
to strategy
to strategy
Performance metrics
Fixed pay: Benefits
Annual bonus – Global Short-Term Incentive Plan (‘GSTIP’)
Purpose and link
to strategy
To drive behaviour and communicate the key priorities for the year.
To motivate employees and incentivise delivery of performance over the one-year operating cycle.
The financial metrics drive our growth strategies whilst also focusing on improving operating efficiencies.
The strategic measures aim to ensure a great customer experience remains at the heart of what we do.
– Bonus levels and the appropriateness of measures and weightings are reviewed annually to ensure they continue
to support our strategy.
– Performance over the financial year is measured against stretching financial and non-financial performance targets set
at the start of the financial year.
– The annual bonus is usually paid in cash in June each year for performance over the previous year. A mandatory deferral
of 25% of post-tax bonus earned into shares for two years will normally apply except where an Executive Director has met
or exceeded their share ownership requirement. The Remuneration Committee retains the discretion to adjust the size of
the bonus based on the achievement of the relevant performance conditions to reflect the Company’s and the Executive
Director’s underlying performance and any other factors the Remuneration Committee considers appropriate.
– Bonuses can range from 0 to 200% of base salary, with 100% paid for on-target performance.
Performance metrics
– Performance over each financial year is measured against stretching targets set at the beginning of the year.
– The performance measures normally comprise a mix of financial and strategic measures. Financial measures may include
(but are not limited to) profit, revenue and cash flow with a weighting of no less than 50%. Strategic measures may include
(but are not limited to) customer appreciation KPIs such as churn, revenue market share, and NPS.
Long-term incentive – Global Long-Term Incentive Plan (‘GLTI’)
Purpose and link
to strategy
To motivate and incentivise delivery of sustained performance over the long term.
To support and encourage greater shareholder alignment through a high level of personal share ownership.
The use of free cash flow as the principal performance measure ensures we apply prudent cash management and
rigorous capital discipline to our investment decisions.
The use of TSR along with a performance period of not less than three years means that we are focused on the
long-term interests of our shareholders.
The use of ESG metrics reflects the importance of our performance and progress against our long-term ambitions
in this area.
– Award levels and the framework for determining vesting are reviewed annually.
– Long-term incentive awards consist of awards of shares subject to performance conditions which are granted in respect
of any financial year.
– Awards will vest based on Group performance against the performance metrics set out below, measured over a period of
normally not less than three years. In exceptional circumstances, such as but not limited to where a delay to the grant date
is required, the Remuneration Committee may set a vesting period of less than three years, although awards will continue
to be subject to a performance period of at least three years.
– Awards may be subject to a mandatory two-year post-vesting holding period before the underlying shares can be sold.
– Dividend equivalents are paid in cash and/or shares by reference to the vesting period (and holding period, if applicable) in
respect of shares that vest.
– Maximum long-term incentive face value at award of 500% of base salary for the Chief Executive and 450% for other
Performance metrics
Executive Directors in respect of any financial year.
– Threshold long-term incentive face value at award is 20% of maximum opportunity. Minimum vesting is 0% of maximum
opportunity. Awards vest on a straight-line basis between threshold and maximum.
– The Remuneration Committee retains the discretion to adjust the extent to which an award vests based on the
achievement of the relevant performance conditions and to reflect the Company’s and Executive Director’s underlying
performance and any other factors the Remuneration Committee considers appropriate. In addition, the Remuneration
Committee has the discretion to reduce long-term incentive grant levels for Executive Directors who have neither met their
shareholding guideline nor increased their shareholding by 100% of salary during the year.
– Performance is measured against stretching targets set at the time of grant.
– Vesting is determined based on the following measures: adjusted free cash flow as our operational performance measure,
relative TSR against a peer group of companies as our external performance measure, and ESG as a measure of our external
impact and commitment to our purpose.
– Weightings will be determined each year and will normally constitute 60% on adjusted free cash flow, 30% on relative total
shareholder return, and 10% on ESG. The Remuneration Committee will determine the actual weighting of an award prior
to grant, taking into account all relevant information.
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
Remuneration Policy (continued)
Notes to the Remuneration Policy table
Existing arrangements
We will honour existing awards, incentives, benefits and contractual arrangements made to individuals prior to their promotion to the Board and/or prior
to the approval and implementation of this Remuneration Policy. For the avoidance of doubt this includes payments in respect of any award granted under
any previous Remuneration Policy. This will last until the existing incentives vest (or lapse) or the benefits or contractual arrangements no longer apply.
Long-term incentive (‘GLTI’)
When referring to our long-term incentive awards we use the financial year end in which the award was made. For example, the “2023 award” was made
in the financial year ending 31 March 2023. The awards are usually made in the first half of the financial year.
The extent to which awards vest depends on three performance conditions:
– underlying operational performance as measured by adjusted free cash flow;
– relative Total Shareholder Return (‘TSR’) against a peer group median; and
– performance against our Environmental, Social, and Governance (‘ESG’) targets.
Further details of these performance conditions are set out below. The Remuneration Committee reserves the right during the lifetime of the
Remuneration Policy to change the performance conditions applicable to GLTI awards to other financial, shareholder return and strategic metrics, if the
Remuneration Committee determines that to do so would be in the best interests of the Company. However, in such circumstances, the majority of the
GLTI awards would continue to remain subject to financial performance targets. The Remuneration Committee would engage with major shareholders
prior to changing the performance conditions applicable to GLTI awards in this way.
Adjusted free cash flow
The free cash flow performance is based on the cumulative adjusted free cash flow figure over the performance period. The detailed targets and
the definition of adjusted free cash flow are determined each year as appropriate. The target adjusted free cash flow level is set by reference to our
long-range plan and market expectations. The Remuneration Committee sets these targets to be sufficiently demanding and with significant stretch.
The cumulative adjusted free cash flow vesting levels as a percentage of the award subject to this performance element are shown in the table below
(with linear interpolation between points):
Below threshold
Vesting percentage
(% of FCF element)
Relative TSR
We have a limited number of appropriate peers and this makes the measurement of a relative ranking system volatile. As such, the outperformance of the
median of a peer group is felt to be the most appropriate TSR measure. The peer group and outperformance range for the performance condition are
reviewed each year and amended as appropriate.
The TSR vesting levels as a percentage of the award subject to this performance element are shown in the table below (with linear interpolation between
Below threshold
Threshold (median)
Maximum (outperformance of median as determined per award)
Vesting percentage
(% of TSR element)
In order to determine the percentages for the equivalent outperformance levels above median, the Remuneration Committee seeks independent
external advice.
ESG performance
Our ESG targets are set on an annual basis (in accordance with our approach for our other performance measures) and are aligned to our externally
communicated ambitions in this area. Where performance is below the agreed ambition, the Remuneration Committee will use its discretion to assess
vesting based on performance against the stated ambition and any other relevant information.
Remuneration policy for other employees
While our remuneration policy follows the same fundamental principles across the Group, packages offered to employees reflect differences in
market practice in the different countries, role and seniority.
For example, the remuneration package elements for our Executive Committee are essentially the same as for the Executive Directors with some minor
differences, for example smaller levels of share awards and local variances where appropriate. The remuneration for the next level of management, our
Senior Leadership Team, again follows the same principles with local and/or individual performance aspects in the annual bonus targets and GLTI awards.
They also receive lower levels of share awards which are partly delivered in conditional share awards without performance conditions.
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Remuneration Policy (continued)
Strategic report
Other information
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
Notes to the Remuneration Policy table
Existing arrangements
We will honour existing awards, incentives, benefits and contractual arrangements made to individuals prior to their promotion to the Board and/or prior
to the approval and implementation of this Remuneration Policy. For the avoidance of doubt this includes payments in respect of any award granted under
any previous Remuneration Policy. This will last until the existing incentives vest (or lapse) or the benefits or contractual arrangements no longer apply.
Long-term incentive (‘GLTI’)
When referring to our long-term incentive awards we use the financial year end in which the award was made. For example, the “2023 award” was made
in the financial year ending 31 March 2023. The awards are usually made in the first half of the financial year.
The extent to which awards vest depends on three performance conditions:
– underlying operational performance as measured by adjusted free cash flow;
– relative Total Shareholder Return (‘TSR’) against a peer group median; and
– performance against our Environmental, Social, and Governance (‘ESG’) targets.
Further details of these performance conditions are set out below. The Remuneration Committee reserves the right during the lifetime of the
Remuneration Policy to change the performance conditions applicable to GLTI awards to other financial, shareholder return and strategic metrics, if the
Remuneration Committee determines that to do so would be in the best interests of the Company. However, in such circumstances, the majority of the
GLTI awards would continue to remain subject to financial performance targets. The Remuneration Committee would engage with major shareholders
prior to changing the performance conditions applicable to GLTI awards in this way.
Adjusted free cash flow
The free cash flow performance is based on the cumulative adjusted free cash flow figure over the performance period. The detailed targets and
the definition of adjusted free cash flow are determined each year as appropriate. The target adjusted free cash flow level is set by reference to our
long-range plan and market expectations. The Remuneration Committee sets these targets to be sufficiently demanding and with significant stretch.
The cumulative adjusted free cash flow vesting levels as a percentage of the award subject to this performance element are shown in the table below
(with linear interpolation between points):
Vesting percentage
(% of FCF element)
Vesting percentage
(% of TSR element)
Below threshold
Relative TSR
Below threshold
Threshold (median)
external advice.
ESG performance
We have a limited number of appropriate peers and this makes the measurement of a relative ranking system volatile. As such, the outperformance of the
median of a peer group is felt to be the most appropriate TSR measure. The peer group and outperformance range for the performance condition are
reviewed each year and amended as appropriate.
The TSR vesting levels as a percentage of the award subject to this performance element are shown in the table below (with linear interpolation between
Maximum (outperformance of median as determined per award)
In order to determine the percentages for the equivalent outperformance levels above median, the Remuneration Committee seeks independent
Our ESG targets are set on an annual basis (in accordance with our approach for our other performance measures) and are aligned to our externally
communicated ambitions in this area. Where performance is below the agreed ambition, the Remuneration Committee will use its discretion to assess
vesting based on performance against the stated ambition and any other relevant information.
Remuneration policy for other employees
market practice in the different countries, role and seniority.
While our remuneration policy follows the same fundamental principles across the Group, packages offered to employees reflect differences in
For example, the remuneration package elements for our Executive Committee are essentially the same as for the Executive Directors with some minor
differences, for example smaller levels of share awards and local variances where appropriate. The remuneration for the next level of management, our
Senior Leadership Team, again follows the same principles with local and/or individual performance aspects in the annual bonus targets and GLTI awards.
They also receive lower levels of share awards which are partly delivered in conditional share awards without performance conditions.
Estimates of total future potential remuneration from 2024 pay packages
The tables below provide estimates of the potential future remuneration for Executive Directors based on the remuneration opportunity to be granted in
the 2024 financial year. Potential outcomes based on different performance scenarios are provided in accordance with the relevant regulatory requirements.
The assumptions underlying each scenario are described below.
Consists of base salary, benefits and pension.
Base salary is at 1 July 2023.
Benefits are valued using the figures in the total remuneration for the 2023 financial year table on page 94 (of the 2023 annual report).
Pensions are valued by applying cash allowance rate of 10% of base salary at 1 July 2023.
Group Chief Executive
and Chief Financial Officer
Total fixed
Based on what a Director would receive if performance was in line with the Company’s business plan.
The opportunity for the annual bonus (‘GSTIP’) is 100% of base salary under this scenario.
The opportunity for the long-term incentive (‘GLTI’) reflects assumed achievement mid-way between threshold and
maximum performance.
The maximum award opportunity for the GSTIP is 200% of base salary.
All scenarios
The maximum GLTI opportunity reflects full vesting based on the maximum award levels set out in this Remuneration Policy
(i.e. 500% of base salary for the Chief Executive and 450% of base salary for the Chief Financial Officer).
The same assumptions apply as for ‘Maximum’ but with a 50% uplift in the value of the GLTI award.
Long-term incentives consist of share awards only which are measured at face value, i.e. no assumption is made for dividend
equivalents which may be payable.
Margherita Della Valle
Group Chief Executive and Chief Financial Officer
(assuming 50%
share price growth)
Salary, Benefits, and Pension
Annual Bonus
Long-Term Incentive
Recruitment remuneration
Our approach to recruitment remuneration is to pay no more than is necessary and appropriate to attract the right talent to the role.
The Remuneration Policy table (pages 88 and 89) sets out the various components which would be considered for inclusion in the remuneration package
for the appointment of an Executive Director. Any new Director’s remuneration package will take into account the elements and constraints of those of
the existing Directors performing similar roles and the individual circumstances of the new Director. This means a potential maximum bonus opportunity
of 200% of base salary and long-term incentive maximum face value of opportunity at award of 500% of base salary.
When considering the remuneration arrangements of individuals recruited from external roles to the Board, we will take into account the remuneration
package of that individual in their prior role. We only provide additional compensation to individuals for awards forgone. If necessary we will seek to
replicate, as far as practicable, the level and timing of such remuneration, taking into account also any remaining performance requirements applying to it.
This will be achieved by granting awards of cash or shares that vest over a timeframe similar to those forfeited and, if appropriate, based on performance
conditions. A commensurate reduction in quantum will be applied where it is determined that the new awards are either not subject to performance
conditions or subject to performance conditions that are not as stretching as those of the awards forfeited. Where it is not practicable to grant these
‘buy-out’ awards using the GLTI rules submitted to shareholders at the 2023 AGM, the Company may grant these awards using bespoke arrangements.
Service contracts of Executive Directors
Executive Directors’ contracts have rolling terms and can be terminated with no more than 12 months’ notice.
The key elements of the service contract for Executive Directors relate to remuneration, payments on loss of office (see next page), and restrictions during
active employment (and for 12 months thereafter). These restrictions include non-competition and non-solicitation of customers and employees.
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
Remuneration Policy (continued)
Treatment of corporate events
All of the Company’s share plans contain provisions relating to a change of control of the Company. Outstanding awards and options would normally vest
and become exercisable on a change of control taking into account, in respect of GLTI awards, the extent to which, in the Remuneration Committee’s
opinion, any relevant performance conditions are satisfied, the Company’s and the Executive Director’s performance, any other relevant factors and,
unless the Remuneration Committee determines otherwise, the proportion of the vesting period that has elapsed.
In the event of a demerger, distribution (other than an ordinary dividend) or other transaction which would affect the current or future value of any award,
the Remuneration Committee may allow awards to vest on the same basis as for a change of control described above. Alternatively, an adjustment may
be made to the number of shares if considered appropriate.
Payments for departing Executive Directors
In the table below we summarise the key elements of our Remuneration Policy on payments for loss of office. We will always comply both with the relevant plan
rules and local employment legislation. The Remuneration Committee may make any statutory payment that is required in any relevant jurisdiction.
Notice period and
compensation for
loss of office in
service contracts
Treatment of
annual bonus
(‘GSTIP’) on
under plan rules
Treatment of
incentive awards
(‘GLTI’) on
under plan rules
– 12 months’ notice from the Company to the Executive Director.
– Up to 12 months’ base salary and contractual benefits (in line with the notice period). Notice period payments will either be made
as normal (if the Executive Director continues to work during the notice period or is on gardening leave) or they will be made as
monthly payments in lieu of notice (subject to mitigation if alternative employment is obtained).
– The annual bonus may be pro-rated for the period of service during the financial year and will reflect the extent to which Company
performance has been achieved. The annual bonus may be paid in such proportions of cash and shares, and subject to such
deferral arrangements, as the Remuneration Committee may determine.
– The Remuneration Committee has discretion to adjust the entitlement to an annual bonus to reflect the individual’s performance
and the circumstances of the termination.
– Normally, unvested GLTI awards will lapse when an Executive Director leaves the Group. However, an Executive Director’s award will
vest in accordance with the terms of the plan to the extent determined by the Remuneration Committee taking into account
applicable performance conditions, the underlying performance of the Company and of the Executive Director and any other relevant
factors, if the Executive Director dies in service or leaves because of their ill health, injury, disability, redundancy or retirement, or the
sale of their employing company or business out of the Group or for any other reason determined by the Remuneration Committee,
more than five months after the month in which the award is granted. The Remuneration Committee has discretion to determine
whether the award will vest at the normal vesting date or earlier. The Remuneration Committee will determine the satisfaction of
performance conditions applicable to the award. Awards will, unless the Remuneration Committee determines otherwise, be pro-rated
for the proportion of the vesting period that had elapsed at the date the Executive Director leaves the Group.
– The Remuneration Committee has discretion to vary the level of vesting as deemed appropriate, and in particular to determine that
awards should not vest for reasons which may include, at their absolute discretion, departure in case of poor performance,
departure without the agreement of the Board, or detrimental competitive activity.
Pension and
– Generally pension and benefit provisions will continue to apply until the termination date.
– Where appropriate other benefits may be receivable, such as (but not limited to) payments in lieu of accrued holiday, legal fees,
tax advice costs in relation to the termination and outplacement support.
– Benefits of relatively small value may continue after termination where appropriate, such as (but not limited to) mobile phone provision.
In exceptional circumstances, an arrangement may be established specifically to facilitate the exit of a particular individual albeit that any such
arrangement would be made within the context of minimising the cost to the Group. We will only take such a course of action in exceptional
circumstances and where it is considered to be in the best interests of shareholders.
Chair and Non-Executive Directors’ remuneration
Our policy is for the Chair to review the remuneration of Non-Executive Directors annually following consultation with the Remuneration Committee
Chair. Fees for the Chair are set by the Remuneration Committee.
– We aim to pay competitively for the role including consideration of the time commitment required. We benchmark the fees against an
appropriate external comparator group. We pay a fee to our Chair which includes fees for chair of any committees. We pay a fee to each of our
other Non-Executive Directors and they may receive an additional fee if they chair or are a member of a committee and/or hold the position of
Senior Independent Director (although the Remuneration Committee does not currently intend to award additional fees for serving on a Board
committee, other than for chairing that committee). Non-Executive Directors’ fee levels are set within the maximum level as approved by
shareholders as part of our Articles of Association. We review the structure of fees from time to time and may, as appropriate, make changes to
the manner in which total fees are structured, including but not limited to any additional chair or membership fees.
– Under a legacy arrangement, an allowance is payable each time certain non-Europe-based Non-Executive Directors are required to travel
to attend Board and committee meetings to reflect the additional time commitment involved.
– Non-Executive Directors do not participate in any incentive plans.
– Non-Executive Directors do not participate in any benefit plans. The Company does not provide any contribution to their
pension arrangements. The Chair is entitled to the use of a car and a driver whenever and wherever they are providing their services to or
representing the Company. We have been advised that for Non-Executive Directors, certain travel and accommodation expenses in relation
to attending Board meetings should be treated as a taxable benefit, therefore we also cover the tax liability for these expenses.
Non-Executive Director letters of appointment
Non-Executive Directors are engaged on letters of appointment that set out their duties and responsibilities. The appointment of Non-Executive Directors
may be terminated without compensation. Non-Executive Directors are generally not expected to serve for a period exceeding nine years. For further
information refer to the Nominations and Governance Committee section of the Annual Report.
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Remuneration Policy (continued)
Strategic report
Other information
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
Annual Report on Remuneration
Remuneration Committee
In this section we give details of the composition of the Remuneration Committee (the ‘Committee’) and activities undertaken during the 2023 financial
year. The Committee’s function is to exercise independent judgement and consists only of the following independent Non-Executive Directors:
Chair: Valerie Gooding
Committee members: Delphine Ernotte Cunci (appointed 8 November 2022), Michel Demaré and Dame Clara Furse
Following the announcement on 10 May 2023, Valerie Gooding and Dame Clara Furse will be stepping down from the Committee with effect from the
conclusion of the 2023 AGM. Amparo Moraleda will join as Committee Chair with effect from the same date.
The Committee regularly consults with Margherita Della Valle, who was appointed as the Group Chief Executive effective 27 April 2023 (and also held
the position on an interim basis effective 1 January 2023) and Leanne Wood, the Chief Human Resources Officer, on various matters relating to the
appropriateness of awards for Executive Directors and senior executives, though they are not present when their own compensation is discussed.
In addition, James Ludlow, the Group Reward and Policy Director, provides a perspective on information provided to the Committee, and requests
information and analysis from external advisers as required. Maaike de Bie, the Group General Counsel and Company Secretary, advises the Committee
on corporate governance guidelines and is Secretary to the Committee.
External advisers
The Committee seeks and considers advice from independent remuneration advisers where appropriate. The appointed advisers, WTW, were appointed
by the Committee in 2007. The Chair of the Committee has direct access to these advisers as and when required, and the Committee determines the
protocols by which these advisers interact with management in support of the Committee. The advice and recommendations of the external advisers are
used as a guide, but do not serve as a substitute for thorough consideration of the issues by each Committee member. Advisers attend Committee
meetings occasionally, as and when required by the Committee.
WTW is a member of the Remuneration Consultants’ Group and, as such, voluntarily operates under the Remuneration Consultants’ Group Code of
Conduct in relation to executive remuneration consulting in the UK. This is based upon principles of transparency, integrity, objectivity, competence, due
care and confidentiality by executive remuneration consultants. WTW has confirmed that it adheres to that Code of Conduct throughout the year for all
remuneration services provided to Vodafone and therefore the Committee is satisfied that it is independent and objective. The Remuneration Consultants’
Group Code of Conduct is available at
Appointed by
Services provided to the Committee
in 2007
Advice on market practice; governance;
provision of market data on executive
reward; reward consultancy; and
performance analysis.
Fees for services provided
to the Committee
Other services provided to the Company
Reward and benefits consultancy;
provision of benchmark data; outsourced
pension administration; and insurance
consultancy services.
1. Fees are determined on a time spent basis.
2020 Annual General Meeting – Remuneration Policy voting results
At the 2020 Annual General Meeting there was a binding vote on our Remuneration Policy. Details of the voting outcomes are provided in the table below.
Votes against
Total votes
Votes for
Remuneration Policy
2022 Annual General Meeting – Remuneration Report voting results
At the 2022 Annual General Meeting there was an advisory vote on our Remuneration Report. Details of the voting outcomes are provided in the table below.
Votes against
Total votes
Votes for
Remuneration Report
The Remuneration Committee normally has five scheduled meetings per year, held either in person or via conference call. Details of the principal agenda
items for these meetings for the year under review are set out below. In addition to these scheduled meetings, ad hoc meetings or conference calls can
also take place when required. Meeting attendance can be found on page 60.
May 2022
July 2022
November 2022
January 2023
March 2023
Agenda items
– 2022 annual bonus achievement and 2023 targets/ranges
– 2020 long-term incentive award vesting and 2023 targets/ranges
– 2022 AGM update
– Remuneration Policy review
– 2023 shareholder engagement
– Remuneration Policy review
– 2023 shareholder engagement
– Share plan update
– External market update
– 2022 Directors’ Remuneration Report
– 2022 shareholder update
– Share plan update
– 2024 short-term incentive structure
– Share plan update
– External market update
– Gender Pay Gap reporting
– Risk assessment of incentive plans
– Remuneration arrangements across Vodafone
– Committee’s terms of reference
– Chair and Non-Executive Director fee levels
– 2024 reward packages for the Executive Committee
– 2023 Directors’ Remuneration Report
Treatment of corporate events
All of the Company’s share plans contain provisions relating to a change of control of the Company. Outstanding awards and options would normally vest
and become exercisable on a change of control taking into account, in respect of GLTI awards, the extent to which, in the Remuneration Committee’s
opinion, any relevant performance conditions are satisfied, the Company’s and the Executive Director’s performance, any other relevant factors and,
unless the Remuneration Committee determines otherwise, the proportion of the vesting period that has elapsed.
In the event of a demerger, distribution (other than an ordinary dividend) or other transaction which would affect the current or future value of any award,
the Remuneration Committee may allow awards to vest on the same basis as for a change of control described above. Alternatively, an adjustment may
be made to the number of shares if considered appropriate.
Payments for departing Executive Directors
In the table below we summarise the key elements of our Remuneration Policy on payments for loss of office. We will always comply both with the relevant plan
rules and local employment legislation. The Remuneration Committee may make any statutory payment that is required in any relevant jurisdiction.
Notice period and
– 12 months’ notice from the Company to the Executive Director.
compensation for
loss of office in
service contracts
Treatment of
annual bonus
(‘GSTIP’) on
under plan rules
(‘GLTI’) on
– Up to 12 months’ base salary and contractual benefits (in line with the notice period). Notice period payments will either be made
as normal (if the Executive Director continues to work during the notice period or is on gardening leave) or they will be made as
monthly payments in lieu of notice (subject to mitigation if alternative employment is obtained).
– The annual bonus may be pro-rated for the period of service during the financial year and will reflect the extent to which Company
performance has been achieved. The annual bonus may be paid in such proportions of cash and shares, and subject to such
deferral arrangements, as the Remuneration Committee may determine.
– The Remuneration Committee has discretion to adjust the entitlement to an annual bonus to reflect the individual’s performance
and the circumstances of the termination.
Treatment of
– Normally, unvested GLTI awards will lapse when an Executive Director leaves the Group. However, an Executive Director’s award will
vest in accordance with the terms of the plan to the extent determined by the Remuneration Committee taking into account
applicable performance conditions, the underlying performance of the Company and of the Executive Director and any other relevant
incentive awards
factors, if the Executive Director dies in service or leaves because of their ill health, injury, disability, redundancy or retirement, or the
sale of their employing company or business out of the Group or for any other reason determined by the Remuneration Committee,
more than five months after the month in which the award is granted. The Remuneration Committee has discretion to determine
under plan rules
whether the award will vest at the normal vesting date or earlier. The Remuneration Committee will determine the satisfaction of
performance conditions applicable to the award. Awards will, unless the Remuneration Committee determines otherwise, be pro-rated
for the proportion of the vesting period that had elapsed at the date the Executive Director leaves the Group.
– The Remuneration Committee has discretion to vary the level of vesting as deemed appropriate, and in particular to determine that
awards should not vest for reasons which may include, at their absolute discretion, departure in case of poor performance,
Pension and
– Generally pension and benefit provisions will continue to apply until the termination date.
departure without the agreement of the Board, or detrimental competitive activity.
– Where appropriate other benefits may be receivable, such as (but not limited to) payments in lieu of accrued holiday, legal fees,
tax advice costs in relation to the termination and outplacement support.
– Benefits of relatively small value may continue after termination where appropriate, such as (but not limited to) mobile phone provision.
In exceptional circumstances, an arrangement may be established specifically to facilitate the exit of a particular individual albeit that any such
arrangement would be made within the context of minimising the cost to the Group. We will only take such a course of action in exceptional
circumstances and where it is considered to be in the best interests of shareholders.
Chair and Non-Executive Directors’ remuneration
Chair. Fees for the Chair are set by the Remuneration Committee.
Our policy is for the Chair to review the remuneration of Non-Executive Directors annually following consultation with the Remuneration Committee
– We aim to pay competitively for the role including consideration of the time commitment required. We benchmark the fees against an
appropriate external comparator group. We pay a fee to our Chair which includes fees for chair of any committees. We pay a fee to each of our
other Non-Executive Directors and they may receive an additional fee if they chair or are a member of a committee and/or hold the position of
Senior Independent Director (although the Remuneration Committee does not currently intend to award additional fees for serving on a Board
committee, other than for chairing that committee). Non-Executive Directors’ fee levels are set within the maximum level as approved by
shareholders as part of our Articles of Association. We review the structure of fees from time to time and may, as appropriate, make changes to
the manner in which total fees are structured, including but not limited to any additional chair or membership fees.
– Under a legacy arrangement, an allowance is payable each time certain non-Europe-based Non-Executive Directors are required to travel
to attend Board and committee meetings to reflect the additional time commitment involved.
– Non-Executive Directors do not participate in any incentive plans.
– Non-Executive Directors do not participate in any benefit plans. The Company does not provide any contribution to their
pension arrangements. The Chair is entitled to the use of a car and a driver whenever and wherever they are providing their services to or
representing the Company. We have been advised that for Non-Executive Directors, certain travel and accommodation expenses in relation
to attending Board meetings should be treated as a taxable benefit, therefore we also cover the tax liability for these expenses.
Non-Executive Director letters of appointment
Non-Executive Directors are engaged on letters of appointment that set out their duties and responsibilities. The appointment of Non-Executive Directors
may be terminated without compensation. Non-Executive Directors are generally not expected to serve for a period exceeding nine years. For further
information refer to the Nominations and Governance Committee section of the Annual Report.
