ServisFirst Bancshares (SFBS:NASDAQ) Investor Relations Material


Alabama-based ServisFirst Bancshares, Inc. serves as the holding company for ServisFirst Bank, which caters to both individual and corporate clients by offering a range of banking services. The bank accepts various forms of deposits, including demand, time, savings, and others, while also offering accounts such as checking, money market, and Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs), as well as certificates of deposit. The firm's loan products feature commercial lines of credit, seasonal, bridge, and term loans that provide working capital, expansion of the business, acquisition of property, and plant and equipment. Mortgage and real estate loans comprise the firm's commercial and residential lending services. Other banking products and services include traveler's checks, automated teller machines, debit and credit card systems, and treasury and cash management services. ServisFirst Bancshares, Inc., which was founded in 2005, also manages participations in residential and commercial real estate loans specifically generated by ServisFirst Bank in Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama, and Florida.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is ServisFirst Bancshares's ticker?

ServisFirst Bancshares's ticker is SFBS

What exchange is ServisFirst Bancshares traded on?

The company's shares trade on the NASDAQ stock exchange

Where are ServisFirst Bancshares's headquarters?

They are based in Birmingham, Alabama

How many employees does ServisFirst Bancshares have?

There are 201-500 employees working at ServisFirst Bancshares

What is ServisFirst Bancshares's website?

It is

What type of sector is ServisFirst Bancshares?

ServisFirst Bancshares is in the Financial sector

What type of industry is ServisFirst Bancshares?

ServisFirst Bancshares is in the Foreign Money Center Banks industry

Who are ServisFirst Bancshares's peers and competitors?

The following five companies are ServisFirst Bancshares's industry peers:

- ServisFirst Bancshares

- Lloyds Banking Group PLC



- Banco Santander SA