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
Annual Report on Remuneration (continued)
2023 remuneration
In this section we summarise the pay packages awarded to our Executive Directors for performance in the 2023 financial year versus 2022. Specifically,
we have provided a table that shows all remuneration that was earned by each individual during the year and computed a single total remuneration
figure for the year. The value of the annual bonus (‘GSTIP’) reflects what was earned in respect of the year but will be paid out in cash in the following year.
Similarly the value of the long-term incentive (‘GLTI’) reflects the share awards which will vest in August 2023 as a result of the performance through the
three-year period ended at the completion of our financial year on 31 March 2023.
Consideration of the use of discretion
The Remuneration Committee reviews all incentive awards prior to payment and uses judgement to ensure that the final assessments of performance are
fair and appropriate. If circumstances warrant it, the Committee may adjust the final payment or vesting.
The Committee reviewed incentive outcomes at the May 2023 meeting and considered the appropriateness of outcomes in light of wider financial and
business performance and the wider employee experience across the relevant measurement periods for both the short-term and long-term incentive
plans. The Committee agreed the outcomes were appropriate and that no adjustments were required to either the short-term or long-term incentive
outcomes this year,
Board changes
Throughout the year under review Margherita Della Valle held the position of Chief Financial Officer and, prior to her permanent appointment as Group
Chief Executive on 27 April 2023, was also appointed Group Chief Executive on an interim basis effective 1 January 2023. Margherita’s 2023 single figure
therefore reflects remuneration received in respect of her time in both of these executive positions, whereas her 2022 single figure reflects remuneration
received solely in respect of her role as Chief Financial Officer.
In line with the reporting regulations, the single figure for Nick Read reflects remuneration received in respect of services rendered as a Board Director
(i.e. from 1 April 2022 to 31 December 2022). The single figure table and supporting notes do not include values in respect of Nick’s employment
between 1 January 2023 to 31 March 2023 nor contractual loss of office payments which can instead be found on page 99.
Total remuneration for the 2023 financial year (audited)
Taxable benefits1
Annual bonus: GSTIP (see below for further detail)
Total long-term incentive:
GLTI awards 2,3
GLTI dividends 4
Pension/cash in lieu of pension
Total Fixed Remuneration
Total Variable Remuneration
1. Taxable benefits include amounts in respect of:
Margherita Della Valle
Nick Read
– Private healthcare (2023: Margherita Della Valle £2,575, Nick Read £1,931; 2022: Margherita Della Valle £2,153, 2022: Nick Read £2,189);
– Cash car allowance £19,200 p.a.; and
– Travel (2023: Margherita Della Valle £4,235, Nick Read £22,127; 2022: Margherita Della Valle £1,141, Nick Read £20,626).
2. The share prices used for the 2022 and 2023 values, as set out in note 3 below, are lower than the grant prices for the respective awards. As such, no amount of the value shown in the 2022 or 2023
column is attributable to share price appreciation during the performance or vesting periods.
3. The value shown in the 2022 column is the award which vested on 26 June 2022 in respect of Nick Read and Margherita Della Valle, and is valued using the execution share price on 26 June 2022 of 126.82
pence. The value shown in the 2023 column is the award which vests on 3 August 2023 and is valued using an average closing share price over the last quarter of the 2023 financial year of 93.85 pence.
4. Margherita Della Valle and Nick Read receive a cash award equivalent in value to the dividends that would have been paid during the vesting period on any shares that vest. The dividend value shown in
2023 relates to awards vesting on 3 August 2023.
5. Reflects the value of the SAYE benefit which is calculated as £375 x 20% per monthly contribution to reflect the discount applied based on savings made during the year.
2023 annual bonus (‘GSTIP’) payout (audited)
In the table below we disclose our achievement against each of the performance measures and targets in our annual bonus (‘GSTIP’) and the resulting
total annual bonus payout level for the year ended 31 March 2023 of 55.8% of maximum. This is applied to the maximum bonus level of 200% of base
salary for each Executive Director. Commentary on our performance against each measure is provided on the next page.
Performance measure
Service revenue
Adjusted EBIT
Adjusted free cash flow
Customer appreciation KPIs
Total annual bonus payout level
Payout at
(% of salary)
Actual payout
(% of salary)
Actual payout
(% of overall
200.0% 111.5%
See overleaf for further details
1. These figures are adjusted for the impact of M&A, foreign exchange movements and any changes in accounting treatment.
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Annual Report on Remuneration (continued)
Strategic report
Other information
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
Financial metrics
As set out in the table above, service revenue and free cash flow finished above the mid-points of the respective target ranges whilst EBIT finished below
the mid-point of the respective target range.
Customer appreciation KPIs
An assessment of performance under the customer appreciation KPIs measure was conducted on a market-by-market basis. Each market was assessed
against a number of different metrics which included:
– Churn – defined as total gross customer disconnections in the period divided by the average total customers in the period.
– Revenue market share – based on our total service revenue and that of our competitors in the markets we operate in.
– Net Promoter Score (‘NPS’) for both Consumer and Vodafone Business – defined as the extent to which our customers would recommend us.
All measures utilise data from our local markets which is collected and validated for quality and consistency by independent third-party agencies where
possible. Further details on our performance against each key metric is set out below.
The business recorded positive churn results despite difficult and volatile market conditions linked to increasing price pressures. We experienced positive
results across both mobile and fixed services in Portugal, and it was a particularly strong year for mobile churn in Italy, Turkey and South Africa. Network
challenges in markets including Albania meant fixed service performance was more mixed although customer loyalty remained strong in a number of
markets including the UK.
We continued to perform against revenue market share despite fierce competition across our markets. Strong performance was recorded in the UK,
Egypt, Romania, and Ireland all of which demonstrated competitive resilience against this backdrop. Intense competition and increasing price pressures,
particularly in some of our larger European markets, was also reflected in our overall position against this metric.
Consumer NPS performance during the year saw us retain market leader or co-leader positions in several markets including Italy and Egypt, with Portugal,
Albania and Tanzania all retaining a significant lead. We also improved or defended our position to ‘next-best’ competitor in the UK, Spain and South Africa,
although faced challenges in Greece and Turkey.
Stable Business NPS performance was recorded in the year, reflected in leading positions retained or strengthened in several markets, including South
Africa, Portugal and Albania. While there remains some market difficulties in Egypt and Spain, we have seen advancements in markets like Italy where we
have attained a market leader position.
It is within this context that overall performance against our customer appreciation KPI metrics during the year was judged to be above the mid-point of
the target range. The aggregated performance for the Group is calculated on a revenue-weighted average to give an overall achievement. The overall
Group achievement for the year was 55.0% of maximum.
Overall outcome
2023 annual bonus (‘GSTIP’) amounts
Margherita Della Valle
Nick Read
Base salary
Maximum bonus
% of base salary
2023 payout
% of maximum
Actual payment
1. 25% of Margherita Della Valle’s post-tax bonus will be deferred into shares for two years.
2. Reflects bonus paid in respect of services rendered as a Board Director for the period 1 April 2022 to 31 December 2022. Further details are provided on page 99.
2023 remuneration
In this section we summarise the pay packages awarded to our Executive Directors for performance in the 2023 financial year versus 2022. Specifically,
we have provided a table that shows all remuneration that was earned by each individual during the year and computed a single total remuneration
figure for the year. The value of the annual bonus (‘GSTIP’) reflects what was earned in respect of the year but will be paid out in cash in the following year.
Similarly the value of the long-term incentive (‘GLTI’) reflects the share awards which will vest in August 2023 as a result of the performance through the
three-year period ended at the completion of our financial year on 31 March 2023.
Consideration of the use of discretion
The Remuneration Committee reviews all incentive awards prior to payment and uses judgement to ensure that the final assessments of performance are
fair and appropriate. If circumstances warrant it, the Committee may adjust the final payment or vesting.
The Committee reviewed incentive outcomes at the May 2023 meeting and considered the appropriateness of outcomes in light of wider financial and
business performance and the wider employee experience across the relevant measurement periods for both the short-term and long-term incentive
plans. The Committee agreed the outcomes were appropriate and that no adjustments were required to either the short-term or long-term incentive
outcomes this year,
Board changes
Throughout the year under review Margherita Della Valle held the position of Chief Financial Officer and, prior to her permanent appointment as Group
Chief Executive on 27 April 2023, was also appointed Group Chief Executive on an interim basis effective 1 January 2023. Margherita’s 2023 single figure
therefore reflects remuneration received in respect of her time in both of these executive positions, whereas her 2022 single figure reflects remuneration
received solely in respect of her role as Chief Financial Officer.
In line with the reporting regulations, the single figure for Nick Read reflects remuneration received in respect of services rendered as a Board Director
(i.e. from 1 April 2022 to 31 December 2022). The single figure table and supporting notes do not include values in respect of Nick’s employment
between 1 January 2023 to 31 March 2023 nor contractual loss of office payments which can instead be found on page 99.
Total remuneration for the 2023 financial year (audited)
Annual bonus: GSTIP (see below for further detail)
Taxable benefits1
Total long-term incentive:
GLTI awards 2,3
GLTI dividends 4
Pension/cash in lieu of pension
Total Fixed Remuneration
Total Variable Remuneration
Margherita Della Valle
Nick Read
1. Taxable benefits include amounts in respect of:
– Cash car allowance £19,200 p.a.; and
– Private healthcare (2023: Margherita Della Valle £2,575, Nick Read £1,931; 2022: Margherita Della Valle £2,153, 2022: Nick Read £2,189);
– Travel (2023: Margherita Della Valle £4,235, Nick Read £22,127; 2022: Margherita Della Valle £1,141, Nick Read £20,626).
2. The share prices used for the 2022 and 2023 values, as set out in note 3 below, are lower than the grant prices for the respective awards. As such, no amount of the value shown in the 2022 or 2023
column is attributable to share price appreciation during the performance or vesting periods.
3. The value shown in the 2022 column is the award which vested on 26 June 2022 in respect of Nick Read and Margherita Della Valle, and is valued using the execution share price on 26 June 2022 of 126.82
pence. The value shown in the 2023 column is the award which vests on 3 August 2023 and is valued using an average closing share price over the last quarter of the 2023 financial year of 93.85 pence.
4. Margherita Della Valle and Nick Read receive a cash award equivalent in value to the dividends that would have been paid during the vesting period on any shares that vest. The dividend value shown in
2023 relates to awards vesting on 3 August 2023.
5. Reflects the value of the SAYE benefit which is calculated as £375 x 20% per monthly contribution to reflect the discount applied based on savings made during the year.
2023 annual bonus (‘GSTIP’) payout (audited)
In the table below we disclose our achievement against each of the performance measures and targets in our annual bonus (‘GSTIP’) and the resulting
total annual bonus payout level for the year ended 31 March 2023 of 55.8% of maximum. This is applied to the maximum bonus level of 200% of base
salary for each Executive Director. Commentary on our performance against each measure is provided on the next page.
Performance measure
Service revenue
Adjusted EBIT
Adjusted free cash flow
Customer appreciation KPIs
Total annual bonus payout level
1. These figures are adjusted for the impact of M&A, foreign exchange movements and any changes in accounting treatment.
Payout at
(% of salary)
Actual payout
(% of salary)
200.0% 111.5%
Actual payout
(% of overall
See overleaf for further details
Below threshold
Below threshold
Below median
8.50% p.a.
BT Group
Deutsche Telekom
Liberty Global
Telefónica Deutschland
Royal KPN
Telecom Italia
ESG performance – 10% of total award
Purpose pillar
ESG metric for 2021 GLTI
Overall ambition at time of 2021 GLTI
Baseline position for 2021 GLTI
Ambition for 2021 GLTI (10% of total award)
Greenhouse gas reduction
Inclusion for All
Women in management
Digital Society
M-Pesa connections
50% reduction from FY17
baseline by 2025
11% reduction from FY17
baseline at 31 March 2020
40% reduction from FY17
baseline by 31 March 2023
40% representation of women
in management by 2030
31% representation of
women in management at
31 March 2020
34% representation of
women in management by
31 March 2023
Connect >50m people and
their families to mobile money
by 2025
40.5m connections at
31 March 2020
56m connections by
31 March 2023
Long-term incentive (‘GLTI’) award vesting in August 2023 (audited)
Vesting outcome
The 2021 long-term incentive (‘GLTI’) awards which were made to executives in November 2020 will vest at 53.2% of maximum in August 2023.
The performance conditions for the three-year period ending in the 2023 financial year are as follows:
Adjusted FCF performance – 60% of total award (€bn)
TSR outperformance – 30% of total award
TSR peer group
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
Annual Report on Remuneration (continued)
The adjusted free cash flow for the three-year period ended on 31 March
2023 was €16.0 billion and equates to vesting under the FCF element
of 72.7% of maximum.
The chart to the right shows that our TSR performance over the
three-year period ended on 31 March 2023 was below the median
of the peer group resulting in no vesting under this measure.
ESG performance across our three metrics was as follows:
– GHG reduction – GHG reduction of 65% as at 31 March 2023
from the FY17 baseline.
– Women In Management – 34% representation of women
in management at 31 March 2023.
– M-Pesa – 53.2m connections at 31 March 2023.
The Committee reviewed the above performance and determined vesting
under the ESG element of 95.3% of maximum. This reflected full
achievement under the GHG reduction metric where the ambition was
exceeded and the Women in Management metric where the ambition
was achieved, and partial vesting under the M-Pesa metric where strong
progress against the stretching ambition was made.
2021 GLTI award: TSR performance
Growth in the value of a hypothetical US$100 holding
over the performance period, six month averaging
Vodafone Group
Median of peer group
Outperformance of
median 8.5% p.a.
The vesting outcome when applied to the number of shares granted is set out in the table below.
2021 GLTI share awards subject to performance conditions
vesting in August 2023
Margherita Della Valle
Nick Read
of shares
Adjusted free cash
flow performance
% of maximum
Relative TSR
performance payout
% of maximum
performance payout
% of maximum
performance payout
% of maximum
Number of
shares vesting
Value of
shares vesting
1. Reflects time pro-rated award in respect of services rendered as a Board Director to 31 December 2022.
Specified procedures are performed by our internal audit team over the adjusted free cash flow to assist with the Committee’s assessment of
performance. The performance assessment in respect of the TSR measure is undertaken by WTW. ESG performance is reviewed by the ESG Committee
and the Audit and Risk Committee prior to being presented to the Remuneration Committee for consideration. Details of how the plan works can be
found in the Remuneration Policy.
Long-term incentive (‘GLTI’) awarded during the year (audited)
The independent performance conditions for the 2023 long-term incentive awards made in July 2022, and subject to a three-year performance
period ending 31 March 2025, are adjusted free cash flow (60% of total award), relative TSR (30% of total award) and ESG (10% of total award)
performance as follows:
Adjusted FCF performance
(60% of total award)
Adjusted FCF performance
Vesting percentage
(% of FCF element)
Below threshold
TSR performance
(30% of total award)
Below threshold
TSR peer group
BT Group
Telefónica Deutschland
TSR outperformance
Below median
8.50% p.a.
Vesting percentage
(% of TSR element)
Deutsche Telekom
Royal KPN
Liberty Global
Telecom Italia
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Annual Report on Remuneration (continued)
Strategic report
Other information
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
The adjusted free cash flow for the three-year period ended on 31 March
2023 was €16.0 billion and equates to vesting under the FCF element
2021 GLTI award: TSR performance
Growth in the value of a hypothetical US$100 holding
over the performance period, six month averaging
of 72.7% of maximum.
The chart to the right shows that our TSR performance over the
three-year period ended on 31 March 2023 was below the median
of the peer group resulting in no vesting under this measure.
ESG performance across our three metrics was as follows:
– GHG reduction – GHG reduction of 65% as at 31 March 2023
from the FY17 baseline.
– Women In Management – 34% representation of women
in management at 31 March 2023.
– M-Pesa – 53.2m connections at 31 March 2023.
The Committee reviewed the above performance and determined vesting
under the ESG element of 95.3% of maximum. This reflected full
achievement under the GHG reduction metric where the ambition was
exceeded and the Women in Management metric where the ambition
was achieved, and partial vesting under the M-Pesa metric where strong
progress against the stretching ambition was made.
Vodafone Group
Median of peer group
Outperformance of
median 8.5% p.a.
The vesting outcome when applied to the number of shares granted is set out in the table below.
2021 GLTI share awards subject to performance conditions
vesting in August 2023
Margherita Della Valle
Nick Read
of shares
Adjusted free cash
flow performance
Relative TSR
performance payout
performance payout
performance payout
% of maximum
% of maximum
% of maximum
% of maximum
Number of
shares vesting
Value of
shares vesting
1. Reflects time pro-rated award in respect of services rendered as a Board Director to 31 December 2022.
Specified procedures are performed by our internal audit team over the adjusted free cash flow to assist with the Committee’s assessment of
performance. The performance assessment in respect of the TSR measure is undertaken by WTW. ESG performance is reviewed by the ESG Committee
and the Audit and Risk Committee prior to being presented to the Remuneration Committee for consideration. Details of how the plan works can be
found in the Remuneration Policy.
Long-term incentive (‘GLTI’) awarded during the year (audited)
The independent performance conditions for the 2023 long-term incentive awards made in July 2022, and subject to a three-year performance
period ending 31 March 2025, are adjusted free cash flow (60% of total award), relative TSR (30% of total award) and ESG (10% of total award)
performance as follows:
Adjusted FCF performance
(60% of total award)
Below threshold
TSR performance
(30% of total award)
Below threshold
TSR peer group
BT Group
Telefónica Deutschland
Adjusted FCF performance
Vesting percentage
(% of FCF element)
Vesting percentage
(% of TSR element)
TSR outperformance
Below median
8.50% p.a.
Deutsche Telekom
Royal KPN
Liberty Global
Telecom Italia
ESG performance – 10% of total award
Purpose pillar
Inclusion for All
ESG metric for 2023 GLTI
Overall ambition
Baseline position for 2023 GLTI
Ambition for 2023 GLTI
Net zero
Net zero under Scope 1 & 2
by 20301
46% reduction in Scope 1 &
2 emissions versus a FY20
baseline at 31 March 2022
80% reduction in Scope 1 &
2 emissions versus a FY20
baseline by 31 March 2025
Female representation in
40% representation of
women in management by
32% representation of
women in management at
31 March 2022
35% representation of
women in management by
31 March 2025
Digital Society/
Inclusion for All
Financial inclusion
>75m financial inclusion
customers by 2026
54.5m financial inclusion
customers at 31 March 2022
70.0m financial inclusion
customers by 31 March 2025
1. This carbon reduction ambition has been approved by the Science Based Targets initiative.
The table below sets out the conditional awards of shares made to the Executive Directors in July 2022.
2023 GLTI performance share awards made in July 20221
Margherita Della Valle
Nick Read
vesting level
(number of shares)
vesting level
(face value2)
Proportion of
maximum award vesting at
minimum performance
period end
31 Mar 2025
31 Mar 2025
1. GLTI awards were granted as conditional share awards over shares with a value equal to the percentages of salary referred to on page 86. Margherita’s maximum vesting reflects the 2023 GLTI award made
in July 2022 and the subsequent top-up GLTI award made in February 2023 following her change in role. Nick’s maximum vesting reflects the number of shares granted at maximum in July 2022 and
which will be pro-rated for time worked (see page 99 for further details). Dividend equivalents on the shares that vest are paid in cash after the vesting date.
2. Face value calculated based on the closing share price on 26 July 2022 (day immediately preceding the date of the July grant) of 122.4 pence. This share price was also used when calculating Margherita’s
February 2023 grant.
Outstanding awards
The structure for awards made in August 2021 (vesting August 2024) and July 2022 (vesting July 2025) is set out on the previous page. Further details of
the structure of these awards, and relevant targets, can be found in the Annual Report on Remuneration of the relevant year.
All-employee share plans
During the year the Executive Directors were eligible to participate in the Vodafone Group Sharesave Plan which is a HM Revenue & Customs (‘HMRC’)
approved scheme. Options under the plan are granted at up to a 20% discount to market value and Executive Directors’ participation is included in the
option table on page 99.
Pensions (audited)
During the 2023 financial year, Margherita Della Valle accrued benefits under the defined contribution pension plan of £3,999.96, with the remainder of
her 10% of base salary pension benefit for the year delivered as a cash allowance. Nick Read received a pro-rated cash allowance of 10% of base salary.
Margherita Della Valle has not participated in a Vodafone sponsored defined benefit scheme during her employment. Nick Read is a deferred member of
the Vodafone Group Pension Scheme which closed to future accrual in 2010 before he was an Executive Director.
The Executive Directors are provided benefits in the event of death in service. In the event of ill health, an entitlement to benefit of two-thirds of base
salary, up to a maximum benefit determined by the insurer, may be provided up until state pension age. In respect of the Executive Committee members,
the Group has made aggregate contributions of £147,507 (2022: £143,175) into defined contribution pension schemes.
Alignment to shareholder interests (audited)
Share ownership levels and requirements for individuals who held the position of Executive Director are set out in the table below. The values in respect of
Margherita Della Valle reflect her ownership requirement as at 31 March 2023. Following her permanent appointment as Group Chief Executive on 27
April 2023, Margherita’s ownership requirement was increased to 500% of salary.
As shown in the chart below, Margherita increased her shareholding level during the year but due to share price movement (93.85 pence for the 31
March 2023 measurement compared to 126.61 pence used for the 2022 measurement), saw her ownership, as a percentage of salary and as calculated
for these reporting purposes, decrease.
At 31 March 2023
Margherita Della Valle
Nick Read (as at 31 December 2022)
as a % of salary
Current %
of salary held
% of requirement
Number of
shares owned
Value of
Date for requirement
to be achieved
July 2023
July 2023
Margherita Della Valle (as at 31 March 2023)
Actual holding
Holding scenario
(number of shares)
(% of salary)
Goal deadline:
July 2023
Goal Actual
20% SP
20% SP
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
Annual Report on Remuneration (continued)
The shareholding requirements include a post-employment condition whereby the Executive Directors will need to continue to hold shares equivalent
to the value of their requirement at the date of departure (or actual holding on departure if the requirement has not been reached during employment)
for a further two years post-employment. The Committee has a number of processes in place to ensure this condition is met, including executives
agreeing to these terms prior to receiving an award, executives holding the majority of their shares (and at least up to the value of their requirement)
in a Company accessible account, and the Committee having the ability to lapse any unvested GLTI awards if the condition is not met.
Collectively the Executive Committee, including the Executive Director, owned 23,565,656 Vodafone shares at 31 March 2023, with a value of over
£22.1 million. None of the Executive Committee members’ shareholdings amounts to more than 1% of the issued shares in that class of share, excluding
treasury shares.
Directors’ interests in the shares of the Company (audited)
A summary of interests in shares and scheme interests of the Directors who served during the year is given below. More details of the outstanding shares
subject to award and options are set out in the table below and on page 99.
At 31 March 2023
Executive Directors
Margherita Della Valle
Nick Read (as at 31 December 2022)
1. This includes both owned shares and the maximum number of unvested share awards.
Total number
of interests in shares
(at maximum)1
Unvested with
performance conditions
(at target)
Unvested with
performance conditions
(at maximum)
(unvested without
performance conditions)
Share options
The total number of interests in shares includes interests of connected persons, unvested share awards and share options.
At 31 March 2023
Total number of interests in shares
Non-Executive Directors
Stephen A. Carter CBE (appointed 26 July 2022)
Delphine Ernotte Cunci (appointed 26 July 2022)
Sir Crispin Davis
Michel Demaré
Dame Clara Furse
Valerie Gooding
Deborah Kerr
Maria Amparo Moraleda Martinez
David Nish
Christine Ramon (appointed 14 November 2022)
Simon Segars (appointed 26 July 2022)
Jean-François van Boxmeer
1. One ADR is equivalent to 10 ordinary shares.
(ADRs) 12,0001
At 16 May 2023, and during the period from 1 April 2023 to 16 May 2023, no Director had any interest in the shares of any subsidiary company. Other than
those individuals included in the tables above who were Board members at 31 March 2023, members of the Group’s Executive Committee at 31 March 2023
had an aggregate beneficial interest in 21,324,393 ordinary shares of the Company. At 16 May 2023, the Directors had an aggregate beneficial interest
in 3,325,930 ordinary shares of the Company and the Executive Committee members had an aggregate beneficial interest in 18,116,851 ordinary shares
of the Company. The change in the number of shares held by the Executive Committee reflects a change in membership following the year-end, None
of the Directors or the Executive Committee members had an individual beneficial interest amounting to greater than 1% of the Company’s ordinary shares.
Performance share awards
The maximum numbers of shares subject to outstanding awards that have been granted to Directors under the long-term incentive (‘GLTI’) plan are
currently as follows:
GLTI performance share awards
Margherita Della Valle
Nick Read (as at 31 December 2022)1
2021 award
Awarded: November 2020
Performance period ending: March 2023
Vesting date: August 2023
Share price at grant: 124.9 pence
2022 award
Awarded: August 2021
Performance period ending: March 2024
Vesting date: August 2024
Share price at grant: 116.8 pence
2023 award
Awarded: July 2022/February 2023
Performance period ending: March 2025
Vesting date: July 2025
Share price at grant: 122.4 pence
1. These figures reflect the maximum number of shares subject to award as at 31 December 2022 and therefore do not reflect the impact of pro-ration for time worked which was applied following the end
of Nick’s employment. Further details can be found on page 99.
Details of the performance conditions for the awards can be found on pages 95 to 97 or in the Remuneration Report from the relevant year.
Share options
The following information summarises the Executive Directors’ options under the HMRC approved Vodafone Group 2008 Sharesave Plan (‘SAYE’).
No other Directors have options under any schemes and, other than under the SAYE, no options have been granted since 2007. Options under the SAYE
were granted at a discount of 20% to the market value of the shares at the time of the grant. No other options may be granted at a discount.
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Annual Report on Remuneration (continued)
Strategic report
Other information
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
At 1 April 2022 or
date of appointment
Options granted during
the 2023 financial year
Options exercised during
the 2023 financial year
Options lapsed during
the 2023 financial year
Options held at
31 March 2023
Grant date
Number of shares
Number of shares
Number of shares
Number of shares Number of shares
Date from
Market price
on exercise Gain on
Expiry date
Nick Read (position at 31 December 2022)
2 Mar 17
14 Jul 17
11 Jul 22
– 154.51 1 Apr 22 1 Oct 22
8,438 177.75 1 Sep 22 1 Mar 23
22,352 100.66 1 Sep 27 1 Mar 28
1. The closing trade share price on 31 March 2023 was 89.30 pence. The highest trade share price during the year was 132.14 pence and the lowest price was 83.73 pence.
At 16 May 2023 there had been no change to the Directors’ interests in share options from 31 March 2023. At 16 May 2023 members of the Group’s Executive
Committee held options for 39,969 ordinary shares at prices ranging from 77.6 pence to 111.7 pence per ordinary share, with a weighted average exercise price
of 94.6 pence per ordinary share exercisable at dates ranging from 1 September 2023 to 1 March 2026.
Margherita Della Valle, Aldo Bisio, Maaike de Bie, Ahmed Essam, Shameel Joosub, Vinod Kumar, Alberto Ripepi, Philippe Rogge and Serpil Timuray held no
options at 16 May 2023.
Loss of office payments (audited)
Nick Read stepped down as Group Chief Executive and as a Director of the Company on 31 December 2022. During the period 1 January 2023 to 31 March 2023.
Nick remained available to the Board as an adviser and, for the remainder of his employment (to 31 March 2023), received his salary (£270,375), car allowance
(£4,800), private medical cover (£608), and pension allowance (£27,038). Nick remained eligible for a 2023 GSTIP, subject to performance conditions, until the
end of his employment on 31 March 2023. In line with the relevant reporting regulations, the proportion of Nick’s 2023 GSTIP payment in respect of his period
of employment between 1 January 2023 and 31 March is £301,468, with the payment in respect of his time worked as a Director (1 April 2022 to 31 December
2022) set out on page 95.
At 1 April 2023, Nick had worked 3 months and 27 days of his notice period. Nick is entitled to receive payments in lieu of his salary (£732,629), and continued
participation in the Vodafone Group Private Medical Plan (£1,898), for the remainder of his 12-month notice period. Payments will be made in monthly
instalments, subject to mitigation in accordance with his service contract, until 5 December 2023, when his notice period would otherwise have ended.
Nick’s 2021, 2022, and 2023 GLTI awards will be pro-rated on a time worked basis and will vest, subject to performance, at the normal vesting dates in
accordance with the share plan rules. Nick will receive a cash payment equivalent in value to the dividends that would have been paid during the vesting
period on any shares that vest.
Nick will receive a contribution of up to £7,000 (excluding VAT) towards legal fees incurred in connection with his departure and be entitled to
outplacement support of up to £50,000 (excluding VAT) paid directly to the supplier.
Nick received no further payments other than those stated above, and, other than the pro-rated GLTI awards and associated dividend equivalent cash
payments detailed above, will receive no further payments or benefits aside from the provision of a SIM card for his personal use at the Company’s
expense for a period of three years commencing 1 April 2023.
Payments to past Directors (audited)
During the 2023 financial year Lord MacLaurin received benefit payments in respect of security costs as per his contractual arrangements. These costs
exceeded our de minimis threshold of £5,000 p.a. and, including the tax paid, were £24,657 (2022: £23,679).
Fees retained for external non-executive directorships
Executive Directors may hold positions in other companies as non-executive directors and retain the fees paid to them in respect of these services.
During the year ended 31 March 2023, Margherita Della Valle served as a non-executive director on the board of Reckitt Benckiser Group plc where she
retained fees of £118,000 (2022: £115,563). Nick Read served as a non-executive director on the board of Booking Holdings Inc. where he retained fees
of US$250,343 in respect of the period to 31 December 2022 (2022: US$462,571).
2023 remuneration for the Chair and Non-Executive Directors (audited)
Jean-François van Boxmeer
Senior Independent Director
Valerie Gooding
Non-Executive Directors
Stephen A. Carter CBE (appointed 26 July 2022)
Delphine Ernotte Cunci (appointed 26 July 2022)
Sir Crispin Davis
Michel Demaré
Dame Clara Furse
Deborah Kerr
Maria Amparo Moraleda Martinez
David Nish
Christine Ramon (appointed 14 November 2022)
Simon Segars (appointed 26 July 2022)
1. This includes certain travel and accommodation expenses in relation to attending Board meetings which are treated as a taxable benefit. Values include these travel expenses and the corresponding tax
The shareholding requirements include a post-employment condition whereby the Executive Directors will need to continue to hold shares equivalent
to the value of their requirement at the date of departure (or actual holding on departure if the requirement has not been reached during employment)
for a further two years post-employment. The Committee has a number of processes in place to ensure this condition is met, including executives
agreeing to these terms prior to receiving an award, executives holding the majority of their shares (and at least up to the value of their requirement)
in a Company accessible account, and the Committee having the ability to lapse any unvested GLTI awards if the condition is not met.
Collectively the Executive Committee, including the Executive Director, owned 23,565,656 Vodafone shares at 31 March 2023, with a value of over
£22.1 million. None of the Executive Committee members’ shareholdings amounts to more than 1% of the issued shares in that class of share, excluding
treasury shares.
Directors’ interests in the shares of the Company (audited)
A summary of interests in shares and scheme interests of the Directors who served during the year is given below. More details of the outstanding shares
subject to award and options are set out in the table below and on page 99.
Total number
of interests in shares
(at maximum)1
Unvested with
Unvested with
performance conditions
performance conditions
(unvested without
(at target)
(at maximum)
performance conditions)
Share options
1. This includes both owned shares and the maximum number of unvested share awards.
The total number of interests in shares includes interests of connected persons, unvested share awards and share options.
Total number of interests in shares
(ADRs) 12,0001
At 16 May 2023, and during the period from 1 April 2023 to 16 May 2023, no Director had any interest in the shares of any subsidiary company. Other than
those individuals included in the tables above who were Board members at 31 March 2023, members of the Group’s Executive Committee at 31 March 2023
had an aggregate beneficial interest in 21,324,393 ordinary shares of the Company. At 16 May 2023, the Directors had an aggregate beneficial interest
in 3,325,930 ordinary shares of the Company and the Executive Committee members had an aggregate beneficial interest in 18,116,851 ordinary shares
of the Company. The change in the number of shares held by the Executive Committee reflects a change in membership following the year-end, None
of the Directors or the Executive Committee members had an individual beneficial interest amounting to greater than 1% of the Company’s ordinary shares.
The maximum numbers of shares subject to outstanding awards that have been granted to Directors under the long-term incentive (‘GLTI’) plan are
2021 award
Awarded: November 2020
2022 award
Awarded: August 2021
Performance period ending: March 2023
Performance period ending: March 2024
Vesting date: August 2023
Share price at grant: 124.9 pence
Vesting date: August 2024
Share price at grant: 116.8 pence
2023 award
Awarded: July 2022/February 2023
Performance period ending: March 2025
Vesting date: July 2025
Share price at grant: 122.4 pence
1. These figures reflect the maximum number of shares subject to award as at 31 December 2022 and therefore do not reflect the impact of pro-ration for time worked which was applied following the end
of Nick’s employment. Further details can be found on page 99.
Details of the performance conditions for the awards can be found on pages 95 to 97 or in the Remuneration Report from the relevant year.
Share options
The following information summarises the Executive Directors’ options under the HMRC approved Vodafone Group 2008 Sharesave Plan (‘SAYE’).
No other Directors have options under any schemes and, other than under the SAYE, no options have been granted since 2007. Options under the SAYE
were granted at a discount of 20% to the market value of the shares at the time of the grant. No other options may be granted at a discount.
At 31 March 2023
Executive Directors
Margherita Della Valle
Nick Read (as at 31 December 2022)
At 31 March 2023
Non-Executive Directors
Stephen A. Carter CBE (appointed 26 July 2022)
Delphine Ernotte Cunci (appointed 26 July 2022)
Sir Crispin Davis
Michel Demaré
Dame Clara Furse
Valerie Gooding
Deborah Kerr
Maria Amparo Moraleda Martinez
David Nish
Christine Ramon (appointed 14 November 2022)
Simon Segars (appointed 26 July 2022)
Jean-François van Boxmeer
1. One ADR is equivalent to 10 ordinary shares.
Performance share awards
currently as follows:
GLTI performance share awards
Margherita Della Valle
Nick Read (as at 31 December 2022)1
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
Annual Report on Remuneration (continued)
Pay in the wider context
Fair pay at Vodafone
As part of its review of executive remuneration arrangements, the Committee takes account of the pay policies in place across the wider business.
This includes considering the structure of remuneration offerings at each level of the business to ensure there is a strong rationale for how packages
evolve across the different levels of the organisation.
During the year the Committee reviewed the remuneration structure across the business, which included how our arrangements aligned with our
strategy, supported our purpose, and celebrated the Spirit of Vodafone. The update also set out the results of the latest annual fair pay review, including
where the key focus areas were and what actions had been agreed locally to implement any required adjustments.
In addition to being a core principle of the Committee, there is a clear culture in our business of ensuring we offer competitive and fair pay to all our
people. Our approach across our business is guided by the six principles set out below. Our commitment to these principles is reflected in how the
UK-based Living Wage Foundation has certified us as an Accredited Living Wage employer.
1. Market competitive
The pay of our people is reflective of their skills, role and function and the external market.
We annually review the pay of each person and actively manage any who fall below the market competitive range.
2. Free from discrimination
Our pay should not be affected by gender, age, disability, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, cultural heritage or belief.
We annually compare the average position of our men and women against their market benchmark, grade and function to identify and understand any
differences and take action if necessary.
3. Ensure a good standard of living
We work with an independent organisation, the Fair Wage Network, to assess how our pay compares to the ‘living wage’ in each of our markets because
we are committed to providing a good standard of living for our people and their families.
4. Share in our successes
All our people should have the opportunity to share in our success by being eligible to receive some form of performance-related pay, e.g. a bonus, shares
or sales incentive.
5. Provide benefits for all
Our global standard is to offer all our people life insurance, parental leave and access to either Company or state provided healthcare and pension
6. Open and transparent
We ensure that our people understand their pay. We do this through a series of user-friendly guides, webpages and an annual reward statement, which
help explain our people’s pay and outline the value of their core reward package.
In addition, our people also receive monthly or weekly payslips and a payment schedule.
Cost of living actions
It is recognised that rising inflation levels and the subsequent cost of living crisis have impacted employees across a number of our markets this year.
We have provided targeted support in a number of these locations, including the UK, Turkey and Egypt, to help alleviate the impact of these pressures
and continue to monitor the market conditions across all of our locations’ entities. Such measures included additional or accelerated salary reviews, the
provision of extra cash allowances, and the careful consideration of wider market conditions when setting salary budgets for the 2023 review. In the UK
specifically, additional support has been provided to lower-paid employees who have been particularly impacted by increases to the consumer price
index. This included a 10% base salary increase to employees with salaries of less than £25,000, whilst employees with a base salary of between £25,000
and £35,000 received a £1,000 cash payment.
Click to read more about fair pay at Vodafone:
Stakeholder engagement
The Committee considers all stakeholder groups when setting executive pay including:
The Committee is fully briefed on pay arrangements across the business to ensure any decisions on executive pay are made within our wider business
context and take into account wider employee pay conditions. We engage with our employees through a variety of means including employee forums,
interactive webinars (including with our executives), global Spirit Beat surveys and digital platforms, all of which give our people the chance to voice their
opinion on any area of interest, including all-employee and executive pay.
The Committee values the active participation of our shareholders during our consultations and fully considers all feedback as part of the review process.
The Committee actively engages with external professional bodies and government departments when they issue consultations on proposed changes to
legislation or reporting guidelines.
Wider society
The Committee is fully aware that society remains concerned about the risk of excessive executive pay practices in the wider market. The Committee
believes that transparent reporting and active engagement in explaining both the operation of, and rationale for, executive pay decisions is key for
businesses to retain trust in this area.
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Annual Report on Remuneration (continued)
Strategic report
Other information
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
UK gender pay gap reporting
Each year we publish our UK gender pay gap in line with the statutory UK methodology. The nature of the statutory calculation means the gap will
fluctuate year on year, influenced by changes in our business structure, Company performance and the percentage of men and women at all levels and
positions. The existence of a UK gender pay gap in our business is primarily a consequence of more men than women holding senior or specialist, and
therefore higher-paid, roles.
With our commitment to embed an inclusive culture, we continue our work to reduce the gap and have made good progress since the publication of
our first report in 2017. Our global programmes aim to support women across different roles, areas, and geographies of our business and will, over time,
reduce our specific UK gender pay gap which this year was calculated as 10.4% – a slight increase from our 2021 figure of 9.6%.
We have been recognised by the Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index as a leader in creating equity for women. We are proud of the policies that we have
put in place to support our employees and we remain committed to addressing female representation at senior levels and the gender pay gap.
Click to learn more about our initiatives, case studies, and key statistics on our dedicated UK gender pay gap webpage:
Relative spend on pay
The chart below shows both the dividends distributed in the year and the total cost of remuneration in the Group.
Our pay should not be affected by gender, age, disability, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, cultural heritage or belief.
We annually compare the average position of our men and women against their market benchmark, grade and function to identify and understand any
Distributed by way
of dividends
Overall expenditure on
remuneration for all employees
Read more details on dividends and expenditure on remuneration for all employees,
on pages 152 and 187 respectively
CEO single figure (£’000)
CEO pay ratio
The following table sets out our CEO pay ratio figures:
25th percentile pay ratio
Median pay ratio
75th percentile pay ratio
Option B
Option B
Option B
Option B
Option B
1. The CEO single figure used in the calculation of the 2023 ratios reflects a blended figure for Nick Read and Margherita Della Valle, recognising the change in incumbency for the role during this year.
The CEO single figure used in the calculation of the 2019 ratios reflects a blended figure for Vittorio Colao and Nick Read, recognising the change in incumbency for the role during this year.
Pay in the wider context
Fair pay at Vodafone
As part of its review of executive remuneration arrangements, the Committee takes account of the pay policies in place across the wider business.
This includes considering the structure of remuneration offerings at each level of the business to ensure there is a strong rationale for how packages
evolve across the different levels of the organisation.
During the year the Committee reviewed the remuneration structure across the business, which included how our arrangements aligned with our
strategy, supported our purpose, and celebrated the Spirit of Vodafone. The update also set out the results of the latest annual fair pay review, including
where the key focus areas were and what actions had been agreed locally to implement any required adjustments.
In addition to being a core principle of the Committee, there is a clear culture in our business of ensuring we offer competitive and fair pay to all our
people. Our approach across our business is guided by the six principles set out below. Our commitment to these principles is reflected in how the
UK-based Living Wage Foundation has certified us as an Accredited Living Wage employer.
1. Market competitive
The pay of our people is reflective of their skills, role and function and the external market.
We annually review the pay of each person and actively manage any who fall below the market competitive range.
2. Free from discrimination
differences and take action if necessary.
3. Ensure a good standard of living
4. Share in our successes
or sales incentive.
5. Provide benefits for all
6. Open and transparent
Cost of living actions
We work with an independent organisation, the Fair Wage Network, to assess how our pay compares to the ‘living wage’ in each of our markets because
we are committed to providing a good standard of living for our people and their families.
All our people should have the opportunity to share in our success by being eligible to receive some form of performance-related pay, e.g. a bonus, shares
Our global standard is to offer all our people life insurance, parental leave and access to either Company or state provided healthcare and pension
We ensure that our people understand their pay. We do this through a series of user-friendly guides, webpages and an annual reward statement, which
help explain our people’s pay and outline the value of their core reward package.
In addition, our people also receive monthly or weekly payslips and a payment schedule.
It is recognised that rising inflation levels and the subsequent cost of living crisis have impacted employees across a number of our markets this year.
We have provided targeted support in a number of these locations, including the UK, Turkey and Egypt, to help alleviate the impact of these pressures
and continue to monitor the market conditions across all of our locations’ entities. Such measures included additional or accelerated salary reviews, the
provision of extra cash allowances, and the careful consideration of wider market conditions when setting salary budgets for the 2023 review. In the UK
specifically, additional support has been provided to lower-paid employees who have been particularly impacted by increases to the consumer price
index. This included a 10% base salary increase to employees with salaries of less than £25,000, whilst employees with a base salary of between £25,000
and £35,000 received a £1,000 cash payment.
Click to read more about fair pay at Vodafone:
The Committee considers all stakeholder groups when setting executive pay including:
Stakeholder engagement
The Committee is fully briefed on pay arrangements across the business to ensure any decisions on executive pay are made within our wider business
context and take into account wider employee pay conditions. We engage with our employees through a variety of means including employee forums,
interactive webinars (including with our executives), global Spirit Beat surveys and digital platforms, all of which give our people the chance to voice their
opinion on any area of interest, including all-employee and executive pay.
The Committee values the active participation of our shareholders during our consultations and fully considers all feedback as part of the review process.
The Committee actively engages with external professional bodies and government departments when they issue consultations on proposed changes to
The Committee is fully aware that society remains concerned about the risk of excessive executive pay practices in the wider market. The Committee
believes that transparent reporting and active engagement in explaining both the operation of, and rationale for, executive pay decisions is key for
Wider society
legislation or reporting guidelines.
businesses to retain trust in this area.
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
Annual Report on Remuneration (continued)
The pay ratio figures in the above table are calculated using the following total pay and benefits information:
Supporting information
25th percentile pay ratio (£’000)
Median pay ratio (£’000)
Total pay and benefits
Total pay and benefits
Total pay and benefits
Total pay and benefits
Total pay and benefits
75th percentile pay ratio (£’000)
The calculation methodology used reflects Option B as defined under the relevant regulations. In line with the relevant regulations this utilises the most
recently collected and disclosed data analysed within our Gender Pay Gap report, with employees at the three quartiles identified from this analysis and
their respective single figure values calculated.
To ensure this data accurately reflects individuals at such quartiles, the single figure values for individuals immediately above and below the identified
employee at each quartile within the gender pay gap analysis were also reviewed.
In recent years our ratios have remained relatively consistent, reflecting how the single figures for both the Chief Executive and employees at the quartile
positions have remained stable when viewed over the period set out in the table above. In general we expect the ratios to be primarily driven by the
valuation of the long-term incentive that is included in the Chief Executive’s single figure for the year.
Change in remuneration for Directors and all employees
In line with regulatory requirements, the table below calculates the percentage change in Directors’ remuneration (salary, taxable benefits and annual
bonus payment) compared to the average remuneration for other Vodafone Group employees who are measured on comparable business objectives
and who have been employed in the UK since 2021 (2021 to 2022) and 2022 (2022 to 2023) (per capita). Vodafone has employees based all around the
world and some of these individuals work in countries with very high salary inflation; therefore Vodafone’s UK-based Group employees are deemed the
most appropriate employee group for this comparison.
Percentage change from 2022 to 2023
Percentage change from 2021 to 2022
Base salary/fees
Taxable benefits
Annual bonus
Base salary/fees
Taxable benefits
Annual bonus
Executive Directors
Margherita Della Valle
Nick Read (until 31 December 2022)
Non-Executive Directors
Jean-François van Boxmeer
Valerie Gooding
Stephen A. Carter CBE (appointed 26 July 2022)
Delphine Ernotte Cunci (appointed 26 July 2022)
Sir Crispin Davis
Michel Demaré
Dame Clara Furse
Deborah Kerr (appointed 1 March 2022)
Maria Amparo Moraleda Martinez
David Nish
Christine Ramon (appointed 14 November 2022)
Simon Segars (appointed 26 July 2022)
Other Vodafone Group employees employed in the UK
The year-on-year increase in Margherita Della Valle’s pay reflects Margherita’s appointment as Group Chief Executive on an interim basis, in addition to her
existing role as Chief Financial Officer, effective 1 January 2023. This change in role during the year under review is therefore reflected in Margherita’s
2023 figures compared to the 2022 figures which reflect Margherita’s role as Chief Financial Officer. The percentage increase in the table above does not
reflect the actual increase during the year under review in respect of the salary payable for the role of Chief Executive which was increased by 3% effective
1 July 2022.
The significant year-on-year increase in Deborah Kerr’s fees and taxable benefits reflect how the 2022 values reflect one month of service which covers
the period between Deborah joining on 1 March 2022 and the year-end on 31 March 2022. By comparison, the 2023 figures reflect a full 12 months
of time worked therefore resulting in a high year-on-year percentage increase despite there being no actual increase in the fees payable to the
Non-Executive Directors during this period.
Whilst some of the percentages within the ‘Taxable benefits’ column look significant, these actually reflect relatively small increases in value when viewed
on an absolute basis. Where an individual had no taxable benefit values in 2022 it has not been possible to calculate a percentage for the table above.
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Annual Report on Remuneration (continued)
Strategic report
Other information
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
The pay ratio figures in the above table are calculated using the following total pay and benefits information:
Supporting information
25th percentile pay ratio (£’000)
Median pay ratio (£’000)
75th percentile pay ratio (£’000)
Total pay and benefits
Total pay and benefits
Total pay and benefits
Total pay and benefits
Total pay and benefits
The calculation methodology used reflects Option B as defined under the relevant regulations. In line with the relevant regulations this utilises the most
recently collected and disclosed data analysed within our Gender Pay Gap report, with employees at the three quartiles identified from this analysis and
their respective single figure values calculated.
To ensure this data accurately reflects individuals at such quartiles, the single figure values for individuals immediately above and below the identified
employee at each quartile within the gender pay gap analysis were also reviewed.
In recent years our ratios have remained relatively consistent, reflecting how the single figures for both the Chief Executive and employees at the quartile
positions have remained stable when viewed over the period set out in the table above. In general we expect the ratios to be primarily driven by the
valuation of the long-term incentive that is included in the Chief Executive’s single figure for the year.
Change in remuneration for Directors and all employees
In line with regulatory requirements, the table below calculates the percentage change in Directors’ remuneration (salary, taxable benefits and annual
bonus payment) compared to the average remuneration for other Vodafone Group employees who are measured on comparable business objectives
and who have been employed in the UK since 2021 (2021 to 2022) and 2022 (2022 to 2023) (per capita). Vodafone has employees based all around the
world and some of these individuals work in countries with very high salary inflation; therefore Vodafone’s UK-based Group employees are deemed the
most appropriate employee group for this comparison.
Percentage change from 2022 to 2023
Percentage change from 2021 to 2022
Base salary/fees
Taxable benefits
Annual bonus
Base salary/fees
Taxable benefits
Annual bonus
Executive Directors
Margherita Della Valle
Nick Read (until 31 December 2022)
Non-Executive Directors
Jean-François van Boxmeer
Valerie Gooding
Stephen A. Carter CBE (appointed 26 July 2022)
Delphine Ernotte Cunci (appointed 26 July 2022)
Sir Crispin Davis
Michel Demaré
Dame Clara Furse
Deborah Kerr (appointed 1 March 2022)
Maria Amparo Moraleda Martinez
David Nish
Christine Ramon (appointed 14 November 2022)
Simon Segars (appointed 26 July 2022)
Other Vodafone Group employees employed in the UK
The year-on-year increase in Margherita Della Valle’s pay reflects Margherita’s appointment as Group Chief Executive on an interim basis, in addition to her
existing role as Chief Financial Officer, effective 1 January 2023. This change in role during the year under review is therefore reflected in Margherita’s
2023 figures compared to the 2022 figures which reflect Margherita’s role as Chief Financial Officer. The percentage increase in the table above does not
reflect the actual increase during the year under review in respect of the salary payable for the role of Chief Executive which was increased by 3% effective
1 July 2022.
The significant year-on-year increase in Deborah Kerr’s fees and taxable benefits reflect how the 2022 values reflect one month of service which covers
the period between Deborah joining on 1 March 2022 and the year-end on 31 March 2022. By comparison, the 2023 figures reflect a full 12 months
of time worked therefore resulting in a high year-on-year percentage increase despite there being no actual increase in the fees payable to the
Non-Executive Directors during this period.
Whilst some of the percentages within the ‘Taxable benefits’ column look significant, these actually reflect relatively small increases in value when viewed
on an absolute basis. Where an individual had no taxable benefit values in 2022 it has not been possible to calculate a percentage for the table above.
Assessing pay and performance
In the table below we summarise the Chief Executive’s single figure remuneration over the past 10 years and how our variable pay plans have paid
out in relation to the maximum opportunity. This can be compared with the historic TSR performance over the same period. The chart below shows
the performance of the Company relative to the STOXX Europe 600 Index over a 10-year period. The STOXX Europe 600 Index was selected as this
is a broad-based index that includes many of our closest competitors. It should be noted that the TSR element of the 2021 GLTI is based on the TSR
performance shown in the chart on page 96 and not this chart.
10-year historical TSR performance
Growth in the value of a hypothetical
€100 holding over 10 years
Vodafone Group
STOXX Europe
600 Index
Financial year remuneration
for Chief Executive
Annual bonus
average 55%
average 36%
Single figure of total remuneration £’000
Annual bonus
(actual award versus max opportunity)
Long-term incentive
(vesting versus max opportunity)
7,389 /1,6192
1. Reflects the single figure in respect of Vittorio Colao for the period of 1 April 2018 to 30 September 2018.
2. Reflects the single figure in respect of Nick Read for the period of 1 October 2018 to 31 March 2019.
3. Reflects the single figure in respect of Nick Read for the period of 1 April 2022 to 31 December 2022.
4. Reflects the single figure in respect of Margherita Della Valle for the period of 1 January 2023 to 31 March 2023.
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
Annual Report on Remuneration (continued)
2024 remuneration
Details of how the Remuneration Policy will be implemented for the 2024 financial year are set out below.
Prior to reviewing executive remuneration arrangements, including those of the Executive Committee, the Committee was fully briefed on remuneration
arrangements elsewhere in the business. This included a detailed discussion of the structure of remuneration offerings at each level of the business, how
pay at these levels is determined, and the findings of the latest annual fair pay review. The Committee also considered the external context and decisions
made in relation to our wider employee population.
The cumulative effect of these discussions was that the Committee was able to make decisions in respect of executive remuneration in the context of the
wider employee pay landscape within the business.1
2024 base salaries
Following her appointment to the position of Group Chief Executive, Margherita Della Valle’s salary was set at £1,250,000. The Committee decided the
new salary was appropriate when compared against the external market using the Committee’s normal comparator groups of the EuroTop 25-75 and
FTSE 30 (both excluding financial services companies), was fair from a gender pay perspective given its long standing work on fair pay and reflected both
the responsibilities and demands of the role.
During the year no additional salary payment or allowance has been made to Margherita in respect of her carrying out the dual roles of Group Chief
Executive and Group Chief Financial Officer. This will remain the approach going forward, and it is intended that Margherita will continue with her dual
responsibilities until a new Group Chief Financial Officer is appointed.
Pension arrangements for Executive Directors will remain unchanged at 10% of salary, in line with the maximum employer contribution level for the wider
UK population.
2024 annual bonus (‘GSTIP’)
Following its annual review of the GSTIP structure, the Committee agreed that the 2024 plan should support the strategic priorities of Growth and
Customers. The constituent performance measures remain unchanged with the key change from the 2023 plan being separation of Net Promoter Score,
revenue market share, and churn into standalone measures. The performance measures and weightings for 2024 are outlined below:
Growth (70% of total)
Service revenue (20%); adjusted EBIT (20%); adjusted free cash flow (20%); and revenue market share (10%)
Customers (30% of total)
Net Promoter Score1 (20%); and churn (10%).
1. The assessment of NPS utilises data collected in our local markets which is validated for quality and consistency by independent third-party agencies.
Due to the potential impact on our commercial interests, annual bonus targets are considered commercially sensitive and therefore will be disclosed
in the 2024 Remuneration Report following the completion of the financial year.
Long-term incentive (‘GLTI’) awards for 2024
Awards for 2024 will be made in line with the arrangements described in our policy on pages 89 and 90. Vesting of the 2024 award will be subject to
adjusted free cash flow (60% of total award), relative TSR (30% of total award), and ESG (10% of total award) performance. Performance will be measured
over the three financial years ending 31 March 2026, and any net vested shares will be subject to an additional two-year holding period. It is anticipated
that the final awards will be reviewed by the Committee at the July 2023 meeting and, subject to the Committee’s approval, will be granted shortly
Further details of the 2024 award targets are provided are on the following page.
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Annual Report on Remuneration (continued)
Strategic report
Other information
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
Adjusted free cash flow (60% of total award)
Details of the final three-year adjusted free cash flow target range will be disclosed in the relevant market announcement at the time of grant and
published in the 2024 Directors’ Remuneration Report.
Relative TSR (30% of total award)
Following the annual review of the performance measures which included a review of analysis provided by the Committee’s external advisers,
the Committee determined that the TSR outperformance range for the 2024 award should be set at 7.0% p.a. at maximum.
The Committee further determined that the TSR peer group should remain unchanged for the 2024. Further details are set out in the tables below.
Relative TSR (30% of total award)
TSR outperformance
Vesting (% of relative TSR element)
Below threshold
TSR peer group
BT Group
Royal KPN
Below median
7.0% p.a.
Deutsche Telekom
Telecom Italia
Liberty Global
Telefónica Deutschland
Linear interpolation (i.e. straight-line vesting) occurs for performance between threshold and maximum.
ESG (10% of total award)
The table below sets out how performance under the ESG measure for the 2024 award will be assessed against three quantitative ambitions:
Purpose pillar
Baseline position for 2024 GLTI
Ambition for 2024 GLTI
Metric for 2024 GLTI
Overall ambition
Net zero
Net zero under Scope 1 & 2
by 20301
Inclusion for All
Digital Society/
Inclusion for All
Female representation in
Financial inclusion
40% representation of women
in management by 2030
>75m financial inclusion
customers by 2026
1. This carbon reduction ambition has been approved by the Science Based Targets initiative.
52% reduction in Scope 1 & 2
emissions versus a FY20 baseline
at 31 March 2023
34% representation of women in
management at 31 March 2023
60.7m financial inclusion customers
at 31 March 2023
84% reduction in Scope 1 & 2
emissions versus a FY20 baseline
by 31 March 2026
36% representation of women in
management by 31 March 2026
70.0m financial inclusion
customers by 31 March 2026
Each ambition for the 2024 award has been set by considering both our externally communicated targets and our internal progress as at 31 March 2023.
At the end of the performance period the Committee will assess achievement across the three metrics against the stated ambitions and determine
vesting under this element. Full disclosure of the rationale for the final vesting decision will be provided in the relevant Directors’ Remuneration Report.
2024 remuneration
Details of how the Remuneration Policy will be implemented for the 2024 financial year are set out below.
Prior to reviewing executive remuneration arrangements, including those of the Executive Committee, the Committee was fully briefed on remuneration
arrangements elsewhere in the business. This included a detailed discussion of the structure of remuneration offerings at each level of the business, how
pay at these levels is determined, and the findings of the latest annual fair pay review. The Committee also considered the external context and decisions
The cumulative effect of these discussions was that the Committee was able to make decisions in respect of executive remuneration in the context of the
made in relation to our wider employee population.
wider employee pay landscape within the business.1
2024 base salaries
Following her appointment to the position of Group Chief Executive, Margherita Della Valle’s salary was set at £1,250,000. The Committee decided the
new salary was appropriate when compared against the external market using the Committee’s normal comparator groups of the EuroTop 25-75 and
FTSE 30 (both excluding financial services companies), was fair from a gender pay perspective given its long standing work on fair pay and reflected both
the responsibilities and demands of the role.
During the year no additional salary payment or allowance has been made to Margherita in respect of her carrying out the dual roles of Group Chief
Executive and Group Chief Financial Officer. This will remain the approach going forward, and it is intended that Margherita will continue with her dual
responsibilities until a new Group Chief Financial Officer is appointed.
Pension arrangements for Executive Directors will remain unchanged at 10% of salary, in line with the maximum employer contribution level for the wider
UK population.
2024 annual bonus (‘GSTIP’)
Following its annual review of the GSTIP structure, the Committee agreed that the 2024 plan should support the strategic priorities of Growth and
Customers. The constituent performance measures remain unchanged with the key change from the 2023 plan being separation of Net Promoter Score,
revenue market share, and churn into standalone measures. The performance measures and weightings for 2024 are outlined below:
Growth (70% of total)
Service revenue (20%); adjusted EBIT (20%); adjusted free cash flow (20%); and revenue market share (10%)
Customers (30% of total)
Net Promoter Score1 (20%); and churn (10%).
1. The assessment of NPS utilises data collected in our local markets which is validated for quality and consistency by independent third-party agencies.
Due to the potential impact on our commercial interests, annual bonus targets are considered commercially sensitive and therefore will be disclosed
in the 2024 Remuneration Report following the completion of the financial year.
Long-term incentive (‘GLTI’) awards for 2024
Awards for 2024 will be made in line with the arrangements described in our policy on pages 89 and 90. Vesting of the 2024 award will be subject to
adjusted free cash flow (60% of total award), relative TSR (30% of total award), and ESG (10% of total award) performance. Performance will be measured
over the three financial years ending 31 March 2026, and any net vested shares will be subject to an additional two-year holding period. It is anticipated
that the final awards will be reviewed by the Committee at the July 2023 meeting and, subject to the Committee’s approval, will be granted shortly
Further details of the 2024 award targets are provided are on the following page.
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
Annual Report on Remuneration (continued)
2024 remuneration for the Chair and Non-Executive Directors
Fees for our Chair and Non-Executive Directors have been benchmarked against the FTSE 30 (excluding financial services companies). Following this
year’s review it was agreed that the current fee levels, which are set out in the table below, would remain unchanged.
Non-Executive Director
Additional fee for the Senior Independent Director
Additional fee for Chair of the Audit and Risk Committee
Additional fee for Chair of the ESG Committee
Additional fee for Chair of the Remuneration Committee
1. The Chair’s fee also includes the fee for the chairing of the Nominations and Governance Committee.
Fee payable
Further remuneration information
All awards are made under plans that incorporate dilution limits as set out in the guidelines for share incentive schemes published by the Investment
Association. The current estimated dilution from subsisting executive awards is approximately 2.4% of the Company’s share capital at 31 March 2023
(2.7% at 31 March 2022), whilst from all-employee share awards it is approximately 0.3% (0.3% at 31 March 2022). This gives a total dilution of 2.7%
(3.0% at 31 March 2022).
Service contracts
The terms and conditions of appointment of our Directors are available for inspection at the Company’s registered office during normal business hours
and at the Annual General Meeting (for 15 minutes prior to the meeting and during the meeting). The Executive Directors have notice periods in their
service contracts of 12 months. The Non-Executive Directors’ letters of appointment do not contain provision for notice periods or for compensation
if their appointments are terminated.
This report on remuneration has been approved by the Board of Directors and signed on its behalf by:
Valerie Gooding
Chair of the Remuneration Committee
16 May 2023
Fee payable
Non-Executive Director
Additional fee for the Senior Independent Director
Additional fee for Chair of the Audit and Risk Committee
Additional fee for Chair of the ESG Committee
Additional fee for Chair of the Remuneration Committee
1. The Chair’s fee also includes the fee for the chairing of the Nominations and Governance Committee.
Further remuneration information
All awards are made under plans that incorporate dilution limits as set out in the guidelines for share incentive schemes published by the Investment
Association. The current estimated dilution from subsisting executive awards is approximately 2.4% of the Company’s share capital at 31 March 2023
(2.7% at 31 March 2022), whilst from all-employee share awards it is approximately 0.3% (0.3% at 31 March 2022). This gives a total dilution of 2.7%
(3.0% at 31 March 2022).
Service contracts
The terms and conditions of appointment of our Directors are available for inspection at the Company’s registered office during normal business hours
and at the Annual General Meeting (for 15 minutes prior to the meeting and during the meeting). The Executive Directors have notice periods in their
service contracts of 12 months. The Non-Executive Directors’ letters of appointment do not contain provision for notice periods or for compensation
if their appointments are terminated.
This report on remuneration has been approved by the Board of Directors and signed on its behalf by:
Valerie Gooding
Chair of the Remuneration Committee
16 May 2023
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Annual Report on Remuneration (continued)
Strategic report
Other information
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
Our US listing requirements
2024 remuneration for the Chair and Non-Executive Directors
Fees for our Chair and Non-Executive Directors have been benchmarked against the FTSE 30 (excluding financial services companies). Following this
year’s review it was agreed that the current fee levels, which are set out in the table below, would remain unchanged.
As Vodafone’s American Depositary Shares are listed on NASDAQ Stock Market LLC (‘NASDAQ’), we are required to disclose a summary of any material
differences between the corporate governance practices we follow and those of US companies listed on NASDAQ. Vodafone’s corporate governance
practices are primarily based on UK requirements but substantially conform to those required of US companies listed on NASDAQ.
The material differences are set out in the following table:
Board member independence
Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct
Related party transactions
Shareholder approval
Different tests of independence for Board members are applied under the 2018 UK Corporate
Governance Code (the ‘Code’) and the NASDAQ listing rules. The Board is not required to take
into consideration NASDAQ’s detailed definitions of independence as set out in the NASDAQ listing
rules. The Board has carried out an assessment based on the independence requirements of the Code
and has determined that, in its judgement, each of Vodafone’s Non-Executive Directors is independent
within the meaning of those requirements.
The NASDAQ listing rules require US companies to have a nominations committee, an audit
committee and a compensation committee, each composed entirely of independent directors, with
the nominations committee and the audit committee each required to have a written charter which
addresses the committee’s purpose and responsibilities, and the compensation committee having sole
authority and adequate funding to engage compensation consultants, independent legal counsel and
other compensation advisers.
– Our Nominations and Governance Committee is chaired by the Chair of the Board and its other
members are independent Non-Executive Directors.
– Our Remuneration Committee is composed entirely of independent Non-Executive Directors.
– Our Audit and Risk Committee is composed entirely of Non-Executive Directors, each of whom
(i) the Board has determined to be independent based on the independence requirements of the
Code; and (ii) meets the independence requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.
– We have terms of reference for our Nominations and Governance Committee, Audit and Risk
Committee and Remuneration Committee, all of which comply with the requirements of the Code
and are available for inspection on our website at
– These terms of reference are generally responsive to the relevant NASDAQ listing rules, but may not
address all aspects of these rules.
Under the NASDAQ listing rules, US companies must adopt a Code of Conduct applicable to all
directors, officers and employees that complies with the definition of a ‘Code of Ethics’ set out in
section 406 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.
– We have adopted a Code of Ethics that complies with section 406 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act which
is applicable only to the senior financial and principal executive officers.
Click to read our Code of Ethics:
– We have also adopted a separate Code of Conduct which applies to all employees.
The quorum required for shareholder meetings, in accordance with our Articles of Association, is two
shareholders, regardless of the level of their aggregate share ownership, while US companies listed
on NASDAQ are required by the NASDAQ listing rules to have a minimum quorum of 33.33% of the
holders of ordinary shares for shareholder meetings.
In lieu of obtaining an independent review of related party transactions for conflicts of interests
in accordance with the NASDAQ listing rules, we seek shareholder approval for related party
transactions that (i) meet certain financial thresholds, or (ii) have unusual features in accordance with
the Listing Rules issued by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in the UK (the ‘Listing Rules’),
the Companies Act 2006 and our Articles of Association.
Further, we use the definition of a transaction with a related party as set out in the Listing Rules, which
differs in certain respects from the definition of related party transaction in the NASDAQ listing rules.
When determining whether shareholder approval is required for a proposed transaction, we comply
with both the NASDAQ listing rules and the Listing Rules. Under the NASDAQ listing rules, whether
shareholder approval is required for a transaction depends on, among other things, the percentage
of shares to be issued or sold in connection with the transaction. Under the Listing Rules, whether
shareholder approval is required for a transaction depends on, among other things, whether the size
of a transaction exceeds a certain percentage of the size of the listed company undertaking
the transaction.
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Directors’ report
Strategic report
Other information
The Directors of the Company present their report
together with the audited consolidated financial
statements for the year ended 31 March 2023.
This report has been prepared in accordance with requirements outlined
within The Large and Medium-sized Companies and Groups (Accounts
and Reports) Regulations 2008 and forms part of the management report
as required under Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rule (‘DTR’) 4.
Certain information that fulfils the requirements of the Directors’ report
can be found elsewhere in this document and is referred to below.
This information is incorporated into this Directors’ report by reference.
Vodafone Group Plc is incorporated and domiciled in England and
Wales (registration number 1833679). The registered address and
contact number of the Company is Vodafone House, The Connection,
Newbury, Berkshire, RG14 2FN, England, telephone +44 (0)1635 33251.
Responsibility statement
As required under the DTRs, a statement made by the Board regarding
the preparation of the financial statements is set out on pages 111-112
which also provides details regarding the disclosure of information to the
Company’s auditor and management’s report on internal control over
financial information.
Going concern
The going concern statement required by the Listing Rules and
the UK Corporate Governance Code (the ‘Code’) is set out in the
‘Directors’ statement of responsibility’ on page 112.
System of risk management and internal control
The Board is responsible for maintaining a risk management and internal
control system and for managing the principal risks faced by the Group.
Such a system is designed to manage rather than eliminate business
risks and can only provide reasonable and not absolute assurance against
material mistreatment or loss. This is described in more detail in the
Audit and Risk Committee Report on pages 77-82.
The Board has implemented in full the Financial Reporting Council’s
(‘FRC’) ‘Guidance on Risk Management, Internal Control and Related
Financial and Business Reporting’ for the year end to the date of this
Annual Report. The resulting procedures, which are subject to regular
monitoring and review, provide an ongoing process for identifying,
evaluating and managing the Company’s principal risks (which can be
found on pages 51-57).
Corporate Governance Statement
The Corporate Governance Statement setting out how the Company
complies with the Code is set out on page 63. This includes a description
of the main features of our internal control and risk management
arrangements in relation to the financial reporting process. The information
required by DTR 7.2.6R can be found in the ‘Shareholder information’
section on pages 230-235. A description of the composition and operation
of the Board and its Committees including the Board Diversity Policy
is set out on page 68, pages 74-84 and page 93. The Code can be viewed
in full at
Strategic report
The Strategic report is set out on pages 1-59 and is incorporated into this
Directors’ report by reference.
Directors and their interests
The Directors of the Company who served during the financial year
ended 31 March 2023 and up to the date of signing the financial
statements are as follows: Jean-François van Boxmeer, Margherita Della
Valle, Stephen A. Carter CBE (appointed 26 July 2022), Delphine Ernotte
Cunci (appointed 26 July 2022), Sir Crispin Davis, Michel Demaré, Dame
Clara Furse, Valerie Gooding, Deborah Kerr, Maria Amparo Moraleda
Martinez, David Nish, Christine Ramon (appointed 14 November 2022)
and Simon Segars (appointed 26 July 2022). Nick Read stepped down on
31 December 2022. A summary of the rules related to the appointment
and replacement of Directors and Directors’ powers can be found on
pages 231-232. Details of the Directors’ interests in the Company’s
ordinary shares, options held over ordinary shares, interests in share
options and long-term incentive plans are set out on pages 86-106.
Directors’ conflicts of interest
Established within the Company is a procedure for managing and
monitoring conflicts of interest for Directors. Details of this procedure
are set out on page 75.
Directors’ indemnities
In accordance with our Articles of Association and to the extent permitted
by law, Directors are granted an indemnity from the Company in respect
of liability incurred as a result of their office. In addition, we maintained
a directors’ and officers’ liability insurance policy throughout the year.
Neither our indemnity nor the insurance provides cover in the event
that a Director is proven to have acted dishonestly or fraudulently.
Disclosures required under Listing Rule 9.8.4
The information on the amount of interest capitalised and the treatment
of tax relief can be found in notes 5 and 6 to the consolidated financial
statements respectively. The remaining disclosures required by Listing
Rule 9.8.4 are not applicable to Vodafone.
Capital structure and rights attaching to shares
Ordinary shares of Vodafone Group Plc are traded on the London
Stock Exchange and in the form of American Depositary Shares (‘ADS’)
ADSs, each representing 10 ordinary shares, are traded on NASDAQ
under the symbol ‘VOD’. The ADSs are evidenced by American
Depositary Receipts (‘ADR’) issued by J.P. Morgan, as depositary, under a
deposit agreement, dated 15 February 2022 between the Company, the
depositary and the holders from time to time of ADRs issued thereunder.
ADS holders are not shareholders in the Company but may instruct
J.P. Morgan on the exercise of voting rights relative to the number of
ordinary shares represented by their ADSs. See ‘Articles of Association
and applicable English law’ and ‘Rights attaching to the Company’s shares
– Voting rights’ on pages 231-232.
All information relating to the Company’s capital structure, rights
attaching to shares, dividends, the policy to repurchase the Company’s
own shares, details of Company share repurchases and details of other
shareholder information is contained on pages 24-25 and pages 230-235.
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Directors’ report
Strategic report
Other information
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
The Directors of the Company present their report
together with the audited consolidated financial
statements for the year ended 31 March 2023.
Strategic report
Directors’ report by reference.
The Strategic report is set out on pages 1-59 and is incorporated into this
This report has been prepared in accordance with requirements outlined
within The Large and Medium-sized Companies and Groups (Accounts
and Reports) Regulations 2008 and forms part of the management report
as required under Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rule (‘DTR’) 4.
Certain information that fulfils the requirements of the Directors’ report
can be found elsewhere in this document and is referred to below.
This information is incorporated into this Directors’ report by reference.
Vodafone Group Plc is incorporated and domiciled in England and
Wales (registration number 1833679). The registered address and
contact number of the Company is Vodafone House, The Connection,
Newbury, Berkshire, RG14 2FN, England, telephone +44 (0)1635 33251.
Responsibility statement
As required under the DTRs, a statement made by the Board regarding
the preparation of the financial statements is set out on pages 111-112
which also provides details regarding the disclosure of information to the
Company’s auditor and management’s report on internal control over
financial information.
Going concern
Directors and their interests
The Directors of the Company who served during the financial year
ended 31 March 2023 and up to the date of signing the financial
statements are as follows: Jean-François van Boxmeer, Margherita Della
Valle, Stephen A. Carter CBE (appointed 26 July 2022), Delphine Ernotte
Cunci (appointed 26 July 2022), Sir Crispin Davis, Michel Demaré, Dame
Clara Furse, Valerie Gooding, Deborah Kerr, Maria Amparo Moraleda
Martinez, David Nish, Christine Ramon (appointed 14 November 2022)
and Simon Segars (appointed 26 July 2022). Nick Read stepped down on
31 December 2022. A summary of the rules related to the appointment
and replacement of Directors and Directors’ powers can be found on
pages 231-232. Details of the Directors’ interests in the Company’s
ordinary shares, options held over ordinary shares, interests in share
options and long-term incentive plans are set out on pages 86-106.
Directors’ conflicts of interest
Established within the Company is a procedure for managing and
monitoring conflicts of interest for Directors. Details of this procedure
are set out on page 75.
Directors’ indemnities
The going concern statement required by the Listing Rules and
the UK Corporate Governance Code (the ‘Code’) is set out in the
‘Directors’ statement of responsibility’ on page 112.
System of risk management and internal control
In accordance with our Articles of Association and to the extent permitted
by law, Directors are granted an indemnity from the Company in respect
of liability incurred as a result of their office. In addition, we maintained
a directors’ and officers’ liability insurance policy throughout the year.
Neither our indemnity nor the insurance provides cover in the event
The Board is responsible for maintaining a risk management and internal
that a Director is proven to have acted dishonestly or fraudulently.
control system and for managing the principal risks faced by the Group.
Such a system is designed to manage rather than eliminate business
risks and can only provide reasonable and not absolute assurance against
material mistreatment or loss. This is described in more detail in the
Audit and Risk Committee Report on pages 77-82.
The Board has implemented in full the Financial Reporting Council’s
(‘FRC’) ‘Guidance on Risk Management, Internal Control and Related
Financial and Business Reporting’ for the year end to the date of this
Disclosures required under Listing Rule 9.8.4
The information on the amount of interest capitalised and the treatment
of tax relief can be found in notes 5 and 6 to the consolidated financial
statements respectively. The remaining disclosures required by Listing
Rule 9.8.4 are not applicable to Vodafone.
Capital structure and rights attaching to shares
Annual Report. The resulting procedures, which are subject to regular
Ordinary shares of Vodafone Group Plc are traded on the London
monitoring and review, provide an ongoing process for identifying,
Stock Exchange and in the form of American Depositary Shares (‘ADS’)
evaluating and managing the Company’s principal risks (which can be
found on pages 51-57).
Corporate Governance Statement
The Corporate Governance Statement setting out how the Company
complies with the Code is set out on page 63. This includes a description
of the main features of our internal control and risk management
arrangements in relation to the financial reporting process. The information
required by DTR 7.2.6R can be found in the ‘Shareholder information’
section on pages 230-235. A description of the composition and operation
of the Board and its Committees including the Board Diversity Policy
is set out on page 68, pages 74-84 and page 93. The Code can be viewed
in full at
ADSs, each representing 10 ordinary shares, are traded on NASDAQ
under the symbol ‘VOD’. The ADSs are evidenced by American
Depositary Receipts (‘ADR’) issued by J.P. Morgan, as depositary, under a
deposit agreement, dated 15 February 2022 between the Company, the
depositary and the holders from time to time of ADRs issued thereunder.
ADS holders are not shareholders in the Company but may instruct
J.P. Morgan on the exercise of voting rights relative to the number of
ordinary shares represented by their ADSs. See ‘Articles of Association
and applicable English law’ and ‘Rights attaching to the Company’s shares
– Voting rights’ on pages 231-232.
All information relating to the Company’s capital structure, rights
attaching to shares, dividends, the policy to repurchase the Company’s
own shares, details of Company share repurchases and details of other
shareholder information is contained on pages 24-25 and pages 230-235.
Change of control
Details of change of control provisions in the Company’s revolving credit
facilities are set out in note 22 ‘Capital and financial risk management’.
Information on agreements between the Company and its Directors
providing for compensation for loss of office of employment (including
details of change of control provisions in share schemes) is set out on
pages 91-92. Other than these, there are no agreements between the
Company and its employees providing for compensation for loss of
office or employment that occurs because of a takeover bid.
Full details of the Company’s dividend policy and proposed final dividend
payment for the year ended 31 March 2023 are set out on page 25 and
note 9 to the consolidated financial statements.
Information about the Company’s approach to sustainability risks and
opportunities is set out on pages 26-49 and on pages 51-59. Details
of our greenhouse gas emissions are also included on these pages.
Political donations
No political donations or contributions to political parties under
the Companies Act 2006 have been made during the financial year.
The Group policy is that no political donations be made or political
expenditure incurred.
Financial risk management objectives and policies
Disclosures relating to financial risk management objectives and
policies, including our policy for hedging, are set out in note 22 to the
consolidated financial statements and disclosures relating to exposure
to credit risk, liquidity risk and market risk are outlined in note 22.
Important events since the end of the financial year
On 17 April 2023, the Group entered into an agreement to sell M-Pesa
Holding Company Limited to Safaricom Plc, an associate entity of the
Group. Further details can be found in note 33 to the consolidated
financial statements.
On 11 May 2023, the Company announced that it had agreed a strategic
relationship with Emirates Telecommunications Group Company PJSC
(“e&”). Further details can be found under ‘Material contracts’ on page 233.
There were no other important events affecting the Company which have
occurred since the end of the financial year.
Future developments within the Group
The Strategic report contains details of likely future developments
within the Group.
Group policy compliance
Each Group policy is owned by a member of the Executive Committee so
that there is clear accountability and authority for ensuring the associated
business risk is adequately managed. Regional Chief Executives and the
Senior Leadership Team member responsible for each Group function
have primary accountability for ensuring compliance with all Group
policies by all our markets and entities.
Our Group compliance team and policy champions support the policy
owners and local markets in implementing policies and monitoring
compliance. All of the key Group policies have been consolidated into
the Vodafone Code of Conduct which applies to all employees and
those who work for or on behalf of Vodafone. It sets out the standards
of behaviour expected in relation to areas such as insider dealing,
bribery and raising concerns through the whistleblowing process
(known internally as ‘Speak Up’).
page 40
The Group, through various subsidiaries, has branches in a number of
different jurisdictions in which the business operates. Further details are
included in note 31.
Employee disclosures
Vodafone is an inclusive employer and diversity is important to us.
We give full and fair consideration to applications for employment by
disabled persons and the continued employment of anyone incurring
a disability while employed by us. Training, career development and
promotion opportunities are equally applied for all our employees,
regardless of disability. Our disclosures relating to the employment of
women in senior management roles, diversity, employee engagement
and policies are set out on page 11, pages 33 and 34, page 64, page 72,
page 75 and page 76.
The Directors’ Report was approved by the Board and signed on
its behalf by the Group General Counsel and Company Secretary.
Maaike de Bie
Group General Counsel and Company Secretary
16 May 2023
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
Reporting on our financial performance
Additional disclosures
194 27. Acquisitions and disposals
196 28. Commitments
196 29. Contingent liabilities and legal proceedings
200 30. Related party transactions
201 31. Related undertakings
210 32. Subsidiaries exempt from audit
210 33. Subsequent events
211 Company financial statements of Vodafone Group Plc
211 Company statement of financial position of Vodafone Group Plc
212 Company statement of changes in equity of Vodafone Group Plc
213 Notes to the Company financial statements
213 1. Basis of preparation
215 2. Fixed assets
216 3. Debtors
216 4. Other investments
216 5. Creditors
217 6. Called up share capital
217 7. Share-based payments
217 8. Reserves
218 9. Equity dividends
218 10. Contingent liabilities and legal proceedings
218 11. Other matters
219 Non-GAAP measures (unaudited information)
229 Additional information (unaudited information)
111 Directors’ statement of responsibility
113 Independent auditor’s report to the members of Vodafone Group Plc
123 Consolidated financial statements
123 Consolidated income statement
123 Consolidated statement of comprehensive income
124 Consolidated statement of financial position
125 Consolidated statement of changes in equity
126 Consolidated statement of cash flows
127 Notes to the consolidated financial statements
127 1. Basis of preparation
Income statement
Impairment losses
Investment income and financing costs
134 2. Revenue disaggregation and segmental analysis
138 3. Operating profit
139 4.
145 5.
146 6. Taxation
151 7. Discontinued operations and assets held for sale
152 8. Earnings per share
152 9. Equity dividends
Financial position
153 10. Intangible assets
155 11. Property, plant and equipment
157 12. Investments in associates and joint arrangements
165 13. Other investments
166 14. Trade and other receivables
167 15. Trade and other payables
168 16. Provisions
169 17. Called up share capital
Cash flows
170 18. Reconciliation of net cash flow from operating activities
170 19. Cash and cash equivalents
171 20. Leases
174 21. Borrowings
176 22. Capital and financial risk management
Employee remuneration
186 23. Directors’ and key management compensation
187 24. Employees
188 25. Post employment benefits
192 26. Share-based payments
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Reporting on our financial performance
111 Directors’ statement of responsibility
113 Independent auditor’s report to the members of Vodafone Group Plc
123 Consolidated financial statements
123 Consolidated income statement
123 Consolidated statement of comprehensive income
124 Consolidated statement of financial position
125 Consolidated statement of changes in equity
126 Consolidated statement of cash flows
127 Notes to the consolidated financial statements
134 2. Revenue disaggregation and segmental analysis
145 5.
Investment income and financing costs
146 6. Taxation
151 7. Discontinued operations and assets held for sale
127 1. Basis of preparation
Income statement
138 3. Operating profit
139 4.
Impairment losses
152 8. Earnings per share
152 9. Equity dividends
Financial position
153 10. Intangible assets
155 11. Property, plant and equipment
157 12. Investments in associates and joint arrangements
165 13. Other investments
166 14. Trade and other receivables
167 15. Trade and other payables
168 16. Provisions
169 17. Called up share capital
Cash flows
170 18. Reconciliation of net cash flow from operating activities
170 19. Cash and cash equivalents
171 20. Leases
174 21. Borrowings
176 22. Capital and financial risk management
Employee remuneration
186 23. Directors’ and key management compensation
187 24. Employees
188 25. Post employment benefits
192 26. Share-based payments
Additional disclosures
194 27. Acquisitions and disposals
196 28. Commitments
196 29. Contingent liabilities and legal proceedings
200 30. Related party transactions
201 31. Related undertakings
210 32. Subsidiaries exempt from audit
210 33. Subsequent events
211 Company financial statements of Vodafone Group Plc
211 Company statement of financial position of Vodafone Group Plc
212 Company statement of changes in equity of Vodafone Group Plc
213 Notes to the Company financial statements
213 1. Basis of preparation
215 2. Fixed assets
216 3. Debtors
216 4. Other investments
216 5. Creditors
217 6. Called up share capital
217 7. Share-based payments
217 8. Reserves
218 9. Equity dividends
218 10. Contingent liabilities and legal proceedings
218 11. Other matters
219 Non-GAAP measures (unaudited information)
229 Additional information (unaudited information)
Strategic report
Other information
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
Directors’ statement of responsibility
The Directors are responsible for preparing the
financial statements in accordance with applicable
law and regulations and keeping proper accounting
records. Detailed below are statements made by
the Directors in relation to their responsibilities,
disclosure of information to the Company’s auditor,
going concern and management’s report on
internal control over financial reporting.
Financial statements and accounting records
Company law of England and Wales requires the Directors to prepare
financial statements for each financial year which give a true and fair
view of the state of affairs of the Company and of the Group at the end
of the financial year and of the profit or loss of the Group for that period.
In preparing those financial statements the Directors are required to:
– Select suitable accounting policies and apply them consistently;
– Make judgements and estimates that are reasonable and prudent;
– Present information, including accounting policies, in a
manner that provides relevant, reliable, comparable and
understandable information;
– State whether the consolidated financial statements have been
prepared in accordance with UK-adopted International Accounting
Standards (‘IAS’), with International Financial Reporting Standards
(‘IFRS’) as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board
(‘IASB’) and with the requirements of the UK Companies Act
2006 (the ‘Act’);
– State for the Company’s financial statements whether applicable
UK accounting standards have been followed; and
– Prepare the financial statements on a going concern basis unless it
is inappropriate to presume that the Company and the Group will
continue in business.
The Directors are responsible for keeping proper accounting records
which disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial
position of the Company and of the Group and enable them to
ensure that the financial statements are prepared in accordance
with UK-adopted IAS, with IFRS as issued by the IASB and with the
requirements of the Act. They are also responsible for the system
of internal control, for safeguarding the assets of the Company and the
Group, and for taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection
of fraud and other irregularities.
The Directors are responsible for the maintenance and integrity of the
Company’s website. Legislation in the United Kingdom governing the
preparation and dissemination of financial statements may differ from
legislation in other jurisdictions.
Directors’ responsibility statement
Each of the Directors, whose names and functions are listed on pages
65 to 67, confirms that, to the best of their knowledge:
– The consolidated financial statements, prepared in accordance
with UK-adopted IAS, with IFRS as issued by the IASB and with the
requirements of the Act, give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities,
financial position and profit of the Group;
– The parent company financial statements, prepared in accordance with
United Kingdom generally accepted accounting practice, give a true
and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position and profit of the
Company; and
– The Strategic Report includes a fair review of the development and
performance of the business and the position of the Group, together
with a description and robust assessment of the principal risks and
uncertainties that it faces.
The Directors are also responsible under section 172 of the Companies
Act 2006 to promote the success of the Company for the benefit of
its members as a whole and in doing so have regard for the needs of
wider society and stakeholders, including customers, consistent with
the Group’s core and sustainable business objectives.
Having taken advice from the Audit and Risk Committee, the Board
considers the Annual Report, taken as a whole, is fair, balanced and
understandable and that it provides the information necessary for
shareholders to assess the Company’s position and performance,
business model and strategy.
Neither the Company nor the Directors accepts any liability to any person
in relation to the Annual Report except to the extent that such liability
could arise under English law. Accordingly, any liability to a person
who has demonstrated reliance on any untrue or misleading statement
or omission shall be determined in accordance with section 90A and
schedule 10A of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000.
Disclosure of information to the auditors
Having made the requisite enquiries, so far as the Directors are aware,
there is no relevant audit information (as defined by section 418(3) of
the Companies Act 2006) of which the Company’s auditor is unaware and
the Directors have taken all the steps they ought to have taken to make
themselves aware of any relevant audit information and to establish that
the Company’s auditor is aware of that information.
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
Directors’ statement of responsibility (continued)
Going concern
The Group’s business activities, performance, position, principal risks and
uncertainties and the Directors’ assessment of its long-term viability are
set out on page 57.
In addition, the funding position of the Group is included in ‘Borrowings’
and ‘Capital and financial risk management’ in notes 21 and 22,
respectively, to the consolidated financial statements. Notes 21 and
22 include disclosure in relation to the Group’s objectives, policies and
processes for managing as well as details regarding its capital, its financial
risk management objectives, details of its financial instruments and
hedging activities, and its exposures to credit risk and liquidity risk.
As noted on pages 177 to 178, the Group has access to substantial cash
and financing facilities.
The Group also believes it adequately manages or mitigates its solvency
and liquidity risks through two primary processes, described below.
Business planning process and performance management
The Group’s forecasting and planning cycle consists of in-year forecasts,
a budget and a long-range plan. These generate income statement, cash
flow and net debt projections for assessment by Group management
and the Board. Each forecast is compared with prior forecasts and actual
results to identify variances and understand the drivers of the changes
and their future impact so management can take action where
appropriate. Additional analysis is undertaken to review and sense check
the key assumptions underpinning the forecasts.
Cash flow and liquidity reviews
The business planning process provides outputs for detailed cash
flow and liquidity reviews, to ensure that the Group maintains adequate
liquidity throughout the forecast periods. The prime output is a liquidity
forecast which is prepared and updated at least on a monthly basis, which
highlights the extent of the Group’s liquidity based on controlled cash
flows and the headroom under the Group’s undrawn revolving credit
facility. The key inputs into this forecast are:
– Free cash flow forecasts with information taken from the business
planning process;
– Bond and other debt maturities; and
– Expectations for shareholder returns, spectrum auctions and
M&A activity.
The liquidity forecast is reviewed by the Group Chief Financial Officer
and included in each of the reports to the Board. In addition, the Group
continues to manage its foreign exchange and interest rate risks within
the framework of policies and guidelines authorised and reviewed by
the Board, with oversight provided by the Treasury Risk Committee.
The Directors have also considered sensitivities in respect of potential
downside scenarios in concluding that the Group is able to continue
in operation for the period to 30 June 2024 from the date of approving
the consolidated financial statements. Those sensitivities include the
non-refinancing, with the exception of hybrid bonds, of debt maturities
in the assessment period. A reverse stress test was also reviewed to
understand how severe conditions would have to be to breach liquidity
including the required reduction in Adjusted EBITDAaL. The Directors also
considered the availability of the Group’s €7.7 billion undrawn revolving
credit facilities as at 31 March 2023.
In reaching their conclusion on the going concern assessment,
the Directors also considered the findings of the work performed
to support the statement on the long-term viability of the Group.
As noted on page 57, this included key changes to relevant principal
risks in light of global economic and political uncertainty, sensitivity
analysis, scenario assessments, and combinations of these, over the
viability assessment period.
Based on the review, the Directors have a reasonable expectation that
the Company and the Group have adequate resources to continue
in operational existence for the foreseeable future. Accordingly, the
Directors continue to adopt the going concern basis in preparing the
Annual Report and Accounts.
Controls over financial reporting
Management is responsible for establishing and maintaining adequate
internal control over financial reporting for the Group.
The Group’s internal control over financial reporting includes policies
and procedures that:
– Pertain to the maintenance of records that, in reasonable detail,
accurately and fairly reflect transactions and dispositions of assets;
– Are designed to provide reasonable assurance that transactions
are recorded as necessary to permit the preparation of financial
statements in accordance with UK-adopted IAS, with IFRS as issued
by the IASB and with the requirements of the Act, and that receipts and
expenditures are being made only in accordance with authorisation
of management and the Directors of the Company; and
– Provide reasonable assurance regarding prevention or timely detection
of unauthorised acquisition, use or disposition of the Group’s assets
that could have a material effect on the financial statements.
During the year covered by this report, there were no changes in the
Group’s internal control over financial reporting that have materially
affected or are reasonably likely to materially affect the effectiveness
of the internal controls over financial reporting.
Any internal control framework, no matter how well designed, has
inherent limitations including the possibility of human error and the
circumvention or overriding of the controls and procedures, and may not
prevent or detect misstatements. Also, projections of any evaluation of
effectiveness to future periods are subject to the risk that controls may
become inadequate because of changes in conditions or because the
degree of compliance with the policies or procedures may deteriorate.
By order of the Board
Maaike de Bie
Group General Counsel and Company Secretary
16 May 2023
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
Directors’ statement of responsibility (continued)
Independent auditor’s report to the members of Vodafone Group Plc
Going concern
set out on page 57.
The Group’s business activities, performance, position, principal risks and
uncertainties and the Directors’ assessment of its long-term viability are
In addition, the funding position of the Group is included in ‘Borrowings’
and ‘Capital and financial risk management’ in notes 21 and 22,
respectively, to the consolidated financial statements. Notes 21 and
22 include disclosure in relation to the Group’s objectives, policies and
processes for managing as well as details regarding its capital, its financial
risk management objectives, details of its financial instruments and
hedging activities, and its exposures to credit risk and liquidity risk.
As noted on pages 177 to 178, the Group has access to substantial cash
and financing facilities.
The Group also believes it adequately manages or mitigates its solvency
and liquidity risks through two primary processes, described below.
Business planning process and performance management
The Group’s forecasting and planning cycle consists of in-year forecasts,
a budget and a long-range plan. These generate income statement, cash
flow and net debt projections for assessment by Group management
and the Board. Each forecast is compared with prior forecasts and actual
results to identify variances and understand the drivers of the changes
In reaching their conclusion on the going concern assessment,
the Directors also considered the findings of the work performed
to support the statement on the long-term viability of the Group.
As noted on page 57, this included key changes to relevant principal
risks in light of global economic and political uncertainty, sensitivity
analysis, scenario assessments, and combinations of these, over the
viability assessment period.
Based on the review, the Directors have a reasonable expectation that
the Company and the Group have adequate resources to continue
in operational existence for the foreseeable future. Accordingly, the
Directors continue to adopt the going concern basis in preparing the
Annual Report and Accounts.
Controls over financial reporting
Management is responsible for establishing and maintaining adequate
internal control over financial reporting for the Group.
The Group’s internal control over financial reporting includes policies
and procedures that:
– Pertain to the maintenance of records that, in reasonable detail,
accurately and fairly reflect transactions and dispositions of assets;
and their future impact so management can take action where
– Are designed to provide reasonable assurance that transactions
appropriate. Additional analysis is undertaken to review and sense check
are recorded as necessary to permit the preparation of financial
the key assumptions underpinning the forecasts.
Cash flow and liquidity reviews
The business planning process provides outputs for detailed cash
flow and liquidity reviews, to ensure that the Group maintains adequate
liquidity throughout the forecast periods. The prime output is a liquidity
forecast which is prepared and updated at least on a monthly basis, which
highlights the extent of the Group’s liquidity based on controlled cash
flows and the headroom under the Group’s undrawn revolving credit
facility. The key inputs into this forecast are:
– Free cash flow forecasts with information taken from the business
planning process;
– Bond and other debt maturities; and
– Expectations for shareholder returns, spectrum auctions and
M&A activity.
The liquidity forecast is reviewed by the Group Chief Financial Officer
and included in each of the reports to the Board. In addition, the Group
continues to manage its foreign exchange and interest rate risks within
the framework of policies and guidelines authorised and reviewed by
the Board, with oversight provided by the Treasury Risk Committee.
The Directors have also considered sensitivities in respect of potential
downside scenarios in concluding that the Group is able to continue
in operation for the period to 30 June 2024 from the date of approving
the consolidated financial statements. Those sensitivities include the
non-refinancing, with the exception of hybrid bonds, of debt maturities
in the assessment period. A reverse stress test was also reviewed to
understand how severe conditions would have to be to breach liquidity
including the required reduction in Adjusted EBITDAaL. The Directors also
considered the availability of the Group’s €7.7 billion undrawn revolving
credit facilities as at 31 March 2023.
statements in accordance with UK-adopted IAS, with IFRS as issued
by the IASB and with the requirements of the Act, and that receipts and
expenditures are being made only in accordance with authorisation
of management and the Directors of the Company; and
– Provide reasonable assurance regarding prevention or timely detection
of unauthorised acquisition, use or disposition of the Group’s assets
that could have a material effect on the financial statements.
During the year covered by this report, there were no changes in the
Group’s internal control over financial reporting that have materially
affected or are reasonably likely to materially affect the effectiveness
of the internal controls over financial reporting.
Any internal control framework, no matter how well designed, has
inherent limitations including the possibility of human error and the
circumvention or overriding of the controls and procedures, and may not
prevent or detect misstatements. Also, projections of any evaluation of
effectiveness to future periods are subject to the risk that controls may
become inadequate because of changes in conditions or because the
degree of compliance with the policies or procedures may deteriorate.
By order of the Board
Maaike de Bie
16 May 2023
Group General Counsel and Company Secretary
In our opinion:
– Vodafone Group Plc’s consolidated financial statements and Company
financial statements (the “financial statements”) give a true and fair
view of the state of the Group’s and of the Company’s affairs as at
31 March 2023 and of the Group’s profit for the year then ended;
– the consolidated financial statements have been properly prepared
in accordance with UK adopted international accounting standards
and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as issued by
the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB);
– the Company financial statements have been properly prepared in
accordance with United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting
Practice; and
– the financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the
requirements of the Companies Act 2006.
We have audited the financial statements of Vodafone Group Plc
(the ‘Parent company’) and its subsidiaries (the ‘Group’) for the year ended
31 March 2023 which comprise:
Parent company
Consolidated statement of financial
position as at 31 March 2023
Company statement of financial
position as at 31 March 2023
Consolidated income statement
for the year then ended
Company statement of changes
in equity for the year then ended
Consolidated statement of
comprehensive income for the
year then ended
Related notes 1 to 11 to the
financial statements including
a summary of significant
accounting policies
Consolidated statement of changes
in equity for the year then ended
Consolidated statement of cash
flows for the year then ended
Related notes 1 to 33 to the
financial statements, including
a summary of significant
accounting policies
The financial reporting framework that has been applied in the
preparation of the Group financial statements is applicable law and UK
adopted international accounting standards and International Financial
Reporting Standards (IFRS) as issued by the International Accounting
Standards Board (IASB). The financial reporting framework that has been
applied in the preparation of the Parent company financial statements is
applicable law and United Kingdom Accounting Standards, including FRS
101 “Reduced Disclosure Framework” (United Kingdom Generally
Accepted Accounting Practice).
Basis for opinion
We conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards on
Auditing (UK) (ISAs (UK)) and applicable law. Our responsibilities under
those standards are further described in the ‘Auditor’s responsibilities
for the audit of the financial statements’ section of our report. We believe
that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate
to provide a basis for our opinion.
We are independent of the Group and Parent in accordance with
the ethical requirements that are relevant to our audit of the financial
statements in the UK, including the FRC’s Ethical Standard as applied
to listed public interest entities, and we have fulfilled our other ethical
responsibilities in accordance with these requirements.
The non-audit services prohibited by the FRC’s Ethical Standard were not
provided to the Group or the Parent company and we remain independent
of the Group and the Parent company in conducting the audit.
Conclusions relating to going concern
In auditing the financial statements, we have concluded that the directors’
use of the going concern basis of accounting in the preparation of the
financial statements is appropriate. Our evaluation of the directors’
assessment of the Group and Parent company’s ability to continue to
adopt the going concern basis of accounting included:
– confirming our understanding of the directors’ going concern
assessment process, including the controls over the review and
approval of the budget and long-range plan;
– assessing the appropriateness of the duration of the going concern
assessment period to 30 June 2024 and considering the existence
of any significant events or conditions beyond this period based on our
procedures on the Group’s long-range plan and knowledge arising
from other areas of the audit;
– verifying inputs against board-approved forecasts and debt facility
terms and reconciling the opening liquidity position to the balance
sheet at 31 March 2023;
– reviewing borrowing facilities to confirm both their availability to the
Group and the forecast debt repayments through the going concern
assessment period and to validate that there is no financial covenant
in relation to any of the loan arrangements;
– testing the assessment, including forecast liquidity, for clerical accuracy;
– assessing whether assumptions made were reasonable and
appropriately severe, in light of the Group’s relevant principal risks and
uncertainties and our own independent assessment of those risks;
– evaluating management’s historical forecasting accuracy and the
consistency of the going concern assessment with information
obtained from other areas of the audit, such as our audit procedures
on the long-range plans, which underpin management’s goodwill
impairment assessments;
– evaluating the identified mitigating actions available to respond to
a severe downside scenario, and whether those actions are feasible
and within the Group’s control;
– challenging the appropriateness of management’s ‘reverse stress test’
downside scenario, to understand how severe conditions would have
to be to breach liquidity and whether the reduction in EBITDAaL
required has no more than a remote possibility of occurring when
compared to historical financial performance;
– performing independent sensitivity analysis on management’s
assumptions including applying incremental adverse cashflow
sensitivities. These sensitivities included the impact of certain severe
but plausible scenarios, evaluated as part of management’s work on
the Group’s long term viability materialising within the going concern
assessment period; and
– assessing the appropriateness of the going concern disclosure
on page 112.
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
Independent auditor’s report to the members of Vodafone Group Plc (continued)
An overview of the scope of the Company and
Group audits
Tailoring the scope
Our assessment of audit risk, our evaluation of materiality and our
allocation of performance materiality determine our audit scope for each
component within the Group. Taken together, this enables us to form an
opinion on the consolidated financial statements. We take into account
size, risk profile, the organisation of the Group and effectiveness of
group-wide controls, changes in the business environment and other
factors such as recent internal audit results when assessing the level
of work to be performed at each component.
In assessing the risk of material misstatement to the consolidated
financial statements, and to ensure we had adequate quantitative
coverage of significant accounts in the consolidated financial statements,
of the 314 reporting components of the Group, we selected 19
components covering entities within Germany, South Africa, Italy, United
Kingdom, Spain, Turkey, Portugal, Egypt, Luxembourg and corporate
entities, which represent the principal business units within the Group.
Of the 19 components selected, we performed an audit of the complete
financial information of 9 components (“full scope components”) which
were selected based on their size or risk characteristics.
For 4 components (“specific scope components”), we performed full
audit procedures on specific accounts within that component that we
considered had the potential for the greatest impact on the significant
accounts in the consolidated financial statements either because of the
size of these accounts or their risk profile. For the remaining 6
components (“specified procedures components”), we performed certain
audit procedures on specific accounts within that component that we
considered had the potential for the greatest impact on the significant
accounts in the financial statements, either because of the size of these
accounts or their risk profile. Depending on the component or type of
procedures, these procedures were undertaken by the primary audit
team or separate component audit team under the primary audit team’s
direction. The audit scope of these components may not have included
testing of all significant accounts of the component, but will have
contributed to the coverage of significant accounts tested for the Group.
For the 305 components where we did not perform full audit procedures,
together these represent 26% of the Group’s Adjusted EBITDAaL, and
none are individually greater than 5% of the Group’s Adjusted EBITDAaL.
For the remaining 295 components which are not full scope, specific
scope or specified procedures scope, we performed other procedures,
which may include analytical review at both the Group or individual
component levels and the use of customised data analytics tools over
the purchase to pay process, fixed assets balances and leases, to profile
trends and identify items for further investigation, inquiry of management,
testing entity level controls, testing group-wide controls and testing
of journals across the Group, including these remaining components,
in order to respond to any potential risks of material misstatement to
the consolidated financial statements.
Our key observations
– The directors’ assessment forecasts that the Group will maintain
sufficient liquidity throughout the going concern assessment period.
This included the scenario of non-refinancing of certain debt maturities
in the assessment period and also the availability of the Group’s €7.7
billion revolving credit facilities, undrawn as at 31 March 2023.
Furthermore, management’s reverse stress test to model the extent
of the EBITDAaL reduction compared to forecasts required to breach
liquidity during the going concern assessment period is considered
by management to have only a remote possibility of occurring when
compared to historical financial performance.
– The controllable mitigating actions available to management to
increase liquidity over the going concern assessment period were not
modelled by management, nor the audit team, due to the level of
headroom in both the directors’ assessment forecasts and the audit
team’s additional downside sensitivities.
Based on the work we have performed, we have not identified any
material uncertainties relating to events or conditions that, individually
or collectively, may cast significant doubt on the Group and Parent
company’s ability to continue as a going concern for a period from when
the financial statements are authorised for issue to 30 June 2024.
In relation to the Group and Parent company’s reporting on how they
have applied the UK Corporate Governance Code, we have nothing
material to add or draw attention to in relation to the directors’ statement
in the financial statements about whether the directors considered it
appropriate to adopt the going concern basis of accounting.
Our responsibilities and the responsibilities of the directors with respect
to going concern are described in the relevant sections of this report.
However, because not all future events or conditions can be predicted,
this statement is not a guarantee as to the Group’s ability to continue
as a going concern.
Overview of our audit approach
Audit scope
– We performed an audit of the complete
financial information of 9 components, full audit
procedures on specific balances for 4
components, specified audit procedures on
specific balances for a further 6 components
and other procedures on the remaining 295
– The components where we performed full audit
procedures accounted for 74% of Adjusted
EBITDAaL and where we performed full or
specified audit procedures in respect of revenue
accounted for 80% of Revenue.
– Revenue recognition
– Carrying value of cash generating units,
including goodwill
– Recognition and recoverability of deferred tax
assets on tax losses – Luxembourg
Key audit matters
– Overall Group materiality of €300m (FY22:
€290m) has been calculated based on Adjusted
EBITDAaL as defined in the ‘Our application of
materiality’ section of this report. This materiality
represents approximately 2% of the Group’s
Adjusted EBITDAaL as reported in Note 2 in the
consolidated financial statements.
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
Independent auditor’s report to the members of Vodafone Group Plc (continued)
Our key observations
An overview of the scope of the Company and
– The directors’ assessment forecasts that the Group will maintain
Group audits
sufficient liquidity throughout the going concern assessment period.
Tailoring the scope
This included the scenario of non-refinancing of certain debt maturities
Our assessment of audit risk, our evaluation of materiality and our
in the assessment period and also the availability of the Group’s €7.7
allocation of performance materiality determine our audit scope for each
billion revolving credit facilities, undrawn as at 31 March 2023.
component within the Group. Taken together, this enables us to form an
Furthermore, management’s reverse stress test to model the extent
opinion on the consolidated financial statements. We take into account
of the EBITDAaL reduction compared to forecasts required to breach
size, risk profile, the organisation of the Group and effectiveness of
liquidity during the going concern assessment period is considered
group-wide controls, changes in the business environment and other
by management to have only a remote possibility of occurring when
factors such as recent internal audit results when assessing the level
compared to historical financial performance.
of work to be performed at each component.
In assessing the risk of material misstatement to the consolidated
financial statements, and to ensure we had adequate quantitative
coverage of significant accounts in the consolidated financial statements,
of the 314 reporting components of the Group, we selected 19
components covering entities within Germany, South Africa, Italy, United
Kingdom, Spain, Turkey, Portugal, Egypt, Luxembourg and corporate
entities, which represent the principal business units within the Group.
Of the 19 components selected, we performed an audit of the complete
financial information of 9 components (“full scope components”) which
were selected based on their size or risk characteristics.
For 4 components (“specific scope components”), we performed full
audit procedures on specific accounts within that component that we
considered had the potential for the greatest impact on the significant
accounts in the consolidated financial statements either because of the
size of these accounts or their risk profile. For the remaining 6
components (“specified procedures components”), we performed certain
audit procedures on specific accounts within that component that we
considered had the potential for the greatest impact on the significant
accounts in the financial statements, either because of the size of these
accounts or their risk profile. Depending on the component or type of
procedures, these procedures were undertaken by the primary audit
team or separate component audit team under the primary audit team’s
direction. The audit scope of these components may not have included
testing of all significant accounts of the component, but will have
contributed to the coverage of significant accounts tested for the Group.
For the 305 components where we did not perform full audit procedures,
together these represent 26% of the Group’s Adjusted EBITDAaL, and
none are individually greater than 5% of the Group’s Adjusted EBITDAaL.
For the remaining 295 components which are not full scope, specific
scope or specified procedures scope, we performed other procedures,
which may include analytical review at both the Group or individual
component levels and the use of customised data analytics tools over
the purchase to pay process, fixed assets balances and leases, to profile
trends and identify items for further investigation, inquiry of management,
testing entity level controls, testing group-wide controls and testing
of journals across the Group, including these remaining components,
in order to respond to any potential risks of material misstatement to
the consolidated financial statements.
– The controllable mitigating actions available to management to
increase liquidity over the going concern assessment period were not
modelled by management, nor the audit team, due to the level of
headroom in both the directors’ assessment forecasts and the audit
team’s additional downside sensitivities.
Based on the work we have performed, we have not identified any
material uncertainties relating to events or conditions that, individually
or collectively, may cast significant doubt on the Group and Parent
company’s ability to continue as a going concern for a period from when
the financial statements are authorised for issue to 30 June 2024.
In relation to the Group and Parent company’s reporting on how they
have applied the UK Corporate Governance Code, we have nothing
material to add or draw attention to in relation to the directors’ statement
in the financial statements about whether the directors considered it
appropriate to adopt the going concern basis of accounting.
Our responsibilities and the responsibilities of the directors with respect
to going concern are described in the relevant sections of this report.
However, because not all future events or conditions can be predicted,
this statement is not a guarantee as to the Group’s ability to continue
as a going concern.
Overview of our audit approach
Audit scope
– We performed an audit of the complete
financial information of 9 components, full audit
procedures on specific balances for 4
components, specified audit procedures on
specific balances for a further 6 components
and other procedures on the remaining 295
– The components where we performed full audit
procedures accounted for 74% of Adjusted
EBITDAaL and where we performed full or
specified audit procedures in respect of revenue
accounted for 80% of Revenue.
– Carrying value of cash generating units,
including goodwill
– Recognition and recoverability of deferred tax
assets on tax losses – Luxembourg
€290m) has been calculated based on Adjusted
EBITDAaL as defined in the ‘Our application of
materiality’ section of this report. This materiality
represents approximately 2% of the Group’s
Adjusted EBITDAaL as reported in Note 2 in the
consolidated financial statements.
Key audit matters
– Revenue recognition
– Overall Group materiality of €300m (FY22:
The table below illustrates the coverage obtained from the work performed by our audit teams.
Reporting components
Full scope
Specific scope
Specified procedures
Full and specified procedures coverage
Remaining components
Total reporting components
% of Group
Adjusted EBITDAaL*
% of
Group Revenue
% of Group
Adjusted EBITDAaL*
% of
Group Revenue
1. 2 of the 9 full scope components relate to the Company and another corporate entity whose activities include consolidation adjustments, which are audited by the primary audit team. Procedures on 3 of
the other full scope locations are undertaken by component audit teams based in Germany and the remaining 4 full scope components are Italy, South Africa, Spain, and the UK.
2. The Group audit risks in relation to revenue recognition were subject to audit procedures at each of the full and specified procedures scope locations with significant revenue streams (being 7 full scope
components and 3 specified procedures components).
3. The primary audit team performed full audit procedures on specific accounts in respect of 4 finance and corporate entities across a range of significant accounts. The audit procedures did not include
testing of all significant accounts of the components but will have contributed to the coverage of significant accounts selected for testing by the primary audit team.
4. Specified procedures were performed over 6 entities across a range of significant accounts with three of these performed by component teams in Turkey, Egypt and Portugal and the rest by the primary
audit team. The audit procedures did not include testing of all significant accounts of the components but will have contributed to the coverage of significant accounts selected for testing by the primary
audit team.
5. The Group audit risks in relation to ‘Carrying value of cash generating units, including goodwill’ and ‘Recognition and recoverability of deferred tax assets on tax losses – Luxembourg’ were subject to audit
procedures by the primary audit team on the entire balance, with support from component audit teams on certain procedures.
6. The contribution of specified procedures components to Group Adjusted EBITDAaL is included within ‘remaining components’ as audit procedures were performed on certain, but not all, significant
accounts of the specified procedures components contributing to Group Adjusted EBITDAaL.
Included within the 314 reporting components are the Group’s joint venture investments in Vodafone Ziggo and INWIT, and Safaricom, an associate, which were subject to other procedures.
8. Changes in the number of remaining components compared to prior year reflect increases in the number of entities within the Group’s consolidation system.
* Adjusted EBITDAaL as defined in ‘Our application of materiality’ section of this report. This metric has the same definition as the Group’s Adjusted EBITDAaL. Non-GAAP measures are defined on page 220
of the Annual Report.
The primary audit team continued to follow a programme of planned
visits that has been designed to ensure that the Senior Statutory Auditor
visits key locations on a rotational basis. In the current year the Senior
Statutory Auditor and other team members visited component teams
in Germany, UK and South Africa. The Senior Statutory Auditor, also
remotely attended audit closing meetings with component teams and
management of all full scope locations. In addition, visits were undertaken
by members of the primary audit team to the component teams in Spain,
Italy, Portugal, Turkey, Egypt and VOIS India. These visits involved
meetings with local management, understanding the overall audit
approach, including key issues and response as well as reviewing key
work papers on risk areas.
The primary audit team interacted regularly with the local EY full
scope and specified procedures component teams where appropriate
during various stages of the audit, reviewed relevant working papers
and were responsible for the scope and direction of the audit process.
We maintained continuous and open dialogue with the component audit
teams in addition to holding formal meetings to ensure that we were fully
aware of their progress and the results of their procedures. Close
meetings for full, specific, and specified audit procedures components
(excluding those performed by the primary audit team) were held via
video conference in April 2023 and were attended by the Senior
Statutory Auditor and/or other members of the primary audit team.
This, together with the additional procedures performed at Group level,
gave us appropriate evidence for our opinion on the consolidated
financial statements.
Changes from the prior year
The approach to audit scoping is similar to the prior year audit, with the
rotation of a number of markets, designated as specified procedures
scope for selected significant accounts, to extend the Group audit
procedures beyond the Group’s main markets and to introduce a level
of unpredictability through rotational testing. This approach resulted in:
– specified procedures scope being assigned to components in Portugal
and Vodafone Insurance Company which were not subject to direct
audit procedures in the prior year; and
– Czech Republic and Hungary being reassessed as remaining
components in the current year.
Involvement with component audit teams
In establishing our overall approach to the Group audit, we determined
the type of work that needed to be undertaken at each of the
components by us, as the primary audit team, or by component auditors
from other EY global network firms operating under our instruction.
Of the 9 full scope components, audit procedures were performed on
2 of these directly by the primary audit team with the remaining 7 being
performed by component audit teams. For the 4 specific scope
components, the procedures were performed directly by the primary
audit team. For the 6 specified procedures scope components, work was
performed directly by the primary audit team for 3 of these, with the
remaining 3 being performed by component audit teams. Where the
work was performed by component auditors, we determined the
appropriate level of involvement to enable us to determine that sufficient
audit evidence had been obtained as a basis for our opinion on the
consolidated financial statements as a whole.
Vodafone has centralised processes and controls over certain areas within
its Vodafone Intelligent Solutions (“VOIS”) finance shared service centre
locations. The primary audit team performs direct oversight, review,
and coordination of the EY audit teams at VOIS, whose work includes
centralised testing for certain controls and accounts, including specified
procedures on leases, fixed assets, intangible assets, cash and centralised
purchase to pay processes.
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
Independent auditor’s report to the members of Vodafone Group Plc (continued)
Our audit effort in considering climate change was focused on ensuring
that the effects of material climate risks disclosed on page 59 have been
appropriately reflected in asset values and associated disclosures where
values are determined through modelling future cash flows, being
‘Goodwill’, ‘Other intangible assets’ and ‘Deferred tax assets’, and in
the timing and nature of liabilities recognised, being ‘Asset Retirement
Obligations’. The findings from our procedures supported our evaluation
of the adequacy of climate change considerations in the Directors’
assessment of going concern and viability and associated disclosures.
Based on our work we have not identified the impact of climate change
on the financial statements to be a key audit matter or to materially
impact a key audit matter.
Climate change
There has been increasing interest from stakeholders as to how climate
change will impact Vodafone Group Plc. The Group has determined that
the most significant future impacts from climate change on its operations
will be from its Planet activities and commitments set out on pages
35 to 39 and the material climate-related physical and transitional risks
explained on pages 58 to 59 in the required Task Force for Climate
related Financial Disclosures, both of which form part of the “Other
information,” rather than the audited financial statements. Our procedures
on these unaudited disclosures therefore consisted solely of considering
whether they are materially inconsistent with the financial statements
or our knowledge obtained in the course of the audit or otherwise
appear to be materially misstated, in line with our responsibilities
on other information.
In planning and performing our audit we assessed the potential impacts
of climate change on the Group’s business and any consequential
material impact on its financial statements.
As explained in Note 1 Basis of Preparation to the consolidated financial
statements, environmental, regulatory and other factors responsive to
climate change risks are still developing, and are outside of the Group’s
control, and consequently financial statements cannot capture all
possible future outcomes as these are not yet known. The degree of
certainty of these changes may also mean that they cannot be taken into
account when determining asset and liability valuations and the timing
of future cash flows under the requirements of UK adopted International
Accounting Standards and International Financial Reporting Standards
(IFRS) as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB).
The significant accounting estimates and judgements assessed by
management to be potentially impacted by climate risks have been
described in Note 1 and with further disclosure in respect of the impact
on the Group’s long-range plans and deferred tax asset recognition
provided in Note 4 and Note 6 respectively.
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
Independent auditor’s report to the members of Vodafone Group Plc (continued)
Our audit effort in considering climate change was focused on ensuring
that the effects of material climate risks disclosed on page 59 have been
appropriately reflected in asset values and associated disclosures where
values are determined through modelling future cash flows, being
‘Goodwill’, ‘Other intangible assets’ and ‘Deferred tax assets’, and in
the timing and nature of liabilities recognised, being ‘Asset Retirement
Obligations’. The findings from our procedures supported our evaluation
of the adequacy of climate change considerations in the Directors’
assessment of going concern and viability and associated disclosures.
Based on our work we have not identified the impact of climate change
on the financial statements to be a key audit matter or to materially
impact a key audit matter.
Climate change
There has been increasing interest from stakeholders as to how climate
change will impact Vodafone Group Plc. The Group has determined that
the most significant future impacts from climate change on its operations
will be from its Planet activities and commitments set out on pages
35 to 39 and the material climate-related physical and transitional risks
explained on pages 58 to 59 in the required Task Force for Climate
related Financial Disclosures, both of which form part of the “Other
information,” rather than the audited financial statements. Our procedures
on these unaudited disclosures therefore consisted solely of considering
whether they are materially inconsistent with the financial statements
or our knowledge obtained in the course of the audit or otherwise
appear to be materially misstated, in line with our responsibilities
on other information.
In planning and performing our audit we assessed the potential impacts
of climate change on the Group’s business and any consequential
material impact on its financial statements.
As explained in Note 1 Basis of Preparation to the consolidated financial
statements, environmental, regulatory and other factors responsive to
climate change risks are still developing, and are outside of the Group’s
control, and consequently financial statements cannot capture all
possible future outcomes as these are not yet known. The degree of
certainty of these changes may also mean that they cannot be taken into
account when determining asset and liability valuations and the timing
of future cash flows under the requirements of UK adopted International
Accounting Standards and International Financial Reporting Standards
(IFRS) as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB).
The significant accounting estimates and judgements assessed by
management to be potentially impacted by climate risks have been
described in Note 1 and with further disclosure in respect of the impact
on the Group’s long-range plans and deferred tax asset recognition
provided in Note 4 and Note 6 respectively.
Key audit matters
Key audit matters are those matters that, in our professional judgement, were of most significance in our audit of the financial statements of the current
period and include the most significant assessed risks of material misstatement (whether or not due to fraud) that we identified. These matters included
those which had the greatest effect on: the overall audit strategy, the allocation of resources in the audit, and directing the efforts of the engagement
team. These matters were addressed in the context of our audit of the financial statements as a whole, and in our opinion thereon, and we do not provide
a separate opinion on these matters.
Revenue recognition
As more fully described in Note 2, Note 14 and Note 15 to the consolidated financial statements, the Group reported revenue of €45,706 million (FY22:
€45,580 million), contract assets of €3,557 million (FY22: €3,551 million) and contract liabilities of €2,543 million (FY22: €2,521million) for the year
ended and as at 31 March 2023. Management records revenue according to the principles of IFRS 15, Revenue from Contracts with Customers,
including following the 5-step model therein.
Auditing the revenue recorded by the Group is complex due to the multiple IT systems and tools utilised in the initiation, processing and recording
of transactions, which includes a high volume of individually low monetary value transactions. Furthermore, judgement and the involvement of IT
professionals was required to determine the audit approach to test and evaluate the relevant data that was captured and aggregated, and to assess the
sufficiency of the audit evidence obtained.
We have also identified a risk of management override through inappropriate manual topside revenue journal entries, given revenue is a key
performance indicator, both in external communication and for management incentives.
Our response to the risk
We performed full or specified audit procedures over this risk area in 7 full scope and 3 specified procedure components with significant revenue
streams, which covered 80% of the Group’s revenue.
Our audit procedures at full scope component locations included, among others obtaining an understanding of, evaluating the design and testing the
operating effectiveness of controls over the Group’s revenue recognition process, which includes management’s review of contracts, their identification
of performance obligations, the estimation of the relative standalone selling price for each performance obligation, and the determination of the timing
of revenue recorded. With the support of our IT professionals, we also evaluated the design and tested the operating effectiveness of controls over the
appropriate flow of transactional data through the IT systems and tools and the reconciliation of the transactional data to the accounting records.
For specified procedures components, we obtained an understanding of the design of controls over the revenue recognition process.
We evaluated management’s accounting policies and the methodology used by management to determine the standalone selling price, where
relevant to the requirements of IFRS 15.
For significant revenue streams, our audit procedures included the following, on a sample basis:
– Where new material customer propositions were introduced during the period, we evaluated management’s assessment of the accounting
treatment for the new propositions for compliance with IFRS 15.
– Where practicable, at certain components we extended the use of data analytics in the current year. Our procedures involved testing full populations
of transactions, including performing a correlation analysis between invoiced revenue, receivables and cash. We performed targeted audit
procedures over all material items that did not correlate as expected.
– At components where data analytics was not practicable, for each significant revenue IT system, we obtained the billing data to general ledger
reconciliation which included the relevant adjustments to deferred and accrued revenue balances. We reperformed these end-to-end
reconciliations, including assessing the accuracy of the data inputs to underlying source documentation including contractual agreements where
applicable. In addition, we tested the mathematical accuracy and completeness of the reconciliations and any material reconciling items including
significant revenue postings outside of the billing systems.
– We recalculated the revenue recognised to evaluate whether the processing of the revenue recognition by the Group’s IT systems was
materially correct.
– We assessed the standalone selling price (‘SSP’) allocated to individual elements of bundled contracts by, where applicable and among other
procedures, comparing to observable market pricing, recalculating the estimated SSP and testing its application to performance obligations.
– We used data analytic tools to identify revenue related manual journals posted to the general ledger and traced these back to source systems or
other corroborative evidence. This included analytical procedures to consider the completeness of journal postings. We obtained and evaluated
underlying source documentation to test the completeness and accuracy of the postings, including those journals we considered unusual in nature.
We also assessed the adequacy of the Group’s disclosures in respect to the accounting policies on revenue recognition.
Key observations communicated to the Audit and Risk Committee
Based on the procedures performed, including those in respect of manual adjustments to revenue, we did not identify any evidence of material
misstatement in the revenue recognised in the year ended 31 March 2023.
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
Independent auditor’s report to the members of Vodafone Group Plc (continued)
Carrying value of cash generating units, including goodwill
As more fully described in Note 4 to the consolidated financial statements, in accordance with IAS 36 Impairment of Assets, the Group calculates the
value in use (‘VIU’) for cash generating units (‘CGUs’) to determine whether an adjustment to the carrying value of the CGU, and therefore, goodwill,
is required. As at 31 March 2023, the Group has recorded €27,615 million (FY22: €31,884 million) of goodwill, primarily in respect of Germany and Italy.
The Group’s assessment of the VIU of its CGUs involves estimation about the future performance of the local market businesses. In particular, the
determination of the VIUs for Germany, UK, Italy and Spain was sensitive to the significant assumptions of projected adjusted EBITDAaL growth,
long-term growth rates, and discount rates.
Auditing the Group’s annual impairment test for these selected CGUs was complex and involved significant auditor judgement, given the estimation
uncertainty related to the significant assumptions described above, used in the VIU models and the sensitivity of certain VIU models to fluctuations
in those assumptions, including where those CGUs had historical impairments, market specific events or other factors which resulted in low headroom.
Our response to the risk
The recoverability of the Group’s goodwill balances was subject to full scope audit procedures performed by the primary audit team with support from
relevant component audit teams on certain procedures for certain local market businesses.
We obtained an understanding, evaluated the design and tested the operating effectiveness of controls over the Group’s goodwill impairment review
process, including management’s controls over the significant assumptions described above.
For the annual impairment assessment as at 31 March 2023, we also assessed, with the help of a valuation specialist, the methodology applied in the
VIU models, as compared to the requirements of IAS 36, including the mathematical accuracy of management’s model. We performed procedures to
assess the significant assumptions used in the VIU models, including:
– evaluating projected adjusted EBITDAaL growth, for example by comparing underlying assumptions to external data, such as economic and industry
forecasts for the relevant markets and for consistency with evidence obtained from other areas of our audit;
– comparing the cash flow projections used in the VIU models to the information approved by the Group’s Board of Directors and evaluated the
historical accuracy of management’s business plans, which underpin the VIU models, by comparing prior year forecasts to actual results in the
current period;
– comparing long-term growth rates and discount rates to EY independently determined acceptable ranges;
– performing sensitivity analyses on the above described assumptions in the VIU models to evaluate the parameters that, should they arise, would
cause an impairment of the CGU or indicate additional disclosures were appropriate; and
– in considering the existence of contrary evidence, for management’s assessment of implied recoverable value, we compared CGU EBITDAaL
multiples to market listed peers and considered independent analyst valuations for individual CGUs, where available.
We also assessed the adequacy of the related disclosures provided in Note 4 of the consolidated financial statements, in particular the sensitivity
disclosures in relation to reasonably possible changes in assumptions that could result in impairment.
Key observations communicated to the Audit and Risk Committee
We agree with management’s conclusion that no impairment charge is required to be recognised in the year in respect of its operating company CGUs.
The sensitivity disclosures included in Note 4 of the consolidated financial statements reflect those changes in certain key assumptions that would
eliminate the headroom of those CGUs. The additional sensitivity disclosures for both the Spain and Italy GCUs, of reasonable possible changes in the
key assumptions of discount rate and Adjusted EBITDAaL growth, and which could lead to a different conclusion in respect of the recoverability
of carrying value of these CGUs, reflect the limited headroom in those CGUs.
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
Independent auditor’s report to the members of Vodafone Group Plc (continued)
Carrying value of cash generating units, including goodwill
As more fully described in Note 4 to the consolidated financial statements, in accordance with IAS 36 Impairment of Assets, the Group calculates the
value in use (‘VIU’) for cash generating units (‘CGUs’) to determine whether an adjustment to the carrying value of the CGU, and therefore, goodwill,
is required. As at 31 March 2023, the Group has recorded €27,615 million (FY22: €31,884 million) of goodwill, primarily in respect of Germany and Italy.
The Group’s assessment of the VIU of its CGUs involves estimation about the future performance of the local market businesses. In particular, the
determination of the VIUs for Germany, UK, Italy and Spain was sensitive to the significant assumptions of projected adjusted EBITDAaL growth,
long-term growth rates, and discount rates.
Auditing the Group’s annual impairment test for these selected CGUs was complex and involved significant auditor judgement, given the estimation
uncertainty related to the significant assumptions described above, used in the VIU models and the sensitivity of certain VIU models to fluctuations
in those assumptions, including where those CGUs had historical impairments, market specific events or other factors which resulted in low headroom.
Our response to the risk
The recoverability of the Group’s goodwill balances was subject to full scope audit procedures performed by the primary audit team with support from
relevant component audit teams on certain procedures for certain local market businesses.
We obtained an understanding, evaluated the design and tested the operating effectiveness of controls over the Group’s goodwill impairment review
process, including management’s controls over the significant assumptions described above.
For the annual impairment assessment as at 31 March 2023, we also assessed, with the help of a valuation specialist, the methodology applied in the
VIU models, as compared to the requirements of IAS 36, including the mathematical accuracy of management’s model. We performed procedures to
assess the significant assumptions used in the VIU models, including:
– evaluating projected adjusted EBITDAaL growth, for example by comparing underlying assumptions to external data, such as economic and industry
forecasts for the relevant markets and for consistency with evidence obtained from other areas of our audit;
– comparing the cash flow projections used in the VIU models to the information approved by the Group’s Board of Directors and evaluated the
historical accuracy of management’s business plans, which underpin the VIU models, by comparing prior year forecasts to actual results in the
current period;
– comparing long-term growth rates and discount rates to EY independently determined acceptable ranges;
– performing sensitivity analyses on the above described assumptions in the VIU models to evaluate the parameters that, should they arise, would
cause an impairment of the CGU or indicate additional disclosures were appropriate; and
– in considering the existence of contrary evidence, for management’s assessment of implied recoverable value, we compared CGU EBITDAaL
multiples to market listed peers and considered independent analyst valuations for individual CGUs, where available.
Key observations communicated to the Audit and Risk Committee
We agree with management’s conclusion that no impairment charge is required to be recognised in the year in respect of its operating company CGUs.
The sensitivity disclosures included in Note 4 of the consolidated financial statements reflect those changes in certain key assumptions that would
eliminate the headroom of those CGUs. The additional sensitivity disclosures for both the Spain and Italy GCUs, of reasonable possible changes in the
key assumptions of discount rate and Adjusted EBITDAaL growth, and which could lead to a different conclusion in respect of the recoverability
of carrying value of these CGUs, reflect the limited headroom in those CGUs.
Recognition and recoverability of deferred tax assets on tax losses – Luxembourg
As more fully described in Note 6 to the consolidated financial statements, the Group recognises deferred tax assets in accordance with IAS 12 Income
Taxes, based on their estimated recoverability and whether management judges that it is probable that there will be sufficient and suitable taxable
profits in the relevant legal entity or tax group against which to utilise the assets in the future.
A deferred tax asset in Luxembourg of €16,269 million (FY22: €16,298 million) has been recognised in respect of losses, as management concluded it
is probable that the Luxembourg entities will continue to generate taxable profits in the future against which they can utilise these assets. Management
estimates that the losses will be utilised over a period of 35 to 39 years (FY22: 45 to 48 years).
The Luxembourg companies’ income is derived from the Group’s internal financing, procurement and roaming activities. The forecast future finance
income can vary based on forecast interest rates and intercompany debt levels which in turn impacts the timeframe over which the deferred tax asset
is forecast to be recovered.
Furthermore, during the course of the year Luxembourg owned direct and indirect interests in the Group’s operating activities. The value of these
investments were primarily based on the Group’s most recent value in use calculations. Changes in the value for the purposes of local Luxembourg
statutory financial statements can result in impairment reversals or impairments which are taxable / tax deductible under local law. In December 2022,
the Group completed an internal restructure to simplify the ownership structure of various operating companies and the operations of certain legal
entities. The restructure has no impact on the Group’s internal financing, procurement and roaming activities but the losses in Luxembourg, and their
recovery timeframe, will no longer be impacted by the changes in the valuation of the Group’s operating companies.
Auditing the Group’s recognition and recoverability of deferred tax assets in Luxembourg is significant to the audit because it involves material amounts,
and the judgements and estimates in relation to future taxable profits and the period of time over which it is expected to utilise these assets, results
in increased estimation uncertainty.
Our response to the risk
Audit procedures on the recognition and recoverability of deferred tax assets on tax losses in Luxembourg were performed by the primary audit team
and its tax professionals, with support from Luxembourg tax and transfer pricing specialists on certain procedures.
We obtained an understanding, evaluated the design and tested the operating effectiveness of management’s controls around the recognition
of deferred tax assets in Luxembourg, including the calculation of the gross amount of deferred tax assets recorded, the preparation of the prospective
financial information used to determine the Luxembourg entities’ future taxable income, and management’s identification and use of available
commercial strategies.
To test the realisability of the deferred tax assets in Luxembourg, with the support of tax professionals and tax specialists, our audit procedures included,
among others;
We also assessed the adequacy of the related disclosures provided in Note 4 of the consolidated financial statements, in particular the sensitivity
– assessing the existence of available losses and evaluating management’s position on the recoverability of the losses with respect to local tax law
disclosures in relation to reasonably possible changes in assumptions that could result in impairment.
and tax planning strategies adopted:
– testing the calculation and assessing the reasonableness of the valuation of entities within the Luxembourg structure to recent financial information
including where appropriate, cashflow projections applied in the most recent value in use calculations, net asset valuations and share price data, and
corroborating the Luxembourg ownership structure both at the date of the internal restructure in December 2022 and at the balance sheet date;
– assessing the forecasted procurement and roaming taxable profits utilised in management’s realisability assessment, by comparing them to
historical actual profits and with evidence obtained from other areas of our audit;
– evaluating the forecast finance income by, on a sample basis, recalculating income with reference to underlying agreements, comparing future
interest rates utilised in the forecasts to relevant external benchmarks and the assumed reductions in intergroup debt for consistency with our
understanding of relevant guidance in respect of transfer pricing of financial transactions;
– assessing whether contrary evidence exists that is not consistent with either management’s stated intention that the financing structures will remain
in place or that it is probable that future taxable profits will exist; and
– evaluating the adequacy of the disclosures in respect of the recognition of the deferred tax asset, including as it relates to the evidence supporting
the recognition, judgements in respect of the utilisation profile including longer term uncertainties and the key drivers of changes in the carrying
value of the asset and the utilisation period.
Key observations communicated to the Audit and Risk Committee
We agree with the recognition of the deferred tax assets, and consequently the long recoverability period, on the basis of forecast profits which are
considered probable given management’s intention to retain current activities in Luxembourg over the long term and the track record of historical
profitability in these operations.
The reduction in the period of utilisation in FY23 is consistent with market condition of higher interest rates, driving increased forecast taxable profits
on existing financing activities.
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
Independent auditor’s report to the members of Vodafone Group Plc (continued)
Other information
The other information comprises the information included in the Annual
Report set out on pages 1 to 109, other than the financial statements and
our auditor’s report thereon. The directors are responsible for the other
information contained within the Annual Report.
Our opinion on the financial statements does not cover the other
information and, except to the extent otherwise explicitly stated in this
report, we do not express any form of assurance conclusion thereon.
Our responsibility is to read the other information and, in doing so,
consider whether the other information is materially inconsistent with the
financial statements or our knowledge obtained in the course of the audit
or otherwise appears to be materially misstated. If we identify such
material inconsistencies or apparent material misstatements, we are
required to determine whether this gives rise to a material misstatement
in the financial statements themselves. If, based on the work we have
performed, we conclude that there is a material misstatement of the
other information, we are required to report that fact.
We have nothing to report in this regard.
Opinions on other matters prescribed by the
Companies Act 2006
In our opinion, the part of the directors’ remuneration report to be audited
has been properly prepared in accordance with the Companies Act 2006.
In our opinion, based on the work undertaken in the course of the audit:
– the information given in the strategic report and the directors’ report
for the financial year for which the financial statements are prepared
is consistent with the financial statements; and
– the strategic report and the directors’ report have been prepared
in accordance with applicable legal requirements.
Matters on which we are required to report
by exception
In the light of the knowledge and understanding of the Group and the
Company and its environment obtained in the course of the audit, we
have not identified material misstatements in the strategic report or
the directors’ report.
We have nothing to report in respect of the following matters in
relation to which the Companies Act 2006 requires us to report to you if,
in our opinion:
– adequate accounting records have not been kept by the Company, or
returns adequate for our audit have not been received from branches
not visited by us; or
– the Company financial statements and the part of the Directors’
Remuneration Report to be audited are not in agreement with the
accounting records and returns; or
– certain disclosures of directors’ remuneration specified by law are
not made; or
– we have not received all the information and explanations we require
for our audit.
Our application of materiality
We apply the concept of materiality in planning and performing the audit,
in evaluating the effect of identified misstatements on the audit and in
forming our audit opinion.
The magnitude of an omission or misstatement that, individually or in
the aggregate, could reasonably be expected to influence the economic
decisions of the users of the financial statements. Materiality provides
a basis for determining the nature and extent of our audit procedures.
We determined materiality for the Group to be €300 million (2022: €290
million), which is approximately 2% (2022: approximately 2%) of Adjusted
EBITDAaL. We believe that Adjusted EBITDAaL provides us with the most
relevant performance measure on which to determine materiality, given
the prominence of this metric throughout the Annual Report and
consolidated financial statements, investor presentations, profit metrics
focussed on by analysts and its alignment to the management
remuneration metric of adjusted EBIT. Consistent with the prior year,
at the planning stage of the audit, the materiality basis included the add
back of budgeted restructuring costs which were considered to be
recurring in both nature and value for the Group’s operations.
In November 2022 the Group announced a new costs savings target of
in excess of €1 billion focused on streamlining and further simplifying the
Group. In response a number of restructuring programmes were initiated
across certain of the Group’s markets and functions, resulting in greater
restructuring activity and expense in the year. On the basis that the most
significant expense relate to these discrete restructuring plans, we
excluded these from the final materiality basis, which aligns with the
Group’s definitions of Adjusted EBITDAaL as defined on page 220
of the Annual Report.
We determined materiality for the Company to be €502 million (2022:
€467 million), which is 1% (2022: 1%) of the Company’s equity. However,
since the Company was a full scope component, for accounts that were
relevant for the Group financial statements, a performance materiality of
€45 million was applied.
Performance materiality
The application of materiality at the individual account or balance level.
It is set at an amount to reduce to an appropriately low level the probability
that the aggregate of uncorrected and undetected misstatements
exceeds materiality.
On the basis of our risk assessments, together with our assessment of the
effectiveness of the Group’s overall control environment to prevent or
detect and correct material errors, our judgement was that performance
materiality was 75% (2022: 75%) of our planning materiality, namely
€225m (2022: €218m).
Audit work at component locations for the purpose of obtaining audit
coverage over significant financial statement accounts is undertaken
based on a percentage of total performance materiality. The performance
materiality set for each component is based on the relative scale and risk
of the component to the Group as a whole and our assessment of the risk
of misstatement at that component. In the current year, the range of
performance materiality allocated to components was €45m to €225m
(2022: €42m to €218m).
Reporting threshold
An amount below which identified misstatements are considered as
being clearly trivial.
We agreed with the Audit and Risk Committee that we would report to
them all uncorrected audit differences in excess of €15m (2022: €15m),
which is set at 5% of planning materiality, as well as differences below that
threshold that, in our view, warranted reporting on qualitative grounds.
We evaluate any uncorrected misstatements against both the
quantitative measures of materiality discussed above and in light of other
relevant qualitative considerations in forming our opinion.
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
Independent auditor’s report to the members of Vodafone Group Plc (continued)
Our application of materiality
Other information
We apply the concept of materiality in planning and performing the audit,
The other information comprises the information included in the Annual
in evaluating the effect of identified misstatements on the audit and in
Report set out on pages 1 to 109, other than the financial statements and
forming our audit opinion.
our auditor’s report thereon. The directors are responsible for the other
information contained within the Annual Report.
The magnitude of an omission or misstatement that, individually or in
Our opinion on the financial statements does not cover the other
the aggregate, could reasonably be expected to influence the economic
information and, except to the extent otherwise explicitly stated in this
decisions of the users of the financial statements. Materiality provides
report, we do not express any form of assurance conclusion thereon.
a basis for determining the nature and extent of our audit procedures.
Our responsibility is to read the other information and, in doing so,
We determined materiality for the Group to be €300 million (2022: €290
consider whether the other information is materially inconsistent with the
million), which is approximately 2% (2022: approximately 2%) of Adjusted
financial statements or our knowledge obtained in the course of the audit
EBITDAaL. We believe that Adjusted EBITDAaL provides us with the most
or otherwise appears to be materially misstated. If we identify such
relevant performance measure on which to determine materiality, given
material inconsistencies or apparent material misstatements, we are
the prominence of this metric throughout the Annual Report and
required to determine whether this gives rise to a material misstatement
consolidated financial statements, investor presentations, profit metrics
in the financial statements themselves. If, based on the work we have
focussed on by analysts and its alignment to the management
performed, we conclude that there is a material misstatement of the
remuneration metric of adjusted EBIT. Consistent with the prior year,
other information, we are required to report that fact.
We have nothing to report in this regard.
Opinions on other matters prescribed by the
Companies Act 2006
In our opinion, the part of the directors’ remuneration report to be audited
has been properly prepared in accordance with the Companies Act 2006.
In our opinion, based on the work undertaken in the course of the audit:
– the information given in the strategic report and the directors’ report
for the financial year for which the financial statements are prepared
is consistent with the financial statements; and
– the strategic report and the directors’ report have been prepared
in accordance with applicable legal requirements.
Matters on which we are required to report
by exception
In the light of the knowledge and understanding of the Group and the
Company and its environment obtained in the course of the audit, we
have not identified material misstatements in the strategic report or
the directors’ report.
We have nothing to report in respect of the following matters in
relation to which the Companies Act 2006 requires us to report to you if,
in our opinion:
– adequate accounting records have not been kept by the Company, or
returns adequate for our audit have not been received from branches
not visited by us; or
– the Company financial statements and the part of the Directors’
Remuneration Report to be audited are not in agreement with the
accounting records and returns; or
– certain disclosures of directors’ remuneration specified by law are
not made; or
for our audit.
at the planning stage of the audit, the materiality basis included the add
back of budgeted restructuring costs which were considered to be
recurring in both nature and value for the Group’s operations.
In November 2022 the Group announced a new costs savings target of
in excess of €1 billion focused on streamlining and further simplifying the
Group. In response a number of restructuring programmes were initiated
across certain of the Group’s markets and functions, resulting in greater
restructuring activity and expense in the year. On the basis that the most
significant expense relate to these discrete restructuring plans, we
excluded these from the final materiality basis, which aligns with the
Group’s definitions of Adjusted EBITDAaL as defined on page 220
of the Annual Report.
We determined materiality for the Company to be €502 million (2022:
€467 million), which is 1% (2022: 1%) of the Company’s equity. However,
since the Company was a full scope component, for accounts that were
relevant for the Group financial statements, a performance materiality of
€45 million was applied.
Performance materiality
The application of materiality at the individual account or balance level.
It is set at an amount to reduce to an appropriately low level the probability
that the aggregate of uncorrected and undetected misstatements
exceeds materiality.
On the basis of our risk assessments, together with our assessment of the
effectiveness of the Group’s overall control environment to prevent or
detect and correct material errors, our judgement was that performance
materiality was 75% (2022: 75%) of our planning materiality, namely
€225m (2022: €218m).
Audit work at component locations for the purpose of obtaining audit
coverage over significant financial statement accounts is undertaken
based on a percentage of total performance materiality. The performance
materiality set for each component is based on the relative scale and risk
of misstatement at that component. In the current year, the range of
performance materiality allocated to components was €45m to €225m
(2022: €42m to €218m).
Reporting threshold
being clearly trivial.
An amount below which identified misstatements are considered as
We agreed with the Audit and Risk Committee that we would report to
them all uncorrected audit differences in excess of €15m (2022: €15m),
which is set at 5% of planning materiality, as well as differences below that
threshold that, in our view, warranted reporting on qualitative grounds.
We evaluate any uncorrected misstatements against both the
quantitative measures of materiality discussed above and in light of other
relevant qualitative considerations in forming our opinion.
of the component to the Group as a whole and our assessment of the risk
– we have not received all the information and explanations we require
Corporate Governance Statement
We have reviewed the directors’ statement in relation to going concern,
longer-term viability and that part of the Corporate Governance
Statement relating to the Group and Company’s compliance with the
provisions of the UK Corporate Governance Code specified for our review
by the Listing Rules.
Based on the work undertaken as part of our audit, we have concluded
that each of the following elements of the Corporate Governance
Statement is materially consistent with the financial statements or our
knowledge obtained during the audit:
– Directors’ statement with regards to the appropriateness of adopting
the going concern basis of accounting and any material uncertainties
identified set out on page 112;
– Directors’ explanation as to its assessment of the Company’s prospects,
the period this assessment covers and why the period is appropriate
set out on page 57;
– Director’s statement on whether it has a reasonable expectation that
the Group will be able to continue in operation and meets its liabilities
set out on page 112;
– Directors’ statement on fair, balanced and understandable set out
on page 111;
– Board’s confirmation that it has carried out a robust assessment of the
emerging and principal risks set out on page 111;
– The section of the annual report that describes the review of
effectiveness of risk management and internal control systems set out
on pages 81 and 108; and;
– The section describing the work of the Audit and Risk Committee set
out on pages 77 to 82.
Responsibilities of directors
As explained more fully in the directors’ responsibilities statement set out
on pages 111 and 112, the directors are responsible for the preparation of
the financial statements and for being satisfied that they give a true and
fair view, and for such internal control as the directors determine is
necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free
from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.
In preparing the financial statements, the directors are responsible for
assessing the Group and Company’s ability to continue as a going
concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going concern and
using the going concern basis of accounting unless the directors either
intend to liquidate the Group or the Company or to cease operations, or
have no realistic alternative but to do so.
Auditor’s responsibilities for the audit of the
financial statements
Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the
financial statements as a whole are free from material misstatement,
whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditor’s report that
includes our opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance,
but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with ISAs
(UK) will always detect a material misstatement when it exists.
Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are considered material if,
individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to
influence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of these
financial statements.
Explanation as to what extent the audit was considered capable
of detecting irregularities, including fraud
Irregularities, including fraud, are instances of non-compliance with laws
and regulations. We design procedures in line with our responsibilities,
outlined above, to detect irregularities, including fraud. The risk of not
detecting a material misstatement due to fraud is higher than the risk
of not detecting one resulting from error, as fraud may involve deliberate
concealment by, for example, forgery or intentional misrepresentations,
or through collusion. The extent to which our procedures are capable
of detecting irregularities, including fraud is detailed below.
However, the primary responsibility for the prevention and detection
of fraud rests with both those charged with governance of the Company
and management.
– We obtained an understanding of the legal and regulatory frameworks
that are applicable to the Group and determined that the most
significant are those that relate to the reporting framework (IFRS, FRS
101, the UK Companies Act 2006 and UK Corporate Governance
Code), the relevant tax compliance regulations in the jurisdictions in
which the Group operates and the EU General Data Protection
Regulation (GDPR).
– We understood how the Group is complying with those frameworks
by making enquiries of management, internal audit, those responsible
for legal and compliance procedures and the company secretary.
We supplemented our enquiries through our review of board minutes
and papers provided to the Audit and Risk Committee, correspondence
received from regulatory bodies and attendance at all meetings of the
Audit and Risk Committee, as well as consideration of the results of our
audit procedures across the Group.
– We assessed the susceptibility of the Group’s financial statements to
material misstatement, including how fraud might occur by meeting
with management from various parts of the business including
management and finance teams of the local markets designated as
full, specific and specified procedures scope locations, Head Office,
the Audit and Risk Committee, the Group Internal Audit function, the
Group Legal function and individuals in the fraud and compliance
department to understand where it considered there was susceptibility
to fraud; and assessing whistleblowing logs and associated incidences
for those with a potential financial reporting impact. We also
considered performance targets and their propensity to influence on
efforts made by management to manage earnings or influence the
perceptions of analysts. We considered the programmes and controls
that the Group has established to address risks identified, or that
otherwise prevent, deter and detect fraud, and how senior
management monitors those programmes and controls.
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
Independent auditor’s report to the members of Vodafone Group Plc (continued)
– Based on this understanding we designed our audit procedures to
identify non-compliance with such laws and regulations, including
where necessary using our forensic specialists. Our procedures
involved enquiries of management at Head Office, the Audit and Risk
Committee, the Group Internal Audit function, the Group Legal
function, the Group Corporate Security team, individuals in the fraud
and compliance department (including those responsible for fraud
investigation and whistleblowing). We also perform journal entry
testing, with a focus on manual consolidation journals, journals
indicating large or unusual transactions and journals with key words
that could indicate management override, based on our understanding
of the business; and challenging the assumptions and judgements
made by management in respect of significant one-off transactions
in the financial year and significant accounting estimates as referred to
in the key audit matters section above. At a component level, our full
and specified procedure scope component audit teams’ procedures
included enquiries of component management; journal entry testing;
and focussed testing, including in respect of the key audit matter of
revenue recognition. We also leveraged our data analytics capabilities
in performing work on the purchase to pay process and fixed asset
balances and leases, to assist in identifying higher risk transactions
and balances, respectively, for testing.
– Where the risk was considered to be higher, including areas impacting
Group key performance indicators or management remuneration,
we performed audit procedures to address each identified fraud risk or
other risk of material misstatement. These procedures included those
on revenue recognition referred to in the key audit matter section
above and testing manual journals and were designed to provide
reasonable assurance that the financial statements were free from
material fraud or error.
A further description of our responsibilities for the audit of the financial
statements is located on the Financial Reporting Council’s website at This description forms
part of our auditor’s report.
Other matters we are required to address
– Following the recommendation from the Audit and Risk Committee,
we were appointed by the Company on 23 July 2019 to audit the
financial statements for the year ending 31 March 2020 and
subsequent financial periods.
The period of total uninterrupted engagement including previous
renewals and reappointments is four years, covering the years ending
31 March 2020 to 31 March 2023.
– The audit opinion is consistent with the additional report to the Audit
and Risk Committee.
Use of our report
This report is made solely to the Company’s members, as a body,
in accordance with Chapter 3 of Part 16 of the Companies Act 2006.
Our audit work has been undertaken so that we might state to the
Company’s members those matters we are required to state to them
in an auditor’s report and for no other purpose. To the fullest extent
permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone
other than the Company and the Company’s members as a body, for our
audit work, for this report, or for the opinions we have formed.
Alison Duncan (Senior statutory auditor)
for and on behalf of Ernst & Young LLP, Statutory Auditor
16 May 2023
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
Independent auditor’s report to the members of Vodafone Group Plc (continued)
Consolidated income statement
for the years ended 31 March
Cost of sales
Gross profit
Selling and distribution expenses
Administrative expenses
Net credit losses on financial assets
Share of results of equity accounted associates and joint ventures
Impairment loss
Other income
Operating profit
Investment income
Financing costs
Profit before taxation
Income tax expense
Profit for the financial year
Attributable to:
– Owners of the parent
– Non-controlling interests
Profit for the financial year
Group earnings per share (all from continuing operations)1
– Basic
– Diluted
Consolidated statement of comprehensive income
for the years ended 31 March
– Based on this understanding we designed our audit procedures to
identify non-compliance with such laws and regulations, including
where necessary using our forensic specialists. Our procedures
involved enquiries of management at Head Office, the Audit and Risk
Committee, the Group Internal Audit function, the Group Legal
function, the Group Corporate Security team, individuals in the fraud
and compliance department (including those responsible for fraud
investigation and whistleblowing). We also perform journal entry
testing, with a focus on manual consolidation journals, journals
indicating large or unusual transactions and journals with key words
that could indicate management override, based on our understanding
of the business; and challenging the assumptions and judgements
made by management in respect of significant one-off transactions
in the financial year and significant accounting estimates as referred to
in the key audit matters section above. At a component level, our full
and specified procedure scope component audit teams’ procedures
included enquiries of component management; journal entry testing;
and focussed testing, including in respect of the key audit matter of
revenue recognition. We also leveraged our data analytics capabilities
in performing work on the purchase to pay process and fixed asset
balances and leases, to assist in identifying higher risk transactions
and balances, respectively, for testing.
– Where the risk was considered to be higher, including areas impacting
Group key performance indicators or management remuneration,
we performed audit procedures to address each identified fraud risk or
other risk of material misstatement. These procedures included those
on revenue recognition referred to in the key audit matter section
above and testing manual journals and were designed to provide
reasonable assurance that the financial statements were free from
material fraud or error.
A further description of our responsibilities for the audit of the financial
statements is located on the Financial Reporting Council’s website at This description forms
part of our auditor’s report.
Other matters we are required to address
– Following the recommendation from the Audit and Risk Committee,
we were appointed by the Company on 23 July 2019 to audit the
financial statements for the year ending 31 March 2020 and
subsequent financial periods.
The period of total uninterrupted engagement including previous
renewals and reappointments is four years, covering the years ending
31 March 2020 to 31 March 2023.
– The audit opinion is consistent with the additional report to the Audit
and Risk Committee.
Use of our report
This report is made solely to the Company’s members, as a body,
in accordance with Chapter 3 of Part 16 of the Companies Act 2006.
Our audit work has been undertaken so that we might state to the
Company’s members those matters we are required to state to them
in an auditor’s report and for no other purpose. To the fullest extent
permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone
other than the Company and the Company’s members as a body, for our
audit work, for this report, or for the opinions we have formed.
Alison Duncan (Senior statutory auditor)
for and on behalf of Ernst & Young LLP, Statutory Auditor
16 May 2023
Profit for the financial year
Other comprehensive income/(expense):
Items that may be reclassified to the income statement in subsequent years:
Foreign exchange translation differences, net of tax
Foreign exchange translation differences transferred to the income statement
Other, net of tax2
Total items that may be reclassified to the income statement in subsequent years
Items that will not be reclassified to the income statement in subsequent years:
Net actuarial (losses)/gains on defined benefit pension schemes, net of tax
Total items that will not be reclassified to the income statement in subsequent
Other comprehensive (expense)/income
Total comprehensive income/(expense) for the financial year
Attributable to:
– Owners of the parent
– Non-controlling interests
Total comprehensive income/(expense) for the financial year
1 The results for the years ended 31 March 2022 and 31 March 2021 have been re-presented to reflect that Indus Towers Limited is no longer reported as held for sale. See note 7 ‘Discontinued operations and assets held for
sale’ and note 8 ‘Earnings per share’ for more information.
2 Principally includes the impact of the Group’s cash flow hedges deferred to other comprehensive income during the year.
Further details on items in the consolidated statement of comprehensive income can be found in the consolidated statement of changes in equity on page 125.
Vodafone Group Plc
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
Consolidated statement of financial position
at 31 March
31 March 2023
31 March 2022
Non-current assets
Other intangible assets
Property, plant and equipment
Investments in associates and joint ventures
Other investments
Deferred tax assets
Post employment benefits
Trade and other receivables
Current assets
Taxation recoverable
Trade and other receivables
Other investments
Cash and cash equivalents
Total assets
Called up share capital
Additional paid-in capital
Treasury shares
Accumulated losses
Accumulated other comprehensive income
Total attributable to owners of the parent
Non-controlling interests
Total equity
Non-current liabilities
Deferred tax liabilities
Post employment benefits
Trade and other payables
Current liabilities
Financial liabilities under put option arrangements
Taxation liabilities
Trade and other payables
Total equity and liabilities
1 Balances as at 31 March 2022 have been re-presented to reflect that Indus Towers Limited is no longer reported as held for sale. See note 7 ‘Discontinued operations and assets held for sale’ for more information.
The consolidated financial statements on pages 123 to 210 were approved by the Board of Directors and authorised for issue on 16 May 2023 and
were signed on its behalf by:
Margherita Della Valle
Group Chief Executive and Chief Financial Officer
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Vodafone Group Plc
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
Consolidated statement of financial position
Consolidated statement of financial position
at 31 March
at 31 March
Non-current assets
Non-current assets
Other intangible assets
Other intangible assets
Property, plant and equipment
Property, plant and equipment
Investments in associates and joint ventures
Investments in associates and joint ventures
Accumulated other comprehensive income
Accumulated other comprehensive income
Total attributable to owners of the parent
Total attributable to owners of the parent
Other investments
Other investments
Deferred tax assets
Deferred tax assets
Post employment benefits
Post employment benefits
Trade and other receivables
Trade and other receivables
Current assets
Current assets
Taxation recoverable
Taxation recoverable
Trade and other receivables
Trade and other receivables
Other investments
Other investments
Cash and cash equivalents
Cash and cash equivalents
Total assets
Total assets
Called up share capital
Called up share capital
Additional paid-in capital
Additional paid-in capital
Treasury shares
Treasury shares
Accumulated losses
Accumulated losses
Non-controlling interests
Non-controlling interests
Total equity
Total equity
Non-current liabilities
Non-current liabilities
Deferred tax liabilities
Deferred tax liabilities
Post employment benefits
Post employment benefits
Trade and other payables
Trade and other payables
Current liabilities
Current liabilities
Taxation liabilities
Taxation liabilities
Trade and other payables
Trade and other payables
Total equity and liabilities
Total equity and liabilities
were signed on its behalf by:
were signed on its behalf by:
Financial liabilities under put option arrangements
Financial liabilities under put option arrangements
Margherita Della Valle
Margherita Della Valle
Group Chief Executive and Chief Financial Officer
Group Chief Executive and Chief Financial Officer
31 March 2023
31 March 2023
31 March 2022
31 March 2022
1 Balances as at 31 March 2022 have been re-presented to reflect that Indus Towers Limited is no longer reported as held for sale. See note 7 ‘Discontinued operations and assets held for sale’ for more information.
1 Balances as at 31 March 2022 have been re-presented to reflect that Indus Towers Limited is no longer reported as held for sale. See note 7 ‘Discontinued operations and assets held for sale’ for more information.
The consolidated financial statements on pages 123 to 210 were approved by the Board of Directors and authorised for issue on 16 May 2023 and
The consolidated financial statements on pages 123 to 210 were approved by the Board of Directors and authorised for issue on 16 May 2023 and
Consolidated statement of changes in equity
for the years ended 31 March
Pensions Revaluation
Accumulated other comprehensive income
to owners
(1,943) 2,033
(120,349) 28,308
(679) 1,227
3,279 61,410
1,215 62,625
(1,902) 2,000
(121,640) 28,430
(1,234) 1,227
(464) 55,756
2,012 57,768
(122,022) 28,393
(122,022) 28,958
(751) 1,227
(751) 1,227
1,399 54,783
1,399 55,348
2,290 57,073
2,290 57,638
(113,086) 27,584
(911) 1,227
2,362 63,399
1,084 64,483
1 April 2020
Issue or reissue of shares7
Share-based payments
Transactions with NCI in
OCI - before tax
OCI - taxes
Transfer to the income
statement ('IS')
Purchase of treasury
shares ('TS')9
31 March 2021 Re-presented
Issue or reissue of shares7
Share-based payments
Transactions with NCI in
OCI - before tax
OCI - taxes
Transfer to the IS
Purchase of TS9
31 March 2022 Re-presented
Adoption of IAS 29
1 April 2022 - b/forward
Issue or reissue of shares
Share-based payments
Transactions with NCI in
OCI - before tax
OCI - taxes
Transfer to the IS
Translation of
hyperinflationary results
Purchase of TS9
31 March 2023
1 See note 17 ‘Called up share capital’.
Includes share premium, capital reserve, capital redemption reserve, merger reserve and share-based payment reserve. The merger reserve was derived from acquisitions made prior to 31 March 2004 and subsequently
allocated to additional paid-in capital on adoption of IFRS.
3 The currency reserve is used to record cumulative translation differences on the assets and liabilities of foreign operations. The cumulative translation differences are recycled to the income statement on disposal of the
foreign operation.
4 The revaluation surplus derives from acquisitions of subsidiaries made before the Group’s adoption of IFRS 3 (Revised) on 1 April 2010 and comprises the amounts arising from recognising the Group’s pre-existing equity
interest in the acquired subsidiary at fair value.
5 Principally includes the impact of the Group’s cash flow hedges with €2,322 million net gain deferred to other comprehensive income during the year (2022: €3,704 million net gain; 2021: €5,892 million net loss) and €896
million net gain (2022: €1,422 million net gain; 2021: €1,226 million net loss) recycled to the income statement. These hedges primarily relate to foreign exchange exposure on fixed borrowings, with any foreign exchange
on nominal balances directly impacting income statement in each period but interest cash flows unwinding to the income statement over the life of the hedges (up to 2063). See note 22 ‘Capital and financial risk
management’ for further details.
6 The results for the years ended 31 March 2022 and 31 March 2021 have been re-presented to reflect that Indus Towers Limited is no longer presented as held for sale. As at 31 March 2022, accumulated losses decreased by
€96 million, resulting in an increase of €96 million in total equity compared to amounts previously reported. As at 31 March 2021, accumulated losses decreased by €53 million, offset by an increase of €5 million in
accumulated other comprehensive income, resulting in a net decrease of €48 million in total equity compared to amounts previously reported. See note 7 ‘Discontinued operations and assets held for sale’.
7 Movements include the re-issue of 1,427 million shares (€1,944 million) in March 2021 to satisfy the first tranche and the re-issue of 1,519 million shares (€1,903 million) in March 2022 to satisfy the second tranche of the
Mandatory Convertible Bond issued in March 2019.
8 Principally relates to transactions in relation to Vantage Towers A.G. See note 27 ‘Acquisitions and disposals’ for details.
9 Represents the irrevocable and non-discretionary share buyback programmes announced on 19 March 2021, 19 May 2021, 23 July 2021, 17 November 2021, 9 March 2022 and 16 November 2022.
10 Includes a gain on disposal of Vantage Towers A.G. of €8,607 million and a gain on disposal of Vodafone Ghana of €689 million, offset by a loss on disposal of Vodafone Hungary of €69 million.
Vodafone Group Plc
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
Consolidated statement of cash flows
for the years ended 31 March
Inflow from operating activities
Cash flows from investing activities
Purchase of interests in subsidiaries, net of cash acquired
Purchase of interests in associates and joint ventures
Purchase of intangible assets
Purchase of property, plant and equipment
Purchase of investments
Disposal of interests in subsidiaries, net of cash disposed
Disposal of interests in associates and joint ventures
Disposal of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets
Disposal of investments
Dividends received from associates and joint ventures
Interest received
Outflow from investing activities
Cash flows from financing activities
Proceeds from issue of long-term borrowings
Repayment of borrowings
Net movement in short-term borrowings
Net movement in derivatives
Interest paid1
Payments for settlement of written put options2
Purchase of treasury shares
Issue of ordinary share capital and reissue of treasury shares
Equity dividends paid
Dividends paid to non-controlling shareholders in subsidiaries
Other transactions with non-controlling shareholders in subsidiaries
Other movements with associates and joint ventures
Outflow from financing activities
Net cash inflow/(outflow)
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the financial year
Exchange gain/(loss) on cash and cash equivalents
Cash and cash equivalents at end of the financial year
1 Amount for 2023 includes €26 million of cash outflow (2022: €58 million inflow; 2021: €9 million inflow) on derivative financial instruments for the share buyback related to maturing tranches of mandatory convertible
2 Amount for 2021 reflects the settlement of a tender offer made to other shareholders of Kabel Deutschland Holding A.G.
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Vodafone Group Plc
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
Consolidated statement of cash flows
Consolidated statement of cash flows
for the years ended 31 March
for the years ended 31 March
Inflow from operating activities
Inflow from operating activities
Cash flows from investing activities
Cash flows from investing activities
Purchase of interests in subsidiaries, net of cash acquired
Purchase of interests in subsidiaries, net of cash acquired
Purchase of interests in associates and joint ventures
Purchase of interests in associates and joint ventures
Purchase of intangible assets
Purchase of intangible assets
Purchase of property, plant and equipment
Purchase of property, plant and equipment
Purchase of investments
Purchase of investments
Disposal of interests in subsidiaries, net of cash disposed
Disposal of interests in subsidiaries, net of cash disposed
Disposal of interests in associates and joint ventures
Disposal of interests in associates and joint ventures
Disposal of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets
Disposal of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets
Disposal of investments
Disposal of investments
Dividends received from associates and joint ventures
Dividends received from associates and joint ventures
Interest received
Interest received
Outflow from investing activities
Outflow from investing activities
Cash flows from financing activities
Cash flows from financing activities
Proceeds from issue of long-term borrowings
Proceeds from issue of long-term borrowings
Repayment of borrowings
Repayment of borrowings
Net movement in short-term borrowings
Net movement in short-term borrowings
Net movement in derivatives
Net movement in derivatives
Interest paid1
Interest paid1
Payments for settlement of written put options2
Payments for settlement of written put options2
Purchase of treasury shares
Purchase of treasury shares
Issue of ordinary share capital and reissue of treasury shares
Issue of ordinary share capital and reissue of treasury shares
Equity dividends paid
Equity dividends paid
Dividends paid to non-controlling shareholders in subsidiaries
Dividends paid to non-controlling shareholders in subsidiaries
Other transactions with non-controlling shareholders in subsidiaries
Other transactions with non-controlling shareholders in subsidiaries
Other movements with associates and joint ventures
Other movements with associates and joint ventures
Outflow from financing activities
Outflow from financing activities
Net cash inflow/(outflow)
Net cash inflow/(outflow)
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the financial year
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the financial year
Exchange gain/(loss) on cash and cash equivalents
Exchange gain/(loss) on cash and cash equivalents
Cash and cash equivalents at end of the financial year
Cash and cash equivalents at end of the financial year
1 Amount for 2023 includes €26 million of cash outflow (2022: €58 million inflow; 2021: €9 million inflow) on derivative financial instruments for the share buyback related to maturing tranches of mandatory convertible
1 Amount for 2023 includes €26 million of cash outflow (2022: €58 million inflow; 2021: €9 million inflow) on derivative financial instruments for the share buyback related to maturing tranches of mandatory convertible
2 Amount for 2021 reflects the settlement of a tender offer made to other shareholders of Kabel Deutschland Holding A.G.
2 Amount for 2021 reflects the settlement of a tender offer made to other shareholders of Kabel Deutschland Holding A.G.
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
1. Basis of preparation
Notes to the consolidated financial statements
This section describes the critical accounting judgements and estimates that management has identified as having a
potentially material impact on the Group’s consolidated financial statements and sets out our significant accounting
policies that relate to the financial statements as a whole. Where an accounting policy is generally applicable to a
specific note to the financial statements, the policy is described within that note. We have also detailed below the new
accounting pronouncements that we will adopt in future years and our current view of the impact they will have on our
financial reporting.
The consolidated financial statements are prepared in accordance with UK-adopted International Accounting Standards (‘IAS’), with International
Financial Reporting Standards (‘IFRS’) as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (‘IASB’) and with the requirements of the
Companies Act 2006 (the ‘Act’). The consolidated financial statements are prepared on a going concern basis (see page 112).
Vodafone Group Plc is incorporated and domiciled in England and Wales (registration number 1833679). The registered address of the Company is
Vodafone House, The Connection, Newbury, Berkshire, RG14 2FN, England.
IFRS requires the Directors to adopt accounting policies that are the most appropriate to the Group’s circumstances. These have been applied
consistently to all the years presented, unless otherwise stated. In determining and applying accounting policies, Directors and management are
required to make judgements and estimates in respect of items where the choice of specific policy, accounting judgement, estimate or assumption
to be followed could materially affect the Group’s reported financial position, results or cash flows and disclosure of contingent assets or liabilities
during the reporting period; it may later be determined that a different choice may have been more appropriate.
The Group’s critical accounting judgements and key sources of estimation uncertainty are detailed below. Actual outcomes could differ from those
estimates. The estimates and underlying assumptions are reviewed on an ongoing basis. Revisions to accounting estimates are recognised in the
period in which the estimate is revised if the revision affects only that period; they are recognised in the period of the revision and future periods if
the revision affects both current and future periods.
Management regularly reviews, and revises as necessary, the accounting judgements that significantly impact the amounts recognised in the
financial statements and the estimates that are considered to be ‘critical estimates’ due to their potential to give rise to material adjustments in the
Group’s financial statements in the year to 31 March 2024. As at 31 March 2023, management has identified critical judgements in respect of
revenue recognition, lease accounting, valuing assets and liabilities acquired in business combinations, the accounting for tax disputes, the
classification of joint arrangements, whether to recognise provisions or to disclose contingent liabilities, held for sale accounting and the impacts of
climate change. In addition, management has identified critical accounting estimates in relation to the recovery of deferred tax assets, post
employment benefits and impairment reviews; estimates have also been identified that are not considered to be critical in respect of the allocation
of revenue to goods and services, the useful economic lives of finite lived intangible assets and property, plant and equipment.
The majority of the Group’s provisions are either long-term in nature (such as asset retirement obligations) or relate to shorter-term liabilities (such
as those relating to restructuring and property) where there is not considered to be a significant risk of material adjustment in the next financial year.
Critical judgements exercised in respect of tax disputes include cases in India and a tax dispute related to financing costs in the Netherlands.
These critical accounting judgements, estimates and related disclosures have been discussed with the Group’s Audit and Risk Committee.
Critical accounting judgements and key sources of estimation uncertainty
Revenue recognition
Revenue recognition under IFRS 15 necessitates the collation and processing of very large amounts of data and the use of management
judgements and estimates to produce financial information. The most significant accounting judgements and source of estimation uncertainty are
disclosed below.
Gross versus net presentation
If the Group has control of goods or services when they are delivered to a customer, then the Group is the principal in the sale to the customer;
otherwise the Group is acting as an agent. Whether the Group is considered to be the principal or an agent in the transaction depends on analysis by
management of both the legal form and substance of the agreement between the Group and its business partners; such judgements impact the
amount of reported revenue and operating expenses (see note 2 ‘Revenue disaggregation and segmental analysis’) but do not impact reported
assets, liabilities or cash flows. Scenarios requiring judgement to determine whether the Group is a principal or an agent include, for example, those
where the Group delivers third-party branded software or services (such as premium music, TV content or cloud-based services) to customers and
goods or those where services delivered to customers in partnership with a third-party.
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
Notes to the consolidated financial statements (continued)
1. Basis of preparation (continued)
Allocation of revenue to goods and services provided to customers
Revenue is recognised when goods and services are delivered to customers (see note 2 ‘Revenue disaggregation and segmental analysis’). Goods and
services may be delivered to a customer at different times under the same contract, hence it is necessary to allocate the amount payable by the
customer between goods and services on a ‘relative standalone selling price basis’; this requires the identification of performance obligations
(‘obligations’) and the determination of standalone selling prices for the identified obligations. The determination of obligations is, for the primary goods
and services sold by the Group, not considered to be a critical accounting judgement; the Group’s policy on identifying obligations is disclosed in note 2
‘Revenue disaggregation and segmental analysis’. The determination of standalone selling prices for identified obligations is discussed below.
It is necessary to estimate the standalone price when the Group does not sell equivalent goods or services in similar circumstances on a standalone
basis. When estimating the standalone price the Group maximises the use of external inputs; methods for estimating standalone prices include
determining the standalone price of similar goods and services sold by the Group, observing the standalone prices for similar goods and services when
sold by third parties or using a cost-plus reasonable margin approach (which is sometimes the case for devices and other equipment). Where it is not
possible to reliably estimate standalone prices due to a lack of observable standalone sales or highly variable pricing, which is sometimes the case for
services, the standalone price of an obligation may be determined as the transaction price less the standalone prices of other obligations in the contract.
The standalone price determined for obligations materially impacts the allocation of revenue between obligations and impacts the timing of revenue
when obligations are provided to customers at different times – for example, the allocation of revenue between devices, which are usually delivered up-
front, and services which are typically delivered over the contract period. However, there is not considered to be a significant risk of material adjustment
to the carrying value of contract-related assets or liabilities in the 12 months after the balance sheet date if these estimates were revised.
Lease accounting
Lease accounting under IFRS 16 is complex and necessitates the collation and processing of very large amounts of data and the increased use of
management judgements and estimates to produce financial information. The most significant accounting judgements are disclosed below.
Lease identification
Whether the arrangement is considered a lease or a service contract depends on the analysis by management of both the legal form and substance of
the arrangement between the Group and the counter-party to determine if control of an identified asset has been passed between the parties; if not, the
arrangement is a service arrangement. Control exists if the Group obtains substantially all of the economic benefit from the use of the asset, and has the
ability to direct its use, for a period of time. An identified asset exists where an agreement explicitly or implicitly identifies an asset or a physically distinct
portion of an asset which the lessor has no substantive right to substitute.
The scenarios requiring the greatest judgement include those where the arrangement is for the use of fibre or other fixed telecommunication lines.
Generally, where the Group has exclusive use of a physical line it is determined that the Group can also direct the use of the line and therefore leases will
be recognised. Where the Group provides access to fibre or other fixed telecommunication lines to another operator on a wholesale basis the
arrangement will generally be identified as a lease, whereas when the Group provides fixed line services to an end-user, generally control over such lines
is not passed to the end-user and a lease is not identified.
The impact of determining whether an agreement is a lease or a service depends on whether the Group is a potential lessee or lessor in the arrangement
and, where the Group is a lessor, whether the arrangement is classified as an operating or finance lease. The impacts for each scenario are described
below where the Group is potentially:
A lessee. The judgement impacts the nature and timing of both costs and reported assets and liabilities. A lease results in an asset and a liability being
reported and depreciation and interest being recognised; the interest charge will decrease over the life of the lease. A service contract results in
operating expenses being recognised evenly over the life of the contract and no assets or liabilities being recorded (other than trade payables,
prepayments and accruals).
An operating lessor. The judgement impacts the nature of income recognised. An operating lease results in lease income being recognised whilst a
service contract results in service revenue. Both are recognised evenly over the life of the contract.
A finance lessor. The judgement impacts the nature and timing of both income and reported assets. A finance lease results in the lease income being
recognised at commencement of the lease and an asset (the net investment in the lease) being recorded.
Lease term
Where leases include additional optional periods after an initial lease term, significant judgement is required in determining whether these optional
periods should be included when determining the lease term. The impact of this judgement is significantly greater where the Group is a lessee. As a
lessee, optional periods are included in the lease term if the Group is reasonably certain it will exercise an extension option or will not exercise a
termination option; this depends on an analysis by management of all relevant facts and circumstances including the leased asset’s nature and purpose,
the economic and practical potential for replacing the asset and any plans that the Group has in place for the future use of the asset. Where a leased
asset is highly customised (either when initially provided or as a result of leasehold improvements) or it is impractical or uneconomic to replace then the
Group is more likely to judge that lease extension options are reasonably certain to be exercised. The value of the right-of-use asset and lease liability will
be greater when extension options are included in the lease term. The normal approach adopted for lease term by asset class is described below.
Strategic report
Other information
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Vodafone Group Plc
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Annual Report 2023
1. Basis of preparation (continued)
1. Basis of preparation (continued)
Notes to the consolidated financial statements (continued)
Notes to the consolidated financial statements (continued)
Allocation of revenue to goods and services provided to customers
Allocation of revenue to goods and services provided to customers
Revenue is recognised when goods and services are delivered to customers (see note 2 ‘Revenue disaggregation and segmental analysis’). Goods and
Revenue is recognised when goods and services are delivered to customers (see note 2 ‘Revenue disaggregation and segmental analysis’). Goods and
services may be delivered to a customer at different times under the same contract, hence it is necessary to allocate the amount payable by the
services may be delivered to a customer at different times under the same contract, hence it is necessary to allocate the amount payable by the
customer between goods and services on a ‘relative standalone selling price basis’; this requires the identification of performance obligations
customer between goods and services on a ‘relative standalone selling price basis’; this requires the identification of performance obligations
(‘obligations’) and the determination of standalone selling prices for the identified obligations. The determination of obligations is, for the primary goods
(‘obligations’) and the determination of standalone selling prices for the identified obligations. The determination of obligations is, for the primary goods
and services sold by the Group, not considered to be a critical accounting judgement; the Group’s policy on identifying obligations is disclosed in note 2
and services sold by the Group, not considered to be a critical accounting judgement; the Group’s policy on identifying obligations is disclosed in note 2
‘Revenue disaggregation and segmental analysis’. The determination of standalone selling prices for identified obligations is discussed below.
‘Revenue disaggregation and segmental analysis’. The determination of standalone selling prices for identified obligations is discussed below.
It is necessary to estimate the standalone price when the Group does not sell equivalent goods or services in similar circumstances on a standalone
It is necessary to estimate the standalone price when the Group does not sell equivalent goods or services in similar circumstances on a standalone
basis. When estimating the standalone price the Group maximises the use of external inputs; methods for estimating standalone prices include
basis. When estimating the standalone price the Group maximises the use of external inputs; methods for estimating standalone prices include
determining the standalone price of similar goods and services sold by the Group, observing the standalone prices for similar goods and services when
determining the standalone price of similar goods and services sold by the Group, observing the standalone prices for similar goods and services when
sold by third parties or using a cost-plus reasonable margin approach (which is sometimes the case for devices and other equipment). Where it is not
sold by third parties or using a cost-plus reasonable margin approach (which is sometimes the case for devices and other equipment). Where it is not
possible to reliably estimate standalone prices due to a lack of observable standalone sales or highly variable pricing, which is sometimes the case for
possible to reliably estimate standalone prices due to a lack of observable standalone sales or highly variable pricing, which is sometimes the case for
services, the standalone price of an obligation may be determined as the transaction price less the standalone prices of other obligations in the contract.
services, the standalone price of an obligation may be determined as the transaction price less the standalone prices of other obligations in the contract.
The standalone price determined for obligations materially impacts the allocation of revenue between obligations and impacts the timing of revenue
The standalone price determined for obligations materially impacts the allocation of revenue between obligations and impacts the timing of revenue
when obligations are provided to customers at different times – for example, the allocation of revenue between devices, which are usually delivered up-
when obligations are provided to customers at different times – for example, the allocation of revenue between devices, which are usually delivered up-
front, and services which are typically delivered over the contract period. However, there is not considered to be a significant risk of material adjustment
front, and services which are typically delivered over the contract period. However, there is not considered to be a significant risk of material adjustment
to the carrying value of contract-related assets or liabilities in the 12 months after the balance sheet date if these estimates were revised.
to the carrying value of contract-related assets or liabilities in the 12 months after the balance sheet date if these estimates were revised.
Lease accounting under IFRS 16 is complex and necessitates the collation and processing of very large amounts of data and the increased use of
Lease accounting under IFRS 16 is complex and necessitates the collation and processing of very large amounts of data and the increased use of
management judgements and estimates to produce financial information. The most significant accounting judgements are disclosed below.
management judgements and estimates to produce financial information. The most significant accounting judgements are disclosed below.
Lease accounting
Lease accounting
Lease identification
Lease identification
Whether the arrangement is considered a lease or a service contract depends on the analysis by management of both the legal form and substance of
Whether the arrangement is considered a lease or a service contract depends on the analysis by management of both the legal form and substance of
the arrangement between the Group and the counter-party to determine if control of an identified asset has been passed between the parties; if not, the
the arrangement between the Group and the counter-party to determine if control of an identified asset has been passed between the parties; if not, the
arrangement is a service arrangement. Control exists if the Group obtains substantially all of the economic benefit from the use of the asset, and has the
arrangement is a service arrangement. Control exists if the Group obtains substantially all of the economic benefit from the use of the asset, and has the
ability to direct its use, for a period of time. An identified asset exists where an agreement explicitly or implicitly identifies an asset or a physically distinct
ability to direct its use, for a period of time. An identified asset exists where an agreement explicitly or implicitly identifies an asset or a physically distinct
portion of an asset which the lessor has no substantive right to substitute.
portion of an asset which the lessor has no substantive right to substitute.
The scenarios requiring the greatest judgement include those where the arrangement is for the use of fibre or other fixed telecommunication lines.
The scenarios requiring the greatest judgement include those where the arrangement is for the use of fibre or other fixed telecommunication lines.
Generally, where the Group has exclusive use of a physical line it is determined that the Group can also direct the use of the line and therefore leases will
Generally, where the Group has exclusive use of a physical line it is determined that the Group can also direct the use of the line and therefore leases will
be recognised. Where the Group provides access to fibre or other fixed telecommunication lines to another operator on a wholesale basis the
be recognised. Where the Group provides access to fibre or other fixed telecommunication lines to another operator on a wholesale basis the
arrangement will generally be identified as a lease, whereas when the Group provides fixed line services to an end-user, generally control over such lines
arrangement will generally be identified as a lease, whereas when the Group provides fixed line services to an end-user, generally control over such lines
is not passed to the end-user and a lease is not identified.
is not passed to the end-user and a lease is not identified.
The impact of determining whether an agreement is a lease or a service depends on whether the Group is a potential lessee or lessor in the arrangement
The impact of determining whether an agreement is a lease or a service depends on whether the Group is a potential lessee or lessor in the arrangement
and, where the Group is a lessor, whether the arrangement is classified as an operating or finance lease. The impacts for each scenario are described
and, where the Group is a lessor, whether the arrangement is classified as an operating or finance lease. The impacts for each scenario are described
below where the Group is potentially:
below where the Group is potentially:
A lessee. The judgement impacts the nature and timing of both costs and reported assets and liabilities. A lease results in an asset and a liability being
A lessee. The judgement impacts the nature and timing of both costs and reported assets and liabilities. A lease results in an asset and a liability being
reported and depreciation and interest being recognised; the interest charge will decrease over the life of the lease. A service contract results in
reported and depreciation and interest being recognised; the interest charge will decrease over the life of the lease. A service contract results in
operating expenses being recognised evenly over the life of the contract and no assets or liabilities being recorded (other than trade payables,
operating expenses being recognised evenly over the life of the contract and no assets or liabilities being recorded (other than trade payables,
prepayments and accruals).
prepayments and accruals).
An operating lessor. The judgement impacts the nature of income recognised. An operating lease results in lease income being recognised whilst a
An operating lessor. The judgement impacts the nature of income recognised. An operating lease results in lease income being recognised whilst a
service contract results in service revenue. Both are recognised evenly over the life of the contract.
service contract results in service revenue. Both are recognised evenly over the life of the contract.
A finance lessor. The judgement impacts the nature and timing of both income and reported assets. A finance lease results in the lease income being
A finance lessor. The judgement impacts the nature and timing of both income and reported assets. A finance lease results in the lease income being
recognised at commencement of the lease and an asset (the net investment in the lease) being recorded.
recognised at commencement of the lease and an asset (the net investment in the lease) being recorded.
Lease term
Lease term
Where leases include additional optional periods after an initial lease term, significant judgement is required in determining whether these optional
Where leases include additional optional periods after an initial lease term, significant judgement is required in determining whether these optional
periods should be included when determining the lease term. The impact of this judgement is significantly greater where the Group is a lessee. As a
periods should be included when determining the lease term. The impact of this judgement is significantly greater where the Group is a lessee. As a
lessee, optional periods are included in the lease term if the Group is reasonably certain it will exercise an extension option or will not exercise a
lessee, optional periods are included in the lease term if the Group is reasonably certain it will exercise an extension option or will not exercise a
termination option; this depends on an analysis by management of all relevant facts and circumstances including the leased asset’s nature and purpose,
termination option; this depends on an analysis by management of all relevant facts and circumstances including the leased asset’s nature and purpose,
the economic and practical potential for replacing the asset and any plans that the Group has in place for the future use of the asset. Where a leased
the economic and practical potential for replacing the asset and any plans that the Group has in place for the future use of the asset. Where a leased
asset is highly customised (either when initially provided or as a result of leasehold improvements) or it is impractical or uneconomic to replace then the
asset is highly customised (either when initially provided or as a result of leasehold improvements) or it is impractical or uneconomic to replace then the
Group is more likely to judge that lease extension options are reasonably certain to be exercised. The value of the right-of-use asset and lease liability will
Group is more likely to judge that lease extension options are reasonably certain to be exercised. The value of the right-of-use asset and lease liability will
be greater when extension options are included in the lease term. The normal approach adopted for lease term by asset class is described below.
be greater when extension options are included in the lease term. The normal approach adopted for lease term by asset class is described below.
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
The lease terms can vary significantly by type and use of asset and geography. In addition, the exact lease term is subject to the non-cancellable period
and rights and options in each contract. Generally, lease terms are judged to be the longer of the minimum lease term and:
Between 5 and 10 years for land and buildings (excluding retail), with terms at the top end of this range if the lease relates to assets that are considered
to be difficult to exit sooner for economic, practical or reputational reasons;
To the next contractual lease break date for retail premises (excluding breaks within the next 12 months);
Where leases are used to provide internal connectivity the lease term for the connectivity is aligned to the lease term or useful economic life of the
assets connected;
The customer service agreement length for leases of local loop connections or other assets required to provide fixed line services to individual
customers; and
Where there are contractual agreements to provide services using leased assets, the lease term for these assets is generally set in accordance with the
above principles or for the lease term required to provide the services for the agreed service period, if longer.
In most instances the Group has options to renew or extend leases for additional periods after the end of the lease term which are assessed using the
criteria above.
Lease terms are reassessed if a significant event or change in circumstances occurs relating to the leased assets that is within the control of the Group;
such changes usually relate to commercial agreements entered into by the Group, or business decisions made by the Group. Where such changes
change the Group’s assessment of whether it is reasonably certain to exercise options to extend, or not terminate leases, then the lease term is
reassessed and the lease liability is remeasured, which in most cases will increase the lease liability.
The Group’s tax charge on ordinary activities is the sum of the total current and deferred tax charges. The calculation of the Group’s total tax charge
involves estimation and judgement in respect of certain matters, being principally:
Recognition of deferred tax assets
Significant items on which the Group has exercised accounting estimation and judgement include the recognition of deferred tax assets in respect
of losses in Luxembourg, Germany, Italy and Spain as well as capital allowances in the United Kingdom. The recognition of deferred tax assets,
particularly in respect of tax losses, is based upon whether management judge that it is probable that there will be sufficient and suitable taxable
profits in the relevant legal entity or tax group against which to utilise the assets in the future. The Group assesses the availability of future taxable
profits using the same undiscounted five year forecasts for the Group’s operations as are used in the Group’s value in use calculations (see note 4
‘Impairment losses’). In the case of Luxembourg, this includes forecasts of future income from the Group’s internal financing, centralised
procurement and roaming activities.
Where tax losses are forecast to be recovered beyond the five year period, the availability of taxable profits is assessed using the cash flows and long-
term growth rates used for the value in use calculations.
The estimated cash flows inherent in these forecasts include the unsystematic risks of operating in the telecommunications business including the
potential impacts of changes in the market structure, trends in customer pricing, the costs associated with the acquisition and retention of
customers, future technological evolutions and potential regulatory changes, such as our ability to acquire and/or renew spectrum licences.
Changes in the estimates which underpin the Group’s forecasts could have an impact on the amount of future taxable profits and could have a
significant impact on the period over which the deferred tax asset would be recovered.
The Group only considers substantively enacted tax laws when assessing the amount and availability of tax losses to offset against the future taxable
profits. See note 6 ‘Taxation’ to the consolidated financial statements.
See additional commentary relating to climate change below.
Uncertain tax positions
The tax impact of a transaction or item can be uncertain until a conclusion is reached with the relevant tax authority or through a legal process. The
Group uses in-house tax experts when assessing uncertain tax positions and seeks the advice of external professional advisors where appropriate.
The most significant judgements in this area relate to the Group’s tax disputes in India and a tax dispute related to financing costs in the Netherlands.
Further details of tax disputes are included in note 29 ‘Contingent liabilities and legal proceedings’ to the consolidated financial statements.
Business combinations and goodwill
When the Group completes a business combination, the fair values of the identifiable assets and liabilities acquired, including intangible assets, are
recognised. The determination of the fair values of acquired assets and liabilities is based, to a considerable extent, on management’s judgement. If the
purchase consideration exceeds the fair value of the net assets acquired then the incremental amount paid is recognised as goodwill. If the purchase
price consideration is lower than the fair value of the assets acquired then the difference is recorded as a gain in the income statement.
Allocation of the purchase price between finite lived assets (discussed below) and indefinite lived assets such as goodwill affects the subsequent results
of the Group as finite lived intangible assets are amortised, whereas indefinite lived intangible assets, including goodwill, are not amortised.
See note 27 ‘Acquisitions and disposals’ to the consolidated financial statements for further details.
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Strategic report
Other information
Notes to the consolidated financial statements (continued)
1. Basis of preparation (continued)
Joint arrangements
The Group participates in a number of joint arrangements where control of the arrangement is shared with one or more other parties. Judgement is
required to classify joint arrangements in a separate legal entity as either a joint operation or as a joint venture, which depends on management’s
assessment of the legal form and substance of the arrangement taking into account relevant facts and circumstances such as whether the owners have
rights to substantially all the economic outputs and, in substance, settle the liabilities of the entity.
The classification can have a material impact on the consolidated financial statements. The Group’s share of assets, liabilities, revenue, expenses and
cash flows of joint operations are included in the consolidated financial statements on a line-by-line basis, whereas the Group’s investment and share of
results of joint ventures are shown within single line items in the consolidated statement of financial position and consolidated income statement
respectively. See note 12 ‘Investments in associates and joint arrangements’ to the consolidated financial statements.
Finite lived intangible assets
Other intangible assets include amounts spent by the Group acquiring licences and spectrum, customer bases and the costs of purchasing and
developing computer software.
Where intangible assets are acquired through business combinations and no active market for the assets exists, the fair value of these assets is
determined by discounting estimated future net cash flows generated by the asset. Estimates relating to the future cash flows and discount rates used
may have a material effect on the reported amounts of finite lived intangible assets.
Estimation of useful life
The useful life over which intangible assets are amortised depends on management’s estimate of the period over which economic benefit will be derived
from the asset. Useful lives are periodically reviewed to ensure that they remain appropriate. Management’s estimates of useful life have a material
impact on the amount of amortisation recorded in the year, but there is not considered to be a significant risk of material adjustment to the carrying
values of intangible assets in the year to 31 March 2024 if these estimates were revised. The basis for determining the useful life for the most significant
categories of intangible assets are discussed below.
Customer bases
The estimated useful life principally reflects management’s view of the average economic life of the customer base and is assessed by reference to
customer churn rates. An increase in churn rates may lead to a reduction in the estimated useful life and an increase in the amortisation charge.
Capitalised software
For computer software, the estimated useful life is based on management’s view, considering historical experience with similar products as well as
anticipation of future events which may impact their life such as changes in technology. The useful life will not exceed the duration of a licence.
Property, plant and equipment
Property, plant and equipment represents 24.4% of the Group’s total assets (2022: 26.5%). Estimates and assumptions made may have a material impact
on their carrying value and related depreciation charge. See note 11 ‘Property, plant and equipment’ to the consolidated financial statements for further
Estimation of useful life
The depreciation charge for an asset is derived using estimates of its expected useful life and expected residual value, which are reviewed annually.
Management’s estimates of useful life have a material impact on the amount of depreciation recorded in the year, but there is not considered to be a
significant risk of material adjustment to the carrying values of property, plant and equipment in the year to 31 March 2024 if these estimates were
Management determines the useful lives and residual values for assets when they are acquired, based on experience with similar assets and taking into
account other relevant factors such as any expected changes in technology.
See additional commentary relating to climate change, below.
Post employment benefits
Management uses estimates when determining the Group’s liabilities and expenses arising for defined benefit pension schemes. Management is
required to estimate the future rates of inflation, salary increases, discount rates and longevity of members, each of which may have a material impact on
the defined benefit obligations that are recorded. Further details, including a sensitivity analysis, are included in note 25 ‘Post employment benefits’ to
the consolidated financial statements.
Contingent liabilities
The Group exercises judgement to determine whether to recognise provisions and the exposures to contingent liabilities related to pending litigations or
other outstanding claims subject to negotiated settlement, mediation, arbitration or government regulation, as well as other contingent liabilities (see
note 29 ‘Contingent liabilities and legal proceedings’ to the consolidated financial statements). Judgement is necessary to assess the likelihood that a
pending claim will succeed, or a liability will arise.
Impairment reviews
IFRS requires management to perform impairment tests annually for indefinite lived assets, and for finite lived assets and for equity accounted
investments if events or changes in circumstances indicate that their carrying amounts may not be recoverable.
Management is required to make significant judgments concerning the identification of impairment indicators, the determination of fair values for assets
and whether the carrying value of assets can be supported by the net present value of future cash flows that they are expected to generate.
Strategic report
Other information
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Vodafone Group Plc
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Annual Report 2023
1. Basis of preparation (continued)
1. Basis of preparation (continued)
Joint arrangements
Joint arrangements
Notes to the consolidated financial statements (continued)
Notes to the consolidated financial statements (continued)
The Group participates in a number of joint arrangements where control of the arrangement is shared with one or more other parties. Judgement is
The Group participates in a number of joint arrangements where control of the arrangement is shared with one or more other parties. Judgement is
required to classify joint arrangements in a separate legal entity as either a joint operation or as a joint venture, which depends on management’s
required to classify joint arrangements in a separate legal entity as either a joint operation or as a joint venture, which depends on management’s
assessment of the legal form and substance of the arrangement taking into account relevant facts and circumstances such as whether the owners have
assessment of the legal form and substance of the arrangement taking into account relevant facts and circumstances such as whether the owners have
rights to substantially all the economic outputs and, in substance, settle the liabilities of the entity.
rights to substantially all the economic outputs and, in substance, settle the liabilities of the entity.
The classification can have a material impact on the consolidated financial statements. The Group’s share of assets, liabilities, revenue, expenses and
The classification can have a material impact on the consolidated financial statements. The Group’s share of assets, liabilities, revenue, expenses and
cash flows of joint operations are included in the consolidated financial statements on a line-by-line basis, whereas the Group’s investment and share of
cash flows of joint operations are included in the consolidated financial statements on a line-by-line basis, whereas the Group’s investment and share of
results of joint ventures are shown within single line items in the consolidated statement of financial position and consolidated income statement
results of joint ventures are shown within single line items in the consolidated statement of financial position and consolidated income statement
respectively. See note 12 ‘Investments in associates and joint arrangements’ to the consolidated financial statements.
respectively. See note 12 ‘Investments in associates and joint arrangements’ to the consolidated financial statements.
Other intangible assets include amounts spent by the Group acquiring licences and spectrum, customer bases and the costs of purchasing and
Other intangible assets include amounts spent by the Group acquiring licences and spectrum, customer bases and the costs of purchasing and
Finite lived intangible assets
Finite lived intangible assets
developing computer software.
developing computer software.
Where intangible assets are acquired through business combinations and no active market for the assets exists, the fair value of these assets is
Where intangible assets are acquired through business combinations and no active market for the assets exists, the fair value of these assets is
determined by discounting estimated future net cash flows generated by the asset. Estimates relating to the future cash flows and discount rates used
determined by discounting estimated future net cash flows generated by the asset. Estimates relating to the future cash flows and discount rates used
may have a material effect on the reported amounts of finite lived intangible assets.
may have a material effect on the reported amounts of finite lived intangible assets.
Estimation of useful life
Estimation of useful life
The useful life over which intangible assets are amortised depends on management’s estimate of the period over which economic benefit will be derived
The useful life over which intangible assets are amortised depends on management’s estimate of the period over which economic benefit will be derived
from the asset. Useful lives are periodically reviewed to ensure that they remain appropriate. Management’s estimates of useful life have a material
from the asset. Useful lives are periodically reviewed to ensure that they remain appropriate. Management’s estimates of useful life have a material
impact on the amount of amortisation recorded in the year, but there is not considered to be a significant risk of material adjustment to the carrying
impact on the amount of amortisation recorded in the year, but there is not considered to be a significant risk of material adjustment to the carrying
values of intangible assets in the year to 31 March 2024 if these estimates were revised. The basis for determining the useful life for the most significant
values of intangible assets in the year to 31 March 2024 if these estimates were revised. The basis for determining the useful life for the most significant
categories of intangible assets are discussed below.
categories of intangible assets are discussed below.
The estimated useful life principally reflects management’s view of the average economic life of the customer base and is assessed by reference to
The estimated useful life principally reflects management’s view of the average economic life of the customer base and is assessed by reference to
customer churn rates. An increase in churn rates may lead to a reduction in the estimated useful life and an increase in the amortisation charge.
customer churn rates. An increase in churn rates may lead to a reduction in the estimated useful life and an increase in the amortisation charge.
For computer software, the estimated useful life is based on management’s view, considering historical experience with similar products as well as
For computer software, the estimated useful life is based on management’s view, considering historical experience with similar products as well as
anticipation of future events which may impact their life such as changes in technology. The useful life will not exceed the duration of a licence.
anticipation of future events which may impact their life such as changes in technology. The useful life will not exceed the duration of a licence.
Property, plant and equipment
Property, plant and equipment
Property, plant and equipment represents 24.4% of the Group’s total assets (2022: 26.5%). Estimates and assumptions made may have a material impact
Property, plant and equipment represents 24.4% of the Group’s total assets (2022: 26.5%). Estimates and assumptions made may have a material impact
on their carrying value and related depreciation charge. See note 11 ‘Property, plant and equipment’ to the consolidated financial statements for further
on their carrying value and related depreciation charge. See note 11 ‘Property, plant and equipment’ to the consolidated financial statements for further
The depreciation charge for an asset is derived using estimates of its expected useful life and expected residual value, which are reviewed annually.
The depreciation charge for an asset is derived using estimates of its expected useful life and expected residual value, which are reviewed annually.
Management’s estimates of useful life have a material impact on the amount of depreciation recorded in the year, but there is not considered to be a
Management’s estimates of useful life have a material impact on the amount of depreciation recorded in the year, but there is not considered to be a
significant risk of material adjustment to the carrying values of property, plant and equipment in the year to 31 March 2024 if these estimates were
significant risk of material adjustment to the carrying values of property, plant and equipment in the year to 31 March 2024 if these estimates were
Management determines the useful lives and residual values for assets when they are acquired, based on experience with similar assets and taking into
Management determines the useful lives and residual values for assets when they are acquired, based on experience with similar assets and taking into
account other relevant factors such as any expected changes in technology.
account other relevant factors such as any expected changes in technology.
See additional commentary relating to climate change, below.
See additional commentary relating to climate change, below.
Post employment benefits
Post employment benefits
Management uses estimates when determining the Group’s liabilities and expenses arising for defined benefit pension schemes. Management is
Management uses estimates when determining the Group’s liabilities and expenses arising for defined benefit pension schemes. Management is
required to estimate the future rates of inflation, salary increases, discount rates and longevity of members, each of which may have a material impact on
required to estimate the future rates of inflation, salary increases, discount rates and longevity of members, each of which may have a material impact on
the defined benefit obligations that are recorded. Further details, including a sensitivity analysis, are included in note 25 ‘Post employment benefits’ to
the defined benefit obligations that are recorded. Further details, including a sensitivity analysis, are included in note 25 ‘Post employment benefits’ to
the consolidated financial statements.
the consolidated financial statements.
Contingent liabilities
Contingent liabilities
pending claim will succeed, or a liability will arise.
pending claim will succeed, or a liability will arise.
Impairment reviews
Impairment reviews
The Group exercises judgement to determine whether to recognise provisions and the exposures to contingent liabilities related to pending litigations or
The Group exercises judgement to determine whether to recognise provisions and the exposures to contingent liabilities related to pending litigations or
other outstanding claims subject to negotiated settlement, mediation, arbitration or government regulation, as well as other contingent liabilities (see
other outstanding claims subject to negotiated settlement, mediation, arbitration or government regulation, as well as other contingent liabilities (see
note 29 ‘Contingent liabilities and legal proceedings’ to the consolidated financial statements). Judgement is necessary to assess the likelihood that a
note 29 ‘Contingent liabilities and legal proceedings’ to the consolidated financial statements). Judgement is necessary to assess the likelihood that a
IFRS requires management to perform impairment tests annually for indefinite lived assets, and for finite lived assets and for equity accounted
IFRS requires management to perform impairment tests annually for indefinite lived assets, and for finite lived assets and for equity accounted
investments if events or changes in circumstances indicate that their carrying amounts may not be recoverable.
investments if events or changes in circumstances indicate that their carrying amounts may not be recoverable.
Management is required to make significant judgments concerning the identification of impairment indicators, the determination of fair values for assets
Management is required to make significant judgments concerning the identification of impairment indicators, the determination of fair values for assets
and whether the carrying value of assets can be supported by the net present value of future cash flows that they are expected to generate.
and whether the carrying value of assets can be supported by the net present value of future cash flows that they are expected to generate.
Customer bases
Customer bases
Capitalised software
Capitalised software
Estimation of useful life
Estimation of useful life
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
Vodafone Group Plc
Annual Report 2023
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